Troglophilus brevicauda Chopard, 1934
Fig. 8
Material examined.
GREECE • 6 ♂, 3 ♀ ; Τhraki, Nomos Xanthis, road Xanthi-Stavroupoli, cave Lykodromio ; 41 ° 14.262 ' N, 24 ° 45.838 ' E ; 526 m a. s. l. ; 17 Aug. 2020 ; G. Kofinas leg. (KMNH).
New for Greece. Troglophilus brevicauda is a species known from Serbia, Bosnia / Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Bulgaria (Karaman et al. 2011). In Bulgaria, the species is found in the Rhodopi Mountain range in the south. Rhodopi is shared by Greece and Bulgaria, with our location on the Greek side expanding the distribution of the species to cover all of the mountain range. According to Karaman et al. (2011), the population is an isolated local one. All the key morphological characteristics fit those of the species.
Τhe record of an immature individual from Mt Falakro, E. Macedonia by Di Russo et al. (2014) could very well belong to the same species.