denotes a roman type of which twenty lines measure 117mm.; 117G., a gothic type of the same denotes a roman type of which twenty lines measure 117mm.; 117G., a gothic type of the same CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De oratore. [Before 30 September, 1465. 2°: 30 lines, 179X 105 mm. Type: 120 SG. Capital spaces at be- ginnings of books. Line-endings irregular. Two pinholes. Hain 5098. Hain describes the book as having a blank leaf after leaf 7c instead of after 79. It seems probable, however, that it was origin- ally hoped to finish Book II in 78 leaves, and that when this proved impossible an extra sheet was added of which only the first page was printed on. The blank leaf has been cut away in most copies. Where it survives the two quires he hh’) could be converted into one of ten leaves, as in the copy seen by Hain, by simply folding back the blank leaf so as to bring it in front of the preceding nine leaves. All the three copies here described have the misprint in line 1, which Hain corrects.', "The date 'before 30 September, 1465' is based upon the", 'following manuscript note in a copy described by Carlo Fumagalli Dei primi libri a stampa in Italia, Lugano (1875), now in the writer, Antonio Tridentone, was a doctor of laws and poet of Parma, who is known from his inscriptions in other books to have been living about 1465 at Rome. The collations to which his note refers were not made as corrections for the press, but for his private use. The edition must thus have been issued some weeks, possibly several months, before the date at which he completed annotating his copy. 287X 201 mm. Without the blank leaf 80. Headings at the beginnings of books have been supplied in red, and on the pages containing these, and also on 326, are initial-strokes, also in red. At the foot of 1e is written: Pro Conv. FF. Min. Bamb: i.e. Bambergae ad S. Annam. 18th-century red morocco. IB. 17002.', "King George III's copy (C. 16. i. 14).", 'Another copy. 280X 195 mm. Without both blanks. On 109b is written: Sancti Magni Confessoris e liber iste oibs horis ex muros Ratisbonnses. 18th-century red morocco. Cracherode copy (bought in 1795. C. 19. d. 10). IB. 17003 Another copy. 278x 195 mm. Without both blanks. Headings sup- plied in red ink, capitals in red and blue, that on 3° in red. Olive morocco by C. Lewis. Grenville copy (G. 9358). IB. 17004 LACTANTIUS, LUCIUS COELIUS FIRMIANUS. The position of the table of rubrics and list of the errors dis covered in the works of Lactantius differs in different copies. They are both printed on the paper used for the later quires of the text The fact that there are large blanks left for Greek quotations in the first and second quires of text followed by Greek printing in the fourth, and large blanks in the seventh and eighth quires of tex followed by Greek printing in the fourteenth, taken in conjunction with the sequence of watermarks, suggests that quires sa-f,p-r were set up to be printed on one press, and quires sg-o, a and on another, the Greek type being available (for more than a word or two) only when three quires had been printed off on each press. 317X 223 mm. Without the blank leaves. The table of rubrics is bound at the beginning, the errata at the end. Fully rubricated, with capitals in red and blue, and initial-strokes in yellow. Manuscript head-lines and foliation; a sew manuscript corrections. Bought. IB. 17006 Another copy, with fol. 132 set up differently. 136. MJAGNO & excellenti igenio... ibid. I. 32.... Multo qppe ending in pceptis at the end of the page. 5x 229 mm. Without the blank leaf 186. The two leaves of errata are bound at the beginning, followed by the table of rubrics. The errata have paragraph-marks and capitals in red and blue, the table of rubrics para¬ graph-marks in red only. With a note by Mr. Grenville: This copy of Lactantius, bought at the MacCarthy sale, is finer than any that I know of. 18th-century French red morocco in the style of the Derômes. Grenville copy (G. 9020). IB. 17008. Another copy 332 X 228 mm. Without the blank leaves 185, 186. The table of rubrics is bound at the beginning, the errata at the end. Fully rubricated, with capitals and initial-strokes in red. Manuscript foliation. On 132 is a note: Ego burkards de hornek dedi hüc lactanciu IB. 17007. Another copy. 318 x 228 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 79 and 80. the inner sheet of quire sgl, and the blanks. The table of rubrics and errata are bound after the text. Large capitals supplied in red and blue, small in these colours alternately; rubrics, initial-strokes, and paragraph-marks in red. On 1846 is written Rome emptus fui anno', "sequente sub deo pontifice', the rest of the note being", 'entirely erased.', "King George III's copy (C. 13. c. 3).", 'IB. 17009. None', "Type: 120 SG. Spaces for rubrics and capitals. Hain '2046.", 'In a copy in the Bibliothèque Nationale at Paris is written; Hunc librum de ciuitate Dei emit sibi et Georgio népoti suo prèss; it is also found at the end of Sixtus IV, De sanguine Christi, printed by Lignamine at Rome, 1471-2 (IB. 17385). 394 x 276 mm. Without the blank leaves. Illuminated capitals at the beginning of books with illuminated', "border on 15', smaller capitals in blue and red or red", 'and mauve, paragraph-marks in red and blue alternately.', "King George III's copy (C. 15. d. 6).", 'IC. 17011. In domo Antonii et Raphaelis de Printer of Herodianus. Printer of Manilius, Astronomicon Printer of Mercuriales Quaestiones (Theobaldus Schencbecher) Printer of Philelphus, Consolatio. See also Georgius Teutonicus. (a) first press (b) second press Printer of Silius Italicus Johann Besicken (second press) (a) with Sigismundus Mayer, Marchsam Wolf Han Johannes Nicolai Hanheymer. See (a) first press (b) third press, partly with Georgius Teutonicus mous Presses, Printer of Mercuriales Quaestiones. Gente theotonica : rome expediere sodales. On 12b at the end of the Errata discovered by Fr. Antonius are the verses by Adam of Genoa censuring him. The poem on the phoenix beginning on 216° is followed by extracts from the Meta morphoses and Dante on the same subject, and the Salue festa', "dies toto uenerabilis euo' (de resurrectionis dominicae die).", 'This and the two following books are arranged in the sequence', "suggested by the list of the printers' productions in Bishop An", 'dreae’s prefatory letter to Nicolaus de Lyra, Postilla super totan', "capital and coloured border-pieces on 13', other gold", 'capitals on ornamental grounds at beginnings of books; small capitals in blue. Some manuscript notes. On 2 is written, perhaps in an 18th-century hand: Sumptibus In domo Petri de Maximo M. CCCC. LXVIII. is misbound in the middle of quire sal, the consequent gap in quire being filled up in manuscript. Bought. IB. 17103. RODERICUSTSANCIUS] ZAMORENSIS. Specu¬', "Priced at 16 grossi in the list of Sweynheym and Pannartz'", 'publications written out by Hartmann Schedel in 1470 and probably copied by him from a printed circular (see Burger, Buchhändleran- zeigen des 15. Jahrhunderts, pl. 6). Twenty-four grossi apparently went at this time to a Papal ducat, which contained gold to the value of rather more than 9s. 6d. 287 x 200 mm. Capital and border illuminated in gold and colours on 1*, other capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in alternate red and blue, chapter-contents underlined in red. Hoc Conradus opus suueynheym ordine miro Gente theotonica: rome expediere sodales.', "Folio. 48; a-m'onl2 0-z 100 u8. 274 leaves, 1, 16, 273, 27", 'spaces. Hain 2047.', "Priced at 5 Papal ducats in Schedel's list. But see note to the", '1470 edition (IC. 17149). 385 x 267 mm. Without the blank leaves 1 and 16. Capitals at beginnings of books supplied in blue or red. On 273 and 274 are copies of briefs of Eugenius IV and Nicholas V.', "King George III's copy (C. 15. d. 7).", 'IC. 17107. HIERONYMUS. Joannes Andreae, Bishop of Aleria.) 13 December, 1468. lidei catholice ratione. Item aduersus nonnullas hereses headings. Hain 8551. Messrs. E. Gordon Duff and J. P. Edmond in their collation (Sweynheym and Pannartz. Notes and Collations, in Publications of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society, vol. ix) omit the blank leaves in the first quire of vol. ii, according to their practice in the case of blank sheets, giving a total of 330 leaves instead of 332. In his dedication of vol. i to the Pope Andreae, after expatiating', "on the glorious invention of printing, concludes: 'Ego posteris i", 'his scriptis constanter: semper admirationi futurum: trado: pre¬', "Pope and scholars in general contains the following: ' Prius igitur", 'diui Hieronymi epistolarum partem fere dimidiam cum illius opusculis 383x 263 mm. Without the blank leaf at the begin- ning of vol. i and that at the end of vol. ii. Larger capitals supplied in gold and colours, smaller capitals and some paragraph-marks in blue and red alternately, some of the red capitals having mauve tracery and some of the blue capitals red. The beginning of the text in vol. i has a vine-branch border-piece and a foot-piece of the arms of Cardinal John of Aragon (1477-85), upheld by two putti ; that in vol. ii has a floral border, enclosing at the foot a coat of arms.', "King George III's copy (C. 13. e. 1, 2). IC. 17108. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De oratore. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De oratore. 112 January, 1469. Brutus siue Orator. 283x 198 mm. Capitals in red or blue or both, para¬ graph-marks, head-lines, and initial-strokes in red. Remains of old quiring. Below the colophon is written: Hunc emi libu rome ano dunj mo. cccc. Ixoctauo pro repononi Vrsinense Bibliotheca.', "King George III's copy (C. 16. i. 13).", 'IB. 17110. Another copy. 269 X 184 mm. First capital and heading supplied in red. Grenville copy (G. 9343). IB. 17111. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De officiis. thippu: idqe atheis: abundare oportet paeceptis: institu¬ Gente theotonica: romae expediere sodales. 184x 114 mm. Type: 115 R. Spaces for capitals and book headings. Hain 5243.', "Priced at 1 ducat in Schedel's list.", '275 x 192 mm. Without the blank leaf. Rubrics have been added by hand at the beginning of each book, but not capitals. A few manuscript glosses and notes. Bought in June, 1896. IB. 17113. APULEIUS, LUCIUS. Opera. [Edited by APULEIUS, LUCIUS. Opera. [Edited by Joannes Andreae, Bishop of Aleria. *28 February, 1469. 12. B Essarion .S. R. E. Episcopus Cardinalis Sabi¬ 2“: 38 lines, 217X 127 mm. Types: 115 R., 115 Gk. Spaces for', "capitals and rubrics. Hain '1314.", 'In the course of his prefatory letter to the Pope Andreae says : L. igitur Apuleium platonicum... mediocri uigilantia: ut in ex¬ 321 x 230 mm. Without the blank leaves. Manu¬ script corrections faintly traceable in the margins.', "King George III's copy (167. f. 17).", 'IB. 17116. Another copy. 308 x 215 mm. Without the blank last leaf. Capitals on 1e and 7e in gold worked into borders of interlaced branch-work, amid which are painted birds. On 7e the place of the usual wreath is taken by a medallion of Apuleius painted in sepia. Other capitals, rubrics, paragraph-marks, and a few initial-strokes supplied in red. The binding is stamped with the arms of Prince Eugene of Savoy, and on 1e is the note: D. of Grafton. 1796. GELLIUS, AULUS. Noctes Atticae. [Edited GELLIUS, AULUS. Noctes Atticae. [Edited by Joannes Andreae, Bishop of Aleria.] F1I April, 1469. Folio. *; a-elof2g-rios8 ; t10 v6 202 leaves, 1, 187, and 202 Spaces for capitals and book-headings. Hain 7517. Leaf 94 is printed entirely in Greek type.', "Priced at 3 ducats in Schedel's list.", '324x 220 mm. Without the first and last blank leaves. Grenville copy (G. 9027). IB. 17120. Another copy. 336 x 233 mm. Without the blank leaves and with leaf 159 supplied from a smaller copy and remargined Painted border to leaf 7. Rubrics at beginnings of books supplied in red. The o of summo in l. 24 of 186a has been erased. Cracherode copy (with date 1798). IB. 17118. Another copy. 334x 232 mm. Without the blank leaves and with the lower margin of leaf 186 made up.', "King George III's copy (167. i. 16).", 'IB. 17119. CAESAR, CAIUS JULIUS. Commentarii. 5: 38 lines, 219X 132 mm. Type: 115 R. Spaces for capitals and rubrics. Hain 4212. The description of this edition by Messrs. Gordon Duff and Edmond as ending with two blank leaves suggests that they were working on « copy which had the Epistle of the Bishop of Aleria and table of rubrics on the first leaf, here assumed to have been blank. The fact chat in the table of rubrics the heading for the Epistle precedes the neading for the beginning of the text shows that it was intended to come at the beginning. But it was the general, though not invari able practice of Sweynheym and Pannartz at this time to begin their books with a blank leaf, and in the copies described by Hain and Pellechet the order is as given here ; this is also supported by the 1472 edition (IB. 17194), where the leaf containing Epistle and table undoubtedly comes at the end.', "Priced at 2½ ducats in Schedel's list.", '295x 210 mm. Without the blank leaves. Rubrics added, and most capitals supplied clumsily in blue and red.', "King George III's copy (C. 2. c. 7).", 'IB. 17123. Another copy. 326 x 229 mm. Without the blank leaves. Leaves o, 10, and 11 are bound between leaves 2 and 3. Capitals supplied in gold on grounds of blue, green, and red. At the foot of 2e is a wreath enclosing the initials I. H. and a coat of arms, or, three post-horns, azure. Grenville copy (G. 9181). IB. 17124. Another copy. 308 x 227 mm. Without the blank leaves. The capital to Book I in gold over blue and silver with ivy¬ leaf ornament in the margin, other capitals in blue and red or red only; initial-strokes in yellow on leaves 2-17. Manuscript notes. Contemporary brown morocco, with central cartouche inscribed .C. IVLII::.CAESARIS. DICTATORIS. COMMENTARII, and border at the foot of which is inscribed .THO. MAIOLI. ET. AMICOR. Inside the cartouche in the lower cover is a monogram of the initials T. M. Inside the upper cover is a label of blue leather inscribed: Ex musæo Pauli Girardot de Prefond. Cracherode copy (bought in 1790. C. 19. d. 12). IB. 17122. BESSARION, JOANNES. Aduersus Platonis', "of each book. Hain '3004.", '1, blank; 22-15°, contents of chapters; 164-219°, aduersus Platonis calumniatorem; 220°-232°, an natura et ars consilio', "manuscript is confirmed by Bishop Andreae's preface to the Apuleius", 'of 28 February of this year, in which he says that he had been', "reading the defence of Plato superioribus mensibus'.", "Priced at 3 ducats in Schedel's list.", '336 x 229 mm. Without the blank leaves. Capital supplied in three colours on 16°; other capitals, para¬ graph-marks, book-headings, and marginal chapter numbers in red. Manuscript quiring and catchwords, often cut away.', "King George III's copy (C. 7. c. 1).", 'IB. 17126. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Epistolae ad Bishop of Aleria. After 4 November,1 1469. 218x 130mm. Type: 115 R. Capital spaces. Hain 5163? Epistole Ciceronis familiares E°dem ad brutum Q. Fratrem et Atticum in vno volumie (i. e. the present book together with', "IB. 17152 below) are priced at 5 ducats in Schedel's list.", '325X217 mm. Without the blank leaf. Large capitals supplied in gold on a ground of coloured branch- work, that on 2° being set in a border which extends round three sides of the page and has a wreath at foot', "with space left blank for an owner's arms. Smaller", 'capitals and paragraph-marks in red and blue alternately, From the Heredia collection. Bought in December, 1892. IB. 17136. LIVIUS, TITUS. Historiae Romanae decades. blank.—Part II: [A-Gio. H-N108 138 leaves.—Part III :', "Jaa-ccl dd ee*; ff-kkioll'2.) 108 leaves. 3°: 46 lines, 265X 169", '173 mm. Type: 115 R. Spaces for capitals and headings. The order of this and the two following books is according to', "that given in the 1472 list of the printers' works.", "Priced at 7 ducats in Schedel's list.", '402 x 283 mm. Without the blank leaf. Ornamental capital supplied in gold and several colours at the begin¬ ning of each book; other capitals, also paragraph-marks, supplied in alternate red and blue; initial-strokes and book-headings, the latter by a Northern hand, in red. Traces of manuscript quiring. Sheets [n 4 and In1 5 have changed places in binding.', "King George III's copy (C. 2. d. 3).", 'IC. 17128. Another copy. On vellum. 388 x 275 mm. Without the blank leaf. Four-side branch-work border with capital illuminated in gold and colours at the beginning of the text of Livy; the lower panel contains in a wreath the arms of a member of the Borgia family, with the initials AB, beneath is a pennon with the letters L. B. in two of its quarters. Three-side borders with capitals in the same style supplied at the beginning of the third and fourth decade, similar capitals at the beginning of each book. smaller capitals in gold and colours on the preliminary pages, paragraph-marks in alternate red and blue. headings, head-lines, &c., in red. Manuscript notes in red. Early gold-tooled binding, rebacked; the last few leaves have been repaired. From the Benedictine Library at Milan and the Sykes and Dent Libraries. Grenville copy (G. 9030). IC. 17129. STRABO. Geographia. STRABO. Geographia. Translated by Guarinus Veronensis and Georgius Tipher- nas. Edited by Joannes Andreae, Bishop of Aleria. *(1469. nitionem Strabonis Epistola. Geographiam.... ibid.. Spaces for capitals and headings at the beginning of each book.', "Priced at 4 ducats in Schedel's list.", '373 X 264 mm. Without the blank leaves. Three-side', "branch-work border with capital, wreath for owner's arms", 'in lower panel, illuminated in gold and colours on 42; chief capitals in similar style elsewhere, other capitals and some paragraph-marks supplied in red or blue, head-lines (book-numbers) in pen and ink. Blue morocco, gold tooled, by Bozerian jeune. IC. 17131. Grenville copy (G. 8043). LUCANUS, MARCUS ANNAEUS. Pharsalia. Gente theotonica: roma expediere sodales. lines, 219X 105 mm. Type: 115 R. Spaces left for capitals and headings at the beginning of each book. Hain 10231 In Pomponius’s life of Lucan is inserted part of a sentence to', "the effect that 'lo. Andreas Antistes Aleriensis diligentissime nostre", 'tempore emedauit the Pharsalia) rogätibus Conrado & Arnoldo qui ne lingua romana pereat libros laudabili inuentione imprimunt liminary leaves as forming a single quire, followed by a blank as the first leaf of the next quire. The watermarks of the Museun copies, however, do not admit of such an arrangement, and the supposed blank was unknown to Hain and Audiffredi.', "Priced at 1 ducat in Schedel's list.", '330X 230 mm. Without the blank leaves. Leaf 8 is misbound before leaf 6. Another copy. 320 X 220 mm. Imperfect, wanting quire k (leaves and also 251 and 252, the inner sheet of quire 92-101).', "King George III's copy (167. i. 15).", 'IB. 17133. PLINIUS SECUNDUS, CAIUS. naturalis. [Edited by Joannes Andreae, Bishop of Aleria. Not after 30 August, 1 1470. Andreae in his prefatory letter to the Pope, dated as the colo phon, mentions that he was assisted in editing the book by Theodorus Gaza That this is the earliest book of 1470 is shown not only by its', "position in the list of the printers' works, but also by its being the", 'latest book in which the headings are left to the rubricator instead of being printed.', "Priced at 8 ducats in Schedel's list.", '387 x 273 mm. Without the blank leaves. Capital on 23° in gold over branch-work on a coloured background forming part of a nearly full-page border, of which the footpiece is cut away and replaced by blank paper. Other capitals in blue with red tracery or in red with mauve. Numerous manuscript notes.', "King George III's copy (C. 2. d. 6).", 'IC. 17140. Another copy. 392 X 278 mm. Without the blank leaves. Capitals at the beginning of books supplied in gold and colours with interlaced branch-work, that on 23° forming part of a border in the same style with a wreath in the lower', "border left blank for the insertion of an owner's arms.", 'Smaller capitals and paragraph-marks in blue or red, head-lines and initial-strokes in red. Bound in two volumes, with the arms of an earlier owner cut out and those of Grenville inserted. Grenville copy (G. 9205, 9206). IC. 17141. Another copy. 342X 275 mm. Imperfect, wanting the blank leaves The Capital I early leaves are damp stained and mended. on 2° in blue with red ornamentation filling the inner border, other capitals in blue or red, some with a little decoration. Paragraph-marks in red and blue alternately, initial-strokes in red. IC. 17139. Sir Joseph Banks's copy.", 'spaces. Hain 75213.', "Andreae's prefatory letter to the Pope, dated as the colophon,", 'contains the following passage:* Satis sit mihi te Pater säctissie scire me supioribus diebus et familiares & ad Atticum Tullii epistolas', "ad paupey commoditaten emisisse'. The present is, however, the only", 'edition of the Epistles to Atticus known to have been printed by Sweynheym and Pannartz or allowed for in the 1472 list of their productions For the price see note to IB. 17136 above. 338x 235 mm. Without the blank leaf. Branch-work capital with short border illuminated in gold and colours', "on 2', other capitals supplied in alternate red and blue.", 'The first leaf is backed. Traces of manuscript quiring, manuscript foliation.', "King George III's copy (C. 5. c. 11).", 'IB. 17152. Another copy. 334x 232 mm. Without the blank leaf. On 22 is an illuminated capital with a four-side floral border (German work), containing a coat of arms. Capital illuminated in gold and colours, with short border, at the beginning of each book, other capitals and paragraph-marks sup plied in alternate red and blue. On 22 is written: Pro Conv: Bambergl: FFrim Min: strict: Obseru?. To a fly-leaf is affixed a note by Grenville: This is the', "Harleian copy sold again at Sr. M. Sykes's sale and", 'purchased by me. Grenville copy (G. 9381). IB. 17153. HIERONYMUS. Epistolae. [Edited by HIERONYMUS. Epistolae. [Edited by Joannes Andreae, Bishop of Aleria.) Not after 30 August, 11470.', "Hain '8552 (counting a blank leaf after leaf 8 of Vol. II).", "Reprinted with Andreae's dedicatory letters from the 1468 edition", '(IC. 17108). The headings are printed instead of being lest to the rubricator as in 1468. The page-contents are not the same in the two editions. 400X 279 mm. Without the blank leaves 11 and 302 of vol. i and 336 of vol. ii. Capitals and paragraph¬ marks supplied in alternate red and blue. In vol. i the three inner sheets of quires sb) and scl have changed places in binding. Manuscript foliation. Bought. IC. 17155. LACTANTIUS, LUCIUS COELIUS FIRMIANUS. Bishop of Aleria. Not after 30 August, 1 1470. spaces. Hain 9808 (counting a blank after leaf 12).', "1, blank; 2e, letter of Andreae to the Pope, dated 1470' Ponti-", "ficatus tui floridissimi Anno Sexto'; 2b-112, table of rubrics:", '116-134, Lactantii errata per fr. Antonium Raudensem collecta; 138, carmen fr. Adam Genuensis fr. Antonium increpantis; 13b. 17103) only at the beginning and the end.', "Andreae’s letter to the Pope contains the following: 'Sumant", 'igit studiosi abs te hoc tempore per nostros ingenuos opifices 32x 226 mm. Without the blank last leaf. Capital with three-side border illuminated in gold and colours on 14", other capitals supplied in alternate red and blue; manuscript signatures. Above the colophon is written; fr ants de babaroctis 1472. With the book-plate of James Elwin Millard, D.D., and the note of ownership dated 1890 and book-label of William Morris. Bought in May, 1899. IB. 17157. 1470.', "Augustinus De ciuitate Dei is the first item of Schedel's list,", 'à position which suggests that a remainder of the 1468 edition (TC. 17107, q.v.) is there referred to rather than the present edition. On the other hand, the price (5 ducats) suits a book of 294 leaves better than one of 274 leaves, and as it has the early form of r it must belong to the early part of 1470 and is thus présumably early enough to be included in the list. 5 mm. Without the first and last blank. 395 X 27 Fainted branch-work border on 17e with capitals in gold. and in the lower margin a wreath enclosing blank space', "for an owner's arms. Other capitals supplied in red and", 'blue alternately. Cracherode copy (bought in 1783). IC. 17149 Another copy. 351X 245 mm. Without the blank leaves 1, 293, and 294. Large capitals supplied in several colours, other capitals in alternate red and blue, paragraph-marks in red. Manuscript notes. On 2e is the note : Carthusiae S. Viti in Pruell prope Ratisbonam and the duplicate stamp of the Munich Library.', "King George III's copy (167. g. 9).", 'IC. 17150. QUINTILIANUS, MARCUS FABIUS. Institu¬ dreae, Bishop of Aleria.) After 30 August, 1470.', "Andreae's prefatory letter to the Pope is dated: Anno dominici", "natalis M. CCCCLXX. Pont. uero tui Anno Septimo', and", 'mentions that the book was easy to edit ppterea qo ab homine', "of this year. The book is not mentioned in Schedel's list.", 'This and all subsequent books have the later form of r (see note to types). 338 X 227 mm. Without the blank leaves. Leaf 239. which is cut out and mounted, is made up from another copy. Brown morocco, stamped with the arms of Iac. August. Thuanus on the sides and his cipher on the back. A quantity of blank paper is bound in at the end. Cracherode copy (bought in 1791). IB. 17147. LEO I. Sermones, &c. [Edited by Joannès LEO I. Sermones, &c. [Edited by Joannès Andreae, Bishop of Aleria.) *After 30 August, 1470. actionis sermo Primus. 134°. COLOPHON ;', "225X 132-35 mm. Type: 115 R. Capital spaces. Hain '10011.", 'The prefatory letter of Andreae to the Pope contains the follow-', "ing: 'merito his quadragesime augustis uenerabilibusque diebus", 'the mention of this book between the Quintilian and the Suetonius', "in the 1472 list of the printers' works, and its non-appearance in", 'Schedel’s list, show that it cannot have been completed until the latter part of 1470. 311x 220 mm. Without the blank leaf. Leaf 2 is cut out and mounted, the last leaf is backed.', "King George III's copy (C. 14. c. 1).", 'IB. 17145. SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, CAIUS. Andreae, Bishop of Aleria. After 30 August, 11470. 218 X 129-31 mm. Types: 115 R., 115 Gk. Capital space at the', "beginning of each book. Hain '15116.", "Andreae’s prefatory letter to the Pope begins as follows: 'Re¬", 'cognito his diebus Quintiliano... Artifices nostri detulerut ad me Audiffredi describes a copy of this book as containing capitales nimirum florentes, cum adiuncto ornatu, qui per interiorem paginae William Morris to that of Mr. Pierpont Morgan (Catalogue No. 245). 321 X 225 mm. Without the blank leaf.', "King George III's copy (167. i. 6).", 'IB. 17143. THOMAS AQUINAS. Catena aurea. [Edited', "leaves, 1 and 250 blank.—Part II: a b'cld-rosi2. A-G He", 'I-LO MeN O P-R8. 344 leaves, 1 and 185 blank. Part II, 32: 46 lines, 263x 167-8 mm. Type: 115 R. Capital space at the', "beginning of each chapter. Ham '1330.", "Hain gives the second part '342 (al. 344) ff., including one", 'blank; Pellechet gives 346 leaves, and describes at the beginning a section, apparently of three leaves (2-4), headed : Iohannis Andree Episcopi Alerienn. In opus Aureum Sancti Thome , the text starting on leaf 5 and the blank leaf being no. 187.', "Priced at 10 ducats in Schedel's list, of which it is the last item.", '366 x 251 mm. The second part only. Without the blank first leaf. At the beginning of S. John is inserted à folio title-page for that part of the work printed in the 18th century; a general title-page in the same style is', "pasted in the lower cover. Both are dated 'Roma", "M CCCCLXX. Die vii. Decembris'.", 'Bought in January, 1913. IC. 17159. CYPRIANUS. Opera. [Edited by Joannes CYPRIANUS. Opera. [Edited by Joannes Andreae, Bishop of Aleria. January or February, 11471. 2°. lo. An. Episcopi Alerienn. ad Paulum.II. Venetum', "Capital spaces. Hain '5896.", "1, blank; 22-3e, letter of Andreae to the Pope, dated ' Ponti", "ficatus tui florentis. Anno. VII'; 3b-4°, tabula epistolarum; 5", 'Branch-work capital with three-side border illuminated in gold and colours on 62, similar capitals with short borders on 167°, 1738, and 182b; other capitals supplied in alternate red and blue, paragraph-marks in pen and ink.', "King George III's copy (C. 13. c. 7).", 'IB. 17161. Another copy 311X 218 mm. Without the first and last blanks.', "Beneath the colophon is written: Iste lib est S. B'tolomei", 'de Sincer (?). On 2" is written: D. of Grafton 1790. Bought. IB. 17160. BIBLIALATINA. Biblia Latina. by Aristeas De lxx interpretibus. Edited by Joannes Andreae, Bishop of Aleria.) (Not before 15 March,1 1471. VoL. I. 2°. Io. An. Episcopi Alerien ad PaulumI. 282 leaves, 1, 16, 17, and 282 blank.—Vol. II: a-elfeg-110 282, 345, and 346 blank. Interpretationes in 2 columns. 42: 46 five sections, the first four ending with quires If, l,r, z) respectively, the fifth comprising quires [A-D, aa, bb), and vol. ii in six sections, ending with quires sf, m, r, z, F, ggl respectively The prefatory letter of Andreae to the Pope, which is dated xv. Martii natalis dnici anno.M.CCCC.LXXI. Pont. tui florentis', "anno.VII.', contains the following: 'Edidimus nos quidem prius", 'but one. Like the Aquinas of 7 December, 1470, it cannot have been completed when the list was made, but was far enough advanced to enable its price to be determined. 393X 277 mm. Without the last blank leaf of vol. ii. On 18* of vol. i and 22 of vol. ii is a branch-work four-side border with capital, illuminated in gold and colours, the', "lower panel containing a lion's head rayed, or, on a shield,", 'azure. Other capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in alternate red and blue; the capitals at the beginnings of books are decorated in a second colour, probably by another rubricator. Manuscript notes. On 12 of vol.', "is written' Io. chardalle Cantor ecclie Meten'; a similai", 'inscription in vol. ii has been erased. On the last page', "oi vol. i are the last two lines of a note ending' Iti pour", 'lasur x gl de Mets . With the book-label of the Musæum Pauli Girardot de Prefond and the book-plate of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. IC. 17163. SILIUS ITALICUS. Punica. [Edited by SILIUS ITALICUS. Punica. [Edited by Joannes Andreae, Bishop of Aleria.—T. Calpurnii Siculi Bucolica.—Hesiodi Opera', "Capital spaces. Hain '14733 (Silius only).", "enumerated in the Catalogue of Sweynheym and Pannartz's editions;", 'they are thus evidently intended to form one whole. Silius: 315 x 209 mm. Calpurnius and Hesiod: 335X 229 mm. Without the blank leaves 165 and 194. Bound in two volumes, the second signed by Kalthoeber. Grenville copy (G. 10044, 10045). IB. 17169, 17170. Another copy. 208 mm. Without the blank leaves 1, 164, 165, and 194 Capitals supplied in blue in the Silius, in red in the rest. Manuscript corrections in the margins.', "King George III's copy (C. 6. c. 5, 169. k. 8).", 'IB. 17167, 17168. Another copy of Silius. 317X 224 mm. Imperfect, wanting sheet 2 and gli (leaves 52, 59, 61, 70), and the blanks. Capitals supplied in gold and colours by a late hand. On a fly-', "leaf is written: Purchased at Dr. Askew's Sale March 3,", '1775. IB. 17166 Bought. Hoc Conradus opus Suuenheym ordine miro Arnoldusque simul Pannartz una aede colendi Gente Theotonica: Rome expediere sodales. 32: 38 lines, 217X 131 mm. Types: 115 R., 115 Gk. Few capital spaces. Hain 15231 (vol. i). This book contains the same matter as the Cicero of 24 January. 1469 (IB. 17113), with the addition of the De natura deorum and the De diuinatione; the reappearance of the three-line verse colophon is evidently due to its being a reprint of the 1469 edition. This and the Quaestiones Tusculanae issued 20 September of this', "vear (IB. 17177/2) were intended to form one whole ('opera", "omnia in philosophia' in the list of the printers' works) and are so", 'treated by Hain, but as they are several months apart in time they have here been catalogued separately. 284 x 207 mm. Imperfect, wanting quire i, the outer sheet of quire k, and the blanks. Capital containing', "coat of arms, with floral border, illuminated on 9o' in", 'gold and colours; capitals on 1092, 1206, 135*, 141°, 15 supplied in similar style. Other capitals supplied in blue, initial-strokes in yellow in quires (k-q; as all the decorations occur in these quires only, they are probably from another copy. Classical figures are etched on the sides of the binding. Bound before IB. 17177/2. IB. 17177/1.', "King George III's copy (C. 1. c. 11).", 'Another copy of the De natura deorum. 298 x 205 mm. Without the blank first leaf. Capital on 2° supplied in gold and colours in the same style as in the first copy, initial-strokes in yellow. An engraved coat of arms is pasted on a fly-leat. IB. 17178. Bought. May-July ?1 1471. Aleria.) The position of this book is determined by the sequence in the list of the printers productions. 387 x 279 mm. Without the blank leaves. Branch- work capital with border illuminated in gold and colours', "on 8', other capitals supplied in red or blue.", "King George III's copy (C. 1. d. 8).", 'IC. 17172 OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Opera. [Edited OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Opera. [Edited by Joannes Andreae, Bishop of Aleria.1 TNot before 18 July, 1471. VoL. I. 1b. Io. An. Episcopi Alerienn in Cyrno Epistola, the first blank. Vol. I, 52: 38 lines, 218x 100 mm. Type 115 R. Capital spaces. Hain 12137. Andreae’s prefatory letter to the Pope, dated ’quintodecimo', "Kal. Augu.', 1471, contains the following: 'id (Metamorphoseos", 'opus) nos per estatem presentem quasi ludentes inter maiora licuisset: eram taken from Tristia i. 7. The Epistle of Sappho to Phaon is printed at the end of the Tristia, apart from the rest of the Heroides. Pope Paul died 26 July, 1471, a few days after the date of Andreae’s letter. 320X 220 mm. Without the blank leaves. The first leaf of quires al and [b) of vol. i and the fourth leaf of quire sy and the last leaf of quire su of vol. ii appear to be made up from other copies. An elaborate border and capitals in gold and colours have been supplied by a late hand at the beginning of each volume. On the first leaf of quire sal of vol. i is a note, dated 1540, that the copy of which it formed part belonged to Joannes Fabri, Bishop of Vienna. The Fasti are bound after the Metamorphoses in the first volume in this copy. Grenville copy (G. 10033, 10034). IB. 17175 Another copy. 315 X 218 mm., 312 X 210 mm. Imperfect, wanting quireu of vol. ii, also the blank leaves. Bound in three volumes.', "King George III's copy (C. 6. c. 9-11). IB. 17174. