Read me file for the raw data used in the publication: "Recombinant silk protein condensates show widely different properties depending on the sample background" All folders are compressed and saved as .zip. This folder contains 9 subfolders labelled with Number1 - Number9. The numbering corresponds to the numbering of condensates that were studied with micropipette aspiration in the publication (Corresponding to Supplementary Table S1 of the publication). Each TIF file is an image stack from a time series. The interval between 2 frames is 0.133 s. The scaling (per pixel) of the images is 0.219 µm x 0.219 µm. The applied pressure was 20 Pa for all experiments.", "", and "": These folders contain subfolders labeled with the purification method, the framerate of the videos and then consecutive numbering. Each of theses folders contains the frames of the video as single TIF files. The frame rate in all videos is ~54 fps. The scaling (per pixel) of all images is 0.203 µm x 0.203 µm. A video might contain multiple coalescence events.