621 Quarto. Four quires of eight leaves and one of six, each sheet of two leaves signed on the recto of the first leaf with one of the letters a-t, in their order. 38 leaves. 22: 34 lines, 151X94 mm. Type: 88. Capital spaces. Hain 605. 188 x 143 mm. Capitals supplied in alternate blue and red, initial-strokes in red. From the library of Dr. C. Inglis. Bought in October, 1871. IA. 11509. PROGNOSTICON. Prognosticon anni 1487 x95 mm. Types: 160 (with early e), title, headings; 80, text', "Hain '13392.", 'The letters D P S E at the end are in all probability intended to stand for the name of Dr. Paulus Eck, of Sulzbach, who compiled the broadsheet calendar issued by Kachelofen for this year (Heitz- Haebler, Hundert Kalender-Ink., no. 55). 197X 141 mm. Bound eighth in a tract volume begin¬ ning with IA. 11589 (p. 629). Bought in July, 1863. IA. 11526. FLORUS, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Epitomata. historiographi rerum romanarum Epithoma Incipit. 213X 148 mm. With manuscript notes. Bought in January, 1878. IA. 11529 TIBULLUS, ALBIUS. Elegiarum libri quat 32: 20 lines of text, leaded, 156x 83 mm. Type: 89. Capital spaces. Hain 15521 199X 150 mm. Capitals supplied in alternate red and blue ; initial-strokes in red. At the end of the text is written in blue the date: a d. m.c. c. c. c. l. xx. xvij and the initial E. Bought in May, 1878. IA. 11532. MAHOMET II. Epistolae Magni Turci. mm. Types: 160 (with early e), title ; 89, text. Capital space on 22. Hain 10507. The preface is signed and dated: Ex Liptzk Anno salutis nre and underlines supplied in red. Few manuscript notes. Bought in April, 1909. IA. 11610. SALOMON ET MARCOLFUS. Dialogus 160 (with early e), first line of title ; 89, rest of title, text. Capital space on 22, 2°, and 62. The text at the foot of 2e, oppresserat infante, is continued on 32', "by res ibi sunt cause' three words and part of a fourth having", "dropped out, but the correct reading saulres' being preserved.", '195 x 140 mm. Some manuscript notes. The woodcut is painted in several colours. Bought in April, 1858. IA. 11653. ANDREAE, JOANNES. Arbor consanguinita¬ ANDREAE, JOANNES. Arbor consanguinita¬ tis, arbor affinitatis, arbor spiritualis cogna¬ tionis, arbor legalis cognationis. 1489. necnon legalis. 1b. (woodcut, inscribed at foot in scrolls) Hec est arbor Consangl uineiltatis. 14189. 9b. END', "grams. Hain '1039 (whose copy had a misprint' consanguini- tacis?", 'in the title). 1° title; 1b, cut dated 1489; 22, ad arborem in generali; 22-42 arbor consanguinitatis; 4b, diagram: 5à-62 arbor affinitatis; 65 diagram; 7a-ga arbor cognationis spiritualis; 8b 9a diagrams; ob, arbor cognationis legalis; 10b-123, diagrams; 126, blank. The order within each year of this and the following dated books is determined by the sequence of watermarks or, failing this, by alphabetical order. 296X 205 mm. Capitals supplied in red or blue. initial-strokes in red. On 2e is written: Conuentus Bambergensis Ordinis Praedicatorum. Leaf 6 has been misbound at the end. Bought in June, 1879. IB. 11536. WIDMANN, JoHANNES. Rechnung auf alle 24: 22 lines, 98 x 66 mm. Types: 160, title, headings; 89, text Capital space on 44. With woodcut diagrams, &c. Hain 13712 140 x 98 mm. Some manuscript notes. Bought in May, 1903. IA. 11541 EPISTOLA DE MISERIA CURATORUM. signed h and dated above 1489). 86. COLOPHON: Ex plicit Epistola de Miseria Cura torum seu plebanorum. This is evidently the original of the various issues in which the title-cut is signed: h. 1489, as the same initial occurs on Kachelofens', "magister cum discipulis' cut (cf. IA. 12371). See note to IA", 'supplied in red: woodcut touched with red. On 1b is written in red: M. b. E. G. Bought in May, 1903. IA. 11540. THEODULUS. Ecloga Theoduli. 51489. Anno salutis Me cccclxxxix°. 61b. Registrü egloge theo¬ On 10 is a woodcut of a shepherd playing the bagpipes, a woman harping, and another woman holding a rod. 209 X 142 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial- strokes, and underlines supplied in faded red. Manuscript Bought in January, 1868. GUIDO. Historia de spiritu quodam con¬ 160, title, heading on 22; 89, text. Capital space on 22. Hain 18741. This and the five following books are taken to belong to 1489-90 for the reasons given in each title. The four watermarks of this book are all found in the dated tracts of 1489. 198X 140 mm. Capital supplied in red. The impres¬ sion of the title was defective, and the missing strokes and letters have been supplied in ink. Bought in March, 1847. IA. 11603. SYNTHEN, JoHANNES. Verba deponentialia. leaded. Capital space on 1b. Hain 514783? 195 x 136 mm. Initial-strokes supplied in red. On the last page is written: ano dni 1490 1 ebdomoda corpis x1. Bound third in a tract volume beginning with IA. 11589 (p. 629). Bought in July, 1863. IA. 11695. SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Prouerbia. of each letter. Hain 14641. This is connected with the Synthen by having the same types, breadth of type-page, and number of lines to a page, and with the two following tracts by bearing, like them, the signature 1.S.,', "probably that of hanss smidehofer', a bookseller, who, according", 'to Wustmann, had litigation with Kachelofen in 1498: der missalien halben, and who presumably shared the risk in these and other books containing the same initials. 211X 147 mm. Bought in August, 1881. MANUALE PAROCHIALIUM SACER. spaces. Hain 10727? (which gives: Laus deo instead of: I. S. at the end). This and the following tract, besides being signed: I. S., have the same breadth of type-page and number of lines to a page. 188X 135 mm. Bought in November, 1888. IA. 11611. BREITENBACH, JOHANNES DE. Clypeus text. Some capital spaces. Hain 5472. 210X 143 mm. Bought in May, 1903. — 147x95 mm. Types: 290, title; 89, text. Capital space on 2e Hain 11725.', "The heading 'Sequitur paragrafus Queri-tur vtrum sperma", "descindatur' in the middle of 26° (D 2) seems to show that this", 'was printed from an earlier edition where a miscalculation was made by the printer at this point. A watermark of a bonneted head found in this book recurs only in IA. 11539 (1489); another of a lamb and flag also occurs in the preceding tract (IA. 11706); the ornament :: after the colophon', "resembles that of the 'I. S.' tract IA. 11700 above. On these", 'grounds the present tract has been added to the 1489-90 group. 208x 143 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capital supplied in red, guide-letter in ink. IA. 11704. SYNTHEN, JOHANNES. Composita verborum. [By J. Synthen.) 1e. TITLE: Composita verbornm. 2°.s Ipo côposita x 92-3 mm. The metrical text is leaded throughout. Types: 290, title; 72, text. Some capital spaces. 201X 155 mm. Capitals supplied in red. Marginal notes in red. IA. 11543. Bought in January, 1878. Another copy. 203X 139mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial¬ strokes supplied in red. Bound after IA. 11728 in a tract volume. Bought in June, 1849. THEODULUS. Ecloga Theoduli. 71492. Quarto. A-Fss GeH816. 62 leaves, 2-62 so numbered. 2" 40 lines and foliation, 144 (150) x 93 mm. Types: 290, title; 146, foliation; 89, text (leaded); 72, commentary. Capital spaces on 2e', "and 2b. Hain '15483.", 'A very close reprint of the 1489 issue (IA. 11539), with the same cut on 1°, but different quiring. BERNARDUS, Carthusiensis. Dialogus vir¬ hardum monachum professum ordinis Carthusiensis in domo passionis hiesu crhristi prope ciuitatem Legnitz Et (in error for XXXXXV). 52: 40 lines and foliation, 145 (152) x87 mm. Types: 160, title, headings on 2° and 3°; 146, foliation; 97,', "title; 72, text. Capital spaces. Hain '2840.", '188X 137 mm. Capitals, underlines, and (in register) initial-strokes supplied in red. An impression from a metal-cut of the Nativity (16th century?) has been taken on 562. Bought. REGIMEN SANITATIS. Regimen sanitatis out. The German translation in rhyme follows each section of two (three or more) lines of Latin. The type-page on 3e measures 150 x 93 mm. Types: 160, title ; 97, Latin text ; 72, German gloss;', "60, signatures. Capital spaces on 22 and 9b. Hain '13759.", '1*, title; 1°, blank ; 22-9b, regimen sanitatis; 9b-10b, Hor. Od. Ir. 204 X 148 mm. Bought in May, 1899. AEGIDIUSTCOLUMNAJROMANUS. Theore¬ logorum fundatissimi. Cuis meoria in bndictone est Thęo¬ reumatu de eë et essentia tractatus optatû amplexus est mm. Types: 160, title; 97, title, text; 72, commentary. Capital', "spaces. Hain '120.", '210X 150 mm. On 2° is a note: Iste libell? e Diui Another copy. 212 X 149 mm. Few manuscript notes. Bought in April, 1863. IA. 11552 NIAVIS, PAULUS. Epistolae longiores. 208 X 146 mm. Bound before IA. 11564. Bought in June, 1879. IA. 11563. NIAVIS, PAULUS. Epistolae mediocres.', "on 1b; 89, text. Capital spaces. Hain '11733.", '208 X 146 mm. Bound after IA. 11563. Bought in June, 1879. NIAVIS, PAULUS. Latina idiomata. *1494. 1a, title ; 1b, dedicatory letter; 22-222, Pauli Niauis latinum idioma quod pro nouellis edidit studentibus; 222, 22°, dedicatory', "letter ' Erasmo presbitero in kemnitz'; 22°-51° thesaurus elo¬ ARS MORIENDI [GERMANICEJ. Ein Büch¬ woodcuts on 1b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 7a, 82, 92, 102, 112, 122, 138, 14° 15b.', "Hain '1836.", 'The first cut found in the Latin issues (IA. 12373, &c.) is not found in this and the 1496 German issue; it represents a man in church confessing, and has no connexion with Ars moriendi. The remainder of the cuts are identical with, and in the same order as, those of the Latin issues. 182 X 127 mm. On the first and last pages is the stamp and on the last page the duplicate-stamp of the Munich Royal Library. Bought in July, 1863. IA. 11567. PRAECEPTORIUM. Praeceptorium perutile', "Types: 160, title, headings; 72, text. Hain '13317.", '202X 143 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 21, 22 (D 3,D4). Manuscript foliation: 87-118. Bought in July, 1864. IA. 11568. BALTHASAR, Frater. Expositio mysterio¬ 93 mm. 62: 19 lines of metrical text, leaded, 148x87 mm. Types: 160, title; 97, title, text; 72, commentary. Text leaded throughout. Some capital spaces. Hain 16804. This is an adaptation of the work of the same title composed by Guilelmus de Gouda, with additions, while most of the verse is taken from the Jesuida of Hier. de Vallibus. 185X 130 mm. On 1° is written: Mnrij Schyrensis. Bought in July, 1867. ALBERTANUS. De arte loquendi et tacendi. 192 X 136 mm. Initial-strokes supplied in faded red. Above the title is written: Monasterij Fürstenueld. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 11574. FRATRES MINORES. Priuilegia et in¬ marginalia 116) mm. Types: 340, title; 160, title and main headings; 97, minor headings; 72, text. Marginal summaries.', "Hain'13372.", "spaces. Ham '12915.", '174X 129 mm. Bought in January, 1868. ARS MORIENDI [GERMANICE). Ein Büch¬ The woodcuts are the same and on the same pages as in the 1494 issue (IA. 11567), of which this is an extremely close reprint. 186 X 137 mm. Bought in March, 1846. HENRICUS DE HASSIA. Secreta sacer¬ mm. Types : 340, title ; 168, headings ; 72, text. Capital spaces. Hain 8384. 209 X 155 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bought in January, 1878. The first leaf presumably contained a title. 3° : 22 lines of type 97. 107x 65 mm.—1392: 29 lines of type 72, 105 x64 mm. Types: 97, text of psalms; 72, text of hymns. Printed red Lombard versals; capital space (six-line) on 22. Hain 13496? 141X 102 mm. Wanting the first leaf. Manuscript notes, also prayers, &c., on the blanks. Old stamped leather. Bought in May, 1903. IA. 12342. JACOBUS DE GRUYTRODE. Lauacrum bered : Folium primum-l. 2 columns. 4°: 50 lines and foliation, 150 (158) x 100 mm. Types: 340, title; 168, head-lines and head- ings ; 60, text. Capital spaces. The head-lines on the verso give the chapter-numbers. Hain 19960. 193 X139 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red irregularly, mostly on the first and last page of each quire. Some manu¬ script notes in red or black. On 1e is written: Ex Bibliotheca FF: Aspacensium, on 22: Mnrij Aspacensis. Bought in July, 1867. IA. 12335 NIGER, FRANCISCUS. Modus epistolandi cum Quarto. A°B-F6GH“ 46 leaves, the last blank. 52 : 33 lines, edition, lA. 11675, for which purpose type 89 seems to have been revived. 208 x 139mm. Without the blank leaf. Manuscrip Bought in December, 1846. TAULER, JoHANNES. Sermonen und Historia. Folium.i.-cclxxxi. 2 columns. 102: 36 lines and foliation, 160 (168 x 104 mm. Types: 340, title ; 168, title, head-lines, &c.; 97, secon line of quotations from Scripture ; 88, text of sermons. Capita space, with guide-letter, at the beginning of each sermon. The head-lines on the verso give the sermon-numbers, &c. Hain 15346. paragraph-marks and initial-strokes supplied in red. Bought in May, 1844. IA. 12345. MISSALE PRAGENSE. *24 July, 1498. pragen sis ::) (to left:) a Auricolor limes . . . (l. 5 concilij. (to right:) b Hec mundi vilcijs ... (l. 6) deo. (below :) c Angele sancte .... (l. 2) malignus ei. 350b. COLOPHON: (red) Ad Lectorem Preclarum hoc opus libro-rum missalium de tempore z de sanctis em vera regu¬ Folio. 10; A-PSQRSST V; a10-1b-28. 4. 355 leaves, 351 blank, 11-136 numbered: Folium.i.-.cxxvi., 168-350 numbered: 1612; 16 lines of canon, on vellum, 272X 174 mm. Types: 340, canon of the Mass ; 168, 168*, text ; 97, verses on title, &c. Red printed capitals, also within the line ; capital spaces to chief sections of second part. Rubrics, &c., and staves of music printed red. Woodcuts on 1° 1b 1592, and metal cut (head of Christ, 50X 42 mm.) in lower margin of 164°. Red subject head-lines on versos. Hain 11354. chants with musical notes; 1598, canon woodcut; 160-166, canon of the Mass ; 167, instructions as to masses for the dead; 168-2052, temporale, pars aestiualis ; 2052-287°, proprium de sanctis; 288 355 x 255 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 159, containing the woodcut of the canon, and part of leaf 280 (p1). The canon of the Mass is printed on vellum. Illuminated apitals in gold and colours supplied on 112, 1602, and 1682 capitals in red and blue elsewhere. The cuts on 1e and 1° are painted in several colours. On 1e is written in a later hand : S. Mariæ ad Riues. praga. In the top cover is a book-plate with motto: Torcular calcavi solus. Old tamped pigskin, lettered: Missale: on front; the back s painted and bears an old press-mark: Nh. 1. Bought in November, 1890. IC. 12348. SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. De mundi guber¬ x 86 mm. Types: 340, 168, title; 88, text. Capital spaces. Hain 14612. IA. 12354. PISTORIS, SIMON. Declaratio defensiua cu¬ x 94 mm. Types: 340, title; 168, title, headings; 88, text. Hain 713021. UNDATED BOOKS. Undated. AD PATREM. Types : 160, text of rules; 89, German gloss and commentary. Capital space on 22 and 8b. 195X 136 mm. Capitals, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Under the title is written in an old hand: Paulus Marienborgk te. Bound first in a tract volume, which contains also IA. 11630, 11695, 10768, 11716, 9889, 9902, 11526, 11773, and 11504 in the order named. Bought in July, 1863. BALBUS, HIERONYMUS. Epigrammata. 79 mm. Types: 160, title; 89, text. Capital space on 22. Hain 2248. DANIEL. Interpretationes somniorum Da¬ 12. TITLE: Interptationes somniorum Dalnielis pphete ELEGANTIAE. Elegantiarum viginti prae¬ Bought in June, 1879. Prouerbia eloquentis Frei¬ Undated. danks. 12. TITLE: Prouerbia eloquentis Freydangks innu¬ hat freydanck mit mancher hande sanck', "followed by German paraphrase. Hain '7360.", '195X 140mm. Above the title is written: 12 batzen. Manuscript pagination, 1-70, also Latin rhymes on last page. The title-leaf, which was torn, is mounted. Bound before IA. 11679. Bought in June, 1846. JOHANNES DESACRO BUSTO., Sphaeri¬ throughout. Capital space at the beginning of each chapter. With', "25 woodcuts. Hain '14116.", 'This corresponds page for page with the undated edition of the Pr. of Capotius (IA. 11783), the cuts of which appear to be cruder', "copies of Kachelofen's.", '208X 145 mm. Manuscript notes as far as c 3. On a fly-leaf is written: Ex libris Ludov. Choulant 1856. Bought in May, 1906. IA. 11651. NIAVIS, PAULUS. Latinum idioma. 195 X 136 mm. Initial-strokes and (on title) under- lines supplied in red. Bound in a tract volume after IA. 11589, q.v. Bought in July, 1863. NIGER, FRANCISCUS. Modus epistolandi. 218 x 153 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first and last leaves. Manuscript notes in the first quire. Bought in December, 1846. IA. 11675. 630 last line of 6b has a blank of 13 mm. at the beginning. Hain 13210. 195 X 138 mm. Most initial-strokes and a few under- lines supplied in red. IA. 11636. Bought in July, 1893. Undated. RHYTHMI DAVITICI. Probably printed about the same time as IA. 11640 above. 185 X 133 mm. Bought in April, 1889. SALOMON ET MARCOLFUS. Dialogus The frame of the woodcut shows more breaks in this issue than in the previous issue (IA. 11653, p. 623 sq.). The correspondence', "with this (assigned to about 1488') is mostly page for page and", "often line for line, but the text of oppresserât infante' on 2° is", "followed without a break on 3e by Mar. vbi sunt auce ibi sunt cause'.", '181X 128 mm. The woodcut is painted in red, green, and yellow. Bought in January, 1889. IA. 11655. THOMAS AQUINAS. De arte et vero modo', "spaces. Hain '1352.", "The arbor' and the tract of Henricus de Hassia do not seem", 'ever to have been added to this edition. 190X 144 mm. Bought in January, 1878. THOMAS AQUINAS. De vitiis et virtutibus. 206 x 140 mm. Capitals, initial-strokes, and under- lines supplied in red. Bought in January, 1868. IA. 11659. TRADITIO. Traditio morum venustatem Undated. tiones is leaded. Capital spaces on 22 and 82. Hain 15596?', "194x 130 mm. Under the title is written 39 1505',", 'together with the name of Philipus Vischer. Bought in March, 1849. IA. 11667 WIREKER, NIGELLUS. Brunellus in speculo Undated. Types: 160, Ititle,) headings ; 89, text. Capital space on 22.', "Hain '16217.", '187 X 133 mm. Imperfect, wanting the title. Various Types. Various Types. A. Including 72, 146 or 290 [1489?-1497?1. mm. Types: 160, title, headings ; 89, Latin text (leaded); 72, German translation and commentary. Capital spaces. The blind impression of two lines of Lombard capitals is found on the last', "page. Hain '14629.", 'If the initials I N are those of the author of the commentary and translation, their occurrence here suggests that this edition is the archetype of those by Koelhoff, sen. (IA. 3651), C. Hist (IA. 8841), &c., which contain the same commentary. The initials more probably, however, indicate the publisher, cp. the I. S. in IA. 11700 and IA. 11611 (p. 624 sq.). 195 X 140 mm. Manuscript notes and pagination: 221-268. Bound after IA. 11640. Another copy. 195 X 142 mm. Bought in December, 1845. SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. De quattuor bus. 1P. SEneca cordubensis philozoph? vir doctissim mm. Types: 160, title, headings; 89, Latin text (leaded) ; 72, German translation and commentary. Capital spaces. Hain 14630. A very close and mostly page for page reprint of the preceding Bought in January, 1868. IA. 11682. GULIELMUS DE GOUDA. Expositio Undated. x 88-9 mm. Types: 160, title; 72, text. Capital spaces. Only 34 or 35 lines to the page are usual after the first quire. Hain 17819. 205 X 143 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial¬ strokes supplied in red, much faded. Bought in March, 1906. IA. 11689. PIUSII. De duobus amantibus et de remedio 92 mm. Types: 160, title, headings on 22; 72, text. Capital', "spaces. Hain '226.", '1° title; 1°, blank ; 2-192, de duobus amantibus; 19b-21b, de', "The k in karolum' on 12 is made up of l and r.", '203X 140 mm. The blank last leaf is bound before the title. Under the title is written: G. F. Nott. M. D. cCC. xxvii. Another copy. 201X 132 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals supplied in blue or red, much faded; initial-strokes in red. IA. 11687. REGIMEN MORALITATIS. Regimen Undated. 1a TITLE: Regimen moralitatis. 22. Acer virtutum title; 160, heading on 6°; 89, text. The text of the Epistula Lentuli is leaded. Capital space on 1e and 62. 194 X 145 mm. Manuscript notes, and pagination, 269-2180, showing that it was formerly bound after IA. 11679 (see p. 631) in a tract volume. On the title is the set-off of 5° of an undated Manuale curatorum printed by J. Otmar at Reutlingen (IA. 10729, see p. 587). Bought in June, 1846. PLATO. Epistolae. [Edited by Paulus Nia¬ Undated. \ufeff632 Undated. by Paulus Niauis.) 193X141 mm. Paragraph-mark and underlines sup- plied on the title, initial-strokes on 1b. Bought in January, 1878. IA. 11712. REGULAE GRAMMATICALES ANTI¬ The change of heading type after the first quire may show that the book is made up from copies of different issues, but this is not certain. There is no break in the text after quire A. 195 X 136 mm. Initial-strokes and underlines supplied in red as far as the recto of B1. Bound in a tract volume which begins with IA. 11589, q. v. Bought in July, 1863. IA. 11716. Various Types. Various Types. B. Including 97, 168 or 60 [1493?-1500?). A fragment of four leaves, comprising the last quire signed b. The first type-page measures 148 x 66 mm. Types: 97, Latin text; 9, German gloss. Latin text leaded. Capital space on b12. 194 X 132 mm. Bought in June, 1846. ALLIACO, PETRUS DE. De eis quae in tribus feliciter. 24b. 1. 27, END: Finis. Quarto. A-D6. 24 leaves. 82: 39 lines, 142 x 93 mm. Types 160, title; 97, headings; 72, title, text. Capital space on 24. Hain SYNTHEN, JOHANNES. Verba deponentialia. gloss, 145 x 90 mm. The metrical text is leaded throughout. Types: 160, title, heading on 22 ; 97, text ; 72, gloss. Capital space on 22. 202 X 140 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capital, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Manuscript notes. Bound in old half-stamped pigskin and boards, at the beginning of a tract volume which contains also IA. 11544, 2054, 2057, 10790, 8747, 13703 in the order named. IA. 11728. Bought in June, 1849. Undated. ARS MORIENDI. Quarto. A° B°. 14 leaves. 32: 30 lines, 147x 93 mm. Types: 168, title ; 97, title, text. Capital spaces. Full-page woodcuts on 15, 22, 4°, 52, 62, 7a, 82, 92, 102, 112, 122, 132, 142, 14b. The woodcuts, except the first, are those of the German editions of 1494 and 1496. See note to the former (IA. 11567, p. 626). 210X 148 mm. Bought in May, 1903. DELITZSCHENSIS, ANDREAS. Carmen Undated. 1°. TITLE: Carmen Sapphicum Adonicum Andree De¬ litzschensis Gra¬ matice necessitatem mostras. Ad le- ctorem Aspice qiim segni semen committit arene... lypes : 168, title; 97, title, text. The text is leaded throughout. Capital space on 22. Hain 6089. 192 X 150 mm. Manuscript notes. Bought in March, 1906. THEOBALDUS, Episcopus. Physiologus de Quarto. A-C“. 18 leaves, the last blank. 82 : 44 lines of commentary, and head-line, 133 (141) x 89 mm. Types: 160, title heading on 22; 146, head-lines ; 89, text ; 60, commentary. The metrical text is leaded throughout. Capital spaces. Head-lines: Theobaldus De naturis animalium. Hain *15470.', "This agrees closely, mostly page for page, with Quentell's earlier", 'undated issue (IA. 4824), but as each presents different corruptions of the text, their precise connexion is not clear. 194 X 140 mm. Without the blank leaf. Manuscript notes. Title and colophon underlined in red. Formerly bound fourth in a tract volume. IA. 12367. Bought. Undated. 1°. TITLE: Questiones super donatum (woodcut, master and three pupils, signed: h). 24°. COLOPHON : Expliciunt questiuncule grâmatilcales super donatum The title-cut was afterwards used by Lotter in 1499 (Schreiber, 188X 132 mm. At the foot of the last page is written what is perhaps a note of price: p gr j. Formerly bound third in a tract volume. IA. 12371. Bought in December, 1870. Undated. ARS MORIENDI. preceding Latin edition (IA. 12373). This issue differs in several', "notable details from the description of Hain '1834.", '214X 156 mm. In the top cover is written: Ex libris FGH Culemann Hannoverae 1857. Undated. ARS MORIENDI. 340, 168, title; 88, text. Capital spaces. Hain 1833. The cuts are the same, and disposed in the same order, as in the preceding editions. 190X 131 mm. Bought in July, 1863. CAPOTIUS, PRIAMUS. Fridericeis. Types : 270, title; 151, heading on 22; 95, text. Capital space on 22. On 1b is the blind impression of a line from the title. Hain 14383. AURBACH, JOHANNES DE. Processus juris columns in registrum. 2b: 49 lines of type 87, 215 X 121 mm. 45 lines of type 95 on 17b measure 215 mm. Types: 151, title; 95,', "Aurbach's text ; 87, commentary. Capital spaces. Hain 2126.", '293X 203 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals, paragraph-marks, some underlines, and initial-strokes on 2° supplied in red. On 22 is written: Ex Bibliotheca Windhagiana. The title-leaf has been repaired. Bought in April, 1877. IB. 11756. PIUS II. De miseriis curialium. last words of some headings. Capital spaces. Ham 201. The inferior quality of the press-work in this tract suggests that it is an early effort of the printer, so that perhaps type 88 should be considered his first text type. 205X 142 mm. Bought in April, 1903. FABER, WENCESLAUS. Judicium Lipsense. This Judicium is for 1486, and corresponds to the calendar for that year (Hundert Kalender-Inkunabeln, pl. 49: for which see', "Dr. Haebler's Introduction, p. 6, and note) ; the text on 1° and 2", 'is a Latin version of the last paragraph of the calendar. 198X 140 mm. Bound with Ad Patrem, IA. 11589 (Kachelofen, p. 629), &c. Bought in July, 1863. IA. 11773 FRIEDRICH I. Authentica, continens priui commentary. Capital space on 22. Hain 7382. 202X 140 mm. Capital supplied in blue, initial-strokes in red. Bought in May, 1903. IA. 11775 PERAUDI, RAYMUNDUS. Litterae Indulgen¬ text. Woodcut V at the beginning On vellum. 124X 174 mm. Another issue, of a different setting up. 1. 6:... eccias vrbis tpe iublil lei ... Oblong slip. 26 lines, 101 X 152 mm. Types, &c., as above. On vellum. 139X 193 mm. Slightly cropped on the right-hand side. Bought in May, 1894. IA. 11766. CAPOTIUS, PRIAMUS. Oratio metrica. A copy at Leipzig (Günther, no. 1231) has a manuscript date 1488. 209 X 140mm. On 1b is written in German a spell against gout and other diseases, and on 8° a rhymed', "spell against hail. Dr. Kloss's copy.", 'Bought in July, 1840. IA. 11769. JOHANNES DESACRO BUSTO. Sphaera On 1° is a full-page woodcut, lettered: CORPVS : SPERICVM', "This corresponds page for page with Kachelofen's undated edition", '(IA. 11651). The diagrams seem to be copied roughly from those in that edition. 213X 157 mm. Manuscript notes. Bound after J. Engel. Astrolabium, Venice, J. Emerich, 1494 (IA. 24210). Bought in October, 1857. IA. 11783 POENITENTIONARIUS. 156, title and heading on 52; 78, text. Capital spaces on 22 and 5a, REGIMEN SANITATIS PARISIENSE. 180X 122 mm. Capitals and some initial-strokes sup¬ plied in red. Bought in June, 1846. IA. 11781. THOMASAQUINAS. De modo intelligendi The passage from the dedicatory letter quoted above makes it probable that this and the following tract, which is uniform with it. together with others not in the Museum, are part of the same edition. The Tractatus de diffinitione secundum Thomam de Aquino is preserved at Leipzig (Günther, no. 1243). 208 X 144mm. The capital on 23, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. IA. 11789. THOMAS AQUINAS. De singulari et uni¬ IA. 11787. TYPES 156, 88.—DEVICE (a).', "Quarto. I. A-CS D6. 30 leaves, the last blank. II. A'BCe", '32 leaves. IV. A°BC6 20 leaves, the last blank. III. D-Gs.', "20 leaves, the last blank. V. A°B6 C'. 22 leaves, the last blank.", 'VI. A6. 6 leaves. VII. ABS. 16 leaves. VIII. A-L’. 66 leaves,', "the last blank. IX. A-E’FG'. 46 leaves. 258 leaves. 1, 32:", '17 lines, 145 x 70 mm. Types: 156, titles and heading on VI, 4°; 88, text, leaded in poems. Capital spaces. V = Hain 8904; VII = Hain 18918; VIII = Hain 18907; IX = Hain 18910. 218x 150 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 6 of V. Another copy of Parts I and II. 201X 140 mm. Bound separately. Manuscript notes. Bought in October, 1869. IA. 11865-66. ANDREAE, JOANNES. Arbor consanguinitatis, ANDREAE, JOANNES. Arbor consanguinitatis, arbor affinitatis, arbor cognationis spiritualis, [Not before 1492. ing the text, 224X 156 mm. Types: 156, lines 1, 2 of title, and headings ; 140, large letterpress in diagram on 24 ; 88, body of title, text (leaded) and commentary; 69, small letterpress in dia¬ gram on 28. Woodcut diagrams containing bands of printed text', "Capital spaces. Hain '1042.", '281 x 204 mm. Some capitals and initial-strokes sup plied in red. IB. 11879. Bought in April, 1865. Another copy. 305 x 209 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 2. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in June, 1845. IB. 11880. FLORUS, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Epitoma gesto¬ rum (4 couplets) ... hinc peto lector habe. 1° C Vtri¬ slightly leaded except in editorial matter. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 7204. 310X 211 mm. Bound after IB. 11987 (p. 639), Cicero. Officia, q.v. The last leaf has been mended. Bought in April, 1892. IB. 11884. PROPERTIUS, SEXTUS. Elegiae. Capital spaces. Hain 13403.', "In the colophon Martis' probably stands for Mensis?.", '210X 144 mm. Bought. AEGIDIUSICOLUMNAJROMANUS. Theore¬ Undated. 205X 150 mm. Formerly bound with IA. 51537. IA. 37798, and IA. 282. Bought in July, 1858. IA. 11923. ALBERTUS, MAGNUS. De intellectu et in¬ 193 X 131 mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks sup¬ plied in red. The title-page has been mended. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 11927. ALGORISMUS. Algorismus integrorum 1*. TITLE: Algorithmus Integrox Cum Probis an¬ hexis. 2°. Q Voniâ omnia quecumque a primeua rerum 201X 146 mm. Bound in vellum from a manuscript painted black. IA. 11929. ALGORISMUS. Algorismus linealis. 185 X 133 mm. Capitals supplied in red. ALGORISMUS. Algorismus linealis. 199X 142 mm. Bound in leaves from a (contem¬ porary?) German folio. Bought in June, 1857. IA. 11933. ALGORISMUS. Algorismus minutiarum 70 mm. Types: 156, title and headings; 88, text. Capital spaces. 204X 147mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red and blue alternately, underlines in red. On 10 is a note; Bibliothecae Schol. Gram. Omn. Sanctorum de Bloxham. d.d. Joannes Guils. Hewett A.M. 1854. Bought in June, 1862. IA. 11935. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De officiis. CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De officiis. *Undated. 18 TITLE : Marci Tullii Ciceronis. consulis ro¬ Folio. A-K° Ls. 68 leaves, the last blank. 32 : 24 lines, 207X 115 mm. Types: 156, title and headings; 88, leaded, text. Capital spaces. Hain 15234. 310X 211 mm. Without the blank leaf. Early manu- script notes, for which many of the margins have been ruled. After sig. K 4 is bound a bibliographical note,', "signed H. R., giving an extract from Winstanley's Cata-", 'logue of the Library of the late Rev. William Shepherd, 1847, relating to this book, which was previously bound in a tract volume with several classical and theological manuscripts; the note also states that this volume was bought in Iceland and given to Dr. Shepherd by one of the Littledale family. Bought in April, 1892. IB. 11987. CULMACHER, PHILIPPUS. Regimen wider text. Woodcut Hebrew letters on 1b. Hain *5848. 205 X 139 mm. Bound ninth in a volume of early 16th-century tracts, boards backed with sheepskin. From the Heber Library. Bought in October, 1862. IA. 11941. HERMES, TRISMEGISTUS. Centiloquium. 195x 130 mm. On the title-page is a signature, D. W. Fabri. Bound before IA. 47620 and IA. 4606, in boards, backed with old stamped pigskin. Bought in January, 1863. IA. 11947. HIERONYMUS. Oratio de assumptione Quarto. AB“ C. 20 leaves, the last blank. 32: 27 lines, 150x 86 mm. Types: 156, lines 1, 2 of title; 88, text (leaded) and lines 3, 4 of title. Capital space on 22. Hain 18576. 188X 141 mm. Without the blank leaf. Presented (Voynich collection) in October, 1906. IA. 11959. ILLUMINATORIS, JACOBUS. Poema elegia¬ illumiatoris Adal¬ berto erentreich Salutes opstat pluri¬ mm. Types: 156, title and lines 1, 2, on 1b; 88, text (leaded) and lines 3-8 on 1b. Capital space on 22. Hain 9077. 188 X 133mm. Manuscript notes. Bought in June, 1846. JOHANNES DE SACRO BUSTO. Opus', "Capital spaces. Woodcut diagrams. Hain '14122.", 'The diagrams differ from those in the earlier (Capotius’) edition (IA. 11783). 201 X 147 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf. Manu- JOHANNES [FABERJ DE WERDEA. Pro 109 X 137mm. On 40b are these notes: Hans Rubner est hui? Conn ... Est Johan Busse, and Andreas Meyn-', "berg é possessor. Apparently Dr. Kloss's copy.", 'Bought in March, 1846. IA. 11945. JUDICIUM. Judicium Jouis ad quod morta¬ Niavis states in the introductory letter that an account of this vision in the vulgar tongue was brought to him for translation by familiaris meus Rupertus horennaw de gosségrun. IA. 11962. NIAVIS, PAULUS. Colores rhetoricae disci¬ 1a TITLE: Colores Rhethorice disciplie per Magis¬ 93 mm. Types : 156, title and headings; 88, text. Capital spaces.', "Hain '11725. NIAVIS, PAULUS. Historia occisorum ir NIAVIS, PAULUS. Historia occisorum ir Undated. Culm. 1 TITLE: Historia occisorum in Culm. tum aliort mm. Types : 156, title and heading on 22; 88, text. Capital space on 32. Hain 11740. IA. 11953. NIAVIS, PAULUS. Latinum idioma pro reli¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. The leaves are numbered 146-161 in early manuscript. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 11965. PALTZ, JOHANN VON. Die himmlische Fund¬ x 88 mm. Types : 156, title and headings ; 88,text. Capital spaces. Hain 9420 (= 9418?). The date 1490 in the dedication is that of writing and is found in all the editions of this tract. 213X 152 mm. Capitals supplied in red and blue alternately, underlines in red. Bought in August, 1881. IA. 11969. REGULA FALSI. Regula falsi seu augmenti 195 x 142 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in October, 1869. IA. 11973. THOMAS AQUINAS. De vitiis et virtuti¬ x 89 mm. Types: 156, title ; 88, text. Capital spaces. Hain 1393. 214X 147 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red. Bought in January, 1868. IA. 11981. ARNALDUS DE VILLA NOVA. Specu¬ Martinus Mellerstat ad scholares Lypczenses. 143b. lines. 150x95 mm. Types: 156, title and headings; 88, text Capital spaces. Hain 11803. Type 156 is in a transitional state in this book, as it contains letters from type 172. 215X 143mm. Without the blank leaf. On 1e is a note: Empt? suz a fre petro Anspach 10 g’ Marchick li. e. gro¬ schen of Cleves) francofordie 1532: and below: Conuent Bambergensis ord predic. Manuscript notes. The two inner sheets of quire V have been reversed in binding. Bought in June, 1879. IA. 11939. TYPES 172, 88.—DEVICE (b). and 26 of small type), 138x 84 mm. Types: 172, lines 1, 2 of', "title, and headings ; 88, text. Capital space on 32. Hain '2876,", 'whose copy had a misprint, Mellifini, in the title. 189X 138mm. Bought in October, 1867. DARES. Historia Troiana.—Prudentii car Troiana. Addi¬tis in fine pulcherrimis tribus carminibus siue hymnis Aurelij prudencij poete christiani. Text of Prudentius slightly leaded. Capital spaces. Hain 5962. 12, title ; 1b-3a, letter of lo. Maius Romhiltensis to Martin Meller¬ stadt, dated Liptzk, In pfesto diue Margarete virginis, 1498; 3—170 Daretis historia Troiana ; 172-182, preface of lo. Maius; 180-210, 177X 131 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 15, 16. The second and third sheets of quire A have been transposed in binding. Capitals supplied in red. Some manuscript notes. A bibliographical note signed C. B. L. i.e. C. B. Lengnich has been bound in. IA. 11901.', "King George III's copy (C. 3. a. 13). ANDREAE,JOANNES. Arbor consanguinitatis, ANDREAE,JOANNES. Arbor consanguinitatis, arbor affinitatis, arbor cognationis spiritualis, [Not before 1498.) ing the text, 222X 165 mm. Types: 172, title and headings; 88, text ; 69, small letterpress in diagram on 22. Capital spaces. Woodcut diagrams containing bands of printed text. Hain 1044. IB. 11904. ARISTOTELES. Metaphysica. 12. TITLE: Duodecim libri Methaphisice ab Ares¬ line, 195 (207) X 117 mm. Types: 172, lines 1, 2 of title, first lines of headings, and head-lines ; 88, text, &c., leaded except in the colophon, headings, &c. Capital spaces. Head-lines: Liber Primus (—Duodecimus) Metaphisice. Hain 1740. 306 x 215 mm. Bound with IB. 11908-11 in old boards, backed with pigskin. Manuscript notes. On the lining of the first cover is a note: Hunc librum bonu zytilissim operose diligenter candidate conqsiuit Achaci leaves are lists and accounts of a company under the command of Captain John Pringell, with the date 1657: the names are largely Scotch. On a fly-leaf before IB. 11912 is an English poem signed by Pringell. Bought in April, 1894. IB. 11912. PORPHYRIUS. Isagoge ad categorias 1° TITLE: Isagoge Porphirij ad ka¬thegorias Ares¬ Types: 172, title, headings, and head-lines; 88, X 116 mm. leaded, text. Capital spaces. Head-lines: Isagoge Porphirij. 306x 215 mm. Bound with IB. 11912 (q. v.), &c. Bought in April, 1894. IB. 11908. ARISTOTELES. Categoriae. 12. TITLE: Textus Predicamentorü Aristotelis. 182. END: ... pene oes enuerati sunt. DEVICE. Folio. A-C“ 18 leaves. 4°: 24 lines and head-line, 206 (219) x 117 mm. Types: 172, title, headings, and head-lines; 88 leaded, text. Capital spaces. Head-lines: Kathegorie Aristotelis. Hain 1662. 306x 215mm. Bound with IB. 11912, &c. Bought in April, 1894. IB. 11909. GILBERTUS PORRETANUS. Principia. 12. TITLE: Liber Sex principiorum Gilberti Porre¬ tani. 122. END: Finis. DEVICE. Folio. AB6. 12 leaves. 4°: 23 lines and head-line, 197 (210 x 117 mm. Types: 172, title, headings, and head-lines; 88, leaded, text. Capital spaces. Head-lines: Gilberti Porretani Liber Sex principiorum. 306 x 215 mm. Bound with IB. 11912, &c. Bought in April, 1894. IB. 11910. ARISTOTELES. De interpretatione. x 117 mm. Types: 172, title, headings, and head-lines ; 88 leaded, text. Capital spaces. Head-lines: Liber Primus (Secundus) Perihermenias. Hain 1667. 306 X 215mm. Bound with IB. 11912, &c. Bought in April, 1894. IB. 11911 AEGIDIUS [COLUMNAJ ROMANUS. De 212x 158 mm. Few manuscript notes. Bound 18th in a tract volume, of which 1-5 are manuscript and the rest Leipzig printed tracts of 1504 and 1505, mostly by Thanner. Bought in April, 1877. IA. 11887. GERHARDUS, STEPHANUS. Panegyricae 148x 95 (122) mm. Types: 172, lines 1, 2 of title and 1-3 of head- ing on 22 ; 88, lines 3-6 of title, and text. Capital spaces on 22. Hain 7617. 205 X 141 mm. The leaves are numbered 58-65. Bought in July, 1905. IA. 12000. HORATIUS FLACCUS, QUINTUS. Epi¬ Liber Epistolarum Horatij Ad Lectorem. Iam 143 (156) x 81 mm. Types: 172, lines 1, 2 of title, heading on 22, and head-lines ; 88, text (leaded) and body of title. Capital spaces. Head-lines : Epistolarum Liber Primus (Secundus). JOHANNES [FABERJ DE WERDEA. Car¬ *Undated. x79 mm.; 1° (prose) measures 82 mm. in breadth. Types: 172, lines 1, 2 of title, and of heading on 22 ; 88, text, leaded, except on 12, 16, and 13b. Capital space on 22. Hain 16855. 195 X 143 mm. Bought in January, 1878. IA. 11996. MODUS CONFITENDI. Compendiosus', "space on 22. Hain '11456.", '205X 140 mm. Bought in February, 1876. PROCLUS DIADOCHUS. Sphaera. body of title, preface on 22, and addition on 14b and 152. Woodcut diagrams. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 13387. First published at Venice by Aldus in the Astronomici Veteres, October, 1499. Awoodcut on 1b is apparently that cut for the Sphaera mundi of Sacro Busto, which is wanting in the Museum copy of that book', "(IA. 11977, p. 639). It was closely copied in Stöckel's 1499 edition", 'of Sacro Busto. 200X 147 mm. Bought in October, 1871. WIMPINA, CONRADUS. Palillogia de theo WIMPINA, CONRADUS. Palillogia de theo * Undated. logico fastigio. headings, 148 x 93 (120) mm. Types: 172, lines 1, 2 of title, and heading on 32 ; 88, body of title and text. Capital spaces. Hain *16198. Bought in April, 1871. IA. 12015 WIMPINA, CONRADUS. Panegyricus de Christo. 12. FIRST TITLE: Panegyricus de Christi domini Types: 172, lines 1, 2 of title ; 88, body of title and text. Capital', "spaces. Hain '16213.", '193X 139 mm. A fragment, consisting of the first quire only. Bought in January, 1868. IA. 12017. SIBUTUS, GEORGIUS. Siluula in Albiorim Proctor (2983), cannot have been printed in the 15th century, as the University of Wittenberg, to which it refers, was not founded until 1502. mm. Types: 160, lines 1, 2 of title, first line of colophon and end, and headings; 81, body of title, text, &c. (leaded in the text itself). Capital spaces. Hain 14603. 301 x 208 mm. Without the blank leaf. Manuscript', "notes on 47°: Ambrosij Iheronimi sum' and Sum dommi", "loannis liber'.", 'Bought in July, 1906. IB. 12033. ISIDORUS. De summo bono. 4°: 36 lines and head-line, 145 (155) x 87 mm. Types: 160, sline 1 of title? headings, head-lines, and line 1 of colophon ; 81, [line 2 of title? text. The head-lines give the title, book-numbers, and folia¬ tion. Capital spaces. Hain 19288. 192 X 136 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1-4, con- taining the title and table. Capitals and initial-strokes supplied in red. On 5° is a note : In usu ff. Staingadensiu Empt? A. 1649, and a stamped monogram CS. Reset in old stamped pigskin. Bought in July, 1867. DIONYSIUS CARTHUSIENSIS. 81, line 2 of title, and text. Capital spaces. Hain 14908. 207 X 147 mm. Bought in January, 1878. GULIELMUS DE SALICETO. x 91 mm. Types: 160, first lines of title and colophon, and headings; 81, body of title and text. Capital spaces. Hain 14152. 188 X 143mm. Leaf 2 has been mounted. Dr. Ingliss Bought in October, 1871. JACOBUS DE CLUSA. De arte bene 37 lines, 150X 91 mm. Types: 160, first lines of title, table, and colophon, and headings of chapters 1, 2, and 20; 81, line 2 of title,', "and text. Capital spaces. Hain '9340.", '194 X 135 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in July, 1867. IA. 12043. SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Epistolae. bered i-lxxxv. 32 : 21 lines and head-line, 147 (158) x 88 mm. Types : 160, first lines of title and colophon, and headings and head-lines ; 81, body of title and text (leaded, except on 12, 1b, and in the colophon and table). The head-lines give the title and folia-', "tion. Capital spaces. Hain '14604.", '211X 142 mm. On 1° is a note: Loci Capuccinou ISIDORUS. De summo bono. Undated. lxxuu, 8a: 36 lines and head-line, 145 (156) x 91 mm. Types: 160. frst lines of title and colophon, headings, and head-lines; 81, line 2 of title and text. The head-lines give the title, book-numbers, and foliation. Capital spaces. Hain 79287. 207X 143mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals, with some initial-strokes and underlines, supplied in red. Bought in July, 1867. IA. 12061. JOHANNES (HEYNLINJ DE LAPIDE. Re 194X 139mm. On 12 is a contemporary note of price, Bought. KANUTI, BENEDICTUS. Regimen contra pes¬ of title and text. Capital spaces. Hain 19757. 177X 130 mm. The fly-leaves are fragments from an early service book. Bought in February, 1876. IA. 12065 PHARETRA FIDEI. Pharetra fidei catho¬ PHARETRA FIDEI. Pharetra fidei catho¬ * Undated. licae. 9o mm. Types: 160, first lines of title and colophon; 81, body of', "title and text. Capital spaces. Hain '12913.", "This tract is found bound with the same printer's 1494 edition of the", 'Stella clericorum, and the two may have formed one issue (Ernst, Incunabula Hildeshemensia, I, no. 331). ORSSOY, GOSWINUS DE. Forma receptionis first words of line 1, line 20, and first words of line 21; 90, remainder of text. 167 X 264 mm. From a binding. IA. 11795. MAINO, JASON DE. Oratio pro Mediolanen¬', "90. Capital space on 22. Hain '10977.", "Reprinted from Silber's earlier Rome edition.", '209X 155 mm. Few marginal notes, underlines, and initial-strokes in red. Bought in February, 1887. IA. 11798. Rationarium Romanae 1° TITLE: Rationarium breuissimum Ro mane historie 136, title; 90, text. Capital spaces. With few exceptions, the page-contents of this edition agree', "exactly with Silber's (Rome) edition of 23 August, 1491 (IA.", '18925). The watermark (Saxon arms in circle) and the use of looped a and long f and f stopping short at the line in type 90 connect this tract with the preceding (IA. 11798). 203X 147 mm. On 2° is written: Iste liber Est BREITENBACH, JoHANNES DE. Repetitio foliation, 202 (211) x 126-8 mm. Type : 90. Capital space on i and 22. Hain 3774. 307X 215 mm. Initial-strokes and underlines supplied in red. Bought in June, 1890. IB. 11801. BREITENBACH, JoHANNES DE. Repetitio', "1b and 22. Hain '11958.", 'A copy of this issue with red printed initials is described in Reichling, Appendices, &c, i, no. 849. ERIEDRICH III. Wie das Begángnis und 100 X 140 mm. The woodcut is painted several colours. With the duplicate stamp of the Dresden Library. Bought in June, 1846. IA. 11806. VALLIBUS, HIERONYMUS DE. Jesuida seu 206x 143mm. Without the blank leaf. With the arms of J. Gomez de la Cortina on the covers. Bought in March, 1872. IA. 11815 PRIVILEGIA CLERICORUM.', "207X 137 mm. Dr. Kloss's copy, with his book-label,", 'above which is the signature of John C. Jackson. Bought in November, 1861. IA. 11809. SUCCESSIONES. Tractatus de successioni¬ and foliation, 150 (155) x 95 mm. Types: 136, title; 9o, title, text. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 15111, 15112, 3773. Looped a is found once with type 90 in this tract. Bought in February, 1887. BALTHASAR, FRATER. Conclusiones contra', "Quarto. Aa-Ee F Gg-Kk'. 60 leaves, 2-55 numbered Fo. ij-kj,", 'vith errors after leaf 23, leaves 30-55 being numbered xxxvj-Ix) consecutively. 4°: 33 lines and head-line, 150 (155) X 95 mm. Types: 136, title, text of Conclusiones ; 90, title, text. Woodcut capital (D reversed) on 12, space on 1b. The head-lines give the', "jumbers of the Conclusiones. Hain '2349.", '199 x 139mm. Sheets Dd 2 and Dd 3 have been transposed in binding. On the title-page the name B. Becker is stamped in blue; a stamped monogram, G.F. r F. G., at the foot of the same page is almost entirely cut away. A number of leaves are guarded. Bought in June, 1884. IA. 11818. GRÜNPECK, JOSEPH. De pestilentiali scorra. Bought in October, 1867. ARISTOTELES. Oeconomicorum libri II 1° TITLE: Arestotelis Stagirite philozopho rum lines, 209X 115 mm. Types: 136, title, headings on 2° and 6b; 9o, text. Some capital spaces. Both forms of A are found with type 9o in this tract. 298 x 210 mm. Manuscript notes and underlines in black and red. Bought in January, 1863. IB. 11841. BARTOLUS DE SAXOFERRATO. Tra¬ 209 X 144 mm. Above the title is written: ad con- uentü lipczensem. Bought in June, 1884. BREITENBACH, JOHANNES DE. Repetitio Undated. et ceteris religiosis. notanda. Et prerogatiue officii pre dicationis. ac verbi dei predicaton. quou ordo in x 95 mm. Types: 136, title; 90, title, text. Some capital spaces,', "with guide-letters. Hain '3770.", '215 X 151 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and some underlines supplied in red. Manuscript notes. Bound fourth in a tract volume beginning with IA. 37817. Bought in June, 1879. IA. 11845. Another copy. 202 X 137 mm. Without the blank leaf. Initial-strokes and two capitals supplied in red. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 11846. JACOBUS DE CLUSA. De arte bene Quarto. A-D8. 32 leaves, the last blank. 42: 33 lines, 151X 95 mm. Types: 136, title, heading on 22; 90, text. Capital spaces. Hain 19339. 202 X 141 mm. Capitals (except on 22), initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in July, 1867. IA. 11850. SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. De quattuor Types: 270, title; 136, headings; 90, text. The paragraphs of leaded Latin text are followed by a German metrical translation and', "à Latin commentary. Capital spaces. Hain '14631.", 'Both forms of V are found with type 90 in this tract. 170X 132 mm. A capital and some initial-strokes sup¬ plied in red towards the end of the book. Bought in November, 1890. IA. 11858. ORATIONES. Orationes legatorum Fran¬ *After 26 July, 1495. 168, title, headings ; 98, title, lines 3, 4 ; 72, title, text. Capital space on 22. Hain 12035. 13, title ; 1b, blank ; 22-82, orationes cum responsionibus: 22-32 ad Venetos die 5 Aprilis 1495; 38, 3°, ad Ludouicum Sforcia ducem this tract was perhaps not printed until that year. 202 X 140 mm. The title-leaf is backed. Bought in July, 1905. IA. 12082. ANNA. 150x 93 mm. Types: 336, title; 168, headings; 88, text. Capital', "spaces. Hain '1113.", "TITLE-CUT : an Accipies'-cut, with two pupils, was used by Lotter in 1498 and 1500: see IA. 12138.", '207X 138 mm. On the blank leaf is pasted a cut out copy of the devicé used by Lotter in the 16th century. From the library of Dr. C. Inglis. Bought in October, 1871. IA. 12090 JACOBUS DE CLUSA. De animabus exutis a corporibus. Types: 336, title ; 168, title, headings ; 72, text. Capital spaces Hain 9353. 192X 135 mm. Capitals supplied in red or blue, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines in red. Some manuscript notes. Bought in July, 1867. PALTZ, JOHANN VON. Die himmlische Fund Bought in June, 1846. HENRICUS DE HASSIA. Secreta sacer¬ mm. Types: 336, title; 168, headings; 72, text. Capital spaces. Hain 8385.', "A very close reprint of Kachelofen's 1497 edition (IA. 12341).", 'Without the blank leaf. Capitals 203X 138 mm. supplied in red. Bound before H. Boort, Fasciculus a fly-leaf is a note of purchase: Vienna 1819 4 fl. 3. Bought in May, 1884. IA. 12097. REGIMEN SANITATIS PARISIENSE. and four quatrains of German metrical gloss, 144x 96 mm. Types: 336, title; 98, Latin text ; 88, German gloss. Capital space on 1b.', "Hain '13733.", 'Bought in April, 1909. IA. 12102. REGULAE GRAMMATICALES ANTI¬ 148 (155) x 97 mm. Types: 336, title ; 168, title, head-lines, &c. ; 72, text. Capital space at the beginning of each rule. The head¬', "lines give the numbers of the rules. Hain '13844.", '208 X 141 mm. Bought in June, 1850. LOCHMAIER, MICHAEL. Parochiale cura¬ the last blank. 14°: 40 lines, head-line, and marginalia, 144 (152) x 98 (102) mm. Types: 336, title; 168, title, head-lines, &c.; 72, text. Capital space at the beginning of each chapter. The head- lines give the numbers and subjects of the chapters. Marginal section-letters. Hain 10170. 204 X 143mm. Few manuscript notes. Bought in August, 1881. IA. 12109. BONAVENTURA. De castitate et munditia Quarto. A-F° 36 leaves, the last blank. 2 columns. 5°: 36 lines, 160X 101 mm. Types: 336, title; 168, title, headings;', "88, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '3505.", 'A reprint, page for page at first, slightly expanded towards the', "end, of Kachelofen's 1498 edition (IA. 12351).", '213X 149 mm. Without the blank leaf. Initial- strokes and underlines supplied in red. Bought in April, 1865. IA. 12113. PEYLIGK, JoHANNES. Philosophiae naturalis ing type, 5o of small, and a head-line, 200 (210) X 119mm. Types: 336, title ; 168, title, head-lines, &c. ; 98, title, text (leaded); 72, commentary. Capital spaces on 22 and 922. Head-lines: Com¬ pendium Phie naturalis, as far as 912. Full-page woodcut on orb, smaller cuts on 93b, 942, 94b, 95b, 964, 96b, 972. Hain 712861. 298 x 214 mm. Capitals and (in quires A-C and Q) paragraph-marks and initial-strokes supplied in red. Some manuscript notes. Bound after Ioh. Lintholtz Quaestiones cum textu b. Thomae, (Stöckel), 1501, and Albertus Magnus, Summa philosophiae naturalis, Lands¬ berg, 1502, in old stamped half pigskin and boards, with part of paper label; in the top cover is written: Liber pins gross: ar ostat 15. Bought in May, 1902. IB. 12115. HENRICUS DE HASSIA. Secreta sacer¬ mm. Types: 336, title; 168, headings; 72, text. Capital spaces. Hain 18387. A very close reprint of the 1498 issue (IA. 12097). strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in July, 1867. IA. 12116. CERASIANUS, JoHANNES. Repetitio c. (156) x 94 mm. Types: 336, title; 168, title, head-lines, &c.;', "98, text of chapter ' Sententiam sanguinis' on 2b and 32 ; 72, com-", 'nentary ; 60, gloss to chapter on 2b and 38. Some capital spaces. Head-lines: Prima (—Septima) pars Principalis, Registrum. Hain 3771, 4880. EXPOSITIO. Expositio mysteriorum Missae 93 mm. 52 : 18 lines of metrical text, leaded, 140 x 93 mm. Types: 336, 168, title; 98, text: 60, commentary. Text leaded throughout. Some capital spaces. Hain 16807.', "For the contents of this work see note to Kachelofen's 1494 edition FUNDAMENTUM. Fundamentum aeternae (154) x 97 mm. Types: 336, title; 168, title, pagination, &c.; 88. text. 3b-24b are paginated: Pagina. i.-kxiij. Ji. e. xliijl. Capital spaces. Hain 17396.', "A close reprint of Kachelofen's 1495 issue (IA. 11577).", '197 X 148 mm. Formerly bound ninth in a tract volume. Bought in January, 1868. 