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Quaestiones 284x 207 mm. Without the blank first leaf. Bound after IB. 17177/1, q. v.', "King George IIl's copy (C. 1. c. 11). IB. 1717 NICOLAUS DELYRA. Postilla super totam Bishop of Aleria. 18 November, 1471-26 May, 1472. VOL. I. 1e. lo. An. Alerienn. S. D. nostri Pape Xysti', "first and last blank.—Vol. III : a; b-d'el2 f-h l2 kip", "V-2A-L' MSN'0 OPSO-S T", '402 leaves, the first two and last', "Xy°210 98. 234 leaves.—Vol. V: a2; bcd'2; e fgs hil ke 1m", "n'opg'r-xyszA-C D’ E-H“.) 292 leaves. Vol. I, 62: 46", 'fines, 262 x 168-70 mm. Type: 115 R. Capital spaces. Hain 10363. Spaces have been left for illustrations at various points in the urst and third volumes. Quire [k) of vol. iv is widely spaced and free from contractions.', "Andreae's prefatory letter to the Pope in vol. i, dated 13 Novem", 'ber, 1471, contains the following: Ego ... plurimis inexhaustisque laboribus exanclatis ultra quatriennium in difficillimoum autorum ueterum Sweynheym and Pannartz and contains the following appeal: Nos de Germaniis primi tanti commodi artem in Romanam Curia', "partners, with the number of copies of each ('Impressi sunt nostro", 'studio pater Beatissime libri qui in subiectis suo ordine tibi 3. Cicero: epistolae familiares, 550 copies stwo editions). 4. Cicero : epistolae ad Atticum, 275 copies. 8. Cicero: de oratore cum ceteris, 550 copies stwo editions). 9. Cicero: opera omnia in philosophia, 550 copies stwo editions, see note to IB. 17177/1J. 10. Apuleius cum Alcinoo, 275 copies. 16. Strabo geographus, 275 copies. several benefices. About 405 X 285 mm. Imperfect, wanting in vol. i leaves 4, 79, part of 451, 452 (blank); in vol. ii leaves 2, 29, 40; in vol. iii the blank leaves 1, 2, 402; in vol. iv leaf 2; in vol. v leaves 3, 178. Branch-work capitals at beginnings of books illuminated in gold and colours, other capitals supplied in red or blue; branch-work capital with border on 8° of vol. iii. A number of the illuminated capitals have been torn out of the book, and the gaps have been subsequently mended. IC. 17180-84. Historiae Romanae de', "Capital space at the beginning of each book. Hain '10131.", '306 x 276 mm. Without the blank leaves.', "King George III's copy (C. 6. d. 4, 5).", 'IC. 17187. GELLIUS, AULUS. Noctes Atticae. [Edited GELLIUS, AULUS. Noctes Atticae. [Edited by Joannes Andreae, Bishop of Aleria.] 16 August, 1472. Pythagoram philosophü dixerit: ... 1972. l. 21, END: Folio. al2b-ef2 g-ri0s8; tl0v6 198 leaves, the first and Capital spaces. Hain 7518. This is a reprint of the edition of 11 April, 1469 (IB. 17120) including the editor’s colophon and the table of rubrics, the latter in spite of the fact that printed chapter-headings had made it superfluous. 327 x 216 mm. Without the blank leaves. Manuscript foliation and book-numbers. Capitals supplied in alter nate red and blue. Grenville copy (G. 9028) IB. 17190. CAESAR, CAIUS JULIUS. This is a close reprint, mostly page for page, with printed headings added, of the edition of 12 May, 1469 (IB. 17123). 36 x 228 mm. Without the blank leaves. Sheet b is made up from a copy of the 1469 edition. Ornamenta capitals supplied in two colours. Grenville copy (G. 9183). IB. 17194 Another copy, largely made up from a copy of the 1469 edition. 316 x 226 mm. Without the blank leaves. Sheet sal 2, quires (b-fl, sheets [g 1, 3, sil 4, quire [k), sheets (m1 16 and o 2-5 are made up from a copy of the 1469 edition. Branch-work capital and three-side border illuminated in gold and colours on 2e, the lower panel containing a shield with a coat of arms (three daggers); other capitals in similar style. Leaf sm) 10 is misbound before sol 10.', "King George III's copy (167. i. 12).", 'IB. 17193 SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, CAIUS. at the beginning of each Life. Hain 15118. A page-for-page reprint of the 1470 edition (IB. 17143), except that the prefatory letter of Bishop Andreae is omitted. 330 x 222 mm. Without the blank last leaf. Manu- script notes. Bought in October, 1902. IB. 17196. JUSTINUS. Epitome in Trogi Pompeii supplied in red or blue.', "King George III's copy (169. k. 6).", 'IB. 17197. Another copy. 295 X 195 mm. Without the blank leaves. Grenville copy (G. 9176). IB. 17198. POLYBIUS. Historiae. POLYBIUS. Historiae. Translated by 731 December, 14721 space at the beginning of each book. Hain 13246. Thère are numerous signs of miscalculations in the setting up of the text of this book. Audiffredi notices that in some copies the verso of leaf 129 ((pl9) is blank ; in the present copy there is no such lacuna. 31 December fell on a Thursday in 1472, but on a Friday in 14/3; probably the printer reckoned his year from 25 December, after the custom of Rome. 330 x 238 mm. Without the blank leaves. Under the colophon is written: Jo. bapt flauij aquilanj. p. v. d. ARISTOTELES. Ethica. (Translated by *II January, 1473. 2°. Aristotelis Philosophi Ethicon ad Nicomachü liber Primus incipit feliciter.Mnis ars omnisque 30 lines, 217X 128-30 mm. Type: 115 R. Capital space at the beginning of each book. Hain 1746. Thère are many evidences of miscalculation in the setting up of this book, short and narrow pages without contractions being lound towards the end of quire (d), in the middle of Ifl and Igl, and in the middle and end of fhl 329 X 231 mm. Quire sel is misbound before quire sdI. Across the last leaf is written: Raphael. Maffeus. Volat Bought in January, 1882. IB. 17205. PEROTTUS, NICOLAUS. Rudimenta gram¬ spaces. Hain 12643. 322 X 219 mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in alternate red and blue, initial-strokes in red. Bound after IB. 21974, q. v. IB. 17208. Another copy. 256 x 200mm. Without the blank leaves. Capital on 2° supplied in red and blue, other capitals and paragraph-marks in red, initial-strokes in red and yellow.', "King George III's copy (C. 1. b. 3).", 'IB. 17209. Historia last blank. 2 columns in Book I. 292: 46 lines, 262 x 169 mm. Type: 115 R. Capital spaces. Hain 13090. This appears to be a different recension from that of the 1470 edition (IC. 17140). 386x 263 mm. Without the blank leaves. Capitals supplied in red or mauve (?), initial-strokes and book- numbers in red. Some manuscript notes. IC. 17212. Sir Joseph Banks's copy", 'CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De oratore. lines, 155x 101-6 mm. Types: 150 G., first line of text, colophon; 86 R., text. Capital space at the beginning of each book. Irregular line-endings. Hain 5s0l99. A number of small variants, due to the correction of errors while printing off, are found in the Museum copies of this book, e.g. Quid and Quih, 4b. l. 21; Peripathetici and Peripatheci, 52. l. 32. Et. and ET, 918. l. 32, &c. 283 X 197 mm. Without the blank leaf. Illuminated capitals in gold and colours supplied. Bound by Roger Payne. Cracherode copy (bought in 1795. C. 19. d. 11). IB. 17225 Another copy. 273X 193 mm. Without the blank leaf. Illuminated capitals in gold and colours and penwork supplied. On 1“ is drawn a shield with a coat of arms.', "King George III's copy (C. 1. b. 10).", 'IB. 17226. Another copy. 283X 198 mm. Manuscript corrections. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. 35 lines, 169X 108-10 mm. Types: 150 G., first line of text of each book; 86 (97) R., text. Capital space at the beginning of each book. Hain 5312. Spaces are left on 52, 62, and elsewhere for Greek, which have been filled up in pen and ink in all the Museum copies, with the same error Aevroroae on 5a. 285 x 196 mm. Without the blank leaves. Some manuscript notes. Manuscript quiring, often cut away. At the end is pasted a slip with notes and the name of Thon lhones brundunen Monachus cenobij Westmo¬ nasterij. Cracherode copy (bought in 1790). IB. 17230. Another copy. 277 X 199 mm. Without the blank leaves. With the armorial book-plate of Stanesby Alchorne, Tower of London. IB. 17231 Another copy. 280 x 198 mm. Without the blank last leaf. A border on fe and illuminated capitals have been supplied at à late date. With the arms of Earl Spencer on the cover. Bound by Kalthoeber.', "King George III's copy (C. 1. c. 8).", 'IB. 17232. Another copy. 204 X 197 mm. Without the blank leaves at the end but containing the blank forming the other half of siieet (b) 5 which is cut away in the other copies. Manuscript quiring. On 69b is written: Antonij Seripandi et amicoru. The order of Igl 3 and gl 6 has been reversed in binding. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De officiis, &c. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De officiis, &c. Undated. 1° (De officiis): QVanqua te marce fili anu iam audientem. Cratippum idque athenis habundare oportet 37°. M. T. C. Liber Secundus Officiorum Feliciter explicit Tertius uero incipit. 39°. PIVbliu Scipione', "Quarto. a b'oced10 ; elofs ; g8; hi; kio18. 98 leaves, 38, 64,", '80, and 98 blank. 6°: 32 lines, 153X 109 mm. Types: 150 G., first line of text of each book; 86 (96) R., text. Capital space at the beginning of each book, and of each section in the Paradoxa. Hain 5251. 284X 201 mm. Fully rubricated. Marginal contents¬', "notes. On 79°-80° are written' versus xii sapientü .. .", "positi in Epithaphio M. T. Ceceronis', &c. On 1e is", 'written: Iste liber est Monstery Sancti Nicolai Extra muros inclite Ciuitatis Patauien. IB. 17236. Another copy ofthe De Amicitia, De Senectute, and Somnium Scipionis (quires [h-1). 284 x 200 mm. Without the blank leaves. Capitals supplied in red and blue. Manuscript corrections and glosses in the text. In the capital on the first page is written: Sebastianus Bonaccursius.', "King George III's copy (C. 1. c. 15).", 'IB. 17237. Epistolae. Translated by Undated. 133x78 mm. Type: 86 (98) R. Capital space on 5° and 7b. Hain 12874, 12883, 12876?', "Hain's description under no. 12876 appears to be a confusion of", 'the present issue and the later undated issue, IA. 17260, p. 21. 202 X 143 mm. Ornamental capital on 5° supplied in several colours, those on 7° and in margin at beginning of each letter, also names of addressees in red. At the', "foot of 5' is painted a coat of arms. With the stamp of", 'the Heber Library. Old stamped leather with strap¬ work ornaments, rebacked. IA. 17240. JUSTINUS. Epitome in Trogi Pompeii Capital spaces. Hain 9646. The number of lines to the page varies from 29 to 34, but is mostly 32. The measurement of the type decreases with the increased length of the type-page, from 116-118 mm. on 29-line and 30-line pages to 113 mm. on 31-line pages, 111-114 mm. oi 32-line pages, and 107-109 mm. on 34-line pages. The curly-tailec y properly belonging to type 103 R. is found on sd 3-8 and sel1. This book has been placed at the head of the books printed with type 113 R. because the variations in the measurements suggest an early experimental stage of the type. 258 x 183 mm. Without the blank leaves. Illuminated capital and border in gold and colours supplied on 32, other capitals in alternate blue and red. The type-page of 3° is surrounded by red ruled lines. Leaves 3 and 4 are mounted, leaf 140 is backed. In quires scl, I, and In the first sheet appears to be made up. The arms of the Duke of Roxburgh are stamped on the covers.', "King George III's copy (C. 2. b. 13).", 'IB. 17249 Another copy. 264X 192 mm. Without the blank leaves. The first sheet of quire sn appears to be made up. Illuminated capital and border in gold and colours supplied on 38 other capitals in alternate blue and red. Some manu- script contents-notes. LIVIUS, TITUS. Historiae Romanae decades. [Edited by J. A. Campanus.) 1°. [CAMPANVS Cardinali Papiensi meo salutem. There are a number of short pages, with few contractions, at the end of quire [kl and the beginning of quire sl). The measurement of the type is 120 mm. on skl9e, the printer apparently attemptin to make good a miscalculation of the copy by manipulating the type. Campanus in his preface to the Quintilian edited by him for Lignamine and printed 3 August, 1470 (IB. 17362), remarks: nuper in Liuio Papiesis nostri iussu conatus sum facere ut esset', "qemendatissimus'. It seems clear from this that the Livy was", 'already completed before the date of the Quintilian and it is there- fore here placed with the Justinus at the head of the books in type 113R. 383X 270 mm. Without the blank leaf 24. Orna- mental capitals in red and blue and other colours, with borders, supplied at the beginning of each decade; capitals in red or blue at the beginning of each book, also in the epitome. On the lower margin of the last page of each quire is written the first word of the next quire as a catchword. Red manuscript heading to each book. Bound in two volumes, divided after the first decade. On 1° is a half-obliterated stamp: Bibliothecae Montis Perusiæ. IC. 17254. Another copy. 399 X 282 mm. Without the blank leaves. The first four leaves are mounted and inlaid. Illuminated capital, with border containing a coat of arms enclosing the text, supplied on 25°; ornamental capitals in several colours at the beginning of the other books. Type- pages enclosed in red rules. Red manuscript quiring. Bound in two volumes, as in the first copy', "King George III's copy (C. 2. d. 1, 2).", 'IC. 17253. RODERICUS [SANCIUS] ZAMORENSIS. of each part is printed in red. Hain 13955.', "The word proficiens', omitted at the end of 65° ((f) 1), has been", "supplied with pen and ink, possibly in the printer's office.", 'Rodericus died on 4 October, 1470, and it is unlikely that Han would have omitted all reference to the fact if he had not completed', "printing the book until after the author's death.", '280x 202 mm. Without the blank leaf. Ornamental capital on 15° supplied in red and blue, with border; small ornamental capitals in red and black and plain capitals in red elsewhere. Quires sa and are bound at the end, and leaf I is misbound after quire sgl. Grenville copy (G. 6395). IB. 17267. TURRECREMATA, JOANNES DE. Expositic *4 October, 1470. verses; 113 R., text. Capital space at the beginning of each', "Psalm. Hain '15695.", 'The words of the Psalms are marked off from those of the exposition by printed stops (L,-), which are explained as follows in the prefatory letter: Est autem in hac explanatione psalterii aduertendum: quod uirgule rubee non tantum supponuntur litterę textus and red, other capitals with heading-marks in alternate gold and red, initial-strokes in yellow. Type-pages enclosed in ruled red lines. On 1e is painted the coat of arms of a bishop.', "King George III's copy (C. 9. b. 8).", 'IB. 17243. PAULUS DE SANCTA MARIA. text. Capital space on 1° and 1702. Hain 10764. A copy of this book now at Leipzig was bought on 11 June, 1471. 245 x 183 mm. An oval stamp of two arms in front Of à cross, with the letters S. M. D. N., is found at inter- vals on the inner margins. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in January, 1845. IB. 17257. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Orationes Philip CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Orationes Philip *Undated. picae. 178X 103mm. Types: 113 R., text; 103 R., headings on 28, 9 412, 442, 68°. The first letter on 1°, C, belongs to type 150 G. Capital space at the beginning of each oration. Hain 5134. 273X 193 mm. Illuminated capital in gold and colours supplied on 2", red ornamental capital on 9°. The type¬ pages on 1b, 22, and 112e are enclosed in ruled red lines, which are also drawn between the lines of 1°. The first and last leaves are backed. IB. 17246. Cracherode copy (bought in 1792). Cracherode copy (bought in 1792). Epistolae. [Edited by J. A. PHALARIS. Undated. 162 X 100 mm. Types: 150 G., headings, first letters of paragraphs; 113 R., text. Capital space on 2°. 231X 167 mm. Without the blank leaves. Some manuscript notes. Manuscript catchword at the foot of the last page of each quire. On a fly-leaf is written: Ad usum Iacobi Cavalli. Bought in April, 1889. PLUTARCHUS. Vitae parallelae. [Transla¬ tions by several hands, edited *Undated. Campanus.) 4“: 45 lines, 257x 160-1 mm. Type: 113 R. Capital and heading spaces at the beginning of each book. Spaces also left for Greek.', "Hain '13125.", 'Leaves 259-304 of vol. ii form an appendix to the main body of the Lives and contain biographies of Evagoras and Pomponius Atticus, the De historia Romana of Sextus Rufus, and biographies of Plato, Aristotle, Homer, Vergil, and Charlemagne. In the copy of this book catalogued by Hain, the first volume is assigned 308 leaves and ends with ’fastigium euasisse’, the last words of the life of Lucullus, which in the Museum copies con¬ cludes on leaf 24 of vol. ii; but the second volume starts with the same words as in the present copies and is given the same number of leaves. 404X 279 mm. Without the blank last leaf of vol. i. At the beginning is bound a blank leaf of original paper apparently unconnected with the quiring of the book. Capitals supplied in red. Manuscript quiring, partly cut away, and continuous foliation. Bound in two volumes; leaves k 4 and k 6 have been transposed in binding.', "King George III's copy (C. 1. d. 1, 2).", 'IC. 17263. Another copy. 400x 280 mm. Without the blank leaves, but with an additional blank of original paper bound at the beginning of vol. ii. Capitals supplied in red or blue headings to Lives in red. Continuous manuscript folia¬ tion. Bound in two volumes; leaves x5 and x6 and C 3 and [C4 have been transposed in binding. Grenville copy (G. 8334, 8335). IC. 17265 Another copy of Vol. I. 394 X 280 mm. Imperfect, wanting quires s, a-c, cc, dd. Ornamental capitals supplied in several colours headings to Lives in red. Many leaves are inlaid. On the first page is pasted a picture of S. Paul and the letters ARCHIDI. IO. .MA. in gold, cut out. IC. 17264.', "King George III's copy (C. 1. d. 5). TERENTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS. Comoediae. 22. Terentius Apher Genere: Ciuis uero Carthagi nensis fuit.... 3°. Terentii Aphri poete Comici Epi¬ the blank. Capitals illuminated in gold and colours on 2", other capitals supplied in red and blue alternately. With the book-plate of William Horatio Crawford Lakelands, Cork. With the French royal cipher (double', "L'interlaced) stamped on the back.", 'Bought in April, 1891. IB. 17268 FESTA. Festa et ordo terminorum sacri Pa¬ 150x 95 mm. Types: 150 G., headings; 113 R., text. Hain 17026 (giving the last word as correctly printed). This and the following book are placed at the end of the series because of their small size. 207 X 140 mm. Bought in October, 1858. IA. 17271. PAULUS II. Bulla de beneficiis affectis. PAULUS II. Bulla de beneficiis affectis. With other bulls.) Undated. 1e. Bulla de beneficiis affectis Paulus Episcopus 201X134 mm. On 1° is written Bibliothecae', "Colbertinae and S. Germani a pratis F 68'.", 'Bought in October, 1857. IA. 17274. BOOKS PRINTED WITH SIMON NICOLAI Though unsigned, this book is probably one of those printed by Han and Simon de Lucca conjointly. For its position see descrip tion of type 103 R. 376 x 273 mm. Illuminated capital and border sup¬ plied on 3e, other capitals in red and blue, &c., paragraph- marks in alternate red and blue. With the book-label of the Conte Paolo Vimercati-Sozzi. Bought in March, 1906. IC. 1725 TORTELLIUS, JOANNES. Orthographia. lippum archiepm arelaten: proemium. 22. Orthographie Tohannis Aretini prohemium. 2b. col. 2, par. 2: ORDO TOTIVS OPERIS. 3°. IOANNIS. TORTELLII Aretini Commentariorum Gra¬ MATICORVM. DE. ORT Hogphia dictionum E gręcis Trac-TARVM. on 1°. 72: 53 lines, 274 X 160 mm. Types: 150 G., heading on 2“; 103 R., text; 103 Gk. Capital spaces, a few with guide-letters. Hain 15563. 388 x 277 mm. Without the blank leaf. With the book-plate of Stanesby Alchorne, Tower of London.', "King George III's copy (167. g. 5).", 'IC. 17281. BONIFACIUS VIII. Liber sextus Decreta¬ 4° (commentary): [QJVia pp osterus est ordo surrounding the text, 303X 203-4 mm. A column of 48 lines of text on 1282 measures 302 mm. Types: 125 G., text, headings in table of rubrics; 103 R., rubrics in text, commentary. Capital spaces. Hain 3588. The wording of the colophon is adapted from that of Fust and', "Schoeffer's editions (Hain 3586, 3587).", '390X 285 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf con- taining the register. Ornamental capital supplied in red and blue on 4°, other capitals in alternate red and blue. Traces of manuscript quiring. On 1e is written: Pro fre dninco hayno a busco. The outer sheet of quire o and the three inner sheets of quire sp] are misbound after quire al, the remaining sheet of p being bound outside the remainder of Jo after sn. With the French royal cipher (double L interlaced) stamped on the back. Bought in January, 1882. IC. 17284. JUSTINIANUS. Institutiones. 2 columns. 32: 58 lines of commentary surrounding the text, 301 X 193 mm. A column of 48 lines of text on 572 measures 301 mm. Types: 125 G., text; 103 R., commentary. Capital spaces, those in text mostly with guide-letters. Hain 9493. 403X 285 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 173 contain ing the register. Capitals supplied in red and purple or blue and purple. Manuscript notes and foliation; early Acquired as part of the library of manuscript quiring. IC. 17287. DURANTI, GULIELMUS. Rationale diuinorum diuino¬ rum officiorum. 48. l. 15: C Conclusio huis opis. f. cclxxvi. 68. (red) Incipit Rationale diuinorufficio¬ and 4°. 72: 56 lines, 289x 168-9 mm. Types: 125 G., headings; 103 R., text. Capital spaces, many with guide-letters. Hain 6473. 404x 288 mm. Without the blank last leaf. Illu¬ minated capital in gold and colours supplied at the be¬ ginning of each book, other capitals in red and purple oi blue and purple; a shield for a coat of arms is painted on 6°. Old manuscript quiring, recommencing with a at quire [h). Bought in October, 1886. IC. 17290. TURRECREMATA, JoANNES DE. Medita¬ TURRECREMATA, JoANNES DE. Medita¬ 117 October, 1473. tiones. 1° (woodcut, below): Meditationes Reuerendissimi patris domini Iohannis de Turre¬cremata Sacrosancte on 10° measure 220x 173 mm. Type: 125 G. Capital spaces', "With woodcuts. Hain '15724.", "he last meditation of Han's original (1467) edition is here", 'omitted, and the woodcuts are reduced from 34 to 33. From information kindly supplied by Mr. Guppy, of the John Rylands Library, it appears that the cut of S. Dominic, belonging to meditation 28, is separately printed on the inserted leaf 26. 274x 202 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1, 5, 6, 26 and the blank. Manuscript notes and corrections, some of which suggest that this copy was used in preparing another edition for the press. Bought in February, 1869. IB. 17293. VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. Opera. and 263-7. Quire b is misbound at the end of the volume. Illuminated capital and border in gold and colours, containing the arms of the Grotti family, supplied at the beginning of the Eclogues, other illuminated capitals at the beginning of the Georgics and Aeneid, the rest in red and purple, paragraph-marks in red and blue alternately. Manuscript quire-numbers. IB. 17296', "King George III's copy (C. 6. c. 1). AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS. De ciuitate Dei. alternately. Manuscript quiring, mostly cut away. From the old Royal Library. IC. 17299. Another copy. 387X 271 mm. Without the blank leaves. Illuminated capitals, with ornamental border and coat of arms, sup¬ plied in gold and colours on 16e, other capitals in red or blue.', "King George III's copy (C. 15. d. 9).", 'IC. 17300. LACTANTIUS, LUCIUS COELIUS FIRMIANUS. 12 February, 1474. 2“. lohannis Andree Episcopi Alerien ad Paulum Capital spaces. Hain 9811. The prefatory letter of Joannes Andreae on 22 is taken over from', "Sweynheym and Pannartz's 1470 edition. The preface of Angelus", 'Sabinus on 16° contains the following: Nos cu supioribus diebus ab Vdalrico Gallo Alamano & Simone nicolai de Luca ... rogare¬ and paragraph-marks supplied in red and blue alternately. Bought. IB. 17303 Another copy. 311x 211 mm. Without the first and last blanks.', "King George IIl's copy (C. 13. c. 6).", 'IB. 17304. LATER BOOKS. 150) mm. Type: 103 R. Capital spaces. Hain 76819 (with variants). The incipit on 20° of the copies described by Hain and Pellechet mental capital supplied in several colours, with border. on 20°; other capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, underlines, and foliation in red.', "King George III's copy (169. k. 13).", 'IB. 17313. ATHANASIUS. Enarrationes in Epistolas ATHANASIUS. Enarrationes in Epistolas S. Pauli. [Translated by Christophorus de 25 January, 1477. Persona. 32 X 227 mm. Manuscript notes. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. IB. 17343. MARIA. Officium immaculatae conceptionis 6°. (red) Incipit officium immaculate concepti onis introduction, 152x 95 mm. 18°: 24 lines of text, 148x95 mm. Types: 125 G., text of office, heading on 2° and 212; 102 R., responses, introductory letter, bull of Sixtus IV on 212-228, colo- phon. Capital spaces.', "The bull is dated tercio Kls Marcii', 1476/7.", '204 X 145 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bought in March, 1906. IA. 17347 BONIFACIUS VIII. Liber sextus Decreta¬ of commentary surrounding the text, 303X 190 mm. A column of 46 lines of text on 46° measures 290 mm. Types: 125 G., text, colophon; 103 R., commentary, rubrics. The first letter in the text on 4°, O, belongs to 150 G. Capital spaces. Hain 3597. The page-contents agree closely with those of the 1472 issue (IC. 17284), which has the same quiring. 407 x 285 mm. Imperfect, wanting the table of rubrics (leaves 1-3) and the register (leaf 230). The last quires of the book, which are much damaged, have been repaired and the text supplied in pen and ink where necessary Sheet 2 3 is misbound after sheet st 2. Manuscript page-headings and foliation. Bought in March, 1906. IC. 17352. GRATIANUS. Decretum. mentary of Bartholomaeus Brixiensis. 29 October, 1478. 2° (text) : In nomine sancte & indiuidue trinitatis. Incipit concordia discor¬dantium canonum. Ac primum blank. 2 columns, 5 in register. 32: 68 lines of commentary surrounding the text, and head-line, 350 (355) x 214 mm. 430b: 68 lines of text, and head-line, 348 (354) X 176 mm. Types: 103 R. commentary, rubrics; 102 R., text. Capital spaces, those in the text mostly with guide-letters. The head-lines give the numbers of the distinctions and causes, &c. The verso of bbl 1 and the recto of bb] 2 have been left blank. Hain 7891. 413x 275 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf, con- taining the register, and the blank leaf. On 22 is written: Pertinet ad Bibliotecham S. Franci (?) Palubarie.', "Aster leaf 476 is inserted a leaf from Han's 1478 edition", 'of Bonifacius VIII, Liber vi Decretalium. Bought in May, 1907. IC. 17353. JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS. Opuscula. 1°. In hoc Codice continentur ista opusculaIohannis Crisostomi. 22. IOHANNIS CRISOSTOMI DE the beginning of each tract. Hain 15054. bottom corner of the last page is written: agustin? o cognicone [verae vitae). Bought in October, 1858. IA. 17349. 26 CIANVS SALVTEM 223 x 136 mm. Types: 109 R., 103 (109) Gk. On 200a and 200 the type measures about 115 mm. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters; also spaces for Greek towards end. Hain 13353. 338 x 235 mm. Without the blank first leaf. Leaves D 5 and 6 are bound before [D14. Manuscript quiring. Another copy. 321X 216 mm. Without the first and last blanks. Bought. IB. 17355. CATULLUS, CAIUS VALERIUS. Carmina. 159X 83 mm. Type: 106 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The text of this edition is substantially the same as in Vindelinus', "de Spira's 1472 edition (IB. 19550), but a number of the poem¬", 'headings are different, notably that of the poem In Volusium?', "which is here entitled Inuehit Inuolusiu poetä' instead of 'Ad", "Lusi Cacatam', the poem also reading correctly Annales uolusi", "for Annuale suo lusi' in the last line.", 'Beneath the colophon is the lightly inked impression of the line', "Tamque commixte spurscal saliua lupe' from 3ob", '209 X 145 mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks sup¬ plied in alternate red and blue, initial-strokes and under- lines in red. Grenville copy (G. 9475). HIERONYMUS. Theodorus Lelius. Preceded by Aristeas De lxx interpretibus, translated by M. Palmierus. Undated. MATHIAS PAL-IMIERVS FELICIITATEM .. 376 leaves, 15-19 and 374-6 blank.—Vol. II: 412; a-210 289y A-RM S12 452 leaves, 1, 9-12, and 452 blank. 2 columns, except on Vol. I, 20b. Vol. I, 282: 50 lines, 205X 141 mm. Type: 81 R Greek words represented by a mixture of Greek and Roman letters in the early quires, spaces lest later. Capital spaces. The line¬ endings are very irregular. Hain 18550. In the Chantilly copy is written a note by Johannes Hynderbach Dishop of Trent: Hanc primam et secundam partes epistolarun beati Hyeronimi ab impressoribus litterarum Rome opera et im VOL. I: 325 x 228 mm. Without the blank leaves 10-19, 375, 376. Historiated capital and floral border ** The Greek characters T, e, 7 (like o), and p (reversed) occur in the Hieronymus, q.v. Not reproduced. on 272 and a number of other capitals illuminated in gold and colours, the rest supplied in red or blue. Headings on 27° and elsewhere supplied in red. Quire B is mis- bound before quire [yl IB. 17432a.', "King George III's copy (C. 13. c. 9).", 'VOL. II: 342X 230 mm. Imperfect, wanting the preliminary quire and the blank last leaf; the last leaf and border of text is mutilated. Illuminated capita', "supplied in gold and colours on 13', other capitals in", 'blue. Some headings supplied in pen and ink. Early manuscript quiring and later foliation. At the end is the name of lacobus Paltonius. IB. 17432 b. AURELIUS VICTOR, SEXTUS. De viris 22. IPIROCA: REX: ALBANO RVM: AMVLIVM: 33 lines, 133X 71-4 mm. Type: 81 Ri. Hain 2135 (). Spaces left for capitals and headings. The line-endings are very irregular. Hain 2135 (?). Hain (no. 2135) describes, without having seen it, an edition', "sub nom. Plini', which begins F. 1 a post inscr. exactly as this", 'issue and also corresponds exactly in the colophon, except for the', "words' Consularis Valentiniano', but which has a separate colophon", 'to the Aurelius Victor and an incipit to the Rufus. The description perhaps refers to a copy of this edition in which the headings, &c., had been supplied by hand. The later (normal) form of N occurs in several places. 216x 148 mm. The half of the first blank leaf is cut away. The capital at the beginning of each tract is illuminated in gold and colours, with an ornamental border; other capitals supplied in alternate red and blue. Manuscript quiring. On 2e is written: Isidori Vignati de', "Assisio' over franc. Vanerij'. Original stamped leather", 'binding, in the top cover of which is pasted a leaf on which is written a letter, addressed by Matthias de Fan- nellis, prestantissimo: ac floribus eloquentię purpurato as a small token of gratitude for past favours, ending as follows: Libellum uero perfectissimo iudicio tuo corrige IA. 17433 PAULUS II. Bulla anni jubilei 1470 Type: 81 R2. 190 X 137mm. Without the blank leaf. The leaves are mounted. Bought in June, 1890. IA. 17435. DOMINICUS DE SANCTO GEMINIANO. the Sextus Decretalium only. 432 x 280 mm. Without the blank leaves. Manuscript notes, page-headings, and catchwords and foliation (counting 1o leaves ahead) at ends of quires. In the lower margin of 306° is drawn a large red -B, in a double circle. A piece of leaf 4 is torn away. Bought in April, 1896. IC. 17436. QUINTILIANUS, MARCUS FABIUS. Institu This and the four following books are ranged according to their places in the list of his productions given by Lignamine in the dedication of Cavalca, Pongie lingua, 1472 (IB. 17378). Type 125 R. is pure in this and the following book. 30 x 228 mm. Rubrics supplied in red pen and ink. Manuscript quiring.', "King George III's copy (167. i. 1).", 'IB. 17362. Another copy. 325 x 232 mm. Capital and four-side historiated bor¬ der illuminated in gold and colours on 1°; the lower panel contains a shield with a coat-of-arms (naked boy Playing violin). Capitals, short border, and ornament supplied in similar style on 5°. Few rubrics and notes in red ink; manuscript quiring. The extra leaf In2 nas been mended and is perhaps made up. Old stamped leather. Grenville copy (G. 9551). IB. 17363 SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, CAIUS. the beginning of each Life. Hain 15115 324 x 223 mm. Without the blank leaves. On 22 is a lour-side Renaissance border in gold and colours, with imperial heads at the sides and a picture (Caesar on the Rubicon?) at the foot; the capital seems added by à later hand. Other capitals supplied in blue. On 19 is written: Liber magri Leonardi de perusio ordinis IB. 17366. Another copy. 316x 221 mm. Without the blank leaves. Branch- work capital, with two-side border (coat of arms painted', "out), illuminated in gold and colours on 2', other capitals", 'in same style, paragraph-marks supplied in red or blue. IB. 17368. Grenville copy (G. 9194). Another copy. 312X 214 mm. Without the blank leaves. Capital', "with border illuminated in gold and colours on 2', other", 'capitals in gold and mauve, few paragraph-marks sup- plied in red or blue. IB. 17367. King George III's copy (167. e. 1).", "King George III's copy (167. e. 1).", 'LEO I. Sermones, &c. [Edited by Joannes (1470-71. Andreae, Bishop of Aleria. headings in small capitals. Capital spaces. Line-endings slightly This edition is reprinted, including the preface, from Sweynheym and Pannartz’s edition of 1470 (IB. 17145). The two editions cannot be far apart in time. The sermon-headings are printed for the most part in small', "capitals, but spaces are left for them on 5e and in If), Igl 1-4', and", 'kl-Inl 3b, and they are printed with the ordinary text-type from pl 8a to the end of the book. There is no admixture of small capitals in the text. 311 X 229 mm. Without the blank leaves. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red and (faded) blue alternately; manuscript sermon-headings supplied where there are spaces. On 2e is the oval stamp of an ecclesi¬ astical library. Bought in February, 1875. IB. 17429. Elegantiae. spaces for Greek. Hain 15801. The text in the latter half of quires sol and st is widely spaced and has very few contractions, at the end of syl it is much compressed and contracted. The initials B.R.M. at the end of the book are probably those of the compositor or corrector, who signed himself B.R. in the undated Ambrose, De Officiis, printed by Lignamine just before the present book. Of the small capitals QV and occasionally R and V are found in this book. 308 x 217 mm. Imperfect, wanting the preliminary matter (leaves 1-12). Capital and two-side border illu- minated in gold and colours on 132; the lower panel contains a shield azure with a lion rampant or, the shield debruised in the chief in base by a barrulet sable. Many other capitals supplied in two colours; the rest, also para graph-marks, in red or blue. From the Crevenna col- lection, with sale-label.', "King George III's copy (C. 15. b. 14).", 'IB. 17371. SIXTUS IV. De sanguine Christi. De Lignamine’s prefatory epistle to the Pope begins as follows (12) ClOgitanti mihi beatissime pater Xyste tuis erga me meritis et The signature GOD.AL., which is also found at the end of the Augustine printed at Subiaco in 1467 (IC. 17011), is probably that of the corrector of the press. The watermarks show that the first two leaves constitute a separate sheet, which in the register appears to be included in quire sal. About 3oo copies of this book were struck off (see dedication to', "the Pope's tract De suturis contingentibus, 1473, IB. 17391).", 'Of the small capitals a very few are found in this book, three occurring in the heading on 3°; QV does not occur, but there is an alternative form of Qu (see note to type). 