Published August 1, 2024 | Version v2
Dataset Open

Barycentered NICER event list from ObsID 1200120106, used in Stingray tutorial

  • 1. ROR icon Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari
  • 2. ROR icon National Institute for Astrophysics
  • 3. ROR icon Netherlands Institute for Space Research
  • 1. ROR icon Netherlands Institute for Space Research
  • 2. Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari (INAF-OAC)


This is a NASA NICER observation of the accreting black hole MAXI 1820+070 during its 2018 outburst

The raw X-ray event data in FITS format were obtained from the NICER archive at HEASARC:

We ran the barycorr FTOOL, using the JPL DE 430 ephemeris (all details of processing can be found in the header of the FITS file). 

We distribute it to be used as practice data for Spectral Timing tutorials. Scientific use might require better processing, involving a re-run of the Level-2 data pipeline.

The data come in three versions:

  1. the original ~2.4GB FITS file
  2. a reduced ~720MB HDF5 file containing only part of the data, to help with slow connections
  3. a further reduced ~370MB HDF5 file, containing even less data but still adequate for most purposes in the tutorial.


Files (3.5 GB)

Name Size Download all
758.6 MB Download
371.2 MB Download
2.4 GB Download