Feature,CURIE,Definition,Synonyms,PPMI,BIOFIND,LuxPARK,LCC,PRoBaND,OPDC,OMOP,Fox Insight,DATATOP,PINE PET - Tau,,Positron emission tomography - Tau,,TAU_SUVR_CBM,,,,,,,PDMBCurrPet,, DTI - Left Rostral,,Diffusion tensor imaging - Left rostral,,ROI1,,,,,,,,, DTI - Right Rostral,,Diffusion tensor imaging - Right rostral,,ROI4,,,,,,,,, DTI - Left Middle,,Diffusion tensor imaging - Left middle,,ROI2,,,,,,,,, DTI - Right Middle,,Diffusion tensor imaging - Right middle,,ROI5,,,,,,,,, DTI - Left Caudal,,Diffusion tensor imaging - Left caudal,,ROI3,,,,,,,,, DTI - Right Caudal,,Diffusion tensor imaging - Right caudal,,ROI6,,,,,,,,, DaTSCAN - Radiopharmaceutical Compound,NCIT:C1446,An agent that contains a radioactive isotope and is used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.,"radiopharmaceutical, Radiochemical, Radiopharmaceutical Compound, Radiopharmaceutical, Radiopharmaceuticals, Radioactive Pharmaceutical, radioactive drug",DATSCAN_LIGAND,,,,,,,,, DaTSCAN - Left Caudate,,Dopamine transporter scan - Striatal binding ratio of the left caudate small brain region of interest referenced to the occipital lobe,,DATSCAN_CAUDATE_L,,question304_304,,,,,,, DaTSCAN - Right Caudate,,Dopamine transporter scan - Striatal binding ratio of the right caudate small brain region of interest referenced to the occipital lobe,,DATSCAN_CAUDATE_R,,question304_304,,,,,,, DaTSCAN - Left Putamen,,Dopamine transporter scan - Striatal binding ratio of the left putamen small brain region of interest referenced to the occipital lobe,,DATSCAN_PUTAMEN_L,,question304_304,,,,,,, DaTSCAN - Left Anterior Putamen,,Dopamine transporter scan - Striatal binding ratio of the left anterior putamen brain region of interest referenced to the occipital lobe,,DATSCAN_PUTAMEN_L_ANT,,,,,,,,, DaTSCAN - Right Putamen,,Dopamine transporter scan - Striatal binding ratio of the right putamen small brain region of interest referenced to the occipital lobe,,DATSCAN_PUTAMEN_R,,question304_304,,,,,,, DaTSCAN - Right Anterior Putamen,,Dopamine transporter scan - Striatal binding ratio of the right anterior putamen brain region of interest referenced to the occipital lobe,,DATSCAN_PUTAMEN_R_ANT,,,,,,,,, DaTSCAN - Left Striatum,,Dopamine transporter scan - Striatal binding ratio of the left striatum brain region of interest referenced to the occipital lobe,,,,question304_304,,,,,,, DaTSCAN - Right Striatum,,Dopamine transporter scan - Striatal binding ratio of the right striatum brain region of interest referenced to the occipital lobe,,,,question304_304,,,,,,, Vaccinated for Chickenpox,VO:0000669,A Herpesvirus vaccine that is used against Varicella-zoster virus infection.,,VAX_CHICKENPOX,,,,,,36712679.0,,, Vaccinated for SARS-CoV-2 First,VO:0004908,A coronavirus vaccine against the infection of SARS-CoV-2 (cause of COVID-19),,VAX_COVID1,,covid19_vaccine_yn,,,,,,, Vaccinated for SARS-CoV-2 Second,VO:0004908,A coronavirus vaccine against the infection of SARS-CoV-2 (cause of COVID-19),,VAX_COVID2,,,,,,,,, Vaccinated for SARS-CoV-2 Booster,VO:0004908,A coronavirus vaccine against the infection of SARS-CoV-2 (cause of COVID-19),,VAX_COVIDB,,,,,,,,, Vaccinated for Diphtheria,VO:0000508,A diphtheria vaccine that uses diphtheria toxoid,,VAX_DIPTHERIA,,,,,,,,, Vaccinated for Influenza,VO:0003495,An influeanza vaccine that protect against infection by influenza viruses.,,VAX_FLU,,,,,,36716979.0,,, Vaccinated for Hepatitis A,VO:0000646,A viral vaccine that protects against infection with Hepatitis A virus.,,VAX_HEPA,,,,,,36717321.0,,, Vaccinated for Hepatitis B,VO:0000644,A viral vaccine that protects against infection with Hepatitis B virus.,,VAX_HEPB,,,,,,36717309.0,,, Vaccinated for MMR,VO:0000731,A Measles-Mumps vaccine that also protects against infection with Rubella virus.,,VAX_MMR,,,,,,37016201.0,,, Vaccinated for Shingles,VO:0000669,A Herpesvirus vaccine that is used against Varicella-zoster virus infection.,,VAX_SHINGLES,,,,,,,,, Vaccinated for Tuberculosis (BCG),VO:0000771,BCG Vaccine is a Mycobacterium tuberculosis vaccine that is a live attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis (Bacillus Calmette Guerin; BCG).,,VAX_TB,,,,,,,,, Vaccinated for Pertussis (Tdap),VO:0003180,"A vaccine that protects adolescents and adults from tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis.",,VAX_TDAP,,,,,,37207723.0,,, Vaccinated for Tetanus,VO:0003396,A clostridium tetani vaccine that consists of formaldehyde inactivated tetanospasmin (aka tetanus toxoid).,,VAX_TETANUS,,,,,,36712922.0,,, Vaccinated for Yellow Fever,VO:0000123,A viral vaccine that protects against infection with Yellow fever virus.,,VAX_YELLOWFEVER,,,,,,37207732.0,,, Mother Dementia,,,,,,rfqu_fh_dementia2,,mother_dement_and_alz,,4326002.0,ABRGFamDemMother,, Father Dementia,,,,,,rfqu_fh_dementia1,,father_dement_and_alz,,4326002.0,ABRGFamDemFather,, Mother AD,,,,,,rfqu_fh_dementia2,,mother_dement_and_alz,,4216175.0,FamAlzheimerMoth,, Father AD,,,,,,rfqu_fh_dementia1,,father_dement_and_alz,,4216175.0,FamAlzheimerFath,, Sibling Dementia,,,,,,rfqu_fh_dementia3,,"brother_dement_and_alz, sister_dement_and_alz, hafsib_dement_and_alt",,4326002.0,"ABRGFamDemSibFull,ABRGFamDemSibHalf",, Sibling AD,,,,,,rfqu_fh_dementia3,,"brother_dement_and_alz, sister_dement_and_alz, hafsib_dement_and_alt",,4216175.0,"FamAlzheimerSib,FamAlzheimerHalfSib",, Mother Parkinsonism,,,,BIOMOMPD,,,,,,4169013.0,NeurMothCondPark,, Father Parkinsonism,,,,BIODADPD,,,,,,4169013.0,NeurFathCondPark,, Mother PD,,,,BIOMOMPD,BIOMOMPD,rfqu_fh_mother4,biomompd,mother_pd,sum_motherpd,4182334.0,FamParkinsonMoth,, Father PD,,,,BIODADPD,BIODADPD,rfqu_fh_father4,biodadpd,father_pd,sum_fatherpd,4182334.0,FamParkinsonFath,, Sibling Parkinsonism,,,,"FULBROPD, FULSISPD",,,,,,4169013.0,"FamParkinsonSib,FamParkinsonHalfSib",, Sibling 1 PD,,,,"FULSIBPD, HAFSIBPD","FULSIBPD, HAFSIBPD","rfqu_fh_brother1_4, rfqu_fh_sister1_4","fulsibpd, hafsibpd","brother_pd, sister_pd, hafsib_pd","sum_fullsibpd, sum_halfsibpd",4182334.0,NeurSibPark1,, Sibling 2 PD,,,,"FULSIBPD, HAFSIBPD","FULSIBPD, HAFSIBPD","rfqu_fh_brother2_4, rfqu_fh_sister2_4","fulsibpd, hafsibpd","brother_pd, sister_pd, hafsib_pd","sum_fullsibpd, sum_halfsibpd",4182334.0,NeurSibPark2,, Sibling 3 PD,,,,"FULSIBPD, HAFSIBPD","FULSIBPD, HAFSIBPD","rfqu_fh_brother3_4, rfqu_fh_sister3_4","fulsibpd, hafsibpd","brother_pd, sister_pd, hafsib_pd","sum_fullsibpd, sum_halfsibpd",4182334.0,NeurSibPark3,, Sibling 4 PD,,,,"FULSIBPD, HAFSIBPD","FULSIBPD, HAFSIBPD","rfqu_fh_brother4_4, rfqu_fh_sister4_4","fulsibpd, hafsibpd","brother_pd, sister_pd, hafsib_pd","sum_fullsibpd, sum_halfsibpd",4182334.0,NeurSibPark4,, Sibling 5 PD,,,,"FULSIBPD, HAFSIBPD","FULSIBPD, HAFSIBPD","rfqu_fh_brother5_4, rfqu_fh_sister5_4","fulsibpd, hafsibpd","brother_pd, sister_pd, hafsib_pd","sum_fullsibpd, sum_halfsibpd",4182334.0,NeurSibPark5,, Sibling 6 PD,,,,"FULSIBPD, HAFSIBPD","FULSIBPD, HAFSIBPD","rfqu_fh_brother6_4, rfqu_fh_sister6_4","fulsibpd, hafsibpd","brother_pd, sister_pd, hafsib_pd","sum_fullsibpd, sum_halfsibpd",4182334.0,NeurSibPark6,, Sibling 7 PD,,,,"FULSIBPD, HAFSIBPD","FULSIBPD, HAFSIBPD","rfqu_fh_brother7_4, rfqu_fh_sister7_4","fulsibpd, hafsibpd","brother_pd, sister_pd, hafsib_pd","sum_fullsibpd, sum_halfsibpd",4182334.0,NeurSibPark7,, Sibling 8 PD,,,,"FULSIBPD, HAFSIBPD","FULSIBPD, HAFSIBPD","rfqu_fh_brother8_4, rfqu_fh_sister8_4","fulsibpd, hafsibpd","brother_pd, sister_pd, hafsib_pd","sum_fullsibpd, sum_halfsibpd",4182334.0,NeurSibPark8,, Maternal Grandparents Parkinsonism,,,,MAGPARPD,MAGPARPD,,,,,4169013.0,,, Paternal Grandparents Parkinsonism,,,,PAGPARPD,PAGPARPD,,,,,4169013.0,,, Maternal Aunts and Uncles Parkinsonism,,,,MATAUPD,MATAUPD,,,,,4169013.0,,, Paternal Aunts and Uncles Parkinsonism,,,,PATAUPD,PATAUPD,,,,,4169013.0,,, Maternal Grandparents PD,,,,MAGPARPD,MAGPARPD,,magparpd,matgrand_pd,sum_matgrandpd,4182334.0,"FamParkinsonMatGrMoth,FamParkinsonMatGrFath",, Paternal Grandparents PD,,,,PAGPARPD,PAGPARPD,,pagparpd,patgrand_pd,sum_patgrandpd,4182334.0,"FamParkinsonPatGrMoth,FamParkinsonPatGrFath",, Maternal Aunts and Uncles PD,,,,MATAUPD,MATAUPD,,mataupd,matauun_pd,sum_mataupd,4182334.0,"FamParkinsonMatAunt,FamParkinsonMatUnc",, Paternal Aunts and Uncles PD,,,,PATAUPD,PATAUPD,,pataupd,patauun_pd,sum_pataupd,4182334.0,"FamParkinsonPatAunt,FamParkinsonPatUnc",, Relatives Parkinsonism,,,,DISFAMPD,,,,,,4169013.0,,, Relatives PD,,,,DISFAMPD,,rfqu_fh_parkinsons1,,,sum_fmhx_pd,4182334.0,,, Children Parkinsonism,,,,KIDSPD,,,,,,4169013.0,NeurChildParkN,, Children 1 PD,,,,KIDSPD,KIDSPD,rfqu_fh_child1_4,kidspd,"malechild_pd, femalechild_pd",sum_childrenpd,4182334.0,NeurChildPark1,, Children 2 PD,,,,KIDSPD,KIDSPD,rfqu_fh_child2_4,kidspd,"malechild_pd, femalechild_pd",sum_childrenpd,4182334.0,NeurChildPark2,, Children 3 PD,,,,KIDSPD,KIDSPD,rfqu_fh_child3_4,kidspd,"malechild_pd, femalechild_pd",sum_childrenpd,4182334.0,NeurChildPark3,, Children 4 PD,,,,KIDSPD,KIDSPD,rfqu_fh_child4_4,kidspd,"malechild_pd, femalechild_pd",sum_childrenpd,4182334.0,NeurChildPark4,, Children 5 PD,,,,KIDSPD,KIDSPD,rfqu_fh_child5_4,kidspd,"malechild_pd, femalechild_pd",sum_childrenpd,4182334.0,NeurChildPark5,, Children 6 PD,,,,KIDSPD,KIDSPD,rfqu_fh_child6_4,kidspd,"malechild_pd, femalechild_pd",sum_childrenpd,4182334.0,NeurChildPark6,, Children 7 PD,,,,KIDSPD,KIDSPD,rfqu_fh_child7_4,kidspd,"malechild_pd, femalechild_pd",sum_childrenpd,4182334.0,NeurChildPark7,, Children 8 PD,,,,KIDSPD,KIDSPD,rfqu_fh_child8_4,kidspd,"malechild_pd, femalechild_pd",sum_childrenpd,4182334.0,NeurChildPark8,, Father Tremor,,,,,,rfqu_fh_tremor1,,,,4334466.0,FamTremorFath,, Mother Tremor,,,,,,rfqu_fh_tremor2,,,,4334466.0,FamTremorMoth,, Sibling Tremor,,,,,,rfqu_fh_tremor3,,,,4334466.0,"FamTremorSib,FamTremorHalfSib",, Children Tremor,,,,,,rfqu_fh_tremor5,,,,4334466.0,FamTremorChild,, R1441G - Family,,"PARK8.Shows a progressive reduction in neurite length and branching; shows an increase in activity in phosphorylation of RAB8A and RAB10; decreases phosphorylation-dependent binding to YWHAG; dbSNP:rs33939927, UniProtKB: Q5S007, VARIANT ID: VAR_024946",,,,,r1441gf,,,,,, R1441C - Family,,"PARK8. Shows an increase in activity in both autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of a generic substrate; loss of interaction with SEC16A; shows an increase in activity in phosphorylation of RAB10; decreases phosphorylation-dependent binding to YWHAG; dbSNP:rs33939927, UniProtKB: Q5S007, VARIANT ID: VAR_024945",,,,,r1441cf,,,,,, N1437H - Family,,"Autosomal dominant Parkinson disease 8 (ClinVar), ClinGen: CA343577, ClinVar: RCV000032457, Ensembl: rs74163686, dbSNP: rs74163686",,,,,n1437hf,,,,,, G2385R - Family,,"PARK8. Under conditions of oxidative stress the variant protein is more toxic and is associated with a higher rate of apoptosis; reduced binding to synaptic vesicles; no loss of interaction with SEC16A; shows an increase in activity in phosphorylation of RAB8A and RAB10; shows decreased WD domain homodimerization; reduced autophosphorylation at Ser-935. UniProtKB: VAR_024964, ClinGen: CA343677, cosmic curated: COSM431072, ClinVar: RCV000032508, ClinVar: RCV001449818, 1000Genomes: rs34778348, ESP: rs34778348, ExAC: rs34778348, TOPMed: rs34778348, dbSNP: rs34778348, gnomAD: rs34778348",,,,,g2385rf,,,,,, R1628P - Family,PR:000049991,"A leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 (human) that has a Pro residue at the position equivalent to Arg-1628 of the amino acid sequence represented by UniProtKB:Q5S007. UniProtKB:Q5S007, Arg-1628, CHEBI:50342.","hLRRK2/var:R1628P, UniProtKB:Q5S007, Arg-1628, CHEBI:50342",,,,r1628pf,,,,,, I2020T - Family,,"PARK8. Significant increase in autophosphorylation of about 40% in comparison to wild-type protein in vitro; shows a progressive reduction in neurite length and branching; shows an increase in activity in phosphorylation of RAB8A and RAB10. UniProt: VAR_024959, ClinGen: CA339928, ClinVar: RCV000002018, ClinVar: RCV001311806, Ensembl: rs35870237, dbSNP: rs35870237",,,,,i2020tf,,,,,, Q930R - Family,,"PARK8. Unknown pathological significance. UniProt: VAR_024936, ClinGen: CA343519, ClinVar: RCV000032428, Ensembl: rs281865045, dbSNP: rs281865045",,,,,q930rf,,,,,, S1228T - Family,,"In PARK8. UniPort: VAR_024941, ClinGen: CA343553, ClinVar: RCV000032445, ESP: rs60185966, ExAC: rs60185966, TOPMed: rs60185966, dbSNP: rs60185966, gnomAD: rs60185966",,,,,s1228tf,,,,,, L1114L - Family,,A synonymous substution mutation (A>G) in the 3342nd amino acid.,,,,,L1114Lf,,,,,, C228S - Family,,"Autosomal dominant Parkinson disease 8 (ClinVar). Uniprot: VAR_054740, ClinGen: CA343671, ClinVar: RCV000032505, ExAC: rs56108242, TOPMed: rs56108242, dbSNP: rs56108242, gnomAD: rs56108242",,,,,c228sf,,,,,, R1325Q - Family,,"Autosomal dominant Parkinson disease 8 (ClinVar). ClinGen: CA343561, ClinVar: RCV000032449, ClinVar: RCV000032449, ESP: rs72546338, ExAC: rs72546338, TOPMed: rs72546338, dbSNP: rs72546338, gnomAD: rs72546338",,,,,r1325qf,,,,,, G2019S - Family,,"PARK8; shows an increase in activity in both autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of a generic substrate; results in increased PRDX3 phosphorylation promoting dysregulation of mitochondrial function and oxidative damage; results in increased APP phosphorylation on 'T-743' promoting neurotoxicity in dopaminergic neurons; shows increased kinase activity in the phosphorylation of RAB10; does not inhibit interaction with RAB29; shows a progressive reduction in neurite length and branching; shows distinctive spheroid-like inclusions within both neuronal processes and at intracellular membranous structures; shows lysosomal swelling and reduced retrograde transport of selective cargo between lysosomes and the Golgi apparatus; shows apoptotic mechanism of cell death; no loss of interaction with SEC16A (UniProt). UniProt: VAR_024958, ClinGen: CA339926, ClinVar: RCV000002017, ClinVar: RCV000325492, ClinVar: RCV000622347, ClinVar: RCV001195216, ClinVar: RCV001836691, 1000Genomes: rs34637584, ESP: rs34637584, ExAC: rs34637584, TOPMed: rs34637584, dbSNP: rs34637584, gnomAD: rs34637584",,,,,g2019sf,,,,,, Smoking,NCIT:C173060,Individual's smoking history or smoking habit,Smoking Question,,CIGCURR,rfqu_smoking2,CIGLFREG,smoke_current_amount,merqp_smoking,45880274.0,,, Smokeless Tobacco,NCIT:C137998,"Use of smokeless tobacco in any form, e.g., chewing or sniffing.","Tobacco, Smokeless, Smokeless Tobacco Use",,,,CHWREG,,,903666.0,sm7,F1200_25, Alcohol Consumption,NCIT:C16273,"Consumption of liquids containing ethanol, including the behaviors associated with drinking the alcohol.",Alcohol Consumption,,ALCCURR,rfqu_alcohol2,alclfreg,,,4203148.0,,, Coffee Consumption,EFO:0004330,Behaviors associated with the ingesting of coffee,caffeine consumption,,,,ccoff,coffee_current,,4022874.0,,, Black Tea Consumption,NCIT:C29871,"Black tea is an infusion of dried leaves from plants of the Theaceae family. Due to the alkaloid caffeine, its main effect is stimulation. Black teas also contain other phytochemicals such as flavonoid and flavonoid-related compounds with strong antioxidant effects. They also attenuate atherosclerotic inflammation, reduce thrombosis, promote normal endothelial function, and block expression of cellular adhesion molecules. Black tea may reduce the risk of cancer, heart diseases, infectious diseases, and degenerative diseases.","Black Tea, Tea, Black Extract",,,,cbtea,,,4025587.0,cfb1,, Green Tea Consumption,NCIT:C67048,"Tea derived from the dried leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis with potential antioxidant, chemopreventive, and lipid-lowering activities. Green tea contains polyphenols that are believed to be responsible for its chemopreventive effect. The polyphenol fraction contains mainly Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and other catechins, such as epicatechin (EC), gallocatechin gallate (GCG), epigallocatechin (EGC), and epicatechin gallate (ECG). Green tea polyphenols act as antioxidants and free radical scavengers and may affect enzymes involved in cellular replication and tumor angiogenesis by modulating angiogenic factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).","Green Tea, GREEN TEA LEAF",,,,cgtea,,,4259074.0,,, Caffeinated Soda Consumption,FOODON:00003940,Consumption of caffeinated soda products,"caffeinated pop, caffeinated soda",,,,csoda,,,,cfd0,, Depression,NCIT:C2982,A melancholy feeling of sadness and despair.,"depression, Depression",DEPRS,DEPRS,question270_270,DEPRS,,u_13_depression,45878997.0,FIVENeuroHxTypeDepress,F2000_7,Depression Stroke,NCIT:C3390,A sudden loss of neurological function secondary to hemorrhage or ischemia in the brain parenchyma due to a vascular event.,"Stroke Syndrome, Cerebrovascular Accident, Cerebral Infarction, Stroke, CVA, UNDETERMINED STROKE, stroke, Stroke/CVA",STROKE,STROKE,question210_210,STRKSTPD,history_stroke,history_stroke,36210384.0,StrokeDia,, Parkinson's Disease,NCIT:C26845,"A progressive degenerative disorder of the central nervous system characterized by loss of dopamine producing neurons in the substantia nigra and the presence of Lewy bodies in the substantia nigra and locus coeruleus. Signs and symptoms include tremor which is most pronounced during rest, muscle rigidity, slowing of the voluntary movements, a tendency to fall back, and a mask-like facial expression.","Parkinson's disease, Parkinson's Disease, Parkinson Disease",,PARKISM,question803_803,pdenrl,,,381270.0,InitPDDiag,, Diabetes,NCIT:C2985,A metabolic disorder characterized by abnormally high blood sugar levels due to diminished production of insulin or insulin resistance/desensitization.,"Diabetes_Mellitus, Diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus, DM, diabetes, diabetes mellitus",,,question212_212,,history_diabetes,history_diabetes,45879799.0,DiabetesDia,,DiabetesbeforeBL Anxiety,MONDO:0011918,"A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.",,FEATANXITY,,question216_216,,,u_14_anxiety,441542.0,AnxietyDia,F1300_22, Bipolar,NCIT:C34423,"A disorder of the brain that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. Often these moods range and shift from periods of elation and energized behavior to those of hopelessness and depression.","Manic-Depression, Manic Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder",,,question216_216,,,,4128935.0,BipolarDia,, Schizophrenia,NCIT:C3362,"A major psychotic disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality. It affects the cognitive and psychomotor functions. Common clinical signs and symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, and retreat from reality.","Schizophrenia, schizophrenia",,,question216_216,,,,435783.0,FinSocDiagSchizoph,, Cancer,NCIT:C9305,"A tumor composed of atypical neoplastic, often pleomorphic cells that invade other tissues. Malignant neoplasms often metastasize to distant anatomic sites and may recur after excision. The most common malignant neoplasms are carcinomas, Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas, leukemias, melanomas, and sarcomas.","Malignant Tumor, Cancer, cancer, NEOPLASM, MALIGNANT, Unclassified tumor, malignant, Tumor, NOS, CA, Malignant Growth, Malignancy, Malignant Neoplasm, malignancy, Neoplasm, Malignant Neoplastic Disease",,,question211_211,,,,45877275.0,,, Lung Cancer,MONDO:0008903,A malignant neoplasm involving the lung.,,,,,,history_lung,history_lung,35820498.0,FIVECancerHx,, Colon Cancer,HP:0003003,A malignant neoplasm involving the colon.,Colon cancer,,,,,history_bowel,history_bowel,45877391.0,FIVECancerHxTypeLung,, Prostate Cancer,HP:0012125,A cancer of the prostate.,Prostatic cancer,,,,,history_prostate,history_prostate,35822937.0,FIVECancerHxTypeCol,, Breast Cancer,MONDO:0007254,A primary or metastatic malignant neoplasm involving the breast. The vast majority of cases are