General information: * Title of the dataset/output : GALILEO_flow-measurement_3_2024-06-05 * Partner originating the dataset : Microfluidics Innovation Center * Author(s) : Kaiyang Chen, Lisa Muiznieks, Alexander McMillan, Anatole Geffrault * Date of data collection/production (YYYY/MM/DD) : 2024/06/05 * Geographic location of data collection/production : Microfluidics Innovation Center, 172 rue de Charonne, 75011, Paris, France * Project title, information and acknowledgment of EC funding : Galileo project, GA n°101113098 Dataset content information: * Date of submission/publication (YYYY/MM/DD) : 2024/06/26 * Status of the dataset (e.g. draft, final) : Final * Textual description of the content : GALILEO flow rate measurements. This dataset corresponds to raw data of time, flow rate and clogging detection flag obtained by the Galileo User Interface (Galileo) in the format .csv. * Keywords that describe the content : Flow rate sensor * Dataset benefits/utility : Series of experiments aimed at characterizing Galileo flow sensor's accuracy and repeatability. * Version number : 1 * Content type (e.g., numerical, images, etc.) : Dataset, containing numbers and text * Format (e.g. jpeg, csv, pdf, png…) : csv