651 head-line, 144 (152) x 94 mm. Types: 336, title; 168, head-lines and headings; 98, text (leaded) ; 88, German metrical version ; 60, commentary. Capital spaces. The head-lines give the names and', "numbers of the virtues. Hain '14632.", '193 X 138 mm. Interlinear Latin gloss supplied in manuscript. Bought in January, 1868. BREITENBACH, JOHANNES DE. Repetitio February, 1500. duodecimum. 3°: 42 lines and foliation, 151 (160) x 94 mm. Types: 336, title; 168, title, foliation, &c.; 72, title, text. Capital space on 22. Hain 3776. 215 x 150 mm. Some manuscript notes. Bound sixth in a tract volume beginning with IA. 37817. Bought in June, 1879. IA. 12135. GARLANDIA, JOHANNES DE. Aequiuoca leaded throughout. 32: 6 lines of text and 34 of commentary, 148 x95 mm. Types: 336, title; 98, text; 60, commentary. Capital spaces, that on 22 with a guide-letter. Hain 77486. The title-cut is that described as no. 25 in Schreiber, Die', "deutschen ’Accipies'... Holzschnitte. It was used in 1494 by", 'paragraph-marks supplied in red. Bought in October, 1905. IA. 12138. \ufeff652 4°: 18 lines, 150x96 mm. Types: 336, title; 168, headings', "and names of speakers; 98, text. Capital spaces. Hain '1506.", '201X 143 mm. With the arms of J. Gomez de la Cortina on the covers. Bought in November, 1904. IA. 12137. LICHT, BALTHASAR. Algorithmus linealis heading type and 34 of text, 147X95 mm. Types: 336, title; 168, title, headings; 98, title, colophon; 72, text. Capital spaces. With woodcut diagrams. Hain *829. 202X 141 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Formerly bound in a tract volume. Bought. TRITHEIM, JOHANN. De laudibus sanctis¬ 15631 (with a number of small variants). 12, title ; 1b table of chapters; 22 epistola Trithemii Rumuldo Laupach, Kal. IuL anno (1494). 2b-18b, de laudibus s. Annae; 192-244, Latin verses by various hands; 242, 24°, valedictory letter of Tritheim to the reader; 24°, colophon.', "Proctor noted 'sc. 1500' of this edition; it may quite possibly be", 'after 1500. 191X 140 mm. Imperfect, wanting the inner sheet of D (leaves 21, 22). Formerly bound ninth in a tract volume. Bought. PIUS II. De ritu, situ, moribus et conditione Eneas quod pius ipse dedit. 1b. [MJArtinus Meyr can¬ 8a : 39 lines, head-line, and marginal headings, 159 (165) x 84 (116 mm. Types : 160, title and headings; 81, verses on title-page and text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines give', "the foliation. Hain '249.", '185x 136 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bought in January, 1878. IA. 12175. De animabus e corporibus editus a doctore Iacobo frasstre ordinis carthu¬ lines, 149x 94 mm. Types: 160, first line of title and headings; 81, body of title and text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 79352. Paruulus philosophiae (leaded) text. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. Hain 1750? 199 X 138 mm. Capitals, initial-strokes, and underlines roughly supplied in red. Many manuscript notes. A leaf of contemporary manuscript notes is bound in after leaf 2. Bought in February, 1887. SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. De vita beata. on title-page. Capital space on 22, with a guide-letter. Hain 14609. MANCINELLUS, ANTONIUS. Laurentii 89 mm. Types: 160, title and headings; 81, text. Capital spaces. 191 X 133 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals, initial-strokes, and underlines roughly supplied in red on the first two leaves. Bought in December, 1875. IA. 12191. WIMPINA, CONRADUS. Epitoma bellorum dictü wimpina theologu. 56°. Destinacio operis illu head-line and marginal headings, 132 (142) x 77 (116) mm. Types: 160, first lines of title and colophon, and headings on 1b and 56b 81, text (leaded), other headings, head-lines, &c. The head-lines give the subject-matter of the page. Capital spaces, with guide- letters. Hain 16203. IA. 12197 GERARDUS DE VLIEDERHOVEN. Cor', "Quarto. AA°BBCC'DDEE'FF'GGHH“ II“. 46 leaves. 32.", '39 lines, 143x94 mm. Types: 160, title and headings; 73. text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 75711. 197 X 143 mm. Bought in July, 1867. BREITENBACH, JoHANNES DE. Repetitio 160, title and headings; 73, head-lines and text. The head-lines give the foliation. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Without the misprints on 22 which occur in some copies (see Günther, Die', "Wiegendrucke der Leipziger Sammlungen, no. 1535). Hain '3772.", '215X 151 mm. Manuscript notes. Bound, in old boards backed with stamped pigskin, with traces of clasps, with IA. 37817, IA. 11845, IA. 12247, IA. 12135. &c. On a vellum flap inside the last cover is a note: Sum Henrici Hofmayer. Bought in June, 1879. IA. 12201. BALTHASAR, FRATER. Canon missae cum Balthasaris expositione. 73 body of title, commentary, &c. Capital space on ib, with guide¬ letter. Woodcut capital T in two sizes, and crosses in the text. Hain “2347. 106 x 135 mm. The capital on 1b initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Manuscript notes. Bought in October, 1875. IA. 12204. GERSON, JoHANNES. Summarium libri de', "Quarto. AA-EE' FF'GG“HH“. 44 leaves. 54: 40 lines and", 'head-line, 146 (157) x 90 mm. Types: 160, title, headings, and head-lines: 81, metra (leaded) ; 73, prosae, &c. The head-lines give the title and book-numbers. Capital spaces. Hain 7630. 207 X 149 mm. Bought in April, 1866. PRIVILEGIA FRATRUM MINORUM. ings, 151 x 94 (115) mm. Types: 160, title and headings; 81,', "smaller headings ; 73, text. Capital spaces. Hain '13373.", '201 X 150 mm. Capitals and paragraph-mark supplied in red. The Inglis copy. Bought in October, 1871. IA. 12210. QUAESTIO. Quaestio exspectatoria. 1498. Bought in January, 1878. JOHANNES DESACROBUSTO. Sphaera 39 lines, 142x 87 mm. Types: 160, title and headings; 81, text (leaded) ; 73, commentary, &c. Capital spaces. Hain 14123.', "The woodcut diagrams are close copies of those in Landsberg's", 'edition (IA. 11977). The lettering in them is also woodcut, not', "printed, as in Landsberg's.", '209 X 145 mm. Capitals, initial-strokes, underlines, and marginal headings supplied in red. Bought in July, 1862. IA. 12221. HUND, MAGNUS. Introductorium in Ari¬ stotelis physica. 12. TITLE: (Woodcut) (red) I(black)ntroductoriù in vniuersale. Aristotelis phi (type)sicen. (red) Par¬ uulus philosophie nal turalis (black) vulgariter appellatum and head-line, 140 (150) x 91 mm. Types: 160, lines 4, 5 of title, headings, and head-lines ; 81, lines 6, 7 of title, fragments of text (leaded), smaller headings, verses, &c.; 65, commentary. The head-lines give the part-numbers and foliation. On the title the large I and the rest of the first three lines are printed from two separate wood blocks. Woodcut diagrams. Capital spaces. Hain 19041. 200 X 144 mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red and blue alternately. Manuscript corrections and notes. Inside the first cover is a note: Ex libris Cassiani prunkhofleri; inside the last cover: Sum Dinci Adami Persij Anno 1563 a Dno Valentino Waldenburg Parrocho Phichouiensi zc ; and on 1°: Collegii Soc. Jesu Vien. Anno 1634. Old boards, backed with stamped pigskin. Bought in January, 1878. IA. 12224 Paruulus philosophiae Undated. 1° TITLE: Paruulus philo zophie Moralis. 22. Par- uulus philozophie Mo ralis in Ethicam Arestotilis Intro¬ ductorius. 20b. END : ... qui sine fine viuit et regnat Ame. Deo gratias.', "Quarto, aaabbb'ccc ddd'. 22 leaves, the last two blank. 32:", '20 lines, 148 x 88 mm. Types: 160, title, heading on 22, and', "Deo gratias' at end ; 81, text (leaded). Capital spaces.", '212X 158 mm. Bound with IA. 22560, IA. 6700, and other tracts. Old boards, backed with stamped pigskin, with remains of clasps. Bought in May, 1864. IA. 12229. ARISTOTELES. Undated. Paruulus philozophie na turalis in phisicam Arestotilis 140x 87 mm. Types: 160, title, heading on 22, and first line of colophon ; 81, text (leaded). Capital spaces. Hain 2533? 202 X 142 mm. Bound with IA. 4646 in old boards backed with stamped leather. Bought in November, 1888. IA. 12233. STEPHANUS DE MONTE. Campus sophi¬ Undated. Types: 160, title and headings; 81, text. Woodcut diagrams, each with a woodcut letter. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. 210X 153 mm. Capitals and initial-strokes supplied in red. Bought in March, 1874. IA. 12237. MONTE RUTILO, SAMUEL DE. Synonyma', "text. Capital spaces. Hain '11599.", 'The paragraph-mark does not appear in this book, but the upright hyphen is frequent. 205 X 140 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, colons, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in March, 1906. IA. 12235. PHALARIS. Epistolae. x 82 mm. Types: 175, title ; 88, text. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Hain 12900. The woodcut on the title-page represents a king with raised sceptre and sword, listening to a scholar; also used in the Epistolae Magni Turci (IA. 12318). 216X149 mm. Without the blank leaf. Manu- Bought in March, 1906. HORATIUS FLACCUS, QUINTUS. Car¬ Quarto. A BSC° 20 leaves, the last blank. 32: 17 lines and head-line, 145 (154) x 82 mm. Types: 175, title ; 88, text (leaded). The head-lines give the title. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 8901.', "Nearly page for page from Landsberg's edition of 1492 (IA.", '201X 145 mm. With signature and etched book-plate Bought in April, 1910. Repetitio § Si quis and foliation, 144 (154) x 90 mm. Types: 175, first two lines of title and foliation ; 88, lines 3, 4 of title, and text. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. Hain 78051. 215 X 151 mm. Some capitals supplied in red. Bound, in old boards backed with stamped pigskin, with IA. 37817, IA. 11845, IA. 12135 and other tracts. Bought in June, 1879. IA. 12247. POGGIUS, JOANNES FRANCISCUS. Refuta¬ 144x 81 (113) mm. Types: 175, first two lines of title: 88, lines 3, 4 of title, and text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 13722. 201X 143mm. From the library of the Duke of Bought in November, 1844. MOMBRITIUS, BONINUS. De dominica line, 144 (153) x 81 mm. Types: 175, lines 1-3 of title, and head- ings; 88, lines 4, 5 of title, head-lines, and text. The head-lines give the title and book-numbers. Capital spaces, with guide-letters.', "Hain '11543.", '208 X 148 mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks sup- plied in red and blue alternately. Bought in December, 1869. IA. 12265. HESIODUS. Opera et dies. title and headings; 88, text (leaded), epistle, &c. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, also a space for the title in Greek, in the text on 38. Hain 18540. LEONARDUS [BRUNI) ARETINUS. Epi¬ head-line, 153 (158)x 86 mm. Types: 175, line 1 of title and headings ; 88, line 2 of title, head-lines, and text. The head-lines give the book-numbers. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 1568. 215X 151 mm. Without the blank leaf. Manuscript notes. On the title-page are the stamp of ownership and duplicate stamp of the University Library of Leipzig. Bought in May, 1878. IA. 12262. BEROALDUS, PHILIPPUS. Heptalogus siue Quarto. AB“ C8. 20 leaves. 42: 34 lines and marginal head- ings, 148x 80 (102) mm. Types: 175, first two lines of title; 88, body of title and text. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters, also spaces in the text for Greek words. Hain 2975. 205 X 144 mm. Bought in July, 1879. SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. De animi tran¬', "and text (leaded). Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '14608.", '212 X 152 mm. Bought in December, 1910. IA. 12269. SULPITIUS, JOANNES. Carmen de moribus mm. Types: 175, lines 1, 2 of title, and heading on 22: 88, line 3 of title and text (leaded), &c. A marginal heading on 1P. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. 184X 133mm. Capitals and underlines supplied in red. Manuscript notes. Bought in August, 1889. IA. 12271. THOMAS AQUINAS. De causis occultorum 213X 158 mm. Bound with IA. 22560, IA. 12229, Bought in May, 1864. LUPINUS, MATTHAEUS. Carmina de quolibet', "title and text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '10338.", '12, title, &c.; 1b blank; 22-32 42-6b, Ad nobiles et generosos 205 X 142 mm. Uncut. On 34° is an oval stamp of ownership, containing a cross, branched at the foot, and three stars. Bought in July, 1867. IA. 12278. MANCINUS, DOMINICUS. De passione do¬ ences, 155 x 80 (101) mm. Types: 175, first line of title; 88, text (leaded), &c. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 10639. 12, title, &c.; 1b, M. G. B. [i. e. Magister Gregorius Breytkopff de konitz ad Christum oratio; 22-22b, text; 22°, Tetrastichon M. Gre. konitz ad Lectore, colophon, and device. 201 X 139 mm. Bound in calf, the covers stamped with the arms of J. Gomez de la Cortina. Bought in March, 1872. IA. 12281. ARISTOTELES. Summa ethicorum. Nicomachum. 24°. COLOPHON: C Finis huius summe aethicoru per Arnoldu Wostefeldes diligenter correcte Anno dnico.1. 5. 00. DEVICE. Folio. a-d6. 24 leaves. 32: 25 lines and head-line, 216 (229) x 129 mm. Types: 175, title, heading on 22, and head-lines; 88, tert (eaded). The head-lines give the title and book-numbers Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 1752. 287X 211mm. Bought in March, 1906. IB. 12289. BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI. Historia Cymonis. BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI. Historia Cymonis. *Undated. 1e TITLE: Mythica historia Ioannis Boccacij per Philippum Beroaldum de Italico in Latinum translata Prepositi De- litzschensis Ad lectorem Contemptum generent ... (6 lines). 7b. 1. 19, END :.. . feliciter con¬ mm. Types : 175, first two lines of title; 88, body of title and text.', "Capital space, with guide-letter, on 2e. Hain '3348 (1).", '100X 140 mm. Initial-strokes supplied in red. Manu- script notes, for which the margins are ruled. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 12297. BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI. Historia Titi et 12. TITLE: Mithica historia lohannis Boccatij poete laureati De Tito romano Gisippoq Atheniésij philoso¬ phie tironi- bus ac comilitonibus amicitie vim elucidas with guide-letter, on 22. Hain *3348 (2). 191 X 146 mm. The capital on 2° and initial-strokes in the earlier part supplied in red. On 1° is a signature: Schumacher, Mannheim, 1814. Bought in November, 1873. BUSCH, HERMANN. Epistola ad Martinum with guide-letter, on 22. Hain 74156. 206 X 136mm. Bought in November, 1846. IA. 12303. HORATIUS FLACCUS, QUINTUS. Ars 208 x 148 mm. On the title-page is the signature, Cristofor landin9, and both this book and the Carmen Saeculare (Stöckel, about 1501), with which it is bound,', "are full of Landino's manuscript notes. Inserted is", 'a letter from Antonio Panizzi to Grenville, dated 31 December, 1842, presenting him with the volume, which he had bought as a duplicate from the Wolfen- büttel collection. MAHOMET II. Epistolae Magni Turci. space and foliation, 145 (154) x 80 mm. Types: 175, first two lines of title, foliation and heading on 22; 88, line 3 of title and text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. 1e title and woodcut: 1b epistle from Johannes Maius Romhil¬ tensis to Martinus Polichius Mellerstatensis; 22-15e, preface of Laudinius, argument, and text; 152, Teucri versus ad pium papam, Pij pape versus ad Teucru ; 150-168, account of Mahomet Il and his comissa, colophon, and device. The epistle on 1e contains these words: [Olvanqiii iä antea epistolia Magni Turci... p librarios imprimi feceri . . . ppt ipsau¬ (IA. 11610, p. 623), but the present issue is no doubt a close reprint of Thanner’s own issue dated 30 October, 1498 (Hain 710509), which contains the same preface. The date Anno dni. 1e has been taken to mean 1500. The woodcut on the title-page is that used also in IA. 12243. 202 X 145 mm. Bought in June, 1892. WIMPINA, CONRADUS. Apologeticus in WIMPINA, CONRADUS. Apologeticus in sacrae theologiae defensionem. Undated. 1°. TITLE: Apologeticus in sacrethe¬ ologie defen¬ sionez Aduer- sus eos qui nixi sunt eidem fontem pro anno 1492. [By Wenceslaus Faber de to Peter Wagner at Nuremberg (types 87 P. 1 and 160), as to a Leipzig press; but the general appearance of the', "tract, together with the fact that Mancinus's poem was several times printed at Leipzig (IA. 12281, and Günther,", 'Die Wiegendr. d. Leipz. Sammlungen, nos. 1445, 1620), have caused it to be retained under Leipzig. The absence 153x84 (109) mm. Types: 175, first three lines of title and heading on 22 ; 88, body of title and text. Capital space on 2', "Hain '16209.", 'IA. 12322. necessario euenient sicu ti vis astrorum nobis minatur S. 195X 137mm. A fragment of four leaves, being the outer sheet of the first quire and the inner but one of another, probably the second and last. From a binding; some of the margins have been mended. IA. 12453 FABER, WENCESLAUS. Tabulae solis et lunae 95 mm. Types: 140, title and headings on 1b and 22; 69, text. Hain 76860, in whose copy the title was printed in red. Transferred from Georg Stuchs, Nuremberg, to whom it was wrongly ascribed on p. 469 (IA. 8059). 199 X 151 mm. Bought in January, 1878. The tract catalogued below is printed in types indistinguishable from Kachelofen 168 P. 8 and Lands- With marginalia. Formerly bound sixth in a tract 213X 147 mm. IA. 12436. DONATUS, AELIUS. De octo partibus ora¬ tionis. et ytus plurales i 12, tiuus in e product 175X 120 mm. The second and third leaves form the inner sheet of a quire. Of the first leaf only the inner top quarter remains, of the second the inner half, of the fourth the upper half. The third and fourth leaves are unopened. The text comprises 13, 7-16, 3 of the reprint in Schwenke, Die Donat- und Kalendertype. Bought in June, 1872. WANN, PAULUS. Quadragesimale. wan docto- ris sacre theologie in ecclesia collegiata cept in the table (leaves 2-6). 82: 33 lines and head-line, 126 (137) x 90 mm. Types: 190, title, headings on 2e and 5°, and some head- lines; 150, other head-lines; 94, table and heading on 78; 75, text. The head-lines give the sermon-numbers. Capital spaces, that on', "7a with a guide-letter. Hain '16148.", 'This book may belong to the first years of the 16th century rather than to 1500. Without the blank leaf. On 1e is 193 X 133 mm. a note: ad Bibliothecam PP franciscanorum Ambergae. Bought in January, 1868. IA. 12527. IMITATIO CHRISTI. Admonitiones ad IMITATIO CHRISTI. Admonitiones ad spiritualem vitam utiles. [Book I of the *1482. 198X 140mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 20 and 23. Some capitals, paragraph-marks, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in June, 1857. IA. 12705. ORDNUNG. Ordnung des Gerichtes. 191 X 135mm. The capital I on 1e supplied in blue; other capitals, with paragraph-marks and initial-strokes, in red. IA. 12708. Bought in June, 1876. reproduced. 11499. cxxv. 88: 45 lines and head-line, 200 (207) x 136 mm. Types: 168°, title, headings, and foliation; 88, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Numerous woodcuts. Hain 7190. 270x 195 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 129, which has been supplied in manuscript, and the blank leaf 130. Leaves 2-4, containing the table, are bound at the end, and the title-page has been cut down and mounted. With stamped monogram FG. Bought in March, 1846. IB. 12713. ALEXANDER DE VILLA DEI. Doctri¬ and marginal headings, 136 (147) x90 (110) mm. Types: 168b, ?title), headings, and head-lines (numbers of parts) ; 88, text and marginal headings ; 61° commentary and colophon. Small Lom¬ bardic capitals in the commentary; capital spaces. Hain 1695. 200 X 142 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1 and 89-94; leaves 86-8 have been torn, but remain. Initial-strokes, &c., roughly supplied in red in parts. With the stamp of the monastery of Ochsenhausen on 22. Bound with the second and third parts (IA. 12717, 12718) in boards.', "backed with old stamped pigskin. Dr. Kloss's copy.", 'Bought in 1835. IA. 12716. ALEXANDER DE VILLA DEI. Doctri¬ line, 139 (150) x 91 mm. Types: 168b title, headings, and head¬ lines (numbers of parts); 88, text ; 612, commentary and colophon. Small Lombardic capitals in the commentary; capital spaces, Hain 1721. 200 X 142 mm. Rough rubrication in parts. Bound with the preceding and following. Bought in 1835. IA. 12717. ALEXANDER DE VILLA DEI. Doctri. headings, 149 (158) x 89 (109) mm. Types: 168b, title, headings, and head-lines (numbers of parts) ; 88, text, marginal headings, and colophon; 61° commentary, which surrounds the text, except on the outer side. Small Lombardic capitals in the commentary; elsewhere capital spaces. 200X 142 mm. Bound with IA. 12716, 12717. Bought in 1835. IA. 12718. FLOIRE AND BLANCHEFLOR. headings on 1° and 52, and foliation ; 88, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Woodcuts. Hain 17191. IB. 12721. POENITEAS CITO. 93 mm. Types: 168°, title; 168°, heading on 22; 88, text; 612, ommentary. Small Lombardic capitals; some capital spaces. nitial-strokes, &c., supplied in red. Bought in January, 1868. IA. 12725. STATUTA. Statuta synodalia Eystettensia chapter)). 22. Incipit Registrum. 3°. IN NOMINE : DOMINI :: AMEN. Nos Berchtold? dei gra eps I-XXII, 39-69 numbered I-XXXI. 186: 43 lines, 195 X 134 mm. Types : 112, headings ; 90, text. Space for 3-line capital on 39e, elsewhere 2-line printed capitals. Hain 15029. 282 X 205 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1 (supplied in facsimile) and 70 (blank). The sheets composed of leaves 11 and 19, and 47 and 55 respectively, in each case numbered IX and XVII, have been transposed in binding. 17th-century pigskin binding stamped with a roll. Bought in July, 1910. IB. 12803. HUGO (DE VINACI DE PRATO FLORIDO. 32: 44 lines and head-line, 199 (216) X 130 mm. Types: 180, title, head-lines (names of saints and numbers of sermons), &c.; 90, text. Capital spaces. Hain 79009. a68X 195 mm. Some manuscript notes. Above the title is written: Monasterij Baumburg; inside the top cover; Georgius Cantherius. 16th-century stamped pigskin. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 12902. Composita ver¬ [Not before 6 July, 1486. 12. TITLE: Composi¬ ta verbou. 28. Incipiunt com¬ foliation, 137 (150) x 88 mm. Types: 180, title, head-lines, &c. oo, text (leaded), Latin parts of commentary throughout; 95? German parts of commentary to the end of quire e. Head-lines: Composita Prime (—Tercie) con. The text of 35° has changed places, by error, with that of 36°. Hain 5575, 14774. 211X 145 mm. Initial-strokes, underlines, and stops supplied in red. Lists of verbs are written out on the back of the title and on a fly-leaf; at the foot of the latter is written: Attinet möstiô Tegernsee lib» iste. The labels of the old binding are pasted on a fly-leaf, and include a collective title: Composita verbor. Rethorica poncij. Copia latinitatis. Epistole bruti et cratis. De arte notariatus; hence this book was once part of a tract', "volume which also contained a copy of Grüninger's", 'edition of the remaining tracts, published in 1486 (IA. 1377). Bought in October, 1886. DATUS, AUGUSTINUS. De variis loquendi 89 mm. Types: 180, title and headings; 90, text. Capital spaces on 2° and 292. Hain 6000. 203X 145 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Manuscript notes. Blank leaves, mounted, are inserted after the first and second leaves. Bought in July, 1867. IA. 12909 LINDELBACH, MICHAEL. Praecepta Latini¬ and head-line, 132 (144) x 88-9 mm. Types: 180, title, head-lines (names of the parts of speech), &c.; 90, text. Capital spaces, a few', "with guide-letters. Ham '10112.", '191 X 138 mm. Imperfect, wanting the title and the blank last leaf. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. The last leaf is mounted. IA. 12912. Bought. in alternate paragraphs. 1b: 31 lines and head-line, 141 (153) x 88 mm. Types: 180, title, head-lines, and chief verbs discussed in notes; 9o, text. Capital space on 2°. Head-lines, consisting of the words: Verba deponentalia, on 2b, 52, and 6b. Hain 15946? The contents of this edition agree closely, for the most part page for page, with those of the undated edition assigned to Prüss (IA. 1603). The text type is mixed, especially in the German glosses, with characters from the Schwabacher type (95 ?). 200X 137 mm. Capital, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in May, 1903. IA. 12935. Quaestiones 18.e Ks L-Os.e PQ8. 114 leaves, the last blank. 2 columns. Part I, 6a: 54 lines and head-line, 203 (217) x 136 mm. Types: 180, title, head-lines up to quire I; 150, head-lines from quire K onwards; 110, headings; 96, heading on 2° of Part I; 74, text. Capital spaces at the beginnings of the books. The head-lines give the names of', "the books. Ham '10454.", '285x 205 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capital on 2*, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines sup- plied in red. Some manuscript notes. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 12943. LESCHER, PAULUS. Rhetorica.', "Quarto. a-d'. 24 leaves, the last blank, 2-23 so numbered.", '4°: 40 lines and foliation, 149 (156) x 100 mm. Types: 150, title, foliation, heading on 22; 110, other headings; 74, text. Lombard', "capitals, a few spaces. Hain '10035.", 'A reprint, the contents often agreeing page for page, from the first (anonymous) edition, Ingolstadt, 1487 (IA. 13503), with the addition Capital spaces, with guide-letters, on 24 and ab. of a title and the concluding verses. 193 X 138 mm. Bought in April, 1873. MENNICKEN, CAROLUS. Formulae episto¬ bered Folium. .I.-.LXXXII. 22: 38 lines and head-line, 140 (152) x 88 mm. Types: 150, title, head-lines, &c.; 110, headings ; 74,', "text. Head-lines tabula' on rectos of fol. 2-6. Floral woodcut", "capital on 72. Hain '10672.", 'A close reprint, the contents usually agreeing page for page, and', "with the same signatures, of Martin Schott's Strassburg edition of", '1487 (IA. 1172). 205 X 147 mm. Under the title is an oval stamp: BIBLIOTH. FRIDR. HURTER Scaphus. Bought in July, 1850. IA. 12949. SCHELLIG, CONRADUS. In pustulas malas 198 X 141 mm. Formerly bound third in a tract volume. Bought in July, 1852. HEINRICH KNOBLOCHTZER DATES: Knoblochtzer, who appears to have left Strassburg about 1484-5, matriculated at Heidelberg in 1486.', "The first Heidelberg book bearing his name in addition to the place of printing is the Guarinus dated 'xv. kl.", 'Lanuarias\', 1489 (IA. 12963, q. v.); but five books assigned by Proctor to the " Printer of Lindelbach, viz. the Bartholomaeus Anglicus of 1488 (IB. 12915) and four quartos of 1489 (IA. 12923. 26, 36, 38), have now been given to Knoblochtzer and placed before the Guarinus. The Bartholomaeus is connected with the Guarinus by its title type and with the four 1489 books by its text type (see below, notes to types); and the latter are in turn connected with Knoblochtzer by the presence in the Mensa philosophica (IA. 12926) of a woodcut S used by him. Expressions used in the prefatory letter from the Editor of the Mensa to Jakob Köbel seem to attribute to the latter the actual printing of this book, but for reasons given in the Introduction these are here interpreted as referring to the financing of the press rather than its working, and Knoblochtzer is regarded as the printer of the group Knoblochtzer continued printing until at least 1495, a considerable proportion of his work being German. Single sheets of 1496 (type 94), 1498 (types 150, 94), and 1499 (see below, IB. 13008), and books of 1501 (type 94) are presumably his unsigned work, but it is noticeable that there is no explicit evidence to connect his name with presumably his unsigned work, but it is noticeable that there is no explicit evidence to connect his name with types 76, 40 ?, and 135. TYPES (see Plate LXIII): 160, title type. In use in 1488-90. Tail of h curled below line. It closely', "resembles in general appearance and is not distinguished by Proctor from 180 (P. Lindelbach' I and Knob¬", 'lochtzer 51; the differences between the two types are most evident in h, r, and t. The measurement is approximate.', "80A [P. Lindelbach' 41, Gothic text type. In use in 1488-89. Tail of h curled below line, very narrow", 'g. r with foot curled to right ; it differs from 808 (P. 6) in these letters and in F, L, M, O, s?, and 3, but C, D, F, 1, S trom 804 are found admixed in 80P. The lower-case resembles that of Drach, Speier, 78 (P. 9), and the whole type appears to be indistinguishable, save in some details, from type 814 of the Breviarium Constantiense, n. d. doubtfully ascribed to Grüninger (IB. 1526, Part I, p. 117).', "77 P. Lindelbach' 5), Gothic text type. In use in 1489. Apparently indistinguishable from Gran, Hagenau,", "77 P. 3 and Pr. of Büchlein, Ingolstadt, 75 P. 1J, also from J. and C. Hist's type of the same measurement P. 3", 'except that it has no filed out majuscules. Pointing-hands used with this type.', "112 (P. Lindelbach' 6), very curious and fantastic German type' (Proctor). Found in IA. 12926.", 'The capitals, except O, are those of Misch 110 (P. 21, and the type therefore probably has Dr. Haeblers Me', "lower-case forms from this type are found admixed with Misch's type in 1488, the type must have been in existence", 'in that year. The measurement is approximate.', "180 P. 5, Lindelbach' 1) title type of the usual kind. Apparently used as an alternative for 160, q. v. Tail", 'of h level with line. In use in 1490; found only in undated books in the Museum collection. Forms from 160 seem to be admixed in IA. 12938. Not reproduced. Tail of h level with line ; r with straight foot; simpler 80° [P. 6), Gothic text type. In use in 1489-90. capitals than in 80*, q. v. Differs from Drach, Speier, 80 (P. 131, in N (narrow) and-(steeper), and from Husner, Strassburg, 80 [P. 6), in the same and C. C, D, F, I, S from 80* occasionally found admixed.—IA. 12984 has', "a special admixture of filed out D and of M from 80', as well as majuscules from a 9o-type and others, as in", 'IA. 12918 and other J. and C. Hist books of the same group. Not reproduced. 93 Haebler 8*1, German text type, not distinguished by Proctor. Distinguished from 94 P. 8 by H with straight shaft to left and L with rounded top. In use in 1490 and 1492. For its appearance in the Museum collection see note to the undated Cato (IA. 12987). Not reproduced. 150 P. 71, title and heading type. In use in 1493, 1495, and 1501. Almost or quite indistinguishable from Schönsperger, Augsburg, 150 P. 41, with an admixture of Lombard capitals as in Greyff, Reutlingen, 150 P. 9 The lower-case is indistinguishable from Prüss 146 P. 13), but S differs. The S of Drach, Speier, 160 P. 10, is found in IA. 12992. Not reproduced. 94 P. 8), German and Latin text type. In use in 1493-5 and 1501. Apparently indistinguishable from Prüss,', "Strassburg, 93 P. 121, except L, which is of the gefiedert' variety, and possibly H. The 9o-type L'used by Prüss", 'is, however, found in IA. 12997, and in two books of 1501. Not reproduced. Indistinguishable from Prüss, 64 P. 9), small Gothic type. In use in 1495 and 1499 (see note to IB. 13008). Strassburg, 65 P. 101, and Grüninger, Strassburg, 64 [P. 15, but smaller wrong-fount Voccasionally found. Double, rarely single, hyphen; occasional Lombard capitals in IA. 12979. Not reproduced. 76 P. 10), Roman type. In use in 1501. I is generally used to represent l. Two forms of Qu, one with the tail of the Q extending under the u. Found in the undated IA. 13000, 13004. with tail curled to left found with this type. 40?, minute type. Tail of h curled below line. Used to print the interlinear glosses in IA. 12997, without capitals. Not distinguished by Proctor. Not reproduced. A type of the same class as 135, heading type. Found in IB. 13008 (where see note), printed in 1499. 150 P.7, but smaller, and apparently indistinguishable from Creussner, Nuremberg, 136 P. 51, so that it probably', "had Dr. Haebler's M29.", 'The measurement is approximate. Not reproduced. WOODCUT CAPITALS: 1: Foliated, without frame (Haebler a’)', "2: Maiblumen capitals, in frame, black ground (Haebler b').", '669 bers of the books), &c. ; 802, text. Capital spaces, often with', "guide-letters. Hain '2507.", 'This book was assigned by Proctor with a query to the Printer', "of Lindelbach' (no. 3130). The types agree with those of Knob-", 'lochtzer, but the book is very unlike the rest of his work at Heidel- berg and its ascription remains somewhat doubtful. 260x 192 mm. On the verso of the title-leaf is a pointed oval armorial stamp, lettered: COMES IB. 12915. MICHAEL SCOTUS. Mensa philosophica. MICHAEL SCOTUS. Mensa philosophica. [By Michael Scotus. After 28 March), 1489. 12. TITLE: (woodcut) Mensa philosophica (type) Quadragesimumsextum, no. 20 being omitted and no. 45 repeated. 2 columns in table. 122: 39 lines and head-line, 149 (155) X 100-1 mm. Types : 112, title, first seven lines on 1b; 802, remainder of 1°, colophon, &c.; 77, text and head-lines (numbers of books and foliation). Woodcut capitals (1, 42, 5) ; spaces, with guide-letters,', "elsewhere. Hain '11080.", "In the prefatory letter Jodocus Gallus refers to Köbel's resolve to", 'commit the Mensa Philosophica to the press (bellum . . . im¬ pressioi tradere nuper decreuisti) and assures him that no reader will think he has done foolishly to print it (insipiéter impressisse). As to these phrases see the prefatory note. 670 215X 150 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last two leaves Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial-strokes supplied in red. On 5e is written: Canoniæe Undenstorff. Bought in July, 1867. IA. 12926. JOANNES CARTHUSIENSIS. Nosce te JOANNES CARTHUSIENSIS. Nosce te After 6 July, 1489. 1°. TITLE: (woodcut) Tetrastichon iodoci galli rubiacensis in opusculum nosce te (type) with guide-letters. Hain 79389. The words yoôt ge avrov on 12 and 99b are woodcut. In type 80e the normal curly-tailed h is here replaced by the h ot 77, whether by design or accident is not clear. 205 X 145 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red. Under the title is written: Monrij Schyrensis. Bought in July, 1867. BARTHOLOMAEUS DE CHAIMIS. In¬ 2 columns. 3°: 35 lines and foliation, 135-6 (144) x 93 mm. Types: 180 (and 160?), title; 77, text. Capital spaces. Hain 2480.', "The colophon is taken from that in Valdarfer's Milan edition of", '29 September, 1474 (IA. 26207), omitting the last three lines. 192 X 135 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in June, 1876. IA. 12938. BARTHOLOMAEUS DE CHAIMIS. In¬ seem to point to this quire’s being a second setting-up, perhaps to make good some accidental damage. The increased size of the type-page and fewer leaves in this edition justify its being placed after IA. 12938, but the order is not free from doubt. 205X 148 mm. Without the first and last two blank leaves. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in alter- nate red and blue, a few initial-strokes in red. Manu- script foliation (1-101) in red. On 100b is written large in an early hand: JG. ingolt. On 101b and 1028 is written a registrum rubricarum. Bought in May, 1902. IA. 12936. DECEMBER 1489—JUNE 1495. MOSTLY SIGNED. mm. Types: 160, title, headings on 1b and 22; 80°, text. Wood-', "cut capitals (1, 2). Hain '8131.", 'The types used in this book make it practically certain that the correct dating is December, 1489, and not December, 1488. 200X 145 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals painted red, paragraph-marks and initial-strokes supplied in red. Manuscript catchword at the end of quire A, and foliation (134-144). Bought in October, 1867. IA. 12963. ORDNUNG. Ordnung und Unterweisung 79 mm. Types: 160, title and headings; 80b, text. Woodcut capitals (1). The sheets are quired by consecutive numbers. Hain 12072 (who counts eleven leaves of text, from an imperfect copy).', "A reprint from Knoblochtzer's 1482 Strassburg edition (Hain", '7619), but omitting the last section concerning the ix stück. 186X 135 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bought in June, 1846. IA. 12967. JACOBUS DE CLUSA. De valore et utilitate functis celebratarum per¬ sacre theologie professore. la¬ 90 mm. Types: 150, title ; 94, text. Woodcut capitals (1, 2, 3).', "Hain '9341 (with variant title).", "These tracts are evidently reprinted from Fyner's folio volume", 'of tracts by H. de Gorichem and others, Esslingen, 1474 (IB. 8917). Hain reads the title : De valore et vtilitate missarum pro de¬ functis cellebratarum ... The Berlin copy differs like the Museum copy. 198X 140 mm. Without the blank leaf. IA. 12971. Bought. blat. 4°: 31 lines and head-line, 146 (151) x 90 mm. Type: 94. Lombard capitals (5), also spaces with guide-letters. The head¬ lines (3b-10b) give the numbers of the hymns. Hain 79069. The first line on 112, Hie nach volgend ..., which begins the section of miscellaneous exhortations, is misplaced before the two following lines, vnd dort ewiclich .. . Amen N, which conclude the previous hymn. Three of the exhortations are inserted out of place after the second paragraph on 1°. 200X 145 mm. The third paragraph on 1", concerning the ministrations of priests with concubines, has been struck through with red. Leaves 3-7 have been signed with b-b 5. Bought in August, 1881. IA. 12975. LAMSHEIM, JOHANN. Speculum officii Mis¬ verses and gloss on 16b and 212-222. 152: 46 lines, 149X 102 mm. Types : 150, title, heading on 22; 94, title, headings, text of Canon of the Mass, &c. ; 64, text of the treatises, colophon. Capital spaces. 200X 135mm. Few manuscript notes. Bought in April, 1866. IA. 12979. UNDATED AND UNSIGNED BOOKS ARRANGED the first part, and Folio. in the second, on the verso of each leaf. Table in 2 columns. 6°: 37 lines and foliation, 148 (154) x 95 mm. Types: 180, title, foliation, headings on 52 and 1172; 80b text.', "Capital spaces. Hain '12791.", 'For the state of type 80b in this book see notes to types. Its ascription to Knoblochtzer is not certain. This and the following undated books have been retained in', "Proctor's order by types.", "200X 142 mm. Above the title is written ' CArtee in", 'Buxheim, under it is the Buxheim library stamp. A lower margins in a 17th-century hand. Old stamped half leather and boards, with paper label, partly re¬ backed. Bought in November, 1888. IA. 12984. CATO, DIONYSIUS. Disticha [in Latin and Undated. 1a TITLE: Katho. 1b. Hye lert der weyß Catho seynen sun Woodcut. 22. CJVm animaduertere Each couplet of Latin is followed by the German translation.', "l'his tract was originally catalogued by Proctor under Germany.", "Unknown Places (no. 3274), with the note * Speier, c. 149-?' It is", 'now placed under Knoblochtzer because the text type seems to be identical, except for having no admixtures, with that used by Knob¬ lochtzer in Dietrich von Bern, 1490 (see the facsimile reprint in Schorbach, Seltene Drucke, no. u), and Köbel, Tischzucht, 1492. and presumably superseded in 1493 by the very similar type qa The figure of Cato in the cut on 1b resembles very closely the figure of S. Barlaam on a cut in Johannes Hildeshemiensis, Buch der heiligen drei Könige, Prüss, Strassburg, n. d. (Hain 79400, facsimile in Muther, pl. 133), a reprint of which, with the same or similar cuts, was issued by Knoblochtzer at Strassburg shortly afterwards (Schreiber, Manuel V, no. 4367). 200X 135 mm. Capital on 2° supplied in red. Wood¬ cut painted red and yellow. Bought in July, 1882. IA. 12987. ANDREAE, JOANNES. Arbor consanguini¬ tionis, arbor legalis cognationis. Undated. 1°. TITLE: (Woodcut capital) A(type)rbor consangui¬ nitatis affiniltatis cognationis spiritualis. et le¬ galis/ lettered :) affinitatis. Arbor. 7P. Explicit lectura super arboribus consanguinitatis et affinitatis. Iohannis An¬ dree. 82. Woodcut. 8°. Circa lectura arboris congna¬ tillonis spiritualis . . . 102 10Woodcuts. 11 Ad arborem cognationis legalis. 122. Enigma pulchrum affi nitatis quadrimembre... (below) Aue Nepos Frater dixit Filio suo Mater. (to right) Verum dicebat si quis scit Soluere soluat [Woodcuts). 12b-142. Wood- pard A (5) on 62. The text of the diagrams on 122 is type-set.', "Hain '1022 (who reads' cognatinois' for congnatilonis' in lines", '1-2 of 8b).', "The diagrams are those of Knoblochtzer's enlarged Strassburg", 'issue (Hain ’1021), except that that on 122, which is partially type- set, replaces a wholly xylographic one used at Strassburg, doubtless owing to damage or loss of the latter. 290X 214 mm. Manuscript notes, underlines, and cor¬ rections in red. The woodcuts and capitals are painted in various colours. Bought in June, 1879. IB. 12989. Another copy. 18 TITLE: Praecepta Isocratis perssimum virum Rudolphum agricolam el graeco sermone in latinum 2a? 18 lines of text, 130x 91-3 mm. Types: 180, title; 94, title, text ; 402, glosses. Two capital spaces. Hain 79316. 205X 145 mm. Mariam tc.Woodcut of the Virgin and Child.) 7e. SECOND TITLE: (to left) libellus. contines(body of title) laudes et fraternitatem Officium misse et oraciones (to right) de sca anna. Woodcut of the Virgin, Child, and S. Anne.] 13°. THIRD TITLE: Ora¬ ciones et alia pulcra ad sanctam Annam. totam qud illius progeniem (at side) Ad sanctos (body oftitle) joachim. Annam. joseph Tres anne filias. Matrem christi. Crucifixum Woodcut of the Virgin, Child, and S. Anne 186. 1. 38, END:... Gloria secnlo. Quarto. a8 ; b6; c6. 18 leaves. Types: 94, titles and headings; 76, text. Capital spaces, with 12, title; 1b, two Latin poems; 2-52, oratio confraternitatem fraternitatis; 6b, carmen exhortatorium.—72, second title; 7b, hexa¬ stichon; 7b-9b, sermo fraternitatem S. Annae elucidans; 9b-10b carmen de S. Anna; 10b-11b, officium missae et orationes S. Annae; 11b-12°, Latin poems.—132, third title; 13P, carmen; 13b-182, 205X 137 mm. Capitals and initial-strokes supplied in red. The title-cuts are painted in several colours. Manuscript corrections. Bought in June, 1884. IA. 13000. Another copy of quire b. 214X 150 mm. Bought in April, 1851. STATUTA. Statuta vel praecepta scholarium.', "cut of a master and three pupils.) 1'. sColaris qni vis", 'Child. Quarto. a’. 8 leaves. 22 : 30 lines, 143X ca. 79 mm. Types: 150, title ; 94, text. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 1b. The title-cut is a reversed copy of one used by Conrad Hist', "at Speier. See Schreiber, Die deutschen 'Accipies'... Holzschnitte,", 'for which it was evidently made. The present book is therefore placed after the Lamsheim. 186X 135 mm. Bought in February, 1886. BEROALDUS, PHILIPPUS. De dominicae head-line, 142 (146) x 73 mm. Type: 76 (leaded to 101-2). Three of author and poem. 199 X 153 mm. Bought in January, 1875. DALBERG, JOHANNES DE. Ordo diuinus ppositis Decanis Custodibus Scholasticis Cantorib»V carijs Plebanis viceplebanis ceterisque diuinou Rectoribus Folio. Single leaf. 46 lines. The type-page measures 193X 138-9 mm. Types: 135, lines 1, 23, and 24; 64 (leaded), text. Reinhart Noltz, burgomaster of Worms, states in his diary on', "27 August, 1499, that ein drucker von Heidelberg' had been offer-", "ing for sale copies of a procesz' als der bischof pfleget... vsz zu", "geben', containing the words Datum in ciuitate nostra Worma-", "tiensi', which were ordered by the Town Council to be expunged.", "The present sheet is evidently the 'procesz' issued six months", 'previously, and if the same printer was employed must also be ittributed to Heidelberg. See Dr. A. Schmidt, Gedruckte Erlasse d. Strassburg, 1499, formerly in the possession of the Car- melites at Frankfort on the Main. With the duplicate stamp of the Frankfort City Library on the back. The', "words antipho. ipe preibit ante illu' in 1. 42 are struck", 'through with a pen. Bought in May, 1910. IB. 13008. STATUTA COLONIENSIA ET MONA¬ numbered ij.-xcv., with numerous omissions and errors, especially in the last quires. 14°: 35 lines and head-line, 142 (155) x87 mm. Type: 81. Capital spaces. The head-lines give the names of the bishops who enacted the statutes, and the foliation. Hain 15027.', "margin, partly cut away. Dr. Kloss's copy, with his", 'book-label. Bought in 1835. MAXIMILIAN. Erwählung Maximilians zu The woodcut on 1b represents Maximilian, in the presence of his father, the Emperor Frederick, sitting on the altar, at each end of which stands an archbishop. In front of the altar six cantors are singing the Te Deum. On one side of the cantors are two men talking, on the other two dogs. The text on 2e begins with a capi¬ tal I previously used by Conrad Fyner in his edition of the Plena rium (IB. 11202) completed 2 February, 1481, at the top and on the inner margin are two border-pieces, of which the upper had been used by Fyner in the Opus tripartitum of Gerson (IB. 11212), that at the side in the Buch der Weisheit (IB. 11206). 274 x 200 mm. On 1e is written a title: Wie man de king erwelt haut. IB. 13203 Bought in July, 1872. Undated. CYPRIANUS. Opera. in the table. 44: 46 lines, 200X 132 mm. Type : 86. Capital spaces, a few with guide-letters. Hain 15895. The copies registered by Hain and Pellechet (no. 4075) have', "a misprint cofossoris' in the colophon.", '295 x 207 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals supplied in red, some in blue. Bought in April, 1866. IB. 13206. LESCHER, PAULUS. Rhetorica.', "146 x 102 mm. Type: 73. Capital spaces. Hain '10034.", '205 X 151 mm. Bought in July, 1867. 95 mm. (excluding marginalia). Type: 75. Capital spaces. Latin Undated. subject-headings in margin. It is not certain whether a title-leaf at the beginning or a blank leaf at the end is wanting. 183X 130 mm. Without the blank (?) leaf. The greater part of the marginalia has been cut away in binding. Capitals and a few paragraph-marks and initial¬ strokes supplied in red. Manuscript notes. Bought in June, 1862. IA. 13513. ALBERTANUS. De arte loquendi et tacendi.', "da' at the beginning, and mentions a misprint 'cansidico' in the", 'colophon). Both forms of d are common in this book, which suggests a first effort by its bad press-work. 203X 145 mm. Most capitals, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in March, 1906. Undated. BREVIARIUM EYSTETENSE. 22. (red) Ianuarius habet dies. xxxj. 92. (red) Ad matutinas oclusiones horau. 67b... et nunc et 2422. (red) and 244 blank. A slip printed on one side, supplying omitted matter, is inserted after quire e, and another after leaf 114 (o 6). 12°: 28 lines, 102 x 64-5 mm. Type: 71. Lombard capitals, of various sizes, printed in red ; some spaces.', "This is apparently a printer's venture and an unofficial com¬", "pilation. Both forms of d'are found. The Lombard capitals occur", 'in this book only, and the press-work is more careful than in the other books of the press. 145 x 100 mm. Some manuscript corrections. Old leather over boards. Bought in March, 1906. IA. 13522. Epitoma in utramque Quarto. al-1b8 c6. 23 leaves. 72: 41 lines, 147X91 (with marginalia 117) mm. Type: 71. Capital spaces. With woodcut characters on 192 and 19b. Hain *4842. 12, title; 1b, 22, letter of Celtes to Maximilian, Ingolstadt, 28 March, 1492; 2b, 32, epitomatis figura secundum omnes partes orationis et oratoris et rhetoris ; 3°, blank ; 4-13°, epitoma in Ciceronis Rhetoricam; 13b-14°, de artificiali memoria; 14°-180', "tractatus de condendis epistolis; 192, b, imagines' illustrating the", 'by Ratdolt at Venice (in 1482 and 1485) and at Augsburg (in 1490; 218X 158 mm. At the foot of the title-page is written: Bought in April, 1865. Exercitata veteris 13523), was begun earlier, as is shown by the occurrence of both forms of d in the first two quires, only the rounded form being found in the remainder. 677 206X 147 mm. Occasional capitals, initial-strokes, and underlines in red. Manuscript notes. On 22 is written: Monachij ad PP. Franciscanos. Bibl. On 1, referring to', "Parreut's name, is written in red: 1o mgr grens se PRUSTAT, SIGMUND vON. Kalender auf das 92., below) 1. 1: (red) S(black)O man zalt (red M. cccc. xciij. (black) Istdie gulden zal (red) xij. (black Broadside Folio. The text is in one column as far as line 33 The type-page measures 316 (317) (to foot of colophon) x 199-202 mm., excluding the woodcut border. Type: 71. Calligraphic red capital at the beginning of the text; two small diagrams of lunar and solar eclipse at the foot of the first column ; border enclosing left and upper margin of text. Headings printed in red. The woodcut border is freely copied from one used by Mar Ayrer at Regensburg for a calendar of 1491 ; its date 92 is strong evidence that it had previously been employed in a calendar for that year. A similar but smaller calligraphic capital occurs on the same sheet (Heitz-Haebler, 100 Kalender-Inkunabeln, no. 69). 367 x 260 mm. Formerly pasted in the covers of a book, to which fact are due slight defects in the text of line 42. On the back is the signature of Andreas Seltzlerus parochus Hirschspachensis, 1564. Bought in June, 1852. IC. 13528. INTERPRETATIONES.', "9250 (in whose copy Laus' in the last line was misprinted Lans').", '200X 146 mm. Capitals and initial-strokes supplied in red. Bought in June, 1876. IA. 13529 FLORES LEGUM. Flores legum aut con- HIERONYMUS DE VALLIBUS. Jesuida.', "to be filled in by hand with the owner's arms.", 'Bought in February, 1902. 76 mm. Types: 160, first two lines of title?; 93, body of title:', "and text (leaded). Capital spaces. Hain '15841.", '186x 132 mm. Imperfect, wanting the title-leat. The woodcut on 1b represents a woman holding a blank shield, Bound, with IA. 11142 and four 16th-century tracts in vellum from a manuscript backed with old stamped pigskin. With the woodcut book-plate, dated 1597, ol Christophorus Baro a Wolckhenstain & Rodnegg Bought in January, 1875. IA. 13530 LOCHER, JACOBUS. Carmen heroicum de Decatostichon philomusi Ad lectore. Qui cupit hor¬ rendi foetus portenta videre . . . (5 couplets) Vlcisci letter, on 22. With a woodcut on 1e and 4°, the latter of a man standing and pointing to the motto: Dij bene vortant, and therefore', "no doubt intended for Locher himself. Hain '10162.", 'This tract is placed before the Rosarium because both forms of d occur in it with type 76. 208 X 150 mm. Formerly bound with Brant, Varia carmina (IA. 37949). Bought in March, 1846. Rosarium coelestis Oratore Laureato Confectum. Circular woodcut of the Trinity, the Virgin, and S. John. Hexastichon eiusdem Adlectorem. Celestis patrie claros laudare triumphos measure 110x 83 mm. Types: 145°, title, headings; 76, title, text.', "Capital space on 22. Hain *10165 (noticing a misprint ' Trinm", "phantis' in the sixth word of the title which is correctly printed", 'in the present copy). 213X 157 mm. and blue on 22, other capitals in alternate red and blue. Old (presumably original) stamped leather, with bosses and paper label, partly rebacked. Bought in July, 1882. IB. 13553. GERSON, JoHANNES. Donatus moralisatus. Quarto. A8. 8 leaves. 22: 31 lines, 147X93 mm. Type: 94. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. This tract is put before the Sachsenspiegel because of the pre¬ valence of long f, as in the first part of that book; see notes to types. 207X 145 mm. Capitals and initial-strokes supplied in red. Bought in December, 1870. IA. 13610. SACHSENSPIEGEL. Der Sassen spegel cut of bishop, pope, emperor, and knight. Hyr hefft sick an der sassen spez gel meth der glosen. 55°. C Hijr hefft sick an dat ander boek wo sick heren to samende to Stendael dorch loa chim westfael in deme lxxxviij iare. 2132. C Hyr hefft syck an dat regyster des sas sen a at end ; 160, head-lines of h 3-6, F 2-5, L 2, L 3. Woodcut capital N, white on black ground, 50x 50 mm., on 22 ; spaces, with guide-letters (except with type 89), elsewhere. The head-lines give the numbers of the books and articuli, and are woodcut except on the leaves above mentioned, where they are in type 160. Ham 14082. Some copies of this book are printed in type 94 throughout. See notes to types. 280 x 208 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 187, 190 (A2 3, A26). Capitals supplied in red to the end of', "quire g, and in quires 1, ALD', H-K, A2, B'. Few", 'IB. 13605 GARLANDIA, JOHANNES DE. Cornutus cum tion), text (leaded); 77, commentary, table, colophon. Capital spaces. Hain 17470. 202 X 133mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial¬ strokes supplied in red. Bound with IA. 11728 and other tracts. Bought in June, 1849. IA. 13703. SEQUENTIAE. Textus sequentiarum cum and head-line, 130 (138) x 91 mm. Types : 170, title; 85, head- lines (names of feasts and foliation), text (leaded) ; 77, commentary', "Capital spaces. Hain '14687.", '200X 142 mm. Capital and initial-strokes supplied in red on 2° With the note Iste libellus 3 moi S', "dorothee y vienne' on the first and last leaves ; inside", "the first cover is an early note of price, 18 cruc.' Old", 'boards backed with old stamped leather, partly renewed. Bought in January, 1878. IA. 13706. CONCORDANTIAE. head-line, 131 (142) x 92 mm. Types: 155, title, headings, head¬ lines (titles of parts) ; 72, text. Capital spaces. Hain 15613. 205 X 142 mm. Bought in April, 1866. BOETHIUS, ANICIUS MANLIUS TORQUATUS cum commento beati Thomae. 21 February, 1491. 12. TITLE : Boetii viri celeberrimi de consolatione in the table. 