carcinomas arising from the breast parenchyma or the nipple. Malignant breast neoplasms occur more frequently in females than in males.,,,,,,history_breast,history_breast,35816541.0,FIVECancerHxTypePro,, Melanoma,NCIT:C3224,"A malignant, usually aggressive tumor composed of atypical, neoplastic melanocytes. Most often, melanomas arise in the skin (cutaneous melanomas) and include the following histologic subtypes: superficial spreading melanoma, nodular melanoma, acral lentiginous melanoma, and lentigo maligna melanoma. Cutaneous melanomas may arise from acquired or congenital melanocytic or dysplastic nevi. Melanomas may also arise in other anatomic sites including the gastrointestinal system, eye, urinary tract, and reproductive system. Melanomas frequently metastasize to lymph nodes, liver, lungs, and brain.","MELANOMA, MALIGNANT, Melanoma, Melanoma, NOS, melanoma, Malignant Melanoma",,,,,,history_melanoma,4346329.0,FIVECancerHxTypeBre,, Thyroid,NCIT:C12400,An endocrine gland located at the base of the neck that produces and secretes thyroxine and other hormones. Thyroxine is important for metabolic control.,"Head and Neck, Thyroid, THYROID GLAND, Total Thyroid, Thyroid Gland, thyroid, thyroid gland, GLAND, THYROID, Thyroid gland",,,question212_212,,,,42530171.0,FIVECancerHxTypeMel,, Head Injury ,NCIT:C34660,A traumatic injury to the head.,"Head Injury, Injury of Head",HINJNOLC,,rfqu_head1,HXHINJ,,,36311163.0,FIVECancerHxTypeThy,, Heart Rate,NCIT:C49677,"The number of heartbeats per unit of time, usually expressed as beats per minute.","Heart Rate, HR, Vital Signs - Heart Rate","HRSTND, HRSUP","HRSTND, HRSUP",,,,,4239408.0,Head,"F6000_34,F6000_36", Traumatic Brain Injury,NCIT:C50440,Trauma to the brain.,TBI,,,question210_210,,,,4132546.0,"PDMBAtrFib,PDMBTransIsc",, Fall - Outpatient,,Fall resulted in outpatient visit to a healthcare provider,,FLLDRVIS,,,,,,436583.0,FIVETBIHx,, Fall - ER,,Fall resulted in ER visit,,FLLERVIS,,,,,,436583.0,FIVEFalls61,, Fall - Hospitilization,,Fall resulted in hospitalization,,FLLHOSP,,,,,,436583.0,FIVEFalls62,, Fall - Institutionalization,,Fall resulted in institutionalization,,FLLINST,,,,,,436583.0,FIVEFalls63,, Fall - Surgery,,Fall resulted in surgery,,FLLSURG,,,,,,436583.0,FIVEFalls65,, Fall - Not Freezing,,Participant currently experiencing falls not related to freezing,,FLNFR1W,,,,,,436583.0,FIVEFalls64,F2000_17, Freezing of Gait ,HP:0031825,"Freezing of gait is defined as a brief, episodic absence or marked reduction of forward progression of the feet despite the intention to walk.",Freezing gait,FRZGT1W,NP3FRZGT,gaitlab_q11,HXFRZERL,,,40481965.0,"FIVEFalls1,FIVEFalls3",F2000_18, Hip/Limb Fracture,NCIT:C27002,"A traumatic break in one or more of the bones in the hip, thigh, leg, or foot.",Lower Extremity Fracture,INJFRHIP,,,,,,4187096.0,FIVEFalls51,, Skull Fracture,NCIT:C50745,A traumatic or pathologic injury to the bones of the skull in which the continuity of the bones of the skull is broken.,"Skull Fracture, Fracture of Skull",INJFRSKL,,,,,,4324690.0,FIVEFalls53,, Upper Extremity Fracture,NCIT:C27782,"A traumatic break in one or more of the bones in the arm, forearm, or hand.","Upper Limb Fracture, Upper Extremity Fracture",INJFRUE,,,,,,4050747.0,FIVEFalls52,, Psychiatric,NCIT:C168404,"Medical history of symptoms, physical examination results, and/or laboratory test results related to mental health.","Psychiatric Finding, Psychiatric",,,question216_216,,,,4228492.0,FIVEConditionPreclude,F1000_32, Neurological Disorder (Other than AD),NCIT:C25262,Medical history pertaining to nerves or the nervous system.,"neurologic, Neurologic, Neurological",,,question210_210,,,,36308796.0,ImpactChangeThinkNeurological,, Cardiovascular,NCIT:C25292,Medical history pertaining to the heart or blood vessels.,"cardiovascular, Cardiovascular",,,question214_214,,,,4023995.0,FIVEHeartHx,F1250_7, Metabolic,NCIT:C28240,Medical history pertaining to the metabolic system,"Metabolic, metabolic",,,question212_212,,,,432455.0,,, Major Surgical Procedures,,Medical history pertaining to major surgical procedures,,,,question258_258,,,,3009350.0,,, Bradykinesia,NCIT:C116707,Slow movement.,Bradykinesia,FEATBRADY,DXBRADY,question806_806,DCBRADY,present_diag_bradykinesia,x_3_3_1_brady_clin,4161417.0,FIVEMDSBradykinesia,F1100_34,Bradykinesia Postural Instability,,"Postural instability is the inability to maintain equilibrium under dynamic and static conditions such as preparation of movements, perturbations, and quiet stance.",,FEATPOSINS,DXPOSINS,,DCPOSINS,present_diag_posture,x_3_4_1_postural_clin,4167067.0,TherapyMoveSympPost,F1100_36,PostInstab Rigidity,,A stiffness of the arms or legs beyond what would result from normal aging or arthritis.,,FEATRIGID,DXRIGID,question805_805,DCRIGID,present_diag_rigidity,x_3_2_1_rigidity_clin,46237197.0,TherapyMoveSympRigid,F1100_33,Rigidity Resting Tremor,NCIT:C182454,"A movement disorder characterized by involuntary and rhythmic shaking of a body part that is relaxed and not held against gravity, and where the tremor amplitude decreases with voluntary movements. Resting tremor is a common sign of Parkinson's disease.","Resting Tremor, Rest Tremor",FEATTREMOR,DXTREMOR,question807_807,DCRTREM,present_diag_tremor,x_3_1_1_tremor_clin,4096245.0,TherapyMoveSympTrem,F1100_32,Tremor Arteriolosclerosis,NCIT:C35543,The thickening of the wall of the small arteries and arterioles. It is caused by deposition of hyaline material in the wall or concentric smooth muscle wall hypertrophy. It results in lumen narrowing and tissue ischemia.,Arteriolosclerosis,ARTERIOLOSCLEROSIS,,,,,,4075751.0,,, Braak Staging for LB,,Braak staging refers to two methods used to classify the degree of pathology in Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.,,BRAAK_FOR_LB,,,,,,,,, Cerebral Cortical Atrophy,HP:0002120,Atrophy of the cortex of the cerebrum.,"Cerebral cortex atrophy, Cortical atrophy, Decrease in size of the outer layer of the brain due to loss of brain cells",CAA,,,,,,,,, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy,NCIT:C35542,Encephalopathy resulting from trauma.,Traumatic Encephalopathy,CTE,,,,,,4047745.0,,, Glial Cytoplasmic Inclusions (GCI),GO:0097409,Non-membrane-bound cytoplasmic inclusions composed of 10-40 nm granule-coated fibrils. These inclusions have an abnormal accumulation of alpha-synuclein protein and are found in association with multiple system atrophy.,,GCI,,,,,,,,, Hippocampal Atrophy,HP:0410170,Partial or complete wasting (loss) of hippocampus tissue that was once present.,"Atrophy of the hippocampus, Degeneration of the hippocampus",HIPPOCAMPAL_ATROPHY,,,,,,,,, Prominent Action Tremor,,,,FEATACTTRM,,,,,,,,, Alien Limb Phenomenon,HP:0032506,Alien limb phenomenon refers to involuntary motor activity of a limb in conjunction with the feeling of estrangement from that limb.,,FEATALNLMB,,question837_837,,,,4266845.0,,, Disproportionate Anterocollis,,Forward flexion of the head and neck which is greater than expected relative to the flexed posture of the trunk and limbs.,,FEATANTCOL,,,,,,,FIVEMDSAnterocollis,, Apathy,NCIT:C117197,An emotional state of indifference characterized by a lack of interest or concern.,"Apathy, Emotional Indifference",FEATAPATHY,,pspenroll_tab3_c1_1,,,,45617258.0,FIVEUPDRS1_5,, Bowel Dysfunction,MONDO:0004880,Any disease in which the causes of the disease is a perturbation of the lower digestive tract leading to its dysfunction.,,FEATBWLDYS,,,,,,4341223.0,,, Dysarthria,NCIT:C79549,"Slow and slurred speech resulting from inability to coordinate the muscles that are used in speech. Causes include brain damage, Parkinson disease, and developmental causes.",Dysarthria,FEATDYSART,,question262_262,,,,4196636.0,FIVEMDSBulbardysfunc,, Dyskinesia,NCIT:C50539,Abnormality or impairment of voluntary movement.,"Dyskinesis, Dyskinesia, Dyscinesia",FEATDYSKIN,,,,,,4319906.0,ImpactMoveDyskinesia,,dyskinesias Dysphagia,NCIT:C2980,"A symptom referring to difficulty in swallowing. It may be observed in patients with stroke, motor neuron disorders, cancer of the throat or mouth, head and neck injuries, Parkinson disease, and multiple sclerosis.","Difficulty Swallowing, dysphagia, Dysphagia, Dysphagia/ Odynophagia, Difficulty swallowing",FEATDYSPHG,,pspenroll_tab3_r3,,,,31317.0,FIVEMDSBulbardysfunc,, Dystonia,NCIT:C34563,"A movement disorder characterized by sustained or intermittent muscle contractions, resulting in abnormal movements and/or postures.",Dystonia,FEATDYSTNA,,question825_825,,,,375800.0,CannEffectDystonia,F1100_41, Supranuclear Gaze Palsy,HP:0000605,"A supranuclear gaze palsy is an inability to look in a particular direction as a result of cerebral impairment. There is a loss of the voluntary aspect of eye movements, but, as the brainstem is still intact, all the reflex conjugate eye movements are normal.",Supranuclear gaze paralysis,FEATGZEPAL,,,SGPSVSAC,,,4221473.0,,, Inspiratory Stridor,HP:0005348,Inspiratory stridor is a high pitched sound upon inspiration that is generally related to laryngeal abnormalities.,,FEATINSPST,,,,,,4242420.0,FIVEMDSRespiratory,, Micrographia,HP:0031908,Abnormally small sized handwriting defined formally as an impairment of a fine motor skill manifesting mainly as a progressive or stable reduction in amplitude during a writing task.,,FEATMCRGRA,,,,,,37110756.0,"PdpropBradyGraph_1,PdpropBradyGraph_2,PdpropBradyGraph_3,PdpropBradyGraph_4,PdpropBradyGraph_5",, Myoclonus,NCIT:C116924,"A rapid, involuntary jerk of a muscle or group of muscles.",Myoclonus,FEATMYCLNS,,question826_826,,,,441553.0,,, Seborrheic Dermatitis,NCIT:C111888,"A chronic, inflammatory skin disorder that affects the scalp, central face and skin folds; it is characterized by scaling and itching.","Cradle Cap, Seborrhea, Seborrheic Eczema, Seborrheic Dermatitis",FEATSBDERM,,,,,,137053.0,Derma,, Sexual Dysfunction,NCIT:C3347,Disturbances in sexual desire or performance.,Sexual Dysfunction,FEATSEXDYS,,,,,,36308716.0,MedDepPDSympSexDysfunc,, Shuffling Gait,HP:0002362,A type of gait (walking) characterized by by dragging one's feet along or without lifting the feet fully from the ground.,Shuffled walk,FEATSHGAIT,,,,,,4181184.0,,, Stooped Posture,HP:0025403,A habitual positioning of the body with the head and upper back bent forward.,,FEATSTPPOS,,,,,,,,F2000_45, Broad-based Gait,HP:0002136,An abnormal gait pattern in which persons stand and walk with their feet spaced widely apart. This is often a component of cerebellar ataxia.,"Wide based gait, Wide-based gait, Broad based gait, Wide based walk",FEATWDGAIT,,,,,,,,, Amyotrophy,,Asymmetric lower limb motor neuropathy also known as diabetic lumbosacral plexus neuropathy and Bruns-Garland syndrome.,,,,question828_828,,,,,,, Hallucination,NCIT:C37961,"A false sensory perception in the absence of an external stimulus, as distinct from an illusion which is a misperception of an external stimulus.","Hallucination, hallucination, Hallucinations",,,,HXHALERL,,,433031.0,MedDepPDMoodHallu,F2000_6,Hallucination Ashtma,NCIT:C28397,A chronic respiratory disease manifested as difficulty breathing due to the narrowing of bronchial passageways.,"Asthma, asthma",,,,,history_asthma,history_asthma,317009.0,,, Chronic Bronchitis,NCIT:C26722,"A type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease characterized by chronic inflammation in the bronchial tree that results in edema, mucus production, obstruction, and reduced airflow to and from the lung alveoli. The most common cause is tobacco smoking. Signs and symptoms include coughing with excessive mucus production, and shortness of breath.",Chronic Bronchitis,,,,,history_bronch,history_bronch,255841.0,,, Emphysema,EFO:0000464,"A subcategory of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It occurs in people who smoke and suffer from chronic bronchitis. It is characterized by inflation of the alveoli, alveolar wall damage, and reduction in the number of alveoli, resulting in difficulty breathing.","emphysema, pulmonary, Pulmonary Emphysema, EMPHYSEMA, PULMONARY, emphysema, pulmonary emphysema",,,,,history_emphysema,history_emphysema,4169883.0,FIVELungHxTypeEmp,, Rheumatoid Arthritis,NCIT:C2884,"A chronic, systemic autoimmune disorder characterized by inflammation in the synovial membranes and articular surfaces. It manifests primarily as a symmetric, erosive polyarthritis that spares the axial skeleton and is typically associated with the presence in the serum of rheumatoid factor.","Rheumatoid Arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, RA",,,,,history_arthritis,history_arthritis,80809.0,FIVEArthritisHxTypeRhe,, Gout,NCIT:C34650,"A condition characterized by painful swelling of the joints, which is caused by deposition of urate crystals.","Gout, gout",,,,,history_gout,,440674.0,,, Pathogenic GBA,,Variants in the glucocerebrosidase (GBA) gene are the most common genetic risk factor for Parkinson disease (PD),,GBA_PATHVAR,,control_q7,,,,3041019.0,,, Pathogenic LRRK2,,Mutations in LRRK2 that are associated with aberrantly enhanced kinase activity are the most common cause of genetic Parkinson's disease (PD),,LRRK2_PATHVAR,,control_q7,lrrk2sub,,,3050582.0,,, TDP-43 Proteinopathies,OMIT:0026896,"TDP-43 proteinopathies encompass a wide range of neurodegenerative diseases and phenotypes, which may be inherited in a Mendelian pattern or be apparently sporadic.",,TDP_43,,,,,,46236299.0,,, R1441G - Patient,,"PARK8.Shows a progressive reduction in neurite length and branching; shows an increase in activity in phosphorylation of RAB8A and RAB10; decreases phosphorylation-dependent binding to YWHAG; dbSNP:rs33939927, UniProtKB: Q5S007, VARIANT ID: VAR_024946",,,,,r1441gs,,,,,, R1441C - Patient,,"PARK8. Shows an increase in activity in both autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of a generic substrate; loss of interaction with SEC16A; shows an increase in activity in phosphorylation of RAB10; decreases phosphorylation-dependent binding to YWHAG; dbSNP:rs33939927, UniProtKB: Q5S007, VARIANT ID: VAR_024945",,,,,r1441cs,,,,,, N1437H - Patient,,"Autosomal dominant Parkinson disease 8 (ClinVar), ClinGen: CA343577, ClinVar: RCV000032457, Ensembl: rs74163686, dbSNP: rs74163686",,,,,n1437hs,,,,,, G2385R - Patient,,"PARK8. Under conditions of oxidative stress the variant protein is more toxic and is associated with a higher rate of apoptosis; reduced binding to synaptic vesicles; no loss of interaction with SEC16A; shows an increase in activity in phosphorylation of RAB8A and RAB10; shows decreased WD domain homodimerization; reduced autophosphorylation at Ser-935. UniProtKB: VAR_024964, ClinGen: CA343677, cosmic curated: COSM431072, ClinVar: RCV000032508, ClinVar: RCV001449818, 1000Genomes: rs34778348, ESP: rs34778348, ExAC: rs34778348, TOPMed: rs34778348, dbSNP: rs34778348, gnomAD: rs34778348",,,,,g2385rs,,,,,, R1628P - Patient,PR:000049991,"A leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 (human) that has a Pro residue at the position equivalent to Arg-1628 of the amino acid sequence represented by UniProtKB:Q5S007. UniProtKB:Q5S007, Arg-1628, CHEBI:50342.","hLRRK2/var:R1628P, UniProtKB:Q5S007, Arg-1628, CHEBI:50342",,,,r1628ps,,,,,, I2020T - Patient,,"PARK8. Significant increase in autophosphorylation of about 40% in comparison to wild-type protein in vitro; shows a progressive reduction in neurite length and branching; shows an increase in activity in phosphorylation of RAB8A and RAB10. UniProt: VAR_024959, ClinGen: CA339928, ClinVar: RCV000002018, ClinVar: RCV001311806, Ensembl: rs35870237, dbSNP: rs35870237",,,,,i2020ts,,,,,, Q930R - Patient,,"PARK8. Unknown pathological significance. UniProt: VAR_024936, ClinGen: CA343519, ClinVar: RCV000032428, Ensembl: rs281865045, dbSNP: rs281865045",,,,,q930rs,,,,,, S1228T - Patient,,"In PARK8. UniPort: VAR_024941, ClinGen: CA343553, ClinVar: RCV000032445, ESP: rs60185966, ExAC: rs60185966, TOPMed: rs60185966, dbSNP: rs60185966, gnomAD: rs60185966",,,,,s1228ts,,,,,, L1114L - Patient,,A synonymous substution mutation (A>G) in the 3342nd amino acid.,,,,,L1114Ls,,,,,, C228S - Patient,,"Autosomal dominant Parkinson disease 8 (ClinVar). Uniprot: VAR_054740, ClinGen: CA343671, ClinVar: RCV000032505, ExAC: rs56108242, TOPMed: rs56108242, dbSNP: rs56108242, gnomAD: rs56108242",,,,,c228ss,,,,,, R1325Q - Patient,,"Autosomal dominant Parkinson disease 8 (ClinVar). ClinGen: CA343561, ClinVar: RCV000032449, ClinVar: RCV000032449, ESP: rs72546338, ExAC: rs72546338, TOPMed: rs72546338, dbSNP: rs72546338, gnomAD: rs72546338",,,,,r1325qs,,,,,, G2019S - Patient,,"PARK8. Shows an increase in activity in both autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of a generic substrate. Results in increased PRDX3 phosphorylation promoting dysregulation of mitochondrial function and oxidative damage. Results in increased APP phosphorylation on 'T-743' promoting neurotoxicity in dopaminergic neurons. Shows increased kinase activity in the phosphorylation of RAB10. Does not inhibit interaction with RAB29. Shows a progressive reduction in neurite length and branching. Shows distinctive spheroid-like inclusions within both neuronal processes and at intracellular membranous structures; shows lysosomal swelling and reduced retrograde transport of selective cargo between lysosomes and the Golgi apparatus. Shows apoptotic mechanism of cell death; no loss of interaction with SEC16A (UniProt). UniProt: VAR_024958, ClinGen: CA339926, ClinVar: RCV000002017, ClinVar: RCV000325492, ClinVar: RCV000622347, ClinVar: RCV001195216, ClinVar: RCV001836691, 1000Genomes: rs34637584, ESP: rs34637584, ExAC: rs34637584, TOPMed: rs34637584, dbSNP: rs34637584, gnomAD: rs34637584",,,,,g2019ss,,,,,, APOE,NCIT:C105362,"Human APOE*4 allele is located in the vicinity of 19q13.2 and is approximately 4 kb in length. This allele, which encodes apolipoprotein E4, plays a role in triglyceride metabolism. The allele is associated with increased occurrence of both Alzheimer disease and coronary artery disease.","APOE*4 Allele, APOE-epsilon4 Allele, APOE4 Allele, Apolipoprotein E*4 Allele, Apolipoprotein E4 Allele, NM_000041.2:c.388T>C, NM_000041.2:c.388T>C,526C>C",APOE,,,,,,40773017.0,APOE,, APOE Allele 1,NCIT:C105362,"Human APOE*4 allele is located in the vicinity of 19q13.2 and is approximately 4 kb in length. This allele, which encodes apolipoprotein E4, plays a role in triglyceride metabolism. The allele is associated with increased occurrence of both Alzheimer disease and coronary artery disease.","APOE*4 Allele, APOE-epsilon4 Allele, APOE4 Allele, Apolipoprotein E*4 Allele, Apolipoprotein E4 Allele, NM_000041.2:c.388T>C, NM_000041.2:c.388T>C,526C>C",APOE,,,,,,40773017.0,,, APOE Allele 2,NCIT:C105362,"Human APOE*4 allele is located in the vicinity of 19q13.2 and is approximately 4 kb in length. This allele, which encodes apolipoprotein E4, plays a role in triglyceride metabolism. The allele is associated with increased occurrence of both Alzheimer disease and coronary artery disease.","APOE*4 Allele, APOE-epsilon4 Allele, APOE4 Allele, Apolipoprotein E*4 Allele, Apolipoprotein E4 Allele, NM_000041.2:c.388T>C, NM_000041.2:c.388T>C,526C>C",APOE,,,,,,40773017.0,,, APOE e4,NCIT:C105362,"Human APOE*4 allele is located in the vicinity of 19q13.2 and is approximately 4 kb in length. This allele, which encodes apolipoprotein E4, plays a role in triglyceride metabolism. The allele is associated with increased occurrence of both Alzheimer disease and coronary artery disease.","APOE*4 Allele, APOE-epsilon4 Allele, APOE4 Allele, Apolipoprotein E*4 Allele, Apolipoprotein E4 Allele, NM_000041.2:c.388T>C, NM_000041.2:c.388T>C,526C>C",APOE,,,,,,36307729.0,,, Red Blood Cell Count,NCIT:C51946,The determination of the number of erythrocytes in a biospecimen.,"RBC, Erythrocytes, Erythrocyte Count, Red Blood