Published February 23, 2018 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

Analysis and Integration of Generic Application Framework

  • 1. Politecnico di Milano


This Deliverable is based on the outcomes of task T4.2.2 Generic middleware architecture design and implementation and T4.2.3 Component specification and implementation for application scenarios.

Within WhoLoDancE, several tools have been developed to fulfil the project requirements. Since WhoLoDancE considers several application scenarios, the use of different programming languages, development environments and technologies is mandatory. Nevertheless, in the development process an integration policy has been adopted in order to build a unique integrated WhoLoDancE framework.

The framework is designed to be scalable and platform independent. For this reason, a layered architecture is considered and tools that compose the framework are designed to be modular and reusable in various applications.

In order for all the components to be able to interact with each other, and in order to be able to interact with applications and engines outside the framework (VR visors, etc.) effective interfaces and protocols for data exchange are needed.

This Deliverable is based on the outcomes of task T4.2.2 Generic middleware architecture design and implementation and T4.2.3 Component specification and implementation for application scenarios. 

Within WhoLoDancE, several tools have been developed to fulfil the project requirements. Since WhoLoDancE considers several application scenarios, the use of different programming languages, development environments and technologies is mandatory. Nevertheless, in the development process an integration policy has been adopted in order to build a unique integrated WhoLoDancE framework. 

The framework is designed to be scalable and platform independent. For this reason, a layered architecture is considered and tools that compose the framework are designed to be modular and reusable in various applications.

In order for all the components to be able to interact with each other, and in order to be able to interact with applications and engines outside the framework (VR visors, etc.) effective interfaces and protocols for data exchange are needed.


This corresponds to the Deliverable 4.3 (D4.3) of the WhoLoDancE project.


D4.3 Analysis and Integration of Generic Application Framework.pdf

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European Commission
WhoLoDancE – Whole-Body Interaction Learning for Dance Education 688865