92: 40 lines, 144X91 mm. Types: 155, title and heading on 82 ; 96, other headings and text; 72, commentary.', "Capital spaces. Hain '3383.", '197 X 133 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, underlines, and book-headings supplied in red.', "On 7° and 199b are notes written in rubricator's red ink:", 'possessor huie libri est lacobus fabri de opido sindelfingen oriundus F G B; a similar note, with the addition', "prope Stutgardiam', is written in black ink above the", "title; this and that on 199' have the date 1498. Under", 'the title is written: In Vsum Frm Wessobrunensium. Munich duplicate. Boards backed with old pigskin; leather tags remain, not glued to the leaves, but attached to the sewing by long strips of vellum from a manuscript. Bought in April, 1865. IA. 13712. \ufeff682 32: 40 lines and head-line, 146 (155) x 92 mm. Types: 155, title. heading on 1", head-lines (days and numbers of \'dietae\') ; 9o. small headings, verses; 72, commentary. Capital spaces. Hain 16768. The 1494 Strassburg edition by the Printer of Casus Breues, IA. 2338, is a page-for-page reprint from this. 196 x 137 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Manuscript notes. Bought in April, 1866. PEROTTUS, NICOLAUS. Grammatica noua. 12. TITLE: Grammatica Noua Accipies wood¬ cut. 54°. COLOPHON : Artis grâmatice introductoriù in octo partes oraltionis. in constructiones. in eplas con¬ traditionibus a mgron Bernhardo perger translatum studio¬ 72, last line of colophon, text. Capital spaces, some with guide-', "letters. Hain '12602.", 'The woodcut on the title-page represents a master and two pupils; above is the motto: Accipies tanti doctoris dogmata', "sancti (Schreiber, Die deutschen 'Accipies'... Holzschnitte, no. 19).", 'The specimens of letter-writing are dated Viterbij 1480. 186X 130 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial- strokes supplied in red on 31° and 322. Bought in March, 1847. IA. 13718. JOHANNES DE VERDENA. Sermones head-lines (sermon-numbers) ; 72, text. Capital spaces. Hain 15964 (1). 193X 124 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial¬ strokes supplied, and the woodcut touched, in red. The frst leaf has been mounted. With the name of the Rey. J. Palmer, 1876. Bought in February, 1911. IA. 13724. HYMNARIUS. Expositio Hymnorum cum primum-lxxvi. 2 columns in the table. 32: 40 lines and head-line. 144 (154) x 93 mm. Types: 155, first line of title, heading on 22, head-lines (title and foliation) ; 80 (leaded), text ; 72, commentary, &c. Capital spaces. Hain 76785 (1).', "A reprint, mostly page for page, from Quentell's Cologne edition", 'of 1492 (IA. 4579). 200 X 140 mm. With a vellum leaf from the original binding, taken from a decorated manuscript service book. Bought in January, 1878. SALICETO, NICOLAUS DE. Antidotarius tois Mcccc. xciiij. Nonay Septem¬ bris. Octavo. A-R8. 136 leaves, the last blank, 2-135 numbered ii- CXXX, IxXXV-lxxxviii repeated and xcii omitted. 2 columns. 32; 35 lines and head-line (foliation), 112 (117) x74 mm. Types: 155, title;', "63, text. Capital spaces. Hain '14165 (noting a misprint Anti-", "thotarius' in the colophon).", '154 X 106 mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red and blue alternately. Bound with IA. 1531 (see p. 109) in old stamped leather. At the end is pasted a hand-coloured woodcut of Christ buffeted. Bought in June, 1846. IA. 13728. AESOPUS. Aesopus moralisatus cum com¬ ginal heading, 145 (154) x 87 (105) mm. Types: 155, title, head¬ lines (title of book), heading on 1b; 80, text, marginal headings; 23, interlineations, commentary, colophon. Capital spaces. Hain 311.', "Reprinted, mostly page for page, from Quentell's Cologne edition", 'of 1492 (IA. 4587).', "193 X 140 mm. The large capital on 1' supplied in red", 'ind blue, other capitals in red and blue alternately; para¬ graph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines in red. The', "Accipies' cut on 1e is painted. Manuscript notes and", 'references. HOLKOT, ROBERTUS. Postilla super libros 217 (227) X 147 (153) mm. Types: 155, title, headings, head-lines (number of chapters and lections) ; 80, text. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. Hain 78761. 289 x 205 mm. Capitals supplied in red. Signatures on 12 of Thomas Cranmer (Thomas Cantuarien) and Lord Lumley. IB. 13732. From the old Royal Library. Another copy. 309 X 217 mm. Old stamped leather. Bought in March, 1902. IB. 13733. REMIGIUS. Fundamentum scholarium. Capital spaces. Hain 13861.', "Reprinted from Quentell's Cologne edition of 1492 (Hain 13860)", 'in the same number of leaves. 187X 128 mm. With the book-plate of J. Gomez de la Cortina. Bought in April, 1872. PETRUS HISPANUS [POPE JOHN XXII. head-line, and marginal headings, 143 (154) x 84 (111)mm. Types: 155, first line of title, head-lines (part-titles), larger headings on 2 and 100b; 83, body of title, colophon, smaller headings; 63, mar- ginal headings, text. Capital spaces. Hain 18708.', "Reprinted, as the colophon shows, from Kesler's Basel edition of", '1487 (IA. 37589). 208X 155 mm. Without the blank leaf. On 1e is', "a note Ego su liber bte Marie vginis i ald'spach' and", 'below a device and the name Frater Lazarus. Boards, backed with old stamped leather, with vellum title label. Leaves 35, 36 (sig. e 3, 4) have been reversed in BONAVENTURA. Sermones de tempore columns. 2°: 44 lines, head-line, and marginal section-letters, 157 (167) X 101 (110) mm. Types: 155, title, headings, head-lines', "(sermon-numbers) ; 72, text. Capital spaces. Hain '3520.", "A close reprint, in the same number of leaves, of Otmar's Reut¬", 'lingen edition of 1484 (IB. 10693) or 1485 (IB. 10699). 192 X 140 mm. Some head-lines cut. On 1e is a note: Sum m Eustachij Stainnemerj. With engraved book¬ IA. 13742. HEROLT, JOHANNES. Sermones Discipuli de 104 mm. Types; 155, title, headings, head-lines (parts, sermon- numbers, &c.) ; 63, text. Capital spaces. Hain *8507. 211X 142 mm. On 18 is a note: In vsum Frm Rot¬ tenhaslachensium. Bought in July, 1857. \ufeff684 1a TITLE: Celeberrimi sacre theologie necnon iuris¬ pontificij doctoris: et artium magistri. ac ecclesie the last blank. 2 columns. 14°: 51 lines and head-line, 204 (217 x 130 mm. Types: 155, title, headings, head-lines (names of feasts and sermon-numbers) ; 80, text. Capital spaces, with guide¬', "letters. Hain '10173.", 'The date in the colophon should probably read nonagesimo¬ 272X 191 mm. Without the blank leaf. Above the title is written: Hunc librum dono dedit mi dins Anndreas p tuc saline nre admistrator Quem illigaui et est— The inner sheet of the last quire has been misbound, I5 preceding I4. IB. 13751. MICHAEL DE HUNGARIA. Sermones ings, and head-lines (names of feasts, and sermon-numbers); 72, text. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. Hain 9054. 209 X 154 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Inside each cover is the note of ownership of the monastery of Tegernsee, dated 1498, that inside the first with the', "monastery's device. Manuscript notes and corrections,", 'some leaves mended with slips bearing the text in manu- script. Old stamped leather, with vellum title label and the printed press-mark label of the Tegernsee library. Bought in July, 1867. IA. 13753 Another copy. strokes, and underlines supplied in red. On 1e is a SUMMENHART, CONRADUS. Tractatulus bi¬ Conradum Summehart de Calw Artium atque sacre theolo¬ Igie Hagennaw per Henri cum Gran Finit feliciter Anno Folium I-XXXIX. 2 columns, except on 1b. 34: 51 lines and head-line, 204 (218) X 130 mm. Types: 155, first line of title, head¬ ings, head-lines (parts and foliation) ; 80, body of title, text. Capital spaces, that on 1° with a guide-letter. Hain 715177. 268x 190mm. Bound with IB. 2562 and 1978 (see p. 147). IB. 13756. Another copy. 285 x 200 mm. Without the blank leaf. Manuscript notes on 12. IB. 13757. VALASCUS DE TARENTA. Tractatus de I-XII. 32: 34 lines and head-line, 136 (145) x 84 mm. Types: 155 first line of title, heading on 22, head-lines (foliation); 80, body of', "title, headings, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '15247.", 'On 32. l. 18 are the words: nunc .xxv. octobris anni millesimi quatercentesimiprimi quando iste tractatus fullit compilatus saturnus WANN, PAULUS. Sermones de tempore. (217) X 131 mm. Types: 155, title, first line of title to table, head¬ ings, head-lines (Sundays and sermon-numbers) ; 80, body of title to table, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Quire » is signed with the numbers 2-4, quire *4 with 11-44. Hain 16145. 259X 190 mm. Some head-lines cut. The title of the table is cut out and mounted. With the note: Carmeli Abenspergani. The table is bound at the end. Old stamped pigskin. Bought in January, 1868. IB. 13762. Sermones Sermones MICHAEL DE HUNGARIA. Biga salutis de tempore. 22 January, 1498. except on leaf 2. 82 : 44 lines and head-line, 160 (169) x 104 mm. Types: 155, title, headings, head-lines (Sundays and sermon-num- bers) ; 72, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 79052. 194X 147 mm. The title has been cut out and mounted. With a note: Loci Capucinoru Landishuti. Bought in July, 1867. IA. 13765. GUILLERMUS, EPISCOPUS PARISIENSIS. De Folium I-CLXX. 2 columns. 3°: 34 lines and head-line, 134 (144) x 94 mm. Types: 155, title, headings, head-lines (chapter-num¬ bers and foliation); 80, text. Capital space on 22. Hain 78320. 194X 138mm. The capital on 2e paragraph-marks and initial-strokes supplied in red. Previously bound first in a tract volume, as appears from a note on the title-page: Hic codex e Monasterij Sanctissimi Iohis', "baptiste In rebdorff ord' canonicorum reglarium diui aug?.", 'IA. 13767. PELBARTUS DE THEMESWAR. Stel¬ 51 lines and head-line, 203 (218) X 131 mm. Types: 155, title headings, head-lines (part- and article-numbers); 80, text. Capital', "spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '12563 (= 12566).", '267 x 186mm. Capitals, and a few underlines, supplied in red. Bought in October, 1867. IB. 13771. PELBARTUS DE THEMESWAR. Ser Themeswar di ui ordinis sancti Fracisci de tempore leaves, the last blank. 2 columns, except on 11b. 132: 50 lines and head-line, 157 (166) x 102 mm. Types : 155, title, headings, head¬ lines (Sundays and sermon-numbers); 63, text. Capital spaces, with', "guide-letters. Hain '12551.", "is stamped the title Sz promeri dt'.", 'Bought in January, 1878. IA. 13773 LOCHMAIER, MICHAEL. Parochiale cura¬ 154: 34 lines, head-line, and marginal section-letters, 137 (146) x01 (95) mm. Types: 155, title, headings, head-lines (chapter-num¬ bers and titles); 80, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain *10169. PELBARTUS DE THEMESWAR. Ser Themeswar di ui ordinis sancti Fracisci de Sanctis on 9° 112: 50 lines and head-line, 159 (168) x 102 mm. Types: 155, titles, headings, head-lines (names of feasts and sermon-num- bers) ; 80, smaller headings ; 63, text. Capital spaces, with guide- letters. Hain 12555. 198 X 144 mm. On 18 is a note: Fratrum Monasterii Pollingen.; with the flower-stamp and the engraved book- plate of the monastery, the latter dated 1744. Old stamped leather. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 13779. SUNTZEL, FRIDERICUS. Collecta et exerci¬ lines and head-line, 152 (161) x 92 mm. Types: 155, first line of itle, some headings, head-lines (book and question-numbers); 80, pody of title, smaller headings ; 63, text. Capital spaces, with', "guide-letters. Hain '15186.", '216 X 154mm. Capitals supplied in green, paragraph narks and underlines in red. Manuscript notes. Bought in January, 1878. IA. 13782. MICHAEL DE HUNGARIA. Sermones 114 July, 1499. and head-line, 159 (167)X 105 mm. Types: 155, title, headings head-lines (feasts and sermon-numbers); 72, text. Capital spaces with guide-letters. Hain 79055. A page-for-page reprint of the 1497 issue (IA. 13753). 208X 147mm. Made up, leaf 270 (sig. L 2) supplied from the second copy (IA. 13786). One or two head-lines Another copy. 199X 152 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 270 (sig. L 2) which is inserted in IA. 13785 to supply an imperfection. Capitals supplied, and title underlined in red. Notes of', "ownership of the Monastery of Benediktbeuren on 2'", 'and 58. Manuscript pagination. A misbinding in sig. O has been corrected. Old boards, rebacked. Bought in June, 1876. IA. 13786. MICHAEL DE HUNGARIA. Sermones except on leaf 2. 82: 44 lines and head-line, 157 (166) x 105 mm. Types: 155, title, headings, head-lines (Sundays and sermon- numbers); 72, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 79053. A page-for-page reprint of the 1498 issue (IA. 13765). 203 X 142 mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red. With note and book-plate of the Augustinian Convent of Munich. Old stamped pigskin. Bought in July, 1867. IA. 13789. WANN, PAULUS. Sermones de tempore. O8. 266 leaves, 12 blank. 2 columns. 152; 51 lines and head line, 203 (217) X 131 mm. Types: 155, title, first line of title to table, headings, head-lines (Sundays and sermon-numbers) ; 80, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain *16146. A page-for-page reprint of the 1497 issue (IB. 13762). 256X 183mm. Many head-lines cropped and leaves crookedly sewn in the binding. Capitals, paragraph- marks, and underlines supplied in red. IB. 13792. PELBARTUS DE THEMESWAR. Ser¬ 50 lines, 157 (166) x 103 mm. Types: 155, title, headings, and head-lines (days and sermon-numbers); 80, smaller headings; 63,', "text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '12559.", '212 X 168 mm. Without the blank leaf. On 1e are', "the notes Ex libris R. P. Casparj Obermair', and Ex", "Libris Gulielmi Hizman ; and at the foot 10 k'. Old", 'lined boards, backed with stamped pigskin. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 13795. None lead-line, 142 (152) x 97 mm. Types: 155, title, headings, head- ines (numbers of sessions, &c.) ; 80, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 5609. 12, title and verses by Jacobus Locher to the reader; 1", epistle rom Conradus Summenhart, dated Tübingen, 5 September, 1499, o Hieronymus de Croaria, urging him to publish the book: 22, terses by Locher to Hieronymus de Croaria; 2b epistle from Jieronymus to Summenhart and Locher, announcing that Rynman has undertaken to publish the book; 32-101b acta concilii Con- tantiensis; 101b-1112, errores lohannis Wickleff et lohannis Huss nderdorff to his copy from the original, dated 22 June, 1490; olophon of Matthias Strinbach, clerk of the diocese of Eichstätt,', "certifying the fidelity of Huober's copy; 111b Philomusi Elo¬", "gium ad Constantiam [verses by Locher), printer's colophon; 112,", 'blank. Another copy. 202X 148 mm. Without the blank leaf. A misprint in the signatures, h 2 for i 2, occurs in this copy. A note on 1e reads: Dom. Prob. S. I. Vien: ad S. Anna catalogo Inscript? 1698. Another copy. 197X 130 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bound with a tract of 1519. IA. 13801. PELBARTUS DE THEMESWAR. Ser¬ blank. 2 columns, except on 13b. 152: 58 lines and head-line, 208 222) X 135 mm. Types: 155, title, headings, head-lines (names of feasts and sermon-numbers) ; 72, text. Capital spaces, with guide¬', "letters. Hain '12556.", '273X 197 mm. Without the blank last leaf. Capitals supplied in red. Old stamped leather. On the first', "cover is stamped the title ' S. pomeri'.", 'Bought in October, 1867. IB. 13803. PELBARTUS DE THEMESWAR. Ser¬ 3°: 58 lines and head-line, 208 (223) x 135 mm. Types: 190, title; 155, headings, head-lines (days and sermon-numbers); 72, text.', "Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '12560.", 'Hain describes two issues of leaves 1-38. In the present copy these are of his second issue. 275 x 200 mm. Without the blank leaf. On 1° is a note and the book-plate, dated 1756, of the Collegium Sapientiae of Freiburg. Bought in March, 1906. IB. 13804. \ufeff688 VeXY6. 432 leaves, the last blank. 2 columns, except on 1b and 396. 412: 51 lines and head-line, 200 (215) x 130 mm. Types: 155, lines 1, 6, 7, and 8 of title, headings, head-lines (tract- and question¬ numbers) ; 80, body of title, text. Capital spaces, with guide¬', "letters. Hain '15179.", '281 X 202 mm. On 1° is a note: Canoniae Vnden-', "storff. Author's name and title written across front", 'edge. IB. 13806. BUSTIS, BERNARDINUS DE. Rosarium sermo last blank, 28-249 numbered Folio II-Foliù CCXXIII. Part II: ,; aa-pp8.8.6 qqe rre ss-2z AA-II8.8.6 KK° LLe MM-ZZs.8.6 AAA BBB°. 366 leaves, 16 and 366 blank, 17-365 numbered Foliu l- CCCLIII. 2 columns, except in Part I, leaves 1 and 2, and Part Il, second paragraph of colophon. Part I, 18°: 58 lines and head-line, 207 (222) x 134 mm. Types: 155, title of Part II, first and last line of title of Part I, headings, head-lines (sermon-numbers, &c., foliation); 72, body of title of Part I, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 4164. The address to the reader following the colophon of Part Il reads: Suauissime lector habes in hoc volumine Rosariu sermonu Sdicabiliu ; a fratre Bernardino de Busti: Mediolanensi: ordinis Arrivabenus in 1498 (IA. 22572). 282 « 203 mm. In two volumes. Without the blank last leaf of Part II ; that in Part I is pasted down on the cover. On the title-page of each volume is a note: Hunc Librum emit Caspar? Leyrer de egkh 54. On the title-page of Part I is also a note: Ffrû Staingaden. Old stamped pigskin. IB. 13808. Bought in April, 1865. Another copy. 269 X 194 mm. In one volume. Without the blank last leaf in each Part. A slip has been cut out of leaf I of Part I, containing the first paragraph on 1° and probably a note of ownership on 12. The lower margins of Part I, quire a, have been cut. Capitals, paragraph¬ marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. IB. 13809. JACOBUS DE VORAGINE. Laudes beatae in red or blue; initial-strokes, underlines, and marginal section-numbers in red. On 22 is written: Ad Biblioth: Frm Min: Conuent: S. Francisci Herbipoli 1673. Bought in September, 1848. IB. 13903. HANE, JOHANNES. Magistri iohannis Hane sacre theologie professoris paragraph-marks in red. Bought in September, 1849. IB. 13907. HORAE. Horae secundum usum ecclesiae 19°: 21 lines, 85 x 51 mm. (excluding borders). Types: 81, text and most head-lines and texts in borders; 63?, head-lines, &c., of quires a and c. Capital D (1) on 362 and 100b; (2), printed red; also spaces. Woodcut borders to each page of text, seventeen larger and many smaller cuts, diagrams in calendar. Rubrics, &c., printed in red. 1e, title; 16, temperaments and the moon; 2, anatomical man?) 3—-14°, calendar ; 152, table of movable feasts, 1490-1508; 150 astronomical table; 162-172, eclipses, 1490-1508; 17°-186, note or use of calendar ; 192-26°, the Passion from the Gospels; 272-31 sequences of the Gospels; 322-34°, prayers ; 35%, blank; 35P, cut; 36—-86°, the Hours ; 872-99b, penitential psalms and litany; 100e- 120°, vigiliae mortuorum; 1212-128b, suffragia, &c.; 1298-1410 antiphons of Saints, &c.; 141b-1472, private prayers, &c.; 147b', "The arrangement of the text agrees with that of Grüninger's un-", 'dated reprint (IA. 1530, p. 109). See Proctor, loc. cit., p. 36. 151 X 105 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 2. Capitals and initial-strokes supplied in red. Cuts, borders, and capitals painted in several colours. On 1e is written', "In usu Fru Minoru Episcopij' (17th century). Quires", 'a and b are bound between quires C and D. Old stamped and lined leather, apparently rebacked. Bought in November, 1893. IA. 14003. HORAE. Die sieben Zeiten unsrer lieben Woodcut borders to each page of text, fourteen larger and many smaller cuts. Rubrics, &c., printed in red. 691 astronomical table?; 102-50b, cursus of the Virgin, &c.; 518-54 cursus of the Passion ; 54b-56b, cursus of the Holy Spirit; 572-866. vigiliae mortuorum; 872-99b, penitential psalms and litany; 1oo-- 1292, prayers to the Trinity, antiphons of Saints, &c.; 1298-1328, private prayers, &c.; 132°, blank. The woodcuts, borders, &c., are almost entirely identical with those found in the Latin edition. 152 X 101 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1 and o. Capitals supplied in red or blue. Bought in June, 1846. IA. 14006. MURNER, THOMAS. Inuectiua contra astro¬ The woodcut on the title represents a hand from heaven, the Double Eagle, the twins of Worms (mentioned on 4°), joined by the forehead, and a potter (Nigidius Figulus, mentioned on 52) ; a scroll reads: pror-sus diuina. prouidencia. regna costituut. hu-mana. MURNER, THOMAS. De pythonico contractu. MURNER, THOMAS. De pythonico contractu. After 2 October, 1499.) 12. TITLE : Tractatus perutilis de phitolnico con¬ tractu fratris Thome murner liberalium artium magistri 209 X 145 mm. Early manuscript foliation, 1-12. Bought in July, 1870. IA. 14018. GUILLERMUS, EPISCOPUS PARISIENSIS. Types : 180, title, head-lines (chapter-numbers), first lines; 83, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 18303. Type 83 in this and the following book has a sloping stroke as division-mark, and is very fresh in appearance. They are therefore', "placed together at the head of Fischer's books. The type-page", 'measurement is almost the same in both. 299 X 204 mm. Bought in October, 1871. IB. 14201. EPHRAIM. De compunctione cordis, &c. EPHRAIM. De compunctione cordis, &c. Undated. Compunctione cordis 12. TITLE: 52 lines and head-line, 218 (230) X 142 mm. Types: 180, head-lines (chapter-numbers), headings ; 164, title ; 83, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 76597. 693 Entered by Proctor (no. 7711) as in types 1, 3, and 4 of Jacob', "von Pforzheim, but the title-type is not Pforzheim's 107 (P. 1), but", 'measures 164 mm. As neither Pforzheim nor Fischer is known to have used this type in any other book it would be as reasonable to assign it to the one as the other. But the 83 type here used has the narrow N, and this gives the book, and with it type 164, to Fischer. This and the preceding tract were probably intended to form one', "whole, as they do in Froben's (Basel) reprint (IA. 37877).", '302X 214 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines in red. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 14201 a. BIBLIA LATINA. Biblia cum concordantiis hoc sacrosanctum opus in presidium sctem fidei ca¬ tholice: so¬ licitis emendatu: claris litteris impssum: feliciterque est 408 leaves. 2 columns, except in the Interpretationes hebraicorum nominum, which have 4. 3°: 56 lines, head-line, and marginalia,', "235 (248) x 146 (184) mm. Types: 180, head-lines 'and titlel", '83, text; 65, marginalia and Interpretationes. Capital spaces with guide-letters. The head-lines give the Books, the marginalia section-letters and references. Hain *3108. The wording of the colophon is an abbreviated form of that of', "Kesler's 1487 and 1491 Basel editions.", 'The places in the text to which the marginal references apply are indicated by the sloping division-mark in quires a-zA-D, and by two vertical lines in the remainder of the book. 303X 196 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1, 24, 52, 94, 190, 248, 404, and 406-8 (sig. a 1, d 2, h 2, o2, D 6, N 2, c 4, 6-8). Capitals and underlines supplied in red. Bought. IB. 14202. PETRUS LOMBARDUS. Sententiae cum interpretis eximij. Ac subtilissimis sancti Thome matib?. Additis insup quibusdaz articulis in certis facultatibs erroneis et in fide catholica suspectis. Pari sius doctrinaliter et autoritatiue a catholi¬ cis tracta¬ 3 on 28 and 2°. 21b: 55 lines and head-line, 230 (242) X 137 (with marginalia 170) mm. A column of 70 lines of type 65 on 10 measures 228 mm. Types: 180, title, headings, &c.; 83, text; 65, commentary, marginalia. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines (Lombards) give the numbers of the books and', "distinctions. Hain '10193.", '1e, title; 1b blank; 22, 2b, problemata s. Thomae super primum librum Sententiarum; 32, 3°, prologus; 3b-52 rubricae libri primi; 300X 213 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red. From the top cover has been removed part of a Calendar for 1487 (IB. 7671 printed by Creussner, Nuremberg, on which is written; Leöhardus Zellinger pro aurea venensi (?). On the title is written: Ex libris Christophori Weilhameris. Old', "stamped leather, with the words 'Textus sentencia.' in", 'gold. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 14209. BONAVENTURA. Perlustratio in IV libros O6 Pa; qr6; S°. 248 leaves, the 242nd blank.—Pt. V: a° b-p. 92', "leaves. 2 columns. Each column of Petrus's text is surrounded or", 'flanked by commentary, and is followed by the quaestiones of Bonauentura. Quires n-r of the first part are exceptional, the text', "being in a single broad column, as in Koberger's 1491 edition (IB.", '7406). Pt. I. 4°: 64 lines of commentary, and head-line, 232 (247) x 152 mm., excluding marginal section-numbers. Types: 180 titles, head-lines, &c. ; 83, text of Petrus; 71, commentary, quaes- tiones, tables. Capital spaces, many with guide-letters. The head¬ lines give the numbers of the books and distinctions, but in quires', "n', n2, q and r of the first part read LI. I in semi-Lombard charac", "ters instead of Liber Primus in type 180, as elsewhere. Hain '3541,", "with the tabula described under '3540.", 'Each part has a separate title, as follows : Part I, see above; Part II: Perlustratio Sancti Bonauenture in Secundum librum tiarum tabula. In Part I (2b) is a letter: Nicolaus tinctoris de guntzehusen doctor theolige pdicator impialis ecclie Bambergesis Docto mgro lohanni bekenhub ... Ex bamberga Anno a xpi natiuitate .M.cccc.lxxxxiij. mensis Maij die sc8o, which gives the earliest possible date for the book.', "A reprint from Koberger's 1491 edition (IB. 7406), on a reduced", 'number of leaves. The name of Kilianus Piscator has been unmetrically substituted for Anthonius Koberger in Bekenhaubs introductory verses, and the date of the letter of Nicolaus Tinctoris has been altered to 2 May, 1493, from 2 March, 1491. 305X 221mm. Bound in two volumes, Vol. I containing Parts V, I, and II, and Vol. II, Parts III and IV. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in alternate red and blue, initial-strokes in red. In the top cover of each volume is written in red in an early hand Liber mgri lohanns', "de venray (benray?)', and on the first page Cartusia", "Buxheim' with the Buxheim library stamp on the second", 'leaf. Quire E of Part IV has been misbound before quire D. Old stamped leather, with pigskin backs and press-marked paper labels. Bought in October, 1886. IB. 14203. AIIGUSTINUS. De ciuitate Dei cum com¬ commentary, and head-line, 229 (240) X 143 mm., excluding mar¬ vinalia. Types: 180, title, head-lines (book-numbers); 83, text, marginalia; 71, commentary, tabula. Capital spaces, with guide¬ etters. Hain 2068. 288x 210mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in alternate red and blue. The title is mounted. Bound before IB. 14207 in old lined leather, rebacked. From the library of the Duke of Sussex, with his press-marked book-plate. IB. 14206. Bought in November, 1846. 1494. line, 225 (239) x 139 mm., excluding marginalia. Types: 180, title and head-lines (book-numbers) ; 83, text ; 71, tabula. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain *2040. 288x 210mm. Rubrication as in IB. 14206, q. v. Bought in November, 1846. IB. 14207. BIBLIA LATINA. Biblia cum concordantiis 408°. END: Expliciunt interptationes hebraycon noim.', "Folio. as b-h6i-m8en-fs' tuv-zA-Fs.6G-M6.s N-ZAa-LI“ Mms", "a'bc. 408 leaves. 2 columns, four in the Interpretationes. 32 :", '56 lines and head-line, 233 (248) x 149 (with marginalia 185) mm. Interpretationes, 3872: 71 lines and head-line, 225 (234) X 155 mm. Types : 180, title, head-lines, &c. ; 140, head-lines and first line of neading of Interpretationes ; 83, text, marginal section-letters; 71, marginal references ; 64, text of Interpretationes. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines give the titles of the books and', "Interpretationes Nominu hebraycon'. Hain 13047.", 'A page-for-page reprint of the 1491 issue (IB. 37341), but without à colophon. This book is Proctor no. 7647. Proctor, not noticing that the differences on 22 between the present copy and Hain 13047 dle due to a made-up sheet in the former (see below), catalogued it as à separate issue under no. 7642, which should therefore be deleted. The two vertical lines are used as reference-mark in the text throughout this book. The fact that two forms of H occur with type 64 in this book but only one in the tracts of Tartaretus may perhaps be taken to show that the latter are later than the Bible. Logically also their attribution to Fischer depends on the use of types 140 and 64 in this book. 310X 218 mm. Imperfect, wanting the second sheet of the first quire, which is made up from a copy of the 1491 issue (IB. 14202). Capitals supplied in alternate red and blue. Manuscript notes. In the top cover is written: Liber Georgij Posch ppti Sancti Egidij Vratislauien dona¬ tus a dno Georgio Posch in artibus Magro Ciue Misnen mento. With the note of ownership and 1778 book-label of the Canonical Library of Au. Old stamped pigskin. Bought in November, 1882. IB. 14210. TARTARETUS, PETRUS. Commentarii in lines and head-line, 195 (208) x 127-8 mm. Types: 140, title, head-lines (names and numbers of the tracts), headings; 185?, title,', "Il. 2-5 ; 64, text. Capital spaces. Hain '15334.", 'The table of logical figures at the end of the first tract (14*) goes below the rest of the type-page and was probably added after printing off. The same may apply to the table on 9°. This and the following tract were assigned by Proctor to Riedrer, but as there is no evidence that type 64 was used by him as well as by Fischer, the presumable printer of the undated Bible (IB. 14210), they have been transferred to the last named. 266 x 185 mm. Imperfect, wanting the title, the place of which is taken by a photograph. Manuscript notes. Some initial-strokes supplied in red. On the blank pages are notes of academic lectures and tuition fees. Bought in July, 1869. IB. 14216. TARTARETUS, PETRUS. Commentationes lines and head-line, 194 (210)x 127 mm. Types: 140, title, head¬ lines (names of the tracts), headings ; 64, stitle, text. Capital', "spaces. Hain '15337.", '266 x 188 mm. Imperfect, wanting the title and the blank leaf. Bought in July, 1869. IB. 14218. 695 super philosophiam Aristotelis. [Not after 1496. magistrum Thomam Bricot sacre Theologie professorem professorem. 2288. col. 2, END: Finit feliciter meta¬ phisicam.', "Folio. Aa-Cc' Dd-Nne Oo Pps; Qq-Vv' uu; x-21 AA-EE", 'lines (numbers and names of the books), &c.; 65, text. Type 83 is kerned when used in the text, so as to range with 65. Capital spaces. Woodcuts and woodcut diagrams. Hain *3975. 138°, de generatione et corruptione, meteora; 1392, two woodcuts: 2072-2282, metaphysica; 2286, blank. The text of the Meteora breaks off on 138b, col. 2, l. 21 (uu8 and is resumed on 1396 (x 1), woodcuts of heavenly signs and portents intervening on 1393. Quires x-FF are printed with types 106, 83, and 64 of Furter. Basel, but the types of the remainder are indistinguishable from those of Fischer, except that a T-shaped paragraph-mark occurs with type 65, which is not found in the two other books contain- ing the type. The attribution of the book therefore remains doubtful. It is transferred from Amerbach, Basel (Proctor 7609). 300X 213 mm. Capitals and a few initial-strokes supplied in red. In the top cover is written Liber iste attinet ven ohe Tegernsee Anno dni 1496 Sub Qui- rino Abbate emptus , with a list of contents. Manuscript notes at the beginning. Old stamped half pigskin over boards, with paper labels. Bought in July, 1896. IB. 14211. RIEDRER, FRIEDRICH. Spiegel der wahren', "Folio. a'b-fs-vuwx-zABC; D8. 188 leaves, 2-180 so", 'numbered. 4°: 44 lines and head-line, 207 (215) X 131 (with mar ginalia 182) mm. Types: 140, heading of table on 1812; 94, head- 696 12, title ; 1°, woodcut, signed : M M (i.e. Matthes Maler), and', "entitled Rhetorica'; 22, 2°, dedication of Riedrer ' DEn wirdi¬", 'gen Hochgelerten Edlen Vestn Fürsichtign wysen herrn farewell to his book, colophon; 188b, blank. 301 X 215 mm. Many initial-strokes and paragraph- marks supplied in red to the end of quire j. Woodcuts painted several colours. On 22 is the library stamp ol Ochsenhausen, in the top cover a printed book-label: J. F. Schefold J. U. L. Bought in March, 1846. IB. 14213 LOCHER, JACOBUS. Carmen de diluuio cut, Pope in procession. Hexastichon lacobi locher four lines of verse) ... Menia dum Rome deuorat vnda 18 title: 1b, Ad summu Tonantem choriambicum lacobi Lochers; ad-a Hecatostichon Iacobi Locher de Cataclysmo in vrbe Roma effuso Idibe decébris. Ano M. cccc. XCv.; 3b, 46, Elegidium eius¬ Bought in March, 1846. LOCHER, JACOBUS. Epitoma rhetorices, &c. 18 TITLE: Epithoma Rhetorices graphicum a lacobo Locher philomuso congestum. Carmen eiusdem ad diuam Catharinam Epigramma ad lectores. 12 title ; 1b verses by Locher to his book; 22, 2b, dedicatory letter by Locher to Charles and Christopher, margraves of Baden; 2b-3b, various complimentary verses by Locher; 36-168 epitoma rhetorices; 168-17b, poems to S. Catharine ; 176-196 further com- plimentary verses; 202, address of Locher to Riedrer, dated', "Friburgi. vj. kl. martii äno. 1. 4.9.6', and hexastichon; 20°, LOCHER, JACOBUS. Naenia de obitu Sigis¬ shield. Epigrama lacobi Locher philomusi fusas (1o lines of verse) .. . Ob quod nobilitas mestior 190X 137 mm. On 66 is written: Pertinet d. Vlrico Vischer prothoscribe Ehingensj. Bought in June, 1846. IA. 14225. LOCHER, JACOBUS. Oratio de studio humana¬', "2b. Hain '10166.", '12, title; 1b, epigram ; 1b, 22, letter and hexastichon of Locher to', "Ludwig Fergenhans' preposito Stugardiensi et Cancellario'; 26-65,", "pretori'; 82, verses to Ulrich Zasius and Gabriel Lorch; 86, blank.", 'In the letter to Fergenhans Locher speaks of this speech as', "studii nostri (i.e. at Freiburg) primitias and adds 'Nuper enim", 'sum in friburgensi gymnasio presentibus... Carolo et Christofero Christopher in 1497. 204 X 145 mm. Bought in March, 1906. IA. 14230. IMITATIO CHRISTI. Imitatio Christi. cordis. 12. TITLE: Thomas de Kempis. De imitatione christi. i de contemptu omniû vanitatû mundi. text. 10°: 22 lines and head-line, 100 (105) x 65 mm. Capital spaces, often with guide-letters. The head-lines, which cease at the end of quire T, give the numbers of the books of the Imitation. Hain 9105.', "A very close reprint, with the same quiring, &c., of Prüss's 1489", 'edition (IA. 1663), but without a woodcut on 1b. 140x 100 mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red. Leaf 5 has been misbound before leaf 4. Bought in April, 1857. IA. 14303. CARACCIOLUS, ROBERTUS, de Licio. 42 : 44 lines and foliation, 156 (164)X 103-5 mm. Types : 180. title, headings on 22, 312, 49b, 552, 58b, 628, 698, 72b, 1086, 128 142b, 1592, 1668, 171b; 150, remainder of headings; 71, text. Folia- tion in Lombardic capitals. Capital spaces, with guide-letters.', "Hain '4443.", '207X 150 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial', "strokes, and underlines supplied in red. On 1e and 2' is", 'written: in usum F.F. Aspacensium. On 1970 is written: Librum hunc emit fr Adam plebanus In Aspach In sui memoriam confuandum. Quire p is misbound after quire r. Original stamped leather, the principal (circular)', "stamp representing an eagle with 's. iohannes' beneath.", 'Bought in December, 1870. IA. 14603. Nouum Woodcut capital F with tail-piece on 22 and 52; capital spaces, with guide-letters in the earlier part, elsewhere. Woodcut borders and', "woodcuts. Hain '11891.", '12, title; 1b, woodcut; 22-262, introduction ; 26b, blank; 27-823, pt. i of text ; 82°, cut of 1b repeated, with three lines of type beneath; 83-862, introduction to pt. ii ; 86b, blank ; 872, title¬ cut repeated ; 87b-1142, pt. ii of text; 114°-1162, conclusion and', "register of quires; 116b, author's prayer to the Virgin.", 'This book cannot have been printed before 19 August, 1493, the', "date of Frederick IIl's death (see the author's introductory note on", '2a quoted above), nor after 1496, the year in which the Bodleian copy was rubricated. Of the two full-page woodcuts the first (12) represents the Virgin and Child in glory above, Frederick on her right, Maximilian on her left, each with a banner-bearer. Below kneel four praying figures with rosaries (1) Albert von Klitzing, dean of Magdeburg', "('Alber cli deca’), with his arms, three Tartar caps, (2) Adolf von", "Anhalt, Dompropst of Magdeburg ('Adol pposi mag'), with his", 'arms, those of Anhalt impaling Saxony and old Anhalt, (3) Nicolaus,', "abbot of Zinna ('Nico. abbas Cenne’), with the arms of the monas-", 'tery, a cross with the letters MORS, and a crozier, (4) a religious, probably intended for the author. The second cut (1b) represents Frederick, from whose breast grows a vision of the Virgin and Child standing on the crescent moon, kneeling before an altar, and handing on his sword to Maximilian who kneels behind him, the imperial eagle on a shield below. There are 166 smaller cuts, and six side-pieces and eight pairs of foot-pieces are constantly repeated. On 22 and 17° is a floral border in three pieces. (See Otte, Das neutestamentliche Bilderbuch des H. Nitzschewitz vom painted yellow. Quire H is misbound after quire Old (original ?) stampéd leather, rebacked. Bought in July, 1910. IA. 14703 SCRIPTORIS, PAULUS. Lectura in Johan¬ 185 blank. 2 columns. 32: 60 lines and head-line, 198 (207) X 133 mm. Types: 170 (152), first line of title, larger headings and head- iines (numbers of distinctions) ; 92, body of title, smaller headings 60, text. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. Ouire [«lis signed', "with numbers, quire [# with the letters a-c. Steiff 1. Hain '12493.", '286 x 203 mm. Without the blank leaf 185. Capitals supplied in blue, paragraph-marks and some initial¬ strokes in red. The last leaf is slightly mutilated. On I is an offset of the type-page on 182. On 1e is a note Carmeli Abenspergani. Old stamped pigskin. Bought in October, 1867. IB. 14803. SUMMENHART, CONRADUS. Oratio funebris', "of title, text. Capital space on 22. Steiff 2. Hain '15182.", '12, title; 1b, blank ; 2-112, oratio funebris ; 11b, summarium orationis; 122, epitaph, &c., by Heinrich Bebel ; 126, blank. 200 X 138 mm. The capital Q on 2e is supplied in blue. Bought in October, 1874: SUMMENHART, CONRADUS. Tractatulus radum Summenhart de Calw: sacre theologie pfesso¬', "and headings; 75, body of title, head-lines (numbers of the ' de", "fectus '), text. Capital spaces. Steiff 3. Hain '15180.", '12, title : 1°, blank; 2-192, de decem defectibus monasticorum tracts. Bought in November, 1862. IA. 14810. SUMMENHART, CONRADUS. Tractatus bi¬ SUMMENHART, CONRADUS. Tractatus bi¬ partitus de Deo homine facto. Undated. 1a TITLE: Tractatus bipartitus in quo quod deus homo lines, 149X 91 mm. Types: 170 (152), first line of title, headings; 75, title, text. Capital spaces. Steiff 4. Hain 15181. 12, title; 1°, blank ; 2-772 tractatus de Deo homine facto; 771 784, summarium opusculi; 786, 792, verses by Heinrich Bebel; 79b 80, blank. 190 X 133 mm. Early manuscript corrections. Bought in July, 1870. IA. 14836. PARALDUS, GULIELMUS. Sermones de tem¬ lines and head-line, 204 (216) x 136 mm. Types: 170 (152), titles. headings, head-lines (names of feasts and sermon-numbers) ; 80.', "verses on second title, text ; 66, text of Bebel's letter on 13b. Capi¬", 'tal spaces. Quires 11,, and# are signed with numbers. Steiff 5. Hain 18323. sancti Thome apostoli, 1498 : 32-123, registrum; 126 blank: 138. title; 13°, epistle of Bebel to Andreas Proles, dated from Tübingen. Vndecimo Klas Augustas, 1498; 142-1302, sermones dominicales slightly mutilated and has been mounted. Capitale paragraph-marks, and underlines supplied in red. The second index is bound immediately before the third at the end of the book. Bought in March, 1839. IB. 14814. Another copy. 280 x 206 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 381. With the written book-label of the Monastery of Althominster dated 1542. Old stamped pigskin, with remains of title, label. Bought in April, 1873. IB. 14813. BIEL, GABRIEL. Epitoma expositionis Canonis 14. TITLE: (red) Epithoma expositionis Canolnis marginal heading, 147 (160) x 90 (110) mm. Types: 170 (152). first line of title, headings, head-lines (part-titles), text of Canon; 80, body of title and text of commentary. Woodcut capital T, with a snake, about 18 mm. high, on 172, 17b ; spaces elsewhere. Steif 6. Hain 13181. expositionis Canonis missae ; 77b, 782, errata; 78b, blank.', "From Stainbach's letter to the publisher in Biel's unabridged", 'Expositio missae, 29 November, 1499 (IB. 14817, q. v.), it appears that an edition of the Epitoma, presumably this, had already been printed. The woodcut T with a snake was probably suggested by that', "preceding the Canon of the Mass in Kollicker's Constance Missal,", '1485 (IC. 37565). 207 X 150 mm. Some manuscript notes. On 1e is written: Suo in chro dilecto Reuerendo Iohanni Lam- BIEL, GABRIEL. Epitoma expositionis Canonis 12. TITLE: Epithoma exposi tionis Canonis misse ma¬ gistri Gabri=elis Biel sacre theologie licentiati. 5°. [Wood- cut. 77°. COLOPHON : Explicit Epithoma expositiois Quarto. A-I8 K6. 78 leaves, the last blank. 122 : 37 lines, head-line, and marginal heading, 146 (156) x 91 (112) mm. Types: 170 (152), first line of title, headings, head-lines (part-titles), and text of Canon ; 80, body of title and text of commentary. Woodcut capital T, as in the preceding edition; spaces elsewhere. Steiff 16.', "Hain '3180.", 'This appears to be the second edition, set up leaf for leaf, and for the most part page for page, from the preceding (IA. 14821), except that the Prologus is printed on 62, and 5b has a woodcut of the Crucifixion, 94 x 70 mm.; the errata at the end, having been corrected, are omitted. They are evidently not far apart in time. 104X 137 mm. Without the blank leaf. Formerly bound first in a tract volume. On 1e is a note of price,', "iiij cri'. Bought.', "breuis et interlinearis. (An extract from Biel's", 'Undated Expositio. twe. 154x90 mm. Types: 170 (152), title, text; 80, exposition. With a large capital T, with a heart and IHS, on 22 and smaller', "Lombard capitals, all in red. Steiff 17. Hain '3183.", '12, title ; 1b, cut of the Crucifixion, as in the preceding (IA.', "14819), the words vere filius dei erat iste' in type 170 (152) above;", '22-162, text; 166, blank.', "This book was originally catalogued under Husner's second", 'press at Strassburg (IA. 2387, p. 163). It is possible that the wood- cut was originally made for, and first used in, this book, in which case it should precede IA. 14819. The watermark, a crown, is also found in IA. 14821. 193X 140 mm. Manuscript notes. Formerly bound second in a tract volume. Bought in April, 1866. IA. 14822. BIEL, GABRIEL. Expositio Canonis missae. mm. Types: 170 (152), lines 1, 2 of title, headings, head-lines (numbers of lectiones) : 92 (76), body of title, smaller headings and quotations; 75, text. Woodcut T on 41°, spaces elsewhere. On 41b is a woodcut of the Crucifixion. Steiff 7. Hain 13179. 1e title; 1P, blank ; 2, 3, prologus; 4-320, expositio Canonis missae; 3212, epigram of Heinrich Bebel, letter of Wendelin Stain- preceding tracts (IA. 14819, 14822), the T on 41b is that of IA 14821, 14819. Stainbach, in the course of his letter to Meynberger (3212), says: present work alluded to in the colophon was printed by Otmar at Reutlingen in November, 1488 (Hain 13178). 284 x 202 mm. Capitals and some paragraph-marks supplied in red. A note has been cut out of leaf 1. Old stamped pigskin, with title-label, woodcut shelf-label, and on the upper edge the stamp of the Franciscans of Ingol stadt. Bought. IB. 14817. BIEL, GABRIEL. Sermones. Part I. Part I. 102 : 39 lines and head-line, 146 (157)x 93 mm. Types: 170 (152), titles, headings, head-lines (names of feasts and sermon-numbers); 92 (76), smaller headings, texts from Epistles and Gospels ; 80, text of Monotessaron (Part I, quire 1) ; 75, text. Capital spaces. The asterisked quires, except the first quire in Part IV, are signed with numbers. Steiff 8. Hain 3184 (Parts I, II, III), 3185 (Part IV). Mariae; 114, blank.—Part IV. 12, title; 1b, blank ; 2-34, editorial note by Wendelin Stainbach: 32, verses of Heinrich Bebel to Stainbach; 3b, 42, verses of Bebel on the sermons of Biel; 4°, blank ; 5-2422 de tempore: 242b-283e, sermo contra pestilentiam, and other sermons; 283b, blank; 284-296, registrum; 297, blank. Some copies of Part IV appear to have only 8 leaves in quire EE (with a different setting up ?). The last words of quire CCC are : Sequit lra GGG. 210X 150mm. Parts I and II only. Capitals, para- graph-marks, and initial-strokes supplied in red. The blank leaf of Part II is pasted on to the cover. On the title of Part I are the names of Dietrich von Trauttmanstorff and his wife Christine, geb. Volckra, 1570, with coats of arms. With the engraved book-plate of Augustinus Erath. Old stamped leather, with vellum labels. Bought in January, 1878. Another copy. 210X 144 mm. Parts I and IV only, bound in two volumes. A few leaves of Part IV are rubricated. On the title-pages is a note of purchase by Laurencius Boßhart, dated 17 July, 1517. Manuscript notes on fly-leaves of Part IV. From the Old Library. Another copy. 206 X 149 mm. Part I only. Capitals, paragraph- marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. On 1° is written: FF. B. Mariae Virg. in Vndenstorph. Bought. IA. 14824-6. STAUPITZ, JoHANNES DE. Decisio quae¬ Capital space on 22. Steiff 9. 201 X 144 mm. Dr. Kloss s copy. Bought in 1835. IA. 14827. NAUCLERUS, JoHANNES. De simonia. 7°: 40 lines, head-line, and marginalia, 151 (162) x95 (108) mm. Types: 170 (152), lines 1 and 2 of title, headings, headlines (numbers and subjects of the parts, &c.): 92, verses on title; 92 (76), smaller headings; 75, text. Capital spaces. Steiff 10', "Hain '11681.", '205 X 141 mm. On 1° is a note: compat 18 8. Bought. IA. 14830. WERNERUS DE ONSSHUSEN. Tracta¬ 62: 41 lines, 155 x 97 mm. Types: 170 (152), word Tractatus on title, headings: 92 (76), title, smaller headings; 75, text. Capita', "spaces, some with guide-letters. Steiff 12. Hain '12011.", '12 title; 1b epigram of Heinrich Bebel; 2-38, prologus; 38-4e registrum; 42, sequitur libellus de tribus questionibus ... Collectus ab egregio . . magistro wernhero 8 Onfhusen sacre theologice in red. On 1e is a note Hic Codex e Monasterij', "Scissimj Iohis baptiste In rebdorff', and a list of ten tracts", 'with which this book was then bound. The inmost sheet of quire g has been reversed in binding, the order of the pages thus being g4*, 4°, 32, 3b. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 14833. WIDMANN, JOHANNES. Rechnung auf allen bered 1-162. 22: 26 lines and foliation, 100 (104) x 65-6 mm. Type: 77. With woodcut diagrams, &c. The diagrams, &c., are copied from those of the original edition of 1489 (C. Kachelofen, IA. 11541), but are more carefully cut. 125x 86 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 161 (x 1), which has been supplied in manuscript, and the blank leaf. On a fly-leaf is stamped: J. B. P. and written: C Brüsaber 1835. Old stamped pigskin. Bought in July, 1882. JESUS CHRISTUS. Leiden Christi. 138. Cut, the Crucifixion. The impression of this issue, according to Mr. Dodgson, seems', "to be earlier and clearer' than that of the set of eight catalogued", 'below. The cut is the twelfth of the Passion series. 109x 78 mm. A fragment, consisting of one leaf Cut painted in several colours. Print Room. IA. 15111. Another issue. ihesu criste . .. 10b. Cut, Christ carrying the cross. 12°. Cut, Christ nailed to the cross.) 12°. Odu wunsams paner vnter dem al dein rité kreftig lich vechten . ..', "13°. Cut, Christ on the cross.) 13'. Odw ewiges leben", '14°. Cut, the Deposition. 140. tag ... 17°. Cut, the Resurrection.) 176. Olieber her marie magdalene ... 182. Cut, Christ in the garden. 121 X 87 mm. A fragment, consisting of leaves 10 and 12-18 ; leaf 11 containing text on both sides is wanting. Cuts painted in several colours. Each leaf separately mounted. IA. 15112. Print Room. De miseria humanae conditionis. Undated. 12. Liber de miseria humane condiconis. Lotari Type: 129. Capital spaces. Hain 10209. The date M ccccxlviij. in the Incipit has not been satisfactorily explained. According to the natural reading of the paragraph it should stand for the year of the election of Innocent III, but that took place in M. clxxxxviij and it is difficult to believe that the printed date is a blunder for this, unless a manuscript was followed in which the 1 of the date was accidentally omitted. The sugges- tions that it stands for the date at which the manuscript followed was itself written, and again that it is a misprint for Meccclxviii, and that this is the date of printing, are both prejudiced by the position in which the date occurs, but neither is impossible. The chief argument against 1468 as the year of printing is the absence of books to fill the gap between this and 1474, the earliest possible date for the first edition of the Guillermus. The fact that both pages on the inner side of the second sheet of the fourth quire are very faintly inked shows that the book was printed two pages at a time; but the printer had great difficulty in calculating the amount of copy needed for a page. Thus 6° is two lines short; 9 also ends on l. 27, which itself is unfinished and contains the', "word abneget' with which 9b begins, while 9b ends with the first", "half of the word 'spinas' given in full on 10°. These errors", 'suggest that this book is earlier than the two other folios in the Museum. 273X 195 mm. Capitals and initial-strokes in red. With Some Observations (not valuable) by A. Horn prefixed in manuscript.', "King George III's copy (C. 13. b. 18). IB. 15179. GUILLERMUS. Postilla super Euangelia de with the text of 8a printed, the wrong side up, on the recto, the las blank. 42: 30 lines, 193X 119 mm. Type: 129. Capital spaces. The inserted leaf in quire sd) is shorter than the rest of the book and shows a pinhole; 21 4b and 52 have only 22 lines each, lu 80 24 lines; the two latter end with a printed catchword. A very small printed paragraph-mark is here used, not found in the other books of the group. A copy of another edition at Munich, containing only 264 leaves and therefore presumably later than this, has a manuscript date 1478. 297 x 208 mm. Capitals and initial-strokes supplied in red. Manuscript quiring and catchwords. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 15173. GUIDO DE MONTE ROCHERII. Mani¬ 197X 120 mm. Type: 129 (127). Capital spaces. Hain 18157. The head-line on 612, which is printed Qui possunt côtrahere', "mrimonium', has been crossed through, and the correct heading In", "quibus casibus sposalia dissoluut' substituted in pen and ink; in", 'some copies the correct heading is printed. 283 X 205 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capital on 4b in red and green, other capitals, paragraph-marks, chapter-numbers, initial-strokes, &c., supplied in red. On 28 is written: Liber Conuentus Gradicen. Some early manuscript side-notes. Bought in December, 1846. IB. 15176. ANDREAS [DE ESCOBAR mm. Type: 129 (125). Hain 7999. The line-endings on some pages are irregular, and a few pages have been crookedly imposed. 195 X 140mm. Initial-strokes on 1e and 112 in red. Bought in June, 1857. IA. 15182. ANDREAS [DE ESCOBARJ HISPANUS. are crookedly imposed. 194X 128 mm. At one time the last tract of a volume the preceding tracts in which occupied 48 leaves. Manu- script notes, with monogram W. R., dated 1538. Bought in April, 1860. IA. 15184. JACOBUS DE CLUSA. De animabus Undated. 1°. Tractatus poptimus ô animabus exutis a corpibus The imposition of the pages of the second sheet is much out of the true. A comparison of this edition with that in the same number of leaves printed by Mancz at Blaubeuren, n. d. (IB. 10120) shows that they are connected by the orthography, &c., but that while in', "Mancz's edition the number of lines to the page varies from 32 to", '35, the matter in the present edition has been more carefully arranged so as to give a steady level of 33 lines to the page almost everywhere. There is thus a strong presumption that this edi¬ tion is later than that of Mancz, which was very likely produced in 1477. 285x 203 mm. Capitals and initial-strokes supplied', "in red. Manuscript notes. Dr. Kloss's copy.", 'Bought in 1835. IB. 15204. \ufeff708 12. (red)F(black) Asticulus mirre dilelctus meus michi zc. Also sprichet die an dechtige mitlidende liebha¬ after the text had been printed; some spaces. The watermark of a snail found in this book has not been noticed elsewhere. This tract appears to have no connexion with the sermons on the', "Passion by Gabriel Biel entitled ' Fasciculus Myrrhae.", '145 X 103 mm. Some capitals, initial-strokes, para¬ graph-marks, and underlines supplied in red. Leaves printed on one side only with the contents of 148° and 154° respectively are inserted as end papers. Original stamped sheepskin. Bought in February, 1846. IA. 15207. DONATUS, AELIUS. De octo partibus ora¬ DONATUS, AELIUS. De octo partibus ora¬ Undated? tionis. Preterito pfecto cum docueri docueris docuerit two, probably followed by three, and preceded by ten of text; the collation, therefore, should probably be: Jas b1o), 18 leaves, the first blank. 