Cells, Red Blood Cell Count, Red Cell Count",RBCRSLT,RBCRSLT,ibbl_kit_csf9,C_RBCRSLT,,,37393849.0,,, Glucose,NCIT:C2831,"A simple sugar monosaccharide having two isoforms, alpha and beta, with a chemical structure of C6H12O6 that acts as an energy source for both plants and animals by reacting with oxygen, generating carbon dioxide and water, and releasing energy.","Glucose, 6-(hydroxymethyl)oxane-2,3,4,5-tetrol, glucose, DEXTROSE, UNSPECIFIED FORM",TGLCRSLT,TGLCRSLT,,C_TGLCRSLT,,,37393576.0,,, Protein,NCIT:C17021,A group of complex organic macromolecules composed of one or more chains (linear polymers) of alpha-L-amino acids linked by peptide bonds and ranging in size from a few thousand to over 1 million Daltons. Proteins are fundamental genetically encoded components of living cells with specific structures and functions dictated by amino acid sequence.,"Protein, Proteins, Protein (NOS), protein",TOPRRSLT,TOPRRSLT,ibbl_kit_csf8,C_TOPRRSLT,,,37394434.0,,, Leukocytes,NCIT:C12529,"Blood cells that are devoid of hemoglobin, capable of ameboid motion and phagocytosis, and act as the principal components of the immune system.","white blood cell, Leukocyte, White Blood Cell, WBCs, Leukocytes, Reticuloendothelial System, White Blood Cells, LEUKOCYTE, WBC, White Cell, leukocyte, White Blood Corpuscle",WBCRSLT,WBCRSLT,ibbl_kit_csf10,,,,37394163.0,,, Neutrophils,NCIT:C51950,A test to determine the number of neutrophils in a sample of blood.,"Neutrophil Count, Neutrophils",,,ibbl_kit_csf11,,,,37393856.0,,, Lymphocytes,NCIT:C51949,The determination of the number of lymphocytes in a blood sample.,"Lymphocyte Count, Lymphocytes, LYM",,,ibbl_kit_csf12,,,,37393858.0,,, Monocytes,NCIT:C12547,"Large, phagocytic mononuclear leukocytes produced in the vertebrate bone marrow and released into the blood; contain a large, oval or somewhat indented nucleus surrounded by voluminous cytoplasm and numerous organelles.","Monocyte, Monocytes, MONOCYTE, monocyte",,,ibbl_kit_csf13,,,,37393859.0,,, Eosinophils,NCIT:C12532,"Granular leukocytes with a nucleus that usually has two lobes connected by a slender thread of chromatin, and cytoplasm containing coarse, round granules that are uniform in size and stainable by eosin.","Eosinophils, Eosinophil, Eosinophilic Leukocyte, eosinophil, Eosinocyte, Blood Eosinophil, Eosinophilic Granulocyte, Acidophilic Leukocyte",,,ibbl_kit_csf14,,,,37393857.0,,, Basophils,NCIT:C12531,A type of immune cell that has granules (small particles) with enzymes that are released during allergic reactions and asthma.,"Basophilic Leukocyte, Basophil, basophil, Basophilic Granulocyte, Basophils",,,ibbl_kit_csf15,,,,37398676.0,,, Participant ID,NCIT:C164337,An alphanumeric identifier assigned to a specific patient.,"patient id, Patient Identifier, patient_id, source id, source_id",PATNO,PATNO,cdisc_dm_usubjd,lrrkid,ID,subject_randid,42528934.0,,"PDDOCID ", Visit,NCIT:C25716,The act of going to see some person or place or thing; it can cover a short or long period but refers to a non-permanent arrangement.,"Visit, Visits",EVENT_ID,EVENT_ID,,event_id,Visit,,,,"VISIT ", Biological Sex,NCIT:C28421,The assemblage of physical properties or qualities by which male is distinguished from female; the physical difference between male and female; the distinguishing peculiarity of male or female.,"Gender, SEX, Sex, sex",SEX,GENDER,cdisc_dm_sex,gender,gender,gender,4135376.0,Sex,F1100_13,Gender Age,NCIT:C25150,How long something has existed; elapsed time since birth.,"AGE, Age, age, Aged, Chronological Age, Postnatal Age",AGE_AT_VISIT,,,ageonset,age,age,4265453.0,,,AgeBL Month of Birth,NCIT:C83090,The month in which a person was born.,"Birth Month, BRTHMO",BIRTHDT,BIRTHDT,cdisc_dm_brthdtc,,dob,dob,4083587.0,,, Year of Birth,NCIT:C83164,The year in which a person was born.,"Birth Year, BRTHYR, BRTHYY",BIRTHDT,BIRTHDT,cdisc_dm_brthdtc,birthyr,dob,dob,4083587.0,TherapyYearBorn,F1100Y3, Education,NCIT:C122393,The number of education years that a subject has competed.,"EDUYRNUM, Number of Years of Education",EDUCYRS,EDUCYRS,dm_years_education,educcat_calc,years_education_bin,,1015298.0,,F1100_17,EducationBL Race,NCIT:C17049,A geographic ancestral origin category that is assigned to a population group based mainly on physical characteristics that are thought to be distinct and inherent.,"RACE, Race, race, Racial Group",,,,racetxt,,,4013886.0,FIVERace,F1100_14, White,NCIT:C41261,"A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. (OMB)","Caucasians, Caucasian, Caucasoid, Occidental, White, white, WHITE, Whites",RAWHITE,RAWHITE,,,,,45877987.0,TherapyRaceWhite,, Asian,NCIT:C41260,"A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent, including for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. (OMB)","Asian Ancestry, ASIAN, asian, Asian, Asians",RAASIAN,RAASIAN,,,,,45879439.0,TherapyRaceAsian,, Black/African American,NCIT:C16352,"A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. Terms such as ""Haitian"" or ""Negro"" can be used in addition to ""Black or African American"". (OMB)","BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN, Black or African American, black or african american, BLACK_OR_AFRICAN_AMERICAN",RABLACK,RABLACK,,,,,46237778.0,TherapyRaceBlack,, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander,NCIT:C41219,"A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. (OMB)","native hawaiian or other pacific islander, NATIVE HAWAIIAN OR OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, NATIVE_HAWAIIAN_OR_OTHER_PACIFIC_ISLANDER",RAHAWOPI,RAHAWOPI,,,,,45878240.0,TherapyRaceNatHaw,, American Indian/Alaskan Native,NCIT:C41259,A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. (OMB),"american indian or alaska native, AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE, American Indian or Alaska Native, AMERICAN_INDIAN_OR_ALASKA_NATIVE, First Nations, Native American, Native Americans",RAINDALS,RAINDALS,,,,,37079234.0,TherapyRaceAmInd,, Ethnicity,NCIT:C16564,A social group characterized by a distinctive social and cultural tradition that is maintained from generation to generation. Members share a common history and origin and a sense of identification with the group. They have similar and distinctive features in their lifestyle habits and shared experiences. They often have a common genetic heritage which may be reflected in their experience of health and disease.,"ETHNIC, Ethnic Group, Ethnic Origin, Ethnic Origins, ETHNICITY, Ethnicity, ethnicity",HISPLAT,,,ethnctxt,ethnicity_all,,44803968.0,FIVEEthnicity,,Ethnic Marital Status,NCIT:C25188,A demographic parameter indicating a person's current conjugal status.,"MARISTAT, Marital or partnership status, Marital Status, MaritalStatus, MaritalStatusUB92",,,cdisc_sc_sctestcd_maritstat,,marital_status,,4053609.0,FIVEMarital,,MartialStatusBL Handedness,NCIT:C114182,The preferred hand of use for controlled and efficient performance of motor tasks.,"Dominant Hand, HANDDOM",HANDED,HANDED,purdue_handedness,,handedness,,4211853.0,,, Height,NCIT:C25347,The vertical measurement or distance from the base to the top of an object; the vertical dimension of extension.,"HEIGHT, Height",HTCM,HTCM,cert_height,,height,m_10_stand_height,37038872.0,PDMBHeightMm,F6000_31,HeightBL Weight,NCIT:C25208,The vertical force exerted by a mass as a result of gravity.,"WEIGHT, Weight",WGTKG,WGTKG,cert_weight,,weight,m_12_weight,37111521.0,PDMBWeightGrams,F6000_32,WeightBL BMI,NCIT:C16358,An individual's weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters.,"BMI, Body Mass Index, body mass index, Quetelet Index, Vital Signs - BMI",,,cert_bmi,,BMI,m_14_bmi,1027485.0,,, Waist,NCIT:C64192,The abdominal circumference at the navel.,"WAIST, Waist",,,status_waist,,,,4172830.0,,, Hip,NCIT:C64193,The lateral prominence of the pelvis from the waist to the thigh.,"Hip, HIP",,,status_hip,,,,4111665.0,,, Waist-Hip Ratio,NCIT:C17651,The ratio of the abdominal circumference at the navel to maximum hip and buttocks circumference; looks at the proportion of fat stored on the body around the waist and hip. Carrying extra weight around the waist is a greater health risk than carrying extra weight around the hips or thighs.,"Waist-Hip Ratio, Waist to Hip Ratio, WAISTHIP",,,status_waist_hip_ratio,,,,1036755.0,,, Profession,NCIT:C19160,A grouping of occupations and fields of study.,Occupation or Discipline,,,dm_longest_occupation,,,,4033543.0,,F1100_64, Asexual,NCIT:C155696,Used to describe an individual who does not experience sexual attraction.,"Asexual, Asexuality",ASEXUAL,,,,,,1585360.0,SexA,, Bisexuality,NCIT:C84364,"A sexual attraction to members of both sexes, genders, or gender identities.","Bisexuality, Bi, Bisexual",BISEXUAL,,,,,,4170582.0,SexB,, Homosexuality,NCIT:C84363,A sexual attraction to members of the same sex.,"Homosexuality, Homosexual, Gay",GAYLES,,,,,,36303203.0,SexGL,, Pansexuality,NCIT:C180327,"Sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction towards people regardless of their sex or gender identity, including agender, non-binary, and gender fluid.","Pansexuality, Pansexual, Pan",PANSEXUAL,,,,,,,SexP,, Heterosexuality,NCIT:C84362,A sexual attraction to members of the opposite sex.,"Heterosexuality, Straight, Hetero, Heterosexual",HETERO,,,,,,4069091.0,SexSH,, Diagnosis,NCIT:C15220,"The investigation, analysis and recognition of the presence and nature of disease, condition, or injury from expressed signs and symptoms; also, the scientific determination of any kind; the concise results of such an investigation.","Diagnosed, DIAGNOSIS, Diagnosis, diagnosis, Diagnostic, Dx",COHORT,APPRDX,adiag_final_diagnosis,pdenrl,,,4234469.0,,, MoCA - Visuoconstructional Skills (Cube),NCIT:C162709,"A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The subject will receive one point if the following criteria hold: drawing must be three-dimensional, all lines are drawn, no line is added, and lines are relatively parallel and their length is similar (rectangular prisms are accepted). A point is not assigned if any of the above criteria are not met.","Montreal Cognitive Assessment Visuospatial/Executive Test, Visuospatial/Executive",MCACUBE,MCACUBE,moca_neckercube_total_score,MCACUBE,,,,FIVEMOCA2,, MoCA - Visuoconstructional Skills (Clock Cont),,"A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The examiner instructs the subject: ""Draw a clock. Put in all the numbers and set the time to 10 past 11"". The subject will receive one point if the following criterion holds: ""The clock face must be a circle with only minor distortion acceptable (e.g., slight imperfection on closing the circle).""",,MCACLCKC,MCACLCKC,question62_62,MCACLCKC,,,,FIVEMOCA3a,, MoCA - Visuoconstructional Skills (Clock Num),,"A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The examiner instructs the subject: ""Draw a clock. Put in all the numbers and set the time to 10 past 11"". The subject will receive one point if the following criterion holds: ""All clock numbers must be present with no additional numbers; numbers must be in the correct order and placed in the approximate quadrants on the clock face; Roman numerals are acceptable; numbers can be placed outside the circle contour.""",,MCACLCKN,MCACLCKN,question63_63,MCACLCKN,,,,FIVEMOCA3b,, MoCA - Visuoconstructional Skills (Clock Hands),,"A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The examiner instructs the subject: ""Draw a clock. Put in all the numbers and set the time to 10 past 11"". The subject will receive one point if the following criterion holds: ""There must be two hands jointly indicating the correct time; the hour hand must be clearly shorter than the minute hand; hands must be centred within the clock face with their junction close to the clock centre.""",,MCACLCKH,MCACLCKH,question64_64,MCACLCKH,,,,FIVEMOCA3c,, MoCA - Naming (Lion),NCIT:C162710,A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The subject needs to name the animal in the pictures from left to right. One point is given for each correct answer (lion in this case).,"Naming, Montreal Cognitive Assessment Naming Test",,MCALION,question66_66,MCALION,,,,,, MoCA - Naming (Rhino),NCIT:C162710,A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). Subject needs to name the animal in the pictures from left to right. One point is given for each correct answer (rhino in this case).,"Naming, Montreal Cognitive Assessment Naming Test",MCARHINO,MCARHINO,question67_67,MCARHINO,,,,,, MoCA - Naming (Camel),NCIT:C162710,A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). Subject needs to name the animal in the pictures from left to right. One point is given for each correct answer (camel in this case).,"Naming, Montreal Cognitive Assessment Naming Test",,MCACAMEL,question68_68,MCACAMEL,,,,,, MoCA - Digit Span Test (Forward),NCIT:C162711,"A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The examiner gives the following instruction: ""I am going to say some numbers and when I am through, repeat them to me exactly as I said them"" and reads the five number sequence at a rate of one digit per second. The subject will receive a point for each correctly repeated sequence.",Digit Span Forward Subtest (WAIS-IV),MCAFDS,MCAFDS,digitsf_score,MCAFDS,,,,FIVEMOCA5a,, MoCA - Digit Span Test (Backward),NCIT:C162711,A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The subject is tasked with repeating the three-number sequence the examiner read in reverse order. The subject will receive a point for each correctly repeated sequence.,Digit Span Backward Subtest (WAIS-IV),MCABDS,MCABDS,digitsr_score,MCABDS,,,,FIVEMOCA5b,, MoCA - Vigilance,NCIT:C162712,A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). This test involves acknowledging spoken letters.,"Montreal Cognitive Assessment Attention - Letters Test, Attention - Letters",MCAVIGIL,MCAVIGIL,question85_85,M16VIGIL,,,,FIVEMOCA5c,, MoCA - Serial 7s,NCIT:C162713,"A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The subject is tasked with subtracting 7s from 100 until the examiner prompts them to stop. The subject will receive 0 points for no correct subtractions, 1 point for one correction subtraction, 2 points for two-to-three correct subtractions, and 3 points if the participant successfully makes four or five correct subtractions","Montreal Cognitive Assessment Attention - Subtraction Test, Attention - Subtraction",MCASER7,MCASER7,question91_91,MCASER7,,,,FIVEMOCA5d,, MoCA - Sentence Repetition,NCIT:C162714,A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). This task consists of repeating two sentences correctly.,"Language - Repeat, Montreal Cognitive Assessment Language - Repeat Test",MCASNTNC,MCASNTNC,question94_94,MCASNTNC,,,,FIVEMOCA6,, MoCA - Verbal Fluency,NCIT:C162715,"A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). This task requires an individual to list all of the words from two sentences they can be recalled that begin with the letter ""F""..","Language - Fluency, Montreal Cognitive Assessment Language - Fluency Test",MCAVFNUM,MCAVFNUM,question95_95,MCAVFNUM,,,,FIVEMOCA7,, MoCA - Delayed Recall (Face),NCIT:C162717,"A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The subject is tasked with recalling the words the examiner gave earlier in the session. If the subject will be prompted with a category cue ('part of the body' in this case). If the subject still cannot remember the word, the instructor will give multiple choices (nose, face, hand in this case). The subject will receive points only if they can remember the word without any cue.","Delayed Recall, Montreal Cognitive Assessment Delayed Recall Test",MCAREC1,MCAREC1,question99_99,MCAREC1,,,,,, MoCA - Delayed Recall (Velvet),NCIT:C162717,"A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The subject is tasked with recalling the words the examiner gave earlier in the session. If the subject will be prompted with a category cue ('type of fabric' in this case). If the subject still cannot remember the word, the instructor will give multiple choices (denim, cotton, velvet in this case). The subject will receive points only if they can remember the word without any cue.","Delayed Recall, Montreal Cognitive Assessment Delayed Recall Test",MCAREC2,MCAREC2,question100_100,MCAREC2,,,,,, MoCA - Delayed Recall (Church),NCIT:C162717,"A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The subject is tasked with recalling the words the examiner gave earlier in the session. If the subject will be prompted with a category cue ('type of building' in this case). If the subject still cannot remember the word, the instructor will give multiple choices (church, school, hospital in this case). The subject will receive points only if they can remember the word without any cue.","Delayed Recall, Montreal Cognitive Assessment Delayed Recall Test",MCAREC3,MCAREC3,question101_101,MCAREC3,,,,,, MoCA - Delayed Recall (Daisy),NCIT:C162717,"A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The subject is tasked with recalling the words the examiner gave earlier in the session. If the subject will be prompted with a category cue ('type of flower' in this case). If the subject still cannot remember the word, the instructor will give multiple choices (rose, daisy, tulip in this case). The subject will receive points only if they can remember the word without any cue.","Delayed Recall, Montreal Cognitive Assessment Delayed Recall Test",MCAREC4,MCAREC4,question102_102,MCAREC4,,,,,, MoCA - Delayed Recall (Red),NCIT:C162717,"A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The subject is tasked with recalling the words the examiner gave earlier in the session. If the subject will be prompted with a category cue ('a colour' in this case). If the subject still cannot remember the word, the instructor will give multiple choices (red, blue, green in this case). The subject will receive points only if they can remember the word without any cue.","Delayed Recall, Montreal Cognitive Assessment Delayed Recall Test",MCAREC5,MCAREC5,question103_103,MCAREC5,,,,,, MoCA - Orientation (Date),NCIT:C162718,"A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The subject will receive one point for each correct answer to the examiner's instruction. In this case, ""Tell me the date of today."".","Montreal Cognitive Assessment Orientation Test, Orientation",MCADATE,MCADATE,question105_105,MCADATE,,,,FIVEMOCA10a,, MoCA - Orientation (Day),NCIT:C162718,"A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The subject will receive one point for each correct answer to the examiner's instruction. In this case, ""Tell me the day."".","Montreal Cognitive Assessment Orientation Test, Orientation",MCADAY,MCADAY,question108_108,MCADAY,,,,FIVEMOCA10d,, MoCA - Orientation (Month),NCIT:C162718,"A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The subject will receive one point for each correct answer to the examiner's instruction. In this case, ""Tell me the month."".","Montreal Cognitive Assessment Orientation Test, Orientation",MCAMONTH,MCAMONTH,question106_106,MCAMONTH,,,,FIVEMOCA10b,, MoCA - Orientation (Year),NCIT:C162718,"A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The subject will receive one point for each correct answer to the examiner's instruction. In this case, ""Tell me the year."".","Montreal Cognitive Assessment Orientation Test, Orientation",MCAYR,MCAYR,question107_107,MCAYR,,,,FIVEMOCA10c,, MoCA - Orientation (Place),NCIT:C162718,"A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The subject will receive one point for each correct answer to the examiner's instruction. In this case, ""Tell me the name of this place"".","Montreal Cognitive Assessment Orientation Test, Orientation",MCAPLACE,MCAPLACE,question109_109,MCAPLACE,,,,FIVEMOCA10e,, MoCA - Orientation (City),NCIT:C162718,"A