Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements [The presentation session had a good mix of topics and speakers.],Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements [The balance was right between longer papers and lightning talks.],Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements [There was sufficient time for discussion.],What part of the workshop was more valuable?,What additional topics would you like to see discussed at the next workshop?,Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements [The concept of software sustainability as presented at the workshop is well-defined.],Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements [The purpose of the workshop has been sufficiently clear.],Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements [The workshop has fulfilled its purpose.],What could be improved?,Are there other topics on which you would be interested in blogging?,"If you have answered the last question with ""Yes"", what is the topic of your group?","Do you have any other comments, suggestions or ideas?" Agree,Somewhat disagree,Somewhat disagree,The discussion/speed blogging session,,Agree,Agree,Agree,"The lightening talks were an odd length - too short to be a ""proper"" lightening talk (~2-3 mins?), but not really long enough to cover anything in depth",Don't know,,An interesting day - thank you. Somewhat agree,Strongly agree,Agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,,Somewhat agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,Yes,Community building and support in research software engineering, Somewhat agree,Agree,Somewhat agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,,Somewhat disagree,Somewhat agree,Don't know,Clarity of vision. But perhaps the point is to find clarity?,No,, Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,The presentation session,,Strongly agree,Agree,Agree,,No,, Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,Strongly agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,,Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,,Don't know,, Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,Agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,,Somewhat disagree,Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,,Don't know,, Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Somewhat agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Somewhat agree,"a bit more time in creating the speed blogging groups, to allow people to move from one possible group to another. Maybe a staged approach: X groups have some interest, get it to Y groups that are the right size",Yes,almost any of the ones that didn't get blogged about, Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Somewhat agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,Organisation of RSE effort within a university,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,Don't know,, Agree,Strongly agree,Somewhat agree,The presentation session,,Agree,Agree,Agree,,No,, Strongly agree,Somewhat agree,Strongly agree,The presentation session,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,Yes,"reproducible research, promoting good practices", Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,,Somewhat agree,Agree,Strongly agree,,Don't know,, Somewhat agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,,Somewhat agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,Don't know,, Somewhat agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,"Funding software fellowships, measuring a community more effectively",Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,"Slightly more time for speed blogging sessions (perhaps a 30 minute coffee break to allow people to wrap up). Ask participants to provide ""three things to talk to me about"" information at some point before workshop.",Don't know,,Lunch was great - much better than standard sandwich lunch. Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Somewhat agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,"Community composition (e.g., STEM vs non-STEM)",Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Somewhat agree,,Don't know,, Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,Agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,Don't know,, Somewhat agree,Strongly agree,Somewhat agree,,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Somewhat agree,,,, Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,,,Both parts of the workshop were very valuable. For the community the blogging is perhaps more valuable but please keep both. Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Somewhat disagree,The discussion/speed blogging session,,Agree,Somewhat agree,Strongly agree,maybe prolong the workshop to another day,,, Agree,Agree,Agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,,Agree,Somewhat agree,Agree,,Don't know,,I was initially terrified about the idea of the speed blogging session but it was actually strangely enjoyable! Somewhat agree,Strongly agree,Somewhat disagree,The presentation session,,Agree,Strongly agree,Somewhat agree,More time to discuss the papers. Maybe 1.5 days for a meeting like this make more sense. And the 0.5 left could we use for hacking!,,,hackday!! (or hack-halfday) Agree,Agree,Somewhat agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,Making the case for sustainability - and justifying the required investment,Somewhat disagree,Agree,Agree,"More of an emphasis on sustainability outcomes, especially reports from the field - what strategies have people taken and how successful have they been?",No,,Enjoyed it. Blogging session raised as many questions as answers! Strongly agree,Somewhat agree,Strongly agree,The presentation session,,Somewhat disagree,Agree,Agree,,No,, Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Somewhat agree,,Don't know,,"After discussing problems, options, etc, it would be nice to try to get some sort of ""collective action"" going. Because, as was mentioned, people are all busy, and followups end up too low on everyone's TODO list." Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,Strongly agree,The presentation session,,Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,,No,, Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,Strongly agree,The presentation session,,Agree,Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,,No,, Somewhat agree,Strongly agree,Somewhat disagree,The discussion/speed blogging session,,Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,,Don't know,,"I like the mixture of longer presentations, lightning talks, and discussions. Please do not add longer talks! :) But there should be more time for networking. Perhaps a social event? It would be enough to provide a location. Food could be payed individually when there are no funds for that." Agree,Somewhat agree,Strongly agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,"I like more specific case studies, on how people have managed to make their codes to survive.",Strongly agree,Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,"Not all the talks had the same level, and some would have deserved more time.",Don't know,,Don't give up. Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,,Agree,Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,,No,,"Unfortunately it's unlikely that I'll be able to attend future events in person. Will it be possible to attend a future workshop ""virtually"" (i.e., by Skype/facebook video/etc.), at least the presentation part? Essentially the only real requirement is a videocam and mic with a PC or laptop dedicated to the purpose. Ideally someone who's physically present might be able to monitor the virtual session so that virtual attendees could ask questions (by text question/shared document is sufficient)." Somewhat agree,Strongly agree,Somewhat agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,,Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,The balance between educating people around what sustainability is and understanding what they think sustainability is could be improved by highlighting more views on what people think sustainability is - and encouraging people to contribute to the definition - I think it's awkward to say that this is a fixed matter - it's more of an ongoing conversation. ,Don't know,,I wonder what a WSSSPE run online (with something like would look like? Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Agree,The presentation session,,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,,Yes,Bootstrapping software sustainability in practice, Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Somewhat agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,"Not so much additional topics but opportunity to discuss more than one, in different groups.",Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,"The workshop is about what is necessary/sensible goals for sustainable software, initial talks talked about the difference between aim and how to deliver, the former is well defined, the latter less so and are/should be main focus for future workshops.",,,Half a day longer for longer and more discussion sessions. Excellent workshop. Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Somewhat agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,"Concrete success stories, user engagement practices, useful community tools and services that can be promoted outside of the workshop",Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,Strongly agree,Lightning talks could be converted to short talks of 10 minutes without loss of overall format (e.g. could start 30 minutes earlier) - preparing a 6 minute presentation was challenging and lot of interesting discussion points about methods had to be dropped due to time considerations. There also did not seem to be much distinction between the normal and lightning talks - both were of interest. Maybe just have same length talks and a couple of keynote talks at the beginning? ,No,,Speed blogging session was better than expected and should be repeated in future. Well organised workshop. Agree,Agree,Agree,The presentation session,metrics on the impact of sustainable software - is everything we are doing working? If there is more progress from the Working Groups it would be good the hear.,Agree,Agree,Agree,"In the attendee survey, reorder the text labels somewhat agree is ""less"" in some sense than ""agree""",No,,"Liked the quantitative analysis on forking being a positive of sustainability. Food and drink were great - didn't go home hungry! Venue was good (desks were bit, there was power and wifi, screens could be seen, PA meant speakers could be heard) " Strongly agree,Strongly agree,Strongly agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,Probably more focus rather than extra topics would be useful,Somewhat agree,Agree,Agree,What Dan already said about working out what actions can be realistically taken forward between workshops and how to organise/motivate that,Don't know,, Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,The discussion/speed blogging session,,Agree,Somewhat agree,Somewhat agree,,Yes,Programming Languages and their role in sustainability,