Q-MARE Database version 1: Disentangling climate versus pre-industrial human impacts on marine ecosystems A systematic literature review was carried out using two bibliographic databases the Web of Science (WoS; www.webofknowledge.com; Clarivate) and Scopus (www.scopus.com; Elsevier). In the former searches were completed by searching the “core collection” using the “topic” field (which searches the paper titles, abstracts, author keywords and keywords plus; the latter determined by a Clarivate algorithm using synonymy), and in Scopus the abstract, title and keyword fields were searched. Searches were completed between July and November 2023. Column descriptions Identifier: A unique identifier for each dataset entered into the database. Free text entry. The first 2 letters from the relevant region (e.g. SA for South Atlantic) followed by 6-digits of consecutive numbering. To be determined once the database for each region is complete. Data input by: Full name of the person who input the dataset. Free text entry Type of field site: The nature of the site, whether it is naturally or anthropogenically formed. Geological; Archaeological; Not applicable (e.g. for historical records). Level of human disturbance of the biological assemblage: Broad classification of the record in reference to the influence of humans. Natural assemblage; undisturbed by humans; natural assemblage; disturbed by humans; human bias (archaeological); unknown Ranking of human disturbance: The interpreted or implied level of human impact upon the biological components that are the focus of the work. 0 = Pristine; no change in community composition, abundances or body sizes; 1 = Little changed; community composition, abundance and/or body size changed up to 30 % either way (decline or increase) according to the authors; includes cases where a suspected impact was reported qualitatively; 2 = Moderately depleted; community composition, abundance and/or body size was reported to have decreased by 30-60%; 3 = Highly depleted; community composition, abundance and/or body size was reported to have decreased by 60-100%; 4 = Decrease and then extirpation; 5 = Moderately increased; community composition, abundance and/or body size was reported to have increased by 30-100%; 6 = Highly increased; community composition, abundance and/or body size was reported to have increased by > 100%; 7 = Newly present; established populations whose presence can be attributed to humans (incl. alien species, translocated populations for conservation purposes); 8 = Increase and then extirpation; NA = possibly there was an effect, but the author(s) did not assess it, even qualitatively, or changes were not recorded because only one time period was studied Climate impacts: Records presence/absence of climate impact (regional or global) as identified by the authors of the study. yes; no; unidentified in original publication Evidence types: What is the nature of the evidence used? Biological; Geological; Archaeological; Historical. Biological remains subcategory: Details of the biological material used. Plant remains; pollen; fish teeth; mollusc shells; fish otoliths; fish scales; elasmobranch dermal denticles; fish bone; mammal bone; bird bone; planktonic foraminifera; benthic foraminifera; diatoms; dinocysts;coral; ostracods; coccoliths; radiolaria; other; ichnofossil. Archaeological / historical remains subcategory: Details of the archaeological or historical materials used. Quantitative written record (e.g. logbook, tax record, import/export); Narrative (oral or written); Non-written data record (e.g. Keepo); Iconographic/figurative (e.g. sculpture, carvings, cave painting, painting, photograph); Vehicle,Fishing tackle (e.g. weight, hook, rod, line, spear, trawl, traps and weirs); Transformation and storage (e.g. vat, some pottery, barrel); Clothing (including PPE/specialist); Animal remains assembled by prehistoric humans; Site typology (shellmounds, shell middens, etc); Other. Title of paper Authors : Harvard style, in the format Agiadi, Agiadi et al, Agiadi & Albano, with no author initials. Publication year: Of the final version. Journal name: in full DataDOI PaperDOI ISBN: for books Secondary literature Publication type: Original (observation); Original (model); Meta-analysis; Review; Perspective; Dataset; Report; Book; Other Data availability: Original measurements published in a repository; Derived values (published in a repository, e.g. averages); Original measurements available in written publication; Derived values or summary statistics available in written publication; Graphical representation or in written publication; Data currently not publicly available. Open access to data: Yes; No Original study primary