CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Epistolae ad Bishop of Aleria. *Undated 22. M. TVL. CICERONIS AD. P. LENTV. IMPARATOREM. PO. RO. EPISTO- LARVM SECONDA Parte dela conmedia di dante alleghieri... FAMILIARIVM LIBER PRIMVS. CICERO. P. LENTVLO IM PARATORI. S. PL. D 2442 COLOPHON: spaces, also spaces for Greek. Hain 5160. Sheets [a] 2-4 are quarto, the rest folio.', "Reprinted from Sweynheym and Pannartz' 1469 Roman edition", '(IB. 17136), as the reference to Bishop Andreae as the editor in the colophon shows. The normal type measurement in this book is about 130 mm. sometimes rising to 135 mm., but on the first three leaves of the second quire it is 124 mm. as in the Aretinus. The appearance of the type-pages is very irregular. 292 X 210 mm. Without the blank leaves. With the book-plate of Count D. Boutourlin. Grenville copy (G. 9361). IB. 25405 DANTE ALIGHIERI. Divina commedia tal spaces. Hain 5938. The type measures about 132 mm. throughout this book. 282 X 192 mm. Without the blanks except fol. 168. Capital and border with coat of arms on 22 and capitals elsewhere illuminated in gold and colours, probably at a late date. The heading and capitals on 22 are gone', "over in gold. With the book-label 'ex musæo Pauli", "Girardot de Prefond'.", 'Another copy, with the first page of text in a different setting-up. 22. COMINCIA LA COMEDIA DI dante alleghieri', "Grenville copy's 'allariua , and small discrepancies in spacing", 'elsewhere show that the whole type-page has been readjusted in the forme. 267 X 175 mm. Without the first and last blanks. On 2* is painted a coat of arms.', "King George III's copy (C. 6. b. 1).", 'IB. 25407. MARTIALIS, MARCUS VALERIUS. Epigram¬ 1922. COLOPHON : Hic terminatur totu opus Martialis 230X 160 mm. Historiated capitals supplied in delicate Greek type, lower case only, with accents and breathings, indistinguishable from that of Jenson. Used with', "** Dr. Haebler's type 2 (M49, 87/8 mm.) is not represented in the Museum collection.", 'grisaille and blue at beginnings of books, other capitals in red or blue alternately. On 22 is painted a shield with coat of arms (fleur-de-lys, azure and or counterchanged) in ornamental circle. Eighteenth-century red morocco.', "From Dr. Richard Mead's library and the Sunderland", 'Library. Bought in July, 1889. IB. 25603. POGGIUS FLORENTINUS. Facetiae. 205X 142 mm. Capitals supplied in red and blue alternately. MS. corrections and catchwords. With the bookplate of I. Baker Holroyd, Sheffield Place, Sussex. Bought in April, 1909. IA. 25604. HERMES TRISMEGISTUS. anuary, 1472. REM PATRIAE. 3e. LIBER DE POTESTATE DEI EGRECO IN LATINVM TRADV( SILIVMFICINVM FLORENTINVM AD MAR COSIMVM MEDICEM PATREM PATRIJAE. IN¬ 210X 155 mm. Capital on 1e illuminated in gold and colours, other capitals supplied in red and blue alternately. Grenville copy (G. 7686). supplied in two colours. With the signature of Lord Lumley on 12. IA. 25605 HESIODUS. Theogonia. (Translated by HEOGONIA. IIJNcipiam a musis heliconis carmen alumnis: ... 24°. COLOPHON : Ad Decus: gloriaque', "8541 (whose copy read golriaq3' in the colophon).", '216 x 153 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first sheet (ff. 1, 8). Bound before IA. 24826 (Plutarchus, Apo¬ phthegmata, Printer of Basilius, Venice, n. d., vol. v, p. 187).', "King George III's copy (C. 1. a. 7 (1). JUVENALIS. DECIMUS JUNIUS. CIPIVM. CONTRA POETAS. ARROGANTES. spaces, with guide-letters (except on 22 and in Persius). First letter of each line set out. Catchwords at ends of quires (except quire Igl) in Juvenal. Hain 9679.', "The contraction for 'rum' is R throughout Persius; in Juvenal", 'it occurs only once, and then as ». Initial u is found in Persius, initial v in Juvenal. Without the blanks. Some capitals supplied in red. The first leaf of text of the Persius is cut out and mounted. The Persius is bound at the beginning. LEONICENUS, OMNIBONUS. De arte me¬ ILISSIMVS. AD. SCAN DENDVM. TRACTA¬ The Museum copy is catalogued as it stands. The tract when complete probably consisted of a quire of eight leaves followed by a quire of six leaves. This book is here ranged with the dated books lacking printed', "signatures. The contraction for 'rum' is R throughout the", 'fragment. 204 X 149 mm. A fragment, comprising the first eight leaves of text. First page rubbed. Capital supplied in red and blue, initial strokes in yellow. Bought. IA. 25617. De variis loquendi The signatures are stamped far down in the right-hand lower corner of the page. The type appears fresh ; the contraction for', "rum' is R in one place, » elsewhere.", "In this copy the first word on 82 appears as priscanns'; it is also", "found printed priscianns'.", '210X 147 mm. Capital roughly supplied in red. No signatures appear in quire a. Along the inner margin of b 9° is written: Iste liber est mej ducci gasparis ducci de piscia, on a fly-leaf the note of ownership of nicholaus Bought in October, 1900. [Translated Edited by by Joannes Petri Lucensis. About 1477? Joannes Calphurnius.)', "Quarto. a-ceeefgsh'. 66 leaves. 42: 24 lines, 139 X 82 mm.", 'Types: 116 R.; Gk. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 22. The signatures are mostly placed some little distance below the text, but appear to be regularly printed, not stamped. A very close reprint of the Venetian edition of Dominicus de Siliprandis, assignable to about 1477 (vol. v, p. 263, IA. 20734). The mention of De Siliprandis in the colophon is retained. Two pages from the present copy were reproduced as a specimen of De Siliprandis, type 1 on plate 182 of the Woolley Photographs. 200 X 150 mm. Crushed blue morocco, with doublures. From the libraries of the Duke of Sussex and of George Dunn. Bought in December, 1917. PAULUS DE CASTRO. Lectura super se¬', "Aa' Bb' Cc Dd-FfGgt. 220 leaves, the first blank. 2 columns.", '3°: 59 lines, 283 x 162 mm. Types : 150 G., first words of sections; 96 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Catchwords at ends of', "quires. Hain '4629.", '390X 277 mm. Pigskin, stamped with a crescent, a badge, and the date MDXXXVII. In the top cover With the note of is painted a coat of arms (German). ownership and book-label of the FF. Minimi s. Francisci de Paula, Munich. Bought in April, 1865. IC. 25695. SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Tragoediae. HERCVLES FVRENS TRAGEDIA PRIMA IN¬ CIPIT. SOROR TONANTIS (HOC enim solum Cum premis Andrea gallice mortis opus. The full breadth of the type-page is about 95 mm. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. First letter of each line set out. Hain 14662. The signatures to sheet n 2 inclusive are placed far down in the right-hand lower corner of the page; from sheet n 3 onwards they are printed a little below the text in the ordinary way. The historical event alluded to in the colophon is presumably the Peace of Bagnolo between Ferrara and Venice, concluding in September, 1484, the war begun in May, 1482. 294 x 200 mm. Capitals supplied in red or blue. IB. 25621. Grenville copy (G. 9526). GUARINUS, BAPTISTA. De modo et ordine at ends of quires a, b. Hain 8130.', "Baptista's tract is dated : Veronæ. xv. kal'. Martii. M.cccc.lviiii.", 'This tract is here ranged with the Seneca because it has signa¬ tures printed in the ordinary way, but this evidence can hardly be considered conclusive. 210X 153 mm.', "190X 135 mm. Dr. Kloss's copy.", 'IA. 25625. SAVONAROLA, JoANNES MICHAEL. De 32: 52 lines, 218 X 141 mm. Types: 150 G., first words of chap- ters ; 83 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Catchwords at', "ends of quires. Hain'14493.", 'The register wrongly assigns three sheets to quire f. 292 X 200 mm. Without the blank. IB. 25701. King George IIl's copy (167. f. 1).", '32: 52 lines, 216 x 139 mm. Types: 150 G., first words of chap¬ ters ; 83 G. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Catchwords', "at ends of quires. Hain '7796.", 'The register gives the signatures as majuscules. 311X212 mm. Leaves c 5, 6 are mutilated. Bought in July, 1858. IB. 25703 BERNARDUS DEGORDONIO. De urinis with guide-letters. Catchwords at ends of quires. Hain 7804. lhe register gives gatherings a-c as quaternions and the signa tures as capitals. IB. 25705 HONESTIS, CHRISTOPHORUS DE. 51 lines, 211 X 137 mm. Types : 150 G., first words of text on 12 83 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Catchwords at ends of quires. Hain 8799. rest as quaternions, and all the signatures as capitals. 270X 193 mm. See note to the following (IB. 25707) Bought in June, 1907. IB. 25706. SALADINUS DEASCULO. Compendium 22 leaves, the last blank. 2 columns ; Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Catchwords at ends of quires. 265X 193 mm. On 21b is the signature of Petrus de Rosenada, 1591. This book and the preceding (IB.25706) have ms. notes in the same early hand and are in the same binding (Spanish?, nineteenth century). Bought in December, 1864. IB. 25707. ARCULANUS, JoANNES. Expositio in pri¬ *24 January, 1489. Types: 150 G., first words of text on 22 and 542 ; 105 G., text of Avicenna; 83 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Catchwords at ends of quires. Hain 1552. Gesamtkatalog 2316. 311 X 204 mm. On 2° is the note of ownership of Bonauentura Bassanus. Bought in March, 1906. IB. 25709. HUGO [BENzIJ SENENSIS. Expositio in [Edited by Antonius Fauentinus, and with', "lio. a-g'h'A-D8EsFG'HI6; K°LM6NSO6. 160 leaves.", '2 columns. 32: 55 lines, 229X 144 mm. Types: 150 G., first words of chapters: 105 G., matter on 1°, quotations from Avicenna; 83 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 9016. 305 X 205 mm. Bought in July, 1877. IB. 25711. DATUS, AUGUSTINUS. De variis loquendi Bought in July, 1882. ALFRAGANUS. Compilatio introductoria Alfraganus and Heremita. 30b. COLOPHON: Opus with guide-letters. Catchwords at ends of quires a, b. Diagrams.', "Hain 822 (whose copy read Andre' in the colophon). Gesamt", 'katalog 1268. The text of the last four lines on c 8b is repeated in the first four of d12, which accounts for the absence of a catchword at the end of quire c. The editor of this tract appears to have been a member of the Ferrarese family of Eremita, not an Augustinian, although he is so', "represented in the cut (L. Cicognara in G. Baruffaldi's Continua¬", 'zione delle Memorie istoriche di letterati ferraresi (1811), p. 130). IA. 25717 GUARINUS, BAPTISTA. Funebris oratio in After 12 October, 1493. IA. 25719. Pliniana Quarto.; a-f. 52 leaves. 62: 35 lines, 144 X 107 mm. Type: 83 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Catchwords at', "ends of quires a, c-e. Woodcut of 'quinquefolium' on 212.", "Hain '5483.", '12, title ; 1P, Lucas Ripa Regiensis ad librum ut exeat; 22, index De Plinii erroribus, i. e. that of L. Rubeus, 18 December, 1492', "(IA. 25741) and to Herm. Barbarus's Castigationes 'ex urbe Roma", '... nuper editae’ (465), i. e. Silber’s edition, 24 November, 1492 (IB. 18955). The copy in the Magliabechiana at Florence has the have originally belonged to IA. 25724. Leaf 5 is rubbed. Leaves 1-4 bought in January, 1863. IA. 25723. Another copy. 196 X 149 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1-4 (see above). Bought in February, 1871. IA. 25724. LUCINUS, THEODORUS. Moralium dictorum fore taken to be not earlier than 1491. 207 X 141 mm. Formerly bound with IA. 26797 (Lazaronus) and IA. 26098 (Lazaronus). Bought in December, 1862. IA. 25728. 605 12. QuI COMINCIA LA TAVOLA DEGLI INI¬ FRASCRITTI CAPITOLI. 6e. IJN comincia lauita 106 mm. Type: 114 R. Capital spaces. The head-lines give the names of the saints. Catchwords, centred under the text, on the last page of each quire. Hain 8614. This collection includes the legends of SS. Abraham, Eustasius Malchus, Euphrosyne, Marina, Maria Aegyptiaca, etc., ending with the Purgatorio di S. Patrizio. It thus comprises books 4 and 5 of', "the Italian version of S. Jerome's Vitas Patrum as usually printed.", 'A blind-stamped rosette is visible in the right-hand lower margir of the rectos of many leaves. 240 X 168 mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red. Ms. signatures. On 160b is the signature of Franciscus Pallastrelli, 1754. Bought in July, 1863. IB. 25633 GUARINUS VERONENSIS. De diphthon¬ Octavo. Jas.] 8 leaves, the last blank. 22 : 25 lines, 143X 92 mm. Type: 114 R. Capital space on 1e, also spaces for Greek. 197X 143 mm. Without the blank. Capital on 12 illuminated in gold and colours, as in IA. 28509 (Perottus, De generibus metrorum, [Azoguidus), Bologna, 1471), BASSI, PIETRO ANDREA DI. Le fatiche 11475 Catch-words, centred under the text, on the last page of each quire Marginalia from 412 onwards. Hain 2706. Gesamtkatalog 3721.', "The marginalia mostly consist of the quotations from Seneca's", 'Hercules tragedies of which an Italian version is incorporated in the text.', "The description from which Hain's no. 2706 derives agrees with", 'the Museum copies in its transliteration of the incipits on 2° and 8° but marks the line-endings differently. Both it and Pellechet', "2005 also describe the first leaf as bearing Boccaccio's dedication of", "his Teseide to Fiammetta ('Come che a memoria tornandomi ...'),", "but this is presumably due to a confusion in the printer's office", 'between the sheets of this book and the Teseide (see below, IB. 25639) which were both in hand at the same time, and the first leaf is here accordingly assumed to be blank. 314 X 225 mm. Without the blanks. Capitals supplied in red and blue alternately. Crushed red morocco;', "a companion volume to King George IIl's copy of the", "Teseide (IB. 25638 below), from Dr. Askew's library.", "King George III's copy (86. k. 10).", 'IB. 25635. Another copy. 330X 230 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 2 and 65 (supplied in pen-and-ink facsimile) and the blanks. Most capitals supplied in blue. Grenville copy (G. 10853). IB. 25636. BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI. Teseide. [With Type : 114 R. Capital spaces. Full page of comment in 2 columns smaller quantities flanking the text. Catchwords, mostly centred under the text, on the last page of each quire except sc and r Red printed marginalia on 12, 1b. First letter of each line of verse set out. Variant of Hain 3308. In his dedicatory letter to Duke Ercole Bassi remarks (2b) : auenda uuy de la lectura del theseo sommo piacere ... ui ha', "dedication is also found prefixed to copies of Bassi's Fatiche", "d'Ercole (see IB. 25635), with variants in the setting-up ((Clome", 'che ... la milseria ..., [ClOme che .. . le felicita ...); see Hain', "In this copy the catchword ('bito argia') at the end of quire [b)", 'has dropped out. 316x 229 mm. Without the last two blanks. On a fly-leaf is written (by Grenville?): Hibberts copy £150. IB. 25639. Grenville copy (G. 10047). Another copy. 314x 225 mm. Without the blanks, and with leaf 6 and quire Jol made up from sheets bought in March, 1865. Capitals supplied in red and blue alternately. Traces of manuscript quiring. Crushed red morocco; a companion', "volume to King George III's copy of Bassi's Fatiche d", "Ercole (IB. 25635 above), from Dr. Askew's library and", 'with his initials on a fly-leaf. IB. 25638.', "King George III's copy (C. 7. c. 6). NICOLAUS [DE TUDESCHISJ PANORMITA Tabula of Ludouicus Bologninus.)', "spaces. Half-page space for miniature on 152. Hain '12345.", "Bologninus's table was completed 10 October, 1474. The edition", '(Hain-Copinger 12344) dated 22 February, 1475, and signed by Belfortis corresponds with this in the wording of the colophons,', "except that Belfortis's name is substituted for that of the present", 'printers. It comprises 132 leaves and has 61 lines to the column, and is so much more likely to be a reprint of the present edition than vice versa that there is probably an error in the date 1475.', "In the Dunn copy (Woolley Photos. 216 A) the printer's name", "appears as 'arenseo' instead of arâceyo', the rest of the colophon", 'being as described above. 397 X 277 mm. Capitals and paragraph marks supplied in red or blue, initial-strokes in red. Original (?) stamped leather over boards (German). In the top cover is a book¬', "plate with the Insignia Capituli', the Virgin and Child.", 'Bought in October, 1867. IC. 25653. FLORES. Flores Marci Tulli Ciceronis. FLORES. Flores Marci Tulli Ciceronis. Undated. 2°. [CVm ego hay in re dicendi copiax disciplinarû x 119 mm. Type: 10I G. Capital spaces. Spaces for diagrams on 5a, 64, 7b. Hain 967. Gesamtkatalog 1638. 297 X 222 mm. Without the blank. Capitals supplied in red and blue alternately, paragraph marks in red or blue. Ms. corrections and notes. Bought in November, 1864. IB. 25663. GRASSUS, BENEVENUTUS. De oculis eorum¬ DINIBVS & CVRIS FEILICITER INCIPIT. FINIS. Collige Ius. xii. herbarum. s. feniculi :... Octavo. Jal2. 12 leaves, the first blank. 22 : 32 lines, 163x 92 mm. Type: 101 G. Capital space on 22. In his prefatory letter on 22 the unnamed compiler says that he', "has turned to the study of oratory 'a sophisticis captionibus ..", "quibus antea Pataui operam dederim'.", '205 X 139 mm. Apparently at one time bound with a copy of Z. Lilius, Cosmographia. Bought in November, 1890. IA. 25657. NIGRO, ANDALUS DE, Genuensis. Opus prae¬ 38 July, 1475 Bonus Aduogarius. 128 x 84 mm. Type : 103 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Catchwords at end of quires. Hain 7869. The first edition. 200X 140 mm. Traces of ms. quiring. Bought in May, 1903. IA. 25672. 608 and without guide-letters. First letters of sections set out, except in quire scl and ff. 1-5 of quire [dJ. Catchwords at end of quires. Hain 588 (with variant). The first edition. The description quoted from Panzer by Hain (no. 588) was drawn up from a copy bearing on leaf 8 a dedication to Jacobus Zeno Bishop of Padua, in place of that to Cardinal Roverella. The cardinal died in May, 1476. One of the copies in the Bibliothèque Nationale (Pellechet 397) omits the red-printed incipit on 9e. It appears that at the end of fol. 3 of the table of contents, after', "the heading ' Quid de mandante homicidium , a number of head¬", 'ings were accidentally omitted. These were afterwards printed on a separate half-sheet and inserted after fol. 3, the regular sequence resuming with the heading De eo qui vulnerauit unum ... which appears as the last heading on both leaves. In this copy the verso of fol. 46 (sel3b) and the recto of fol. 87 ((il82) have been left blank by the printer. 221 X 150 mm. On 1° is written: Ad vsum Fr. Capuc¬ cinou Conuent? Viennae. From the library of B. H. Bright. Bought in June, 1845. IA. 25673. Another copy. In this copy leaf 8 is blank. 201 X 144 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 4 of the table (bound at the end). With the stamp of the Bibliotheca Heberiana on 82. THOMAS AQUINAS. De diuinis moribus. Bought in June, 1919. STATUTA. Statuta ciuitatis Ferrariae. blank. 162: 46 lines, 220 X 120mm. Type : 95 G. Capital spaces. Hain 15005. wards, the latest dated 20 May, 1476; 2402, register ; 240°, blank; 2412, table of additional enactments ; 242, blank. 310X 230 mm. Without the last blank. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red ; on the made-up inmost sheet of quire se) (ff. 54, 55), which is mounted, they are supplied in red and blue. Old vellum. Bought in July, 1858. IB. 25680. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Liber aggrega lines, 129 x 83 (88) mm. Types: 95 G.; l. 1-7 on 21° (wanting in this copy) printed with roman capitals, D from the same fount also appearing on 112. Capital spaces. First letters of each section set out as far as 222 and again on 44°, 44°. Catchwords at end of quires. Gesamtkatalog 630. Sheets b 3, c 1, 2, d 3, 4 are octavo, the rest of those contained in this copy are quarto. Probably the first edition. The rule for finding the age of the moon (43°) takes 20 July, 1477, for its example. 199 X 145 mm. Imperfect, wanting the inner sheet of quires b and c. Bought in June, 1857. DATUS, AUGUSTINUS. De variis loquendi philosophia doctoris Augustini Datis Senensis de 84 mm. Type: 116 R. Capital space on 12. Hain 5994. Quires c, d are quarto, quires a, b octavo. 208 X 141 mm. Capital roughly supplied in colours. Many ms. corrections. With the signature of Lilio Gregorio Giraldi [Hieraldus), who has also written against the year-date of the colophon quo ano ego l. g. hye. Natus and whose arms are apparently painted in the lower margin of 12. From the libraries of the', "Marchese Don Nicolò Bentivoglio d'Aragona and of MAURELIUS. Leggendario e vita e mira¬ 88 mm. Type: 81 G. Capital spaces, all but one with guide¬ letters. Hain 10918. 201 X 145 mm. Without the blank. On 12 is written : Bought in July, 1858. LUCIDARIUS. [In Italian.) headline, 142 (150) x 99 mm. Type: 81 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. NICOLAUS DE LYRA. Postilla super Epi¬ Edited by Petrus Alexander de Ales. ture, matter on 15 ; 63 G., exposition. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Hain 10387. 192 X 147 mm. With a fly-leaf forming part of a double-column folio printed with Vind. de Spira (Venice) 99 G. [P. 21 Bought in March, 1906. IA. 25736. ANDREAE, ANTONIUS. Tria principia natu quotations, matter on 15 ; 63 G., text. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 989. Gesamtkatalog 1668.', "1a, blank ; 1°, printer's dedication to the Bishop of Adria ; 22", 'Mayronis expositio super viii libb. Physicorum Aristotelis emendata setting up as that in the Lyra of March, 1490 (IA. 25736).', "Sheets r I, 2 are signed r'ij, iij, by error, and on sheets r 3,4", 'the signature-letter has been stamped in. 197 X 149 mm. Old vellum. Bought in July, 1858. WITH ANDREAS DE GRASSIS. text. Printed Q (1) on 22, Lombards on 12, 1P, spaces elsewhere. Hain 3232.', "12, titula quaestionum ; 1P, author's dedication to fr. Carolus", 'Fauentinus ordinis Seruorum ; 22, text; 32°, blank. A symbol consisting of a circle with a long slanting line touching', "it on the left is generally used to represent instans' in this tract.", '304 X 208 mm. Bought in March, 1906. IB. 25739. LEONICENUS, NICOLAUS. De Plinii et IA. 25741. HUGO[BENZIJSENENSIS. Expositio super 145 G., title, headings; 105 G., headlines, etc. ; 81 G., text. Capi¬ tal spaces, with guide-letters. Catchwords at end of quires, except a, b. Ham 79011. The register erroneously assigns four sheets to quire K. 312X 215 mm. Original (?) stamped half leather over boards. Bought in March, 1906. IB. 25743 ALONE. 37 October, 1496. 12. TITLE: Liber de ingeniis adolescen¬ tium moribus. 145 G., title ; 81 G. Capital spaces. Border (1) on 32. Hain 15597. 206 x 155 mm. Original (?) boards. On 1e is the Bought in July, 1858. JACOBUS PHILIPPUS [FORESTI) BERGO- 45 lines, headline and foliation, 237 (244, 248) X 145 mm. Types: 105 G., text ; 81 G. (mixed with sorts from 63 G.), marginalia, table on 42, 4b ; 105 R. (capitals only), foliation. Marginalia. Wood', "cuts; capitals (2, 3, Lombards) and borders (22, 32). Hain '2813.", '1a, title ; 1°, woodcut, author presenting his book to Beatrice of Aragon, with border (22); 22, ad Beatricem Aragoniam Vngarorum et Bohemorum reginam prologus ; 42, table of names ; 52, rerum quarundam a claris mulieribus inuentarum specialis tabula; 5 woodcut, eight scenes from the life of the Virgin, with border (22 as on 1° ; 62, beginning of text, with border (32) ; 1762, colophon, register, device ; 176b, blank. Two large cuts. and 56 cuts (65 x 72 mm.) of famous women. making 172 by repetition.... But seven cuts of Italian ladies at the end of the book ... are not repeated, and .. . have such strongly marked characteristics, that they are probably copies of genuine', "portraits' (Catalogue ... of the Library of J. Pierpont Morgan,", 'Early Printed Books, vol. ii, no. 382). The register adds the catchword of the second leaf of the inner sheet in the case of all quires except A, a. 297 x 200 mm. Borders cropped at foot. Leaves 2, 3 and 4, 5 have changed places in binding.', "King George III's copy (167. h. 17).", 'IB. 25752. Another copy. 292 X 198 mm. Borders cropped and repaired at foot. Grenville copy (G. 1448). IB. 25753. Another copy. 301 X 196 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 5. Borders cropped at foot. IB. 25751. OFFICIUM. Officium breue quotidianum. 1b. Beatus Beda presbiter. woodcut 22. (red aureus numer? (to right) KL Ianuarius ha¬ bet dies. xxxi. Lu na. xxx... 13°. Finis. 14°. (red) Istud Epyphania. In Relsurrectione. In Ascensioe. In In festo sancte trilnitatis. In festo cor¬ Penthecoste. 215b. COLOPHON : (red) poris christi. Ad matutinum. In the top cover is the armorial bookplate of the Mar¬ chese Costabili-Contarini (?). Old vellum, the volume also containing IA. 25756. Bought in July, 1858. IA. 25755. MARIA. Corona beatae Mariae Virginis. MARIA. Corona beatae Mariae Virginis. *Undated. 1a. WOODCUT TITLE: (red) Corona Beate marie uirgilnis. 1b. [Woodcut, Assumption of the Virgin). 22. (red) Incipit Corona gloriose semp virlginis Marie', "105 G., words Aue mater dei : ora eum pro me'8 times repeated;", '81 G., text. Lombards. Woodcuts. The title bears above the lettering a crown supported by two angels and is enclosed in a double frame-line, 95 x 63 mm. The small cuts, 52 x 33 mm., on 3°, 6°, 8°, 10° represent scenes from the life of the Virgin, those on 12°, 14°, 162 represent the Resurrection, the Ascension, and the Outpouring of the Holy Ghost. This tract differs entirely from those with the same title begin¬', "ning : 'Signum magnum apparuit' and : Corona aurea super", 'caput eius respectively. Bought in July, 1858. HIERONYMUS. Epistolae, etc. (In Italian. x12 October, 1497. and headline, 253 (263) x 163 mm. Type: 105 R. Printed capitals (2, 5) and borders (22, 2b, 3b, 3°). Woodcuts. Hain 8566 The translator’s colophon, which precedes that of the printer on', "2712, runs : 'Questa soprascripta regula di scô hieronymo fu finita", 'surrounded by border (22). The full-page cut on 5b is surrounded by border (3°). The double cut (s. Jerome writing a letter which a messenger delivers to Pope Damasus, 84 x 105 mm.) and text on 64 are surrounded by border (2b). The woodcut title on 253b is surrounded by border (3e). The double cut lettered “.S. MARTIM. sic), 83 x 105 mm., and text on 2542 are surrounded by border (2a as on 24. The cut beneath the colophon on 2532 (s. Jerome and his lion in an ornamental border) measures 75 X 53 mm. The remainder of the illustrations consist of 120+41 column cuts, measuring about 52 X 75 mm. In the copy described by G. Antonelli (Ricerche bibliografiche sulle edizioni ferraresi del secolo xv (1830), p. 79) border (32) is found in place of (3b) on 5b. In other copies (cf. Hain, Morgar Cat. no. 383) the place of the cut of s. Jerome on the same page is taken by the woodcut colophon : HERCVLIS. ESTEN. DVCIS INCLYTI AC. INVICTISS. FELICI. AVSPICIO AC LIBERALITATE .MAXIMA. DIVI. HIERONYMI HOC SACRATISS. OPVS. IMPRESSVM. EST. FERRARIAE. AN. SAL. .M.CCCC.LXXXXIIII. In yet other copies (cf. Antonelli, p. 82) there is found the dedication: Augustino Barba¬ dico Duci inclyto Senatui Populoque Veneto Diui Hieronymi Epi¬ In this copy the penultimate word on the recto of fol. CCXXXXIIII reads : catne. 295 x 210 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf. On 5e is written: Melchior. Magius. C. A. C. Romæe. 1737. Leaves 2-4 are bound at the end. Grenville copy (G. 11778). IB. 25759. Another copy. In this copy the penultimate word on the recto of fol. CCXXXXIIII reads: carne. 302 x 209 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1-5. Many leaves in the latter part cropped at the top.', "King George III's copy (C. 13. b. 3).", 'IB. 25758. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Expositio Savonarola was burnt on 23 May, 1498. 204 X 145 mm. A printed capital has been cut out of the first leaf and the loss roughly made good in pen¬ and-ink. Bought in April, 1860. STROZA, HERCULES. In Saxum paraenetice. STROZA, HERCULES. In Saxum paraenetice. [Between 10 November, 1499, and April, 1500. 12. TITLE: HERCVLIS STROZAE IN SAXVM. Type: 105 R. Printed capital N (2) on 22. 208 x 149 mm. Uncut. On the last page is the coat of arms of the family of Tannberg or Thannberg (Counts, of Nuremberg ?), with initials and the note : Dono', "Adno Sigl. Scheuffler ... 2°. apl. 1. 5. 00'.", 'Bought in May, 1907. MESUE, JoANNES. Opera. [With the Addi¬ MESUE, JoANNES. Opera. [With the Addi¬ tiones of Petrus de Abano. 9 June, 1471. 12. INCIPIT. LIBER. IOANNIS. MESVE. DE. COLOPHON : FINEM huius grabadin hoc locoim posituz esse cernito, quare gras omnium bonorum TVDINVM. 203b. SECOND COLOPHON: IOANNIS. NIS. PARTICVLARIVM. AEIGRITVDINVM. LI¬ BER. FELIACITER. FINIT. M. CCCC. LXXI. V. IDVS. IVNII.] 2052. PETRI. APPONI. MEDICI CLARISSIMI. IN. LIBRVM. IO ANNIS. MESVE. ADDITIO. INICIPIT. 234°. THIRD COLOPHON : 615 CITER FINIT.', "Folio. [a-k1 ; ...; aal bb cc'dde.] 236 leaves, 99, 100, 204,", '235, 236 blank. 2 columns. 22: 39 lines, 232X 156 mm. Type: 119 R. Capital spaces. Irregular line-endings. Hain 11107. The form of a with pointed head is the only one used at the beginning of this book, the curly-headed form of a first occurring on 14° and soon becoming normal. As it is also normal throughout the other books of the group, this would seem to show that they are all later than the Mesue. Of six watermarks found in this book two (crossbow in circle,', "cardinal’s hat) are also found in Cennini's Servius, 1471-2", '(IC. 27001). Another (crown in circle) is common to all the tracts of the group. Proctor no. 7344. 303X 222 mm. Imperfect, wanting the De medicinis particularium aegritudinum (ff. 101-203), as well as all blanks except fol. 99. Rubricated. On 98b is written in red : Deo gracias amen liber est dnin goffordi de alberto', "de caye apparently in the rubricator's hand. On 1e is", 'another early inscription apparently reading Est ecc', "Nuntiate' [SS. Annunziata at Florence ?), and on 234", "is written : ' hic liber est Caroli Vernays (Vernaye?) in", 'a later hand. With the bookplate of Le Candele. Old paper boards. Bought in May, 1838. IB. 27002. ALBERTI, LEO BAPTISTA. Deifera siue In', "copy read 'BATISTAE' in l. 1). Gesamtkatalog 576.", 'Proctor no. 7346. 227X 161 mm. Capitals supplied in red or blue. Formerly ff. 631-82 of a tract-volume. Grenville copy (G. 2412). IB. 27003. ALBERTI, Leo BAPTISTA. Hecatomphila Quarto. [a b. 20 leaves. 22: 25 lines, 149 x 98 mm. Type: 119 R. Capital spaces. Irregular line-endings. Hain 420. Gesamtkatalog 577. Formerly ff. 83-102 of the same tract-volume as the preceding (IB. 27003), which possibly began with a copy of the following (IA. 27005). Grenville copy (G. 2411). IB. 27004. PHALARIS. translation of Bartholomaeus Fontius. 1471. TRADVCTE DA LVI DI GRECO IN LATI ALLO ILLVSTRE PRINCIPE MALATESTA FELICITER FINIT. M.CCCC.LXXI.', "Quarto. Ja-d'e-ge. 64 leaves. 32 : 25 lines, 150x 98 mm.", 'Type : 119 R. Capital spaces. Irregular line-endings. Hain 12903. The first edition, containing the four supplementary letters dedi¬ cated by Aretino to Alfonso of Naples and here headed ad Affi¬', "liande et Transibulo , a Paurola , a Peristene', and ad Eianoto'", 'f2). The fifth and sixth quires have changed places. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 27005. SERVIUS MAURUS HONORATUS. Com¬ Cenninus.] 17 November, 9 January, 1471/2, 7 October, 1472. 12. JBIVCOLICA VT FERVNT DICTA SVNT A ENIM SVNT ANIMALIA APVD RV FLORENTIAE. VII. IDVS NOVEMBRES M¬ VII HONORATI MAVRI IN AENEIDIS LIBROS NVM DENATVRA SYLLABARVM LIBELLVS NONIS OCTOBRIBVS.M CCCC LXXII. FLO¬ RENTIAE.', "Folio. Jab' ; c-z10 &8. 238 leaves, the last blank. 22: 43", 'lines, 257 X 154 mm. Type: 120 R. Capital spaces, also spaces for Greek. Hain 14707. 385 x 275 mm. On 1° a capital and an unfinished coat of arms are illuminated in gold and colours. Ms. notes and underlines. From the Pembroke Library. Eighteenth-century red morocco. Bought in July, 1914. IC. 27010. EARLY BOOKS. That this book was printed on at least two presses, the second beginning with quire [pl, is made certain by the starting of a fresh section of text at this point and the sequence of the watermarks. The last leaf is here taken to be a half-sheet, gathered with the last quire, but may be part of a separate sheet at the end, the blank half of which is wanting in the Museum copies. In this copy the last word on [il22 reads: nemai. 277 x 206 mm. Capitals supplied in red. IB. 27013.', "King George III's copy (86. k. 8).", 'Another copy. In this copy the last word on lil22 reads: nema. 254 x 189 mm. On 1e is illuminated a capital and a coat-of-arms (mulberry, family of Moro?) in a wreath. Grenville copy (G. 10274). IB. 27014. PETRARCA, FRANCESCO. Trionfi. 466. COLOPHON: MAGISTER: IHO¬ The watermark of this book, a flower with two leaves and stalk, is that found in the greater part of the Boccaccio, Filocolo, of November, 1472 (IB. 27013). 196 x 135 mm. Imperfect, wanting sheet [dl1, part of the text of the first leaf of this being supplied by a ms. copy. Some capitals supplied in red. Beneath the colophon is written: SI lacobi luce demeliorellis. Red morocco, gold tooled, by Derome le jeune. From the libraries of Paul Girardot de Préfond and Count Bolongaro-Crevenna.', "King George IIl's copy (C. 6. a. 2). LATE BOOKS.', "150 x 87 mm. Types: 75 R. (capitals only), title, heading 'DI¬", "SCEPOLO' throughout ; 81 G. Lombards, also capital space on", '42. Hain 8818. The sheet containing the table (ff. 2, 3) is inserted between the first and second leaves of quire a. 204 X 143 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf c7 and the blank. Bought in June, 1910. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Predica fatta Type: 81G. Lombard on 12. Hain 14398? This and the following books, all of which appear to belong to', "the late 'nineties, were assigned to the partnership of Morgiani and", 'Petri by Proctor (nos. 6372, 6374, 6376, 6380, 6381). Those with assignable dates contain the wedge-shaped hyphen and (mostly) the 9 of the 1497 Imitatio Christi signed by Petri alone (IA. 27850); the other two contain neither hyphen nor 9 but the texts offer no occasion for their use. 194 X 130 mm. Bought in July, 1862. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS: Epistola con Italian translation of Filippo Cioni.) After June, 1497. Type: 81 G. Lombards. Hain 14453. At the beginning of his letter Savonarola speaks of excommuni¬', "catio quam proximis diebus iniustam esse monstrauimus'. This is", 'presumably a reference to his Epistola contro la scomunica nuova¬ mente fatta written on 19 June, 1497 (cf. IA. 27341, p. 651), which thus supplies a terminus post quem for the present tract. The', "latter deals mainly with Gerson's arguments on 'contemptus", "clauium'. IMITATIOCHRISTI. De imitatione Christi. TEMPTV OMNIVM VANITA-TVM MVNDI. I. C Tabule capitulorum .. . 5°. C Incipit liber primus Iohannis Gerson Can- cellarii Parisiensis. De imita¬ lines and headline, 102 (106) x 72 mm. Type: 81 G. Capital Q on 52, Lombards, a few spaces. Hain 9110. On 1 52 the headline stands upside down.', "The phrase 'felici numine finiunt' in the colophon occurs in", 'various Venetian and Milanese editions from 1486 onwards. 136 x 103 mm. On 1e is an armorial bookstamp (flames) lettered B G, on the lower edge another stamp. In a vellum wrapper cut from a manuscript, on the flap of which is written : Balduini est. Bought in November, 1896. IA. 27850. BOSSIUS, MARCUS. Contra delirantes qui The prior of Ognissanti at Florence at this date was Marcus Bossius, who is known to have written at least one other tract against Savonarola (cf. J. Schnitzer, Peter Delfin (1926), pp. 266,', "282. 356). The present tract was written after the latter's execu¬", 'cution, as it reproves those who attempted to collect his ashes. 221 X 145 mm. FALABACCHIO. Falabacchio e Cattabriga 12. TITLE: FALABACCHIO E CHATTABRIGA stanzas to the column, with spaces, 143X 116 mm. Type: 81 G. Lombard on 22. 207 X 139 mm. Bound in red morocco by Bauzonnet- Trautz. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 27891. CATARINA DA SIENA. Leggenda di s. 35 lines, 157 X 101 mm. Type: 90 G. Capital spaces, that on 1e with guide-letter. Hain 4965. The type-page is 104 mm. broad on and after 9b. A variant recension of the abridgement of the Life of s. Catharine by Raimundus de Vineis noted under J. A. de Honate, Milan, 1489 (IA. 26368). Here also the name of Raimundus remains in the the second prologue. This appears to be the first book printed at the Ripoli Press, apart from a Donatus, and cannot therefore be dated in the Floren- tine style. 212 X 155 mm. Without the blank. Old half leather Bought in December, 1885. LIBRO. Libro da compagnie ovvero frater Type: 117 R. Capital spaces, also within the line. Line-endings often irregular. Hain 5550?,5553, 10075. This book was the first to be printed with the roman type acquired from Johannes Petri in May, 1477, and had been printed off, apparently in 300 copies, when Petri left the press in the following August. The type mostly appears very fresh. 231 X 165 mm. Capitals supplied in blue. Original (?) stamped half leather over boards. Bought in July, 1900. IA. 27029. 620 135 X 83 mm. Type: 117 R. Capital spaces, one with guide- letter, on 12 and 22. Hain 1221. Gesamtkatalog 2153.', "The text of this book, which ends with the words 'se uuole lo puo", "seguire', is of a recension apparently printed only at Florence.", 'Quires e, p and sheets f4, 14 are octavo, the rest quarto. Sheet 14 is signed h iiii by error. One hundred copies of this book changed hands on 24 October, 1477. of Giacomo Lucchesini. Half leather over paper boards, as in IA. 27061. Bought in April, 1858. IA. 27025. CAPRANICA, DOMINICUS. De arte bene 83 mm. Type: 117 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 4396. Gesamtkatalog 2619. Sheets a 1 and c 3 and quire d are quarto, the rest octavo. The amount of copy required to fill the page is often miscalcu¬ lated, resulting in short pages (20b, 212, etc.), short last lines (7b. etc.) or catchword-like additions (222, etc.). This edition is recorded as on sale on 4 November, 1477. 186 x 129 mm. Capitals supplied in blue. Bought in July, 1863. IA. 27027. FIOR DI VIRTU. The colophon shows that this is reprinted from one of the two editions printed nel Beretin Convento at Venice in 1474 and 1477 (p. 238). If its model is that of 1474 (IA. 20412), the date 1477 here given in the colophon must be that of printing, otherwise the date 23 October, 1477 of the second Venetian edition (IA. 20424) supplies a terminus post quem only. The alterations in type 117 R. made in this book presumably preclude its being earlier than the concluding months of the year 1477, but two editions of the Fior di virtù are recorded for the year 1483, the later, finished by 2; September, being printed on paper watermarked with a cross, and as this is the watermark found in the present book, it may perhaps represent a revival in 1483 of type 117 R. slightly modified. The present book is Reichling 180, while Hain 7100 apparently records another reprint of the same nature. 206 X 140 mm. The last sheet is bound with the blank preceding the table of chapters, but this order is unlikely and has therefore not been adopted in the collation above. Bought in March, 1906. IA. 27030. FONTIUS, BARTHOLOMAEUS. In Persium SALVTEM. 90b. COLOPHON: IM¬ PRESSVM FLORENTIAE APVD SAN( IACOBVM DE RIPOLI ANNO MCCCC LXXVII.', "Quarto. a-hIlm'n2. 90 leaves. 22 : 25 lines, 144 X85-7 mm.", 'Type : 115 R. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain The pages of the inner sheet of quire e are one or two lines short, and a line is dropped occasionally elsewhere, while page a 4b has 27 lines. The correction on g 12 of Caesar alium .: . composuit : antica¬ pen-and-ink appears to have been made in the office. Apparently the first edition. Fontius was seeing the book through the press on 23 December, 1477. 221 X 147 mm. On 12 is the oval armorial book-stamp of Count Hercules Silva. From the library of Dr. Kloss, with his book-label. Bought in December, 1846. IA. 27031. ACCIAIOLUS, DONATUS. Expositio super VIRVM. COSMVM. MEDICEM. 56. DONATI. ACCIAIOLI. FLORENTINI. EXPOSITIO. SVIPER TINI EXPOSITIO IMPRESSVM FLO¬ Capital spaces, some with guide-letters, also a few spaces for Greek.', "Hain '33. Gesamtkatalog 140.", 'been added after printing off. In and after quire o the signatures usually form part of the last line of text on the page, a great part of the line being often blank. This and the following book have most of their watermarks in common, and were apparently both in hand on 14 January, 1477/8. 316x 218 mm. Without the blank. IB. 27036. King George III's copy (167. f. 13).", 'gestis Alexandri Magni. (In the Italian translation of Petrus Candidus Decembrius. *1478. FINISCE LA COMPARATIONE 32 lines, 185 X 122 mm. Type: 115 R. Capital spaces, with guide- letters. Hain 5888. Sheet D 4 is signed C iiii. The first edition. Paper for it was being got ready on 12 Feb- ruary, 1477/8, so that it appears to have been finished later than the Acciaiolus above. 238 X 195 mm. Bound in brown stamped calf by Hering, rebacked. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. IB. 27038. Bought in July, 1845. Another copy. 269 x 205 mm. Capital, border and coat of arms illuminated in gold and colours on the first page.', "King George III's copy (C. 2. b. 10).", 'IB. 27038a. AURELIUS VICTOR, SEXTUS. De viris ILLVSTRIVM. VIROJRV. INCIPIT. pROCA. REX. ALBANOrum Amulium & Numitorem filios FLORENTIAE. APVD. SANCTVM. IACOBVM. This and the following book are brought together because they have the same measurements and because the watermark of the Suetonius (a cross in a circle or oval) is one of those found here. 201 X 139 mm. Bound in crushed brown morocco by Tripon. Another copy. 184 X 130 mm. Ms. foliation: 15-46. IA. 27043a. SUETONIUSTRANQUILLUS, GAIUS. De FLORENTIAE A PVD SANCTVM IACOBVM SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS, GAIUS. Opera. CATILIINAE LIBER INCIPIT oMNIS Homines. Qui se se student prestare ceteris animalibus: ... 182. CRISPI. SALVSTII. DE. IVGVR THINO. BELLO. COLOPHON: .FINIS. LIBER. INCIPIT. 492 PRESSVM. FLORENTIAE. APVD. SANCTVM. IA COBVM. DE RIPOLI. M. CCCC LXX VIII.', "Folio and Quarto. as b'c-f. 50 leaves, the first and last blank.", '32 : 35 lines, 184 X 128 mm. Type: 105 R. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 14206. Sheet a 2 is quarto, the rest folio. 270X 193 mm. Without the first blank. On 2° is written: Del Can° Gio. Vinc° Capponi. Bought in September, 1837. IB. 27049. \ufeff622 SENTE. OPE RA. DI MESSER. FRANCIE SCO. IACOBVM. DE. RIPOLI. ANNO. DOMI NI. M. CCCC. LXX. VIII.', "Folio. [42; absc-hIl-q'r'. 104 leaves, the last blank. Table", "spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '12809 (whose copy lacked the", 'two leaves of table). On 972 the text attributed to Petrarch ends with a note on Pope Gregory XI and is followed by the anonymous supplement which begins with Pope Urban VI, 1378. The last section of text begins :', "Sixto papa .iiii. del cui pontificato siamo alseptimo anno ...' ; the", 'seventh year of the reign of Sixtus IV expired 10 August, 1478. This edition was apparently ready on 3 February, 1478/9. 268 x 194 mm. Without the blank. Capitals and paragraph marks supplied in red or blue. On 3e the capital is illuminated in gold and colours, with a coloured drawing of a sainted bishop or pope beside it, on 3°, 7° and 28b are similar drawings of Julius Caesar, St. Peter, and St. Sylvester respectively. IB. 27046a.', "King George III's copy (C. 14. b. 6).", 'Another copy. 278 x 200 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf. Old vellum. IB. 27046. Presented. Not after 22 Februaryl, 1479/80. 12. AVRELII AVGVSTINI LOGIICA INCIPIT. C qVIA mentionem philosophiae in priore disputationis TVM IACOBVM RENTIAE APVD SAN DE RIPOLI. ANNO. DOMI NI. M.CCCC.LXX.VIIII. 105 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Initial of the inter¬', "locutor 'C' set out where it occurs at the beginning of a paragraph.", 'Hain 2111. Gesamtkatalog 2957. his tract is largely a compilation, thrown into the form of a dia¬', "logue between 'A.' and 'C.', from the pseudo-Augustinian Cate¬", 'goriae decem ex Aristotele decerptae. The printing of this text was contracted for on 16 December, 1479, the number of leaves being fixed at about 22 or 24, the num¬', "ber of copies at 200, and the format as' in 8. regalis chartae', this", 'last item presumably identifying the edition in question as the present one and not that dated 1480. Copies were in existence on 22 February, 1479/80. 198 X 137 mm. Bound before IA. 24839 and IA. 18038, the whole being from the library of Thomas Crofts (sold in 1783).', "King George III's copy (C. 5. a. 12 (1). IA. 27055.", "'1480.)", 'RENTIAE APVD SANCTVM IACOBVM. DE RIPOLI. ANNO. DOMINI. M. CCCC. LXXX.) Quarto. a-c8. 24 leaves. 42 : 28 lines, 145x 83 mm. Type: 105 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Initial of interlocutor to left of guide-letter but not set out. Hain 2112. Gesamtkatalog 2958. 206X 145 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf. Capitals supplied in red. Bought in March, 1906. IA. 27057. PEROTTUS, NICOLAUS. Rudimenta gram¬ IACOBVM. DE RIPOLI. AMEN. Quarto. a-i8 k6 ; lu8. 158 leaves. 122 : 30 lines, 157 x 97 mm. Type: 105 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 12696? The printing of this book was begun on 20 November, 1480, and it was completed by 9 March following. Bound in crushed blue morocco by 209 X 138 mm. Riviere and Son. Bought in June, 1920. IA. 27064. MOSES MAIMONIDES. De regimine sani¬ tatis ad Soldanum Babyloniae. 12. tRactatus Rabi Moysi que domino & Magnificho In his preface the author describes his work as divided into four treatment of the Sultan by other physicians (33°-402). The type-pages on 52-6b are several lines short. This book is ranged here tentatively. The state of the type shows it to be earlier than the Ficinus following it, but its subject suggests that it was printed about the same time in view of an epidemic of plague. 198 X 141 mm. From the library of Dr. C. Inglis. Bound in crushed blue morocco by J. Faulkner. Bought in October, 1871. IA. 27063. FICINUS, MARSILIUS. Consiglio contro la 78 mm. Type: 105 (101) R. Capital spaces, a few with guide¬ letters. Hain 7082?', "of Ficino's material by another hand. In the second chapter (2a", "2b) is a reference to 'la presente peste del M.cccclxxviii. et del", '181 X 130 mm. Without the blank. In the top cover is the nearly erased note of ownership of Giacomo Lucchesini. Half leather over paper boards, as in IA. 27025. Bought in June, 1884. 105 (102) R. Printed capitals. First letter of each stanza set out. Hain 13575. A parcel of thirty copies of this book was sold on 24 October, 1483, and this large number suggests an edition recently put on the market. RICCIUS, JACOBUS. Obiectiones super Logi As the date of this book appears to be otherwise quite uncertain, it is worth noting that one of its watermarks, an outspread hand, is also found in the Maimonides attributed to 1481 above (IA. 27063) while the other, a cross in a circle, may be that found in the Perottus of the same year (IA. 27064), also that on 11 May, 1481, the Press paid 15 soldi to a goldsmith per tre puntelli ci fecie per', "la lettera minuta et uno per la grossa', a distinction which would", 'well apply to the type of this book if in use together with type 105 R. Bought in May, 1899. FICINUS, MARSILIUS. Della cristiana reli¬ 12. (table) [PTROHEMIO PRIMO. CHELVMANA endings often irregular. Hain 7071.', "In his proem to Del Nero the author says (42) : 'El tuo Marsilio", 'Ficino... ha in questo anno composto ... un libro inconfermatione A miscalculation of the length of ch. 28 has resulted in the greater part of 81° and the whole of 82 (end of quire [k)) being left blank. Possibly the book was set up on three presses, ending with quires sel, Ikl and (ol respectively. lhe type appears extremely fresh at the beginning of this book, which has therefore been ranged before the Latin edition (IA. 27111). No gothic admixtures have been noticed. 270X 189 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 41 and 44 (sheet e 3) and the blank. A corner of the text of leaf 5 has been cut away and made good in ms. Rubricated.', "King George III's copy (C. 9. b. 4).", 'IB. 27113. De christiana reli¬ In a letter written to accompany presentation copies of what must be this edition the author says : ’Dono tibi religionem no¬ stram ... Si forte nostra haec religio tibi uidebitur pauperrima: 22768), lib. iii, fol. lxxix2) but it and another to the same effect are previously found without date inserted between letters of 10 Novem- ber and 10 December, 1476 (loc. cit., fol. lxx° lxxi2), which makes the appearance of the book during these weeks highly probable. Cf. L. Galeotti, Saggio intorno alla vita . .. di M. Ficino, in Gothic admixtures are frequent in and after the third quire. 229X 167 mm. Imperfect, wanting the table. Fully rubricated. On 1e is written: Ad bibl : aul: Eystettense. Original (?) stamped and red stained pigskin. Bought in June, 1859. IA. 27111. 625 12. IN NOMINE PATRIS ET FILII ET SPIRI tus sancti amen. Incomincia ilbellissimo et utile tractato 177X112 mm. Type: I13 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. This and the following book are shown by the state of the type to be earlier than the Bettini of September, 1477 and they are there- fore also doubtless earlier than the Alphonsus de Toleto completed only six weeks before the Bettini. The Cavalca is ranged before the Belcari on account of the freshness of the type in its early quires. The relation of Hain 4771 to this edition is not clear. 283x 192 mm. Without the blank. Rubricated. On 1a is written: G. Alessdro. Ma. Aversi. Bought in May, 1867. IB. 27109. BELCARI, FEO. Vita del beato Giovanni 12. LODATO SIA IESV CRISTO. IINCOMIN¬ CIA EL PROEMIO NELLA VITA delbeato GIO¬ Quarto. a-fg4; hil-n8o“. 96 leaves, the last blank. 32: 32 lines, 181 X110mm. Type: 113 R. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Hain 2747. Gesamtkatalog 3798. cut out and mounted. Bought in September, 1851. IB. 27107. ALPHONSUS [VARGASJ DE TOLETO. word at end of nearly every quire. Hain 877. Pellechet (no. 567) describes from the copy at the Bibliothèque Nationale a variant incipit : [IJNcipiût questioes super libris. 8 those previously found in the book. 278 X 201 mm. Bought in May, 1896. IB. 27072. ANTONIUS [BETTINIJ DE SENIS. Monte lines, 187 X 116 mm. Types: 113 R., text on a 1-4 and throughout quire b; 113 (108) R., remainder of body of book ; 115 Ra., text in quire 4. Capital spaces. Hain 1276. Gesamtkatalog 2204. The full-page engraving on 4° represents the ladder of Paradise or ascent of the Holy Mount, that on 103° represents Christ in glory standing in a mandorla, the half-page engraving on 1182 represents the torments of the damned. These are the first engraved book-illustrations known. The number of lines to the page in quire i is very irregular, the single leaf i 5 having only 24 on the recto and 25 on the verso. In the preliminary matter printed with type 115 Ra, the type¬ page is only 109/110 mm. broad, but there are 34, 35 and 37 lines to the page. These leaves must be considerably later than the body of the book. 285 x 203 mm. Rubricated. The engraving on 1182 has been mutilated and repaired, and another copy of it, cut out, is mounted on a sheet of paper inserted between ff. 117 and 118. Grenville copy (G. 10563). IB. 27074. Another copy. In this copy a long f appears prefixed to the first word of the colophon ((Finito). 276 x 200 mm. On 58 is written: Copral da fra Jacopo', "da Radea lire ciqe e soldi q...' and Fra Leonardo da", "Môtagnano'. With the bookplate of Count D. Boutourlin.", 'From the collection of John Sheepshanks. Print Room (acquired in August, 1845). IB. 27074a. CRESCENTIIS, PETRUS DE. Opus ruralium 1b. LIBER PETRI CRESCIENTII DE AGRI¬ TVRA FOELICITER INCIPIT.PROEMIVM. a. TAVOLA DEL LIBRO DELLE VIL lereccie ME NICHOLAVM DIOCE Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Catchwords at end of', "The author's dedications to Amerigo di Piacenza and to King", 'Charles of Sicily are printed on 1P. Long-tailed Q apparently does not occur before quire n. The', "occurrence of the misprint ' LIRBO' in four successive headlines", 'in quire o suggests that the block of type making up the headlines was repeatedly used. 299 X 207 mm. Without the blank. From the La Vallière library. Eighteenth-century French red morocco. IB. 27077.', "King George III's copy (C. 14. b. 13). CELSUS, AULUS CORNELIUS. De medicina. SVO. S. 22. CORNELII CELSI DE MEDICINA ANICOLAO IM PRESSVS ANNO SALVTIS M CCCC LIXXVIIII. 1892. PRIMO LIBRO COR¬ NELII CELSI. DE MEDICINA HAEC CON¬ TINENTVR: 1956. .FINIT TABVLA.', "Folio and Quarto. Jaa’ atb-i1-z & aa-gghh' ; A8. 196 leaves,", 'the last blank. 32 : 34 lines and headline, 179 (190) X 115 mm. Types: 106 R. ; 92 R., table. Capital spaces, with guide-letters.', "Catchword at end of quire Jaa). Hain '4835 (describing the table", 'at the beginning). Quires Jaal-x and sheets y 2, 3, z 2, 3 are folio, the rest quarto. The type-page is 115 mm. broad only in quire Jaal ; elsewhere it measures 108-110 mm. Sheets hh 1, 2 are signed hh.ii., hh. iii., by error. The first edition. The editor, in his letter to Saxettus (1°), after eulogizing the labours of printers, remarks : Ab his ego : ut mul¬ torum utilitati consulerem : Cornelii Celsi ... libros imprimendos QVARTVS, altered to .QVINTVS in pen-and-ink. 279 X 205 mm. Rubricated.', "Rev. C. M. Cracherode's copy, with date 1782.", 'IB. 27079. Another copy. In this copy the headline on o5à reads : .QVARTVS, as in the preceding, and the signature of sheet gg i is omitted. Without the blank. From the 273 X 208 mm. Crevenna collection. IB. 27079a.', "King George III's copy (167. d. 1).", 'Another copy. In this copy the headline on ogà reads correctly : .QVINTVS. 260X 195 mm. Without the blank. The table (quire A) is bound at the beginning. IB. 27079b. Grenville copy (G. 9003). ARISTOTELES. Ethica ad Nicomachum. ARISTOTELES. Ethica ad Nicomachum. Translated by Joannes Argyropulos.) *Undated. 12. :PREFATIO: IJOannes Argyropylus Bizan¬ tius/clarissimo uiro Cosmæ medici salutem: ... 4°. FLORENCIE.', "Quarto. Jalb-h'it L-qeér6. 116 leaves. 22 : 31 lines, 176x", '113 mm. Type : 115 Rà. Capital spaces, those on m44-p86 nearly all with guide-letters. Head-lines (book-numbers) on and after 4°. Catchwords at end of quires a-d, f-i. Hain 1753. Gesamtkatalog 2361. The cessation of catchwords with quire i suggests a change of press at this point, but the only change of paper is at the beginning', "of quire m, when the watermark of a cardinal's hat replaces that of", 'R in a circle, while & leaning to left is replaced by & below the line', "on 182. The last leaf of quire i is signed l'i.", '278 x 190 mm. Capitals supplied. On the last page is written: Emit fr hiero? Baschorius. From the Sunderland Library. Bought in January, 1882. IB. 27087. LANDINUS, CHRISTOPHORUS. Disputationes I AD ILL. FEDERICVM PRINCIPEM RENTI. VRBINA TVM DISPVTATIONVM CAMALDVL¬ (black) ex omnibus studiis Illustrissime Federice. 1312. END : . . . quod reliquu diei e ualitudini impen¬ line, 176 (188) X 114 mm. Type : 115Re. Capital space, with guide-letter (except to book ii), at the beginning of each book. Spaces for Greek. Catchword at end of quire bb. Hain 9852. 627 1a blank : 1b table of contents ; 22, lib. i ; 262, lib. ii ; 57, 58, After the first pages the breadth of the type-page is round about III mm. The signatures are very irregular, especially in the last section. The last leaf of quire a is signed: bi and the sheets of quire ff are signed : ffiii, ffiiii, h iii, h iiii. The pages of leaf 16 and the following unsigned sheet are two or three lines short, while the last page of this unsigned sheet contains only 16 lines, followed by', "the words 'nihil deficit'. The last page of text in the book contains", '34 lines. & leaning to left is usual in quires a-[G), & below the line is usual in the remainder. 270X 197 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf a 8. The first leaf, which is backed and bound verso foremost, bears the oval book-stamps of the Discalced Carmelites of S. Paul at Florence and of Pandolfo Ricasoli Baroni, also at Florence (about 1600). With the bookplate of Count D. Boutourlin. Old vellum. Bought in January, 1848. IB. 27090. Another copy. 279 X 193 mm. Imperfect, wanting sheet c 2 and the blanks. The final i in the signatures ciii, ciiii has been erased. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in July, 1845. IB. 27089. SAMUEL, Rabbi. Epistola contra Judaeorum ano Salvini. With other tracts. After 25 November, 1479. Type : 115 R2. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 14275, 14276 The text on 370-41b includes the Athanasian Creed and an ex- position of various texts connected with the Agony in the Garden and the Denial of Peter; the remainder of the book consists of short summaries ofthe Psalms and various canticles, all by Salvini. The heading of the Epistola di rabbi Samuel describes it on 3 as tradocta ... dilatino in lingua toscana Da bastiano saluino .. not occur. This should perhaps be taken to show that it is later than the other two books printed with type 115 Ra. 213X 145 mm. Bought in March, 1866. DANTE ALIGHIERI. Divina commedia. 1, 14, 15, 169, 371 and 372 blank. Text enclosed by commentary. 174: 60 lines of commentary, and headline, 273 (283) X 170 mm. A column of 45 lines of text on 336° measures 258 mm. Types 115 RP., text; 91 R., commentary. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Catchwords at end of quires a-d and some others. En¬', "gravings and spaces for engravings. Hain '5946.", '1, blank; 22, proem of Landino on the Florentine genius, the life Purgatorio ; 2772, prologue of Landino to Paradiso ; 277b, blank;', "Landino's prologue to the Paradiso on 2772 is found in two", 'settings-up. In that shown in the first three copies here catalogued', "there are 47 lines of text, the last line beginning 'finalmenste and", 'being quite filled, and the signature, which should be A i, appears as aaai. The second leaf of the same quire A is signed aaa ii in all copies. In the headlines on C 82, 92 the word OCTAVO is reversed, in that on C 102 it is printed OVATCO, and in those on DI2, 22 the word NONO is reversed.', "Three or more lines of Dante's text have been omitted by the", 'and Il. The complete series of illustrations contemplated for this book, as is shown by the provision of a blank space before each canto seems never to have actually progressed beyond the first 19 cantos of the Inferno, for which as many engravings, after designs by Botticelli, are known, together with an early copy after the plate to canto iii. The printer was evidently unequal to the task of taking impressions directly on the pages of text, as only the first three plates are ever found so treated, the remainder being printed on separate slips of paper afterwards pasted into place. See A. M. Hind, Catalogue of Early Italian Engravings ... in the British Museum (1910), pp. 83-94. 402 x 260 mm. Without the blanks 1, 14, and 372. Containing all the engravings; that to canto i is cropped. Leaf 1 9 is bound before 1 8 and leaves I 2 and I 5 have changed places. Grenville copy (G. 10874). 395 X 279 mm. Without the blanks 1, 14, 371, and 372. Containing all the engravings; that to canto i is cropped, that to canto iii (now separately mounted) was pasted on that to canto ii repeated before canto iii by error, those to cantos viii, xiv, and xv have been made up from another copy, and an engraving appears at one time to have been pasted before canto xx. Capitals in the first two quires supplied in blue, large capital illuminated in gold and colours at the beginning of \ufeff628', "Dante's text. The passages omitted by the printer are", 'made good in contemporary manuscript. Bought in June, 1842. IC. 27094 Another copy. 414 X 285 mm. Without the blanks. Containing the engravings to cantos i, ii, viii, ix, xvi-xix, and that to canto ii repeated before canto iii; that to canto i is slightly cropped. Ornamental capitals on 22 and 163 supplied at a late date. An engraved portrait of Dante and a sheet of ms. bibliographical notes are inserted at the beginning, and after leaf D 1o is a duplicate of the same leaf printed on the recto only.', "Rev. C. M. Cracherode's copy, with date 1790.", 'IC. 27096. Another copy.', "In the setting up of Landino's prologue to the Paradiso on 2772", 'found in this copy there are 48 lines of text, the last line beginning (diminullita: and being only half filled, while the signature appears as aa i. 435 X 283 mm. Without all blanks except fol. 169 Containing the engraving to canto ii only. Leaves 2 and 16 are cut out and mounted, the latter being supplied with a historiated initial and a painted four-side border with the coat of arms of Joseph Smith. An engraved portrait of Dante is mounted on a sheet of paper inserted before leaf 16. IC. 27095a.', "King George's III's copy (C. 7. e. 7). SCALA, BARTHOLOMAEUS. Oratio pro impera¬ [Not before 4 October, 1481. 1b. ORATIO BARTHOLOMEI SCALE PRO IMPE Ratoriis militaribus signis Dandis Constantio. 91 R. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 1b. Hain 14504. On and after 2b the breadth of the type-page is 107/8 mm. 270 X 190 mm. IB. 27116. BERLINGHIERI, FRANCESCO. Geografia. gazetteers in 3 columns. 32 : 51 lines and headline, 285 (298) x blank; 692, lib. iv; 812, gazetteer to maps 1-4 of Africa; 842, lib. v : 100b, col. 2, blank; 1012, gazetteer to maps 1-4 of Asia; 1052, lib. vi: 1132, gazetteer to maps 5-9 of Asia; 115b, 116, blank ; 1172, lib. vii : 124°, gazetteer to maps 10-12 of Asia; 126, blank ; 127-188, thirty. one engraved maps, printed on the inner openings of 3o separate', "sheets, and comprising an 'Appamondo’, ten maps of Europe, plus", 'Hispania nouella, Gallia nouella and Italia nouella, four of Africa (Libya), and twelve of Asia, plus Palestina moderna. The above description applies to what appears to be the con¬ dition of this book when first published. In many copies the following title is printed in red on 12: "GEOGRAPHIA DI FRANCESCO BERLINGHIERI FIORENTINO IN TERZA RIMA ET LINGVA TOSCANA DIISTINCTA CON LE SVE TAVO LE IN VARII SITI ET PROVINCIE SECONDO LA GEOGRAPHIA ET DISTINctione dele tauole di', "Ptolomeo. Cum gratia z Priuilegio.', while on 126e is printed a", "register in 3 columns, followed by the colophon: 'Impresso in¬", 'firenze per Nicolo Todescho & emendato con somma dili gentia', "dallo auctore.' The title, in which one gothic and three roman", 'founts are employed, is certainly later than 1500, and the matter on the last page is apparently printed with the smallest roman found on the title. Probably both additions were made about the same time, the title being an afterthought, as it does not appear in all the copies furnished with the register and colophon. The register directs the maps to be inserted in groups immediately after the books of the text which they illustrate, the first group starting after the end of lib. ii, i. e. between quires dd and ee. The text of lib. iv ends with l. 16 of col. 1 on 812 (b 72), the remainder of the page being occupied with the beginning of the gazetteer to Africa, which extends from 812 to 83b. This gazetteer is printed with type 115 Rb., and the inking on 812 shows that it was separately struck off, leaves 82, 83 forming a single sheet inserted between the last two leaves of the quaternion b. It is evident that the gazetteers, none of which are printed with type 115 Ra., were either not contemplated or not ready when the printing of the tex was first put in hand. This is the first edition of any part of the work of Ptolemy in which gazetteers are supplied. The maps were probably founded upon those in the Ptolem, printed by Buckink at Rome in 1478 (IC. 18252, p. 78), but differ', "in many details. The modern' maps of Spain, France, Italy and", 'Palestine are here found for the first time, and probably suggested the similar maps added to the Ptolemy printed by Holle at Ulm in 1482 (IC. 9306, vol. ii, p. 538). In a ms. letter prefixed to a copy of this book presented to the Turkish Prince Jem in 1484 the author remarks that his work was originally dedicated to Sultan Mohammed II, who died about the same time [viz. 3 May, 1481), and then re-dedicated to Federigo, Duke of Urbino, who also died almost immediately viz. 10 September, 1482). These dates agree well with the types used, which suggest a date about 1480/81 for the body of the text and one in 1482 for the first leaves, including the dedication to Duke', "Federigo. Ficino's apologus to the Duke on 3° is inserted", 'between letters of 6 February, 1481/2, and 9 May, 1482, in his collected Epistolae (lib. vii, fol. cxxxviiie of the 1495 edition). It is scarcely possible that a dedication to the Sultan should ever have been printed ; in the actual copy presented to him it is in ms. See E. Jacobs, Zur Datierung von Berlinghieris Geographia, to left occurs here and there. In type 115 RP. only separate Q is found. The headline on 81° and 82b reads LIBER SEXTVS, by error', "for 'quartus . The last three letters of FRANCESICHOJ and", 'the word Dicesi in l. 1 of 1052 (e 12) are not printed out. 427 X 282 mm. The late title and register and colophon are printed on 1e and 126°. The maps are bound together at the end, in the order: Africa, Asia,', "Europe, Appamondo'. The two leaves inserted in", 'quire b (82, 83) are misbound after quire d, and quire D (gazetteer to maps 1—4 of Asia) is misbound immedi¬ ately before leaf 113 (gazetteer to maps 5-9 of Asia).', "The Appamondo' is slightly cropped at the sides.", 'Print Room (acquired in August, 1845) IC. 27101b. In this copy the letters .C.I have dropped out of the last line on bb 32. The headline on 81b and 82° reads LIBER SEXTVS. 399 x 276 mm. Without the blanks 36, 68, and 116. The late register and colophon are printed on 1262, the late title is supplied in red ms. on 12. The maps are bound in groups according to the register. The Appa¬', "mondo' is cropped at the sides.", 'Grenville copy (G. 8173). IC. 27101. Another copy. In this copy most of the maps, which are backed and mounted, appear to be printed on two sheets of small folio paper pasted ogether lengthways. The headline on 81b and 82° reads LIBER SEXTVS. 420X 282 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 2, the blanks 36, 68, and 116 and the last leaf (blank?). The maps are bound in groups according to the register. The Appamondo is slightly cropped at the sides. Ff. I and 3 have been torn and repaired. Map Room (bought in November, 1867) IC. 27101c. Another copy. In this copy the last three letters of FRANCESICHOJ and the word Dicesi on 1o5e are not printed out, and the headline on 812 and 81b reads LIBER SEXTVS. 400X 275 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 2 and map 12 of Asia, also the blanks 36, 68, and 116. The late title and register and colophon are printed on 12 and 1262. The maps are bound in groups according to the register, except that maps 10 and II of Asia are bound after', "leaf 126. The Appamondo' is slightly cropped at the", 'sides. The text of the first leaf is cut out and mounted, defects in the title on 1e being made good in ms. Leaves 3 and 4 have been repaired.', "King George III's copy (C. 3. d. 10).", 'IC. 27101a. CHERUBINO DA SPOLETO. Regola di 12. FRATRIS CHERVBINI MINORVM ordinis ad lacobum de bogannis spiritualis uite compendiosa 26 lines, 144 x 86 mm. Type: IIIR2. Capital space, with guide¬ letter, on 12 and 432. Hain 4935. In the first quire 32 is signed b, 52 is signed a, in the second quire 1b is signed c, 72 is signed d, in the third quire 2b is signed f, 8a is signed e. In subsequent quires, except the sixth, which is unsigned, the first and second leaves are signed on the verso with consecutive letters of the alphabet. 209 X 138 mm. Old vellum. Bought in January, 1878. GILBERTUS DE HOYLANDIA. Ser¬ T FELICITER CANTICORVM LIBER INCIP. SERMO PRIMVS uARII SVNT AMANTIVM 34: 34 lines, 187X 112 mm. Type: III Rb. Capital spaces, those in quires a-h mostly with guide-letters. Catchwords at ends of quires a-h. Hain 17773.', "The first words on 2b run: 'pertat cui sic uidet : . .", 'doloris . . . absente sponso . . . Copies are known in which they run : taturcui sic uidet : .. . lectum dololris .. . abisnte sponso... Miscalculations of space have resulted in short pages on the inner sheet of a number of quires, more especially quire F. The beginning of quire A coincides with that of sermo xxiiii, the type appearing very sharp. 271 X 201 mm. Without the first blank. On 22 is', "written: Pertinet ad locum Sti. Danielis' and on a slip:", 'Pertinet ad usum Fr. Francisci M. a Trectis Vicentini Ord. Min. Original (?) boards, backed with later vellum. Bought in May, 1896. IB. 27121. POLITIANUS, ANGELUS. Silua cui titulus', "The author's dedication on 1b is dated : Florentiæ. Pridie", 'Nonas nouembres. M.CCCCLXXXV. ALBERTI, LEO BAPTISTA. De re aedifica¬', "letters. Catchwords at end of quires k, m-9. Hain '419 (except", 'last quire). Gesamtkatalog 579. The inmost sheet of quire l is printed with Nerlius 110 R.', "Politian in his epistle on 1b remarks that the deceased author's", 'brother Bernardus descriptos [libros de architectura) ex arche¬ 630 256 x 190 mm. Bound after IB. 19225 a, 19226 a (Vitruvius and Frontinus, Silber, Rome, s.a.). IB. 27125b. Grenville copy (G. 9158 (3)). Another copy, with the last quire reprinted. In this copy the last quire, as well as the inmost sheet of quire 1. is printed with Nerlius 110 R., the page-contents being the same as in the original issue. Hain 419. 284 X 200 mm.', "King George III's copy (169. i. 3).", 'IB. 27125a. Another copy, in the same state as the pre¬ ceding. 274X 199 mm. On 203° is the nearly obliterated bookstamp of a religious house. Bought. IB. 27125. GREGORIUS I. Moralia in Job. [In the GREGORIUS I. Moralia in Job. [In the Italian translation of Zenobio da Strata and *15 June, 1486. another hand.) sheet ff 3, all after quire gg. Capital spaces, nearly all with guide¬ letters. Hain 7935. 12, blank ; 1b, table to lib. i ; 22, prefatory epistle of S. Grégory ; 4°, prologue ; 5b, lib. i; 2522, col. 2, 252b, 2538, blank ; 253°, table to lib. xiv ; 3572, col. 2, prologue of the anonymous translator (Giovanni da Tussignano?) continuing the work of Da Strata, followed by c. xix of lib. xviii; 3632, lib. xx; 4912, blank ; 491b, col. I, table to lib. xxviii ; 4922, lib. xxviii ; 626, register. A leaf bearing the title: "Morali di. S. Gregorio vul- gari in lingua thoscana printed in red with a type as Emericus (Venice) 220 G. [P. 10), above a large cut of S. Gregory enthroned (Venetian work) is prefixed to some copies of this book, but forms no part of the original issue. As type IIIR2. is apparently not known to occur elsewhere after 1483, the printing of this book was perhaps interrupted for some time after the completion of quire gg, but it is to be noted that sheet ff 3, which is printed with type 111 Rb., contains one instance of the larger M peculiar to the earlier type. 329 X 226 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf con- taining the register. Bound in two volumes, the second beginning with quire A (lib. xx). From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. IB. 27129. ANTONIO DA RIETI. Rivelazione che 117 mm. in height, appears to contain elements from 113 R. as well as 114 R., but the extremely bad presswork renders its classifi- cation uncertain. Possibly it is the work of a journeyman using type discarded by Laurentii. 208 X 143 mm. Bought in November, 1850. MASSANUS, GASPAR. Regulae gramma¬ 2b: 25 lines, 138 x 86 mm. Type: 111 Rb. Capital spaces, with and without guide-letters. Capitals on 22 and 112. Hain 10883. Sheet d 3 is printed with Di Libri 114 R? (P. 21 (with tilted Q only). This book was catalogued among the Italian adespota by Proctor (no. 7417), with the note : probably Firenze, c. 1485. As it is the only book under the present heading which possesses printed capitals, it was perhaps not printed by Laurentii himself. 206 X 132 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first sheet of quire f, also the blanks. Bought in April, 1847. IA. 27131. ANTONINUS. Confessionale Omnis morta¬ Of the same recension as IA. 27025 (Ripoli, 1477) and no doubt reprinted from it. The watermark of this book, a triple mound surmounted by a cross, is the same as that found in the Augustinus, Logica, printed at the Ripoli Press in the early part of 1480 (IA. 27055), and renders practically certain the interpretation of the year-date as 1479/80. 194 X 136 mm. Capitals on 1e supplied. From the Sunderland Library. Bought in January, 1882. IA. 27133. ANTONINUS. Confessionale Curam illius habe. [In Italian. 12. CVRAM ILLIVS HABE. LVCE DECIMO 1b QVESTO TRACTATELLO DEL modo del This recension differs from that printed at Bologna in 1472 and', "1475 under the title of Medicina dell' anima (IA. 28515, 28529)", 'and does not contain the additional matter on excommunica¬ tion, &c. In the first two sheets of the second quire and in and after the eighth quire the breadth of the type-page is increased to about 80 mm. In the sixth quire two lines have been stamped in after printing off at the foot of 6b while 75, 8a contain 27 lines each and are 90 mm. broad. 207 X 140 mm. The first leaf is cut out and mounted. Capital on 52 supplied in red. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. CHIARINI, GIORGIO. Libro che tratta di LXXXXVi. 82: 25 lines and foliation, 143 (148) x 73 mm. Type: 115 R. Capital spaces, nearly all with guide-letters. Hain 4956. The ascription of this book to Chiarini appears to derive from Fossi, who possessed a ms. copy indicating Giorgio di Lo.', "Chiarini' as the author (Magliabecchi Catalogue, i, col. 516). It", 'is reprinted word for word as tract xii of distinctio ix of Lucas de', "Burgo's Somma di aritmetica, P. de Paganinis, Venice, 141914 PULCI, LUIGI. Morgante maggiore. 2 columns. 32: four eight-line stanzas, and spaces, 193X 153 mm. Type: 115 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, at beginnings o cantos.', "This book is shown to have had a title by the words' facto come", "e decto al principio da Luigi depulci' in the colophon, and there", 'was very possibly a register on the last leaf. Lucrezia Tornabuoni, at whose desire this book was printed died in March, 1482, and as she is spoken of as dead near the end of the poem (ff 3°, col. 1, stanza 4) the date of printing must be read in the Florentine style. This is the first edition of the complete text, but the first 23 cantos were printed at Venice by Lucas Dominici on 26 February, 1481 Ji.e. 1481/2? (Hain 4517) It is noticeable that some of the compositor nuns of the Ripoli Press are recorded as receiving pay per parte dello aiutarci com¬', "porre il Morgante' in July 1481, and February, 1481/2.", '248X 192 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first and the last leaf. A note by Grenville shows that this was the Pinelli copy (sold in 1789 for 165.), and that the twe last leaves, which it wanted, were made up from another imperfect copy bought from Audin de Rians at Florence in 1830. The first quire, however, appears to be also made up, on the evidence of the watermarks. Grenville copy (G. 10834). IB. 27146. NALDIUS, NALDUS. Nuptiae Hannibalis The text on 46 has changed places with that on 52 by an error of imposition. 