https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzCJRKNlfs4,measles | morbillinum homeopathy | morbillinum 200 in hindi | hiv prevention medicine aids medicine,"measles | morbillinum homeopathy | morbillinum 200 in hindi | hiv prevention medicine aids medicine

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the symptoms of the medicine mentioned in this video can be accompanied by other medicines, so it is always better to consult your nearest doctor for treatment.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFHhwm8vfnc,measles (खसरा) | khasra rog kya hai | khasra rog ke lakshan | pathogen | vector | symptoms,"measles (खसरा) | khasra rog kya hai | khasra rog ke lakshan | pathogen | vector | symptoms

#measles  #measlesdisease 

इस वीडियो में रवि सर पढ़ाने वाले है measles (खसरा) रोग के बारे मै..
यह वायरस से होने वाली क बीमारी है!
इसके pathogen (रोगजनक) का नाम - rubella virus
इसके vector (वाहक) का नाम - हवा, पानी, लार, आंसू, कपड़ा, खाना आदि
measles (खसरा) रोग के लकषण -
1. उचच बखार
2. सूखी खांसी
3. बहती नाक
4. आंखो का लाल होना
5. तवचा पर लाल रंग के चकते

measles (खसरा) रोग के लि mmr vaccine (िका) लगाया जाता है!
यह बहत अधिक फैलने वाली बीमारी है!

और अधिक जानकारी हेत विडियो देखें
यह वीडियो देखकर आप अपनी तैयारी को और बेहतर बना सकतें हो
यह वीडियो सभी परतियोगी परीकषाओं हेत उपयोगी है

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measles rog kya hai
measles rog kya hai in hindi

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what is measles
what is measles disease
what is rubella

खसरा रोग
खसरा रोग कया है?
खसरा रोग कैसे होता है
खसरा रोग कैसे फैलता है
खसरा रोग in hindi
खसरा रोग के लकषण बताइ
खसरा रोग के बारे मै बताइ
खसरा रोग के रोगजनक का नाम कया है
खसरा रोग के वायरस का नाम कया है
खसरा रोग के लि कड़न सा ीका लगाया जाता हैं
खसरा रोग के ीके का नाम कया है
खसरा रोग किससे फैलता है
खसरा रोग के वाहक का नाम कया है?
खसरा रोग in hindi
खसरा रोग in english

khasra rog kya hai 
khasra rog ke lakshan 
khasra rog
khasra rog in hindi
khasra rog treatment
khasra rog kya hota hai
khasra rog kese failta hai
khasra rog ke lakshan kya hai
khasra rog ke lakshan bataiye
khasra rog ke liye kaunsi vaccine lagai jati hai
khasra rog ke liye kaunsa tika lagaya jata hai
khasra rog ke tike ka naam kya hai
khasra rog ke bare mein samjhaye

human disease by ravi sir: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=ployg-qx5upnppmpznpf4gjof19jx8on7m

thnkx for watching ",01/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d15iEQBroc4,"गलसआ/कंठमाला/कनफेड कारण,लकषण,इलाज,बचाव/mumps/#mumpsvirus","गलसआ/कंठमाला/कनफेड कारण,लकषण,इलाज बचाव/mumps/#mumpsvurus

your query-
गलसआ हो जा तो कया करना चाहि?
गलसआ हो जा तो कया करना चाहि?
गलसआ रोग कैसे होता है?
गलसआ में कया नहीं खाना चाहि
गले में सूजन आना कड़न सी बीमारी है?
कणठमाला ठीक होने में कितना समय लगता है?
ममपस का दूसरा नाम कया है?
कणठमाला का सबसे तेज़ इलाज कया है?
कणठमाला कैसी दिखती है?
कणठमाला संकरामक कब है?
बचचे में कणठमाला का कया कारण होता है?
कंठमाला का कया इलाज है?
गलसआ कितने दिन तक रहता है?
गलसआ किस वायरस से होता है?
गलसआ किस कारण से होता है?
बचचे को किस उमर में कणठमाला हो सकती है
गलसआ का ीका
गलसआ की वैकसीन
गलसआ के खिलाफ ममआर ीका कितना परभावी है?
गलसआ से बचाव
गलसआ के लकषण
गलसआ होने के कारण
गलसआ का इलाज
गलसआ की दवा
mmr vaccine
mmr ीका कया है?
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कनफेड बीमारी कया है?
कनफेड बीमारी के लकषण 
कनफेड का इलाज
कनफेड का कारण
कनफेड से बचाव 
कॉनफेड का मतलब कया होता है?
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what is the main cause of mumps?
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mumps prevention
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mumps virus name 
mumps in hindi

https://youtube.com/@sehatsandesh152?si=rh4ngrxbgmhg6qru",01/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypguwYdXnTI,gaza vaccinations: displaced families rush to get infants vaccinated,"more than half a million vaccines for childhood diseases - including polio and measles - have been delivered to gaza for the first time since october 7. 
un agencies have been warning of the risk of diseases spreading among gaza's 1.9 million displaced palestinians.
parents are heading to health centres in rafah, to get infants vaccinated.

al jazeera's um-e-kulsoom shariff reports.

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#palestine #gaza #rafah #gazahumanitarianzone #gazadisplacedpeople #gazachildren #gazahealthcrisis #gazavaccinations #gazaunderattack #gazahumanitariancrisis #israel #israelhamaswar #gazawar #israelwar #israelpalestinewar #israelgazawar #rafah #gazabombardment #gazarefugeecamps #savegaza",01/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9SGm3uLJ6Y,"mumps symptoms, prevention and treatment","what is mumps?

understanding mumps: symptoms, prevention, and treatment | comprehensive guide

mumps, a highly contagious infection, was once prevalent among children before the measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) vaccine became widespread. typically, mumps resolves within one to two weeks. the onset of symptoms, which include painful facial swelling under the ears, giving a 'hamster-like' appearance, usually occurs 14 to 25 days post-infection. additional symptoms may include headaches, joint pain, nausea, dry mouth, mild abdominal pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, and a fever of 38c (100.4f) or higher. these symptoms often appear just before the swelling of the parotid glands. in some cases, mumps may not present any noticeable symptoms.

if you suspect you or your child has mumps, or if you're pregnant, unvaccinated, and have been in close contact with someone with mumps, contact your gp. while mumps is generally not severe, it shares symptoms with more serious infections like glandular fever and tonsillitis. it's advisable to call your gp before visiting to minimize infection spread.

diagnosis is typically made by a gp based on swelling, tonsil examination, and temperature checks. if mumps is suspected, the local health protection unit will be notified for saliva testing to confirm the diagnosis.

mumps mainly affects individuals aged 17 to 34 who haven't received two doses of the mmr vaccine. once infected, the body develops immunity, making future infections highly unlikely.

the virus spreads through airborne droplets from coughs or sneezes, or by touching contaminated surfaces. contagiousness peaks just before and after symptom onset. to prevent spreading mumps, stay home for at least five days after symptoms appear, practice good hygiene, and avoid close contact with unvaccinated individuals.

prevention is primarily through the mmr vaccine, administered in two doses during childhood, though it's available at any age for those not fully vaccinated.

symptom relief includes bed rest, hydration, pain relievers like paracetamol or ibuprofen (not aspirin for children under 16), applying warm or cool compresses to swollen glands, and eating soft foods.

while mumps typically resolves without severe complications, it can occasionally lead to viral meningitis, testicular or ovarian swelling post-puberty, acute pancreatitis, or temporary hearing loss, with permanent hearing loss being rare.

#mumpsawareness #mmrvaccine #healthtips #infectionprevention #viralinfections #publichealth #symptomsandcare #mumpstreatment #vaccineeducation #stayhealthy #mumps #mumpssymptoms #mumpsvirus #mumpstreatment #mumpsdisease #mumpsvaccine #mumpsinchildren #mumpsinfection #whatismumps #mumpscauses #mumpsinhindi #causesofmumps #mumpsinbabies #mumpsvirusmicrobiology #mumpscomplications #mumpsosmosis #mumpssignsandsymptoms #mumpsinadults #mumpsdiagnosis #mumpspathology #symptomsofmumps #mumpsprevention #mumpsmicrobiology #mumpslsu #lsumumps #themumps #mumpsmeaslesrubella #mumpscause",01/03/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua2PKwkK7kU,german measles (जरमन खसरा) | german measles in hindi | german measles symptoms | by ravi sir,"german measles (जरमन खसरा) | german measles in hindi | german measles symptoms | by ravi sir 


इस वीडियो में रवि सर पढ़ाने वाले है german measles (जरमन खसरा) रोग के बारे मै..
यह वायरस से होने वाली क बीमारी है!
इसके pathogen (रोगजनक) का नाम - german rubella virus
इसके vector (वाहक) का नाम - हवा, droplets, लार, आंसू, कपड़ा, खाना आदि
measles (खसरा) रोग के लकषण -
गलाबी या लाल दाने जो चेहरे पर शरू होते हैं और फिर नीचे की ओर शरीर के बाकी हिससों तक फैल जाते हैं
हलका बखार, आमतड़र पर 102f से कम
सूजी हई और कोमल लिमफ नोडस
बहती या भरी हई नाक
मांसपेशियों में दरद
सूजी हई या लाल आंखें
लंबे समय तक सिरदरद
कान का दरद
गरदन में अकड़न

दरलभ मामलों में, जरमन खसरा कान में संकरमण और मसतिषक में सूजन का कारण बन सकता है। 

measles (खसरा) रोग के लि mmr vaccine (िका) लगाया जाता है!
यह बहत अधिक फैलने वाली बीमारी है!

और अधिक जानकारी हेत विडियो देखें
यह वीडियो देखकर आप अपनी तैयारी को और बेहतर बना सकतें हो
यह वीडियो सभी परतियोगी परीकषाओं हेत उपयोगी है

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measles rog ke lakshan bataiye

what is german measles
what is german measles disease
what is rubella

जरमन खसरा रोग
जरमन खसरा रोग कया है?
जरमन खसरा रोग कैसे होता है
जरमन खसरा रोग कैसे फैलता है
जरमन खसरा रोग in hindi
जरमन खसरा रोग के लकषण बताइ
जरमन खसरा रोग के बारे मै बताइ
जरमन खसरा रोग के रोगजनक का नाम कया है
जरमन खसरा रोग के वायरस का नाम कया है
जरमन खसरा रोग के लि कड़न सा ीका लगाया जाता हैं
जरमन खसरा रोग के ीके का नाम कया है
जरमन खसरा रोग किससे फैलता है
जरमन खसरा रोग के वाहक का नाम कया है?
जरमन खसरा रोग in hindi
जरमन खसरा रोग in english

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german khasra rog ke tike ka naam kya hai

khasra rog ke bare mein samjhaye

human disease by ravi sir: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=ployg-qx5upnppmpznpf4gjof19jx8on7m

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thnkx for watching ",01/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/video/philadelphia-health-officials-warn-about-measles-outbreak/,philadelphia health officials warn about measles outbreak,philadelphia officials say there are four confirmed cases of measles and two more possible cases are under investigation,01/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOaNSxTKVnk,mumps | parotitis | गलसआ | कनफेड | बचचे को गले में सूजन हो गई है कया करें !,"welcome to health tips by dr. anwar ! gain a comprehensive understanding of mumps or parotitis. what is mumps ? it's causes, signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, complications and prevention. 

 **topics covered:**
what is mumps ?
mumps causes
mumps signs
mumps symptoms
mumps diagnosis
mumps treatment
mumps complications
mumps prevention
all about mumps in hindi
parotid swelling 
mumps swelling 
mumps virus
mumps disease 
mmr vaccine
mumps infection 
mumps signs and symptoms 
बचचे को गले में सूजन हो गई है कया करें 


 **connect with dr. anwar:**
for questions or concerns, reach out via whatsapp at 8800933986 or email at dranwar1211@gmail.com

 don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more valuable health information!

 watch more informative videos on health tips by dr. anwar: [https://youtube.com/@healthtipsbydranwar](https://youtube.com/@healthtipsbydranwar)

इस वीडियो को बनाने का मकसद था आपको जानकारी देना mumps या parotitis या गलसआ या कनफेड के बारे में। mumps कया होता है, इसके होने के कारण, लकषण, डायगनोसिस, रीमें, complications और prevention के बारे में समपूरण जानकारी।",01/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0w2AP_0J1ZM,philadelphia officials announce more locations of possible measles exposure,"there are now six locations where people may have been exposed to measles since late december, the city of philadelphia health department said.

that includes five locations announced thursday in addition to one that was announced just two days before christmas.

in a news release, the city said there is a cluster of cases among unvaccinated residents.

so far there are four confirmed cases and two possible cases. #measles 
https://6abc.com/philadelphia-measles-philly-explosure-department-of-public-health-what-is/14274357/",01/04/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCgy5ndabPI,complications of measles | සරමේප රගයේ සංකූලත☺,,01/04/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/video/measles-outbreak-update-philadelphia-health-department-confirms-5-new-cases-3-probable-cases/,"measles outbreak update: philadelphia health department confirms 5 new cases, 3 probable cases",the measles outbreak in philadelphia is growing. stephanie stahl reports with an update from the philadelphia health commissioner.,01/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kmx3SvG1Ngg,health department warns of measles outbreak in philadelphia,"there are now six locations where people may have been exposed to measles since late december, the city of philadelphia health department said.",01/05/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6gTqnPNQzI,"measles outbreak update: philadelphia health department confirms 5 new cases, 3 probable cases",the measles outbreak in philadelphia is growing. stephanie stahl reports with an update from the philadelphia health commissioner.,01/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlXX1SflHxw,dr. wakefield had a financial interest in discrediting the current mmr vaccine and having it replac…,"dr. wakefield had a financial interest in discrediting the current mmr vaccine and having it replaced with a vaccine he held a patent on. pharmaceutical companies have a financial interest in convincing the public that the vaccines they produce are safe. both advocates of vaccine safety and those who maintain there is a connection to autism are able to produce convincing-sounding arguments that seem to strongly support their side. how do you know whom to trust?

watch the full video at:

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https://www.numerade.com/signup/",01/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PO4zcA2qCeM,vaccine (small pox & mmr vaccine) l nursing exam college course l bsc entrance exam by vikash sir,"vaccine (small pox & mmr vaccine) l nursing exam college course l bsc entrance exam by vikash sir 

#nursing_by_vikash_sir",01/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoS_xdhejII,nugasewana - measles and vaccination  | 2024-01-05 |rupavahini,"#nugasewana #rupavahini #doctor 
dr.athula liyanapathirana 
let's know exactly about measles and vaccination
 2024 by @sri lanka rupavahini  
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hhD3hKnQC8,measles outbreak prophesied 9 months before it happened! මස 9කට පෙරකී සරමේප පතිරීමෙේ අනගතවකේයය,"look at what prophet jerome prophetically foresaw! the lord will surely reveal everything to his prophet!

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#prophetjeromefernando #measles #prophecy #prophetic #breakingnews #children #outbreak #christianity #news #disease #virus

copyright statement
copyright 2024 - all material, video, imagery, audio, brand logos, and brand names are subject to copyrights owned by pjfm trust and pjfm global. any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video or image without explicit written permission is expressly prohibited.",01/05/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOr9XzBXb9E,"what causes chickenpox measles, rubella & mumps (tmbz027)","childhood skin-based diseases like chicken and smallpox, as well as measles and rubella are all falsely attributed to non-existent boogeyman-viruses by the establishment materialists.  what if these childhood diseases were all based on separation  or attack conflicts?",01/05/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2olfCodD-c,measles rubella meaning in bengali /measles rubella mane ki,"hi friends, this video is about measles rubella meaning in bengali /measles rubella mane ki",01/05/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3UvC0nQUNg,ඔබ සරමේප ගන දනුවතේ ද ? එනේනත මගිනේ තුරනේ කළ හකිද ? | sarampa,"• ජනවරි මස 6 දින සිට සරමේප වේයපේතිය වඩි දිසේතේරිකේක නමයක මස හයේ සිට නමය දකේව දරුවනේ සඳහ mmr එනේනතේ අමතර මතේරවකේ දීමේ වඩසටහනකේ කේරියතේමක වේ.

• සරමේප එනේනතේ මගිනේ සමේපූරේණයෙනේම පලනය කළ හකි රගයකි

•2019 දී ේරී ලංකව සමේපූරේණයෙනේ සරමේප තුරනේ කරන ලදී නමුතේ  කොවිඩේ  නිස  එනේනතේ කිරීමේ සිදුවූ අතපසුවීමේ නිස නවත සරමේප වේයපේතියේ වඩිවීමකේ ඇත

measles outbreak sri lanka 2023

#srilanka",01/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@drregisterednurse/video/7320590721768049963,health expert for telemundo ..measles outbreak..brote de sarampion #telemundo #measles #outbreak #spanishtiktok #fyp #forypupage,health expert for telemundo ..measles outbreak..brote de sarampion #telemundo #measles #outbreak #spanishtiktok #fyp #forypupage,01/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/IFRC/videos/-global-measles-cases-nearly-doubled-in-one-year-with-countries-in-europe-and-ce/245619971973046/," global measles cases nearly doubled in one year with countries in europe and central asia particularly affected, according to world health"," global measles cases nearly doubled in one year with countries in europe and central asia particularly affected, according to world health organization data. only in bosnia and herzegovina, 5 cities have declared the measles epidemic. jasmin niksic, health, care and first aid coordinator at drutvo crvenog krsta/kria bih/red cross society of b&h, explains how his team has stepped in to assist local communities. thanks to ifrc's disaster response emergency fund, they are supporting a country-wide immunization campaign. #worldimmunizationweek",01/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/voiceswithrefugees/reel/C1t2pzwr2Ps/,"i had a son and a daughter, but they both died. 
over 1,200 children have died in #sudan from suspected measles and malnutrition, as a result of months of fighting that has severely debilitated the country's health system.","i had a son and a daughter, but they both died. 
over 1,200 children have died in #sudan from suspected measles and malnutrition, as a result of months of fighting that has severely debilitated the country's health system.",01/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/doctors__squad/reel/C1v9hzsh9Hz/,"a 7 year old malnourished child who had measles recently complained of dryness of eyes.
on examination, the given slit lamp findings are seen. identify the lesion.","a 7 year old malnourished child who had measles recently complained of dryness of eyes.
on examination, the given slit lamp findings are seen. identify the lesion.",01/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDzl--OPryI,සරමේප අමතර එනේනත දරුවනේ සරමේප රගයෙනේ ආරකේෂ කරගනීම," මේ විේෂ නිවේදනය 2023 අපේරේලේ 7 සිට 2023 ජූලි 5 (එම දින දෙකද ඇතුලුව) කලය තුල උපත ලද දරුවනේගේ මපියනේ / භරකරුවනේ වෙතයි. 
 මොළයට හනිවීම, නියුමනියව, අනේධ භවය, බිහිරි භවය, දරුණු පචනය සහ මරනේතික සංකූලත ගෙන දිය හකි සරමේප රගය මේ වනවිට ලොව පුර බොහ රටවල මෙනේම ලංකව තුලද කුඩ දරුවනේ අතර පතිර යමිනේ පවතී. 
 වඩතේ අවදනමේ සෞඛේය දිසේතිකේක ලෙස කොළඹ, ගමේපහ, කලුතර, ගලේල, මතර, මහනුවර, යපනය, කුරුණෑගල සහ කලේමුණේ හඳුනගෙන තිබේ.
 මේ තතේවය සලක බල අධි අවදනමේ සෞඛේය දිසේතේරිකේවල ,  2024 ජනවරි 06 වනි දිනට මස 6 - මස 9 වයසේ කණේඩයේ පසුවන සියලූම දරුවනේ, සරමේප රගයෙනේ ආරකේෂ කරගනීම සඳහ අමතර එනේනතේ  මතේරවකේ ලබදීමට සළසුමේ කර තිබේ. 
 2024 ජනවරි 6 වෙනි දින උදෑසන 9.00 සිට පසේවරු 4.00 දකේව ඔබට ආසනේනයේම ඇති එනේනතේකරණ සයනයෙනේ මෙම අමතර සරමේප එනේනතේ මතේරව ලබගනීමේ හකියව පවතී.
✅ මෙය මස 9 දී සහ අවුරුදු 3 දී දනට ලබ දෙන සරමේප එනේනතේ මතේර දෙකට අමතරව ලබ දෙන අතර එම එනේනතේ වරේගයම (mmr) භවිතයට ගනේ. 
 මිනේ පෙර සරමේප රගය වළඳී තිබෙන ඉහත වයසේ කණේඩයේ අවදනමේ දිසේතේරිකවල දරුවනේටද , අමතර සරමේප එනේනතේ මතේරව ලබදීම සිදු කෙරේ.
 ඔබේ ළදරුව පතිරයන සරමේප රගයේ ගොදුරකේ නොවනේනට දනුවතේ සහ වගකිවයුතු දෙමවේපියනේ ලෙස නොවරදවම ඔබේ යුතුකම ඉටුකරනේන.
 இநத சிறபப அறிவிபப பரல 7, 2023 ககம ஜூலை 5, 2023 ககம (இரண நாகளம உப) இையே பிறநத கழநதைகளின பெறறோர/பாதகாவலரகளககானத.
 மூளை பாதிபப, நரையீரல அழறசி (நிமோனியா), பாரவை கறைபபா, காத கேளாமை, கமையான வயிறறபபோகக மறறம ஆபததான சிககலகளை றபததககூிய சினனமதத, தறபோத உலகின பல நாகளிலம, இலஙகையிலம இளம கழநதைகளிையே பரவி வரகிறத.
 க௚ழமப, கமபஹா, களததறை, காலி, மாததறை, கணி, யாழபபாணம, கரநாகல மறறம கலமனை ஆகிய மாவஙகள அதிக ஆபததளள சகாதார மாவஙகளாக அையாளம காணபபளளன.
இசசூழலைக கரததில க௚ண, அதிக ஆபததளள மாவஙகளில உளள  கழநதைகளககம 2024 ஆம ஆண ஜனவரி 06 ஆம திகதி, அதாவத 6 - 9 மாத வயதைய அனைதத கழநதைகளககம சினனமதத தபபூசி மேலதிக ோஸ க௚கக திமிபபளளத.
 சினனமதத தபபூசியின  மேலதிக ோஸ உஙகள அரகிலளள தபபூசி கிளினிககில 6 ஜனவரி 2024 அனற காலை 9.00 மணி மதல மாலை 4.00 மணி வரை பெறறகக௚ளளலாம.
✅ இத 9 மாதஙகள மறறம 3 வயதில தறபோத க௚ககபபம இரண சினனமதத  தபபூசிகளன மேலதிகமாக க௚ககபப உளளத. இத தறபோத க௚ககபபம (mmr) தபபூசியே.
 மனனர சினனமதத நோயால பாதிககபபளள மேறகண வயதினரின ஆபதத மாவஙகளில உளள கழநதைகளகக சினனமதத தபபூசியின மேலதிக ோஸ வழஙகபபம.
 உஙகள கழநதை பரவம சினனமதத நோயால பாதிககபபாமல இரகக, தகவலறிநத மறறம ப௚றபபான பெறறோராக உஙகள கமையை தவறாமல செயயஙகள.

supplementary measles vaccination begins from today across 9 health zones via 1600+ clinics.
#sarampa #sarampaennatha #srilanka #srilankahealth #healthnews #srilankabreakingnews",01/06/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.tharaka_sandaruwan/video/7320967618054163719,#measles #health_tips_by_dr_tharaka  #stay_healthy  #medicalcenterbydrtharaka  #negombo   .      .          . ,#measles #health_tips_by_dr_tharaka  #stay_healthy  #medicalcenterbydrtharaka  #negombo   .      .          . ,01/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ39Pz66Sew,#measles #mumps #rubella #mmr #vaccine,#pharm #pharmacology #pharmacology2 #pharmacology2016 #pharmacology2017 #ilovepharmacy #ilovepharm #ilovepharmacology #career #careerdentalcollege #cpgidsh #careerpostgraduateinstituteofdentalsciences #careerdentalcollegelucknow #exam #examination  #bbdcods #bbdaretoshare #bbdcods #eramedicalcollege #kgmu #kgmc #aiims @aiims_delhi #aiimsdelhi #aiimages @pulse.aiims #kgmurhapsody2023 @pulse.aiims @dentalpulseacademy #rml #rammanoharlohiahospital #rammanoharlohiya #rammanoharlohiya #rammanoharlohiamedicalsciences #rmlmedia #pharmarocks #mayoinstituteofmedicalsciences,01/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhTE2wWnVQs,palestinian health authorities continue vaccinating children in gaza's southern city of rafah,"(2 jan 2024) _x000d_
restriction summary:_x000d_
associated press_x000d_
rafah, gaza strip -  2 january 2024_x000d_
1. various of babies crying and being vaccinated_x000d_
2. health worker preparing vaccine_x000d_
3. various of health worker vaccinating baby _x000d_
4. soundbite (arabic) iman al-khudary, displaced from gaza city:_x000d_
""i am here to get her vaccinated. her vaccination was delayed because it was never brought in, or it was brought in but in insufficient quantities because the children of the whole of gaza strip have come to rafah. they (some) were in khan younis but got displaced to rafah. so there aren't sufficient vaccine quantities. we went to the agency, they said 'there is no vaccine. go to tal al-sultan.' we went there and the number (of children who need vaccines) was huge. we would go, they would take a certain number, then run out as we waited for our turn. the number (of children) they take (vaccinate) is not enough because all the children (of gaza) are here. and we are worried about our children because diseases are spreading.""_x000d_
5. various of health workers vaccinating babies and children _x000d_
6. various of people waiting in line and in corridor of health unit_x000d_
7. faten al- amassi, nursing officer at tel al-sultan health center, checking vaccines_x000d_
8. soundbite (arabic) faten al- amassi, nursing officer at tel al-sultan health center:_x000d_
""the ones that were brought in include the oral polio vaccine given by mouth, it is for polio; the vaccine that treats pneumococcal pneumonia, and the vaccines for measles, rubella, mumps as well as tuberculosis. these are the vaccines that have arrived.""_x000d_
9. pan of vaccines_x000d_
10. soundbite (arabic) faten al- amassi, nursing officer at tel al-sultan health center:_x000d_
""the shortage of vaccines has played no role whatsoever in the spread of disease. on the contrary, we have been going on with vaccinations since the first day of the war. only one vaccine is unavailable and continues to be until today, the rest of the vaccines that were in short supply have been brought in. but the diseases that have spread have nothing to do with this unavailable vaccine. the diseases that have spread are all a result of the catastrophic environmental pollution in the gaza strip, specifically in the rafah, tal al-sultan area.""_x000d_
reporter (arabic): ""what is the missing vaccine?""_x000d_
faten al-amassi (arabic): ""the missing vaccine is the polio vaccine given by syringe.""_x000d_
11. various of people with babies in health unit_x000d_
12. rafah resident riham mousa and her baby leaving the unit_x000d_
13. close of baby_x000d_
14. soundbite (arabic) riham mousa, resident of rafah:_x000d_
""the vaccine is 13 days late and i am worried about the girl because of diseases. so when i heard that the vaccine is available here, i came quickly because if it is delayed any further, the child could contract any disease.""_x000d_
15. various of people waiting outside health unit_x000d_
crowds of people queued with infants and children for vaccinations at a health centre in the gaza strip on tuesday._x000d_
palestinian health authorities have been continuing to vaccinate children in the southern city, despite the ongoing israel-hamas war which has seen rafah become a main point of refuge for hundreds of thousands forced to flee their homes._x000d_
the united nations children's agency, unicef, said last week it delivered at least 600,000 doses of vaccines to the enclave. _x000d_
the agency estimated that more than 16,600 infants have missed one or more routine vaccines._x000d_
she described long queues of women waiting to vaccinate their children outside facilities in rafah. _x000d_
""we are worried about our children because diseases are spreading, she said._x000d_
find out more about ap archive: http://www.aparchive.com/howwework _x000d_
twitter: https://twitter.com/ap_archive _x000d_
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you can license this story through ap archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/ef39063f9e1e43c4a6f7a0cd897e8eb0",01/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weDjPR4YGYA,"measels disease (తమమా,పౚంగ,ఇసకమమ) | symptoms | causes | homeopathy medicines | treatment","measles, known as ""తమమా"" (thattamma), ""పౚంగ"" (pongu), and ""ఇసకమమ"" (isakamma) in telugu, is a highly contagious viral infection. it primarily affects children and is characterized by symptoms such as high fever, cough, runny nose, and a distinctive red rash that usually starts on the face and then spreads to the rest of the body.

the measles virus is transmitted through respiratory droplets and can spread easily in crowded places. vaccination is a crucial preventive measure against measles, providing immunity and reducing the risk of severe complications. while most individuals recover fully from measles, the disease can lead to serious complications, especially in young children and those with weakened immune systems.

public health efforts, including widespread vaccination campaigns, have significantly reduced the incidence of measles globally. however, occasional outbreaks still occur, emphasizing the importance of maintaining high vaccination coverage to protect communities and prevent the resurgence of this potentially serious infectious disease.

follow us @
blogspot: http://rajaramshomeo.blogspot.com
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linkedin:  www.linkedin.com/in/dr-ramanaidu-pv-1b39a61aa",01/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,sadness,fear
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=weDjPR4YGYA&si=WGAFgJ2VppXwQIjK,"measels disease (తమమా,పౚంగ,ఇసకమమ) | symptoms | causes | homeopathy medicines | treatment","measles, known as ""తమమా"" (thattamma), ""పౚంగ"" (pongu), and ""ఇసకమమ"" (isakamma) in telugu, is a highly contagious viral infection. it primarily affects children and is characterized by symptoms such as high fever, cough, runny nose, and a distinctive red rash that usually starts on the face and then spreads to the rest of the body.

the measles virus is transmitted through respiratory droplets and can spread easily in crowded places. vaccination is a crucial preventive measure against measles, providing immunity and reducing the risk of severe complications. while most individuals recover fully from measles, the disease can lead to serious complications, especially in young children and those with weakened immune systems.

public health efforts, including widespread vaccination campaigns, have significantly reduced the incidence of measles globally. however, occasional outbreaks still occur, emphasizing the importance of maintaining high vaccination coverage to protect communities and prevent the resurgence of this potentially serious infectious disease.

follow us @
blogspot: http://rajaramshomeo.blogspot.com
twitter:   https://twitter.com/rajaramshomeo 
tumblr:   https://www.tumblr.com/blog/rajaramshomeohospital
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instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rajaramshomeohospital/
linkedin:  www.linkedin.com/in/dr-ramanaidu-pv-1b39a61aa",01/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,sadness,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@living_and_thriving/video/7321444713142177070,#measles #getvaccinated,#measles #getvaccinated,01/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C10bH2hvvZG/,"children in the gaza strip face a deadly triple threat to their lives, as cases of diseases rise, nutrition plummets and the escalation in hostilities approaches its fourteenth week. 

an estimated 16,854 childrens have missed their routine vaccinations, leaving their immunity compromised at a time of significant vulnerability. the conflict disrupted routine vaccinations, increasing the risk of outbreaks of deadly but preventable diseases, such as measles and polio. unicef and partners have launched a rapid response, bringing in over 600,000 doses of these life-critical vaccines. 

the world cannot stand by and watch. the violence and the suffering of children must stop. 
visit our link in bio in order to donate and help send urgent aid to children in gaza and the wider state of palestine.","children in the gaza strip face a deadly triple threat to their lives, as cases of diseases rise, nutrition plummets and the escalation in hostilities approaches its fourteenth week. 

an estimated 16,854 childrens have missed their routine vaccinations, leaving their immunity compromised at a time of significant vulnerability. the conflict disrupted routine vaccinations, increasing the risk of outbreaks of deadly but preventable diseases, such as measles and polio. unicef and partners have launched a rapid response, bringing in over 600,000 doses of these life-critical vaccines. 

the world cannot stand by and watch. the violence and the suffering of children must stop. 
visit our link in bio in order to donate and help send urgent aid to children in gaza and the wider state of palestine.",01/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C10bH2hvvZG/?locale=zh-hans,"children in the gaza strip face a deadly triple threat to their lives, as cases of diseases rise, nutrition plummets and the escalation in hostilities approaches its fourteenth week. 

an estimated 16,854 childrens have missed their routine vaccinations, leaving their immunity compromised at a time of significant vulnerability. the conflict disrupted routine vaccinations, increasing the risk of outbreaks of deadly but preventable diseases, such as measles and polio. unicef and partners have launched a rapid response, bringing in over 600,000 doses of these life-critical vaccines. 

the world cannot stand by and watch. the violence and the suffering of children must stop. 
visit our link in bio in order to donate and help send urgent aid to children in gaza and the wider state of palestine.","children in the gaza strip face a deadly triple threat to their lives, as cases of diseases rise, nutrition plummets and the escalation in hostilities approaches its fourteenth week. 

an estimated 16,854 childrens have missed their routine vaccinations, leaving their immunity compromised at a time of significant vulnerability. the conflict disrupted routine vaccinations, increasing the risk of outbreaks of deadly but preventable diseases, such as measles and polio. unicef and partners have launched a rapid response, bringing in over 600,000 doses of these life-critical vaccines. 

the world cannot stand by and watch. the violence and the suffering of children must stop. 
visit our link in bio in order to donate and help send urgent aid to children in gaza and the wider state of palestine.",01/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/video/philadelphia-health-department-confirms-2-more-measles-cases/,philadelphia health department confirms 2 more measles cases,"so far, eight measles cases have been confirmed during the outbreak in philadelphia.",01/08/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0q-d815Jlw,"8 measles cases now identified, philadelphia health officials say","8 measles cases now identified, philadelphia health officials say",01/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.delawareonline.com/videos/news/2024/01/09/measles-outbreak-unvaccinated-philadelphia-residents-delaware-exposure/72117414007/,measles outbreak reported in unvaccinated philadelphia residents,additional clusters of measles have been identified in philadelphia by health officials after they say a day care disregarded quarantine instructions.,01/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikQqxujvfHM,"covid update, vaccine confidence, measles outbreak","in today's briefing we review the status of covid and other respiratory transmitted viruses, and discuss vaccine confidence and a current measles outbreak. topics & time stamps 1:24 covid update 10:47 vaccine confidence 13:16 measles outbreak 21:33 summary and tips links referenced in the briefing: measles in philly (philly public health department) https://www.phila.gov/2024-01-05-heal... #rootsempowers #communityhealth #bayarea #publichealth #oakland #covid19 #cdc #maskup #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #nomorecoviddeaths #vaccines #booster #pandemic #omicron #xbb #keepmasksinhealthcare #longcovid #eg.5 #wastewater #ba.2.86 #monovalent #monovalentbooster #novavax #pertussis #jn.1",01/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6W3aVctsAXc,complicaiile rujeolei,"afl care sunt complicaiile rujeolei, incidena lor, dar i care este cea mai grav dintre ele.

#copii  #fever #measles #pneumonia #bolilecopilarie",01/09/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DHp9IqeUdY,# bcg vaccine | opv vaccine & measles vaccine important mcqs points for nursing examination,"mpcho,staff nurse, bhu nursing officer, uppsc staff nurse , norcet 6",01/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CUuiNRs76g,measles| causes| symptoms| diagnosis| treatment |stay fit,"measles| causes| symptoms| diagnosis| treatment |stay fit

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxD7ebY8vkk,"digital brief: jan. 9, 2024 (am)","the measles outbreak in philadelphia is growing and temple health is adding a mask mandate as covid-19, rsv and flu cases rise in the city.",01/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/video/digital-brief-jan-9-2024-am/,"digital brief: jan. 9, 2024 (am)","the measles outbreak in philadelphia is growing and temple health is adding a mask mandate as covid-19, rsv and flu cases rise in the city.",01/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/informedandthriving_/reel/C15Et6Muzfc/,"mortality rates from measles in the us had been declining since the early 1900s with the advent and widespread use of improved sanitation methods, specifically clean running water and the invention of the toilet, as well as better nutrition.
by the time the measles v@x was introduced in the us, measles fatalities had declined significantly by about 98%.

because of the low death rate in the us, (a 99.99% survival rate), measles wasn't considered a serious or deadly virus. on the contrary, it was considered a common childhood rite-of-passage with the majority consequence being missed days from school.

the mmr is anything but safe. it is one that causes the most injuries and these injuries are not often minor. 

to see the mmr v known side effects, see @justtheinserts (also so alternatives to treat naturally if concerned) 

cdc scientists find children given the mmr v shed the measles virus for at least 2 weeks after getting the v, making them vectors to spread measles. 

the natural infection has more benefits than just missing school: 

a look into the medical literature of the past shows us that wild measles may indeed have afforded immunologic advantages to those infected. has shown to increase immunity, helps with recovery of kidney disease, lessens chances of heart disease and even has anti-cancer benefits. 

swedish researchers found that children who had natural measles infection had much lower rates of allergy than children v'ed against measles.

don't freak out about the measles or believe the headlines that the ""anti-v'ers are causing some outbreak. turn off the news and do some real research.

#measles #measlesoutbreak #mmr #bradybunch #bradybunchmeasles #diseaseeradication #believemothers #informedmothers #medicalfreedom","mortality rates from measles in the us had been declining since the early 1900s with the advent and widespread use of improved sanitation methods, specifically clean running water and the invention of the toilet, as well as better nutrition.
by the time the measles v@x was introduced in the us, measles fatalities had declined significantly by about 98%.

because of the low death rate in the us, (a 99.99% survival rate), measles wasn't considered a serious or deadly virus. on the contrary, it was considered a common childhood rite-of-passage with the majority consequence being missed days from school.

the mmr is anything but safe. it is one that causes the most injuries and these injuries are not often minor. 

to see the mmr v known side effects, see @justtheinserts (also so alternatives to treat naturally if concerned) 

cdc scientists find children given the mmr v shed the measles virus for at least 2 weeks after getting the v, making them vectors to spread measles. 

the natural infection has more benefits than just missing school: 

a look into the medical literature of the past shows us that wild measles may indeed have afforded immunologic advantages to those infected. has shown to increase immunity, helps with recovery of kidney disease, lessens chances of heart disease and even has anti-cancer benefits. 

swedish researchers found that children who had natural measles infection had much lower rates of allergy than children v'ed against measles.

don't freak out about the measles or believe the headlines that the ""anti-v'ers are causing some outbreak. turn off the news and do some real research.

#measles #measlesoutbreak #mmr #bradybunch #bradybunchmeasles #diseaseeradication #believemothers #informedmothers #medicalfreedom",01/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@tifftastic75/video/7322087410190322986,#greenscreen shocking negligence causes measles outbreak #measles #fyp #tiffocracy #drtiffany #publichealth #science #epidemiology #measlesvaccine #philadelphia,#greenscreen shocking negligence causes measles outbreak #measles #fyp #tiffocracy #drtiffany #publichealth #science #epidemiology #measlesvaccine #philadelphia,01/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,surprise,surprise
https://www.tiktok.com/@thebabybraindoc/video/7322584094590749994,have you heard about the #measles #outbreak in #philadelphia? #mmr #vaccine #vaccines #pediatrics #parentsoftiktok,have you heard about the #measles #outbreak in #philadelphia? #mmr #vaccine #vaccines #pediatrics #parentsoftiktok,01/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sn2wzQdqjgY,measles finds and affects those who are not protected,"  : measles finds and affects those who are not protected

measles, a highly contagious disease, has made a resurgence due to declining vaccination coverage worldwide. alarmingly, measles deaths in 2022 increased by 43% compared to the previous year, affecting 37 countries compared to 22 in 2021. the brunt of this revival has fallen in africa and asia. despite modest improvements in measles vaccination rates following a decline worsened by the covid-19 pandemic, recovery efforts have not reached the world's poorest countries, where immunization rates remain at 66%. recognizing these alarming trends, the world health organization (who) and the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) emphasize the urgent need to intensify vaccination campaigns, especially in developing countries. dr kate o'brien, director of who's division of immunization, vaccines and biologicals, said: ""children around the world have a fundamental right to be protected by life-saving measles vaccine, regardless of their geographical location."" measles is often called the ""virus of inequality because it disproportionately affects people who lack protection. therefore, it is extremely important to ensure that all children are vaccinated against measles.",01/10/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@houseofwellnessmcc/video/7323016066404289838,"the point if usung this everydag is for support, prevention & easy recovery!! stay well! howmcc.com'  #getwellsoon #sick #cough #dailyroutine #mucus #covid #covid19 #lungs #asthma  #respiratory #whitelungsyndrome #breathe #bronchitis #pneumonia #rsv #cold #mysterycough2023 #mysterysickness2023 #covidseason #fluseason #covidisnotover #lunginfection #airborne #immunesupport #backtoschool #toddlersoftiktok #toddlermom #measles ","the point if usung this everydag is for support, prevention & easy recovery!! stay well! howmcc.com'  #getwellsoon #sick #cough #dailyroutine #mucus #covid #covid19 #lungs #asthma  #respiratory #whitelungsyndrome #breathe #bronchitis #pneumonia #rsv #cold #mysterycough2023 #mysterysickness2023 #covidseason #fluseason #covidisnotover #lunginfection #airborne #immunesupport #backtoschool #toddlersoftiktok #toddlermom #measles ",01/11/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/video/montco-health-officials-warn-of-possible-measles-exposure-related-to-philadelphia-outbreak/,montco health officials warn of possible measles exposure related to philadelphia outbreak,"officials said there are currently no confirmed cases in montgomery county, but people may have come into contact with someone last week with someone who has tested positive.",01/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.koin.com/video/measles-cases-in-southwest-washington-prompt-tri-county-health-alert/9323191/,measles cases in southwest washington prompt tri-county health alert,measles cases in sw washington prompt tri-county health alert,01/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2YkupgCbxs,"measles outbreak in philadelphia_january 11, 2024","today, i discuss an evolving measles outbreak in philadelphia. eight cases as of 1/11/2024, but health officials are watching. i provide a brief overview of measles and prevention. 1/11/2024. see: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/n...",01/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDAoa4OTFsQ,"officials warn of 2 possible measles exposure sites in montgomery county, pa.","health officials in montgomery county, pennsylvania are working to identify and contact residents who may have been exposed to a measles patient. read more: https://6abc.com/montgomery-county-me...",01/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWxawEoeo_E,oregon health officials on alert after measles cases confirmed in southwest washington,"there have been six cases across the river so far. while they're not considered a major threat, officials want to get the word out. subscribe: /kgwnews8 watch the latest kgw newscast: https://www.kgw.com/watch get the kgw app: https://kgw.com/appredirect",01/11/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRfP_tQXLFk,measles cases in southwest washington prompt tri-county health alert,measles cases in sw washington prompt tri-county health alert subscribe to koin 6's youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/koinloca... go to koin.com for the latest headlines: https://www.koin.com/ follow us on twitter: /koinnews follow us on facebook: /koin6 follow us on instagram: /koin6,01/11/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drbradywirickdc/video/7322917506388200750,measles outbreak in philadelphia,measles outbreak in philadelphia,01/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@thebabybraindoc/video/7323003298083147054,"with the #philadelphia measles outbreak, its an important time to talk about sspe #measles #measlesvaccine #vaccineswork #mmr #neurology #brain #seizures","with the #philadelphia measles outbreak, its an important time to talk about sspe #measles #measlesvaccine #vaccineswork #mmr #neurology #brain #seizures",01/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjLQ4V4N_qA,measles fears amid philly outbreak: the lineup,"ongoing fears of a measles outbreak in philadelphia as health experts warn about how easily the disease can spread. nbc10's matt delucia reports on warnings to take measles seriously. plus, nbc10's randy gyllenhaal reports on the ongoing closure of philly's kelly drive. the flooding of area waterways led to some water rescues, hear from a man rescued in delaware county. and, drivers stall out shortly after fueling up in camden, new jersey. nbc10's keith jones and erin coleman deliver the lineup for thursday, jan. 11, 2024.

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about nbc10 philadelphia
nbc10 is the philadelphia region's most trusted source for breaking news, exclusive local stories, in-depth investigations and most accurate weather.",01/11/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOqdZJiwod4,protect your child from serious diseases (bsl) part 8 - mmr vaccine,this bsl is a guide to help you with your child's own immunisation journey. part 8 tells you about the mmr vaccine.,01/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCWitszVyR4,mmr vaccine,"this video is about mmr (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine, which people require this vaccine, contraindications, benefits and side effects of this very important vaccine.",01/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYCc1TaczNk,missile 飛彈 measles 麻疹 rocket 箭 有什麼相關 沒膽談衛,"#missile #飛彈 #measles 麻疹 #rocket #箭 有什麼相關 #衛
#科普作家 #金頭腦 #新風 #podcast #物師 
#潘彥 #圗一女
https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucllfpv1gumruko4jbd5huea/join",01/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/sciencewhizliz/reel/C19bh4lrUJl/,"measles is in the news a lot lately.  as a scientist this doesn't make me happy. measles is a unique and dangerous virus for a few reasons. 

- it is highly contagious. you can become infected two hours after someone has left the room who has measles. and one person with measles can potentially infect 12-18 others. 

- it erases your immune cell memory. if you survive a measles infection you have protection from measles. but the virus has erased other protection you had. leaving you at risk for all pathogens you encounter from that point on. 

cases and deaths from measles are increasing globally due to decreasing vaccination rates. this is a worrying trend as this virus is not one to mess around with.

to learn more go to my profile and see my static post all about measles and feel free to drop your questions below.","measles is in the news a lot lately.  as a scientist this doesn't make me happy. measles is a unique and dangerous virus for a few reasons. 

- it is highly contagious. you can become infected two hours after someone has left the room who has measles. and one person with measles can potentially infect 12-18 others. 

- it erases your immune cell memory. if you survive a measles infection you have protection from measles. but the virus has erased other protection you had. leaving you at risk for all pathogens you encounter from that point on. 

cases and deaths from measles are increasing globally due to decreasing vaccination rates. this is a worrying trend as this virus is not one to mess around with.

to learn more go to my profile and see my static post all about measles and feel free to drop your questions below.",01/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@lizzietraveler/video/7322985906829298986,serious question - wtf are we even doing right now? #vaccinesavelives #measles #thekidsarenotalright,serious question - wtf are we even doing right now? #vaccinesavelives #measles #thekidsarenotalright,01/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@jpall20/video/7323350484000132398,i am so disgusted with that first story this world is just so incredibly #evil #savechildren #texas #triggerwarning #parentsontiktok #parentstobe #highschool #measles #quarantine #monkeys #herpes #floridacheck #datingapps,i am so disgusted with that first story this world is just so incredibly #evil #savechildren #texas #triggerwarning #parentsontiktok #parentstobe #highschool #measles #quarantine #monkeys #herpes #floridacheck #datingapps,01/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,disgust,disgust
https://www.facebook.com/kgh.nhs.uk/videos/symptoms-of-measles/1035373327717732/,symptoms of measles,"here are some of the key things you need to know about #measles. measles is a viral illness that can be serious and sometimes fatal. spending 15 mins with someone with measles is enough to get the virus.
symptoms of measles include:
 high fever
runny nose
red and watery eyes
small red spots with a bluish-white centre inside the mouth.
a rash can appear later, usually on the face, upper neck, hands and feet, fading after 5 to 6 days.
if you've not been vaccinated against measles you can be at risk, but it's most common in young children. someone with measles can spread the virus up to 4 days before a rash appears, and up to 4 days after.",01/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://fox4kc.com/video/measles-exposure-confirmed-at-kci-north-kansas-city-hospital/9327006/,"measles exposure confirmed at kci, north kansas city hospital",clay county health officials are warning of a potential measles exposure that happened earlier this month at the kansas city international airport.,01/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@drtanyaaltmann/video/7323319936221236522,here are some quick facts about measles in light of the recent outbreak in philadelphia. #measles #measlesoutbreak #pediatrician,here are some quick facts about measles in light of the recent outbreak in philadelphia. #measles #measlesoutbreak #pediatrician,01/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,surprise
https://www.tiktok.com/@swbhnhs/video/7323229817149639968,"measles is highly contagious and can be serious.

know what the symptoms are so you don't risk spreading infection - seek advice from your gp or nhs111.

paediatric matron hayley describes the symptoms here.

#measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measlesawareness #measlessymptoms #symptoms #virus #nhs #matron #nurse #mmr #mmrvaccine","measles is highly contagious and can be serious.

know what the symptoms are so you don't risk spreading infection - seek advice from your gp or nhs111.

paediatric matron hayley describes the symptoms here.

#measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measlesawareness #measlessymptoms #symptoms #virus #nhs #matron #nurse #mmr #mmrvaccine",01/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@nhsblackcountry/video/7323188670591241505,"protect your child from measles with 2 doses of the mmr vaccine. contact your gp practice to arrange.

#measles #measlesvaccine #mmr #mmrvaccine #nursesoftiktok #nhs #blackcountry #dudley #sandwell #walsall #wolverhampton @the royal wolverhampton nhs @walsall healthcare nhs trust @swb nhs trust @dudley council","protect your child from measles with 2 doses of the mmr vaccine. contact your gp practice to arrange.

#measles #measlesvaccine #mmr #mmrvaccine #nursesoftiktok #nhs #blackcountry #dudley #sandwell #walsall #wolverhampton @the royal wolverhampton nhs @walsall healthcare nhs trust @swb nhs trust @dudley council",01/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@sarahewarren/video/7323423944021789995,"thoughts on the #measles #outbreak in #philadelphia that started in a daycare, rising #childcare costs & the impacts of individualism on #publichealth

#childcarecosts #daycare #collectivism #daveramsey","thoughts on the #measles #outbreak in #philadelphia that started in a daycare, rising #childcare costs & the impacts of individualism on #publichealth

#childcarecosts #daycare #collectivism #daveramsey",01/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@geekycreep/video/7323280961183993131,#greenscreen #fyp #vaccine #measles #measlesoutbreak #philly #philadelphia #vax #vaxxed,#greenscreen #fyp #vaccine #measles #measlesoutbreak #philly #philadelphia #vax #vaxxed,01/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pPxSFG_khw,"measles: symptoms, treatment, and vaccination – know all about it in this video!","measles, a highly contagious viral infection, continues to pose a significant threat despite advancements in medical science, especially to young children. let us explore symptoms, treatment, and vaccination in this video.

#measles #measlestreatment 

subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/thehealthsite
like us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehealthsite/
follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/healthsite4u
get latest updates on telegram: https://t.me/s/thehealthsitehindi",01/12/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kghbqBhVNzE,measles - viral diseases," in this gcse biology video, we cover measles, a highly infectious viral disease spread through air droplets from coughs and sneezes of infected individuals. the main symptoms of measles are a fever and a red skin rash, but despite these seemingly mild symptoms, measles can lead to serious complications such as brain damage, blindness, sterility in adults, fetal abnormalities in pregnant women, and can even be fatal. the video also discusses the importance of vaccination against measles, typically administered to babies as part of the mmr (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine, to provide immunity and prevent these serious complications. for exams, it's essential to know that measles is a serious and potentially fatal disease, its main symptoms, and the significance of vaccination.

 hi, we're launchpad learning. we're the same team behind snaprevise, the uk's leading a-level revision platform. for the last 2 years, we've been working behind the scenes on creating the uk's smartest and most fun gcse revision platform which will be available soon.

 subscribe to our channel to stay in the loop about our launch date https://www.youtube.com/channel/uc8poyw9kw8z9uokgaz7ki8w?sub_confirmation=1",01/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsB97okPjH0,"mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection","also know: mumps infections | mumps awareness video | mumps virus transmission | mumps reason | symptom of mumps | warning symptom of mumps | risk of mumps | screenings of mumps | diagnosis of mumps | mumps examinations | mumps treatments | management of mumps | mumps immunization | preventions of mumps | mumps preventive tips

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

chapters of this video:

00:00 mumps disease - an overview
00:10 what is mumps?
00:17 what type of virus causes mumps?
00:24 mumps incubation period
00:36 how is mumps transmitted?
00:48 what are the signs and symptoms of mumps?
01:10 what are the complications of mumps?
01:31 what are the diagnostic test of mumps?
01:51 what are the treatments of mumps?
02:05 mumps immunization
02:23 mumps preventions
02:41 how long does mumps last?
02:48 is mumps communicable disease?
03:03 can mumps lead to meningitis?
03:11 can a child get mumps even if vaccinated?
03:28 who is most susceptible to mumps?
03:41 difference between mumps and chickenpox?
04:16 difference between measles and mumps?
04:49 which doctor to consult for mumps?

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#mumps #mumpsdisease #mumpsinfection #mumpsvirus #mumpscauses #mumpsreasons #mumpssymptoms #mumpscomplications #mumpsdiagnosis #mumpsexaminations #mumpstest #mumpstreatment #mumpsmanagement #mumpscure #mumpsvaccination #mumpsimmunization #mumpsprevention #viralinfection #pediatrichealth #pediatrichealthcare #pediatricianadvice #pediatriciantips #pediatrician #pediatricspecialist #pediatricscare #pediatrics #pacehospitals #hyderabad #india 

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps immunization, mumps vaccinations, mumps virus treatment, what is the preventions of mumps, preventions of mumps, mumps prevention, preventive tips of mumps, mumps preventive tips, pediatrics care, pediatrician, pediatric specialist, pace hospitals",01/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-EjZnmFfVU,measles preventive variolinum 200 homeopathic medicine,,01/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfeQnDBsdMY,vaccination campaign in the earthquake-affected districts of karnali province,"the government of #nepal recently conducted #measles-#rubella (mr) and #typhoid conjugate vaccine (tcv) campaigns in the earthquake-affected districts of #karnali province. children between 6 months to below 15 years were provided the mr vaccines, while those aged 16 to 45 years were provided the tcvs. #vaccination is one of the most effective public health response measures following a #disaster, such as an #earthquake, when the risk for disease #outbreaks increases. 

#vaccinessavelives #nepalearthquake",01/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://m.youtube.com/shorts/P6I6JeKfZGI,cutar mashako diphtheria,"mashako (diphtheria)
cutace da take kama hanyar numfashi wadda bacteria ke haifarwa (corynebacterium diphtheriae)
a wannan video munyi mayani akan abubuwa kamar haka:

0:00 - gabatarwa
0:19 - mece cutar diphtheria (mashako 
1:23 - alamomin cutar mashako (diphtheria)
3:10 - hanyar kamuwa da cutar mashako diphtheria
4:10 - mutanen dake cikin hadarin kamuwa da cutar mashako diphtheria
4:29 - hanyoyin samun kariya daga cutar mashako diphtheria
4:35 - riga kafin mashako diphtheria 
7:18 - hanyar da take cutar damu
8:26 - maganin cutar mashako diphtheria 

kiwon lafiya
dan samun bayanan masana kan harkokin kiwon lafiya 
sunana abubakar abdullahi, zan kasance tare daku a wannan tasha a koda yaushe dan kawo muku ingantattun shirye shirye dan samun kariya tare d inganta lafiyar jiki data muhalli
kuyi mana subscribe sannan ku yada video ga yan uwa da abokai dan ya isa zuwa ga mutane masu yawa su amfana

#diphtheria #tetanus #kiwonlafiya #measles #polio  #covid #cholera #vaccine #immunization #health #pneumonia #rotavirus #typhoid #ebola #hepatitis #arewa #kiwonlafiya #lafiya #arthritis",01/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/NHSBSol/videos/symptoms-of-measles/372490102160620/,symptoms of measles,measles cases are continuing to rise in the west midlands.  here are some of the key things you need to know about #measles and what to do if you or a loved one needs to get up to date with their #mmr vaccinations.,01/12/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drtanyaaltmann/reel/C2A7UNVpUE2/,"here are some quick facts about measles in light of the recent outbreak in philadelphia. 

#measles #measlesoutbreak #pediatrician","here are some quick facts about measles in light of the recent outbreak in philadelphia. 

#measles #measlesoutbreak #pediatrician",01/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,surprise
https://www.instagram.com/twinsisterdocs/reel/C2BR2jzuuWE/,"we have measles in philly. tune in to learn how it's spread and more importantly how it can be prevented! be sure to listen until the end!
#measles #prevention #protectyourself #philadelphia #doctors #twinsofinstagram #doctorsofinstagram #doctors","we have measles in philly. tune in to learn how it's spread and more importantly how it can be prevented! be sure to listen until the end!
#measles #prevention #protectyourself #philadelphia #doctors #twinsofinstagram #doctorsofinstagram #doctors",01/12/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/shesinscrubs/reel/C2BrfCqLxmI/,"thoughts on the #measles #outbreak in #philadelphia that started started at chop & was spread at a daycare after an exposed parent & the daycare ignored health department directives, rising #childcare costs & the impacts of individualism on #publichealth 

i also understand that under #capitalism & without the right resources, someone may be forced to break out of isolation to be able to feed their families, which again is why i say this is not only an individual issue but a collective failure of government & society.

follow @shesinscrubs for more disruptive healthcare content ✨

#childcarecosts #daycare #collectivism #daveramsey","thoughts on the #measles #outbreak in #philadelphia that started started at chop & was spread at a daycare after an exposed parent & the daycare ignored health department directives, rising #childcare costs & the impacts of individualism on #publichealth 

i also understand that under #capitalism & without the right resources, someone may be forced to break out of isolation to be able to feed their families, which again is why i say this is not only an individual issue but a collective failure of government & society.

follow @shesinscrubs for more disruptive healthcare content ✨

#childcarecosts #daycare #collectivism #daveramsey",01/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/thehealthsite_india/reel/C1_7xybLA-D/,"]measles in kids early signs and treatment

#measles #measlesprevention #healthproblem #thshealth 

disclaimer - the video is meant for informational purpose. it is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice diagnosis or treatment. contact a physician if you have a medical condition","]measles in kids early signs and treatment

#measles #measlesprevention #healthproblem #thshealth 

disclaimer - the video is meant for informational purpose. it is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice diagnosis or treatment. contact a physician if you have a medical condition",01/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2BrfCqLxmI/,"thoughts on the #measles #outbreak in #philadelphia that started started at chop & was spread at a daycare after an exposed parent & the daycare ignored health department directives, rising #childcare costs & the impacts of individualism on #publichealth 

i also understand that under #capitalism & without the right resources, someone may be forced to break out of isolation to be able to feed their families, which again is why i say this is not only an individual issue but a collective failure of government & society.

follow @shesinscrubs for more disruptive healthcare content ✨

#childcarecosts #daycare #collectivism #daveramsey","thoughts on the #measles #outbreak in #philadelphia that started started at chop & was spread at a daycare after an exposed parent & the daycare ignored health department directives, rising #childcare costs & the impacts of individualism on #publichealth 

i also understand that under #capitalism & without the right resources, someone may be forced to break out of isolation to be able to feed their families, which again is why i say this is not only an individual issue but a collective failure of government & society.

follow @shesinscrubs for more disruptive healthcare content ✨

#childcarecosts #daycare #collectivism #daveramsey",01/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/dr.vasifaliyev/reel/C2AxpYQoq7g/,"qzlca haqqnda nlri bilmliyik?
#infeksion #infeksionist #infection #virus #qzlca #measles #kzamk #temperatur #qzdrma #spgi #uzmandoktor #uzman #bakumedicalplaza #vasifaliyev","qzlca haqqnda nlri bilmliyik?
#infeksion #infeksionist #infection #virus #qzlca #measles #kzamk #temperatur #qzdrma #spgi #uzmandoktor #uzman #bakumedicalplaza #vasifaliyev",01/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,disgust,disgust
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2AxpYQoq7g/?locale=ne_NP&hl=ar,"qzlca haqqnda nlri bilmliyik?
#infeksion #infeksionist #infection #virus #qzlca #measles #kzamk #temperatur #qzdrma #spgi #uzmandoktor #uzman #bakumedicalplaza #vasifaliyev"" मा uzman dr. vasif aliyev","qzlca haqqnda nlri bilmliyik?
#infeksion #infeksionist #infection #virus #qzlca #measles #kzamk #temperatur #qzdrma #spgi #uzmandoktor #uzman #bakumedicalplaza #vasifaliyev"" मा uzman dr. vasif aliyev",01/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,disgust,disgust
https://news.sky.com/video/vaccine-hesitancy-over-the-mmr-jab-has-fuelled-a-surge-in-measles-cases-13047913,vaccine hesitancy over the mmr jab has fuelled a surge in measles cases,vaccine hesitancy over the mmr jab has fuelled a surge in measles cases,01/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPyHleH1qlg,"measles cases are rising fast in england and wales according to the uk health security agency - the biggest surges are in the west midlands and london, it says.

read more: https://news.sky.com/topic/measles-8109

#measles #westmidlands #vaccination #antivax 

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","measles cases are rising fast in england and wales according to the uk health security agency - the biggest surges are in the west midlands and london, it says.

read more: https://news.sky.com/topic/measles-8109

#measles #westmidlands #vaccination #antivax 

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 / @skynewsespanol   

to enquire about licensing sky news content, you can find more information here: https://news.sky.com/info/library-sales
",01/13/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@rubin_allergy/video/7323663168025414958,there are measles outbreaks in the philadelphia area and the uk. this is likely due to lower vaccination rates. we need 95% of a population vaccinated against measles in order to have herd immunity. #outbreak #viral #tiktokdoc #learntontiktok,there are measles outbreaks in the philadelphia area and the uk. this is likely due to lower vaccination rates. we need 95% of a population vaccinated against measles in order to have herd immunity. #outbreak #viral #tiktokdoc #learntontiktok,01/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@skynews/video/7323712686905167136,"#measles cases are surging across the country, fuelled by #vaccine hesitancy over the #mmr #jab #healthcare #nhs #virus #uk","#measles cases are surging across the country, fuelled by #vaccine hesitancy over the #mmr #jab #healthcare #nhs #virus #uk",01/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFH_z5mx3lo,top5 global news 13/1/2024 | taiwan election | ecuador unrest | measles outbreak | us-iran | israel,"bite sized top stories around the world. 

#ufcvegas84 #usstrikes #leemorirty #teamtrump #voteforbiden #news #news24 #cnn #cnbc #msnbc #worldnews #worldnewstoday #globalwarming #globalnewsreporting #israelpalestineconflict #palestine #israel #israelhamaswar #taiwan #taiwannews #taiwanelection #taiwanchina #chinataiwantention #presidentialelection2024 #ecuador #ecuadoren2ruedas #measles #measlesoutbreak #health #vaccine #vaccination #vaccinecoronavirus #who #trump #usa #unitedkingdom #fakenews #fakemedia #unbiasednews #unbiasedreporting #pakistan #imrankhan #imrankhanpti #india #modi #modiji #maldives #visitmaldives #pakistannews",01/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VBr6whsKGA,nursing care plan on measles | measles care plan | measles | #measles #careplan #medical,"nursing care plan on measles | measles care plan | measles | #measles #careplan #medical
 telegram -

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nursing care plan on measls. in this video we are explaining everything about measles and rubella , how to write, how to presented that each and everything, i hope this video helpful for you..
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measles case study
measles case presentation

#careplan  #measles  #casestudy  #nursingcareplan  #casepresentation  #nursingking  #education  #medical #nursing  #nursingstudent",01/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-oJ8kJfLZg,measles with pneumonia#macular papular rash#paeds #youtubevideo,,01/13/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC2mkBjR7X0,oh no! vermin infestation on our sailing boat,"boat life : there's a vermin in me kitchen 

we have been sailing our floating home around the world for the last five years and have recently taken our beautiful kitten mocha onboard, how ironic therefore that for the first time ever we have a rat onboard the boat and mocha is no use at all. 
ivan and i returned from an evening of exercise to find the rat waiting or us. we cleared out the food space, put down sticky traps and now we wait.
across the world we also catch up with what declan and finn are up to respectfully. one recovered from measles the other getting his heart health examined.

david mumford - ball and chain

thank you for helping keep us afloat and supporting the creative process.  you can be part of the crew for less than the price of a coffee.

web site

social media
follow us on: instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thecruisingkiwis
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thecruisingkiwis

much love to you all,
rob, rachel, finn, declan, ivan

back story 
in 1997, after rowing at the atlanta olympics, rob rowed a tiny 7m (22 foot) plywood boat 2,500 miles from tenerife (canary islands) to barbados (caribbean). it took six weeks for rob and rowing partner, phil stubbs, to complete winning the inaugural atlantic rowing race.
skip forward to 2014 and, married with three children, rob and his wife rachel purchased javelot, a 43 ft fountaine pajot catamaran. armed only with rob's 3 years of racing p class yachts from the age of 11 to 13, and rachel's non existent sailing knowledge, we set off to learn the ropes of ocean sailing. we broke stuff, replaced stuff and got to know their boat before heading offshore with the kids, finn (then 13), declan (then 11) and ivan (then 8), in tow. through trial and error we have become confident wayfarers, kind of. 
the plan? to sail around the world. 
part of the journey will be retracing rob's eldest brother kerry's travels at sea. using kerry's original letters from the 1970's we hope to retrace his movements from australia through indonesia and south east asia to cambodia where kerry's life was cut short after straying into cambodian waters in 1978. kerry and two friends were attacked by a khmer rouge gun boat, captured, tortured and executed.  www.brothernumberone.co.nz 
follow us in real time on instagram and facebook

#thecruisingkiwis",01/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,disgust,joy
https://www.tiktok.com/@cubanalinda_73/video/7323602674614570283,im watching you scroll!!! eradicate measles in philly! come on out if you are under vaccinated or not sure of your immunity.  #togetherwecan  #iseeyou #thisisimportant #philly @drala #fyp #noreaster #blizzard #makeup #blackpeople #marginalizedcommunities #blackwomenoftiktok #health #afrocubana #morningface #dontletthisflop #dosomethingamazing #letsgetdressed,im watching you scroll!!! eradicate measles in philly! come on out if you are under vaccinated or not sure of your immunity.  #togetherwecan  #iseeyou #thisisimportant #philly @drala #fyp #noreaster #blizzard #makeup #blackpeople #marginalizedcommunities #blackwomenoftiktok #health #afrocubana #morningface #dontletthisflop #dosomethingamazing #letsgetdressed,01/13/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@3mworld/video/7323517212306754848,#duet with @swb nhs trust #measles,#duet with @swb nhs trust #measles,01/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/video/measles-case-confirmed-in-camden-county-officials-tracing-source-of-infection/,"measles case confirmed in camden county, officials tracing source of infection",a person in camden county has a confirmed case of measles and visited two health care facilities in the county this month.,01/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/nomo_foundation/reel/C2DRwjNL9VS/,"#philadelphia #measles #outbreak
 monday 1-15-2024; 9-12pm @dralastanford will be providing #measlesvaccine  to unvaccinated children and adults. we will also test you if you've been exposed to measles & you're not sure if you're protected (immune) #nocost 2001 w. lehigh ave. 19132 #dralastanford #myculturemycare #vaccine","#philadelphia #measles #outbreak
 monday 1-15-2024; 9-12pm @dralastanford will be providing #measlesvaccine  to unvaccinated children and adults. we will also test you if you've been exposed to measles & you're not sure if you're protected (immune) #nocost 2001 w. lehigh ave. 19132 #dralastanford #myculturemycare #vaccine",01/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/rubin_allergy/reel/C2DURlfxgqM/,there are measles outbreaks in the philadelphia area and the uk. this is likely due to lower vaccination rates. we need 95% of a population vaccinated against measles in order to have herd immunity. #outbreak #viral #doctor,there are measles outbreaks in the philadelphia area and the uk. this is likely due to lower vaccination rates. we need 95% of a population vaccinated against measles in order to have herd immunity. #outbreak #viral #doctor,01/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/dralastanford/reel/C2DQEFmJm6V/,#philadelphia #measles #outbreak monday 1-15-2024; 9-12pm #measlesvaccine provided to unvaccinated children and adults. we will also test you if you've been exposed to measles & you're not sure if you're protected (immune) #nocost 2001 w. lehigh ave. 19132 #dralastanford #myculturemycare #vaccine,#philadelphia #measles #outbreak monday 1-15-2024; 9-12pm #measlesvaccine provided to unvaccinated children and adults. we will also test you if you've been exposed to measles & you're not sure if you're protected (immune) #nocost 2001 w. lehigh ave. 19132 #dralastanford #myculturemycare #vaccine,01/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/philbouchermd/reel/C2EJcHZoX64/,"measles versus flu, covid, rsv…measles is worse than all of the above and more contagious than all of them combined.

avoid unnatural interventions like iv fluids, antibiotics (for secondary infections), medicines to keep blood pressure from tanking, oxygen, etc. by not getting measles.

you don't have it on your radar because 92% of us children are immunized, but not everyone can be immunized and so we rely completely on others to protect our newborn infants (who can't get vaccine until 12 months of age) and immunocompromised like those on chemotherapy.  a child with measles who entered a daycare class with 12 infants…at least 11 would get infected, even if the infected child was only in the room for 10 minutes.

in the most recent outbreak in pa, one child (whose parents took child to hospital because so ill but then didn't abide by isolation protocols) infected multiple classmates who then had to be hospitalized.","measles versus flu, covid, rsv…measles is worse than all of the above and more contagious than all of them combined.

avoid unnatural interventions like iv fluids, antibiotics (for secondary infections), medicines to keep blood pressure from tanking, oxygen, etc. by not getting measles.

you don't have it on your radar because 92% of us children are immunized, but not everyone can be immunized and so we rely completely on others to protect our newborn infants (who can't get vaccine until 12 months of age) and immunocompromised like those on chemotherapy.  a child with measles who entered a daycare class with 12 infants…at least 11 would get infected, even if the infected child was only in the room for 10 minutes.

in the most recent outbreak in pa, one child (whose parents took child to hospital because so ill but then didn't abide by isolation protocols) infected multiple classmates who then had to be hospitalized.",01/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@marcelbgk/video/7323459500047109422,i like how this height is unreachable for 90% of the mobs in minecraft #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuilding #minecraftzombie #zombie #blocks #op #measles #fyp #fyp #minecrafter #minecraftkindadied #idontplayminecraftmuch,i like how this height is unreachable for 90% of the mobs in minecraft #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuilding #minecraftzombie #zombie #blocks #op #measles #fyp #fyp #minecrafter #minecraftkindadied #idontplayminecraftmuch,01/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/DrPhilBoucher/videos/measles-fyi/903810871021954/,Measles fyi,"Measles versus flu, covid, rsv…measles is worse than all of the above and more contagious than all of them combined. Avoid unnatural interventions like IV fluids, antibiotics (for secondary infections), medicines to keep blood pressure from tanking, oxygen, etc. by not getting measles. You don’t have it on your radar because 92% of US children are immunized, but not everyone can be immunized and so we rely completely on others to protect our newborn infants (who can’t get vaccine until 12 months of age) and immunocompromised like those on chemotherapy. A child with measles who entered a daycare class with 12 infants…at least 11 would get infected, even if the infected child was only in the room for 10 minutes. In the most recent outbreak in PA, one child (whose parents took child to hospital because so ill but then didn’t abide by isolation protocols) infected multiple classmates who then had to be hospitalized.",01/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=390Zyk2_-qc,"possible measles exposure reported in va, department of health says","the virginia department of health is out with an alert for people who may have been exposed to the measles. --------------------------------------------------------------------- stay connected and stay ahead with fox 5 dc subscribe to fox 5 dc on youtube  https://youtube.com/channel/fox5dc?su... read the latest local and national news on fox5dc.com  https://fox5dc.com/ watch fox 5 dc programming live  https://fox5dc.com/live get your local forecast from the fox 5 dc weather team  https://www.fox5dc.com/weather learn how to follow us on social media, download our news and weather mobile apps, find us on your smart tv and sign up for our daily newsletter  https://fox5dc.com/connect-with-fox-5... follow fox 5 dc on facebook  /fox5dc follow fox 5 dc on twitter  /fox5dc follow fox 5 dc instagram  /fox5dc vote in the daily fox 5 dc instapoll  https://fox5dc.com/instapoll fox 5 dc, wttg-tv and fox 5 plus, wdca-tv are owned-and-operated tv stations of the fox broadcasting company. we are located in washington, d.c. and serves the entire washington metropolitan area (including northern virginia, maryland, and the martinsburg, west virginia area). our studio is based in bethesda, maryland.",01/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ydSvOvlSN0,health officials in northern virginia are investigating potential measles exposures,a person who traveled through northern virginia after returning from international travel has a confirmed case of measles.,01/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@jesstheprequeldoesmiami/video/7324045609843969322,the philadelphia measles outbreak raises a lot of ethical questions about parenting and childcare #measlesoutbreak #childcare #parentingadvice #ethics101,the philadelphia measles outbreak raises a lot of ethical questions about parenting and childcare #measlesoutbreak #childcare #parentingadvice #ethics101,01/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uzG0gBbF_j0,නවත හිස එසවු සරමේප වලිනේ ඔබේ දරුව ආරකේෂිතද? measles disease/measles symptoms/measles treatment,"title: ""unveiling measles: symptoms, prevention, and myths debunked! ""

explore the world of measles in this informative youtube video!  understand the symptoms, transmission, and importance of vaccination (#mmrvaccine). learn how to recognize the early signs and the crucial role of isolation in preventing outbreaks. unravel the truth behind common myths surrounding measles and discover the power of #herdimmunity. join us in spreading awareness to protect communities against this highly contagious virus. your health matters! #measlesawareness #vaccinationmatters #publichealtheducation
නවත හිස එසවු සරමේප වලිනේ ඔබේ දරුව ආරකේෂිතද? measles disease/measles symptoms/measles treatment
මතෘකව: ""සරමේප හෙළිදරවේ කිරීම: රග ලකේෂණ, වළකේවීම සහ මිථේයවනේ ඉවතේ කර ඇත! ""

 මෙම තොරතුරු youtube වීඩියවෙනේ සරමේප ලකය ගවේෂණය කරනේන!   එනේනතේ කිරීමේ රග ලකේෂණ, සමේපේරේෂණය සහ වදගතේකම (#mmrvaccine) තේරුමේ ගනේන.  මුලේ රග ලකේෂණ හඳුන ගනේනේ කෙසේද සහ පුපුර යම වළකේවීමේ හුදකලවේ තීරණතේමක කරේයභරය ඉගෙන ගනේන.  සරමේප වට ඇති පොදු මිථේයවනේ පිටුපස ඇති සතේයය හෙළිදරවේ කර #herdimmunity හි බලය සොය ගනේන.  මෙම අධික ලෙස බවන වෛරසයට එරෙහිව පේරජවනේ ආරකේෂ කිරීම සඳහ දනුවතේ කිරීම සඳහ අප හ එකේවනේන.  ඔබේ සෞඛේයය වදගතේ වේ!  #සරමේප දනුවතේ කිරීම #එනේනතේ වදගතේ #මහජන සෞඛේය අධේයපනය",01/14/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0amR5YocTjs,হাম রোগের হোমিও ঔষধ ।। হাম রোগের ঔষধ ।।  measles disease ।। হাম রোগের লকষণ,"হাম রোগের হোমিও ঔষধ ।। হাম রোগের ঔষধ।।measles disease ।। হাম রোগের লকষণ 

আমি ডাকতার নিতযাননদ পাল।
আমার ইউিউব চযানেলে আপনাদের সবাগত।
আজ আমি যে রোগি সমপরকে আলোচনা করলাম সেি হল  হাম রোগে আপনারা কি কি হোমিও ঔষধ  বযাবহার করলে অবশযই উপকার পাবেন
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disclaimer - 

any information on diseases and treatments available at this channel is intended for general guidance only. always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional with questions you may have regarding your medical condition. our channel shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of access to or use of any content available on this channel. wishing you good health, fitness and happiness. 

thanks & regards
dr. aniruddha de

#drtasnimjara #drpranjalisrivastava #drpra",01/14/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@laughterinlight/video/7323829407515266335,"adults shoukd consider discussing a mmr and tdap booster with their doctor if not vaccinated in the last 10 years or have your antibody titers checked. for two years childhood vaccination has been below the cdc threshold vaccination rate to ensure herd immunity against #measles . the trend i started talking about in 2022 is not reversing and it is global.  the video i posted to bring awareness to chikdhood vaccination rates on december. 22nd 2023 @tiktok @tiktok creators  removed and gave me another #cgv . january 10th, 2024 another measles outbreak reported in the us. ","adults shoukd consider discussing a mmr and tdap booster with their doctor if not vaccinated in the last 10 years or have your antibody titers checked. for two years childhood vaccination has been below the cdc threshold vaccination rate to ensure herd immunity against #measles . the trend i started talking about in 2022 is not reversing and it is global.  the video i posted to bring awareness to chikdhood vaccination rates on december. 22nd 2023 @tiktok @tiktok creators  removed and gave me another #cgv . january 10th, 2024 another measles outbreak reported in the us. ",01/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@phitpharmacist/video/7324115121121316127,"pov: it€™s 2024 and we€™re still dealing with m e a s l e s€.really?? philadelphia is on high alert for new cases. measles is very c on tagious! ™ … c c i n a t e  that is all€. per nbc (january 10,2024) at least eight people have been diagnosed with measles in an outbreak that started last month in the philadelphia area. the most recent two cases were confirmed on monday. the outbreak began after a child who'd recently spent time in another country was admitted to the children€™s hospital of philadelphia (chop) with an i nfection, which was subsequently identified as measles. two of those i nfected at the hospital were a parent and child. the child had not been ™ accinated and the parent was offered medication usually given to un-™ accinated people that can prevent infection after exposure to measles, but refused it, (philadelphia inquirer)  despite quarantine instructions, the child was sent to day care on dec. 20 and 21.  the outbreak has led four people to be admitted to the hospital in addition to the two who were already hospitalized, the department said.","pov: it€™s 2024 and we€™re still dealing with m e a s l e s€.really?? philadelphia is on high alert for new cases. measles is very c on tagious! ™ … c c i n a t e  that is all€. per nbc (january 10,2024) at least eight people have been diagnosed with measles in an outbreak that started last month in the philadelphia area. the most recent two cases were confirmed on monday. the outbreak began after a child who'd recently spent time in another country was admitted to the children€™s hospital of philadelphia (chop) with an i nfection, which was subsequently identified as measles. two of those i nfected at the hospital were a parent and child. the child had not been ™ accinated and the parent was offered medication usually given to un-™ accinated people that can prevent infection after exposure to measles, but refused it, (philadelphia inquirer)  despite quarantine instructions, the child was sent to day care on dec. 20 and 21.  the outbreak has led four people to be admitted to the hospital in addition to the two who were already hospitalized, the department said.",01/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.facebook.com/BirminghamWomensHospital/videos/advice-on-measles-from-birmingham-gp/290328387364716/,advice on measles from birmingham gp,"as you may have seen in the news, there have been over 100 cases of measles across birmingham since october. measles can be dangerous in babies and young children and in some cases can lead to longer-term problems such as blindness. most people get vaccinated as a child which provides life-long immunity against measles. if you or your child hasn't had the vaccine, you can still get the vaccine. it's free on the nhs and available to everyone. here's some advice on measles and the vaccine from local gp, nadia wahid. symptoms of measles include a fever, flu-like symptoms, grey spots in the mouth and after a few days a rash may begin on the head and torso. if you think you may have measles, avoid contact with other people and call nhs 111 or your gp, who will advise you on what to do.",01/14/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@beckduff/video/7324158321034923306,@dr.andrealove #vaccines #immunology #measles #pennsylvania #outbreak #virus #antivaxxer #disinformationczar #science #scienceisreal #health #wellness #getthejab,@dr.andrealove #vaccines #immunology #measles #pennsylvania #outbreak #virus #antivaxxer #disinformationczar #science #scienceisreal #health #wellness #getthejab,01/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@meganjogoes/video/7324401077162364206,"#stitch with @dr. rubin, md if you received your mmr vaccination in the early 80€™s like me, you may no longer be immune. i found this out while pregnant - i would have never known otherwise!'‰ #mmrvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measles #measlesvaccine #mmr #fyp' #measles #greenscreen","#stitch with @dr. rubin, md if you received your mmr vaccination in the early 80€™s like me, you may no longer be immune. i found this out while pregnant - i would have never known otherwise!'‰ #mmrvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measles #measlesvaccine #mmr #fyp' #measles #greenscreen",01/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.facebook.com/UKHealthSecurityAgency/videos/measles-know-the-symptoms/402432302205053/,measles: know the symptoms,"#measles can be a serious infection that can lead to complications, especially in young children & those with weakened immune systems. measles spreads easily but it is preventable. make sure you & your loved ones are up to date with your #mmr jabs or catch up on any missed jabs.",01/15/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wtnh.com/video/health-headlines-what-to-know-about-spike-in-measles-cases/9330608/,health headlines: what to know about spike in measles cases,"dr. albert shaw, yale medicine infectious diseases specialist and professor of medicine at yale school of medicine, joined ann nyberg on news 8 at noon to discuss these health headlines.",01/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYlW-AUYxkM,"health officials warn travelers of measles exposure at dulles, reagan airports | nbc4 washington","people who traveled through reagan national airport or dulles international airport in early january may have been exposed to measles.
nbc4 washington / wrc-tv is the no. 1 broadcast television station and the home of the most-watched local news in washington, d.c. nbcwashington.com is the market's most-visited local television station website across all platforms.

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",01/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzMvTby5Pmk,measles | the facts,hayley is a children's matron. here she shares some facts about measles.,01/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drlauragp/video/7324288380349566240,"did you know that there are measles outbreaks occurring across europe and the uk? unfortunately our immunisation rates are below whats required for herd immunity leaving children vulnerable.

listen to the reel for more information but a little update below that came out from the icgp and hpsc since i recorded this.

a measles epidemic has been declared in romania - they have seen a resurgence of measles cases since the beginning of 2023 - mainly among unvaccinated children aged 0-9 years. the ecdc has concluded that this outbreak poses a rip of potential repeated exportation to other eu countries and potential transmission where vaccination coverage is low.

in ireland mmr1 uptake is below 90% nationally for the last 5 quarters and as low as 84% in some areas.

this means as gps we need to have a high index of suspicion for measles and for parents if you havent vaccinated your child - or if they missed the top up now is the time to consider it.

#measles #measlesoutbreak","did you know that there are measles outbreaks occurring across europe and the uk? unfortunately our immunisation rates are below whats required for herd immunity leaving children vulnerable.

listen to the reel for more information but a little update below that came out from the icgp and hpsc since i recorded this.

a measles epidemic has been declared in romania - they have seen a resurgence of measles cases since the beginning of 2023 - mainly among unvaccinated children aged 0-9 years. the ecdc has concluded that this outbreak poses a rip of potential repeated exportation to other eu countries and potential transmission where vaccination coverage is low.

in ireland mmr1 uptake is below 90% nationally for the last 5 quarters and as low as 84% in some areas.

this means as gps we need to have a high index of suspicion for measles and for parents if you havent vaccinated your child - or if they missed the top up now is the time to consider it.

#measles #measlesoutbreak",01/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/blackdoctorscovid19consortium/reel/C2H2D6VLPNS/,"mlk day 365
today, in this special day of service, get your measles, mumps and rubella, all childhood vaccines, flu and/or covid-19 vaccinations at the dr. ala stanford center for health equity from 9-12pm
no id required • no out of pocket cost
located at 2001 west lehigh avenue philadelphia., pa 19132
#service #access #equity #healthcare","mlk day 365
today, in this special day of service, get your measles, mumps and rubella, all childhood vaccines, flu and/or covid-19 vaccinations at the dr. ala stanford center for health equity from 9-12pm
no id required • no out of pocket cost
located at 2001 west lehigh avenue philadelphia., pa 19132
#service #access #equity #healthcare",01/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,surprise
https://www.instagram.com/georebekahjones/reel/C2IROBIxH2o/,"breaking: daycare at center of measles outbreak in philadelphia, pennsylvania  had certificate revoked for violations, including immunization and health violations. 

read the story: https://open.substack.com/pub/rebekahjones/p/measles-outbreak-in-pennsylvania?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=gc2sd","breaking: daycare at center of measles outbreak in philadelphia, pennsylvania  had certificate revoked for violations, including immunization and health violations. 

read the story: https://open.substack.com/pub/rebekahjones/p/measles-outbreak-in-pennsylvania?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=gc2sd",01/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@shannonschott.esq/video/7324430456424811818,#stitch with @miami cougar #measles #measlesvaccine #measlesrubella #measlesoutbreak #measlesvirus #philadelphia #daycarelife #daycareprovider,#stitch with @miami cougar #measles #measlesvaccine #measlesrubella #measlesoutbreak #measlesvirus #philadelphia #daycarelife #daycareprovider,01/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@georebekah/video/7324375752781155626,"#breaking: #school at center of #measles #outbreak  in #philadelphia #pennsylvania  had certificate revoked for violations, including #immunization and #health violations.  #disease #fyp #infectious #mmr #vaccines","#breaking: #school at center of #measles #outbreak  in #philadelphia #pennsylvania  had certificate revoked for violations, including #immunization and #health violations.  #disease #fyp #infectious #mmr #vaccines",01/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@swbhnhs/video/7324713399290563872,here are some facts about measles. #measles #measlesoutbreak #measlesawareness #measlesvirus #measlesvaccine #measlessymptoms #rash #cold #nhs #nhsnurse #virus,here are some facts about measles. #measles #measlesoutbreak #measlesawareness #measlesvirus #measlesvaccine #measlessymptoms #rash #cold #nhs #nhsnurse #virus,01/16/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,anger,anger
https://www.tiktok.com/@aribrownmd/video/7324716607874288942,#greenscreen measles outbreak- how to protect your child; & why did this kid go back to daycare? #itscontagious #measles #vaccine #sickbabies #babytips,#greenscreen measles outbreak- how to protect your child; & why did this kid go back to daycare? #itscontagious #measles #vaccine #sickbabies #babytips,01/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@hoochie.harry/video/7324849628770323754,"travelers potentially to measles at washington, dc airport today 1/16/24. #measles #dc #virginia #airport #newsalert #outbreak #contagious #reagannationalairport #attentiontravelers #dullesinternationalairport #newsupdate #measlesoutbreak2024 #today #1/16/24 #election2024 #wakeup #awareness #fyp","travelers potentially to measles at washington, dc airport today 1/16/24. #measles #dc #virginia #airport #newsalert #outbreak #contagious #reagannationalairport #attentiontravelers #dullesinternationalairport #newsupdate #measlesoutbreak2024 #today #1/16/24 #election2024 #wakeup #awareness #fyp",01/16/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Syo-H1m56fQ,"abc world news tonight with david muir full broadcast - jan. 16, 2024","less than 24 hours after donald trump's landslide victory in the iowa caucuses, rachel scott has the latest on how candidates are turning their focus to new hampshire's first-in-the-nation republican primary; stephanie ramos has details on the new murder charge against alleged gilgo beach serial killer rex heuermann; matt gutman reports on the new round of airstrikes carried out by the u.s. against iranian-backed houthis in yemen; and more on tonight's broadcast of world news tonight with david muir.
00:00 intro 
05:32 trump turns to new hampshire after landslide victory in iowa caucuses
08:55 record-breaking arctic blast brings storms across the u.s.
10:56 alleged gilgo beach serial killer rex heuermann charged with fourth murder
11:27 passenger jets collide at japanese airport 2 weeks after deadly tokyo airport crash
11:45 at least 17 injured after 2 explosions in ukraine
13:47 u.s. carries out new round of airstrikes against houthis in yemen
14:09 lawmakers unveil new $78 billion bipartisan tax deal
14:41 court rules jack smith can access donald trump's twitter records
15:18 2 nypd officers wounded in brooklyn shooting
15:55 abc news obtains copy of defense secy. lloyd austin 911 call
16:11 10-year-old boy recovering from shark attack at bahamas resort: police
16:47 judge blocks $3.8 billion jetblue-spirit airlines merger
17:13 health officials warn some washington, d.c. travelers about possible measles exposure
17:33 beloved philadelphia eagles star jason kelce reportedly retiring
19:24 america strong: utah firefighter rescues dog from frozen pond
abc world news tonight with david muir delivers the news that matters most. watch to get the latest news stories and headlines from around the world. 
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#worldnewstonight #davidmuir #news #abcnews
#newhampshire #donaldtrump #nikkihaley #rondesantis #weather #travel #storm #longisland #gilgobeach #rexheuermann #airstrike #yemen",01/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3crCmTRIKU,potential measles exposure at dc-area airports,"virginia is warning travelers that they may have been exposed to measles earlier this month at the two airports in the washington, d.c., area.

subscribe to the wavy youtube channel: https://bit.ly/3al4dnp
get updates on local news, weather, sports and more impacting hampton roads and northeastern north carolina. follow wavy tv 10 on our website and social channels.

https://www.wavy.com/sports/local-sports/",01/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI9km22P8GQ,සරමේප වල රග ලකේෂණ මෙනේන/measles symptomsmeasles treatment/measles disease/,"title: ""measles signs and symptoms demystified! ""

dive into the world of measles with our latest video! ♂ uncover the telltale signs and symptoms of this contagious virus. from the classic rash to fever and cough, we break down everything you need to know for early detection.  explore the importance of swift diagnosis and learn why recognizing symptoms matters. don't miss this crucial information on #measlessymptoms! share to spread awareness and empower others. #healtheducation #measlesawareness #earlydetection 
සරමේප වල රග ලකේෂණ මෙනේන/measles symptomsmeasles treatment/measles disease/
මතෘකව: ""සරමේප රග ලකේෂණ සහ රග ලකේෂණ ඉවතේ කර ඇත! ""

 අපගේ නවතම වීඩියව සමිනේ සරමේප ලකයට කිමිදෙනේන!  ♂ මෙම බවන වෛරසයේ පේරකිත ලකේෂණ සහ රග ලකේෂණ අනවරණය කරගනේන.  සමේභවේය කසීමේ සිට උණ සහ කසේස දකේව, කලිනේ හඳුන ගනීම සඳහ ඔබ දනගත යුතු සියලේල අපි බිඳ දමමු.   ඉකේමනේ රග විනිේචය කිරීමේ වදගතේකම ගවේෂණය කර රග ලකේෂණ හඳුන ගනීම වදගතේ වනේනේ මනේදයි ඉගෙන ගනේන.  #measles symptoms පිළිබඳ මෙම තීරණතේමක තොරතුරු අතපසු නොකරනේන!  දනුවතේ කිරීමට සහ අනේ අය සවිබල ගනේවීමට share කරනේන.  #සෞඛේය අධේයපනය #සරමේප දනුවතේ කිරීම #කලිනේ හඳුනගනීම ",01/16/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,disgust,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIqNNtWmBIU,16 january 2024 - statement to the press,"dr. hans kluge, who regional director for europe, highlighted the life-saving impact of covid-19 vaccines in the european region during a press briefing on 16 january 2024.  he stated that the vaccines prevented around 1.4 million deaths, especially among those over 60. the vaccines reduced deaths by 57% from december 2020 to march 2023, with booster doses alone saving approximately 700,000 lives. he emphasized the continued importance of vaccination for high-risk groups and noted the current spread of other respiratory viruses like influenza, rsv, and measles. the new sars-cov-2 variant jn.1 is now dominant, and while not more severe, it underscores the need for ongoing virus surveillance. kluge urged continued protective measures against respiratory infections and expressed concern about health being deprioritized politically, stressing the need for readiness against new pathogens and support for health workers.",01/16/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YIqNNtWmBIU&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.who.int%2Faustria%2Fnews%2Fitem%2F16-01-2024-statement---covid-19-vaccines-saved-at-least-1.4-million-lives-in-the-european-&feature=emb_imp_woyt,16 january 2024 - statement to the press,"dr. hans kluge, who regional director for europe, highlighted the life-saving impact of covid-19 vaccines in the european region during a press briefing on 16 january 2024.  he stated that the vaccines prevented around 1.4 million deaths, especially among those over 60. the vaccines reduced deaths by 57% from december 2020 to march 2023, with booster doses alone saving approximately 700,000 lives. he emphasized the continued importance of vaccination for high-risk groups and noted the current spread of other respiratory viruses like influenza, rsv, and measles. the new sars-cov-2 variant jn.1 is now dominant, and while not more severe, it underscores the need for ongoing virus surveillance. kluge urged continued protective measures against respiratory infections and expressed concern about health being deprioritized politically, stressing the need for readiness against new pathogens and support for health workers.",01/16/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YIqNNtWmBIU&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.who.int%2Fbulgaria%2Fnews%2Fitem%2F16-01-2024-statement---covid-19-vaccines-saved-at-least-1.4-million-lives-in-the-european&feature=emb_imp_woyt,16 january 2024 - statement to the press,"dr. hans kluge, who regional director for europe, highlighted the life-saving impact of covid-19 vaccines in the european region during a press briefing on 16 january 2024.  he stated that the vaccines prevented around 1.4 million deaths, especially among those over 60. the vaccines reduced deaths by 57% from december 2020 to march 2023, with booster doses alone saving approximately 700,000 lives. he emphasized the continued importance of vaccination for high-risk groups and noted the current spread of other respiratory viruses like influenza, rsv, and measles. the new sars-cov-2 variant jn.1 is now dominant, and while not more severe, it underscores the need for ongoing virus surveillance. kluge urged continued protective measures against respiratory infections and expressed concern about health being deprioritized politically, stressing the need for readiness against new pathogens and support for health workers.",01/16/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YIqNNtWmBIU&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.who.int%2Fmalta%2Fnews%2Fitem%2F16-01-2024-statement---covid-19-vaccines-saved-at-least-1.4-million-lives-in-the-european-re&feature=emb_imp_woyt,16 january 2024 - statement to the press,"dr. hans kluge, who regional director for europe, highlighted the life-saving impact of covid-19 vaccines in the european region during a press briefing on 16 january 2024.  he stated that the vaccines prevented around 1.4 million deaths, especially among those over 60. the vaccines reduced deaths by 57% from december 2020 to march 2023, with booster doses alone saving approximately 700,000 lives. he emphasized the continued importance of vaccination for high-risk groups and noted the current spread of other respiratory viruses like influenza, rsv, and measles. the new sars-cov-2 variant jn.1 is now dominant, and while not more severe, it underscores the need for ongoing virus surveillance. kluge urged continued protective measures against respiratory infections and expressed concern about health being deprioritized politically, stressing the need for readiness against new pathogens and support for health workers.",01/16/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ny8XHmuBdz4,"since 2020, the world's 5 wealthiest  have seen their combined fortunes soar from $405 b to $869 b.","latest news headlines for tuesday january 16, 2024 - since 2020, the world's five wealthiest individuals have seen their combined fortunes soar from $405 billion to $869 billion. meanwhile, nearly 5 billion people globally have experienced a decline in wealth, as highlighted in a recent report urging public intervention against rising inequality.

oxfam's inequality inc., released in conjunction with the world economic forum's commencement, notes that the covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated wealth disparities, with extreme wealth surging as global poverty persists. the report warns that if this trend continues, the world may see its first trillionaire in a decade.

the ukrainian military has claimed a significant achievement by shooting down two russian aircraft over the sea of azov, including an a-50 early warning and control aircraft.

ukraine's armed forces commander-in-chief valerii zaluzhnyi announced via telegram that, alongside the a-50, an il-22m airborne command post and electronic intelligence aircraft were downed. ukrainian media reports corroborated zaluzhnyi's claim, emphasizing the strategic significance of these russian aircraft.

the biden administration has formally requested texas authorities to permit federal border patrol agents access to a section of the u.s. southern border currently controlled by state national guard soldiers. the administration has labeled these restrictions as ""clearly unconstitutional,"" as per a recent letter.

should texas's national guard disregard the biden administration's directive and continue hindering border patrol access to a public park in eagle pass, the department of homeland security intends to involve the justice department and examine alternative measures.

ecuador's security forces have successfully regained control of several prisons previously overrun by gang members, following the release of over 200 officials held captive inside.

the country's ongoing security crisis escalated last week as the government and major narcotic gangs entered open conflict, spurred by the jailbreak of a notorious drug lord. gang-controlled riots erupted in prisons, resulting in hostage-taking of guards and staff. concurrently, a surge of street violence has claimed 19 lives.

residents and activists in rankin county, mississippi, are demanding the removal of the county sheriff following repeated sentencing delays for deputies convicted of torturing and sexually abusing two black individuals.

tasha parker, co-chair of the local organizing committee, emphasized the need for orderly leadership for a just system. the rankin naacp, local organizing committee, and local residents held a press conference on january 15 to address the second postponement of sentencing for the six former officers convicted in august 2023.

the trial of victoria jacobs, an uzbekistan native accused of financing syrian-based terrorist groups with cryptocurrency, commenced with opening statements on tuesday.

jacobs is charged with laundering $10,661 for malhama tactical through cryptocurrency, western union, and moneygram transfers from global supporters, and directing the funds to bitcoin wallets controlled by the group. the indictment also alleges she bought google play gift cards for the organization.

secretary of defense lloyd austin was discharged from the hospital on monday after a two-week stay for an infection following prostate cancer surgery.

austin's hospitalization, initially undisclosed to officials, sparked controversy and calls for investigation among lawmakers. the department of defense stated, ""the secretary is recuperating well and will, as per doctors' advice, continue his duties remotely before returning full-time to the pentagon.""

in response to a measles outbreak in philadelphia, a group of doctors is providing free measles vaccines to the community.

the philadelphia department of public health has confirmed eight cases of measles since late december, all in unvaccinated individuals. the outbreak began with a child admitted to children's hospital of philadelphia in december, where at least three other unvaccinated children were subsequently exposed and infected.
--",01/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,joy
https://www.tiktok.com/@xmonkeysoup303x/video/7324909372486815022,virginia dept. of health has issued a warning of possible exposure to measles if you have traveled through reagan or dulles airport on jan 3-4 2024. #fyp #virginia #measles #exposure #news #reaganinternationalairport #dullesinternationalairport #traveltiktok #usa,virginia dept. of health has issued a warning of possible exposure to measles if you have traveled through reagan or dulles airport on jan 3-4 2024. #fyp #virginia #measles #exposure #news #reaganinternationalairport #dullesinternationalairport #traveltiktok #usa,01/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/mayoclinic/reel/C2KsVM_tgXQ/,"you don't hear much about measles anymore, but health officials in philadelphia are keeping an eye on an outbreak in that city. to date, there have been eight confirmed cases since the investigation began in december.

dr. nipunie rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at mayo clinic children's center, says measles is one of the most contagious infections. there can be serious complications which is why vaccination is so important.

learn more at the link in our bio.

#measles #mmrvaccine #infectiousdiseases #measlesoutbreak","you don't hear much about measles anymore, but health officials in philadelphia are keeping an eye on an outbreak in that city. to date, there have been eight confirmed cases since the investigation began in december.

dr. nipunie rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at mayo clinic children's center, says measles is one of the most contagious infections. there can be serious complications which is why vaccination is so important.

learn more at the link in our bio.

#measles #mmrvaccine #infectiousdiseases #measlesoutbreak",01/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@mrswesst/video/7324787049033223455,#measles #breakout #airports #breakingnews,#measles #breakout #airports #breakingnews,01/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,surprise
https://www.tiktok.com/@verno2085/video/7324840128373902638,#breakingnews #news #politics   breaking: travelers at dulles and reagan airports may have been exposed to a highly contagious measles virus linked to an international traveler,#breakingnews #news #politics   breaking: travelers at dulles and reagan airports may have been exposed to a highly contagious measles virus linked to an international traveler,01/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@awkwardmama107/video/7324785182261677354,"health officials in virginia are warning travelers at dulles and reagan airports that they may have been exposed to highly contagious measles. the virginia department of health says the warning is linked to an international traveler, who was at the international arrivals at dulles airport between four and eight o'clock on wednesday, january the third, then at terminal a and reagan airport the following day, between 2:30 and 6:30 in the afternoon, they added the virus can stay in the air as long as two hours after the presence of an infected person and for those who stepped foot in the airports to watch for symptoms until january the 20th... #health #officials #in #virginia #warning #travelers #about #exposure #highly #contagious #measles ","health officials in virginia are warning travelers at dulles and reagan airports that they may have been exposed to highly contagious measles. the virginia department of health says the warning is linked to an international traveler, who was at the international arrivals at dulles airport between four and eight o'clock on wednesday, january the third, then at terminal a and reagan airport the following day, between 2:30 and 6:30 in the afternoon, they added the virus can stay in the air as long as two hours after the presence of an infected person and for those who stepped foot in the airports to watch for symptoms until january the 20th... #health #officials #in #virginia #warning #travelers #about #exposure #highly #contagious #measles ",01/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@awkwardmama_107/video/7324790406674173226,"health officials in virginia are warning travelers at dulles and reagan airports that they may have been exposed to highly contagious measles. the virginia department of health says the warning is linked to an international traveler, who was at the international arrivals at dulles airport between four and eight o'clock on wednesday, january the third, then at terminal a and reagan airport the following day, between 2:30 and 6:30 in the afternoon, they added the virus can stay in the air as long as two hours after the presence of an infected person and for those who stepped foot in the airports to watch for symptoms until january the 20th... #health #officials #in #virginia #warning #travelers #about #exposure #highly #contagious #measles ","health officials in virginia are warning travelers at dulles and reagan airports that they may have been exposed to highly contagious measles. the virginia department of health says the warning is linked to an international traveler, who was at the international arrivals at dulles airport between four and eight o'clock on wednesday, january the third, then at terminal a and reagan airport the following day, between 2:30 and 6:30 in the afternoon, they added the virus can stay in the air as long as two hours after the presence of an infected person and for those who stepped foot in the airports to watch for symptoms until january the 20th... #health #officials #in #virginia #warning #travelers #about #exposure #highly #contagious #measles ",01/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@withlovefromplanetb/video/7324744999386484011,#greenscreenvideo #greenscreen #doctortok #measles #sspe #fyp,#greenscreenvideo #greenscreen #doctortok #measles #sspe #fyp,01/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@kvdij75/video/7324990707721293102,"officials warn of measles exposure at dulles, reagan airports#news","officials warn of measles exposure at dulles, reagan airports#news",01/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPd29LrQMw4,what vaccination rate is needed to prevent a measles outbreak?,"a measles outbreak is causing concern for health officials in philadelphia, but they say the public should be reassured by the city's 93% vaccination rate -- but is that enough to prevent an even larger outbreak? cbs news correspondent stephen stock reports.",01/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://abcnews.go.com/Health/video/downward-trend-measles-vaccination-rates-health-experts-concerned-106461674,downward trend in measles vaccination rates has health experts concerned,the national vaccination rate for kindergarten-aged children dropped from 95% in 2019-2020 to 93% in the 2022-23 school year.,01/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,sadness
https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/video/9-total-measles-cases-reported-in-and-around-philadelphia-health-department-said/,"9 total measles cases reported in and around philadelphia, health department said",the philadelphia department of public health confirmed a new case of measles earlier this week.,01/17/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/video/another-confirmed-measles-case-reported-in-philadelphia/,another confirmed measles case reported in philadelphia,the philadelphia health department says it's the fifth case associated with an outbreak at a day care.,01/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/video/what-vaccination-rate-is-needed-to-prevent-a-measles-outbreak/,what vaccination rate is needed to prevent a measles outbreak?,"a measles outbreak is causing concern for health officials in philadelphia, but they say the public should be reassured by the city's 93% vaccination rate -- but is that enough to prevent an even larger outbreak? cbs news correspondent stephen stock reports.",01/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/video/vaccine-vigilance-what-does-it-take-to-protect-a-community-from-measles/,vaccine vigilance: what does it take to protect a community from measles?,experts say a community with a vaccination rate of 95% or higher is enough to prevent measles from spreading when a case occurs. learn the symptoms to look for.,01/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://abcnews-nwsdynamic.aws.seabcnews.go.com/Health/video/downward-trend-measles-vaccination-rates-health-experts-concerned-106461674,downward trend in measles vaccination rates has health experts concerned,the national vaccination rate for kindergarten-aged children dropped from 95% in 2019-2020 to 93% in the 2022-23 school year.,01/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,sadness
https://abcnews-nwsdynamic.aws.seabcnews.go.com/WNT/video/health-officials-warn-measles-exposure-airports-106428609,health officials warn of measles exposure at airports,health officials warn of measles exposure at airports,01/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@doctarz/video/7325128832447434015,possible measles sighting. #medicine #doctor #wearfigs #figsambassador #capcut,possible measles sighting. #medicine #doctor #wearfigs #figsambassador #capcut,01/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@abcworldnews/video/7325156946925915435,"health officials are alerting passengers about possible measles exposure after an infected person passed through two airports in washington, d.c. david muir has the details. #worldnewstonight #wnt #davidmuir #health #measles #vaccine","health officials are alerting passengers about possible measles exposure after an infected person passed through two airports in washington, d.c. david muir has the details. #worldnewstonight #wnt #davidmuir #health #measles #vaccine",01/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@beachgem10/video/7325209549340691755,"measles outbreak in philadelphia, including several kids at a daycare and some requiring hospitalization! measles is very contagious and has many complications #outbreak #philly #measles #vaccine #rash

disclaimer: for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice or replace the advice of your physician.","measles outbreak in philadelphia, including several kids at a daycare and some requiring hospitalization! measles is very contagious and has many complications #outbreak #philly #measles #vaccine #rash

disclaimer: for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice or replace the advice of your physician.",01/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@crook9370/video/7324988564347850014,"officials warn of measles exposure at dulles, reagan airports #news","officials warn of measles exposure at dulles, reagan airports #news",01/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@findkenzie/video/7325108656092007722,anxiety overload #momlife #postpartumjourney #momtips #raisingbaby #babythings #babylife #measles #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine,anxiety overload #momlife #postpartumjourney #momtips #raisingbaby #babythings #babylife #measles #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine,01/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@lotion0809/video/7324987079228673326,"officials warn of measles exposure at dulles, reagan airports#news","officials warn of measles exposure at dulles, reagan airports#news",01/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jebp5_j8HgQ,vaccine vigilance: what does it take to protect a community from measles?,experts say a community with a vaccination rate of 95% or higher is enough to prevent measles from spreading when a case occurs. learn the symptoms to look for.,01/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkp7loaOBFc,measles (tita),"alaye lori measles (tita) ti o da lori awon ami, ikolu, ati awon idoju ti o wa ninu arun measles.",01/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@jicbn6/video/7324989742594952490,"officials warn of measles exposure at dulles, reagan airports#news","officials warn of measles exposure at dulles, reagan airports#news",01/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@pnw.feminist/video/7325151874263387434,@shannon schott go watxh shannons video! awesome content!  #measlesoutbreak,@shannon schott go watxh shannons video! awesome content!  #measlesoutbreak,01/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@withlovefromplanetb/video/7325141962129001774,#stitch with @drzain hasan #measles #mmr #fyp,#stitch with @drzain hasan #measles #mmr #fyp,01/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drsampsondavis/reel/C2NbJLbujXh/,measles outbreak - @nbcnews,measles outbreak - @nbcnews,01/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2Oc_uosT2-/,"salam elisa ☺

indonesia berkomitmen untuk mencapai eliminasi penyakit campak (measles) dan pengendalian penyakit rubella (congenital rubella syndrome) pada tahun 2020. salah satu strateginya dengan melaksanakan imunisasi measles rubella (mr). upaya ini untuk memutuskan transmisi penularan virus campak dan rubella secara cepat. tidak ada pengobatan untuk penyakit campak dan rubella, namun penyakit ini dapat dicegah. 

yuk simak penjelesan dari dokter kami, untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang imunisasi campak. semoga bermanfaat 
informasi lebih lanjut, bisa menghubungi  customer service kami di nomor:
* wa : 0811 3653 657
* ig : @klinikelisa

#klinikelisa #demam #ruam #vaksinasi #vaksinmr #kesehatan","salam elisa ☺

indonesia berkomitmen untuk mencapai eliminasi penyakit campak (measles) dan pengendalian penyakit rubella (congenital rubella syndrome) pada tahun 2020. salah satu strateginya dengan melaksanakan imunisasi measles rubella (mr). upaya ini untuk memutuskan transmisi penularan virus campak dan rubella secara cepat. tidak ada pengobatan untuk penyakit campak dan rubella, namun penyakit ini dapat dicegah. 

yuk simak penjelesan dari dokter kami, untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang imunisasi campak. semoga bermanfaat 
informasi lebih lanjut, bisa menghubungi  customer service kami di nomor:
* wa : 0811 3653 657
* ig : @klinikelisa

#klinikelisa #demam #ruam #vaksinasi #vaksinmr #kesehatan",01/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drsampsondavis/reel/C2NknSVOhuh/,"measles - symptoms, treatment & spread. tune in with @morgankradford & @vickynguyentv as we discussed the rise in measles cases @nbcnewsnow

#measles #vaccination #treatment #quarantine #immunoglobuline","measles - symptoms, treatment & spread. tune in with @morgankradford & @vickynguyentv as we discussed the rise in measles cases @nbcnewsnow

#measles #vaccination #treatment #quarantine #immunoglobuline",01/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@herbalessence_ng/video/7325172184295509253,"growing up we heard so many stories about measles, infact there was a boy i knew back then which i was told measles makes this boy go deafhe was not born that way. at some point the thing became rampant that our last born and some other boys we lived together that time in a 10 rooms face me, i slap you apartment, contracted this illness then and 1 boy died my brother survived it because of god and herbal remedies (like hanging akoko leaf at the entrance of our room, putting tangiri all over the room, writing on the wall with ifun and many more like that) so i can tell you measles can be deadly if not well treated! so i€™m here to share this remedy out of my own will. get these 4 leafs: ewe kataba/taba ewe ewuro ewe shayo  ewe mafowo komomi  pound together and add any quantity of your choice of soap. it can be use to bath, add to water to drink, add to alcohol to rub body and many more. use this and testify  #herbalessence_ng #abeokutakayanmata1 ","growing up we heard so many stories about measles, infact there was a boy i knew back then which i was told measles makes this boy go deafhe was not born that way. at some point the thing became rampant that our last born and some other boys we lived together that time in a 10 rooms face me, i slap you apartment, contracted this illness then and 1 boy died my brother survived it because of god and herbal remedies (like hanging akoko leaf at the entrance of our room, putting tangiri all over the room, writing on the wall with ifun and many more like that) so i can tell you measles can be deadly if not well treated! so i€™m here to share this remedy out of my own will. get these 4 leafs: ewe kataba/taba ewe ewuro ewe shayo  ewe mafowo komomi  pound together and add any quantity of your choice of soap. it can be use to bath, add to water to drink, add to alcohol to rub body and many more. use this and testify  #herbalessence_ng #abeokutakayanmata1 ",01/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,anger,anger
https://www.tiktok.com/@user3834717245023/video/7324991283322195231,"officials warn of measles exposure at dulles, reagan airports#news","officials warn of measles exposure at dulles, reagan airports#news",01/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@publichealthforparents/video/7325220433052060970,did you know? follow for subsequent parts of this #measles series. #publichealth #parenting,did you know? follow for subsequent parts of this #measles series. #publichealth #parenting,01/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@jpall20/video/7325131065272569130,i really hope that #alexistomacruz is found safe #virginia #dc #measles #missingperson #paris #caves #babyshower #sealand #mice #mouse #snowtornado #memoryfoam #greenscreen,i really hope that #alexistomacruz is found safe #virginia #dc #measles #missingperson #paris #caves #babyshower #sealand #mice #mouse #snowtornado #memoryfoam #greenscreen,01/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@publichealthforparents/video/7325536042805660971,today lets chat about #measles protection from the #mmr #vaccine #measlesoutbreak #publichealth #parenting ,today lets chat about #measles protection from the #mmr #vaccine #measlesoutbreak #publichealth #parenting ,01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@microbiologywes/video/7325494642919738666,"replying to @bellalumba01 don't forget, polio disappeared. and measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria... #microbiologywes","replying to @bellalumba01 don't forget, polio disappeared. and measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria... #microbiologywes",01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@tinytotserdocs/video/7325513338216090923,"double  and share with other parents about this outbreak! as pediatric er doctors, we have seen several cases of measles in unvaccinated children over the years. these children were either too young to be vaccinated, came from a foreign country without vaccine availability, or by family choice.  the current measles outbreak is affecting unvaccinated residents who live in and around philadelphia. there are several other states that have reported cases of measles, including new jersey, delaware and washington state.  if you or your family traveled through either dulles airport or ronald reagan airport in the dc area on january 3 or january 4, you may have been exposed. monitor for symptoms, quarantine at home and contact your doctor or local health department for next steps.  drop your questions below.  #measles #outbreak #philly #vaccine #rash #sickkids #pediatrics content not medical advice. ","double  and share with other parents about this outbreak! as pediatric er doctors, we have seen several cases of measles in unvaccinated children over the years. these children were either too young to be vaccinated, came from a foreign country without vaccine availability, or by family choice.  the current measles outbreak is affecting unvaccinated residents who live in and around philadelphia. there are several other states that have reported cases of measles, including new jersey, delaware and washington state.  if you or your family traveled through either dulles airport or ronald reagan airport in the dc area on january 3 or january 4, you may have been exposed. monitor for symptoms, quarantine at home and contact your doctor or local health department for next steps.  drop your questions below.  #measles #outbreak #philly #vaccine #rash #sickkids #pediatrics content not medical advice. ",01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@johncolbert29/video/7325541628372929834,"time for another episode of #speakingtruthtobs we really need to re-educate people in the united states of america about vaccines and how they work and why it's important to get vaccinated! it's not some grand conspiracy theory against a political candidate! they're not going to release three pulses from the 5g towers and turn everybody into zombies! this is a public health safety issue! we don't need smallpox and measles and other things coming back and becoming a problem, we had them eliminated at one time because of vaccinations and herd immunity! that's just a 100% fact! please educate yourselves and get vaccinated, for all of the things! we do not need smallpox and measles to make a comeback!  thanks, have a good day  there's some truth for you!","time for another episode of #speakingtruthtobs we really need to re-educate people in the united states of america about vaccines and how they work and why it's important to get vaccinated! it's not some grand conspiracy theory against a political candidate! they're not going to release three pulses from the 5g towers and turn everybody into zombies! this is a public health safety issue! we don't need smallpox and measles and other things coming back and becoming a problem, we had them eliminated at one time because of vaccinations and herd immunity! that's just a 100% fact! please educate yourselves and get vaccinated, for all of the things! we do not need smallpox and measles to make a comeback!  thanks, have a good day  there's some truth for you!",01/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@mgdoesyoga/video/7325486083314044206,yall be careful out in these #atlanta streets! #measles,yall be careful out in these #atlanta streets! #measles,01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/UKHealthSecurityAgency/videos/measles-can-be-a-serious-infection-that-can-lead-to-complications-especially-in-/1146673820039635/,"measles can be a serious infection that can lead to complications, especially in young children & those with weakened immune systems. it's important to know the symptoms and what to do if you think you or your child has measles.
measles spreads easily but it is preventable. make sure you & your loved ones are up to date with your #mmr jabs or catch up on any missed jabs.","measles can be a serious infection that can lead to complications, especially in young children & those with weakened immune systems. it's important to know the symptoms and what to do if you think you or your child has measles.
measles spreads easily but it is preventable. make sure you & your loved ones are up to date with your #mmr jabs or catch up on any missed jabs.",01/18/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CPoO0Cnnzg,doctors concerned as measles outbreaks occur in some pockets of the us,"in today's health alert, measles outbreaks are still happening in various parts of the us, even though there's a highly effective vaccine.",01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@rubin_allergy/video/7325458640985394474,the measles outbreak in the united states and uk is growing. lower vaccination coverage is most likely the reason for this. #viral #outbreak #tiktokdoc #learnonitkok,the measles outbreak in the united states and uk is growing. lower vaccination coverage is most likely the reason for this. #viral #outbreak #tiktokdoc #learnonitkok,01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81mVx-0LncQ,"with one case of measles in georgia, health experts say 'prevention is key'",the georgia department of health reported there is one case of measles in the state.,01/18/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@doctorazmain/video/7325453625759632672,"uk measles outbreak 2024 - doctor explains!

#measles #measlesoutbreak #measlesrash #measlesvaccine #mmrvaccine #autism #flu #virus #infection #outbreak #measles2024 #doctorazmain #drazmain #drazmainexplains #drazmainreacts #doctorexplains #doctorreacts #nhs #healthnews #healthtips #viral #fyp #capcut","uk measles outbreak 2024 - doctor explains!

#measles #measlesoutbreak #measlesrash #measlesvaccine #mmrvaccine #autism #flu #virus #infection #outbreak #measles2024 #doctorazmain #drazmain #drazmainexplains #drazmainreacts #doctorexplains #doctorreacts #nhs #healthnews #healthtips #viral #fyp #capcut",01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@theaustinayers/video/7325521066041019694,jan 18 - outbreak #philly #philadelphia #measles #measlesoutbreak #bingocard2024,jan 18 - outbreak #philly #philadelphia #measles #measlesoutbreak #bingocard2024,01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@parnting/video/7325497672377388331,measles outbreak updates | measles is a highly contagious virus for unvaccinated individuals. please contact your healthcare provider and isolate immediately if you have been exposed to measles and if you are showing symptoms. #measles #publichealth #virus #measlesoutbreak #atlanta #philly #unitedkingdom #dc,measles outbreak updates | measles is a highly contagious virus for unvaccinated individuals. please contact your healthcare provider and isolate immediately if you have been exposed to measles and if you are showing symptoms. #measles #publichealth #virus #measlesoutbreak #atlanta #philly #unitedkingdom #dc,01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQU0uFKpBvM,doctors warned to watch out for measles in children this winter due to anti-vax parents,"doctors have been given an unprecedented warning to watch out for measles in children this winter.

the royal college of paediatrics and child health said cases are on the rise because parents are not vaccinating their children.

britain officially eradicated the disease in 2016 and 2017 but the fast-spreading virus has since returned.

and for the first time, the rcpch has added a measles warning to its yearly advice for doctors on how to deal with winter coughing bugs and flu.

posters warning them to ""think measles when treating kids could also go up in hospitals.

rcpch president dr camilla kingdon said: ""having to consider measles in our national guidance for the first time in decades is a disappointing but necessary move.

""vaccination coverage for children is now the lowest it's been in ten years.

""we're already starting to see outbreaks in london, wales and leicester.

""many paediatricians live in fear of measles outbreaks this winter — they could bring our already fragile nhs to its knees.

one in seven children is currently unprotected by the mmr (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccination at the age of five.

read more: https://www.thesun.co.uk/health/24798407/doctors-warning-measles/

read more: https://www.thesun.co.uk/health/24939444/west-midlands-uk-measles-cases-family-risk/

the sun health brings you everything you need to know from the world of well being. 

from the latest covid-19 news, to advice and explainers from our resident experts. 

become a sun health subscriber and hit the bell to be the first to know.

read the sun health: https://www.thesun.co.uk/health/
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follow the sun on twitter: https://twitter.com/thesun",01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APWVHdzsJIo,"measles case reported in metro atlanta, state health officials say","measles case reported in metro atlanta, state health officials say_x000d_
subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss any videos: https://bit.ly/3ss3avs _x000d_
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follow atlanta news first tik tok: https://bit.ly/3rc8u4p",01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDfYcDVEiAI,can a child get mumps even if vaccinated? |#mumps #shortsvideo #youtubeshort #youtubereels #trending,"also know: do vaccinated children get mumps? | can a children get mumps even if vaccinated? | do vaccinated teenagers get mumps? | can a toddler get mumps if vaccinated

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

best hospitals in hitech city, hyderabad, india: https://goo.gl/maps/entychpnfednh9u49

#mumps #mumpsdisease #mumpsinfection #mumpsvirus #mumpscauses #mumpsreasons #mumpssymptoms #mumpscomplications #mumpsdiagnosis #mumpsexaminations #mumpstest #mumpstreatment #mumpsmanagement #mumpscure #mumpsvaccination #mumpsimmunization #mumpsprevention #viralinfection #pediatrichealth #pediatrichealthcare #pediatricianadvice #pediatriciantips #pediatrician #pediatricspecialist #pediatricscare #pediatrics #pacehospitals #hyderabad #india 

pace hospitals
hitech city and madinaguda,
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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps immunization, mumps vaccinations, mumps virus treatment, what is the preventions of mumps, preventions of mumps, mumps prevention, preventive tips of mumps, mumps preventive tips, pediatrics care, pediatrician, pediatric specialist, 
do vaccinated children get mumps?, can a children get mumps even if vaccinated?, do vaccinated teenagers get mumps?, can a toddler get mumps if vaccinated, pace hospitals",01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhuw58BLvxY,mumps causes | what is mumps & types of viruses cause it? | #mumps #shortsvideo #youtubeshort #trend,"also know: what is mumps | mumps types | mumps cause |  mumps videos |  mumps virus types | what is the main cause of mumps? | what is mumps disease | mumps disease | mumps virus  

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps immunization, mumps vaccinations, mumps virus treatment, what is the preventions of mumps, preventions of mumps, mumps prevention, preventive tips of mumps, mumps preventive tips, pediatrics care, pediatrician, pediatric specialist, 
what is mumps, mumps types, mumps cause, mumps videos, mumps virus types, what is the main cause of mumps?, pace hospitals",01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usruHHHnacs,"measles case reported in metro atlanta, state health officials say","the georgia department of public health (dph) has confirmed a case of measles in the metro atlanta area._x000d_
subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss any videos: https://bit.ly/3ss3avs _x000d_
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follow atlanta news first tik tok: https://bit.ly/3rc8u4p",01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zow2taXn8xo, uk measles outbreak 2024 - doctor explains! #doctorazmain #measles #outbreak #shortswithcamilla,,01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcQq_yc-L-0,measles breaks-out in lunga district,"(zanis) measles has broken out in lunga district, luapula province, with over 400 cases recorded so far.

lunga district health director, nicholas sakala has disclosed the outbreak to zanis.

more in the following report ………………",01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr20RmOf4lQ,dr hina lutui discusses the measles vaccine,,01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/georgiadph/reel/C2Pzcecrfv_/,"dph confirms measles case in metro atlanta 
read full release: https://dph.georgia.gov/press-releases","dph confirms measles case in metro atlanta 
read full release: https://dph.georgia.gov/press-releases",01/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/yalesph/reel/C2QbpRXvz0J/,prof. howard forman lays out what you need to know about the current measles outbreak on this week's episode of the health and veritas podcast.,prof. howard forman lays out what you need to know about the current measles outbreak on this week's episode of the health and veritas podcast.,01/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@yalesph/video/7325527156841549102,prof. @howard forman lays out what you need to know about the current growing measles outbreak on this week€™s #healthandveritas podcast episode.,prof. @howard forman lays out what you need to know about the current growing measles outbreak on this week€™s #healthandveritas podcast episode.,01/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@parnting/video/7325508484957556014,"replying to @.2. the mmr vaccine is one of the best vaccines we have available. it is very effective, even with 1 dose.  #measles #mmr #vaccine","replying to @.2. the mmr vaccine is one of the best vaccines we have available. it is very effective, even with 1 dose.  #measles #mmr #vaccine",01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@kmbuie09/video/7325660618118188330,"penn & teller bull'is the show, there was a vaccine'‰episode. #polio #measles #vaccine #jonassalk","penn & teller bull'is the show, there was a vaccine'‰episode. #polio #measles #vaccine #jonassalk",01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drjencaudle/video/7325558015183047982,measles cases!! #measles #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine #mmr #vaccines #drjen #drjencaudle #fyp #fyp' #vaccination #autism #autismoftiktok,measles cases!! #measles #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine #mmr #vaccines #drjen #drjencaudle #fyp #fyp' #vaccination #autism #autismoftiktok,01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@publichealthforparents/video/7325615808045010219,"here are some basic ways we protect babies, unvaccinated, or immunocompromised individuals from #measles #publichealth #measlesoutbreak #parenting #handhygiene #wearamask ","here are some basic ways we protect babies, unvaccinated, or immunocompromised individuals from #measles #publichealth #measlesoutbreak #parenting #handhygiene #wearamask ",01/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@skynews/video/7325934680446962977,"debbie, ellie roscoe's mother, didn't properly #vaccinate ellie when she was a child. at the age of 23, ellie #contracted #measles and was extremely #ill watch more  @sky news ","debbie, ellie roscoe's mother, didn't properly #vaccinate ellie when she was a child. at the age of 23, ellie #contracted #measles and was extremely #ill watch more  @sky news ",01/19/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/tvjessi/reel/C2RXyN6Atr6/,"we're celebrating #spelman and its historic $100m donation 
lawmakers narrowly avoid another government shutdown…for now 
and a case of #measles is confirmed in metro #atlanta
@atl69tv","we're celebrating #spelman and its historic $100m donation 
lawmakers narrowly avoid another government shutdown…for now 
and a case of #measles is confirmed in metro #atlanta
@atl69tv",01/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.usatoday.com/videos/news/health/2024/01/19/possible-measles-exposure-at-washington-dc-airports/72254832007/,possible measles exposure at washington dc airports,"if you have flown through washington, d.c., since january 3, you might have been exposed to measles.",01/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/video/doctors-in-pittsburgh-concerned-about-measles/,doctors in pittsburgh concerned about measles,"while we're all trying to stay healthy through the winter, doctors are now worried about the measles.
",01/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_K71Eq24DMw,people born 1998-2004 'should get measles vaccine' #measles #vaccine,"uk adults who were born in the late 90s and early 2000s should make sure they've had both doses of the mmr vaccine as measles cases surge in england, the uk health security agency says #uknews #birmingham #measles
",01/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w5nzZEyMDs,"measles case confirmed in georgia, department of public health says","a measles case has been confirmed in metro atlanta, according to an announcement thursday by the georgia department of public health. the department said there was only one case, and the person was exposed to the virus while traveling outside the us. https://www.11alive.com/article/news/... 11alive is where atlanta speaks. we believe that news shouldn't be a one-way conversation, but a dialogue with you. join in, share your thoughts and connect with new perspectives. subscribe to 11alive for exclusive content: http://bit.ly/11alivesubscribe download our 11alive news app: https://interactive.11alive.com/appre... text ""plus"" to 404-885-7600 to download 11alive+ and stream 24/7 on roku and amazon fire tv. follow 11alive on social: facebook: /11alive twitter (x): /11alivenews instagram: /11alive",01/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@babycenter/video/7325861781287488810,"worried about the measles? most babies get their first dose of the measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) vaccine between 12 and 15 months old. but, if there's a measles outbreak in your area - or you're traveling somewhere with an outbreak - you can ask your pediatrician about getting your baby an extra dose of the mmr vaccine earlier than that. pediatrician and babycenter medical advisor @philbouchermd walks us through why this is a great option under certain circumstances. #measles #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine #parentsoftiktok #firsttimeparent #newparent #babyparent #babytips #vaccineforbaby #lifewithababy","worried about the measles? most babies get their first dose of the measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) vaccine between 12 and 15 months old. but, if there's a measles outbreak in your area - or you're traveling somewhere with an outbreak - you can ask your pediatrician about getting your baby an extra dose of the mmr vaccine earlier than that. pediatrician and babycenter medical advisor @philbouchermd walks us through why this is a great option under certain circumstances. #measles #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine #parentsoftiktok #firsttimeparent #newparent #babyparent #babytips #vaccineforbaby #lifewithababy",01/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drjaynemorgan/video/7325816691122867487,why are we seeing #measles again? why? @wsb-tv #viruses #respiratory #travel #vaccines #illness #contagious #stayhealthymyfriends #medicalnews #sciencenews #doctorsoftiktok #drjaynemorgan,why are we seeing #measles again? why? @wsb-tv #viruses #respiratory #travel #vaccines #illness #contagious #stayhealthymyfriends #medicalnews #sciencenews #doctorsoftiktok #drjaynemorgan,01/19/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@itvnews/video/7325809509228645665,"people have 'forgotten' about measles as cases soar in the midlands, warns doctor #itv #itvnews #measles","people have 'forgotten' about measles as cases soar in the midlands, warns doctor #itv #itvnews #measles",01/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@nightnurse305official/video/7325807512698080542,"measles is a serious disease that can lead to complications and death
measles is a very contagious disease caused by a virus. it spreads through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. in fact, the measles virus can stay in the air for up to 2 hours after an infected person was there. so you can get infected by simply being in a room where an infected person once was. it is so contagious that if one person has it, up to 90% of the people close to him or her will also become infected if they are not protected.
measles starts with fever. soon after, it causes a cough, runny nose, and red eyes. then a rash of tiny, red spots breaks out. it starts at the head and spreads to the rest of the body. credit cdc #foryounews #howtobecomeanurse #nursingstudent #nurselife #blacknursesrock #travelnursesoftiktok #nursesoftiktok&beal #measles","measles is a serious disease that can lead to complications and death
measles is a very contagious disease caused by a virus. it spreads through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. in fact, the measles virus can stay in the air for up to 2 hours after an infected person was there. so you can get infected by simply being in a room where an infected person once was. it is so contagious that if one person has it, up to 90% of the people close to him or her will also become infected if they are not protected.
measles starts with fever. soon after, it causes a cough, runny nose, and red eyes. then a rash of tiny, red spots breaks out. it starts at the head and spreads to the rest of the body. credit cdc #foryounews #howtobecomeanurse #nursingstudent #nurselife #blacknursesrock #travelnursesoftiktok #nursesoftiktok&beal #measles",01/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@doctornisaaslam/video/7325809858249346337,"measles cases are rapidly spreading in the uk particularly in the west midlands and the uk health security agency has declared this a national incident.
measles is a highly contagious viral condition spread via coughing and sneezing it causes a rash and cold like symptoms
however in worst cases it can cause pneumonia, meningitis, permanent disability and death you can protect yourself children by making sure they get the mmr vaccine there are two jabs at 12 months and 3 years and 4 months.
the vaccine is safe, doesn't contain mercury and doesn't cause autism. a gelatine free version can be requested via the gp.
if you are not sure if your kids had it ring the gp surgeries and find out but please get your children vaccinated. #measles #vaccine #mmr","measles cases are rapidly spreading in the uk particularly in the west midlands and the uk health security agency has declared this a national incident.
measles is a highly contagious viral condition spread via coughing and sneezing it causes a rash and cold like symptoms
however in worst cases it can cause pneumonia, meningitis, permanent disability and death you can protect yourself children by making sure they get the mmr vaccine there are two jabs at 12 months and 3 years and 4 months.
the vaccine is safe, doesn't contain mercury and doesn't cause autism. a gelatine free version can be requested via the gp.
if you are not sure if your kids had it ring the gp surgeries and find out but please get your children vaccinated. #measles #vaccine #mmr",01/19/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@drmishmash/video/7325831798213119264,"#measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #mmr #birmingham #westmidlands #fyp #doctor
#parent","#measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #mmr #birmingham #westmidlands #fyp #doctor
#parent",01/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmUZL4q5wKI,measles cases rise 138% in a month,"parents have been urged to ""act now as measles infections surge across the country amid an increase in unvaccinated children.

cases have risen 138 per cent in england in the last month, according to new figures.

there were 69 confirmed cases during the week ending january 14, up from 29 from the week ending december 16, uk health security data (ukhsa) reveals.

the cases are based on doctor notifications, which have been confirmed through lab testing. the true number is likely to be much higher.

there were 1,603 suspected cases in england and wales last year, separate ukhsa data show, up from 735 the previous year.

falling vaccination rates mean rates could continue to increase unless measures are taken, experts warn.

most cases come from london and the west midlands, where vaccine rates are especially low.

dr david elliman, of great ormond street hospital, said: ""as between one in 1,000 to one in 5,000 people getting measles will die, we could see dozens of deaths from an easily preventable disease.  

