Etisus odhneri Takeda, 1972

[New Jn: Minami-hime-hizumegani]

(Fig. 2H)

Material examined. Chichi-jima Is. — Ani-jima I., Hakidashi-hana (27°06′37″N, 142°12′00″E), 5–12 m, 1 ♂ (NSMT-Cr 31514; cb 5.8×cl 4.3 mm), 9-XI-2013, T. Akiyama leg.; Chichi-jima I., Sakai-ura (27°05′06″N, 142°12′19″E), 3–9 m, 1 ♀ (NSMT-Cr 31515; cb 5.8×cl 4.4 nm), 13-XI-2013, T. Akiyama leg.; Chichi-jima I., Omura Beach (27°05′35″N, 142°11′39″E), 3 m, 1 juv. ♂ (NSMT-Cr 31516; cb 4.6×cl 4.0 mm), 30-VI-2014, H. Komatsu leg.; Hitomaru-jima I. (27°07′04″N, 142°11′27″E), 6–8 m, 1 juv. ♂ (cb 5.2×cl 3.9 mm), NSMT-Cr 31517, 29-VI-2014, H. Komatsu leg.

Haha-jima Is. — Haha-jima I., diving site Iwashi-ne (26°39′40″N, 142°08′44″E), 1 juv. (cb 3.7×cl 2.9 mm), NSMT-Cr 31518, 5-VII-2015, T. Akiyama leg.

Remarks. The specimens examined are seemingly very close to Etisus demani Odhner, 1925, and E. odhneri Takeda, 1972, in sharing the carapace flattened areolation and anterolateral triangular dentation, the developed and weakly twolobed front, and the strongly curved fingers with deeply hoofed tips (Odhner, 1925, p. 83; Takeda, 1972a, p. 193, pl. 3). In the specimens examined, however, the carapace anterolateral margin has no supplemental spinules between the main teeth, the ambulatory meri are indistinctly serrated with a series of spinules of ten or so in number, and the G1 possesses no long hairs at the base of the distal beak. These features are characteristic for E. odhneri distinct from E. demani. The G1 is figured by Takeda (1972a, fig. 3E–F), Serène (1984, fig. 3E–F), and Mendoza et al. (2014, fig. 6F), and the color photographs were given by Mendoza et al. (2014, fig. 2E) and Mendoza (2023, fig. 4F).

Distribution. So far known from Babeldaob Island (the Palau Islands) in the Micronesia, Chiristmas Island and the Cocos Keeling Islands in the eastern Indian Ocean, and Mombasa (Kenya) in the western Indian Ocean. The close congener, E. demani, is widely distributed in the Indo-West Pacific including the Ryukyu Islands (cf. Takeda, 1972b).