25 or 26 lines to a page? 143 mm. broad. Type: 150. Printed rules round the type-pages and between the lines. On vellum. 101 X 172 mm. A fragment consisting of the last 9-10 lines of two leaves, which probably formed the fourth sheet of the second quire. The text contained on them corresponds with 28. 28-41, 29. 4-16 32. 16-', "26, 47-59 of Schwenke's reprint (Die Donat- und Kalen-", 'dertype, pp. 44-7). Initial-strokes in red. From a Bought in June, 1872. IA. 15133 GUILLERMUS. Postilla de tempore et de 3°: 42 lines of type 92, 195 X 119 mm. Types: 109, headings, quota¬ tions from Scripture, first line of each Postilla; 92, text of sermons Capital spaces. Hain 18242. 260x 180 mm. Without the blank leaves. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Manuscript foliation, quiring (mostly cut away) and some notes. On 22 is written: Ad Vrsinensen maioren Bibliothecam. The outer sheet of quire si is misbound in the middle of the quire. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 15403. TURRECREMATA, JOANNES DE. Flos theo¬ 42 lines and head-line, 194 (204) X 119mm. Types: 109, head-lines and headings; 92, text. Capital spaces. Alphabetical subject', "head-lines to end of quire p only. Hain '15715.", 'The tabula thematum was compiled Anno zc. lxxx: (22. l. 18). The Quaestiones euangeliorum are printed in the same number of', "pages as in Amerbach's two-column edition with the same date in", 'the tabula (IB. 37283, p. 747), the page-contents often corresponding exactly. 267 X 198 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and some initial-strokes supplied in red. On 22 is the ownership note and the library stamp of the Charterhouse at Buxheim. Manuscript quiring, as in the above collation as far as z. Occasional manu- script notes. Old stamped pigskin, with press-mark label. Bought in October, 1886. IB. 15405 MELBER, JOHANNES. Vocabularius praedi¬ blank. 4°: 32 lines, 146x 81 mm. Type: 92. Many capital spaces.', "Hain '11027.", '186 x 216 mm. Without the first and last blank. Bought in April, 1873. CURSUS ORATIONUM. 19-288 numbered Folium i-266, with errors and omissions. 202: of Strassburg origin. TYPE (see Plate LXVII): 88, medium text type. occur in Grüninger 91 as found in the 1491 Biblia (IB. 1415, p. 108). CHIROMANTIA. Chiromantica scientia na¬ § 8. Dated 21 January, 1494. Assigned by Proctor (no. 2426) to Conrad Hist of Speier. TYPES (see Plate LXVII): 150, title type of the common round form. Appreciably smaller in face than Conrad Hist 150 P. 6 and apparently indistinguishable from Grüninger 145 P. 17 and (in face) Drach 170 P. 17J. Not reproduced. 89, Latin text type. Resembling Conrad Hist 92 [P. 41, but with a different mixture of wrong-fount forms. Not reproduced. being large D with double diagonal and rounded D of M. Reinhard 81 [P. 11 Dr. Haebler. preliminary matter, the first two and the last three in the text; 140. other headings in the text ; 71°, large text ; 71°, small text. Spaces left for large capitals; red-printed Lombards elsewhere. The red printing given to the names of Thimotheus and Appol¬ linaris on 23 August is probably a blunder, the name of S. Bar¬ tholomew being printed in black on the line below. The red ink was probably intended for him. 113X 84 mm. The large capital before the Penitential Psalms supplied in blue, others, with initial-strokes in the earlier part of the text, in red. Some early notes, in red and black ; later Greek notes. A slip has been cut off the head of leaf 2. Old stamped leather. Bought in October, 1885. IA. 15482. § 7. Probably after 1490. Attributed doubtfully by Proctor (no. 2453) to Conrad Hist of Speier, but probably The lower-case and some capitals (e.g. E, I, P, S, V) are of an ordinary Schwabacher pattern, but there are freely admixed capitals both of a type like Grüninger 91 P. 11 (e.g. C, E, H, M21, N, Q) and of a type closely resembling, if not indistinguishable from, M. Reinhard, Kirchheim, 81 P. I(D, E, M"9, N, O, Q, R, S). Most elements of this mixture, including some of the Kirchheim pattern, 143x 91 mm. Type: 88. A woodcut diagram of an open hand is printed on each page from 3° to 13°, except 3b; small woodcut', "signs in the text and on the diagrams. Hain '4970.", "On 1b is the blind impression of the woodcut hand found on 4'.", '197 X 140 mm. On the fly-leaf is a note: Ex libris Ludovici Choulant. Dresdae, 1830 ... Ex Georg. Wolfg. Franc. Panzeri collectione, N. 3017, auctionis lege emi.', "Quarto. A-K'. 80 leaves, 2-79 numbered II-LXXVII, with", 'errors. 38: 35 lines of types 89 and 88 and head-line, 155 (165)X 100 mm. Types : 150, first line of title and head-lines; 89, Latin text ; 88, German commentary. Capital spaces, a few with guide letters. The head-lines give the foliation, and on 32, 4°, 32, 60 the', "title of the book. Hain '2145.", '190 X 138 mm. Bought in April, 1860. KALENDER. Kalender auf das Jahr 1497 except the first paragraph. The type-page is 240 mm. broad, ex¬ cluding the marginal I. Types: 145, first three words; 92, text Red printed Lombards; woodcut marginal I, about 209 mm. long. DONATUS, AELIUS. De octo partibus ora¬ Undated. tionis. 22. PArtesoratois quot sut Octo que Nomen : pro 210X 160 mm. Imperfect, wanting the two outei sheets of quire b and the two inner sheets of quiresc and sd (leaves 9, 10, 15, 16, 19-22, 27-30), as well as the blank leaf. Each sheet is separately mounted. Appa rently from a binding.', "Petri's type.", 'mit zu eren. Bought in February, 1870. The woodcut I is that at one time found in the possession of Creussner (cf. IB. 7680, p. 454) About 220 x 338 mm. Divided down the centre into two pieces. From a binding; on the back is written: Has tres ptes opn° (?) Iohis gersonis assignait Conuetui Bought. Another fragment, containing the same portion of text. About 220X 335 mm. Divided like the first copy. From a binding. IB. 15564 Bought. Undated. PSALTERIUM. Quarto. [a-r8s. 142 leaves, the first blank, 2-136 so num¬ bered in red, with irregularities; the last leaf is numbered folium. cxxxix. 42: 20 lines and foliation, 143 (152) x 95 mm. Type: 141 (143). Red printed Lombards only ; space at the beginning of', "each psalm. The head-lines give either ' folium' or the number of", "the Sunday or vigil. Part of Hain '13464.", 'Without the Hymnarius catalogued 211X 152 mm. by Hain. From the libraries of Josch, Dr. Kloss, and the Duke of Sussex. IA. 15633. Bought in November, 1844. § 11. The sheet catalogued below was dated c. 1500?’ by Proctor and may well belong to the foth century. woodéut at the top of the page measures 56x 30 mm. and re¬ presents the Virgin with the Christ Child sitting in a walled garden. 269X 176 mm. The woodcut is painted red and IC. 15643 MELBER, JOHANNES. Vocabularius praedi¬ (145) x 91 mm. Types: 170, title; 97, text. Black-ground woodcut capitals to the first entry under each letter except H, K, R-Z. where spaces are left. The head-lines give the first letters of the words found on each page. At the end of B 8 (leaf 200) is printed: Sequitur Rabies (the first entry on the next page). 193X 130mm. Bought in July, 1882. VOCABULARIUS. Vocabularius Ex quo. 160, title, head-lines, &c.; 79, text. Capital spaces, with guide- letters, at the beginning of each letter. Head-lines : A ante B, &c. 192 x 132 mm. 39, 40, 45, and 462 (on sheets g1 and g 2) have been left blank in printing; a second copy of quire z is bound after the first. Under the title is written: Carte in Buxheim. Old half pigskin and boards, with paper label. Bought in May, 1903. IA. 15673. Johann Besicken (first press) . (b) with Johann Petri \ufeff792 (c) with Johann Amerbach. An additional leaf containing a list of errata, printed presumably with the same type, is found in the Klemm copy (Klemm Cat., no. 423).', "Neither Hain nor Pellechet record the misprint ' erac' on 72.", 'A copy in the Bibliothèque Nationale has the manuscript date of acquisition 1468. strokes, underlines, and head-lines supplied in red. Manuscript quiring. At the end of the text is written in red: jll. a j470. The second leaf of quire sc appears to be a cancel, but the ninth leaf of the same quire, which is also a cancel in the Paris copies, is here in its original state. Bought. IC. 37002. BIBLIA LATINA. tal spaces, in the Psalms also within the line. Pinholes at sides,', "Hain '3045 (in whose copy the directions to the rubricator were not", 'preserved). This book has one line less to the page and a narrower type-page than the Gregorius and the Lyra, and should therefore perhaps be placed earliest of the three. The Lyra, which has the same hyphen as the Bible (see note to type) and a narrower type-page than the Gregorius, would then come next, the Gregorius, with its broad type-page and its hyphen in the style of that of type 112, being last in order. All three books would then be not later than 1468. The evidence is, however, scarcely conclusive. 714 400x 292 mm. Without the blank leaf. Ornamental borders and capitals in several colours supplied at the beginnings of books, smaller ornamental capitals else¬ where ; headings, head-lines, chapter-numbers, initial- strokes supplied in red. Bound in two volumes, divided after the Psalms, the directions to the rubricator at the beginning.', "King George III's copy (C. 10. d. 6, 7). IC. 37004 NICOLAUS DE LYRA. Postilla super 1*. (red) Incipit postilla Super Matheum Fra¬ tis Nicolai De lyra Ordinis Fratrum mi¬ norum. (black) not the red printed incipit). The manuscript quiring starts afresh with the letter a on quire n. and this, together with the distribution of a grape watermark, shows that the book was printed on at least two presses (a-m, n-x). 396 x 292 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial- strokes, underlines, and head-lines supplied in red. Manu script quiring in red and black. Leaf st9 is perhaps made up or a cancel. On 1e is written: Monasterij Baumburg. Bought in July, 1867. IC. 37006. BIBLIA LATINA. leaves. 2 columns. Part I. 22: 50 lines, 282 X 204 mm. Type of Part 1: 112. Capital spaces. Pinholes above and below. Hain', "3038 (whose copy contained a table or list of rubricator's direc-", 'tions), 3044.', "For the second part, which is printed with Richel's type 119,", 'see below IC. 37174 (p. 736). The watermark is the same through-', "Richel's part of this Bible was printed about 1474, so that", "Ruppel's presumably belongs to the same period. The fact", 'that it contains two forms of d (see note to type) might be taken to show that it is the earliest book of its group, in which case there is a considerable gap between it and the preceding. 396 x 290 mm. Capitals, initial-strokes, chapter- numbers, headings, and head-lines supplied in red uniformly throughout both parts: capitals in the second part touched with red. Manuscript continuous foliation, traces of manuscript quiring. On a fly-leaf is pasted a letter of J. B. Maugerard to Talleyrand, dated from Metz. 18 April, 1806, thanking him for a favour done to bis nephew Henri, and presenting him with the Bible. Along the lower edge is written: Biblia alla (?) pma.', "At the end of the second part is the rubricator's date in", 'red: Anno dni acm Ixxvj. IC. 37008.', "King George III's copy (C. 10. d. 1, 2). Repertorium jubet ...(6 lines more) Disperiam si non hic liber vnus erit. 22. CJ.Vm i ouidianis i metricis alion poetax figmentis. 1472. END: .. . scolastice historie', "Folio. a-d'el2 f-n10o p8. 148 leaves, the last blank. 3° :", 'in red on the first three or more pages of each quire. Quire Je has been misbound after quire [1), 17th (?) century notes drawing attention to the error. With', "a book label 'ex bibliothec Raphaelis Mecenate'.", 'Bought in July, 1858. IB. 37010. Another copy. 268x 121 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf, leaves 21-30 (quire [c)), and the blank. Initial-strokes supplied in red on 22.', "King George III's copy (C. 5. b. 13).", 'IB. 37011. NIDER, JOHANNES. Praeceptorium diuinae', "Folio. Ja b'oc' ; d-q'ri2. s-zA-Klo. 330 leaves, the last", 'blank. 2 columns. 30°: 37 lines and head-line (number of precept and chapter), 206 (218) x 136 mm. Type: 112. Capital-spaces.', "Marginal section-letters. 4 pinholes. Hain '11782.", 'This edition agrees closely (page for page for the most part) with those printed by Zel at Cologne (IB. 3008, 3007, p. 194). 296 X 212 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals supplied in red, initial-strokes apparently in yellow which nas faded. Manuscript quire-numbers (1-33), the sheets indicated by letters. On 1e is written: Iste liber est Monasterij Scte Dorothee virgis et mris In wienna. Bought in May, 1899. IB. 37012. PARALDUS, GULIELMUS. Summa de vitiis.', "Type: 112. Capital spaces. 4 pinholes. Hain '12385.", 'This book has fewer lines to the page and a narrower type-page than the two preceding it, and was therefore probably printed earlier. This edition has the same number of leaves and the same quiring', "as Wenssler's undated edition (IB. 37065, p. 722), but the page-", 'contents scarcely ever correspond exactly. 295 x 200 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Quire-numbers (1-36) in red chalk, leaf-numbers in each quire and catch-words on the last page in pen and ink. On 1e is written: Sum Religiosorum Früm in Bought in April, 1873. THOMAS AQUINAS. Summa, secunda several colours, the rest in red. Manuscript quire¬ numbers, often cut away. Old stamped leather, one of the stamps lettered: IHS: XDS. Bought in January, 1878. IC. 37015. JUSTINIANUS. Digestum nouum. Undated. ing the text, 325X 215 mm. A column of 59 lines of text on 55 measures 332 mm. Types: 112, text; 92, commentary. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, in the commentary. Hain 19579. 407X 283mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and head- lines supplied in red. Some manuscript notes, also on vellum fly-leaves. Old stamped pigskin. Bought in July, 1867. IC. 37017 NICOLAUS DE TUDESCHISI PANORMI¬ IC. 37078. RAINERIUS DE PISIS. Pantheologia. RAINERIUS DE PISIS. Pantheologia. Undated. PART I. 2° In primam tabulam sequentem super 1 and 31 blank.—Part II: Ja-glohl2 j8 k-0; p-2 A-C D12. ESi 1°. 420 leaves, the first and last blank. 2 columns. Part I. 412: 60 lines, 276x 199 mm. Type : 92. Capital spaces. Hain both parts. Ornamental capitals in several colours supplied at the beginning of each part; other capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines in red. Red manuscript quire numbers (1-47, 1-42) in each', "volume. On 22 of Part I is written Mnrij Attl';", 'a similar note is in Part II. Old stamped pigskin, one', "of the scrolls lettered 'maria .", 'Bought in October, 1867. IC. 37027. Another copy of Part II, with the tables. 392 x 292 mm. Without the first blank leaf of the tables. Ornamental capital in several colours supplied at the beginning of the text; other capitals in red, blue. or red and blue; paragraphs in red or blue, underlines in red. On the first page is written Ex bib Mnrij', "Ansbach Ord S Bened', with an erased library stamp.", 'On the leather of the top cover is cut the representation of a doctor at his desk, holding his hands over a book: above is a shield with a pair of compasses, the arms of Georg von Gottsfeld, who died in 1495. The other cover is blind stamped in the ordinary way. At each corner is an ornamentally stamped brass boss, and in the centre of the lower cover another, inscribed: S o maria hilf maria in der (?) himel. The first volume of this copy, with a similar cut binding, is still preserved in the Kgl. Regierungsbibliothek at Ansbach: see the description in O. Mitius, Fränkische Lederschnittbände des XV. IC. 37028. DURANTI, GULIELMUS. Rationale diuinorum Undated. 2°. Iste liber diuiditur in octo libros. 3° Incipit leaves, the first blank. 2 columns, 3 in table. 5a : 60 lines, 275', "187 mm. Type: 92. Capital spaces. Hain '6463.", 'Quires Im-yl and the outer sheet of quire Lal are printed wit', "Wenssler's type 922.", 'This edition corresponds page for page and quire for quire wit', "the undated edition printed throughout in Wenssler's type 92a (10.", '37101). As this latter has no table, the present edition would seem o be the later of the two. 371 X 266 mm. Without the blank leaf. Leaf 5a (f 7) appears to be a cancel. Capitals, paragraph¬ marks, and some initial-strokes supplied in red; capital in red and blue on 3e. On 3e is written: Iste liber est Mony Sancti Nicolay Cis patauiam: the book-plate of the collegiate church of S. Nicholas is pasted in the ton cover. Bought in April, 1909. IC. 37024. CARACCIOLUS, ROBERTUS, de Licio. Quad¬', "Quires [p-zA-Fare printed with Wenssler's type 922 (mixed).", "As Wenssler's type 922 (mixed) was in use in 1478-9, Ruppels", 'portion must have been printed about the same time. This is sup¬ ported by the manuscript date of purchase 1479 in a copy in the Munich University Library. 264 x 205 mm. Capitals supplied in red or blue, paragraph-marks in red. Some manuscript notes. In', "the top cover is written' 1484 lohannes Engelhart, on", "22 * Monrij s Georgij in Prunfening'.", 'Bought in April, 1865. IB. 37022. BARTHOLOMAEUS ANGLICUS. De paragraph-marks, most initial-strokes, and head-lines numbers of books) supplied in red; two capitals in blue on 2°. Manuscript foliation and red quire numbers. At the beginning of the table, which is bound before the book, is written: Collegij S. J. Monachij 1670. Ex hereditate R. D. Michaëlis Hörman Parochi ad S. Bought in October, 1886. IC. 37019. CARACCIOLUS, ROBERTUS, de No instance of ! is to be found in this book. 276 x 190 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 94-96 (il 4-6), 256 (DI 4), and the first blank. Illuminated capitals supplied in gold and colours on 172, other capitals supplied in alternate red and blue, paragraph-marks in red, initial-strokes in yellow. The pages are ruled in lake, and the sermon- and chapter-numbers added as head-lines in red. Bought in September, 1848. IB. 37021. CARACCIOLUS, ROBERTUS, de Licio. Ser Folio. Ja-l8 m’.) 94 leaves, the first and last blank. 4*: 44 lines, 205X 113 mm. Type: 93b. Capital spaces. Hain 4465.', "At the foot of 2b is the blind impression of several lines from 3'.", '283X 207 mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red. Traces of quiring in red. Bought in March, 1903. IB. 37023. Legenda quired in eights and having 184 leaves. 370 x 255 mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks suppliec in red. The last leaf is damaged. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in December, 1844. IC. 37025 BASEL Panormitanus (IC. 37078). Reproduced under Richel (Plate LXX) 82 P. Kunne, Memmingen, 1*), text type of Italian character. Differing in I and v from Pachel and Scinzenzeler Milan, type 2 P., and 2mm. larger in body. Afterwards presumably taken over by Kunne at Memmingen; see note to his type 82, p. 602. In use in 1479 and 1480. Not reproduced. 134 P. Kunne, Memmingen, 2), ornate heading and title type. Very closely resembling Pachel and Scinzenzeler', "Milan, type 3 P., which appears to measure about 128 mm. The measurement here given to Wenssler's type is", 'based on that of 10 lines on 1e of IB. 37096, and agrees with that in one of the Missals mentioned by Dr. Haebler in his note on p. 17 of vol. I of the Typenrepertorium. The type there ranges with a 134 large face type indistin- guishable from J. Zainer (Ulm) 136 (P. 5), and was therefore probably first cast for liturgical use. Afterwards presumably taken over by Kunne; see note to his type 115, p. 602. In use in 1479 and 1480. Not reproduced. 190 P. 4, heavy title type, of Basel character, like Richel 180 (P. 5), &c. I with loop to left at top (see', "facsimile), and also with two short strokes, as Richel's; rounded d upright. In the Aquinas of 1485 (IC. 37121) it", 'is used side by side with 180*, and after this date an admixture of forms from this latter type usually appears in it In use in 1481-7. The measurement is approximate. 84* P. 5), large text type, used in single words or clauses in lawbooks of 1481 and 1482. Its face is considerably larger than an ordinary 92 mm. type, but it is kerned so as to make it range with the commentary type 84 P.7 Probably passed on to Drach, from whose type 84* (P. 8 it is indistinguishable. Not reproduced. 922 P. 6), medium text type, used for the text of the same books as contain the preceding. Indistinguish- able from Drach 93° [P. 4). Not reproduced. 84 P. 7), small text type, used for the commentary of the same books as contain the preceding, and still in use', "in 1483. Indistinguishable from Drach's type of the same measurement (P. 7. Not reproduced.", '90* (P. 9), medium text type. Very like Pr. of 1483 Vitas Patrum (Strassburg) 90 P. 2) and Pr. of Paludanus (Strassburg) 9o, but all the books (IB. 37117, &c.) printed with it contain, besides the other forms, A with plain, instead of looped, serif, and straight shanked N with two diagonal cross-strokes, neither of which occurs in the Strassburg books. Considerable variety of majuscule forms; see notes to each book. 180*, title and heading type, of Strassburg character, not distinguished from 190 [P. 41, q. v., by Proctor. Apparently indistinguishable from Pr. of Vitas Patrum 180 P. 1), and Pr. of Paludanus 180. Not reproduced.', "110 P. Pr. 1483 Vitas Patrum, type 3), heading type. Indistinguishable from Grüninger's Strassburg type", 'of the same measurement (P. 3), except in florid B and admixture from 90*. Not reproduced. None of the three last-mentioned types occur in any book signed by Wenssler. 90 [P. 10), medium text type, used in the books, mostly legal, of 1486 and 1487. It is very like 90* (P. 9 and a number of majuscules appear to be the same in both, but C, E, I (very large in 90), N (same design but smaller), V (broader) differ. Only P with flourish along upright occurs. h has curly tail below line. C and E from 90*, I from 84*, and crossed S admixed in IC. 37124, 37131, which are thus perhaps the two last books printed in the type; this S is as that of Prüss 90 (P. 3), to which type the present type bears a very close resemblance, also to Drach 90 (P. 11J. Not reproduced.', "78 (P. 11), commentary type, used with the preceding. Indistinguishable from Drach's type of the same", 'measurement (P. 9), except that it has a somewhat larger alternative 9. Not reproduced. 108, large round text type, confused with 84* P. 5 by Proctor. So far as the Museum collection shows, it occurs only in the undated Constance Breviary (IB. 37113), q. v., and in the Guterius, Grammatica, of 1486 (IB. 37130). The capitals appear to be those of 84*, but the lower-case is quite different and much larger and rounder, and looped flourished I has not been noticed. In parts of the Breviary M and V from a much heavier fount are admixed; an R which might be from the same alphabet has been noticed on the verso of b5 of part i of the Summa Aquinatis, 1485 (IC. 37121). 108*, small face type, cast to range with the preceding, confused with 92° (P. 6 by Proctor. Found only in. the Constance Breviary (IB. 37113). Majuscules of this type are admixed with 108 in the 1486 Guterius (IB. 37130), as well as in the Breviary. 304 P. 12), canon type, of the same class as Drach 278 P. 21, but with different majuscules, and i with dot in', "the form of a smooth breathing, whereas Drach's has a rough breathing. Lombard capitals are often used with the", 'type ; only Lombardic M occurs in the Museum books. In use in 1486-8. 158 (P. 13), missal type, indistinguishable from Furter 156 P. 21. The upper-case differs clearly from that of Drach 155 [P. 19), and the lower-case is narrower and perhaps not quite so tall. In use in 1486-8 and later. 158* P. 141, smaller face missal type, ranging with the preceding. Rounded N; D, M, P, Q have no diagona strokes. In use in 1486-8. 229 (P. 15), church type, apparently indistinguishable from Stuchs 205 (P. 10 in face, except that H differs, according to Dr. Haebler. In use in 1488. 64 P. 16), small text type of usual character, very like Grüninger 644 (P. 15), but with single hyphen only. Tail of h level with line. In use in 1489 and 1491. Not reproduced. 180, title type, not distinguished by Proctor. Apparently indistinguishable from Amerbach 180. With this type is used 926, heading type, not distinguished by Proctor. Indistinguishable, except apparently by smaller R and', "slightly broader e, from Amerbach's type of the same measurement (P. 151. Mostly with the same capitals as", 'Pr. 1484 Modus legendi 90 P. Wenssler 8), but with single hyphen, smaller 9, and many small differences in the minuscules. Both these types were in use in small quantities in 1490 and 1491. Not reproduced. The evidence of type 134, q.v., shows that the Missals mentioned by Dr. Haebler (Typenrepertorium, I p. 17, note) as being either by Richel or Wenssler were printed by the latter, and Wenssler must thus be credited', "with three more types described in Dr. Haebler's note and not represented in the Museum collection.", "Type 8 of Proctor's numeration belongs to the Printer of the 1484 Modus legendi abbreuiaturas, q. v. infra.", '\ufeff718 The copy in the Basel University Library has a note of purchase of 1 December, 1472. This and all following books containing type 121e have three forms of h. This and the five following tracts, all having the same number of lines to the page and the same breadth of type-page, are grouped together in alphabetical order. Capitals and initial-strokes supplied Formerly bound in a tract volume IB. 37037a. theologia mistica. Et licz sit Incipit plogus in eandem This and the nine following books contain the reversed semi¬ colon (.). 213X 145 mm. Without the last blank leaf. Capitals and initial-strokes supplied in red. On 1e is an early note of contents: De pfecta caitate dei et ppximi Cantusien, Another copy. 612. 1. 1 : (red) Amoris opationes varie ... 1172. 1. 2: nem. et discretio/ instruit deuotionem . ..', "Besides the variants here noticed, the word 'tuä' in l. 24 of 25'", "is in this copy misprinted tnä', and the imposition of the black", 'printing on 106° (and 1072) is so much out of the true as to run into the red heading of ch. xlvi. On a 185X 126 mm. Without the blank leaves. fly-leaf is the duplicate stamp of a German library. Old stamped pigskin, stained and rebacked. Bought in October, 1900. IA. 37034. BARZIZIUS, GASPARINUS. Epistolae. with the undated Hier. de Vallibus, Jesuida (IB. 37036). Bought in March, 1850. Another copy. In this copy occur misprints: reû (92. l. 1), arbitro (212. l. 1), which are corrected (ren, arbitror) in the first copy. On 55e the greater part of l. 2 has dropped out. 280 X 205 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1 and 10.', "Ornamental capitals supplied in three colours on 2'", 'other capitals in red. On 32e are water-colours of a', "man's face and a naked boy on a hobby-horse. Manu-", 'script quiring. Bound with IB. 37038, q. v. Bought in May, 1905. IB. 37037b. BOETHIUS, ANICIUS MANLIUS TORQUATUS', "spaces. Hain '3355.", "The Basel copy has a rubricator's date 1474.", '280 x 205 mm. Capital on 1e supplied in red and blue, other capitals in alternate red and blue, initial-strokes in red. Manuscript quiring and (at the end of each quire) catchwords, mostly cut away. On 1e is written: Pro Franciscanis Tabernensibs de Obseru: On a vellum fly-leaf is a list of contents. Old boards, recovered, the volume containing also IB. 47045, 47037, 37037°, 37226, 10238. Bought in May, 1905. IB. 37038. HENRICUS DE HASSIA. Expositiones Hain, followed by Proctor, catalogued the two parts of this tract as separate works. They are here brought together, both because the measurements in each quire agree and because the whole is evidently a reprint of the undated Cologne edition by the Printer of Dares (IA. 3371, p. 212), with which it has in common the pecu¬', "liar spelling 'xpristus, xpristum', &c. The error 'inseraris' for", "insereris' at the end of the second expositio super Symbolum is", 'found as well in the Speier edition (IB. 8437, p. 482) and other early editions. Proctor noted that one of the Bodleian copies of the first quire', "had a manuscript date of purchase '1474'. The Basel copy of the", 'second quire has the same date written in it by the rubricator. 283x 204 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, &c., sup¬ plied in red. Manuscript foliation, 154-173. IB. 37039, 37040. PROBA FALCONIA. Vergili centones. 1° Isidor? in cathologo illustriu viron. Proba vxor adel phi fmeia / inter viros ecclesiasticos poni solita? pro An instance of the fantastic alternative A occurs in this tract, which is therefore perhaps among the latest books of the group. 270x 195 mm. Paragraph-marks and initial-strokes supplied as far as 3e and on 12b Bought in April, 1866. IB. 37049. THOMAS AQUINAS. Summa de articulis', "115-6 mm. Type: 1212. Capital spaces. Hain '1429.", '283 X 205 mm. Manuscript notes and corrections. Capitals supplied in gold and colours by a modern hand. At the end are bound thirteen leaves of manuscript con- taining a tetat? vtil de decis opilat? p Ren prez i doim R Epmin Aiaceses insule Corsice In hyspania pfessu scti', "Büdicti Ordinis' With the library label of Mr. Edward", 'Gilbertson. Presented in February, 1902. IB. 37045. Another copy. 261X 193 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. A second copy of leaf 11 is inserted after the first. Bought in January, 1868. IB. 37044. 720 268 x 187 mm. Capitals and initial-strokes supplied in red on the first page. Manuscript notes. Formerly bound first in a tract volume, also containing the undated Barzizius, Epistolae (IB. 37037 a). Bought in March, 1850. IB. 37036. THOMAS AQUINAS. Summae pars tertia. THOMAS AQUINAS. Summae pars tertia. Undated. 12. Via saluator nr dns ius xpus(teste angelo) Pellechet mentions a leaf at the end containing a register of the quires, which is absent in both Museum copies. This book is grouped with the two following on account of its dimensions. There is no evidence to determine its exact place in the series. 379 x 280 mm. Larger capitals supplied in red and blue, the rest in red and blue alternately, paragraph¬ marks and initial-strokes in red. Manuscript notes. With the stamp and duplicate stamp of the Munich Royal Library. Old stamped pigskin, the top cover with the oval stamp, dated 1591, of the monastery of Pruell near Ratisbon. Bought in July, 1869. IC. 37046. Another copy. 367 x 290 mm. Larger capitals supplied in red and blue, the rest, also paragraph-marks, in red and blue alternately; initial-strokes, underlines, head-lines (question- numbers) in red. The lower margin of many leaves has been repaired. IC. 37047. JACOBUS DE VORAGINE. Legenda The sequence of watermarks makes it probable that the work of à new press began with quiresk). The text on the last leaf of quire sx is very widely spaced and contains no contractions. The same amplies to the eighth and ninth leaves of quire fkl, while there is alarge gap in the first column of the recto of the last leaf of the same quire. The number of lines to page is the same, and the breadth of type- tage nearly the same, as in the following book, and the watermarks lor-head and star, D) being also identical in both. V with its fourishes filed away and fantastic A occasionally occur. A copy now at Dresden was bought by Johann Escholt at Leipzig in 1474. 270X 280 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals and initial-strokes supplied in red on 12. Manuscript foliation after the first quire : old manuscript quire numbers. On 12 is written: S M D S Michael. Haydecker a sacris in trackhenstain me mancipio habet. Old stamped pigskin, the top cover lettered Lampartica. hy. sto. ria.', "festivitatum. sanctori. atque. tépori', the lower covet", 'lettered * Per. me. io. richenbach. capelanu. in gyslingen. IC. 37042. Repertorium blank. 2 columns. 32: 47 lines, 282 X 196 mm. Type: 1218 Capital spaces. A space equivalent to six lines is left blank at the beginning of the text. Hain *4248.', "Hain's division in two parts has been retained, as the manuscript", 'signatures are in minuscules in each alphabet (see the above collation), although the Museum copy was probably from the first bound as a single volume. Filed V and fantastic A are found in this book, while instances of the reversed semicolon are rare. It is therefore very probably the latest book of the group. 390 X 286 mm. The capital A on 2e is illuminated in gold and colours and is joined to a painted border at the foot of the page, which contains two shields, one with', "a stag's head, the other with a human head. Other", 'capitals, and paragraph-marks, supplied in alternate red and blue, initial-strokes and underlines in red. In the top cover is written in red: Eximius Gemini Iuris doctor dis Syfridus Zygeler Iunior... pntem librum ad libe¬ Bought. IC. 37063. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. De laudibus beatae', "spaces. Hain '462.", 'The sequence of watermarks, together with the fact that the last two pages of quire Il are short, make it probable that this book was set up on two presses, the second starting with quire (m). This and the following books printed with type 1212, in which the reversed semicolon (!) is not found, are grouped together in alphabetical order.', "A copy catalogued in J. Baer and Co.'s Lagercatalog 585, no. 818,", 'contains a rubricator’s date 1475. 300X 214 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. On 2e is pasted an armorial book-label inscribed : CONV: EYSTAD: FFRÜM PRAED: 1742. Bought in April, 1865. IB. 37055. CYRILLUS. Speculum sapientiae. 205 X 121-2 mm. Type: 1212. Capital spaces. Hain 15903. 280X 210 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bought in July, 1838. IB. 37057. Another copy, with variants. 42, 1. 1 : Nam z terra in hyeme concipit. que digesta and show a considerable number of small variants. 280 X 200 mm. IB. 37058. NIDER, JoHANNES. De morali lepra. Type: 1218. Capital space at the beginning of each chapter. Hain *11816. quire-numbers, beginning with 13. On 650 and 664 is written in red : Iste liber e monasterij Scti Vdalrici quire Igl, the error being noted in early manuscript and not being allowed for in the quire-numbers. Bought in March, 1875. IB. 37067. NIDER, JOHANNES. Manuale confessorum. Fratris Iohannis Nyder. sacre theologie professoris This is the only book of the group which contains no instance of As the text in the latter part of quire scl is closely printed and much abbreviated, this book was probably set up in two sections, the second beginning with quire sd). 280 x 207 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and under- lines supplied in red. Traces of manuscript quire-numbers, apparently beginning with 47. On 1e is written: Monast: S. Vdalrici: Augæ. The first leaf is slightly mutilated. Bought in October, 1867. IB. 37051. PARALDUS, GULIELMUS. Summa de vitiis. Li2 M 352 leaves, the last blank. 14°: 34 lines, 205X 121 mm.', "Type: 1212. Capital spaces. Hain '12384.", "The quiring of this edition is as in Ruppel's undated edition", '(IB. 37013, p. 715), q.v. Hain is therefore probably in error', "in describing a blank leaf ('F. 13') between table and text which was", 'unknown to Panzer. 287 X 205 mm. Imperfect, wanting the preliminary quire; leaf 177 (s 3) is partly, leaf 342 (L 12) almost entirely, torn away. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Quire b is numbered 3, quire [L) 35, in manuscript. Under the colophon is written in red: Iohannes Melicon S T L', "1475. Old stamped pigskin. Dr. Kloss's copy.", 'Bought in 1835. IB. 37065. VOCABULARIUS. Vocabularius utriusque blank. 32: 34 lines, 206x 121 mm. Type: 1218 Capital spaces at the beginning of each letter ofthe alphabet. A space equivalent to four lines is left blank at the beginning of the text. 293X 210 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capital and initial-strokes on 22 supplied in red. In the blank space at the beginning of the text is written in red, presumably by the rubricator: Incipit vocabularius vtriusque Iuris p modum rptorii secundum ordinem Alphabethi valde vtilis pro Another copy. 1482. l. 1: Intelligentia Dictou est ex causis assumenda the first copy, is correctly spelt. 242X 169 mm. Capitals supplied in red and blue. paragraph-marks in red and blue alternately, initial¬ strokes in red. On 1b is painted an armorial shield containing a squirrel, above being the letters M Ei', "(presumably Eichhorn ') ; below is pasted the armorial", 'book-plate of J. L. V. Baumgartner, Canon of S. Willibald at Eichstätt. Bought in December, 1841. IB. 37061. TYPES 121“ AND 924. Undated. text ; 92°, register of quires. Capital spaces. Hain 12383. The measurements of this tract are nearly the same as those of its companion, the Summa de vitiis (IB. 37065 above), and they were in all probability printed about the same time. 297 x 203 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial¬', "strokes supplied in red. Dr. Kloss's copy. Old stamped", 'pigskin. Bought in 1835. IB. 37053 CLEMENS V. Constitutiones cum apparatu rnacum apsparatu dni. Io. andree. ibid. (Commentary) commentary surrounding the text, 305 X 220 mm. A column of 50 lines of text on 36b measures 303 mm. Types: 121b text ; 922 commentary. Capital spaces. Hain 75419.', "This agrees in number of leaves and in quiring with Eggestein's", '1471 edition (IC. 713, p. 67). The contents of the pages correspond farly closely in both. 403X 285 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial- strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Manuscript quiring. On 1e is written: Conuentus Ratisbonnensis praedicatorum. IC. 37069.', "King George III's copy (C. 13. e. 8). JUSTINIANUS. Institutiones. column of 50 lines of text on 522 measures 305 mm. Types: 121 text, colophon, table of rubrics on 1°; 92e commentary. Capital', "spaces. Hain '9500.", '414X 307 mm. Bought in March, 1866. IC. 37072. BONIFACIUS VIII. Liber sextus Decreta¬', "1'. (Commentary) : [QJVia pposterus est ordo. prius", 'humana subsi- dia petere . . . ibid. col. 2 (text : red) 217 mm. A column of 50 lines of text on 166 measures 3o1 mm. Types: 121b, text, colophon; 922, commentary. Capital spaces.', "Ham '3594.", "Page for page the same as Schoeffer's edition of January of the", 'same year (IC. 205). 17 X 285 mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in alternate red and blue, initial-strokes and book- numbers in red. Contents of pages added in manuscript; some manuscript notes. A leaf of old paper is bound at the beginning. In the lower cover is written: Confrater ni Vdalricus luczelkircher ciuis frisingensis tunc aut pincenna dni Rsmi epi ibid contulit Mosterio nro weyhensteuen hûc liby anno virginej ptus 250. Old stamped leather, with paper label. Bought in April, 1865. IC. 37074. THOMAS AQUINAS. Catena aurea. columns. The text in each column is surrounded on three sides by the gloss. 42 : 62 lines of gloss and head-line, 281 (300) X 195 mm. A column of 47 lines of text on 172b measures 281 mm. Types: 121b, text ; 922, gloss. Capital space at the beginning of each', "chapter of text. The head-lines give the evangelists' names and", 'the chapter-numbers. Hain 71332. Type 922 has a very fresh appearance in this book, and the head- lines in type 121b consist entirely of Roman capitals. The book is therefore perhaps the earliest of the section. 392 X 289 mm. Ornamental capital supplied in two colours at the beginning of each gospel; other capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines in red. Manuscript marginalia. Old stamped leather rebacked, with paper label. Bought in April, 1877. IC. 37076. NICOLAUS [DE TUDESCHISJ PANORMITA¬ Fs.10G H-K3. 294 leaves, the first and last blank.—Vol. III:a be cd e-hio.8 jm8.10 n-y10.8 g8 y10. A-D10.8 E F10 G-18 K10. L-O8.10 Pi2 O-TSV1. 380 leaves, 1, 201, and 380 blank.—Vol. IV: sa-hio. lines and head-line, 278 (296) x 187 mm. Types : 130?, first words of sections; 121b, head-lines ; 922, text. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. The head-lines give the titles of the rubrics. Hain 12309.', "In vol. I quires It-z A-H] are printed with Ruppel's type 92.—In", 'vol. II quires [zA-EJ are printed with Ruppel 92, quires la-y with', "Richel's type 94.—In vol. III quires [b-i, m-v, C-S) are printed with", 'Ruppel 92.—Vol. IV is printed throughout with Richel 94. The sec- tions allotted to the various printers do not always coincide with the sections of the text. The accounts of the Works Department (Fabrica) of the Minster', "at Basel for 1478-9 mention 'libri domini Panormitani ab impres¬", 'vols. I and II. At the beginning of each volume is a capital illuminated in gold and colours, with a coloured border, and on the lower margins a coat of arms in colours. Other capitals, and paragraph-marks, supplied in red or blue. The cuts are painted, except that in vol. II, which has been cut out, the deficiency being made good by a facsimile. Traces of manuscript quire¬ numbers. Each volume contains the inscriptions Conuentus Augustani FF. Prædicatoru, Dono d.', "Vdalric? fugger. 1509.', together with the book-plate of", 'the Augsburg Dominicans. Bought in January, 1868. IC. 37078. BONIFACIUS VIII. Liber sextus Decreta¬ x 216 mm. A column of 50 lines of text on 16b measures 303 mm. Types: 121°, text, table of rubrics on 1622, colophon; 922, commen¬ tary. Capital spaces. Hain *3595. The sequence of watermarks suggests that this book was printed on two presses, the second starting with quire i. A very close reprint of the 1476 issue (IC. 37074). A table of rubrics has been added above the colophon, and the latter has had a clause added to it. 410X 293 mm. Manuscript notes and foliation. On 1', "is written: d'L dni Vrbani Storch 1499. Old stamped", 'leather. Bought in October, 1886. IC. 37080. BREVIARIUM BASILIENSE. Pars aesti¬ Undated. 12 In vigilia penthecostes ad ve speras. an.VEni sancte spirit? reple tuorum corda fideliuz . . . 105 35 lines of type 121b 212X 134-5 mm. 77b: 46 lines of type 92e 212 X 135 mm. Types: 121° text of lessons, prayers, &c.; 92e rubrics, headings, directions, &c. Capital spaces, many with guide¬ letters. 270X 200mm. Most capitals supplied in red, some in blue, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines in red. On 1e is written: Monrij S. Trutpti. The binding is stampedS.T. in gold on the back. Bought in November, 1880. IB. 37099. ASTESANUS DEAST. Summa de casibus', "and 8 ; spaces elsewhere. Hain '1892.", "Quires sy, z, A-T, of this book are printed with Richel's", 'type 94. Leaf 8 of quire (H], which is an extra leaf, is printed across bok.', "Reprinted from Mentelin's earlier undated edition (IC. 545,", 'n 56), with the same quiring, except that the blank leaf is here seved in quire IR). The page-contents, however, seldom correspond exactly. a8a x 280 mm. Ornamental capitals at the beginnings af some books supplied in red and blue; other capitals, paragraph-marks, and underlines in alternate red and blue: initial-strokes and head-lines (book-numbers) in red; woodcut capitals picked out with colour. On 1a is written: Collegii s. Petri junioris Argentinæe. On the first page of quire (M] is the quire-number 35. Quire glis bound at the beginning. The old stamped pigskin tovers, with the arms of Bavaria in gold, are preserved inside the modern binding. Bought in April, 1873. IC. 37100. DURANTI, GULIELMUS. Rationale diuinorum officiorum. 22. Incipit Racionale diuinon officiorum. 86b. col. 2: Type: 922. Capital spaces. Hain 16464. This edition corresponds page for page and quire for quire with the following (IC. 37024), q. v., but it has no table and is therefore probably earlier. Among the accounts of the Works Department (Fabrica) of the Minster at Basel from 26 February, 1475, to 17 March, 1476, occurs the following: Item ex vendicione unius libri videlicet Rationalis Diuinorum per dominum Michahelem Wensel fabricae legati obtinui', "hoc anno ij lb.' (Stehlin, no. 1127). This very probably refers", 'to the present edition, which must then be earlier than the later of these dates. strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Red manuscript quire-numbers. Manuscript notes. On 2e is written: Ad PP. Franciscanos. Kelhaimij. Bibl. Below this, S. M and also on the top edge, is a circular stamp k. IC. 37101. Bought in April, 1866. DURANTI, GULIELMUS. Rationale diuinorum officiorum. 962: 60 lines, 275 X 188 mm. Type: 92°. Capital spaces. of 47 lines of text on 522 measures 284 mm. Types: 121°, text, colophon; 922 (mixed), commentary. Capital spaces. Hain 19507 (1). Page for page the same as the 1476 issue (IC. 37072).', "The date pridie kalendas Augusti' in the prose colophon does", 'not agree with the statement in the last verse that the end of the book coincided with the end of August. It seems most probable', "that the word 'Augusti' was unthinkingly repeated from the colo-", 'phon by the compositor, and that the true date is 31 July. 400 x 283 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf. Ornamental capitals supplied in red and blue on 2* other capitals, paragraph-marks, and book-numbers in alternate red and blue; initial-strokes in red. Manuscript page-contents and quiring; there are also on the outer margin remains of an early manuscript system of foliation: a-y, a 1-49, b 1-35. On 24 is written: liber ff Cruci¬ ferorum Convent? S Corn Ruraemundae. Bound in old', "stamped leather before the same printer's Obertus, Con-", 'suetudines feudorum (IC. 37103). Bought in July, 1882. IC. 37087. OBERTUS DE HORTO. Consuetudines OBERTUS DE HORTO. Consuetudines Undated. feudorum. mentary surrounding the text, 309X 217 mm. A column of 51 lines of text on 20à measures 307 mm. Types: 1215, text ; 928 (mixed), commentary. Capital spaces. Hain 19507 (2). Hain catalogues this book with the 1478 Justinian, Institutiones (IC. 37087), but the two were probably printed separately, though not far apart in time ; the table of rubrics printed on 1b of the Undated. Justinian does not include the Consuetudines feudorum. Its position here is not meant to imply that it was finished during the first eighteen days of August, 1478. 400 x 283 mm. Ornamental capital in red and blue IC. 37024. supplied on 1e and 92 ; other capitals, &c., as in IC. 37087 (q.v.), after which it is bound. Manuscript quiring (a-c). IC. 37103. Bought in July, 1882. 19 August, 1478. 305 leaves, the first blank. 2 columns. 3°: 80 lines of commentary surrounding the text, 369 X 258-9 mm. A column of 61 lines of text on 47° measures 369 mm. Types: 121b text, colophon; 922 (mixed), commentary. Capital', "spaces. Hain '8004.", 'The page-contents correspond very closely with those of', "Schoeffer's edition of 1473 (IC. 183).", '468 x 327 mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in alternate red and green, initial-strokes in red. Traces of manuscript quiring. The manuscript head-lines give the book-numbers and subjects. The title is written across the front edge. With the book label of the Canonical Library at Au and (on the last page) the stamp and duplicate stamp of the Munich Royal Library. Old leather, with paper label on back, and stamped with a pattern like that of vols. I and II of IB. 7406 (p. 434). Bought in April, 1873. IC. 37085. JUSTINIANUS. Nouellae constitutiones, 66 lines of commentary surrounding the text, 303x 219 mm. A column of 50 lines of text on 9e measures 303 mm. Types: 1210 text, colophon; 92° (mixed), commentary, register. Capital spaces. Hain 19625. Hain catalogues the Consuetudines feudorum (quires [v-z)) at the end of the book, but the register shows that their right place is as they are bound in this copy. This edition agrees with that of Schoeffer of 1477 (IC. 217) in page-contents and also in quiring, except in quire st), where a leaf is saved in the last half. 407 x 290 mm. Capitals supplied in alternate red or blue, paragraph-marks and page-headings (book-numbers) in red. Traces of red manuscript quiring. On a fly¬ leaf is written the note of ownership of the monastery of Rebdorf. Old stamped leather, lined with sheets of', "Ratdolt's 1482 Venice edition of Publicius, Artis oratoriae", 'epitoma (IA. 20521). Bought in July, 1867. IC. 37080 AUGUSTINUS. De ciuitate Dei, cum com¬ of text, 338 x 208-9 mm. 1922: 73 lines of commentary, 336X205 mm. Types: 121b, text of S. Augustine; 92° (mixed), commentary of Valois and Trivet. Capital spaces. Hain *2058. Quire [k and the first three leaves of quire II (leaves 89-99) are', "printed with Richel's type 120.", '473 X 324 mm. Manuscript quiring and notes. IC. 37092. From the old Royal Library. Another copy. 475 x 308 mm. Without the blank leaf. Large capitals supplied in red and blue; other capitals, para¬ graph-marks, and initial-strokes in red. Manuscript quiring. Between the second and third leaves is inserted', "a mounted copy of the frontispiece of Scotus's Venice", 'edition of 1489. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. IC. 37091. CARCANUS, MICHAEL. Sermonarium tri¬ tb: 6olines, 275 X 180 mm. Types: 121b, headings, colophon; 924', "(mixed), text. Capital spaces. Hain '4509.", 'The wording of the colophon, &c., is taken from Renner and', "Nicolaus of Frankfort's Venice edition, 1476 (IB. 19851).", '205 x 283 mm. Without the blank first leaf. Capitals. paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Manuscript foliation. Old stamped pigskin. Bought in April, 1865. IC. 37093. BOTTONUS, BERNARDUS. Casus longi super 45 lines and head-line, 207 (225) X 135 mm. Types: 1216, head- lines, headings; 922 (mixed), text. Capital spaces. Subject head¬', "lines. Hain '2929.", 'Hain 2929, which is ascribed to Drach at Speier, agrees exactly', "with the above description. The short entry under no. '2930, which", 'is ascribed to Wenssler, differs. 292 X 210 mm. Larger capitals supplied in red anc green, other capitals and paragraph-marks in red and green alternately, book-numbers in red. Manuscript signatures. On a fly-leaf is written: Liber psens ptinet pribs carthusen in bußhain ppe Memmign puenies a doctore egregio legu Iohanne westhpach ciue vlmesi... Sursum. In the top cover is painted a coat of arms. Stamped leather, backed with pigskin. Bought in October, 1886. IB. 37097. MICHAEL DE DALEN. Casus summarii 2b: 55 lines, 227X 135 mm. Types: 134, headings; 82, text. Few capital spaces. Hain ?4658. According to information kindly supplied by Dr. Schottenloher, of Munich, the table of four leaves described by Hain really belongs to the Formularium (IB. 37095) and not to the present book at all. The second Munich copy of the present book is bound up with a copy of Bottonus, Casus longi super Decretales (IB.37097). 303 x 218 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial- strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Dr. Klosss IB. 37094. FORMULARIUM. Formularium instrumen¬ Table in 2 columns. 62 : 55 lines, 226X 130 mm. Types: 134, headings; 82, text. Capital spaces. Hain 17276. A note of purchase of the year 1480 has been found in a copy of this book.', "The misprint Taubla' on 1222 is corrected to Tabula' in some", 'copies. 312 X 225 mm. Without the blank first leaf. Capitals paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. The table is bound at the beginning of the book. and the signatures on its second and third leaves have been erased. Bought in May, 1838. IB. 37095. TURNHOUT, JoHANNES DE. Casus breues', "2, text. Capital spaces. Hain '15686.", 'L-62b, casus primi libri ff. veteris; 632-124), casus ff. infortiati; 258-1548 casus ff. noui; 1540, blank; 1552-207b casus librorum ead surmounted by the letter Z (or N?), and a bear surmounted a tau, are described by Briquet (nos. 15192-3, 12259) as being f Swiss origin. 300 x 192 mm. Illuminated capital in gold and colours ipplied on 1e some other capitals in red and blue, the st in red or blue; paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and inderlines in red. Some manuscript notes. With the pook label of T. O. Weigel, Leipzig. Bought in December, 1869. IB. 37096. LATER BOOKS. Instonum feliciter DEVICE (red).', "Folio. abcd'esfg-l8mn6. 106 leaves. 2 columns. 22 :", '64 lines from commentary surrounding the text, and head-line, 272 (288) x 189 mm. On 522 a column of 51 lines of type 92b measures 235 mm. Types: 190, head-lines; 92°, text; 84, commentary; 84 , quotations from text in commentary. Capital spaces. The head-lines give the book-numbers and section-titles. Hain 29509. Corresponding closely with the 1478 issue (IC. 37087), but omitting the verse colophon. 370X 250 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, underlines, reference-letters, and a few headings supplied in red. On 22 is written Dono Gwilhelmi', "Schlüssellfelders Senioris' on 1° 'Ad PP. Franciscanos.", "Kelhainij. Bibl.', with the circular library stamp. Old", "boards, stamped' Instituta', and rebacked.", 'Bought in July, 1867. IC. 37105. GREGORIUS IX. Decretales. A BSC; DEFSGHI2 305 leaves,the first blank. 2 columns. 22 : 76 lines of commentary surrounding the text, and head-line, 320 (336) x 218 mm. A column of 59 lines of text on 47b measures 273 mm. Types: 190, head-lines ; 92b text ; 84, commentary; 84* quotations from text in commentary. Capital spaces. The head-lines give the book-numbers and section-titles. Hain *8012. Quire fis without head-lines and does not contain type 84*, and its type-page is 224 mm. wide. It is therefore probably supplied from another edition, perhaps that of 1481 (Hain 8010). Corresponding mostly page for page with the 1478 issue (IC. 37085). 