""on top of this would be many more hospital admissions, as we have sadly seen in the midlands, and people left with long-term problems.

measles is an infection that can cause serious problems, including pneumonia, brain-swelling meningitis, blindness and seizures.

read more: https://www.thesun.co.uk/health/25407631/measles-rise-month-england-act-now-children-die/

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7i6Da94uns,doctor reacts to another measles outbreak in philadelphia,"in today's episode, we turn our attention to a critical and pressing health issue – the recent measles outbreak in philadelphia. amidst growing concern and the backdrop of vaccine misinformation, this outbreak serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vaccination and the real-world consequences of anti-vaxxer rhetoric._x000d_
key discussion points:_x000d_
- the philadelphia measles outbreak: we'll dive into the current situation, exploring the scope and severity of the outbreak, and the immediate actions taken by health authorities._x000d_
- the mmr vaccine and disinformation: tracing the history and impact of disinformation surrounding the mmr vaccine, we'll discuss how myths and baseless fears have fueled vaccine hesitancy, leading to preventable outbreaks._x000d_
- the anti-vaxxers' response to outbreaks: we aim to critically analyze the silence or narrative shifts among the anti-vax community during actual outbreaks, and the implications of such stances on collective public health measures._x000d_
this episode is an essential discourse on the intersection of public health, science, and society, spotlighting the crucial role of informed decision-making in combating health crises._x000d_
- abc news: measles outbreaks occurring in pockets of the u.s. - https://abcnews.go.com/health/measles-outbreaks-occurring-pockets-us-doctors-concerned/story?id=106440080_x000d_
- ncbi: the persistence of misconceptions about the mmr vaccine- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc2831678/_x000d_
subscribe for new videos - (https://www.drberrypierre.com/ytsubs)_x000d_
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#measles #antivaxxers_x000d_
disclaimer: this video is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for any health-related questions.",01/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYAoSSWA7SM,nhs gp: is measles a big deal?,,01/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4LgUq3Rc9A,measles discussion with east midlands today (short version),,01/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@nightnurse305tv/video/7325807512698080542,"measles is a serious disease that can lead to complications and death measles is a very contagious disease caused by a virus. it spreads through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. in fact, the measles virus can stay in the air for up to 2 hours after an infected person was there. so you can get infected by simply being in a room where an infected person once was. it is so contagious that if one person has it, up to 90% of the people close to him or her will also become infected if they are not protected. measles starts with fever. soon after, it causes a cough, runny nose, and red eyes. then a rash of tiny, red spots breaks out. it starts at the head and spreads to the rest of the body. credit cdc #foryounews #howtobecomeanurse #nursingstudent #nurselife #blacknursesrock #travelnursesoftiktok #nursesoftiktok'''™™ #measles ","measles is a serious disease that can lead to complications and death measles is a very contagious disease caused by a virus. it spreads through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. in fact, the measles virus can stay in the air for up to 2 hours after an infected person was there. so you can get infected by simply being in a room where an infected person once was. it is so contagious that if one person has it, up to 90% of the people close to him or her will also become infected if they are not protected. measles starts with fever. soon after, it causes a cough, runny nose, and red eyes. then a rash of tiny, red spots breaks out. it starts at the head and spreads to the rest of the body. credit cdc #foryounews #howtobecomeanurse #nursingstudent #nurselife #blacknursesrock #travelnursesoftiktok #nursesoftiktok'''™™ #measles ",01/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@newsupdates4real/video/7325043752542801157,emmys are trash #newsupdates #dailynews #newsreporter #usanews #news #canada #canadanews #quebec #fires #forestfire #iran #war #nukes #nuclearwar #pakistan #virginia #measles #michigan #immigrants #knicks #nyc #nba #theemmys #emmys #tv #celebrities #beef #fyp,emmys are trash #newsupdates #dailynews #newsreporter #usanews #news #canada #canadanews #quebec #fires #forestfire #iran #war #nukes #nuclearwar #pakistan #virginia #measles #michigan #immigrants #knicks #nyc #nba #theemmys #emmys #tv #celebrities #beef #fyp,01/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@robynnair29/video/7328173418661137695,#billgates #mosquitoes #foxnews #measles #thenextpandemic #pandemic,#billgates #mosquitoes #foxnews #measles #thenextpandemic #pandemic,01/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/PublicHealthWales/videos/mmr/960583642161256/,mmr,cases of measles are increasing in the uk. two doses of the mmr vaccine is more than 95% effective at preventing measles. protect your family by checking if your child is up to date with their vaccinations . https://phw.nhs.wales/topics/measles/ #vaccinationsaveslives,01/19/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/whattoexpect/reel/C2SpHyfMN5i/,"it's true — your baby could potentially get the measles vaccine as early as 6 months if you live in or are traveling to an area with an outbreak. @rhilmantel, one of our editors here at @whattoexpect, shares why she made the decision to vaccinate her 9-month-old this week: 

""i'll be honest — i panicked when i saw the headlines about the measles outbreak in philadelphia. while i don't live in the area, my family has plans to travel soon. and since my youngest son is only 9 months old, he wasn't due for his first dose of the mmr vaccine (which protects against measles, mumps and rubella) for at least another 3 months. so i talked to his pediatrician about whether i could get him vaccinated early — and she said yes. the official guidance is that if you live in an area with a measles outbreak, or if you have travel plans to an affected area, your baby can get an extra dose of the mmr vaccine as early as 6 months. different decisions are right for different families — this won't be the right path for everyone. but i'm glad that i could give our son some level of protection from the measles during our upcoming travel plans.""

if you're also interested in getting your baby vaccinated against measles early, talk to your provider to see if it's an option for you.","it's true — your baby could potentially get the measles vaccine as early as 6 months if you live in or are traveling to an area with an outbreak. @rhilmantel, one of our editors here at @whattoexpect, shares why she made the decision to vaccinate her 9-month-old this week: 

""i'll be honest — i panicked when i saw the headlines about the measles outbreak in philadelphia. while i don't live in the area, my family has plans to travel soon. and since my youngest son is only 9 months old, he wasn't due for his first dose of the mmr vaccine (which protects against measles, mumps and rubella) for at least another 3 months. so i talked to his pediatrician about whether i could get him vaccinated early — and she said yes. the official guidance is that if you live in an area with a measles outbreak, or if you have travel plans to an affected area, your baby can get an extra dose of the mmr vaccine as early as 6 months. different decisions are right for different families — this won't be the right path for everyone. but i'm glad that i could give our son some level of protection from the measles during our upcoming travel plans.""

if you're also interested in getting your baby vaccinated against measles early, talk to your provider to see if it's an option for you.",01/19/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drjaynemorgan/reel/C2SNq1CrBfs/,"we have a case of measles right here in georgia. i explain how that can happen, how to recognize a case, and just how contagious measles is. @wsbtv @jesteveztv @piedmonthealth @morehouseschoolofmedicine @mag1849_ @medical_association_of_atlanta #medicalnews #sciencenews #illness #stayhealthymyfriends #doctorsofinstagram #doctorsofig #drjaynemorgan","we have a case of measles right here in georgia. i explain how that can happen, how to recognize a case, and just how contagious measles is. @wsbtv @jesteveztv @piedmonthealth @morehouseschoolofmedicine @mag1849_ @medical_association_of_atlanta #medicalnews #sciencenews #illness #stayhealthymyfriends #doctorsofinstagram #doctorsofig #drjaynemorgan",01/19/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2Rj2pNPgvB/,"#demamcampak #measles #cacarair #chickenpox

dua ni kadang buat mommy & daddy risau lebih sbb tak sihat pakej sekali gatal & risiko luka parut pada skin si kecik

some kids mmg tak selesa & tak tahan gatal

alhamdullilah kita ada item-item yg boleh bantu legakan demam, tenangkan, selesakan, kurangkan gatal & rawat kulit baby

padat dgn bahan semulajadi & selamat utk baby.  mommy & daddy pun boleh pakai bila perlu

jemput singgah #butikanakda !
bermacam pilihan yg terbaik utk mommy & baby.  team kita akan advise mana yg terpaling sesuai & berbaloi utk mommy & daddy pilih 

 waze: butik anakda
 (kita kat prima sri gombak je)
 buka isnin-jumaat: 11am-930pm
 & sabtu-ahad: 10am-930pm
 order online pun boleh kita delivery by grab/lala
 post terus ke rumah pun boleh
 (klik link di bio)

#butikanakda #kedaibarangbabysrigombak #keperluanbayi #babyfood #milkbooster #setberpantang #baby #mommies  #srigombak #gombak #batucaves","#demamcampak #measles #cacarair #chickenpox

dua ni kadang buat mommy & daddy risau lebih sbb tak sihat pakej sekali gatal & risiko luka parut pada skin si kecik

some kids mmg tak selesa & tak tahan gatal

alhamdullilah kita ada item-item yg boleh bantu legakan demam, tenangkan, selesakan, kurangkan gatal & rawat kulit baby

padat dgn bahan semulajadi & selamat utk baby.  mommy & daddy pun boleh pakai bila perlu

jemput singgah #butikanakda !
bermacam pilihan yg terbaik utk mommy & baby.  team kita akan advise mana yg terpaling sesuai & berbaloi utk mommy & daddy pilih 

 waze: butik anakda
 (kita kat prima sri gombak je)
 buka isnin-jumaat: 11am-930pm
 & sabtu-ahad: 10am-930pm
 order online pun boleh kita delivery by grab/lala
 post terus ke rumah pun boleh
 (klik link di bio)

#butikanakda #kedaibarangbabysrigombak #keperluanbayi #babyfood #milkbooster #setberpantang #baby #mommies  #srigombak #gombak #batucaves",01/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2SpHyfMN5i/?next=%2Fgisselfigueroa%2F&hl=ja,"it's true — your baby could potentially get the measles vaccine as early as 6 months if you live in or are traveling to an area with an outbreak. @rhilmantel, one of our editors here at @whattoexpect, shares why she made the decision to vaccinate her 9-month-old this week: 

""i'll be honest — i panicked when i saw the headlines about the measles outbreak in philadelphia. while i don't live in the area, my family has plans to travel soon. and since my youngest son is only 9 months old, he wasn't due for his first dose of the mmr vaccine (which protects against measles, mumps and rubella) for at least another 3 months. so i talked to his pediatrician about whether i could get him vaccinated early — and she said yes. the official guidance is that if you live in an area with a measles outbreak, or if you have travel plans to an affected area, your baby can get an extra dose of the mmr vaccine as early as 6 months. different decisions are right for different families — this won't be the right path for everyone. but i'm glad that i could give our son some level of protection from the measles during our upcoming travel plans.""

if you're also interested in getting your baby vaccinated against measles early, talk to your provider to see if it's an option for you.","it's true — your baby could potentially get the measles vaccine as early as 6 months if you live in or are traveling to an area with an outbreak. @rhilmantel, one of our editors here at @whattoexpect, shares why she made the decision to vaccinate her 9-month-old this week: 

""i'll be honest — i panicked when i saw the headlines about the measles outbreak in philadelphia. while i don't live in the area, my family has plans to travel soon. and since my youngest son is only 9 months old, he wasn't due for his first dose of the mmr vaccine (which protects against measles, mumps and rubella) for at least another 3 months. so i talked to his pediatrician about whether i could get him vaccinated early — and she said yes. the official guidance is that if you live in an area with a measles outbreak, or if you have travel plans to an affected area, your baby can get an extra dose of the mmr vaccine as early as 6 months. different decisions are right for different families — this won't be the right path for everyone. but i'm glad that i could give our son some level of protection from the measles during our upcoming travel plans.""

if you're also interested in getting your baby vaccinated against measles early, talk to your provider to see if it's an option for you.",01/19/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@c4news/video/7325865840673377568,"uk adults who were born in the late 90s and early 2000s should make sure they€™ve had both doses of the mmr vaccine as measles cases surge in england, the uk health security agency says #uknews #birmingham #measles","uk adults who were born in the late 90s and early 2000s should make sure they€™ve had both doses of the mmr vaccine as measles cases surge in england, the uk health security agency says #uknews #birmingham #measles",01/19/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@bert_gingerbread_idiot/video/7325874640625175840,#mmr #1998 to #2004 #measles #birmingham #midlands #uknews #mmrvaccine #healthsecurityagency #dontbeanidiot #no #conspiracy #uk #news #health #foryou #viral,#mmr #1998 to #2004 #measles #birmingham #midlands #uknews #mmrvaccine #healthsecurityagency #dontbeanidiot #no #conspiracy #uk #news #health #foryou #viral,01/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@catdad1313/video/7325967521553583403,make sure your children get the vaccinations they need as children!#measles #polio#vaccine #vaccinations #tiktok #viraltiktok #trending #foryou #foryoupage #fyp,make sure your children get the vaccinations they need as children!#measles #polio#vaccine #vaccinations #tiktok #viraltiktok #trending #foryou #foryoupage #fyp,01/19/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drmishmash/video/7325849715126422817,#measles #measlesoutbreak #birmingham #westmidlands #measlesvaccine #bbcnews #doctor #fyp #foryoupage #parent,#measles #measlesoutbreak #birmingham #westmidlands #measlesvaccine #bbcnews #doctor #fyp #foryoupage #parent,01/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@cometcrime/video/7325802648467295521,#measles #kids #eldery #pregnant #vaccine #nationalincident #beaware #medical #trending #fyp #viral #trending,#measles #kids #eldery #pregnant #vaccine #nationalincident #beaware #medical #trending #fyp #viral #trending,01/19/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,joy,joy
https://www.facebook.com/UKHealthSecurityAgency/videos/measles-how-infectious-is-it/386539323893068/,Measles - how infectious is it?,"#Measles spreads quickly and can be serious – but how infectious is it? Dr Colin Campbell, Consultant Epidemiologist, explains how measles ranks compared to other diseases and why #vaccination is so important. Find out more: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/mmr-vaccine/",01/19/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/skynews/videos/breaking-ukhsa-declare-a-national-incident-over-rise-in-measles/363726463026468/,BREAKING: UKHSA declare a national incident over rise in measles,"BREAKING: UKHSA declare a national incident over rise in measles https://trib.al/Rx0iR33 📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube",01/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@itvnews/video/7326177880864574753,€national call to action€™ to tackle measles outbreak #itvnews #measles #health #birmingham,€national call to action€™ to tackle measles outbreak #itvnews #measles #health #birmingham,01/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@tiktokkiddydoc/video/7326166266492882209,measles outbreaks,measles outbreaks,01/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@everariasmd/video/7326330969722604846,measles exposure at dc airports! please monitor symptoms of measles if you were in those airports.,measles exposure at dc airports! please monitor symptoms of measles if you were in those airports.,01/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drjaynemorgan/video/7326223884817042719,there is a case of #measles here in ga. yikes! @atlanta news #health #medicalnews #sciencenews #stayhealthy #doctorsoftiktok #drjaynemorgan,there is a case of #measles here in ga. yikes! @atlanta news #health #medicalnews #sciencenews #stayhealthy #doctorsoftiktok #drjaynemorgan,01/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drnozebest/video/7326213034760850734,"#greenscreen unfortunately, measles is being reported in multiple communities including hours. it is highly contagious and can have significant consequences, including pneumonia and encephalitis.
if you're loved, one is very young or immunocompromise you need to be very careful. #watchout #out #break #viral #rash #contagious #babiesoftiktok #momsoftiktok #awareness #cough #encephalitis #fyp","#greenscreen unfortunately, measles is being reported in multiple communities including hours. it is highly contagious and can have significant consequences, including pneumonia and encephalitis.
if you're loved, one is very young or immunocompromise you need to be very careful. #watchout #out #break #viral #rash #contagious #babiesoftiktok #momsoftiktok #awareness #cough #encephalitis #fyp",01/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj78DIs0cC8,'national incident' declared over measles outbreak,"health chiefs are urging those who are eligible for a measles vaccine to get the jab as soon as possible.

it comes as measles cases surged across the country, prompting the health security agency to declare a ""national incident"".

sky news spoke to one woman who became seriously ill from the disease.

she had not been vaccinated as a child because of her mother's fears the mmr jab caused autism - a theory that has since been disproved.

full story: https://news.sky.com/story/measles-woman-who-fell-seriously-ill-urges-everyone-to-get-the-vaccine-13051992

#measles #healthnews #nhs #vaccination 

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to enquire about licensing sky news content, you can find more information here: https://news.sky.com/info/library-sales",01/20/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-g_Jv8xV7Cw,mumps incubation period |#mumps #shortsvideo #youtubeshort #viralshort #youtubetrending #youtubereel,"also know: incubation period for mumps | incubation period for mumps in adults | how long does mumps last | mumps incubation period treatment | mumps incubation period disease

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqaA0wfIPxE,measles warning - health chief issues national 'call to action' to prevent spread of virus,"the uk is on a ""trajectory for everything getting much worse when it comes to measles spreading, the head of the uk health security agency (ukhsa) has warned.

professor dame jenny harries told the pa news agency that ""concerted action is needed to tackle the virus as she visited a measles blackspot in the west midlands.

during her visit to birmingham's ukhsa laboratory at heartlands hospital on friday, dame jenny said: ""that's one of the reasons why i have come to birmingham today, because i know there is huge effort by local partners to try and contain the spread of measles but it is highly contagious, it is one of the most contagious respiratory virus diseases that we deal with routinely.

""we need to build up vaccination coverage so each new age group coming through systematically attains that 95% coverage and that will protect all of us, both those who have had the vaccine and the very few who are perhaps immunocompromised for whatever reason, or perhaps very small children under six months who cannot have the vaccine.

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#dailyrecord #measles #health",01/20/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKUk_8-dO5Q,"it's tyme to watch out for lyme with daniel solomon, md","because borrelia burgdorferi is a spirochete; a spiral! a little mnemonic device for the med students.

dr. daniel solomon is an infectious disease doctor on staff at the brigham and women's hospital and an instructor of medicine at harvard medical school. he went to med school at yale, and then did both residency and fellowship at the brigham, although fellowship was combined with mass general, where he was on the hiv clinician educator track.

he is actively involved in improving care at the intersection of injection drug use and infectious diseases, where he integrates addiction treatment and infectious disease care to improve infection and addiction related outcomes. he also teaches clinical reasoning at harvard medical school, and is a course director for the harvard id in primary care cme course, giving talks on immunizations and lyme disease.

we start off talking about the measles outbreak, but the main focus of the talk is lyme disease and it is chock full of useful information. we discuss the presentations of primary lyme, early and late disseminated, the treatment and work-up. we discuss prevention in light of the fact that we both have 3-year olds that run around outside in lyme endemic areas. we end by discussing how the presentation of lyme can be missed, the symptoms hard to appreciate, and the tests sometimes difficult to interpret, but he helps us parse through all that and we end by differentiating chronic lyme from post-treatment lyme disease syndrome, one of which is recognized by the cdc and infectious disease community.

find this and all episodes on your favorite podcast platform at physiciansguidetodoctoring.com

please be sure to leave a five star review, a nice comment and share!!!",01/20/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drjaynemorgan/reel/C2VDdmErhF4/,measles has been reported in georgia. i discuss with @atlantanewsfirst @rachelaragon #measles #viruses #respiratory #health #illness #stayhealthymyfriends #doctorsofig #doctorsofinstagram #drjaynemorgan,measles has been reported in georgia. i discuss with @atlantanewsfirst @rachelaragon #measles #viruses #respiratory #health #illness #stayhealthymyfriends #doctorsofig #doctorsofinstagram #drjaynemorgan,01/20/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/drshankron/reel/C2VxmLfvFQ2/,"before there was ever a measles vaccine, nearly all children got measles by the time they were 15 years of age. it is estimated 3 to 4 million people in the united states were infected each year prior to 1963. 
it was a common childhood illness just like the chickenpox and not a big deal. and if someone got the measles, they got natural, lifelong immunity (without all the toxic crap that is put into vaccines).","before there was ever a measles vaccine, nearly all children got measles by the time they were 15 years of age. it is estimated 3 to 4 million people in the united states were infected each year prior to 1963. 
it was a common childhood illness just like the chickenpox and not a big deal. and if someone got the measles, they got natural, lifelong immunity (without all the toxic crap that is put into vaccines).",01/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/dranamariatemple/reel/C2VmyZeJ1qz/,"measles q/a

#holistichealthtips #holistichealthcoaching #healthsupport #holistichealthpractitioner #youcanhealyourlife #takecontrolofyourhealth #holistichealthcare #healthisyourwealth #childhealth #healthhacks #healnaturally #nurtureyourself #healthawareness #naturalhealthcare #healthyfamilies","measles q/a

#holistichealthtips #holistichealthcoaching #healthsupport #holistichealthpractitioner #youcanhealyourlife #takecontrolofyourhealth #holistichealthcare #healthisyourwealth #childhealth #healthhacks #healnaturally #nurtureyourself #healthawareness #naturalhealthcare #healthyfamilies",01/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/vintage_stardust/reel/C2VbhfQvnK-/?locale=nl&hl=af,"happy heavenly birthday to actress patricia neal (1926-2010), seen here reflecting back on her academy award winning performance in ""hud (1963). 

born in kentucky but raised in tennessee, neal studied drama in college. relocating to new york post-graduation, she made her broadway debut in the mid-1940s, winning a tony award for her role in ""another part of the forest in 1947 (the first year the awards were given). her first screen appearance came in ""john loves mary (1949) and she went on to appear in movies such as ""the fountainhead (1949), ""operation pacific (1951), ""the day the earth stood still (1951), ""a face in the crowd (1957), and ""breakfast at tiffany's (1961). neal received an academy award for the aforementioned ""hud (1963), and was later nominated for ""the subject was roses (1968). she also made several guest appearances on television programs including episodes of ""the untouchables, ""ben casey, ""the waltons, ""little house on the prairie, and ""murder, she wrote. 

neal endured a difficult private life. she was married to writer roald dahl (1916-1990) and the couple had 5 children. their only son, theo (1960- ) suffered severe injuries when his stroller was struck by a vehicle while his nanny crossed a street in new york. although he survived, he endured a long recovery. sadly, the couple's oldest daughter, olivia (1955-1962), died at just 7 years old from brain inflammation caused by the measles . while pregnant with her fifth child, neal suffered a series of strokes and nearly died. although neal was comatose for a period, her daughter was born healthy. having to relearn to walk and talk, neal eventually recovered. then, her marriage of thirty years ended in divorce in 1983. 

in her later years, neal continued working occasionally until not long before her death. she passed away from lung cancer in 2010 at the age of 84 . 

neal was the grandmother of writer and model sophie dahl (1977- ).","happy heavenly birthday to actress patricia neal (1926-2010), seen here reflecting back on her academy award winning performance in ""hud (1963). 

born in kentucky but raised in tennessee, neal studied drama in college. relocating to new york post-graduation, she made her broadway debut in the mid-1940s, winning a tony award for her role in ""another part of the forest in 1947 (the first year the awards were given). her first screen appearance came in ""john loves mary (1949) and she went on to appear in movies such as ""the fountainhead (1949), ""operation pacific (1951), ""the day the earth stood still (1951), ""a face in the crowd (1957), and ""breakfast at tiffany's (1961). neal received an academy award for the aforementioned ""hud (1963), and was later nominated for ""the subject was roses (1968). she also made several guest appearances on television programs including episodes of ""the untouchables, ""ben casey, ""the waltons, ""little house on the prairie, and ""murder, she wrote. 

neal endured a difficult private life. she was married to writer roald dahl (1916-1990) and the couple had 5 children. their only son, theo (1960- ) suffered severe injuries when his stroller was struck by a vehicle while his nanny crossed a street in new york. although he survived, he endured a long recovery. sadly, the couple's oldest daughter, olivia (1955-1962), died at just 7 years old from brain inflammation caused by the measles . while pregnant with her fifth child, neal suffered a series of strokes and nearly died. although neal was comatose for a period, her daughter was born healthy. having to relearn to walk and talk, neal eventually recovered. then, her marriage of thirty years ended in divorce in 1983. 

in her later years, neal continued working occasionally until not long before her death. she passed away from lung cancer in 2010 at the age of 84 . 

neal was the grandmother of writer and model sophie dahl (1977- ).",01/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,joy,joy
https://www.tiktok.com/@drstevegoudy/video/7326213034760850734,"#greenscreen unfortunately, measles is being reported in multiple communities including hours. it is highly contagious and can have significant consequences, including pneumonia and encephalitis. if you€™re loved, one is very young or immunocompromise you need to be very careful. #watchout #out #break #viral #rash #contagious #babiesoftiktok #momsoftiktok #awareness #cough #encephalitis #fyp","#greenscreen unfortunately, measles is being reported in multiple communities including hours. it is highly contagious and can have significant consequences, including pneumonia and encephalitis. if you€™re loved, one is very young or immunocompromise you need to be very careful. #watchout #out #break #viral #rash #contagious #babiesoftiktok #momsoftiktok #awareness #cough #encephalitis #fyp",01/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@e3yore78/video/7326120745766079777,"something i did, in the hope to raise more awareness. here in the uk measle cases have tripled and vaccination uptake is at a low. #sspe #samuellarkmanjones #slj #forever6 #measleskills  https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001vbr8. (38.25mins if you want to listen to the whole segment)","something i did, in the hope to raise more awareness. here in the uk measle cases have tripled and vaccination uptake is at a low. #sspe #samuellarkmanjones #slj #forever6 #measleskills  https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001vbr8. (38.25mins if you want to listen to the whole segment)",01/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@okiememigrantauk/video/7326165252935142689,"charakterystycznymi objawami odry s""… gor""…czka, wysypka i …›wiat…'owstr""™t, do zaka…enia dochodzi drog""… kropelkow""… a leczenie jest objawowe. #odra #measles #szczepionka #wielkabrytania #zdrowie #dzieci #polacywuk #polakwuk #…yciewuk","charakterystycznymi objawami odry s""… gor""…czka, wysypka i …›wiat…'owstr""™t, do zaka…enia dochodzi drog""… kropelkow""… a leczenie jest objawowe. #odra #measles #szczepionka #wielkabrytania #zdrowie #dzieci #polacywuk #polakwuk #…yciewuk",01/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/skynews/videos/dr-james-gill-on-measles-cases-surging-in-the-uk/694153346034824/,Dr James Gill on measles cases surging in the UK,'In some areas of Birmingham the vaccination level has dropped below 70% and that is frightening for myself as a doctor' Dr James Gill speaks to Sky News as measles cases surge in parts of the UK amid a fall off in MMR vaccination numbers https://trib.al/iTirb5N 📺 Sky 501,01/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@theeducationfirm/video/7326635215529577759,measles case confirmed in metro atlanta. let€™s talk about it. #vaccine #measles #atlanta #information #education #contentcreator #influencer #greenscreen,measles case confirmed in metro atlanta. let€™s talk about it. #vaccine #measles #atlanta #information #education #contentcreator #influencer #greenscreen,01/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@hopewellfamilycare/video/7326682669121686827,"–if you spend an hour on social media it can be super confusing. i spent several hours fact checking and going back to original research and articles from these snippets. please just welcome me back to earth! ™ –the measles story from some can be so benign and others full of danger. so which is it? –well first i€™d like to acknowledge that children really are dying around the world from measles. obviously those who completely believe in jabs hold anti-jabbers responsible because of the threat to €herd immunity€. as a development worker who has been in these places i can say that it€™s the lack of sanitation, access to medical care, lack of education and poor nutrition that are also part of the equation. to make it simply about jabs or not is tunnel vision. –with such a controversial jab, i do believe that each parent should make the decision for themselves. i€™ll never forget the day that i was at a mandatory jab seminar and we were told to answer as few of parental questions as possible, to improve jab compliance. as a parent and as professional who is supposed to educate, that has never sat well with me.  –will an outbreak reach your state-line? €™€we don€™t have to wait for that announcement to get proactive! you could consider the jab depending on your situation but also review hand washing with kids, limit sugar and late nights, work on gut health (link for a kids gut course in bio) and consider an immune support regimen with vitamin a.  –a note about vitamin a! many of us are deficient. it also can become toxic and build up in the body. so dose with care.  –pregnant women should stick to their prenatal, cod liver oil or beef liver as too much can cause birth defects.  –recommendations are one mega dose separated by three months. –one time dose of 400,000 iu for adults (research states breastfeeding safe) –one time dose of 100,000 iu for children over 1  –one time dose of 50,000 iu for babies 6-12 months  –one time dose of 25,000 iu for babies under 6 months.  –this is not a replacement for medical advice. consult your physician.  –share and dm me €immune€ for full immune protocol! –research articles in stories!","–if you spend an hour on social media it can be super confusing. i spent several hours fact checking and going back to original research and articles from these snippets. please just welcome me back to earth! ™ –the measles story from some can be so benign and others full of danger. so which is it? –well first i€™d like to acknowledge that children really are dying around the world from measles. obviously those who completely believe in jabs hold anti-jabbers responsible because of the threat to €herd immunity€. as a development worker who has been in these places i can say that it€™s the lack of sanitation, access to medical care, lack of education and poor nutrition that are also part of the equation. to make it simply about jabs or not is tunnel vision. –with such a controversial jab, i do believe that each parent should make the decision for themselves. i€™ll never forget the day that i was at a mandatory jab seminar and we were told to answer as few of parental questions as possible, to improve jab compliance. as a parent and as professional who is supposed to educate, that has never sat well with me.  –will an outbreak reach your state-line? €™€we don€™t have to wait for that announcement to get proactive! you could consider the jab depending on your situation but also review hand washing with kids, limit sugar and late nights, work on gut health (link for a kids gut course in bio) and consider an immune support regimen with vitamin a.  –a note about vitamin a! many of us are deficient. it also can become toxic and build up in the body. so dose with care.  –pregnant women should stick to their prenatal, cod liver oil or beef liver as too much can cause birth defects.  –recommendations are one mega dose separated by three months. –one time dose of 400,000 iu for adults (research states breastfeeding safe) –one time dose of 100,000 iu for children over 1  –one time dose of 50,000 iu for babies 6-12 months  –one time dose of 25,000 iu for babies under 6 months.  –this is not a replacement for medical advice. consult your physician.  –share and dm me €immune€ for full immune protocol! –research articles in stories!",01/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_e4zoSSxR4,difference between mumps and chickenpox? | #mumps #shortsvideo #viralshort #youtubeshort #reels,"also know: mumps vs chickenpox | what is the difference between mumps and chickenpox? | chickenpox vs mumps | difference between  chickenpox and mumps 

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps immunization, mumps vaccinations, mumps virus treatment, what is the preventions of mumps, preventions of mumps, mumps prevention, preventive tips of mumps, mumps preventive tips, pediatrics care, mumps vs chickenpox, what is the difference between mumps and chickenpox?, chickenpox vs mumps, difference between mumps and chickenpox , pace hospitals",01/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9d8giiCrso,വളർചച വൈകനനകികൾകക/ഗയാസ ക൚ണളള കരയിൽ/പനിയളളപപോൾ പാൽ ക൚കകാമോ/mmr vaccine/dr bindu,"online consultation helpline 7012030327 /8594011117

direct consultation  , 04933297999, 04933298300

welcome all
 dr. bindu a.(mbbs,dch,md,dnb,mnams,fellowship in neonatology ) is a  senior consultant pediatrician in , malappuram , kerala and has an experience of 18 years in this field. she is a member of indian academy of pediatrics ,national neonatology forum and national academy of medical sciences.her passion is in teaching and training of undergraduates, post graduates and nurses in pediatric and  neonatal medicine. 

the internet is so useful nowadays for finding information about your health conditions and getting support,but it's crucial to make sure you're looking at information  you can trust.

this platform is designed mainly for the public who search for reliable and scientific information related to health and disease.here you can ask and clear your doubts.

all the informations mentioned in the videos are only for awareness purpose.it should not be used for self treatment.the author or channel is not responsible for any sorts of harm that can happen due to self treatment.you may please contact nearby doctor if you have any illness.
all contents in this channel are subject to copyright",01/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18n5FR9heAk,"mumps, parotitis, गलफलली, कणठमाला, गलसआ हो गया है कया करें, dr asjad karim, lily health care","mumps is a contagious viral infection that primarily affects the salivary glands, which are located near the ears. the virus responsible for mumps is called the mumps virus. while the mumps vaccine has significantly reduced the incidence of this disease, cases can still occur.

symptoms of mumps typically include:

swelling of salivary glands: one of the hallmark signs of mumps is swelling and tenderness of one or more salivary glands, usually the parotid glands near the jawline. this can cause difficulty in chewing and swallowing.

fever: mumps infection is often accompanied by a fever, which can range from mild to high.

headache: some individuals with mumps may experience headaches.

muscle aches: muscle aches and fatigue are common symptoms during the course of the infection.

loss of appetite: mumps can lead to a loss of appetite in affected individuals.

pain with chewing or swallowing: due to the swelling of the salivary glands, individuals with mumps may experience pain when chewing or swallowing.

mumps is primarily spread through respiratory droplets, such as those released when an infected person coughs or sneezes. it can also spread through direct contact with infected saliva, so sharing utensils or items that come into contact with saliva should be avoided.

the mmr (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine is highly effective in preventing mumps. it is typically administered in two doses, with the first dose given around the age of 1 and the second dose around age 4. vaccination helps to protect individuals from mumps and reduces the severity of the disease if a vaccinated person does get infected.

if you suspect you have mumps or are experiencing symptoms, it is essential to contact a healthcare professional for diagnosis and guidance on appropriate care. additionally, practicing good hygiene, such as frequent handwashing, can help reduce the risk of mumps transmission.

कणठमाला क संकरामक वायरल संकरमण है जो मखय रूप से लार गरंथियों को परभावित करता है, जो कान के पास सथित होती हैं। कणठमाला के लि जिममेदार वायरस को कणठमाला वायरस कहा जाता है। हालाकि कणठमाला के ीके ने इस बीमारी की घनाओं को काफी कम कर दिया है, फिर भी मामले हो सकते हैं।

कणठमाला के लकषणों में आम तड़र पर शामिल हैं:

लार गरंथियों की सूजन: कणठमाला का क परमख लकषण क या अधिक लार गरंथियों की सूजन और कोमलता है, आमतड़र पर जबड़े के पास पैरोिड गरंथियां। इससे चबाने और निगलने में कठिनाई हो सकती है।

बखार: कणठमाला का संकरमण अकसर बखार के साथ होता है, जो हलके से लेकर तेज़ तक हो सकता है।

सिरदरद: कणठमाला से पीड़ित कछ वयकतियों को सिरदरद का अनभव हो सकता है।

मांसपेशियों में दरद: संकरमण के दड़रान मांसपेशियों में दरद और थकान आम लकषण हैं।

भूख में कमी: कणठमाला से परभावित वयकतियों में भूख में कमी हो सकती है।

चबाने या निगलने पर दरद: लार गरंथियों की सूजन के कारण, कणठमाला वाले वयकतियों को चबाने या निगलने पर दरद का अनभव हो सकता है।

कणठमाला मखय रूप से शवसन बूंदों के माधयम से फैलती है, जैसे कि संकरमित वयकति के खांसने या छींकने पर निकलने वाली बूंदें। यह संकरमित लार के सीधे संपरक से भी फैल सकता है, इसलि लार के संपरक में आने वाले बरतनों या वसतओं को साा करने से बचना चाहि।

ममआर (खसरा, कणठमाला और रूबेला) ीका कणठमाला की रोकथाम में अतयधिक परभावी है। इसे आम तड़र पर दो खराक में दिया जाता है, पहली खराक 1 साल की उमर के आसपास दी जाती है और दूसरी खराक 4 साल की उमर के आसपास दी जाती है। ीकाकरण वयकतियों को कणठमाला से बचाने में मदद करता है और यदि ीका लगाया गया वयकति संकरमित हो जाता है तो रोग की गंभीरता कम हो जाती है।

यदि आपको संदेह है कि आपको कणठमाला है या आप लकषणों का अनभव कर रहे हैं, तो उचित देखभाल पर निदान और मारगदरशन के लि सवासथय देखभाल पेशेवर से संपरक करना आवशयक है। इसके अतिरिकत, अचछी सवचछता, जैसे बार-बार हाथ धोना, कणठमाला के संचरण के जोखिम को कम करने में मदद कर सकता है।",01/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ubis99hpUj0,how to pronounce measles,,01/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6XevbKNIhA,සරමේප....measles.... (why?ඇයි?),,01/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/thegreatkendall/reel/C2X8t-Pvwwg/,measles case confirmed in metro atlanta. let's talk about it. #vaccine #measles #atlanta #information #education #contentcreator #influencer #greenscreen,measles case confirmed in metro atlanta. let's talk about it. #vaccine #measles #atlanta #information #education #contentcreator #influencer #greenscreen,01/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@birmingham.live/video/7325759956941114656,measles is highly contagious and can be serious. know what the symptoms are so you don€™t risk spreading infection - seek advice from your gp or nhs111. paediatric matron hayley describes the symptoms here. #measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measlesawareness #measlessymptoms #symptoms #virus #nhs #matron #nurse #mmr #mmrvaccine,measles is highly contagious and can be serious. know what the symptoms are so you don€™t risk spreading infection - seek advice from your gp or nhs111. paediatric matron hayley describes the symptoms here. #measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measlesawareness #measlessymptoms #symptoms #virus #nhs #matron #nurse #mmr #mmrvaccine,01/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@drberrypierre/video/7326761684171885866,"clip from our live series - here i discuss why vaccines are more beneficial than the need to go through ""natural immunity"" - full episode on yt #drberry #measles #immunity","clip from our live series - here i discuss why vaccines are more beneficial than the need to go through ""natural immunity"" - full episode on yt #drberry #measles #immunity",01/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@ig_hydynism/video/7326835705949228293,uso ba?  #tigdashangin #measles #bulacan #rashes #germanmeasles #symptoms #remedies,uso ba?  #tigdashangin #measles #bulacan #rashes #germanmeasles #symptoms #remedies,01/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.erick_pediatra/video/7327029634837613830,"vacuna combinada contra el sarampion, parotiditis, rubeola y varicela. mayor informacion al whatsapp 987925972 #vacuna #vaccine #sarampion #rubela #paperas #varicela #nios #pediatriaintegral #proquad #measles #parotiditis ","vacuna combinada contra el sarampion, parotiditis, rubeola y varicela. mayor informacion al whatsapp 987925972 #vacuna #vaccine #sarampion #rubela #paperas #varicela #nios #pediatriaintegral #proquad #measles #parotiditis ",01/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@julienscott24/video/7326883879992806702,phoebe waller-bridge measles,phoebe waller-bridge measles,01/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.azfamily.com/video/2024/01/22/phoenix-childrens-worry-measles-cases-spike-nationwide/,phoenix children's worry as measles cases spike nationwide,"doctors say that vaccine skepticism has grown since the pandemic, and that's why measles has made a return in some areas.",01/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,anger,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@beachgem10/video/7327075998489382174,"measles outbreaks happen in the us and they are often related to international travel and pockets of unvaccinated people. in some circumstances, we consider a ""bonus"" mmr dose #measles #vaccine #travel #international #doctor
disclaimer: for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice or replace the advice of your physician.","measles outbreaks happen in the us and they are often related to international travel and pockets of unvaccinated people. in some circumstances, we consider a ""bonus"" mmr dose #measles #vaccine #travel #international #doctor
disclaimer: for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice or replace the advice of your physician.",01/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@bbcnews/video/7326982541129436449,"the west midlands has seen the most measles cases in recent months, but there's been outbreaks across other parts of the uk too. #measles #mmr #mmrvaccine #mumps #rubella #vaccine #vaccines #vaccination #jab #birmingham #westmidlands #london #health #bbcnews","the west midlands has seen the most measles cases in recent months, but there's been outbreaks across other parts of the uk too. #measles #mmr #mmrvaccine #mumps #rubella #vaccine #vaccines #vaccination #jab #birmingham #westmidlands #london #health #bbcnews",01/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGAxTuWXOCQ,uk measles outbreak: most cases reported in children under 10 years of age | wion news,"uk health officials on monday urged millions of parents to book their children for missed measles, mumps and rubella shots during a sharp increase in the number of measles cases in children and the lowest vaccination rates in a decade.

#uk #measles #wion 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhAA-7uMVBE,sky news breakfast: entire uk under yellow wind warning after storm isha causes havoc overnight,"join kay burley and guests for a fresh, new breakfast show as tens of thousands of homes are left without power due to storm isha.

the tornado and storm research organisation (torro) has warned that one or two tornadoes are ""possible"" in england and wales today.

on the show this morning…
 mayor of greater manchester, andy burnam,
 culture secretary,  lucy frazer
 a&e doctor in a london hospital and author, dr emeka okorocha

other stories making the news this morning:

 greater manchester police failures have left paedophile ring at large for seven years, whistleblower claims https://trib.al/lrrttjx
 donald trump has described one-time republican rival ron desantis as a ""really terrific person"" https://trib.al/yf0i2ir

follow live updates  https://trib.al/ykanzn3

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to enquire about licensing sky news content, you can find more information here: https://news.sky.com/info/library-sales",01/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8heXWau5Yg4,measles vaccine for your baby #measles #vaccine,"worried about the measles? most babies get their first dose of the measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) vaccine between 12 and 15 months old. but, if there's a measles outbreak in your area  – or you're traveling somewhere with an outbreak – you can ask your pediatrician about getting your baby an extra dose of the mmr vaccine earlier than that. pediatrician and babycenter medical advisor dr. phil boucher walks us through why this is a great option under certain circumstances.",01/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpfjk5nhkw0,nhs contacting 11 to 25-year-olds for measles jabs,"the nhs is contacting a million young people in london and the west midlands to remind them to get their measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) vaccine as cases of measles surge in birmingham and nearby towns. #measles #vaccines #nhs #channel4news #c4news

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76QpiEK3D9Q,protection against measles (in romanian),a recent increase in the number of cases of measles in brent has made it even more important to ensure residents are immunised and people who come into close contact with someone who has developed measles get the medical help they need.,01/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HF1zcvIoTFk,"""fraud and liar! julia hartley-brewer blasts andrew wakefield who falsely linked mmr jab to autism","millions of parents in england are being urged to book their children in for missed measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) jabs, amid a ""very real risk of measles outbreaks across the country.

officials said the decline in the uptake of routine childhood vaccinations is a ""serious concern.

the new nhs campaign comes after figures showed there have been 216 confirmed measles cases and 103 probable cases in the west midlands since october 1 last year.

the uk health security agency (ukhsa) declared a national incident, an internal mechanism signalling the growing public health risk.

dr andrew wakefield's 1998 lancet study which claimed a link between the vaccine and autism caused vaccination rates to plummet, resulting in a rise in measles.

the findings were later discredited and the general medical council struck him off, ruling he had been ""dishonest, irresponsible and showed callous disregard for the distress and pain of children.

talktv's julia hartley-brewer blasts 'discredited' dr wakefield, saying: ""he's a fraud and a liar and he's making money out of children's misery!

click here for more from talktv https://talk.tv

if you need any help visit: https://talk.tv/helplines

#measles #health #mmr",01/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,anger,fear
https://www.facebook.com/AneurinBevanHVS/videos/219613-measles-video-engmov/1741906622973232/,219613-measles-video-eng.mov,"measles, mumps & rubella are highly infectious diseases that can easily spread between people who are not vaccinated. the mmr vaccination requires 2 doses: dose one is given between 12 and 13 months dose two is given at 3 years 4 months unsure if your child has had their mmr vaccine? call 01633431685 and we can check for you.",01/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/dr.beachgem10/reel/C2a_AINsjQN/,"measles outbreaks happen in the us and they are often related to international travel and pockets of unvaccinated people. in some circumstances, we consider a bonus mmr dose #measles #vaccine #travel #international #doctor

disclaimer: for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice or replace the advice of your physician.","measles outbreaks happen in the us and they are often related to international travel and pockets of unvaccinated people. in some circumstances, we consider a bonus mmr dose #measles #vaccine #travel #international #doctor

disclaimer: for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice or replace the advice of your physician.",01/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drmishmash/video/7327016150951349537,#measles #measlesvaccine #vaccine #doctor #measlesoutbreak #birmingham #westmidlands #hackney #fyp,#measles #measlesvaccine #vaccine #doctor #measlesoutbreak #birmingham #westmidlands #hackney #fyp,01/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@c4news/video/7326979243282320673,"the nhs is contacting a million young people in london and the west midlands to remind them to get their measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) vaccine as cases of measles surge in birmingham and nearby towns. #measles #vaccines #nhs #channel4news #c4news","the nhs is contacting a million young people in london and the west midlands to remind them to get their measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) vaccine as cases of measles surge in birmingham and nearby towns. #measles #vaccines #nhs #channel4news #c4news",01/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@maxfostercnn/video/7327317057224133921,figures via @world health organization (who) #measles #europe #usa #health,figures via @world health organization (who) #measles #europe #usa #health,01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@doctorsooj/video/7327285510773214497,"measles outbreak explained by doctor sooj | #measles #health #mmr #vaccines #measlesoutbreak measles is usually self-limiting. previous exposure to/infection with measles, and mmr vaccines, typically confer lifelong immunity to measles. however there can be complications which usually affect the respiratory tract or central nervous system and include:   - otitis media (middle ear infection).    - pneumonia, pneumonitis, and tracheobronchitis.   - convulsions, encephalitis, and blindness.   - subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (a rare but serious complication affecting about 1 in 25,000 people with measles).","measles outbreak explained by doctor sooj | #measles #health #mmr #vaccines #measlesoutbreak measles is usually self-limiting. previous exposure to/infection with measles, and mmr vaccines, typically confer lifelong immunity to measles. however there can be complications which usually affect the respiratory tract or central nervous system and include:   - otitis media (middle ear infection).    - pneumonia, pneumonitis, and tracheobronchitis.   - convulsions, encephalitis, and blindness.   - subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (a rare but serious complication affecting about 1 in 25,000 people with measles).",01/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,surprise,surprise
https://www.tiktok.com/@salfordnownews/video/7327336359654591777,people in salford and the rest of the uk are being encourages to get the measles vaccinatjon after a recent surge in cases.,people in salford and the rest of the uk are being encourages to get the measles vaccinatjon after a recent surge in cases.,01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@miss_princewill/video/7327398887520554273,"britain's public health agency warned on friday that an outbreak of measles in central england could spread to other towns and cities unless urgent action is taken to boost vaccination uptake. the uk health security agency (ukhsa) has declared a national incident, signalling a growing public health risk. vaccination are important € ##fyppppppppppppppppppppppp#parentingtips#parentsoftiktok#siblings#children#london#unitedkingdom#blackparent#blackmums#indianparents#indiandads#parentsinuk#children#schoolnurse#nurses#schoolchildren#unitedkingdom#missprincewill#nhs#ethnicfamily#teachingkids#childrendevelopment ##nurse##communitynursing##communitynurse##districtnurse##studentnurse##adultnursing##blog##nursingschool##medicine##university##positivity##nursehumour##nurseproblems##tiktoknurse##nursingreels#schoolnurse#childrennurse#paedsnurselondon ","britain's public health agency warned on friday that an outbreak of measles in central england could spread to other towns and cities unless urgent action is taken to boost vaccination uptake. the uk health security agency (ukhsa) has declared a national incident, signalling a growing public health risk. vaccination are important € ##fyppppppppppppppppppppppp#parentingtips#parentsoftiktok#siblings#children#london#unitedkingdom#blackparent#blackmums#indianparents#indiandads#parentsinuk#children#schoolnurse#nurses#schoolchildren#unitedkingdom#missprincewill#nhs#ethnicfamily#teachingkids#childrendevelopment ##nurse##communitynursing##communitynurse##districtnurse##studentnurse##adultnursing##blog##nursingschool##medicine##university##positivity##nursehumour##nurseproblems##tiktoknurse##nursingreels#schoolnurse#childrennurse#paedsnurselondon ",01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@drmishmash/video/7327433842384473376,replying to @drmishmash #measlesoutbreak #measles #measlesvaccine #parent #fyp #foryoupage #doctor #westmidlands #birmingham,replying to @drmishmash #measlesoutbreak #measles #measlesvaccine #parent #fyp #foryoupage #doctor #westmidlands #birmingham,01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@eveningstandard/video/7327342864000683297,why are measles cases on the increase in the uk? #measles #worldhealthorganisation #covid #vaccine #mmr ,why are measles cases on the increase in the uk? #measles #worldhealthorganisation #covid #vaccine #mmr ,01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@docmerton/video/7327381722838879521,lets get children vaccinated against #measles #mmr #redbook #childhealth #publichealth @nhs uk,lets get children vaccinated against #measles #mmr #redbook #childhealth #publichealth @nhs uk,01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drmishmash/video/7327358659103657248,#measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #outbreak #fyp #parent #doctor #bbcnews,#measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #outbreak #fyp #parent #doctor #bbcnews,01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@tortoisemedia/video/7327340484681108769,"€since 1970, wealth inequality was going down. since 2010, it€™s been going up.€ on this episode of the news meeting, liam byrne mp joined us to discuss the uk€™s wealth inequality problem. we also discussed the uk's measles outbreak, and a judge's ruling against a manager who wanted to work from home. listen wherever you get your podcasts €"" search €the news meeting€™. #podcast #podcastclips #fyp #fypage #foryoupage #foryourpage #wealthinequality ","€since 1970, wealth inequality was going down. since 2010, it€™s been going up.€ on this episode of the news meeting, liam byrne mp joined us to discuss the uk€™s wealth inequality problem. we also discussed the uk's measles outbreak, and a judge's ruling against a manager who wanted to work from home. listen wherever you get your podcasts €"" search €the news meeting€™. #podcast #podcastclips #fyp #fypage #foryoupage #foryourpage #wealthinequality ",01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@gbnews/video/7327377219360263456,'there has been a 30-fold rise in cases across europe' | theo chikomba reports from birmingham on the 'alarming' rise in cases of measles #measlesoutbreak #measels #theochikomba #birmingham #health #children #gbnews,'there has been a 30-fold rise in cases across europe' | theo chikomba reports from birmingham on the 'alarming' rise in cases of measles #measlesoutbreak #measels #theochikomba #birmingham #health #children #gbnews,01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@cbsmornings/video/7327371450401295646,"measles were eradicated in the u.s. more than 20 years ago € but now, there are new outbreaks of the disease. declining vaccination rates could jeopardize herd immunity. #news #measles #mmr #kids","measles were eradicated in the u.s. more than 20 years ago € but now, there are new outbreaks of the disease. declining vaccination rates could jeopardize herd immunity. #news #measles #mmr #kids",01/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@scky45/video/7327373159294897451,vaccinate your kids #stayathomemom #measlesvaccine #momlife #measles #antivaxxer #provaxxer #antivaccine #vaccination #momtok #vaccine,vaccinate your kids #stayathomemom #measlesvaccine #momlife #measles #antivaxxer #provaxxer #antivaccine #vaccination #momtok #vaccine,01/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/video/why-waning-herd-immunity-is-leading-to-measles-outbreaks/,"why waning herd immunity is leading to measles outbreaks
","measles were eradicated in the united states decades ago, but decreased vaccination rates have threatened the country's herd immunity against the disease. new outbreaks have been reported, including nine cases in philadelphia that affected a hospital and a day care center. stephen stock reports.",01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQiaJuHD5-s,why waning herd immunity is leading to measles outbreaks,"measles were eradicated in the united states decades ago, but decreased vaccination rates have threatened the country's herd immunity against the disease. new outbreaks have been reported, including nine cases in philadelphia that affected a hospital and a day care center. stephen stock reports.

each weekday morning, ""cbs mornings co-hosts gayle king, tony dokoupil and nate burleson bring you the latest breaking news, smart conversation and in-depth feature reporting. ""cbs mornings"" airs weekdays at 7 a.m. on cbs and stream it at 8 a.m. et on the cbs news app.

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for video licensing inquiries, contact: licensing@veritone.com",01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://m.facebook.com/nandwics/videos/measles-can-killbut-2-doses-of-the-mmr-vaccine-can-offer-protection-for-life-mak/1799137530530723/,"measles can kill.
but 2 doses of the #mmr vaccine can offer protection for life. make sure you & your loved ones are up to date with their jabs, and if not, contact your gp practice for a catch up appointment.","measles can kill.
but 2 doses of the #mmr vaccine can offer protection for life. make sure you & your loved ones are up to date with their jabs, and if not, contact your gp practice for a catch up appointment.",01/23/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPRc8bAR5b4,declining vaccination rates threatening herd immunity to measles,"measles were eradicated in the united states decades ago, but decreased vaccination rates have threatened the country's herd immunity against the disease. new outbreaks have been reported, including nine cases in philadelphia that affected a hospital and a day care center. stephen stock reports.

each weekday morning, ""cbs mornings co-hosts gayle king, tony dokoupil and nate burleson bring you the latest breaking news, smart conversation and in-depth feature reporting. ""cbs mornings"" airs weekdays at 7 a.m. on cbs and stream it at 8 a.m. et on the cbs news app.

subscribe to ""cbs mornings on youtube:   

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try paramount+ free: https://bit.ly/2oiw1kz

for video licensing inquiries, contact: licensing@veritone.com",01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4O5ScUUAFg,the answer: measles outbreak,what's causing a recent measles outbreak? here's the answer.,01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@nataliebennettgreen/video/7327231953353067809,"#measles - now gps and their staff need ppe for this out-of-
control virus.
is there enough, and will the government cover the cost, or load it on to already struggling services?
did not get an answer. will be pursuing","#measles - now gps and their staff need ppe for this out-of-
control virus.
is there enough, and will the government cover the cost, or load it on to already struggling services?
did not get an answer. will be pursuing",01/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@doctorbhogal/video/7327383664688434464,"diagnosis detective #medicalquiz #medicine #babytok #measles #seizureawareness #toddlersoftiktok #nursesoftiktok #doctorsoftiktok #studentnurse #medstudent #doctorexplains
#tiktokdoc #health","diagnosis detective #medicalquiz #medicine #babytok #measles #seizureawareness #toddlersoftiktok #nursesoftiktok #doctorsoftiktok #studentnurse #medstudent #doctorexplains
#tiktokdoc #health",01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GznnALm1GU,uk measles outbreak: why are cases rising? | health officials launch awareness campaign | wion,"uk health officials on monday urged millions of parents to book their children for missed measles, mumps and rubella shots during a sharp increase in the number of measles cases in children and the lowest vaccination rates in a decade.

#uk #measles #wion 

about channel: 

wion the world is one news examines global issues with in-depth analysis. we provide much more than the news of the day. our aim is to empower people to explore their world. with our global headquarters in new delhi, we bring you news on the hour, by the hour. we deliver information that is not biased. we are journalists who are neutral to the core and non-partisan when it comes to world politics. people are tired of biased reportage and we stand for a globalized united world. so for us, the world is truly one.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlHBPX0YcbY,uk measles outbreak: health officials urge parents to book children for vaccinations,"uk health officials on monday urged millions of parents to book their children for missed measles, mumps and rubella shots during a sharp increase in the number of measles cases in children and the lowest vaccination rates in a decade.

#uk #measles #wion 

about channel: 

wion the world is one news examines global issues with in-depth analysis. we provide much more than the news of the day. our aim is to empower people to explore their world. with our global headquarters in new delhi, we bring you news on the hour, by the hour. we deliver information that is not biased. we are journalists who are neutral to the core and non-partisan when it comes to world politics. people are tired of biased reportage and we stand for a globalized united world. so for us, the world is truly one.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHlQogaml8I,"""i needed herd immunity mum calls for parents to vaccinate their children | good morning britain","the mother of a 6-year-old boy who died after contracting measles is supporting a new campaign by medical leaders urging parents to get their children vaccinated against the disease. gemma larkman-jones from london lost her son, samuel after he developed a rare form of brain inflammation from catching measles. 

 the uk health security agency is warning that measles is spreading among unvaccinated communities. the agency is spearheading a ""national call to action"". pop-up clinics are being introduced to get more children vaccinated as cases continue to rise. the ukhsa has also declared the measles outbreak a national incident, allowing it to put more resources into tackling the problem.

broadcast on 23/01/24

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#gmb #vaccine #mmr #measles #vaccination",01/23/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCK_tYU73DE,increasing measles vaccination coverage to improve global health security,"despite several decades of international effort focused on eliminating measles, inadequate immunization coverage has contributed to an increase in measles infections and deaths over the past two years. several countries, including yemen, india, and kazakhstan, have experienced recent measles outbreaks, while people living in regions that have seen vaccination coverage decrease, in part due to disruptions to health services during the covid-19 pandemic, are vulnerable to infection with this highly transmissible virus.

please join the csis global health policy center for a discussion regarding gaps in measles immunization coverage and opportunities to halt measles outbreaks and reignite progress toward measles elimination. what steps can be taken to increase funding for immunization services? how can more resilient health systems better deliver measles vaccines? what technical advances can help health care providers reach remote communities with immunization services? and what communications strategies are most helpful in building people's understanding and acceptance of measles vaccines? katherine e. bliss, senior fellow and director of immunizations and health systems resilience at the csis health policy center will be joined by graa matsinhe, national immunization technical lead at momentum routine immunization transformation and equity (m-rite) mozambique at jsi research & training institute, inc., william moss, professor and executive director of the international vaccine access center at the johns hopkins bloomberg school of public health, and daniel salas peraza, executive manager of comprehensive immunization at the pan-american health organization/who,.

this event is made possible by the generous support of the bill & melinda gates foundation.
a nonpartisan institution, csis is the top national security think tank in the world. 
visit www.csis.org to find more of our work as we bring bipartisan solutions to the world's greatest challenges.

want to see more videos and virtual events? subscribe to this channel and turn on notifications: https://cs.is/2dcftve

follow csis on:
• twitter: www.twitter.com/csis
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• instagram: www.instagram.com/csis/",01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_LCS42U_Mg,measles - make sure your child is up to date with their mmr vaccinations.,"measles cases are rising in england. make sure your child is up to date with their mmr vaccinations.  

protect your child by contacting their gp practice to book their first mmr vaccine appointment.",01/23/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RQv2tTRO1I,uk experiencing surge in measles cases.,"discussion on lbc news with john stratford on why we have an upsurge in measles cases and what we can do.

the mmr vaccine, given in two does is highly effective in giving life long immunity to 98% of double vaccinated people.

anyone in any age group can get vaccinated.

we need high mmr vaccine coverage, over 95% of the population to be vaccinated as measles is highly infectious with a r nought number of around 18, this means in a susceptible room full of people, if there is a case of measles, they will generate another 18 new cases.

measles is a vaccine preventable infection and the mmr vaccine is safe, previous wrong reports in the 1990's about links with autism and the mmr vaccine have been found not ot be linked.",01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1T0HeJH1Dbs,measles outbreak 2024 #measles #measlesoutbreak #mmr #childhood #vaccine #vaccination #january2024,,01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vqsYA9bUPI,一天一新英文<懂英文更懂世畜】世衛警呚洲麻疹病例暴增45 | 20240124 #who #measles,"如果喜歡本頻的內容<記得""有讚訂閱分享開鈴<讓我更有動嚛繼纜製作喔~~~


資料來bbc網站:https://www.bbc.com/news/health-68068226",01/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drtally/video/7327383664688434464,diagnosis detective #medicalquiz #medicine #babytok #measles #seizureawareness #toddlersoftiktok #nursesoftiktok #doctorsoftiktok #studentnurse #medstudent #doctorexplains #tiktokdoc #health,diagnosis detective #medicalquiz #medicine #babytok #measles #seizureawareness #toddlersoftiktok #nursesoftiktok #doctorsoftiktok #studentnurse #medstudent #doctorexplains #tiktokdoc #health,01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@doctally/video/7327383664688434464,diagnosis detective #medicalquiz #medicine #babytok #measles #seizureawareness #toddlersoftiktok #nursesoftiktok #doctorsoftiktok #studentnurse #medstudent #doctorexplains #tiktokdoc #health,diagnosis detective #medicalquiz #medicine #babytok #measles #seizureawareness #toddlersoftiktok #nursesoftiktok #doctorsoftiktok #studentnurse #medstudent #doctorexplains #tiktokdoc #health,01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@astraltour/video/7324870390998912302,#duet with @mrswest08 #greenscreen #measles #breakingnews #fyp #airport #2024,#duet with @mrswest08 #greenscreen #measles #breakingnews #fyp #airport #2024,01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/NHSNELFT/videos/measles-can-kill-but-2-doses-of-the-mmr-vaccine-can-offer-protection-for-life-ma/415057044282849/,measles can kill. but 2 doses of the#mmrvaccine can offer protection for life. make sure you & your loved ones are up to date with their jabs,"measles can kill. but 2 doses of the #mmr vaccine can offer protection for life. make sure you & your loved ones are up to date with their jabs, and if not, contact your gp practice for a catch up appointment.",01/23/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drdarria/reel/C2dcyRPshI8/,"measles outbreaks in the us - who's at risk? 

the good thing? the measles vaccine is extremely effective - 93% effective after the 1st dose, and 97% after the 2nd dose. so when we're concerned here, it's especially in people who are unvaccinated. 

what can you do? - share this with family and loved ones to help keep them healthy - and follow so you don't miss other info i'll be sharing on this topic. 

let me know if you have any q's! 
xo - dr. d

#measlesoutbreak #measles #emergencymedicine #doctor #erdoctor #healthtips","measles outbreaks in the us - who's at risk? 

the good thing? the measles vaccine is extremely effective - 93% effective after the 1st dose, and 97% after the 2nd dose. so when we're concerned here, it's especially in people who are unvaccinated. 

what can you do? - share this with family and loved ones to help keep them healthy - and follow so you don't miss other info i'll be sharing on this topic. 

let me know if you have any q's! 
xo - dr. d

#measlesoutbreak #measles #emergencymedicine #doctor #erdoctor #healthtips",01/23/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/saskatchewanhealthauthority/reel/C2dULdipPim/,"the saskatchewan health authority (sha) has identified one confirmed case of measles in a saskatoon resident that was acquired through international travel. measles is highly contagious. it can spread very easily by breathing contaminated air after an infected person coughs or sneezes, or by touching a contaminated surface such as a doorknob or a shopping cart. 

if you have any symptoms and were at identified contact locations during identified times (refer to news release link for details), call healthline 811 for direction. if you're in medical distress, go to er or call 911, and identify may have measles exposure. (find more info at www.saskhealthauthority.ca)

it can spread to others from four days before a rash appears until four days after a rash develops. through this period, a person needs to stay in strict isolation to avoid spreading the infection to others.

measles can be prevented by vaccination. the measles vaccine is safe, effective and free. with two doses, measles vaccination is almost 100 per cent effective.
#saskatchewan #saskhealth #saskatoon #measles #vaccinationworks #vaccineswork","the saskatchewan health authority (sha) has identified one confirmed case of measles in a saskatoon resident that was acquired through international travel. measles is highly contagious. it can spread very easily by breathing contaminated air after an infected person coughs or sneezes, or by touching a contaminated surface such as a doorknob or a shopping cart. 

if you have any symptoms and were at identified contact locations during identified times (refer to news release link for details), call healthline 811 for direction. if you're in medical distress, go to er or call 911, and identify may have measles exposure. (find more info at www.saskhealthauthority.ca)

it can spread to others from four days before a rash appears until four days after a rash develops. through this period, a person needs to stay in strict isolation to avoid spreading the infection to others.

measles can be prevented by vaccination. the measles vaccine is safe, effective and free. with two doses, measles vaccination is almost 100 per cent effective.
#saskatchewan #saskhealth #saskatoon #measles #vaccinationworks #vaccineswork",01/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/longocustombuilders/reel/C2dutchNOcf/,"homebuilding tip // have you ever given your home blue measles?  find out why this step near the end of our home builds is crucial to ensure our clients are happy with every detail in their dream home.  

#homebuildingjourney #homebuildingandrenovating #customhomebuilder #customhomedesign #customhomebuilders","homebuilding tip // have you ever given your home blue measles?  find out why this step near the end of our home builds is crucial to ensure our clients are happy with every detail in their dream home.  

#homebuildingjourney #homebuildingandrenovating #customhomebuilder #customhomedesign #customhomebuilders",01/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@tortoisemedia/video/7327364211020025121,"measles rates are rising at an alarming rate, prompting the uk to declare a national health incident. so why has the disease made a comeback in the uk? cat neilan explains on this episode of the news meeting. listen wherever you get your podcasts.  #podcast #podcastclips #fyp #fypage #foryoupage #foryourpage #uknews #uk #measles ","measles rates are rising at an alarming rate, prompting the uk to declare a national health incident. so why has the disease made a comeback in the uk? cat neilan explains on this episode of the news meeting. listen wherever you get your podcasts.  #podcast #podcastclips #fyp #fypage #foryoupage #foryourpage #uknews #uk #measles ",01/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@shannonbennett3369/video/7327556530964925739,measles watchseries,measles watchseries,01/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@newsbytesbites/video/7327761633776782638,"january 24, 2024 news - turkey approves sweden's nato bid; eu's h&m criticized for campaign; who urges measles shots amid surge; frontex seeks humane immigration policy #trending #trend #news","january 24, 2024 news - turkey approves sweden's nato bid; eu's h&m criticized for campaign; who urges measles shots amid surge; frontex seeks humane immigration policy #trending #trend #news",01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@heather.felton.md/video/7327829209962024238,"#greenscreensticker its time to do a refresher on measles. this can be a serious illness, but is preventable with a vaccine. #vaccinesavelives #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak @heather.felton.md pediatrician ","#greenscreensticker its time to do a refresher on measles. this can be a serious illness, but is preventable with a vaccine. #vaccinesavelives #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak @heather.felton.md pediatrician ",01/24/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@leadstories/video/7327604517938187552,fact check: mmr ii vaccine does not cause measles in healthy people #checktok #factcheck #mmriivaccine #measles #mumps #rubella https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2024/01/fact-check-mmr2-vaccine-does-not-cause-measles.html,fact check: mmr ii vaccine does not cause measles in healthy people #checktok #factcheck #mmriivaccine #measles #mumps #rubella https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2024/01/fact-check-mmr2-vaccine-does-not-cause-measles.html,01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciZbqloqPks,measles cases on the rise in parts of europe and central asia: who,"measles cases are on the rise in parts of europe and central asia, according to the world health organization (who), which has some public health experts concerned about further spread. 

case counts in canada remain low, but vigilance against the disease is necessary for continued protection.

global's katherine ward reports. 

for more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/health/

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#globalnews #measles #health
",01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@thefeedwithdrg/video/7327796419916598533,#greenscreen #ancient #diseases #measles #mumps ,#greenscreen #ancient #diseases #measles #mumps ,01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@renewsnz/video/7327871815747947777,measles vaccines are free in new zealand for anyone 18 years and under + anyone eligible for free healthcare * #nztiktok #nz #news #measles #healthcare #vaccine #nznews,measles vaccines are free in new zealand for anyone 18 years and under + anyone eligible for free healthcare * #nztiktok #nz #news #measles #healthcare #vaccine #nznews,01/24/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB-FWxdrLOw,ancient diseases making a comeback: measles and mumps!,"we have all heard of measles and mumps. but few people actually know what these diseases are. and there is a good reason for that. for a long time, these viruses had nearly disappeared thanks to extremely effective vaccines. but guess what?  they're baaaack….

yes…with vaccine hesitancy on the rise and with many kids having missed their routine vaccines during the pandemic, these viruses are cropping up in unexpected places more and more often.  let's talk about measles and mumps, what you need to know, and why it's important to catch up on those routine vaccines to keep these diseases in the past - where they belong!

stay tuned for part ii of ""ancient diseases making a comeback… and if you have any questions or other subjects (including tiktok videos!) that you'd like us to discuss, leave a comment below – we'd love to hear from you!

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nothing matters more than our health. and science is the key to understanding and maximizing our health and wellness. yet new studies are reported in the news every day, and it seems impossible to keep up and figure out what's important. at the same time, science is too often presented in a traditional style that's unnecessarily complex and hard to understand.

as both a doctor and a scientist, my mission is to find fresh approaches to make science clear, transparent, and easy to understand (=obvious!) – for everyone. in our digital world, the feed is built to keep people engaged and informed about the latest topics and newest science in health and medicine and to empower them to separate fact from fiction.

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*the contents of this video are intended for informational and educational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice. always seek the advice of your physician.














https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc7986990/",01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IElslF62DDg,"w.h.o raises alarm over measles in europe, urges mass vaccination drive | wion","speaking about the situation in europe, dr hans kluge, regional director at the who, said: ""we have seen, in the region, not only a 30-fold increase in measles cases, but also nearly 21,000 hospitalisations and five measles-related deaths. this is concerning.

#who #measles #landslide 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvVlcNpXTYg,pediatrician talks with moms about vaccines | every dose matters.,"do you have questions about childhood vaccines and the diseases they prevent? you are not alone. many moms want to learn more before making a decision. hear a pediatrician talk about the importance of sharing your concerns about childhood vaccines with your kid's doctor. watch these moms get real and honest answers to their questions about the risks of serious childhood diseases like chickenpox, tetanus, hepatitis, measles, and whooping cough and the powerful protection vaccines provide.

find out why every dose matters at dshs.texas.gov/kidsvaccines. then talk to your pediatrician.",01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7U-A-Ph7ztQ,difference between measles and mumps | #measles #mumps #shorts #viralshort #youtubeshort #viraltrend,"also know: measles vs mumps | what is the main difference between measles and mumps | what is the difference between measles and mumps | measles and mumps  

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps immunization, mumps vaccinations, mumps virus treatment, what is the preventions of mumps, preventions of mumps, mumps prevention, preventive tips of mumps, mumps preventive tips, measles vs mumps, what is the main difference between measles and mumps, what is the difference between measles and mumps, measles and mumps  ,pace hospitals",01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCIL9EIyW7s,moms get real answers about vaccines | every dose matters,"watch moms sit down for a candid, real conversation with a pediatrician about childhood vaccines. concerned for their kids and trying to learn as much as they can, these moms are seeking answers so they can make an informed decision. watch their conversation to better to understand the risks of childhood diseases like chickenpox, tetanus, hepatitis, measles, and whooping cough and the powerful protection their vaccines provide. 

find out why every dose matters at dshs.texas.gov/kidsvaccines. then talk to your pediatrician.",01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4vyOf3ZBd0,"measles | nadia inglis, interim director of public health","'now is the time to get vaccinated'. 

nadia inglis, interim director of public health shares an important message about getting the mmr vaccine to protect against measles, mumps and rubella.

this is the official youtube channel for walsall council, sharing information about council run services, news and events.

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thank you for watching. don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel to stay up to date with our latest updates 

#walsall #walsallcouncil #westmidlands",01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEDCLaJ04Rc,bams epidemiology exam notes | epidemiology for public health | easy learning  |swasthavritta |bams3,"certainly, here's the information provided for each disease:

epidemiological determinants: varicella-zoster virus, primarily in children, spreads through respiratory droplets.
brief pathology: virus enters through respiratory system, causes characteristic rashes.
transmission: highly contagious, through direct contact or respiratory droplets.
incubation period: 10-21 days.
clinical features: fever, fatigue, itchy rash progressing to blisters.
diagnosis: clinical and confirmed through laboratory tests.
preventive measures: varicella vaccine.

epidemiological determinants: caused by the measles virus, seasonal outbreaks, and occasional pandemics.
brief pathology: virus infects the respiratory mucosa, leads to characteristic symptoms and rash.
transmission: highly contagious, through respiratory droplets.
incubation period: 10-14 days.
clinical features: fever, cough, koplik spots, rash.
diagnosis: clinical and confirmed through laboratory tests.
preventive measures: mmr vaccine.

epidemiological determinants: caused by rubella virus, mild illness but risky during pregnancy.
brief pathology: virus infects the respiratory mucosa, can lead to complications during pregnancy.
transmission: through respiratory droplets.
incubation period: 14-21 days.
clinical features: mild fever, rash, complications during pregnancy.
diagnosis: clinical and confirmed through laboratory tests.
preventive measures: mmr vaccine.

epidemiological determinants: caused by corynebacterium diphtheriae bacteria.
brief pathology: toxins produced cause tissue damage and systemic effects.
transmission: through respiratory droplets and contact with contaminated items.
incubation period: 2-5 days.
clinical features: sore throat, respiratory symptoms, complications.
diagnosis: clinical and confirmed through laboratory tests.
preventive measures: diphtheria vaccine.

epidemiological determinants: caused by bordetella pertussis bacterium.
brief pathology: bacteria attach to respiratory tract, causing inflammation and persistent cough.
transmission: highly contagious through respiratory droplets.
incubation period: 7-10 days.
clinical features: catarrhal stage, paroxysmal stage, convalescent stage.
diagnosis: clinical and confirmed through laboratory tests.
preventive measures: pertussis vaccine.

epidemiological determinants: caused by mumps virus.
brief pathology: primarily affects salivary glands.
transmission: through respiratory droplets and direct contact.
incubation period: 16-18 days.
clinical features: parotitis, fever, orchitis or oophoritis.
diagnosis: clinical and confirmed through laboratory tests.
preventive measures: mumps, mmr vaccine.

epidemiological determinants: caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis.
brief pathology: infects respiratory tract, primarily lungs.
transmission: airborne through respiratory droplets.
incubation period: 2-12 weeks.
clinical features: pulmonary and systemic symptoms, latent tb.
diagnosis: clinical and confirmed through laboratory tests.
preventive measures: bcg vaccine, antibiotic treatment.

epidemiological determinants: caused by influenza viruses a and b.
brief pathology: infects respiratory tract, leading to respiratory illness.
transmission: airborne through respiratory droplets.
incubation period: 1-4 days.
clinical features: flu-like symptoms, respiratory symptoms, systemic symptoms.
diagnosis: clinical and confirmed through laboratory tests.
preventive measures: seasonal influenza vaccination, hygiene practices.

epidemiological determinants: caused by sars-cov-2 virus, global pandemic.
brief pathology: affects respiratory system, various symptoms.
transmission: human-to-human through respiratory droplets and contact.
incubation period: 2-14 days.
clinical features: respiratory and systemic symptoms, loss of smell or taste.
diagnosis: clinical and confirmed through pcr tests.
preventive measures: covid-19 vaccination, public health measures.

epidemiological determinants: caused by mycobacterium leprae bacteria.
brief pathology: affects skin, peripheral nerves, and mucous membranes.
transmission: likely through respiratory droplets or prolonged close contact.
incubation period: variable, ranging from months to years.
clinical features: skin lesions, neurological symptoms, eye and mucous membrane involvement.
diagnosis: clinical evaluation, skin biopsy, laboratory tests.
preventive measures: multi-drug therapy (mdt), early diagnosis and treatment.

epidemiological determinants: result from various infectious agents.
brief pathology: inflammation of the lungs, affecting air sacs.
transmission: depends on the causative agent.
incubation period: variable.
clinical features: respiratory and systemic symptoms, severity varies.
diagnosis: clinical evaluation, chest x-rays, blood tests.
preventive measures: vaccination, good hygiene practices.#bams#ayurveda#swasthavritta #medicaleducation",01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZVI9dFJuD4,mock test : drug inspector exam preparation psc/upsc,"#druginspectorexam #druginspector #pharmacist #pharmacy #pscexam #pscexampreparation #psc #upscexamprepration #upscexam #upsc #mocktest #keralapsc 
1. arsenic
2. degree of unsaturation present in fatty acids
3. 1000ppm
4. piperidine
5. phenoxybenzamine
6. sodium potassium tartarate
7. m iii
8. beckmann rearrangement
9. concurrent validation
10. measles vaccine
11. zn
12. cosartan
13. d1
14. d tubocurarine
15. beer-lambert's law
for more mock tests: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=pl1g2n8mrbuzf-23jzhqnl49x_zezbdzrx
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drug inspector exam preparation mcq
drug inspector exam preparation kerala psc
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druginspector kerala psc
druginspector exam preparation kerala psc
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https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mjrPXx0RR-g,thousands of measles cases in europe (uk highlight),"there was more than 40,000 cases of measles in europe in 2023. the uk saw 1600 of them, and has a declining vaccination rate. here's the details.",01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOaXS7qlgeA,why aren't you getting your kids #vaccinated for #measles? #shorts #health  #usa #europe,,01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yb91OeWakSY,who warns alarming 45-fold rise in measles cases across europe,"the world health organization has issued an urgent warning about measles after reporting 42,400 infections that occurred across europe in 2023 - a nearly 45-fold increase from 2022 with 941 cases registered. 

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feel free to share but do not re-upload.",01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RiUTZdPxTg,symptoms of measles | punjabi,,01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2L9dWqtw8A,measles - why it's important to get vaccinated,,01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_lZ6JXZ8JM,w.h.o urges mass vaccination drive in europe for measles | wion,"speaking about the situation in europe, dr hans kluge, regional director at the who, said: ""we have seen, in the region, not only a 30-fold increase in measles cases, but also nearly 21,000 hospitalisations and five measles-related deaths. this is concerning.

#who #measles #landslide 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5J7IaMNGBoI,captain james cook statue vandalised near st kilda day before australia day | 7 news australia,"the words the ""colony will fall"" were spray painted on the monument. the statue is a frequent target for vandals, two years ago it was doused in red paint as part of an australia day protest. subscribe and set   https://7news.link/ytsubscribe | 

 01:34 james cook statue vandalised
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06:28 victorian drowning tragedy 
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07:08 vline worker strike 
07:26 brisbane pedestrian hit 
08:23 4wd crashes into brisbane home
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#7news #breakingnews #stkilda #melbourne",01/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rRY3bT7aA8,vlog: my life update//my second baby had measles //finding myself+ bonding with my second baby ,"life is the way we want it to be for us. 
hi guys... welcome back to julescastle . my name is juliet. today's video is about my life update, what i've been up to and how i have been taking each day one step at a time. my entirely family was sick , but we're better now only for my second baby who after the general family sickness, unfortunately has measles currently but it's going gradually and she's doing normal now playing and being happy .",01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVzHHCOxN_M,അഞചാംപനി മതിർനനവരിൽ വരമോ?can adults be infected with measles?,"measles is a viral infection caused by a virus from paramyxovirus family.
it is usually seen in the paediatric age group.

it usually present with fever, headache, sore throat,diarrhoea,loose stools .
sometimes measles infection can be troublesome when there is pneumonia, encephalitis etc.

measles vaccination is the best way to prevent it.

video - 118

for more information
contact :  9495037393


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#drpebeethafathima #ent #earhealth #nosehealth #throathealth #entclinic #cancer #surgery #virusnews #viral #vacation #trip #tour #schooltour #parenting #tips",01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXYXSPwTze4,ಮಂಗನಬಾವ ರೋಗ ಬಂದಲಲಿ ಕಿವಡಾಗೋ ಸಾಧಯತೆ ಇದಯಾ!? | what is mumps and measles!? | karnataka tv health,"ಮಂಗನಬಾವ ರೋಗ ಬಂದಲಲಿ ಕಿವಡಾಗೋ ಸಾಧಯತೆ ಇದಯಾ!? | what is mumps and measles!? | karnataka tv health

#mumps #measles #kids #kid #kidshealth #kidshealthtips #child #children #childrens #childcare #childhealthnursing #childhealthcare #childhealthtips #childhealth #disease #karnatakatv #healthtips #health #healthy #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthyeating #healthylife #karnatakatvhealth #healthylifestyle #karnatakatv #kannada

follow karnataka tv for latest political news and analysis ,sandalwood movie updates and much more,
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https://www.instagram.com/mumsincolombo/reel/C2gnSK9hqIl/,"the mmr vaccine 

do you know that the incidence of measles has been rising in sri lanka and in fact across the world? there is a lot mistrust about vaccines in general now, and the unfounded, discredited connection between the mmr  vaccine and autism is making the rounds again.

measles itself is a dangerous disease for infants as it can cause brain damage, and in some cases can be fatal. it is also highly contagious which is why, although older children are not so much at risk from the harmful effects of measles, a booster shot is encouraged to prevent them from being carriers.

have you taken necessary steps to protect your child from measles? share this video to spread awareness about this issue and let's  make sri lanka measles-free again.

#measlesoutbreak #healthmatters #diseaseprevention #vaccinate #mmr

have you given your lo  the mmr vaccine ?","the mmr vaccine 

do you know that the incidence of measles has been rising in sri lanka and in fact across the world? there is a lot mistrust about vaccines in general now, and the unfounded, discredited connection between the mmr  vaccine and autism is making the rounds again.

measles itself is a dangerous disease for infants as it can cause brain damage, and in some cases can be fatal. it is also highly contagious which is why, although older children are not so much at risk from the harmful effects of measles, a booster shot is encouraged to prevent them from being carriers.

have you taken necessary steps to protect your child from measles? share this video to spread awareness about this issue and let's  make sri lanka measles-free again.

#measlesoutbreak #healthmatters #diseaseprevention #vaccinate #mmr

have you given your lo  the mmr vaccine ?",01/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2fVRkZvowx/,#measles #autism,#measles #autism,01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@freddieburnett89/video/7327885043022581035,papa murphy measles,papa murphy measles,01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@danebell53/video/7327785970026171694,measles spotify web player popcorn time,measles spotify web player popcorn time,01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@untvnewsandrescue/video/7327668318897261825,who warns alarming 45-fold rise in measles cases across europe #newsph   #untvnewsandrescue   #untv,who warns alarming 45-fold rise in measles cases across europe #newsph   #untvnewsandrescue   #untv,01/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zTiWE8O_mG4,the truth about the measles vaccine,the truth about the measles vaccine,01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@doctorsooj/video/7327982870348172576,"measles in pregnancy explained | #health #measles #pregnancy
#womenshealth #doctor #nhs","measles in pregnancy explained | #health #measles #pregnancy
#womenshealth #doctor #nhs",01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@therealdrdarria/video/7328083009918307627,"with measles outbreaks, would you actually know how to even recognize measles? tbh, after measles was effectively erradicated in the us in 2000, when i was in medical school, none of us thought we'd ever actually see it. yet.... here we are.
so, while | *still* hope that we can get this under control and that you won't have to see a case, here are the key features to know, and differentiate it from other more typical respiratory viruses.
make sure to follow, so you don't miss any videos on this, and comment video, and i'll dm you my video on who's most at risk.
#measles #measlesoutbreak #signsandsymptoms #emergencymedicine #doctor #measlessymptoms
#doctorsoftiktok","with measles outbreaks, would you actually know how to even recognize measles? tbh, after measles was effectively erradicated in the us in 2000, when i was in medical school, none of us thought we'd ever actually see it. yet.... here we are.
so, while | *still* hope that we can get this under control and that you won't have to see a case, here are the key features to know, and differentiate it from other more typical respiratory viruses.
make sure to follow, so you don't miss any videos on this, and comment video, and i'll dm you my video on who's most at risk.
#measles #measlesoutbreak #signsandsymptoms #emergencymedicine #doctor #measlessymptoms
#doctorsoftiktok",01/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@drmuhammadishaq1020/video/7328031892802997510,#measles#drishaqfoundationfacebok #measlesrubellavaccine #drishaqfoundationfacebok #medicaltiktok #foryoupage,#measles#drishaqfoundationfacebok #measlesrubellavaccine #drishaqfoundationfacebok #medicaltiktok #foryoupage,01/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pym8q5bxiwE,measles signs and symptoms,what to watch out for and next steps if you suspect your child may have measles.,01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LPzqePgIvE,threat of measles is rapidly spreading across europe,"the threat of measles is spreading rapidly across europe. the world health organization says the increase is alarming, but not unexpected due to the decline in vaccination rates in recent years. health authorities in the uk are particularly concerned, because they estimate more than 3.4 million children under the age of 16 are unprotected and at risk. abdulvehab ejupi reports._x000d_
livestream: http://trt.world/ytlive
facebook: http://trt.world/facebook
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visit our website: http://trt.world",01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piWFCEajORo,let's talk about the mmr vaccine,"'let's talk about the mmr vaccine' shows dr asha mohammed along with local community members safiya, salma and daad explaining why the mmr vaccine matters and how it can help protect people.

this vaccination film was created by members of the bristol community in response to concerns about measles, mumps and rubella. it was commissioned by bristol city council and community health partners.

for more information about the mmr vaccine, please visit our website: https://bnssghealthiertogether.org.uk/health-wellbeing/vaccination/mmr-information/

see also:

#mmr #mmrvaccine #measles",01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcGBfKRn3pk,'gelatine-free vaccination' (let's talk about mmr),"this vaccination film was created by members of the bristol community in response to concerns about measles, mumps and rubella. it was commissioned by bristol city council and community health partners.

the full film is available here: https://youtu.be/piwfceajoro

for more information about the film, please contact bnssg.communications@nhs.net 

see also:

#mmr #mmrvaccination #measles",01/25/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdA-68vpGxg,'what is mmr?' (let's talk about mmr),"this vaccination film was created by members of the bristol community in response to concerns about measles, mumps and rubella. it was commissioned by bristol city council and community health partners.

the full film is available here: https://youtu.be/piwfceajoro

for more information about the film, please contact bnssg.communications@nhs.net 

see also:

#mmr #mmrvaccination #measles",01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTiWE8O_mG4,the truth about the measles vaccine,the truth about the measles vaccine,01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5ZstOGiK8w,'doses' (let's talk about mmr),"this vaccination film was created by members of the bristol community in response to concerns about measles, mumps and rubella. it was commissioned by bristol city council and community health partners.

the full film is available here: https://youtu.be/piwfceajoro

for more information about the film, please contact bnssg.communications@nhs.net 

see also:

#mmr #mmrvaccination #measles",01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ueT8tveVns,measles outbreak: know what it is and what are its symptoms​,"more than four million parents and carers, as well as many young adults, are being contacted because they, or their children, have missed out on one, or both, doses of the measles, mumps, rubella (mmr) vaccine.

#measles #mmr #mumps #rubella

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facebook: https://www.facebook.com/indiatoday",01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJU7WTuzMc8,measles is on the rise in the uk - get yourself vaccinated,"measles is an infection that spreads very easily and can cause serious problems in some people. having the mmr vaccine is the best way to prevent it.

check if you or your child has measles: measles usually starts with cold-like symptoms, followed by a rash a few days later. some people may also get small spots in their mouth.

the first symptoms of measles include:

⚠ a high temperature
⚠ a runny or blocked nose
⚠ sneezing
⚠ a cough
⚠ red, sore, watery eyes

learn more at https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/measles/",01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxL97tPB0BI,"കികളിലെ അഞചാം പനി ശരദധികകേണ കാരയങങളെനതെലലാം,,,/ measles / dr neethu john,,","dr. നീത ജോൺ
mbbs, dch,dnb (paed)
consultant paediatrician

- treatment
- screening

#measles #inchildren #drneethujohn #crescent #paediatric #crescent_paediatric_and_neonatology #red_crescent_hospital #nutrition #hospitals#department#neonatology #forbabies",01/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWlTrS-hRmE,measles can be deadly. and it's on the increase in europe,"austria is one of the countries experiencing a surge in cases of #measles due to a low #vaccine uptake _x000d_
#austria #healthcare",01/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocPKCaiEul8,measles 2024 - an urgent call to action!,"listen by: podcast categories measles 2024 – an urgent call to action! global and european levels of measles are rocketing. our closest neighbors, the uk, are experiencing localised clusters of cases. it is really now only a matter of time before we face the reality. measles is highly contagious and seriously dangerous. it is so important to understand the incubation period of measles, the symptoms of measles, the measles rash, koplik spots, and why it is so contagious! in this episode i explain what's going on and what action we can take to try and protect our communities. measles 2024 […]",01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,anger,fear
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Pym8q5bxiwE&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fliverpoolexpress.co.uk%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,measles signs and symptoms,what to watch out for and next steps if you suspect your child may have measles.,01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Pym8q5bxiwE&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.itv.com%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,measles signs and symptoms,what to watch out for and next steps if you suspect your child may have measles.,01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Pym8q5bxiwE&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ealingfamiliesdirectory.org.uk%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,measles signs and symptoms,what to watch out for and next steps if you suspect your child may have measles.,01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL1XgoLEaaU,"ep. 64 - dr. paul offit, vaccine expert","dr. paul offit is the director of the vaccine education center at the children's hospital of philadelphia and a professor of vaccinology and pediatrics at the university of pennsylvania perelman school of medicine. he's written tons of published peer-reviewed papers and received countless awards for his work. his latest book, bad faith, is all about how religious belief can undermine modern medicine. 
on the day of taping, california had just passed a law making vaccinations all but mandatory, jim carrey had gone on a twitter rant about vaccines, and a woman had died of measles.
we spoke with dr. offit about why people still don't get vaccinated, how he responds to the most common arguments offered by anti-vaxxers, and why bill maher is wrong when he says we don't need to get flu shots.


learn more about your ad choices. visit megaphone.fm/adchoices (https://megaphone.fm/adchoices)",01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,anger
https://www.tiktok.com/@cgtneurope/video/7328086020010954017,"the increase in measles across europe has been part driven by a fall in vaccine uptake during the pandemic, julia pongracz, head of epidemic prevention for  vienna, has told cgtn.","the increase in measles across europe has been part driven by a fall in vaccine uptake during the pandemic, julia pongracz, head of epidemic prevention for  vienna, has told cgtn.",01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@cgtneurope/video/7328082825226259744,austria is one of the countries experiencing a surge in cases of #measles due to a low #vaccine uptake #austria #healthcare,austria is one of the countries experiencing a surge in cases of #measles due to a low #vaccine uptake #austria #healthcare,01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/GlosHealthNHS/videos/measles-can-kill-is-your-child-protected-vaccinate-to-protect-your-child-against/3598515153746378/,"measles can kill - is your child protected? vaccinate to protect your child against measles, mumps and rubella. two doses of mmr give protection","measles can kill - is your child protected? vaccinate to protect your child against measles, mumps and rubella. two doses of mmr give protection for life. make sure your child is up to date! to see if your child is up to date with their mmr vaccines, check their personal child health record (pchr), known as the red book - https://bit.ly/3su9hz8 - or contact your gp practice. if you have a child at secondary school (year 8-year 11) and they have never previously received the mmr vaccine, have only had one dose of it, or you're not sure of their vaccination history, our school aged immunisation team can check your child's record and arrange to give them their outstanding doses if needed. to contact the school aged immunisation team call 0300 421 8140 or email mmr.immunisation@ghc.nhs.uk nhs gloucestershire gloucestershire county council one gloucestershire health & wellbeing partnership",01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drmichelasorensen/reel/C2g-Qnavl-V/?locale=ru,"measles outbreak - a quick rundown on how you can keep safe:
the basics:
- 2 confirmed cases today in sydney airport and brisbane
- theres a huge outbreak in europe - 30,000 cases last year compared to 941 case in 2022.
- vaccination is key
- in australia kids get vaccinated at 12 months and 18 months
- if youre travelling to an outbreak area, you can give an extra vaccine dose from as early as 6 months of age.
- if youre not sure if you were vaccinated you can get a blood test to check.

#health #wellbeing #wellness #womenshealth #kidshealth #getvaccinated","measles outbreak - a quick rundown on how you can keep safe:
the basics:
- 2 confirmed cases today in sydney airport and brisbane
- theres a huge outbreak in europe - 30,000 cases last year compared to 941 case in 2022.
- vaccination is key
- in australia kids get vaccinated at 12 months and 18 months
- if youre travelling to an outbreak area, you can give an extra vaccine dose from as early as 6 months of age.
- if youre not sure if you were vaccinated you can get a blood test to check.

#health #wellbeing #wellness #womenshealth #kidshealth #getvaccinated",01/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/skennedyart/reel/C2igV2WgMkP/,"just made a lidded box that appears to have the measles, so i gave it eyes and a booty.","just made a lidded box that appears to have the measles, so i gave it eyes and a booty.",01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,surprise
https://www.instagram.com/drmichelasorensen/reel/C2g-Qnavl-V/?locale=zh_CN,"measles outbreak - a quick rundown on how you can keep safe:
the basics:
- 2 confirmed cases today in sydney airport and brisbane 
- there's a huge outbreak in europe - 30,000 cases last year compared to 941 case in 2022.
- vaccination is key
- in australia kids get vaccinated at 12 months and 18 months
- if you're travelling to an outbreak area, you can give an extra vaccine dose from as early as 6 months of age.
- if you're not sure if you were vaccinated  you can get a blood test to check.

#health #wellbeing #wellness #womenshealth #kidshealth #getvaccinated","measles outbreak - a quick rundown on how you can keep safe:
the basics:
- 2 confirmed cases today in sydney airport and brisbane 
- there's a huge outbreak in europe - 30,000 cases last year compared to 941 case in 2022.
- vaccination is key
- in australia kids get vaccinated at 12 months and 18 months
- if you're travelling to an outbreak area, you can give an extra vaccine dose from as early as 6 months of age.
- if you're not sure if you were vaccinated  you can get a blood test to check.

#health #wellbeing #wellness #womenshealth #kidshealth #getvaccinated",01/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drmichelasorensen/reel/C2g-Qnavl-V/?next=%2Ftonyskt_%2F&hl=zh-cn,"measles outbreak - a quick rundown on how you can keep safe:
the basics:
- 2 confirmed cases today in sydney airport and brisbane 
- there's a huge outbreak in europe - 30,000 cases last year compared to 941 case in 2022.
- vaccination is key
- in australia kids get vaccinated at 12 months and 18 months
- if you're travelling to an outbreak area, you can give an extra vaccine dose from as early as 6 months of age.
- if you're not sure if you were vaccinated  you can get a blood test to check.

#health #wellbeing #wellness #womenshealth #kidshealth #getvaccinated","measles outbreak - a quick rundown on how you can keep safe:
the basics:
- 2 confirmed cases today in sydney airport and brisbane 
- there's a huge outbreak in europe - 30,000 cases last year compared to 941 case in 2022.
- vaccination is key
- in australia kids get vaccinated at 12 months and 18 months
- if you're travelling to an outbreak area, you can give an extra vaccine dose from as early as 6 months of age.
- if you're not sure if you were vaccinated  you can get a blood test to check.

#health #wellbeing #wellness #womenshealth #kidshealth #getvaccinated",01/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@ediciondigital/video/7328141668769631530,"'‰ €vacunen a sus hijos€: pediatras lanzan la voz de alarma ante el aumento de los casos de sarampin en eeuu varios estados del pas reportan casos de sarampin, una enfermedad que se haba erradicado en el pas desde al ao 2000. la doctora edith bracho explica qu podemos hacer para prevenir el contagio de nuestros hijos con esta peligrosa enfermedad. #sarampin #measles #health #salud #ediciondigital #univision ","'‰ €vacunen a sus hijos€: pediatras lanzan la voz de alarma ante el aumento de los casos de sarampin en eeuu varios estados del pas reportan casos de sarampin, una enfermedad que se haba erradicado en el pas desde al ao 2000. la doctora edith bracho explica qu podemos hacer para prevenir el contagio de nuestros hijos con esta peligrosa enfermedad. #sarampin #measles #health #salud #ediciondigital #univision ",01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drsmandm/video/7328081446118116640,part 2 measles. what to do if you suspect you child has measles.  please look at https://www.what0-18.nhs.uk/parentscarers/worried-your-child-unwell/measles-new for more information #childhoodillness #drmariadrmel #nhs #measles #measlesvaccine,part 2 measles. what to do if you suspect you child has measles.  please look at https://www.what0-18.nhs.uk/parentscarers/worried-your-child-unwell/measles-new for more information #childhoodillness #drmariadrmel #nhs #measles #measlesvaccine,01/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@thefeedwithdrg/video/7328058424581934341,"part 1 of ancient diseases making a comeback: measles and mumps! we have all heard of measles and mumps. but few people actually know what these diseases are. and there is a good reason for that. for a long time, these viruses had nearly disappeared thanks to extremely effective vaccines. but guess what?''they€™re baaaack€. yes€with vaccine hesitancy on the rise and with many kids having missed their routine vaccines during the pandemic, these viruses are cropping up in unexpected places more and more often.''let€™s talk about measles and mumps, what you need to know, and why it€™s important to catch up on those routine vaccines to keep these diseases in the past - where they belong! check out my new youtube video at the feed with dr g.  #thefeedwithdrg #learnaboutvaccines #vaccine #measles #mumps #doctor #scientist #doctorsofinstagram #doctorsoftiktok #doctortok ","part 1 of ancient diseases making a comeback: measles and mumps! we have all heard of measles and mumps. but few people actually know what these diseases are. and there is a good reason for that. for a long time, these viruses had nearly disappeared thanks to extremely effective vaccines. but guess what?''they€™re baaaack€. yes€with vaccine hesitancy on the rise and with many kids having missed their routine vaccines during the pandemic, these viruses are cropping up in unexpected places more and more often.''let€™s talk about measles and mumps, what you need to know, and why it€™s important to catch up on those routine vaccines to keep these diseases in the past - where they belong! check out my new youtube video at the feed with dr g.  #thefeedwithdrg #learnaboutvaccines #vaccine #measles #mumps #doctor #scientist #doctorsofinstagram #doctorsoftiktok #doctortok ",01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,surprise,surprise
https://www.facebook.com/IndiaToday/videos/measles-outbreak-know-what-it-is-and-what-are-its-symptoms/1498461147385546/,Measles Outbreak: Know What It Is And What Are Its Symptoms​,"More than four million parents and carers, as well as many young adults, are being contacted because they, or their children, have missed out on one, or both, doses of the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine. #Newsmo #measles #illness #vaccine #outbreak | Jessica Goel",01/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@uniofwarwick/video/7328390443673160992,measles is back and the number of people avoiding the vaccination is concerning health professionals. #uniofwarwick #warwick #unitok #measles #measlesvaccine #healthtok #doctok ,measles is back and the number of people avoiding the vaccination is concerning health professionals. #uniofwarwick #warwick #unitok #measles #measlesvaccine #healthtok #doctok ,01/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.wbrc.com/video/2024/01/26/watch-lexington-doctor-raises-concerns-about-recent-measles-outbreak/,watch | lexington doctor raises concerns about recent measles outbreak,lexington doctor raises concerns about recent measles outbreak,01/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/video/cdc-nearly-2-dozen-measles-cases-recorded-across-u-s-since-december/,cdc: nearly 2 dozen measles cases recorded across u.s. since december,"the cdc says it's recorded nearly two dozens cases of measles around the country since december, largest among unvaccinated children. read more: https://cbsloc.al/3tzum9j",01/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmUXMoHXyKY,cdc: nearly 2 dozen measles cases recorded across u.s. since december,"the cdc says it's recorded nearly two dozens cases of measles around the country since december, largest among unvaccinated children. read more: https://cbsloc.al/3tzum9j",01/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@arghavansallesmdphd/video/7328471894800272686,"btw the first physician to describe measles (in the 9th century) was persian. also, hi, @kelly manno! love your videos representing our generation's trials and tribulations!
@kelly mannoe
#measles #chickenpox #1990s #90skids","btw the first physician to describe measles (in the 9th century) was persian. also, hi, @kelly manno! love your videos representing our generation's trials and tribulations!
@kelly mannoe
#measles #chickenpox #1990s #90skids",01/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,surprise,surprise
https://www.tiktok.com/@stvnews/video/7328386018585890081,"call to take up measles vaccine after another lab-confirmed case in scotland. #measles #measlesvaccine #vaccine #stv #stvnews
#news #scottishnews","call to take up measles vaccine after another lab-confirmed case in scotland. #measles #measlesvaccine #vaccine #stv #stvnews
#news #scottishnews",01/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1adB1r_CKs,highly contagious measles cases found in melbourne | 9 news australia,"three cases of highly contagious measles have been identified in overseas tourists visiting melbourne. | subscribe and : http://9soci.al/km6e50gjsk9 | get more breaking news at 9news.com.au: http://9soci.al/iyco50gjsk6

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#9news #breakingnews #ninenewsaustralia #9newsaus",01/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOQ6dn9rF7k,measles | 26 jan 2024 | cmo breda smyth,"cases of measles are rising in europe and in the uk. i'm very concerned that vaccination levels are not high enough to prevent an outbreak here. measles is a highly contagious and potentially harmful disease, but the mmr vaccine offers protection. see immunisation.ie https://www.hse.ie/eng/health/immunisation/
hi everyone. i want to speak to you today about measles. measles is a highly contagious disease that spreads easily through respiratory droplets. you'll recognise it by its red rash and it also causes cold-like symptoms, sore eyes and fever. it can lead to severe complications like encephalitis – infection of the brain, or pneumonia – infection of the lung. in extreme cases, it can lead to death. the mmr vaccine offers a high level of protection against measles, mumps and rubella. it's delivered in two doses, the first through your child's gp at the age of 12 months, and the second when your child is in junior infants in primary school. i'm very concerned that we are at high risk of an outbreak of measles in ireland at the moment. we need 95% of the population to be vaccinated in order to prevent measles infection from spreading. unfortunately, the uptake rate for the mmr vaccine in ireland has fallen below 90% nationally and, in some counties, the rate is as low as below 80%. also, we know from recent studies that nearly 20% of males aged 18 or 19 years do not have immunity to measles. this is particularly concerning as currently we're seeing a rise in cases in the uk and across europe. if you are considering travelling to these areas, i would strongly urge you to ensure that you and/or your child are protected. it's never too late to vaccinate. the mmr is a safe and very effective vaccine, so please talk to your gp or go to immunisation.ie for more information. thank you.",01/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5boZiD7RZ4E,staying protected from measles as cases rise,".

stay informed about south dakota news, weather, and sports follow keloland news on our website and social channels:

https://www.instagram.com/keloland/",01/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pme6RESq3N4,measles vaccine campaign mvc kano 2023 - documentary,"the american @redcross  and @ifrc  in partnership with the nigerian red cross society, launched a measles vaccine campaign aimed at sensitizing local communities on the measles vaccination program the nigerian government, and mobilizing eligible children (9months to 59months old) to the government approved vaccination centers to get vaccinated against measles. 

this documentary gives insight into the measles vaccination campaign of the red cross in kano state, showing detailed activities of the field volunteers, data collection officers and supervisors.

producer: health & care dept. nigerian red cross society
director/editor: khene anani-nnabugwu @kheneanani2844",01/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj0gRw4NcPY,"upper kohistan: the spread of measles is fast, the government has taken notice - aaj news","#aajnews #pakistannewslive #breakingnews 

upper kohistan: the spread of measles is fast, the government has taken notice - 26 january, 2024 - aaj news

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#aajnews #aajnewslive #aajtv",01/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCOviL0Uh60,master mind school going to tell you qbout measles rubella disease,,01/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TRbyfyLj2c,measles meaning in bengali/measles শবদের বাংলা ভাষা অরথ অথবা মানে কি,"ই ছো ভিডিও তে আপনারা জানতে পারবেন
measles meaning in bengali
measles শবদের বাংলা ভাষা অরথ অথবা মানে কি 
measles bangla meaning
video ta bhalo lagle oboshwo like abong subscribe korben",01/26/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LrELwEafMI,measles in urdu/ hindi   ,"#measles
measles is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus. it spreads easily when an infected person breathes, coughs or sneezes. it can cause severe disease, complications, and even death.
measles can affect anyone but is most common in children.
measles infects the respiratory tract and then spreads throughout the body. symptoms include a high fever, cough, runny nose and a rash all over the body.
being vaccinated is the best way to prevent getting sick with measles or spreading it to other people. the vaccine is safe and helps your body fight off the virus",01/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@thefeedwithdrg/video/7328473453437242629,"part 2 of ancient diseases making a comeback: measles and mumps! we have all heard of measles and mumps. but few people actually know what these diseases are. and there is a good reason for that. for a long time, these viruses had nearly disappeared thanks to extremely effective vaccines. but guess what?  theyre baaaack. yeswith vaccine hesitancy on the rise and with many kids having missed their routine vaccines during the pandemic, these viruses are cropping up in unexpected places more and more often.  lets talk about measles and mumps, what you need to know, and why its important to catch up on those routine vaccines to keep these diseases in the past - where they belong! check out my new youtube video at the feed with dr g.  #thefeedwithdrg #learnaboutvaccines #vaccine #measles #mumps #doctor #scientist #doctorsofinstagram #doctorsoftiktok #doctortok ","part 2 of ancient diseases making a comeback: measles and mumps! we have all heard of measles and mumps. but few people actually know what these diseases are. and there is a good reason for that. for a long time, these viruses had nearly disappeared thanks to extremely effective vaccines. but guess what?  theyre baaaack. yeswith vaccine hesitancy on the rise and with many kids having missed their routine vaccines during the pandemic, these viruses are cropping up in unexpected places more and more often.  lets talk about measles and mumps, what you need to know, and why its important to catch up on those routine vaccines to keep these diseases in the past - where they belong! check out my new youtube video at the feed with dr g.  #thefeedwithdrg #learnaboutvaccines #vaccine #measles #mumps #doctor #scientist #doctorsofinstagram #doctorsoftiktok #doctortok ",01/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/bcmhouston/reel/C2ky4uEtdqk/,"baylor college of medicine's dr. paul klotman discusses the decline in covid, flu, and rsv numbers as well as the increase in measles cases in europe. #covid #measles","baylor college of medicine's dr. paul klotman discusses the decline in covid, flu, and rsv numbers as well as the increase in measles cases in europe. #covid #measles",01/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/concealed.patriot.chick/reel/C2lEMGNuyxt/,"why are we giving shots for things like measles, chicken pox, whooping cough...all things our healthy bodies can fight!!! but the problem is when you pump your kids full of these shots they won't be strong, healthy, kids anymore!  they're immune system is going to be flooded with chemicals and viruses that's going to overwhelm it... causing more problems.","why are we giving shots for things like measles, chicken pox, whooping cough...all things our healthy bodies can fight!!! but the problem is when you pump your kids full of these shots they won't be strong, healthy, kids anymore!  they're immune system is going to be flooded with chemicals and viruses that's going to overwhelm it... causing more problems.",01/26/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,surprise,surprise
https://www.tiktok.com/@drmishmash/video/7328540851968150817,#measles #measlesvaccine #fyp #foryoupage,#measles #measlesvaccine #fyp #foryoupage,01/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@beachgemy10/video/7328323898091556142,measles outbreaks happen,measles outbreaks happen,01/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,surprise
https://www.tiktok.com/@peterboroughcitycouncil/video/7328329312870993184,peterboroughnewsflash! here's some the key stories from the week:  housing strategy † timeout/ investment video ' measles #peterborough #newsflash #housingstrategy #investmentvideo #timeout #measlesupdate #peterboroughupdates #localnews #communitynews #peterboroughcouncil #publichealth #urbandevelopment #citynews #weeklyroundup #communityengagement,peterboroughnewsflash! here's some the key stories from the week:  housing strategy † timeout/ investment video ' measles #peterborough #newsflash #housingstrategy #investmentvideo #timeout #measlesupdate #peterboroughupdates #localnews #communitynews #peterboroughcouncil #publichealth #urbandevelopment #citynews #weeklyroundup #communityengagement,01/26/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/greatyarmouthcouncil/videos/measles-can-kill-but-two-doses-of-the-mmr-vaccine-can-offer-protection-for-life-/706814627928047/,Measles can kill. But two doses of the MMR vaccine can offer protection for life. Make sure you and your loved ones are up to date with their jabs,"Measles can kill. But two doses of the MMR vaccine can offer protection for life. Make sure you and your loved ones are up to date with their jabs and, if not, contact your GP practice for a catch up appointment.",01/26/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drrehansaeed_drs/video/7328788304516697377,"what is #measles , what are its #symptoms , #treatment and how to #prevent yourself from #measlesvirus . #learnontiktok #measlesawareness #medical #health #uk #sehat @health tips by dr rehan ","what is #measles , what are its #symptoms , #treatment and how to #prevent yourself from #measlesvirus . #learnontiktok #measlesawareness #medical #health #uk #sehat @health tips by dr rehan ",01/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@drkellsbells/video/7328683842745699616,#measles #sayings #saturday hope your #weekend is fabulous,#measles #sayings #saturday hope your #weekend is fabulous,01/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.cnn.com/videos/health/2024/01/27/measles-outbreak-us-vaccine-status-matthew-nr-cprog-vpx.cnn,how to check if you've been vaccinated for measles as cases appear in us,primary care physician and public heath specialist dr. saju matthews explains to cnn's fredricka whitfield how the measles virus came back into the us after being eliminated and how people can check if they were vaccinated.,01/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0uWdm90-yQ,measles: uk health authorities on alert after 'alarming rise' in cases across europe,"uk health authorities are stepping up the fight to control the spread of measles, after the world health organisation referenced an ""alarming rise"" in cases across europe. 

a campaign has been launched to encourage parents to get the mmr vaccine for their children while pop up vaccination clinics are also being set up.

#uk #europe #health 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvEl1RH7Ejk,twiv 1083: ai builds better viruses,"twiv reviews global measles outbreaks, toilet-generated aerosols that spread viruses, highly effective prevention of invasive cervical cancer by hpv vaccination, and design of improved adenovirus-associated viral vectors using machine learning.

show notes at https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-1083/

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– who am i? –

i'm vincent racaniello, earth's virology professor, and i believe that education should be free.

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#microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic
———————————————————————",01/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VGo1zTDMec,"ctv national news | jan. 27, 2024: memorials held for holocaust remembrance day","memorials held for holocaust remembrance day, meanwhile; u.k. joins canada and several other countries in suspending financing of unrwa.

0:00 holocaust remembrance day
3:57 suspensions of unrwa financing
6:29 foreign interference inquiry 
9:16 rapid spread of measles 
11:32 heavy rainfall expected in b.c.
14:53 border wall implications 
17:37 the other stanley cup
20:16 b.c. woman reunited with cat

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ctv news is canada's most-watched news organization both locally and nationally, and has a network of national, international, and local news operations.",01/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbQHGPTF0Mc,mumps transmission | how is mumps transmitted? | #mumps #shortsvideo #youtubeshort #viralshort,"also know: how is mumps spread? | how is mumps virus transmitted? | how is mumps spread from person to person? | how is the mumps virus spread?

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps immunization, mumps vaccinations, mumps virus treatment, what is the preventions of mumps, preventions of mumps, mumps prevention, how is mumps spread?, how is mumps virus transmitted?, how is mumps spread from person to person?, how is the mumps virus spread, mumps transmitted, mumps transmission, pace hospitals",01/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24JhTpGzoz4,how long does mumps last?  | #mumps #shortsvideo #viralshort #trending #viralreels,"also know: how long does mumps last in adults? | how long do mumps last in adults? | how long does mumps last in babies | how long do mumps last in toddlers | how long the mumps last 

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps immunization, mumps vaccinations, mumps virus treatment, what is the preventions of mumps, preventions of mumps, mumps prevention, preventive tips of mumps, mumps preventive tips, how long does mumps last in adults?, how long do mumps last in adults?, how long does mumps last in babies, how long do mumps last in toddlers, how long the mumps last  ,pace hospitals",01/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZV6DFW_k0o,"rubella antibodies test in hindi | rubella (igg, igm) | rubella vaccine kab lagwae","hello friends welcome to my channel, my name is akash prajapati, today's topic is rubella antibodies test (rubella igg, rubella igm).
rubella (german measles) antibody test measures the number of antibodies in the body to check the body's ability to fight the rubella virus. this test is done to find out whether your body can fight this virus or not. there are two types of rubella antibodies: igm and igg.
igm antibodies first appear after the rubella virus enters the blood. igm antibodies reach peak levels 7 to 10 days after infection and then decline over the next few weeks. it may be present in the blood and may be detected within a few months to a year in infected newborns. it may take a while for igg antibodies to appear, but once they appear, they last a lifetime and protect against future rubella infections.
rubella is an infectious disease that spreads quickly. it can also spread through sneezes, coughs and saliva of an infected person. rubella is also called german measles, but it is different from measles. the rashes caused by measles are not like rubella rashes. rubella rashes are mild and last only for a short time. rubella is not a fatal disease, but can become a serious condition for adults. this virus can pass from the placenta to the uterus and cause miscarriage and congenital disorders in the baby.
this test is said to be done as a pre-natal test in the early months of pregnancy. this test is also recommended for pregnant women who show the following symptoms: joint pain mild fever running nose eye irritation and redness pink rashes on the face, which can spread from the mouth to the torso and then to the hands and feet. swollen lymph nodes.
women who do not already have the immunity to fight the rubella virus can pass the virus to their baby and infect it, which can lead to birth defects and even miscarriage. congenital disorders commonly caused by rubella virus are: cardiac disorders cataracts hearing loss liver and spleen damage low birth weight baby mental retardation skin rashes at birth.
some other problems are seen in such children like, thyroid problem, swelling in the lungs, glaucoma and brain damage. that is why rubella test should also be done for those children whose mother was infected with rubella virus during pregnancy.
however, women who have already had rubella infection do not need to get vaccinated again. because the immune system of these women is already ready to fight the rubella virus and they are unable to get this infection again. apart from this, women who are already pregnant do not have to take the vaccine.

torch profile test in hindi - 

mini health checkup test in hindi - https://youtu.be/jkp3znffuqg

फल बॉडी चेकअप कया है - https://youtu.be/_pmpgqjqdpm

disclaimer -
the information shown in this video have been made on the advice of the internet, books,  doctors  and my experience before using any of  that topic mentioned  in this video please do  not  take  any  treatment  and  test without consulting your doctor. this video made only knowledge and information, please  if  you  have any problem, first  of all  consult  a  doctor,  only  then get your problem treated and checked, wishing you a good health, fitness and happiness.

................. thanks for watching this video...................",01/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/shorts/euhdncxmmEM,#doctok: measles is back,"measles is back and the number of people avoiding the vaccination is concerning health professionals. hear dr james gill explain what's happening in the uk right now.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlFX6RnmqP0,cdc says measles cases on the rise,,01/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtwSDXlbaPc,measles update in punjabi,,01/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/shorts/5as9RkUUfg4,#measles,,01/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7p5JWesUjg,what is health?#hygiene#communicablediseases#icse#biology#8th#measles#malaria#influenza#dengue#aids,"in this class i have discussed in full about health and disease mostly communicable diseases has been covered in this part as per your curriculum.
next class will be discussing on vectors, immunization, vaccination etc.",01/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu4BimW38OI,"""i won't forget your face #vaccine","""i won't forget your face #vaccine. source: neves numerous scientific studies and extensive research consistently confirm that vaccines do not cause autism. the widespread misconception suggesting a link between vaccines, particularly the mmr (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine, and autism has been thoroughly debunked. the origin of this misconception can be traced back to a discredited and retracted study published in 1998, which falsely claimed a connection between the mmr vaccine and autism. subsequent rigorous investigations found no credible evidence supporting this link. the study was deemed fraudulent, and its author faced professional and ethical repercussions. multiple large-scale studies involving diverse populations and robust methodologies have consistently demonstrated the safety of vaccines and debunked any association with autism. vaccines undergo rigorous testing for safety and efficacy before approval, and ongoing monitoring ensures their continued safety. autism spectrum disorders have complex and multifactorial origins, often influenced by genetic and environmental factors. the consensus within the scientific and medical communities is clear: vaccines play no role in causing autism. promoting accurate information about vaccine safety is crucial for public health, preventing the spread of preventable diseases, and ensuring the well-being of communities. #vaccinesafety #vaccineswork #autismdebunked #publichealth #medicalconsensus #vaccineresearch #mmrvaccine #autismmyths #scientificconsensus #immunizationfacts #childhealth #medicaltruths #vaccineeducation #healthprotection #publichealthawareness #vaccinationbenefits #autismawareness #vaccinemythsdebunked #sciencebasedhealth #communitywellness #medicalevidence #fyp #fypシ #medicine",01/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@tifftastic75/video/7328813021202058539,"#greenscreen measles is a serious mounting threat. in this video i examine the current state of 4 measles outbreaks in the us, the huge one in england, and the resurgence around the world. i also examine symptoms and how dangerous it is. #fyp #drtiffany #tiffocracy #publichealth #epidemiology #measles #mmr #science","#greenscreen measles is a serious mounting threat. in this video i examine the current state of 4 measles outbreaks in the us, the huge one in england, and the resurgence around the world. i also examine symptoms and how dangerous it is. #fyp #drtiffany #tiffocracy #publichealth #epidemiology #measles #mmr #science",01/27/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/laughterinlight_phd/reel/C2m9ZzsLI2n/,measles is highly contagious. symptoms begin to show up 10-14 days after exposure. if you are unvaccinated and exposed you are at a very high risk of catching this virus. #measles #mmr #vaccinessavelivess  #getvaccinated,measles is highly contagious. symptoms begin to show up 10-14 days after exposure. if you are unvaccinated and exposed you are at a very high risk of catching this virus. #measles #mmr #vaccinessavelivess  #getvaccinated,01/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@laughterinlight/video/7328799464725024031,"measles symptoms begin to show up 10-14 days after exposure. #measles is highly contageous. there habe been a few #outbreaks in the united states amoung the unvaccinated population. #getvaccinated #vaccinessavelives #mmr is not linked to #autism, this was a massive hoax. special shout out to the woman who harassmed me for days a 3 years back after i used the california health department€™s own data to show there were already areas below the herd immunity threahold for vaccination. we are here now. #publichealth matters. ","measles symptoms begin to show up 10-14 days after exposure. #measles is highly contageous. there habe been a few #outbreaks in the united states amoung the unvaccinated population. #getvaccinated #vaccinessavelives #mmr is not linked to #autism, this was a massive hoax. special shout out to the woman who harassmed me for days a 3 years back after i used the california health department€™s own data to show there were already areas below the herd immunity threahold for vaccination. we are here now. #publichealth matters. ",01/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@drsajumathew/video/7329196241009544490,"with pockets of #measles infections in the us, there is no reason why we shouldn't be vaccinated. your doctor can check your blood to see if you're ""immune"" to measles. if not, all you need is a booster. severe infections can cause blindness, pneumonia & brain swelling. #measles #fyp #foryourpage #mmr ","with pockets of #measles infections in the us, there is no reason why we shouldn't be vaccinated. your doctor can check your blood to see if you're ""immune"" to measles. if not, all you need is a booster. severe infections can cause blindness, pneumonia & brain swelling. #measles #fyp #foryourpage #mmr ",01/28/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@drsajumathew/video/7329019375338442026,"in 2002 #measles was eliminated in the us. however vaccination rates
have dropped & with travel to countries where this infection is more common, clusters of cases are popping up. an infected person can transmit measles to 90% of at risk individuals. it's very contagious!
#foryourpage #fyp #measles #measlesoutbreak","in 2002 #measles was eliminated in the us. however vaccination rates
have dropped & with travel to countries where this infection is more common, clusters of cases are popping up. an infected person can transmit measles to 90% of at risk individuals. it's very contagious!
#foryourpage #fyp #measles #measlesoutbreak",01/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@skynews/video/7329145073126444321,"kelly smart spoke of how scary it was when her 11-month-old son oscar contracted #measles, and is now #calling for the vaccination age to be brought #forward watch more  @sky news ","kelly smart spoke of how scary it was when her 11-month-old son oscar contracted #measles, and is now #calling for the vaccination age to be brought #forward watch more  @sky news ",01/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@sharmanfromjaparman/video/7329082896856239392,the human immune system is one of the most amazing and complex systems you were born with. #measles #fear #vaccine #uk #parents #foryou #fyp,the human immune system is one of the most amazing and complex systems you were born with. #measles #fear #vaccine #uk #parents #foryou #fyp,01/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@docmerton/video/7329207103447502113,myths about #measles #vaccine #mmr #immunisation,myths about #measles #vaccine #mmr #immunisation,01/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drnomzzy/video/7329213324183227680,why is measles on the rise? #drnomzzy #measles,why is measles on the rise? #drnomzzy #measles,01/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@helpmommy.com/video/7329234261964377375,"measles outbreak, 2024#pediatrics #pediatricians #helpmommy #fyp #parents #measles","measles outbreak, 2024#pediatrics #pediatricians #helpmommy #fyp #parents #measles",01/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@doctorsooj/video/7329267395426536736,"replying to @chrboobdoo
koplik spots in measles explained | #health #measles #doctor
#publichealth #vaccine #mmr
vaccination to measles should confer lifelong immunity.","replying to @chrboobdoo
koplik spots in measles explained | #health #measles #doctor
#publichealth #vaccine #mmr
vaccination to measles should confer lifelong immunity.",01/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MERiW8GkFUI,after vaccination reduce issues || single dose homoeopathy || vaccine को कैसे antidot करे,"after vaccination issues || single dose homoeopathy || vaccine को कैसे antidot करे 

soreness, redness, or swelling at the injection site: this is a common side effect of many vaccines and typically resolves within a few days.low-grade fever: some individuals may develop a mild fever as their immune system responds to the vaccine. fever is usually short-lived and can be managed with rest and fluids.fatigue or muscle aches: feeling tired or experiencing muscle aches and pains can occur after vaccination, especially with certain vaccines like the flu shot.headache: some people may develop a headache after vaccination, which is usually mild and temporary.nausea or mild gastrointestinal symptoms: occasionally, individuals may experience nausea, diarrhea, or other mild gastrointestinal symptoms after vaccination

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#https://www.facebook.com/anjum.reza.73?mibextid=zbwkwl",01/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDSChtG5gso,know more facts about measles and chickenpox  #health #measles #chickenpox #prime #health #facts,,01/28/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sQbm7nR4vw,health officials report 95% drop in measles cases in badakhshan|    ,"health officials report 95% drop in measles cases in badakhshan
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#ariananews #news #afghanistannews #afghannews #localnews #atn #atnnews #bmc #world #sport #art #atnn",01/28/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,sadness,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@publichealthforparents/video/7329350226895064363,replying to @drea | momma life likely do not need to do this at this time '› #measles #measlesoutbreak #preparednotscared,replying to @drea | momma life likely do not need to do this at this time '› #measles #measlesoutbreak #preparednotscared,01/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@theenglishscotsman/video/7329082896856239392,the human immune system is one of the most amazing and complex systems you were born with. #measles #fear #vaccine #uk #parents #foryou #fyp,the human immune system is one of the most amazing and complex systems you were born with. #measles #fear #vaccine #uk #parents #foryou #fyp,01/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@epidemiologistkat/video/7329593572645440814,"the #cdc issued an advisory last week on jan 25 for health care providers to be on alert for #measles cases €philadelphia dept of public health is tracking an ongoing outbreak €there is an also an outbreak in southwestern washington state €there were cases this month reported in new jersey & georgia €this month the united kingdom declared a €national incident€ over outbreaks of measles, signaling a growing public health risk over there as well   measles is a highly contagious #viral disease that spreads through respiratory droplets. €one infected person can transmit the virus to nine out of 10 unvaccinated contacts. €before the 1963 vaccine introduction, measles caused 2.6 million deaths globally each year €recent outbreaks affect nearly all unvaccinated children #epidemiology #measles #mmr #publichealth #vaccinesaresafe #getvaccinated ","the #cdc issued an advisory last week on jan 25 for health care providers to be on alert for #measles cases €philadelphia dept of public health is tracking an ongoing outbreak €there is an also an outbreak in southwestern washington state €there were cases this month reported in new jersey & georgia €this month the united kingdom declared a €national incident€ over outbreaks of measles, signaling a growing public health risk over there as well   measles is a highly contagious #viral disease that spreads through respiratory droplets. €one infected person can transmit the virus to nine out of 10 unvaccinated contacts. €before the 1963 vaccine introduction, measles caused 2.6 million deaths globally each year €recent outbreaks affect nearly all unvaccinated children #epidemiology #measles #mmr #publichealth #vaccinesaresafe #getvaccinated ",01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@therealimmuninja/video/7329647821412633902,#measlesoutbreak #mmr #immunity #phd,#measlesoutbreak #mmr #immunity #phd,01/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@doctorsooj/video/7329570568548764960,measles rash explained | #health #measles #doctor #mmr #vaccine #publichealth,measles rash explained | #health #measles #doctor #mmr #vaccine #publichealth,01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@docwithbowtie/video/7329504239129087275,"i made this video a couple weeks ago and forgot to post, but the points herein are still important. measles outbreaks are popping up everywhere, and it is extremely dangerous. measles can be deadly or, even if not deadly, can leave people severely disabled - its more than just a rash!  vaccines are necessary not only to protect ourselves, but those around us as these outbreaks show. please #vaccinate your children. #vaccine #measles #mmr #outbreaks #philadelphia #pennsylvania #vaccinescauseadults ","i made this video a couple weeks ago and forgot to post, but the points herein are still important. measles outbreaks are popping up everywhere, and it is extremely dangerous. measles can be deadly or, even if not deadly, can leave people severely disabled - its more than just a rash!  vaccines are necessary not only to protect ourselves, but those around us as these outbreaks show. please #vaccinate your children. #vaccine #measles #mmr #outbreaks #philadelphia #pennsylvania #vaccinescauseadults ",01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.fox5atlanta.com/video/1402566,first case of measles reported in georgia,the georgia department of public health recently confirmed the first case of measles in metro atlanta since 2020. emory university's dr. neil winawer sits down with alyse eady to talk about the contagious disease and his recommendations.,01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/outbreaks-of-measles-prompt-warning-from-cdc/,"illinois vaccination rates low, cause of concern for a possible measles outbreak","the cdc has issued an alert for healthcare providers to be on alert for measles. the highly infectious virus was eliminated in the u.s. nearly 20 years ago, but now several states have measles outbreaks due to a lack of vaccinations. dr. katrine wallace, an epidemiologist with the university of illinois at chicago, joined the stream to talk about misinformation about vaccines, and her concern about the potential for a measles outbreak in chicago and illinois.",01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.foxnews.com/video/6345816939112,cdc issues 'dire' measles warning as new cases emerge,fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel discusses the growing concerns about measles as new cases are reported in the northeast and a recent study that found a protein could halt colon cancer.,01/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://fox8.com/video/cdc-issues-alert-following-measles-outbreaks/9378484/,cdc issues alert following measles outbreaks,"measles cases are on the rise in the u.s., prompting a warning from the centers of disease control.",01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/video/thousands-of-school-aged-children-are-at-risk-of-getting-sick-from-measles/,thousands of school-aged children are at risk of getting sick from measles,"multiple measles outbreaks have sickened people in the u.s. recently, including in philadelphia and washington state. experts agree that measles can easily spread among unvaccinated people. national investigative correspondent stephen stock explains why so many in the united states may be at risk.",01/29/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,sadness
https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/video/examining-how-the-tri-state-area-fares-when-it-comes-to-measles-vaccination-rates/,examining how the tri-state area fares when it comes to measles vaccination rates,the recent outbreak in philadelphia​ is raising concerns about a similar situation happening here. cbs new york's jessica moore reports.,01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-U9Q9r4jUo,thousands of school-aged children at risk of measles,"multiple measles outbreaks have sickened people in the u.s. recently, including in philadelphia and washington state. experts agree that measles can easily spread among unvaccinated people. national investigative correspondent stephen stock explains why so many in the united states may be at risk.

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for video licensing inquiries, contact: licensing@veritone.com",01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aK2Wa_KIeo,"illinois vaccination rates low, cause of concern for a possible measles outbreak","the cdc has issued an alert for healthcare providers to be on alert for measles. the highly infectious virus was eliminated in the u.s. nearly 20 years ago, but now several states have measles outbreaks due to a lack of vaccinations. dr. katrine wallace, an epidemiologist with the university of illinois at chicago, joined the stream to talk about misinformation about vaccines, and her concern about the potential for a measles outbreak in chicago and illinois.",01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQrW51Nkjd4,cdc warns healthcare workers of rise in measles cases,"the cdc said 23 u.s. cases of measles have been confirmed between dec. 1, 2023 and jan. 23, 2024.",01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_32LrgakXk,measles symptoms | arabic,measles symptoms | arabic,01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2jQ9I8Fko4,the truth about measles: do we need to worry?,"can you get measles if you are vaccinated?
what does measles look like?
is measles contagious?
can adults get measles?
can you get measles twice?

curious about the recent measles concerns and the importance of vaccination? join me, dr. sophie, an nhs family medicine doctor, as we delve into the facts surrounding measles and address the reasons some may hesitate to get vaccinated.

 in this crucial video, we'll explore:

 the surge in measles cases making headlines.
 how measles spreads and the telltale symptoms to watch for.
 the importance of vaccination and debunking common concerns.
 as we navigate these uncertain times, let's empower ourselves with reliable health information. if you've missed vaccinations during the pandemic or feel anxious about their safety, this video is a must-watch. together, we can take proactive steps to safeguard you and your family against preventable diseases.

 stay informed, stay healthy! hit play and let's tackle the measles conversation together.  #measlesawareness #vaccinationmatters #healthinformationyoucantrust

references and useful links
https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/measles/",01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@drjencaudle/video/7329694381479349547,"measles cases are increasing
#measles #measlesvaccine
#measlesoutbreak #drjencaudle #fyp #fyp≥","measles cases are increasing
#measles #measlesvaccine
#measlesoutbreak #drjencaudle #fyp #fyp≥",01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITuO58jLDmk,examining how the tri-state area fares when it comes to measles vaccination rates,the recent outbreak in philadelphia​ is raising concerns about a similar situation happening here. cbs new york's jessica moore reports.,01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaFP7c4g5hc,cdc warns of escalating cases of measles across the nation,"measles cases are increasing, as reported by the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc).",01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiQMsWeaKBk,measles symptoms | punjabi,,01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/shorts/QeKLsahvI5Y,measles the symptoms | bengali,what are the symptoms of measles? dr huda explains in bengali.,01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpSCQ7CZ1tg,measles the symptoms | bengali,what are the symptoms of measles? dr huda explains in bengali.,01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvJHzVNRdJo,why is a 95% vaccination rate so important?,"penn state university professor of biology and infectious diseases dr. matt ferrari explains why a difference of a few points in the vaccination rate can greatly increase the risk of a measles outbreak.

cbs news streaming network is the premier 24/7 anchored streaming news service from cbs news and stations, available free to everyone with access to the internet. the cbs news streaming network is your destination for breaking news, live events and original reporting locally, nationally and around the globe. launched in november 2014 as cbsn, the cbs news streaming network is available live in 91 countries and on 30 digital platforms and apps, as well as on cbsnews.com and paramount+.

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for video licensing inquiries, contact: licensing@veritone.com",01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbvbcUbpmTA,measles- बचचो में खसरा वं उससे फैली भरांतियां। #measles #rubella,"बचचो में खसरा होना तो अपने सना होगा लेकिन इसको लेकर समाज में कई भरांतियां फैली है जिसकी वजह से बचचे का सही इलाज नहीं हो पाता। जानि खसरा और इससे जड़ी भरांतियों के बारे में । 
#measles #rubella #vaccine #kidsvaccination #measles 

@1mgofficial  @myhealthyindia @sihatiplus @royalgang_official @mygovexpert @healthtime6469 @netmediatama @nucleusmedicalmedia @milagrosmedicos @healthbeautytips-gharelunuskhe",01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U-U9Q9r4jUo&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.socialnews.xyz%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,thousands of school-aged children at risk of measles,"multiple measles outbreaks have sickened people in the u.s. recently, including in philadelphia and washington state. experts agree that measles can easily spread among unvaccinated people. national investigative correspondent stephen stock explains why so many in the united states may be at risk.

cbs news streaming network is the premier 24/7 anchored streaming news service from cbs news and stations, available free to everyone with access to the internet. the cbs news streaming network is your destination for breaking news, live events and original reporting locally, nationally and around the globe. launched in november 2014 as cbsn, the cbs news streaming network is available live in 91 countries and on 30 digital platforms and apps, as well as on cbsnews.com and paramount+.

subscribe to the cbs news youtube channel: https://youtube.com/cbsnews
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for video licensing inquiries, contact: licensing@veritone.com",01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,sadness
https://m.youtube.com/shorts/NiQMsWeaKBk,measles symptoms | punjabi,,01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/epidemiologistkat/reel/C2seQ_avQOn/,"the #cdc issued an advisory last week on jan 25 for health care providers to be on alert for #measles cases

•philadelphia dept of public health is tracking an ongoing outbreak
•there is an also an outbreak in southwestern washington state
•there were cases this month reported in new jersey & georgia
•this month the united kingdom declared a ""national incident over outbreaks of measles, signaling a growing public health risk over there as well
measles is a highly contagious #viral disease that spreads through respiratory droplets.
•one infected person can transmit the virus to nine out of 10 unvaccinated contacts.
•before the 1963 vaccine introduction, measles caused 2.6 million deaths globally each year
•recent outbreaks affect nearly all unvaccinated children

#epidemiology #measles #mmr #publichealth #vaccinesaresafe #getvaccinated","the #cdc issued an advisory last week on jan 25 for health care providers to be on alert for #measles cases

•philadelphia dept of public health is tracking an ongoing outbreak
•there is an also an outbreak in southwestern washington state
•there were cases this month reported in new jersey & georgia
•this month the united kingdom declared a ""national incident over outbreaks of measles, signaling a growing public health risk over there as well
measles is a highly contagious #viral disease that spreads through respiratory droplets.
•one infected person can transmit the virus to nine out of 10 unvaccinated contacts.
•before the 1963 vaccine introduction, measles caused 2.6 million deaths globally each year
•recent outbreaks affect nearly all unvaccinated children

#epidemiology #measles #mmr #publichealth #vaccinesaresafe #getvaccinated",01/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@themchronicles/video/7330025349314596138,replying to @jotakami$$$ notice the date - 1/26/2024. #measles #cdc,replying to @jotakami$$$ notice the date - 1/26/2024. #measles #cdc,01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@zdravetrave/video/7329965763618426117,"#morbili  #ospice  #maleboginje  #krzamak   #virusmorbili  #epidemijamorbila  #virusneinfekcije  #pred…kolskadjeca  #dje""ijebolesti  #ka…alj  #visokatemperatura  #maleospice  #measles  #rubeola  #redmeasles  #zaraznebolesti  #tjelesnatemperatura  #encefalitis  #op…taslabostorganizma  #padimuniteta  #upalamozga  #infekcije  #upalaplu""‡a #zau…njaci  #vakcinacija  #vakcina  #vakcine  #dalijevakcinaprotivmorbilabezbjedna  #morbilikoddjece   #zdravetrave  #virusneinfekcije  #konjuktivitis  #morbilise…ireiusarajevu  #morbilesimptomiilije""enje  #zaraznostikomplikacijekodmalihboginja  #nevakcinisanadjeca  #maleboginjekoddjece   #kakoseza…tititiodvirusamorbila #ka…aljkoddjece #infekcijekoddece #…kolskidispanzer #svrab #inkubacija #measlesvaccine #lezije","#morbili  #ospice  #maleboginje  #krzamak   #virusmorbili  #epidemijamorbila  #virusneinfekcije  #pred…kolskadjeca  #dje""ijebolesti  #ka…alj  #visokatemperatura  #maleospice  #measles  #rubeola  #redmeasles  #zaraznebolesti  #tjelesnatemperatura  #encefalitis  #op…taslabostorganizma  #padimuniteta  #upalamozga  #infekcije  #upalaplu""‡a #zau…njaci  #vakcinacija  #vakcina  #vakcine  #dalijevakcinaprotivmorbilabezbjedna  #morbilikoddjece   #zdravetrave  #virusneinfekcije  #konjuktivitis  #morbilise…ireiusarajevu  #morbilesimptomiilije""enje  #zaraznostikomplikacijekodmalihboginja  #nevakcinisanadjeca  #maleboginjekoddjece   #kakoseza…tititiodvirusamorbila #ka…aljkoddjece #infekcijekoddece #…kolskidispanzer #svrab #inkubacija #measlesvaccine #lezije",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@paeds.patrol/video/7329957422590659845,measles again!?!? photo credit: insauga #mississauga #toronto #disease #vaccine #medicine #pediatrics #greenscreen ,measles again!?!? photo credit: insauga #mississauga #toronto #disease #vaccine #medicine #pediatrics #greenscreen ,01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@tiktokkiddydoc/video/7329834224859548961,some info on the measles vaccine,some info on the measles vaccine,01/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@no_rads_to_the_nads/video/7329987964786707758,vaccines save lives. period. #norads #mmr #vaccine #vaccinate #measlesoutbreak #nondebatable,vaccines save lives. period. #norads #mmr #vaccine #vaccinate #measlesoutbreak #nondebatable,01/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@manchesternews/video/7329991716574956833,cases of measles are on the rise across the uk and europe - here is everything you need to know about the highly contagious infection #manchestereveningnews #measles #uknews #health #nhs #symptoms,cases of measles are on the rise across the uk and europe - here is everything you need to know about the highly contagious infection #manchestereveningnews #measles #uknews #health #nhs #symptoms,01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@virusgeezer/video/7329910890046770465,some local councils are advising people to isolate for 3 weeks if they catch measles #uk,some local councils are advising people to isolate for 3 weeks if they catch measles #uk,01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaLV55CMGh8,"at least 8,500 u.s. schools at greater risk of measles outbreaks","the reason vaccination rates are down is complicated. six experts point to political influences, misinformation, mistrust in government and fear of vaccines. stephen stock reports.",01/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQ_w-0Q6_e4,cdc warns health providers about the rise of measles cases,"abc news' dr. jennifer ashton discusses the recent measles outbreaks in the u.s. and shares what symptoms to look out for and the best ways to protect loved ones.

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#cdc #measles #gma #abcnews",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/video/kcal-news-investigation-finds-heightened-measles-risks-at-350-schools-with-low-vaccination-rates/,kcal news investigation finds heightened measles risks at 350 schools with low vaccination rates,"the cdc recommends that at least 95% of students have the mmr vaccine in order to lower the risk of measles outbreaks at their school, but a kcal news investigation shows that hundreds of southern california schools are well below that number. ross palombo reports.",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.woodtv.com/video/increase-in-measles-cases-concerns-doctors/9385984/,increase in measles cases concerns doctors,"measles is reemerging with sporadic outbreaks in the u.s. (jan. 30, 2024)",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/video/measles-cases-rising-despite-time-tested-vaccine/,measles cases rising despite time-tested vaccine,the cdc says the average measles vaccination rate for school-aged kids is 93.1%. that's below the 95% needed for herd immunity.,01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/video/worried-parents-concerned-for-childrens-safety-as-measles-outbreak-risk-u-s-schools/,worried parents concerned for children's safety as measles outbreak risk u.s. schools,"there haven't been any new cases of measles here in philadelphia for 14 days now but the outbreak isn't officially over yet. nationally, the cdc is warning doctors to be on the alert for measles as a growing global threat. stephanie stahl reports.",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/concern-about-falling-measles-vaccination-rates-in-illinois-chicago/,"concern about falling measles vaccination rates in illinois, chicago",a cbs 2 analysis of data from the illinois state board of education (isbe) and the chicago public schools (cps) shows more schools dropping below that 95% level in recent years. cbs 2's tara molina reports.,01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/video/nationwide-dip-in-child-vaccination-rates-fuels-measles-outbreaks/,nationwide dip in child vaccination rates fuels measles outbreaks,"stephen stock reports on the recent incidents of measles outbreaks at schools, and the role that nationwide trends in vaccination rates have in fueling the fire. (1/30/2024)",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,anger
https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/video/avoid-measles-local-pediatrician-urges-masking-in-airports-amid-uptick-in-cases-get-kids-vaccinate/,"avoid measles: local pediatrician urges masking in airports amid uptick in cases, get kids vaccinate","thousands of schools are below a critical threshold to achieve herd immunity against measles, a cbs news investigation found.",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/video/amid-growing-vaccine-hesitancy-herd-immunity-for-measles-wanes/,"amid growing vaccine hesitancy, herd immunity for measles wanes","nearly 9,000 schools are at risk of a measles outbreak because of low vaccination rates, a cbs news investigation found. political influences, mistrust and misinformation are some of the reasons for growing vaccine hesitancy, experts say.",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,sadness,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/video/data-shows-measles-risk-across-united-states/,data shows measles risk across united states,"the measles vaccine has been around for decades, yet there are still ups and downs in the effort to get rid of the disease. experts agree that measles can easily spread among unvaccinated people. national investigative correspondent stephen stock explains why right now, at least a third of the country is at risk. read more: https://cbsloc.al/4bi1bn9",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/video/more-than-one-third-of-colorado-school-districts-at-risk-for-measles-mumps-or-rubella-outbreak/,"more than one-third of colorado school districts at risk for measles, mumps or rubella outbreak","a cbs news colorado investigation reveals that more than a third of school districts in colorado were at risk for a measles, mumps or rubella outbreak last year.",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/video/cbs-investigation-reveals-u-s-at-greater-risk-of-measles-as-vaccinations-rates-go-down/,cbs investigation reveals u.s. at greater risk of measles as vaccinations rates go down,"a vaccine has been available for 60 years but still, we've seen measles outbreaks this month in several u.s. cities. cbs investigation has found many more communities are at risk. national investigative correspondent stephen stock reports. read more: https://cbsloc.al/3oo7ing",01/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/more-than-8500-u-s-schools-at-greater-risk-of-measles-outbreaks-as-vaccination-rates-decline/,"more than 8,500 u.s. schools at greater risk of measles outbreaks as vaccination rates decline","over time there have been ups and downs in efforts to get rid of measles. just this month, there were cases in multiple u.s. cities, including outbreaks around philadelphia and in washington state. experts agree that measles can easily spread among unvaccinated people. right now, at least a third of the united states is at risk.",01/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/video/why-a-third-of-us-population-could-be-at-risk-for-measles/,why a third of us population could be at risk for measles,experts agree that measles can easily spread among unvaccinated people.,01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,surprise
https://abcnews-nwsdynamic.aws.seabcnews.go.com/GMA/Wellness/video/cdc-warns-health-providers-rise-measles-cases-106787893,cdc warns health providers about the rise of measles cases,cdc warns health providers about the rise of measles cases,01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BftdjPv2KyY,data shows measles risk across united states,"the measles vaccine has been around for decades, yet there are still ups and downs in the effort to get rid of the disease. experts agree that measles can easily spread among unvaccinated people. national investigative correspondent stephen stock explains why right now, at least a third of the country is at risk. read more: https://cbsloc.al/4bi1bn9",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=612v0iWkks4,nationwide dip in child vaccination rates fuels measles outbreaks,"stephen stock reports on the recent incidents of measles outbreaks at schools, and the role that nationwide trends in vaccination rates have in fueling the fire. (1/30/2024)
",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7OlSsYqPv8,"concern about falling measles vaccination rates in illinois, chicago","a cbs 2 analysis of data from the illinois state board of education (isbe) and the chicago public schools (cps) shows more schools dropping below that 95% level in recent years. cbs 2's tara molina reports. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cbs 2 news chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the cbs 2 investigators. subscribe to cbs 2 news chicago on youtube : /cbschicago cbs 2 news 24/7 livestream: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/live/ cbs 2 news on pluto tv: https://pluto.tv/en/live-tv/62cdc75b1... cbs 2 news website: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/ facebook: /cbschicago x (twitter): /cbschicago get the cbs 2 news app: https://apps.cbslocal.com/chicago/",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtoqPIax-Io,"more than 8,500 u.s. schools at greater risk of measles outbreaks as vaccination rates decline","over time there have been ups and downs in efforts to get rid of measles. just this month, there were cases in multiple u.s. cities, including outbreaks around philadelphia and in washington state. experts agree that measles can easily spread among unvaccinated people.
right now, at least a third of the united states is at risk.
cbs 2 news chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the cbs 2 investigators. 
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get the cbs 2 news app: https://apps.cbslocal.com/chicago/",01/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SygQILku1kQ,"amid growing vaccine hesitancy, herd immunity for measles wanes","nearly 9,000 schools are at risk of a measles outbreak because of low vaccination rates, a cbs news investigation found. political influences, mistrust and misinformation are some of the reasons for growing vaccine hesitancy, experts say.",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eO5RnnS3kvw,worried parents concerned for children's safety as measles outbreak risk u.s. schools,"there haven't been any new cases of measles here in philadelphia for 14 days now but the outbreak isn't officially over yet. nationally, the cdc is warning doctors to be on the alert for measles as a growing global threat. stephanie stahl reports.",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETjhezw0xmI,cdc issues alert to healthcare providers as measles cases rise,"cdc issues alert to healthcare providers as measles cases rise

read: https://6abc.com/tag/measles/",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeUuNirgTBk,kcal news investigation finds heightened measles risks at 350 schools with low vaccination rates,"the cdc recommends that at least 95% of students have the mmr vaccine in order to lower the risk of measles outbreaks at their school, but a kcal news investigation shows that hundreds of southern california schools are well below that number. ross palombo reports.",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yyAOSvt0pQ,"bbc points west measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) vaccine - january 2024","on 25 january 2024 bbc points west covered information about the measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) vaccine with the push to get more children vaccinated against measles due to outbreaks in birmingham and london.

find out more about the mmr vaccine: https://bnssghealthiertogether.org.uk/health-wellbeing/vaccination/mmr-information/",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR_j8I236F8,"measles cases expected to spread cross-country due to vaccination gaps, high travel","nearly 25 years after measles was eliminated in the united states, cases have been starting to resurface.

according to the centers for disease control and prevention, almost two dozen measles cases have been reported since december 1, with the first cases being found in the northeast.

dr. taylor nelson, an infectious disease physician with mu health care, said measles is one of the most transmissible diseases and will likely continue to spread through the midwest and to the west coast.

though the disease was eradicated in the u.s., if an unvaccinated person goes to a country where a disease is still common, becomes infected, and brings it back, they can spread the virus to other unvaccinated people.

read more: https://krcgtv.com/news/local/measles-cases-expected-to-spread-cross-country-due-to-vaccination-gaps-high-travel

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#krcg #krcgnews #missourinews #cbs13news #measles #cases #spread #crosscountry #vaccination #travel",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aQYgR9GMIw,rush for measles vaccines in kazakhstan amid surge in cases,"the kazakh government has purchased more than 1.5 million measles vaccines amid a surge of cases. the country has the third-highest caseload in the world, behind yemen and india, according to the u.s. centers for disease control and prevention. 