275X 198 mm. Bound before IB. 17374. Bought in May, 1883. IB. 17385 JUSTINIANUS, BERNARDUS. Oratio habita mm. Type: 125 R. Capital space on 2°. Hain 1546 (2). Audiffredi (Catalogus, p. 86, excerpted by Hain, no. 1546) supplies', "orationes' to ’impresse in the colophon and takes this book to", 'include two speeches of Joannes de Aragonia, one to the Pope, the other to King Ferdinand of Naples, the former delivered 19 Decem ber, 1471, which were also printed by Lignamine. Reichling', "(Appendices, v, p. 161) considers 'impresse merely a misprint for", 'impressa, which is perhaps preferable. Of the small capitals O, QV, V, and X are found in this tract, also one instance of p. The oration would naturally be printed soon after delivery and has therefore been placed here, although', "not mentioned in the list of Lignamine's works printed in the", '1472 Cavalca; it may well have been thought too insignificant to be included. 275 X 198 mm. Bound after IB. 17385. Bought in May, 1883. IB. 17374 CAMPHORA, GIACOPO. De immortalitate 108 mm. Type: 125 R. Capital spaces. Hain 4297 (with variants). Audiffredi (Catalogus, p. 110) describes this tract as preceded by a dedication running to three pages and nine lines, which begins as follows: lohannis Philippi de Lignamine messannensis siculi Sanctissimi D. N. Xisti familiaris epistola: ad nobilissimu ac given above, save for a misprint INCIPTI instead of INCIPIT. It seems probable that the dedication to Ant. de Rure was cancelled after part of the edition had been disposed of and that', "the remaining copies were reissued in combination with Cavalca's", 'Pongie lingua (below, IB. 17378) with a new dedication to Matthaeus de Marcho covering both tracts. Part of the first quire was perhaps reprinted at the same time. Audiffredi counts 40 printed leaves; Hain, who excerpts Audiffredi, only 28, owing to a misunderstanding', "of Audiffredi's words.", 'In his letter to Ant. de Rure, says Audiffredi, Lignamineus Maecenatem suum consolari nititur super morte matris eius Lucisse, ficate (Riccobaldus, Chronica, 1474, IA. 17407, 1286, 1292), and was probably one of the two sisters of the Pope who arrived in Rome on 2 April, 1472 (Pastor, Geschichte der Päpste, ii. 478). If the latter supposition is correct, the present book should be dated between 2 April and 10 August, 1472. The small capitals are only used as numerals in this book and the Cavalca. 274X 195 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capital on 2° supplied in blue and red, less than half of the re- mainder in red. Bound after Cavalca, Pongie lingua (IB. 17378). Grenville copy (G. 10540/2). IB. 17377 CAVALCA, DOMENICO. Pongie lingua.', "Lignamine's dedication to Mattheus de Marcho begins as follows", '(1*): IGitur iam secundus annus Reuerende pater quo me Roma discuss first the immortality of the soul and then the dangers of an unbridled tongue. The order in both cases shows that the De iinmortalitate animae was printed before the Pongie lingua. The reasons for cataloguing the former separately are stated in the description of that tract above, IB. 17377 Audiffredi (Catalogus, p. 111) describes a copy with the colophon: Rome in domo loh. Philippi de Li-lgnamine Siculi & Sixti IIII. familia- Iris. MCCCCLXXII. Hain follows Audiffredi but mentions the variant ending given above.', "The list of Lignamine's productions is evidently in chronological", 'order. No copy of an edition of either Lactantius or Horace ir Lignamine’s types seems to be now known. 274X 195 mm. Capital and two-side border on 1 illuminated in gold and colours; the lower panel contains à wreath enclosing the letters IHS. A number of other capitals supplied in red. Bound before IB. 17. Grenville copy (G. 10540). IB. 17378. HILARION. Dialogus ad Petrum S. Sixti patrê & dinm. D. P. tt. Sancti xysti presbyten Cardina¬ Capital space at the beginning of each tract, that on 1a with The breadth of the type page, which varies between 98-100 mm. in the first two quires, increases to 103-5 mm. in the last. The first two quires are quarto, the last is folio. Possibly the two parts were not printed at the same time. Of the small capitals only X and numerals are found in this book and the Pius II which follows it. 203X 139 mm. Without the blank leaves. Manuscript foliation (117-137), with a gap for leaf 16, also manuscript catchword at the end of quire sa] and some notes. Formerly bound after IA. 17707.', "King George III's copy (C. 9. a. 28).", 'IA. 17381. PIUS II. De miseriis curialium. 155 X 103 mm. Type: 125 R. Capital spaces. Hain 202.', "In his dedication Lignamine says 'amicoy nonnulli ad me nuper", 'detulerunt slibellum]: utque domi apud me imprimi procurarem auide on 1e and 2° illuminated in gold and colours, that on 22 with short border; other capitals supplied in blue and red alternately. Contemporary Italian stamped leather, rebacked. Bought in November, 1913. IA. 17384. RODERICUS [SANCIUS] ZAMORENSIS. blank. 3°: 31 lines, 193X 113 mm. Type: 125 R. Capital spaces. Hain 13943. Set up in two sections, the second beginning at quire skl. Of the small capitals QV and X and numerals are found in this book. 280x 203 mm. Without the first leaf. On 2° is a note: hic liber e Conts. s. me mris mre d tabia [Taggia oris prodi, and the signatures of Henry de Cepole, in pencil. and J. P. A. Madden. The third sheets of quires scl and h are transposed in binding. Old half-leather over boards, with title-label on side. Bought in November, 1890. IB. 17389. Another copy. 279 X 195 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves sch 1o, sk 1-10, 2-9, and 1-4. Capital and short border on 2° illuminated in gold and colours, other capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in alternate red and blue With the book-label of Ambroise Firmin-Didot, 1850 The outer sheet of quire [1 is misbound outside quire m, sheet (q 4 is bound reversed. Bound before IB. 17401. Bought in July, 1884. IB. 17390 SIXTUS IV. De futuris contingentibus. 1°. F Eceram Sanctissime pater: tue Sactitatis Folio. Jal. 10 leaves, the last blank. 3°: 30 lines, 187 X 109mm. Type: 125 R. Capital spaces. Hain 14800. In the course of his dedication on 1° Lignamine, after remarking', "that he takes the Pope's view that 'futura contingentia' are 'aut", 'uera aut falsa’, continues : Id autem tunc certius credam cum The second year of Sixtus IV was from August 10, 1472, to August 9, 1473. 280x 206 mm. Without the blank leaf. With the duplicate-note (1913) of the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Acquired by exchange in December, 1913. IB. 17391. GUIDO. Accessus metricam ducturus ad Quarto. Jab"c-e’. 44 leaves, the last blank. 3°: 28 lines, 177X 103 mm. Type: 125 R. Hain 1830, 14065. There are a number of small spaces in the text, representing apparently gaps in the manuscript and perhaps in some cases Greek words omitted.', "The author's name Guido is given in an acrostic in five hexa¬", 'meters which conclude the text, the last line running: Ordine quod dicit nomen monstrabit amico.', "The mention of the third year of Sixtus IV's pontificate shows", 'that one x should be omitted from the printed year-date. Of the small capitals QV, X, and (once) M are found in this book. 228X 165 mm. Without the blank leaf. Leafe 2 has been misbound after sel 6. 219X 157 mm. Without the blank leaf. At the head', "of 1e is written' Liber Collegij C. C.', at the foot orate pro", 'anima D Claymondi primi prssidis) corporis Christi collegi', "of Pont. Max.' in the colophon has been erased.", 'Bought. IA. 17393. MAHOMET II. Epistolae magni Turci. 137x75-6 mm. Type: 125 R. Capital spaces. Hain 10506. Of the small capitals QV, R, N and numerals are found in this book ; also in the large capitals B filed out is often used as R, on which letter there is a great demand. 203X 141 mm. Without the blank leaf. Manuscript catchwords at the ends of quires, and foliation (46-76).', "King George III's copy (C. 5. a. 20).", 'IA. 17397. Another copy. 198X 140 mm. Without the blank leaf. Manuscript catchwords at the end of quires, and foliation (247-77). On 2° is a circular library stamp. Grenville copy (G. 637 ISIDORUS. De temporibus. 12. ISIODORI OPVSCVLVM DE TEMPORI¬ BVS. BReue Temporu pgenatioes. Of the small capitals QV, R and numerals occur in this tract. The use of B filed out for R in this tract shows that it cannot be earlier than the Epistolae magni Turci, for which this sort was specially made. Both these tracts, moreover, have the same water- mark (crossed arrows) and were bound together in a volume of the library of the Abbate de Rossi seen by Audiffredi (Catalogus, p. 385). They have therefore been brought together here. 216 x 150 mm. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. IA. 17425. JOANNES DE TREVIO. Orationes de Of the small capitals QV, V (rarely) and numerals are found in this book. 279 X 195 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 7-12, con- taining the Oratio de felicitate humana. Bound after 1B. 17390, q.v., and similarly rubricated by the same hand. Bought in July, 1884. IB. 17401. HOMERUS. Aliqui libri ex Iliade translati', "Quarto. [al2; b10 ; cd'; el2; f10 ; g8; he; i8; ksl.1 98 leaves", 'the first blank. 3°: 29 lines, 180X 109 mm. Type: 125 R. Capital space at the beginning of each book; text indented. Hain 8780. Of the small capitals QV and H are frequent in this book, also other sorts, especially in the colophon. 1, blank ; 2-3b, letter of Theodorus [Gazal to Laelius de Valle', "the translator's father; 3b, Incipiunt aliqui libri ex Iliade Homeri", 'translati p dim Nicolau de Valle Legû doctore Basilice pricipis then register in three columns, then the words Lelius de valle in memoriam filii’, then colophon; 98°, blank. Each book is con-', "tamed in a separate quire or quires and signed with the translator's", 'name. The translation of books 13 and 23 is incomplete.', "Gaza in his letter to Laelius de Valle says: 'Homeri & hesiodi", 'apparently unaware that the translation of Hesiod had already been published (by Sweynheym and Pannartz) as early as 1471,', "two years before the translator's death.", '274 X 180 mm. PEROTTUS, NICOLAUS. Rudimenta gram¬ TRE SVAVISSIMVM RVDIMENTA GRA.IMA. TICES. INCIPIVNT. 1722. COLOPHON: Rome T1omm. Types: 125 R., 125 Gk. Capital spaces. Or the small capitals QV, A, and H are frequent in this book; other sorts also occur. 285 x 201 mm. The last two leaves are slightly mutilated, and have been mended. Foliation in red ink. The two middle sheets of quire In are bound after quire Signature and note, dated Nov. 1902, of H. C. Hoskier on a fly-leaf at the beginning. Bought in October, 1908. IB. 17406. RICCOBALDUS FERRARIENSIS. Chro¬ By Riccobaldus Ferrariensis. With a con- 714 July, 1474 tinuation. 2°. loannes Philippus de Lignamine Messanen. 24 lines, 148 x 87 mm. Type: 125 R. Capital space on 22 and 9a,', "the former with a guide-letter. Hain '10857.", "In the course of his dedication Lignamine says (42): 'Cum", 'igitur nuper inciderim in compendiosum quendam Cathalogum ponti¬ the continuation of Riccobaldus in this work is by Lignamine himself, although he may well have revised it and made slight additions to it. Under the year 1458 occurs the following paragraph (1212): lacobus cognonmto Gutenbergo: patria Argentinus & quidam alter no instance of which has been noticed. 215X 154 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals and a few paragraph-marks supplied in red. The mis- print Crononica on 9e is corrected in pen and ink. IA. 17407. BLONDUS, FLAVIUS. Italia illustrata. [Edited 2° (summary): LYGURIA REGIO PRIMA.... TRATAM PREFATIO INCIPIT FOELICITER. 174°. COLOPHON: Rome i domo Nobilis uiri Iohannis 3°: 34 lines, 213x 126 mm. Type: 125 R. Capital space at the beginning of each book. Hain 3246 (with variants). In this and the following books the small capitals are freely admixed, and 9 is used. In his prefatory letter to the Bishop of Brescia on leaf 19 Gaspar', "Blondus, after mentioning that the Bishop's exhortations' Coegerunt", 'me ... Vt Italiam illustratam Blondi Flauii Forliuien: genitoris was thus written five days after the body of the book had been printed off. In some copies a dedication of Lignamine to Sixtus', "IV is found in place of Blondus's letter. The leaf is disregarded", "in the register. Hain mentions only Lignamine's dedication and", 'inserts the line-endings in the colophon after de, liber, Die, and Sixti respectively. 325 x 231 mm. With a small circular book-label (head of dog carrying bone). Bound before IB. 19453, a copy of the Roma instaurata alluded to in the dedication. IB. 17410. Bought in July, 1900. Another copy. 298 x 205 mm. Without the blank leaves. Capital and three-side border on 20° illuminated in gold and colours; the lower panel contains a coat of arms. Other capitals supplied in red or blue.', "King George III's copy (C. 15. b. 10).", 'IB. 17411. BENEDICTUS DE NURSIA. De conserua¬ tione sanitatis. 1°. TITLE: Pulcherrimu et utilissimu opus ad sani- tatis conseruationem: ęditum ab (with variants). colophon and register; 136, blank. Audiffredi (Catalogus, p. 192) describes two issues of this book the first as the present copy, the second combined with an edition of Petrus de Abano, De remediis venenorum, finished 27 January, and having prefixed to it a nine-page dedication by Lignamine to', "the Pope which contains the following: 'Volui tamen hoc tempore", 'jussique Benedicti Nursini libellum de Natura rerum & valetudine and the Cavalca of 1472 (IB. 17377, 17378 above). The register begins with the catchwords of leaves 2 and 3 and then goes straight on to the first word of quire sc). Hain, although he omits the title, counts 137 printed leaves. 200X 141 mm. The first eight leaves are mounted, so that there is some uncertainty as to the quiring. On 1e 34 is the blind impression of nine lines of type which have', "not been identified. The author's name is written along", 'the fore-edge. Bought in May, 1899. IA. 17413. LEONICENUS, OMNIBONUS. De octo parti¬ 1°. AD ILLVSTREM MAG- NANIMVMQVE Type: 125 R. Few spaces for capitals and Greek. Hain 10026. In addition to admixtures, the small capitals are used to print some of the headings in this book. 189 X 134 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 64 (hl8). From the library of the Earl of Pembroke. Bought in July, 1914. IA. 17415. EUSEBIUS. Historia ecclesiastica. Trans¬ spaces left for Greek. Hain 76710 (variant). As originally issued, this book began on 1b with a dedication by Lignamine to the Pope occupying three pages. When the dedication to Estouteville was substituted the whole of the first quire was reprinted. The register corresponds to the issue with the dedication to the Pope, showing this to be the earlier of the two (Audiffredi, Catalogus, p. 213). The dedication to Estouteville contains the following (22) : 320X 227 mm. The blank first leaf appears to be', "bound at the end and contains' in testimonium sequentis", 'opis manuscript extracts relating to Eusebius from the Epistles of S. Jerome. From the collections of Meer¬ mann and the Duke of Sussex. IB. 17419. GEORGIUS LAUER by Georgius Lauer (see Introduction), was finished on 29 October, 1470 (IB. 17442). The earliest dated book signed by Lauer is the Summa confessionum of S. Antoninus of February, 1472 (IB. 17467); but the unsigned editio princeps of Eutropius is in the same type and is dated 20 May, 1471 (IB. 17452). From about the middle of 1472 Lauer is found associated with Leonhardus Pflugel, an edition of the Constitutiones of Clemens V being finished by the two partners on 15 June of that year (IC. 17473). The partnership ended before the completion of the Speculum judiciale of Duranti on 15 March, 1474 (IC. 17487), for parts iii and iv of this work were printed by Lauer alone. Lauer continued printing alone till 1481, the last precisely dated book registered as his being the Bertachinus, Repertorium juris, of 5 April, 1481 (Hain *2981) TYPES (see Plates III*, IV*): 128 R. [P. 1J, irregular large text type. A with serif to left at top, E with curved projecting base, slanting-shanked M, straight-shanked N, single Qu, long-tailed Q and R; many lower-case letters (b, d, h. i, m, n, r, u) with hooked serifs, e with loop-line slightly sloping, » with cross-bar bent to left Alinement irregular. In use in 1470 111 R. (P. 21, large text type. A with highly-placed cross-bar, E with flat projecting base, slanting-shanked M, straight-shanked N, P with loop open at bottom, single Qu (occasionally found as Q, with u clumsily effaced), R with large loop and long tail, smallish T; e with loop-line slightly sloping and projecting, g with open lower loop. round-tailed h, 1 sometimes in final positions, cross-bar of u turning to right, large » on line, low heavy semi¬ circular brackets. In use in 1471 and 1472. 91 R4. [P. 31, irregular large-faced text type. C and E with projecting base, slanting-shanked M, straight- shanked N, P with loop open at bottom, single long-tailed Qu, long-tailed R; e with loop-line sloping and slightly projecting, g with open lower loop, round-tailed h,s used in final positions, lower-case n, 9 above line. Found only in 1C. 17473 (1472), printed by Lauer with Pflugel. 91 RB. [P. 41, small-faced text type, on equal body with and more regular than the preceding. Majuscules of same style as above. Single Qu occasionally, like Q, clumsily altered to Q; a with small flat loop, broad ct. e with loop-line sloping and projecting noticeably, g with lower loop closed, s in final positions, p as well as » as in 91 R“. A small heavy C and an angular g and gare found with this type, as well as wrong-sount rounded d and broken C and E, apparently from 92 G. In use in 1472-3 by Lauer and Pflugel. 92 G.[P. 5, crude medium text type. Majuscules very plain. Rounded forms of C (with inner perpendicular stroke), D, E, H, N, T, and V (open at top), double-stemmed I, slanting-shanked M. F, G, L,X supplied from 91 RB. from which other majuscules are occasionally admixed; f sometimes used in final positions. In use in 1472 and 1473 by Lauer and Pflugel. 103 R. [P. 61, heavy single text type. Slanting-shanked M, straight-shanked N, large Qu, R with very small loop; loop-line of e has very pronounced slope, round-tailed h, f sometimes in final positions, heavy paragraph-mark. A few heavy Gothic capitals about 5mm. high accompany this type, broad A and z-shaped I being very freely used. Found only in IC. 17487, begun by Lauer and Pflugel, and finished by Lauer alone, 1474. 102 R., large text typé, similar in appearance to the preceding, from which it was not distinguished by Proctor. Noticeable differences in the majuscules are R with larger loop, E with slightly slanting centre-stroke with smaller serif, smaller single Qu; in the lower case a has smaller loop, e loop-line almost horizontal, gopen lower loop, o smaller loop, r broader base; f sometimes in final positions; si is taller, st without break, and x with both strokes straight; the paragraph-mark is lighter, and a new small? above line is more frequently used than the large 9 on line. In use in 1474-6. 99 R., large text type, closely resembling the preceding in appearance, and not distinguished by Proctor from 103 R. Used in what seems to be an experimental state in quires i and m and the register of IC. 17504, where slanting-shanked M appears at the beginning of each quire and straight-shanked M at the end. In IB. 17514 straight-shanked M only is used. Besides being much fresher in appearance, this type differs from 102 R. in some other majuscules, especially S; in the lower case the tall letters, especially si and st, are shorter; the p used soi', "Rubrica' is Roman in style instead of Gothic, and the paragraph-mark is different. New forms are pp, ip, v closed", 'at the top used in initial positions, and &; s sometimes found in final positions. In use at the end of 1476 and the beginning of 1477. 115 R. Haebler 101, large text type, taken over from Pannartz (q.v.) to print the second part of the Epistles', "of S. Jerome (IC. 17525), dated 5 April, 1479, completing Pannartz's edition of the first part (IC. 17929), dated", '28 March, 1476. Reproduced under Pannartz, Pl. VI*. 95 G. [P. 81 large text type. Double-backed A, B, C, D, E, G, H, L, N, O, P, Q, R, T, of which D, H, N', "O, P, O have double diagonals, as also has U; Dr. Haebler's M3s; A and S diamonded; f sometimes in final", 'positions. Alinement irregular, except in IC. 17523 (after 9 February, 1480), where the measurement is 92 mm. Found only in undated books. 180 G. [P. 9l, heading type. Curious majuscules, all the available examples being double-backed and serrated, except S and X which are plain; small M and T; curved hyphen pointing downwards as well as straight hyphen pointing upwards. The measurement is approximate. Found only in undated books along with the preceding. 128 Gk., large round Greek type, a few words only found along with 128 R. Rounded v with back projecting below line, 7 of usual pattern. In use in 1470. 106 Gk., small Greek type taken over from Pannartz (q. v.) and used in part ii of the Epistles of S. Jerome,', "1479 (IC. 17525). The smaller of Pannartz's two Greek types forms the basis, with letters from the larger admixed.", "** Proctor's type 7, large Gothic, with Dr. Haebler's M83, in use in 1474, is not represented in the Museum", 'collection. super Joannem. Translated by Franciscus Aretinus. 29 October, 1470. 128 Gk. on 197b. Capital spaces. Irregular line-endings. Hain 5036. A sentence omitted in the text on 1752 is printed in the lower 314x225 mm. Without the two blank leaves. Capital on 16e and capital and lower border with coat of arms on 17° illuminated in gold and colours; other capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in alternate red and blue Manuscript notes.', "King George III's copy (C. 14. c. 3).", 'IB. 17442. THOMAS AQUINAS. Quaestiones de duo¬ spaces. Irregular line-endings. Hain 1400. A sentence omitted in the text on 159b is printed in the lower margin. This book is ranged with the preceding as it agrees with it in page-measurement. 332 X 230 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capital on 7e supplied in red and violet, capital on 24° and 688 in red and blue, other capitals in red or occasionally blue paragraph-marks in red, initial-strokes in vellow. Manuscript quiring, mostly cut away. Bought in October, 1852. IB. 17449. JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS. Sermones Undated. This book agrees in page-measurement with the group in type II1R. below, and is therefore ranged immediately before it. Quires afgll are in folio, Ihl in mixed folio and quarto, and [b-eik] in quarto. The manuscript rubric on 11e runs : Incipiût sermones... p uenerabile patren Christophou psona . .. nuper e greco in latinu on f1e supplied in green and red, other capitals in alter- nate red and blue. Manuscript rubrication, foliation, and corrections; also manuscript quiring, mostly cut away. Bought. IB. 17445. Another copy, with some sheets of a different setting-up. The middle sheet of quire [«), the whole of quire Ifl, the middle sheet of quire Igl, and the first and third sheets of quire Ihl are differently set up in this copy. Quires I« all are in folio, Igl in mixed folio and quarto, Ib-fh-k) in quarto. 270X 195 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 10 and the two blank leaves. Manuscript foliation and notes; also manuscript quiring, mostly cut away. On I10b is written', "liber Amici d'Ciccis d'Agla,", 'Bought in June, 1859. IB. 17446. EUTROPIUS. Breuiarium historiae Romanae. 286 X 196 mm. Many capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red. On 1e is the name Ioh. Mauritius & the price viijd. IB. 17452. Another copy. 280 X 201 mm. Manuscript notes. On 14 is written Francisci brognoli & amicori? with: & parentu added in a later hand.', "King George III's copy (167. c. 8).", 'IB. 17453. Another copy, with one sheet of a different setting:up. In this copy the outer side of sheet Igl 1 is differently set up. CURTIUS RUFUS, QUINTUS. *Undated. ponius Laetus. 1°. INTER hec Alexander ad conducen- dum ex mmes, 176x 105 mm. Type: III R. Capital spaces, also spaces for headings. Irregular line-endings. Hain 5879. The copy in the Bibliothèque Nationale has the manuscript date of purchase 1472. This and the two following books are ranged with the preceding because of their similarity of measurements. 280 x 200 mm. Few manuscript notes, also manuscript quiring (a 1, a 2, a 3, &c.). FESTUS, SEXTUS POMPEIUS. De verborum Undated. 12. POMPEI. 177 x 106 mm. Type: III R. Capital spaces; also spaces for Greek. Irregular line-endings. Hain 7037. The initials H. G. at the end are probably those of the corrector of the press. 280x 198 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bought. IB. 17460. Another copy. 285 x 200 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals supplied in red and blue. Manuscript foliation (74-156) IB. 17461. VARRO, MARCUS TERENTIUS. De lingua Undated. 2°. [PJOMPONIVS. PLATINAE. S..M. TE RENTIVS. VARRO togatoru Literatissima Inter blank. 122: 32 lines, 176x 105 mm. Type: IIIR. Capital spaces; also spaces for Greek. Irregular line-endings. Hain 15852. 268 X 192 mm. Without the blank leaves. Manu- script foliation, mostly cut away. Cracherode copy (bought in 1798). IB. 17464. ANTONINUS. Summa confessionum. blank. 4°: 27 lines, 149X91mm. Type: II1R. Capital spaces.', "Irregular line-endings. Hain '1174.", "Hain and Pellechet (no. 839) read Sub quarto Sixto' in the last", 'line of the colophon. 235 x 166 mm. Manuscript notes; also manuscript foliation and catchwords at end of quires. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. IB. 17467. WITH LEONHARDUS PFLUGEL. 2 columns. 4°: 60 lines of commentary surrounding the text, 274x 166-9 mm. A column of 60 lines of text on 358 measures 276 mm. Types: 91 Ra., text; 91 Rb., commentary. Capital spaces. Irregular line-endings. Hain 75414. The recto of [d]8 has 67 lines, the verso, in a single column. 71 lines. 401 x 290 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 12 (sheet sal 1), also the blank first leaf. Rubrics and head-lines, capitals. paragraph-marks, and initial-strokes supplied in red. Munich duplicate. With the stamp and duplicate-note of the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Acquired by exchange in December, 1913. IC. 17473. PONTANUS, LUDOVICUS. De relictis ad 2. DE rlictis ad pias cans fal. non detrahitur.. 24°. COLOPHON : Explicit Autentica. similiter .C. ad', "spaces. Irregular line-endings. Hain '13281.", '395 x 285 mm. Head-lines giving tract titles on the recto of each leaf; also column-numbers in most of the tracts, supplied in manuscript. Some manuscript notes. Bought in July, 1877. IC. 17476. BONIFACIUS VIII. Liber sextus Decreta¬ rounding the text, 294 x 180 mm. A column of 64 lines of text on 19“ measures 296 mm. Types: 92 G., text; 91 Rb., commentary Capital spaces ; also spaces for headings. Irregular line-endings.', "Hain '3589.", "In this copy the last word on 172e is misprinted'andrrree?.", '398 x 274 mm. Without the last blank leaf. Manu- script rubrication; also head-lines giving book-number and title of section on the recto of each leaf. Manuscript notes on fly-leaves at beginning and end.', "King George III's copy (167. g. 1).", 'IC. 17480. Another copy.', "In this copy the last word on 1722 is correctly printed 'andree'.", '394X 270 mm. Without the blank leaves. Capital', "on 2' illuminated in gold and colours; other capitals", 'and paragraph-marks supplied in red. Manuscript quir¬ ing, mostly cut away. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in October, 1846. IC. 17479. CLEMENS V. Constitutiones cum apparatu columns. 44: 64 lines of commentary surrounding the text. 292 X 177 mm. A column of 64 lines of text on 326 measures 293 mm. Types: 92 G., text; 91 Rb., commentary. Capital spaces. Irregular line-endings. Hain 15415. 384 x 280 mm. Two capitals with borders and the coat of arms of Guido Nobilius illuminated in gold and colours on 3°; other capitals and paragraph-marks sup- plied in alternate red and blue. Manuscript head-lines on the recto of each leaf, partly cut away. Bought in February, 1913. IC. 17483. DURANTI, GULIELMUS. Speculum judiciale PART I. 2°. (red) 3NCIPIT SPECVLVM Dii Guilhelmi duranti. Cum additionibus Iohannis Andree, Et domini Baldi suo loco ubiqe positis ... (l. 14) Paup 4. INCIEIT TERCIA PARS SPEICVLI EXIMII. DOCTORIS. ee2 252 leaves, the first blank.—Part II : a-f1o.10.8 ge h i10 ke lm nopryBDEHMNOT', "VeX° 400 leaves, the first blank.—Parts III, IV : Ja bl ce d' es", 'NrO pQiReSi Ts] 378 leaves, 1 and 44 blank. 2 columns. many with guide-letters in Parts II-IV. Line-endings irregular in quiring, partly cut away. Some manuscript notes in', "vol. i. The words pe speculi' and secunda speculi", 'are written on the fore-edge of the respective volumes. Vol. i is bound in old half-stamped blue leather, vol. ii in full yellow leather stamped with the same pattern. Vol. iii, containing parts iii and iv, 402 X 287 mm. Leaf 219 has been made up from another copy. Capitals supplied in alternate red and blue, underlines in red. Manuscript quiring, partly cut away; also manuscript head-lines on recto of each leaf giving book- and section numbers and titles. Manuscript notes, also table on fly leaves at the beginning. Each volume has the inscription', "Collegij Beybergf' on 2° and a note of ownership of", 'Georgius Screiberus on 1°. With the book-plate of the Monastery library of SS. Andrew and Magnus, Stadt am Hof. Half stamped pigskin. Bought in April, 1866. IC. 17487. ALONE. 21 August)—20 November, 1475 2°. De Constitutionibus Rica. 151°. FIRST COLO¬ PHON : Presens decisionum rote nouarum opus clarissimum 176 mm. Type: 102 R. Capital spaces, one with guide-letter, on 2638 and 2758. Line-endings irregular in places. Hain 76046. 403 X 285 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1-152, containing the Decisiones nouae. Capital on 2638 sup- plied in blue. Bought in February, 1869. IC. 17497. 17498. With the appa- ratus of Bartholomaeus Brixiensis. ee“. 478 leaves, the first blank. 2 columns; the register in 5 columns. 2°: 68 lines of commentary surrounding the text, and head-line, 346 (351) x 226 mm. Type: 102 R. Capital spaces. The head-lines give the numbers of the distinctiones, &c. Line- endings irregular in places. Hain 17889. The verso of saal 1 and the recto of saal 2 (leaves 431 and 432 are blank, but the text runs on. Short pages occur on the first two leaves of quire M and at the end of a few other quires. 431 x 280 mm. A few large capitals supplied in red and blue, most of the other capitals in red or blue initial-strokes in red. Manuscript numeration of the quires on the verso of the last leaf of each. On 1e is a note', "Monrij S. Zenonis' and on 478 a note of ownership of", 'Georgius Seydl. Bought in July, 1867. IC. 17500. ANDREAE, JOANNES. Nouellae super sexto 2°. EXIMIIAcMonarce Doctoris Iohannis Andree. Nouelle Io. an. sup Sexto Impresse Rome p honora¬ register in 3 columns. 3°: 62 lines, 319X 174 mm. Type: 102 R. Capital spaces. Line-endings irregular in places. The last leaf of quire rl has 7o lines on each page. 400x 267 mm. Without the blank first leaf. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red. Bought in June, 1914. IC. 17502. VERGERIUS, PETRUS PAULUS. De ingenuis * Undated. 1e. PETRI PAV VERGERII AD VBERITINVM CARARIENSEM DE INGEINVIS MORIBVS OPVS AIRETINI TRADVCTIO AD COLV-ICIVM. 472 Et studia ingenuis concelebranda uiris. Basilius magnus: xenophon hieronque tyrannus 129x 9o mm. Type: 102 R. Capital spaces; also space for', "Greek on 258. Ham '15987.", "The verse colophon, in which the word ' Georgiusq' does not", 'scan, is borrowed from one of the editions by Adam of Ambergau quoted by Hain 15986, Audiffredi, pp. 125-6, and Copinger, iii. 5983. 214x 140 mm. Without the blank leaf. Old half stamped leather over boards, rebacked. Bought in February, 1887. IA. 17509. 40 4 Rubrice. Io. an. in addit. spec. 144° (register): Primum uacat ... (col. 2) END: qui non. lines of type 99 R. on 738 measures 295 mm. Types: 102 R., main portion of text; 99 R., quires sil and [m) and the register. Capital spaces, nearly all with guide-letters. Line-endings irregular in', "places. Hain '1057.", '396 x 280 mm. On 2° is written: Conventus Bam- boards. Bought in June, 1859. IC. 17504. DURANTI, GULIELMUS. Rationale diuinorum 20 February, 1477. r°. d lohannes Aloisius tuscanus Auditor Camer E-G1He 110 K-Ns. 314 leaves, 5 blank. 2 columns; the register spaces. Line-endings irregular in places. Hain 16477.', "The printer's name in the colophon is given both by Hain and", "Pellechet as 'mgrm Georgiu laur'.", '297 X 210 mm. Without the blank leaf. Manuscript foliation.', "King George III's copy (C. 14. b. 1).", 'IB. 17514. HIERONYMUS. Epistolarum pars secunda. 3°: 48 lines, 276x 173 mm. Type: 115 R.; 106 (115) Gk. Capital spaces ; also spaces for Hebrew and Greek. Hain 8555 (2)', "Lauer took over Pannartz's type in order to print this volume", 'wllich completes the first part of the Epistles, dated 28 March. 1476, printed by Pannartz (IC. 17929). 404x 287 mm. Without the blank last leaf. Manu- script foliation. On 2° is written: Francisci Mariae Piccolominei Episcopi Ilcinensis. Bought in May, 1910. IC. 17525. SIXTUS IV. Bulla indulgentiarum de aedi¬ [After 9 February, 1480. 1e. Sixtus Eps seruus seruon dei. Vniuersis xpifidelibus', "opening word Sixtus'; 95 (92) G., text.", 'The type-page corresponds in breadth to the length of that in 1C. 17531. It is clear trom the inking that the text was printed in two impressions, the first comprising the first 36 lines (measurin 100 mm.), the second comprising the remaining 27 lines and a two- iine space (measuring 134 mm.). 594 x 440 mm. Bought in January, 1895. IC. 17523 NICOLAUS [DE TUDESCHISI PANORMI¬', "ings; 95 G., text. Capital spaces. Hain '12311 (3).", '433 x 280 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1, 2, 102, 103, and 151. Bought in June, 1914. IC. 17526. CAEPOLLA, BARTHOLOMAEUS. De re militari. lines, 309 X 176 mm. Types: 180 G., first word on 28; 95 G., text. Capital spaces. Hain 4875 420X 280 mm. Manuscript notes; also manuscript foliation (214-231), this tract having once formed part of a tract volume (see description of IC. 17539). Bought in July, 1858. IC. 1 CAEPOLLA, BARTHOLOMAEUS. De simula¬ 65 lines, 311X 176 mm. Types: 180 G., headings; 95 G., text. Capital spaces. Hain 4868 (counting 20 leaves). 