subtest of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). The subject will receive one point for each correct answer to the examiner's instruction. In this case, ""Tell me the name of this city"".","Montreal Cognitive Assessment Orientation Test, Orientation",MCACITY,MCACITY,question110_110,MCACITY,,,,FIVEMOCA10f,, Trail Making Test (TMT) A,NCIT:C92205,"A neuropsychological test of visual attention and task switching that requires a subject to connect a sequence of 25 consecutive targets. It provides an easy to administer and reliable assessment of attention, sequencing, cognition, visual search, and motor function.","TMT, TMT01, Trail Making Test",TMTASEC,,tmt_score,MCAALTTM,,,4165596.0,FIVEMOCA1,, Trail Making Test (TMT) B,NCIT:C166336,Huntington's Disease Cognitive Assessment Battery (HD-CAB) Trail Making Test-B key variable for composite score: Time to completion (sec) of TMT Part B with upper time limit of 240 seconds (reverse scored).,"HD-CAB - Trail Making Test-B, HDCAB1-Trail Making Test-B, HDCAB106",TMTBSEC,,tmt_b_score,MCAALTTM,,,4165596.0,FIVEMOCA1,, Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA),NCIT:C123667,"A standardized rating scale developed by Ziad Nasreddine in 1996 to screen for mild cognitive dysfunction and impairment. This instrument assesses the following cognitive domains: attention and concentration, executive functions, memory, language, visuoconstructional skills, conceptual thinking, calculations, and orientation.","MOCA, MOCA01, Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Montreal Cognitive Assessment Functional Test",MCATOT,MCATOT,cert_moca_score,MCATOT,MOCA_total,,43054915.0,FIVEMOCAScore2,, Mini-Mental Status Exam (MMSE),NCIT:C74982,"A standardized and structured interview originally developed by Marshal Folstein, Susan Folstein and Paul McHugh (Journal of Psychiatric Research, 1975), which is used to evaluate an individual's cognitive function.","Mini-Mental Status Exam, Folstein Mini-Mental Status Exam, Mini-Mental State Examination Questionnaire, MMSE, MMS1",,,,,,mmse_total,1011936.0,,F4100_3,MMSETotal GDS-SF - Basically Satisfied With Life,NCIT:C106794,"Geriatric Depression Scale, Short Form (GDS-SF) Are you basically satisfied with your life?","GDS02-Satisfied With Life, GDS0201, GDS-SF - Basically Satisfied With Life",GDSSATIS,,gdsl_1,GDSSATIS,,,3048479.0,MoodSatis,, GDS-SF - Dropped Activities and Interests,NCIT:C106795,"Geriatric Depression Scale, Short Form (GDS-SF) Have you dropped many of your activities and interests?","GDS02-Dropped Activities and Interests, GDS-SF - Dropped Activities and Interests, GDS0202",GDSDROPD,,gdsl_2,GDSDROPD,,,3049765.0,MoodInterest,, GDS-SF - Feel Life Is Empty,NCIT:C106796,"Geriatric Depression Scale, Short Form (GDS-SF) Do you feel that your life is empty?","GDS02-Life Is Empty, GDS-SF - Feel Life Is Empty, GDS0203",GDSEMPTY,,gdsl_3,GDSEMPTY,,,3052362.0,MoodEmpty,, GDS-SF - Often Get Bored,NCIT:C106797,"Geriatric Depression Scale, Short Form (GDS-SF) Do you often get bored?","GDS02-Bored Often, GDS-SF - Often Get Bored, GDS0204",GDSBORED,,gdsl_4,GDSBORED,,,3048797.0,MoodBored,, GDS-SF - Good Spirits Most of Time,NCIT:C106798,"Geriatric Depression Scale, Short Form (GDS-SF) Are you in good spirits most of the time?","GDS02-Good Spirits Most of Time, GDS-SF - Good Spirits Most of Time, GDS0205",GDSGSPIR,,gdsl_7,GDSGSPIR,,,3049130.0,MoodSpirits,, GDS-SF - Afraid of Something Bad Happening,NCIT:C106799,"Geriatric Depression Scale, Short Form (GDS-SF) Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you?","GDS02-Afraid of Something Bad Happening, GDS-SF - Afraid of Something Bad Happening, GDS0206",GDSAFRAD,,gdsl_8,GDSAFRAD,,,3052621.0,MoodAfraid,, GDS-SF - Feel Happy Most of Time,NCIT:C106800,"Geriatric Depression Scale, Short Form (GDS-SF) Do you feel happy most of the time?","GDS02-Feel Happy Most of Time, GDS-SF - Feel Happy Most of Time, GDS0207",GDSHAPPY,,gdsl_9,GDSHAPPY,,,3048472.0,MoodHappy,, GDS-SF - Often Feel Helpless,NCIT:C106801,"Geriatric Depression Scale, Short Form (GDS-SF) Do you often feel helpless?","GDS02-Often Feel Helpless, GDS0208, GDS-SF - Often Feel Helpless",GDSHLPLS,,gdsl_10,GDSHLPLS,,,3051362.0,MoodHelp,, GDS-SF - Prefer to Stay Home,NCIT:C106802,"Geriatric Depression Scale, Short Form (GDS-SF) Do you prefer to stay at home, rather than going out and doing new things?","GDS02-Prefer to Stay Home, GDS-SF - Prefer to Stay Home, GDS0209",GDSHOME,,gdsl_12,GDSHOME,,,3049156.0,MoodHome,, GDS-SF - More Memory Problems Than Most,NCIT:C106803,"Geriatric Depression Scale, Short Form (GDS-SF) Do you feel you have more problems with memory than most?","GDS02-Memory Problems, GDS0210, GDS-SF - More Memory Problems Than Most",GDSMEMRY,,gdsl_14,GDSMEMRY,,,3052630.0,MoodMemory,, GDS-SF - Think Wonderful to Be Alive,NCIT:C106804,"Geriatric Depression Scale, Short Form (GDS-SF) Do you think it is wonderful to be alive now?","GDS02-Wonderful to Be Alive, GDS0211, GDS-SF - Think Wonderful to Be Alive",GDSALIVE,,gdsl_15,GDSALIVE,,,3051716.0,MoodAlive,, GDS-SF - Feel Worthless,NCIT:C106805,"Geriatric Depression Scale, Short Form (GDS-SF) Do you feel pretty worthless the way you are now?","GDS02-Feel Worthless, GDS-SF - Feel Worthless, GDS0212",GDSWRTLS,,gdsl_17,GDSWRTLS,,,3051419.0,MoodWorth,, GDS-SF - Feel Full of Energy,NCIT:C106806,"Geriatric Depression Scale, Short Form (GDS-SF) Do you feel full of energy?","GDS0213, GDS-SF - Feel Full of Energy, GDS02-Feel Full of Energy",GDSENRGY,,gdsl_21,GDSENRGY,,,3050101.0,MoodEnergy,, GDS-SF - Feel Situation is Hopeless,NCIT:C106807,"Geriatric Depression Scale, Short Form (GDS-SF) Do you feel that your situation is hopeless?","GDS0214, GDS02-Feel Hopeless, GDS-SF - Feel Situation is Hopeless",GDSHOPLS,,gdsl_22,GDSHOPLS,,,3048841.0,MoodHopeless,, GDS-SF - Think Most People Better Off Than You,NCIT:C106808,"Geriatric Depression Scale, Short Form (GDS-SF) Do you think that most people are better off than you are?","GDS0215, GDS02-Most People Better Off Than You, GDS-SF - Think Most People Better Off Than You",GDSBETER,,gdsl_23,GDSBETER,,,3053256.0,MoodBetter,, Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form Questionnaire,NCIT:C106698,"A standardized rating scale developed by Sheikh et al in 1986, which is a shorter version derived from the original GDS and used to identify depression in older adults. The questionnaire contains 15 items. All questions are answered 'yes' or 'no'.","Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form Questionnaire, GDS-SF, GDS02, GDS SHORT FORM",No total score.,,gdsl_score_short,GDS15SCORE,,,3052906.0,,, "FAQ - Write checks, Pay bills, Balance checkbook",NCIT:C111499,"Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) Writing checks, paying bills, balancing checkbook.","FAQ01-Write Checks/Pay Bills/Checkbook, FAQ0101, FAQ - Write checks, Pay bills, Balance checkbook",,,faq_q1,,,,,,, FAQ - Assemble,NCIT:C111500,"Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) Assembling tax records, business affairs, or papers.","FAQ - Assemble, FAQ0102, FAQ01-Assembling",,,faq_q2,,,,,,, FAQ - Shop Alone,NCIT:C111501,"Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) Shopping alone for clothes, household necessities, or groceries.","FAQ0103, FAQ01-Shopping Alone, FAQ - Shop Alone",,,faq_q3,,,,,,, "FAQ - Play Game of Skill, Work on Hobby",NCIT:C111502,"Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) Playing a game of skill, working on a hobby.","FAQ01-Playing a Game of Skill, FAQ - Play Game of Skill, Work on Hobby, FAQ0104",,,faq_q4,,,,,,, "FAQ - Heat water, Make Coffee, Turn Off Stove",NCIT:C111503,"Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) Heating water, making a cup of coffee, turning off stove after use.","FAQ01-Heat Water/Make Coffee/Stove Off, FAQ0105, FAQ - Heat water, Make Coffee, Turn Off Stove",,,faq_q5,,,,,,, FAQ - Prepare a Meal,NCIT:C111504,Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) Preparing a balanced meal.,"FAQ0106, FAQ01-Preparing a Balanced Meal, FAQ - Prepare a Meal",,,faq_q6,,,,,,, FAQ - Keep Track of Current Events,NCIT:C111505,Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) Keeping track of current events.,"FAQ01-Keeping Track of Current Events, FAQ - Keep Track of Current Events, FAQ0107",,,faq_q7,,,,,,, "FAQ - Pay Attention, Understand, Discuss",NCIT:C111506,"Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) Paying attention to, understanding, discussing TV, book, magazine.","FAQ0108, FAQ01-Paying Attention, FAQ - Pay Attention, Understand, Discuss",,,faq_q8,,,,,,, FAQ - Remember,NCIT:C111507,"Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) Remembering appointments, family occasions, holidays, medications.","FAQ - Remember, FAQ01-Remembering, FAQ0109",,,faq_q9,,,,,,, FAQ - Travel,NCIT:C111508,"Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) Traveling out of neighborhood, driving, arranging to take buses.","FAQ - Travel, FAQ01-Traveling, FAQ0110",,,faq_q10,,,,,,, Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ),NCIT:C111509,Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) Total Score.,"FAQ - Total Score, FAQ01-Total Score, FAQ0111",,,faq_score,,,,,,, Boston Naming Test (BNT),ADO:0000055,Tests visual confrontation naming of the subject by tasking them with naming the shown line drawings of common objects one at a time.,,MBSTNCRR,,boston_score,,,,37396710.0,,, Rey Complex Figure Test and Recognition Trial (RCFT),,A tool used for neuropsychological assessment.,,,,compl_score,,,,4208363.0,,, The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI),NCIT:C95491,"An instrument for measuring anxiety. It is designed to differentiate between temporary \state anxiety\ and general, long-standing \trait anxiety\. (Copyright Mind Garden, Inc.)",State-Trait Anxiety Inventory,No total score.,,,,,,4169477.0,,, Clock Drawing Test,NCIT:C157012,A test of the ability of an individual to accurately place the numbers and hands of a clock in their usual and specified positions.,Cognition Clock Test,CLCKTOT,,clock_score,,,,21492218.0,,, Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease,,A constructional praxis subtest from the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease.,CERAD,,,cerad_score,,,,3168054.0,,, ESS - Sitting and Reading,NCIT:C103536,Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) Sitting and reading.,"ESS - Sitting and Reading, ESS01-Sitting and Reading, ESS0101",ESS1,,,ESS1,,,,,, ESS - Watching TV,NCIT:C103537,Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) Watching TV.,"ESS0102, ESS - Watching TV, ESS01-Watching TV",ESS2,,,ESS2,,,,,, "ESS - Sitting, Inactive in a Public Place",NCIT:C103538,"Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) Sitting, inactive in a public place (e.g. a theatre or a meeting).","ESS - Sitting, Inactive in a Public Place, ESS0103, ESS01-Sitting Inactive in a Public Place",ESS3,,,ESS3,,,,,, ESS - As a Passenger in a Car for an Hour Without a Break,NCIT:C103539,Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) As a passenger in a car for an hour without a break.,"ESS - As a Passenger in a Car for an Hour Without a Break, ESS01-Passenger for Hour Without Break, ESS0104",ESS4,,,ESS4,,,,,, ESS - Lying Down to Rest in the Afternoon When Circumstances Permit,NCIT:C103540,Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) Lying down to rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit.,"ESS01-Lying Down to Rest In Afternoon, ESS - Lying Down to Rest in the Afternoon When Circumstances Permit, ESS0105",ESS5,,,ESS5,,,,,, ESS - Sitting and Talking to Someone,NCIT:C103541,Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) Sitting and talking to someone.,"ESS0106, ESS01-Sitting and Talking to Someone, ESS - Sitting and Talking to Someone",ESS6,,,ESS6,,,,,, ESS - Sitting Quietly After a Lunch without Alcohol,NCIT:C103542,Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) Sitting quietly after a lunch without alcohol.,"ESS01-Sitting Quietly After Lunch, ESS - Sitting Quietly After a Lunch without Alcohol, ESS0107",ESS7,,,ESS7,,,,,, "ESS - In a car, While Stopped for a Few Minutes in the Traffic",NCIT:C103543,"Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in the traffic.","ESS - In a car, While Stopped for a Few Minutes in the Traffic, ESS01-In Car Stopped Few Minutes Traffic, ESS0108",ESS8,,,ESS8,,,,,, Epworth Sleepiness Scale,NCIT:C103517,A short test to measure daytime sleepiness.,"ESS, Epworth Sleepiness Scale Questionnaire, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, ESS01",No total score.,,,No total score.,ESS_total,,35621958.0,,, Cognitive T score,,"T-scores can be interpreted as how an individual's score on each cognitive measure compares to the average score of participants of the same sex and age, and with the same educational background",,COGCAT,,,,,,,,, IDEA - Bridge Description,,"Identification and Intervention for Dementia in Elderly Africans (IDEA) - I will tell you the name of something and I want you to describe what it is. What is a bridge? Correct answer: something that goes across a river, canyon or road.",,IDEA1DESC,,,,,,,,, IDEA - Naming Animals,,Identification and Intervention for Dementia in Elderly Africans (IDEA) - Name as many different animals as you can in one minute.,,IDEA2NAMING,,,,,,,,, IDEA - Leader of the Village,,Identification and Intervention for Dementia in Elderly Africans (IDEA) - Who is the chief/head/leader of this village ?,,IDEA3LEADER,,,,,,,,, IDEA - Day of Week,,Identification and Intervention for Dementia in Elderly Africans (IDEA) - What day of the week it is?,,IDEA4DAY,,,,,,,,, IDEA - Ten Words,,Identification and Intervention for Dementia in Elderly Africans (IDEA) - Recall the ten words we learned earlier.,,IDEA5WORDS,,,,,,,,, IDEA - Matchsticks,,Identification and Intervention for Dementia in Elderly Africans (IDEA) - Make the design shown below using these four matchsticks.,,IDEA6CORRECT,,,,,,,,, Identification and Intervention for Dementia in Elderly Africans (IDEA),,Cognitive screen for use in populations with low levels of formal education,,IDEATOTAL,,,,,,,,, Lexical Fluency,,"Lexical fluency tests, also called letter fluency or phonetic fluency tests, they retrieve as many phonologically related words as possible starting with a specific letter.",,No total score.,,fab_q2,,,,,,, Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB),SNOMED:443124006,The FAB is a brief battery of neuropsychological tasks designed to assess frontal lobe function and screens for frontotemporal dementia.,,,,fab_score,,,,40488792.0,,, Benton Judgement of Line Orientation,,The Benton Judgment of Line Orientation Test (BJLOT) is a widely used neuropsychological test measuring visuospatial judgment.,,JLO_TOTCALC,,bentons_score,,,,,,, Letter-Number Sequencing (LNS),,"The Letter-Number Sequencing task is a WMC measure included as part of the WAIS-III and WAIS-IV test batteries. The task involves hearing a series of letters and digits, and then reporting back the stimuli with the letters in alphabetical order, and digits in ascending numerical order.",,LNS_TOTRAW,,,,,,,,, Modified Schwab & England Activities of Daily Living,NCIT:C100944,Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) Schwab and England Activities of Daily Living Scale.,UPDRS - Schwab and England Activities of Daily Living Scale,MSEADLG,MSEADLG,s_and_e_percent,MSEADLG,Schwab_england,schwab_england_scale,1013904.0,FIVESchwabEngAdl,, AD Severity Score,,,,AD_SEVERITY_SCORE,,,,,,,,, Aging-related tau Astrogliopathy (ARTAG) Severity,,,,ARTAG_SEVERITY,,,,,,,,, The National Institute on Aging in collaboration with the Alzheimer's Association (NIA-AA) A Score,,Thal Phases of Aβ deposition,,NIA_AA_A_SCORE,,,,,,,,, The National Institute on Aging in collaboration with the Alzheimer's Association (NIA-AA) B Score,,Braak staging for neurofibrillary degeneration,,NIA_AA_B_SCORE,,,,,,,,, The National Institute on Aging in collaboration with the Alzheimer's Association (NIA-AA) C Score,,CERAD neuritic plaque score,,NIA_AA_C_SCORE,,,,,,,,, Neuro-QoL Cognition Function - Question 1,NCIT:C137844,"How much difficulty do you currently have reading and following complex instructions, like directions for a new medication?","Current Difficulty Reading and Following Complex Instructions, How much DIFFICULTY do you currently have reading and following complex instructions (e.g., directions for a new medication)",NQCOG22R,,,,,,40770551.0,DailyInstruct,, Neuro-QoL Cognition Function - Question 2,NCIT:C137845,"How much difficulty do you currently have planning for and keeping appointments that are not part of your weekly routine, like a therapy or doctor appointment, or a social gathering with friends and family?","Current Difficulty Planning and Keeping Appointments Not Part of Weekly Routine, How much DIFFICULTY do you currently have planning for and keeping appointments that are not part of your weekly routine, (e.g., a therapy or doctor appointment, or a social gathering with friends and family)",NQCOG24R,,,,,,40770552.0,,, Neuro-QoL Cognition Function - Question 3,NCIT:C137846,How much difficulty do you currently have managing your time to do most of your daily activities?,"How much DIFFICULTY do you currently have managing your time to do most of your daily activities, Current Difficulty Managing Time to do Most Daily Activities",NQCOG25R,,,,,,40770553.0,,, Neuro-QoL Cognition Function - Question 4,NCIT:C137847,How much difficulty do you currently have learning new tasks or instructions?,"How much DIFFICULTY do you currently have learning new tasks or instructions, Current Difficulty Learning New Tasks or Instructions",NQCOG40R,,,,,,40770556.0,,, Neuro-QoL Communication - Question 1,,"How much difficulty do you currently have writing notes to yourself, such as appointments or to do lists?",,NQCOG01,,,,,,40770714.0,,, Neuro-QoL Communication - Question 2,,How much difficulty do you currently have understanding family and friends on the phone?,,NQCOG04,,,,,,40770715.0,,, Neuro-QoL Communication - Question 3,,"How much difficulty do you currently have carrying on a conversation with a small group of familiar people, like family or a few friends?",,NQCOG08,,,,,,40770716.0,,, Neuro-QoL Communication - Question 4,,How much difficulty do you currently have organizing what you want to say?,,NQCOG10,,,,,,40770717.0,,, Neuro-QoL Communication - Question 5,,How much difficulty do you currently have speaking clearly enough to use the telephone?,,NQCOG11,,,,,,40770718.0,,, Neuro-QoL Lower Extremity Function - Question 1,,Are you able to push open a heavy door?,,NQMOB25,,,,,,40764359.0,,, Neuro-QoL Lower Extremity Function - Question 2,NCIT:C121239,Are you able to get in and out of a car?,"Ability to Get In and Out of a Car, Getting in and out of a car",NQMOB26,,,,,,40764399.0,,, Neuro-QoL Lower Extremity Function - Question 3,NCIT:C121689,Are you able to go for a walk of at least 15 minutes?,"Are you able to go for a walk of at least 15 minutes, Ability to Walk for at least Fifteen Minutes, Able to Walk for Fifteen Minutes, Ability to Walk for Fifteen Minutes, Able to Walk for at least Fifteen Minutes",NQMOB28,,,,,,40764370.0,,, Neuro-QoL Lower Extremity Function - Question 4,,Are you able to step up and down curbs?,,NQMOB30,,,,,,40764374.0,,, Neuro-QoL Lower Extremity Function - Question 5,,Are you able to get up off the floor from lying on your back without help?,,NQMOB31,,,,,,40764375.0,,, Neuro-QoL Lower Extremity Function - Question 6,,Are you able to get out of bed into a chair?,,NQMOB32,,,,,,40764389.0,,, Neuro-QoL Lower Extremity Function - Question 7,,Are you able to run errands and shop?,,NQMOB33,,,,,,40764396.0,,, Neuro-QoL Lower Extremity Function - Question 8,NCIT:C122364,Are you able to get on and off the toilet?,Ability