#kazakhstan #measles #vaccine #vaccination",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_o7w06PLBw,"cincinnati area seeing increase in chickenpox, mumps, measles",a drop in vaccination rates has allowed the diseases to make a comeback as an increasingly unprotected population allows the virus to reach more and more vulnerable people.,01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYwpyhWm5gs,mamups prevention /mmr vaccine/mumps in telugu /గవద బిళళల/mumps in children,"in this video dr madan kumar cv, explained about mumps in telugu, గవద బిళళల, mumps in children,mumps symptoms in telugu, mumps treatment in telugu,gavadabillalu treatment telugu,mumps prevention, mmr vaccine",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLrlOGpWy5I,"treatment of measles in hindi/urdu | measles treatment for babies |rubella | ""@dr-hafizmtalhanazeer","your queries:-
dr talha nazeer is talking about treatment  of measles measles vaccine measles outbreak measles rash measles symptoms measles virus measles treatment measles (disease or medical condition) diagnose measles measles news measles 2015 what is measles measles disease measles explained measles diagnosis measles prevention disneyland measles symptoms of measles measles 2019 measles transmission measles outbreak news measles osmosis measles outbreak 2019 measles usa measles nyc german measles measles symptoms #rubella#symptom #youtubeshorts#youtube #ytshorts ""@dr-hafizmtalhanazeer""@muftiabdulwahidqureshi@muftitariqmasoodspeeches ""@arydigitalasia@p4pakaoofficial @duckybhai@vellamunda05",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://m.youtube.com/shorts/yzzPYXUxll4,#measles  uk #health  authorities on alert after 'alarming rise in cases across #europe #news #viral,,01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro2Do6OuNGA,হামের িকা দোর হার শতভাগ নিশচিত করার তাগিদ | tbn24 news | measles vaccination,"পেনসিলভেনিার ফিলাডেলফিা থেকে শর করে নিউ জারসিসহ দেশের বিভিনন সেইে বাড়ছে হামের পরাদরভাব। সবাসথয বিশেষজঞরা বলছেন, িকা দো নিে সাধারণ মানষের মধযে আসথা ও অনীহার কারণে দেশে শিশদের হাম'সহ সংকরামক বিভিনন রোগ ছড়িে পড়ছে।

হামের িকা দোর হার শতভাগ নিশচিত করার তাগিদ | tbn24 news | measles vaccination

বিশবজড়ে বাঙালির কণঠসবর

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#tbn24 #news #philadelphia #pennsylvania #nj #newjersey #outbreak #measles #state #health #infection #disease #spreading #vaccine",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/kcalnews/videos/just-this-month-multiple-cities-across-the-country-reported-measles-cases-and-ex/366896252732502/,"just this month, multiple cities across the country reported measles cases - and experts agree it can easily spread among unvaccinated people.","just this month, multiple cities across the country reported measles cases - and experts agree it can easily spread among unvaccinated people. coming up at 11, ross palombo takes a deep dive into our local data and vaccination rates. you may be surprised to see how many local schools may have issues.",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/therupeort/reel/C2vgwwLA6pD/,why #measles cases could be rising. @7newsdc @goodmorningamerica,why #measles cases could be rising. @7newsdc @goodmorningamerica,01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/atl69tv/reel/C2uokk9hiqB/,"what's causing measles outbreaks, and is your community at risk?  watch atlanta now news tonight at 8 on atlanta69!","what's causing measles outbreaks, and is your community at risk?  watch atlanta now news tonight at 8 on atlanta69!",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.facebook.com/FRANCE24.English/videos/measles-outbreak-in-europe-who-ramps-up-vaccination-campaign/1180567949971798/,Measles outbreak in Europe: WHO ramps up vaccination campaign,"🤒 The #WHO is sounding the alarm. The UN health agency is warning of a massive resurgence of #measles cases in the Europe region, extending to Central Asia. Elsewhere too, the numbers of cases are skyrocketing. The primary cause is a decline in vaccination rates since the Covid-19 pandemic. #FRANCE24's #Science editor Julia Sieger tells us more ⤵️ See less",01/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.facebook.com/publichealthagency/videos/measles/912056677300428/,measles,"Measles is highly infectious and can be passed on even before a rash appears. Make sure your child is protected from becoming seriously unwell from measles by making sure they are up to date with their MMR vaccinations. Check your child's red book, and make an appointment with your GP practice to catch up on missed doses. More info www.nidirect.gov.uk/mmr",01/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@agbeke_alagbo/video/7330194106070682886,"order this miracle soap if you€™re having body pain, muscle pain, back pain, waist pain,body itching  kuruna  lalalapa(ringworm) chicken pox  measles as well as spots that occurs due to the above issues #agbekealagbo #herbalism #goviral #fyp''viral #naturalremedy #yorubatiktok #yoruba #agbekealagbo ","order this miracle soap if you€™re having body pain, muscle pain, back pain, waist pain,body itching  kuruna  lalalapa(ringworm) chicken pox  measles as well as spots that occurs due to the above issues #agbekealagbo #herbalism #goviral #fyp''viral #naturalremedy #yorubatiktok #yoruba #agbekealagbo ",01/31/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/little.rogue.farm/reel/C2xJ8jatZZR/,"are you afraid of the measles or the hype the media has trained you to be scared? 

in the early decades of the 20th century, thousands of fatal measles infections were reported worldwide each year. during the 1950s, an annual average of greater than 500,000 cases of measles and nearly 500 deaths due to measles were reported in the united states.

if you can do basic math, that's 
.1% which is effectively zero 

and that was prior to the vaccine. 

the last time anyone in the usa died of the measles was in 2015  in an assistant living facility in wa state. though this elderly resident broke out in a rash, they actually died of pneumonia. 

before that incident, 12 years prior, 166 died worldwide in a breakout. which was in a 3rd world country where most are very malnutrition and don't have access to veggies & fruits with vitamin a. 

stop fearing a disease that isn't killing kids left/right. 

it's only profitable to the stockholders of these manufacturers. 

i caught the measles in 1974, then the chicken pox in 1975. 

how about you? 

#truth #strongimmunesystem #dontbelievethehype #truthbetold #educateyourself #childhooddisease #easycomeeasygo #chickenpox #profitable","are you afraid of the measles or the hype the media has trained you to be scared? 

in the early decades of the 20th century, thousands of fatal measles infections were reported worldwide each year. during the 1950s, an annual average of greater than 500,000 cases of measles and nearly 500 deaths due to measles were reported in the united states.

if you can do basic math, that's 
.1% which is effectively zero 

and that was prior to the vaccine. 

the last time anyone in the usa died of the measles was in 2015  in an assistant living facility in wa state. though this elderly resident broke out in a rash, they actually died of pneumonia. 

before that incident, 12 years prior, 166 died worldwide in a breakout. which was in a 3rd world country where most are very malnutrition and don't have access to veggies & fruits with vitamin a. 

stop fearing a disease that isn't killing kids left/right. 

it's only profitable to the stockholders of these manufacturers. 

i caught the measles in 1974, then the chicken pox in 1975. 

how about you? 

#truth #strongimmunesystem #dontbelievethehype #truthbetold #educateyourself #childhooddisease #easycomeeasygo #chickenpox #profitable",01/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/unhcrpartnershipsafrica/reel/C2wO-ZAt8pM/,"since september 2023, more than 1200 sudanese refugee children under the age of 5 have tragically lost their lives to measles and malnutrition.  unhcr has been working tirelessly to make sure no further loss of life occurs. 
you can make a difference by supporting unhcr and its partners.
act now and help us save lives!
see the link in the bio 
#sudancrisis #unhcr","since september 2023, more than 1200 sudanese refugee children under the age of 5 have tragically lost their lives to measles and malnutrition.  unhcr has been working tirelessly to make sure no further loss of life occurs. 
you can make a difference by supporting unhcr and its partners.
act now and help us save lives!
see the link in the bio 
#sudancrisis #unhcr",01/31/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXAsvBGXvuc,cdc monitoring nationwide rise in measles cases,"federal health officials are monitoring a rise in measles cases in multiple states across the country and advising americans to check their vaccination status. a centers for disease control and prevention release states that since dec. 1, 2023, they have been warned of 23 confirmed u.s. cases of measles, including ""seven direct importations of measles by international travelers and two outbreaks with more than five cases each. 
ktla 5's kareen wynter reports. (jan. 31, 2024)

ktla 5 news - keeping southern californians informed since 1947.
",01/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.walb.com/video/2024/01/31/measles-cases-increase-across-us-2-cases-reported-georgia/,"measles cases increase across u.s., 2 cases reported in georgia",vaccination rates have declined since the pandemic started but because measles is so contagious.,01/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaPs_HNFoB0,"how to prevent measles, who should take paxlovid, plus the latest research on covid and pregnancy","how is measles spread? in this episode: mmr vaccine age, signs of measles, new studies on maternal covid vaccination, who should get paxlovid, and chronic covid-19.

ama's vice president of science, medicine and public health, andrea garcia, jd, mph, shares what doctors need to know about why measles cases are on the rise both here and abroad. also a look at covid vaccination during pregnancy and its positive impact on newborns, as well as new research data on the long-term effects of covid known as ""chronic covid"". american medical association cxo todd unger hosts.

 cdc measles cases and outbreaks: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/cases-out...

cdc measles fact sheet pdf: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/downloads...

 new covid 19 pregnancy study - respiratory distress in sars-cov-2 exposed uninfected neonates followed in the covid outcomes in mother-infant pairs (comp) study in nature communications: https://www.nature.com/articles/s4146...

 nih website for paxlovid drug interactions: https://www.covid19treatmentguideline...

 new study in science translational medicine on sars-cov-2 viral clearance and evolution varies by type and severity of immunodeficiency: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/s...

 the ama is your powerful ally in patient care. join now: https://bit.ly/amajoinrenew

00:00 ama update for jan. 31, 2024
00:31 measles outbreak us 2024
00:45 cdc measles alert: https://emergency.cdc.gov/newsletters...
00:55 measles symptoms 
01:24 measles outbreak philadelphia
01:39 measles outbreak georgia
01:52 measles outbreak vaccinated vs unvaccinated (dr. michael osterholm #cidrap center for infectious disease research and policy, university of minnesota)
02:35 measles outbreak europe
02:52 #who #cdc global measles cases: https://www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/meas...
03:17 are measles deadly? (measles, mumps, rubeola, measles virus, ""rebuella"")
04:01 is measles airborne? 
04:12 measles transmission: what causes measles?
04:24 symptoms of measles
04:32 measles rash: what do the measles look like?
04:41 mmr vaccine: measles vaccine effectiveness 
04:53 measles vaccine age 
05:25 new covid vaccine pregnancy study
05:30 unvaccinated pregnant with covid
05:40 covid while pregnant: causes of respiratory distress in newborn
06:22 covid vaccine recommendations pregnancy
06:56 new study on covid medicine paxlovid
07:14 does paxlovid shorten covid?
07:26 antiviral for covid: who should get paxlovid?
07:33 criteria for paxlovid prescription
07:48 cdc guidance paxlovid medication interactions
08:17 long covid vs chronic covid
08:19 what is long covid?
08:27 is there such a thing as chronic covid?
08:59 new chronic covid study data
10:02 stat news q&a on chronic covid research: https://www.statnews.com/2024/01/24/c...
10:02 chronic covid and immunocompromised patients


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#fightingfordocs #medicine #futureofhealthcare #physicianadvocacy #healthcare #medical #science #publichealth #vaccines #vaccination #immunization #paxlovid #medicalresearch #worldhealthorganization #who #nih #measles #mumps #rubeola #mmrvaccine #maternalvaccination #respiratorydistresssyndrome #rds #covid #covid19 #coronavirus #pandemic #covidvaccine #longcovid #chroniccovid #chronicdisease #paxlovid #immunocompromised #covidtreatment #americanmedicalassociation
",01/31/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-JPLhFBfpg,kcal news exclusive: measles risks increase at 350 schools with low vaccination rates,"the cdc recommends that at least 95% of students have the mmr vaccine in order to lower the risk of measles outbreaks at their school, but a kcal news investigation shows that hundreds of socal schools are well below that number. ross palombo reports.",01/31/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVBK-YeCnvM,multiple measles outbreaks causes cdc to issue warning,"the cdc is issuing a warning following 23 confirmed cases of measles between december 1, 2023 and january 23, 2024.

more: https://abc11.com/measles-cdc-warning...
watch: https://abc11.com/watch/live/11065013/
like us on facebook:  

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",01/31/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RetIW6ErZMk,measles makes a comeback as vaccine rates drop,"the cdc is warning health care workers to be on the alert for rising measles cases._x000d_
 for more local news from wsmv:  https://www.wsmv.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucw3vc0geoccjrqc-a25ngdg",01/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,surprise,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TGdVL9lBRM,austria encourages vaccinations to curb measles outbreak,"#kechhotline

julia pongracz, the head of epidemic prevention for vienna, underscores the importance of vaccinations as austria grapples with a measles outbreak. encouraging vaccinations is a crucial measure to contain the spread of the disease and protect public health. 

subscribe to our youtube channel for more great videos: http://bit.ly/switchtvnews

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find switch tv on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/switchtvkenya

follow switch tv on twitter: https://twitter.com/switchtvkenya

follow switch tv on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/switchtvke/",01/31/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4jigL8wxjo,က်သက်ရောဂါ (measles),မြန်မာနိုင်ငံမှာစစ်ပ်အာာသိမ်းာ မနက်ဖြန်ဆိုရင်  နှစ်ရှိပြီဖြစ်ပါယ် ဒီ  နှစ်အွင်း ပြယ်သူလူထုအနေနဲ့ ဒုက္မျိုးစုံကို စ်နေ့မပြ်ံစားကြရပါယ် စစ်ပ်အာာသိမ်းြင်းကြောင့် အသက်  နှစ်အောက်ကလေးငယ်များစွာာ ကာကွယ်ဆေးထိုးနှံနိုင်ြင်းမရှိဲ့ပါဘူး ဒါကြောင့် ကာကွယ်ဆေးထိုးနှံိုက်ကျွေးပြီးကာကွယ်နိုင်ဲ့ ရောဂါွေကို မကာကွယ်နိုင်ဲ့အပြင် အျို့သောရောဂါွော ကပ်အသွင်ကူးစက်နိုင်ဲ့ အန္ရာယ်ရှိာွေ့ရပါယ် ဒီရောဂါွေထဲမှာ ကူးစက်ပျံ့ပွားလွယ်ဲ့ က်သက်ရောဂါနဲ့ပ်သက်ပြီး ရောဂါဘာကြောင့်ဖြစ်ယ် ဘယ်လိုကူးစက်ယ် ဘယ်လိုရောဂါလက္ာွေပြ်ယ် နောက်ဆက်ွဲဘယ်လိုရောဂါွေဖြစ်နိုင်ယ် ဘယ်လိုကာကွယ်နိုင်ယ် စဲ့ အရေးကြီးဲ့အျက်ွေကို မေကံကောင်းက ေမျှပေးထားပါယ်,01/31/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyYIVmRpzOw,door to door vaccine drive in north macedonia,"thirty medical teams visited families in over 120 settlements with marginalized communities in north macedonia as part of a door-to-door campaign funded by the european union. the aim of the campaign was to address and reduce vaccination inequities.

launched in april 2023, during european immunization week, by who and the ministry of health, the five-week initiative sought to help overcome the social, economic, physical or individual obstacles that hinder people's access to vaccines against covid-19, measles or other diseases. deployed mobile vaccination teams engaged in patient-centred communication and disseminated evidence-based leaflets and informational materials, while also offering vaccinations on the spot.

given the success of the campaign, another door-to-door campaign is being implemented in the month of november, which is already showing great results.",01/31/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glUcIBFGIjc,"hoosier news source - jan. 31, 2024","students protest iu's response to the israel-hamas conflict; a woman is found dead in a ditch; a man pleads guilty in a 2022 sexual assault case; a salmonella outbreak is linked to a popular exotic pet; measles cases are on the rise; plus weather and sports.

join anchors emma gladstone and sidney moore on the all-student run newscast.

 read more of this week's stories: https://www.iustv.com/ 

follow iustv on social media! 
 iustv on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iustv/ 
 iustv on twitter: https://twitter.com/iustv

iu student television is a completely student-run television station located on the iu bloomington campus. created in 2002, iustv exists to produce high-quality news, sports, and entertainment programming for the iu campus and bloomington communities, while at the same time giving students hands-on opportunities to create media content. members gain experience in a wide variety of areas including production, reporting, anchoring, editing, writing, podcasting, and much more.",01/31/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,anger
https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/video/kcal-news-exclusive-measles-risks-increase-at-350-schools-with-low-vaccination-rates/,kcal news exclusive: measles risks increase at 350 schools with low vaccination rates,"the cdc recommends that at least 95% of students have the mmr vaccine in order to lower the risk of measles outbreaks at their school, but a kcal news investigation shows that hundreds of socal schools are well below that number. ross palombo reports.",01/31/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/uofmhealthwest/reel/C2x9yFfveMW/,um health-west primary care physician chris davis addresses the concerning reemergence of measles amid declining vaccination rates. the illness was previously declared eliminated in 2000. dr. davis emphasizes that the measles vaccine is highly effective and crucial in preventing serious complications like pneumonia and inflammation of the brain. contact your primary care office to schedule an immunization. #hailtothecaregivers,um health-west primary care physician chris davis addresses the concerning reemergence of measles amid declining vaccination rates. the illness was previously declared eliminated in 2000. dr. davis emphasizes that the measles vaccine is highly effective and crucial in preventing serious complications like pneumonia and inflammation of the brain. contact your primary care office to schedule an immunization. #hailtothecaregivers,01/31/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/gfpublichealth/reel/C2xbo_eursl/?locale=es_US%3FICID%3DBLOG_MBF_ES,"weasels? yes, cute! measles? no thanks.

measles might sound like something of the past, but we can only keep it this way by getting vaccinated against this highly contagious disease. the measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) vaccine is the best protection against measles. two doses are about 97% effective at preventing measles if exposed to the virus. one dose is about 93% effective.

for questions, speak to your child's provider about the mmr vaccine if they are not yet vaccinated.

#publichealth #wildlife #measles #weasel #mmr","weasels? yes, cute! measles? no thanks.

measles might sound like something of the past, but we can only keep it this way by getting vaccinated against this highly contagious disease. the measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) vaccine is the best protection against measles. two doses are about 97% effective at preventing measles if exposed to the virus. one dose is about 93% effective.

for questions, speak to your child's provider about the mmr vaccine if they are not yet vaccinated.

#publichealth #wildlife #measles #weasel #mmr",01/31/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.chop.edu/video/why-are-we-seeing-measles-outbreaks-february-2024-news-brief,why are we seeing measles outbreaks? – february 2024 news brief,"in this video, dr. paul offit talks about a measles outbreak in philadelphia and the surrounding region. he explains why measles is making a comeback after successful measures, such as school vaccine mandates, contributed to its elimination from the united states by the year 2000.",02/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itFJdb5o1aM,measles detected in los angeles county,"a case of measles has been detected in los angeles county, and the department of public health is warning of potential exposure to the public. the unnamed person came through the tom bradley international airport terminal at lax at about 5 p.m. on jan. 25, officials said in a news release.

the person arrived aboard a turkish airlines flight, and those fellow passengers who may have been exposed will be contacted by local health departments, dph said.

details: https://ktla.com/news/local-news/meas...

ktla 5 news - keeping southern californians informed since 1947.",02/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/video/maryland-resident-tests-positive-for-measles-sparking-exposure-concern/,"maryland resident tests positive for measles, sparking exposure concern","the infected person recently traveled to an international destination, according to the maryland health department.",02/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/video/as-vaccination-rates-drop-data-shows-more-than-200-dfw-schools-at-higher-risk-of-measles-outbreak/,"as vaccination rates drop, data shows more than 200 dfw schools at higher risk of measles outbreak",the number of texas parents opting out of giving their kids school vaccines has reached an all-time high and it has doctors worried about possible widespread outbreaks of diseases like the measles.,02/01/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VVfhzetRE4,infected person with measles confirmed in la,"dr. michael daignault talks about a the measles in this week's medical roundup.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cYHvM4aZYk,"measles cases detected around the country, 2 in georgia.","the cdc reported 23 cases of the virus across the country between dec. 23, 2023 and jan. 23, 2024.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvm5MZKtE4k,"person with measles ate at chick-fil-a after leaving lax, la county warns","a person infected with measles reportedly hopped out of lax and ate at a chick-fil-a in northridge.

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a person infected with measles reportedly hopped out of lax and ate at a chick-fil-a in northridge.

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",02/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,anger
https://www.tiktok.com/@swbhnhs/video/7330675365540564257,"what are the symptoms of measles? dr huda explains in #bengali
#bengalitiktok #bengalilanguage #bangladeshi #bangladeshi_tiktok #nhs
#doctor #measles #measlessymptoms","what are the symptoms of measles? dr huda explains in #bengali
#bengalitiktok #bengalilanguage #bangladeshi #bangladeshi_tiktok #nhs
#doctor #measles #measlessymptoms",02/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFn-snQn4J4,why measles keeps popping up in the u.s.,"in this video interview, paul offit, md, of children's hospital of philadelphia and a member of fda's vaccines and related biological products advisory committee, discusses the history of measles and the mmr (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine and examines why there are currently several outbreaks of this vaccine-preventable disease in the u.s.",02/01/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/shorts/f5UoE2Ze2fo,why are measles cases popping up across the u.s.?,"cases of measles are popping up across the u.s., causing concern in pennsylvania, delaware, and washington state.

paul offit, md, a member of fda's vaccines and related biological products advisory committee, examines why there are currently several outbreaks of this vaccine-preventable disease.

watch the full video at the link in our bio.

#measles #mmrvaccine #measlesvaccine #infectiousdisease #publichealth #pediatrics

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nEVgezD14k,什麼是自閉症|胜徜黑幕|賣藥+超仔細人普|是陰謀論|中文字幕,"\!/ sagami 相模香港 https://sagami.hk

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diagnosis and classification in autism

diagnostic change and the increased prevalence of autism

diagnosis lost: differences between children who had and who currently have an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis

medication use among children with autism spectrum disorders

the mmr vaccine and autism: sensation, refutation, retraction, and fraud

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啚光instagram::https://instagram.com/cryptokafire​'my carbon': an approach for inclusive and sustainable cities",02/01/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJEAl3vnyWs,how to protect yourself and your family against measles,"cumberland council's director of public health and communities, colin cox issues some advice surrounding how cumberland residents can protect themselves and their families from measles. 

to find out more about measles, the complications it can cause, and how to protect yourself and your family against measles, please visit the nhs website: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/measles/.",02/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/shorts/noRr8l22bXY,measles - a highly contagious viral infection,"#measles cases are on the rise. ↗
it's one of the most contagious diseases. if one person has it, nearly everyone around them will catch it if not vaccinated.
cdc warns of a surge in measles cases, reporting 23 confirmed infections between dec 2023 and jan 2024, including international travel linkages and outbreaks in multiple states. urgent message to healthcare providers underscores the importance of vigilance, isolation, testing, and vaccination to curb the growing global threat. unvaccinated individuals, especially children and adolescents, at higher risk. stay informed, stay protected! 

#measlesoutbreak #publichealthalert #measles #measlesdiseas #zeahealth #zeamed #vaccination #rashes #cdc #pediatrics #pediatrician",02/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw38FYYMcF0,康快訚】麻疹病例增嚠 cdc促疫苗枥種情 cdc urges to check vaccination status as measles cases increase,"疾病枧制與防中心(cdc)近日發出警呚<自2023年12月1日以來<全國已確23例麻疹病例<圅括7例由國外客輸入。


外<維尼亞州/維尼亞州的衛部發佈警呚稱<在1月3日咜1月4日經dulles國際場咜ronald reagan國家場的旅客<有能已枥觸到麻疹病毒。cdc強調<麻疹具高度傳性<以通空氣飛沫傳播<尚未枥種疫苗的人群臨較高風險。

訂閱天下衛視youtube頻: https://goo.gl/tdvaqg
關注天下衛視官方網站: www.skylinktv.us",02/01/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/Huntingdonshire/videos/measles-spreads-easily-anyone-who-is-not-vaccinated-can-catch-it-measles-can-hav/920674492622915/,"measles spreads easily. anyone who is not vaccinated can catch it. measles can have serious and sometimes fatal consequences, so make","measles spreads easily. anyone who is not vaccinated can catch it. measles can have serious and sometimes fatal consequences, so make sure youre up to date with #mmr vaccinations, and ask your gp practice about catch up jabs if needed.",02/01/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/friendlyhillspeds/reel/C21HioKoNh-/?locale=en_US%2Cen_GB%2Cen_US%2Cen_GB,"the local health department has announced that there is a confirmed case of measles in los angeles county. make sure your children are up-to-date with their measles vaccine. look out for high fevers, cough, runny nose, and a rash. call your doctors office if you are concerned, your child was exposed to measles or is showing signs of measles.
#measles #losangeles","the local health department has announced that there is a confirmed case of measles in los angeles county. make sure your children are up-to-date with their measles vaccine. look out for high fevers, cough, runny nose, and a rash. call your doctors office if you are concerned, your child was exposed to measles or is showing signs of measles.
#measles #losangeles",02/01/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/bernews/reel/C2zpq6-spf8/,"#bermuda newsflash for thurs, feb 1
- rfp for concessionaires at parklands
- customs officers long service awards
- measles outbreak tabletop exercise
- bnv with comedian gina love
- centennial appoints michelle seymour smith
- shaping bermuda's bartending future","#bermuda newsflash for thurs, feb 1
- rfp for concessionaires at parklands
- customs officers long service awards
- measles outbreak tabletop exercise
- bnv with comedian gina love
- centennial appoints michelle seymour smith
- shaping bermuda's bartending future",02/01/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2zpq6-spf8/,"#bermuda newsflash for thurs, feb 1
- rfp for concessionaires at parklands
- customs officers long service awards
- measles outbreak tabletop exercise
- bnv with comedian gina love
- centennial appoints michelle seymour smith
- shaping bermudas bartending future","#bermuda newsflash for thurs, feb 1
- rfp for concessionaires at parklands
- customs officers long service awards
- measles outbreak tabletop exercise
- bnv with comedian gina love
- centennial appoints michelle seymour smith
- shaping bermudas bartending future",02/01/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@celesteelletiktok/video/7330606375665536263,measles is an acute viral respiratory disease from the measles virus and can spread through the air from coughing or sneezing | #korea #measles #virus,measles is an acute viral respiratory disease from the measles virus and can spread through the air from coughing or sneezing | #korea #measles #virus,02/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@medpagetoday/video/7330789164067097902,"paul offit, md, a member of fda's vaccines and related biological products advisory committee, examines why there are currently several outbreaks of this vaccine-preventable disease in pennsylvania, delaware, and washington state. #measles #mmrvaccine #measlesvaccine #infectiousdisease #publichealth #pediatrics #medpagetok","paul offit, md, a member of fda's vaccines and related biological products advisory committee, examines why there are currently several outbreaks of this vaccine-preventable disease in pennsylvania, delaware, and washington state. #measles #mmrvaccine #measlesvaccine #infectiousdisease #publichealth #pediatrics #medpagetok",02/01/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yX7von-I_aY,measles cases are on the rise around the world | abc news,"one of the most contagious diseases humans have known is experiencing a resurgance. significant outbreaks of measles have been reproted in india and the world health organisation reported a 45-fold increase in measles cases in europe. epidemiologist meru sheel says that covid played a crucial role in impacting access to vaccines for the disease, which have caused 'immunity gaps' within the community. 
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",02/02/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzTpRbYoXc8,measles detected in los angeles county,"a case of measles has been detected in los angeles county, and the department of public health is warning of potential exposure to the public.

ellina abovian reports for the ktla 5 morning news on feb. 2, 2024.

details: https://ktla.com/news/local-news/meas...

ktla 5 news - keeping southern californians informed since 1947.",02/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/video/concern-about-spread-of-highly-contagious-measles-after-new-case-in-maryland/,concern about spread of highly contagious measles after new case in maryland,concern about spread of highly contagious measles after new case in maryland,02/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/video/maryland-health-department-issues-alert-after-report-of-new-measles-case/,maryland health department issues alert after report of new measles case,maryland health department issues alert after report of new measles case,02/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4trvu17tIM,minnesota health officials say they're watching national measles outbreaks closely,"the cdc has confirmed 23 measles cases since dec. 1 across the u.s., largely among unvaccinated kids.


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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIN1r-2IoZw,health officials confirm measles case in maryland,"the maryland department of health and montgomery county health officials announced a positive case of measles.  health officials said the maryland resident recently traveled internationally.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5em8JrHa6CQ,"university of maryland doctor unpacks the growing concern over measles outbreak, vaccination gaps","with the recent increase in measles cases in the united states, fox45 news interviewed dr. mathew laurens, a pediatric infectious disease specialist with the university of maryland school of medicine, about the seriousness of the disease and the importance of vaccines.

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wbff is a maryland-based station and a fox television affiliate owned and operated by sinclair broadcast group. 

#wbff #foxbaltimore #fox45news #baltimore #maryland",02/02/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGCYKrwHONQ,should canadians be concerned about measles rates in europe and the u.s.?,the who and cdc have issued warnings about a huge jump in measles cases in europe and the u.s. should canadians be concerned? dilshad burman has more.,02/02/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpOUaIT-Nwk,"henderson pediatrician warns of measles dangers, need for vaccinating children","parents need to do more to protect their children, a henderson pediatrician said after an alarming decline in vaccination rates among school-age children.",02/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@baptisthealthsf/video/7331145175009414442,"if you thought the measles was not something you have to worry about - not so fast! that plus, another reason to jump on the #plantbased trend, and a surprising key risk factor of early death discovered in people who are obese in today's top health headlines!
#fyp #news #measles #obesity #healthnews #plantbaseddiet #womenshealth #facts #health #stayhealthy #cdc","if you thought the measles was not something you have to worry about - not so fast! that plus, another reason to jump on the #plantbased trend, and a surprising key risk factor of early death discovered in people who are obese in today's top health headlines!
#fyp #news #measles #obesity #healthnews #plantbaseddiet #womenshealth #facts #health #stayhealthy #cdc",02/02/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@drtaniaelliott/video/7331085231967046955,"there is a measles advisory in conmecticut. if you have a rash and either red eyes, runny nose, or cough and you either havent been vaccinated or dont know the status of your titers, or if vou have traveled outside od the country, it is impoetant to get checked. general info, not medical advice #learnontiktok #measles #vaccine #rash","there is a measles advisory in conmecticut. if you have a rash and either red eyes, runny nose, or cough and you either havent been vaccinated or dont know the status of your titers, or if vou have traveled outside od the country, it is impoetant to get checked. general info, not medical advice #learnontiktok #measles #vaccine #rash",02/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@friendlyhillspeds/video/7331056423821970730,#measles #losangeles #publichealth #psa #mmr,#measles #losangeles #publichealth #psa #mmr,02/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJAKF_toXm8,the lancet retracted an article by andrew wakefield linking mmr vaccine and autism,"february 2, 2010, binawi ng the lancet ang artikulong ginawa ng dating british doctor na si andre wakefield at ng 12 kasamahan nito noong 1998, na iniuugnay ang autism sa mmr vaccine, matapos na mapatunayang mali at kasinungalingan ang nakalagay na impormasyon.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsCIIph6-CM,texas parents deciding not to give children school vaccines at all time high,the number of texas parents deciding not to give their kids school vaccines is now at an all-time high and it has doctors worried about the possible widespread outbreaks of diseases like the measles.,02/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIQOEzl-rVY,the mmr vaccine scandal - maurice hilleman vs. andrew wakefield,"is it possible that the vaccines we put into our system could potentially have some side effects? or is it all a myth?

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSupDXMuaR4,peter hotez: opposing the anti-science movement,"in a special episode, howie and harlan are joined by the virologist and advocate peter hotez to discuss his new book, the deadly rise of anti-science: a scientist's warning. this interview was recorded in late august.


 peter hotez: the deadly rise of anti-science: a scientist's warning (https://www.amazon.com/deadly-rise-anti-science-scientists-warning/dp/1421447223) 

 peter hotez: vaccines did not cause rachel's autism (https://www.press.jhu.edu/books/title/12040/vaccines-did-not-cause-rachels-autism) 

 ""red covid, an update (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/18/briefing/red-covid-partisan-deaths-vaccines.html) 

 ""the red/blue divide in covid-19 vaccination rates continues: an update"" (https://www.kff.org/policy-watch/the-red-blue-divide-in-covid-19-vaccination-rates-continues-an-update/) 

 ""swiss study finds connection between watching fox news and vaccination rates going down"" (https://www.mediamatters.org/coronavirus-covid-19/swiss-study-finds-connection-between-watching-fox-news-and-vaccination-rates) 

 ""the paranoid style in american plutocrats"" (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/28/opinion/columnists/covid-climate-cryptocurrency-plutocrats.html) 

""wakefield's article linking mmr vaccine and autism was fraudulent"" (https://www.bmj.com/content/342/bmj.c7452) 

 ""peter hotez is not alone: online harassment of doctors is a public health issue"" (https://www.statnews.com/2023/06/23/peter-hotez-joe-rogan-rfk-jr-harassment-doctors-scientists/) 

learn more about the mba for executives program at yale som (https://som.yale.edu/programs/emba) .

email howie and harlan comments or questions. (mailto:health.veritas@yale.edu)",02/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,anger,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB9gD4R2MMk,rules to be followed after opening vaccine vial | open vial policy #vaccine #opv,"open vial policy 2015 tells rules to be followed after opening vaccine vial. #vaccines #opv  it is applicable for dpat, tt, opv, hep b and pentavalent vaccines, and not applicable for mmr, je and bcg vaccine. opened vials under open vial policy can be used for 4 weeks after that they must be discrded. but! other vials on which this policy is not applicable they must be discarded after single use of after opening. 

vaccine vial monitor 

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#psm lectures #open vial policy #open vial policy vaccine #open vial vaccine policy list #open vial policy name #opv #dpt vaccine #pentavalent vaccine #penta immunisation #psm lecture #the public health revolution #community medicine lecture #mmr vaccine #je vaccine #bcg vaccine #open vial vaccine list in hindi #penta vaccine #psm made easy #hep b vaccine #hepatitis b immunisation #psm lecture dr anuradha chauhan",02/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BzTpRbYoXc8&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fknhguatemala.org%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,measles detected in los angeles county,"a case of measles has been detected in los angeles county, and the department of public health is warning of potential exposure to the public.

ellina abovian reports for the ktla 5 morning news on feb. 2, 2024.

details: https://ktla.com/news/local-news/measles-detected-in-los-angeles-county/

ktla 5 news - keeping southern californians informed since 1947.",02/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2GkzIYzA14,measles - how to protect yourself and those around you,"cases of measles are rising in the uk. find out the best way to protect yourself and those around you. 

link to ukhsa measles toolkit. 
https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https%3a%2f%2fcontent.govdelivery.com%2fattachments%2fukhpa%2f2024%2f01%2f19%2ffile_attachments%2f2754031%2fukhsa%2520measles%2520toolkit%25202024%25201.0.docx&wdorigin=browsel",02/02/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dermdremma/video/7330937115385072928,measles rates in the uk are rising!  #measles #mmr #measlesvaccine,measles rates in the uk are rising!  #measles #mmr #measlesvaccine,02/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/dr_shaps/reel/C22uEHortSN/,"noticia preocupante: se ha registrado el primer caso de sarampin en los ngeles despus de varios aos. 

es crucial cerrar las puertas a esta infeccin. 

consulta a tu pediatra o mdico de confianza para 
conocer cmo proteger a tus hijos y familia. juntos, podemos mantener a nuestra comunidad segura. 

#altamed #socialpedia #peds #noticia #primeroscasos 
#losangeles #sarampin #measles #infeccin #sarampion","noticia preocupante: se ha registrado el primer caso de sarampin en los ngeles despus de varios aos. 

es crucial cerrar las puertas a esta infeccin. 

consulta a tu pediatra o mdico de confianza para 
conocer cmo proteger a tus hijos y familia. juntos, podemos mantener a nuestra comunidad segura. 

#altamed #socialpedia #peds #noticia #primeroscasos 
#losangeles #sarampin #measles #infeccin #sarampion",02/02/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@magazineprime/video/7330963549109357829,know these interesting facts about chickenpox & measles! #chickenpox #measles #facts #health #tips #prime #primesingapore,know these interesting facts about chickenpox & measles! #chickenpox #measles #facts #health #tips #prime #primesingapore,02/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@paleopedia/video/7331259703609101610,"last november, a young female fin whale washed up on a beach in england. after a necropsy was performed, it was determined that she died to due a morbillivirus infection, which is similar to measles in humans. lets talk about it #teaofthesea #whaletok #whale #whales #finwhale #virus #morbillivirus #whalestranding #marinebiology #oceanography","last november, a young female fin whale washed up on a beach in england. after a necropsy was performed, it was determined that she died to due a morbillivirus infection, which is similar to measles in humans. lets talk about it #teaofthesea #whaletok #whale #whales #finwhale #virus #morbillivirus #whalestranding #marinebiology #oceanography",02/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HWHASNPKlU,who is really to blame? | hilary duff | law & order svu,"when young girl goes missing, and her immature mother is the prime suspect. guest starring hilary duff, best known for lizzie mcguire, a cinderella story, and how i met your father

season 10, episode 19 'selfish': an immature, irresponsible young mother is assumed to have killed her child, but it turns out to be part of a measles outbreak. a.d.a. cabot then goes after the mother of the child who started the outbreak, who refused to immunize him.

law & order is streaming now on peacock: https://pck.tv/46lnacm 

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show synopsis: in the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police who investigate crime and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders. these are their stories. from emmy-winning creator dick wolf, with its groundbreaking ""ripped-from-the-headlines"" format, comes the highly-acclaimed, longest-running crime series in television history.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geqSSN8TL6I,"health watch special: measles as a growing health threat, adhd medication recalled, diet stigma","every week on health watch we look at topics that impact our viewers and their wellbeing. in this week's episode, we're talking about the measles threat that is growing and health experts tell us why at least a third of the u.s. is at risk.",02/03/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHKpoWAQ8LU,twiv 1085: when macrophages go to alimentary school,"twiv reviews measles outbreaks in england and europe, 2 fatal nipah virus cases in bangladesh, yellow fever outbreak in sudan, and discuss how the type of immunodeficiency influences the outcome of sars-cov-2 infection, and programming of alveolar macrophages by intestinal bacteria that influences severity of respiratory viral infection.

show notes at https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-1085/

become a patron of twiv at https://microbe.tv/contribute

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– who am i? –

i'm vincent racaniello, earth's virology professor, and i believe that education should be free.

i'm also a professor of virology at columbia university in new york. i've been doing research on viruses since 1976, and teaching virology in classrooms and online since 1999. on this youtube channel i share videos of my lectures, podcasts, and more.

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if you would like to support our work, go over to https://www.microbe.tv/contribute/ 
#microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic
———————————————————————",02/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKsn5J7qEVA,measles symptoms in babies in hindi | khasra ka ilaj | baccho me khasra ka lakshan | boldsky,"खसरा (रबेला) क शवसन रोग है जो वायरस के कारण होता है। इससे लाल, धबबेदार दाना होता है। इसे 10 दिन का खसरा या लाल खसरा भी कहा जाता है। कसपरस के अनसार यह छूत की बीमारी भी है। खसरे का वायरस नाक और गले के मयूकस में रहता है। यह नाक और गले के तरल पदारथ के संपरक में आने से क बचचे से दूसरे बचचे में फैलता है। यह संकरमित बचचे के खांसने और छींकने से भी फैलता है। खसरा क वायरस के कारण होता है और यह जयादातर सरदियों और वसंत के मड़सम में देखा जाता है।_x000d_
measles (rubella) is a respiratory disease caused by a virus. it causes a red, spotted rash. it is also called 10-day measles or red measles. according to experts, it is also a contagious disease. measles virus lives in the mucus of the nose and throat. it spreads from one child to another through contact with fluids from the nose and throat. it also spreads through coughing and sneezing of an infected child. measles is caused by a virus and is mostly seen in the winter and spring seasons._x000d_
#measlessymptomsinbabiesinhindi #measlessymptomsinhindi #khasrakailaj #bacchomekhasralakshan #measleskelakshan #measlesfulldetail 

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here are some product recommendations for you

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 upsc prelims compendium

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here are some product recommendations for you

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 3-in-1 hooded winter hat

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 upsc prelims compendium

 upsc english book


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download app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oneindia.common",02/03/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/CountessOfChesterHospital/videos/measles-is-an-infection-that-spreads-very-easily-and-can-cause-serious-problems-/2400386813683129/,measles is an infection that spreads very easily and can cause serious problems in some people. having the mmr vaccine is the best way to,measles is an infection that spreads very easily and can cause serious problems in some people. having the mmr vaccine is the best way to prevent it. do you know the symptoms? for more information visit - https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/measles/ #mmrvaccine #publichealth,02/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C26TvtSp8SV/,"measles / അഞചാം പനിയെ ലകഷണങങൾ

#healthy life","measles / അഞചാം പനിയെ ലകഷണങങൾ

#healthy life",02/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@randomthoughtsgone/video/7331895594769861930,for more info check out https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20211112-the-people-with-immune-amnesia #measles  #measlesvaccine  #notjustarash  #immuneamnesia ,for more info check out https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20211112-the-people-with-immune-amnesia #measles  #measlesvaccine  #notjustarash  #immuneamnesia ,02/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rk2A9AXo1U0,measles cases in us rise,"feb 2nd 2024 a measles case was confirmed in san diego, california - the first case in nearly five years.",02/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkbSbiRzVu8,ohio's first measles case of 2024 reported,"ohio's first measles case of 2024 reported. for more: https://nbc4i.co/3hn6z4u

stay informed about columbus and central ohio news, weather and sports! follow nbc4 on our website and social media channels:


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",02/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kywB4FUjq-M,first 2024 measles case in ohio reported in montgomery county,"last year, the state had one measles case reported, and 90 reported in 2022 when an outbreak centered around central ohio totaled 85 cases.",02/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rk2A9AXo1U0,measles cases in us rise,"feb 2nd 2024 a measles case was confirmed in san diego, california - the first case in nearly five years.",02/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBjdPWWMvoo,measles case reported in montgomery county,a case of the measles has been identified in a montgomery county resident.,02/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/video/health-watch-special-measles-as-a-growing-health-threat-adhd-medication-recalled-diet-stigma/,"health watch special: measles as a growing health threat, adhd medication recalled, diet stigma","every week on health watch we look at topics that impact our viewers and their wellbeing. in this week's episode, we're talking about the measles threat that is growing and health experts tell us why at least a third of the u.s. is at risk.",02/04/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.facebook.com/loveoldham/videos/how-infectious-is-measles/877824374129871/,how infectious is measles?,"measles can kill. but 2 doses of the #mmr vaccine can offer protection for life. make sure you and your loved ones are up to date with their jabs, and if not, contact your gp practice for a catch up appointment. for more info visit www.nhs.uk/mmr",02/04/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/honorhealthaz/reel/C5RT53BsWuE/?locale=pt_PT,"once thought to have been eradicated, measles has resurfaced, sparking concern over what this means and how to stay safe.

in this insightful q&a with nina shah, md, svp, chief quality and clinical value officer, we address common questions about measles, including tips on how you can protect yourself, your family and our community.

for the full q&a, visit the link in our bio.

#honorhealth #honoraboveall","once thought to have been eradicated, measles has resurfaced, sparking concern over what this means and how to stay safe.

in this insightful q&a with nina shah, md, svp, chief quality and clinical value officer, we address common questions about measles, including tips on how you can protect yourself, your family and our community.

for the full q&a, visit the link in our bio.

#honorhealth #honoraboveall",02/04/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@goodluckworld/video/7331754314005859589,"136000 deaths globally in 2022, mostly children. #antivaxx #measles #europe #canadatiktok #parentsontiktok","136000 deaths globally in 2022, mostly children. #antivaxx #measles #europe #canadatiktok #parentsontiktok",02/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@goodluckoutthere.friend/video/7331836290696088874,"#co2 #carbondioxide levels in a space can tell you if a place has good or bad #ventilation good ventilation means it€™s harder to catch airborne diseases like #covid and #measles and you can think clearer when there is low #co2. cognitive function starts to decline once you start getting over 1200. the more people in a space, the better ventilation you need. #airquality #indoorairquality","#co2 #carbondioxide levels in a space can tell you if a place has good or bad #ventilation good ventilation means it€™s harder to catch airborne diseases like #covid and #measles and you can think clearer when there is low #co2. cognitive function starts to decline once you start getting over 1200. the more people in a space, the better ventilation you need. #airquality #indoorairquality",02/04/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/whionews/videos/a-single-case-of-measles-has-been-detected-in-montgomery-county-this-is-the-firs/1108492143517408/,A single case of measles has been detected in Montgomery County. This is the first case since 2005. Public health officials detail the symptoms you should look out for: bit.ly/3SKhiTp,A single case of measles has been detected in Montgomery County. This is the first case since 2005. Public health officials detail the symptoms you should look out for: bit.ly/3SKhiTp,02/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.wkyc.com/video/news/health/95-3d9a2a7b-4456-4a82-b008-afad022e7d9d,ohio's first measles case of 2024 reported in montgomery county: what health officials want you to know,the last confirmed measles case in montgomery county happened in 2005.,02/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@rubin_allergy/video/7332227510324727082,there may have been a measles exposure at the cvg airport accoeding to ohio department it health. 2/5/24. please share this information. #viral #outbreak #airport #tiktokdoc,there may have been a measles exposure at the cvg airport accoeding to ohio department it health. 2/5/24. please share this information. #viral #outbreak #airport #tiktokdoc,02/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypkhMS1cSvg,why are measles cases popping up across the us? what to know about the highly contagious virus,"streaming now at https://abc7chicago.com/watch/live/11....

three new states have reported at least one new measles case, this as the us centers for disease control and prevention issues warning to pediatricians. full story: https://abc7chicago.com/measles-sympt...",02/05/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1kL6jGS_9E,"measles alert: montgomery county resident tests positive, potential exposure in dc, maryland, virgin","a montgomery county resident tested positive for measles, and there's an alert from health leaders in d.c., maryland and virginia about a potential exposure. fox 5's nana-sentuo bonsu reports with what you need to know.

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fox 5 dc, wttg-tv and fox 5 plus, wdca-tv are owned-and-operated tv stations of the fox broadcasting company. we are located in washington, d.c. and serves the entire washington metropolitan area (including northern virginia, maryland, and the martinsburg, west virginia area). our studio is based in bethesda, maryland.
",02/05/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@drtanyaaltmann/video/7332225810079730987,"what you need to know about measles given the recent outbreak in los
angeles. #measles #losangeleshealth #pediatrician","what you need to know about measles given the recent outbreak in los
angeles. #measles #losangeleshealth #pediatrician",02/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@heather.felton.md/video/7332279982087081258,"#greenscreen there has been a case of measles reported in a patient who is at the cincinnati airport in northern kentucky. #measlesoutbreak #outbreak
@heather.felton.md pediatrician","#greenscreen there has been a case of measles reported in a patient who is at the cincinnati airport in northern kentucky. #measlesoutbreak #outbreak
@heather.felton.md pediatrician",02/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@igbotees/video/7332164904301989152,measles explained in my igbo language #igbo #health #igbotiktok,measles explained in my igbo language #igbo #health #igbotiktok,02/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWqL-fOV4ZU,measles in ohio: the importance of getting vaccinated,"ohio has reported its first case of measles for 2024, which was detected in montgomery county._x000d_
""measles can be a very serious illness for anyone, ohio department of health director dr. bruce vanderhoff, said. ""the key to preventing measles is vaccination. if you are not vaccinated, we strongly encourage you to get the vaccine._x000d_
the center for disease control and prevention recommends all children get two doses of the mmr vaccine. the first dose should be given at age 12-15 months and the second dose at 4-6 years old. adults born after 1957 can also receive the vaccine if they did not receive it previously._x000d_
odh says the measles virus can live up to two hours in the air where an infected person coughed or sneezed. others who breathe the contaminated air or touch an infected surface and touch their eyes, nose, or mouths can then become infected as well._x000d_
what you need to know about this case of measles in ohio: https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/health/odh-reports-first-measles-case-2024-montgomery-county/530-70f4eb88-d58c-4c55-84f9-879c9e63f898 --

at 3news, we're not here to tell you the news, we're here to share the stories that you say matter most to you. share your ideas, thoughts, concerns and engage in conversations about the communities in which we all call home.

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and be sure to download our app here:https://wkyc.com/app",02/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGFkymRFANY,ohio department of health investigating potential measles outbreak,"the ohio department of health announced that some people who were present at the cincinnati/northern kentucky international airport last week may been exposed to measles._x000d_
the announcement comes after odh reported that a child in montgomery county was the first reported case of measles in the state this year. the state health department said the reported case is related to the potential exposure at the airport._x000d_
health officials are warning those who were at the airport on jan. 27 between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. and jan. 29 between 8:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. to be aware of symptoms._x000d_
ohio health officials are working with the centers for disease control and prevention to identify people who may have been exposed, including contacting passengers on specific flights._x000d_
measles symptoms usually appear in two stages. in the first stage, most people have a fever of greater than 101 degrees, a runny nose, watery red eyes and a cough. these symptoms usually start seven to 14 days after being exposed._x000d_
the second stage starts three to five days after symptoms start when a rash begins to appear on the face and spreads to the rest of the body. people with measles are contagious from 4 days before the rash appears through 4 days after the rash appears._x000d_
if you or your child have not been vaccinated, see your healthcare provider as soon as possible to get a vaccine (mmr is routinely recommended for children over the age of 12 months). individuals who are not vaccinated should be very careful in watching for any signs and symptoms because measles is extremely contagious._x000d_
if you develop symptoms, health officials urge you to stay home and away from others and call your healthcare provider. _x000d_
lydia esparra reports: https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/local/ohio-potential-measles-exposure-cincinnati-northern-kentucky-international-airport/530-0aabc620-8d1d-456d-880d-7d72b316eaa1 --

at 3news, we're not here to tell you the news, we're here to share the stories that you say matter most to you. share your ideas, thoughts, concerns and engage in conversations about the communities in which we all call home.

follow 3news on social:


visit our site:https://www.wkyc.com/
and be sure to download our app here:https://wkyc.com/app",02/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aT28V04uQWk,sign and symptom of mumps | what are the signs and symptoms of mumps? | #mumps,"also know: mumps symptom | symptom of mumps | signs & symptom of mumps | warning symptom of mumps | early symptom of mumps  

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps immunization, mumps vaccinations, mumps virus treatment, what is the preventions of mumps, preventions of mumps, mumps prevention, how is mumps spread?, how is mumps virus transmitted?, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, signs & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, pace hospitals",02/05/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtTHtl54WYg,45327,"measles has seen a resurgence in parts of england.

it is usually managed at home but can be serious. 

mmr vaccination rates are quite low at 84.5% for both doses by the 5th birthday.

95% coverage is needed to prevent outbreaks.

#measles #bbcpoliticseast #yourshout #mmr #vaccination",02/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_MpCiCYOQw,protection against measles (in portuguese),a recent increase in the number of cases of measles in brent has made it even more important to ensure residents are immunised and people who come into close contact with someone who has developed measles get the medical help they need.,02/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqy_4BNHvhs,measles: are you protected?,"measles spreads really easily, and anyone who is not vaccinated can catch it.

measles can have serious and sometimes fatal consequences, so please make sure you're up to date you're your mmr vaccinations, and ask your gp practice about catch up jabs if needed.",02/05/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGFRTddluXI,protection against measles (in arabic),a recent increase in the number of cases of measles in brent has made it even more important to ensure residents are immunised and people who come into close contact with someone who has developed measles get the medical help they need.,02/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM7tVKz0mbg,dignity health california hospital medical center dr. suman radhakrishna discusses measles outbreak,,02/05/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtk_09QXsVE,020524 measles case at cincinnati airport,,02/05/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/dnQhSHL5U8A,measles comeback ," epoch times 25 sale: https://ept.ms/romansale

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https://www.facebook.com/calderdale/videos/measles-are-you-protected/961433735706788/,measles: are you protected?,"many of us don't really think about measles because we were vaccinated as a child, but did you know that measles is the most contagious of all airborne illnesses? it spreads really easily, and anyone who is not vaccinated can catch it. it's important to make sure youre up to date with your mmr vaccinations - ask your gp about catch up jabs if they're needed.",02/05/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drtanyaaltmann/reel/C2-tkQDpy8y/,"what you need to know about measles given the recent outbreak in los angeles.

#measles #losangeleshealth #pediatrician","what you need to know about measles given the recent outbreak in los angeles.

#measles #losangeleshealth #pediatrician",02/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2-tkQDpy8y/,"what you need to know about measles given the recent outbreak in los angeles.

#measles #losangeleshealth #pediatrician","what you need to know about measles given the recent outbreak in los angeles.

#measles #losangeleshealth #pediatrician",02/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/rubin_allergy/reel/C2-vi7AxyQb/,there may have been a measles exposure at the cvg airport according to ohio department of health. 2/5/24. please share this information. #viral #outbreak #airport #doctor,there may have been a measles exposure at the cvg airport according to ohio department of health. 2/5/24. please share this information. #viral #outbreak #airport #doctor,02/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@arghavansallesmdphd/video/7332567698230086955,there€™s a reason we have childhood va xination programs: they save lives #measles #mumps #rubella #retraction ,there€™s a reason we have childhood va xination programs: they save lives #measles #mumps #rubella #retraction ,02/06/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@bananadotgov/video/7332648217223449886,the research is already done lol jabs are safer for your kid than measles #measlesoutbreak #crunchymom #holistichealth,the research is already done lol jabs are safer for your kid than measles #measlesoutbreak #crunchymom #holistichealth,02/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUVBWQ-d0HE,measles resurgence in europe has canadian medical experts on edge | canada tonight,"after an explosion of measles cases in europe, medical experts say it's just a 'question of time' before outbreaks happen in canada, thanks to high rates of global travel and low rates of vaccination. dr. samir gupta discusses the outbreak and what it could mean for canada.
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for more than 80 years, cbc news has been the source canadians turn to, to keep them informed about their communities, their country and their world. through regional and national programming on multiple platforms, including cbc television, cbc news network, cbc radio, cbcnews.ca, mobile and on-demand, cbc news and its internationally recognized team of award-winning journalists deliver the breaking stories, the issues, the analyses and the personalities that matter to canadians.",02/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPr6K8LR9Ws,your child's vaccine journey - episode 43 hse talking health and wellbeing podcast,"in this episode, host fergal fox discusses vaccinations with dr lucy jessop, director of the national immunisation office, and parent representative lorraine hughes. dr jessop provides a clear explanation of how vaccines work, teaching the immune system to recognise and combat diseases before they can take hold. she stresses the importance of following the recommended vaccination schedule as this proactive approach to health is crucial in safeguarding our children during their most vulnerable stages. we discuss the vaccination schedule for children, including the introduction of the hpv vaccine for boys and its role in cancer prevention, as lorraine shares her son's vaccination experience. the episodealso addresses vaccines recommended during pregnancy, the importance of timely vaccinations to prevent disease resurgence and the need for accurate information from reliable sources. it highlights the role of healthcare professionals in building parental trust and ensuring children receive vaccinations at the right time.

for further information visitimmunisation.ieor if you'd like to read or download the current immunisation schedule visithttps://www.hse.ie/eng/health/immunisation/pubinfo/currentschedule.html.

understanding vaccinations for children and their importance
understanding the importance of hpv vaccination for boys and girls
importance of hpv and other vaccines for adolescents
importance of  vaccinations for children
importance of vaccination across the life course
importance of hpv vaccine and empowering parents and children
importance of vaccinations for parents and healthcare professionals
importance of parental information and trusted sources for immunisation

to get in touch with the podcast email healthandwellbeing.communication@hse.ie and to stay up to date with hse health and wellbeing: 

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produced by gkmedia.ie
#immunisation #vaccination #hpv #measles #child #children #health #prevention #whoopingcough #infant #teenager #meningitis #mmr",02/06/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSk_ApKz9xE,"measles cases skyrocket in europe, doctors worry it will spread here","the world health organization is warning of an alarming rise in cases of measles in europe, and doctors in canada fear the disease could easily spread to this country, too. 

#measles #europe #news 

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the national is the flagship of cbc news, showcasing award-winning journalism from across canada and around the world. led by chief correspondent adrienne arsenault and ian hanomansing, our team of trusted reporters helps you make sense of the world, wherever you are.",02/06/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPTREbNXWtc,"കികളിൽ ഇപപോൾ വയാപികകനന മണിനീര (mumps) /dr.rajeev o bhms,md(hom)",mumps#mumps #parotidgland #dietinmumps #school #health #healthylifestyle #fever #orchitis#testis #mumpscomplication ##mumps #measles #rubella #mmr #vaccine #covid #vaccines #polio #vaccineswork #health #vaccination #coronavirus #tetanus #medicine #science #diphtheria #influenza #chickenpox #fluvaccine #immunization #bhfyp #vaccinessavelives #pertussis #virus #measlesoutbreak #vaccineinjury #pharma #antivaccine #vaccinsanity #mumps care#healthylifestyle,02/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cPpEblLr5s,मधय परदेश का नकशा वं खसरे की नकल कैसे निकाले | map of madhya pradesh and how to copy measles||,#bhulekh #mplandrecord #awasyojna #ladlibahanayojana #bhuagriculture #shortvideo #funny #trending,02/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@local12wkrc/video/7332479354187877662,february 6th #measles #virus #contaigous #cvgairport #cincinnati #northernky #healthdepartment #unvaccinated #airport #exposed #localnews #cincy #tristate #goodmorningcincinnati #gmc #wkrc #local12news #newsanchor #local12 ,february 6th #measles #virus #contaigous #cvgairport #cincinnati #northernky #healthdepartment #unvaccinated #airport #exposed #localnews #cincy #tristate #goodmorningcincinnati #gmc #wkrc #local12news #newsanchor #local12 ,02/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@average_f4_e_enjoyer3/video/7332698897938189614,#capcut this game gives me hepatitis dermatitis cancer whooping cough hemmoroids polio the cold flu covid 19 measles and every mental disease known to man#fyp #fyp' #foryou #foryoupage #viral #viralvideo #justiceforaverage_f4_e_enjoyer2 #phantomforces #roblox #corecore,#capcut this game gives me hepatitis dermatitis cancer whooping cough hemmoroids polio the cold flu covid 19 measles and every mental disease known to man#fyp #fyp' #foryou #foryoupage #viral #viralvideo #justiceforaverage_f4_e_enjoyer2 #phantomforces #roblox #corecore,02/06/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,joy,joy
https://www.facebook.com/mynottingham/videos/measles-can-be-a-serious-infection-that-can-lead-to-complications-especially-in-/771024838230503/,"#measlescan be a serious infection that can lead to complications, especially in young children & those with weakened immune systems","#measles can be a serious infection that can lead to complications, especially in young children & those with weakened immune systems. cases in england are on the rise, so here are some signs and symptoms to look for. if you think you or your child have measles, call your gp surgery or nhs 111 first, before turning up at a healthcare setting. this will help to stop the virus spreading. measles spreads easily in unvaccinated people but it is preventable. make sure you & your loved ones are up to date with your #mmr jabs or catch up on any missed jabs. more info: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/measles/",02/06/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.facebook.com/UKHealthSecurityAgency/videos/measles-how-infectious-is-it/776176924361877/,measles - how infectious is it?,"#measles spreads quickly and can be serious  but how infectious is it? dr colin campbell, consultant epidemiologist, explains how measles ranks compared to other diseases and why #vaccination is so important. find out more: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/mmr-vaccine/",02/06/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/dr.nicolebaldwin/reel/C3A6R_wuQou/,"ugh - never what any pediatrician wants to hear…measles in the area 

but i believe knowledge is power - so here you go…

measles is highly contagious and 90% of people who are exposed and not immune will contact the virus. 

measles causes a high fever, cough, runny nose, red/watery eyes and rash. 

complications of measles include pneumonia, ear infections and encephalitis. 

the measles virus is contagious from 4 days prior to rash onset through 4 days after rash onset. 

the virus can still infect others for up to 2 hours after someone with measles has left the room where they were 

measles vaccine is highly effective at preventing infection with the virus (93% effective after one dose and 97% effective after 2 doses). measles vaccine (aka mmr vaccine) is recommended at ages 12-15 months and 4-6 years. 

if you or your child are unvaccinated (and your child is over 12 months of age), please consider getting protected asap. 

drop your ????'s in the comments 

#measles #vaccinate @ohiodepartmentofhealth @ohioaap #drbaldwinsays #pediatrician","ugh - never what any pediatrician wants to hear…measles in the area 

but i believe knowledge is power - so here you go…

measles is highly contagious and 90% of people who are exposed and not immune will contact the virus. 

measles causes a high fever, cough, runny nose, red/watery eyes and rash. 

complications of measles include pneumonia, ear infections and encephalitis. 

the measles virus is contagious from 4 days prior to rash onset through 4 days after rash onset. 

the virus can still infect others for up to 2 hours after someone with measles has left the room where they were 

measles vaccine is highly effective at preventing infection with the virus (93% effective after one dose and 97% effective after 2 doses). measles vaccine (aka mmr vaccine) is recommended at ages 12-15 months and 4-6 years. 

if you or your child are unvaccinated (and your child is over 12 months of age), please consider getting protected asap. 

drop your ????'s in the comments 

#measles #vaccinate @ohiodepartmentofhealth @ohioaap #drbaldwinsays #pediatrician",02/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/satviskin/reel/C3AiqrsNF6R/,"intralesional mmr (measles, mumps, and rubella) therapy is a treatment option for periungual warts, which are warts that develop around or under the nails. 

this therapy involves injecting a diluted solution of the mmr vaccine directly into the wart. 

the goal is to trigger the body's immune response to attack and eliminate the wart virus.

multiple injections may be necessary depending on the size and severity of the wart. 

in some cases, combination therapy with other wart treatments may be recommended to enhance efficacy.

#instagram #reelstagram #forupage #foryoupage #foryou #explore #explorepage #viral #viralreels #trendingreels #trending #viralwartsremoval #nailwarts  #dermatologistsinmumbai #wart #wartstreatment","intralesional mmr (measles, mumps, and rubella) therapy is a treatment option for periungual warts, which are warts that develop around or under the nails. 

this therapy involves injecting a diluted solution of the mmr vaccine directly into the wart. 

the goal is to trigger the body's immune response to attack and eliminate the wart virus.

multiple injections may be necessary depending on the size and severity of the wart. 

in some cases, combination therapy with other wart treatments may be recommended to enhance efficacy.

#instagram #reelstagram #forupage #foryoupage #foryou #explore #explorepage #viral #viralreels #trendingreels #trending #viralwartsremoval #nailwarts  #dermatologistsinmumbai #wart #wartstreatment",02/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/klinikdra/reel/C3Bxo1kPHPC/,"pernahkah sobat dra mendengar penyakit gondongan?
nah . nama lainnya parotitis atau mumps. siapa nih yang sudah pernah terkena gondongan?
seringnya mesti pas sd. atau ada pengalaman lain? ☺

salam sehat
care and cure service

senin-jumat 08.00-12.00 dan 17.00-20.00
sabtu 08.00-12.00

informasi lebih lanjut bisa lewat whatsapp 082338295232

#mmr #mumps #measles #rubella #measlesmumpsrubella #measlesoutbreak #parotitis #gondongan #campak #vaksinmmr","pernahkah sobat dra mendengar penyakit gondongan?
nah . nama lainnya parotitis atau mumps. siapa nih yang sudah pernah terkena gondongan?
seringnya mesti pas sd. atau ada pengalaman lain? ☺

salam sehat
care and cure service

senin-jumat 08.00-12.00 dan 17.00-20.00
sabtu 08.00-12.00

informasi lebih lanjut bisa lewat whatsapp 082338295232

#mmr #mumps #measles #rubella #measlesmumpsrubella #measlesoutbreak #parotitis #gondongan #campak #vaksinmmr",02/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/ewerickson/reel/C3BFf2gO_Bv/,"for every doctor who tells you that the mmr vaccine causes autism, a doctor on the left will tell you a boy can become a girl. both sides have their quacks but the progressives are defending theirs.","for every doctor who tells you that the mmr vaccine causes autism, a doctor on the left will tell you a boy can become a girl. both sides have their quacks but the progressives are defending theirs.",02/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3BFf2gO_Bv/,"for every doctor who tells you that the mmr vaccine causes autism, a doctor on the left will tell you a boy can become a girl. both sides have their quacks but the progressives are defending theirs.","for every doctor who tells you that the mmr vaccine causes autism, a doctor on the left will tell you a boy can become a girl. both sides have their quacks but the progressives are defending theirs.",02/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/rubin_allergy/reel/C3A53phRegh/,"the measles outbreaks are occurring because of low vaccination coverage. this is a problem not just globally, but locally as well. a global and local vaccination campaigns are needed to prevent these outbreaks. 2/6/24. sources: @who @cbsnews @cdcgov #viral #outbreak #doctor","the measles outbreaks are occurring because of low vaccination coverage. this is a problem not just globally, but locally as well. a global and local vaccination campaigns are needed to prevent these outbreaks. 2/6/24. sources: @who @cbsnews @cdcgov #viral #outbreak #doctor",02/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@rubin_allergy/video/7332539019105946922,"replying to @denise chatham the measles outbreaks are occurring because of low vaccination coverage. this is a problem not just globally, but locally as well. a global and local vaccination campaigns are needed to prevent these outbreaks. 2/6/24. sources: cdc, @world health organization (who) @cbsnews #viral #outbreak #tiktokdoc #learnontiktok","replying to @denise chatham the measles outbreaks are occurring because of low vaccination coverage. this is a problem not just globally, but locally as well. a global and local vaccination campaigns are needed to prevent these outbreaks. 2/6/24. sources: cdc, @world health organization (who) @cbsnews #viral #outbreak #tiktokdoc #learnontiktok",02/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@cbseveningnews/video/7333032597175536927,"#measles cases are on the rise as #vaccine rates decline in the u.s. since december, there have been 23 reported cases €""  mostly in unvaccinated children. a cbs news investigation reveals thousands of kids are at risk of becoming ill. #news #health #parentsoftiktok","#measles cases are on the rise as #vaccine rates decline in the u.s. since december, there have been 23 reported cases €""  mostly in unvaccinated children. a cbs news investigation reveals thousands of kids are at risk of becoming ill. #news #health #parentsoftiktok",02/07/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@aribrownmd/video/7332959331895282990,#greenscreen measles alert 3 key tips you need to know! #measles #rash #sickbaby #vaccines #babyfever #momlife,#greenscreen measles alert 3 key tips you need to know! #measles #rash #sickbaby #vaccines #babyfever #momlife,02/07/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/video/thousands-of-u-s-schools-at-risk-of-measles-outbreak-data-shows/,"thousands of u.s. schools at risk of measles outbreak, data shows","more than 8,500 schools in the u.s. are at risk of a measles outbreak as the share of unvaccinated kindergartners grew significantly in the past three years, a cbs news investigation found. stephen stock explains.

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for video licensing inquiries, contact: licensing@veritone.com",02/07/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTck-KyJTRQ,"thousands of u.s. schools at risk of measles outbreak, data shows","more than 8,500 schools in the u.s. are at risk of a measles outbreak as the share of unvaccinated kindergartners grew significantly in the past three years, a cbs news investigation found. stephen stock explains. air date: feb 7, 2024",02/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JV-ORXhMQg,"measles has exploded in europe, doctors worry it could go global #shorts",europe saw a forty-fold increase in measles cases in 2023 and experts say it could quickly become a problem because the virus is so contagious. #health #worldnews,02/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qu2AU7CRJRc,why are we seeing measles outbreaks? – february 2024 news brief,"dr. paul offit talks about a measles outbreak in philadelphia and the surrounding region. he explains why measles is making a comeback after successful measures, such as school vaccine mandates, contributed to its elimination from the united states by the year 2000.

dr. offit explains that measles is one of the most contagious diseases — more contagious than covid-19 and influenza. measles can lead to hospitalizations and deaths. children with measles die from severe dehydration, pneumonia or, less commonly, encephalitis when the virus infects the brain.

the mmr vaccine is safe and effective, and dr. offit urges parent to protect their children from this highly contagious and potentially deadly virus. 

to learn more about vaccines, please visit https://vaccine.chop.edu.

0:00 introduction
0:53 measles vaccine and school mandates
2:11 measles outbreaks in 1970s and 1990s
2:52 one vs. two doses of measles vaccines and measles elimination from u.s.
04:06 why has measles come back?",02/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CpzoI8hYds,cbc news: the national | man in nigeria arrested in b.c. sextortion case,"feb. 6, 2024 | a b.c. teen took his own life after being blackmailed online and now a man has been arrested in nigeria. roving volunteers help snowed-in nova scotians dig out from an epic blizzard. plus, what's behind the push for more magic mushrooms research.

00:00 the national for feb. 6, 2024
00:58 man in nigeria arrested in b.c. sextortion case
04:34 volunteers help nova scotians dig out
07:24 missing bolts on alaska airlines plane
08:03 mother of school shooter found guilty
10:22 questions about invite of nazi unit veteran
12:30 hamas responds to ceasefire negotiations
13:10 mansour shouman resurfaces in gaza
13:36 west bank economy pushed to the brink
16:27 court rules trump can stand trial in 2020
16:54 country musician toby keith dead at 62
18:40 2024 juno nominations announced 
19:10 king charles spotted after cancer diagnosis
21:24 getting nunavut athletes their passports
22:45 pod of ocras trapped in ice in japan
23:09 alarming rise in measles cases in europe
25:18 the breakdown starts now
25:50 how houthis became major mideast disruptors
33:31 push for more magic mushrooms research
43:19 the moment | saskatoon street skate

#news #latestnews #cbcnews

subscribe to the national: 

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the national is the flagship of cbc news, showcasing award-winning journalism from across canada and around the world. led by chief correspondent adrienne arsenault and ian hanomansing, our team of trusted reporters helps you make sense of the world, wherever you are.",02/07/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtXIsD3fIAY,let's talk about the mmr vaccine,"got a question about the measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) vaccine?

dr asha mohammed along with local community members safiya, salma and daad explain why the mmr vaccine matters and how it can help protect people.

learn more about the mmr vaccine: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/mmr-vaccine/

thank you to bristol city council, caafi health and bristol, north somerset & south gloucestershire icb for this video.",02/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDaIi3vQrj4,dr ali measles video,"tameside gp, dr ali, talks about the increased risk of measles and the importance to have your mmr vaccine.

find out more www.nhs.uk/measles.",02/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoAQhavS4zY,"mmr vaccine schedule: protecting against measles, mumps, and rubella | dr. brundha reddy","as per iap schedule mmr vaccine
1st dose at 9 months of age
2nd dose at 15 months of age
3rd dose between 4-6 years of age to prevent mumps outbreaks in older children and adolescents

#mmr  #mmrvaccine #measles #mumps #rubella #immunization #childvaccination
#preventivehealthcare  #healthcare #trendingshorts  #doctor #pediatrician",02/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g766dLdUn0I,senior nhs nurse - discusses measles outbreak,"there has been an outbreak of measles recently. it spreads 15 times faster than covid and rarely can be fatal. children, pregnant women and those immune systems are low are most at risk. the good news is that the mmr vaccine is very effective. sunny, our advanced clinical practitioner, shares his insights and answers common questions.

0:00 intros
0:18 can you get measles if you are vaccinated?
0:52 what does measles look like?
1:10 is measles itchy? 
1:45 is measles contagious?
1:27 can adults get measles?
1:47 can you get measles twice?
1:57 why are people missing vaccines?

follow us at:
https://www.tiktok.com/@nhshiyos",02/07/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENIwjcBlHZQ,complication of mumps | what are the complications of mumps? | #mumps,"also know: mumps complications | most common complication of mumps | what is the risk of mumps | risk of mumps | mumps risks | what are the side effects of mumps

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

best hospitals in hitech city, hyderabad, india: https://goo.gl/maps/entychpnfednh9u49

#mumps #mumpsdisease #mumpsinfection #mumpsvirus #mumpscauses #mumpsreasons #mumpssymptoms #mumpscomplications #mumpsdiagnosis #mumpsexaminations #mumpstest #mumpstreatment #mumpsmanagement #mumpscure #mumpsvaccination #mumpsimmunization #mumpsprevention #viralinfection #pediatrichealth #pediatrichealthcare #pediatricianadvice #pediatriciantips #pediatrician #pediatricspecialist #pediatricscare #pediatrics #pacehospitals #hyderabad #india 

pace hospitals
hitech city and madinaguda,
hyderabad, telangana, india
t: 04048486868

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps immunization, mumps vaccinations, mumps virus treatment, what is the preventions of mumps, preventions of mumps, mumps prevention, how is mumps spread?, mumps complications, most common complication of mumps, what is the risk of mumps, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what are the side effects of mumps
, pace hospitals",02/07/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrQlNWeTkCI,"an update on measles from dr catherine mbema, director of public health at lewisham council","with measles cases rising in london, lewisham council's director of public health, dr catherine mbema, explains why you should ensure children are up-to-date with their vaccinations. 

for more information about measles, visit https://lewisham.gov.uk/myservices/socialcare/health/parenting/being-a-parent/information-about-mmr",02/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCVhUvu0YIs,birmingham city council measles update,,02/07/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,anger,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5X0vBVyHJM,protection against measles (in spanish),a recent increase in the number of cases of measles in brent has made it even more important to ensure residents are immunised and people who come into close contact with someone who has developed measles get the medical help they need.,02/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsBuhGEMLZk,can you get measles if you have been vaccinated? #measles #mmr #measlesvaccine,,02/07/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ej1D82AEwq8,catching measles doesn't protect children against cancer and heart disease in adulthood,u.k. social media posts are claiming that catching #measles will protect children against #cancer and heart disease in adulthood despite no scientific evidence. fact-check by- siri christiansen.,02/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fM7lASPhWLI,"measles: symptoms, and treatment | expert advice from dr. ravikiran barigala"," welcome to the healthy living channel! in this comprehensive video, we delve into the world of measles, exploring its symptoms and effective treatment options. join me as i share expert advice from the knowledgeable dr. ravikiran barigala, guiding you through the essentials of understanding and managing measles.

 what's covered:
explore the symptoms of measles and gain valuable insights into identifying this contagious viral infection. dr. ravikiran barigala provides in-depth expertise, breaking down the signs that may indicate a measles infection and the importance of early detection.

 treatment strategies:
discover the recommended treatment approaches for measles as outlined by dr. ravikiran barigala. learn about supportive measures, medications, and the significance of rest and hydration in aiding recovery from this potentially serious illness.

⚕ expert advice from dr. ravikiran barigala:
get to know dr. ravikiran barigala, a healthcare professional specializing in [dr. barigala's specialty]. learn about his credentials, experience, and dedication to providing expert advice on health-related matters.

 prevention and vaccination:
understand the importance of measles prevention and the role of vaccination in safeguarding against this highly contagious virus. dr. barigala sheds light on the significance of vaccination for individuals of all ages.

 healthy living's commitment:
at healthy living, we are committed to delivering accurate and reliable health information. our goal is to empower you with knowledge, enabling you to make informed decisions about your well-being.

 join the discussion:
share your thoughts, experiences, and questions in the comments section below. let's create a supportive community where we can learn and grow together.

 stay informed:
for more insightful content on health and wellness, don't forget to subscribe and click the notification bell. stay tuned for upcoming videos featuring expert advice from healthcare professionals.

thank you for being a part of our healthy living community. together, let's prioritize our well-being and make informed choices for a healthier life!  #measlesawareness #healthinformation #expertadvice #measlesawareness #experthealthadvice #healthylivingtips #wellnessjourney #healtheducation #vaccinationawareness #preventivehealth #measlestreatment #healthcommunity #informeddecisions",02/07/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/CBSEveningNews/videos/theres-a-greater-risk-for-measles-as-vaccine-rates-decline/3798714387079868/,there's a greater risk for measles as vaccine rates decline,"measles cases are on the rise as vaccine rates decline in the u.s. since december, there have been 23 reported cases  mostly in unvaccinated children. a cbs news investigation reveals thousands of kids are at risk of becoming ill.",02/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/northwesternmedicine/reel/C3Da0nGrA78/,"europe is experiencing an alarming uptick in measles cases. here is what you need to know about this highly contagious virus and how it could affect those living in the united states.
#measles #virus #measlesvaccine #vaccine #vaccination #nmbetter ","europe is experiencing an alarming uptick in measles cases. here is what you need to know about this highly contagious virus and how it could affect those living in the united states.
#measles #virus #measlesvaccine #vaccine #vaccination #nmbetter ",02/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/nuawoman/reel/C3DSbMkoZg8/,"all the women out there should make sure they're up to date on these vaccines before they turn 30:

1. hpv vaccine (human papillomavirus): shield yourself against the most common sexually transmitted infection and say goodbye to unnecessary health scares.

2. chickenpox vaccine (varicella): protect yourself from those itchy, contagious spots that can ruin a week of your life!

3. flu vaccine (influenza): dodge the seasonal sniffles and fever so you can keep enjoying your favorite activities, especially during winters.

4. hepatitis b vaccine: guard your liver health and ensure you can savor all those tasty foods without worry.

5. mmr vaccine (measles, mumps, and rubella): it's like a triple shield against the annoying trio of measles, mumps, and rubella, keeping you and your loved ones safe from those pesky bugs!

be safe! 

#nuawoman #vaccines #poonampandey #controversy #reproductivehealth #hpv #mmr #bollywood #womenshealth #explore #foryou","all the women out there should make sure they're up to date on these vaccines before they turn 30:

1. hpv vaccine (human papillomavirus): shield yourself against the most common sexually transmitted infection and say goodbye to unnecessary health scares.

2. chickenpox vaccine (varicella): protect yourself from those itchy, contagious spots that can ruin a week of your life!

3. flu vaccine (influenza): dodge the seasonal sniffles and fever so you can keep enjoying your favorite activities, especially during winters.

4. hepatitis b vaccine: guard your liver health and ensure you can savor all those tasty foods without worry.

5. mmr vaccine (measles, mumps, and rubella): it's like a triple shield against the annoying trio of measles, mumps, and rubella, keeping you and your loved ones safe from those pesky bugs!

be safe! 

#nuawoman #vaccines #poonampandey #controversy #reproductivehealth #hpv #mmr #bollywood #womenshealth #explore #foryou",02/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/ln24.sa/reel/C3DaWArNru1/,"new york kids were barred from school during measles outbreak

tune in now on www.ln24sa.com","new york kids were barred from school during measles outbreak

tune in now on www.ln24sa.com",02/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.blondieperes/video/7332992696543399200,someone has passed away from #measles in #ireland #thisyear #irishtiktok #healthnews #breakingnews #measlesvaccine #drblondieperes #irelandtiktok #uknews #irishnews #europenews #capcut,someone has passed away from #measles in #ireland #thisyear #irishtiktok #healthnews #breakingnews #measlesvaccine #drblondieperes #irelandtiktok #uknews #irishnews #europenews #capcut,02/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@theirishtimesnews/video/7333244756371246368,"in the news podcast: how dangerous is measles and how many people used to die from it before a vaccine was introduced? who is most at risk if they do contract this highly contagious virus? in today€™s in the news sorcha pollak speaks to irish times health editor paul cullen following the death of an adult man from measles, the first case in ireland this year. it came after a briefing in cabinet on tuesday by minister for health stephen donnelly that a significant increase of measles cases notified in europe this winter, coupled with falling rates of mmr (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine uptake in ireland, have raised concerns about wide transmission of the disease in ireland in 2024. listen to in the news wherever you get your podcasts #measles","in the news podcast: how dangerous is measles and how many people used to die from it before a vaccine was introduced? who is most at risk if they do contract this highly contagious virus? in today€™s in the news sorcha pollak speaks to irish times health editor paul cullen following the death of an adult man from measles, the first case in ireland this year. it came after a briefing in cabinet on tuesday by minister for health stephen donnelly that a significant increase of measles cases notified in europe this winter, coupled with falling rates of mmr (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine uptake in ireland, have raised concerns about wide transmission of the disease in ireland in 2024. listen to in the news wherever you get your podcasts #measles",02/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@virginmedianews/video/7333286799613250849,a man has died after the first confirmed case of measles in ireland this year. the hse says the patient died in a hospital in the dublin and midlands health region. dr greg martin from the health protection surveillance centre warns of how transmissible measles is and encourages the public to keep up-to-date with vaccinations. #vmnews  #measles #news #irishnews #hse,a man has died after the first confirmed case of measles in ireland this year. the hse says the patient died in a hospital in the dublin and midlands health region. dr greg martin from the health protection surveillance centre warns of how transmissible measles is and encourages the public to keep up-to-date with vaccinations. #vmnews  #measles #news #irishnews #hse,02/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@hoyenirlanda/video/7333233134374260001,#hoyenirlanda | irlanda confirma la muerte de un hombre por sarampin en el marco de un aumento de casos en europa y el reino unido. las autoridades sanitarias estn alerta pues la tasa de vacunacin en el pas est por debajo del 90%.  #sarampion #measles #measlesvaccine #ireland‡‡ ,#hoyenirlanda | irlanda confirma la muerte de un hombre por sarampin en el marco de un aumento de casos en europa y el reino unido. las autoridades sanitarias estn alerta pues la tasa de vacunacin en el pas est por debajo del 90%.  #sarampion #measles #measlesvaccine #ireland‡‡ ,02/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@rtenews/video/7333278117085154593,"an adult has died in ireland after contracting measles. but,what is measles? #measles #mmr #vaccine #rtenews ","an adult has died in ireland after contracting measles. but,what is measles? #measles #mmr #vaccine #rtenews ",02/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/cdc-warns-about-rise-in-measles-cases/,cdc warns about rise in measles cases,"health officials are warning about a rise of measle infections. since december, there have been 23 cases reported in the u.s., most from children who aren't vaccinated.
cbs 2 news chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the cbs 2 investigators. 
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6qyguDnKx8,cdc warns about rise in measles cases,"health officials are warning about a rise of measle infections. since december, there have been 23 cases reported in the u.s., most from children who aren't vaccinated.
cbs 2 news chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the cbs 2 investigators. 
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x (twitter): https://twitter.com/cbschicago
get the cbs 2 news app: https://apps.cbslocal.com/chicago/",02/08/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OUYVo89Yvs,chief medical officer discusses the importance of the mmr vaccine in preventing measles,chief medical officer breda smyth discusses the importance of the mmr vaccine in preventing measles.,02/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAX572_gM_g,how is mumps transmitted? | #mumps #shorts #viralshorts #youtubeshorts,"also know: mumps transmitted | how is mumps spread?| how is mumps virus transmitted? | how is mumps spread from person to person? | how is the mumps virus spread?

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

best hospitals in hitech city, hyderabad, india: https://goo.gl/maps/entychpnfednh9u49

#mumps #mumpsdisease #mumpsinfection #mumpsvirus #mumpscauses #mumpsreasons #mumpssymptoms #mumpscomplications #mumpsdiagnosis #mumpsexaminations #mumpstest #mumpstreatment #mumpsmanagement #mumpscure #mumpsvaccination #mumpsimmunization #mumpsprevention #viralinfection #pediatrichealth #pediatrichealthcare #pediatricianadvice #pediatriciantips #pediatrician #pediatricspecialist #pediatricscare #pediatrics #pacehospitals #hyderabad #india 

pace hospitals
hitech city and madinaguda,
hyderabad, telangana, india
t: 04048486868

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps immunization, mumps vaccinations, mumps virus treatment, what is the preventions of mumps, preventions of mumps, mumps prevention, preventive tips of mumps, mumps transmitted, how is mumps spread?, how is mumps virus transmitted?, how is mumps spread from person to person?, how is the mumps virus spread? ,pace hospitals",02/08/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lj1kQJWp-NU,"measles symptoms, treatments & vaccination! do you need a measles booster?","measles: symptoms (w/ photos), treatments & vaccination. plus, do you need a measles booster? i discuss in this video.

hello! i'm dr. jen. i'm a board-certified family physician, on-air health expert, and video creator. welcome to my youtube channel and thank you for watching this video! let me know what you think and please subscribe to my channel above https://youtube.com/drjencaudle. 

please join my channel memberships to access special perks:

also, i'm a physician who loves social media, so please connect with me on the following:


follow the dr. jen caudle channel on whatsapp: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029vae4qnklnsa6cbsfhk0q

please sign up for my free health newsletter at https://drjencaudle.com!

thanks a bunch, and see you soon!
xo dr. jen

#measles",02/08/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0j3oOCIiY9g,ireland measles: adult dies in hospital after contracting disease,"#englishnews #irelandmeasles

news article :-
an adult who contracted measles has died in hospital in ireland, the country's health service executive (hse) has said.

it is the first confirmed measles case in ireland this year.

there were four measles cases in 2023, two in 2022, none in 2021, and five in 2020, with no deaths reported in any of those years, according to the hse.

it comes as health officials across europe and the uk warn of rising cases amid falling vaccination rates.

the adult died in a hospital in the dublin and midlands health region, which covers the leinster province. the hse's health protection surveillance centre (hpsc) has been notified.
public health teams and the measles national incident management team (imt) said they were ""taking all necessary public health actions in relation to the case"".

ireland's chief medical officer professor breda smyth said she was ""very concerned"" there was a ""high risk"" of a measles outbreak in the country and urged people to take up the measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) vaccine.

in a video shared on social media on thursday, which was originally posted last month, prof smyth said vaccination levels had fallen below 90% nationally, and below 80% in some irish counties.

about 95% of the population needed to be vaccinated in order to prevent the disease from spreading, she said.

since 2020, most confirmed cases of measles in ireland reported recent travel to countries where outbreaks were ongoing, the hpsc said.

measles is a highly contagious disease, which is spread by coughs and sneezes and can be serious at any age.

it often starts with a high fever and a rash, which normally clears up within 10 days - but complications can include pneumonia, meningitis, blindness and seizures.

there was a nearly 45-fold increase in measles cases in europe last year, according to the world health organization (who).

some 42,200 people were infected in 2023, compared to 941 during the whole of 2022.

the mmr vaccine is given in two doses - the first around the age of one and the second when a child is about three years and four months old.

the who believes the rise in cases is a result of fewer children being vaccinated against the disease during the covid-19 pandemic.

vaccination rates for the first dose of the mmr vaccine slipped from 96% in 2019 to 93% in 2022 across europe. uptake of the second dose fell from 92% to 91% over the same period.

that seemingly small drop in vaccination take-up means more than 1.8 million children in europe missed a measles vaccination during those two years.

""vaccination is the only way to protect children from this potentially dangerous disease,"" dr hans kluge, regional director at the who, said in december.

suspected cases of the disease have also been on the rise in england.

last week, the uk health security agency (ukhsa) said an ongoing measles outbreak in the west midlands ""remains a concern"".",02/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjTL8r8Rays,ಆರೋಗಯ ವಾಣಿ : ದಡಾರ ಮತತ ರಬೆಲಲಾ ನಿರಮೂಲನೆ ಕರಿತ ವೈದಯರ೚ಂದಿಗೆ ಸಂದರಶನ ||,"ರಾಷರೀಯ ಆರೋಗಯ ಅಭಿಯಾನ ಹಾಗೂ 
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWngamY1LB4,മണി നീര വരാതിരികകാനം വേഗതതിൽ മാറാനം  |  mundineeru malayalam | dr. fasil mohammed,"ഇതതരം  അറിവകൾകക ഈ പേജ ഫോളോ ചെയയൂ..!!

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啚光instagram::https://instagram.com/cryptokafire​'my carbon': an approach for inclusive and sustainable cities",02/08/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaJ6ocnSlew,what to do if you think your child has measles,"luci etheridge, explains more - and advises what to do if you think your child may have measles",02/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PT3DYoKMjLw,"wisconsin children lag nation in measles vaccinations, against doctor recommendations","the increase is small, but meaningful for a disease that neared eradication just a few decades ago. 

physicians now worry that declining measles vaccination rates among children are allowing the disease a new foothold.",02/08/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,surprise
https://www.tiktok.com/@drjencaudle/video/7333379745272433963,what does measles look like? #measles #measlesoutbreak #vaccine #mmr #drjencaudle #fyp #fyp',what does measles look like? #measles #measlesoutbreak #vaccine #mmr #drjencaudle #fyp #fyp',02/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@laughterinlight/video/7333293305565809950,#measles #mmr #measlesvaccine,#measles #mmr #measlesvaccine,02/08/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.blondieperes/video/7333350225588833568,replying to @dr monica peres oikeh some people have gotten more than 2 doses of the #measlesvaccine #drblondieperes #rubella #measles #mumps #ireland #measlesoutbreak #news #healthnews,replying to @dr monica peres oikeh some people have gotten more than 2 doses of the #measlesvaccine #drblondieperes #rubella #measles #mumps #ireland #measlesoutbreak #news #healthnews,02/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.blondieperes/video/7333364869581884705,replying to @dr monica peres oikeh #demo on what rhe #measlesvaccine looks like #drblondieperes #corkireland #ireland #mmr #mmrvaccine #measlesoutbreak #irishtiktok #measles #mumps #healthnews #doctorsoftiktok,replying to @dr monica peres oikeh #demo on what rhe #measlesvaccine looks like #drblondieperes #corkireland #ireland #mmr #mmrvaccine #measlesoutbreak #irishtiktok #measles #mumps #healthnews #doctorsoftiktok,02/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/InternationalSOS/videos/a-rise-in-global-measles-cases-is-causing-concern-amongst-health-officials-the-w/710272161174395/,a rise in global#measlescases is causing concern amongst health officials. the world health organization states that there was more than,"a rise in global #measles cases is causing concern amongst health officials. the world health organization states that there was more than a 30-fold increase in cases in europe last year. experts in the us are also worried about the spread of the highly contagious disease. international sos regional medical director, dr kate o'reilly and nurse co-ordinator katie williams tell us whats behind the rise in measles cases and what you can do to keep you and your family safe. listen to the full podcast: https://okt.to/br3eqc #podcast #healthpodcast #measlescases #globalhealth",02/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/drjencaudle/reel/C3GuLMGumbq/,what does measles look like? dm for full video #measles #measlesoutbreak #doctor #mmr #vaccine #healthcare,what does measles look like? dm for full video #measles #measlesoutbreak #doctor #mmr #vaccine #healthcare,02/08/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/WarwickshireCountyCouncil/videos/did-you-know-one-infected-measles-case-can-infect-9-out-of-10-unvaccinated-peopl/953712019480284/,Did you know? ⌚ One infected measles case can infect 9 out of 10 unvaccinated people if they spend 15 minutes or more with them. Here,Did you know? ⌚ One infected measles case can infect 9 out of 10 unvaccinated people if they spend 15 minutes or more with them. Here are some of the key things you need to know about #measles and what to do if you or a loved one needs to get up to date with their #MMR vaccinations. ⬇,02/08/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/irishtimes/videos/yesterday-the-hse-confirmed-the-death-of-an-adult-from-measles-the-first-case-in/906104984852731/,"Yesterday, the HSE confirmed the death of an adult from measles, the first case in Ireland this year. So, how dangerous is measles and how","Yesterday, the HSE confirmed the death of an adult from measles, the first case in Ireland this year. So, how dangerous is measles and how many people used to die from it before a vaccine was introduced? Who is most at risk if they do contract this highly contagious virus? 🎧 Listen to In The News wherever you get your podcasts.",02/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.blondieperes/video/7333695356275903776,in #ireland there are a few cases of #measles so far #drblondieperes  #updatecomingsoon #irishtiktok #irishnews #healthnews #measlesvaccine #childhoodvaccine #irish #measlesoutbreak #ireland #uktiktok,in #ireland there are a few cases of #measles so far #drblondieperes  #updatecomingsoon #irishtiktok #irishnews #healthnews #measlesvaccine #childhoodvaccine #irish #measlesoutbreak #ireland #uktiktok,02/09/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMmXemscjyE,protection against measles,a recent increase in the number of cases of measles in brent has made it even more important to ensure residents are immunised and people who come into close contact with someone who has developed measles get the medical help they need.,02/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwGzRuDKAB8,mumps diagnosis | what are the diagnostic test of mumps? | #mumps,"also know: diagnosis of mumps | mumps diagnostic test | diagnostic test of mumps | mumps screenings | screenings of mumps | examinations of mumps | mumps examinations    

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iweKgqHCoM,live: q&a on #measles. join us and #askwho your questions!,,02/09/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFZk5udnr1Q,measles - what you need to know,"measles | cases are rising in the uk. katie hopgood, public health consultant in gloucestershire, explains we we all need to be aware of measles and how to check your vaccine status.

@gloscountycouncil",02/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gZSrRaLzk8,measles vaccinations declining,how measles vaccination rates have been slipping.,02/09/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/shorts/UosGqZam2VM,gravitas | measles rages through europe | wion shorts,"a man has died in ireland after contracting measles. the forgotten epidemic is once again spreading across europe like wildfire. should you be scared? 

#measles #europe #gravitas 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMz4c3o7Zm0,what can happen if you have measles during pregnancy | bengali,,02/09/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.blondieperes/video/7334070273739672864,who can get #measlesvaccine in #ireland #mmrvaccine #drblondieperes #hse #healthnews #ireland #irishhealthcare #irishtiktok #pleaseshare #measles #mumps #ireland #uktiktok #capcut,who can get #measlesvaccine in #ireland #mmrvaccine #drblondieperes #hse #healthnews #ireland #irishhealthcare #irishtiktok #pleaseshare #measles #mumps #ireland #uktiktok #capcut,02/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/southnorfolkcouncil/videos/heres-what-you-need-to-know-about-measles-from-the-signs-and-symptoms-to-look-fo/1082537649458664/,"heres what you need to know about#measles, from the signs and symptoms to look for to what to do if you think you or your child has","heres what you need to know about #measles, from the signs and symptoms to look for to what to do if you think you or your child has measles. more info: https://ow.ly/te2e50qzuro",02/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/NHSBSWICB/videos/measles-spreads-easily-anyone-who-is-not-vaccinated-can-catch-itmeasles-can-caus/935736274576872/,"measles spreads easily. anyone who is not vaccinated can catch it. measles can cause serious complications and can be fatal, so make sure","measles spreads easily. anyone who is not vaccinated can catch it. measles can cause serious complications and can be fatal, so make sure youre up to date with #mmr vaccinations and ask your gp practice about catch up jabs if needed. more info here  https://bswtogether.org.uk/yourhealth/mmr/",02/09/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/cheohospital/reel/C3JFZbZgBu_/,"#measles outbreaks are happening around the world, and we've seen some cases closer to home. 

cheo wants to remind parents and families that vaccinations are your best defence against highly contagious illnesses like measles and the flu. 

for full protection, two doses of a measles-containing vaccine are required. children need both doses before they start school with the second dose administered at age four. 

you can make an immunization appointment with your family doctor. 

if you don't have one and have trouble accessing immunization services, the #kidscomefirst team's vaccinate and up-to-date campaign can help you find an appointment with a catch-up vaccine clinic in your region. 

measles is transmitted through close contact with a case and symptoms may develop between seven and 21 days after exposure. those symptoms include a high fever, runny nose, cough, and red eyes. 

all suspected or confirmed cases of measles must be reported to your local public health unit immediately.


des pidmies de rougeole se produisent dans le monde entier, et nous avons vu quelques cas plus prs de chez nous.
le cheo veut rappeler aux parents et aux familles que les vaccins sont la meilleure dfense contre les maladies trs contagieuses comme la rougeole et la grippe.
pour une protection complte, deux doses d'un vaccin contenant la rougeole sont ncessaires. les enfants doivent recevoir les deux doses avant leur entre  l'cole, la seconde tant administre  l'ge de quatre ans.
vous pouvez prendre rendez-vous avec votre mdecin de famille pour vous faire vacciner.
si vous n'en avez pas et que vous avez du mal  accder aux services de vaccination, la campagne #enfantsavanttout ""vaccinate and up-to-date"" peut vous aider  trouver un rendez-vous avec une clinique de vaccination de rattrapage dans votre rgion.
la rougeole se transmet par contact troit avec un cas et les symptmes peuvent apparatre entre sept et 21 jours aprs l'exposition. ces symptmes comprennent une forte fivre, un coulement nasal, une toux et des yeux rouges.","#measles outbreaks are happening around the world, and we've seen some cases closer to home. 

cheo wants to remind parents and families that vaccinations are your best defence against highly contagious illnesses like measles and the flu. 

for full protection, two doses of a measles-containing vaccine are required. children need both doses before they start school with the second dose administered at age four. 

you can make an immunization appointment with your family doctor. 

if you don't have one and have trouble accessing immunization services, the #kidscomefirst team's vaccinate and up-to-date campaign can help you find an appointment with a catch-up vaccine clinic in your region. 

measles is transmitted through close contact with a case and symptoms may develop between seven and 21 days after exposure. those symptoms include a high fever, runny nose, cough, and red eyes. 

all suspected or confirmed cases of measles must be reported to your local public health unit immediately.


des pidmies de rougeole se produisent dans le monde entier, et nous avons vu quelques cas plus prs de chez nous.
le cheo veut rappeler aux parents et aux familles que les vaccins sont la meilleure dfense contre les maladies trs contagieuses comme la rougeole et la grippe.
pour une protection complte, deux doses d'un vaccin contenant la rougeole sont ncessaires. les enfants doivent recevoir les deux doses avant leur entre  l'cole, la seconde tant administre  l'ge de quatre ans.
vous pouvez prendre rendez-vous avec votre mdecin de famille pour vous faire vacciner.
si vous n'en avez pas et que vous avez du mal  accder aux services de vaccination, la campagne #enfantsavanttout ""vaccinate and up-to-date"" peut vous aider  trouver un rendez-vous avec une clinique de vaccination de rattrapage dans votre rgion.
la rougeole se transmet par contact troit avec un cas et les symptmes peuvent apparatre entre sept et 21 jours aprs l'exposition. ces symptmes comprennent une forte fivre, un coulement nasal, une toux et des yeux rouges.",02/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/nicolesirotek/reel/C3JoYjPLok_/,the 2024 measles outbreak,the 2024 measles outbreak,02/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.blondieperes/video/7333707483078331680,replying to @dr monica peres oikeh #measles #part7 #questionsandanswers #ireland #vaccine #andrewwakefield #autism #vaccinesideeffect #science #ireland #drblondieperes #healthnews #uktiktok #corkireland,replying to @dr monica peres oikeh #measles #part7 #questionsandanswers #ireland #vaccine #andrewwakefield #autism #vaccinesideeffect #science #ireland #drblondieperes #healthnews #uktiktok #corkireland,02/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/GloucestershireCountyCouncil/videos/measles-can-kill/410685438007657/,Measles can kill.,"Measles can kill. But two doses of the #MMR vaccine can offer protection for life. Make sure you & your loved ones are up to date with their jabs, and if not, contact your GP practice for a catch up appointment.",02/09/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Positive,anger,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@bettinafitzgerald/video/7334158743107751214,measles is back! if you haven't been back saturday in the last 15-20 years you should get a tighter to make sure your immune especially if you're immuno compromised. #infectiopreventionistrn #employee health rn ,measles is back! if you haven't been back saturday in the last 15-20 years you should get a tighter to make sure your immune especially if you're immuno compromised. #infectiopreventionistrn #employee health rn ,02/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.12news.com/video/news/health/case-of-measles-confirmed-in-arizona/75-12d09203-05e1-4cb9-bbdc-067c1cedcc29,case of measles found in arizona,"an international traveler in maricopa county, arizona, has been found to have the measles. 12news spoke with the county health department about the news.",02/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fj961bnBxmQ,measles goes viral in europe…wait.,"we have to worry about measles in 2024? 
dr. abdul el-sayed explains why europe is experiencing a measles outbreak, and what the driving forces are behind the spread. he also breaks down exactly how infectious the disease is  by comparing it to covid's reproductive rate, how the virus can linger in the body years after the infection, and what we can do to protect ourselves from it.

00:00 - measles outbreak in europe
00:47 - how infectious is measles?
02:04 - the problem with herd immunity
03:19 - message from our sponsors @margueritecaseyfoundation 
03:59 - how misinformation is a driving factor
05:45 - viruses can linger in your body for years
06:40 - summary",02/10/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfQUBB_GpZg,twiv 1087: should old infections be forgot,"twiv reviews rhinovirus complications in infants, a new influenza antiviral drug, oropouche fever in brazil, measles in maryland and ohio, effect of eliminating non-medical vaccine exemptions in ny, foot-and-mouth disease in europe, severe primary and secondary dengue infections, and therapeutic mitigation of measles-like immune amnesia and exacerbated disease after prior respiratory virus infections.

show notes at https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-1087/

become a patron of twiv at https://microbe.tv/contribute

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– who am i? –

i'm vincent racaniello, earth's virology professor, and i believe that education should be free.

i'm also a professor of virology at columbia university in new york. i've been doing research on viruses since 1976, and teaching virology in classrooms and online since 1999. on this youtube channel i share videos of my lectures, podcasts, and more.

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#microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic
———————————————————————",02/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9kty4uUOz8,officials concerned after measles case is found in arizona,a visitor to maricopa county from overseas has tested positive for measles and that news has health officials concerned as measles can be highly contagious.,02/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAFccw7Yoog,mumps treatments | what are the treatments of mumps?  | #mumps,"also know: treatment of mumps | mumps cure | cure of mumps | mumps management | management of mumps | mumps immunization | mumps vaccinations | mumps virus treatment     

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps immunization, mumps vaccinations, mumps virus treatment, what is the preventions of mumps, preventions of mumps, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps immunization, mumps vaccinations, mumps virus treatment ,pace hospitals",02/10/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/d4medgp/reel/C3KX4xsMGIA/,"measles is a highly contagious viral illness that presents with coryzal symptoms of cough, runny nose and red rash .
make sure your child is up to date with their immunization status .
do you know your mmr status ? 

gps around the country will be holding vaccines clinic for those unsure or not up to date or immunecompromised .
having an extra vaccine (3rd mmr) in adults if you are unsure of vaccine status will not be harmful. 

#getvaccinated","measles is a highly contagious viral illness that presents with coryzal symptoms of cough, runny nose and red rash .
make sure your child is up to date with their immunization status .
do you know your mmr status ? 

gps around the country will be holding vaccines clinic for those unsure or not up to date or immunecompromised .
having an extra vaccine (3rd mmr) in adults if you are unsure of vaccine status will not be harmful. 

#getvaccinated",02/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/dr_niamh_lynch/reel/C3Kc9yGtNrH/,"i know i said i was taking a break from this but the death of an adult from measles has people really shook and wondering about their own immunity.

pre 1978 measles was endemic and everyone is considered likely immune because they probably had measles as a kid, which gives lifelong immunity. but it is possible to be in your mid to late 40s and not ever had measles or been vaccinated therefore not immune.

the measles only vaccine was introduced in 1985, and the mmr followed in 1988, so the small cohort of 1985-1988 got one measles vaccine and 1 mmr in school. everyone after 1988 got 2 mmrs. confused yet?  bottom line, if you got the 2 vaccines, you're good for meases cover.

late 90s and noughties babies are immune if they got both mmrs. but lots of these younger adults had parents who were scared off by wakefield's sham study. parents of boys were especially hesitant due to the prevailing view at the time that most autistic people were male.they were scared and doing their best. i know this really upsets parents of autistic children nowadays.

so if you are aged 18-25, especially if male, do check that you are fully vaccinated.

i always get lots of questions about pregnany when i post and i advise checking with @drsarahjmurphy
for pregnancy related vaccine questions.","i know i said i was taking a break from this but the death of an adult from measles has people really shook and wondering about their own immunity.

pre 1978 measles was endemic and everyone is considered likely immune because they probably had measles as a kid, which gives lifelong immunity. but it is possible to be in your mid to late 40s and not ever had measles or been vaccinated therefore not immune.

the measles only vaccine was introduced in 1985, and the mmr followed in 1988, so the small cohort of 1985-1988 got one measles vaccine and 1 mmr in school. everyone after 1988 got 2 mmrs. confused yet?  bottom line, if you got the 2 vaccines, you're good for meases cover.

late 90s and noughties babies are immune if they got both mmrs. but lots of these younger adults had parents who were scared off by wakefield's sham study. parents of boys were especially hesitant due to the prevailing view at the time that most autistic people were male.they were scared and doing their best. i know this really upsets parents of autistic children nowadays.

so if you are aged 18-25, especially if male, do check that you are fully vaccinated.

i always get lots of questions about pregnany when i post and i advise checking with @drsarahjmurphy
for pregnancy related vaccine questions.",02/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/dr_edgarbarragan/reel/C3LWJUvu_Cc/,"debo vacunarme contra sarampin por el incremento de casos?
#sarampin #measles #measlesoutbreak #brote #brotesarampin #infeccin #infectiousdisease","debo vacunarme contra sarampin por el incremento de casos?
#sarampin #measles #measlesoutbreak #brote #brotesarampin #infeccin #infectiousdisease",02/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@scibodytherapy/video/7334172892579548458,warning signs of measels. how to avoid getting sick. #sickdays #measles #healthtips #vaccine #stayhealthy,warning signs of measels. how to avoid getting sick. #sickdays #measles #healthtips #vaccine #stayhealthy,02/10/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3v_jyDUxRfA,"measles vaccination for measles, mumps, and rubella! #measles #vaccination #mumps #rubella","#child #health #protection #mmr #mmrv 

measles se bachne ka main tarika vaccination hai. bachche ko regular tikaakaran schedule ke according, bachpan me hi vaccination karwana recommend kiya jata hai.

measles ke liye do tarah ke vaccines hain:

1. measles, mumps, rubella (mmr) vaccine.
2. measles, mumps, rubella, varicella (mmrv) vaccine.

cdc do doses ki salah deti hai: pehli dose 12-15 mahine mein aur doosri 4-6 saal ke beech. vaccine bahut surakshit aur prabhavi hai, do doses measles ke khilaf lagbhag 97% protection deti hai, aur ek single dose lagbhag 93% effectiveness offer karta hai.

source:-about measles vaccination | cdc. (2024, february 9).about measles vaccination | cdc. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/measles/index.html

disclaimer :-prioritize professional medical advice. don't delay based on medwiki info. visit: medwiki.co.in",02/11/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@tiktokkiddydoc/video/7333965534452665632,"german measles= rubella, and apologies to all of german tiktok for my accent.","german measles= rubella, and apologies to all of german tiktok for my accent.",02/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@theirishtimesnews/video/7334715660989123872,do you know the symptoms of measles? #hse #measles #ireland,do you know the symptoms of measles? #hse #measles #ireland,02/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@friendlyhillspeds/video/7334904184266984750,"measles cases are rising internationally and locally. make sure your kids are up-to-date with their immunizations to prevent catching measles. the illness can be mild. however, a significant number of measles cases are associated with severe illness. #publichealth #measles #friendlyhillspeds #capublichealth #lapublichealth ","measles cases are rising internationally and locally. make sure your kids are up-to-date with their immunizations to prevent catching measles. the illness can be mild. however, a significant number of measles cases are associated with severe illness. #publichealth #measles #friendlyhillspeds #capublichealth #lapublichealth ",02/12/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6zeFQwaWaI,kizamik#measles #vlog,avrupa ve lkemizde vaka saylar asndan nemli artlar tespit edilen; ok eski bir virus olan kizamik ve neden olduu kizamik hastal hakknda bilgiler iermektedir.,02/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGjjwL9qtDg,95% measles vaccination rate in n.l. bodes well as global cases skyrocket,"the number of cases of measles has exploded in europe. the key to protection is high vaccination rates, says janice fitzgerald, newfoundland and labrador's chief medical officer of health. she tells the cbc's carolyn stokes the 95 per cent vaccination rate puts n.l. in a good spot — and the province's last recorded case was a traveller in 2017. 

 subscribe to cbc nl to watch more videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/cbcnl?sub_confirmation=1
read our latest news and more here: https://www.cbc.ca/nl",02/12/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,anger,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwbGqLNEhvk,latest oet speaking role play 141 | mmr vaccine #oet #oetspeaking 2024,"latest oet speaking role play 141 |  dt mmr vaccine #oet #oetspeaking 2024


oet speaking role play sample video for nurses demonstrates oet speaking role play in the scenario of mmr vaccine .by watching this video a nurse will get a clear idea of the scenario of earwax removal at home in the oet speaking role-play session for nurses.

#oetspeaking #oet #oettest  #oetlisteningsamplefornurses #oetlisteningnurses #oetlisteningtest #oetwriting #oetgrammar #oetspeaking #oetspeakingtips #oetspeakingtest #oetspeakingsample #oettraining #occupationalenglishtest",02/12/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=653aLS82v9s,increasing the uptake of hpv and mmr vaccines among migrants and refugees in greece,"river-eu (reducing inequalities in vaccine uptake in the european region – engaging underserved communities) will improve access to vaccination services for migrants and refugees in greece, specifically reducing inequity in measles, mumps, rubella (mmr) and human papillomavirus (hpv) vaccines.

learn more about the river-eu project in greece: https://river-eu.org/countries/greece/",02/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94YOuTJooxA,why are measles cases popping up across us? here's what to know about the highly contagious virus,"amid a rise in measles cases around the country, the maricopa county department of public health said saturday that one case of measles has so far been confirmed locally.  the maricopa county case involves an international visitor, according to officials.",02/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Af-5E9iELfk,"nigeria : measles spike in maiduguri, borno state","despite a recent vaccination campaign targeting measles and other vaccinable diseases, msf teams saw a surge in measles admissions at our facilities in maiduguri, northeast nigeria. from october to december 2023, we treated almost 3 times the number of patients compared to the same period in 2022.

this alarming rise in the number of cases is a result of many factors. health workers find it difficult to access rural communities surrounding maiduguri due to insecurity. thus, vaccination campaigns become difficult, making it impossible to reach the 95% vaccination rate, required to suppress measles. 

the interruption of routine childhood vaccination during the covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the health systems thus having a negative impact on the implementation of routine immunisations campaigns. technical complications also lead to interruptions in the cold chain making the vaccine defective.",02/12/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SCb8rRq98m8&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fcprcoursemawsonlakes.au%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,measles - how to spot this deadly virus!,"measles is an acute, highly contagious illness caused by the measles virus. characterised by a rash and fever, it can lead to serious complication such as pneumonia which is a serious lung infection, and encephalitis, which is inflammation to the brain. 

measles presents very much like a flu in the initial stages. often it is not until the characteristic blotchy red rash appears that a diagnosis is made. 

the initial symptoms of measles include: fever, tiredness, cough, runny nose, red inflamed eyes, blotchy dark red rash. 

besides the flu-like symptoms, measles can lead to very serious complications including: middle ear infection, diarrhoea, pneumonia which is the most common cause of death from measles in young children, encephalitis which is swelling of the brain and can lead to convulsions as well as hearing impairment and intellectual disability, premature birth, low birth weight, and even death. 

those at the highest risk of complications include young children, pregnant people, and medically-vulnerable groups. 

measles is one of the most infectious of all communicable diseases. 

the virus is spread through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes, and can linger in the air for a few hours. it is also transmitted through direct contact with secretions from the nose or mouth. 

the only way to prevent measles is through vaccination. 

treatment is limited, as it is for all viruses. for mild cases, your doctor will likely suggest rest, fluids, and paracetamol for comfort.

hospitalisation may occur in severe cases, those involving complications, and for people who are part of the vulnerable group. 

read more here: https://surl.au/8vxl

#measles #firstaid #australiawidefirstaid",02/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbLEBRLkUYM,the importance of vaccination: insights from dr. ashraf,"dr. ashraf, a physician and lecturer at the college of medicine, university of aden, says that many people have recently had hesitations against vaccines, thus this prevented them from vaccinating their children. this eventually would lead to the spread of childhood diseases such as measles and polio. measles can be fatal, as well as polio. the latter can also hinder movement for children. these viruses become stronger when there is less vaccination coverage.
in addition, the number of individuals who do not show symptoms of the disease is generally two, three times, and even five times than of those who have symptoms of the disease. therefore, the absence of vaccinations and immunization coverage in a country would make these viruses more severe and powerful and make children more vulnerable to these diseases.
when there is comprehensive vaccination coverage for all targeted age groups, these diseases and their severity can be reduced.

        ,                   .          .          .                      .                .
                         .",02/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,anger
https://www.tiktok.com/@arghavansallesmdphd/video/7335522640251161899,"the more i see comments like these, the more concerned i am for the future. some sources: €ireland measles: adult d!es in hospital after contracting disease,€ bbc, feb 2024; €nearly 40 million children are dang3rously susceptible to growing measles thr3at,€ who, nov 2022; €global measles thr3at continues to grow as another year passes with millions of children unvaccinated,€ who, nov 2023 #greenscreen #publichealth #science #healthcare ","the more i see comments like these, the more concerned i am for the future. some sources: €ireland measles: adult d!es in hospital after contracting disease,€ bbc, feb 2024; €nearly 40 million children are dang3rously susceptible to growing measles thr3at,€ who, nov 2022; €global measles thr3at continues to grow as another year passes with millions of children unvaccinated,€ who, nov 2023 #greenscreen #publichealth #science #healthcare ",02/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.facebook.com/TamesideCouncil/videos/measles-know-the-symptomswere-encouraging-parents-to-ensure-their-children-are-u/954042846139639/,"measles, know the symptoms. were encouraging parents to ensure their children are up to date with their measles vaccinations. there are many","measles, know the symptoms. were encouraging parents to ensure their children are up to date with their measles vaccinations. there are many serious risks with children catching measles more information ",02/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.instagram.com/australiawidefirstaid/reel/C3RLFIBoUDi/?locale=de-DE,you may have seen the news recently of measles cases being diagnosed in australia. refresh your knowledge of this deadly disease.,you may have seen the news recently of measles cases being diagnosed in australia. refresh your knowledge of this deadly disease.,02/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drsabamedicalcenters/reel/C3P1Mg0NDoS/?locale=sl,ما هو فيروس الروبيلا وشو خطورته؟ تعرفيِ في هذا الفيديو عن فيروس الروبيلا او الحصبة الالمانية. وليش عم يظهر في اغلب الاوقات التحليل باللون الاحمر. بنتمنالكم دايماً الصحة والعافية. What is the rubella virus? Learn in this video about the rubella virus or German measles. Why does the analysis appear red most of the time? We wish you always health and wellness life.. #الروبيلا #الحوامل #السيدات #فيروس #الحصبة_الالمانية #الشارقه ‏#rubella #virus #pregnant #lifestyle #healthy #uae,ما هو فيروس الروبيلا وشو خطورته؟ تعرفيِ في هذا الفيديو عن فيروس الروبيلا او الحصبة الالمانية. وليش عم يظهر في اغلب الاوقات التحليل باللون الاحمر. بنتمنالكم دايماً الصحة والعافية. What is the rubella virus? Learn in this video about the rubella virus or German measles. Why does the analysis appear red most of the time? We wish you always health and wellness life.. #الروبيلا #الحوامل #السيدات #فيروس #الحصبة_الالمانية #الشارقه ‏#rubella #virus #pregnant #lifestyle #healthy #uae,02/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@mrrolotheenglishbully/video/7334702530913504544,please pray for us   and yes she is fully vaccinated just like my 2other children!!!! #measles #pleaseprayforus #fyp #virus #lifethreatening #child #nhs #rash #fyp #infections,please pray for us   and yes she is fully vaccinated just like my 2other children!!!! #measles #pleaseprayforus #fyp #virus #lifethreatening #child #nhs #rash #fyp #infections,02/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@kristihachtenirsfeld/video/7334707226327698734,#25thweekofschool #lotsweighingonmymind #thisschoolyearisjustdifferent #5thgradeteacher #5thgradeteacherfitcheck #classroomweatherreport #outsideweatherreport #measles #feelsliketemp #buckleup #mindinlotsofdirections #itsmonday #5thgradeteachersoftiktok #elementaryteachersoftiktok #holidayshirts #february2024 #valentinesday2024 #capris #whatwasithinking @lee jeans @nike @louis vuitton #fullweek,#25thweekofschool #lotsweighingonmymind #thisschoolyearisjustdifferent #5thgradeteacher #5thgradeteacherfitcheck #classroomweatherreport #outsideweatherreport #measles #feelsliketemp #buckleup #mindinlotsofdirections #itsmonday #5thgradeteachersoftiktok #elementaryteachersoftiktok #holidayshirts #february2024 #valentinesday2024 #capris #whatwasithinking @lee jeans @nike @louis vuitton #fullweek,02/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@zeitimbild/video/7334782633798356257,hochansteckend & gefhrlich: seid ihr gegen masern geimpft? #zeitimbild #zib #zibtok #nachrichten #news #masern #measles #impfung #impfen #vaccination #vaccine #ansteckend #krankheit #krank #ausschlag #haut #pain #illness #infektion #infection #gesundheit #health #lernenmittiktok #sterreich #austria #foryou #fyp,hochansteckend & gefhrlich: seid ihr gegen masern geimpft? #zeitimbild #zib #zibtok #nachrichten #news #masern #measles #impfung #impfen #vaccination #vaccine #ansteckend #krankheit #krank #ausschlag #haut #pain #illness #infektion #infection #gesundheit #health #lernenmittiktok #sterreich #austria #foryou #fyp,02/12/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@itsroloandrocky/video/7334702530913504544,please pray for us ™ ™ and yes she is fully vaccinated just like my 2other children!!!! #measles #pleaseprayforus #fyp #virus #lifethreatening #child #nhs #rash #fyp #infections,please pray for us ™ ™ and yes she is fully vaccinated just like my 2other children!!!! #measles #pleaseprayforus #fyp #virus #lifethreatening #child #nhs #rash #fyp #infections,02/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JW1xNxQPtQ,mumps preventions | #mumps #trending #shorts,"also know: preventions of mumps | preventive tips of mumps |  mumps preventive tips | what is the preventions of mumps | mumps primary prevention

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

best hospitals in hitech city, hyderabad, india: https://goo.gl/maps/entychpnfednh9u49

#mumps #mumpsdisease #mumpsinfection #mumpsvirus #mumpscauses #mumpsreasons #mumpssymptoms #mumpscomplications #mumpsdiagnosis #mumpsexaminations #mumpstest #mumpstreatment #mumpsmanagement #mumpscure #mumpsvaccination #mumpsimmunization #mumpsprevention #viralinfection #pediatrichealth #pediatrichealthcare #pediatricianadvice #pediatriciantips #pediatrician #pediatricspecialist #pediatricscare #pediatrics #pacehospitals #hyderabad #india 

pace hospitals
hitech city and madinaguda,
hyderabad, telangana, india
t: 04048486868

follow us:

facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pacehospitals 
instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pacehospitals/ 
google - https://g.page/pacehospitals 
linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/pace-hospitals-11716956/ 
twitter - https://twitter.com/pacehospitals 
reddit - https://www.reddit.com/u/pacehospital 
quora - https://www.quora.com/profile/pace-hospitals-2

related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps immunization, mumps vaccinations, mumps virus treatment, what is the preventions of mumps, preventions of mumps, preventive tips of mumps, mumps preventive tips, what is the preventions of mumps, mumps primary prevention ,pace hospitals",02/13/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztK4akUHXSk,mumps infection| गलसआ का इलाज |treatment|cause|symptoms| hindi video|गलसआ  किस परकार ठीक करें?,"mumps infection| गलसआ का इलाज |treatment|cause|symptoms| hindi video|गलसआ  किस परकार ठीक करें? 

mumps & treatment mumps is an illness caused by a virus. it usually affects the glands on each side of the face. these glands, called parotid glands, make saliva. swollen glands may be tender or painful. vaccine mmr administer the primary dose of mmr vaccine at age 9 to 12 months, the second dose at age 15 through 18 months, and final (the 3rd) dose at age 4 through 6 years.

signs & symptoms

यह viral infection mainly बचचों में जयादा होता है लेकिन कभी कभी बड़ों में भी हो सकता है। इसका incubation period 14 से 21 दिन तक रहता है। इसमें fever, शरीर में दरद होता है। mouth angle पर दरद होता है। खाना चबाने में दिककत होती है। fever आने के 24 घनो के अनदर parotid gland में swealling आ जाती है। बड़ों में orchitis (वृषणशोथ) भी हो जाता है।


maintain oral hygiene (मंह की साफ सफाई का सथान रखे) betadin mouth wash से gargle तथा कलले करें। bed rest देना चाहियें तथा यह infection communicable है। अतः droplet infection से बचना चाहिये । soft and liquid diet (तरल भोजन देवे)

in children

syp augmentin (amoxycillin and potassium clavunate) 1 चममच tds

syp aceclofenac and paracetamol अथवा syp paracetamol and mefenamic क चममच tds syp becosules (vitamin b-complex with vitamin c) 5 दिन सबह शाम

in adults

tab moxikind - cv (amoxicilline and potassium clavunate 625mg) 1 गोली सबह शाम tab zerodol - sp (aceclofenac, paracetamol and serratiopeptidase) 1 गोली सबह शाम अगर orchitis भी हो तो

tab dexamethasone 1 गोली सबह शाम अथवा

tab omnacortil 5 (prednisolone) 1 गोली सबह शाम

mumps infection
गलसआ को इस परकार ठीक करें। 

#mumps #mumpsinfection #nursing #nursing #pharmacy #medicalstudent #medicalstudent #doctor #hospital #bpharma #dpharma #pharmacology #bams #medicalknowledgeonline #combiflam #omnacortil #calvam",02/13/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qSlBj8V0LRs,what's the deal with measles?,"measles is an acute, highly contagious illness caused by the measles virus. 

characterised by a rash and fever, it can lead to serious complication such as pneumonia which is a serious lung infection, and encephalitis, which is inflammation to the brain. 

#measles #disease #rash #australiawidefirstaid",02/13/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxXpye6EuCo,"measles-related admissions reach record high at msf facilities in maiduguri, nigeria","maryam umar, mother of measles patient and msf medical staff talk about the disease spike in maiduguri.  msf/georg gassauer

visit our website to learn more: https://donations.msf.org.au/donate/comms",02/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn7I34Njxnc,"saving lives, one shot at a time: africa's vaccination story","in this episode of saving lives and livelihoods initiative, we visit katavi in tanzania to see what the national vaccination program has achieved while delivering vaccinations against measles.",02/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.tiktok.com/@johnstone.gregory/video/7335252760910220575,anythingpox is spreading! #latestnews #alaskapox #measles,anythingpox is spreading! #latestnews #alaskapox #measles,02/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/video/mdh-reports-2-new-cases-of-measles-in-twin-cities-area/,mdh reports 2 new cases of measles in twin cities area,"the minnesota department of health encourages parents to continue to vaccinate their kids. about 87% of kindergarteners were fully vaccinated this school year, a fall from the 92% we saw last year.",02/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/steveioe/reel/C3TS7AiPjvE/,measles?  stay safe out there! #mufkr,measles?  stay safe out there! #mufkr,02/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3TxrjKgR_C/,anythingpox is spreading! #latestnews #alaskapox #measles,anythingpox is spreading! #latestnews #alaskapox #measles,02/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/steveioe/reel/C3TS7AiPjvE/?locale=nl,measles?  stay safe out there! #mufkr,measles?  stay safe out there! #mufkr,02/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@medisinstyle/video/7335547677880388910," viral diseases of childhood: mumps mumps is one of the viruses prevented by the mmr vaccine. here, we discuss the symptomology and possible complications that come with a mumps infection. what do you think of our new series, viral diseases of childhood? – sources of images include medscape and harvard medical. #medisin #medisinstyle #medicine #premed #medstudent #medicalstudent #step1 #step2 #usmle #pediatrics #pediatrician #mmr #mumps #virus #infectiousdisease #pastudent #npstudent #clinicals "," viral diseases of childhood: mumps mumps is one of the viruses prevented by the mmr vaccine. here, we discuss the symptomology and possible complications that come with a mumps infection. what do you think of our new series, viral diseases of childhood? – sources of images include medscape and harvard medical. #medisin #medisinstyle #medicine #premed #medstudent #medicalstudent #step1 #step2 #usmle #pediatrics #pediatrician #mmr #mumps #virus #infectiousdisease #pastudent #npstudent #clinicals ",02/14/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlErPVlK-kA,dr clarke: measles and the mmr vaccine,in response to the rise in measles cases across the country the nhs in cheshire and merseyside and is encouraging people to check that they and their children have had two doses of the mmr vaccine,02/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEvmY9XUvoc,what are the treatments of mumps? | #mumps #shorts #viralvideo #trending,"also know: mumps treatments | treatment of mumps | mumps cure | treatments of mumps | what is the best treatment for mumps? | treatment for mumps in child | mumps treatment in adults

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

best hospitals in hitech city, hyderabad, india: https://goo.gl/maps/entychpnfednh9u49

#mumps #mumpsdisease #mumpsinfection #mumpsvirus #mumpscauses #mumpsreasons #mumpssymptoms #mumpscomplications #mumpsdiagnosis #mumpsexaminations #mumpstest #mumpstreatment #mumpsmanagement #mumpscure #mumpsvaccination #mumpsimmunization #mumpsprevention #viralinfection #pediatrichealth #pediatrichealthcare #pediatricianadvice #pediatriciantips #pediatrician #pediatricspecialist #pediatricscare #pediatrics #pacehospitals #hyderabad #india 

pace hospitals
hitech city and madinaguda,
hyderabad, telangana, india
t: 04048486868

follow us:

facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pacehospitals 
instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pacehospitals/ 
google - https://g.page/pacehospitals 
linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/pace-hospitals-11716956/ 
twitter - https://twitter.com/pacehospitals 
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quora - https://www.quora.com/profile/pace-hospitals-2

related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps immunization, mumps vaccinations, mumps virus treatment, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, treatments of mumps, what is the best treatment for mumps?,
treatment for mumps in child, mumps treatment in adults ,pace hospitals",02/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zkc4yHoMT4Q,unbiased science podcast - season 4 episode 20 - public health wars: measles strikes back,"(airdate 02/14/2024) on this week's episode of the pod, we are revisiting a topic that we had hoped we could leave in the past: measles. we set the stage by discussing the recent outbreaks of measles cropping up across the us, the uk, and europe. we talk about the epidemiology of measles, its contagiousness, and the implications of outbreaks for public health. we discuss the highly effective mmr vaccine and the population thresholds needed (aka herd immunity) to prevent outbreaks. we explain that measles is far more than a rash and detail potentially serious long-term effects of the virus. we answer commonly asked questions about the mmr vaccine and debunk myths and misconceptions. for the sake of public health, you don't want to miss this!

and to see all of our sources referenced during the episode, check out the bottom of our episode page on our website: https://www.unbiasedscipod.com/episodes/measles-strikes-back

find us on all social media platforms! 
substack: https://theunbiasedscipod.substack.com/

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linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/unbiased-science-podcast/posts/

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link to our shop for unbiased science merch and our personally recommended items for you: https://unbiasedscipod.carrd.co/

(00:00) music and intros
(01:21) the seriousness of measles
(02:18) recent outbreaks
(06:03) misunderstanding the impact of measles
(08:47) measles outbreaks in the uk and europe
(13:52) the contagiousness of measles
(17:40) debunking the vaccine-autism link
(24:04) presumptive evidence of immunity
(28:43) the effectiveness of the mmr vaccine
(35:47) the importance of herd immunity
(39:42) vaccination for adults
(45:45) the need for measles protection
(46:19) wrap-up and final thoughts",02/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,anger,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q07PN4MakuM,things people on reddit are saying about the measles vaccine,"find ""badass mufkr"" podcast on apple or spotify 
stand-up comedy tickets: https://stevenhocomedy.com/
buy dr. socko hospital grip socks: https://drsocko.com/
other links: https://beacons.ai/steveioe

find me on 
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@steveioe ​
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steveioe 
twitter: https://twitter.com/steveioe 
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/steveioe
snapchat: https://t.snapchat.com/12l1a15",02/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADYX5c0f7ZI,first san diego county measles case since 2019 found in one-year-old,"the first case of measles in san diego county in more than four years has been confirmed in an infant who was recently overseas, county health officials announced february 2._x000d_
the unimmunized 1-year-old has been hospitalized and health officials say others may have been exposed at:_x000d_
super china buffet, 7984 la mesa blvd, la mesa, on jan. 28 from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m._x000d_
hilton head county park, 1605 hilton head road, el cajon, on jan. 28 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m._x000d_
grossmont pediatrics, 6942 university ave. a, la mesa, on jan, 31 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m._x000d_
rady children's emergency department, 3020 children's way, 1st floor san diego on feb. 1, from 9:20 a.m. to 4:30 p.m._x000d_
the county is working with grossmont pediatrics and rady children's hospital to identify and follow up with patients and staff, as well as management at super china buffet to identify and follow up with staff who may have been exposed._x000d_
full story: https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/health/first-san-diego-county-measles-case-year-confirmed-infant/509-1259cfd7-ef5d-4385-bd7a-de41a983f98d",02/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,surprise,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Q07PN4MakuM,things people on reddit are saying about the measles vaccine,"find ""badass mufkr"" podcast on apple or spotify 
stand-up comedy tickets: https://stevenhocomedy.com/
buy dr. socko hospital grip socks: https://drsocko.com/
other links: https://beacons.ai/steveioe

find me on 
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@steveioe ​
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steveioe 
twitter: https://twitter.com/steveioe 
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/steveioe
snapchat: https://t.snapchat.com/12l1a15",02/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaoA1pL7f7E,"infectious disease control, elimination and eradication: what's the difference?","eradicating an infectious disease is a lofty goal and not possible for every disease. so, controlling or eliminating a disease in a specific location can be the target countries aim for, says dr laila khawar from the kirby institute at unsw.

#disease #covid19 #measles #polio #guineaworm #tuberculosis #smallpox #infectious #control #cdc #pandemic #elimination #eradication #explainervideo @unsw @kirby.institute",02/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WlErPVlK-kA&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sefton.gov.uk%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,dr clarke: measles and the mmr vaccine,in response to the rise in measles cases across the country the nhs in cheshire and merseyside and is encouraging people to check that they and their children have had two doses of the mmr vaccine,02/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dw2H5Ac2cPQ,"nigerian govt issues alert against dehydration, measles, other diseases","find these stories and much more when you grab a copy of the guardian on thursday.
national news
nigerian govt issues alert against dehydration, measles, other diseases
tinubu to attend 37th au summit in addis ababa on thursday
lp suspends national treasurer, opara for six months over 3.5 billion naira fraud alligation
reps ask fg to ban single-use plastics, styrofoam
nba writes tinubu over insecurity, says nigeria under seige
hoodlums disrupt rerun poll in enugu constituency
efcc flouts ban on night raid, 'arrests' futa students during operation
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police arrest suspects 'linked to high profile kidnappings' in fct, recover n9m
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court remands man for 'abducting 14-year-old girl' in lagos
business news
tinubu asks senate to confirm cardoso, cbn deputy governors as chair, members of mpc
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tech news
y combinator lists 20 new startup ideas it will fund
international news
uk and nigeria report conflicting statements on new trade agreement bothering on legal practice
ghana's president sacks finance minister in major cabinet reshuffle
industrial activities increased atmospheric carbon dioxide by nearly 50%, says nasa
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more from the guardian:✔ subscribe to the guardian on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/guardiannigeriaofficial
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#measles #nigerians #dehydration",02/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,fear,anger
https://www.facebook.com/UKHealthSecurityAgency/videos/measles-know-the-symptoms/1818904571918567/,measles: know the symptoms,"#measles can be a serious infection that can lead to complications, especially in young children & those with weakened immune systems. measles spreads easily but it is preventable. make sure you & your loved ones are up to date with your #mmr jabs or catch up on any missed jabs.",02/14/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/medisinstyle/reel/C3VwZGNvn_y/," viral diseases of childhood: mumps

mumps is one of the viruses prevented by the mmr vaccine. here, we discuss the symptomology and possible complications that come with a mumps infection.

what do you think of our new series, viral diseases of childhood?

scrubs @workandchill_miami 
embroidery @experteesmia 


sources of images include medscape and harvard medical.

#medisin #medisinstyle #medicine #premed #medstudent #medicalstudent #step1 #step2 #usmle #pediatrics #pediatrician #mmr #mumps #virus #infectiousdisease #pastudent #npstudent #clinicals"," viral diseases of childhood: mumps

mumps is one of the viruses prevented by the mmr vaccine. here, we discuss the symptomology and possible complications that come with a mumps infection.

what do you think of our new series, viral diseases of childhood?

scrubs @workandchill_miami 
embroidery @experteesmia 


sources of images include medscape and harvard medical.

#medisin #medisinstyle #medicine #premed #medstudent #medicalstudent #step1 #step2 #usmle #pediatrics #pediatrician #mmr #mumps #virus #infectiousdisease #pastudent #npstudent #clinicals",02/14/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/UKHealthSecurityAgency/videos/measles-know-the-symptoms/903190497953377/,Measles: know the symptoms,"#Measles can be a serious infection that can lead to complications, especially in young children & those with weakened immune systems. Measles spreads easily but it is preventable. Make sure you & your loved ones are up to date with your #MMR jabs or catch up on any missed jabs.",02/14/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@kiimamc/video/7335881335363357995,"if you lack immunity and are exposed to measles, you have about a 90% chance of contracting it. measles is not common in the united states. however, uncommon does not mean impossible.. measles spreads very easily through air, coughing, or sneezing, touching infected surfaces, or if an infected person is in the same room with others. this virus can remain in the air for several hours, and can be transmitted to unvaccinated people even after the infected person has left the room. ultimately you will do whats best for you and your family, but do your research. ##measles##vaccines##healthcare##schoolnurse","if you lack immunity and are exposed to measles, you have about a 90% chance of contracting it. measles is not common in the united states. however, uncommon does not mean impossible.. measles spreads very easily through air, coughing, or sneezing, touching infected surfaces, or if an infected person is in the same room with others. this virus can remain in the air for several hours, and can be transmitted to unvaccinated people even after the infected person has left the room. ultimately you will do whats best for you and your family, but do your research. ##measles##vaccines##healthcare##schoolnurse",02/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@swbhnhs/video/7335850149572365601,dr monica explains the symptoms of #measles in #arabic. #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measlesawareness #measlessymptoms #symptoms #virus #nhs #doctor #mmr #mmrvaccine #vaccine ,dr monica explains the symptoms of #measles in #arabic. #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measlesawareness #measlessymptoms #symptoms #virus #nhs #doctor #mmr #mmrvaccine #vaccine ,02/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKN6NJCdkYs,how to find your child's mmr vaccine status in the red book,"not sure if your child is up to date with their measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) vaccine? check their red book.

your child's personal child health record (pchr) is also known as the ""red book"". it's used to record your child's weight and height, vaccinations they've been given, and other important health information.

in this short video, find out how and where to check your child's mmr status. for more information on measles, go to https://blackcountry.icb.nhs.uk/your-health/health-advice/measles",02/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHcPTKu03eY,uk doctors fight rising risk of measles infecting children,"(11 feb 2024) _x000d_
uk measles _x000d_
source: associated press _x000d_
restrictions: _x000d_
length: 8.43_x000d_
associated press _x000d_
london, uk – 8 february 2024_x000d_
1.various of senior practice nurse giving baby sadie the oral part of the mmr vaccine while her mother victoria goodchild holds her_x000d_
2. close of packet containing the mmr vaccine which doesn't contain animal products _x000d_
3. soundbite (english) victoria goodchild, supports mmr vaccine_x000d_
""i think it's extremely important to get the vaccine. i think we need to make sure that our children are protected. i don't know how or when they might contract it and being fully vaccinated means, a lot of… it prevents a lot of worry and prevents a lot of upset. and obviously, if anything was to happen, it would just have catastrophic impacts._x000d_
4. close of senior nurse preparing vaccine _x000d_
5. close of syringe drawing vaccine _x000d_
6. close of nurse _x000d_
7. close of vaccine and syringe _x000d_
8. two injections being given to the baby _x000d_
9. various of victoria goodchild comforting 3 month old sadie _x000d_
10. soundbite (english) victoria goodchild, mmr supporter_x000d_
""i think that's also important because one of my concerns is being at the playground at the moment and having a little boy and my baby being around the other children, and she's not protected, until she's had her vaccination and she can easily catch it off someone else. so i personally, you know, it's a worry actually, being in the playground knowing that other children might not be protected._x000d_
11. various of goodchild comforting her baby _x000d_
12. soundbite (english) shiraaz ebrihim senior practice nurse _x000d_
""we've got lots of campaigns going around. we've got posters around about measles and why it's important to vaccinate and every parent has a little red book. and now presently nhs england is sending out texts to all parents. so they're ringing up and asking is my child covered? so most of our parents have vaccinated their children, but there's a few pockets here and there, who haven't, you know, but we're working on those and we're sort of actively involved in ringing them and reminding them, or when they come in, opportunistically, we remind them._x000d_
13. pan off exterior sign reading (english) nhs springhill practice at entrance of surgery_x000d_
14. wide of traffic and people in the road walking_x000d_
15. wide pan of people in reception area of doctor's surgery _x000d_
16. close of reception sign _x000d_
17. receptionist talking to anonymous patient _x000d_
18. various of mother and baby playing in reception while waiting for nurse _x000d_
19. poster warning people to ""protect yourself and those around you_x000d_
20. mother waiting in reception with pushchair _x000d_
21. various of doctor tehseen khan talking to receptionist_x000d_
22. close of poster on wall of doctor's reception warning that measles is dangerous and not just a little rash _x000d_
23. soundbite (english) dr tehseen khan, nhs clinical advisor on vaccines in london_x000d_
""it's not like having a cold or a cough. it can lead to really serious complications. so anywhere between 1 in 5 and 1 in 20 children can end up with complications such as pneumonia so serious infection of the lungs, meningitis which might lead to hospital admission. some children have been ending up in intensive care in the past, and it can even lead to long term disabilities, such as deafness or even death in some cases. and there have been recent deaths across the world of children with measles. and we should really remember that there's an effective way to prevent this, which is to have two doses of the mmr vaccine._x000d_
24. close of reception sign, pulls out of focus _x000d_
26. soundbite (english) dr tehseen khan, nhs clinical advisor on vaccines in london_x000d_
find out more about ap archive: http://www.aparchive.com/howwework _x000d_
twitter: https://twitter.com/ap_archive _x000d_
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aparchives ​​_x000d_
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apnews/_x000d_
you can license this story through ap archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/dec4dfd50bb3416f84ac9388e168e5fa",02/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTyHb2iLfow,บางปะอ-ปิยะเวท สหคลินิค ที่ศูนย๜ารค้าิวเจอร๜ พาร๜ค (บั้น2 เหนือโรบินสัน) #heartofcare,"ถานที่ให้บริารhealthcare-financing-solution ฉีดวัคซีน hpv (hpv vaccine) ฉีดวัคซีนไข้หวัดให่ (influenza vaccine) ฉีดวัคซีนปอดอัเสบ (ipd vaccine) ฉีดวัคซีนงูสวัด (shingles vaccine) ฉีดวัคซีนคางทูม หัด ละหัดเยอรมัน (mmr vaccine) ฉีดวัคซีนคอตีบ ไอรน บาดทะยั (dtp vaccine) ฉีดวัคซีนไวรัสตับอัเสบเอ (hepatitis a vaccine) ฉีดวัคซีนไวรัสตับอัเสบบี (hepatitis b vaccine) โปรรมตรวจสุขภาพ (health checkup) ตรวจลองโควิด (long covid-19) ตรวจตับ (liver function test) ตรวจ่อนต่งงาน (pre-marriage checkup)

บางปะอ-ปิยะเวท สหคลินิ ให้บริารวันจันทร๜-วันศุร๜ 10.30-20.00 น. วันเสาร๜-วันอาทิตย๜ 10.00-20.00 น. 