208 X 144 mm. Old paper boards. From the Sunder¬ land Library. Bought in November, 1882. IA. 27717. CAPRANICA, DOMINICUS. De arte bene', "The line-endings in quire c'are irregular.", 'Reprinted from the edition of the Ripoli Press, 1477 (IA. 27027), the first of this recension. As the printer was undoubtedly dating in the Florentine style in 1482/3 (cf. IB. 27146 above), he is here assumed to have done the same in this and other books bearing ambiguous month-dates, but this cannot be considered certain. 210X 138 mm. From the library of Count D. Boutourlin. Bought in March, 1843 CAPRANICA, DOMINICUS. De arte bene The blind impression of a woodcut about 65 mm. wide is dis¬ tinguishable beneath the title. A close reprint of the 1487 edition (IA. 27693), with alterations to make the page-contents more regular. 183X 134 mm. Bought in April, 1871. Another copy, with a misprint corrected. 198 x 128 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf. Bound with IA. 27231 (Cavalca, Disciplina degli spirituali, Miscomini, s.a.), q.v., p. 645. Bought in May, 1882. MIRABILIBUS, NICOLAUS DE. Disputatio 127 July, 1489.', "The subject of this disputation was the conclusion 'Omnis", "out of the conclusion' Peccatum Adae non est maximum omnium", 'IA. 27701. PHALARIS. Epistolae. [In the Italian trans PHALARIS. Epistolae. [In the Italian trans lation of Bartholomaeus Fontius.) 731 July, 1489. 12. PROEMIO DI BARTHOLOMEO PHOn TIO NELLA TRA¬ A very close reprint of the edition of Antonio di Francesco, 1488 (IA. 27723). CAVALCA, DOMENICO. Specchio di croce. the Crucifixion).] 22. IN COMINCIA IL PROLAGO DEL Diuoto e morale libro intitolato Specchio di The cut found on 1° was afterwards used by Miscomini in Savonarola, Del amore di Gesù, June, 1492 (IA. 27196) and else¬ where. 191X 131 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf. On 22 is written: Ex lib Io Bap Mannajoni. Bought in March, 1906. IA. 27705. ANTONINUS. Summa confessionum. [In oà; 25 lines, 143 X 88 mm. Type: 114 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 1210. Gesamtkatalog 2141. Type 114 R. as used in this book has only the short-tailed ( and no hyphen. The watermarks, of which there are at least six varieties, suggest a date before 1491. Proctor inadvertently describes the book as printed with type 115 R. (no. 6137). 210X 141 mm. At the end of the text is written: asto sie del lugo di scô frâcesco da fiuizano. N. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. IA. 27148. AUGUSTINUS. Sermoni divotissimi in lin¬ 113 G. Printed capitals. Hain 2009. Gesamtkatalog 3009. The eighteen sermons making up this book are selected from the first 23 Sermones ad eremitas. 208X 134 mm. Original (?) half leather over boards. Bought in January, 1878. IA. 27707. CECCHI, DOMENICO. Riforma per conserva 12. TITLE: coat of arms in wreath, red (black) CIESV CRIFORMA. SANCTA. ET PRETIOSA. The coat of arms on 12 represents the cross of the Florentine People, carried on a shield. It is omitted in some copies and', "variants' con seruatione' and coserualre' are noted in the title", '(Reichling ad Hain 4822, Pellechet-Polain 3456). There are three lines of text more than the normal on c 4°. The type of this book seems much worn and a heavy A not else- where found is frequent in it. 208 X 139 mm. Bought in August, 1889. EPHRAIM. Sermones. [Translated by Am¬ 185 X 124/5 mm. Type: 112 R. Capital spaces. Hain 16599. Type 112 R. has wide-headed f in this book only. 272 X 201 mm. Without the blank. Beneath the colophon is the almost obliterated inscription: Bartho¬ lomei idigi Priors pra lib iste e mau ppa ßt. Bought in January, 1850. IB. 27152. PULCI, LUCA. Pistole al magnifico Lorenzo 80 mm. Type: 112 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 13571. The use of narrow-headed f in this and the following book shows that they are later than the preceding and consequently dated in the Florentine style. 186 x 128 mm. Without the blank. Bought in December, 1896. IA. 27154. VERGILIUS MARO, With other collections of pastorals. 28 February, 1481/2. 1e. PREFATIONE DI BERNARDO PVLICI BONINSEGNI DA SIENA MANDATE ADI. III. DAPRILE. M. CCCCLXVIII. 90b. BVCOLICA DI IACOPO FIORINO AEIGLOGA PRIMA TITVLO', "Quarto. a-esf; g-psq'. 124 leaves, the last blank. 52: 25 lines,", '140X79mm. Type: 112 R. 24 lines of verse to the page. Capital spaces, as far as 55b with guide-letters. First letter of every third verse set out. The last leaf of quire p is signed p. ii. 207 X 137 mm. Without the blank. Grenville copy (G. 10732). In this copy the text of p 3b, 42 has changed places with that of p 5°, 62, by an error of imposition. 200 X 130 mm. Without the blank. Bought in October, 1847. IA. 27156. 636 out. Hain 15938.', "263X 197 mm. On 2b and 190° is written: 'hee", 'Regule ptinent ad bibliothecan sci saluatoris apo floretiâ,', "on 2° is written : della lib d. ogni santi'. The first and", 'last leaves are backed. IB. 27159.', "King George III's copy (C. 5. b. 12). BENEVOLENTIUS, BARTHOLOMAEUS. De ALIOIRVM. ET LATINA LINGVA GREICAM ANTIQVIOREM NON ESSE. 52b. FINIS.', "Quarto and Octavo. «*1; a-d'e*; al. 52 leaves, the sixth", 'blank. 92: 35 lines, 137X 80 mm. Types: 79 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 2778. Gesamtkatalog 3838,3839.', "Quires a-c'are quarto, the rest octavo.", "The author's dedicatory letter is dated on 10: Rome Kalen.", 'Juliis. M. cccc. Ixxxi. The type of this book is very fresh, and three of the watermarks', "found in it (dog, ornamental A, cardinal's hat) occur also in books", 'of 1482. It was therefore probably printed soon after the date of', "the dedication as Miscommi's first essay with type 79 R., which", 'would account for the presence in it of a number of hyphens or division-marks. The tract was catalogued as the work of Bonac corsi by Proctor (no. 6323). 204X 135 mm. Without the blank. Rubricated. Old vellum. Bought in March, 1894. HORATIUS FLACCUS, QUINTUS. Opera. (text) [MJECENAS ATAVIS AEDIITE REGIBVS COLOPHON : Christophori landini florentini in. Q. Folio. [46; a-z A-K8 L’. 272 leaves, 7-270 numbered I¬ CCLXIIII. 3 columns in table of words, 2 columns in errata. 104: 45 lines of commentary surrounding text, and headline, 177(187) X 129 mm. Types: 112 R.; 79 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 8881. 12, blank ; 1P, ode of Politian ; 22, proem of Landino addressed to Guido of Feltre ; 3°, tabula vocabulorum quae in commentariis foot in the usual position of signatures in the rest of the book. 277 X 207 mm.', "Rev. C. M. Cracherode's copy, with date 1784.", 'IB. 27161. Another copy. 265 x 208 mm. Each leaf is lined on both sides with transparent paper. IB. 27161a.', "King George III's copy (C. 3. b. 8). FICINUS, MARSILIUS. Platonica theologia VIRVM MAGNANIMVM. 112. IN OMNIBVS.. COMPROBATVR. MARSILII FICINI FLOREN THEO LOGIA DE IMMOR TINI PLATONICA TALITATE ANIMORVM ADLAVRENTIVM MEDICEM. V. MAGNANIMVM. 317b. COLOPHON: FINIS. Theologia Platonica Marsilii Ficini Floré¬ ninth blank. 122: 33 lines, 186 x 130mm. Types: 112 R.; 79 R., signatures in quires a-g; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 17075 Sheets v 4, X 1-4, y I, dd 4, ee 1, gg 1 are quarto, the rest folio. The copy described by Hain had a leaf bearing a woodcut prefixed to it. 278 x 209 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf. On 1° is written: Collegii S. Petri junioris Argentinæe. Brown calf, stamped with the arms of the Comte', "d'Hoym, and with the bookplate of the Duc de Brancas", 'Comte de Lauraguais, dated 1770 in pen-and-ink, in the top cover. IB. 27164.', "King George III's copy (C. 14. b. 3). POLITIANUS, ANGELUS. Silua cui titulus TVLVS MANTO. STABAT ADHVC RVDIBVS PAIgaseo in littore Bought in July, 1879. BREVIARIUM CAMALDULENSE. Bre BREVIARIUM CAMALDULENSE. Bre uiarium Camaldulense. [Edited by Petrus *13 April, 1484. ... 7a. (red) Littere arius hêt dies xxxi. luna uo. xxx. 7b. (red) A natiuitate IAm non estis hospites ... 392b. (red) Finis. 3938 TONIIVS MISCOMINVS IDIBV APRILIS FLORENTIAE M CCCCLXXXIIII. 2 columns, except in the calendar and colophon. 104 : 38 lines, 113X 75 mm. Types: 60 G.; 79 R. (majuscules only), colophon. Red printed Lombards in two sizes, also capital spaces, before and within the line. Leaf A 3 is signed A 4 on the verso in addition, leaf A 4 being unsigned. The vellum for this book was supplied by one Bartholomaeus. See letter clxxviii of Delphinus in E. Martene, Veterum scripto¬ rum ... collectio (1724), tom. 3. On vellum. 159 X 109 mm. Imperfect, wanting the eighth leaf, probably containing further matter relating to the calendar, and leaf 229 (aa 12). Fully rubricated; the type-pages on 92, 1652 and 360e are surrounded by finely illuminated and historiated borders, with medal- lions containing on 9e the devices of the Camaldolese Order and of the Congregation of Murano (S. Michael, the', "Holy Cross) and another device (or, a S. Andrew's cross,", 'on a ground gules and vert), and on 360e the device of Delphinus ; smaller decorations in the same style else¬ where. This work may have been executed at the Florentine house of the Order (degli Angeli). sides of the old sixteenth-century binding stamped F.E, are inlaid on the new leather. With the book-plate of Bought in June, 1852. LEO I. Sermones, &c. [In the Italian trans lation of Filippo Corsini.) TRADOCTI. 52. SERMONE PRIMO DI BEATO LIONE PAPA AL PONITIFICHATO DI REN¬ I-CLXVIII at the foot. 72: 33 lines, 186 x 123 mm. Type: 112 R. Capital spaces, nearly all with guide-letters. Hain 710016.', "12, translator's address to the reader; 1b, epistola di Giovanni", 'Andrea vescovo Aleriense aPaolo II ; 2b, Marsilio Ficino Fio¬ that the translator worked from the Latin edition of Sweynheym and Pannartz, Rome, 1470 (IB. 17429), or one of its reprints. A few miscellaneous pieces at the end are here omitted. 267 X 192 mm. Without the blank. On 1e is the book-stamp of the Biblioth: Corsiniasna vetus. IB. 27173.', "King George III's copy (C. 9. b. 9). MAXIMUS, PACIFICUS. De componendo The diagrams on 52, 72, 9b, 10e have revolving centre-pieces attached with string. 199 X 141 mm. Bought in January, 1848. POLITIANUS, ANGELUS. Miscellaneorum 91b, COLOPHON : Impressit ex archetypo Antonius Mis¬ nec Horthographian se ait / nec Politianus Ipse omnino alienam prestare culpam. Florentiae Anno Types: 112 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 13221. The register quotes the first words of the second leaf of the inner sheet of each quire additionally. The concluding sheet of Emendationes described by Hain was perhaps printed as an afterthought, which would account for its absence in both the Museum copies. Some of the names in the list of authorities on 5b-7b have been stamped in after printing off, while a number of alterations in pen¬ and-ink throughout the book are common to both the Museum', "copies, and were therefore probably made in the printer's office.", '284X 210 mm. Without the Emendationes (ff. 93,94). IB. 27177. Bought. Another copy. 275 x 203 mm. Without the Emendationes (ff. 93,94). Bound in crushed red morocco, with doublure, by C. Lewis. IB. 27177a. MAXIMUS, PACIFICUS. Hecatelegium. line (book-number), 145(150) x 90 mm. Type: 112 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 10934. Reichling ad H. 10934 describes a copy in which the dedication', "on 1° is addressed 'Rmo .D. FRANCISCO SODERINO EPII", "SCOPO VOLATERRANO. S.N.P. Ref.'", '202 X 136 mm. Bound in crushed red morocco by H. Duru. With the book-label of Charles Nodier. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 27179. FICINUS, MARSILIUS. De triplici vita. IXIX Tertio Nonas rentiæ Anno Salutis. M. CCCCLXX Capital-spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 77065 (from a copy having a blank inserted between ff. 2 and 3). 12, capitula librorum i-iii ; 2b, errata ; 32, prooemium Ficini ; 30 uniuersalis inscriptio si. e. subjects of the three books ; 4°, lib. (comparanda), with proem to Matthias Corvinus dated 10 July Corsinus’s verses are Petrus Nerus, Petrus Guicciardinus, and', "Petrus Soderinus, and the ' bini canes' Bernardus Canisianus and", 'Joannes Canacius. Philippus Valorius, who paid for the printing, is addressed in the dedication of book ii. 249 X 162 mm. Formerly bound after a copy of H. Montuus, Halosis febrium, 1558. IB. 27180. BEROALDUS, PHILIPPUS. Annotationes in 138x 85 mm. Type: 112 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The errores of Servius castigated by Beroaldus are numbered in', "the margin. Hain '2945.", '203X 139 mm. Bought in October, 1900. IA. 27181. POLITIANUS, ANGELUS. Silua cui titulus (with marginalia 114) mm. Type: 112 R. Capital space, with', "guide-letter, on 22. Hain '13236.", "dated : 'Florétiae. Vi. kal. Iunias, 1491, i. e. a day later than the", 'colophon. One of the passages no doubt contains a misprint. 181X 137 mm. Without the blank. On 92, 13°, and 15° are corrections in pen-and-ink, two of which get rid of false quantities; these are perhaps due to the author', "or the printer on the author's behalf. From the libraries", 'of Rev. Thomas Crofts and Michael Wodhull (1783). IA. 27185. IMITATIOCHRISTI. De imitatione Christi. This version differs from that printed at Venice by Jo. Rubeus and others. It comprises nothing besides the Imitatio Christi. The fourth book is treated as if it were a separate work in the', "incipit on 84°, but is called quarto libro' in the table.", '195 X 127 mm. Bought in September, 1860. POLITIANUS, ANGELUS. Silua cui titulus Rusticus. 12. ANGELVS POLITIANVS: IACOBO SAL¬ VIATO SVO. S.D. 1b. Angeli Politiani Silua: cui his and all later books containing type 112 R., with the partial exception of the Plotinus completed in May, 1492 (IB. 27194, q. v.), show the type in its later state, with narrow-footed r.', "The use of later r'in the present book shows that it is dated in", 'the Florentine style. 205 X 145 mm. Bought in July, 1879. BOSSUS, MATTHAEUS. De perferendis ad¬ SALV TEM ET FOELICITATEM IN DOMINO, 42. NVMERVS AC TITVLI RERVM PRIMVM¬ QVE Dialogus de pferendis aduersis/... 4b. LECTOR PHILIPPVM GERMANVM ET CON CANONI¬ CVM DE TOLERANDIS ADVERSIS DIALOGVS JOIVONIAM CVM SAEPE ALIAS: INCIPIT 34 lines of Di Dino 114 R., 194X 114-18 (with marginalia 138) mm. Types: 112 R., quires [*, *41, a, o-u ; 114 R. (mixed) of Di Dino quires b-n. Capital spaces, almost all with guide-letters; printed', "12, blank; 1P, errata; 2b, blank; 32, author's dedicatory epistle", 'pridie kal. apriles. Anno ... M.CCCCLXXXXII ; 42, table of con¬ tents ; 4°, address to reader regarding the correction of misprints; 52, de tolerandis aduersis dialogus; 25°, blank ; 262, de gerendo [P. 31, but with additional separate Q with horizontal tail and admixtures of very large q, gothic », and other sorts, none of which are found in his signed work. The very crude and peculiar quasi-Lombardic printed capitals found in these quires do not apparently occur elsewhere. For a revised and enlarged edition of this work under the title Recuperationes Faesulanae see under De Benedictis, Bologna, 1493, IB. 28906, below. 261 X 191 mm. On 1e is written : Ex libris Michaelis Pellissier. Bound before a copy of the Familiares epistolae of Bossus, Mantua, 1498 (IB. 30687).', "King George III's copy (C. 5. b. 8).", 'IB. 27190a. Another copy. 284 x 205 mm. Without the first sheet containing the errata. On a fly-leaf is written: Ego christoforus', "schewrl Nur dns hui? libri emi has epl'as math. bossi", 'pmas z secudas bon 40. s3 ligata bon. 9. bon de mêse', "decëbris A° 1503. In the top cover is the same owner's", 'book-plate with the Scheurl-Tucher arms (by Lucas Cranach), in the lower cover the Scheurl-Fetzer-Füterer pictorial book-plate with type-set texts, on the top board are branded the Scheurl-Füterer arms with date 1525 in a circle. Old boards, re-covered half leather for Dr. Kloss, whose book-label appears in the top cover, and containing also a copy of the Familiares epistolae of Bossus, Mantua, 1498 (IB. 30686). Bought in 1835? IB. 27190. PLOTINUS. Opera. (Translated with a PLOTINUS. Opera. (Translated with a commentary by Marsilius Ficinus. 17 May, 1492. 22. PROHEMIVM MARSILII FICINI FLOREN¬ COMPOSITA IMPRESSIT EX ARCHETYPO LXXXXII. NONIS MAII. REGISTRVM.. sexternus. DEVICE. 441°. Emendatio In Plotinum. 4422. FINIS.', "Folio. al0 b8 c-n'0 o2 pq10 ; r-z & aa-uul ; (421. 442 leaves, the", 'and later state, see below). Capital spaces, with guide-letters. 1, blank (see note below) ; 22, translator’s dedication to Lorenzc In some copies there has been added on 1b a title running: LIIII. CVM COMMENITARIIS MARSILII FICINI FLORENTINI AD MAIGNANIMVM LAVRENITIVM ME¬ DICEM. Ouires a-q are printed with the earlier state of type 112 R., the remainder with the later, a fresh cast having evidently been made for printing quire r. The book, being very bulky, must of course have been in hand for some considerable time. 352 X 231 mm. Rubricated. On 1b is painted a figure of a philosopher writing at a desk. From the Harleian Library. The order of the leaves of sheet k 3 has been reversed in binding. IB. 27194 Bought. Another copy. 333X 231 mm. Without the blank. The last two leaves are cut out and mounted. Sheet b 4 is misbound between b 7 and b 8. IB. 27194a. King George III's copy (169. k. 9).", '12 title, printed cross-shape ; 1b, woodcut, the Crucifixion ; 24 trattato dell’amore di Gesù ; 132, della grandezza della passione assignable to Miscomini (IA. 27249), but without the frame. Bought in April, 1860. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Dell' umiltà.", 'with angels). 22. Breue & utile tractato di humilita composto dal Reuerendo patre/frate Hieronymo da Bought in April, 1860. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Sermone Bought in April, 1860. IA. 2720t. POLITIANUS, ANGELUS. Praelectio in Pri¬ 112 R. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 12. Hain 13222. Bought in October, 1905. IA. 27202. CHRISTOPHORUS. Formulario with guide-letter. Hain 9862. Prefixed to the colophon is a letter of the unnamed editor', "addressed Spectabili viro Sandro Varrochio' and beginning:", 'Voi cimädasti agiorni passati a imprimere la presente . .. opetta/ red. On a fly-leaf is written: Benetti. Bought in July, 1858. IA. 27203. De sole. De lumine. [With other matter. 1b, MARSILII FICINI PROHEMIVM IN LI. BRVM DE SOLE AD MAGNANIMVM PETRVM MEDICEM. 366. COLOPHON: Impressit ex archetype Antonius Mischomilnus Florentie Anno Salutis. M 143 X 89 mm. Type: 112 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters.', "Hain '7079 (inserting the leaf of Emendata' after leaf 32).", '12, blank; 1b, prooemium ; 22, de sole ; 17°, prooemium in librun item soles duo, addressed to Martinus Vranius Prennyngerus and dated 18 January, 1493 ; 34°, nonnulla de lumine, item catalogus librorum Marsilii, addressed by Bindacius Recasolanus to Gregorius The correspondence of Ficinus leaves no room for doubt that this book was printed in January, 1493, and not 1493/4 (see e. g', "the letter to Georgius Cyprius of 14 June, 1493, on » 2b of Capcasa's", "edition of Ficinus' Epistolae, 1495). Incidentally, this is con¬", 'firmed by the absence of printed capitals and of C in type 112 R. (see note to IA. 27207). LILIUS, ZACHARIAS. Orbis breuiarium. 112 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. First letter of each paragraph set out. Red printed diagrams, with type-set inscrip tions, on 4° and 1212. Hain 10101. In this and all later books containing type 112 R. is found the peculiar Q of type 86 R. 190 X 133 mm.', "The border on 3', the diagram on 4", 'and a few marginalia are cropped. Grenville copy (G. 8942). In this copy the device does not appear on the last page. 203X 138 mm. Capital and border illuminated in gold and colours on 1e, other capitals supplied in blue. Bought in September, 1848. IA. 27207. AUGUSTINUS. Sermoni divotissimi in lin lagloria del paradiso woodcut, s. Augustine writing 342. TAVOLA DE SERMONI CHE SICONITEN¬ GHONO IN QVESTO LIBRO. Ibid., l. 22. CoLo¬', "Reprinted from Di Dino's edition dated on the fifth day of the", 'same month (IA. 27707). 191X 128 mm. On 1e is written: Ad vsû Domus bound after sheets a 1, 2. Bought in July, 1877. IA. 27210. IMITATIOCHRISTI. De imitatione Christi. & sequatur me. woodcut, Christ with the cross). 786 COLOPHON : C Finito e/ illibro deuoto et utile della 9130 (from a copy wanting the first leaf and another). This edition differs from that of 1491 (IA. 27186) both in not treating the fourth book as a separate work in the incipit and in so treating it in the colophon. 178 X 127 mm. Bought in August, 1890. JACOBUS DECESSOLIS. Libro di giuoco 165 x 97 mm. Type: 112 R. Printed capitals. Woodcuts. Hain 4900. The cut on 12 and 68b measures 111 X 132 mm. and represents 1e. TITLE: Sermoni Volgari del Venerando doctore, a king and courtiers at chess ; 13 other cuts, measuring about 74 The presence of printed capitals and the use of C with type 112 R. are evidence that this book is dated in the Florentine style. 185 X 130 mm. The title is mutilated. Eighteenth¬ century French red morocco, of the same provenance as IB. 26489. IA. 27205', "King George III's copy (C. 15. a. 14). VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. Bucolica. With other collections of pastorals. 119 April, 1494. MENITE COMPOSTE DA BERNAR DO PVLCI DA FRANCE SCO of the elegy by P.M. on 46b, 472, and the substitution of Italian for Latin incipits to the elegies of Pulci. The cut on the title-page is that found on b 5e of the preceding, with the hatched background removed. The variant of the title described by Copinger (no. 6139) is taken from a copy of this book in the Museum in which the first leaf is', "supplied in pen-and-ink facsimile. Proctor's note (no. 6167) 4", "copies in B.M., 2 differ' should be struck out.", '208 x 136 mm. Bound before IA. 28088 (Politianus', "Giostra di Giul. de' Medici, Tubini, n.d.). The sides of", 'the original (?) stamped leather binding are preserved. Bought in December, 1838. Another copy. 205 X 139 mm. MARCO DAL MONTE SANTA MARIA. The book is described on 5e as tabula ... della salute ... la¬ 32-4b, represents Heaven above, a friar preaching and the people feeding on a Mons Pietatis below, etc. Leaves 1-4 are described as a separate tract by Reichling (no. 1003) and the contents of', "1b-4b are common to this tract and the same author's Comanda¬", 'menti di Dio (below, IA. 27227).', "The text on first f 12, 1b consists of an 'adiuncto' to ch. xi on the", 'preceding page. At the end of first g6b is the direction: Segna elprimo quaterno sequête h. Et laltro i. 206 x 139 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf. Initial-strokes supplied. The cut, which is slightly cropped at the foot, is mounted. Bought in July, 1858. IA. 27220. IMITATIO CHRISTI. De imitatione Christi. 12. TITLE: C MESSER GIOVANNI GERSON Christo. (woodcut, Christ with the Cross) The title is here transcribed from Reichling ad Hain 9131, but as', "the incipit on 52 in Reichling's entry differs from that above there", 'may be some confusion between different editions. 199 X 133 mm. Imperfect, wanting ff. 1-4. Bought in March, 1867. IA. 27222. LUCIDARIUS. [In Italian.) *17 July, 1494. 36 lines and foliation, 160 (164) x 92 mm. Type: 86 (88) R. Printed capitals, including some Lombards. The cut on 1e (Damocles feasting, hares running) derives from an edition of the Fiore di virtù. 200X 130 mm. With the book-plate of Syston Park (Sir J. H. Thorold). Bought in December, 1885. IA. 27223. HIPPOCRATES. Aphorismi.—Galeni [Translated by Laurentius Laurentianus x16 October, 1494. 22. LAVRENTII LAVRENTIANI FLOREN lines, 208 x 131 mm. Types: 86 (88) R.; Gk. (majuscules), words on 2b, 12b, 13b, etc. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Indented text. Hain 18672.', "1, blank ; 22, translator’s letter to Piero de' Medici ; 36, Hippo¬ MARCO DAL MONTE SANTA MARIA. DI TVTTA QVESTA PICTVRA. 52. C EX. EMPIO NOTABILE. 92. C Libro delli comädamêti x 96 mm. Type: 86 (88) R. Printed capitals, Lombard on 13b. Indented text. Hain 11596 (with variants). 1a, title, cut of two friars in a pulpit, one preaching to 13 listeners;', "1b, list of 18 libri necessarii'; 22, title of cut ; 2°, woodcut of", "Mons Pietatis, etc., as on 2° of the author's Tavola della salute", '(IA. 27220) ; 32-4°, explanation of cut, the contents as on 32-4° of the Tavola della salute ; 52, esempio notabile ad intendere la ne¬ the life of Moses, inscribed DESERTO. DE SYNA and MONTE. SYNAY; 252, comandamenti del testamento nuovo ; 752, sacri ing with the Old Testament at Venice in December, 1486. It was printed there by Nicolo Balager in 1486/7, with two cuts on which those here found on 12°, 132 are modelled (Essling 355), and again by Henricus de Harlem at Siena on 24 March, 1494 (Reichling 1001), the present enlarged edition being doubtless later than this.', "Hain describes a variant title running : 'LIBRO DELLI", 'COMANDAMENTI DI DIO... NVOVO COMPOSTO the Tavola della salute to which has been prefixed by mistake a copy of quire A of the present book which shows another variant', "of the title, consisting of the words LIBRO... CANONI' as", 'described above and omitting the woodcut. 203X 135 mm. Bought in June, 1845. UNDATED BOOKS. Undated. lines, 134 x 85 mm. Type: 112 R. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Indented text. Hain 7231. The table of contents occupies 22—42, 4b being blank. The number of lines to the page and the breadth of the type¬ page suggest that this and the following tract are earlier than those here placed after them. 192 X 130 mm. King George III's copy (81. k. 33).", 'Undated. Reichling ad Hain 13563 describes the text on 52 with an incipit:', "Passione di Bernardo pulci' and several variants in the following", 'lines.', "This is probably earlier than Bonaccorsi's edition of 3 November,", '207 X 133 mm. From the library of George Hibbert (1829). Bound in brown crushed morocco by Hering. Bought in March, 1867. IA. 27241. CAVALCA, DOMENICO. Disciplina degli spiri¬ x 88 mm. Type : 112 R. Capital spaces, those in quires a-e almost all without guide-letters. Hain 4794. 198 x 128 mm. Without the blank. Bound before lA. 27696a (Capranica, Arte del ben morire, Di Dino, 1488/9). From the Sunderland Library. Bought in May, 1882. IA. 27231 IMITATIO CHRISTI. De imitatione Christi. lines, 145 x 95 mm. Type: 112 R. Capital spaces, nearly all with guide-letters. Hain 9125?', "The fourth book is called 'quarto libro' in the table.", '192X 134 mm. Without the blank. Leaf 4 is mounted. On 22 is written : * Comitis Andree Ludouici', "de Pannocschis ex Ilcio (Pannochieschi d'Elci', on a fly¬", 'leaf is the signature of Edmund Waterton. Bought in June, 1895. IA. 27233. MAXIMUS, PACIFICUS. Oratio habita in se¬ Capital spaces, with guide-letters, on 12 and 4°. Hain 10938. 204 X 140 mm. Bought in February, 1839. MAXIMUS, PACIFICUS. Ad Joannem Salua¬ Capital space, with guide-letter, on 12. Hain 10937.', "This tract is ascribed to 1485 in the 1691 edition of the author's", 'Carmina. Type 112 R. (second state). 196 x 130 mm. The title-leaf of a copy of the edition fixed. Formerly part of a tract-volume. Bought in June, 1890. IA. 27238. Type 86 R. or 14354? The cut on 12 is surrounded by a strapwork frame and was pre¬ sumably first so used by Di Dino in Cavalca, Specchio di croce,', "1490 (IA. 27705) ; it is also found, without the frame, in Miscomini's", "edition of Savonarola, Dell'amore di Gesù, June, 1492 (IA. 27196).", 'The present tract thus appears to be earlier than any containing type 86 R. here catalogued. 196 X 131 mm. Bought in April, 1860. MEDITAZIONI. Meditazioni sopra la Pas¬ 12. woodcut, the Crucifix (to right) C Incominciono Woodcuts. Besides the small cut on 12, there are twelve larger cuts, includ¬ ing a repeat of the last (the Resurrection). These were afterwards used in the Epistole ed evangeli printed by Morgiani and Petri on 27 July, 1495 (cf. Kristeller, Early Florentine Woodcuts, no. 69. 135b). IA. 27248. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Dell' umiltà.", '86 R. Printed capitals. Woodcuts. Hain 14372. The cut on 12 represents the Man of Sorrows and is surrounded by a four-side border with the Father blessing in the upper panel and the Vernicle in the lower. The cut on 32 represents the Scourging of Christ and that at the end the Man of Sorrows sur¬ rounded by the instruments of the Passion. 192 X 135 mm. Bought in October, 1901. IA. 27250. A. BEFORE 1487.', "spaces, 126 x 67 mm. Type : 97 R'. Capital space on 12.", 'The absence of printed signatures shows this to be the earliest book of the series. Its watermarks (three acorns on twig, human head with star) are apparently not Florentine but Piedmontese, and may indicate that the book was printed elsewhere than in Florence. 204 X 136 mm. DATI, LEONARDO. La stera. spaces, 126 x 61 mm. Type : 97 Rl. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. 208X 133 mm. Rubricated. Formerly part of a tract volume. Bought in July, 1863. VENDETTA. La vendetta del nostro signore There is no good authority for attributing either this or the following poem to Bernardo Pulci. Proctor (nos. 6186, 6187) took this and the following tract to be dated in the Florentine style (1483/4) but there is no evidence as to this point. 212 X 130 mm. Capital supplied in red on 12. Bound with the following. Grenville copy (G. 10803 (3)). IA. 27259. RISURREZIONE. La risurrezione del no¬ 212 X 130 mm. Capital supplied in red on 12. Bound with the preceding. Grenville copy (G. 10803 (2)). PASSIONE. La passione del nostro signore', "A different work from Bernardo Pulci's poem with the same title.", 'It has been ascribed to one Nicolò Cicerchia. 212 X 130 mm. Capital supplied in red on 1°. Bound before the two preceding tracts. Grenville copy (G. 10803 (1)). PLATUS, PLATINUS. De carcere. LEM SENATOREM CLARISSIIMVM LIBELLVS DE CARCERE. dAEDALVS ALARVM FABER aetheriusqe uiator.. 12°. FINIS.', "97 R'. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 12. Hain 13071.", 'Presumably reprinted from the second Milanese edition, January 1484 (Hain 13073), which in this case supplies a terminus post quem. The type seems very fresh and C is frequent. 204X 146 mm. On 12° is written : Huc emi Florêtie. 1486. nouëb. Bought in March, 1906. FRANCESCO FIORENTINO. 97 Rl. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 12. The gothic C occurring here and there in this tract is found also in Dati, Sfera, 1482 (IA. 27255). B. 1487-1500.', "114 R'. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 3289.", '195 X 125 mm. Bound after IA. 17877 (Boccaccio, Ameto, [Schurener), Rome, 1478).', "King George III's copy (C. 6. a. 11 (2). IA. 27263. Quarto. a-d'et. 36 leaves. 22 : 32 lines, 155x 58 mm. Type: BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI. Epistola a messer", "114 R'. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 12. Hain 3314.", '195 X 125 mm. Bound with the preceding.', "King George III's copy (C. 6. a. I1 (3)). IA. 27265.", 'Another copy. 194 X 130 mm. Vita di san Ze Bought in October, 1846. ANTONINUS. Confessionale Omnis morta This edition, catalogued by Proctor under Di Libri (no. 6193', "with the note [By Jacopo di Carlo?)', seems to be identical with", 'that catalogued by Proctor under Di Carlo (no. 16333). It is here retained under Di Libri as type 114 G. contains none of the small Lombards used with it by Di Carlo, but it should be noted that the occurrence of the larger initial Lombards on sheet 1 2 is the earliest here recorded under Di Libri. 170X 115 mm. Bought in October, 1859. IA. 27271. FORMULARIUM. Formularium modernum Table in 2 columns. 52: 34 lines and foliation, 194 (200) x 136 mm. Type: 114 R. Lombard on 22. Woodcut notarial sign printed in margin of 140b and 144°. Hain 17268 (whose copy inserted the sheet of table after the first leaf). The date of the procura on 22 is much later than that of any other model in the book, and therefore probably close to that of printing.', "The type appears to be transitional between 114 R'. and 114 R2", "272 X 211 mm. In the space after Dominum' in l. 3", "of the title is written Leonardum' in an early hand.", 'Bought in October, 1900. IB. 27279. FIOR DI VIRTU. The wording of the colophon shows that this edition is reprinted from the 1488 edition of Bonaccorsi and Antonius Venetus (IA. 27729). 189 x 120 mm. Manuscript foliation. Formerly part of a tract volume. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. ROMOLO. Vita di san Romolo. [1491?', "Type: 97 R'. Lombard on 22.", '210X 142 mm. Without the blank. Bought in June, 1845. IA. 27288. LEONARDUS [BRUNIJ ARETINUS. Histo¬ 1563 (1), part of 113173.', "12, title ; 1b, blank ; 22, translator's preface ; 2b, author's pre¬", 'face ; 32, text ; 218°, blank ; 2192, table.', "Hain's no. '13173 combines this and the following in one entry", 'but ignores the colophon of the Aretinus. The title is presumably intended to cover both works.', "311X 210 mm. From Sir Richard Colt Hoare's", 'library. Table bound at beginning. Bound before IB. 27293 (below). Presented in 1825. IB. 27292. POGGIUS FLORENTINUS. Historia Flo¬ POGGIUS FLORENTINUS. Historia Flo¬ rentina. [Translated into Italian by Jacobus *3 September, 1492. FEDERICO DAMONTEFEL TRO CONTE DVR¬', "part of '13173 (describing the title at the end).", 'Beneath the colophon is printed a conventional ornament 16 mm. high which is not noticed by Hain and is probably a later addition. 311X 210 mm. Bound with IB. 27292, q.v. above. Presented in 1825. IB. 27293. JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS. De bello Judaico. lines, 229 X 139 mm. Type: 114 R2. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Hain 9460. 325 X 215 mm. Capital on 38 illuminated in gold and colours, with border, other capitals supplied in blue. Leaves of last quire mounted. With the bookplate of Sylvester, Lord Glenbervie, his signature and a note', "Bot. at Florence yber 1815'.", 'Bought in December, 1855. IB. 27297. CAVALCA, DOMENICO. Pungi lingua. The woodcut of two monks (to the left) confronting a group of nuns (to right) is here first used in a dated book, but occurs in at least six other tracts of this printer. 194 X 134 mm. Manuscript foliation. On 1e is an armorial bookstamp lettered: GLI. Bought in April, 1857. IA. 27302. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Predica e 114 G.; 97 R2. Capitals on 22 and 9b. Hain 14380. The woodcut (monks and nuns) is that found in IA. 27302 (1494). 199 X 134 mm. IA. 27311. Bought. 24 October, 1495. (IA. 27311), that on 30b represents the Crucifixion. 207X 135 mm. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. IA. 27313. PASSAVANTI, JACOPO. Specchio di vera Types: 114 R2.; 97 R2.; 77 R. Capitals. Hain 12435.', "The cut on 12 (Christ with the cross) is that found in Miscomini's", 'Imitazione di Gesù Cristo, 1493 (IA. 27212), where, however, it has', "not the four-side border, which was also Miscomini's property.", '205X 139 mm. On 1° is the bookstamp of Count Hercules Silva. Bought in July, 1877. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Predica dell'", 'The cut on 12 represents the triumph of Death, the border being that found in IA. 27317 (1495), that on 6b represents Death. Heaven, and Hell, those on 122 and 142 represent death-bed scenes of the Ars moriendi, evidently connected with those of the undated Florentine edition of that book (cf. Kristeller, Early Florentine Woodcuts, no. 40). On 17b is a blank space for another cut. 199 X 133 mm. Bought. 12. [woodcut within border. 1b. ANgelo peccatore Anachorita dello Heremo diualembrosa / desidera ch stola a un amico, [n.b. 1494 (IA. 27504). The border is that found in IA. 27317 (1495). 209X 141 mm. On 1e is written: Di Bastiano di Lazero zani da époli. Bought in September, 1849. HIERONYMUS. Prediche IB. 27636. ANGELO DA VALLOMBROSA. Epistola 1°. TITLE : [woodcut, Pope receiving a letter from two messengers. C Epistola del romito di ualembrosa ad Papa Alexandro VI. [the whole within border). 1b Sanctitas tua & in his scriptis sepissime meditetur. Ex heremo uallisumbrose pridie Chalendas Martias. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Epistola a IA. 27335 SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Epistola a Bought in April, 1860. IA. 27343. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Epistole a The latest date found in this collection of letters, rules, prayers', "etc., is' In Vigilia Assumptionis ... virginis Marie', 1497, appended", 'to a letter to the Dominicans of the Congregation of S. Mark on 322. The cut on 12 represents a wayfarer kneeling in prayer before a crucifix on an altar ; that on 14°, the Crucifixion ; that on 40 (full page), a ladder and cross with inscriptions. The text of the last line on e 6b is repeated in the first on f1a, which is struck through with a pen. 197 X 135 mm. Bought in April, 1860. 651 IA. 27347. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Apologia dei were probably printed soon after they were written. Following Proctor, they have therefore been ranged here. On 1P, Savonarola speaks of el nostro libro del triumpho della LAMENTATIO. Lamentatio sponsae Christi. lines, 160 x 94 mm. Type: 97 R3. Capital on 12. 203 X 140 mm. Formerly bound in a tract-volume. Bought in April, 1852. IA. 27359. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Della verità with guide-letters. Hain *14345. 263X 196 mm. Bound after IB. 27364 (below). IB. 27363. Acquired in March, 1889. with guide-letters. Hain 14342. 276 x 191 mm. Bound before IB. 27369 in original (?) half leather over boards, lined with leaves from a thirteenth-century manuscript of Lestoire del Saint Graal. Apparently of the same (French?) provenance as IB. 27385 (p. 654). Bought in June, 1871. IB. 27366. Another copy. On vellum. 290X 198 mm. With the bookplate of Count D. Boutourlin. Bought in June, 1898. IB. 27367. Another copy. 263 X 196 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first two leaves. With a circular bookstamp, a coronet over the letter G. Bound before IB. 27363 (above). IB. 27364. Acquired in March, 1889. (211) x 118 mm. Type: 114 R2. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 14339. The subject of the book is thus defined in the argument on 12: chapters only. The errata are uncorrected in this copy, except the last two, ego appearing in place of ergo on f22, l. 27, and OCTAVVS in place of NONVS as the headline of f 32. 276X 191 mm. Bound with IB. 27366, q.v. above. IB. 27369. Bought in June, 1871. Another copy. In this copy only the erratum in the headline of f 3e has been corrected by the printer. 266 x 198 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last three leaves. The errata are corrected with pen-and-ink. On a fly-leaf is the signature of the Rev. H. F. Lyte. Bought in September, 1849. IB. 27369 a. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Circa il reg 12. C TRACTATO DI FRATE HIERONYMO da Ferrara dellordie de pdicatori eirca el reggimento Salviati was gonfalonier in January and February, 1498. 183X 123 mm. Without the blank. Bought in February, 1864. IA. 27372. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Expositio in SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Expositio in septem gradus Bonauenturae. [With an Italian translation by Filippo Cioni.) [Not before February, 1497/8. 12. C Frater Hieronymus de Ferraria ordinis Pre¬ dicator Ma gnifico & Clarissimo Equiti Iurisque consulto the tract variously known as Paruum bonum, Regimen conscientiae, De triplici via, etc. 192 X 125 mm. Last leaf (bought in September, 1860) made up. Brown morocco by Duru et Chambolle, 1863. Bought in January, 1869. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Predica fatta There are only 29 lines of text on 3b and 42. Bought in April, 1860. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Regola del 192 X 135 mm. Formerly ff. 36-39 of a tract-volume. Bought in July, 1858. IA. 27381. BENIGNUS, GEORGIUS, de Salviatis. De 211 mm. Types: 114 R?., verses on 12, 1b ; 97 R3. Capitals and', "spaces, also spaces for Greek. Hain '2783. Gesamtkatalog 3843.", '12, elegiacs by Lampridius and Karolus Puteus Ragusinus; 1b Vbertinus Risalitus Senatui Ragusino s.p.d., dated 15 July, 1499; 22, Benignus Risalito s.; 2°, blank ; 32, prooemium ; 42, argumentum operis, dated 1 May, 1498 ; 4°, liber primus ; 1302, elegiacs by Bonifatius and Damianus Benessius ; 130°, blank. In his letter on 1b, Risalitus says : Saluiatus ... opus cum nuper Horatio Crawford. Original (?) half leather over boards, apparently from the same provenance as IB. 27366 (p. 652). Bought in January, 1893. IB. 27385 SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Esposizione 114 R?.; 114 G., quotations from the Psalm. Capital on 1e. Hain The cut is that found in IA. 27381 (1498), etc. IA. 27388. Bought. 114 R2.; 114 G., quotations from the Psalm. Capital on 12. Hain Probably printed at the same time as the preceding, with which it is connected by the date of composition. The cut is that found in IA. 27381 (1498), etc. 189 X 136 mm. Bought. text, and headline, 233 (244) x 168 (with marginalia 179) mm. 41', "lines of type 114 R'. on 9b measure 235 mm. Types: 114 R2.;", "97 R3. Capitals. Hain '2115. Gesamtkatalog 3062.", '12, title ; 1, blank ; 22, praefatio ad Cardinales S. Praxedis S. Crucis et S. Sixti, tabula; 42, letters of Matth. [Bossus] Veronensis to Gabriel Vincentinus and to the author; 4°, Augustino Papiensi Desiderius [Mediolanensis] s.p.d.; 52, prooemium ; 92, letter of Ludovicus de Calcina to the author ; 9°, declaration by Florianus Dulphus ; 102, letter of the author to Gabriel Vincentinus and others, dated 25 July, 1499; 10e, table of contents of Scrutinium; 123b, de origine et progressu christianarum religionum; 1262, lapis angularis; 141b, colophon, register, errata ; 142b, blank;', "The Scrutinium consists of the text of numerous ' consilia' on", 'behalf of the monastic orders against the Augustinian Canons', "delivered by collegia' of lawyers, round which is printed a con-", 'futation by the author.', "The gothic C used once or twice in 97 R3. to represent 'capitu¬", "lum' is that found in some of the earliest books printed with the", 'type (see IA. 27255, IA. 27441 above). Two issues of the first sheet of this book are known, the original, Two issues of the first sheet of this book are known, the original, printed with type 97 R3., being described above, while the later, printed with Tubini 86 R. in a state used after 1500, bears on 12 a title beginning : CSCRVTINIVM TRIPARTITVM IN QVATRI CONSVLTVM CONSILIVM...., on 1b two copies of elegiacs «Deiusta & honesta causa suscepti operis, CItem ad lectorem, on 4 a letter of Lud. Brunus to the author, dated 1 September, 1500, and on 4° the letter of Desiderius. In the letter to the author on 42 of the original issue, Matthaeus Veronensis remarks : * Post consultatio¬ nem non paruam inter huius prouinciae patres ex quorundam sen¬', "'10441, 10442, Proctor 14894), the publication of these remarks", 'was not very tactful and this no doubt caused them to be sup- pressed by a reprinting of the sheet in question. 303 X 215 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last two leaves. The first sheet is of the later issue. With the bookplate of J. H. P. Madden. Bought in November, 1890. IB. 27393. UNDATED BOOKS. Bought in May, 1867. BELCARI, FEO. Festa di san Giovanni. uisitato da christo nel diserto. woodcuts, the Archangel Gabriel, the meeting of Jesus and S. John]. 22. C Inco- mincia la rapresentatione quan¬ do sancto Giouanni Bought in June, 1867. IA. 27408. BELCARI, FEO. Rappresentazione di san Bought in June, 1867. IA. 27410. BURCHIELLO. Sonetti.', "King George III's copy (C. 6. a. 5). FESTA. Festa dell' Annunziazione di Nostra", 'donna. woodcut, the Annunciation). Qui cominciano 215X 158 mm. Previously bound with other tracts. Bought in June, 1867. IA. 27428. FRANCO, MATTEO. Sonetti di Matteo Franco 201 X 134 mm. Imperfect, wanting quire g. IA. 27444 King George IIl's copy (84. c. 26).", 'Undated. The page-contents correspond with those of the edition of F. de Ragazonibus, Bologna, 1494 (IB. 29143), but the Florentine edition is probably the earlier. 276 X 202 mm. IB. 27447 Bought. Undated.', "Type : 97 R'. Capital on 52, Lombards.", '207 X 140 mm. The title-leaf is mutilated. Beneath', "the woodcut is written ' Sebastiani lazari de emporio'", 'The first and last leaves are mounted. Bought in March, 1906. IA. 27449. LANDINUS, CHRISTOPHORUS. Formolario The cut (master and seven boys) is also found in Perottus, Rudi¬ LAUDE. Laude all'onore dell'onnipotente", '1e. TITLE: woodcut, youths singing before an image of the Virgin). C Laude facte & composte dapiu persone spirituali a honore dello omnipoten te idio & della LAZARO. Libro di Lazaro e Marta e', "97 R'. Lombards. Woodcuts on 12, 41b, 44b. Hain '9965.", '192 X 127 mm. The first and last leaves are mounted. Bought in June, 1867. IA. 27459. MEDICI, LORENZO DE'. Rappresentazione di", 'Paulo. woodcut, the two saints, with the angel of the 215X 158 mm. Without the blank. Bought in September, 1860. IA. 27486. OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. De arte amandi 195 X 135 mm. From the library of George Dunn. Bought in February, 1914. IA. 27460. PEROTTUS, NICOLAUS. Rudimenta gram¬ 12. TITLE: C Regule Sypontine. woodcut, teacher with seven boys). 1P. C Calphurnius brixiensis Antonio moretto brixiensi amicorum optimo Sal. Plu. 22. C The cut is also found in Landinus, Formolario di epistole, n.d. (IA. 27450, above). 194 X 129 mm. First leaf mounted. Bought in March, 1906. IA. 27461. PULCI, ANTONIA. Rappresentazione di san TITLE: C La rappresentatione [woodcuts, the angel of the Annunciation, St. Francis receiving the', "stigmata di san Francesco. 1'. C La rappresentatione", 'Bought in January, 1867. IA. 27468. PULCI, LUCA. Epistole al magnifico Lorenzo Another copy. 193X 127 mm. Bought in January, 1848. RAPPRESENTAZIONE. Rappresentazione Bought in June, 1867. IA. 27473. RAPPRESENTAZIONE. Rappresentazione Bought (C. 34. h. 6 (38). RAPPRESENTAZIONE. Rappresentazione quando fu martyrizato. woodcuts, the angel of the Bought in May, 1867. IA. 27480. 4P 2', "Type: 97 R'. Lombard on 22.", '191 X 135 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf. Bought (C. 34. h. 5 (13)). IA. 27483. RAPPRESENTAZIONE. Rappresentazione corpo di Christo. woodcuts, the angel of the Annunciation, a Jew buying the Host from a monk, and Jews burning the Host). 22. C La rapresentatione duno miracolo del corpo di Christo Et i prima uno Bought in March, 1867. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Trattato del¬ the dead Christ entombed. 2°. C Breue & utile tractato di humilita composto dal reueren do padre frate the instruments of the Passion). Quarto. a8 b’. 10 leaves. 2b: 33 lines, 159X92 mm. Type:', "97 R'. Capitals. Woodcuts. Hain 14373?", '194 X 126 mm. Formerly bound in a tract-volume. Bought in April, 1860. IA. 27506. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Trattato del The cut differs from that in the other undated edition (IA. 27552, p. 659). Types 97 Ri. with 114 G. Undated. The only other recorded Florentine edition of the Frutti della', "lingua' is that printed by Morgiani and Petri, 1493 (IB. 27795), but", 'the textual variations are small. The title-cut (monks confronting nuns) appears also in Cavalca, Pungi Lingua, 10 June, 1494 (IA. 27302), and elsewhere. 188 X 123 mm.', "King George III's copy (C. 4. h. 10). LUCIDARIUS. (In Italian.) 12. TITLE: C Lucidario. woodcut, a young man standing before a master seated at a desk 22. C CO¬ after the table. Bought in January, 1850. IA. 27549 SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Dell' amore", 'The cuts, one on 12 measuring 103 X 84 mm., the other on 172 measuring 78 x 68 mm., represent the Crucifixion. 195 X 130 mm. Leaf a 8 has been mutilated. With notes of ownership of Dominicus Beniveni and Gio. Bat, Bettini. Formerly bound first in a volume containing eighteen other tracts by Savonarola. Bought in April, 1860. IA. 27557. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Dell'amore", 'Of the two cuts of the Crucifixion, one measuring 99 x 87 mm., the other 60 x 55 mm., the larger occurs in Di Libri s unsigned edition of Cavalca, Specchio di croce (Hain 4784), and Savonarola mounted. With the book-plate of J. Brand, A.M., F.S.A., Coll. Linc., Oxon. (died 1806). Formerly bound first in a volume containing fifteen other tracts by Savonarola. Bought. IA. 27559. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. The woodcut on 1e (wayfarer praying) is found also in Savona¬ rola, Epistole a diversi, (14971 (IA. 27345) and Regola del ben vivere (IA. 27381). That on 12° (Christ at Gethsemane) is found Expositic Undated della comunione. praving in the garden of Gethsemane). 22. C Prohemic', "The same cut is found in Savonarola, Sermone dell' orazione", "(IA. 27566) and Operetta dell' orazione mentale (IA. 27569).", 'IA. 275 SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Libro della', "87 mm. Types : 114 G., title ; 97 R'. Lombards. Hain 14368.", 'The title-cut (monks confronting nuns) is found also in Cavalca, Pungi Lingua, 10 June, 1494 (IA. 27302), and elsewhere. 199 X 134 mm. Without the blank. IA. 27562. Sermone Undated.', "114 G., title ; 97 R'. Lombards. Woodcuts.", 'The cut on 12 is found also in Savonarola, Esposizione del Pater¬', "noster (IA. 27555) and Operetta dell' orazione mentale (IA. 27569).", '188 x 128 mm. Woodcuts painted red and yellow. With the note of ownership of Peter Lilly, Florence, May, 1850. Bought in July, 1853. 199X 134 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Trattato del', "114 G., title ; 97 R'. Lombards. Hain 14353.", 'The cut differs from that found in the other undated edition (IA. 27498, p. 658). Bought. Bought. Type 97 R2.', "SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Dell'amore", 'Undated. cut, the Father seated with the dead Christ on His knees). With few exceptions the page-contents correspond with those of the other undated edition (IA. 27559, p. 658). The woodcut on 172, representing the Crucifixion, is found also in Savonarola, Epistola a un amico, n.d. (IA. 27504), and Operetta IA. 27500. Acquired in June, 1875. Acquired in June, 1875. Type 97 R3. ALBERTI, LEO BAPTISTA. Opera nonnulla. Undated. 12. TITLE: C LEONIS BAPTISTAE ALBERTI. OPERA. 522. END OF TEXT:... Risere Nymphe. Finis. Errata in uolumine. 52b. END: Qui cum gaudia 97 R3. Capitals and Lombards. Diagram on 38b. Hain 416. Gesamtkatalog 571. 12, title ; 1°, Hieronymus Massainus Roberto Puccio s. ; 4b, de', "in laudem authoris'", 'Lucius Bellantius, who is spoken of as lately dead on 1P, appears to have been still alive in May, 1498 (see IB. 28068 below; p. 692). 203 X 128 mm. Crushed red morocco by Delanoé père. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 27402. BENIVIENI, DOMENICO. Dialogo della verità The author in giving an account of writings on Savonarola men¬ tions, among others, Georgius Benignus, Propheticae solutiones; Bartholomeus Scala, Apologia contra vituperatores; Giovanni Nesi, Oraculum de nouo saeculo, which is spoken of as a nuove', "tractato'. As this was printed on 8 May, 1497 (IA. 27844), it", 'probably supplies a terminus post quem for the present text. 197 X 134 mm. Bought in April, 1860. Presented in October, 1906. Undated. CATALDUS. Prophetia sancti Cataldi. In Undated. 1e. Prophetia sancti Cataldi episcopi tarentini IA. 27337. CHIARINI, GIORGIO. Libro che tratta di tatie & usanze depaesi woodcut, a bank). 22. (table) A Type: 97 R3. Capitals. Hain 4955. 156 x 106 mm. With the book-label of Luigi Fortunato Pieri. Bought in May, 1850. CONFESSIONE. Confessione utile a con¬ The cut (man and woman kneeling before Crucifix over altar) is also found in Savonarola, Orazione mentale, Morgiani and Petri, 134 X 96 mm. Bound tenth in a volume of sixteenth- century Italian tracts. Bought in July, 1865 (C. 20. a. 31 (10)). IA. 27427. PETRUS HISPANUS [POPE JoHN XXII. lation of Zucchero Bencivenni. 13. C Qui in comincia illibro chiamato thesoro de 97 R3. Capital on 12, Lombards. Hain 8714. 149X 115 mm. First leaf slightly cropped. Bought in July, 1882. IA. 27462 REGOLA. Regola del terzo ordine di san The title-cut (S. Francis, two monks kneeling) is said by Kris¬ teller to appear also in the Fioretti printed by Lorenzo Morgiani 11 June, 1497. Dichiara¬ Undated. fixion, is found also in two editions of Savonarola, Operetta dell amore di Gesù, n.d. (IA. 27500, 27559), and that on 6°, represent ing a monk addressing nuns, is found in Cavalca, Pungi Lingua, 10 June, 1494 (IA. 27302), and later books. 192 X 136 mm. Bought in March, 1864. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Predica fatta Bought in November, 1863. IA. 27307 SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Registro delle', "This tract is a subject-index to Savonarola's Prediche quadra¬", 'gesimali del 1495, classified under five heads, with references to leaf and column of the 1496/7 edition (IB. 27326). The registro on 11b is a list of errata. As it must have been printed shortly after the Prediche themselves it is one of the earliest books showing the final state of type 97 R. 204 X 137 mm. Bought in April, 1860. Types 97 R23. with 114 R. Types 97 R23. with 114 R. Quarto. a’. 4 leaves. 32 : 34 lines, 164x 93 mm. Type: 97 R8. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Trattato con¬ Undated. tro gli astrologi.', "On d 32 the words siamo nel anno MCCCCLXXXXVII.' are", 'used in the text in connexion with a prophecy of Albumasar. 199 X 134 mm. Formerly part of a tract-volume. IA. 27512. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Predica dell woodcut, within borderJ. 1b. SECOND TITLE: C Pre¬', "114 R., first title; 97 R'. Capital on 22. Woodcuts. Hain 14390.", 'With the same page-contents and woodcuts as the other undated edition (IA. 27321, p. 650). 200X 135 mm. Bought in April, 1860. Type 114 RI. 1b. ORATIONES In eloquentiam In historiam In bonas artis In poeticen In Sapientiam In Satyram et studia humanitatis Vita Pauli ghiacceti De peni- 1a blank; 1°, list of contents ; 22, letter of B. Fontius to Lorenzc laudationem ; 14°, in bonas artes; 212, in laudem poetices facultatis contains also IA. 29989, 31651, 30034 a, 26651 a, 31746a, 20150a, 25090a, 19745, 30050, 36875, 31365, 6733a, 30018, 30052 a, 26545 a, and a manuscript tract, in the order named. With the book-plates of Bilibaldus Pirkheymer engraved by Dürer, and of the Royal Society. Bought in March, 1924. IA. 27527. FRANCO, MATTEO. Poesie. Undated. 1°. Franco', "and others. Many pieces are signed 'F' and 'L', two 'P' and", "two 'E'. MEDICI, LORENZO DE'. Ballatette. Undated.", "166 x 120 mm. Type: 114 R'. Lombards.", "A collection consisting of four poems by Lorenzo de' Medici and", 'twelve by Politian. 198 X 133 mm.', "King George III's copy (C. 8. g. 8). PIUS II. De duobus amantibus. Italian version of Alessandro Braccio. Undated. 12. C PROEMIO DI SER ALEXANDRO Braccio 184X 127 mm. Stamped brown morocco by E. Petit. Bought in July, 1888. IA. 27517. Another copy. PICUS, JoANNES, Mirandulanus.', "(with marginalia, 160) mm. Type: 114 R'. Lombards. Capital", 'spaces, also spaces for Hebrew. Hain 13001. In his letter to Lorenzo on 1° Saluiatus says [Picus] cum nuper tibi librum de septiformi sex dieruz geneseos enarratione . . . di¬ IB. 27536 Bought in March, 1845. Another copy. 302 X 201 mm. Rubricated as IB. 20343, q.v., vol. v. p. 233, with which it is bound, followed by a quire of 6 leaves of blank paper. The lower margins have been made up to a size uniform with the first tract in the volume. Bought in January, 1850. IB. 27537 Type 114 R2. Tilted Q and lighter P are used exclusively in this book and the following, and they were probably printed about the same time. They are here placed at the head of their section because the Fenestella, with 56 leaves and no capitals, is clearly earlier than the other edition of the same tract (IA. 27524), which has 52 leaves only and Lombards. 209X 140 mm. From the library of George Dunn. On a fly-leaf is pasted a slip with a typographical note by Robert Proctor. Bought in February, 1914. IA. 27523. MESUE, JoANNES. Opera. [In Italian. PLICI. SOLVTIVE. IL. QVA LE FECE. GIOVAN¬ NI. FIGLVOLO. DI. MESVE. 2282. COLOPHON: FINITO e il libro di Giouanni Mesue della consolatione', "10° : 34 lines, 195 X 130 mm. Type: 114 R'. Capital spaces, with", 'guide-letters, also capital N on 92. Hain 11113. 250X 193 mm. Capitals supplied in red and blue, etc.', "On 228b is written 'Ego p. pacinus g'.", 'Bought in April, 1865. IB. 27533. BENIVIENI, DOMENICO. Scala della vita In some copies is inserted on a separate leaf to face 132 an', "engraving representing the 'figura' there mentioned. This per¬", "haps explains Hain's corrigendum '25 ff.'.", '196 X 135 mm. With the book-plate of Count D. Boutourlin. Bought in October, 1857. IA. 27521. FENESTELLA, LUCIUS. De Romanorum 1a. FENESTFLLA DE ROMANORVM MAGI¬ D of I14G. is used throughout the text on 522. 201 X 134 mm. Bought in June, 1859. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Esposizione 191 X 129 mm. Before the first leaf is bound a slightly cropped impression of the copper engraving of the Crown', "of Mary properly belonging to Bonaccorsi's edition of", "Savonarola's Compendio di rivelazione, 1495 (IA. 27625", 'p. 674). Brown morocco by Duru et Chambolle, 1863 Bought in January, 1869. IA. 27542 Type 114 G. Omnis mortalium cura. woodcut, confessors and', "The first line of S. Antoninus' text is composed of capitals of", 'Reprinted, often page for page, from the 1488 edition (IA. 27271). 203X 131 mm. Leaves 1, 2 mounted. With the book¬ plate of Count D. Boutourlin. Bought in October, 1857. IA. 27573. FRANCESCO D'ASSISI. Fioretti.", 'On 12, a woodcut representing Saint Francis receiving the stigmata. 205 X 136 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1-5, 12. From the Voynich collection. IA. 27577. Presented in October, 1906. Presented in October, 1906. Types II4 G., 77 R. BERLINGHIERI, FRANCEScO. Protesto alla Undated. standing before a master seated at a desk 22. Protesto ital., 5 ser., vol. 13, p. 347), but is here printed in a revised version', "with quotations from the author's Geografia which are not found", 'in the manuscript in the Biblioteca Nazionale at Florence (ct. Il Bibliofilo, ii (1881), p. 8). The title-cut is also found in the Lucidario (IA. 27549, p. 658). Bought in October, 1857. IA. 27586. Type 77 R. and others. 22. C BALLATETTE del Ma¬ gnifico Lorenzo de King George III's copy (80. k. 30).", 'Undated. 12. woodcut, a monk writing, between two panels). woodcut, monks and nuns). 77 R. Capitals. Woodcuts. Hain 14465. The woodcut on 12, with a different border, is found also in Angelo da Vallombrosa, Lettera ai Magnifici Signori (IA. 27324) SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Operette. 77 R. Lombards. Hain 14355.', "The woodcut (the Crucifixion) is found also in Savonarola, Dell'", 'amore di Gesù (IA. 27559). Triumphus 12, C FRATRIS HIERONYMI SAVONAJRO¬ TATE FIDEI IN DOMINICAE CRVICIS TRI¬ PLATO. Opera. [In the Latin translation PLATO. Opera. [In the Latin translation of Marsilius Ficinus. May, 1484; before April, 1485.1 1b. Prohemium Marsilii ficini florêtini in libros type 85 G. and headline, 195 (205) x 143 mm. 2152: 46 lines of type 83 G. and headline, 192 (204) x 140 mm. Types: 85 G., 90 R. (capitals only, in headlines), quires nrst a-n; 83 G., 115 R. (capitals only, in headlines), remainder. Capital spaces, those in quires first a-+ usually with guide-letters; space for Greek on 6b.', "Woodcut diagrams in quire rû. Hain '13062 (counting 15 leaves", 'of emendationes). 1b, prooemium Marsilii Ficini; 32, Platonis vita ; 72, tabula ibrorum Platonis, ad lectorem; 8, blank; 9, blank; 102-211b, libb. i-xviii, i. e. Hipparchus, De philosophia, Theages, Meno, Alcibiades i, ii, Minos, Euthyphro, Parmenides, Philebus, Hippias maior, Lysis, epitoma Ficini in Theaetetum, Theaetetus, Ion, Sophista, Ciuilis de regno, Protagoras—followed by Euthydemus, Hippias minor, Charmides, Laches, Clitophon, Cratylus, Gorgias; 212, blank ; 2132, commentarium Ficini in Conuiuium, concluding with first colophon ; 2412-3852, Conuiuium, Phaedrus, Apologia and the corrigenda. Hain inserts the Timaeus followed by its compendium between the Gorgias and the commentary on the Conuiuium. The collation of the eight leaves here taken as second e, which follow immediately on the first colophon (ff. 241-248), is uncertain. The first four are signed respectively : d in, d iiii, e i, e ii, and there are two stubs between the last leaf and f 1. On the other hand. the fact that the headline on the recto of the first and the verso of the last leaf is printed with type 83 G., while the other headlines are in roman capitals, is in favour of considering the leaves to be a single quire. The type-pages of the inner sheets of first i and Il and of the outer sheet of pp are short and have few contractions. The first two sheets of second m are signed li, lii. The first sheet of first » is signed 5 iiii, the fourth sheet is signed 5.', "The headlines begin by giving the number of the liber' (a con¬", "fusion with the 18 books of Ficinus' Theologia Platonica) but change", 'to the name of the dialogue at the beginning of first s. The head¬ lines of second a-d and of second e 12, 8° are in capitals of 83 G., the remainder of those of second e and those of second f-ss in capitals of 115 R. It appears from the day-book of the Ripoli Press that on 25 January, 1483/4, Fra Domenico, the manager of the press, and', "Laurentius Venetus contracted 'a imprimere più dialoghi di", 'the quires signed a-z and aa-cc Jor rather z-1, i. e. those printed with types 85 G., 90 R.) had been duly delivered to Valori. The whole volume had been put into circulation not long before 8 April, 1485 (letter of Ficinus to Callimachus so dated, and undated letters immediately preceding, in his Epistolae, lib. viii, fol. Cxxxxy of original edition, Capcasa, Venice, 1495, IB. 22769). 289X 215 mm. Imperfect, wanting the preliminary quire. Quires second 1-1, followed by quires et-rû, are bound immediately before the emendationes. Sheet first 5 I has changed places with sheet » 4. On 9b is written : Sancti Barnabe Brix Jover an erasure) emptus ex libris fris lacobiphilippi pcio librax viiij. On 10° is written : Ex Bibliotheca S. Barnabe Brixie extractus et emptus pertinet ad Bibliothecam SS. Anne Burni (?), et ad usum F. Zacharie a Ianua (?). With the book-plate and book-stamp of Count Hercules de Silva. Capitals supplied in red and blue alternately. IB. 27995. Bought in June, 1890. Another copy of quires et-ru, second «1. aa-Ss. In this copy the headlines of 4292, 436° (aa 1a 8b) incorrectly', "read DEREPVBLICA' instead of DELEGIBVS'.", '275 X 205 mm. Rubricated.', "King George III's copy (167. d. 3).", 'IB. 27995 a. ANTHOLOGIA GRAECA. Avßohova Sa logy. Edited by Janus Lascaris. FT1 August, 1494.', "ME'NOT A'EIL E IITA TMH'MATA TOY BIBAl'OT", 'DE ALOPA VENETVM. III. IDVS AVGVSTI Quarto. A-9 AA-KK8: [48. 280 leaves, the last blank. 32 : 28 lines, 160 x 92 mm. Types: 114 Gk.; 116 R. Capital space at', "beginning of each section. Irregular line-endings. Hain '1145.", 'Gesamtkatalog 2048.', "The first edition. In his dedication to Piero de' Medici the", "flight and proscription of Piero de' Medici shortly after the publica¬", 'tion of the book caused the dedication to be suppressed. 221X 146 mm. Without the blank. Each page of text enclosed in red rules. Another copy of sheet T4 inserted in the middle of quire K. Lower margins in last quire made up. Bought. IB. 28003. Another copy. 217 X 149 mm. Without the last quire.', "King George III's copy (C. 1. a. 6).", 'IB. 28004. Another copy. On vellum. 245X 157 mm. Without the blank. Grenville copy (G. 8482). IB. 28005. Another copy. On vellum. 251 X 160 mm. Imperfect, wanting the second leaf, which bore an illuminated border, etc., and the place of which is taken by a pen-and-ink facsimile. The first leaf is duplicated in similar facsimile. The third leaf, which was injured at the cutting out of the second leaf, has been repaired. Capitals illuminated in gold and colours. In an Italian binding (about 1550?) of deep red morocco, with sunk cameo portraits of a bearded Roman (?, serving for Aristotle?) on the top cover and of Alexander the Great on the lower cover. and gold-tooled strapwork borders, etc. (For another vellum copy similarly bound cf. M. J. Husung in Mittelalterliche Handschriften . .. Festgabe ... H. Cracherode copy, with date 1776. Undated. 86 mm. Type: 114 Gk. Capital spaces. Irregular line-endings.', "Hain '6697.", 'A, M, N in pen-and-ink by the printer. The first edition. The same watermark of a cross in a circle is found in this and all the following Greek books, except Callimachus.', "In this copy the third word in l. 19 of 52 is printed TA'KO2.", '224 X 155 mm. Another copy.', "In this copy the third word in l. 19 of 52 is printed TA'KO2 and", 'corrected in pen-and-ink, apparently by the printer. 209 X 144 mm. Another copy. In this copy the third word in l. 19 of 52 is correctly printed', "TA'KOY.", '216x 154 mm. Each page enclosed in red rules. Dark blue morocco by P. Bozerian jeune. Grenville copy (G. 8622). GNOMAE. Tvôuai povoariot ék daho', "MONO'TIXOI 'EK AIAQO'PON HOIHTON KATA", "ZTOIXETON ETNTETATMENAI. EIZ 'ATAOOT", 'on 1b and 12°. Irregular line-endings on 12. Hain 7787. The number of lines to the page is 27, except on b 1P, where it is 26, and b 32—5°, where it is 29 or 28. 230X 155 mm. Blue morocco, rebacked, the lower cover stamped with the badge of the fourth Duke of Grafton. Manuscript quire-numbers 36-38. IA. 28013b. 205 X 136 mm. Red morocco by Kalthoeber, stamped with the Cracherode arms. IA. 28012. Cracherode copy, with date 1790. Another copy. 195 X 126 mm. Capital and border on 1b and 12', "illuminated at a late date. Bought at Dr. A. Askew's", 'sale, 1775, for £17. 175.', "King George III's copy (C. 1. a. 16). APOLLONIUS RHODIUS. Apyoavä. and Theon. of scholia surrounding text, 181 X 121 mm. A column of 28 lines of text on 142 measures 161 mm. Types: 114 Gk., text; II1 Gk.,', "scholia. Capital space at beginning of each book. Hain '1292.", 'Gesamtkatalog 2271. 235 X 162 mm. Red morocco, stamped with the arms of J. A. de Thou and his second wife Gasparde de la Chastre. From the library of Cardinal de Loménie. IB. 28023. Grenville copy (G. 8462). Another copy. 230 X 168 mm. Without the blank. IB. 28022.', "King George III's copy (C. 8. h. 2).", 'Another copy. 229X 168 mm. Without the blank. Each page en¬ closed in red rules. Bound in green morocco by Derôme le jeune, with the Cracherode arms added. IB. 28021. Cracherode copy, with date 1784. 1496. 262°. COLOPHON: Ey grpevria. r erpa- Another copy. g o IIINAE, TOT IIAPONTOE BIBAIOT. 263b. TEAOE. Folio. A B8 ; a-O I k-o° ; r—r8 ; v-o aa-yy3. 264 leaves, the first and last blank. 32: 42 lines, 234 X 155 mm. Type: 111 Gk. Capital spaces. Hain 10258. In this copy, as in some others, the first page bears a title running as follows: (to left) TAAE ENEZTIN EN TOIAE TO BIBAI. AOYKIANOY. ogpéro eixôves oto éo Filippo Giunta, Florence, 1517, with the addition of the words AOYKIANOY. LVCIANI OPERA, and was thus evidently pre¬ pared for a reissue in that year of a remainder of the Lucian with Philostratus appended. 337 x 227 mm. On the last page of text and else¬ where is a signature read as : Piernequint. Cracherode copy, with date 1786. IB. 28025. Another copy. 336 x 226 mm. Without the blanks.', "King George III's copy (C. 5. c. 3).", 'IB. 28026. Another copy. 332X 226 mm. Without the blanks. Grenville copy (G. 8318). IB. 28027. CALLIMACHUS. Tuvoi. [With the scho¬ CALLIMACHUS. Tuvoi. [With the scho¬ Undated. lia. Edited by J. Lascaris. 12. KAAAIMAXOT KT PHNAIOT TMNOI. EIE 272: 25 lines of 111 Gk., 139x98 mm. Types: 114 Gk., text ; 111 Gk., scholia. Capital spaces, that on 12 with guide-letter. Hain 4266. The watermark of a flower found in this book recurs in the 1496 Ficinus and the [1497] Dionysius, and the book is therefore perhaps the latest of the Greek group. 205 X 134 mm. 201X 134 mm. On 1e is written: lanaßs ro da¬ xerrs nai ra lacopo da Diacceto).', "King George IIl's copy (C. 1. a. 14).", '189X 133 mm. On 1e is written: L. Mediol. Soc. Iesu Braidæ. The third sheet is bound within the fourth. IA. 28016. Presented. Another copy of quires A-T. 200X 135 mm. Red morocco, stamped with the crest of Joseph Gulston. IA. 28017. Cracherode copy. Undated. 22. KEBHTOE IIINAE 172. BALIAEIOT TOT ME- 123 X72 mm. Type: 111 Gk. Capital space at beginning of each tract. Hain 4821, 4820. In this copy the text of Cebes concludes thus (16°) : g rov. ora ruovra olovrai ôià oroV . . . rpárreiv ... àgeßégara ... raîra dè rágxsoi ... This agrees with Hain 4820. 162X 116 mm. Apparently from the library of Dr. A. Askew. Bought. Another copy. In this copy the conclusion of the text of Cebes has been in part emended (16°) : G to. öra riuogi re airà oovra book-stamp on 2° lettered P. G. [F? (erased). IA. 28036. CHRYSOLORAS, аоUEL. рроrуuara. In this copy the last words on 12 and 38b are printed : róga and :', "riyais éri s dxgos' respectively.", 'Another copy. In this copy the last words on 12 and 38° are printed: Hóga and : rivais- i ors oos respectively. \ufeff668 162 x 109 mm. Bound in dark blue morocco by FICINUS, MARSILIUS. Commentaria v per¬ headlines; 87 G.; III Gk., alphabet on § 2b. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 17076. 12, blank ; 1b, prooemium, dispositio commentariorum ; 24, in Leaves 156, 157, containing all the errata except a few lines on 1582, form a separate sheet inserted between the last two leaves of the quaternion A. Tke first edition. The compendium in Timaeum is reprinted, with additions and with the diagrams omitted, from the editions', "of Ficinus' translation of Plato, 1491 (IB. 27995, IB. 23432).", '280 x 205 mm. Rubricated. Leaves 156, 157 are bound at the end. Bought in November, 1900. IB. 28029. DIONYSIUSAREOPAGITA. Mystica theo¬ DIONYSIUSAREOPAGITA. Mystica theo¬ logia. De diuinis nominibus. [In the Latin translation and with the commentary of *1497. q-u with guide-letters. Hain 76234.', "12, translator's dedication to Giovanni de' Medici and proem;", 'mentary of Ficinus belonging to it. It appears from the note appended to the errata of Ficinus commentary on Plato completed 2 December, 1496 (IB. 28029, q.v.), that the present book was at that date in the press. 182 X 118 mm. Bought in November, 1923. ALONE. 25 lines, 140x 90 mm. Type: 112 R. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Catchword at ends of quires a, c, d. Hain 12789, 13168. 210X 137 mm. On 1e is written: Questo libro e di Dom°. d1 qd Zanobj Passerini ... From the libraries of Count Bolongaro Crevenna and Michael Wodhull. Bought in January, 1869. IA. 27604. BELCARI, FEO. Laude. [By F. Belcari, Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 2752 (p. 357), 11617. 12, title ; 1°, alphabetical table ; 7à table arranged for the church calendar; 8°, sonetto di Francesco Dalbizo ; 92, text ; 1452, Latin chants ; 146P, colophon. Leaf 3 is signed a iii, leaf 9 is signed a i. Elsewhere the place of signatures is taken by the foliation. 212X 143 mm. Rubricated. Bought in June, 1867. IA. 27603. USUARDUS. Martyrologium. [Edited by also some capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Calendar dates set out. Hain 16110. Apparently the first separate edition. Its date was inadvertently recorded as 1496 by Proctor (no. 6319). The setting up of sheet a 3 found in this copy ends on a 6b with the words : Beati Effisi martyris. Et alibi aliorum plurimoru sanctorum martyrum. The setting up of g 52 also differs in details from that of the vellum copy and is perhaps entirely fresh. 188 x 130 mm. On 12 is written: Ex Libris Familie Another copy. In this copy sheet a 3 is of a different setting up throughout,', "ending on a 6° with the words: 'beati Essisi marty ris. Et alibi.'", 'and omitting the second line of red-printed numerals on a 62. 670 in red or blue. IA. 27605 a. WITH ANTONIUS FRANCISCI. translation of Bartholomaeus Fontius. *17 May, 1488 II1 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 12904. The text of the first edition (1471, IA. 27005, p. 616) is here to some extent revised, and the four supplementary letters are omitted. 179X 123 mm. Bought in July, 1879. DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Vitae et sententiae 201 X132 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf h 1. Old', "King George III's copy (C. 2. a. 9). PETRARCA, FRANCESCO. Trionfi. Undated. PETRARCA, FRANCESCO. Trionfi. Undated. 12. TRIOMPHO DELLO AMORE DI MESISER FRANCESCO PETRARCHA EX CELLENTISSI¬ 149 x 82 mm. Type: III R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. First letter of every third line set out. Hain 12780. 12, trionfo del amore ; 142, trionfo della pudicizia ; 182, trionfo III R. It was catalogued under Miscomini (type 3) by Proctor (no. 6178). On vellum. 192X 130 mm. Without the blank. Chief capitals illuminated in gold and colours, with borders on 12, other capitals supplied in blue or gold. From the library of Roger Wilbraham. IA. 27736. This appears to be the first edition in which the metrical colophon originally composed for the editions printed nel Beretin Convento at Venice in 1474 and 1477 (p. 238) is adapted to a Florentine imprint by alteration of the last three lines. It was afterwards re-adapted to', "Venice by the substitution of 'Vinetia for Firenze' in the last", 'line ; cf. the editions of Capcasa, 1493 (IA. 22751, p. 484), and De Pensis,1500 (Hain 7116). Type 98 R. appears considerably fresher in this book than in the following, and this is probably its first use. 208 X 140 mm. Bought in April, 1860. PULCI, LUCA. Pistole al magnifico Lorenzo 148 x75 mm. Type: 98 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. First letter of every third line set out. Hain 13572. 204 X 132 mm. Bound in crushed green morocco by Thompson, of Paris. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 27732. PSALTERIUM. Psalterium cum hymnis. 28 lines, 203 X 135 mm. Type: 145 G. Red printed Lombards and capitals, also spaces. 279X199 mm. On a fly-leaf are the signatures of IB. 27734. ALONE. 12. TITLE: DIVOTO TRANSITO DI SANCTO 31 March, 1490 (IA. 27606), show that the printer was not at this time dating in the Florentine style, and the present book is therefore ranged under 1490 rather than 1491. Two of the three water¬ marks found in it (crossed picks in a species of rosette, bird in circle) also occur in the Cavalca, Specchio di croce, completed by Di Dino on 27 March, 1490 (IA. 27705). 205 X 136 mm. Imperfect, wanting the four prelimi¬ nary leaves. Capitals on 5° illuminated in gold and colours, with borders and the coat of arms of Carnesecchi ; the note of ownership of Gio. Bonaura. Carnesecchi is written beside it. On the last page is an offset of the title with title-cut (Crucifixion) and border of Savonarola, Del sacramento della messa, s.n. (by Miscomini? ; Kristeller, Early Florentine Woodcuts, 391 a), which was croce, 27 March, 1490 (cf. IA. 27705). Bought in June, 1876. IA. 27618. RISURREZIONE. Type: 112 R. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 12. First letter of each stanza set out. 207 X 138 mm. Bought in March, 1906. IA. 27606. CAVALCA, DOMENICO. Libro della pazienza The incipit of book iii (on the Ten Commandments, etc.) treats it as a separate tract. At the end of books i and ii is a servente or summary of the contents in rhyming verse. The first book here found is entirely omitted from this work as printed in Venice by De Pensis, 1488 (IA. 23452), etc., under the title Trattato di pazienza. 197 X 135 mm. Imperfect, wanting the title-leaf. Ori¬ ginal (?) stamped leather. Bought in May, 1899. IA. 27607. DURAZINUS, MICHAEL, de Emporio. Opu¬ 12. Tabula Huius Operis. 1b. [DJOmino Bartholomeo 146 x 83 mm. Type : 79 R. Capital spaces, nearly all with guide- letters. Hain 6521, 6588. All but three or four of the sixty-one sermons in this book are in Latin. 