to Get On and Off the Toilet,NQMOB37,,,,,,40764465.0,,, Neuro-QoL Upper Extremity Function - Question 1,NCIT:C121249,Are you able to brush your teeth?,"Brushing your teeth, Ability to Brush Your Teeth",NQUEX20,,,,,,40764393.0,,, Neuro-QoL Upper Extremity Function - Question 2,,Are you able to open and close a zipper?,,NQUEX28,,,,,,40764379.0,,, Neuro-QoL Upper Extremity Function - Question 3,NCIT:C121258,Are you able to turn a key in a lock?,"Turning a key in a lock, Ability to Turn a Key in a Lock",NQUEX29,,,,,,40764384.0,,, Neuro-QoL Upper Extremity Function - Question 4,,Are you able to write with a pen or pencil?,,NQUEX30,,,,,,40764387.0,,, Neuro-QoL Upper Extremity Function - Question 5,NCIT:C122363,Are you able to wash and dry your body?,Ability to Wash and Dry Your Body,NQUEX33,,,,,,40764398.0,,, Neuro-QoL Upper Extremity Function - Question 6,,Are you able to pick up coins from a table top?,,NQUEX36,,,,,,40764417.0,,, Neuro-QoL Upper Extremity Function - Question 7,NCIT:C122362,Are you able to shampoo your hair?,Ability to Shampoo Your Hair,NQUEX37,,,,,,40764422.0,,, Neuro-QoL Upper Extremity Function - Question 8,,Are you able to make a phone call using a touch tone key-pad?,,NQUEX44,,,,,,40770532.0,,, MDS-UPDRS - Cognitive Impairment,NCIT:C100473,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week have you had problems remembering things, following conversations, paying attention, thinking clearly, or finding your way around the house or in town?","MDS-UPDRS - Cognitive Impairment, UPD2101, UPD2-Cognitive Impairment",NP1COG,NP1COG,u_q1_1,NP1COG,,,,FIVEUPDRS1_1,, MDS-UPDRS - Hallucinations and Psychosis,NCIT:C100474,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week have you seen, heard, smelled or felt things that were not really there?","UPD2102, UPD2-Hallucinations and Psychosis, MDS-UPDRS - Hallucinations and Psychosis",NP1HALL,NP1HALL,u_q1_2,NP1HALL,UPDRS_hallucinations,,46236377.0,FIVEUPDRS1_2,, MDS-UPDRS - Depressed Mood,NCIT:C100475,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week have you felt low, sad, hopeless or unable to enjoy things? If yes, was this feeling for longer than one day at a time? Did it make it difficult for you carry out your usual activities or to be with people?","UPD2-Depressed Mood, UPD2103, MDS-UPDRS - Depressed Mood",NP1DPRS,NP1DPRS,u_q1_3,NP1DPRS,,,46236378.0,FIVEUPDRS1_3,, MDS-UPDRS - Anxious Mood,NCIT:C100476,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week have you felt nervous, worried or tense? If yes, was this feeling for longer than one day at a time? Did it make it difficult for you to follow your usual activities or to be with other people?","UPD2-Anxious Mood, UPD2104, MDS-UPDRS - Anxious Mood",NP1ANXS,NP1ANXS,u_q1_4,NP1ANXS,,,,FIVEUPDRS1_4,, MDS-UPDRS - Apathy,NCIT:C100477,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, have you felt indifferent to doing activities or being with people?","UPD2105, MDS-UPDRS - Apathy, UPD2-Apathy",NP1APAT,NP1APAT,u_q1_5,NP1APAT,UPDRS_apathy,,,FIVEUPDRS1_5,, MDS-UPDRS - Features of Dopamine Dysregulation Syndrome,NCIT:C100478,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, have you had unusually strong urges that are hard to control? Do you feel driven to do or think about something and find it hard to stop?","UPD2106, MDS-UPDRS - Features of Dopamine Dysregulation Syndrome, UPD2-Ftrs Dopa Dysregulation Synd",NP1DDS,NP1DDS,u_q1_6,NP1DDS,,,,FIVEUPDRS1_6,, MDS-UPDRS Part I nM-EDL,,,,NP1RTOT,No total score.,No total score.,No total score.,,ae_*,,,, MDS-UPDRS - Sleep Problems,NCIT:C100479,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, have you had trouble going to sleep at night or staying asleep through the night?","UPD2107, MDS-UPDRS - Sleep Problems, UPD2-Sleep Problems",NP1SLPN,NP1SLPN,u_q1_7,NP1SLPN,,,46236402.0,FIVEUPDRS1_7,, MDS-UPDRS - Daytime Sleepiness,NCIT:C100480,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, have you had trouble staying awake during the daytime?","UPD2-Daytime Sleepiness, MDS-UPDRS - Daytime Sleepiness, UPD2108",NP1SLPD,NP1SLPD,u_q1_8,NP1SLPD,,,,FIVEUPDRS1_8,, MDS-UPDRS - Pain and Other Sensations,NCIT:C100481,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, have you had uncomfortable feelings in your body like pain, aches tingling or cramps?","UPD2-Pain and other Sensations, UPD2109, MDS-UPDRS - Pain and Other Sensations",NP1PAIN,NP1PAIN,u_q1_9,NP1PAIN,UPDRS_pain,,,FIVEUPDRS1_9,, MDS-UPDRS - Urinary Problems,NCIT:C100482,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, have you had trouble with urine control?","UPD2-Urinary Problems, UPD2110, MDS-UPDRS - Urinary Problems",NP1URIN,NP1URIN,u_q1_10,NP1URN,,,,FIVEUPDRS1_10,, MDS-UPDRS - Constipation Problems,NCIT:C100483,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week have you had constipation troubles that cause you difficulty moving your bowels?,"UPD2-Constipation Problems, UPD2111, MDS-UPDRS - Constipation Problems",NP1CNST,NP1CNST,u_q1_11,NP1CNST,UPDRS_constipation,,,FIVEUPDRS1_11,, MDS-UPDRS - Lightheadedness on Standing,NCIT:C100484,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, have you felt faint, dizzy or foggy when you stand up after sitting or lying down?","UPD2-Lightheadedness on Standing, MDS-UPDRS - Lightheadedness on Standing, UPD2112",NP1LTHD,NP1LTHD,u_q1_12,NP1LTHD,,,,FIVEUPDRS1_12,, MDS-UPDRS - Fatigue,NCIT:C100485,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, have you usually felt fatigued?","UPD2-Fatigue, UPD2113, MDS-UPDRS - Fatigue",NP1FATG,NP1FATG,u_q1_13,NP1FATG,UPDRS_fatigue,,,FIVEUPDRS1_13,, MDS-UPDRS Part I Patient Questionnaire,,,,NP1PTOT,No total score.,No total score.,No total score.,,,,,, MDS-UPDRS Part I,,,,No total score.,No total score.,u_part1_score,No total score.,UPDRS_I,updrs_i,,,, MDS-UPDRS - Speech,NCIT:C100486,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, have you had problems with your speech?","MDS-UPDRS - Speech, UPD2-Speech, UPD2201",NP2SPCH,NP2SPCH,u_q2_1,NP2SPCH,,,40768722.0,FIVEUPDRS2_1,, MDS-UPDRS - Saliva and Drooling,NCIT:C100487,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, have you usually had too much saliva during when you are awake or when you sleep?","UPD2202, MDS-UPDRS - Saliva and Drooling, UPD2-Saliva and Drooling",NP2SALV,NP2SALV,u_q2_2,NP2SALV,,,46236381.0,FIVEUPDRS2_2,, MDS-UPDRS - Chewing and Swallowing,NCIT:C100488,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, have you usually had problems swallowing pills or eating meals?","UPD2-Chewing and Swallowing, MDS-UPDRS - Chewing and Swallowing, UPD2203",NP2SWAL,NP2SWAL,u_q2_3,NP2SWAL,,,46236382.0,FIVEUPDRS2_3,, MDS-UPDRS - Eating Tasks,NCIT:C100489,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, have you usually had troubles handling your food and using eating utensils?","UPD2204, UPD2-Eating Tasks, MDS-UPDRS - Eating Tasks",NP2EAT,NP2EAT,u_q2_4,NP2EAT,,,,FIVEUPDRS2_4,, MDS-UPDRS - Dressing,NCIT:C100490,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, have you usually had problems dressing?","UPD2-Dressing, MDS-UPDRS - Dressing, UPD2205",NP2DRES,NP2DRES,u_q2_5,NP2DRES,,,46236385.0,FIVEUPDRS2_5,, MDS-UPDRS - Hygiene,NCIT:C100491,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, have you usually been slow or do you need help with washing, bathing, shaving, brushing teeth, combing your hair or with other personal hygiene?","UPD2206, MDS-UPDRS - Hygiene, UPD2-Hygiene",NP2HYGN,NP2HYGN,u_q2_6,NP2HYGN,,,46236386.0,FIVEUPDRS2_6,, MDS-UPDRS - Handwriting,NCIT:C100492,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, have people usually had trouble reading your handwriting?","UPD2207, UPD2-Handwriting, MDS-UPDRS - Handwriting",NP2HWRT,NP2HWRT,u_q2_7,NP2HWRT,,,46236383.0,FIVEUPDRS2_7,, MDS-UPDRS - Doing Hobbies and Other Activities,NCIT:C100493,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, have you usually had trouble doing your hobbies or other things that you like to do?","UPD2208, MDS-UPDRS - Doing Hobbies and Other Activities, UPD2-Doing Hobbies/Other Activities",NP2HOBB,NP2HOBB,u_q2_8,NP2HOBB,,,,FIVEUPDRS2_8,, MDS-UPDRS - Turning in Bed,NCIT:C100494,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, do you usually have trouble turning over in bed?","UPD2-Turning in Bed, UPD2209, MDS-UPDRS - Turning in Bed",NP2TURN,NP2TURN,u_q2_9,NP2TURN,,,46236387.0,FIVEUPDRS2_9,, MDS-UPDRS - Tremor,NCIT:C100495,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, have you usually had shaking or tremor?","MDS-UPDRS - Tremor, UPD2210, UPD2-Tremor",NP2TRMR,NP2TRMR,u_q2_10,NP2TRMR,,,46236391.0,FIVEUPDRS2_10,, "MDS-UPDRS - Get Out of Bed, Car, or Deep Chair",NCIT:C101018,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, have you usually had trouble getting out of bed, a car seat, or a deep chair?","UPD2-Get Out of Bed/Car/Deep Chair, UPD2211, MDS-UPDRS - Get Out of Bed, Car, or Deep Chair",NP2RISE,NP2RISE,u_q2_11,NP2RISE,,,,FIVEUPDRS2_11,, MDS-UPDRS - Walking and Balance,NCIT:C100496,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, have you usually had problems with balance and walking?","UPD2-Walking and Balance, MDS-UPDRS - Walking and Balance, UPD2212",NP2WALK,NP2WALK,u_q2_12,NP2WALK,,,46236390.0,FIVEUPDRS2_12,, MDS-UPDRS - Freezing,NCIT:C100497,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Over the past week, on your usual day when walking, do you suddenly stop or freeze as if your feet are stuck to the floor?","UPD2-Freezing, MDS-UPDRS - Freezing, UPD2213",NP2FREZ,NP2FREZ,u_q2_13,NP2FREZ,,,,FIVEUPDRS2_13,, MDS-UPDRS Part II,,,,NP2PTOT,No total score.,u_part2_score,No total score.,UPDRS_II,,,,, MDS-UPDRS - Speech Problems,NCIT:C100502,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Speech problems.,"MDS-UPDRS - Speech Problems, UPD2301, UPD2-Speech Problems, ",NP3SPCH,NP3SPCH,u_q3_1,NP3SPCH,UPDRS_speech,updrs_speech,40768722.0,FIVEUpdrs3_1,, MDS-UPDRS - Facial Expression,NCIT:C100503,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Facial expression.,"UPD2302, UPD2-Facial Expression, MDS-UPDRS - Facial Expression",NP3FACXP,NP3FACXP,u_q3_2,NP3FACXP,,,40768723.0,FIVEUPDRS3_2,, MDS-UPDRS - Rigidity Neck,NCIT:C100504,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Rigidity neck.,"UPD2-Rigidity Neck, MDS-UPDRS - Rigidity Neck, UPD2303A",NP3RIGN,NP3RIGN,u_q3_3_1,NP3RIGN,,,40768721.0,,, MDS-UPDRS - Rigidity Right Upper Extremity,NCIT:C100505,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Rigidity right upper extremity.,"UPD2-Rigidity RT Upper Extremity, UPD2303B, MDS-UPDRS - Rigidity Right Upper Extremity",NP3RIGRU,NP3RIGRU,u_q3_3_2,NP3RIGRU,,,40768873.0,,, MDS-UPDRS - Rigidity Left Upper Extremity,NCIT:C100506,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Rigidity left upper extremity.,"UPD2303C, UPD2-Rigidity Left Upper Extremity, MDS-UPDRS - Rigidity Left Upper Extremity",NP3RIGLU,NP3RIGLU,u_q3_3_3,NP3RIGLU,,,40768874.0,,, MDS-UPDRS - Rigidity Right Lower Extremity,NCIT:C100507,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Rigidity right lower extremity.,"UPD2-Rigidity RT Lower Extremity, MDS-UPDRS - Rigidity Right Lower Extremity, UPD2303D",NP3RIGRL,PN3RIGRL,u_q3_3_4,NP3RIGRL,,,40768875.0,,, MDS-UPDRS - Rigidity Left Lower Extremity,NCIT:C100508,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Rigidity left lower extremity.,"UPD2-Rigidity Left Lower Extremity, UPD2303E, MDS-UPDRS - Rigidity Left Lower Extremity",NP3RIGLL,NP3RIGLL,u_q3_3_5,NP3RIGLL,,,40768876.0,,, MDS-UPDRS - Right Finger Tapping,NCIT:C100509,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Right finger tapping.,"UPD2-Right Finger Tapping, MDS-UPDRS - Right Finger Tapping, UPD2304A",NP3FTAPR,NP3FTAPR,u_q3_4_1,NP3FTAPR,,,40768384.0,FIVEUPDRS3_4r,, MDS-UPDRS - Left Finger Tapping,NCIT:C100510,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Left finger tapping.,"UPD2-Left Finger Tapping, MDS-UPDRS - Left Finger Tapping, UPD2304B",NP3FTAPL,NP3FTAPL,u_q3_4_2,NP3FTAPL,,,40768385.0,FIVEUPDRS3_4l,, MDS-UPDRS - Right Hand Movements,NCIT:C100511,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Right hand movements.,"UPD2305A, UPD2-Right Hand Movements, MDS-UPDRS - Right Hand Movements",NP3HMOVR,NP3HMOVR,u_q3_5_1,NP3HMOVR,,,40768386.0,FIVEUPDRS3_5r,, MDS-UPDRS - Left Hand Movements,NCIT:C100512,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Left hand movements.,"MDS-UPDRS - Left Hand Movements, UPD2305B, UPD2-Left Hand Movements",NP3HMOVL,NP3HMOVL,u_q3_5_2,NP3HMOVL,,,40768387.0,,, MDS-UPDRS - Pronanation-Supination Movement of Right Hand,NCIT:C100513,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Pronation-supination movements of right hand.,"UPD2306A, UPD2-Pron/Sup Movement of RT Hand, MDS-UPDRS - Pronanation-Supination Movement of Right Hand",NP3PRSPR,NP3PRSPR,u_q3_6_1,NP3PRSPR,,,,FIVEUPDRS3_6r,, MDS-UPDRS - Pronanation-Supination Movement of Left Hand,NCIT:C100514,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Pronation-supination movements of left hand.,"UPD2-Pron/Sup Movement of Left Hand, MDS-UPDRS - Pronanation-Supination Movement of Left Hand, UPD2306B",NP3PRSPL,NP3PRSPL,u_q3_6_2,NP3PRSPL,,,,FIVEUPDRS3_6l,, MDS-UPDRS - Right Toe Tapping,NCIT:C100515,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Right toe tapping.,"MDS-UPDRS - Right Toe Tapping, UPD2-Right Toe Tapping, UPD2307A",NP3TTAPR,NP3TTAPR,u_q3_7_1,NP3TTAPR,,,,FIVEUPDRS3_7r,, MDS-UPDRS - Left Toe Tapping,NCIT:C100516,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Left toe tapping.,"UPD2307B, MDS-UPDRS - Left Toe Tapping, UPD2-Left Toe Tapping",NP3TTAPL,NP3TTAPL,u_q3_7_2,NP3TTAPL,,,,FIVEUPDRS3_7l,, MDS-UPDRS - Right Leg Agility,NCIT:C100517,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Right leg agility.,"UPD2308A, UPD2-Right Leg Agility, MDS-UPDRS - Right Leg Agility",NP3LGAGR,NP3LGAGR,u_q3_8_1,NP3LGAGR,,,40768390.0,FIVEUPDRS3_8r,, MDS-UPDRS - Left Leg Agility,NCIT:C100518,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Left leg agility.,"UPD2-Left Leg Agility, MDS-UPDRS - Left Leg Agility, UPD2308B",NP3LGAGL,NP3LGAGL,u_q3_8_2,NP3LGAGL,,,40768391.0,FIVEUPDRS3_8l,, MDS-UPDRS - Arising from Chair,NCIT:C100519,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Arising from chair.,"UPD2-Arising from Chair, MDS-UPDRS - Arising from Chair, UPD2309",NP3RISNG,NP3RISNG,u_q3_9,NP3RISNG,,,40768392.0,FIVEUPDRS3_9,, MDS-UPDRS - Gait,NCIT:C100520,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Gait.,"UPD2-Gait, UPD2310, MDS-UPDRS - Gait",NP3GAIT,NP3GAIT,u_q3_10,NP3GAIT,,,40768394.0,FIVEUPDRS3_10,, MDS-UPDRS - Freezing of Gait,NCIT:C100521,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Freezing of gait.,"MDS-UPDRS - Freezing of Gait, UPD2-Freezing of Gait, UPD2311",NP3FRZGT,NP3FRZGT,u_q3_11,NP3FRZGT,,,,FIVEUPDRS3_11,, MDS-UPDRS - Postural Stability,NCIT:C100522,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Postural stability.,"UPD2312, UPD2-Postural Stability, MDS-UPDRS - Postural Stability",NP3PSTBL,NP3PSTBL,u_q3_12,NP3PSTBL,,,40768395.0,FIVEUPDRS3_12,, MDS-UPDRS - Posture,NCIT:C100523,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Posture.,"UPD2-Posture, MDS-UPDRS - Posture, UPD2313",NP3POSTR,NP3POSTR,u_q3_13,NP3POSTR,,,40768393.0,,, MDS-UPDRS - Body Bradykinesia,NCIT:C100524,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Global spontaneity of movement (body bradykinesia).,"UPD2-Body Bradykinesia, UPD2314, MDS-UPDRS - Body Bradykinesia",NP3BRADY,NP3BRADY,u_q3_14,NP3BRADY,,,40768499.0,FIVEUPDRS3_14,, MDS-UPDRS - Postural Tremor of Right Hand,NCIT:C100525,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Postural tremor of the right hand.,"MDS-UPDRS - Postural Tremor of Right Hand, UPD2315A, UPD2-Postural Tremor of Right Hand",NP3PTRMR,NP3PTRMR,u_q3_15_1,NP3PTRMR,,,,FIVEUPDRS3_15r,, MDS-UPDRS - Postural Tremor of Left Hand,NCIT:C113882,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Postural Tremor of the Left Hand.,"UPD2-Postural Tremor of Left Hand, UPD2315B, MDS-UPDRS - Postural Tremor of Left Hand",NP3PTRML,NP3PTRML,u_q3_15_2,NP3PTRML,,,,FIVEUPDRS3_15l,, MDS-UPDRS - Kinetic Tremor of Right Hand,NCIT:C113883,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Kinetic Tremor of the Right Hand.,"MDS-UPDRS - Kinetic Tremor of Right Hand, UPD2-Kinetic Tremor of Right Hand, UPD2316A",NP3KTRMR,NP3KTRMR,u_q3_16_1,NP3KTRMR,,,,FIVEUPDRS3_16r,, MDS-UPDRS - Kinetic Tremor of Left Hand,NCIT:C100526,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Kinetic tremor of the left hand.,"UPD2-Kinetic Tremor of Left Hand, UPD2316B, MDS-UPDRS - Kinetic Tremor of Left Hand",NP3KTRML,NP3KTRML,u_q3_16_2,NP3KTRML,,,,FIVEUPDRS3_16l,, MDS-UPDRS - Rest Tremor Amplitude Right Upper Extremity,NCIT:C100527,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Rest tremor amplitude right upper extremity.,"UPD2-Rest Tremor Amplitude RUE, UPD2317A, MDS-UPDRS - Rest Tremor Amplitude Right Upper Extremity",NP3RTARU,NP3RTARU,u_q3_17_1,NP3RTARU,,,,FIVEUPDRS3_17rue,, MDS-UPDRS - Rest Tremor Amplitude Left Upper Extremity,NCIT:C100528,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Rest tremor amplitude left upper extremity.,"MDS-UPDRS - Rest Tremor Amplitude Left Upper Extremity, UPD2-Rest Tremor Amplitude LUE, UPD2317B",NP3RTALU,NP3RTALU,u_q3_17_2,NP3RTALU,,,,FIVEUPDRS3_17lue,, MDS-UPDRS - Rest Tremor Amplitude Right Lower Extremity,NCIT:C100529,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Rest tremor amplitude right lower extremity.,"UPD2-Rest Tremor Amplitude RLE, UPD2317C, MDS-UPDRS - Rest Tremor Amplitude Right Lower Extremity",NP3RTARL,NP3RTARL,u_q3_17_3,NP3RTARL,,,,FIVEUPDRS3_17rle,, MDS-UPDRS - Rest Tremor Amplitude Left Lower Extremity,NCIT:C100530,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Rest tremor amplitude left lower extremity.,"UPD2-Rest Tremor Amplitude LLE, MDS-UPDRS - Rest Tremor Amplitude Left Lower Extremity, UPD2317D",NP3RTALL,NP3RTALL,u_q3_17_4,NP3RTALL,,,,FIVEUPDRS3_17lle,, MDS-UPDRS - Rest Tremor Amplitude Lip or Jaw,NCIT:C100531,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Rest tremor amplitude lip/jaw.,"UPD2317E, UPD2-Rest Tremor Amplitude Lip/Jaw, MDS-UPDRS - Rest Tremor Amplitude Lip or Jaw",NP3RTALJ,NP3RTALJ,u_q3_17_5,NP3RTALJ,,,,FIVEUPDRS3_17lj,, MDS-UPDRS - Consistency of Rest Tremor,NCIT:C100532,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Consistency of rest tremor.,"UPD2-Consistency of Rest Tremor, MDS-UPDRS - Consistency of Rest Tremor, UPD2318",NP3RTCON,NP3RTCON,u_q3_18,NP3RTCON,,,,FIVEUPDRS3_18,, MDS-UPDRS - Dyskinesias During Exam,NCIT:C100533,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Were dyskinesias (chorea or dystonia) present during examination?,"UPD2-Dyskinesias During Exam, UPD2DA, MDS-UPDRS - Dyskinesias During Exam",DYSKPRES,DYSKPRES,u_q19,DYSKPRES,,af_a_dyskinesias,,FIVEUPDRS3_dysa,, MDS-UPDRS - Movements Interfere with Ratings,NCIT:C100534,"The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) If yes, did these movements interfere with your ratings?","UPD2-Movements Interfere Ratings, UPD2DB, MDS-UPDRS - Movements Interfere with Ratings",DYSKIRAT,DYSKIRAT,u_q20,DYSKIRAT,,af_b_interfere,,FIVEUPDRS3_dysb,, MDS-UPDRS - Hoehn and Yahr Stage,NCIT:C100535,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Hoehn and Yahr Stage.,"UPD2HY, UPD2-Hoehn and Yahr Stage, MDS-UPDRS - Hoehn and Yahr Stage",NHY,NHY,,NHY,,,,FIVEUPDRS3_hy,, MDS-UPDRS Part III,,,,NP3TOT,No total score.,u_part3_score,No total score.,UPDRS_III,updrs_iii,,,, MDS-UPDRS - Time Spent with Dyskinesias,NCIT:C100536,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Time spent with dyskinesias.,"UPD2-Time Spent with Dyskinesias, UPD2401, MDS-UPDRS - Time Spent with Dyskinesias",NP4WDYSK,NP4WDYSK,u_q4_1,NP4WDYSK,,,,FIVEUPDRS4_1,, MDS-UPDRS - Time Spent with Dyskinesias - Total Hours Awake,,,,NP4WDYSKDEN,,u_q4_1_1,,,,,FIVEUPDRS4_1tot,, MDS-UPDRS - Time Spent with Dyskinesias - Total Hours with Dyskinesia,,,,NP4WDYSKNUM,,u_q4_1_2,,,,,FIVEUPDRS4_1dys,, MDS-UPDRS - Time Spent with Dyskinesias - Percent Dyskinesia,,,,NP4WDYSKPCT,,u_q4_1_3,,,,,FIVEUPDRS4_1percent,, MDS-UPDRS - Functional Impact of Dyskinesias,NCIT:C100537,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Functional impact of dyskinesias.,"UPD2402, UPD2-Functional Impact Dyskinesias, MDS-UPDRS - Functional Impact of Dyskinesias",NP4DYSKI,NP4DYSKI,u_q4_2,NP4DYSKI,,,,FIVEUPDRS4_2,, MDS-UPDRS - Time Spent in the Off State,NCIT:C100538,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Time spent in the off state.,"UPD2403, UPD2-Time Spent in the Off State, MDS-UPDRS - Time Spent in the Off State",NP4OFF,NP4OFF,u_q4_3,NP4OFF,,,,FIVEUPDRS4_3,, MDS-UPDRS - Time Spent in the Off State - Total Hours Awake,,,,NP4OFFNUM,,u_q4_3_1,,,,,FIVEUPDRS4_3tot,, MDS-UPDRS - Time Spent in the Off State - Total Hours Off,,,,NP4OFFDEN,,u_q4_3_2,,,,,FIVEUPDRS4_3off,, MDS-UPDRS - Time Spent in the Off State - Percent Off,,,,NP4OFFPCT,,u_q4_3_3,,,,,FIVEUPDRS4_3percent,, MDS-UPDRS - Functional Impact of Fluctuations,NCIT:C100539,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Functional impact of fluctuations.,"UPD2-Functional Impact Fluctuations, UPD2404, MDS-UPDRS - Functional Impact of Fluctuations",NP4FLCTI,NP4FLCTI,u_q4_4,NP4FLCTI,,,,FIVEUPDRS4_4,, MDS-UPDRS - Complexity of Motor Fluctuations,NCIT:C100540,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Complexity of motor fluctuations.,"UPD2405, UPD2-Complexity Motor Fluctuations, MDS-UPDRS - Complexity of Motor Fluctuations",NP4FLCTX,NP4FLCTX,u_q4_5,NP4FLCTX,,,,FIVEUPDRS4_5,, MDS-UPDRS - Painful Off-state Dystonia,NCIT:C100541,The Movement Disorder Society version of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) Painful off-state dystonia.,"UPD2-Painful Off-state Dystonia, UPD2406, MDS-UPDRS - Painful Off-state Dystonia",NP4DYSTN,NP4DYSTN,u_q4_6,NP4DYSTN,,,,FIVEUPDRS4_6,, MDS-UPDRS - Painful Off-state Dystonia - Total Hours Off,,,,NP4DYSTNNUM,,u_q4_6_1,,,,,FIVEUPDRS4_6off,, MDS-UPDRS - Painful Off-state Dystonia - Total Hours Off with Dystonia,,,,NP4DYSTNDEN,,u_q4_6_2,,,,,FIVEUPDRS4_6offdys,, MDS-UPDRS - Painful Off-state Dystonia - Percent Off Dystonia,,,,NP4DYSTNPCT,,u_q4_6_3,,,,,FIVEUPDRS4_6percent,, MDS-UPDRS Part IV,,,,NP4TOT,No total score.,u_part4_score,No total score.,UPDRS_IV,updrs_iv,,,, UPDRS - Modified Hoehn and Yahr Staging,NCIT:C100943,Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) Modified Hoehn and Yahr Staging.,"UPD1-Modified Hoehn and Yahr Staging, UPD143, UPDRS - Modified Hoehn and Yahr Stagin",,,hoehn_and_yahr_staging,MODHY,,,46236404.0,FIVEUPDRS3_hy,, RBDSQ - Vivid Dreams,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Vivid Dreams,,DRMVIVID,DRMVIVID,rem_q1,DRMVIVID,,,46238155.0,NonMoveDream,, RBDSQ - Aggressive or Action-packed dreams,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Aggressive or Action-packed dreams,,DRMAGRAC,DRMAGRAC,rem_q2,DRMAGRAC,,,,NonMoveTalk,, RBDSQ - Nocturnal Behaviour,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Nocturnal Behaviour,,DRMNOCTB,DRMNOCTB,rem_q3,DRMNOCTB,,,,,, RBDSQ - Move Arms/Legs,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Move Arms/Legs,,SLPLMBMV,SLPLMBMV,rem_q4,SLPLMBMV,,,,NonMoveTalk,, RBDSQ - Hurt Bed Partner,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Hurt Bed Partner,,SLPINJUR,SLPINJUR,rem_q5,SLPINJUR,,,,,, RBDSQ - Speaking In Sleep,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Speaking In Sleep,,DRMVERBL,DRMVERBL,rem_q6,DRMVERBL,,,,,, RBDSQ - Sudden Limb Movements,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Sudden Limb Movements,,DRMFIGHT,DRMFIGHT,rem_q7,DRMFIGHT,,,,,, RBDSQ - Complex Movements,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Complex Movements,,DRMUMV,DRMUMV,rem_q8,DRMUMV,,,,,, RBDSQ - Things Fell Down,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Things Fell Down,,DRMOBJFL,DRMOBJFL,rem_q9,DRMOBJFL,,,,,, RBDSQ - My Movements Awake Me,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - My Movements Awake Me,,MVAWAKEN,MVAWAKEN,rem_q10,MVAWAKEN,,,,,, RBDSQ - Remember Dreams,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Remember Dreams,,DRMREMEM,DRMREMEM,rem_q11,DRMREMEM,,,,,, RBDSQ - Sleep Is Disturbed,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Sleep Is Disturbed,,SLPDSTRB,SLPDSTRB,rem_q12,SLPDSTRB,,,,,, RBDSQ - Stroke,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Stroke,,STROKE,STROKE,rem_q13,STROKE,,,,,, RBDSQ - Head Trauma,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Head Trauma,,HETRA,HETRA,rem_q13,HETRA,,,,,, RBDSQ - Parkinsonism,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Parkinsonism,,PARKISM,PARKISM,rem_q13,PARKISM,,,,,, RBDSQ - RLS,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Restless Legs Syndrome,,RLS,RLS,rem_q13,RLS,restless_legs,,,RLS,, RBDSQ - Narcolepsy,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Narcolepsy,,NARCLPSY,NARCLPSY,rem_q13,NARCLPSY,,,,,, RBDSQ - Depression,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Depression,,DEPRS,DEPRS,rem_q13,DEPRS,,,,DepressionHx,, RBDSQ - Epilepsy,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Epilepsy,,EPILEPSY,EPILEPSY,rem_q13,EPILEPSY,,,,Epilep,, RBDSQ - Inflammatory Disease of the Brain,,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Inflammatory Disease of the Brain,,BRNINFM,BRNINFM,rem_q13,BRNINFM,,,,,, REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire,NCIT:C187517,REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire - Total Score,"REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire, RBD1, RBDSQ",No total score.,No total score.,rem_score,No total score.,RBD_total,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Difficulty Swallowing,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, have you had difficulty swallowing or have you choked?",,SCAU1,,scopa_q1,SCAU1,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Saliva Dribbled,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, has saliva dribbled out of your mouth?",,SCAU2,,scopa_q2,SCAU2,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Food Stuck in Throat,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, has food ever become stuck in your throat?",,SCAU3,,scopa_q3,SCAU3,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Feeling Full Quickly During Meal,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, did you ever have the feeling during a meal that you were full very quickly?",,SCAU4,,scopa_q4,SCAU4,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Constipation,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, have you had problems with constipation?",,SCAU5,,scopa_q5,SCAU5,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Strain Hard to Pass Stools,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, did you have to strain hard to pass stools?",,SCAU6,,scopa_q6,SCAU6,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Involuntary Loss of Stool,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, have you had involuntary loss of stools?",,SCAU7,,scopa_q7,SCAU7,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Subscore Gastrointestinal,,Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - Subscore Gastrointestinal,,No total score.,No total score.,scopa_subscore_gastro,No total score.,scopa_aut_gastro,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Use of Catheter,,Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - Do you use a catheter?,,,,scopa_catheter,,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Difficulty Retaining Urine,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, have you had difficulty retaining urine?",,SCAU8,,scopa_q8,SCAU8,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Involuntary Loss of Urine,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, have you had involuntary loss of urine?",,SCAU9,,scopa_q9,SCAU9,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Bladder Not Empty,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, have you had the feeling that after passing urine your bladder was not completely empty?",,SCAU10,,scopa_q10,SCAU10,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Weak Stream of Urine,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, has the stream of urine been weak?",,SCAU11,,scopa_q11,SCAU11,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Need to Pass Urine Again in 2 Hours,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, have you had to pass urine again within 2 hours of the previous time?",,SCAU12,,scopa_q12,SCAU12,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Need to Pass Urine at Night,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, have you had to pass urine at night?",,SCAU13,,scopa_q13,SCAU13,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Subscore Urinary,,Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - Subscore Urinary,,No total score.,No total score.,scopa_subscore_urinary,No total score.,scopa_aut_urinary,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Feel of Light Headedness While Standing Up,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, when standing up have you had the feeling of becoming either light-headed, or no longer being able to see properly or no longer being able to think clearly?",,SCAU14,,scopa_q14,SCAU14,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Light Headedness After Standing Up,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, did you become light-headed after standing for some time?",,SCAU15,,scopa_q15,SCAU15,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Fainted in 6 Months,,Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - Have you fainted in the past 6 months?,,SCAU16,,scopa_q16,SCAU16,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Subscore Cardiovascular,,Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - Subscore Cardiovascular,,No total score.,No total score.,scopa_subscore_cardiovasc,No total score.,scopa_aut_cardio,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Perspired Excessively During Day,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, have you ever perspired excessively during the day?",,SCAU17,,scopa_q17,SCAU17,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Perspired Excessively During Night,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, have you ever perspired excessively during the night?",,SCAU18,,scopa_q18,SCAU18,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Eyes Oversensitive to Bright Light,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, have your eyes ever been oversensitive to bright light?",,SCAU19,,scopa_q19,SCAU19,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Trouble Tolerating Cold,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, how often have you had trouble tolerating cold?",,SCAU20,,scopa_q20,SCAU20,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Trouble Tolerating Heat,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, how often have you had trouble tolerating the heat?",,SCAU21,,scopa_q21,SCAU21,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Subscore Thermoregulatory Dysfunction,,Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - Subscore Thermoregulatory Dysfunction,,No total score.,No total score.,scopa_subscore_thermo,No total score.,scopa_aut_thermo,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Subscore Pupillomotor Dysfunction,,Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - Subscore Pupillomotor Dysfunction,,No total score.,No total score.,scopa_subscore_pupillo,No total score.,scopa_aut_puppillo,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Unable to Have or Maintain an Erection,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, have you been impotent (unable to have or maintain an erection)?",,SCAU22,,scopa_q22,SCAU22,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Unable to Ejaculate,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, how often have you been unable to ejaculate?",,SCAU23,,scopa_q23,SCAU23,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Use of Medication for Erection Disorder,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, have you taken medication for an erection disorder?",,SCAU23A,,scopa_q23a,SCAU23A,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Which Medication Was Used for Erection Disorder,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, which medication you have taken for an erection disorder?",,SCAU23AT,,scopa_q23a2,SCAU23AT,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Subscore Sexual Dysfunction Men,,Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - Subscore Sexual Dysfunction Men,,No total score.,No total score.,scopa_subscore_sexmen,No total score.,scopa_aut_sexual_male,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Dry Vagina During Sex,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, was your vagina too dry during sexual activity?",,SCAU24,,scopa_q24,SCAU24,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Difficulty Reaching Organism,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, have you had difficulty reaching an orgasm?",,SCAU25,,scopa_q25,SCAU25,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Subscore Sexual Dysfunction Women,,Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - Subscore Sexual Dysfunction Women,,No total score.,No total score.,scopa_subscore_sexwomen,No total score.,scopa_aut_sexual_female,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Use of Medication for Constipation,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, have you used medication for constipation?",,SCAU26A,,scopa_q26a,SCAU26A,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Which Medication Was Used for Constipation,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, which medication you have taken for constipation?",,SCAU26AT,,scopa_q26a2,SCAU26AT,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Use of Medication for Urinary Problems,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, have you used medication for urinary problems?",,SCAU26B,,scopa_q26b,SCAU26B,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Which Medication Was Used for Urinary Problems,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, which medication you have taken for urinary problems?",,SCAU26BT,,scopa_q26b2,SCAU26BT,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Use of Medication for Blood Pressure,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, have you used medication for blood pressure?",,SCAU26C,,scopa_q26c,SCAU26C,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Which Medication Was Used for Blood Pressure,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, which medication you have taken for blood pressure?",,SCAU26CT,,scopa_q26c2,SCAU26CT,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Use of Medication for Other Symptoms,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, have you used medication for other symptoms?",,SCAU26D,,scopa_q26d,SCAU26D,,,,,, SCOPA-AUT - Which Medication Was Used for Other Symptoms,,"Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire - In the past month, which medication you have taken for other symptoms?",,SCAU26DT,,scopa_q26d2,SCAU26DT,,,,,, Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire,NCIT:C187513,A specific 23-item self-completed questionnaire for the assessment of autonomic dysfunction in patients with PD.,"SP1, SCOPA-AUT, Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease - Autonomic Dysfunction Questionnaire",No total score.,No total score.,scopa_score,No total score.,No total score.,,,,, Symbol Digit Modalities Functional Test,NCIT:C115793,"A standardized rating scale developed by Aaron Smith in 1982, which is used to identify individuals with neurological impairment, as well as to assess divided attention, visual scanning and motor speed. This functional test measures the time to pair abstract symbols with specific numbers with a 90 second time limit. Scoring of this test is based on the total number of correctly coded items from 0-110 in 90 seconds.","SDMT, Symbol Digit Modalities Functional Test, SDMT01",SDMTOTAL,,,No total score.,,,37397676.0,,F4000_6, UPSIT - Book 1 Score,,The University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT) - Book 1 score,,,,,upsitbk1,,,,,, UPSIT - Book 2 Score,,The University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT) - Book 2 score,,,,,upsitbk2,,,,,, UPSIT - Book 3 Score,,The University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT) - Book 3 score,,,,,upsitbk3,,,,,, UPSIT - Book 4 Score,,The University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT) - Book 4 score,,,,,upsitbk4,,,,,, The University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test,,"The University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT) provides an absolute indication of smell loss (anosmia; mild, moderate, or severe microsomia) as well as an index to detect malingering.",,TOTAL_CORRECT,,,No total score.,upsit_total,,,,, LBCRS - Question 1,,Lewy Body Composite Risk Score - Have slowness in initiating and maintaining movement or have frequent hesitations or pauses during movement?,,,,lbcrs_q1,,,,,,, LBCRS - Question 2,,Lewy Body Composite Risk Score - Have rigidity (with or without cogwheeling) on passive range of motion in any of the 4 extremities?,,,,lbcrs_q2,,,,,,, LBCRS - Question 3,,Lewy Body Composite Risk Score - Have a loss of postural stability (balance) with or without frequent falls?,,,,lbcrs_q3,,,,,,, LBCRS - Question 4,,Lewy Body Composite Risk Score - Have a tremor at rest in any of the 4 extremities or head?,,,,lbcrs_q4,,,,,,, LBCRS - Question 5,,Lewy Body Composite Risk Score - Have excessive daytime sleepiness and/or seem drowsy and lethargic when awake?,,,,lbcrs_q5,,,,,,, LBCRS - Question 6,,"Lewy Body Composite Risk Score - Have episodes of illogical thinking or incoherent, random thoughts?",,,,lbcrs_q6,,,,,,, LBCRS - Question 7,,Lewy Body Composite Risk Score - Have frequent staring spells or periods of blank looks?,,,,lbcrs_q7,,,,,,, LBCRS - Question 8,,Lewy Body Composite Risk Score - Have visual hallucinations (see things not really there)?,,,,lbcrs_q8,,,,,,, LBCRS - Question 9,,"Lewy Body Composite Risk Score - Appear to act out his/her dreams (kick, punch, thrash, shout or scream)?",,,,lbcrs_q9,,,,,,, LBCRS - Question 10,,Lewy Body Composite Risk Score - Have orthostatic hypotension or other signs of autonomic insufficiency?,,,,lbcrs_q10,,,,,,, Lewy Body Composite Risk Score,,A 10-item questionnaire to capture signs and symptoms associated with Lewy body pathology. A score of 3 or greater represents a high probability that Lewy bodies are contributing to cognitive decline.,,,,lbcrs_score,,,,,,, Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire-8,,The 8-item version of the Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-8) is a shortened version of the 39-item Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39). It was developed to reduce the respondent burden and increase convenience for use among persons with Parkinson's Disease in clinical settings.,,,,,,PDQ8_total,,,,, PDQ39 - Difficulty Doing Leisure Activities,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Had difficulty doing the leisure activities which you would like to do?,,,,pdq39_q1,,,,,MoveHobby,, PDQ39 - Difficulty Looking After Home,,"Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Had difficulty looking after your home, e.g. DIY, housework, cooking?",,,,pdq39_q2,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Difficulty Carrying Bags,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Had difficulty