เพื่อความสะดว ละคุ้มค่ายิ่งขึ้น คุณสามารถค้นหาบริารของ บางปะอ-ปิยะเวท สหคลินิ ได้ง่ายๆ ผ่าน hdmall.co.th เมื่อเจอพ็เจที่ต้องาร็สามารถจองล้วบำระเงินับ hdmall.co.th ได้ทันที! พร้อมรับส่วนลดพิเศษ ละยังมีสิทธิ๜ผ่อนบำระ 0% สูงสุด 10 เดือน* สำหรับพ็เจที่ร่วมรายารอีด้วย

ำลังค้นหาบริารสุขภาพ ทำัน ละความงามอยู่ใบ่ไหม? hdmall.co.th พร้อมบริารคุณ ทั้งค้นหาพ็เจ เปรียบเทียบราคา อ่านรีวิว จองละบำระเงินได้ทันที พร้อมมีอดมินใจดี ขยันตอบคอยดูลคุณทุวัน ครบ จบในที่เดียว!

#โรงพยาบาลบางปะอรังสิต2 #heartofcare #าให้เราบ่วยดูล #ดูลด้วยหัวใจ #bpkrangsit2 #อุบัติเหตุฉุเฉิน24บม #ุมารพทย๜24บั่วโมง #ศูนย๜ม่ละเด็ #ศูนย๜ความงามบางปะอรังสิต2 #คลินิสุขภาพจิต",02/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40NyjaDQYYo,"""ireland's measles alert: first death after years signals urgent vaccination call""","hello friends,
this video is about  ""in a critical health update from ireland, we report the first confirmed measles death in recent years, highlighting a concerning rise in measles cases. this video delves into the severity of measles, a highly contagious disease known for its high fever and rash, and its potential to cause serious complications. we explore the situation in ireland's dublin and midlands region, where declining vaccination rates have raised alarms over the risk of outbreaks.

hear from ireland's chief medical officer on the urgent need for the mmr vaccine, amidst slipping vaccination rates and the world health organization's report of a dramatic increase in measles cases across europe and the uk post-covid. this video emphasizes the importance of vaccination as a community shield, urging viewers to check their vaccination status and protect against preventable diseases.

stay informed on health alerts, the critical role of vaccinations, and how you can contribute to public health safety. subscribe to our channel for more updates on this and other health news. together, let's keep our communities safe and healthy.

#measlesalert #vaccinationurgency #publichealth #irelandhealthupdate #mmrvaccine #preventablediseases #stayinformedstaysafe""


video clips - https://app.pictory.ai

                     ***this video is created by health boss team.***


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health news ireland
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                         ***----------thanks for watching!----------***",02/15/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rypGES-lmM,measles,measles,02/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEmHvvUXLG4,caabuqa rubella/german measles,,02/15/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/z4pKZ8Dtonc,"controlling, eliminating and eradicating infectious diseases",#diseasecontrol #polio #measles #covid19 #explainervideo #worldhealthorganization @unsw,02/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYf7MzSt-k4,dawn newspaper editorial | measles spike | analysis in urdu css pms,"#dawn_newspaper_reading 











#national_and_international_news",02/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@makingsenseofscience_/video/7335857570818821422,"measles is making a comeback, and author roald dahl, whose daughter died of measles in 1962, has something to say about it. visit upworthyscience.com for the full story! #childrensbooks #roalddahl #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine #vaccinessavelives #greenscreen","measles is making a comeback, and author roald dahl, whose daughter died of measles in 1962, has something to say about it. visit upworthyscience.com for the full story! #childrensbooks #roalddahl #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine #vaccinessavelives #greenscreen",02/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,joy,joy
https://www.facebook.com/thejournal.ie/videos/somebody-with-measles-will-maybe-cough-or-sneeze-and-measles-virus-will-be-prese/361054500091235/,"""somebody with measles will maybe cough or sneeze, and measles virus will be present in the air - that can stay and hang around in the air and land on surfaces for about 2 hours"". - dr scott walkin, clinical lead in","somebody with measles will maybe cough or sneeze, and measles virus will be present in the air - that can stay and hang around in the air and land on surfaces for about 2 hours. - dr scott walkin, clinical lead in infection control with the icgp, speaks to the explainer podcast on the transmission of measles. listen to the full episode: http://jrnl.ie/6299654f",02/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/sschildcare_dsk/reel/C3ZDZ1YSPPO/,"protect your little one with the mmr vaccine!  keep measles, mumps, and rubella at bay for a healthier future. after vaccination, it's time to introduce the goodness of white yolk eggs to your baby's diet!  rich in protein and essential nutrients, they support growth and development. ensure a strong start to your baby's journey with immunity and nourishment. 

#doctortalks #drdhanasekhar #pediatrician #sschildcare #dsk #mmrvaccine #healthystart #babynutrition #eggforbabies","protect your little one with the mmr vaccine!  keep measles, mumps, and rubella at bay for a healthier future. after vaccination, it's time to introduce the goodness of white yolk eggs to your baby's diet!  rich in protein and essential nutrients, they support growth and development. ensure a strong start to your baby's journey with immunity and nourishment. 

#doctortalks #drdhanasekhar #pediatrician #sschildcare #dsk #mmrvaccine #healthystart #babynutrition #eggforbabies",02/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/makingsenseofscience/reel/C3X9BG5LYf8/,"not too long ago, measles was considered eradicated in the us, uk, and elsewhere. but thanks to declining vaccination rates, the highly-infectious virus is now quickly starting to make a comeback. heres how this once-common childhood illness changed roald dahls lifeand what he did afterward to spread awareness and help protect others.

ps. hate watching videos? want to learn more? we got you. check out the link in our bio or head to upworthyscience.com for the full story.

#childrensbooks #roalddahl #measles #measles
outbreak #sss","not too long ago, measles was considered eradicated in the us, uk, and elsewhere. but thanks to declining vaccination rates, the highly-infectious virus is now quickly starting to make a comeback. heres how this once-common childhood illness changed roald dahls lifeand what he did afterward to spread awareness and help protect others.

ps. hate watching videos? want to learn more? we got you. check out the link in our bio or head to upworthyscience.com for the full story.

#childrensbooks #roalddahl #measles #measles
outbreak #sss",02/15/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@eveypango/video/7336403007057186094,"replying to @user1037196276685 wild type measles doesnt cause fever for 2 weeks. €mmr syndrome€ from the measles component of mmr causes fever and rash but they last less than a week, since its an attenuated (weakened) virus. hfm is caused by a completely difference virus, enterovirus","replying to @user1037196276685 wild type measles doesnt cause fever for 2 weeks. €mmr syndrome€ from the measles component of mmr causes fever and rash but they last less than a week, since its an attenuated (weakened) virus. hfm is caused by a completely difference virus, enterovirus",02/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/news/video/new-generation-doctors-learning-spot-measles-107295684,new generation of doctors learning to spot measles,new generation of doctors learning to spot measles,02/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn-eoetQh2w,why mmr vaccine is important for you and your family,"there has been a rise in the number of cases of measles in recent months. 

the only way to prevent measles is by getting 2 doses of mmr vaccine.

the 1st dose is due when you are 12 months of age from your gp the 2nd when you are in junior infants as part of the hse school programme.


#keepuptodate #vaccineswork #mmr #measles",02/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XnZnHgCFro,mmr information and support guide,"nhs information on the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and the infectious diseases it helps to prevent. 

this presentation and voiceover considers safety issues, eligibility and specific questions raised by the local community in bristol, north somerset and south gloucestershire.

#mmr #mmrvaccination #measles",02/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouIVbXvsXv4,mmr vaccination,"mmr...are you and your family protected?

get double-dosed for triple protection against mmr (measles, mumps & rubella) 

our trust is now administering mmr vaccinations to anyone aged between 6 yrs old and 25 yrs old.

more info about our clinics
https://bit.ly/3uvv4g3",02/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bl-vwe5a98c,is there a link between the mmr vaccine and autism? | protect your child | kims cuddles,"dr. p. goutami reddy discusses the mmr vaccine and its association with autism. the vaccine prevents measles, mumps, and rubella and is safe to take.

key insights:
 the mmr vaccine is a live vaccine that prevents measles, mumps, and rubella, three viral transmitted diseases with various symptoms and complications.
 the mmr vaccine is recommended to be administered in a three-dose schedule, providing high effectiveness in preventing measles and rubella and moderate effectiveness in preventing mumps.
 the symptoms of autism typically develop before the age at which the mmr vaccine is administered, indicating that the vaccine does not cause autism.

dr. p. goutami reddy,
consultant neonatologist & pediatrician,
kims cuddles, kondapur.

for appointments, call +91 88973 14141
or visit https://www.kimscuddles.com/doctors/dr-p-goutami-reddy

for more updates, subscribe to our channel https://www.youtube.com/c/kimscuddles 

follow us on social media for more interesting information
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instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kimscuddles/


#kimscuddles #mmrvaccine #autism #childcare #childrenshealth #childhealthtips #parentingtips #neonatalcare #pediatricians",02/16/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aV_wiw2ajc,mumps last | how long does mumps last? | #mumps #shorts #viralvideo,"also know: how long does mumps last in adults? | how long do mumps last in adults? | how long does mumps last in babies | how long do mumps last in toddlers | how long the mumps last 

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

best hospitals in hitech city, hyderabad, india: https://goo.gl/maps/entychpnfednh9u49

#mumps #mumpsdisease #mumpsinfection #mumpsvirus #mumpscauses #mumpsreasons #mumpssymptoms #mumpscomplications #mumpsdiagnosis #mumpsexaminations #mumpstest #mumpstreatment #mumpsmanagement #mumpscure #mumpsvaccination #mumpsimmunization #mumpsprevention #viralinfection #pediatrichealth #pediatrichealthcare #pediatricianadvice #pediatriciantips #pediatrician #pediatricspecialist #pediatricscare #pediatrics #pacehospitals #hyderabad #india 

pace hospitals
hitech city and madinaguda,
hyderabad, telangana, india
t: 04048486868

follow us:

facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pacehospitals 
instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pacehospitals/ 
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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps immunization, mumps vaccinations, mumps virus treatment, how long does mumps last in adults?, how long do mumps last in adults?, how long does mumps last in babies, how long do mumps last in toddlers, how long the mumps last  ,pace hospitals",02/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiatLtVJWeI,"mumps గవదలమమ, గవధ బిలలల | causes | symptoms | treatment | homeopathy treatment and medicines","mumps is a contagious viral infection caused by the paramyxovirus. it primarily affects the salivary glands, causing swelling and pain in the cheeks and jaw. it spreads through respiratory droplets from coughing, sneezing, or sharing utensils with an infected person. mumps is characterized by symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swelling of the parotid glands. complications can include inflammation of the brain (encephalitis), meningitis, deafness, or orchitis (inflammation of the testicles) in males. the mmr (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine is highly effective in preventing mumps, and vaccination is recommended in childhood to provide immunity. treatment mainly involves supportive care, such as rest, fluids, and pain relievers, as mumps is a self-limiting illness in most cases.

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instagram: www.instagram.com/rajaramshomeohospital/
linkedin:  www.linkedin.com/in/dr-ramanaidu-pv-1b39a61aa",02/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5Wu6aMvZVoA&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fits.miami%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,measles case reported at elementary school in weston,"a case of measles has been reported at a broward county elementary school, officials confirmed friday.",02/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KBkBoGMI5I,health authorities warn of measles in south australia,"health authorities are warning people in south australia to be weary of measles.

an adelaide toddler has contracted the highly infectious disease after returning from overseas.

the one-year-old remains in a stable condition in hospital.

sa health has issued advice to anyone who isn't fully immunised for the disease.

they say anyone should seek help if they develop symptoms.",02/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3zikzCgzGM,dr. beenish hanif | mmr vaccine,,02/16/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMUxKUjRSl8,measles confirmed in kasese #measles #kasese,"subscribe for ugandan news updates concerning bobi wine / robert kyagulanyi, yoweri kaguta museveni, kabaka, uganda, kampala, buganda, mengo, people power, nup, nrm, lumbuye fred, eddy kenzo, jose chameleon, bebe cool, kizza besigye, news updates. uganda and kampala latest news, ugandan music, breaking news, hot topics, lugambo about politics, ugandan celebrities and almost everything else.
bobi wine today, lumbuye fred today, uganda news today, bobi wine, jose chameleone, news in uganda today, breaking news in uganda today, bebe cool,  eddy kenzo, museveni, kampala news today",02/16/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/video/case-of-measles-detected-at-broward-elementary-school/,case of measles detected at broward elementary school,"on friday, broward schools confirmed a case of measles at a county school.",02/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/WHOSEARO/videos/measlesmp4/246622221826751/,measles.mp4,#dykthat you can protect your child from#measleswith just two doses of#vaccine?,02/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/steveioe/reel/C3a6yHvvah6/,should you let your kid get measles?  #mufkr,should you let your kid get measles?  #mufkr,02/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drshazmamithani/reel/C3akk1PLtbD/,"double tap if you are vaccinated against measles!

measles is a highly contagious virus that is spread by airborne transmission. it's one of the most contagious pathogens that exists. it's so contagious that 90% of unvaccinated people exposed to it will contract it, and it stays in the air for 2 hours after the infectious person has left the space!

measles is a vaccine preventable illness. a person who receives two doses of vaccine (part of the mmr vaccine) has nearly 100% immunity for life. unfortunately, because of ongoing and worsening vaccine misinformation, we are seeing a drop in vaccination rates, which is leading to outbreaks around the world. 

measles is no joke! it can lead to complications in up to 30% of people with a mortality of up to 10%. it's one of the leading causes of mortality in the world in kids. 
the two most serious complications are in the lungs (severe pneumonia) and the brain (severe inflammation). measles also weakens the immune system and can lead to serious bacterial illnesses, like sepsis. 

please share this widely!
#measles #measlesoutbreak #mmr #vaccine #vaccines #publichealth #prevention","double tap if you are vaccinated against measles!

measles is a highly contagious virus that is spread by airborne transmission. it's one of the most contagious pathogens that exists. it's so contagious that 90% of unvaccinated people exposed to it will contract it, and it stays in the air for 2 hours after the infectious person has left the space!

measles is a vaccine preventable illness. a person who receives two doses of vaccine (part of the mmr vaccine) has nearly 100% immunity for life. unfortunately, because of ongoing and worsening vaccine misinformation, we are seeing a drop in vaccination rates, which is leading to outbreaks around the world. 

measles is no joke! it can lead to complications in up to 30% of people with a mortality of up to 10%. it's one of the leading causes of mortality in the world in kids. 
the two most serious complications are in the lungs (severe pneumonia) and the brain (severe inflammation). measles also weakens the immune system and can lead to serious bacterial illnesses, like sepsis. 

please share this widely!
#measles #measlesoutbreak #mmr #vaccine #vaccines #publichealth #prevention",02/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,anger,anger
https://www.instagram.com/kimscuddles/reel/C3aI8bRiQvH/,"expert insight alert: dr. goutami reddy shares her expertise on the mmr vaccine and debunks misconceptions surrounding autism.  tune in for a dose of clarity!

dr. p. goutami reddy,
consultant neonatologist & pediatrician,
kims cuddles, kondapur.

for appointments, call +91 88973 14141
or visit https://www.kimscuddles.com/doctors/dr-p-goutami-reddy

#mmrvaccine #vaccinesafety #vaccineswork #publichealth #autismdebate #autismawareness #childcare #childrenshealth #childhealthtips #parentingtips #neonatalcare #pediatricians #kimscuddles","expert insight alert: dr. goutami reddy shares her expertise on the mmr vaccine and debunks misconceptions surrounding autism.  tune in for a dose of clarity!

dr. p. goutami reddy,
consultant neonatologist & pediatrician,
kims cuddles, kondapur.

for appointments, call +91 88973 14141
or visit https://www.kimscuddles.com/doctors/dr-p-goutami-reddy

#mmrvaccine #vaccinesafety #vaccineswork #publichealth #autismdebate #autismawareness #childcare #childrenshealth #childhealthtips #parentingtips #neonatalcare #pediatricians #kimscuddles",02/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@steveioe/video/7336708994305740075,top questions about measles,top questions about measles,02/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwanka1VpgU,what canadians can do if measles is reported in your city,"a case of measles was reported in toronto on friday, in an infant who has since been hospitalized — just days after a separate infection was found in a child in peel region. both were reported to have recently travelled abroad.

it has raised concerns over an increase of measles cases in canada, as several places in europe have seen outbreaks of the viral infection. 

what are some things people can do if they've been exposed?

sean previl takes a look at what doctors say is the best way to protect yourself — something that's been around for decades. 

for more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/10300389/toronto-measles-case-warning/
subscribe to global news channel here: http://bit.ly/20fcxdc
like global news on facebook here: http://bit.ly/255gmjq
follow global news on twitter here: http://bit.ly/1toz8mt
follow global news on instagram here: https://bit.ly/2qzazib
#globalnews",02/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFHc7U01Q2I,twiv 1089: shoot out at the circle-t ranch,"twiv reviews a fatal alaskapox case, mers in kenya, diagnostic tests for nipah and lassa diseases, hpv vaccination rates in the us, cases of measles in arizona and minnesota, hepatitis c virus-derived rna circles in infected cells, and prevention of respiratory virus transmission by resident memory cd8+ t cells.

show notes at https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-1089/

become a patron of twiv at https://microbe.tv/contribute

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– who am i? –

i'm vincent racaniello, earth's virology professor, and i believe that education should be free.

i'm also a professor of virology at columbia university in new york. i've been doing research on viruses since 1976, and teaching virology in classrooms and online since 1999. on this youtube channel i share videos of my lectures, podcasts, and more.

new videos are uploaded several times each week.

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if you would like to support our work, go over to https://www.microbe.tv/contribute/ 
#microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic
———————————————————————",02/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB8fdVu9rPk,uk doctors fight rising risk of measles infecting children,"(12 feb 2024) _x000d_
uk measles _x000d_
source: associated press _x000d_
restrictions: _x000d_
length: 8.43_x000d_
associated press _x000d_
london, uk – 8 february 2024_x000d_
1.various of senior practice nurse giving baby sadie the oral part of the mmr vaccine while her mother victoria goodchild holds her_x000d_
2. close of packet containing the mmr vaccine which doesn't contain animal products _x000d_
3. soundbite (english) victoria goodchild, supports mmr vaccine_x000d_
""i think it's extremely important to get the vaccine. i think we need to make sure that our children are protected. i don't know how or when they might contract it and being fully vaccinated means, a lot of… it prevents a lot of worry and prevents a lot of upset. and obviously, if anything was to happen, it would just have catastrophic impacts._x000d_
4. close of senior nurse preparing vaccine _x000d_
5. close of syringe drawing vaccine _x000d_
6. close of nurse _x000d_
7. close of vaccine and syringe _x000d_
8. two injections being given to the baby _x000d_
9. various of victoria goodchild comforting 3 month old sadie _x000d_
10. soundbite (english) victoria goodchild, mmr supporter_x000d_
""i think that's also important because one of my concerns is being at the playground at the moment and having a little boy and my baby being around the other children, and she's not protected, until she's had her vaccination and she can easily catch it off someone else. so i personally, you know, it's a worry actually, being in the playground knowing that other children might not be protected._x000d_
11. various of goodchild comforting her baby _x000d_
12. soundbite (english) shiraaz ebrihim senior practice nurse _x000d_
""we've got lots of campaigns going around. we've got posters around about measles and why it's important to vaccinate and every parent has a little red book. and now presently nhs england is sending out texts to all parents. so they're ringing up and asking is my child covered? so most of our parents have vaccinated their children, but there's a few pockets here and there, who haven't, you know, but we're working on those and we're sort of actively involved in ringing them and reminding them, or when they come in, opportunistically, we remind them._x000d_
13. pan off exterior sign reading (english) nhs springhill practice at entrance of surgery_x000d_
14. wide of traffic and people in the road walking_x000d_
15. wide pan of people in reception area of doctor's surgery _x000d_
16. close of reception sign _x000d_
17. receptionist talking to anonymous patient _x000d_
18. various of mother and baby playing in reception while waiting for nurse _x000d_
19. poster warning people to ""protect yourself and those around you_x000d_
20. mother waiting in reception with pushchair _x000d_
21. various of doctor tehseen khan talking to receptionist_x000d_
22. close of poster on wall of doctor's reception warning that measles is dangerous and not just a little rash _x000d_
23. soundbite (english) dr tehseen khan, nhs clinical advisor on vaccines in london_x000d_
""it's not like having a cold or a cough. it can lead to really serious complications. so anywhere between 1 in 5 and 1 in 20 children can end up with complications such as pneumonia so serious infection of the lungs, meningitis which might lead to hospital admission. some children have been ending up in intensive care in the past, and it can even lead to long term disabilities, such as deafness or even death in some cases. and there have been recent deaths across the world of children with measles. and we should really remember that there's an effective way to prevent this, which is to have two doses of the mmr vaccine._x000d_
24. close of reception sign, pulls out of focus _x000d_
26. soundbite (english) dr tehseen khan, nhs clinical advisor on vaccines in london_x000d_
find out more about ap archive: http://www.aparchive.com/howwework _x000d_
twitter: https://twitter.com/ap_archive _x000d_
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aparchives ​​_x000d_
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apnews/_x000d_
you can license this story through ap archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/9c185ebb7c0f4db98f354ae858ef0f01",02/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lS1m2DRArE,mumps communicable | is mumps communicable disease? | #mumps,"also know: is mumps spreading? | how is mumps spread | how easily is mumps spread? | can mumps be transmitted through the air?    

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

best hospitals in hitech city, hyderabad, india: https://goo.gl/maps/entychpnfednh9u49

#mumps #mumpsdisease #mumpsinfection #mumpsvirus #mumpscauses #mumpsreasons #mumpssymptoms #mumpscomplications #mumpsdiagnosis #mumpsexaminations #mumpstest #mumpstreatment #mumpsmanagement #mumpscure #mumpsvaccination #mumpsimmunization #mumpsprevention #viralinfection #pediatrichealth #pediatrichealthcare #pediatricianadvice #pediatriciantips #pediatrician #pediatricspecialist #pediatricscare #pediatrics #pacehospitals #hyderabad #india 

pace hospitals
hitech city and madinaguda,
hyderabad, telangana, india
t: 04048486868

follow us:

facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pacehospitals 
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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps immunization, mumps vaccinations, mumps virus treatment, is mumps spreading?, how is mumps spread, how easily is mumps spread?, mumps be transmitted through the air?,pace hospitals",02/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeWzUBH0_Yo,what are the diagnostic test of mumps? | #mumps #shorts #viral,"also know: mumps screenings | screenings of mumps | mumps diagnosis | diagnosis of mumps | mumps diagnostic test | diagnostic test of mumps | mumps examinations | examinations of mumps         

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

best hospitals in hitech city, hyderabad, india: https://goo.gl/maps/entychpnfednh9u49

#mumps #mumpsdisease #mumpsinfection #mumpsvirus #mumpscauses #mumpsreasons #mumpssymptoms #mumpscomplications #mumpsdiagnosis #mumpsexaminations #mumpstest #mumpstreatment #mumpsmanagement #mumpscure #mumpsvaccination #mumpsimmunization #mumpsprevention #viralinfection #pediatrichealth #pediatrichealthcare #pediatricianadvice #pediatriciantips #pediatrician #pediatricspecialist #pediatricscare #pediatrics #pacehospitals #hyderabad #india 

pace hospitals
hitech city and madinaguda,
hyderabad, telangana, india
t: 04048486868

follow us:

facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pacehospitals 
instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pacehospitals/ 
google - https://g.page/pacehospitals 
linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/pace-hospitals-11716956/ 
twitter - https://twitter.com/pacehospitals 
reddit - https://www.reddit.com/u/pacehospital 
quora - https://www.quora.com/profile/pace-hospitals-2

related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, diagnostic test of mumps, mumps examinations, examinations of mumps ,pace hospitals",02/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7ckeiRY5zfo,answering top questions about measles,"find ""badass mufkr"" podcast on apple or spotify 
stand-up comedy tickets: https://stevenhocomedy.com/
buy dr. socko hospital grip socks: https://drsocko.com/
other links: https://beacons.ai/steveioe

find me on 
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@steveioe ​
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steveioe 
twitter: https://twitter.com/steveioe 
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/steveioe
snapchat: https://t.snapchat.com/12l1a15",02/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ckeiRY5zfo,answering top questions about measles,"find ""badass mufkr"" podcast on apple or spotify 
stand-up comedy tickets: https://stevenhocomedy.com/
buy dr. socko hospital grip socks: https://drsocko.com/
other links: https://beacons.ai/steveioe

find me on 
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@steveioe ​
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steveioe 
twitter: https://twitter.com/steveioe 
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/steveioe
snapchat: https://t.snapchat.com/12l1a15",02/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7g1V1HknHeY,"dr. rashna dass hazarika,md(pediatrics), has illuminated the current upswing of mumps among children","deepening our understanding: dr. rashna dass hazarika, md (pediatrics), has illuminated the current upswing of mumps among children. 

prevention matters, and the mmr vaccine is our shield. let's amplify awareness and safeguard our little ones.  

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#mumpsawareness #childhealth #nemcare #wellness #health  #guwahati #assam #india",02/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdqbrTjqF8w,"immunological product pharmaceutics unit 5 sera toxoid, vaccine","#immunologicalproduct
""immunological product"" is a broad term that refers to any substance or agent designed to modulate or enhance the immune system's response. these products can include vaccines, immunotherapy drugs, monoclonal antibodies, cytokines, and various other biologics. they are used for preventing, treating, or managing diseases by harnessing the body's immune response. for example, vaccines stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies against specific pathogens, while immunotherapy drugs can help the immune system recognize and attack cancer cells.
sera (singular: serum) are blood-derived products that contain antibodies and other proteins. they are obtained by separating blood cells from blood plasma, leaving behind a clear, protein-rich liquid. sera are commonly used in medical diagnostics, research, and therapeutic applications.

here are a few key types of sera:

antibody sera: these contain antibodies specific to certain antigens. they are often used in laboratory tests to detect the presence of pathogens or other substances in the body.

antiserum: this is a serum that contains antibodies against a specific toxin or venom. it's used as an antidote in cases of poisoning or envenomation.

fetal bovine serum (fbs): this is derived from the blood of fetal cows and is commonly used as a supplement in cell culture media to support the growth of cells in vitro.

immune sera: these are sera obtained from individuals who have been exposed to a particular pathogen or antigen. they can be used for passive immunization to provide temporary protection against certain diseases.

overall, sera play a crucial role in both research and clinical settings, contributing to advancements in medicine and our understanding of the immune system.
a toxoid is a type of immunological product derived from a toxin produced by a pathogenic bacterium. toxoids are used to create vaccines that provide immunity against diseases caused by these bacteria.

here's how the process generally works:

toxin extraction: the toxin produced by the pathogenic bacterium is isolated and purified from bacterial cultures.

toxin inactivation: the toxin is then treated to render it non-toxic while retaining its ability to induce an immune response. this is typically done through chemical methods such as formalin or heat treatment.

toxoid formulation: the inactivated toxin, now known as a toxoid, is combined with adjuvants and other components to create a vaccine formulation.

vaccination: the toxoid vaccine is administered to individuals to stimulate their immune systems to produce antibodies against the toxin. these antibodies provide protection if the individual is later exposed to the toxin-producing bacterium.

toxoid vaccines have been successful in preventing diseases such as diphtheria and tetanus, which are caused by toxins produced by corynebacterium diphtheriae and clostridium tetani, respectively. by vaccinating against the toxins themselves rather than the bacteria, toxoid vaccines provide effective immunity against these diseases.

a vaccine is a biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular disease. vaccines typically contain weakened or inactivated forms of a microorganism (such as a virus or bacterium), its toxins, or its surface proteins. when administered to an individual, vaccines stimulate the immune system to recognize and remember the pathogen, so that if the person is exposed to the actual infectious agent in the future, their immune system can mount a rapid and effective response to prevent infection or reduce its severity.

vaccines have played a crucial role in preventing and controlling infectious diseases, leading to significant reductions in morbidity and mortality worldwide. some common types of vaccines include:

live attenuated vaccines: these vaccines contain weakened forms of the pathogen that are still capable of replicating but typically cause no or only mild symptoms of disease. examples include the measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) vaccine and the oral polio vaccine.

inactivated vaccines: these vaccines contain killed versions of the pathogen or its toxins. examples include the inactivated polio vaccine and the hepatitis a vaccine.

subunit, recombinant, polysaccharide, and conjugate vaccines: these vaccines contain specific parts of the pathogen, such as proteins, sugars, or polysaccharides, that stimulate an immune response. examples include the hepatitis b vaccine (which contains a recombinant protein), the hpv vaccine (which contains viral-like particles), and the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.

mrna vaccines: these vaccines use messenger rna (mrna) technology to instruct cells to produce a protein similar to the pathogen's antigen, triggering an immune response. the pfizer-biontech and moderna covid-19 vaccines are examples of mrna vaccines.",02/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,disgust,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMktk58uxlA,"four cases of measles were confirmed at an elementary school in #browardcounty, officials say",,02/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1SO8W8QKk4,measles o tigdas: nakahahawa nga ba? anu-ano ang mga sintomas? | now you know,"alamin kung ano nga ba ang measles at paano ito naihahawa? 

noong nakaraang taon, iniulat ng department of health na tumaas ng halos tatlong daang porsyento ang kaso ng nagkakaroon ng measles sa bansa. 

subscribe to our official youtube channel, https://bit.ly/2immxoi
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for updates, visit: https://www.untvweb.com/news/

check out our official social media accounts:
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feel free to share but do not re-upload.",02/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kTwDLVEqyo,measles outbreak:  broward county's battle,"in this video, we delve into the concerning measles outbreak in broward county, honing in on the situation unfolding at manatee bay elementary school. with the number of cases on the rise, it's crucial to understand the implications and necessary precautions. watch as we break down the latest updates, discuss the importance of vaccination, and shed light on how schools and communities can work together to prevent further spread. stay informed, stay vigilant. don't forget to like, share, and spread awareness. #measlesoutbreak #browardcounty #manateebayelementaryschool",02/17/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQYrk1nlZS4,dale morse and the ny measles outbreaks,"public health 2 with dr. bic

uci- winter 2024

1. keller jm, dela cruz cs, pasnick s, et al. measles. american journal of respiratory and
critical care medicine. 2019;200(1):p1-p2. doi:10.1164/rccm.2001p1
2. debuono ba, gonzlez ar, rosenbaum s. moments in leadership: case studies in public
health policy and practice. pfizer global pharmaceuticals; 2007.
3. birkhead gs, morse dl, j. mills i, novick lf. new york state's two-dose schedule for
measles immunization. public health reports (1974-). 1991;106(3):338-344. doi:10.2307/4596936
4. about the new york state department of health. new york state. published september
2023. accessed february 16, 2024. https://www.health.ny.gov/about/
5. kuba y, kyan h, iha y, et al. emergent measles-containing vaccination recommendation for
aged 6–11 months and detection of vaccine-associated measles during a large measles
outbreak in okinawa, japan, in 2018. vaccine. 2020;38(10):2361-2367.
6. harris jb, badiane o, lam e, et al. application of the world health organization
programmatic assessment tool for risk of measles virus transmission—lessons learned from
a measles outbreak in senegal. risk analysis. 2015;36(9):1708-1717. doi:10.1111/risa.12431",02/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@7newsadelaide/video/7336452047031635201,an urgent adelaide health alert has been issued after a one-year-old tested positive for measles. #7news,an urgent adelaide health alert has been issued after a one-year-old tested positive for measles. #7news,02/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/video/case-of-measles-detected-at-broward-elementary-school-1/,case of measles detected at broward elementary school,"on friday, broward schools confirmed a case of measles at a county school.",02/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/steveioe/reel/C3d0sPgPlC8/,top questions on measles  #mufkr,top questions on measles  #mufkr,02/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/dr.sabina_nuraliyeva/reel/C3c6Ogiteem/?locale=ru&hl=am-et,"xstliklrin yoluxdurucu mddtini bilsk v ona ml etsk , xstliklr bu qdr yaylmaz!#peyvndhyatqurtarr #qzlca #measles #vaccine #sabinanuraliyeva""","xstliklrin yoluxdurucu mddtini bilsk v ona ml etsk , xstliklr bu qdr yaylmaz!#peyvndhyatqurtarr #qzlca #measles #vaccine #sabinanuraliyeva""",02/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@gbnews/video/7336563769604082977,"'it's rising really quickly, measles is hugely infectious' | amanda schiller says it is 'absolutely crucial' parents make sure their children are vaccinates against measles #health #nhs #vaccines #measels #gbnews","'it's rising really quickly, measles is hugely infectious' | amanda schiller says it is 'absolutely crucial' parents make sure their children are vaccinates against measles #health #nhs #vaccines #measels #gbnews",02/17/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,surprise,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-Sk4cvE7HE,गलसआ का इलाज treatment of viral infections | mumps treatment in hindi | treatment of viral fever |,"गलसआ का इलाज treatment of viral infections | mumps treatment in hindi | treatment of viral fever | 

mumps & treatment:-
 mumps is an illness caused by a virus. it usually affects the glands on each side of the face.

these glands, called parotid glands, make saliva. swollen glands may be tender or painful. vaccine mmr

administer the primary dose of mmr vaccine at age 9 to 12 months, the second dose at age 15 through 18 months, and final (the 3rd) dose at age 4 through 6 years.

दोसतों इसमें मैने कोई खास रीमें suggest nahi किया है becouse आप साइन symptoms ke आधार पर रैमें कर सकते है 

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#nursing #nursing #hospitaltraining #medicalstudent 
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thanks for supporting ",02/18/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Otm3X7BFk6M,ভঙকর রোগ: কালো হাম (black measles) কী বং কেনো হ ? | @bonibengalihealthcare #measles,"ভঙকর রোগ: কালো হাম (black measles) কী বং কেনো হ ? | measles treatment | হাম রোগের চিকি৞সা |

ই তথযপূরণ ভিডিওতে কালো হাম সমপরকে সব জানন।  কালো হাম কি বং কেন হয়?  ই সংকরামক রোগের কারণ, উপসরগ ও পরতিরোধের পদধতি জেনে নিন।  সচেতন থাকন বং নিরাপদ থাকন।  খন দেখো!
 সবাসথয সংকরানত আরও কনেন পেতে আমাদের চযানেলি সাবসকরাইব করন।
learn all about black measles in this informative video. what is black measles and why does it occur? find out the causes, symptoms, and prevention methods of this infectious disease. stay informed and stay safe. watch now!
subscribe to our channel for more health-related content.

#health #viral #newvideo #bengali #subscribers #viralvideo #contagious #measles #measlesoutbreak #symptoms #treatment #vaccination #mmr #prevention #cdc #publichealth #infectiousdisease #healthcare #epidemic #immunization #outbreak #contagious #spread #measlesvaccine #herdimmunity #stayinformed #worldhealthorganization #comedy #comedyvideo #comment #cover #cod #motivation #motivational #motivationalvideo #music #minecraft #memes #meme #makeup #hindi #happy #highlights #blog #bgmi #bhojpuri #breakingnews #baby #kitchen #king #kefet #kpop #krishna #fitness #funny #freefire #fyp #jesus #foryou #food #funnyvideo #selfcare #zodiac #video #vlog #nature #new #omletarcade #onepiece #online #tech #trending #tiktok #trend #travel 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pALqLkCePqY,mori children low in measles vaccinations,"samoan health authorities are on alert if the measles vaccination rates in aotearoa remain low, which may well see a transmission back to the island nation. more than eighty people died in the 2019 epidemic, most of them children. as taroi black reports mori children are particularly low in being fully immunised.",02/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@vickichanmd/video/7337042547254037790,"4 more cases, which brings the total to 20 measles cases across 11 states (florida, arizona, california, georgia, maryland, minnesota, missouri, new jersey, new york city, ohio, pennsylvania and virginia). please #getvaccinated. #measlesoutbreak #measles","4 more cases, which brings the total to 20 measles cases across 11 states (florida, arizona, california, georgia, maryland, minnesota, missouri, new jersey, new york city, ohio, pennsylvania and virginia). please #getvaccinated. #measlesoutbreak #measles",02/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drmishmash/video/7337345630366354721,#measles #virus #vaccine #parent #doctor #birmingham #westmidlands #fyp #foryoupage #infection #child,#measles #virus #vaccine #parent #doctor #birmingham #westmidlands #fyp #foryoupage #infection #child,02/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,anger,anger
https://www.1011now.com/video/2024/02/19/spotting-measles/,spotting measles,"once eradicated in the u.s., the disease is making a comeback and doctors are being retrained to recognize it.",02/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmXNscIXzLs,"5th case of measles detected in broward, florida department of health investigates",doh-broward announced it's investigating the five reported cases of the disease that came out of manatee bay elementary school.,02/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVt5r2-zB7A,protect yourself and others: the importance of measles vaccination! ,"measles vaccination: your key to a healthier future! 

description: discover the power of the measles vaccine (mmr vaccine) in safeguarding your well-being and that of your loved ones! uncover the symptoms of measles infection and the potential long-term risks, especially for vulnerable age groups. learn how immunization can help prevent the spread of this highly contagious disease and protect against severe complications. let's come together to promote public health and safety through measles vaccination! #measlesvaccine #protectyourhealth #vaccinessavelives #publichealthawareness #stayhealthy #vaccinationworks

disclaimer: this video is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized guidance regarding your health and vaccination decisions.

title: protect yourself and others: the importance of measles vaccination! ",02/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuyDA5vUTC0,dr. fazel butt | mmr vaccine |,,02/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,anger,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hiE8nwM0Xk,measles on the rise in children | how to save your child from getting it | dr fatima mir | aku paeds,"#measles #childhealth #paediatrics #aku 
measles ki waba pakistan bhar mai pheli hui hai. hamare hospital mai bht se bache measles ke sath arahe hain jinka treatment chal rha hai. magar kuch aise tariqay hain jinse ap apne bachon ko mehfooz rakhte hain.
aku ke dr fatima mir inhi ahtiyati tadabir ka khulasa kar rahi hain aur bata rahi hain ke apne bache ko mehfooz kese rakhein.",02/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/nbc6/reel/C3jBssDtUS-/,"the number of confirmed measles cases at a south florida school has jumped to five since the first recent case was reported on friday.

the florida department of health in broward county says it is carrying out an epidemiological investigation surrounding the recent measles cases.

according to the cdc, measles had been declared eliminated from the u.s. in 2000, but it has slowly returned over the years.

 tap the link in our bio to read more about the virus and how to prevent it

#measles #measlesinflorida #florida #southflorida #broward #browardcounty #browardschools","the number of confirmed measles cases at a south florida school has jumped to five since the first recent case was reported on friday.

the florida department of health in broward county says it is carrying out an epidemiological investigation surrounding the recent measles cases.

according to the cdc, measles had been declared eliminated from the u.s. in 2000, but it has slowly returned over the years.

 tap the link in our bio to read more about the virus and how to prevent it

#measles #measlesinflorida #florida #southflorida #broward #browardcounty #browardschools",02/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/rubin_allergy/reel/C3inIiMRNk7/,what is subacute sclerosing panencephalitis? this is a neurological complication of measles infection that has no cure. measles is not a benign virus. please make sure your children have been vaccinated. if you have questions please talk with your doctor. #viral #measles #doctor,what is subacute sclerosing panencephalitis? this is a neurological complication of measles infection that has no cure. measles is not a benign virus. please make sure your children have been vaccinated. if you have questions please talk with your doctor. #viral #measles #doctor,02/19/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/thispodcastwillkillyou/reel/C3iewBQR-LR/,"measles is making headlines again, and for all the wrong reasons. check out our episode to learn (or re-learn) all the details about this terrifying vaccine preventable disease. 

from ep 21 measles: the worst souvenir. featuring work from mina, michael j., et al. ""measles virus infection diminishes preexisting antibodies that offer protection from other pathogens. science 366.6465 (2019) 599:606","measles is making headlines again, and for all the wrong reasons. check out our episode to learn (or re-learn) all the details about this terrifying vaccine preventable disease. 

from ep 21 measles: the worst souvenir. featuring work from mina, michael j., et al. ""measles virus infection diminishes preexisting antibodies that offer protection from other pathogens. science 366.6465 (2019) 599:606",02/19/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,anger,anger
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3iIliBr1Q3/,"fourth case of #measles in south florida!  the mmr vaccine is >98% effective/protective against getting infected.  measles causes cold-like symptoms, sore red eyes , fever, rash that spreads all over body, and white/gray spots inside the mouth  called #koplikspots 
#medicine #doctor #dermatology #medicalstudent","fourth case of #measles in south florida!  the mmr vaccine is >98% effective/protective against getting infected.  measles causes cold-like symptoms, sore red eyes , fever, rash that spreads all over body, and white/gray spots inside the mouth  called #koplikspots 
#medicine #doctor #dermatology #medicalstudent",02/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,anger,anger
https://www.instagram.com/primarymedicalphysicians/reel/C3ijCmqr7ct/,"thank you for letting us get the message out.  get your mmr vaccine today at @primarymedicalphysicians @univision23 @univision @doricer13. 
#preventmeasles #immunization #measlesawareness #stopmeasles #vaccinesaveslives #measlesvaccine #measlesprevention #vaccineswork #measlesoutbreak #measles #medical #doctor #virus #prevention #science #health","thank you for letting us get the message out.  get your mmr vaccine today at @primarymedicalphysicians @univision23 @univision @doricer13. 
#preventmeasles #immunization #measlesawareness #stopmeasles #vaccinesaveslives #measlesvaccine #measlesprevention #vaccineswork #measlesoutbreak #measles #medical #doctor #virus #prevention #science #health",02/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@medical.info95/video/7337214654042656005,dhukkuba gifira/measles disease #measles #infection #medicalstudent #medicalinfo ,dhukkuba gifira/measles disease #measles #infection #medicalstudent #medicalinfo ,02/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,disgust,disgust
https://www.tiktok.com/@nbcsouthflorida/video/7337509137594502431,"the number of confirmed measles cases at a south florida school has jumped to five since the first recent case was reported on friday.  the florida department of health in broward county says it is carrying out an epidemiological investigation surrounding the recent measles cases.  according to the cdc, measles had been declared eliminated from the u.s. in 2000, but it has slowly returned over the years.  "" tap the link in our bio to read more about the virus and how to prevent it  #measles #measlesinflorida #florida #southflorida #broward #browardcounty #browardschools ","the number of confirmed measles cases at a south florida school has jumped to five since the first recent case was reported on friday.  the florida department of health in broward county says it is carrying out an epidemiological investigation surrounding the recent measles cases.  according to the cdc, measles had been declared eliminated from the u.s. in 2000, but it has slowly returned over the years.  "" tap the link in our bio to read more about the virus and how to prevent it  #measles #measlesinflorida #florida #southflorida #broward #browardcounty #browardschools ",02/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@rubin_allergy/video/7337396611967880490,what is subacute sclerosing panencephalitis? this is a neurological complication of measles infection that has no cure. measles is not a benign virus. please make sure your children have been vaccinated. if you have questions please talk with your doctor. #viral #tiktokdoc #learnontiktok,what is subacute sclerosing panencephalitis? this is a neurological complication of measles infection that has no cure. measles is not a benign virus. please make sure your children have been vaccinated. if you have questions please talk with your doctor. #viral #tiktokdoc #learnontiktok,02/19/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@bolnews/video/7337601940789939462,"› › ™ ™† ™™"" ›  › #bolnews #measles #disease #breakingnews ","› › ™ ™† ™™"" ›  › #bolnews #measles #disease #breakingnews ",02/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/firstkidsppec/reel/C3jy_1RskDf/,measles outbreak on non vaccinated patients and n broward county.,measles outbreak on non vaccinated patients and n broward county.,02/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVStzBoiO-A,6th case of measles detected at manatee bay elementary in weston,"on tuesday afternoon another case of measles was detected in broward, bringing the total to six.",02/20/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmboHtvWKx0,quickcast: more measles cases reported at broward county schools,"in today's quickcast: 

several law enforcement agencies teaming up to arrest the suspects who they say are responsible for a south florida business burglary.

the superintendent of broward county schools speaks out after more cases of measles were reported at an elementary school.

police say a 12-year-old elementary school student who was struck by a car last week--  has died.

catch the quickcast with najahe sherman weekdays at 4pm et streaming on the cbs miami app and cbsmiami.com

#florida #miami #miamidade #communityengagement #browardcounty #measles #crime #news #vote #voteforyourfuture #californiastorms  #weatherforecast",02/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwk2W4Jm-pM,"measles, mumps & rubella vaccine being offered to anyone not adequately vaccinated for measles","the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine is being offered to anyone who hasn't been adequately vaccinated for measles. 

the gha says this would be anyone who has either not had the virus or not had two doses of a measles vaccine. 

director of public health dr helen carter told radio gibraltar the decision to offer the vaccine follows concern regarding the rising number of cases in the uk.

if you suspect you have measles or would like to arrange a vaccine, call 111 or the primary care centre on 20066966.",02/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8TrKdPDa70,measles and mmr webinar for community and voluntary organisations,"webinar hosted by hertfordshire county council's director of public health, sarah perman, to explain the measles situation in hertfordshire (as of february 2024) and outline how organisations can help increase the take-up of the mmr vaccine.",02/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsdeRFZ-jXI,measles cases in u.s. rising,"measles was eradicated in the u.s. at the start of the century. falling vaccination rates have helped the potentially deadly disease make a comeback, which have raised concerns among health professionals around the country. 
follow whas11 on social: 

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#measles #disease #unitedstates",02/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qU4QmfNQjfs,measles cases on the rise across the country; what to know,"doctors in florida are closely watching a cluster of children infected with measles as experts warn about a nationwide surge._x000d_
read more: https://whas11.com/_x000d_
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#measles #united #states #country #infection #rise",02/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aBuEbVvCp4,measles symptoms | urdu,,02/20/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5E7yNlCpyU,who reported a 79 per cent increase in global measles cases last year | world dna | wion,"the world health organization (who) voiced alarm on tuesday (feb 20), about the measles cases that have been rising so quickly. last year, there were over 306,000 cases worldwide, which is a 79 percent rise from 2022.

#measles #who #latestnews 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVSIwxQc_Hw,cdc reports taiwan's first local measles case of year | taiwanplus news,"taiwan's centers for disease control has reported the country's first local measles case of the year. they are warning people to be on their guard while the investigate the source of the infection. 

 reporter(s): andy hsueh/bryn thomas

#taiwanplus #taiwanplusnews #taiwannews

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 tweet us on twitter: https://www.twitter.com/taiwanplusnews
 follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taiwanplus",02/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,surprise,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLyHnGSei7Q,hoima officials report measles cases in kiganja sub-county,"health officials in hoima district have confirmed an outbreak of measles in one of the sub-counties of the district. authorities say four out of the five samples collected from suspected cases on  february 16th, 2024 at runga landing site in kiganja sub-county hoima district have turned out positive. hoima district acting district health officer fredrick byenume says an emergency meeting to discuss how to handle the outbreak will take place tomorrow.

#ntvnews #ntvtonight #ntvweekendedition 

subscribe to our channel
for more news visit http://www.ntv.co.ug
follow us on twitter http://www.twitter.com/ntvuganda
connect with us on messenger via m.me/ntvuganda",02/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOAMr71Y9rg,tonight on kezi 9 news at 4: philomath mill shuts down; measles makes a comeback,"a mill in philomath has laid off workers in preparation for its eventual closure. also, health experts will speak about a resurgence in cases of measles. meteorologist holden lecroy has the weather.",02/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/muPOdFOWttc,3 words every day | day 20 | measles - dengue fever - malaria #english #vocabulary #englishvocab,,02/20/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/video/6th-case-of-measles-detected-at-manatee-bay-elementary-in-weston/,6th case of measles detected at manatee bay elementary in weston,"on tuesday afternoon another case of measles was detected in broward, bringing the total to six.",02/20/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/video/parents-concerned-after-5th-measles-case-confirmed-at-a-weston-elementary-school/,parents concerned after 5th measles case confirmed at a weston elementary school,"teri hornstein reports manatee bay elementary school has nearly 1,100 students, and 86 of them are not vaccinated against measles.",02/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/video/parents-concerned-after-five-measle-cases-at-manatee-bay-elementary-in-weston/,parents concerned after five measle cases at manatee bay elementary in weston,teri hornstein reports parents of children who aren't immune need to be very vigilant now that we know measles is in our community.,02/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3ljXlTPm67/,"well, we have to talk measles. why is it that the people who claim to care about children so much seem to be doing everything they can to harm them?","well, we have to talk measles. why is it that the people who claim to care about children so much seem to be doing everything they can to harm them?",02/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/dr.beachgem10/reel/C3lgokjMgSJ/,"florida has measles *whomp whomp* there are 5 cases in an elementary school in broward county #measles #outbreak #virus #florida

disclaimer: for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice or replace the advice of your physician","florida has measles *whomp whomp* there are 5 cases in an elementary school in broward county #measles #outbreak #virus #florida

disclaimer: for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice or replace the advice of your physician",02/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/conspiritualitypod/reel/C3ljXlTPm67/,"well, we have to talk measles. why is it that the people who claim to care about children so much seem to be doing everything they can to harm them?","well, we have to talk measles. why is it that the people who claim to care about children so much seem to be doing everything they can to harm them?",02/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/ntvnews/reel/C3kXN1iAAtI/,"today on #gmn
nebraska legislature
measles warning
first alert forecast","today on #gmn
nebraska legislature
measles warning
first alert forecast",02/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/doctor.preeya.alexander/reel/C3lShamBrhR/?locale=zh_tw,"a quick chat from the clinic on updates in medical news
• pcos and the hugeness of the mental health burden (plus a review of how complex pcos can be to manage- there's lots to consider) 
• measles - cases in australia, dropping vaccination rates and who needs to consider vaccination 

#health #healthupdate #pcos #pcosawareness #pcoslife #measles #womenshealth","a quick chat from the clinic on updates in medical news
• pcos and the hugeness of the mental health burden (plus a review of how complex pcos can be to manage- there's lots to consider) 
• measles - cases in australia, dropping vaccination rates and who needs to consider vaccination 

#health #healthupdate #pcos #pcosawareness #pcoslife #measles #womenshealth",02/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@beachgem10/video/7337814622386343199,florida€ has measles *whomp whomp* there are 5 cases in an elementary school in broward county #measles #outbreak #virus #florida disclaimer: for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice or replace the advice of your physician,florida€ has measles *whomp whomp* there are 5 cases in an elementary school in broward county #measles #outbreak #virus #florida disclaimer: for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice or replace the advice of your physician,02/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drrhondamj/video/7338061365489306922,#measles #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine #measlesispreventable #mmr,#measles #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine #measlesispreventable #mmr,02/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wI22NjSqmc,florida superintendent says elementary school is safe amid measles outbreak,"a florida superintendent is reassuring parents after the numbers of confirmed measles cases at manatee bay elementary school in weston, fla. rose to six. broward county public schools superintendent peter licata said that school was safe for any vaccinated child as parents continue to express concern. wtvj's ari odzer reports.",02/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Rkhz6KZcvY,measles outbreak at florida elementary school,"a sixth case of highly contagious measles was reported at an elementary school in broward county, fla. the school district says it is is doing everything it can to prevent the spread, disinfecing surfaces, among other things. measles cases are appearing across the country. nbc's sam brock reports.",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7gZHpJraIE,the breakdown: measles popping up in louisiana and florida amid vaccine rate decline,"in your breakdown: a highly-contagious disease, once eliminated by vaccines, is popping up.",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-CjD0Ng0vc ,"with national, international measles upticks, hopkins dr. explains what to know","most of us get a vaccine for it when we're very young, and don't look back for the rest of our lives. but the us could be looking at a 175 percent increase in measles cases this year, according to johns hopkins. ""what we're worried about is that we're going to see more and more cases of measles,"" explained dr. william moss, a professor at the johns hopkins bloomberg school of public health, and the executive director of its international vaccine access center. ",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@tifftastic75/video/7338121551583300910 ,#greenscreenthis is the measles tipping point. the multistate outbreak has now spread to 13 states and is likely much more widespread than we know. it is happening because of antivax people. this is a preventable outbreak of a preventable disease that can kill kids. this video is for educational purposes only.#fyp#tiffocracy#drtiffany#epidemiology#publichealth#measlesoutbreak#measlesvaccine,#greenscreenthis is the measles tipping point. the multistate outbreak has now spread to 13 states and is likely much more widespread than we know. it is happening because of antivax people. this is a preventable outbreak of a preventable disease that can kill kids. this video is for educational purposes only.#fyp#tiffocracy#drtiffany#epidemiology#publichealth#measlesoutbreak#measlesvaccine,02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@lababyskysinfiltro/video/7338118960988048683 ,measles outbreak in florida grows: what to know about virus flare-ups across the us a measles outbreak at a florida elementary school is the latest in a string of flare-ups in nearly a dozen states around the country as u.s. health officials continue to warn about rising cases of the preventable infection.,measles outbreak in florida grows: what to know about virus flare-ups across the us a measles outbreak at a florida elementary school is the latest in a string of flare-ups in nearly a dozen states around the country as u.s. health officials continue to warn about rising cases of the preventable infection.,02/21/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6yIB584cag,dr naomi bennett on the importance of the mmr vaccine,"two doses of the mmr vaccine can provide lifelong protection against measles.    

unsure if you or your child are up to date with their vaccinations? reach out to your gp to book a catch-up appointment. 

find out more: http://nhs.uk/mmr",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wQZV1nY6cM,"after us outbreaks, health professionals recommend mmr vaccine",an increase in the number of measles cases in the country is cause for concern for health professionals.,02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gorf9sjIMao,dr nick merrifield on checking your children have had both doses of the mmr vaccine,"two doses of the mmr vaccine can provide lifelong protection against measles.    

unsure if you or your child are up to date with their vaccinations? reach out to your gp to book a catch-up appointment. 

find out more: http://nhs.uk/mmr",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0NdXq2EqGE,"reena barai, community pharmacist, talks about the importance of the mmr vaccine","two doses of the mmr vaccine can provide lifelong protection against measles.    

unsure if you or your child are up to date with their vaccinations? reach out to your gp to book a catch-up appointment. 

find out more: http://nhs.uk/mmr",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7RaDRda3M4,"chief pharmacist, sedina agama, on the reliability of the mmr vaccine","two doses of the mmr vaccine can provide lifelong protection against measles.    

unsure if you or your child are up to date with their vaccinations? reach out to your gp to book a catch-up appointment. 

find out more: http://nhs.uk/mmr",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QfQBCkAcWY,measles and mmr | british sign language,"two doses of the mmr vaccine can provide lifelong protection against measles.    

unsure if you or your child are up to date with their vaccinations? reach out to your gp to book a catch-up appointment. 

find out more: http://nhs.uk/mmr",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNLSnzaeQjQ,"chief pharmacist, sedina agama, on getting an mmr vaccine without animal products","two doses of the mmr vaccine can provide lifelong protection against measles.    

unsure if you or your child are up to date with their vaccinations? reach out to your gp to book a catch-up appointment. 

find out more: http://nhs.uk/mmr",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzBUekrRwoM,are there new cdc guidelines for covid and how did the bubonic plague start in oregon,"has the cdc updated covid guidelines? how long do you have to quarantine? can adults catch measles? is the bubonic plague still around? more on: cdc 5 day isolation, measles transmission, oregon bubonic plague case, plus alaskapox virus. out guest is ama's vice president of science, medicine and public health, andrea garcia, jd, mph. american medical association cxo todd unger hosts.

 cdc isolation calculator: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/isolation.html

 do covid tests expire? check #fda covid test expiration date extensions here: https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/coronavirus-covid-19-and-medical-devices/home-otc-covid-19-diagnostic-tests#list

 searching for ""covid vaccine near me""? find vaccines in your area at: https://www.vaccines.gov/find-vaccines/

 searching ""where can i get a covid test"" or ""where to get free covid test kits""? free government covid test kits by mail still available: https://www.covid.gov/tests

 cdc measles surveillance: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/cases-outbreaks.html

 cdc measles fact sheet pdf: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/downloads/measles-fact-sheet-508.pdf

 wondering ""how do measles spread"" or curious about the mortality rate of measles? watch: https://youtu.be/haps_hnfob0?si=byg9vdqzf1ymjgsu

 the ama is your powerful ally in patient care. join now: https://bit.ly/amajoinrenew 

00:00 ama update for feb. 21, 2024
00:29 covid isolation guidelines 2023
00:51 current cdc covid guidelines return to work
01:08 proposed covid isolation guidelines
01:37 new cdc covid guidelines 2024
01:59 current covid protocol 2024
03:14 paid leave for covid
03:35 is covid still a threat?
03:45 u.s. covid deaths per week
04:03 immunocompromised covid isolation
04:20 cdc masking guidelines 2024
05:00 measles cases in us 
05:26 are measles contagious? (measles in adults)
05:32 cdc measles alert: https://emergency.cdc.gov/newsletters/coca/2024/012524.html
05:52 measles outbreak 2024
06:04 measles in florida
06:14 measles vaccine age (mmr vaccine for adults)
07:06 bubonic plague case oregon cat
07:47 bubonic plague today
08:03 is bubonic plague a virus?
08:11 how is bubonic plague treated today?
08:30 bubonic plague symptoms
08:55 bubonic plague treatments
09:59 cdc new virus: alaskapox
10:35 what is alaskapox virus?
10:49 alaskapox symptoms
11:24 alaskapox virus cause (alaskapox transmission and treatment)


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#fightingfordocs #medicine #futureofhealthcare #physicianadvocacy #healthcare #medical #science #publichealth #covid #covid19 #coronavirus #pandemic #covidtest #longcovid #covidsymptoms #covidtreatment #immunosuppressed #immunocompromised #vaccines #vaccination #immunization #cdc #nyt #wapo #measles #mumps #rubeola #mmrvaccine #bubonicplague #blackdeath #alaskapox #orthopoxvirus #americanmedicalassociation",02/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-CjD0Ng0vc,"with national, international measles upticks, hopkins dr. explains what to know","most of us get a vaccine for it when we're very young, and don't look back for the rest of our lives.  but the us could be looking at a 175 percent increase in measles cases this year, according to johns hopkins.  ""what we're worried about is that we're going to see more and more cases of measles,"" explained dr. william moss, a professor at the johns hopkins bloomberg school of public health, and the executive director of its international vaccine access center.  

read more: https://www.wmar2news.com/local/with-national-international-measles-upticks-hopkins-dr-explains-what-to-know",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xjy_2q7he8,uk doctors fight rising risk of measles infecting children,"(16 feb 2024) _x000d_
uk measles _x000d_
source: associated press _x000d_
restrictions: _x000d_
length: 8.43_x000d_
associated press _x000d_
london, uk – 8 february 2024_x000d_
1.various of senior practice nurse giving baby sadie the oral part of the mmr vaccine while her mother victoria goodchild holds her_x000d_
2. close of packet containing the mmr vaccine which doesn't contain animal products _x000d_
3. soundbite (english) victoria goodchild, supports mmr vaccine_x000d_
""i think it's extremely important to get the vaccine. i think we need to make sure that our children are protected. i don't know how or when they might contract it and being fully vaccinated means, a lot of… it prevents a lot of worry and prevents a lot of upset. and obviously, if anything was to happen, it would just have catastrophic impacts._x000d_
4. close of senior nurse preparing vaccine _x000d_
5. close of syringe drawing vaccine _x000d_
6. close of nurse _x000d_
7. close of vaccine and syringe _x000d_
8. two injections being given to the baby _x000d_
9. various of victoria goodchild comforting 3 month old sadie _x000d_
10. soundbite (english) victoria goodchild, mmr supporter_x000d_
""i think that's also important because one of my concerns is being at the playground at the moment and having a little boy and my baby being around the other children, and she's not protected, until she's had her vaccination and she can easily catch it off someone else. so i personally, you know, it's a worry actually, being in the playground knowing that other children might not be protected._x000d_
11. various of goodchild comforting her baby _x000d_
12. soundbite (english) shiraaz ebrihim senior practice nurse _x000d_
""we've got lots of campaigns going around. we've got posters around about measles and why it's important to vaccinate and every parent has a little red book. and now presently nhs england is sending out texts to all parents. so they're ringing up and asking is my child covered? so most of our parents have vaccinated their children, but there's a few pockets here and there, who haven't, you know, but we're working on those and we're sort of actively involved in ringing them and reminding them, or when they come in, opportunistically, we remind them._x000d_
13. pan off exterior sign reading (english) nhs springhill practice at entrance of surgery_x000d_
14. wide of traffic and people in the road walking_x000d_
15. wide pan of people in reception area of doctor's surgery _x000d_
16. close of reception sign _x000d_
17. receptionist talking to anonymous patient _x000d_
18. various of mother and baby playing in reception while waiting for nurse _x000d_
19. poster warning people to ""protect yourself and those around you_x000d_
20. mother waiting in reception with pushchair _x000d_
21. various of doctor tehseen khan talking to receptionist_x000d_
22. close of poster on wall of doctor's reception warning that measles is dangerous and not just a little rash _x000d_
23. soundbite (english) dr tehseen khan, nhs clinical advisor on vaccines in london_x000d_
""it's not like having a cold or a cough. it can lead to really serious complications. so anywhere between 1 in 5 and 1 in 20 children can end up with complications such as pneumonia so serious infection of the lungs, meningitis which might lead to hospital admission. some children have been ending up in intensive care in the past, and it can even lead to long term disabilities, such as deafness or even death in some cases. and there have been recent deaths across the world of children with measles. and we should really remember that there's an effective way to prevent this, which is to have two doses of the mmr vaccine._x000d_
24. close of reception sign, pulls out of focus _x000d_
26. soundbite (english) dr tehseen khan, nhs clinical advisor on vaccines in london_x000d_
find out more about ap archive: http://www.aparchive.com/howwework _x000d_
twitter: https://twitter.com/ap_archive _x000d_
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aparchives ​​_x000d_
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apnews/_x000d_
you can license this story through ap archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/3f556a087b684d5d8d9cdf03465315ef",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2OAMnmR0zo,ny doctor urges measles vaccination for children,the centers for disease control and prevention recommends children get the second dose of the vaccine by the age of 6.,02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXxgQGtrxI0,khasra mei kya khana chahie kya nahin | diet for measles patients in hindi | boldsky,"मधयपरदेश में इन दिनों खसरे की बीमारी तेजी से फैल रही है. अब तक इस बीमारी से 2 बचचों की मड़त हो गई है. वहीं 17 बचचे संकरमित हो ग हैं. मधयपरदेश के गांवों के सभी सकूलों को तीन दिनों के लि बंद कर दिया गया है. खसरा को रूबेला के नाम से भी जाना जाता है. यह संकरामक बीमारी है जो तेजी से फैलती है. से में क खसरा के मरीज की डाइ कैसे होनी छाइये? उसे कया कछ खाना चाहि आइये जानते है।  _x000d_
these days measles disease is spreading rapidly in madhya pradesh. so far, 2 children have died due to this disease. and 17 children have been infected. all schools in the villages of madhya pradesh have been closed for three days. measles is also known as rubella. it is an infectious disease that spreads rapidly. in such a situation, what should be the diet of a measles patient? let us know what he should eat._x000d_
#khasrameikyakhanachahiye, #khasrapatientsdietplan, #khasradietplan, #measlesdietplan

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here are some product recommendations for you

measles vaccine insights

 himachal map puzzle

 4th gen hiv test

 brain activity workbook

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here are some product recommendations for you

measles vaccine insights

 himachal map puzzle

 4th gen hiv test

 brain activity workbook

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 calf rehydration solution

 upsc papers book

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here are some product recommendations for you

measles vaccine insights

 himachal map puzzle

 4th gen hiv test

 brain activity workbook

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 calf rehydration solution

 upsc papers book

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here are some product recommendations for you

measles vaccine insights

 himachal map puzzle

 4th gen hiv test

 brain activity workbook

 coffin making guide

 calf rehydration solution

 upsc papers book

 upsc errorless papers


subscribe to boldsky channel for latest updates.


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download app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oneindia.common",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV6OazLD1rc,दादरा रबेलाखोपकसले किन लाउने कसले नलाउने ? dadura rubela camp nepal 2080  फागन measles-rubella,"""नमसकार "" 
9 महिना पूरा भका सबै बचचालाइ यो दादरा रबेला खोप लगाउन परछ । हिजो नै खोप लगाको भ पनि यो खोप लगाउन परछ है ।
दादरा रबेलाखोपकसले किन लाउने कसले नलाउने ? dadura rubela camp nepal 2080  फागन measles-rubella 

हजरहरको  सवासथय चयानेल ""mero health"" मा धेरै धेरै सवागत छ । यो चयानेल मानव सवासथय समबनधी जानकारिको लागी तयार गरिको हो । यो चयानेलमा हामी  हामरा समपण दरशकहरको लागि मानव सवासथय समबनधी जानकारि मलक भिडियो तयार गरदछड़ र दरशकको चाहाना अनसारको भिडियो पनि तयार गरदछड़ ।
                  ""सवासथय नै धन हो""      (-धनयवात_)
welcome to the health channel ""mero health"". this channel is prepared for human health-related information. in this channel, we prepare informative videos related to human health for our complete audience and we also prepare videos according to the wishes of the audience.
                  ""health is wealth"" (-thank you_)


measles symptoms

measles disease in hindi

measles treatment

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rubella osmosis

rubella german measles

rubella measles

rubella igg positive means in hindi

rubella vaccination

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rubella virus in pregnancy

rubella virus microbiology",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTZuWd56_g0,measles outbreak at s. florida school,"an outbreak of measles has made its way to florida. doctors and parents are concerned about the highly contagious disease. in south florida, hundreds of children were forced to stay home from school this week.

at least six cases have been confirmed at manatee bay elementary school in weston, that's west of fort lauderdale. 

why a jacksonville pediatrician worries it will happen here.

https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2024/02/21/measles-its-not-a-matter-of-whether-we-will-have-an-outbreak-in-northeast-florida-its-a-matter-of-when/",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,surprise,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb8eOyfGKEQ,who: measles cases rose 79% globally last year | latest news | wion,"the world health organization (who) voiced alarm on tuesday (feb 20), about the measles cases that have been rising so quickly. last year, there were over 306,000 cases worldwide, which is a 79 percent rise from 2022.

#measles #who #latestnews 

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wion the world is one news examines global issues with in-depth analysis. we provide much more than the news of the day. our aim is to empower people to explore their world. with our global headquarters in new delhi, we bring you news on the hour, by the hour. we deliver information that is not biased. we are journalists who are neutral to the core and non-partisan when it comes to world politics. people are tired of biased reportage and we stand for a globalized united world. so for us, the world is truly one.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkc4qAbCIjw,second case of measles confirmed in georgia,"the georgia department of public health has confirmed the second case._x000d_
 for more local news from walb:  https://www.walb.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucdh17rllr-hswdlbf59_ouq",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UJpTMy5kHk,world health organization warns | fear of measles outbreak | breaking news | dawn news,"world health organization warns | fear of measles outbreak | breaking news | dawn news


#who #measles #worldhealthorganization #dawnnews #breakingnews #latestnews #newsheadlines #newsbulletins #exclusivecoverage #livenews #latestpakistannews #pakistannewstoday

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dawn urdu website: https://www.dawnnews.tv/",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB6KF7IBUpI,measles case confirmed in miami county: exposure at englewood kroger,"measles case confirmed in miami county: exposure at englewood kroger
#measlesoutbreakmiami #englewoodkrogerexposed #staysafestayhealthy",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pk1nG27jXFw,neuralink's first human patient can now control compute mouse with thoughts | trending on wion,"here, we bring you the news that is trending across wion's social media platforms - neuralink's first human patient can now control compute mouse with thoughts, who reports 79% increase in global measles cases. 

#neauralink #measles #who

about channel: 

wion the world is one news examines global issues with in-depth analysis. we provide much more than the news of the day. our aim is to empower people to explore their world. with our global headquarters in new delhi, we bring you news on the hour, by the hour. we deliver information that is not biased. we are journalists who are neutral to the core and non-partisan when it comes to world politics. people are tired of biased reportage and we stand for a globalized united world. so for us, the world is truly one.
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zee news apps: https://bit.ly/zeenewsapps",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USscII9weB4,measles & rubella vaccination program 2080-81 from 13th falgun,contact on danchhi health post,02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-RndAhfmsc,হামের উচচ কিতে বিশবের অরধেক দেশ | high risk of measles | songbad prokash,"#measles #health #healthtips 
হামের উচচ কিতে বিশবের অরধেক দেশ | high risk of measles | songbad prokash
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#songbadprokash #সংবাদপরকাশ #banglanews",02/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvQ0uAxBLlE,"quickcast: 8-month-old girl found safe, keeping spring break safe, gambling is paying off in big way","in today's quickcast: 

a sand collapse takes the life of a young girl. her brother is recovering from his injuries. the two were siblings on a family vacation from indiana. 

an 8-month-old girl at the center of a statewide amber alert has been found safe.

miami beach commissioners continue to make decisions to keep the beach safe for spring break.

broward school leaders are looking for state guidance after a sixth person tested positive for the measles at a school.

gambling is paying off in a big way in the united states. the american gaming association says people spent a record 66-and-a-half-billion-dollars on commercial gaming last year.

catch the quickcast with najahe sherman weekdays at 4pm et streaming on the cbs miami app and cbsmiami.com

#miami #browardcounty #fortlauderdale #measles #amberalert #sportsbetting #communitynews #florida #russia #gaming #gambling #politics #crime #news #southflorida #politicalnews 
#localnewsmatters",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FAipatvq7A,khasra mei kya khana chahie kya nahin | diet for measles patients in hindi | goodlife,"मधयपरदेश में इन दिनों खसरे की बीमारी तेजी से फैल रही है. अब तक इस बीमारी से 2 बचचों की मड़त हो गई है. वहीं 17 बचचे संकरमित हो ग हैं. मधयपरदेश के गांवों के सभी सकूलों को तीन दिनों के लि बंद कर दिया गया है. खसरा को रूबेला के नाम से भी जाना जाता है. यह संकरामक बीमारी है जो तेजी से फैलती है. से में क खसरा के मरीज की डाइ कैसे होनी छाइये? उसे कया कछ खाना चाहि आइये जानते है।  

these days measles disease is spreading rapidly in madhya pradesh. so far, 2 children have died due to this disease. and 17 children have been infected. all schools in the villages of madhya pradesh have been closed for three days. measles is also known as rubella. it is an infectious disease that spreads rapidly. in such a situation, what should be the diet of a measles patient? let us know what he should eat.

#khasrameikyakhanachahiye, #khasrapatientsdietplan, #khasradietplan, #measlesdietplan
                ~ht.99~pr.266~ed.284~",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75Vebff11lA,ontario ਦੇ ਡਾਕਰਾਂ ਨੇ measles ਦੇ ਫੈਲਣ ਨੂੰ ਲੈ ਕੇ ਦਿੱਤੀ ਚੇਤਾਵਨੀ।,"ontario ਦੇ ਡਾਕਰਾਂ ਨੇ measles ਦੇ ਫੈਲਣ ਨੂੰ ਲੈ ਕੇ ਦਿੱਤੀ ਚੇਤਾਵਨੀ। 
 |btv canada official 

#btv #btvcanada #btvcanadaofficial #ontario #canada #measles",02/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@ctvnewsottawa/video/7338205764995091717,"public health authorities in ontario are warning of the risk of a resurgence of measles. to date, no cases have been confirmed in ottawa, but public health is urging people to stay up to date on vaccinations. #ottnews #ottawa #ctvottawa #measles #mmr #vaccine #vaccination #fyp #foryou #publichealth","public health authorities in ontario are warning of the risk of a resurgence of measles. to date, no cases have been confirmed in ottawa, but public health is urging people to stay up to date on vaccinations. #ottnews #ottawa #ctvottawa #measles #mmr #vaccine #vaccination #fyp #foryou #publichealth",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/video/6th-case-of-measles-detected-at-manatee-bay-elementary-in-weston-1/,6th case of measles detected at manatee bay elementary in weston,"on tuesday afternoon another case of measles was detected in broward, bringing the total to six.",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/mamabearsproject/reel/C3oAAVfsKAl/,"don't fear the measles! dr. thompson, nd and dr. camp, nd explain why natural immunity is superior to vaccination and that there are safe, highly effective natural treatments for measles. get their book, the unvaccinated child: a treatment guide for parents and caregivers, right here - https://amzn.to/2gq5new - and be empowered instead of fearful. if you are concerned about the mmr vaccine or vaccination in general, get their book and join our stop mandatory vaccination facebook group to ask questions about going vaccine free: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stopmandatoryvaccination

produced by larry cook you can find his website at www.stopmandatoryvaccination.com or follow him on twitter @stopvaccinating 

for more information on vaccines visit mamabearsproject.com 

#stopvaccinations #vaccines #measles #mamabears #measlesvaccine #naturalimmunity #vaccineadverseevents #vaccinessideeffects #mmr #autism #sids","don't fear the measles! dr. thompson, nd and dr. camp, nd explain why natural immunity is superior to vaccination and that there are safe, highly effective natural treatments for measles. get their book, the unvaccinated child: a treatment guide for parents and caregivers, right here - https://amzn.to/2gq5new - and be empowered instead of fearful. if you are concerned about the mmr vaccine or vaccination in general, get their book and join our stop mandatory vaccination facebook group to ask questions about going vaccine free: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stopmandatoryvaccination

produced by larry cook you can find his website at www.stopmandatoryvaccination.com or follow him on twitter @stopvaccinating 

for more information on vaccines visit mamabearsproject.com 

#stopvaccinations #vaccines #measles #mamabears #measlesvaccine #naturalimmunity #vaccineadverseevents #vaccinessideeffects #mmr #autism #sids",02/21/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/mobabycare/reel/C3nY4RaolLE/,"you've all heard it from @thenoisynaijapaediatrician himself, it's not everything you self medicate ooo..
reposted from @thenoisynaijapaediatrician
the rule for most rashes is that they will initially spread no matter what you anoint baby with! 
measles oo, rubella oo, roseola ooo, chicken pox, heat rash oooo. they call this the natural course of the rash. 
appear, spread in a particular direction, then gradually fade. 
if your baby has a generalised rash (a rash that is all over the body) it is always best for a health care professional to see so that a diagnosis can be made. 
because next thing now na fumbact genesis to revelation una go commot from cupboard . 
#thenoisynaijapaediatrician #rashes #babies #selfmedication #donotswlfmedicate #mothers #africanmothers #newmums #toddlers","you've all heard it from @thenoisynaijapaediatrician himself, it's not everything you self medicate ooo..
reposted from @thenoisynaijapaediatrician
the rule for most rashes is that they will initially spread no matter what you anoint baby with! 
measles oo, rubella oo, roseola ooo, chicken pox, heat rash oooo. they call this the natural course of the rash. 
appear, spread in a particular direction, then gradually fade. 
if your baby has a generalised rash (a rash that is all over the body) it is always best for a health care professional to see so that a diagnosis can be made. 
because next thing now na fumbact genesis to revelation una go commot from cupboard . 
#thenoisynaijapaediatrician #rashes #babies #selfmedication #donotswlfmedicate #mothers #africanmothers #newmums #toddlers",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/itsfrankiep/reel/C3oV1gmsCcv/,20202.0?  #2020vs2024 #2020 #idontlikethis #leapyear #measles #florida,20202.0?  #2020vs2024 #2020 #idontlikethis #leapyear #measles #florida,02/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@omarsbigsister/video/7338116514194804011,"over 11 states have seen outbreaks, 200 children in one school were exposed and instead of following protocol and making them all stay home, the county made them all go to school. do you know how contagious measles is? its 20x more contagious than covid. it's one of the most contagious viruses. do you know what it means for our society and our world that a virus we once completely eliminated is back and the govts response is ""let it rip""? it's over. everything is over. #measles #publichealth","over 11 states have seen outbreaks, 200 children in one school were exposed and instead of following protocol and making them all stay home, the county made them all go to school. do you know how contagious measles is? its 20x more contagious than covid. it's one of the most contagious viruses. do you know what it means for our society and our world that a virus we once completely eliminated is back and the govts response is ""let it rip""? it's over. everything is over. #measles #publichealth",02/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,anger,anger
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr_1s/video/7338035785972600069,### # # #_ #__ #measles,### # # #_ #__ #measles,02/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@queernerdytherapist/video/7338519559403605291,news bites with ellie for 2/22/24! #nexbenedict #saytheirname #translivesmatter #nikkihaley #bidenimpeachment #measles #beyonce #mikepillow,news bites with ellie for 2/22/24! #nexbenedict #saytheirname #translivesmatter #nikkihaley #bidenimpeachment #measles #beyonce #mikepillow,02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@keithmuise/video/7338419421746089222,"this story made me very angry, and healthcare professionals need to wake up. wanting to avoid illness and death is not a sign of mental health issues. #covid19 #notmild #longcovid #covidisntover  #measles #cleanairnow #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #nurse #nursesoftiktok #doctor ","this story made me very angry, and healthcare professionals need to wake up. wanting to avoid illness and death is not a sign of mental health issues. #covid19 #notmild #longcovid #covidisntover  #measles #cleanairnow #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #nurse #nursesoftiktok #doctor ",02/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@docemurray/video/7338623791188266282,"way too many states with #measles cases. the vaccine provides great protection, lack of vaccination puts you at great risk. #parenting #measlesoutbreak","way too many states with #measles cases. the vaccine provides great protection, lack of vaccination puts you at great risk. #parenting #measlesoutbreak",02/22/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@pediatricassociates/video/7338482768659172651,the recent outbreak in south florida reinforces in the importance of the mmr vaccine. watch this video and ask any questions you have.   the mmr vaccine is important to prevent the spread of measles and potential complications. complications of the illness not included in the video include:   sspe (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis) is a rare condition where a person can develop a devastating neurological condition that is characterized by neurological symptoms like seizures and behavioral and intellectual deterioration. this occurs 7-10 years after the initial measles illness even if they return to baseline.   the vaccine remains of the best ways we can reduce the spread of measles and protect our children from complications from measles. ,the recent outbreak in south florida reinforces in the importance of the mmr vaccine. watch this video and ask any questions you have.   the mmr vaccine is important to prevent the spread of measles and potential complications. complications of the illness not included in the video include:   sspe (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis) is a rare condition where a person can develop a devastating neurological condition that is characterized by neurological symptoms like seizures and behavioral and intellectual deterioration. this occurs 7-10 years after the initial measles illness even if they return to baseline.   the vaccine remains of the best ways we can reduce the spread of measles and protect our children from complications from measles. ,02/22/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFRu5aH-gQY ,florida measles outbreak has doctors on alert,"a measles outbreak in florida has doctors encouraging parents to get their children vaccinated. https://www.fox13news.com/news/small-... fox 13 tampa bay brings you the important videos like breaking news, tampa bay weather, and local stories. but also plenty of fun stuff, like 'we live here' tips, the best of our archives, and all those 'only-in-florida' stories.",02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csm83G98DJs ,measles outbreak in south florida confirmed by health officials,measles outbreak in south florida confirmed by health officials,02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zn2SbEOuKOo ,lack of vaccination comes with 'increased' risk of measles infection,measles recently infected half a dozen broward county public schools students even though it can be prevented by two doses of vaccine.,02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7kVFqOZP00 ,measles outbreak at south florida elementary school raises local health concern,measles outbreak at south florida elementary school raises local health concern ,02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.today.com/video/measles-outbreak-at-florida-school-sparks-concern-204700229567 ,measles outbreak spreads through florida elementary school,"manatee bay elementary school in florida is vigilant after six students tested positive for measles in less than a week, even though the vaccination rate for measles at the school is around 97%. nbc's sam brock reports for today.",02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,neutral
https://www.fox10phoenix.com/video/1415480 ,measles: new cases reported in maricopa county,"maricopa county officials have reported two new cases of measles, bringing the total to three, and they have identified a number of businesses where people may have been exposed to the virus. fox 10's kenzie beach reports.",02/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,surprise
https://www.wwltv.com/video/news/local/289-d1251cdd-122c-4b22-bd1d-eff00201d25c ,"local children with measles not vaccinated, louisiana department of health says",two very young children remain hospitalized at children's hospital thursday night after getting the measles when they were out-of-state.,02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/alert-not-panicked-measles-cases-222934598.html ,"'alert, not panicked:' measles cases on the rise nationwide, none in wny","measles cases are on the rise across the u.s. so far this year, 20 cases have been identified in 11 states, including new york city. read more: https://www.rochesterfirst.com/news/alert-not-panicked-measles-cases-on-the-rise-nationwide-none-in-wny/",02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.fox13news.com/video/1415452 ,florida measles outbreak has doctors concerned,bay area doctors are encouraging parents to get their children vaccinated following a measles outbreak in south florida.,02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.azfamily.com/video/2024/02/22/2-new-cases-measles-reported-maricopa-county-2/,2 new cases of measles reported in maricopa county,the maricopa county department of public health says two more measles cases have been reported after an exposure earlier this month.,02/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@andromeroo/video/7338449911228255534,"we also have measles to deal with now and i dont know how im going to feel in 5 years when the healthcare system collapses to the point of no return and we have a bunch of extremely sick anti vaxxers and edgy ""truthers dying by the thousands daily for no reason because our governement actively encourages being this smooth brained#fyp#covid19","we also have measles to deal with now and i dont know how im going to feel in 5 years when the healthcare system collapses to the point of no return and we have a bunch of extremely sick anti vaxxers and edgy ""truthers dying by the thousands daily for no reason because our governement actively encourages being this smooth brained#fyp#covid19",02/22/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leozJcxinb4,health officials concerned over rise in measles cases,"maryland is seeing an outbreak of measles cases, mirroring a trend across the country that health officials are concerned could rise even further. the number of measles cases continues to rise in the u.s. and around the world. globally, cases rose 79% from 2022 to 2023. in the u.s., the centers for disease control and prevention reported 20 cases of measles as of feb. 15. all of last year, there were 58 cases of measles. if the trend continues, the cdc projects a 175% increase in measles cases this year.",02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/video/parents-of-students-at-manatee-bay-elementary-have-option-to-keep-kids-out-of-school-due-to-measles/,parents of students at manatee bay elementary have option to keep kids out of school due to measles,morgan rynor reports the total number of unvaccinated students at the school is 33 and the number of confirmed measles cases at the school remains at 6.,02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://abcnews-nwsdynamic.aws.seabcnews.go.com/GMA/GMA3/video/6th-case-measles-linked-florida-elementary-school-outbreak-107453480,6th case of measles linked to florida elementary school outbreak,"abc news chief medical correspondent dr. jen ashton talks about an uptick of measles, a highly contagious virus, in a florida elementary school.",02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fG-xPAOZzDE,measles in canada | infection is 'most transmissible' on the planet,ontario's top doctor is warning of the possibility of measles outbreaks in the province. dr. isaac bogoch explains why. ,02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrdSnOy1AGg,6th case of measles linked to florida elementary school outbreak,"abc news chief medical correspondent dr. jen ashton talks about an uptick of measles, a highly contagious virus, in a florida elementary school. ",02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxJY6Wk38gA,"local children with measles not vaccinated, louisiana department of health says",two very young children remain hospitalized at children's hospital thursday night after getting the measles when they were out-of-state.,02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgrspezYX40,two measles cases confirmed,two measles cases confirmed ,02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-I37vkTPNY,2 new cases of measles reported in maricopa county,the maricopa county department of public health says two more measles cases have been reported after an exposure earlier this month. ,02/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@abcgma3/video/7338584291347057962,dr. jen ashton talks about an uptick of#measlesin a florida elementary school.,dr. jen ashton talks about an uptick of#measlesin a florida elementary school.,02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csm83G98DJs,measles outbreak in south florida confirmed by health officials,measles outbreak in south florida confirmed by health officials,02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-wdqBojPis,measles alert | what parents need to know about measles,"a broward county elementary school now has a sixth confirmed case of measles. the highly contagious virus can spread through coughing and sneezing and has doctors on high alert.

info for parents: http://tinyurl.com/n9z7kzct

like and subscribe for more local news, weather, sports, and more: http://tinyurl.com/yzekv9ua",02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFRu5aH-gQY,florida measles outbreak has doctors on alert,"a measles outbreak in florida has doctors encouraging parents to get their children vaccinated. https://www.fox13news.com/news/small-measles-outbreak-in-south-florida-has-health-experts-on-alert

fox 13 tampa bay brings you the important videos like breaking news, tampa bay weather, and local stories. but also plenty of fun stuff, like 'we live here' tips, the best of our archives, and all those 'only-in-florida' stories.

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get our newsletter: https://www.fox13news.com/email",02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLmoSFiyeHY,anti-vaxxers: how to challenge a misinformed… by jonathan m. berman  audiobook preview,"purchase on google play books ►► https://g.co/booksyt/aqaaaecc-uw5ym

anti-vaxxers: how to challenge a misinformed movement
authored by jonathan m. berman
narrated by daniel henning

#jonathanmberman #antivaxxershowtochallengeamisinformedmovement

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book description

in anti-vaxxers, jonathan berman explores the phenomenon of the anti-vaccination movement, recounting its history from its nineteenth-century antecedents to today's activism, examining its claims, and suggesting a strategy for countering them. after providing background information on vaccines and how they work, berman describes resistance to britain's vaccination act of 1853, showing that the arguments anticipate those made by today's anti-vaxxers. he discusses the development of new vaccines in the twentieth century, including those protecting against polio and mmr (measles, mumps, rubella), and the debunked paper that linked the mmr vaccine to autism; the cdc conspiracy theory promoted in the documentary vaxxed; recommendations for an alternative vaccination schedule; kennedy's misinformed campaign against thimerosal; and the much-abused religious exemption to vaccination. anti-vaxxers have changed their minds, but rarely because someone has given them a list of facts. berman argues that anti-vaccination activism is tied closely to how people see themselves as parents and community members. effective pro-vaccination efforts should emphasize these cultural aspects rather than battling social media posts.

about the author

jonathan m. berman is an assistant professor in the department of basic sciences at nyitcom-arkansas. an active science communicator, he served as national cochair of the 2017 march for science.

daniel henning is a director, producer, actor, and writer. his work has been seen on hbo, cbs, nbc, abc, fox, mtv, comedy central, and on stages throughout southern california. he won a 2017 telly award for ""best writer"" for the film version of his play the tragedy of jfk (as told by wm. shakespeare).

audiobook details

purchase on google play books ►► https://g.co/booksyt/aqaaaecc-uw5ym
language: english
publisher: tantor media inc
published on: november 3, 2020
isbn: 9781705274781
duration: 7 hr, 18 min
genres: health & fitness / general, health & fitness / vaccinations, medical / epidemiology, medical / general, medical / public health, social science / conspiracy theories, social science / disease & health issues, social science / general",02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awQUMv4ZHVY,measles: the resurgence and how to stay safe,"#measles: a deeper dive

00:00:00 understanding measles
00:00:54 complications and resurgence
00:01:39 patient care and treatment
00:02:06 vaccination and prevention
00:02:48 global impact and conclusion

highly #contagious & dangerous:

measles is super contagious, spreading easily through coughs and sneezes. imagine 9 out of 10 unvaccinated people getting infected!
while symptoms like fever and rash might seem common, complications can be severe: pneumonia, brain inflammation, even death. the risk is especially high for young children, pregnant women, and those with weakened immune systems.
resurgence & reasons:

measles was thought eliminated in the us, but unvaccinated travelers brought it back.
low vaccination rates within the us allow it to spread among unvaccinated individuals.
protecting yourself & others:

the mmr vaccine is highly effective, offering 93-97% protection with two doses. it's safe and crucial for both individual and community health.
talk to your doctor if you're unsure about your vaccination status, especially if you travel internationally.
key points:

measles is a serious, preventable disease.
vaccination is essential to stop its spread and protect vulnerable populations.
don't wait, vaccinate yourself and your loved ones to stay safe.
remember: every measles case is preventable. let's work together to keep our communities healthy.",02/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7AGd9X4f7E,measles cases explode: up 79% globally!,"measles is back and poses a serious danger, especially for young children. cases are exploding worldwide, and outbreaks are even happening in countries where it was once eliminated.  this video provides urgent, life-saving information about this preventable disease.

keywords: measles, measles outbreak, measles surge, measles crisis, vaccine, vaccination, public health, health crisis, children's health

concise summary: learn about the alarming rise in global measles cases, why this is happening, and how to protect yourself and your loved ones. get the facts on measles symptoms, complications, and the importance of vaccination.

call to action:

don't wait – vaccinate! contact your doctor or health department to make sure your family is up-to-date on measles vaccination.
share this video to raise awareness and potentially save lives.


world health organization (who) measles info: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/measles
centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) measles info: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/index.html

questions for viewers:

have you or someone you know had measles?
what concerns do you have about the measles vaccine?

adhering to guidelines: this video presents factual, science-based information from reputable health organizations. it does not promote misinformation or harmful practices.

#measles #vaccine #measlesvaccine #vaccinatenow #globalhealth #preventablediseases #epidemicprevention #childimmunization #infectiousdiseases #publichealthcrisis #vaccineadvocacy #stopmeasles #endmeasles #eliminatemeasles #fightmeasles #measlessurge #measlesspread #measlesresurgence #stopmeaslesnow #measlescases #measlesrisk #measlessafety #measleswarning #measlesawareness #measlesrash #measlessymptoms #measlestreatment",02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2J2A9tzX1oI,is it safe to have 3 doses of mmr?,is it safe? 3 doses of mmr vaccine • is it safe? • discover the safety of receiving 3 doses of the mmr vaccine and when it may be recommended. consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.,02/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3RMygw88p4,ministry of health is set to carry out a vaccination exercise against measles in kasese.,"the ministry of health, in collaboration with kasese district local government, has organized a three-day emergency vaccination exercise against measles in nyamwamba division of kasese municipality.
this initiative follows the confirmation of three measles cases out of 36 samples recently taken to the central public health laboratory in kampala.",02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IF6b32g1Wgc&ref=upstract.com,measles outbreak spreads through florida elementary school,"manatee bay elementary school in florida is vigilant after six students tested positive for measles in less than a week, even though the vaccination rate for measles at the school is around 97%. nbc's sam brock reports for today.

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#measles #florida #health",02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,surprise,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaybCjU6oGU,is it a measles rash?,"measles presents very much like a flu in the initial stages. 

often it is not until the characteristic blotchy red rash appears that a diagnosis is made. 

the initial symptoms of measles include: 
- fever
- tiredness
- cough
- runny nose
- red inflamed eyes
- blotchy dark red rash 

#measles #disease #rash #australiawidefirstaid",02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs8AzwWjsj4,"if a child gets measles or rubella, does he still need vaccination?","if a child gets measles or rubella, it is generally recommended for them to receive vaccination. having the diseases does provide immunity, but vaccination ensures a more reliable and long-lasting protection. 

it's important to follow healthcare recommendations and complete the recommended vaccination schedule, even if a child has had a particular disease, to enhance and sustain their immunity. consultation with a healthcare professional is advised for personalized guidance based on the individual's health history.

#healthawareness #awareness #healthandwellness #health #vaccinationinindia #vaccines #childcare #childcaretips 

to know more about your health, visit our official website www.thip.media

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about: thip media, the media arm of the healthy indian project, is a verified health information platform and an official signatory of international fact checking network (ifcn). as a fact checking partner of meta, our mission is to bring the most unbiased, honest, accurate, and relevant information related to health for people of india. the content is based on medical evidence and is created in consultation with top health experts and doctors.

subscribe to our hindi youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@thiphindi",02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DaybCjU6oGU,is it a measles rash?,"measles presents very much like a flu in the initial stages. 

often it is not until the characteristic blotchy red rash appears that a diagnosis is made. 

the initial symptoms of measles include: 
- fever
- tiredness
- cough
- runny nose
- red inflamed eyes
- blotchy dark red rash 

#measles #disease #rash #australiawidefirstaid",02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8pnk_sjyV8,ontario's top doctor warns of potential measles outbreaks as cases increase abroad,"ontario's top doctor is warning public health officials in the province to prepare for possible measles outbreaks given the ""dramatic rise"" in cases in other parts of the world, including europe. #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsyoutube #shorts #shortsviral #shortsbeta #shorts_video #ontario #ontariocanada #measles",02/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/n8pnk_sjyV8,ontario's top doctor warns of potential measles outbreaks as cases increase abroad,"ontario's top doctor is warning public health officials in the province to prepare for possible measles outbreaks given the ""dramatic rise"" in cases in other parts of the world, including europe. #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsyoutube #shorts #shortsviral #shortsbeta #shorts_video #ontario #ontariocanada #measles",02/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeYKW4ptpwY,measles message to bengali-speaking residents,https://www.nhs.uk/measles,02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Vj1QqDDkck,मधय परदेश में बढ़ रहे हैं खसरा के मामले measles cases in mp जानें बीमारी के लकषण और बचाव के तरीके,"मधय परदेश में बढ़ रहे हैं खसरा के मामले | measles cases in mp | जानें बीमारी के लकषण और बचाव के तरीके @lotusayurveda_india 

video url: https://youtu.be/1vj1qqddkck
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#utpalchaudhary #causes #treatment  #lotusayurvedaindia 
#healthtips #homeremedy #ayurveda #pregnancycare",02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HrrUmn--Ns,measles rubella vaccine | राजापर नगरपालिकामा दादरा रबेला खोप लगाइदै,,02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYf4hEhLS-A,dr fazel butt | mmr vaccine | urdu,,02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,anger,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@idctryme97/video/7336673462825520390,"liar- not covid....diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, meningitis, whooping cough and chicken pox. you know the same ones we had when we were kids, for me over 40 years ago","liar- not covid....diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, meningitis, whooping cough and chicken pox. you know the same ones we had when we were kids, for me over 40 years ago",02/22/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/video/measles-cases-at-manatee-bay-elementary-in-weston-remains-at-6/,measles cases at manatee bay elementary in weston remains at 6,broward county public schools superintendent dr. peter b. licata provided an update on manatee bay elementary school during his superintendent's report at the regular school board meeting wednesday afternoon.,02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/video/healthcare-professionals-urge-vaccinations-with-rise-of-measles-cases/,healthcare professionals urge vaccinations with rise of measles cases,healthcare professionals urge vaccinations with rise of measles cases,02/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/vickichanmd/reel/C3qjarlv3Qz/,"that's what he was talking about right? 

there is an active measles outbreak right now in florida. please get vaccinated!

#getvaccinated #ᴠaccinessavelives #measlesoutbreak","that's what he was talking about right? 

there is an active measles outbreak right now in florida. please get vaccinated!

#getvaccinated #ᴠaccinessavelives #measlesoutbreak",02/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@pediatricassociates/video/7338843594922396970,"in 1998, a british physician was the lead author of a study published in the lancet (a medical journal). the study proposed a link between autism and the mmr vaccine. the study was later retracted due to poor study design and claims. this press led to a movement to claim that vaccines (particularly mmr) was connected with autism. a movement that was fueled by some celebrities and public figures. since then, countless studies have shown no relationship between autism and the mmr vaccines. we encourage you to visit cdc.com and search autism and vaccines for the numerous studies showing no relationship or healthychildren.org and doing the same. the research is clear and the best way to prevent our children against measles, mumps, rubella and the complications is to vaccinate.    share this video. any respectful questions will be answered or answered in future videos.","in 1998, a british physician was the lead author of a study published in the lancet (a medical journal). the study proposed a link between autism and the mmr vaccine. the study was later retracted due to poor study design and claims. this press led to a movement to claim that vaccines (particularly mmr) was connected with autism. a movement that was fueled by some celebrities and public figures. since then, countless studies have shown no relationship between autism and the mmr vaccines. we encourage you to visit cdc.com and search autism and vaccines for the numerous studies showing no relationship or healthychildren.org and doing the same. the research is clear and the best way to prevent our children against measles, mumps, rubella and the complications is to vaccinate.    share this video. any respectful questions will be answered or answered in future videos.",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq09PZiiIW8,cdc reports total cases of measles in the u.s. rises to 35,"the cdc has reported 35 cases of measles in the u.s., with florida having the most at seven cases after a young child under the age of five was diagnosed. nbc's erika edwards reports on how 15 states are dealing with the latest outbreak, including florida, who is leaving it up to parents on whether to send unvaccinated children to school. ",02/23/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,anger,fear
https://www.nbcnews.com/now/video/cdc-reports-total-cases-of-measles-in-the-u-s-rises-to-35-204827205777,cdc reports total cases of measles in the u.s. rises to 35,"the cdc has reported 35 cases of measles in the u.s., with florida having the most at seven cases after a young child under the age of five was diagnosed. nbc's erika edwards reports on how 15 states are dealing with the latest outbreak, including florida, who is leaving it up to parents on whether to send unvaccinated children to school.",02/23/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,anger,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/video/florida-surgeon-general-defies-cdc-guidelines-in-measles-outbreak/,florida surgeon general defies cdc guidelines in measles outbreak,"in response to a measles outbreak at a florida elementary school, florida surgeon general joseph ladapo has defied more than 50 years of established medical guidelines from the centers for disease control and prevention. ladapo is leaving attendance decisions to parents, is not recommending the measles vaccine or requiring unvaccinated people to stay home. manuel bojorquez reports.",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTNn_sWe-BE,measles alert issued for chicago area,"the measles patient is from northwest indiana, but visited three chicago hospitals for treatment while contagious. cbs 2's charlie de mar reports. ",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz20ooJflpA,florida health officials warn of measles outbreak,"as a ""cluster"" of measles cases has been identified at a south florida elementary school, state health officials are giving parents the power to decide how to best keep their kids safe. according to a feb. 20 letter from florida surgeon general joseph ladapo, the measles cases were identified at manatee bay elementary in weston, about 40 miles north of miami. while measles is a highly contagious disease, it is preventable through vaccination. people with a full series of measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) immunizations are 98% protected and are unlikely to contract measles, fdoh says.",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.fox5vegas.com/video/2024/02/24/2-new-measles-cases-confirmed-arizona/,2 new measles cases confirmed in arizona,5 maricopa county businesses have been identified as places of possible exposure,02/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aZxiNfZLtk,measles outbreak in broward county school has palm beach county doctors concerned,measles outbreak in broward county school has palm beach county doctors concerned ,02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/national/florida-surgeon-general-defies-science-amid-measles-outbreak/2024/02/23/0cce6b2f-c0f2-439f-8bb8-aa80e9dc11e6_video.html%3Fitid%3Dap_,florida surgeon general defies science amid measles outbreak,joseph a. ladapo failed to urge parents to vaccinate their children or keep unvaccinated students home feb. 20 amid a measles outbreak at an elementary school.,02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.wcax.com/video/2024/02/24/measles-outbreak-reported-indiana-first-case-5-years/,"measles outbreak reported in indiana, first case in 5 years","measles outbreak reported in indiana, first case in 5 years",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wsfa.com/video/2024/02/24/measles-outbreak-reported-indiana-first-case-5-years/,"measles outbreak reported in indiana, first case in 5 years","measles outbreak reported in indiana, first case in 5 years",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kktv.com/video/2024/02/24/measles-outbreak-reported-indiana-first-case-5-years/,"measles outbreak reported in indiana, first case in 5 years","measles outbreak reported in indiana, first case in 5 years",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wbay.com/video/2024/02/24/2-new-measles-cases-confirmed-arizona/,2 new measles cases confirmed in arizona,5 maricopa county businesses have been identified as places of possible exposure,02/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wndu.com/video/2024/02/23/first-measles-case-indiana-since-2019-reported-lake-county/,first measles case in indiana since 2019 reported in lake county,first measles case in indiana since 2019 reported in lake county,02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL_z9UT7eE4,measles outbreaks are escalating quickly in the us.,"measles outbreaks are escalating quickly in the us. this is a major public health threat. new cases yesterday in minnesota (twin cities), arizona (phoenix), and new orleans louisiana. this is for educational puropses only. #fyp #tiffocracy #drtiffany #publichealth #epidemiology #measlesoutbreak2024",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.wlbt.com/video/2024/02/24/measles-outbreak-reported-indiana-first-case-5-years/,"measles outbreak reported in indiana, first case in 5 years","measles outbreak reported in indiana, first case in 5 years",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/measles-alert-issued-for-chicago-area/,measles alert issued for chicago area,"the measles patient is from northwest indiana, but visited three chicago hospitals for treatment while contagious. cbs 2's charlie de mar reports.",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/case-of-measles-confirmed-in-northwest-indiana-first-in-state-since-2019/,"case of measles confirmed in northwest indiana, first in state since 2019",health officials said one confirmed case of measles was detected in northwest indiana earlier this month. the indiana department of health said the indiana resident sought medical care last week at three chicago hospitals while contagious from feb. 11 through feb. 16. officials did not identify which specific hospitals.,02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AL60cnTejeE,florida surgeon general defies cdc guidelines in measles outbreak,"in response to a measles outbreak at a florida elementary school, florida surgeon general joseph ladapo has defied more than 50 years of established medical guidelines from the centers for disease control and prevention. ladapo is leaving attendance decisions to parents, is not recommending the measles vaccine or requiring unvaccinated people to stay home. manuel bojorquez reports. ",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_CscZjkje8,indiana department of health reports first measles case since 2019,indiana department of health reports first measles case since 2019,02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reBlHcvkNuU,"mdhhs, doctors urge mmr vaccination after oakland county measles case reported","the michigan department of health and human services announced a new case of the measles in oakland county, marking the first case in michigan in five years.",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhTa4K5Y3BA,health department issues warning after an oakland county child comes down with measles,an oakland county child traveling internationally became ill with the virus.,02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM5kLHCwqDM,2 new measles cases confirmed in arizona,5 maricopa county businesses have been identified as places of possible exposure,02/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaIL5NClcV8,possible measles exposure probed by chicago department of public health,the chicago department of public health is investigating after people in chicago may have been exposed to measles.,02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@laughterinlight/video/7338956898617527583,about 1 in 5 unvaccinated children who get#measlesare hospitalized. severe complications and death can happen. measles is highly contageous and if you are#unvaccinatedyou are at high risk of catching it if you are exposed.#greenscreen,about 1 in 5 unvaccinated children who get#measlesare hospitalized. severe complications and death can happen. measles is highly contageous and if you are#unvaccinatedyou are at high risk of catching it if you are exposed.#greenscreen,02/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@drtanyaaltmann/video/7338942492261305646,"many rashes – hand food and mouth, chicken pox, measles, and impetigo – can look similar, but here are the key ways to tell them apart!video credit:@didiphoto credit: cdc.gov#rashes#pediatricianreacts#childhealthtips","many rashes – hand food and mouth, chicken pox, measles, and impetigo – can look similar, but here are the key ways to tell them apart!video credit:@didiphoto credit: cdc.gov#rashes#pediatricianreacts#childhealthtips",02/23/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@odiematthewssss/video/7338936919180561707,what. is. happening.#florida#measles#cdc#outbreak#fyp#what,what. is. happening.#florida#measles#cdc#outbreak#fyp#what,02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@tifftastic75/video/7338879258766642478,"#greenscreenall about measles: a complete primer, covers symptoms, epidemiology, treatment, prevention, facts, figures, etc. this video is for educational purposes only!#fyp#tiffocracy#drtiffany#publichealth#epidemiology#measlesoutbreak2024#measlesvaccine#cdc#medicaleducation","#greenscreenall about measles: a complete primer, covers symptoms, epidemiology, treatment, prevention, facts, figures, etc. this video is for educational purposes only!#fyp#tiffocracy#drtiffany#publichealth#epidemiology#measlesoutbreak2024#measlesvaccine#cdc#medicaleducation",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@odiematthewsclip/video/7338936919180561707,what. is. happening.#florida#measles#cdc#outbreak#fyp#what,what. is. happening.#florida#measles#cdc#outbreak#fyp#what,02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@cali_gal_in_pa/video/7338815264609389855,#breakingnews#florida#measles#measlesoutbreak#cdc#viral#fyp,#breakingnews#florida#measles#measlesoutbreak#cdc#viral#fyp,02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGbrqEFzIYY,"eye on health: feb. 23, 2024",concern about measles outbreaks; fighting heart disease with fitness; how long can a lingering cough last; volunteers help older adults avoid social isolation. bradley blackburn reports.,02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wc-TkLT5egQ,mumps vaccinations | can a child get mumps even if vaccinated? | #mumps,"also know: mumps in vaccinated children | mumps in babies and children | do vaccinated children get mumps? | can a children get mumps even if vaccinated? | do vaccinated teenagers get mumps? 

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

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,pace hospitals",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,anger,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE0AZs1dETE,indiana department of health reports first measles case since 2019,indiana department of health reports first measles case since 2019,02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8tApU6K2nE,measles case reported in indiana,the indiana department of public health isn't releasing many details  to protect patient privacy.,02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-0xg44E3dg,measles-rubella campaign  ||protecting  nepal || mr campaign || mr disease prevention ||,"============================================================
measles-rubella campaign  ||protecting  nepal || mr campaign || mr disease prevention ||mr campaign in nepal: vital protection||nepal's mr immunization

the information provided in this measles and rubella vaccine campaign awareness video is intended to raise awareness about the importance of mr immunization in nepal. the guidelines and recommendations mentioned in this video are based on the nepal government's immunization guidelines available at the time of production. however, viewers are advised to refer to the most recent guidelines and consult with healthcare professionals for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding immunization practices in nepal. this video is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice. the creators of this video do not endorse or promote any specific medical treatments or products. viewers are encouraged to seek professional medical guidance for any healthcare concerns or questions.
background music references:
video stock references
poster references:
nheicc , nepal government
=============================================================",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37IbcwTVsAQ,florida surgeon general defies science amid measles outbreak,"as a florida elementary school tries to contain a growing measles outbreak, the state's top health official is giving advice that runs counter to science and may leave unvaccinated children at risk of contracting one of the most contagious pathogens on earth, clinicians and public health experts said. florida surgeon general joseph a. ladapo failed to urge parents to vaccinate their children or keep unvaccinated students home from school as a precaution in a letter to parents at the fort lauderdale-area school this week following six confirmed measles cases. instead of following what he acknowledged was the ""normal recommendation that parents keep unvaccinated children home for up to 21 days — the incubation period for measles — ladapo said the state health department ""is deferring to parents or guardians to make decisions about school attendance.the controversial move by ladapo follows a pattern of bucking public health norms, particularly when it comes to vaccines. last month, he called for halting the use of mrna coronavirus vaccines, in a move decried by the public health community. ben hoffman, president of the american academy of pediatrics, said florida's guidance flies in the face of long-standing and widely accepted public health guidance for measles, which can result in severe complications, including death.""it runs counter to everything i have ever heard and everything that i have read, hoffman said. ""it runs counter to our policy. it runs counter to what the [centers for disease control and prevention] would recommend.measles outbreaks have been on the rise in recent years. so far in 2024, at least 26 cases in at least 12 states have been reported to the cdc, about double the number at this point last year. in addition to the six cases confirmed in the florida school, cases have been reported in arizona, california, georgia, maryland, minnesota, missouri, new jersey, new york city, ohio, pennsylvania and virginia. experts say the outbreaks are linked to the growing number of parents seeking exemptions from childhood vaccinations in recent years following political backlash to coronavirus pandemic mandates and rampant misinformation about the safety of vaccines. in january, the cdc issued a warning to health providers to be on alert for more measles cases. infected people are contagious starting four days before a rash develops and until four days afterward. because measles virus particles can linger in the air and on surfaces for up to two hours after an infected person leaves the area, up to 90 percent of people without immunity will contract measles if exposed. people who have been infected or received the full two doses of the mmr vaccine are 98 percent protected and very unlikely to contract the disease. that is why public health officials typically advocate for vaccination amid outbreaks.

all data is taken from the source: http://washingtonpost.com
article link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2024/02/22/florida-measles-outbreak-ladapo/

#newsreporter #newstodaymsnbc #newsworldabc #newsworldabc #newstodaydonaldtrump #bbcworldnewstoday #",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1xgKv0Vodg,"health unit: confirm measles vaccination, as global cases rise",,02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq09PZiiIW8&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.modernghana.com%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,cdc reports total cases of measles in the u.s. rises to 35,"the cdc has reported 35 cases of measles in the u.s., with florida having the most at seven cases after a young child under the age of five was diagnosed. nbc's erika edwards reports on how 15 states are dealing with the latest outbreak, including florida, who is leaving it up to parents on whether to send unvaccinated children to school.

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#measles #vaccine #florida",02/23/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,anger,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1JV-TGHzOE,measles: what parents should know,"cases of measles are on the rise. dr. david kimberlin, a professor of pediatrics and co-director of the division of pediatric infectious diseases at children's of alabama, discusses the recent outbreaks and the signs and symptoms parents should watch out for.",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qml7bGpBlkc,indiana department of health confirms first measles case in state in five years,"friday, the indiana department of health confirmed a case of measles in a lake county resident.",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsPDZ3V9xJ0,first indiana measles case since 2019 in lake county,,02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXW4wiKs9ds,"'zombie deer disease' cases on rise, over half of world faces measles risk | health wrap | fit tak","in this health wrap segment by fit tak, we delve into two health and medical news from around the world.  stay informed and vigilant about these health issues to protect yourself and your community. stay tuned to fit tak for more updates on health and wellness.

#deerdisease #fittak #measles #influenza #indianews #healthnews #fitnessnews 

you can follow us at:
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fittakofficial/
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instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fittakofficial/",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T46NoFcpYPE,measles outbreaks |to vaccinate or not ? who warns of measles outbreaks in over 50% of the world,"in this video, we discuss the recent warning issued by the world health organization regarding measles outbreaks in more than half of the world. with cases on the rise, it is crucial to understand what this means for global health and how we can work towards prevention and containment. watch to learn more about the impact of measles outbreaks and what you need to know to stay informed and protected. don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more important health updates!
 #who  #measles  #health  #outbreaks  #globalhealth  #prevention   #healthupdates 
#disease #worldnews #worldhealthorganization #usa #europe #uk 
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➤ any queries, please leave them in the comment box. we will reply soon. 
reach us :  corehealth.ai@gmail.com",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfNSiee8ia8,the measles outbreak is proof of a larger problem,"welcome back to the channel! today, i discuss the current measles oubreak in ontario and the wider #anitvaxx problem in general. 

source link: https://globalnews.ca/news/10306344/ontario-measles-public-health-memo/ 

follow the blind press subreddit to submit any videos or articles you want me to cover 

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#breakingnews #ontario",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@rubin_allergy/video/7338984658375314730,the florida surgeon general has made recommendations about a current measles outbreak at an elementary school that may put people€™s health at risk. #viral #outbreak #tiktokdoc #learnontitkok,the florida surgeon general has made recommendations about a current measles outbreak at an elementary school that may put people€™s health at risk. #viral #outbreak #tiktokdoc #learnontitkok,02/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@newslink7.com/video/7338759386183109931,florida surgeon general joseph a. ladapo faces backlash for not urging vaccination in light of measles outbreak in fort lauderdale school newslink7.com  #measles #outbreak #fortlauderdale #school  #florida #surgeon #general #josephladapo #backlash #vaccination #washingtondc #tallahassee  #southcarolina #palmbeach #miami #newyorkcity  #manhattan #miamibeach #chicago #texas #houston  #dallas #austin #cailfornia #sanfrancisco #losangeles #lasvegas,florida surgeon general joseph a. ladapo faces backlash for not urging vaccination in light of measles outbreak in fort lauderdale school newslink7.com  #measles #outbreak #fortlauderdale #school  #florida #surgeon #general #josephladapo #backlash #vaccination #washingtondc #tallahassee  #southcarolina #palmbeach #miami #newyorkcity  #manhattan #miamibeach #chicago #texas #houston  #dallas #austin #cailfornia #sanfrancisco #losangeles #lasvegas,02/23/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,anger,anger
https://www.tiktok.com/@jillthenewslady/video/7338987546011061546,"it's friday, february 23, 2024 and this is you #newslady update  #california #trump #maga #campaign2024 #ivf #alabama #florida #measles #publichealth #nonbinary #lgbtq+ #sun #solarflares #sciencetok #foryourpage #trending #trendingtoday #news #newstok #tiktok #fyp ","it's friday, february 23, 2024 and this is you #newslady update  #california #trump #maga #campaign2024 #ivf #alabama #florida #measles #publichealth #nonbinary #lgbtq+ #sun #solarflares #sciencetok #foryourpage #trending #trendingtoday #news #newstok #tiktok #fyp ",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/video/eye-on-health-feb-23-2024/,"eye on health: feb. 23, 2024",concern about measles outbreaks; fighting heart disease with fitness; how long can a lingering cough last; volunteers help older adults avoid social isolation. bradley blackburn reports.,02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.instagram.com/dr.nicolebaldwin/reel/C3suSAKOJx-/,"with measles all over the news these days, i wanted to share 4 facts that all parents should know about measles. 

drop your ???'s in the comments 

#measles #measlesoutbreak #drbaldwinsays #parentsofinstagram #pediatrician","with measles all over the news these days, i wanted to share 4 facts that all parents should know about measles. 

drop your ???'s in the comments 

#measles #measlesoutbreak #drbaldwinsays #parentsofinstagram #pediatrician",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3suSAKOJx-/,"with measles all over the news these days, i wanted to share 4 facts that all parents should know about measles. 

drop your ???'s in the comments 

#measles #measlesoutbreak #drbaldwinsays #parentsofinstagram #pediatrician","with measles all over the news these days, i wanted to share 4 facts that all parents should know about measles. 

drop your ???'s in the comments 

#measles #measlesoutbreak #drbaldwinsays #parentsofinstagram #pediatrician",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/laughterinlight_phd/reel/C3teIPwRV2S/,"about 1 in 5 #unvaccinated kids who get measles will be hospitalized. measles can be deadly for unvaccinated children and adults and may also cause significant disability including neurological disease, blindness, and deafness. even years after infection incurable and deadly progressive neurological disease can resurface. #getvaccinated #mmr #measles #florida #ladapo","about 1 in 5 #unvaccinated kids who get measles will be hospitalized. measles can be deadly for unvaccinated children and adults and may also cause significant disability including neurological disease, blindness, and deafness. even years after infection incurable and deadly progressive neurological disease can resurface. #getvaccinated #mmr #measles #florida #ladapo",02/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drberrypierre/reel/C3tjgMIN2XW/,"according to florida's surgeon general, a measles outbreak is still not enough to get you to socially distance your kids & keep them out of school smh. #measles #monkeypox #florida #doh #drberry #surgeongeneral","according to florida's surgeon general, a measles outbreak is still not enough to get you to socially distance your kids & keep them out of school smh. #measles #monkeypox #florida #doh #drberry #surgeongeneral",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drtanyaaltmann/reel/C3tVJC1J3E8/,"many rashes – hand food and mouth, chicken pox, measles, and impetigo – can look similar, but here are the key ways to tell them apart! 

video credit: @didiandleochi (tiktok) 
photo credit: cdc.gov 

#rashes #pediatricianreacts #childhealthtips #hfmdisease #handfootmouthdisease","many rashes – hand food and mouth, chicken pox, measles, and impetigo – can look similar, but here are the key ways to tell them apart! 

video credit: @didiandleochi (tiktok) 
photo credit: cdc.gov 

#rashes #pediatricianreacts #childhealthtips #hfmdisease #handfootmouthdisease",02/23/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3tLxUqOQ04/,measles in florida- an update #measles #floridaparents,measles in florida- an update #measles #floridaparents,02/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/the.whole.summer/reel/C3tBocHybj3/?next=%2Fmanouveau%2F&hl=ja,"not a single one. 

but surely polio?! we eradicated polio! 
yaaa no.

tetanus?? no harm in that one. 

hard pass.

mmr?? measles is so scary!
respectfully, ☠""","not a single one. 

but surely polio?! we eradicated polio! 
yaaa no.

tetanus?? no harm in that one. 

hard pass.

mmr?? measles is so scary!
respectfully, ☠""",02/23/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@tifftastic75/video/7338808264525679915,"#greenscreen measles outbreaks are escalating quickly in the us. this is a major public health threat. new cases yesterday in minnesota (twin cities), arizona (phoenix), and new orleans louisiana. this is for educational puropses only. #fyp #tiffocracy #drtiffany #publichealth #epidemiology #measlesoutbreak2024","#greenscreen measles outbreaks are escalating quickly in the us. this is a major public health threat. new cases yesterday in minnesota (twin cities), arizona (phoenix), and new orleans louisiana. this is for educational puropses only. #fyp #tiffocracy #drtiffany #publichealth #epidemiology #measlesoutbreak2024",02/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@s_gram80/video/7339156091323911466,"replying to @nightwatch i had to go back and look it up to make sure i didnt confuse it with elsewhere, it was measles reported in broward. i didnt remember as many cases though!  thankfully it looks like its only in broward #florida #measles","replying to @nightwatch i had to go back and look it up to make sure i didnt confuse it with elsewhere, it was measles reported in broward. i didnt remember as many cases though!  thankfully it looks like its only in broward #florida #measles",02/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@maxyersinia/video/7339351539817172270,#memecut #florida #measles #virus #vax #vaccine #fyp #fail #meme #memecut,#memecut #florida #measles #virus #vax #vaccine #fyp #fail #meme #memecut,02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IySqhu5tmmY,measles outbreak grows in florida with seventh case reported,"the measles virus is spreading across more of the country, including in florida where an outbreak is growing. officials in the fort lauderdale area reported a seventh measles case within days. nbc news' jesse kirsch has the latest.",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/video/doctors-are-warning-of-an-alarming-increase-in-measles-cases-across-the-u-s/,doctors are warning of an alarming increase in measles cases across the u.s.,"doctors say there has been an alarming increase in measles cases nationwide. one school in south florida is struggling to contain an outbreak, and the state's top doctor is defying more than 50 years of federal guidance.",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUFqJwcKlh0,doctors are warning of an alarming increase in measles cases across the u.s.,"doctors say there has been an alarming increase in measles cases nationwide. one school in south florida is struggling to contain an outbreak, and the state's top doctor is defying more than 50 years of federal guidance.",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/measles-outbreak-grows-in-florida-with-seventh-case-reported-204869189550,measles outbreak grows in florida with seventh case reported,"the measles virus is spreading across more of the country, including in florida where an outbreak is growing. officials in the fort lauderdale area reported a seventh measles case within days. nbc news' jesse kirsch has the latest.",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FraRUoTaypw,doctors are warning of an alarming increase in measles cases across the u.s.,"doctors say there has been an alarming increase in measles cases nationwide. one school in south florida is struggling to contain an outbreak, and the state's top doctor is defying more than 50 years of federal guidance. ",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oP8Ovy335Js,measles cases are on the rise,"cases have been reported in nearly a dozen states, including michigan and indiana. ",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/measles-outbreak-grows-florida-seventh-003944004.html,measles outbreak grows in florida with seventh case reported,"the measles virus is spreading across more of the country, including in florida where an outbreak is growing. officials in the fort lauderdale area reported a seventh measles case within days. nbc news' jesse kirsch has the latest.",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,fear
https://ctvnews.ca/video/c2873376-ctv-national-news--staying-safe-from-measles,ctv national news: staying safe from measles,"jeremie charron reports on the rising cases of measles and what health officials are recommending to stay safe.
",02/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMbvB5UQt_4,"case of measles confirmed in nw indiana, health officials confirm","while cases of measles are exceedingly rare in chicago because of the high vaccination coverage, the virus is highly contagious and can be dangerous to those who are unvaccinated, especially babies and young children. ",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@drjencaudle/video/7339353691071270186,measles in florida (and throughout rhe us)#measles#measlesvaccine#mmr#measlesoutbreak#measlesoutbreak#drjencaudle#fyp#fypシ,measles in florida (and throughout rhe us)#measles#measlesvaccine#mmr#measlesoutbreak#measlesoutbreak#drjencaudle#fyp#fypシ,02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.tommymartin/video/7339303761128541470,measles is spreading world wife and in the united states#measles#measlesvaccine#mmr#measlesoutbreak#doctor,measles is spreading world wife and in the united states#measles#measlesvaccine#mmr#measlesoutbreak#doctor,02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@tifftastic75/video/7339205937267379502,"#greenscreenstealth measles in italy? and other measles updates 2/24/24. this video is for educational purposes only. thank you to@maiden of mayhemfor the italy info! overnight new cases announced in indiana, michigan, and florida. indiana case extensively exposed many in chicago.#fyp#drtiffany#tiffocracy#publichealth#epidemiology#measlesoutbreak2024#stealthmeasles","#greenscreenstealth measles in italy? and other measles updates 2/24/24. this video is for educational purposes only. thank you to@maiden of mayhemfor the italy info! overnight new cases announced in indiana, michigan, and florida. indiana case extensively exposed many in chicago.#fyp#drtiffany#tiffocracy#publichealth#epidemiology#measlesoutbreak2024#stealthmeasles",02/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@news.hour.now/video/7339235082009365802,measles outbreak in florida#fyp#foryoupage#ftpシ#breakingnews#happeningnow#outbreak#measles#chickenpox#healthdepartment,measles outbreak in florida#fyp#foryoupage#ftpシ#breakingnews#happeningnow#outbreak#measles#chickenpox#healthdepartment,02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@living_and_thriving/video/7339179657599765803,replying to@c#greenscreen#measles#complications,replying to@c#greenscreen#measles#complications,02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,anger,anger
https://www.tiktok.com/@vickichanmd/video/7339284437978369311,#measlesoutbreak#getvaccinated,#measlesoutbreak#getvaccinated,02/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTtbXn53u_Y, 45:      (mmr & varicella vaccine),"#mmr_varicella

1-varicella (chickenpox) vaccine:
what you need to know




varicella virus vaccine live
suspension for intramuscular or subcutaneous injection



4-chickenpox (varicella) vaccine


5-mmr vaccine (measles, mumps, and
rubella): what you need to know


6-mmr (measles, mumps, rubella)


7-mmr vaccine
what you need to know

 ____",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wl1N2_tH34,"mr vaccination mass campaign 2080/81 ,kathmandu","measles and rubella vaccination mass campaign 2080/81-ad (2024) its preparations in tokha municipality ward 4,kathmandu nepal.",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hB54o40Gjt4,uncovering the truth: the history of vaccine hesitancy and its impact on society,"uncovering the truth: the history of vaccine hesitancy and its impact on society.

are vaccines really safe? the history of vaccination goes back thousands of years, but incidents like the cutter incident of 1955 have fueled vaccine hesitancy in the modern age. let's separate facts from fiction and make informed decisions about our health. 
#polio #smallpoxvaccine #measles #vaccine #vaccinesafety #conspiracytheories #qater1955 #digitalage #vaccinehesitancy #informationdissemination

00:00:00 the historical roots of vaccine hesitancy
00:01:34 the impact of the digital age
00:02:56 the impact of vaccines
00:05:01 the consequences of vaccine hesitancy
00:05:47 the importance of vaccination
00:06:40 taking action against vaccine hesitancy
00:07:31 the ongoing battle
00:07:53 devastating effects of vaccination in history",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IySqhu5tmmY&ref=upstract.com,measles outbreak grows in florida with seventh case reported,"the measles virus is spreading across more of the country, including in florida where an outbreak is growing. officials in the fort lauderdale area reported a seventh measles case within days. nbc news' jesse kirsch has the latest.

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#measles #florida #virus",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,fear
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IySqhu5tmmY&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.modernghana.com%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,measles outbreak grows in florida with seventh case reported,"the measles virus is spreading across more of the country, including in florida where an outbreak is growing. officials in the fort lauderdale area reported a seventh measles case within days. nbc news' jesse kirsch has the latest.

 subscribe to nbc news: https://www.youtube.com/user/nbcnews

nbc news digital is a collection of innovative and powerful news brands that deliver compelling, diverse and engaging news stories. nbc news digital features nbcnews.com, msnbc.com, today.com, nightly news, meet the press, dateline, and the existing apps and digital extensions of these respective properties.  we deliver the best in breaking news, live video coverage, original journalism and segments from your favorite nbc news shows.

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#measles #florida #virus",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJSNOxDmhKY,indiana and michigan see first measles cases in 5 years,"public health officials are confirming cases of measles in indiana and michigan for the first time in 5 years - one case in lake county, indiana and another in oakland county, michigan. the cdc has reported 35 confirmed cases of the disease this so far this year in 15 states.

read full story here: https://wsbt.com/news/local/measles-cases-confirmed-in-indiana-and-michigan-virus-disease-vaccine-vaccination-preventable-doctors-health-sickness-symptoms#

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wsbt is an in based station and a cbs television affiliate owned and operated by sinclair broadcast group. sinclair, inc. is one of the largest and most diversified television broadcasting companies in the country today. sinclair owns and operates, programs or provides sales services to 163 television stations in 77 markets, after pending transactions. sinclair's television group reaches approximately 38.7% of us television households and includes fox, abc, mytv, cw, cbs, nbc, univision and azteca affiliates.",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UemnBhk0jho,officials launch measles immunization campaign to contain spread,"less than a week after hoima declared a measles outbreak, over 300 children have been infected and are receiving treatment for the airborne skin disease. this has prompted district officials to launch a major immunization exercise that has seen over 800 children aged between six months and 15 years immunized in kiganja sub-county alone. the outbreak was confirmed on monday, february 19th of this year after samples sent to the government laboratory in entebbe tested positive.

 #ntvnews #ntvtonight #ntvweekendedition 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0oPeXDYr5c,"disease almost eradicated in michigan, indiana makes first appearance in 5 years","public health officials are confirming cases of measles in indiana and michigan for the first time in 5 years - one case in lake county, indiana and another in oakland county, michigan. the cdc has reported 35 confirmed cases of the disease this so far this year in 15 states.

read full story here: https://wsbt.com/news/local/measles-cases-confirmed-in-indiana-and-michigan-virus-disease-vaccine-vaccination-preventable-doctors-health-sickness-symptoms#

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wsbt is an in based station and a cbs television affiliate owned and operated by sinclair broadcast group. sinclair, inc. is one of the largest and most diversified television broadcasting companies in the country today. sinclair owns and operates, programs or provides sales services to 163 television stations in 77 markets, after pending transactions. sinclair's television group reaches approximately 38.7% of us television households and includes fox, abc, mytv, cw, cbs, nbc, univision and azteca affiliates.",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,surprise,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7DLYiE5dRo,melbourne airport travellers placed on alert after measles outbreak,"travellers are being warned to be on alert for measles after an outbreak in melbourne.

the alert is the second of its kind in just one week. 

passengers on board singapore airlines flight sq217 or transiting through melbourne airport on monday february 19 are being told to monitor for symptoms.
infectious people are being advised to contact the department of health and present themselves to a medical clinic for diagnosis.

all travellers are advised to monitor for symptoms until friday, march 8.",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gYwR-DUrm0,"more than half the world faces high risk of measles outbreaks following 'big gaps' in immunizations,","more than half the world will be at a ""high or very high risk"" of measles outbreaks by the end of 2024, according to the world health organization (who).  earlier this week, the global group warned that the viral infection — which is also known as rubeola — has been increasing across the globe due to a high amount of vaccinations missed amid the covid-19 pandemic.  ""what we are worried about is this year, 2024, we've got these big gaps in our immunization programs, and if we don't fill them rea",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vk5TbcLbIJQ,"measles causes, symptoms, preventions & treatment | doctors news time","  ?                .                     .

#dr #trending #doctor #video #measles",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/georebekahjones/reel/C3u4mOKAO2_/,"""jones was not surprised to see ladapo pivot to measles. ""i think this is the predictable outcome of turning fringe, anti-vaccine rhetoric into a defining trait of the florida government,"" she said.
 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/florida-measles-outbreak-unvaccinated-kids-school/","""jones was not surprised to see ladapo pivot to measles. ""i think this is the predictable outcome of turning fringe, anti-vaccine rhetoric into a defining trait of the florida government,"" she said.
 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/florida-measles-outbreak-unvaccinated-kids-school/",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/vickichanmd/reel/C3wIEKbRv65/,"what is going on?! fl you ok???

please get vaccinated. and if you're not, you must be especially careful. measles is no joke - it is highly contagious and can cause serious complications like pneumonia and encephalitis.

#measlesoutbreak #ᴇᴛᴠᴀᴄᴄᴀᴛᴇᴅ #getvaccinated","what is going on?! fl you ok???

please get vaccinated. and if you're not, you must be especially careful. measles is no joke - it is highly contagious and can cause serious complications like pneumonia and encephalitis.

#measlesoutbreak #ᴇᴛᴠᴀᴄᴄᴀᴛᴇᴅ #getvaccinated",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/dr.tommymartin/reel/C3vwWJXOtoi/,measles is spreading world wife and in the united states #measles #measlesvaccine #mmr #measlesoutbreak #doctor,measles is spreading world wife and in the united states #measles #measlesvaccine #mmr #measlesoutbreak #doctor,02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@smenorx/video/7339211758369836294,"measles, mmr, antivaxers needlessly bringing back serious and deadly childhood diseases, etc. vd: bald ea male with septum piercing aitting in parked car","measles, mmr, antivaxers needlessly bringing back serious and deadly childhood diseases, etc. vd: bald ea male with septum piercing aitting in parked car",02/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/royalglamorganhospital/videos/measles-is-highly-infectious-and-can-be-passed-on-even-before-a-rash-appears-2-d/944912360690622/,"#measles is highly infectious and can be passed on even before a rash appears. 2 doses of the #mmr vaccine gives lifelong protection. Measles,","#measles is highly infectious and can be passed on even before a rash appears. 2 doses of the #mmr vaccine gives lifelong protection. Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) - Public Health Wales (nhs.wales) https://phw.nhs.wales/topics/immunisation-and-vaccines/mmr/",02/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@keithmuise/video/7339611668495731973,"thanks for all the support so far friends, plese donate or share so i can keep making noise. thanks #covid19 #measles #mask #longcovid #healthy #health #school #education #teacher #teachersoftiktok #newfie #canada #fun #funny #funnyvideos #sunday #monday #positivity #help #happy ","thanks for all the support so far friends, plese donate or share so i can keep making noise. thanks #covid19 #measles #mask #longcovid #healthy #health #school #education #teacher #teachersoftiktok #newfie #canada #fun #funny #funnyvideos #sunday #monday #positivity #help #happy ",02/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.tiktok.com/@wildtiktoknews/video/7339624223125622047,breaking news!! we now have another outbreak on our hands this time the measles are making thier way back into society #wildtiktoknews #wttn #psa #breakingnews #breaking #new #news #happening #happeningnow #happeningtoday #daily #dailynews #realnews #measles #measlesoutbreak #florida #michigan #indian #outbreak #disease #virus #fy #whatishappening #whatisgoingon ,breaking news!! we now have another outbreak on our hands this time the measles are making thier way back into society #wildtiktoknews #wttn #psa #breakingnews #breaking #new #news #happening #happeningnow #happeningtoday #daily #dailynews #realnews #measles #measlesoutbreak #florida #michigan #indian #outbreak #disease #virus #fy #whatishappening #whatisgoingon ,02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMaohv1z0lc,florida measles outbreak,"the measles outbreak continues to grow in florida schools, as state officials defy centers for disease control and prevention guidance. ",02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,anger
https://www.pbs.org/video/vaccine-hesitancy-1708894657/,how vaccine hesitancy is playing into rising measles rates,"vaccines have been proven to be an effective weapon against many diseases. measles, for instance, was declared eliminated from the u.s. in 2000, and more recently, vaccines helped curb the spread of covid. but both of those diseases are on the rise in 2024. pbs newshour digital health reporter laura santhanam joins john yang to discuss why cases are climbing.",02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://m.facebook.com/WSBTNews/videos/icymi-public-health-officials-are-confirming-cases-of-measles-in-indiana-and-mic/1070365914251217/,#icymi: public health officials are confirming cases of measles in indiana and michigan for the first time in 5 years.,#icymi: public health officials are confirming cases of measles in indiana and michigan for the first time in 5 years.,02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,surprise
https://watch.montanapbs.org/video/vaccine-hesitancy-1708894657/,how vaccine hesitancy is playing into rising measles rates,"vaccines have been proven to be an effective weapon against many diseases. measles, for instance, was declared eliminated from the u.s. in 2000, and more recently, vaccines helped curb the spread of covid. but both of those diseases are on the rise in 2024. pbs newshour digital health reporter laura santhanam joins john yang to discuss why cases are climbing.",02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.whas11.com/video/news/health/florida-state-officials-defy-cdc-guidance-as-measles-outbreak-grows/417-197326bd-659d-466f-8c6e-784d8d3723f6,florida state officials defy cdc guidance as measles outbreak grows,the center for disease control confirms an outbreak of measles cases in florida schools. state officials aren't following guidelines on how to handle it.,02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://abcnews-nwsdynamic.aws.seabcnews.go.com/GMA/Wellness/video/florida-measles-outbreak-107526464,florida measles outbreak,"the measles outbreak continues to grow in florida schools, as state officials defy centers for disease control and prevention guidance.",02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUxnDMJgBSw,how vaccine hesitancy is contributing to rising rates of measles and covid,"vaccines have been proven to be an effective weapon against many diseases. measles, for instance, was declared eliminated from the u.s. in 2000, and more recently, vaccines helped curb the spread of covid. but both of those diseases are on the rise in 2024. pbs newshour digital health reporter laura santhanam joins john yang to discuss why cases are climbing. ",02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20hkmuNqAGw,florida state officials defy cdc guidance as measles outbreak grows,the center for disease control confirms an outbreak of measles cases in florida schools. state officials aren't following guidelines on how to handle it. ,02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@millennialmidwesternmom/video/7339557556160859435,"also, some people cannot get the measles vaccine or it's not effective for them. i care about them and their health too  i will be deleting comments with any misinformation#parentsoftiktok#momsoftiktok#measles#measlesoutbreak","also, some people cannot get the measles vaccine or it's not effective for them. i care about them and their health too  i will be deleting comments with any misinformation#parentsoftiktok#momsoftiktok#measles#measlesoutbreak",02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@alabamakiddoc/video/7339560903056117035,"hey #alabamians!

the best time to plan for a #measles outbreak is before it happens. while i help the #pediatricians of the state refresh their knowledge on mealses, it's a great time for you to talk to your friends, neighbors, daycares, schools and communities about the importance of protecting our #kids by keeping our community caccune rates high enough to keep measles out.

in spite of what it looks like in some parts of the country, a measles outbreak shouod be entirely preventable if we all do our part.","hey #alabamians!

the best time to plan for a #measles outbreak is before it happens. while i help the #pediatricians of the state refresh their knowledge on mealses, it's a great time for you to talk to your friends, neighbors, daycares, schools and communities about the importance of protecting our #kids by keeping our community caccune rates high enough to keep measles out.

in spite of what it looks like in some parts of the country, a measles outbreak shouod be entirely preventable if we all do our part.",02/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,anger,anger
https://www.tiktok.com/@askdrmom/video/7339752908306631982,oh boy. another preventable disease on the rise.#measles2024#mmr#floridameasles#drladapo#fyp,oh boy. another preventable disease on the rise.#measles2024#mmr#floridameasles#drladapo#fyp,02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,surprise
https://www.tiktok.com/@themosthighyahshua/video/7339558849789070622,#christiantiktokcomunity#fypシ゚viral☆♡you#florida#floridacheck#yahshuaisking#catholicism#christiantiktok#jesusiscoming#godalmighty#measlesoutbreak,#christiantiktokcomunity#fypシ゚viral☆♡you#florida#floridacheck#yahshuaisking#catholicism#christiantiktok#jesusiscoming#godalmighty#measlesoutbreak,02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drmustaqeem2/video/7339472206088670510,"measles cause, diagnosis, sign symptom, incubation period and treatment in pashto by dr mustaqeem medical information and awareness videos
#measles #causes #diagnosis #signsymptoms #incubationperiod #treatment #pashto #drmustaqeem #medical #information #awareness #videos","measles cause, diagnosis, sign symptom, incubation period and treatment in pashto by dr mustaqeem medical information and awareness videos
#measles #causes #diagnosis #signsymptoms #incubationperiod #treatment #pashto #drmustaqeem #medical #information #awareness #videos",02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJSgsn9yZB8,measles outbreak | staying safe during upcoming travel season,"jeremie charron reports on the rising cases of measles and what health officials are recommending to stay safe.

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ctv news on linkedin: https://ca.linkedin.com/company/ctv-news

ctv news is canada's most-watched news organization both locally and nationally, and has a network of national, international, and local news operations.",02/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoQ8nOSMces,measles-rubella (mr) ||बारमबार सोधिने परशनहरू दादरा-रबेला खोप अभियान 2080_81||mr campaign nepal,"=============================================================
measles-rubella (mr) || बारमबार सोधिने परशनहरू दादरा-रबेला खोप अभियान 2080_81 || mr campaign nepal
the information provided in this measles and rubella vaccine campaign awareness video is intended to raise awareness about the importance of mr immunization in nepal. the guidelines and recommendations mentioned in this video are based on the nepal government's immunization guidelines and published documents available at the time of production. however, viewers are advised to refer to the most recent guidelines and consult with healthcare professionals for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding immunization practices in nepal. this video is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice. the creators of this video do not endorse or promote any specific medical treatments or products. viewers are encouraged to seek professional medical guidance for any healthcare concerns or questions.
background music references:
video stock references
content references:
faq mr campaign 2080_81 fwd- nepal
=============================================================",02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAK-ZtMNobk,"pbs news weekend full episode, feb. 25, 2024","sunday on pbs news weekend, we look at the state of health care for children of low-income families in florida, and what a federal lawsuit could mean there and the rest of the country. then, how vaccine hesitancy and misinformation are playing into rising rates of measles and covid. plus, the story of a black midwife who served the community where she had been enslaved.

watch today's segments:
news wrap: trump wins gop primary in south carolina
what a federal lawsuit means for kids health care in florida
how vaccine hesitancy is playing into rising measles rates
the story of granny hayden, a black midwife and former slave
a look at what might be the brightest object in the universe

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00:00 - intro
01:56 - news wrap
04:38 - children's healthcare
12:59 - vaccine hesitancy
18:16 - labor of love
21:23 - brightest in the universe",02/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EUxnDMJgBSw&ref=upstract.com,how vaccine hesitancy is contributing to rising rates of measles and covid,"vaccines have been proven to be an effective weapon against many diseases. measles, for instance, was declared eliminated from the u.s. in 2000, and more recently, vaccines helped curb the spread of covid. but both of those diseases are on the rise in 2024. pbs newshour digital health reporter laura santhanam joins john yang to discuss why cases are climbing.

stream your pbs favorites with the pbs app: https://to.pbs.org/2jb8twg 
find more from pbs newshour at https://www.pbs.org/newshour 
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pbs newshour podcasts: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/podcasts 
newsletters: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/subscribe",02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkw7Od4F2J0,complications from measles,"besides the flu-like symptoms, measles can lead to very serious complications including:
- middle ear infection
- diarrhoea
- pneumonia (which is the most common cause of death from measles in young children)
- encephalitis (which is swelling of the brain, and can lead to convulsions as well as hearing impairment and intellectual disability)
- premature birth
- low birth weight
- death. 

those at the highest risk of complications include young children, pregnant people, and medically-vulnerable groups. 

