The artifacts for this paper are placed into two main folders:
Theme 1: User Survey
: The data and code used for the user survey is within the Theme1
folder, please examine the README
for that.Theme 2: Failure Analysis
: The data and code used for the failure analysis is within the Theme2
folder, please examine the README
for that.Theme 3: Macro/Micro Analysis
: The data and code used for the Macro/Micro Analysis analysis is within the Theme3
folder, please examine the README
for that.We use the external HFTorrent dataset version 1.0.0.
This repository uses anaconda
to create its python environment.
I recommend you install a miniforge distribution.
Once you have anaconda
installed, setup the environment using the following:
conda create -n onnx-failure python=3.9
pip install -r requirements.txt
conda activate onnx-failure
All the subsequent code should be executed using the onnx-failure
conda environment.
Extract the data from the tarballs using:
tar -xf Theme1.tar
tar -xf Theme2.tar
tar -xf Theme3.tar
The Jupyter Notebook used for processing data is onnx.ipynb
To output the survey data relevant to interoperability please run the code blocks in onnx.ipynb
The script used to download GitHub issues is
cd Theme2/issue-downloader
The figures and tables for Theme 2 are generated used the data_analysis.ipynb
Jupyter notebook.
The PyTorch or TensorFlow conversion results are in pytorch_conv_results.json
and tf2onnx_conv_results.json
The notebook used for data analysis is analyze.ipynb
The code for analysis of PyTorch models is contained in the analysis.ipynb
The code for analysis of TensorFlow models is contained in the tf2onnx_analysis.ipynb
The code for sequence anaylsis is contained in the sequence_analysis.ipynb
To generate models clone and install the following repository:
git clone
cd nnsmith
pip install ".[torch,onnx,tensorflow]" --upgrade
To generate 10 PyTorch models with 10 nodes use the following command:
cd Theme3/synthetic-models
python model.type=torch +mgen_cfg.max_nodes=10 +mgen_cfg.num_gen=10
Please look at the NNSmith CLI guide for more details.
Please cite:
title={Interoperability in Deep Learning: A User Survey and Failure Analysis of {ONNX} Model Converters},
author={Purvish Jajal and Wenxin Jiang and Arav Tewari and Erik Kocinare and Joseph Woo and Anusha Sarraf and Yung-Hsiang Lu and George K. Thiruvathukal and James C. Davis},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 33nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA)},