Published July 17, 2024 | Version 2024.07.17
Dataset Open

IAGOS-CARIBIC whole air sampler data (v2024.07.17)

  • 1. ROR icon Goethe University Frankfurt
  • 2. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
  • 1. ROR icon Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
  • 2. ROR icon National Institute for Environmental Studies
  • 3. Korea Polar Research Institute
  • 4. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie


IAGOS-CARIBIC WSM files collection (v2024.07.17)

Content contains merged IAGOS-CARIBIC whole air sampler data (CARIBIC-1 and CARIBIC-2; <>). There is one netCDF file per IAGOS-CARIBIC flight. Files were generated from NASA Ames 1001. For detailed content information, see global and variable attributes. Global attribute `na_file_header_[x]` contains the original NASA Ames file header as an array of strings, with [x] being one of the source files.

Data Coverage

The data set covers 22 years of CARIBIC data from 1997 to 2020, flight numbers 8 to 591. There is no data available after 2020. Also, note that data isn't available for all flight numbers within the [1, 591] range.

Special note on CARIBIC-1 data

CARIBIC-1 data only contains a subset of the variables found in CARIBIC-2 data files. To distinguish those two campaigns, use the global attribute 'mission'.

File format

netCDF v4, created with xarray, <>. Default variable encoding was used (no compression etc.).

Data availability

This dataset is also available via our THREDDS server at KIT, <>.


Tanja Schuck, whole air sampling system PI, <>
Andreas Zahn, IAGOS-CARIBIC Coordinator , <>
Florian Obersteiner, IAGOS-CARIBIC data management, <>


  • `2024.07.17`: revise ozone data for flights 294 to 591
  • `2024.01.22`: editorial changes, add Schuck et al. publications, data unchanged
  • `2024.01.12`: initial upload


Files (8.8 MB)

Additional details

Related works

Has metadata
Publication: 10.5194/amt-2-449-2009 (DOI)
Publication: 10.5194/amt-13-73-2020 (DOI)
Publication: 10.5194/acp-7-4953-2007 (DOI)
Is supplemented by
Dataset: 10.5281/zenodo.8188548 (DOI)


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