221X 146 mm. With the armorial book-label of Giacomo Manzoni. Bought in December, 1896. DANTE ALIGHIERI. Convivio. 112 R., text ; 79 R., commentary. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Hain 5954. IA. 27611. Another copy. 194 X 130 mm. Sheets a 3, a 4 have been transposed in binding. An engraved portrait of il divino Dante, presumably the frontispiece of an edition of the late sixteenth century, is prefixed.', "King George III's copy (C. 6. a. 1).", 'IA. 27611 a. Another copy. JACOPONE [DE' BENEDETTIJ DA TODI.", 'also a few capital spaces. Hain 9355. the care taken to procure a good text, and remarks that printing began adi. xii. de agosto passato. 206 X 135 mm. On 1e is the note of ownership of G. F. Nott, 1827. Sheets p 1, p 2 have changed places in binding. Bought in April, 1842. Another copy. 205X 131 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last quire The first leaf is cut out and mounted. Bound in crushed red morocco by J. Mackenzie. Grenville copy (G. 10709). PULCI, BERNARDO. La passione del nostro', "This edition, although omitting the verses ' in Maria Virgine di", 'Bibbona found in the undated edition assigned to Miscomini (IA. 27241), contains a second poem on the Passion which is not found in the other. It is therefore probably later than', "Miscomini's.", '205 X 137 mm. With the armorial book-stamp and note of ownership of the Marchese Andrea Bourbon de Monte. Bought in April, 1905. COLLENUTIUS, PANDULPHUS. Panegyrica MVM INEVN T COncilio demissa deû jouis in¬ Collenutius was appointed podestà of Florence on 22 June, 1490, and recited this poem on assuming office. It was doubtless printed shortly after.', "207 X 147 mm. On 1' is an autograph dedication by", 'the author headed Pandulphus Coll. Dnico Bonsio Iuriscos. singulari S.D. The marginalia, noting names, etc., mentioned in the text, are in the same hand. From the library of W. M. Tartt, F.S.S. Presented in August, 1872. IA. 27641. TORTUS, CAESAR. Poesie. [By C. Tortus 12. CAESAR THORTVS ESCVLANVS PHIILO¬ SOPHIAE AC MEDICINAE SCOLAJRIS ILLV¬ STRISSIMO DOMINO. D. ANDREAEMATHEO 112 R. Lombards, also a few spaces.', "12, author's dedication to the Marquis of Bitonto; 32, Thortus", 'ad amicam; 52, poems by Tortus; 16°, sonnets by Augustinus Vrbinas; 292, poems by Nicolaus Salibeni Senensis; 352, poems by Bernardus Ylicinus medicus et philosophus; 432, cantio Simonis Sardini Senensis alias dicto [sic Sauiozo; 452, poems by Antonius Thybaldeus Ferrariensis poeta lauro insignitus. The poems of Tortus end on 16° with an Epitaphium ... pro In his dedicatory letter he remarks that he is in his twenty-first BOSSUS, MATTHAEUS. De veris ac salutari¬ 143 X 76 (with marginalia 101) mm. Type: 112 R. Lombard on 22, printed capitals on 26°, 48°, spaces, one with guide-letter, on 33, 52. Hain 3672. 1, blank ; 22, Politianus Laur. Medici s.; 32, Matth. Bossi ad', "by expressions referring to it in the dedication of the author's De", 'perferendis aduersis, etc., (1492] (IB. 27190), and in the insertion of letters accompanying gifts of the book immediately after letters of April and January, 1491, in the latter part of the same work.', "Bossus also speaks of uolumina supra sexcenta in lucem edita',", 'but this number may be only a figure of speech. 202 X 134 mm. Without the first blank. A circular book-stamp (that of the Museo Cavalieri?) has been erased on 2°. Bought in April, 1869. IA. 27621. VENDETTA. Vendetta del nostro signore TERNI LVMI OCHIARA LAMPA This was perhaps printed about the same time as the Risur¬ rezione di Cristo of March, 1490 (IA. 27606), as part of an edition of the three anonymous poems on the passion, the resurrection and the vengeance of Christ first printed by Di Libri in 1483 (see IA. 27257, 27258, 27259, pp. 647, 648). Undated. ARS NUMERANDI. This tract is often attributed to Johannes de Sacro Bosco, but the attribution cannot be regarded as certain. 197 X 138 mm. Formerly ff. 147-154 of a tract- volume. Bought in March, 1846. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Compendium 12. COMPENDIO DI REVELATIONE DELLO INVTILE SERVO DI IESV CHRISTO FRATE HIERONY MODA FERRARA DELLO ORDINE', "The first page contains 32 lines, ending ... per non hauere',", 'and a space is left both before and after line 7, IESVS. MARIA. A full-page copper engraving of the triple crown of the Virgin as described on 32° seqq., printed on a separate leaf with a water- mark (cross in circle) not found in the rest, completes this book; see A. M. Hind, Catalogue of Early Italian Engravings... in the B M. (1910), p. 132. It is not found in the Museum copies, but has been accidentally prefixed to IA. 27542 (Savonarola, Esposi-', "appears to be an error, this letter being printed only in Dinckmut's", '(Ulm) edition, 1496 (IA. 9387). 195 X 131 mm. IA. 27625. Another issue, partly reprinted. COMPENDIO DI REVELATIONE... PRE DICATORI. IESVS. MARIA. [BEnche... except on the first four leaves, but is of a different setting up, except in sheet g 3 and the last quire ; the & here inserted at the end of the first line of the colophon was evidently removed during', "printing off. Thé first page contains 33 lines, ending '... seminato", "nel popu', and no space is left between the sixth and seventh lines.", 'The watermark of a flower found throughout the book is that commonly found in the issue previously described. 189 X 134 mm. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Compendium 12, COMPENDIVM REVELATIONVM INVTI¬ SSERVI IESV CHRISTI FRATRIS HIERO- NYMI DE FER RARIA ORDINIS PRAE DICA TORVM. Type : 88 R. Capital spaces. Hain 14332. The engraving found in the Italian edition of 18 August (IA. 27625 above) also occurs in some copies of the present edition. 206 X 137 mm. Bought in April, 1860. DATI, GIULIANO. Del diluvio di Roma del Lombard on 12. 2 woodcuts. Hain 5966? The cut on 12 represents the inundation of Rome, the small oblong cut on 2° represents a comet which appeared in Apulia in 1485. 209 X 140 mm. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 27649. LILIUS, ZACHARIAS. De origine et laudibus DEVICES Jof Pacini).', "Quarto. a-c' de e-gs h'° ; i8. 72 leaves. 42: 28 lines, 154 x90", '(with marginalia 112) mm. Type: 112 R. Printed capitals and Lombards, also space, with guide-letter, on 33°. Catchwords at ends of quires. Indented text. Hain 10103. 12, title ; 1P, Seb. Ciafferus Florentinus Galeacio Bentiuolo sal.; BENIVIENI, DOMENICO. Difesa ed appro¬ The small oblong cut on 12 represents Savonarola exhorting a group of seven men, the full-page cut on 43° represents an apo- calyptic vision of Savonarola described in the text preceding it.', "The author remarks on 3e that he has 'terminato & fornito", "questo tractato' on 6 May, 1496. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Esposizione Quarto. a8 b6. 14 leaves. 3° : 37 lines, 164 X92 mm. Type: 88 R. Capitals. 2 woodcuts. Hain 14438. The rectangular cut on 12 represents King David kneeling in prayer, the small square cut on 2b represents a half-length of the same standing in prayer. This edition carries the same date of completion as that printed', "apresso a sancta Maria maggiore' here catalogued under Morgiani", 'and Petri (IA. 27813), but occupies one leaf of text less, in spite of containing two woodcuts. It is therefore probably a slightly later reprint of the other. 203X 136 mm. Bought in September, 1849. Prediche', "One of the forms of address on 10e runs: 'Magnifico . .. Dnico", 'pacini pisciensi . .. scissimi dni nostri pape soldano dignissimo, and several others introduce names connected with Pescia. 196 X 127 mm. Several leaves have been mutilated and mended. Bought in June, 1895. diebus uitam cum morte com mutauit. Elegia. The title-cut is that previously used by Miscomini in Landino, Formulario, 1492 (IA. 27203). This tract was placed by Proctor (no. 6441) with the group of late tracts here catalogued among the adespota, § 2, p. 695. It stands apart, however, from the rest of the group, and there seems to be no reason why it should not be earlier. The type is exactly that of Bonaccorsi and the watermark of a star in a circle occurs in several of his books. It cannot in any case be after 1502, since in an edition of an Oratio de unione hypostatica Christi referable to that year the author, after enumerating certain errata in his various works, concludes: Ars uero metrica quae fuerat prae¬ Quires ——t of this book are printed with Di Libri 114 G., 114 R2., 97 R2., quires A-F with Morgiani 85 R Catalogued by Proctor under Di Libri (no. 6209). 263x 200 mm. On 1e is written QVesto libro e di', "traballese di mariani trabellesi', on a fly-leaf is the sig", 'nature of E. Negrini, 1848. Bought in July, 1858. IB. 27636. VALLA, NICOLAUS, Agrigentinus. Ars metrica. 12. TITLE: C ARISMETRICA: VALLE SICVLI woodcut, teacher and seven pupils). 1b. C Donno Poncio de sancta pace Inclito adolescen tulo: frater This tract was catalogued under Di Libri by Proctor (no. 6298). It is here transferred to Di Carlo because type 114 G. contains small Lombards as in his dated edition of the same work, 7 June and 13 July, 1487 (Hain-Reichling 4940, Proctor 16332, T.F.S. 1903 m), with which the present very closely agrees. 199 X 128 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 32. Leaf 8 misbound after the first leaf. Formerly ff. 135-213 of a tract-volume. Bought in May, 1900. IA. 27685. WITH PETRUS DE BONACCURSIS. 24 October, 1489. 12. TITLE: C La uita de Philosophi. 22. C INCO¬ 190 X 136 mm. With the book-plate of John Walbanke Childers. Bought in October, 1920. DIOGENES, Cynicus. Epistolae Diogenis Aretinus and Rinucius.) Bought in October, 1900. *14 July, 1487. x 86 mm. Type: 114 (112) R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. First letter of each stanza set out. Hain 13580. 208 X 135 mm. The lower part of leaf 8 has been mutilated and mended, the text being made good with pen-and-ink. Against the line of the colophon contain-', "ing the author's name is written in an old hand the", 'correction: Composto p lucha. Bound in crushed red morocco by Lloyd, Wallis & Lloyd. Bought in December, 1924. 677 *Undated. Franciscus Aretinus. Dr. Reichling ad Hain 12897 describes a copy of this edition in the City Library of Bologna with which is bound a copy of quires f-h, comprising the Epistles of Hippocrates, of the Epistolae Diogenis, etc., x. kalen. Iulias, 1487 (IA. 27672). This copy was', "very probably the source of Maittaire's note of an edition of Phalaris", "of Kal. Iul. 1487' by Francisci which appears as Hain's no. 12897", 'and is otherwise unrecorded. 200 X 138 mm. King George III's copy (C. I. a. 22).", 'and Landinus 18 March, 1487/8. RENTII FIILIVM FOELICITER INCIPIT. 32 Habebis uerû ex his tabulis indicem ... 62. MARONIS VITA. 92. (text) P. VIRGILII MARONIS BV COLICA ... 35°. (text) .P. Virgilii Maronis Georgi¬ 41, 42; 143-290 numbered 17-194; 291, 295 numbered 1, 5; 298- 379 numbered 8-89, with many irregularities in the foliation Quire kk to the end in 2 columns. 9e : 57 lines of commentary surrounding text, 226 X 153 mm. A column of 41 lines of text on 3582 measures 227 mm. Types: 110 R.; 79 R.; 121 Gk. Capital spaces.', "This edition includes Vegius's continuation of the Aeneid, the", 'Priapeia and the Catalecta. Assigned to the Printer of Benignus by Proctor (no. 6326). 276 x 196 mm. On 382b is written reversed Di Barto-', "lomeo De Luignia'. With note of ownership of H. C.", 'Hoskier, Bought in April, 1909. IB. 27655. HOMERUS. Hoiygis äraga. [Edited by De¬ Not before 13 January, 1488/9.) 12. BERNARDVS NERLIVS PETRO MEDICAE 1b. Preface of Demetrius Chalcondylas; 3α, роооrоу еуууos rep rs roi Oupo yévegios sic ; 92, Movrépxov els o ßio o pov with that of O72. The prefatory letter of Bernardus Nerlius on 1a contains the following : Decreui gręcum aliquem auctorem ... imprimendum suscipere . . . Vt omittam Nerii fratris liberalitatez & loannis 338 X 222 mm. Leaves 1 and 2 have been cut out and mounted within red rules. Capital supplied on 1e in red and gold. Leaves 3-42 have been misbound before leaf 250. The text on O 2 and O 7 is inlaid. As the margins appear to be original, these leaves were per¬ haps at first blank in the present copy, the omission being made good at a later date with text cut from another copy. The text which should occupy O 2 and O 7 has been supplied in manuscript on two leaves bound after leaf 250. A letter from Charles Abbot, afterwards Lord Colchester, dated 1809, and explaining this and the circumstances in which the book was pre¬ sented to the Museum, is inserted at the beginning. On 440° are written 24 lines of Greek verse in an early hand. Bound in two volumes in red morocco, stamped with the arms of Jacques-Auguste de Thou.', "Rev. C. M. Cracherode's copy (C. 19. e. 4).", 'IB. 27657a. Another copy. 335 X 206 mm. On O 2, 6, and 7 are written notes in Greek in the hand possibly of the editor or an early owner drawing attention to the fact that the text on O 2 and O 7a has changed places. Bound in two volumes. From the library of Dr. Burney. IB. 27657. Another copy. 325 X 217 mm. With an engraved bust of Homer in- serted at the beginning. IB. 27657 b.', "King George III's copy (C. 5. c. 1).", 'Another copy. 320X 217 mm. With annotations in pencil and note of ownership of Gilbert Wakefield, 1798. Bound in two volumes. BENIGNUS, GEORGIUS, de Salviatis. Dia¬ TARIVM. AC. aliorumqe realistay. Acutissimi in arti bus: Ac Theo¬ logia doctoris Magistri Georgii Benigni de Saluiatis ... Types: I10R.; 79 R.; Gk., few words on 32, 3°, 57°. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 2780. Gesamtkatalog 3841. 216X 139 mm. On 1e is written: Est usui .D. CHERUBINO DA SPOLETO. Regola di Undated. PULCI, LUIGI. Confessione. 1a. CONFESSIO ALOIGII DE PVLCIS.M. V. Catalogued among the work of Di Libri by Proctor (no. 6285). 190X 137 mm. The lower parts of the leaves have been mutilated. IA. 27670. WITH JOHANNES PETRI. 145 mm. Type : I1oR. Lombards, also capital space, with guide¬ letter, on 22 and 2b. Hain 4774 283X 209 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first and the last leaves. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in December, 1844. IB. 27773 ANTONIUS [BETTINIJ DE SENIS. Monte 12, title and cut, the ladder of Paradise ; 1b, blank ; 22, summar of contents followed by table of chapters; 42, col. 2, registre dellibro ; 4°, blank ; 52, text ; 72°, cut, Christ in glory standing in a mandorla ; 732, della gloria del paradiso ; 83°, cut, the torments The date may possibly stand for 20 March, 1491/2. 271 X 198 mm. Bound in half russia by T. Laengne Milan. Bought in April, 1857. IB. 27776 Another copy. vellum. With an unidentified book-plate. Print Room (acquired in September, 1883). IB. 27776a. AUGUSTINUS. Soliloquia. Decem gradus 155 x 94 mm. Type: 110 R. Capital D on 42, Lombards. Hain 2018. Gesamtkatalog 3017. 1, blank ; 2, table ; 32, title ; 3°, proemio ; 42, text ; 452, dieci 210X 139 mm. Formerly pp. 185-276 of a tract volume. From the collection of Count D. Boutourlin. The blank leaf is bound after the leaf of table. Bought in July, 1877. IA. 27779. CALANDRI, FILIPPO. Aritmetica. 1b. Pictagoras arithmetrice introductor 22. Philippi Calandri ad nobilem et studiosuz Iulia num 26 lines, 106 x 72 mm. Type : 81 G. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Woodcuts, etc. Hain 3156. The cut on 1° (full-page) represents Pythagoras and two pupils, the cuts on 3° represent hands ; these, like the multiplication and money tables on 86-172, are enclosed in ornamental borders. Two sets of smaller cuts, about 25 mm. and about 35 mm. square, as wel as one of 72 x 36 mm. and diagrams, illustrate problems on i 8b-16 and on n 72-0 8b. On 52-82 and 17b-100b every page is enclosed in single or two-column rules. Quire 1 is signed I-IIII. The first edition. The author remarks on 22 that he has deter¬', "mined to have his work printed ' secondo lostile fiorentino non con", 'piccola mia fatica per le multiplice difficulta che aglimpressori', "The date' 149½' assigned to this book by Proctor (no. 6352) is", 'here retained, as it makes a better division between the early use of type 110 R. and type 81 G. 139X 101 mm. A few of the signatures are cropped. IA. 27782. Grenville copy (G. 2317). 276X 203 mm. Imperfect, wanting fl. 84-92. Old MANDEVILLE, SIRJOHN. Itinerarius. IIn for Greek alphabet on 72. Hain 10655. The title-cut (an emperor on horseback with four attendants confronted by a sage with a book on the edge of a wood) derives from a now apparently lost edition of the Fiore di virtù ; it recurs on d 4° of the 1498 edition (IA. 28049) by the Compagnia del Drago. The title on 1° is that usually prefixed to the editions of Mande¬ ville in the vernacular. 209 X 136 mm. Crushed blue morocco by Lewis. Grenvile copy (G. 6705). IA. 27785. UGO [PANZIERAJ DA PRATO. Alcuni trat¬ 90 (with marginal numbers 101) mm. Type: 85 R. Capital G on 22, Lombards. Hain 12303. The edition of 9 June, 1492, alluded to in the title and colophon is that of Miscomini (Hain-Reichling 12302). The fourteenth and last tract in the volume, a letter of 1312 to the brothers of the Compagnia del Ceppo at Prato, which is claimed as new matter appears to have been subsequently printed by Miscomini and added to unsold copies of his edition (see Reichling ad Hain 12302, fasc. vi, p. 189). 206 x 136 mm. Quire i appears to be in part made up. Crushed brown morocco by Capé. Bought in March, 1866. IA. 27788. ANTONINUS. Confessionale Curam illius Quarto. a-i8 k°14. 82 leaves. 32: 36 lines, 152 x 90 mm. Type 85 R. Capitals on 22, 42, Lombards. Hain 1214. Gesamtkatalog I14191 (IA. 27779). The cut on 82b represents the Saint confessing a penitent. Frutti della lingua. lines, 210X 147 mm. Types: 130G., title ; 11oR. Capitals on 22, 32, Lombards. Hain 4779. The title-cut (Christ in glory) is that found on 72 of Bettini, Monte santo di Dio, 1491 (IB. 27776). The register gives only three sheets to quire c. Type 110 R. has small Q in quires a-g, tall and thin Q in the rest ; this presumably shows that the book was printed on two presses, the second beginning with quire h. 267 X 198 mm. From the collection of Count D. Boutourlin. Bought in October, 1857. IB. 27795. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. 110 R., title; 85 R. Lombards. Woodcuts.', "The title-cut (the Crucifix) is that found on 12 of one of Di Libri's", 'editions, s. n. (IA. 27557), but considerably more worn at the foot and left edge, the cut on 17° (same subject, smaller) is that found on 172 of the same edition, both being worn at the foot. The cut on 22° represents Christ bearing the cross, with Mary and others, 69 X 50 mm. Type 110 R. in this book has the small Q found in the preceding (IB. 27795). 194 X 130 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf. On 1a is the circular book-stamp of the Biblioth. Pub. Florentina. Bought in April, 1860. \ufeff682 209 X 140 mm. Bound in crushed black morocco by Bauzonnet-Trautz. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 27798. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Compendium 12. C COMPENDIO DI REVELATIONE DEL¬ NVTILE SERVO DI IESV CHRISTO LO 85 R. Marginalia. Capital B on 12, Lombards. Woodcuts. Hain 14335. The cut on 12 represents Savonarola preaching, that on 11b. repeated on 172, represents the devil disputing with Savonarola and four female saints, that on 28° represents Savonarola and four female saints before the gates of Florence as the city of God, and the full-page cut on 29° represents the triple crown of the Virgin on a black ground but differs considerably from the engraving of', "the same subject in Bonaccorsi's edition of 18 August (IA. 27625).", '195 X 140 mm. The cut on 29b is cropped at the top. Old vellum. A manuscript life of Savonarola was formerly bound at the end. Bought in April, 1860. IA. 27805. ADVOGARIO, PIETROBONO. Pronostico dell The cut is that found on 30b of Granollachs, Lunare, 1496 (IA. 27828). 218 X 146 mm. Bought in June, 1862. BERNARDUS. Modus bene viuendi. [In Quarto.4; a-i Kl-p°. 124 leaves, 5-124 numbered I-CXX. 92: 30 lines and foliation, 165 (171) x 98 mm. Type: 110R.', "Capitals, Lombard on 6°. Hain '2898 (from a copy lacking", 'ff. 1-4). Gesamtkatalog 4053. As 1496 appears to be otherwise the earliest date connected with', "the appearance of Pacini's devices, Proctor (no. 6359) was probably", "correct in assigning this book to '1498'.", '193X 131 mm. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. ANTONINUS. Summa confessionum. [In of Antoninus, Confessionale Curam illius habe, 1493 (IA. 27792). The colophon is printed in a peculiar shape, perhaps intended to represent an altar.', "The mention of both partners' names and the use of early t in", 'type 85 R. both show that this book cannot be dated in the Floren- tine style. 201 X 135 mm. The sheet of table is bound after the title-leaf, and leaf a 8 after the table. On 1e and 82 is an oval armorial book-stamp lettered S (?) D. Bought in March, 1838. IA. 27837. 683 This tract was presumably composed about the time of the entry of Charles VIII of France into Italy in 1494. The author calls', "himself' loannes Michael' without qualification on 3b.", 'This and the two following tracts are connected by the occurrence in them of certain admixtures of gothic sorts in type 85 R. As one of them is authenticated as the work of both partners by the colo¬ phon (lA. 27952) they are here placed immediately after the dated books belonging to the partnership. 209 X 140 mm. Formerly part of a tract-volume. Bought. IA. 27927. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. The cut on 12 represents the Agony in the Garden, that on 4b represents S. James writing, that on 22° and 24° (friar exhorting nuns) is that found on 28° of the tract immediately following (lA. 27952). Smaller cuts, mostly repeated, comprise the Crucifix to left and to right, black-ground half-lengths of S. Paul, HIERE MIAS and EZECHIEL, and King David kneeling. The last is that found in Savonarola, Esposizione del salmo lxxix, [Bonaccorsi, 1496 (IA. 27634), those of SS. James and Paul and Jeremiah are Early Florentine woodcuts, 135 b). Bought in April, 1860. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Sopra i dieci The cut on 1a represents kneeling nuns receiving a book from two friars, that on 28° represents a friar exhorting nuns, one kneeling. IA. 27952. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Esposizione 89 mm. Type: 85 R. Lombards on 12,2b. Hain 14436, 14439. 209 X 137 mm. Bought in April, 1860. AUGUSTINUS. Soliloquia. Decem gradus 110 R., heading on 12 ; 85 R. Capitals and Lombards. Woodcuts. The cut on 12 represents S. Augustine at his desk, 28 mm. square ; that on 232, repeated on 322, represents the Father blessing, 30 x 27 mm. BERNARDINO DI FIRENZE. Le bellezze woodcut, view of Florence). 1b. O Gloriosa maesta to the column, with spaces, 149 X 122 mm. Types: 110 R., title; 85 R. Lombard on 1b. Indented text. Gesamtkatalog 3873. Type 110 R. in this tract has the very large and heavy Q in use in 1495 and 1496. The tract is accordingly here ranged after the last dated book showing this state (IA. 27815). This poem is a recasting into ottava rima of the last canto (in', "terza rima) of Antonio Pucci's Centiloquio. Bernardino di Firenze", 'appears to be otherwise unknown. 208 X 139 mm. Bound in red morocco by Bauzonnet- Trautz. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 27873. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. De simpli¬ IN LIBROS DE SIMPLICITATE CHRISTIA¬ woodcut, Savonarola writing NAE VITAE Quarto. a-f. 48 leaves. 42 : 37 lines, 159X91 mm. Type : 85 R. Capitals, a few Lombards. Hain 14357. 200X 134 mm. Bought in April, 1860. ALONE. citate christianae vitae. [In the Italian translation of Girolamo Benivieni. 731 October, 1496. 12. TITLE: LIBRO Di Frate Hieronymo da Type: 85 R. Capitals and Lombards. Hain 14358. The title-cut is that of the Latin edition of the previous August (IA. 27818). The twelve leaves between e 8 and gi are signed fi-fy, fii, fvii¬ fx, —, fxii, two leaves, of which the stubs remain, being cut away after fy. 206 X 135 mm. On the last page is an offset from the title-page, with cut and border, of Savonarola,', "Predica dell'arte del bene morire, [Di Libri, after 2", 'November, 1496 (IA. 27321), before an imperfect copy of which it was formerly bound. Bought in November, 1844. IA. 27821. BERNARDO, GIOVANNI. R. Lombards, also spaces, some with guide-letters. Indented', "140X 100 mm. On 1' are the notes of ownership of", 'Gio. Maria Campolongo, 1623, and Antonio Maria Crosale in Busseto, 1626. The note on 140b costa soldi', "21 piacentini' belongs to the same period.", 'Bought in July, 1860. IA. 27824. GRANOLLACHS, BERNARDUS DE. Lunario', "Quarto. a-c'd“. 30 leaves. 1b: 35 lines of types 130 G. and 75 R., 148 x 98-100 mm. Types: 130 G., 75 R. Capital D on 10. 75 R., 148 x 98-100 mm. Types: 130 G., 75 R. Capital D on 10. 2 woodcuts, diagrams of eclipses. The full-page title-cut, representing an astronomer measuring and a youth pointing to the heavens, with the motto ALTIOR: INCVBVIT ; ANIMV(reversed)S ; SVB: IMAGINE MVNDI, was previously used in the Lunare for 1491 signed by Morgiani and Petri (Kristeller, Early Florentine Woodcuts, no. 210). It ulti¬ mately goes back to a Neapolitan original. The cut on 30° (astro¬ loger studying) is that of Advogario, Pronostico a. 1496 (IA. 27808).', "Leaves d2, d 3 are signed diiii, c'iii respectively. Quires A-F printed with 85 R. 1502: 51 lines, 218X 155 mm. GEORGII BENIGNI ORDINIS MINORVM. 1b C Georgii Placidi prophetica solutiones ad Vbertinum', "100 R. Capital'spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 2779. Gesamt-", 'katalog 3845. 204 X 139 mm. Formerly ff. 65-86 of a tract-volume. Bought in April, 1852. IA. 27839. CERCHIIS, RAPHAEL DE. Libellus vulgariter marginalia 107) mm. Type : 85 R. Capital S and border enclos¬', "ing text on 12. Hain 4882 ('MCCCCLXXXXII').", '205 X 145 mm. Bought in April, 1911. NESIUS, JoANNES. Oraculum de nouo sae¬ PHON : IMPRESSIT Ex archetypo Ser Laurentius De Morgianis Anno Salutis M.CCCCLXXXXVII. Octauo idus Maias FLORENTIAE. Bought in June, 1896.', "The tract alluded to in the first sentence ' Perche essendomi io", 'This and the two following tracts contain the short t character¬ istic of type 85 R. as employed by Morgiani alone, and they are therefore here ranged with his work. 195X 135 mm. Formerly ff. 161-168 of a tract- volume. Bought in July, 1862. PAOLO DA FUCECCHIO. Responsioni Undated. 12. C Epistola di Philippo Cioni notario fiorentino in', "Each conclusione' and corelario' of Fra Leonardo is set out in", "turn and followed by the confutatione' of Fra Paolo.", 'At the end of his prefatory letter Cioni says: ho facto uulgar¬', "mente imprimere leinfrascripte conclusioni.'", 'Hain 5362 probably describes a copy of this book with which was bound a copy of the Pistola responsiva a frate Angelo ancorita written 20 July, 1497, [Di Libri ? (Reichling 902). 213X 140 mm. Apparently at one time bound with a copy of Atila flagellum Dei per vulgare, Venice, [1491). Old paper boards. Bought in July, 1891. IA. 27910. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Undated. The cut on 12 (the Agony in the Garden) is found on 12 of Savo¬ been scored out. Bought in September, 1849. IA. 27956. BOOKS WITHOUT ASSIGNABLE DATES baldio philosopho dignissimo.woodcut). 1b. O Luce', "Quarto. c'. 4 leaves. 2 columns. 22: four eight-line stanzas", 'to the column, with spaces, 151 X 120 mm. Type : 85 R. Lombard on 1b. Gesamtkatalog 856 a. The second leaf is signed c. The title-cut (astronomer and youth) is that of Granollachs, Lunario a.1496 (IA. 27828), q.v. 207 X 138 mm. Bound in crushed red morocco by Bauzonnet-Trautz. From the Libri collection and with the Yemeniz book-label. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 27903. BUONDELMONTI, IPPOLITO. Bardi ciptadini fiorentini. woodcut, in border). 22.O to the column, with spaces, 151 X 123 mm. Type: 85 R. Lombard on 22. Indented text. Gesamtkatalog 575. The title-cut represents Dianora embracing Ippolito on the way to execution. This poem has been ascribed to L. B. Alberti. 209 X 139 mm. Bound in red morocco by Bauzonnet- Trautz. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 27935. CERBINO. Novella di Cerbino. line stanzas to the column, with spaces, 172 X 122 mm. Type : 85 R. Lombard on 12. 207 X 140 mm. Bound in red morocco by Bauzonnet¬ Trautz. From the Libri and Francis Slade collections. Bought in February, 1869. IA. 27908. CONTRASTO. Contrasto del vivo e del 12. TITLE: [woodcut, with type-set inscription: The title-cut represents Death riding over popes and kings, a vouth amazed on the right, with a scroll inscribed: * NEMINI: PARCO, 160 X 108 mm. The style is not Italian. 207 X 139 mm. Bound in red morocco by Bauzonnet- Trautz. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 27915 CONTRASTO. Contrasto di carnesciale e Quarto. a8. 8 leaves. 2 columns. 22: four eight-line stanzas te the column, with spaces, 150X 122 mm. Type: 85 R. Lom- bard on 12, 42. 207 X 139 mm. Bound in red morocco by Bauzonnet- Trautz. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 27918 DANIEL. I sogni di Daniel profeta. Daniel enthroned, with a book, within border). 1b. 206 x 139 mm. Leaves 5 and 6 have been mutilated at the foot and repaired, the text being apparently made good in very careful pen-and-ink facsimile. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 27920. DANTE ALIGHIERI. Il Credo di Dante. 207X 140 mm. Bound in crushed red morocco by Bauzonnet-Trautz. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 27921. DATI, GIULIANO. Magnificenza del Prete to the column, with spaces, 182 X 122 mm. Type: 85 R. Lom¬ bard on 1°. Indented text. The title-cut represents Prester John enthroned, with his car¬ dinals, etc., with the inscriptions: IOANES: PRESBR- MAX DE : IDIA : ET : THIOPIA and PRESTO : GIOVANNI DE INDIA-ET:E THIO. The cut on 4° (astrologer studying) is that of Advogario, Pronostico a. 1496 (IA. 27808), etc. 208 x 138 mm. Bound in crushed red morocco by Bauzonnet-Trautz. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 27924 DATI, GIULIANO. Stazioni e perdonanze in On 12 and the two inmost sheets spaces are left between the eight-line stanzas in which this tract is composed, elsewhere the text is set solid. 208 x 139 mm. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 27968. GUERRA. Guerra del Turco contro a Rodi. Quarto. Jat. 4 leaves. 2 columns. 22: five eight-line stanzas to the column, with spaces, 179 X 120 mm. Type: 85 R. Lombard on 12. Indented text. The cut belongs to the sixteenth century, according to Kristeller (Early Florentine Woodcuts, no. 420). 207 X 139 mm. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 27930. sperata. Quarto. a'. 4 leaves. 2 columns. 34 : 33 lines, 140X 121mm. GUERRA. Guerra e conquista di Granata.", 'to the column, with spaces, 149 X 120 mm. Type : 85 R. Lom¬ bard on 12. Woodcuts. Indented text. The cut on 12 represents a king seated with five other persons, three of them crowned, that on 3° represents two armies meeting before a tree, that on 5° represents a tournament. They are pre sumably all derived from the Pulci, Morgante maggiore, of January, 1500 (Hain 13589, Kristeller, Early Florentine Woodcuts, no. 347). 206 X 139 mm. Bound in crushed red morocco by Bauzonnet-Trautz. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 27933. LUCREZIA. Storia e morte di Lucrezia the column, with spaces, 150X 122mm. Type: 85 R. Lombard on 12. Indented text. The capacity of each column is increased to four and a half stanzas on 32-4b. 207 X 137 mm. Bound in red morocco by Bauzonnet¬ Trautz. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 27938. Undated 1e. C Rispecti dAmore [woodcut, serenadel stanzas to the column, with spaces, 152 X 121 mm. Type : 85 R. Lombard on 12. Indented text. On c 12-3b the text is set solid, with four-and-a-half stanzas to the column. 198 X 134 mm. SARDINI, SIMONE, Saviozzo. Cerbero invoco. tine Woodcuts, no. 372 a). 208 x 139 mm. From the Libri collection. IA. 27942. Bought in January, 1848. Undated. SAVIO. Il savio romano. 12 TITLE : C El sauio Romano.woodcut, sage at Apart from dialectical differences and certain variants, especially at the beginning and end, this text is that printed at Venice with the title Proverbi dello schiavo di Baro (cf. vol. v, p. 592, IA. 25160). The text in the Venetian wording was also printed with the title Trautz. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 27944. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Dell' ora¬", 'right : POPVLVS Hic Labiis me honorat:... Iob. LAVS DEO. The upper cut on 12 represents a man and woman praying before the Crucifix, the smaller cut below (half-length of S. Matthew) is from the Epistole ed evangeli of 1495 (Kristeller, Early Florentine Woodcuts, no. 135 b). The capital on 12 is the only ornamental capital found in the tracts of this group. 207 X 138 mm. Bought in April, 1860. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Epistola a Lombard on 12. Note to Hain 14462.', "In this edition the conclusion of Savonarola's argument, begin¬", "ning ' 10 potrei rispondere' and ending 'animale & diabolica", 'which should immediately precede the final paragraph, is inserted', "before the section beginning ' Se la città di Firenze' and extends", 'from 42, l. 35, to 52, l. 3 inclusive. These 45 lines amount to almost exactly one-tenth of the whole tract, and this edition was thus perhaps printed from copy in which the order of the leaves had been disturbed. 199 X 134 mm. Cut daubed brown. Formerly ff. 175- 180 of a tract-volume. Bought in April, 1860. IA. 27947. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Epistola a 6b. End:... cu Io misono assai marauigliato. Lombard on 12. Note to Hain 14462. The woodcut on 12 is that of the preceding edition (IA. 27947). 207 X 135 mm. Bought in November, 1844. IA. 27950. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Epistola alla The number of lines to the page in this edition is irregular, viz. 42, 41, 40, 42, 42, 40, 41, 42. The final letters of lines 38-41 on the last page have dropped out. IA. 27964. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Epistola alla The number of lines to the page in this edition is 41, except on 2b and 4°, where it is 42. This suggests that it is later than the preceding, but both appear in part to be printed from the same setting up, as on 1b and 22. 20IX 134 mm. An attempt appears to have been', "made to erase the words fra . .. predicatori' in lines I", 'and 2. Bought in April, 1860. IA. 27962. 689 26 lines, 158 x 99 mm. 25 lines of Latin text on 2b measure 142 X97mm. Types: 121 Gk., 114 G. Capital spaces, also Lombard', "Aristophanis fabulas imprimere', an intention no doubt frustrated", "by the appearance of Aldus's edition in July, 1498.", 'Catalogued as the work of Di Libri by Proctor (no. 6221). 225 X 151 mm. Without the last blank. On 1b is the blind impression of two lines of Greek.', "Rev. C. M. Cracherode's copy (C. 19. c. 33).", 'IB. 28061 a. Another copy. 234 X 156 mm. Without the last blank. Bought. IB. 28061. Another copy. 215X 150 mm. Without the blanks.', "King George III's copy (C. 2. a. 13).", 'IB. 28061 b. Another copy. 199X 135 mm. Without the blanks. With a book- stamp bearing the initials A. P. M. Grenville copy (G. 8405). ORPHEUS. Apyovavrikd. Tuvot.', "on 12 and 262. Hain '12106.", "Rev. C. M. Cracherode's copy.", 'IB. 28063. Another copy. 224X 155 mm. Leaves 1 1-3 are in duplicate.', "King George III's copy (76. d. 15).", 'IB. 28063 a. Another copy. 220X 163 mm. Without the blank. Grenville copy (G. 8467). IB. 28063 b. CHRYSOLORAS, EMANUEL. Eporjuara. Catalogued as the work of Di Libri by Proctor (no. 6194 4). 154 X 110 mm. A few rubrications, etc.', "King George III's copy (C. 16. c. 12). IA. 28065 a.", 'Another copy. 155 X 113 mm. rentiæ Societas Colubris VI. kal. Decembris. MCCCC Types : 110R.; few words of Gk. on e 52, f 12, m7b. Capital spaces,', "mostly with guide-letters. Hain 10880 ('92 ff.').", '18, title; 1b, blank ; 22, epigrammata; 56b, ad Antonellum', "ginally printed ' Colubri.', and changed by stamping s over the ful", 'point. The watermarks found in this and the following book are a flower with two leaves and a pear (?) with two leaves. Each recurs, but along with others, in two of the three unsigned tracts. 203 X 134 mm. On 2° is written: Iacobi Diacetij et Another copy. On 1b of this copy is the blind impression of the text of 4b. On vellum. 195 X 133 mm. The two leaves of errata are not included in this copy, the errors having been carefully corrected by erasure and pen-and-ink. Grenville copy (G. 9944). MARULLUS, MICHAEL. Epigrammatum li- RICETTARIO. Nuovo ricettario composto CINA DEL LA INCLITA CIPITA DI FIREN ZE. 87b. COLOPHON: C IMPresso Nella inclyta cipta di blank. 2 or 3 columns. 52: 40lines, 202 X 145 mm. Type: 101 R. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 22. Variant of Hain 13910. 12, title ; 1P, blank ; 22, proemio ; 32, tavola ; 72, primo libro ; seated holding the Infant Jesus, with frame, 73 X 49 mm. The blank leaf 26 is allowed for in the table. The colophon is described as follows in Hain-Reichling 13910: Q IMPRESSO ... Cipta ... compagnia del Dragho adi. xxi. di Bought in June, 1867. IB. 28059 691 Salviati was gonfalonier in January and February, 1498. 194X 131 mm. From the libraries of Count D. Boutourlin and the Duke of Grafton. Bought in December, 1846. IA. 28052. Another copy.', "In this copy the capital L'on 22 is not printed out.", '189x 136 mm. Formerly bound third in a tract- volume. IA. 28053. FIOR DI VIRTU.', "2 columns, except in author's prefaces. 62 : 42 lines and headline,", '212 (221) x 150 mm. Type: IoI R. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Hain *2758. Gesamtkatalog 3802. containing the errata. Leaf o 6 mutilated. Corrections', "in pen and ink, including the change of comentauit' in", 'the colophon to comentatus est . On 1e is the signature of Io. Bap. de Ruffolis. With the large armorial book¬ plate of Count D. Boutourlin. IB. 28068. Bought in June, 1862. \ufeff692 89 mm. Type: 110 R. Capitals. Woodcuts. The title-cut, representing a monk in a garden with animals, is copied from that first found in the edition of Capcasa, Venice, April, 1490 (Reichling 1203). Of the 35 other (oblong) cuts one (Damocles, hares) appears on the title-page of Lucidario, Mis¬ comini, July, 1494 (IA. 27223), showing that an illustrated edition of the Fior di virtù now lost must have been printed before this date (Kristeller, Early Florentine Woodcuts, no. 150 a, where the present edition is confused with that of Bonaccorsi and Francisci, 1488, IA. 27729, q.v., p. 671). 210X 140 mm. Without the blank. Bought in March, 1867. IA. 28049. PICUS, JOANNES FRANCISCUS, Mirandulanus. 12. TITLE: IOANNIS FRANCISCI PICI 1 RANDVLAE OPVSCVLVM DE SENTENTIA EXCOM MVNICATIONIS INIVSTA PRO HIE¬ RONYMI SAVONAROLAE VIRI PROPHETAE FRANCISCI PICI MIRAN DVLAE ... Ad Illu¬ strissimum Virum Herculem Aestensem. PRO-', "The first erratum corrects the title of Ercole d'Este on 32 from", 'Savonarola was excommunicated on 17 May, 1497. 208 X 137 mm. The errata are corrected in pen and ink. Bought in April, 1860. IA. 28056. BELLANTIUS, LUCIUS. headline, 185 (193) x 129 (with marginalia 149) mm. Types: 107 R. 86 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain *2788. Gesamtka- talog 3850. It appears that the third and fourth canzoni of part iii, although allowed for in the foliation (CXI-CXX), were at first omitted both from the body of the book and from the table, and that when the error was discovered during printing off, the text was completed by the addition of quire oo, and the table by the insertion of two lines at the end (32). The present copy shows the original state. Smal variants in the colophon are also recorded. On 148° a ninth stanza has been added in the centte of the lower margin, presumably after printing off. No C is found with type 86 R. in this book. 250 X 189 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first sheet of the quire of preliminary matter, which is bound at the end, and without quire oo. Leaf 3 is mutilated, all following the heading EMENDATIONE ... having', "been cut away, with the manuscript note' Tutti gli errori", "sono emendati', and the verso backed.", 'IB. 28083. King George III's copy (82. g. 12).", 'Undated. 12. [woodcut, the Crucifixion, within border, with type-set inscription:] .IESV CHRISTE MISERERE MEI. Ib. TITLE: C Compendio di Contemplatione/ POLITIANUS, ANGELUS. La giostra di 12. TITLE: C LAGIOSTRA DI GIVLIANO DE MEDICI. woodcut) C Alexandro Sartio allo illustre & reuerendissimo Anstonio Galeazo Bentiuogli Separate Q is frequent with lower-case in this book. The cut on 12 derives from Cessolis, Miscomini, 1493 (IA. 27205), that on 112 is found in Pulci, Morgante maggiore, for Pacini, 1500 (Hain 13589), that on 232 derives from Epistole et evangeli, Morgiani and Petri, 1495. Reprinted from the edition by Plato, Bologna, 1494 (IA. 28919). 206 x 136 mm. Bound with IA. 27218 (Virgil, Bucolica, Miscomini, 1494). Bought in December, 1838. IA. 28088. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. De veritate prophetica. [In Italian.) 12. TITLE: Dyalogo della uerita prophetica. (wood¬ The title-cut represents Savonarola seated, disputing with seven men. 190 X 121 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first two leaves, containing the title and the summary of contents. Bought in May, 1907. IA. 28098. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Predica fatta 88 mm. Type : 86 R. Capital L on 12. Hain 14389. 185 X 128 mm. Bought in April, 1860. Prediche Lombards elsewhere. Hain 14384. This book was assigned to the press of Morgiani and Petri by Proctor (no. 6369 A). 285 x 205 mm. Imperfect, wanting ff. e 4-7 and the', "whole of quire h. The text on e3b-e4' has been obliterated", 'with brown paint. The signature on e 3 is erased. Bought in October, 1900. IB. 28091. Sermone 88 mm. Type : 86 R. Capital D on 12. Hain 14393. This book was temporarily mislaid when Proctor was compiling his Index, and he was therefore unable to determine its printer (no. 6454). 198 X 131 mm. Formerly ff. 271-288 of a tract- Bought in July, 1865. Undated. CACCIA DI BELFIORE. 12. TITLE: C La Chaccia di bel Fiore. woodcut, the chase). with spaces, 151 X 112 mm. Type: 86 R. Lombard on 12. 208 x 138 mm. Bound in red morocco by Bauzonnet Trautz. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 28123. SCHIATTA. La schiatta de' Reali di Francia.", 'with spaces, 152 X 113 mm. Type : 86 R. Lombard on 1°. 209 X 138 mm. Bound in red morocco by Bauzonnet- Trautz. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 28126. SAVONAROLA, HIERONYMUS. Esposizione 12. CEXPOSITIONE DI FRATE HIERONY¬ mo da Ferrara sopra el Psalmo. L. Miserere mei Deus: 94 mm. Type : 86 (78) R. Capital on 12, Lombard on 13°. Hain 14428? This tract was assigned to Di Libri by Proctor (no. 6305), with', "the note (a. 1500?'.", '195X 131 mm. Without the blank. Bought in July, 1865. IA. 28128. BERTI, GIUNTINO, d'Antonio. Rappresenta¬", 'The upper cut on 12 represents the Angel of the Annunciation,', "the lower cut and the cuts on 4°, 66, 7b, incidents in the Saint's", 'life. 216 x 156 mm. Formerly no. xxvii in a tract-volume. Bought in June, 1867. IA. 28153. PACINO DA PISTOIA. Vita del nostro 206 x 138 mm. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 28163. Rappresenta 12. TITLE: C LA RAPRESENTATIONE DELLA REINA HESTER woodcuts Finita lanutiatione il Re Ansuellro e/in sedia et dice asua baroni Cpagni The upper cut on 12 represents the Angel of the Annunciation, the lower cut, and cuts on 8°, 9°, form part of those found in Pulci, Morgante maggiore, 1500, according to Kristeller. The cuts on 22 5°, represent incidents in the text 209 X 151 mm. Bought in March, 1867. Storia LOMBARDS are used in both books. [Completed by Domenico da Prato. Undated 12. TITLE: GETA ET BIRRIA. 22. CHaro signor eight-line stanzas to the column, with spaces, 163X 116 mm. Types: 110 R. (capitals only), title ; 83 G. Lombard on 22. In¬ dented text. Hain 4008 208x 138 mm. Bound in crushed green morocco by Bauzonnet-Trautz. From the Libri collection. IA. 28226. Bought in January, 1848. Undated. PULCI, LUCA. Il Driadeo. with spaces, 150 X 120 mm. Type : 86 (88) R: The measurement of the type appears to be round about 88 mm., but the tract contains no Q. 207 X 138 mm. Bound in crushed red morocco by Bauzonnet-Trautz. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848 IA. 28158. STANZE. Stanze della festa di Ottaviano The upper cut on 12 represents the Angel of the Annunciation, the lower the Sibyl showing the Virgin and Child to Octavian.', "The cuts on 1' and 4° form part of those found in the Fiore d", 'virtù (Morgiani, 1498, and earlier), those on 22 and 3° part of those in Pulci, Morgante maggiore, 1500. 198X 137 mm. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. Lombard on 22, 32, spaces elsewhere. Indented text. Hain Four eight-line stanzas are printed in each column on 32-6b, after which the type page is lengthened to accommodate four and a half stanzas in each column. 198 X 133 mm. Another copy. 205 X 138 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf. IA. 28228 b. 696 Undated. Quarto. a-f. 48 leaves. 32: 26 lines, 144X91 mm. Type: I10 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 2017. Gesamt¬ katalog 3016. The watermarks are an anchor, a long-billed bird in a circle, and apparently, on the first sheet, a flower. 205 X 133mm. The leaves of thefirst sheet are mounted. IA. 28120. Bought in March, 1906. § 5. Although the material with which the following book is printed is not originally Florentine, the subject and Quarto. a-es. 40 leaves. 22 : 31 lines, 171 x 92 mm. Type: 110 R. Printed V on 12, Q on 232. Hain 418. Gesamtkatalog 580. The number of lines to the page varies between 27 and 31. The watermarks are a flower or fruit with two leaves and a cross in a circle. 197X 132 mm. With the book-plate of Luigi Cora Bought in December, 1910. IA. 28130. PRINTED CAPITALS AND BORDERS. Lombards, 10 or 11 mm. high, as those of Di Carlo, and black¬ PRINTED CAPITALS AND BORDERS. Lombards, 10 or 11 mm. high, as those of Di Carlo, and black¬ ground D, 49 x 42 mm., also used by Miscomini (1494) and Di Libri, occur. A four-side black-ground border, the Holy Dove in circle above, cornucopiae below, Renaissance columns at sides, 126 x about 94 mm., is used twice.', "Octavo. as b'c-h'. 60 leaves. 22 : 19 lines, 108 x 68 mm.", 'Type : 114 G. Capital on 142 ; Lombards. The cut on 12 represents S. Jerome in prayer, that on 132 repre¬ sents S. Jerome in his study ; each is surrounded by the same four-sided border. The cut on 12 is much inferior to the other, suggesting that this edition is a reprint of the closely resembling edition printed by A.M.A. for Pacini, s.a. (Reichling 1337), only one of the two cuts of which was presumably available for later use. 133X 96 mm. Borders cropped. From the library of Count D. Boutourlin. Bought in October, 1857. IA. 28280. FESTUS, SEXTUS POMPEIUS. De verborum 179X 122 mm. Type: I15 R. Capital spaces, also spaces for Greek. First letter of each article set out. Hain 77038. The line-endings are irregular in quires Ja, b) and on the first and some other pages of quire lgl. The first dated edition of Festus, and possibly the editio princeps. 283X 205 mm. Without the blank. On 12 is written: ppe [Medio¬ place-names having been rendered illegible by pen and ink. IB. 25903.', "King George III's copy (169. i. 17).", 'Another copy.', "In this copy Inuictssimi' is printed in place of", 'Inuictissimi in the colophon. 274 X 194 mm. Without the blank. Capital supplied in red and blue on 12, other capitals in red or blue. Grenville copy (G. 7618). IB. 25904. MELA, POMPONIUS. Cosmographia siue De 22 lines, 126 x 82 mm. Type : 115 R. Capital spaces on 12 and 21°. Spaces left for Greek. Hain 11014. The line-endings are irregular on [bl 52-el 1b and again on [f 52-end. The text on sel 12, 1b is very widely spaced and ends', "with a five-line gap containing only the words ' nihil hic deest' and", "followed at the foot of the page by the heading DE GALLIA'.", 'In some copies the fourth quire, in others the fifth quire contains nine leaves, while the sixth has the normal number of eight leaves. 197 X 138 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf of text and the blanks (ff. 59-61). IA. 25906.', "King George III's copy (C. 2. a. 16). FOR JULIANUS DE MERLIS. RVM FAMILI ARIVM LIBER PRIMVS. M.T. CICERO. S. D. P.P. LENTVLO. PROCONSVLI. STOLARVM LIBER: VIII. 1422. M. EPI Capital spaces. Irregular line-endings throughout. Hain 5161. Spaces are left for Greek on the last leaf of quire [gl and in a few other places. For the printed Greek too much room is often allowed and several passages are left fragmentary. This book was printed for Julianus de Merlis, priest, of Casorate. who on 28 October, 1471, contracted for the execution of three hundred copies between that date and the following Easter (29 March, 1472) with Gabriel de Orsonibus and Antonius and Fortuna', "de Zarotis as procuratores' of Pamfilo Castaldi, the printers to", 'receive 25 soldi of Imperial currency (roughly equivalent to 45. o English money of the period) for each copy. (G. Biscaro, Panfilo', "Castaldi e gli mizi dell'arte della stampa a Milano, 1469-1472, in:", "King George III's copy (167. f. 8).", 'IB. 25908. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Epistolae ad RVM LIBER PRIMVS INCIPIT .M. T. CICERO. S. D. P. LENTVLO PRO CONSVLI. [EJGO OMNI 282 x 200 mm. Without the blanks. Capitals supplied in red. Manuscript quiring (as in the above collation), often cut away. On 22 is written: Monasterij Schyrensis Ordinis S: P: Benedicti. IB. 26103. Cracherode copy, with date 1799. lated by Gerardus Cremonensis. 112 February, 1473. VOL. I. 22.//Liber canonis primus quez princeps', "Explicit Fen decimgnta', the last word of the first section being", "corrected to nona' in pen and ink.", 'Part, at any rate, of this book was commissioned by Jo. Ant. and Blasius de Terzago, De Lavagnia binding himself on 26 September', "1472, to deliver to them 400 copies of the 'libri tertij Canonis", "Auicennae' within the space of three months and a half (contract", 'printed in the appendix to E. Motta, Di Filippo di Lavagna, in : 410Xx 280 mm. The second volume only.', "written: Sancti Augni Creme ad vsu fris hieroni d' crema.", 'From the library of George Dunn. Bought in February, 1914. IC. 26105. CORNAZZANO, ANTONIO. Vita della Ver¬ 202 X 135 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 9 and 34. Capitals supplied in red. From the library of George Dunn. Bought in December, 1917. GEORGIUS TRAPEZUNTIUS. De parti¬ 2 February, 1474 12. GEORGII TRAPEZVNTII DE PAIRTIBVS ORATIONIS EX PRISCI- ANO COMPENDIVM. Type: 108 R. Capital spaces, also spaces for Greek. Hain 7606. A number of single hyphens, placed high, are found in the first five quires of this book. This book, the earliest but one printed with the roman type common to De Lavagnia and Valdarfer, is here assigned to the former owing to its connexion with Cola Montanus, who was his associate about this time (see Introduction). 230X 162 mm. The first few leaves rubricated. Old half leather over boards. Bought in July, 1913. IB. 26108. DATUS, AUGUSTINUS. This appears to be the first edition revised by Accursius, who says in the dedicatory letter on 1° that he caused it to be printed. The text is divided up into 210 praecepta, numbered 211 owing to', "the accidental addition of a third 'I' to precept XXII.", '221 X 158 mm. On 40b is written: SCIPIONIS FINESII. From the library of George Dunn. Bought in November, 1919. IA. 26107. OVIDIUSNASO, PUBLIUS. Metamorphoses. 40 lines, 216x 92 mm. Full breadth of type-page (1b-60): 125 mm. Type: 108 R. Capital space at beginning of each book. First letter of each line of verse set out. Hain 12157. A steep single hyphen is found in this book. The first edition of the recension of Bonus Accursius, who re¬ marks in the dedicatory letter (1°) : *P. Ouidium Nasonem [sic Metamorphoseon mea opera correctum ... imprimendum curaui. book and the synopsis of Lactantius to each fabula. The life of', "Ovid (22-6b) is of the editor's own compilation. The three elegiac", 'couplets at the head of 7b are from Tristia, I, vii. 35-40. 322 X 225 mm. Without the blank. Ornamental capitals supplied in several colours, those on 22 and 8a being illuminated with floral borders; the lower border panel on 2° contains a coat of arms (a lion, or on sable). Bound in brown morocco by Simier, rielieur) du roi, about 1830. IB. 26109. Grenville copy (G. 10041). ACCURSIUS, BONUS. Compendium Ele¬ 150 x 96 mm. Type: 108 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain *63. Gesamtkatalog 168. The sections of the text are each provided with a single-line contents-heading as far as the end of quire [gl. The steep hyphen found in the preceding occurs in the sixth and seventh quires of this book. 221 X 160 mm. Imperfect, wanting the outer sheet of the last quire (ff. 73, 78). On 22 is written: A. M. Dis Thomæ Fontanæ. Bought in May, 1903. SCRIPTORES HISTORIAE AUGUSTAE. SCRIPTORES HISTORIAE AUGUSTAE. Edited by Bonus Accursius. *20 July, 22 December, 1475. 22. BONVS ACCVRSIVS PISANVS Salutem dicit SVETONIIVS TRANQVILLVS DE. XII. CAE¬ SARIBVS. AELIVS SPARTIA NVS. IVLIVS CAPITOLINVS. AELIVS LA MPRIDIVS. TRE¬ I, blank; 22, dedicatory letter of Accursius to Simoneta; 2b section (Spartianus to Flauius Vopiscus); 1162, Spartianus; 253, blank; 2542, Eutropius; 302, 303, blank. The signatures are placed far down in the lower right-hand corner of the page.', "Bonus Accursius remarks on 2° : 'institui ... eos sthe historians", 'mea cura ac diligentia imprimendos . .. Quorum ego libros et', "percucurri diligenter: et ... emendaui'. This was done according", 'to the terms of a contract signed 6 December, 1474, whereby he was to receive 60 gold ducats from De Lavagnia for furnishing', "and correcting MSS. of 'Sunctum' [i.e. Suetonium?), Spartianus", 'and Eutropius for press purposes (see E. Motta, loc. cit., p. 54). 307 X 229 mm. Without the first and two last blanks. Signatures cut away. On 22 and elsewhere is written: Bibliothecę S. Me. Transpne, de Vrbe.', "King George IIl's copy (C. 2. c. 10).", 'IB. 26112. Another copy. 314 X 228 mm. Without the blanks. A few traces of', "signatures. Heber's copy, with a leaf of notes in his", 'hand bound in. Grenville copy (G. 9022). IB. 26113. Another copy of Suetonius (quires first A-O). 306 x 210 mm. Without the blanks. Signatures cut away. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red. On 2e is the signature of T. Hobart. With the Verney bookplate.', "King George III's copy (167. e. 2).", 'IB. 26114. HIERONYMUS. Aureola. — Transitus s. The tract here entitled Testamentum beati Hieronymi is the compilation of Eusebius generally known as Transitus s. Hieronymi. The verso of In]3 (a separate half-sheet) contains only 18 lines', "of print, the last words of which, Sequitur. Si quid fuerit,' are", "taken up by ' Si quid in uobis fuerit . .. on the next page.", 'A tall division-mark is common in this book. 192 X 136 mm. Capitals supplied in red. Traces of ms. quiring. Vellum (cf. IB. 26203, p. 725). From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. IA. 26116. Another copy. 196 X 131 mm. Imperfect, wanting the two leaves containing the register (ff. 174, 175). The blank portion of fol. 173 has been cut away. Fully rubricated.', "King George's III's copy (C. 9. a. 15). IA. 26117. TIBULLUS, ALBIUS. Elegiae.—Sexti Pro¬ HOEMIVM AD STELLAM. 1302. In Equum This edition follows that of Vindelinus de Spira, Venice, 1472 (IB. 19550, vol. v, p. 161) fairly closely in the setting-up, Propertius and parts of the other works being reprinted page for page, and the works are therefore here described in the same order The signatures are placed far down in the right-hand corner of', "the page. Those of Tibullus have not survived the binder's knife", 'in any copy hitherto described, and their alphabet therefore remains conjectural. The tall division-mark found in the preceding occurs also here and flat-topped 3 is common. The watermarks of this and the following book, a rosette and : twig with two acorns, are those found in the Ovid of June, 1475 (IB. 26109), and frequently occur in early Milanese incunabula. See also the Introduction. Proctor catalogued this book among the work of De Colonia and Manthen at Venice (no. 4303, type 7). 280 X 180 mm. Signatures cut away, except a few in Propertius. The works are bound in the following order: Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, Statius. Cracherode copy, with the date 1781 (C. 19. d. 9). IB. 26118a. Another copy. 263X 183 mm. Without the blank leaves 128 and 188. Signatures cut away, except a few in Propertius, one in Statius, and traces in Catullus. With manuscript notes. The order is as follows: Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, Statius; but it is clear from the state of the first leaf of Tibullus that this work once stood first. IB. 26118b.', "King George III's copy (C. 3. b. 19).", 'Another copy. 263X 177 mm. Without the blank leaf 32. Signatures cut away. Capitals with branch-work borders illuminated', "in gold and colours on 22, 34°, 94', and 129', other", 'capitals supplied in blue ; coat of arms painted in colours on 94°. On 93° is a note: Liber Conuëtus Sci Marci de Flor ox Pu hitus a frê Gergio Ant° Vespuccio eiusdé PHILELPHUS, FRANCISCUS. Consolatio ad 12. FRANCISI PHILELFI AD IACOBVM AN. VM. ET EQuITEM AVRATVM DE OBITV 184X 112 mm. Type: 108 R. Capital space on 12, also spaces for Greek. Hain 12960. The signatures are placed low down in the right-hand corner of the page. Those of quire C are cut away in this copy. The presence of flat-topped 3 in this book precludes the accep- tance of the printed month-date in its ordinary signification. Pos¬ sibly it was intended to stand for 1 January, 1476, after the official Roman method of reckoning, but it may be no more than a remi¬', "niscence of Philelphus' original dating of his tract ' Ex Mediolanc", 'anno a natali christiano millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo', "primo. viii. kalendas lanuarias'. In the prefatory letter written in", 'June, 1481, to the collected edition of his Orationes, etc. (IA. 26527) Philelphus writes that he has included the Consolatio in this volume quoniam quae antea fuerat Mediolani ab aliis quibusdam impressa¬ is a possibility that he is here referring to the present edition, that issued * Mediolani 1476 (Hain 12961) resting only on the authority of a mention in Apostolo Zeno, Dissertazioni Vossiane, vol. i p. 297. It may be added that Philelphus took up an appointment in Rome at the very beginning of 1475 and did not return to Milan until August.', "This book was catalogued as the work of the ' Printer of Philel¬", 'phus, Consolatio at Rome by Proctor (no. 3534) and in vol. iv, p. 63, of the present Catalogue (IB. 17933). 280X 199 mm. Without the blank. Capital on i8 illuminated in gold and colours. IB. 26119.', "King George III's copy (C. 5. b. 4). HORATIUS FLACCUS, QUINTUS. Opera. 172: 34 lines, 181 k75 mm. The maximum breadth of type-page is 91 mm. Type: 108 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 8870. The signatures are placed well below the text in the outer corner of the page. 270X 192 mm. Without the blanks. IB. 26120a.', "King George III's copy (C. 3. b. 6).", 'Another copy. The first page 265 X 189 mm. Without the blanks. of text is surrounded by an illuminated border. With the book-label of Sir M. M. Sykes, and from the library of Bishop Butler. IB. 26120b. Grenville copy (G. 9547). EUSEBIUS. Chronicon. [With the con¬ EUSEBIUS. Chronicon. [With the con¬ tinuations of Prosper and Matthaeus Pal¬ *Undated. merius Florentinus. lines, 189X 109 mm. Type: 108 R. Capital spaces as far as 2oe. Hain 6716. 12, blank; 1°, three epigrams of Mombritius to the reader ; 2a exhortation to scribe, praefatio Hieronymi ; 192, blank ; 19b, the', "Chronicon arranged in the form of synoptical tables; 154'", 'Hucusque historiam scribit Eusebius .. . cui nos ista subiecimus', "'TROIA CAPTA' thrice repeated, 60b being blank except for this", 'heading. The extracts from Palmerius close with events of the year 1448.', "274 x 190 mm. Without the blank. On 1' is written:", '1480 Iste liber est Monasterij. S. Marie d', "King George III's copy (C. 14. b. 5).", 'IB. 26129. OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Remedia amoris. 84 mm. Type: 108 R. Capital space on 12 and 82. First letter of each verse set out.', "The line Quod dea : q magni filia solis eram.' appears to have", 'been omitted and subsequently stamped in at the head of 62. 200X 149 mm. Bound in half blue crushed morocco by Riviere & Son. Bought in October, 1898. IA. 26131. LUCANUS, MARCUS ANNAEUS. Pharsalia. 124 February, 1477. Aleria. lines, 185 x 99 mm. The full breadth of the type-page is 109 mm. Type : 107 R. Capital spaces, nearly all with guide-letters. The first letter of each verse is set out. Hain 10232. Reprinted from the editio princeps by Sweynheym and Pannartz, 1469 (IB. 17134, vol. iv, p. 9), as is shown by the retention in', "Pomponius's life of Lucan (119°) of the clauses mentioning Io.", 'Andreas antistes Aleriensis, Conradus and Arnoldus. 274 x 200 mm. From the Sunderland Library (1882). Eighteenth-century red morocco. Bought in April, 1910. IB. 26138. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Epistolae ad RVM FAMILIARIVM LIBER PRIMVS. M.T. Register in 3 and 2 columns. 32 : 34 lines, 182 X 107 mm. Type : 107 R. Capital spaces, those in the unsigned quires with guide¬ letters ; spaces for Greek. Hain 5179. The catchwords of sheets I and 4 of the penultimate quire have changed places in the register. This mistake was perhaps due to errors of imposition, as the leaves of this quire are cut out and mounted in the present copy. 260 X 185 mm. Without the blank.', "King George III's copy (C. 1. b. 20).", 'IB. 26139. HORATIUS FLACCUS, QUINTUS. Opera. PRIMVS AD MECOENATEM. 1186 columns. 152 : 34 lines, 181 X72 mm. The full breadth of the type-page is about 97 mm. Type: 107 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 8871. 279 X 195 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1-3 and the blank. Leaf 4, on which the last three letters of the signature A iiii have been erased, is cut out and mounted.', "King George III's copy (C. 3. b. 7).", 'IB. 26141. PONTANUS, LUDOVICUS. Singularia juris. 52 lines, 267 X 161 mm. Type: 108 (103) R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, on 22 and 32b. 1477 (see E. Motta, loc. cit., p. 57) to have been printed for De Lavagnia by Valdarfer in 425 copies. A mutual quittance on account of the work was signed by both men on 9 May (ibid., p. 58). Bought in March, 1906. IC. 26142. MATTASELANUS, MATTHAEUS. Singularia', "lines, 270X 164 mm. Type: 108 (103) R. Hain '10899.", '366 x 260 mm. Formerly bound with the preceding. Bought in March, 1906. IC. 26143. CAVALCA, DOMENICO. Pongie lingua.', "Although the author's prologue on 1° concludes: “distiguo qsta", "opera per li seqnti Gapitoli' the table of chapters is kept back to", 'the end of the whole book. This book is retained under De Lavagnia in conformity witt Proctor (no. 5849), but it might equally well be included with Val¬', "darfer's work in his 107 (104-2) R. [P. 41.", '275 X 184 mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in blue or red. On 22 are the remains of a note: Iste liber e monasterij sacti', "King George III's copy (C. 9. b. 3).", 'IB. 26125. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De oratore. X114 mm. Type: 112 R. Capital spaces, also spaces for Greek.', "Hain 75101 (whose copy had a misprint 'Imprssum' in the colo¬", 'phon). lhe only form of single Qu found in this and the following book is that dropping slightly on the left. 270X 199 mm. Without the blank. On 22 is illumi¬ nated a border with coat of arms (vert, on a fess gu., between three human heads couped, or, as many estoiles of the last).', "King George III's copy (C. 1. b. 11).", 'IB. 26145. VALERIUS MAXIMUS. RVBRICAE. 32 spaces for Greek. Hain 15780. Leaf n 3 is signed on the verso instead of the recto. 320X 217 mm. The first and last leaves are cut out and mounted. IB. 26147. King George III's copy (169. k. 2).", "King George III's copy (169. k. 2).", 'BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI. Filocolo. [With', "H. Squarzafico's life of Boccaccio.1", '*4 February, 1478. 72: 41 lines, 230X 155 mm. Type: 112 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 3298. The later form of single Qu is common in the latter part of this', "This is apparently the first edition in which Squarzafico's epistle", 'occurs, it being therein stated that on the reprinting of the Vita he now dedicates it to A. Marcello at the request of Pietro Contarini. This book was catalogued under Pachel and Scinzenzeler by Proctor (no. 5917). 318x 220 mm. Without the blank. With notes of ownership of Guglielmus Corsi and Stuart Bickerstaffe and the book-plate of Si. Bisckerstaffe). From the Seventeenth-century (?) Italian Sunderland Library. stamped binding. Bought in January, 1882. IB. 26146. PLINIUS SECUNDUS, GAIUS CAECILIUS 186 X 111mm. Type : 112 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters,', "also spaces for Greek. Hain '13112.", 'At the end of 122 and apparently also of k5e a line of omitted matter has been added with a stamp after printing off. The later form of single Qu predominates in and after quire I. 270X 193 mm. Without the blank. On 1e is illumi¬ nated a capital and a wreath containing a coat of arms Other capi (barry of four or and azure, a chief argent). tals supplied in red and blue alternately.', "King George III's copy (C. 2. b. 2).", 'IB. 26149. Another copy. 268 X 191 mm. Without the blank. Fully rubricated. IB. 26150. Grenville copy (G. 9347). CAESAR, GAIUS JULIUS. 12. G. IVLII CAESARIS COMMENTARIORVM 236X 138 mm. Type: 112 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters.', "First letter of each section of Marlianus' index set out. Hain '4216.", 'The later form of single Qu predominates throughout this book. 12 de bello Gallico ; 52*, A. Hirtii praefatio in lib. viii de bello', "omission of P. J. Philelphus' dedication.", '324 X 230 mm. From the Sunderland library Eighteenth-century red morocco. Bought in January, 1882. IB. 26152. MARTIALIS, MARCUS VALERIUS. Epigram¬ 90 mm. Type: 112 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, also spaces for Greek. Hain 10813. Only the later form of single Qu is found in this book. A reprint, with the same page-contents, of the edition of De Colonia and Manthen, Venice, 1475 (IB. 20242, vol. v, p. 231). 260 X 189 mm. Without the blank.', "King George III's copy (C. 3. b. 13).", 'IB. 26158. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Epistolae ad Type: 107 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, also spaces for Greek. Hain 15182. 305 x 205 mm. Fully rubricated. With the duplicate stamp of the Hofbibliothek, Vienna. Early ms. notes show that quires B and C were formerly transposed in binding. Brown morocco, the back stamped with the Imperial Austrian arms. Bought in March, 1875. IB. 26154. LIVIUS, TITUS. Historiae Romanae decades. 3102. FINIS.—PART III: 3112. T. LIVII MIHI... Reprinted from the edition of Vindelinus de Spira, Venice, 1470 (IC. 19519, vol. v, p. 154), for the most part with the same page¬ contents. 392 X 270 mm. Without the blank. Each decad is bound in a separate volume.', "King George III's copy (C. 6. d. 9-11). IC. 26156. PACIFICO NOVARESE. Sommola di paci¬ 32 ; 30 lines, 138 x 80 mm. Type: 92 GR. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. First letter of each paragraph set out. Hain 12259. 1, blank ; 22, author’s prologue addressed to the priest Vince¬ guerra ; 2b, somma pacifica; 912, blank (after copperplate); 1964 The book also contains, outside the above collation, three copper¬ plates printed on separate half-sheets of specially thin quarto paper,', "viz. (1) the Virgin's Crown with the Annunciation, inserted after", 'fol. 39 (e 5), (2) arbor consanguinitatis, after fol. 90 (m 1) and (3) arbor affinitatis, after fol. 92 (m 3). 189X 134 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first plate, also the blank. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red and blue, foliation in red. On 22 is written : Iste liber est Monachon Congregaciois see lustine de obpuâtia Temple. Old vellum. Bought in September, 1886. IA. 26177. AESOPUS. Vita et fabulae. [Translated by 27 lines, 125 X 81 mm. Type: 92 GR. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters, also spaces for Greek. Gesamtkatalog 338. 160X 109 mm. Without the blanks. Some capitals and initial-strokes supplied in red. Leaf g I is mounted. IA. 26179. VALLA, LAURENTIUS. Elegantiae. De pro¬ The two concluding sets of verses celebrating Valla as the Camillus of Latin studies, with an honorific mention of Lavagna, were apparently suggested by those of Calphurnius to Pasqualinus in the 1476 edition of Jac. Rubeus, Venice (IB. 20095, vol. v, p. 216).', "They are first found in Lavagna's 1477 edition (Hain-Reichling", '15807). 283X 197 mm. The first leaf is cut out and mounted. IB. 26181. King George III's copy (169. i. 19).", '28 lines, 128 x 83 mm. Type: 92 GR. Printed capitals. Hain 11232? G. B. Sassi says that he had seen an edition caractere Romano,', "sed non satis nitido' with the colophon : 'Impressum Mediolani", "per Philippum Lavaniam MCCCCLXXX. die XXIIII. Martii.' This", "note, from which Hain's no. 11232 is derived, suggests that there", 'may have been another edition with this date besides the present. 177 X 126 mm. Imperfect, wanting the preliminary quire and leaves cI and g I, also the last blank. Bought in March, 1906. IA. 26183 HIERONYMUS. Vita et transitus s. Hiero¬ 32: 34 lines, 155 x 96 mm. Type: 92 GR. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 8643. 191X 125 mm. Without the blanks. Bought in April, 1921. IA. 26184. 707 27 lines, 124 x 78 mm. Type : 92 GR. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters, also spaces for Greek. Hain 277. Gesamtkatalog 339. Leaf c 6 is signed c 4. A very close reprint of the edition of June, 1479 (IA. 26179). 200X 139 mm. Without the first blank. Capitals and some initial-strokes supplied in red as far as e 3b. Grenville copy (G. 7731). BARBATIA, ANDREAS. Consiliorum partes 4 October, 1490; 22 September, 1489. FGS HeI-YS Z6 AAS BBE CC DDS EE“ FF3. 222 leaves, the first and last blank. 2 columns. Part I, 4°: 63 lines, 279X 166 (with marginalia 249) mm. 60 lines to the page are normal except in quires A-M of Part I. Type : 89 G. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 2426. Gesamtkatalog 3347. Platus) and one by Joannes Graecus clericus Placentinus; 207b, Georgius Merula Anastasio Plato s., colophon; 2082, register; 208°, blank ; 2092, tabula operis ; 2232, consilia duo Ant. de Prato In a contract of 1 July, 1490 (see E. Motta, loc. cit., p. 61) li', "Conscilij del Barbazo' are spoken of as a book che de presente li", "press' of De Lavagnia.", '402 x 285 mm. Rubricated. Bound in one volume in old stamped pigskin (German?) over boards. Bought in April (?), 1877. IC. 26814, 26815. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De partitionibus CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De partitionibus oratoriis. [Edited by Gabriel Paveri Fon¬ tana.) 144X 97-100 mm. Type: III R2. Capital spaces. Line endings irregular throughout. Hain 5116 (2). 221 X 155 mm. Bought in June, 1839. PIUS II. Epistolae in pontificatu editae.', "spaces. Hain '168 (rendering the date-figures in capitals and giving", '278 x 198 mm. Without the blanks. Manuscript quiring (often cut away) and foliation. Quire «is bound LEONICENUS, OMNIBONUS. De versu he¬ at the beginning. IB. 25916. King George III's copy (167. d. 10).", 'Type: IIIR2. Capital spaces. First word of each article set out. Line endings irregular throughout. Hain 14747. This book appears to have received the title Clauis sanationis', "from Campanus, to whom it is dedicated (12, col. 2, l. 5,'etc.),", "having been previously styled Synonyma' by the author.", '325 X 229 mm. Without the blanks. Capitals supplied in red or blue. Manuscript quiring, as in the above collation. On 1e is written: PP. Capuc: Wagheus. Bought in June, 1846. IB. 25918. DONATUS, AELIUS. De octo partibus ora¬ DONATUS, AELIUS. De octo partibus ora¬ tionis. [With other tracts.) 22 September, 1473. blank. 72: 28 lines, 156 x 98-101 mm. Type: III R2. Capital spaces. Spaces for Greek. Line-endings irregular throughout. Hain 613130+ 2735. 219X 158 mm. Traces of manuscript quiring. The leaves and stubs of quire [m are misbound within the last sheet of the book. Old sheep. Bought in March, 1906. IA. 25921. 125 October, 1473. 96-99 mm. Type: III R2. Capital spaces. Spaces for Greek. Line-endings irregular throughout. Hain 10027. 220X 157 mm. Without the blank last leaf. Bought in September, 1848. IA. 25924 PETRARCA, FRANCESCO. Sonetti e canzoni. 79(87) mm. Type: III R2. Capital spaces. First letter of each stanza set out. Hain 12758. 312 X 220 mm. On 12 is illuminated in gold and colours a capital V with two-side border and a coat of arms within a wreath, on 103° a capital N. Other capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red and blue alternately. Each type-page is surrounded by red rules. The text on the first leaf seems to have been very carefully gone over in pen and ink, which led Sir A. Panizzi to consider it afacsimile; aletter from him to Mr. Grenville on this point is inserted in the book. On 1e is written in a late hand: Zarottus Eq. Frederico Mezzottio domino de Castro¬ Bound in green morocco, gilt, by Lenzi, of Milan. IB. 25927. Grenville copy (G. 11376). Another copy. 312X 225 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last three leaves, the text of which is supplied in ms., along with other matter. Capital V with short border illuminated in gold and colours on 1e, other capitals supplied in alternate red and blue. At the foot of 1e are painted the', "arms of the Torelli family with its motto yn hoffen' in", 'the border. On a fly-leaf is the note of ownership of Joannes Seruasius de Mediolano Vicecomes, 1721. IB. 25926. King George III's copy (86. k. 18).", '111 Ra. Capital spaces. Hain 8876 (vol. i, the Ars Poetica being described at the end). 12, carmina ; 47°, epodae ; 572, carmen saeculare ; 59, blank ; duplicate impression of the text on 60°. 270X 192 mm. Without the last blank. The blank half of sheet b] 3 has not been cut away. IB. 25930.', "King George III's copy (C. 3. b. 4).", 'Another copy. 270x 183 mm. Without the blanks. Leaves (b) 8,9, [c 1-3 are mounted. IB. 25929. Cracherode copy, with date 1798. occasionally so in the rest of the book.', "The colophon is adapted from that in Jenson's (Venice) 1470", 'edition (IB. 19615, p. 167). 271 X 188 mm. Without the blanks. Grenville copy (G. 9177). IB. 25932. SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS, GAIUS. Opera. 