carrying bags of shopping?,,,,pdq39_q3,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Problems Walking Half a Mile,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Had problems walking half a mile?,,,,pdq39_q4,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Problems Walking Hundred Yards,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Had problems walking 100 yards?,,,,pdq39_q5,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Problems Getting Around the House,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Had problems getting around the house as easily as you would like?,,,,pdq39_q6,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Difficulty Getting Around Public,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Had difficulty getting around in public?,,,,pdq39_q7,,,,,LivePDMove,, PDQ39 - Needed Someone to Accompany,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Needed someone else to accompany you when you went out?,,,,pdq39_q8,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Worried About Falling,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Felt frightened or worried about falling over in public?,,,,pdq39_q9,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Confined to the House,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Been confined to the house more than you would like?,,,,pdq39_q10,,,,,EpisodeOffConfine,, PDQ39 - Mobility Score,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Mobility score,,,,pdq39_q1_q10_subscore2,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Difficulty washing,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Had difficulty washing yourself?,,,,pdq39_q11,,,,,EpisodeOffWash,, PDQ39 - Difficulty dressing,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Had difficulty dressing yourself?,,,,pdq39_q12,,,,,LivePDDress,, PDQ39 - Problems Doing Up Buttons,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Had problems doing up buttons or shoe laces?,,,,pdq39_q13,,,,,FIVEPDButtons,, PDQ39 - Problems Writing,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Had problems writing clearly?,,,,pdq39_q14,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Difficulty Cutting Food,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Had difficulty cutting up your food?,,,,pdq39_q15,,,,,MoveEat,, PDQ39 - Difficulty Holding a Drink,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Had difficulty holding a drink without spilling it?,,,,pdq39_q16,,,,,,, PDQ39 - ADL Score,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Activities of daily living score,,,,pdq39_q11_q16_subscore2,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Felt Depressed,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Felt depressed?,,,,pdq39_q17,,,,,LivePDDepress,, PDQ39 - Felt Isolated,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Felt isolated and lonely?,,,,pdq39_q18,,,,,ImpactThinkAlone,, PDQ39 - Felt Weepy,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Felt weepy or tearful?,,,,pdq39_q19,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Felt Angry,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Felt angry or bitter?,,,,pdq39_q20,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Felt Anxious,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Felt anxious?,,,,pdq39_q21,,,,,Anxious,, PDQ39 - Felt Worried About Future,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Felt worried about your future?,,,,pdq39_q22,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Emotional Well Being Score,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Emotional well being score,,,,pdq39_q17_q22_subscore2,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Felt to Conceal Parkinson's From People,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Felt you had to conceal your Parkinson's from people?,,,,pdq39_q23,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Avoided Eating in Public,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Avoided situations which involve eating or drinking in public?,,,,pdq39_q24,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Felt Embarrased in Person,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Felt embarrassed in public due to having Parkinson's disease?,,,,pdq39_q25,,,,,LivePDEmbar,, PDQ39 - Felt Worried by Other People's Reaction,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Felt worried by other people's reaction to you?,,,,pdq39_q26,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Stigma Score,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Felt worried by other people's reaction to you?,,,,pdq39_q23_q26_score2,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Problems with Close Relationships,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Had problems with your close personal relationships?,,,,pdq39_q27,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Lacked Support From Spouse,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Lacked support in the ways you need from your spouse or partner?,,,,pdq39_q28,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Lacked Support From Family,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Lacked support in the ways you need from your family or close friends?,,,,pdq39_q29,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Social Support Score,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Social support score,,,,pdq39_q27_q29_score2,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Fallen Asleep During Day,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Unexpectedly fallen asleep during the day?,,,,pdq39_q30,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Problems with Concentration,,"Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Had problems with your concentration, e.g. when reading or watching TV?",,,,pdq39_q31,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Felt Bad Memory,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Felt your memory was bad?,,,,pdq39_q32,,,,,EpisodeOffMem,, PDQ39 - Distressing Dreams,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Had distressing dreams or hallucinations?,,,,pdq39_q33,,,,,ImpactMoveHallucinate,, PDQ39 - Cognitive Impairment Score,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Cognitive impairment score,,,,pdq39_q30_q33_score2,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Difficulty with Speech,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Had difficulty with your speech?,,,,pdq39_q34,,,,,MoveSpeech,, PDQ39 - Felt Unable to Communicate,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Felt unable to communicate with people properly?,,,,pdq39_q35,,,,,LivePDComm,, PDQ39 - Felt Ignored,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Felt ignored by people?,,,,pdq39_q36,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Communication Score,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Communication score,,,,pdq39_q34_q36_score2,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Painful Muscle Cramps,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Had painful muscle cramps or spasms?,,,,pdq39_q37,,,,,LivePDPain,, PDQ39 - Aches in Joint,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Had aches and pains in your joints or body?,,,,pdq39_q38,,,,,ImpactMovePain,, PDQ39 - Felt Hot or Cold,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Felt unpleasently hot or cold?,,,,pdq39_q39,,,,,,, PDQ39 - Bodily Discomfort Score,,Parkinson's Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire - Bodily discomfort score,,,,pdq39_q36_q39_score2,,,,,,, Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire-39,NCIT:C187514,"The Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) assesses how often people with Parkinson's experience difficulties across 8 dimensions of daily living including relationships, social situations and communication.","PDQ-39, Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire-39, PD01",,,pdq39_score2,,,,,,, SAS - Interested in Learning New Things ,,Starkstein Apathy Scale - Are you interested in learning new things?,,,,spark_q1,,,,,FatigueLastWeekLearning,, SAS - Does Anything Interest You,,Starkstein Apathy Scale - Does anything interest you?,,,,spark_q2,,,,,FatigueLastWeekInterest,, SAS - Concerned About Condition,,Starkstein Apathy Scale - Are you concerned about your condition?,,,,spark_q3,,,,,FatigueLastWeekConcern,, SAS - Put Much Effort,,Starkstein Apathy Scale - Do you put much effort into things?,,,,spark_q4,,,,,FatigueLastWeekEffort,, SAS - Looking For Something to Do,,Starkstein Apathy Scale - Are you always looking for something to do?,,,,spark_q5,,,,,FatigueLastWeekLooking,, SAS - Have Plans for Future,,Starkstein Apathy Scale - Do you have plans and goals for the future?,,,,spark_q6,,,,,FatigueLastWeekPlans,, SAS - Have Motivation,,Starkstein Apathy Scale - Do you have motivation?,,,,spark_q7,,,,,FatigueLastWeekMotivation,, SAS - Have Energy for Daily Activities,,Starkstein Apathy Scale - Do you have energy for daily activities?,,,,spark_q8,,,,,FatigueLastWeekEnerggy,, SAS - Need Someone to Tell What to Do,,Starkstein Apathy Scale - Does someone have to tell you what to do each day?,,,,spark_q9,,,,,FatigueLastWeekTellYou,, SAS - Indifferent to Things,,Starkstein Apathy Scale - Are you indifferent to things?,,,,spark_q10,,,,,FatigueLastWeekIndifferent,, SAS - Unconcerned with Things,,Starkstein Apathy Scale - Are you unconcerned with many things?,,,,spark_q11,,,,,FatigueLastWeekUnconcerned,, SAS - Need Push to Start,,Starkstein Apathy Scale - Do you need a push to get started on things?,,,,spark_q12,,,,,FatigueLastWeekNeedPush,, SAS - Not Happy Nor Sad,,"Starkstein Apathy Scale - Are you neither happy nor sad, just in between?",,,,spark_q13,,,,,FatigueLastWeekInBetween,, SAS - Consider Yourself Apathic,,Starkstein Apathy Scale - Would you consider yourself apathic?,,,,spark_q14,,,,,FatigueLastWeekApathetic,, Starkstein Apathy Scale,,Starkstein Apathy Scale - Total score,,,,spark_score,,,,,,, NMSS - Cardio Score,,Non-Motor Symptoms Scale for Parkinson's Disease (NMSS) - Total score of Domain 1 (Cardiovascular including falls).,,,,,,NMSS_cardio,,,,, NMSS - Sleep/Fatigue Score,,Non-Motor Symptoms Scale for Parkinson's Disease (NMSS) - Total score of Domain 2 (Sleep/fatigue).,,,,,,NMSS_sleep,,,,, NMSS - Mood/Cognition Score,,Non-Motor Symptoms Scale for Parkinson's Disease (NMSS) - Total score of Domain 3 (Mood/cognition).,,,,,,NMSS_mood,,,,, NMSS - Hallucination Score,,Non-Motor Symptoms Scale for Parkinson's Disease (NMSS) - Total score of Domain 4 (Perceptual problems/hallucination).,,,,,,NMSS_perception,,,,, NMSS - Attention Score,,Non-Motor Symptoms Scale for Parkinson's Disease (NMSS) - Total score of Domain 5 (Attention/memory).,,,,,,NMSS_attention,,,,, NMSS - GI Tract Score,,Non-Motor Symptoms Scale for Parkinson's Disease (NMSS) - Total score of Domain 6 (Gastrointestinal tract).,,,,,,NMSS_gastro,,,,, NMSS - Urinary Score,,Non-Motor Symptoms Scale for Parkinson's Disease (NMSS) - Total score of Domain 7 (Urinary).,,,,,,NMSS_urinary,,,,, NMSS - Sexual Function Score,,Non-Motor Symptoms Scale for Parkinson's Disease (NMSS) - Total score of Domain 8 (Sexual function).,,,,,,NMSS_sexual,,,,, NMSS - Miscellaneous Score,,Non-Motor Symptoms Scale for Parkinson's Disease (NMSS) - Total score of Domain 9 (Miscellaneous).,,,,,,NMSS_misc,,,,, NMSS - Sleep Score,,Non-Motor Symptoms Scale for Parkinson's Disease (NMSS) - Total score,,,,,,NMSS_total,,,,, PDSS - Quality of Night's Sleep,,Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale - The overall quality of your night's sleep is:,,,,pdss_q1,,,,,,, PDSS - Difficulty Falling Asleep,,Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale - Do you have difficulty falling asleep each night?,,,,pdss_q2,,,,,FatigueTroubleFallingAsleep,, PDSS - Difficulty Staying Asleep,,Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale - Do you have difficulty staying asleep?,,,,pdss_q3,,,,,FatigueStayingAwakeProblem,, PDSS - Restlessness of Arms and Legs,,Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale - Does restlessness in your legs or arms at night or in the evening disrupt your sleep?,,,,pdss_q4,,,,,FIVEPDShake,, PDSS - Fidget in Bed,,Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale - Do you fidget in bed?,,,,pdss_q5,,,,,,, PDSS - Suffer From Distressing Dreams,,Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale - Do you suffer from distressing dreams at night?,,,,pdss_q6,,,,,,, PDSS - Suffer From Distressing Hallucinations,,Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale - Do you suffer from distressing hallucinations at night (seeing or hearing things that you are told do not exist)?,,,,pdss_q7,,,,,FemMenoPrePDHallucinations,, PDSS - Get Up at Night to Pass Urine,,Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale - Do you get up at night to pass urine?,,,,pdss_q8,,,,,NonMoveUrinePM,, PDSS - Incontinence of Urine,,Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale - Do you have incontinence of urine because you are unable to move due to “off” symptoms?,,,,pdss_q9,,,,,,, PDSS - Numbness and Tingling in Arms,,"Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale - Do you experience numbness or tingling in your arms or legs, which wakes you from sleep at night?",,,,pdss_q10,,,,,,, PDSS - Painful Muscle Cramps in Arms,,Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale - Do you have painful muscle cramps in your arms or legs which wake you from sleep at night?,,,,pdss_q11,,,,,,, PDSS - Painful Posturing of Arms,,Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale - Do you wake early in the morning with painful posturing of your arms or legs?,,,,pdss_q12,,,,,,, PDSS - Experience Tremor,,Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale - On waking do you experience tremor?,,,,pdss_q13,,,,,,, PDSS - Feel Tired or Sleepy After Walking,,Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale - Do you feel tired and sleepy after waking in the morning?,,,,pdss_q14,,,,,,, PDSS - Unexpectedly Fallen Asleep,,Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale - Have you unexpectedly fallen asleep during the day?,,,,pdss_q15,,,,,FatigueLastMonthSleepDay,, Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale,,The Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale allows health and social care professionals and people with Parkinson's to self-rate and quantify the level of sleep disruption being experienced in order to target treatment appropriately.,,,,pdss_score,,PDSS_total,,,,, NMSQ - Dribbling of Saliva,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Dribbling of saliva during the daytime,,,,nms_1,,,,,NonMoveSaliva,, NMSQ - Change In Ability to Test,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Loss or change in your ability to taste or smell,,,,nms_2,,,,,NonMoveSmell,, NMSQ - Difficulty Swallowing Food,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Difficulty swallowing food or drink or problems with choking,,,,nms_3,,,,,NonMoveSwall,, NMSQ - Vomiting,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Vomiting or feelings of sickness (nausea),,,,nms_4,,,,,NonMoveVomit,, NMSQ - Constipation,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Constipation (less than 3 bowel movements a week) or having to strain to pass a stool (faeces),,,,nms_5,,,,,NonMoveConstip,, NMSQ - Bowel Incontinence,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Bowel (fecal) incontinence,,,,nms_6,,,,,NonMoveIBowelIncon,, NMSQ - Bowel Emptying Is Incomplete,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Feeling that your bowel emptying is incomplete after having been to the toilet,,,,nms_7,,,,,NonMoveBowelEmpty,, NMSQ - Urgency to Pass Urine,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - A sense of urgency to pass urine makes you rush to the toilet,,,,nms_8,,,,,NonMoveUrine,, NMSQ - Getting Up Regularly to Pass Urine,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Getting up regularly at night to pass urine,,,,nms_9,,,,,NonMoveUrinePM,, NMSQ - Unexplained Pains,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Unexplained pains (not due to known conditions such as arthritis) ,,,,nms_10,,,,,NonMovePain,, NMSQ - Unexplained Change In Weight,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Unexplained change in weight (not due to change in diet),,,,nms_11,,,,,NonMoveWeight,, NMSQ - Problem Remembering Things,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Problems remembering things that have happened recently or forgetting to do things,,,,nms_12,,,,,NonMoveForget,, NMSQ - Loss of Interest,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Loss of interest in what is happening around you or doing things,,,,nms_13,,,,,NonMoveInterest,, NMSQ - Seeing or Hearing Things,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Seeing or hearing things that you know or are told are not there,,,,nms_14,,,,,NonMoveSee,, NMSQ - Difficulty Concentrating,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Difficulty concentrating or staying focussed,,,,nms_15,,,,,NonMoveConcent,, NMSQ - Feeling Sad,,"Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Feeling sad, 'low' or 'blue'",,,,nms_16,,,,,NonMoveFeel,, NMSQ - Feeling Anxious,,"Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Feeling anxious, frightened or panicky",,,,nms_17,,,,,NonMoveAnxious,, NMSQ - Less or More Interested in Sex,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Feeling less interested in sex or more interested in sex,,,,nms_18,,,,,NonMoveSex,, NMSQ - Difficulty to Have Sex,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Finding it difficult to have sex when you try ,,,,nms_19,,,,,NonMoveSexDiff,, NMSQ - Feeling Light Headed,,"Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Feeling light headed, dizzy or weak standing from sitting or lying",,,,nms_20,,,,,NonMoveDizzy,, NMSQ - Falling,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Falling,,,,nms_21,,,,,NonMoveFall,, NMSQ - Difficulty to Stay Awake,,"Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Finding it difficult to stay awake during activities such as working, driving or eating",,,,nms_22,,,,,NonMoveAwake,, NMSQ - Difficulty Getting to Sleep,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Difficulty getting to sleep at night or staying asleep at night,,,,nms_23,,,,,NonMoveSleep,, NMSQ - Vivid Dreams,,"Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Intense, vivid dreams or frightening dreams",,,,nms_24,,,,,NonMoveDream,, NMSQ - 'Acting' Out a Dream,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Talking or moving about in your sleep as if you are 'acting' out a dream,,,,nms_25,,,,,NonMoveTalk,, NMSQ - Unpleasant Sensations in Leg,,"Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Unpleasant sensations in your legs at night or while resting, and a feeling that you need to move",,,,nms_26,,,,,NonMoveSens,, NMSQ - Swelling of Legs,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Swelling of your legs,,,,nms_27,,,,,NonMoveSwell,, NMSQ - Excessive Sweating,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Excessive sweating,,,,nms_28,,,,,NonMoveSweat,, NMSQ - Double Vision,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Double vision,,,,nms_29,,,,,NonMoveVision,, NMSQ - Believing Things Are Happening,,Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire - Believing things are happening to you that other people say are not true,,,,nms_30,,,,,NonMoveHappen,, Non-Motor Symptoms Questionnaire,,Parkinson's Disease Non-Motor Questionnaire - Total score,,,,nms_score,,,,,,, Beck Depression Inventory,NCIT:C40438,"A twenty-one question survey completed by a