Published June 17, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

MATATAG Curriculum: Enhancing Educational Excellence in the Philippine Context


The MATATAG Curriculum signifies a pivotal shift in the Philippine education system, prioritizing foundational skills, integrating 21st-century competencies, and promoting values education. This study conducts a comprehensive document analysis to examine the curriculum's impact on stakeholders, revealing positive reception and adaptation among educators, students, and parents. Through meticulous examination of official documents, policy papers, and curriculum guidelines, the study elucidates reductions in academic pressure and enhancements in teacher workload, fostering a conducive learning environment. Additionally, the analysis underscores the curriculum's emphasis on holistic development, nurturing responsible, compassionate individuals. Stakeholder engagement emerges as a critical component for ensuring the ongoing relevance and efficacy of the MATATAG Curriculum. As a beacon of educational progress, the MATATAG Curriculum steers the nation towards excellence in education and societal well-being.


Keywords: MATATAG Curriculum, Philippine education, foundational skills, 21st-century competencies



✅ IMJRISE V1(6) 910-917 - 80 MATATAG-Curriculum.pdf

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