#measles #disease #rash #australiawidefirstaid",02/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCAai8fhP9I,measles outbreak in borno as health professionals call for urgent attention to halt spread,"health experts have called for a swift response from relevant agencies of government to halt a further of spread of measles in borno state.

reacting to the recent rise in the number of measles cases recorded in the state capital maiduguri, they warned that any further delay could endanger the lives of children.

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#trusttvnews #nigerianews #todaynews #latestupdate #politics #tinubu #elections",02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fr3-bkX51l4,measles feb 25 24,"periodic re-emergence of measles in the usa, reason behind it  and benefit of vaccination.",02/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/GoodMorningAmerica/videos/the-measles-outbreak-continues-to-grow-in-florida-schools-as-state-officials-def/273349382458618/,"the measles outbreak continues to grow in florida schools, as state officials defy centers for disease control and prevention guidance","the measles outbreak continues to grow in florida schools, as state officials defy centers for disease control and prevention guidance. https://gma.abc/3kj8ufw",02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,anger,anger
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3yW6p2pxB1/,"measles alert 

 canadian health officials issued a warning on february 23 2024 about a potential surge of measles

the national public health agency strongly advises that everyone check that they are fully immunized against measles, especially before travelling for spring break

children and adolescents should ensure that they have received both doses of a measles-containing vaccine

infants between 6 and less than 12 months of age should receive a dose of measles-containing vaccine if travelling to a high-risk area. a health care provider can advise on the best approach for your child.

adults should ensure they have received two doses of a measles-containing vaccine if they were born in 1970 or later, and one dose of a measles-containing vaccine if born before 1970

video credit: ctv news february 23 2024

#instagramtakeover #measlesoutbreak #measles #getvaccinated #measlesvaccine #globalsurge #springbreak2024 #covidvaccinefacts #doctorsofinstagram #canadiandoctors #childhealthcare #vaccinessavelives #togetheragainstmisinformation #19tozero #vaccineschedule #childhoodvaccines #measles2024 #measlescanada","measles alert 

 canadian health officials issued a warning on february 23 2024 about a potential surge of measles

the national public health agency strongly advises that everyone check that they are fully immunized against measles, especially before travelling for spring break

children and adolescents should ensure that they have received both doses of a measles-containing vaccine

infants between 6 and less than 12 months of age should receive a dose of measles-containing vaccine if travelling to a high-risk area. a health care provider can advise on the best approach for your child.

adults should ensure they have received two doses of a measles-containing vaccine if they were born in 1970 or later, and one dose of a measles-containing vaccine if born before 1970

video credit: ctv news february 23 2024

#instagramtakeover #measlesoutbreak #measles #getvaccinated #measlesvaccine #globalsurge #springbreak2024 #covidvaccinefacts #doctorsofinstagram #canadiandoctors #childhealthcare #vaccinessavelives #togetheragainstmisinformation #19tozero #vaccineschedule #childhoodvaccines #measles2024 #measlescanada",02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@laughterinlight/video/7339728520832093470,#mmr #measles #california,#mmr #measles #california,02/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@oohhitsariel/video/7339624223125622047,breaking news!! we now have another outbreak on our hands this time the measles are making thier way back into society€ #wildtiktoknews #wttn #psa #breakingnews #breaking #new #news #happening #happeningnow #happeningtoday #daily #dailynews #realnews #measles #measlesoutbreak #florida #michigan #indian #outbreak #disease #virus #fy #whatishappening #whatisgoingon ,breaking news!! we now have another outbreak on our hands this time the measles are making thier way back into society€ #wildtiktoknews #wttn #psa #breakingnews #breaking #new #news #happening #happeningnow #happeningtoday #daily #dailynews #realnews #measles #measlesoutbreak #florida #michigan #indian #outbreak #disease #virus #fy #whatishappening #whatisgoingon ,02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@themosthighjoshua/video/7339558849789070622,#christiantiktokcomunity #fyp''viral†™'you† #florida #floridacheck #yahshuaisking #catholicism #christiantiktok #jesusiscoming #godalmighty #measlesoutbreak,#christiantiktokcomunity #fyp''viral†™'you† #florida #floridacheck #yahshuaisking #catholicism #christiantiktok #jesusiscoming #godalmighty #measlesoutbreak,02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drmustaqeemofficial/video/7339472206088670510,"measles cause, diagnosis, sign symptom, incubation period and treatment in pashto by dr mustaqeem medical information and awareness videos  › ™""™…™"" › ™†› ™†›  ™†›™›™† ™…™™‡ ™ ™…™""™†™‡ ™™‡ ™™ ™‡  ‰™ ™…™'›™… › ™…™""™™… ™ ™™™‡™› ™›‰›™ › › ™› › ™""™… ™†›™›™† ™›› ™ ™"" ™™ ™…›  ™ ™…™'›™… › ™…™""™™… ™ ›› ™››™ #measles #causes #diagnosis #signsymptoms #incubationperiod #treatment #pashto #drmustaqeem  #medical #information #awareness #videos ","measles cause, diagnosis, sign symptom, incubation period and treatment in pashto by dr mustaqeem medical information and awareness videos  › ™""™…™"" › ™†› ™†›  ™†›™›™† ™…™™‡ ™ ™…™""™†™‡ ™™‡ ™™ ™‡  ‰™ ™…™'›™… › ™…™""™™… ™ ™™™‡™› ™›‰›™ › › ™› › ™""™… ™†›™›™† ™›› ™ ™"" ™™ ™…›  ™ ™…™'›™… › ™…™""™™… ™ ›› ™››™ #measles #causes #diagnosis #signsymptoms #incubationperiod #treatment #pashto #drmustaqeem  #medical #information #awareness #videos ",02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/WSBTNews/videos/icymi-public-health-officials-are-confirming-cases-of-measles-in-indiana-and-mic/1070365914251217/,#ICYMI: Public health officials are confirming cases of measles in Indiana and Michigan for the first time in 5 years.,#ICYMI: Public health officials are confirming cases of measles in Indiana and Michigan for the first time in 5 years.,02/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,surprise
https://www.facebook.com/cardiff.council1/videos/measles/2464951460358428/,#Measles,#Measles can be a serious illness for children that can be prevented by a highly effective and safe vaccine. https://orlo.uk/4ySce,02/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@samiahurstmajno/video/7339812713847213344,"#measles is dangerous and it€™s coming back: #immunise your children, get them to #stayhome when ill, and make sure everyone€™s #vaccinationschedule is up to date","#measles is dangerous and it€™s coming back: #immunise your children, get them to #stayhome when ill, and make sure everyone€™s #vaccinationschedule is up to date",02/26/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@jillthenewslady/video/7340108864571854122,"it's monday, february 26, 2024 and this is your #newslady update!  #hamas #israel #gaza #boathijacked #measles #florida #strep #healthtok #genz #mentalhealth #foryourpage #trending #trendingtoday #news #newstok #tiktok #fyp","it's monday, february 26, 2024 and this is your #newslady update!  #hamas #israel #gaza #boathijacked #measles #florida #strep #healthtok #genz #mentalhealth #foryourpage #trending #trendingtoday #news #newstok #tiktok #fyp",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@events.explanation0/video/7339787348814712110,#breakingnews#fyp#news#florida#epidemic#measles#viral#mumps,#breakingnews#fyp#news#florida#epidemic#measles#viral#mumps,02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@variousness1/video/7339787247044070702,#breakingnews#fyp#news#florida#epidemic#measles#viral#mumps,#breakingnews#fyp#news#florida#epidemic#measles#viral#mumps,02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo_TC2N2514,doctor urges parents to check child vaccinations after measles cases in broward,"two new cases of measles were reported this weekend in broward county, bringing the total number of cases to eight.",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ezz_1_g2Mb8,"fdoh reports 2 new measles cases in broward, bringing total to 8","health officials have reported two additional cases of measles in broward county, as florida goes against recommendations from the centers of disease control and prevention for unvaccinated students.",02/26/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,surprise,fear
https://www.usatoday.com/videos/news/health/2024/02/26/florida-surgeon-general-defies-cdc-state-sees-increase-measles-cases/72742962007/,florida surgeon general defies cdc as state sees increase in measles cases,florida surgeon general joseph ladapo has come under scrutiny for defying federal guidance amid a measles outbreak in the state.,02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/video/two-new-cases-of-measles-in-broward/,two new cases of measles in broward,"two more children have contracted measles in broward, bring the county's total to eight.",02/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.fox7austin.com/video/1417186,what we know about measles outbreak,the cdc is keeping track of an outbreak of the highly-contagious measles virus. dozens of cases have been reported across the country.,02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wilx.com/video/2024/02/26/first-case-measles-confirmed-michigan-following-2019-outbreak/,first case of measles confirmed in michigan following 2019 outbreak,first case of measles confirmed in michigan following 2019 outbreak,02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://fox2now.com/video/uptick-in-measles-cases-across-the-us-morning-in-america/9463105/,uptick in measles cases across the us | morning in america,"the u.s. is on pace for a 286% increase in measles cases from last year. doctors say decreased vaccination rates could be the leading cause of the recent uptick.

#measles #infectiouspathogen #health",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.news10.com/video/uptick-in-measles-cases-across-the-us-morning-in-america/9463105/,uptick in measles cases across the us | morning in america,"the u.s. is on pace for a 286% increase in measles cases from last year. doctors say decreased vaccination rates could be the leading cause of the recent uptick.

#measles #infectiouspathogen #health",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.8newsnow.com/video/uptick-in-measles-cases-across-the-us-morning-in-america/9463105/,uptick in measles cases across the us | morning in america,"the u.s. is on pace for a 286% increase in measles cases from last year. doctors say decreased vaccination rates could be the leading cause of the recent uptick.

#measles #infectiouspathogen #health",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://kdvr.com/video/uptick-in-measles-cases-across-the-us-morning-in-america/9463105/,uptick in measles cases across the us | morning in america,"the u.s. is on pace for a 286% increase in measles cases from last year. doctors say decreased vaccination rates could be the leading cause of the recent uptick.

#measles #infectiouspathogen #health",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.wfla.com/video/uptick-in-measles-cases-across-the-us-morning-in-america/9463105/,uptick in measles cases across the us | morning in america,"the u.s. is on pace for a 286% increase in measles cases from last year. doctors say decreased vaccination rates could be the leading cause of the recent uptick.

#measles #infectiouspathogen #health",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.msnbc.com/andrea-mitchell-reports/watch/dr-patel-measles-vaccine-is-highly-effective-people-should-not-wait-until-showing-symptoms-204948037644,"dr. patel: measles vaccine is 'highly effective,' people should not 'wait' until showing symptoms","a measles outbreak is growing in florida, with new cases reported among children and nearly 40 cases across the country in more than 15 states over the weekend. dr. kavita patel joins andrea mitchell to discuss the symptoms parents should look out for and how to stay safe. ""we have a disease, measles, that was eradicated two decades ago. i want to make that very clear. a highly effective vaccine that eradicated measles. it's so hard to recognize because we haven't seen cases of it clinically until now, dr. patel tells andrea. ""the telltale sign that makes a lot of us go, aha, could this be measles, is a rash inside the mouth or a rash on the skin. but i really don't want parents to wait that long. and i want to remind that adults shouldn't wait this long either.",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.kget.com/video/uptick-in-measles-cases-across-the-us-morning-in-america/9463105/,uptick in measles cases across the us | morning in america,"the u.s. is on pace for a 286% increase in measles cases from last year. doctors say decreased vaccination rates could be the leading cause of the recent uptick.

#measles #infectiouspathogen #health",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.wspa.com/video/uptick-in-measles-cases-across-the-us-morning-in-america/9463105/,uptick in measles cases across the us | morning in america,"the u.s. is on pace for a 286% increase in measles cases from last year. doctors say decreased vaccination rates could be the leading cause of the recent uptick.

#measles #infectiouspathogen #health",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.kark.com/video/uptick-in-measles-cases-across-the-us-morning-in-america/9463105/,uptick in measles cases across the us | morning in america,"the u.s. is on pace for a 286% increase in measles cases from last year. doctors say decreased vaccination rates could be the leading cause of the recent uptick.

#measles #infectiouspathogen #health",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.wfla.com/video/measles-spreads-to-polk-county-amid-growing-outbreak-in-south-florida/9465796/,measles spreads to polk county amid growing outbreak in south florida,"the news channel 8 team presents the latest information on the events of the day and timely updates on local sports, weather conditions and traffic issues.",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.ksn.com/video/uptick-in-measles-cases-across-the-us-morning-in-america/9463105/,uptick in measles cases across the us | morning in america,"the u.s. is on pace for a 286% increase in measles cases from last year. doctors say decreased vaccination rates could be the leading cause of the recent uptick.

#measles #infectiouspathogen #health",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.fox8live.com/video/2024/02/26/doctors-warn-families-about-rise-measles-cases/,doctors warn families about rise in measles cases,doctors warn families about rise in measles cases,02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.wkrn.com/video/uptick-in-measles-cases-across-the-us-morning-in-america/9463105/,uptick in measles cases across the us | morning in america,"the u.s. is on pace for a 286% increase in measles cases from last year. doctors say decreased vaccination rates could be the leading cause of the recent uptick.

#measles #infectiouspathogen #health",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LfiwqBGpoAA,"fl battling major measles outbreak: ""ok to send unvaxxed kids anyway#shorts","fl battling major measles outbreak: ""ok to send unvaxxed kids anyway#shorts",02/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wsaw.com/video/2024/02/26/best-protection-against-measles-is-mmr-vaccine/,best protection against measles is the mmr vaccine,measles vaccine is best for protection,02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.myarklamiss.com/video/uptick-in-measles-cases-across-the-us-morning-in-america/9463105/,uptick in measles cases across the us | morning in america,"the u.s. is on pace for a 286% increase in measles cases from last year. doctors say decreased vaccination rates could be the leading cause of the recent uptick.

#measles #infectiouspathogen #health",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.brproud.com/video/uptick-in-measles-cases-across-the-us-morning-in-america/9463105/,uptick in measles cases across the us | morning in america,"the u.s. is on pace for a 286% increase in measles cases from last year. doctors say decreased vaccination rates could be the leading cause of the recent uptick.

#measles #infectiouspathogen #health",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.wtrf.com/video/uptick-in-measles-cases-across-the-us-morning-in-america/9463105/,uptick in measles cases across the us | morning in america,"the u.s. is on pace for a 286% increase in measles cases from last year. doctors say decreased vaccination rates could be the leading cause of the recent uptick.

#measles #infectiouspathogen #health",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.tiktok.com/@drift0rtv/video/7340048451062877482,measles outbreak in florida as state ignores cdc#measles#infectiousdisease#pathology#news#florida#science#antiintellectualism#politics,measles outbreak in florida as state ignores cdc#measles#infectiousdisease#pathology#news#florida#science#antiintellectualism#politics,02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/video/broward-measles-cases-go-up-to-eight/,broward measles cases go up to eight,florida is leading the country in the number of measles cases.,02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://abcnews-nwsdynamic.aws.seabcnews.go.com/GMA/Wellness/video/latest-measles-outbreak-florida-107540908,latest on measles outbreak in florida,"""gma"" looks at the growing concern over the increasing number of reported measles cases in south florida where at least six children at one elementary school have been infected.",02/26/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3L8AUnKu7M,cases of measles on the rise nationwide,"measles symptoms can include high fever, cough, runny nose, red eyes and a rash. doctors stress the best way to protect your kid is to get them vaccinate",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARv-bTbbF18,polk county reports 1 case of measles,"as of feb. 25, there have been 9 reported measles cases throughout the state — 8 in broward county and 1 in polk county.",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18hykftJCCw,"dr. patel: measles vaccine is 'highly effective,' people should not 'wait' until showing symptoms","a measles outbreak is growing in florida, with new cases reported among children and nearly 40 cases across the country in more than 15 states over the weekend. dr. kavita patel joins andrea mitchell to discuss the symptoms parents should look out for and how to stay safe. ""we have a disease, measles, that was eradicated two decades ago. i want to make that very clear. a highly effective vaccine that eradicated measles. it's so hard to recognize because we haven't seen cases of it clinically until now, dr. patel tells andrea. ""the telltale sign that makes a lot of us go, aha, could this be measles, is a rash inside the mouth or a rash on the skin. but i really don't want parents to wait that long. and i want to remind that adults shouldn't wait this long either. ",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5_xGGf0YDM,here's what health officials are saying after more measles cases reported in broward county,data from the florida department of health showed the total number of measles cases in broward county now stands at 8 as of last weekend.,02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfLKOY5tfVo,"2 new measles cases in broward county, bringing total to 8","two new cases of measles were reported this weekend in broward county, bringing the total number of cases to eight.",02/26/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5x9pHCoSps,latest on measles outbreak in florida,"""gma"" looks at the growing concern over the increasing number of reported measles cases in south florida where at least six children at one elementary school have been infected. ",02/26/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQElpIORMxk,doctors give symptoms for measles and ways families can help prevent the virus,doctors give symptoms for measles and ways families can help prevent the virus,02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3kNzwr8Wnk,florida defies quarantine recommendations on measles | newsnation now,"florida is one of several states experiencing a measles outbreak near fort lauderdale. there are concerns the outbreak will spread after the state's surgeon general defied public health guidance by allowing parents to send exposed, unvaccinated children to school instead of requiring the recommended 21-day quarantine. measles is extremely contagious, and young children are especially at risk for complications. ",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpj3-Id6SDM,"doctors, health officials urge families to remain vigilant as measles cases rise",stay vigilant - that's the message from doctors and health officials as measles cases rise across the country.,02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@heather.felton.md/video/7339904168573979950,#onthisdaymeasles can be a serious illness with lots of potential complications. ##floridameasles##floridasurgeongeneral##measlesoutbreak,#onthisdaymeasles can be a serious illness with lots of potential complications. ##floridameasles##floridasurgeongeneral##measlesoutbreak,02/26/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@vstarandstripes/video/7340002564684909867,measles in florida!#virus#outbreak#florida#michigan#travel#news#fyp,measles in florida!#virus#outbreak#florida#michigan#travel#news#fyp,02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@pedsdoctalk/video/7340101567695326510,"at the time of this post, there are currently 35 reported cases of measles in the u.s across 15 states: arizona, california, florida, georgia, indiana, louisiana, maryland, minnesota, missouri, new jersey, new york city, ohio, pennsylvania, virginia, and washington.

to be frank, it really isn't a lot, but the concern is that with travel especially within under-vaccinated communities; these numbers can grow given measles is very contagious.

the various layers to reduce the spread of measles?
✔staying home if acutely unwell (even if not known measles)
✔masking/covering mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing

i have discussed measles in my newsletter; but with more pockets showing up across the u.s. including in my region of practice; i wanted to discuss it here.

i am sharing this because i do not want you to panic; but rather reduce risk in the safe ways we can.

it's important to remember that whenever there is an outbreak of an infectious disease; two things can happen—fear and misinformation.

1⃣fear and panic that makes people stay indoors and not see anybody.

2⃣and misinformation that says this illness isn't a big deal and this is all a conspiracy.

neither should be how you approach this situation.

having measles in my community has not changed how i approach anything with my children.

if the cases come to my son's school or immediate area or we are seeing larger widespread cases; we may consider early vaccination for vera. (our son is fully vaccinated)

it's important to understand that the goal here is calculated risk reduction to reduce spread.

the comment section is open for questions.
remember; i can't provide personal guidance so if you have any questions on your particular situation-its always best to run this by your child's clinician who knows your child better than i do.

any accounts spreading misinformation about the mmr vaccine will be blocked and deleted.","at the time of this post, there are currently 35 reported cases of measles in the u.s across 15 states: arizona, california, florida, georgia, indiana, louisiana, maryland, minnesota, missouri, new jersey, new york city, ohio, pennsylvania, virginia, and washington.

to be frank, it really isn't a lot, but the concern is that with travel especially within under-vaccinated communities; these numbers can grow given measles is very contagious.

the various layers to reduce the spread of measles?
✔staying home if acutely unwell (even if not known measles)
✔masking/covering mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing

i have discussed measles in my newsletter; but with more pockets showing up across the u.s. including in my region of practice; i wanted to discuss it here.

i am sharing this because i do not want you to panic; but rather reduce risk in the safe ways we can.

it's important to remember that whenever there is an outbreak of an infectious disease; two things can happen—fear and misinformation.

1⃣fear and panic that makes people stay indoors and not see anybody.

2⃣and misinformation that says this illness isn't a big deal and this is all a conspiracy.

neither should be how you approach this situation.

having measles in my community has not changed how i approach anything with my children.

if the cases come to my son's school or immediate area or we are seeing larger widespread cases; we may consider early vaccination for vera. (our son is fully vaccinated)

it's important to understand that the goal here is calculated risk reduction to reduce spread.

the comment section is open for questions.
remember; i can't provide personal guidance so if you have any questions on your particular situation-its always best to run this by your child's clinician who knows your child better than i do.

any accounts spreading misinformation about the mmr vaccine will be blocked and deleted.",02/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@eascukeme31/video/7339906282016771374,florida surgeon general defies cdc guidance amid school measles outbreak#news#vacation#measles#viral#fyp#fyp:#foryou#foryoupage#vacation#measles#viral#fyp#fyp:#foryou#foryoupage#new,florida surgeon general defies cdc guidance amid school measles outbreak#news#vacation#measles#viral#fyp#fyp:#foryou#foryoupage#vacation#measles#viral#fyp#fyp:#foryou#foryoupage#new,02/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@pdspolitics/video/7340070407334055210,"fl battling major measles outbreak: ""ok to send unvaxxed kids anyway#florida#measles#vaccination#political","fl battling major measles outbreak: ""ok to send unvaxxed kids anyway#florida#measles#vaccination#political",02/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@kywthcs.rhc/video/7339936241569467694,measles outbreak in florida#news#breakingnews#fyp#foryou#usa#florida,measles outbreak in florida#news#breakingnews#fyp#foryou#usa#florida,02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@moonhippie369/video/7339993636282666282,#greenscreen#fypage#breakingnews#measles#southflorida#vaccine#woketok#2024,#greenscreen#fypage#breakingnews#measles#southflorida#vaccine#woketok#2024,02/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZikfT__dzo,"a chase and crash in miami, more measles cases confirmed, latest on campaign 2024","in today's quickcast:

a wild scene in northwest miami dade... 
a car overturned --and several others were smashed after a chase and crash.

two more children are confirmed to have measles in broward county.
one of the kids is under the age of five….the other between five and nine. 

the 20-24 republican primary heads to a critical swing state...that's after another big win for former president donald trump. he beat former ambassador nikki haley in her home state of south carolina saturday — although not by as much as some were expecting.

catch the quickcast with najahe sherman weekdays at 4pm et streaming on the cbs miami app and cbsmiami.com

#florida #miami #miamidade #localnews #local #community #politicalnews",02/26/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn8sPYrZpzY,nepal rolls out national campaign to inoculate children against measles and rubella,"kathmandu [nepal], february 26 (ani): nepal has started a vaccination drive to immunize about 5.7 million children between nine months to 15 years of age with an aim to eliminate measles and rubella. scheduled to run until march 20, the campaign will encompass 24 districts, including 21 highly affected areas along the indian border and three districts within the kathmandu valley. children aged nine months to five years across the remaining 53 districts will also receive vaccinations. the local union government have designated vaccination centres, primarily educational institutions to facilitate the immunization drive.

#nepal #kathmandu #rubella #vaccination 

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☛ copyrights  all rights reserved ani media pvt ltd.",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CTTtit-i1A,first case of measles confirmed in michigan following 2019 outbreak,"measles, a very contagious but curable disease, has made its way back to michigan. the department of health and human services confirmed one case in the state._x000d_
 for more local news from wilx:  https://www.wilx.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/uc45x3ysdl5hgg8utsit-csw",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VYJxakKdAU,measles spreads to polk county amid growing outbreak in south florida,"the news channel 8 team presents the latest information on the events of the day and timely updates on local sports, weather conditions and traffic issues.",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHfFeltP6og,tippecanoe county officials respond to measles outbreak in indiana,"the indiana department of health, idoh, has confirmed indiana's first case of measles since 2019. the case was found in lake county and idoh says that there is low risk to the public. 


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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeBB96F8MhA,what to know about the rising measles outbreak,dr. natasha bhuyan is in studio to share some of the common ways that measles can spread.,02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDmcqARjxJI,borno measles outbreak: health workers want proactive measures to halt spread,"health experts have called for a swift response from relevant state government agencies to halt the further spread of measles in borno state.

they stated this in reaction to the rise in the number of measles cases recorded in the state capital, maiduguri.

follow us for more via : 
www.tiktok.com/@itvradiong",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,anger,fear
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/yGxB1-SGEvU,measles is breaking out in florida #shorts,"measles is breaking out in florida
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#davidpakmanshow #measles",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.goh_lepika/video/7308280844999773458,measle rash #measles #measlesvaccine #parenting,measle rash #measles #measlesvaccine #parenting,02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/eriellereshef/reel/C30ne_rp3AD/,"concerning measles outbreak in florida tied to an elementary school with cases popping up from coast to coast. measles is a highly contagious and potentially dangerous virus that is preventable with an effective mmr vaccine. 

@goodmorningamerica @youribenadjaoud","concerning measles outbreak in florida tied to an elementary school with cases popping up from coast to coast. measles is a highly contagious and potentially dangerous virus that is preventable with an effective mmr vaccine. 

@goodmorningamerica @youribenadjaoud",02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/bikinibottom_fish/reel/C31dDBcMIUf/,world health organization warns of global measles outbreak risk by 2024!,world health organization warns of global measles outbreak risk by 2024!,02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@alliecat_55704_2/video/7340094498543848750,after work vibes: #florida does it again with more #healthcare that resembles #politics than #science and #medicine #measles are nothing to aspire towards.,after work vibes: #florida does it again with more #healthcare that resembles #politics than #science and #medicine #measles are nothing to aspire towards.,02/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@tifftastic75/video/7340395770492833066,"#greenscreen measles outbreak in florida predictably expands, now is in 2 counties #fyp #drtiffany #tiffocracy #publichealth #epidemiology #measlesoutbreak2024 #measlesvaccine #florida","#greenscreen measles outbreak in florida predictably expands, now is in 2 counties #fyp #drtiffany #tiffocracy #publichealth #epidemiology #measlesoutbreak2024 #measlesvaccine #florida",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@esmond.wilkerson/video/7340217222540954923,"large part of world faces measles outbreaks after covid, who says#news","large part of world faces measles outbreaks after covid, who says#news",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fecU0tGI9Js,measles case confirmed in polk county after outbreak at south florida school,"an adult case of measles has been reported in polk county, the latest case in florida, which before had not had a reported measles case since 2020.",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/video/an-in-depth-look-at-whats-causing-the-measles-to-makes-a-comeback-in-the-us/,an in-depth look at what's causing the measles to makes a comeback in the u.s.,"despite being declared eliminated in 2000, measles cases are rising across the u.s., with 36 instances identified in 16 states since january. florida emerged as a hotspot with nine cases, as the state's surgeon general challenges cdc vaccine guidelines. cbs news' chief medical correspondent dr. jon lapook provides an in-depth analysis of this alarming development.",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://m.facebook.com/UCDavisMedicalCenter/videos/measles-symptoms-transmission-and-treatment-explained-by-a-doctor/1057623525341524/,"measles - symptoms, transmission and treatment explained by a doctor","with measles outbreaks occurring now throughout the u.s., our experts advise parents to be aware of the symptoms and call a health care provider if they suspect that their child has measles.
dean blumberg, chief of pediatric infectious diseases at uc davis children's hospital, answers some frequently asked questions about measles: https://ucdavis.health/3uod2nv",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1sxJ76dK7A,officials report 9th case of measles in broward county,data from the florida department of health shows there are now nine cases of measles in broward county.,02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://fox5sandiego.com/video/doctors-warn-public-about-the-spread-of-measles/9468632/,doctors warn public about the spread of measles,"dr. abisola olulade talks about the outbreak in florida, the cases we've seen in san diego and what we can do to keep our kids healthy.",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.clickorlando.com/video/news/2024/02/27/measles-case-confirmed-in-polk-county-after-outbreak-at-south-florida-school/,measles case confirmed in polk county after outbreak at south florida school,"an adult case of measles has been reported in polk county, the latest case in florida, which before had not had a reported measles case since 2020.",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.cbs42.com/video/dr-peter-hotez-on-measles-outbreak-concerns/9466738/,dr. peter hotez on measles outbreak concerns,"dr. peter hotez, dean for the national school of tropical medicine at baylor college of medicine, joined cbs 42 news to discuss concerns regarding a measles outbreak",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.5newsonline.com/video/news/health/527-54ac0ec9-fc31-456e-8cab-b29ec07b1826,health alert: measles spreading in the u.s.,"according to the cdc, the measles is spreading in the u.s. watch the video to see what the symptoms include.",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://globalnews.ca/video/10321501/spring-travel-could-bring-measles-outbreak-canadas-top-doctor-says,"spring travel could bring measles outbreak, canada's top doctor says","measles cases are on the rise around the world, and there are concerns canada could see an outbreak. chief public health officer dr. theresa tam spoke with global news and urged canadians to check their vaccination status. katherine ward has the details",02/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/video/lawmaker-calls-for-resignation-of-florida-surgeon-general-over-measles-outbreak-1/,lawmaker calls for resignation of florida surgeon general over measles outbreak,"democratic representative debbie wasserman-schultz represents weston in congress and lives here. she's calling for the removal of state surgeon general dr. joseph ladapo. ""surgeon general ladapo is a misinformation super spreader,"" she said. ""i'm calling for his immediate termination.""",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/video/measles-outbreak-in-philadelphia-ends-health-department-says/,"measles outbreak in philadelphia ends, health department says",a total of nine people tested positive for measles in philadelphia.,02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/video/florida-doctors-warn-public-about-dangers-of-catching-spreading-measles/,"florida doctors warn public about dangers of catching, spreading measles","fifteen states have reported measles cases this year and, as of last week, the total rose to 35. that's already more than half the cases reported all of last year.",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,surprise
https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/video/broward-has-9th-confirmed-case-of-measles/,broward has 9th confirmed case of measles,ted scouten reports seven of the confirmed cases are from the same school - manatee bay elementary in weston.,02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/video/lawmaker-calls-for-resignation-of-florida-surgeon-general-over-measles-outbreak/,lawmaker calls for resignation of florida surgeon general over measles outbreak,congresswoman debbie wasserman-schultz said state health officials have failed residents amid a growing measles outbreak.,02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo5d-SCA2og,what's causing measles' comeback in the u.s.?,"despite being declared eliminated in 2000, measles cases are on the rise across the u.s., with 36 instances identified in 16 states since january. florida emerged as a hotspot with nine cases, as the state's surgeon general challenges cdc vaccine guidelines. cbs news' chief medical correspondent dr. jon lapook provides an in-depth analysis of this alarming development. ",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgrxut_UMIg,"measles case reported in polk county, 9th in florida","an adult case of measles has been reported in polk county, the latest case in florida, which before had not had a reported measles case since 2020.",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbzzSj3p_9A,an in-depth look at what's causing the measles to makes a comeback in the u.s.,"despite being declared eliminated in 2000, measles cases are on the rise across the u.s., with 36 instances identified in 16 states since january. florida emerged as a hotspot with nine cases, as the state's surgeon general challenges cdc vaccine guidelines. cbs news' chief medical correspondent dr. jon lapook provides an in-depth analysis of this alarming development. ",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPWihX4mURI,health alert: measles spreading in the u.s.,"according to the cdc, the measles is spreading in the u.s. watch the video to see what the symptoms include.",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7qT4oylzRM,experts answer whether measles vaccines from childhood are still effective,all of the measles cases recorded in south florida have been patients under the age of 14.,02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqdAD9NAr1c,"measles in florida: duval county has lowest immunization rate for 7th graders, data shows","according to data from florida's health department, immunization rates in duval county are 10 percent lower than the state average.",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@cbsmornings/video/7340351035375947050,"the u.s. is experiencing a concerning resurgence of measles, with at least 36 reported cases across 16 states since january, including nine confirmed cases in florida.

chief medical correspondent @jon lapook on why we are seeing an alarming rise of cases. #measles #cases #news #health #parentsoftiktok","the u.s. is experiencing a concerning resurgence of measles, with at least 36 reported cases across 16 states since january, including nine confirmed cases in florida.

chief medical correspondent @jon lapook on why we are seeing an alarming rise of cases. #measles #cases #news #health #parentsoftiktok",02/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@trnpon3/video/7340206179039186218,"large part of world faces measles outbreaks after covid, who says#news","large part of world faces measles outbreaks after covid, who says#news",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@no_rads_to_the_nads/video/7340354808844438830,measles is now in#polkcountyflplease get#vaccinatedprotect yourself and other from a potential fatal outcome!#publichealth#psahealthcare should never be politicized!#measles#measlesvaccine#florida#norads,measles is now in#polkcountyflplease get#vaccinatedprotect yourself and other from a potential fatal outcome!#publichealth#psahealthcare should never be politicized!#measles#measlesvaccine#florida#norads,02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwDZVHie-1w,sri lanka measles outbreak: babies prioritised for vaccine booster,"in sri lanka, the government is rushing to control the spread of measles. 
a booster vaccine roll-out is being prioritised for babies. 

al jazeera's minelle fernandez reports from colombo, sri lanka.

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#srilanka #measles #srilankameaslesoutbreak #measlesvaccination #colombo  #unicef",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Z6m9u2jtW4,covid update wk of 2/26/2024,"covid, flu & rsv plus an overview of where we are with measles

0:52 covid update
3:20 flu and rsv update
4:53 measles
11:13 measles outbreak
17:53 measles symptoms
23:15 summary and tips

links referenced in the briefing

measles & mmr information
measles virus infection diminishes preexisting antibodies that offer protection from other pathogens
prior briefing on increased vaccine exemptions

cdc list of conditions
links referenced in the briefing

measles & mmr information
measles virus infection diminishes preexisting antibodies that offer protection from other pathogens

prior briefing on increased vaccine exemptions

list of conditions

#rootsempowers #communityhealth #bayarea #publichealth #oakland #covid19 #cdc #maskup #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #nomorecoviddeaths #vaccines #booster #pandemic #omicron #xbb #keepmasksinhealthcare #longcovid #eg.5 #wastewater #ba.2.86 #monovalent #monovalentbooster #novavax #pertussis #jn.1",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvcwufQuhSU,medical minute: measles outbreak,data shows parents across the country have reason to be concerned. a cbs news investigation examined data from tens of thousands of public and private schools in 19 states and communities that make that information available to parents and the public.,02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVB1l4X3x30,first measles case since 2019 | wfyi news now,"hear the news you need to stay informed on your community with wfyi news now.

00:00 - intro
00:56 - first measles case since 2019
01:45 - regulations on home-based child care
02:55 - fighting the nursing shortage
04:00 - defining toxic pfas
05:22 - the cost of building homes

at the end of last week the indiana department of health confirmed the first measles case in the state since 2019. regulations of home-based child care would be loosened by legislation approved yesterday by the indiana senate. the senate passed a bill that simplifies nursing instructor requirements and eliminates a barrier for nurses from other countries to work in indiana. it's unclear if a bill to change the definition of toxic pfas in indiana will move forward. some groups say government regulation adds to the cost of building a new home, but how much of an impact does it have?

want to go deeper on the stories you hear on wfyi news now? visit wfyi.org/news and follow us on social media to get comprehensive analysis and local news daily. subscribe to wfyi news now wherever you get your podcasts.

today's episode of wfyi news now was produced by darian benson, abriana herron, drew daudelin and kendall antron with support from sarah neal-estes.

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#indianapolis #indiana #measles #indianastatehouse #2024legislativesession #homebasedchildcare #nursingshortage #toxicpfas #homebuilding #environmentalregulations",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3v2FfNAA9WM,congresswoman calls for replacement of florida's surgeon general after measles outbreak,u.s. rep. debbie wasserman schultz was joined by an epidemiologist tuesday to discuss safety measures schools and parents should consider in response to the recent measles outbreak in broward county.,02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2cyQmYIRBQ,"with measles on the rise in broward county, palm beaches and treasure coast have avoided an outbreak","with measles on the rise in broward county, palm beaches and treasure coast have avoided an outbreak

subscribe to wpbf on youtube now for more: http://bit.ly/1qfxvbx

get more west palm beach news: http://www.wpbf.com
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m57G331ZLR8,lawmaker calls for resignation of florida surgeon general over measles outbreak,"democratic representative debbie wasserman-schultz represents weston in congress and lives here. she's calling for the removal of state surgeon general dr. joseph ladapo. ""surgeon general ladapo is a misinformation super spreader,"" she said. ""i'm calling for his immediate termination.""",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZUSrttA3u0,"florida doctors warn public about dangers of catching, spreading measles","fifteen states have reported measles cases this year and, as of last week, the total rose to 35. that's already more than half the cases reported all of last year.",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqs_zY8xrBA,congresswoman asks for removal of surgeon general following measles outbreak in south florida,u.s. rep. debbie wasserman schultz was joined by an epidemiologist tuesday to discuss safety measures schools and parents should consider in response to the recent measles outbreak in broward county.,02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnq2SpAK-TM,first measles case reported in indiana in five years | iustv news,"a case of measles has been confirmed in lake county, according to the indiana department of health (idoh). it is the first reported case in indiana since 2019.

 read more of this week's stories: https://www.iustv.com/ 

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#indiana  #news #health",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mo5d-SCA2og&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2F24usa.news%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,what's causing measles' comeback in the u.s.?,"despite being declared eliminated in 2000, measles cases are on the rise across the u.s., with 36 instances identified in 16 states since january. florida emerged as a hotspot with nine cases, as the state's surgeon general challenges cdc vaccine guidelines. cbs news' chief medical correspondent dr. jon lapook provides an in-depth analysis of this alarming development.

each weekday morning, ""cbs mornings"" co-hosts gayle king, tony dokoupil and nate burleson bring you the latest breaking news, smart conversation and in-depth feature reporting. ""cbs mornings"" airs weekdays at 7 a.m. on cbs and stream it at 8 a.m. et on the cbs news app.

subscribe to ""cbs mornings"" on youtube: https://youtube.com/cbsmornings 
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try paramount+ free: https://paramountplus.com/?ftag=ppm-05-10aeh8h

for video licensing inquiries, contact: licensing@veritone.com",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NDIFhVCO3ls&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fgmintegratedcare.org.uk%2Fmeasles%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,nhs gm measles british sign language (bsl) video with subtitles - february 2024,measles cases are on the rise in greater manchester. this video has been created for members of the d/deaf community to provide important information and advice about measles.,02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDIFhVCO3ls,nhs gm measles british sign language (bsl) video with subtitles - february 2024,measles cases are on the rise in greater manchester. this video has been created for members of the d/deaf community to provide important information and advice about measles.,02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03m-vEDy42o,the florida dept. of health confirmed there are now 9 reported cases of measles in #browardcounty,,02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNT-bY1QtBA,protect against measles - clay's corner,"measles are on the rise. in response to a widespread resurgence of measles, health authorities must implement rigorous measures to contain transmission, including the use of disinfectants to protect indoor environments. fogging can be an effective method to decontaminate enclosed spaces and mitigate further spread. clay hernandez, director of training at artemis bio-solutions, addresses the rising problem of measles, particularly in our schools, and recommends fogging areas with disinfectant to reduce virus spread.",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@maamuchori/video/7340314211517484290,replying to @nita pandey ‡   ••‹ ‡• € ‡ ‹‡  •  ‹ #vaccine #mrvaccine #measles #rubella #momsoftiktok #babycare #girvanithapa #tiktoknepal #maamuchori #fy #foryou #foryoupage,replying to @nita pandey ‡   ••‹ ‡• € ‡ ‹‡  •  ‹ #vaccine #mrvaccine #measles #rubella #momsoftiktok #babycare #girvanithapa #tiktoknepal #maamuchori #fy #foryou #foryoupage,02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@maamuchori/video/7340161287332171009,replying to @sarita dahal                mr vaccine is really important for your child.        #mrvaccine #measles #rubella #vaccine #information #awareness #girvanikomaamu #maamuchori #momsoftiktok #girvanithapa #tiktoknepal #fyp #foryou #foryoupage,replying to @sarita dahal                mr vaccine is really important for your child.        #mrvaccine #measles #rubella #vaccine #information #awareness #girvanikomaamu #maamuchori #momsoftiktok #girvanithapa #tiktoknepal #fyp #foryou #foryoupage,02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/allchildrens/reel/C328jAKutTH/,what you should know about measles. #measlesoutbreak #johnshopkinsallchildrenshospital #pediatrics #childrenshealth,what you should know about measles. #measlesoutbreak #johnshopkinsallchildrenshospital #pediatrics #childrenshealth,02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/kmpanthagani/reel/C3298LvrTuP/,"just how contagious is measles?

ridiculously. it is among the most contagious viruses known on earth.

measles is considered eliminated from the us, but we have outbreaks every year, usually due to people traveling to other countries where it's more common.

it's made national news lately because of florida's unusual (and inappropriate) advice on how to handle it.

read more in my latest post with @your_local_epidemiologist here: https://yourlocalepidemiologist.substack.com/p/floridas-recommendations-give-room","just how contagious is measles?

ridiculously. it is among the most contagious viruses known on earth.

measles is considered eliminated from the us, but we have outbreaks every year, usually due to people traveling to other countries where it's more common.

it's made national news lately because of florida's unusual (and inappropriate) advice on how to handle it.

read more in my latest post with @your_local_epidemiologist here: https://yourlocalepidemiologist.substack.com/p/floridas-recommendations-give-room",02/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/baptisthealthsf/reel/C33SCL6O-Sr/,"with reports of new cases of #measles in south florida, we learn from the baptist health experts in family medicine and pharmacy on the importance of staying up to date on your child's vaccination schedule. 

remember to check in with your child's pediatrician on the best plan for you and your family 

sources: @cdcgov @healthychildrenaap","with reports of new cases of #measles in south florida, we learn from the baptist health experts in family medicine and pharmacy on the importance of staying up to date on your child's vaccination schedule. 

remember to check in with your child's pediatrician on the best plan for you and your family 

sources: @cdcgov @healthychildrenaap",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/sfmedicalsupplies/reel/C33begoru0g/,"protect our kids from measles in schools with cold plasma air purifiers!  keeping our schools safe and healthy.

#coldplasma #airpurification #measlesprevention #healthyschools #cleanair #childsafety","protect our kids from measles in schools with cold plasma air purifiers!  keeping our schools safe and healthy.

#coldplasma #airpurification #measlesprevention #healthyschools #cleanair #childsafety",02/27/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C333OZLv_Pt/,"there is a new measles alert for western sydney after a baby with the disease returned from south east asia, where there have been ongoing outbreaks. #measles #blacktown #westernsydney #sydney #7news","there is a new measles alert for western sydney after a baby with the disease returned from south east asia, where there have been ongoing outbreaks. #measles #blacktown #westernsydney #sydney #7news",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drmoisesissa/reel/C33moxapy4x/,"maana en primera edicin @telemundo51 hablamos del brote del sarampin broward county.
#childhoodvaccines #stopmeasles #getvaccinated #measlesprevention #measlesawareness #measlesvaccine #preventmeasles #vaccineswork #measles #medical #doctor #medicine #diabetes #health #healthy","maana en primera edicin @telemundo51 hablamos del brote del sarampin broward county.
#childhoodvaccines #stopmeasles #getvaccinated #measlesprevention #measlesawareness #measlesvaccine #preventmeasles #vaccineswork #measles #medical #doctor #medicine #diabetes #health #healthy",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@msfeistymya/video/7340277210323963179,'‰anti-vaxx movement pre-dates the disproven 1998 case study by former doctor andrew wakefield who was stripped of his medical license after intentionally falsely claiming that the mmr shot caused 8 of the *only* 12 children in his meager study to get autism. it was untrue. #measles #mmr #antivaxx #provaxx #scienceliteracy #q #formerantivaxxer #vaccinate  #fyp #foryoupage #capcut #meme #memecut,'‰anti-vaxx movement pre-dates the disproven 1998 case study by former doctor andrew wakefield who was stripped of his medical license after intentionally falsely claiming that the mmr shot caused 8 of the *only* 12 children in his meager study to get autism. it was untrue. #measles #mmr #antivaxx #provaxx #scienceliteracy #q #formerantivaxxer #vaccinate  #fyp #foryoupage #capcut #meme #memecut,02/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,anger,anger
https://www.facebook.com/CBSMiami/videos/fifteen-states-have-reported-measles-cases-this-year-and-as-of-last-week-the-tot/720721733547353/,"Fifteen states have reported measles cases this year and, as of last week, t","Fifteen states have reported measles cases this year and, as of last week, the total rose to 35. That’s already more than half the cases reported all of last year.",02/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.tiktok.com/@askdrmj/video/7340774840682548511,"during the rickey smiley morning show today, maria more brought up an important topic: measles.  measles is a highly contagious viral infection that can lead to serious complications, especially in young children and adults. vaccination remains the most effective way to prevent measles and protect yourself and others. let€™s stay informed and prioritize@rickey smiley morning show to safeguard our communities against preventable diseases like measles. #measlesawareness ","during the rickey smiley morning show today, maria more brought up an important topic: measles.  measles is a highly contagious viral infection that can lead to serious complications, especially in young children and adults. vaccination remains the most effective way to prevent measles and protect yourself and others. let€™s stay informed and prioritize@rickey smiley morning show to safeguard our communities against preventable diseases like measles. #measlesawareness ",02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@gregarious2000/video/7340709872020868383,#measles #vaccine #outbreak #florida #usa #didyouknow,#measles #vaccine #outbreak #florida #usa #didyouknow,02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://apnews.com/video/measles-fort-pierce-immunizations-florida-medication-64c3ca35af3447798fd43f5033cf450b,"florida doctor explains dangers of the measles virus, encourages vaccination",dr. julia retureta of hca florida lawnwood hospital in fort pierce explains the dangers of the highly contagious and potentially deadly measles virus. (feb. 28) (ap video/cody jackson),02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.wndu.com/video/2024/02/29/health-officials-urging-st-joseph-county-residents-get-measles-vaccine/,health officials urging st. joseph county residents to get measles vaccine,health officials urging st. joseph county residents to get measles vaccine,02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.ctvnews.ca/video/c2876130-ctv-national-news--measles-cases-cause-concern%3FplaylistId%3D1.6787102,ctv national news: measles cases cause concern,"with measles cases confirmed in ont., experts worry about what vaccine hesitancy may mean for the disease's spread. adrian ghobrial reports.",02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3IXsOKkCcY,"florida measles outbreak: unvaccinated kids allowed at school, defying cdc guidelines",congresswoman debbie wasserman-schultz has called for the removal of florida surgeon general dr. joseph ladapo amid a manatee bay measles outbreak.,02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G63nqSw4LEU,florida doctor explains dangers of the measles virus,"dr. julia retureta of hca florida lawnwood hospital in fort pierce explains the dangers of the highly contagious and potentially deadly measles virus. 

(ap video/cody jackson)",02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@renata_digregorio/video/7340829468581301550,there's a new measles case in a new county closer to jacksonville. data shows more kids now aren't prepared because immunizarion rates are lower here than they have been in more than a decade.#greenscreenvideo#measles#florida#floridanews#floridaman#jacksonville#report#fyp#health#healthnews#doctor#family#vaccine#unvaccinated#vax#parenting#news#newstok#outbreak#duval#duuuval#safe,there's a new measles case in a new county closer to jacksonville. data shows more kids now aren't prepared because immunizarion rates are lower here than they have been in more than a decade.#greenscreenvideo#measles#florida#floridanews#floridaman#jacksonville#report#fyp#health#healthnews#doctor#family#vaccine#unvaccinated#vax#parenting#news#newstok#outbreak#duval#duuuval#safe,02/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vo8BfNIu5FU,measles: understanding symptoms and top treatments #measles #treatment #khasra,"learn all about measles, including common symptoms and top treatments, in this informative video. plus, discover important tips for preventing this highly contagious disease in children. don't miss out on this important information! #measles  #treatment #khasra #drrizwangohar #childspecialist #pediatrician #lahore #mmr #vaccine #vitaminameasles: 
understanding symptoms and top treatments #measles #treatment #khasra
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-hfLLgtRfA,us measles outbreak: what you need to know now!,"multiple states in the us are reporting cases of measles, a highly contagious virus that was once practically eradicated. the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) issued an emergency warning stating that there were 23 measles cases confirmed in several states from december 1 to january 23.

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from the heart  we appreciate all of our fans",02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9QzEiXGy6k,mmr vaccine in hindi | measles mumps rubella vaccine | mmr vaccine schedule,"mmr vaccine in hindi | measles vaccine | mmr vaccine schedule | mmr vaccine side effects - this lecture explains mmr vaccine in hindi | measles vaccine | mmr vaccine schedule | mmr vaccine side effects.
visit our website to know all about mmr vaccine in hindi, measles mumps rubella vaccine schedule, and mmr vaccine side effects. we provide all the information about mmr vaccine that you need to make an informed decision.
in this video, we'll discuss the mmr vaccine in hindi. we'll cover the vaccine, the schedule, and the side effects. finally, we'll give you some advice on when and how to get the vaccine.

if you're looking for information on the measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) vaccine, then you've come to the right place! in this video, we'll discuss all you need to know about this vaccine in hindi. we'll cover the vaccine, the schedule, and the side effects. we'll also give you some advice on when and how to get the vaccine. so make sure to watch this video to learn everything you need to know about the mmr vaccine!

stay tuned to know the following topics -
suman bhattacharjee,shomus biology,mmr vaccine,what is mmr vaccine,vaccine,measles vaccine,mmr,is mmr vaccine safe?,mmr vaccine and autism,does mmr vaccine cause autism?,mmr vaccine dose,confusion about mmr vaccine,mmr vaccine side effects,mmr vaccine safety,mmr vaccine rash,mmr vaccine schedule,measles mumps rubella vaccine,vaccines,vaccination,rubella,mumps,measles.

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thank you for watching the vaccination lecture on mmr vaccine in hindi | measles vaccine | mmr vaccine schedule | mmr vaccine side effects.",02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vVNGYkXZMU,march break travel: measles warning & budget airline woes,"amid a global surge in measles cases, canada's top doctor advises travellers to check immunization records before march break. travel expert claire newell discusses health canada's recommendations and the recent closure of lynx air. we also explore the challenges faced by budget airlines in canada and address growing concern over rising flight fees.

for more information go to: https://globalnews.ca/national/program/the-morning-show",02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlxzs16U3lI,norovirus outbreak: is there a stomach bug going around? norovirus symptoms and incubation period,"how long does norovirus last? how to treat a stomach virus, current measles outbreak in florida, a new study on long covid symptoms and causes of brain fog.

our guest is ama's vice president of science, medicine and public health, andrea garcia, jd, mph. american medical association cxo todd unger hosts.

 the ama is your powerful ally in patient care. join now: https://bit.ly/amajoinrenew 

00:00 ama update for feb. 28, 2024
00:31 norovirus outbreak 2024
00:54 cdc norovirus 2024
01:35 norovirus season (stomach virus outbreak)
02:09 norovirus cases per year (norovirus statistics)
02:43 norovirus incubation period: what are the symptoms of norovirus 2024?
03:01 norovirus how does it spread? (norovirus contagious)
03:16 how long are you contagious with norovirus?
03:24 how long does the norovirus last?
03:38 norovirus transmission
03:48 norovirus prevention
04:08 norovirus vs food poisoning symptoms (norovirus contaminated food, norovirus in water contamination)
04:34 bad oysters: fda food poisoning (vibrio vulnificus, vibriosis)
04:49 fda foodborne illness outbreak cases (foodborne illness causes, stomach bug 2024, stomach flu 2024)
05:09 norovirus treatment
05:34 measles outbreak 2024 (manatee bay elementary school)
06:24 aap guidelines measles
06:47 measles contagious
06:57 measles outbreak vaccinated vs unvaccinated
07:26 measles cases in florida (broward county, polk county measles)
07:38 measles vaccine (mmr vaccine, measles, mumps, rubeola, measles virus, ""rebuella"")
08:35 measles fatality rate: is measles deadly?
09:12 measles cases us
10:33 long covid news: brain fog after covid 
10:50 new long covid study (long covid treatments)
11:33 brain fog causes: long covid research findings
12:03 treatment for long covid (neurological effects of covid, chronic fatigue syndrome)


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#fightingfordocs #medicine #futureofhealthcare #physicianadvocacy #healthcare #medical #science #publichealth #covid #covid19 #coronavirus #pandemic #covidtest #longcovid #covidsymptoms #covidtreatment #brainfog #vaccines #vaccination #immunization #cdc #fda #aap #measles #mumps #rubeola #mmrvaccine #norovirus #stomachbug #stomachflu #stomachvirus #foodpoisoning #americanmedicalassociation",02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeKq8aDwwqU,uk measles outbreak: online disinformation suppresses vaccinations,"the uk's second biggest city is suffering a major outbreak of measles. 
more than 70 percent of cases in the country have been recorded in birmingham.
many have occurred among groups where vaccination levels are low.

al jazeera's jonah hull reports from birmingham, the uk. 

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#uk #birmingham #measles #ukmeaslesoutbreak #birminghammeaslesoutbreak #measlesvaccination #onlinedisinformation",02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=px4n40UlZFI,one confirmed case of measles in guilford county,"the guilford county division of public health said it is currently investigating a measles case in an adult in guilford county. _x000d_
anyone who is over 12 months old should be vaccinated/know their vaccination status against measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr). _x000d_
if anyone has a question regarding their vaccine status or immunity, they should check their immunization record or contact their healthcare provider's office._x000d_
more: https://www.wfmynews2.com/article/news/health/measles-confirmed-case-in-guilford-county/83-9d023fa4-8355-4953-afed-5b653a77c4e8_x000d_
subscribe | https://bit.ly/2vsx74i _x000d_
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►text the word app to 336-379-5775_x000d_
►for iphone | https://apple.co/3aah6im_x000d_
►for android | https://bit.ly/3aea9sv",02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWYujNGoXw0,vaccin et autisme : l'histoire d'une (fausse) relation,"je vous raconte l'histoire derrire l'une des plus grandes fraudes scientifiques du xxme sicle !

00:00 introduction
00:16 le vaccin ror
01:30 l'tude de wakefield
02:13 l'impact de l'tude
03:29 une norme fraude !
06:24 une fraude derrire nous ?

sources :
[1] d. r. grimes, a dangerous balancing act, embo reports, vol. 20, nᵒ 8, p. e48706, aot 2019, doi: 10.15252/embr.201948706.
[2] s. sule, m. c. dacosta, e. decou, c. gilson, k. wallace, et s. l. goff, communication of covid-19 misinformation on social media by physicians in the us, jama network open, vol. 6, nᵒ 8, p. e2328928, aot 2023, doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.28928.
[3] coronavirus : chiffres cls et volution de la covid-19 en france et dans le monde. consult le: 14 fvrier 2024. [en ligne]. disponible sur: https://www.santepubliquefrance.fr/dossiers/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-chiffres-cles-et-evolution-de-la-covid-19-en-france-et-dans-le-monde
[4] d. r. grimes, debating antivaccine cranks debases science and harms the public, scientific american. consult le: 12 fvrier 2024. [en ligne]. disponible sur: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/debating-antivaccine-cranks-debases-science-and-harms-the-public/
[5] b. deer, how the case against the mmr vaccine was fixed, bmj, vol. 342, p. c5347, janv. 2011, doi: 10.1136/bmj.c5347.
[6] a. sabra, j. a. bellanti, et a. r. coln, ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children, the lancet, vol. 352, nᵒ 9123, p. 234‑235, juill. 1998, doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(05)77837-5.
[7] measles - number of reported cases. consult le: 14 fvrier 2024. [en ligne]. disponible sur: https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/indicators/indicator-details/gho/measles---number-of-reported-cases
[8] j. mcbrien, j. murphy, d. gill, m. cronin, c. o'donovan, et m. t. cafferkey, measles outbreak in dublin, 2000, the pediatric infectious disease journal, vol. 22, nᵒ 7, p. 580, juill. 2003, doi: 10.1097/01.inf.0000073059.57867.36.
[9] d. r. grimes, one scientist can be wrong. but deny the scientific consensus at your peril, the observer, 27 aot 2023. consult le: 12 fvrier 2024. [en ligne]. disponible sur: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/aug/27/mi6-richard-dearlove-covid-artificial-intelligence-misunderstands-science
[10] j. cohen, public health messaging missteps fuel vaccine disinformation, forbes. consult le: 12 fvrier 2024. [en ligne]. disponible sur: https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuacohen/2023/10/06/public-health-messaging-missteps-fuel-vaccine-disinformation/
[11] m. motta et d. stecula, quantifying the effect of wakefield et al. (1998) on skepticism about mmr vaccine safety in the u.s., plos one, vol. 16, nᵒ 8, p. e0256395, aot 2021, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0256395.
[12] d. k. flaherty, the vaccine-autism connection: a public health crisis caused by unethical medical practices and fraudulent science, ann pharmacother, vol. 45, nᵒ 10, p. 1302‑1304, oct. 2011, doi: 10.1345/aph.1q318.
[13] o. sorel, virus, bactries, microbes: tout savoir pour y chapper ! vanves: marabout, 2023.
[14] wikiwand - lancet mmr autism fraud, wikiwand. consult le: 12 fvrier 2024. [en ligne]. disponible sur: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/lancet_mmr_autism_fraud
[15] wikiwand - rougeole, wikiwand. consult le: 14 fvrier 2024. [en ligne]. disponible sur: https://www.wikiwand.com/fr/rougeole
[16] wikiwand - vaccin contre la rougeole, la rubole et les oreillons, wikiwand. consult le: 14 fvrier 2024. [en ligne]. disponible sur: https://www.wikiwand.com/fr/vaccin_contre_la_rougeole,_la_rubole_et_les_oreillons

me suivre :
instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gael_labologie/
tiktok : https://www.tiktok.com/@labologie",02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sOOblvqfmA,"measles symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment & prevention","there is currently measles outbreak in florida, uk and parts of europe, india and several other countries. the uk in particular was once declared as free of measles in 2016 and measles cases have been on the rise since 2018.

measles, also known as rubeola, is a highly contagious viral infection that primarily affects children. it is caused by the measles virus, which is spread through respiratory droplets from coughing and sneezing. measles can lead to serious complications, including pneumonia, encephalitis, and death, particularly in young children and pregnant women.

measles symptoms
the symptoms of measles typically begin with a high fever, cough, runny nose, and red, watery eyes, followed by a characteristic measles rash that starts on the face and spreads to the rest of the body.
the rash can be mistaken for chickenpox symptoms or scarlet fever. 

measles transmission
the measles virus is extremely contagious and can be spread to others from four days before the rash appears to four days after the rash appears.

measles prevention and mmr vaccination
measles can be prevented through vaccination, and the measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) vaccine is highly effective at preventing the spread of the virus. the world health organization recommends that all children receive two doses of the mmr vaccine, with the first dose administered at 12-15 months of age and the second dose at 3-5 years of age.

despite the availability of a safe and effective vaccine, measles outbreaks still occur in various parts of the world, often due to gaps in vaccination coverage. in recent years, there has been a resurgence of measles in many countries, leading to increased efforts to improve vaccination rates and control the spread of the virus.

it is important for individuals to be aware of the symptoms of measles and to seek medical attention if they suspect they have been exposed to the virus. additionally, ensuring that children receive the recommended vaccinations is crucial in preventing the spread of measles and protecting the health of the community.",02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX25dlk_gfU,measles vaccine in nepa || बालबालिकालाई दादरा खोप #pyuthan #batunplyvlogs,"measles vaccine in nepa || बालबालिकालाई दादरा खोप समपनन |#pyuthan
dadura rubela vaccine।। measles @vaccine 

राषरिय दादरा-रबेला खोप अभियान हजरको सथानमा कहिले हदैछ? यकपक अबशय हेरनहोला ।dadura rubela

घर मा कमेरो लगाउदै। happy dipawali  l hous pention  batu nply vlogs


nepali organic tarul || नेपाली तरल||  batu nply vlogs


भिंगरी बजार को यातरा ||रमाइलो सगै डरलागदो भिर| कालो चतरा ||पानी परी खाईयो 


traveling pyuthan to rolpa ||यातरा पयठान देखि रोलपा |माइती देश


#nepali #measles #vaccine 
#nepalivillagelife #batunplyvlogs",02/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pxn77dAxIyI,khasra (measles) cases increasing in pakistan | g utha pakistan with nusrat haris,"#khasra #measles #guthapakistan #gtvnews 

khasra (measles) cases increasing in pakistan | g utha pakistan with nusrat haris 

measles treatment | measles treatment for babies | measles treatment in hindi | measles treatment in urdu | measles treatment in tamil | measles treatment gcse | measles home treatment in hindi | measles symptoms and treatment | causes of measles | treatment for measles | measles treatment hindi | measles homeopathic remedy | measles disease in pakistan | measles disease in malayalam | khasra | measles symptoms | measles disease in hindi | measles vaccine | khasra ka ilaj

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""the news channel"" is more than just headlines; it's about deepening your understanding of the world around you. trust us to keep you informed, empowered, and engaged. subscribe now to stay ahead of the news curve.  #gtvnetworkhd #breakingnews #latestnews",02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/shorts/FqMHL9xVSKs,hamilton public health investigating exposures to confirmed case of measles,hamilton public health says it is investigating possible exposures to a confirmed case of measles at mcmaster children's hospital last saturday. #shortsbeta #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #shorts #shortsviral #shortsyoutube #shorts_video #hamilton #hamiltonontario #hamont,02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FQ9ftaoPJk,measles-rubella vaccination campaign 2024 | a message by who representative to nepal,,02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMJdg6Vwpts,measles outbreak reported in western region,"new vision tv offers analyzed news content on trending stories in uganda, be it politics, business, and the day today life _x000d_
this is broadcast in various shows such as the daily news bulletin, the hourly news updates, the business show called the handshake and music news show._x000d_
since uganda is known as the pearl of africa, new vision tv has a show that broadcasts uganda's beauty called the pearl of africa._x000d_
https://twitter.com/newvisionwire",02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hb4TH8KsLes,"diagnosis, management and prevention of measles and acute exanthmatous illnesses (20 feb 2024)",,02/28/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/pediatr_tagiyev/reel/C36oAhxoMAd/,"iylk killi dil - sasn skarlatina ( scarlet fever) xstliyind rast glinir lakin vitamin b12 v fol turrsu skikliyi d iylk killi dil grntsn sbb olur. az rast glinn, lakin ox ciddi hesab olunan bir sbb is kavasaki xstliyidir.

#uaqhkimi #ushaqhekimi #usaqhekimi #elntayev #pediatr #drelntayev #pediatrtayev #aysmedklinik #maraqlvid#eolar
#krpyqulluq #allergiyatesti #dritestii #allergiya #pediatr_tagiyev #qzlca #measles #kzamk","iylk killi dil - sasn skarlatina ( scarlet fever) xstliyind rast glinir lakin vitamin b12 v fol turrsu skikliyi d iylk killi dil grntsn sbb olur. az rast glinn, lakin ox ciddi hesab olunan bir sbb is kavasaki xstliyidir.

#uaqhkimi #ushaqhekimi #usaqhekimi #elntayev #pediatr #drelntayev #pediatrtayev #aysmedklinik #maraqlvid#eolar
#krpyqulluq #allergiyatesti #dritestii #allergiya #pediatr_tagiyev #qzlca #measles #kzamk",02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C35ziJrR6aA/,"florida minute: measles cases rising

#measles #florida #health #kids","florida minute: measles cases rising

#measles #florida #health #kids",02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/inkagnedotv/reel/C36BalbOmeU/,"the florida measles outbreak is expanding. as of monday, health officials in broward county confirmed an eighth case of the virus, including one in a child under age 5.

its unknown what connection the youngest measles patient has to manatee bay elementary school in weston, near fort lauderdale, where most of the cases have been identified. the spread beyond school-age kids was expected.

cases are not going to stay contained just to that one school, not when a virus is this infectious, said dr. david kimberlin, co-director of the division of pediatric infectious diseases at the university of alabama at birmingham.

the centers for disease control and prevention reported that as of friday there have been at least 35 measles cases in 15 states in 2024  most related to international travel. in january, there were nine measles cases in pennsylvania, eight of them in philadelphia. (if there are no more cases reported there as of early next week, the philadelphia outbreak will be declared over.) late friday, michigans health department announced that it, too, had identified a measles case  its first since 2019.

floridas outbreak is the largest in the u.s. right now. and what floridas health officials are doing  or not doing  is drawing fire from experts who study the way diseases spread.
erika edwards, nbc news

follow @inkagnedotv
#measlesoutbreak #florida #outbreak","the florida measles outbreak is expanding. as of monday, health officials in broward county confirmed an eighth case of the virus, including one in a child under age 5.

its unknown what connection the youngest measles patient has to manatee bay elementary school in weston, near fort lauderdale, where most of the cases have been identified. the spread beyond school-age kids was expected.

cases are not going to stay contained just to that one school, not when a virus is this infectious, said dr. david kimberlin, co-director of the division of pediatric infectious diseases at the university of alabama at birmingham.

the centers for disease control and prevention reported that as of friday there have been at least 35 measles cases in 15 states in 2024  most related to international travel. in january, there were nine measles cases in pennsylvania, eight of them in philadelphia. (if there are no more cases reported there as of early next week, the philadelphia outbreak will be declared over.) late friday, michigans health department announced that it, too, had identified a measles case  its first since 2019.

floridas outbreak is the largest in the u.s. right now. and what floridas health officials are doing  or not doing  is drawing fire from experts who study the way diseases spread.
erika edwards, nbc news

follow @inkagnedotv
#measlesoutbreak #florida #outbreak",02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@sihatsabah/video/7340606453910162689,golongan yang berisiko tinggi mendapat komplikasi serius dijangkiti #demamcampak / #measles,golongan yang berisiko tinggi mendapat komplikasi serius dijangkiti #demamcampak / #measles,02/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@beahealthhero/video/7340611071041948934,"imagine a world where every corner, every touch, could hide unseen enemies - bacteria and viruses, waiting to strike. but here's the twist: we have the power to shield ourselves and the ones we love, both two-legged and four-legged, from these invisible threats. choosing to vaccinate isn't just about you; it's a pledge to the well-being of our community, an assurance of adventures and explorations without the shadow of fear.  it's about wrapping our loved ones in a safety net, allowing them to leap into life's joys, tail wagging and laughter echoing.let's embark on this journey together, creating a future where sickness doesn't silence the vibrant melodies of life. instead, we'll compose a harmony of health, laughter, and the occasional bark of happiness. join the movement towards a world buzzing with life, not burdened by illness. #imunizao #vacinao #healthherotn #beahealthhero #vaccine #tennessee #getvaccinated #kids #vaccineswork #vaccinessavelives #nashville #knoxville #tennessee #cdc #puppies #puppiesoftiktok #puppy #vaccinateyourpet #memphis #murfreesboro #chatanooga #usa #vaccinate #measles ","imagine a world where every corner, every touch, could hide unseen enemies - bacteria and viruses, waiting to strike. but here's the twist: we have the power to shield ourselves and the ones we love, both two-legged and four-legged, from these invisible threats. choosing to vaccinate isn't just about you; it's a pledge to the well-being of our community, an assurance of adventures and explorations without the shadow of fear.  it's about wrapping our loved ones in a safety net, allowing them to leap into life's joys, tail wagging and laughter echoing.let's embark on this journey together, creating a future where sickness doesn't silence the vibrant melodies of life. instead, we'll compose a harmony of health, laughter, and the occasional bark of happiness. join the movement towards a world buzzing with life, not burdened by illness. #imunizao #vacinao #healthherotn #beahealthhero #vaccine #tennessee #getvaccinated #kids #vaccineswork #vaccinessavelives #nashville #knoxville #tennessee #cdc #puppies #puppiesoftiktok #puppy #vaccinateyourpet #memphis #murfreesboro #chatanooga #usa #vaccinate #measles ",02/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.amnahusain/video/7341187542324088107,replying to @chris  and fl is over here inventing its own infectious disease brand. again. #measlesoutbreak #measlesvirus #measlesvaccine,replying to @chris  and fl is over here inventing its own infectious disease brand. again. #measlesoutbreak #measlesvirus #measlesvaccine,02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://omaha.com/life-entertainment/nation-world/parenting/what-you-should-do-about-the-relatively-serious-disease-measles/video_ebfff321-df29-5093-8a8d-b1db6e662d78.html,"what you should do about the 'relatively serious disease,' measles","florida is experiencing a measles outbreak with 9 people currently infected. ""measles is not just a rash, and shouldn't be something to dismiss. here's what experts recommend. veuer's chloe hurst has the story!",02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://globalnews.ca/video/10326225/health-matters-3rd-case-of-measles-reported-in-ont,3rd case of measles reported in ontario,"a third case of measles has been reported in southern ontario this nonth. the latest is a child from the brantford area who is believed to have contracted the virus during a recent trip to europe, who has now been hospitalized. katherine ward has this story and more in health matters for",02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZexxNfsnSvE,vaccine hesitancy prompts concerns of a deadly measles comeback,"with measles cases confirmed in ont., experts worry about what vaccine hesitancy may mean for the disease's spread. adrian ghobrial reports. ",02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICkSoT7FgeM,measles cases on the rise across the globe,"as concerns rise over the increase in measles cases across the world, dr. isaac bogoch provides tips to families about how to navigate the through this uneasy time.",02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIcKyuEEOOA,florida dealing with growing measles outbreak | newsnation now,"measles is making a comeback in the u.s. after it was thought to have been eliminated over two decades ago. there have already been 36 cases reported across 15 states and washington, d.c., in 2024, compared to 58 cases in 2023. florida is dealing with the largest outbreak, but the state's surgeon general has said parents don't need to keep their unvaccinated kids home. dr. frita fisher reacted to that guidance on ""newsnation now,"" saying, ""this is unbelievable. … he's putting families at harm."" ",02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ58rmvd9hk,"florida doctor explains dangers of the measles virus, encourages vaccination","florida's controversial surgeon general is drawing criticism for his handling of an elementary school's measles outbreak, telling parents of unvaccinated children it is their choice whether their students attend class — a contravention of federal guidelines calling for their mandatory exclusion. dr. joseph ladapo, nationally known for his outspoken skepticism toward the covid-19 vaccine, sent a letter this week to parents at manatee bay elementary school near fort lauderdale after six students contracted the highly contagious and potentially deadly virus. such outbreaks are rare in the united states, though reported cases have spiked from 58 for all of 2023 to 35 already this year. dr. julia retureta of hca florida lawnwood hospital in fort pierce says there are conversations to be had with parents about the vaccine. ""i think an informed parent is the best parent. so you educate them, give them information and let them make the best decision for their child, which is hopefully to immunize them. this vaccine is not new. dr. retureta also added that there is not a need to be scared, ""definitely just be aware and get vaccinated. florida law requires that students be vaccinated for measles and several other contagious diseases, but they can be exempted by their doctor for medical reasons or by their parents if they affirm the shots conflict with the family's ""religious tenets and practices. measles spreads when infected people exhale, cough and sneeze the viruses — it can linger in the air and on surfaces for two hours, infecting numerous people. an infected person can be contagious for four days before symptoms appear, including the telltale rash, fever, cough, runny nose and watery eyes. vaccinated people rarely catch the disease and if they do, their symptoms are less severe and they are less contagious, the cdc says. besides the unvaccinated students, those most at risk to the disease include infants who are too young for the shots; adults and children with compromised immune systems from such diseases as cancer and hiv; and pregnant women, whose fetuses might be adversely affected. while most people who catch measles recover without significant problems, an unvaccinated person who catches measles has about a 20% chance of being hospitalized, the cdc says. about 5% of infected children get pneumonia and about 1 in every 1,000 will develop brain swelling, which can cause deafness or intellectual disability. between 1 and 3 of every 1,000 infected children who weren't vaccinated will die from the disease, the cdc says. before measles vaccinations began in 1963, more than 400,000 americans annually caught the disease. the numbers dropped dramatically to 47,000 cases in 1970 and 13,000 in 1980. after a bump to 27,000 in 1990, the number of reported infections in 2000 was less than 100. but then there was a jump to 1,200 cases in 2019 before the covid-19 lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 caused the numbers to again fall.",02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkKnryjCC5g,u.s. sees surge in measles cases amid global outbreak,"the world health organization warns of a significant rise in measles cases worldwide, with over 300,00 reported last year, marking a 79 percent increase from 2022. in the u.s., outbreaks are escalating, with at least 35 cases across 15 states, notably concentrated in florida, mostly affecting children. cgtn's nitza soledad perez reports. ",02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@kingstonist/video/7341050196379340038,kfl&a public health encourages up-to-date#measles#vaccinesfollowing global increase in cases.#ygk#kingston#ontario#update,kfl&a public health encourages up-to-date#measles#vaccinesfollowing global increase in cases.#ygk#kingston#ontario#update,02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@mymedstudentlife/video/7341123771513818399,"pause to read, i looked cute today but i have a psa#vaccine#measles#crunchymom#antivaxxer","pause to read, i looked cute today but i have a psa#vaccine#measles#crunchymom#antivaxxer",02/29/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE9EXu_AcaU,watch sky news breakfast live: spike in measles cases sees launch of a child vaccine campaign,"join kay burley and the sky news breakfast team as the uk health security agency (ukhsa) launches a new campaign to try to boost the number of children getting vaccinated after all jabs missed the 95% world health organisation (who) uptake target in england last year.

and, sky news looks at the assisted dying debate from unique perspectives - https://trib.al/ldi4crl

plus more from today's guests: 
 damian hinds, minster of state for schools 
⚪ former uk ambassador to russia, sir laurie bristow
⚪ leading palliative care doctor, baroness ilora finlay
⚪ sarah wootton, ceo at dignity in dying 

other top stories this morning:

 rishi sunak pledges extra 54m for security of jewish communities amid record levels of antisemitism https://trib.al/s8n83zk
 wisconsin goes from summer to winter in just one day as temperatures swing by more than 30c https://trib.al/rnrzoaf
 emma caldwell's family say police must answer 'for betrayal' https://trib.al/e9bs2rs
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to enquire about licensing sky news content, you can find more information here: https://news.sky.com/info/library-sales",02/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOdIHPWB1Vk,do you know why there's an extra day in february every four years? | nightly news: kids edition,"you might've heard of measles in school or from adults but recently there has been an uptick of cases in the country because it can be highly contagious. we explain what kind of infection the measles is and how to protect yourself from getting sick. then, we talk about a historic mission -- the first u.s. moon landing in more than 50 years. and, it's a leap year! we explain what a leap year is and why february 29th only shows up on the calendar every four years. plus we go to an elementary school in north carolina that is getting some well-deserved attention for collecting cereal for a good cause all while having a whole bunch of fun in the process. then, we highlight one puppeteer who is using her voice and creativity to pave the way for future storytellers. 

parents, are your kids curious about any particular topics in the news? feel free to send us videos of their questions atnightlynewskids@nbcuni.com, and they might be used on a future episode of ""nightly news: kids edition.""

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#leapyear #moon #measles",02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERyVS1O4qKg,"ctv national news | wednesday, feb. 28, 2024: new information on 2019 lab firings","new information on the high-profile firings of two scientists in 2019; concerns vaccine hesitancy may allow a deadly comeback for measles.  

1:05 new information on lab firings
3:52 measles cases cause concern
6:39 new visa requirements
7:54 alternative home ownership
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ctv news is canada's most-watched news organization both locally and nationally, and has a network of national, international, and local news operations.",02/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IHiJDXwJNs,"dr fazel butt, gp, video about measles (english)","dr fazel butt, gp in bury, talks about how the number of people catching measles is rising in greater manchester. measles is more than just a rash. it can be very serious, so make sure you're up to date with mmr vaccinations.  ask your gp about catch up jabs if you need them. for more information people should visit: https://gmintegratedcare.org.uk/measles/",02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,disgust,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQQquxMIiqQ,"us news: florida doctor explains dangers of the measles virus, encourages vaccination","florida's controversial surgeon general is drawing criticism for his handling of an elementary school's measles outbreak, telling parents of unvaccinated children it is their choice whether their students attend class — a contravention of federal guidelines calling for their mandatory exclusion.

dr. joseph ladapo, nationally known for his outspoken skepticism toward the covid-19 vaccine, sent a letter this week to parents at manatee bay elementary school near fort lauderdale after six students contracted the highly contagious and potentially deadly virus.

such outbreaks are rare in the united states, though reported cases have spiked from 58 for all of 2023 to 35 already this year.
#florida #measles #health 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36Pc7aCdKIM,"10 measles cases so far in florida, what do we know? | ask dr. david","10 cases of measles have been identified in florida the past few weeks, most are found in one community in a ft. lauderdale suburb. what information would be helpful for families to know to make the best decisions for their children? florida health officials have not been forthcoming with the info. so, lets talk about it!

watch my previous video for a more in-depth view about measles, contagiousness, incubation period, symptoms and complications from the mmr vaccine. ➡ https://youtu.be/lfp8zoxxgrg


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dr. david is an independent thinker who draws from more than 25 years of clinical experience. he relies on a broad range of evidence-based information to provide his best possible guidance. dr. david's thoughts and opinions may shift as the data evolves. information he shares with the public is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. all content is informative and does not replace the need for consultation with qualified health professionals.

#measles #florida #vaccines #drdavidmd",02/29/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuHPLz0fEEI,दादरा-रबेला (measles & rubella vaccine) खोप समबनधि जानकारी || यि खोपहरको महततव || durga rawal,#dadura-rubela khop #measles #measlesvaccine #infarmation #aaviyan #jankari #vaccines #vaccine #khopsmbandhijankari #dadurarubela #durgarawal,02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-ylki8Y_LI,measles huwa hai ibrahim ko | gobri se bhara huwa hai pura badan,"#dailyvlog 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfZSsvh9I-4,"dr fzel butt, gp, video about measles (urdu).","dr fazel butt, gp in bury, talks about how the number of people catching measles is rising in greater manchester. measles is more than just a rash. it can be very serious, so make sure you're up to date with mmr vaccinations.  ask your gp about catch up jabs if you need them. for more information people should visit: https://gmintegratedcare.org.uk/measles/",02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,disgust,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZYy3qhSv-k,"dr beenish hanif, video about measles (urdu)","dr beenish hanif, public health specialist in bury, talks about how the number of people catching measles is rising in greater manchester. measles is more than just a rash. it can be very serious, so make sure you're up to date with mmr vaccinations.  ask your gp about catch up jabs if you need them. for more information people should visit: https://gmintegratedcare.org.uk/measles/",02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@microbe.tv/video/7340373239748824366,"from beyond the noise # 31€when rfk jr. traveled to lancaster county, pennsylvania in july 2021, his goal in the heart of the covid pandemic was to scare the amish away from lifesaving vaccines. this excerpt is based on dr. offit€™s substack posts, €rfk jr. targets the amish: part i€ #virology #vaccineswork #mmr #measlesmumpsrubella #measlesoutbreak #microbetv #drpauloffit #beyondthenoise ","from beyond the noise # 31€when rfk jr. traveled to lancaster county, pennsylvania in july 2021, his goal in the heart of the covid pandemic was to scare the amish away from lifesaving vaccines. this excerpt is based on dr. offit€™s substack posts, €rfk jr. targets the amish: part i€ #virology #vaccineswork #mmr #measlesmumpsrubella #measlesoutbreak #microbetv #drpauloffit #beyondthenoise ",02/29/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/saskatchewanhealthauthority/reel/C38o0dqJ4QJ/,"wondering about measles? dr jasmine hasselback, sha medical health officer, explains…

measles is a serious and highly contagious disease. so contagious that if one person has it, 9 out of 10 people around them will catch it if not vaccinated.

for most people who get it, it will cause a fever, cough, conjunctivitis and a rash. but for some it can also lead to pneumonia and/or encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). for pregnant women, it can also lead to premature delivery, low birth weight or miscarriage.

vaccination against it is almost 100% effective after 2 doses (the mmr vaccine recommended at 12 and 18 months of age). you can book a mmr immunization appointment with your local public health office. and if you or your child missed their dose at the recommended age, now is a great time to catch up.
#saskatchewan #saskhealth #measles #vaccineswork","wondering about measles? dr jasmine hasselback, sha medical health officer, explains…

measles is a serious and highly contagious disease. so contagious that if one person has it, 9 out of 10 people around them will catch it if not vaccinated.

for most people who get it, it will cause a fever, cough, conjunctivitis and a rash. but for some it can also lead to pneumonia and/or encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). for pregnant women, it can also lead to premature delivery, low birth weight or miscarriage.

vaccination against it is almost 100% effective after 2 doses (the mmr vaccine recommended at 12 and 18 months of age). you can book a mmr immunization appointment with your local public health office. and if you or your child missed their dose at the recommended age, now is a great time to catch up.
#saskatchewan #saskhealth #measles #vaccineswork",02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/georebekahjones/reel/C381Po_xeM6/,measles #update #florida #covid #desantis #fyp #substack #cdc #whistleblower #doh #fdoh #health #publichealth #commonsense,measles #update #florida #covid #desantis #fyp #substack #cdc #whistleblower #doh #fdoh #health #publichealth #commonsense,02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/dr.frita/reel/C38Mn6HL8CV/,"follow @dr.frita & click the link in my bio to watch my youtube video: measles outbreak: signs & symptoms. we are up to over 695k subscribers (thank you)

join me today on @newsnationnow with @nicholeberlie to discuss the measles outbreak in florida.  there are at least 10 confirmed cases in florida, but the florida #surgeongeneral is not following the standard public health precautions.  we will discuss the proper way to protect yourselff and your loved ones from this deadly virus.--

 #texasholdem  by @beyonce 

#measlesoutbreak  #mmr #measles  #floridabeaches  #encephalitis  #josephdelapo #manateebayelementary  #browardcountyschools #beyhive

#drfrita #aoa #meharrymade #kemade #dst1913 #blackdoctors #femaledoctors #medicalexpert  #youtube @thegrio  @revolttv @newsy  @newsnationnow @msnbc  @11alive  @cnn @theportiatvshow @weekendexpresshln @foxsoul  @gmabookclub @theviewabc","follow @dr.frita & click the link in my bio to watch my youtube video: measles outbreak: signs & symptoms. we are up to over 695k subscribers (thank you)

join me today on @newsnationnow with @nicholeberlie to discuss the measles outbreak in florida.  there are at least 10 confirmed cases in florida, but the florida #surgeongeneral is not following the standard public health precautions.  we will discuss the proper way to protect yourselff and your loved ones from this deadly virus.--

 #texasholdem  by @beyonce 

#measlesoutbreak  #mmr #measles  #floridabeaches  #encephalitis  #josephdelapo #manateebayelementary  #browardcountyschools #beyhive

#drfrita #aoa #meharrymade #kemade #dst1913 #blackdoctors #femaledoctors #medicalexpert  #youtube @thegrio  @revolttv @newsy  @newsnationnow @msnbc  @11alive  @cnn @theportiatvshow @weekendexpresshln @foxsoul  @gmabookclub @theviewabc",02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/rosannascotto/reel/C37hffCL_wr/,#gdny #thursday #leapday #leapyear #wind #weather #nyc plus #migrants at 8:30 #measles #measlesoutbreak @drjayvarma .. plus at 9 @impracticaljokersofficial @therealmurr @salvulcano @bqquinn … @maksimc @danceonfox #sytycd and @titopuentejr #joinus #news #breakingnews #morning #thismorning #morningshow #nyc #newyork #newyorkcity,#gdny #thursday #leapday #leapyear #wind #weather #nyc plus #migrants at 8:30 #measles #measlesoutbreak @drjayvarma .. plus at 9 @impracticaljokersofficial @therealmurr @salvulcano @bqquinn … @maksimc @danceonfox #sytycd and @titopuentejr #joinus #news #breakingnews #morning #thismorning #morningshow #nyc #newyork #newyorkcity,02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C381Po_xeM6/,measles #update #florida #covid #desantis #fyp #substack #cdc #whistleblower #doh #fdoh #health #publichealth #commonsense,measles #update #florida #covid #desantis #fyp #substack #cdc #whistleblower #doh #fdoh #health #publichealth #commonsense,02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/dailymisinformer/reel/C38dNs4ysrU/,"amid measles outbreak, florida surgeon general tells parents its their choice to send unvaccinated kids to school

#news #headlines #florida #surgeongeneral #measles #outbreak #healthcare #medicine #medicaladvice #comedy #jokes #funny","amid measles outbreak, florida surgeon general tells parents its their choice to send unvaccinated kids to school

#news #headlines #florida #surgeongeneral #measles #outbreak #healthcare #medicine #medicaladvice #comedy #jokes #funny",02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/saskatchewanhealthauthority/reel/C38o0dqJ4QJ/?locale=it,"wondering about measles? dr jasmine hasselback, sha medical health officer, explains…

measles is a serious and highly contagious disease. so contagious that if one person has it, 9 out of 10 people around them will catch it if not vaccinated.

for most people who get it, it will cause a fever, cough, conjunctivitis and a rash. but for some it can also lead to pneumonia and/or encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). for pregnant women, it can also lead to premature delivery, low birth weight or miscarriage.

vaccination against it is almost 100% effective after 2 doses (the mmr vaccine recommended at 12 and 18 months of age). you can book a mmr immunization appointment with your local public health office. and if you or your child missed their dose at the recommended age, now is a great time to catch up.
#saskatchewan #saskhealth #measles #vaccineswork","wondering about measles? dr jasmine hasselback, sha medical health officer, explains…

measles is a serious and highly contagious disease. so contagious that if one person has it, 9 out of 10 people around them will catch it if not vaccinated.

for most people who get it, it will cause a fever, cough, conjunctivitis and a rash. but for some it can also lead to pneumonia and/or encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). for pregnant women, it can also lead to premature delivery, low birth weight or miscarriage.

vaccination against it is almost 100% effective after 2 doses (the mmr vaccine recommended at 12 and 18 months of age). you can book a mmr immunization appointment with your local public health office. and if you or your child missed their dose at the recommended age, now is a great time to catch up.
#saskatchewan #saskhealth #measles #vaccineswork",02/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/lactcare/reel/C39akJLSNh2/,"#mumps #viral #infection #disease #diseaseprevention #vaccination #immunization #mmr 
mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it can cause painful swelling in your parotid salivary glands (parotitis). treatment for mumps focuses on alleviating symptoms. the disease has to run its course. most symptoms are mild, but serious complications can occur. the mmr vaccine offers protection from the virus that causes mumps.

did you vaccinate your child for mmr ??","#mumps #viral #infection #disease #diseaseprevention #vaccination #immunization #mmr 
mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it can cause painful swelling in your parotid salivary glands (parotitis). treatment for mumps focuses on alleviating symptoms. the disease has to run its course. most symptoms are mild, but serious complications can occur. the mmr vaccine offers protection from the virus that causes mumps.

did you vaccinate your child for mmr ??",03/01/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.msnbc.com/morning-joe/watch/florida-s-surgeon-general-playing-with-fire-regarding-measles-says-doctor-205258821906,"florida's surgeon general 'playing with fire' regarding measles, says doctor","florida's measles outbreak is the largest in the u.s. right now, and the decision of the state's surgeon general dr. joseph ladapo to let parents decide whether to quarantine their children or let them keep going to school could allow cases to spread, experts warn. dr. vin gupta joins morning joe to discuss.",03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.fox5ny.com/video/1419563,concern over measles outbreaks,"dr. jay varma, chief medical officer at siga technologies, addresses concerns as florida deals with a measles outbreak.",03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2KIgZLsNKY,"measles outbreak: florida reports 10 cases, most in broward.",the florida department of health reported a 10th travel-related measles case that isn't related to the 9 cases at a public school in broward county.,03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26OpREnosD8,spring break travel concerns as measles cases climb,"dr. nick cozzi, an emergency physician at rush university medical center, talked with wgn news about the outbreak of measles cases in florida and what you should be aware of if you plan to travel to florida for spring break. dr. cozzi recently co-authored a study on measles. you can read it here https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37692...",03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfTCI3y6DSU,"florida's surgeon general 'playing with fire' regarding measles, says doctor","florida's measles outbreak is the largest in the u.s. right now, and the decision of the state's surgeon general dr. joseph ladapo to let parents decide whether to quarantine their children or let them keep going to school could allow cases to spread, experts warn. dr. vin gupta joins morning joe to discuss. ",03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=734BKQXryio,   .    ?    .," : https://www.youtube.com/channel/uc5jwqbhxxkxzwrztu8dktpw
       ,      .   .    -    .          .     .      .    .
# # # # # # #childhood diseases #measlesandrubella",03/01/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxUGr2sVYmM,doctors warn of alarming increase in measles cases across the us,"doctors are sounding the alarm because measles cases are surging in more than a dozen states. while there have been no reported cases in new mexico, reps with the new mexico pediatric society say it is on their radar. 

story: https://www.kob.com/new-mexico/doctors-warn-of-alarming-increase-in-measles-cases-across-the-us/

- watch kob 4: https://www.kob.com/live
- subscribe to kob 4: https://www.youtube.com/@kob4?sub_confirmation=1
- visit kob.com: https://www.kob.com/
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- like kob 4 on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kobtv
- follow kob 4 on twitter: https://twitter.com/kob4
- follow kob 4 on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kobtv4/",03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=golm_qaCAkQ,health tip - measles,"dr. jacqueline wong, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at mcmaster children's hospital, shares information about measles symptoms and how to prevent infection from this extremely contagious virus.",03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avHkjWILUq4,vaccine awareness: exploring disease through diverse virus infections | perpendy study zone,"vaccine awareness: exploring disease through diverse virus infections

welcome to our channel perpendy study zone ! in this comprehensive video, we delve into the critical role of vaccination in combating diverse virus infections, while also highlighting the symptoms associated with these diseases.
hiv symptoms: hiv, the human immunodeficiency virus, manifests with symptoms such as flu-like symptoms, fever, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes.

hepatitis symptoms: hepatitis viruses (a, b, c, and d) present with symptoms like jaundice, fatigue, nausea, abdominal pain, and dark urine.

smallpox symptoms: the variola virus, which causes smallpox, is characterized by symptoms such as fever, body aches, and a distinctive rash.

polio symptoms: polio, caused by the poliovirus, can lead to symptoms ranging from mild flu-like symptoms to paralysis.

mumps symptoms: the mumps virus typically presents with symptoms such as swollen salivary glands, fever, headache, and muscle aches.

chikungunya symptoms: chikungunya virus infection is associated with symptoms like fever, joint pain, headache, muscle pain, and rash.

importance of vaccination: vaccines play a crucial role in preventing these diseases and their associated symptoms. vaccines such as the hepatitis vaccine, polio vaccine, mmr vaccine, and smallpox vaccine have been instrumental in controlling these infections.

conclusion: by understanding the symptoms of these diseases and the importance of vaccination in preventing them, we can spread awareness and combat misinformation surrounding vaccines. like, share, and subscribe for more informative content on vaccine education. together, let's work towards a healthier future through vaccine awareness

who can watch :- 
this video is suitable for the general public, healthcare professionals, students, parents, caregivers, educators, and community leaders interested in understanding the role of vaccination in preventing virus infections. it provides valuable insights into symptoms, benefits, and public health implications. watch to learn how vaccination contributes to disease prevention and promotes overall well-being.

""by watching this video, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the critical role vaccination plays in preventing diverse virus infections. learn about the symptoms of diseases like hiv, hepatitis, smallpox, and more, and discover the benefits of vaccination in protecting public health. stay informed and promote vaccine awareness today!""

00:00 - introduction
00:18 - aids (hiv)
01:36 - smallpox (चेचक)
02:41 - measles (खसरा)
04:04 - mumps (गलसआ)
04:53 - polio (पोलियो)
06:05 - hepatitis (हेपेाइिस)
07:04 - rabies (रेबीज)
07:55 - japanese encephalitis 
08:43 - chikungunya (चिकनगनिया)
09:35 - outro 

 **thanks for watching!**
if you found this video informative, consider supporting us by subscribing and sharing. stay tuned for more engaging content!
#vaccineawareness #preventvirusinfections #publichealth #vaccinationbenefits #healthcareeducation #diseaseprevention #symptomawareness #communityhealth #healthpromotion #stayinformed #perpendystudyzone  #paramedical #biology #anatomy_physiology 
#hospital #hospitaltraining #hospitalstaff  #nursingknowledge #pharmacy #pharmacy #pharmacystudents 
#medicalstudent #medicalstudents #biology #pharmacology #nursing #bhms #bams #hospitalknowledge #hospitaltraining #medical #medicalstudent #medicalstudents #hospitalstaff #hospitaltraining #hospital #medicalknowledgeonline #medicalstudent  #dpharma #bpharma #doctor  #bhmsstudents #bams #bamsstudent #disease #psz #neet2024",03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb8gA1qujbY,"polio drops 2024 karnataka| ಮಾ. 3ರಂದ ಮಕಕಳಿಗೆ ತಪಪದೇ ಪಲಸ"" ಪೋಲಿಯ೚ ಲಸಿಕೆ ಹಾಕಿಸಿ","polio drops 2024 karnataka| ಮಾ. 3ರಂದ ಮಕಕಳಿಗೆ ತಪಪದೇ ಪಲಸ"" ಪೋಲಿಯ೚ ಲಸಿಕೆ ಹಾಕಿಸಿ
#polio #endpolionow #covid #endpolio #rotary #measles #vaccine #rotaryinternational #worldpolioday #vaccineswork #health #vaccines #pakistan #medicine #oficial #a #distrito #polioplus #rotaryfoundation #imagenpublica #hagamoshistoria #dosgotasparasalvarelmundo #vaccination #disability #dpt #tetanus #science #children #mumps #vaksin#poliofree #homeopathy #poliofreepakistan #imunisasi #mmr #wheelchair #disabled #rubella #coronavirus #o #vaccinessavelives #fluvaccine #crutches #influenza #pharma #poliomielite #polioawareness #n #rotavirus #disabledfashion #instagram #disabledandcute #handicap #vaksindpt #amputeegirl #foreverychild #healthylife #disabledmodel #paraplegic #vaksinpolio",03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fsILRkNBl8,"measles, mumps, parainfluenza viruses (microbiology) | usmle step 1 | sketchy medical","ready to tackle your clerkships? 

check out sketchy's new app for clinical students here: https://www.sketchy.com/explore/medical/clinical?utm_medium=organic_social&utm_source=youtube&

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let's learn about viruses in the paramyxovirus family: measles, mumps, parainfluenza viruses.

understand concepts like single-stranded rna viruses and their replication process.

explore the characteristics of measles and mumps viruses, including symptoms, complications, and preventive measures. 

join us for an engaging journey through the world of virology!


sketchy is the #1 visual learning platform brought to you from the creators of sketchymicro and sketchypharm. we turn what you need to know for your course prep and exams and into engaging, artful stories that you'll remember forever. rooted in an ancient memorization technique called the 'method of loci,' the sketchy method is proven to accelerate learning, increase retention, and improve test scores. (trust us, we're doctors.) our comprehensive one-of-a-kind curriculum covers everything you need to know to conquer any subject—and have fun while doing it.

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medical disclaimer: sketchy group llc does not provide medical advice. sketchy group llc and the content available on sketchy group's properties (sketchy.com, youtube, and other channels) do not provide a diagnosis or other recommendation for treatment and are not a substitute for the professional judgment of a healthcare professional in diagnosis and treatment of any person or animal. the determination of the need for medical services and the types of healthcare to be provided to a patient are decisions that should be made only by a physician or other licensed health care provider. always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition.",03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izHb-hUQU-w,cbs miami - rep. debbie wasserman schultz calls for fl surgeon general termination over measles.,,03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/cardiffandvaleuhb/videos/how-serious-is-measles/1418015808820115/,how serious is measles?,#measles can be a serious illness for children that can be prevented by a highly effective and safe vaccine. https://orlo.uk/jgz94,03/01/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.facebook.com/HamHealthSci/videos/health-tip-measles/6946586875453386/,health tip - measles,"dr. jacqueline wong, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at mcmaster children's hospital, shares information about measles symptoms and how to prevent infection from this extremely contagious virus. learn more.",03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/hhsndgov/videos/measles-cases-have-recently-reappeared-in-the-us-due-to-declining-immunization-r/2568572303314617/,measles cases have recently reappeared in the u.s. due to declining immunization rates worldwide and from international travel.,"measles cases have recently reappeared in the u.s. due to declining immunization rates worldwide and from international travel. you can protect yourself, children and others. two doses of the mmr vaccine offer long-lasting protection. talk to your health care provider about vaccine recommendations. learn more at hhs.nd.gov/immunizations.",03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/mcmasterchildrens/reel/C3_ALqgOyNe/,"with the recent news of a case of measles locally, dr. jacqueline wong, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at our hospital, shares information about symptoms and how to protect your family.

learn more about measles in this health tip, and visit https://www.hamiltonhealthsciences.ca/share/what-is-measles/.","with the recent news of a case of measles locally, dr. jacqueline wong, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at our hospital, shares information about symptoms and how to protect your family.

learn more about measles in this health tip, and visit https://www.hamiltonhealthsciences.ca/share/what-is-measles/.",03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/firstkidsppec/reel/C3_3Jg3s5sg/,"our dr.  moises issa speaks about the measles outbreak in broward county and how to prevent it.  @telemundo51 @irenesancheztv @yarielvaldestv 
#vaccinesafety #measleswarning #measlesprevention #publichealth #immunization #measlesawareness 
#exceptionalfamilies #specialneeds #uniquechildren #specialneedkids","our dr.  moises issa speaks about the measles outbreak in broward county and how to prevent it.  @telemundo51 @irenesancheztv @yarielvaldestv 
#vaccinesafety #measleswarning #measlesprevention #publichealth #immunization #measlesawareness 
#exceptionalfamilies #specialneeds #uniquechildren #specialneedkids",03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/gnbca/reel/C3-wUJSJCr5/,"planning your next getaway? don't forget your passport and your measles vaccine! measles is highly contagious, but if you are fully vaccinated it is almost 100% effective in preventing the disease.

take care of yourself and your community and travel without the worry of getting this preventable disease.

learn more: www.gnb.ca/vaccines

see a health-care provider if you develop symptoms of measles while travelling or after you return:

• high fever
• cough
• runny nose
• red watery eyes
• rash 3-5 days after the above symptoms begin","planning your next getaway? don't forget your passport and your measles vaccine! measles is highly contagious, but if you are fully vaccinated it is almost 100% effective in preventing the disease.

take care of yourself and your community and travel without the worry of getting this preventable disease.

learn more: www.gnb.ca/vaccines

see a health-care provider if you develop symptoms of measles while travelling or after you return:

• high fever
• cough
• runny nose
• red watery eyes
• rash 3-5 days after the above symptoms begin",03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/kristen_nagle/reel/C3_PqFrrHLO/,"measles oh my!

measles once a benign childhood illness is not something we are told to fear.

they prey on parents' guilt, worry, and need to protect their child from harm. if you don't get this man made synthetic poison for your child's rite of passage, they will die!

the fear propaganda came out only once there was a  to profit from. prior to that, it was to stay home, rest, and load up on vitamin a (cod liver oil or beef liver are my favourite sources).

measles like most child illnesses are a rite of passage, a genetic upgrade, and equipping them to be stronger adults.

if they convince us to fear each other (contagion myth), to fear invisible threats and to load up on man's poison  - they can scare us into anything and keep us separated from one another.

remember chicken pox parties? measles is no different.

we talk about this is the warrior mamas course starting april 2nd. a three month, self led module based format with live q&a calls to move the information from your head to your heart so you will know how to silence the noise and stand steadfast in your convictions.

we'll also be touching on this on mondays ""you call the shots"" webinar and q&a.

if interested in learning more comment warrior or shots or maybe both!

lots remove the fear and realize our bodies have everything they need within us. our bodies heal, and our symptoms are not to be feared.

we are fearfully and wonderfully made, our perfect divine design 

don't ever let fear be the reason you make any decision!","measles oh my!

measles once a benign childhood illness is not something we are told to fear.

they prey on parents' guilt, worry, and need to protect their child from harm. if you don't get this man made synthetic poison for your child's rite of passage, they will die!

the fear propaganda came out only once there was a  to profit from. prior to that, it was to stay home, rest, and load up on vitamin a (cod liver oil or beef liver are my favourite sources).

measles like most child illnesses are a rite of passage, a genetic upgrade, and equipping them to be stronger adults.

if they convince us to fear each other (contagion myth), to fear invisible threats and to load up on man's poison  - they can scare us into anything and keep us separated from one another.

remember chicken pox parties? measles is no different.

we talk about this is the warrior mamas course starting april 2nd. a three month, self led module based format with live q&a calls to move the information from your head to your heart so you will know how to silence the noise and stand steadfast in your convictions.

we'll also be touching on this on mondays ""you call the shots"" webinar and q&a.

if interested in learning more comment warrior or shots or maybe both!

lots remove the fear and realize our bodies have everything they need within us. our bodies heal, and our symptoms are not to be feared.

we are fearfully and wonderfully made, our perfect divine design 

don't ever let fear be the reason you make any decision!",03/01/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/bcmhouston/reel/C3-ogXoopkL/,"baylor college of medicine's dr. paul klotman in this week's video, we take a look at florida, which is experiencing a measles outbreak in fort lauderdale-area schools with six confirmed cases. #measles","baylor college of medicine's dr. paul klotman in this week's video, we take a look at florida, which is experiencing a measles outbreak in fort lauderdale-area schools with six confirmed cases. #measles",03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/hamiltonhealthsciences/reel/C3_Ck48yL0g/,"dr. jacqueline wong, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at @mcmasterchildrens, shares information about measles symptoms and how to prevent infection from this extremely contagious virus. 

learn more about measles by visiting https://www.hamiltonhealthsciences.ca/share/what-is-measles/.","dr. jacqueline wong, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at @mcmasterchildrens, shares information about measles symptoms and how to prevent infection from this extremely contagious virus. 

learn more about measles by visiting https://www.hamiltonhealthsciences.ca/share/what-is-measles/.",03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3_ALqgOyNe/,"with the recent news of a case of measles locally, dr. jacqueline wong, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at our hospital, shares information about symptoms and how to protect your family.

learn more about measles in this health tip, and visit https://www.hamiltonhealthsciences.ca/share/what-is-measles/.","with the recent news of a case of measles locally, dr. jacqueline wong, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at our hospital, shares information about symptoms and how to protect your family.

learn more about measles in this health tip, and visit https://www.hamiltonhealthsciences.ca/share/what-is-measles/.",03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3_Ck48yL0g/,"dr. jacqueline wong, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at @mcmasterchildrens, shares information about measles symptoms and how to prevent infection from this extremely contagious virus.

learn more about measles by visiting https://www.hamiltonhealthsciences.ca/share/what-is-measles/.","dr. jacqueline wong, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist at @mcmasterchildrens, shares information about measles symptoms and how to prevent infection from this extremely contagious virus.

learn more about measles by visiting https://www.hamiltonhealthsciences.ca/share/what-is-measles/.",03/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dancingdatanerd/video/7341861677199117610,"in the first two months of 2024, there have been more than 40 cases of measles reported in the united states (in 2023, 58 cases were reported in 12 months so we are already trending upward). in canada, there have been 12 cases so far€compared to 12 cases all of 2023. not only is measles deadly and extremely contagious, its also preventable. make sure you and your children have been vaccinated with the mmr vaccine at some point in your lifetime. as of right now, we only need one series of 2 vaccines for lifelong immunity. #mmr #vaccines #publichealth #epidemiology","in the first two months of 2024, there have been more than 40 cases of measles reported in the united states (in 2023, 58 cases were reported in 12 months so we are already trending upward). in canada, there have been 12 cases so far€compared to 12 cases all of 2023. not only is measles deadly and extremely contagious, its also preventable. make sure you and your children have been vaccinated with the mmr vaccine at some point in your lifetime. as of right now, we only need one series of 2 vaccines for lifelong immunity. #mmr #vaccines #publichealth #epidemiology",03/02/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@beauofthefifth1109/video/7341793190887918890,let's talk about measles in 2024....#usa#us#vlog#beauofthefifthcolumn,let's talk about measles in 2024....#usa#us#vlog#beauofthefifthcolumn,03/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@zareteasterlin89/video/7341704917092011306,elsa jean once upon a time measles!,elsa jean once upon a time measles!,03/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYZaTUnjLq4,"desantis's ""surgeon general seems to think measles are just fine","measles is the most transmissible virus known to man. dr. abdul el-sayed explains the measles outbreak in florida, why we should take it seriously, and what their state's ""surgeon general advised instead. 

00:00 - florida's measles outbreak explained
01:04 - how transmissible is measles?
02:37 - a message from our sponsors @margueritecaseyfoundation 
03:09 - what joseph ladapo said
04:58 - ladapo and desantis's political agenda
06:01 - why their message is dangerous",03/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILwMYkwQyGU,cbc news: the national | measles warning in quebec,"march 1, 2024 | health officials are warning that measles may be spreading in parts of quebec. paying tribute to the late former prime minister brian mulroney. plus, the body shop closes a third of its canadian stores as it struggles to stay afloat.

00:00 the national for march 1, 2024
00:53 warning of possible community spread of measles
03:35 is there concern about a measles outbreak?
04:10 measles advice for people who are travelling 
04:45 top court says warrant needed to obtain ip address
06:57 tributes after death of former pm brian mulroney
09:26 brian mulroney's complex legacy in quebec
12:17 u.s. says it will airdrop aid into gaza
13:10 impact of the war on children in gaza
16:44 driver rescues from trunk dangling from bridge
17:04 winter storm hammers northern california 
17:29 blizzard shuts down iqaluit schools, services
17:48 funeral for alexei navalny in moscow 
21:10 sarah mitton wins women's shot put gold
21:40 fashion influencer iris apfel dead at 102
22:10 body shop to close one third of canadian stores
24:14 the breakdown starts now 
25:03 is it time for russia and ukraine to negotiate? 
35:49 inflation's down. why are interest rates still high?
40:47 preview: joshua liendo interview this sunday
42:00 the moment | maternity ward wedding

#news #latestnews #cbcnews

subscribe to the national: 

more from cbc news | https://www.cbc.ca/news

the national is the flagship of cbc news, showcasing award-winning journalism from across canada and around the world. led by chief correspondent adrienne arsenault and ian hanomansing, our team of trusted reporters helps you make sense of the world, wherever you are.",03/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxhvhBEvgFs,twiv 1093: reservoir bats and jumbo phage,"twiv discusses effectiveness of this season's flu vaccine, efficacy of pfizer rsv vaccine, nopv2 in the us, dengue in peru, measles in michigan and indiana, how coordinated inflammatory responses dictate control of marburg virus by reservoir bats, and trna acquisition in phages driven by degradation of host translational machinery. 

show notes at https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-1093/

become a patron of twiv at https://microbe.tv/contribute

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•this week in virology  https://bit.ly/30uuhrx
this week in parasitism https://bit.ly/3ndunuz
•this week in microbiology https://bit.ly/33toueo
•urban agriculture http://microbe.tv/urbanag
•this week in evolution https://bit.ly/3ne1bf5
•immune https://bit.ly/2hoycvb
•this week in neuroscience https://bit.ly/2so12yd
•infectious disease puscast https://bit.ly/3k4ekf0 

– who am i? –

i'm vincent racaniello, earth's virology professor, and i believe that education should be free.

i'm also a professor of virology at columbia university in new york. i've been doing research on viruses since 1976, and teaching virology in classrooms and online since 1999. on this youtube channel i share videos of my lectures, podcasts, and more.

new videos are uploaded several times each week.

i do not run ads on our work as it is disruptive to learning. we depend on your support. 

if you would like to support our work, go over to https://www.microbe.tv/contribute/ 
#microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic
———————————————————————",03/02/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vtEBVFzFBM,mumps vs chickenpox | difference between mumps and chickenpox | #mumps #chickenpox,"also know: mumps and chickenpox | chickenpox vs mumps | difference between  chickenpox and mumps | what is the difference between mumps and chickenpox?

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

best hospitals in hitech city, hyderabad, india: https://goo.gl/maps/entychpnfednh9u49

#mumps #mumpsdisease #mumpsinfection #mumpsvirus #mumpscauses #mumpsreasons #mumpssymptoms #mumpscomplications #mumpsdiagnosis #mumpsexaminations #mumpstest #mumpstreatment #mumpsmanagement #mumpscure #mumpsvaccination #mumpsimmunization #mumpsprevention #viralinfection #pediatrichealth #pediatrichealthcare #pediatricianadvice #pediatriciantips #pediatrician #pediatricspecialist #pediatricscare #pediatrics #pacehospitals #hyderabad #india 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FldEfvouDw,measles,"measles isn't simply a rash, but can provide opportunistic infections, a place in your body, because measles defeats a portion of your immune system. one side effect of measles can be fatal and vaccination is highly important.",03/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/video/eye-on-health-march-1-2024/,"eye on health: march 1, 2024",simple changes that can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer; a historic donation gives some future doctors a financial boost; the health benefits londoners are getting from a freezing cold trend; a warning about the spread of the measles virus around the u.s. bradley blackburn reports.,03/02/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.facebook.com/cardiffandvaleuhb/videos/what-are-the-symptoms-of-measles/1485070462439732/,what are the symptoms of measles?,#measles is highly infectious and can be passed on even before a rash appears. two doses of the #mmr vaccine gives lifelong protection https://orlo.uk/nmubb,03/02/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/hadhvitha/reel/C4CriU0REXT/,#polio #endpolionow #covid #endpolio #rotary #measles #vaccine #rotaryinternational #worldpolioday #vaccineswork #health #vaccines #pakistan #medicine #oficial #a #distrito #polioplus #rotaryfoundation #imagenpublica #hagamoshistoria #dosgotasparasalvarelmundo #vaccination #disability #dpt #tetanus #science #children #mumps #vaksin,#polio #endpolionow #covid #endpolio #rotary #measles #vaccine #rotaryinternational #worldpolioday #vaccineswork #health #vaccines #pakistan #medicine #oficial #a #distrito #polioplus #rotaryfoundation #imagenpublica #hagamoshistoria #dosgotasparasalvarelmundo #vaccination #disability #dpt #tetanus #science #children #mumps #vaksin,03/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/video/measles-outbreak-ends-norovirus-surges-leap-day-babies-welcomed-and-more-health-watch/,"measles outbreak ends, norovirus surges, leap day babies welcomed and more | health watch","the measles outbreak in philadelphia has ended but another virus is surging in the region. plus, hospitals around the area welcomed babies born on leap day. these stories and more in this week's health watch from cbs news philadelphia.",03/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@steve_boots/video/7342108496755756294,measles spread is increasing fast#greenscreen#greenscreen#fyp#steve_boots#foryou#canpoli#foryoupage#skpoli#mbpoli#ontario#ont#sask#ontpoli#manitoba#ab#saskatchewan#canada#saskpoli#alberta,measles spread is increasing fast#greenscreen#greenscreen#fyp#steve_boots#foryou#canpoli#foryoupage#skpoli#mbpoli#ontario#ont#sask#ontpoli#manitoba#ab#saskatchewan#canada#saskpoli#alberta,03/03/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AjLSEdqAJE,canadian health officials warn of potential measles outbreak as cases rise worldwide,"dr. earl rubin, director of pediatric infectious diseases at the montreal children's hospital, says he is 'very concerned' that four of the seven measles cases in quebec were not acquired overseas and are not linked epidemiologically. rubin says infants, people who are immunocompromised, and adults who are not vaccinated are most susceptible to the disease. ",03/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmCb_FwGAl4,concerns of measles vulnerability increase as cases are confirmed in ontario and quebec,"there is growing concern that a highly infectious and dangerous disease could be making a comeback to canada.

cases of measles have been confirmed in both ontario and quebec. and some of the infections are not connected to travel or close contacts, indicating there is now community transmission.

global's heather yourex-west looks at why and who is most at risk.",03/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trxGTFxisj4,"measles outbreak ends, norovirus surges, leap day babies welcomed and more | health watch","the measles outbreak in philadelphia has ended but another virus is surging in the region. plus, hospitals around the area welcomed babies born on leap day. these stories and more in this week's health watch from cbs news philadelphia.",03/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@professor.mom.lady/video/7342177080278338859,#onthisday#measles#vaccines#medicine#generationaldifferences#professor#teaching#students#vaccinations#mmr,#onthisday#measles#vaccines#medicine#generationaldifferences#professor#teaching#students#vaccinations#mmr,03/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,disgust,disgust
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByGd9JmxQ3s,'measles is a very dangerous disease'; u-m doctor stresses importance of vaccinations,a university of michigan doctor stressed the importance of vaccinations and the dangers of measles after a case was confirmed in michigan.,03/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54k2g9ddy4M,cbc news: the national | potential community spread of measles,"march 3, 2024 | health officials warn about the possible community spread of measles in some cities in canada. trudeau cancels an event with the italian prime minister as hundreds protest his handling of the israel-hamas war. plus, canadian joshua liendo looks to make waves at the paris olympics. 

00:00 the national for march 3, 2024
00:54 potential community spread of measles
04:20 quebec investigating 3rd waiting room death
04:54 u.s. vice president calls for gaza ceasefire
05:31 trudeau event cancelled due to protest
07:55 trump expected to sweep super tuesday
10:52 airlines hiking extra fees attached to tickets
13:06 malaysia pushes for renewed mh370 search
13:45 california storm drops 2 metres of snow
15:43 high winds winds fuel texas wildfires
16:04 canada's emergency preparedness plan
18:27 fire destroys n.b. potato chip factory
19:40 france set to enshrine abortion rights
19:58 case of mistaken identity at ottawa hospital
23:18 self-tapes changing the audition process
25:33 the breakdown starts now 
26:18 josh liendo swims into the history books
36:17 fire destroy first nation's only school
41:18 coming soon | rising demand for pet psychics
43:04 the moment | goat police chase

#news #latestnews #cbcnews

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the national is the flagship of cbc news, showcasing award-winning journalism from across canada and around the world. led by chief correspondent adrienne arsenault and ian hanomansing, our team of trusted reporters helps you make sense of the world, wherever you are.",03/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,surprise,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6BYjRJaB-U,"pro-palestine rallies shut down trudeau's event, rise of measles in canada | your world tonight","a reception meant to cap off a day of meetings between justin trudeau and italian prime minister giorgia meloni in toronto, was abruptly cancelled after demonstrators shouting pro-palestinian slogans blocked entrances to the building and prevented many attendees from getting in. and, there are early signals that measles may be quietly spreading within parts of canada as health officials brace for more imported infections during the march break travel season.

these are just some of the top stories on the march 3,  2024 edition of your world tonight.

your world tonight is a dynamic half-hour program on cbc radio that showcases first-rate journalism on the news of the day from canada and around the world. we tell stories you won't hear anywhere else that connects you with remote places and people.

#palestine #canada #toronto

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVZ8wBuvKiA,behind the scenes minis: source chasing and measles shots | stuff you missed in history class,"  if you're new subscribe ► https://bit.ly/symihcsubscribe

behind the scenes minis: source chasing and measles shots | stuff you missed in history class

tracy mentions tracking down sources for quotes about rebecca crumpler during research. she and holly also discuss measles vaccine protocols. 

original air date: march 1, 2024 

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new episodes monday and wednesday on iheartradio.

#stuffyoumissedinhistoryclass #stuffyoumissedinhistoryclasspodcast #tracywilson #hollyfrey #stuffyoumissedinhistoryclasspod #hollyfreypodcast #tracywilsonpodcast",03/03/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohBIu__dTIw,what parents need to know about measles before march break,"with measles on the rise globally, health officials are reminding canadians to get vaccinated, with a potential surge in cases possible following march break travel.",03/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hs7sN1HQvlI,what to do if you think you or your child has measles,"here is what to do if you suspect measles

measles starts with a 2 to 4 day illness before the rash appears, which
typically includes high fever, flu-like symptoms, cough and conjunctivitis. the latter is a more specific symptom that differentiates measles from many other causes of influenza-like illness.

symptoms typically peak on the first day of the measles rash.
fever typically increases during the prodromal phase, peaks (generally over 39c) around the rash onset, and will gradually decrease after that.

the maculopapular rash generally starts on the face and behind the ears. the number of lesions/spots generally increase in the first 2 to 3 days, and their distribution expands further to the face, trunk, and can sometimes be generalised. lesions can become confluent, particularly on the face and the trunk. the rash is red, blotchy, maculopapular (that is non-vesicular), not
itchy, and generally lasts for 3 to 7 days, fading gradually.

koplik spots may appear around the time of the rash, usually one day before, and last for 2 to 3 days after the rash appears. these are small spots with white or bluish-white lesions, of about 2 to 3mm in diameter, on an erythematous base on the buccal mucosa.

immunosuppressed individuals are at higher risk than immunocompetent individuals of developing prolonged and severe measles, and of suffering complications. viral pneumonitis is the most frequent severe complication, which generally develops within 2 weeks of symptom onset. it is also the most common cause of death in immunosuppressed individuals

measles can be severe in pregnant women and leads to an increased risk of prematurity and foetal loss, although there is no evidence that it leads to congenital defects. 

transmission of primary measles
a patient with suspected measles should be advised to isolate and in particular to avoid contact with immunosuppressed individuals and other vulnerable people (such as pregnant women and infants) while potentially infectious. 

individuals with primary measles infection are infectious from about 4 days before rash onset until 4 full days after the rash appears. 

he best way to protect individuals and to achieve measles elimination is with high vaccination coverage with 2 doses of mmr vaccine (95% and over)

the main aim of measles pep for pregnant women is attenuation of disease and therefore human normal immunoglobulin (hnig) can be used. this will be issued up to 6 days after exposure, allowing time for assessment of immunity status in most instances. where a second exposure occurs more than 3 weeks after a first dose of immunoglobulin, a further dose may need to be considered. pregnant women who remain susceptible should be reminded to have mmr vaccination following delivery to protect them in subsequent pregnancies,

all infants under 6 months old who have a significant exposure to measles should get hnig due to the high likelihood of maternal antibodies interfering with the response to mmr vaccine 
infants aged 9 months or older should receive mmr vaccine as response to mmr is improved at this age

from national measles guidelines 2024 
https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/65ddd0e9f1cab3001afc4774/national-measles-guidelines-feb-2024.pdf",03/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=217-EUDfN-I,world polio day 2024|cute babies having polio drops today |polio immunization for kids below 5 years,"world polio day 2024|cute babies having polio drops today |polio immunization for kids below 5 years
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3OqP-r8O-o,লিবা ককস ভযাকসিন দই দিনে দেই | liba cox vaccine is given in two days|krishi channel agro,"লিবা ককস ভযাকসিন দই দিনে দেই | liba cox vaccine is given in two days

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pis9yBxQG74,ଆଜି ହଉଛି march 3 world polio ଦିବସ || ମୋ ପଅ ହାତରେ ପରଥମ ଥର ଚିହନ ଲାଗିଲା  #youtubeshorts #viral,#polio #endpolionow #covid #endpolio #rotary #measles #vaccine #rotaryinternational #worldpolioday #vaccineswork #health #vaccines #pakistan #medicine #oficial #a #distrito #polioplus #rotaryfoundation #imagenpublica #hagamoshistoria #dosgotasparasalvarelmundo #vaccination #disability #dpt #tetanus #science #children #mumps #vaksin#poliofree #homeopathy #poliofreepakistan #imunisasi #mmr #wheelchair #disabled #rubella #coronavirus #o #vaccinessavelives #fluvaccine #crutches #influenza #pharma #poliomielite #polioawareness #n #rotavirus #disabledfashion #instagram #disabledandcute #handicap #vaksindpt #amputeegirl #foreverychild #healthylife #disabledmodel #paraplegic #vaksinpolio,03/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmQf_xk2gjs,dadura rubela khop abhiyan#livelife #schoollife#youtubeshorts,"""नमसकार "" 
9 महिना पूरा भका सबै बचचालाइ यो दादरा रबेला खोप लगाउन परछ । हिजो नै खोप लगाको भ पनि यो खोप लगाउन परछ है ।
दादरा रबेलाखोपकसले किन लाउने कसले नलाउने ? dadura rubela camp nepal 2080  फागन measles-rubella 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQcHzqH-QI8,वयोम चा पहिला पोलिओ डोस ।bsc mall ला खरेदी । पीहू चिणू चि मसती ।,"#polio #endpolionow #covid #endpolio #rotary #measles #vaccine #rotaryinternational #worldpolioday #vaccineswork #health #vaccines #pakistan #medicine #oficial #a #distrito #polioplus #rotaryfoundation #imagenpublica #hagamoshistoria #dosgotasparasalvarelmundo #vaccination #disability #dpt #tetanus #science #children #mumps #vaksin
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#youtube #personal #minivlog #pihusworld #funny #pihunaughtygirl #love #vlog #cutepihu #music 
@tejaswineearage",03/03/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/video/facing-south-florida-one-on-one-with-dr-scott-rivkees/,facing south florida: one-on-one with dr. scott rivkees,"cbs news miami's jim defede  goes one-on-one with former florida surgeon general scott rivkees, who was removed during the covid crisis by gov. ron desantis. the two discuss how the current surgeon general, joseph ladapo, is handling the measles outbreak._x000d_
guest: dr. scott rivkees/former florida surgeon general",03/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/video/facing-south-florida-one-on-one-with-dr-peter-licata/,facing south florida: one-on-one with dr. peter licata,"cbs news miami's jim defede  and the broward county public schools superintendent tackle the measles outbreak, and school closures due to under-enrollment._x000d_
guest: dr. peter licata/broward schools superintendent",03/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.facebook.com/royalglamorganhospital/videos/measles-can-be-a-serious-illness-for-children-that-can-be-prevented-by-a-highly-/210013082168561/,"#measlescan be a serious illness for children that can be prevented by a highly effective and safe vaccine. measles, mumps and rubella (mmr)","#measles can be a serious illness for children that can be prevented by a highly effective and safe vaccine. measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) - public health wales (nhs.wales) https://phw.nhs.wales/topics/immunisation-and-vaccines/mmr/",03/03/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/x3eauty6/reel/C4DeIpEugAT/,"homemade neosporin 

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup dried lavender
1/2 cup dried calendula
2 tb beeswax pellets
20 drops tea tree essential oil
6 drops lavender essential oil
6 drops lemongrass essential oil
optional - oil of oregano (7 drops) 

in a double boiler, combine the coconut oil, olive oil. once melted, add in the dried lavender and calendula. keeping the heat on low, allow the herbs to infuse for 30 minutes. 

after 30 minutes, add your bees wax and let it melt. once melted, prepare a small bowl with a cheesecloth. 

pour the mixture through the filter, filtering out the herbs and any impurities left in the beeswax. add the essential oils (tea tree and lavender & lemongrass make sure you are using medicinal grade and not perfumes).

pour the mixture into one large jar or two small jars (2-4oz. jars). the mixture will begin to solidify. 

once set, it's ready to use and will last for up to 1 year at room temperature. 

ℹ  ℹ  ℹ  ℹ  

coconut oil & olive oil 
it's found that mixing both oils help sped up healing, improved antioxidant status and increased levels of collagen, an important protein that aids in wound healing.

has been used for centuries medicinally to treat skin irritation, infections, burns, and sunburn. calendula was also used in the back in the days in war for wounds, measles, smallpox, and jaundice.

enhances skin elasticity, helping reduce the signs of ageing. beeswax is anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and germicidal

herbalists treat skin ailments, such as fungal infections, wounds, eczema, and acne

tea tree & lemongrass oil  
is an effective antibacterial and antifungal agent that contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties

avoided on babies younger than 6 months old and carefully patch-tested on older infants and adults    

#foryourpage #viral #healing #healingherbs #skin #skincaretips #coldsores #cuts #antibacterial #antibiotic #homemade #homemadewithlove #organic #organicskincare #herbal #wellnessthatworks #wellbeing","homemade neosporin 

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup dried lavender
1/2 cup dried calendula
2 tb beeswax pellets
20 drops tea tree essential oil
6 drops lavender essential oil
6 drops lemongrass essential oil
optional - oil of oregano (7 drops) 

in a double boiler, combine the coconut oil, olive oil. once melted, add in the dried lavender and calendula. keeping the heat on low, allow the herbs to infuse for 30 minutes. 

after 30 minutes, add your bees wax and let it melt. once melted, prepare a small bowl with a cheesecloth. 

pour the mixture through the filter, filtering out the herbs and any impurities left in the beeswax. add the essential oils (tea tree and lavender & lemongrass make sure you are using medicinal grade and not perfumes).

pour the mixture into one large jar or two small jars (2-4oz. jars). the mixture will begin to solidify. 

once set, it's ready to use and will last for up to 1 year at room temperature. 

ℹ  ℹ  ℹ  ℹ  

coconut oil & olive oil 
it's found that mixing both oils help sped up healing, improved antioxidant status and increased levels of collagen, an important protein that aids in wound healing.

has been used for centuries medicinally to treat skin irritation, infections, burns, and sunburn. calendula was also used in the back in the days in war for wounds, measles, smallpox, and jaundice.

enhances skin elasticity, helping reduce the signs of ageing. beeswax is anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and germicidal

herbalists treat skin ailments, such as fungal infections, wounds, eczema, and acne

tea tree & lemongrass oil  
is an effective antibacterial and antifungal agent that contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties

avoided on babies younger than 6 months old and carefully patch-tested on older infants and adults    

#foryourpage #viral #healing #healingherbs #skin #skincaretips #coldsores #cuts #antibacterial #antibiotic #homemade #homemadewithlove #organic #organicskincare #herbal #wellnessthatworks #wellbeing",03/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@ljturtle/video/7342181871503101190,#covid #sarscov2 #avoidinfections #measles #norovirus #staysafe #keephealthy #guelpharomatherapist #ljturtle #guelphontario,#covid #sarscov2 #avoidinfections #measles #norovirus #staysafe #keephealthy #guelpharomatherapist #ljturtle #guelphontario,03/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/thepedipals/reel/C4GPlaOLpn2/,"yesterday, we mentioned how after your child gets the first mmr vaccine, the measles vaccine, at the age of one, they have 93% protection of the illness as well as complications that can come as a result of that illness. 93% is a pretty good number. let's continue to vaccinate our kids. we care about their health just as much as you do. #provaccine #stayinformed #measlesoutbreak 

follow @thepedipals on all platforms & subscribe to our yt!  

disclaimer: the pedipals content is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice nor should it replace advice from your own doctor or pediatrician. ","yesterday, we mentioned how after your child gets the first mmr vaccine, the measles vaccine, at the age of one, they have 93% protection of the illness as well as complications that can come as a result of that illness. 93% is a pretty good number. let's continue to vaccinate our kids. we care about their health just as much as you do. #provaccine #stayinformed #measlesoutbreak 

follow @thepedipals on all platforms & subscribe to our yt!  

disclaimer: the pedipals content is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice nor should it replace advice from your own doctor or pediatrician. ",03/04/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGppl73Xm-g,michigan measles cases: what you need to know,health officials are keeping a very close eye on three measles cases in three different counties.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/video/measles-cases-in-michigan-heres-how-to-check-your-vaccination-status/,measles cases in michigan. here's how to check your vaccination status,three cases of measles have been confirmed in metro detroit.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wafb.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wafb.com/video/2024/03/04/health-alert-measles-cases-rise/,health alert: measles cases on the rise,"on the local level, we asked doctors if people are still getting the vaccine like they used to.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.wafb.com/video/2024/03/04/baton-rouge-doctors-express-concern-over-measles-outbreak-emphasizing-vaccine/,"baton rouge doctors express concern over measles outbreak, emphasizing vaccine",it is still common in many countries and spreads through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.wdbj7.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wlox.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wilx.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.westernmassnews.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wcax.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.azfamily.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wafb.com/video/2024/03/04/what-doctors-say-capital-area-folks-should-know-about-measles/,what doctors say capital area folks should know about measles,"doctors say that because there is no cure, treatment is geared toward alleviating symptoms.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.fox8live.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.live5news.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.fox5vegas.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wfsb.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.clickondetroit.com/video/news/2024/03/04/michigan-measles-cases-what-you-need-to-know/,michigan measles cases: what you need to know,health officials are keeping a very close eye on three measles cases in three different counties.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wyomingnewsnow.tv/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kltv.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kalb.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wwnytv.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wrdw.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kgns.tv/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.fox2detroit.com/video/1420632,3 cases of measles confirmed in michigan,"""we now have three separate introductions of measles within a very short period of time,"" said dr. abdul el-sayed, the director and health officer of wayne county's department of health, human & veterans services.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wbko.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wlns.com/video/third-case-of-measles-confirmed-in-michigan/9486455/,third case of measles confirmed in michigan,third case of measles confirmed in michigan,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wabi.tv/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.clickorlando.com/video/news/2024/03/04/apopka-launches-measles-vaccination-initiative/,apopka launches measles vaccination initiative,"apopka is partnering with the florida department of health orange county, orange county public schools, farmworker association of florida, hope community center, and the apopka fire department to provide mmr vaccinations.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.wbtv.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wbrc.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wndu.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wkyt.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wymt.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wlbt.com/video/2024/03/04/what-doctors-say-capital-area-folks-should-know-about-measles/,what doctors say capital area folks should know about measles,"doctors say that because there is no cure, treatment is geared toward alleviating symptoms.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.14news.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kfvs12.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wsfa.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.dakotanewsnow.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.weau.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.actionnews5.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.live5news.com/video/2024/03/04/what-doctors-say-capital-area-folks-should-know-about-measles/,what doctors say capital area folks should know about measles,"doctors say that because there is no cure, treatment is geared toward alleviating symptoms.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.ky3.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.mysuncoast.com/video/2024/03/04/what-doctors-say-capital-area-folks-should-know-about-measles/,what doctors say capital area folks should know about measles,"doctors say that because there is no cure, treatment is geared toward alleviating symptoms.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wsmv.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.atlantanewsfirst.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cleveland19.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://globalnews.ca/video/10333677/holland-encourages-canadians-to-get-vaccinated-amid-rise-in-measles-cases,holland encourages canadians to get vaccinated amid rise in measles cases,"federal health minister mark holland is encouraging canadians to keep their vaccines up to date amid a rise in measles cases in canada, and globally. holland said not doing so could be ""potentially disastrous"" to the individual and the community as a whole.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wymt.com/video/2024/03/04/what-doctors-say-capital-area-folks-should-know-about-measles/,what doctors say capital area folks should know about measles,"doctors say that because there is no cure, treatment is geared toward alleviating symptoms.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wctv.tv/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://globalnews.ca/video/10335384/public-health-officials-concerned-over-canadas-rise-in-measles-cases,public health officials concerned over canada's rise in measles cases,"there has been an alarming rise in measles cases around the world, and a handful of cases have been aconfirmed in canada. heather yourex-west explains the worries from public health officials, what's behind the troubling increase, and how you can protect yourself",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.wlbt.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wilx.com/video/2024/03/04/reports-show-third-measles-case-michigan/,reports show third measles case in michigan,reports show third measles case in michigan,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wbay.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.mysuncoast.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wvlt.tv/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wtok.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kktv.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kktv.com/video/2024/03/04/health-alert-measles-cases-rise/,health alert: measles cases on the rise,"on the local level, we asked doctors if people are still getting the vaccine like they used to.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.1011now.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.verifythis.com/video/news/verify/health-verify/most-adults-do-not-need-a-measles-booster-shot/536-e21879d4-78ba-454f-8736-ab77c2b28bc8,most adults do not need a measles 'booster' shot,"amid an uptick in measles outbreaks, some people claim adults born before 1989 need an mmr booster. the recommendation changed that year from one to two shots.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.kolotv.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.ktiv.com/video/2024/03/04/measles-cases-rise-what-know/,measles cases rise: what to know,national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.1011now.com/video/2024/03/04/health-alert-measles-cases-rise/,health alert: measles cases on the rise,"on the local level, we asked doctors if people are still getting the vaccine like they used to.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/video/how-contagious-is-measles-state-health-expert-weighs-in/,how contagious is measles? state health expert weighs in,"dr. natasha bagdasarian, the chief medical executive for the state of michigan, joined cbs news detroit to talk about the measles cases reported in se michigan.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/video/what-to-know-about-measles-cases-in-michigan/,what to know about measles cases in michigan,"dr. molly o'shea, a pediatrician, shares more on what to know about the measles cases in michigan.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/video/wayne-county-health-officials-speaks-on-measles-cases-reported-in-se-michigan/,wayne county health officials speaks on measles cases reported in se michigan,"three measles cases have been reported in multiple counties, including wayne county. dr. abdul el-sayed, the wayne county health director, joined cbs news detroit to talk about the cases and what residents should do.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtmpPOvFGeU,canada's rise in measles cases troubling public health officials,"there has been an alarming rise in measles cases around the world, and a handful of cases have now been confirmed in canada. 

because measles is highly contagious, it is likely cases will rise, especially since the viral disease's vaccination rate is slipping in canada. 

global's heather yourex-west explains the worries from public health officials and how you can protect yourself.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUK5x_yigtc,how to protect yourself against measles,"the potential community spread of measles in several cities and an alarming rise in cases abroad has health officials warning canadians to make sure their vaccinations are up to date. the national asks the experts to break down how we got here and what you can do to protect yourself from one of the world's most contagious viruses.

