Published July 3, 2024 | Version Draft
Publication Open

CRAFT-OA Deliverable 6.1_OJS Connector for OpenAIRE Research Graph

  • 1. Marsaryk University
  • 2. Masarykova Univerzita
  • 1. OpenAIRE
  • 2. OPERAS
  • 3. TIB
  • 4. ROR icon Niedersächsische Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen


This document provides information on the preparations to meet the specifications of Deliverable (D) 6.1, namely to give users of the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform an easier way of indexing journal content within the Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe (OpenAIRE) database. The work is divided into several parts and an integral component is the OJS plugin that creates the OpenAIRE connector. The new plugin is publicly available as an open source project Git repository at GitHub:
Basic information about the OpenAIRE infrastructure and the OpenAIRE Guidelines for Literature Repository Managers v4 (abbreviated as OpenAIRE 4.0) profile are provided. There is a description of the namespaces and schemas that have been used for the work on the OJS plugin.
As the work is based on a pre-existing plugin, the past and current implementation and reasons for the replacement of the existing plugin are described in this document. A comparison of the output of the two currently existing plugins is given. An overview of the metadata provided to OpenAIRE is also included.
In the next section, there is a description of the process of registering a journal in OpenAIRE and its validation. The OpenAIRE Validator, which OpenAIRE itself highlights as a benefit of being part of its infrastructure, is a great asset for registering a repository or journal and checking metadata.


This deliverable is currently under review by the EC.


CRAFT-OA_D6.1_MU_OJS connector for OpenAIRE Research Graph_Submitted to EC.pdf

Additional details


European Commission
CRAFT-OA - Creating a Robust Accessible Federated Technology for Open Access 101094397