407 x 290mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in alternate red and blue, head-lines in quire f added in \ufeff728 ink. On 2e is written: Loci Capuccinorum Bamberga 1638. Old pigskin, with paper label, and stamped with a pattern like that of vols. I and II of IB. 7406 (p. 434). cf. also IC. 37085. Bought in June, 1879. IC. 37107. GRATIANUS. Decretum. cccc. lxxxij. nonis. Septembrilbus. Sanctissimo in xono patre ac dno domino Sixto papa quarto pontifice maximo columns. 4°: 76 lines of commentary surrounding the text, and head-line, 321 (338) x 226 mm. 2622: 69 lines of text, and head- line, 319 (336) x 226 mm. Types: 190, head-lines and principal headings; 92°, text ; 84, commentary ; 84*, quotations from text in commentary. Capital spaces at main sections, red printed Lombards elsewhere. The head-lines give the numbers of the distinctiones, &c. Hain 17896 (counting only 376 leaves). The number of leaves and the quiring are the same as in the 1481 issue (Hain 17895), of which this is presumably a close reprint. 426 x 303 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 379 and 380. Ornamental capitals supplied in red and blue, initial¬ strokes in red. With the note of ownership (1637) and book label of the Canonical Library at Au. Old stamped leather, with paper label. Bought in April, 1866. IC. 37109. ANTONINUS. Summa. [With the index of ANTONINUS. Summa. [With the index of Johannes Molitoris.] 4 January-21 May, 1485. PART I. 12. TITLE: Prima pars totius summe Anto¬ plex totius summe venerabis lis domini Anthonini compi¬', "(267) x 156 mm. Types: 180*, head-lines and headings; 90', text.", 'Capital spaces. The head-lines give the title- and chapter-numbers.', "Hain '1245.", 'One form of A and P, two of I (one from type 84*), and both crossed forms of N are found in type 90* in this book. 335 X 225 mm. Ornamental capital in several colours supplied at the beginning of each part; other capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial-strokes in red. At the beginning of each volume are written the names Thomas', "Cantuarien' and Lumley'. The tables are bound before", 'the first part. IB. 37117-20. From the old Royal Library. From the old Royal Library. THOMAS AQUINAS. Summa theologica. 1485; 20 August, 1485. Part II (1). A1 B-TSV1, 164 leaves, the first and last blank. Part I1 (2). 242 leaves, 1 and 236 blank.—Part III. 160 leaves, the irst blank. 2 columns. Part I. 102: 62 lines and head-line, 280 (295) x 185 mm. Types: 190, 180*, head-lines and headings; 90*, ext. Capital spaces. The head-lines give the question-numbers. dain 1434. Three forms of A (one from type 92b), N, and P, and two of I are', "lound in type 9o' in this book. The head-lines, &c., are mostly", "rinted with 190, only a few being in 180' alone, but the types", 'tre often mixed. 370X 248 mm. Imperfect, wanting Parts II (2) and III, and the blank leaves. Ornamental capital supplied in red and blue at the beginning of each part, other capitals, &c., in red. On 2° of Part I is written: Iste liber est Cenoby sancti Nicolai Cis patauiam. With the book¬ plate of the same library. Old stamped half pigskin over boards. Bought in July, 1869. IC. 37121-22. CATO, DIONYSIUS. Cato moralisatus. [The Undated.', "Types: 190, title; 110, head-lines; 9o', text.", 'Three forms of P, two of A, two of N (one with diamond), and one', "of I are found in type 9o' in this book.", 'IB. 37123a. GRITSCH, JOHANNES. Registrum in Quadra¬ See description on p. 98, IB. 1307, quires a and b. 2 columns. Types: 190, headings; 90*, text. 68: 50 lines, 227 X 147 mm. Capital spaces. Two forms of A, I, M, N and three of P are found in type 90* in this book, as well as N from 84 [P. 71. The watermark of an ox-head with crown found in these quires occurs also in the Cato above. IB. 37123. GRATIANUS. Decretum. lxxxvi. kl. Septe bribus. Sanctissimo in xpo pre ac dnno dnno Innocentio papa octauo pontifice maximo. Illustris¬ head-line, 308 (322) x 201 mm. 262°: 68 lines of text, and head- line, 306 (320) x 200 mm. Types: 190, head-lines and some head- ings ; 90, text ; 78, commentary. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters, at main sections; red printed Lombards elsewhere. The head-lines give the numbers of the distinctiones, &c. Hain 17903. A close reprint of the 1482 issue (IC. 37109). 398 x 282 mm. Capitals supplied in red. On 2° is written: Monrij S. Zenonis. Old stamped pigskin, lined', "with sheet QQ 1 of vol. I of Grüninger's 1492 Latin Bible", '(IB. 1415). IC. 37124. Bought in July, 1867. 1486. numbered I-CCCCXVII. 2 columns. 32: 68 lines of commentary surrounding the text, and head-line, 265 (279) x 172 mm. Types: 190, head-lines; 90, text ; 78, commentary. Spaces, with guide¬ letters, left at beginnings of sections; red printed Lombards asewhere. The head-lines (red) give the section-titles. Hain 8018. 342 x 232 mm. Capitals supplied in blue, initial-strokes', "in red. On 22 is written 8' L. dni Vrbani Storch, Ad", "Conuentü Seemanshusanu ord: Erem: S. P. Augustini'.", 'Old stamped leather. The blank first leaf is pasted on to the top cover. Bought in October, 1867. IB. 37126. JUSTINIANUS. Institutiones. 3° : 68 lines of commentary surrounding the text, and head-line, 264 (279)X 173 mm. Types: 190, title, head-lines; 90, text ; 78, com¬ mentary. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Subject head-lines.', "Hain '9517.", '349X 240 mm. Ornamental capitals supplied in two colours on 24: other capitals, and paragraph-marks, in alternate red and blue. The title is faced with a blank leaf of paper. Bound before the Constitutions of Clement V (IC. 37129). Bought in October, 1886. IC. 37128. CLEMENS V. Constitutiones cum decretali¬ iohannis andree. ibid. (commentary): a iOannes. gratiosum bler Basylee impssu finit feliciter. Anno salutis lesimoquadringentesimooctuagesimosexto. 718. (red being counted twice). 2 columns. 22: 68 lines of commentary sur¬ rounding the text, and head-line, 266 (281) X 174-5 mm. A column of 58 lines of text on 23b measures 263 mm. Types: 190, head- lines; 9o, text; 78, commentary. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Subject head-lines. Hain 15437. 730 349X 240mm. Rubrication as in IC. 37128. with which it is bound. Bought in October, 1886. IC. 37129. BREVIARIUM CONSTANTIENSE. 41 lines of type 108, 221 X 134 mm. Types: 108, 108*. Some of the signatures in the Pars hiemalis are printed with a small type apparently not elsewhere met with. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Hain 3826? This book is catalogued as it stands. In the Pars aestiualis the first and eighth leaves appear to be made up ; neither is found in the Pars hiemalis. The eighth leaf contains a heavily contracted setting up, with an additional paragraph at the end, of the direc¬ tions printed on three sides of leaves 9 and 10. Apart from this, quires 1-7 are identical in each part. The common of saints is in a different setting up in each part. The three forms of M found with these types appear to occur to- gether in quire 1 only. The medium ornamental M (with diamond', "is found throughout the book, and perhaps belongs to type 108'", 'rather than 108. The heavy florid M (with curl) is found only in quires 3-7, and in quires a-y of the Pars hiemalis; the angular M', "of Wenssler's first type, in the rest of the book.", 'The heavy florid V goes with the heavy M, being seldom found elsewhere. The date of this book, for which the types were presumably cut, is uncertain. Type 84*, from which the capitals of 108 appear to be taken, went out of use about"1482, so that the Breviary may have been printed soon after. Wenssler was engaged in printing', "Prefier' on 6 May, 1484 (Stehlin no. 355), and the reference may", 'be to the present book, but this is of course by no means certain. The only printed date connected with either of the types is that of the 1486 Guterius, and the Breviary is therefore placed immediately before it. 290X 210 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 176 (n 6) and a corner of leaf 65 (a 1) of the Pars hiemalis, and the blank leaf of the Pars aestiualis. The first leaf of the Pars aestiualis is backed, and a blank leaf is inserted after leaf 8. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in alternate red and blue, initial-strokes and underlines in red. Manuscript notes. On 1e of the Pars hiemalis is written: Cartusiæ Ittingensis. Anno 1623. Grammatica pro v138 mm. Types: 190, title and head-lines; 108, headings, memorial verses; 78, text. Some Maiblumen capitals; spaces, with guide-letters, elsewhere. Double head-lines throughout, giving the part of the book and the subject-matter of the page. With mar- ginalia to the end of quire h, and a woodcut diagram on f 10. Hain 18335. 12, title ; 1°, prologus, addressed to Luis de Acuna, Bishop of Burgos; 22-3b, list of capitula ; 42-50* etymologia, prosodia, syn¬ taxis, &c.; 50b, blank ; 512-53b, de barbarismo, &c. ; 548-666 rest, with paragraph-marks and initial-strokes, supplied in red. Old stamped pigskin over boards, with paper label. Bought in March, 1906. IB. 37130. JUSTINIANUS. Codex. [Edited by An¬ JUSTINIANUS. Codex. [Edited by An¬ 17 July, 1487. dreas Helmut.) 22 (text: red) In nomine e domini nostri iesu xpi vt. j. de officio prefecti pre¬ toris Aphrice . .. 3548. tissimi repetite plectio nis: op? pfecto magna cura atz bered I-CCCLIII. 2 columns; index in 3 columns. 112: 78 lines of commentary surrounding the text, and head-line, 302 (316) x 202-3 mm. A column of 67 lines of text on 19b measures 301 mm. lypes : 190, head-lines ; 9o, text ; 78, commentary. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, and red printed Lombards. The head-lines give the book-numbers. Hain t9608. The commentary type measures only a little more than 76 mm. in this book. 405 x 286 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first quire,', "which is made up from a copy of Arrivabene's (Venice)", '1491 edition (Hain *9615). Capitals supplied in blue. Manuscript subject head-lines. On 22 of the made up quire is written: Sum Franc: Caroli Vogl, de, et in Bought in December, 1904. IC. 37131. GRADUALE ROMANUM. GRADUALE ROMANUM. Undated. 2° (red) Registu p officijs in hoc graduali cotentis cu folion quottatione annotatis. 3°. [AJD te leuaui a nimam (to right, red) Domica Prima aduëtus. 82 320X 194-5 mm. Types: 229, text; 158*, signatures. The music is printed on a red stave of four lines. Capital spaces at chief divisions; red and black printed church capitals and large Lombards. The type-page is enclosed in red rules, and on 4° measures 290 (with foliation 310) x 187 mm. and contains 8 lines of text. 408 x 277 mm. Elaborate capitals, historiated or ornamental, supplied in several colours. On the last', "page and a fly-leaf are written additional chants' In festo", "S. Chiliani'. Old stamped pigskin.", 'Bought in May, 1878. IC. 37132. GRADUALE ROMANUM. infra aus omin Inotus. 17(red) Ferata qutuor temporum in aduentu Introit?. 1782. (red) K(black)yri e (red) In sumis festis (black) eley son.. 2012. um beata qua redempta est natura . . . 249P. COLOPHON : fl. 249 leaves, 1 and 122 blank, 5-177 numbered III-CLXXXII. Text and music alternating line by line. Types: 229, text ; 78, signatures. The music is printed on a red stave of four lines. Red and black printed church capitals and large Lombards. The type- page is enclosed in red rules and on 52 measures 298 (with foliation 316) x 186 mm. and contains 8 lines of text. The page-contents of this edition are the same as in the un¬ dated edition (IC. 37132), except on 157b-177b (V 3b-y 86). The', "section beginning ' Feria quarta quatuor temporum post Crucem", "is here inserted after * Dominica xvij' (towards the end of 1570)", 'and the section beginning Feria quarta quatuor temporum in', "Aduentu' after Dominica xxiij' while in the undated edition both", "sections are placed after' Dominica xxiij’, the section in Aduentu'", 'preceding that post Crucem . Pages 1582-half of 1628 and 1708- half of 177b of the dated edition have the same contents as 1738-half of 1778 and 1658-half of 1726 of the undated edition, respectively. The present book seems for the most part to correspond to another edition with the same date described by Pellechet (no. 5287; Hain 7842) ; the latter, however, omits quires Q-x and the colo¬ phon, a shorter version of which is found at the end of the Regis- trum on 1b. 402 x 280 mm. Imperfect, wanting the Registrum at the beginning and the blank which presumably followed it, also leaves A 1, 2, F4, 5, LI, 8, P 5, T 4, 5, second a 1, 8, c 1, 8, as well as the blank P 6. F 4, 5, LI, 8, a1, 8, c 1, 8 are made up from a copy of the undated issue (IC. 37132). T 4, 5 are supplied in manuscript. Additional chants are written on fly-leaves at the beginning and end. Old stamped pigskin. Bought in July, 1862. IC. 37134. MISSALE BASILIENSE. the Crucifixion. 1932. TE igitur clementissi me pater: p iesum christum filiu tuuz. . . 2032. (red) Incipit 1, 9, and 356 blank, 10-191 and 203-332 numbered I-CLXXXII and CLXXII-CCCXII respectively, in red. 2 columns, except in the Calendar and the Canon of the Mass. 132: 30 lines and foliation, 237 (250) X 159 mm. 1942: 16 lines of canon type. 244x 153 mm. Types: 304, Canon of the Mass; 158, large-face text ; 158“ small-face text. Capital spaces, some with guide¬ letters, at beginning of chief sections, red printed Lombards elsewhere. 341 X 239 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 192 (containing the woodcut of the Crucifixion), as well as the first and last blanks. Two ornamental capitals supplied in three colours, the rest in blue. On a fly-leaf is written: Ad Bibl. F.F. Min. Conuenti. Offonisburgi. With an oval stamp inscribed: Grossherzogl. Gymnasium Offenburg. Old stamped pigskin, one of the scrolls lettered ap- parently iocob. Bought in April, 1881. IB. 37136. MISSALE AD USUM SARUM. 148921 christu filiù tuum ... 1212. (red) Sequuntur informa¬ tiones et cau¬ tele obseruande presbytero volenti dilluina COLOPHON: (red) Missale ad vsum Sax cunctitenenltis LXXXXVIII and CXII-CCLXIII respectively, in red. 2 columns. except in the Calendar and the Canon of the Mass. 162: 37 lines and head-line, 290 (306) x 191-2 mm. 110b; 19 lines of canon type, 288 x 185 mm. Types: 304, Canon of the Mass; 158. large-', "face text : 158', small-face text. Large ornamental Maiblumen", 'capitals, 60-70 mm. high, two with borders, on 122 242 1252 ornamental T at the beginning of the Canon, Lombards elsewhere. all printed in red; black printed calligraphic capitals, 25 mm. high. in the musical portions. Music printed on a four-line stave. The head-lines give the names of the feasts, &c. Spaces are left in the Marriage Service (CCXLVIIIb, CCXLIX2) for filling up in the vernacular.', "In the Bodleian copy quire Inn), containing informationes' to the", 'priest as to Mass, is bound at the end of the book. On 17 November, 1489, the Basel City Council issued a passport to Hans Wiler, Jacob von Kirchen, and Michel Wenssler, who purposed conveying one small and four large barrels of printed books, all their own property, down the Rhine to Flanders and thence to England (Stehlin no. 1194). It seems probable that the books were copies of this Missal. On 19 March, 1490, Wenssler', "contracted to print for Allgauer' Bettbücher genant Brevier in das", 'Kungrich Engelland dienende , which were completed by June', "(Stehlin no. 666); it is unlikely that Brevier' should here be an", 'error for " Messbücher\', and the entry probably refers to a Breviary now unknown. 391 x 265 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 109 (containing the woodcut of the Crucifixion). The blank parts of the large Maiblumen capitals are neatly filled up in blue, with small circles left white; the blue is much faded. y 6 is misbound before y 4, the mistake being noted in early manuscript. Bought in June, 1852. IC. 37140. MISSALE TREVERENSE. CVIII and CIX-CCLXXII respectively, in red. 2 columns, except in the Calendar and the Canon of the Mass. 102: 30 lines and foliation, 235 (251) X 152 mm. 1302: 16 lines of canon type, 243X 154 mm. Types: 304, Canon of the Mass; 158, large-face text; 184 small-face text. Capital spaces alternating with red printed ombards. T in frame, 90 x 69 mm., on 1298. On 1184- 127b are red printed four-line staves for music. There is no evidence to determine the date of this book, which s placed here so as to rank with the other books in the same ypes. On vellum. 345x 240 mm. Without the blank eighth leaf. Capitals supplied in blue, KL in the calendar painted over in alternate red and blue. With manuscript notes and additions, some dated 1492-8, and one signed lacobus Caplamus (de franckfordia). Old stamped leather over boards, with large bosses and pins: one of the stamps apparently represents the arms of John II of Baden, Archbishop of Trier. Bought in July, 1877. IB. 37138. BREVIARIUM. Breuiarium diurnum secun¬ 76: 22 lines, 71 x 51 mm. Type: 64. Red printed Lombards. 106 x77 mm. In the top cover is written: A. B. Beresford Hope. Old stamped leather. Bought in July, 1888. IA. 37142. JACOBUS DE VORAGINE. Legenda numbered I-CCLXVI. 2 columns. 162 : 50 lines and foliation, 160 167) x 105-6 mm. Types: 92°, title, head-lines, &c.; 64, text. Capital spaces. The head-lines (on the verso) give the saints names. This book was assigned to Amerbach by Proctor (no. 7587), who erroneously marked it as containing type 9, in place of type 18. 199 X 144 mm. Imperfect, wanting C8 (the beginning of the legend of S. Thomas à Becket). The last leaf of the first quire is torn. Capital on 2e supplied in blue, the rest in red. On 1° is written: H. Smythe.', "King George III's copy (166. e. 25).", 'IA. 37143. Another copy. 211X 152 mm. Imperfect, wanting C 8 and C 1 (containing the legend of S. Thomas à Becket), C 8, anc', "all but a fragment of S 2. S. Thomas's name has beer", 'struck through in the list of saints on 132. IA. 37143a. None [Not after 25 May, 1490.1 Quarto. a-z158. 200 leaves, 2-198 numbered II-CXCV (with errors at and after CLXXXIIII). 2 columns. 42: 51 lines and head-line, 163 (171) x 105 mm. Types: 158, title: 92°, head-lines, headings; 64, text. Capital spaces. The head-lines give the names and numbers of the books. With woodcut diagrams. Hain 10450. On 25 May, 1490, Jacob Allgauer testified in court that Wenssler', "had, in part payment of a debt, printed for him 'xxx Ballen Bappirs", "zu Büchern, nemlich einer Loyca vnd Phie' (Stehlin, no. 682). This", 'description evidently refers to the present book and that catalogued after it (IA. 37145). Presumably the books were printed not long', "before the date of Allgauer's testimony.", '218X 155 mm. The title is rubricated. Few manu¬ script notes. Old stamped half pigskin over boards. Bought in July, 1867. IA. 37144. MAGISTRIS, JoHANNES DE. Quaestiones Not after 25 May, 1490. totius ope¬ ris ... 203°. col. 1, END : Finis. Quarto. a-z18u6. 204 leaves, the last blank, 2-201 numbered I-CC. 2 columns. 3°: 50 lines and head-line, 160 (168) X 107 mm. Types: 92°, title, head-lines, &c. ; 64, text. Capital spaces. The head-lines give the names and numbers of the books. With', "woodcut diagrams. Hain '10445.", '212X 151 mm. Without the blank leaf. With the signatures of Johannes henricus and loannes Conradus à Vhorburg, and the book-plate of W. Jones. Old stamped half pigskin and boards. Bought in April, 1875. IA. 37145. Another copy. 211X 150 mm. Imperfect, wanting the title, quire q, and the blank leaf. Manuscript notes. With the names of Thomas Barton and Thomas Stoke. IA. 37145a. De numbered Foliu I-CLXXXIIII, with an error of ten leaves after XCIX, and other errors. Tables in 2 columns. 32: 34 lines and head-line, 110 (118) x 7omm. Types: 180, title; 92°, head-lines and headings; 64, text. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. The head-lines give the tract-numbers and section-titles. Hain 1793. From the records of a suit heard on 15 March, 1491, it appears that Wenssler had engaged workmen to print this book, but fell ill while it was being printed, and that Allgauer, to whom the plant belonged, had a second edition printed by another set of workmen immediately afterwards (Stehlin, no. 795). In spite of the printed dates, the reference must almost certainly be to the present issue and that catalogued immediately below, so that Proctor was in error in assigning them to the press of Amerbach (nos. 7588, 7589). 153X 104 mm. Without the last blank leaf. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red, initial-strokes in', "yellow. On 1e is written' Bibl: mar: Louanij'; on 190", 'Iste liber est de puentu frin minoru in curtraco ad ysu fris bernardini thoen’. Old lined leather, mended. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. IA. 37146. ARMANDUS DE BELLOVISU. in 2 columns. 122: 34 lines and head-line, 110 (119) x71 mm. Types: 180, title ; 92°, head-lines and headings ; 64, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines give the tract-numbers', "and section-titles. Hain '1794.", 'An extremely close reprint, but without foliation, of the preceding issue. 148x 100 mm. Imperfect, wanting quires a and f. which are made up from a copy of the earlier issue Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Between the body of the book and the tables are bound up eleven quires of paper, eight of which', "are filled with philosophical tracts written out 'p frez", 'Mathia eberhardi filium 5ts lantzhuetenß tuc morantem in atu', "banbergesi Anno dni 1493'. On 1e are the names of", 'Brothers Sebastianus Mittell and Sixtus Nusser (of Landshut). Old stamped pigskin. Bought. PARADISUS ANIMAE. 240°. COLOPHON: (red) Finit orationale omnibus deuo¬ blank, 17-240 numbered I-CCXVI in red, with errors and omis¬ sions in quire bc. 198: 22 lines and foliation, 71 (77) x 50 mm. Type : 64. Red printed Lombards, few spaces. 1a, title ; 15, cut of S. Oswald ; 22-122, calendar, &c.; 12b-150 table of contents ; 16, blank ; 17, officium b. Mariae virginis; 433- 48“, cursus de proprio angelo ; 48°, blank ; 492, cursus de aeterna sheet of quire p. Capitals supplied in red and blue. Two quires of manuscript prayers are bound in at the end of the book. On 22 is written: Monrij S. Trutperti. Old stamped pigskin. Bought in May, 1903. ALPHONSUS DE SPINA. Hain 7871 (counting 248 leaves in error). On 47b, 482, 48b, 49b (sel 7-9) four headings of sections concern- ing various heresies were confused by the printer. Small slips on which the correct text is printed have been pasted over these to make good the error. This is the only one of the early books of this press not contain¬ ing woodcut capitals. It was probably begun about the same time', "as Richel's half of the Bible catalogued in the next entry, and,", 'being slightly longer, was finished a little later. This would account for open Q (see note to type) appearing in the last few quires only. 385 X 286 mm. Ornamental capital with border sup plied on 1e and 2° in several colours; other capitals, para¬ graph-marks, and underlines in alternate red and blue; initial-strokes in red. Woodcut painted in several colours. Blue manuscript quiring. Some manuscript notes. Old stamped pigskin, with paper label and large brass bosses. IC. 37154 Bought in January, 1850. Undated. BIBLIA LATINA. Part II. See description under Ruppel, IC. 37008, p. 714. The penultimate line of [K) 1", which had been accidentally omitted, was stamped in afterwards at the foot of the column, attention being called to it by the rubricator by means of two red lines. No instance of open Q has been found in this book.', "King George III's copy (C. 10. d. 1/2).", 'IC. 37174. Another copy. The omitted line at the foot of [K] 1b is supplied in manuscript in this copy. 378 x 283 mm. Capitals, chapter-headings, head-lines, and initial-strokes supplied in red. Bound after the', "portion Genesis—Psalms of Richel's Biblia Latina of", '1475 (IC. 37159), so as to form a complete Bible. Grenville copy (G. 12108/2). IC. 37175. BIBLIA LATINA. marginal references in the Gospels. Red printed headings. Capitals (1, 22, 2b). Hain ’3041 (describing an extra leaf which apparently contains a table of the Lamentations of Jeremiah, fol¬ lowed by a register of quires). There are traces of printing on the stub of the first leaf cut away in quire Jo). Errors in the woodcut capital of Genesis ch. 4 and 26 have been corrected by pasting the right letter over the original. Open Q is common in most parts of this book. 378 x 282 mm. Wanting the extra leaf described by Hain, and the blank leaf. Initial-strokes and underlines supplied in red. Manuscript title head-lines. On 22 and elsewhere are the book-stamps of the S. Gallen Monas- tery (temp. Diethelmi A. M.S. Galli’). In the top cover is the book-plate of the Bibliotheca Heideg geriana.', "King George IIl's copy.", 'IC. 37163. Another copy, partly with different quiring. ... Dio ... TeV-Z &0; Be. 393 x 290 mm. Wanting the extra leaf and the blank leat. The last quire is made up. Capitals picked out with red; paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and title head-lines supplied in red.', "King George III's copy (C. 10. d. 8).", 'IC. 37164. 736 1a. (head-line) Viola sancton Ianuarius (text) SI cuncta mei coporis mebra verterent in linguas et omes (206) x 127 (with marginalia 149) mm. Type: 119. WoodcutS (2°) on 1a: spaces elsewhere. Marginal references. The head¬', "lines give the names of the months. Hain '10867.", 'Open Q is common throughout this book. 272X 192 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial- strokes, and underlines supplied in red. From the libraries of the Rev. J. Duncalf, Charles Hurt, and the Marquis of Blandford (White Knights Library). Bought in April, 1864. IB. 37156. CARACCIOLUS, ROBERTUS, de Licio. Qua¬', "Sunday in Richel's section of the book; spaces, with guide-letters", 'in Richel\'s section, elsewhere. Hain "4432 (describing an addi¬ tional leaf at the end containing a register of quires printed maj.', "char').", "Quires It)-K] are printed with Wenssler's type 922. On the last", 'pages of quire s the matter is made to occupy as much space as possible. There are considerable gaps on 8a, 8b, 9b of quire [D and 1e, 1b of quire [E). On sx 6e a line of text has dropped from its place to the foot of the page, the mistake being corrected in early manuscript. 294 x 201 mm. Wanting the register of quires de- scribed by Hain. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red; woodcut capitals picked out with red. Red manuscript quire-numbers (1-38), mostly cut away. Some manuscript corrections. Old stamped pigskin, with paper labels. Bought in March, 1906. IB. 37161. BIBLIA LATINA. 287 (304) x 204 mm. Types: 119, text; 94, marginal references in Cospels. Capitals (1, 28, 2b, 28, 24). The head-lines give the names of the books. Hain 13053. Open Q is common throughout this book. Both Hain and Pellechet (no. 2277) count 227 printed leaves to the end of the Psalms; the two Museum copies number 226. Quires s IC. 37158. Another copy of Genesis—Psalms. In this copy the collation of quire In) is Ini2-4). 378x 283 mm. Capitals painted in several colours. Initial-strokes and underlines supplied in red in parts of the book. The Bible is completed by a copy of the remaining books in the Ruppel-Richel undated issue (IC. 37175). IC. 37159. Grenville copy (G. 12108/1). ASTESANUS DE AST. Summa de casibus IC. 37100. GRATIANUS. Decretum cum apparatu mentary surrounding the text, and head-line, 375 (395) x 268 mm. A column of 61 lines of text on 122 measures 366 mm. Types: 120 text; 94, commentary. Spaces, presumably for miniatures, left at the beginning of each chapter. Capital space on 1e, capitals (22 28, 24) elsewhere; red printed Lombards (3). The head-lines, red printed with a Lombardic alphabet, give the numbers of the', "distinctions and chapters. Hain 17888 (describing 'litt. magna", "initial. ligno incisa' on 1e, where the present copy has a capital space).", 'Pellechet-Polain (no. 5312) give sil as a quire of 5 leaves, k as a quire of 9 leaves, and (KJas an ordinary quire of 10 leaves. On the stub of the first cut-away leaf of [K are remains of printing, evidently a different setting up of the end of the preceding leaf (IK13b).', "Reprinted from Schoeffer's 1472 edition (IC. 171, p. 29), mostly", 'with the same quiring. 473X 328 mm. The blank leaf appears to be pasted', "on to the lower cover. On 1' is written Canonicorum", "Regl S. Augustini in Beyharting , in the top cover 'ex", 'libris Laurentij Kaimer. 1663. Old stamped pigskin. Bought in July, 1867. IC. 37170. SPIEGEL. Spiegel menschlicher Behältnis. 233b. COLOPHON: (red) GÉTRVCKETDVRCHBERN¬ HART RICHEL ZV BASEL DO MAN ZALT Types: 120, text ; 112, colophon. Capitals (22, 2b 28, 24, 4). With', "278 woodcuts. Headings on 58, 5° printed in red. Hain '14936", '(describing an additional leaf, with a register, presumably of quires, at the end). A slanting division-stroke is frequently used as hyphen in quires a-cl, but afterwards disappears. 384 X 298 mm. Without the leaf containing the register mentioned by Hain, and the blank leaf. Old stamped pigskin, with paper label. IC. 37172. Bought in May, 1852. 38 September, 1477. 1 and 487 blank. 2 columns. 4°: 50 lines and head-line, 304 (320) it beginning of Interpretationes hebraicorum nominum; 120, text, headings of Interpretationes; 112, head-lines ; 94, marginal refer- inces in New Testament, guide-letters, text of Interpretationes. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters, Genesis—Psalms and Interpretationes; capitals (1, 2° 2b, 2°, 2d, 2°, 4), Proverbs—Re¬ velations. The head-lines give the names of the books. At the oot of col. 2 of 2482 ([B) 1) a line of text accidentally omitted appears to have been added afterwards with a stamp. Hain 3064 numbering only 235 printed leaves to the end of Psalms). The watermarks in the Interpretationes are the same as those in part 2 of the Bible, only one of which is found in part 1. At the end of quire s is a gap of some seven lines, and the head-lines in the next quire change from LVCAS to LVCE; this perhaps indicates a change of press. The absence of guide-letters in quires se-h, m-o, t-x) points to these quires being set up by one compositor. Biblia. 405X 285 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 187 (syl 2), and the blank first leaf. Capitals and initial¬ strokes supplied in red, woodcut capitals painted red. Traces of continuous quire-numbers. On 141° is written in red Anno lxviij 1478 illuiatum est hoc ops p me', "henricum Schelen psbmm in pynntloch he posfre'; after the", 'colophon is a similar note. Bound in two volumes divided after the Psalms.—Interpretationes hebraicorum nominum. 413X 289 mm. Capitals and initial-strokes', "supplied in red. Bound after Koberger's 1479 Bible NICOLAUS [DE TUDESCHISJ PANORMITA¬ IC. 37078. PETRUS DE BERGAMO. Tabula operum blank. 6°: 42 lines and head-line, 198 (211) X 132 (excluding mar-', "ginal numeration) mm. Types: 112, word'IHESVS' on 22, head¬", 'lines; 94, text. Capital space at the beginning of each letter in the alphabetical arrangement. The head-lines give the first two', "letters of the words on the page. Hain '2818.", 'The sequence of watermarks shows that a second press started work with quire syl. 292X 210 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red as far as 25°, and on the first pages of some quires elsewhere. Traces of manuscript quiring. On 22 is written: ad Bibliothecam PP. Franciscanorum Ambergae. Quires [G and [H have been transposed in binding. Old stamped pigskin, with paper label. Circular stamp of the monastery on the top edge. Bought in April, 1863. IB. 37182. AUGUSTINUS. De ciuitate Dei, cum com¬ of Roman capitals from Wenssler. 892: 56 lines, 335x 205 mm. IC. 37092. \ufeff738 142 numbered j.-cxxx., with numerous errors. Register in 2 columns. 152 : 43 lines, 201 X 137 mm. Types: 180, headings in Register; 932, text. Capital D (2d) on 152. With woodcuts. Hain 16939. 263X 196 mm. Without the blank leaf. Initial-strokes and underlines supplied in the Register. With the stamp of the Stephen Nagy Collection. Bought in October, 1873. IB. 37188. HUGO DE SANCTO CHARO. Postilla', "Folio. a b'c-f gio he j8 kim f; agk", 'oqustuxy abg the last blank. 2 columns. 172: 62 lines and head-line, 287 (305. x 178 mm. Types: 180, head-lines and headings; 93° quotations from Scripture ; 93° text. Capital spaces at beginning of each Gospel. The head-lines give the names of the Evangelists and the chapter-numbers. Hain 18975. The last pages of quire p of S. John are narrow and short, and', "conclude 'Hic non deficit quicquam. et sequitur Ideo patitur in festo.", 'On 22 is written: Bibliothec. Raidthenhaslac. Old stamped pigskin, rebacked. Bought in July, 1867. IC. 37191. ROLEWINCK, WERNER. Fasciculus tem¬ yc. Table in 3 columns. 7b: 44 lines and foliation, 205 (213)X 154 mm. Types: 180, first line of text on 72; 938, text. Capital spaces. With woodcuts. Hain 76932 (counting 7 leaves for the table).', "A page-for-page reprint, but without a title, of Wirzburg's Rouge¬", 'mont edition of the previous year (IB. 38503) ; the remark at the', "end that great floods had occurred anno praecedenti' is taken over", 'unchanged from Wirzburg, although no longer correct in 1482.', "The cuts are those of Richel's Latin edition of 1481, with the", 'omission of the view of Cologne, the substitution of a new cut', "of Noah's Ark, copied from that in Wirzburg's edition, and the", 'addition of six fresh cuts, also copied from Wirzburg. 286x 210 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial¬ strokes supplied in red. English manuscript notes. IB. 37193. PETRUS LOMBARDUS. Libri Sententia¬ head-lines, and marginalia, 226 (239) x 125 (177) mm. Types: 180,', "beginnings of sections; 120', head-line Prologus' on 22; 112,", 'head-lines; 93°, headings; 932, text. Capital spaces. The head¬ lines give the number of the book and of the distinction, using for the most part a Lombardic L and D, the D being used also in the marginalia. Small Lombardic majuscules are also used in the list', "of chapters preceding Books I and II. Hain '10185.", 'Owing to a miscalculation at the end of quire l, the text runs on from the recto of 1 8 to the recto of m 1, the verso of 1 8 being partly', "filled by a made-up summary of the preceding 'distinctio. For", 'a similar reason the first leaf of quire n has a narrower type-page with gaps, the other leaf of the sheet being blank and interrupting the text. This book was catalogued under Kesler by Proctor (no. 7696),', "but all the types are Richel's, with the exception of 120* used for", 'printing one word on 2° and not found elsewhere in the work of', "either printer. It is possible that it was printed in Richel's office", 'after his death by Kesler, whose first book is another edition of the same work. See note to Kesler below. 308 x 210mm. Large capital on 2° and 4° supplied in colours, the former with tracery in border; smaller capitals and paragraph-marks in red or blue; initial¬ strokes and underlines in red. Traces of manuscript signatures as given above. On 22 is written: ad Biblio¬ thecam PP. franciscanorum Amberge. Bought. IB. 37197. FIRST STATE OF TYPE I17. A copy at the Bibliothèque Nationale (Pellechet-Polain, no. 5384) has a manuscript date 1472. In some copies 147° and 150e are repeated in place of 146b and 1518; in others 1466 and 1518 are repeated in place of 147° and 150° (ibid., no. 5384 A). This copy is correctly set up. 204 X 143 mm. Imperfect, wanting the second sheet of quire c), which is supplied in facsimile. On a fly¬ leaf is an early note: Iste (codex? ptinet ad mgrm Baltassar Barth plebanü In Creulshey (?). Bought in August, 1881. IA. 37205. ALBERTANUS. De arte loquendi et tacendi.', "mm. Type: 117. Capital spaces. Hain '393.", 'Some of the elaborate capitals (see note to type) are found only in this tract, which is therefore perhaps a very early work of this press. 259 X 195 mm. Without the blank leaf. The large capital on 1e supplied in blue, other capitals and para¬ graph-marks in red. Bought in October, 1905. IB. 37207. ANDREAE, JoANNES. Summa super quarto Folio. al. 10 leaves, the last blank. 22: 34 lines, 199X 122 mm. Some pages have 33 lines. Type: 117. Capital spaces. paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in January, 1850. IB. 37209. BARZIZIUS, GASPARINUS. Epistolae.', "200 x 122 mm. Type: 117. Capital spaces. Hain'2669, 2672.", '284 x 206 mm. Capitals painted on vellum in red and blue (the larger one in gold also) are pasted in the spaces on 1°. The binding is covered with a sheet from a copy of Aquinas, Catena aurea, Koberger, 1475 (IC. 7128). Manuscript foliation, beginning, on leaf 2, at 28. From the Heber library. IB. 37211. BERNARDUS. Speculum de honestate vitae. supplied in red on 1e. Bought in April, 1907. IA. 37212. JACOBUS DE CLUSA. De veritate dicenda', "122 mm. Type: 117. Capital spaces. Hain '9336.", 'The type-pages b 2b and b 9a have been imposed in this copy low down on the paper and crookedly, thus showing that Flach was printing two folio pages at a time. The Uppsala copy of this tract (Collijn no. 766) was bought in 1474. 268 x 192 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial-strokes supplied in red. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 37219. JUDAEI. De Judaeorum et Christianorum mm. Type: 117. Capital spaces. Hain 9464. The Uppsala copy of this tract (Collijn no. 1450) was bought in 1474. 267 X 192 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. With the book- plate of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in December, 1846. IB. 37230. Another copy. 277 x 200 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red and blue alter- nately, chapter-headings and initial-strokes in red. Bought in September, 1848. IB. 37229. SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS, CAIUS. Catilina. Bellum Jugurthinum. 1e. Caij Crispi Salustij / de Lucij Catililne coniura¬ tione liber felicit incipit. 20b. FIRST COLOPHON: mm. Type: 117. Capital spaces. Hain 14188. Below the colophon is the blind impression of lines 1, 4, 5, 6 on g 18 and line 21 on f 3v. 268 x 196 mm. Capitals and some underlines supplied in red. Manuscript quiring partly cut away. On 1e is a note: Ad Bibl: Aul: Eystettensem. With the book¬ plate of the Duke of Sussex. IB. 37224. Bought in July, 1845. Another copy. 270x 200 mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks sup- plied in red and blue alternately, initial-strokes and underlines in red, on [c11-sc) 3. The outer sheet of quire sc is made up. IB. 37225. Another copy of the Bellum Jugurthinum. 280x 205 mm. Quires sd] and If have changed places in binding. Bound with IB. 37038, q. v. Bought in May, 1905. IB. 37226. THOMAS AQUINAS. Summa de articulis 117. Capital spaces. Hain *1430. 168 has only 26 lines, but there is no break in the text. 269X 192 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in January, 1868. IB. 37227. UDO. Historia horrenda Udonis archiepiscopi UDO. Historia horrenda Udonis archiepiscopi Undated. Magdeburgensis. 177X130 mm. Without the blank leaf. IA. 37217. TRANSITIONAL STATE OF TYPE I17. Undated. 6x 117 mm. Type: 117. Capital spaces. Hain 12713. The hexameter following the colophon occurs in a Laurentian', "IS. of Persius with 'intortus' in the place of ignotus and", "presumably a description of the author's style. It cannot there¬", 'ore be taken to imply that Flach supposed himself to have made new discovery. 285X 196 mm. Without the blank leaves. On 2° is note: Monasterij Weissenaw.', "King George III's copy (167. c. 21). IB. 37221.", 'Another copy. 270X 197 mm. Without the blank leaves. Capitals, aragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied nred. IB. 37222. VALASCUS DE TARENTA. Tractatus de 17. Capital spaces. Hain *15244. 288 x 202 mm. Capitals supplied in red and green Iternately, paragraph-marks and initial-strokes in red.', "On 1' and 14° is the stamp of the University Library of", 'Freiburg i. Br. (VF in a wreath); over the former is the', "Library's Gegenstempel'.", 'Bought in October, 1886. IB. 37234. FINAL STATE OF TYPE I17. 279X 203 mm. With a note on 1e and on the binding an armorial stamp, of the Cistercian abbey of S. Urban, in Lucerne. Bought in March, 1906. IB. 37245. RODERICUS [SANCIUS] ZAMORENSIS. Half a sentence of text is omitted at the foot of 3°, which breaks', "off in the middle of a word, offi'. The first part of the omission", "ciales. Regû ... calaitatib»' appears at the top of 8a and the rest", "procuratoru. Regu' forms the conclusion of 76, the text on 4°", "resuming with et alia officia'.", 'Set up roughly page for page from the Beromünster edition of', "1473 (IB. 38112), from which a misprint id superos' in the verses", 'on 1068 is taken over; but between 95b and 99b Flach saves half a page, and only returns to his model on the last page. 286 x 206 mm. Capitals, &c., supplied in red. The text omitted at the foot of 3° is supplied in manuscript. Bought in January, 1868. IB. 37241. BARTHOLOMAEUS DE CHAIMIS. In¬ The elegiacs at the end of the book are taken, ultimately if not', "directly, from Valdarfer's Milan edition of 29 September, 1474", 'The Strassburg edition by the Printer of Henricus Ariminensis (IR', "842) also has the form 'Exsaturemus' in the last line but three,", '292 X 199 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial. strokes, and underlines supplied in red. With the book¬ stamp of the Jesuit College of Gorheim. On 1e ie a note: Pro Conuentu Trömersbergensi ff: Min: strict- Obseruantiae. Bought in June, 1876. IB. 37238. GUIDO DE MONTE ROCHERII. Mani¬ lines, 211 x 138 mm. 5° and 68 have only 33 lines. Type: 117. Capital spaces. Hain 8166 (who gives 130 leaves)? 294X 211 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Old manuscript quiring. With the book-plate of the Heilbronn City Library on 3°. Old stamped leather, with paper labels. Bought in March, 1896. IB. 37244 KALENDER. Kalender auf das Jahr 1487. diagrams of eclipses and border at foot. 91X 226 mm. A fragment, consisting of the last seven lines only. The woodcuts are coloured by hand. With the date 1487 twice in manuscript. IB. 37249 Print Room.', "106, headings; 922, text. Capital spaces. Hain '1799.", 'According to Panzer the date in the colophon is M.CCCC. LXXV. Except for the doubtful Comestor, Historia scholastica, of 1486 (IB. 37299), this is the only book in which type 106 retains its full measurement. As the appearance of the book also suggests an early effort of the press, it is here placed at the beginning of Amer-', "bach's productions. The position of the author and the date of", 'composition support this arrangement. 207-211 X 139 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 37428. REUCHLIN, JOHANN. lypes: 185, first lines and headings in the Vocabularius; 85, text; 95d Greek, words on 2°. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Apparently set up in two sections, the second beginning with quire s. 312X217 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes and underlines supplied in red; the space on 7e has been sized for a more elaborate initial which was not filled in. At the foot of 1674 is an early note: Cartusien Nurmberge. Quires 1, s are bound after p.', "King George III's copy (C. 15. c. 9).", 'IB. 37253. BIBLIA LATINA. names. 3° : 47 lines and head-line, 218 (234) X 131 mm. 540e:', "54'lines, 220X 158 mm. Types: 185, first lines of books, and head-", 'lines ; 922, text, &c.; 81, Index of Hebrew names. Capital spaces with guide-letters. The head-lines, on the rectos only, give the names of the books. Marginal references in the New Testament and the Index of Lessons. Hain *3075. Apparently set up in three sections, the second beginning at E, the third at X. Hain wrongly counts 539 printed leaves in the body of the book, and does not describe the Interpretationes. 305X210 mm. Without the blank last leaf. The outside sheet of quire P is printed on small paper. Leaf n 1o is slightly mutilated. The capital F on 2e is supplied in blue, with illumination in gold and border decoration in red, green, blue, and gold; other capitals and initial-strokes in parts supplied in red. The date 1479 is written on 28 and 5716. On leaf I is a table of con¬', "tents with the note An° icf 15 Vitus pühlmaier', and on", "22 Carmelj Abensperganj'. Manuscript foliation and", 'IB. 37256. BIBLIA LATINA. Hebrew names. 32: 47 lines and head-line, 216 (232) x 131 mm. Types: 185, first lines of books and head-lines (names of books, on rectos only) ; 922, text ; 81, Index of Hebrew names. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Marginal references in the New Testa¬ ment and in the Index of Lessons. Hain *3081. 745 Apparently set up in three sections, the second beginning at E, the third at X.', "A page-for-page reprint of Amerbach's edition of 1479 (IB.", '37256) ; the Interpretationes are a duplicate of those in that edition. In this year Amerbach presented two Bibles to the Basel Charter- house. 206x 210 mm. Without the blank last leaf. Capitals at the beginning of books supplied in red and blue, other capitals in red and blue alternately, initial-strokes and underlines in red. On 1e is a note: liber Monasterij Augiae Maioris [Reichenau). Old stamped pigskin, with a printed press-mark label. Bought in June, 1871. IB. 37264. NIDER, JOHANNES. Praeceptorium diuinae professoris ordinis predicatorum. 2222. COLOPHON : Explicit preceptorium diuine legis vene rabilis pris. lohanis Nider sacre theo logie professoris: Impressum Folio. AB; a-si0.st-y 222 leaves, I and 21 blank. 2 columns. 23°: 44 lines and head-line and marginal letters, 203 (217) x 129 (141) mm. Types: 185, head-lines (numbers of pre- cepts and chapters) and first line of each precept ; 106 (95), headings and first words of chapters and paragraphs; 922 text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Marginal section-letters. Hain 11793. Amerbach presented a copy of this book in 1481 to the Basel Charterhouse. 284x 211 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial- strokes, and underlines supplied and marginal notes written in red. On 1e is a note, probably of the Royal Library of Munich: Duplum quod primum et secun¬ dum opus. There were therefore originally at least three works in this volume; the present is the first, the others having been removed. On 22 is the note: Monasterij Schyrensis. Old boards, backed with stamped pigskin. Bought in October, 1867. IB. 37267. REUCHLIN, JoHANN. Vocabularius breui¬ mm. Types: 1654, first lines and headings in Vocabularius; 81. text; 110 Greek, words on 22. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. A page-for-page reprint from the edition of 1478, or more pro¬ bably from the intermediate edition of 1480. 307X 216 mm. Without the blank leaf. On 22 is à note: Ad Bibl. PP. francis. Ingol. Old stamped leather. Library stamps on the lower edges. Bought in June, 1884. IB. 37262. 746 lines, and 334°, which has 6 columns. 7b: 47 lines and head-line, 218 (234) x 131 mm. Types: 185, head-lines (numbers of books) and first lines of books; 106 (95), headings and first words of chapters and paragraphs; 922, text. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Amerbach presented two copies of this book to the Basel Charter- 276x 199 mm. Large capitals supplied in red and blue, other capitals and paragraph-marks in red and blue alternately. Citron morocco, by Padeloup. From the Marsh and Heber Libraries. Bought in April, 1864. IB. 37269. BIBLIA LATINA. ead-line, 218 (230) x 156 mm. Types: 185, first lines of books ind head-lines (names of the books); 922, text ; 81, Index of Hebrew lames. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Marginal references n the New Testament and in the Index of Lessons. Hain 3086. Apparently set up in three sections, the second beginning at E, the third at X.', "A page-for-page reprint of Amerbach's 1481 edition (IB.", '37264). 202 x 209 mm. Without the blank first leaf; the last bas been pasted down on the board. On 2e are notes: (Sum ex libris Andree Sedlmayr Ingolstadiesis Boig. IB. 37272. REUCHLIN, JoHANN. Vocabularius breui¬ the last blank. 2 columns, except on 1b 52: 54 lines, 220 X 137 mm. Types: 1652 first lines and headings in the Vocabularius, 81, text; 110 Greek, words on 28. Capital spaces, with guide- letters. A page-for-page reprint of the 1481 issue (IB. 37262). 303X 218 mm. The large capitals at the beginning of the three books of the Vocabularius are supplied in blue and red alternately, the first two illuminated and decorated with borders of red, blue, green, &c., the third', "decorated in red. On 1' is a note: loannes märtzenoder", 'est possessor hui? codicis; on 2°: Ad bibliotheca Vienn: P.P. Franciscanorum. Old stamped red sheepskin, backed with pigskin. Bought in July, 1877. IB. 37275. JOANNES DE TURRECREMATA. Ex', "Folio. a-o8pq'. 124 leaves, the first and last blank. 2 columns", '24: 41 lines and head-line, 191 (207) X 121 mm. Types: 185, head- lines (Psalm-numbers) and first lines of exposition on each Psalm : 106 (92), headings and words quoted from the Psalms; 922, text.', "Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '15689.", 'Amerbach presented two copies of this book to the Basel Charter- house in 1482. 269X 185 mm. Without the blank leaves. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied', "in red. On 1' is the stamp of the Royal Library at", 'Munich. With the book-plate of the Monastery o Alderspach. Bought in January, 1868. IB. 37422. JOHANNES DE BROMYARD. Summa', "leaves, 37 and 364 blank. Part II. Jaal bb cc dd' eee ffgge hh-", 'pp gersstt vyxx yy zz AA-LLMM NNOO PP vocalis on 22 of Part I, which has 4. Part I, 402: 55 lines, head- line and marginal headings, 255 (274) X 151 (181) mm. Types: 185, first lines of sections, head-lines, and marginal headings in the tables; 922 text and marginal headings. Capital spaces. The head- lines give the letter, number of division, and word under discussion; the marginal headings give the numbers of articuli. Hain *3993. Amerbach presented a copy of this book to the Basel Charterhouse in 1484. 366x 254 mm. Part I is without the blank leaf 37. Large capitals supplied in red and blue; other capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Bound in two volumes in old stamped leather, lined with vellum from a service book. Each volume has the note: Monasterij B.V.M. Diessen. Bought in April, 1865. IC. 37415. JOANNES DE TURRECREMATA. Quae¬ ines only), headings in index; 81, text. Capital spaces. Hain Hain describes a Flos theologiae with the present Quaestiones Euangeliorum under a single entry as parts of the same book, and hey are so combined in some other editions. At the same time it should be noted that (1) the Flos only (Sermones qui dicuntur Flores theologiae) is mentioned among the Charterhouse benefac- tions about 1481, but nothing corresponding to the Quaestiones until the Postilla Euangeliorum in 1485; (2) the index of the Tegernsee tract volume from which the Museum copy is taken nakes no mention of the Flores; (3) several copies besides the Museum copy, e. g. the Bodleian copy, and those at Berlin and Besançon, have only one or other of the parts, not both together. It is thus probable that the two parts should be kept separate. 277 x 198 mm. Capital on 9e supplied in blue with lecoration in red; other capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ trokes, and underlines in red. On a slip of paper pasted', "on 1' is a note of ownership of the Monastery of Tegernsee,", 'dated 1484, with a list of contents. Bought in July, 1869. IB. 37283. JOHANNES DE VERDENA. Sermones blank. 2 columns. 2°: 41 lines and head-line, 189 (204) x 119 mm. Types: 185, first lines of sermons, and head-lines (sermon-numbers); t06 (92), headings and text of gospels; 92e text of sermons, &c.', "Capital spaces. Hain '15970.", 'As type 922 is still in its earlier state in this book, it must have been printed before the books of 1485 which show the later stage. 286 x 210 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals and paragraph-marks, and at the beginning of the book initial-strokes and underlines, supplied in red. On 1341 the rubricator has written: Anno ic nonag octauo Iste iber empte est michaeles p australez. On 22 is a note : IB. 37424. CASSIANUS, JOANNES. De institutis coeno¬ CASSIANUS, JOANNES. De institutis coeno¬ biorum. Collationes patrum. 1485. leaves. 2 columns (except on 1b?). 11b: 47 lines and head-line, 217 (232)x 133 mm. Types: 185, title (?), first lines of the two books, and head-lines (section-titles and numbers); 106 (92), head¬ ings and colophon; 922* text. Capital spaces, mostly with guide¬ letters. On 75e is a woodcut of the Conversion of S. Paul. Hain *4562. house in 1486.', "The cut on 752 is in the style of some of the early cuts in Richel's", 'Spiegel menschlicher Behältnis (IC. 37172). 267 x 179 mm. Imperfect, wanting the title. Large capitals on 22 and 11e supplied in red and blue, other capitals and paragraph-marks in red. On 22 is a note: Monasterio Divi Emerami. Bought in April, 1854. IB. 37287. JACOBUS DE VORAGINE. Sermones de leaves. Part II. Aa); A BS CeD-LS M6N-PSOeR-ZI-68 710, 242 leaves. 