Pittman, MichaelXu, Xing2020FIG. 7. Hypothesis 5 in Pennaraptoran Theropod Dinosaurs Past Progress And New Frontiers10.5281/zenodo.12778931FIG. 7. Hypothesis 5, North America-Asia vicariance event caused by the breakdown of the Bering land bridge during the early Late Cretaceous. The marine barrier between northeast Asia and northwest North America was re-established in the Cenomanian Stage. The red X denotes the approximate position of the hypothesized biogeographical barrier (Bering Strait); Dotted lines denote paleogeography at 110 Ma, while solid lines denote it at 90 Ma. Paleomap after (Matthews et al., 2016). Abbreviations: A, Asia; AO, Atlantic Ocean; E, Europe; F, Africa; I, India; M, Madagascar; N, North America; PO, Pacific Ocean; S, South America; T, Antarctica; TO, Tethys Ocean; U, Australia.POSNAOTF11090EMaMAIUTO