00:00 what is considered fully vaccinated against measles? 
01:20 is there time to be vaccinated before spring break? 
02:05 what are the symptoms of measles? 
02:50 how did measles come back? 
04:22 what was covid's role in the measles comeback? 
05:25 misinformation's role in vaccine hesitancy 
06:20 what do measles clusters tell us? 
07:13 how to counter vaccine misinformation

#measles #canada #news ",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFipOuYApSI,vaccinations urged as measles cases rise,"as more cases of measles without a known origin are reported across canada, public health officials are urging people to ensure they and their children are fully vaccinated against the virus. 

watch the national live on youtube sunday-friday at 9 p.m. et

#measles #canada #news",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llimO6SeQ9g,health expert explains why metro detroit is seeing a rise in measles cases,measles is a highly contagious and preventable disease that is caused by a virus. it can spread through direct person-to-person contact and the air. the measles virus can live in the air for up to two hours.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfYrRhmzgmw,"nvac | february 2024 meeting | opening, measles panel, innovation presentations | part 1",u.s. department of health and human services (hhs)  |  http://www.hhs.gov   |  hhs privacy policy  |   http://www.hhs.gov/privacy.htmlthe national vaccine advisory committee (nvac) recommends ways to achieve optimal prevention of human infectious diseases through immunization. you can learn more about this advisory committee by visiting the nvac website at hhs.gov/vaccines/nvac/index.html.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,surprise,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOyJ26Ernsg,2 new measles cases confirmed in metro detroit; here are possible exposure sites,more measles have been confirmed in two metro detroit municipalities — wayne and washtenaw counties. the cases were confirmed sunday by wayne county public health (wcph) and the washtenaw county health department (wcphd).,03/04/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9ZoMa-J19I,health officials urge vaccination as michigan measles cases rise,"oakland county was the first to report their case on feb. 23. over the weekend, washtenaw county and wayne county also reported cases.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@wafb9/video/7342561504614567211,"baton rouge doctors express concern over measles outbreak, emphsaize vaccine#wafb#measles#vaccine#measlesvaccine#doctors#sick#outbreak#measlesoutbreak#batonrouge","baton rouge doctors express concern over measles outbreak, emphsaize vaccine#wafb#measles#vaccine#measlesvaccine#doctors#sick#outbreak#measlesoutbreak#batonrouge",03/04/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@yahoonewscanada/video/7342694386176052485,"cases of measles have been confirmed in quebec, ontario, saskatchewan and british columbia and more than half of those are in the montreal area.#news#yahoo#canada#health#measles#quebec#warning#vaccine#fy","cases of measles have been confirmed in quebec, ontario, saskatchewan and british columbia and more than half of those are in the montreal area.#news#yahoo#canada#health#measles#quebec#warning#vaccine#fy",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@newslink7.com/video/7342552552304659758,"measles outbreak ignites political firestorm in florida: surgeon general's stance spurs controversy amid rising cases in broward county


#measles #outbreak #florida #surgeongeneral
#rising #cases #browardcounty #manhattan
#newyorkcity #washingtondc #tallahassee
#orlando #tampa #gerogia #atlanta #palmbeach
#miami #miamibeach #chicago #eu #uk #texas #dallas #houston #austin #california #losangeles
#lasvegas #sanfrancisco","measles outbreak ignites political firestorm in florida: surgeon general's stance spurs controversy amid rising cases in broward county


#measles #outbreak #florida #surgeongeneral
#rising #cases #browardcounty #manhattan
#newyorkcity #washingtondc #tallahassee
#orlando #tampa #gerogia #atlanta #palmbeach
#miami #miamibeach #chicago #eu #uk #texas #dallas #houston #austin #california #losangeles
#lasvegas #sanfrancisco",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@lizzietraveler/video/7342653572456287534,replying to@jodi spilde#measles#immunitydoes wane over time for both natural and vaccine induced immunity - so a booster may be needed.,replying to@jodi spilde#measles#immunitydoes wane over time for both natural and vaccine induced immunity - so a booster may be needed.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@monicajohnsonspic/video/7342563012651322667,measles and a chickenpox always been a childhood virus but guess what the news said get your child vaccine for these new strains#fyp#foryou#childhood#children#schoollife,measles and a chickenpox always been a childhood virus but guess what the news said get your child vaccine for these new strains#fyp#foryou#childhood#children#schoollife,03/04/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vUwTuA5vr4,health officials urge vaccination after b.c. measles case,"b.c.'s health ministry confirmed the first case of measles since 2019, adding to the list of growing cases across the country. chad pawson explains how much risk people here are facing, while dr. iris gorfinkel, a family physician and clinical researcher from toronto, talks about what this outbreak means for spring break travel ahead.

connect with cbc vancouver online:
website: https://www.cbc.ca/bc
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cbcvancouver

#cbcvancouver #cbcnews #britishcolumbia #vaccination #measles #illness #healthcare #health #outbreak #measlesoutbreak #sickness #vaccination #medicine #doctor #medical",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5Q_BWZ4BVs,"cbc vancouver news at 6, march 4 - b.c. confirms first measles case since 2019","watch cbc vancouver news with host dan burritt for the latest on the most important news stories happening across b.c. 

connect with cbc vancouver online:
website: https://www.cbc.ca/bc
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cbcvancouver
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cbcvancouver
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbcvancouver

#livenews #cbcvancouver #vancouver #britishcolumbia",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pp5wdqz_dOI,"global national: march 4, 2024 | how trump's nominee odds are affected by scotus ballot decision","in tonight's top story: former u.s. president donald trump has cleared a major legal hurdle in his bid to return to the white house, as the supreme court has ruled individual states cannot bar candidates from federal office. jackson proskow explains how this affects trump's odds of securing the republican nomination for the 2024 presidential election and if this will end questions about whether he engaged in insurrection.

also, there has been an alarming rise in measles cases around the world, and a handful of cases have been confirmed in canada. heather yourex-west explains the worries from public health officials, what's behind the troubling increase and how you can protect yourself.

plus, a global news investigation has uncovered startling allegations that for-profit group home companies in ontario may be targeting youth in nunavut's child-welfare system. the investigation also reveals the territory is paying much more, on average, than children's aid societies in ontario do. carolyn jarvis reports.

additionally, haiti has declared a state of emergency and imposed a curfew in response to a deadly surge of gang violence overwhelming its capital, port-au-prince. mike armstrong explains how kenya is trying to help resolve the crisis and why some haitians have doubts about prime minister ariel henry.

and, athletes from around the world, including canada, compete every year in sail grand prix (sailgp), a series of sailing competitions involving high-tech sailboats. heidi petracek speaks with team canada flight controller bill gooderham, who has generations of sailors behind him, as well as a historic connection to the royal canadian navy.

for more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/10333282/donald-trump-supreme-court-colorado-case/

subscribe to global news channel here: http://bit.ly/20fcxdc
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follow global news on twitter here: http://bit.ly/1toz8mt
follow global news on instagram here: https://bit.ly/2qzazib
#globalnews #globalnational #trump",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW15R19lnBg,"federal health minister mark holland on retention of nurses, pharmacare plan – march 4, 2024","federal health minister mark holland holds a news conference in mississauga, ont., to announce the release of a new toolkit aimed at improving the working lives of nurses and encouraging retention within the profession across canada. developed with the input from nursing practitioners, the toolkit focuses on themes such as increased mental health supports, professional development, improved management, safe staffing practices, among other areas. he is joined by canada's chief nursing officer dr. leigh chapman and mississauga–erin mills mp iqra khalid, as well as trillium health partners representatives terri irwin and karli farrow.  responding to questions from reporters, holland comments on the next steps for the creation of the national pharmacare plan. he also discusses the rise in measles cases across the country",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLJxwkEQdbo,dr dev malhotra on the importance of booking your mmr vaccine,"two doses of the mmr vaccine can provide lifelong protection against measles.    

unsure if you or your child are up to date with their vaccinations? reach out to your gp to book a catch-up appointment. 

find out more: http://nhs.uk/mmr",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scEvYK8yVyg,"no, most adults born before 1989 do not need a measles 'booster' shot","controversial florida surgeon general joseph ladapo is drawing criticism for his handling of an elementary school's measles outbreak by refusing to bar unvaccinated children from public schools. 

measles outbreaks are rare in the united states, though reported cases have spiked from 58 cases for all of 2023 to 41 cases already this year. 

in recent days, some social media posts suggest that some adults born between 1960 and 1989 who only had one dose of the measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) vaccine should receive a second dose, or ""booster shot. questions about who needs a measles booster have also increased in recent days, google search data show. 

the question
do most adults born before 1989 need a measles ""booster shot?

read more:

at verify, we're answering your questions about what's true and false. visit our website at verifythis.com
if you've seen a viral claim online and you're not sure whether it's true, let us know!  email questions@verifythis.com or text us at 202-410-8808.
find us on social @verifythis.
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/verifythis
twitter: https://twitter.com/verifythis
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/verifythis/",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCT9j6iim-I,apopka launches measles vaccination initiative,"apopka is partnering with the florida department of health orange county, orange county public schools, farmworker association of florida, hope community center, and the apopka fire department to provide mmr vaccinations.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99jemjDzdpc,"baton rouge doctors express concern over measles outbreak, emphasizing vaccine","it is still common in many countries and spreads through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes._x000d_
 for more local news from wafb:  https://www.wafb.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucrm06-jfeqr5q_a-oqbvlrg

follow wafb on instagram: https://bit.ly/2xetwgh
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get your news on the go! 
download wafb 9news mobile apps here: https://wafb.pgtb.me/hnhprk",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0RXP6xR8r4,measles cases in michigan. here's how to check your vaccination status,three cases of measles have been confirmed in metro detroit.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rIUnIbMLyI,measles cases rise: what to know,"national health experts are monitoring a measles outbreak and local experts are keeping a close eye on cases nearby._x000d_
 for more local news from wafb:  https://www.wafb.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucrm06-jfeqr5q_a-oqbvlrg

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follow 9sports on twitter: https://bit.ly/3ncdyke
get your news on the go! 
download wafb 9news mobile apps here: https://wafb.pgtb.me/hnhprk",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EAPHxoYn4k,florida's anti-vaxxers won. then the measles surged. | what next | daily news and analysis,"measles happens, but this outbreak in florida is unfolding in a post-pandemic world where mistrust in public health officials and vaccinations is practically the party line. 

guest: lauren weber, washington post accountability reporter focused on scientific and medical disinformation. 

want more what next? subscribe to slate plus to access ad-free listening to the whole what next family and across all your favorite slate podcasts. subscribe today on apple podcasts by clicking ""try free at the top of our show page. sign up now at slate.com/whatnextplus to get access wherever you listen.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7FUi81y3Ck,"florida doctor explains dangers of the measles virus, encourages vaccination","(28 feb 2024) _x000d_
restriction summary:_x000d_
associated press_x000d_
fort pierce, florida - 27 february 2024_x000d_
1. various of dr. julia retureta on the phone in emergency room_x000d_
2. dr. retureta consulting with nurse_x000d_
3. child's drawing on wall_x000d_
++partially covered++_x000d_
4. soundbite (english) dr. julia retureta, hca florida lawnwood hospital:_x000d_
""so measles is a respiratory virus. it's very contagious. you don't even have to have contact with a person. you can just have it in a room and also, be, you know, be contracted. it starts off with fever and cough, conjunctivitis. there's an incubation period of a few days. then there's the prodrome, which are the fever, and then you get the rash. so the rash usually is red, small little maculopapular rash, starts in the hairline, then goes to the face and kind of like spreads downward to the body and goes all over the body.""_x000d_
5. various of medical supplies in drawer_x000d_
6. soundbite (english) dr. julia retureta, hca florida lawnwood hospital:_x000d_
""the complications of measles, you know, could be anything from pneumonia requiring respiratory ventilation, to diarrhea, death.""_x000d_
7. soundbite (english) dr. julia retureta, hca florida lawnwood hospital:_x000d_
""obviously less than 12 months of age you worry more of complications. and, but adults can get it and elderly can get it if they've never been immunized or if their immunization already started to wear off because it's been too many years.""_x000d_
associated press_x000d_
archive: west palm beach, florida - 11 june 2020_x000d_
8. various of student's hand coloring_x000d_
associated press_x000d_
fort pierce, florida - 27 february 2024_x000d_
9. soundbite (english) dr. julia retureta, hca florida lawnwood hospital:_x000d_
""but, there is conversations to be had. and i think an informed parent is the best parent. so you educate them, give them information and let them make the best decision for their child, which is hopefully to immunize them. this vaccine is not new.""_x000d_
associated press_x000d_
archive: vero beach, florida - 21 june 2021_x000d_
10. close of hand filling vaccine_x000d_
associated press_x000d_
archive: miami - 4 february 2021_x000d_
11. close of vaccines being filled_x000d_
associated press_x000d_
fort pierce, florida - 27 february 2024_x000d_
12. soundbite (english) dr. julia retureta, hca florida lawnwood hospital:_x000d_
""there's no need to be scared, but definitely just be aware and get vaccinated.""_x000d_
associated press_x000d_
still: mount vernon, ohio - 17 may 2019_x000d_
13. vial of a measles, mumps and rubella vaccine_x000d_
associated press_x000d_
still: vashon island, washington - 15 may 2019_x000d_
14. dose of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine_x000d_
florida's controversial surgeon general is drawing criticism for his handling of an elementary school's measles outbreak, telling parents of unvaccinated children it is their choice whether their students attend class — a contravention of federal guidelines calling for their mandatory exclusion._x000d_
dr. joseph ladapo, nationally known for hisoutspoken skepticism toward the covid-19 vaccine, sent a letter this week to parents at manatee bay elementary school near fort lauderdale after six students contracted the highly contagious and potentially deadly virus. _x000d_
such outbreaks are rare in the united states, though reported cases have spiked from 58 for all of 2023 to 35 already this year._x000d_
dr. julia retureta of hca florida lawnwood hospital in fort pierce says there are conversations to be had with parents about the vaccine. _x000d_
dr. retureta also added that there is not a need to be scared, ""definitely just be aware and get vaccinated._x000d_
ap video shot by cody jackson_x000d_
find out more about ap archive: http://www.aparchive.com/howwework _x000d_
twitter: https://twitter.com/ap_archive _x000d_
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aparchives ​​_x000d_
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apnews/_x000d_
you can license this story through ap archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/64c3ca35af3447798fd43f5033cf450b",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQYj4Wpu-FE,covering your health: measles isn't as eliminated as once thought,"there has recently been a return of measles, a disease that was declared eliminated more than 20 years ago. at least 41 cases of measles have been reported in 16 states, including louisiana.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/o6UP0Pmtm5A,get your measles vaccine! follow @thepedipals on all platforms & subscribe to our yt! ,"i know vaccines are a sensitive topic but we just ask you to have an open-mind. please consider and respect the immunocompromised. we have come a long way when it comes to vaccines, so let's start to do our part. #protectyourlovedones #donoharm #provaccines 

follow @thepedipals on all platforms & subscribe to our yt!  

disclaimer: the pedipals content is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice nor should it replace advice from your own doctor or pediatrician. ",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGd1BWhT5qQ,bhanu's 1st vaccination experience in london//mmr vaccination#vaccineswork #protectourkids#awareness,"follow me on instagram for more updates:


hey everyone! welcome back to my channel. today, i want to share a special moment with you all – my daughter's first mmr vaccination journey here in london!

 **meet my daughter:** she's the light of my life, and ensuring her health and safety is my top priority. that's why i wanted to document this significant milestone.

 **what is the mmr vaccine?:** the mmr vaccine stands for measles, mumps, and rubella. it's a combination vaccine that protects against three highly contagious viral diseases. measles can lead to severe complications, including pneumonia and brain damage. mumps can cause swelling of the salivary glands and even lead to meningitis. rubella, also known as german measles, can be especially dangerous for pregnant women, leading to birth defects in their babies.

 **how it helps:** by getting the mmr vaccine, not only does my daughter receive protection from these potentially serious illnesses, but she also contributes to the community's immunity. this means fewer outbreaks and a safer environment for everyone, especially those who cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons.

 **the vaccination experience:** we visited our local clinic, where a trained healthcare professional administered the mmr vaccine. it was a quick and relatively painless process. my daughter was brave throughout, and i couldn't be prouder!

 **the importance of vaccination:** vaccines are one of the greatest achievements in public health, saving millions of lives worldwide. they're safe, effective, and crucial for maintaining herd immunity, protecting vulnerable populations, and preventing the spread of infectious diseases.

 **join the conversation:** have you or your loved ones received the mmr vaccine? share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below. let's spread awareness and empower others to prioritize vaccination for a healthier future!

thank you for watching and being a part of our journey. don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more updates. until next time, stay safe and stay healthy! 

#vaccine #vaccination #vaccines #vaccineswork #protection #protectourkids #protectourchildren #london #londonvaccinationjourney #londonvaccinationexperience #ukteluguvlogs #vlogstelugu #teluguvlogs #telugu #abroad #usa #canada #australia #daughter #daughters #family #familyvlog #father #momdaughter #momkids #familyvlog #telugufamilyvlogs #mmr #mmrvaccine",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
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https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pGppl73Xm-g&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.detroityes.com%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,michigan measles cases: what you need to know,health officials are keeping a very close eye on three measles cases in three different counties.,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeOUj0XaL4s,10 cases of measles reported in quebec,"quebec public health authorities say measles is now spreading in the montreal area, where 10 cases of the virus have now been detected. (march 4, 2024)

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with more than 180 journalists, the canadian press provides up-to-the-minute newsfeeds of articles, graphics, photos, audio and video clips that help keep your audience coming back for more.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPOUIx0qruU,"the doc is in - ""the measles""","we're starting to see an outbreaks of the measles here in the united states, especially in florida.  in this the doc is in segment, emergency physician, dr. ryan stanton, looks at the return of the virus, and what steps you can take to protect yourself.  ""the doc is in"" is produced for everyday medicine by go media kentucky.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/UKHealthSecurityAgency/videos/measles-spreads-quickly-and-can-be-serious-but-how-infectious-is-it-it-can-sprea/378209168460300/,"#measles spreads quickly and can be serious  but how infectious is it? it can spread very easily from person to person, but when most people are","#measles spreads quickly and can be serious  but how infectious is it? it can spread very easily from person to person, but when most people are protected by vaccination, it's harder for the disease to spread. find out more: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/mmr-vaccine/",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/manny_ottawa2/reel/C4GA1dCOoTn/,"let's start with a few facts. 

1. there are only a handful of measles cases in first 2 months of 2024. 
2. there have been years in recent past with 100-500 cases 
3. canada has added 2 million people since 2020 from countries that have no mass vaccination for measles 

so why the push on measles on fakenews media?  it's been top lead story for 3 days. 

if kids are vaccinated it's not a concern right?  why are news stories of parents who have vaccinated thier kids with measles vaccine worried about possible measles infections ??

do the measles vaccines work or not? 

i can't believe we have learned nothing from the covid19 vaccine fraud.

are we back to get the measles vaccine to protect grandma?""","manny montenegrino on instagram: ""let's start with a few facts. 

1. there are only a handful of measles cases in first 2 months of 2024. 
2. there have been years in recent past with 100-500 cases 
3. canada has added 2 million people since 2020 from countries that have no mass vaccination for measles 

so why the push on measles on fakenews media?  it's been top lead story for 3 days. 

if kids are vaccinated it's not a concern right?  why are news stories of parents who have vaccinated thier kids with measles vaccine worried about possible measles infections ??

do the measles vaccines work or not? 

i can't believe we have learned nothing from the covid19 vaccine fraud.

are we back to get the measles vaccine to protect grandma?""",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/newsupdates4real/reel/C4G0O0hPq-i/,"get at me @jakepaul #news #newsupdates #dailynews #american #usanews #usa #texas #fires #wildfires #sus #letsgobrandon #michigan #measles #scary #pandemic #vaccines #mexicocity #mexiconews #epstein #florida #epsteinisland #desantis #wtf #books #bookclub #jakepaul #loganpaul #boxing #sports""","john wiber on instagram: ""get at me @jakepaul #news #newsupdates #dailynews #american #usanews #usa #texas #fires #wildfires #sus #letsgobrandon #michigan #measles #scary #pandemic #vaccines #mexicocity #mexiconews #epstein #florida #epsteinisland #desantis #wtf #books #bookclub #jakepaul #loganpaul #boxing #sports""",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4GA1dCOoTn/,"lets start with a few facts.

1. there are only a handful of measles cases in first 2 months of 2024.
2. there have been years in recent past with 100-500 cases
3. canada has added 2 million people since 2020 from countries that have no mass vaccination for measles

so why the push on measles on fakenews media? its been top lead story for 3 days.

if kids are vaccinated its not a concern right? why are news stories of parents who have vaccinated thier kids with measles vaccine worried about possible measles infections ??

do the measles vaccines work or not?

i cant believe we have learned nothing from the covid19 vaccine fraud.

are we back to get the measles vaccine to protect grandma?","lets start with a few facts.

1. there are only a handful of measles cases in first 2 months of 2024.
2. there have been years in recent past with 100-500 cases
3. canada has added 2 million people since 2020 from countries that have no mass vaccination for measles

so why the push on measles on fakenews media? its been top lead story for 3 days.

if kids are vaccinated its not a concern right? why are news stories of parents who have vaccinated thier kids with measles vaccine worried about possible measles infections ??

do the measles vaccines work or not?

i cant believe we have learned nothing from the covid19 vaccine fraud.

are we back to get the measles vaccine to protect grandma?",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@zikulanangalolive/video/7342727982835830021,dan ebya culture tabitegeera oba yakulila wa. ye buli kimu alowooza kya sitaani. kati yiino culture mu buganda eya measles ate nga ebaddewo kuva dda #senga #senga #dan #omusomogwasenga ,dan ebya culture tabitegeera oba yakulila wa. ye buli kimu alowooza kya sitaani. kati yiino culture mu buganda eya measles ate nga ebaddewo kuva dda #senga #senga #dan #omusomogwasenga ,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@todayinbc/video/7342567389663481093,breaking: a first case of measles has been reported in bc following 8 others across canada in the last couple of weeks. the bc cdc is recommending travellers check their vaccine records as spring break nears. #measles #measlesoutbreak #vaccines #measlesvaccine #bchealth #immunedisease #vancouverhealth #breakingnews #healthnews #medicalnews #bcpoli #vancouvermedicine #vancouversdoctor #mumps #rubella #measlesvaccine #viralinfection #fyp #yvrnews #viralvideo,breaking: a first case of measles has been reported in bc following 8 others across canada in the last couple of weeks. the bc cdc is recommending travellers check their vaccine records as spring break nears. #measles #measlesoutbreak #vaccines #measlesvaccine #bchealth #immunedisease #vancouverhealth #breakingnews #healthnews #medicalnews #bcpoli #vancouvermedicine #vancouversdoctor #mumps #rubella #measlesvaccine #viralinfection #fyp #yvrnews #viralvideo,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@simplymedicine/video/7342695047831276842,replying to @noble measles outbreak part 2! what you need to do #measles #mmr #cdc #medicine #medical,replying to @noble measles outbreak part 2! what you need to do #measles #mmr #cdc #medicine #medical,03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/HounslowCouncil/videos/childhood-infections-like-measles-and-whooping-cough-are-rising-with-outbreaks-a/755184109884589/,"Childhood infections like measles and whooping cough are rising, with outbreaks across the country. If your child isn’t vaccinated, they’re not","Childhood infections like measles and whooping cough are rising, with outbreaks across the country. If your child isn’t vaccinated, they’re not protected. We are calling on all parents to check their child’s Red Book to see if the children have missed any vaccines or check with their GP if they are unsure. Please visit www.nhs.uk/childhoodvaccinations for the full immunisation timetable and information on how to book.",03/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@thefeedwithdrg/video/7343061192971275526,#measles #virus #vaccine what you need to know.,#measles #virus #vaccine what you need to know.,03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@heavenkimmel/video/7342945479321275691,"#greenscreen to deny your child access to modern medicine, and then call it a political debate is beyond me. we have a measles outbreak because people have become so afraid and resistant against their own government that they wont even give a vaccine to their own child anymore. let that sink in. ##flordia##measles##parenthood##republican##conservative##bethevoice##democrats##fypage##lockdown##antivaxxer##viral","#greenscreen to deny your child access to modern medicine, and then call it a political debate is beyond me. we have a measles outbreak because people have become so afraid and resistant against their own government that they wont even give a vaccine to their own child anymore. let that sink in. ##flordia##measles##parenthood##republican##conservative##bethevoice##democrats##fypage##lockdown##antivaxxer##viral",03/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://globalnews.ca/video/10336573/measles-outbreak-what-to-know-as-cases-rise-in-canada,measles outbreak: what to know as cases rise in canada,"as canada grapples with a measles outbreak, infectious diseases expert dr. isaac bogoch joins us to offer a comprehensive overview, discussing the outbreak's current status, and the concerning trend of community transmission. he also discusses associated health risks and vaccination guidelines.",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://globalnews.ca/video/10336327/health-matters-measles-cases-prompt-warning,measles cases prompt warning,provinical health officials are urging residents to get vaccinated against the measles. it comes as the province records its first case of the virus since 2019. global news morning speaks with infectious diseases specialist dr. isaac bogoch about what's behind the global increase in cases.,03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://globalnews.ca/video/10338012/measles-the-symptoms-to-watch-for-and-what-vaccinated-people-need-to-know,"measles: the symptoms to watch for, and what vaccinated people need to know","public health officials are getting more concerned about measles, which is highly infectious, spreading across canada. katherine ward reports on the symptoms to watch for, and what people who are already vaccinated against the virus need to know.",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.woodtv.com/video/mdhhs-on-recent-cases-of-measles-in-the-state/9489058/,mdhhs on recent cases of measles in the state,"the michigan department of health and human services joins the live desk to talk about the recent cases of measles found across the state and country. (march 5, 2024)",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@yalesph/video/7342991294668557611,"measles cases continue to grow in the u.s., with cases in 16 states this year. currently, the largest number of cases are in florida, where the state's surgeon general has decided to go against very mainstream public health advice.

profs. @howard forman & @hmkyale discuss why measles, and this action, can be so dangerous on the feb. 29 episode of the #healthandveritas podcast.

#measles #florida #publichealth #podcast #yale","measles cases continue to grow in the u.s., with cases in 16 states this year. currently, the largest number of cases are in florida, where the state's surgeon general has decided to go against very mainstream public health advice.

profs. @howard forman & @hmkyale discuss why measles, and this action, can be so dangerous on the feb. 29 episode of the #healthandveritas podcast.

#measles #florida #publichealth #podcast #yale",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMrDC_P0MXo,doctors urge people to get vaccinated as measles cases grow,heather butts reports on efforts to increase vaccination rates as more cases of the measles pop up across the country.,03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXhaRGJCLZw,mdhhs on recent cases of measles in the state,"the michigan department of health and human services joins the live desk to talk about the recent cases of measles found across the state and country. (march 5, 2024)",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@chek.news/video/7342928759164800261,"the first case of measles in british columbia since 2019 and a spate of outbreaks internationally are prompting vaccination reminders to parents and spring break travellers.

premier david eby says confirmation of the measles case in a child in the vancouver coastal health region over the weekend is ""terrifying for parents with infant children.

#news #cheknews #fraservalley #bc #britishcolumbia #canada #measles #measlesvaccine #mmr #vancouvercoastalhealth #vaccine #vaccination #mmrshot #springbreak #travel #travelvaccines","the first case of measles in british columbia since 2019 and a spate of outbreaks internationally are prompting vaccination reminders to parents and spring break travellers.

premier david eby says confirmation of the measles case in a child in the vancouver coastal health region over the weekend is ""terrifying for parents with infant children.

#news #cheknews #fraservalley #bc #britishcolumbia #canada #measles #measlesvaccine #mmr #vancouvercoastalhealth #vaccine #vaccination #mmrshot #springbreak #travel #travelvaccines",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@therealraven1/video/7342829304927112480,#government #measles #vaccinate #trust #faith #uk #us #canada #australia #health #who #fyp,#government #measles #vaccinate #trust #faith #uk #us #canada #australia #health #who #fyp,03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@jimstorm1/video/7342996529428352262,"another contagious illness that is of concern. red measles #i can't remember the last time i've seen it ,maybe 40 years ago.#asifmothersneedmoretoworryabout#retiredmdx14 mos#cbc#thenationalisnhanomansing#areyourchildrensvaccunationsuptodate#themmrvaccine#mismeasles#2ndmmumps#risrubellaorgermanmeasles#thefirstmisthecurrentoutbreakinquebec#ifvaccinatioauotidateshouldbeokay#ifnocaregiveryourlocalpublichealthofficeshouldhaverecord#docjim#jim","another contagious illness that is of concern. red measles #i can't remember the last time i've seen it ,maybe 40 years ago.#asifmothersneedmoretoworryabout#retiredmdx14 mos#cbc#thenationalisnhanomansing#areyourchildrensvaccunationsuptodate#themmrvaccine#mismeasles#2ndmmumps#risrubellaorgermanmeasles#thefirstmisthecurrentoutbreakinquebec#ifvaccinatioauotidateshouldbeokay#ifnocaregiveryourlocalpublichealthofficeshouldhaverecord#docjim#jim",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63afTDfLXG4,"ctv national news | monday, march 4, 2024: u.s. supreme court ruling on trump, measles in canada","the u.s. supreme court rules states cannot boot donald trump off the ballot; doctors urge people to get vaccinated as measles cases grow. 

subscribe to ctv news to watch more videos: https://www.youtube.com/ctvnews

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ctv news is canada's most-watched news organization both locally and nationally, and has a network of national, international, and local news operations.",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohVIJv3AT1M,cbc news: the national | starvation threat grows in gaza,"march 4, 2024 | more than half a million people in gaza are on the verge of famine as the un says there's 'convincing information' backing reports of sexual assaults during the oct. 7 attacks. what you need to know about the state of measles in canada. plus, why legal woes won't stop trump.

00:00 the national for march 4, 2024
00:56 starvation threat grows in gaza
04:22 un: sexual violence likely during hamas attack
06:57 u.s. vp meets with israeli war cabinet member
07:33 court rules to keep trump on colorado ballot
10:32 allen weisselberg pleads guilty to perjury
11:08 violence prompts state of emergency in haiti
11:38 rising number of measles cases in canada
14:06 terrorism charges in edmonton city hall attack
14:30 apple to pay $14m in throttling settlement
16:35 jamil jivani wins federal byelection in durham
17:00 federal budget to be tabled on april 16
18:08 saskatchewan digs out after winter storm
18:30 monster storm buries northern california
18:51 new satellite will track methane pollution
21:04 reports of wnba expansion team for toronto
22:20 canadian jazz legend eleanor collins dead at 104
25:00 the breakdown starts now
25:41 why legal problems can't and won't stop trump
34:28 how to protect yourself against measles
38:37 why is measles making a comeback now?
42:59 the moment | utah tumbleweed takeover

#news #latestnews #cbcnews

watch the national live on youtube sunday-friday at 9 p.m. et

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the national is the flagship of cbc news, showcasing award-winning journalism from across canada and around the world. led by chief correspondent adrienne arsenault and ian hanomansing, our team of trusted reporters helps you make sense of the world, wherever you are.",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-moIwuq2xq8,"global national: march 5, 2024 | 5 canadians killed in nashville plane crash","in tonight's top story: a small plane has crashed on an interstate in nashville, tenn., killing five canadians who were on board. mike drolet reports on what witnesses say they saw and what happened just moments after the pilot reported a total loss of engine power.

public health officials are getting more concerned about measles, which is highly infectious, spreading across canada. katherine ward reports on the symptoms to watch for and what people who are already vaccinated against the virus need to know.

some for-profit group homes in ontario are allegedly aggressively targeting indigenous youth, and sometimes charging more to care for them. as carolyn jarvis reports, the claims have prompted anger and disgust among some indigenous leaders and politicians across canada.

it is super tuesday in the u.s. and president joe biden and former president donald trump remain on a collision course for the 2024 presidential election. but as jackson proskow reports, many voters are frustrated with their choices.

it's no laughing matter: just for laughs is pulling the plug on this year's montreal shows, as the company that runs it is filing for bankruptcy protection. mike armstrong explains what that loss could mean for the city.
the state funeral for former prime minister brian mulroney will be held on march 23. he is survived by his wife, mila; and their four children, ben, caroline, mark, and nicolas. dawna friesen speaks with ben mulroney about how he and his family are grieving and who was among the first to call him and offer condolences.

plus, with the fifa women's world cup breaking attendance records in 2023, and the pwhl selling out stadiums in its inaugural season, women's sports are surging in popularity. as eric sorensen explains, toronto billionaire larry tanenbaum is now trying to net a wnba team for canada.

for more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/10337233/nashville-plane-crash-canadians-killed/

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#globalnews #globalnational #nashville",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,sadness,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5z70IxWMxY,the comeback nobody wanted: how age impacts how many doses of the measles vaccine you need ,"measles are back and on the rise, and it's not something anyone asked for. if you were born before 1970, you need one dose of the measles vaccine. if you were born after 1970, you need two doses to protect yourself. so, have you taken the vaccine yet? #health #measles #vaccine",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uWX4wdbpvA,more measles cases detected in michigan,"three measles cases have now been detected in michigan.

the cases were identified in wayne and washtenaw counties and are unrelated to one another.

the michigan department of health and human services urges residents to make sure they are up to date on measles vaccinations.

""if you are not vaccinated for measles, get vaccinated as quickly as you can. we are seeing increased cases of measles abroad and outbreaks of measles across the united states in the setting of declining childhood vaccination rates. now measles is in michigan, and it's important to make sure you protect yourself from this vaccine–preventable disease,"" dhhs chief medical executive dr. natasha bagdasarian said.

the measles virus can live for up to two hours in the air where the infected person was present. symptoms of the virus, which can appear up to 21 days after exposure, include: high fever, cough, runny nose, red, watery eyes, tiny white spots on the inner cheeks, gums and roof of the mouth, and a rash that is red, raised and blotchy which usually begins on the face and spread to the trunk, arms and legs.

if you suspect you may have measles, call before visiting a healthcare facility so proper precautions can be taken to prevent the virus from spreading to others.",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Z5z70IxWMxY,the comeback nobody wanted: how age impacts how many doses of the measles vaccine you need ,"measles are back and on the rise, and it's not something anyone asked for. if you were born before 1970, you need one dose of the measles vaccine. if you were born after 1970, you need two doses to protect yourself. so, have you taken the vaccine yet? #health #measles #vaccine",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGoeqInpZ_A,dr paula cowan talks about the mmr vaccination,"the mmr (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine is a safe and effective combined vaccine.

it protects against 3 serious illnesses:

- measles
- mumps
- rubella (german measles)

these highly infectious conditions can easily spread between unvaccinated people.

getting vaccinated is important, as these conditions can also lead to serious problems including meningitis, hearing loss and problems during pregnancy.

2 doses of the mmr vaccine provide the best protection against measles, mumps and rubella.",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2zV_IfNAek,with spring break just around the corner what you need to know to protect yourself against measles,"it's back. measles was eliminated back in 1998.... but now the highly contagious disease may again be spreading in some canadian communities. with all of the information out there about the risks around measles, it's time to get a primer on just what you need to know about staying safe and preventing an outbreak.
dr. joss reimer is the president-elect of the canadian medical association",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9SNGvfGVW4,mdhhs urging measles vaccinations,"there's a growing number of measles cases across the country, and health experts are urging the public to seek vaccinations against the disease.",03/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQ9fri_MEwI,"public service announcement on measles, mumps and rubella","with the recent rise of these preventable diseases, like measles and mumps, across the state and country, njdoh is urging individuals, especially parents, guardians and caregivers, to be aware of the symptoms of these highly contagious viruses and to stay up to date with the measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) shot.",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUwLpK7blig,concern over measles spread ahead of march break,"with one of the busiest travel weeks just around the corner, health professionals are urging canadians to double check their measles vaccine status. erica natividad with it is a significant concern and how to stay safe.",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmYnucfXUs4,#measles  #vaccines  #save  #live,the video provides evidence about the benefits of measles vaccine.,03/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/shorts/O54Rc6uEgEM,what caused measles' comeback in canada? #shorts,"years after measles was eliminated from canada, more cases are being reported across the country. health and science policy professor timothy caulfield explains why.
#publichealth #measles #canada",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dwiznews/video/7342450331235749128,#newscoop | tigdas nagbabantang muling lumaganap ayon sa who. youtube: www.youtube.com/@dwiz882live #dwiz #dwiznews #aliw23 #nagbabalitangtamanaglilingkodngtama #measles,#newscoop | tigdas nagbabantang muling lumaganap ayon sa who. youtube: www.youtube.com/@dwiz882live #dwiz #dwiznews #aliw23 #nagbabalitangtamanaglilingkodngtama #measles,03/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/SWLNHS/videos/measles-is-highly-infectious-and-can-be-passed-on-before-a-rash-appears-make-sur/1059775991769867/,measles is highly infectious and can be passed on before a rash appears. make sure your child is protected from becoming seriously unwell from,measles is highly infectious and can be passed on before a rash appears. make sure your child is protected from becoming seriously unwell from measles by making sure they are up to date with their mmr vaccinations. for more info  http://nhs.uk/mmr,03/05/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4JXoF5pZVD/,"maeville pediatrics on instagram: ""let's talk about the signs and symptoms of the measles infection. ⬇⬇⬇

7 – 14 days after a measles infection, first symptoms show. measles isn't just a little rash. measles can be dangerous, especially for babies and young children. measles typically begins with: 
high fever (may spike to more than 104)
runny nose (coryza)
red, watery eyes (conjunctivitis).

2-3 days after symptoms begin: 
koplik spots (tiny white spots that appear inside the mouth)

3-5 days after symptoms begin: 
measles rash- begins as flat red spots that appear on the face at the hairline and spread downward to the neck, trunk, arms, legs, and feet. small raised bumps may also appear on top of the flat red spots. the spots may become joined together as they spread from the head to the rest of the body. when the rash appears, a person's fever may spike to more than 104 fahrenheit.

stay safe and vaccinate!

#pediatrics #pediatrician #toddlertips #newborntips #measles #measlesoutbreak #supportingmamas #momssupportingmoms #maevillepediatrics #parentingtips #momadvice #babymama #toddlerlife #dailyparenting #babyhealth #childhealth #momcommunity""","maeville pediatrics on instagram: ""let's talk about the signs and symptoms of the measles infection. ⬇⬇⬇

7 – 14 days after a measles infection, first symptoms show. measles isn't just a little rash. measles can be dangerous, especially for babies and young children. measles typically begins with: 
high fever (may spike to more than 104)
runny nose (coryza)
red, watery eyes (conjunctivitis).

2-3 days after symptoms begin: 
koplik spots (tiny white spots that appear inside the mouth)

3-5 days after symptoms begin: 
measles rash- begins as flat red spots that appear on the face at the hairline and spread downward to the neck, trunk, arms, legs, and feet. small raised bumps may also appear on top of the flat red spots. the spots may become joined together as they spread from the head to the rest of the body. when the rash appears, a person's fever may spike to more than 104 fahrenheit.

stay safe and vaccinate!

#pediatrics #pediatrician #toddlertips #newborntips #measles #measlesoutbreak #supportingmamas #momssupportingmoms #maevillepediatrics #parentingtips #momadvice #babymama #toddlerlife #dailyparenting #babyhealth #childhealth #momcommunity""",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@canamnews/video/7342924657378462981," news update!   first measles case reported in b.c. since 2019, involving child under 10 with recent travel, confirms provincial health officer.  toronto joins canadian cities in considering conversion of public parking lots to housing trend.  canada closes embassy in haiti following escalating violence and prison break; urges citizens to leave, u.s. issues advisory.  toronto breaks 50-year-old temperature record with high of 13.6c on march 4 amid hotter-than-usual february.  british columbia supreme court approves multimillion-dollar nationwide settlement in class-action suit against apple over iphone software updates.  toronto raptors season ticket prices set to rise by ~4% next season, toronto star reports. stay informed with the latest developments!  #breakingnews #toronto #canada #bc"," news update!   first measles case reported in b.c. since 2019, involving child under 10 with recent travel, confirms provincial health officer.  toronto joins canadian cities in considering conversion of public parking lots to housing trend.  canada closes embassy in haiti following escalating violence and prison break; urges citizens to leave, u.s. issues advisory.  toronto breaks 50-year-old temperature record with high of 13.6c on march 4 amid hotter-than-usual february.  british columbia supreme court approves multimillion-dollar nationwide settlement in class-action suit against apple over iphone software updates.  toronto raptors season ticket prices set to rise by ~4% next season, toronto star reports. stay informed with the latest developments!  #breakingnews #toronto #canada #bc",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,joy,joy
https://www.tiktok.com/@hoyenirlanda/video/7342931795400215841,"#hoyenirlanda | en vsperas de las vacaciones por semana santa, las autoridades sanitarias en irlanda preparan una campaa para vacunar '‰ contra el #sarampin a los grupos poblaciones de 20s y 30s aos, trabajadores de la salud y poblacin vulnerable como habitantes de calle, refugiados y migrantes. #measlesvaccine #senanasanta #reinounido‡‡ #europa #irlanda‡‡' ","#hoyenirlanda | en vsperas de las vacaciones por semana santa, las autoridades sanitarias en irlanda preparan una campaa para vacunar '‰ contra el #sarampin a los grupos poblaciones de 20s y 30s aos, trabajadores de la salud y poblacin vulnerable como habitantes de calle, refugiados y migrantes. #measlesvaccine #senanasanta #reinounido‡‡ #europa #irlanda‡‡' ",03/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/cardiff.council1/videos/measles/372089842286031/,Measles,#Measles is highly infectious and the only way to prevent outbreaks is through vaccination. It is never too late to catch up on missed doses. https://orlo.uk/afy7j,03/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.pbs.org/video/measles-outbreaks-1709763665/,measles outbreak raises concerns about drop in vaccinations,"there were 58 reported cases of measles in the u.s. during all of 2023. but there's already been 41 cases across 16 states so far this year. the outbreak of this highly contagious virus is cause for concern for many public health departments. dr. paul offit, a pediatrician specializing in virology and immunology at children's hospital of philadelphia, joins william brangham to discuss.",03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O140B4dtqgg,"verify: yes, measles cases have been rising in florida since 2022","the vaccine is more than 93% effective, according to the cdc.",03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aZdv6W8SU4,measles outbreak raises concerns about drop in vaccinations,"there were 58 reported cases of measles in the u.s. during all of 2023. but there's already been 41 cases across 16 states so far this year. the outbreak of this highly contagious virus is cause for concern for many public health departments. dr. paul offit, a pediatrician specializing in virology and immunology at children's hospital of philadelphia, joins william brangham to discuss. ",03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://watch.montanapbs.org/video/measles-outbreaks-1709763665/,measles outbreak raises concerns about drop in vaccinations,"there were 58 reported cases of measles in the u.s. during all of 2023. but there's already been 41 cases across 16 states so far this year. the outbreak of this highly contagious virus is cause for concern for many public health departments. dr. paul offit, a pediatrician specializing in virology and immunology at children's hospital of philadelphia, joins william brangham to discuss.",03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://video.kqed.org/video/measles-outbreaks-1709763665/,measles outbreak raises concerns about drop in vaccinations,"there were 58 reported cases of measles in the u.s. during all of 2023. but there's already been 41 cases across 16 states so far this year. the outbreak of this highly contagious virus is cause for concern for many public health departments. dr. paul offit, a pediatrician specializing in virology and immunology at children's hospital of philadelphia, joins william brangham to discuss.",03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://globalnews.ca/video/10338782/breaking-down-the-measles-disease-and-how-to-protect-yourself,breaking down the measles disease and how to protect yourself,"concern is growing over the influx of measles cases in quebec with ten reported transmissions so far. on the defensive, quebec public health
officials say a new vaccination campaign is being deployed in schools. epidemiologist dr. chistopher labos sits down with host brayden jagger haines to discuss the fast spreading infectious disease.",03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/video/c2880488-keep-up-with-measles-vaccines--n-s--health-officer,keep up with measles vaccines: n.s. health officer,nova scotia's chief medical health officer advises people to keep up to date on their vaccines as measles cases pop up across canada.,03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZIOVJgwvB8,here's everything you need to know about measles,here's everything you need to know about measles and the outbreak in canada. keep watching for key information. #measles,03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZx28D6I8aI,measles: understanding the most contagious preventable disease | about that,"there are early signals that measles — one of the world's most contagious but preventable diseases — may be spreading in parts of canada. andrew chang breaks down the way the virus attacks the body and what makes it so contagious.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8yK_vz3cN8,why measles infections are surging again,"measles cases have been popping up all over the world, including in canada. this highly contagious virus can be devastating – and even deadly – to people who haven't been vaccinated against it.

the globe and mail's health columnist andr picard explains why we're seeing this sudden rise and what can be done about it.

read more: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opini...

follow the globe and mail https://theglobeandmail.com

 / globeandmail  

 / globeandmail  

 / theglobeandmail  ",03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,disgust,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rQRjZOtpF8,number of parents having their kids vaccinated against measles declining,a public health professor said most of florida is vulnerable to a measles outbreak that could potentially infect many more children.,03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hCZVUt-s8g,metro detroit parents concerned with rise in measles cases,measles is a highly contagious and preventable disease that is caused by a virus. it can spread through direct person-to-person contact and the air.,03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@celec242/video/7343468115646352682,four #measles  cases were confirmed at a #southflorida  #elementaryschool,four#measlescases were confirmed at a#southflorida#elementaryschool,03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy1cFeICv68,the new covid rules – and a measles comeback. again.,"am i contagious? u.s. health officials have dropped five-day isolation guidelines for people who get covid, prompting a mix of relief and confusion. today, the post's lena sun breaks down what's behind the shift. plus, the latest on measles in florida.",03/06/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MQtgsESDt8,the importance of 'herd immunity' | chief medical officer,"measles can cause serious illness. we are at high risk of an outbreak in ireland. our mmr vaccination rate is below 90%, too low to achieve herd immunity. the mmr is a safe, effective vaccine. please get vaccinated to protect yourself and others. see http://immunisation.ie

hi everyone. as you know, we are currently at high risk of a measles outbreak. our best strategy to prevent this is herd immunity. so what is herd immunity? we achieve herd immunity when enough people in our population are immune to an infection with measles. this prevents measles from spreading. we develop immunity to measles either through infection or through vaccination. measles is a serious illness which can cause death. so we want to achieve immunity through vaccination. this trains our immune system to fight disease without making us ill. measles can spread rapidly when fewer than 95% of our population are vaccinated. healthy people may recover quickly, but infection can be particularly severe in those who cannot receive the vaccine or for whom it is not effective. for example, this is children under the age of 12 months, significantly immunocompromised people and pregnant women. when most people are vaccinated, it breaks the chain of transmission, so the spread of disease is more difficult. during the pandemic, we often discussed the r number, or the reproduction number. covid-19's r number is estimated to be between 2 and 3, meaning that every infected person in a non-immune population infects two to three others. by comparison, measles is extremely contagious, having an r number of between 12 and 18. this means that every infected person infects between 12 and 18 others. but this can be prevented by having herd immunity. that's why we need at least 95% of the population to get vaccinated against measles. at that rate, our collective immunity forms a protective shield over ourselves and others, particularly those who are not immune. within our work or social circles, we all know a child aged under 12 months, a pregnant woman, or someone who is severely immunosuppressed. think about this when considering the mmr vaccine for you and your family. getting vaccinated protects our personal health, but it also makes us team players by helping to protect those around us, our families, our loved ones and the people in our community who are more vulnerable. the mmr is a safe, effective vaccine.",03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfABGWm9YyM,vaccination records: who's keeping track? | your morning,"the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine is a standard immunization for children. but double checking  to see if your child has their doses, could be a little easier said than done, depending on where you live.

subscribe to your morning for the latest: http://bit.ly/2hx11gf 

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for the latest in news and lifestyle visit: https://www.ctv.ca/shows/your-morning/ 
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21sPqBwGvy4,measles cases are on the rise,adph shares tips on identifying measles symptoms.,03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3aZdv6W8SU4&ref=upstract.com,measles outbreak raises concerns about drop in vaccinations,"there were 58 reported cases of measles in the u.s. during all of 2023. but there's already been 41 cases across 16 states so far this year. the outbreak of this highly contagious virus is cause for concern for many public health departments. dr. paul offit, a pediatrician specializing in virology and immunology at children's hospital of philadelphia, joins william brangham to discuss.

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https://m.youtube.com/shorts/xrdiPhGNxG4,measles cases are on the rise in the us #shorts,adph shares tips on identifying measles symptoms.,03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/dethealth/reel/C4Lb-uSOLcz/,"confirmed cases of measles have been reported in wayne, washtenaw, and oakland counties. vaccines are recommended for everyone ages one and over, within 72 hours of exposure.

for more information, visit our website detroitmi.gov/health""","detroit health department on instagram: ""confirmed cases of measles have been reported in wayne, washtenaw, and oakland counties. vaccines are recommended for everyone ages one and over, within 72 hours of exposure.

for more information, visit our website detroitmi.gov/health""",03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/punjabikidshealth/reel/C4LUPFCM33s/,"what is measles? 

learn more about measles and how to protect your child. 

support our cause by donating to our kids' health network! the link to donate can be found in our bio.

: https://tinyurl.com/donate-okh

#fyp #parenting #momblogger #dadblogger #tiktokdoc #pediatrician #kids #health #canada #covidparenting #doctorsoftiktok #pandemic #moms #covidbaby #punjabikidshealth #ourkidshealth #measles #virus #contagious #mmr #measlesoutbreak #measlesmumpsrubella""","punjabi kids' health on instagram: ""what is measles? 

learn more about measles and how to protect your child. 

support our cause by donating to our kids' health network! the link to donate can be found in our bio.

: https://tinyurl.com/donate-okh

#fyp #parenting #momblogger #dadblogger #tiktokdoc #pediatrician #kids #health #canada #covidparenting #doctorsoftiktok #pandemic #moms #covidbaby #punjabikidshealth #ourkidshealth #measles #virus #contagious #mmr #measlesoutbreak #measlesmumpsrubella""",03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/mpbonline/reel/C4LVDl4sxlz/,"measles is back on the rise in certain areas around the country and the world. learn from mpb's southern remedy health professionals about how to protect yourself from this preventable disease.

tune in to southern remedy monday through friday at 11 a.m. on mpb think radio.","measles is back on the rise in certain areas around the country and the world. learn from mpb's southern remedy health professionals about how to protect yourself from this preventable disease.

tune in to southern remedy monday through friday at 11 a.m. on mpb think radio.",03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/hiphopdetroit/reel/C4LkR24rYSy/,"repost—> @dethealth 

confirmed cases of measles have been reported in wayne, washtenaw, and oakland counties. vaccines are recommended for everyone ages one and over, within 72 hours of exposure.

for more information, visit our website detroitmi.gov/health","repost—> @dethealth 

confirmed cases of measles have been reported in wayne, washtenaw, and oakland counties. vaccines are recommended for everyone ages one and over, within 72 hours of exposure.

for more information, visit our website detroitmi.gov/health",03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drmoisesissa/reel/C4MjEXzNX-Y/,elnewscafe with @albertosardinas speaking about the recent measles outbreak in broward county  thank you @aly_sanchezoficial @yordamiss.mci @univision  @univision23,elnewscafe with @albertosardinas speaking about the recent measles outbreak in broward county  thank you @aly_sanchezoficial @yordamiss.mci @univision  @univision23,03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drmoisesissa/reel/C4MjEXzNX-Y/?locale=en-us,elnewscafe with @albertosardinas speaking about the recent measles outbreak in broward county  thank you @aly_sanchezoficial @yordamiss.mci @univision  @univision23,elnewscafe with @albertosardinas speaking about the recent measles outbreak in broward county  thank you @aly_sanchezoficial @yordamiss.mci @univision  @univision23,03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/long_hauler_haven/reel/C4L-fIRvvxY/,"seventeen cases of measles have been confirmed in quebec, ontario, saskatchewan and british columbia, canada. 

half of those are in the montreal area. 

measles is airborne. wear a well fitted respirator mask to protect yourself & others. 

if you were born between 1970-1996 and only received one dose of the mmr vaccine you are eligible for a booster.

if you do not have access to your vaccine records and are unsure if you are vaccinated speak to your healthcare provider. 


id: a screenshot of a ctv news article that reads, ""four provinces confirm measles cases, including one rare case in fully vaccinated man."" a video clip of scrat - the squirrel from ice age is over the screenshot of them pulling at their eyes and screaming.","seventeen cases of measles have been confirmed in quebec, ontario, saskatchewan and british columbia, canada. 

half of those are in the montreal area. 

measles is airborne. wear a well fitted respirator mask to protect yourself & others. 

if you were born between 1970-1996 and only received one dose of the mmr vaccine you are eligible for a booster.

if you do not have access to your vaccine records and are unsure if you are vaccinated speak to your healthcare provider. 


id: a screenshot of a ctv news article that reads, ""four provinces confirm measles cases, including one rare case in fully vaccinated man."" a video clip of scrat - the squirrel from ice age is over the screenshot of them pulling at their eyes and screaming.",03/06/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4L8ozrvJAu/,"tracking systems in vaccines? cmon man!

#fyp #trending #covid #covid19 #vaccines #florida #measles #politics #republican #democrat #choice #mybodymychoice #health #truth #facts #research #sideeffects #biden #trump #election #rights #vote #conspiracy #conspiracytheory","tracking systems in vaccines? cmon man!

#fyp #trending #covid #covid19 #vaccines #florida #measles #politics #republican #democrat #choice #mybodymychoice #health #truth #facts #research #sideeffects #biden #trump #election #rights #vote #conspiracy #conspiracytheory",03/06/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/thefeedwithdrg/reel/C4LeQuULXev/?hl=es-la,have you heard of the measles outbreak in canada?! here's everything you need to know! #measlesoutbreak #measles #vaccine #measlesvaccine,have you heard of the measles outbreak in canada?! here's everything you need to know! #measlesoutbreak #measles #vaccine #measlesvaccine,03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@helpmommy.com/video/7343297643147201822,does the mmr vaccine cause autism? #pediatrics #pediatricians #helpmommy #fyp #pediatriciansoftiktok #drcliffjames #kidscentralpediatrics #tennesseepediatrician #mmr #autism #capcut,does the mmr vaccine cause autism? #pediatrics #pediatricians #helpmommy #fyp #pediatriciansoftiktok #drcliffjames #kidscentralpediatrics #tennesseepediatrician #mmr #autism #capcut,03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@ledevoir/video/7343336952424320261,est-on sur le point de connatre une pidmie de rougeole? #virus #measles #vaccine #vaccin #rougeole #malade #maladie #soin #sante #health #montreal #mtl #quebec #qc #info #news #actu #learn #discover ,est-on sur le point de connatre une pidmie de rougeole? #virus #measles #vaccine #vaccin #rougeole #malade #maladie #soin #sante #health #montreal #mtl #quebec #qc #info #news #actu #learn #discover ,03/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@cbcmanitoba/video/7343735748262202630,"a community activist wants pop-up clinics to make it easier for people to get the measles vaccine.                                                      seventeen cases have been detected in b.c., saskatchewan, ontario and quebec as the virus spreads in europe.                                                  so far, manitoba has no confirmed cases, but health officials say you should check your immunization records with a doctor or public health office.                                          #publichealth #health #vaccine #mb #manitoba","a community activist wants pop-up clinics to make it easier for people to get the measles vaccine.                                                      seventeen cases have been detected in b.c., saskatchewan, ontario and quebec as the virus spreads in europe.                                                  so far, manitoba has no confirmed cases, but health officials say you should check your immunization records with a doctor or public health office.                                          #publichealth #health #vaccine #mb #manitoba",03/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@doctorbhogal/video/7343711233352256801,diagnosis detective #medicalquiz #medicine #babytok #unwellchild #momtok #mumtok #raisingbaby #measlesoutbreak #measlesawareness #seizureawareness #epilepsy #doctorsoftiktok #nursesoftiktok #studentnurse #medstudent #doctorexplains #fyp #foryou,diagnosis detective #medicalquiz #medicine #babytok #unwellchild #momtok #mumtok #raisingbaby #measlesoutbreak #measlesawareness #seizureawareness #epilepsy #doctorsoftiktok #nursesoftiktok #studentnurse #medstudent #doctorexplains #fyp #foryou,03/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/video/what-to-know-about-measles-cases-in-michigan-symptoms-how-it-spreads/,"what to know about measles cases in michigan, symptoms, how it spreads","the state of michigan is watching out for measles cases after three were reported in the last week. dr. lea monday, an infectious disease physician at the detroit medical center, joined cbs news detroit to talk about what to keep in mind the risk of contracting it.",03/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/video/2024/03/07/hawaii-doctors-urged-be-alert-measles-amid-spike-cases-nationally/,hawaii doctors urged to be on alert for measles amid spike in cases nationally,"no outbreaks have been reported in hawaii, but the doh is warning physicians to be on the lookout.",03/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.khq.com/news/more-measles-cases-reported-in-spokane-after-out-of-country-trip/video_5a9426e2-dc95-11ee-b410-e7ac91461d6d.html,more measles cases reported in spokane after out of country trip,measles cases show up in spokane after an out of country trip all from unvaccinated patients.,03/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCunn8ZyvdY,measles- why are cases rising and what can we do?- a doctor explains,"dr. omer awan, forbes contributor and scripps news medical contributor explains why measles cases are on the rise, what this means for public health, and how we collectively can turn the tide so this does not become a public health crisis! #meded #publichealth #measles #vaccine #news #media",03/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.valleynewslive.com/video/2024/03/08/north-dakota-health-officials-give-measles-vaccination-reminder/,north dakota health officials give measles vaccination reminder,valley news live at 6:00pm on kvly,03/07/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/chicago-reports-first-measles-case-since-2019/,chicago reports first measles case since 2019,a measles case was reported in chicago for the first time in five years. the chicago department of public health warned individuals of a possible exposure.,03/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKBLttThSHY,measles explained: what you need to know about this highly contagious virus,"measles cases are on the rise around the world and health experts are issuing warnings about the highly contagious virus. dawn bowdish, professor in the department of medicine, executive director of the firestone institute for respiratory health, and the canada research chair in aging and immunity, says measles is far from a harmless childhood infection. in this video, bowdish shares what you need to know about this infectious virus. subscribe and hit the bell to check out our latest videos: https://ow.ly/miqx50qhswy the information in this video was accurate as of the upload date, 07/03/2024. the information provided in this video is for information purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. for any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, it is important to consult your health care professional. #mcmasteruniversity #mcmasteru #machealthsci #health #education #research #measles #measlesoutbreak",03/07/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.blondieperes/video/7343744181619215648,another case of #measles  in #ireland  #breakingnews  #measlesoutbreak  #drblondieperes #irishnews  #measlesvaccine  #mmrvaccine  #healthnews  #didyouknow  #irishtiktok #uktiktok  #covid  #contagious  #corkireland  #capcut,another case of#measlesin#ireland#breakingnews#measlesoutbreak#drblondieperes#irishnews#measlesvaccine#mmrvaccine#healthnews#didyouknow#irishtiktok#uktiktok#covid#contagious#corkireland#capcut,03/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@verifythis/video/7343686141662678318,"yes, there's a measles outbreak. no, you probably don't need a measles booster shot. #measles  #vaccine  #outbreak  #florida  #medicaltiktok  #booster  #greenscreen","yes, there's a measles outbreak.no, you probably don't need a measles booster shot.#measles#vaccine#outbreak#florida#medicaltiktok#booster#greenscreen",03/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@universityhospitals/video/7343714091602677035,"since 2024 began, 40 measles cases have been reported in the u.s. while that number seems small, is there any cause for concern? pediatric infectious disease expert dr. amy edwards explains. #health  #vaccine  #kidshealth","since 2024 began, 40 measles cases have been reported in the u.s. while that number seems small, is there any cause for concern? pediatric infectious disease expert dr. amy edwards explains.#health#vaccine#kidshealth",03/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AErf6EiYyj8,current state of measles in the united states,"infectious disease specialist, amy edwards, md, explains the state of measles in the united states and why there is cause for concern. though rare, the disease can be deadly or have long term neurological impacts for children who contract it. dr. edwards emphasizes the urgency of maintaining high vaccination rates to prevent outbreaks and protect vulnerable populations - especially kids who are under a year old and are ineligible for the mmr (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine. contact your pediatrician to have your child vaccinated with the mmr vaccine. 

university hospitals is one of the nation's leading health care systems, providing patient-centered care that meets the highest standards for quality and patient safety and have received numerous awards and recognitions from some of the most prestigious institutions in the country for our leadership and exceptional patient outcomes. as an accountable care organization, we foster long-term patient-provider relationships that help promote preventive care, increase wellness and healthy behaviors, decrease emergency episodes, and prevent hospitalizations. to learn more: https://www.uhhospitals.org",03/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdnYC-hOgUM,local doctors concerned about increase in measles cases,"with measles cases increasing in the south, health officials share some tips on how to protect your children from this highly contagious disease.",03/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ny7C_7CETe8,के तपाईले सरकारको दादरा-रबेला खोप अभियानको बारेमा थाहा पाउनभयो? dr. kabita keyal | clinic one,"के तपाईले सरकारको दादरा-रबेला खोप अभियानको बारेमा थाहा पाउनभयो? dr. kabita keyal | clinic one

आजको यस भिडियोमा कलिनिक वानका बाल रोग विशेषजञ, डा. कविता केयालले हाल नेपाल सरकारदवारा आयोजना गरिको दादरा-रबेला खोप अभियानका बारेमा आमा बबाहर बा आको जिजञासाका साथै दादरा-रबेला खोप कति उमेरको बचचाले लगाउने र यो खोप बचचाहरलाई लगाउन किन जररी छ भनने बारेमा समपूरण जानकारी दिनभको छ |

clinic one's consultant pediatrician and vaccination expert, dr. kabita keyal has given all the information about the measles-rubella vaccination campaign organized by the government of nepal. 

she has also answered common questions received from parents about the age of children who should get the measles-rubella vaccine and why it is necessary to give this vaccine to children.

dr. kabita keyal is a pediatrician & gold medalist doctor trained from manipal hospital, bangalore. she has completed her pgpn from the boston university school of medicine. she has been providing services in child health care since 13 years and is involved with child general check-up, vaccination, breastfeeding, nutrition, childhood asthma management & counseling.

to learn more about doctors, please check the link below:


other popular videos by clinic one:

pneumonia भनेको के हो ?

pneumonia हदा कसतो लकषण देखा परछ? | pneumonia symptoms

घरमा pregnancy test गरदा धयान दिन परने करा | pregnancy test kit at home in nepal 

pregnancy को बेला कन कन अवसथामा यड़न समपरक राखन मिलदैन ?

बचचा बसनलाई कन समयमा यड़न समपरक राखन परछ ?
pregnancy मा कति पक ultrasound गरनपरछ? 

बचचालाई खोप लगाउन ढिला भमा के गरने?

हरेक आमाले हेरनैपरने, सतनपान समबनधि समसयाका बारेमा विसतृत जानकारी |

full body checkup गरन आउदा के करामा धयान दिने?

बहिरा मैतरी कलिनिक | empowering deaf communities: hand sight clinic at clinic one


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this video is intended for educational purposes. while we make every effort to ensure accuracy, please be aware that they are not a substitute for personalized medical advice. we strongly recommend consulting with your healthcare provider for tailored guidance, diagnosis, and treatment options. 

your health first - clinic one

 don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more insightful videos on health and wellness!

#measles #mumps #rubella #mmr #mmr #mmrvaccine #mr #mrvaccine #dadura #rubela #dadurarubela",03/07/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@makingsenseofscience_/video/7343685162414181674,"measles is spreading, and undocumented migrants are getting a lot of heat for it. according to the cdc, however, 2 of every 3 travelers bringing measles into the country is an american citizen€and most of the time they arent vaccinated, allowing it to spread once it gets here. pass it on.  (and check out the other vids on our page for a full breakdown.) #sciencefact #measles #undocumentedimmigrants #racistcheck #meme #memecut #fyp #endracism #measlesoutbreak","measles is spreading, and undocumented migrants are getting a lot of heat for it. according to the cdc, however, 2 of every 3 travelers bringing measles into the country is an american citizen€and most of the time they arent vaccinated, allowing it to spread once it gets here. pass it on.  (and check out the other vids on our page for a full breakdown.) #sciencefact #measles #undocumentedimmigrants #racistcheck #meme #memecut #fyp #endracism #measlesoutbreak",03/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/machealthsci/reel/C4OhWJ6paDs/,"measles cases are on the rise around the world and health experts are issuing warnings about the highly contagious virus. 
dawn bowdish, professor in the department of medicine, executive director of the firestone institute for respiratory health, and the canada research chair in aging and immunity, says measles is far from a harmless childhood infection.
in this video, bowdish shares what you need to know about this infectious virus. 
#mcmasteruniversity #mcmasteru #machealthsci #health  #education #research #measles","measles cases are on the rise around the world and health experts are issuing warnings about the highly contagious virus. 
dawn bowdish, professor in the department of medicine, executive director of the firestone institute for respiratory health, and the canada research chair in aging and immunity, says measles is far from a harmless childhood infection.
in this video, bowdish shares what you need to know about this infectious virus. 
#mcmasteruniversity #mcmasteru #machealthsci #health  #education #research #measles",03/07/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/makingsenseofscience/reel/C4NzNLLrMbK/,"measles is spreading in the us, and some people are blaming it on illegal immigration. here's why that theiry just doesnt hold up. #measles #science #health #immigration #undocumentedimmigrants","measles is spreading in the us, and some people are blaming it on illegal immigration. here's why that theiry just doesnt hold up. #measles #science #health #immigration #undocumentedimmigrants",03/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,anger,anger
https://www.instagram.com/arianedatil/reel/C4OQYMfLdVY/,"✅ yes, there's a measles outbreak. 
 no, you probably don't need a measles booster shot. 
#measles #vaccine #outbreak #florida #medical #booster #greenscreen","✅ yes, there's a measles outbreak. 
 no, you probably don't need a measles booster shot. 
#measles #vaccine #outbreak #florida #medical #booster #greenscreen",03/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/uhrainbow/reel/C4OcM7aJL1M/,"since 2024 began, 40 measles cases have been reported in the u.s. while that number seems small, is there any cause for concern? pediatric infectious disease expert dr. amy edwards explains. 

#measles #vaccines #infectiousdisease #cleveland","since 2024 began, 40 measles cases have been reported in the u.s. while that number seems small, is there any cause for concern? pediatric infectious disease expert dr. amy edwards explains. 

#measles #vaccines #infectiousdisease #cleveland",03/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/arizonapbs/reel/C4PCpJsoZ8t/,"what are your thoughts on the highly infectious measles re-appearance here in arizona? #arizonahorizon spoke with will humble, the executive director of arizona public health association on the issue. find the segment here: https://azpbs.org/horizon","what are your thoughts on the highly infectious measles re-appearance here in arizona? #arizonahorizon spoke with will humble, the executive director of arizona public health association on the issue. find the segment here: https://azpbs.org/horizon",03/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/our.kidshealth/reel/C4N9KwQuPMe/,"protect your little ones! measles can be serious for children. 

stay informed, stay vaccinated. 

#measlesawareness #childhealth #measles #ourkidshealth","protect your little ones! measles can be serious for children. 

stay informed, stay vaccinated. 

#measlesawareness #childhealth #measles #ourkidshealth",03/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4OLJBvLFVd/,"what is going on with the measles outbreak? do we have a problem in houston? should i be worried? do i need to do anything to protect my kids? 
at our practice we have the time to sit with the family and discuss things like this. 
our families get to text directly with me for health related things that may come up. 
our goal is to keep your children healthy and out of the urgent care if possible! 
families join our practice because they are looking for premium access, personalized quality healthcare and the convenience of knowing i am available to help them. we are currently accepting new patients and have a few march spots open to join our boutique practice. 
if you would like to receive my monthly newsletter with practical information share your email address so we can add you to our list. 
concierge pediatrics allows you the extended time to discuss any concerns you may have about your child in detail. 
call 713-669-1900 to find out more about our concierge pediatric membership. 
join our pediatric practice today so we can help you!!!
#pediatriciannearme  #pediatricianhouston #houstonpediatrician #bellairepediatrician #pediatricianbellaire #conciergepediatrician #conciergepediatricianhouston #houstonbeauty #fyp #houstonbeautyblogger #measlesoutbreak #houstoncreatives #houstonmompreneur #houstonrealtors #houstonmomsclub #houstonmomblogger #houstondoulas #houstontherapist #westumoms #bellairemoms #riveroaksmom #houstonlactationconsultant #memorialmoms #houstonmoms #westumomsclub #measles 
www.pediatricpod.com","what is going on with the measles outbreak? do we have a problem in houston? should i be worried? do i need to do anything to protect my kids? 
at our practice we have the time to sit with the family and discuss things like this. 
our families get to text directly with me for health related things that may come up. 
our goal is to keep your children healthy and out of the urgent care if possible! 
families join our practice because they are looking for premium access, personalized quality healthcare and the convenience of knowing i am available to help them. we are currently accepting new patients and have a few march spots open to join our boutique practice. 
if you would like to receive my monthly newsletter with practical information share your email address so we can add you to our list. 
concierge pediatrics allows you the extended time to discuss any concerns you may have about your child in detail. 
call 713-669-1900 to find out more about our concierge pediatric membership. 
join our pediatric practice today so we can help you!!!
#pediatriciannearme  #pediatricianhouston #houstonpediatrician #bellairepediatrician #pediatricianbellaire #conciergepediatrician #conciergepediatricianhouston #houstonbeauty #fyp #houstonbeautyblogger #measlesoutbreak #houstoncreatives #houstonmompreneur #houstonrealtors #houstonmomsclub #houstonmomblogger #houstondoulas #houstontherapist #westumoms #bellairemoms #riveroaksmom #houstonlactationconsultant #memorialmoms #houstonmoms #westumomsclub #measles 
www.pediatricpod.com",03/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4NM2LUyjrb/,"mosquito bite can result in allergies in the nri children and the foreigners, for the first few years when they visit india.

the vaccines and medicines taken prior to travel to india, would protect them from malaria but not from the allergy due to mosquito bites.

wearing full sleeved clothes and pajamas, and using a mosquito repellent cream is the best way to prevent them.

calamine lotion application also reduces the itching due to the insect bite.

✅ coconut oil is the best.
coconut oil has medium chain fatty acids which act as a good insect repellent. 
applied on the bite site , it has anti inflammatory and anti microbial properties !!

✅ these rashes are confused with chicken pox and measles….
but the rashes of chicken pox and measles are seen also on covered body parts such as the tummy and back
while insect bite rashes are mostly seen on exposed body parts such as face, arms and legs…

#insectbiterelief #mosquitobites #hypersensitivity #allergies#rashes#itchyrashes #drchhayashah#parentingtips#nuisance""","mosquito bite can result in allergies in the nri children and the foreigners, for the first few years when they visit india.

the vaccines and medicines taken prior to travel to india, would protect them from malaria but not from the allergy due to mosquito bites.

wearing full sleeved clothes and pajamas, and using a mosquito repellent cream is the best way to prevent them.

calamine lotion application also reduces the itching due to the insect bite.

✅ coconut oil is the best.
coconut oil has medium chain fatty acids which act as a good insect repellent. 
applied on the bite site , it has anti inflammatory and anti microbial properties !!

✅ these rashes are confused with chicken pox and measles….
but the rashes of chicken pox and measles are seen also on covered body parts such as the tummy and back
while insect bite rashes are mostly seen on exposed body parts such as face, arms and legs…

#insectbiterelief #mosquitobites #hypersensitivity #allergies#rashes#itchyrashes #drchhayashah#parentingtips#nuisance""",03/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4OV8_GrXy8/,"today we had the privilege of visiting the distinguished dr. jorge de diego. with over two decades of experience, he is a renowned professional who has served our community with dedication for the past 20 years. i am immensely grateful for the opportunity to converse with someone so important to our city. additionally, he provided us with more information regarding the recent cases of measles. @drjorgedediego 

#doralproud #doralunited #doralresidents #cityofdoral #md #measlesoutbreak #businessvisit 

hoy tuvimos el privilegio de visitar al distinguido dr. jorge de diego. un individuo con ms de dos dcadas de experiencia, el es un reconocido profesional que ha servido a nuestra comunidad con dedicacin los ltimos 20 aos. agradezco enormemente la oportunidad de conversar con alguien tan importante para nuestra ciudad. adems de darno ms informacin respecto a los recientes casos de zarampion","today we had the privilege of visiting the distinguished dr. jorge de diego. with over two decades of experience, he is a renowned professional who has served our community with dedication for the past 20 years. i am immensely grateful for the opportunity to converse with someone so important to our city. additionally, he provided us with more information regarding the recent cases of measles. @drjorgedediego 

#doralproud #doralunited #doralresidents #cityofdoral #md #measlesoutbreak #businessvisit 

hoy tuvimos el privilegio de visitar al distinguido dr. jorge de diego. un individuo con ms de dos dcadas de experiencia, el es un reconocido profesional que ha servido a nuestra comunidad con dedicacin los ltimos 20 aos. agradezco enormemente la oportunidad de conversar con alguien tan importante para nuestra ciudad. adems de darno ms informacin respecto a los recientes casos de zarampion",03/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4OcM7aJL1M/,"since 2024 began, 40 measles cases have been reported in the u.s. while that number seems small, is there any cause for concern? pediatric infectious disease expert dr. amy edwards explains.

#measles #vaccines #infectiousdisease #cleveland","since 2024 began, 40 measles cases have been reported in the u.s. while that number seems small, is there any cause for concern? pediatric infectious disease expert dr. amy edwards explains.

#measles #vaccines #infectiousdisease #cleveland",03/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/phsa.bc/reel/C4Oin0drpDD/,"with measles outbreaks being reported internationally and spring break on the horizon, check your family's vaccination records before travelling to ensure you are all protected.
","with measles outbreaks being reported internationally and spring break on the horizon, check your family's vaccination records before travelling to ensure you are all protected.
",03/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/machealthsci/reel/C4OhWJ6paDs/?locale=de-DE,"measles cases are on the rise around the world and health experts are issuing warnings about the highly contagious virus. 
dawn bowdish, professor in the department of medicine, executive director of the firestone institute for respiratory health, and the canada research chair in aging and immunity, says measles is far from a harmless childhood infection.
in this video, bowdish shares what you need to know about this infectious virus. 
#mcmasteruniversity #mcmasteru #machealthsci #health  #education #research #measles","measles cases are on the rise around the world and health experts are issuing warnings about the highly contagious virus. 
dawn bowdish, professor in the department of medicine, executive director of the firestone institute for respiratory health, and the canada research chair in aging and immunity, says measles is far from a harmless childhood infection.
in this video, bowdish shares what you need to know about this infectious virus. 
#mcmasteruniversity #mcmasteru #machealthsci #health  #education #research #measles",03/07/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/uhrainbow/reel/C4OcM7aJL1M/?locale=es_US%3FICID%3DBLOG_MBF_ES,"since 2024 began, 40 measles cases have been reported in the u.s. while that number seems small, is there any cause for concern? pediatric infectious disease expert dr. amy edwards explains. 

#measles #vaccines #infectiousdisease #cleveland","since 2024 began, 40 measles cases have been reported in the u.s. while that number seems small, is there any cause for concern? pediatric infectious disease expert dr. amy edwards explains. 

#measles #vaccines #infectiousdisease #cleveland",03/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@omni_filipino/video/7343778632231390470,"doctors and federal government express 'deep concern' over a spike of measles in canada. how the filipino community's taking precautions, in theresa redula's report. #omnifilipino #omninews #pinoy #filcan #filipino #canada #measles #healthcare ","doctors and federal government express 'deep concern' over a spike of measles in canada. how the filipino community's taking precautions, in theresa redula's report. #omnifilipino #omninews #pinoy #filcan #filipino #canada #measles #healthcare ",03/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@cbcmanitoba/video/7344162766451772677,"a winnipeg woman who has been trying to access her children's vaccine records this week is hoping the province will make it easier for people to get that information, as cases of measles pop up in canada. #mb #manitoba #measles #healthcare #wellness #vaccine ","a winnipeg woman who has been trying to access her children's vaccine records this week is hoping the province will make it easier for people to get that information, as cases of measles pop up in canada. #mb #manitoba #measles #healthcare #wellness #vaccine ",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@lananoway/video/7344028882871422254,#stitch with @sethhollingsworth until florida re-erradicates measles this is what we got,#stitch with @sethhollingsworth until florida re-erradicates measles this is what we got,03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@pediatric.pod/video/7344104986852232491,"happy international womens day to all you amazing moms/women!!! we can help decrease some of that stress when it comes to your childs health! give us a call to find out more.  at our practice we have the time to sit with the family and discuss things like this.  our families get to text directly with me for health related things that may come up.  our goal is to keep your children healthy and out of the urgent care if possible!  families join our practice because they are looking for premium access, personalized quality healthcare and the convenience of knowing i am available to help them. we are currently accepting new patients and have a few march spots open to join our boutique practice.  if you would like to receive my monthly newsletter with practical information share your email address so we can add you to our list.  concierge pediatrics allows you the extended time to discuss any concerns you may have about your child in detail.  call 713-669-1900 to find out more about our concierge pediatric membership.  join our pediatric practice today so we can help you!!! #pediatriciannearme  #pediatricianhouston #houstonpediatrician #bellairepediatrician #pediatricianbellaire #conciergepediatrician #conciergepediatricianhouston #houstonbeauty #fyp #houstonbeautyblogger #measlesoutbreak #houstoncreatives #houstonmompreneur #houstonrealtors #houstonmomsclub #houstonmomblogger #houstondoulas #houstontherapist #westumoms #bellairemoms #riveroaksmom #houstonlactationconsultant #memorialmoms #houstonmoms #westumomsclub #measles  www.pediatricpod.com","happy international womens day to all you amazing moms/women!!! we can help decrease some of that stress when it comes to your childs health! give us a call to find out more.  at our practice we have the time to sit with the family and discuss things like this.  our families get to text directly with me for health related things that may come up.  our goal is to keep your children healthy and out of the urgent care if possible!  families join our practice because they are looking for premium access, personalized quality healthcare and the convenience of knowing i am available to help them. we are currently accepting new patients and have a few march spots open to join our boutique practice.  if you would like to receive my monthly newsletter with practical information share your email address so we can add you to our list.  concierge pediatrics allows you the extended time to discuss any concerns you may have about your child in detail.  call 713-669-1900 to find out more about our concierge pediatric membership.  join our pediatric practice today so we can help you!!! #pediatriciannearme  #pediatricianhouston #houstonpediatrician #bellairepediatrician #pediatricianbellaire #conciergepediatrician #conciergepediatricianhouston #houstonbeauty #fyp #houstonbeautyblogger #measlesoutbreak #houstoncreatives #houstonmompreneur #houstonrealtors #houstonmomsclub #houstonmomblogger #houstondoulas #houstontherapist #westumoms #bellairemoms #riveroaksmom #houstonlactationconsultant #memorialmoms #houstonmoms #westumomsclub #measles  www.pediatricpod.com",03/08/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/video/around-300-possibly-exposed-to-measles-at-sacramento-hospital/,around 300 possibly exposed to measles at sacramento hospital,"hundreds of people may have been exposed to measles at a sacramento hospital after an el dorado county child was confirmed to have contracted it this week after a trip out of the country, officials said friday.",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.ksat.com/video/news/2024/03/08/doctors-warn-measles-outbreak-in-florida-could-spread-amid-spring-break-travel/,doctors warn measles outbreak in florida could spread amid spring break travel,"as texans get ready to hit the spring break beaches, doctors are sternly warning we are on track for a measles outbreak nationwide. fifteen states have new cases, with florida leading the pack.",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3Znt8tjWu8,chicago reports second measles case in 24 hours,"the second case was reported at a migrant shelter in pilsen. public health officials said an investigation is underway to figure out who else the child may have come in contact with while infectious.
cbs 2 news chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the cbs 2 investigators. 
subscribe to cbs 2 news chicago on youtube :   

 / cbschicago  
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get the cbs 2 news app: https://apps.cbslocal.com/chicago/",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/chicago-reports-second-measles-case-in-24-hours/,chicago reports second measles case in 24 hours,the second case was reported at a migrant shelter in pilsen. public health officials said an investigation is underway to figure out who else the child may have come in contact with while infectious.,03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/2-measles-cases-in-1-day-in-chicago-1-case-reported-in-migrant-shelter/,2 measles cases in 1 day in chicago; 1 case reported in migrant shelter,"measles is a highly contagious, serious airborne disease that can lead to severe complications or death. cbs 2""s tara molina reports.",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,sadness
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/families-express-concerns-over-chicago-measles-cases/,families express concerns over chicago measles cases,"doctors emphasize that the measles virus is extremely contagious, and vaccination is the best method of prevention. cbs 2's sara machi reports.",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LV09-nKeyY,how is measles treated? chicago health officials confirm 2 cases in the city,"with two measles cases confirmed in chicago, here's a look at how the virus is treated and mitigated. infectious disease specialist dr. robert murphy explains. nbc chicago's lauren petty has the story. read more: https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local...",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://wgntv.com/video/chicago-resident-with-measles-is-first-confirmed-case-in-city-since-2019-cdph/9499019/,chicago resident with measles is first confirmed case in city since 2019: cdph,"the chicago department of public health said thursday that a chicago resident has been diagnosed with measles, the first in the city since 2019.",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/video/c2882119-more-measles-cases-reported-in-canada,more measles cases reported in canada,"the rising number of measles cases in quebec leads medicalwatch for march 7, 2024.",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/second-case-of-measles-confirmed-in-chicago-in-less-than-24-hours/,second case of measles confirmed in chicago in less than 24 hours,"the second case, this one involving a child, was reported at a migrant shelter in pilsen. the chicago department of public health is investigating who may have been exposed while the child was infectious.",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/2-new-cases-of-measles-in-chicago-in-less-than-24-hours/,2 new cases of measles in chicago in less than 24 hours,the second case was reported at a migrant shelter in pilsen. cbs 2's tara molina reports.,03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMFuFdO5ETk,child diagnosed with measles at migrant shelter,"a second case of measles has been confirmed in chicago, in less than 24 hours. https://abc7chicago.com/measles-in-ch...",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67PPJfNNI4k,child diagnosed with measles at chicago shelter,"a chicago measles case was diagnosed in a child staying at a shelter in pilsen, chicago department of public health officials said. https://abc7chicago.com/measles-in-ch...",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scO1cv-0Vds,families express concerns over chicago measles cases,"doctors emphasize that the measles virus is extremely contagious, and vaccination is the best method of prevention. cbs 2's sara machi reports. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cbs 2 news chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the cbs 2 investigators. subscribe to cbs 2 news chicago on youtube : /cbschicago cbs 2 news 24/7 livestream: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/live/ cbs 2 news on pluto tv: https://pluto.tv/en/live-tv/62cdc75b1... cbs 2 news website: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/ facebook: /cbschicago x (twitter): /cbschicago get the cbs 2 news app: https://apps.cbslocal.com/chicago/",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY-kfRPA-KY,child with measles is second confirmed case in city since 2019: cdph,"the chicago department of public health said thursday that a child living in a pilsen arrivals shelter has been diagnosed with measles, the second in the city.",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oylTfjgEsls,second case of measles confirmed in chicago in less than 24 hours,"the second case, this one involving a child, was reported at a migrant shelter in pilsen. the chicago department of public health is investigating who may have been exposed while the child was infectious. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cbs 2 news chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the cbs 2 investigators. subscribe to cbs 2 news chicago on youtube : /cbschicago cbs 2 news 24/7 livestream: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/live/ cbs 2 news on pluto tv: https://pluto.tv/en/live-tv/62cdc75b1... cbs 2 news website: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/ facebook: /cbschicago x (twitter): /cbschicago get the cbs 2 news app: https://apps.cbslocal.com/chicago/",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tkf7UAtL7aw,doctors warn measles outbreak in florida could spread amid spring break travel,"as texans get ready to hit the spring break beaches, doctors are sternly warning we are on track for a measles outbreak nationwide. fifteen states have new cases, with florida leading the pack.",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWl29E3tWIA,"chicago reports two cases of measles, one at a pilsen migrant shelter","two cases of measles have been reported in chicago this week, including a young child staying at a pilsen migrant shelter, the city's first cases in five years, according to the department of public health. more: https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/mea... subscribe to fox 32 chicago: https://www.youtube.com/fox32chicago?... watch fox 32 chicago live: https://www.fox32chicago.com/live fox 32 chicago delivers breaking news, live events, investigations, politics, entertainment, business news and local stories from chicago and across the nation. watch more fox 32 chicago on youtube: fox 32 headlines: •fox32headlines good day chicago: •gooddaychicago special reports and stories: •specialreports download the fox 32 chicago news app: https://fox32chicago.onelink.me/knq9?... download the fox 32 chicago weather app: https://www.fox32chicago.com/apps follow fox 32 chicago on facebook: /fox32chicago follow fox 32 chicago on twitter: /fox32news follow fox 32 chicago on instagram: /fox32chicago subscribe to the fox 32 chicago newsletter: https://www.fox32chicago.com/newsletters",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLNYjDilCis,2 measles cases in 1 day in chicago; 1 case reported in migrant shelter,"measles is a highly contagious, serious airborne disease that can lead to severe complications or death. cbs 2""s tara molina reports. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cbs 2 news chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the cbs 2 investigators. subscribe to cbs 2 news chicago on youtube : /cbschicago cbs 2 news 24/7 livestream: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/live/ cbs 2 news on pluto tv: https://pluto.tv/en/live-tv/62cdc75b1... cbs 2 news website: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/ facebook: /cbschicago x (twitter): /cbschicago get the cbs 2 news app: https://apps.cbslocal.com/chicago/",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@cbschicago/video/7343988914023140650,second case of measles reported in chicago. #cbschicago  #chicago  #health  #fyp #measles  #vaccine  #news,second case of measles reported in chicago.#cbschicago#chicago#health#fyp#measles#vaccine#news,03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbFOVy_tc0M,what is measles? what to know as cases reported in chicago,"with two cases of measles identified in chicago this week, marking the first detected cases in years in the city, what should you know about the virus?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
connect with nbc 5 chicago online
visit nbc chicago website : https://www.nbcchicago.com/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nbcchicago/
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nbcchicago/
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nbcchicago
x: https://twitter.com/nbcchicago",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@whyimmunize/video/7344118705200188718,there have been at least 41 cases of measles in the u.s. this year. does your place of work have a plan for #measles? #thinkmeasles,there have been at least 41 cases of measles in the u.s. this year. does your place of work have a plan for #measles? #thinkmeasles,03/08/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/nbcchicago/videos/two-cases-of-measles-were-identified-in-chicago-this-week-marking-the-first-dete/3633981633540503/,"two cases of measles were identified in chicago this week, marking the first detected cases in years in the city.","two cases of measles were identified in chicago this week, marking the first detected cases in years in the city.",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/cdc/videos/measles-vaccination/765548071911150/,measles vaccination,"it can be scary to see something about measles in the news, but we know that measles can be prevented with a safe and effective vaccine. in this video, cdc director dr. mandy cohen explains why it's important for you and your family to stay up-to-date on measles vaccination. learn more: https://bit.ly/2up0ebo",03/08/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/cdcgov/reel/C4RGWDbpcr0/,"it can be scary to see something about measles in the news, but we know that measles can be prevented with a safe and effective vaccine. 
in this video, @cdc.director dr. mandy cohen explains why it's important for you and your family to stay up-to-date on measles vaccination ⬆ 

tap the link in our bio to learn more.

#vaccineswork #publichealth","it can be scary to see something about measles in the news, but we know that measles can be prevented with a safe and effective vaccine. 
in this video, @cdc.director dr. mandy cohen explains why it's important for you and your family to stay up-to-date on measles vaccination ⬆ 

tap the link in our bio to learn more.

#vaccineswork #publichealth",03/08/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/ddnational/reel/C4QH2CIPI0N/,"india receives 'measles and rubella champion' award for exemplary efforts in measles and rubella disease prevention.

#healthforall | @mohfwindia","india receives 'measles and rubella champion' award for exemplary efforts in measles and rubella disease prevention.

#healthforall | @mohfwindia",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/cbschicago/reel/C4QcDdnLPdv/,second measles case reported in chicago. @mugoodigwe has the latest.,second measles case reported in chicago. @mugoodigwe has the latest.,03/08/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/withdr.irene/reel/C4QF5W0LI5I/,"‼measles alert‼ cases have been on the rise and it's important for you to be informed and stay protected. watch to find out more. let's all work together to keep our communities safe. 

#measles #measlesoutbreak #canada #publichealth #infectiousdisease #vaccine #doctor #healthcare #femalephysician #doctorsofinstagram #medschool #fyp #womaninmedicine #physician #familymedicine #familydoctor #doctorlife #toronto #canadiandoctors #healthcareworkers #education","‼measles alert‼ cases have been on the rise and it's important for you to be informed and stay protected. watch to find out more. let's all work together to keep our communities safe. 

#measles #measlesoutbreak #canada #publichealth #infectiousdisease #vaccine #doctor #healthcare #femalephysician #doctorsofinstagram #medschool #fyp #womaninmedicine #physician #familymedicine #familydoctor #doctorlife #toronto #canadiandoctors #healthcareworkers #education",03/08/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4QH2CIPI0N/,"india receives measles and rubella champion award for exemplary efforts in measles and rubella disease prevention.

#healthforall | @mohfwindia","india receives measles and rubella champion award for exemplary efforts in measles and rubella disease prevention.

#healthforall | @mohfwindia",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/dr.frita/reel/C4QK5o8riGI/,"follow @dr.frita & click the link in my bio to watch my youtube video: measles outbreak: signs & symptoms. we are up to almost 700k subscribers (thank you)

2/2924 i had another timely conversation with @newsnationnow with @nicksmithnews to discuss the measles outbreak in florida. there are at least 10 confirmed cases in florida, but the florida #surgeongeneral is not following the standard public health precautions.
#measlesoutbreak #mmr #measles #floridabeaches #encephalitis #josephdelapo #manateebayelementary #browardcountyschools #internationalwomensday #womenshistorymonth2024

#drfrita #aoa #meharrymade #kemade #dst1913 #blackdoctors #femaledoctors #medicalexpert #youtube @thegrio @revolttv @newsy @newsnationnow @msnbc @11alive @cnn @theportiatvshow @weekendexpresshln @foxsoul @gmabookclub @abctheview","follow @dr.frita & click the link in my bio to watch my youtube video: measles outbreak: signs & symptoms. we are up to almost 700k subscribers (thank you)

2/2924 i had another timely conversation with @newsnationnow with @nicksmithnews to discuss the measles outbreak in florida. there are at least 10 confirmed cases in florida, but the florida #surgeongeneral is not following the standard public health precautions.
#measlesoutbreak #mmr #measles #floridabeaches #encephalitis #josephdelapo #manateebayelementary #browardcountyschools #internationalwomensday #womenshistorymonth2024

#drfrita #aoa #meharrymade #kemade #dst1913 #blackdoctors #femaledoctors #medicalexpert #youtube @thegrio @revolttv @newsy @newsnationnow @msnbc @11alive @cnn @theportiatvshow @weekendexpresshln @foxsoul @gmabookclub @abctheview",03/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@hcbnews/video/7344480573567683882,"a second case of measles has been identified in chicago, hours after the chicago department of public health confirmed it identified its first case of measles in a city resident since 2019. according to a cdph statement sent early friday morning, the second case was identified in a child staying at a migrant shelter in pilsen. the statement went on to say that the child has recovered and ""is no longer infectious.""#news #fyp","a second case of measles has been identified in chicago, hours after the chicago department of public health confirmed it identified its first case of measles in a city resident since 2019. according to a cdph statement sent early friday morning, the second case was identified in a child staying at a migrant shelter in pilsen. the statement went on to say that the child has recovered and ""is no longer infectious.""#news #fyp",03/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/video/latest-on-possible-mass-measles-exposure-at-sacramento-hospital/,latest on possible mass measles exposure at sacramento hospital,"hundreds of people may have been exposed to measles at a sacramento hospital after an el dorado county child was confirmed to have contracted it this week after a trip out of the country, officials said friday.",03/09/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F8buIreIiw,measles is coming.,"measles is going viral. dr. abdul el-sayed explains the measles outbreak in the us, why this virus is uniquely dangerous, and what we can do to protect ourselves from getting it. measles is the most transmissible virus known to man, so get vaccinated! 00:00 - measles is starting to spread in the us 02:12 - how vaccine disinformation is driving the spread 03:08 - message from our sponsors @margueritecaseyfoundation 03:48 - what is measles? 04:43 - why measles is uniquely dangerous 05:50 - how to protect yourself from measles",03/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@adcnews72/video/7344476700530576683,"a second case of measles has been identified in chicago, hours after the chicago department of public health confirmed it identified its first case of measles in a city resident since 2019. according to a cdph statement sent early friday morning, the second case was identified in a child staying at a migrant shelter in pilsen. the statement went on to say that the child has recovered and ""is no longer infectious.""#news#fyp","a second case of measles has been identified in chicago, hours after the chicago department of public health confirmed it identified its first case of measles in a city resident since 2019. according to a cdph statement sent early friday morning, the second case was identified in a child staying at a migrant shelter in pilsen. the statement went on to say that the child has recovered and ""is no longer infectious.""#news#fyp",03/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@ningernews/video/7344476460704353579,"a second case of measles has been identified in chicago, hours after the chicago department of public health confirmed it identified its first case of measles in a city resident since 2019. according to a cdph statement sent early friday morning, the second case was identified in a child staying at a migrant shelter in pilsen. the statement went on to say that the child has recovered and ""is no longer infectious.""#news#fyp","a second case of measles has been identified in chicago, hours after the chicago department of public health confirmed it identified its first case of measles in a city resident since 2019. according to a cdph statement sent early friday morning, the second case was identified in a child staying at a migrant shelter in pilsen. the statement went on to say that the child has recovered and ""is no longer infectious.""#news#fyp",03/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX0Nm1cekOU,india bags prestigious award for efforts to combat measles rubella,"join the current affairs capsule course by annirudh agarwal & chandramouli choudhary:
online: https://bit.ly/3ivzocz
offline: https://bit.ly/43gdyn8 get free notes: https://bit.ly/42am7zv
celebrate india's remarkable achievement as it is honored with a prestigious award for its outstanding efforts in the fight against measles rubella. explore the impactful initiatives, vaccination campaigns, and collaborative strategies that have contributed to india's success in reducing the prevalence of these diseases. witness the nation's commitment to public health and the strides made in ensuring a safer future for its citizens.  #indiahealthachievement #measlesrubellacombat #publichealthrecognition

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NfAWFJfNOc,there is so much confusion about #measles amongst friends and family so here goes...,"measles is one of the most contagious diseases in the world.

there's a 12.6% mortality rate for children 5 years and under.

there is a 16.2% chance of death after testing postive among children below 9 months. #covid19 has an 2.1% mortality rate for comparison.

there's no sugarcoating this: measles is deadly.

from #toronto #publichealth

 there are two measles-containing vaccines in canada: mmr (measles-mumps-rubella) and mmrv (measles-mumps-rubella-varicella). mmrv also provides protection from chicken pox (varicella). both vaccines are made up of weakened, live viruses.

infants: at greatest risk since routine vaccination for measles does not begin until one year of age. infants going to areas where there is measles can get the vaccine at 6 months of age before travel.

born in 1970 or later: need 2 doses of measles vaccine for protection if they did not have measles. children routinely get vaccinated after their first birthday and between ages four to six.",03/09/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Negative,joy,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YReHPUyER2s,measles virus,#measles #virus #microbiology #madangowri,03/09/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeZQjAJdt1s,activist doctor misleads albertans on smith's gender policies,"this week on the alberta roundup, rachel covers an activist doctor who accused alberta premier danielle smith's policies of contributing to his trans nephew's suicide.

also on the show, smith is encouraging parents to take their child for the mmr vaccine following a measles outbreak across canada. the premier also weighed in on efforts to unseat calgary mayor jyodi gondek in calgary, calling the recall legislation unfair.

rachel also responds to some of your comments.

tune into the alberta roundup now!

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an original video production by true north canada.",03/09/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,anger,fear
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EeZQjAJdt1s&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Ftnc.news%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,activist doctor misleads albertans on smith's gender policies,"this week on the alberta roundup, rachel covers an activist doctor who accused alberta premier danielle smith's policies of contributing to his trans nephew's suicide.

also on the show, smith is encouraging parents to take their child for the mmr vaccine following a measles outbreak across canada. the premier also weighed in on efforts to unseat calgary mayor jyodi gondek in calgary, calling the recall legislation unfair.

rachel also responds to some of your comments.

tune into the alberta roundup now!

- join true north - https://tnc.news/subscribe/

- donate to true north - https://tnc.news/donate/

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rumble: https://rumble.com/user/truenorthcentre 


an original video production by true north canada.",03/09/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,anger,fear
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EeZQjAJdt1s&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Ftnc.news%2F&embeds_referring_origin=https%3A%2F%2Ftnc.news&feature=emb_imp_woyt,activist doctor misleads albertans on smith's gender policies,"this week on the alberta roundup, rachel covers an activist doctor who accused alberta premier danielle smith's policies of contributing to his trans nephew's suicide.

also on the show, smith is encouraging parents to take their child for the mmr vaccine following a measles outbreak across canada. the premier also weighed in on efforts to unseat calgary mayor jyodi gondek in calgary, calling the recall legislation unfair.

rachel also responds to some of your comments.

tune into the alberta roundup now!

- join true north - https://tnc.news/subscribe/

- donate to true north - https://tnc.news/donate/

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an original video production by true north canada.",03/09/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,anger,fear
https://www.instagram.com/eliteaf_wellness/reel/C4UR8f1trEe/,"at least they're not blaming some unvaccinated kid with a religious exemption, amirite? 

#outbreak #chicago #migrants #measles #fyp #explore #vaccine","at least they're not blaming some unvaccinated kid with a religious exemption, amirite? 

#outbreak #chicago #migrants #measles #fyp #explore #vaccine",03/09/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,anger,anger
https://www.tiktok.com/@defectivebecca/video/7344899954000792863,let€™s talk about measles and what we are seeing in the us today! part 1€  #measles #mumps #rubella #mmr #vaccines #infectiousdisease #titers #measlesoutbreak ,let€™s talk about measles and what we are seeing in the us today! part 1€  #measles #mumps #rubella #mmr #vaccines #infectiousdisease #titers #measlesoutbreak ,03/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.ctvnews.ca/video/c2882210-should-measles-vaccinations-be-mandatory-%3FplaylistId%3D1.6787102,should measles vaccinations be mandatory?,infectious diseases specialist dr. earl rubin explains why gaps in immunization fuels concern over the spread of the measles virus.,03/10/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.kgw.com/video/news/health/283-a10339f5-2568-4c1e-abb9-0d48c8c86927,rise in national measles cases may be a concern for washington counties,eight of the cases this year were reported in clark and wahkiakum counties in washington state in january.,03/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://ctvnews.ca/video/c2882210-should-measles-vaccinations-be-mandatory-,should measles vaccinations be mandatory?,infectious diseases specialist dr. earl rubin explains why gaps in immunization fuels concern over the spread of the measles virus.,03/10/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrcOpxQy1ME,measles is spreading.,"dr. abdul el-sayed explains the measles outbreak in the us, why this virus is uniquely dangerous, and what we can do to protect ourselves from getting it.",03/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ajdi2iiXuo,"hundreds possibly exposed to measles at uc davis medical center, officials warn","hundreds of people may have been exposed to measles at uc davis medical center earlier this month, according to sacramento and el dorado county officials. erin heft reports. subscribe to kcra on youtube now for more: http://bit.ly/1kjraan get more sacramento news: http://www.kcra.com like us: /kcra3 follow us: /kcranews instagram: /kcranews",03/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghFJ8m_4IDM,rise in national measles cases may be a concern for washington counties,eight of the cases this year were reported in clark and wahkiakum counties in washington state in january. read the full story: https://www.kgw.com/article/news/heal... subscribe: /kgwnews8 watch the latest kgw newscast: https://www.kgw.com/watch get the kgw app: https://kgw.com/appredirect,03/10/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wh6XulJfrps,measles outbreak | doctor warns of how vaccine hesitancy 'fuels' spread of the virus,"infectious diseases specialist dr. earl rubin explains why gaps in immunization fuels concern over the spread of the measles virus. subscribe to ctv news to watch more videos: /ctvnews connect with ctv news: for live updates and latest headlines visit: http://www.ctvnews.ca/ for breaking news, fast, download the ctv news app: https://www.ctvnews.ca/app must-watch stories and full programs at http://www.ctvnews.ca/video ctv news on tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/discover/ctv-news ctv news on x (formerly twitter): /ctvnews ctv news on reddit: /ctvnews ctv news on linkedin: /ctv-news --- ctv news is canada's most-watched news organization both locally and nationally, and has a network of national, international, and local news operations.",03/10/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@chipublichealth/video/7344882595299216683,"cdph commissioner dr. ige talks about the measles cases in chicago.
for resources on measles: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cdph/supp_info/infectious/get-the-facts--measles.html
#measles  #mmr  #publichealth","cdph commissioner dr. ige talks about the measles cases in chicago.
for resources on measles: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cdph/supp_info/infectious/get-the-facts--measles.html
#measles  #mmr  #publichealth",03/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@defectivebecca/video/7344919646295887134,"replying to @becca peter  measles part 2 - would you as an adult benefit from another dose of the mmr vaccine? here are some things to consider.

#measles  #mumps  #rubella  #mmr  #vaccines  #infectiousdisease  #titers #measlesoutbreak","replying to @becca peter  measles part 2 - would you as an adult benefit from another dose of the mmr vaccine? here are some things to consider.

#measles  #mumps  #rubella  #mmr  #vaccines  #infectiousdisease  #titers #measlesoutbreak",03/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@abc7chicago/video/7344948071614254367,"a third chicago measles case was diagnosed in a cps student at a migrant shelter in pilsen, chicago department of public health officials said.#news#fyp","a third chicago measles case was diagnosed in a cps student at a migrant shelter in pilsen, chicago department of public health officials said.#news#fyp",03/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@cali_gal_in_pa/video/7344930483941199134,#greenscreen#psa#ucdavis#measles#california#exposure,#greenscreen#psa#ucdavis#measles#california#exposure,03/10/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvZtV8GXGbs,"measles (dadura): causes, symptoms, and treatment by dinesh ruwali",#dadura #measles # measles symptoms # measlestreatment #dinesh ruwali #rubella vaccination,03/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_E2y1CuDEVw,cdph commissioner dr. ige - measles psa video #measles #mmr #vaccination #publichealth,cdph commissioner dr. ige talks about the measles cases in chicago,03/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/shorts/bbA8lDpNwvg,which one of the following pair is related to viral disease ? #neet #biology #mcq,"introduction:
infectious diseases have long plagued humanity, causing suffering, death, and societal disruption. among the numerous illnesses that have impacted populations throughout history, polio, hydrophobia (rabies), smallpox, chickenpox, influenza, mumps, and measles stand out as notable examples. each of these diseases has unique characteristics, symptoms, and historical significance. in this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the origins, symptoms, treatments, and preventive measures associated with these diseases, shedding light on their impact on human health and the efforts to combat them.

polio, short for poliomyelitis, is a highly contagious viral infection caused by the poliovirus. historically, polio outbreaks were a significant public health concern, particularly during the 20th century. the virus primarily affects the nervous system, leading to muscle weakness, paralysis, and, in severe cases, respiratory failure. polio mainly targets children under the age of five, although it can affect individuals of any age.

the development of polio vaccines, notably the inactivated polio vaccine (ipv) and the oral polio vaccine (opv), has been instrumental in controlling the spread of the disease. vaccination campaigns have significantly reduced the incidence of polio worldwide, with the goal of global eradication remaining a key objective for public health organizations.

hydrophobia (rabies):
hydrophobia, commonly known as rabies, is a viral infection transmitted through the saliva of infected animals, typically through a bite or scratch. the rabies virus belongs to the lyssavirus genus and primarily affects mammals, including humans. once symptoms manifest, rabies is almost always fatal, making it a serious public health concern.

preventive measures for rabies include vaccination of domestic animals, such as dogs and cats, as well as post-exposure prophylaxis for individuals who have been bitten or scratched by potentially rabid animals. prompt administration of rabies vaccine and immunoglobulin can prevent the onset of symptoms and save lives.

smallpox, caused by the variola virus, is one of the most devastating infectious diseases in human history. the virus spreads through respiratory droplets or contact with infected bodily fluids, and it is characterized by fever, rash, and the formation of fluid-filled lesions on the skin. smallpox has plagued humanity for centuries, causing widespread illness, disfigurement, and death.

chickenpox, caused by the varicella-zoster virus, is a highly contagious viral infection characterized by an itchy rash and flu-like symptoms. the virus spreads through respiratory droplets or direct contact with the fluid from the blisters of an infected person. chickenpox is common in children but can affect individuals of all ages.

the hallmark symptom of chickenpox is the appearance of red, itchy blisters on the skin, which may spread throughout the body. other symptoms include fever, headache, and loss of appetite. most cases of chickenpox resolve on their own without complications, but in rare instances, serious complications such as pneumonia or encephalitis may occur.

influenza, commonly known as the flu, is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. the flu can range from mild to severe, with symptoms including fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, and fatigue. influenza viruses undergo frequent mutations, leading to seasonal outbreaks and occasional pandemics.

vaccination is the most effective way to prevent influenza and its complications. each year, the flu vaccine is updated to target the strains of influenza viruses expected to circulate during the upcoming flu season. in addition to vaccination, preventive measures such as hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette help reduce the spread of the flu.

mumps is a viral infection caused by the mumps virus, which primarily affects the salivary glands, leading to swelling and pain in the cheeks and jaw. the virus spreads through respiratory droplets or direct contact with saliva from an infected person. mumps is most common in children but can affect individuals of any age.

vaccination against mumps is typically administered as part of the measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) vaccine, which is routinely recommended for children. high vaccination coverage is essential for preventing mumps outbreaks and protecting vulnerable populations from complications associated with the disease.

measles, caused by the measles virus, is a highly contagious viral infection characterized by fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, and a distinctive red rash. the virus spreads through respiratory droplets and is capable of causing large-scale outbreaks, particularly in areas with low vaccination coverage.",03/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://m.youtube.com/shorts/jrcOpxQy1ME,measles is spreading.,"dr. abdul el-sayed explains the measles outbreak in the us, why this virus is uniquely dangerous, and what we can do to protect ourselves from getting it.",03/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.facebook.com/PrincessOfWalesHospital/videos/measles-is-highly-infectious-and-the-only-way-to-prevent-outbreaks-is-through-va/744166407782807/,#measlesis highly infectious and the only way to prevent outbreaks is through vaccination. it is never too late to catch up on missed doses,"#measles is highly infectious and the only way to prevent outbreaks is through vaccination. it is never too late to catch up on missed doses. measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) - public health wales (nhs.wales) https://phw.nhs.wales/topics/immunisation-and-vaccines/mmr/",03/10/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/chipublichealth/reel/C4WjcQpP1pU/,"cdph commissioner dr. ige talks about the measles cases in chicago.

for resources on measles: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cdph/supp_info/infectious/get-the-facts--measles.html

#measles #mmr #publichealth","cdph commissioner dr. ige talks about the measles cases in chicago.

for resources on measles: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cdph/supp_info/infectious/get-the-facts--measles.html

#measles #mmr #publichealth",03/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/msfindia/reel/C4V1XAGK86K/,"⚠ measles spike in maiduguri, northeast nigeria⚠

measles admissions to mdecins sans frontires (msf) facilities in maiduguri, northeast nigeria, spiked between october and december 2023, reaching record numbers.

despite vaccination efforts, this worrying situation calls for a rapid reinforcement of routine immunization campaigns.

measles is endemic to the region, however, the longer-than-usual malaria season  and an unprecedented diphtheria outbreak with 24,500 suspected cases and more than 600 deaths reported since it was officially declared in january 2023, placed a lot of pressure on msf teams.

measles has been described by senior msf medical staff in maiduguri as a ""notorious precursor for malnutrition"".

#msf #doctorswithoutborders #measles","⚠ measles spike in maiduguri, northeast nigeria⚠

measles admissions to mdecins sans frontires (msf) facilities in maiduguri, northeast nigeria, spiked between october and december 2023, reaching record numbers.

despite vaccination efforts, this worrying situation calls for a rapid reinforcement of routine immunization campaigns.

measles is endemic to the region, however, the longer-than-usual malaria season  and an unprecedented diphtheria outbreak with 24,500 suspected cases and more than 600 deaths reported since it was officially declared in january 2023, placed a lot of pressure on msf teams.

measles has been described by senior msf medical staff in maiduguri as a ""notorious precursor for malnutrition"".

#msf #doctorswithoutborders #measles",03/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/citynewsmtl/reel/C4WZvcQKXgX/,"""incredibly infectious, says dr. earl rubin, division director for pediatric infectious diseases at the montreal children's hospital. amid a rise in measles cases, montreal public health is launching a vaccination campaign. swidda rassy reports.

#quebec #montreal

","""incredibly infectious, says dr. earl rubin, division director for pediatric infectious diseases at the montreal children's hospital. amid a rise in measles cases, montreal public health is launching a vaccination campaign. swidda rassy reports.

#quebec #montreal

",03/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4VxrFvLIl5/,"covering a measles outbreak in unfavorable weather.
#fyp #foryou #foryoupage #viral #photojournalism #tv #news #chicago #live","covering a measles outbreak in unfavorable weather.
#fyp #foryou #foryoupage #viral #photojournalism #tv #news #chicago #live",03/10/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/dontediesel/reel/C4VxrFvLIl5/?locale=de,"covering a measles outbreak in unfavorable weather.
#fyp	#foryou #foryoupage 	#viral  #photojournalism #tv #news #chicago #live""","covering a measles outbreak in unfavorable weather.
#fyp	#foryou #foryoupage 	#viral  #photojournalism #tv #news #chicago #live""",03/10/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
#audiologist#audioligys#hearing_loss#hearing_aid#tinnitus#noise#rubella#measles#menier#vertigo#deafness#hearring_screening#nava_audiology_center""""",03/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@mbbsdoctor833/video/7344987287509404933,"measles is one of the world's most contagious disease,spread by contact with infected nasal or throat secretions (coughing or sneezing) or breathing the air that was breathed by someone with measles.
#saidumedicalcollege  #saidugroupofteachinghospitalswat  #saidumedicalcollegeswat #foryou  #saud833  #doctor  #doctorstrange  #fybシ","measles is one of the world's most contagious disease,spread by contact with infected nasal or throat secretions (coughing or sneezing) or breathing the air that was breathed by someone with measles.
#saidumedicalcollege  #saidugroupofteachinghospitalswat  #saidumedicalcollegeswat #foryou  #saud833  #doctor  #doctorstrange  #fybシ",03/11/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@jrstonenews/video/7345227040515280170,cdc sending a team to chicago as the city now has three comfirmed measles cases within the past week. #news #illinois,cdc sending a team to chicago as the city now has three comfirmed measles cases within the past week. #news #illinois,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.foxnews.com/video/6348666706112,second measles case confirmed in chicago migrant shelter,"fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel joined 'fox & friends' to discuss his take on rising measles cases, using botox and filler at a young age and memory concerns stemming from sleep apnea.",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.live5news.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xUvzl4PpeY,2nd case of measles confirmed at migrant shelter in chicago; 3rd case in city overall,"the chicago department of public health confirmed a second case of measles at a shelter for migrants in pilsen on sunday, marking the city's third case overall. nbc chicago's lexi sutter reports. read more: https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/healt...",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.fox5vegas.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.khou.com/video/news/health/measles-cases-spike/285-cc64c777-5618-40cf-ae2c-9c8dfa1b78ad,spike in measles cases reported in several states across the u.s.,"before you head out for spring break, here's what you should know about the spike in measles cases reported in several states.",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,anger,sadness
https://www.kwch.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wafb.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wkyt.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wilx.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wdbj7.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wlbt.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wcax.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/pilsen-migrant-shelter-sees-second-case-of-measles/,pilsen migrant shelter sees second case of measles,this marks the third case of the highly contagious disease in chicago in just three days.,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kktv.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wlox.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wwnytv.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.kptv.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/second-case-of-measles-confirmed-at-chicago-migrant-shelter/,second case of measles confirmed at chicago migrant shelter,this marks the third case of the highly contagious disease in chicago in just three days.,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.azfamily.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wfsb.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.kcrg.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.fox8live.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.kfvs12.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wsfa.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wifr.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.kltv.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wbtv.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.weau.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wect.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.kcbd.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wave3.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.kold.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.foxcarolina.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wymt.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wbrc.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wndu.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wtvm.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.kolotv.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wibw.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.kctv5.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.kgns.tv/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wcjb.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.kait8.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wtok.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.kbtx.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.kttc.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.uppermichiganssource.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.kwtx.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://montreal.citynews.ca/video/2024/03/10/montreal-public-health-launches-measles-vaccination-campaign-amid-rise-in-cases/,montreal public health launches measles vaccination campaign amid rise in cases,"""incredibly infectious, says dr. earl rubin, division director for pediatric infectious diseases at the montreal children's hospital. amid a rise in measles cases, montreal public health is launching a vaccination campaign. swidda rassy reports.",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/2nd-migrant-child-diagnosed-measles-112717024.html,2nd migrant child diagnosed with measles attends cps,"a second migrant child staying at the city-run shelter in pilsen has been diagnosed with measles. the second child, the third reported case in chicago, does attend cps. the school asked that all cps students who live at the pilsen shelter be kept home from school for the time being.",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,joy,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/second-case-measles-confirmed-chicago-232000194.html,second case of measles confirmed at chicago migrant shelter,this marks the third case of the highly contagious disease in chicago in just three days.,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/video/c2882322-measles-in-montreal,measles in montreal,"quebec is reporting 12 cases in the province, 9 of them in montreal. dr. earl rubin discusses.",03/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.13abc.com/video/2024/03/11/measles-cases-reported-chicago-sacramento/,"measles cases reported in chicago, sacramento",chicago confirms its first case of measles in 5 years,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuO_7hT9F8U,trump wants to defund schools that mandate vaccines like measles & chicken pox,"it's time for another edition of sanity/petty corner! this week, erin and alyssa get into the royal family, the book y/n and donald trump. chapters 0:00 - kate middleton mystery 3:06 - trump against vaccines 6:28 - y/n political commentator and comedy writer erin ryan and former white house deputy chief of staff alyssa mastromonaco are joined by a bicoastal squad of funny, opinionated women to talk through everything from reproductive rights to romcoms. they break down the political news of the week, plus the topics, trends, and cultural stories that affect women's lives. new episodes drop every thursday. get in touch: hysteria@crooked.com. crooked media believes that we need a better conversation about politics, culture, and the world around us—one that doesn't just focus on what's broken, but what we can do to fix it. we are a media network that showcases stories, voices, and opportunities for activism that inform, entertain, and inspire action, because it's up to all of us to do our part to build a better world. that's it. end of mission. learn more about us at crooked.com #hysteriapodcast #trump #katemiddleton",03/11/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jqt-dK01DIw,"child staying at migrant shelter diagnosed with measles is a cps student, officials say","streaming now at https://abc7.ws/484pqhj a third chicago measles case was diagnosed in a cps student at a migrant shelter in pilsen, chicago department of public health officials said. full story: https://abc7chicago.com/measles-chica...",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twuNVkRk8t8,cdc sending response team to chicago after 3rd measles case reported,streaming now at https://abc7.ws/484pqhj the center for disease control plans to send a response team to chicago after a third case of measles was reported in the city on sunday. full story: https://abc7chicago.com/measles-chica...,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9u_eG6z9Dt8,2nd migrant child diagnosed with measles attends cps,"a second migrant child staying at the city-run shelter in pilsen has been diagnosed with measles. the second child, the third reported case in chicago, does attend cps. the school asked that all cps students who live at the pilsen shelter be kept home from school for the time being. subscribe to fox 32 chicago: https://www.youtube.com/fox32chicago?... watch fox 32 chicago live: https://www.fox32chicago.com/live fox 32 chicago delivers breaking news, live events, investigations, politics, entertainment, business news and local stories from chicago and across the nation. watch more fox 32 chicago on youtube: fox 32 headlines: •fox32headlines good day chicago: •gooddaychicago special reports and stories: •specialreports download the fox 32 chicago news app: https://fox32chicago.onelink.me/knq9?... download the fox 32 chicago weather app: https://www.fox32chicago.com/apps follow fox 32 chicago on facebook: /fox32chicago follow fox 32 chicago on twitter: /fox32news follow fox 32 chicago on instagram: /fox32chicago subscribe to the fox 32 chicago newsletter: https://www.fox32chicago.com/newsletters",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,joy,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@epidemiologistkat/video/7345229411769142570,are you protected against measles? here is how to know!#measles#mmr#vaccineswork#epidemiology,are you protected against measles? here is how to know!#measles#mmr#vaccineswork#epidemiology,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO0ay6s_m8Q,health officials fear measles outbreak spreading,health officials fear measles outbreak spreading,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UXQ5MzR8YRg,cdph: measles psa (spanish) #measles #mmr #vaccination,"la subcomisionada del bur de proteccin de salud, maribel chavez-torres, habla sobre los casos de sarampin en chicago y la importancia de la vacunacin.",03/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBxYHJ-bAq8,measles outbreak spreads,"health officials say it is likely due to people not getting vaccinated._x000d_
 for more local news from kvvu:  https://www.fox5vegas.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucpr_4ynljaphcr0vi5yr5sa",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3EMod1wtN8,measles: what's the big deal?,"http://nomoreshots.ca | more: https://rebelne.ws/3v5f1z5
canada's largest health unit urges march break travellers to get vaccinated as measles cases increase across the country — but is the risk really what the media and pharma-backed health overlords want you to believe?

rebel news: telling the other side of the story. https://www.rebelnews.com for more great rebel content.

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#rebelnews",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,surprise,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzJZiIPJ6vI,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,"a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed._x000d_
 for more local news from kpho:  https://www.azfamily.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucirgphvum1fmtv-c1xwkjtw",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gowPmRpCgQ,spike in measles cases reported in several states across the u.s.,"before you head out for spring break, here's what you should know about the spike in measles cases reported in several states.",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,anger,sadness
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zHq5ccOryPA&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fdefinedictionarymeaning.com%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,measles outbreak spreads across the country,"three cases of measles were reported in chicago just last week, and before that 10 in florida. two of the three chicago cases were in children living at the city-run migrant shelter in pilsen. the cdc says there are now measles cases in 17 states.

subscribe to fox 32 chicago: https://www.youtube.com/fox32chicago?sub_confirmation=1

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fox 32 chicago delivers breaking news, live events, investigations, politics, entertainment, business news and local stories from chicago and across the nation.

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subscribe to the fox 32 chicago newsletter: https://www.fox32chicago.com/newsletters",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,surprise,fear
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zHq5ccOryPA&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fcsnbbs.com%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,measles outbreak spreads across the country,"three cases of measles were reported in chicago just last week, and before that 10 in florida. two of the three chicago cases were in children living at the city-run migrant shelter in pilsen. the cdc says there are now measles cases in 17 states.

subscribe to fox 32 chicago: https://www.youtube.com/fox32chicago?sub_confirmation=1

watch fox 32 chicago live: https://www.fox32chicago.com/live

fox 32 chicago delivers breaking news, live events, investigations, politics, entertainment, business news and local stories from chicago and across the nation.

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special reports and stories: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=pl2-nr6u1jootgggdx9b31hct9im60al0-

download the fox 32 chicago news app: https://fox32chicago.onelink.me/knq9?pid=social&c=youtube&af_web_dp=https%3a%2f%2fwww.fox32chicago.com%2fapps

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subscribe to the fox 32 chicago newsletter: https://www.fox32chicago.com/newsletters",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,surprise,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmNQg85CzgI,measles resurgence: cases in chicago raise concerns,"we've made progress in treating and preventing serious cases of covid, but that's not the only outbreak causing concern. three cases of measles have been reported in chicago, just weeks after at least 10 cases were reported hundreds of miles away in florida raising fears the disease could be spreading across the country. 

the cdc says there are now reported measles cases in at least 17 states and most doctors agree the spread is being fueled by low vaccination rates, especially among young children many of whom stopped getting the shots during the covid outbreak and never got back on schedule.  

#measlesoutbreak #publichealthalert #vaccinationmatters #diseaseprevention #childhoodimmunization #measlesconcerns #healthsafety #cdcwarning #vaccineeducation #measlescases #communityhealth #protectourkids #vaccineawareness #measlesprevention #childhealth #healthcarealert #spreadprevention #vaccinateyourkids #measlesawareness #publichealthchallenge #stopthespread #communitysafety #healthcareeducation #vaccinationrates #measlesresponse #healthsecurity #childhoodvaccines


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 want to share something with our team? email: news@starcitybroadcasting.com",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfgB2wLJETo,13abc: measles cases are on the rise,"david geisinger, do, pediatric emergency medicine physician at promedica, discusses the current rise in measles cases.",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4l_PqmVj7U,"measles cases rise in chicago, migrant shelter focus of outbreak response","four individuals at a chicago migrant shelter have contracted measles, the city's health department reports.",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoEQoXMztQw,taiwan on alert: taiwan faces measles risk with seven cases reported,"#taiwan #cdc #who #measlesvaccine #measles #tvbsworldtaiwan #tvbsenglishnews 
subscribe to tvbs world: https://tvbs.pse.is/tvbsworldtw
visit our website: https://news.tvbs.com.tw/english
follow our twitter: https://tvbs.pse.is/tvbsworldtaiwan_",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/DrTedros.Official/videos/no-child-should-die-from-a-vaccine-preventable-disease-such-as-measlestogether-w/929555245294250/,"no child should die from a vaccine-preventable disease such as measles. together, we can make this a reality.","no child should die from a vaccine-preventable disease such as measles. together, we can make this a reality.",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/cdc/videos/measles-vaccination/758529839573857/,measles vaccination,"it can be scary to see something about measles in the news, but we know that measles can be prevented with a safe and effective vaccine. in this video, cdc director dr. mandy cohen explains why it's important for you and your family to stay up-to-date on measles vaccination. learn more: https://bit.ly/2up0ebo",03/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/epidemiologistkat/reel/C4Y9jK4POX7/,"are you protected against measles? cdc says yes if you meet at least one of these criteria:

two measles vaccine doses   for:
 1) school-aged child (k-12)
 2) adult in a high risk setting (college student, health care worker, teacher, international traveler)

one measles vaccine dose for:
 1) preschool-aged child
 2) adult not in a high-risk setting

a lab confirmed that you had measles at some point in your life or you are immune to measles.

you were born before 1957","are you protected against measles? cdc says yes if you meet at least one of these criteria:

two measles vaccine doses   for:
 1) school-aged child (k-12)
 2) adult in a high risk setting (college student, health care worker, teacher, international traveler)

one measles vaccine dose for:
 1) preschool-aged child
 2) adult not in a high-risk setting

a lab confirmed that you had measles at some point in your life or you are immune to measles.

you were born before 1957",03/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/foxandfriends/reel/C4YWQXZua4e/,"medical monday: another measles case is confirmed in a chicago migrant shelter, fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel reacts.","medical monday: another measles case is confirmed in a chicago migrant shelter, fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel reacts.",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/ediciondigitalunivision/reel/C4YqKFjPi8E/,"emiten una alerta por sarampin: un doctor explica qu hay detrs de este resurgimiento de casos en varios estados del pas. has llevado a tus hijos a vacunarse contra el sarampin?

#sarampion #measles #salud #health #ediciondigital #univision","emiten una alerta por sarampin: un doctor explica qu hay detrs de este resurgimiento de casos en varios estados del pas. has llevado a tus hijos a vacunarse contra el sarampin?

#sarampion #measles #salud #health #ediciondigital #univision",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/jrstonelive/reel/C4Y8gXbv2vG/,cdc sending a team to chicago as there are now three comfirmed measles cases there within the past week. #news #illinois,cdc sending a team to chicago as there are now three comfirmed measles cases there within the past week. #news #illinois,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/huda__m.j/reel/C4YgxLis2HA/?locale=de-DE,"treatment ; 

✨treatment of measles is essentially supportive care with maintenance of good hydration and replacement of fluids lost through diarrhea or emesis. intravenous (iv) rehydration may be necessary if dehydration is severe

✨for fever we used acetaminophen ( paracetamol) or ibuprofen or naproxen to reduce it 

✨ vitamin a ; vitamin a should be administered immediately on diagnosis and repeated the next day. the recommended age-specific daily doses are

50,000 iu for infants younger than 6 months of age
100,000 iu for infants 6–11 months of age
200,000 iu for children 12 months of age and older 

two doses of vitamin a given 24 hours apart are recommended. a third age-specific dose should be given 2 to 4 weeks later to children with clinical signs and symptoms of vitamin a deficiency.

✨ although ribavirin (either iv or aerosolized) has been used to treat severely affected and immunocompromised adults with acute measles or subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (sspe), ribavirin is not approved by the us food and drug administration (fda) for this indication, and such use should be considered experimental.

✨immune globulin im (igim) is a transient source of igg. it is indicated for all susceptible contacts of patients with measles who reside in the same household who are pregnant, immunocompromised, or aged 6-12 months; it is also indicated for infants younger than 6 months who were born to mothers without measles immunity and also all children and adolescents with hiv infection who are exposed to measles, regardless of measles immunization status, unless they have received iv ig (400 mg/kg as part of routine immunoprophylaxis) within 3 weeks of exposure.

#pharmacy #pharmacology #drugs #health #medicine #clinical #patients #healthcare #pharmacist #pharmacy #health #pills #healthy #measles #study #studymotivation #studynotes","treatment ; 

✨treatment of measles is essentially supportive care with maintenance of good hydration and replacement of fluids lost through diarrhea or emesis. intravenous (iv) rehydration may be necessary if dehydration is severe

✨for fever we used acetaminophen ( paracetamol) or ibuprofen or naproxen to reduce it 

✨ vitamin a ; vitamin a should be administered immediately on diagnosis and repeated the next day. the recommended age-specific daily doses are

50,000 iu for infants younger than 6 months of age
100,000 iu for infants 6–11 months of age
200,000 iu for children 12 months of age and older 

two doses of vitamin a given 24 hours apart are recommended. a third age-specific dose should be given 2 to 4 weeks later to children with clinical signs and symptoms of vitamin a deficiency.

✨ although ribavirin (either iv or aerosolized) has been used to treat severely affected and immunocompromised adults with acute measles or subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (sspe), ribavirin is not approved by the us food and drug administration (fda) for this indication, and such use should be considered experimental.

✨immune globulin im (igim) is a transient source of igg. it is indicated for all susceptible contacts of patients with measles who reside in the same household who are pregnant, immunocompromised, or aged 6-12 months; it is also indicated for infants younger than 6 months who were born to mothers without measles immunity and also all children and adolescents with hiv infection who are exposed to measles, regardless of measles immunization status, unless they have received iv ig (400 mg/kg as part of routine immunoprophylaxis) within 3 weeks of exposure.

#pharmacy #pharmacology #drugs #health #medicine #clinical #patients #healthcare #pharmacist #pharmacy #health #pills #healthy #measles #study #studymotivation #studynotes",03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@kolo.news/video/7345130232808033578,health officials in el dorado county are warning people may have been exposed to measles#fyp #foryou #foryoupage,health officials in el dorado county are warning people may have been exposed to measles#fyp #foryou #foryoupage,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@drtoddwo/video/7345307295716265246,by allowing the #antiscience #antivaxx #politicians to put similar-minded officials in poitions of power we risk the health of our #children and our most vulnerable. #measles #vaccine #immunization #pediatrician #pediatrics,by allowing the #antiscience #antivaxx #politicians to put similar-minded officials in poitions of power we risk the health of our #children and our most vulnerable. #measles #vaccine #immunization #pediatrician #pediatrics,03/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@ediciondigital/video/7345186949000400170, emiten una alerta por sarampin: un doctor explica qu hay detrs de este resurgimiento de casos en varios estados del pas. #sarampion #measles #salud #health #ediciondigital #univision, emiten una alerta por sarampin: un doctor explica qu hay detrs de este resurgimiento de casos en varios estados del pas. #sarampion #measles #salud #health #ediciondigital #univision,03/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4ZCoWpPcJF/,"two adults at a pilsen migrant shelter have been diagnosed with measles, bringing the total numbers of cases in the city","two adults at a pilsen migrant shelter have been diagnosed with measles, bringing the total numbers of cases in the city",03/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@the_great_tabby/video/7345568953781062955,"the pediatrician website has a huge warning about bringing children with suspected measles in the office without warning. that shit scared me cas of course florida out here bringing back measles. while none of the patients had on masks. the all black nursing staff did. the intake person even had on gloves. they aint playing with these sick kids. we ducking covid, measles, rsv, the flu, common colds, etc. #wearamask ","the pediatrician website has a huge warning about bringing children with suspected measles in the office without warning. that shit scared me cas of course florida out here bringing back measles. while none of the patients had on masks. the all black nursing staff did. the intake person even had on gloves. they aint playing with these sick kids. we ducking covid, measles, rsv, the flu, common colds, etc. #wearamask ",03/12/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@londonnewsandtravel/video/7345403922921557281,"as the number of measles cases continue to rise, over 900,000 young people between the ages of 19 to 25, who did not get their measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) jab as children are being invited to take part in a catch-up campaign.

#health  #youngpeople  #youngpeopletiktok  #measlesvaccine  #measlesoutbreak  #mumps #mumpscheck  #rubella  #nhsuk  #nhscampaign  #measlescases  #hospital  #checkout #oneadaytiktok2024  #fyp  #foryourpage2024  #londonnewsandtravel  #healthservices  #vaccine #vaccinenation  #getvaccinated  #jabs  #measlesjab","as the number of measles cases continue to rise, over 900,000 young people between the ages of 19 to 25, who did not get their measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) jab as children are being invited to take part in a catch-up campaign.

#health  #youngpeople  #youngpeopletiktok  #measlesvaccine  #measlesoutbreak  #mumps #mumpscheck  #rubella  #nhsuk  #nhscampaign  #measlescases  #hospital  #checkout #oneadaytiktok2024  #fyp  #foryourpage2024  #londonnewsandtravel  #healthservices  #vaccine #vaccinenation  #getvaccinated  #jabs  #measlesjab",03/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@tammytheblackprepper/video/7345463816924220714,#measlesoutbreak#justtammy#chicagoinfluencer,#measlesoutbreak#justtammy#chicagoinfluencer,03/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHq5ccOryPA,measles outbreak spreads across the country,"three cases of measles were reported in chicago just last week, and before that 10 in florida. two of the three chicago cases were in children living at the city-run migrant shelter in pilsen. the cdc says there are now measles cases in 17 states. subscribe to fox 32 chicago: https://www.youtube.com/fox32chicago?... watch fox 32 chicago live: https://www.fox32chicago.com/live fox 32 chicago delivers breaking news, live events, investigations, politics, entertainment, business news and local stories from chicago and across the nation. watch more fox 32 chicago on youtube: fox 32 headlines: •fox32headlines good day chicago: •gooddaychicago special reports and stories: •specialreports download the fox 32 chicago news app: https://fox32chicago.onelink.me/knq9?... download the fox 32 chicago weather app: https://www.fox32chicago.com/apps follow fox 32 chicago on facebook: /fox32chicago follow fox 32 chicago on twitter: /fox32news follow fox 32 chicago on instagram: /fox32chicago subscribe to the fox 32 chicago newsletter: https://www.fox32chicago.com/newsletters",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,surprise,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VQO4TU5BsY,"2 adults diagnosed with measles at pilsen migrant shelter, bringing total chicago cases to 5","streaming now at https://abc7chicago.com/watch/live/11.... two adults at a pilsen migrant shelter have been diagnosed with measles, bringing the total numbers of cases in the city to five, the chicago department of public health said. https://abc7chicago.com/measles-outbr...",03/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9r3ZM_xE3Y,cps student among three confirmed measles cases in chicago,"the student was staying at the halsted street migrant shelter in pilsen, and was the second case associated with the shelter. cbs 2's tara molina reports. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cbs 2 news chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the cbs 2 investigators. subscribe to cbs 2 news chicago on youtube : /cbschicago cbs 2 news 24/7 livestream: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/live/ cbs 2 news on pluto tv: https://pluto.tv/en/live-tv/62cdc75b1... cbs 2 news website: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/ facebook: /cbschicago x (twitter): /cbschicago get the cbs 2 news app: https://apps.cbslocal.com/chicago/",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/measles-cases-follow-longstanding-concerns-about-disease-at-chicago-migrant-shelters/,measles cases follow longstanding concerns about disease at chicago migrant shelters,ald. byron sigcho-lopez said the cdc will be at the pilsen shelter on tuesday to provide their recommendations. cbs 2's marybel gonzalez reports.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,sadness
https://www.wdbj7.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-outbreak-spreads/,measles outbreak spreads,health officials say it is likely due to people not getting vaccinated.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/cps-student-among-three-confirmed-measles-cases-in-chicago/,cps student among three confirmed measles cases in chicago,"the student was staying at the halsted street migrant shelter in pilsen, and was the second case associated with the shelter. cbs 2's tara molina reports.",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wlox.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-outbreak-spreads/,measles outbreak spreads,health officials say it is likely due to people not getting vaccinated.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YygO0v5RS9E,cdc sends team to chicago migrant center to address measles outbreak | morning in america,"a team from the centers for disease control and prevention will travel to chicago on tuesday to help address rising concerns that an outbreak of measles in a migrant shelter will continue to spread. the team will identify potential exposures and sources of the transmission to better understand who may be at risk. #chicago #measles #migrants start your day with ""morning in america,"" newsnation's live three-hour national morning newscast hosted by markie martin. weekdays starting at 6a/5c. #morninginamerica newsnation is your source for fact-based, unbiased news for all america. more from newsnation: https://www.newsnationnow.com/ get our app: https://trib.al/tbxgypp find us on cable: https://trib.al/ydopgyg how to watch on tv or streaming: https://trib.al/vu0ikij",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.wdbj7.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kktv.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-outbreak-spreads/,measles outbreak spreads,health officials say it is likely due to people not getting vaccinated.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wlox.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.1011now.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-outbreak-spreads/,measles outbreak spreads,health officials say it is likely due to people not getting vaccinated.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wafb.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wkyt.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wbrc.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-outbreak-spreads/,measles outbreak spreads,health officials say it is likely due to people not getting vaccinated.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wdam.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kptv.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.newsnationnow.com/video/cdc-sends-team-to-chicago-migrant-center-to-address-measles-outbreak-morning-in-america/9508494/,cdc sends team to chicago migrant center to address measles outbreak | morning in america,"a team from the centers for disease control and prevention will travel to chicago on tuesday to help address rising concerns that an outbreak of measles in a migrant shelter will continue to spread. the team will identify potential exposures and sources of the transmission to better understand who may be at risk.
#chicago #measles #migrants",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.wcax.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wbko.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-outbreak-spreads/,measles outbreak spreads,health officials say it is likely due to people not getting vaccinated.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wfxrtv.com/homepage-video/health-officials-fear-measles-outbreak-spreading/,health officials fear measles outbreak spreading,(wfxr) – health officials fear the measles outbreak spreading.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.wsfa.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.live5news.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/health-officials-fear-measles-outbreak-214923219.html,health officials fear measles outbreak spreading,health officials fear measles outbreak spreading,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/video/c2883409-17-measles-cases-confirmed-in-quebec,17 measles cases confirmed in quebec,dr. donald vinh discusses the measles outbreak in quebec and what parents should do to protect their children.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wdtv.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxHe6UHR4l8,measles & spring break | what to know,the city of jacksonville said in a statement that measles cases could pop up in northeast florida due to spring break.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXTL-CCvSF0,chicago responding to measles cases at migrant shelter,chicago is trying to stop the spread of measles.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmQEHQm9xv4,health officials investigating measles outbreak in northern california,a medical facility in sacramento is trying to contact about 300 people who were possibly exposed to measles.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zHq5ccOryPA%26embeds_referring_euri%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fcsnbbs.com%252F%26feature%3Demb_imp_woyt,measles outbreak spreads across the country,"three cases of measles were reported in chicago just last week, and before that 10 in florida. two of the three chicago cases were in children living at the city-run migrant shelter in pilsen. the cdc says there are now measles cases in 17 states. subscribe to fox 32 chicago: https://www.youtube.com/fox32chicago?... watch fox 32 chicago live: https://www.fox32chicago.com/live fox 32 chicago delivers breaking news, live events, investigations, politics, entertainment, business news and local stories from chicago and across the nation. watch more fox 32 chicago on youtube: fox 32 headlines: •fox32headlines good day chicago: •gooddaychicago special reports and stories: •specialreports download the fox 32 chicago news app: https://fox32chicago.onelink.me/knq9?... download the fox 32 chicago weather app: https://www.fox32chicago.com/apps follow fox 32 chicago on facebook: /fox32chicago follow fox 32 chicago on twitter: /fox32news follow fox 32 chicago on instagram: /fox32chicago subscribe to the fox 32 chicago newsletter: https://www.fox32chicago.com/newsletters",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,surprise,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/two-more-measles-cases-reported-at-pilsen-migrant-shelter/,two more measles cases reported at pilsen migrant shelter,this marks five cases of the highly contagious disease in chicago in just four days.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJbBAw_eU1E,possible measles exposure reported in sacramento,there is growing concern about new outbreaks of a virus that had once been considered eradicated in the united states. robert handa reports. #measles #sacramento #ucdavis stay connected: follow us on twitter: /nbcbayarea like us on facebook: /nbcbayarea follow us on instagram: /nbcbayarea follow us on tiktok: /nbcbayarea catch up on all the day's news: http://www.nbcbayarea.com download our mobile app: on ios: http://nbcbay.com/r1bhqym on android: http://nbcbay.com/ruca97h watch us on ott: add our channel on roku: https://bit.ly/3ysk60j download our app on amazon fire tv: https://amzn.to/3fmmiea,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y48XNLdDBjo,growing concerns for migrants in chicago after 2 cases of measles confirmed,"four cases have now been confirmed in a chicago migrant shelter. subscribe to fox 32 chicago: https://www.youtube.com/fox32chicago?... watch fox 32 chicago live: https://www.fox32chicago.com/live fox 32 chicago delivers breaking news, live events, investigations, politics, entertainment, business news and local stories from chicago and across the nation. watch more fox 32 chicago on youtube: fox 32 headlines: •fox32headlines good day chicago: •gooddaychicago special reports and stories: •specialreports download the fox 32 chicago news app: https://fox32chicago.onelink.me/knq9?... download the fox 32 chicago weather app: https://www.fox32chicago.com/apps follow fox 32 chicago on facebook: /fox32chicago follow fox 32 chicago on twitter: /fox32news follow fox 32 chicago on instagram: /fox32chicago subscribe to the fox 32 chicago newsletter: https://www.fox32chicago.com/newsletters",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.azfamily.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/2-more-new-measles-cases-confirmed-at-chicago-migrant-shelter/,2 more new measles cases confirmed at chicago migrant shelter,"two adult cases of measles were discovered at the shelter in pilsen, a day after a chicago public schools student was confirmed as a measles patient. cbs 2's tara molina reports.",03/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYquzPg3ruw,increase of measles has hawaii doh on the lookout,"honolulu (khon2) -- international and continental u.s. outbreaks continue to increase, currently affecting 17 u.s. states as of march 7th. hawaii news, hawaii weather, hawaii sports see more of the team that is working for hawaii on our website: https://www.khon2.com stay informed about hawaii news, weather, sports and entertainment, subscribe to the khon2 youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/khonnews... check out our morning news podcast: https://khon2.com/khon-2go sign up to receive the latest hawaii news in your inbox: https://nxslink.khon2.com/join/6sd/si... stay informed about hawaii news, weather, sports, and entertainment! follow khon2 on our social channels: /khonnewshawaii /khon2news /khonnews /khonnews",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpqO-0Qe_rY,health officials warn of measles case in flagstaff,coconino county health and human services is actively tracking the case and identifying locations of potential exposure.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.wlbt.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/video/cases-of-toilet-paper-fall-onto-5-freeway-measles-spike-cemetery-vandalism-case-the-rundown-311/,"cases of toilet paper fall onto 5 freeway, measles spike, cemetery vandalism case | the rundown 3/11 - cbs los angeles","the 5 freeway got a bit clogged this afternoon after cases of toilet paper fell onto the roadway. plus, measles cases are spiking this winter, partly because parents are delaying their children's vaccine schedule. also, la county officials have announced a reward as they continue to search for suspects who vandalized and damaged cemeteries in carson and compton. your top stories at the top of the hour, weekdays at 2p, 3p, and 7p streaming on cbs news los angeles.",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.fox5vegas.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.fox8live.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/measles-concerns-spread-chicago-5-143100020.html,measles concerns spread in chicago with 5 reported cases,a recent measles outbreak in chicago is sparking a lot of questions. fox medical contributor dr. mike cirigliano sheds some light on the increase in measles cases.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.kktv.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wilx.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wifr.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.fox19.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kfvs12.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kcrg.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.actionnews5.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wvlt.tv/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wtoc.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kltv.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wtok.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-outbreak-spreads/,measles outbreak spreads,health officials say it is likely due to people not getting vaccinated.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wect.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/measles-case-reported-coconino-county-025848737.html,measles case reported in coconino county,"a new measles case has been detected in arizona, and this time in coconino county. county health officials say there's one confirmed case and a second probable case. they're warning others they might have been exposed at five places in flagstaff. three measles cases have been reported in maricopa county recently.",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.foxcarolina.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.firstcoastnews.com/video/news/health/77-1b1c0837-3fab-4544-b5b5-30fa1beee9d3,measles & spring break | what to know,the city of jacksonville said in a statement that measles cases could pop up in northeast florida due to spring break.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kold.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cleveland19.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wbtv.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wave3.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.weau.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wistv.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kgns.tv/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.ktiv.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wndu.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wbrc.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wabi.tv/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wsaz.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.newschannel10.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kfyrtv.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wsmv.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wfsb.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wtvy.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.knoe.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/2-more-measles-cases-confirmed-230400497.html,2 more new measles cases confirmed at chicago migrant shelter,"two adult cases of measles were discovered at the shelter in pilsen, a day after a chicago public schools student was confirmed as a measles patient. cbs 2's tara molina reports.",03/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kcbd.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/measles-chicago-5-confirmed-cases-020657073.html,"measles in chicago: 5 confirmed cases, most among migrants","five cases of measles have been confirmed in chicago, and health officials worry that number will grow.",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.14news.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.ky3.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kait8.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kxii.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kttc.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wbko.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.25newsnow.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kotatv.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.keyc.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kwtx.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/2-children-infected-measles-crowded-211956008.html,2 children infected with measles at crowded pilsen migrant shetler,the latest confirmed measles infection makes three cases total citywide this winter.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,disgust,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/two-more-measles-cases-reported-105122072.html,two more measles cases reported at pilsen migrant shelter,this marks five cases of the highly contagious disease in chicago in just four days.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.ksnblocal4.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://globalnews.ca/video/10352726/measles-vaccination-rates-down-in-manitoba,measles vaccination rates down in manitoba,experts say measles vaccination rates have dropped in manitoba and susceptible populations could be at risk.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.uppermichiganssource.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wjhg.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kmvt.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wctv.tv/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.fox34.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.atlantanewsfirst.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://london.ctvnews.ca/video/c2883398-mlhu-confirms-measles-case,mlhu confirms measles case,the mlhu issued a warning after possible measles exposures from a confirmed case in london. ctv london's marek sutherland reports,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,neutral
https://www.13abc.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-case-confirmed-northern-arizona-5-spots-with-possible-exposure/,measles case confirmed in northern arizona; 5 spots with possible exposure,a measles case has been confirmed and there's a probable case in coconino county and people in flagstaff may have been exposed.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://london.ctvnews.ca/video%3FclipId%3D2883398,mlhu confirms measles case,the mlhu issued a warning after possible measles exposures from a confirmed case in london. ctv london's marek sutherland reports.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,neutral
https://www.cbs7.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-outbreak-spreads/,measles outbreak spreads,health officials say it is likely due to people not getting vaccinated.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9xrEOnKb7I,cdc in chicago tuesday to assist after measles outbreak at shelter,a cdc team will be in chicago tuesday to assist with a measles outbreak at a pilsen migrant shelter. https://abc7chicago.com/kennedy-expre...,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@wgn9chicago/video/7345541943839067438,cook county health warne of possible measles exposures at 3 locations…#chicagonews#wgn9#fyp#wgntv#chicago#chicagosveryown#measles#outbreak#cdc#migrants,cook county health warne of possible measles exposures at 3 locations…#chicagonews#wgn9#fyp#wgntv#chicago#chicagosveryown#measles#outbreak#cdc#migrants,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@newslink7.com/video/7345535479426583854,"urgent alert: measles surge threatens us - cases in early 2024 outstrip entire previous year! california, arizona, and chicago migrant shelter hit hard as young doctors face unfamiliar foe 


#measles  #outbreak  #california  #arizona  #chicago  #migrant  #shelter  #washingtondc  #newyorkcity  #manhattan
#atlanta  #georgia  #tallahassee  #tampa  #orlando
#palmbeach  #miami  #miamibeach  #chicago  #texas  #dallas  #austin  #houston  #california  #sanfrancisco  #wisconsin  #utah  #news  #noticias  #broward  #hialeah
#eu  #uk  #lasvegas  #losangeles  #kentucky  #alabama  #ohio  #arkansas  #vermont  #wisconsin  #colorado  #newjersey  #puertorico  #fortmyers  #sarasota  #naples
#nassau  #bahamas","urgent alert: measles surge threatens us - cases in early 2024 outstrip entire previous year! california, arizona, and chicago migrant shelter hit hard as young doctors face unfamiliar foe 


#measles  #outbreak  #california  #arizona  #chicago  #migrant  #shelter  #washingtondc  #newyorkcity  #manhattan
#atlanta  #georgia  #tallahassee  #tampa  #orlando
#palmbeach  #miami  #miamibeach  #chicago  #texas  #dallas  #austin  #houston  #california  #sanfrancisco  #wisconsin  #utah  #news  #noticias  #broward  #hialeah
#eu  #uk  #lasvegas  #losangeles  #kentucky  #alabama  #ohio  #arkansas  #vermont  #wisconsin  #colorado  #newjersey  #puertorico  #fortmyers  #sarasota  #naples
#nassau  #bahamas",03/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@revonclements/video/7345590012089617707,just vaccinate your kids measles is dangerous,just vaccinate your kids measles is dangerous,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yI_cZDAw98A,what to know about measles,"here's what you need to know about measles — what it is, how it spreads and symptoms to watch out for.",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3EH_vrg4JU,measles vaccinations,measles vaccinations,03/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYrnlLCqYz4,hounslow vaccination,"with cases of measles continuing to rise across the country we are encouraging parents and carers to make sure that they're children are up to date with all their childhood immunisations. immunisations are safe and are your child's best protection against illnesses such as measles.
to help explain how safe and effective they are, watch our video all about the clever young people at hounslow's vaccination high school.",03/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FbB3gTSnQ4,health report: measles cases rise globally with vaccine shortage,"the world health organization says cases of the measles increased worldwide by 79% from 2022 to 2023. at least 45 cases of the vaccine-preventable disease have been reported in 17 states in the united states. data reveals that 22 million infants missed at least one dose of the measles vaccine through routine immunization in 2022, partly due to the covid-19 pandemic. for more insight, voa's linord moudou spoke with dr. william moss, the executive director of the johns hopkins bloomberg's international vaccine access center, and a deputy director at the johns hopkins malaria research institute.",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSktpYLfZvs,chicago health officials warn about measles outbreak,chicago public schools has urged parents and guardians to make sure students' mmr vaccine records were up to date.,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH3h5GN4Lu4,wisconsin doctors warn of how contagious measles is,"following a measles outbreak in chicago, health experts in wisconsin are warning of how contagious the virus is.",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVGCRb8HYYE,pima county health director says there haven't been many measles cases in county,,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h-3DJbx_pVs&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.beaconhealthsystem.org%2F&embeds_referring_origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.beaconhealthsystem.org&feature=emb_imp_woyt,medical minute: protecting yourself against measles,"the number of measles cases is rising in the u.s., including a recent handful of cases confirmed in the chicago area. while there is no reason for alarm in our communities, it is important to protect yourself and your family against the highly-contagious disease. dr. shanna kautzmann, beacon medical group main street pediatrics, offers information about measles – what it is, symptoms to watch for and how to best protect yourself against measles.",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeMentV6MqA,"tennessee, georgia among influx of measles cases, raising concerns for health experts","the united states has kept measles cases under control for the last several years, according to the cdc.

but this year, the cdc says there has been a concerning influx in cases, and tennessee and georgia are no exception.

full story:  https://newschannel9.com/news/local/tennessee-georgia-among-influx-of-measles-cases-raising-concerns-for-health-experts#
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'every day we will take the extra steps so our viewers are more aware, more prepared & better informed.'