265 x 193 mm. Without the blank. The blank part of fol. 61 is cut away. On 1e is written: Iste liber est ihoanis Baptiste d luzagis.', "King George III's copy (C. 2. b. 6).", 'IB. 25934 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Rhetorica noua. 183X 113 mm. Type: 111 R2. Capital spaces. Hain 5069.', "269 X 190 mm. Without the last blank. On 1' is the", 'partly obliterated inscription: Iste liber est Monasterij S. Marie d Casaleto (?) donati a d. theophilo Mln 1480. IB. 25936.', "King George III's copy (C. 1. b. 15). ACRON, HELENIUS. Commentaria in Horatii 182 X 110-3 mm. Type: II1 R2. Capital spaces. Hain 8876(2). There is no commentary on the Epistles. The line-endings are mostly irregular in the early quires and occasionally so throughout the rest of the book. 271 X 194 mm. Without the blank. Manuscriptquiring, mostly cut away. IB. 25939. Cracherode copy, with date 1798. Another copy. 256 X 192 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf. Bought. IB. 25938. Another copy. 266 x 189 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 63, 68 (sheet Igl 3) and the blank. The colophon is cut out and mounted. Ms. catchwords at ends of quires [a-hl.', "King George III's copy (C. 3. b. 5).", 'IB. 25940. MARLIANUS, JoANNES. Quaestio de cali¬ Mira parmsis zaroth me Antonis arte Anguigeri prima fecit in urbe ducis. 32: 41 lines, 227 X44-7 mm. Types: 110 Gb., first words of sections; 110 Ge. Capital spaces on 22. Irregular line-endings. Hain 10771.', "This tract was completed by the author ' Galiate x octauo misis", 'The first leaf and the last leaf of quire [f] consist of separate half-sheets in this copy. The text is continuous. 323X 235 mm. Without the blank, Capitals on 22 illuminated in gold and colours. Manuscript signatures (the first leaf of quire [f] being signed f 2). On 22 is written : Est conuentus sancti Iohannis in canalib placentie. Bought in April, 1858. IB. 25942. VICTORINUS, MARIUS FABIUS. Commen¬ spaces for Greek. Line-endings less irregular in quires [1-o than in the early part. The editio princeps of Victorinus. 275 x 190 mm. On 1e is written : Francisci Phedri', "volaterranj' and below this Immo [Franci Barlestani", 'volaterranj Redemptus post vrbis excidium cum pluribs alijs: in the Grolieresque style. Bought in October, 1895. IB. 25950. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De officiis. De 22. M. Tullii Ciceronis Arpinatis De officiis Liber fili annum iam audientem Crastippum idque Athenis.. for Greek on 82°. A few irregular line-endings. Hain 5244. On the recto of the first leaf, which should be blank, is a different setting-up of the beginning of the text, reading: M. Tullii Ciceronis Arpinatis De officiis Liber Prilmus ad M. Ciceronem filium. [QJVanquam te Marce fili ânum iam audientem Cratippum .. . The page is 32 lines long and up to 101 mm. broad, and the line-endings are very irregular. This setting-up, which is also found in the copy at the Bibliothèque Nationale (Pellechet-Polain no. 3732), was evidently a first effort, cancelled when the printer decided to reduce the bulk of the book by adding one line to the length and 12 mm. to the breadth of the type-page and to insist on regular line-endings. 260 x 183 mm. Capitals supplied in red and blue alternately. Leaf 2 is slightly mutilated at the foot. IB. 25946. JUVENALIS, DECIMUS JUNIUS. Saturae.¬ 182 x 92 mm. Type: III R2. Capital spaces. Hain 9680. A one-line or two-line summary is prefixed to each Satire and the work of Juvenal is divided into four books, after Sat. 5, 6, 9. The same peculiarities are apparently found in the Juvenal of the first French edition (Gering & Co., ca. 1472, Hain 9674). Leaf 71 is here taken as additional to the quire preceding, but it has also been described as forming a separate sheet together with a final blank. 265 x 190 mm. Without the blank. Capital and border on 22 and capital on 612 illuminated in gold and colours at a late date, other capitals supplied in red or blue. Seventeenth-century (?) brown calf. With the book-label of the A. Firmin Didot Library, 1850. Bought in June, 1883. IB. 25944: MOMBRITIUS, BONINUS. De dominica pas 142 X92 mm. Type: II1 R2. Capital space at beginning of each book. First letter of each verse set out. Hain 11542. On [f12-7à the number of lines to the page is reduced to 24, and on [f17b-8b to 22, 21, and 23 respectively.', "The sixth and last section of Mombritius' poem (beginning", "HJOs inter lusus ambor & iurgia furu' on 61b) is preceded by a", 'blank space instead of the usual printed heading and J. A. Saxius (Historia lit.-typ. Mediolanensis, in: Argelati, Bibl. script. Mediol., t. 1, p. 609, whence the description in Hain derives) takes it to be', "a separate poema de planctu Virginis'.", 'The ms. date 1474 is found below the colophon in the Dunn copy (Catalogue, third portion, Nov., 1917, no. 3494). 222 X 155 mm. Capitals supplied in red or blue. Bought in November, 1850. IA. 25952. AESOPUS. Vita et fabulae. [Translated by', "27 lines, 149 X 91-3 mm. Types: 110 Gb., word Finis' on 284;", '110 G2. Capital spaces on 22, 2b, 292 ; also some spaces for Greek. First letter of each fable set out, also that of the Vita Aesopi on 32. Line-endings mostly irregular in quires sa-d), and occasionally in the others. Hain 274. Gesamtkatalog 335. 230X 159 mm. Without the blanks. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red on 22 and 29e. Grenville copy (G. 7786). MISSALE AMBROSIANUM. Capital spaces, also spaces for rubrics and music. Irregular line¬ The editio princeps. The metrical part of the colophon is taken from the editio princeps of the Roman Missal, completed by Zarotus 6 December, 1474 (Reichling 997). 324 X 231 mm. Historiated capital (head of S. Ambrose) on 82 and capital on 1192 illuminated in gold and colours, other capitals, rubrics and foliation supplied in red. On the blank leaf (118) preceding the Canon of the Mass is a representation of the Crucifixion in colours. The order of the leaves of sheet [p 4 has been reversed in binding. Between leaves 217 and 218 is inserted a sheet of paper with a copy of thanksgiving prayers for the Victoria Sancti Ambrosij in Pesabiago [Parabiago), 21 February, IB. 25954. VALERIUS MAXIMUS. 26 October, 1475. 12. BONVS ACCVRSIVS PISANVS salutem dicit RALIVM LIBER AD TIBERIVM CAESAREM PROLOGVS. 1292. COLOPHON : M.CCCC.LXXV. VII. KL. NOVEMBRES. MEDIOLANI.AN. except in quire Jal and the table. Hain 15777. The line-endings are regular throughout, with a few exceptions in the early quires.', "Hain's total of 152 leaves probably includes the blank leaf at the", 'end of quire Ja), which should be cut away but which survives in one of the copies here described. caused it to be printed. The note preceding the table gives directions for its use and', "remarks that the' exempla excellentiora iudicata are distinguished", 'by capital C lying on its back. This sign, however, is not actually found in the table. 330X 230 mm. Below the colophon is the almost obliterated inscription: Iste liber e puëtus sci Dominici laud ex dono dnni Hieronimi de concoregio 1515. IB. 25959 Bought in November, 1882. Another copy. 320X 229 mm. The blank leaf which should be cut away at the end of the first quire is here found intact and bound at the beginning. The table (quires aa-cc) is bound between the first and second leaves. On 4° is the almost obliterated inscription: Est Monasterij sanctae Mariae de IB. 25958. AESOPUS. Vita et fabulae. [Translated by AESOPUS. Vita et fabulae. [Translated by 125 February, 1476. Rinucius.) 92 mm. Types: 110 Gb., word Finis on 302, 552 ; 110Ge. Capital spaces on 12, 1°, 30°, also some spaces for Greek. A few irregular line-endings. Hain 275. Gesamtkatalog 337. 200X 143 mm. Without the blank. QUINTILIANUS, MARCUS FABIUS. Insti¬ The discrepancies in the line-endings of the colophon as given in the seemingly well-informed entry in Hain are probably due to', "too great reliance on Dibdin's description (Bibl. Spenc., vol. ii).", '314 X 217 mm. Capital on 12 illuminated in gold and colours, other capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red. Greek words mostly supplied in pen and ink. IB. 25963. King George III's copy (167. h. 18).", '36 July, 1476. Spaces for Greek. Hain 16385. 295 x 227 mm. Eighteenth-century red morocco. From the Sunderland Library, and with the book-plates of Henry White, F.S.A. and George Dunn. Bought in February, 1914. IB. 25965. VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. Opera. bus operibus Bucolicis. Georgicis. & Aeneidæe. 1802.', "The wording of the incipit and colophons derives from Zarotus's", 'earlier editions, 1475 (Copinger 6017) and 1472 (Copinger 6009). 288 x 185 mm. Imperfect, wanting n 3 and all after fol. 179 (t 1). Sheet c 2 is misbound before sheet c1.', "King George III's copy (167. c. 11).", 'IB. 26019. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Deofficiis. De 20 October, 1476. 12. M. Tullii Ciceronis Arpinatis De officiis Liber Primus ad M. Ciceronem filium. QVanq te Marce fili annum iam audiente Cratippu Athenis . . 270 x 183 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 28, 29 (sheet d4). Capital and border on 12 illuminated in gold and colours, other capitals supplied in blue. Bound in niger morocco by Douglas Cockerell, 1901. Bought in March, 1902. IB. 25967. BONAVENTURA. Leggenda di san Fran¬ Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 3574. 257 x 185 mm. Imperfect, wanting the table (ff. 1-4). Capitals supplied in two colours, paragraph-marks in red or blue. The last leaf is mutilated. Bought in March, 1906. IB. 25971. CAESAR, GAIUS JULIUS. Commentarii. the Index of Raimundus Marlianus. *10 February, 1477. 1b. PETRVSIVSTINVS PHILEL PHVS SAL. PRIMVS. 1452. COLOPHON : Anno Christi. M.CCCC 41 lines, 228 X 132 mm. Type: 111 Rbl. Capital spaces, mostly', "with guide-letters. Hain '4215", '12, blank ; 1b, dedicatory letter of P. J. Philephus to Simoneta, dated from Milan, xv. kal. Dec., 1476; 22, de bello Gallico; 58b, A. Hirtii praefatio in lib. viii de bello gallico; 672, de bello ciuili ;', "The first edition to contain Marlianus' Index. The text may be", "reprinted from Jenson's 1471 edition (IB. 19632). The fragmentary", 'last sentence of the De bello Hispaniensi has been completed thus: Quarum laudibus et uirtute stotus in orbe terrarum mondus ssic (quires A-C), also the blank. On 12 is written: Iste liber est monasterij sancti michaelis de murianoquem acquisiuit IB. 25973. OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Fasti. 95 mm. Type: I11 Rbl. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. Part of Hain 12139. This edition of the Fasti is apparently not part of an edition of', "Ovid's complete works, although it figures as such in Hain's no.", '12139; see note to IB. 25982 below, p. 716. 275X 200 mm. Without the blank. IB. 2597 Grenville copy (G. 9743). Pharsalia. Edited by Joannes Andreae, 125 May, 1477. each verse set out. Hain 10234.', "Reprinted from De Lavagnia's edition of 24 February of the same", 'year (IB. 26138), q.v., p. 704. 242 X 168 mm. From the Heber collection. IB. 25978. Grenville copy (G. 9989). AMBROSIUS. Hexameron. [With other AMBROSIUS. Hexameron. [With other tracts. Preceded by the Life of S. Ambrose, by Paulinus Nolanus. Edited by Masellus Undated. Venia. BROSII EPISCOPI MEDIOLANENSIS DE CAIN The setting up of this book is noticeably free from contractions, especially in quires E-M, several of which also contain short pages about the inner opening. The editor remarks on 22 : libros [s. Ambrosii] ... omni mea cura ... perquisitas summa diligentia imprimendos curaui. Et... edition in which the date M.CCCC.LX. has been written in between the last two lines of the colophon. In this and the two following books the type appears very fresh. 278 x 193 mm. Capital on 19e illuminated in gold and colours, with a coat of arms in a wreath below, orna¬ mental capitals in red and blue supplied elsewhere. Greek quotations supplied in ms. in red, probably in the', "printer's office. Leaf 8 is misbound after leaf 1.", 'Bought in July, 1858. IB. 26012. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Orationes. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Orationes. Undated. 12. M. T. Ci. PRO LEGE MANILIA. SIVE DE IM¬ PERATORE DELIGENDO. ORATIO. JOJVAN¬ 277 X 166 mm. Type: 111 Rbl. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. p. 13), has the same contents in the same order and was probably the archetype of the present edition.', "Hain's no. 5120 appears to record another issue of this edition", 'with a different setting-up of the incipit (M. T. CI. PRO LEGE MANILIA. SIVE DE IM- PERATORE DELIGENDO ORATIO). 75X 260 mm. On 1° is the signature: I Myron. Brown calf, stamped with the arms of the Bodleian Library. Acquired by exchange in December, 1913. IC. 26016. Another copy. 397 X 277 mm. Imperfect, wanting the second sheet of quire A. IC. 26017.', "King George III's copy (C. 1. d. 9). OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Operum volu¬ mitit ulyxes.... 458. PVBLII OVIDII NASONIS RVM LIBER PRIMVS. 101b. PVBLII OVIDII NASONIS DE REIMEDIO AMORIS PVBLII OVIDII NASONIS DE TRIISTIBVS LIBER PRIMVS. 1586. .P. Ouidii Nasonis De Ponto RVM LIBER PRIMVS. tEMPORA CVM causis TIMI. FI. 2692. PVBLII OVIDII NASONIS POETAE CONSOLATIO AD LIVIAM AVGV STAM ... 2752. .P. Ouidii Nasonis de philo¬', "The table of contents on 2762 begins with the items ' P. Ouidi", "Nasonis uita Eiusdem Methamorphoseos libri. xv.' and ignores the", "De philomena' which follows the* De pulice' on 1992 and which", 'is of a different setting-up from that in its proper place at the end of the book. The epistle of Cydippe to Acontius (41b) consists of twelve lines only. It seems clear that this book complements the edition of the Metamorphoses signed by Zarotus on 11 September, 1477 (Proctoi +5802). A copy of it which lacks the two last leaves forms part of the composite volume in the Bibliothèque Nationale described by Brunet (Manuel, tom. 4, col. 267), and the same volume was probably that seen by the compiler of Hain 12139. The date', "1477 id. dec.' quoted in connexion with the last-named from the", 'Ste Geneviève Catalogue by Copinger appears to be a mere blunder. 319 X 215 mm. Without the blank. Headlines and foliation in early ms.', "King George III's copy (167. i. 14).", 'IB. 25982. LIVIUS, TITUS. Historiae romanae decades. Aleria, by Petrus Justinus Philelfus. *23 October, 1480. VoL. I: 22. IO. AN. EPISCOPI ALERIENSIS AD SVMMVM PON. PAVLVM II. VENE TVM, ET MARCVM SANCTI MARCI CARDINALEM EPISTOLA. 42. L. FLORI EPITOMA DECADVM TVM. 242. PRAESENTIS CO INC DIS PRAEFATIO. 161b. FINIS surrounded by Bona had already been for some weeks deprived of actual power,', "Reprinted from De Lavagnia's 1478 edition (IC. 26156).", '390 X 261 mm. Without the blanks. Capital, borders and coat of arms on 4°, and capitals at beginnings of books in vol. I, illuminated in gold and colours, other capitals on 22-242 supplied in alternate red and blue.', "King George III's copy (C. 6. d. 12, 13). IB. 25997. SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, GAIUS. by Domitius Calderinus and Sicco Polento¬ *16 November, 1480. spaces for Greek. Hain 15120. The introductory matter by Calderinus and Sicco Polentonus', "derives from De Lavagnia's 1475 edition of the Historiae augustae", 'scriptores (IB. 26112), the table of rubrics on 5P probably from the 1472 edition of Sweynheym and Pannartz (IB. 17196, p. 16). 295 x 205 mm. The first page of text is surrounded by red and blue rules.', "King George III's copy (167. e. 3).", 'IB. 25999. VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. Opera. TV PATVLAE RECVBAN sub tegmine fagi 13°. OVIDII POETAE TETRASTICON IN PRI¬ the first item in the book. It must thus have been contained in the first leaf, but no description appears to be available. As Pachel', "and Scinzenzeler's reprint of the following August (IB. 26464) seems", 'in the same case, the Life was perhaps never actually printed in either edition. An only partially successful attempt has been made to insert an omitted line (Et gelidi fontes: auiumqe silentia fient) at the foot of dd 72. 305 X 207 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf and the blank. From the Sunderland Library. Bought in May, 1883. IB. 26001. CURTIUS RUFUS, QUINTUS. De rebus 188X 122 mm. Type: 111 Rb2. Capital spaces. Hain 5882. 267X 194 mm. On 22 is the signature: Lucæ Tanzetti Forosemproniensis. IB. 26003. Bought. Another copy. 270 X 198 mm. Without the blanks.', "King George IIl's copy (C. 2. b. 9).", 'IB. 26004. PIUS II. Epistolae in pontificatu editae. 22. PII SECVNDI PONT. MAX. DE CON quire g is as follows : 33, 33, 32, 28, 27, 32, 33, 33. The signature-alphabet is given in capitals by the register. The Petrus Augustinus Philelfus named as the editor in this anc the following entry should probably be identified with the Petrus Justinus Philelfus named elsewhere.', "colophon is written : Iste liber ptinet i fri loh d' fabro", 'sacre theô licete que emit pcio xiij dupl . .. ano dj 1489', "1 madj ms die x', followed by De Fabro's signature.", 'Cracherode copy, with date 1789. IB. 26006. BARTHOLOMAEUS [SACCHIJ DE PLA¬ 165 x 91 (with marginalia 118) mm. Type: III Rb2. Capita space on 1à and 532, also spaces for Greek. Hain 13061, 13059. The type-pages on the inner sheet of quire a are several lines short and only 84 mm. broad, those on the two inner sheets of quire b are 98 mm. broad. In this and the following book no comma and only occasional accented a and que have been noticed. 217X 154 mm. Without the blank. With the notes of ownership of Ioannes Pruinus (Provinus) archipresbitei Trebatianus, 1574. Bought in December, 1896. IA. 26008. SILIUS ITALICUS. Punica. [Edited by RVFO SALVTEM DICIT. 22. MARTIALIS IN PRIMO. 2b. ARGVMEN TVR. 42 SILII ITALICI PVNICORVM LIBER PRIMVS', "Quarto. [421; a-d'0 ; e-hIk-pl q'r. 166 leaves, 3 and 166", 'blank. 52 : 38 lines, 208 x 94 mm. The full breadth of the type¬ page is 100 mm. Type : IIIRb2. Capital space at beginning of each book. Spaces for Greek on 12 and 1b. Hain 14736. The register includes the catchword of the second leaf of the inner sheet of each quire. The Roman edition referred to in the colophon is that of Sweyn¬ 280 x 196 mm. Without the first blank. Beneath the heym and Pannartz, 1471 (IB. 17169, p. 13) from which the present is reprinted with the same page-contents. The existence of the edition', "Romae MCCCCLXXX' briefly noted in Hain (no. 14735) is doubtful.", '259 X 196 mm. Without the blanks. Bought in March, 1902. IB. 26010 SIMONETA, JoANNES. Commentarii rerum SULPITIUS, JOANNES. De versuum scansi¬ 12. AD ILLVSTRISSIMVM AC MODERATIS¬ SIMVM PRINCI PEM LVDOVICVM SPHOR: CISCO SPHORTIA GESTARVM. 2b. IOHANNI SIMONETAE IN COMMENTARIOS RERVM GESTARVM FRANCISCI SPHORTIAE MEDIO. LANENSIVM NATALI CHRIISTIANO AD SEXT VM E VM ITALICORVM POPVLORVM REGVM E RERVM PVIBLICARVM FACTA DOMI FORI QVE CONTINENTVR:... EA NVNC RE two blank. 42 : 42 lines, 233 X 135 mm. Type: 1I1 Rbl. Capital spaces. Hain 14753, 14754.', "A six years' privilege for this book was granted by the Duke to", 'the printers on 6 July, 1481 (printed in appendix to E. Motta, Di Filippo di Lavagna, in Archivio storico Lombardo, ser. 3, vol. 10 (1898), pp. 67, 68). It begins thus: Dux Mediolani etc. Hortatu of 1482, but the state of the type, as well as the date of Philelfus postscript, point rather to 1480. It seems probable that it was already in hand by 1479 but that completion was delayed for some unexplained reason, possibly political. 326 x 222 mm. Without the blanks. Capitals illumi¬ nated in gold and colours. The text of the first leaf. which may be made up, has been cut out and mounted, and a capital and border and the coat of arms of Joseph Smith illuminated on the recto at a late date.', "King George III's copy (C. 15. c. 2).", 'IB. 25995 Another copy. 295 X 205 mm. Without the last blank. On 12 is the note of ownership of the Paris Jesuits. Brown mottled calf, stamped with the monogram and arms of Achille de Harlay, Comte de Beaumont. Leaf 8 is misbound IB. 25994. *2 November, 1482. mm. Type: III Rbs. Capital spaces. Hain 15164. In this book both single Qu and separate Q are found. 182 X 130 mm. Without the blank. Old vellum. Bought in August, 1879. IA. 26023 PANEGYRICI. Panegyrici veteres Latini, Undated. 12. FRANCISCVS PVTEOLANVS REVERENDO 12, Puteolanus Antiquario s.; 2b, table of contents ; 32, Plinii Caecilii Secundi panegyricus Traiano dictus; 422, panegyricus any contractions. Maittaire, no doubt working from the Cracherode copy here described, took as the date of this book that of the Dictys bound with it, viz. 19 May, 1477. In the John Rylands copy the date 1476 has been inserted (in type ?) on the last page (cf. Dibdin, Bib. Spenc., ii, nos. 344, 369). The prefatory letter of Puteolanus mainly consists of a panegyric of Antiquarius, and contains no indication of date, as has sometimes', "been stated, beyond a reference to Gian Galeazzo as 'rex noster'.", 'This book contains both single Qu and separate Q and has here been ranged with the dated book containing type 111 Rbs. in this state. 224X 162 mm. Fully rubricated and foliated. Bound before IA. 26937 (Dictys Troianus, [Ungardus), 19 May, 1477), two sheets of blank paper being inserted between the two books. Red morocco, gold-tooled, with the initials of the Rev. C. M. Cracherode. On the top edge is the stamp of the Augustinians at Munich and on the last page what appears to be a monogram (HAS?) of an early owner is written in red. IA. 26084. Another copy. PEROTTUS, NICOLAUS. Rudimenta gram¬ spaces in quire a, printed Lombards elsewhere. Spaces for Greek. Hain 12670. IB. 26026. SIMONETA, JOANNES. Commentarii rerum COMMENTARIOS RE RVM AB DIVO FRANCI', "each book. Hain '14755.", 'The normal number of lines to the page in quires a-e is 54, the signatures being printed below the body of the page in the usual way. The number rises to 55 in quires f-l and to 56 in the rest of the book, the signatures being let in at the end of the last line of text. IB. 26039. ROLANDINUS DE PASSAGERIIS. Sum¬ x 116 mm. Types: 110 Gb. (mixed?), first words of chapters ; 77 G., text. Capital spaces at beginnings of chapters, printed Lombards elsewhere.', "Probably reprinted from Benalius' (Venice) edition, 1485 (IA.", '22310, p. 371). 233 X 164 mm. Eighteenth-century (?) red sheepskin with green back, of the same provenance as IA. 26048, IB. 26533, IA. 28878. Bought in November, 1891. IB. 26042. *1486. AUGUSTINUS. Retractationes.', "203 X 150 mm. On 1e are the notes Andree chij ',", 'Nûc iste liber e loci sti lacobi papie or. Mi. obse. From the library of George Dunn. Bought in December, 1917. IA. 26043. PIUS II. Epistolae in pontificatu editae. 22. (headline) EPISTOLA SIVE ORATIO PII IN CONVENtu Mantuano. PII SECVNDI PONT.', "Quarto. a-c'det; fg h'i Klm'n'o-u'; 42. 146 leaves, the first", 'blank. 32: 35 lines and headline, 194 (203) x 128 mm. Type : I11 Rbs. Capital spaces. Hain 170. In this book single Qu only is found. 280x 200 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last two leaves and the blank. Bound in crushed red morocco by Delanoé père. Bought in January, 1848. IB. 26045. Opera. Undated. 12. Franciscus Puteolanus lacobo Antiquario ducali 1772. IVLII AGRICOLAE VITA PER CORNE¬ STISSIME LIVM TACITU EIVS GENERVM CAS', "Puteolanus remarks in the course of his dedication (1b) : 'Taciti", '... fragmenta ... multis uigiliis ... recognita adiuuante Berardino The pages of the inner sheets of quires d, e are several lines short. This book has been ranged together with the preceding (IB. 26045) as the type seems to be in precisely the same state in both. What appears to be an imperfect copy of this edition with the date MCCCCLXXV, added at the foot of 1872 is catalogued by Reichling (no. 1876). 298 X 205 mm. Eighteenth-century red morocco, with the book-label of the Honble John Trevor. Grenville copy (G. 9166). IB. 26090. Another copy. 295 x 202 mm. Without the last blank.', "King George III's copy (167. c. 10).", 'IB. 26089. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De officiis. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De officiis. With the commentary of Omnibonus Leoni¬ cenus.] De senectute. [With the comment¬ ary of Martinus Phileticus.] Paradoxa. Undated. 22. Raphael Regius Antonio Moreto Salute. p. dicit. 2b. Cum i hoc opere de officiis potissima philosophiae M.T.C. ARPINATIS CONSVLISQuE RO MANI AC ORATORVM MAXIMI. AD .M. TVLLIVM CI¬ CERO. FILIVM SVVM OFFICIORVM LIBER PRIMVS: 1492. Martini philelthici in Ciceronem de senectute comentaria. 1772. (text :) Marci Tullii Cicero¬ ing text, 214 x 156 mm. Types: 111 Rbs. ; 78 R. Capital spaces, a few with guide-letters. Spaces for Greek. The page-contents and quiring are those of the edition sine nota assigned by Proctor to D. S. (no. 7335, IB. 36714), except in sheets h 3 and aa 3, which are here printed with the commentary type throughout, involving modifications of the contents of each page. The De amicitia forming part of the other edition seems not to have been included in the present book. In his letter to the publisher Morettus Regius complains of the inaccuracy of printers, instancing errors nuper in ea episttola:', "quam in Porphyrionis grammatici emandationem ssic) composui'", "where 'accuratissimas enarrationes in accuratissimis narrationes", 'assignable to the latter part of 1481 and here catalogued among the books printed for Manzolus at Venice (IB. 21815, vol. v, p. 315). In this book type III Rbs, has both single Qu and separate O and contains an admixture of gothic sorts not elsewhere noticed. while type 78 R. has frequent », as well as a little of the gothic lower-case admixture found in IA. 26054 (1489). It is placed here so as not to separate it from the other books containing type 113 Rbs, but its exact date is uncertain. 275 X 195 mm. Without the blank leaf 148. With', "the notes of ownership of Petrus Leonis ('emi ... sub", 'pretio duou albox 1551), Gentile Stefanus Alciattus,', "stamped: Anno. mecccl.' and below FINIS'. The", 'date also appears on the back of the old coloured vellum binding, and a note on a fly-leaf states that the book was the subject of a law-suit at Turin in 1825 because of these peculiarities. Bought in May, 1900. IB. 26094. TREZO, BETTINO DA. Letilogia. DEL. TREZ. 2b. Ad libellum: phaletium carmen. (mixed ?), first verse of privilege ; 77 G., text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 15611. 12, title ; 1b, 22, blank ; 2b, ad libellum ; 2b—42, complimentary Italian sonnets and Latin elegiacs from the author to Cardinal Ascanio Sforza ; 4°, argument; 5, blank? ; 62, text ; 9ob, blank. Red printing is found only on the outer side of the first sheet. Reichling ad Hain 15611 describes another issue of the prelimi¬ nary matter, beginning on 12 : (red) Letilogia Del Trez: libellum : phaletium carmen, and continuing on 1P : (red) Illu¬ strissimo Reuerendissimoq dno dno ... salute Sonetto. This issue apparently occupies three leaves, reducing the total number of printed leaves to 88. 205X 141 mm. Without the fifth leaf. Eighteenth¬ century (?) red sheepskin with green back (see IB. 26042). Bought in December, 1896. IA. 26048. FREZZI, FEDERICO. Quadriregio del decorso on 12, spaces, with guide-letters, elsewhere. Hain 7363. 248 X 180 mm. On a fly-leaf is the signature WS.', "1803' and the stamp of the Heber Library, with a note", 'of purchase from the White Knights Library sale, 1819, at §4. 14s. 6d. DULCINIUS, STEPHANUS. Nuptiae illustris¬ In his letter to the author Corvinus says (142) : tua hac historia . adeo sum delectatus ut mille exemplaribus haec meis impensis Bought in June, 1845. MANILIUS, MARCUS. Astronomica. [Edited *9 November, 1489. 12. P.STEPHANVS DVLCINIVS SCALAE CA¬ REM AVGVS LOGIAE INVENTIONE ET HOMINVM SOLER¬ The full breadth of the type-page is 100 mm. Type : III Rb¬ Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 12705. In this book the type appears very fresh and contains gothic fl, as well as the query-mark of 110 Ga. 290X 202 mm. Imperfect, wanting ff. 1-4, containing the dedication and index. Old vellum. Bought in May, 1903. IB. 26056. SIMONETA, JOANNES. Commentarii rerum TINO IN LINGVA FIORENTIINA DELLA SFOR¬ ZIADA DI GIOVANNI SIMONETA AD LO SANO IN MILA NO NELLI ANNI DEL SIGNO¬ Folio. a6 ; b-z & 38 p4. 202 leaves, 6 and 202 blank. 82: 44 lines, 245 X 143 mm. Type : II1 Rb4. Capital space, with guide¬ letter, at beginning of each book. Hain 14756. On vellum. 353X 242 mm. The copy of Lodovico il Moro. The text on 72 is surrounded by a four-side border elaborately illuminated in gold and colours, with portraits of Duke Francesco Sforza (combined with capital) and his', "son Lodovico il Moro toleft and right, a moor's head above,", 'Other capitals elaborately the Sforza arms below, etc. illuminated in similar style. Bound in red velvet, with eight silver-gilt bosses at the corners, and two central bosses and the plates of the clasp in silver, with niello¬ work decorations of devices of Lodovico and the Sforza family. See G. F. Warner, Miniatures . .. from the Book of Hours of Bona Sforza, etc. (1894), pp. xxvii, etc. IB. 26059. Grenville copy (G. 7251). Another copy. 306 x 215 mm. Without the blanks. The text on 1b is cut out and mounted. With the armorial book-plate of Jacobus Contarenus. IB. 26058. King George III's copy (167. e. 9).", 'AMBROSIUS. Epistolae, etc. [Edited by BOSSIUS, DONATUS. Chronica Bossiana. *1 February, 1491. Stephanus Dulcinius.) PHANVS DVLCINIVS SCALAE CANONICus. 192.2', "Folio. 4'1; a-hIk-g'rss; te ux' yz & 6p. 192 leaves.", '52: 39 lines, 215 X 134 mm. Types: III Rb4 ; III Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain *899. Gesamtkatalog 1601. scti laurentij de padula. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Old vellum. Bought in November, 1844. IB. 26062. SIMONETA, BONIFACIUS. Persecutionum SIMONETA, BONIFACIUS. Persecutionum christianarum historia. [With tables of con tents by Stephanus Dulcinius.) Not before 111 January, 1492. 12. Præsbyter Stephanus Dulcinus Scalæe canonicus. R.D. Ioanibaptista ferro Mediolani Archiepiscopali lines, 251 X 142 (with marginalia 172) mm. Type : IIIRb4. Capi¬ tal spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 14750. The book-number appears on the recto of each leaf at the head of the marginalia, being printed in line with the first line of text as far as d 2 and one line above it in the rest of the book. 328x 225 mm. Under the colophon is the note of ownership of Ricardus Wolston. Old brown leather, rebacked, the sides stamped with the arms of Bart. Sylva. IB. 26065 *1 March, 1492. logical tree on 1°. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, on 22-5». Hain 3667. The pages of the inner sheets of quire u are up to eleven lines A paragraph-mark is frequent in this book.', "A ten years' privilege for printing this book was granted to the", 'author on 16 February, 1492 (printed in E. Motta, Di Filippo di Lavagna, loc. cit., pp. 68-70). 332 X 231 mm. The first leaf is backed. IB. 26067.', "King George III's copy (C. 15. c. 3).", 'Undated. VIRTU. Virtu di alcune pietre. Indented text. This tract is here ranged immediately after the last dated book printed with type 77 G., as its actual date cannot be determined. Catalogued among the Italian adespota by Proctor (no. 7421). 190X 135 mm. Bought in April, 1860. MONTIS, PETRUS. De dinoscendis homini¬', "spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '11608.", '12, title ; 1P blank ; 22, table of contents ; 8°, Ayorae praefatio ad Elisabeth Hispaniarum reginam; 112, Petri Montis prologus ad Iohannem Hispaniarum principem ; 13°, lib. i ; 1232, Ayorae pro¬ logus in lib. iv ; 227°, auctoris excusatio ; 2282, Ayora Elisabeth r4b-t 22 of this book is stated by the author to have been excerpted', "for publication ' breuiori in compendiolo'. The reference is to the", 'tract Supra B. Virginis conceptionem, n. d., here catalogued among the Venetian adespota (IA. 25173, vol. v, p. 591). The comma of III Rb2, is found in this book. 280X 195 mm. On 1e is the signature of Balthazar Lydius. Quires a and b have changed places in binding. Old vellum. IB. 26070. VISCONTI, GASPARO. 175 x 83 mm. Types: 111 Rb4., text; 69 G., mottoes on 12 and 8a. First line of each stanza set out. A more condensed setting-up of the poem occupying i 22-k 22 of', "the edition of Visconti's Ritmi catalogued below (IA. 26073). The", 'fact that it bears the same signature i shows that the two tracts are very closely connected and were in hand simultaneously. 199X 145 mm. Formerly bound third in a tract volume. Bought. VISCONTI, GASPARO. Ritmi. 12. AD ILLVSTREM DOMINVM NICOLAVM VICECOMITEM ET COREGIAM. GASPAR VICECOMES. 32. RITHIMI DEL MAGNIFICO FRANCISCVS TANCIVS CORNIGER CTORI SALVTEM. 766. DVLCINVS PRO CORNI¬ capital spaces, with guide-letters. First line of each sonnet, etc., set out. Hain 16078. LITANIE. Litanie secondo l'ordine ambro¬", '172X 124 mm. With the note of ownership of Frid. Minetti, 1869. Bought in October, 1901. PETRARCA, FRANCESCO. Trionfi. Sonetti A-HiK-MSN6. 102 leaves, the last blank, 2-101 numbered ii-C.ii, with many errors. Pt. I, 102 : 61 lines of commentary flanking text, and headline, 254 (258) x 160 (with marginalia 164) mm. Types: I11 Re., text; 83 R., commentary, headlines (pt. I only). Capital spaces, with guide-letters, also a few printed capitals. Full-page woodcut, with black-ground border, at the beginning of each trionfo. Hain 12762. Reprinted from the 1490 edition of De Plasiis, Venice (IB. 20860. vol. v, p. 270), from which the cuts are also copied, but omitting the foliation in pt. I. 289 x 205 mm. The year-date in the colophon has had its last six numerals erased. Bought in December, 1875. IB. 26078. MANCINELLUS, ANTONIUS. Epitoma seu Mancinellum: 26e. De Varia Constructione Thesaurus: per Ant. Mancinellü Veliternü. 40b. COLOPHON: Im¬ Reprinted from the edition either of De Pensis, Venice, 21 May, 1496 (IA. 23483, vol. v, p. 470), or of Tacuinus, Venice, 21 January, 1496/7 (IA. 24070, p. 531), with which the page-contents generally correspond; but the final paragraph of errata has been omitted. The text of the two pages of the inmost opening of quire chas changed places. 210X 144 mm. With the note of ownership of Thomas Stewart eques Hierosolymitanus, Rome, 1837, and the book-plate of Robert Buchanan Stewart. Bought in March, 1906. IA. 26096. LAZARONUS, PETRUS. Epitaphia Beatricis Beatrice of Aragon died 2 January, 1497, as indicated by the first lines of the first epitaph. Proctor catalogued this tract among the Milanese adespota (no. 6089). 206 x 148 mm. Formerly bound between IA. 26797 (Lazaronus) and IA. 25728 (Lucinus). Bought in December, 1862. IA. 26098. SECOND PRESS. De officiis. AMBROSIUS. 17 January, 1474 tracts. 12. SANCTI AMBROSII EPISCOPI MEDIO¬ NVM EPI¬ SCO PVM. 128b. END : ... condenda he sterno in 235 X 160 mm. Sheets Jel2 and sel3 have changed places in binding. Vellum, probably of the same pro¬ venance as IA. 26116 (p. 702). Bought in March, 1845. IB. 26203. BARTHOLOMAEUS DE CHAIMIS. In The first edition. Saxius (loc. cit., p. DLXI) gives the con¬ cluding words as: Mediolani per Christophorum Waldarfer MCDLXXIV. die XXIX mensis Septembris’, but this reads more like a confusion with a later ms. note than a genuine variant. 149 X 108 mm. Fully rubricated. IA. 26207. Bought in October, 1852. CAEPOLLA, BARTHOLOMAEUS. Cautelae. OPERIS. Ibid., col. 2, COLOPHON: (red) Impressum 53 lines, 276x 173 mm. Type: 107 (104) R. Capital space, witt guide-letter, on 22 and 32b. Part of Hain 4855.', "The companion volumes of this tract indicated by Hain's entry", 'are De seruitutibus rusticorum praediorum, signed by Valdarfer ing all three men as here, 8 August, 1475 (Copinger 1557, Pellechet Polain 3494, 3495). 378X 271 mm. Bound with IC. 28573 (Barbatia, Bought in February, 1893. IC. 26211. Libellus re¬', "12, author's dedicatory letter to Count Petrus [de Gambaral ; 2b", 'table of contents ; 5°, text ; 1262, register ; 126b, blank.', "The author's name is not given in the book, which has also been", 'ascribed to Jacobus de Susato (Soest), but it is shown to be Ban¬', "dello's work by the réchauffé dedicated by him to the Duke of", 'Ferrara under the title De singulari puritate et praerogatiua con¬ ceptionis Saluatoris nostri and first printed by Rugerius at Bologna in 1481 (IA. 28704). 226x 158 mm. Rubricated, and with traces of ms. quiring in red. Bought in November, 1850. IA. 26215. JSTINUS. STINI HISTORICI CLARI 12. I 105 mm. Type: 107 (103) R. Capital spaces, mostly with guide¬ letters. Hain 9650. The text of the two pages of the inner opening of quire [Il (84b, 850) has changed places owing to an error of imposition. 267 X 189 mm. Illuminated capital and border with coat of arms (azure a bend gules) in wreath supplied on 12,', "similar capital and border on 1', other capitals supplied in", 'blue. Seventeenth-century (?) quarter leather and boards. Bought in July, 1858. IB. 26223 PAULUS [NICOLETTI VENETUS. Summa spaces, with guide-letters. Variant of Hain 12516. The signatures are placed far down in the right-hand lower corner of the page. The penultimate word on 100° (m 22) reads : oclusio. 298 x 200 mm. Without the blanks. Rubricated as far as 11e. Signatures entirely cut away. On 1672 is', "written : ' Iste liber constat Fri Roberto [Lily", '?ordis Frm pdtr Warwycy couent?, Dominicus heskynus me', "possidet sarûc œnobij Domcanus'. On 22 is the signa¬", "ture of Johannes Almond ('pret. iiij s.).", 'IB. 26227. Another copy, partly in a different setting-up. 22. Sumule naturaliu magri Pauli ueneti ordinis setting-up. That this is later than the other is shown by the paper, which is unwatermarked and has distinct chain-lines, whereas in the copy above the sheets in question are printed on paper water¬ marked with a rosette and with almost invisible chain-lines, which is that used throughout the body of the book. In both copies quire v (containing the table) is printed on the unwatermarked paper, and so is sheet a 5, suggesting that the whole original stock of this sheet met with an accident. The table was perhaps taken over as an afterthought from that with the same incipit in the edi¬ tion of De Colonia and Manthen at Venice of the same year, a copy of which may have reached Valdarfer while the present book was in hand. The penultimate word on 1002 reads: pclunio. 321 X 235 mm. Without the last blank. The signa¬ tures are cut away entirely in quires n-s and occasionally elsewhere. Sheet c I is signed b. On 12 is written: Ex', "libris fris andree leheman lctoris d' gamue.", 'Bought in January, 1863. IB. 26228. PHILELPHUS, FRANCISCUS. Saturae. x 98 mm. Type: 107 (103) R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters.', "First letter of each verse set out. Hain '12917.", 'I, text ; 148°, Franciscus Philelfus huic Satyrarum operi extre¬ 277 X 197 mm. The incipit and first letters on 12 have been gone over in gold, etc., and capitals elsewhere supplied in gold, probably at a late date. Each type¬ page enclosed in red rules. A piece of French decorative illumination has been pasted on the top inner angle of Bound in citron morocco 1° so as to form a border.', "with dentelle decoration by J. A. Derome, Grenville's", 'arms added. IB. 26233 Another copy. 272 X 192 mm. Without the blank. IB. 26232.', "King George III's copy (C. 5. b. 5). POGGIUS FLORENTINUS. Facetiae. 12. POGII FLORENTINI ORATORIS CLARIS¬ SIMI. FACETIARVM LIBER INCIPIT. 80°. COLo¬ PHON: Pogii florentini secretarii apostolici facetiaru mm. Type : 107 (102) R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters.', "Hain '13189.", 'Sheets Jal 1-3, fl 4, Igl 1-3 are quarto, the rest octavo. This suggests that each half of the book was printed on a separate press. 204 X 146 mm.', "King George III's copy (C. 5. a. 29). THIRD PRESS. 185 G., headlines, headings ; 91 G. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 10885. The pages of the inner opening of quire a have 46 lines and four words appear also to have been added with a stamp at the end of a 5a The dedication on 1b which is signed by Francesco del Tuppo shows that this edition derives from that printed at Naples in 1476 (Hain 10884). 279 x 188 mm. Without the blanks. IB. 26617. CERMISONUS, ANTONIUS. Ricette contro 72(76) mm. Type: 91 G. Paragraphs indented. 189 X 136 mm. Bought in April, 1860. PHILELPHUS, FRANCISCUS. Exercitati¬ 137 x 90 mm. Type: 91 GR. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 12957. This tract consists of 214 models of letters, each drafted first in Italian and then in Latin. 207 X 138 mm. Bought in December, 1896. PAULUS[NICOLETTI VENETUS. Summu¬ Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Valdarfer had already, on 14 December, 1474, printed what ap-', "pears to be the editio princeps of this work, in which the author's", 'name is set out in the colophon (Hain-Reichling 12500), whereas it is here entirely ignored. 200 X 139 mm. Bought in October, 1902. GASPAR VERONENSIS. Regulae gram¬ 108 G. Capital space on 12 and 25b. 209 X 147 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 39 (e7). A letter of Dr. Haebler concerning the book is bound before the text. Original (?) half vellum over boards. Bought in June, 1910. IA. 26621. THOMAS AQUINAS. Expositio Orationis THOMAS AQUINAS. Expositio Orationis dominicae. [With other tracts. *1 March, 1488. spaces, those in quire f mostly with guide-letters. Hain 1543.', "On 532 is the 'Epistola Karoli ducis Burgundiae ad fratrem lohan¬", 'nem ex curia Uyt den Hove) vicarium conuentuum reformatorum', "this letter being followed by Uyt den Hove's Responsum ad", 'Carolum ducem (which includes Responsiones by other hands) and his De reformatione religionum. The press work of this tract is very poor and the number of lines to the page and column very irregular; on d 1b and f 1° the last line appears to have been added after printing off. The signature of the last quire, which is given as i by Copinger, is too blurred to be read with certainty. Considerable blanks are occasionally left at the ends of sections. 182 X 133 mm. Imperfect, wanting ff. 53-62 (quire h), also the blank. Rubricated. On 1e is written: P. Roggeri O.P. Bought in May, 1902. AUGUSTINUS. Confessiones. AUGUSTINUS. Confessiones. 321 July, 1475. 12. EX LIBRO RETRACTATIONVM: ICION¬ FESSIONVM MEARVM Ibid., The watermarks suggest that this book may have been printed on two presses, the second beginning after quire [1). A line appears to have been added after printing off at the end of [b1 62. 199 X 143 mm. Capital M on 1e illuminated in gold and blue, other capitals supplied in red and blue. At', "the foot of 163° is written : Conuet' scti dnici de bgomo.", 'or podicatoy. SOLINUS, GAIUS JULIUS. De mirabilibus Undated. 12. B oninus Mobritius reuerendo i christo pri & dno lines, 137 X 72-74 mm. Type : 105 R. Capital spaces, those on 12, 1b with guide-letters. Hain 14873, 14875. 12, verses of the editor to Triulcius ; 12, 1P, eiusdem ad eundem in Solinum de mirabilibus mundi praefatio (also in verse ; 1°, 2a corners. The sixth leaf of the second quinternion is signed C and the first leaf of the quaternion following it is signed C 3, these quires being otherwise unmarked. Errors of imposition have distured the sequence of page-contents as follows : F rà, 8a, 2b, 2a ... 7b, 7a 1b, 8b ;... H 32, 42, 3b, 46, 5 62, 5b, 6b ... ... O 32, 3b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 42, 4b, ga, 62, 5b, 6b. From the beginning of the text to L 4° (sicut nec amnici pisces and again from L52 (quidem torrente pruinis caret) to the end the page-contents of this edition agree with those of the edition sine nota catalogued among the doubtful productions of Schurener at Rome (IA. 17772, vol. iv, p. 59). The present edition has printed chapter headings where the Roman edition leaves blanks, and it is therefore no doubt the later of the two, but the printer appears to have had great difficulty in keeping to his model, as the last line of many pages is short or spaced out. This, however, may be partly due to the fact that the text preferred by Mombritius is of a quite different recension, with the dedication to Adventus beginning', "Quoniam quidam impatientius' (1b, 22) taking the place of", "that beginning ' Cum et aurium clementia' found in the Roman", 'edition, and with a table of contents (22-6b) of 57 instead of 50 sections. Quire O continues the text from the end of L 4° with the words in', "stagnum transeunt' and is itself continued on L 52, thus fitting into", 'the inmost opening of quire L. The number of lines to the page in quire O varies between 22 and 28, the irregularities being apparently due to an unsuccessful attempt by the printer to save a sheet ; for errors of imposition see above. On O 8° is a blind impression of', "the heading ' De Ora pontica. on O 7b.", 'The declaration of Mombritius on 12 that this work is his', "primitiae' cannot refer to the edition, since the Paulus Venetus,", 'Logica, completed by Valdarfer on 14 December, 1474 (Hain 12500), and revised by Mombritius, as well as the Hesiod trans¬ lated by Mombritius and printed at Ferrara by Belfortis in 1474 (IA. 25611), are earlier than the present book can be. The absence of all the peculiar contractions found in the Augusti¬ nus and of the rough hyphen found in the Dertonensis, together with the sharpness, as in a fresh cast, of the type, suggest for this book a date intermediate between the others. 195X 139 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first quire C (ff. 17-26). Quire O is bound between the two last leaves of the book. Grenville copy (G. 8941). IA. 26258. AMADEUS DERTONENSIS. Dierum ka¬ Short pages and miscalculations of page-endings are frequent. At the foot of [bl 72 several lines of text and at the foot of la 6° and [c 8° single words have been omitted. The author in the course of his prefatory letter to Paulus Ber¬ gomas, Vicar general of the Augustinians of Lombardy, remarks (22) that he has compiled a set of about 60 quaestiones on Donatus, Priscian, etc., and continues : Eas ... ubi recognitae satis a me fuerint edam ... Illud autem . .. oro .. . si haec i. e. the present of Amadeus except the present is known. In this copy the last line on sal 6b reads : molestia fiat : ut ei de habitatione tua : 205 X 153 mm. Capital on 1e illuminated in gold and colours, other capitals supplied in red. Omissions of text have been made good by pen and ink on a6 b172, c1 8b. Remains of ms. quiring in red. IA. 26255. Bought in March, 1866. Another copy. In this copy the last line on Jal 6b has been emended to: mo lestia fiat : ut ei de habitatione tua accomdes: On vellum, from some sheets of which original writing appears to have been erased. 199X 135 mm. Capitals supplied in red. IA. 26256. SERVIUS MAURUS HONORATUS. Com EXPOSITIO IN LIBROS IIII GEORGICORVM INCIPIT FELICITER. 902. Mauri seruii honorati Types : 108 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters; spaces for longer passages of Greek. Catchwords at ends of quires. Hain 14708. The signatures are printed far down in the right-hand lower corner of the page and are in the above collation assumed to exist throughout. The signature of quire p is conjectural. The catchwords are usually centred below the text, but in quires B-E run vertically beneath the right-hand corner of the type-page. The preliminary quire and quires A, uu-yy, p, t, cc, ee have no catchwords, and that of quire bb is not printed out in the present copy. Hyphens are found only in quires M-t, cc-hh. 325 X 237 mm. Without the blank. The incorrect', "catchword ' Sacrata' of quire » is erased and the correct", "parentis' written beneath. The signatures of quires p,", 's, x—& are entirely cut away. Beneath the colophon is written in red : Cuius lectioni finem Imposui In Vigilia natalis christiani Anno. 1481. In baden Magister lös hand. Bound in crushed blue morocco with gold tooling by C. Lewis. Grenville copy (G. 9766). IB. 26262b. Another copy.', "In this copy the catchword' Ventos' of quire bb is duly printed", 'out. 313 X 225 mm. Without the blank. The signatures are entirely cut away. The first leaf is cut out and mounted and the lower margins of BI and CI are made up. Quires t and s have been transposed in binding. IB. 26262a.', "King George III's copy (167. i. 9).", 'Undated. PRISCIANUS. Opera.', "cc-ees ff’ ; psq'qq)'. 284 leaves, the first blank. 82 : 41 lines.", '220X 139-140 mm. Types: 108 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Catchwords at end of quires A, aa,q. Hain 13354. 1, blank ; 22, de octo partibus orationis ; 164°, liber Prisciani corner of the page; in quires sil, [rl, Iqql they are absent in the Museum copy and the two copies at the Bodleian library, on a comparison of which three the above collation rests. The text printed in lines 1-35 of 1 12 (q ut supra dictum est ... domi gestas composui) is an intrusion, its proper place being on', "t12 bk. xv, ch. 6 of Keil's edition, where it recurs in another", "setting-up. The sequence broken off with ' quo ræte' at the end", "of sil is correctly continued with 'idem poeta in vii ...' in line 35", "of 1 1a bk. vii, ch. 56). The same word idem' is also the correct", "continuation of the passage on t 12 ending 'composui' (coposui.", 'Ide I eode. Atqe seruilius ...), which suggests that two compositors were finishing quires [il and [r] respectively about the same time and that the second, being slightly ahead, continued by mistake on', "the leaf of copy, also starting with 'idem’, intended for his", 'colleague. If so, they were probably working from Vindelinus de', "Spira s 1472 edition (IB. 19547), where ' Idem' begins the recto of", 'a leaf in each case. Two stubs are visible in quire l, but it does not appear of which sheets they form part. 320X 222 mm. Without the blank. Historiated capital and border with coat of arms (rubbed) illuminated in gold and colours on 22, some other capitals also illu¬ minated, the rest, as well as paragraph-marks, supplied in red or blue. Sheet m2 has changed places with m3 and sheet q 3 with q4. The sheet comprising quire [r has been bound second leaf foremost as the inmost sheet of quire ff. Bought. IB. 26264. HORATIUS FLACCUS, QUINTUS. Opera. The signatures are printed far down in the right-hand lower corner of the page and are wanting in the first three and last two quires of the Museum copies. The fifth quire is signed with numbers. In this copy the signature of leaf d 3 runs horizontally in the usual manner. On 66° (18) is the blind impression of several lines from 592 (11). 730 The sharpness of the type, as in a fresh cast, and the dimensions of this book set it somewhat apart from the Servius and Priscian, but there seems to be no conclusive evidence for its place in the series. 258X 191 mm. Capitals supplied in red and blue alternately. Eighteenth-century red morocco with gold tooling, apparently English. IB. 26266a.', "King George III's copy (C. 3. b. 3).", 'Another copy. 266 x 183 mm. Without the blank. Signatures cut away throughout. On 1222 is written the name of lucas ripalta placentinus. From the libraries of Count Revicky and of Sir Mark Masterman Sykes, for whom it was bound by C. Kalthoeber in blue morocco with initials and coat of arms. Grenville copy (G. 9546). IB. 26266 b. Another copy.', "In this copy leaf d 3 is signed '3 d' vertically.", '255X 195 mm. Imperfect, wanting quires a, b, Im and sheets 1, 2. Quires c-e, 1 are bound at the end, and several leaves are also misbound. Bought. IB. 26267. uara. 730 January, 1476.', "3'. ууrроs оos roIs во уеуоуoat воl оиооbaIoIу", '25 lines of 118 R., 148 x 97-99 mm. 82: 25 lines of 117 Gk., 146 X 97 mm. Types : 117 Gk.; 118 R., text on leaf 4, colophon. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 9920. The first book printed throughout in Greek. In his dedication on 32 Demetrius remarks : ... a éy r% hoyuo ra dè ri reipa ôaovioas phAs hpo bar éxei ka 5° and most capitals, paragraph-marks and underlines on 156-54° supplied in faded red, paragraph-marks on 18°, 19e supplied in red and blue alternately. Some ms. notes. On 3° is pasted an illuminated C cut from', "another book. Dr. Charles Burney's copy, no doubt", 'bought in 1818 ; at the beginning is inserted an auto¬ graph extract, dated 1844, by Pryse L. Gordon from his Personal Memoirs , relating to his acquisition of the book at Ferrara in 1800. IB. 26274. 731 Another copy. 228 X 159 mm. Without the first and last blanks.', "On a fly-leaf is Cracherode's note: Legatum ex testa¬", 'mento amicissimi viri Thomae Crofts, M.A. Anno MDCCLXXXI. Eighteenth-century red morocco, with lacework tooling.', "Rev. C. M. Cracherode's copy, with date 1781.", 'IB. 26273 Another copy. 228 x 160 mm. Without the blanks. Leaves 3 and 4 are transposed. Grenville copy (G. 7584). IB. 26276. Another copy. 222X 159 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 36, also the blanks. Each type-page enclosed in red rules. IB. 26275', "King George III's copy (C. 8. h. 3). ALONE. spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 3297. The signatures are printed far down in the right-hand lower corners. 307 X 228 mm. Without the blanks. The signatures survive only in quires B-D, S-V of the above collation. Capitals supplied in red or blue. On 22 is painted a capital M in several colours and a wreath containing a coat of arms flanked by A B, apparently that of the Venetian family of Badoer.', "King George III's copy (C. 7. c. 7).", 'IB. 26283. PAPIAS. Vocabularium. 9 uaa’at. 257 leaves, 140 and 257 blank. 2 columns. 22 : 51 lines, 270 X 180 mm. Types: 106 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, mostiv with guide-letters ; also spaces for Greek, &c. Each paragraph The signatures are printed far down in the right-hand lower corners. The lettering of the quires here given as Nn and a is not certain. text apparently at first omitted, inserted in its inmost opening ; on the recto of Qq 1o, which should be blank, the text belonging to the recto of the preceding leaf has inadvertently been struck off again in this copy. On leaf T3, the fourth column of which is three¬ quarters blank, are printed the sections relating to a number of', "words of Greek origin, beginning with Phantasia' and ending", "with“ Phuth', which normally occur under F in the text of Papias.", 'They were evidently extracted by the editor of the present edition for incorporation under P, but, having been afterwards overlooked, were finally printed on a separate leaf and inserted at the best', "available point, viz. between * Profugus' at the end of T2 and ' Pro¬", "fana uestis' on the following leaf. The blank return leaf of the", 'sheet is not cut away in this copy but has been ignored in the collation. The editio princeps of Papias, and the archetype of the other early editions, which follow it in printing the Greek words begin¬ ning with Ph as described above. 390X 273 mm. Without the last blank. Signatures often cut away. Eighteenth-century crimson morocco, rebacked. From the Sunderland Library. Bought in November, 1882. IC. 26285. WITH JACOBUS DE MARLIANO. 112 : 38 lines, 157XIIImm. Type : 84 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. 236 X 164 mm. Fully rubricated. Old lined sheep¬ skin over boards, rebacked, with the name of Henricus Tortus. Bought in May, 1890. IB. 26294. BARTHOLOMAEUS DE CHAIMIS. In¬ lines, 113X69 mm. Type: 84 G. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain *2484. There are errors in the printed signatures in quires L, N, Q, R.', "Reprinted with the same page-contents from Valdarfer's original", 'edition, 1474 (IA. 26207), but substituting a prose colophon for the metrical colophon, so that the last leaf becomes blank. 147 X 107 mm. Capitals supplied in red or blue, some paragraph-marks and initial-strokes in red. At the end is bound a four-leaf ms. table. Bought in June, 1876. IA. 26296. PSALTERIO. Psalterio di David in volgare. 10 October, 1476. See description in vol. v, p. 247, where this book was catalogued as Venetian in conformity with the words', "Impresso a Venetia' in the colophon.", 'The signatures are stamped far down in the right hand lower corner. The water-marks (rosette, curry-comb) are common Milanese marks.', "King George III's copy (C. 9. b. 7).", 'IB. 26301. BREBIA, GABRIEL. Commentaria in Psalmos 7 July, 1477. 1e. rEligioso Monacho z Sapiéti uiro. D. Gresgorio the last blank. 32 : 3olines, 126 x 74 mm. Type: 84 G. Capi¬ tal spaces, with guide-letters, except on 22b. First letters of sections and psalm-verses set out. Hain 3766. The matter referring to each psalm is divided into three sections, viz., titulus psalmi, the text of the psalm, and oratio psalmi. The author, in his dedicatory letter to Beaqua, mentions, among other patrons, Antonius Bracellus, senator, and loannes Melcius, quaestor ducalis, as having helped him with money in producing this book, which he has had printed ad multa uoluminum et', "exemplorum centena' (62).", 'third quires, containing the table of rubrics and the colophon. Bought in June, 1847. IA. 26303. LITANIAE. Litaniae secundum ordinem ning paragraphs generally with guide-letters. Hain 10121. Single Qu and normal S alone occur to end of first IglI and again in last a, b. Separate long-tailed Q and narrow S alone occur from first [gl 22 to [ccl 62 inclusive and again in last [c-g). Both pairs of forms are found in [ccl 6°-end of see). The irregularities in the quiring after first e are apparently due miscalculations of imposition. The sheets of fii are signed fii ii, while the only signature found in the following quire is fiiii on the verso of the last leaf but one.', "The incipit and the words' ter. Sequitur' (l. 18) on 50e were not", 'printed at the same time as the remainder of the page, and possibly represent an abortive attempt at red printing.', "In his dedication Ungardus remarks (12) : 'Iam diu ... ex quo", 'me huic imprimendorum librorum arti addixi . .. mecum ipse con¬ of S. Adriano, was translated to S. Maria Trastevere in 1476 after the death of Cardinal Agnifilus on 9 November of that year. 149XIIImm. Without the blank. Capitals supplied in red. Bought in November, 1909. IA. 26931. XENOPHON. Cyropaedia. [Translated by Philelphus in a letter to Marcus Aurelius dated 18 February,', "iter faciat tuum fuerit curare', and in a letter to Bernardus Ju¬", 'are common Milanese marks, the Lombardic M surmounted by a cross is found in the Bracellus (IA. 26939) below and the ox¬ head surmounted by a rosette recurs in the Cicero, De oratore, 8 November, 1477 (IB. 26145) and earlier books printed by De Lavagnia. Some copies have the imprint of Arnoldus de Villa at Rome, with the date 10 March, 1474 (see vol. iv, l.c.), while others con¬ clude with the end of Xenophon s text. Proctor no. 3461.', "King George III's copy (C. 1. c. 5).", 'Another copy. 272X 193 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf, supplied in ms. IB. 26933b. Grenville copy (G. 8134). PAVERI FONTANA, GABRIEL. De vita et One instance of normally shaped S occurs in this book. Only quire [bl has 20 lines to the page throughout. Quire d has 21 lines, the inner sheet of quire lal has 24, page (c) 24 only 16, etc. by him bore the contemporary ms. date : “Kalendis Martiis 1477 on the last page. Galeazzo Maria was assassinated in December 1476. Catalogued as the work of De Lavagnia by Proctor (no. 5867). 186x 134 mm. A few ms. corrections. From the Sunderland Library. Bought in May, 1883. IA. 26935. [Edited by Type : 107 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 6156. The nicked specimens of Q are absent in this book only of the group, but a slight defect in the outline of separate Q below to lef sometimes noticeable is also found in Ungardus’s Litaniae above. In the outer margin below the type-page on the versos of the last four leaves of quire [c are faintly impressed the signatures C, Cii, iiiC, JiiiliC, in the reverse order.', "The register gives the catchword of sheet Igl 3 as Et' instead", 'of Lam In his dedication Venia remarks (12) : opusculum imprimendum curaui. Catalogued as the work of De Lavagnia by Proctor (no. 5857) 224 X 162 mm. Bound with and rubricated as lA. 26084 (Panegyrici veteres, [Zarotus), n. d.), q. v. IA. 26937. BRACELLUS, JACOBUS. De bello Hispano. [Edited by Masellus Venia. 1b. Registrum libri. 22. Ad Illustrem & humanissi A very few instances of broader M are found in this book. The number of lines to the page is often more or less than 23. The subject of this book is the war between Genoa and', "Alfonso V of Aragon which concluded in April, 1444. The editor's", 'letter is addressed to Filippo Maria, son of Francis I Sforza, duke of Milan (1448-1489). Catalogued as the work of De Lavagnia by Proctor (no. 5865). 174X 121 mm. Each type-page is enclosed in red rules. On 1e is written: A. Patritij epi pientini [Ago¬ stino Patrizzi, bishop of Pienza, d. 1496). From the Sunderland Library. Bought in January, 1882. IA. 26939. DONATUS, AELIUS. De pedibus accentibus DONATUS, AELIUS. De pedibus accentibus et figuris. [With other tracts. Undated. 1*. Donati Grammatici Liber De Pedibus. Accentibus The De pedibus, etc. forms part of the collection otherwise entitled Donati Ars secunda de octo partibus orationis. Catalogued as the work of De Lavagnia by Proctor (no. 5866). 230X 165 mm. From the library of Dr. Kloss, with his book-label. Bought in November, 1846. IB. 26946. STATIUS, PUBLIUS PAPINIUS. Edited by Boninus Mombritius. Undated. 1P. Boninus Mombritius. M. D. Bartholomeo Chalco Il. ducum Mli. secretario. s. d. 22. L. PAPINII lines, 181 x 98 mm. Type: 107 R. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. First letter of each verse set out. Hain 14990. At the end of his poetical address to Chalcus on 1b the editor says: Bellouesus, who is recorded as its founder by Livy (v. 34). The occurrence in quires e and p only of a watermark represent- ing à cross apparently rising from a tripod suggests that this book was printed on two presses, the second starting with quire 1. Catalogued as the work of De Lavagnia by Proctor (no. 5868). 282X 195 mm. Without the blank. The text which should appear on t 1b (book xii, II. 553-586) has not been printed out. Bound in blue morocco by Simier. Grenville copy (G. 9750). IB. 26948. LUCTATIUS PLACIDUS. Interpretatio in Undated. with guide-letters, also spaces for Greek. The inner pages of quire l are several lines short. To indicate quotations from the text of Statius, C. is at first prefixed, but on and after 66 they are placed between double division-strokes sloping down from left to right. The description of Reichling no. 583 tallies exactly with the present book, except that the letters of FINIS are separated by typographical ornaments instead of plain spaces, as here. A companion volume to the text of the Thebais edited by Mom¬ britius (IB. 26948 above), both having the same number of leaves and of lines to the page and the same type and paper. Catalogued among the Italian adespota by Proctor (no. 7396). 270X192 mm. Without the blank. Eighteenth- century blue French morocco. From the Sunderland Library. Bought in May, 1883. IB. 26949. NICODEMUS. Euangelium. SV CHRIST SECVNDVM NICODEMVM QJVamuis oia quæ redem ptor noster usqe i futur ISTOLA. P. PILATI AD THI BERIVM CAE¬ SAREM QVA MONET EVM DE HIS QVa marginalia 108) mm. Type: 107 R. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. The inner opening of sheet c I contains respectively 19 and 15 lines and that of sheet c4 21 lines to the page. 21 lines are normal in quires d, e. Catalogued among the Italian adespota by Proctor (no. 7398). Bought in July, 1867. IA. 26950. MOMBRITIUS, BONINUS. Sanctuarium. X 173 mm. Type : 107 (112) R. Capital spaces, all but a few with', "guide-letters. Hain '11544 (counting only 341 printed leaves in", 'vol. 1). Vol. I. 1, blank; 22, alphabetical table of saints of both volumes; r. blank ; 62, address of the author to Cicco Simoneta in 7, and to the reader in 18 elegiac couplets ; 62, col. 2, par. 2, text ; 732, passio ss. Babylae et trium paruulorum ; 1532, vita b. Caloceri ; 2242, de tis ; 532, vita s. Lamberti; 7ob, blank ; 712, passio ss. Machabaeo rum ; 1612, passio ss. Naboris et Felicis; 1932, col. 2, 193b, blank; 1942, passio s. Parmenii ; 2522, passio s. Sabinae ; 3282, passio s Final s of the normal upright form is found on viiiim 7b-end of xim, ti2-end of ttt and VV9b, 102, as well as in the alphabetical tables. 12. FENE. MAGISTRATI BVS ROMANORVM opus clarissi¬ mum Ac putilissimum. Impressum Mediolani In quire nnnn leaf 4, containing less than a full page of text (lives of ss. Nicasius and Eutropia) and wanting in the Museum copy, is assumed to constitute a separate half-sheet, while leaf 5 is signed p 1 by error. Allowing for the missing leaf 4, the text is continuous. What is taken to be the first leaf of quire q is signed vip 1, the text here also being continuous. On bx 8° is the half-inked impression of some lines from bx 83 Catalogued among the Milanese adespota by Proctor (no. 6081) Vol. I : 379 x 255 mm. Without the blanks except the first. Marginal corrections in ms. as far as aa 72. Vol. II : 375 X 260 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 188 (nnnn 4) the place of which is taken, as apparently in other copies by a facsimile reprint (18th century ?), and without the blank leaf 347, the blank leaf 3 being apparently bound at the beginning. Capitals and paragraph-marks sup¬ plied in red or blue. At the beginning of each volume', "is written : Est Contüs SSy Cosme et Damiani Medl'", 'Ordis Eremitay Discalceatoy S.P. Augustini 1682. Bought in November, 1837. IC. 26952. x90 mm. Type: 114 R. Capital spaces, almost all with guide¬ letters. Hain 6964. The pages contain 27 or 28 lines on the inner sheet of quire a and 24 or 25 lines on the inner sheet of quires b, c, e, [fl, while b 5 contains only twelve lines, without any lacuna in the text. Beneath the colophon is the faint impression of four lines of type used as furniture. The first dated edition of this tract, the real author of which is the Florentine Andrea Domenico Fiocchi (Floccus, d. 1452). 188 x 135 mm. Rubricated at a late date. The first leaf, the greater part of which was torn away, has been skilfully repaired and the missing text made good in ms. facsimile. Bound in crushed brown morocco by Thompson. Bought in February, 1872. IA. 26306. M plain, in two parts (M82). A and D (with left shank inclined to right) square, with inner diamond. B open and curled inwards to right above ; C, E, F rounded, with upper curve continued downward as inner wave ; G square open, with foot curling up to right; H, L, N (with diamond, leaning slightly to right), O, P, R with left shank or shoulder double ; I long and serrated; Q plain, with short inner curl to left above ; S with diamond and well¬ rounded curves, leaning slightly to right; T with flat top and indented shoulder, by which stands a short serif or 5B2 revised by Guido Terzagus. Edited by Martinus Paulus Nidobeatus. 27 September, 1477—9 February, I March HeI8 K-MSNs.] 250 leaves, 6 blank. 72 : 66 lines of commentary flanking text, 274 x 182 (188) mm. A column of 48 lines of text on 22° measures 275 mm. Types: 114 R., text; 83 G. Capital spaces mostly with guide-letters. First letter of every third verse a capita and set out. Reference-letters to notes printed at the end of the verse to which they apply. Hain 5943. 1a dedication of Nidobeatus to the Marquis of Monferrat, dated', "Mediolani. Kalendis Martiis', 1478 ; 22, apparato sopra la Com¬", 'of Jacobus de Lana by Terzagus, with additions by Nidobeatus himself (et nos aliquibus locis pleraque coniunximus aut usu com¬ at the beginning of each division. Manuscript quiring, that of the Paradiso being in red minuscules (a-n). Grenville copy (G. 10875) IC. 26315. Another copy. On vellum. 355 x 258 mm. Without the blank. Ornamental capitals illuminated in gold and colours at the beginning of each division, while on 7a there is also an illuminated floral border, with a shield containing a coat of arms in the lower margin. Other capitals, also paragraph-marks, supplied in alternate red and blue. The first two sheets of quire [Fl have changed places in binding.', "King George III's copy (C. 7. d. 2).", 'IC. 26314. BARLASINA, MATTHAEUS. Repertorium olympiacum te Mattesillane fuisse Rebus i humanis hec tua scripta notant. 24b. A Actio', "lines, 274 X 167 mm. Types : 107 R'., text on sal 1e-Icl 3e inclu¬", "sive ; 107 R., remainder. Hain '2464.", 'The sheets of quires [b-d] are numbered i-v, i-4, -, and i-3 respectively. The references to folios and columns given in the text agree with the edition of Pontanus and Mattaselanus printed by De Lavagnia, 2 May, 1477, etc. (IC. 26142, 26143, p. 704).', "The phrase ad speram' is noted in Ducange as a technical", "term of law equivalent to' ad terminum'. It is probable that the", "words ad spira' at the end of Barlasina's oratio on 1e are intended", 'to bear this sense. 365 x 258 mm. On the last page is the formal signa- ture: Tierry. Bought in March, 1906. IC. 26323. 739 lines, 221 x 94 mm. Type : 107 R. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. First letter of each verse set out.', "This edition does not contain Vegius's continuation of the Aeneid", "The wording of the colophon Finis ... Aeneidæ' goes back to", "De Lavagnia's 1474 edition (Copinger 6014).", 'Catalogued as the work of De Lavagnia by Proctor (no. 5869). 321 X 221 mm. Without the blanks. Capitals supplied in red and blue alternately. All the signatures and the', "colophon Finis ... Aeneidae' on 1636 have been erased.", 'Sheets c 3 and d 3 have changed places with sheets c 4 and d 4 by an error of binding. IB. 26325a.', "King George III's copy (167. i. 5).", 'Another copy. 335 X 233 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last nine leaves. The missing conclusion of the Culex has beer supplied in ms. on a fly-leaf. From the Harleian Library. Notes by Dibdin and others are written on a fly-leaf. Eighteenth-century red morocco, subsequently stamped', "with Grenville's arms.", 'IB. 26325 b. Grenville copy (G. 9764). DINUS DE MUGELLO. De regulis juris. 59 lines, 267 X 158 mm. Type: 90 G. Capital spaces, nearly all with guide-letters. Hain 6173. 410 x 280 mm. Capitals supplied in red and blue alter¬ nately. On 12 is written: Liber Carthusiensium in buchss¬ haim prope memingenn pueniens eisdem a doctore legum Bought in March, 1906. IC. 26331. AUGUSTINUS. Meditationes, etc.—S. Ber¬ AUGUSTINUS. Meditationes, etc.—S. Ber¬ nardi Meditationes, etc. [Edited by Masellus Undated. Venia. 12, blank ; 1P, editor’s dedicatory letter ; 32, liber ad lectorem, table of contents; 3°, table of chapters ; 8°, blank ; 92, Medita tiones s. Augustini ; 51b, eiusdem Soliloquiorum cap. i.; 86b only 71-73 mm. broad, instead of the normal 78 mm. Pages 3b, 4a, 5b 6a are several lines short, and two lines of text are omitted at the end of [q172. The register puts the first words of the half¬ sheet st 5 (sunt esse) before those of sheets Itl 3, 4. The present appears to be the only recorded edition of this selection of tracts ascribed to SS. Augustine and Bernard. In his letter Venia remarks : ex debito . .. visum est si cum in illis sc. gentilium auctorum uoluminibus) imprimendis [plurimum DI FERRARI. The half-sheet [t 5 is misplaced before [t 3, in conformity with the register. Old vellum. Bought in August, 1891. IA. 26337 VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. Opera. IMA: INTERLOCVTORES MELI¬ GLOGA I ET TITIRVS AMICI ME. tITYRE BOEVS lines, 205 X 105 mm. Type: 108 R. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. First letter of each line set out.', "This edition includes Vegius's continuation of the Aeneid, the", 'Catalecta, the Aetna and the Priapeia. In the last line but one of 2332 all that is printed of the verse', "Raptato curru ... terrae' is the capital R.", 'The first page of second o is signed p. The type of this book is in exactly the same state as in De', "Honate's signed work of 1480, except that there are three additional", 'forms of separate Q, with tails 4, 6, and 8 mm. long respectively the separate forms being in frequent demand as the first letter of each line is set out. The type in this state is described by Dr. Haebler (Typenrepertorium, Abt. iv, pp. 174, 175) from the Bam¬ berg copy as that of an unlocalized printer. 290X 195 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first sheet and leaf 160 (t 8). Capital and wreath for coat of arms illuminated in gold and colours on 22, other capitals supplied in blue. Eighteenth-century red morocco. From the Pembroke Library. Bought in October, 1925. IB. 26327. DOMINICUS DE SANCTOGEMINIANO.', "qq'rr'°. 292 leaves, the first blank. 2 columns. 32: 60 lines, 271", 'X 155 mm. Types: 180 G.; 90 G. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 17531 (1). The breadth of the type-page, usually somewhat less than 155 mm., is increased to 169 mm. on m 42-8b and is 156 mm. or more in quires n-q. The breadth of white between the columns is normally about 23 mm. but is increased to 29 mm. in quires aa-gg. This is apparently the first dated edition. The second part,', "which contains De Honate's name, was completed on 31 March,", '1480. 377 x 256 mm. Without the blank. Rubricated. On 22 is the note of ownership and in the top cover the book label of the Fratres Minimi of Munich. Seventeenth¬ century stamped pigskin over boards. Bought in May, 1892. IC. 26341. FERRARIIS, JoANNES PETRUS DE. Practica Undated. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Space for arbor consanguini tatis on 158b. J. A. de Honate signed an edition of this work in 232 leaves on 25 January, 1480 (Hain-Reichling 6989). This suggests a later date for the present book, which has fifty fewer leaves. 396 x 282 mm. Without the blank. On 22 and else¬ where is written : Iste lib ptinet loco scti mauricij ex lue (?). On 22 is the armorial book-stamp of the Comes Hercules Silva. From the library of George Dunn. Bought in February, 1914. IC. 26344. STINIANUS. Digestum vetus. [With a stribus z antecessoribus! Salutezm. 4032. COLOPHON: Ad laudem eius: qui est trinus z unus Explicit Liber 404 leaves, the first blank. 2 columns, 4 in table of rubrics and register. 32 : 70 lines of gloss enclosing text, 317 x 216 (218) mm. A column of 70 lines of text on 82 measures 318 mm. Types: 91 Ge.; 91 Gb. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 79548. Reprinted, mostly with the same page-contents, from the undated', "edition containing Jenson's name (IC. 19747, vol. v, p. 182).", 'ixteenth-century 416 X 284 mm. Rubricated. stamped half pigskin over boards. With the armorial bookplate of Jacobus, ecclesiae canonicorum regularium Chiemensium præpositus, 1691. Bought in July, 1867. IC. 26345. 1 14 October, 1482. gloss.) columns. 32 : 71 lines of gloss enclosing text, 327 x 216 (218) mm. Types: 91 Ge.; 91 Gb. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, also spaces for Greek. Hain 19511.', "The letters ' go' in the month-date are here taken to stand for", 'secundo , i. e. more correctly pridie’, as by Proctor and Saxius. They may also indicate sexto (10 October), in which case this and another book of De Honate (Copinger 3399) were completed on the same day. Reprinted, with the same page-contents and with the addition of a register, from the Venetian edition of N. de Benedictis & Co., 1481 (IC. 21883, vol. v, p.334). 417 X 289 mm. Rubricated. Contemporary German stamped leather, lettered Instidut . The last blank is pasted down. Bought in July, 1867. IC. 26349. Tabula Statutorum ciuitatis 12 ; printed Lombards. Hain 15009 (2), 15010. The edition of the Statutes to which this table belongs was printed by Paulus de Suardis on 20 December, 1480 (IB. 26574, p. 758). 298 x 204 mm. Bound before IB. 26574, a copy of the Statuta to which the table refers. Bought in April, 1857. IB. 26351. GRATIANUS. Decretum. [With the gloss GRATIANUS. Decretum. [With the gloss of Bartholomaeus Brixiensis. 20 August, 1483. 