420X 280 mm. Manuscript notes in margins and on a sheet inserted between leaves 6 and 7; also manuscript foliation (175-195), this tract having once formed part of a tract volume (see description of IC. 17539) Bought in July, 1858. IC. 17527. MARIANUS SENENSIS. Repetitio super Undated. lines, 309x 176 mm. Type: 180 G., first word of text on 2e', "95 G., text. Capital space on 22. Hain '10769.", '420x 280 mm. Manuscript notes; also manuscrip foliation (197-213), this tract having once formed part of Bought in July, 1858. IC. 17 MILITIO, ALBRICUS DE. De testibus. 66 lines, 313x 179 mm. Types: 180 G., first word of text on 22 95 G., text. Capital spaces. Hain 11158 (counting 20 leaves). 420X 285 mm. Manuscript notes; also manuscript foliation (136-157), this tract having formerly been bound', "canus, 1488, IC. 31343) and before Lauer's Tyndarus,", 'De testibus (not in the Museum collection), Caepolla, De simulatione contractus (IC. 17527), Marianus Senensis, Repetitio super c. sententiam sanguinis (IC. 17535), a fly-leaf preceding this volume Bought in July, 1858. IC. 17539 SILIUS ITALICUS. Punica. [Edited by After 26 April, 1471. The sequence of the watermarks indicates that this book was set up simultaneously on two presses, the second beginning with quire [k). 276 x 198 mm. The outer sheets of quires sal and sc', "in gold and colours, with a border containing Grenville's", 'arms; some other capitals supplied in red, Grenville copy (G. 10021) IB. 17553. SIXTUS IV. Regulae ordinationes et con¬ lines, 144 x79 mm. Type: 102 R. Capital space on 22. Hain', "'14820.", '209 X 147 mm. Without the blank last leaf. Some paragraph-marks supplied in ink. Manuscript notes. Bought. IA. 17564 SIXTUS IV. Regulae ordinationes et con¬ The setting-up corresponds page for page with the preceding issue, except on the last leaf of the text, where the paragraphs are not spaced in the present issue. 223X 148 mm. Without the blank first leaf. Manu- script foliation. Bought. IA. 17567. FRIDERICUS (PETRUCIUS blank. 2 columns. 12b: 50 lines, 255X 162 mm. Type: 102 R.', "Capital spaces. Hain '12842.", '385 x 270 mm. Without the blank first and last leaves. Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph-marks supplied in red. On the inside of the front cover is an armorial book-plate on grey paper inscribed: Conventus Mona- censis. Quarter pigskin. Bought in October, 1867. IC. 17570. ANTONIUS DE BUTRIO. Consilia. Ciuitatis Ferrarie ... 70°. COLOPHON : Finis Con¬ 412 x 288 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first six leaves, containing the table. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in alternate red and blue. Manuscript quiring as in the above collation. Bought in August, 1890. IC. 17573. OLDRADUS DE PONTE, de Laude. Con¬ Capital spaces. Hain 19932. The blank second column on 227b contains a blind impression of part of the text of 2272, col. 2. The name of the editor appears from the preface to the second', "edition, printed' apud s. Marcum' in 1478 (Audiffredi, Catalogus,", 'p. 224). 397 X 284 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1-6, 108, and 219. Capital on 82 illuminated in gold and colours, with a border containing a coat of arms; other capitals supplied in alternate red and blue, initial-strokes, para¬ graph-marks, and underlines in red. Manuscript quiring (f 2-23) in red, partly cut away. On the inside of the top cover is written: Simon Biderman Ciuis & Caupo Babenberg: hunc mihi p sua liberalitate librum dono dedit A° Dnj 1594. M. Georg: Khain. Before the blank last leaf is inserted the last quire, marked in manuscript', "in red h 23, of a copy of Han's edition of the Reper-", 'torium juris of Joannes Milis. Old German cut and punched armorial binding, black leather. Bought in June, 1859. IC. 17581. CALDERINUS, JoANNES and GASPAR. Con¬ 185, and 186 blank. 2 columns. 24°: 50 lines, 254x 162 mm.', "Type: 102 R. Capital spaces. Hain '4252 (omitting the table).", "387x 278 mm. Capital on 24' illuminated in gold and", 'colours, with a border; other capitals supplied in alternate red or blue, with ornamentation in another colour; para¬ graph-marks in alternate red and blue. Manuscript head- lines and foliation. On the inside of the top cover is written: Ex libris petri springinklee, and on 22: Ex libris Philippi Christophorj Echter a Mespelbrun. Bound IC. 17578. Another copy. 405 x 290 mm. Without the blank first leaf. Old vellum, with title written on back. Bought in October, 1846. IC. 175 FRIDERICUS [PETRUCIUSI DE SENIS. Folio. [A*2. 12 leaves, the last two blank. 2 columns. 1b: 50 lines, 256x 163 mm. Type: 102 R. Capital space on 1e and', "10b. Hain '12847.", 'This book conforms more closely to the preceding group than to the next entry, where the size of the type-page is increased. 412 X 289 mm. Capital spaces and paragraph-marks supplied in alternate red and blue. Manuscript quiring (A). Bought in August, 1890. IC. 17584 PETRUS DE ANCHARANO. Consilia. spaces. Hain 945. 365 x 268 mm. Without the blank leaf 200. Manu- script notes. On 2° and 201° is written: Ex libris Andreæ Rieder A° 1639. Bought in October, 1893 IC. 17587. INDULGENTIAE. Indulgentiae ecclesiarum 2b: 28 lines, 142x 70 mm. Type: 102 R. Capital space on 1e. 44 203X 140 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bound Bought in June, 1846. PIUS II. De duobus amantibus. other capitals in red, initial-strokes in yellow. Coloured border with coat of arms, roughly drawn, on 1e. Bought in April, 1905. IA. 17596. INDULGENTIAE. Indulgentiae ecclesiarum 102 R. (mixed). Capital space on 12. 204 X 138 mm. Manuscript foliation (171-174).', "King George III's copy (C. 9. a. 22). MIRABILIA ROMAE. MIRABILIA ROMAE. Undated. 12. Mirabilia Rome Incipiunt. Murus ciuitatis Rome Bought in June, 1846. PAMPHILUS. Pamphilus de amore. lines, 147x74 mm. Type: 102 R. (mixed). Capital spaces. Hain 12291? 204X 146 mm. Without the blank leaves. Bought in July, 1868. IA. 17598 SPECULUM SALVATORIS. natus est in Bethlehem Iuda iuxta pl phetam Michee.v. Quarto. Ja“. 4 leaves. 1b: 28 lines, 141 x83 mm. Type :', "102 R. (mixed). Capital space on 12. Hain '14931.", '200X 139 mm. Bought in February, 1846. SIXTUS IV. Bulla confirmationis anni Jubilei. With Gothic capitals and open-looped g admixed. 129 x 93 mm. Capital on 12 supplied in red. Formerly bound after IA. 17621. Bought in April, 1865. IA. 17619. ALTERCATIO. Altercatio rusticorum et three lines of text). 197 x 134 mm. Manuscript foliation (cexlj-ccxliiij) Formerly bound after IA. 17641. Bought in October, 1901. IA. 17637. CALDERINUS, JOANNES. De ecclesiastico 2b: 52 lines, 248x 166 mm. Type: 95 R. Capital space on 2 and 108. With Gothic C used in references to chapters. 387X 278 mm. Capital on 28 supplied in red and blue, that on 10e in blue, paragraph-marks in alternate red and blue. Bound after IC. 17578, q. v. Bought in April, 1846. IC. 17615. INDULGENTIAE. Indulgentiae ecclesiarum With Gothic capitals and open-looped g admixed. 129 x 93 mm. Capitals and initial-strokes supplied in red. Formerly bound before IA. 17619. Bought in April, 1865. IA. 17621. Interrogationes et Undated. LEONARDUS [BRUNIJ ARETINUS. De 73 mm. Type: 95 R. Capital space on 22 and 2b. Hain 1583 With Gothic capitals admixed. 202 x 138 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capital on', "2* supplied in blue, that on 2' in brown and green.", 'Bought in January, 1882. IA. 17639. PAULUS II. Bulla de beneficiis affectis. PAULUS II. Bulla de beneficiis affectis. [With other bulls. Undated. 1e. Bulla de beneficiis affectis: PAuls Episcops IA. 17627 Undated. PIUS II. De duobus amantibus. Quarto and Octavo. Jal b-es. 42 leaves, the first and last Type: 95 R. Capital spaces. Quires sc-e and the middle sheet of quire b) are octavo, and the type-page is narrower than in the remainder of the book. With Gothic capitals admixed. 195 X 133 mm. Without the blank leaves. Leaf 2 is mounted. Capitals supplied in pen and ink. Cracherode copy (bought in 1783). IA. 17635. PORTIUS, AGAPITUS. Epistolae. With Gothic capitals and open-looped g admixed. 197X 134 mm. Capitals on first leaf supplied in red. Manuscript foliation (cexxxj-ccxl). Formerly bound before IA. 17637. Bought in October, 1901. IA. 17641. FOLIOS. 100 G., headings; 97 R., text. Capital spaces on 22 and 202. 403 x 280 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial¬ strokes supplied in red. On 2e are notes of ownership of the Benedictine Monastery of S. Michael at Bamberg', "Decisiones rote' is written on the lower edge. Old", 'stamped leather (German). Bought in June, 1859. IC. 17683. CAEPOLLA, BARTHOLOMAEUS. De contracti¬ 7“: 55 lines, 268 x 168 mm. Types: 180 G., first line of each section ; 97 R., text. Capital spaces. Hain 4870. 401 x 288 mm. On 2° is a note : Scheijrn’, on 1° a duplicate-note of the Munich Royal Library. Formerly bound second in a tract volume. Bought in July, 1867. IC. 17686. BALDUS DE UBALDIS. Lectura super * Undated. 2° (table of conclusiones): dE proprietatibuse', "naturis feudou... 11'. C Etsi forte mihi non inutile", 'blank. 2 columns, except on 11b and in register. 132: 56 lines, 271x 165 mm. Types: 180 G., first words of sections; 97 R., text.', "Capital spaces, that on 22 with a guide-letter. Hain '2316.", "1, blank; 2—-10°, table ; 112, blank; 11°, editor's preface; 122-", '406 x 283 mm. Capital with short border illuminated in gold and colours on 122; this and the rest of the rubrication is uniform with that of IC. 17693, with which the present book is bound. Bought in January, 1868. IC. 17694. CAEPOLLA, BARTHOLOMAEUS. De seruitu¬ of sections in text; 97 R., text. Capital spaces. 398 x 279 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 66 and 69 the fourth sheet of quire [gl; leaves 32-5, the two inner sheets of quire c), are bound in the middle of quiré Igl. Bound with IC. 17951 and two sixteenth-century tracts in old half stamped pigskin over boards. At the be¬ ginning and end of the volume is the note of ownership of the Jesuit College at Bamberg. Manuscript catch- words and quiring. Bought in June, 1859. IC. 17689. ANGELUS DE UBALDIS. Lecturae Au¬ [Edited by Undated. Dominicus de Bonis Auguriis.) 16. 4 Ait Apostolus ad chorinthios .c. ii. Fecit deus', "Folio. a bced'efghi-l8. 98 leaves. 2 columns, excep", 'on 1° and in register. 52: 56 lines, 272x 168 mm. Types: 180G., first words of sections; 97 R., text. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. Hain *15874. 12, blank; 1°, prefatory note; 22-93b, lectura Authenticorum; in gold and colours; the lower panel contains a crest and coat of arms. Other capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red and blue alternately, head-lines (collation- numbers) in red. On a fly-leaf is the armorial book-plate of Franciscus præpositus Cann. Regg. in Polling, 1744 The first leaf is cut down and mounted. Bound before IC. 17694. Bought in January, 1868. IC. 17693. OCTAVOS. The recto of leaf 8 has only 26 lines and is only 78 mm. broad, the verso has only 27 lines but is of normal breadth. The form ę appears to be found in this tract only. 203X 139 mm. Manuscript foliation (107-116). For¬ merly bound before IA. 17381.', "King George III's copy (C. 5. a. 27).", 'IA. 17707. BARTOLUS DE SAXOFERRATO. De', "84 mm. Type: 97 R. Capital space on 2°. Hain '2632.", '195x 147 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capital sup- plied in green and pink; some paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines in red; rubric on 72 in red and', "green. Dr. Kloss's copy.", 'Bought in 1835. IA. 17701. ANTONIUS DE BUTRIO. Directorium ad 147x 87 mm. Types: 180 G., first line on 32; 97 R., text. Hain 14183 194x 135 mm. In the top cover is written: G. D. Hornblower. Bought in August, 1888. IA. 17698. PEROTTUS, NICOLAUS. Rudimenta gram¬ ATQVE ELOOVENTISSIMI. 22. NICOLAI PE EX FRATRE SVAVISSIMVM RV-IDIMENTA GRAMMATICES INCIPIVNT. 102b. COLOPHON Regule grammaticales Reuerendissimi patris & domini. IB. 17657. CALDERINUS, DOMITIUS. Commentarii in 33 lines, 165 x 108 mm. Type: 100 R. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters; also spaces for Greek. Hain 4235. 285 x 197 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1-9 and 19-26. Capitals and initial-strokes supplied in red. Bought. IB. 17665 JOANNES DE IMOLA. Liber Clementi¬ blank. 2 columns. 2b: 54 lines, 271 x 169 mm. Type: 100 R. Capital spaces, many with guide-letters. Hain 9142. 399 x 290 mm. Without the blank first and last leaves. Manuscript quiring, mostly cut away; manuscript head¬ lines and notes in some parts of the volume. Bought in April, 1908. IC. 17667. BALDUS DE UBALDIS. Peculium. 32: 54 lines, 271 X 169 mm. Type: 100 R. Capital spaces, with', "guide-letters. Hain '2339.", 'The type-page agrees in measurement with that of the preceding. and the two works are therefore kept together. Without the blank leaves. Bound 400 X 269 mm. after IC. 32722. With the book-label of George Dunn. Bought in February, 1914. IC. 17669. AURELIUS VICTOR, SEXTUS. De viris 1°. aNGELVS. Tiphernas Alexandro Iulstino. S. p. This edition appears to be reprinted from that of Sachsel and', "100 R. Capital space on 1b. Hain '1851.", '208 X 140 mm. Bought. Undated. 199 X 139 mm. Without the blank leaves. Manuscript notes. Bound aster IA. 36855. Bought in August, 1864. IA. 17832. JUSTINIANUS, BERNARDUS. Oratio habita Bought in September, 1849. LAUDIVIUS. Vita beati Hieronymi. Bought. MAROLDUS, MARCUS. Oratio de Epiphania. The inmost sheet has 28, 26, 26, 28 lines to the page. 209 X 142 mm. Capital and initial-strokes supplied in red. Manuscript foliation. Bought in July, 1867. IA. 17844 PHALARIS. 198 x 138 mm. Without the blank leaf. Manuscript foliation (30-69); also quiring (d-k), partly cut away. Bought. IA. 17848. PIUS II. De duobus amantibus. supplied in ink. Stained vellum, with gold stamped border, exactly as IB. 17762. Bought in October, 1871. IA. 17825. WITH PARAGRAPH-MARK. and last blank. Register in 3 columns. 9b: 30 lines, 149 x 90 mm. Type: 100 R. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. 218 X 144 mm. Without the blank leaves. Manu- script Latin verses on two fly-leaves at the beginning. Bought in November, 1888. IA. 17801. CASUS. Casus papales et episcopales. printed by Reinhardi, 1476 (IA. 17724). Bought in May, 1847. IA. 17803. CORA, AMBROSIUS DE. Oratio de conceptione Bought in January, 1878. IA. 17798. FESTA. Festa et ordo terminorum sacri', "beck's undated editions (IA. 18044).", '190X 129 mm. Initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines supplied in red. Bound before IA. 17806. Bought in October, 1858. IA. 17805. HIERONYMUS. De infantia Saluatoris. Quarto. Jabsc6. 22leaves. 1b: 30 lines, 151 x 89mm. Type: 100 R. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 12. Hain *8583. 205 X 135 mm. Capital on 12 supplied in gold. Manu¬ script foliation (124-144), one leaf being overlooked. Bought in April, 1860. IA. 17810. IMPEDIMENTA. Impedimenta susceptionis mm. Type: 100 R. Hain 9167. 190X 129 mm. Initial-strokes and underlines supplied in red. Bound after IA. 17805. Bought in October, 1858. IA. 17806. JOANNES DE ANANIA. Tractatus Jubilei. 129x 95 mm. Capital, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red on 1°. Bought in April, 1865. IA. 17795 NICOLAUS, Episcopus Modrusiensis. Oratio This appears to be a revised edition of that printed’in domo A.', "et R. Vulterris' (IA. 17707, p. 48), q.v.", 'Bought in January, 1848. IA. 17814. RUFUS, SEXTUS. De historia Undated. 12. ANGELVS. Tiphernaa smplissimo dno baptiste de vrsinis camere apostolice clerico. S. D.... 1b. l. 22: 185 x 130mm. A leaf from a sixteenth-century German book is used to cover the binding. Bought in April, 1858. A. 17818. XENOPHON. Cyropaedia. (Translated by Franciscus Philelphus.) Undated. 1e. FRANCISCI PHILELFI PRAEFATIO IN catchword 176) x 106 mm. Type: 107 R. Capital space, with guide-letter, at the beginning of each book. Catchword at the foot of each page. Hain 16227 (variant). In other copies the end of the text of Xenophon on 145b is', "followed by a blank space of five lines; the translator's colophon, in", "the same setting up, but with extremù' corrected to 'extremä", "begins page 146e and is followed after a blank space by the printer's", 'colophon running thus: Hoc opus diligenter emendatum impressum est Rolmae opera & impensa magistri Arnoldi de Villa die dellcimo Martii. Mcccclxxiiii., the epigram of Calliphilus not appearing at all. This variant issue seems to be that intended by the description of Hain 16227. 273 X 188 mm.', "King George III's copy (C. 1. c. 5).", 'IB. 17673. Another copy. 272 x 193 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf, which is supplied in manuscript facsimile. Grenville copy (G. 8134). IB. 17674. CASTELLIONE, JoANNES LAPUS DE. Allega¬', "98 R. Some capital spaces. Hain '4579.", 'The capital spaces are frequent in the table (2-17), but, except lor one at the beginning of the text, are otherwise confined entirel to quire le and the first page of [f; this perhaps shows that, in printing, a fresh section started with quire sel. The third sheet of quire sc) has been omitted in the register. 403 x 282 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. The catchword diuisa of [c 3 omitted in the register is supplied in per and ink. On 2° is written: Monasterij Schyrensis. With the armorial book-plate of the Bibliothèque de St. Philippe. Old lined half leather over boards. Bought in July, 1904. IC. 17711. PHALARIS. Epistolae. imes, 146x 81 mm. Type: 105 (108) R. Capital spaces. Hain 12893. 184 x 131 mm. Imperfect, wanting the seventh leaf and the blank. Grenville copy (G. 7700). ARISTOTELES. Problemata. [Translated by Theodorus Gaza.) Capital spaces. Hain 1730.', "Gupalati mentions in the preface the art of printing' in cuius", "laude multa in poemio lo. Damasceni Venetiis impressi diximus';", 'no such edition appears to be known. 265 x 189 mm. On 1e is the signature of Vincentius Ban¬ dellus, with the date 1501, and on 22 and elsewhere is written: "Hieronymi Bandelli Artium et Medicinae Inter- Castelnuovo dated 1579 and 1582. With the armorial book-plate of the Comte de Carburi. Bound in part of an old manuscript on vellum. Bought in July, 1858. IB. 17715. FESTUS, SEXTUS POMPEIUS. De verborum in subtuspositis singulatim una cum foliis utrorumque', "Folio. Ja-k'1. 86 leaves, the last blank. 32: 33 lines, 174", '109 mm. Type: 106 R. Capital space at the beginning of each letter.', "The words 'sed nedum' in the colophon are evidently a remi¬", "niscence of a phrase in the colophon of Reinhardi and Leenen's", 'edition of Caepolla, De seruitutibus urbanorum praediorum, com¬', "pleted a month earlier: 'Tractatus. Domini Bartholomei Cepolla", '... Qui ciuilis sed neduz pontificis (sic) iuris professor scientian... (Hain *4852). 277 x 191 mm. Capital on 2° illuminated in gold with decoration in mauve, other capitals supplied in red. Bought in November, 1882. IB. 17721. GUIDO DE MONTE ROCHERII. Mani¬ Type: 106 R. Capital spaces. Hain 8177. 191 X 131 mm. Between the register and the text is bound the Casus papales, n. d., printed by Gensberg (IA. 17803). Bought in May, 1847. MODUS. Modus seruandus in executione MODUS. Modus seruandus in executione Undated. gratiae exspectatiuae, &c. IA. 17729. THOMAS AQUINAS. Quaestiones circa', "92 mm. Type: 106 R. Hain '1412.", '187 X 135 mm. Paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. From the Apponyi Library. Bought in March, 1893. IA. 17733. AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS. spaces for lacunae in the text and one (40b) for Greek. Hain 926. 15° and 164 (middle of [b)) are short pages, containing 25 and 30 lines respectively; similarly 45b and 46° (middle of sel) contain only 35 lines each.', "Sabinus’s prefatory letter contains the following (2b): J'Am¬", 'manus) inter historiographos dignissimos conumerari potest. uixq tatus auctor a quartodecimo libro ad sextum & uigesimum border, and coat of arms supplied on 38 Cracherode copy (bought in 1783). IB. 17742. Another copy. 331 x 224 mm. Without the blank leaf. On 22 is a note : Liber istsel e monril sti. IB. 17743 SABINUS, ANGELUS. Paradoxa in Juuenali.', "Capital spaces. Hain '14063", "Sabinus's original prefatory letter to Perottus (22-2b, 1. o) was", 'written on the completion of the work seven years before it was printed. His second (2b) and third (1272, 1275) letters mainly refate to his quarrel with Calderinus (whom he alludes to as', "muidus homo' and, ironically, 'Amicus') over the Paradoxa.", 'The third letter also mentions that Joannes Aloisius had the book printed (hic Iuuenili aetate litteratos adeo excolit ut ipsoruz opera IB. 17744 Another copy. 324X 217 mm. Without the blank leaves. Orna- mental capital supplied in red on 32, with unfinished border. Other capitals supplied in red elsewhere, some being unfinished. Text at foot of 18° completed in manuscript. Leaf 2 is mounted.', "King George IIl's copy (169. k. 5).", 'IB. 17745. AURELIUS VICTOR, SEXTUS. De viris 2°. AJNGELUS Tiphernas Alexandro Iustilno. Quarto. a-cl. 30 leaves, the first blank. 4°: 25 lines. 142 x 92-5 mm. Type: 114 R. Capital spaces. Hain 2129. The dedication by Angelus Tiphernas on 22 contains the follow-', "ing: 'Redeo ab Plinium. Qvi quum a Germais Ro. imprimendum", '(Tifernum) by Niccolò Vitelli to the Pope in the last days of August, 1474. Laurentius Justinus, the father of Alexander, was', "one of Vitelli's chief opponents.", 'This and the two following books have long final s only. 196 x 138 mm. Without the blank leaf. Traces of manuscript quiring. Bought in November, 1882. RUFUS, SEXTUS. De historia Romana. RUFUS, SEXTUS. De historia Romana. Edited by Angelus Tiphernas.) Undated. 22. ANGELUS. Tiphernas amplissimo dno Baptistę 142x 92-3 mm. Type: 114 R. Capital spaces. The alinement.', "particularly on 32, is very irregular. Hain '14027.", 'On 26 is a note by the editor on the early kings of Italy and the kings of Alba Longa; this is interrupted at l. 13 in the middle of a sentence, but continues on 3e with a list of the kings and the number of years they reigned. The lower part of 2b and 32 is left blank. This tract is here ranged with the preceding as its measurements are the same and it deals with a cognate subject. 188x 125 mm. Capitals supplied in red and blue alternately. Grenville copy (G. 9271). VARRO, MARCUS TERENTIUS. De lingua 1°. AJNGELVS. Tifernas Alexandro Iustino. S. I VARRONIS ANALOGIE LIB. I. 59b. COLOPHON: Finis eius quod inuenitur Marci Varronis. also spaces for Greek. Greek words sometimes transliterated in Roman type. Hain *15853 (whose copy had the first leaf at the end).', "Tiphernas's prefatory letter to Justinus contains the following", "some little time after Vitelli's expulsion (see note to IA. 17746", 'above), when it had been settled that Laurentius Justinus should take over the government. The book is therefore placed last. 270X 199 mm. Capitals supplied in blue. From the library of the Earl of Pembroke. Bought in July, 1914. IB. 17750. Formularium instru¬', "4 columns. 13b: 39 lines, 199X 125 mm. Type: 101 R'. Hain", '7280. 291 x 215 mm. Paragraph-marks supplied in alternate red and blue Bought in May, 1882. IB. 17752. PIUS II. Historia Bohemica. PIUS II. Historia Bohemica. 110 January, 1475', "2°. Enee Siluii Piccolominei Senen. Cardinal' Sancte", 'Quarto. Ja-el f-h8. 74 leaves, the first and last blank. 2b:', "33 lines, 177X 108 mm. Type: 101 (107) R'. Few capital spaces", "some with guide-letters. Hain '255 (counting 71 printed leaves and", "noting a misprint Incipt' on 3b).", '263X 195 mm. Without the blank leaves. Manuscript notes and foliation. From the Old Royal Library. IB. 17 ALONE.', "lines, 181 X 105 mm. Type: 101 R'. Capital spaces, two on 22", "with guide-letters. Hain '166.", '285 x 195 mm. Without the blank leaf. Some capitals and initial-strokes supplied in red. Manuscript quiring in red. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in January, 1850. IB. 17759. PIUS II. Dialogus de somnio quodam.', "and 2°, that on 2e with guide-letter. Hain '193.", 'The inner sheet of quire sgl is quarto.', "274 x 215 mm. Capital on 2' supplied in red. Manu¬", 'script foliation (94-144), with errors. The outer sheet of quire sel has been reversed in binding. Stained vellum, with the arms of Pope Pius VI stamped in gold on the covers, and gold stamped border. From the libraries of the Duke of Sussex and of Bateman, of Middleton Hall. Bought in June, 1893. IB. 17762. THOMAS AQUINAS. Summa de articulis 209X 143 mm. Manuscript foliation. Bought in July, 1879. IA. 17765 TAXAE. Taxae Cancellariae Apostolicae. The contents of 1b and 22 have changed places with those of 7 and 82, owing to wrong imposition. 207 X 139 mm. Bought in November, 1850. Another copy. In this copy the errors of imposition have been corrected. 217 X 146 mm. Initial-strokes and underlines supplied', "King George III's copy (C. 16. h. 13).", 'IA. 17776. TAXAE. Taxae Cancellariae Apostolicae. 190 x 132 mm. Paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Manuscript catchword at end of quire sc Bought in April, 1865. TURCI. Tractatus quidam de Turcis. INCIPIT TRACTATVS QVIDAM DE turcis put preface and summary of contents, presumably of 8 leaves, instead of the first leaf as given above. This quire would appear to have been replaced, owing perhaps to some accident, by the single-lea', "summary described above and in Hain's additional note, of a larger", 'type-page than the rest of the volume. 193 x 139 mm. Capitals supplied in two colours. Bound at the end in a manuscript work in two quires', "entitled ' De captione ciuitatis Constantinopolitanae VALLE, NICOLAUS DE. Epistola Constantino Bought in April, 1851. RICCOBALDUS FERRARIENSIS. Chro¬ 110 February, 1476. tinuation. 22. Incipit Cronica summou Pontificum Imssperatorque: 2b: 30 lines, 153X 89 mm. Type: 101 R2. Capital space on 2°. Line-endings irregular. Hain 10858. Reprinted from the original edition of 1474 by Lignamine (IA. 17407), omitting his prefatory letter and bringing the book up to date by some new matter at the end. 207X 137 mm. Without the blank leaves. Bought in February, 1872. IA. 17782. 58', "lines, 152x 89 mm. Type: 101 R'. Capital spaces, with guide-", 'letters, on 22. Hain 4388. This tract is ranged with the preceding as it has the same 202 X 140 mm. Initial-strokes supplied in red. Manu- script head-lines in red, mostly cut away; some also in black. From the libraries of Dr. Kloss and John Trotter Brockett. Bought in November, 1846. IA. 17785. TURRECREMATA, JOANNES DE. Quae Register in 4 columns. 3°: 39 lines, 197X 119 mm. Type:', "101 R'. Capital spaces.", '226 x 160 mm. Without the blank last leaf. Bought in July, 1879. IA. 17788. PÖGGIUS, JOANNES FRANCISCUS. Facetiae. below). Capital spaces. Leaves 47-50 (the two inner sheets of quire (f)) are printed in Johann Bulle’s type 83 G., but the text is continuous. Presumably', "Schurener's edition was acquired by Bulle, who reprinted these", 'sheets to replace the originals, which had been lost or destroyed. 192 X 127 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in October, 1858. IA. 17790. DOUBTFUL BOOKS. GROUP A.', "74 mm. Type: IoI R'. Capital spaces. Hain 11441.", 'The inner sheet of quire sal and the two outer sheets of quire sb are quarto. The type-page of the inner sheet of quire scl is only 68 mm. broad. This and the three following books, all by classical authors,', "dre printed with a type like Schurener's 101 R'., but without the", 'broad t. No example of 9 is found, but long hyphen occurs in the first two books. 202 x 139 mm. Capital and initial-strokes supplied in red on 12 Bought in April, 1847. IA. 17768. SOLINUS, CAIUS JULIUS. De mirabilibus The second and third sheets of quire [Il are quarto. 202 X 142 mm. Manuscript foliation; also manuscript quire-numbers (1-12), omitting sal. Grenville copy (G. 8938). In this copy the outer sheet of quire sal, as well as the second and third sheets of quire [I), is quarto. 191 X 142 mm. Capital on 5° illuminated in gold and colours, with a border; other capitals supplied in alternate red and blue. Manuscript quiring, as above, at the foot of the page, and numbers (1-12) at the top. With a coat', "of arms painted on 5'. From the library of the Duke", 'of Sussex. Bought in July, 1845. IA. 17771. SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, Undated. Joannes Aloisius Tuscanus. Octavo. Ja b8. 16 leaves, the last blank. 32: 26 lines, 132x', "81 mm. Type: I0I R'. Capital spaces. Hain '15131.", 'The pages between the two parts (11b, 122) are blank. Cardinal Arcimboldus was taking his title from the church of S. Praxed, instead of that of SS. Nereus and Achilleus, by 15 January, 1477. 183X 127 mm. Without the blank leaf. Grenville copy (G. 7490). TACITUS, PUBLIUS CORNELIUS. Germania. 1a. CAI. CORNELII. TACITI. EQVITIS RO. GERMANIA. INCIPIT. IGJERMANIA OMNIS A GALLIS. Rhetiisque et Pannoniis. Rheno et Dannubio', "101 R'. Capital space on 18. Hain 15223.", '185X 132 mm. GROUP B.', "101 R'. Capital spaces. Hain 1573 (counting 18 leaves).", 'The type in this and the two following books, all by Italian authors, resembles Gensberg 100 R. [P. 1] (from which it differs by the addition of a double-cross colon) more closely than Schurener', "10I R'. Owing however to the dates this group is retained here.", 'Rounded e, narrow t and u, flat-topped 3; 9 is only found once, in the present tract, and there it is of the small variety. 192 X 127 mm. Capitals supplied in red and blue. Bought in September, 1851. IA. 17873 BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI. Ameto. PRINCIPE Et felice Signore GIOVANNI. DE. 132b. COLOPHON : FINISCE. FELICEMENTE LA. DI AMETO. COMPILATA. DAL FACVNIDIS¬ SIM. OPOETA. MESSEREGIOVANNI BOC SALVTE. MCCCC LXXVIII SEDENTE. NELLA. CATHE DRA. DI. PIERO. LOANGE LICHO. PASTORE SISTO. IIII PONTEIFICE. MAIXI occasional words or letters elsewhere. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. Hain 3286. IA. 27263 and IA. 27265.', "King George III's copy (C. 6. a. 11).", 'IA. 17877. Another copy. 194x 121 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 3 and 8. Grenville copy (G. 10204). DANTE ALIGHIERI. Il Credo, &c.', "101 R'. Two capital spaces. Hain 5956.", "Hain's description records: 'Iunctum est Symbolum VII Sacra¬", 'mentis, X Praeceptis, VII Peccatis mortalibus, orationi dominicae', "et Ave Maria. Sequuntur quatuor epigrammata italica'; and the", 'number of leaves is given as 6 (24?), as though the copy described were imperfect. The present copy, however, contains on the first five leaves all that composes the body of the book according to', "Hain's description. The supplementary verses are not epigrams", 'but sonnets. Rudimenta gram- Bought in June, 1911. IB. 17901. SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Epistolae. Capital spaces. Hain 14601. The Greek words in this book are very incorrectly printed and in some cases transliterated, equally incorrectly, in Roman characters. 275X 192 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capital with', "border illuminated in gold and colours on 10', other", 'capitals supplied in alternate red and blue, book-numbers in red. Sheets so 2 and sol 3 have been transposed in binding. Leaves 2 and 180 are mutilated and mounted.', "The arms of Count d'Hoym are stamped in gold on the", 'covers.', "King George III's copy (C. 2. b. 3).", 'IB. 17904. Another copy. 270X 197 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capital illuminated in gold and colours on 22 and 10", other capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in alternate red and blue. Manuscript quiring, partly cut away. Old stamped leather, rebacked. Grenville copy (G. 9350). IB. 17905. Another copy. 279X 198 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 109 and 112 (sheet In 3) and the blank. Some leaves are mounted. Cracherode copy (bought in 1797) IB. 17903 HERODOTUS. Historiae. [The translation HERODOTUS. Historiae. [The translation of Laurentius Valla, revised by Joannes Andreae, Bishop of Aleria.) *20 April, 1475. 22. Tabula libri Herodoti. 25°. Herodoti historici', "Capital space at the beginning of each book. Hain '8470.", 'Hain omits the heading at the beginning of the text on 252 and describes the first words of the text thus: (ERODOTI Hali¬ carnasei historiae explica-tio haec est: vt neque ea quae gesta 320X 224 mm. Without the blank leaf. IB. 17908. King George III's copy (167. i. 10).", '12 July, 1475 330X 227 mm. On a fly-leaf, in the Rev. C. M.', "Cracherode's hand, is the inscription: D. D. Hon.", 'Ioannes Trevor MDCCLXXVII. IB. 17911. Cracherode copy. Cracherode copy. HIEROCLES. In aureos versus Pythagorae opusculum. Translated by Joannes Aurispa. *21 September, 1475. 12. AD NICOLAVM PONTIFIICEM. V. AVRI SPAE IN HIEIROCLEM PRAEFATIO. HIEROCLIS PHILOSOPhi STOICI ET SANC. HIC FEILICITER COPLETVM EST AC PER This is a close reprint, mostly page for page, of the original edition by Barth. de Valdezoccho, Padua, 1474 (IA. 29823). Most of the pages of quire b have 25 lines and an abnormal number of', "contractions, Pannartz's pages having a rather smaller capacity", 'than those of his model. 192 X 123 mm. None 2°. EX LIBRIS HISTORIAJRVM. C. CRISPI lines, 138 x 77 mm. Type: 115 R. Capital space on 2° and 82. Hain 14244 1, blank; 2°-4°, oratio Lepidi cos. ad. P. R.; 4b-82, oratio Philippi in sen.; 82-9b, oratio C. Cotte cos. ad. P.R.; 9b-122. oratio Macri. tr. pl. ad prael.; 12b-130, epistola. Cn. Pomp. ad except in quire sc), where it is chiefly 23 or 22 and where there are very few contractions. 201 X 143 mm. Without the blank leaves. Capitals supplied in red and blue, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines in red. Manuscript quire-numbers. Grenville copy (G. 9108). 197X 137 mm. Without the blank leaves. Bound after IA. 19967 (Dares, Florentius de Argentina, Venice, JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS. De bello Judaico. IMPRESSIT CLARVS AC DILIGENTISS. ARTI¬ FEX ARNOLDVS PANNART beginning of each book. Hain 9457. 323X 221 mm. Capital with two-side border and coat of arms illuminated in gold and colours on 12. On a fly-leaf is the note: Sale at Stewarts. Apr. 1805 81. 14. 0. Bought in October, 1849. IB. 17924. THOMAS AQUINAS. tate. Edited by Joannes Franciscus Venetus. 320 January, 1476. 1°. loannes Franciscus Venetus & theollogus ad Reuerendissimu. D. Marcu Barbü Cardinale santi The following are quarto: quire [«1, sheets III 1, Inl 1-3, Iql 3.4 r 2-4, quire Is), sheets [G15, H]1,2, L] 2-5, and quires IMIIPl. IB. 17927 HIERONYMUS. Epistolarum pars prima.', "A page-for-page reprint of Sweynheym and Pannartz's 1479", 'edition (IC. 17155), with the addition of a register. The type-page is in two widths, 165-6 and 169-70 mm. The second volume was printed by Lauer in 1479 (IC. 17525). 