patient, with each answer scored on a scale of 0 to 3, designed to measure presence of depression.",Beck Depression Inventory,,,bdi_score,,,,40486012.0,,, MDT - Chewing/Swallowing,,"Munich Dysphagia Test - I have difficulties with the chewing and swallowing of solid/ fibrous/ crumbly food. (e.g.apples, meat, cracker/ chips).",,,,mdt_1,,,,,,, MDT - Discharge,,"Munich Dysphagia Test - During meals, food/liquid escapes from the mouth (or the nose).",,,,mdt_2,,,,,,, MDT - Swallowing Trigger,,Munich Dysphagia Test - I find it difficult to directly/ quickly start the swallowing process when taking in liquids or food.,,,,mdt_3,,,,,,, MDT - Multiple Swallowing,,Munich Dysphagia Test - For the complete swallowing of food/ liquids I need to swallow multiple times in a row.,,,,mdt_4,,,,,,, MDT - Food Remains,,Munich Dysphagia Test - Food residues remain in my mouth after swallowing.,,,,mdt_5,,,,,,, MDT - Food Gets Stuck,,"Munich Dysphagia Test - During the swallowing process, food gets stuck in my throat/ esophagus. (maybe I even have to choke).",,,,mdt_6,,,,,,, MDT - Coughing While Eating,,Munich Dysphagia Test - During (or after) eating food I have to hawk/cough.,,,,mdt_7,,,,,,, MDT - Coughing While Drinking,,Munich Dysphagia Test - During (or after) drinking liquids (or eating soup) I have to hawk/ cough.,,,,mdt_8,,,,,,, MDT - Problems Breathing,,Munich Dysphagia Test - It happens that I have difficulties breathing/a sense of suffocation when swallowing food or liquids.,,,,mdt_9,,,,,,, MDT - Changed Voice,,Munich Dysphagia Test - Right after eating food/ drinking liquids my voice has changed. (e.g. coated/weakened/wet/gargling).,,,,mdt_10,,,,,,, MDT - Saliva Problems,,Munich Dysphagia Test - I have increased amount of saliva in my mouth/ I swallow my saliva too rarely or I have general problems swallowing my saliva/ drooling.,,,,mdt_11,,,,,,, MDT - Dry Mouth,,Munich Dysphagia Test - I have a very dry mouth/ not enough saliva.,,,,mdt_12,,,,,,, MDT - Chocking on Saliva,,Munich Dysphagia Test - It happens that I cough or have trouble breathing because I have choked on my saliva/ saliva went into my trachea.,,,,mdt_13,,,,,,, MDT - Pills,,Munich Dysphagia Test - I have problems swallowing pills.,,,,mdt_14,,,,,FemMenoPeriPDSwallowing,, MDT - Off Times,,Munich Dysphagia Test - During the off-phases (Off-drug-state/ declining levodopalevels) I have more difficulties to swallow.,,,,mdt_15,,,,,,, MDT - Avoidance,,"Munich Dysphagia Test - I avoid specific foods or textures that often make me choke. (e.g. nuts, crumb cake, liquid-filled pralines, raw vegetable salads).",,,,mdt_16,,,,,,, MDT - Clearing Throat,,Munich Dysphagia Test - It is difficult for me to hawk/ cough after I choke in order to clear my throat.,,,,mdt_17,,,,,,, MDT - Duration (For Meals),,"Munich Dysphagia Test - Nowadays, it takes me more time to eat than it used to. (e.g. because I have to chew longer/ foods are longer in my mouth due to longer preparation time or more careful swallowing)",,,,mdt_18,,,,,,, MDT - Tiredness (Within Meals),,Munich Dysphagia Test - It happens that I get tired during meals (or even fall asleep) and don't finish chewing and swallowing my food.,,,,mdt_19,,,,,,, MDT - Rinsing Afterwards,,"Munich Dysphagia Test - During meals I have to have liquids to ""flush down"" the food in order to be able to better swallow.",,,,mdt_20,,,,,,, MDT - Single Swallowing,,Munich Dysphagia Test - I can only swallow liquids in small sips.,,,,mdt_21,,,,,,, MDT - Loss of Appetite,,Munich Dysphagia Test - I have a reduced appetite or pleasure to eat than before. (sense of taste and smell are potentially affected),,,,mdt_22,,,,,CannEffectLessAppetite,, MDT - Heartburn/Lump,,"Munich Dysphagia Test - I have problems, such as heartburn/ frequent burping, sense of lump in the throat/ esophagus, sense of pressure behind the breastbone.",,,,mdt_23,,,,,FIVEGastricHxTypeGERD,, MDT - Lung Infection,,Munich Dysphagia Test - Within the last year I had a lung infection or unclear fever-infections.,,,,mdt_24,,,,,,, MDT - Loss of Weight,,Munich Dysphagia Test - I involuntarily loose body weight.,,,,mdt_25,,,,,,, MDT - Fluid Intake,,"Munich Dysphagia Test - I drink less than 50 oz. of liquid during a given day. (equal to suggested minimum of 7 - 8 glasses/ cups water, juice, tea, coffee, soup)",,,,mdt_26,,,,,,, Munich Dysphagia Test,,Munich Dysphagia Test - Total score,,,,mdt_score,,,,,,, MFS - Drowsy and Lethargic - Question 1,,"Mayo Fluctuations Scale - Is the participant drowsy and lethargic during the day, despite getting enough sleep the night before?",,,,mayo_q1,,,,,,, MFS - Drowsy and Lethargic - Question 2,,Mayo Fluctuations Scale - Does the participant sleep 2 or more hours during the day (before 7:00 p.m.)?,,,,mayo_q2,,,,,,, MFS - Drowsy and Lethargic - Question 3,,"Mayo Fluctuations Scale - Are there times when the participant's flow of ideas is disorganized, unclear, or not logical?",,,,mayo_q3,,,,,,, MFS - Drowsy and Lethargic - Question 4,,Mayo Fluctuations Scale - Does the participant tend to stare into space for long periods of time?,,,,mayo_q4,,,,,,, Mayo Fluctuations Scale - Total Score,,Mayo Fluctuations Scale - Total score,,,,mayo_score,,,,,,, FOGQ - Do You Walk,,"Freezing of Gait Questionnaire - During your worst state, do you walk:",,,,fogq_q1,,,,,,, FOGQ - Gait Difficulties Affecting Life,,Freezing of Gait Questionnaire - Are your gait difficulties affecting your daily activities and independence?,,,,fogq_q2,,,,,,, FOGQ - Feet Glued to Ground,,"Freezing of Gait Questionnaire - Do you feel that your feet get glued to the floor while walking, making a turn or when trying to initiate walking (freezing)?",,,,fogq_q3,,,,,,, FOGQ - Longest Freezing Episode,,Freezing of Gait Questionnaire - How long is your longest freezing episode?,,,,fogq_q4,,,,,,, FOGQ - Typical Start Hesitation,,Freezing of Gait Questionnaire - How long is your typical start hesitation episode (freezing when initiating the first step)?,,,,fogq_q5,,,,,,, FOGQ - Typical Turning Hesitation,,Freezing of Gait Questionnaire - How long is your typical turning hesitation episode (freezing when turning)?,,,,fogq_q6,,,,,,, Freezing of Gait Questionnaire - Total Score,,Freezing of Gait Questionnaire - Total score,,,,fogq_score,,,fog_total,,,, Ek-60FT - Total Score Anger,,The Ekman 60 Faces Test - Total score for angry faces,,,,ekman_total_1,,,,,,, Ek-60FT - Total Score Disgust,,The Ekman 60 Faces Test - Total score for disgusted faces,,,,ekman_total_2,,,,,,, Ek-60FT - Total Score Fear,,The Ekman 60 Faces Test - Total score for feared faces,,,,ekman_total_3,,,,,,, Ek-60FT - Total Score Hapiness,,The Ekman 60 Faces Test - Total score for happy faces,,,,ekman_total_4,,,,,,, Ek-60FT - Total Score Sadness,,The Ekman 60 Faces Test - Total score for sad faces,,,,ekman_total_5,,,,,,, Ek-60FT - Total Score Surprise,,The Ekman 60 Faces Test - Total score for surprised faces,,,,ekman_total_6,,,,,,, The Ekman 60 Faces Test - Grand Total Score,,The Ekman 60 Faces Test - Grand total score,,,,ekman_grand_total,,,,,,, PSPFDS - Apathy,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Functional Disability Scale - Apathy,,,,fds_a,,,,,,, PSPFDS - Bulbar Dysfunction,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Functional Disability Scale - Bulbar Dysfunction,,,,fds_b,,,,,,, PSPFDS - Constriction (Akinesia-Rigidity),,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Functional Disability Scale - Constriction (akinesia-rigidity),,,,fds_c,,,,,,, PSPFDS - Drops (Postural Instability),,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Functional Disability Scale - Drops (postural instability),,,,fds_d,,,,,,, PSPFDS - Eye Movement Dysfunction,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Functional Disability Scale - Eye movement dysfunction,,,,fds_e,,,,,,, The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Functional Disability Scale - Total Score,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Functional Disability Scale - Total score,,,,fds_score,,,,,,, PSPRS - Withdrawal,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Withdrawal (relative to baseline personality),,,,psp_1,,,,,,, PSPRS - Irritability,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Irritability (relative to baseline personality),,,,psp_2,,,,,,, PSPRS - Dysphagia Solids,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Dysphagia for solids,,,,psp_3,,,,,,, PSPRS - Using Knife,,"The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Using knife and fork, buttoning clothes,washing hands and face (rate the worst)",,,,psp_4,,,,,,, PSPRS - Falls,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Falls (average frequency if patient attempted to walk unaided),,,,psp_5,,,,,,, PSPRS - Urinary Incontinence,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Urinary incontinence,,,,psp_6,,,,,,, PSPRS - Sleep Difficulty,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Sleep difficulty,,,,psp_7,,,,,,, PSPRS - History Score,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Total score for history section,,,,psp_score1,,,,,,, PSPRS - Disorientation,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Disorientation,,,,psp_8,,,,,,, PSPRS - Bradyphrenia,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Bradyphrenia,,,,psp_9,,,,,,, PSPRS - Emotional Incontenence,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Emotional incontenence,,,,psp_10,,,,,,, PSPRS - Grasping,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Grasping/imitative/utilizing behavior,,,,psp_11,,,,,,, PSPRS - Mentation Score,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Total score for mental examination section,,,,psp_score2,,,,,,, PSPRS - Dysarthria,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Dysarthria (ignoring palilalia),,,,psp_12,,,,,,, PSPRS - Dysphagia,,"The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Dysphagia (for 30-50 cc of water from a cup, if safe)",,,,psp_13,,,,,,, PSPRS - Bulbar Score,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Total score for bulbar examination section,,,,psp_score3,,,,,,, PSPRS - Upward Saccades,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Voluntary upward saccades,,,,psp_14,,,,,,, PSPRS - Downward Saccades,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Voluntary downward saccades,,,,psp_15,,,,,,, PSPRS - Left and Right Saccades,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Voluntary left and right saccades,,,,psp_16,,,,,,, PSPRS - Eyelid Dysfunction,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Eyelid dysfunction,,,,psp_17,,,,,,, PSPRS - Ocular Score,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Total score for supranuclear ocular motor examination section,,,,psp_score4,,,,,,, PSPRS - Limb Rigidity,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Limb rigidity (rate the worst of the four),,,,psp_18,,,,,,, PSPRS - Limb Dystonia,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Limb dystonia (rate worst of the four; ignore neck and face),,,,psp_19,,,,,,, PSPRS - Finger Tapping,,"The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Finger tapping (if asymmetric, rate worse side)",,,,psp_20,,,,,,, PSPRS - Toe Tapping,,"The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Toe tapping (if asymmetric, rate worse side)",,,,psp_21,,,,,,, PSPRS - Apraxia of Hand,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Apraxia of hand movement,,,,psp_22,,,,,,, PSPRS - Tremor,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Tremor in any part,,,,psp_23,,,,,,, PSPRS - Limb Score,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Total score for limb examination section,,,,psp_score5,,,,,,, PSPRS - Neck Rigidity,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Neck rigidity or dystonia,,,,psp_24,,,,,,, PSPRS - Arising From Chair,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Arising from chair,,,,psp_25,,,,,,, PSPRS - Gait,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Gait,,,,psp_26,,,,,,, PSPRS - Postural Stability,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Postural stability (on backward pull) ,,,,psp_27,,,,,,, PSPRS - Sitting Down,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Sitting down (may touch seat or back but not arms of chair),,,,psp_28,,,,,,, PSPRS - Gait Score,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Total score for gait/midline examination section,,,,psp_score6,,,,,,, The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Total Score,,The Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Rating Scale - Total score of all the sections,,,,psp_score_total,,,,,,, FES-I - Cleaning House,,"Falls Efficacy Scale - International - Cleaning the house (e.g. sweep, vacuum or dust)",,,,fesi_q1,,,,,,, FES-I - Gettin Dressed,,Falls Efficacy Scale - International - Getting dressed or undressed,,,,fesi_q2,,,,,,, FES-I - Preparing Meals,,Falls Efficacy Scale - International - Preparing simple meals,,,,fesi_q3,,,,,,, FES-I - Taking Shower,,Falls Efficacy Scale - International - Taking a bath or shower,,,,fesi_q4,,,,,,, FES-I - Going to Shop,,Falls Efficacy Scale - International - Going to the shop,,,,fesi_q5,,,,,,, FES-I - Getting in Chair,,Falls Efficacy Scale - International - Getting in or out of a chair,,,,fesi_q6,,,,,,, FES-I - Stairs,,Falls Efficacy Scale - International - Going up or down stairs,,,,fesi_q7,,,,,,, FES-I - Neighbourhood,,Falls Efficacy Scale - International - Walking around the neighbourhood,,,,fesi_q8,,,,,,, FES-I - Reaching Something,,Falls Efficacy Scale - International - Reaching for something above your head or on the ground,,,,fesi_q9,,,,,,, FES-I - Answer Telephone,,Falls Efficacy Scale - International - Going to answer the telephone before it stops ringing,,,,fesi_q10,,,,,,, FES-I - Walking on Slippery,,Falls Efficacy Scale - International - Walking on a slippery surface (e.g. wet or ice),,,,fesi_q11,,,,,,, FES-I - Visiting,,Falls Efficacy Scale - International - Visiting a relative or a friend,,,,fesi_q12,,,,,,, FES-I - Walking in Crowd,,Falls Efficacy Scale - International - Walking in a place with crowds,,,,fesi_q13,,,,,,, FES-I - Walking on Uneven Surface,,"Falls Efficacy Scale - International - Walking on uneven surface (e.g. rocky surface, poorly maintained pavement).",,,,fesi_q14,,,,,,, FES-I - Walking Up a Slope,,Falls Efficacy Scale - International - Walking up or down a slope,,,,fesi_q15,,,,,,, FES-I - Social Event,,"Falls Efficacy Scale - International - Going out to a social event (e.g. religious service, family gathering or club meeting)",,,,fesi_q16,,,,,,, FES-I - Total score,,Falls Efficacy Scale - International - Total score,,,,fesi_score,,,,3657177.0,,, DGI - Gait Level Surface,,Dynamic Gait Index - Walk at your normal speed from here to the next mark (20 m).,,,,dgi_q1,,,,,,, DGI - Change in Gait Speed,,"Dynamic Gait Index - Begin walking at your normal pace (for 5 m), when I tell you ""go"", walk as fast as you can (for 5 m). When I tell you ""slow"", walk as slowly as you can (for 5 m).",,,,dgi_q2,,,,,,, DGI - Gait with Horizontal Head Turns,,"Dynamic Gait Index - Begin walking at your normal pace. When I tell you to ""look right"", keep walking straight, but turn your head to the right. Keep looking to the right until I tell you ""look left"", then keep walking straight and turn your head to the left. Keep your head to the left until I tell you, ""look straight"", then keep walking straight, but return your head to the centre.",,,,dgi_q3,,,,,,, DGI - Gait with Vertical Head Turns,,"Dynamic Gait Index - Begin walking at your normal pace. When I tell you to ""look up"", keep walking straight, but tip your head and look up. Keep looking up until I tell you, ""look down"". Then keep walking straight and turn your head down. Keep looking down until I tell you, "" look straight"", then keep walking straight, but return your head to the centre.",,,,dgi_q4,,,,,,, DGI - Gait Pivot and Turn,,"Dynamic Gait Index - Begin walking at your normal pace. When I tell you, ""turn and stop"", turn as quickly as you can to face the opposite direction and stop.",,,,dgi_q5,,,,,,, DGI - Step Over Obstacle,,"Dynamic Gait Index - Begin walking at your normal speed. When you come to the shoebox, step over it, not around it, and keep walking.",,,,dgi_q6,,,,,,, DGI - Step Around Obstacles,,"Dynamic Gait Index - Begin walking at normal speed. When you come to the first cone (about 6 m away), walk around the right side of it. When you some to the second cone (6 m past first cone), walk around it to the left.",,,,dgi_q7,,,,,,, DGI - Steps,,"Dynamic Gait Index - Walk up these stairs as you would at home (i.e. using a rail if necessary). At the top, turn around and walk down.",,,,dgi_q8,,,,,,, DGI - Total Score,SNOMED:443707009,Dynamic Gait Index - Total score,,,,dgi_score,,,,40482816.0,,, EuroQol Five Dimensions Questionnaire,SCDO:0001267,"The EQ-5D is a widely-used generic instrument for describing health-related quality of life states in five dimensions scored from 1 to 3 or 1 to 5, and a visual analogue scale to record self-rated health state from 0 to100. These provide a simple descriptive profile and a single index value for health status. The EQ-5D can also be used to calculate health utilities and determine the quality-adjusted life years associated with a health state. There is also a youth version (EQ-5D-Y).","EQ-5D, EuroQol Five Dimension Self-Report Questionnaire, European Quality of Life Five Dimension Five Level Scale Questionnaire, EuroQol Five-Dimensional Questionnaire, EuroQol Five Dimensions Questionnaire",,,,,EQ5D_index,,40483273.0,,, Leeds Anxiety Scale,SNOMED:273562009,Leeds anxiety scale. 6 questions rated 0-3 higher score corresponds with more anxiety,,,,,,Leeds_anx_total,,4164989.0,,, Leeds Anxiety Depression,SNOMED:273562009,Leeds anxiety scale. 6 questions rated 0-3 higher score corresponds with more anxiety,,,,,,Leeds_dep_total,,4164989.0,,, QUIP-RS - Gambling,,Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson's Disease-Rating Scale - Subscore of gambling section which is made up of 2 questions,,,,,,QUIP_gamb,,,,, QUIP-RS - Buying,,Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson's Disease-Rating Scale - Subscore of buying section which is made up of 2 questions,,,,,,QUIP_buy,,,,, QUIP-RS - Sex,,Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson's Disease-Rating Scale - Subscore of sex section which is made up of 2 questions,,,,,,QUIP_sex,,,,, QUIP-RS - Eating,,Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson's Disease-Rating Scale - Subscore of eating section which is made up of 2 questions,,,,,,QUIP_eat,,,,, QUIP-RS - Hobbyism,,Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson's Disease-Rating Scale - Subscore of hobbyism,,,,,,QUIP_hobby,,,,, QUIP-RS - Punding,,Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson's Disease-Rating Scale - Subscore of punding,,,,,,QUIP_pund,,,,, QUIP-RS - Medication,,Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson's Disease-Rating Scale - Subscore of compulsive medication section which is made up of 2 questions,,,,,,QUIP_med,,,,, Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson's Disease-Rating Scale - Total Score,,Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson's Disease-Rating Scale - Total score,,,,,,QUIP_all,,,,, Sniffin' Sticks Identification Test - Total Score,,"The identification test 16 is used for the classification of the sense of smell. With the result of the test, with the cooperation of the patient, a distinction can be made between normal sense of smell (normosmia) and limited sense of smell (hyposmia).",,,,,,sniffin_total,sniffin_total,,,, Levodopa Equivalent Daily Dose,,A quantitative measure of the amount of dopaminergic PD medication a person is taking.,,,,,,LEDD_total,ledd_total,,,,