9a : 70 lines of gloss enclosing text, and headline, 320 (334) X 217 (220) mm. A column of 70 lines of text on 132 measures 320 mm. Types : 145 G., headlines ; 91 Ge. ; 91 Gb. Red printed Lombards also capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 17898 (reading', "charactere' in the colophon).", 'The freshness ofthe type at the beginning of quires i, u, ff suggests that this book was printed on four presses dealing with 8, 11, 12, and II quires respectively. 397 X 271 mm. Without the blanks. Stamped vellum with oval panels of the Crucifixion and of the Virgin crowned (with a text from Song of Solomon, ch. 4) on the covers and the date MDCIX on the back. Bought in July, 1867. IC. 26354 THOMAS AQUINAS. Opuscula li. [Edited Nr°. 314 leaves, the first blank. 2 columns. 112: 60 lines and head¬ line, 220 (227) X 133 mm. Type: 73 G. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Hain 1540. posita ; 313°, table of contents ; 314°, register ; 314P, blank. The table of contents enumerates 49 numbered and 2 unnumbered tracts (see above).', "The editor's letter appears to have been written before the", 'printing of the book.', "In some copies one 'c' is omitted from the date in the colophon.", '304 X 208 mm. Without the blank. Bought in November, 1877. IB. 26365 CATARINA DA SIENA. Leggenda di s. lines, 138 x 95 mm. Type : 73 G. Capital spaces, with guide letters. Hain 4698. Sheets n 1, 2 are signed p 1, 2, by error. The number of lines to the page varies. An abridgement, with alterations, of the Life of S. Catharine by Raimundus de Vineis, whose name remains in the second prologue. 209 X 148 mm. Rubricated. Old sheepskin. Bought in June, 1894. IA. 26368. LUDOLPHUS DE SAXONIA. Vita Christi. 145 mm. Type: 73 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 10289.', "In the anonymous editor's prefatory note on 1b occurs the", 'Empt? ab heredibz Francisci Mangard [Mangeard.. Prince de Condé. On 22 is the library stamp of the Prytanée of the French Republic, over which is a blind armorial stamp lettered: Petrus Rinaldus Awgwis. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in December, 1844. IB. 26372. NIDER, JoHANNES. Praeceptorium diuinae blank. 2 columns. 22: 37 lines and headline, 136 (143) x 90 (94 mm. Type: 73 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Marginal section-letters.', "Quire [N] is entirely unsigned, quire [O] has the signature ' iiii", 'on the fourth leaf, and all the sheets of quire [P) are signed with numbers. After the first quire the breadth of the type-page is increased to about 98 mm., and in quire M there are 40 lines of text to the page. Quotations from Holy Writ are placed between double paren¬ theses, as in the Ludolphus, Vita Christi (IB. 26372 above). The smaller S proper to Pachel and Scinzenzeler 74 G. [P. 71 occurs here and there. In the body of the book the page-contents are generally the same as in the edition of Husner, Strasburg, 1476 (IB. 1005), but one leaf is saved after quire L by lengthening the type-page. 195 X 145 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 329 (contain- ing the register) and the blank. Rubricated. Old calf. Bought in November, 1891. IA. 26376. GUARINUS VERONENSIS. Regulae 96 mm. Type: 74 G. Capital spaces. Hain 8117?, 3197.', "Biffus's bibliography of his own writings ends on 35° and is", 'followed by an enumeration of errata in the Guarinus, a letter of Biffus to Ludouicus Martinengus Brixianus (36b), a copy of verses to the book by Jacobus Varro Aselgiphorus Cremonensis (382), a Carmen funebre ad Bergomates pro morte Michaelis Careriensis medici (38°) and other effusions by Biffus. The date of Michael', "Carrara's death, 26 October, 1490, supplies a terminus post quem", 'for the book.', "Quires (al-c'are quarto, the rest octavo.", '186 x 125 mm. Part of the text on 1e has been destroyed by damp. With an article on the book by J. P. R. Lyell inserted at the beginning, and the book¬ label of George Dunn and the book-plate of J. P. R. Lyell. Bought in January, 1920. ALBERICUS DE ROSCIATE. Undated. Folio. a-ps qr ; A-R8 S6. 274 leaves, the first blank. 2 columns. 4°: 82 lines, 305 X 201 mm. Types: 140 G.; 74 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Indented paragraphs. Hain *1399,', "(reading canonici' and 'Albericus' in the colophon). Gesamt¬", 'katalog 524.', "The last paragraph (4 lines, Registrum ... FINIS ') appears to", 'The anonymous editor explains at the beginning of the book that he has thrown the two Alphabets originally compiled by Albericus into a single sequence, so getting rid of a large amount of repeti¬ tion and saving the student trouble, time and expense. Two short tracts de accentu and de orthographia are appended on 273b, 2742. Bought in July, 1877. IC. 26383. CATARINA DA SIENA. Leggenda di s. Sheets d 3, 4 are octavo, the rest quarto. A considerably shorter version than the abridgement printed by De Honate in 1489 (IA. 26368) of the Life of s. Catharine by Raimun¬ dus de Vineis. 197 X 135 mm. Capital and border illuminated in gold and colours on 12, other capitals and paragraph¬ marks supplied in red or blue. The last leaf is backed. Eighteenth century red morocco with the Boissier armorial bookplate and the note of ownership of W. H. Crawford, Rome, 1884. Bought in August, 1887. IA. 26387. JOHANNES DESACROBUSTO. Sphaera X 110 mm. Type : 110 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters; also spaces for diagrams. Hain 14101. This and the following book show a preponderance of Qu dropping on the left and contain gothic y, thus linking up the type with that of the Virgil of 1477. The verso of leaf 10 bears only 9 lines of text, ending with the', "words Nichil deficit'.", 'A copy bearing the name of Alexander Minutianus as the printer is reported as existing in the library of the Duke of Devonshire by', "Saxius, from whom Hain's entry derives.", '285X 205 mm. Without the blank. Bought in May, 1899. IB. 26416. PEROTTUS, NICOLAUS. Rudimenta gram¬ ROT. SIMO RV-DIMENTA GRAMMATICES. 1122 200 X 116 mm. Type : 110 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters;', "also spaces for Greek. Hain '12658.", 'The page-contents correspond with those of the edition printed by Gabriele di Pietro at Venice in the same year (IB. 19940, vol. 5, p. 202). 279 X 200 mm. Old half leather over boards. With the armorial book-plate and the book-label of the Biblio¬ teca Terzi, of Bergamo. Bought in November, 1863. IB. 26419. DATUS, AUGUSTINUS. De variis loquendi * After 24 April), 1478. 1b. BONVS ACCVRSIVS PISANVS SALVtE 96 mm. Type: 11o R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 5993. Reprinted, with the same page-contents but with the numeration', "of the precepts corrected, from De Lavagnia's 1475 edition (IA.", '26107). Sheets c 3-5, d I, 2 are quarto, the rest octavo. The type in this book is in the later state, with Qu set straight Gian Galeazzo Maria succeeded to the Duchy at the assassina tion of his father on 26 December 1476, but was not formally', "crowned until 24 April, 1478 (Rosmini, Dell' istoria di Milano,", "tom. iii, p. 55). The annus primus ducatus' is here assumed to", 'be reckoned from the latter event in this and the following book', "as their date ' M. cccc.lxxviij' cannot be otherwise justified.", '210X 144 mm. Capitals supplied in red and blue alternately. With the armorial book-plate of Count Carlo Archinto of Milan. Bought in May, 1920. IA. 26408. JUSTINIANUS. Institutiones. [With a com JUSTINIANUS. Institutiones. [With a com mentary. Edited by Michael de Tonsis. *14 October, 1478. 22. (text : red) In noie dni ihu xpi. Im pator cesar 36: 75 lines of commentary enclosing the text, 298 x 212 mm. A column of 45 lines of text on 31° measures 288 mm. Types: 128 G2. ; 79 G. (close). Capital spaces, many with guide-letters; also spaces for Greek. Hain 19506. 400X 275 mm. Without the blanks. Capital on 2 illuminated in gold and colours, other capitals supplied in red or blue, initial-strokes and headlines in red. On the top edge is the library stamp of the Franciscans of Amberg. From the Sunderland library. Bought in July, 1882. IC. 26422 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Epistolae ad RVM FAMILI ARIVM LIBER PRIMVS. M. T. CICERO. S. D. P. LENTVLO PROCONSVLI. Go lines, 233 X 130 mm. Type: 110 R. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters; also spaces for Greek. 317 X 220 mm. From the Sunderland Library. Bought in May, 1882. IB. 26426. NICOLAUS DE AUXIMO. Supplementum. and last blank. 2 columns. 32: 50 lines, 196 X 125 mm. Types: 145 G. ; 79 G. (close). Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 803, 2159.', "The first two words of the text, QVoniaz summa', are printed", 'vertically along the capital space. 261 x 188 mm. Rubricated. On 22 is the signature of PBr. Jo. Petrus Garimbertus and on 1° the book-stamp of Count Hercules Silva. Bought in October, 1886. IB. 26428. ALEXANDER DE VILLA DEI. Doctri¬ lines, 186x 91 mm. Type: 110 R. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Gesamtkatalog 953.', "Doubtless reprinted from Zarotus's 1475 edition (Copinger 266),", 'the first to contain the distich preceding the colophon. 270X 195 mm. Capitals supplied in red. On 22 is an oval stamp lettered: CONGREG. MIN. CONV. S. F. LOMB. AVST. Bound in brown morocco by W. Pratt. From the library of Dr. Charles Inglis. Bought in July, 1900. IB. 26430. GREGORIUS I. Homiliae super Euangeliis. 44: 35 lines, 191 X 119 mm. Type: 110 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 7953. The only edition recorded. 254 X 180 mm. Without the blank leaves. On a fly¬ leaf are an oval book-stamp and the note: Ex libris H. Paricchij Presb. Ferrar. Bought in July, 1858. IB. 26432. PAULUS [ATTAVANTIJ FLORENTINUS. DECRETO. [woodcut portrait of author. 1208.', "PRINTERS' COLOPHON: Decretorum Breuiarium omni¬", 'numbered II-CXVI, 123-131 numbered 119-127. 2 columns, tables in 3 columns. 72: 49 lines and headline, 194 (199) x 127 (with marginalia 160) mm. Types: 145 G.; 79 G. (close), body of text; 79 G. (wide), last two quires ; 110 R. (capitals only), headlines.', "Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '7159.", '12, blank ; 1b, tabula super Breuiario Decretorum; 4°, 52, blank;', "5°, author's letter to Innocentius Romanus, preceptor of the Order", 'of the Holy Ghost; 6—-1202, Decretorum breuiarium; 120°, blank; 1212-1222, tabula Breuiarii Decretalium; 122°, blank; 1232-1322, by the same printers taken by Hain (no. 7158) from Panzer after Saxius being probably due to a misunderstanding. The author speaks of his work in the prefatory letter as totius iuris breuiarium . .. in quo singuli libri tam Decretorum quam Sheets 2 and m 1-3 are quarto, the rest folio. The last two quires, containing the Breuiarium Decretalium, are printed with the wider-spaced recast of type 79 G., and must there- fore be rather later than the rest of the book. The portrait on 1° of the author writing is contained in an orna¬ mental frame, the base of which bears the letters .M. P. F. O. S. S. Ti. e. Magister Paulus Florentinus Ordinis Sancti Spiritus), while at the top is a pediment showing the Holy Dove and surmounted by three crosses. It appears to be the earliest known Milanese wood¬ cut. 295x 203 mm. Bound with IB. 28729 (Polonus, Bought in 1835. IB. 26434 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Rhetorica noua. 22. M. T. Ciceronis Ad. C. Hærenniu Rhætoricor 188 x 120 mm. Type: 110 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 5075. 276 x 198 mm. Without the blank. Capitals supplied in red or blue. Beneath the colophon is written: De', "libris Fris Laurtij Lampugni d' mlo.", "King George III's copy (C. 1. b. 16).", 'IB. 26436. PAULUS [ATTAVANTII FLORENTINUS the author. 295°. COLOPHON : Quadragesimale hoc perutile impressum mediolani per prudentes Alamanos. 2 columns. 72 : 49 lines, 194 X 123-5 (with marginalia 156) mm. lype : 79 G. (close). Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 7166 ( 395 ff.). to Innocentius Romanus ; 52, text ; 295b, 296, blank. The portrait of the author on 1b is that found in the Breuiarium totius juris canonici of 28 August, 1479 (IB. 26434). 295 X 210mm. Without the last blank. Old stamped', "half pigskin over boards. Dr. Kloss's copy.", 'Bought in 1835. IB. 26438. PAULUS [ATTAVANTIJ FLORENTINUS. mm. The twelve lines of title on 12 measure 87 mm. Types: 145 G., title; 79 G. (wide). Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The portrait of the author on 1° is that found in the preceding book. The Italian part of the comment is confined to the first 19 pages Bought in April, 1857. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. RVM FAMILIA RIVM LIBER PRIMVS.M. T. CICERO. S. D. P. LENTVLO PROCONSVLI. x 130 mm. Type: 110 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters ; also spaces for Greek. 323X 220 mm. Without the blank. Sheets cI, 2 have changed places in binding. On 22 are illuminated the arms of the Crivelli family and a capital in gold and colours, other capitals are supplied in red. From the Sunderland Library. Bought in May, 1882. IB. 26444. VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Facta et dicta RVM ME MORABILIVM LIBER AD TIBERIVM CAESAREM. PROLOGVS. 157b. COLOPHON: x 124 mm. Type : I1oR. Capital spaces, with guide-letters', "also spaces for Greek. Hain '15783.", "Deriving from De Lavagnia's 1478 edition (IB. 26147), as is", 'shown by the verses at the end. 280x 188 mm. Rubrication as far as 82. On 157b is written: Iste liber est souentus scti xpori Taurini dat? ... p venerand psbiteru dnicuz (De caranino) Re¬ Bought in November, 1882. 731 July, 1480. MISSALE ROMANUM. 1°. (red) KL (black) Annus habet menses xij septimanas maiorem. Introitus. 148°. (red) Incipit officiû ppriù columns, except in the calendar. 9°: 35 lines, 140 x 96 mm. Type: 79 G. (wide). Red printed Lombards, also some capital spaces. Spaces left for music. Hain 11372. 217X 142 mm. Capitals supplied in blue. Sides of old stamped leather binding preserved. With the book- plate of Alexander I. Beresford Hope. Bought in July, 1888. IA. 26454 PEROTTUS, NICOLAUS. Rudimenta gram lines, 196 x 126 mm. Type: 110 R. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters ; also spaces for Greek. Hain 12665.', "275 X 204 mm. Dr. Kloss's copy.", 'Bought in March, 1847. IB. 26452. ANTONINUS. Confessionale volgare (Spec¬ This and the following book are ranged for convenience imme¬ diately after the last dated book containing type 110 R. The page-contents and quiring correspond with those of an edition catalogued among the Milanese adespota (IA. 26958). The type here measures slightly over 112 mm. 236 x 160 mm. From the Voynich collection. IB. 26458. Presented in October, 1906. *Undated. 2b, l. 8 : nATVS in excelsis tectis Carthaginis altae : Ibid., 1. 14: ARGVMENTVM. SOrorem falso credi¬ tam meretriculae. .. . 104°. COLOPHON : Hoc opus é Type: 11o R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The present edition resembles those of Vindelinus de Spira, Venice (1471, IB. 19540; n.d., IB. 20206) in beginning with the life of Terence from Petrarch, but differs otherwise, the Phormio taking the place of the Hecyra as the last play in the volume. 270X 190 mm. Leaves d4, 6 are misbound before d 3, 5. Capitals supplied in red. With the book-plate of the Syston Park Library (Sir J. H. Thorold) and the book-label of George Dunn. Bought in December, 1917. IB. 26458a. MEDITAZIONI. Meditazioni sopra la Pas The discrepancies between the present description and that of Copinger (no. 1183) are due to a confusion in his entry between this edition and that of 20 March, 1480 (Reichling 1470). 177 X 124 mm. Bought in April, 1908. CORNELIUSNEPOS. Vitae imperatorum. x 84 mm. Type: 76 R. Capital spaces. Hain 5731. 1, blank ; 22, letter of Cornerus to Platus ; 32, text ; 56°, letter of lac. Bechetus to Platus ; 57b, letter of Franc. Philelphus to', "Platus, dated ' Mediolani ex aedibus nostris. iiii. nonas lanuarias'", '582, eight elegiac couplets by Cornerus to Platus, two couplets by Ant. Pelotus to Platus ; 58°, table of contents.', "In his dedication to Platus the editor remarks (22) : 'Cum Aemi¬", 'lium Probum ... impressoribus tradere in animo esset . .. and in', "his verses to the same (582) : 'Aemilii historiam Maecenas perlege", 'docti . . . Quam tuus impressit Petrus cognomine dictus Cor¬ brium ducis secretarius ac gubernator’, and is also referred to', "(2b) as ' huius inclytae diuaeque reginae nostrae Bonae Sabaudiensis", "gubernator'; these passages cannot have been written later thar", 'October, 1480, the date of the fall of Duchess Bona. The latest date for the letter of Philelphus, who died in July, 1481, is 2 January of that year. 195 X 135 mm. Without the blank. IA. 26524. GUIDO DE MONTE ROCHERII. Mani¬ 5-124 numbered 1-122, the foliation becoming pagination from 27 to 31. 2 columns. 102: 32 lines and foliation, 137(146) x 96 mm. Type: 86 G2. Lombards, also some capital spaces. Hain 8185. There was evidently a miscalculation as to the copy required to fill quire [d), as the inner sheet of this quire has 33 and 34 lines to the page and is paginated, not foliated. 192 X 141 mm. Original (?) stamped leather, inlaid with circlets of gesso, over boards. Bought in November, 1909. IA. 26459 RHASIS. Liber ad Almansorem. [With other RHASIS. Liber ad Almansorem. [With other 114 February, 1481. tracts.) 2°. Abubecri rasis filij zacharie liber. Verba abu¬ line (title of book), 222 (231) X 142 mm. Type: 86 G2. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 13891. I, blank; 22, table ; 6b, verses of Masellus Venia to the reader ; 76, tractatus ad Almansorem ; 114°, blank ; 1152, liber diuisionum ; 162, blank ; 1632, de aegritudinibus iuncturarum : 1722, de curis IB. 26459a. BRASCA, SANTO. Viaggio a Terra Santa. 138 x 84 mm. Type : 86 Ge. Lombards; capital space on 1e. Indented text on sheets a 1, 2. Hain 3763. Reichling ad Hain 3763 describes at the beginning two unsigned leaves with text (1b) : Memoria de le castelle z terre che sono sopra po .. . and (22) : Memoria de li fiumi che intrano in po... which appear to be otherwise unrecorded. 181X 120 mm. Without the blank. IA. 26460. Bought in April, 1847. Another copy. 185X 131 mm. Without the blank. IA. 26460 a. GREGORIUS I. Dialogi. Vita. [In Italian.) 82 : 39 lines, 191 X 126 mm. Type : 98 R. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 7976. 272 X 192 mm. Without the blank. On 34b is written: est sancti Petri Martiris de Muriano ordinis Pred°4. fr ludouicus de Panhormo sicul? [d.d.? From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. IB. 26462. MIRACOLI. Miracoli della Madonna. 5° : 35 lines, 129 x 83 mm. Type: 74 G. Printed capital F on 52, Lombards elsewhere.', "The colophon is adapted from that in De Lavagnia's edition of", '1480 (IA. 26183). 178X 124 mm. Without the first blank. Presented in October, 1906. ITYRVS AMICI. 200b. COLOPHON:', "Aeneid; 156°, Catalecta, beginning with Alcinii uersus' and end¬", 'ing with the Moretum and colophon ; 200°, tabula ; 201°, blank. The number of lines to the page on i 3b-6b is as follows ; 46, 39, 37. 38, 37, 38, 38.', "Reprinted from Zarotus's edition of January, 1481 (IB. 26001,", 'q.v.), as the wording of the colophon shows. 287 X 217 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf and leaves 168-174 (x 7-y 5). Capitals illuminated in gold and colours at a late date. Bought in July, 1898. IB. 26464. MARCHESINUS, JoANNES. Mammotrectus blank. 2 columns. 292 : 37 lines and head-line, 136 (143) x 96 mm. Types: 145 G.; 74 G. Capital spaces. Hain 10561. 190X 144 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first sheet. Rubricated. Old vellum. Bought in June, 1884. IA. 26466. CELSUS, AULUS CORNELIUS. De medicina. FINIS TABVLAE. Quarto. a-i Kl-s8 ; 48. 152 leaves, the first and last blank. 2a : 39 lines and head-line (book-number), 192 (202) x 116 mm. Types: 98 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 4836. 270X 192 mm. Without the blanks. First capital of each book illuminated in gold and colours, other capitals supplied in red or blue. Leaf 2 mutilated by removal of capital.', "King George III's copy (C. 14. b. 8).", 'IB. 26474. PSALTERIUM ROMANUM. lines, 147 x 94 mm. Type : 128 Gb. Red printed Lombards ; also capital space, with guide-letter, on 32. 210X 145 mm. Imperfect, wanting sheets a 1, 2 and leaves x 2, y 1. Capital supplied in red on 32. Bound in crushed purple morocco by J. Wright. Bought in June, 1898. IA. 26480. Voca¬ incipit. 2°. Nestoris Dionysij Nouariensis ordinis Mino¬ rum liber primus fœeliciter incipit. 223°. COLOPHON: 204 X 119 (with marginalia 152) mm. Types: 76 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Indented paragraphs. Hain 6252. 12, blank ; 1°, dedicatory verses ; 22, vocabularius ; 2172, verses in Latin and Italian ; 219b, notes on the De quantitate syllabarum of Jo. Sulpicius ; 2212, errata ; 223°, 224, blank. A peculiar final j of semi-gothic appearance is common in this book. 285X 197 mm. Without the blank. On 12 is written: IB. 26488. Bought in June, 1850. Another copy. In this copy the second word on 22 is misprinted : Dianysii. 269 X 190 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves I and 223. On a fly-leaf is the signature of A. Y. Prynne, Coll. Reg.', "Cant., 1846, and a note by M. Wodhull :' sold by Christie,", 'Feb. 1816’, showing the book to be from the library of Charles Marsh. Eighteenth-century French red morocco, of the same provenance as IA. 27205 (p. 642). IB. 26489. CARLOMAGNO. Di Carlo imperatore e dei 127 x 82 mm. Types: 74 (78) G., 74 G. Printed capital E and Lombard on 12. The normal measurement of the type is about 74 mm., and the normal number of lines to the page 34, but in the first quire the measurement is 77 or 78 mm. and the number of lines 32 or 33. 194X 133 mm. Without the blank. Bound in crushed brown morocco by Clarke & Bedford. IA. 26494. PIUS II. De duobus amantibus. [In the PIUS II. De duobus amantibus. [In the Italian version of Alessandro Braccio. Undated. 12. PROEMIO di ser Alexandro Braccio al prestan¬ This book is ranged immediately after the last dated book con¬ taining type 74 G. 196 X 137 mm. Bought in January, 1889. IA. 26507. PHILELPHUS, FRANCISCUS. Orationes et spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 712919. The table (12—22) classifies the contents as follows: orationes funebres (2b), orationes nuptiales (42 2), orationes diuersae (57°), con¬ solatio ad lac. Ant. Marcellum (772), rhetorica Aristotelis (in the translation of Philelfus] (1222), apophthegmata Plutarchi (150°), followed by miscellaneous tracts (2052) and ending with Georgius', "Valla's translation of Galen's Introductorium.", 'The author’s dedication to the Duke of Bari (12) is dated:', "Mediolani ex aedibus meis. vi. Kalendas Iunias. M.cccclxxxi.',", 'scarcely two months before his death.', "A ducal rescript of 10 November, 1483, confirms a five-years'", 'privilege granted on 15 March to Petro Justino [Filelfo) da Tolen¬', "tino for printing ' certe oratione funebre et nuptiale, la traductione", 'restrains Zarotus and Simon de Magnago from putting in hand any of these works perchè esso Petro Justino è im procincto de dare principio ad fare imprimere le dicte opere’ (Motta, Di Filippo di sent edition. 200 X 146 mm. Sheets (r13 and [r14 have changed places in binding. With the book-stamp of Count Hercules Silva. Bought in February, 1887. ALEXANDER DE VILLA DEI. Doctri¬ lines of commentary, 194 X 124 mm. Types : 92 G.; 64 G. Capital spaces. Gesamtkatalog 1031. 273 X 195 mm. Rubricated. Bought in September, 1849. IB. 26511. PHILELPHUS, JoANNES MARIUS. Episto¬ The prefatory letters of Mondellus (dated * Parisii tertio calendas. 1481) derive from the first edition printed (by Gering) at Paris The concluding words of the colophon indicate Gaspar Lampu¬ gnanus as press-reader. 195X 131 mm. On 5° is written: Iste liber est AUGUSTINUS. Sermones ad heremitas. 37 lines, 140 x 96 mm. Type: 76 R. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Hain 2000. Gesamtkatalog 3000. Bought in October, 1886. De viris Undated. nus. 76 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 715134. This tract is ranged with the last two dated tracts containing type 76 R., all three also agreeing in their measurements. In his letter to Mombritius on 1b the editor remarks: Non potui ... quin ... Suetonium Tranquillum de uiris illustribus imprimen¬ Magni Turci, copied from the edition of De Misintis, Brescia, s. a. (IA. 31247). With the signature and note of gift of James E. Thorold Rogers, 1890. Presented in January, 1890. IA. 26529. SALTERIO. Salterio della Vergine Maria. 14 lines, 61 x 39 mm. Type: 87 G. Capital spaces, that on 1a with guide-letter. The number of lines to the page varies considerably. 94X 63 mm. Without the blank. Capital on 12 sup¬ plied in blue, others in red. Bought in May, 1896. IA. 26543. MEDITAZIONI. Meditazioni sopra la Pas 204X 142 mm. With a blind stamp of the monogram LL on 402. Bought in March, 1904. PSALTERIUM AMBROSIANUM. Lombards ; capital spaces on 12, 1b, 92b. Musical notes on red printed staves. Within the inmost sheet of quire i is bound a sheet (32 lines to the page, 124 mm. broad) containing the Magnificat, Athanasian', "creed, hymn to S. Galdinus, etc., and printed with Zarotus's type", '110 Gb. [P. 41 and Lombards as used in 1494 (IA. 26076). The', "heading ' Canticum Abachuc in hieme' at the end of i 4° has been", 'altered in red ms. to * Canticum beate virginis marie’to correspond,', "and the sequence is resumed with 'Canticum Abachuc in hieme", 'printed at the end of the inserted sheet, which was thus probably intended as a supplement to this edition. Except in quire a, every leaf of each quire is signed. 283X 197 mm. Capitals supplied in red and blue. Eighteenth-century (?) red sheepskin with green back, of the same provenance as IB. 26042, IA. 26048. Bought in July, 1884. IB. 26533. PETRUS HISPANUS [Pope John XXII Types: 86 Gb.; 92 G., inscriptions on diagrams. Printed CT SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS, GAIUS. Opera. Lombards, also capital spaces, that on 12 with guide-letter, at beginnings of tracts. Woodcut diagrams on 32, 5°, 75, 9°. Hain 8681. ODAXIUS, TYPHIS. Carmen macaronicum. Another copy. 204X 139 mm. Bound sixteenth in a tract-volume beginning with IA. 27527 (Fontius, Orationes, Di Libri, Florence, n.d.), q.v., p. 662. With the book-stamp of the', "Royal Society ex dono Henr. Howard Norfolciensis.'", 'Bought in March, 1924. IA. 26545 b. 42 : 31 lines, 192 X 119 mm. Type : 124 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 14205. Reprinted from the 1474 edition of De Colonia and Manthen, Venice (IB. 20209), as is shown by the wording of the second colophon and of the list of contents immediately preceding it. The assertion in Hain’s entry that a ’tabula rerum in hoc uolumine con¬', "tentarum' follows the colophon is evidently due to a misunderstand¬", 'ing by Panzer of a loose statement by Saxius in respect of this list. 252 X 193 mm. Without the blanks. Old vellum. From the library of Count Filippo Archinto at Milan, according to a pencil note. Bought in February, 1893. IB. 26403. CRASTONUS, leaves. 2 columns, Greek to left, Latin to right. 42 : 35 lines, 210X 127mm. Types: 119 Gk.; 119 R. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 15812. The first edition. In his letter on 12 the author remarks: Tanta ... cum Bono Accursio Pisano conflata est necessitudo ...', "first leaf with Crastonus' letter takes the place of an original blank", 'suppressed by the printer. Neither Museum copy offers evidence of this. 330X 234 mm. Capital on 3° illuminated in gold and colours, other capitals supplied mostly in blue. Numerous corrections in pen and ink. At the foot of 368b is writ-', "ten in red : 'Hunc libruz Donauit venelis & eximis", "King George III's copy (C. 5. c. 4).", 'IB. 26552 a. Another copy. 291X 212 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf. Capital on 3e illuminated and other capitals supplied in blue in the same style as in the preceding copy. Old vellum. Bought. IB. 26552. AESOPUS. Vita et fabulae. [In Greek and AESOPUS. Vita et fabulae. [In Greek and the Latin translation of Rinucius. With select Fables in Greek facing a Latin trans¬ lation. Edited by Bonus Accursius.] *Undated. 12. Bonus Accursius Pisanus doctissimo ac sapientis¬ Types : 119 Gk.; 119 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 265, 272. Gesamtkatalog 313. In his dedicatory letter of the third part to Turrianus (131°) A copy of part I is known with signatures: A-F g-i stamped low down on the page, but most copies, including those here catalogued, bear no trace of signatures. 224 X 156 mm. Capital with border at the beginning of each section illuminated in gold and colours, other capitals supplied in blue. At the foot of 22 is also a border with wreath containing a coat of arms (or, eight \ufeff754 torteaux gules, two, three, two and one, possibly meant for Medici). On a fly-leaf are bibliographical notes relating to the book, written by Dr. Charles Burney, Greenwich, 1799. Crushed red morocco, stamped with the Cracherode arms. Rev. C. M. Cracherode’s copy, with date 1788. IB. 2655. Another copy. 211 X 150 mm. Part III is bound at the beginning. Containing also IB. 26558 (Marlianus, Index locorum ad Caesarem). IB. 26555b. Another copy. 217X 155 mm. Without the blank. On 1a is the signature: Jacobi Joye. On a fly-leaf are notes by Dr. Charles Burney, 1799, as in IB. 26555 above, but with', "an additional paragraph praying acceptance of ' haec", "tertia pars to complete King George IIl's copy ; this", 'third part, however, did not come into the possession of the Museum until April, 1841, by purchase. IB. 26555 a', "King George III's copy (C. 1. a. 1). HUBERTINUS, Clericus Crescentinas. In *Undated.', "Folio. al° b-z & 9 R aa-rr' ss tt6. 358 leaves, the first and last", 'quotations. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 5461? In this and the following books q and the form of i with head and foot turned over are found in the roman type.', "Bonus Accursius in his dedication on 22 remarks : 'volui com¬", 'mentationes quasdam de his [sc. Epistolis ad familiares) imprimi', "and singles out the comment of Hubertinus ' uir ... perdisertus:", 'legit stipendio. Hubertinus begins his letter to Bonus Accursius', "curaueris' and later (3*) refers to ' non modo Latinos uerum etiam", 'worked fautore Christophoro Cambiago ducali secretario uiro... spectata fide’ has been unnecessarily taken to date the book before the assassination of Galeazzo Maria in December, 1476. The present copy correctly prints on ee 1b àrórevyua i. nô asse¬', "cutione' in Hubertinus's comment on the sentence in Epp. fam. ix.", '21 running : Qua re nihil tibi opus est illud a Trabea, sed potius', "àrórevyua meum.' Hubertinus remarks at the end of the section", 'in this type, apparently belonging to two editions, are known (cf. Pellechet-Polain nos. 3849, 3608). 320 X 229 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 357 (contain-', "ing the conclusion of the author's verses to the book and", 'verses of Petrus Antonius Platinus to Octauianus Vico¬ mercatus), also the blanks. With the armorial book¬ stamp of Friedrich] LJudwig von] Keller, I. U. D. on 22, and a note by Keller dated 1842 and the signature and notes of H. C. Hoskier, 1902, on a fly-leaf. Old vellum. Bought in April, 1909. IB. 26569. MARLIANUS, RAIMUNDUS. Index locorum Undated. 12. BONVS ACCVRSIVS PISANVS MAJGNI¬ 22, INDEX LOCORVM In COMMEN TARIOS Type: 119 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 10776.', "In his dedicatory letter Bonus Accursius remarks : 'Collegi ea", 'nomina quae aliter a uulgo . .. aliter a doctis & priscis dici con¬ fined to revision and minor additions, including the matter on 59b, 602.', "Apparently the only separate edition of Marlianus's work, which", 'in its unrevised form is often appended to editions of Caesar from 1478 onwards. ACCURSIUS, BONUS. Plautina dicta ex 12. Tregister : amphitryo De hoc Amorem 10. Register in 3 columns. 52 : 20 lines, 127X75 mm. Type: 119 (127) R. Capital spaces on 32, 92, 432, the first with guide-letter. Hain 57. Gesamtkatalog 185. In this and the book next following i is as in the preceding group. The register gives the first words of second D 2 incorrectly and those of the second leaf of second E 3,4 in place of those of the first leaf. In quires («1, second A and second B and on G 84 the word FINIS with ornaments composed of letters and stops is found at the ends of sections.', "The ascription Gerardus de Flandria Tarvisii c. 1475' in Hain's", "entry reproduces a misunderstanding by Panzer of Maittaire's", 'description of the present copy (see below). 151X112 mm. The first sheet is enclosed by a blank sheet of what appears to be the paper of the book, but this has been ignored in the collation. From the Sunderland Library (1882). Brown calf, formerly con¬ taining also IA. 28326 (Mirabilia Romae, De Lisa, CRASTONUS, JoANNES. Vocabulista latino¬ is 95 mm. Types: 119 (125) R.; 125 Gk. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 5816. In this and the book next following only one form of ( and g is found in the Greek type. On sig. C 6° ... where ( comes in the same position in three successive lines .. . the middle one had to be omitted and stamped', "in afterwards by hand in each copy' (Proctor).", 'In his prefatory letter Bonus Accursius mentions (1b) * Iohannes monachus carmelitanus: cuius ingenio . .. effectum est : ut per of Latin words faced by their Greek equivalents in the second', "column, is extracted from Crastonus's large Greek-Latin lexicon", '(IB. 26552). 193 X 130 mm. SAXOLUS PRATENSIS. Undated. diphthogis & formatione præteritor graecor. Accentus of lines (including spaces) to the page varies between 17 and 21. Types: 119 (125) R.; 125 Gk. In this and the two following books a different form of i pre¬ ponderates in the roman type. 200X 135 mm. The tract, each leaf of which is mounted, appears to have been once enclosed in a sheet of original paper, the first leaf of which is cut away. From an examination of the copy at the John Rylands Library, Manchester, Proctor concluded that it had had two leaves, probably blank, at the end. Bought in October, 1902. IA. 26563. sсааIs, сонотаооINUs. вроrуuara. lation of Joannes Crastonus. 29 September, 1480. except on 1b. 32: 31 lines of Greek and Latin, 195 X 140 mm. Types: 125 Gk.; 119 (125) R. Capital spaces on 22. Hain 9921. 12, blank ; 1P, letter of Bonus Accursius to Iulius Pomponius, dated as the colophon ; 2e, éou (époriuara) ; 78h, ρpi ahv ro A oo uaro0 Tpoovos; 82, epi à arov In this and the following books two forms of ( and g are found in the Greek type. 277 X 199 mm. Apparently without the blank. Capi¬ tals and a few paragraph-marks supplied in red (faded). On a fly-leaf at the end, containing a ms. table of chapters, is an oval stamp lettered: DELLA P. VNI¬ VERSITA DI FERRARA. Bought. IB. 26559. Another copy. 260 X 190 mm. Without the blank. Leaf 2 is cut out', "and mounted. Some of the text on 1' appears to have", 'been gone over with a pen. Grenville copy (G. 7608). IB. 26559 a. PSALTERIUM. Psalterium graeco-latinum R., 193 X 128 mm. 42: 30 lines of 125 (127) Gk. and 119 (127) R., 189X 147 mm. Types: 125 (127) Gk., 119 (127) R., text ; 100 R., Gk., dedicatory letter. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain', "*13454 ('132 ff.).", 'In his dedicatory letter Crastonus remarks (1b) : * Psalterii ... didi . He also points out that in verse 15 of psalm exxxi (erro¬', "neously quoted as ci), where the Vulgate reading is 'xnoav i. e.", "uiduam' but ' 0jpav i.e. praedam’ is supported by the Greek mss.,", 'elegi quod nec Graeci nec Latini carperent , a blank being accordingly left in the text on t 5° In this and the two following copies the last line of g 74 ends: & holo¬. According to Proctor (Printing of Greek, p. 62) the colophon in', "Pisani Anno Mcccc. Lxxxi die .xx. Setembris (sic)' ; cf. also the", 'variant in IB. 26564 b below. 281 X 202 mm. IB. 26564 a.', "King George III's copy (C. 9. c. 9).", 'Another copy. 258 x 195 mm. Each type-page is enclosed in red', "rules. The words hv' and Prædam are supplied", 'in pen and ink on t 5°. Red morocco, stamped with the Cracherode arms.', "Rev. C. M. Cracherode's copy, with date 1785.", 'IB. 26564 Another copy, with variants. 1822. COLOPHON : TEAOZ. FINIS die. xx. Setem¬ appears to be printed from the same type as in the other copies. The line was evidently disturbed when in the forme, leading to a transposition of its parts and the loss of p in Septembris. 269X 197 mm. On 22 is the library stamp of the Prytanée of the French Republic. IB. 26564 b. Grenville copy (G. 12092). THEOCRITUS. EisixMia.— Hotédov Epya kal', "22. (red) OEOKPI'TOT OTPEIL H'QAH'EIATAAION.", 's aio α ... 32b. COLOPHON: To o', "Geoxotrov. 332. (red) 'H2IO'AOT TOT 'A2KPAIOT", 'EPTAKAT HMEPAI. (black) iy lines, 190 X 117 mm. Type: 125 Gk. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Hain 15476.', "The first edition. The'Epya kal juépat is subdivided into three", 'sections, beginning with Il. 1, 383 and 765 respectively, as shown above. 275 x 205 mm. On 46b is an oval book-stamp lettered: LOCI CAPPVCCINORVM VERONAE. On a slip is a note of the price, 665, paid presumably by Grenville. Bound in red morocco, gold-tooled, by P. Bozérian jeune. IB. 26568 a. Grenville copy (G. 8504). Another copy. In this copy the guide-letter à of à8é on 22 is omitted. 298 x 215 mm., showing proof. Copiously annotated in Greek on the margins and interleaved paper. On the first page of Hesiod, which is bound before Theocritus, is written : Collii Socitis lesu Taurini [in a later hand', "Catal. Inscrip. 1639' and Antonij Possevini.", 'IB. 26568. Bought. spaces, usually with guide-letters, at beginnings of sections. Hain 15009 (first part). In the Statuta extraordinaria sheet b I is signed a 2. In the Statuta victualium, in the last line but four of b 2°, the last', "three words : 'Juncia una z gnte qtuor.' have the appearance of", 'being printed from a block of type let into the type-page, in order to correct an error. 298 x 204 mm. At the beginning of the volume is bound IB. 26351, a copy of the Tabula to the Statutes printed by De Honate, 1482. Bought in April, 1857. IB. 26574. CAVALCA, DOMENICO. Specchio di croce, etc. lines, 136 x 86 mm. Type : 91 G. Printed capitals. Hain 4785. 191X 139 mm. With the book-stamp of the Museo Cavaleri. Bought in April, 1909. MANDEVILLE, SIR JoHN. Itinerarius. [In MANDEVILLE, SIR JoHN. Itinerarius. [In 31 July, 1480. Italian. Apparently the earliest Italian edition. 211X152 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf, which is supplied by a facsimile in pen and ink by Burt made 18 November, 1875. Capitals supplied in blue and red and paragraph-marks in red as far as c62. Leaves g 5, 6 are misbound between g 2, 3. BUSTI, BERNARDINUS DE. Officium immacu spaces, with guide-letters. This book was assigned to the press of Pachel and Scinzenzeler by Proctor (no. 5933 A). 157X 118 mm. Without the blank. Rubricated. The binding, possibly original, consists of a leaf of vellum bearing part of the statutes of a Confraternity written in German in a fourteenth-century (?) hand. Bought in October, 1901. IA. 26587. HUGO [BENzIl SENENSIS. Trattato circa The type in this book is very fresh in appearance. 207 X 145 mm. Bought in May, 1843. JOHANNES DE PECKHAM. Prospectiua JOHANNES DE PECKHAM. Prospectiua communis. [Edited by Facius Cardanus. 1482/32 gram 153) mm. Type: 110 G.; 91 G. ; 55 G., inscriptions on diagrams. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Diagrams. Hain 19425. In his dedicatory letter on 1b Cardanus says that huius claris¬ quam ... quod esset studiosis . .. profuturum’ and that he begs', "Griffus to accept the present work as' has laborum meorum primi¬", "tias'. According to Saxius, Historia literario-typographica Medio¬", 'inuictissimo dominant e. 52°. (index :) a Amandole i lanensis, p. dexv, he became a member of the Collegium iuris peri¬ torum in 1482 and presumably edited this book shortly after, an approximate date that would well agree with the use of types 91 G. and 110 G. 272X 195 mm. At the end is the signature: fris', "Thome 8' floriano or. p.", 'Bought in March, 1850. IB. 26588. FLISCUS, STEPHANUS. Synonyma. 36 lines, 179X 110 mm. Type: 99 R. Capital spaces, generally with guide-letters. Hain 7145. Sheets I 3, 4 are quarto, the rest octavo. The Duchess Bona Maria was deposed on 7 October, 1480. 220X 155 mm. Without the blank. The name Ales¬ andro del beno is scribbled over the last page of text and elsewhere. Old vellum. Bought in May, 1904. IA. 26601. PHILELPHUS, FRANCISCUS. Mediolanensia dus .. . Alphonsus. (62) [CVM grauioribus in artibus Ad Thomam Thebaldum Me diolanense. Conuiuium all but one with guide-letters. Hain 12956. Sheet d 3 is signed e 1 by error.', "The letter of Marlianus (42, 4b) is subscribed : 'Ex Ticino", 'Kalendis Sextilibus. M.cccc.Lxxvii , and that of Justinianus (52,', "55) : ' Ex Venetiis quinto Kall'. Ianuarii. M ccccxliii'.", 'The ducal rescript of 10 November, 1483, quoted above in con¬', "nexion with Pachel and Scinzenzeler's edition of Philelphus's Ora¬", 'tiones, etc. (IA. 26527, p.751), includes among the works for which', "Petro Justino Filelfo was granted a five years' privilege on 15 March", 'lo Convivio milanese cum alcune oratione del Reuerend. quond.', "Campano' and further on enjoins on Zarotus and Magniagus to", 'desist from printing the Convivio perchè . . . intendo che vuy haveti incomenzato o doveti commenzare imprimere el Convivio Originally assigned to Casal di San Vaso by Proctor (no. 7268). In this copy lines 25-7 on b 32 run ... Palamedes : s3 quattuor addidit unum : & tris illas Græcorum crassas : quas uocant .0.%.x...’, without marginalia. In this copy lines 25-7 on b 32 run : ... Palamedes : sed quat¬', "tuor addidit unum .. . quas uocant g. k. % ...', with g. q. k.' in", 'the margin. This is evidently an earlier incorrect setting-up, emended as the book was passing through the press. 188 x 136 mm. Imperfect, wanting quire A. Some leaves backed or remargined, the signature m having disappeared in consequence. On a fly-leaf is the book¬ stamp of the Heber Library, on the covers of brown tree¬ calf are stamped the Heber arms. IA. 26605. DIEDUS, FRANCISCUS. The press-work of this and the following books shows very similar imperfections, the number of lines to the page varying, the text being often widely spaced and without contractions, and incomplete lines being added catchword-like below the type-page proper. On 1P the author remarks that he has written this tract with the', "object 'urbemsque) hanc Brixiam praeclarissimam truculentissima", '190X 133 mm. Formerly bound ninth in a tract¬ volume. Corrections made by pen and ink, especially in the dates. Bought in February, 1864. IA. 26597. Vita s. Rochi. [In 99 R. Capital space on 12 and 32. This Italian version omits the letter of Petrus Ludovicus Maldura printed at the end of the Latin original. Assigned to Casal di San Vaso by Proctor (no. 7270). 760 190X 130 mm. Formerly bound tenth in the same tract-volume as the preceding. Corrections by pen and ink, as in the preceding. Bought in February, 1864. IA. 26598. CALDERINUS, DOMITIUS. Commentarii in 30 lines, 149 X 105 mm. Type: 99 R. Capital space, with guide¬', "letter, on 12 and 102. Hain '4240.", '12, in Culicem ; 72, short notes on the Copa, first comment on the Elegia in Maecenatem ; 102, in Diras enarratio ; 122, in Copam ; 12°, in Est et non ; 132, in Vir bonus ; 13°, in Rosetum ; 142, in Elegiam ad Maecenatem ; 17°, in Aetnam ; 212, in Cirim ; 26, Sheets a 3, 4, and quire b are octavo, the rest quarto. The octavo paper is very like, possibly the same as, that found in the Fliscus of 1480 above (IA. 26601). Assigned to Casal di San Vaso by Proctor (no. 7272). 218X 159 mm. Without the blank. Old vellum. Bought in March, 1851. IA. 26603. PHILELPHUS, JoANNES MARIUS. Episto¬', "An extremely close reprint of Pachel and Scinzenzeler's 1484", 'edition (IA. 26515). 204X 149 mm. At the foot of 62 is written: Mona¬ sterij Cartusie galignani ppe Mlm. Bound in pink calf, gilt, by George Mullen, Dublin. Along the edge of the top cover is stamped: BIBLIOTHECA CONOVIANA Fredk. Wm. Conway). On a fly-leaf is the note of ownership of John Stanley Martin, Leeds, 1856. Bought in December, 1862. IA. 26703. Here found in three varieties : A., with heavy outer Here found in three varieties : A., with heavy outer - B., with single frame-line, 31 x 27 mm. Haebler III. AMBROSIUS. De officiis, etc. De obitu Satyri fratris, etc. [Preceded by the Life of S. Ambrose by Paulinus.) *17 January, 1488. 12. Vita sancti Ambrosit Mediolanësis episcopi 26203), the distichs preceding the second colophon deriving from', "this. Paulinus's Life of S. Ambrose is, however, inserted at the", 'beginning instead of at the end. X 134 mm. On 12 is written: Bibliothecæ Colleggij S. Barnabæ Mediolani. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. IA. 26705. VINCENTIUS FERRER. The letter of Paulus Soncinas on 1°, consisting of a panegyric on', "the addressee and the author, is dated : Mli pridie Kl' martias.", '198 X 139 mm. Rubricated. On 1b is written : Con¬ uentus sancti Dominici de Brixia ordinis predicatoru,', "and on a fly-leaf at the end : 'Iste liber ocessus e mi fri", 'bndicto de luere or p. Original (?) stamped leather, lined with leaves from an astronomical ms. on vellum. Bought in March, 1902. IA. 26707. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. De laudibus beatae Quarto. a-o8. 112 leaves, the last blank. 2 columns 102 : TERENTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS. Comoediae. and in part of Joannes Calphurnius.) *5 May, 1488. 22. TERENTII VITA IPIVBLIVSTERENTIVS AFER CARTHAGINE NATVS SERVIVIT Romæe... 52. AELII DONATI GRAMMATICI CLARISSIMI SEX. P. TERENTII AFRI CO MOE¬ lines of commentary, 218 x 150 mm. A column of 39 lines of text on 732 measures 214 mm. Gloss surrounding or flanking the text. Types: 110 R.; 76 R.; Gk. Capital spaces. The commentary on the Heautontimorumenus is that of Jo. Calphurnius. On the last page text as well as commentary is printed with type 76 R. and the register appears to have been added as an afterthought,', "the space between the word REGISTRVM' and the last line of", 'the colophon amounting to only about a millimetre. 279 X 203 mm. Bought in December, 1896. IB. 26712. IMITATIO CHRISTI. De imitatione Christi, etc. [In Italian. 12. TITLE: IOANNES GERSON DE IMITA¬ TIONE CHRISTI ET DE CONTEMPTV MVN¬ DIIN VVLGARI sermôe. 1b. Incomincia la tauola de The appearance of a title-page in this book is due to its being a close reprint of the edition of Jo. Rubeus, Venice, 1488 (IA. 23129, p. 416). OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Fasti. [Edited OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Fasti. [Edited with a commentary by Paulus Marsus. *10 November, 1489. 1b. PAVLVS MARSVS PISCINAS POETA. CL. mentary enclosing text, 236 x 136 mm. Types: 110 R. ; 76 R. Gk. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. Hain 12241 (and 12243, with error in year-date). Reprinted, with more or less exactly the same page-contents, from the edition of Battibovis, Venice, 1485 (IB. 22715, p. 404). 293 X 201 mm. From the Sunderland Library. Bought in November, 1882. IB. 26718. VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. LIBER. 52. (text) P. VIRGILII MARONIS BVCO LICA. Aegloga prima : interlocutores Melibœus of 44 lines of text on 412 measures 243 mm. Types: 110 R.; 76 R.; Gk. Capital spaces. 300x 210 mm. Capitals supplied in red, initial strokes in the text in yellow. Leaves y 3 and y 4 and quires a and B have changed places in binding. From the Sunder- land Library. Bought in May, 1883. IB. 26720. MACHANEUS, DOMINICUS. Chorographia type-set inscriptions. Quarto. a8 b6 ; [421. 16 leaves, 14 blank. 122 : 37 lines, 141 x96 mm. Types : 76 R. ; 63 G., place-names on map. Capital spaces. Hain 10422. The map is intended to represent Lago Maggiore (Lacus Ver¬ banus) and the surrounding district as far as Pavia to the south and beyond Bellinzona to the north. The draughtsman appears to have overlooked the fact that his sketch would be reversed in printing, hence its extreme confusion. 201 x 138 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first five leaves and the blank. Some leaves mounted. Bought in March, 1906. IA. 26721. AUSONIUS, DECIMUS MAGNUS. Opuscula. 187X 112 mm. Types: 110 R.; Gk. The first letter on 22, I, is of type 145 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 2177. Gesamtkatalog 3091. Reprinted from the anonymous Venetian edition of 1472 (IB.', "20034, p. 211), with the addition of 'ex catalogo illustrium urbium", 'nonnulla excerpta epigrammata quae Georgius Merula... in biblio¬ Bought in January, 1882. IB. 26722. MARTIALIS, MARCUS VALERIUS. Epigram¬ surrounding the text, 241 X 148 mm. Types: 110 R.; 76 (78) R.; Gk. Capital spaces. Hain 10820. A very close reprint of the edition of De Tortis, Venice, 1485 (IB. 21371, p. 324). 278X 195 mm. On 1b is the signature: Aegidij sacchetti I. V. D., on 171° the book-stamp of Count 764 Hercules Silva. The volume formerly contained at the beginning a copy of the Satires of Persius. Bought in October, 1886. IB. 26724 Comoediae. Plauti Comici clariss. Amphitryo. Argumentum. IN faciem uorsus amphitryonis iupiter.. 235°. Eusebius 32 : 41 lines, 229X 122 mm. Type: 110 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 13077. In his letter to Merula Scutarius remarks (235b) : Confecimus... the conclusion of the Life of Plautus and the table of contents, also the blank. Capital at beginning of each play illuminated in gold and colours, other capitals supplied in red or blue. On 5° is drawn in colours an elaborate Renaissance border with a coat of arms. Leaf 2 is cut out and mounted, the signature being lost.', "King George III's copy (C. 3. c. 14)", 'IB. 26726. HUBERTINUS, Clericus Crescentinas. In¬ 218 x 143 mm. Type : 76 R. Printed capital H on 22, spaces, with guide-letters, elsewhere. The colophon is taken, with alterations and omissions, from that of the original edition by De Canepa Nova, Casal di S. Vaso, 1481 (Hain 12208, Proctor 17271). Sheets a 2, d 2, 3, f 2, 3 and g 1-4 are folio, the rest quarto. 274X 193 mm. On 46° is written: Francisci De Zenarijs Codex. Bought in July, 1882. IB. 26728. PERSIUS FLACCUS, AULUS. Saturae. PERSIVM POETAM AD LAVREN TIVM MEDI¬ CEN. 22. (text:) AVLI FLACCI PERSII POE TAE SATYRARVM OPVS. NIEC FONTE LABRA spaces, a few with guide-létters. Hain 12726.', "Presumably reprinted from Zarotus's 1484 edition (Hain-Reichling", "307 X 217 mm. The final'x' of the date M.CCCC.¬", 'LXXXX. in the colophon has been erased. Bought in February, 1893. IB. 26730. CALDERINUS, JOANNES and GASPAR. Con¬ CALDERINUS, JOANNES and GASPAR. Con¬ silia. [Edited by Dominicus de Sancto 125 August, 1491. Folio. A° B6 ; a-k8. 94 leaves, the first blank. 2 columns. 282: 70 lines and headline, 300 (308) x 191 mm. Types : 145 G.; 86 G.; 76 R. (capitals only), section-numbers. Capital spaces,', "with guide-letters. Hain '4253.", 'Reprinted from the edition of Rot, Rome, 1472 (IC. 17578, p. 43), where, however, the share of De Sancto Geminiano in the authorship is more exactly stated. 409 X 273 mm. Rubricated. Bought in April, 1873. IC. 26732. LUCANUS, MARCUS ANNAEUS. Pharsalia. text, and headline, 240 (248) x 150 (with marginalia 165) mm. Types : 110 R.; 76 R.; Gk. Printed capitals. Hain *10239', "(noting a misprint' Ambroii' in l. 1).", 'A very close reprint of the edition of A. and J. Britannicus.', "301 X 203 mm. On a fly-leaf is written: '1519 Iste", "22 : Conventus S. Francisci Acquarum', at the end hic", 'luchanus constitit vj. ß 6. 8. Old vellum, rebacked. Bought in April, 1905. IB. 26734 SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, GAIUS. PHRASIM PROOE MIVM. 32. (text:) CAII SVE TONII TRANQVILLI DE VITA DVODECIM CAESARVM LIBER PRIMVS Cæsar Dictator blank, 3-137 so numbered. 42 : 61 lines of commentary surround¬ ing the text, and headline, 236 (244) x 154 (with marginalia 174) mm. Types: 110 R.; 76 R.; Gk. Printed capitals. Hain 15123. Presumably reprinted from the edition of De Tortis, Venice, 1490 307 X 211 mm. Without the first blank. On 22 is the formal signature: Trembletus, with the note of purchase on 29 June, 1526, precio xii sollidoz, thaurini . Old boards. Bought in May, 1901. IB. 26736. POGGIUS FLORENTINUS. India re¬ After 15 February, 1492. 12. TITLE: INDIA RECOGNITA. 22. Christoforus bullatus ducis isubrium senator Petro Carae ducis', "This tract, containing the report of Niccolò Conti's travels in", "the Far East, constitutes the fourth book of Poggio's De varietate", 'fortunae.', "Bullatus in his prefatory letter remarks (22) : 'existimaui rem", "litterarum impressio omnibus elargiretur' and speaks of 'lucubra¬", 'Bound in crushed red morocco by F. Bedford. Bought in July, 1889. IA. 26738. BUSTI, BERNARDINUS DE. Mariale (pars pri¬ A woodcut of the Virgin and Child, 45 x 43 mm., occurs on 10 and 112, another of the same, 36 x 26 mm., occurs on 16° and throughout the rest of the book.', "Two versions of 'Tertia opinio' are printed on a 8b and b 12, the", 'first, occupying 5 entire lines and parts of two others, being struck through in red in this copy. The complete Mariale was first printed by Pachel in the follow¬ ing year (IA. 26668). The Officium conceptionis B.V.M. which concludes the book had already been printed by De Corneno about 1480 (IA. 26587). 192 X 140 mm. Rubricated in great part. Bought in May, 1908. IA. 26739. AMBROSIUS. Liber pastoralis. [With other tracts.) 120°, col. 1, list of contents, colophon, device.', "In some copies the distichs * Nectar et ambrosiam ...' which", 'are found in IA. 26705 (p. 762) and elsewhere appear in the second column of 120°, here left blank. 221 X 163 mm. At the foot of 1e is an early mono¬ gram: Gaz (?), at the top is written : Doctoris Mezzotti', "Modoetiae’, in the top cover : 'Ad vsum Caroli Joseph", 'à Sto Cassiano Carpani Canci. Vgloni Protonotarii Apo¬ VOCABULARIUS. Vocabularius utriusque with guide-letters. 303X215. Without the blank. Bought in March, 1902. IB. 26742. ISOCRATES. Aóyot. [Edited by Demetrius ISOCRATES. Aóyot. [Edited by Demetrius Chalcondylas. With Sebastianus de Ponte Tremulo.) *24 January, 1493. 110 R., signatures. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. In quire A the number of lines on the pages of each leaf is as follows: 33, 35, 35, 34, 34, 35, 35, 35, and the type-page is 113- 114mm.broad. On B 3° l. 28 begins : rôv uèv óvouasorépovo and on 6065). See Introduction. 305 x 205 mm. Bound in dark blue morocco by P. Bozérian jeune. follows : 33, 34, 34, 33, 33, 34, 34, 35 and the type-page is 119¬ 120 mm.broad. This is thus probably a later setting-up in which the breadth of the type page was normalized, a supposition con¬', "firmed by its presence in the re-issue bearing the imprint ' Venetiis", 'M.D.XXXV. 296 x 206 mm. Without the first and third blanks.', "Rev. C. M. Cracherode's copy, with date 1770.", 'IB. 26855 Another copy, with another setting-up of the outer side of sheet B 3. On B 3° 1. 28 begins : ròv uév òvouasorépovo and on B 6b 1. 32 begins : unptòôv. These two pages seem to have been set up afresh when ròy was substituted for the incorrect rôy and show that the book was printed two pages at a time. Quire A is as in the copy immediately preceding. 291X 199 mm. Without the blanks. Capitals supplied in red. The first type-page is enclosed in rules of gold, red and black.', "King George III's copy (C. 1. c. 6).", 'IB. 26856. or The first six quires are largely on folio paper, watermarked with a bell hanging from an object of horseshoe shape or with a crown. The rest of the book is quarto. On 55° (n 72) sixteen lines of type used as furniture have been printed out by error. The first nine lines (vaipeouy . .. jcrio) are an entirely different setting-up of matter printed in its right place on y 12, l. 28-1 1°, 1.2, the remainder (j é r... gyov oa rjv) is a different setting-up, with the same line-contents but a number of misprints, of Il. 2-8 of 1 82. This volume is ranged with the Isocrates for convenience. As the three tracts constituting it have the same measurements, were evidently in hand simultaneously, and are usually found between the same covers, they have been here catalogued together. Proctor, who originally attributed them to the press of Bonus Accursius, set them out separately (nos. 5968-70). The attempted use of the capitals of the type suggests that they are earlier than the Iso¬ crates ; on the other hand, the type-page is of the full breadth throughout. The third tract is by Gregorius [Pardus] Corinthius, its title being wrongly given in the printed heading. 282 X 197 mm. On 1e are two half-obliterated im¬ pressions of an octagonal library stamp, on 22 are', "illuminated Grenville's arms.", 'Grenville copy (G. 7607). 275 x 197 mm. Crushed red morocco, stamped with the arms of the Duke of Devonshire.', "King George III's copy (C. 1. b. 4).", 'IB. 26861 a. Another copy. 280 x 200 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf and the blank. Crushed red morocco, stamped with the Cracherode arms.', "Rev. C. M. Cracherode's copy, with date 1790.", 'IB. 26861. SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS, GAIUS. Opera. on the Catilina. Edited by Pomponius 731 January, 1493 Laetus. 12. TITLE: Haec in uolumine hoc continentur. Pom¬ rounding text, and headline, 236 (239) X 153 mm. Types: 110 R.; 76 R. Printed capitals. Catchwords in quire a. Hain 14225. 12, title : 1°, letter of Laetus to Augustinus Mafaeus ; 22 Catilina ; 262, Portii Latronis declamatio contra Catilinam ; 31 p. 493), and with the same page-contents as far as 25b. The', "reference to the publisher Antonius Morettus in Laetus's letter on", '1b is retained unaltered.', "305 X 213 mm. On 1' is the almost obliterated note", 'of ownership of the choirmaster (phonascus) of a Milanese church. From the Sunderland Library. Bought in May, 1883. IB. 26745. GREGORIUS ARIMINENSIS. In secundo GREGORIUS ARIMINENSIS. In secundo Sententiarum expositio. [Edited by Franci¬ *15 March, 1494. line, 198 (207) X 134 mm. Type : 67 G. Capital spaces, with', "guide-letters. Marginalia. Hain '1648.", '286 x 200 mm. On 22 is written: Pertinet ad locu Bought in February, 1928. IB. 26746. SAMUEL CASSINENSIS. Liber isagogi 14°: 49 lines, 154 X 100 mm. Types: 128 G., headings, diagrams; 110 R., title ; 76 R., matter on 2°, diagrams; 83 G., 40 G., dia¬ grams ; 63 G., text, diagrams. Printed capitals, diagrams and figures. Hain 4567. Old boards. Bought in July, 1901. IA. 26747. SANCTO GEORGIO, JoANNES ANTONIUS DE. Types: 128 G. ; 83 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Catch¬', "words. Hain 77583 ((269 ff.').", '12, title ; 1P, blank ; 22, repertorium seu tabula ; 452, text ; quire y. The first sheet of a is signed a ii. 410x 280 mm. With the note of ownership and the book-labels (one dated 1769) of the Canonia ad B. V. Mariam Assumptam in Gars. Bought in April, 1866. IC. 26748. PAULUS DE CASTRO. Lectura super and last blank. 2 columns. 52: 73 lines and headline, 304 (313) x 200 mm. Types : 128 G ; 83 G. Capital spaces, with', "guide-letters. Catchwords. Hain '4617.", 'M. Polain (Cat. gén., no. 3359) describes a variant on 1576: edition of Arrivabenus, 1486 (Hain *4618), and probably printed about the same time as the Sancto Georgio above (IC. 26748), with which it closely agrees in measurements. It was catalogued among the work of Arrivabenus by Proctor (no. 4910). On 22 is 388 x 278 mm. Without the last blank. written: Collegij Societ: Iesu Monachii 1683. Bought in July, 1867. IC. 267149. BERNARDUS. Sermones super Cantica guide-letters. Woodcut (triumph of the Trinity, 182 X 123mm.) on 2°. Hain 2861. Gesamtkatalog 3939. Assigned by Proctor to the press of " Heinrich Scinzenzeler\' (no. IB. 26865. RAMPEGOLLIS, ANTONIUS DE.', "spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '13684.", 'Peragallus remarks in his dedicatory letter (8°) : Delegi ... librum figurarum Bibliae impressoris arte cudendum... 153X 117 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf. On 1 and 167 is the note of ownership of the Bibliotheca s. Laurentii of Velletri. Bought in July, 1869. ALBERTUS DE BRUDZEWO. Commen¬ tarum. 40°. COLOPHON: Finit Comentariolu sup Theo¬ ricas nouas Gorij Purbatij i stu dio generali Cracouiensi', "guide-letters, elsewhere. Diagrams. Hain '3999 (counting only", "39 leaves and reading' Iunioru' in the colophon).", 'The dedicatory letter of Johannes Otto de valle Vracense ssicl,', "addressed ' Ambrosio Rosato ducali physico' and dated ' Ex Papia.", "xiiij. Kalendas octobris' (1b) speaks of in Theoricas planetarum LIVIUS, TITUS. Historiae romanae decades. Aleria, by Alexander Minutianus. 125 May, 1495. TVORDECIM .. . 192. PRAESENTIS CODICIS HAEC SVNT CAPITA OPERVM. 19b. Alexander Minutianus Bartholomeo Chalco a secretis ducalibus primario. S. D... 20°. Titi Liuii Patauini Historici Primæ Decadis Præfatio. FJACTVRVS Ne opera 312 leaves, the first blank. 212: 52 lines and headline, 290 (308) X 175 mm. Type: 110 R. Capital spaces. Hain 10140. The register gives all the quires except o and » as quaternions. In his dedicatory letter to Chalcus on 19b the editor, after la¬ menting the decay of printing, remarks : cum tanto malo succur rendum omnino duxerim: Liuium diligentiore cura : quam his', "text adhibitis ... uetustissimis exemplaribus' and claims special", 'credit that duas ... Scipionis contiones sarctas tectas ut aiunt reddidimus : ubi ad finem sexti libri Sec. belli. pu. a ueru ad stellam 397 X 270 mm. Without the blank.', "King George III's copy (C. 6. d. 14).", 'IC. 267 CARCANUS, MICHAEL. Sermonarium de F11 July, 1495. 1e. TITLE: Sermonariû de comédatione virtutu 2 columns. 34: 44 lines and headline, 151 (158) X 103 mm. Types: 92 G.; 69 Gà. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters, also', "Lombards. Hain '4505.", '14, title ; 15, blank ; 22, text ; 2612, letter of Raphael Peragallus to Hieronymus de Tornielis, in long lines; 261b, tabula omnium partium principalium; 266, blank. Peragallus in his letter on 2612 remarks: Cupiens iubere sopu¬ 212X 150 mm. On 22 is written: Conuentus Seemans¬ stamped leather. Bought in April, 1865. IA. 26758. BUTIGELLA, HIERONYMUS. Pro Joanne 11oR. Printed capital on 12, 22. Marginalia. This oration was delivered 12 December, 1494, on the occasion of Gambaloita’s appointment as podestà of Pavia. The present edition is probably a little later than that printed at Pavia (IA. 31651), which does not contain the epigram on Lodovico il Moro at the end. The later form of m is not found in this tract. 190 X 137 mm. Bought in July, 1883. MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN. Itinerarius. IIn 189 X 140 mm. Bound in crushed red morocco by Hardy-Mennil. Bought in May, 1903. PIUS II. Epistolae familiares. [Edited by PIUS II. Epistolae familiares. [Edited by Ambrosius Archintus and Joannes Vinzalius. 110 December, 1496. Folio. a’; a-z & » BA-C6 D8. 188 leaves. 102: 59 lines, 236X 149 mm. Types : 145 G.; 80 R. Printed capitals on 72,', "spaces elsewhere. Hain '157.", '12, title ; 1°, blank ; 22, numerus et ordo epistolarum ; 6b, Am¬', "present book as issued ' Ambrosii Archinti. & Iohannis Vinzalii uiri", 'docti qui totum opus reuisit beneficio. The reference is to one of', "Koberger's (Nuremberg) editions, presumably that of May, 1496", '(IA. 7515), from which the wording of the table of contents and', "the colophon here derives. The expression varii tractatus' in", 'the title refers to the De educatione liberorum and other tracts which are included among the letters. 317 X 223 mm. Bought in September, 1848. IB. 26762. CURTE, FRANCISCUS DE. Consiliorum volu¬ blank. 2 columns. 82: 76 lines, 312 X 201 mm. Types: 145 G.; 83 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 55871. The register treats all the quires as signed with capitals and (except 1) as quaternions. 415 X 273 mm. The three quires containing the table are bound at the beginning, being perhaps preceded by the blank leaf. Original (?) stamped pigskin, German. Bought in April, 1877. IC. 26764. BUSTI, BERNARDINUS DE. Defensorium montis line, 161 (168) X 107mm. Types: 128 G.; 83 G.; 69 Ga. Printed capital L on 1b, Lombards elsewhere. Woodcut (the Entombment, 38X 34 mm.) on 62 and 342. Hain 4167. 1e, title ; 16, reuerendissimo d. Bernardino [Carvajall tituli sanctae Crucis in Hierusalem presbytero cardinali frater Bernar¬ omnipotenti ... 743, six elegiac couplets from the author to Hieronymus Torniellus, followed by six couplets from Torniellus to the author, and device ; 74b, blank.', "The third hexameter line on 73° ' Iamque legent docti pro nugis", 'haec Bariani’, refers to the De monte impietatis of Nicolaus Barianus, published at Cremona in October, 1496 (IA. 30847). 194x 136 mm. Some headlines cropped. Bought in June, 1910. IA. 26768. TERENTIANUS MAURUS. De litteris 34 February, 1497. Georgius Galbiatus. lege): LVDOVICVS Maria Sfortia Anglus Dux Medio¬ 32. Georgius Galbiatus pontremulensis 110 R.; 76 (78) R., marginalia; 110 Gk. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 52. The privilege on 2°, dated from Vigevano, 5 September, 1496, and countersigned by B. Calchus, is granted to Georgius Galbiatus,', "amanuensis' of the late Georgius Merula, for five years in respect", 'of the following works : Terentianus, Fortunatianus De carminibus Horatii, Velius Longus De orthographia, Adamantius De ortho¬ graphia, Catholica Probi, Cornelii Frontonis Elegantiae. Only the present work seems to have been actually printed. The first edition, diligentia & acri isuldicio Merulae: & nunc nuper loannis Placentini peremendatum , according to Galbiatus, who also remarks: ’longis litteris ea insignire curaui : quae hic tions, etc., written in red in the ms.). 286 x 194 mm. On a fly-leaf is written: Al suo amico Bibliofago Maffio Pinelli, ne desiderio contabescat, written bibliographical notes on fly-leaves. Two copies of a facsimile reprint , on paper dated 179 3?, of the', "privilege and Galbiatus' dedication, are also inserted.", 'Eighteenth-century brown morocco, with gold tooling. Bought. IB. 26766. Another copy. 278 X 197 mm. LUCIANUS. Vera historia. tracts. Translated by various hands. 522 March, 1497. In this book, i of 80 R. is usually without stroke or dot. Reprinted from the edition of Bevilaqua, Venice, 1494 (IA. 23939, p. 519), including the distichs giving the name of Bordone before the colophon, but omitting the privilege and the errata, which have been corrected. The Sermo de calumnia and Laus muscae have not, however, been included in the title. 210X 148 mm. On 1e is written: Antoi Argyriphili Atestini & amicop studiosog. Old paper boards. Bought in March, 1906. IA. 26769. MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN. Itinerarius. [In MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN. Itinerarius. [In 121 October, 1497 Italian.) Lombards. Border (11 pieces) on 12. Hain 10658? Reprinted from the edition of De Bonellis, Venice, 1496 (IA. 23824, p. 504), and imitating the decoration on the title-page of that edition. 202 X 143 mm. CAMPHORA, GIACOPO. De immortalitate Types: 145 G.; 75 G. Printed capitals. It is remarkable that this edition differs from that dated by Scinzenzeler on 6 September of the same year (Reichling 1483) in', "omitting the prologue and amplifying the title by the words 'e philo", "sofia morale' and that it thus much more closely agrees with the", 'edition of De Bonellis, Venice, March, 1498 (Reichling 1695), where the versos of the title-leaf and of the last leaf, here left blank, bear woodcuts. 153 X 101 mm. Old paper boards. Bought in July, 1858. IA. 26774. MANDEVILLE, SIR JoHN. Itinerarius. [In capitals, also a few spaces, with guide-letters. Border (four-side) on 12. Hain 10658? Very closely corresponding to the edition of 21 October, 1497 (IA. 26771). The completion of the mutilated year-date in the', "colophon (see below) by the letters vij.', as in that edition, satis¬", 'factorily fills the line and accords with the use of type 75 G. 188 X 135 mm. On 1e is written: Ad vsû Fratris Deodatti De Brixia. The title is cut out and mounted, an additional strip of border being inserted from another book. The last leaves are slightly mutilated, the last leaf, from which part of the colophon is torn away, being cut out and mounted. Bought in July, 1862. IA. 26788. LUCANUS, MARCUS ANNAEUS. Liber Lucani bardment, within border. Quarto. A-N4. 52 leaves. 2 columns. 32 : five eight-line stanzas, with spaces, and headline, 168 (172) X 117 mm. Type: 76 (77) R. Printed capitals. Borders on 1° (10 pieces) and 52° (four-side). Reprinted, with the colophon unaltered, from the genuine edi¬ tion of De Bonellis, Venice, 4 August, 1495 (Essling 851, mention- ing both editions, Hain 10248). Proctor catalogued the present book under De Bonellis (no. 5363). The four-piece border and the capitals are also found in the Mandeville of December, 14917! (IA. 26788) and parts of the composite border on 1a recur in the Mandeville of October, 1497 (IA. 26771). This book is therefore ranged immediately after those of 1497. 210 X 146 mm. Bought in April, 1874. LAZARONUS, PETRUS. De decorata ciui¬ This tract appears to have been composed when Lodovico il Moro, whose accession dates from October, 1494, had already been Duke for some time, and was presumably printed not later than 1497, as only one instance of the later form of moccurs in the type. Hence its position here. 206 X 145 mm. Formerly bound before IA. 26098, IA. 25728. Bought in December, 1862. IA. 26797. Comoediae. Barbarus, Georgius Merula and others. Edited by Sebastianus Ducius and Georgius Galbiatus. Undated. 12. TITLE: Plautus cum correctione interpretatione Hermolai Merulae Politiani Beroaldi cum multis headline, 238 (246) x 159 (with marginalia 179) mm. A column of 45 lines of text on 432 measures 248 mm. Types: 145 (164) G., title; 110 R.; 76 (78) R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters.', "Hain '13085.", 'The first sheet of quire G is signed Fiiii, by error. The date of this book cannot be precisely determined. It is ranged here for convenience after the books of 1497, the latest year in which type 76 R. was employed. 308 x 207 mm. On 12 are the signatures of Thomas Birchinsha, Humfredus Lloyd and Lord Lumley, on 2* that of Mauritius Birchinsha, struck through. Sheet GI is misbound within sheet H 2. Old royal binding, rebacked. IB. 26760. FULGENTIUS PLANCIADES, FABIUS. mentary surrounding text, 205 X 149 mm. A column of 39 lines of text on 312 measures 215 mm. Types: 110 R.; 80 R.; 110 Gk.', "and earlier Gk. Printed capitals. Hain '7392.", '12, title ; 1P, privilege ; 22, tabula capitulatim digesta; 2b, dedi¬ catory letter of the editor to Antonius Maria Bentiuolaeus, dated in the register on 41b. The most usual number of lines of commentary to the page is 55. In this book, i of 80 R. is usually without stroke or dot, only single Qu occurs, I is short with prominent serifs, and large ° is intro¬ duced. I and 9 persist in the type to the end of the period. The privilege on 1P, dated 9 November, 1497, and countersigned by B. Chalcus, is granted to Jo. Passiranus de Asula for five years in respect of the following works: Sidonius Apollinaris cum com¬ mentariis, Apicius De cibariis, Nonius Marcellus integer, Festus IB. 26776. SIDONIUS, CAIUS SOLLIUS mentary, by Joannes Baptista Pius. 34 May, 1498. surrounding text, 228 X 147 mm. A column of 40 lines of text on 8a measures 220 mm. Types : 145 (168) G.; 110 R.; 80 R.; Gk.', "Printed capitals. Hain '1287.", '12, title ; 1b, privilege, Balthasaris Tachoni ad Nicolaum Corri¬ gium monosyllabi ; 22, dedicatory letter of the editor to Jo. Fran¬ ciscus Marlianus ; 4°, lo. Bapt. Pii elegidion amatorium ; 52, Epi¬', "stolarum liber primus ; 81', panegyricus dictus Anthemio Augusto", "consuli ; 1432, hexameters beginning Caesareos proceres...'", '143°, epigram of Sebastianus Decius [Ducius in honour of the editor; 144°, Sidonii uita ex loanne erithenemio, colophon, register; Qu, stroked i, and °. The privilege is that described under the preceding (IB. 26776). The editor in his dedicatory letter says of Hieronymus Asulanus (35) : cuius industria & erogatione Sidonii mille uoluminum im¬ Another copy, with a variant at the end. 144 Registrum preter a & b qui sunt terni.', "on 24° cyclop'.", '290X 201 mm. Each type-page is enclosed in red rules. Brown morocco, with the arms of the Duke of Roxburgh stamped in gold on the covers. Sold for %12. 12s. od. at the Roxburgh sale, as noted by Grenville in his copy described above. Bought. IB. 26778. SAMUEL CASSINENSIS. Immortalitas 145 G., title ; 83 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Bought in June, 1910. PHILIPPUS DE MONTE CALERIO. *Undated. Canova.) 26° : 44 lines and headline, 151 (158) x 102 mm. Types: 145 G. 69 G2. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 4349, 11593 (with date : 1498). This book was clearly in hand about the same time as the following. 189 X 141 mm. Bought in May, 1900. PHILIPPUS DE MONTE CALERIO.', "lines on and after 92. Hain '11594.", '189X 141 mm. Formerly bound with the preceding Bought in May, 1900. IA. 26781. PETRARCA, FRANCEScO. De vita solitaria. ginalia 142) mm. Types: 145 G. ; 110 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 12797. In his dedicatory letter the editor remarks (1b): Librum ... 279 x 196 mm. Imperfect, wanting the inner sheet of quire B. Leaf 2 is mutilated at the foot. Bought in March, 1906. IB. 26782. BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI. Filostrato. stanzas, with spaces, 166 X 113 mm. Types: 92 G.; 83 G. Printed capital A on Ib. 204X 132 mm. From the library of Thomas Crofts, bought at the Crofts sale by Thomas Tyrwhitt in 1783 and presented by him to the Museum 27 May, 1785, according to his note on a fly-leaf. Eighteenth-century red morocco. Presented in May, 1785. PEROTTUS, NICOLAUS. Cornucopia. [Re¬ where. 4 columns in table (ff. 2-42). 452: 62 lines and head- line, 249 (256) x 138 (with marginalia 182) mm. Types: 145 (166) G.; 80 R.; Gk. Printed capitals on 12, 1b, 42b, 3464, spaces, mostly with guide-letters, elsewhere. Catchwords. Hain 12705. 12, title ; 1b, letter of Polydore Vergil to Liberalis Thomasius, epigrams by Palladius Soranus, Jo. Franc. Philomusus, Ant. Con¬ stantius, Marcellus Philoxenus; 22, tabula ; 42b, letter of Cornia¬ nus to Seb. Badoarius, epigram by the same to Aurelius Bacinetus,', "printer's device B; 432, prooemium ; 44°, cornucopia : 3464, com¬", 'In this book the state of 80 R. is as in IB. 26778, p. 7 Reprinted from the edition of Tacuinus, Venice, 1496 (IB. 24064, p. 531), as the wording of the title shows. The original dedication of Odaxius to the Duke of Urbino, the verses in praise of Tacuinus which followed the epigram to Bacinetus, and the letter of Demo- critus and privilege at the end are omitted. Reichling describes a copy with 36 leaves (sig. aa-ee) of prelimi¬ nary matter, the table beginning with the misprint NABVLA and', "Odaxius's dedication occurring on 362, and the title (as above) not", 'being printed in red. It seems probable that all except the first sheet is made up from another edition. The second leaf of the present book, as of that seen by Reichling, is signed aa 2, as in', "Tacuinus's edition.", '298 x 205 mm. On 438 are the signatures of Frater Thomas de Carpenedulo and Frater Laurentius de Cremona, both apparently of Vicenza. IB. 26785. Presented in November, 1864. by Joannes Mapellus.) 