383X 270 mm. Without the blank first leaf. Capital', "and four-side border, with a cardinal's coat of arms, illu¬", 'minated in gold and colours on 122; similar capital with', "short border on 2e and 214', other capitals supplied in", 'alternate red and blue. Bought in May, 1910. IC. 17929. PHILELPHUS, FRANCISCUS. Consolatio ad 12. FRANCISI PHILELFI AD IACOBVM AN. TOINIVM MARCELLVM. PATRICIVM NEITVM. ET EQuITEM AVRATVM DE OBITV lines, 184X 112 mm. Type: 108 R. Capital space on 12; also', "spaces for Greek. Hain '12960.", 'The signatures are stamped by hand in the extreme edges of the outside lower corners of the leaves. The third quire is unsigned. According to Audiffredi (Catalogus, p. 173), this letter was written ’ex Mediolano Anno a Natali Christiano millesimo illuminated in gold and colours.', "King George III's copy (C. 5. b. 4).", 'IB. 17933 JUSTINIANUS. 32: 70 lines of commentary enclosing the text, 344X 217 mm (without marginal letters). A column of 67 lines of text on 355 measures 345 mm. Types: 103 G., text, headings on 3562; 98 R., commentary, rubrics in text, colophon, &c. Capital spaces, with', "guide-letters in the text. Hain '9563", "In the course of the preface on 2b it is stated that' nonulli iuris", 'ciuilis curiosi’, thinking it a worthy thing that the Digest should be printed, iniunxerunt hoc onus quibusdam Germanis uiris in hac imprimendi facultate expertissimis , who undertook the work with the assistance of Coronatus de Planca. 428 x 288 mm. Capitals supplied in alternate red and blue; paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, underlines, and book-numbers at the head of each recto in red. Manu- script page-summaries and quire-numbers, the latter mostly cut away. On 3° is written Ad Bibliothec. PP. Francisc. Amberge. and on 1° Duplum Bibliothecae Regiae Monacensis. On the top edge is a circulai library stamp bearing the letters SBA. The blanl leaves are pasted down on the covers. Old stamped leather over boards. Bought in July, 1867. IC. 17945 GREGORIUS I. Moralia in Job. blank. 2 columns, i in prefatory note, 4 in register. 32: 58 lines of type 98 R., 286x 211 mm. 24°: 56 lines of type 103 G., 288, 183 mm. Types: 103 G., text, register; 98 R., index, colophon, incipits, &c. Capital spaces, many with guide-letters. Hain 77929. The Bishop of Brescia in his preface remarks: Hec comentaria quia magni admodum erant uoluminis non facile haberi etiam capital illuminated in gold and colours, with border, supplied on 26°; illuminated capitals, with borders, on 22', "22“, 23'; ornamental capitals in several colours at the", 'beginnings of the books, other capitals and paragraph- marks in red or blue, book-numbers on the versos in red On 2° is written: Ex Bibliotheca Episcopatus Neusta¬ diensis. Old stamped pigskin. Bought in February, 1876. IC. 17948. CAEPOLLA, BARTHOLOMAEUS. De seruitu¬ 7°: 62 lines, 307 x 190 mm. Type: 98 R. Capital spaces, with', "guide-letters. Hain '4853 (1).", '377 x 265mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial¬ trokes supplied in red. Formerly bound with IC. 17983 and 17960. Bought in April, 1865. IC. 17950. Another copy. 398 x 279 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 42 and 47. Bound with IC. 17689, q.v. Bought in June, 1859. IC. 17951. JUSTINIANUS. Digestum nouum. [Edited 5e: 70 lines of commentary surrounding the text, 347X 224 mm. A column of 65 lines of text on 574 measures 345 mm. Types: 107 G., text, headings in table of rubrics; 98 R., commentary, rubrics in text, &c. Capital spaces, with guide-letters in text. Hain 79580. The prefatory letter of Joannes Guarinus to Vitus Puecher on 3 contains the following: Et quidem nescio quo pudore semper afficiaris: ut curas tuas atque labores: tacitos atque sub silencio quodam supplied on 4°; other capitals, paragraph-marks, and underlines in red. On 1e is written the note of ownership of Georgius Screiberus and the words: Duplum Biblio- thecae Regiae Monacensis. The last quire appears to be made up. Bought in July, 1867. IC. 17954. LIVIUS, TITUS. Decadi. 550 blank. 2 columns, I in preface, 4 in registers. 202: 55 lines. 272X 168 mm. Type: 98 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 10144. The prefatory letter of Luca di Giouanni Bonaccorsi on 8b is not', "round in all copies and is printed with Lauer's type 102 R.; it was", 'evidently added as an afterthought when the edition had already seen struck off. In the course of the letter Bonaccorsi says: ho racto nuouamente emendare z imprimere la prima Deca... traducta with floral border illuminated in gold and colours on 187“ and 361a: other capitals, and paragraph-marks, supplied in red and blue alternately throughout the third and fourth Decades. On 176e is written: Delli Heredi di Paradiso Mazzinghi. Bound in three volumes.', "King George III's copy (C. 6. d. 6-8). IC. 17957. JUSTINIANUS. apparatus of Accursius), Nouellae, &c. 715 July, 1476. 28. Nice siue tituli uoluminis secundum ordinem libro¬ 70 lines of commentary surrounding the text, 343X 222 (with marginal reference-letters 224 mm.). A column of 65 lines of text on 3488 measures 347 mm. Types: 107 G., text, headings in table of rubrics ; 98 R., gloss, rubrics in text. Capital spaces, those in the text of the Institutiones and Consuetudines mostly with guide letters. Hain 19502, 19622. Hain under 79502 does not describe the table of rubrics of the whole work which is found on 22-4b; under 79622 he mentions', "that the quire-register on 359b 'et institutiones ejusd. typographi", "complectitur. In the incipit on 99a he reads 'pfecto secundo' in", 'place of pape secundo. 427 x 290 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last eleven leaves of text comprising the Extrauagantes, and pre- sumably a blank after them. The first blank is mounted, other leaves are repaired. Consecutive manuscript folia¬ tion; manuscript notes and contents-headings. With the circular stamp of the Museo Cavaleri on 22. Bought in May, 1908. IC. 17958. DINUS DE MUGELLO. De regulis juris. Capital space on 2°. Hain 16172. 377 x 267 mm. Without the blanks at the end Capital and initial-strokes supplied in red. Formerly bound with IC. 17983 and 17950. Bought in April, 1865. IC. 17960. UBALDIS, NICOLAUS DE. De successionibus 173 mm. Types: 180 G., chief headings; 98 R., text. Capita', "spaces. On 10° is a small woodcut of the author's arms. Hain", '15893 (counting only 30 leaves). 342 X 238 mm. Bound after IB. 17967, q. v., below. Bought in April, 1873. IB. 17968. FLORUS, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Epitome. 33 lines, 161 x91-3 mm. Type: 98 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 7198. The size of the type-pages in this book varies greatly, e.g. b 2, 35 lines, 98 mm. broad; (b1 6, 36 lines, 93 mm.; (c 5, 36 lines, 99mm.; d) 3, 39 lines, 104 mm.; f 2, 35 lines, 101 mm.; Ig 1', "with border, illuminated in gold and colours on 2', other", "capitals supplied in red or blue. At the foot of 2' i", 'painted a coat of arms: above is written: De Figli et Erede de B Mario Maffei. Bought in June, 1890. IB. 17979 POGGIO, GIACOPO. Sopra il Trionfo della 38 lines, 187X 105-7 mm. Type: 98 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Irregular line-endings. Hain 13167. The register on 64° looks as if it had been separately impressed. 285 x 200 mm. Without the blank leaf. Manuscript notes. IB. 17975.', "King George III's copy (C. 4. i. 6). ANGELUS DE UBALDIS. Lectura Au¬ ANGELUS DE UBALDIS. Lectura Au¬ * Undated. thenticorum. 1b. C Ait Apostolus ad corinthios .c. ii ...) Opus ac lectura autenticorum Prestantissi¬ mi doctoris 277X 170 mm. Types: 180 G., chief headings, first words of Bound before IB. 17968. Bought in April, 1873. IB. 17967. CAEPOLLA, BARTHOLOMAEUS. De seruitu¬ words of sections ; 98 R., text. Capital spaces, mostly with guide- 377 x 265 mm. Capitals and initial-strokes supplied in red. On 1e is written: Arsatius Pronner Canonicus frisingenn. Formerly bound with IC. 17950 and 17960. The leaves of the first sheet of quire sf have been reversed in binding. Bought in April, 1865. IC. 17983. TYPE 108 R. PURE.', "On 12 Hain reads trucidatio-nes' instead of 'trucida-tiones", "and in the colophon he puts a full stop after 'Alma and omits the", "word ' Iunii' at the end.", 'The forms of et found in this book are & and 2. 19 June, 1475, fell on a Monday, and not on a Tuesday as stated in the colophon. 193X 135 mm. Bought in November, 1850. STILUS ROMANAE CURIAE. Quarto. Jab’. 16 leaves. 1b: 28 lines, 152x 80 mm. Type: The forms of et found in this book are &, 2, and z. IA. 18026. Another copy, with a variant on leaf 6. In this copy the last line of 6e has been set up again, the', "redundant word libello' being omitted and the contractions ex-", 'panded. 180X 128 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 9, 10, 15. and 16 (the two outer sheets of the second quire). The imperfect second quire is bound in the middle of the first quire. Bought in March, 1847. IA. 18027. PIUS II. De curialium miseria. Not after The forms of et found in this book are 2 and z. 213 X 150 mm. Capitals supplied in alternate red and blue, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines in red. Manuscript notes, also manuscript quiring. Bought in May, 1907. AESOPUS. Vita et fabulae per Rinucium Undated. 1°. Magnifico domino lauretio lauina Rylnuncius in 2 columns. 3b: 27 lines, 146x 79 mm. Type: 108R. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters, especially in the last two quires; also spaces for Greek. Hain 270. The forms of et found in this book are &, 2, and z. 212 X 145 mm. ARNALDUS DE VILLA NOVA. De arte The forms of et found in this book are &, 2, and z. 215x 143mm. Capitals supplied in red. Manuscript notes, also manuscript catchword at the end of the first quire. FESTA. Festa et ordo terminorum sacri', "This edition corresponds page for page with U. Han's undated", 'edition (IA. 17271) 209 X 140 mm. Bought. PAULUS II. Bulla anni Jubilei 1470. are 2 and z.', "The date at the end is a misprint for 'xiii kal. Maii', 1470, the", 'day of issue of the bull. 128 x 94 mm. Each leaf is mounted. Bought in April, 1865. IA. 18005. PIUS II. Epistola de amoris remedio. Quarto. Jas.) 6 leaves. 15: 27 lines, 146x 80 mm. Type: 108 R. Capital space on 12. The form of et found in this book is &. The breadth of the type-page is 80 mm. on the first sheet, 78 mm. on the second, 73mm. on the third. 198 X 137 mm. Bound after IA. 27055, 24839.', "King George III's copy (C. 5. a. 12/3). PIUS II. Somnium de fortuna. 108 R. Capital space on 1e. Line-endings irregular in places. Hain 191. The form of et found in this book is z.', "In this copy the last word in line 6 on 8a reads 'siors2?.", '210X 143 mm.', "in this copy the last word in line 6 on 8a reads ' Rors2.", '208 X 134 mm. Bought in January, 1848. 108 R. Capital space on 1b. Line-endings irregular on 5a The forms of et found in this book are 2 and z. 215X 144 mm. Bought in October, 1871. IA. 18013. TAXAE. Taxae sacrae Poenitentiariae Apo¬ The forms of et found in this book are & and 2. 207 X 142 mm. Bought in February, 1880. TYPE 108 R. MIXED. TYPE 108 R. MIXED. TURRECREMATA, JOANNES DE. De efficacia aquae benedictae. All three forms of et are found in this and the four following books. paragraph-marks supplied in red. From the library of Dr. Kloss. Bought in 1835. BARTOLUS DE SAXOFERRATO. Tracta¬ impss e pnins iste tractat? p mgrm Barthon Guldibeck. de sultz Anno Iubilei. M. cccc. lxxv. die vo lune vidlicz 108 (107) R. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 12. Hain 2646. 190X 133 mm. Capital on 1e, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in October, 1858. IA. 18033. Undated. CORA, AMBROSIUS DE. Oratio de Johannis Undated. The type-page of the inner sheet is only 85 mm. broad. 215X 145 mm. Manuscript foliation (39-46). Bought in May, 1902. FESTA. Festa et ordo terminorum sacri undated edition (IA. 17805). In this and the following tract is found an alternative single Qu, lighter and with long curved tail, which also occurs in an Aquinas', "printed by Guldinbeck on 8 February, 1476 (Hain '1432, Woolley", 'Photographs, pl. 128). 211X 140 mm. MÖDUS. Modus seruandus in executione MÖDUS. Modus seruandus in executione * Undated. ratiae exspectatiuae. mm. Type: 108 (106) R. Capital space on 22. Hain 11516. 208 X 140 mm. IA. 18051. TYPE 97 G. PURE, WITH OR WITHOUT Undated. Fabularum Ouidii Bought in April, 1864. Undated. 205X 143 mm. Imperfect, wanting the two oute leaves of quire b (leaves 9, 10, 15, 16), for which the two inner sheets have been repeated. Old lined brown leather over boards, with paper labels. Bought in June, 1857. IA. 18065. MODUS. Modus vacandi beneficiorum. Bought in February, 1870. Undated. STILUS ROMANAE CURIAE. 1°. C Stilus Romane curie incipit.Dplex est', "97 G. Capital space on 1°. Hain '15105.", '190X 133mm. Capital on 1", initial-strokes, paragraph¬ marks, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in February, 1870. IA. 18081. TERMINI. Termini causarum in Romana underlines supplied in red. Bought in February, 1870. IA. 18085. TYPE 97 G. MIXED, WITH OR WITHOUT Quarto. Ja-f8. 48 leaves. 22: 30 lines, 146x 89 mm. Type: In this and the two following books the two sets of majuscules are fairly equally mixed. 212 X 145 mm. Bought in May, 1894. MANCINELLUS, ANTONIUS. De oratore 190X 130 mm. Capital on 1b, initial-strokes, para¬ graph-marks, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in October, 1858. IA. 18105. PIUS II. Epistola ad Mahumetem. and 42b. The Roman majuscules are in a large majority in this book. 205X 135 mm. Bought in May, 1901. PIUS II. Epistolae in cardinalatu editae. lines, 147x 89 mm. Type: 97 G. Capital spaces, that on 2e with', "guide-letter. Hain '161.", 'In this book very few Gothic majuscules are found, and these mostly in quire Id). 177X 128 mm. Without the blank leaves.', "King George III's copy (C. 5. a. 14).", 'IA. 18099 TYPE 86 G. Bought in July, 1879. IA. 18115 CHIEREGATUS, LEONELLUS. Epistola ad 86 G. Capital space on 12. Hain 4957. Chieregatus was transferred to the bishopric of Trau on 19 January, 1484. 197X141 mm. Capital supplied in blue. Bought in October, 1858. IA. 18118. MARSUS, PETRUS. For the date see note to IA. 18635, p. 83. 203X 133 mm. BODIVIT, GULIELMUS. Sermo in die An¬ 86 G. 2 capital spaces, with guide-letters, on fr. 198 X 146 mm. Bought in July, 1858. SCALA, BARTHOLOMAEUS. Oratio ad Inno¬ This speech was delivered on 15 December, 1484 (Joh. Burchar- dus, Diarium, vol. i, p. 117).', "208 x 140 mm. Dr. Kloss's copy. With the stamp of", 'the Bodleian Library. Acquired by exchange in December, 1913. IA. 18183 Panegyricus in memo¬ IA. 18170. PATRITIUS, FRANCISCUS. Oratio ad Inno¬ This speech was delivered on 29 December, 1484 (Burchardus, vol. i, p. 129).', "208X 141 mm. Dr. Kloss's copy. From the Bodleian", 'Library. Acquired by exchange in December, 1913 IA. 18173 CHEVRERIUS, PHILIPPUS. Oratio ad Inno¬ [After 4 February, 1485. 196 X 140 mm. Capital and underlines on 1° supplied in red. Bought in October, 1858. IA. 18127 CADRATUS, PETRUS. 198x 136 mm. With the stamp of the Bodleian Library. Acquired by exchange in December, 1913 IA. 18129. INNOCENTIUS VIII. Bulla de Camera lines have failed to print. 202 X 136 mm. INNOCENTIUS VIII. Regulae. between lines 22 and 23, 152X 91 mm. Type: 86 G.', "204 X 140 mm. Dr. Kloss's copy.", 'Bought in December, 1846. IA. 18133. INNOCENTIUS VIII. Bulla de concessioni¬ between lines 28 and 29, 150x 90 mm. Type: 86 G. 203X 137 mm. TARGOWISSKO, JOHANNES DE. Oratio ad 198 x 136 mm. With the book-stamp of the Bodleian Library. Formerly in a tract volume. Acquired by exchange in December, 1913. IA. 18190. INNOCENTIUS VIII. Regulae ordina¬ 202 X 142 mm. Imperfect, wanting all after leaf 6. The portion of the text immediately following is supplied', "by the last four leaves of a copy of Plannck's undated", 'edition (IA. 18363). Bought in June, 1845. IA. 18145. ANDREAS (DE ESCOBARJ HISPANUS. inm. Type: 86 G. Capital space on 12. Hain ’4337. 200x 133 mm. Capital and initial-strokes supplied in red. Bought in May, 1850. IA. 18175 COLUMELLA, LUCIUS JUNIUS MODERATUS. Bought in January, 1878. SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. De moribus. *Undated. IA. 18185 STILUS ROMANAE CURIAE. Undated. 149 x 89 mm. Type: 88 R. Capital space on 28. Hain 15107? 204X 137 mm. Without the blank leaf. Manuscript signatures (A, B). GERP., B., de Valentia. De situ paradisi et 1° AD REVERENDISSIMVM IN CHRIStc patrem & dominum. do. P. Archiepm Salernitanum Bought in October, 1901. IB. 18211. Expositic 321 February, 1476. Psalterii. verses; 103 R., text. Capital space at the beginning of each', "Psalm. Hain '15700.", "A close reprint, mostly page for page, of Ulrich Han's 1470", 'edition (IB. 17243). 276 x 199 mm. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. IB. 18213. SAVAGETI, JoANNES. Oratio lamentabilis Capital space, with guide-letter, on 12 and 52. Hain 14329.', "On 29 September, 1476, the Emperor and the Pope's 'orator,", "Joannes Aloisius, agreed on a year's truce in the dispute between", 'the claimants of the see of Constance, and on 12 December the Bishop of Eichstätt, to whom the affairs of the see had been', "entrusted, appointed 'Casparum episcopum Barrutensem Bery¬", "tensem?)' to be' pro anno durante pro vicario in pontificalibus et", "spiritualibus' (quoted in the Diarium of Joh. Knebel, Basler", 'Chroniken, iii, pp. 71-2 and 83-4). Both events are referred to on 2° of the present book (... donec ... Iohannes Aloisius vestre sanctitatis orator... quadam concordia dnno cofirmato & sibi some 1o mm. broader and containing several more lines. In view of the incipit on 12, however, it seems inadvisable to follow Proctor (nos. 3372, 3373) in separating the two tracts. 277 X 197 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals and initial-strokes supplied in red. With a stamp inscribed: Direz. Gen. della Stampa e Libr. Olona. R I. Decreto XXX Nov. 1810. From the libraries of Cardinal de Bought in March, 1847. IB. 18215. JORDANUS ÖSNABURGENSIS. De im¬', "103 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '9437.", "The misprint 'Osnabnrgen.' noticed by Hain is not found in", 'this copy. 269x 193 mm. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bound before IB. 18219. Bought in June, 1845. IB. 18217. PETRUS DE MONTE. De potestate Ro¬ 1“. De potestate Romani Ponstificis Et Generalis Con- cilii. QVero pmo Vnde à a quo Roman? po tifex 112 mm. Types: 150 G., heading on 12; 103 R., text. Capital space on 12. Probably Hain *11591, with the first two lines differently set up. 269 X 193 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bound after Bought in June, 1845. IB. 18219. PRINCIPIA. Principia subscriptiones supra¬ writer of one of the specimen letters, this tract is probably reprinted from an edition by Schurener. 191X 131 mm. Initial-strokes and underlines supplied in red. Bought in June, 1884. IA. 18220. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. leaves, 9 blank. 2 columns, some of the tables in three, the register in four. 112: 54 lines, 229X 140 mm. Type: 85 G Capital spaces. Hain 545.', "In some copies the colophon omits the printer's name and reads:", 'Hoc presens ... impressum Rome Anno domini millesimo wanting in some copies. 295 X 205 mm. Bought in October, 1900. IB. 18206. GUIDO DE MONTE ROCHERII. Mani¬ 45 lines, 147x91 mm. Type: 65 G. Capital spaces. Part of Hain 10328, 16086. This, the following tract, and the Regula S. Augustini in Latin and Italian were no doubt printed about the same time and sold either separately or together. They are described as a single work by Hain and Reichling (Appendices, i, p. 203).', "The words 'pterea Bnnd' given in the register as the catchwords", 'of sel 5a are in fact those of sel 4°. The text on se 66 and sel 7e is almost uncontracted and widely spaced, with gaps between the paragraphs. numbered 1-83. 2 columns. 92: 45 lines and foliation (above and between columns), 145 (151) x 9o mm. Type: 65 G. Lom', "bards, also spaces. Hain '8179.", "The first paragraph on 87b consists of the author's original", 'postscript with alterations by the printers so as to make it apply to themselves, as follows: HEc circa officium Curaton breuitei a nobis composita sunt (original: a me perstricta sunt): ut simplices blank leaves, some containing early manuscript notes. Bought in September, 1875. IA. 18223. SIXTUSIV. Bulla de reformatione Hospitalis The bull, which concludes on 4*, col. 1, is dated 21 March, 1471. 190X 130 mm. Capital supplied in red. Bought in October, 1858. IA. 18226. PAULUSTOLMIJ BERGOMENSIS. Historia PAULUSTOLMIJ BERGOMENSIS. Historia Sanctae Monicae ex libris S.Augustini. WWith other tracts. Edited by Paulus Bergo¬ mensis. Undated. 1°. Prologus in hystoriam diue Monice sanctissimi doctoris aurelii Augustini matris pientissime. 168. col. 2,', "The last words of 12b and first words of 132 appear as 'dfeügi", "non bere deus uoluit'.", '178 X 126 mm. Misprints in 1°, col. 1, corrected in IA. 18235 Bought in October, 1901. Another copy, with variants.', "The misprints in 1e, col. 1 antisti' (l. 7), Brigomesis' (l. 11),", "and ’lray (l. 42) are here corrected to ’ätistiti, ' Bergomësis,", "Irariu3'. The last words of 12° and first words of 132 appear as", "dfeugi no abred eus uoluit'.", '190X 134 mm. Bound before IA. 18234(2). AUGUSTINUS [TRIONFOJ DE ANCONA. spaces. Hain 1962. The title is 224X 164 mm. Manuscript quiring. written along the lower edge. Bought in October, 1901. IA. 18236. ANTONINUS. Summa confessionum. De The contents of this edition are page for page the same as in the following (IA. 18230), with the exception of the register. The use of Lombards suggests an early date for both books, but the occurrence of hyphens in IA. 18229 rather discounts this (see note to type). 211X 145 mm. Capital on 58 illuminated in gold and colours. Bought in October, 1901. ANTONINUS. Summa confessionum. De pater dominus fra ter Antoninus archiepus flore tinus', "also spaces, a few with guide-letters. Hain '1164 (see below).", 'Hain describes a copy in which the preliminary quire of the preceding issue is prefixed to the text of the present issue. 177X 126 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and instial- strokes supplied in red. At the beginning and end is a stamp with the monogram GGL. Bought in May, 1904. IA. 18230. FLEMMING, ROBERT. 25 lines, 142x 92 mm. Type: 114 R.; word koptavoy in l. 23 of 256 in Greek characters. Capital spaces. Hain 7130. 176x 139 mm. Without the blank leaves. From the library of Dr. C. Inglis. Bought in July, 1900. IA. 18242. PTOLEMAEUS, CLAUDIUS. Cosmographia. PTOLEMAEUS, CLAUDIUS. Cosmographia. Translated by Jacobus Angelus. Edited by *10 October, 1478. Domitius Calderinus.) COS INEXPLICABILE FERME TERIRE AS TRORVMQVE OPVS CLAVDI. PTOLEMAEI ROME TABVLIS AEINEIS IN PICTVRIS FOR. MATAM IMPRESSIT. SEMPITERNO INGENII ARTIFI CIIQVE MONVMENTO. ANNO DOMI¬ NICI NATALIS .M.CCCC. LXXVIII. VI. IDVS OCTOBRIS. SEDENTE SIXTO .IIII. PONT. MAX. ANNO-EIVS .VIII. ibid. col. 2: Registrum in the text and 27 engraved maps. Hain 13537. The statement that the book ends with a quire of six leaves is', "made on the authority of W. Eames, List of Editions of Ptolemy's", 'Geography, p. 3, but both the Museum copies appear to be made up at the end. The fifth sheet of quire sh) is omitted in the register. About two-thirds of the last page of quire scl are left blank, and', "the last words 'Taurice Chersonesi Situs are repeated at the", 'beginning of the next page The dedication to the Pope on 1° contains the following state¬ ments: Qua in re ne librariorum inscitia tue Sanctitatis aures of the Rovere family, lettered GR. Other capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in alternate red and blue, underlines in red.', "King George III's copy (C. 3. d. 6.)", 'IC. 18252. Another copy. In the passage from the dedication quoted above this copy reads', "correctly : 'cum uetustissimo greco manu Gemisti Philosophi", 'emendato... 422X 282 mm. Without the blank leaf. IC. 18253. SIXTUS IV. Bullae duo reuocatoriae circa licatus nostri Anno Octauo, i.e. 1479. The second bull is similarly', "dated Decimo Kl Februarii', 1478. FORMULARIUM. Formularium procura On the top cover is written the title, followed by ive vjto leonardus hanticker notarius incartats; within is pasted the book-plate of Franciscus Præpositus Cann. Regg. in Polling, 1744. Bought in April, 1866. IB. 18276. HERULUS, BERNARDUS, Cardinalis Spoleta [After 2 April, 1479.) The inner sheet has only 33 and 34 lines to the page. Cardinal Eruli died 2 April, 1479. IA. 18282. lAXAE. Taxae Cancellariae Apostolicae. 88 mm. Type: 83 G. Hain 15349. 207 X 140 mm. Manuscript foliation (xxiij-xl). Bought in April, 1865. DANIEL. Somnia Danielis. Quarto. [a8. 8 leaves, the last blank. 1b: 36 lines, 148x88 mm. Type: 83 G. Capital spaces. 191X124 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in October, 1858. IA. 18290. MONTANUS, COLA. Oratio ad Luccenses. MONTANUS, COLA. Oratio ad Luccenses. Undated. 22. Oratio Cole Montani ad LucensesMAgnum mm. Type: 83 G. Capital space on 22. 212X 146 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capital sup- plied in blue, initial-strokes in red. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 18293. PIUS II. Epistolae in cardinalatu editae. 205X 142 mm. On 1° is written: Rome 1479 Empt? With the book-label of George Dunn. Bought in February, 1914. IA. 18284 POLITIANUS, ANGELUS. Coniurationis Pac Undated. 191 X 127mm. Capital, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in October, 1858. IA. 18296. POLITIANUS, ANGELUS. Coniurationis Pac¬ POLITIANUS, ANGELUS. Coniurationis Pac¬ Undated. tianae commentarium. 1479-80.—TYPE 88 G. IN EARLY STATE. Undated. 199 X 143 mm. Without the blank last leaf. Bought in March, 1847. IA. 18747 1481-87.—TYPE 88 G. IN SECOND STATE. 1481. The sermon was therefore delivered on 27 December, 1480, which the printer, reckoning the new year from Christmas, gives as 1481. IA. 18317. MAROLDUS, MARCUS. Sententia veritatis 12. Sententia veritatis humane redemptionis a reuerendo Bought in September, 1849. 12. Stephani archiepi Antibaren, sermo habitus in AEGIDIUS [COLUMNAJ ROMANUS. De The preliminary quire is not included in the register. The editor Seruius in his dedicatory letter on 1e speaks of this book as opus laboribus nostris impressum. 270x 203 mm. Bound before IB. 27536, 18857. Bought in March, 1845. IB. 18322. DONATUS, LUDOVICUS.', "This sermon was delivered in the presence of Cardinal d'Estoute", 'ville, who commenced the church of S. Agostino in 1479 and diec in January, 1483, the church being completed in the latter year, As, before this sermon could be delivered there, the church must have been far enough advanced to preach in, the latest possible date for the sermon, S. Augustine’s Day, 1482, is the most probable. 195 X 135 mm. Bought in September, 1849. MARSUS, PETRUS. Oratio in die S. Stephani', "88 G. Capital spaces. Hain '10785.", 'Cardinal Stephanus [Nardini), to whom this oration is dedicated died on 22 October, 1484. The oration cannot have been originally delivered later than 26 December, 1482, and the author speaks o it as his first effort in public ([VIT aliqu ... ex vmbraculis Romane academię in lucem pdirem). This oration on S. Stephen differs from that described under Hain 10786, which was delivered on 26 December, 1487 (Audiffredi, p. 427; Joh. Burchardi Diarium, edited by L. Thuasne, vol. i, p. 282). Bought in September, 1849. Another copy. 194X 135 mm. Bound aster IA. 18636. IA. 18637. FORMULARIUM. Formularium procura¬ columns in table of feasts, 4 in register. 10b: 48 lines, 146x 89 mm. Type: 62 G. Capital spaces. Hain 17295. 211X 142 mm. On 1° is written: Formularius pcua- torum hinmoj attinet Iohannj hertel vicario Chorj Sancti Mauricy Augusten’, in the top cover MOnasterium Althominster 15:42 , with a list of contents, showing', "that copies of 'Taxe Cancellarie et pmarie , De arte", "Notariatus', Somnia Danielis, and Casus Papales' were", 'formerly bound in the same volume. Old stamped leather over boards with the Althominster arms cut on them. Bought in April, 1866. IA. 18331. CORTESIUS, ALEXANDER. Oratio habita in mm. Type: 88 G. Capital spaces on 12; spaces left for Greek. Hain 15773. 12, letter of Cortesius to Pope Sixtus IV ; 12-6b, oration of', "Cortesius; 72, letter of Cortesius Episcopo. Signin.' Lucius, Bishop", "of Segni), dated 'Ex vrbe Id. lan sian)'; 72, 7b, answer of the", 'Bishop, dated as above ; 8, blank. 195 X 134 mm. Bought in September, 1849. TERRASSE, PETRUS. Oratio de diuina pro¬', "mm. Type: 88 G. Hain '15369.", '195X 132 mm. Bought in September, 1849. CAPITANEIS, THOMAS Ex, de Celleonibus. Bought in September, 1838. Another copy. Bought in September, 1849. Oratio in die', "215X 147 mm. Dr. Kloss's copy. With the stamp", 'of the Bodleian Library. Acquired by exchange in December, 1913 IA. 18348. GUIDO DE MONTE ROCHERII. Mani columns, 4 in register. 102: 47 lines, 145 x90 mm. Type: 62 G. Capital spaces. Hain 8191. The preliminary quire is not included in the register. 188 X 133 mm. Ornamental capital and border ir', "several colours supplied on 5', other capitals in red or", "blue. On 822 is written: Mei B'nardini Mariani Floris", 'de Aretio. Bound after IA. 18349 a. Bought in April, 1909. IA. 18349. ANTONINUS. Summa confessionum. columns, 4 in register. 138: 47 lines, 146x 91 mm. Type: 62 G. Capital spaces. Bound before IA. 18349. Bought in April, 1909. IA. 18349a. PETRUS DE ABANO. De venenis. With the book- plate of the Bibliotheca Pezoldiana. Bought in June, 1892. IA. 18350. MARSUS, PETRUS. Oratio dicta in die', "88 G. Capital spaces. Hain '10791.", 'The dedicatory letter of Marsus to Cardinal Raphael Riario on', "1e contains the following: 'yt jussis tuis parere hanc publice", 'oratiuculaz habui z noi tuo sacraui vt bnficijs in me tuis... gracia tion was probably delivered on Ascension Day of the following year. 197X 140 mm. Formerly bound sixth in a volume of sermons. Another copy. 194X 135 mm. Bound before IA. 18637 IA. 18636. PERERIIS, GUILLERMUS DE. Sermo super 88 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 12590. Bought in September, 1848. INNOCENTIUS VIII. Regulae ordinationes 219X 145 mm. On the last page is written: Edo', "hon', and lower down Prati'.", 'IA. 18362. LOLLIUS, ANTONIUS. Oratio habita in funere', "The author's prefatory letter is dated pridie kal Octobris', 1484", '202 X 133 mm. The space for Greek has been filled up in illegible manuscript. Bought in September, 1848. LOLLIUS, ANTONIUS. Oratio habita in funere 205x 130 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf, the text of which has been supplied in later manuscript. Bought in October, 1846. IA. 18359 SCALA, BARTHOLOMAEUS. Oratio ad Inno¬ mm. Type: 88 G. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 12. Hain 14501. This speech was delivered on 15 December, 1484 (Burchardus, 197 X 139 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capital and underline on 1e supplied in red. Bought in October, 1858. IA. 18383. PATRITIUS, FRANCISCUS. Oratio ad Inno After 29 December, 1484. This speech was delivered on 29 December, 1484 (Burchardus, vol. i, p. 129). LOLLTUS, ANTONIUS. Oratio Circumcisionis 1*. Anthonij Lollij Geminianensis oratio Circumcisio¬ nis dominis ce: habita coram Innocentio .viij. Pontifice Bought in September, 1848. CAORSIN, GUILELMUS. Oratio ad Inno¬ Bought in January, 1848. Another copy. Bought in September, 1838. CHEVRERIUS, PHILIPPUS. Oratio ad Inno¬ CHEVRERIUS, PHILIPPUS. Oratio ad Inno¬ After 4 February, 1485. centium VIII. The consistory at which this oration was delivered took place on 4 February (Burchardus, vol. i, p. 138), so that ’quarto calendas', "Februarias' is evidently here used by the printer as the equivalent", 'of die quarta Februarii . CADRATUS, PETRUS. Oratio ad Innocentium', "88 G. Capital spaces on 1e and 3b. Hain '4211.", '203X 137 mm. Bought in September, 1848. ANTONINUS. Summa confessionum in spaces, with guide-letters. 207X 142 mm. Without the blank leaves. Quire d is misbound after leaf sa 7. A library stamp has been erased on 22. Bought in November, 1890. FLISCUS, HECTOR. Oratio ad Innocentium leaf 2). Formerly bound after IA. 18400. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 18415 FLISCUS, HECTOR. Oratio ad Innocentium comitis aduo¬ cati consistorialis ac oratoris. R. P. Genuen.', "This edition corresponds exactly with Hain's description, no.", '17135, except that the verses by Titus Veltrius at the end are omitted. 203X 135 mm. Bought in September, 1848. IA. 18417. GUIBA, ROBERTUS. Oratio ad Innocentium habere comendatissimam; Dixi pater beatissime.', "88 G. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 1°. Hain '8154.", 'This speech was delivered on 10 June, 1485 (Burchardus, vol. i, p. 148). Another copy. Bought in September, 1838. MARLIANUS, JOANNES FRANCISCI. Oratio 202X 134 mm. An early owner, Georgius Chaben, has written his name on the last page. Bought in September, 1848. IA. 18424. Another copy. 176x 128 mm. Bound after IA. 18602, q. v., p. 95. Bought in September, 1838. STRÖZZA, TITUS VESPASIANUS. Oratio ad', "Strozza was the orator' of the Duke of Ferrara and delivered", 'this speech on 28 June, 1485 (Burchardus, vol. i, p. 148). 203X 135 mm. Bought in September, 1848. NEUNHAUSER, JOHANNES. Oratiuncula ad assembled at Munich and succeeded in bringing the Duke and his brother Christian to terms. 204 X 136 mm. Bought in September, 1848. DALBERG, JOHANNES DE. Gratulatio Inno After 6 July, 1485.) Another copy. Bought in September, 1838. 176x 128 mm. Bound after IA. 18602, q. v., p. 95. PONTIFICALE ROMANUM. [Edited by COLOPHON: (red) Explicit Pôtificalis Lilber. magna columns, 4 in register. 7b: 34 lines, 225 X 147 mm. Types: 132 G., text ; 102 G., register, also preliminary matter? Capital spaces. With musical notes. Hain 13285. 1, blank ; 2-4, prefatory letter, table of contents; 5-1238, prima pars; 1234-230*, secunda pars; 2302-301b, tertia pars; 301b col. 2, colophon ; 302e, registrum foliorum; 302b, blank. The preliminary quire is not included in the register. 330 X 237 mm. Imperfect, wanting the four preliminary leaves. A number of capitals illuminated in gold and colours, others supplied in red and blue. On 52 is a historiated capital and an unfinished coat of arms, Traces of manuscript quiring. Manuscript additions and', "corrections in lake. On 5° and 301' is written: Contus", 'SSme Trinitatis Viterbij. Bought in January, 1886. IB. 18431. BARTOLUS DE SAXOFERRATO. Trac¬ 87 mm. Type: 88 G. Capital space on 12. Hain 2648. 188 x 138 mm. Without the blank leaf. On a fly- leaf is the offset of the last page of an edition in the same type of Paulus II, Bulla de beneficiis affectis, after 19 January, 1488. On 1° is stamped: W. B. Chorley. Bought in August, 1870. IA. 18437 721 January, 1486. 