#wtvc #news #chattanooga #newschannel9 #channel9abc",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83oF6dp6avc,north dakota health officials give measles vaccination reminder,,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@christ.is.king45/video/7345487987410488618,#meme #memecut #capcut #fyp #measles #florida #notagain #stop,#meme #memecut #capcut #fyp #measles #florida #notagain #stop,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@whatsthewordtv/video/7345585120281185578,"the chicago department of public health announced two additional cases on monday, bringing the number of reported infections to five. both cases were reported in adults staying at a shelter for migrants in the citys pilsen neighborhood. of the citys five cases, four are linked to the shelter. cdc will be sending teams to assist with chicagos growing measles outbreak.  to read more click #linkinbio  #whatstheword #chicago #measles #cdc #pilsenchicago #migrants #cps ","the chicago department of public health announced two additional cases on monday, bringing the number of reported infections to five. both cases were reported in adults staying at a shelter for migrants in the citys pilsen neighborhood. of the citys five cases, four are linked to the shelter. cdc will be sending teams to assist with chicagos growing measles outbreak.  to read more click #linkinbio  #whatstheword #chicago #measles #cdc #pilsenchicago #migrants #cps ",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/BeaconHealth/videos/what-do-you-need-to-know-about-measles-with-the-number-of-cases-rising-in-the-us/928712301974271/,"what do you need to know about measles? with the number of cases rising in the u.s., including a recent handful of cases confirmed in the","what do you need to know about measles? with the number of cases rising in the u.s., including a recent handful of cases confirmed in the chicago area, we want to take a moment to discuss this highly-contagious disease. while there is currently no reason for alarm in our communities, it is important to protect yourself and your family against measles. dr. shanna kautzmann, beacon medical group main street pediatrics, offers information about measles  what it is, symptoms to watch for and how to best protect yourself against the disease that is now present in at least 17 states.",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.facebook.com/publichealthOC/videos/measles-precautions-call-ahead/1087267265846857/,measles precautions: call ahead,"watch as kate guzman, medical services administrator, shares what to do if you or your child develops measles-like symptoms. https://bit.ly/49njikx",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/whatsthewordtv/reel/C4bTaBqJl5T/,"the chicago department of public health announced two additional cases on monday, bringing the number of reported infections to five. both cases were reported in adults staying at a shelter for migrants in the city's pilsen neighborhood. 

of the city's five cases, four are linked to the shelter. cdc will be sending teams to assist with chicago's growing measles outbreak. 

to read more click #linkinbio
- @gorgeouschelsea_

#whatstheword #chicago #measles #cdc #pilsenchicago #migrants #cps","the chicago department of public health announced two additional cases on monday, bringing the number of reported infections to five. both cases were reported in adults staying at a shelter for migrants in the city's pilsen neighborhood. 

of the city's five cases, four are linked to the shelter. cdc will be sending teams to assist with chicago's growing measles outbreak. 

to read more click #linkinbio
- @gorgeouschelsea_

#whatstheword #chicago #measles #cdc #pilsenchicago #migrants #cps",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/saskatchewanhealthauthority/reel/C4bePaxJj40/,"looking to confirm your vaccination status for routine immunizations such as measles, mumps, polio, chickenpox or whooping cough?
1.  register or log onto mysaskhealthrecord and look for your vaccination records. it may not show your complete vaccination record, but please check. full vaccination for measles includes two doses of the measles vaccine after one year of age for most people born after 1970.
2.  if not available on mysaskhealthrecord, contact a public health office. important: connect with the office located where you would have received your immunizations. (if you grew up in moose jaw but live now in weyburn, the moose jaw office will have childhood records.) there may be a small fee to print your records.
note: individuals born prior to 1957 do not require further doses of the measles vaccine, also called the measles-mumps-rubella (mmr) vaccine, as they were likely in contact with the virus in their youth. individuals born between 1957 and 1969 should receive one dose of a mmr vaccine if travelling outside of canada.
#saskatchewan #saskhealth #vaccineswork","looking to confirm your vaccination status for routine immunizations such as measles, mumps, polio, chickenpox or whooping cough?
1.  register or log onto mysaskhealthrecord and look for your vaccination records. it may not show your complete vaccination record, but please check. full vaccination for measles includes two doses of the measles vaccine after one year of age for most people born after 1970.
2.  if not available on mysaskhealthrecord, contact a public health office. important: connect with the office located where you would have received your immunizations. (if you grew up in moose jaw but live now in weyburn, the moose jaw office will have childhood records.) there may be a small fee to print your records.
note: individuals born prior to 1957 do not require further doses of the measles vaccine, also called the measles-mumps-rubella (mmr) vaccine, as they were likely in contact with the virus in their youth. individuals born between 1957 and 1969 should receive one dose of a mmr vaccine if travelling outside of canada.
#saskatchewan #saskhealth #vaccineswork",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/dr.scarletconstant/reel/C4bcWlEPIpL/,"check out my interview with @allhealthgo where i discuss everything that has to do measles; causes, complications and treatment. 

stay tuned for more interviews with helpful information ","check out my interview with @allhealthgo where i discuss everything that has to do measles; causes, complications and treatment. 

stay tuned for more interviews with helpful information ",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/14eastmag/reel/C4atar4uulQ/,new edition of in the loop dropped yesterday! this week; 14 east panel 5 takeaways and fifth measles case confirmed in chicago. read now on substack.,new edition of in the loop dropped yesterday! this week; 14 east panel 5 takeaways and fifth measles case confirmed in chicago. read now on substack.,03/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/brightchildhealth/reel/C4aEIPERg0N/?locale=pt_BR,"mumps has been rampant for last few months, most kids receive while some kids can have complications! how to save your kids from mumps? know from the best children's doctor @drsrinivasrekapalli @karthik91190 #mumps #mmrvacccine #mumpsmeaslesrubella #epidemic #teambright #brightchildrenshospital","mumps has been rampant for last few months, most kids receive while some kids can have complications! how to save your kids from mumps? know from the best children's doctor @drsrinivasrekapalli @karthik91190 #mumps #mmrvacccine #mumpsmeaslesrubella #epidemic #teambright #brightchildrenshospital",03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@tiktokkiddydoc/video/7345522964751863072,measles confirmed on flight into dublin,measles confirmed on flight into dublin,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@deleonentertainment/video/7345389808304278826,alerta en chicago: el sarampin al acecho  #noticias #parati #pti #foryou #fyp #sarampion #measles #news #viralnews #latinos #hispanos,alerta en chicago: el sarampin al acecho  #noticias #parati #pti #foryou #fyp #sarampion #measles #news #viralnews #latinos #hispanos,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/PublicHealthWales/videos/measles-is-highly-infectious-and-the-only-way-to-prevent-outbreaks-is-through-va/295558450215996/,Measles is highly infectious and the only way to prevent outbreaks is through vaccination 🛡️. Two doses of the #MMR vaccine is over 95%,Measles is highly infectious and the only way to prevent outbreaks is through vaccination 🛡️. Two doses of the #MMR vaccine is over 95% effective at preventing measles ✅. It is never too late to catch up on missed doses. 👉: https://phw.nhs.wales/topics/immunisation-and-vaccines/mmr/,03/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/video/chicago-measles-outbreak-linked-to-migrant-shelter/,chicago measles outbreak linked to migrant shelter,"chicago health officials have linked at least seven cases of a measles outbreak to a migrant shelter in the city. susan bleasdale, the chief quality officer at university of illinois hospital and health, joined cbs news to discuss the outbreak.",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPsL7Sff0r0,3 more measles cases confirmed at chicago migrant shelter,"three more cases of measles were confirmed on tuesday at the migrant shelter in pilsen.

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subscribe to the fox 32 chicago newsletter: https://www.fox32chicago.com/newsletters",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/questions-remain-about-how-spread-of-measles-will-be-stopped-among-migrants/,questions remain about how spread of measles will be stopped among migrants,"three more cases of measles were reported at the migrant shelter on halsted street in pilsen tuesday, and the centers for disease control and prevention is now on the ground in chicago. cbs 2's marybel gonzalez reports.",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/protected-against-measles-symptoms-treatment-031715073.html,are you protected against measles? symptoms and treatment explained,"measles cases continue to trend upward across chicagoland, but doctors say the highly contagious virus is easily preventable with a vaccine.",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://wgntv.com/video/3-more-measles-cases-confirmed-at-chicago-migrant-shelter/9512057/,3 more measles cases confirmed at chicago migrant shelter - wg,"three more cases of measles have been confirmed at a migrant shelter in pilsen, the chicago department of public health (cdph) said tuesday.",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.waff.com/video/2024/03/13/alabama-health-leaders-warn-against-measles-outbreak/,alabama health leaders warn against measles outbreak,waff 48's claudia peppenhorst reporting,03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/video/c2884164-limiting-the-spread-of-measles,limiting the spread of measles,"dr. isaac bogoch provides tips to limit the spread of measles leads medicalwatch for march 12, 2024.",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CLSLlWHhdQ,what you need to know about measles in saskatchewan,"health authority says immunization important, especially if you plan to travel read more: https://www.cbc.ca/1.7140715",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJ21iFGOsOY,are you protected against measles? symptoms and treatment explained,"as of monday, the chicago department of public health (cdph) has confirmed five measles cases in the city, with four at a migrant shelter in the pilsen neighborhood.",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTg9B-jm46M,questions remain about how spread of measles will be stopped among migrants,"three more cases of measles were reported at the migrant shelter on halsted street in pilsen tuesday, and the centers for disease control and prevention is now on the ground in chicago. cbs 2's marybel gonzalez reports. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cbs 2 news chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the cbs 2 investigators. subscribe to cbs 2 news chicago on youtube : /cbschicago cbs 2 news 24/7 livestream: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/live/ cbs 2 news on pluto tv: https://pluto.tv/en/live-tv/62cdc75b1... cbs 2 news website: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/ facebook: /cbschicago x (twitter): /cbschicago get the cbs 2 news app: https://apps.cbslocal.com/chicago/",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtKO4odRwZw,chicago's measles cases rise to 8,"three more measles cases were confirmed in chicago today, bringing the citywide total to 8 cases. here's what health officials recommend for staying safe and healthy. nbc chicago's charlie wojciechowski reports.",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/cdc-investigates-ways-to-combat-measles-outbreak-at-chicago-migrant-shelter/,cdc investigates ways to combat measles outbreak at chicago migrant shelter,"as of tuesday, four of the five detected cases had been traced back to the halsted street shelter in pilsen – the largest migrant shelter in the city. cbs 2's sabrina franza reports.",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/3-more-measles-cases-at-chicago-migrant-shelter/,3 more measles cases at chicago migrant shelter,there have now been a total of eight cases at the shelter in pilsen. cbs 2's sabrina franza reports.,03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/protected-against-measles-symptoms-treatment-213829247.html,are you protected against measles? symptoms and treatment explained,"as of monday, the chicago department of public health (cdph) has confirmed five measles cases in the city, with four at a migrant shelter in the pilsen neighborhood.",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/measles-cases-rise-us-065332992.html,measles cases on the rise in us,abc news' stephanie ramos reports on what's behind the increase in measles cases in the united states.,03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kwch.com/video/2024/03/12/measles-outbreak-spreads/,measles outbreak spreads,health officials say it is likely due to people not getting vaccinated.,03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/5-measles-cases-4-pilsen-212113127.html,"5 measles cases, 4 of which at pilsen shelter, prompts cdc response",the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) is sending a team to chicago to help support health officials there after the confirmation of several measles cases.,03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/7-measles-cases-reported-pilsen-020743235.html,7 measles cases reported at pilsen migrant shelter,"measles cases are on the rise. a total of eight cases have now been reported in chicago, seven of which are at a migrant shelter.",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/3-more-measles-cases-confirmed-103536758.html,3 more measles cases confirmed at chicago migrant shelter,"three more cases of measles have been confirmed at a migrant shelter in pilsen, the chicago department of public health (cdph) said tuesday.",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/questions-remain-spread-measles-stopped-033200033.html,questions remain about how spread of measles will be stopped among migrants,"three more cases of measles were reported at the migrant shelter on halsted street in pilsen tuesday, and the centers for disease control and prevention is now on the ground in chicago. cbs 2's marybel gonzalez reports.",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.wfaa.com/video/news/national/cdc-monitoring-measles-outbreak-in-chicago/287-31e1c21a-a508-47af-bec5-8fe8ae7ee10c,cdc monitoring measles outbreak in chicago,an increase of cases have been reported nationwide recently.,03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/cdc-chicago-tuesday-assist-measles-104154365.html,chicago migrant shelter up to 7 confirmed measles cases,chicago health officials confirmed three more measles cases have been identified at a pilsen migrant shelter. a team from the cdc arrived in the city today to help contain the outbreak.,03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/cdc-investigates-ways-combat-measles-210700026.html,cdc investigates ways to combat measles outbreak at chicago migrant shelter,"as of tuesday, four of the five detected cases had been traced back to the halsted street shelter in pilsen – the largest migrant shelter in the city. cbs 2's sabrina franza reports.",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://nationalpost.com/video/bd09ed4e-e0bd-11ee-a91a-f65a3544aba6/what-to-know-about-measles,what to know about measles,"here's what you need to know about measles — what it is, how it spreads and symptoms to watch out for.",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtjVM6c94gI,cdc monitoring measles outbreak in chicago,an increase of cases have been reported nationwide recently.,03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZeatnM9dVE,chicago migrant shelter up to 7 confirmed measles cases,"chicago health officials confirmed another 3 measles cases at a pilsen migrant shelter, bringing the total to 7. full story: https://abc7chicago.com/measles-outbr...",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjS4Vx5qH_s,measles concerns spread in chicago with 5 reported cases,"a recent measles outbreak in chicago is sparking a lot of questions. fox medical contributor dr. mike cirigliano sheds some light on the increase in measles cases. subscribe to fox 32 chicago: https://www.youtube.com/fox32chicago?... watch fox 32 chicago live: https://www.fox32chicago.com/live fox 32 chicago delivers breaking news, live events, investigations, politics, entertainment, business news and local stories from chicago and across the nation. watch more fox 32 chicago on youtube: fox 32 headlines: •fox32headlines good day chicago: •gooddaychicago special reports and stories: •specialreports download the fox 32 chicago news app: https://fox32chicago.onelink.me/knq9?... download the fox 32 chicago weather app: https://www.fox32chicago.com/apps follow fox 32 chicago on facebook: /fox32chicago follow fox 32 chicago on twitter: /fox32news follow fox 32 chicago on instagram: /fox32chicago subscribe to the fox 32 chicago newsletter: https://www.fox32chicago.com/newsletters",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zh8bimm2oZ4,chicago aldermen speak on city's response to recent measles cases,the centers for disease control (cdc) is on the ground in chicago in response to the small but growing number of measles cases stemming from residents at a city-run migrant shelter.,03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cExqR44sGQs,"5 measles cases, 4 of which at pilsen shelter, prompts cdc response",the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) is sending a team to chicago to help support health officials there after the confirmation of several measles cases.,03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF2q_keu7ss,cdc sending team to chicago amid measles outbreak,the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) is sending a team to chicago to help support health officials there after the confirmation of several measles cases.,03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZ6BWe_58To,are you protected against measles? symptoms and treatment explained,"measles cases continue to trend upward across chicagoland, but doctors say the highly contagious virus is easily preventable with a vaccine.",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsEK9J0dm6w,3 more measles cases confirmed at chicago migrant shelter,"three more cases of measles have been confirmed at a migrant shelter in pilsen, the chicago department of public health (cdph) said tuesday.",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx93rhgsNXQ,cdc investigates ways to combat measles outbreak at chicago migrant shelter,"as of tuesday, four of the five detected cases had been traced back to the halsted street shelter in pilsen – the largest migrant shelter in the city. cbs 2's sabrina franza reports. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cbs 2 news chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the cbs 2 investigators. subscribe to cbs 2 news chicago on youtube : /cbschicago cbs 2 news 24/7 livestream: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/live/ cbs 2 news on pluto tv: https://pluto.tv/en/live-tv/62cdc75b1... cbs 2 news website: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/ facebook: /cbschicago x (twitter): /cbschicago get the cbs 2 news app: https://apps.cbslocal.com/chicago/",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@cbcsasknews/video/7345924426531081477,"there are early signals that measles — one of the world's most contagious but preventable diseases — may be spreading in parts of canada.

a single case of measles was detected in saskatoon earlier this year and there have been an increasing number of cases reported in quebec and ontario.

dr. tania diener with the saskatchewan health authority says a likely increase in international travel for easter break means it is worth checking if your immunizations are up to date.

(reporting: alexander quon/cbc, video: alex soloducha/cbc) | #measles  #publichealth  #health #sask  #canada  #yqr  #yxe","there are early signals that measles — one of the world's most contagious but preventable diseases — may be spreading in parts of canada.

a single case of measles was detected in saskatoon earlier this year and there have been an increasing number of cases reported in quebec and ontario.

dr. tania diener with the saskatchewan health authority says a likely increase in international travel for easter break means it is worth checking if your immunizations are up to date.

(reporting: alexander quon/cbc, video: alex soloducha/cbc) | #measles  #publichealth  #health #sask  #canada  #yqr  #yxe",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@devincomedy/video/7345956224057281835,the measles and other diseases: coming to a school near you? part 16 of my series.,the measles and other diseases: coming to a school near you? part 16 of my series.,03/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@atlantaconservative/video/7345954771355946283,"measles reported in migrant shelter in chicago

cnn reported that ""three measles cases have been linked to a migrant shelter in chicago...a team from the cdc is now on the ground in an effort to curb the spread of the highly contagious virus.""

according to the u.s. centers for disease control and prevention, measles is a highly contagious illness that can have severe complications, potentially leading to fatal outcomes.

typically, measles starts with a mild to moderate fever accompanied by symptoms such as coughing, a runny nose, and red, watery eyes. some individuals may also experience gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. a distinctive red, blotchy rash usually appears first on the face and then spreads rapidly to other parts of the body including the chest, back, thighs, and feet.

the disease spreads through respiratory droplets and can remain airborne for up to an hour after an infected person coughs or sneezes.

cnn, 3/13/2024.","measles reported in migrant shelter in chicago

cnn reported that ""three measles cases have been linked to a migrant shelter in chicago...a team from the cdc is now on the ground in an effort to curb the spread of the highly contagious virus.""

according to the u.s. centers for disease control and prevention, measles is a highly contagious illness that can have severe complications, potentially leading to fatal outcomes.

typically, measles starts with a mild to moderate fever accompanied by symptoms such as coughing, a runny nose, and red, watery eyes. some individuals may also experience gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. a distinctive red, blotchy rash usually appears first on the face and then spreads rapidly to other parts of the body including the chest, back, thighs, and feet.

the disease spreads through respiratory droplets and can remain airborne for up to an hour after an infected person coughs or sneezes.

cnn, 3/13/2024.",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@juliarusso524/video/7346003714102005038,when all ur patients have measles but ur just tryna vibe //: @clarisse,when all ur patients have measles but ur just tryna vibe //: @clarisse,03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=paLCzkqMPBU,concerns mount that chicago measles outbreak will get worse before it gets better,"a total of eight cases of measles have now been identified in chicago, and all but one were associated with a migrant shelter in pilsen. cbs 2's sabrina franza reports.
cbs 2 news chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the cbs 2 investigators. 
subscribe to cbs 2 news chicago on youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/cbschicago
cbs 2 news 24/7 livestream: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/live/
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cbs 2 news website:  https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbschicago
x (twitter): https://twitter.com/cbschicago
get the cbs 2 news app: https://apps.cbslocal.com/chicago/",03/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs_daBI8Mj0,alabama health leaders warn against measles outbreak,"waff 48's claudia peppenhorst reporting_x000d_
 for more local news from waff:  https://www.waff.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/uc1n4bxxso5efsgj0zpc5lza",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sIJr5rkFbI,local healthcare professionals respond to measles outbreak,local healthcare professionals respond to measles outbreak,03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBoXPPYzXYc,"vaccine updates webinar bct & bcch: march 12, 2024","bc transplant and bc children's hospital hosted a webinar with important vaccine updates for pediatric transplant recipients. watch to learn more about topics including covid-19 updates, mmr vaccine research, varicella study updates and more.",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4goidK9MCI,urgent alert: measles outbreak in chicago! humboldt park health takes action: dr. dagoberto camacho,"#chicago #measles #vaccine #vaccination #healthequity #humboldtpark #humboldtparkhealth

an urgent health message from humboldt park health regarding the recent measles cases in chicago, lllinois.

join us as we delve into the urgent response from humboldt park health (hph) to the alarming resurgence of measles in the chicago area. with confirmed cases on the rise and concerns over vaccination rates and international travel, hph is stepping up with proactive measures to protect the community. learn about their vaccination efforts, universal masking policy, and initiatives for early detection and education. stay informed, stay safe, and join the fight against measles with hph!

 dr. dagoberto camacho - chief medical officer hph",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0o_T_iQRGOQ,migrants measles outbreak in chicago | americans in danger | 20-day quarantine,"in the video, i will discuss the unfolding measles outbreak in chicago, highlighting the rapid spread among migrant shelters, the city's response, and the importance of vaccination. join me as we dive into the facts, debunk myths, and explore how communities are rallying together to protect the most vulnerable among us.

 join our community today and unlock exclusive perks by becoming a member! click here to sign up:  https://bit.ly/4bpsz2g

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contact info: 

chicago measles outbreak, measles vaccine, migrant health crisis, chicago public health, measles symptoms, outbreak response, cdc measles update, vaccine safety, community health efforts, chicago schools measles, vaccination clinics chicago, public health alert, ultra hd 4k measles outbreak, chicago community response, measles information, protect against measles, measles risks, chicago health news, measles quarantine chicago, migrant shelter health
measles outbreak 2024, chicago health crisis, vaccination drive, measles in migrant shelters, chicago's fight against measles, public health chicago, measles alert, vaccine info, measles spread chicago, health emergency chicago, fight measles outbreak, chicago vaccine locations, measles symptoms guide, chicago's public health strategy, measles prevention, community vaccination, chicago health update, measles control efforts, health safety chicago, measles vaccination importance""",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSzKAxRpJPw,"wtvo eyewitness news for march 13th, 2024 (full broadcast)","pecatonica river update, freeport shots fired, measles vaccine, nasal covid test, google election ban, tiktok ban, rockford area arts council roundtable, raising canes to rockford, 2024 rematch official, plus weather and sports.

stay informed about rockford-area news, weather, sports and entertainment! follow wtvo eyewitness news on our website and social channels:

http://www.twitter.com/mystateline",03/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNfS8M6WDGk,"case of measles confirmed in phoenix in january, none in our county",,03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24I7w8UxWoQ,a measles case was found on abu dhabi flight,"lovin dubai is a local news, culture and lifestyle brand.

we have the definitive inside track on everything dubai, from the place to the people. we capture the essence of this unique city – from what we see, do, think, eat and drink, and build a conversation around our community, presenting a positive view of the place we call home.

our mantra is simple: lovin' your life.
follow us on: 
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snapchat: @lovin_dubai

#lovindubai",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@islam.com_1/video/7345924126651239685,# #islam #measles,# #islam #measles,03/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@kentucky_girll_/video/7345928556737973550,#chicago #illegals #immigration #measles #outbreak,#chicago #illegals #immigration #measles #outbreak,03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/EricHorngABC7/videos/cdc-arrives-in-chicago-to-help-contain-migrant-measles-outbreak-more-cases-confi/1116077789709413/,cdc arrives in chicago to help contain migrant measles outbreak; more cases confirmed at pilsen shelter.abc7chicago.com/measles-outbreak,cdc arrives in chicago to help contain migrant measles outbreak; more cases confirmed at pilsen shelter. http://abc7chicago.com/measles-outbreak-chicago.../14516364/,03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.facebook.com/cdc/videos/measles-vaccination/761969812695261/,measles vaccination,"measles is a very contagious disease caused by a virus. thankfully, measles can be prevented with mmr vaccine. cdc director dr. mandy cohen explains why it's important for you and your family to stay up-to-date on measles vaccination  learn more: https://bit.ly/2up0ebo",03/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4daK7wBNuG/,"measles is a very contagious disease caused by a virus. thankfully, measles can be prevented with mmr vaccine.
@cdc.director dr. mandy cohen explains why it's important for you and your family to stay up-to-date on measles vaccination ⬆

tap the link in our bio to learn more.

#vaccineswork #publichealth","measles is a very contagious disease caused by a virus. thankfully, measles can be prevented with mmr vaccine.
@cdc.director dr. mandy cohen explains why it's important for you and your family to stay up-to-date on measles vaccination ⬆

tap the link in our bio to learn more.

#vaccineswork #publichealth",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/wbbmnewsradio/reel/C4eBTclvvCn/,"chicago is dealing with a measles outbreak.

since the weekend, about 900 measles, mumps and rubella vaccinations have been administered at the pilsen shelter where the outbreak occurred. the cdc has sent in a team of experts to help local health officials manage the outbreak. 

click the link in our bio to read more.

#news #chicago #local #chicagonews #localnews #health #virus #outbreak #cdc #update","chicago is dealing with a measles outbreak.

since the weekend, about 900 measles, mumps and rubella vaccinations have been administered at the pilsen shelter where the outbreak occurred. the cdc has sent in a team of experts to help local health officials manage the outbreak. 

click the link in our bio to read more.

#news #chicago #local #chicagonews #localnews #health #virus #outbreak #cdc #update",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/saskatchewanhealthauthority/reel/C4dxt5ypERp/,"dr. tania diener, sha medical health officer immunization and travel health lead, speaks about measles and the importance of vaccination.

you can book a mmrv (measles, mumps, rubella, varicella) immunization appointment with your local public health office. and if you or your child missed their dose at the recommended age, now is a great time to catch up. 
#saskatchewan #vaccineswork #measles","dr. tania diener, sha medical health officer immunization and travel health lead, speaks about measles and the importance of vaccination.

you can book a mmrv (measles, mumps, rubella, varicella) immunization appointment with your local public health office. and if you or your child missed their dose at the recommended age, now is a great time to catch up. 
#saskatchewan #vaccineswork #measles",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4cLLbVgBfH/,"just when you thought you had heard enough about crime and other issues caused by illegal trespassers, more cases of measles were reported at the migrant shelter on halsted street in pilsen on tuesday. additionally, the centers for disease control and prevention are now on the ground in chicago.#pilsenhealth #migrantshelter #measlesoutbreak #communitysafety","just when you thought you had heard enough about crime and other issues caused by illegal trespassers, more cases of measles were reported at the migrant shelter on halsted street in pilsen on tuesday. additionally, the centers for disease control and prevention are now on the ground in chicago.#pilsenhealth #migrantshelter #measlesoutbreak #communitysafety",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@worldnewsreporttoday/video/7345708965143104810,cdc - measles outbreak at crowded chicago migrant shelter!,cdc - measles outbreak at crowded chicago migrant shelter!,03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr_family/video/7345788612924968193,"™… ™† ™™™ ™"" ™ ™""™™™™ ™""™""™ ™ ™""™""™‡ ™™‹ #™…™""™™…_™ #™…™""™™…_™™'™' #™…™""™™…_™…™™ #™…™""™™…_™ #™…™""™™…_™_™™""_™™™… #™…™""™™…_™™_™'™' #™"" #™™™_™"" #™_™™_™™ #doctorsoftiktok #info #infoandfacts #viralvideo #viral #measles ","™… ™† ™™™ ™"" ™ ™""™™™™ ™""™""™ ™ ™""™""™‡ ™™‹ #™…™""™™…_™ #™…™""™™…_™™'™' #™…™""™™…_™…™™ #™…™""™™…_™ #™…™""™™…_™_™™""_™™™… #™…™""™™…_™™_™'™' #™"" #™™™_™"" #™_™™_™™ #doctorsoftiktok #info #infoandfacts #viralvideo #viral #measles ",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@skin_master95/video/7345894339148532997,#dermatologist #_ #explore # #measles #measlesvaccine,#dermatologist #_ #explore # #measles #measlesvaccine,03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@worldnewsreporttoday/video/7345711378499603758,cdc - measles outbreak at crowded chicago migrant shelter!,cdc - measles outbreak at crowded chicago migrant shelter!,03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@bewareofmenb/video/7345829763325529390,"there€™s a lot of ick spreading around right now that shouldn€™t be. measles is preventable. meningitis b is prevented. vaccines are well-studied and safe. if tou have questions or concerns about then, speak with a healthcare provider. #springbreak #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #publichealth","there€™s a lot of ick spreading around right now that shouldn€™t be. measles is preventable. meningitis b is prevented. vaccines are well-studied and safe. if tou have questions or concerns about then, speak with a healthcare provider. #springbreak #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #publichealth",03/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@feyiaboi1/video/7345775141760126214,"aboi herbal mixture is herbal preparation for the treatment and management of measles, hot temperature, body scratches, stomach pain for children and adults","aboi herbal mixture is herbal preparation for the treatment and management of measles, hot temperature, body scratches, stomach pain for children and adults",03/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.facebook.com/WBBMNewsradio/videos/chicago-measles-outbreak/1695463520981845/,Chicago measles outbreak,"Chicago is dealing with a measles outbreak. Since the weekend, about 900 measles, mumps and rubella vaccinations have been administered at the Pilsen shelter where the outbreak occurred. https://www.audacy.com/.../chicago-confirms-two-new...",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/WHONepal/videos/no-child-should-die-from-a-vaccine-preventable-disease-such-as-measlestogether-w/866944835186548/,"No child should die from a vaccine-preventable disease such as #measles. Together, we can make this a reality.","No child should die from a vaccine-preventable disease such as #measles. Together, we can make this a reality.",03/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@thedailyshow/video/7346195752055622958,an rfk jr./aaron rodgers ticket? we know who the measles is voting for this november. #dailyshow #rfkjr #aaronrodgers,an rfk jr./aaron rodgers ticket? we know who the measles is voting for this november. #dailyshow #rfkjr #aaronrodgers,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@eawaz/video/7346194575104412933,number of #measles  cases in #ontario  has surpassed total for all of #2023  #contagious  #health www.eawaz.com,number of #measles  cases in #ontario  has surpassed total for all of #2023  #contagious  #health www.eawaz.com,03/14/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@realdailydose/video/7346222938724568366,measles outbreak reported at a migrant camp in chicago. cook county health warns of possible measles exposures at 3 locations #fyp  #chicago  #measles  #outbreak  #cdc  #migrants  #news #newstok,measles outbreak reported at a migrant camp in chicago. cook county health warns of possible measles exposures at 3 locations #fyp  #chicago  #measles  #outbreak  #cdc  #migrants  #news #newstok,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@_catz.meow_2/video/7346243730757684522,"7 cases of measles have been detected in less than a week at a chicago shelter for illegals.

• the cdc sent a team of experts to chicago on march 12 to assess a measles outbreak and help minimize the risk of community spread.
• a total of eight measles cases in chicago have been reported in children and adults, seven of which occurred in a migrant shelter in the pilsen neighborhood.
• experts continue to express concern about low vaccination rates that have
led to measles outbreaks in europe and around the u.s.
#measles  #chicagoillinois  #chicago  #illinois  #shelter  #illegals  #cdc  #outbreak  #children  #adults #migrant  #news","7 cases of measles have been detected in less than a week at a chicago shelter for illegals.

• the cdc sent a team of experts to chicago on march 12 to assess a measles outbreak and help minimize the risk of community spread.
• a total of eight measles cases in chicago have been reported in children and adults, seven of which occurred in a migrant shelter in the pilsen neighborhood.
• experts continue to express concern about low vaccination rates that have
led to measles outbreaks in europe and around the u.s.
#measles  #chicagoillinois  #chicago  #illinois  #shelter  #illegals  #cdc  #outbreak  #children  #adults #migrant  #news",03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@kevinwokeup/video/7346237464303996166,#greenscreen  we got measles who wants measles,#greenscreen  we got measles who wants measles,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@awkwardmama107/video/7346277384057883935,illinois gov. j.b. pritzker discusses the steps the state is taking with the measles outbreak at a chicago migrant shelter... #illinois #governor #pritzker #on #measles #outbreak #migrant #shelter ,illinois gov. j.b. pritzker discusses the steps the state is taking with the measles outbreak at a chicago migrant shelter... #illinois #governor #pritzker #on #measles #outbreak #migrant #shelter ,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/thedailyshow/reel/C4fp_eOMl0m/?locale=zh_tw,an rfk jr./aaron rodgers ticket? we know who the measles is voting for this november.,an rfk jr./aaron rodgers ticket? we know who the measles is voting for this november.,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhDeGvj1dBc,chicago measles outbreak linked to migrant shelter,"chicago health officials have linked at least seven cases of a measles outbreak to a migrant shelter in the city. susan bleasdale, the chief quality officer at university of illinois hospital and health, joined cbs news to discuss the outbreak. cbs news streaming network is the premier 24/7 anchored streaming news service from cbs news and stations, available free to everyone with access to the internet. the cbs news streaming network is your destination for breaking news, live events and original reporting locally, nationally and around the globe. launched in november 2014 as cbsn, the cbs news streaming network is available live in 91 countries and on 30 digital platforms and apps, as well as on cbsnews.com and paramount+. subscribe to the cbs news youtube channel: /cbsnews watch cbs news: https://cbsnews.com/live/ download the cbs news app: https://cbsnews.com/mobile/ follow cbs news on instagram: /cbsnews like cbs news on facebook: /cbsnews follow cbs news on twitter: /cbsnews subscribe to our newsletters: https://cbsnews.com/newsletters/ try paramount+ free: https://paramountplus.com/?ftag=ppm-0... for video licensing inquiries, contact: licensing@veritone.com",03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkQ45AyqMPY,2 chicago public schools student now confirmed to have measles,"there are now a total of 10 measles cases confirmed in chicago, and mayor brandon johnson said there are efforts happening now to get vaccination rates up across cps. cbs 2's tara molina reports. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cbs 2 news chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the cbs 2 investigators. subscribe to cbs 2 news chicago on youtube : /cbschicago cbs 2 news 24/7 livestream: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/live/ cbs 2 news on pluto tv: https://pluto.tv/en/live-tv/62cdc75b1... cbs 2 news website: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/ facebook: /cbschicago x (twitter): /cbschicago get the cbs 2 news app: https://apps.cbslocal.com/chicago/",03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtQrAdgfo6g,chicago moving forward with evictions amid measles outbreak at pilsen migrant shelter,"the chicago department of public health announced wednesday that a measles outbreak at the city's largest shelter continues to spread. two more cases have been confirmed, totaling 10.",03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,sadness
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/dr-katrine-wallace-weighs-in-on-measles-outbreak/,dr. katrine wallace weighs in on measles outbreak,"at least 10 confirmed cases, eight of which are at a migrant shelter in pilsen. measles is a highly contagious virus that can be deadly, especially for people who are not vaccinated",03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/concerns-mount-that-chicago-measles-outbreak-will-get-worse-before-it-gets-better/,concerns mount that chicago measles outbreak will get worse before it gets better,"a total of eight cases of measles have now been identified in chicago, and all but one were associated with a migrant shelter in pilsen. cbs 2's sabrina franza reports.",03/14/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/2-chicago-public-schools-student-now-confirmed-to-have-measles/,2 chicago public schools student now confirmed to have measles,"there are now a total of 10 measles cases confirmed in chicago, and mayor brandon johnson said there are efforts happening now to get vaccination rates up across cps. cbs 2's tara molina reports.",03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/videos/20240314203332234/,measles outbreak sparks concern in japan | nhk worl,"health experts in japan are urging caution following an uptick in measles cases, amid rising concern about the global spread of the disease.",03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/mayor-johnson-asked-about-stopping-measles-outbreak-at-migrant-shelter-future-prevention/,"mayor johnson asked about stopping measles outbreak at migrant shelter, future prevention",the city has said 900 measles vaccines have been administered at the pilsen shelter where seven cases have been identified – bringing the percentage of people inside the shelter immune to measles up to 95 percent. cbs 2's sabrina franza reports.,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.wsaw.com/video/2024/03/13/health-department-alerts-residents-about-symptoms-measles/,health department alerts residents about the symptoms of measles,health department alerts residents about the symptoms of measles,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.fox10phoenix.com/video/1424201,measles case reported in coconino county,"a new measles case has been detected in arizona, and this time in coconino county. county health officials say there's one confirmed case and a second probable case. they're warning others they might have been exposed at five places in flagstaff. three measles cases have been reported in maricopa county recently.",03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.fox19.com/video/2024/03/13/measles-exposure-reported-disney-ice-performace-heritage-bank-center/,measles exposure reported from disney on ice performace at heritage bank center,measles exposure reported from disney on ice performace at heritage bank center,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8WVZq1NDvE,state of teaching ep 16: measles coming back to schools,"why are measles making a comeback after being near eradication for years? this is episode 16 in my weekly series. please thumbs up, comment and subscribe for more!",03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.fox21news.com/video/uptick-in-measles-cases-across-the-us-morning-in-america/9463105/,uptick in measles cases across the us | morning in america,"the u.s. is on pace for a 286% increase in measles cases from last year. doctors say decreased vaccination rates could be the leading cause of the recent uptick.

#measles #infectiouspathogen #health",03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/video/c2884947-measles-exposure-reported-at-pearson-s-terminal-3,measles exposure reported at pearson's terminal 3,hamilton public health says a child travelling through pearson's terminal 3 on march 5 was infected with measles.,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://wgntv.com/video/chicago-moving-forward-with-evictions-amid-measles-outbreak-at-pilsen-migrant-shelter/9514555/,chicago moving forward with evictions amid measles outbreak at pilsen migrant shelter,"the chicago department of public health announced wednesday that a measles outbreak at the city's largest shelter continues to spread. two more cases have been confirmed, totaling 10.",03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,sadness
https://www.25newsnow.com/video/2024/03/14/mclean-county-health-department-an-osf-childrens-hospital-illinois-doctor-want-remind-people-symptoms-measles/,mclean county health department and an osf children's hospital of illinois doctor want to remind people of the symptoms of measles,mclean county health department and an osf children's hospital of illinois doctor want to remind people of the symptoms of measles,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fpk5yJnyGv4,what you need to know about measles,"there are early signals that measles — one of the world's most contagious but preventable diseases — may be spreading in parts of canada. dr. tania diener with the saskatchewan health authority says as people travel more for easter, it's worth checking if your immunizations are up to date.",03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wcnc.com/video/entertainment/television/charlotte-today/prevent-the-measles-get-vaccinated/275-9e2a5742-c6ef-45ac-9b6f-18346109ad19,prevent the measles - get vaccinated!,"kids, adults and travelers are at risk for measles",03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/concerns-persist-about-measles-vaccination-rates-in-chicago-public-schools/,concerns persist about measles vaccination rates in chicago public schools,mayor brandon johnson said wednesday that there are efforts happening now to get vaccination rates up across cps - with a focus on new arrivals. cbs 2's tara molina reports.,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.weau.com/video/2024/03/13/health-department-alerts-residents-about-symptoms-measles/,health department alerts residents about the symptoms of measles,health department alerts residents about the symptoms of measles,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/2-latest-reported-measles-cases-113742479.html,2 latest reported measles cases include cps students; at least 10 total cases in city,"more cases of measles have been reported in chicago. the latest reported cases include two chicago public schools students, brining the total number of cases in the city to at least 10. the two cps students with the latest reported cases are at two different schools, one at cooper dual language academy on the lower west side and one at armour elementary school in the bridgeport neighborhood on the city's south side. one of the children is staying at the migrant shelter in pilsen, where there has been a measles outbreak. cps does require measles vaccinations for students to attend school, but there are exceptions.",03/14/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.wbrc.com/video/2024/03/13/health-department-alerts-residents-about-symptoms-measles/,health department alerts residents about the symptoms of measles,health department alerts residents about the symptoms of measles,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/chicago-health-officials-manage-measles-211432744.html,chicago health officials work to manage measles cases,"health authorities at local, state, and federal levels are working in conjunction to manage the recent measles outbreak in the chicago area.",03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.news4jax.com/video/local-news/2024/03/13/pediatric-doctor-expects-measles-to-spread-as-spring-break-approaches/,pediatric doctor expects measles to spread as spring break approaches,"with countless spring breakers expected to flock to and from northeast florida in just a matter of days, health officials are sounding the alarm about measles.",03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.kbtx.com/video/2024/03/13/health-department-alerts-residents-about-symptoms-measles/,health department alerts residents about the symptoms of measles,health department alerts residents about the symptoms of measles,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/concerns-mount-chicago-measles-outbreak-212300870.html,concerns mount that chicago measles outbreak will get worse before it gets better,"a total of eight cases of measles have now been identified in chicago, and all but one were associated with a migrant shelter in pilsen. cbs 2's sabrina franza reports.",03/14/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.kvoa.com/video/case-of-measles-confirmed-in-phoenix-in-january-none-in-our-county/video_f6beb366-0bc7-54a1-a2b4-ce21cb4fa13c.html,"case of measles confirmed in phoenix in january, none in our county","case of measles confirmed in phoenix in january, none in our county",03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://barrie.ctvnews.ca/video/c2884970-measles-case-in-simcoe-county,measles case in simcoe county,the health unit warns others may have been exposed after a lab confirmed simcoe county's first case of measles.,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/video%3FclipId%3D2884947,measles exposure reported at pearson's terminal 3,hamilton public health says a child travelling through pearson's terminal 3 on march 5 was infected with measles.,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3O0YpSJaLw,chicago measles outbreak case total rises to 10; 2 are cps students,"the measles outbreak in chicago case count has risen to 10 total, 8 of which are in a pilsen migrant shelter. two of those children are cps students. full story: https://abc7chicago.com/measles-outbr...

streaming now at https://abc7chicago.com/watch/live/11...",03/14/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.blondieperes/video/7346335738797051168,"another case of #measles in #ireland , that makes it 4 cases so far","another case of #measles in #ireland , that makes it 4 cases so far i i #irelandtiktok #drblondieperes #doctorsoftiktok #contagiousdiseases #infectiousdisease #corkireland #irishtiktok #measlesoutbreak #vaccine",03/14/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@jrstonenews/video/7346341965539085614,"the number of chicago measles cases continues to rise. as of march 14th there are now at least 10 measles cases, 8 involve migrants at this shelter.","the number of chicago measles cases continues to rise. as of march 14th there are now at least 10 measles cases, 8 involve migrants at this shelter. #news #illinois",03/14/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@steveschein50/video/7346380257106136363,#measles#glennbeck#migrants,#measles#glennbeck#migrants,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@lagrimreaper/video/7346394219373743403,#breakingnews #whitehouse #measles #measleoutbreak #measlesoutbreak #chicagolife #chicagocheck #chicagotiktok #biden2024 #bidenadministration #bidenadmin #bidencampaign #kjp #bidenfails #bidenlies #bidensamerica #americalast #americafirst #migrantcrisis #morelies #notajoke #migrantshelter #chicagoschools #chicagoshelter #mayorjohnson #mayorbrandonjohnson #chicagomayor #bidenlied #brandonjohnson #bidenliedagain #bidenfailure #bordercrisis #trump2024 #trumptrain #trumpcase #mediabias #biasedmedia #unfittoserve #ukraine #chicagotiktok #chicagolife #chicagomigrants #middleclasscheck #middleclassfamily #strugglingfamilies #recession #inflation #uscongress #cnn #foxnews #msnbc #conservativetiktok #conservativetok #liberalsoftiktok #democratsoftiktok #fypage #fypシ #fyp #unfittoserve #abandonbiden,#breakingnews #whitehouse #measles #measleoutbreak #measlesoutbreak #chicagolife #chicagocheck #chicagotiktok #biden2024 #bidenadministration #bidenadmin #bidencampaign #kjp #bidenfails #bidenlies #bidensamerica #americalast #americafirst #migrantcrisis #morelies #notajoke #migrantshelter #chicagoschools #chicagoshelter #mayorjohnson #mayorbrandonjohnson #chicagomayor #bidenlied #brandonjohnson #bidenliedagain #bidenfailure #bordercrisis #trump2024 #trumptrain #trumpcase #mediabias #biasedmedia #unfittoserve #ukraine #chicagotiktok #chicagolife #chicagomigrants #middleclasscheck #middleclassfamily #strugglingfamilies #recession #inflation #uscongress #cnn #foxnews #msnbc #conservativetiktok #conservativetok #liberalsoftiktok #democratsoftiktok #fypage #fypシ #fyp #unfittoserve #abandonbiden,03/14/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@centralx24/video/7346392989188607275,#breakingnews #whitehouse #measles #measleoutbreak #measlesoutbreak #chicagolife #chicagocheck #chicagotiktok #biden2024 #bidenadministration #bidenadmin #bidencampaign #kjp #bidenfails #bidenlies #bidensamerica #americalast #americafirst #migrantcrisis #morelies #notajoke #migrantshelter #chicagoschools #chicagoshelter #mayorjohnson #mayorbrandonjohnson #chicagomayor #bidenlied #brandonjohnson #bidenliedagain #bidenfailure #bordercrisis #trump2024 #trumptrain #trumpcase #mediabias #biasedmedia #unfittoserve #ukraine #chicagotiktok #chicagolife #chicagomigrants #middleclasscheck #middleclassfamily #strugglingfamilies #recession #inflation #uscongress #cnn #foxnews #msnbc #conservativetiktok #conservativetok #liberalsoftiktok #democratsoftiktok #fypage #fypシ #fyp #unfittoserve #abandonbiden,#breakingnews #whitehouse #measles #measleoutbreak #measlesoutbreak #chicagolife #chicagocheck #chicagotiktok #biden2024 #bidenadministration #bidenadmin #bidencampaign #kjp #bidenfails #bidenlies #bidensamerica #americalast #americafirst #migrantcrisis #morelies #notajoke #migrantshelter #chicagoschools #chicagoshelter #mayorjohnson #mayorbrandonjohnson #chicagomayor #bidenlied #brandonjohnson #bidenliedagain #bidenfailure #bordercrisis #trump2024 #trumptrain #trumpcase #mediabias #biasedmedia #unfittoserve #ukraine #chicagotiktok #chicagolife #chicagomigrants #middleclasscheck #middleclassfamily #strugglingfamilies #recession #inflation #uscongress #cnn #foxnews #msnbc #conservativetiktok #conservativetok #liberalsoftiktok #democratsoftiktok #fypage #fypシ #fyp #unfittoserve #abandonbiden,03/14/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrs4xdvyTIQ,dr. katrine wallace weighs in on measles outbreak,"at least 10 confirmed cases, eight of which are at a migrant shelter in pilsen. measles is a highly contagious virus that can be deadly, especially for people who are not vaccinated.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qGoJI_zpNk,2 reported measles cases include cps students; 10 confirmed cases in city as health officials stress,"there are now 10 confirmed measles cases in chicago. eight are connected to the migrant shelter in pilsen, where there's been a measles outbreak, and two reported cases are chicago public schools students the students attend different schools, one at cooper dual language academy on the lower west side and one at armour elementary school in the bridgeport neighborhood on the city's south side. one of the children is staying at the migrant shelter in pilsen, one of the largest migrant shelters in the city.
read more: https://wgntv.com/health/2-latest-reported-measles-cases-include-cps-students-at-least-10-total-cases-in-city/",03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk2WJd2akpM,"suspect known to woman found dead in scarborough home | ctv news toronto at six for mar. 14, 2024","police say the suspect made the 911 call and was waiting for officers who found the body of a woman inside a scarborough townhome; private clinics report they are seeing a surge in requests to administer the mmr vaccine for travellers amid uncertainty over rising cases; and, niagara falls officials estimate as many as one million people may converge on the city to watch the total solar eclipse.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbVPY1saYQ0,a depth detailed  video about difference between measles and rubella,"rubella isn't the same as measles, but the two illnesses share some signs and symptoms, such as the red rash. rubella is caused by a different virus than measles, and rubella isn't as infectious or as severe as measles. the measles-mumps-rubella (mmr) vaccine is safe and highly effective in preventing",03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzSb5FIQ8jY,alerta urgente: brote de sarampin en chicago! humboldt park health toma medidas: dr. camacho,"#chicago #sarampin #vacuna #vacunacin #equidadensalud #humboldtpark #humboldtparkhealth

un mensaje de salud urgente de humboldt park health sobre los recientes casos de sarampin en chicago, illinois, del director mdico, dr. dagoberto camacho.

nete a nosotros mientras exploramos la respuesta urgente de humboldt park health (hph) al preocupante resurgimiento del sarampin en el rea de chicago. con casos confirmados en aumento y preocupaciones sobre las tasas de vacunacin y los viajes internacionales, hph est tomando medidas proactivas para proteger a la comunidad. conoce sus esfuerzos de vacunacin, la poltica de uso universal de mascarillas e iniciativas para la deteccin temprana y la educacin. mantente informado, mantente seguro y nete a la lucha contra el sarampin con hph!

dr. dagoberto camacho - director mdico de hph

#chicago #measles #vaccine #vaccination #healthequity #humboldtpark #humboldtparkhealth",03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2lrN1CsVpA,mumps| കികളിലെ മണിനീരിനെ കറിചച അറിയേണതെലലാം | symptoms | treatment | dr. surabhi,"ഉമിനീര ഗരനഥികളെ ബാധികകനന വൈറല അണബാധയാണ"" മണിനീര"" അഥവാ മംപ""സ"". പാരാമിക""സോവൈറസ"" മൂലം വരനന ഈ രോഗം ഉമിനീര വഴിയോ പരനന...
 തലവേദന, പനി, കഷീണം തങങിയ ലകഷങങളോെയാണ രോഗം ആരംഭികകക. രണ മതല 12 വയസസവരെ പരായമളള വാക""സിന ഞതതിിലലാതത കികളെയാണ മണിനീര സാധാരണയായി ബാധികകനനത. മണിനീര അണബാധ പരതിരോധികകാനളള ററവം മികചച മാരഗം വാക""സിനേഷന പൂരണമായം ഞകകക ഞനനതാണ.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2AUZkM2VR4,#measles outbreak hits canada: child gets infected after trip to india,public health officials predicted measles cases would rise in canada around the march break — and they were right. a child who recently returned to canada from india contracted the disease. public health officials are warning others who may have come into contact.,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17ZcOpSKptk,hamilton public health confirms travel-related measles case,hamilton public health has confirmed a case of measles in a child who lives in the city following recent travel. #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #shortsbeta #shorts #shortsviral #shortsyoutube #shorts_video #hamilton #hamiltonontario #hamont #measles,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@skullsluvbugs/video/7346325017594039598,#duet with @  haus of petty  #greenscreen #fyp #measles #foryou #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine #vaccinate #vaccinateyourkids #foryoupage #measlesispreventable #measlesisdangerous #wtf #measlesisdeadly #death #deafness #braindamage #vaccinateyourchild ##vaccinatechildren #fy #whatswrongwithyou #'– #'€,#duet with @  haus of petty  #greenscreen #fyp #measles #foryou #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine #vaccinate #vaccinateyourkids #foryoupage #measlesispreventable #measlesisdangerous #wtf #measlesisdeadly #death #deafness #braindamage #vaccinateyourchild ##vaccinatechildren #fy #whatswrongwithyou #'– #'€,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.facebook.com/swpublichealth/videos/there-has-been-a-lot-of-news-about-measles-recently-we-thought-wed-break-down-th/205811579281348/,there has been a lot of news about measles recently. we thought we'd break down the messaging into a few simple graphics. we hope you find,there has been a lot of news about measles recently. we thought we'd break down the messaging into a few simple graphics. we hope you find this helpful and easy to share with friends and family. #measles #vaccineswork #publichealth the links you need: www.swpublichealth.ca/vaccineswork (check your records) www.swpublichealth.ca/booking (book a child's appointment with us) www.swpublichealth.ca/measles (everything you need to know about measles),03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/jrstonelive/reel/C4grvjlvryS/,"the number of chicago measles cases continues to rise. as of march 14th there are now at least 10 measles cases, 8 involve migrants at this shelter. #news #illinois","the number of chicago measles cases continues to rise. as of march 14th there are now at least 10 measles cases, 8 involve migrants at this shelter. #news #illinois",03/14/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/thedailyshow/reel/C4fp_eOMl0m/,an rfk jr./aaron rodgers ticket? we know who the measles is voting for this november.,an rfk jr./aaron rodgers ticket? we know who the measles is voting for this november.,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/simcoemuskokahealth/reel/C4gftCEv4kf/,"updated: two measles immunization clinics are available today march 14th at angus recreation centre until 6pm this evening and on friday, march 15 at new tecumseth recreation centre from 9am-1:30 pm. no walk-ins, by appointment only. to book an appointment find the link in our bio, instagram and facebook stories or at smdhu.org","updated: two measles immunization clinics are available today march 14th at angus recreation centre until 6pm this evening and on friday, march 15 at new tecumseth recreation centre from 9am-1:30 pm. no walk-ins, by appointment only. to book an appointment find the link in our bio, instagram and facebook stories or at smdhu.org",03/14/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/rachaelcody/reel/C4g302suykn/,"migrants with measles- this is only the beginning. also, love how they refuse to get vax'd upom arrival  i hate it here… god help us all #trump2024 #closetheborder","migrants with measles- this is only the beginning. also, love how they refuse to get vax'd upom arrival  i hate it here… god help us all #trump2024 #closetheborder",03/14/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,anger,anger
https://www.tiktok.com/@stalkergirl28/video/7346366011697827118,lol do i have measles? #doctor #need #girlies,lol do i have measles? #doctor #need #girlies,03/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@tifftastic75/video/7346574042431802666,"measles outbreak in chicago is big trouble. this video is for educational purposes only. the states that have had cases this year are: arizona, california, florida, georgia, illinois, indiana, louisiana, maryland, michigan, minnesota, missouri, new jersey, new york, ohio, pennsylvania, virginia, and washington.","measles outbreak in chicago is big trouble. this video is for educational purposes only. the states that have had cases this year are: arizona, california, florida, georgia, illinois, indiana, louisiana, maryland, michigan, minnesota, missouri, new jersey, new york, ohio, pennsylvania, virginia, and washington. #drtiffany #tiffocracy #fp #publichealth #epidemiology #cdc #measlesoutbreak2024 #chicago",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@blissfulgoddess16/video/7346534702406176042,chicago measles outbreak is linked to migrant shelter,chicago measles outbreak is linked to migrant shelter. #usa #breakingnews #foryou #foryourpage #measles #health #chicago #migrants #bordercrisis #illegalimmigrants #america #usa,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@sportylife77/video/7346582008577002783,#whatsonmymind #chicago #measles #measlesoutbreak #america #patriot #america #fyp #foryoupage #share,#whatsonmymind #chicago #measles #measlesoutbreak #america #patriot #america #fyp #foryoupage #share,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@loretta_e_malic/video/7346598113429179691,"#stitch with @1776y like really, thanks to our awesome us government #measles #outbreak #chicago ","#stitch with @1776y like really, thanks to our awesome us government #measles #outbreak #chicago ",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.nbcnews.com/now/video/medical-tips-on-how-to-protect-yourself-from-measles-206635077839,medical tips on how to protect yourself from measles,the cdc is investigating the growing number of measles cases at a chicago migrant shelter as cases rise in multiple states. nbc news' medical contributor kavita patel advises what steps you should take to stay safe from the contagious virus.,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/growing-concern-over-chicago-measles-outbreak-206564421700,growing concern over chicago measles outbreak,"health officials say 10 measles cases have been reported, including eight at a migrant shelter in the city. they say more than 900 shelter residents have been vaccinated, but the vaccine takes weeks to become effective. 45 measles cases have been reported in 17 states this year. nbc news' jesse kirsch reports. ",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZhmeC0xJ6s,growing concern over chicago measles outbreak,"#migrants #chicago #measles
health officials say 10 measles cases have been reported, including eight at a migrant shelter in the city. they say more than 900 shelter residents have been vaccinated, but the vaccine takes weeks to become effective. 45 measles cases have been reported in 17 states this year. nbc news' jesse kirsch reports.",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfAjYnS8np0,"major measles outbreak expected without better vaccination rates, modelling shows","quebec has launched measles vaccination clinics as officials fear a major outbreak would put thousands of children at risk of getting very sick or even dying. the number of confirmed cases in canada in 2024 has already exceeded the total for 2023 and modelling shows it could quickly get out of hand if vaccination rates don't increase.

#measles #canada #news ",03/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2i54SFd0ha8,"covid pandemic turns 4, paxlovid and measles outbreak news, plus mmr shot & rsv vaccine for babies",when did covid start in the us? should i take paxlovid? what is the covid death toll? where is the measles outbreak? is measles eliminated in the us? what is the rsv vaccine recommendations for children?,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpVvkCBkVvA,"chicago measles outbreak: infectious disease experts warn residents about symptoms, urge vaccination",infectious disease experts are warning chicago residents to be aware of the affects of measles for unvaccinated people as an outbreak has spread.,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_DDdm_doDI,cdc issues travel guidance amid measles outbreaks,"experts say it's best to get the mmr vaccine 6 months before traveling, but at the very least two weeks ahead of time.",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.pbs.org/video/measles-outbreak-renews-health-concerns-at-pilsen-shelter-ae/,measles outbreak renews health concerns at pilsen shelter,"evictions from chicago's migrant shelters have been postponed three times due to extreme weather. now, with a measles outbreak at the city's pilsen shelter, response teams say evicting people will only create a bigger problem.",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNKqKemTJPM,measles cases hit double digits in chicago as health officials sound alarm,three more cases of measles were confirmed on tuesday at the migrant shelter in pilsen.,03/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/video/unvaccinated-child-has-confirmed-case-of-measles-in-stanislaus-county/,unvaccinated child has confirmed case of measles in stanislaus county,"an unvaccinated central valley child has a confirmed case of measles, health officials say.",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wndu.com/video/2024/03/14/beacon-doctor-speaks-importance-measles-vaccine/,beacon doctor speaks on importance of measles vaccine,beacon doctor speaks on importance of measles vaccine,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.foxnews.com/video/6348905336112,measles outbreak shouldn't be made political: dr. marc siegel,fox news contributor dr. marc siegel joins 'america's newsroom' to discuss the growing measles outbreak at a chicago migrant shelter.,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wfla.com/video/rapid-measles-outbreak-continues-to-spread/9516456/,rapid measles outbreak continues to spread,rapid measles outbreak continues to spread,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.kktv.com/video/2024/03/15/measles-cases-reported-16-states-nebraskas-not-one-them/,measles cases reported in 16 states; nebraska's not one of them,"in the last decade, only five people in nebraska have reportedly contracted measles.",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wtsp.com/video/travel/cdc-travel-guidance-measles-outbreaks/67-a5b3f741-ea25-4790-a92e-75ab3ab4f618,cdc issues travel guidance amid measles outbreaks,"experts say it's best to get the mmr vaccine 6 months before traveling, but at the very least two weeks ahead of time.",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.wsaw.com/video/2024/03/15/measles-cases-reported-16-states-nebraskas-not-one-them/,measles cases reported in 16 states; nebraska's not one of them,"in the last decade, only five people in nebraska have reportedly contracted measles.",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbs7.com/video/2024/03/15/measles-cases-reported-16-states-nebraskas-not-one-them/,measles cases reported in 16 states; nebraska's not one of them,"in the last decade, only five people in nebraska have reportedly contracted measles.",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wqad.com/video/news/regional/cases-of-measles-continue-to-rise-across-chicago-the-city-is-working-to-contain-infections/526-f1d77cff-daf1-4d0c-b511-5d461a103762,"cases of measles continue to rise across chicago, the city is working to contain infections",public health officials say they've started mass vaccination sites at migrant shelters to contain any potential infections.,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/video/c2885538-more-measles-cases-in-ont--than-all-of-2023,more measles cases in ont. than all of 2023,"ontario now has more confirmed measles cases in 2024 than in all of 2023, prompting calls to check your vaccination status.",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPSPH0FPQpM,growing concerns over measles in chicago,"chicago is ramping up vaccination efforts amid growing concerns over measles, as the numbef of confirmed cases continues to rise.",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utGw2uDnsmQ,chicago public schools parents concerned over measles cases,the number of measles cases in chicago is growing every day. ,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fi7Z0mGK7M,2 new measles cases bring chicago's total to 12,the chicago department of public health announced thursday evening that the city now has 12 confirmed cases of measles.,03/15/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rwork4t0IQs,contagious chronicles: measles alert (march 2024),"nfid experts offer insights on the recent increase in cases of measles, a highly contagious and potentially serious disease that is now making a comeback due to low vaccination rates in some communities.",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,fear,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/growing-concerns-over-measles-in-chicago/,growing concerns over measles in chicago,"chicago is ramping up vaccination efforts amid growing concerns over measles, as the numbef of confirmed cases continues to rise.",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9cDJhGGs1Y,chicago to start evicting migrants amid measles outbreak | morning in america,"chicago mayor brandon johnson says migrants will be moved out of shelters saturday despite an outbreak of seven confirmed cases of measles at the city's largest shelter.

#chicago #migrants #measles",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.wvlt.tv/video/2024/03/15/measles-cases-reported-16-states-nebraskas-not-one-them/,measles cases reported in 16 states; nebraska's not one of them,"in the last decade, only five people in nebraska have reportedly contracted measles.",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kgns.tv/video/2024/03/15/measles-cases-reported-16-states-nebraskas-not-one-them/,measles cases reported in 16 states; nebraska's not one of them,"in the last decade, only five people in nebraska have reportedly contracted measles.",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kotatv.com/video/2024/03/15/measles-cases-reported-16-states-nebraskas-not-one-them/,measles cases reported in 16 states; nebraska's not one of them,"in the last decade, only five people in nebraska have reportedly contracted measles.",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.newsnationnow.com/video/chicago-to-start-evicting-migrants-amid-measles-outbreak-morning-in-america/9519407/,chicago to start evicting migrants amid measles outbreak,chicago to start evicting migrants amid measles outbreak,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkCHeGH2FJI,measles - what you need to know as a provider,measles. are. not. to. be. messed. with. check out this week's video to see what you really need to know as a provider navigating the uncertain waters of a possible national measles outbreak.,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/video/c2885775-measles-reports-prompting-urgent-call-for-vaccines,measles reports prompting urgent call for vaccines,private clinics report they are seeing a surge in requests to administer the mmr vaccine for travellers amid uncertainty over rising cases.,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.fox32chicago.com/video/1425740,measles cases hit double digits in chicago as health officials sound alarm,"two more cases of measles have been traced to a shelter in pilsen, bringing the total number in chicago to 10.",03/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.wtrf.com/video/local-health-officials-partner-with-schools-in-belmont-county-to-tackle-measles-spread/9517431/,local health officials partner with schools in belmont county to tackle measles spread,local health officials partner with schools in belmont county to tackle measles spread,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/news/world/major-measles-outbreak-expected-without-better-vaccination-rates-modelling-shows/video/a18fd13164df3aec681e8ea7038a4997,"major measles outbreak expected without better vaccination rates, modelling shows","major measles outbreak expected without better vaccination rates, modelling shows",03/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.cairnspost.com.au/news/world/major-measles-outbreak-expected-without-better-vaccination-rates-modelling-shows/video/a18fd13164df3aec681e8ea7038a4997,"major measles outbreak expected without better vaccination rates, modelling shows","major measles outbreak expected without better vaccination rates, modelling shows",03/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.thechronicle.com.au/news/world/major-measles-outbreak-expected-without-better-vaccination-rates-modelling-shows/video/a18fd13164df3aec681e8ea7038a4997,"major measles outbreak expected without better vaccination rates, modelling shows","major measles outbreak expected without better vaccination rates, modelling shows",03/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.townsvillebulletin.com.au/news/world/major-measles-outbreak-expected-without-better-vaccination-rates-modelling-shows/video/a18fd13164df3aec681e8ea7038a4997,"major measles outbreak expected without better vaccination rates, modelling shows","major measles outbreak expected without better vaccination rates, modelling shows",03/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/world/major-measles-outbreak-expected-without-better-vaccination-rates-modelling-shows/video/a18fd13164df3aec681e8ea7038a4997,"major measles outbreak expected without better vaccination rates, modelling shows","major measles outbreak expected without better vaccination rates, modelling shows",03/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/world/major-measles-outbreak-expected-without-better-vaccination-rates-modelling-shows/video/a18fd13164df3aec681e8ea7038a4997,"major measles outbreak expected without better vaccination rates, modelling shows","major measles outbreak expected without better vaccination rates, modelling shows",03/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18v4uYxjp2s,migrant measles outbreak. chicago illinois.,i am reporting on the measles outbreak in chicago illinois & covering the border / migrant crisis.,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5uasnfbixE,monitoring the measles outbreak in south florida,monitoring the measles outbreak in south florida,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@cbseveningnews/video/7346740710802115886,"at least 60 #measles cases have been confirmed or suspected in 17 states, with data showing a decline in #vaccinations nationwide since 2019. in #chicago, a mass vaccination effort is underway at the city's largest #migrant shelter, which has been significantly hit by the outbreak","at least 60 #measles cases have been confirmed or suspected in 17 states, with data showing a decline in #vaccinations nationwide since 2019. in #chicago, a mass vaccination effort is underway at the city's largest #migrant shelter, which has been significantly hit by the outbreak. #health #news #vaccines #virus",03/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@newz_mommy/video/7346702742745812267,cdc arrives in chicago upon measles emergency,cdc arrives in chicago upon measles emergency. #getvaccinated #measles #chicago #outbreak #cdc #migrant #biden,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@esmesutton92/video/7346784576095800607,melissa benoist gap factory. measles,melissa benoist gap factory. measles,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wtvy.com/video/2024/03/15/measles-cases-reported-16-states-nebraskas-not-one-them/,measles cases reported in 16 states; nebraska's not one of them,"in the last decade, only five people in nebraska have reportedly contracted measles.",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/mother-shares-scary-experience-young-032825476.html,mother shares scary experience after young son infected with measles,a chicago mother said she has no idea how her 3-year-old son was infected with measles. he doesn't attend cps schools and has mostly been at home.,03/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/chicagos-migrant-shelters-prepare-evictions-020925334.html,chicago's migrant shelters prepare for evictions amid measles outbreak,"despite the ongoing measles outbreak, some of chicago's migrant shelters are set to begin evictions this weekend after mayor brandon johnson imposed a 60-day limit for those staying at the facilities.",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,anger,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HT0kf1zRzeM,twiv 1096: clinical update with dr. daniel griffin,"in his weekly clinical update, dr. griffin highlights measles outbreaks throughout the continental us, reviews recent statistics on the circulation of respiratory syncytial virus, influenza and sars-cov-2 before discussing if vaccination protected children from the development of long covid or cardiovascular diseases associated with virus infection, revised guidelines sars-cov-2 treatment and how to treat respiratory viral infections, continues to dispel the myth of viral rebound, when to use steroids and the benefits of convalescent plasma, how covid-19 effects the autonomic nervous system, and if nirmatrelvir-ritonavir protects against adverse cardiovascular effects following sars-cov-2 infection.

show notes at https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-1096/

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– who am i? –

i'm vincent racaniello, earth's virology professor, and i believe that education should be free.

i'm also a professor of virology at columbia university in new york. i've been doing research on viruses since 1976, and teaching virology in classrooms and online since 1999. on this youtube channel i share videos of my lectures, podcasts, and more.

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#microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic
———————————————————————",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzRSvg5EkBs,more measles cases,more measles cases,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjkS03bmABs,ctv news visits our etobicoke travel clinic to discuss measles vaccines for travelers,ctv news talks about the rising case of measles in ontario and visits our etobicoke travel clinic to learn more about how summit health travel clinics protect travelers,03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Usn6fwn2hFs,how to treat measles at home | chote bacho ko khasra ho jaye to  ghar p ilaj kese krain,"how to treat measles at home | chote bacho ko khasra ho jaye to  ghar p ilaj kese krain 

learn all about measles, including common symptoms and top treatments, in this informative video. plus, discover important tips for preventing this highly contagious disease in children. don't miss out on this important information! #measles  #treatment #khasra #burhan&mommyvlogs#childspecialist #pediatrician #vaccine #vitaminameasles: 
understanding symptoms and top treatments #measles #treatment #khasra
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bacho ko khasra ka ilaj
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bacho ko khasra
bacho ko khasra nikle to kya karna chahie
khasra ho jaye to kya kare
khasra ho jaye to kya karen",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYJc28zOCco,"cases of measles continue to rise across chicago, the city is working to contain infections","more from gmqc: https://www.wqad.com/good-morning-quad-cities_x000d_
more news: https://www.wqad.com  _x000d_
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2K7IzdR91c,measles cases reported in 16 states; nebraska's not one of them,"in the last decade, only five people in nebraska have reportedly contracted measles._x000d_
 for more local news from koln:  https://www.1011now.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucslnlp6umq2n20sdjyfsvpa",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UabjjLqqIIM&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.godlikeproductions.com%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,chicago's migrant shelters prepare for evictions amid measles outbreak,"despite the ongoing measles outbreak, some of chicago's migrant shelters are set to begin evictions this weekend after mayor brandon johnson imposed a 60-day limit for those staying at the facilities.

subscribe to fox 32 chicago: https://www.youtube.com/fox32chicago?sub_confirmation=1

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fox 32 chicago delivers breaking news, live events, investigations, politics, entertainment, business news and local stories from chicago and across the nation.

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subscribe to the fox 32 chicago newsletter: https://www.fox32chicago.com/newsletters",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,anger,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhasBVvacE4,rubella test: accurate diagnosis for rubella infection (german measles) | bahrain medical laboratory,"welcome to bahrain medical laboratory's comprehensive guide on rubella testing. rubella, commonly known as german measles, is a contagious viral infection that can have serious consequences, especially for pregnant women and their unborn babies. our rubella test is a vital tool in diagnosing this infection accurately and swiftly.

at bahrain medical laboratory, we prioritize accuracy and efficiency in all our diagnostic services. our rubella test is designed to detect specific antibodies produced by the body in response to the rubella virus, providing reliable results to aid in diagnosis.

in this video, we'll delve into the importance of rubella testing, its procedure, and how it can help healthcare professionals in effectively managing and preventing the spread of rubella infections. stay tuned to learn more about our rubella test and its role in safeguarding public health.

for trusted rubella testing services and accurate results, trust bahrain medical laboratory. contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive range of diagnostic solutions.

#rubellatest #germanmeasles #bahrainmedicallaboratory

this youtube copy aims to provide an informative overview of rubella testing while promoting bahrain medical laboratory's services as a reliable provider in the field.",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCqndHtb3eU,measles outbreak in chicago is big trouble.,"measles outbreak in chicago is big trouble. this video is for educational purposes only. the states that have had cases this year are: arizona, california, florida, georgia, illinois, indiana, louisiana, maryland, michigan, minnesota, missouri, new jersey, new york, ohio, pennsylvania, virginia, and washington. #drtiffany #tiffocracy #fyp #publichealth #epidemiology #cdc #measlesoutbreak2024 #chicago",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/CBSEveningNews/videos/60-measles-cases-in-17-states-across-the-u/272760589202173/,60 measles cases in 17 states across the u,"at least 60 measles cases have been confirmed or suspected in 17 states, with data showing a decline in vaccinations nationwide since 2019. in chicago, a mass vaccination effort is underway at the citys largest migrant shelter, which has beensignificantly hit by the outbreak.",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.facebook.com/cdc/videos/measles-vaccination/724240493224695/,measles vaccination,"measles is a very contagious disease caused by a virus. thankfully, measles can be prevented with mmr vaccine. cdc director dr. mandy cohen explains why it's important for you and your family to stay up-to-date on measles vaccination  learn more: https://bit.ly/2up0ebo",03/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/dr_shaps/reel/C4iWb6PrUtj/,"sabas qu es esto?  este dispositivo es un pulmn de hierro, utilizado durante mucho tiempo y an en ocasiones, para ayudar a personas afectadas por la polio. 

la polio, tambin conocida como poliomielitis, es una enfermedad viral que puede causar parlisis e incluso la muerte. es crucial prevenirla mediante vacunacin y prcticas de higiene adecuadas. 

mantener a nuestros nios al da con sus medidas preventivas es fundamental para protegerlos de enfermedades graves como la polio. 

no queremos volver a los tiempos en que los hospitales tenan que recurrir a estos pulmones de hierro durante el verano para salvar vidas. 

podemos construir un futuro mejor!  

#prevencin #vacunas #saludinfantil #polio #sarampion #futuromejor #measles #drshaps #socialpedia #pulmondehierro #ironlung","sabas qu es esto?  este dispositivo es un pulmn de hierro, utilizado durante mucho tiempo y an en ocasiones, para ayudar a personas afectadas por la polio. 

la polio, tambin conocida como poliomielitis, es una enfermedad viral que puede causar parlisis e incluso la muerte. es crucial prevenirla mediante vacunacin y prcticas de higiene adecuadas. 

mantener a nuestros nios al da con sus medidas preventivas es fundamental para protegerlos de enfermedades graves como la polio. 

no queremos volver a los tiempos en que los hospitales tenan que recurrir a estos pulmones de hierro durante el verano para salvar vidas. 

podemos construir un futuro mejor!  

#prevencin #vacunas #saludinfantil #polio #sarampion #futuromejor #measles #drshaps #socialpedia #pulmondehierro #ironlung",03/15/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/cdcgov/reel/C4ivrgDOno1/,"measles is a very contagious disease caused by a virus. thankfully, measles can be prevented with mmr vaccine.

@cdc.director dr. mandy cohen explains why it's important for you and your family to stay up-to-date on measles vaccination 

tap the link in our bio to learn more.

#vaccineswork #publichealth","measles is a very contagious disease caused by a virus. thankfully, measles can be prevented with mmr vaccine.

@cdc.director dr. mandy cohen explains why it's important for you and your family to stay up-to-date on measles vaccination 

tap the link in our bio to learn more.

#vaccineswork #publichealth",03/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@centralx24/video/7346646296905747755,#breakingnews #whitehouse #measlesvirus #chicagomigrants #measlesoutbreak #chicagomeasles #migrantmeasles #cdc #migrantshelter #mayorbrandonjohnson #mayorjohnson  #eaglepasstx #bordervisit #texastiktok #migrantes #biden2024 #infrastructure #bidenadministration #bidenadmin #latinosfortrump #bidencampaign #kjp #karinejeanpierre #bidenfails #bidenlies #bidensamerica #measlesepidemic #democracy #migrantcrisis #migrantes #measlesvaccine #bordercrisis #trump2024 #trumptrain #trumpcase #mediabias #biasedmedia #unfittoserve #ukraine #sanctuarycity #mayorkas #illegals #illegalaliens #chicagotiktok #chicagoschools #chicagocheck #chicagolife #illegalimmigrants #chicagofamily #chicagomayor #blacksfortrump #mexicanamerican #latinofamilies #middleclasscheck #borderpolicies #ice #dhs #cbp #wow #smh #ffs #fypage #middleclassfamily #strugglingfamilies #recession #inflation #conservativetok #conservativetiktok #liberalsoftiktok #democrats #republicans #liberalogic #usbordercrisis #bidengaffes #fyp' #fyp #maga #bidenbloopers #unfittoserve #abandonbiden #bidentoold #tooold #ceasefirenow #americafirst #americalast,#breakingnews #whitehouse #measlesvirus #chicagomigrants #measlesoutbreak #chicagomeasles #migrantmeasles #cdc #migrantshelter #mayorbrandonjohnson #mayorjohnson  #eaglepasstx #bordervisit #texastiktok #migrantes #biden2024 #infrastructure #bidenadministration #bidenadmin #latinosfortrump #bidencampaign #kjp #karinejeanpierre #bidenfails #bidenlies #bidensamerica #measlesepidemic #democracy #migrantcrisis #migrantes #measlesvaccine #bordercrisis #trump2024 #trumptrain #trumpcase #mediabias #biasedmedia #unfittoserve #ukraine #sanctuarycity #mayorkas #illegals #illegalaliens #chicagotiktok #chicagoschools #chicagocheck #chicagolife #illegalimmigrants #chicagofamily #chicagomayor #blacksfortrump #mexicanamerican #latinofamilies #middleclasscheck #borderpolicies #ice #dhs #cbp #wow #smh #ffs #fypage #middleclassfamily #strugglingfamilies #recession #inflation #conservativetok #conservativetiktok #liberalsoftiktok #democrats #republicans #liberalogic #usbordercrisis #bidengaffes #fyp' #fyp #maga #bidenbloopers #unfittoserve #abandonbiden #bidentoold #tooold #ceasefirenow #americafirst #americalast,03/15/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,surprise,surprise
https://www.tiktok.com/@cbsmornings/video/7346984409448516910,"there have been more measles cases reported so far in 2024 than all of 2023, with more than 60 confirmed or suspected cases recorded. chicago has 12 confirmed cases, including 10 linked to a migrant shelter, causing the city to enact new policies.","there have been more measles cases reported so far in 2024 than all of 2023, with more than 60 confirmed or suspected cases recorded. chicago has 12 confirmed cases, including 10 linked to a migrant shelter, causing the city to enact new policies. #news",03/16/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@abc7chicago/video/7346807362574896415,a chicago mother said she has no idea how her 3-year-old son was infected with measles. he doesn't attend cps schools and has mostly been at home. #news #fyp,a chicago mother said she has no idea how her 3-year-old son was infected with measles. he doesn't attend cps schools and has mostly been at home. #news #fyp,03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@akanews2/video/7346830818741980458,measles cases surge in the us what do you need to know,measles cases surge in the us what do you need to know#news #hospital,03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@rxssmzaqmhi/video/7346953305240735019,"despite the ongoing measles outbreak, some of chicago's migrant shelters are set to begin evictions this weekend after mayor brandon johnson imposed a 60-day limit for those staying at the facilities.#news #hotnews #realtimnews","despite the ongoing measles outbreak, some of chicago's migrant shelters are set to begin evictions this weekend after mayor brandon johnson imposed a 60-day limit for those staying at the facilities.#news #hotnews #realtimnews",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/video/chicago-dealing-with-measles-outbreak/,chicago dealing with measles outbreak,"chicago is the latest city to be hit with a measles outbreak. there are 12 confirmed cases so far, including 10 connected to the city's largest migrant center. sabrina franza reports on the city's efforts to stop the spread.",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a2rp2JoVmw,chicago dealing with measles outbreak,"chicago is the latest city to be hit with a measles outbreak. there are 12 confirmed cases so far, including 10 connected to the city's largest migrant center. sabrina franza reports on the city's efforts to stop the spread.",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYJEDSCthRI,the answer: what to know with recent measles outbreaks?,what should you do if you don't know whether or not you're immune to the measles? what do you need to know about the highly contagious virus? here's the answer.,03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/video/the-answer-what-to-know-with-recent-measles-outbreaks/,the answer: what to know with recent measles outbreaks?,what should you do if you don't know whether or not you're immune to the measles? what do you need to know about the highly contagious virus? here's the answer.,03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UabjjLqqIIM,chicago's migrant shelters prepare for evictions amid measles outbreak,"despite the ongoing measles outbreak, some of chicago's migrant shelters are set to begin evictions this weekend after mayor brandon johnson imposed a 60-day limit for those staying at the facilities.",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,anger,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUsPrgQ5SF4,major measles outbreak reported throughout us cities as migrant shelters overflow,major measles outbreak reported throughout us cities as migrant shelters overflow,03/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B51H2_8CgmA,chicago to require migrants get vaccinated for measles after outbreak of cases,"after a recent outbreak of measles in city-run shelters, chicago said friday it will now require migrants staying there to get the mmr vaccine to prevent further cases. the city also said it will not evict thousands of migrants from shelters on saturday, as was the plan, previously.",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6y1phhx3Rfo,chicago measles outbreak: who is at risk? how fast does it spread?,dr. david zich from northwestern medicine breaks down everything you need to know about the measles.,03/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.1011now.com/video/2024/03/15/measles-cases-reported-16-states-nebraskas-not-one-them/,measles cases reported in 16 states; nebraska's not one of them,"in the last decade, only five people in nebraska have reportedly contracted measles.",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48RMn3THbMw,"chicago relaxes eviction policy at migrant shelters, will require vaccinations for measles","after a recent outbreak of measles in city-run shelters, chicago said friday it will now require migrants staying there to get the mmr vaccine to prevent further cases. the city also said it will not evict thousands of migrants from shelters on saturday, as was the plan previously.",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,anger,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFpzHBgRDCw,state moves high risk families exposed to measles at migrant shelter to undisclosed hotel,the state has moved high risk families exposed to measles at the pilsen migrant shelter to an undisclosed hotel.,03/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/chicago-relaxes-eviction-policy-at-migrant-shelters-will-require-vaccinations-for-measles/,"chicago relaxes eviction policy at migrant shelters, will require vaccinations for measles","after a recent outbreak of measles in city-run shelters, chicago said friday it will now require migrants staying there to get the mmr vaccine to prevent further cases. the city also said it will not evict thousands of migrants from shelters on saturday, as was the plan previously.",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,anger,fear
https://wgntv.com/video/state-moves-high-risk-families-exposed-to-measles-at-migrant-shelter-to-undisclosed-hotel/9520326/,state moves high risk families exposed to measles at migrant shelter to undisclosed hotel,the state has moved high risk families exposed to measles at the pilsen migrant shelter to an undisclosed hotel.,03/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.dcnewsnow.com/video/why-the-us-could-lose-its-measles-elimination-status/9521057/,why the us could lose its measles-elimination status,"the united states eliminated measles in 2000, thanks in part to a highly-effective vaccination program. but the current outbreak could change that.",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,sadness,fear
https://www.mystateline.com/video/measles-outbreak-at-chicago-migrant-shelter-cdc-responds/9521491/,"measles outbreak at chicago migrant shelter, cdc responds",the illinois department of public health is working with the city of chicago to contain an outbreak of measles at one of the city's migrant shelters.,03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vngx7Z9uF48,chicago's migrant shelters prepare for evictions amid measles outbreak,"despite the ongoing measles outbreak, some of chicago's migrant shelters are set to begin evictions this weekend after mayor brandon johnson imposed a 60-day limit for those staying at the facilities.",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,anger,fear
https://barrie.ctvnews.ca/video/c2886480-possible-measles-exposure-in-simcoe-county,possible measles exposure in simcoe county,the health unit warns residents about several locations where they may have been exposed to the measles virus.,03/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.ktvu.com/video/1426564,measles exposure renews concerns over vaccine hesitancy,"a number of recent measles outbreaks across the country are renewing concerns over the potentially deadly but preventable disease. the recent cases spikes come as more parents are delaying getting their children vaccinated. according to the cdc, the percentage of kindergartners fully immunized against the measles dropped from 95% in 2020 to 93% in 2023. ktvu's alex savidge speaks with dr. kai kai lam, chief of pediatrics at kaiser permanente about the increasing trend of vaccine-hesitant parents.",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.wowt.com/video/2024/03/15/measles-cases-reported-16-states-nebraskas-not-one-them/,measles cases reported in 16 states; nebraska's not one of them,"in the last decade, only five people in nebraska have reportedly contracted measles.",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kfyrtv.com/video/2024/03/15/measles-cases-reported-16-states-nebraskas-not-one-them/,measles cases reported in 16 states; nebraska's not one of them,"in the last decade, only five people in nebraska have reportedly contracted measles.",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/measles-outbreak-chicago-migrant-shelter-220834358.html,"measles outbreak at chicago migrant shelter, cdc responds",the illinois department of public health is working with the city of chicago to contain an outbreak of measles at one of the city's migrant shelters.,03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/chicago-measles-outbreak-risk-fast-172908035.html,chicago measles outbreak: who is at risk? how fast does it spread?,dr. david zich from northwestern medicine breaks down everything you need to know about the measles.,03/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/chicago-require-migrants-vaccinated-measles-210700200.html,chicago to require migrants get vaccinated for measles after outbreak of cases,"after a recent outbreak of measles in city-run shelters, chicago said friday it will now require migrants staying there to get the mmr vaccine to prevent further cases. the city also said it will not evict thousands of migrants from shelters on saturday, as was the plan, previously.",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.kwch.com/video/2024/03/15/measles-cases-reported-16-states-nebraskas-not-one-them/,measles cases reported in 16 states; nebraska's not one of them,"in the last decade, only five people in nebraska have reportedly contracted measles.",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.ksnblocal4.com/video/2024/03/15/measles-cases-reported-16-states-nebraskas-not-one-them/,measles cases reported in 16 states; nebraska's not one of them,"in the last decade, only five people in nebraska have reportedly contracted measles.",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.news.com.au/world/major-measles-outbreak-expected-without-better-vaccination-rates-modelling-shows/video/a18fd13164df3aec681e8ea7038a4997,"major measles outbreak expected without better vaccination rates, modelling shows","major measles outbreak expected without better vaccination rates, modelling shows",03/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txObY-iWtdA,masks are back at some quebec facilities following measles cases,"i feel like it's necessary to protect those who are more vulnerable, says montrealer selena ringwald, of returning mask policies at some hospitals to help prevent measles spread. there are currently 21 cases in quebec. anastasia dextrene reports.",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.wfaa.com/video/news/health/287-b55595d2-0c20-427e-a47f-68ce09d9f4b8,"measles cases on the rise in the u.s., cdc says",the cdc reports the number of cases this year so far ties the amount reported in all of 2023.,03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://abcnews-nwsdynamic.aws.seabcnews.go.com/GMA/Wellness/video/measles-cases-rise-family-safe-108181979,why measles cases are on the rise and how to keep your family safe,why measles cases are on the rise and how to keep your family safe,03/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wbrc.com/video/2024/03/17/uva-watching-measles-students-return-spring-break/,uva watching for measles as students return from spring break,doctors at the university of virginia are keeping a close eye on students as they return to grounds from spring break.,03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.modernghana.com/videonews/ABC/1/407942/,why measles cases are on the rise and how to keep your family safe,"there have been at least 58 measles cases across 17 states so far in 2024, already matching the number of cases in the u.s. in 2023.",03/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@96twistedunicorn96/video/7347316078793755950,"are you aware of the alarming measles outbreak and the controversy surrounding its cause? this video dives into the recent surge in measles cases, surpassing those reported in all of 2023, and the cdc's response at the chicago airport. is this just a cover story for disease x? let me know what you think in the comments.","are you aware of the alarming measles outbreak and the controversy surrounding its cause? this video dives into the recent surge in measles cases, surpassing those reported in all of 2023, and the cdc's response at the chicago airport. is this just a cover story for disease x? let me know what you think in the comments. #measles #measlesoutbreak #virus #disease #diseasex #publichealth #news #breakingnews #chicago #outbreak",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dCI2zAglwg,measles outbreak reported in major us cities,"measles outbreak reported in major us cities

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK7hFHjAFsk,the deadly rise of anti-science | dr. peter j. hotez | tmr,"live-streamed on march 11, 2024

dr. peter j. hotez, dean for the national school of tropical medicine at the baylor college of medicine, to discuss his recent book the deadly rise of anti-science: a scientist's warning.



dr. peter j. hotez then joins, beginning by stepping back to tackle the evolution of both his work on vaccines and the anti-science movement, and of the movement itself, beginning in 1998 with claims of the mmr vaccine's correlation with autism, and continually reinventing itself in the wake of scientific evidence and studies disproving its newest claims. after touching on the particular anti-vax grift around increased autism diagnosis, dr. hotez and sam parse through the evolution of the union between the anti-science and right-wing movements, with the former beginning as more of a niche movement in california and texas, before dwindling success forced the it to reinvent itself, finding roots in the tea party. expanding on this, they look at the ideological common ground between the anti-science community and the us right, including an emphasis on individual freedoms, attacks on elites, and general hatred for the state, all of which helped push it to the fore with the covid-19 crisis, with fox news and sitting congresspeople actively misinforming and fear-mongering around vaccine safety. peter and sam also touch on the particular role big pharma's greed and malpractice played in pushing distrust of the medical industry, and explore what it would mean to redefine the medical and scientific communities' restricted relationship to both the public and the marketplace, before wrapping up the interview by looking to the horizon of the ongoing covid pandemic, and the future of humanity's relationship to vaccines.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgygDmjMUuw,u.s. measles outbreak 2024 the 17 states reporting cases-and symptoms to,"more than a dozen states have reported measles cases in the u. s. since the start of 2024, as the disease makes an alarming global resurgence amid lagging vaccination rates and increased travel.17. that's the total number of states experiencing outbreaks as of march 7, according to data from the cdc. the cases reported in the first three months of 2024 are almost that of the total number cases reported in 2023, according to cdc data. last year, 58 cases were reported across 19 states and washington, d. c. measles, which is characterized by a distinct rash and cold-like symptoms, is an extremely contagious disease that was deemed eliminated from the u. s. in 2000 by the cdc due to the effectiveness of the vaccine. symptoms pop up seven to 14 days after infection, according to the cdc, and can include a fever, cough, runny nose and conjunctivitis. tiny white spots, called koplik spots, can appear in the mouth two to three days after the initial onset of symptoms and the rash typically follows within five days. the disease is airborne, meaning it is spread when infected people cough, sneeze or breathe. a number of complications—including pneumonia, brain swelling and even death—can arise from the infection. younger children, pregnant people and those with compromised immune systems are at the highest risk for such complications. despite its severity, measles is easily preventable with two doses of a vaccine, which is often combined in a single shot with mumps and rubella. vaccinated people are unlikely to get the disease, with cdc data indicating about three in 100 vaccinated patients catching it after exposure. the world health organization and cdc issued a warning about an uptick in global cases in november after cases rose 18% from 2021 to 2022. measles stages 'staggering' comeback as vaccination drops — here's what to know about the returning killer (forbes)measles cases are rising in the u. s. here's why misinformation about the vaccine persists today (pbs)cdc team arrives in chicago to help officials with response to measles outbreak linked to migrant shelter (cnn)

all data is taken from the source: http://forbes.com
article link: http://www.forbes.com/sites/caileygleeson/2024/03/13/us-measles-outbreak-the-17-states-reporting-cases/

#newssource #newstodaydonaldtrump #newstodaycnn #usnewsworldreport#newstoday #newstodayoncnn #",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.facebook.com/CBSMornings/videos/measles-cases-surging-across-the-us/422007750194877/,measles cases surging across the u.s.,"there are now 60 confirmed or suspected cases of measles in 17 states, which is more than the total number of cases for all of last year. sabrina franza has details on the worst outbreak so far.",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.facebook.com/CwmTafMorgannwg/videos/measles-is-highly-infectious-and-the-only-way-to-prevent-outbreaks-is-through-va/769883768106094/,#measles is highly infectious and the only way to prevent outbreaks is through vaccination. it is never too late to catch up on missed doses,"#measles is highly infectious and the only way to prevent outbreaks is through vaccination. it is never too late to catch up on missed doses. measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) - public health wales (nhs.wales) https://phw.nhs.wales/topics/immunisation-and-vaccines/mmr/",03/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/nwcp_pediatrics/reel/C4lbJ_XrpHk/,"we've had lots of calls/messages about the measles outbreak, so dr. goldstein recorded this video instead of going downtown to rage at the parade. for some reason, the captions don't work on our videos lately (if anyone knows why please message us!), but the takeaway points from this are:

although measles is a nasty, very contagious virus, the number of cases are still very low. the measles vaccine is the best protection, and is typically given at 12 months and 4 years. it can also be given to babies 6-12 months if they are traveling out of the country or if they are exposed, but giving the first dose before 12 months or the second dose before 4 years is not currently recommended. in the video he explains what to do if you are exposed. we currently cannot test for measles in the office. you can check chicago.gov to see if you may have been around a potential case (again, very low chance of this). 

#measlesoutbreak #measles #chi #pediatrician","we've had lots of calls/messages about the measles outbreak, so dr. goldstein recorded this video instead of going downtown to rage at the parade. for some reason, the captions don't work on our videos lately (if anyone knows why please message us!), but the takeaway points from this are:

although measles is a nasty, very contagious virus, the number of cases are still very low. the measles vaccine is the best protection, and is typically given at 12 months and 4 years. it can also be given to babies 6-12 months if they are traveling out of the country or if they are exposed, but giving the first dose before 12 months or the second dose before 4 years is not currently recommended. in the video he explains what to do if you are exposed. we currently cannot test for measles in the office. you can check chicago.gov to see if you may have been around a potential case (again, very low chance of this). 

#measlesoutbreak #measles #chi #pediatrician",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,anger,anger
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4lbJ_XrpHk/,"we've had lots of calls/messages about the measles outbreak, so dr. goldstein recorded this video instead of going downtown to rage at the parade. for some reason, the captions don't work on our videos lately (if anyone knows why please message us!), but the takeaway points from this are:

although measles is a nasty, very contagious virus, the number of cases are still very low. the measles vaccine is the best protection, and is typically given at 12 months and 4 years. it can also be given to babies 6-12 months if they are traveling out of the country or if they are exposed, but giving the first dose before 12 months or the second dose before 4 years is not currently recommended. in the video he explains what to do if you are exposed. we currently cannot test for measles in the office. you can check chicago.gov to see if you may have been around a potential case (again, very low chance of this). 

#measlesoutbreak #measles #chi #pediatrician","we've had lots of calls/messages about the measles outbreak, so dr. goldstein recorded this video instead of going downtown to rage at the parade. for some reason, the captions don't work on our videos lately (if anyone knows why please message us!), but the takeaway points from this are:

although measles is a nasty, very contagious virus, the number of cases are still very low. the measles vaccine is the best protection, and is typically given at 12 months and 4 years. it can also be given to babies 6-12 months if they are traveling out of the country or if they are exposed, but giving the first dose before 12 months or the second dose before 4 years is not currently recommended. in the video he explains what to do if you are exposed. we currently cannot test for measles in the office. you can check chicago.gov to see if you may have been around a potential case (again, very low chance of this). 

#measlesoutbreak #measles #chi #pediatrician",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,anger,anger
https://www.instagram.com/sdmhjaipur/reel/C4khJcsNgg5/,"dr. anupam chaturvedi, hod, paediatrics share invaluable insights on the importance of measles and rubella vaccination since childhood. 

on this national vaccination day, let's come together to prioritize preventive healthcare. these vaccinations not only protect individuals but also contribute to the overall well-being of our communities. ✨ 

for assistance, kindly contact us on 99296-03550.
#neonatology #neonatologia #newborn #intensivecare #icu #pediatrics #pediatrician #child #jaipurdiaries #specialist #santokbadurlabhjimemorialhospital #helpchildren #durlabhjifamily #healthcare #medicine #jaipur #jaipurdoctors #doctors #indianmedicalassociation #indiancouncilofmedicalresearch #hospital #motivation #dontgiveup #emerge #jaipurcity #jaipurblogger #jaipurbloggers #stayhome #besthospital #nationalvaccinationday","dr. anupam chaturvedi, hod, paediatrics share invaluable insights on the importance of measles and rubella vaccination since childhood. 

on this national vaccination day, let's come together to prioritize preventive healthcare. these vaccinations not only protect individuals but also contribute to the overall well-being of our communities. ✨ 

for assistance, kindly contact us on 99296-03550.
#neonatology #neonatologia #newborn #intensivecare #icu #pediatrics #pediatrician #child #jaipurdiaries #specialist #santokbadurlabhjimemorialhospital #helpchildren #durlabhjifamily #healthcare #medicine #jaipur #jaipurdoctors #doctors #indianmedicalassociation #indiancouncilofmedicalresearch #hospital #motivation #dontgiveup #emerge #jaipurcity #jaipurblogger #jaipurbloggers #stayhome #besthospital #nationalvaccinationday",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/joetalkshow/reel/C4ltfENtEXj/,what's up with these measles cases in chicago? what's going on? probably a good time to get prepared for yourself and family! also check out the contagion kit! ... #trending #viral #health #explore #explorepage #explorepage✨ #ad #brandedcontent link in my bio!,what's up with these measles cases in chicago? what's going on? probably a good time to get prepared for yourself and family! also check out the contagion kit! ... #trending #viral #health #explore #explorepage #explorepage✨ #ad #brandedcontent link in my bio!,03/16/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drranjitkumarjoshi/reel/C4lLdGsp6tu/,"vaccination plays a crucial role in safeguarding the health and well-being of children and toddlers in several ways:

1. disease prevention: vaccines protect children from serious diseases caused by viruses or bacteria. diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, polio, and chickenpox can be prevented through routine childhood vaccinations. these diseases can cause severe complications, including death, and vaccination helps prevent their spread within communities.

2. herd immunity: vaccination not only protects the individual who receives the vaccine but also helps create herd immunity. this means that when a large percentage of the population is vaccinated against a disease, it becomes harder for the disease to spread, protecting those who cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons or age, such as newborns and children undergoing chemotherapy.

3. reduced healthcare costs: vaccination reduces healthcare costs by preventing diseases that would otherwise require expensive medical treatments, hospitalization, and long-term care. additionally, preventing outbreaks through vaccination reduces the economic burden on healthcare systems and society as a whole.

4. protection for vulnerable individuals: infants and toddlers, especially those with certain medical conditions, are at higher risk of complications from vaccine-preventable diseases. vaccination helps protect these vulnerable individuals by reducing their risk of exposure to potentially life-threatening illnesses.

5. school and childcare requirements: many schools and childcare facilities require children to be up-to-date on their vaccinations before enrolling to prevent the spread of contagious diseases within these settings. vaccination ensures children can participate in educational and social activities safely.

6. long-term health benefits: some vaccines provide long-term immunity, meaning they protect against diseases for many years, if not a lifetime. by vaccinating children and toddlers according to the recommended schedule, parents and caregivers can provide them with lasting protection against potentially dangerous diseases.","vaccination plays a crucial role in safeguarding the health and well-being of children and toddlers in several ways:

1. disease prevention: vaccines protect children from serious diseases caused by viruses or bacteria. diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, polio, and chickenpox can be prevented through routine childhood vaccinations. these diseases can cause severe complications, including death, and vaccination helps prevent their spread within communities.

2. herd immunity: vaccination not only protects the individual who receives the vaccine but also helps create herd immunity. this means that when a large percentage of the population is vaccinated against a disease, it becomes harder for the disease to spread, protecting those who cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons or age, such as newborns and children undergoing chemotherapy.

3. reduced healthcare costs: vaccination reduces healthcare costs by preventing diseases that would otherwise require expensive medical treatments, hospitalization, and long-term care. additionally, preventing outbreaks through vaccination reduces the economic burden on healthcare systems and society as a whole.

4. protection for vulnerable individuals: infants and toddlers, especially those with certain medical conditions, are at higher risk of complications from vaccine-preventable diseases. vaccination helps protect these vulnerable individuals by reducing their risk of exposure to potentially life-threatening illnesses.

5. school and childcare requirements: many schools and childcare facilities require children to be up-to-date on their vaccinations before enrolling to prevent the spread of contagious diseases within these settings. vaccination ensures children can participate in educational and social activities safely.

6. long-term health benefits: some vaccines provide long-term immunity, meaning they protect against diseases for many years, if not a lifetime. by vaccinating children and toddlers according to the recommended schedule, parents and caregivers can provide them with lasting protection against potentially dangerous diseases.",03/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/withdr.irene/reel/C4k3phCLHzf/,"previously we have talked about the rising case counts of measles and the possibility of an outbreak that canadians may be facing, went over the common signs and symptoms of measles and some interesting facts about the virus itself. here, i'd like to conclude with some information on you can protect yourself from the virus (if you are not immune) with the mmr vaccine: who should get it, its dosing schedule and timing in relation to upcoming travels to destinations where measles is circulating. 

medical sources: 
measles vaccine - canadian immunization guide 
cdc traveler's health 

don't forget to follow @withdr.irene for more evidence-based medical info. 
please share so others can benefit too! 
this content is for educational purposes and not intended to give personal or direct medical advice.

#measles #vaccine #travel #doctor #medicine #familymedicine #healthcare #doctorsofinstagram #canadianhealthcare","previously we have talked about the rising case counts of measles and the possibility of an outbreak that canadians may be facing, went over the common signs and symptoms of measles and some interesting facts about the virus itself. here, i'd like to conclude with some information on you can protect yourself from the virus (if you are not immune) with the mmr vaccine: who should get it, its dosing schedule and timing in relation to upcoming travels to destinations where measles is circulating. 

medical sources: 
measles vaccine - canadian immunization guide 
cdc traveler's health 

don't forget to follow @withdr.irene for more evidence-based medical info. 
please share so others can benefit too! 
this content is for educational purposes and not intended to give personal or direct medical advice.

#measles #vaccine #travel #doctor #medicine #familymedicine #healthcare #doctorsofinstagram #canadianhealthcare",03/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/pharaohsaidthat/reel/C4lZkBoObec/,"there have been more measles cases reported so far in 2024 than all of 2023, with more than 60 confirmed or suspected cases recorded. chicago has 12 confirmed cases, including 10 linked to a migrant shelter, causing the city to enact new policies.","there have been more measles cases reported so far in 2024 than all of 2023, with more than 60 confirmed or suspected cases recorded. chicago has 12 confirmed cases, including 10 linked to a migrant shelter, causing the city to enact new policies.",03/16/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4khJcsNgg5/,"dr. anupam chaturvedi, hod, paediatrics share invaluable insights on the importance of measles and rubella vaccination since childhood. 

on this national vaccination day, let's come together to prioritize preventive healthcare. these vaccinations not only protect individuals but also contribute to the overall well-being of our communities. ✨ 

for assistance, kindly contact us on 99296-03550.
#neonatology #neonatologia #newborn #intensivecare #icu #pediatrics #pediatrician #child #jaipurdiaries #specialist #santokbadurlabhjimemorialhospital #helpchildren #durlabhjifamily #healthcare #medicine #jaipur #jaipurdoctors #doctors #indianmedicalassociation #indiancouncilofmedicalresearch #hospital #motivation #dontgiveup #emerge #jaipurcity #jaipurblogger #jaipurbloggers #stayhome #besthospital #nationalvaccinationday","dr. anupam chaturvedi, hod, paediatrics share invaluable insights on the importance of measles and rubella vaccination since childhood. 

on this national vaccination day, let's come together to prioritize preventive healthcare. these vaccinations not only protect individuals but also contribute to the overall well-being of our communities. ✨ 

for assistance, kindly contact us on 99296-03550.
#neonatology #neonatologia #newborn #intensivecare #icu #pediatrics #pediatrician #child #jaipurdiaries #specialist #santokbadurlabhjimemorialhospital #helpchildren #durlabhjifamily #healthcare #medicine #jaipur #jaipurdoctors #doctors #indianmedicalassociation #indiancouncilofmedicalresearch #hospital #motivation #dontgiveup #emerge #jaipurcity #jaipurblogger #jaipurbloggers #stayhome #besthospital #nationalvaccinationday",03/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@rahjoker137/video/7347464372677070085,replying to @darrenlarsen809 this measles blaming by the left is why there is distrust from the right. #measles #covid #politics,replying to @darrenlarsen809 this measles blaming by the left is why there is distrust from the right. #measles #covid #politics,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4nd-7Sr7Y6/,"are you aware of the alarming measles outbreak and the controversy surrounding its cause? this video dives into the recent surge in measles cases, surpassing those reported in all of 2023, and the cdc's response at the chicago airport. is this just a cover story for disease x? let me know what you think in the comments. #measles #measlesoutbreak #virus #disease #diseasex #publichealth #news #breakingnews #chicago #outbreak","are you aware of the alarming measles outbreak and the controversy surrounding its cause? this video dives into the recent surge in measles cases, surpassing those reported in all of 2023, and the cdc's response at the chicago airport. is this just a cover story for disease x? let me know what you think in the comments. #measles #measlesoutbreak #virus #disease #diseasex #publichealth #news #breakingnews #chicago #outbreak",03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FrOpc8AmZI,wisconsin monitors measles cases amid outbreak | fox6 news milwaukee,"wisconsin's neighboring state illinois is dealing with a measles outbreak, but are wisconsinites at risk? #wisconsin #milwaukee #health #news ",03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmKQUjAR2BE,measles cases on the rise in u.s.,there have been at least 59 confirmed or suspected cases across 17 states.,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.themountaineer.com/news/watch-what-every-parent-should-know-about-measles/video_67b8edd8-e494-11ee-9bbf-1bb71246623e.html,watch: what every parent should know about measles,"measles is highly contagious for the non-vaccinated and has serious consequences — hospitalization for one in five and a death rate of three per 1,000 cases. measles is 12 times more contagious than covid or flu. herd immunity to measles is only achieved if the 95% of the population is vaccinated. yet in north carolina, only 93.8% of school children are vaccinated.",03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.fox6now.com/video/1427023,wisconsin monitors measles cases amid outbreak,"wisconsin's neighboring state illinois is dealing with a measles outbreak, but are wisconsinites at risk?",03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.kens5.com/video/news/nation-world/measles-cases-on-the-rise-in-us/273-7c413f68-12df-4f60-95df-42ac8c3404a4,measles cases on the rise in u.s.,there have been at least 59 confirmed or suspected cases across 17 states.,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzI9qrgsw3c,cdc confirms 58 measles cases so far this year,cdc confirms 58 measles cases so far this year,03/17/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.knoe.com/video/2024/03/17/uva-watching-measles-students-return-spring-break/,uva watching for measles as students return from spring break,doctors at the university of virginia are keeping a close eye on students as they return to grounds from spring break.,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wabi.tv/video/2024/03/17/uva-watching-measles-students-return-spring-break/,uva watching for measles as students return from spring break,doctors at the university of virginia are keeping a close eye on students as they return to grounds from spring break.,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wg-9M3BcO3Y,chicago measles outbreak update,"in this news video, i look at the latest concerning the measles outbreak in chicago. i also some information about the disease and the vaccine.",03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.kwch.com/video/2024/03/17/uva-watching-measles-students-return-spring-break/,uva watching for measles as students return from spring break,doctors at the university of virginia are keeping a close eye on students as they return to grounds from spring break.,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fum562TF8E0,measles cases on the rise in the united states…,"measles cases are increasing in the united states, with 45 infections reported in 17 states as of march 7, according to the us centers for disease control and prevention. that's close to the total of 58 cases documented in the united states in all of…",03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kcrg.com/video/2024/03/17/uva-watching-measles-students-return-spring-break/,uva watching for measles as students return from spring break,doctors at the university of virginia are keeping a close eye on students as they return to grounds from spring break.,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.valleynewslive.com/video/2024/03/17/uva-watching-measles-students-return-spring-break/,uva watching for measles as students return from spring break,doctors at the university of virginia are keeping a close eye on students as they return to grounds from spring break.,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.modernghana.com/videonews/NBC/1/402088/,measles outbreak at florida elementary school,measles outbreak at florida elementary school,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWS-_lDhNmI,measles outbreak in migrant population,measles outbreak in migrant population,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ru5AGSAEWGA,treat measles naturally,"measles

an acute infectious disease caused by a virus. it often affects infants and adolescents. the good news about measles is that it strikes only once, after which the body becomes immune to it for life.


cough, catarrh and sore throat

very high fever (as high as 104f).

eyes turn red, runny nose

bloody rashes appear on face and nose, and spread to other parts of the body.



a. cajanus cajans

-english - pigeon peas

-igbo fiofio

-yoruba feregede

-esan - olele

recipe: fill a medium sized pot with the fres leaves. then fill pot with water and bring to boil.

how to use:

use two litres out of the preparation to bathe every night for 5 days. drink 1/2 a glass of the preparation twice a day for 5 days.",03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Negative,disgust,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeTVdRaH_zI,measles virus is now being shown to shrink tumors in many kinds of cancers!,measles virus is now being shown to shrink tumors in many kinds of cancers!,03/17/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6d_20z4XDjo,"unveiling canada's measles outbreak, ep- #58 . talk with doctor agnes","this episode of 'talk with doctor agnes"" uncovers canada's measles outbreak and addresses challenges faced by black physicians in healthcare.

virtual interview guest: dr hadiza babatolu,  a family physician practicing in middle sackville. she completed her medical education in nigeria and underwent training in the united kingdom. in 2021, she relocated to nova scotia. she is married and has three children. she has a keen interest in medical education.",03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.29news.com/video/2024/03/17/uva-watching-measles-students-return-spring-break/,uva watching for measles as students return from spring break,doctors at the university of virginia are keeping a close eye on students as they return to grounds from spring break.,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJHz_NwGWIE,measles still a threat? who's most at risk and how to protect yourself #measles #children #vaccine,"think measles is a disease of the past? think again! measles is making a comeback, and it's particularly dangerous for unvaccinated children and immunocompromised people.  this video explores the dangers of measles, who's most at risk, and how the mmr vaccine can keep you safe. don't miss out on this crucial information!",03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqwRNNM8ILw,"youtube@eberechiayogu@measlesvirus among us, prevention is better than sorry","measles virus is highly contagious protect yourself and your loved ones by taking vaccine today,if you have not done so",03/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@mirandaschurz1969/video/7347298364557495582,kandis esposito pops off about the measles outbreak in chicago.,"kandis esposito pops off about the measles outbreak in chicago. #gaslighting from me 
#chicago #measles #immigration #nurse #healthcare #borders #illegalimmigrants #gaslighting #kandisesposito #jobs #migrants #economy #openborders #fyp #capcut",03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9dbJpYiULA,danny's pit: measles outbreak in chicago #jesussaves #recovery,"on this episode of the pit i'll be discussing the measles outbreak in chicago.
#jesus",03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@organiclikeus/video/7347307398417190186,#fyp #foryou #whistleblower #spiritualawakening #angelnumbers #measles #historyrepeatsitself #crescentmoon #revelation #tiktok #time,#fyp #foryou #whistleblower #spiritualawakening #angelnumbers #measles #historyrepeatsitself #crescentmoon #revelation #tiktok #time,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-0PVJYMSFg,danny's pit: measles outbreak in chicago,"#recovery #jesus #jesussaves
on this episode of the pit i'll be discussing the measles outbreak in chicago.
#jesus",03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-N7JhymrSE,"s6 e9 solar eclipse 2024, measles and tornado outbreaks","the religious adventures of prophetess brenda saw jesus
don't get comfortable…though we are going through great tribulations…be ready for what god is about to do and wait to be caught up with jesus christ in the air.

amen",03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCCJqnmLrJQ,huge measles outbreak in chicago | nashville cops scrap pt tests for women | chipper chat #166,huge measles outbreak in chicago | nashville cops scrap pt tests for women | chipper chat #166,03/17/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLmQo1dValM,"chicago's measles count rises to 12, sparking concerns as 10 cases emerge from a pilsen shelter — ih","chicago's measles count rises to 12, sparking concerns as 10 cases emerge from a pilsen shelter — ih",03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSPaPm-tRts,chicago begins migrant evictions amid measles outbreak #chicago,https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/chi…,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/video/measles-infections-are-on-the-rise-with-more-cases-so-far-in-2024-than-all-of-last-year/,"measles infections are on the rise, with more cases so far in 2024 than all of last year","there have been more measles cases reported so far in 2024 than all of 2023, with more than 60 confirmed or suspected cases currently recorded. chicago has 12 confirmed cases, including 10 linked to a migrant shelter, causing the city to enact new policies amid the outbreak.",03/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ-j-6dTHpQ,"measles infections are on the rise, with more cases so far in 2024 than all of last year","there have been more measles cases reported so far in 2024 than all of 2023, with more than 60 confirmed or suspected cases currently recorded. chicago has 12 confirmed cases, including 10 linked to a migrant shelter, causing the city to enact new policies amid the outbreak.",03/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MabG9Tf3wYY,why measles cases are on the rise and how to keep your family safe,"there have been at least 58 measles cases across 17 states so far in 2024, already matching the number of cases in the u.s. in 2023.

at least 50 people were injured in the plunge as boeing sent out an alert to airlines to inspect switches on pilot's seats on latam dreamliners.",03/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euZ-NEVgULo,58 cases of measles in the u.s. so far in 2024; why the uptick and how to keep families safe,"#measles #health #cdc
the cdc is reporting 58 cases across 17 states this year alone tying the number reported in all of 2023.",03/17/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwtSP1ad7jk,"measles infections are on the rise, with more cases so far in 2024 than all of last year","there have been more measles cases reported so far in 2024 than all of 2023, with more than 60 confirmed or suspected cases currently recorded. chicago has 12 confirmed cases, including 10 linked to a migrant shelter, causing the city to enact new policies amid the outbreak.",03/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJZH55GkjNg,"measles cases on the rise in the u.s., cdc says",the cdc reports the number of cases this year so far ties the amount reported in all of 2023.,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wfaa.com/video/news/health/measles-cases-on-the-rise-in-us-cdc-says/287-b55595d2-0c20-427e-a47f-68ce09d9f4b8,"measles cases on the rise in the u.s., cdc says",the cdc reports the number of cases this year so far ties the amount reported in all of 2023.,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://m.facebook.com/CBSMornings/videos/measles-cases-surging-across-the-us/422007750194877/,measles cases surging across the u.s.,"there are now 60 confirmed or suspected cases of measles in 17 states, which is more than the total number of cases for all of last year. sabrina franza has details on the worst outbreak so far.",03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://m.facebook.com/CBSMornings/videos/there-have-been-more-measles-cases-reported-so-far-in-2024-than-all-of-2023-with/3598629913727299/,"there have been more measles cases reported so far in 2024 than all of 2023, with more than 60 confirmed or suspected cases recorded. chicago has 12 confirmed cases, including 10 linked to a migrant shelter, causing the city to enact new policies.","there have been more measles cases reported so far in 2024 than all of 2023, with more than 60 confirmed or suspected cases recorded. chicago has 12 confirmed cases, including 10 linked to a migrant shelter, causing the city to enact new policies.",03/17/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/video/c2886769-here-s-who-may-need-a-dose-of-the-measles-vaccine,here's who may need a dose of the measles vaccine,dr. donald vinh explains who might need a second dose of the measles vaccine to protect themselves and others.,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,neutral
https://montreal.citynews.ca/video/2024/03/15/masks-are-back-at-some-quebec-facilities-following-measles-cases/,masks are back at some quebec facilities following measles cases,"""i feel like it's necessary to protect those who are more vulnerable, says montrealer selena ringwald, of returning mask policies at some hospitals to help prevent measles spread. there are currently 21 cases in quebec. anastasia dextrene reports.",03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/chicago-dealing-with-measles-outbreak/vi-BB1jZ2iN,"chicago dealing with measles outbreak

chicago is the latest city to be hit with a measles outbreak.","chicago dealing with measles outbreak

there are 12 confirmed cases so far, including 10 connected to the city's largest migrant center. sabrina franza reports on the city's efforts to stop the spread.",03/17/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.whas11.com/video/news/nation-world/58-cases-of-measles-in-the-us-so-far-in-2024-why-the-uptick-and-how-to-keep-families-safe/417-8fa3c059-0425-45b0-942e-d67a4141a1a1,58 cases of measles in the u.s. so far in 2024; why the uptick and how to keep families safe,"#measles #health #cdc
the cdc is reporting 58 cases across 17 states this year alone tying the number reported in all of 2023.",03/17/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wsaz.com/video/2024/03/15/measles-cases-reported-16-states-nebraskas-not-one-them/,measles cases reported in 16 states; nebraska's not one of them,"in the last decade, only five people in nebraska have reportedly contracted measles.",03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.haystack.tv/v/measles-cases-rise-family-safe,why measles cases are on the rise and how to keep your family safe,"there have been at least 58 measles cases across 17 states so far in 2024, already matching the number of cases in the u.s. in 2023.",03/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.mysuncoast.com/video/2024/03/18/cdc-warning-global-uptick-measles-cases/,cdc warning of global uptick in measles cases,the centers for disease control and prevention is warning about a global uptick in measles.,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.wlox.com/video/2024/03/17/uva-watching-measles-students-return-spring-break/,uva watching for measles as students return from spring break,doctors at the university of virginia are keeping a close eye on students as they return to grounds from spring break.,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wbrc.com/video/2024/03/18/cdc-warning-global-uptick-measles-cases/,cdc warning of global uptick in measles cases,the centers for disease control and prevention is warning about a global uptick in measles.,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/wisconsin-monitors-measles-cases-amid-021127026.html,wisconsin monitors measles cases amid outbreak,"wisconsin's neighboring state illinois is dealing with a measles outbreak, but are wisconsinites at risk?",03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.wkyt.com/video/2024/03/17/uva-watching-measles-students-return-spring-break/,uva watching for measles as students return from spring break,doctors at the university of virginia are keeping a close eye on students as they return to grounds from spring break.,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.foxnews.com/video/6349178699112,chicago evicts migrants as measles cases spread,fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel on how the ongoing border crisis is contributing to rising measles cases and a parasite spreading that can hurt dogs,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.kgns.tv/video/2024/03/17/uva-watching-measles-students-return-spring-break/,uva watching for measles as students return from spring break,doctors at the university of virginia are keeping a close eye on students as they return to grounds from spring break.,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wvva.com/video/2024/03/17/uva-watching-measles-students-return-spring-break/,uva watching for measles as students return from spring break,doctors at the university of virginia are keeping a close eye on students as they return to grounds from spring break.,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wowt.com/video/2024/03/17/uva-watching-measles-students-return-spring-break/,uva watching for measles as students return from spring break,doctors at the university of virginia are keeping a close eye on students as they return to grounds from spring break.,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/chicago-evicts-migrants-measles-cases-112633428.html,chicago evicts migrants as measles cases spread,fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel on how the ongoing border crisis is contributing to rising measles cases and a parasite spreading that can hurt dogs,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.kwqc.com/video/2024/03/17/uva-watching-measles-students-return-spring-break/,uva watching for measles as students return from spring break,doctors at the university of virginia are keeping a close eye on students as they return to grounds from spring break.,03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bY5D3VtqgwA,medical english for healthcare professionals: doctor-patient dialogue on measles | oet,"welcome to our latest medical english lesson, where we're shaking things up with a touch of fun! in this funky monster cartoon scenario, we bring you a delightful conversation between a monster doctor and a patient discussing measles.

join us in this unique and entertaining twist on medical education, where even the most serious topics are approached with a light-hearted vibe. as healthcare professionals, effective communication remains paramount, and what better way to learn than with a sprinkle of humor?

in this short yet informative dialogue, our monster doctor skillfully addresses the patient's concerns about measles, delivering clear explanations and guidance with a playful flair. whether you're a medical student, a seasoned healthcare professional, or simply looking to jazz up your language skills in a medical context, this video is sure to spark joy and learning.

so, gather 'round and dive into this monster-filled adventure, where learning medical english becomes an enjoyable journey. don't miss out on mastering essential language skills while having a blast! tune in now and let's make learning fun together!

check out my medical english courses
https://skills.australiabiomed.com/med-english-medspeak",03/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.instagram.com/naitnewswatch/reel/C4ofV3RttrW/,"if you're planning on going on a trip this spring, be aware of the potential risk of measles, as cases have been confirmed throughout canada. visit www.canada.ca/measles for everything you need to know about the virus. stay safe out there #awareness #measles #newswatch","if you're planning on going on a trip this spring, be aware of the potential risk of measles, as cases have been confirmed throughout canada. visit www.canada.ca/measles for everything you need to know about the virus. stay safe out there #awareness #measles #newswatch",03/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.today.com/video/cdc-issues-measles-alert-urging-parents-to-get-children-vaccinated-206978629934,cdc issues measles alert urging parents to get children vaccinated,the cdc issued a measles alert to doctors monday hoping to raise awareness about a dramatic rise in cases in the u.s. and abroad. it also urged parents with young children to have them vaccinated if they plant to travel to countries with current outbreaks.,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.wilx.com/video/2024/03/19/doctors-encouraging-measles-vaccinations-children-amid-traveling/,doctors encouraging measles vaccinations for children amid traveling,doctors encouraging measles vaccinations for children amid traveling,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.wdtv.com/video/2024/03/18/cdc-warning-global-uptick-measles-cases/,cdc warning of global uptick in measles cases,the centers for disease control and prevention is warning about a global uptick in measles.,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.wlox.com/video/2024/03/19/doctors-encouraging-measles-vaccinations-children-amid-traveling/,doctors encouraging measles vaccinations for children amid traveling,doctors encouraging measles vaccinations for children amid traveling,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/4-things-know-measles-amid-101245015.html,4 things you should know about measles amid an uptick in cases,"the u.s. is seeing a rash of measles cases, with more than three dozen cases reported across 17 states already this year, according to the centers for disease control and prevention. this comes two months after the agency warned clinicians to remain alert for measles cases.",03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.cbs8.com/video/news/health/509-cc5c41b2-b0ff-40aa-bfa3-6a5beb7a40b4,cdc issues health alert amid measles outbreak,a rady children's hospital infectious disease specialist recommends san diegans are up-to-date on their mmr vaccines before traveling outside the u.s.,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.wfaa.com/video/news/local/measles-cases-popping-up-around-the-us/287-a8150e68-6e33-4bfb-af6a-f77c2d788bd7,measles cases popping up around the u.s.,doctors are asking parents to make sure their children are vaccinated.,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wvva.com/video/2024/03/18/cdc-warning-global-uptick-measles-cases/,cdc warning of global uptick in measles cases,the centers for disease control and prevention is warning about a global uptick in measles.,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/cdc-issues-measles-alert-urging-122332550.html,cdc issues measles alert urging parents to get children vaccinated,the cdc issued a measles alert to doctors monday hoping to raise awareness about a dramatic rise in cases in the u.s. and abroad. it also urged parents with young children to have them vaccinated if they plant to travel to countries with current outbreaks.,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.wnem.com/video/2024/03/19/doctors-encouraging-measles-vaccinations-children-amid-traveling/,doctors encouraging measles vaccinations for children amid traveling,doctors encouraging measles vaccinations for children amid traveling,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.wvlt.tv/video/2024/03/19/doctors-encouraging-measles-vaccinations-children-amid-traveling/,doctors encouraging measles vaccinations for children amid traveling,doctors encouraging measles vaccinations for children amid traveling,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://globalnews.ca/video/10369005/concerns-of-measles-outbreak-growing-during-march-break,concerns of measles outbreak growing during march break,"about 40 cases of measles have been confirmed in canada this year, a highly contagious disease fewer people are vaccinating against. heather yourex-west reports on the growing concerns about a measles outbreak, as many families travel for march break; and how other vaccine-preventable illnesses are making a comeback.",03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/worldwide-measles-outbreak-causes-cdc-143300629.html,worldwide measles outbreak causes cdc to tighten travel guidance,worldwide measles outbreak causes cdc to tighten travel guidance,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.kktv.com/video/2024/03/19/doctors-encouraging-measles-vaccinations-children-amid-traveling/,doctors encouraging measles vaccinations for children amid traveling,doctors encouraging measles vaccinations for children amid traveling,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.yourcentralvalley.com/video/fresno-health-officials-advise-how-to-prevent-measles/9527905/,fresno health officials advise how to prevent measles,fresno health officials advise how to prevent measles,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wlfi.com/video/health-news-18-cdc-urges-vaccinations-among-measles-rise/video_eb52e422-5c11-514f-9729-2103eb971fdb.html,health news 18: cdc urges vaccinations among measles rise,the us eliminated measles as an endemic -- but some imported cases are seen annually.,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.wowt.com/video/2024/03/19/doctors-encouraging-measles-vaccinations-children-amid-traveling/,doctors encouraging measles vaccinations for children amid traveling,doctors encouraging measles vaccinations for children amid traveling,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.kyoutv.com/video/2024/03/18/cdc-warning-global-uptick-measles-cases/,cdc warning of global uptick in measles cases,the centers for disease control and prevention is warning about a global uptick in measles.,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.wbrc.com/video/2024/03/19/doctors-encouraging-measles-vaccinations-children-amid-traveling/,doctors encouraging measles vaccinations for children amid traveling,doctors encouraging measles vaccinations for children amid traveling,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/doctors-encouraging-vaccines-measles-exposure-015743046.html,doctors encouraging vaccines after measles exposure in merced county,the merced county department of public health says there was probable measles exposure in the community.,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/cincinnati-health-officials-providing-measles-214106570.html,cincinnati health officials providing measles exposure form after possible exposure earlier this month,cincinnati health officials providing measles exposure form after possible exposure earlier this month,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/video/c2887749-agincourt-library-exposed-to-child-with-measles,agincourt library exposed to child with measles,patrons of the agincourt public library may have come into contact with an infant with measles on march 11.,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8utrvc,vaccine centres open in kent following national measles increase,"measles, mumps, rubella vaccination rates in kent are below the 95% the world health organisation advise is needed to prevent measles outbreaks.",03/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://abcnews-nwsdynamic.aws.seabcnews.go.com/GMA/Wellness/video/cdc-calls-vaccinations-amid-rise-measles-cases-108266643,cdc calls for vaccinations amid rise in measles cases,cdc calls for vaccinations amid rise in measles cases,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://globalnews.ca/video/10369005/demolition-begins-for-etobicokes-six-points-interchange-improvements,concerns of measles outbreak growing during march break,"about 40 cases of measles have been confirmed in canada this year, a highly contagious disease fewer people are vaccinating against. heather yourex-west reports on the growing concerns about a measles outbreak, as many families travel for march break; and how other vaccine-preventable illnesses are making a comeback.",03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://toronto.citynews.ca/video/2024/03/18/toronto-public-health-warns-of-measles-exposure/,toronto public health warns of measles exposure,health officials say the city's second case of measles is in an infant who recently returned from travel and was contagious at the agincourt toronto public library. michelle mackey has the details.,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.msn.com/en-ca/video/news/concerns-of-measles-outbreak-growing-during-march-break/vi-BB1k8bt0,concerns of measles outbreak growing during march break,concerns of measles outbreak growing during march break,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.kentonline.co.uk/kmtv/video/vaccine-centres-open-in-kent-following-national-measles-increase-59306/,vaccine centres open in kent following national measles increase,"measles, mumps, rubella vaccination rates in kent are below the 95% the world health organisation advise is needed to prevent measles outbreaks",03/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.modernghana.com/videonews/abc/3/407942/,why measles cases are on the rise and how to keep your family safe,why measles cases are on the rise and how to keep your family safe,03/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.modernghana.com/videonews/ALJazeera/4/403349/,sri lanka measles outbreak: babies prioritised for vaccine booster,sri lanka measles outbreak: babies prioritised for vaccine booster,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.29news.com/video/2024/03/18/cdc-warning-global-uptick-measles-cases/,cdc warning of global uptick in measles cases,the centers for disease control and prevention is warning about a global uptick in measles.,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@rushmedical/video/7347783663846837546,"the surprise return of the #measles makes it crucial to recognize the symptoms and know how to stop the spread. rush pediatric disease expert colleen nash, md, explains what to watch for and how to protect your loved ones.","the surprise return of the #measles makes it crucial to recognize the symptoms and know how to stop the spread. rush pediatric disease expert colleen nash, md, explains what to watch for and how to protect your loved ones.",03/18/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpKnR5HajjA,what you need to know about measles,"the surprise return of the measles makes it crucial to recognize the symptoms and know how to stop the spread. rush pediatric disease expert colleen nash, md, explains what to watch for and how to protect your loved ones. #shorts

take a deeper dive into the measles: https://rsh.md/43uh46m",03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiBtsnVCPbE,cdc issues health alert amid measles outbreak,"the centers for disease control and prevention issued a health advisory for americans traveling internationally for spring break._x000d_
the advisory was issued after 58 cases of measles have been reported in the u.s. including one in san diego county and the number is growing around the world._x000d_
the cdc says almost all of the cases were connected to travel outside of the u.s. and has updated its travel guidelines, now recommending americans check in with their doctors six weeks before international travel to confirm that they are up-to-date on their measles vaccines._x000d_
more: https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/health/cdc-health-alert-measles-outbreak/509-3961f746-31f0-4e11-9435-f4edff824790",03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKMuhalnY0A,concerns of measles outbreak growing during march break,"about 40 cases of measles have been confirmed in canada this year, a highly contagious disease fewer people are vaccinating against. 

most of those cases originate from quebec, with b.c., saskatchewan and ontario making up the rest. 

heather yourex-west reports on the growing concerns about a measles outbreak, as many families travel for march break and how other vaccine-preventable illnesses are making a comeback.

for more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/10313457/measles-vaccine-canada-doctor-warning-travel/

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#globalnews #measles",03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3k5B6XI0Y8,"measles outbreak 2024, why measles is back in the us, and fda approved otc birth control pills","why is there an outbreak of measles? how do i know if i had the measles vaccine? when will opill be available? can you test for colon cancer without colonoscopy?

our guest is ama's vice president of science, medicine and public health, andrea garcia, jd, mph. american medical association cxo todd unger hosts.

 cdc measles surveillance: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/cases-outbreaks.html

 cdc measles fact sheet pdf: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/downloads/measles-fact-sheet-508.pdf

 wondering ""how do measles spread"" or curious about the mortality rate of measles? watch: https://youtu.be/haps_hnfob0?si=byg9vdqzf1ymjgsu

 the ama is your powerful ally in patient care. join now: https://bit.ly/amajoinrenew

00:00 ama update for march 18, 2024
00:28 measles outbreak chicago migrant shelter: how many measles cases are in chicago?
01:48 chicago measles outbreak and migrant quarantine
02:48 cdc measles outbreak response
03:41 measles outbreak vaccinated vs unvaccinated
04:00 recent measles outbreak history 
04:41 measles outbreak philadelphia
04:54 california measles outbreak uc davis medical center
05:42 measles immunity test: how do you know if you have measles immunity? (measles antibody test, measles igg) 
06:01 how to prevent measles: mmr vaccine (measles vaccine, mmr shot, ""measles mumps rubella"")
06:09 cdc travel guidelines vaccine status check (vaccines for international travel, cdc travel vaccines)
06:31 is measles on the rise in the uk? (measles europe, measles cases england)
07:13 otc birth control pills (birth control pills over the counter)
07:29 opill birth control (opill where to buy)
07:39 opill price (birth control online)
07:57 best over the counter birth control (birth control pills effectiveness, birth control methods)
08:08 fda approved birth control pills (fda otc birth control)
08:23 ama stance on over the counter birth control (oral contraceptives)
09:27 colon cancer blood test: what is the new test for colon cancer?
09:48 how accurate is blood test for colon cancer (clinical trials new england journal of medicine, nejm study)
10:33 fda approved colon cancer test (what is the main test for colon cancer?)


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#fightingfordocs #medicine #futureofhealthcare #physicianadvocacy #healthcare #medical #science #publichealth #patientcare #measles #mumps #rubeola #mmrvaccine #measlesvaccine #medicalresearch #vaccines #vaccination #immunization #cdc #worldhealthorganization #who #fda #hhs #nejm #contraceptives #birthcontrol #birthcontrolpill #oralcontraceptive #reproductivehealth #womenshealth #coloncancer #colonoscopy #colorectalcancer #coloncancertest #cancerbloodtest #amarecoveryplan #americanmedicalassociation",03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGIXvpamQBE,this is happening!,"✅videos we recommend: 

the cdc has been dispatched to chicago after a massive measles outbreak struck an illegal alien shelter. measles and tb have been reported in multiple states across the united states. 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYcNCZdZepA,"key witness deported, murder suspect freed; measles warning amid easter break | mar 18 midday","a magnetic media production.