44 linès and headline, 152 (159) x 102 mm. Types: 92 G.; 69 Gb.', "Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '2530. Gesamtkatalog", '3449. The first edition, that of 1488 recorded by Saxius being proved', "apocryphal by the editor's words (22) : * Bartholomei Pisani ...", 'qui anno centesimo nunc peracto claruit volumen. A portion of omitted text has been added after printing off in an abnormally long line at the foot of i 2b. 189X 137 mm. Without the blank. On 17b is the signature De molinis , on 1e that of Amandus Giraud. Bought in January, 1878. IA. 26787. MANCINELLUS, ANTONIUS. Epitoma seu 12, title ; 1b, dedicatory letter of author to Nic. Rubeus, dated 30 Sept., 1492, Mancinelli labores Ja list of his writings) ; 24, regulae constructionis; 162, summa declinationis; 26e, de varia constructione thesaurus. Presumably reprinted from the edition of Tacuinus, Venice, 1498 (Hain-Reichling 10608). 196 x 138 mm. From the Voynich collection. Presented in October, 1906. bus de Thebaldis. 22. ANTONII THEBALDEI FER¬ RARIENSIS AD INCLYTAM ISA BELLAM ESTENISEM MARCH: MANTVAE. uEdendo Type 110 R. is anomalous in this book, as straight-shanked m is normal throughout, whereas m with right shank rounded is else¬ where normal about this date. The type seems worn and may be old material. Reprinted from the edition of Rocociola, Modena, 1498 (IA. 32277). PLAUTUS, TITUS MACCIUS. 718 January, 1500. Baptista Pius.) x 153 (with marginalia 176) mm. 42 lines of type 110 R. on 2 measure 233 mm. Types: 145 (165) G.; 110 R.; 80 R.; Gk. Printed capital P on 72, spaces, with guide-letters, elsewhere. Red', "printed heading on 22. Hain '13084.", '12, title, epigram of Ducius ; 1b, Philippus Beroaldus lectori sal.,', "privilege for tive years ('Cautum est per litteras regias ...), two", '775 2 columns ; 62, epigram of Jac. Maria Calcaterra; 6°, blank ; 72, Jo. Bapt. Pii commentarius et primum lectorem alloquitur; 132, Am¬ Jo. Franc. Corpellus, both in praise of Pius; 421°, two epigrams by Alexander Gabuardus de Turcella Parmensi, colophon, device; addition of a thick large single hyphen. 302 X 217 mm. IB. 26792. Another copy. 301 X 205 mm.', "King George IIl's copy (76. h. 6).", 'IB. 26792 a. IMITATIO CHRISTI. De imitatione Christi. *July, 1488. cordis. lines and headline, III (118) x73 mm. Type: 63 G. Printed capitals ànd Lombards ; capital spaces, with guide-letters, on 560', "and 692. Hain '9096 (from a copy having the table misbound at the", 'beginning). On 702 and 722 the headline stands upside down.', "The wording of the colophon derives from Leoviler's (Venice)", 'edition of 1486 (IA. 22785). 158 X 113 mm. Bought in March, 1894. Another copy. 157 X 108 mm. Without the blank. Bought in November, 1896. IA. 26624. MEDITATIONES. Meditationes super pas¬ with guide-letters. Hain 10989. 156 x 103 mm. Formerly bound with IA. 26624. Bought in November, 1896. IA. 26625. HILARIUS. De trinitate contra Arianos. trinitate. [Edited by Georgius Cribellus.) *26 May, 9 July, 1489. 1b. rEuerentissimo in christo patri do mio. d. Guidoni. 2 columns. 82 : 57 lines and headline, 211 (221) X 142 mm. Types: III R. (capitals only), headlines; 74 G.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 18666. 12, blank ; 1°, letter of Cribellus ; 2°, epigrams, Hilarius ad supports the letter in giving precedence to the Hilarius. On 2 and 86° is written: Est Jo : 290 X 200 mm. stamp of Count Hercules Silva. Bought in October, 1886. IB. 26629. BARTOLUS DE SAXOFERRATO. Le¬ 12 January, 1490. 2°. Si certum petatur de rebus creditis z de certi con¬ 68 lines and headline, 293 (301) x 185 mm. Types: 145G.; 86 G.', "Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '2576 (2). Gesamtkatalog", '3607 (2). The apostillae of Alexander de Imola are printed flanking the text on and after 39b. 400 X 275 mm. Bound with IC. 26648, q.v. below. Bought in April, 1878. IC. 26637. BARTOLUS DE SAXOFERRATO. Part I edited by Gaspar Lampugnanus.) 323 March, 26 April, 1490. PART I. 22. (text :) rVbrica. Ista habet diuersimode', "blank.—Part II : a-d'; A-H°11k8 11°. 124 leaves, the first blank.", '2 columns. Part I, 6° : 68 lines of text flanked by gloss, and head- line, 293 (301) x 213mm. Types: 145 G. ; 86 G. Capital spaces, Bought in October, 1867. IC. 26639, 26640. CAVALCA, DOMENICO. Disciplina degli spiri¬ 74 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 4796. Bought in July, 1864. VICECOMES, HIERONYMUS. Lamiarum siue 76 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. In his letter to Bossius the editor remarks (15b) : * Placet iis con gruenti connexione ... id de quo ad praecedens quaeri posset Bought in August, 1871. BARTOLUS DE SAXOFERRATO. Le¬ columns. 4°: 68 lines of text flanked by gloss, and headline, 289 (299) x 208 mm. Types: 145 G.; 86 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 2576 (1). Gesamtkatalog 3607 (1). 400X 275 mm. On 2° is the note of ownership, and on the top edge the library stamp of the Amberg Franciscans. Bound before IC. 26637 in old stamped half pigskin over boards. Bought in April, 1878. IC. 26648. 778 consensu üro ... 4b. END :... Sed êt anteferendum probassem. Dixi. with a stamp after printing off. 204X 140 mm. Bound in a tract-volume beginning with IA. 27527 (Fontius, Orationes, [Di Libri, Florence n. d., p. 662). With the book-stamp of the Royal Societ) ex dono Henr. Howard Norfolciensis. Bought in March, 1924. IA. 26651. AMBROSIUS. Epistolae, etc. [Edited by Bought in July, 1879. IB. 26653. BARTOLUS DE SAXOFERRATO. Le *20 March, II January, 1491. de Imola.) Pt.II : alo b-g8 ; A-Se Te VeXeyz826. 252 leaves, the first and last blank. 2 columns. Pt. I, 64 : 68 lines of text flanked by gloss and headline, 292 (301) X 214 mm. Types: 145 G.: 86 G. Capital', "spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '2611. Gesamtkatalog 3556, 3574.", '410 X 275 mm. At the beginning of each part is written: Monasterij œeno Rothensis (Roth a. Inn). Bought in April, 1865. IC. 26655, 26656. SANCTO GEORGIO, BENEVENUTUS DE. 113) mm. Type: III R. Printed capitals on ib and 24. No 2 is found in this tract. A revised reprint of the original edition by Plannck, Rome (IA. 18546), with the addition at the end of the date on which the oration was delivered. 189 X 135 mm. Bought in July, 1883. BUSTI, BERNARDINUS DE. Mariale. 8101 mm. Types: 120 G, title; 92 G., headlines; 74 G., head¬', "line Registrum operis' on 3882 ; 53 G., text. Printed capitals", 'and Lombards. Woodcuts. Hain 4160. 18, title; 1b, blank; 22, dedicatory letter of the author to Pope Alexander VI, table of contents; 2b, tabula alphabetica; 14 approbation by the Franciscan examiner, Dominicus de Ponzono, and his Latin verses to the author and to the reader ; 154 two ele giac couplets beginning: Hec lege virginei quisquis zelator honoris, at head of text ; 3882, registrum operis; 3886, errata, device. The first edition of the complete Mariale. The first part with the Officium conceptionis B. V. M., here occupying ff. 154-676, col. 1, had already been printed by Scinzenzeler in May, 1492 (IA. 26739). The small woodcuts (Virgin and Child, black ground, 34 X 26 mm.: the same, white ground, same size ; the Annunciation, 40 X 29 mm. recurring throughout the book were suggested by those of Scin- zenzeler. 195 X 136 mm. With the note of ownership of the Franciscans at Asola on 1e and the book-plate of the Duke of Sussex. Old vellum. Bought in November, 1844. GEORGIUSTRAPEZUNTIUS. Rhetorica. 22. GEORGII TRAPE SIMI ATQVE ELOQVENWTISSIMI RHETORI. CORVM LIBER PRIMVS. 1008. COLOPHON: Quæ superat reliquas artes est facta georgi x 134 mm. Types: 83 R.; 83 Gk. Capital spaces, with guide letters. Hain 7609 The colophon in verse shows this to be printed from the edition of Vindelinus de Spira, Venice, n.d. (IB. 19585, p. 164). The tract De artificio Ciceronianae orationis, etc., described as part of the', "book in Hain's entry, which derives from Saxius, apparently do no", 'belong to this edition but to that forming part of the Asconius of De Colonia and Manthen, [14771 (IB. 20303, p. 232), a copy of which was bound up with it in the volume seen by Saxius. 285 X 200 mm. Without the blank. Bought in October, 1886. IB. 26670. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De officiis. De CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De officiis. De amicitia. De senectute. Paradoxa. WWith the commentaries of Petrus Marsus, Omni bonus Leonicenus, Martinus Phileticus. 20 August, 1493. of commentary surrounding the text, 246 X 161 mm. Types: 111R.; 83 R. Printed capitals and Lombards. Spaces for Greek. Reprinted, with the same page-contents, from the edition of Paganinus, Venice, 1491 (IB. 23306). 290X 199 mm. Without the blank. Bought in October, 1929. IB. 26671. SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, GAIUS. 710 January, 1494. NII TRANQVILLI DE VITA DVODECIM CAESARVM LI BER PRIMVS. 3262. COLOPHON: commentary surrounding text, and headline, 246 (250) X 156 (with marginalia 176) mm. Types: III R.; 83 R.; Gk. Printed capitals and Lombards. Hain 15127.', "The intrusion at the head of 1b of the words ' Claudii Cæsaris'", 'which form the headline on the versos of z 5-end of second A suggests that the preliminary quire was set up immediately after the completion of this section. Reprinted from the edition of Benedictus Hectoris, Bologna, 1493 (IB. 29045), mostly with the same page-contents in the body of the book. 298 x 210 mm. On 12 is the book-stamp and on the lower edge the note of ownership of the Capuchins of Piacenza. Bought in October, 1900. IB. 26672. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Tusculanae *13 February, 1494. 22. (text :) MARCI TVLLII CICERONIS TVSCV. LANARVM QVAESTIONVM LIBER PRIMVS flanked by commentary, and headline, 239 (247) x 156 (with mar- ginalia 176) mm. Types: III R.; 83 R. Printed capitals. Hain 5321. Reprinted, with the same page-contents, from the edition of De IB. 26673. DIOMEDES. De arte grammatica. [With DIOMEDES. De arte grammatica. [With other tracts. 10 March, 1494 1b. (table :) IN HOC VOLVMINE HAEC CONTI¬ A page-for-page reprint of the edition of De Pensis, Venice, 1491 (1B. 23456, p. 468), with the cut of Diomedes offering his book to Athanasius and the border on 22 imitating those of De Pensis. The woodcut capitals found in this and the following book with', "the imprint ' Venetiis' are part of the material employed in Pachel's", 'signed books of this year. The text on c 6°, l. 27-end (crepo ... mordeo mo¬) incorrectly duplicates that on d 12, l. 43, etc. At the foot of e 42 about twelve lines of text have dropped out. The page of text properly occupying g22, 1. 8-g 2°, l. 5 (Histerologia ... côparatur) is printed again immediately after, to the exclusion of the correct pageful. On g 4°, Il. 5-11, this edition follows that of De Pensis, printing the first seven lines of the text wrongly given on g42 of the earlier edition (...maxima. Nempe enim ... peruenit), but adding the note : Hic inuentum est duplicatum in copia : i media carta sed page and a ten-line space in the middle of g4° are blank, the', "passage omitted from De Pensis' edition being here also wanting.", '308 X 212 mm. Bought in October, 1908. IB. 26674 JUSTINUS. Epitome in Trogi Pompeii ginalia 172) mm. Type : 83 R. Printed capitals. Hain 9652. 1à title ; 16, blank ; 22, Justinus; 402, letter of Beroaldus, fol¬ lowed by text of Florus ; 56b, colophon, register, dedication of Sabellicus. The recension of Beroaldus and Justinianus Romanus, revised by Sabellicus. Reprinted from an edition sine nota ascribable to Jo. Rubeus, Venice (IB. 23172), quires a-g corresponding page for page. of D. Luigi Sylva. Old vellum. Bought in July, 1884. IB. 26675. MAYNO, JASON DE. Oratio in nuptias Maxi¬ After 8 April, 1494. 12. (red) Iasonis Mayni iureconsulti : æquitis romani: 190X 136 mm. The marginalia on 22 are partly cut away. Bought in July, 1883. BERNARDUS. Sermones de tempore, etc. 1b. TITLE: [woodcut, S. Bernard] Sermones de tpe i de scis cù omelijs beati Ber nardi abbatis clareuallensis blank, 5-241 numbered i-237. 2 columns. 62 : 48 lines and headline, 162 (170) X 117 mm. Types: 120 G., first words of chapters; 94 (102) G., title, editorial note on 4°, headlines; 67 G. text. Printed capitals. Woodcuts (S. Bernard, the Annunciation) on 1b and 52. Hain 2850. Gesamtkatalog 3946. The register wrongly gives the signature-letter of quire a as à Reprinted from the edition of Emericus, Venice, March, 1495 (IA. 24220), with the first page of text decorated to imitate (except that there is no border), but with additional matter. The privilege is omitted from 4°, the editorial note preceding it being continued as follows : * Quoniam autem in superioris impressionis volumine ... quamplures .. . defuisse comperimus . .. ut est sermo de trini¬ apocryphal have been printed at the end and marked with A. 214x 160 mm. Bound before IA. 26680. With the book-plate of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in March, 1846. IA. 26679. BERNARDUS. Epistolae. [With othertracts.) 2b. TITLE: woodcut, S.Bernard Epistole deuotissi¬ 8a: 47 lines, 157X 118 mm. Types : 120 G., title, first words of chapters as far as 12b: 67 G. Printed capitals, also some spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 2873. Gesamtkatalog 3927. The woodcut on 2° is identical with that on 1b of the preceding. The register (1642) wrongly gives the signature-letter of the first quire as a minuscule. 214 X 160 mm. Bound with IA. 26679, q.v. Bought in March, 1846. IA. 26680. FULGOSUS, BAPTISTA. Anteros. 1b. [Woodcut.] EROTA ILLVSTRIS BAPTISTE. C. FVLGOSI TOREM. 2b. AVCTOR. TYRONIBVS. AD LE( AMORIS. Come che con stil rozo inculto e humile : 2. BAPTISTAE. C. FVLGOSI. ANTFROTIS AD SPLENDIDVM: EQVITEM IOANNEM. FRAN¬ CISCVM PVSTERLAM LIBER PRIIMVS. PRO¬ LOGVS. SCRIVE. M. Tullio Cicerone uerissimo 101 (with marginalia 120) mm. Types: IIIR.; 83 R., marginalia. Printed capitals; space, with guide-letter, on 3b. Hain 7393. 212X 150 mm. The names of Alberto Pezzano, Henrichus Boschanus and Antonius de Campofulgoso are written in the book. Bought in November, 1848. IA. 26682. BERNARDO, GIOVANNI. Fonte di carità.', "the latter's reply on 1b are dated respectively 17 and 23 September APULEIUS, LUCIUS. Opera. [Edited by APULEIUS, LUCIUS. Opera. [Edited by Joannes Andreae, Bishop of Aleria.) 17 August, 1497. headline, 246 (258) x 153 (with marginalia 175) mm. Types: III R.; Gk. Printed capitals, also spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 1318. Gesamtkatalog 2304. A page-for-page reprint of the edition ot Pincius, Venice, 1493 (IB. 23638). 300X 216 mm. Without the blank. With the signa¬', "ture Ludouici Septalæ' and the book-stamp of Count", 'Hercules Silva on 1e. Bought in July, 1879. IB. 26688. TARTAGNUS, ALEXANDER, de Imola. Quin¬ *10 January, 1498. 76 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Catchwords. Hain The introductory note on 22 runs as follows : Q Quintu volume Plato de Benedictis, Bologna, 1490 (Hain 15263). 421 X 287 mm. With the book-stamp of the Royal', "Society ex dono Henr. Howard Norfolciensis'.", 'Bought in March, 1888. IC. 26691. NOTTIS, STEPHANUS Ex. Opus remissionis 218X 137 mm. Types: 128 (165) G., title; IIIR. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Indented text. Hain 15081.', "12, title ; 1b, blank ; 22, author's dedicatory letter to Cardinal", 'J. A. de Sancto Georgio, dated 18 January, 1500, table of contents, dated 26 January, 1500; 6b, blank ; 72, text, begun 3 November, 1498; 1626, blank. The three inmost sheets of quire s, the outer sheet of quire t and the whole of quire x are quarto, the rest folio. 290 X 193 mm. From the library of F. G. H. Cule', "mann, Hanover. A note of ownership'S. Marie Coronate", 'Medioli (?) on 1e has been struck out with a pen. Bought in December, 1885. IB. 26699. WITH BERNARDINUS DE CASTELLIONO. Folio. A-Fs G“H-M°N4O-Q8. 122 leaves, the first blank. 2 columns. 102 : 73 lines, 295 X 192 mm. Types: 140 G.; 81 G.', "Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain '2719. Gesamt¬", '409 X 285 mm. Rubricated. Ms. foliation: 162-281. Bought in October, 1867. IC. 26805. ALONE. Folio. Part I : a’ b-ef8. 40 leaves, the first and last blank. Part II : a’ b-r6. 104 leaves, the first blank. 2 columns. Part l 252: 60 lines, 220X 146 mm. Types: 140 G.; 73 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, Hain 7839, 7840. The register in part II gives four catchwords to each quire. 308 x 205 mm. Without the last blank of part I. Bought in May, 1903. IB. 26808. PHILIPPUS. 12. GALEOTTI. MARTII: NARNIENSIS: AD. R. D. ARCHIEPI SCOPVM. SRICONIENSEM. IN. LIBRVM. DE. HOMINE. EPISOLA. 88b. COLO¬ PHON: LAVS. DEO OMNIPOTENTI. FINIS. 132 (with marginalia 160) mm. Types: 110 Ra.; Gk. Capital spaces, all but those on 12, 1", with guide-letters. Hain \'7434. 12, epistola Galeotti ad lohannem archiepiscopum Strigoniensem; IB. 26823. APOLLONIUS COLLATINUS, PETRUS. 149 X 87 mm. Type: 110 R2. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 1290. The half-inked impression of a very small gothic g used as a lead occurs at intervals. 209X 150 mm. Without the blank. On 350 is written: Matthei Comitis publici lectoris et poete. A copy of a tract by Butigella was formerly prefixed to this book. Bought in April, 185, IA. 26825. LUCANUS, MARCUS ANNAEUS. Liber Lucani headline (book-number), 159 (165) x72 mm. Type: 110 Ra. Indented text. Capital space, with guide-letter, at beginning of each book. Hain 10246. The watermarks of the Museum copy make it quite clear that the title-leaf is to be placed at the end, and not at the beginning as described by Reichling. 210 X 150 mm. On 2° is pasted a slip (wormed) read¬ ing : J. C. Francisci Mar. Bress Carenæ. With the armorial book-label of Jacobus Manzoni. Bought in May, 1894. IA. 26827. GAFURIUS, FRANCHINUS. Theorica musices. 12. TITLE: THEORICA MVSICE FRANCHINI [woodcut, organ and player 1b. Errores Impressoris negligentia commissi... corrigantur hoc modo. 22. Capitula huius theorici operis. 3b. AD MAGNANIMVM ET PIENTISSIMVM DOMINVM LODOVICVM MARIAM SPHOR¬ TIAM VICECOMITEM:...FRANCHINI GAFVRI IN DELVBRI MAIORIS CHORO LAVDENSI PHONASCI THEORICVM OPVS MVSICE DI¬ SCIPLINE. 4°. AD LECTOREM. legiac guide-letters. Woodcut diagrams, those on 182, 542, 566, 586, 610 occupying the full page. Hain 7406. The original edition of this work is that of Di Dino, Naples. 1480 (IA. 29495). The text has been revised, and the dedi¬ cation rewritten to suit its application to Lodovico il Moro, uir', "consummatissimus lacobus tuus Antiquarius' taking the place of", "Philippinus and Eliseus as the author's well-wisher. The title-cut", 'appears to be from the same block as that found on 1o)22 of the first edition. 275 X 200 mm. Bought in April, 1857 (K. 1. g. 2). IB. 26831. CHIARA. Vita gloriosa di santa Chiara. Bought in June, 1895. MEDITAZIONI. Meditazioni sopra la Pas¬ Bought in December, 1904. marginalia 121) mm. Type: 110 R2. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Hain 6139. 12, title ; 1°, blank; 22, table of chapters ; 42, Pantaleo Cusanus', "logus ('saepe rogatus a condiscipulis ...’); 5b, text ; 522, end of", "text, metrical colophon (7 elegiac couplets beginning ' vade age", 'terse liber .. .’), prose colophon ; 52b, blank. The metrical colophon specifies four men as having polished the book, viz. Franciscus, a Franciscan, Archangelus and Thomas a Milanese, both Dominicans, and Pantaleo, and concludes with', "Bernardsinlus, who dedit in lucem'.", 'As Pantaleo in his letter to Scarlionus refers to dialogum tuum', "cognomento Lucidarium', this book has often been taken as the", 'work of Scarlionus, but this is a misunderstanding. It is in fact a recension of the dialogue generally ascribed to Honorius Augu stodunensis. IA. 26833. BELLINCIONI, BERNARDO. Rime. [Edited BELLINCIONI, BERNARDO. Rime. [Edited 115 July, 1493. by Franciscus Tantius. 12. Prefatione di Prete Francisco Tantio nella se space, with guide-letter, on 12, 2b, 42. Hain 2754. Gesamtkatalog 12, preface of Tantius ; 22, epitaphium Belinzonae per F. Tan¬ ning of text ; 169P, table. 206 X 141 mm. On 1e is written: Io Gio Battä de medici. Quire x appears to be in part made up. PHILELPHUS, FRANCISCUS. Vita di s.', "The Vita is dated' Mediolani. M. ccccxlv. die Corporis Christi LANDINUS, CHRISTOPHORUS. Formolario Some of the specimen letters added by the editor bear dates in 1494 later than that of the colophon. 192 X 136 mm. Bought in December, 1904. HIERONYMUS. Vita et transitus s. Hiero¬ 1e. woodcut, s. Jerome praying in the desert spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 8650. 12, cut ; 1°, verses ; 22, la vita del glorioso s. Hieronymo ; 62, epi VISCONTI, GASPARO. Di Paolo e Daria lines, with spaces, and headline, 143 (148) x 76 (with marginalia 99) mm. Types: 110 Rb.; 84 R., marginalia. Capital space, with guide-letter, at beginning of each book. Indented text. Hain 16077.', "had the book printed in mille uolumi', to be sold 'a pretio tale", 'che nessuno animo gentile non se potra se non di nui summamente CHIEREGATUS, LEONELLUS. Sermo habi¬ bard on 4b. 176 x 128 mm. Bound twenty-first in a tract-volume beginning with IA. 18602, q.v., vol. iv, p. 95. Bought in September, 1838. IA. 26844. DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Vitae et sen¬ 1*. woodcut, philosophers disputingl Incomicia el capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 6212.', "In the table six names, beginning with Simonide' and ending", 'with Scipione’, are by error inserted between Marco cal: (422', "col. 2) and ' Marco varro' (head of 42b).", '214 X 146 mm. Bought in March, 1904. MIRACOLI. Miracoli della Madonna. H (Virgin and Child) on 42, Lombards elsewhere. The small cut on 12 is that found on 52 of Bernardus, Sermones, Pachel, October, 1495 (IA. 26679). The cut on 3° illustrates two episodes of the primo miraculo and is surrounded by a black¬ ground border in four pieces. 194X 140 mm. With the signature of J. Petherick, 1884, on a fly-leaf. Bought in March, 1891. IA. 26846. PETRUS MARTYR. flexis ... 662. COLOPHON: (red) Impressum Mediolani per Petrum martirem de mantegacijs. Anno. where. 143X 103 mm. On a fly-leaf is written: Sum eccle sti Michaels terre Miradoli (iuxta castrum sti colonbani) stamped leather. Bought in January, 1925. IA. 26848. PEROTTUS, NICOLAUS. Rudimenta gram¬ on 12, Lombards elsewhere. 205 X 145 mm. Parts of the last page of text, in¬ cluding the colophon, appear to have been gone over with pen and ink. Bought in July, 1904. IA. 26871. GAFURIUS, FRANCHINUS. Practica musicae. NI GAFORI LAVDENSIS. woodcut) 1b. REGI¬ RVM HVIVS OPERIS. 2b. Descriptio Musice actio¬ nis Franchini Gafori Laudensis. 3b. ILLVSTRISSIMO 36 lines, 200 x 142 (with marginalia 168) mm. Type: II1R.; 82 G.', "word 'tonus' in title-cut. Printed capital at beginning of", 'dedication and of each book, spaces, with guide-letters, elsewhere. Woodcut border at beginning of each book. Full-page title-cut and some full-page diagrams, numerous woodcut musical examples. Hain 7407. The title-page bears a woodcut (243 X 153 mm.) illustrating the different measures andthe Muses and signs of the Zodiac to which they are appropriated. The first page of each of the four books is surrounded by a border : that to books i and iii (264 X 184 mm.) containing in the foot-piece a representation of boys and a master singing at a lectern, two men holding a shield, and Gaforius lec turing ; that to books ii and iv (265 X 114 mm.) some fine floral patterns, two cupids holding a wreathed shield and roundels repre¬', "senting Orpheus, Arion and Amphion'. Pierpont Morgan Cata¬", 'logue, no. 392. 255 X 192 mm. Title-cut and borders cropped. Bought in January, 1852 (K. I. g. 3). IB. 26883. VEGIUS, MAPHAEUS. Disceptatio terrae solis where. Hain 115933. 1e, letter of Gafurius ; 22, disceptatio inter terram solem et', "imprimendum curauimus'. The Disceptatio had already been", 'printed at Dijon in 1492 (Reichling 775). 280X 195 mm. Imperfect, wanting the inmost sheet of quire e. At the end are bound 15 leaves containing', "Vegius's Pompeiana, Conuiuium deorum and Carmen ad", 'Bought in May, 1883. IB. 26885 APICIUS. De re coquinaria. [Edited by APICIUS. De re coquinaria. [Edited by 20 January, 1498. Antonius Motta. 12. TITLE: APICIVS IN RE QVOQVINARIA. Another issue is known in which the title runs Appicius Culina¬ rius’, the device below is that of the publisher De Legnano and the rest of the preliminary leaves contain the letter of Blasius Lanci¬', "loti to Barth. Merula found in De Vitalibus' undated Venetian", "edition (IA. 24361, p. 550) together with ' Ludouici Vopisci carmen", 'Subitariü Ad. Io. Antonium Riscium , the remainder of the book being the same.', "Some copies read' Rothoniagensem' in the colophon.", '195 X 135 mm. Greek words on 1b and 2° supplied in Another copy.', "192 X 136 mm. In a binding of the cottage' style.", 'IA. 26887a. SPECCHIO. Specchio dell'anima. [Trans¬", 'on 1° ; woodcuts. The woodcuts, 78 in number, with one or two repeats, and measuring about 170 x 157 mm., illustrate, after some preliminary matter, the life and passion of Christ, with text appropriate to each picture above and below. In his dedicatory letter on 1° the editor remarks: in Hispania essendo mi venuto a le mane vno libreto historiato de molti my¬ 285 X 195 mm. Cuts, border and device coloured. Bought in June, 1845. IB. 26889. With an Italian trans- lation, etc., by Accius Zuccus. 78 July, 1498. 12. TITLE: woodcut Each fable is illustrated by a woodcut surrounded by a composite black-ground border, the over-all measurement being about 78 x 102 mm. These cuts are reversed copies of those found in U.', "Scinzenzeler's 1497 edition (Hain 352, Gesamtkatalog 439).", "The first part, containing the Vita Aesopi, was completed 'p", "Guillermos le Signerre fratres' on 15 September following ; this", "accounts for Hain's entry under no. 284, which is by error ranged", 'among the editions containing the Latin text only. 194X 142 mm. Imperfect, wanting ff. 1, 4, 27 (a 1, 4, d 3). Bought in February, 1846. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. 1498, 23 November, 1498, [15 October, 14991. VOL. I : 1b. Illustri: & Excelso Principi Ioanni Iacobo FRAGMENTVM ARATI PHAEINOMENON FINIT. Folio. Vol. I : [41(2, 3)6 ; A-Ns ; O-Q8 R10 S-Y8 190 leaves. the last blank, 13-189 numbered 1-177. Vol. II : aBCd-z &DR aa-dd\'ee". 250 leaves, so numbered. Vol. III: AA-IIs KK6; LL-XXS YY*. 176 leaves, the first blank, 2-176 numbered 2-175, 175. Vol. IV: a-ca-se. 168 leaves, 1-24 so numbered, 26-168 numbered 2-144. 152: 52 lines and headline, 288 (302) x 173 mm. Types: 1II R.; Gk. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. Catchwords at ends of quires in vols. I, II. Hain 5056. The table of contents on 92 of vol. I is headed : Ciceronis opera ... in quattuor uolumina digesta impressimus: non eo ordine pro Ctesiphonte [these two translated by Aretinus), Victorini enarratio in rhetoricos De inuentione.—Vol. II : orationes.—Vol. dedicatory letter on 1° of vol. I remarks that he has been stimulated to undertake it by the good success of his Livy edited four years earlier (and printed by U. Scinzenzeler, IC. 26754). This Leaves 4, 5 of the second quire of vol. I are signed 2, 3. and the preceding quire were evidently the last to be printed off. A heavy comma, with tail turned to right, is found as far as 1I of vol. II, its place being taken from 1 2 onwards by a long thin comma, as from a gothic type, with tail sloping to left. A few instances of the earlier form occur at the end of the book. 415 x 285 mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied', "in red. Rubricator's dates 1507 and 1508 at ends of", 'volumes. Bound in four volumes, blue morocco.', "Rev. C. M. Cracherode's copy, with date 1798.", 'IC. 26894. Another copy. 390 X 265 mm. Imperfect, wanting the two preliminary quires in vol. i. Bound in two volumes, red morocco.', "King George III's copy (C. 1. d. 6, 7). IC. 26894 a.", 'Another copy. 75 x 268 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf of vol. i, the last of vol. ii, the second of vol. iii and the blanks. At the beginning is the note of ownership of Jacobus Peers. Bound in two volumes, German sixteenth- century brown stamped leather, rebacked, stamped with the words: Gift of Mr. Benjamin Cooke F.R.S. of Newport in the Isle of Wight February 1759 (by the hands of Mr. Peter Collinson F.R.S.). IC. 26895. MERULA, GEORGIUS. Antiquitatis Viceco¬ CLITVM PRINCIPEM LVDOVICVMMAIRIAM SFORTIAM VICECOMITEM IN LIBROS ANTI QVIATIS VICECOMITVM GEORIGII MERVLAE 92. GEORGII MERVLAE ALEXANDRINI ANTI¬ i-137. 10°: 39 lines and headline, 216 (227) x 130 (with margina¬', "lia 156) mm. Types: III R.; Gk. Capital spaces. Hain '11095.", 'In his dedicatory letter the editor remarks (22) : Postulasti a nobis .. . ut Georgii Merulae historiam: cuius mihi Tristanus These passages must have been written after the second occupa¬ tion of Milan by the French in April, 1500, and the inclusion of this book with those of the fifteenth century is therefore uncertain.', "The error 'ANTIQVIATIS' in the heading on 42 is corrected", 'in some copies. 265X 196 mm. With the book-plate of Comte D. Boutourlin. Bought in February, 1862. IB. 26898. CASOLA, PETRUS. Rationale caerimoniarum ANVM. M.CCCC.LXXXXVIIII. 91 mm. Type: III R. Printed capitals, also spaces, some with guide-letters. Hain 4552. In this copy the first page bears no signature and the last line on b 8° ends : ... dû in cretesi. Insula moram. 210X 150 mm. Original (?) paper boards. Bought in June, 1858. Another copy. In this copy the first page bears the signature a and the last line on b 8° ends correctly : ... du in cretensi Insula moram. 188 X 140 mm. Seventeenth-century (?) stamped leather. Bought in April, 1857. IA. 26904. OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Epistolae heroi¬ Domitius Calderinus. Edited by Alexander EPISTOLAJRVM HEROIDUM LIBFR PRIMVS HAnc tua Penelope lento tibi mittit Vlyses.. ing text, 240 X 156 mm. A column of 44 lines of text on 262 measures 239 mm. Types : 109 R.; 83 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, those in the commentary with guide-letters. In his dedicatory letter on 12 Minutianus remarks: Postulauit a me ... huius librariae negotiationis praestinator haud incelebris and inscription, in rectangle, 80 x 48 mm., is that figured in Kris¬', "teller's no. 74.", 'IB. 26906. SUIDAS. Aeéóv. [Edited by Demetrius Capital space at beginning of each groixétov, a few with guide¬ letters. Catchwords. Hain 15135. In his preface on 2° Chalcondylas remarks : rò apo BißXioy', "Lovida rervrorat uèv in Bevedixro Magov «ai 'lyνoV Bigóhov .. .", "additis etiam plerisque' by Bissolus and Mangius.", 'DEVICE: two flowered branches, flanked at the foot by labels with the letters: -I-B., -B-M., above these a scroll with the motto: SVDAVIT: ET ALSIT. (Horace, Ars poetica, 413, with a punning application to Suidas,', "who is called Sudas' in Salandus's verses on 5162), the whole in black-ground rectangle, 57 X 55 mm.", 'On 222° (888 6b) more than half a page is left blank, the article', "'loivtos breaking off a line or two before its end but nothing further", "being omitted from the text. In the second column of Salandus's", "verses to the editor on 5162 'q' and 'iä', omitted by the com¬", 'positor, have been subsequently added in the margin and their place in the text indicated by pen and ink. Chalcondylas first contracted with Bissolus and Mangius for the printing of the Suidas on 27 February, 1499, Alexander Minutianus being then associated with him. In a second contract, dated 13 April, when the book was already in hand, and cancelling the first, the place of Minutianus is taken by Cataneus and Motta (cf.', "Salandus's words Accedente ... Motta com Maria meo lohäne", 'on 5162). 800 copies are to be printed and the net price is fixed', "at three gold ducats (cf. the conclusion of Niger's dialogue on 12", 'n oi oo ßißo h уóaу ris еуr; урруоу rptóу . . .). The sale was entrusted to Jo. Ang. Scinzenzeler and Joannes de Romano.', "preter' occur in the heading and first column of Salandus's verses", 'on 5162. IC. 26913 Another copy.', "In this and the following copy ; Calchondilo', achæum', inter¬", "petre', præter' appear in the verses on 5162.", '357 X 249 mm. German (original ?) stamped leather, rebacked. Grenville copy (G. 7647). IC. 26915. Another copy. 354 X 234 mm.', "King George III's copy (C. 5. d. 5).", 'IC. 26914. 792 An extremely close reprint of the edition of Tacuinus, Venice, 1497 (IA. 24074, p. 532). IA. 26921. 17 November, 1500. etc. [In Italian. 12. TITLE: [woodcut, saint with kneeling monks loannes Gerson de im mitatione Christi et de con¬ Bought in November, 1896. LUCHINUS TARCONATI) DE ARETIO.', "The claim of the last line ad emptorem' that ' opus impressum", '... patet aere nouo’ is borne out by the fresh appearance of the type. 152 X 105 mm. Bought in June, 1862. ANTONINUS. Confessionale volgare (Spec- che se fa dopo la comunione. 99b. (table): Originale. ad Herennium. [Translated into Italian by Undated. The page-contents and quiring correspond to those of Pachel 217 X 160 mm. Roughly rubricated as far as e 4 and', "again at the end. Quires b and c'have changed places", 'in binding. On 1e is pasted a slip with the note: Ad vsum früm Capucinorum Augustæe Præstoriæe, i.e. Aosta From the Voynich collection. IA. 26958. Presented in October, 1906. § 2. The two books here brought together are clearly Milanese work but the type of neither agrees exactly a little more to the left than that of De Lavagnia and the A of the Terence to be sharp-topped instead of flat- topped. The type of the Terence is that described by Proctor under Italy, Unknown Places, no. 7407 and Not reproduced. COLOPHON : Finisse qui la rethorica nuoua del lo excel¬ spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 5091? Sheets (b) 3 and [dl 5 are octavo, the rest quarto. The paper is watermarked with a crescent. The correspondence, page for page, of this edition to that, also sine nota, ascribable to Gabriele di Pietro, Venice (IA. 19947, vol. 5, p. 203) is very close. 185X 135 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first sheet, also the last blank. Old sheepskin. Bought in October, 1912. IA. 26965. TERENTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS. Comoediae. 22. TERENTII VITA EXCERPTA DE DI CTIS D.F. PETRARCEA. 36, l. 9: ARGVMENTVM. spaces, with guide-letters. First letter of each line set out. Sheets b 3,4, c 1-3, k 4 and quire l are folio, the rest quarto. The quarto paper is watermarked with a rosette (large and small) the folio paper is mostly unwatermarked but an oxhead surmounted by a large crown occurs once. All these marks are Milanese. Owing to unskilful inking the type appears blurred throughout this book. Catalogued by Proctor among the Italian adespota (no. 7407). 280x 202 mm. Rubricated. From the Sunderland Library. IB. 26967. Bought in May, 1883. END : ... ut comprobemus i gustemus eox uirtutes 88 G. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 2', "In spite of the words mundi die et anno ut supra' on 2° no date", 'is to be found anywhere in this tract The dedicatory letter of the anonymous Dominican author agrees very closely in phraseology with that prefixed by Gabriel Brebia to his Commentaria in Psalmos of 7 July, 1477 (Printer of Psalterio, IA. 26303, p. 733), and is probably adapted from the latter. If so, the present tract is later than the date quoted. Brebia does not appear to have been connected with any order save the Benedictine. This book was assigned to the press of Lud. & Alber. Pedemon- tani by Proctor (no. 5897). 188 X 140 mm. Rubricated. On 1e is the note of ownership of JJoseph] Niesert, past. in Velen, 1838. IA. 26956. Bought in May, 1844. § 4. The single leaf here catalogued, perhaps intended for public distribution, must on internal evidence be', "This virulently abusive account of Cicco Simonetta's career", 'ends with the statement: Cichus ... in claustra arcis Papiensis transmittitur. ubi ... donec ... qui cruciatus . .. moribus pares esse possint, excogitetur : integer adhuc seruatur. The tract there¬ fore dates probably from soon after 10 September, 1479, the date of', "Simonetta's arrest, and in any case from before 30 October, 1480,", 'the date of his execution. The watermark is a rosette. 195 X 131 mm. Bought in June, 1846. ee“. 206 leaves, the first and last blank. 2 columns. Lib. VI. 32: 68 lines and headline, 315 (324) x 179 (with marginalia 222) mm. Types: 150 G.; 93 G.; 74 G. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Marginal notes, referred to by small-type letters in the text. Hain 2289. The register sets out the first words of both leaves of the inner sheet of each quire. The first words of sheet cc 5 are wrongly', "given as Si is de. and ' In tex.', which are those of sheets ee 3, ee 5.", 'This is part of an edition of the complete gloss of Baldus on the Code which at the end of lib. V is dated : 1487. die. io. Maij (Hain 2284, Pellechet 1724). The prefatory note at the beginning of libb. I and IV reads as follows : Quemadmodum Baldus ... cum in humanis vitam ageret. Insignium virorum agminibus cinctus erat. phon derives from the De Colonia-Jenson edition of 1480-1 (Hain 2297-30, Pellechet 1725). The first page of lib. I occurs in two different settings-up. 417 x 292 mm. Capital illuminated in gold and colours at the beginning of books VI and VII, other capitals, and paragraph-marks, supplied in red or blue. A coat of arms (German, per fess: the base azure: the chief per pale gules and argent) is painted at the foot of the first page of text. Original (?) stamped half pigskin over boards. Bought in March, 1906. IC. 26980. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Epistolae ad Capital space, with guide-letter, at the beginning of book xiv, on 102 and 26b. The contents comprise Epp. ad famm. xiii. 30-end of xiv. Each epistle is distinguished by reference-letters, which corre¬ spond in the Italian version, as shown in the above description. The short extracts from Aulus Gellius and Plutarch on 16° are not included in the Italian. The same epistles, freely adapted and with modern proper names, with the Italian to correspond, were published sine nota', "under the title da quella epistola la qual comenza 'L. Manilio", 'exact relation of this to the present book requires further investi¬ gation. Parts of a watermark representing a star and a long shaft ending in a cross (probably an oxhead mark) are found in quire (cl. 204 X 148 mm. Manuscript quiring. Formerly bound second in a tract-volume. IA. 26987. Bought (in 1847?). 797 Joannes Jacobus de Benedictis, partly with Joannes Antonius de Benedictis. 835 Undated. Franciscus Aretinus. Presumably reprinted from the editio princeps of U. Han, Rome, about 1470 (IA. 17240, vol. iv, p. 19), in which the colophon and the incipit of the table of rubrics are similarly worded. This book, the only one in which hyphens are regularly used', "with type 113 R., was placed first among the printer's work by", 'Proctor (no. 6511). It is here retained in this position as the watermark (triple mound and cross) connects it with the Ovid and it may well have been already completed while the latter was still in hand. 278 x 208 mm. Capital and incipit on 1e supplied in red. From the Sunderland Library. Bought in November, 1882. IB. 28503. OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Opera. [Edited by Franciscus Puteolanus. 292 blank. 3°: 39 lines, 222 X 103-4 mm. Type: 113 R. Spaces for capitals and incipits. Hain 12136. The above description follows the list of contents set out on 42. The directions to the rubricator (incipit, first words, explicit) applying to each work are printed together at the end of it, instead of being collected in the usual table. The epistle of Sappho to Phaon is printed as an addendum (492-51b) to the Heroides, which ends with the Epistle of Cydippe to Acontius, in twelve lines. In his dedicatory letter the editor remarks (12) : poemata ... Nasonis nuper a me recognita impressaque sub tuo nomine edere In this copy the last line of the last page of the Fasti ([hh) 6b)', "appears as AVS DEO'.", 'Vol. I: 336 x 218 mm. Vol. II: 344 X 239 mm. With- out the blanks. Manuscript quiring. Each page on which an epistle of the Heroides begins is decorated with an elaborate contemporary capital and border drawn in pen and ink and wash, the two first including a coat of arms. On the first page of the Metamorphoses, which begins vol. II, is illuminated a capital and border', "with Grenville's arms, in imitation of early work. Gren¬", "ville noted that' the Fasti and the Metamorphoses quires", 'bb-hh, o-C have changed places for the better size of the volumes . IB. 28507. Grenville copy (G. 10035, 10036). Another copy.', "In this copy the last line on (hh] 6b is correctly printed 'LAVS", 'DEO. well as the blanks, but containing quires (bb-ss (Fasti, Tristia, etc.) in duplicate. In vols. I and II the chief capitals are supplied in several colours, the rest in red or blue, there are a coat of arms in a wreath, the partly erased note of ownership of the Bibliotheca Palmeriana and the Verney book-plate. In vol.-III, which is of a different provenance and contains quires k-n, aa (Ars amatoria, Ibis) and the duplicate quires, the capitals are supplied in red and there is on [ss 4° a circular library stamp lettered SMAV in its four compartments. IB. 28506.', "King George III's copy (C. 6. c. 6-8). De generibus 197X 143 mm. Capital on 22 illuminated in gold and colours, other capitals supplied in red or blue. On 12 is written : Hic liber est ad usum Rdi Pris Mri Antonij florentini. From the Harleian Library. Bound before IA. 25634 (Guarinus, De diphthongis, [Carnerius, Fer¬ raral, 1474). Fol. 31 is slightly mutilated.', "King George III's copy (C. 2. a. 6 (1)).", 'IA. 28509. Another copy. ANTONINUS. Confessionale volgare (Spec', "Octavo. Jal2 b-k10 112 ; mn'.] 134 leaves, 1, 114 and 134 blank.", '52: 26 lines, 145 x 80-81 mm. Type: 113 R. Capital spaces. Vertical catchwords on the inner margin of the last page of each', "ends with the words per lo giudizio di Dio' followed by a 'ricordo", "breve'.", 'This book contains very few hyphens and one instance in the text (232) of separate Q made of normal Qu. This and the following book are, with two undated books of Vindelinus de Spira (cf. note to IB. 19593, vol. v, p. 165), the earliest printed books to contain catchwords. 214 X 143 mm. Bought in April, 1873. ANTONINUS. Confessionale Curam illius Capital spaces. Vertical catchwords on the inner margin of the last page of each quire, except sd, e, h, kl. Hain 1229. Gesamt¬ katalog 2075.', "The first edition of the recension with the title Medicina dell'", "Another setting-up of 22 is recorded, beginning : 'lesus. Maria.", 'to ... Proctor’s no. 6515A, however, does not describe a copy of this and should be struck out. 226X 165 mm. Without the blank. Rubricated. On the last page is written the name Joannes Tabaccus, and a note of price : 2s : 9d, on a fly-leaf is a book-stamp lettered APW. Bought in October, 1874. DIODORUS SICULUS. Bibliothecae histo¬ DIODORUS SICULUS. Bibliothecae histo¬ ricae libri vi. [Translated by Poggius.) Corneli Taciti Germania. LIBER PRIMVS INCIPIT. IN QVO HEC CON¬ TINENTVR TOTIUS OPERIS PROHEMIVM? PRO OEMIUM. 932. COLOPHON: BONONIAE IM¬ VM. MCCCCT2 FINIS TACITI ILL Capital spaces. Hain 6188. The first edition. Owing to a miscalculation by the printer the greater part of the', "last page of quire [gl, after the words ' EXPLICIT LIBER", 'OVARTVS: INCIPIT QVINTVS IN QVO HEC CONTI¬', "NENTVR;', is left blank.", 'Sheet [f 4 is quarto, the rest folio. 288 x 213 mm. Imperfect, wanting sheet se 2, also the last blank.', "King George IIl's copy (C. 2. c. 4).", 'IB. 28518. PETRUS DE BERGAMO. Tabula operum', "Capital spaces. Reference-numbers set out. Hain '2816.", "1, blank ; 22, author's preface; 2°, bibliography of Aquinas, in", '2 columns; 32, numbered list of his works as quoted in the Tabula; 3°, confirmatio & approbatio doctrinae s. Thomae de Aquino [by The first edition. 273 X 205 mm. Without the blank. The blank return at the beginning of quire sy is not cut away. On 22 and elsewhere is written : pertinet ad locu st. francisci a vinea Vtini. Bought in February, 1876. IB. 28522. Another copy. On vellum. 283X 204 mm. Without the leaf con¬ taining the register and the blank. Rubricated, and with marginal section-titles supplied in red. With the book-plate of the Library of Aldenham Abbey (William Stuart), the blue crushed morocco binding bearing the Stuart crest. Bought in May, 1894. IB. 28523. DURANTI, GULIELMUS. Speculi judicialis 75 January, 1474. Apparently reprinted from the edition of Lauer and Pflügl, Rome, the final volume of which was completed 15 March of this year (IC. 17487), with the substitution of three other verses for', "those mentioning “ Georgius' as the printer on 22, an alteration in", "the colophon excluding the Additiones of Baldus from those ' suo", "loco ubique positae' and the massing of a body of these Additiones", 'at the end of the book (199b-212b). The same symbols, Lombardic A and Z, are used in both editions to mark the beginning and end', "of each section of Andreae's comment.", '427 X 287 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first and last leaves. The first three words of the colophon have been erased. On 22 is the armorial book-stamp of Count Hercules Silva. Sheet [e] 1, folded in reverse, is bound outside quire Ifl. Bought in March, 1906. IC. 28525. JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS. Sermones 132 x 80 mm. Type: 99 R. Spaces forcapitals and, on 112 and 101b. for incipits. Hain 15043. Reprinted, with the same page-contents, from the editio sine nota of Lauer, Rome (IB. 17445). A register and a number-head- ing to each sermon are here added. 202 X 147 mm. Original (?) lined half leather over boards. Bought in May, 1899. IA. 28527. ANTONINUS. Confessionale Curam illius COLOPHON: BONONIE IMPRE CCCC LXXY. 812. LO TRACT TO DELE EX a register, from the 1472 edition (IA. 28515). 222 X 153 mm. Rubricated.“ On 22 is written : Iste liber est ad vsum fratris Iohannis de Millésimo. concesum CATERINA DA BOLOGNA. Rivelazioni. This and the following book contain a number of instances of 4. 161 X 115 mm. CATERINA DA SIENA. Dialogo della di¬ first blank. 2 columns. 42: 40 lines, 197 X 139 mm. Type: 99 R. Capital spaces. Hain 4689. The first edition. The chapter-headings are much narrower than the text and some are in the shape of a triangle or an hour-glass. The blank return at the beginning of quire [gl is not cut away in all copies. 307 X 210 mm. Without theblank. Rubricated. A bibliographical note by Lord Spencer is pasted with the usual note by Grenville on a fly-leaf. Grenville copy (G. 11762). IB. 28537. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Pro Milone. 12. M. T. CICERONIS PRO. T. ANNIO MILONE ORATIO. et si uereor iudices ne turpe sit p fortissimo 157 x 88 mm. Type : 99 R. Capital space, with guide-letter, on The type in this book appears very fresh and contains no 2. 231X 165 mm. The greater part of the blank is cut away. The sheets are signed with the letters a to l in contemporary manuscript. Bought in March, 1906. OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Opera. *1480. TORIAE EPISTOLAE FINIS.', "Folio, a-d'oes ; fgiohl2; i-110 mi2; n-xloy; A-P10 Q6 ; rr-tt", 'The parts of this book are here catalogued in the order indicated by the sequence of the signatures. Reprinted, with the same page-contents, from the 1471 edition (IB. 28507), with the omission of the preliminary matter by Puteo-¬ lanus and the inclusion of the Consolatio ad Liuiam, which was first printed in the edition of Sweynheym and Pannartz, Rome, (1471 (IB. 17175). 298-303X 205 mm. Without the blank. Bound in three volumes, the first two containing respectively quires a-m, & &, second zz and quires rr-first zz, n-y. On the first page of each volume is an illuminated capital and border with wreath for a coat of arms, into which the Grenville arms have subsequently been inserted. A bibliographical letter from Philip Bliss to Grenville, dated from Oxford, 1838, is pasted in the first volume. IB. 28547. Grenville copy (G. 10037-39). COMITIBUS, JUSTUS DE. La bella mano. IVSQVE IVRIS INTERPRETI AC POETAE CLARI MI LIBELLVS FOELI¬ CITER INCIPIT INITITVLATVS LA BELLA NIENSEM. M.CCCC. LXXII. 722. (index :) Amor quado p farmi ben felice. c. i... 74°. END: Zephiro 118x72 mm. Type: 98 R. Capital spaces. Hain 5543. The first edition. 202 X 137 mm. Without the blank. Rubricated. The index is bound at the beginning. Leaf b 8 is made', "up, and was given by Count Libri', according to a note", 'on a fly-leaf. With the armorial book-plate of Giovanni Bizzarro. 195 X 125 mm. Without the blank. Rubricated. An unrubricated duplicate copy of the index is bound at the beginning. At the foot of 1b is a miniature, on 22 is illuminated a capital, branchwork and wreath with coat of arms (per bend gules and argent) flanked by the letters SA. Leaves 3, 8, 44 are made up. Singularia.', "* * Dr. Haebler's type 3 (Qul, 110 mm.), found in the 1472/3 Tartagnus and apparently identical with", "Catalogued as the work of an anonymous ' Printer of Franc. de", "Crema' by Proctor (no. 6534), and at first mistakenly identified by", 'him with Hain 5818. 420 X 289 mm. Early ms. signatures: g 2-4. Bound before IC. 30220, 28591, 28590, 28592 in brown morocco by L. Staggemeier and Welcher. With the note of', "ownership of M. Wodhull, Apr. 14th, 1792 (Robson's", 'sale, 64. 4s.) and the book-label of George Dunn. Bought in December, 1917. IC. 28606. 802 lensis. Edited by Matthaeus Moretus. 1473. BONONIAE. LEGENTEM. ANNO. DOIMINI. MCCCCLXXIII. FINIS.', "Quarto. [a-d'.) 40 leaves, the first blank. 112: 30 lines, 148", 'x92 mm. Type : 98 R. Capital spaces. Hain 7615. Gesamt¬ katalog 842. The watermark found in this book, a large plain M, is that found in parts of the 1474 Siluaticus (IC. 28603). The first edition. Catalogued under Azoguidus by Proctor (no. 6517). 231 X 160 mm. Without the blank. Formerly ff. 42-80 of a tract-volume. Bought in September, 1848. IB. 28602. SILVATICUS, MATTHAEUS. Liber pande JJuly, 11474. Moretus.) PANDECTARVM. ME DICINAE. OMNIA. MEDI¬ CE NE SIMPLICIA. CONTINENS QVEM. EX. OMNIBVS. ANTL QVORVM. LIBRIS. AGGRE¬ GAVIT. EXIMIVS. ARTIVM. ET. MEDICINAE. DOCTOR. MATTHEVS. SILVATICVS. AD. SERENISSIMVM. SICILIE. REGEM. ROBER¬ TVM. 5b. COLOPHON : Opus pandectarum medicine The thirty-fifth quire (Ippl) is omitted from the register.', "This book was assigned to Vurster's press at Modena by Proctor", '(no. 7189). Documentary evidence (see Introduction) shows that it was printed at Bologna by Vurster in conjunction with De Lapis and was completed shortly before 26 July, 1474. 428 x 288 mm. Capital on 22 and 82 and coat of arms on 22 illuminated in gold and colours. Manuscript sig¬ natures, as in the above collation. Original (?) brown stamped leather, rebacked. Bought in January, 1893. IC. 28603. BARBATIA, ANDREAS. Repetitio rubricae lines, 295 X 165 mm. Type: 109 R. Capital space, with guide¬ letter, on 12. Line-endings irregular on some pages. Hain 2438. Gesamtkatalog 3357. There are only 51 lines on [d1 42 and only 46 on [d14b. On 18a of this copy the last line of col. I begins: bädä hâc opi.', "and the last line of col. 2 ends 'esset forma sub' and the line¬", 'endings are regular. 405 x 283 mm. Without the blank. Rubricated. Bound before IC. 29272 (Barbatia, Johannina, Bologna, 1475), both tracts bearing the book-stamp of the Duke of Grafton. IC. 28574. Bought in March, 1845. Another copy.', "On 184 of this copy the last line of col. I begins : da hâc opi.' and", "the last line of col. 2 ends 'esser forma sub, the line-endings are", 'irregular and there are two instances of Q with docked tail used separately, a sort which does not occur elsewhere. Probably this is a later setting-up, hastily made in consequence of some accident to the first. 378 x 271 mm. Without the blank. On a fly-leaf is the signature of James Brown, 27 March, 1847. Bound before IC. 26211 (Caepolla, Valdarfer, Milan, 1475) in red morocco. Bought in February, 1893. IC. 28573. A. 1474. RONOMICON AD CAESAREM AVGVST VM LIBER PRIMVS .§. CJARmine diuinas artis:', "Folio. Jal b csd“; e-h'08 ; ik8 16.] 88 leaves, I and 30 blank.", '42 : 35 lines, 173 x 95 mm. Type: 98 R. Spaces for capitals and headings. Hain 10707. The first edition. The text of Aratus comprises only Il. 1-430 and Il. 52-163 of fragment IIII as printed in the Teubner edition (A. Breysig). The greater part of 672 and 682-86° (including the whole of 82b) is left blank for the insertion of pictures of the signs of the zodiac and the constellations referred to in the text, a guide to their order being printed on 662, with a note that the five lines', "of text on 79°, beginning ' Belligerum titan , are continuous with", 'the four on 802. 292 X 195 mm. Without the first blank. Remains of manuscript quiring. Another copy. 290 X 200 mm. Without the first blank. The.sheets of quire [gl have been folded so as to bring leaves 6-10 before leaves 1-5.', "King George III's copy (167. c. 6).", 'IB. 28583a. Another copy. 278 x 192 mm. Without the blank fol. 30. Headings supplied in red, also catchwords at ends of quires, from which it appears that the sheets of quire [g were at one time misfolded as in the preceding copy.', "Rev. C. M. Cracherode's copy, with date 1791.", 'IB. 28583. ALBERTI, LEO BAPTISTA. Ipolito e Lionora. added after printing off. 200X 134 mm. Ornamental capital supplied in pen and ink. Bought in January, 1882. IA. 28587 VALERIUS FLACCUS, GAIUS. Argo ANNO DOMINI. M. CCCC. LXX IIII. DIE. SEP TIMA: MADII; 92 mm. Type : 98 R. Spaces for capital and heading at begin¬ ning of each book. The first edition. 290 X 198 mm.', "King George III's copy (C. 3. c. 11). IB. 28588a.", 'Another copy. 268 x 182 mm. Capital with border and wreath for coat of arms illuminated on 1e, other capitals supplied in blue. Corrections by erasure and pen and ink. Sheets d 3 and [d14 have changed places in binding. IB. 28588b. Grenville copy (G. 9749). Another copy. 294 X 198 mm. Without the blank. Sheets [d 3 and [d 4 have changed places in binding.', "Rev. C. M. Cracherode's copy, with date 1790.", 'IB. 28588 MANFREDIS, HIERONYMUS DE. Liber de Folio. Jab6 ; c-hsik“l-o8p6—1. 109 leaves. 2 columns in table (22-122). 162: 40 linès, 197 X 121 mm. Type: 98 R. Spaces for capitals and headings. Hain 10689. In his dedicatory letter on 1° Manfredis remarks: quoddam meo iudicio dignissimum opus ... tibi ... dedicare constitui non King George III's copy (167. h. 1).", 'ANTONIUS DE BUTRIO. Repetitio c. The identity of the type and measurements of this book with those of the tracts of Ancharano catalogued under H. Malpiglius below (IC. 28590, 28592) suggests a close connexion between Rugerius and Malpiglius at this time. 420 X 289 mm. Bound third in a tract-volume begin¬ ning with IC. 28606 (Crema, Singularia, [Portilial, n. d.), IC. 28591. ARISTOTELES. Ethica. (Translated by ARISTOTELES. Ethica. (Translated by Undated. Leonardus Aretinus. 90 mm. Type: 98 R. Capital spaces. Hain 1742. Gesamt¬ katalog 2369. About a line of text seems to have been dropped out by the com¬', "positor after 'stes' in the first line of [f 7 (following the imper¬", 'fection in the present copy), which runs: stes. Nam gaudêt cù puincunt... This tract has been retained under Rugerius, where Proctor placed it (no. 6532), but it may belong rather to H. Malpiglius. 234X 161 mm. Imperfect, wanting sheet [f 5, also the blank. Illuminated capital and border with coat of arms on 12, other capitals supplied in blue. Manuscript signatures. BANDELLUS, VINCENTIUS. De singulari Christi. 1°. Ad illustrissimü i excellétissimum ducem d. d. beginning : Peculiarem hanc dignitatem princeps illustrissime...; 112°, Antonii Fauentini, (A. L.) et M.L. juris periti carmina; 1132, rently omitted from fol. 33; 117b, colophon. The quires are numbered in the register as in the above collation.', "There is an error in the catchword 'erunt' given to sheet 3 of", 'quire 13 by the register. The foliation is printed in the place usually occupied by the signatures. Certain ms. corrections at the beginning and end of the book are found in other copies also and were therefore probably made in', "the printer's office.", "This tract differs from the author's earlier compilation on the", 'same topic printed by Valdarfer at Milan in 1475 (see note to IA. 26215, p.726). It was reprinted at Lübeck some years later (IA. 9885, vol. ii, p. 556 ; Proctor no. 2626). 200X 140 mm. With the armorial book-stamp of J. Richard, D.M., and the book-plate of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. MORANDUS, BENEDICTUS.', "147 x95 mm. Type: 92 G. Capital space on 12. Hain '11611.", '210X 148 mm. On a fly-leaf is the partly erased book-stamp of W. Stretton. Bought in July, 1870. IA. 28706. ACCOLTIS, FRANCISCUS DE. Lectura super Dominicus Ruffus.) HeHH".I.KMN°N“ 176 leaves, the first blank. 2 columns. 32: 65 lines, 274 X 170 mm. Types: 140 G.; 84 G. Capital', "spaces. Catchwords at ends of first six quires. Hain '40. Gesamt¬", 'The breadth of the type-page is increased almost immediately to about 173 mm. and in and after quire a to 180-3 mm. Several of the last pages of quire .GG are short and narrow. The signatures of quires M and first N are corrected to L and M in pen and ink and appear correctly in the register. The first edition. 404 X 273 mm. Rubricated and with ms. foliation.', "On 1b is a ms. directorium' of headings. On 22 is", 'written : Comparauit Bibliothecæ Arnsburgensi F. Petrus Abbas. 1756. Bound before two other works by the same author printed at Milan in 1505. Bought in April, 1846. IC. 28708. LANDINUS, CHRISTOPHORUS. Formolario 78 G. Capital spaces. Hain 19857. Among the forms of address on 442 is the following : Vni artifici Discreto vel puido viro. V. Rugerio amico suo. A close reprint of the edition of 20 April, 1485, in which the authorship is ascribed to Bartolommeo Miniatore (Hain 11167) and with the same woodcut, but with variants in the names of the addressees on the last page of text. 210X 146 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 16, 33, and 40 (b 8, sheet e 1). Bought in July, 1924. IA. 28792. SANDEUS, LUDOVICUS. Sonetti. [Edited full width of the type-page is 89 mm. Type : 98 G. Capital space on 22.', "The editor's dedicatory letter on 1b is signed : ... Pisis primo", 'This book was catalogued among the Italian adespota by Proctor', "(no. 7416), with the note : perhaps printed at Pisa'. The type", 'differs slightly from that in the signed work of Rugerius (see note to type 98 G., p. 804). 206 X 142 mm. Rubricated. The text on 22 is sur¬ rounded by an illuminated border, with the Este arms enclosed in a wreath in the lower panel, so that this is', "doubtless the presentation copy to Alberto d'Este. In", 'what is possibly the original binding of brown lined calf. On 1° and 2e is the signature of lo: Bapt? Palmerius. From the Sunderland Library. Bought in May, 1883. IA. 28793 BOLOGNINUS, LUDOVICUS. Sylloge anthon BOLOGNINUS, LUDOVICUS. Sylloge anthon *10 January, 1486. Decretorum.', "12, blank ; 1P, printer's address ; 22, prooemium ; 2b, distinctio¬", 'nes ; 34°, prooemium causarum ; 34°, causae ; 1372, tabula ; 1502 register, colophon ; 150°, blank ; 1512, errata ; 1522, col. 2, register ; The register oni 502 runs: Pro registro scias o oës sût qterlni exceptis. k. m. o. q. t. q sût terni. That on 1522 sets out the catch¬ words but gives a majuscule alphabet.', "In the explicit on 136° the author defines his work as 'continen¬", 'tia breuis omnium distinctionum . .. et etiam causarum . . . et misbound after leaf 1. Of the same provenance as the Museum copy of the 1496 edition (IB. 29177). Bought in June, 1884. IB. 28794. BURTIUS, NICOLAUS. Musices opusculum x 91 mm. Types: 150 G., 78 G., inscriptions on diagrams; 98 G., 807 text. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Woodcut dia¬ grams and music. Hain *4145 (whose description of the initial leaves does not fit this edition). 193 X 144 mm. Without the blank. IA. 28798. MALVITIIS, TROILUS DE. De canonizatione The tabella has 58 or 59 lines to the page, with a type-page 137 mm. broad. 288 X 200 mm. Bought in June, 1879: IB. 28800. *17 July, 1487 LA SPAGNA. 32 : seven eight-line stanzas to the column, with spaces, 231 X 135 mm. Types: 150 G., incipit ; 98 G., last line on 632 ; 78 G. Capital spaces, nearly all with guide-letters. Catchwords at ends of quires. Indented text. In the somewhat different recension of this poem printed by B. de Zanis at Venice in 1488 the authorship is claimed by Sostegno di Zanobi da Firenze. 253X 172 mm. From the collection of P. A. Tosi, IB. 28802. Grenville copy (G. 10838). AUCTORITATES. Auctoritates Aristotelis', "of text ; 78 G. Capital spaces. Hain '1930. Gesamtkatalog 2834.", 'This recension of the Auctoritates ends with the two propositions', "of ' Empedocles in libro suo'.", '203X 142 mm. On 12 is written: Sum Angeli par¬', "misij Clerici Aretini', Nunc Alexandri de Paccijs.", 'Bought in May, 1899. MANDEVILLE, SIR JoHN. Itinerarius. [In quires and the last sentences of the text have been cut down to avoid the necessity of encroaching on another leaf. This tract is ranged here in order to bring it before what appears to be a later edition, that dated 4 July (IA. 28807). 201 X 144 mm. On 82° is an offset of the two red printed headings on the first page of the Pomponius Mela printed by Renner at Venice, 1478 (IA. 19867). Bought in June, 1846. IA. 28809. MANDEVILLE, SIR JoHN. Itinerarius. [In MANDEVILLE, SIR JoHN. Itinerarius. [In *4 July, 1488. Italian. is therefore probably later than that of the same year without month-date (above, IA. 28809). The correspondence between the two is exceedingly close on 22, 2°. 207 X 144 mm. On 22 is a circular book-stamp lettered: P. G. N. MATTASELANUS, MATTHAEUS. De suc¬ Edited, with Additiones, by Ludouicus *18 February, 1489. Bologninus. 185 mm. Types: 180 G., first line of text on 22; 150 G. ; 90 G. Capital spaces. Catchwords at ends of most quires. Hain 710903. 12, blank ; 1°, editor’s dedicatory letter to Capra, dated 15 No¬ vember, 1488 ; 22, M. Mattaselani De successionibus ab intestato IC. 28811. Bought in July, 1867. *25 October, 1490.', "FIORE D'ITALIA.", '22. C Incomincia il libro chiamato fiore de Italia: x 98 mm. Type : 78 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 7117.', "The register is in error in assigning only ' vno foglio' to the last", '205X 139 mm. Without the blank. Several leaves mounted and repaired, including the last, where the mutilated text has been incorrectly supplied with pen and ink. Bound in brown calf by Petit succk. de Simier. Bought in February, 1869. IA. 28815. STATUTA. Statuta criminalia Bononiae. 150 G. ; 78 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Catchwords at end of most quires. Hain 14999. 304 X 215 mm. Without the blank. Bought in October, 1904. IB. 28816. VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. L'Eneida", 'and a half eight-line stanzas, with spaces, to the column, 157 X 115 mm. Types: 150 G., first words of incipit and text; 78 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. This poem, which is a very free adaptation of the Aeneid, has', "been ascribed to one Comino de' Morcini, of Gubbio, of whom", 'nothing further appears to be known.', "The register is in error in assigning only' vno foglio' to the last", 'quire. 208 x 148 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 8. An attempt has been made to obliterate the name of Bentivoglio in the colophon. With the book-stamp of the Heber Library. Bought in April, 1865. IA. 28818. C. 1495 AND AFTER. rum errores. [Translated by Alphonsus next page, preceded by " Hic sequitur ...\', being quoted at the foot of each of these pages. 210X 145 mm. With the book-stamp of the Heber', "library, and Heber's note of purchase (7s.) at the Abbé", "Celotti's sale, April, 1819. BOLÖGNINUS, LUDOVICUS. Sylloge anthon spaces, nearly all with guide-letters. Catchwords at end of quires. Hain 3440. Reprinted from the 1486 edition (IB. 28794), with the omission of the errata, the register by catchwords, and the repetitions of the', "author's name at the end of each section.", '302 x 203 mm. Of the same provenance as the Museum copy of the first edition (IB. 28794). Bought in June, 1884. IB. 29177. MANFREDIS, HIERONYMUS DE. Liber de 299 X 203 mm. Capital on 2e supplied in red and Bought in March, 1865. IB. 29179. OFFICIA. Officia fraternitatis Flagellantium (red) INcipit officiuz beatissime virginis marie : secun du consuetudine romane curie : ad matutinu versus black) [DO (red) M (black) I (red) N (black) E. Labia mea Types: 150 G.; 98 G. (both leaded to about 160 mm.) Capital spaces, also red printed Lombards within the line. 281 X 194 mm. Capitals supplied in red. Old blind¬ tooled calf. Bought in January, 1902. IB. 29183. JOANNESCISTERCIENSIS. Defensorium line; 309 (319) x 191 mm. Types : 150 G. (leaded to about 160 mm.); 90 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 9392. 418 x 270 mm. Leaf 6 is misbound between leaves 15 and 16. Bought in July, 1879. IC. 29186. SILVESTER [MAZOLINIJ DE PRIERIO. 710 July, 1499. 12. C Apologia magistri siluestri de prierio or. predic. guide-letters, on 12 and 22. Hain 13345. The number of lines to the page is 38 on 62, 36 on 9b and 10“, 35 on 112-124, and 34 on 12b, and the text is without contractions on 11b-12b.', "The castigatio' or list of errata in the author's Dialectica (13°", '142) presumably refers to the edition of the Compendium dialecticae printed by De Luna at Venice in 1496 (Hain 13344). 210X 152 mm. Bought in May, 1894. IA. 29188. PETRUS DE ANCHARANO. Repetitio c. 29 October, 1474. The first, and apparently the only separate edition. On 30 November, 1479, an award was made by the arbitrators', "in a dispute 'super occasione stampature quorundam librorum", 'Beroaldis and Lazarus della Penna, according to which Malpiglius was to give the others 16 copies of Petrarch and 130 of the Repeti- tiones (L. Sighinolfi, in : Bibliofilia xv (1913-14), pp. 461-3) The editions referred to are evidently those catalogued under the present heading. 420X 289 mm. Bound fourth in a tract-volume be¬ ginning with IC. 28606 (Crema, Singularia, [Portilial, n. d.), q. v. Bought in December, 1917. IC. 28590. PETRUS DE ANCHARANO. Repetitio c. 9 January, 1475. The pages of the inner sheet of quire [gl are several lines short and at the end of Igl 2b a line of text has been omitted. The first edition, not reprinted until 1493. note to IC. 28590 above. 420 X 289 mm. Bound last in a tract-volume beginning with IC. 28606 (Crema, Singularia, [Portilia), n.d.), q.V. Bought in December, 1917. IC. 28592. PETRARCA, FRANCESCO. Trionfi. [With PETRARCA, FRANCESCO. Trionfi. [With the commentary of Bernardo Lapini da Siena. BONONIAE IMPRES FINIS.; 47 lines, 231 X 131 mm. Type: 98 R. Capital spaces on 12, 1b, 42, 2412. Hain 12786. Each portion of commentary is printed below the portion of text to which it applies. The register takes no account of quires [EJ or [41. For evidence of the connexion of this book with Malpiglius see note to IC. 28590 above. Catalogued under Rugerius by Proctor (no. 6530). 328 x 220 mm. Without the blank. Capitals and border (from the lower part of which a coat of arms has been cut) illuminated on 12, other capitals and paragraph marks supplied in alternate red and blue. Bound in crushed brown morocco, gold-stamped, by F. Bedford. Bought in November, 1861. IB. 28593. PETRARCA, FRANCESCO. Sonetti e canzoni. lelphus. Edited by Nicolaus Thomasoleus.) 1476. 12. Nicolaus thomasoleus Lupho numaio. S. P. D.', "The first edition of Philelphus's commentary, not containing his", 'dedicatory letter to the Duke of Milan. In his letter on 12 the', "editor remarks : 'enarrationes . .. nuper a me recognitas ut casti¬", 'to which it applies. The register gives the first words of each sheet and those of the second leaf of the middle sheet of each quire continuously in 2 columns. This edition of the Canzoniere must be regarded as complement¬ ing that of the Trionfi, 1475, above, but there is no evidence that De Libris was connected with the latter also. Fifty copies were apparently still unsold as late as 1485 (Sighinolfi, loc. cit., p. 466). Catalogued under Rugerius by Proctor (no. 6531). 297 X 203 mm.', "King George III's copy (C. 4. i. 3).", 'IB. 28595. JOANNES DE IMOLA. Repetitio c. Cum The first edition. An undated notarial document published by Sighinolfi, loc. cit. Pp. 459, 460, records that Malpiglius completed the printing of Repetitiones domini lohannis de Imola super capitulo cum con¬', "tingat de iure iurando', in two columns of 60 lines each and in 500", 'copies, as part of a contract for the syndicate of Puteolanus, Vis¬ conti and De Libris. The reference must be to this edition, the signature " Zampol Zaffone\' being that of a compositor or foreman. Catalogued under Zampol Zaffone by Proctor (no. 6540). 411 X 283 mm. Bought in March, 1866. IC. 28596. VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Facta et dicta ROMANOR VM ET EXSTERORVM AD TIBE¬ RIVM CAESAREM PROLOGVS. 129b. COLo¬ EXPLICIT LIBER VALE April, 1485, were a remainder of this edition (Sighinolfi, loc. cit., p. 466). Catalogued under Zampol Zaffone by Proctor (no. 6541). 296 x 203 mm. From the library of George Dunn. Bought in February, 1914. IB. 28597. BARBATIA, ANDREAS. Johannina. with semi-gothic forms, quires [a-cl, last leaf. Capital space or', "22. Hain 2429 (giving the first word as '(OHANNINA' prob¬", 'ably by error; see below), 2430? Gesamtkatalog 3', "Pellechet (no. 1828) describes a variant incipit : 'IJOHAN¬", "error '[IJOHANINNA' in the first word.", 'Catalogued among the Bolognese adespota by Proctor (no. 6669). 405 x 283 mm. Without the blank. Rubricated. Bound with IC. 28574 (Printer of Barbatia, Repetitio 1474), q.V. Bought in March, 1845. IC. 29272. GALEOTTUS, MARTIUS. De homine. 22. GALEOTTI. MARTII. NARNIENSIS. AD. R. D. ARCHIEPISCOPVM. STRIGO NIENSEM. EPISTOLA. lines, 185 x 102 mm. Types: 115 R.; Gk. Capital spaces on 22, 32, 412. Hain 17433. Catalogued among the Italian adespota by Proctor (no. 7358).', "Merula's attack upon the De homine was first printed at Venice", 'by De Colonia and Manthen as part of a tract-volumne which from the state of the type is to be dated about the turn of the years 1474-5 (IA. 20203, vol. v, p. 230). It is reasonable to suppose that this was an immediate answer to an edition of the De homine itself, which must in that case be the one here catalogued, the other early undated edition (Proctor no. 7356) having been printed by De Comitibus at Venice in or about 1472 (IB. 19817). A date for the present book prior to that of the Johannina is suggested by the state of the type, which is quite free from semi-gothic admixtures. 267 X 192 mm. Imperfect, wanting sheet sil 3 and the blank. On 22 is the signature: Constantini Egregij.', "King George III's copy (C. 13. b. 19).", 'IB. 29274. GALEOTTUS, MARTIUS. Refutatio obiecto¬ BRVM. DE. HOMIINE. A. Georgio Merula inchoat. Dlu mecum ipse agitaui ... 1122. COLOPHON : ANNO. M. CCCC. LXXVI.', "Quarto. [44; a-m'nos.) 112 leaves, 1 and 5 blank. 72 : 24", 'lines, 137 x 86 mm. Type: 114 R. Capital space on 62. Hain 7436. The first edition. Beneath the colophon is a faintly inked impression of the first lines of Inl 3b. 211X 154 mm. Old paper boards. Bought in July, 1858. 813 119X71 mm. Type: 114 R. Capital spaces, those in and after', "quire f mostly with guide-letters. Hain '11920 (mentioning", "variants faîtatis' and ordineë' in the last line but one on 1b).", 'Gesamtkatalog 3819. In the quires bearing printed signatures the first and third sheets only are signed. In quire c the signatures stand upside down. The first sheet of quire l is signed with a majuscule. These irregularities suggest that this book is earlier than the normally¬ signed Ptolemy. PTOLEMAEUS, CLAUDIUS. Cosmographia. PTOLEMAEUS, CLAUDIUS. Cosmographia. [Translated by Jacobus Angelus. Edited by Philippus Beroaldus and others. 123 June, 141771. Folio. Al BCSD4; al b8c6: Eé++26 sheets of two leaves each, not forming part of quires. 113 leaves, the first blank. 2 columns, except matter on 612. 62 : 57 lines, 326 x 208 mm. Type : 114 R. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. Maps printed from metal plates. Woodcut diagrams in the text. Hain 13538.', "1, blank ; 22, translator's letter ; 2b, table of chapters and text of", 'book i ; 312, Marmaricae Libyae et totius Aegypti situs ; 552, ex¬ positio omnium summarum ; 60°, blank ; 612, address to reader, table of contents of text ; 61° , tabulae picturae, i. e. table of con tents of maps ; 62-113, maps. The address to the reader on 612 contains the following : Accedit mirifica imprimendi tales tabulas ratio. Cuius inuentoris laus', "lines of the text of the translator's letter are divided thus : ...", 'Ptolemæ liuiri Alexandrini On 8 September, 1474, Philippus de Baldouinis, chancellor of Taddeo Crivelli and Dominicus and Ludouicus de Rugeriis formed', "a partnership for printing 'opus Cosmographie Tolomei'. In", 'April, 1477, the partners further contracted with De Lapis for printing 500 copies of Ptolemy, to be sold for at least 1½ ducats apiece, within 2½ months, and on 29 June following, a copy is', "recorded in De Lapis's day-book as having been delivered to De", 'Accursiis (L. Sighinolfi, I mappamondi di Taddeo Crivelli, etc., in: Bibliofilia, x (1908), pp. 241, etc.). This shows that the letters XV, not XX as supposed by Proctor, have dropped out of the year¬ date in the colophon. Crivelli, otherwise known as a miniaturist, executed the maps which are the first ever cut for an edition of the Cosmographia, and on which he presumably worked for 2½ years. He is doubtless the inuentor anonymously alluded to in the address quoted from above. 421 x 280 mm. Without the blank. Maps painted in various colours. On 22 is the signature : Roberti Magij Protonotarij apfici.', "King George III's copy (C. 3. d. 5).", 'IC. 28620. VOCABOLISTA. M. CCCC. LXXVIIIII. FINIS LAVS DEO. Quarto. al b-g8 h6. 64 leaves, the first blank. 82 : 27 lines, 148 x 84 mm. Type : 109 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, on 22, 2b, 32, 6b. The Italian words and phrases and their German equivalents are printed in parallel columns. The words Compido per maestro Domenego de Lapi ’on 642 have sometimes been taken to imply authorship. Bought in September, 1837. IA. 28623. AEGIDIUS [COLUMNAJ ROMANUS. Quod¬', "third blank. 2 columns. 62: 56 lines, 191 X 129 mm. Type: 68 G. the word 'aliud' being duplicated. Other copies besides the", "Capital spaces. Hain '113.", 'The first edition. Quire k actually contains eight leaves, the last leaf being blank on the recto and bearing on the verso the text proper to the recte of the preceding leaf, the setting-up being the same except in Il. 1-3', "of col. 1, which on k 72 begin : Responso dicendu' and on the other", 'leaf: Respondeo dicendû. The text runs on from the last words', "of k 7b ni psupponit aliud' to the first of 112 aliud. oia alia ...", 'present, including presumably that described by Hain, retain the superfluous leaf. 275 X 193 mm. With the signatures of John Smythe, Archbishop Cranmer and Lord Lumley. From the old Royal Library. Old brown leather, stamped with the arms of Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales. IB. 28626. TARTAGNUS, ALEXANDER, de Imola. Le ux. 186 leaves, the first blank. 2 columns. 4°: 60 lines, 275 X 155 mm. Type: 91 G. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 15279. Sheets f4-7 are signed f, f 2-4. The register gives a majuscule On hh 6-i 4 the pages are several lines short and have narrow The first edition. The editorial note following the colophon sets forth the care taken by De Libris to obtain an authentic text. 431 X 288 mm. Bought in March, 1906. IC. 28642. JOANNES DE ANANIA. Consilia cum 1, 23-25 and 125-127 blank. 2 columns. 