204X 137 mm. Capital supplied in red, also initial¬ strokes on 22 and 62. Under the colophon is written in', "red Egidius Stainer', presumably the rubricator.", 'Bought in May, 1907. IA. 18438. Vati Bought in October, 1858. IA. 18434 LOLLIUS, ANTONIUS. Oratio Passionis domi¬ This sermon was delivered on 24 March, 1486; the author died on 26 April of the same year (Burchardus, vol. i, p. 184). Manuscript pagination (205-236), Montanus, Oratio ad Lucenses (cf. IA. 18643,p. 90), which are bound between sal and [b). Bought in March, 1892. IA. 18388. GERALDINUS, ANTONIUS. Oratio in ob¬ xiii. kl. Octobris. Anno salutis Sexto et Octo- gesimo mm. Type: 88 G. Hain 17612 (whose copy wanted the last leaf). 198 X 135 mm. Bought in January, 1878. TEGLIATIUS, STEPHANUS. Oratio coram Bought in March, 1847. Formularium instru¬ spaces. Hain 17286. 190X 130 mm. On 2° is written: p dnno laurencio', "pirnet pl'bno in pirckwang. Manuscript notes and quir¬", 'ing. Old stamped pigskin, with the arms of a bishop or mitred abbot, dated 1629. Bought in April, 1866. IA. 18453. INNOCENTIUS VIII. Regulae contra bene¬ 12. Sanctissimus in chrsto pater t dominus noster Bought in October, 1878. GENAZANO, MARIANUS DE. Oratio coram As the third Sunday in Advent fell on 16 December in 1487, the', "date xiiij. kalen. Ianuarias' is perhaps that of printing.", '204X 134 mm. On 1° is a circular stamp with a capital G surmounted by a crown. Bought in October, 1846. IA. 18459. GRANOLLACHS, BERNARDUS DE. Lunarium', "Quarto. (a-c'd'e'.) 34 leaves, the first blank. 22: 28 lines", 'mixed types, with spaces, 140x 86 mm. Types: 95 G., headings, BENEDICTUS DE NURSIA names of months; 88 G., text. Hain 7862.', "207 X 138 mm. Dr. Kloss's copy", 'Bought in July, 1860. IA. 18470. ADAM. Vita Adae et Euae. Bought in December, 1904 ANDREAE, JOANNES.', "88 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Ham '1074", '191 X 130 mm. The text on the last leaf has been cut out and mounted. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 18697. ANDREAS [DE ESCOBARJ HISPANUS. Bought in April, 1858. BARTOLUS DE SAXOFERRATO. De 1°. TITLE: Tractatus De Tabellionibus 1b. Que 87 mm. Types: 132 G., title, headings on 1b and 22 ; 88 G., text. Capital space on 22. Hain 2633. 207 X 140 mm. Manuscript notes. Bought in October, 1902. conseruatione sanitatis. secun¬ dum ordinem Alphabeti columns in table and register. 4°: 33 lines, 144x 87 mm. Type: 88 G. Capital spaces. Hain 119171 209 X 143 mm. The last leaf has been repaired. Bought in June, 1868. IA. 18707 BERNARDUS. Speculum de honestate 1e. Incipit Speculum beati Bernhardi Abbatis.De Honestate vite. 3°. l. 12: C Explicit speculum beati ad milites habita. [Edited by Andreas Undated. Brentius.', "12, verses 'ad Cesarem’; 12, 1b, letter of Andreas Brentius", 'Patauinus to Sixtus IV; 1b, 22, preface of Brentius; 22-84, oratio Caesaris; 8b, commendatory verses by Litauicus, Franciscus, M. Lucius, and Ambrosius. IA. 18610. Oratio in Bought in October, 1867. CAPELLUTIUS, ROLANDUS. De curatione CAPELLUTIUS, ROLANDUS. De curatione Undated. pestiferorum apostematum. 88 G. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 12 and 1b. Hain 4375. Bought in April, 1877. CHERUBINUS, Frater Ordinis Eremitarum. Sermo in festo Sancti Iuonis. 1°. Sermo in festo sancti Iuonis aduocati pauperum Augeas: firmes: tribuas beatos. Dixi. Deo gracias. Bought in September, 1849. CORA, AMBROSIUS DÉ. Oratio de conceptione 1°. Ambrosij Corani sacre theologie pfessoris ordinis', "This sermon was delivered 'sexto ydus decembris', 1472.", '203X 135 mm. Bought in October, 1846. DEFECTUS. De defectibus in Missa occur¬ DEFECTUS. De defectibus in Missa occur¬ Undated. rentibus. Bought in January, 1878. IA. 18669. Oratio in Quarto. Ja4 4 leaves, the last blank. 22: 32 lines, 140x87', "mm. Type: 88 G. Capital space on 1°. Hain '7337.", 'Leonardus de Robore died 11 November, 1475. HERULUS, BERNARDUS, Cardinalis Spoleta¬ Undated. col. 2, END: Deus resistit. (to right) 4 Finis. Quarto. Ja-f8. 48 leaves, the first and last blank. 42: 33 lines, 144x 87 mm. Type: 88 G. Capital spaces. Hain 8587. 206X 144 mm. Without the blank last leaf. Bought in May, 1901. IA. 18729. IMPEDIMENTA. Impedimenta susceptionis IA. 18672. JUSTINIANUS, BERNARDUS. mm. Type: 88 G. Capital space on 12. Hain 19644. 176 x 128 mm. Bound after IA. 18602, q. v., p. 95. Bought in September, 1838. IA. 18629. LUDOVICUS IMOLENSIS. 1°. Ludouici Imolensis ex ordine minox theologie pfessoris in fu-nere Reuerendissimi domini dnni Petr MONTANUS, COLA. Oratio ad Luccenses. MONTANUS, COLA. Oratio ad Luccenses. Undated. 1°. Oratio Cole Montani ad Lucenses. 82. 1. 17. Bought in October, 1867. NICOLAUS, Episcopus Modrusiensis. Oratio Petrus Riarius died 5 January, 1474. 197 x 137 mm. The third sheet is misbound outside the second. IA. 18645. PHALARIS. Epistolae. 146 x 88 mm. Type: 88 G. Capital spaces, many with guide¬', "letters. Hain '12879.", '190X 139 mm. The outer sheet of quire scl is Bought in February, 1887. ROMA. Historia et descriptio urbis Romae. 4°: 21 lines, 92 x60 mm. Type: 88 G. Capital spaces. With', "woodcuts. Hain '11190.", 'f, blank; 2e, summary of contents; 2b, cut ; 32-202, de impera- VIII, so that this book cannot be earlier than September, 1484. 141X 104 mm. In the top cover is written: Achacius Kleplatt 1549. Old stamped pink sheepskin. Bought in May, 1845. IA. 18727. SANCTA ELLA, RODERICUS DE. Oratio 209 X 134 mm. On 1e is a circular stamp with G surmounted by a crown. Bought in October, 1846. IA. 18653. STILUS ROMANAE CURIAE. Undated. Bought in February, 1880. TURRECREMATA, JOANNES DE. 203X 142 mm. Manuscript notes. With the book- plate of Franciscus, praepositus of Polling, 1744. Bought in February, 1887. IA. 18767. 1488-90.—TYPE 88 G. IN TRANSITIONAL STATE. 1488-90.—TYPE 88 G. IN TRANSITIONAL STATE. PAULUS II. Bulla de beneficiis affectis. [With other bulls, &c. After 19 January, 1488. 1e. Bulla de beneficijs affectis. Aulus Episcopus IA. 18462. CHIEREGATUS, LEONELLUS. Propositio', "Type: 88 G. Lombard capital on 12. Hain '4960.", '215X 142 mm. The first four lines of text are under¬ lined in red. Bought in September, 1870. IA. 18465 CANALIS, MATTHIAS. 1°. Diuo Innocentio Cibo: Mathias Canalis Ferra¬ riensis. ibid. l. 16: C Mathie Canalis Ferrariensis de mm. Type: 88 G. Lombard capital on 12. Hain 4303. This sermon was delivered on 17 April, 1489 (Burchardus, vol. i. p. 350). PETRUS DE ABANO. De venenis. IA. 18476. FORMULARIUM. Table in 2 columns. 172: 45 lines and foliation, 151 (155) x 96 mm. Types: 95 G., foliation; 67 G., text. Capital spaces. Hain 7287. IA. 18479. GUIDO DE MONTE ROCHERII. Types: 132 G., foliation ; 88 G., text. Capital spaces. Hain 8200. 197 X 140 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capital on 5° supplied in red and blue, other capitals in red Manuscript notes and foliation (140-250); see IA. 18483 Bought. IA. 18481. ANTONINUS. Summa confessionum. 7-143 numbered i-cxxxvii. 2 columns. 152: 34 lines and foliation 149 (155) x 102mm. Types: 132G., foliation; 88 G., text. Capital', "spaces. Hain '1199", '198 x 136 mm. Capital and border illuminated in gold and colours on 7e, other capitals and (in the table) initial¬ strokes supplied in red. Manuscript notes and foliation. Formerly first of a tract volume which contained also IA. 18481, together with a copy of Andreas Hispanus, Modus confitendi, and other tracts. Bought. IA. 18483. MANCINELLUS, ANTONIUS. Thesaurus.', "Quarto. a-e'f'. 38 leaves. Index in 3 columns. 5°: 31 lines", '146 x 90 mm. Type: 94 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters.', "Hain '10612.", '201X 140 mm. The first leaf is slightly mutilated at the foot. Bought in October, 1913. IA. 18484 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. 22°: 31 lines, 146 x 90 mm. Type: 94 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 5355. Bought in May, 1903. IA. 18492. BONUS, JACOBUS. De raptu Cerberi. line (name of book), 137 (147) x 90 mm. Type: 94 R. Capital space, with guide-letter, at the beginning of each book. Hain 3645, 3646. 13, blank ; 1b, dedicatory verses; 2°-7b, liber primus; 7b-13b. liber secundus; 13b-19b, liber tertius; 19b, Beroaldi hexastichon ; 20, blank. 191X140 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf. Some manuscript corrections. Bought in February, 1876. IA. 18487. PIUS II. Epistolae in cardinalatu editae. blank. 34: 31 lines, 145 x 88 mm. Type: 94 R. Capital spaces. Hain 163? 147X 90 mm. Type: 94 R. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 24 and 472. Hain 173. 201 X 137 mm. Without the blank leaf.', "King George IIl's copy (166. e. 14).", 'IA. 18494. BODIVIT, GULIELMUS. Sermo habitus in die', "88 G. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 12. Hain '3349.", 'Bought in September, 1849. Oratio Undated. 88 G. Capital space on 12. Hain 4291. 202 X 141 mm. The leaves are mounted. Bought in June, 1868. IA. 18615. Oratio in die Bought in September, 1849. CASUS. Casus papales episcopales abba¬ 202 X 141 mm. Capitals supplied in red, initial-strokes in yellow. Bound after Manipulus curatorum, Levet, Paris, 1490 (IA. 39907), and other tracts. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. IA. 18666. COLUMELLA, LUCIUS JUNIUS MODERATUS. 88 G. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 12. Hain *5495. 198 X 139 mm. Notes in red on 12 and 1b. Bought in April, 1864. IA. 18724. FERDINANDI, VALASCUS. Oratio de obe¬', "Lombard capital on 12. Hain '15760.", 'Most pages have 33 lines. 208 x 138 mm. Manuscript foliation (33-38). Bought in January, 1848. Another copy. 176x 128 mm. Bound after IA. 18602, q. v., p. 95. Bought in September, 1838. IA. 18367. GERALDINUS, ANTONIUS. Oratio in ob¬ Another copy. 176x 128 mm. Bound after IA. 18602, q. v., p. 95. Bought in September, 1838. LOLLIUS, ANTONIUS. Oratio Circumcisionis Type: 88 G. Lombard capital on 12. Hain 10180. 196 X 130 mm. Bought in September, 1849. IA. 18397. Another copy. 195X 135 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bound before lA. 18970 and several 16th-century tracts. Bought in February, 1882. IA. 18396. LUDOVICUS IMOLENSIS. Oratio in die theologie pro fessoris oratio in die sancti Stephani Type: 88 G. Lombard capital on 12. Hain 29162. 195 X 134 mm. Bought in September, 1849. MODUS. Modus vacandi et acceptandi bene Type: 88 G. Capital space on 12. 186 X 131 mm. IA. 18676. NEUNHAUSER, JoHANNES. Oratiuncula ad Bought in September, 1849. IA. 18376. PAMPHILUS. Pamphilus de amore. 85 mm. Type: 88 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 12293. of quire b are misbound in the following order: 1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 4, 7, 8. Bought in March, 1893. IA. 18742. PATRITIUS, FRANCISCUS. Oratio ad Inno Undated. 212 X 142 mm. Manuscript foliation (85-88). Bought in July, 1875. IA. 18380. PHILELFUS, FRANCISCUS. De Jesu Christi Quarto. (a’. 4 leaves. 22: 33 lines, 145 x 88 mm. Type: 88 G. Capital space on 12. Hain 12964? 195X 134 mm. Bought in September, 1849. PIUS II. De captione urbis Constantino¬ mm. Type: 88 G. Capital space on 12. Hain 251. 212X 145 mm. Capital supplied in red. Manuscript', "signature: b. Dr. Kloss's copy.", 'Bought in March, 1846. IA. 18692. PIUS II. De miseria curialium. Bought in January, 1878. PIUS II. Oratio coram Calixto III de obe¬ mm. Type: 88 G. Lombard capital on 12. Hain ’208. 210X 139 mm. Manuscript foliation (64-69). Bought in January, 1848. IA. 18603. Another copy. 176 x 128 mm. Bound with twenty-five 15th-century and eight 16th-century orations in leather stamped with à shield containing three stars and surrounded by a wreath. The tracts are lettered consecutively and on two is written the name of Benedictus Curtius Sympho- rianus Lugdunensis. On a fly-leaf is noted: Emptus -XV. soll. Bought in September, 1838. IA. 18602. SCALA, BARTHOLOMAEUS. 1*. C Oratio Bartholomei Scale Florentine oratoris summum potifice Innocentium. viii. 4°. l. 33, END vbi 88 G. Capital space on 12. Bought in July, 1875. lAXAE. Taxae Cancellariae Apostolicae. IA. 18682. TAXAE. Taxae Poenitentiariae Apostolicae.', "Lombard capital on 12. Hain '15360.", '197X 141 mm. Bought in July, 1879. VALLE, NICOLAUS DE. Epistola Constantino¬ Undated. 143x74 mm. Type: 88 G. Capital space, with guide-letter, on', "12 and 78. Hain 151834 and '15835.", 'These two tracts are usually catalogued separately, but they are evidently part of a single whole ; the paper has the same watermark in each.', "207X 138 mm. Dr. Kloss's copy.", 'Bought in March, 1853 IA. 18772, 18773. 1491-1500.—TYPE 88 G. IN LAST STATE. 67 mm. Type: 88 G. Historiated woodcut capital (2) on 32 and 18a; Lombard capitals elsewhere. 138 X 100 mm. Imperfect, wanting the blank leaf and', "the first leaf of quires c'and e. Capital D and woodcuts", 'painted several colours. On 56° is written: das biechlin geherst katherina nettin. The (modern) binding is lettered on the back: T. O. W. si.e. T. O. Weigel ?). Bought in June, 1872. IA. 18501. RUFUS, SEXTUS. De historia Romana. RUFUS, SEXTUS. De historia Romana. [Edited by Angelus Tiphernas. 719 January, 1492. 1e. dAngelus Tiphernas: amplissimo dno Baptiste Ro. Libellus finit. Impressus Rome per Stephanum The archetype of this edition is that of Sachsel and Golsch, about AURELIUS VICTOR, SEXTUS. *26 January, 1492. 12. Angelus Tiphernas Alexandro Iustino. S. P. D. ibid. l. 23: C Vita. C. Plinij Nepotis. 182. COLOPHON: The archetype of this edition is that of Sachsel and Golsch, about MANILIUS, JOANNES ANTONIUS. Oratio pro MANILIUS, JOANNES ANTONIUS. Oratio pro Britonoriensibus ad Alexandrum VI. August, 1492?', "occasioned to the Roman Church by 'coniunctio pxima louis &", "Martis in Leone'. This conjunction took place on 1 September,", '1492, before which date this speech must therefore have been delivered. It was probably printed shortly after delivery. 210 X 139 mm. Manuscript foliation (45-48). Bought in January, 1848. IA. 18528. SENENSES. Senensium obedientia publica by the Pope is given in the following passage from Michael Fernus, De legationum Italicarum aduentu (IA. 18973): Ita honorificentissime CATANEUS, JoANNES LUCIDUS. Oratio ad Type: 108 R. Capital (32) on 12. Hain *4683. 5° and 6° are short pages, containing 25 and 24 lines respectively. 214 X 145 mm. Bought in April, 1895. SPINOLA, JACOBUS. Oratio gratulatoria ad 109) mm. Type: 108 R. Capital (32) on 1° and 1b. Hain 114955. Another copy. 176 x 128 mm. Bound with IA. 18602, q. v., p. 95. Bought in September, 1838. IA. 18519 Oratio ad Another copy. 176x 128 mm. Bound with IA. 18602, q. v., p. 95. Bought in September, 1838. IA. 18525 Oratio pro Ferdinando [After 21 December, 1492. 1°. CRutilii Zenonis serui inutilis lesu Christi Anti¬ ESTE, NICOLAUS MARIA DE. Oratio pro Her¬ 75 January, 1493. 12, title; 1°, blank; 2e, letter of Iulius Campellus to Lucas Ripa of Ferrara ; 2°, letter of Nicolaus de Este to the Pope; 32, oration of Nicolaus de Este to the Pope; 4°, twenty hendecasyllabics,', "entitled 'oratio ad lectorem'.", '176x 128 mm. Bound with IA. 18602, q. v., p. 95. Bought in September, 1838. IA. 18543. BENEVENUTUS DE. (with marginalia 116) mm. Type: 108 R. Capital (32) on 1b and 22. Hain 77579. 12, blank; 1b, letter of the author to Jo. Ant. de Sancto Georgio, COLOMBO, CHRISTOFORO. Epistola de insulis IA. 18551.', "King George III's copy (C. 16. h. 16).", 'Another copy. 194X 148 mm. Manuscript foliation (263-266). BENEDICTUS DE NURSIA. De conserua Lombards elsewhere. Hain 11922.', "A close reprint, mostly page for page, of Plannck's undated", 'issue (IA. 18707). 209X 139 mm. Paragraph-marks and some initial¬ strokes supplied in red. Manuscript notes of contents. Bought in July, 1858. IA. 18556 CARA, PETRUS. Oratio ad Alexandrum VI only nine leaves).', "The 'oratores' of the Duke of Savoy, among them Petrus Cara,", 'entered Rome on 21 May, 1493 (Burchardus, vol. ii, p. 73; the date ’2 dicti mensis maii at the foot of p. 72, is evidently a mis- print).', "112) mm. Type: 108 R. Capital (32) on 12. Hain '4545", '180X 137 mm. CARVAJAL, BERNARDINUS. Sermo in com¬ Undated 1°. d In Comemoratione Victoriæ Bacensis Ciuitatis apud sanctum lacobum Hispanop de urbe: Sermo ad', "mm. Type: 108 R. Capital (32) on 12. Hain '4549.", "As neither type 108R. nor woodcut capitals occur in Plannck's work", 'as early as 1490, it seems clear that this sermon must have been printed some considerable time after it was first delivered. It has been placed after IA. 18563 because it has the same breadth of type page and number of lines to the page, in addition to being by the same author. 211X 144 mm. Bought in July, 1867. GRANOLLACHS, BERNARDUS DE. Luna¬ 88 G., with spaces, 139 x 90 mm. Types: 95 G., headings, names of months ; 88 G., text. Lombard capital on 22. Woodcut on i and woodcut diagrams of eclipses. The woodcut has on a scroll in rough characters, white or black, the inscription: Altior incupuit ssic) anims sub ymagine musndi). It is copied in reverse from that in the 1485 Naples edition. 208 X 143mm. Manuscript foliation (xxxxiiij-Ix2 Bought in June, 1862. CHIEREGATUS, LEONELLUS. Sermo habitus an no incarnationis dnice.M. CCcc. XCV. viij. Idus Aprilis Quarto. Jat.] 4 leaves, the first blank. 32: 43 lines, 151 x9', "mm. Type: 70 G. Capital (32) on 22. Ham '4962 (omitting all", 'mention of the text on 4°). 195X 133 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bought in September, 1849. IA. 18575. PONTIFICALE ROMANUM. [Edited by', "Folio.; a-zA-D'EF“. 232 leaves, the last blank, 5-230", 'numbered i-ccxxvj. 2 columns, except on 1b-2b. 72: 37 lines anc foliation, 244 (255) X 156 mm. Type: 132 G. Capital spaces,', "capitals (3b, 3°) and Lombards. With musical notes. Hain '13287.", '12 blank; 1°, letter of the editor J. de Lutiis to Cardinal Raphael Riarius; 22, 2°, dedication of the original edition (1485) by Augustinus Patritius to Innocent VIII; 3°-4°, table of contents;', "i-xcii“, prima pars; xciib-clxx', secunda pars; clxxb-cexxvie, tertia", 'pars; cexxvib, register of quires; 231, list of errata; 232, blank. 320X 221 mm. Without the blank leaf. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. IB. 18581. ROMA. Historia et descriptio urbis Romae. 101 x66 mm. Type: 88 G. Capitals (3°, 3*) and Lombards.', "With woodcuts. Hain '11199.", '1, blank; 22, summary of contents; 2b, cut; 38-168, de impera- toribus; 16°, cut; 172-182, oratio de s. Veronica, collecta; 182-30e, indulgentiae vii ecclesiarum principalium, with cuts on 18°, 216, 23b, 252, 26b, 27b, 29b; 30b-53b, indulgences of other churches; 54°-562, stationes in quadragesima, &c.; 56°, colophon; 56°,', "136X 100 mm. Bound after Plannck's undated Mira-", 'bilia Romae (IA. 18782, p. 101). Bought in February, 1870. GRANOLLACHS, BERNARDUS. Lunarium Types: 132 G., title; 88 G., headings, names of months; 70 G., text. Capital (34) on 22; Lombards on 22, 2b, 30°. Diagrams of eclipses. 133X 98 mm. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in June, 1862. IA. 18587 GRANOLLACHS, BERNARDUS. Lunarium Types: 132 G., title; 88 G., headings, names of months; 70 G. text. Capital (34) on 22; Lombards on 22, 26, and 308. Diagrams of eclipses. 136X 101 mm. Bought in June, 1862. IA. 18588. TURRECREMATA, JOANNES DE. Medita¬ where. With 33 woodcuts. Hain 15728. 201X 141 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bought in July, 1860. IA. 18592. ROMA. Historia et descriptio urbis Romae. [2° (summary of contents). 2° (woodcut). 3°. wood- cutROma ciuitas sacta calput mundi Anno post 102 x67 mm. Type: 88 G. Capitals (3°, 34) and Lombards. With woodcuts. Hain 11206. A very close reprint, with the same cuts, of the 1497 issue (IA. 18584), q.v., p. 99. 127 x91 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1, 2 and 8. Bought in May, 1845. ROMA. Historia et descriptio urbis Romae. 102 x 67 mm. Type: 88 G. Capitals (3b, 34) and Lombards.', "With woodcuts. Hain '11215.", '1, blank; 22, summary of contents; 2b, cut; 38-17e, von allen Kaisern; 17b, cut; 182-382, Gnade, Ablass und Heiltum bei der 133X90 mm. Without the blank leaf. On 2° is written: M. Ioh. Georgius von Zabern. Argent: 1759 From the Mitchell collection and the Beckford Library. Acquired in February, 1904 (Print Room). IA. 18600. words.S. BRIGIDA and ROMA. 128 x 96 mm. The first leaf is mounted. Bound after IA. 19433, q. v., p. 141. Bought in March, 1853. CANDIDUS, PETRUS. De genitura hominis. 1° (table of chapters): C Candidus de genitura hominis incipit feliciter. Quomodo generatur homo. mm. Type: 88 G. Lombard capital on 1b The address of Tiphernas on 7b shows that the archetype of this edition was one printed by Sachsel and Golsch, about 1474. 201 X 145 mm. Bought in June, 1895. IA. 18718. CONJURATIONES. Coniurationes dae 12 TITLE: Coniurationes demonum woodcut. 22. C Finis. 132 G., title; 88 G., text. Capital (34) on 2°; Lombards elsewhere. Bought in May, 1845. MATHEOLUS [DE MATTHIOLIS Bought in December, 1846. MODUS. Modus vacandi et acceptandi bene¬', "Type: 88 G. Lombard capital on 12. Hain '11522.", '216 X 149 mm. ROMA. Mirabilia Romae. 132 G., title; 88 G., text. Capital (34) and Lombard on 1°. Hain 136X 100 mm. Bound before the 1497 edition of the Bought in February, 1870. TAXAE. Taxae Cancellariae Apostolicae. Bought in May, 1896. IA. 18683. TRACTATUS. Tractatus procuratoris editus 90 mm. Type: 88 G. Lombard capital on 12. Hain 2643?', "This tract differs from the similar work, entitled 'Tractatus", 'quaestionis ventilatae coram domino nostro, &c., by Bartolus de Saxoferrato, and is no doubt an imitation of it. The two tracts are confused by Hain (nos. 2643-8). 192 X 131 mm. Bought in September, 1848. TROTTUS, ALBERTUS. De horis canonicis. TROTTUS, ALBERTUS. De horis canonicis. Undated. 1°. C Tabula coposita a dnno Alberto de Ferrarijs Type: 88 G. Capital (32) on 52: Lombards elsewhere. 204X 143 mm. On 1e is a manuscript list of some 15 tracts which were formerly bound after this book, the first', "being the Tractatus procuratoris ('Processus sub nomine", "diaboli’), probably Plannck's edition (IA. 18704, q. v.).", 'Bought. IA. 18763. TURRECREMATA, JOANNES DE. De effi¬ tracts, containing also IA. 18923, the rest being of the sixteenth century. Bought in December, 1892. IA. 18769. DOUBTFUL BOOKS. mm. Type: 101 R. Capital space on 12. Woodcut diagram, measuring 182 x 92 mm., on 9e. The first quire is octavo, the second quarto. This and the following book have been grouped together as they agree closely in measurements and general appearance and are evidently the work of the same printer. 179X 132 mm. The diagram is slightly cropped. IA. 18320. MAFFEUS, BENEDICTUS. Epistola de laudi¬', "rum' of J. N. Faela and a letter of Maffeus to Faela, and sollowed", 'by two other letters of Maffeus, was printed as a single volume by Besicken (Hain 6898, Reichling, vol. i, p. 142). Plate 131 of the', "Woolley Photographs shows the existence of Faela's tract and", "Maffeus's first letter in the same type and with the same measure¬", 'ments as the present tract. It is therefore practically certain that this and the Woolley tract are only part of a larger volume, as yet undescribed, containing the same matter as that of Besicken, and that they were not printed until after 13 August, 1483, the date of the last letter of Maffeus. 195 x 138 mm. Capital on 1e supplied in several colours, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes and underlines supplied on 1", a few on 9°. With the stamp of the Heber Library. Bought in November, 1837. IA. 18325. SULPICIUS, JoANNES. De versuum scan¬ 146x 89mm. Type: 101 R. Capital spaces, mostly with guide- letters. Hain 15163. In the letter to the reader on 50° the author says: "Lector: & Mallius latinus in germanicam frameam: & Harpe in canem monstro¬', "attack on Sulpicius's De quantitate syllabarum appended by Nestor", 'Dionysius to his Vocabularium. The first edition of this work seems to be that of Pachel and Scinzenzeler, Milan, 4 January, 1483 (IB. 26488), in which case the present book must have', "been printed after this date. Sulpicius's tract had already been", 'published at Milan by Zarotus in the previous November (IA. 26023). The verso of the first leaf probably contained the elegiacs ad lectores and ad Aulum found in other editions. The 9 used in this book is much smaller than that in the other books containing type 101 R. Quires sa-f: 194X 127 mm. Without the first leaf. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in July, 1845. IA. 18312. SIXTUS IV. Epistola ad Joannem Moce¬', "215X 145 mm. With book-plate ' Ex Libris M.A.", "Principis Burghesii'", 'Bought in June, 1893. MAHOMET II. Epistolae magni Turci.', "101 R. Capital space on 12. Hain '10496.", 'This book was catalogued under Ulrich Han by Proctor (no. 3365). IA. 18316. BONIFACIUS VIII. Liber sextus Decre¬ 3 in register. 9": 53 lines of commentary surrounding the text, 165 x 107 mm. A column of 46 lines of text on 308 measures', "162 mm. Types: 71 G., text; 62' G., commentary, register;", '62 G., table of rubrics. Capital spaces. The outer column of commentary is about 7 mm. broader than the inner throughout. Hain ’3605 (counting only 249 printed leaves). 200x 138 mm. Capitals, initial-strokes, underlines and foliation supplied in red; at the end of the table is the date of rubrication, 1484. On 2° is written: Sum', "B. Mariae virg: in Rottenbuech', on 1 is the book-plate", 'of Georgius Praepositus ... Raitenpuehensis, 1612. Bought in July, 1867. IA. 18340. EUCHARIUS SILBER dated 20 May, 1480 (Hain 4862). He continued printing into the 16th century, being succeeded by his son Marcellus Silber.', "TYPES (see Plates IX*-XI*): 72 G. [P. 1J, small text type, called by Silber 'litterae Venetae' (colophon", 'of IA. 18807). A, C, E bearded, B, O, P, Q plain, D, H (scrolled to left), M, V with double diagonals, K, L, N, R double-backed, F. G. T with broken double-backs, I with ornamental stem, S diamonded, C and O often formed double-backed, F. G. T with broken double-backs, I with ornamental stem, S diamonded, C and O often formed of E and O filed; round-tailed h, single hyphen and round paragraph-mark. Distinguishable from Adam de Rotwil, Venice, type 3 IP.), by the measurement and by I, which there has three thorns. Many of the majuscules are similar to those of Dominicus de Lapis, Bologna, type 2 (P.), of Lorenzo di Alopa, Florence, type 1 P., and of Carcain, Lyons, type IIP.J. In use in 1481, and with plain angular C replacing bearded C and somewhat different O, in 1486-7 88 R. IP. 21, medium text type of ordinary pattern. Narrow E; rather broad H; M and N with very slightly sloping shanks; short-tailed single Qu at first, replaced in 1482 or the beginning of 1483 by separate Qu; round-tailed h; large ?. In the descriptions the different states are distinguished as 88 Rl. for the state with single Ou and 88 R2. for the state with separate Qu. The last state is distinguished from Freitag 88 R. P. 2 by narrow', "t, large paragraph-mark, and single hyphen. Proctor's note that the double hyphen first appears in July, 1492,", "together with woodcut initials', is due to his confusing Silber's type with Freitag's. In use in 1482-93", '112 R. [P. 31, large text type of bold round pattern, with rather heavy majuscules. Narrow E, shanks of M sloping very slightly, straight-shanked N, separate and single Qu, longish-tailed R, straight-tailed h, small 3, light paragraph-mark, double-backed angular bracket for carrying on line-endings. Most books have single hyphen, but This type as a few hesitatingly classed here have double hyphen, perhaps borrowed from type 125 G. P. 5. found in Silber s signed books is distinguishable from Herolt 112 R. [P. 11, as found in his signed books, by the presence of hyphen, 3, and paragraph-mark. Only three books in this type are signed, two of them being dated. In the earlier of these, the Conclusiones DCCCC publice disputandae of Joannes Picus, dated 7 December, 1486 (IB. 18857), the measurement is rather less than in the later, the Sallust of 3 April, 1490 (IA. 18913), and the former has straight-tailed 3, broad inverted semi- colon, and rare single Qu, while the latter has round-tailed 3 narrow inverted semicolon, and frequent single Qu. These states are distinguished in the descriptions as 112 Rl. and 112 R2. If the Aesop of 29 March, 1483, is correctly assigned to Silber, then this type would appear to have had originally only single Qu; and if the Carmen bucolicum of Geraldinus, dated 6 June, 1485, is rightly included here, then 112 R2. was used concurrently with 112 R. It is noticeable that in a number of the undated books in 112 R2. the measurement is about 114 mm. In use in 1483-90. 92 G. [P. 61, medium text type, distinguishable from Georgius Teutonicus and Riessinger 93 G. P. Herolt and Riessinger, 41 by having double hyphen. A diamonded, B, C, D, E, G, H, L, N, O, P, Q, R, T double-backed, D. H. M. N. O. P. O, V double-crossed, F triangulated to left, I with ornamental stem, S with slanting bar. In an undated Andreas Hispanus, Canones poenitentiales (IA. 19133), this type is cut down to measure 86 mm. In use in 1489 and in 1497-1500. 100 R. IP. 41, large text type, very similar in appearance to 112 R. (P. 3), but with lighter majuscules, broader E. H. L, deep-tailed Qu, and heavy paragraph-mark. In the first state of this type, called in the descriptions 109 Rl., separate Qu only is found, along with a small round-topped 3, while the measurement tend- to exceed 100 mm. In the second state, called 109 R2, single Qu is found as well as separate Qu, and flat-topped replaces round-topped 3, while the measurement is short; the only date connected with this state in the Museum collection is 1493. In books dated 1498 separate Qu only is found, and a short upright hyphen (or comma) is added, while the measurement is normal; this state is distinguished as 109 Re. In use in 1489-98. 125 G. [P. 51, heading type, hardly distinguishable from Le Roy, Lyons, type I (P.), and Siber, Lyons, type 2 P.J. Of the available capitals A, C, E, L, N, O, P, Q, R, T are double-backed, D, M, N, O, P, Q double crossed. F plain, I with ornamental stem, S diamonded; round-tailed h, double hyphen. In use in 1489-1500. 73 G. TP. 71, small text type in the Venetian style. A and S diamonded, B, G, H, K, N, P, R double¬ backed, C. D. E. F. I, L, M, T, V plain, H, N double-crossed, O, Q broken-backed; h rounded, single hyphen. Distinguishable from Plannck 7o G. (P. 9) by measurement and by broader D and smaller 9. In use in 1492-8. Not reproduced. 84 R. IP. 81, medium text type of ordinary pattern. M and N with slightly sloping shanks, single and separate Ou; h with straight tail, double hyphen, & tilted forwards, light paragraph-mark. In use perhaps in 1493 (see IA. 18977), and certainly in 1495-1500. 65 G. P. 91, small text type. All majuscules plain, except A diamonded and L double-backed. B, L, O, Q perhaps wrong tount, are much larger than the other majuscules, and serve to distinguish the type readily from Besicken 60 G. [P. 21, where these letters are of normal size. Found only in the Formularium instrumentorum of 1494 (IA. 18994) 81 R. [P. 101, small text type similar to 84 R. [P. 81, but with narrower A, broader E, straight-shanked M and N, single Ou with long flat tail, R with straighter tail, single hyphen, and upright &. Distinguishable by the shorter measurement from Capcasa, Venice, type 4 (P.), which has slanting-shanked M and separate Qu with tail brought up to the line. Found only in the Vegetius, &c., of 1494 (IA. 19003) 146 G. P. 111, large heading type; double-barred A, V (horizontal bars), B, D, G, H, M, N, O, P,Q (slanting bars), S. T (upright bars), double-backed G, H, L, plain C, E, F,R, ornamental stemmed I; round-tailed h, large3 single and double hyphen. In use in 1495 and 1498. 103 PAVINIS, JoANNES FRANCISCUS DE. Circa On 166 the last of a list of cures is recorded as having happened hic in vrbe de mense semtembris huius anni .M. cccc. Ixxx, 214X 145 mm. Capitals, initial-strokes, and under- lines supplied in red. Manuscript title, colophon, and few notes in red. With the bookplate of Thos. Gaisford. Bought in June, 1890. IA. 18802. FORMULARIUM. Formularium procura¬ last blank. Register in 3 columns. 74: 41 lines, 150x 94 mm. Type: 72 G. Capital spaces. Hain 17293. 104 198 X 129 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 212 and the two blank leaves. Capital on 7e supplied in blue. On 2° is written: Ad vsum Monasterij S. Lampti. On the front cover the letters E. A. S. L., and on the back the press-mark 5. F. 8. are stamped in gold. Bought in June, 1859. IA. 18807 PROPERTIUS, SEXTUS. Elegiae. [Edited', "22 lines, leaded, 143x 80 mm. Type: 88 R'. (leaded throughout).", 'Capital spaces, many with guide-letters. Hain 13402. 191X 129 mm. Manuscript notes. With a book-label inscribed: Ex libris Jacobi Manzoni, Bought in July, 1893. IA. 18812. Oratio de diuina 198X137 mm. With the stamp of the Bodleian Library. Acquired by exchange in December, 1913. IA. 19167. AESOPUS. Fabulae. [With an Italian trans AESOPUS. Fabulae. [With an Italian trans lation by Accius Zuccus.) 29 March, 1483', "146x 85 mm. Type: 112 R'. Capital spaces. Hain 347.", "The type agrees with Silber's except that no hyphen or separate", 'Ou is found, and in the numbers of the fables the lower-case v is missing, a wrong-fount majuscule being used instead. The lines on 3°* Da Gioanni a luise ssic e da compagni sui Con', "diligentia bene impresso fui' show that the text of this edition is", 'printed from that issued by Giouanni Aluise and Co. at Verona in 1479 (IA. 30720). 203X 136 mm. PERERIIS, GUILLERMUS DE. Sermo super Bought in September, 1849. PAVINIS, JoANNES FRANCISCUS DE. Oratio 88 R2. Capital space on 12. Hain 12534. 208 X 143 mm. Bought in January, 1878. FLISCUS, HECTOR. Oratio ad Innocentium IA. 18840. GERALDINUS, ANTONIUS. Carmen bucoli¬ HISPANIARVM FILIO PONITIFICEQVE CESAR.', "(with marginalia 108) mm. Type: 112 R'. Capital space, with", 'guide-letter, at the beginning of each eclogue. Hain 7611 (not mentioning the elegiacs on 26°). Two sheets in quire sc are octavo. The type has all the characteristics of the second state of Silber 112 R., but single Qu, which alone is found, has rather a shorter tail than that in the signed Sallust (IA. 18913) 198 X 137 mm. Bought in March, 1906. GUIBA, ROBERTUS. Oratio ad Innocentium this speech on 28 June, 1485 (Burchardus, vol. i, p. 148). 201X 140 mm. Bought in September, 1849. DALBERG, JOHANNES DE. Gratulatio Inno Bought in January, 1848. IA. 18842. BRIGITTA. Onus mundi. [With other BRIGITTA. Onus mundi. [With other tracts. Edited by W. Sandizeller.) *1 October, 1485. 2°. JAD quascunque manus libellus iste peruenerit', "g-k nearly all with guide-letters. Hain '12012.", '210X 142 mm. Capitals supplied in red. Manuscript quiring, partly cut away, in quires sel and [fl. Bought in April, 1851. IA. 18845. Another copy. 207 X 133 mm. Without the blank leaf. Grenville copy (G. 11721). CANDIDUS, EUSTACHIUS. Judicium anni CANDIDUS, EUSTACHIUS. Judicium anni 112 January, 1486. 1486. 149X 87 mm. Type: 88 R2. Capital space on 12. 194 X 147 mm. Bought in September, 1870. MORA, ALPHONSUS DE. Oratio de Trinitate IA. 19173. PICUS. JOANNES, Mirandulanus. Conclusiones SLCIS: MATHEMATICIS: Methaphysicis: Thesso¬ 270 x 196 mm. Bound after IB. 18322 and IB. 27536. Bought in March, 1845. IB. 18857. VEGETIUS RENATUS, FLAVIUS. De re militari. [With other tracts. Joannes Sulpitius. 