2 columns. Part I, 152: 47 lines and head-line, 216 (228) X 132 mm. Types: 185, titles, first lines of sermons, and head¬', "lines (names of Sundays and Saints' Days) ; 106 (92), first lines", 'in tables, and headings; 924, text. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. 291 x 206 mm. Capitals supplied in red and blue, the large ones at the beginning of each part with decoration in pen-and-ink and colours; paragraph-marks, initial. strokes, and underlines in red. Of the first leaf of Part I all but the part bearing the title has been cut away. On the last page of Part I and two fly-leaves following it', "is written a sermon 'ex Discipulo in an early hand.", 'With the auction label of the Bibliotheca Hultmanniana. Bois-le-Duc. Bought in October, 1902. IB. 37426. HEROLT, JoHANNES. Liber Discipuli de columns. 172: 43 lines and head-line, 198 (211) X 125 mm. Types 185, head-lines (titles and numbers of sections on rectos only) and first lines of sections ; 922*, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 18519. 268 x 190 mm. Without the blank leaf 155. A few capitals in the table supplied in red ink. On 1562 is', "à note In usum Fratrum Staingadensiu empt? 1649',", 'and a stamped monogram CS. The table is bound before the text. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 37418. MICHAEL SCOTUS. Liber physiognomiae. 7 hois phisionomia opus feliciter finit. mm. Types : 185, title and first lines of chapters ; 922* text. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. Hain 14551 (= 145452). 204 X 154 mm. Bought in June, 1898. CATO, DIONYSIUS. Cato moralissimus cum mm. Types: 185, title?; 108, headings on 22 and colophon; 106 (92), text ; 92a* (83), gloss (see notes to types) ; 63, interlineations. Capital G (12) on 22; spaces, with guide-letters, elsewhere. A', "woodcut on 1a of master and pupil (Schreiber, no. 15). Hain '4719.", "Amerbach presented 'tres Catones' to the Basel Charterhouse", 'in 1486. 205 X 145 mm. Imperfect, wanting the title. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. On a fly-leaf is a note Früm Schyrensiu', "et B. Virginis ibid' and an earlier note of contents:", 'Catho moralissim? cum Cômêto Papa pius al Silui? Enea ALEXANDER DE VILLA DEI. Doctrinale and gloss, head-line, and marginalia, 212 (226)x 139 (163) mm. Text and gloss in alternate paragraphs. Types: 185, title and head-lines (section-titles) ; 108, line 1 of colophon, and text; 63 headings, marginalia, lines 2 and 3 of colophon, and gloss. Capitals (1b, 22, 2b). Hain 1747. Amerbach presented a copy of this book to the Basel Charterhouse 318x217 mm. Without the blank leaf. Large capitals painted, paragraph-marks and initial-strokes supplied in red. Above the title is a note: Monasterii S. Emmerami Ratisbonae. IB. 37295. Bought in October, 1865. 1486. Nnè ; jj8 (22, 338 44½ 538 leaves, the first and last blank. 2 columns, except in the Interpretationes, which have three. 64: 48 lines and head-line, 223 (235) X 144 mm. Types: 185, head-lines (names of the books on rectos only) ; 922* text; 82e, Interpreta¬ tiones nominum hebraicorum. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Marginal references in the New Testament and in the Index of Lessons. Hain *3094.', "Hain gives Interptationes' (with a capital) on 505e and also", 'describes a variant issue of the Interpretationes. 289 X 201 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1-5 and the blank last leaf. Capitals supplied in red and blue alter- nately, initial-strokes in red. The Interpretationes are', "bound before Prüss's 1486 Bible (IB. 1582, p. 119, q.v.),", 'and have paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. IB. 37297. PETRUS COMESTOR. Historia scholastica. 211 (225) x 138 mm. Types: 185, title, head-lines (names of books), and first lines of chapters; 106, headings; 92a*, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 5537. Except the Arnoldi, Litania contra Teucros (IA. 37428), this is the only book in which type 106 has its full measurement. As it is also the last book in which types 185 and 92e are found, and is not mentioned in the list of gifts to the Charterhouse, it was possibly printed by some other printer with type discarded by Amerbach. 266 x 185 mm. Imperfect, wanting the title and the blank leaf. Large capital on 2e supplied in red and blue, other capitals and paragraph-marks in red and blue alternately, initial-strokes and underlines (in quires a and b only) in red. With the engraved book-plate of the Lateran Collegiate Church of S. Nicholas near Passau. Bought in April, 1866. IB. 37299. PHILELPHUS, JOANNES MARIUS. Episto head-line, 136 (144) x 96 (118 with marginalia) mm. Types: 115 Rom., head-lines (titles of parts and numbers of tituli); 82 Rom., text. Capital D (12) on 62 ; spaces, with guide-letters, elsewhere.', "Hain '12970.", '12, blank ; 1b-2b, registrum ; 3°-5b epistolae commendaticiae of Lud. Mondellus and Oct. Vbaldinus, dated in April and July, 1481; 62-72, praefatio of Philelphus, dated Ex Vrbino sexto Idus Februarij, 1477; 78-222, praecepta artis rhetorices; 222-25b, epitheta: 250- 158 epistolare; 1592, commendatory verses; 1596, registrum Adelphi’, which may be either this book or the undated Epistolae of Franciscus Philelphus (IA. 37436). 203 X 153 mm. Capital on 68 painted red and blue, other capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in alternate red and blue, initial-strokes in red. Early manuscript foliation (13-172). Old stamped half pigskin and boards, with title label Marii Philefi Epistolare ... Item De¬ clinaes et coniugationes Graecorum Nominum et Verborum', "Venetijs 1484 i.e. Pasquale's edition of Chrysoloras's", "Erotematal': the latter tract has been removed. Titles", 'written on lower edge. Bought in January, 1878. IA. 37293. NICOLAUS [DE TUDESCHISI PANORMITA¬', "1-10'. 256 leaves. II, 2. A-Ys. 176 leaves, the first blank. III,", '3: 162 leaves, the first and last blank. III. 268 leaves. IV. 52', "leaves. V. aa-tt'vy“ 158 leaves, the last blank. REPERTORIUM.", 'a-fegl0 h-yA-C D1 Es 220 leaves, the first blank, 2-218 num¬ bered II-CCIXJVIII. 2 columns. Book I, 32: 60 lines and head¬ line, 243 (257) x 164 mm. Types: 165°, headings of lists of tituli, head-lines (numbers of books and names of tituli), and first words of tituli; 82°, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain', "12315 and '11566 (the Repertorium).", 'A copy of this book (with the Repertorium) was presented by Amerbach to the Basel Charterhouse in 1489. The supplement by Antonius de Butrio (Book I, aa-kk) is placed between the two parts of Book I in the list of Tituli, and is so bound', "in this copy and in Hain's ; but it does not appear in the Register.", 'In Book II, Part 2, the signature of L I was misprinted M; this has been erased by hand and M substituted by the press. Vol. 1: 341 X 241 mm.: vol. 2: 335X 243 mm.; vol. 3: 332 X 242 mm. Imperfect, wanting Book II, Part 3, and Books III and IV; also without the blank first leaf of the Repertorium. Inside the cover of the first volume is a note: Blasius Wagner me tenet. Bound in three volumes, Book I and Book II, Part 2, in vol. I, Book II. Part 1, in vol. 2, and Book V and the Repertorium in vol. 3. Old stamped pigskin, a circular stamp with the arms of Württemberg-Mömpelgard and some other stamps being identical with those found on IC. 5774. Bought in April, 1846. IB. 37303, 37302, 37304, 37307,37308. Amerbach presented a copy of this book to the Basel Charterhouse.', "215X 156 mm. Dr. Kloss's copy.", 'Bought in March, 1906. IA. 37434. PIUS II. Praecepta artis rhetoricae.', "Marginal headings in parts. Hain '211.", 'Amerbach presented a copy of this book to the Basel Charterhouse in 1488. 194X 132 mm. The marginal headings are cropped,', "and leaf 46 is mutilated. On 1' is a note: xxyth boke.", 'With notes of ownership of Archbishop Cranmer and Lord Lumley. From the old Royal Library. IA. 37432. PHILELPHUS, FRANCISCUS. Epistolae. and head-line, 160 (170) x 96 mm. Types: 115 Rom., head-lines (book-numbers) ; 82 Rom., text; 958 Greek. Capital spaces, with', "guide-letters. Hain '12929.", "Amerbach presented in 1488 to the Basel Charterhouse ' Epistolas", "Adelphi', which may either be this book or the Epistolarium", 'nouum of Joannes Marius Philelphus, 1486 (IA. 37293). 209 X 151 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial¬ strokes supplied in red. On 1e is a note: Sigismudus Scheufflr. Manuscript notes. A letter in Latin from Thomas Truchsses to Dr. Johann Ziedner (or Riedner) of Ingolstadt, dated 16 March, 1493, is loosely inserted. Old stamped leather. With engraved book-plate (Virgin', "and Child), inscribed: Insignia Capituli'. The author's", 'name is written across the lower edge. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 37436. ARS ORATORIA. Tractatus de arte oratoria. I1ao) mm. Types: 108, title ; 82 Rom., text. Capital spaces, with', "guide-letters. Hain '1858. AUGUSTINUS. De ciuitate Dei cum com¬ (257) « 164 (179) mm. Types : 285, title ; 124, head-lines (book- numbers); 92b text ; 76, editorial matter. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Woodcut on 1b of S. Augustine and the Cities of God and Satan, with inscriptions. Hain 2064. Amerbach and Petri gave a copy of this book to the Basel Charterhouse in 1489. 314X 216 mm. On a fly-leaf is a note: Dns loks kesch mgr can. Bound with the following in old stamped leather, with vellum title label. Bought in April, 1873. IB. 37313. *1489. title ; 124, head-lines (book-numbers) ; 108, headings; 92° text; 76, editorial matter; 956 Greek. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 2037. A copy of this book was presented by Amerbach and Petri to the Basel Charterhouse in 1489. 314X 216 mm. Bound with the preceding. Bought in April, 1873. IB. 37314. AUGUSTINUS. Explanatio Psalmorum. 16 blank. 2 columns. 202: 54 lines, head-line, and marginalia, 250 (263) x 151 (184) mm. Types: 285, titles; 1650, head-lines (Psalm- numbers); 108 (kerned), headings and quotations from Psalms : 92b, text, colophons, &c.; 76, marginalia; 958 Greek. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 1971. Amerbach and Petri gave a copy of this book to the Basel Charterhouse in 1490. 331X 226 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1-16. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and under¬ lines supplied in red. On 1e is a note: Bibliothecae Schefftlariensis. Bought in April, 1873. IB. 37322. Super Sapientiam last blank. 2 columns. 182: 57 lines, head-line, and marginal letters, 234 (246) x 148 (159) mm. Types: 285, title; 165°, head- lines (chapter- and lection-numbers) and first lines; 92°, heading on 15a; 82b text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 78758. Amerbach and Petri gave two copies of this book to the Basel Charterhouse in 1489. 317X 219 mm. Capitals supplied in red. On 18 is', "a note : Iste liber est puët? frin he* s Aug' epi in", "monaco. With the Convent's engraved book-plate.", 'Boards, backed with old sheepskin, with title labels;', "Holkot' written on the fore-edge.", 'Bought in April, 1873. IB. 37324. BERNARDINUS. Quadragesimale de Chri¬ 254 leaves. 2 columns. 32: 54 lines and head-line, 219X 231 mm. Types: 285, title; 1650, head-lines (day, subject, and num- ber of sermon) and first lines; 108, headings; 82b, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 2834. 308 x 210 mm. Large capital on 2° supplied in blue with decoration in red; other capitals, paragraph-marks, and underlines, and initial-strokes in parts, in red. Manu¬ script notes and corrections. On the fly-leaves are notes:', "Attinet Mostio Tegernß' and 'Duplum Bibliothecae", 'regiae Monacensis. Old stamped leather; one of the stamps represents a hart leaping a hurdle ; it is not that which occurs on IB. 37464 and 37613 (Kesler). With title label and title written on lower edge. Bought in April, 1865. IB. 37466. BERNARDINUS. Sermones de caritate siue x 142 mm. Types: 285, title; 165° head-lines (titles and numbers of sermons) and first lines; 108, headings; 82°, text. Capital spaces,', "with guide-letters. Hain '2827.", '297 x 208 mm. Without the blank leaves. Capitals supplied in red. On 1e is a note: Ad Bibliothec. Eccles. Colleg. Oeting. Veteris. Old stamped leather, rebacked and mended, with roll-stamp representing hunting scenes and others, which also occur on IB. 37613. Bought in April, 1865. IB. 37464. VALLA, LAURENTIUS. Compendium octo partium orationis. 1° TITLE: Compendiu octo partiumorationis. 882 COLOPHON : Explicita est quinta pars et vltima. mm. Types: 165° title and first line of text; 82°, headings and text; 958 Greek. Capital D (12) on 22; spaces, with guide-letters, elsewhere. Woodcut of master and pupils (Schreiber 35) on 1b.', "Hain '5564.", '217 X 153 mm. The capital on 22 painted; other capi¬ tals, with some paragraph-marks, supplied in red. Bought in December, 1846. IA. 37453. PHILELPHUS, JoANNES MARIUS. Episto¬ line, and marginal reference, 144 (154) x 99 (116) mm. Types: 115 Rom. (upper-case only), title and head-lines (titles of parts and num¬ bers of tituli) ; 87 Rom., text; 958 Greek. Capital A (3) on 62;', "spaces, with guide-letters, elsewhere. Hain '12974.", "A page-for-page reprint of Amerbach's edition of 1486 (IA.", '37293). 209 X 145 mm. Without the blank leaf. Leaf 1 is mutilated and mounted; the mount covers the remaining text (Ordo titulorum) on 1b.', "King George III's copy (C. 5. a. 16). \ufeff752 108, title; 92b, headings; 76, text. Capital spaces, with guide¬', "letters. Hain '16296.", 'Amerbach and Petri presented fourteen copies each of this and the following to the Basel Charterhouse in 1488 or 1489. 154X103 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Bought. IA. 37477. THOMAS A KEMPIS. Meditationes de gratiarum actione. [By Thomas a Kempis.) 108 (kerned), title; 92°, headings; 76, text. Capital spaces, with Amerbach and Petri presented fourteen copies each of this and the preceding to the Basel Charterhouse in 1488 or 1489. 154X 105 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. On 1° is the armorial book-plate of Christoph Gewold. Bought. IA. 37475. AUGUSTINUS. De Ciuitate Dei cum (256) x 161 (174) mm. Types: ? 285, title; 165b, head-lines (book- numbers); 108 (kerned), headings on 2° and 4°; 926 text and colophon ; 76, editorial matter; 958 Greek. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Woodcut on 1b, as in the 1489 issue. Hain 82066.', "A page-for-page reprint of Amerbach's 1489 edition (IB. 37313)", 'and finished on the same day of the same month, if the statement in the colophon is correct. 309X 213 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leal. Capital I on 2° illuminated in gold and colours, larger capitals supplied in red and blue, smaller capitals in red and blue alternately. Bound with the following. With the book-plate of the Collegiate Lateran Church of S. Nicholas near Passau. IB. 37328. Bought in October, 1867. 11490 title: 165b, head-lines (book-numbers); 108 (kerned), headings; 92 tert: 76, editorial matter; 9gs Greek. Capital spaces, with guide letters. Hain 2039. Areprint from the 1489 issue (IB. 37314), page for page in the first four quires, after which a page is gained by compression. 300x 213 mm. Capitals supplied in red and blue alternately. Bound with the preceding. Bought in October, 1867. IB.37329 BERTHOLDUS. Horologium deuotionis. Octavo, a-g’hl° 66 leaves, the last blank. 4°; 30 lines, 114 x70 mm. Types: 108, title (kerned?), and the short prayers be¬', "ginning with the words ' Adiuua me domine lesu'; 92b headings;", '76. text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Thirty-six woodcuts. Hain 2990, 2993, 18928.', "A copy in the Basel University Library has a rubricator's date", '1400. Amerbach and Petri apparently presented thirteen copies to the Basel Charterhouse in 1489 or 1490. 138x 97 mm. Without the blank leaf. Some capi- tals, paragraph-marks, and initial-strokes supplied in red. Bought in September, 1860. IA. 37473 CASSIODORUS, MAGNUS AURELIUS. Ex¬ head-lines (Psalm-numbers), first line on 282: 106 (88), headings and quotations; 87, text; 87 Rom., some marginalia; 76, marginalia.', "Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '4574.", 'Amerbach gave a copy of this book to the Basel Charterhouse in 1491. 282 X 205 mm. Larger capitals supplied in red and blue, smaller capitals and paragraph-marks in red and blue alternately. With the book-plate of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in December, 1844. IB. 37344 AUGUSTINUS. Expositio in euangelium 2 columns. 13°: 53 lines, head-line, and marginalia, 220 (234) X 144 (187) mm. Types: 285, title; 180, head-lines and first lines; 100 (92), table of tituli, headings, colophon, and text of Gospel: 82° text. Capital spaces, with a few guide-letters. The head-lines', "give the short title Ioh.', and the tract and chapter-numbers.", 'Hain 11982. Amerbach gave two copies of this book to the Basel Charter- house in 1490 or 1491. 299 X 208 mm. Large capital I on 12e supplied in red and blue, other capitals in red and blue alternately, paragraph-marks in red. On the title-page, which has been mounted, are these notes: Liber bte marie vgis sciqz michaelis archägeli I Gozzeca Goseck ; Caspar Mayronis super primo Sententiarum, in old stamped pigskin, with title stamped on cover: Auge sup iohez. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought in November, 1844. IB. 37461. GERSON, JoHANNES. Alphabetum diuini marginal heading, 114X70-72 (84) mm. Types: 108, title; 920 headings ; 76, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 17633. Amerbach presented ten copies of this book to the Basel Charter- house in 1490 or 1491. 138x 99 mm. Without the blank leaf. IA. 37480. Bought in September, 1860. first parts of the first and third volumes). Vol. I. 52: 52 lines, head-line, and marginalia, 224 (233) x 143 (160) mm.; 428: 52 lines, head-line, and marginalia, 225 (235) x 146 (176) mm. Vol. III. 752 : 48 lines and head-line, 209 (219) x 126 mm. Types: 285, titles, except those of Vol. I and the Liber de Fide in Vol. III ; 180, titles of Vols. II and III and of the Liber de Fide, first heading on 1° of Vol. I ; 124, smaller headings on 1b of Vol. I, head-lines (titles of works and book-numbers) and first lines; 115 Rom., head-lines of the Officia and Epistolae; 106 (88), title of Vol. I, headings and biblical texts; 92b, heading on 237° of Vol. III ; 87 Rom., text of the Officia and Epistolae, verses on 1e of Vol. I, quotations in the Expositio in Psalmum exviii ; 87, text, lists of contents on titles of Vols. II and III; 76, list of Sermons on 237b of Vol. III; 62, mar- ginalia; 957 Greek. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hebrew heading-letters in the Expositio in Psalmum exviii. Woodcut on', "Vol. I, 12, of S. Ambrose writing. Hain'896.", 'The Epistle to Amerbach by Johannes de Lapide, at the be¬ ginning of Vol. I, contains these passages: Qe bene copisti dili¬ gêti9 pseqre. Optimis armis ecclesiâ dei muniuisti p iteratam Marke; Mr Coppock. empt. in march. 1634; at end: William Burnell. Old stamped leather. Vol. II. 296x 212 mm. Capitals and paragraph- marks supplied in red. Note on 1°: Iste liber est Monasterij Sancti Nicolai patauie. With the book-plate of the monastery. Boards covered with vellum from a manuscript and backed with old stamped pigskin. Vol. III. 290X 201 mm. Large capital on 2° sup- plied in red and blue, other capitals in red. Signature on 2792 of Georgius Zepffel, and inside the first cover of', "Jacobus Weinbuech ad D.V. cooperator', with his book-", 'plate. Vol. I bought in October, 1854; Vol. II in March, IB. 37347. BERNARDUS. Meditationes. x 62 mm. Types: 106 (88?), title and head-lines ; 92b, headings; \ufeff754 76, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Head-lines Liber Amerbach presented a copy of this book in 1492 to the Basel Charterhouse. 135 x 94 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial¬ strokes supplied in red, which has faded. Formerly bound after the following tract and the Zutphaniensis (IA. 37351 below). Bought in February, 1839. IA. 37349. JOHANNES DE TAMBACO. Consolatio Fo. i-ciii. 122: 27 lines and head-line, 102 (108) x 61 mm. Types; 106, title?, head-lines (book-numbers and foliation); 92b headings; 76, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 15237. Amerbach presented twelve copies of this book in 1492 to the Basel Charterhouse. 135X94 mm. Imperfect, wanting the title, also the blank leaf. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Previously bound before the preceding tract and the Zutphaniensis (IA. 37351 below). Bought in February, 1839. IA. 37353. BERTHOLDUS. Andächtig Zeitglöcklein', "(128) x 56 (86) mm. Types: 122, foundation' (Pfullment) of each", 'section ; 96, title and text. Capital space, with guide-letter, on 22; capitals (1°, 1b) elsewhere. Title-cut, 72 x 56 mm., and 38 other cuts in the text (the 2oth repeated), 65 x 46 mm.; nos. 16, 19, 28, 30, and 31 are nos. 15, 18, 28, 27, and 29 of the undated Latin edition', "IA. 37473 above). Historiated woodcut borders. Hain '16278 (1)", '(counting 242 leaves in error).', "Amerbach gave four copies of Zytglöggli' to the Basel Charter-", 'house in 1491; this may either refer to an earlier edition now lost, or else be an error for 1492. 154 X 109 mm. The borders on the first four pages are coloured by hand. Quires r and s have been trans- posed in binding. Bound with IA. 37357 and 37358 in old red sheepskin. Bought in June, 1846. IA. 37356. [1492.)', "Octavo. a' b“ 12 leaves. 32: 19 lines and border, 91 (128) X", '56 (86) mm. Type: 96. Woodcut of the Crucifixion on 16 (no. 27 of the preceding); capitals (1b, 1e) and borders as in the preceding.', "Hain '16278 (2).", '154X 109 mm. Bound with IA. 37356 and 37358. Bought in June, 1846. IA. 37357. MARIA. Lob der Glieder Mariä. (1492. 16 180 mm. Type: 96. Woodcut on 1b of the Virgin and Child; wodcut capitals (15, 1e) and borders as in IA. 37356. Hain 16278 (3)? 154x 109 mm. Bound with IA. 37356 and 37357. Bought in June, 1846. IA. 37358. De re¬ (iva)x 62 mm. Types: 106 (88 2), title and head-lines; 92b, head- ings: 76, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Head-lines De', "reformatione virium anime' Woodcut on 1b of the Fall, with", 'borders from the Zeitglöcklein (IA. 37356). Hain 716291. 135X 94 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial- strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Previously bound between IA. 37353 and IA. 37349. IA. 37351. Bought in February, 1839. 7114193 2 columns in the table. 112 : 52 lines, head-line, and marginalia, 225 (234) X 142 (169) mm. Types: 285, title; 115 Rom., head¬ lines (numbers of Epistolae and of reference alphabets); 87 Rom., text ; 87, some marginal section-letters; 62, marginal references. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Marginal section-letters and', "references. Hain '1969.", 'Amerbach presented a copy to the Basel Charterhouse in 1493. 313X 215 mm. The large capital on 9e supplied in red, green, violet, and yellow, and illuminated; other capitals and paragraph-marks in red and blue alternately:', "underlines in red. Notes: inside the first cover ' Iste", 'liber emptus est pro me loannem ffogghhen brunopolitanum artium Book-plate of the Duke of Sussex. Old stamped pig-', "skin, with inscription Eplau augus'", 'Bought in July, 1859. IB. 37362. REUCHLIN, JoHANN. Capnia seu de verbo Folio. a-d8-6 ee fge. 50 leaves. 32: 50 lines and head-line, 217 (228) x 133 mm. Types: 285, title; 115 Rom., head-lines (title and book-numbers) ; 87 Rom., text. Capital spaces, with guide-', "letters. Hain '13880.", "The title of this work, Karvia, smokelets', is a kind of pun in", "Greek on its author's name.", 'Amerbach presented a copy to the Basel Charterhouse in 1494 or 1495. 291 X 202 mm. Large capitals supplied in blue and red, small capitals and paragraph-marks in red. Bound before IB. 1837, q.v. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 37366. TRITHEIM, JOHANN. De scriptoribus eccle¬ bered Fol. 1-140. 92: 51 lines and head-line, 221 (233) X 137 mm. Types : 285, title ; 115 Rom., head-lines (title) ; 87 Rom., text and foliation; 957 Greek. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 15613. 299X 209 mm. Without the blank leaf. The first Bought in December, 1862. IB. 37368. RICHARDUS DE SANCTO VICTORE. head-line, 103 (109) x 61 mm. Types: 124, first line on 50; 106 (90), title ; 92b headings and head-lines (title and chapter-num¬', "bers); 76, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain' 13912 (2).", 'Amerbach gave a copy of this book to the Basel Charterhouse in 1494 or 1495. 141 x 99mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, 755 and underlines supplied in red. Two old vellum fly¬', "leaves are bound in, with notes 'Thomas Collum suc", "me aere redemit , and LD, 1688', the latter with a coat", 'of arms. IA. 37371. RICHARDUS DE SANCTO VICTORE. (109) x61 mm. Types: 124, first lines of books; 106 (95), title, head-lines to end of quire h; 92b, other head-lines, headings; 76, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines give the', "title and the book- and chapter-numbers. Hain '13912 (1).", 'Amerbach presented a copy of this book to the Basel Charter- house in 1494 or 1495. 142 x97 mm. On 1° is a note: Sum loannis Ottonis Franci Grauionarij sof Bamberg) ex donis cuiusdam Another copy. 143x 98 mm. Imperfect, wanting the title-page. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial-strokes supplied in red. IA. 37374. AUGUSTINUS. Sermones. 51494, 1495. Folio. a b-gs. h10 j8 kio; a-ks.e 16 A af.gh a baf h; A; a-ks1m-xy-DEKBCD abde. 602 leaves, 530, 531, and 602 blank. 2 columns. 92: 52 lines, head- of general title, and part-titles ; 180, some first lines and head-lines (tract titles and sermon-numbers) ; 124, other first lines and head¬ lines; 106 (88), headings and quotations; 87, text and lines 4-10 of the general title ; 87 Rom., verses on 22, 2b and 303b; 75 Rom., marginalia on leaf 2; 62, marginalia. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. Hain *2008. 13, general title ; 1b, cut, S. Augustine in church teaching; 2-6. 77—-157°, Pt. II, de verbis Domini, signed and dated 1494; 158a- 2464, Pt. IV in Epistolam beati loannis, dated 1494; 246b, blank; blank; 3036, title; 303b cut, emblems of S. Augustine, Latin verses below: 3044-529b, Pt. VI, de tempore, signed and dated 1495; 530. 531, blank; 532a 558a annotatio sententiarum to preceding; 558b. blank ; 5594-601b Pt. VII, de sanctis, signed and dated as de¬ scribed; 602, blank.—The text of each Part is preceded by a separate title and list of contents and followed by an annotatio', "principalium (praecipuarum) sententiarum'.", 'Amerbach gave a copy of the De Verbis Domini (Part II) to the Basel Charterhouse in 1494 or 1495. 756 307 X 206 mm. Without the blank leaves 531 and 602. Signature of Charles John Elliott, A.M., of St.', "Catharine's College, Cambridge. Old stamped black", 'leather sides preserved in the modern binding. Bought in December, 1863. IB. 37380. EYB, ALBERTUS DE. Margarita poetica. 207 (215) x 130 (146) mm. Types: 115 Rom., titles and head-lines; 110 Rom., headings on 22 and 222: 87 Rom., other headings: 75 Rom., text; 75 Greek. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines give the numbers of parts, tracts and chapters, and the titles of chapters. Hain 16825. Amerbach gave two copies of this book to the Basel Charter- house in 1496. 282X 196 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Note on 2252: Ex Bib. Mnrij Amerb. Ord Sti Benedicti. Stamp on 226° of the Fürstliche Hofbibliothek of Leiningen; a', "rosette is drawn on the fore-edges. The Annotatio' is", 'bound at the beginning. None Bought in February, 1864. IB. 3/383. PHILELPHUS, JoANNES MARIUS. Episto¬ line, and marginal reference, 147 (157) x 96 (114) mm. Types: 115 Rom., title and head-lines (titles of sections or numbers of tituli);', "87 Rom., text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '12979.", 'A page-for-page reprint of the 1489 issue (IA. 37326). 208 X 143 mm. Capitals supplied in red. Bought in June, 1876. IA. 37386. PORPHYRIUS. Libri artis logicae Porphyrii mentary, and head-line, 209 (219) X 129 mm. A column of 49 lines of text on 12b measures 211 mm. Types: 180, titles; 148, head- lines (names and numbers of the books); 120, headings; 87, text of Porphyry and Aristotle ; 87 Rom., heading on 2736; 75 Rom., first colophon, verses on 2730; 62, commentary, marginalia. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 79919, 13300. 12 first title ; 1b, blank ; 22-52, in explanatione librorum logicae; ra 28a liber isagogarum Porphyrii; 292-466, liber categoriarum;', "verses by Brant addressed to Jo. de Lapide Chartusianum': 2744-", '2002. Jo. de Lapide tractatus de exponibilibus et de arte soluendi sophisticas argumentationes; 290°, blank.', "Amerbach gave' totam logicam Aristotelis cum commento’ to the", 'Basel Charterhouse in 1495. 279 X 200 mm. On 12 are the signatures of Thomas Trut (2) ex Perchtolstorff Austriacus, 1568, Zacharias Scholtz Patschkouinensis Silesius, 1583, and Matthias Patschkouiensis, and the note of ownership of the Friars Minor de Obseruantia at Passau, also an early note of', "price 15 g alb' On leaves at the beginning is written", 'the scheme of an alphabetical index, at the end an index quaestionum. Old half stamped pigskin over boards. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 37523. PHILELPHUS, FRANCISCUS. Epistolae. 12 TITLE: EPISTOLARE FRANCISCI PHI¬ LELFI. 2748. END: ... Vale ex Mediolano. iiij. idus 158 (167) x 99 mm. Types: 115 Rom., title, headings, and head- lines (book-numbers) ; 87 Rom., text; 957 Greek. Capital spaces,', "with guide-letters. Hain '12927.", "213X 150 mm. With notes Rupertus' Egregius", "Doctor Paulus Kheill 1530' Mon: Weltbg' and Schleys", "samer'. Boards, backed with old stamped pigskin, with", 'stamp on upper edges and remains of title label. Bought in April, 1873. IA. 37484. PHILELPHUS, FRANCISCUS. Orationes cum Undated. 12 TITLE ORATIONES FRANCISCIPHI LELFI CVM QVIBVSDAM ALIIS EIVSDEM OPERIBVS. 1822. COLOPHON : Legum apud uetères 160) x95 (with marginalia 117) mm. Types: 115 Rom., title, head-lines (names of the tracts); 87 Rom., headings; 75 Rom., text; 75 Greek, in quotations, &c. Capital spaces, with guide-', "letters. Hain '12918.", '12, title ; 1b letter of Philelphus to Sforza, 27 May, 1481; 23, 20 nuptiales ; 92-106b, orationes diuersae ; 1072-1324 rhetoricas Aristotelis de causis ciuilibus praecepta, translated by Philelphus; 1322-1798, Plutarchi apophthegmata ad Traianum et Laconica, translated by Philelphus; 179b-1822, legum apud veteres scriptores annotatio; 182b, blank. The Leipzig copy of this book was rubricated in 1498. 211X 154 mm. On 1b is written Domi M lacobi', "Malet quondam wyndesore canonici'and'W: Hill'. Some", 'manuscript notes. Quires s and t have been transposed in binding. From the old Royal Library.', "bo alt becdefg aa bb'; A-Ks.6 L8 M10. a6 10; As B6Ce.", '389 leaves, the last blank. 37b: 55 lines, head-line, and marginalia, 208 (215) X 131 (139) mm. Types: 115 Rom., titles of separate works (except Inuectiuae contra quendam medicum), and head¬ lines (tract-titles and section-numbers) ; 110 Rom., general title, title of Inuectiuae contra quendam medicum, and chief headings 87* Rom., text of poems, small headings in the prose works; 7 Rom., text of prose works and marginalia throughout. Capital', "spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '12749.", 'The list of contents on the general title reads as follows: Bucolicum Carmen per duodecim Aeglogas distinctu. De Vita house in 1496 or 1497.', "275X 195 mm. With notes on 1e 'Valeni() sum et", "amicorum' and Soctis Iesv Antuerpiae. D.P. Quire F", 'of the second section, the De Vera Sapientia, has been bound (following the order of Contents) after the Se- cretum (leaf 192) in this and the other copy. IB. 37389. Bought. Another copy. 286 x 199 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals. paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Note on 22: Liber Ecclie Sci leonardi In basilea maiore Ordi Cann Bm Sci Augustini. IB. 37391. King George III's copy (86. k. 13).", 'Undated. 1°. TITLE: EPISTOLARE FRANCISCI PHI¬ LELFI. 274°. l. 14, END: . . . Vale. Ex Mediolano. 161 (169) x 97 mm. Types: 115 Rom., head-lines (book-numbers): 110 Rom., title, headings ; 87* Rom., text; 958 Greek. Capital', "spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '12928.", 'A page-for-page reprint of the other undated edition (IA. 37484), except on the last three pages. 209 X 149 mm. Capitals supplied in red in quires r-t, initial-strokes and underlines in red as far as quire v. Manuscript notes. At the end is written: Otf neuxner est posssessor) huius slibri).', "King George III's copy (C. 5. a. 17). DIONYSIUS [DE LEEUWIS CARTHUSIEN. 21 October, 1497. 101x 61-2 mm. Types: 148, title; 96, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters.', "The woodcut on 1b is one of the set used in Amerbach's Zeit¬", 'Amerbach gave twelve copies of this book to the Basel Charter- house in 1497. An appendix, containing Curs vom Sacrament, Uslegung des Gloria Patri, and Sant Bernarts Rosenkranz, is sometimes found with this book. 142X 100 mm. Capital on 6° supplied in several colours ; other capitals, initial-strokes, and underlines in red. On 1e is written: S Kati vo flachßlät. Old pink stamped sheepskin. Bought in June, 1884. IA..37398. 201-342 numbered Fol. 2-174, Fo. j-142. 2 columns. 31b: 60 lines and head-line, 155 (162)x 97 (with marginal section-letters 105) mm. Types: 106 (90), title, head-lines; 62, headings, folia¬ tion, marginalia; 52, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters: printed Lombards (4) in the first quire. The head-lines give the numbers of the parts, &c., and the names of the virtues and vices', "Hain '12390.", '199X 140 mm. Capitals and underlines supplied in red. Some manuscript notes. Old stamped leather. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 37404. AUGUSTINUS. Explanatio Psalmorum.', "tte Aas Bb' Cc-Ff. 426 leaves. 2 columns. 22: 63 lines and", 'head-line, 239 (248) x 145 (with marginalia 175) mm. Types: 285. first three titles; 148, fourth title, head-lines (Psalm-numbers), &c.: 77, quotations from Scripture ; 76, text; 62, marginalia. Capital', "spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '1975.", "303 x 216 mm. Capitals supplied in red. On 1' is", 'the stamp and the duplicate stamp of the Universitäts- u. Landesbibliothek Strassburg. Old stamped leather, re¬ backed. Bought in July, 1906. IB. 37400. CASSIANUS, JoANNES. De institutis coeno¬', "Quarto. 12 a-fgh; i-zA-D'. 220 leaves. 2 columns,", 'except on 1b. 20b: 49 lines and head-line, 151 (159) x95 (with marginalia 120) mm. Types: 148, title, head-lines (numbers and titles of books), &c.; 77, headings, colophon; 62, text; 75 Greek, occasional marginalia. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 4564. visam p capita distinctione: singula cum inscriptioibs suis: in hoc viy collationes sanctorum patrum; 2206, blank. The heading type of this book was misprinted type 16 instead of type 26 in Proctor (no. 7611). 100X 138 mm. Old stamped leather; on the top edge is the stamp of the Augustinians at Munich, on the lower edge is written: xvii. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 37401. ANSELMUS. Opuscula. [Not after 1497.) ciosus inter filios hominn. Finis. Quarto. A B8; a-z78. 208 leaves., 2 columns. 212: 50 lines and head-line, 154 (162) x 98 (with marginalia 111) mm. Types: 148, title, head-lines (tract titles) ; 77, headings; 62, text. Capital', "spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '1136.", '12, title; 1°, opusculorum in hoc volumine contentorum annotatio; house in 1497. 200X 139 mm. Capitals, initial-strokes, &c., supplied in red. On the title is the note of ownership, and on a fly-leaf the book-plate, of the Monastery of SS. Ulrich and Afra at Augsburg; above the latter is written: lure permutationis nunc possidet Canonia Rothenbuch. 1790. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 37512. FICINUS, MARSILIUS. De triplici vita, &c. (161) x 92 mm. Types: 148, title, head-lines (numbers and titles of books); 87* Rom., text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 17063. house in 1497 or 1498. 190 X 135 mm. Bought in August, 1872. BIBLIA LATINA. Biblia Latina cum po¬ Esdre IIII Tobie Iudith Hester Iob. VoL. VII. 429°. COLOPHON OF LAST SECTION: Explicit Postilla amee neo-te yxyABCFGH-N°O-Q8 264 leaves, the', "last blank. Vol. VI : ab'c-ef-18mnopgrstv-.eA B", 'Vol. I. 42: 58 lines of text, 70 of commentary, head-line, and mar- ginalia, 263 (272) x 172 (206) mm. Types: 285, title of Vol. II, first lines of other titles; 124, bodies of titles, first lines, and head- lines (books and chapter-numbers); 91, text, headings, and quota tions in the commentary; 76, commentary; 75 Rom., epistles on 1b of Vol. I and 429b of Vol. VII; 62, marginalia; 52, reference', "letters inset over the text; 95' Greek; 75 Greek. Capital spaces,", 'with guide-letters. Woodcuts in Genesis, Exodus, Kings III Isaiah, and Ezekiel. Hain 3175. Each volume has a separate title, as follows : Vol. I, as quoted From the extant correspondence between Amerbach and Koberger it', "appears that this book, among others of Amerbach's, was printed,", 'at least in part, for the latter. At the beginning (1b) of the first and the end (429b) of the last volume are epistles from Amerbach to Koberger. The former is dated Ex Basilæa. IIII. Cal. Nouëbris.', "M. CCCC. XCVIII.', and contains these sentences (l. 13): Quare", 'uirorum accuratissime/ egregian nauasse uisus es operam: o sapien¬ Amerbach gave a copy of each volume to the Basel Charter house as it appeared, vols. I and 2 in 1499, vol. 3 in 1500, vol. 4 in With the note of ownership of the Jesuit College at rescia. Bought in July, 1877. IB. 37901. PFEFFER, JOHANNES. De materiis diuersis 93. Capital space at the beginning of each quaestio. The head- lines give the question-numbers. Marginal section-letters. Hain 12863. The miscalculation in consequence of which part of 42 and the whole of 4° were left blank suggests that this is an early effort of', "Besicken's press.", '310X 220 mm. Bought in March, 1906. IB. 37 PFEFFER, JOHANNES. Directorium sacerdo¬ mm. Type: 93. Capital spaces at the beginnings of the books, The head-lines give the part-numbers. Marginal section-numbers, Hain 12862. 290X 218 mm. Capitals supplied in red or blue; paragraph-marks in red, a few in blue; initial-strokes in red. At the top of 104b is written: Expen Iokis Siber (6 wangen) ar. 1 sa. theo. pfeß can eccie colles sti petri baß i ordinarij faci theose pro hac vice ici Amore contempora¬ supplied some of the rubrication. Manuscript notes. Bought in May, 1899. IB. 37552. MOESCH, JoHANNES. Tractatulus de horis lines and head-line, 140 (153) x 86 (with marginalia 93) mm. Type: 93. Capital spaces on 22 and in table. The head-lines give the', "numbers of the articles. Marginal section-letters. Hain '11533", '(= 11532?). 210X 154 mm. Manuscript notes. The last six lines on the verso of i 1, the greater part of which has not been printed out, are supplied in pen and ink. Dr. Kloss s copy. Bought in 1835. IA. 37553. MODUS LEGENDI ABBREVIATURAS. Folio. abèc-e6. 34 leaves, the first blank. 2 columns. 4°: 43 lines and head-line, 194 (213)X 135-6 mm. Types: 180, head- lines and headings; 90, text. Capital spaces. Subject head-lines.', "Hain '11467.", 'Bought in July, 1867. IB. 37556. 2 columns. 22 : 47 lines and head-line, 212 (231) X 134 mm. 2 columns. 22 : 47 lines and head-line, 212 (231) X 134 mm. Types: 180, title, headings, &c.; 90, text. CLEMENS DE TERRA SALSA. Con¬ clusiones formales super Summam Thomae Undated. de Aquino. head-lines and headings; 90, text. IA. 37559. Ser- IB. 37560. PETRUS HISPANUS (Pope John XXIJ. IA. 37561. BRACK, WENCESLAUS. Vocabularius rerum. 27 October, 1483. 1°. Incipit tabu la vocabularii. lantz p posito in hoffen . . .', "64°. col. I, AUTHOR'S", '2 columns. 3b: 49 lines, 206X 127 mm. Types: 180, headings, colophon of last tract ; 84, text. Capital spaces, most with guide', "letters. Hain '3700.", "The first edition of Brack's Vocabularius; that ascribed to Drach", 'at Speier in the same year by Hain (no. 3701) is due to a con¬', "fusion. The Vocabularius catalogued as Brack's under J. Keller", 'Augsburg, 1478 (IB. 6204), is a different book. Of the two watermarks found in this book, one recurs in each of the two following tracts. 286 x 207 mm. Capital on 2e, and paragraph-marks and initial-strokes on the first few leaves supplied in red From the library of Dr. Kloss. Bought in October, 1847. IB. 37563 Another copy. 280x 189 mm. Without the blank leaf. The first leaves of quires b and h have been transposed in binding. RELIQUIAE ROMAE. RELIQUIAE ROMAE. Undated. 1e. Reliquie rho mane vrbis atqe indulgentie. strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in January, 1868. IB. 37565 BALTHERUS. Vita sancti Fridolini.—Vita lines, 189X 130 mm. Types: 180, headings; 84, text. Capital', "spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '2350.", '271 X 200 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals paragraph-marks, and initial-strokes supplied in red. Grenville copy (G. 5210). IB. 37566. MISSALE CONSTANTIENSE. the Ordinary and Canon of the Mass (lower portion of 146b-1602), and the Colophon. 92 : 34 lines of type 163, 276X 179 mm. 1568: 20 lines of type 282, 282X 179 mm. 2632: 35 lines of type 163', "286 x 179 mm. Types: 282, Canon of the Mass; 163, 163', text;", '84, signatures. Woodcut capital T, with a snake encircling the upright, in double frame line, 104 x 89 mm., on 1548. Spaces for capitals elsewhere, and for music. Hain 11283. According to Dr. Schreiber (Manuel, v, no. 4687) the Canon cut was also used in an undated Basel Missal printed by Kol¬ licker. 394 x 285 mm. Capitals supplied in red or blue. A few musical notes supplied in the Ordinary of the Mass. Canon cut and woodcut capital painted in various colours. Manuscript foliation. On a fly-leaf at the beginning is a note: auss einer Auction zu Tübingen de end is a manuscript office of S. Roch. Old stamped pigskin. Bought in September, 1849. IC. 37568. PETRUS LOMBARDUS. Liber Sententia (234)x 129mm. Types: 180, headings ; 822, text; 826, marginalia. Capital spaces. The head-lines give the numbers of the books and', "distinctions in Lombardic majuscules. Hain '10190.", 'lines supplied in red, initial-strokes in yellow. old press-marks H. 449 and A 1087 inside the cover and on the first fly-leaf. IB. 37573 Legenda blank. 2 columns. 132: 53 lines and head-line, 218 (230) X140 mm. Types: 180, title and headings; 822, text. Capital spaces, the first with a guide-letter. The head-lines give the numbers o the sections in Lombardic majuscules. 295 X 218 mm. Without the blank leaf. The title- page and sigs. c4, A 4, and A 5, are mutilated. Bought in December, 1890. IB. 37577. MEFFRETH. Sermones Meffreth de tem¬ [Before I1 July, 1486. PART I. [12. TITLE: Sermones Meffreth. alias Ortu¬ lus regine de tempore. Pars hyemalis. 2208. col. 1: Finit pars hvemalis huius operis. Ibid. col. 2: Incipit PART II. 1°. TITLE: Sermones Meffret. als Ortulus ...p in finita seculoy secula. Amen. 2992. (head-line) : Mellifluos fructus frondosis lector in hortis Bb-Zz 1-7 AA-HH\'II". 316 leaves, the last blank. Part III: Alo B-NNNO-Y8Z§6. 198 leaves, the last blank. 2 columns. PART II, 22: 55 lines and head-line, 227 (242) X 141 (149) mm. Types: 180 (160), title, head-lines (names of Sundays or sermon-', "numbers), and headings; 82b, text. Capital spaces. Hain '10999.", 'Part II. 310X 221 mm.—Part III. 295X 210 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first Part. Decorative large capital on 2° of Part II supplied in brown, green, and red, corresponding space in Part III left blank small capitals supplied in red. On the title-page of Part III are the inscriptions: (1) Iste liber est S. Bene¬ dicti In Benedictn pewri et est emptus. Anno dni te MCCCC. Lxxxvj Sabbto p° festu tnislaconnis S. benedicti On a fly-leaf facing this title is a book-plate (obviously taken from the cover of an earlier binding) with printed inscription: Ludouicus. Perczl. Abbas in. Benedictn. Peyrn. At the foot of this is a manuscript date, 1555. On 22 of Part II is written: Mnrij Schyrensis. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 37579. GUILLERMUS. Postilla super Epistolas et 50: 54 lines, 222X 141 mm. Types: 180, title and headings; 93. text ; 824, commentary. Capital spaces. Hain 18264.', "The date given as that of the Mora' (x 3b) is 1483.", '262 X 182 mm. On a fly-leaf is the inscription Sum ex libris Michaelis Pälzl pro conuentu Monacensi familiae Augna": on the title-page Ad Conuentu Monacense Bought in July, 1867. IB. 37581. 764 20 January, 1487. PART I. 12. TITLE: Sermones Meffreth. als Ortulus regine de tempore Pars Hyemalis. 2202. col. 1: Finit pars hyemalis huius operis. Ibid. col. 2 (Table): JABBi¬ fluos fructus frodosis lector i hortis leaves. 2 columns. Part I, 22: 55 lines and head-line, 228 (241) x 142 mm. Types: 180, titles, head-lines (names of Sundays and sermon-numbers), and headings ; 822, text. Capital spaces. Hain 11005. 287 x 207 mm. Imperfect, wanting the Pars aestiualis,', "apparently supplied from Kesler's edition of 24 May.", '1488. Initial-strokes supplied in red. On the title of Part III is written: Her hanns veyoll von der altij statt IB. 37585. PETRUS LOMBARDUS. Liber Sententia¬ blank. 2 columns. 32 : 54 lines and head-line, 222 (235) X 132 mm. Types: 280, title; 180, first words of sections; 93, headings giving contents of sections, colophon; 822, text; 64, prolegomena (to the different distinctions) and marginalia. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. The head-lines give the numbers of the books', "and distinctions in Lombardic majuscules. Hain '10194.", '277 x 200 mm. On 292° is written: Anno a partu virginis sacrate 1488 Snax libros ego Georgius Seydl p ventum of Caracciolus (IB. 1196, see p. 95) and the Corona beate Marie Virginis (IB. 1320, see p. 100). Bought in July, 1867. PETRUS HISPANUS. Commentum in mm. Types: 180, title and first line of text ; 93, text of Hispanus; 822, colophon ; 64, commentary. Capital spaces. Hain 78707. 194 X 148 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial¬ strokes supplied in red. The title-page is covered with notes. 16th-century stamped pigskin. Bought in July, 1867. IA. 37589. JOHANNES NIVICELLENSIS. Concor *22 June-12 July, 1487. 180, title, head-lines, and a few headings; 93, other headings; 822, text. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. Hain 79416. 277 X 181 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. On the title¬ page is the inscription: Iste liber e S. petri apli in supiori altach quen compauit diins Cristann? . . . 16th-cen¬ tury stamped pigskin, with centre stamps of the Cruci- fixion and the B. Virgin and Child. IB. 37591. Bought in July, 1867. 9 October, 1487. BIBLIA LATINA.', "R-V° X8 Y Z° Aa' Bb-Dd' Ee Ff°: Gg“; a'bc'. 436 leaves. 2", 'columns. 22: 55 lines and head-line, 225 (238) x 140 mm. Types: 280, title; 180, head-lines (names of the books) and headings; 93, Incipit on 22; 822, text; 64, Interpretationes. Capital spaces, with', "guide-letters. Hain '3100.", 'The date is wrongly given by Proctor as 19 October, 1487. On 16 284 x 205 mm. In this copy are inserted between the title and a 2 two leaves containing a Prefatio in presens opus, and a list of the books of the Bible with summaries', "of their contents, printed in Kesler's types 180, 93, 82',", 'and 64. Illuminated capital on 2e, smaller capitals sup¬ plied in red or blue. On the title-page is an inscription dated 1664, noting that this Bible quatuor annos post', "nativitatem D. Lutheri excusa' had passed to the library", 'of Johan Vitus Nöschelius from that of his maternal grandfather Vitus Klettius. On the first inserted leaf is the note: Collegij Scriptorum Prov. Austr. s.z. A. 1746. Bought in July, 1877. IB. 37595. CATO, DIONYSIUS. Cato moralissimus cum type 93, 17 in type 64), 130 X 85 mm. Other pages 138-140 mm. in height, with mixture of types and spaces. Types: 280, title; 93, text and colophon ; 82e, commentary; 64, glosses. Space for large capital on 22 The capital C with which the title begins has', "the cristated back seen in the B of Biblia' in IB. 37595, but is too", "large for the fount. Hain '4722.", '210 X 140 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bought in March, 1850. IA. 37597. POGGIUS, JOANNES FRANCISCUS. Facetiae. x 84 mm. Types: 280, title; 93, headings and colophon; 822, text. Capital spaces. Hain 13195. 190X 135 mm. Without the blank leaf. IA. 37599. Bought in January, 1897. Another copy. 205 X 142 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1, 2, and 68. Bound with another edition of the same work printed by Silber at Rome, IA. 19102. IA. 37600. MILIS, JOANNES. Repertorium. columns. 22: 56 lines and head-line, 230 (243) X 152 mm. Types: 280, title; 180, head-lines (letters of the alphabet) and headings;', "93, Incipit on 22; 822, text. Capital spaces. Hain'11156.", '315 x 220 mm. Capital on 2e in red and blue, other capitals and paragraph-marks in red; also a sketch of a greyhound in lower margin of 22. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 37602. MEFFRETH. Sermones Meffreth de tem¬ autem retroactis tempibus huiuscemodi sermones Me¬ 57 lines and head-line, 235 (248) X 150 (162) mm. Types: 280, title; 180, head-lines (names of Sundays and sermon-numbers and headings ; 822, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Part Il', "of the edition of which Hain '11006 is Part III.", 'The number of lines to the column (57), reduction of number o leaves as compared with the edition of the previous year, use', "of type 280 and spelling ' Meffreth' (instead of ' Meffret'), all point", 'to this copy of Part II belonging to the edition of 1488. 287 X 207 mm. Large capital on 28 in red and blue smaller capitals and initial-strokes supplied in red. With numerous manuscript notes. Bound between Parts I and III of the edition of 1487, IB. 37585. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 37585 (2). \ufeff766 717 July, 1488. 1e. TITLE: Rationale diuinosrum officiorum. 1b. Jo¬ 4°: 51 lines and head-line, 208 (221) X 135 mm. Types: 280, title: 180, head-lines (book- and leaf-numbers) and headings; 822, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 16495. The date is wrongly given by Proctor as 16 August, 1488. 280x 195 mm. Capitals supplied in red. On 1° is written: Monrij B. M. V. Campi Liliorum. 1676. Bought in April, 1877. IB. 37605. VOCABULARIUS. Vocabularius utriusque 180, head-lines (beginnings of words) and headings; 822, text. Large Lombard V on title; capital spaces, with guide-letters, elsewhere. 277x 196 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first leaf. Capitals and initial-strokes in red. With this is bound an edition of Utriusque Iuris Methodus printed by Egidius vander Heerstraten, 23 February, 1488 (IB. 49353). The covers bear the arms of Earl Spencer. Bought in May, 1883. IB. 37607. PETRUS LOMBARDUS. Liber Sententia¬ erroneis z in fide catholica suspectis. Parisius doctri¬ naliter et autoritatiue a catholicis tractatoribus con¬ demnatis. explicit. Impensis atque singulari opera Nicolai line. 225 (238) X 137 mm. Types: 280, title ; 180, first words of sections; 93, headings (i.e. contents of sections) ; 824, text; 64, prolegomena to distinctions, &c. Capital spaces, some with guide¬', "letters. The T in Textus' on the title is calligraphic. The head¬", 'lines give the numbers of the books and distinctions in Lombardic', "majuscules. Hain '10195.", '305 X 215 mm. The blank leaf 132 partly cut away. Capital on 38 in red and blue, other capitals and initial strokes in red. On 1e is written: Ad Bibliothecä PP. Francisck Ambergf. Old stamped brown leather over wooden boards, with gilded lettering: Textus senten- ciarum. The last blank is pasted on the cover. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 37609. VINCENTIUS FERRER. Sermones de', "leaves. Part III: a-o'pq'. 124 leaves, the last blank. 2 columns.", 'Part I. 22: 57 lines and head-line, 232 (245) X 155 mm. Types: 180, titles, head-lines (names of Sundays and sermon-numbers), and headings; 822, text. Capital spaces. Hain 7004. 314 X 225 mm. Without the last blank of Part III. Capitals, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red.', "On 22 of Part I is written' Iste liber est Canonicou Regularium", 'Cenobij deipare uirginis Marie in Tiernstain, and similar inscriptions recur on the title of Part II and last leaf of text of Part III. Inside the covers were pasted unused copies of the singular and plural issues of the Litterae indulgentiarum of Bartholomaeus de Camerino of 1484 printed at Nuremberg by the Fratres ordinis Eremitarum S. Augustini (see IA. 7928, p. 459). On the back of the former of these is the inscription: Venerandus vir dins Bernhardinùs Deckher Beneficiatûs in stain, Hunc librùm testatùs est Canonicis Regùlaribus Monasteri Bought in April, 1877. IB. 37611. GERSON, JOHANNES. Opera.', "Folio. Part I: a'b-m'nosp-vs wex-z11 188 leaves.", "Part II : A-ES F-N° O-X8.6 y°Z'aA'bB-gGhH-IL'. 