objectives: Biological; Human; Physical; Other Geochemical analyses on remain: Did the object of study, its matrix or coeval material (i.e. strata) undergo any geochemical analyses? Geochemical analyses category: Stable isotopes; Organic biomarkers; Trace elements; Compound-specific isotopes Stable isotopes subcategory: oxygen; carbon; nitrogen; clumped; sulfur; strontium; boron; zinc; calcium; other Organic biomarkers subcategory: alkenones; GDGTs; proteins; DNA; other Trace elements subcategory: magnesium; strontium; zinc; manganese; lithium; barium; sodium; potassium; phosphorus; silica; other Compound-specific isotopes subcategory: hydrogen on alkenones; hydrogen on n-alkanes; carbon on alkenones; carbon on n-alkanes; other. Geochemical analytical method: Use standard abbreviations; e.g. FTIR, LA-ICP-MS, SIMS Free text entry Qualitative or quantitative data Quantitative data type: presence/absence; (organism) abundance; body size; quantitative traits (e.g. body mass, morphometry, fecundity); isotopic ratio; element ratio to calcium; element concentration; sediment grain size; porewater chemistry; organic content; index value (e.g. Uk37, B.IT,"&" SST, SSS); foodweb properties; genetic sequence Qualitative data type: presence/absence; 'relative' (non-numerical) abundance; relative body size; qualitative traits (e.g. morphology, life history); connectivity; other. Interpretation of the data: Proxy; Indicator; Other. Proxy of: trophic position; metabolic rate; seawater temperature; pH; salinity; hydrological regime; nutrients; body size; other Indicator of: organism presence; organism abundance; geographical origin/connectivity; paleoenvironmental change; human exploitation: land use change; human exploitation: fishing intensity; human exploitation: fish farming; human exploitation: other; human population: population size; human population: demographics; human population: behavioural change; human population: migration; human population: other cultural; human population: other (excluding cultural); other Taxonomic group: marine invertebrates; marine microorganisms; marine plants; marine vertebrates; other Biological level (phylum, order, family, species etc) Highest taxonomic level where impact has been found Common name Age (yrsBP) Age range (oldest in yrs BP) Age range (youngest in yrs BP) Age (civilisation period) Time-averaging Temporal resolution Dating approach: Direct absolute age; Inferred absolute age: i.e., coeval structure was aged; Inferred relative age. Dating methods : radiocarbon; amino acid racemization; U/Th,210Pb,137Cs; written record; fossil assemblage; cyclostratigraphy; counting layers. Remain dated: shell; coral; sediment; rock; plant material; organic residue; associated human artefact; human remain; other hard tissue Location latitude: Decimal degrees Location longitude: Decimal degrees Region: Mediterranean Sea; Caribbean Sea; North Atlantic Ocean; South Atlantic Ocean; Eastern Pacific Ocean; Western Pacific Ocean; Indian Ocean; Arctic Ocean; Southern Ocean Sub-region/Location name Biogeographic regions: Arctic; Subarctic Atlantic; Subarctic Pacific,; Agulhas Current; California Current; Sea of Japan/East Sea; Eastern Tropical Pacific; Equatorial Atlantic; Equatorial Pacific; Humboldt Current; Indonesian Flowthrough; Kuroshio-Oyashio Current; Leeuwin Current System; North Pacific Current; North Central Pacific; Northern Indian Ocean; Red Sea; Somali Current; South China Sea,South Central Pacific;Southern Indian Ocean; Southwest Pacific; Benguela Current; Black Sea; Canary Current; Inter American Seas; Guinea Current; Gulf Stream; Malvinas Current; Mediterranean; North Atlantic Current; North Central Atlantic; ;South Central Atlantic; Antarctic; Antarctic Polar Front; Southern Subtropical Front; Sub-Antarctic. Spatial scale: Local; Sub-regional (multiple but not all sub-basins within region); Regional; Multi-regional; Global Sampling effort: Effort in space (number of points/sites) Depth range: intertidal; 0-20 m; 20-200 m; 200-1000 m;> 1000 m Depth category: intertidal; shelf; slope; basin Habitat: salt marsh; mangrove; seagrass; algal mat; unvegetated soft sediments; coral reef; other kinds of reefs (bivalve, tube-building worms etc); rocky bottom; open ocean: epipelagic; open ocean: mesopelagic; open ocean: bathypelagic; open ocean: abyssopelagic; deep ocean benthic/benthopelagic; estuary; lagoon. Sampling method Bias: entry using general categories and subcategories, e.g. (1. methodological : archaeological collecting method, cultural bias, sampling size bias, sampling taxonomic bias; 2. analytical: geochemical analytical error, calibration error, sub-sampling; 3. data gaps: physical hiatus; 4. taphonomic: preservational biases etc) Notes