Huang, JiayuanLiang, KunWang, YueKershaw, StephenJeon, JuwanLi, YueQie, Wenkun2022Fig. 13 in Stromatoporoids from a Middle Devonian reef in South China and their palaeoecological implication10.5281/zenodo.12197567Fig. 13. Palaeogeographic distribution of the reef-building laminar stromatoporoid genera during the Givetian and Frasnian (Middle–Late Devonian). Localities: 1, Northwest Territories, Canada (MacNeil and Jones 2016); 2, Dinant Basin, southern Belgium (Da Silva et al. 2011a, b); 3, Anti‐Atlas, Morocco (Jakubowicz et al. 2019); 4, Esfahan, central Iran (Mistiaen and Gholamalian 2000); 5, Guizhou, South China; 6, Canning Basin, western Australia (Cockbain 1984); 7, Queensland, eastern Australia (Cook 1999). Palaeogeographic map is based on Golonka (2002).