29 January, 15 February, 1 June, 1487. MILITARIS EX COMMENTARIIS CATONIS: CELISI: TRAIANI: HADRIANI: ET FRONTIINI LIBER PRIMVS. 586. FIRST COLOPHON: Impressum Thessalonicense latinum factum & Antonio Panormite Alphonsi Regis preceptori di-lcatum:: 864. SECOND', "on 65b. Capital spaces, almost all with guide-letters. Hain '15913", '(the first tract only). The prefatory letter of Sulpitius on 1b, which is not described', "by Hain, contains the statement: 'Tres de ea re scriptores egregios", 'quos nuperrime recognoui: Vegetium: Aelianum: & Frontinum/', "simul coniunxi'.: The three tracts were no doubt sold either", 'separately or together, so that there is no reason for assuming', "Hain's copy to have been imperfect. In Silber's enlarged reprint", 'of 1494 (IA. 19003) the order of the tracts is changed. 192 X 133 mm. Without the blank leaf 87. Bound before IA. 18868. Another copy. 203X 138 mm. In this copy Frontinus precedes Aelianus, and Modestus, De vocabulis rei militaris (IA. 18869) is bound between them. MODESTUS. De vocabulis rei militaris. 203X138 mm. Traces of manuscript signatures. Bound between the Frontinus and the Aelianus of the collection entered above under Vegetius Renatus (IA. 18863-7). Another copy. 192 X 133 mm. Bound after IA. 18862-6. Bought in July, 1845. IA. 18868. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. [With other tracts.) 1e. CICERO VETVRIO SVO SALVTEM. cOol¬', "33 lines, 145x 87 mm. Type: 88 R'. Two capital spaces, with", 'guide-letters. Hain 5354. 1—-19b synonyma; 202-24°, de differentiis Ciceronis in rebus Bought in March, 1906. IA. 18870. INNOCENTIUS VIII. Bulla condemnatoria', "with Silber's. No instance of Qu is found.", '220X 148 mm. Formerly part of a tract volume. On 4° is written: Est lacobi Rufini & amicor. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 19175. SULPITIUS, JoANNES. Commentariolus in *22 October, 1487. 26: 33 lines, 146x 87 mm. Type: 88 R2. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain *15166 (counting 39 leaves). 201 x 136 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 29-42. Bought in May, 1895. IA. 18872. BOSCA, PETRUS. Oratio de victoria Mala¬ Do-ctoris. R. D. Cardin. S. Marci Auditoris Romę AESOPUS. Vita et fabulae per Rinucium Few capital spaces in vita, numerous capital spaces, with guide¬ letters, in fabulae ; also spaces for Greek. Hain 281.', "The Vita is a duplicate of the corresponding part in Silber's un¬", 'dated edition (IA. 19052, p. 119), so that this is perhaps a made-up copy 202X 138 mm. Without the blank leaves. Leaf 24, containing the register to the Vita, is bound at the end. IA. 18877 GENAZANO, MARIANUS DE. Oratio coram Bought in September, 1849. INNOCENTIUS VIII. Bulla reuocationum sortil tan effectum. Et reductonis gran expectatiuau INNOCENTIUS VIII. Regula quod ad Type: 88 R2. 195X 130 mm. Bought in October, 1878. IA. 18889. POMPILIUS, PAULUS. Syllabae.', "146 x 87 mm. Type: 88 R'. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-", 'letters. Head-lines in quires sc-fl, giving vowel and syllable', "treated. Hain '13254.", '213X 145 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bought in April, 1908. IA. 18891. Epitoma rerum apud', "stamped in gold on the covers. Dr. Kloss's copy.", 'Bought in June, 1846. IA. 18892. TURRECREMATA, JOANNES DE. De pote¬', "Hain's description offers slight textual differences from the", 'above, and his account of the preliminary matter is confusedly stated. His copy is said to contain on 1e a title printed in red,', "beginning 'IOANNIS DE TVRRE CREMATA CARDINA-Ilis.", 'S. Sixti Aurea 1 elegans suma’, &c. No such leaf exists in this copy, which however appears to be complete. The prefatory letter of Hieronymus Scoptius contains the follow¬ ing remarks about the work: Quod ad comunem oim vtilitatem Sanctissimi dni nostri Innocentij Octaui sumptibus Rome est im column of the table of contents on 1e. 425 X 281 mm. Bought in April, 1909. IC. 18894 SCOPTIUS, HIERONYMUS. Oratio de Trini¬ 109 R. Spaces for Greek. Hain 14540 (counting 16 leaves).', "Hain's errors in describing this and the other oration of Scoptius", '(see IA. 18836 below) are due to his misreading Audiffredi (p. 429). This sermon was delivered on 14 June, 1489 (Burchardus, vol. i, p. 355). MANCINELLUS, ANTONIUS. 143 x 87 mm. Type: 92 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 10616. A letter of Mancinellus to the reader on 2° and 3e is dated Calendis Sextilibus, 1489. I10 The measurements of this book are exactly half those of the folio Turrecremata (IC. 18894) printed with the same type. 202 X 140 mm. Bought in December, 1910. IA. 18895. GARSIAS, PETRUS. Determinationes magi Register in 2 columns. 4°: 42 lines, 193X117 mm. Types: 125 G., main headings and colophon ; 92 G., text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 17492. 277 X 212 mm. Manuscript notes. Bought in April, 1882. IB. 18896. Another copy. In this copy leaf 7 is of a different setting-up. On vellum. 278x 201 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 2. Capitals illuminated in gold and colours; illu minated borders at the main divisions; head-lines sup¬', "plied in red and blue. On 1' is a note: Hic liber e", 'Conuëntus anuntiats d seo Geminiano. oris pdicaton habit? IB. 18897. SCOPTIUS, HIERONYMUS. Oratio in festo', "109 R'. Hain 14541 (counting 8 leaves).", 'This sermon was delivered on 1 November, 1489 (Burchardus, vol. i, p. 371). ZERBUS, GABRIEL. Gerontocomia. Capital spaces, nearly all with guide-letters. Hain 16284. 191 X 128 mm. Capitals supplied in red. The two inner sheets of quire g have been reversed in binding Bought in July, 1862. IA. 18900. POMPILIUS, PAULUS. Vita Senecae. Silua', "147x 90 mm. Types: 109 R'., 109 Gk. on 12° and 12°. Capita", 'spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 13252. 189X 137 mm. With the book-stamp of the Biblio- theca Heberiana. Presented in June, 1851. IA. 18903. PLINIUS SECUNDUS, CAIUS CAECILIUS. The prefatory letter of Pomponius Laetus to Vasinus Gamberia', "contains the statement' Ex iis Cæcili epistolas... Ioanni Rhegiens.", 'Bibliopolae efflagitanti ex tua presertim uoluntate imprimendas dedi the Sallust of 3 April (IA. 18913, where see note). 202X 135 mm. Leaves 1, 9, 10, 74, 118, 150 are made up from another copy, and measure 197 X 124 mm. Capital on 2° illuminated in gold and colours, with a border; other capitals supplied in alternate red and blue IA. 18905', "King George III's copy (C. 2. a. 24). PETRUSTMENTIUSJ DE VICENTIA. Oratio Bought in October, 1846. IA. 18907. CHIEREGATUS, LEONELLUS. Another copy. 203X 138 mm. IA. 18911. POMPILIUS, PAULUS. Panegyris de trium¬ cipes Ferdinandum & Helisabet: Victoriolsissimos coniuges: Pauli Pompilii Panegyris. de Triumpho Quarto. a8bc“. 20 leaves, the first blank. 6°: 26 lines, 143»', "89 mm. Type: 109 R'. Two capital spaces, with guide-letters.", 'Hain 13253. IA. 18918. SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS, CAIUS. Opera. 22. AVGVSTINO MAFAEO RE-IRVM RO. THE SAVRO. POM PONIVS LAETVS. 140°. COLO PHON: Impressus Romæ per. M. Eucharium Silbei alias Franck. Anno Salutis .M. CCCCXC. Tertia Nonas Aprilis. Sedente. Innocentio .VIII. Pon. Max. Anno eius Sexto. 140°. Registrum huius libri : blank. 4°: 26 lines, 148x 89 mm. Type: 112R2. Capital spaces,', "with guide-letters. Hain '14217", '1, blank; 22-3b, Letter of Pomponius Laetus; 42-352, De con- containing à manuscript work entitled Leonardi Floren tini ad lo: Franciscum gonzagam pncipen mantuanor de', "origine Vrbis Mantuę' and dated ex Florentia sexto Kl.", 'Bought in May, 1883 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Epistolae ad CICERONIS EPISTOLARVM AD BRVITVM LI¬ BER. 197b. COLOPHON: Impressum Romæ per Magi¬ lines and head-line, 204 (215) x 126mm. Types: 109 Rl., 109 Gk. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines give the book¬ titles and numbers. Hain *5216. The letter of Ludouicus Regius Corneliensis to Augustinus Maphæus at the end of the book contains the following statements: Itaque sub tuo Archetypo nostra cura recognito: circiter octingenta 17 July’, but it may possibly refer to a date in August. On vellum. 315x 218 mm. Capitals at beginnings of books illuminated in gold and colours, that on with an illuminated border; other capitals supplied in alternate blue and red. On 3 are the arms of Cardinal Jean Balue, illuminated in gold and colours.', "King George III's copy (C. 5. c. 12).", 'IB. 18915 Another copy. 306 x 203 mm. Without the blank leaves. Grenville copy (G. 9359). IB. 18916. SULPITIUS, JOANNES. De arte grammatica. Capital spaces. Hain 15154. 1429, emendanda and colophon; 142b, blank. A letter of Sulpitius prefixed to the fourth book of the Ars gram-', "matica on 58° begins : 'Etsi hos libros grammaticas . . . post", 'Perusinam illam editionem sthe editio princeps of 1475, Hain 151461 pleniores melioresque reddidi’, &c. MAFFEUS, CELSUS. Monumentum com¬ nicus regularis congregationis Late ranensis Salutem aeternam & commendationem poptat. 20b. COLOPHON: C Impressum', "109 R'. Three capital spaces, two with guide-letters. Hain 10439.", "1*, 1°, Prefatory letter; 1b-12b, Monumentu compendiosum'", '&c.; 12°-18e, aliud breue scrutatoriolu peccaton pro confessioni¬ Another copy. Bought in December, 1892. AURELIUS VICTOR, SEXTUS. De viris 12. aNgelus Tiphernas Alexädro Iustino. S. p. d. 212 X 144 mm. Few capitals and underlines supplied in red. Bought in May, 1907. IA. 18924. RUFUS, SEXTUS. De historia Romana. [Edited RUFUS, SEXTUS. De historia Romana. [Edited by Angelus Tiphernas. 723 August, 1491.', "88 R'. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 14032.", '202X 137 mm. Bought in July, 1879. IA. 18925. TEGLIATIUS, STEPHANUS. Oratio de Pas¬ 2°. C Stephani Thegliatij Archiepiscopi Patracensis : Episcopi Torcellani Oratio de passione domini habita 89 mm. Type: 73 G. Hain 15457. The arrangement of the watermarks and the absence of the blank leaf in this copy leave the quiring uncertain. The make-up may possibly be sa b* with the blank leaf at the end; but as the text ends on 12° it seems more probable that the blank leaf came at the beginning, with the quiring as given above. 195X 134 mm. Without the blank leaf. IA. 18929. ARISTOTELES. Politica. [Translated by ARISTOTELES. Politica. [Translated by Leonardus Aretinus. With the commentary of S. Thomas Aquinas and the conclusions 519 July, 1492. of Ludouicus Valentia.) 1°. Augustinus Piccolhomineus Magistro Ludouico omitted. 4°: 49 lines of commentary surrounding the text, with head-line, 215 (224) X 139mm. A column of 39 lines of text on', "64b measures 214mm. Types: 109 R'., text; 88 R'., commentary", 'Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines give the book- numbers. Hain 1768.', "A letter at the end dated 19 July and headed 'Q M. Nimireus", "Arbensis Archidyaconus Magistro Ludouico Valentię', &c., con-", "tains the statement that the work was handed over 'librariis", 'this copy.', "308 x 208 mm. Manuscript notes. On 60°, 61', and", '62°, in the same hand as some of the notes, is the inscrip tion: Ioannis Bembi veneti. Bought in November, 1890. IB. 18934 Oratio in Another copy. 176 x 127 mm. Bound after IA. 18602, q. v., p. 95. Bought in September, 1838. IA. 18937. Castigationes COLOPHON: Finis Castigationum Plinianarum Hermolai Barbari. Impressit Eucharius Argenteus Ger-mamus: Prefatio. 3482. SECOND COLOPHON: FINIVNT: HER¬ MOLAI: BAR. Patriarchae Aquileiensis Plinianae Castigationes: Item Aeditio in Plinium secunda : Item Emendatio in Melam Pomponium: Item Obscurae cum Expositionibus suis uoces in Pli- niano Codice.', "213x 124-5 mm. Types: 109 R'., part i, also colophon and some", 'headings and head-lines in part ii ; 88 R2., text of part ii; 109 Gk. in quotations throughout. Few capital spaces, with guide-letters.', "The head-lines give the book-numbers. Hain '2421.", '304 X 208 mm. IB. 189 BECHIS, GENTILIS DE. Oratio Florentinorum', "mm. Type: 109 R'. Capital (2) on 12. Hain 77559.", 'The date on which the Florentine orators were received by the', "Pope is given as 'IIII. Kls. Decemb.' on 32° of Michael Fernus,", 'Epistola de legationum Italicarum aduentu (IA. 18973). Another copy. Bought in September, 1849. Another-copy. Bought in September, 1838. IA. 18965. SPINOLA, JACOBUS. Oratio gratulatoria ad', "(109) mm. Type: 88 R'. Two capital spaces, with guide-letters.", "Ham '14956.", 'IA. 18958. BENTIVOLUS, ANTONIUS GALEATIUS. Oratio Another copy. Bought in September, 1849. VERARDUS, MARCELLINUS. The attempt on the life of Ferdinand of Aragon referred to in this tract was made on 7 December, 1492. According to Burchardus (vol. ii, pp. 27 ff.) the news of this attempt was received at Rome', "in x vel circiter diebus', while deinde in paucis aliis diebus", 'came the news that Ferdinand was out of danger. A mass for', "Ferdinand's convalescence was sung on 29 December by the Pope's", 'order.', "On 3° mention is made of the'Regii Oratores Berardinus [sic)", "Caruaial Pacenn. & lohannes Medina Astoricen. Præsules'. The", 'latter succeeded the former as Bishop of Badajoz on 27 March, 1493. VERARDUS, CAROLUS. Historia Baetica.¬ FIRST COLOPHON: Acta Ludis Romanis Innocentio. VIII.', "88 mm. Type: 109 R'. Capitals (2). Hain '15941.", 'Historia Bætica, 173X 119 mm. Bought in May, 1846. Presented in November, 1907. Bought in September, 1838. CLAUDIANUS, CLAUDIUS. De raptu Pro one with guide-letter. Hain 5376. 198 X 144 mm. Bought in November, 1892. FLORIDUS, BARTHOLOMAEUS. 12. Q Oratio confaederationis initae inter Sanctissismum. D. N. Alexandrum .VI. Pon. Max. & Il- lustrissimos Bought in September, 1838. COLOMBO, CRISTOFORO. Epistola de insulis', "mm. Type: 73 G. Capital (2) on 12. Hain '5492.", '226 X 145 mm. Epistola de legationum 2°. loannes Morrus Typhernas Decretorum dossctor. Italicarum ad Diuum Alex. Pont. Max. VI. Pro obedientia 142x 89 mm. Type: 109 R2. Capitals (2). Hain 6978. 1, blank; 22-3°, letter of Joannes Morrus to Fernus; 4, letter of Fernus to Cardinal Sanseverino; 5°, letter of Jacobus Anti¬ quarius to Fernus, dated 1 January, 1493; 5°, verses to Antiquarius; 62-56°, de legationum aduentu, dated 3 March, 1493; 566, 572 verses to Antiquarius; 57°, letter of Antiquarius to Fernus, dated 22 May, 1493; 58, letter of Fernus to Antiquarius, dated 23 May 1493; 592-60*, verses to Cardinal Sanseverino and register; 60b, title. 194X 135 mm. Without the blank leaf. IA. 18973. SYBILLA, BARTHOLOMAEUS. Speculum pere professoris: Prefatio in animarum rationalium in coniuncto 28 lines, and head-line and foliation, 151 (156, 162) X 101 mm.', "Type: 109 R'. Capital spaces. The head-lines give the number", 'of the decade, the initial letters P, S, T being used from fol. VIII onwards. Hain 14718. Leaf 34 (the second leaf of the middle sheet of quire scl) is blank. except that on the recto is printed: Hic nichil deficit. Leaf 33. like leaf 35, is numbered XXI. The middle sheet of quire sc was no doubt inserted to rectify an omission, as the foliation is con¬ tinuous without it. 218x 161 mm. Old half leather over boards. Bought in November, 1888. IA. 18985 PORCIUS, HIERONYMUS. LIS ET PONTIFICII IV. RIS INTERPRES: AC SANCTI PETRI CANO NICVS: FERDINANDO ET HELISABETH. HIS- PANIARVM ET GRA¬ NATAE REGIBVS. AV-IGVSTIS PORTIVM Co In the body of the book are contained texts of the following addresses to the Pope : obedientia Senensium, Luccensium, Flo¬ rentinorum, Genuensium, Venetorum, Ferdinandi regis Neapolitani, 166 X 112 mm. Without the first blank leaf. IA. 18987. FORMULARIUM. Formularium instrumen¬ 46 lines and foliation, 150 (156) x93 mm. Types: 125 G., folia- tion; 65 G., text. Small Lombards (1). Hain 7284. 205X 140 mm. Bought in June, 1884. NIMIRA, MARTINUS DE. Sermo de Passione Quarto. Ja°b4. 10 leaves. 22: 43 lines, 157x93mm. Type: 73 G. Small Lombards (1). Hain 11889.', "The letter to Bernardinus Carvajal on 12 is dated 'Rome .iij.", "Non Aprilis. Mccccxciiij'. VIANA, MARTINUS DE. Oratio de Ascensione After 8 May, 1494.) 1°. C Martini de Viana artium 1 sacre theologie pro¬ mm. Type: 73 G. Capital (2) on 12. 194 X 139 mm. Without the blank leaf. IA. 18999. VIANA, MARTINUS DE. Oratio in die Trini¬ Quarto. [a’. 6 leaves, the last blank. 32: 41 lines, 149X93 mm. Type: 73 G. Capital (2) on 1°. 206 x 148 mm. Bought in May, 1907. VEGETIUS RENATUS, FLAVIUS. De re 24 October, 3 November, 1494. 1°. TITLE: VEGETIVS DE RE MILITARI. 368. FIRST COLOPHON: Romae impressum per Eucharium', "Quarto. a-i'; k-ptq'; r*; s-xy2; A-D. 104 leaves. 5°: 40 lines", 'and head-line, 164 (170) X 112 mm. Type: 81 R. Capitals (3e 3°,4); also some capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. The', "head-lines give the author and title of the tract. Hain '15915.", 'On 1b is a reprint of the letter of Joannes Sulpitius found in', "Silber's edition of 1487 (IA. 18862, 18864, 18866), q.v.", '212X 153 mm. Opera. 731 October, 1495. 1°. TITLE Jaround woodcut bell: ... Plus in alieno ....:. DE TE.:. MOX .: DE ME.:. Ne precor quid prius dato Lector uitio quam omnia intueare Nam spero 5 columns. 212: 56 lines and head-line, 236 (246) x 139 mm Types: 146 G., first three words of title; 109R2., head-lines; 84 R., text ; 73 G., last page of first quire, whole of quire «, first thre pages of second quire A, two lines on cut on 302°. Capitals (2, 5e 56,5°, 6,7, 8, 9). The head-lines give the titles and book-numbers. With two woodcuts. Hain 4286. 12, title, with woodcut; 1", privilege for 10years, dated 26 March, 1495, granted to Michael Fernus by Lodovico Maria Sforza, Duke of Milan, followed by verses; 22, letter of Jacobus Antiquarius te Fernus; 2b, 32, letter of Fernus to Antiquarius, and verses; 30- 6°, omnium index operum, and addresses to readers; 7u-160 Campani vita, and verses; 172-18b, index; 192-66e, de ingrati¬ colophon. The woodcut of a bell on 1e contains woodcut inscriptions and the monogram HAE surmounted by a cross, usually interpreted as Eucharius Argenteus Herbipolensis. The same device occurs in the woodcut on 302b. Fernus was at work editing this book as early as April of this year (see his dedication to Laetus in Sandeus, Epitoma, Besicken and Mayr, 1495, IA. 19376). 302 X 203 mm. IB. 19008.', "King George III's copy (167. e. 7).", 'Another copy. 316X 216 mm. In this copy the quires are wrongly bound in the following order: (I-III) (i-v); 4 ; a-1; a-i; a-m; A-H; #; a; A-F; [*; (i-iii) ; [G). IB. 19006. Another copy. 307X 210 mm. In this copy quires f-i of the second section of the works are misbound between quires e and k of the first section, and quire (i-iii) is misbound after the third quire a instead of before it. IB. 19007. From the old Royal Library. Another copy. 297 x 203 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last three', "leaves. On 301' is written: Empt? london pe xs. On", '1* is a note: Pertinet iste liber ad Collegiu Regale. IB. 19009. VIANA, MARTINUS DE. Oratio in festo S. VIANA, MARTINUS DE. Oratio in festo S. Thomae Aquinatis. [After 7 March, 1496. 1°. Martini de Viana Artiu & Sacre theologie doc¬ toris R. dnni Car. sci Geor. Sedis apostolice Camerarii IA. 19016. MIRANDA, SANCIUS DE. Oratio de diuino IA. 19018. TOTIS, TIMOTHEUS DE. Oratio in funere After 4 May, 1497. 1°. CTimotheus de totis de Mutina theologie pro¬ 92 mm. Type: 92 G. Three capital spaces, one with guide¬ letter. Hain 15584 (the first four leaves only). The death-date of Ludouicus de Ferraria is given in the letter of Petrus Marsus on 5° as 21 September, 1496. The opening words of the dedicatory letter on 1", presumably written just before the publication of the book, indicate that the sermon ’ in die ascen-', "sionis was given later than this date: 'Cum pridie coram", 'sanctissimo D.D. nostro Alexandro sexto in die ascensionis verba habuissem, &c. Burchardus (vol. ii, p. 278) records that no sermon was preached on Ascension Day, 1496, while on Ascension Day, 1497, sermonem fecit quidam frater Thadeus, orator predica¬ PETRUS [MENTIUSJ DE VICENTIA. Re¬ Bought in October, 1870. CARVAJAL, BERNARDINUS. Quarto. a8b°. 14 leaves, the last blank. 52: 35 lines and GENAZANO, MARIANUS DE. Oratio de Pas¬ 1°. Fratris Mariani Genazanensis ordinis fratru Here¬ mitarum Diui Auguistini. Generalis Oratio de pas¬sione ANNIUS, JoANNES. Commentaria super 216 leaves, the first blank. Partly with commentary surrounding text, or in two columns. 13b: 42 lines of commentary, 231X 150 mm. A column of 32 lines of text on 17b measures 234 mm. Types: 146 G., text; 109 R°., commentary; 73 G., genealogical tables in quire P. Three capitals (2, 52) in quires a, b; capital spaces elsewhere, mostly with guide-letters. Woodcut of Rome on 85b. Hain 1130. 1, blank; 2, letter to Ferdinand and Isabella; 38-11b, preface and digest of contents; 12°, blank; 12°, Papal privilege for ten years granted to Silber 23 July, 1498; 138-215b, the following texts in the order given (the number in brackets gives the book-number according to the digest of contents, which itself forms book 1): Mirsilus (6), Cato (7), Archilocus (10), Metasthenes (11), Pro¬ pertius (3), Philo Judaeus (14), Xenophon (4), Sempronius (9), Fabius Pictor (5), Antoninus Pius (8), Berosus (15), Manetho (16), Annius, Chronographia (13) followed by first register and colophon, Annius, Institutiones (2), xl quaestiones Anniae (17), Annius, De 22. T. PHAEDRI Ingheramii Volaterrani Panæelgyricus régister gives it in the order stated above. In the Paris reprint of 1512 by Joannes Paruus and Jodocus Badius the books are arranged in the order as given in the digest, and the prefatory letter of Badius contains the following phrase .... Quę ommia quo ordine ab eo in primo libro digesta visunt (Nam giving a list of contents, perhaps inserted owing to the confusec order in which the different parts of the book were arranged. 315X 220 mm. From the Old Royal Library. IB. 19034 PINTOR, PETRUS. Aggregator sententiarum 22. C Ad beatissimum 2 clementissimum Dominum nostrum dominum Alexdrum selsxtum Pontificen Maximum written: Robert Travers. Bought in March, 1888. IB. 19037 LUDOVICUS XII. mm. Type: 92 G. Small Lombard (1) on 12. 198 X 133 mm. Bought in October, 1858. INGHERAMIUS, THOMAS PHAEDRUS. Pane 1°. B. Caruagial : Presbytero sce Crucis in Hieroso¬ This sermon was delivered on 7 March, 1500 (Burchardus, vol. iii GRATIA DEI, JOANNES BAPTISTA. De confu¬ tatione Hebraicae sectae. 1°. TITLE: Liber de Confutatio=ne hebrayce secte. 167°. COLOPHON : C Impressuz Rome p venerabile viru i-clxiii. 10°: 32 lines, and head-lines and marginalia, 146 (155) x88 (115). Types: 125 G., title and head-lines; 92 G., text. Few small Lombards (1); capital spaces elsewhere, mostly with guide¬ letters. The head-lines give the part-numbers and titles. Hain 17878. 209 x 135 mm. Old English stamped brown leather binding. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. IA. 19046. UNDATED BOOKS, ARRANGED ACCORDING Undated. 28. Magnifico domino Laurentio lauina Rynuncius', "Quarto. Ja-c'; de'f'. 46 leaves, the first and last blank.", "5a: 32 lines, 141 x 88 mm. Type: 88 R'. Capital spaces; also", 'spaces for Greek. Hain 269. 202X 136 mm. Without the blank leaves. IA. 19052. CAORSIN, GUILELMUS. Obsidionis Rhodiae', "88 R'. Capital space on 1°. Hain 4358.", '188 x 137 mm. Capital, initial-strokes, and under- lines supplied in red. Bought in October, 1858. IA. 18804. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Epistolae quae Undated. 2. PHILETICVS DIVO PRINCIPII SVOIOANNI', "146 x 86 mm. Type: 88 R'. Capital spaces, many with guide-", 'letters; also spaces for Greek. Hain 12981. 206X 141 mm. Without the blank leaf. IA. 19064. HIERONYMUS. Aureola.', "147x 85 mm. Type: 88 R'. Capital spaces, some with guide-", "letters. Hain '8584.", '212 X141 mm. Capital on 3° supplied in blue, other capitals, paragraph-marks, and underlines in red, initial¬ strokes in yellow. Bought in June, 1884. IA. 19079. POGGIUS, JOANNES FRANCISCUS. 209 X 142 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bound before an imperfect copy of the same work printed by Kesler at Basel in 1488 (IA. 37600). IA. 19102. THEOCRITUS. Idyllia septem. [Translated THEOCRITUS. Idyllia septem. [Translated *Undated. by Martinus Phileticus.) 1e. PHILETICVS DE VITA THEOCRITI IN VRBINATO. 22. THEOCRITVS SCRIPSIT PHI¬ LETHICVS LAITIHVM FECIT BVCOLICVM The verses to the printer on 20b are as follows: BENEDICTUS DE NURSIA.', "register in 2 columns. 4°: 33lines, 145 x 86 mm. Type: 88 R',2.", 'Capital spaces. Hain 11918? 169 X 124 mm. Without the blank leaves. Bought in July, 1858. IA. 19060. EPHRAIM. Sermones ab Ambrosio in TEN TIA AB AMBROSIO EGRECO IN LATINVz Type: 88 R½2. Five capitals (8). Hain 6602. Bought in July, 1858. Presented in November, 1909. Undated. IA. 19056. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Epistolae ele', "147 x 88 mm. Type: 88 R'. Capital spaces, with guide-letters.", 'Hain 5224. 214X 142 mm. With a book-plate with monogram BO. Bought in July, 1897. IA. 19066. HERULUS, BERNARDUS, Cardinalis Spole Undated. 88 R2. Referred to under Hain 8529. Cardinal Eruli died 2 April, 1479. Passio Domini Undated. 12. F. Ade de montaldo lanuensis augustiniani: car¬', "139x 87 mm. Type: 88 R'. Capital spaces, with guide-letters.", 'Hain 11554. With the book-stamp of the Biblio¬ theca Heberiana. Bought in May, 1850. IA. 19089. MONTANUS, COLA. Oratio ad Luccenses. MONTANUS, COLA. Oratio ad Luccenses. Undated. 1a. C Oratio Colemontani ad Lucenses.MAgnum SULPITIUS, JoANNES. De componendis', "145 x 87-8 mm. Type: 88 R'. Two capital spaces, with guide-", "letters. Hain '15157. ANTONIUS[BETTINI DESENIS. De diuina tione ; 392, par. 4, approbation of Frater Cherubinus de Spoleto; 39b-41b, letter of Frater Gabriel de Brunis de Barulo to the author. showing how the three chief conclusions of the book are in accord with the doctrine of S. Thomas Aquinas; 41°, par. 2, approbation of Frater luus de Senis; 422-562, responsio contra Magistrum in this book, while the alinement is often irregular, and a tall undotted i is frequently admixed; but the other characteristics of', "Silber's type are present.", '204 X 140 mm. Imperfect, wanting the two inner sheets of quire b, for which a second copy of the two outer sheets has been substituted; this error has been noted in early manuscript, as well as other corrections', "&c. Manuscript pagination (283-393). Dr. Kloss's", 'copy. Bought in 1835. BRANDOLINUS, AURELIUS, Lippus. Oratio', "112 R'. Capital space on 18. Hain 3716 (24 ff.)?", "The type agrees with Silber's except for the presence of a double", 'hyphen throughout. 202 X 141 mm. Bought in September, 1849. CLEOPHILUS, OCTAVIUS. De coetu poeta¬ 1°. Octauii Cleophili Fanensis Libellus. De Coetu Poetarum. Nox erat: & pleno fulgebat cynthia cornu 201X 137 mm. Bound with IA. 19178. CLEOPHILUS, OCTAVIUS. 1*. Octauius Cleophilus Baptistæe Guarino: Anstonio citadino: Nicolao Leoniceno: Petro bono: Lodouico The date of completion of this letter is 11 April, 1473, the Olympiad being reckoned at five, instead of four, years. 209 X 150 mm. Bought in September, 1870. Another copy. 201X 137 mm. Bound before IA. 19194, 19192, 19190. \ufeff122 89 mm. Type: 112 Rl. Hain 5456. 1, blank; 22, 2°, ad libellum; 2b-42, ad Laurentium Medicem; 4--52, ad Bartholomaeum Scalam; 52-62, ad Laurentium Medicem; 62-72, ad Sacramorum Ariminensem; 72,7°, ad Laurentium Medi¬ theca Heberiana. Bought in November, 1846. IA. 19193. Another copy. 201 X 137 mm. Bound with IA. 19178. Grenville copy (G. 9308/2). CLEOPHILUS, OCTAVIUS. Stinchae. contemporary paper which enclose the book is written: Hic liber est Mri Dni Perfecti Corazini de Monte Bought in November, 1846. IA. 19191. Another copy. 201 X 137 mm. Bound with IA. 19178. Grenville copy (G. 9308/3). HIPPOCRATES. De natura hominis, &c. HIPPOCRATES. De natura hominis, &c. Translated by Andreas Brentius. Undated. 1°. Hippocrates de natura hominis. De uictu. Brentius to be the translator and editor, epigram addressed to Franciscus Dedus Venetorum orator; 22-3b, letter of Brentius to Sixtus IV; 3b-15b, de natura hominis, &c.; 15b-172, lex medi- to Jacobus Sangenisius; 20b, register. 195 X 139 mm. Bought in August, 1890. *Undated. 212X 140 mm. Manuscript catchword at end of first quire. Bought in July, 1867. MORETIS, JACOBUS DE. Oratio in suae MORETIS, JACOBUS DE. Oratio in suae Undated. religionis laudem. TIO IN SVE RELIGIONIS LAVDEM. 9°. ELE¬ Quarto. Ja b8.] 16 leaves. 32: 25 lines, 139x 86 mm. Type:', "112 R'. Capital space on 22.", 'IA. 19169. MARULLUS, MICHAEL. Epigrammata. 12. TITLE: EPIGRAMMATON MICHAE LIS MA=IRVLLI CON-STANTIINOPO LITAINI: 8. 22. MICHAELIS TARCHA NIOTa Marulli Constantinopolitani uiri Patricii Epi The latest verifiable date mentioned in this book is the death of Sixtus IV, which occurred on 12 August, 1484, but the fact that', "Maximilian is called 'Caesar' implies that he was then already", 'King of the Romans, which he became on 3 April, 1486. If the edition containing four books of epigrams printed by Silber in 1490 (Hain 10878) really exists, which seems very uncertain, the present issue must have preceded it.', "The type agrees with Silber's except for the presence of a double", 'hyphen throughout. 205X 142 mm. The epigram in libellum infacetum on 25° is written on the title-page. IA. 19210. PAULUS, HIERONYMUS. 12. HIERONYMI PAVLI BARCINONEn sis ad.', "marginalia 114) mm. Type: 112 R'. Capital space on 1e and", '122. Hain 12525.', "The type agrees with Silber's except for the presence of a double", 'hyphen throughout. 202X 139 mm. Capitals supplied in red. With the Heredia book-label. Bought in July, 1893. IA. 19216. BAPTISTA [SPAGNUOLIJ MANTUANUS. 22. AD DIVAM HELISABET EMINEN TISSI¬ 87 mm. Type: 112 R2. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. 1, blank; 2-38, dedicatory poem to Isabella of Spain; 38-9b, carmina in psalmos Domine ne in furore tuo, Beati quorum remisse S. loannis Euangelistae (heading supplied in manuscript), in celebri¬ tate diui lacobi.', "The type has all the characteristics of the second state of Silber's", 'type, but single and separate Qu, with short, perhaps broken, tail, are found, besides single Qu of normal form.', "Hain's no. 2398, which is taken from Panzer, iii. 569, 33, reads:", 'Ad divam Helisabet Hispaniarum Reginam Epodon liber primus. the present book, which had been bound up with the Secunda Parthenices and treated as one work; no other fifteenth-century edition of it seems to be known. Proctor (no. 3934) queried it as imperfect. Possibly it is not by Baptista Mantuanus at all, but by Antonius Geraldinus, to whose Carmina (IA. 19201 below) it would form a suitable appendix. 209 X 140 mm. Leaves 2-9 of the second quire are lettered h-p in early manuscript. Bought in January, 1878. IA. 19184. De aquae¬ Undated. Joannes Sulpitius. END OF TEXT:... Cum officii fidem etiam per offensas tueri prestitit; FINIS. (list of errata) Libellum hunc de aqueductibus cu esset mendosissimus: Pom small diagrams are left in the text. Hain 7389. The type agrees with the preceding. 282 X 199 mm. Bound after IB. 19225.', "King George III's copy (C. 2. c. 15/2).", 'IB. 19226. GEBER. Summa perfectionis magisterii, &c.', "143x 89 mm. Type: 112 R'. Capital spaces, with guide-letters.", "Hain '7505.", "115°-121°, Latin and Italian alchemistic poems, two headed ' Cicco", "de Ascoli’, Fratre Helia'; 1222, register; 122b, blank.", 'The type agrees with the preceding. 203x 136 mm. Each page of text is enclosed in ruled lake ink lines. Bought in September, 1848. GERALDINUS, ANTONIUS. Carmina. TAM IOHANNAM ARAGONVM EMINENTIS- SIMI REJGIS HISPANIARVM FILIAM CARMII NVM. Many of the events referred to in these poems took place in the reign of Sixtus IV, but the lines in the prefatory verses to Pompo¬ nius Laetus The type agrees with the preceding. Bought in May, 1903. lated with a commentary by Paulus de Heredia.) Undated. 22. ILLVSTRISSIMO AC SAPIEN ISSIIMO', "86 mm. Type: 112 R'. Capital space, with guide-letter, at the", 'beginning of each letter. The type agrees with the preceding. 214 x 156 mm. Spaces are left in the text for Hebrew words or letters, which have been supplied in pen and ink. Bought in January, 1878. SERENUS SAMMONICUS, QUINTUS. Liber Undated. 1°. Sulpitius Verulanus ad unumquemque lectorem: ibid. l. 7: QVINTVM Serenum Sammonicum: Gor The type agrees with the preceding. 207X 143 mm. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in May, 1850. VITRUVIUS POLLIO, MARCUS. De archi¬ Undated. 1b. IO. SVLPITIVS LECTORI SALVTEM: 22. :INDEX: 3b. l. 14: RAPHAELI RIARIO CAR¬ CESAREM AVGVISTVM DE ARCHITECTVRA spaces for quotations are left in the text. On 138 is a woodcut diagram. The four preliminary leaves are not mentioned in the register. The introductory letter of Sulpicius on 1b was written before the body of the book was in print. The type agrees with the preceding, but a double hyphen is used in the early part of the book. 282X 199 mm. Bound before IB. 19226.', "King George III's copy (C. 2. c. 15/1).", 'IB. 19225. LUDOVICUS IMOLENSIS. Oratio de 12. Ludouici Imolen ordinis minorum theoslogie that this speech must have been printed much later than the date', "of delivery, if it is Silber's work.", "204x 140 mm. Dr. Kloss's copy. With the stamp of", 'the Bodleian Library. Acquired by exchange in December, 1913. IA. 19172. FIERA, BAPTISTA. Coena.', "Quarto. ab'c' d'. 30 leaves, the first blank. 42: 25 lines", "136x 89 mm. Type: 109 R'. Capital spaces, with guide-letters.", 'Hain 7084. 214X 142mm. On 1e is written the following couplet:', "sit Dominos excoluisse duos, with the signature 'B.", 'Bought in May, 1884. MODUS. Modus vacandi et acceptandi', "109 R'. Capital space on 12 and 4°. Hain '11521.", '215X 146 mm. Bought in July, 1867. PIUS II. Epistolae in cardinalatu editae. spaces. Hain 162. ARNOLDUS, Abbas Veteris Montis. Oratio Undated. rismontis Coloniensis diocesis / ordinis Cistercien sacrae', "short hyphen of 109 R'. is also found. The 9 is the large form", 'borrowed from 88 R. 210X 137 mm. Bought in January, 1848. LAZARELLUS, LUDOVICUS. De bombyce. LAZARELLUS, LUDOVICUS. De bombyce. Undated. 1e. COPVSCVLVM DE BOMBYCE. 1b. CLVDO¬ PVERVM. 86. l. 9, END: Hic gradus aethereo primus statuatur Olympo. FINIS. Quarto. a8. 8 leaves. 32: 25 lines, 136x93-4 mm. Type: DIVISIONES. Diuisiones decem nationum Undated. 1°. Diuisiones decem nationum totius christianitatis NOtandum quod gentes xpianoruz diluiduntur in deces ANDREAS [DE ESCOBARJ HISPANUS. 92 (86) G. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 12. Hain *4338. 205 X 140 mm. Bought in June, 1884. ROMA. Mirabilia urbis Romae. 124 x 94 mm. Early manuscript quiring. Bought in April, 1864. IA. 19134. ORIGENES. Contra Celsum et in fidei by Christophorus Persona. *January, 1481. 