Published July 15, 2024 | Version 10
Dataset Open

Update of the Xylella spp. host plant database

  • 1. National Research Council, Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection (CNR- IPSP), Bari, Italy
  • 2. ROR icon European Food Safety Authority


Following a request from the European Commission, in 2018 EFSA released a renovated database of host plant species of Xylella spp. (including both species X. fastidiosa and X. taiwanensis) together with a scientific report (EFSA, 2018). EFSA was tasked to maintain and update this database periodically. The mandate now covers the period 2021-2026 and EFSA is requested to release an update of the database twice per year.

 In July 2024 EFSA released the tenth update of the Xylella spp. host plant database (VERSION 10) with information retrieved from literature search up to December 2023 and recent Europhyt outbreak notifications (EFSA, 2024). The protocol applied for the extensive literature review, data collection and reporting, as well as results and lists of host plants are described in detail in the related scientific report (EFSA, 2024).

The overall number of Xylella spp. host plants determined with at least two different detection methods or positive with one method (between: sequencing, pure culture isolation) reaches now 451 plant species, 204 genera and 70 families (category A – see section 2.4.2 of EFSA (2024)). Such numbers rise to 712 plant species, 312 genera and 89 families if considered regardless of the detection method applied (category E, see section 2.4.2 of EFSA (2024)).

The Excel files here attached represent the VERSION 10 of the Xylella spp. host plants database. For a detailed description of the information included in the database, please consult the related scientific report (EFSA, 2024).

The Excel file “Xylella spp. host plants database – VERSION 10” contains several sheets: the LEGENDA (with extensive description of each table), the full detailed raw data of the Xylella spp. host plant database (sheet “observation”) and several examples of data extraction.

Additional Excel files contain the lists of host plant species of X. fastidiosa (subsp. unknown (i.e. not reported), fastidiosa, multiplex, pauca, morus, sandyi, tashke, fastidiosa/sandyi) and X. taiwanensis infected naturally, artificially and in not specified conditions, and according to different categories (A, B, C, D, E – see section 2.4.2 of EFSA (2024)). The Excel file “new_host_plant_species_v10” contain the list of new host plant species added to the database in this new update. 

Question number: EFSA-Q-2023-00889

Output number: EN-8899



EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), 2018. Scientific report on the update of the Xylella spp. host plant database. EFSA Journal 2018;16(9):5408, 87 pp.

EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), Cavalieri, V., Fasanelli, E., Gibin, D., Gutierrez Linares, A., La Notte, P., Pasinato, L., & Delbianco, A. (2024). Update of the Xylella spp. host plant database – Systematic literature search up to 31 December 2023. EFSA Journal, 22(7), e8898.


EU; xlsx;


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