230 leaves,", "the last blank. Part III: aa’ bb-mm'nn-12 Aa-Ggs“ Hh li' Kk", "LI-Nn' Oo-Xx6s Yy Zz10, 320 leaves, the last blank. Index: 1°20", '3-68. 46 leaves, the last blank. 2 columns. Part I. 68 : 57 lines and head-line, 233 (246) x 155 (with marginalia 167) mm. Types: 180, titles, head-lines (titles of books and numbers of sections), and headings ; 822, text ; 64, marginal notes. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 17624 On the back of the titles of Parts I-III is a copy of the woodcut of a Pilgrim in the 1488 Strassburg edition by Prüss. This is followed in Part I by the Epistola lohannis Gerson ad fratrem, 17 hexa¬ meters describing the woodcut, Compendiosa laus lohannis gerson. Tituli operum Gersonis, and four lines in Latin verse, the second a pentameter, in honour of Gerson. The works are divided into 100 sections and these again into subsections, marked alphabetically, for indexing. The second side of the first sheet of sig. K in Part II having been wrongly printed another sheet is pasted down on it with the right text. 311 x 217 mm. Capitals, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. In this copy the Index precedes Part I, and the whole work is bound in 3 vols. in old stamped brown leather, two of the volumes having a centre panel made up of small stamps of a stag-hunt (cf. IB. 37464). Each volume has the inscription Iste liber attinet vennli monstio montisscti andezz (Andechs). In quo continent infra sigta in tabula, and the book-plate of one of the abbots. Bought in April, 1866. IB. 37613. HIERONYMUS. Epistolae. 8-213 numbered Fo. I-CCVIII (for CCVI). Part II: 18; A° B-L8.e M-ZAA-OO PP QQ°. 278 leaves, the last blank, 7-277 num- bered Fo. I-CCLXXI. 2 columns. 8a: 56 lines, head-line, and foliation, 229 (241-248) x 152 mm. Types: 180, titles, head-lines numbers of part, tract, and letter), and headings; 822, text, and foliation, with Greek quotations in type of same height. Capital', "spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain '8559.", 'Part 1 : 1, title ; 2-4, tabula ; 5-7, Vita beati Hieronymi; 8-213. text; 214, blank. Part II : 12, title ; 1°-62, tabula ; 6° note be¬', "ginning Sequentes epistole non subsunt ordini pmisso'; 7-277, text;", '278, blank. 291 x 200 mm. Without the last blank. 16th-century pigskin binding. Inside the cover is the book-plate of the Canonia Præmonstratensis ad S. Salvatorem in Bavaria. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 37615. BARTHOLOMAEUS BRIXIENSIS. Ca¬ 44 : 50 lines and head-line, 205 (218) X 135 mm. Types: 180 (164 title, head-lines (numbers of distinctions), and headings; 82b, tert Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. Hain 2472. 277 X 192 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals supplied in red or blue, paragraph-marks and underlines in red. Bought in April, 1865. IB. 37617. FRANCISCUS DE MAYRONIS. Super 180 (164), title, head-lines (numbers of distinctio and questio?). and headings; 82e, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters, Hain 10535, who counts in the cut-away leaf, o 7, making 226 in all. 299 x 208 mm. On 2° is the inscription: Traditu in Augustinus super Johannem, Amerbach, n.d. From the', "Duke of Sussex's library.", 'Bought in November, 1844. IB. 37619. GUILLERMUS. Postilla super Epistolas et 205x 134 mm. Types: 180 (160), title and headings; 93, text; 822, commentary. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 8270. 279X 195 mm. On the title is written: Liber biblio¬ Bought in June, 1876. IB. 37623. PETRUS LOMBARDUS. Liber Sententia¬ cuiuis librox seriatim annotatis. Additis insup quibus¬ last blank. 2 columns. 132: 55 lines and head-line, 226 (240) X 137 (with marginalia 173) mm. Types: 180 (160), title and headings ffirst words of sections) ; 93, contents of sections; 824, text; 64. commentary, &c. Calligraphic woodcut capital T on title; else where capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines give the numbers of the books and distinctions in Lombardic capitals. Hain 110196. For the most part page for page the same as the 1488 issue (IB. 37609); the blank leaf 132 is lost owing to the employment of type 822 instead of 64 for the tituli questionum prefixed to book 3 but a leaf is saved in quires R and S by compression of the matter of the articuli erronei. 288 x 205 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines supplied in red. IB. 37621. CARACCIOLUS, ROBERTUS, de Licio. Ser¬ sections : 822, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain "4485 (giving the number of leaves as 190). 302X 210 mm. On the title-page is written and crossed out : Ora pro me D. Rawly cann. de Brerton. The upper corners of the title-page are torn off. The Liber De¬ florationum of Abbot Werner, Basel, 1494 (IB. 37845), was formerly bound after this, and the Annotatio nota-', "bilium doctorum' belonging to it has been left behind.", 'IB. 37626. 9 January, 1491. BIBLIA LATINA. Incipiunt interptationes hebrai con noim em ordinem alpha¬ columns. 32: 55 lines and head-line, 225 (238) X 140 mm. Types: 280, title; 180, head-lines (names of the books) and headings; 93, Incipit on 22 ; 822, text ; 64, Interpretationes. Capital spaces, with', "guide-letters. Hain '3111.", 'This edition has the same collation as that of 9 October, 1487 IB. 37595), of which it is a page-for-page reprint, but without the verses headed Biblia quem retinet sequitur sic metricus ordo on 1b. 288x 200 mm. In this copy, as in that of the edition of 1487, are inserted between the title and a2 two leaves containing a Praefatio in presens opus, &c. Leaves 2 and 7 appear to have been inserted from another edition, also a close reprint, but with printed marginalia in the Old Testament. Illuminated capital on 22, smaller capitals supplied in red or blue. With the book-plate Ex Bibliotheca ecclesiae Collegiatae Lateranensis ad S. Nicolaum prope Passavium. Bought in April, 1865. IB. 37629. ANTONINUS. Opus historiale. ANTONINUS. Opus historiale. *10 February, 1491. PART I. 1e. TITLE: Prima pars historialis ve¬ nera¬ bilis domini Antonini. 2°. Summarium primi voluminis Florentini ordinis prdicator. Incipit phemium. 229°. CoLo¬ PHON: Prima ps hystorialis dnmi Antonini archiepi floren¬ historialis dni Anthonini archiepi florêtini. 255. Registrum secude partis hillstorialis .. . 259°. END: Finis registri scde partis hystorialis. PART III. 1° TITLE TO SUMMARIUM: Tertia ps hi¬ storialis vene rabilis domini Antonini. 13°. TITLE T0 registri tercie partis historialis.', "Folio. Part I : A B' C-F° G-ZAa-Oo“: Pp 236 leaves, 12,", '230, and 236 blank, 15-229 numbered Fol. L-CCXV. Part II: a be ced-risstyu-zotuaA-mM“ nNe. 260 leaves, 12 and 260 blank, 15-254 numbered Fo. L-CCXLI. Part III: AA BB; cc dd¬ 11 1122ttAA-RRSSS0; TT° 276 leaves, 12, 275, and 276 blank, 15-270 numbered Fo. L-CCLVI. 2 columns. Part I. 134: 66 lines and head-line, 231 (242) X 155 mm. Types: 180, head-lines (title- chapter-, and leaf-numbers) in Part III, quires AA-H H (except GG 3 verso and 4 recto), LL, and part of SS; 140, titles, head-lines, and headings, except in the quires of Part III where the large type is', "used; 7o, text. Capital spaces. Hain '1161.", '307X 220 mm. Small capitals supplied in blue or red, large capitals in both colours, underlines and paragraph¬ marks in red. Inside the upper cover of each volume are painted the arms of Johannes Zeller Rainenn., the date 1504, the motto Omnia vanitas et afflictio spus', "and a note of purchase, that in Part I reading' Iohannes", 'Zeller Tres partes historiales dni Anthonini emit pro On 2° in Part I (obliterated or cut out in the other volumes) is a coat of arms, gules, an arrow between a pair of wings conjoined, arg. At the end of each volume is the book- plate of the monastery of Thierhaupten. Bound in old ruled pigskin, with the title inscribed on the top edge of each volume. Bought in April, 1873. IB. 37631. PETRUS LOMBARDUS. Liber Sententia¬ 119 February, 1492. 2 columns. 122: 55 lines, head-line, and marginalia, 224 (237) x 137 (174) mm. Types: 180, title and headings (i.e. first words of sections) ; 93, contents of sections ; 822, text ; 64, commentary and marginalia. The numbers of books and distinctions are printed as head-lines in Lombardic majuscules, and those of the distinctions in smaller majuscules of the same kind in the margins. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Calligraphic woodcut capital T in title. Hain 10197. Hain, while quoting as a variant the title given above, writes his description from a copy having as its title, Textus Sententiarum cum conclu- sioibus Articulisque Parisien. Et in qbus magister omuniter non tenet, and with the number of leaves increased to 266, by the insertion of 14 (the first signed R) between the quires Q and R as here described. The insertion is headed Sequuntur varij arsticuli erronei omniu pene facultatum, in anglia parisius: studiose z au¬ Min. Conv. Ratisbon. Inside the upper cover is pasted', "the book-plate of the Bibliothèque de S' Philippe.", 'Bought in March, 1906. IB. 37633. THOMAS AQUINAS. Super quatuor libros finiunt feliciter in offi¬ cina Nicolai keßler ciuis Ba¬ 2 columns. 38: 66 lines and head-line, 231 (242) X 158 mm. Types: 140, title, head-line of Prologue, and headings; 70, text. Capital spaces. The book- and distinction-numbers in the head-lines are printed in Lombardic majuscules; smaller Lombardic majuscules for distinction-numbers in text. This book is covered by the title of the Petrus Lombardus as it stands in the copy described above. \ufeff770 311X 215 mm. Large capital on 28 in red and blue other capitals in red or blue alternately. Many manuscript notes. On 1e is written: Iste liber pertinet ad setm georgium in Brufenig quem legauit dis leonhardus widnm perger IB. 37638. GUILLERMUS. Postilla super Epistolas et 51 October, 1492. 1e TITLE: POstilla Guillermi Sullper epistolas et and headings ; 822 text of Epistles and Gospels ; 64, text of Po¬ stilla. Ornamental P, white on black, on 12 ; elsewhere capital', "spaces. 53 woodcuts. Hain '8279.", 'In this edition the woodcut of the Crucifixion is placed on the recto, not on the verso, of the title-page, and four leaves are saved', "on Part II. In other respects it is a close copy of Furter's edition", 'of 28 July, 1491 (IA. 37765, p. 782), from which also it takes the', "number of years given to the mora'.", '194X 146 mm. Without the blank leaves. The cuts and capital are coloured. Capitals and some initial¬ strokes supplied in red. On 1e is written : Bibliothece Weyarensis. Bound in 16th-century pigskin. IA. 37636. HOMILIARIUS DOCTORUM. Collected HOMILIARIUS DOCTORUM. Collected by Paulus Diaconus.) 30 September, 1493. 12. TITLE: Homeliarius DoctorumWoodcut. 1. 2 columns. 2°: 66 lines, head-line, and marginalia, 231 (242) X 145 (164) mm. Types: 180, titles and first words of Gospels; 140, bead-lines and first words of sections of commentary; 93, headings 828, text of Gospels ; 70, text of sermons; 64, marginalia. Capita epaces, some with guide-letters. The head-lines give the name of Sundays and Feasts, on the recto pages only. Hain "8791. The woodcut (230X 145 mm.) is in three sections, of which the inner represents the Church Militant, while the two outer, each divided into six compartments, give figures of the four greater and of eight lesser Doctors of the Church, the names of whom are printed in the margin. The letter from Surgant to Kesler states that the manuscript from which the book was printed was found in egregia insignis ecclesie Basiliésis biblioteca . 210x 220 mm. A duplicate of the first sheet of quire I is inserted after H 3. Capitals and initial-strokes sup¬ plied in red ; the capital P on 2e bears a coat of arms. per fess, gules and argent, three six-foils, two and one, counterchanged. On 1e is written: Ad PP. Franciscanos. Kelhaimij. Bibl. Bound in old stamped pigskin. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 37642 MAGNINUS. Regimen sanitatis. and head-line, 145 (154) x 96 mm. Types: 140, title and first words of sections; 93, head-lines (number of part and leaf) and headings; 70, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 10486. 1e title ; 1b letter of the editor Johannes Udalricus Surgant to Thomas, Bishop of Constance, dated 8 November, 1493; 28-30 tabula alphabetica; 4, blank; 5-94*, text; 94°, blank. BERNARDUS. Epistolae. Fo. II-C. 2 columns. 32: 55 lines, foliation, and marginalia, 227 (241) X 143 (170) mm. Types: 180 (160), title, foliation, first words', "of letters; 140, heading Miraculum de prima Epistola' on 1P; 93,", 'headings of letters; 822, text ; 64, marginalia. Capital spaces. Hain 12872. 298 x 205 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals, paragraph-marks, underlines, and initial-strokes supplied in red. On 1e is written Attinet Venerabili monasterio S. Petrj apli insupiori altach , with the arms of the monastery. Bought in May, 1899. IB. 37646. BERNARDUS. Sermones de tempore, &c. columns. 22 : 55 lines, head-line, and marginalia, 226 (239) X 127 (165) mm. Types : 180 (170), title, head-lines, first words of sec¬ tions; 93, headings; 822, text; 64, marginalia. Capital spaces. The head-lines on the left take the form Beati Bernardi Sermo', "(-CCVII)' those on the right the form De Aduentu domini Sermo", "I(-VI)' Super Missus est Home. I(-IIII)’, &c. Hain '2848", '(counting 211 printed leaves). Bought in April, 1846. IB. 37648. PETRUS DE BERGAMO. Tabula operum the last blank. 52: 50 lines and head-line, 161 (169) x 109 mm. Types: 180 (170), title; 93, head-lines (first letters of subjects) and headings on 22-3b; 64, text. Capital spaces. Hain *2819. 205 X 145 mm. On 1e is written: FF. Colareensiu. IA. 37650. Bought in April, 1865. 11495 CLXXII. 42: 37 lines and head-line, 151 (160) x 97mm. Types : 180, first words of sections; 93, title, head-lines, and headings; 82- text. Woodcut S in form of a dragon, black ground, frame line, 30x 30 mm., like those used by Furter, Wolff, &c., on title; capital spaces in text. The head-lines give the subject of the sermon in Part I, the name of the Sunday or festival in Part II. Variant of Hain 924. Hain, who had not seen the book, assigns it 177 leaves, the penultimate leaf being numbered CLXXVI; but the numbers 128 and 145-164 have been accidentally omitted. In this issue the numbers of the leaves and distinctions in the first quire are set at a greater distance from the words to which they refer than in the rest of the book. 207 X 140 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 9 and 16. Capitals and some initial-strokes supplied in red. Manu¬ script notes and index at the end. On 1e is a stamped', "Ex libris' of Eugène Prouhet et Amicorum.", 'IA. 37653. Bought in March, 1888. Another issue, the first quire being reprinted. 12. TITLE: SErmones breues: sed putiles (Amilsci tions in the first quire are set much as in the rest of the book. Probably after the first quire had been printed it was decided to increase the size of the edition, and in reprinting the quire improve¬ ments were made of a kind adopted also in the rest of the book. 210X 152 mm. The coloured Brandenburg gift plate of the Carthusian monastery at Buxheim is pasted inside the upper cover; on the opposite leaf is the inscription: Liber Cartusien In Buchshaim ppe Memingen puenies Bought in February, 1887. GREGORIUS I. Moralia in Job. and marginalia, 226 (238) x 140 (163) mm. Types: 180, head-lines (title of work, number of book and chapter) and beginnings of sec- tions; 93, headings; 82°, text; 64, marginalia. Capital spaces. Hain 77934. 317 x 220 mm. Inside the covers are written the names of early owners, Leonardus de Egkh and Wendelinus', "Aulæus. On 2' is written: Seon. Old half pigskin over", 'wooden boards. Bought in October, 1867. IB. 37656. CORVINUS, LAURENTIUS. Cosmographia CTIONEM in tabulas Ptholomei: ostendens omnes regiones terrae habi¬ tabiles: diuersa hominum genera: x 101 mm. Type: 86. Capital spaces. Hain 15778.', "1e, title; 1', blank; 2°-4b dedicatory sapphics and prose letter", 'from the editor, Henricus Bebel, to Hartmannus de Eptingen, Canon', "of Basel, the letter dated 1496, followed by unsigned hexameters' ad", "eundem Hartmannum'; 4b-52 prefatory elegiacs by Laurentius", 'Corvinus ; 52-51° text; 51b 528 elegiacs; 52b, 53e, letter and elegiacs from Hartmannus de Eptingen to Corvinus; 53b-55b. Summarium in Cosmographia Ptholo.; 56, blank. 200X 140 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bought in February, 1870. IA. 37658. HIERONYMUS. Epistolae. Hieronymi. 139b. Prime partis finis. 1418. INVEN¬ TVARIVM PRIMAE PARTIS EPIISTOLARVM SANCTI HIERONYMI. 151b. END:... Qui viuit & HIEROINYMI PARS TERTIA. 190b. DEVICE AND COLOPHON :', "Folio. Part I : a-y'2': a b'. 152 leaves, 140 and 152 blank.", "Part II: A-ZAA-CC'DD8: A° B8 178 leaves, 164 and 178 blank.", "Part III: aa-zz Aa-Ff“ Gg Hh'; aa' bbt. 202 leaves, the last blank.", 'Inuentuaria in 2 columns. 32: 52 lines, head-line, and marginalia, 205 (233) x 157 (177) mm. Type: 180, index-letters at head of columns in the Inuentuaria; 86, text, with Greek in quotations, Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines give the numbers of the Part and Tract and the subject and number of', "the Epistle. Hain '8565.", 'As to the woodcut at the back of the title-page, Mr. Campbell', "Dodgson writes ('Early German and Flemish Woodcuts,' i. 267):", 'This rude woodcut, the earliest which Dürer is known to have de¬', "signed, first appeared in the edition of St. Jerome's Epistles printed", 'by Nicolaus Kesler at Basle in 1492 ... It was used again in 1497. ... The block, much worm-eaten, is preserved in the Basle Museum. and impressions from it were published at the beginning of the nineteenth century, with the inscription “ Albrecht Dürer von Norinberck f. ex Bibliotheca P. Basiliensi". The first four words are an inaccurate transcript of the authentic autograph of Dürer, Albrecht Dürer von nörmergk," which is still preserved on the', "back of the block.'", '308 x 208 mm. The title and some of the following leaves are mutilated at the top. IB. 37661. PETRUS LOMBARDUS. Liber Sententia¬ *20 February, 1498. 1e. TITLE (first line woodcut): Textus Sententiau Cum conclusionibus magistri Henrici Gori¬ chem. : leaves, the last blank. 2 columns. 122: 55 lines, head-line, anc marginalia, 224 (237) X 134 (165) mm. Types: 180, line 2 of title frst words of sections, &c. ; 93, lines 3-6 of title, and headings; 828, text; 64, commentary and marginalia. Capital spaces. The numbers of books and distinctions are printed in Lombardic majus¬ cules in the head-lines and those of the distinctions in smaller', "majuscules of the same kind in the margins. Hain '10198.", '200x215 mm. Capitals supplied in red. Inside the upper cover is written the date 1498, followed by a device and the inscription: Attinet lib iste venali Mösteric sancti Quirini mar. z Patroni in Tegernsee. Inside the lower cover is the shorter form: Attinet liB Möstic Tegernsee 1498. Old stamped leather with paper labels. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 37664. HOMILIARIUS DOCTORUM. correctio nis insanias: Sed potius beneficij non ingratus: ad exhibita do naria discretionis oculos adhibeas columbi¬ Folio. a-z aa-cc dd ee ; A-L6 M1. 248 leaves, the last blank. 2 columns. 22 : 66 lines, head-line, and marginalia, 232 (245) x 145 (164) mm. Types : 180, title, head-lines, and first words of Gospels ; 93, headings ; 822, text of Gospels ; 70, text of sermons ; 64, marginalia. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. The head-lines give the names of Sundays and feasts, on the recto only. Hain 18793. A close reprint of the edition of 30 September, 1493 (IB. 37642), but without the names of the doctors of the Church printed on the margins of the title-pages. 310 X 208 mm. Some capitals supplied and a few', "notes written in the margins. On 1e is written 'Ex lib:", "M. Pfrontneri. 1607' and on 1732 Monasterij S. Virg.", 'IB. 37666. PHILELPHUS, FRANCISCUS. Epistolare. head-line (book-number), 162 (169) x 101 mm. Type: 86, with Greek', "in quotations. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain '12948.", '215X 147 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines supplied in red. IA. 37670. UNDATED BOOKS. the last blank. 2 columns. 14°: 56 lines and head-line, 231 (243 Xx 150 mm. Types: 180 (165), title, head-lines (subjects and numbers of sermons), and first words of sections: 93, headings of sections; 822, text. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. Woodcut dragon-S, differing slightly from that in IA. 37653 above, on title. Hain *2828. 296 x 206 mm. At the foot of 1e is the inscription: Venerabilibs patribs et fratribs conuentus Bruxellensis, ordinis minorum, D.D. Mr Iacobus Lauwerus Tenera¬ mondanus. S. The. Licentiatus, et pastor Grymbergensis ao. 1594 sexto Idus decembris. Higher on the same page is written : Bib: FF: Min: Recoll: Ercliniensium IB. 37676. JOHANNES, ABBAS NIVICELLENSIS. Con¬ Folio. A?B-H6. 50 leaves, the last blank. 2 columns. 2e: 54 lines and head-line, 224 (235) X 149 mm. Types: 180, head¬ lines (titles of books) and first words of sections; 93, lines 2-8 of heading on 22 ; 822, text. Some capital spaces. Hain 79412. 273X 160 mm. On 12 is written: Monasterij S. Feli¬ citatis in Auu. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 37687. MARGARITA DECRETALIUM. Anno¬ 54 lines and head-line, 221 (233) X 146 mm. Types: 180 (170), title, head-lines (first two letters of subjects), and headings; 93, headings on 1b and 22; 82*, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters.', "Hain '10755.", 'On 1b are nine elegiac couplets, Sebastianus Brant Nicolao', "theç. PP. Francisç. Amberge' with a library stamp of", 'a cross and the letters SBA within a circle. Half stamped brown leather over wooden boards. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 37684. BONIFACIUS VIII. Liber sextus Decre¬ with many omissions and mistakes. 2 columns. 52: 68 lines of commentary surrounding the text, also head-line, 267 (280) x 180 mm. The type-page on 1422 is 186 mm. broad. Types : 280, title; 180, head-lines (subjects of sections); 93, text; 78, commentary Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The rubrics and the numerals in a table of degrees of consanguinity on 3e are printed in red. On 5e there is a space for an illumination before the beginning of the', "text. Hain '3585 (1).", '351 x 255 mm. Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph¬ marks supplied in red. On 1e is written the motto Spe vescor et aura , and a little below this, beneath the class mark (?) A., Monrij S. Zenonis. Beneath the words of the title is painted a coat-of-arms sable, a hand hold¬ ing an arrow arg. Bound with the Constitutiones Clementinae from the same press, IB. 37678, in old stamped pigskin. Bought in April, 1865. IB. 37677. CLEMENS V. Constitutiones cum apparatu Undated. 1°. Constitutiones Clemêtis pape qnti ratu dnni loanis andreer. 22. (text: red) Incipiût costi¬ johannis andree. 70° Opus clementinarum finit feliciter. the numeral VII repeated. 2 columns. 22: 68 lines of commentary surrounding the text, also head-line, 267 (280) x 187 mm. Types: 180, head-lines (subjects of sections) ; 93, text; 78, commentary. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. On 22 is a blank space for a', "miniature. Hain '3585 (2).", 'As in many other instances, this edition of the Constitutiones Clementinae was undoubtedly intended to be bound, as here, with the corresponding edition of the Liber Sextus Decretalium; but although no separate title was printed for it on the preliminary blank page, the title-page of the Liber Sextus does not mention it, and the Clementinae ends with a Register which relates only to itself. strokes supplied in red. On 786 are Latin verses on the rules for observing an interdict. Bound after IB. 37671 On the end paper are notes as to the Indulgences on the Feast of Corpus Christi. Bought in April, 1865. IB. 37678. JUSTINIANUS. Institutiones. Undated JUSTINIANUS. Institutiones. Undated 1a TITLE: Institutiones. 103b. COLOPHON: Institu¬ tionum opus cura suma atque diligentia castiga¬ tum finit 4°: 68 lines of commentary surrounding the text, also head-line 268 (280) x 178 mm. Types : 280, title ; 180 (170), head-lines (titles of sections) ; 93, text ; 78, commentary. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Rubrics printed in red. Hain 19487. 341 X 235 mm. Bought in July, 1867. IB. 37681. ESUS CHRISTUS. Passio domini nostri Quarto. AB8. 16 leaves. 2 columns. 32: 49 lines and head¬ line, 158 (167) X 113 mm. Types: 180, title and heading on 22 and 14°; 140, head-lines and headings; 822 heading on 14°; 64, text. Small Lombardic capital P on 12 and Q on 14° ornamental semi¬', "Lombardic O on 22. Head-lines : Passio domini lesu christi'", "and Planctus Beate Marie Virginis'.", 'The title-cut of the Crucifixion is a better version of that on the title-page of the edition of the Postilla of Guillermus dated 1 October,', "1492 (IA. 37636). That edition was closely modelled on Furter's", 'of the previous year. Presumably some accident happened either to this block or to the inferior one. 193 X 138 mm. On 1e are the inscriptions Sum Cor¬', "nelij Berlincourtj Monasti' and J. E. Maillot Canonicus", 'Monasterij Grandisuallis. Bought in April, 1866. MARGARITA DECRETALIUM. head-line, 160 (170) X 103 mm. Types: 180, title; 140, head-lines (first two letters of subjects), and headings ; 70, text. Capital spaces,', "with guide-letters. Hain '10756.", 'On 1b are the same elegiac couplets, headed* Sebastianus Brant', "Nicolao Keßler ciui Basilienn. salute.', as in the folio edition (IB.", '37684). 215X 156 mm. On 12 is written: Seon. Old stamped half leather over boards. Bought in June, 1890. IA. 37694. INNOCENTIUS III. Orationes pro sacra¬ spaces, with guide-letters, left elsewhere. With seven woodcuts, con¬ stantly repeated in the same order, and an eighth (David praying) found only once. 109x 78 mm. Wanting leaf 13, the leaf following on the calendar, unless leaf 12 is single and the Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ correct quiring. strokes, and underlines supplied in red. In the top cover are written family dates of a monastic owner born im lxxvj Iar 1476 : an sant bartolomeuss tag. Seven quires of manuscript prayers are bound after the book, and some appear to have been torn out at the beginning. Old stamped red leather. Bought in April, 1865. IA. 37700. ALANUS PORRETANUS. De maximis kerned to 93), and marginal numbers of regulae; 84, text. Capital', "space on 22. Hain '389.", 'Two copies of this book were given by Jacob of Pforzheim to the Basel Charterhouse in 1492. 183X 135 mm. The title cut out and mounted. Armorial book-plate, probably of a bequest, with the inscription: Bartholomeus Hegler I.V.D. Fürstlich Bought. IA. 37701. JORDANUS DE QUEDLINBURG. Passio euägelistas in vnä collectus historiam cu sermoe do¬ minico. Ité articuli passiois cu theorematibus et documentis fratris lordanis ordinis he remitarum sancti ac deuotissimi pris iordanis ordinis heremitan sancti in the second tract. 32: 35 lines and marginalia, 145x 94 mm.; 164: 35 lines, 145 x 95 mm. Types: 180, first lines of title, of heading on 154, of colophon, and of Theoremata in the second tract; 108. body of title and (kerned to 93) heading on 22, text of Theoremata, and first words of Documenta in the second tract; 84, text and most marginalia; 44, some marginalia. Woodcut capital C (1) on 22; capital spaces, with guide-letters, in the second tract. Hain 79443. Two copies of this book were given by Jacob of Pforzheim to the Basel Charterhouse in 1492. First tract : 212 X 148 mm., uncut. Capital painted, paragraph-marks and initial-strokes supplied in red. Bound with Johannes de Paltz, Coelifodina, Landsberg, Leipzig, 1504, in old stamped red sheepskin. Second tract : 199X 140 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and underlines supplied in red. Bought in June, 1886, and July, 1867. IA. 37702, 37703. TRACTATUS DE MARTYRIO SANCTO- About 1492.) 1e. TITLE: Tractatus de mar tyrio sanctorum. 57 x 92 (with marginalia 115) mm. Types: 180, title, first line of text; 108, beadings (in places kerned to 93) ; 84, text ; 652, mar- ginal references; Greek 83on c5b, e 8b, and f 22. Capital Q (1) on', "2°, spaces, mostly with guide-letters, elsewhere. Hain '10864.", 'Two copies of this book were given by Jacob of Pforzheim to the Basel Charterhouse about 1492. 211 X 153 mm. Few manuscript notes. Bought. IA. 37704. COLOMBO, CRISTOFORO. Epistola de in¬ 12. Regnü hyspanie. Woodcut, arms of Spain. 1b [Woodcut, with type-set inscription Oceanica', "Classis'.) 22. De Insulis inuentis Epistola Cristoferi", 'Colom ... 9°. Epigrama .R.L. de Corbaria Episcopi WWoodcut, arms of Granada.) Octavo. 10 leaves. 32: 26 lines, 108x75 mm. Types: 180. heading on 22 and on woodcuts: 84, text. Capital space on 22. With woodcuts, one repeated. Hain 75491. 129X 96 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf which is supplied in facsimile presented in October, 1859. The outer margin of leaves 1 and 5 is cropped. Capital on 22 supplied in red and blue, initial-strokes and underlines in red. Grenville copy (G. 6663). JOHANNES (HEYNLIN DE LAPIDE. Re marginalia, 116 (122) x 69 (83) mm. Types: 107, title; 84, title, head-lines, &c.; 65°, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines give the chapter-numbers. Hain 39915.', "Mostly a page-for-page reprint of Froben's edition of 1492 (IA.", '37876), but gaining a page between 42 and 17b. 144 X 102 mm. Capital on 2e supplied in blue, that on 7a in gold and colours; paragraph-marks and underlines in alternate blue and red, initial-strokes in red. Bought in February, 1876. IA. 37707. PARADISUS ANIMAE. 713 April, 1498. repeated. 172: 22 lines and foliation, 72 (76) x 48 mm. Type: 65b. Red capitals (2), some spaces. Hain 12028 (possibly = 11993). 1a title; 1b table of contents; 52, calendar; 172, Officium bté', "A reprint of Wenssler's 1491 edition (IA. 37147), usually page for", 'page, except in the preliminary matter. 104X 75 mm. Manuscript head-lines. On 1° is a', "note ' loci capuc: Friburgi'; and on a fly-leaf at the", 'end, Sum Melchioris Messerschmidt. zü Bassel. Anno domi, 1564. Old stamped leather, rebacked. Bought in December, 1904. IA. 37709. FRANCISCUS DE MAYRONIS. Ser¬ CCXXXVIII, CCXL-CCLIX. 2columns. 110: 48 lines and head- line and marginalia, 155 (161) X 103 (126) mm. Types: 180, title and first word of text; 107, head-lines and headings; 84, title and heading on 112; 65b, text. Red capital V(3) on 112, spaces elsewhere, some with guide-letters. The head-lines give the names of the feasts', "and of the tracts and the numbers of the sermons. Hain '10532.", '202X 143 mm. On 1° is a note: Monrij S. Zenonis.', "Old stamped leather, with the title S. F. Maro' im¬", 'pressed on the front. The title is also written on the lower edge. Bought in July, 1867. IA. 37711. DECRETA CONCILII BASILIENSIS. (158) x 96 mm. Types: 160, title and first line of each main section ; 107, head-lines (session-numbers) ; 84, headings of main sections, &c. ; 71, text. Capitals (1, 2, 4). Hain 15605. The preface of Sebastian Brant, dated Ex Basiliea kalendis Marcijs, 1499, contains the following: Ceterum cum iampridem in mentem quorunda nostroru bibliopolarû venisset / decreta sacre Synodi in red. The title-page is slightly damaged. On 1e is a note : Collegij Societatis lesu Monachij. 1606. Bought in July, 1867. IA. 37715. DIURNALE WINDESIMENSE. capli windechimenß. 22. (red) KL lanuarius habet dies an ... 218°. (red) In festo sancti Andree apli advespe ras sup psalmos antipho. 297b. COLOPHON: (red) Con¬ summatum est hoc opus diur nalis scom ordinem 193° and 194°. Red capitals (2), spaces elsewhere, some with guide- 118x76 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 100, 101 (the inner sheet of quire 1). Capitals supplied in brown, green, or blue, some ornamental capitals in various colours; few initial-strokes in red. With additional offices in manuscript on two fly-leaves at the beginning and on three quires at the end. Old stamped leather, rebacked. From the library of the Duke of Sussex. Bought. IA. 37718. REGINALDETI, PETRUS. Speculum finalis 1°. TITLE: Speculum finalis retributionis tam bonou line, 155 (162) x 105 mm. Types: 107, title, head-lines, &c.; 65b, text. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. The head-lines', "give the titles of the sections. Hain '13774.", '211X 151 mm. The device is mounted. Few manu¬ script notes. IA. 37721. NIGER, FRANCISCUS. Grammatica. numbered, with errors. Register in 2 columns. 4°: 44 lines and head-line and marginalia, 156 (162) x 98 (115) mm. Types: 160, title; 107, head-lines and headings; 71, text. Capitals (2). The head-lines give the numbers and titles of the books. Red printing', "on 32. Musical notation on leaves 78 and 79. Hain '11860.", '187 X 135 mm. Without the blank leaf. With the book-plate of the library of the Augustinian Canons at Rothenbuch. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 37724. PELBARTUS DE THEMESWAR. Stel¬ 12. TITLE: Stellarium Corone benedicte Marie virginis: in laudem eius p singulis preldicationibus elegantissime lines, and head-lines ; 84, headings; 65b text. Capital spaces with guide-letters. The head-lines give the book, part, and article¬', "numbers. Hain '12562.", 'A copy of an edition of this work was given by Wolf Lachner', "bibliopola' to the Basel Charterhouse in 1502 (Stehlin, no. 1630).", '200X 146 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial- strokes, and underlines supplied in red. On 1e is a note: Bought in October, 1867. IA. 37733. PEROTTUS, NICOLAUS. Rudimenta gram¬ Quarto. a-opr 11leavesthe last blank, 2-107 numbered. 2 columns on leaves 106-115. 3°: 44 lines and head-line and marginalia, 154 (161) x 98 (115) mm. Types: 160, title; 107, head¬ lines and headings; 71, text. Capitals (1, 2). Red printing on 38.', "The head-lines give the titles of the main sections. Hain '12640.", 'One of the watermarks used in this book is the same as one found in IA. 37724. 214 x 152 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 11 and 12, 74 and 75 (the inner sheets of quires b and 1), the missing text in the case of the first two being supplied on three leaves from another edition. None Bought in February, 1911. URSULA. [A prayer in commemoration of URSULA. [A prayer in commemoration of S. Ursula and others. Undated. 12.O Herr Jesu christe der du durch din heili- ges 160, first line; 93, remainder of text. Capital O (42) at the be- ginning of the text. 125x 170 mm. Initial-strokes and underlines in red. Three lines of manuscript have been added at the foot. IA. 37735 A. MAUBURNUS, JoHANNES. Rosetum exerci¬', "8a; 59 lines and head-line, 205 (216) X 147mm. Types: 180', title;", '160, head-lines ; 107, headings; 71, text. Capital spaces, with guide letters. With a woodcut on 20b. Hain 13996. This book belongs almost certainly to 1504 rather than to 1494, the', "omission of c'in the date being much more likely than that of xc.", 'The text type appears not to have been used before 1499. The 180 type is of a different face from the 180 type used in 1498 and in the', "undated De compunctione cordis, &c.', which was probably printed", 'about the same time. Wolff Lachner is recorded as having presented', "tria volumina Roseti' to the Basel Charterhouse in 1504 (Stehlin,", 'no. 1630); these were probably three copies of the present book. 286 x 202 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and under- lines supplied in red. On 1e is a note: Canonie Under JOHANNES DE VERDENA. Sermones MEFFRETH. Sermones Meffreth alias Hortu¬ 2 columns. 32: 36 lines and head-line, 148 (158) X 104 mm. Types: 175, title, head-lines (sermon-numbers), and first lines; 82,', "text. Capital spaces. Hain '15961 (with errors in foliation).", 'The two inner sheets of quires i, k and the second Hare of a thick vellower, unmarked paper, uncut leaves measuring 209 x 144-152mm. The book seems, therefore, to have been printed on two presses (the second starting with the Sermones de sanctis), which ran shor of paper simultaneously. Large capital at the beginning o 217 X 154 mm. the two parts supplied in red and blue and red respec tively, paragraph-marks on the two first pages in red Notes of ownership of the Jesuit College at Bamberg. dated 1633. Old stamped pigskin, with paper labels. IA. 37853 Bought in June, 1879 lus reginae de tempore et de sanctis. Undated. 12. FIRST TITLE: Sermones Meffreth. als Ortulus lines and head-line, 236 (248)X 153 mm. Types: 175, titles, head- lines (Days and sermon-numbers), and first lines; 82, text. Capital spaces. At the foot of X 6b Y is printed like a catchword, to show that 316 x 222 mm. The inside sheet of sig. C is dupli¬ cated in this copy. With the note: Ex Legatione Jacobi Hartlieb ... Walsporn Decani S. Trinitatis. Old stamped leather, with bosses. Bought in March, 1896. IB. 37855 De generatione Undated. tion.) 12. TITLE: Defensorium inuiolate perpe¬ tueque virgini This edition follows page for page the setting up of those by Georgius de Spira (IA. 8694) and Johann and Conrad Hist (IA 8695), except for a prayer to the Virgin added to the first page', "** Dr. Haebler's types 1* and 4 are not represented in the Museum collection.", 'of the text, and two other slight differences. The woodcuts are copies, more than half of them being reversed. 210X 152 mm. Imperfect; wanting the title-page.', "King George III's copy (C. 11. a. 6).", 'IA. 37865 ANIANUS. Compotus manualis. ANIANUS. Compotus manualis. Undated. 1°. TITLE: Copotus cum commento. 22. Liber qui mm. Types: 162, title ; 94, text; 79, commentary. Capital spaces', "one with guide-letter. With ten woodcuts. Hai '2195.", 'This book is placed second owing to the admixtures found in the text type (see note to type). Without the blank leaf. On 1e are 185X 130 mm.', "the signatures Thomas Catuarienn' and Lumley'. REINERUS. Phagifacetus seu de moribus et lated by S. Brant.) After 1 April, 1490. 1*. TITLE: De moribus et facetijs mense. 202. END: Translatum in teuthonicum Basilee per Se 1804, title and heading on 12 ; 83, text. Capitals (1). Latin text and German translation in alternate paragraphs. Hain 76900. The first letters of the first 15 lines of the Latin form an acrostic', "reading Reinerus me fecit'. The ascription of the tract entitled", 'Facetus to the same author seems to be due to a confusion. The', "title Phagifacetus' is that found in the MSS.", '202 X 142 mm. Bought in March, 1846. A. Two griffins, with tails intertwined, supporting a shield bearing the arms of Basel, in frame, 33X 38 mm. A. Two griffins, with tails intertwined, supporting a shield bearing the arms of Basel, in frame, 33X 38 mm. B. Two griffins, each supporting a shiela suspended from a tree, the shield on the right bearing the arms Expositiones omnium lines of text, 150x 97 mm. Types: 1802, title, head-lines, and book-headings ; 83, preface, headings, and colophon; 64, text. Capital spaces, many with guide-letters. The head-lines give the', "book-numbers and titles. Hain '3725.", 'Type 64 has long hyphens. 205X 143 mm. On 1e is written M. Georgij Hart', "mann, 1562 and Ex Bibliotheca Windhag:', and on 2", 'Bought in January, 1878. GUILLERMUS. Postilla in Euangelia et exituz beatum. Ego frater Guilermus sacre theologie professor... 165°. COLOPHON : Explicit postil la super of type 83, 157x 106 mm. Types: 1802, title and headings; 83, text of scripture; 64, commentary. Capital spaces, some with guide- letters, at the beginning of the second part. With woodcuts, some repeated, up to k 2b. Hain *8273.', "The mora' on 992 is given as mille qdringentos z qsi. xcj. annos'.", 'The woodcuts are copied from those found in early editions printed at Lyon; that on 1b is found on 1e of IA. 37798 (see p. 785). Long and short hyphens are mixed in type 64. 203X 150 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial¬ strokes, and underlines supplied in red. Woodcuts painted in various colours. On 1e is written Ioachim schmidt est posessor meus , and on 165° S. Mauritij Heydenfelt . Old stamped leather. Bought in June, 1892. IA. 37765. SUNTHEIM, LADISLAUS. Der löblichen 134 mm. Type: 94. Capitals (1, 2); spaces elsewhere, with guide letters. Marginal reference-letters. With twowoodcuts. Hain 879. 287 X 205 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial-strokes supplied in red. Bought in March, 1846. IB. 37767. VEGIUS, MAPHAEUS. Philalethes.—Tabula 144x 96 mm. Types: 180b, title and headings on 1b and 2b: 82 text of Philalethes; 64, text of Tabula. Capitals (1) on 1b and 2a', "With a woodcut on 2b Hain '15927.", '12 title; 1b 2e, praefatio M. Vegii; 2b, woodcut, with type set', "head-line Philalethes Veritas' probably suggested by that in", "Müller's undated Nuremberg edition (IA. 7886) ; 32-10b, Phila¬", 'lethes; 112-16°, tabula declaratiua quorundam terminorum ac Type 64 has long hyphens, so far as this copy shows. 205 X 136 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 11-14. Bought in July, 1864. IA. 37769. REFORMATORIUM. Reformatorium vitae 1a TITLE : Reformatorium vilte moruque z honestatis clericorum salu berimum: cum fraterna quadam resipiscen¬ Idi a vicijs exhortatione t ad penitentie portum applicandi head-line and marginalia, 100 (108) x 62 (78) mm. Types: 1802 title; 93, head-lines and headings; 83, title; 64, text. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. The earlier head-lines give the', "part- and chapter-numbers of 'Tractatus I', the later ones the", 'titles of the main divisions; that on 982 is inverted. Hain 13720. 12, title ; 1b-5a, registrum ; 5b-82, prologus ; 82—472, tractatus I, Type 64 has short hyphens in this and all following books. 145 x 100 mm. Initial-strokes supplied in yellow. With the arms of J. Gomez de la Cortina. Bought in April, 1872. IA. 37772. ORBELLIS, NICOLAUS DE. Summulae philo ORBELLIS, NICOLAUS DE. Summulae philo sophiae rationalis. 1494. 22 : 48 lines and head-line, 152 (160) x 102 mm. Types: 1802, title; 93, title, head-lines, headings; 83, some headings; 64, text. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. The head-lines give the', "titles of the tractatus. Hain '12044.", '216x 150 mm. Without the blank leaf. Early manu-', "script notes. On 1e is written' Ex libris Martinj Frechij", "with the price 24 d', and Monasterij Fürstenveld'.", 'Bound before IA. 37776. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 37775 ORBELLIS, NICOLAUS DE. Cursus librorum blank. 2 columns. 2b: 49 lines and head-line, 156 (164) x 103mm. Types: 93, title, head-lines, headings; 83, few headings; 64, text Capital spaces, many with guide-letters. The head-lines give the titles and numbers of the books. With woodcut diagrams. Hain 5864. 12, title; 1b blank; 22-69b Philosophia naturalis; 702-1172, Metaphysica; 117b-1782, Ethica; 1780, blank; 1792-1838, Mathe- matica; 183b, 184, blank. The Mathematica at the end appears to be a brief summary of what should have been the first part, referred to on 22. 216X 150 mm. Without the blank leaf. Early manu- script notes. Bound after IA. 37775. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 37776. THOMAS AQUINAS. Commentaria in blank. 2 columns, excepting the Register, which has 4 columns. 4°: 66 lines and head-line, 211 (224) X 145 mm. Types: 180e, title, head-lines, &c. ; 93, heading on 22; 83, quotations from Scripture; 64, text. Capital spaces, mostly with guide-letters. The head-lines', "give the names of the books. Hain '1339.", '275X 190 mm. Without the blank leaves. On 12 is written Ex Libris Joannis Chaumolin, 1639 and Pro moasterio senti Germani a pratis. Bought in February, 1862. IB. 37779. MEDER, JOHANNES. Quadragesimale nouum scripture in single column, sermons and table in 2 columns. 38: 34 lines of type 64 and head-line, 109 (118) x72 mm.; 286: 26 lines of type 83 and head-line, 108 (117) x73 mm. Types: 1808, title; 93, title, head-lines, &c.; 83, text of scripture; 64, text of sermons. Capital spaces, many with guide-letters. The head-lines give the day and the sermon-numbers. With woodcuts, some repeated.', "Hain '13628.", '151X 108 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals supplied in red. Old stamped pigskin. IA. 37781. Bought. 15 February, 1496. 6b: 47 lines and head-line, 150 (158) x 105 mm. Types: 180e title; 93, head-lines; 83, headings; 64, text. Capital spaces, with guide- letters. Head-lines: Prime (—Tertie) partis libri Pastoralis cure', "Beati Gregorij pape, with the chapter-numbers. Hain '7988.", '194 X 145 mm. Without the last blank leaf. Few early manuscript notes. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 37783. GREGORIUS I. Commentum super Cantica 83, headings ; 64, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Head-', "lines: Expositio beati Gregorij pape super Cantica canticorum,'", 'with the chapter-numbers. Hain 77938. 209 X 155 mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks sup¬ plied in alternate red and blue. Bought. IA. 37785. GREGORIUS I. Expositio super Ezechie¬ head-line, 150 (158) x 104 mm. Types: 1808, title; 93, head-lines; 83, headings; 64, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Head- lines: Expositio beati Gregorij pape super Ezechielem, with the book- and homily-numbers. Ham 77946.', "The blind impression of the word canticorum' on 1e shows that", 'this tract was printed at the same time as the preceding (IA. 37785). The four tracts of S. Gregory are evidently close together, being intended to be sold either separately or as a whole. 209X 155 mm. Rubrication as in IA. 37785. Bought. IA. 37793. head-line, 150 (157) x 104 mm. Types: 180e, title; 93, head-lines; 83, headings: 64, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Head- lines: Beati Gregorij pape Dialogorum, with the book-numbers.', "Hain '7966.", '209 X 155 mm. Rubrication as in IA. 37785. The last leaf is cut out and mounted. This book and the two preceding tracts were formerly bound together. Bought. IA. 37791. None Ad lectorem. S. Brant. Three capitals (2), three spaces, one with guide-letter. With wood¬', "cuts. Hain '12453.", '184X 129 mm. With the press-marked book-plate o the Bibliotheca Renessiana . Bought in June, 1876. IA. 37788 Another copy. 194 X 131 mm. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and under- lines supplied in red. Grenville copy (G. 11720). KEINSPECK, MICHAEL. Lilium musicae on 22, with guide-letters. With musical notes and a diagram, Hain 9760. 202 X 138 mm. Bound with two 16th-century musical tracts. Part of the collection of music (K. 1. h. 2/1). Bought in June, 1845. IA. 37795. BRICOT, THOMAS. Cursus quaestionum The middle section of this book (quires x-z, z, 5, AA-FF) was', "printed in Furter's types 93, 83, and 64, the first and third sections", 'in the types of Kilian Fischer at Freiburg. For complete descrip¬ tion and collation see under Fischer (IB. 14211, p. 696). STATUTA. Statuta synodalia Eystettensia 3°: 37 lines of type 183 and foliation, 153 (159) x 94-5 mm.; 348 33 lines of type 94 and foliation, 154 (159) x95 mm. Types: 180e, title, beginning of some sections of text; 94, German text, in quire e; 93, headings, foliation; 83, title, text. Some capitals (2, 3) ; spaces, with guide-letters, elsewhere. Hain *15031 (who describes a duplicate of the last quire in place of quire e). 1a, title and cut, arms of bishop and chapter; 1b, letter to bishop; 2, registrum; 3-322, statuta Eystettensia; 32b blank; 33-36°, This edition, which was assigned by Proctor (no. 2749) to Reut- lingen, Greyff, is copied from the original edition printed by M. Reyser at Eichstätt about 1484 (IB. 12803). In the introduc¬ tory letters to and from the bishop the name of Mathias Walcker of Reutlingen has been substituted for that of Reyser, and the order', "of the letters reversed, so as to bring that containing the bishop's", 'authorization into the most prominent position on the title-page.', "The woodcut of the bishop's arms is copied from Reyser's metal", 'cut. Breviary (Hain *3840) in 1497 (Stehlin, no. 1046). 200X 149 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 88, which is supplied in facsimile. Manuscript notes concerning several bishops of Eichstätt. Bought in April, 1911. HYMNARIUS. Expositio hymnorum cum', "Quarto. a8b-g6h'i6. 54 leaves, 2-53 so numbered, with", 'errors. 2 columns; table on 54° in 3 columns. 2b: 51 lines of commentary, surrounding 20 lines of text, with head-line, 163 (174) x112 mm. Types : 1802, title and head-lines; 93, title, prologue, and text ; 64, commentary. Capitals (2,4) ; spaces elsewhere, with guide-letters. Head-lines: Expositio hymnorum (alternating with Hymnorum expositio) per totum annum. Hain 16789. 204 X 149 mm. Few early manuscript notes. For¬ merly bound with IA. 51537, IA. 11923, and IA. 282. Bought in July, 1858. IA. 37798. MEDER, JOHANNES. Quadragesimale nouum scripture in single column, sermons and table in 2 columns. 32; 34 lines of type 64 and head-line, 109 (116) x 73 mm.; 28b: 26 lines of type 83 and head-line, 108 (115) x71 mm. Types: 1808 title; 93, head-lines ; 83, text of scripture; 64, text of sermons. Capital spaces, many with guide-letters. The head-lines give the day and the sermon-numbers. With woodcuts, some repeated. Hain 13629. A page-for-page reprint of the edition of 1495 (IA. 37781). The woodcuts are the same, except that on f6b, repeated on g 6b, which is a reversed copy. 152 x 108 mm. On 1e is a note, Loci Capucinoru', "Überlinge,' and an obliterated library-stamp. Olc", 'stamped pigskin, lined with leaves from an early German illustrated book. Bought in July, 1911. IA. 37800. CONSTITUTIONES. Constitutiones syno¬ text. Capitals (1, 2, 5) ; spaces, with guide-letters, elsewhere. Hain 5660. IB. 37802. CATO, DIONYSIUS. Undated. 1e TITLE: Catho in latin vnd tutsch Title-cutA. 1°. CVm animaduerterem quam pluri mos homines grauiter errare in via morum ... 162. END: Finis huius.', "Quarto. A°B'C6. 16 leaves. 22: 34 lines of types 93 (leaded)", 'and 83, 156x 81 mm. Types: 1802, title and headings; 93, Latin text; 83, German verses. Capitals (1, 3). Latin text and German translation in alternate paragraphs. Type 93 is not found in books dated after 1497. Hence the position allotted to this book. 186 x 130 mm. Initial-strokes supplied in red. Bought in January, 1882. IA. 37830. METHODIUS. Reuelationes diuinae a san¬ tractatus super Methodium. [Edited by S. Brant.) 5 January, 1498. capitals (1, 2, 5) in the second tract ; spaces elsewhere, some with guide-letters. With woodcuts, some repeated. Hain 11121. 12, title ; 1b 22 epistle of Brant to Joh. Meder, dated 1 Nov., 1497; 2b cut, fall of angels; 38-48, praefatio in Methodium; 40 cut, expulsion from Paradise ; 5-28, reuelationes; 29-682, Aytingeri tractatus; 68b blank. IVO. Liber decretorum siue Panormia. I-CLXXVIII, with errors. Table on leaf 4 in 2 columns. 5b: 37 lines and head-line, 152 (164) x 96 mm. Types: 1802, title, head¬ lines, and headings; 83, text ; 64, headings. Capitals (1, 3, 4, 6,7) The head-lines give the numbers of the books and the titles of the sections. With a woodcut on 1°. Hain 79328. The first quire, consisting of the title, the preface by Sebastian Brant, and the table, appears to have been set up after the body of', "the book was printed. The preface is dated nonis marcijs', 1499.", '212X 150 mm. From the old Royal Library. IA. 37809. BARZIZIUS, GASPARINUS. Epistolae. x 86 mm. Types: 1802, title ; 83, text. Capital spaces, with guide-', "letters. Hain '2671.", 'Placed here because type 180e does not occur after 1499. Bought in May, 1903. METHODIUS. Reuelationes diuinae a san¬ tractatus super Methodium. [Edited by S. Brant. 114 February, 1500. x 90 (109) mm. Types: 1560, title; 106, headings, &c.; 83, text; 64. marginalia. Capitals (1, 2, 3, 5, 7). With woodcuts, some repeated. A close reprint, mostly page for page, and with the same wood- cuts, of the 1498 issue (IA. 37805). The cuts recur in the 1515 issue, but the wording of the title is different, and this, together with the fact that type 156b went out of use about 1504, shows that the date of the present book is 1500, and not 1 March, 1516, as has been supposed. 190x 138 mm. Paragraph-marks and initial-strokes supplied in red. Few manuscript notes. IA. 37813. CACCIALUPIS, JOANNES BAPTISTA DE. De and head-line and marginalia, 147 (156)x 96 (116) mm. Types: 1566 titles: 106, head-lines and headings of chapters; 82 headings of sections, &c.; 64, text and marginalia. Capitals 2, 3,7) ; spaces elsewhere, some with guide-letters. The head-lines give the numbers and titles of the books. Red printing and capitals on 22 and 152. Hain 4209.', "Brant's verses to Arnold Zum Lufft on 1b contain the following:", 'Quado igit titulos iuris quos lusimus olim', "Brant's tract is reprinted, with alterations, from the 1490 issue", '(IA. 37760), the date of the prefatory letter to Helmut being changed to 1500. 210X 147 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bought in April, 1865. IA. 37816.', "Another copy of Brant's Expositiones.", '215 X 151 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals. paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red as far a N2. Few early manuscript notes. Half stamped pigskin over boards. Bound before six other 15th and 16th century legal tracts. Bought in June, 1879. IA. 37817. JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS. De com¬ Undated. 