322 : 67 lines, 282 X 172 mm. Type : 84 G°. Capital spaces. Catchwords at ends of some quires. Sheet h 1 is signed D 3, the error being corrected in pen and ink, probably by the printer. The items of the table (22-222) are separated by spaces, an edi¬ torial note on 22b explaining : hoc ideo factum est ut si aliquid after the date in the colophon.', "The first edition. The expression ' prima pars Consiliorum", 'applied to this collection is explained by the remark of Bologninus on 124° : haec Consilia pro nunc edere statui alia in medium 396 x 272 mm. Without the blanks. Rubricated. On 124° is written : ptinet ad locu ste Marie apud Modoetiä. On 22 is the armorial book-stamp of Count Bought in July, 1879. IC. 28651. CANIS, JOANNES JACOBUS. De tabellionibus. foliation, 134 (138) x91 mm. Type : 84 G2. Capital spaces. Hain 4327. in this book is due to its being reprinted from the edition of Cer- BEROALDUS, PHILIPPUS. Annotationes in x79 mm. Types: 150 G., words on 12 and 1b ; 84 Gb. Capital spaces. Hain 2944. 205 X 145 mm. Without the blank. Leaf 33 slightly mutilated. Bought in October, 1900. IA. 28655. No¬ spaces, a few with guide-letters. Hain 1642. Gesamtkatalog 2327. The number of lines to the page is very irregular and the inner pages of quire h are up to ten lines short. The type appears much fresher in quires a, etc., than in the preceding quires. In this copy the first leaf of quire a is unsigned and the last line on q42 runs :* & dixe: Brigtaa [sic) ... adisenare’, while Il. 13,', "14 on q 4°, run : 'ticate : ... cose se dicono che non se fano: et", 'IB. 28657a.', "King George III's copy (C. 4. i. 9).", 'Another copy. In this copy the first leaf of quire a is signed, and the line: & dixe: Brigata ... appears as the first line on q 4b, the text of l. 14 on the same page running : ticate : ... cose se dicono. Ma... The matter here omitted, making up exactly one line, was added during printing off and the first line of the page taken back to the previous page to make room for it, as the state of the first copy here described shows. 241X 160 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf and the blank. Illuminated capital supplied on 22. Leaves 174-8 are bound in the wrong order. Leaves z 6, & 1 are mutilated and leaf A 2 is mounted. IB. 28657b. Grenville copy (G. 10233). Quaestiones spaces. Variant of Hain 76425. In this copy the text on q 22 begins : Actus infinitus no infor¬', "mans. s3 realiter ide' and that on q7b ends: ... Nec etia uidetur", "mihi qibi ... depédétä'.", '303 X 209 mm. Without the blank. Bound before magio, Venice, 1486). On a fly-leaf is written: fris IB. 28664. Another copy, with variants. 1262. COLOPHON : Iohannis scoti .. . precellentissimi. Besides the inner opening of sheet q 2, the outer sheet of quire t, which includes the colophon, is also of a different setting-up. 283X 210 mm. Without the blank. Rubricated. Bought in January, 1850. IB. 28663. PEROTTUS, NICOLAUS. Rudimenta gram¬', "each paragraph set out. Hain '12659.", 'Reprinted from one of the Venetian editions of Gabriele di Pietro whence the address of Calphurnius to the publisher Morettus on 1b derives. Several lines of text have been omitted at the conclusion of the', "section De supinis verborum' on f 8b.", '308 X 201 mm. Fully rubricated. On 22 is the inscrip¬ tion: Bibliothecæ Weissenav., over which has been pasted a label with the type-set inscription: Bonaven tura Abbas Minoraug. Bound in brown calf, stamped in imitation of fifteenth-century work, by L. Claessens. Bought in April, 1875. IB. 28668. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Liber aggrega¬ (312) takes 20 July, 1477, for its example, as in the edition of about 1477 by Severinus, Ferrara (IA. 25683), and the present book is probably a reprint of this. 179X 129 mm. Rubricated. Bought in February, 1876. IA. 28670.', "spaces. Hain '14870.", '192X 139 mm. Bought in October, 1878. IA. 28672. MANFREDIS, HIERONYMUS DE. Trattato Small-bowled separate Q does not occur in this tract, and there is an admixture of another h, well rounded to right and without serifs. 203X 139 mm. Leaf c4 of a copy of the Aesop printed by Alvise at Verona in 1479 is bound at the beginning. Bought in June, 1884. FRANCISCUS DE MAYRONIS. Passus 38 lines and head-line, 140 (153) x 96 mm. Types: 145 G.; 73G.', "Capital spaces. Hain '10536.", '12, prologus, super uniuersalia ; 242, super praedicamenta ; 562, Bought in March, 1906. THOMAS AQUINAS. (219) X 120 mm. Types: 145 G., first words of text on 12: 81 (78) G. Capital spaces, those in quires a-f generally with guide-letters. Hain 1338. The breadth of the type-page is about 127 mm. in quires B-G, a, about 125 mm. in quire H, and about 132 mm. in quire pp, while it varies in quires I, m. The register erroneously assigns three sheets to quire B and The first edition. 304 X 205 mm. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. IB. 28676. ALONE. 92 G. Capital spaces. Hain 8182. The watermarks in this book (P with long wing-like tail, resem¬ bling a notarial mark, a circle containing a long narrow figure, perhaps intended for minuscule n, a flower with two leaves) recur in books of about this date with the Bolognese imprint. 197 X 150 mm. On 1e is written: Loci Padue, on a fly-leaf is the signature of Salvatore Belti, 1813. Bought in June, 1908. IA. 28682. WITH HENRICUS DE HARLEM. *3 October, 1482. 44 lines, 201 X 134 mm. Types: 180 G., first words of sections on 1b, 2a, 4b, 103P, first word of colophon ; 91 G. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. Hain 9020 (whose copy lacked the last two leaves). The register erroneously sets the first leaf apart from quire a. On c52, at the conclusion of the section Contra fluxû cattarri pter nälez ,is the note : Consiliu suprascriptum nô est Hugonis sed Cermisonis z interpositu est ppter malaz calculatione impresson ne Lee, Josias Martin, 1652, and another, obliterated, the', "words solm petro Barber p isto lib° ijs viij d' being", 'written in the hand of this last on 104°. Notes, mostly by Lee, in this and IB. 22194 (Manliis, Luminare maius, Stagninus, Venice, 1499), which is bound with it. IB. 28725. 819 I-Oio.s ps ; Q-Tio.s y1o Xe ys ; aas bbi2 ; ccl dde ee ffggl2; hhe ij 42: 44 lines and 512 leaves. 2 columns, except on 1° and 498a. head-line (book-number), 201 (213) X 133 mm. Types: 180 G.; 91 G. ; head-lines in roman capitals. Capital spaces, many with guide-letters. Hain 16285 (whose copy lacked the last two quires). The first words of the text of each book after the first are se (with type 180 G.) in the form of a square enclosing the capital space. The recto of S 6 is blank, the last words on the verso of S 5 run- In the early quires of this book are found instances of E with inner twist, thorned I and full point raised above line-level, which are characteristic of the text type as used by De Medemblick at Colle. In the dedication on 1P the author remarks of the occasion of his work: Quom ... metaphysicen . .. auditoribus nostris ... legissemus perspexissentque beatum Thomam Aquinatem: ac', "twelve books, corresponding to those of Aristotle's Metaphysics,", 'and is followed by a Quaestio de pluralitate distinctionum (499a. 509b).', "290 X 201 mm. On 1e is written ' Est 9t9 sci Apolliris", "struck out and grau Mli' substituted by the same hand", "as that which has written below : 'Ad vsuz fris Thome de", "Mlo or pdic'. On 511° is written: puëtus ste marie", "gratian mli or pdicu', with a press-mark. With the", 'book-plate of Count Hercules de Silva. Bought in May, 1899. IB. 28727. MARTINUS [STREPUS POLONUS. Mar¬ On the few occasions when E occurs in this book it is always of the form with inner twist, while thorned I and full point raised above line-level are also found. This book was catalogued with the work of De Harlem and Walbeck by Proctor (no. 6563). 295 X 203 mm. Rubricated. Bound before IB. 26434 (Paulus Florentinus, Breuiarium juris canonici, Pachel IB. 28729. JOHANNES DESACRO BUSTO. Sphaera 362. COLOPHON : Explicit theorica pläetay Gerâdi cre¬ monesis astrono mi celebratissimi ipssa Bononiae p me diagrams, etc.; 75 G., inscriptions on diagrams on 175, 205, 39 99 R., text. Capital spaces, up to 20b mostly without guide-letters. Woodcut diagrams. Hain 14109. Reprinted from the edition of Renner, Venice, 1478 (IA. 19869, vol. v, p. 195), with the addition of the tract De motu octauae', "spherae. The diagrams are rough copies of Renner's.", '198 X 141 mm. 820 Carta secuda-C. xxxxi. 2 columns. 82 : 52 lines and foliation, 195 (214) X 132 mm. Types: 150 G., ; 75 G. Capital spaces. The first edition. 297 x 203 mm. Rubricated. On 1e is written : Est F. Gregorij Martini. Original (?) paper boards. Bought in April, 1892. IB. 28713. ARIOSTUS, ALEXANDER. De usuris. 2 columns. 92 : 36 lines and head-line, 143 (154) X 105 mm. Types: 140 G., head-lines; 79 G. Capital space at beginning of each book. Hain 1653. Gesamtkatalog 2329. The third leaf of the table-quire is signed: 3. 197X 150 mm. Without the blanks. Capital supplied on 72. The grammatical errors in the colophon on 6°', "have been corrected and the words '0 ferraria' in the", 'colophon on 73° struck out with pen and ink. Bought in July, 1858. IA. 28823. AESOPUS. Aesopus moralizatus.', "the Hawk and the Shepherd and the Wolf (ending 'Blanditiae plus", "quam dira venena nocent '), which do not usually form part of this", 'collection. The last three lines of the fable of the Fly and the Ant and the whole of the fable of the Wolf, the Fox, and the Ape (twelve lines were omitted at the end of the first quire by a miscalculation. The missing part of the former and the first five lines of the latter are added, apparently by a separate impression, in the outer margin of the first page of the second quire, but the seven concluding lines do not appear at all. 195X 139 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 8. Some leaves mounted, leaf 9 mutilated and repaired. From the Voynich collection. Presented in October, 1905. IA. 28737. PROPERTIUS, SEXTUS. Elegiae. [Edited', "Folio. a8 b-l8 mn'o-rés'. 104 leaves, the first blank. 32: 39", 'lines of type 112 R., 220X 145 mm. 72 : 58 lines of comment surrounding text, 232 X 147 mm. Types: 112 R.; 80 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, also a few spaces for Greek. Hain 13406. In his dedicatory letter the editor speaks of hi commentarii: 280 X 201 mm. Without the blank. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in July, 1845. IB. 28863. SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, GAIUS. head-line, 216 (232) x 125 mm. Types: 150 G.; 100 G. Capital spaces, nearly all with guide-letters, also spaces for Greek. Hain 115125. 1, blank; 22, verses of Ausonius, monosticha de ordine Caesa¬', "text ; 962 advertisement 'ad lectorem' by the press-corrector,", 'This edition is wrongly described by Hain as containing the commentary of Beroaldus. It contains a text only, and nothing of Beroaldus save the biographical note on Suetonius. 293X 206 mm. With the stamp of the Bodleian Library. Acquired by exchange in December, 1913 IB. 28865. BEROALDUS, PHILIPPUS. Annotationes. also a few spaces for Greek. Indented text. Hain 2943. 12, blank ; 1b, letter to Ulrich von Rosenberg ; 32, text; 35°, hendecasyllables to Rosenberg, note of a clausula to be added to the text ; 362, colophon, etc.; 36b, blank. Sheet a 3 is signed f iii by error. 289 X 205 mm. Bought in June, 1897. IB. 28867. BAPTISTA [SPAGNUOLIJ MANTUANUS. *17 October, 1488. 12. lesus Maria : fRATER Baptista : Mantuanus 148 X 93 mm. 122: 25 lines of type 112 R., 140X 91 mm. Types: 112 R.; 80 R. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters ; spaces', "for Greek on 5b. Hain '2364 ('74 ff.). Gesamtkatalog 3276.", '1e letter to Fuscararius and Refrigerius ; 32, apologeticon ad eosdem; 112, Parthenice, ending: Bononiæ æditum. in. id. Feb. This and the other works of Mantuanus here catalogued are the first editions of their respective texts. In this copy leaf g i is unsigned.', "203 X 146 mm. On 11' is an ornamental capital and", 'border in several colours, the lower panel including a coat of arms (quarterly of four : I and 4 chevronny of six, argent and azure, 2 and 3 vert, over all a rake in bend sinister or). This coat is apparently not Italian and may be that of the German family of Rech. Other capitals illuminated in gold and colours. Bound before IA. 28872 a, 28875 a, the whole volume being uniformly illuminated. In this copy leaf g i is signed gi on the right of the last line of the page. 195 x 138 mm. Formerly bound before IA. 28872, 28875. IA. 28869. Bought. Parthenice secunda. [Edited by Franciscus *9 February, 1489. Ceretus. 12, letter to Bembus ; 1b, argumentum; 22, secunda Parthenice; The argument is accommodated in the last eight lines of 1b by increasing the number of lines on this page from 36 to 39 and the breadth of the extra lines by a millimetre. 203 X 146 mm. Bound with IA. 28869 a, q.v. Grenville copy (G. 9947 (2)).', "This copy reads ipenssis' and prints Bibliopola' as one word", 'in the colophon. 195 x 138 mm. Formerly bound with IA. 28869. IA. 28872 Bought. 1b. Fratris Baptistæ. Mantuani. Carmelitæe theo logi. 195 X 138 mm. Formerly bound with IA. 28869. Bought. IA. 28875. MOSES MAIMONIDES. Aphorismi secun¬', "Quarto. a-q'r“; A-Cs. 158 leaves, 134 blank. 52: 36 lines", 'and head-line, 143 (152) x 87 mm. Types: 100 G., head-lines in quires a-r; 80 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 10524. 12, prologue of Maimonides followed by table of contents ; 32 text ; 134, blank; 1352, text of Jo. Damascenus; 1392, liber Rhasis de secretis in medicina qui liber aphorismorum appellatur; 1572, with green back, as in IB. 26042, q.v, p. 719. Bought in April, 1858. IA. 28878. BAPTISTA [SPAGNUOLIJ MANTUANUS. IA. 28881. BAVERIIS, BAVERIUSDE. Consilia. [Editedby BAVERIIS, BAVERIUSDE. Consilia. [Editedby Marcus Antonius Baverius and Ludovicus *5 November, 1489. Folio. 4; as b-z et 58 rüs. 162 leaves, the last blank, 3-161 numbered I-.C.LIX. 2 columns, except on 12, 1b. 5a : 55 lines and foliation, 220 (229) x 134 mm. Types: 150 G.; 80 R. Capital spaces. Hain 2712. Gesamtkatalog 3739. The dedicatory letter to Cardinal Raphael Riarius on 12 is dated 1 November, 1489, and is followed by a letter of Philippus Beroaldus and the register on 1e and a table of consilia on 22.', "On 15 June, 1489, Plato contracted with the author's sons to", 'print these Consilia in 1100 copies within four months, to the pat tern of the specimen page attached to the record (A. Sorbelli, Storia della stampa in Bologna, p. 46). 283X 204 mm. Without the blank. On a fly-leaf is a note of purchase by Magnus Ayrensmalcz de Weylham physicus ducis Alberti Monacensis, in Vlma pro xlviij', "crucifferis sine illigatura', dated 1503; on 1e is the note:", 'Titulo Emptionis ad Bibliothecam Mettensem. Bought in October, 1867. IB. 28882. BOLOGNINUS, LUDOVICUS. De indulgen¬ on 4°, the former with guide-letter. Hain *3443. 12, blank ; 1P, tabula, dated 1489 ; 32, prooemium, addressed to Cardinal Hieronymus de Rovere and dated 1489 ; 42, text ; 22b. blank. 290 X 195 mm. Rubricated. Bought in June, 1890. IB. 28884 ALBERTI, JOANNES MICHAEL, Carrariensis. The number of lines to the page varies from 34 to 39. The type¬ page is 95 mm. broad on the inner sheet of quire b. 207 X 151 mm. Bought in October, 1870. IA. 28887. Silua cui titulus but ignoring the ms. corrections found in the Museum copy (IA. 27185, p. 639). Cf. the list of errata described under IA. 28899 below 206 X 150 mm. BEROALDUS, PHILIPPUS. The number of lines to the page varies considerably. 206 x 150 mm. With the note of ownership and (obliterated) book-label of Aloysius Zappelli, Rome. Bought in October, 1886. IA. 28897. POLITIANUS, ANGELUS. CVI ITVLVS MANTO 102. FIRST COLOPHON: D. Angeli Politiani opusculum hoc elegantissimum im¬ dented text in the Rusticus (quires a, b). Hain 13229. Reprinted from the Florentine editions (Manto, Miscomini, 1491, Hain 13232; Rusticus, Miscomini, 1491, IA. 27188; Ambra, IA. 28899. VISDOMINUS, ANTONIUS MARIA. Miscella. 12, title; 1°, blank ; 22, author’s letter to Antonius Galeacius Bentiuolus, dated 1 November, 1492 ; 3°, another letter from the', "same to the same ; 42, text ; 172, author's letter to Pyrrhamus", "Pepulus, dated 15 October, 1490, text ; 282, author's letter to", "Andreas Berlinzonus, dated 'quarto nonas nouembris', 1492 ; 28°", 'text ; 52b, errata, register, colophon. Bought in January, 1878. IA. 28901. De regno.', "The words ' Dion de Regno' are printed in a separate line of", 'large type at the head of the first page and constitute a sort of title. This and the following tract have the earlier form of i in type 112 R. and therefore belong to the first part of the year 1493. 197 X 138 mm. Capitals supplied. Bought in April, 1866. IA. 28911. 825 on 1a, 1°. 84: 40 lines, 151 x97 mm. Types: 150 G., first line of 1a ; 112 R., remainder of 12 ; 75 G. Capital spaces. Hain 6438. The title-line is disposed as in the preceding. 190 X 134 mm. Bought in January, 1878. GIORGIO. Storia di san Giorgio. S. George slaying the dragon AL nome sia del nro columns, with spaces between, 165 X 121 mm. Types : 150G., title; 75 G. Capital A on 12. This tract is here ranged with the last dated tract containing type 75 G. Catalogued by Proctor (no. 63484) as the work of Francisci at Florence. The watermark is a shield with the arms of the Benti¬ voglio family, common in Bolognese incunabula. The cut, with its white-on-black frame, is of indifferent quality and may be either from a Florentine block taken to Bologna or else a Bolognese copy of à Florentine original; cf. Kristeller, Early Florentine Woodcuts, no. 194. 198 x 148 mm. Rubricated. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 28915. URBANO. 12. TITLE: OPERA IVCVNDISSIMA NOVA¬ MENTE RETROVATA DEL FACVNDISSIMO 112 R. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 22, 2b. Catchwords. Hain 3312. The true authorship of this work appears to be unknown. A note on the title of the present copy ascribes it to Sere Buonac¬ corsi da Ginestreto poeta à martingala This tract has hyphens and the earlier form of i, and is here placed after the last dated tracts showing this state of the type. 203 X 135 mm. Bought in January, 1840. URCEUS, ANTONIUS, Codrus. Silua de This tract is the earliest to show the later form of i and constitutes à first specimen of the recast of type 112 R. made for the Bossus. Recuperationes, catalogued below. 202 X 150 mm. Bought in January, 1878. IA. 28904. BÖSSUS, MATTHAEUS. SVB T RECVPERATIONES FESVLANAS LECTOR 197 x 117 (with marginalia 142) mm. Type: 112 R. Capital', "spaces, with guide-letters. Red printing on 92. Hain '3669.", "12, title ; 1°, author's letter to Petrus Barocius, bishop of Padua,", 'dated 1 July, 1493 ; 22, table of contents ; 6°, address to reader;', "74, blank ; 7°, letter of Phil. Beroaldus to the reader ; 82, author's", "letter to Cardinal Giovanni de' Medici, dated 31 March, 1492; 92,", 'dialogues and orations ; 732, letters (i-cxxxiii) ; 184°, blank. In his letter on 1b the author says : Superiore anno ... opuscula mea quaedam uariasque epistolas ... Florentiae impressorum aduersis, etc., printed by Miscomini and Di Dino (IB. 27190, p. 640, above), in which the title Recuperationes Faesulanae does not occur. A passage giving this title (quas Recuperationes appellare possumus Fesulanas) is interpolated in the present edition in what', "is otherwise a word-for-word reprint of the author's letter to", "Cardinal de' Medici (82) and it accounts for Audiffredi's assump¬", 'tion of the existence of a Florentine edition of 1492 with the same', "title which forms the basis of Hain's no. 3668.", '307 x 217 mm. Modern stamped half leather over old boards; in the top board is written: Iohannes Protzer I. V. licit9 M cccc Xciiij Conpat In italia vj lib. Bought in January, 1891. IB. 28906. Another copy of quires A-O. 254 X 184 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf but one of quire O. A copy of leaf a 1 is prefixed and is backed by another leaf bearing the armorial book-plate of Charles Barlow, Esq., of Emanuel Colledge, Cambridge labout 17351.', "King George III's copy (C. 5. b. 9).", 'IB. 28906 a. \ufeff826 DE IMPEJRIO POST MARCVM: VEL DE SVIS TEMPORIBVS: ANGELO POLITIANO INTER. PRETE FINIS ... Quod quidem opus nouum et letters. Red printing on 32. Hain 18467.', "The translator's letter to Magnanimus on 1b begins: ’Efflagitari", 'scribis istic ab iis/ qui libros excudunt formis: Herodianum Sartius, was a Bolognese. On 22 follows the dedication to Inno¬ cent VIII written in 1487, and on 32 the text.', "This is the first authorized edition, that dated ' Romae ... die", 'xx. Iunii. 1493’ (vol. iv, p. 137, IB. 19353/2) containing neither the letter to Magnanimus nor the marginalia. 300 X 204 mm. Some capitals supplied in red or blue. On 32 are painted the arms of a Franciscan house.', "King George III's copy (C. 2. c. 6).", 'IB. 28909. MAFFEUS, CELSUS. Dissuasoria ne princi¬ ginalia 105) mm. Types: 150 G., title; 112 R.; 80 R., marginalia. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Red printing on 3°. Hain 10443. Bought in November, 1846. POLITIANUS, ANGELUS. Cose volgari. stanzas, with spaces, 147 x 82 (with marginalia 109) mm. Types : 112 R. ; 80 R., matter on 1b. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Red printing on 22. Indented text. Hain 13239. 12, title ; 1P, dedicatory letter of Alessandro Sartio to Antonio Galeazzo Bentivoglio; 22, stanze cominciate per la giostra del BURTIUS, NICOLAUS. Bononia illustrata, externis uenisti nuper ad horas .. . nobis tam bene pressit opus. 38°. Ad Lectorem. Platonis de Benedictis huiusce artis exacto ris probatis¬ simi Libellus quampulcherimis caractheril bus impressus. In quo Origo/ situsq Bononiæ. . .. una cum illustri right) REGISTRVM. abcde. Omnes .. . ternus. (three lines of patterns of full points).', "Quarto. a-d'e6. 38 leaves. 32: 26 lines, 146 x 89 (with", 'marginalia 110) mm. Types: 150 G., title; 112 R.; 80 R., marginalia. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Red printing on', "12, 1b, 2b. Hain '4148.", "12, title ; 1P, author's metrical address to Giovanni Bentivoglio II;", '2b, Bononia illustrata; 29°, author’s metrical colophon, followed 15 January, 1486, and other copies of verses; 382, colophon addressed to the reader, register; 38b, blank. The last word of the fourth verse on 22, originally printed', "habet', has been erased and corrected to erit' with pen and ink", "in the printer's office.", '209X 152 mm. Rubricated. Against a passage dealing with doctores uiuentes on 12° is written: viuunt adhuc 1496. The same hand has written on the last page : Meinem günstigen liebn Herrn Hansen von Oratio ad The number of lines to the page varies considerably. 198 X 140 mm. Previously bound in the same tract- volume as IA. 28932. IA. 28926. BEROALDUS, PHILIPPUS. De felicitate. HABIITA IN ENARRATIONE GE JORGICON VIRGILII ET COLVMELLAE. (black) mAGNA RES EST VIRI OR natissimi.. 52. Distichon ad 140 X 86 (with marginalia 106) mm. Types: 150 G.; 112 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, on 24 and 52. Hain 2969. 211 X 152 mm. Bought in January, 1878. FRONTINUS, SEXTUS JULIUS. De re militari. 510 July, 16 November. Beroaldus. 1495; 17 January, 1496. 34: 37 lines, 209 X 125 mm. Type: 112 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Diagrams in quires O0, PP. 14, title ; 15, letter of Beroaldus to Minus Roscius; 22, Fronti¬ but they are printed from the first edition of the recension of Sulpitius, Silber, Rome, 1487 (IA. 18862, etc.). IB. 28930. FANTUTIUS, GASPAR. Oratio coram Bo¬ 19 October, 1495. 14. Præstantissimi adulescentis Gasparris Fantutii 197 X 137 mm. Previously bound in the same tract- volume as IA. 28926. IA. 28932. BOSSUS, MATTHAEUS. De instituendo sapi¬ spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 3677.', "14, title ; 1b, blank ; 22, author's letter to Seuerinus Calchus,", 'dated Verona, 19 September, 1495 ; 4b, Matthaei Bossi... de colophon ; 128b, blank. On vellum. 221 X 155 mm. Chief capitals illuminated in gold and colours, other capitals supplied in several colours. On 5e is an illuminated border, the lower part containing a coat of arms (argent, a chevron gules between three trefoils slipped vert). Bound before IA. 28937 below.', "King George III's copy (C. 9. b. 16 (1). IA. 28934à. BOSSUS, MATTHAEUS. Quarto. a b“. 12 leaves. 4°: 25 lines, 140 x 83 (with mar- ginalia 106) mm. Type: 112 R. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 12. Hain 3678. with which this is bound.', "King George III's copy (C. 9. b. 16 (2)). IA. 28937. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Liber aggregatio¬ 28670), of which it is perhaps a reprint. 206 x 150 mm. Imperfect, wanting sheet c 3. Rubri¬ cated. With the book-plate of Robert W. Webb. Bought in February, 1928. IA. 28742. ALONE. 1485), which are made up from a copy of a later edition printed with B. Hectoris 93 G. (P. 71. emédata ... p supradictu ... P. epm conchen. marchie 12, letter of commissary, reciting bull of Gregory XI, and dated 24 November, 1377 ; 1°, prooemium ; 22-25P, statuta lxi ; 25b, 262 notarial attestation; 262, 26°, additional statutes, dated 1436 and 1423, colophon ; 272, bull of Sixtus IV, dated 1474 ; 282, note as to fee payable to visitor, dated 16 September, 1462, and signed Ludouicus Rector Collegii hispanorum ; 28b, alphabetical index ; 30b, blank.', "which should follow immediately on Excellétissimo', have been", 'added in a separate line after printing off. 273 X 197 mm. Bought in July, 1882. IB. 28763. ORBELLIS, NICOLAUS DE. Compendium', "A-L'M6. 94 leaves, the first blank. 2 columns. Vol. I, 42: 3", 'lines, 158 x 100 mm. Types: 180 G.; 91 G. Capital spaces 210X 152 mm. On 12 of vol. I is written: tenet ad locu Mtis. Sti. ppe Tudertum [Todil. Bound in two volumes. Last leaf of vol. II slightly mutilated. Bought in May, 1899. IA. 28765, 28769. MIRACOLI. Miracoli della Madonna. There appears to be no description available of the table of con¬ tents which presumably formed part of this edition. That prefixec', "to the present copy, from which Copinger's no. 4062 derives and", "on which Proctor (no. 6558B) founded his description of 'type 4", 'of this press, is made up ; see below. 202 X 141 mm. Presumably wanting a table of con¬ tents on four leaves at the beginning ; the place of this is here taken by one forming part of an unidentified edition printed with B. Hectoris 93 G. [P. 71 or cognate', "material and beginning on 1': QVi incomenciano", 'alchuni miracoli dela Glorio sa vergene Maria ... With the book-plate of Count Giacomo Manzoni. Bought in May, 1899. IA. 28767. WITH JOHANNES WALBECK. siensium. Of the same provenance as IB. 28780 below. Bought in May, 1884. IB. 28772. BOTTONUS, BERNARDUS. Casus super De', "2934 (reading corsutu' in the incipit and gladiatoris' for", "glosatoris' in the colophon).", 'The text of this edition omits the briefer remarks introduced bi Nota quod ... which are found at the end of each section in other editions, as well as shortening the title from Casus longi', "to Casus'.", 'plate of the Munich Augustinians. Bought in October, 1867. IB. 28775. SALADINUS DE ASCULO. Compendium Folio, a-e6. 30 leaves, the last blank. 2 columns. 62 : 44 lines 200 x 128 mm. Types : 180 G. ; 91 G. Capital spaces. Hain 14131. 290 X 198 mm. Rubricated. On 1e is illuminated in gold and colours a capital and border with a coat of arms. Bought in July, 1858. IB. 28778. HONESTIS, CHRISTOPHORUS DE. Expositio Bought in May, 1884. IB. 28780. SIRECTI, ANTONIUS. Formalitates moder¬ SIRECTI, ANTONIUS. Formalitates moder¬ Undated. niores de mente Scoti.', "This work is dated : M. cccclxxxiij. die xviij. Ian.' in Hain", '14793, which is presumably the editio princeps. Type 91 G. is in its latest state in this tract. 209 X 144 mm. From the Voynich collection. IA. 28788. Presented in October, 1906. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. Hain 14487. 283 X 199 mm. Without the blanks. Rubricated. Bought in May, 1921. IB. 28833 RITUALE ROMANUM. F20 March), 1487. COLOPHON : (red lines and foliation, 152 (157) X 101 mm. Types: 170 G.; small gothic, foliation, directors. Red printed Lombards, a few capital spaces. Musical notes on a four-line stave.', "Copinger's no. 4514 is an impersect description of this book, no", 'doubt taken from the present copy. 206 X 145 mm. The lower part of the last leaf is torn away, destroying the device and the last two lines of the colophon and slightly mutilating the first line. Bought in March, 1906. IA. 28838. WITH ANGELUS DE RUGERIIS. 144 X 83 mm. Type: 78 G. Capital spaces. Hain 9858. Reprinted, with the same page-contents, from the edition of Rugerius, June, 1485 (IA. 28792), but with variants in the names of the addressees on the last page of text and without the woodcut. 217X 159 mm. Uncut. Bound in crushed red morocco Bought in January, 1848. BAPTISTA [SPAGNUOLIJ MANTUANUS. Gesamtkatalog 3317 (with an ascription to P. de Fontanesis). This tract is here ranged with the signed work of De Bazaleriis in type 78 G., but the ascription cannot be regarded as certain. The watermark, a crown, is common in Bolognese books. The', "year of Morbioli's death, which according to the text took place on", '9 November, does not appear to be known. 205 X 151 mm. On a fly-leaf is pasted a bibliographical note by Robert Proctor. With the book-label of George Dunn, Woolley Hall. Bought in February, 1914. IA. 28845. ALONE. 1a, letter of Mondellus to Ubaldinus, dated May, 1481 ; 2°, reply of Ubaldinus, dated July, 1481; 32, verses in praise of the book, beginning * Qui cupis in paucis uersari ... ; 3°, ordo contentorum, 205X 154 mm. In the top cover is a paper signet with a monogram apparently reading LF. Bought in July, 1879. IA. 28851. PETRUS DE ROSENHEIM. lines of type 83 R., 145 x 89 mm. Twenty-six lines of type 114 R. on 12° measure 148 mm. Types: 114 R. ; 83 R. Marginalia.', "Capital spaces, almost all with guide-letters. Hain '13990.", '1à blank ; 1P, colophon ; 22, prologus prosaicus, addressed to Cardinal Branda [Castiglione]; 4*, prologus metricus, giving the 102, registrum ; 10b, blank ; 112 text ; 48b, tetrasticon, couplet by the editor ; 492, text relating to New Testament; 602, destinatio', "operis ; 60b, author's address to the scrivener, verses by the", 'editor.', "At the end of the tetrasticon' on 10e follows the sentence: 'Ex", 'consisting of the books of the Bible arranged under alphabets, is, however, here omitted. 204 X 153 mm. On 1° is written: Ex dono Venera- bilis Dni Parochi Georgij Kunæ Datus Mrio Blanckstet', "tensi' and, in red pencil: 'N° 16 Bibl Rebo. Some", 'rubrications. Bought in January, 1868. IA. 28847. MANFREDIS, HIERONYMUS DE. Centilo¬ ginalia 97) mm. Types: 114 R., headings, colophon; 83 R. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 12; Lombard on 22. Hain 10692. 202 X 150 mm. Formerly part of a tract-volume. Repertorium dictorum rum. [Edited by Andreas Victorius. 12. TITLE: REPERTORIVM DICTORVM: ARI¬ TOTELIS: AVEJROYS: ALIORVMQVEPHILO¬ SOPHORVM. 64°. COLOPHON: Expliciunt proposi¬ head-line, 146 (156) x 94 mm. Types: 114 R., heading on 2a colophon ; 83 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, in quires a¬c.', "Hain '1934. Gesamtkatalog 2838.", "1a title; 1, editor's dedicatory letter to Hieronymus Tostinus de", 'tiones Auerrois in De substantia orbis ; 642, tabula operis. A recension of the tract known as Auctoritates Aristotelis, etc., making considerable changes in the order of the books and of the propositions under each heading. 208 X 150 mm. Bought in December, 1904. HERODIANUS. Historia de imperio post PERIO POST MARCVM: VEL DE SVIS TEM¬ PORI BVS: E GRAECO SVMMA FIDEET DILIGENTIA AC DOC TRINA TRANSLATAE', "Quarto. a-e3 ; f-h'. 64 leaves. 72: 36 lines, 150x93 (with", 'marginalia 110) mm. Type: 83 R. Capital spaces, with guide¬', "letters. Hain '8468.", 'Reprinted from the edition of F. de Benedictis, 31 August of the same year (IB. 28909). 193 X 138 mm. Bought in January, 1878. IA. 28858. Recuperationes LECTOREM. 166b. COLOPHON: Recuperationes Fesulanas has elegantissimas Opus quidem aureum :', "Quarto. a-i Kl-u'x6. 166 leaves. 52: 36 lines, 149X 92 (with", 'marginalia 108) mm. Types: 114 R., letter of Beroaldus on 1";', "83 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '3670.", 'A line of text has dropped out at the end of quire g and is supplied in pen and ink in this copy. Reprinted from the editio princeps of F. de Benedictis, 20 July of', "the same year (IB. 28906), with the omission of the author's dedi¬", 'catory letter and the table. The month-date is evidently influenced by the Decimo tertio kallendas Augustas of the archetype and is no doubt intended for 28 October. 214 X 140 mm. Bought in August, 1839. IA. 28856. AUCTORITATES. Auctoritates Aristotelis AUCTORITATES. Auctoritates Aristotelis Senecae Boethii, etc. [Edited by Simon *22 May, 1488. chum medicinae artis pitissimû : ... Ibid.: d Inci¬', "702. Impressor ad lectorem. 70b. PRINTER'S CoLO¬", 'PHON : Opera Pasquini cognomento de fontanesis Rel¬ and head-line, 155 (161) x 94 mm. Types: 100 G.; 78 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 1931. Gesamtkatalog 2835. The text of this recension ends with * Aristotelis propositiones ex', "libris Elenchorum'. The present edition is presumably the arche", 'type of the undated Venetian edition (IA. 25170, vol. v, p. 589).', "The printer's address remarks (70b): [Compendium) cum antea", 'iamdiu impressum ... esset : id hieme proxime praeterita collatis', "to Rugerius's edition of 15 April of this year (IA. 28805). The", "address concludes : 'Fatemur. fuisse Simonem Pasqualem lader¬", 'Bought in March, 1927. IA. 28945. MANDEVILLE, SIR JoHN. Itinerarius. [In C on 22, Lombards elsewhere. Hain 10657 : The number of lines to the page is irregular. 182 X 125 mm. IA. 28953 MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN. Itinerarius. [In MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN. Itinerarius. [In *18 July, 1492 Italian. 203 X 146 mm. At the end is the signature of Gio. 835 CANOJNICI REGVLARIS IN IESV CHRISTI Reprinted from the edition of F. de Benedictis, 11 November of this year (IA. 28937), with the omission of the few marginalia. 193 X 136 mm. Bought in October, 1901. BEROALDUS, PHILIPPUS. De felicitate. 12. TITLE: PHILIPPI BEROALDI DE FELICI¬ TATE OPVSCVLVM. 20°. COLOPHON: Opusculù ginalia 107) mm. Types: 114 R., title, matter on 19°, 202 ; 83 R. Gka, Capital spaces, with guide-letters, on 22 and 32. Hain 72968. Reprinted from the edition of F. de Benedictis, 1 April, 1495 (IA. 28928), the date in the colophon being taken over unaltered. 189 X 138 mm. IA. 28985. Bought. headings on 22 ; 83 R. Printed capital on 12 and at the beginning of each book, capital spaces, with guide-letters (the latter mostly majuscules), elsewhere. Woodcut border enclosing the text on 12.', "The initials '.C. .C.' beneath the colophon are unexplained.", '190 X 132 mm. Bought in April, 1857. eight-line stanzas, with spaces, to each column, 174X 109 mm Types : 140 G., title ; 93 G., heading on 22 ; 75 G. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 22: Lombard at beginning of each canto. Woodcuts ; woodcut border-pieces on 12. The title cut represents Sir Bevis fighting a monster. Small oblong cuts are found on a 42, d 4, and f 12.', "The Guidone Palladino' mentioned in the title is Sir Guy,", 'the father of Sir Bevis. 197 X 150 mm. Imperfect, wanting the outer sheet of quires b and c. The first leaf is mutilated. On 1b is written the name of Sabastian Venier, with the senti¬ ment : nicolosa sola ti amo. With the book-plate of George Frederick Nott. Bought in April, 1842. STATUTA. 14 July), 30 June, 1498. 12. C STATVTA ET DECRETA COMMVNIS GENVAE: QVAE QVAM ORDINATISSIME DILIGENTISSIIME ET CASTIGATISSIME AD COMMVNEM CVNCTORVM GENVENSIVM VTILITAITEM NEC NON VOLVPTATEM IM numbered .i.-87, 95-123 numbered i-29. 92: 47 lines, head-line and foliation, 205 (218, 222) X 123 mm. Types: 87 R.; Gk°. Capital', "spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '15007.", '12, title, epigrams by the editor ad librum, ad lectorem ; 1b', "editor's dedicatory letter to the brothers Adorni, dated 4 July, 1498;", '42, errata of letter, sapphics by the editor ad Genuam; 4°, tabula ciuilium ; 72, statuta ciuilia ; 93°, register ; 94, blank; 953 The inmost pages of quire k are several lines short and have practically no contractions. In this copy the last line on 162 runs : accommdatario puicto sit uel odenato / exide teneat mrato trader. 294 X 200 mm. Without the blank. IB. 28996. Bought in December, 1845. Another copy. In this copy the last line on 1 6° runs: accomédatarius pujctus sit / uel odenatus / exide teneat mratus. 274X 190 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf of quire A. The first leaf is mutilated. IB. 28996 a.', "King George III's copy (C. 8. i. 1). De finibus MALORVM AD BRVTVM LIBER PRIMV. nON ERAM nescius Brute : cum quae summis ingeniis beginning of each tract. Hain 5331, part of 15344. 12, de finibus ; 372, de petitione consulatus; 412, de uniuersitate ; 44°, somnium Scipionis; 462, register, colophon ; 46°, blank.', "The alia septem Jor rather, six) opuscula' referred to in the", 'colophon are those printed at Reggio by Bazalerius de Bazaleriis in 1498 and 1499, beginning with the De natura deorum (Hain 5333, etc.), a copy of which is here bound up in the same volume. In quires LII, Mmm the breadth of the type-page is increased to 132 mm. 307 X 210 mm. Bound with IB. 34048 (De natura Bought in March, 1906. IB. 28998. 837 with guide-letter, on 8b.', "Hain's no. 4687 describes a colophon worded as above, but", 'divided thus : Impresse... mi ... de la ...A di. ... e in It thus apparently refers to a different issue or edition. 193X 138 mm. Without the blanks. Beneath the colophon is an armorial book-stamp lettered M (or CMC). Bought in October, 1857. BOLOGNINUS, BARTHOLOMAEUS. In Meta¬ breadth of the type-page on 1b is 111 mm. Type : 92 G. Capital spaces, all but the first with guide-letters. Red printing on 22 Hain 13437. 1a, blank ; 1P, letter of Politian to the author, dated: Fesulis.', "xvi. kal'. Iun. 1492 ; 22, author's metrical dedication to Politian ;", '3°, admonitio in detractores, in Metamorphoseos librum epitoma; morphoses in Latin elegiacs, the later books being much more fully treated than the rest.', "If Politian's letter on 1P is correctly dated nearly a month later", 'than the colophon, the whole edition was presumably kept back until it could be printed on the originally blank first leaf. Possibly,', "however, lan.' should be read for' Iun.'", '190X 144 mm. On 1e is written: W R Collegi Crülou: [Krumlow in Moravial Socis lesu Catalogo iscript? Bought in December, 1869. CAVALCA, DOMENIcO. Pungi lingua. 101 mm. Type: 78 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain The full-page cut on 12, representing a teacher with four pupils at his sides and another writing before him, enclosed in a Renaissance border, the top panel of which represents a combat of naked warriors on horseback and on foot, is copied in reverse from the title-cut of the editions of Aesop printed by De Bonellis at Venice', "in 1491, 1493, etc. (Prince d'Essling, Livres à figures vénitiens, pt. i.", 'tom. i, p. 331 ; cf. IA. 23809). The lettering ESOPVS on the panel above the teacher’s head is here omitted. 203X 145 mm. Eighteenth-century (?) red sheepskin with brown back, of the same provenance as IA. 28878 IB. 26042, q. v., p. 719. Bought in May, 1855. SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, GAIUS. TO ANNI IVOLO. 7a. SECOND TITLE: SVETO¬ BALI BENT NIVS CVM COMMENTARIO PHILIPPI BERO¬ ALDI. 332b. COLOPHON: Commentarios hosce a Phi¬ lippo Beroaldo diligenter compositos impressit Bene type 110 R., 226 x 150 mm. 92 : 56 lines of commentary surround¬ ing text, and head-line, 235 (242) x 147 (with marginalia 168) mm. Types: 110 R.; 84 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters.', "Hain '15126.", '12, title ; 1b, blank ; 22, dedicatory epistle of Beroaldus to', "remark that' mille exemplaria' have been printed (4b) is perhaps", 'not to be literally understood. The register makes no distinction between the number of sheets in quires H-T and in quires A-G. 301 X 199 mm. Without the blank. Bought. IB. 29045. SAVONAROLA, JoANNES MICHAEL. De 44 : 53 lines and foliation, 222 (228) X 131 mm. Types: 110 R. (capitals only), title ; 84 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain *14494. In some copies the title reads: SAVONAROLA DE BAL¬ Reprinted, with the same page-contents, from the edition of Belfortis, Ferrara, 1485 (IB. 25701), with the addition of a title and of a table of contents on 1P. 275 X 189 mm. IB. 29047. PETRUS DE ANCHARANO. Repetitio [Edited by Ludouicus Bologninus. 70 lines, 324 X 189 mm. Type : 93 G. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Hain k952. Gesamtkatalog 1628. The earlier Roman and Bolognese editions referred to in the colophon are those by H. Malpiglius, 9 January, 1475 (IC. 28592, p. 811) and by Reinhardi, 3 February, 1475 (Hain 951, Gesamt¬ katalog 1629). In some copies the colophon runs as follows : C EXPLICIT Proctor catalogued this book under Jo. Jac. de Benedictis (no. 6614), with a reference under Hectoris. 408 x 268 mm. Without the blank. Partly rubri¬ cated. With the stamp and duplicate stamp of the Munich Royal Library. Bought in April, 1873. IC. 29049. THOMAS AQUINAS. Super secundo libro Angelici doctoris sancti Tho me aquinatis ordinis predi¬ commentary, and head-line, 215 (222) x 145 mm. 54 lines of text on 122 measure 215 mm. Types: 135 G., title, etc. ; 80 G., text, head-lines ; 66 G., comment. Capital spaces, mostly with guide¬', "letters. Hain '1477 (reading baccalartu :’ in l. 6 of the colophon).", '288 x 207 mm. Bound before IB. 21998 (Aquinas, Super tertio Sententiarum, Liechtenstein, Venice, 1490), the latter bearing the book-stamp of the Franciscans of Ingolstadt, and both a note of bequest by Dominus Martinus Flander, 1565. IB. 29051. Bought. Another copy, with a variant in the title. In this copy the first word of the title is printed: Secüd». 300X 210 mm. Rubricated. Bound with IB. 21254 (Aquinas, Super primo Sententiarum, De Strata, Venice, Bought in July, 1869. Another copy. This copy has the same title as the preceding. The signature of b 4 was apparently at first printed a iiij, but the first letter has been erased and b’ stamped in. The signature g iii is printed with type 66 G., instead of 80 G. as in the two other copies. 293X 212 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf. Partly rubricated. Bound in original (?) German stamped pigskin before IB. 19738 (Aquinas, De veritate catholicae fidei, Jenson, Venice, 1480), on 12 of which is the signa¬ ture of — Schmidt, 1675. On the top edge is a mono¬ gram which perhaps represents FGS. Bought in April, 1845. IB. 29053. SCRIPTORES REI RUSTICAE. Cato. REM RVSTICAM EX POLIVIT LIBRI TRES. STE IM¬ MODERATI COLVMELLAE RERVM RVS CArum libri: opera & impensa Benedicti Hectoris', "Folio. A° B8; a-f gh'is; k-z & » Baa'; bb cc6: dd ee ff", "gg-oo' pp'qq'. 274 leaves. 20° : 40 lines, 220X 141 (with mar¬", 'ginalia 169) mm. Types: 110 R.; 84 R., commentaries on Colu¬ mella, lib. xi, and Palladius; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide¬ 78°, Columellae capitula; 82°, blank ; 832, Columella, with the interpretationes of Pomponius [Laetus) to lib. xi ; 2182, blank; 218°, tituli libri primi Palladii ; 2192, Palladius, with the com¬ mentary of [Urceus) Codrus to the poetical book De insitione : lectorem et ad Benedictum impressorem ; 274°, blank. Reprinted from the edition of Bottonus, Reggio, 1482 (IB. 34008) or perhaps rather from the editio princeps, Jenson, Venice, 1472 (IB. 19660), with the addition of a title, marginalia, and the com¬ mentaries of Pomponius and Codrus (see above), and the omission', "both of Merula's letter to Georgius at the end of Columella, and", "of Colucia's at the end of Palladius.", '303 X 205 mm. On 12 is written: 1. 5. F. M. 39. Sheet qq 3 is misbound within sheet pp 2. Bought in January, 1868. IB. 29054. TIBERTI, ANTIOCHUS. Chiromantia. 151 x 91 (with marginalia 107) mm. Types : 110 R., most letter¬ press on 212-232 ; 84 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain *15519. The diagrams on 212-22b consist of three chiromantic figures of the right hand and one of the left, with explanatory text.', "The author's dedicatory letter is dated (1b) : iiii. kalen. nouem¬", "bres,' 1494.", '196 X 144 mm. The quire containing the diagrams is bound at the beginning. IA. 29055. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De natura 64: 41 lines, 226 x 150 mm. Type : 110 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Head-lines in and after quire h (De finibus, etc.). Hain 5335. I, blank ; 22, Ciceronis vita; 42, verses of Severus Cornelius, on quire o, to which the register (1002) assigns three sheets, but which consists of two only, the last three leaves bearing catch¬ words on the verso. 305 X 209 mm. From the Sunderland Library. Bought in May, 1882. IB. 29057. OCKAM, GULIELMUS DE. Summulae in OCKAM, GULIELMUS DE. Summulae in Edited by Marcus Physica Aristotelis. Alexandreus de Beneuento. 1° and 47°. 42: 46 lines and head-line, 214 (220) X 143 mm. Types: 110 R., matter on 472 ; 93 G. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Hain 11951.', "12, title ; 1P, editor's dedication to Alexander de Achillinis ; 22", 'text ; 472, verses to the editor by Petrus Garaottus de Forliuio and Io. Franc. Signorectus Alexandreus ; 47b, 48, blank. The single instance of Qu found in this book differs slightly from the normal form of type 110 R., being perhaps a wrong¬ fount stray. Proctor (no. 6629) appears to have been misled by it into confusing the type with type 112 R. 278 x 208 mm. Rubricated. Bound with IB. 41906 (Ockam, Dialogus, Trechsel, Lyons, [1494)) and IB. 11087 (Dialogus inter discipulum et magistrum, Kunne, Mem¬ mingen, 1494) in stamped brown leather for the monastery Bought in June, 1895. IB. 29059. PICUS, JoANNES, Mirandulanus. Opera. *20 March, 1496, 16 July, 14916). PART I. 12. TITLE: Comentationes Ioannis Pici Mirandulæ in hoc uolu mine côtentæe: quibus anteponi¬ astrologos : diligenter impressit Benedictus Hectoris Astrologiam. 144°. Correctiones. Hept. Apol. tractatus. de ente & uno epistolar &c. 144b. END: . .. Datü Folio. Part I : al2: A-D6 E4; AA-IIe KK4; LL MME NNS OO-VV6 ; XX6 YY1° 176 leaves, the last blank. Part II : aa’; a-k6; 1m6; A-K“ L4 ; [42). 144 leaves, 142 blank. Part I, 144 ; 40 lines, 220 X 146 (with marginalia 172) mm. Types : 110 R.; 84 R., matter on 1P of part I, marginalia in quire NN, inscriptions on diagram on m 1b, errata; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide¬', "letters. Head-lines throughout part II. Hain '12992.", "Part I : 12, title ; 1b, editor's letter to the Duke of Milan, dated", '1 March, 1496; 22, Pici vita per lo. Franc. Picum edita ; 132, Hepta¬ plus ; 40b, blank ; 412, Apologia xiii quaestionum, followed by brief register, device ; 142, blank ; 1432, errata of part II, concluding', "with the two years' privilege granted by the Duke of Milan to", "Benedictus bibliopola Bononiensis for ' omnia opera comitis loannis", "Pici Mirandulensis collecta' and dated 7 July, 1496; 144°, errata of", 'part I, concluding with the same privilege. The concluding sentence of the title of part I, together with', "several phrases in the editor's letter on 1° of part I, clearly shows", 'that part II had not yet been published when part I appeared and that the date in the colophon of part II should therefore read', "Mcccclxxxxvi' instead of Mcccclxxxxv'. Proctor was mistaken", "in identifying part II (no. 6630) with Hain '12994, which is per¬", 'haps another issue of the edition of De Vitalibus, Venice, 1498 (IB. 24328, vol. v, p. 548). 300X 212 mm. Original (?) German stamped brown leather, rebacked. Bought in October, 1867. IB. 29063, 29064. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Tusculanae 127 July, 1496. Philippus Beroaldus. Folio. [A21; B-16 K-N4 O6 P4 Q-V6 X-Zt & 98. 132 leaves, the last blank, 3-130 numbered i-128. 52 : 59 lines of commentary surrounding the text, and head-line, 248 (257) x 147 (with marginalia 169) mm. Types: 110 R.; 84 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 15323, 2947. by the errata; 132, blank. 309 X 199 mm. Without the blank. Leaf M 2 is mutilated. On 1a is the signature of Thomas Metham, on 131° is written: liber litilli quoda MY Whitford. Bought. IB. 29066. CENSORINUS. De die natali. [With other CENSORINUS. De die natali. [With other tracts. Edited by Philippus Beroaldus.) 112 May, 1497. 140 (with marginalia 164) mm. Types: 112 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Head-lines in and after quire d (Tabula', "Cebetis, etc.). Hain '4847.", '12, title : 1P, editor’s dedicatory letter to Bartholomaeus Blanchi¬ nus ; 22, Censorinus ; 162, Cebetis Tabula in latinum conuersa per Ludouicum Odaxium ; 202, Luciani dialogus de virtute con¬ to have been added after printing off. 281 X 200 mm. IB. 29070 a. Another copy. 276 x 191 mm. Bound in a tract-volume beginning with a copy of Sonetti, Isolario, 1532, from the libraries of the Earl of Arundel and Lord Lumley. IB. 29070 b. Maps C. 7. b. 12. Quarto. a-i8. 72 leaves. 7à: 36 lines, 148 x92 (with mar¬ ginalia 112) mm. Types: 112 R., title ; 83 R. Capital spaces, many with guide-letters. Head-lines on and after f 62 (De studio', "philosophiae). Hain '13002.", '12, title ; 1b, author’s dedicatory letter to Savonarola, dated', "iii. kl'as Nouembris', 1496 ; 2b, index capitum ; 3b, prooemium", 'humanae et diuinae philosophiae ; 71b, errata ; 72b, blank. Bought in July, 1858. BEROALDUS, PHILIPPUS. Declamatio Quarto. 42; A-DSEt. 38 leaves. 42 : 27 lines, 150x 92 (with marginalia 113) mm. Types: 112 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with', "guide-letters. Hain '2963.", '1a, title ; 1P, author’s dedicatory letter to Paulus Sidlouitius Polonus; 32, declamatio an orator sit philosopho et medico ante¬ ponendus ; 132, de optimo statu. SCANAROLUS, ANTONIUS. The work here criticized by Scanarolus is the De dispositionibus', "p. 850). The latter is not named but referred to merely as' unus", "aduersarius' in the epistle to Nestor Morandus on 22.", '201 X 150 mm. Bought in November, 1896. VALERIUS FLACCUS, GAIUS. Argo¬ with guide-letters. The full breadth of the type-page is 139 mm. 303 X 205 mm. Bought in June, 1890. IB. 29082. PLINIUS SECUNDUS, GAIUS CAECILIUS. *19 October, 1498. 1a. TITLE: C. Plinii Secüdi Iunio ris epistole per (158) x 92 mm. Types : 165 G., title ; 112 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 13115.', "12, title ; 1°, editor's dedicatory letter to lohannes Vartimber¬", 'gensis Bohemus ; 32, text ; 1402, Phil. Beroaldi junioris ad Barth. Blanchinum condiscipulum phalaeci ; 140b, blank. 205 X 150 mm. Rubricated. Bought in April, 1877. IA. 29087. BEROALDUS, PHILIPPUS. Heptalogos siue (with marginalia 111) mm. Types : 112 R.; Gk. Capital spaces,', "with guide-letters. Hain '2974.", "12, title ; 1P, blank ; 22, author's dedicatory letter to Iohannes", 'Vartimbergensis Bohemus; 32, text; 23°, colophon, register, device ; 24, blank. 197 X 148 mm. Without the blank. Presented in August, 1869. IA. 29089. BEROALDUS, PHILIPPUS. De felicitate. marginalia 110) mm. Types: 165 G., title; 112 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, on 1b and 32. Hain *2971. The signature-alphabet consists of majuscules, not of minuscules as the register indicates. 201 X 145 mm. Bought in April, 1929. Orationes 12. TITLE: Orationes. M. Tullii Ciceronis operosum Impressit Benedictus Hectoris Bononiensis/ea diligentia/ qua si omnes operibus formandis uterentur', "four lines of title, word Tabula :' on 22 ; 112 R. Capital spaces,", "with guide-letters. Hain *5129 (272 ff.').", "12, title ; 1° editor's dedicatory epistle to Stanislaus Ostrorius", 'Ostrouius? Polonus ; 22, table of orations, which are numbered consecutively i-xxxviii ; 32, pro lege Manilia ; 264°, aduersus In his epistle to Ostrorius the editor remarks (1b) : addita oratione contra L.Valerium quae nusquam alibi legitur: Jorationes impri¬ The register ignores the fact that quire F consists of five leaves only. 312x 213 mm. Old stamped half pigskin over boards IB. 29095. BEROALDUS, PHILIPPUS. (157) x90 (with marginalia 109) mm. Types: 112 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. In his dedicatory epistle to Sigismund Gossinger, canon of Breslau, the author remarks (2b) that he expects his commentarii', "Apuleiani li.e. on the Asinus aureus) to be in print ' intra duos ad", 'summum sesquimenses’; the edition in question was actually com¬ pleted on 1 August, 1500 (IB. 29107).', "Hain's no. ’2965 and Pellechet's no. 2220 describe an edition", "dated 1499 in which the first word on 32 is printed ' Argumentum ,", 'whereas it is here in majuscules, and in which the colophon runs : operis.. Occasional majuscules belonging to type 114 R. occur in this tract. 190X 139 mm. Bound fourth in a volume of tracts by Beroaldus.', "King George III's copy (166. e. 19 (4)). IA. 29099. BEROALDUS, PHILIPPUS. Oratio p ouer¬ 150 x 95 (with marginalia 112) mm. Types: 112 R.; Gk. Capital', "spaces, with guide-letters, on 1° and 32. Hain '2966.", '202 X 147 mm. Bought in February, 1876. SOLINUS, GAIUS JULIUS. De mirabilibus 12. TITLE: IVLII SOLINI POLYHISTOR SL¬ Quarto. 44; A-K°Lé. 9o leaves, the last blank. 7a : 27 lines, 151 x 96 mm. Type: 112 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 14886.', "12, title ; 1P, editor's dedicatory letter to Michael Cheserius", 'Pannonius ; 2°, table of contents ; 52, text ; 89b, colophon, register, device ; 9o, blank. In his letter on 1b the editor says: [Solinum] Benedicto Biblio¬', "This book seems best to fit into the series of Hectoris' productions", 'if taken as printed early in the year. 212 X 145 mm. Bought in June, 1884. IA. 29104. APULEIUS, LUCIUS. Asinus aureus. [Edited, 12. TITLE: Tabula Apulei Habes Lector humanis¬ mentary surrounding text, and head-line, 230 (236) x 149 (with mar ginalia 169) mm. Types: 165 G., part of titles; 112 R.; 8', "(88) R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '1319.", 'Gesamtkatalog 2305. 12, title of table ; 1P, table ; 172, title of book ; 17b, blank ; 18a gramma, Beroaldi hendecasyllabon ad Asinum aureum; 3022 registrum, device ; 302b, blank.', "In his dedication the editor remarks (2ob) : 'impressor optimus", "formis excussa diuulgarentur,' but the contract for the printing,", 'which dates from 22 May, 1499, specifies only 1200 for sale, with an additional 50 for private distribution (A. Sorbelli, Storia della printed later than the body of the book, as it shows a later state of the commentary type, which is once more reduced to 83 mm., while the paper is also smaller On second C 32, E 12 and elsewhere type 83 (88) R. is set with¬ out contractions and leaded to about 94 mm. in order to make good a miscalculation of the printer as to the amount of copy. 3X 237 mm. Rubricated, except in the quires con¬ taining the table. From the Sunderland Library. Bought in January, 1882. IB. 29107. BEROALDUS, PHILIPPUS. Orationes et (160) x 96 mm. Types: 112 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide¬', "letters. Hain '2955.", 'The contents are those of the original edition by F. de Bene¬ dictis and Hectoris, 1491 (IA. 28897), with the addition of some short pieces to the prose and to the verse, the latter being reprintec', "from the editorial matter in Beroaldus's editions of Propertius, etc.", '192 X 139 mm. Under the colophon is the signature Hieronymi fraxeti.', "King George IIl's copy (166. e. 20).", 'IA. 29109. BEROALDUS, PHILIPPUS. Oratio prouer¬ CTRINA REMOTIOR CONTINETVR. 27b pressa Bononiæ per Benedictû Hectoris Bibliopo¬ head-line, 153 (160) x 93 (with marginalia 114) mm. Types: 114 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, on 1b and 3a Hain 2967. This edition is more carefully printed than that of 1499 (IA. 29101), the page-contents being better equalized, poetical quota¬ tions printed as verse instead of prose, etc. 190 X 139 mm. Bound fifth in a volume of tracts by Beroaldus.', "King George III's copy (166. e. 19 (5). IA. 29111. BEROALDUS, PHILIPPUS. *Undated. 12. TITLE: PHILIPPI BEROALDI OPVSCVLVM PHON : Impressum Bononiæ per Benedictum Hectoris line, 155 (161) x 93 (with marginalia 112) mm. Types : 114 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters.', "14, title ; 15, author's dedicatory letter to Paulus Sidlouitius :", 'declamatio an orator sit philosopho et medico anteponendus ; 13 with the date of the colophon unaltered. This and the following tract, two reprints in which the date of the archetype has not been changed, are quite possibly later than 1500. All the types contained in them were used by Hectoris in the sixteenth century, and the Museum collection affords no evidence of the use of type 114 R. as a whole prior to November, 1500. 190X 139 mm. Bound second in a volume of tracts by Beroaldus (see note to IA. 29093 below).', "King George IIl's copy (166. e. 19 (2)). IA. 29113. BEROALDUS, PHILIPPUS. De felicitate. (160) x 92 (with marginalia 110) mm. Types : 165 G., title ; 114 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, on 1b and 32. Reprinted from the edition of 13 April, 1499 (IA. 29091), with the date of the colophon unaltered. 190X 139 mm. Bound first in a volume of seven tracts by Beroaldus printed by Hectoris, of which the third belongs to 1502, the sixth to 1503 and the seventh to 1505, the remainder being catalogued under the present heading.', "King George III's copy (166. e. 19 (1)).", 'IA. 29093 846 22. Hieronymus charus Iulio ionto Philosopho ac 1, blank ; 22, letter of Carus to Julius Jontus, dated: Bononiae 188 X 133 mm. Without the blank. With the book¬ labels of J. Casterman and R. Ambrosini. Bought in April, 1914. IA. 29121. FLORES LEGUM. Flores legum aut con¬ Part of Hain 12098.', "This tract, which is complete in itself, is combined in Hain's", 'entry with Orlandinus, Flos testamentorum, s.n. The entry derives ** All the material of Danesius derives immediately from Benedictus Hectoris, where see reproductions.', "from Mittarelli's description of a tract-volume in the monastery of", 'S. Michele at Murano, where a copy of the unassigned Orlandinus (or Rolandinus) printed at Venice about 1490 (Hain 112094, IA. 25105) is probably indicated. Sheet B 2 is signed C ij. Corre¬ other tracts.', "Marginalia in the last quire and tract. Hain '2537. Gesamt¬", 'katalog 3473. 12, note of contents, epigram ; 1b, Bartolinus Io. Franc. Aldro¬', "uando s.p.d., dated pridie kalendas Septembres' of an unspecified", 'year ; 32, table of contents ; 4°, correctiones locorum in iure ciuil 192, Bartolinus Bonifacio Fantucio s.p.d., followed by legum nouae sententiae ; 232, de ordine imperatorum. In his dedicatory letter to Aldrouandus the author remarks of France on his return from Naples in the summer of 1495. In the last quire there are 29 lines to the page, which is 85 (with marginalia 105) mm. broad. 204 X 136 mm. Bought in July, 1858. FRANCISCUS. The page-contents correspond with those of the undated edition of Di Libri, Florence (IB. 27447, p. 655), which is probably earlier. The watermarks found in this and the following book—scales ir circle, very large oxhead with shaft and snake curling round it tall crown, bell with bell-pull, and others-occur in Venetian books of these dates. 290 X 200 mm. In the top cover is the signature ot Giacomo Lucchesini, on the title-page that of Fer. Lotichius (?), Perugia. Bought in June, 1892. IB. 29143. JACOBUS. brosius Traversari. Edited by Benedictus 730 March, 1495. VI, CVI. 42 : 42 lines and head-line, 225 (236) X 144 mm. Types: 108 R.; Gk. Capital P on 32, spaces elsewhere. Hain 16204. Reprinted, largely with the same page-contents, from the edition', "provided with references to books and folios. Brognolus's dedica¬", "tion (1°) retains the reference to 'magister Nicolaus' [i.e. Jenson)", 'as the printer. The note of an edition of Diogenes Laertius in the vernacular with the same imprint and date, taken over by Hain (no. 6211) from', "Panzer, is no doubt due to a confusion caused by the printer's", 'error in giving the present book an Italian title. 305 X 209 mm. Rubricated. IB. 29163. Bought in April, 1877. 848 This is a metrical account of the battle of Fornovo, near Parma, fought 6 July, 1495. 196 X 147 mm. SCOTT, SIR MICHAEL. Expositio super ginalia 108) mm. Type : 80 G. Printed capital S on 12, spaces, with guide-letters, elsewhere. Space for small diagram on e fe Hain 14555. The signature dij has been printed by error on the last leaf of The subject of this treatise is the Sphaera mundi of Johannes de 208 X 157 mm., partly showing proof. Bought in January, 1868. IA. 29195. CAIADUS, HENRICUS. Eclogae, etc. ginalia 96) mm. Type: 94 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. 12, author’s dedicatory letter to King Emanuel of Portugal', "dated : Ex Bononia. xv. kalendas Iulias', 1496 ; 22, Caiadus", 'lacobo de Sousa s., dated 11 July, 1495 ; 32, verses from the same 13 February, 1496 ; 92, ecloga tertia; 112, Philippo Beroaldo In quire c pages 6, 7, 10, and 11 are very imperfectly inked, showing that these pages were printed off together. 180 X 136 mm. Early manuscript corrections, appa¬ rently by the same hand as that which has added the', "year-date M.cccc.xcvje' beneath the colophon.", 'Bought in March, 1874. IA. 29199. BARBATIA, ANDREAS. Lectura in tit. De [With a table by', "of sections ; 94 G. Capital space on 22. Hain '2448. Gesamt¬", 'katalog 3376. The innermost pages of quires aa, dd, kk are several lines short. The text of the first four lines of AA 62 had already been', "printed, in a less correct form, in the last five lines of AA 5b ('rpso", "lure ... damna¬'). The latter have been struck through with a", 'pen in the present copy. 420X 287 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last four leaves containing the table. On a fly-leaf at the end is', "a manuscript' Tabula omniu Il et §.'", 'Bought in March, 1906. IC. 29202. MONTESAURO, NATALIS. De dispositioni¬ Type : 94 G. Capital spaces. Hain 11604? In his introductory paragraph on r2 the author remarks: quoniam his proximis diebus libellus nouus ad manus nostras peruenit quem gallico, printed by Aldus at Venice in June, 1497 (IA. 24441) and by Le Signerre at Milan in the month following (Hain 10020), and the present pamphlet is in turn attacked by Scanarolus in his Disputatio de morbo gallico, printed by Hectoris, 26 March, 1498 (lA. 29079). It must therefore have been published during the months preceding the latter date. Catalogued by Proctor (no. 7429) among the Italian adespota,', "Hain's no. 11604 is probably intended to describe this edition, the", "imprint ' Veronae' being derived from the incipit and the date", "1497' from a reference in the text.", '201 X 150 mm. Bound in crushed brown morocco by R. Petit. Bought in November, 1896. VIAGGIO. Viaggio da Venezia alla santa letters. Woodcuts. The text on 22 is enclosed in a woodcut border. The authorship of this tract has been ascribed to Noe Bianchi, a Franciscan. In his dedication on 682 the editor remarks: Curaui hunc libellum imprimendum? and hoc opusculum other Renaissance properties on a black ground, in imitation of Venetian work ; the top panel contains a small sketch of a man writing. The side panels are inscribed: PIERO CIZA FE. QVESTO IN. TAIGIO.', "In this copy the titles of the cuts on i 1e read 'torre rossa", "micidiale' and datio' and of the cut on i 6b la citta de sancta", "maria da sardinale , and the last words on c 62 read 'iqlla fenera", "si e'.", '304 x 206 mm. Sheet d 3 is bound within sheet h 2. IB. 29209 a. Another copy, with variants. In this copy the text on i 12 and i 6° is of a different setting-up,', "the titles of the cuts reading' « Torre rossa micidiale'□ Datio", "and'«La citta de sancta Maria da sardinale , and the last words", "on c 6° read correctly iqlla fenestra sie'.", '285 X 195 mm. Old vellum. On a fly-leaf is the note of ownership of Giaco: Soranzo, 1737, and on 1b the book-stamp of Sir Joseph Banks. The border on 22 is cropped at the top. IB. 29209. CASTELLANI, PERNICOLAUS [CAMOENUS). Quarto. Jat.] 4 leaves. 32: 35 lines, 140 x70 (with marginalia 80) mm. Type: 80 G. Lombard P on 22, capital space on 1°. It does not seem possible to identify the occasions on which these verses were written. Astorre III Manfredi succeeded to the lord¬ ship of Faenza in 1488 at the age of three and was deposed in April, 1501. BURTIUS, NICOLAUS. marginalia 108) mm. Types: 113 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters.', "12, title, followed by 8 elegiac couplets ad lectorem ; 1b, author's", 'Ioanni Francisco Centio s.p.d., caput primum Jof the Epitome; oppido Turris Clarae insculpti, followed by note on the art of print¬ ing ; 442, oratio ad S. Cyprianum, colophon, register ; 44°, couplet ad lectorem. The earlier and less accurate edition alluded to in the first couplet on 12 is that with the same date of printing described by Hain (no. 4146), but it may be that the present is only a partially', "reprinted reissue of this. A tract of 28 leaves ' sine nota ', con¬", 'taining the Epitome followed by miscellaneous verses not found here, is described by Reichling (no. 1480). Hain 4149 may represent part of either the present edition or of Hain 4146. 200 X 154 mm. Bought in July, 1877. PIPERARIUS, ANDREAS. De laudibus legum 198 x 138 mm. Previously part of a tract-volume. IA. 29246. BARTHOLOMAEUS [SACCHIJ DE PLA¬', "Capital spaces, with guide-letters, Hain '13056.", '190X 135 mm. Without the blank.', "King George III's copy (C. 5. a. 32).", 'IA. 29252. POGIUS, JACOBUS, Bononiensis. Sermone DEVICE. A pear, with stalks and section of branch, flanked above by .I. .B., on a scroll passing around the main stalk the letters .F. C. .V., design and background shaded, in rectangular single-line frame, 86 x 64 mm. Found in the 1499 Platina and the 1500 Pogius, and evidently indicating a publisher or publishers. Kristeller 6. The circle¬ and-cross device, with the hand indicating De Benedictis and the initials .I. A. P. Joannes Antonius Platonides illustrated under Kristeller 7, was apparently not used until after 1500. The undated Isocrates catalogued by Camillæ Benstiuolæ : Virgini professæe/ ac dedicatæ 141X 84 mm. Type : 113 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Marginalia. Hain 13169. occasional quotations from classical authors, this book is in Italian throughout. The author nowhere gives it a definite title, that hère adopted being taken from a phrase in the dedication. A blind impression of the text of 22 is found on 12. 200X 140 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf. Stamped brown calf, rebacked. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. In his dedicatory letter on 1a the author remarks that the present tract is an extract from his larger work, Rosa aurea, re¬ written in vulgaro parlare. 195 X 140 mm. Bound before a copy of Leggenda della b. Agnese di Montepulciano, Hier. de Benedictis, Bologna, 1514, in brown quarter leather and paper MEDITAZIONE. Divota meditazione in numbers set out. This tract has been ascribed to Silvester de Prierio on insuffici¬ ent evidence. 193 X 137 mm. On 1e is the armorial book-stamp of Bought in October, 1900. MARTIALIS, MARCUS VALERIUS. liu priscum. 22. In Amphitheatrum Cæesaris. bARBARA each book, also spaces for Greek. Hain 10806? Reprinted, with the same page-contents and quiring, from V. de Spira s Venetian edition, s.a. (IB. 19581), but adding a register on the first page, blank in the archetype, and omitting the postscript of Merula and the address of Zovenzonius to the printer at the end. Catalogued among the Italian adespota by Proctor (no. 7370). The paper of this and the following book is watermarked with a crown, as in some of the large quartos of Azoguidus (IA. 28515, 28529, etc.). IB. 29280. SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, GAIUS. (. 7) C. SVETONII', "spaces for Greek. Hain '15113.", 'Reprinted, with the same page-contents and quiring, from', "Jenson's 1471 Venetian edition (IB. 19624), but adding the verses of", "Ausonius Hesperio filio', the tetrasticha and the lives of Sueto¬", 'nius at the end. Catalogued among the Italian adespota by Proctor (no. 7369). 202 X 147 mm. The first leaf is slightly mutilated. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. IA. 29282. Bought in July, 1845. Printer of Silvaticus, 1474 859 82 mm. Type: 98 R2. (leaded). Capital spaces. Hain 7132. Fava-Bresciano 45. I, blank ; 22, dedication to King Ferdinand in nine elegiac The subject of this poem is the capture of Chalcis in Negro¬ pont (Euboea) by the Turks on 12 July, 1470. The type is leaded to 137 mm. throughout, except in the last three lines on 112, comprising the heading of book ii. The text on leaves 8 and 9 has changed places by an error of imposition. Catalogued as the work of the press of De Vulterris at Rome by 209X 145 mm. Capitals on 2° and 11b roughly supplied. On 22 and 2° is painted a wreath containing a crest (lion rampant supporting castle). Manuscript catchword written along the inner margin of 10b. Bought in May, 1894. IA. 29312. BARTOLUS DE SAXOFERRATO. Le', "consuetudinis, which should have appeared after the section 'liber", "captus' on 1742.", "Besides the dislocation of text noted above, the section 'cum", "quidam' has been placed by error after the section creditor' at the", "end of 160° instead of at the end of the section' hoc ita' on 1712.", '403X 272 mm. Part II only. Without the blanks. The last quire, containing the omitted matter, is bound between quires (ql and [r). Capital on 12 illuminated in gold and colours, other capitals supplied in several colours. After the date in the colophon is written in an', "early hand : hoc temp? e Impssiois h° libri'. On a", 'fly-leaf is the signature of Henricus de Lagrotte praeposi¬ tus & canonicus Ecclesiae Collegiatae Sti Georgii de Danubrio (Deneuvre on the Meurthe, about 1600), below is stamped in blue an ecclesiastical coat of arms, possibly that of Deneuvre. With the armorial book-plate of C. W. G. V. N. [Christian Wilhelm (?), Graf von Nostitz and the book-label of George Dunn, Woolley Hall. Old Bought in February, 1914. IC. 29313. ANTONIUS [BECCADELLII PANORMITA. RVMPROLOGVS. INCIPIT.AD NICOLAVM BVCZV. TVM. EQVITEM PRAECL.TIV qdem EPISTOLARVM. LIBER. INCIPIT. 81b. END OF TEXT: ... indulgen tia potius qua seueritate aut asperi¬ tate ingenuum filium constineret. VAIE. Sequens beginning of the book. Grenville copy (G. 8981). IB. 29315 Another copy. 283 x 202 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf. In', "the margins of leaf 2 are copied Leonardo Aretino's", "dedication of his translation of Aristotle's Politics to", 'the King of Naples and the letter to Colucius which stands at the head of his collected letters. Each quire is numbered in the right-hand bottom corner of the last page. A sheet of note-paper with a bibliographical note is attached to the top cover. IB. 29314 BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI. Filocolo. Folio. [alob-g8hi ; k-osp’; q-28 A10 ; B-FsG10.] 240 leaves, the first blank. 52 : 40 lines, 189 X 118 mm. Types: 107 G., head¬ ings; 95 R., text. Capital spaces. 41 woodcuts. Hain 3299. Fava-Bresciano 46. 277X193 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf. Capital with border on 22 illuminated in gold and colours. the lower part containing a circular coat of arms in a wreath. On the outer margin is the monogram PB in gold, with the motto POST. MVLTA. Other capitals supplied in blue. Cut on 22 painted. With the book¬ plate of Count D. Boutourlin. Grenville copy (G. 10275). IB. 29336. ARISTOTELES. Logica cum commentariis. Undated. 1b. IN HOC CORPORE HEC VO LVMINA CON. 95 R., 203 Xx 136 mm. 154° : 39 lines of type 107 G., 209 X 136 mm. Types : 107 G., text of Porphyry, etc.; 95 R., commentary, list o contents, register. Some capital spaces. Hain 1663. Fava-Bre¬ M. Porphyrii et in traductionem commentarium; 392, Aristotelis vita ex libris Laertii Leonardi Aretini Tortellii excerpta ; 402, Prae¬ above collation. Old boards. Bought in October, 1893. IB. 29330. PUTEO, PARIS DE. De re militari in materno. name of printer on 138b ; 95 R. Capital spaces. Hain 13616. Fava¬', "The note ' 181 ff.' in Hain's entry is due to a confusion of", "Dibdin's between this and the original Latin edition (Hain *13615).", '282 X 190 mm. Without the blank leaves. Bound in crushed brown morocco by F. Bedford. Bought in July, 1863. IB. 29334. SAGUNDINUS, NICOLAUS. De epistolari work of Arnaldus save in the following tract (IA. 29353). 204X 145-150 mm. Without the last blank. Pre¬ viously bound before the following (IA. 29353), with early marginal notes by the same hand throughout both tracts. Bought in December, 1895. IA. 29354. DATUS, AUGUSTINUS. De variis loquendi 149 X 91 mm. Type: 124 R. Capital space on 22. Hain 6024. Fava-Bresciano 80. The editions in which the incipit of this tract is worded as above appear all to have been printed at Naples or Rome, the present being the earliest. The title of the entry IA. 17832 (vol. iv, p. 50)', "should be altered to the normal ' De variis loquendi regulis .", '204 X 145-150mm. Manuscript catchwords. Previously bound with IA. 29354, q. v. above. Bought in December, 1895. IA. 29353 CARACCIOLUS, ROBERTUS, de Licio. 210x 126 mm. Type: 110 R. Capital spaces. Hain 4466. Fava¬ Bresciano 82. 333 X 232 mm. Without the blanks. Bought in June, 1895. IB. 29355 857 18 February, 1474. 22. PAVLO. SECVNDO. SVMMO PONTIFICI. 3. Incipit. Aristeas Ad philocratem fratrem 155 x 82-85 mm. Type: 110 R. Capital spaces. Line-endings on many pages uneven. Hain 1654. Fava-Bresciano 84. Gesamt à monogram BM. Of the same provenance as IA. 29374 Bought in June, 1896. IA. 29358. PUTEOLI. De mirabilibus Puteolorum et de Franciscus Aretinus and Arnaldus 131 December, 1475. lines, 132 x 82 mm. Type : 110 R. Capital spaces, that on 22 with guide-letter. Line-endings on some pages uneven. Hain 6585. sometimes ascribed to Joannes Elysius, but this is very doubtful; Aretinus remarks (32) : in eo [libro) titulum auctoris non inueni faced by the editor (Arnaldus himself, according to the colophon) with the words : de singulis aliqualem mentionem facere intendo ut et hi qui balnea ... videre voluerint: etiam de aliis notitiam foliation: xCix-Cxli. Bought in October, 1890. IA. 29372. LUCIANUS. Verahistoria. [Translated by x 72-76 mm. Type: 110 R. Capital spaces, also spaces for illustrations. Line-endings uneven in the first quire. Hain 10259 Numerous spaces, mostly of about half a page but some smaller, are left in the text, but the illustrations with which it was evidently intended to fill them were never supplied. The eighteenth year of the reign of King Ferdinand ran from 27 June, 1475, to 26 June, 1476, so that this book is to be taken as belonging to 1475/6, reckoning in the style of the Incarnation, a common practice with Neapolitan notaries. This is confirmed by the appearance on 49e of the later form of Qu, which is used throughout the Albertus Magnus of May, 1476 (IA. 29374). On the other hand, Arnaldus, in spite of his mention of the Incarnation, undoubtedly reckons by the ordinary style in his Petrarch, the', "two parts of which were completed respectively ' Regnante Ferdi-", 'nando ... Anno eius ... regiminis XVIIII. Ab incarnatione do¬ 201 x 138 mm. Without the blank. With the armorial Bought in June, 1859. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. The number of lines to the page varies. The breadth of the type-page on the innermost sheet of the first quire is about 84 mm. 221 X 162 mm. In the Orationes super laborantem in agone dicendae which conclude this tract the formula', "T. frater noster (fratri nostro, etc.)' has in eight place¬", 'on 196-22° been restored with pen and ink after erasure, probably in order to cancel an original alteration to soror , etc. Of the same provenance as IA. 29358 and similarly bound. Bought in June, 1896. IA. 29374. SILVATICUS, MATTHAEUS. Liber pande (red) INCIPIT. LIBER. CIIBALIS. ET. MEDICI TICI. MEDICI. DE SALERNO. ET. GLOJRIO¬ SISSIMO. ROBER TO . REGI. SICILIAE IN¬ SCRIPTVS. 341°. COLOPHON: EXPLICIT, liber 342 leaves, the sixth and seventh blank. 2 columns. 122 : 50 lines, 272 X 169 mm. Type: 109 R. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 15194. Fava-Bresciano 86. The first 28 quires of the text (a-E) appear to have been dis¬ tributed equally between two presses. A division also occurs after quire [I). In his dedication to King Ferdinand the editor remarks (82', "and further (8°, col. 1) : ' curaui id agere ut a Germano cuius men¬", 'rum opus imprimeretur. 415x 275 mm. Imperfect, wanting the preliminary quire and the blanks. The last two leaves are mutilated. Capitals on 11e illuminated in gold and colours, with border and, at foot, coat of arms in wreath. Other rubrications as far as quire [m). Manuscript quire¬ numbers, mostly cut away. Sheets [113, lylI, (zl3, [K]2 are of shorter paper. A list of plants, etc., is written on three fly-leaves at the beginning; on the first of these is also the erased note : ptinet ad Bibliothecam s. Crucis Pisarum. Bought in November, 1909. IC. 29360. PHALARIS. Epistolae. (In the Italian PHALARIS. Epistolae. (In the Italian translation of Giovanni Andrea Ferabos.) Undated. 22. Frate loanne Andrea ferabos Kar melitano alo this tract, but that also used in the later work of De Bruxella does not occur. Catalogued as the work of De Bruxella by Proctor (no. 6688). 204 X 142 mm. Without the blank. On a number of pages in quires (d-fare offsets from a copy of an un-', "identified edition of Feo Belcari's Rappresentazione", 'di Abraam e di Isaac. Bound in crushed red morocco by Duru, 1847. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 29368. GUAINERIUS, ANTONIUS. De febribus. Not before 15 Septemberl, 1474. 2b Angelus cato supinas de Beneuento. philosophus & MEDICINE DOCTOREM EGREGIVM PAPIEN SEM FELICITER INCIPIT. TIViamoris gracia... In his dedication the editor remarks (2b) : * Dedi operam ut ab 255 X 175 mm. Without the blank. The second and third quires have changed places in binding. On 22 is written: Liber Caroli Lümisden dono ei datus a Ioanne IB. 29383. DOMENICO [MERCARIJ DA NAPOLI. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Fava-Bresciano 106. 12, blank; 1°, prologue, dated from Naples, 10 September, 1475 ; 2°, trattato primo ; 182, trattato secondo ; 352, trattato terzo ; SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Opera philoso¬', "Irs't-z 78-10 9 u f 8210. 253 leaves, the first blank. 72 : 46 lines,", '266x 163 mm. Type: 115 R. Capital spaces. Hain 14590. Fava-Bresciano 109. The list of contents at the end of part I specifies the following form the second part. The register wrongly assigns only four sheets to quire sul. An ornament of full stops (.:.) is found at each end of the line containing the explicit to the second part in IC. 29394, a single stop in the other copies. Similar ornaments are found at the beginning and end of the registrum to the second part in IC. 29395. 400X 279 mm. Rubricated. Old manuscript quiring, consecutive throughout. Quires o and [pl are mis¬ bound thus: sheets [pl1, Jol1-3, Ip15; Ipl2-4, lo14. Grenville copy (G. 8690). IC. 29395. Another copy. 407 x 282 mm. Without the blank. Rubricated, with an illuminated capital in gold and colours on 22.', "King George III's copy (C. 2. d. 4).", 'IC. 29394 Another copy. 373 X 260 mm. Without the blank. Rubricated. On 2* is an illuminated capital in gold and colours, with a border, which contains at the foot a coat of arms (probably that of Brancacci, of Naples) in a wreath. With the book-plate of the Duc de Brancas, Comte de Lauraguais, and a note 800. tb. chez le Duc de la IC. 29393. PLINIUS CAECILIUS SECUNDUS, July, 1476. 1°. Tunianus Maius parthenopeus Hieronymo Carrafiæe meo Salute ... 22. DE PVBLICATIONE EPISTO¬ for Greek. Hain 13111. Fava-Bresciano 115. 248 x 180 mm. Imperfect, wanting the sixth leaf, which is a separate half-sheet. Old stamped leather, on which the arms and device of Charles IX of France have been added probably at a late date. Bought in July, 1865. IB. 29399. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De partitionibus Undated. 12. M. T. Ciceronis de partitionibus oratoriis liber inci¬ pit fœeliciter. Cicero filius. Marcus pater. 105 mm. Type: 115 R. Capital space on 12. Hain 5115. Fava- Bresciano 112. This and the following book are here ranged so as immediately to follow the dated books printed with type 115 R. 277 X 191 mm. Without the blank leaf. Each page of text enclosed in red rules. Many margins made good. Bound before IB. 29410 in red morocco, stamped with the arms of the Duke of Roxburgh.', "King George III's copy (C. 1. b. 17/1). IB. 29409. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Rhetorica noua. 22. MARCI. TVLLII: CICERONIS: REITHO¬ RICA NOVA: INCIPIT: PROHEMIVM.E si negotiis familiaribus impediti uix satis otiu studio Mathiam Molrauum uirum singulari ingenio ac arte', "Folio. al b-d'efgshé. 60 leaves, the first blank. 32: 31", 'IB. 29409, q. v., with which it is bound.', "King George III's copy (C. 1. b. 17/2).", 'IB. 29410. BIBLIA LATINA. [Edited by Blasius', "AAc: apprehendens, uel ap phensio. . . . 454'.", 'COLOPHON : Editum opus z emêdatu accuratissi me ac diligêter. Impressit Mathias Morauus uir singulari 52 lines and head-line, 218 (235) x 135 mm. Types: 112 G., head- lines (names of books) and headings ; 84 G., text. Capital spaces. Hain 3059. Fava-Bresciano 110. The prefatory letter of Romerus to Taqui, after enlarging on the abundance of books made possible by printing and asking him to', "lend material support to so good a cause, continues: 'Habemus..", 'Mathiam Morauum hominem integrum... Ingenium cuius tali 316 x 225 mm. Rubricated. The first and last leaves have been cut out and mounted. With a note by Sir Antony Panizzi on a fly-leaf.', "King George III's copy (C. 13. c. 1).", 'IB. 29401. 11477. 22b : 43 lines, 180 X II1mm. Type: 84 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 2053. Fava-Bresciano 116. Gesamtkatalog Without the blanks. Illuminated capital and border on 19, with an episcopal coat of arms in a wreath at the foot ; other chief capitals illu¬ minated, the rest supplied in red and blue. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. IB. 29405. CAMBANIS, VITALIS DE. Tractatus clausu¬', "Types: 112 G., section-heading '[C Lausula'; 87 G., text. Capi¬", 'tal spaces. Hain 4277. Fava-Bresciano 119. 428 x 285 mm. Capital on 2° illuminated in gold and', "colours, other capitals supplied in red. On 1' is a manu¬", 'script table of contents. On 22 is written : Co. Febus Colleo, Anno 1677. On a fly-leaf is a note by M. Wod¬', "hull : Robson's sale, £8. 8. o. , dated Apr. 14th, 1792.", 'With the book-label of George Dunn, Woolley Hall. Bound (for Wodhull?) in brown calf by L. Staggemeier and Welcher, London. Bought in December, 1917. IC. 29412. CARACCIOLUS, ROBERTUS, de Licio. Qua¬ and last blank. 2 columns, table in long lines. 42: 46 lines, 191 x 128 mm. Type: 83 G. Capital spaces. Hain 4435. Fava¬ Bresciano 123. 235 X 183 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first sheet of the last quire, also the first blank. On 22 is the circular stamp of the Bibliotheca Montis Oliveti de Neapoli. With the book-plates of Sir John Hayford Thorold (Syston Park and monogram). Bought in March, 1906. IB. 29415. CICERO, MARCUS selectae. [Edited by Junianus Maius.) *17 November, 1480. NILIA: SIVE DE LAVDI BVS. CN. POMPEII: SIVE DE IMPERATORE DELIIGENDO ORA¬', "Folio. Jal b c'; d-m8n'.] 108 leaves, the last blank. 32: 35", 'lines, 195 X 123 mm. Type : IIIR. Capital space at the begin¬ ning of each oration. Ham 15130. Fava-Bresciano 125. Contents : Pro lege Manilia, pro Milone, pro Archia, de lege Bought in April, 1864. IB. 29417. PONTANUS, JoANNES JOVIANUS. De aspira¬ Bought in October, 1857. k29 March, 1483. RUM. 72. (red) De officio mistroy altaris. 232. (red) Incipit', "Quarto. [A BS C6 ; a-t8 y10; aa-oo' pps.] 302 leaves. 2 columns", 'except the calendar. 7à: 33 lines, 155 X 112 mm. Types: 94 G., a representation of St. Sebastian, illuminated on 232', "smaller capital and border on 185', other capitals supplied", 'in red or blue, musical notes in pen and ink. Centre panels of old stamped leather binding preserved. Bought in May, 1880. IB. 29423. OFFICIA. Officia B. V. Mariae S. Spiritus S. matutinas. 77°. [woodcut, the Virgin and the dead Christ]. 782. (red) Incipit officiu sancte cru¬is. Ad matutinas. y. 812, l. 15: (red) Incipiunt septe psal mi penitétiales anti. 81b. (woodcut, King David). 1o0 1. 16 : (red) Symbolu Athanasij epi. 104°. [woodcut funeral service). 105°. (red) Incipit officiu mortuoru 32 mm. Types: 60 G., 60 G*. Red printed Lombards ; spaces before principal sections. Woodcuts. Fava-Bresciano 134.', "The first two letters of the printer's name are not printed out.", 'On vellum. 76 x 51 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves I and 16, the latter no doubt bearing a woodcut of the Nativity. Capitals illuminated in gold and colours, that', "on 17° combined with a four-side border; KL' in", 'calendar supplied in blue and red. Woodcuts painted Seventeenth-century (?) stamped leather. Bought in June, 1892. IA. 29431. CATO, DIONYSIUS. Disticha cum commento III R. and 63 G. alternately, 131 X91 mm. Types: 1II R., text of Cato; 63 G., commentary. Printed capitals. Hain 4723. Fava-Bresciano 137. Probably reprinted from the edition of Flach, Strasburg, 1487 (IA. 2106), the page-contents being the same as far as 10b. 196 X 145 mm. Without the blank. Leaves 2 and 40 cut out and mounted. Bought in May, 1904. IA. 29435 CARACCIOLUS, ROBERTUS, de Licio. Ser¬ inclytæ. Ioannes marcus Cynicus parmensis: christi honestatis famulus : cum Mathia morauo Olo muncense eleganti ac eruditissimo impressore : & Petro moli nis 2 columns, except in the dedication. 92 : 50 lines, 158 X 114 mm. Types: 112 G. (leaded), heading on 82 ; 111 R., dedication on 1° 63 G., text. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters, also printed', "capital on 1P, and Lombards. Diagram'on 36°. Hain 4480. Fava¬", 'Bresciano 139. In his dedication Cynicus remarks (1b) : Decreui cum præestanti 232 X 165 mm. Imperfect, wanting the outer sheet of the last quire. The first leaf is cut out and mounted. On 8a is written : Iste liber est monasteri sancte maie de sagictaïo ppe clarumôtez. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. IB. 29437 Bought in November, 1846. Another copy. In this copy sheet e 1 is of a different setting-up, the first line of 39° (e 12) running : circustantia consideranda in baptismo xpill...', "Since an admixture of capitals from type 60 G'. occurs in this sheet", 'and nowhere else in the book, this setting-up is no doubt later than the other, having probably been necessitated by an accident to the original type in the forme. On vellum. 216x 155 mm. Without the last blank. The presentation copy to Beatrice of Aragon, bearing her arms illuminated in a wreath at the foot of 8 Illuminated capital and border on 82, two illuminated capitals on 14°, other capitals supplied in red and blue. On A 7° is the offset of what appears to be a manuscript', "border decoration. On a fly-leaf is Grenville's price of", 'purchase, 412. 125. od. IB. 29438. Grenville copy (G. 11747). PONTANUS, JoANNES JoVIANUS. De forti¬ TISSIIME ANNO SALVTIS DOMIINICAE M CCCC. LXXXX. XV. SEPTEMBRIS REG NANTE FERDINANIDOREGE IN CLYTO. 812. IOANNIS IOVIANI PONTANI AD ALFONSVM CALA¬ BRIAE DVCEM DE PRINCIPE LIBER FELI CITER INCIPIT. 99b. COLOPHON: IOANNIS IA. 29440. De T LIBER PRIMVS. 102b. COLOPHON: IOANNIS IOVIANI PONTANI DE OBEDIENTIA OPVS FINIT FEILICITER IMPRESSVM NE APOLI PER MATHIAM MORAVVM ANNO SALVTIS DOMINI CAE. M. CCCC. LXXXX. DIE XXV. 132 X 86 mm. Type: 106 R. Capital spaces. Hain 13257 (counting only 99 printed leaves). Fava-Bresciano 145. 222 X 152 mm. From the Sunderland Library. Bought in November, 1882. IA. 29442. PONTANUS, JoANNES JOVIANUS. Dialogi OVICHARON INSCRIBI TVR. MINOSAEACVS INTERLOCVTORES. SVS PER MATHIAM MORAVVM ANNO PRE M. CCCC. LXXXXI. VLTIMA DIE IAJNVARII. 106 leaves, the first and last blank. Quarto. [a-es; f-m8n10. taining the Charon, also the last blank. Bought in July, 1879. IA. 29445. STEPHANUS DE CAIETA. Sacramentale spaces, that on 22 with guide-letter. Hain 4232. Fava-Bresciano 1, blank ; 22, commendation of the book by Fuscus Seuerinus to loannes de Aragonia; 2P, blank ; 32, table of quaestiones ; 8a register, signed by the printer; 8°, 9, blank ; 102 text, beginning with the author’s dedicatory address to Jo. Bapt. de Benteuoleis de Saxoferrato ; 230, blank. The register numbers the quires as in the above collation. In order to display a canon of Pope John VIII on 122, 12° the type is leaded to about 150 mm. 360 x 264 mm. The first quire is bound at the end. Leaf 18 1 is bound between leaves [1819 and [18110. On 102 is written: In Vsum FFrüm Ord. S. P. Ben: Proff. in Metten. Old pigskin, stamped with the Metten arms. Bought in July, 1867. IC. 29453. MANILIUS, MARCUS. Astronomica. 22. M. MANILII ASSTRONOMI CON. PRI¬ MVS. CArmine diuinas artis & conscia fati 82 mm. Type : 104 R. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. Hain 10704. Fava-Bresciano 153. This edition agrees with that of Regiomontanus, Nuremberg, s.a. (IA. 7874), in possessing printed headings and adding the', "metrical colophon beginning 'Ridetur merito sciolorum insana", "caterua' at the end of the text, but follows the editio princeps of", 'Rugerius, Bologna, March, 1474 (IB. 28583), in appending the table of capitula’. The frequent use of a semicolon is common to all three editions. 207 X 144 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 79 (supplied in pen-and-ink facsimile) and the blank. Capitals sup¬ plied in two colours. Manuscript foliation: 48-126.', "King George III's copy (C. 3. a. 8).", 'IA. 29455. AEGIDIUS [CoLUMNAJ ROMANUS. Ex¬ ptione Aristotelis. 22. AJNima eni ut testat phns est quodamô oïa... blank. 2 columns. 32 : 45 lines, 197 X 121 mm. Type: 87 G. Capital spaces. Hain 144. Fava-Bresciano 152. In the copy at the National Library of Naples the place of the', "last word 'Finis' is taken by ' Bischoff', which is no doubt the", 'name of the compositor or reader. See plate XXX of Fava¬ Bresciano. 283X 190 mm. Without the blanks. Leaf 103 slightly mutilated. Rubricated. Bought in July, 1882. IB. 29458. VERSOR, JOHANNES. Expositio super Sum¬ 5 February, 1477. Sancto Joanne. 1b. Petrus de sancto Iohanne. Iohanni Pardo. Salu¬ on 1b. 32 : 40 lines, 193 X 128 mm. Type : 96 R. Capital spaces. Hain 16032. Fava-Bresciano 157. In the course of his letter on 1b the editor remarks: Saepe¬ 284X 210 mm. Without the blank. Rubricated; decoration and a coat of arms and monogram on 22. The first leaf backed. Bought in June, 1890. IB. 29467. ACCURSIUS, BONUS. Compendium Elegan 30 lines, 144 x 76 mm. Types: 100 G., headings ; 96 R., text. Capital spaces. Fava-Bresciano 158. Gesamtkatalog 170. Reprinted from De Lavagnia’s edition, Milan, 1475 (IA. 26110). contents-headings being supplied throughout. This appears to be the first edition containing the metrical colophon. 212X 142 mm. Imperfect, wanting sheet i I and the blank. Sheet [il 4 misbound after [gl 3. Leaf 67 is slightly mutilated. With the book-label of George Dunn, Woolley Hall, and bibliographical notes in his hand. Bought in February, 1914. IA. 29469. GAFURIUS, FRANCHINUS. Theorica musices. GAFURIUS, FRANCHINUS. Theorica musices. *8 October, 1480. 1b. [table:] LIBER PRIMVS HVIVS OPERIS 2b. CLARISSIMI AC PRES ANTISSIIMI MVSICI FRANCHINI GAFORI LAVDENSIS Theoricum 149 x83 mm. Type: 115 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Woodcuts. Hain 7404. Fava-Bresciano 170. Full-page woodcuts, on (c164 of six smiths hammering an anvil, and on [o122 of a man playing the organ, with the inscription: 867 Introductoriuz musices .f. gafori. Woodcut diagrams on Tel 5l Igl7b, [il 2b and [p14°. Part of [f] 4° and the whole of In1 6b are left blank for illustrations. Rude woodcut Greek characters occur in quire sn). 204X 141 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 55- ([h] 3-6), also the last blank. Woodcut on [o] 22 cropped at the foot. With the armorial book-plate of Comte D. Boutourlin. Bought in October, 1857 (K. 1. g. 1). SAMUEL, Rabbi. Epistola contra Judaeorum Undated. Hominis.)', "lines, 148 x81 mm. Type : 115 R. Capital spaces. Hain '14264.", 'Fava-Bresciano 218. The type in this tract appears to be exactly as that of the signed Gafurius (IA. 29495), except that the alternative forms of Qu do not occur and z is rarely used for &. The impression is very sharp. Catalogued among the work of Herolt at Rome by Proctor (no. 3949). 208 x 145 mm. Without the blank first leaf. Rubri¬ cated. Sheets 3 and 4 of quire [c were formerly transposed in binding, the error being noted in early', "manuscript. Dr. Kloss's copy.", 'Bought in June, 1846. IA. 29499. CATARINA DA SIENA. Folio. Jal b-o8 p6. 120 leaves, the last blank. 2 columns. 3° : of Hain 4694, 4696. Fava-Bresciano 164. 292X 197 mm. Without the blank. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought from Thorpe in 1812 for 65. Bought in December, 1844. IB. 29513. MANFREDIS, HIERONYMUS DE. Il Perchè. The last two pages of quire (kl contain only 36 and 33 lines respectively. In the course of his dedicatory letter to Gerardino Del Tuppe says : te mado el filosofo singulare Alberto Magno quale alla de 291 X 204 mm. Without the blank. Capital on 13 illuminated in gold and colours, with a border-pièce ; in a wreath below is a coat of arms, perhaps that of Folliero. Other capitals supplied in alternate red and blue. Traces of old manuscript quiring. With the signature of M: Wodhull, Jan: 2oth 1785, and his note that the book', "was bought at King's sale' for 15s. 2d. on the fly-leaf", 'and his arms on the cover (brown russia). Bought in October, 1901. IB. 29344 URSINIS, BARTHOLOMAEUS DE. Quadra blank. Table in 2 columns, register in 4 columns. 94: 40 lines 189X 107 mm. Type : 95 R. Capital spaces. Hain 2532. Fava Bresciano 51. In other copies the verso of leaf 6, here blank, is occupied by a letter of Del Tuppo to the King of Naples, in which he remarks: Bernardinus Gerardinus Amerinus ... qui ad praesulatum supre tenure of this office appears to be 1478. In the present copy the blank sheet (leaves 1,6) is undoubtedly of the same paper as the other two sheets of the quire, and is therefore taken as part o the book, Del Tuppo’s letter having for some reason not been printed out. Catalogued, with the mistaken date 1473, under Riessinger by Proctor (no. 6676). 275X 201 mm. Without the last blank Bought in July, 1882. IB. 29320. DANTE ALIGHIERI. Divina commedia', "blank. 2 columns, except Del Tuppo's letter on 88b. 32 : 45 lines,", "213X 152 mm. Types: 107 G., words Gloria inexelsis Deo' on", "30b and ' Erubescat ludeus Infelix' on 59° ; 95 R., text. Capital", "invective against the Jews, contains the following passages : 'et", 'ia non sono multi anni che in Tridenta martirtzaro [sic vn fanzol¬ seems to be the fear that a new edition of Dante would influence the sale of one already published, and this can only be that issued by an anonymous printer at Naples on 12 April, 1477 (Proctor 16717). The present edition must therefore have been published some time after this date, probably about 1478, which would well', "agree with the not many years' that had elapsed since the murder", 'of the child Simon at Trent in 1475 (Fava-Bresciano, op. cit., p. 42). As Del Tuppo does not mention Riessinger by name in his letter the book was probably printed after Riessinger had severed his connexion with him. Catalogued under Riessinger by Proctor (no. 6677). 285X 215 mm. Without the first and last blanks. Capital on 22 illuminated in gold and blue, with a border in gold and several colours ; below, in a circle, is the coat of arms of the Ginori of Florence supported by cherubs, similarly executed. Traces of supplied capitals through¬ out. To a fly-leaf is attached a letter of Panizzi to Gren¬ ville concerning the book. Formerly in the Magliabecchi library. Grenville copy (G. 11348). IB. 29323. RINALDO. Innamoramento di Rinaldo. 2a : 5 stanzas to the column, with a single-line space between each, 209 X 138 mm. Type: 95 R. Capital spaces, mostly with guide¬ letters, at the beginning of each canto. Fava-Bresciano 50. The prefatory stanzas addressed to Bernardino Gerardino recount his pacification of Teramo at the command of the King of Naples', "and form a close parallel to Del Tuppo's prose account of the same", 'affair in his preface to the edition of Bernardus de Gordonio, Lilium medicinae, completed on 20 May, 1480 (Hain 17795, Proctor 16683). It is therefore probable that the present book was pro¬ duced about the same time and thus has no connexion with Ries¬ singer, under whom it was catalogued by Proctor (no. 6678). 292 x 200 mm. Without the blank. Columns enclosed by purple rules. Old manuscript quiring. Attached to a fly-leaf is a letter of Panizzi to Grenville, discussing the textual differences between this edition and those of 1521 and 1533. Formerly in the library of Count D. Boutourlin. 20 September, 14s80 TISSIMI. AD. FLAMETAM PANPHILI. AMA¬ TRICEM. LIBELLVS. MATERNO. SERMONE. AEDIITVS. INCIPIT. PROLOGVS. ARTIIFI¬ CIOSVS. 2b. C. PRIMO. IN. NEIQVAIE. FIAM ME TA. SIDOLE. DEI. SVO. NASCIMEN (32)TC 1212. COLOPHON : Finis Flamecte. anno. M. CCCC. LXXII die. XX. Mensis Septebris. 121b. LI. 149 x 88 mm. Type : 106R. Capital spaces. Hain 3292. Fava¬ Bresciano 59. The dedication of Del Tuppo on 121b is addressed to Iohanne', "The year-date in the colophon reads M.CCCC.LXXX' in other", 'copies. The present reading is most probably a misprint subse¬ quently corrected during printing-off, although it may be the result of a very neat piece of erasure and touching up. 195 X 135 mm. Without the blank. Capital on 2 illuminated in gold and colours, with a border-piece. From the library of S. W. Singer, and sold for %8 at his sale in 1818, when the error in the year-date was already present. Bought in March, 1922. IA. 29348. AESOPUS. Vita et fabulae. [With the *13 February, 1485. CLARISSIMI FELICITER INCIPIT. 432. 1. 14: FABVLATORIS ESOPI VITAFELICITER ET PROSIT CONA TVR PAGINA PE .. 166b. COLOPHON : FRANCISCI TVPPI PAR¬ THENOPEI VTRIVSQVE IVRIS disertissimi 52: 39 lines, 193 X 130 mm. Type: 99 R. Capitals at the begin¬ ning of each part; spaces, mostly with guide-letters, elsewhere. Border on 452. 88 woodcuts. Hain 353. Fava-Bresciano 63 Gesamtkatalog 441. In his dedication Del Tuppo remarks (22) : *In quisto mio cropped. IB. 29533a. Grenville copy (G. 7807). Another copy. 285 x 200 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 167 and the blanks. Printed capitals illuminated in gold and colours other capitals supplied in red or blue. Woodcuts painted several colours. Some leaves mended.', "King George III's copy (167. f. 14).", 'IB. 29533b. PUTEO, PARIS DE. De syndicatu omnium', "Del Tuppo's dedication on 1P begins : Satis apud me diu longa", "without the author's knowledge is that of Riessinger, s.a. (Hain", '13609, Fava-Bresciano 25). 384x 271 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 175-180, containing the tract De ludo and the register. Quire h is misbound between quires [m) and [n). Old vellum. Bought in June, 1910. IC. 29534 GRANOLLACHS, BERNARDUS DE. Som (152) x 97-8 mm. Types: 160 G., head-lines, headings, names of months; 85 G. The head-lines give the years to which the calendar applies. Capital on 22. Diagrams of eclipses. Fava¬ Bresciano 65. Catalogued as the work of Moravus by Proctor (no. 6704). Bought in January, 1868. Apologia conclusionum 44 lines, 187X 114 mm. Types: 160 G., headings; 85 G., text. Capitals. Spaces for Greek. Hain 13000? Fava-Bresciano 69. The date at the end seems to be that of writing rather than that of printing. Catalogued as the work of Moravus by Proctor (no. 6706). 285 X 215 mm. Without the blanks. Bought in May, 1905. IB. 29. PROCESSO. Processo contro Antonello, With the signature of Honofrio before IB. 29537. Pellegrino on 58° and the book-plate of Cavalier Vin¬ Bought in May, 1898. IB. 29536. PROCESSO. 12 TITLE: FIDELIS TRADVCTIO IN FOR¬ MAM IMPRESSA IN alma ciuitate Neapolis extracta 35 lines, 173 x 98 mm. Type: 99 R. Capitals. Hain 13383. Fava-Bresciano 71. The date in the title is one day later than that in the colophon. Del Tuppo received 450 ducats for printing 1000 copies of this tract on 24 July, 1489 (A. Mauro, op. cit., documento xx). 250X 192 mm. Without the blank leaves, unless one of them be the blank prefixed to IB. 29536, which is bound before the present book; this blank has a watermark found elsewhere in the book, but cannot form part of IB. 29536. On 12 is written: costa docati : 6 adi 1588; IB. 29537. BIENATUS, AURELIUS. Elegantiarum epi¬ 210X 148 mm. Without the blank. On 12 is the Bought in November, 1913. IA. 29539. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. M. Phileticus.) — Martini Philetici tractatus *Undated. in corruptores Latinitatis. 22. Phileticus diuo principi suo Iohanni Columne 92 mm. Type: 85 G. Capital P on 22; Lombards elsewhere. Spaces left for Greek. The presence of printed signatures in this book shows that it is one of the latest of those here catalogued. 209X 147 mm. With the obliterated circular stamp of a Neapolitan library on 22, and the book-label of George Dunn, Woolley Hall. Bought in February, 1914. IA. 29541. OFFICIA. Officia B.V. Mariae S. Spiritus S tinas. [130°. COLOPHON : (red) Finit Officiu Beate Millesio cccclxxxx. Die Nona Menß Aprilis. Im Octavo. « 48; a-n8 o1°. 130 leaves, the first blank. 182: 17 lines, 89 x 56 mm. Type: 104 G. Red printed Lombards; few spaces. Woodcuts. Fava-Bresciano 176. 1, blank ; 22, calendar ; 142, septem gaudia B.M.V. ; 15°, euan¬ gelium s. lohannis ; 16°, woodcut, the Annunciation ; 172, officium B.M.V.; 672, missa Beatae Mariae ; 69°, woodcut, REX. DAVIT.; 702, septem psalmi poenitentiales ; 91°, woodcut, the Last Judge¬ ment ; 922, officium mortuorum ; 121b, woodcut, the Crucifix ; 1222, officium s. Crucis; 125° woodcut, the Gift of the Spirit; 1262, offi- cium s. Spiritus ; 130b, blank. The five woodcuts, which are not Italian in style, are surrounded by floral borders. In the upper corners of the cut on 16° are shields with coats of arms (left, two crossed arrows, right, arms of Riessinger) ; similar shields in the cut on 125° bear, left, a cross, right, the arms of Riessinger again. The cuts were first used in the 1487 edition (Fava-Bresciano 172, plate xlv bis). Originally catalogued among the work of Freitag at Rome by Proctor (no. 3967). On vellum. 137 X96 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf. Most capitals illuminated in gold and colours, those at the main sections with borders, the rest supplied in blue. Woodcuts painted several colours. Bound at the end are two quires of manuscript prayers. Old red goatskin, gold-tooled. Bought in September, 1838. PERLEONE, GIULIANO. Compendio di DEL ILLVISTRISSIMO. SVO. S. LO .S. IN. STVM FOELIXO3 SIT. 203. Sonecto Primo 1422. COLOPHON: FINE: CON LA DIVINA CANZONERI: DICTO: IL PERLEJONE. DEL RVSTICO ROMAINO: IM¬ PRESSO IN LA CIITA: DI NAPOLI. PER CHRITSI.', "Quarto. AB; a-h8; i-psq'. 142 leaves, 17 blank, 202-1422", 'paginated I-CCXLV. 192: 29 lines, 155 x 87 mm. Type: 107 R. Capitals, Lombards. Hain 12634. Fava-Bresciano 187. 12, blank ; 1°, recommendation of the table ; 22, first title ; 2b, table ; 162, second title ; 165, 17, blank ; 182, exordio a Don Fede¬ rico de Aragonia ; 202, pt. i, le cose extravagante ; 67b, pt. ii, le and Bedford. Bought in July, 1847. IA. 29554. LEONARDUS The title-cut on 9° represents an eagle surmounted by a crown, a scroll above with the inscription: OPERA INTITVLATA LA. AQVILA. COMPOSTA p MISSERE LEONARDO ARETIN, the whole enclosed in a frame with Renaissance decoration, 215 x 149 mm. The four-side border on 102 consists of animals and putti, two of the latter riding, with profuse branchwork, the lower panel containing a shield for a coat of arms in a circle, 283x 195 mm.; the style shows Hispano-Mauresque influences. This border is also found in a 1491 Pentateuch and a Hebrew Bible, s.a., printed at Naples. The last of foûr stanzas on 8b addressed by Allegrettus to the reader runs as follows : Nel quarto terzo primo & nel Scdo recto of leaf 9 being blank. 293 X 207 mm. A coat of arms in the border on 102 has been cut out and another (or, three crescents gules, probably intended for that of M. Wodhull) substituted. Capital on 10e painted. On 92 is written: P Ante. Grandi. On a fly-leaf is the signature of Wodhull.', "with the date Feb: 9th 1790' and the note Pinelli", "Auction, = : 3: 6, bound & wash'd = :8 : 6'. With the", 'book-label of William Morris, Kelmscott House. Bought in May, 1899. IB. 29556. LILIUS, ZACHARIAS. Orbis breuiarium. MIVM FOELICITER Incipit. 3b. TITLE (in border): INI CANONICI ZACHARIAE LILII VINCEN with guide-letters. First letter of each paragraph set out. Hain 10102. Fava-Bresciano 190. 12, prooemium ; 22, reply of Bossus ; 3°, title ; 42, enumeration of the five zones ; 4°, diagrams : 52, de situ orbis ; 1012, unde mediterranea maria oriantur, etc. ; 1032, list of climata ; 103b, di¬ (IA. 27207), which it follows in typographical arrangement. In the Europae descriptio (1072) the text * Rhetia nunc bauaria. Vindelicia', "& noricù nûc Austria' is printed in accordance with ms. correc¬", "tions made in the Museum copy of Miscomini's edition and no", 'doubt in his office. The four-side border on 3b has human figures in the corners and the lower panel and Renaissance decoration at', "the sides, 189 x 132 mm. ; it occurs in the printer's first book (1491).", '203X 152 mm. Bought in January, 1878 PONTANUS, JoANNES JoVIANUS. De libera 12. TITLE: IOANNIS. IO VIANI. PON TANI. AD ACTIVM. SI NCERVM. DE. LIBERALI ATE. LI BER. IN CIPI T. M.CCCC.LX. VIII. 1122. COLOPHON: IOANNIS. IOVIANI 214 X 149 mm. On 1b is the signature, struck out, o Ioannes Philippus de Simonibus Senen. Patp. Bought in January, 1863. PHILALITES, BARTHOLOMAEUS [BARTOLOM Undated. 22. INS ITVTIONES. GRAMATICE. PRO TRISSIMO. DOMINO. IOANNE. ARA¬', "Quarto and Octavo. Jal b-d'el2.] 46 leaves, the first blank.", 'a few spaces for Greek. Indented text. Fava-Bresciano 209. The third and fourth sheets of the last quire are quarto, the rest octavo. The watermarks (Lombardic M, scissors, crowned spread eagle are all found in undoubtedly Neapolitan incunabula, the last-named. which occurs in books of 1474 and 1475, being characteristic rather of Naples than of Rome.', "Catalogued under Italy.—Unknown Places' by Proctor (no.", '7395). 199X 139 mm. Without the blank. Partly rubricated and annotated. Bound before IA. 17832 (Datus, De variis loquendi regulis, s.n., [Gensberg, Rome). Bought in August, 1864. BALDUS DE UBALDIS. Circa materiam Undated.', "Hain's no. 2331 describes an edition very closely corresponding", 'to the present book, but with unmistakable variants in the incipit on 52, while the verso of the first leaf, here wanting, is said to bear', "notitia typogr.', that is, presumably, the advertisement of Baglioni", 'and his printers (see Introduction), and the recto of the last leaf, here blank according to the old ms. foliation, is said to bear a register. It is hard to say, therefore, whether the present copy is imperfect at the beginning and end or whether the first and last leaves should be considered blank. The books in this heading are arranged in order of size. 400 x 269 mm. Without the first leaf, possibly blank (see above), and apparently with a blank last leaf. Bound before IC. 17669 (B. de Übaldis, Peculium, Gensberg, Rome, s.a.). With the book-label of George Dunn, Woolley Hall. Bought in February, 1914. IC. 32700. CAEPOLLA, BARTHOLOMAEUS. De seruitu first and last blank. 2 columns. 162 : 52 lines, 281 X 178 mm. Type : 109 R. Capital spaces. Catalogued among the Italian adespota by Proctor (no. 7367). 423X 284 mm. Rubricated. Early ms. quiring : o-qRrfst Vu-zz. At the head of 12 remain the last two lines of an early ms. list of contents : Tractat? Io o legnano sup represalib, Singularia corsecti siculi. Bought in August, 1863. IC. 32702. UBALDIS, PETRUS DE. De duobus fratribus Folio. [a-de-10e-k816.] 90 leaves, the first blank. 2 columns. 102 : 50 lines, 270 X 176 mm. Type: 109 R. Capital spaces. Catalogued among the Italian adespota by Proctor (no. 7368 B). 406 x 280 mm. Without the blank. Rubricated. Traces of ms. quiring in lower inner corners. Bought in May, 1900. IC. 32704 PAULUS [NICOLETTUS) VENETUS. Undated. 22. JOMNIS DOCTRI NA & omis discipli¬ na intel¬ p’teriok. 1492. [OJVESTIONES sunt eqales numero 223°. COLOPHON : Expliciut libri posteior. AP. opo siti The text on sheet [k] has very few contractions and breaks off at l. 17 of col. 2 on [k) 2° with the words : Segtur caplüm hec aût,', "It is resumed with '(HJEC AVTEM ... on (I) 1, which has 44", 'lines to the page and a type-page 155 mm. broad, with numerous contractions. At the end of It 6° is a similar note : Segtur textus.', "Qualiter ergo.', the first words of sul 12.", 'Originally catalogued as the work of De Stendal, Padua, by Proctor (no. 6786). In this copy the first words of [bl 52 run : in maiori solu sup¬ 322 X 230 mm. Without the blank. On 22 is written: mauritij Tömasinj , in the lower margin being the stamp On the last page is written: Hic liber est Iohanis is also a modern circular stamp with the letters M. D. I. P.D.R. D. I enclosing the letters CG. Old sheep. Bought in May, 1899. IB. 32706. Another copy. In this copy sheet (b] 5 is of a different setting-up, the first words running : in maiori soluz supponat... 300X 215 mm. Without the blank. With the book¬ label of Don Giacinto Amati and the note of ownership of Paget Toynbee, 1900. Presented in April, 1910. IB. 32707. OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. De vetula. First letter of each verse set out. Hain 12253. This tract, here retained under the heading Ouidius for conve¬ nience, is with much probability ascribed to Ricardus de Furni¬ valle, who flourished about the year 1250. Catalogued among the Italian adespota by Proctor (no. 7366). 199 X 136 mm. Bound in crushed red morocco by Bauzonnet-Trautz. From the Libri collection. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 32708. HENRICUS DE SAXONIA. De secretis Undated. lines of comment, 199 X 120 mm. A column of 39 lines of text on 14° measures 201 mm. Types: 103 G., text ; 103 GR., comment Capital spaces. Catchwords. Gesamtkatalog 762.', "This tract has been retained under the heading ' Henricus de", "Saxonia' for convenience, but the text is in fact that of the De", 'secretis mulierum of Albertus Magnus, with the name of Henricus substituted for that of Albertus as the author at the beginning and with the concluding sections considerably altered, presumably to make identification less easy. The commentary, which ignores Henricus, is that also printed by De Rottweil, Venice, 1478 (IA. 20592), etc. The only early edition exactly corresponding with the present is that of Sorg, Augsburg, 1489 (IA. 6031). The watermarks found in this tract (posthorn, crossed arrows. crossed swords) all recur in other books certainly printed at Perugia. 274 X 203 mm. Without the blank. The last leaf is mutilated. Bought in May, 1908. IB. 32720. PAULUS DE MIDDELBURGO. Pro¬', "The tenth and last chapter of this tract contains 'solutiones", 'reliquarum 25 quaestionum ex illis centum quas anno. 1479 reliquis Italiae astrologis proposui’, i.e. questions 51-75 ; in the concluding he must have written his tract in 1481. Catalogued among the Italian adespota by Proctor (no. 7411). 220X 144 mm. A bibliographical note on the book by M. F. A. G. Campbell, The Hague, 1888, is pasted in this copy. Bought in December, 1891. IA. 32750. FLISCUS, STEPHANUS. Synonyma. 30 lines, 133X77 mm. Type : 89 G. Capital spaces on 22 and 2b, that on 22 with guide-letter. Originally catalogued among the adespota of Vicenza by Proctor (no. 7182). 183X 131 mm. Imperfect, wanting the innermost sheet of quire [b). Old vellum. Bought in October, 1893. IA. 32715. Oratio in Quarto. Ja8.] 8 leaves, the first blank. 32 : 30 lines, 132 x76 mm. Type: 89 G. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 22. Hain 10896.', "Grifone de' Baglioni was assassinated on 1 May, 1477.", '193X 132 mm. Without the blank. The last leaf IA. 32710. ROBERTUS ANGLICUS. De astrolabio by Ulysses Lanciarinus. 12. [VLyxes Lanciarinus Phanensis. Viro Cla rissimo Type : 89 G. Capital spaces, also spaces for diagrams in the In his dedicatory letter the editor remarks (1b) : Jopus) per me UBALDIS, PETRUS DE. Repetitio super c. UBALDIS, PETRUS DE. Repetitio super c. Undated. Rainutius de testamentis. space on 102. Catchwords in middle and at end of quires. Line¬ Of the five watermarks in this book four can be identified with marks found in other books printed at Perugia. Catalogued among the Italian adespota by Proctor (no. 7410). 422 X 283 mm. Without the blanks. Bought in March, 1888. IC. 32725. ALONE. L combined with border on 52, spaces, with guide-letters, elsewhere. 286 x 215 mm. Without the first blank. Capital and', "border on 5' painted and shield filled in with coat of", 'arms. Bought in December, 1910. IB. 32739. WITH GERARDUS THOMAE AND 2 columns. 82 : 41 lines and head-line (book-number), 193 (208) X 135 mm. Type: 94 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 5653. Gesamtkatalog 810. The contents of this edition are as in that of De Comitibus, lesi, 1473 (IB. 30125), with the addition of a number of bulls and briefs of Paul II and Sixtus IV, the last dated in 1480. The pages con¬ taining these (882-955) have no head-lines. 273 X 200 mm. Without the first blank. IB. 32738. CLAUDIANUS, CLAUDIUS. De raptu Pro¬ x79 mm. Type: 94 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 5375. than in the signed books. 203X 143 mm. DATUS, AUGUSTINUS. De variis loquendi Type : 94 G. Capital space on 12. 190 X 135 mm. Bought in January, 1902. PERIGLIS, ANGELUS DE. Lectura super Folio, a8 b-l mè. 76 leaves, 2-76 so numbered. 2 columns, except matter on 1b. 44 : 7olines and head-line and foliation, 321 (330) X 197 mm. Types: 180 G.; 92 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 12631. The prefatory note on 1b remarks: Baldus et Periglius prae¬ of a manuscript note :... Thomas Bradshaus mutuo dedit. Leaf 8 is misbound after leaf 1. IC. 32745. Bought in January, 1863. Bernardinus Celerius (b) with Morellus Gerardinus Morellus Gerardinus. See Bartholo¬ generally known as Manuale. The occurrence of blunt-headed u in this book only, together with the wording of the colophon, shows that this is the earliest work in the group. 202 X 144 mm. 183X 131 mm. Formerly ff. 56-75 of a tract-volume. Traces of manuscript signatures.', "King George III's copy (C. 9. a. 19).", 'IA. 28303. PHALARIS. Epistolae. [Translated by 105 R. Capital spaces. Hain 12892. Hook-headed u is found in this and the following books printed with type 105 R. 196 x 137 mm. Capitals supplied in red. Traces of manuscript signatures.', "King George III's copy (C. I. a. 23).", 'IA. 28306. ALBERTI, LEO BAPTISTA. Ipolito e Lionora. Octavo. Ja b8.] 16 leaves, the last blank. 22: 24 lines, 126 x 78 mm. Type: 105 R. Capital spaces. Hain 9266. 195X 135 mm. Without the blank. On a fly-leaf is a bibliographical note by T. F. Dibdin. From the Bolongaro-Crevenna library. HERMES TRISMEGISTUS. Pimander de TERIS MAIOREM COPIAM FACERET. TARVISII. .M. CCCC.LXXI. NOVEMB. 22. AR¬ GVMENTVM MARSILII FI¬ CINI FLORENTINI MERCVRII TRISMEGISTI AD The later forms of m, n, x, etc., as well as of u, are found in type 105 R. in this tract. The first ten leaves are here presumed to be comprised in one quire. The words of Fransciscus) Rholfandellus) on 1b are presumably to be understood as spoken by the manuscript in his possession which he had allowed De Lisa to print from. 180 X 132 mm. Imperfect, wanting ff. 1—4 and 10. IA. 28312.', "King George III's copy (C. 2. a. 8). LATINI, BRUNETTO. Tesoro. [In the ALBERTI, LEO BAPTISTA. Ipolito e Lionora LATINI, BRUNETTO. Tesoro. [In the ALBERTI, LEO BAPTISTA. Ipolito e Lionora translation of Bono Giamboni. *16 December, 1474 Siche mille per vn Thesor si troui 82 : 44 lines, 233 X 158 mm. Type: 105 G. Capital spaces, witl guide-letters. Hain 4009. The first edition. The anonymous poem in terza rima on 126°, ending with an en comium on the printer, is a sort of continuation of canto xv of the', "Inferno ; one line of it, Siati ricomâdato el mio Thesoro', is", 'actually taken from Dante.', "The tauola' on 125°, 1262 is a register indicating signature", 'letters and catchwords, preceded by an explanatory paragraph. 317 X 219 mm. Without the blank. Capitals suppliec in red or blue. IB. 28317.', "King George III's copy (C. 7. c. 2).", 'Another copy. 314 X 223 mm. Without the blank. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red or blue, underlines in red. The first quire is bound at the end. From the library of Consul Smith, according to a note by Gren ville. IB. 28318. VINCENTIUS FERRER. De fine mundi. marginalia 90) mm. Type: 105 G. Capital space, with guide¬ letter, on 12. Hain 7018. 215X 147 mm. Capital and initial-strokes supplied. Bought in June, 1876. 510 April, 1475 22. INCOMINCIA LA HISTORIA DE HIPO¬ xv. 3°: 25 lines and foliation, 131 (136) x77 mm. Type : 105 GR. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. 192 X 138 mm. .I.-.IX. 32 : 25 lines and foliation, 131 (136) x 78 mm. Type: 105 GR. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, on 22, 2b. Hain 11188. his recension of the Mirabilia Romae differs from that printed', "at Rome chiefly in having an additional chapter concerning 'Totilae", "exasperatio in seruos Dei' at the end.", '150X 110 mm. Previously bound with IA. 26570 (Accursius, Plautina dicta, Accursius, Milan, s. n.), q.v., IA. 28326. PIUS II. Epistola ad Mahumetem. and foliation, 132 (137) x 84 mm. Type : 105 GR. Capital space,', "with guide-letter, on 12. Hain '177.", '210X 146 mm. Rubricated. Bought in March, 1846. IA. 28328. PRATUS, THOMAS. De immanitate Judae¬ 85 mm. Type: 105 GR. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, on 2 and 9b. There exists another issue or edition of this tract beginning with IA. 28320. a dedicatory epistle of the author to Bishop Hinderbach which is dated MCCCCLXXV. Idibus Septembris' (Copinger 4836). The", "dated MCCCCLXXV. Idibus Septembris' (Copinger 4836). The", 'present edition no doubt belongs to about the same time, this dating being supported by the frequent use of Q with docked tail, as in the preceding tract. The events connected with the death of the child Simon took place at Easter, 1475. 197X 145 mm. At the beginning is bound a letter, dated 2 May, 1845, from Sir A. Panizzi to Grenville accompanying the gift of the book. IA. 28322. Grenville copy (G. 9960). PEROTTUS, NICOLAUS. Rudimenta gram¬ CES : dA litteras. A. b. c... 176°. COLOPHON : : : FINIS : : ANNO SAL. M. CCCC: LXXVI. TARVISII. FRANCISCVS RHOLANDELLVS POETA EMENDAVIT: ET GERARDVS DE FLANDRIA IMPRESSIT: DILIGENTISSIME Register in 4 columns. 4°: 27 lines, 137 x84 mm. Types : 102 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 12652. The first of a few editions which contain forms of address, etc., for letters at the end (1772-179b). 197 X 134 mm. Without the blank. First page enclosed in blue rules.', "King George III's copy (C. 2. a. 5).", 'IA. 28331. MAHOMET II. Epistolae magni Turci. 12. LAVDINII EQVITIS HIEROSOLIMI TANI: AD FRANCINU BELTRANDU COMITEM IN EPISTOLAS MAGNI TVRCI. PRAEFATIO. 202. TVRCI FII¬ 79 (83) mm. Type : 102 R. Capital space, with guide-letter, on', "12. Indented text. Hain '10502.", 'Type 102 R. is in its earliest state in this tract. Apparently reprinted from the undated edition of D. S., [Padua) (IA. 30072), with the addition of a table. 197X 140 mm. The last leaf is slightly mutilated at the head. Formerly ff. 100-121 of a tract-volume. IA. 28335a.', "King George III's copy (C. 5. a. 19).", 'Another copy. 186 x 131 mm. Rubricated. IA. 28335. JACOBUS, Comes Purliliarum. De gene¬', "of Franciscus Niger.] 'I1 September, 1492.", '12. TITLE: DE LIBERORVM EDVCATIONE. :: 162. COLOPHON : IACOBI PVRLILIARVM CO¬ TIOINE LIBELLVS FAVSTE FINIT. ACCV¬ RATISSIME IMPRESSVM TARVISII PER GE¬ RARDVM DEFLANDRIA. ANNO SALV-TIS. EMBRIS. SVB and foliation, 127(132) x 89 mm. Type : 102 R. Capital spaces,', "with guide-letters, on 22, 32, 172. Hain '13608.", '12, title ; 1°, lo. Bapt. Vranii carmen ad lectorem ; 22, lacobus Anterotica siue De TARVISII PER GERARDVM DE FLANDRIA. ANNO SALV-TIS. M. CCCC. XCII. DIE. XIII. 7-103 numbered .I.—XCVII. 82 : 25 lines and foliation, 128 (133) x 88 mm. Type : 102 R. Capital spaces, mostly with guide¬ letters ; also spaces for Greek on 132. Hain 18343. 12, title ; 1b, table of contents ; 62, Quintii Aemiliani Cimbriaci century tracts. IA. 28466. Bought in April, 1839. Another copy. 190 X 119 mm. Without the blank. IA. 28466 a. BAPTISTA. 12. IESVS CHRISTVS : BAPTISTAE marchionis palauicini Episco- pi Regiésis plogus i historia flèdae CHRISTI :: Quarto. Jabs. 16 leaves. 22 : 28 lines, 141X78 mm. Type 102 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. First letter of each Type 102 R. is in its latest state in this and the two following tracts. 189 X 133 mm. Bought in June, 1846. JACOBUS, Comes Purliliarum. S. D :: 2b. IACOBI COMITIS PVRLILIARVM 102 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 13604. This tract and the following are the only two of the series to con¬ tain printed signatures and are therefore doubtless later than the others. 210 X 149 mm. Bought in January, 1878. TINCTORIS, 1a TITLE: TERMINORVM MVSICAE DIFFI- NITORIVM : 15b. END :... perpetuo seruare 94 mm. Type : 102 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, on 22, 15b.', "Indented text. Hain '15527.", "12, title ; 1b, blank ; 22, author's dedication ad illustrissimam", "virginem ... Beatricem de Aragonia' (who married Matthias", "Corvinus of Hungary in October, 1476 ; 2b, text ; 156, author's", "peroratio' to Beatrice of Aragon ; 16, blank.", 'An explanatory list of musical terms, in alphabetical order. 200 X 140 mm.', "King George III's copy (166. e. 21).", 'IA. 28476. AUCTORITATES. Auctoritates Aristotelis Undated. 138 x81 mm. Type: 86 G. Capital spaces. Hain 13413. Gesamtkatalog 2833. This recension of the Auctoritates ends with the propositions of', "Empedocles in libro suo' and has appended to it a short tract", 'on physiognomy. This book agrees with the Aquinas of 1476 (Reichling 397) in the type and the absence of printed signatures. A variant issue is', "known in which the text ends on 762 with : */Finis./' and 760 is", 'blank. The watermark (a balance in a circle) recurs in many of Manzo¬', "lus's signed books.", '201 X 150 mm. Bought in May, 1903. BLANCHELLUS, MENGHUS. Commentum 82 G. Capital spaces. Hain 3227. The first edition.', "The last leaf of quire c'is signed d.", '283 x 200 mm. Without the blank. Rubrication on 22-32. On the last page is the note of ownership of frate Beradino da Camorano, 1635. Bought in July, 1858. IB. 28343. FRANCISCUS DE MAYRONIS. Super Frâcisci Maronis ordinis mil noy. sacray litteray iterptis. theologiceqz ueritatis pfessoris eximii, sup pmuz sniax scriptuz finit. Anno salutis nre M°. cccc. Lxxvj°. p The first edition. The last three leaves of quire B have short pages. There are catchwords at the end of quire a and quire B.', "Of the words ' Deo gratias' at the end of the colophon only a", 'slight trace is visible in this copy. 293 X 200 mm. On 1e is written: Ex Bibliotheca M. Christop. Straubij parochi in Langenalt Empt? In¬ pigskin, one of the stamps bearing the name and arms binder. On the top edge is stamped the monogram FP, no doubt that of the Schrobenhausen Franciscans. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 28345. TORTELLIUS, JOANNES. De orthographia TORTELLIUS, JOANNES. De orthographia dictionum e Graecis tractarum. [Edited by *2 April, 1477. for that of Manzolus in some copies. Catalogued under Liechtenstein, IB. 28384, p. 891. HIERONYMUS. Vita et transitus. Hieronymo doctor il bel finire 142 X 92 mm. Type : 83 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Catchwords at ends of quires. Hain 8642. 1, blank ; 22, proemio ; 6°, epistola del b. Eusebio del transito 195X 137 mm. Without the blank. Rubricated. With the signature of Michael Wodhull, 6 January, 1781,', "and bought by him at Payne's sale' for £2. 2s. od.", 'Bought in July, 1888. IA. 28349. DURANTI, GULIELMUS. Rationale diuinorum Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Catchwords at ends of quires.', "Hain *6481 (not noting the misprint FIINS' on 2786).", 'The dedicatory letter of Tuscanus derives from Lauer’s 1477 Rome', "edition (IB. 17514) but is also found in Liechtenstein's edition,", 'Vicenza, 1478 (IB. 31812), from which the present edition is no', "doubt printed, as it has the same error 'negatur' for ' legatur' in", 'the last word but one of the letter. The letters RDO at the end of the text presumably indicate the title of the book. 298 X 205 mm. Bought in October, 1886. IB. 28351. PLINIUS SECUNDUS, GAIUS. Historia Not before 13 October, 1479. 22. HIERONYMI BONONII TARVISANI AL IOANNEM BOMBENVM AMICORVM OPTI MVMPRO. C. PLINIO SECVNDO APOLOGIA. 356°. COLOPHON : CAII PLYNII SECVNDI NA SERENISSIMO VENETIARVM DVCE IOANNE MON-CENIGHO OCTAVO KALENDAS SE¬ 62: 50 lines, 206 X 131 mm. Type : 83 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters ; also space for Greek on 232. Head-lines (book¬ numbers). Catchwords at ends of quires, except a, b, e, y, z. Hain *13092. I, blank; 22, letter of Bononius to Bombenus on the credibility of', "dated ' Taruisii tertio Idus Octobres’, 1479 ; 42, Plinius Marco suo", 'additional leaves of matter by Bononius, from the edition of Coral¬ lus, Parma, 1476 (IC. 30223). At the end of quire z some two lines of text, together with the catchword, have been omitted. 292 X 209 mm. Without the last blank. Rubricated. On 1e is a note that the book was given to Obertus Grillus by Dominicus Centurionus of Genoa. From the collection of Sir Joseph Banks. IB. 28354 Another copy. 290X 202 mm. Without the blanks. Rubricated. On 232 is an illuminated capital and a wreath enclosing a coat of arms, (paly of 6 gules and argent, that of Mazaruol at Venice or Belli at Florence ?). Bought in July, 1858. IB. 28353. BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI. Ameto. 33 lines, 135 x 90 mm. Type : 83 R. Capital spaces, with guide¬', "letters. Hain '3287.", 'There are a number of short pages in this tract. The letters PT and RS which accompany the sonnet on 83b are unexplained. 194 X 135 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first sheet, also the last blank.', "King George III's copy (C. 6. a. 10).", 'IA. 28356. EUSEBIUS. Translated Edited by Hieronymus Bononius. 112 January, 1480. 22. HIERONYMVS BONONIVS TARVISANVS. 47 lines and head-line, 194 (206) x 130 mm. Type: 83 R. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 76702. I, blank ; 22, eight hendecasyllabics by Hieronymus Bononius,', "followed by index 'quem ceteris uoluminibus omissum ... Hier.", "Bononius addi procurauit'; 42, ad Nicolaum V Geo. Trapezuntil", 'colophon; 108, blank. In his letter to Vonicus the editor remarks (107b) : cum copiam [Eusebiil facere omnibus quaereremus nec sat facile inueniri On 4° is an illuminated capital and border and a wreath containing a coat of arms (per pale, azure and or, a sun in splendour, counterchanged). On a fly-leaf is pasted a slip reading : Hic liber datus fuit ab Illmo. D. Card: à Dietrichstein ad usum fratrum Capuccinon Niccols¬ Bought in April, 1877. IB. 28358. CARACCIOLUS, ROBERTUS, de Licio. AMEN. 802. TABVLA SOPRA LE PRÉDI CHE DI FRATE ROBERTO. Ibid. FINIS LAVS numbered on recto and verso. 42 : 45 lines and foliation, 188 (200) X 111 mm. Type : 83 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Catchword at end of quire b. A reprint, doubtless close, of the edition of 18 March, 1479 (Hain-Reichling 4447). 250X 174 mm. Without the blank. Bought in March, 1906. IB. 28359. Vita et transitus. [In Quarto. a-k8 16. 86 leaves, the first blank. 32 : 34 lines 140x 87 mm. Type: 83 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Catchwords at ends of quires. Reprinted, with the same page-contents, from the edition of 20 November, 1478 (IA. 28349). 209 X 138 mm. Bought in October, 1911. Clericus Crescentinas. Hubertinus Clericus Crescentinatis librum suum allo¬ Gk. Capital spaces, a few with guide-letters. Hain 5463. Reprinted from the edition of Liechtenstein, Vicenza, 1479 (IB. 31814). 289 x 203 mm. Rubricated. On 1e is written: Liber leather, rebacked. Bought in October, 1886. IB. 28361. CAESAR, GAIUS JULIUS. Commentarii. the Index of Raimundus Marlianus. *30 June, 1480. 22. G.IVLII CAESARIS COMMENTARIORVM COLOPHON : COMMENTARIORVM DE BELLO TARIVISII ANNO GRATIAE. MCCCCLXXX. PRIDIE KA-LENDAS QVINTILIS. IVRISCON¬ lines and head-line, 182 (194) x 1o1 (with marginalia 125) mm.', "Type : 83 R. Capital spaces. Hain '4217 (counting 166 printed", "leaves and reading : HISPANENSI : ET AFRICANO' in the", "colophon, besides misprinting : NALLICO' and POMPEIAGO').", '1, blank ; 22, de bello gallico ; 58b, A. Hirtii praefatio in lib. Raymundus Marlianus inuenit; 168", blank. Reprinted, often with the same page-contents, from the edition of Zarotus, Milan, 1477 (IB. 25973), with the omission of the dedica- tory letter of Philelphus and the addition of the letter and verses by Bononius and of head-lines and marginal summaries. The last sentence of the De bello Hispaniensi is left fragmentary. 262X 183 mm. Without the blank. Each page en- closed in red rules. On 2e is the duplicate stamp of the Vienna Hofbibliothek. Eighteenth-century red morocco. Bought in February, 1876. IB. 28362. JUVENALIS, DECIMUS JUNIUS. Saturae. Not before 31 August, 1480. lines, 187 x 75 (with marginalia 106) mm. Type : 83 R. Capital spaces. First letter of every third verse set out. Hain 9720.', "1, blank; 22, author's sonnet to Doge Pietro Mocenigo, followed", 'by his summary (compendiosa materia de tutta lopera de Juvenale); 32, text ; 862, author’s colophon, Doge’s letter recommending the author to the authorities at Verona, dated 3 May, 1475; 86b Latin epigram by Jacobus comes Juliarius Veronensis, followed by', "author's epigramma de transmissione huius libri impressi ad Ant.", 'Donatum, Phil. Tronum & Franc. Aureum (in Italian), dated from colophon ; 882, ad Geor. Summaripam Hier. Bononius, 7 elegiac couplets ; 88b, blank. 286 x 185 mm. Without the blank. Rubricated.', "King George III's copy (C. 4. i. 10).", 'IB. 28364. LIVIUS, TITUS. Historiae Romanae decades. QRSSeTSVX6 Ys. 374 leaves, the first and last blank. 32: 51 lines, 211 x 127 (with marginalia 147) mm. Types: 83 R.; Gk., words on 3732, 373°. Capital spaces, that on 3732 with guide-letter. Headlines (numbers of decads and books) on and after 232. Hain 10134. The epistle to Pope Paul II on 22-3b (by Joannes Andreae, Bishop of Aleria) derives from the edition of Sweynheym and Pannartz, [Rome, 1469 (IC. 17128) 293 X 202 mm. Imperfect, wanting sheet N 3, also the blanks. On a fly-leaf is the note of ownership of an alumnus venerabilis Seminarii Rauennę , 1726, perhaps the Paolo Biancoli of Bagnacavallo who has written his name on some margins. Bought in July, 1882. IB. 28366. Vita et transitus. 85 mm. Type : 81 G. Capital spaces, many with guide-letters. Catchwords at ends of quires. Hain 8644. Reprinted, with the same page-contents, from the edition of 29 March (IA. 28360). 192 X 136 mm. Without the blank. IA. 28368. THOMAS AQUINAS. De unitate intel¬ Quarto and Folio. Jasb6.] 14 leaves, the last blank. 2 columns¬ 22: 44 lines, 188 X 118 mm. Types: 160 G., first two words of text ; 85 G. Capital spaces. The third sheet of the first quire and the whole of the second 282 X 209 mm. Without the blank. Bound with IB. 33507 (Bonus Gallus, Colle, s. a.) and IB. 29856 (Cano¬ zius, Padua, 1475). Bought in December, 1902. IB. 28373. GAIETANUS DE THIENIS. Recollectae GAIETANUS DE THIENIS. Recollectae Undated. super Physica Aristotelis.', "2°. Gaietani d' thyenis vincentini philosophi preclaris¬", 'simi rcolecte sup octo libros phy sicop Aristotilis incipiunt 2 columns. 4° : 48 lines, 205 X 126 mm. Types: 160 G., first', "words of sections, words deo gratias' at end ; 85 G. Capital spaces,", 'those from f 7 onwards mostly with guide-letters. Hain 15496. The last page of quire h has 53 lines to the column. 287 X 197 mm. Without the blank. On 22 is an oval stamp inscribed : DELLA P. VNIVERSITA DI FER¬ RARA. Old paper boards. Bought in March, 1902. IB. 28375 TORTELLIUS, JoANNES. De orthographia TORTELLIUS, JoANNES. De orthographia dictionum e Graecis tractarum. [Edited by Hieronymus Bononius. PONTIFICEM MAXIMVM. CJOEPERAM OLIM INI COMMEMTARIORVM GRAMMATICO¬ RVM DE ORTHOGRAPHIA DICTIOINVM E PRIMI IMPRESSO RIS COMMENDATIONEM. Tingere dispositis chartas quicunque metallis. .', "kl' m-o8 pe q—s10 t12 ; u-y1° 26 & °. 345 leaves, the first and last blank.", '8a : 44 lines, 212 X 125 mm. Types : 96 R. ; Gk. Capital spaces ; also some spaces for Greek. First letter of each paragraph in the vocabulary set out. Hain 15565. Ouire I, sheets K 2, 3, quires i-1 and sheet m 3 are quarto, the rest folio. The return leaf of sheet A 4, which should be cut away, is left as a blank in some copies. In some copies the colophon reads : IOANNIS TORTELLII. TARVISAINO HERMANVS LEVIEAPIS COLONIENSIS', "above presumably stand for suis sumptibus faciendum curauit'.", '285X 195 mm. Without the blanks. Leaf 2 (slightly mutilated) and 344 cut out and mounted, the text on 2 being also enclosed in red, black and gold rules.', "King George III's copy (169. i. 13).", 'IB. 28384. VINCENTIUS FERRER. De fine mundi. marginalia 100) mm. Type: 114 R. Capital space on 12. Hain 17019.', "Reprinted, mostly with the same page-contents, from De Lisa's", '1475 edition (IA. 28320). The watermark of a long-necked bird found on the paper of this tract recurs in books of about the same date printed at Vicenza, and it may have been printed there with material left behind by Liechtenstein rather than by Liechtenstein himself at Treviso. 202 X 145 mm. Capital supplied. Bought in May, 1899. BONAVENTURA. Scriptum super secun', "spaces. Hain '3539 ('336 ff.').", '286 x 202 mm. Fully rubricated and with ms. catch- words at ends of quires. On a fly-leaf is the note of ownership, repeated at intervals, of the monastery o Benediktbeuern, with the monastic book-label, lettered D pasted on the recto and the book-plate of Abbot Ludo¬ uicus Perczl on the verso. Original (?) stamped pink calf over boards. Bought in April, 1865. IB. 28388. MAIUS, JUNIANUS. De priscorum proprietate SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Opera philo Type : 81 G. Capital spaces ; also spaces for Greek. Indented', "text. Hain '10540.", 'Reprinted from the editio princeps of Moravus, Naples, 1475 (Hain 10539, Proctor 16695), the reference to Mathias Morauus', "vir summo ingenio ... in hoc genere impressionis' being retained", 'in the prologue. 320X 216 mm. Rubricated. IB. 28393.', "King George III's copy (C. 15. c. 10).", '*1478. last blank. 62 : 53 lines, 215 X 130 mm. Type : 81 G. Capital spaces.', "Hain '14591 (reading Qouatum' for Nouatum' and 'Qostra", "for Nostra' in the list of contents).", '892 Reprinted from the edition of Moravus, Naples, 114175 (IC. 29395, p. 861), the list of contents being moved to the end. The', "error of the famulus componens' in running on the De consola¬", 'tione fratris and the reference to it in the list (see above) are both taken over unaltered. 338 x 233 mm. Rubricated. On 12 is the note: Iste', "in Rebdorff' and the armorial book-label of the Museum", 'L. Double. Original (?) stamped pigskin, lined with leaves from a German Antiphoner of the thirteenth century. IB. 28396. Bought in July, 1863. Another copy. 329 X 229 mm. With the blanks apparently pasted', "down. On 22 is the note: 'Ad Bibliothecam PP. Fran¬", "ciscan. Ingolst.', on the top edge is the Ingolstadt library", 'stamp. Original (?) stamped leather over boards. IB. 28395. Bought in March, 1839. Another copy. 321 X 223 mm. Without the blanks. Fully rubri- cated. IB. 28397. Grenville copy (G. 9370). ALONE. rum Juuenalis, etc. Not before May,11478. 22. AD INVICTISSIMVM PRINCIPEM FEDERI¬ CVM DE MONITEFERARIO VRBINI DVCEM: GEORGII MERVLAE ALE XANDRINI PRAE¬ FATIO IN SATYRARVM IVVENALIS ENAR¬ RATIONES. 1212. COLOPHON : Continentur in libro haec: Enarrationes Satyrarum Iuuenalis... ad Federi¬ cum de monte fererro r Vbini ducem ... Impressa Taruisii per Bartholomæum de Cofoloneris. Duce 102: 45 lines, 190X 110 (with marginalia 132) mm. Types : 84 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, all but a few with guide-letters.', "Catchwords at ends of quires to m inclusive. Hain '11091 (omit¬", 'ting fol. 4). I, blank ; 22, prefatory letter ; 3°, life of Juvenal ; 4°, de', "aduersus Calderini Commentarios ; 1022, list of Calderinus's errors;", '1032, letter of Merula to Bembus; 103°, annotationes in orationem Ciceronis pro Ligario ; 116°, letter to Sanutus; 121°, register; Doge on 18 May of that year. Not reproduced.', "With the use of the word 'speculum' to describe the register,", "compare ' speculum presentis voluminis' in the Missale romanum", 'printed by A. de Siliprandis, Venice, 1477 (IB. 20702). Beneath the register is a blind impression of the word BAR¬ THOLOMIAEVSJ. Some copies read de monte feretro r Vbini’ in l. 3 of the colo¬ 290 X 214 mm. Without the last blank. On 54 is written: Huc libru legauit nro puëtui si. e. that of the Franciscans of Ingolstadt) vnl dn? Achaci? haiswasser arciu mgr... Predicatô in elwang Anno d. 1.5.16. Bought in June, 1892. IB. 28402. MAIUS, JUNIANUS. De priscorum proprietate Parthenius. CTIS. FERIDINANDVM REGEM IN LIBRVM DE PROILOGVS FOELICITER INCIPIT. 22. a COM¬ SIGNL FICAT :... 324°. Bartholomæus Parthenius 84 (82) R.; Gk. Capital spaces, also some spaces for Greek. In¬ dented text. Catchwords at ends of quires s, t, y, &-B, D-I.', "Hain '10541.", 'A revised reprint of the edition of Bernardus de Colonia, 147 (IB. 28393). In his letter on 3242 the editor remarks: praeter quam quod multa addidimus : quae impressorum culpa . .. in place of which is taken by a duplicate of sheet c4) and sheet & 3. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 28405. WITH MORELLUS GERARDINUS. (Translated by Hermolaus Barbarus. Edited by Ponticus Facinus. *15 February, 1481. 1b. HERMOLAI BARBARI PATRICII VEN COLOPHON : Themistii liber ultimus physices explicit. Bartholomæus Confalonerius Brixiensis Taruisii Impres¬ it. 1672. SECOND COLOPHON: Finiunt libri Paraphra¬ seos Themistii in posteriora Aristotelis i physica: in libros 129 (with marginalia 144) mm. Type : 84 (82) R. Capital spaces. mostly with guide-letters. Catchwords in centre and at end of', "quires. Marginal section-numbers. Hain '15463.", "12, blank ; 1b, translator's letter to Sixtus IV, dated Venetiis.", "MCCCCLXXX'; 2b, capitula libri primi Posteriorum ; 32, Themi¬", "BRVARII' (18 January), as actually given in D. M. Federici's", 'Memorie trevigiane sulla tipografia del secolo xv, etc. (1805),p. 90. See below. The first edition. In a letter to the editor, dated Venetiis.', "M.CCCCLXXX', on 160b Barbarus calls on him to save the book,", 'which is in danger of never being finished owing to desidia & nequitia librarii , remarking: Non multum operi deest ... Physica ms. corrections and additions, the latter including the chapter-headings of the revised edition of De Zanis, Venice, 1499 (IB. 23734). In the second colophon de Salodio has been altered to ab Salodio and cal', "added after FEBRVARII', apparently by the press¬", 'reader. In the margin of d 5e is written: addi 8 marzo 1720 lo Gio: Marè Benaglio di zorola studente ... hò IB. 28407. ALONE. plantarum. [Translated by Theodorus Gaza. Edited, with a table, by Georgius Merula. 20 February, 1483 22. THEODORI GRAECI THESSALONICEN¬ IS AD NICOLAIVMQVINTVM. PONT. MAX. 762. COLOPHON : Theophrasti Liber decimus cuius pau¬ cula quædam habentur : & quod a¬ pud græecos habetur:', "LIBER. I. 1562. PRINTER'S COLOPHON: THEO¬", 'HRASTI DE CAVSIS PLANTARVM LIBER EX- TVS ET VLTIMVS EXPLICIT. IMPRES SVM TARVISII PER BARTHOLOMAEVM CON blank. 2 columns in table. 32 : 41 lines, 228 X 140 mm. Type : IIIR. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Catchwords in centre and at end of quires. Marginalia in the De causis planta¬', "rum. Hain '15491.", 'The table (quire L) applies to both parts and should follow on', "Merula's letter (K 6°) at the end of the volume, as the signatures", 'indicate ; but the printer was evidently at first under a misappre¬ hension as to the proper order of the parts. Merula remarks in his letter: Ergo cum in recentissima editione Ti. e. the present) multa deprauata ... legerentur : collatils nostris and on its first page is an oval book-stamp with the monogram FDL (?). From the library of F. G. H. Culemann. Bought in February, 1870. IB. 28409. DIONYSIUS HALICARNASSENSIS. *24 February, 1480. Biragus. reddi solent in proemiis histo riau :... 300°. COLOPHON : Folio. [al° b-g8 h i“ k-zA-Os P6.] 300 leaves, the first blank. 52: 37 lines, 210x 123 (with marginalia 144) mm. Type : 113 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Catchwords. Hain 16239 (with variant colophon). At the end of quire [dl the catchword is preceded by two', "omitted words : Vrbi isupabls: & edes', the three last words", 'being stamped in. The innermost pages of quires [D, EJare short and narrow, those of quire [F] long and wide.', "The translator's letter to the Pope on 3002 begins 'EST conuer¬", "sum sanctissime pater id oë qd'in ambobus tuis codi cibus grecis", "reptum est .. .' and is subscribed ' LAMPVS BIRAGVS'. Copies", 'are known in which the last two lines of the colophon are omitted. 298 x 201 mm. Without the blank. On 22 is an illuminated capital, border and coat of arms (tree in leaf), an erased note of monastic ownership beneath; other capitals supplied.', "King George III's copy (C. 2. c. 2).", 'IB. 28412a. Another issue, with the outer sheet of the last quire reprinted. 3002. COLOPHON : IMPRESSVM TARVISII PER CELERIVM DE LVERE. ANNO CHR. NATI.', "pater ... and is subscribed ' LAPPVS BIRAGVS FLOR.", 'The errors in the colophon evidently caused the sheet affected to be reprinted. The last of the text on 300° is compressed into', "16 lines instead of 19 and the translator's letter into 12 lines instead", 'of 13so as to allow more room for the colophon in massed capitals.', "Copies are known in which the translator's first name still appears", "as 'LAMPVS'.", '293X 199 mm. Without the blank. On 22 is an illuminated capital, border and wreath for coat of arms, on 4° an illuminated capital. Sheet InJI is misbound within sheet [014. IB. 28412 b.', "King George III's copy (C. 2. c. 3).", 'Another copy, with a variant on 22. CLEMENTISSIMO:... PAVLO SECVNDO Bought. ELLI TRVCIDATI A PERFIDIS IVDEIS. AD IIl. & excell. Do. Antoniu Donatum egté. Aur. NA-M.CCCC. LX2', "The new Sebastian' was a garzonzello . . . come fu quel", 'meschin Symon da Trento’, the son of one Pietro da Seriata, and the victim of a supposed ritual murder at Portobuffolè, N.E. of Treviso, in 1480 (1b, 22). The maximum breadth of the type-page is 90 mm. 203 X 148 mm. Bought in March, 1894. IA. 28418. (Translated by (Translated by STRABO. Geographia. Guarinus Veronensis and Georgius Tipher¬ nas. Edited by Joannes Andreae. rubrics:] Strabonis Geographi Europæ a Guarino Vero¬ nensi translatæe. ... Ibid., COLOPHON : Strabonis Ama¬ sini Scriptoris illustris geographiæe opus finit: qd Ioânes a few with guide-letters. Hain *15089. Deriving from the edition of Sweynheym and Pannartz, Rome, [1469 (IC. 17131). The watermark of a bird with a large head and long neck appears to be as in the Maius of 31 March, 1480, printed by Confalonerius (IB. 28405). 298 x 198 mm. Without the blanks. On 22 is illu¬ minated a capital and border containing a coat of arms (quarterly of four, or and azure, in chief an eagle dis played sable and argent counterchanged). On 72 is a similar capital. Other capitals supplied in red or blue. Bought in May, 1907. IB. 28422. LIVIUS,TITUS. Historiae Romanae decades. 23. IO. AN. EPISCOPI ALERIENSIS AD SVM. MVM PON. PAVLVM II. VENE TVM: ET MARCVM SANCTI MARCI CARDINALEM EPI¬ STOLA. 3292. COLOPHON : Has Titi Liuii Decades a 1, blank ; 22, dedicatory letter of Bishop Andreae ; 3b, L Flori epitoma decadum xiv T. Liuii ; 20b, table of rubrics ; 212 the register.', "Presumably reprinted from Manzolus' 1480 edition (IB. 28366).", '334X 225 mm. On 222 is an illuminated capital and a marginal scroll inscribed rote Aeye [sic). A coat of arms has been cut out of the same leaf and an illuminated capital out of leaf 21. Bought in August, 1881. IB. 28431. PLINIUS SECUNDUS, GAIUS CAECILIUS. 135 x 93 mm. Type : 82 R. Capital spaces, a few with guide¬', "letters, also spaces for Greek. Hain '13113.", 'Reprinted, generally with the same page-contents, from the edition of De Lavagnia, Milan, 1478 (IB. 26149). 211X 149 mm. Without the blank. Bought in January, 1878. IA. 28433. THUCYDIDES. De bello Peloponnesiaco. by Bartholomaeus Parthenius.]', "189X 125 mm. Type: 82 R. Capital spaces. Hain '15511.", 'The innermost pages of several quires are short. The first edition. The editor in his letter to Tron remarks', "(133b) : 'exercitum ad Pontis Obscuri propugnacula iuxta Padi", 'war against Ferrara which ended in 1484. See D. Malipieri, Annali veneti (1843), pp. 266, 267. 305X 212 mm. Without the blanks. On 134° is IB. 28439 Bought in October, 1857. Another copy. 285X 205 mm. Without the blanks. On 22 is written:', "D. Vincetij Ball. pus. lib. que atui s. Dnici 8' pus° dedt.", "King George III's copy (C. I. c. 4). IB. 28439a. BARTHOLOMAEUS [SACCHI DE PLA', "213X 134 mm. Type: 82 R. Capital spaces. Hain '13048.", 'No doubt reprinted from the edition of De Colonia and Manthen, Venice, 1479 (IB. 20355), with the omission of the letter of Squar', "zaficus to the author and of impressum' in the colophon.", 'This book, which shows no internal connexion with Treviso, may conceivably be Venetian and date from 1485/6. The watermark of a crescent was in use in both Treviso and Venice about this time. 300x 200 mm. On 1362 is written: Liber emanci altered to Tradati patus P. P. Capuccinis Clauagij ?, a', "dido da Varese'. Bound before IB. 20537 (Rolewinck,", 'Bought in July, 1877. IB. 28435 LIVIUS, TITUS. Historiae Romanae decades.', "Capital spaces, a few with guide-letters. Hain '10136.", '1, blank ; 22, letter of Bishop Andreae ; 32, Flori epitoma ; 172 table of rubrics ; 17°, primae decadis praefatio ; 182, decas prima; 326 x 230 mm. Without the first and last blanks. On 182 is an illuminated capital and border with wreath enclosing a coat of arms, possibly that of Pisani. Illu¬ minated capital at beginning of each decad, most other capitals supplied in red or blue. On a fly-leaf is the signature of Thomas Bibby, Trin. Coll. Dub. [died 1863),', "who has added the note: From Dr. Hills Library'.", 'IB. 28437. Bought in March, 1864. TYPES (see Plate LXXII*): 95 R. [P. 11, text type, and The same face cast on bodies of different size. Single Qu (sometimes separated) and separate larger Q tilted to right, both long-tailed ; the separate form is not used with the shorter body. Very large O, two forms of S and T, both of which apparently occur with each type. Straight-shanked h, e with peculiar flat-hooked cedilla ; small differences in the lower case between the two sizes seem due to irregularities of casting. Single steep wedge PAULUS ALONE. 102 : 31 lines, 148 x 92 mm. Type : 95 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Proctor was evidently right in assuming that a superfluous x had crept into the year-date (no. 6500 A). The watermark (a crescent in a circle) is found also in the three books following. Separate Q does not occur in this tract. 200 X 142 mm. Without the blank. Rubricated. Bought in October, 1900. IA. 28442. TERENTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS. Comoediae. Edited by Aloisius Strazarolus. 5 July, 1481. 22. TERENTII VITA. IPIVBLIVS TEREN¬ TIVS AFER CARTHAGINE NATVS : seruiuit blank. 9°: 55 lines of commentary surrounding text, 218X 141 mm. A column of 49 lines of text on 1282 measures 235 mm. Types: 95 R.; 80 R.; Gk. Capital spaces, many in the text without guide¬ letters ; also spaces for Greek, especially in the later parts. Hain 15393. metrical argument ; 62, text of Andria ; 157°, register ; 158, blank. After the first quire the number of lines of commentary to the page is 57-59 and the breadth of the type-page about 145 mm. 289 x 189 mm. Without the blanks. Initial-strokes supplied in the text.', "King George III's copy (C. 16. i. 2).", 'IB. 28444. PERSIUS FLACCUS, AULUS. Saturae. spaces. Hain 12720, 12727.', "Hain's entry no. 12719 (deriving from Denis) is probably in¬", "tended for this edition, with an error in the note 's. s.", 'A very close reprint of the edition of 1480 by the Printer of the 1480 Martial, Venice (IB. 24868, vol. v, p. 296). The watermark (a crescent in a circle) connects the book with the present group (see note to IA. 28442 above). 286 x 200 mm. Bought in May, 1907. IB. 28445. PAULUS AND DIONYSIUS.', "Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '13076 (counting 240", 'printed leaves). Leaf 9 3 is a separate half-sheet and several pages of quire 9 are short or widely spaced. Reprinted from the edition of Vind. de Spira, Venice, 1472 (IB. 19558), the page-contents corresponding exactly as far as x 6b,', "where the first of several gaps left by De Spira's compositor occurs.", "Although the present text is said in the colophon to be 'again", "emended', no differences have been noticed.", '272 X 188 mm. Without the blanks. On 22 is the signature Ioh. Mauritius John Morris, of Isleworth). Bound in red morocco, stamped with the cypher of King Charles II, the boards lined with leaves from a copy of Mer des histoires, Dupré, Lyons, 1491. IB. 28447. Another copy. 289X 196 mm. Without the blanks. Fully rubri¬', "cated. On 22 is written : 'Hunc librû legauit nro conuë¬", 'tui .. Achacie haiswasser . .. pdicator i elwag anno îc', "1516', on the top edge is the library stamp of the Fran¬", 'ciscans of Ingolstadt. Quires 9 and have changed places in binding, and the half-sheet 9 3 is bound in 898 quire z. From the Bibliotheca Palmeriana and the Harleian Library and with the Verney book-plate.', "King George III's copy (C. 3. c. 13). IB. 28447a. DIONYSIUS AND PEREGRINUS. 22 October, 1482. Ponticus. 1b. VENERABILI AC ORNATISSIMO VIRO 64 : 49 lines, 231 X 145 mm. Types: 95 R.; Gk. (two founts),', "Capital spaces. Hain '13661(2) (counting 143 leaves).", 'Reprinted from the edition of the Printer of the 1480 Valla. Venice, n.d. (IB. 21288, Proctor no. 6495), in the colophon of', "which the word finis' correctly follows ' ultimi'.", '307 X 207 mm. Bound with IB. 28454. Bought in July, 1877. IB. 28455. Decla¬ Undated. 146 mm. Type : 95 R. Capital spaces. Hain 13661(1). The watermark (a bird with a very long body) is that found in the latter part of the preceding. 307 X 207 mm. Bound before IB. 28455. IB. 28454. Bought in July, 1877.