1°. Theodorus Gazinus Constantinopolita. Xpoforo MIVM CONTRA CELSVM ET IN FIDEI CHRI¬ STIANAE DEFENSIONEM LIBER I. 263b. COLo- PIION: Origenis contra Celsum finis: quem Christo¬ 4“: 33 lines, 185 x 121 mm. Type: 112 R. Capital spaces at', "the beginnings of books. Hain '12078.", 'Extant exemplaria, quae, loco epistolae ad I. Mocenicum, episto¬', "lam dedicat. ad Sixtum IV. habent' Hain, who counts only 262", 'One sheet of the last quire is quarto. on 3e, other capitals in blue and red or plain blue or red, initial-strokes in red. Bought. IB. 19156. Another copy. On vellum. 323X 220 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf. On 3e the capital is supplied in gold and colours, together with a border enclosing the text and containing the arms of Venice and of the Doge Mocenigo. The other capitals are also supplied in gold and colours, with a floral border along the inner margins. The headings to the books and the heading of the dedication to the Doge have been worked over in gold.', "King George III's copy (C. 13. c. 10).", 'IB. 19157. CORA, AMBROSIUS DE. Vita S. Augustini.', "12, blank; 1b, prefatory letter to Cardinal d'Estouteville from", 'Oliuerius Seruius Tholentinas, who gave the book to the printers; 22-14b, vita S. Augustini; 14°-150, commendatio regulae eiusdem; 257 X 190 mm. From the library of the Duke of Bought in November, 1844. IB. 19163. CORA, AMBROSIUS DE. Defensorium ordinis (TO.IIII. PON.MAX. AMBROSII. CHORIO IB. 19181. FERNANDUS CORDUBENSIS. De jure 1b. PREFATIONEM SEQVENTEM OB ID IN ORBE TERRARVM FAMOSIS DIACONI ET SIMI MAGISTRI DE IVRE MEDIOS EXIGENDI ET ROIMANI PONTIFICIS IN TEMPORALIBVS FICEM MAXIIMVM PROLOGVS INCIPIT FOE¬ In the last paragraph the author says: Secundam huius operis partem de potestate pape in temporalibus ob id in alterum transtuli¬ IB. 19197. MARGARIT, JOANNES DE. Oratio pronuntiata IA. 19159. GEORGIUS DE HUNGARIA. De moribus Undated. 201 x 139 mm. Quiring, guide-letters, and one or two', "M's in text supplied in early manuscript; also a note on", 'the authorship on 1°. Bought in November, 1850. IA. 19161. DECISIONES. Decisiones nouae Rotae DECISIONES. Decisiones nouae Rotae Romanae. [Compiled by Guilelmus Hor¬ borch. 1483.) 202 x 138 mm. Type: 75 G. Woodcut capital I on 11b, spaces elsewhere. Part of Hain 7604s91. 1a, blank; 1", prefatory letter of Marianus de Cuccinis to Cardinal Franciscus Piccolomineus; 22-10, summaria decisionum nouarum; 11e, blank; 11°, preface of the compiler, Guilelmus Horborch, printed editions had introduced many confusions and omissions', "into the text, continuing: 'Iccirco... efficere curaui. vt 7 que in", 'designed to form one whole with the antiquae, &c., as described by Hain, notwithstanding their separate register. Only the nouae', "are signed, and only the antiquae dated ('tertio idus decebris ,", '1483). IB. 19237. LUDOVICUS IMOLENSIS. Oratio in die 1". Ludouici Imolensis ex ordine minor theologie pro¬ fessoris puincie Bononie ministri prouincialis. Oratio in die pthomartyris Stephalni hita coram Sixto Pont, max. Quarto. a’. 6 leaves, the last blank. 22: 39 lines, 144x 89 mm. Type: 75 G. Hain 9163.', "This sermon is different from Ludouicus's sermon on the same", 'festival printed by Plannck (IA. 18632), and was delivered at', "à later date ('Memini me als in hoc soleni die z apud hunc", '26 December, 1483, and it was presumably printed shortly after its delivery. 203x 135 mm. On 5° is the acknowledgement by Georgius Chaben of a debt of three soldi owing to a kinsman. Bought in September, 1848. BARBERIIS, PHILIPPUS DE. Opuscula.', "Quarto. Jal b-gs h'. 68 leaves. 32: 28 lines, 153x 88 mm.", 'Types: 109 R., text; 93 G. and 75 G., inscriptions on scrolls of Sibyls. With a four-side woodcut border on 22, woodcut capitals and woodcuts. Hain 2453. 12, blank ; 1", table of contents; 22-52, discordantiae nonnullae inter SS. Eusebium Hieronymum et Aurelium Augustinum; 52-182', "The general contents of this book are the same as in Lignamine'", '1481 edition (IA. 19262), but there are many minor differences The quotations from Augustine and Lactantius incorporated in the Dicta Sibyllarum in the second issue of Lignamine (IA. 19263) are not found here, nor are the cuts of the Prophets and the four supplementary cuts; on the other hand the descriptions of the Sibyls agree with those of the second issue, except in the cases of Phrygia, Tiburtina, and Agrippa, whose costumes are differently indicated. The cuts of the Sibyls correspond closely to the descriptions. The first, that of Sibylla Persica, contains two shields with the arms of Riessinger and (apparently) of Strassburg That of Cumana is in a different style from the rest, and type 93 G. is found only on her scroll. At the end of the Dicta Sibyllarum is a statement of the remaining contents which is not found in', "Lignamine's edition.", '213X 152 mm. The capital on 2e and the shield in the woodcut border have been illuminated with gold. The border is cropped at the foot. With the book- stamp of the Heber Library and a note of purchase for', "§2 2s. at Sir M. Sykes's sale.", 'Another copy.', "201 X 143 mm. Dr. Kloss's copy. The border is", 'cropped at the foot and to the right. IA. 19241. Bought in 1835. * Undated. PERII VSQUE AD TEMPORA IOHANNIS CESIMI TERCII. PONT. MAX. 156°. COLOPHON : 22: 32 lines, 188x 108 (with marginalia 157) mm. Type: 117 R.', "Capital spaces. Hain '259.", '129 There are misleading misprints in the catchwords of the register 280 x 204 mm. Capital F on 12 supplied in red and blue, other capitals in red and blue alternately paragraph¬ marks, initial-strokes, and underlines in red. quiring, mostly cut away.', "King George III's copy (167. h. 12).", 'IB. 19255. ARISTOTELES. Physica. Translated by Undated. loannes Argyropylus byzantius traduxit. and 28 lines respectively. 275 x 193 mm. Without the blank first leaf. Bound before IB. 19253. With the book-plate of Sir Francis Freeling. Bought in July, 1866. IB. 19252. ARISTOTELES. Posteriora analytica. [Trans¬ Undated. 24. Libri posteriorum resolutiuorum Aristotelis: quos Bought in July, 1866. IB. 19253. HIPPOCRATES. De insomniis. Trans¬ Undated. 1°. Zachariæ Barbaro Venetol oratori Andreas', "87-8 mm. Type: 117 R. Capital spaces. Hain '3779, 8671.", '12, blank; 1", letter of Brentius to Zacharias Barbarus, \'Vene- torum orator’; 22-5°, introductory letter of Brentius to Sixtus IV; 5°106, Hippocrates de insomniis; 10b-152, postscript on the tract of Hippocrates by Brentius to Nicolaus Gupalatinus; 15°, note by', "Brentius on the translation of the word 'ctesius ; 16, blank.", 'In his letter to Zacharias Barbarus Brentius highly praises Zacharias’s son Hermolaus ’Quë Thodorus Gaza: sicut iuuenis æquales superasset: ita sene senes superaturü esse iudicabat.', "edition of Hermolaus's Themistius, which was completed 15", "February, 1481 (Hain '15463), as having recently appeared; the", 'preface of Hermolaus himself in this is dated 1480. 208X 135 mm. Without the blank leaf. On 1e is the', "name Jo: Andreas d'Lanzanegra.", 'Bought in October, 1846. IA. 19257. BOETHIUS, ANICIUS MANLIUS TORQUATUS 20 February, 1484. 2°. Anitii Mallii Seuerini Boetii Viri clarissimi Topi¬ corum liber Primns. 33°. M. T. C. VIRI. AELO¬ 30 lines of type 117 R., 175x 115mm. 34°: 34 lines of type 109 R., 186x 119mm. 798: 34 lines of type 112 R., 191 X 115 mm. Types: 117 R., quires sa-d); 109 R., quires se-il, sheets skl 1-3; 112 R., sheet k 4, quires [l-r). Woodcut capitals on 332, 42°, 692, and presumably once in quire [h), all with type 109 R.; spaces elsewhere, mostly with guide-letters in quires sel-Irl. Spaces for Greek. Hain 3429. At the end of 38° (sel 6) a line of omitted text appears to have been subsequently stamped in. 275x 205 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 55-62 (quire h)), 120, and the blank. Quire se is misbound before quire (d). With the signature of John Jones, 1822 (the date of the binding), and the book-plate of Rev. J. Williams, M.A., Bryntirion. Bought in April, 1895. IB. 19259. BARBERIIS, PHILIPPUS DE. Opuscula. Type: 114 R. Capital spaces. With woodcuts. 12, blank; 1b-2b, dedicatory letter by Lignamine to Sixtus IV (not included in register); 3-6, discordantia inter Eusebium Hiero nymum et Augustinum; 7-202, dicta Sibyllarum; 20b-364, Probe Romane carmina ; 36b-632, explanations of the Quicumque Vult, Lord’s Prayer, Ave Maria, Te Deum, and Gloria in Excelsis; 63- 7oa, Donatus Theologus, register and colophon; 706, blank. In the dedicatory letter Lignamine writes (22): decreui caracteri bus ppetuis imprimere celeberrima opuscula quae clarissimus artiu et theologiae interpres mgr Philippus ex ordine prdicatorum conterraneus of a Sibyl, one of which is repeated on sc 2°. 206X 137 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 53-6, the two inner sheets of quire sg. Illuminated capital on 3e also a coat of arms (?mutilated) within a circle of green inscribed BENEDICTVS DIEVSJ; other capitals, and paragraph-marks, supplied in red or blue. Traces of manuscript quiring. From the Malcolm Collection. Transferred from the Department of Prints and Drawings, July, 1907. Presented in September, 1895. After 1 December, 1481.) Another issue. 32. DIVO LVMINARIA MAGNA que deus fecit: the two inner sheets of D (answering to those of quire [b) in the earlier issue) and quires sc-il are from the stock as first printed. The dedicatory letter follows the first issue save for the addition', "of the words' & pphetar' after Sibyllarum' in l. 3 of 2° and the", 'omission from the same page of the reference to the original dedi-', "cation; the 'discordantia inter Eusebium Hieronymum et Augus", 'tinum is reprinted on 7½/ pages and followed by 8½ new pages from', "S. Augustine's De Ciuitate Dei & Lactantius. Next follow 14 new", 'leaves, [B13-D12, taking the place of six, a 5-b 2, in the first issue, the old cuts of the twelve Sibyls being replaced by twelve new ones. and supplemented by twelve additional woodcuts of Prophets, and four others of Christ, John Baptist, the Nativity, and Plato. The order of the Sibyls differs from that in the earlier issue, and the', "text referring to each is much changed, a description of the Sybil's", 'costume and personal appearance being added to all except Erithea, Cumana, and Agrippa; the cuts, however, do not correspond. The cut of Plato on D2b brings us to the third leaf of the second quire of the original text, and the old stock is used for this and the next', "three leaves, at the cost of leaving the initial word 'peccator'.", 'which belongs to the description of Sibylla Agrippa, high and dry at the top of the page. The first and second leaves of this quire having been set up afresh, the seventh and eighth had to be reprinted also. After this the old stock was used to the end, and the old Registrum allowed to stand despite thechanges in the first two quires. Only the first two tracts, the Discordantia and the Dicta Sibyl- larum, are the work of De Barberiis himself. The explanations of the Quicumque Vult, &c., are by S. Thomas Aquinas, while the authorship of the Donatus theologus does not appear. In an edition sine nota of three of his tracts (Pellechet, no. 1840), of which the Discordantia are the last item, De Barberiis remarks of this tract: Sequens hoc opusculum Rome impressum est: qd Reueredissimo edition. 202X 136 mm. Traces of manuscript quiring. The last leaf has been partly remargined. Bought in September, 1848. IA. 19263. APULEIUS, LUCIUS, Platonicus. Herbarium. APVLEI PLATO NICI AD MAR- CVM IA. 19262. BARIVM', "Quarto. **; a-m'n'. 108 leaves, the first and last blank.", '3°: 27 lines, 154x 88 mm. Type: 114.R. Capital space on 22 and 7°. Each of the plants discussed in the text is illustrated by a woodcut. Hain ’1322 (with variants). 131', "the dedication to della Rovere, a dedication 'ad ... dominum F.", "de Gonzaga Cardina. Mantuanum', occupying three leaves. As", 'Cardinal Gonzaga died on 21 October, 1483, the body of the book must have been printed before this date. The dedication to della', "Rovere is probably the later of the two ; Lignamine's words to the", 'effect that his loyalty to the Pope clearly appeared undecimo ab hic ano, which are evidently parallel to the phrase Agitur iam', "tertius annus... ex quo ... in eius sthe Pope's) familiaritatem adscitus", "sum' used in May, 1476 (see IB. 17419, p. 34 above), would seem", 'to point to some time in 1484 for its substitution, and in any case makes it probable that the book was printed not long before', "Gonzaga's death.", 'The text of 5° has changed places with that of 6° and no. liii of the list of plants has been omitted in the process, so that all the numbers from liiii inclusive onwards are thrown one out. Over the cut of Nasturcium on 30° is a crooked and half-inked impression of another plant-cut not occurring elsewhere in the book; this impression is not found in all copies. 199 X138 mm. Woodcuts painted in several colours. Sheets [g 1, 2 are misbound inside Igl 3, 4.', "Sir Joseph Banks's copy.", 'IA. 19267. 86 mm. Type: 88 R. Capital space on 22. Hain 5639. 184x 140 mm. Without the blank leaf. Formerly part of a tract volume. IA. 19273.', "For the date see note to Plannck's edition, IA. 18623, p. 82.", '202 x 136 mm. Previously bound, with other tracts, after IA. 19263. Bought in September, 1848. BOETHIUS, ANICIUS MANLIUS TORQUATUS 20 February, 1484 See description under Seruius, IB. 19259, p. 130. CHINUCCIIS, ANDREOCCIUS DE. Oratio pro After 30 October, 1484. This speech was delivered on 30 October, 1484 (Burchardus,', "vol. i, p. 113, where the author is wrongly styled 'episcopus", "Senensis' instead of * Suanensis ’).", "208X 140 mm. Dr. Kloss's copy.", 'With the stamp of the Bodleian Library. Acquired by exchange in December, 1913. IA. 19285. HORATIUS FLACCUS, QUINTUS. Carmen 12. WOODCUT TITLE: CARMÉ HORATII FLACCI SECVLARE. [woodcutJ. 22. PHoebe Type: 88 G. Text leaded throughout. The second and third leaves are signed 2 and 3. Capital space on 22. The woodcut represents Horace crowned with laurel, pointing to the sun and moon. 205 X 147 mm. Formerly third in a tract volume. Bought in October, 1847. IA. 19307. PTOLEMAEUS, CLAUDIUS. Cosmographia. PTOLEMAEUS, CLAUDIUS. Cosmographia. [Translated by Jacobus Angelus.] Registrum. [By Johann Reger.)—De locis et mirabilibus CITER. 173°. COLOPHON : HOC OPVS PTHOLO¬ MEI MEMO RABILE QVIDEM ET INSIGNE EXJACTISSIMA DILIGENTIA CASTIIGATVM IVCONDO QVODAM CAJRACTERE IMPRES SVM FVIT ETCOMPLETVM ROME ANNO A NAITIVITATE DOMINI .M. CCCC. LX. XXX. DIE. IV. NOVEMBRIS. ARTE AC IMPENSIS Folio. A-CDE"; alb-gh\'; i-op; a bec\'. 174 leaves, 1, 36,37, 98, and 174 blank. 2 columns. 38: 53 lines, 294X 190 mm. Type : 111 R. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. The head-lines (quires a-h only) give the book-numbers; on the last leaf', "of a VIII' is printed by mistake for'I'. With woodcut diagrams", "and 27 engraved maps. Hain '13541 (counting only 157 leaves).", "1. blank; 22-35b, registrum alphabeticum, taken from Reger's", "Ulm edition of 1486, the reference to Reger's native place,' Chem-", "mat siue chetaori', being omitted ; 36, 37, blank ; 388-972, text of", 'Ptolemy; 97b, 98, blank; 99-152, maps, printed from the plates used', "in Buckinck's 1478 edition (IC. 18252); 153°, blank; 153°, regi-", 'strum super tractatum de tribus orbis partibus; 154°-1738, col. 1, de', "are retained in this reprint, although there are no 'modern maps", 'to correspond to them. 133 409 x 286 mm. Without the blank leaf 98 (h 4). leaves of maps appear to have been cut out and mounted: the map of the world has been misbound within the first map of Europe, the two halves of which it separates On 174° is written: Empt? Romae quarto mensis Iulij. IC. 19313. Another copy. In the first quire a the text of 4b appears on 72, its place on 4 being taken by what is for the most part the same setting up of 7" as that found in the first copy, but mistakenly containing one line more of text at the beginning and one line less at the end. 402 X 285 mm. Imperfect, wanting the outer sheet of the first quire a, the place of which has been taken by another copy of the outer sheet of quire A, also the first blank leaf; the last blank is pasted on a fly-leaf. Some of the maps are cropped at the top.', "King George III's copy (C. 3. d. 9).", 'IC. 19314. TEXT TYPE: 88 R. I1 July, 1492. 88 R. Capitals (1, 2) ; also few spaces, one with guide-letter. With woodcuts. 1", summary os contents; 1°, cut; 22-162, de imperatoribus; 49°-52*, stationes in quadragesima, &c.; 52b, blank. The woodcut head-piece on 2e contains the arms of Innocent VIII. This and the three following tracts have double hyphen only. 134 134x98 mm. Bound after the undated Mirabilia Bought in June, 1872. MIRABILIA ROMAE. MIRABILIA ROMAE. July, 1492.) 1". Mirabilia Romane Vrbis. MVRVS Vrbis habet 134x 98 mm. Bound before the preceding (IA. 18932). On 1e is written A Gaill 1674, in the top cover de Neüenstein. Bought in June, 1872. TYGRINUS, NICOLAUS. Oratio Alexandro After 25 October, 1492. mm. Type: 88 R. Capital (1) on 12. Hain *15752.', "The date of delivery appears as 25 October in the 'emended", 'edition in type 104 G. (IA. 19326). On 42 is the faintly inked impression of an unidentified woodcut and border. Oratio in die appears to be due to the psalm-number at the end of the following line. CATANEUS, JoANNES LUCIDUS. Oratio ad Another copy. Bought in September, 1849. MAYNO, JASON DE. Oratio ad Alexandrum [After 13 December, 1492. 1aasonis de MaynoMediolanensis Iurisconsuti ducalis Senatoris ac Legati pro inclytissi¬ mo Medio¬ CATO, DIONYSIUS. Esposizione con la sen¬ 12 and 30b, (2) elsewhere. 1493 seems the most probable year for the printing of this tract, but it may be as late as 1494. 198 x 140 mm. Manuscript foliation (106-135). Bought in December, 1910. IA. 19348 CARDULUS, FRANCISCUS. Oratio in funere', "Cardulus's oration was delivered on 4 March, 1493 (Burchardus.", 'The last two numerals in the date 202 X 142 mm.', "Mcccclxxxxiii' at the end of De La Porta's letter", 'have been scored out with a pen. IA. 19336. Bought in September, 1849. Another copy. 208 X 134 mm. Bought in October, 1846. IA. 19337 *10 June, 1493. woodcut hands on 5° and 6°. Capital space on 22, capitals (1, 2) elsewhere. Woodcut of mathematicians, with the inscription ALTIOR. INCVBVIT- ANIMIVS- SVB- IMAGINE - MVND (the latter part reversed), and four-side black-ground border, on 1°; eight cuts of hands and two diagrams. Hain 5596. The cut is a copy of that in Granollachs, Summario, printed for Del Tuppo at Naples, 1485 (IA. 29427). 209 X 137 mm. Bought in July, 1858. MATTHAEUS DE LUCCA. De diebus 1°. Ad Lectorem. C Lector accipe hoc facile breue opusculu : nam paucissimis uerbis indicabit quod diu Bought in March, 1906. LATIS, BONETUS DE. Annuli per eum com¬ The woodcut and border on 1b are those found in the 1493 136 Britonoriensibus ad Alexandrum VI. Undated. 1°. Oratio Antonii Manilii Britonoriensis pro', "mm. Type: 88 R. Capital (1) on 12. Hain '10701.", 'This speech was delivered in August, 1492 (see note to IA. 18528, p. 96), but the hyphens show that this edition cannot have been printed until some months later at the earliest. 195 x 136 mm. Bound with several 16th-century tracts after IA. 18396. Bought in February, 1882. DATI, GIULIANO. Trattato di San Giovanni The presence of type 72 G. in this book connects it with the press of Besicken, and it may perhaps belong to the time of the partnership of Freitag and Besicken. The woodcut in four parts on 1° is surrounded by a black-ground border the top portion of which is copied in reverse from that found on 1° of the 1493 Anianus (IA. 19339), while the bottom portion contains the Dati arms in a wreath supported by putti. Otherwise the typographical appearance is unlike that of the other books of the press. 199 X 140 mm. TEXT TYPE: 104 G. Bought in September, 1849. Another copy. 176x 128 mm. Bound in a tract volume with IA. 18602, q. v., p. 95. Bought in September, 1838. TYGRINUS, NICOLAUS. Oratio Alexandro VI that of the issue in type 88 R. (IA. 18946).', "This copy reads on 3e. l. 27 ob apostlice sedis reuerentiam', on", "4°. l. 18 doctissimo', on 4°. l. 26 discessit'.", '210X 140 mm. Manuscript foliation (53-56). Bought in January, 1848. IA. 19326. Another copy, with variants. 4°. l. 22, END : Laus Deo. Dixi.', "This copy reads on 3e. l. 27 ab apostolice sedis reuerentiaz', on BADUARIUS, SEBASTIANUS. corrected in this copy. An offset at the foot of 1e is apparently from matter set up in type 88 R. 208X 145 mm. Bought in January, 1848. IA. 19329. ESTE, NICOLAUS MARIA DE. Oratio pro After 5 January, 1493.) Quarto. a’. 4 leaves. 3b: 30 lines, 155 x90 mm. Type:', "It is probable that this issue is a reprint of Plannck's edition", 'with the same date in the colophon (IA. 18543, p. 97). 217 X 149 mm. Uncut. Formerly part of a tract volume. Bought in January, 1848. CASTELLENSIS, HADRIANUS. Oratio super 1°. LIGAwoodcut, arms of parties to league). 2 Oratio Reuerendi patris domini Ha driani Castellensis HERODIANUS. Historia de imperio post IMPERIO POST MAR CVM VEL DE SVIS TEM. LATVS ANGELO POLITIANO IN TERPRETE: 115mm. Type: 100 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 8466. Only the first quire has 36 lines to the page ; the others have mostly 38, and occasionally 37 and 39, the breadth of the type-page being increased to 118-120 mm. 297 x 212 mm. Capitals supplied in colours by a modern hand. Sheet a 2 is misbound after a 3. Bound after IB. 19353/1, q. v. Bought in July, 1888. IB. 19353/2. DIO CASSIUS. Vitae Neruae Cocceii Ulpii Not before 7 August, 1493.) 1°. Ad circum Max. qua herculis uictoris templum On 1b are quoted inscriptions on Trajan’s statue and column, and after these follows an apology by the translator for shortcomings in', "his work, dated ’ Romae. die. vii. Aug. M. cccc. xciii'.", '297X 212 mm. Some capitals supplied in colours by a modern hand. On a fly-leaf is the autograph of M. Wodhull, April 2oth, 1789, with his note that the book was bought at the Pinelli Auction for £1 6s. Bound before IB. 19353/2. Bought in July, 1888. IB. 19353/1. PAULUS, HIERONYMUS. Practica Cancellariae Not before 11 August, 11493 the first two quires. 20°: 37 lines, 161 x 89 mm. 778: 37 lines, 161 x 86 (with marginalia 110) mm. Types: 87 Ge., text; 60 G., marginalia. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 22 and 17°. Hain 13311, 12524 The type-page is 88-90mm. broad in quires a-c, 85 or 86 mm. broad in the rest of the book, except on s3° and s3°, where i measures only 79 mm. across. Marginalia first occur on c 12 and then not again until k 3°, when they become frequent. Audiffredi (p. 461) describes a copy of this book without the last four leaves, like the Museum copy, so that these leaves were per- haps not part of the book as originally issued, which would account for their being unsigned. The absence of woodcut capitals confirms the place of this book as the first work of Besicken at Rome. 208 X 145 mm. Without the last four leaves. Manu- script corrections in the text. On 1e is written: liber paulj veggij. Bound before IA. 18683 and 18462 in old stamped leather. Bought in May, 1896. IA. 19363. HIEROCLES. In aureos uersus Pythagorae HIEROCLES. In aureos uersus Pythagorae opusculum. [Translated by Joannes Aurispa.) 19 December, 1493. 22. AD NICOLAVM PONTIFICEM .V. AVIRI¬ 88 mm. Type: 111 R. Capitals (12) on 2° and 36; spaces else- where. Hain 18547. Some pages have 26, 28, or 29 lines.', "The misprint 'SAIENTIAE' noted on 3b by Hain is not found", 'in this copy.', "The omission of the word Stoici' after philosophi' in the colo¬", "phon suggests that Pannartz's 1475 edition (IA. 17917) was the", 'archetype of this edition. 199X 140 mm. The two inner sheets of quire d have been transposed in binding. A monogram is stamped at the foot of 2°. Bought in January, 1878. IA. 19367. OCHSENBRUNNER, THOMAS. Priscorum heroum stemmata. 1b. Fratris Thome Ochsenbrüner Basilien ordinis x 9omm. Type: 111 R. Capitals (12) on 1b, 2b, and 4b. Hain 11934 (ignoring the verses on 27b). Seventy-six cuts, viz. one full-page (42), representing Romulus asleep beneath the Capitoline oak (105 x 53 mm.) surrounded by a border showing fifteen shields emblematic of Roman history (total size 147x 96 mm.); four, measuring 60x 471-50 mm., at the begin ning of Books ii-v, showing Junius Brutus, Appius Claudius, Julius Caesar, and Constantisnlus; and seventy-one small oblong cuts of various Romans frepeats of 13 different blocks). There are top and outer border-pieces, and an initial with the arms of Cardinal Paulo de Campo Fregoso [36 mm. squarel on 1b, and a complete', "border at beginning of the text on 2b.' J. Pierpont Morgan Catalogue,", 'vol. il, no. 263. The top border on 16 contains a pair of compasses', "with the motto PER. NON. FALLIR', flanked by two wolves.", '209 X 138 mm. Without the blank leaf. Initial- strokes supplied in brown, background of most cuts and branchwork of rest coloured brown. On the cut of Julius Caesar on 196 are written the initials.P. F. Bought in July, 1858 IA. 19371. COLLENUTIUS, PANDULPHUS. Quarto—a’.—8 leaves. 22: 28 lines, 157x 89 (with marginalia 116) mm. Types: 111 R., text; 71 G., marginalia. Capital (12) CHIEREGATUS, LEONELLUS. Sermo habitus 206 X 144 mm. With the stamp of the Bodleian Library. Acquired by exchange in December, 1913. IA. 19378. SANDEUS, After 13 April, 1495.1 r. Ad Lectorem Michael Fernus Mediolanensis Parthenopes uarias qui nescis ordine clades !... (4 ele¬ EO TANGVNT HISTORICI INCI¬ letter of Fernus to Pomponius Laetus, dated Id. Apr., 1495; 4b, letter of Sandeus to Pope Alexander VI; 5°-40b, epitoma ; 418- 44°, aliquid de genealogia Alfonsi primi et censu, &c.; 458-468, accusationis deprecatio of Fernus to Sandeus; 462, seven elegiac couplets of Fernus to Sandeus; 466, blank. In his letter to Laetus Fernus relates how he came across a ms¬ copy of this tract: Nuper cù in exemplarias stationas Isicl... diuertissem: codicillum illic offendi apud manuensem .. . Protinus prohibition, being at the time engaged in editing Campanus (Cam panu ... imprimendum suscepi). He justifies his conduct to Sandeus in the letter at the end. 205X 140 mm. Manuscript foliation (37-82). From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in June, 1845. IA. 19376. LAUDIVIUS. De vita beati Hieronymi. TANVS AD FRANCINVM BELTRAN-IDVM 91 mm. Type: 111 R. Capitals (19, 1b). Hain 79946.', "This is the first tract in which woodcut capitals of Freitag's set", '(1) occur. 202 X 138 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bought in July, 1879. IA. 19380. MONSAUREUS, RAYNALDUS. Sermo de stoning of S. StephenJ. 6b. 1. 7, END: ... sedentem a sermon thus dates from 1495, not 1496. At the foot of 22, after the words Tota sua intelligentiam memoria', "&', the words uoluntate intelligit. Totaque sua' have been added", 'after printing off. 195 X 137 mm. Bought in June, 1884. LUDOVICUS FERRARIENSIS. Sermones The first two of these sermons were preached before Innocent', "VIII, the rest before Alexander VI. The author's dedicatory letter", 'on 1b contains the following: "Cum igitur pximis annis coram sacro pontificis maximi 2 cardinalium collegio quasdam orationes habuerim been in the possession of Ant. Gontier at Naples in 1493 (see notes to types, &c., above), and Proctor (no. 3996) was in doubt as to whether it was printed by Gontier. But it seems more probable that these, like almost all sermons preached before the Pope, wer- printed at Rome, in which case they are no doubt correctly assigned', "to Besicken, who appears to have acquired Gontier's material (se", 'Fava and Bresciano, La Stampa in Napoli, no. 223). They must then have been printed after 1493, at the end of which year Gontier presumably gave up at Naples, and before 21 September, 1496, the', "date of the author's death, the passage quoted above making it", 'reasonably certain that they were printed in his lifetime. 210X 140 mm. Capital on 2° painted over in gold', "and red, that on 1' touched with red. On 2' are the", 'obliterated arms of a Cardinal. Manuscript corrections in the text. Bought in July, 1858. IA. 19422. VINUM. De vino et eius proprietate. IA. 19406. WITH MARTINUS DE AMSTERDAM. The first leaf no doubt contains a woodcut of Christ giving the keys to S. Peter on the verso, as in the later editions of Martinus and Besicken (IA. 19430, &c.). The page-contents of the rest of', "the book are almost everywhere as in Plannck's editions, 1497, &c.", '(IA. 18584, &c.). The cuts are ruder copies, mostly in reverse, of', "Plannck's. The initials 'I. H. I. S' of Plannck's engraver or", 'engravers have been omitted in all but the cut on 2°; in that on 18° is substituted a monogram IM with IE above, in that on 29 the words MAR DEAMSTDAM with ER below and what appears to be a housemark.', "Anno Septio' of Alexander VI's reign in the colophon is a mis¬", "take for 'octavo'.", '125 X 85 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf. Two leaves of early manuscript additions are bound at the end. Bought? TIBI DABO CLAVES. RE. CELOR.) 2°. IN isto opusculo dicit quomodo Romulus z Rem nati sunt A reprint, mostly page for page, of the edition of 24 January, 1500 (IA. 19427).', "126x 95 mm. Bound before the same printers' un-", 'dated Mirabilia Romae, IA. 19446. With the Hérédia book-label. Bought in July, 1893. IA. 19430. ROM. Geschichte und Beschreibung der Type: 87 Gb. Capital D (12), containing David harping, 28 mm. square, on 32, capitals (2b) elsewhere. With woodcuts. Hain 11216. The woodcuts are those of the Latin editions, with the addition of a small cut of the Virgin and Child, indented like a capital into the text of the indulgences to be obtained at S. Maria Trastevere (382). Bought in May, 1853. IA. 19433. TORRELLA, GASPAR. Dialogus de dolore 106 G., title ; 87 Gb., text. Capitals (12) on 22, 32, and 392, (25 occasionally elsewhere. Hain 15559. 14, title; 1°, blank ; 22, 2b, prefatory letter of Torrella to Caesar Borgia; 34-386, tractatus de dolore in pudendagra euenire solito: Torrella’s letter on 2e begins as follows: QVamqu elapsis diebus consiliis contra pudendagram, printed by P. de Turre on 22 Novem¬ ber, 1497 (Audiffredi, Catalogus, p. 342) 207 X 139 mm. Manuscript foliation (107-165). Pre¬ viously bound with four other tracts by Torrella, printed by Besicken in the sixteenth century. IA. 19436. ANDREAS [DE ESCOBARJ HISPANUS. 1u. TITLE: Modus confitendi. woodcut, confessionall. r°. d Modus confitendi compositus per Reuerendum Epm 135 x 97 mm. A fragment of old manuscript is bound in at the end. Bought in October, 1886. IA. 19440. ROMA. Mirabilia Romae. 1°. TITLE: Mirabilia. Rome. woodcut. 8b. l. 16, END: ... Et est ec¬ clesia fratrum minorum. Finis.', "The cut on 1e is that found on 2b of Martinus and Besicken's", 'editions of the Historia et descriptio Romae. 135 X95 mm. Bought in June, 1884. ROMA. Mirabilia Romae. 12. TITLE: Mirabilia Rome.woodcut. 8b. 1. 17, Page for page the same as IA. 19444, with the same cut. 126 x 95 mm. The woodcut on the title-page is stained. Bound with IA. 19430. Bought in July, 1893. IA. 19446. DOUBTFUL. This and the following tract were probably printed after 1500; see notes to types. 194X 134 mm. TAXAE. Taxae sacrae Poenitentiariae Apo¬ bard Q, 11mm. high, on 12. 203X 139 mm. Bought in July, 1858. cum Undated. Nicolai de Lyra. [In Italian.) 1°. (red) IINcipit liber apocalipsis Sci Iohis apostoli The heading of this work as described in Hain 9383 agrees exactly with that of the present book, but the line-divisions are quite different; the number of leaves is given as 125. Hain 9384 can scarcely refer to this issue. 283 X202 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bought in April, 1860. IB. 19460. BLONDUS, FLAVIUS. Roma instaurata. De BLONDI FLAVII FORLIVIENSIS ROME IN¬ STAVRAITE LIBER .III. ET VLTIMVS FELI¬ FRANCISCV spaces. Hain ’3242. The copy at the Bibliothèque Nationale has a note of purchase dated 6 August, 1471 (Pellechet, no. 2424). Long final f is used for s on 32-4b, on the last leaf of lb), and in cl from 22 to the first part of 5°. 325 X 236 mm. Bound after IB. 17410, q. V., p. 33. Bought in July, 1900. IB. 19453 FORMULARIUM. lines, 95 x60 mm. Type: 86 G. Capital spaces, the first with a guide-letter. The woodcuts, four in number, including the headpiece on 38, are printed from blocks used in the blockbook edition of the German translation of this work, without mention of place or date, but probably at Rome (IA. 28, p. 7). The original woodcut text has been cut away from the headpiece on 3e (arms of the Empire, the Popes, and the City), slight traces still remaining. In the cut on 33°, representing the Vernicle above, three shields below, the arms of Pope Sixtus IV have been removed from within the central shield and the triple crown from above it. On 522 the following passage occurs in connexion with a portrait of the Virgin painted by S. Luke: "Etiam multis per totam vrbem Romauam ssic) claruit miraculis tempore Innocentij ppe. viij (52°', "supplied in the central shield on 33° (see Dr. R. Ehwald's preface", "to a facsimile of the blockbook ('Mirabilia Romae’), published by", 'the Gesellschaft der Bibliophilen, Weimar, 1905). 135X 101 mm. Without the blank last leaf. A fly- leaf at the beginning consists of a fragment of a letter signed by Thomas Ba and addressed to Anne Palmer at Kegworth. On a fly-leaf at the end is the signature (17th cent.?) of John Beaumont. Three leaves 144 lines, 164 X 104 mm. Types: 60 Ge., headings; 60 Gb., text. Lombardic capitals. Imperfect, wanting the first quire con¬ On 82 is written: Franciscanorum taining the table. Friburgi Brisgoiae. 1648. Old half pigskin over boards, with paper labels. IB. 19467. Bought in June, 1884. out of four of a copy of a sixteenth-century edition of the Translatio miraculosa Ecclesie beate Marie virginis de Loreto are bound up with the book. Bought in April, 1914. FERDINANDI, VALASCUS. Oratio de obedi¬ The number of lines to the page on 1—-52 is 32 or 33; on 50-8u varies thus: 31, 30, 32, 34, 31, 30. The last two lines on 7e are narrower than the rest and appear to have been added afterwards to supply an omission; the last line and the last but two both end', "in 'ecclesie.", "Homage was done by the 'oratores' of the King of Portugal on LAURENTIUS ARETINUS. Vita Moysis. 209X 143 mm. From the library of the Duke of IA. 19484. Bought in November, 1846. IA. 19480. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. De secretis mulie Types: 125 G., title; 111 R., text; 82 R., commentary. Woodcut', "capitals. Catchwords at end of quires. Hain '566?", 'In the copy described by Hain, who counts only 54 leaves, leaf 22 begins: ¶ Liber Alberti magni de secre stis mulierum cum', "leaves containing a Descriptio hominis' in manuscript", 'dated 1504. Bought in October, 1858. IA. 19148. Liber aggrega tionis. [In Italian.) 12. Opera nobilissima del preclarissimo phi¬ losopho by himself as having been printed by Neumeister at Albi, the fourth has been transferred to Guldinbeck, and the fifth to Zyrickzee at Cologne. bello tracta- to de le cose marauegliose del modo del foot of leaf, in the same position as the signatures. 12°: 21 lines with marginalia, 116x 72 (77) mm. Type: 110 R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Catchwords at end of quires. 159 X 103 mm.