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Published June 27, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

INKEY Toolkit for youth workers and trainers


The "Toolkit for youth workers and trainers" is designed to help youth workers and trainers integrate innovative methodologies from the “INnovative Tools to Promote KEY Competencies for Lifelong Learning” project. This project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, was implemented from 2022 to 2024 by a consortium from Portugal (Contextos), Cyprus (CSI), Spain (FEMXA), Greece (KEAN), and Italy (Lasco).

Key components of the toolkit include:

  1. Outdoor Learning Experiences: 16 activities that youth workers and trainers can implement.
  2. Blended Training Itineraries: 15 examples combining e-learning modules with outdoor activities for a holistic approach.
  3. MOOC: A Massive Open Online Course with 10 e-learning modules to:
    • Implement the European Framework for the Personal, Social and Learning to Learn Competence (LifeComp).
    • Address the needs of different NEET population categories.
    • Provide guidelines to tailor learning experiences to target groups.
    • Equip users with tools to evaluate key competences.
    • Offer plans to integrate blended training in various scenarios.

The toolkit aims to enhance the professional development of youth workers, improve NEETs' employability, and support lifelong learning through innovative training strategies.


This publication has received funding from the European Commission under the Grant Agreement number 2021-2-PT02-KA220-YOU-000050829, Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership project INKEY: INnovative tools to promote KEY Competencies for lifelong learning.


INKEY Toolkit for youth workers and trainers.pdf

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Project deliverable: 10.5281/zenodo.10370648 (DOI)
Project deliverable: 10.5281/zenodo.10184456 (DOI)