12. TITLE: Chrysostomus de Cordis Compunctione Augustinus de Contritione cordis. 55°. FIRST COLO¬ PHON: Beati Iohannis Chrysostomi Liber Sel cundus de Cordis compunctone / ad Seu= letium : Feliciter explicit. 574. (head-line) Augustinus de Contritione cordis. 60b. ni Liber de Cordis Contritione : Feliciter explicit.', "Octavo. 418 a-f; g'h'. 70 leaves, 56 and 70 blank. 9b: 26", 'lines and head-line, 108 (114) x 66 mm. Types: 180b, title and heading on 7b : 83, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines in the first tract give the book- and chapter-numbers, in the second tract the title- and chapter-numbers. Hain 5046. 145X 101 mm. Capitals and paragraph-marks sup- plied in alternate red and blue, initial-strokes and under- lines in red. Manuscript notes in the second tract. On 1e are the inscriptions Donatf a Michaele furtter Im¬', "pssore Basilien', Das buoch gehort dem Philippus", 'basted on the top cover. 16th-century stamped pigskin. Bound before IA. 37481 and IA. 23243. Bought in May, 1908. IA. 37825. Another copy. Bought in July, 1901. REMIGIUS. Dominus quae pars. 35 lines of types 1568 and 83, 154X 95 mm. Types: 1568, headings and title? ; 83, text. Capitals (3,7). With a woodcut border on 28. 207X 153 mm. Initial-strokes supplied in red. Bought in March, 1859. IA. 37823. DOUBTFUL BOOKS. 31 January, 1489. 44 lines and head-line, 207 (221) x 139 mm. Types: 180°, title, head-lines, and first lines on 22: 93, text. Capital spaces. The head-lines give the names of the books. Hain 9417. 270X191 mm. Without the blank leaf. Capitals and paragraph-flourish on the title-page supplied in red. IB. 37839. Bought. bered Folio I-CXVII. 2 columns in the table. 56: 55 lines and foliation, 230 (242) x 148 mm. Types: 1804, first line of title and head-lines in table; 156°, first line of table; 124, head-lines and first line of text ; 83, text. Woodcut capital F (8) on title, D (9) on 52, small Lombard D in headings ; spaces, with guide-letters, else- where. Hain 17296. The use of a small Lombard D in headings connects this book with IB. 37841 and IA. 37849. 312X 216 mm. From the library of Dr. Kloss. Bought in September, 1838. IB. 37840. Latinum idioma pro head-line, 149 (155) x 98 mm. Types: 156°, title; 83, text. Capi¬ tals (1), spaces elsewhere, with guide-letters. The head-lines give the chapter-numbers and the characters in the dialogues. Hain 11707. ISIDORUS. Etymologiae. 8 August, 1489. Folio. A“- B-N8.6.6.6 O-O6 R8. 108 leaves, 5-108 numbered Folio I-CIIII. 2 columns. 68: 56 lines and foliation, 233 (243) X 149 mm. Types: 180d, title; 165, head-lines (versos); 1560. head-lines and headings of Registrum (A2-4) and first lines of books; 156°, first line of book A on E 1; 124, foliation; 83, text; 83 Greek. Large capital L (3) on the title, and small D in headings; spaces, with guide-letters, elsewhere. Woodcut diagrams, accents, &c. Hain 19274. The use of a small Lombard D in headings connects this book with IB. 37840 and IA. 37849. 308X 211 mm. Capitals supplied in alternate red and blue, paragraph-marks in red. On 1e is a note: Ex Bibliotheca Augustana FF. minoru Regularis obser¬ IB. 37841. BRENDAN. Sankt Brandons Buch. heym gen ybernia in das Closter. Woodcut. Quarto. a-e° 30 leaves, the last blank. 2b: 31 lines, 144x89 mm. Types: 180° title and 22: 92, title and text. Capitals (1); two spaces, with guide-letters. With woodcuts. Hain 3720 (giving Lxxxj for lxxxxj in the date).', "The woodcuts are freely copied from those in Sorg's edition (IB.", '5851, p. 345). some woodcut capitals, painted in various colours. IA. 37763. FORMULARIUM. Formularium aduoca blank, leaves 7-229 numbered Folio I-CCXII, CCVII-CCXIX, the foliation being correct up to E 8, Folio CCXII, but with numerous errors in quires F, G. 92: 42 lines and foliation, 147 (157) x 96 mm. Types: 180e, first line of title, the word Folio in head-line, headings ; 93, contents of sections; 71, text. Larger capitals (1, 7), spaces with guide-letters for smaller ones. Hain 77300. Reprinted from the folio edition of 1489 (IB. 37840). 217X 152 mm. Large printed capitals coloured, smaller capitals, initial-strokes, &c., supplied in red. Old stamped leather binding. Bought in April, 1873. IA. 37843. WERNHERUS, ABBAS S. BLASII. Deflora¬ blank. 2 columns. 192: 53 lines, head-line, and marginalia, 219 (233) x 141 (166) mm. Types : 1802, title of Annotatio, first line of title of the book itself, first lines, head-lines, and marginal section¬ letters ; 93, title of book, headings, and quotations from Scripture; 83, index and text of sermons; 71, text of deflorationes; 64, mar- ginal references. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines give the Days and numbers of Expositiones. Large woodcut on 17° of the Trinity inspiring the Virgin, the Evangelists, the Fathers, S. Blasius, and the Abbots Georg and Wernher of St. Blasien, with', "the arms of Abbot Georg and of the monastery. Hain' 16158.", '303 X 207 mm. Without the blank leaves. Manuscript foliation. The Annotatio (leaves 1-15) is bound at the end of IB. 37626, Caracciolus, Sermones, Kesler, 1490. with which this volume was formerly bound. IB. 37845. AESOPUS. Vita et fabulae. [With the fables AESOPUS. Vita et fabulae. [With the fables of Remigius, &c. Undated. 1b. [Woodcut, lettered : ESOPVS.) 22. Vita Esopi fabulatoris clarissimi e greco latina per Rinucium fa¬ cta Capitals (1, 3); spaces, some with guide-letters, elsewhere. The head-lines (from 21b onwards) give, often wrongly, the numbers or titles of the books. With woodcuts. Hain 1327. 1a, blank : 1b, cut ; 24-212, vita Aesopi; 212 registrum in librum those of Johann Zainer’s undated Ulm edition (Pr. no. 2512) with masses of black introduced where possible. They are identical with the cuts used by Pforzheim in his edition of 1501. 296 x 202 mm. The title-cut is roughly coloured in red. On the inner side of the second sheet of quire e two pages, c 2b and c72, have been transposed in printing this copy.', "King George III's copy (167. f. 12).", 'IB. 37847. Another copy. 294X 192 mm. c 2b and c 72 are here correctly printed. Grenville copy (G. 7831). IB. 37848. CATO, DIONYSIUS. Cato cum glossa et Quarto. a-esf. 46 leaves, the first presumably containing a title. 112: 48 lines and head-line, 155 (162) x 90 mm. Types: 93. head-lines and text ; 64, commentary. Capital spaces. Head-lines:', "Prohemium' and Liber Cathonis,", 'The capitals in type 93 are freely admixed with capitals from a smaller fount. The M that is used throughout is like the M of type 83, but larger, and agrees with that of Ysenhut 94 [P. 11. Type 64 has short hyphens. 190X 135 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1 and 8. On 466 is written: Liber thome hayrcowrt. IA. 37837. DONATUS, AELIUS. New headings in a similar type have been pasted over the old headings on 15b and 20a. 220X 160 mm. Capital on 22, paragraph-marks and underlines supplied in red. Bought in January, 1868. IA. 37821. DONATUS, AELIUS. 1a. TITLE: Questiones su¬ per Donatum. 25P. CoLo¬ PHON: Expliciunt quastiuncule grâmaticales sup donatu mm. Types: 1804 (mixed), title, some headings, and initials of others ; 83, most headings ; 64, text. Capitals (10, 11) ; spaces The capitals in the large type are admixed, and include A as in 1réb and Pas in 165. Type 64 has long hyphens, which suggests an early date for the book. 201X 140 mm. Undated. PIUS II. Historia bohemica. 12 TITLE: Enee Siluij. Senenn. Cardina lis Scte Sabine. with guide-letters. Hain 254. The use of a small Lombard D in headings connects this book with IB. 37840 and IB. 37841. 197X 131 mm. Without the blank leaf. Bound before Timannus Kemenerus, Commentarii in tractatus Petri ALONE. (head-line) : Translatores Biblie. 494°. END: Cöstas ecclesia mons fortis patria suma.', "Octavo. Iel'; a-y A-Z8. 1-10 11 118; A-D' E'. 494 leaves, the", 'fith blank. 2 columns, the Interpretationes nominum Hebrai¬', "corum' in 3 columns. 68: 56 lines and head-line and marginalia,", '125 (131-2) X 76-7 (90) mm. Types: 86, title, head-lines, and head- ings; 624, verses and some headings in first quire; 44, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines give the names of the books. Hain 33107 (not describing the first five leaves). 156 X 113 mm. The last leaf is slightly mutilated. Capital on 6a supplied in blue, remaining capitals and paragraph-marks and initial-strokes supplied in red. Manuscript notes. On 1e is inscribed: Ad Convent. Franciscan. Kelhame. Bibl. Old stamped pigskin, re- backed. Bought in July, 1866. IA. 37873. JOHANNES (HEYNLIN DE LAPIDE. Re¬ marginalia, 114 (121) x71 (84) mm. Types: 86, title, head-lines, and headings ; 62b, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines give the chapter-numbers. Hain 79905. 150X 101 mm. GUILLERMUS, EPISCOPUS PARISIENSIS. compunctione cordis, &c. 12. TITLE: Rhetorica diuina domini Guillermi Pari¬ 86, title (leaded), head-lines, and first lines of chapters; 62b, head- ings; 44, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines sam pinciä lohanes froben de Hammel- burg litterarie give the chapter-numbers. Hain 18305.', "tulos Rhetorice divine et Effrem'. The entry follows the record", "of the presentation of quatuor parvas Biblias' in 1491, and precedes", "that of the presentation of the' Decretum, Decretales, Sextum et", 'Clementinas?.', "A reprint in a smaller form of Fischer's (Freiburg) folio edition", "S. Ephraim's works on the title is copied.", '144X 108 mm. Some of the head-lines are cropped.', "On 1e is written Carthusiæ Cellæ salutis', and on a", 'fragment of paper inset in the title-page Monasterij', "Trieffenstein'.", 'Bought in February, 1876. GRATIANUS. Decretum. [With the appa¬ GRATIANUS. Decretum. [With the appa¬ ratus of Johannes Semeca and Bartholomaeus *13 June, 1493. 5b: 67 lines of commentary surrounding the text, and head-line and marginalia, 170 (176) x 119 (136) mm. A column of 56 lines of text on 66 measures 172 mm. Types: 134, title; 120, head-lines and few headings; 88, headings and verse register on 519b; 62b text: 51, commentary; 44, marginalia. Head-lines, rubrics, paragraph¬ marks, and most capitals printed in red; occasional capital spaces elsewhere, mostly with guide-letters. The head-lines give the', "section-numbers. With a woodcut on 1b. Hain '7912.", '200X 147 mm. Without the blank leaf. Manuscript notes. On 1e is inscribed Constat 41 9 and Monrij', "Rothensis'. Old stamped pigskin, rebacked.", 'Bought in April, 1866. IA. 37879. GREGORIUS IX. Decretales. [With the GREGORIUS IX. Decretales. [With the commentaries of Bernardus and of Hierony¬ 115 May, 1494. no. 1623) Froben presented to the Basel Charterhouse xiij tracta- maximo: sedem pe- tri gubernante: Anno salutifere in- carnationis Nonagesimoquarto: supra millesimumquadrin¬ rounding the text, and head-line and marginalia, 170 (177) X 119 (126) mm. A column of 55 lines of text on 792 measures 169-70 mm. Types : 180, title; 120, head-lines and headings ; 62°, text; 51, commentary; 44, marginalia. Head-lines, rubrics, paragraph¬ marks, and most capitals printed in red; occasional capital spaces elsewhere, mostly with guide-letters. The head-lines give the book- numbers and the titles and numbers of the sections. With a wood-', "cut on 6°. Hain '8031.", '217 X 148 mm. On 1° is written: Benedictenpeirn. Iste liber est sancti bndicti In benedictenpewrn Et est emptus In Inglstat non ligatus pro ij flori ri Et ht book-plate of Abbot Ludovicus Perczl is mounted on', "a fly-leaf in front, and on 2' is pasted the book-label of", 'the library of Benedictbeuern. Bought in October, 1867. IA. 37881. BONIFACIUS VIII. Liber sextus Decre¬ rounding the text, and head-line and marginalia, 170 (178) X 120 (134) mm. A column of 55 lines of text on 24° measures 170 mm. Types: 180, titles ; 120, head-lines and headings; 62°, text; 51, commentary; 44, marginalia. Head-lines, rubrics, paragraph¬ marks, and most capitals printed in red; occasional capital spaces. The head-lines give the book-numbers and the titles and numbers', "of the sections. With a woodcut on 6°. Hain '3619.", 'The woodcut is the same as that in IA. 37881. 221 X 152 mm. Capitals on 72, and initial-strokes at intervals, supplied in red. Manuscript notes in margins and on fly-leaves at beginning and end. On 1e is written Iste liber est Magistri lohanis Rêbler ex grezio Stirie', "emptus p eudem Parisius. 1495', and Carthusiæ Gemni¬", 'censis . Old stamped leather, rebacked, with panels bearing the inscription ostende : nobis ; domine miseri- cordia : tuam : et salutare tuum da nobis . Bought in January, 1878. BIBLIA LATINA. (head-line) : Translatores biblie.', "Octavo. AA° BB“; a-y A-ZAa-Mm'; A-E°. 508 leaves, 469", "blank. 2 columns, the Interpretationes' in 3 columns. 138: 54", 'lines and head-line and marginalia, 121 (126) x75 (100) mm. Types : 86, title, head-lines, and heading ; 75, verses on 9b; 62b some headings in the second quire ; 44, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines give the names of the books. With à woodcut on 12°. Hain 3118. Based on the 1491 issue (IA. 37873), with an additional table at the beginning. 150X 108 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 469-508. Capitals on 13e and 16° supplied in gold and colours, the first capital in each book in red and blue, the others in red or blue. Initial-strokes and paragraph-marks supplied in red. With an illuminated border on 162 The woodcut painted in various colours. Red manu¬ script foliation. A vellum fly-leaf is prefixed, with à manuscript index dated 1524. Bought in January, 1868. HERPF, HENRICUS. Speculum aureum de¬ 152: 54 lines and head-line, 167 (173) X111 mm. Types: 180, title; 120, head-lines and first lines of sermons; 86, headings; 62° text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines give the number of the commandment and of the sermon. With marginal section-letters. Hain *8526. 200X 148 mm. Without the blank leaf. The title is cut out and mounted on a leaf bearing the inscription', "Canonie Understorf'. Bought. line, 240 (248) x 158 mm. Types: 288, titles; 120, head-lines; 92, headings ; 75, prefatory letters, second colophon and verses by Brant on 3632 ; 62b text. The word réAos in Greek type, perhaps a block, appears on 3632. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines give the mnitial letters of the headings on each page.', "Hain '5633.", 'Each part has a prefatory letter by Sebastian Brant, the first', "dated Idibus lulijs and the second Kalendis octobribus', 1496.", '305 x 211 mm. On 1e is inscribed liber guil. danca¬', "stri' and two couplets each giving a former owner's", "name ' Thomas Roger", 'IB. 37891. From the old Royal Library. Presentis chartas opis . . . ibid., col. 4, END: Obsecro yt ic. PART III. 1°. TITLE : Tertia pars huius operis in se continens glosam ordinalriam cum expositione lyre litterali 1 mora li: nec non additionibus ac replicis:.. 1° TITLE: Quarta pars huius operis in se continens glosam ordinariam cum expositione lyre litterali et mo¬ Presentis chartas opis ... ibid., col. 6, END: Nondum.', "last blank.—Part II : a-d'efg-rse tevxyzAs B-R8.6S-Vs. 318", 'leaves, the last blank.—Part III : a-z A-Z aa-qq8e rr“. 440 leaves.- PartIV: a-zA-Zaa-vvsexxyy 480 leaves,the last blank.—PartV: a-zA-L56 M6. 244 leaves.—Part VI : a-z A-R8.6. 280 leaves, the last blank. 2 columns of commentary and one of text, the registers in 4, 5, or 6 columns. Part I. 262: 78 lines of commentary sur- rounding the text and interlinear gloss, and head-line and mar¬ ginalia, 241 (248) x 160 (173) mm. A column of 55 lines of type 86 on 20° measures 237 mm. Types : 288, titles and 1° of Parts II and II1; 134, titles, head-lines, headings, &c.; 86, text; 75, prefatory letter in Part I; 62°, commentary ; 51, marginalia; 44, some of the marginalia in Part II, and, apparently, the reference letters above the text throughout. Greek type is found with the text type in the introductory epistle of Saint Jerome in Part I. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines give the titles of the books and glosses and the chapter-numbers. With woodcuts. Hain 3172. Twenty lines of type 134 have been compressed on the title-page to Part IV to measure 124 mm. 292 x 202 mm. Without the blank leaf in Part I. Capitals on 3e and 10° in Part I, 22 in Part II, 5° in Part III, 2e and 3° in Part IV, 3e and 58 in Part V and 3b in Part VI, illuminated in gold and colours. Other main capitals supplied in red and blue, the rest in red or blue, usually alternately. Paragraph-marks and initial-strokes supplied in red on the title-pages of Parts I, II, and IV. On 1e of each Part is a note of ownership of the Lilien- \ufeff792 feld Monastery. Old stamped white deerskin, with the initials C. S. A. C. and the date 1640 on the front covers Bought in July, 1877. IB. 37895. JOANNES DE SANCTO GEMINIANO. 152: 52 lines and head-line, 159 (167) X 110-11 mm. Types: 134. title, head-lines, and headings ; 62°, text. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. The head-lines give the book-numbers and titles. Hain 17546. 215X 150 mm. Without the blank leaf. On 12 is', "a cancelled note Sû liber M'. hoghofen in artib mri',", "and below : Bernardj Aslamj. pr. ijs vjd'.", "Sir Joseph Banks's copy. WITH JOHANN AMERBACH. paratus of Johannes Semeca and Bartholo¬ *1 July, 1500. maeus Brixiensis. 12. TITLE: Decretum Gratiani Correctû ingenti prorsus ab arte librum : red) H(black)abes (vt opinor) quemadmoduz antea polliciti sumus lector egregie: opus elimatum. . . . 530 blank. 2 columns, the index in 5 columns. 13°: 67 lines of commentary surrounding the text, and head-line and marginalia, 171 (178) x 120 (148) mm. A column of 56 lines of text on 17 measures 172 mm. Types: 134, title, head-lines, and headings; 620, text; 51, commentary and marginalia. Head-lines, rubrics, para¬ graph-marks, and most capitals printed in red; occasional spaces, one with guide-letter. The head-lines give the section-numbers. With a woodcut on 12b. Hain 17918.', "A reprint of Froben's edition of 1493 (IA. 37879) with additional", 'preliminary matter, losing two pages in quires a-g, but correspond¬ ing quire for quire from that point onwards. The woodcut is the same in both editions. Old stamped pigskin. The title and 219X 156 mm. the date 1500 are written on the fore-edge. Bought in July, 1877. IA. 37904. GREGORIUS IX. Decretales. [With the GREGORIUS IX. Decretales. [With the commentaries of Bernardus and of Hierony 37 October, 1500. mus Clarius.) rounding the text, and head-line and marginalia, 171 (180) X 119 (144) mm. A column of 56 lines of text on 792 measures 173-4 mm. Types : 134, title, head-lines, and headings; 62°, text; 51 commentary and marginalia. Head-lines, rubrics, paragraph¬ marks, and most capitals printed in red ; occasional capital spaces elsewhere, mostly with guide-letters. The head-lines give the book-numbers and the titles and numbers of the sections. With a woodcut on 6°. Hain 8040. A close reprint, mostly page for page, with additional marginalia,', "of Froben's edition of 1494 (IA. 37881). The woodcut is the same", 'in both editions. 220X 159 mm. In quire i the second sheet is mis- bound after the fourth sheet. On 1e is written: Johannes Hoffstetter iure me tenet. Ao 1620. Old stamped leather, rebacked with pigskin. Bound before IA. 37908. Bought in April, 1865. IA. 37907. Liber sextus Decre¬ rounding the text, and head-line and marginalia, 172 (178-9) X 121 (142) mm. A column of 56 lines of text on 248 measures 173 mm. Types: 134, titles, head-lines, and headings; 626, text; 51, com- mentary and marginalia. Head-lines, rubrics, paragraph-marks, and most capitals printed in red; occasional capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines give the book-numbers and the titles and numbers of the sections. With a woodcut on 6°. Hain 3626.', "A close reprint, mostly page for page, of Froben's edition of 1494", '(IA. 37883). The woodcut is the same as that in IA. 37881 and IA. 37883. 220X 159 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 266, 267, and 288. Bound after IA. 37907. Bought in April, 1865. MAYNO, JASON DE. Oratio in nuptias Maxi¬ bicipitis: cum serpente anthroposphagę: Epithalamion Sebastiani Brant. 14°. END: Distichum Iacobi Vymphe. Sletstatini in Blancham Mariam Ro. Reginam Diua Maria polum materno iure gubernat: A prefatory letter from Cornelius Niger to Hippolitus Celestinus WIMPHELING, JACOB. De conceptu et Quarto. a-es. 40 leaves. 42: 28 lines and marginalia, 152x 95 (121) mm. Types: 180, title and headings; 109e, title and', "text; 77, marginalia. Lombards. With woodcuts. Hain '16171.", '1e, title; 1b, 22, prefatory letter to Bertold von Hennenberg, Archbishop of Mainz, dated 1 May, 1493; 2b, 32, Exordium ; 3b', "Annunciation, are the same as the first two woodcuts in Brant's In", 'laudem Virginis carmina (IA. 37929). An additional quire of 8 leaves mentioned by Hain, with the signature F and containing a poem by Sebastian Brant on S. Bruno, appears to belong rather to IA. 37929. 217X 153 mm. Bought in May, 1884. WIMPHELING, JACOB. De nuntio angelico.', "Wimpheling's letter on 6b and 72, dated Ex spiris. x. kl Septem¬", "bris. Anno christi. M.CCCC.XCIIII', to Ludwig and Philip, sons ot", "Pfalzgraf Philip, begins: 'Carmen meum in Triplicem Marie can¬", 'dore tanto gratius vestre sublimitati esse spero . .. This seems to show that the Carmen was already in print, and it has therefore been placed before the present tract. 207X 150 mm. From the library of Dr. C. Inglis. Bought in October, 1871. IA. 37916. VERARDUS, CAROLUS. Historia Baetica.¬ SINE CAVSA. I. .B. 29°. SECOND TITLE: De Insu¬ Woodcut.) 368. lis nuper in mari Indico repertis set inscription Oceanica Classis .', "Quarto. aa-cc'dd ee“. 36 leaves. 2°: 28 lines, 153X 100 mm.", 'Types : 180, titles and headings; 109e, text. Lombards, five spaces', "elsewhere. With woodcuts. Hain '15942.", 'The woodcuts, except that on the title-page, occur in the letter of', "Columbus, and are the same as those in Pforzheim's edition of the", 'letter (IA. 37705). The woodcut on the title-page is a variant', "of that on 10e of Pforzheim's edition.", '196 X 144 mm. BRANT, SEBASTIAN. De origine et conuer¬ with inscriptions maximilianus Romanoru Rex: and Quarto. A-VS. 160 leaves. 7b: 28 lines and marginalia, 153-4 y00 (120) mm. Types: 180, title and headings; 1094, title and text: 77, marginalia. Lombards. With two woodcuts. Hain 3735. Another copy. 209X 153 mm. Another copy. 221X 149 mm. IA. 37927. FACETUS. Liber Faceti docens mores lated by S. Brant. 12. TITLE: Liber Faceti docens mores ho minû: ocipue Iuuenum / in supplementum illoß/qui a Cathone Sebastianus Brant. Ad studiose indolis pueros. ib., END: Id modo precipuu de Olpe impressisse lohannes text in alternate paragraphs, and marginalia, 163 x 97-8 (119) mm. Types : 180, title and headings on 22 and 142; 109e, title and Latin text; 109b, German text ; 77, marginalia. Lombard on 28. Hain 6892. LOCHER, JACOB. Carmen de Sancta Cathe¬ couplets) . . . Proderit & multis hoc pietatis opus. Woodcut, S. Catherine. Casare deuicto nacta es Katherina triumphu: (two elegiac couplets) ... Teqe ego dum vita est Bergmanus Olpe cola. .I. .B. 6°. 185X 134 mm. Paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines in red. Bought in August, 1889. LOCHER, JACOB. Theologica emphasis. 12 TITLE: Theologica emphasis siue. Dialogus super', "Lombard on 32, two spaces elsewhere. Hain '10154.", 'A by-form of h occurs with type 180 in this tract. 200X 140 mm. With the stamp of the Heber Library. IA. 37934. BRANT, SEBASTIAN. In laudem Virginis mm. Types: 180, title and headings; 1098, text. Lombards, space', "on 17b. With woodcuts. Hain '3733.", 'Hain describes a copy with 47 leaves. The additional matter in his copy appears to be the same as the additional quire I', "described by him under '16171 (see IA. 37921 above).", 'The eleven woodcuts (fourteen with repeats) were cut for this work, and two of them are found again in IA. 37921, dated 1494 Therefore, if, as is probable, Hain 13734 has no real existence, the present issue was printed before August, 1494. The presence of numerous by-forms in type 180 confirms this. 200X 144 mm. Bought in March, 1846. BRANT, SEBASTIAN. Stultifera nauis. 12, TITLE: Stultifera Nauis.Woodcut. Narra- and foliation and marginal references, 165-6 (177) x 96 (118) mm. Types: 220, title and most headings; 180, headings on 65, 74, and 8b: 1098, text; 77, marginal references. Lombards on 1b and 7". With woodcuts. Hain 3746.', "12, title ; 1b-38, Locher's epigram to the reader and epistle to", 'the author, dated 1 February, 1497; 3b-6b, verses by Locher to the author, publisher, &c. ; 72-10° Locher’s prologue and verses: 106,', "argument; 114-1362 text ; 136b-1382, Excusatio lacobi locher'", '138b, woodcut; 1398-142b, Socialis nauis me-chanicorum, &c.;', "1432-1452, Locher's epistle and verses to Olpe; 145°, colophon;", '1462-1482, register; 1486, blank. IA. 37942. Another copy. 198 X 141 mm. The upper margin of many of the leaves is cropped. On 148° is written bryan smyth', "and Josephe Heynes of Trinity Hall in Cambridge'", "Bound with Badius's Stultifera nauis, 1513.", 'IA. 37941. LUPOLDUS, EPISCOPUS BAMBERGENSIS. Ger¬ and foliation and marginalia, 224-5 (232) X 145 (167) mm. Types: 220, title and headings; 109e, title and text: 77, marginalia.', "Capital spaces, nearly all with guide-letters. Hain '2725.", '316 X 211 mm. Bought in June, 1892. IB. 37944. BRANT, SEBASTIAN. Varia carmina. Woodcut, portrait of Brant, two smaller cuts to right Othomanide responsio: per Sebastianu Brant in ho¬ norem / exhortationenque Serenissime regie maiestatis 220, title and headings; 1098, title and Latin text; 109b, German text in quires h and m; 77, marginalia in quires D and E, and inset in woodcut on 652. Lombards. With woodcuts. Hain 3731. The woodcut on 77° (d 1) is the same as that on the ti of IA. 37925, &c.', "In this copy the additional quire n' (leaves 141'-144*), containing", 'the Turcorum terror et potentia, and of later date than the rest of the volume, is inserted in the middle of quire m. The copy also', "has Johann Reuchlin's Scenica progymnasmata (IA. 37955) inserted", 'between quires K and a. 209 X 150 mm.', "King George III's copy (166. e. 2/1). IA. 37950.", 'Another copy. This copy has the additional quire n inserted in the middle', "of quire m; but it is without Reuchlin's Scenica progymnasmata.", '209 X 149 mm. The inner sheet of quire be has been reversed in binding. Formerly bound before IA. 13546. 1211, and 14221. Bought in March, 1846. IA. 37949. REUCHLIN, JoHANN. Scenica progymna¬ 1e. TITLE: Ioannis Reuchlin Phor¬ censis Scenica Progym- nasmata: Hoc est: Ludicra preexercita¬', "Quarto. a8b'. 12 leaves. 2b: 30 lines and marginalia, 164-5", 'x 96 (118) mm. Types: 220, title and headings; 1092, title and text. Lombards. With musical notes. Hain 13882. 1° title; 1° commendatory letter from Johann Bergmann to', "ohann von Dalberg, Bishop of Worms, dated Kl. Mail.', 1498;", '24-10° text: 112, 11°, account of proceedings at the performance in Heidelberg, February, 1497; 11b 122, verses by Jacobus Dracontius to Johann Reuchlin; 122 verses by Adam Wernher to Johann Richartzhusen. 209 X 150 mm. Inserted between quires K and a of', "King George III's copy (166. e. 2/2). RAULIN, JoANNES. Collatio de perfecta 100 mm. Types: 220, title and headings on 1b and 2b; 109e,', "title and text. Lombards on 1' and 2b. Hain '13701.", '194X 134 mm. Without the blank leaf. Initial- strokes and underlines supplied in red. IA. 37952. BRANT, SEBASTIAN. Narrenschiff. Niit on vrsach. Olpe. Woodcut, with the date VOr hab ichs narren schiff gedieht (10 lines) 5a: 30 lines, and woodcut borders, 164x 69 (115) mm. Types: 220, title and headings: 109b title and text. Ornamental woodcut A combined with border on 22, Lombardic Von 12 With woodcuts, and with woodcut borders on each page, except 12 and the register. Hain 3742. The title-cut and most of the other cuts are the same as the 1497 BAPTISTA [SPAGNUOLIJ MANTUANUS. (172) x 106 mm. Types: 220, title and headings; 109e, title and text. Greek 109 in text. Lombards; few capital spaces, some with guide-letters. Hain 2407. 12, title ; 1b, blank; 22, 2°, dedicatory epistle from Johann Berg- mann to Wymmarus de Ercklens, dated 17 August, 1499; 38-50 table of contents; 5°, 62, dedicatory epistle from Baptista Mantua- nus to Franciscus Fantucius; 66-1182, text with colophon; 1186, blank. Basilien. Woodcut, black. 11°. SECOND TITLE: (red Woodcut, black. 3082. COLo¬ Diurnale Basilien. PHON : (red) .1499. Nihil sine causa OLPE. Sixteens. 10; a-rfstvuxyz\' A-K°L"; MN°. 308 leaves, 10 blank. 12b: 26 lines, 85 x60 mm. Types: 109e, second title and colophon; 65, first title and text. Red printed ornamental Maiblumen D, 48 (89) x 48 mm., and C, 30-1 X44 mm., on 12 small red printed Lombards throughout, some capital spaces. With woodcuts. 12, first title; 1b, blank; 22-9b, calendar; 1o, blank; 11e, second 129 X93 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 257. From the library of Dr. Kloss. Bought in 1835. IA. 37961. FACETUS. Facetus in Latein durch Sebas¬ text in alternate paragraphs, 175x 94 mm. Types: 220, title and headings on 22 and 16°: 109e title and Latin text; 109° German text. Lombard on 22. Hain 6895. A reprint, mostly page for page, of the 1496 issue (IA. 37937), omitting the marginalia, and the first six lines on 14°. 189X 140 mm. Imperfect, wanting the title. The upper margin of leaves 2 and 7 is cropped. Bought in March, 1846. IA. 37963. THOMAS A KEMPIS. Hortulus rosarum Octavo. a-e8; f-p8 120 leaves, the last two blank. 56: 19 lines, 104 x 69 mm. Types: 220, title and headings; 1098 title and text. Lombards; some capital spaces at the beginning, mostly with guide-letters. Hain 8939. 135 x 97 mm. Without the last blank leaf. Bought in July, 1864. IA. 37965. ZEHN GEBOTE. [A paraphrase of the Ten ZEHN GEBOTE. [A paraphrase of the Ten Commandments, with prayers and instruc- tions. Undated. Es ist zu wissslen das nach der heilgen schrift vnd Type: 123. The woodcuts, which are divided into five compart- ments each, measure 68 x 258 mm. See the description in Camp¬', "bell Dodgson's Catalogue, vol. i, p. 112, A. 119. Proctor 77884.", 'unassigned Basel books. 390x 280 mm. Paragraph-marks and initial-strokes supplied in red. Woodcuts painted with several colours With an old manuscript press-mark E.Z. The first line of text is slightly damaged. Bought in June, 1858. Print Room. FRANCISCI, MICHAEL, de Insulis. Copia approbatonis t ofirmationis atque ocessan idulgen shows. This is evidently the pirated issue alluded to in the preface to the first authorized edition, printed by ther Hoernen, Cologne, 1480 (IA. 3151), where the author says ad paucorum manus perueniens determinatio non est eisdem verbis vel sensu recepta quo fuit pro¬ printed about this time at Basel, where the Brotherhood appears to have been attracting attention. 276x 189 mm. Initial-strokes and underlines supplied in red. Bought in April, 1866. IB. 38002. MARCHESINUS, JoANNES. Mammotrectus Each page of text bears at the right-hand top corner the number of the half-quire to which it belongs, there being twenty-three such half-quires (sm counting as one only) in the first section, containing the explanations to the Old Testament, and twenty such half-quires in the second section, containing those to the New Testament and', "to the Resposoria z antiphone p totû annû'. The columns are", 'signed in the right-hand lower corner with the letters a-z 1 in order, a fresh alphabet starting with each half-quire. References in the table are to these numbers and letters. The copy in the Bürgerbibliothek at Lucerne has a note of', "ownership dated ' 3a fy an andree apli (27 November), meccclxx'.", '(J. L. Aebi, Die Buchdruckerei zu Beromünster, p. 26), which shows', "that this book cannot be a reprint of Schoeffer's edition. According", "to Hain (no. 10554), Schoeffer's colophon reads: Explicit mame-", 'tractus Arte imprimen¬ di sua (!) caracterizandi absque calami In some copies of this book the words *o Archangele Michahel', "prin ceps ac propugnator noster' are added after the colophon.", '285x 216 mm. The blank leaf 255 has been cut away. Capitals and initial-strokes in half-quires 1-21 supplied in red. On 1° is the stamp: Duplum Bibliothecae R. Monac.', "King George III's copy (C. 10. c. 12).", 'IB. 38104. CONRADUS TURICENSIS. De cometis. CONRADUS TURICENSIS. De cometis. After April, 1472. 12. Thurecensis phisiti Tractatus de. Cometis Incipit. ibid., 1. 22 : Prima pars est sermo vniuersalis. 8°. l. 31: SECVNDA: PARS: EST: SERMO: PAR=ITICV¬ LARIS: DE: COMETA : APPAREN TE: ANNO: DOMINI: M. CCCC. LXXII. 12b. END : ... Hec ergo pnuc de significatis huius comete dicta suf¬ ficiant.', "99. Capital space on 1e. Hain '15512.", 'The comet which occasioned this treatise was first observed in Germany about 13 January, 1472, and disappeared before the end of February. On 9b the author discusses what its position would', "have been ' In diebus apprilis', had it been then still visible.", '284 x 206 mm. Capital on 1e and paragraph-marks', "supplied in red. Dr. Kloss's copy.", 'Bought in December, 1845. IB. 38108. RODERICUS (SANCIUSJ ZAMORENSIS. The earlier sheets of this edition are believed to be identical with', "those of the edition from the same press dated 'vigilia Concepcionis", 'these were therefore reprinted in less than eight months after the original issue, four pages, one printed and three blank, being saved in the process. 275x 196 mm. Large capital on 12 in red and mauve; Another copy. other capitals, paragraph-marks, and underlines in red; initial-strokes in yellow.', "King George III's copy (167. c. 2).", 'ANDREAE, NICOLAUS. De officio missae. Undated. 1e. INCIPIT: TRACTATVS. de missa seu offtio', "190 X 132 mm. The letters of the words ' Incipit' to", 'marie" (7 December), 1472. It would appear that some accident Misse and Nicolao Andree\' on 1e have been touched must have happened to the later sheets of that edition and that, with gold, and the capital on 1e is also supplied in gold Bought in November, 1850. IA. 38110. 202 X 137 mm. Capital on 1e initial-strokes, under- lines, and paragraph-marks supplied in red. IB.38112. Bought in August, 1871. IA. 38111.', "mm. Type: 117. Capital space on 12. Hain '2866.", 'The line-endings on some of the pages are irregular. Another issue in six leaves, not containing the comma, is also known (Hain 2867). 191X 132 mm. Capital supplied in blue, side-notes and initial- and punctuation-strokes in red. Bought in June, 1857. IA. 38205. JACOBUS DE CLUSA. De apparitionibus 117. Capital spaces. Hain 19349. 298X 205 mm. The blank portion of the last leaf is mutilated. One capital (on 22) roughly supplied in black. Bought in March, 1866. IB. 38209. WOLFGANG, EPISCOPUS RATISBONENSIS. of the same vellum missal that is found in the Museum copy of Henricus Ariminensis De Quattuor Virtutibus, Strassburg, c. 1473, IB. 852. Bought in January, 1850. IB. 38211. ALBO LAPIDE, ALBERTUS DE. Laus et', "On the first leaf is the blind impression of thirty-six Y's in a", 'double column. 141 X 199 mm. A number of errors in the text are', "corrected in pen and ink. Dr. Kloss's copy.", 'Bought in June, 1885. IA. 38320. SIXTUS IV. [Bull respecting the appoint SIXTUS IV. [Bull respecting the appoint ment of Ludwig von Freiberg to the See of After 27 February, 1475. Constance. mm. Type: 130* The line-endings are very irregular. 314 X 210 mm. Without the blank leaf. At the head of the text is written Sixtus Bischoue ain diener der diener gottes, and at the end is the signature Schert', "set'. The last leaf is slightly mutilated. On a fly-leaf", "is the signature M Georg Veesenmeyer, Prof. 1823' and", 'a list of twenty-nine tracts, mostly single sheet, formerly bound up in the same volume. Bought in June, 1846. IB. 38304. BREVIARIUM CONSTANTIENSE. calendar, the directions on leaf 8, and the regulae de intervallo; the register of quires is in 6 columns. 232: 33 lines, 215X 149 mm.', "Types : 130, large-face text; 130', small-face text ; 109, register", "of quires. The references No', 18', and Kl' in the calendar are", 'larger than type 130, and appear to have been cast each in one piece for this special purpose. Capital spaces. At the end of the copy in the Parma Ducal Library at Schwarzau', "is written Emi in sabto asuptoj marie 1476'.", 'The description here given of this book follows that of Dr. Adolf Schmidt in his Beiträge zur älteren Druckgeschichte der Schweiz, § 11. One alternative setting up of the invitatoria and two of the commune sanctorum are known. A quire-register for the pars hiemalis occurs in no known copy. 325 (312) x 230 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first blank, leaf 8, the regulae de intervallo, the pars hiemalis de sanctis, the pars aestiualis de tempore, and the officium dedicationis ecclesiae. The calendar is bound before the pars aestiualis and the invitatoria before the pars hiemalis.', "The register of quires is mounted. The letters KL' in", 'the calendar are supplied in red and blue, capitals in alternate red and blue, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines in red. Manuscript quire-numbers in the pars hiemalis. Manuscript notes. On a fly-leaf to the pars hiemalis is written: Presens liber domui S Lauretii In ytingi ordinis Cartusiensis Empt? p f petu Vallense prior dom? h° Anno dni 1539. Bound in two volumes. Bought in November, 1880. DIRECTORIUM CONSTANTIENSE. [Not after 1476. mi recipiutur ferialles: scz binidict? cum reli¬ quis et suis Bought in January, 1852. afis... 112b. col. 2, l. 3, END :.... Capitulu Vidi. Ymnus yt supra. Euan an zachee c. FN Folio. 6; 10; a-10 ks. 114 leaves, the last two blank. columns, except in the calendar and the regulae de interuallo. 184. 29 lines, 190X 115 mm. The type-page of the regulae de interuallo is 120 mm. broad. Types: 130, calendar, large text; 1305, regulae de interuallo, small text. Capital spaces. The calendar contains', "the same characters for No', 18, and Kl' as are found in the", 'breviary. The sequence of watermarks in the last quire shows that it cannot have contained only the six printed leaves. 277X 195 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaf 77 (g1) and the blank leaves. Capitals, initial-strokes, underlines and head-lines and marginal references supplied in red On 1e and in the P supplied on 7e the rubricator has written the date 1476. Manuscript additions and altera¬ tions in red and black, one dated 1481, others of much later date. Manuscript quire numbers. The printed leaves of the last quire are misbound in the following order: 3, 1, 4, 5, 2, 6. Bought in April, 1841. IB. 38312. CATO, DIONYSIUS. Cato moralissimus cum NEM CATHONIS. 1b. Prefacio Cathonis Philosophi. 2b. ETHICA SIVE DISTIGIVM CAITHONIS G Enerose indolis adolescetulo petro de saluciis.', "of type 130', 150 x 95 mm. Types: 130, headings and text of distichs;", "130' commentary. Capital spaces on 12, 1b, 2b, and at the be¬", 'ginning of each book. 207 X 137 mm. Capitals and many initial-strokes sup¬ IA. 38316. TUBERINUS, JOHANNES MATHIAS. De puero mm. Type: 79. Capital spaces. Hain 15661. 184 X 130 mm. Imperfect, wanting the last leaf, also the blank. Bought in December, 1846. IA. 51126. TURCO. L'aspra crudeltà del Turco a quegli", '205X 147 mm. With one leaf of an original vellum wrapper, from a manuscript collection of legal instru¬ ments. Bought in July, 1858. 1: Maiblumen S, 35x 30 mm., border lines apparently cut away. full width of the type-page is shown on 12 to be 102 mm. Type: 111. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Capitals (1, 2), impressed in red over the guide-letters. The initials in the colophon may be interpreted: Santa Maria Presbiterò Zuan Leonardo Longo Stampatore. IB. 51133 TUBERINUS, JOHANNES MATTHIAS. In bea¬ :M: CCCC: LXXXII: DIE: V: SEPTEMBRIS; Capital spaces, with guide-letters. Hain 15660. The initials in the colophon may be interpreted: Santa Maria Presbitero Zuan Leonardo Chiamato Longo Stampatore. 209 X 143 mm. Formerly bound with the following Bought in November, 1864. IA. 51136. CALPHURNIUS, JoANNES. Mors et apo¬ theosis Simonis infantis, &c. 1°. Calphurnii poete Brix: mors: apotheosis Simonis infantis noui martiris: ad Iohanes Inderbacchium ponti¬ fices tridentinum 1 dominum prestantissimum.: 6°. END: The initials composing the colophon stand for Zuan Leonardo, or perhaps Zuan Longo. 1°-4°, Calphurnii poete Brix: mors : z apotheosis Simonis in¬ by the watermarks this must have been done either before printing or else to correct a wrong arrangement of pages. Formerly bound with the preceding. Bought in November, 1864. IA. 51138. FRANCISCUS DE PLATEA. Opus resti¬ 311X 203 mm. Capitals, underlines, and some initial¬ strokes supplied in red, other initial-strokes in yellow. The short title is written across the lower edges. Old stamped leather. Bought in October, 1900. IB. 51304. Undated. AUGUSTINUS. Opuscula. plicit Augustinus De Predestinacione Sanctoz.', "Folio. a-d'el2fri. 172 leaves. 22: 40 lines, 227X 130 mm.", '122 m 1, 10. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines supplied in red. On 172b is a list of con- tents in an early hand. Bound at the beginning is a sheet containing copies of four issues of an indulgence for the Jubilee, printed at Strassburg (IB. 2531-2534). IB. 51306. King George III's copy (167 d. 18/2).", 'initial-strokes in last half in yellow; occasional paragraph¬ marks in red. 247 (263) X 157 mm. Type: 105. Capital spaces, with guide¬ letters. The head-lines give the names of the books. Red printing on 1e and in last quire. Hain 3161. 315X214 mm. Without the blank leat. Leaves 2,9 10 of the first quire cut out and mounted. Capitals on 22 and 485° supplied in various colours, other important Bought in June, 1848. IB. 51405. NOVUM TESTAMENTUM, BOHEMICE. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. The head-lines give the names of the books. With woodcuts, some repeated. Red printing in the Register. 201 X 149 mm. Imperfect, wanting the title-page and leaves 3, 5, 40, 342, 343, 354, all of which, except the title-page, are supplied in photographic facsimile, and with imperfections in a few leaves. Larger capitals sup- plied in blue and red, the remainder and initial-strokes and underlines in red. Bought in December, 1885. VOCABOLISTA ITALICO-TEDESCO. 33 lines, 142 x 89 mm. Type: 86. Capital spaces, some with guide-letters. INNOCENTIUS VIII. Bulla canonisationis Some copies have a guide-letter in place of the capital, and the', "word nostri' in the last line misprinted nostro'; others have the", 'signature A on 12. See R. C. Hawkins, Catalogue of Books by the First Printers, 1910, nos. 505, 506. 217X 157 mm. Bought in December, 1870. OFFICIUM. Officium sancti Leopoldi. This may be a fragment of a breviary, or of a special office, separately printed after the canonization of S. Leopold, for addition to existing breviaries. 104x 82. A fragment, apparently consisting of the outside sheet of the last quire, the verso of the second leaf being blank. Mounted. PERGER, BERNARDUS. 196 X 137 mm. Initial-stroke and underlines supplied in red on title. Bought in June, 1857. IA. 51513 FRIEDRICH III. mm. Types: 145, title (?) and heading on 3b ; 78, text. Medium', "and small Lombards (2). Hain '2738.", 'In this and the following book the sheets are signed with numbers, but not with any letter. 198 x 135 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1, 2, 7, and 8. Bought. IA. 51515. BALBUS, HIERONYMUS. Epigrammata. This collection is different from that published by Conrad Kachelofen at Leipzig (IA. 11593). IA. 51517. APULEIUS, LUCIUS. Epitoma de mundo seu columns. 3b: 52 lines, 208X 121 mm. 59 lines of type 68 on 16 measure 200 mm. Types: 124, title; 104, headings on 22 and 38; 79, title and text; 68 episodia. Capital spaces on 2e and 3e the former with guide-letter. Spaces left for Greek on 6° and 6b. Hain 1321. The letter of Conradus Celtis is dated wienne Kalendis Nouem- 243X 171 mm. With the book-plate of Theodor Bought in June, 1876. IB. 51521. STEBER, BARTHOLOMAEUS. A morbo Gallo¬ 1497, to April, 1498. 185x 138 mm. Few initial-strokes and underlines supplied in red. With an unidentified stamp of owner- ship on 8b Bought in September, 1860. IA. 51549. DATUS, AUGUSTINUS. De variis loquendi sis oratoris primarij Isagogicus libellus in elocutionis precepta Explicitus est. Impressum Vienne p iohanne space, with guide-letter, on 22. ANDREAE, JOANNES. Arbor consanguinita¬ PHON: FINIT TRACTATVS MAGISTRI IO¬ HANHIS ANDREE SVPER ARBORIBVS CON¬ SANGVINITATIS AF- EINITATIS NEC NON DIE VICESIMA SECVNDA IVNIII. Types: 240, title; 88, text. Woodcut capital (3) on 2°. Large Lombards (2) on 32, 62, and 92. With three woodcuts. Hain 1049. 12, title; 1b blank ; 22, preface ; 2°, large cut of the arbor con¬ sanguinitatis; 32-52 text; 5° cut of the arbor affinitatis; 62-8e text; 8b, cut of the arbor cognationis spiritualis; 9°-10P, text. 184X 137 mm. The second leaf, which has the outer margin damaged, measures 149 mm. in breadth owing to the size of the woodcut. With the monogram FG stamped on the title-page and with the book-label of the Huth Library. Bought in December, 1911. IA. 51523. SODALITAS LITTERARIA GERMA¬ spaces on 3b and 72. Spaces for Greek. Hain 2182. The sheets are signed with numerals, but not with any letter. 213X 162 mm. Manuscript corrections, and Greek words supplied in manuscript. Bought in February, 1876. IA. 51525. UNDATED BOOKS ARRANGED ACCORDING 22, small Lombards (2) elsewhere. Hain *5975. 189 X 134 mm. Manuscript notes. Bought in January, 1878. IA. 51529. ASTESANUS DE AST. Textus canonum mm. Types: 270, title; 160, title; 78, text. Woodcut capital (4) The third leaf is signed with the number 3. Bought in July, 1901. CATO, DIONYSIUS. Disticha. [Latin and 1°. TITLE: Katho moralissimus Woodcut, master and pupil. 22. CVm animiaduerterez qua pluri mos Types : 270, title ; 104, text ; 78, German verse colophon. Large and small Lombards (2). Latin text and German translation in alternate paragraphs. 195 X 148 mm. Initial-strokes supplied in red. Bought in September, 1871. IA. 51535. HENRICUS DE HASSIA. Secreta sacer¬ (1) on 22, small Lombards (2) elsewhere. Hain *8376. 206 x 142 mm. Initial-strokes supplied in yellow. Bought in January, 1878. IA. 51533. PRUDENTIUS CLEMENS, AURELIUS. 157X 87 mm. Types: 270, title; 124, title; 104, heading on 22 and titles of hymns; 79, title, prefatory letter, &c., and (leaded to 33) text. Capital spaces, that on 22 with guide-letter. Hain 13436 (wrongly giving the number of leaves as 34). 205X 150 mm. In l. 9 of the verses on 1e the word graie. has been printed on a small slip of paper and pasted over the original final word. Formerly bound with IA. 37798, IA. 11923, and IA. 282. Bought in July, 1858. IA. 51537. DEFENSORIUM. Detensorium priuilegio¬ 202 X 147 mm. Capitals and initial-strokes supplied nred. From the library of Dr. Kloss. Bought in March, 1846. IA. 51541. HORATIUS FLACCUS, QUINTUS. Ars 24, title; 79 (leaded to 98), text. Capital space, with guide-letter, MARIA. Priuilegia sanctissimae virginis Bought in January, 1868. DIONYSIUS PERIEGETES. Cosmo¬ 165, title ; 78 (leaded to 98), text. Capital space on 2e, small Lom¬ bards (2) elsewhere. Hain 6224. 213X 149 mm. Imperfect, wanting the lower half of the last leaf, containing the colophon. Manuscript notes. Bought in November, 1866. IA. 51561. TALMUD. Obiectiones in dicta Talmud. TALMUD. Obiectiones in dicta Talmud. Undated. seductoris iudeorum. 8°. END : Finis. Quarto. a’. 8 leaves. 5b: 38 lines, 148-9X 92-3 mm. Types: 270, title ; 165, title ; 78, text. Large Lombards (2), two capital spaces on 72. Hain 15229. 182 X 131 mm. Few manuscript notes. On 1e is written: Joh. alberti Widmanstadij. Bought in January, 1868. IA. 51565. IMMUNITATIS ECCLESIASTICAE DE 12. TITLE: Immunitatis et liberta¬ tis ecclesiastice Bought. Undated. Bought in January, 1878. GEORGIUS PEURBACHIUS. Algorismus. 158X 102 mm. Types: 240, title; 145, headings; 79, text.', "Woodcut capital (6) on 22, spaces elsewhere. Hain '13600.", 'The sheets are signed with numerals, but not with any letter. 196X 155 mm. Early manuscript notes. Sheets of covers of the binding. Bought in May, 1899. IA. 51577. FRIEDRICH III. Concordia Hungarica capital (7) on 12, small Lombard (2) on 12 and 86. Leaves 2-4 are signed with numerals, but not with any letter. Proctor was probably right in suggesting (no. 9490) that this book is later than 1500. 298x 214 mm. On 18 is a note: Alt vnd new Hunge¬ risch tractat mit sampt die Ratifficacion so ich zu Haim- IB. 51581. Bought in May, 1870. *1484. of two leaves signed on the recto of the first leaf with one of the letters a-p, in their order. 30 leaves, the last blank. 1b: 32 lines,', "151X 103 mm. Type: 94. Capital spaces. Hain '2013.", 'The method of signing the sheets with consecutive letters had been used at Passau by Benedictus Mayr, with whom Johann Alakraw was in partnership in 1482. 212X 146 mm. Capitals, initial-strokes, and under- lines supplied in red. On a fly-leaf is the inscription ; Ex libris F. G. H. Culemann, Hannoverae. Bought in February, 1870. ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Summa de sacra¬ two quires of eight leaves, each sheet of two leaves (except the first) signed on the recto of the first leaf with one of the letters a-g. in their order; nine quires of ten leaves, similarly signed (except the middle sheet of the third quire) with one of the letters h-r, 1, s. s, t, u-z, aa-rr, fl, ss, tt, vy, uu-zz. 110 leaves, 5 and 110 blank. 298 x 213 mm. Imperfect, wanting the first four leaves, containing the Register, and the two blank leaves. Capi- tals, paragraph-marks, and occasional initial-strokes sup- plied in red. Bought in January, 1850. IB. 51603. THWROCZ, JOHANNES DE. Chronica Hun¬ Prefatio magistri lohanis de thwrocz: in primû librû Chro-nice hungarou foeliciter incipit. 1682. CoLo¬ PHON : Illustrissimon hungarie regum chronica In inclita', "repeated. Hain '15517.", 'Hain counts 142 leaves instead of 168 and gives decem insign.', "in circulo' as appearing on the first leaf. The woodcut in facsimile", 'on 1b of the present copy represents peasants being led into cap-', "tivity; this agrees with Dr. Schreiber's description (Manuel V", "no. 4394), so that Hain perhaps confused this with Ratdolt's", 'edition (IB. 6663). 273X 192 mm. Imperfect, wanting leaves 1 and 8 (the outer sheet of quire a), the first of which is supplied in facsimile. Three of the woodcuts painted in various colours. Bought in April, 1863. IB. 51705. De modo 103 mm. Types: 133e, title and headings; 1336, text. Small Lombardic D on title-page; capital spaces elsewhere, all but two with guide-letters. Hain 4325. 202X 154 mm. Without the blank leaf. In quires a and b the two outer sheets (four leaves) are bound before the two inner sheets. Bought in June, 1845. IA. 51707. Von den heissen signed on the recto of the first leaf with one of the letters a-i, in their order. 18 leaves. 32: 21 lines, 143x 87 mm. Types: 1334 Il. 1-5 on 12; 133b (137), text. Lombardic capitals on 1e and 24 Paragraph-marks in the form of a Maltese cross. Hain 5470. The method of signing the sheets with consecutive letters had been used at Passau by Benedictus Mayr, with whom Conrad Stahel was in partnership in 1482. 187X 131 mm. Bought in March, 1846. BIBLIA BOHEMICA. *14 November, 1489. leaves, the first blank. 2 columns. 22: 50 lines and head-line. 230 (244) X 187 mm. Types: 160, head-lines; 92, text. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. With woodcuts. The head-lines giv the names of the books. Red printing on 1e and in the last quire. Hain 3162. The woodcut beneath the colophon is absent in some copies. 304X 187 mm. Without the blank leaf. The upper and outer margins of leaf 2 are damaged, with the loss', "of part of the head-lines. Larger capitals on 2', 7e, and", '487° illuminated in gold and colours, with ornamental borders, other important capitals supplied in two or three colours, the remainder in red or blue; initial-strokes in yellow; paragraph-marks and underlines in red. The woodcuts are painted in various colours. Old stamped', "calf, rebacked, with the title Biblij Cèskà', the initials", 'MCSL and the date MDCXX stamped on the front cover. Bought in July, 1888. IB. 51804. AUGUSTINUS MORAVUS. De secta Wal¬ AUGUSTINUS MORAVUS. De secta Wal¬ *29 October, 1500. densium. censi, per me Conradû Bom=gathen Anno Domini. 10b. [Woodcut.', "Quarto. a' bt. 10 leaves. 2b: 36 lines, 147X 105 mm. Type:", '82. Four capital spaces, all but the second with guide-letter. Hain 11614. The woodcut on the title-page (S. Wenceslaus, &c.) closely resembles that on the title-page of the Breuiarium Olomucense printed by Grüninger at Strassburg, 23 October, 1499. Both may have been copied from a larger cut in the Psalterium secundum ritum ecclesiae Olomucensis printed at Brünn in 1499. In the right-hand lower corner of the present cut is the monogram H F, with a house¬ mark, as in the Brünn cut. The woodcut at the end represents the papal arms and () the arms of the author. In the right-hand lower corner is the date .I .. 500.