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#magneticmedia  #turksandcaicosislands #thebahamas #thecaribbean #topstories",03/18/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ox66tlESBjc,"global national: march 18, 2024 | mps vote on ndp's palestinian statehood motion","the federal ndp has put forward a motion calling on canada to officially recognize palestine as a state, in part of a series of initiatives the party believes could expedite peace in gaza and across the middle east. david akin explains how some mps are reacting to the proposal and how house leader steven mackinnon proposed a series of changes that somewhat watered down the motion.

famine is ""imminent"" in northern gaza, where hundreds of thousands are cut off by israel's war on hamas, according to a report by the integrated food security phase classification (ipc), which is backed by the united nations. redmond shannon looks at how many people are dying daily from starvation or malnutrition and the blame being placed on israel.

the federal government has signed a memorandum of understanding to export canadian hydrogen to germany and reduce reliance on russian fossil fuels. heidi petracek looks at whether this potential fuel of the future will pay dividends for canada and why critics aren't sold on the strategy.

about 40 cases of measles have been confirmed in canada this year, a highly contagious disease fewer people are vaccinating against. heather yourex-west reports on the growing concerns about a measles outbreak, as many families travel for march break and how other vaccine-preventable illnesses are making a comeback.

former u.s president donald trump's lawyers say he has been unable to raise the $454 million usd needed to post a bond covering the civil fraud case he is appealing. jackson proskow explains why insurance companies are wary of helping trump and what could happen if he misses the deadline.

plus, as final preparations get underway for the state funeral of former prime minister brian mulroney, mps paid tribute to one of canada's most successful politicians in the house of commons. mackenzie gray has the tributes from prime minister justin trudeau, conservative leader pierre poilievre and others.

for more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/national/program/global-national

subscribe to global news channel here: http://bit.ly/20fcxdc
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follow global news on twitter here: http://bit.ly/1toz8mt
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#globalnews",03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,joy,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhMlzBKQyVw,toronto public health warns of measles exposure,health officials say the city's second case of measles is in an infant who recently returned from travel and was contagious at the agincourt toronto public library. michelle mackey has the details.,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SR0E7w0PueU,dr. atiba nelson - measles,dr. atiba nelson from niagara region public health stops by the yourtv studio to talk about measles and the reason cases have been popping up in ontario.,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zalIqFBmZ3U,58 cases of measles detected this year,"►subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/4newsnow 
►website: http://www.kxly.com 
►twitter: https://twitter.com/kxly4news 
►facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kxly4news",03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Qs4UjyosGY,what's going around: doctors warn about the dangers of measles,,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocmC5NXY5Fw,health news 18: cdc: 58 measles cases in us this year,the current number is more than the total for 2023,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@brendasawyeshua/video/7347624309071891743,"luke 1:46 and mary said, my soul doth magnify the #lord #dance #1kphew #leanwithitrockwithit #leanwithit #demfranchizeboyz #leanwititrockwitit #endtimes #fyp #praise #worship #yep #fyp #teamjesus #bible #scripture #solareclipse #measles #tornadooutbreak #solarmaximum #christianity #holyspirit #prophet #teamjesus #god #luke46","luke 1:46 and mary said, my soul doth magnify the #lord #dance #1kphew #leanwithitrockwithit #leanwithit #demfranchizeboyz #leanwititrockwitit #endtimes #fyp #praise #worship #yep #fyp #teamjesus #bible #scripture #solareclipse #measles #tornadooutbreak #solarmaximum #christianity #holyspirit #prophet #teamjesus #god #luke46",03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4qPfM9AfQJ/,if you are planning on traveling internationally and do not know your measles vaccination status please see your doctor at least 6 weeks prior to traveling to get evaluated and possibly vaccinated. please share this information with others. measles is very contagious and potentially dangerous and there are many places where there are large outbreaks.,if you are planning on traveling internationally and do not know your measles vaccination status please see your doctor at least 6 weeks prior to traveling to get evaluated and possibly vaccinated. please share this information with others. measles is very contagious and potentially dangerous and there are many places where there are large outbreaks.,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/rushmedical/reel/C4qqLZ5p9UJ/,"the surprise return of the #measles makes it crucial to recognize the symptoms and know how to stop the spread. rush pediatric disease expert colleen nash, md, explains what to watch for and how to protect your loved ones. 

click the link in our profile to take a deeper dive into the measles.","the surprise return of the #measles makes it crucial to recognize the symptoms and know how to stop the spread. rush pediatric disease expert colleen nash, md, explains what to watch for and how to protect your loved ones. 

click the link in our profile to take a deeper dive into the measles.",03/18/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/unityhealthto/reel/C4qiSj3Lu9E/,"what is #measles and how can you protect your family? 
check out this informative reel by dr. @ripudaman, paediatrician at st. michael's hospital, and our friends at @punjabikidshealth.","what is #measles and how can you protect your family? 
check out this informative reel by dr. @ripudaman, paediatrician at st. michael's hospital, and our friends at @punjabikidshealth.",03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/rubin_allergy/reel/C4qPfM9AfQJ/,if you are planning on traveling internationally and do not know your measles vaccination status please see your doctor at least 6 weeks prior to traveling to get evaluated and possibly vaccinated. please share this information with others. measles is very contagious and potentially dangerous and there are many places where there are large outbreaks. #viral #vaccine #doctor,if you are planning on traveling internationally and do not know your measles vaccination status please see your doctor at least 6 weeks prior to traveling to get evaluated and possibly vaccinated. please share this information with others. measles is very contagious and potentially dangerous and there are many places where there are large outbreaks. #viral #vaccine #doctor,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/canamnetwork/reel/C4qO5PdL6Ff/,"news update! 

1⃣ simon fraser university researchers issue warning: canada faces high risk of major measles outbreak, thousands at risk as cases surge!
2⃣ spacex wins contract to deploy 'starshield' satellite network for u.s. intelligence
3⃣ vladimir putin re-elected with 87% of vote in russian election amidst criticism of limited opposition presence!
4⃣ canada's housing construction surges with 253,468 new units started in february
5⃣ canada and germany forge trade deal to export canadian hydrogen.
stay informed with the latest developments from around the globe.  #newsupdate #globaldevelopments #stayinformed ","news update! 

1⃣ simon fraser university researchers issue warning: canada faces high risk of major measles outbreak, thousands at risk as cases surge!
2⃣ spacex wins contract to deploy 'starshield' satellite network for u.s. intelligence
3⃣ vladimir putin re-elected with 87% of vote in russian election amidst criticism of limited opposition presence!
4⃣ canada's housing construction surges with 253,468 new units started in february
5⃣ canada and germany forge trade deal to export canadian hydrogen.
stay informed with the latest developments from around the globe.  #newsupdate #globaldevelopments #stayinformed ",03/18/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@fm91trafficpro/video/7347705680909929735,"€•™""™""—""››™ '"" (measles) ™™""'‹ ‰•€‰™›™ 8 ""™ #€—›™ #'"" #™""'‹ #'"" #'tiktok #'™™‰ #fm91trafficpro","€•™""™""—""››™ '"" (measles) ™™""'‹ ‰•€‰™›™ 8 ""™ #€—›™ #'"" #™""'‹ #'"" #'tiktok #'™™‰ #fm91trafficpro",03/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@pangasinanofficial/video/7347673761954483462,paano makaiwas sa tigdas o measles ngayong tag-init?,paano makaiwas sa tigdas o measles ngayong tag-init?,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@canamnetwork/video/7347719672642489606," news update!  1 simon fraser university researchers issue warning: canada faces high risk of major measles outbreak, thousands at risk as cases surge! 2 spacex wins contract to deploy 'starshield' satellite network for u.s. intelligence 3 vladimir putin re-elected with 87% of vote in russian election amidst criticism of limited opposition presence! 4 canada's housing construction surges with 253,468 new units started in february 5 canada and germany forge trade deal to export canadian hydrogen. stay informed with the latest developments from around the globe.  #newsupdate  #canada """," news update!  1 simon fraser university researchers issue warning: canada faces high risk of major measles outbreak, thousands at risk as cases surge! 2 spacex wins contract to deploy 'starshield' satellite network for u.s. intelligence 3 vladimir putin re-elected with 87% of vote in russian election amidst criticism of limited opposition presence! 4 canada's housing construction surges with 253,468 new units started in february 5 canada and germany forge trade deal to export canadian hydrogen. stay informed with the latest developments from around the globe.  #newsupdate  #canada """,03/18/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@rubin_allergy/video/7347719677063286059,if you are planning on traveling internationally and do not know your measles vaccination status please see your doctor at least 6 weeks prior to traveling to get evaluated and possibly vaccinated. please share this information with others. measles is very contagious and potentially dangerous and there are many places where there are large outbreaks. #viral #tiktokdoc #learnontiktok,if you are planning on traveling internationally and do not know your measles vaccination status please see your doctor at least 6 weeks prior to traveling to get evaluated and possibly vaccinated. please share this information with others. measles is very contagious and potentially dangerous and there are many places where there are large outbreaks. #viral #tiktokdoc #learnontiktok,03/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@todayshow/video/7348065434081561898,the cdc issued a measles alert to doctors monday hoping to raise awareness about a dramatic rise in cases in the u.s. and abroad. it also urged parents with young children to have them vaccinated if they plant to travel to countries with current outbreaks.,the cdc issued a measles alert to doctors monday hoping to raise awareness about a dramatic rise in cases in the u.s. and abroad. it also urged parents with young children to have them vaccinated if they plant to travel to countries with current outbreaks. #todayshow,03/19/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@prophetessbrendasawjesus/video/7348061414034017567,replying to @mia | movie influencer  #measles #nocureformeasles #fyp #yep #endtimes #bible #tornadooutbreak #solarmaximum #monkeypox #covid #monkeys #visionofmonkeys #unknownvirus #christianity #god #jesus #holy #holyspirit #plagues #warning #repentfromyoursins #repent,replying to @mia | movie influencer  #measles #nocureformeasles #fyp #yep #endtimes #bible #tornadooutbreak #solarmaximum #monkeypox #covid #monkeys #visionofmonkeys #unknownvirus #christianity #god #jesus #holy #holyspirit #plagues #warning #repentfromyoursins #repent,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4rtfmHNbVa/,"part 1 - dr. larry palevsky discusses measles with dr. paul thomas. 
#cdc #nih #fda                                                                       
#measles #mmr 
#health #healthy #healthylifestyle #healthyrecipes #healthyfood #healthiswealth #healthyliving","part 1 - dr. larry palevsky discusses measles with dr. paul thomas. 
#cdc #nih #fda                                                                       
#measles #mmr 
#health #healthy #healthylifestyle #healthyrecipes #healthyfood #healthiswealth #healthyliving",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/15-cases-of-measles-confirmed-in-chicago-since-start-of-month/,15 cases of measles confirmed in chicago since start of month,the two newest patients are children who are 4 years old or younger.,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.fox2detroit.com/video/1428029,michigan travel agents monitoring measles outbreak,"as cases of the highly infectious measles virus continue to climb, the pitfalls of traveling are becoming more glaring as concerns of international trips continue to elevate the presence of the illness. multiple cases have been confirmed in michigan.",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.news-journal.com/covid-19/how-to-protect-against-measles/video_417f50f9-b940-509a-8753-d1b3a9cd582d.html,how to protect against measles,"measles is a highly contagious viral illness, but the good news is that it can be prevented with a safe and effective vaccine. talk to your doctor today and keep you and your kids protected from measles. learn more: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/vaccination

this video can also be viewed at

https://www.cdc.gov/video/about/check-in/check-in-measles-horizontal.mp4",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.ktvu.com/video/1428369,possible measles exposure at east bay restaurant,people who dined at a popular east bay restaurant are being warned that they may have been exposed to measles.,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.13newsnow.com/video/news/health/cdc-warns-rising-measles-cases-worldwide-12pm/291-5d945aae-063a-4c35-8306-a843f6c56d25,cdc warns of rising measles cases worldwide,cdc issues a health alert about the rising number of measles cases around the country and overseas. health officials say vaccination will prevent more outbreaks.,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.wfxrtv.com/video/cdc-58-measles-cases-reported-across-u-s-as-of-last-week/9530249/,cdc: 58 measles cases reported across u.s. as of last week,cdc: 58 measles cases reported across u.s. as of last week,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wavy.com/video/measles-outbreak-concerns-in-hampton-roads/9532401/,measles outbreak concerns in hampton roads,0 on your side's nick broadway breaks down the recent uptick in measles cases and what to do to help prevent the spread.,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.wfxrtv.com/homepage-video/cdc-58-measles-cases-reported-across-u-s-as-of-last-week/,cdc: 58 measles cases reported across u.s. as of last week,cdc: 58 measles cases reported across u.s. as of last week,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.whas11.com/video/news/national/cdc-warns-of-rising-measles-cases-in-us-what-you-need-to-know/417-bfee7c45-d589-4d05-8aeb-46d2a995e3b8,cdc warns of rising measles cases in us; what you need to know,"so far in 2024, there have been 58 confirmed measles cases across 17 states.",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.news4jax.com/video/health/2024/03/20/a-new-cdc-warning-about-the-spread-of-measles/,a new cdc warning about the spread of measles,"there's a new center for disease control warning about the spread of measles. there are currently 60 cases across the us and that includes florida. we are only three months into the new year, and this exceeds the total number of cases in all of last year.
there's a new center for disease control warning about the spread of measles. there are currently 60 cases across the us and that includes florida. we are only three months into the new year, and this exceeds the total number of cases in all of last year.",03/19/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.kron4.com/video/possible-measles-exposure-at-san-leandro-restaurant/9532015/,possible measles exposure at san leandro restaurant,kron4's sara stinson reports. read more: https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/possible-measles-exposure-reported-at-san-leandro-restaurant/,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.ktsm.com/video/cdc-measles-cases-up-in-the-u-s-abroad/9529830/,"cdc: measles cases up in the u.s., abroad","cdc: measles cases up in the u.s., abroad",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.11alive.com/video/news/health/85-30d1e59a-1a42-4dc7-82e1-7c3237074a66,cdc issues measles alert nationwide,according to the georgia department of health at least two people were reported from the peach state,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,fear,sadness
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/cdc-issues-warning-over-increase-221900986.html,cdc issues warning over increase in measles cases around the world,the cdc has issued a warning concerning an increase in measles cases around the world.,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.localsyr.com/video/concern-in-measles-cases-across-the-u-s/9531009/,concern in measles cases across the u.s.,concern in measles cases across the u.s.,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.wqad.com/video/news/national/centers-for-disease-control-and-prevention-aims-to-combat-measles-outbreak/526-43ff2cb4-b654-46e6-8b48-e4e42ad22cac,centers for disease control and prevention aims to combat measles outbreak,"the cdc is pushing for children over six months old to get vaccine to protect themselves following measles outbreak around world, especially u.s and abroad.",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,fear
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/possible-measles-exposure-reported-san-064120927.html,possible measles exposure reported at san leandro restaurant,"officials say anyone who was at sons of liberty alehouse in san leandro on saturday, march 9 from 4:45 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. may have been exposed to measles. here's what you need to know.",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.witn.com/video/2024/03/19/doctors-encouraging-measles-vaccinations-children-amid-traveling/,doctors encouraging measles vaccinations for children amid traveling,doctors encouraging measles vaccinations for children amid traveling,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.kitv.com/video/news/cdc-reports-a-rising-number-of-measles-cases-around-the-country/video_fd00c998-edf8-5741-a280-7880e28a4d34.html,cdc reports a rising number of measles cases around the country,a health alert from the cdc about the rising number of measles cases around the country and overseas; abc's reena roy shares what you need to know about the outbreaks and prevention tips.,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/possible-measles-exposure-san-leandro-051429177.html,possible measles exposure at san leandro restaurant,kron4's sara stinson reports. read more: https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/possible-measles-exposure-reported-at-san-leandro-restaurant/,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wqad.com/video/news/health/cdc-releases-a-health-alert-as-cases-of-measles-rise-across-the-us/526-50a91302-f672-48e8-843b-5dcc575115db,cdc releases a health alert as cases of measles rise across the us,"so far in 2024, there have been 58 confirmed cases across 17 states. health experts say vaccinations are critical to help prevent the spread of the virus.",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.fox6now.com/video/1428027,measles cases linked to international travel,uw health's dr. jeff pothof discusses a rise in measles cases and teen use of delta-8.,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/cdc-issues-measles-alert-urging-parents-to-get-children-vaccinated/vi-BB1k9MWQ,cdc issues measles alert urging parents to get children vaccinated,the cdc issued a measles alert to doctors monday hoping to raise awareness about a dramatic rise in cases in the u.s. and abroad. it also urged parents with young children to have them vaccinated if they plant to travel to countries with current outbreaks.,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://public.app/video/sp_8phn9og7fdqsk,"tamil nadu, india : docs advise caution against measles, mumps infection!!! credits","tamil nadu, india : docs advise caution against measles, mumps infection!!! credits",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@rubin_allergy/video/7348192551662341419,"there is a cdc health advisory regarding rising cases of measles in the united states, mostly from international travel. these outbreaks are occurring from undervaccination. please talk with your doctor if you have additional questions.","there is a cdc health advisory regarding rising cases of measles in the united states, mostly from international travel. these outbreaks are occurring from undervaccination. please talk with your doctor if you have additional questions. #viral #tiktokdoc #learnontiktok",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OubSoGxAjMA,measles outbreak: more than dozen states reported cases in 2024,"as spring and summer travel get underway public health officials are warning about a sharp spike in measles cases across the world. the cdc urges doctors to vaccinate babies as young as 6 months old if their family is traveling. the disease was declared eliminated in the u.s. in 2000, but it's slowly reemerged.

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subscribe to the fox 32 chicago newsletter: https://www.fox32chicago.com/newsletters",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t53e4VufroI,health warning issued after measles cases found in 17 states,"abc news medical correspondent dr. darien sutton discusses what you should know about measles.


check out more eyewitness news - http://abc7ny.com/

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#nyc #health #science",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHzziz6DbMI,how to protect against measles,"measles is a highly contagious viral illness, but the good news is that it can be prevented with a safe and effective vaccine. talk to your doctor today and keep you and your kids protected from measles. learn more: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/vaccination_x000d_
asl version of this video is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx4jezxba2u

this video can also be viewed at
https://www.cdc.gov/video/about/check-in/check-in-measles-horizontal.mp4",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66rSGj35N3k,fighting measles-induced immune amnesia! - microbial minutes,"what happens when memory immune cells forget their memories?
without memory of past infections, our immune system is less able to fight off pathogens.

take the audience survey...thanks! https://asm.org/mmsurvey

the problem is that sometimes pathogens themselves are responsible for this so-called ""immune amnesia.  

measles virus—an incredibly contagious virus that is currently spreading in the u.s. and other world regions—can trigger immune amnesia.

this makes people with measles vulnerable to secondary infections even after their measles infection has resolved.

to that end, scientists are exploring treatment paradigms to prevent measles-induced immune suppression and mitigate severe infection outcomes.


the study

cox, r.m., et al., therapeutic mitigation of measles-like immune amnesia and exacerbated disease after prior respiratory virus infections in ferrets. feb. 8, 2024. nature communications. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-45418-5

additional resources

brennan-krohn, t. measles vaccination and infection: questions and misconceptions. american society for microbiology. feb. 6, 2024. https://asm.org/articles/2019/july/measles-vaccination-and-infection-questions-and-mi

centers for disease control and prevention. measles (rubeola). last reviewed: nov. 2020. https://www.cdc.gov/measles/index.html

hagen, a. measles and immune amnesia. feb. 7, 2024. american society for microbiology. https://asm.org/articles/2019/may/measles-and-immune-amnesia

hagen a. and larkin p. m.k. what you need to know about recent u.s. measles cases. feb. 7, 2024. american society for microbiology. https://asm.org/articles/2019/may/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-measles-outbreak

peart akindele, n. a., et al. effect of remdesivir post-exposure prophylaxis and treatment on pathogenesis of measles in rhesus macaques. scientific reports, april 20, 2023. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-33572-7

world health organization. a 30-fold rise of measles cases in 2023 in the who european region warrants urgent action. dec. 14, 2023. https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/14-12-2023-a-30-fold-rise-of-measles-cases-in-2023-in-the-who-european-region-warrants-urgent-action

 subscribe to asm's youtube channel at https://goo.gl/movhlk

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 learn more about the american society for microbiology at https://www.asm.org

 join us on social:

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asmfan

twitter: https://www.twitter.com/asmicrobiology

instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asmicrobiology/",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpSZpAtMe0k,mmr vaccination catch-up programme | march 2024,"if you have not received the mmr vaccine, please take the opportunity now to protect yourself and others from measles. the mmr vaccine is available from your gp and hse vaccination clinics. see https://www.hse.ie/ for more details.
@hseireland",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep2457F-DeQ,cdc calls for vaccinations amid rise in measles cases,"there have been 58 reported cases across 17 states and the agency is urging those who travel overseas to get vaccinated before their trips.
read more: https://tinyurl.com/2p82z93r

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VImxrpilHvA,cdc issues measles alert urging parents to get children vaccinated,"the cdc issued a measles alert to doctors monday hoping to raise awareness about a dramatic rise in cases in the u.s. and abroad. it also urged parents with young children to have them vaccinated if they plant to travel to countries with current outbreaks.

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#measles #vaccine #health",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPFVOWqCy4o,cdc urges vaccination amid rise in measles cases in the us and globally,"us health officials are warning doctors about the dramatic rise in measles cases around the world, and advising families traveling to get babies as young as 6 months vaccinated.",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhLPDhOeJTY,mass. doctor discusses importance of measles vaccine in stopping outbreak,"the cdc is reporting 58 measles cases in the u.s. so far this year, which has already matched the total for all of 2023.

subscribe to wcvb on youtube now for more: http://bit.ly/1e8lamz

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KjyrbQnMCw,healthy chicago podcast: measles update + q&a,"cdph commissioner ige is joined by cdph medical directors dr. funk and dr. sloboda to talk about current measles cases, symptoms, vaccinations, and answer questions from the public.

measles is a serious and highly contagious respiratory infection and can be especially harmful to children and babies. the symptoms are a rash, fever, and cough and it can lead to pneumonia and other complications.

for all other measles-related resources, go to: https://www.chicago.gov/measles",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHJ3lSqkPRI,north carolina's decreasing measles vaccination rate raises concern for herd immunity,"measles had been considered eliminated for more than two decades. but, as cases are increasing across the country, health professionals are tracking the reasons and urging more people to get vaccinated.

full story: https://wlos.com/news/local/north-carolinas-decreasing-measles-vaccination-rate-raises-concern-for-herd-immunity-haywood-county-medical-director-dr-mark-jaben-cdc-mmr-vaccine#
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this video and all sinclair broadcast group content archives of local news and sports coverage are available for your use. for more information contact us at contentsales@sbgtv.com",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaKvlTeE8eA,cdc warns of rising measles cases in us; what you need to know,"so far in 2024, there have been 58 confirmed measles cases across 17 states._x000d_
more on whas11.com_x000d_
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#national #cdc #measles #health #children #localnews #whas11 #abcnews",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwC0OfO1iDw,if i am pregnant can i get vaccinated - your pharmacist informs,"with this video we are launching a new themed channel, your pharmacist informs, focused on the world of vaccines. this is a monthly initiative to publish video-advice on different topics related to vaccination. 

the purpose of this video-advice channel is to provide robust, quality health information, backed by professional pharmacists. consequently, you can educate people, especially given misinformation circulates on the internet and in social networks.

the administration of any medication during pregnancy is especially controlled in order to protect both the mother and the fetus.

however, while the use of various medications is restricted, there are certain vaccines, such as influenza and pertussis, that not only can be administered, but are especially recommended during pregnancy. 

in the case of influenza, infection increases the risk of complications during pregnancy: in the first term, it has been associated with an increased risk of cardiac malformations, cleft lip and neural tube defects, while during the second and third term, it increases the risk of miscarriage and premature delivery.

to the contrary, influenza vaccination is associated with a lower risk of severe respiratory disease in children of vaccinated mothers, including pneumonia, and also with a lower risk of the previous mentioned pregnancy complications.

during pregnancy, inactivated influenza vaccine is always administered.

the toxoid-based pertussis vaccine also protects the newborn from pertussis during the first three months of life. the administration of the so-called triple bacterial vaccine (tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis-pertussis) is recommended even if the woman has been previously vaccinated against pertussis or has passed the disease.

on the other hand, vaccination only against tetanus and diphtheria is only recommended if the pregnant woman does not have the complete vaccination schedule.

on the other hand, if the level of risk recommends it, vaccines against covid-19 based on messenger rna technology could also be used.

in addition to the vaccines specifically recommended during pregnancy, there are risk situations that would advise the administration of additional vaccines. some examples are:
o inactivated hepatitis a vaccines, in case of possible exposure to the virus.
o against rabies, if there is a risky contact, such as an animal bite; 
o or against poliomyelitis, if traveling to endemic areas. 

other polysaccharide-based vaccines may also be indicated, such as the meningococcal and pneumococcal vaccines, or recombinant protein-based vaccines.

however, there are other vaccines that are not recommended or are even contraindicated at this stage. in general, the use of live attenuated virus vaccines in pregnancy is not recommended, such as the mmr (measles -mumps-rubella), the yellow fever vaccine or the oral typhoid vaccine.

vaccination against human papillomavirus is also not recommended during pregnancy. the available data do not indicate an increased risk of malformations or harmful effects on pregnancy or embryo and fetal development after the administration of this vaccine, nevertheless more exhaustive data are required to come to conclusions on the convenience of its administration in pregnant women.

remember, always ask your pharmacist. we will help you and resolve any doubts you may have about vaccines and their different types.


1. calendario comn de vacunacin a lo largo de toda la vida. calendario recomendado ao 2023 en embarazadas [internet]. consejo interterritorial sistema nacional de salud [acceso mayo 2023]. disponible en:  https://www.sanidad.gob.es/areas/promocionprevencion/vacunaciones/calendario-y-coberturas/docs/calendariovacunacion_gradultos.pdf.
2. embarazo y vacunas. vacunas en la mujer que planea un embarazo, en la gestante y durante la lactancia materna [internet]. asociacin espaola de pediatra [acceso mayo 2023]. disponible en: https://vacunasaep.org/familias/embarazo-y-vacunas.
3. limia a, navarro ja, armona jm. mujeres en edad frtil, embarazadas y puerperio. en: vacunas y programa de vacunacin [internet]. ministerio de sanidad [acceso mayo 2023]. disponible en: https://www.sanidad.gob.es/areas/promocionprevencion/vacunaciones/programasdevacunacion/embarazadas/mujeres/docs/mujeres_edad_fertil_embarazadas_puerperio.pdf.",03/19/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-tacXvODo0,hse reveals details of  mmr catch-up campaign,"the hse has announced the details of an mmr catch-up campaign to protect against measles. 

it comes after a rise in cases in the uk and europe.  

five cases of measles have been confirmed here.


virgin media news is ireland's national independent television news service.
live at 12, 5:30 & 7pm on virgin media one. 

#vmnews #ireland",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1JcGgbfkTE,cdc issues health alert to doctors nationwide as number of measles cases increase,"on monday, the cdc issued a health alert to doctors nationwide as the number of measles cases in the united states continues to increase. from the start of the year to march 14, there have already been 58 confirmed cases in the u.s., the same number of cases seen over the entire year in 2023.",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_H5uYGGnjU,cdc warns of rising measles cases worldwide,"cdc issues a health alert about the rising number of measles cases around the country and overseas._x000d_
subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/wvectv/?sub_confirmation=1 _x000d_
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FfcMguNSX8,a new cdc warning about the spread of measles,"there's a new center for disease control warning about the spread of measles. there are currently 60 cases across the us and that includes florida. we are only three months into the new year, and this exceeds the total number of cases in all of last year.",03/19/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkCpBtUvnac,health officials push vaccinations as measles cases rise,"measles cases in the us are growing. there has been a case reported in indiana and three confirmed cases in michigan. doctors, public health officials and schools are pushing to make sure children and adults are vaccinated to stop the spread.

read full story here: https://wsbt.com/news/operation-education/measles-immunization-vaccine-virus-preventable-cases-indiana-michigan-confirmed-public-health-cdc-doctor#

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wsbt is an in based station and a cbs television affiliate owned and operated by sinclair broadcast group. sinclair, inc. is one of the largest and most diversified television broadcasting companies in the country today. sinclair owns and operates, programs or provides sales services to 163 television stations in 77 markets, after pending transactions. sinclair's television group reaches approximately 38.7% of us television households and includes fox, abc, mytv, cw, cbs, nbc, univision and azteca affiliates.",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDIPTeoeOuY,measles cases linked to international travel | fox6 news milwaukee,"uw health's dr. jeff pothof discusses a rise in measles cases and teen use of delta-8. #health #travel #milwaukee 

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subscribe to the fox6 news milwaukee newsletter: https://www.fox6now.com/email",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VvqrwyhzuA,cdc measles cases on the rise in u.s.,"now to a health alert from the cdc measles cases are on the rise in the united states. so far this year, there have been 58 confirmed cases in 17 states including virginia. 93 percent of those cases have been linked to international travel and in young children who haven't been vaccinated. one mom says her three-year-old son is recovering from the virus and she doesn't know how he got it. she says he received his first dose of the vaccine but is still not old enough for the second._x000d_
subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/wvectv/?sub_confirmation=1_x000d_
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=820dXhbS3dc,"measles, a once eradicated disease, is making a comeback","in the first three months of 2024, the u.s. has seen as many cases as in the entirety of 2023.",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7fpoenZmSk,u.s. faces measles surge: cdc alerts doctors,"as spring and summer travel gets underway, public health officials are warning about a sharp rise in measles cases around the world. in a health alert issued on monday, the cdc urged doctors to vaccinate babies as young as six months old if their families are traveling to a measles-affected country.

the highly contagious infection was declared eliminated in the u.s. in 2000. but, it's slowly reemerged due in part to low vaccination rates during the covid pandemic.

#measlesoutbreak #travelwarning #publichealthalert #measlesvaccination #childhealth #travelhealth #measlesprevention #vaccinationawareness #measleselimination #covidimpact

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9pr2k4WAK4,measles cases on the rise in the midwest,"more than 50 cases have been confirmed in 17 states already, with 93% of them being linked to international travel.",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nhriy7yIqvU,cdc reports a rising number of measles cases around the country,a health alert from the cdc about the rising number of measles cases around the country and overseas; abc's reena roy shares what you need to know about the outbreaks and prevention tips.,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdjiOV8wyJc,"cdc: measles cases up in the u.s., abroad","cdc: measles cases up in the u.s., abroad",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf0jchkrKlA,cdc issues measles alert nationwide,"according to the georgia department of health at least two people were reported from the peach state ----

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https://m.youtube.com/shorts/RuXWRTVvk_A,cdc issues measles alert urging parents to get children vaccinated,the cdc issued a measles alert to doctors monday hoping to raise awareness about a dramatic rise in cases in the u.s. and abroad. it also urged parents with young children to have them vaccinated if they plant to travel to countries with current outbreaks. #todayshow,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujk6jcgSE8I,u.s. faces measles surge: cdc alerts doctors,"as spring and summer travel gets underway, public health officials are warning about a sharp rise in measles cases around the world. in a health alert issued on monday, the cdc urged doctors to vaccinate babies as young as six months old if their families are traveling to a measles-affected country.

the highly contagious infection was declared eliminated in the u.s. in 2000. but, it's slowly reemerged due in part to low vaccination rates during the covid pandemic.

#measlesoutbreak #travelwarning #publichealthalert #measlesvaccination #childhealth #travelhealth #measlesprevention #vaccinationawareness #measleselimination #covidimpact


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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjPnF_yLoFU,u.s. faces measles surge: cdc alerts doctors,"as spring and summer travel gets underway, public health officials are warning about a sharp rise in measles cases around the world. in a health alert issued on monday, the cdc urged doctors to vaccinate babies as young as six months old if their families are traveling to a measles-affected country.

the highly contagious infection was declared eliminated in the u.s. in 2000. but, it's slowly reemerged due in part to low vaccination rates during the covid pandemic.

#measlesoutbreak #travelwarning #publichealthalert #measlesvaccination #childhealth #travelhealth #measlesprevention #vaccinationawareness #measleselimination #covidimpact

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website: https://www.wydc-tv.com/
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUn-X5Oiy_E,u.s. faces measles surge: cdc alerts doctors,"as spring and summer travel gets underway, public health officials are warning about a sharp rise in measles cases around the world. in a health alert issued on monday, the cdc urged doctors to vaccinate babies as young as six months old if their families are traveling to a measles-affected country.

the highly contagious infection was declared eliminated in the u.s. in 2000. but, it's slowly reemerged due in part to low vaccination rates during the covid pandemic.

#measlesoutbreak #travelwarning #publichealthalert #measlesvaccination #childhealth #travelhealth #measlesprevention #vaccinationawareness #measleselimination #covidimpact


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 want to share something with our team? email: news@youralaskalink.com",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EbChN3W4AQ,measles cases popping up across the country and in neighboring states,,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y37U6b1oZkE,measles uncovered | a viral disease #trending #youtube  #measles,"unveiling measles: understanding symptoms, risks, and prevention

join us in this informative video as we delve into the world of measles. learn about the symptoms, risks, and complications associated with this highly contagious viral infection. discover the importance of vaccination and how it plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of measles. stay informed, stay protected!""
#measlesalert #staysafefrommeasles #measlesprevention #protectagainstmeasles #measlesawareness #knowthesymptoms #stayinformed #measlesfacts #healthsafety #vaccinatetoprotect",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_daAbcmlPds,mumps| गालगंड| #ayurveda #health #tips #mumps #life #treatment #swelling #ytvideos #kids #weakness,"@drsukanyakulkarni  हा आजार लहान मलांमधये सामानय आहे. साधारण पाच ते पंधरा वयोगातली मलं या आजाराने गरासली जातात. कधीकधी हा आजार परड़ढांमधयेही आढळून येतो.
""गालगंड क विषाणूजनय आजार आहे जयाचा परादरभाव हिवाळयात वाढतो. हा विषाणू खोकणे, शिंकणे किंवा बोलणयावदारे मलांचया शरीरात परवेश करतो.
या आजारात मलांचया लाळगरंथी सजतात, तयामळे तयांचया गालांचा काही भाग सजतो. कधी कधी दोनही दोनही गाल सजतात. हा आजार ालेलया मलांना अनन गिळता येत नाही आणि पाणीही पिता येत नाही. यामळे तयांचया पचनसंसथेवरही परिणाम होतो.
#ayurveda #health #healthtips #life #mumps #treatment #viralindection #viral #virus #symptoms #isolation #homeremedies #homeremedy #homemade #drsukanyakulkarni #baby #highfever #paramixovirus #infection #swelling #paratoidgland #glands #earache #headache #swelling #chick #cheeck #galasua #galgund #pain #drsukanyakulkarni #liquidfood #liquiddiet #semisolidfood #paratoid #mumps #measles #rubella #mmr #vaccine #covid #vaccines #polio #vaccineswork #health #vaccination #coronavirus #tetanus #medicine #science #diphtheria #influenza #chickenpox #fluvaccine #immunization #bhfyp #vaccinessavelives #pertussis #virus #measlesoutbreak #vaccineinjury #pharma #antivaccine #vaccinsanity #billgates
other videos
https://youtu.be/v5ckqjp7p5u?si=kcznlkg-swlwqn9d",03/19/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@lisa.pedidoc/video/7350300301947292974,ccd has issued a health advisory due to recent measles outbreaks in 2024 in the us #measlesoutbreak #measles2024 #measlesvaccine,ccd has issued a health advisory due to recent measles outbreaks in 2024 in the us #measlesoutbreak #measles2024 #measlesvaccine,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4thaRJR47T/,"there is a cdc health advisory regarding rising cases of measles in the united states, mostly from international travel. these outbreaks","there is a cdc health advisory regarding rising cases of measles in the united states, mostly from international travel. these outbreaks",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/alokpatelmd/reel/C4tWEWSvyRi/,"measles. ♂ the united states had zero locally transmitted cases in 2000. we're going backwards. 

i'm willing to bet the parents of the many children who get sick and/or die from vaccine preventable illnesses worldwide would do anything to have our access to healthcare and vaccines.

yet many over here have blissful apathy thanks to privilege. not faulting anyone, it's reality. you're not afraid of what you don't understand the reality of.

when i talk to families and friends about the measles, there's a clear split: some people are afraid of outbreaks others are...meh.

if you arent taking the risk of measles outbreaks seriously, you have vaccines to thank for that blessing of perspective. prior to the 1960s and even today, in many parts of the world, the grim reality of measles is an everyday topic.

let's not go backwards. also, i'm post call and spent. no production value today 

#measles","measles. ♂ the united states had zero locally transmitted cases in 2000. we're going backwards. 

i'm willing to bet the parents of the many children who get sick and/or die from vaccine preventable illnesses worldwide would do anything to have our access to healthcare and vaccines.

yet many over here have blissful apathy thanks to privilege. not faulting anyone, it's reality. you're not afraid of what you don't understand the reality of.

when i talk to families and friends about the measles, there's a clear split: some people are afraid of outbreaks others are...meh.

if you arent taking the risk of measles outbreaks seriously, you have vaccines to thank for that blessing of perspective. prior to the 1960s and even today, in many parts of the world, the grim reality of measles is an everyday topic.

let's not go backwards. also, i'm post call and spent. no production value today 

#measles",03/19/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/uhntoronto/reel/C4tO8dgOXm-/,"#measles is highly infectious and on the rise. here are the main things you need to know from uhn's division head of infectious diseases, dr. susy hota. 

#infectiousdisease #infectiousdiseases #vaccine #vaccination #healthcare #healthcareworkers #ipac","#measles is highly infectious and on the rise. here are the main things you need to know from uhn's division head of infectious diseases, dr. susy hota. 

#infectiousdisease #infectiousdiseases #vaccine #vaccination #healthcare #healthcareworkers #ipac",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/dr.beachgem10/reel/C4tfZDlR-5N/,"there is a worldwide increase in measles cases, which is contributing to the increase in cases in the usa, but the people most impacted are unvaccinated #measles #travel #vaccine #alert 

disclaimer: for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice or replace the advice of your physician","there is a worldwide increase in measles cases, which is contributing to the increase in cases in the usa, but the people most impacted are unvaccinated #measles #travel #vaccine #alert 

disclaimer: for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice or replace the advice of your physician",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/thethaigerofficial/reel/C4rrQh2CuyY/,"consulate issues measles health advisory for japan

#osaka #japantravel #thailandnews","consulate issues measles health advisory for japan

#osaka #japantravel #thailandnews",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/rubin_allergy/reel/C4thaRJR47T/,"there is a cdc health advisory regarding rising cases of measles in the united states, mostly from international travel. these outbreaks are occurring from undervaccination. please talk with your doctor if you have additional questions. #viral #measles #doctor","there is a cdc health advisory regarding rising cases of measles in the united states, mostly from international travel. these outbreaks are occurring from undervaccination. please talk with your doctor if you have additional questions. #viral #measles #doctor",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/sarimcicurel/reel/C4tlKbryZmh/?locale=es_US%3FICID%3DBLOG_MBF_ES,"as cases of measles continue to rise, @fox2detroit talks with david fishman @dfishy19 who continue to monitor warnings and locations of outbreaks to keep clients safe.
""we have another group of people in the bahamas which has been a concern in some levels in regards to the state department and there's been no problems down there now,"" he said. ""it's been very safe. it's been away from tourist area and hasn't really affected tourism.""","as cases of measles continue to rise, @fox2detroit talks with david fishman @dfishy19 who continue to monitor warnings and locations of outbreaks to keep clients safe.
""we have another group of people in the bahamas which has been a concern in some levels in regards to the state department and there's been no problems down there now,"" he said. ""it's been very safe. it's been away from tourist area and hasn't really affected tourism.""",03/19/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@beachgem10/video/7348187719299894558,"there is a worldwide increase in measles cases, which is contributing to the increase in cases in the usa, but the people most impacted are unvaccinated #measles #travel #vaccine #alert disclaimer: for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice or replace the advice of your physician ","there is a worldwide increase in measles cases, which is contributing to the increase in cases in the usa, but the people most impacted are unvaccinated #measles #travel #vaccine #alert disclaimer: for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice or replace the advice of your physician ",03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@rtenews/video/7348098388547734817,"how do you know that you have had the mmr vaccine before? the health service executive has launched its measles vaccination catch-up campaign to protect against the disease due to a rise in cases in the uk and europe.  the mmr vaccine will be available for free from gps and hse vaccination clinics, listed on its website.  consultant in public health medicine dr lucy jessop of the hse's national immunisation office has said that if people are unsure whether they have had the vaccine, they can check with their gp. ","how do you know that you have had the mmr vaccine before? the health service executive has launched its measles vaccination catch-up campaign to protect against the disease due to a rise in cases in the uk and europe.  the mmr vaccine will be available for free from gps and hse vaccination clinics, listed on its website.  consultant in public health medicine dr lucy jessop of the hse's national immunisation office has said that if people are unsure whether they have had the vaccine, they can check with their gp. ",03/19/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@brendasawyeshua/video/7347999733685816607,#letgoletgod #1kphew #teamjesus #endtimes #fyp #praise #worship #yep #dance #bible #solareclipse #measles #tornadooutbreak #solarmaximum #christianity #god #jesus #hokyspirit #prophet,#letgoletgod #1kphew #teamjesus #endtimes #fyp #praise #worship #yep #dance #bible #solareclipse #measles #tornadooutbreak #solarmaximum #christianity #god #jesus #hokyspirit #prophet,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.tiktok.com/@the.family.doctor/video/7348210478927170848,volg voor meer tiktoks over mazelen! #mazelen #morbili #measles #bmr #mazelenuitbraak #infectieziekten #kopliksevlekjes #koplikse #vlekjes #mazelenvirus #huiduitslag #kinderziekte #huisarts #thefamilydoctor #hoeherkenjemazelen @the family doctor | huisarts ,volg voor meer tiktoks over mazelen! #mazelen #morbili #measles #bmr #mazelenuitbraak #infectieziekten #kopliksevlekjes #koplikse #vlekjes #mazelenvirus #huiduitslag #kinderziekte #huisarts #thefamilydoctor #hoeherkenjemazelen @the family doctor | huisarts ,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@thethaigerofficial/video/7347927126802320647,consulate issues measles health advisory for japan #osaka #japantravel #thailandnews #tiktoknews,consulate issues measles health advisory for japan #osaka #japantravel #thailandnews #tiktoknews,03/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@abc7newsbayarea/video/7348524862668819754,alameda county health officials released a warning that people may have been exposed to measles at sons of liberty alehouse in san leandro on march 9 from 4:45 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. health officials are urging those with symptoms to contact their healthcare provider and the public health department. #alameda #warning #measles #sanleandro #health #infection #viral #disease #news #fyp #foryoupage #abc7news,alameda county health officials released a warning that people may have been exposed to measles at sons of liberty alehouse in san leandro on march 9 from 4:45 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. health officials are urging those with symptoms to contact their healthcare provider and the public health department. #alameda #warning #measles #sanleandro #health #infection #viral #disease #news #fyp #foryoupage #abc7news,03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/video/cdc-urges-families-to-make-sure-children-have-measles-vaccine-amid-rise-in-cases/,cdc urges families to make sure children have measles vaccine amid rise in cases,cdc urges families to make sure children have measles vaccine amid rise in cases,03/20/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.fox2detroit.com/video/1428449,the doctor is in: what you need to know about the rise in measles cases,"dr. anurag malani is the medical director of hospital epidemiology, special pathogens, and antimicrobial stewardship at trinity health ann arbor. he discusses measles vaccinations and how to lower the risk of infection for you and your family.",03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://weather.com/health/video/2024-measles-cases-top-all-of-2023-in-us-cdc-says,"2024 measles cases top all of 2023 in us, cdc says",a surge in the number of measles cases in the united states is raising fears of larger outbreaks. here's what you need to know and how you can stay safe.,03/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.knoe.com/video/2024/03/21/preventing-spread-measles-cases-us/,preventing the spread of measles cases in u.s.,"measles spreads through the air by coughing or sneezing. there is no treatment so if you contract measles, your body will build up immunity and it's unlikely for you to get it again.",03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.hmpgloballearningnetwork.com/site/emsworld/videos/pediatric-video-tutorial-measles-what-providers-need-know,pediatric video tutorial: measles—what providers need to know,measles are not to be messed with! scott deboer tells us what you really need to know as a provider navigating the uncertain waters of a possible national measles outbreak,03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.kwch.com/video/2024/03/20/sedgwick-co-health-dept-talks-current-measles-outbreak/,sedgwick co. health dept. talks current measles outbreak,sedgwick county health department discusses the current measles outbreak. the number of reported cases in 2024 is already equal to the total reported in 2023.,03/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.kron4.com/video/officials-warn-of-measles-outbreak-at-san-leandro-restaurant/9533955/,officials warn of measles outbreak at san leandro restaurant,kron4's philippe djegal reports https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/possible-measles-exposure-reported-at-san-leandro-restaurant/,03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/cdc-measles-taking-dramatic-rise-152132933.html,"cdc: measles taking dramatic rise in us, globally","measles are taking a dramatic rise around the world and here in the united states, according to a health alert from the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc).",03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.keloland.com/video/low-measles-immunization-rate-in-iowa-cause-concern-following-national-outbreak/9536051/,low measles immunization rate in iowa cause concern following national outbreak,"following an outbreak of measles across the country, health officials are gearing up here in iowa. teodora mitov reports.",03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,fear
https://cw39.com/video/cdc-measles-taking-dramatic-rise-in-us-globally/9532932/,"cdc: measles taking dramatic rise in us, globally","measles are taking a dramatic rise around the world and here in the united states, according to a health alert from the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc).",03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.ktvb.com/video/news/health/cdc-issues-measles-alert/277-61644897-71bf-4cfe-89e2-5928d0e83d12,cdc issues measles alert,"health officials say there have already been 58-confirmed cases of measles in the u.s. this year, the same number as all of last year.",03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://who13.com/video/low-measles-immunization-rate-in-iowa-cause-concern-following-national-outbreak/9536051/,low measles immunization rate in iowa cause concern following national outbreak,"following an outbreak of measles across the country, health officials are gearing up here in iowa. teodora mitov reports.",03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.keloland.com/video/58-measles-cases-confirmed-in-us-this-year/9534285/,58 measles cases confirmed in us this year,58 measles cases confirmed in us this year,03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.usatoday.com/videos/news/2024/03/20/more-migrants-arrive-in-chicago-amid-shelter-evictions-measles-outbreak/73046520007/,"more migrants arrive from southern border in chicago amid shelter evictions, measles outbreak","a new group of migrants from the southern border arrived in chicago on wednesday, as officials grappled with both the influx of arrivals and a measles outbreak.",03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.foxnews.com/video/6349332860112,dr. marc siegel on measles outbreak: it is 'unbelievably contagious',fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel says americans under 1 year old are at risk on 'america reports.',03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.ktvu.com/video/1428615,possible measles exposure at east bay restaurant,people who dined at a popular east bay restaurant are being warned that they may have been exposed to measles.,03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.desmoinesregister.com/embed/video/72393981007/,cdc prompts measles awareness for health care providers,cdc prompts measles awareness for health care providers,03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.hollandsentinel.com/embed/video/3512480002/,state epidemiologist: measles is one of the most infectious diseases,state epidemiologist: measles is one of the most infectious diseases,03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.usatoday.com/embed/video/73046520007/,"more migrants arrive in chicago amid shelter evictions, measles outbreak","more migrants arrive in chicago amid shelter evictions, measles outbreak",03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@laughterinlight/video/7348574422703295774,measles spreads like wildfire in unvaccinated populations. your health and the health of your child is not a game. #mmr #measles #unvaccinated #vaccines,measles spreads like wildfire in unvaccinated populations. your health and the health of your child is not a game. #mmr #measles #unvaccinated #vaccines,03/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@lizzietraveler/video/7348546873466260782,we have already surpassed the 2023 #measles total … and its only march… wtf are we doing? #maskup #thisisnotnornmal #vaccinessavelives,we have already surpassed the 2023 #measles total … and its only march… wtf are we doing? #maskup #thisisnotnornmal #vaccinessavelives,03/20/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEr2Fu6DR-g,the doctor is in: what you need to know about the rise in measles cases,"dr. anurag malani is the medical director of hospital epidemiology, special pathogens, and antimicrobial stewardship at trinity health ann arbor. he discusses measles vaccinations and how to lower the risk of infection for you and your family.",03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uq7rcJk1EDQ,cdc urges families to make sure children have measles vaccine amid rise in cases,dr. mallika marshall reports.,03/20/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv4ZX4RXEAA,u.s. measles outbreak sparks vaccination concerns in washoe county,"public health officials in washoe county are urging residents to get vaccinated against the measles after a case was recently found in nearby sacramento. 

news 4's alisabeth mitchell has more. 

full story: https://mynews4.com/news/local/northern-nevada-public-health-urging-washoe-county-residents-to-get-measles-vaccine

#measles #vaccine #outbreak #washoecounty #reno #publichealth 


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krnv is a nv based station and an nbc affiliate owned and operated by sinclair broadcast group, inc. sinclair broadcast group, inc. is one of the largest and most diversified television broadcasting companies in the country today.

#krnv #reno #news",03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViFYja72z9I,"special pathogens of concern situation report: march 20, 2024: measles","on the netec situation report for march 20, 2024, dr. gavin harris, a netec expert & infectious diseases & critical care physician at emory university, shares 3 things you should know about measles

1. since the start of this year, there have been 58 confirmed u.s. measles cases in 17 jurisdictions, including 7 outbreaks, compared to 58 total cases and 4 outbreaks in all of 2023. ninety-three percent of current cases have been linked to international travel, with most among unvaccinated children aged 12 months and older.

2. measles is highly contagious, infectious, and hazardous; one infected person can transmit it to 9 out of 10 unvaccinated individuals. cases often originate from unvaccinated or under-vaccinated u.s. residents traveling internationally, and while most u.s. communities have high measles immunity, pockets of low vaccination coverage increase outbreak risks. u.s. travelers should have current mmr vaccinations, and healthcare providers should ensure children receive routine mmr immunizations.

3. health care providers should consider measles in patients with febrile rash illness, especially after recent international travel or exposure to a person with a febrile rash illness. healthcare workers should adhere to standard and airborne precautions when evaluating suspect cases regardless of vaccination status, and if available, patients should be placed in an airborne infection isolation room. suspect cases must be promptly reported to local or state health departments and the cdc. 

for additional information and to find health care-related resources, visit us on the web at netec.org.",03/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uyg8LaE1gcs,health experts warn of global increase in measles,"globally, the largest measles outbreak is centered around the united kingdom, which saw 42,000 cases from 2022 to 2023.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zj_9dsjwXPg,centers for disease control and prevention aims to combat measles outbreak,"more from gmqc: https://www.wqad.com/good-morning-quad-cities_x000d_
more news: https://www.wqad.com  _x000d_
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB8nO3-0E-s,cdc issues measles alert,"health officials say there have already been 58-confirmed cases of measles in the u.s. this year, the same number as all of last year.",03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FfHwY64c8U,history of a grift: how anti-vaxx propaganda took over the far right,"live-streamed on march 11, 2024

dr. peter j. hotez, dean for the national school of tropical medicine at the baylor college of medicine, to discuss his recent book the deadly rise of anti-science: a scientist's warning.



dr. peter j. hotez then joins, beginning by stepping back to tackle the evolution of both his work on vaccines and the anti-science movement, and of the movement itself, beginning in 1998 with claims of the mmr vaccine's correlation with autism, and continually reinventing itself in the wake of scientific evidence and studies disproving its newest claims. after touching on the particular anti-vax grift around increased autism diagnosis, dr. hotez and sam parse through the evolution of the union between the anti-science and right-wing movements, with the former beginning as more of a niche movement in california and texas, before dwindling success forced the it to reinvent itself, finding roots in the tea party. 

watch the majority report live monday–friday at 12 p.m. est on youtube or listen via daily podcast at http://www.majority.fm 


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image credit, ivan radic
image has been cropped and color has been altered.",03/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,anger,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkAM9u4vc2I,"rubella virus infection: pathophysiology, signs & symptoms, treatment, and preventive measures","rubella is an acute viral infection characterized by a red rash starting from the face and spreading all over the body. in this video, you will learn in detail about
2:42 causes of rubella virus infection
complications of rubella infection
rubella vs measles
4:52 rubella and pregnancy
5:14 what are the symptoms of rubella virus infection?
7:40 treatment of rubella virus infection
7:52 what precautions and preventive measures should be taken to avoid rubella virus infection?
rubella vaccine
in the corners of microbiology, the rubella virus is a potent threat that sneaks through a rash and captivates others coming in contact with it. the ordinary-looking red spots wreck chaos on the delicate body of humans. rubella is so merciless that it does not even spare babies who are still in their mother's womb. but where there is hope, there is a way. because of scientific advancements and the tireless efforts of medical warriors, there are vaccines available that make humanity stand tall against this deadly pathogen.
rubella rash is almost similar to measles but the causative agent of rubella is a different virus than measles. therefore, it is often known as german measles or 3-day measles. rubella is a contagious illness, but it is mostly mild. rubella can affect both children and adults. however, there is a special syndrome called congenital rubella syndrome (crs) that affects unborn babies very severely. rubella was completely wiped off by the us in 2004. however, it is common in some parts of the world, particularly asia, africa, and the middle east. approximately 26000 cases of rubella are reported each year globally.
causes: rubella infection is caused by a virus known as rubella virus, often abbreviated as rubv. scientifically, the rubella virus is called rubivirus rubellae. it belongs to the genus rubivirus and the family matonaviridae.
symptoms: rubella virus infects both adults and children of any age. approximately 50% of the cases are asymptomatic or have milder symptoms. symptoms are usually similar to flu, but the appearance of a distinct reddish-pink rash differentiates this from measles and flu. however, the main feature of rubella virus infection is exanthem. exanthems are itchy rashes that are spread all over the body and associated with fever and malaise.
treatment: there is no specific medication for rubella, and it goes away on its own. the use of over-the-counter medicines is usually enough to treat the general symptoms of rubella.
prevention: there are two vaccines available for rubella, names as mmr and mmrv vaccine. mmr vaccine is given to 12 months or older children. while, the mmrv vaccine is administered to children between 12 months to 12 years of age. women make sure to vaccinate themselves against rubella before getting pregnant or during the first few weeks of pregnancy.

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#mumps",03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOiHVsg-psg,rvh medical grand rounds: measles update with dr. amir khosrovaneh,,03/20/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTQ2O-sagqs,who should not take takfa?,"#heart #kidney #liver #health #medicine #education #medwiki

patients who are allergic to it or have a weak immune system, high blood pressure and kidney failure should avoid takfa. this medicine should also be avoided in pregnant or breast-feeding women, and in people who plan to receive any live vaccines (e.g. mmr vaccine).

disclaimer:-this information is not a substitute for medical advice. consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment.do not ignore or delay professional medical advice based on anything you have seen or read on medwiki.
find us at:  https://www.instagram.com/medwiki_/?h...
                     https://www.facebook.com/medwiki.co.in/",03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,anger,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@mlb/video/7348534973760113962,haven€™t seen this crazy a comeback since i got over the measles in 2 days (i didn€™t actually get over them i unfortunately brought them back with me to school actually it€™s because of me that 3/4 of the 6th grade class had to miss our trip to six flags) #baseball #scary #wow,haven€™t seen this crazy a comeback since i got over the measles in 2 days (i didn€™t actually get over them i unfortunately brought them back with me to school actually it€™s because of me that 3/4 of the 6th grade class had to miss our trip to six flags) #baseball #scary #wow,03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,surprise,surprise
https://www.facebook.com/WMBDNews/videos/measles-cases-are-on-the-rise-all-across-the-united-states-dr-brian-curtis-sat-d/1381846809195960/,measles cases are on the rise all across the united states. dr. brian curtis sat down with us to weigh in on the growing cases and tell us a little,measles cases are on the rise all across the united states. dr. brian curtis sat down with us to weigh in on the growing cases and tell us a little more about what we can do to protect ourselves. read more here: https://trib.al/zv7yqgv,03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/imatrcanada/reel/C4whh0UuUU0/?hl=am-et,"measles is a highly contagious viral infection that is dangerous. there has been an explosion of measles cases across europe, and now cases are cropping up in canada. vaccination rates have fallen below what is needed to eliminate the disease.

have your say and see what your politicians think:
(*link in bio*)

#onpoli #cdnpoli #immunization #vaccination","measles is a highly contagious viral infection that is dangerous. there has been an explosion of measles cases across europe, and now cases are cropping up in canada. vaccination rates have fallen below what is needed to eliminate the disease.

have your say and see what your politicians think:
(*link in bio*)

#onpoli #cdnpoli #immunization #vaccination",03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/wjctjax/reel/C4wG5-WhrpT/,"tune in this saturday as dr. sirven talks with chief health officer, dr. sunil joshi on measles prevention. then, dr. paul offit joins us to talk about his new book 'tell me when it's over' that explores covid myths along with other  false information on vaccines. ","tune in this saturday as dr. sirven talks with chief health officer, dr. sunil joshi on measles prevention. then, dr. paul offit joins us to talk about his new book 'tell me when it's over' that explores covid myths along with other  false information on vaccines. ",03/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4wdPL1vxJh/,"5 things parents of infants should know about measles.

if you are a parent of young infants and you are worried about your little one catching measles in light of the recent sporadic cases in australia, here are 5 things you should know:

 measles is highly infectious. 9 out of 10 unimmunised people who are exposed, will be infected. the virus stays airborne and alive for up to 2 hours after an infected person leaves the airspace.

 in australia, children under age 1 are most at risk because our childhood immunisation schedule gives children their first dose of measles vaccine at age 1 (and the second dose at 18 months).

 measles vaccine is highly effective – after 1 dose 95% of people are immune, and after 2 doses 99% of people are immune.

 even though in australia measles vaccine isn't on the childhood immunisation schedule until age 1, the vaccine can be given from age 6 months onwards. so if you are taking your baby travelling to a measles-endemic area, or you are worried about cases spreading in your community, it is worthwhile booking an appointment with your gp to discuss whether early immunisation is right for you.  some caveats –  an early shot is an extra shot and does not replace any of their routine shots later on,  early shots are not government-funded (i.e. will incur an out of pocket cost),  and in some cases may not be appropriate because of your child's medical history. this is an individualised discussion to have with your gp.

  if your child has already been exposed, and has not yet been vaccinated, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of infection. this may involve getting vaccinated asap, or  getting measles immunoglobulin. what is appropriate will vary case by case – again, please see your doctor for an individualised discussion.

 important: if you suspect your child has been exposed or may have measles, always call ahead to your doctor's surgery before turning up. this allows them to take precautions to reduce risk of transmission to other people on the premises. 

#measles #vaccination #drmaria

poll: have you been worried about measles with the recent sporadic cases? ""","5 things parents of infants should know about measles.

if you are a parent of young infants and you are worried about your little one catching measles in light of the recent sporadic cases in australia, here are 5 things you should know:

 measles is highly infectious. 9 out of 10 unimmunised people who are exposed, will be infected. the virus stays airborne and alive for up to 2 hours after an infected person leaves the airspace.

 in australia, children under age 1 are most at risk because our childhood immunisation schedule gives children their first dose of measles vaccine at age 1 (and the second dose at 18 months).

 measles vaccine is highly effective – after 1 dose 95% of people are immune, and after 2 doses 99% of people are immune.

 even though in australia measles vaccine isn't on the childhood immunisation schedule until age 1, the vaccine can be given from age 6 months onwards. so if you are taking your baby travelling to a measles-endemic area, or you are worried about cases spreading in your community, it is worthwhile booking an appointment with your gp to discuss whether early immunisation is right for you.  some caveats –  an early shot is an extra shot and does not replace any of their routine shots later on,  early shots are not government-funded (i.e. will incur an out of pocket cost),  and in some cases may not be appropriate because of your child's medical history. this is an individualised discussion to have with your gp.

  if your child has already been exposed, and has not yet been vaccinated, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of infection. this may involve getting vaccinated asap, or  getting measles immunoglobulin. what is appropriate will vary case by case – again, please see your doctor for an individualised discussion.

 important: if you suspect your child has been exposed or may have measles, always call ahead to your doctor's surgery before turning up. this allows them to take precautions to reduce risk of transmission to other people on the premises. 

#measles #vaccination #drmaria

poll: have you been worried about measles with the recent sporadic cases? """,03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4v63JVJPdS/,toronto has 2nd lab-confirmed case of measles identified! #measles #toronto #outbreak #measlesvaccine  #measlesoutbreak #signsandsymptoms #emergencymedicine #doctor #measlessymptoms #doctorsoftiktok #momlife #postpartumjourney #momtips #raisingbaby #babythings #babylife #measles #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine,toronto has 2nd lab-confirmed case of measles identified! #measles #toronto #outbreak #measlesvaccine  #measlesoutbreak #signsandsymptoms #emergencymedicine #doctor #measlessymptoms #doctorsoftiktok #momlife #postpartumjourney #momtips #raisingbaby #babythings #babylife #measles #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine,03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4vxlGWM6jb/?locale=sl,"declining childhood vaccination: an interview with michigan's top doctor - ( in bio!)

in this episode of the population healthy podcast, natasha bagdasarian, chief medical executive for the state of michigan, joins matthew l. boulton, senior associate dean for global public health at @umichsph, in a thought-provoking conversation about childhood vaccination, the demands of the top doctor job, and more. 

#publichealth #michiganhealth #vaccinations #measles #covid #childhoodvaccinations @michiganhhs","declining childhood vaccination: an interview with michigan's top doctor - ( in bio!)

in this episode of the population healthy podcast, natasha bagdasarian, chief medical executive for the state of michigan, joins matthew l. boulton, senior associate dean for global public health at @umichsph, in a thought-provoking conversation about childhood vaccination, the demands of the top doctor job, and more. 

#publichealth #michiganhealth #vaccinations #measles #covid #childhoodvaccinations @michiganhhs",03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4vgroaNy5f/,"safi is very effective in treating skin problems like skin eruptions, pimples, boils, heat rashes, itching, measles, constipation and impurities in the blood.

safi purifies the blood and clears the skin from within leaving the skin glowing and pimples free.

skin problems are generally caused by impurities in the blood. safi naturally beautifies the skin makes is clean and clear.

#healthyskin #clearskin #ppskincareinlagos #clearskin_goals #explorepage #trending x#hyperpigmentation #sunscreenlagos #sunscreensinlagos #skincare  #skincareinabuja #uniportslayers #skincareinabuja #skincareinportharcourt #lekkibabes #womeninporthacourt #skincareinwarri #skincareinbenin #naijabrandchick #organicskincare #skincaretraining #lagosbiggirls #lagosskincareproducts #skincaretrainings #skincarereviews #skincareroutine 
#skincarestoreinlagos #skin #acnetreatment #acnetreatments","safi is very effective in treating skin problems like skin eruptions, pimples, boils, heat rashes, itching, measles, constipation and impurities in the blood.

safi purifies the blood and clears the skin from within leaving the skin glowing and pimples free.

skin problems are generally caused by impurities in the blood. safi naturally beautifies the skin makes is clean and clear.

#healthyskin #clearskin #ppskincareinlagos #clearskin_goals #explorepage #trending x#hyperpigmentation #sunscreenlagos #sunscreensinlagos #skincare  #skincareinabuja #uniportslayers #skincareinabuja #skincareinportharcourt #lekkibabes #womeninporthacourt #skincareinwarri #skincareinbenin #naijabrandchick #organicskincare #skincaretraining #lagosbiggirls #lagosskincareproducts #skincaretrainings #skincarereviews #skincareroutine 
#skincarestoreinlagos #skin #acnetreatment #acnetreatments",03/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,anger,anger
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4wGHlHLdi6/,"shield against measles contagion with cutting-edge cold plasma technology  keep your indoor air measles-free and your loved ones safe!

#coldplasma #airpurification #stayhealthy #preventioniskey #airpurifier","shield against measles contagion with cutting-edge cold plasma technology  keep your indoor air measles-free and your loved ones safe!

#coldplasma #airpurification #stayhealthy #preventioniskey #airpurifier",03/20/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.amnahusain/video/7348480773487643950,will be putting out a youtube video with more guidance re: latest news on measles outbreaks #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine #pediatriciansoftiktok #pediatriciantiktok,will be putting out a youtube video with more guidance re: latest news on measles outbreaks #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine #pediatriciansoftiktok #pediatriciantiktok,03/20/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@thefeedwithdrg/video/7348566072045374725,#measles is back #vaccine #virus #springbreak #fyp,#measles is back #vaccine #virus #springbreak #fyp,03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@living_and_thriving/video/7348479867974864158,#measles #getvaccinated #maskup,#measles #getvaccinated #maskup,03/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@chipublichealth/video/7348561832992312619,"la mayora de los residentes en chicago estn protegidos del sarampin porque fueron vacunados contra el virus durante la infancia. por otro lado, las personas que corren un mayor riesgo a contagiarse son aquellas que no se han colocado la vacuna o no cuentan con una infeccin previa. 'visite'www.chicago.gov/health' para ubicar un sitio cercano a usted para aplicarse la vacuna.' si desea conocer la situacin actual del sarampin, acuda al sitio https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cdph/supp_info/infectious/get-the-facts--measles.html'y ah podr verificar el nmero de contagios en la ciudad y recursos disponibles para frenar la propagacin.","la mayora de los residentes en chicago estn protegidos del sarampin porque fueron vacunados contra el virus durante la infancia. por otro lado, las personas que corren un mayor riesgo a contagiarse son aquellas que no se han colocado la vacuna o no cuentan con una infeccin previa. 'visite'www.chicago.gov/health' para ubicar un sitio cercano a usted para aplicarse la vacuna.' si desea conocer la situacin actual del sarampin, acuda al sitio https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cdph/supp_info/infectious/get-the-facts--measles.html'y ah podr verificar el nmero de contagios en la ciudad y recursos disponibles para frenar la propagacin.",03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@goodtimesgta6/video/7348534259105238277,toronto has 2nd lab-confirmed case of measles identified! #measles #toronto #outbreak #measlesvaccine  #measlesoutbreak #signsandsymptoms #emergencymedicine #doctor #measlessymptoms #doctorsoftiktok #momlife #postpartumjourney #momtips #raisingbaby #babythings #babylife #measles #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine #greenscreen,toronto has 2nd lab-confirmed case of measles identified! #measles #toronto #outbreak #measlesvaccine  #measlesoutbreak #signsandsymptoms #emergencymedicine #doctor #measlessymptoms #doctorsoftiktok #momlife #postpartumjourney #momtips #raisingbaby #babythings #babylife #measles #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine #greenscreen,03/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/video/officials-report-list-of-places-of-possible-exposure-after-second-2nd-washtenaw-county-measles-case/,officials list of places of possible exposure after second 2nd washtenaw county measles case,health officials say the case is in an adult who does not have prior immunity to measles and was exposed to a previous washtenaw county case reported on march 3.,03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.usatoday.com/videos/news/2024/03/21/measles-outbreak-spreads-across-the-country/72935141007/,measles outbreak spreads across the country,"three cases of measles were reported in chicago just last week, and before that 10 in florida.",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,neutral
https://www.wxow.com/video/measles-cases-rise-internationally/video_11aa8110-e245-5d2e-adcf-68e7de293ed9.html,measles cases rise internationally,"u.s. health officials are warning doctors about the dramatic rise in measles cases around the world, and advising families traveling to a measles-affected country to get babies as young as six months vaccinated before they go.",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://whnt.com/video/measles-outbreak-could-soon-reach-alabama-march-21-2024-news-19-at-5-p-m/9538388/,measles outbreak could soon reach alabama,"measles is a childhood disease. dr. wes stubblefield of the alabama department of public health says the main concern is vulnerable groups, the young infants who are not able to get the vaccine to protect against measles.",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://whnt.com/video/measles-outbreak-could-soon-reach-alabama-march-21-2024-news-19-at-4-p-m/9538306/,measles outbreak could soon reach alabama,"measles is a childhood disease. dr. wes stubblefield of the alabama department of public health says the main concern is vulnerable groups, the young infants who are not able to get the vaccine to protect against measles.",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.clickondetroit.com/video/news/2024/03/21/new-case-of-measles-confirmed-in-washtenaw-county-view-list-of-exposure-sites/,new case of measles confirmed in washtenaw county: view list of exposure sites,"the washtenaw county health department is reporting a new case of measles, it is the fourth case in the state of michigan.",03/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/measles-outbreak-could-soon-reach-233021201.html,measles outbreak could soon reach alabama,"measles is a childhood disease. dr. wes stubblefield of the alabama department of public health says the main concern is vulnerable groups, the young infants who are not able to get the vaccine to protect against measles.",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.wlfi.com/video/measles-continues-to-be-a-big-concern-for-people-all-across-indiana/video_441e5455-d05e-514c-a63e-99df30d84177.html,measles continues to be a big concern for people all across indiana,"according to the centers for disease control and prevention, most of the measles outbreaks in the u.s. come from unvaccinated u.s. residents who travel.",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.clickondetroit.com/video/health/2024/03/21/new-case-of-measles-confirmed-in-washtenaw-county/,new case of measles confirmed in washtenaw county,"the washtenaw county health department is reporting a new case of measles, it is the fourth case in the state of michigan.",03/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.myhighplains.com/video/safeguarding-children-against-measles-amid-outbreak/9537688/,safeguarding children against measles amid outbreak,safeguarding children against measles amid outbreak,03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/measles-cases-rise-171611781.html,measles cases are on the rise,measles cases are on the rise,03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://globalnews.ca/video/10376091/measles-vaccine-shortages-reported-in-canada/,measles vaccine shortages reported in canada,"as canada sees a concerning growth in measles cases, there are now shortages of some measles vaccines. that comes as public health officials urge people to make sure they have the shots they need to protect themselves and their loved ones. health reporter katherine ward has the details.",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://wgntv.com/video/chicago-mother-shares-story-after-sons-measles-diagnoses/9538675/,chicago mother shares story after son's measles diagnoses,chicago mother shares story after son's measles diagnoses,03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://finance.yahoo.com/video/boston-childrens-doctor-discusses-impact-210114911.html,boston children's doctor discusses impact of us measles outbreaks,the cdc recently warned doctors about an increase in measles cases in the united states.,03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://globalnews.ca/video/10376091/demolition-begins-for-etobicokes-six-points-interchange-improvements,measles vaccine shortages reported in canada,"as canada sees a concerning growth in measles cases, there are now shortages of some measles vaccines. that comes as public health officials urge people to make sure they have the shots they need to protect themselves and their loved ones. health reporter katherine ward has the details.",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.knoe.com/video/2024/03/22/adams-county-health-officials-high-alert-measles/,adams county health officials on high alert for measles,adams county health officials on high alert for measles,03/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.wgem.com/video/2024/03/22/adams-county-health-officials-high-alert-measles/,adams county health officials on high alert for measles,adams county health officials on high alert for measles,03/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.kbtx.com/video/2024/03/20/focus-four-measles-cases-rise-us/,focus at four: measles cases on the rise in the u.s.,focus at four: measles cases on the rise in the u.s.,03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/world/demand-for-measles-vaccine-leading-to-shortages/video/0cb8456ddadaad59f846da70603b641f,demand for measles vaccine leading to shortages,demand for measles vaccine leading to shortages,03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.cairnspost.com.au/news/world/demand-for-measles-vaccine-leading-to-shortages/video/0cb8456ddadaad59f846da70603b641f,demand for measles vaccine leading to shortages,demand for measles vaccine leading to shortages,03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/news/world/demand-for-measles-vaccine-leading-to-shortages/video/0cb8456ddadaad59f846da70603b641f,demand for measles vaccine leading to shortages,demand for measles vaccine leading to shortages,03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/world/demand-for-measles-vaccine-leading-to-shortages/video/0cb8456ddadaad59f846da70603b641f,demand for measles vaccine leading to shortages,demand for measles vaccine leading to shortages,03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.kyoutv.com/video/2024/03/22/adams-county-health-officials-high-alert-measles/,adams county health officials on high alert for measles,adams county health officials on high alert for measles,03/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/world/demand-for-measles-vaccine-leading-to-shortages/video/0cb8456ddadaad59f846da70603b641f,demand for measles vaccine leading to shortages,demand for measles vaccine leading to shortages,03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.kwch.com/video/2024/03/22/adams-county-health-officials-high-alert-measles/,adams county health officials on high alert for measles,adams county health officials on high alert for measles,03/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.themercury.com.au/news/world/demand-for-measles-vaccine-leading-to-shortages/video/0cb8456ddadaad59f846da70603b641f,demand for measles vaccine leading to shortages,demand for measles vaccine leading to shortages,03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.goldcoastbulletin.com.au/news/world/demand-for-measles-vaccine-leading-to-shortages/video/0cb8456ddadaad59f846da70603b641f,demand for measles vaccine leading to shortages,demand for measles vaccine leading to shortages,03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/world/demand-for-measles-vaccine-leading-to-shortages/video/0cb8456ddadaad59f846da70603b641f,demand for measles vaccine leading to shortages,demand for measles vaccine leading to shortages,03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://m.facebook.com/gmanews/videos/minister-of-health-3-patay-sa-measles-outbreak-sa-barmm-gma-integrated-news-bull/1660343291486597/,"minister of health: 3, patay sa measles outbreak sa barmm | gma integrat",tatlo ang patay sa outbreak ng measles o tigdas sa bangsamoro autonomous region in muslim mindanao (barmm).,03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PjSiIEvn90,measles vaccine shortages reported in canada,"as canada sees a concerning growth in measles cases, there are now shortages of some measles vaccines.

that comes as public health officials urge people to make sure they have the shots they need to protect themselves and their loved ones.

health reporter katherine ward has the details.

for more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/10375004/measles-vaccine-shortages-canada/

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#globalnews #measles #canada",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkPwjGelfNE,"measles, rubella, & mumps: alterations in health - pediatric nursing | @leveluprn","cathy discusses measles, rubella, and mumps. she explains the transmission, incubation period, prevention, signs/symptoms, treatment, and nursing care of each of these viral infections. at the end of the video, cathy provides a quiz to test your understanding of some of the key facts she covered in the video.

  ready to unlock the full world of pediatric nursing now?  unlock the ultimate learning experience with full access to the complete series in our level up rn membership!  master principles of pediatric nursing, normal growth & development and alterations in health. 
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00:00 introduction
00:40 measles
2:01 rubella
3:05 mumps
4:23 quiz time!

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photo attribution:
cdc, public domain, via wikimedia commons
content providers: cdc/nip/barbara rice, public domain, via wikimedia commons",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQUfy0_d2uA,measles are back. how worried should we be? | the big story,"canada has already seen more cases of measles in 2024 than in all of 2023. and rates of the disease in europe and the united states are also rising. meanwhile, vaccine uptake for the mmr shot, which protects against measles, has collapsed in recent years.

so how worried should we be about what is—for now—still just a handful of cases? why have vaccine rates for a decades-old and proven vaccine fallen so quickly? what do you need to know about a disease that, just a few years ago, was all but eradicated in canada?

guest: dr. raywat deonandan, epidemiologist, associate professor at the university of ottawa faculty of health sciences 
episode link: https://play.headliner.app/episode/19846774?utm_source=youtube",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEM2Q4pZeB4,"cbc nova scotia news mar. 21, 2024 | measles shots in high demand","join hosts tom murphy and amy smith for the top news stories in nova scotia and meteorologist ryan snoddon for the latest weather forecast.

connect with us: https://www.cbc.ca/ns
 subscribe to cbc ns: https://www.youtube.com/cbcns

#livenews #novascotia #news #weather",03/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Positive,surprise,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VU78TJEdiPk,"how to check your, and your child's, mmr vaccine status using the nhs app","measles is an infection that spreads very easily and can cause serious problems in some people. having the mmr vaccine is the best way to prevent it.

learn more about the nhs app at https://blackcountry.icb.nhs.uk/your-health/health-advice/nhs-app",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDNlfySCOG8,ramadan and mmr vaccine - an information session,"the islamic month of fasting, ramadan, begins around 10th march 2024.

ramadan requires muslims to abstain from food and drink during daylight hours and also refraining from anything entering the body. for most, this applies to food or medicine however some reluctance to receiving vaccinations is anticipated during ramadan.

measles is circulating in birmingham, solihull and across the west midlands (also nationally and internationally). measles is a very serious infection that spreads through air. it can make the body prone to serious complications that affect the lungs and brain. the mmr vaccination provides best protection against measles and is free and safe. two doses provide life-long 99% protection against catching measles. it is part of the routine nhs childhood vaccinations to protect against measles, mumps and rubella. there are 2 vaccine brands in the uk. one of these does not contain pork gelatine (priorix). this can be requested from your gp surgery. the vaccine is permissible during the month of ramadan.

in this webinar staff from birmingham public health team, and dr aaliya goyal local gp and vice chair of the midlands faculty of royal college of general practitioners, talk through the mmr vaccine and how the vaccine can still be taken during ramadan. the webinar will conclude with an opportunity to ask any questions.",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqgX52RGXmE,pharmacist reena barai on the seriousness of measles and why it's important to get your vaccine,"two doses of the mmr vaccine can provide lifelong protection against measles.    

unsure if you or your child are up to date with their vaccinations? reach out to your gp to book a catch-up appointment. 

find out more: http://nhs.uk/mmr",03/21/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCGPKHsmnng,healthy chicago podcast: measles update + q&a #2,"#measles #vaccination #chicago #publichealth 

cdph commissioner ige is joined by other public health experts for an update on the current measles cases, symptoms of the disease, how everyone can protect themselves, and more.

measles is a serious and highly contagious respiratory infection and can be especially harmful to children and babies. the symptoms are a rash, fever, and cough and it can lead to pneumonia and other complications.

for all other measles-related resources, go to: https://www.chicago.gov/measles",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVLWWKdkpfA,measles vaccine demand leading to shortages,"the rise in measles cases in canada has led to unprecedented demand for the measles vaccine and now some suppliers are experiencing shortages.

#measles #canada #news

watch the national live on youtube sunday-friday at 9 p.m. et

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the national is the flagship of cbc news, showcasing award-winning journalism from across canada and around the world. led by chief correspondent adrienne arsenault and ian hanomansing, our team of trusted reporters helps you make sense of the world, wherever you are.",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fIbRZKn5vA,experts say misinformation may have caused vaccine hesitancy,"only 12 counties in iowa met the 95% recommended vaccination rate for the first mmr vaccine, according to the department of health and human services. experts say this may be because of misinformation. teodora mitov reports.",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j84rUgGF3QY,low measles immunization rate in iowa cause concern following national outbreak,"following an outbreak of measles across the country, health officials are gearing up here in iowa. teodora mitov reports.",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANottMeWg9w,measles on the rise as vaccination rates lag,"a rise in international and us cases of measles is raising red flags among doctors, public health officials and schools.  the centers for disease control and prevention is worried about lagging vaccination rates.

read full story here: https://wsbt.com/news/operation-education/measles-immunization-vaccine-virus-preventable-cases-indiana-michigan-confirmed-public-health-cdc-doctor-03-20-2024

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have a news tip? send it directly to our newsroom: wsbtnews@wsbt.com

wsbt is an in based station and a cbs television affiliate owned and operated by sinclair broadcast group. sinclair, inc. is one of the largest and most diversified television broadcasting companies in the country today. sinclair owns and operates, programs or provides sales services to 163 television stations in 77 markets, after pending transactions. sinclair's television group reaches approximately 38.7% of us television households and includes fox, abc, mytv, cw, cbs, nbc, univision and azteca affiliates.",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RXOjzgCLLQ,new case of measles confirmed in washtenaw county: view list of exposure sites,"the washtenaw county health department is reporting a new case of measles, it is the fourth case in the state of michigan.",03/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qytJHRbNqe4,sedgwick co. health dept. talks current measles outbreak,"sedgwick county health department discusses the current measles outbreak. the number of reported cases in 2024 is already equal to the total reported in 2023._x000d_
 for more local news from kwch:  https://www.kwch.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/uc4xycejeglousoral07nzdg",03/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWMe-ZijzGA,is mumps communicable disease? | #mumps #shorts #trending #viral,"also know: mumps communicable disease | is mumps communicable | mumps is a communicable virus disease 

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps in vaccinated children, mumps in babies and children, do vaccinated children get mumps?, mumps communicable disease, is mumps communicable, mumps is a communicable virus disease ,pace hospitals",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/anitakpatelmd/reel/C4yfQW0vrGH/,"measles part 2 - the cdc health advisory alert

‼ have you seen the recent cdc health alert regarding measles?

tl:dr - the cdc now recommends that all children 6 months and older should receive at least one mmr  prior to international travel! if they are greater than 12 months, they should receive 2 doses of mmr  at least 28 days apart to be considered fully immunized.

teens and adults who have no evidence of measles immunity (your doctor can test you for titers!) should also receive two doses of the mmr shot 28 days apart.

you should ensure that you get the single for children 6 months- <12 months at least 2 weeks prior to travel.

if your child is 12 months and older (or you are a teen or adult with no evidence of immunity) you should start your series 6 weeks prior to travel. this will ensure you reach full immunity prior to departure.

they are recommending this based on increased measles cases both domestic and international and because 90% of unvaccinated persons who come into contact with measles will contract the disease.

currently there are 58 confirmed cases of measles (as of 3/14/24) in the united states (across 18 jurisdictions) and of those 58 cases 54 (93%!!!!!!) reported international travel.

there is good news - our vaccines are highly effective. children should receive mmr at their 12-15 month well child check and between the ages of 4-6 years old during a well child check.

one dose confers 93% protection, and 2 provide 97% protection!!

➡as a reminder - if you are not traveling internationally, your child should receive their first dose between 12-15 months, and their second between 4-6 years. so if your kiddo is 6 years or older and utd on their shots, they should be fully immunized, but it is always best to consult your doctor to confirm this!

#measles #cdc #pediatrician #physician #doctor #parentingtips #pediatrics #academia #medicine #psa #health #healthalert","measles part 2 - the cdc health advisory alert

‼ have you seen the recent cdc health alert regarding measles?

tl:dr - the cdc now recommends that all children 6 months and older should receive at least one mmr  prior to international travel! if they are greater than 12 months, they should receive 2 doses of mmr  at least 28 days apart to be considered fully immunized.

teens and adults who have no evidence of measles immunity (your doctor can test you for titers!) should also receive two doses of the mmr shot 28 days apart.

you should ensure that you get the single for children 6 months- <12 months at least 2 weeks prior to travel.

if your child is 12 months and older (or you are a teen or adult with no evidence of immunity) you should start your series 6 weeks prior to travel. this will ensure you reach full immunity prior to departure.

they are recommending this based on increased measles cases both domestic and international and because 90% of unvaccinated persons who come into contact with measles will contract the disease.

currently there are 58 confirmed cases of measles (as of 3/14/24) in the united states (across 18 jurisdictions) and of those 58 cases 54 (93%!!!!!!) reported international travel.

there is good news - our vaccines are highly effective. children should receive mmr at their 12-15 month well child check and between the ages of 4-6 years old during a well child check.

one dose confers 93% protection, and 2 provide 97% protection!!

➡as a reminder - if you are not traveling internationally, your child should receive their first dose between 12-15 months, and their second between 4-6 years. so if your kiddo is 6 years or older and utd on their shots, they should be fully immunized, but it is always best to consult your doctor to confirm this!

#measles #cdc #pediatrician #physician #doctor #parentingtips #pediatrics #academia #medicine #psa #health #healthalert",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drtanyaaltmann/reel/C4y-bYGPro0/,measles is back!  listen for what you need to know.  any questions?,measles is back!  listen for what you need to know.  any questions?,03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/dr.amnahusain/reel/C4yDx2_OLvW/,"the @cdcgov has released updated reccs re: measles vaccination and travel. 

while i don't have a child not fully covered under two doses of mmr and don't have any huge travel plans in the coming months, if i did- i would absolutely heed these reccomendations. 

as spring and summer travel is around the corner, please check out these reccs, and discuss with your child's doctor. i'll have  a special youtube video up tomorrow to review the latest on measles outbreaks and reccs.","the @cdcgov has released updated reccs re: measles vaccination and travel. 

while i don't have a child not fully covered under two doses of mmr and don't have any huge travel plans in the coming months, if i did- i would absolutely heed these reccomendations. 

as spring and summer travel is around the corner, please check out these reccs, and discuss with your child's doctor. i'll have  a special youtube video up tomorrow to review the latest on measles outbreaks and reccs.",03/21/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/adeba.ctv.events/reel/C4xKlPSOTdi/,alameda county health officials released a warning that people may have been exposed to measles at sons of liberty alehouse in san leandro on march 9 from 4:45 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. health officials are urging those with symptoms to contact their healthcare provider and the public health department. @abc7newsbayarea,alameda county health officials released a warning that people may have been exposed to measles at sons of liberty alehouse in san leandro on march 9 from 4:45 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. health officials are urging those with symptoms to contact their healthcare provider and the public health department. @abc7newsbayarea,03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4yDlECuREX/,"must see! outside of one of mayor johnson's measles outbreak, illegal alien shelters in chicago, illinois, three illegal thugs were not happy when we started filming them. 

after doing our interview on war room with steve bannon, we were walking back to our cars when we noticed what looked like a drug deal going on inside one of the vehicles so terry newsome of ""behind enemy lines went back to film their plate and this happened. 

even though the one guy says he's from mexico, there is speculation they may be a part of the ""tren de aragua gang out of venezuela. either way, they're bad dudes! pastor david lowery is having none of it! #trump2024! 

this is biden's new america! and it's not just like this in chicago. they are importing criminals from every part of the globe into our country to destroy us from within. don't listen to their lies, this is not about humanitarianism, it is about a takeover and replacement of america. they want to remake this country in the communist image they've always dreamed of. the only thing standing in their way is you!

law & border, real america's voice news @realamericasvoice - sponsored by patriotmobile.com promo code: rav 

frontlineamerica.com","must see! outside of one of mayor johnson's measles outbreak, illegal alien shelters in chicago, illinois, three illegal thugs were not happy when we started filming them. 

after doing our interview on war room with steve bannon, we were walking back to our cars when we noticed what looked like a drug deal going on inside one of the vehicles so terry newsome of ""behind enemy lines went back to film their plate and this happened. 

even though the one guy says he's from mexico, there is speculation they may be a part of the ""tren de aragua gang out of venezuela. either way, they're bad dudes! pastor david lowery is having none of it! #trump2024! 

this is biden's new america! and it's not just like this in chicago. they are importing criminals from every part of the globe into our country to destroy us from within. don't listen to their lies, this is not about humanitarianism, it is about a takeover and replacement of america. they want to remake this country in the communist image they've always dreamed of. the only thing standing in their way is you!

law & border, real america's voice news @realamericasvoice - sponsored by patriotmobile.com promo code: rav 

frontlineamerica.com",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/spelldarklotus/reel/C4yFTpSL9hZ/,"reposted from @benbergquam must see! outside of one of mayor johnson's measles outbreak, illegal alien shelters in chicago, illinois, three illegal thugs were not happy when we started filming them. 

after doing our interview on war room with steve bannon, we were walking back to our cars when we noticed what looked like a drug deal going on inside one of the vehicles so terry newsome of ""behind enemy lines went back to film their plate and this happened. 

even though the one guy says he's from mexico, there is speculation they may be a part of the ""tren de aragua gang out of venezuela. either way, they're bad dudes! pastor david lowery is having none of it! #trump2024! 

this is biden's new america! and it's not just like this in chicago. they are importing criminals from every part of the globe into our country to destroy us from within. don't listen to their lies, this is not about humanitarianism, it is about a takeover and replacement of america. they want to remake this country in the communist image they've always dreamed of. the only thing standing in their way is you!

law & border, real america's voice news @realamericasvoice - sponsored by patriotmobile.com promo code: rav 

frontlineamerica.com","reposted from @benbergquam must see! outside of one of mayor johnson's measles outbreak, illegal alien shelters in chicago, illinois, three illegal thugs were not happy when we started filming them. 

after doing our interview on war room with steve bannon, we were walking back to our cars when we noticed what looked like a drug deal going on inside one of the vehicles so terry newsome of ""behind enemy lines went back to film their plate and this happened. 

even though the one guy says he's from mexico, there is speculation they may be a part of the ""tren de aragua gang out of venezuela. either way, they're bad dudes! pastor david lowery is having none of it! #trump2024! 

this is biden's new america! and it's not just like this in chicago. they are importing criminals from every part of the globe into our country to destroy us from within. don't listen to their lies, this is not about humanitarianism, it is about a takeover and replacement of america. they want to remake this country in the communist image they've always dreamed of. the only thing standing in their way is you!

law & border, real america's voice news @realamericasvoice - sponsored by patriotmobile.com promo code: rav 

frontlineamerica.com",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4yDlECuREX/?locale=ru&hl=am-et,"must see! outside of one of mayor johnsons measles outbreak, illegal alien shelters in chicago, illinois, three illegal thugs were not happy when we started filming them.

after doing our interview on war room with steve bannon, we were walking back to our cars when we noticed what looked like a drug deal going on inside one of the vehicles so terry newsome of behind enemy lines went back to film their plate and this happened.

even though the one guy says hes from mexico, there is speculation they may be a part of the tren de aragua gang out of venezuela. either way, theyre bad dudes! pastor david lowery is having none of it! #trump2024!

this is bidens new america! and its not just like this in chicago. they are importing criminals from every part of the globe into our country to destroy us from within. dont listen to their lies, this is not about humanitarianism, it is about a takeover and replacement of america. they want to remake this country in the communist image theyve always dreamed of. the only thing standing in their way is you!

law & border, real americas voice news @realamericasvoice - sponsored by patriotmobile.com promo code: rav

frontlineamerica.com","must see! outside of one of mayor johnsons measles outbreak, illegal alien shelters in chicago, illinois, three illegal thugs were not happy when we started filming them.

after doing our interview on war room with steve bannon, we were walking back to our cars when we noticed what looked like a drug deal going on inside one of the vehicles so terry newsome of behind enemy lines went back to film their plate and this happened.

even though the one guy says hes from mexico, there is speculation they may be a part of the tren de aragua gang out of venezuela. either way, theyre bad dudes! pastor david lowery is having none of it! #trump2024!

this is bidens new america! and its not just like this in chicago. they are importing criminals from every part of the globe into our country to destroy us from within. dont listen to their lies, this is not about humanitarianism, it is about a takeover and replacement of america. they want to remake this country in the communist image theyve always dreamed of. the only thing standing in their way is you!

law & border, real americas voice news @realamericasvoice - sponsored by patriotmobile.com promo code: rav

frontlineamerica.com",03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,anger,anger
https://www.instagram.com/anthonyblogan/reel/C4yLmcgI_l9/,"chicago is starting to evict migrants from area shelters amid a measles outbreak among them. so far, about 30 mostly male migrants have been evicted. there is a goal of 2,000 migrant evictions.

#migrants #chicago #evictions #measles #politics #brandonjohnson #illinois","chicago is starting to evict migrants from area shelters amid a measles outbreak among them. so far, about 30 mostly male migrants have been evicted. there is a goal of 2,000 migrant evictions.

#migrants #chicago #evictions #measles #politics #brandonjohnson #illinois",03/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/whophilippines/reel/C4xT92uLtPP/?locale=it_IT,"let's ensure our children stay as healthy as possible by making sure their routine immunizations are up to date. 

#vaccineswork to prevent diseases like measles, polio & meningitis & avert the risk of multiple disease outbreaks.","let's ensure our children stay as healthy as possible by making sure their routine immunizations are up to date. 

#vaccineswork to prevent diseases like measles, polio & meningitis & avert the risk of multiple disease outbreaks.",03/21/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@chelseaharper4/video/7348800893384412458,measles is back  #measles #mmr #mmrbooster #mmrvaccine #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #rubella #mumps,measles is back  #measles #mmr #mmrbooster #mmrvaccine #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #rubella #mumps,03/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@heather.felton.md/video/7348794393500945707,#onthisday let€™s review some common rashes associated with viral illness in childhood. #viralinfection ##viralrash##measles##roseola##rubella,#onthisday let€™s review some common rashes associated with viral illness in childhood. #viralinfection ##viralrash##measles##roseola##rubella,03/21/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/walthamforestcouncil/videos/five-facts-about-measles-and-the-mmr-vaccine1-measles-can-be-a-very-dangerous-il/270421302777270/,Five facts about measles and the MMR vaccine: 1- Measles can be a very dangerous illness. 2- One in five children who get measles have to go to,"Five facts about measles and the MMR vaccine: 1- Measles can be a very dangerous illness. 2- One in five children who get measles have to go to the hospital and one in fifteen is affected with life-limiting conditions. 3- Measles cases are still on the rise in London so it’s important you know how to protect your family. 4- The free MMR vaccine is given to children by GPs in two doses. The first at 12 months old and the second one at three years and four months old. 5- The MMR vaccine gives lifelong protection from measles, mumps and rubella. Speak to your GP to arrange an MMR vaccine for yourself or your child.",03/21/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@northwesternmedicine/video/7349271748296199467,"what€™s behind the recent increase in measles cases? we asked anita chandra-puri, md. #60seconds #measles #measlesvaccine #mmr #medtok #doctok #womeninmedicine #infectiousdisease #northwesternmedicine #nmbetter","what€™s behind the recent increase in measles cases? we asked anita chandra-puri, md. #60seconds #measles #measlesvaccine #mmr #medtok #doctok #womeninmedicine #infectiousdisease #northwesternmedicine #nmbetter",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.blondieperes/video/7349181325808651552,another case of #measles in #ireland #drblondieperes #measlesoutbreak #vaccine #irishnews #whatshappeninginireland #corkireland,another case of #measles in #ireland #drblondieperes #measlesoutbreak #vaccine #irishnews #whatshappeninginireland #corkireland,03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@jaydocovid/video/7349047726107004202,"wildfires, allergies, pollution, covid, and measles are all good reasons to wear a respirator mask.","wildfires, allergies, pollution, covid, and measles are all good reasons to wear a respirator mask.",03/22/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4zlUO5I0kP/,tatlo ang patay sa outbreak ng measles o tigdas sa bangsamoro autonomous region in muslim mindanao (barmm).,tatlo ang patay sa outbreak ng measles o tigdas sa bangsamoro autonomous region in muslim mindanao (barmm).,03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/gmanews/reel/C4zlUO5I0kP/,"tatlo ang patay sa outbreak ng measles o tigdas sa bangsamoro autonomous region in muslim mindanao (barmm).

i-follow ang @gmanews para sa iba pang detalye.","tatlo ang patay sa outbreak ng measles o tigdas sa bangsamoro autonomous region in muslim mindanao (barmm).

i-follow ang @gmanews para sa iba pang detalye.",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.fox2detroit.com/video/1429390,"4th measles case confirmed in michigan, 2nd in washtenaw county","michigan is one of 17 states that have reported measles cases, including now two out of washtenaw county, one out of wayne county, and one out of oakland county. at least two of the previously reported cases were associated with international travel and not being exposed to the virus within the community.",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.siouxlandproud.com/video/measles-concerns-in-iowa/9539344/,measles concerns in iowa,measles concerns in iowa,03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://globalnews.ca/video/10378132/canada-sees-dwindling-measles-vaccines-supply/,canada sees dwindling measles vaccines supply,"dr. isaac bogoch, an infectious diseases expert, sheds light on canada's dwindling measles vaccine supply and its impact on potential outbreaks.
he also offers insight into a vaccinated ontario teacher who contracted measles and updates the current situation and its implications for public health.",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.siouxlandproud.com/video/measles-concerns-good-day-siouxland-at-5am-3-22-24/9539344/,measles concerns in iowa,measles concerns in iowa,03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.wlfi.com/video/measles-cases-across-u-s-raise-red-flags-in-indiana/video_1fee6408-fe66-5084-ace6-4057dffce0ed.html,measles cases across u.s. raise red flags in indiana,many people in indiana are concerned about a possible measles outbreak,03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://wabcradio.com/episode/dr-peter-michalos-measles-on-the-rise-from-the-border-migrants-need-to-be-medically-cleared-03-22-24-2/,dr. peter michalos: measles on the rise from the border. migrants need to be medically cleared ,dr. peter michalos: measles on the rise from the border. migrants need to be medically cleared,03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wlox.com/video/2024/03/22/adams-county-health-officials-high-alert-measles/,adams county health officials on high alert for measles,adams county health officials on high alert for measles,03/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8vep9w,"mum's ""nightmare"" as daughter dies from measles","mum's ""nightmare"" as daughter dies from measles",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.freep.com/embed/video/72935141007/,measles outbreak spreads across the country,measles outbreak spreads across the country,03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,surprise
https://www.northjersey.com/embed/video/73069461007/,what you need to know about the measles outbreak,what you need to know about the measles outbreak,03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.msn.com/en-ca/video/news/canada-sees-dwindling-measles-vaccines-supply/vi-BB1kmHVJ,canada sees dwindling measles vaccines supply,"dr. isaac bogoch, an infectious diseases expert, sheds light on canada's dwindling measles vaccine supply and its impact on potential outbreaks. he also offers insight into a vaccinated ontario teacher who contracted measles and updates the current situation and its implications for public health.",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8vepg0,"state of the nation part 2: measles outbreak; tom rodriguez, balik runway; atbp.","state of the nation part 2: measles outbreak; tom rodriguez, balik runway; atbp.",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/video/stateofthenation/658305/barmm-nagdeklara-ng-measles-outbreak/video/,"barmm, nagdeklara ng measles outbreak","inirerekomenda ng department of health ang pagsusuot ng face mask lalo na sa matataong lugar, sa gitna ng pagdami ng kaso ng whooping cough. sa bangsamoro region naman, dumarami ang kaso ng mga nagkaka-tigdas!",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAZa7wVW1VE,"eye on health: march 22, 2024","growing numbers of measles cases across the country; how spring cleaning cleans up your mental health; the female-founded start-up developing a blood test to catch ovarian cancer, and more. michael george reports.",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiZBFWyjlyM,twiv 1098: clinical update with dr. daniel griffin,"in his weekly clinical update, dr. griffin deep dives into recent domestic and global measles and mpox outbreaks, before reviewing recent statistics on the circulation of respiratory syncytial virus, influenza and sars-cov-2, discussing revised guidelines for how to treat respiratory viral infection guidelines by the cdc, revised guidelines sars-cov-2 treatment and how to treat respiratory viral infections, continues to dispel the myth of viral rebound, when to use steroids and the benefits of convalescent plasma, what do when healthcare workers succumb to sars-cov-2 infection, how much oxygen is necessary for effective treatment of severe disease, how covid-19 effects the cardiovascular system of children and adolescents with long covid and how iron metabolism may be altered during long covid.

show notes at https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-1098/

become a patron of twiv at https://microbe.tv/contribute

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– who am i? –

i'm vincent racaniello, earth's virology professor, and i believe that education should be free.

i'm also a professor of virology at columbia university in new york. i've been doing research on viruses since 1976, and teaching virology in classrooms and online since 1999. on this youtube channel i share videos of my lectures, podcasts, and more.

new videos are uploaded several times each week.

i do not run ads on our work as it is disruptive to learning. we depend on your support. 

if you would like to support our work, go over to https://www.microbe.tv/contribute/ 
#microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic
———————————————————————",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gdb6uoEw4lc,the threat to science: politics,"science has been thrust into elections and political fights among lawmakers. vaccinations against covid, measles, and other contagious illnesses have provoked protests on the left and, especially, the right. have americans lost trust in science and the hope it once offered to bring progress? why has science become another casualty of the fights between democrats and republicans? join us for a discussion of these issues with the university of rochester's jamie druckman and cary funk, past research director at pew research center.",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfE08FcPH84,canada sees dwindling measles vaccines supply,"dr. isaac bogoch, an infectious diseases expert, sheds light on canada's dwindling measles vaccine supply and its impact on potential outbreaks. he also offers insight into a vaccinated ontario teacher who contracted measles and updates the current situation and its implications for public health.

for more information go to: https://globalnews.ca/national/program/the-morning-show",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpeXpCUDFaE,east chicago health department reports 'possible mass exposure' of measles at local church,"streaming now at https://abc7.ws/484pqhj

the east chicago health department in indiana is investigating a 'possible mass exposure' of measles at a local church.

full story: https://abc7chicago.com/how-contagious-is-measles-outbreak-chicago-vaccine/14559080/",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oL0tPxcOKjw,cdc issues health alert over measles,read more: https://abc17news.com,03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH34g81zKAc,measles vaccination rates in gta children are lower than the rest of ontario | dr. dina on ctv news,"dr. dina discusses a concerning statistic - low measles vaccine rates in kids.

if you have any questions, please share them in the comments below.

dr. dina shares daily updates on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdinakulik/


i hope you find this video helpful. when in doubt, please consult your physician. 

do not use any information you find here or online for determining medical symptoms or treatment. always speak with your physician in person.

for up-to-date ""kids health"" info, check out my blog https://drdina.ca

for dr. dina's terms of use, go to http://drdina.ca/terms-of-use/

i read all your comments .. so if you found this video helpful, please click the thumbs up (just above) and leave a comment - it means a lot to me!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

no nonsense kids health for parents & kids too!

websites: https://drdina.ca and https://kidcrew.com
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wish you happiness and great health!
_ _
_ _",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNTb2_-U_H8,cbc news: the national | alberta hospital patients discharged to hotels,"march 21, 2024 | new questions about the treatment of vulnerable patients discharged from alberta hospitals to hotels instead of proper care facilities. pierre poilievre's efforts to axe the carbon tax. 
plus, a massachusetts man receives a kidney transplant from a genetically modified pig. 

00:00 the national for march 21, 2024
00:55 alberta hospital patients discharged to hotels
04:24 pioneering pig-to-human kidney transplant
07:32 neuralink releases video of first brain-chip recipient
08:00 canada to reduce number of temporary residents
10:07 removing military's ability to probe sexual misconduct
10:49 carbon tax is reducing emissions, report finds
13:02 u.s. sues apple for smartphone antitrust violations
13:42 eu may spend frozen russian assets on weapons
16:01 brian mulroney's casket arrives in montreal
16:44 manitoba apologizes to 2 men switched at birth
19:12 n.l. tables budget amid fisheries protests
20:22 concerns about measles vaccine supply
23:12 dodgers fire shohei ohtani's interpreter
25:35 at issue | confidence in the carbon tax
35:26 at issue | ndp's controversial mideast motion
43:41 the moment | 40-year-old skater wins world title

#news #latestnews #cbcnews

watch the national live on youtube sunday-friday at 9 p.m. et

subscribe to the national: 

more from cbc news | https://www.cbc.ca/news

the national is the flagship of cbc news, showcasing award-winning journalism from across canada and around the world. led by chief correspondent adrienne arsenault and ian hanomansing, our team of trusted reporters helps you make sense of the world, wherever you are.",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,surprise,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0f7wvDQ83Q,〜ワクン帜望者急増/the number of people requesting the measles vaccine is rapidly increasing.,"国内広る都内ょ(22日)5人目者確゜。



(イーストクリニック 飯塚 ん)
(イーストクリニック 本郷洋一郞 院長)

嚛最も強る発疹出る風邪よ症皶時体調優゜場風邪対応る必。",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDs2wzIvxHI,"urgent who warning!  outbreak spreading rapidly, 17 states in migrant shelters (sanctuary cities)","in this eye-opening video, we delve into the alarming resurgence of measles across the united states, a situation that's raising eyebrows and concern nationwide. with 17 states, including california, arizona, and new york, reporting new cases, we uncover the factors contributing to this sudden spike.  today's topics include measles outbreak, public health, vaccination rates, vaccine hesitancy, illegal immigration, sanctuary cities, government policy, respiratory illness, public safety, measles vaccine, arizona, california, chicago, cdc, who, pandemic, election cycle, migrant shelters, behavioral interventions, social media misinformation, quarantine measures, health crisis, state responses, outbreak predictions, global health concerns.  from the rapid spread in sanctuary cities to the controversial role of government policies and the impact of illegal immigration, we explore every angle of this developing story.

discover why measles, a disease thought to be under control, is making a fierce comeback, affecting hundreds and potentially exposing thousands more to risk. we'll discuss the acute viral nature of measles, its transmission methods, and why it's causing so much concern among public health officials and the general population alike.

the surge of cases in sanctuary cities and immigrant shelters, turning them into hotspots for outbreaks.
the critical situation in states like california and arizona, where the influx of illegal immigrants has introduced new challenges in controlling the spread.
the controversial stance of some government officials and the implications for public safety.
the concerning drop in vaccination rates amid growing vaccine hesitancy, contributing to the spread of the disease.
the potential impact of this outbreak on the upcoming presidential election, drawing parallels to the pandemic's influence on previous elections.
insight into local responses, such as chicago's handling of the situation in shelters housing migrants, including vaccination efforts and policies affecting migrants' stays.
the alarming forecast by the world health organization (who) of a ""perfect storm"" for measles cases in 2024 and the global ramifications.
furthermore, we'll explore the debate over behavioral interventions to reduce vaccine hesitancy, the effectiveness of current strategies to encourage vaccination, and the speculative theories linking outbreaks to election cycles.  this comprehensive analysis sheds light on a multifaceted issue affecting public health, immigration policy, and societal behavior. join us as we unpack the facts, share expert opinions, and discuss what this could mean for the future of public health and safety in the u.s. and beyond. your safety and awareness are our top priority, and we're here to keep you informed every step of the way.

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#usnews #worldnews #news",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIhFHopKEh8,mr vaccine and mmr vaccine,,03/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/video/eye-on-health-march-22-2024/,"eye on health: march 22, 2024","growing numbers of measles cases across the country; how spring cleaning cleans up your mental health; the female-founded start-up developing a blood test to catch ovarian cancer, and more. michael george reports.",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/northwesternmedicine/videos/measles-in-60-seconds/430995205962699/,measles in 60 seconds,"are measles making a comeback? in 60 seconds, anita chandra-puri, md, explains the recent uptick in cases.",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C41EOuEMt15/,"about 30% of children infected with measles have complications and 25% are hospitalized, says sarah lim, md, of @mnhealth and idsa's public policy and advocacy committee.

learn more about the u.s. measles outbreak in our recent press briefing. link in our bio.

#measles #infection #publichealth #id #infectiousdiseases","about 30% of children infected with measles have complications and 25% are hospitalized, says sarah lim, md, of @mnhealth and idsa's public policy and advocacy committee.

learn more about the u.s. measles outbreak in our recent press briefing. link in our bio.

#measles #infection #publichealth #id #infectiousdiseases",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/northwesternmedicine/reel/C41CGvkPogy/,"what's behind the recent increase in measles cases? we asked anita chandra-puri, md. 
#60seconds #measles #measlesvaccine #mmr #infectiousdisease #vaccination #nmbetter ","what's behind the recent increase in measles cases? we asked anita chandra-puri, md. 
#60seconds #measles #measlesvaccine #mmr #infectiousdisease #vaccination #nmbetter ",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/georgiadph/reel/C40i_EfLeme/,"increase in measles cases and outbreaks in the u.s. and globally
read full release: https://dph.georgia.gov/press-releases","increase in measles cases and outbreaks in the u.s. and globally
read full release: https://dph.georgia.gov/press-releases",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drgreenmom/reel/C41Y1yyP4Ov/,"measles, measles, measles

it's everywhere... but is it, really?

in the latest dr. green mom unfiltered podcast episode, i talk about everything you really need to know about measles.
✅ symptoms
✅ complications
✅ who's at most risk
✅ the mmr 
✅ pros/cons
✅ side effects
✅ our ⚕doctors & personal opinions

only available to vip members — sign up at the link in my bio - vip membership 

these opinions are my own, and not to replace your medical professional's recommendations ✜","measles, measles, measles

it's everywhere... but is it, really?

in the latest dr. green mom unfiltered podcast episode, i talk about everything you really need to know about measles.
✅ symptoms
✅ complications
✅ who's at most risk
✅ the mmr 
✅ pros/cons
✅ side effects
✅ our ⚕doctors & personal opinions

only available to vip members — sign up at the link in my bio - vip membership 

these opinions are my own, and not to replace your medical professional's recommendations ✜",03/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/benbergquam/reel/C40_5unOz8A/,"incredible interview from chicago southside! with bob ""king israel, pastor david lowery, terry newsome @publicpolicyman, david barnes and morris anderson. democrats and the mainstream media really don't want this to be seen! this was just before we confronted the venezualan illegal alien drug dealers. please please share!

from the measles outbreak illegal alien shelter. #bidendidthis 

law & border, real america's voice news @realamericasvoice - sponsored by patriotmobile.com promo code: rav 

frontlineamerica.com","incredible interview from chicago southside! with bob ""king israel, pastor david lowery, terry newsome @publicpolicyman, david barnes and morris anderson. democrats and the mainstream media really don't want this to be seen! this was just before we confronted the venezualan illegal alien drug dealers. please please share!

from the measles outbreak illegal alien shelter. #bidendidthis 

law & border, real america's voice news @realamericasvoice - sponsored by patriotmobile.com promo code: rav 

frontlineamerica.com",03/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C41CGvkPogy/,"whats behind the recent increase in measles cases? we asked anita chandra-puri, md.

#60seconds #measles #measlesvaccine #mmr #infectiousdisease #vaccination #nmbetter ","whats behind the recent increase in measles cases? we asked anita chandra-puri, md.

#60seconds #measles #measlesvaccine #mmr #infectiousdisease #vaccination #nmbetter ",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/idsainfo/reel/C41EOuEMt15/?hl=zh-cn&ref=159,"about 30% of children infected with measles have complications and 25% are hospitalized, says sarah lim, md, of @mnhealth and idsa's public policy and advocacy committee.

learn more about the u.s. measles outbreak in our recent press briefing. link in our bio.

#measles #infection #publichealth #id #infectiousdiseases","about 30% of children infected with measles have complications and 25% are hospitalized, says sarah lim, md, of @mnhealth and idsa's public policy and advocacy committee.

learn more about the u.s. measles outbreak in our recent press briefing. link in our bio.

#measles #infection #publichealth #id #infectiousdiseases",03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drgreenmom/reel/C41Y1yyP4Ov/?locale=ne_NP&hl=ar,"measles, measles, measles

it's everywhere... but is it, really?

in the latest dr. green mom unfiltered podcast episode, i talk about everything you really need to know about measles.
✅ symptoms
✅ complications
✅ who's at most risk
✅ the mmr 
✅ pros/cons
✅ side effects
✅ our ⚕doctors & personal opinions

only available to vip members — sign up at the link in my bio - vip membership 

these opinions are my own, and not to replace your medical professional's recommendations ✜"" मा dr. ashley mayer","measles, measles, measles

it's everywhere... but is it, really?

in the latest dr. green mom unfiltered podcast episode, i talk about everything you really need to know about measles.
✅ symptoms
✅ complications
✅ who's at most risk
✅ the mmr 
✅ pros/cons
✅ side effects
✅ our ⚕doctors & personal opinions

only available to vip members — sign up at the link in my bio - vip membership 

these opinions are my own, and not to replace your medical professional's recommendations ✜"" मा dr. ashley mayer",03/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.blondieperes/video/7349096915113397537,is it possible to get 3 doses of the #mmrvaccine #drblondieperes #measlesoutbreak #irishhealth #doctorsoftiktok #measles #irishhealthcare #vaccine #catchuprogramme #uktiktok #capcut,is it possible to get 3 doses of the #mmrvaccine #drblondieperes #measlesoutbreak #irishhealth #doctorsoftiktok #measles #irishhealthcare #vaccine #catchuprogramme #uktiktok #capcut,03/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr_rossome/video/7349596826095439147,"as predicted, as vaccination rates drop, deadly diseases will continue to come back and harm our children #measles #parentsoftiktok #momtok #fyp #pediatrics #pediatriciansoftiktok #dadtok #medicine #kids","as predicted, as vaccination rates drop, deadly diseases will continue to come back and harm our children #measles #parentsoftiktok #momtok #fyp #pediatrics #pediatriciansoftiktok #dadtok #medicine #kids",03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20UXk_AZfgU,measles cases on the rise across the u.s.,"measles cases have been reported in 17 states, and it is primarily affecting children. fox's christina coleman has the latest.

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subscribe to the fox 32 chicago newsletter: https://www.fox32chicago.com/newsletters",03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhvddsFJD4g,"measles are making headlines around the world, is weather to blame?","the highly contagious measles virus is seeing a resurgence this winter. the weather network's rachel schoutsen has more on how different climates could be helping the virus thrive.
#health #measles #canada #theweathernetwork  _x000d_
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the weather network is committed to delivering weather updates and information to audiences 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. for over 25 years the weather network has been an english language weather news and information specialty channel that is owned by pelmorex media.",03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Positive,sadness,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVtwkyyj9Kk,cdc warns of global uptick in measles cases,the centers for disease control and prevention issued a health alert to physicians to draw attention to the global spread of measles ahead of the spring and summer travel season.,03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrVEY2Y9gsE,the measles spike in florida and vaccine misinformation,"discover expert insights on rising measles cases with dr. sunil joshi. then explore dr. paul offit's new book, ""tell me when it's over.""",03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n26hqTq7PsY,"health department confirms first measles case in lake county, illinois","case investigators confirmed that this case is linked to the current outbreak in the city of chicago.
cbs 2 news chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the cbs 2 investigators. 
subscribe to cbs 2 news chicago on youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/cbschicago
cbs 2 news 24/7 livestream: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/live/
cbs 2 news on pluto tv: https://pluto.tv/en/live-tv/62cdc75b1a1cbd0007ed45dc?gclid=cjwkcajw0n6hbhaueiwaxab-tbssi4fh_ipmf_dwkgjjt7km9k2wzqpwtwk3nuippzjf5uemvbt1xhocfyiqavd_bwe
cbs 2 news website:  https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbschicago
x (twitter): https://twitter.com/cbschicago
get the cbs 2 news app: https://apps.cbslocal.com/chicago/",03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66vJvMOxgqg,measles case confirmed on long island: officials,"a case of measles has been confirmed in nassau county on long island, health officials announced saturday.",03/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEB3aCuwcnA,first case of measles confirmed outside of nyc this year,first case of measles confirmed outside of nyc this year,03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_6Rdj1FsNI,"lake county, ill. confirms 1st measles patient connected to recent rash of cases in chicago",the recent rash of measles cases in chicago has spread to the north suburbs after a new case was confirmed in a resident in lake county on saturday.,03/23/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5ksD0F_43A,potential measles exposure found in jackson county emergency room,"the possible exposure is related to a case of measles in washtenaw county, the jackson county health department said friday afternoon._x000d_
 for more local news from wilx:  https://www.wilx.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/uc45x3ysdl5hgg8utsit-csw",03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPyLU3R_IoU,measles patient was treated at henry ford er,measles patient was treated at henry ford er,03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGYiOV7LBUY,weekly vlog| chicken pox invade| measles outbreak in uk #ukliving #babies #healthylifestyle,"sharing our experience on chicken pox outbreak. creating awareness on measles too. 

#viralvideo",03/23/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12bxOnHXUWM,karachi witnesses spike in cases of measles | wahjoc health,karachi witnesses spike in cases of measles | wahjoc health,03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCizXfKca3M,consult for mumps | which doctor to consult for mumps? | #mumps,"also know: which doctor to see for mumps | which doctor to consult for mumps | which doctor will treat mumps | mumps doctor specialist | mumps doctor consultants | mumps consultants

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps in vaccinated children, mumps in babies and children, do vaccinated children get mumps?, which doctor to see for mumps, which doctor to consult for mumps ,pace hospitals",03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMznmZJmuBQ,viral diseasesllclass 11llchapter 5llsmall poxllinfluenzallherpes simplexllmumps and measles,,03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7utnVJR0Ffg,buti nalang di mainit,"ayun at nilakad ko gang lrt terminal gang roxas , masarap maglakad paminsan minsan... exercised, nag pa mmr vaccine kase ako guy's... after nagpunta ako sa agency ko malapit lang namn walking distances... 

#follower #philippines #subscribers  

#unitednations",03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/video/cdc-warns-of-global-uptick-in-measles-cases/,cdc warns of global uptick in measles cases,the centers for disease control and prevention issued a health alert to physicians to draw attention to the global spread of measles ahead of the spring and summer travel season.,03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/video/patient-in-nassau-county-diagnosed-with-measles-health-department-says/,"patient in nassau county diagnosed with measles, health department says",a patient in nassau county has been diagnosed with measles. the health department says it's the first case outside of new york city this year.,03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Wellness/video/cdc-reports-measles-cases-surpassed-year-108422203,cdc reports measles cases have already surpassed all of last year,"two more cases of measles have been reported in chicago, while indiana health officials are investigating a possible ""mass exposure"" of the virus at a local church.",03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,sadness
https://pix11.com/video/measles-case-confirmed-on-long-island-officials/9543074/,measles case confirmed on long island: officials,"a case of measles has been confirmed in nassau county on long island, health officials announced saturday.",03/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://wgntv.com/video/lake-county-ill-confirms-1st-measles-patient-connected-to-recent-rash-of-cases-in-chicago/9543128/,"lake county, ill. confirms 1st measles patient connected to recent rash of cases in chicago",the recent rash of measles cases in chicago has spread to the north suburbs after a new case was confirmed in a resident in lake county on saturday. ,03/23/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.instagram.com/askdrjen/reel/C43d9Q5Os6V/,"part 2 measles is one of the vaccine preventable diseases - in 2000 measles was considered eliminated in our country but here we may go again - how to stop this deadly disease -  get vaccinated x2""","part 2 measles is one of the vaccine preventable diseases - in 2000 measles was considered eliminated in our country but here we may go again - how to stop this deadly disease -  get vaccinated x2""",03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C43ZAM5uHgD/,"did you know #measles was considered eliminated from usa in 2000 but due to travel and unvaccinated individuals it can come back and spread quickly . i'm dr jen -board certified pediatrician comment below for more up to date parenting info .""","did you know #measles was considered eliminated from usa in 2000 but due to travel and unvaccinated individuals it can come back and spread quickly . i'm dr jen -board certified pediatrician comment below for more up to date parenting info .""",03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/7point_network.03008184643/reel/C421T-oIMkn/,"health department took action on the news of phulnagar.after the news of phoolnagar measles outbreak and the death of 3 children,punjab health department took action.phulnagar ddho dr. farooq haider along with his team reached the affected village.phul nagar dd ohc dr.farooq made a special ward for the children of the affected township in thq patuki.7point network.""","health department took action on the news of phulnagar.after the news of phoolnagar measles outbreak and the death of 3 children,punjab health department took action.phulnagar ddho dr. farooq haider along with his team reached the affected village.phul nagar dd ohc dr.farooq made a special ward for the children of the affected township in thq patuki.7point network.""",03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/askdrjen/reel/C43ZAM5uHgD/,"did you know #measles was considered eliminated from usa in 2000 but due to travel and unvaccinated individuals it can come back and spread quickly . im dr jen -board certified pediatrician comment below for more up to date parenting info .
","did you know #measles was considered eliminated from usa in 2000 but due to travel and unvaccinated individuals it can come back and spread quickly . im dr jen -board certified pediatrician comment below for more up to date parenting info .
",03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C44e7A5PeFR/,"vaksin mmr dapat mencegah penyakit measles (campak), mumps (gondongan) & rubella (campak jerman) yang menular melalui kontak erat dengan penderita melalui air liur (droplet) saat batuk atau bersin.

dosis pertama mr diberikan ketika usia 9 bulan, kemudian dosis kedua mmr diberikan di rentang usia 15  18 bulan.

yukz mom's lengkapi vaksin buah hati dengan mmr ","vaksin mmr dapat mencegah penyakit measles (campak), mumps (gondongan) & rubella (campak jerman) yang menular melalui kontak erat dengan penderita melalui air liur (droplet) saat batuk atau bersin.

dosis pertama mr diberikan ketika usia 9 bulan, kemudian dosis kedua mmr diberikan di rentang usia 15  18 bulan.

yukz mom's lengkapi vaksin buah hati dengan mmr ",03/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@doctormike/video/7349936517718134062,measles outbreaks shouldn€™t be back€ #thecheckup,measles outbreaks shouldn€™t be back€ #thecheckup,03/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@abc/video/7348997224929529089,"there's currently a global measles resurgence, @drkarlexplains why getting vaccinated is your best protection  #sciencewithdrkarl #measles #disease #immunisation #health","there's currently a global measles resurgence, @drkarlexplains why getting vaccinated is your best protection  #sciencewithdrkarl #measles #disease #immunisation #health",03/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr_ifraim_sajid/video/7349924498168171781,how does measles spread #measles #measlesoutbreak #childspecialist #foryou #foryoupage ,how does measles spread #measles #measlesoutbreak #childspecialist #foryou #foryoupage ,03/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUlSMGMb88c,"measles could be easier to get than covid-19, ucsf doctor says: here's his warning as cases rise","concern is mounting over the spread of the measles with the united states already topping the total for all of last year. experts are warning, for some, the disease is easier to get than covid-19. dr. peter chin-hong also has a warning if you have spring break travel plans. https://abc7ne.ws/3twfojr

#measles #covid19 #disease #sanfrancisco #health #ucsf #cdc #medicalnews #usworldnews #abc7news",03/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKGiPVZxRdU,potential measles exposure warning issued on long island,officials say there could be potential exposure for anyone who visited the parts of cohen children's medical center back on march 20-21. cbs new york's jessica moore reports.,03/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxShZ34gzKU,here's what health professionals say about diseases like measles are making a comeback,"more than two decades ago, the cdc considered measles ""eradicated."" still, doctors are saying the disease is returning in 2024.",03/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,joy,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlJOPCs9FiQ,"lake county, ill. confirms 1st measles case connected to recent rash of cases in chicago",the recent rash of measles cases in chicago has spread to the north suburbs after a new case was confirmed in a resident in lake county on saturday.,03/24/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9_bEMPsMCQ,will county reports measles case,"health officials tied the case to a rise in measles infections in chicago.
cbs 2 news chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the cbs 2 investigators. 
subscribe to cbs 2 news chicago on youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/cbschicago
cbs 2 news 24/7 livestream: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/live/
cbs 2 news on pluto tv: https://pluto.tv/en/live-tv/62cdc75b1a1cbd0007ed45dc?gclid=cjwkcajw0n6hbhaueiwaxab-tbssi4fh_ipmf_dwkgjjt7km9k2wzqpwtwk3nuippzjf5uemvbt1xhocfyiqavd_bwe
cbs 2 news website:  https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbschicago
x (twitter): https://twitter.com/cbschicago
get the cbs 2 news app: https://apps.cbslocal.com/chicago/",03/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4dSVFUZOa4,concerns growing over rising numbers of measles cases in the u.s.,"the infectious disease has been spreading in at least 17 states, primarily among children.

subscribe to our channel: https://wdrb.news/3dtreai

download the wdrb news app to get alerts on all breaking news stories: 
apple: https://wdrb.news/appforapple
android: https://wdrb.news/appforandroid",03/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/shorts/kfCgYno1gHk,the 3 cs of measles," [free download] get ready to ace your upcoming nclex exam: https://qdnurses.com/start


what are the main symptoms of measles, also known as the 3 cs of measles?

find out the answer to this question in this week's episode of nclex ready!

 listen to the full episode here: https://link.chtbl.com/nclex-ready


nclex ready is a podcast by qd nurses. our goal is to help you pass your nclex exam with flying colors, get the job of your dreams, and become a successful nurse! if you like our podcast, make sure to follow us for more.

#qdnurses #nclexready #mnemonics",03/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FcouPzk7vs,health officials encouraging measles vaccine,health officials encouraging measles vaccine,03/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/video/potential-measles-exposure-warning-issued-on-long-island/,potential measles exposure warning issued on long island,officials say there could be potential exposure for anyone who visited the parts of cohen children's medical center back on march 20-21. cbs new york's jessica moore reports.,03/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.news10.com/video/measles-outbreak-on-the-rise/9544017/,measles outbreak on the rise,measles outbreak on the rise,03/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/unicefphilippines/videos/natatakot-ka-bang-magkaroon-ng-measles-o-pertussis-si-baby-bakuna-ang-pinakamabi/1539589493489249/,"natatakot ka bang magkaroon ng measles o pertussis si baby? bakuna ang pinakamabisang proteksyon laban sa mga nakamamatay na sakit na ito. siguraduhing kumpleto ang kanyang bakuna ayon sa schedule. 
i-follow ang unicef philippines para sa karagdagang impormasyon.
#vaccineswork #buildbackimmunity #foreverychild","natatakot ka bang magkaroon ng measles o pertussis si baby? bakuna ang pinakamabisang proteksyon laban sa mga nakamamatay na sakit na ito. siguraduhing kumpleto ang kanyang bakuna ayon sa schedule. 
i-follow ang unicef philippines para sa karagdagang impormasyon.
#vaccineswork #buildbackimmunity #foreverychild",03/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/qdnurses/reel/C46bqkmPJFT/,"what are the main symptoms of measles, also known as the 3 cs of measles?

find out the answer to this question in this week's episode of nclex ready!

 click the link in bio to listen to the full episode.

#nclex #nclextips #nclexstudy #mnemonics""","what are the main symptoms of measles, also known as the 3 cs of measles?

find out the answer to this question in this week's episode of nclex ready!

 click the link in bio to listen to the full episode.

#nclex #nclextips #nclexstudy #mnemonics""",03/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/kristen_nagle/reel/C46euc0r-Gd/,"live with @amandha.d.v talking about measles, contagion myth, and helping to remove fear around the next big thing that always surfaces... the never-ending fear!

for all of amandha's programs, courses, remedies and products check out www.yummy.doctor

here is more on the nut trees i mentioned in the video:

the nut trees, for example, teach us important lessons in the seasons of life. how amazing that_x000d_
there's a strategy in when nut trees drop their nuts every three years. on years of abundant food, the_x000d_
squirrels do well, have more babies, they also can't keep up with the nuts that have dropped and_x000d_
new trees are planted. more squirrels mean more hawks, more foxes, etc. the next fall less nuts,_x000d_
which means the squirrels have to come out and search more, leaving them vulnerable as prey and_x000d_
the population decreases. the trees then can produce more nuts knowing not all will be consumed_x000d_
and trees will be planted. without this cycle in nature, there wouldn't be any generational continuation_x000d_
of the nut tree._x000d_
we all have our cycles, phases, and seasons in life, and they all have a purpose. when we allow_x000d_
ourselves to sit in the discomfort, the stillness, it allows us to see and feel the experience, the_x000d_
lessons being taught and the growth happening, leading us into our next phase of life._x000d_

i look forward to the day we all begin sitting in this discomfort, with patience and the goal of understanding. where we gain wisdom and insight into who we are, who our creator is, and connect back to all that is important to us. once we can achieve this, then we can truly raise nature's child. our future generations.

if interested in learning more about warrior mamas course comment warrior below.""","live with @amandha.d.v talking about measles, contagion myth, and helping to remove fear around the next big thing that always surfaces... the never-ending fear!

for all of amandha's programs, courses, remedies and products check out www.yummy.doctor

here is more on the nut trees i mentioned in the video:

the nut trees, for example, teach us important lessons in the seasons of life. how amazing that_x000d_
there's a strategy in when nut trees drop their nuts every three years. on years of abundant food, the_x000d_
squirrels do well, have more babies, they also can't keep up with the nuts that have dropped and_x000d_
new trees are planted. more squirrels mean more hawks, more foxes, etc. the next fall less nuts,_x000d_
which means the squirrels have to come out and search more, leaving them vulnerable as prey and_x000d_
the population decreases. the trees then can produce more nuts knowing not all will be consumed_x000d_
and trees will be planted. without this cycle in nature, there wouldn't be any generational continuation_x000d_
of the nut tree._x000d_
we all have our cycles, phases, and seasons in life, and they all have a purpose. when we allow_x000d_
ourselves to sit in the discomfort, the stillness, it allows us to see and feel the experience, the_x000d_
lessons being taught and the growth happening, leading us into our next phase of life._x000d_

i look forward to the day we all begin sitting in this discomfort, with patience and the goal of understanding. where we gain wisdom and insight into who we are, who our creator is, and connect back to all that is important to us. once we can achieve this, then we can truly raise nature's child. our future generations.

if interested in learning more about warrior mamas course comment warrior below.""",03/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C46OBbdIGtd/,"sehwan: measles epidemic intensified in sehwan, more than 20 cases were reported on daily bases. reported by, qurban ali bhatti, samaa tv news.

https://youtu.be/0uaktnbk2m8?feature=shared""","sehwan: measles epidemic intensified in sehwan, more than 20 cases were reported on daily bases. reported by, qurban ali bhatti, samaa tv news.

https://youtu.be/0uaktnbk2m8?feature=shared""",03/24/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/vatsalya_homeopathy/reel/C443QXvx405/?locale=bz-hans&hl=am-et,"કેસડા ના શં ફાયદા છે?
=> નવજાત બાળક માે શરેષઠ ઔષધ છે. કેસૂડાના પાનને પાણીમાં ઉકાળીને તે પાણીથી બાળકને સનાન કરાવવાથી ઓરી અછબડા લૂ અને ગરમીના રોગથી રકષણ મળે છે. 
=> કેસૂડાના ફૂલનો રસ શરીરમાં સિડનો પરકોપ ઘાડે છે. તરસ છીપાવે છે અને લોહી તથા પેશાબને શદઘ કરે છે. આથી જે લોકોને ઉનાળામાં પેશાબમાં બળતરા થતી હોય, દખાવો થતો હોય તેમને ચોકકસથી કેસૂડાનં પાણી પીવાથી લાભ થાય છે. 
=> પથરીના રોગ માે કેસૂડાના ફલના ફૂલ  ફાયદાકારક છે. આ ફૂલને ઉકાળીને આ પાણી પીવાથી પથરી તૂી જાય છે અને મૂતર મારગે નીકળી જાય છે.
what are the benefits of palash flowers?
=> it is the best medicine for newborn baby. boiling cashew leaves in water and bathing the child with that water protects against measles, chicken pox and heat illness.
=> palash flower juice reduces the acidity in the body. quenches thirst and purifies blood and urine. hence, those people who are suffering from burning and pain in urination during summers are definitely benefited by drinking kesuda water.
=> kesuda flowers are beneficial for stone disease. by boiling this flower and drinking this water, stones are broken and passed through the urinary tract.
[kesuda na phool na fayda, uses of kesuda flower, benefits of kesuda flowers, dry kesuda phool]
#kesudanaphool #kesudo #kesudo_flower #palash #palashflowers #tesu #orangeflower #orangeflowers #orange #flower #benefits #flowerbenefits #water #watercolors #color #colors #holi #holi2024 #holicelebration #summer #summertime #drink #drinkwater #homeopathy #homeopathyworks #festival #trending #viralvideos #doctoradvice #vatsalyahomeopathy 
(holi 2024, best homeopathic doctors in surat, vatsalya homeopathy | dr. shakti rakholiya, surat)""","કેસડા ના શં ફાયદા છે?
=> નવજાત બાળક માે શરેષઠ ઔષધ છે. કેસૂડાના પાનને પાણીમાં ઉકાળીને તે પાણીથી બાળકને સનાન કરાવવાથી ઓરી અછબડા લૂ અને ગરમીના રોગથી રકષણ મળે છે. 
=> કેસૂડાના ફૂલનો રસ શરીરમાં સિડનો પરકોપ ઘાડે છે. તરસ છીપાવે છે અને લોહી તથા પેશાબને શદઘ કરે છે. આથી જે લોકોને ઉનાળામાં પેશાબમાં બળતરા થતી હોય, દખાવો થતો હોય તેમને ચોકકસથી કેસૂડાનં પાણી પીવાથી લાભ થાય છે. 
=> પથરીના રોગ માે કેસૂડાના ફલના ફૂલ  ફાયદાકારક છે. આ ફૂલને ઉકાળીને આ પાણી પીવાથી પથરી તૂી જાય છે અને મૂતર મારગે નીકળી જાય છે.
what are the benefits of palash flowers?
=> it is the best medicine for newborn baby. boiling cashew leaves in water and bathing the child with that water protects against measles, chicken pox and heat illness.
=> palash flower juice reduces the acidity in the body. quenches thirst and purifies blood and urine. hence, those people who are suffering from burning and pain in urination during summers are definitely benefited by drinking kesuda water.
=> kesuda flowers are beneficial for stone disease. by boiling this flower and drinking this water, stones are broken and passed through the urinary tract.
[kesuda na phool na fayda, uses of kesuda flower, benefits of kesuda flowers, dry kesuda phool]
#kesudanaphool #kesudo #kesudo_flower #palash #palashflowers #tesu #orangeflower #orangeflowers #orange #flower #benefits #flowerbenefits #water #watercolors #color #colors #holi #holi2024 #holicelebration #summer #summertime #drink #drinkwater #homeopathy #homeopathyworks #festival #trending #viralvideos #doctoradvice #vatsalyahomeopathy 
(holi 2024, best homeopathic doctors in surat, vatsalya homeopathy | dr. shakti rakholiya, surat)""",03/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,anger,anger
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C46euc0r-Gd/,"live with @amandha.d.v talking about measles, contagion myth, and helping to remove fear around the next big thing that always surfaces... the never-ending fear!

for all of amandha's programs, courses, remedies and products check out www.yummy.doctor

here is more on the nut trees i mentioned in the video:

the nut trees, for example, teach us important lessons in the seasons of life. how amazing that
there's a strategy in when nut trees drop their nuts every three years. on years of abundant food, the
squirrels do well, have more babies, they also can't keep up with the nuts that have dropped and
new trees are planted. more squirrels mean more hawks, more foxes, etc. the next fall less nuts,
which means the squirrels have to come out and search more, leaving them vulnerable as prey and
the population decreases. the trees then can produce more nuts knowing not all will be consumed
and trees will be planted. without this cycle in nature, there wouldn't be any generational continuation
of the nut tree.
we all have our cycles, phases, and seasons in life, and they all have a purpose. when we allow
ourselves to sit in the discomfort, the stillness, it allows us to see and feel the experience, the
lessons being taught and the growth happening, leading us into our next phase of life.

i look forward to the day we all begin sitting in this discomfort, with patience and the goal of understanding. where we gain wisdom and insight into who we are, who our creator is, and connect back to all that is important to us. once we can achieve this, then we can truly raise natures child. our future generations.

if interested in learning more about warrior mamas course comment warrior below.","live with @amandha.d.v talking about measles, contagion myth, and helping to remove fear around the next big thing that always surfaces... the never-ending fear!

for all of amandha's programs, courses, remedies and products check out www.yummy.doctor

here is more on the nut trees i mentioned in the video:

the nut trees, for example, teach us important lessons in the seasons of life. how amazing that
there's a strategy in when nut trees drop their nuts every three years. on years of abundant food, the
squirrels do well, have more babies, they also can't keep up with the nuts that have dropped and
new trees are planted. more squirrels mean more hawks, more foxes, etc. the next fall less nuts,
which means the squirrels have to come out and search more, leaving them vulnerable as prey and
the population decreases. the trees then can produce more nuts knowing not all will be consumed
and trees will be planted. without this cycle in nature, there wouldn't be any generational continuation
of the nut tree.
we all have our cycles, phases, and seasons in life, and they all have a purpose. when we allow
ourselves to sit in the discomfort, the stillness, it allows us to see and feel the experience, the
lessons being taught and the growth happening, leading us into our next phase of life.

i look forward to the day we all begin sitting in this discomfort, with patience and the goal of understanding. where we gain wisdom and insight into who we are, who our creator is, and connect back to all that is important to us. once we can achieve this, then we can truly raise natures child. our future generations.

if interested in learning more about warrior mamas course comment warrior below.",03/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.arturoluna/video/7350420093161229614,#fyp #sarampion #salud #measles #vacuna #doctor,#fyp #sarampion #salud #measles #vacuna #doctor,03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@gustavofrancopod/video/7350312185991662894,"measles update  the u.s. is experiencing a rise in measles cases, with 64 reported this year, surpassing last year's total. the spread across at least 17 states highlights the ongoing threat of this preventable disease. key points: * the increase in cases is a reminder of the importance of vaccination. the mmr vaccine is highly effective, with two doses providing about 97% protection against measles. * vaccination rates have declined since the pandemic, with rates among kindergartners dropping from around 95% to approximately 93%. * vaccine hesitancy and exemptions are challenges to measles control. some parents may not be aware that vaccinations are available for free or may underestimate the severity of measles. * in light of recent outbreaks, the cdc recommends vaccinating children older than six months before international travel. * globally, there was a significant increase in measles cases and deaths in 2022, with an estimated nine million cases and 136,000 deaths. * outbreaks have occurred in various parts of the world, including europe, where cases rose more than 40-fold last year. * in florida, a cluster of cases at an elementary school raised concerns after the state's surgeon general sent a letter to parents that went against standard medical advice. * health officials in maryland and virginia have warned of potential exposure at dulles international airport and reagan national airport. referenced: ny times article €u.s. measles cases surpass 2023 levels, c.d.c. says€ by dani blum   #thegustavofrancopodcast #healthnews #healthcarenews#globalwellbeing #healthadvocacy #medicine #medicalschool #medicalstudent #premed #healthcareeducation #healtheducation #publichealth #health #healthcare #measles #pandemic #covid #vaccine #vaccination #globalhealth #epidemic #outbreak ","measles update  the u.s. is experiencing a rise in measles cases, with 64 reported this year, surpassing last year's total. the spread across at least 17 states highlights the ongoing threat of this preventable disease. key points: * the increase in cases is a reminder of the importance of vaccination. the mmr vaccine is highly effective, with two doses providing about 97% protection against measles. * vaccination rates have declined since the pandemic, with rates among kindergartners dropping from around 95% to approximately 93%. * vaccine hesitancy and exemptions are challenges to measles control. some parents may not be aware that vaccinations are available for free or may underestimate the severity of measles. * in light of recent outbreaks, the cdc recommends vaccinating children older than six months before international travel. * globally, there was a significant increase in measles cases and deaths in 2022, with an estimated nine million cases and 136,000 deaths. * outbreaks have occurred in various parts of the world, including europe, where cases rose more than 40-fold last year. * in florida, a cluster of cases at an elementary school raised concerns after the state's surgeon general sent a letter to parents that went against standard medical advice. * health officials in maryland and virginia have warned of potential exposure at dulles international airport and reagan national airport. referenced: ny times article €u.s. measles cases surpass 2023 levels, c.d.c. says€ by dani blum   #thegustavofrancopodcast #healthnews #healthcarenews#globalwellbeing #healthadvocacy #medicine #medicalschool #medicalstudent #premed #healthcareeducation #healtheducation #publichealth #health #healthcare #measles #pandemic #covid #vaccine #vaccination #globalhealth #epidemic #outbreak ",03/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@medicineandfood.fam/video/7350422010289229102,dr alex explains why people are getting measles. latest case here in ny€ #doctor #fyp #dralex #vaccines #sick #viral #kids #measles #ny #mmr #hospital,dr alex explains why people are getting measles. latest case here in ny€ #doctor #fyp #dralex #vaccines #sick #viral #kids #measles #ny #mmr #hospital,03/25/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@newsday.tv/video/7350363210135981343,were catching you up with the latest that you mightve missed on long island over the weekend. read more on these stories and others by visiting the link in our bio. - #longisland #longislandny #liny #longislandnewyork #suffolkcountyny #nassaucountyny #sacredheart #volleyball #measles #cohens #baldeagle #massapequa #ncaa #wrestling #marchmadness #cornell #linkinbio,were catching you up with the latest that you mightve missed on long island over the weekend. read more on these stories and others by visiting the link in our bio. - #longisland #longislandny #liny #longislandnewyork #suffolkcountyny #nassaucountyny #sacredheart #volleyball #measles #cohens #baldeagle #massapequa #ncaa #wrestling #marchmadness #cornell #linkinbio,03/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRuXTm69u3s,"new study on colon cancer bacteria, recent measles outbreak, mmr vaccine dose and us life expectancy","measles outbreak 2024: why is measles on the rise? can bacteria in dental plaque cause colon cancer? cdc measles update, new leading causes of death and colon cancer.

our guest is ama's vice president of science, medicine and public health, andrea garcia, jd, mph. american medical association cxo todd unger hosts.

 cdc measles cases and surveillance: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/cases-outbreaks.html

 cdc measles fact sheet pdf: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/downloads/measles-fact-sheet-508.pdf

 wondering ""how does measles spread"" or curious ""is measles deadly""? watch: https://youtu.be/haps_hnfob0?si=byg9vdqzf1ymjgsu

 measles outbreak 2024: where is measles most common? track measles cases worldwide: https://www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/measles/data/global-measles-outbreaks.html

 cdc issues alert for measles on the rise in the us and the global measles outbreak (increase in global and domestic measles cases and outbreaks - ensure children in the united states and those traveling internationally 6 months and older are current on mmr vaccination): https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2024/han00504.asp

 latest cdc health alert 2024 via the health alert network (han cdc website): https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/

 subscribe to the new morbidity and mortality weekly report (mmwr) cdc newsletter: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/newsletter/cmo/index2024.html

 read the latest from centers for disease control and prevention chief medical officer debra houry, md, mph: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/newsletter/cmo/2024/feb_2024.html

 send questions and feedback on the cdc mmwr newsletter to:mmwrcommunications@cdc.gov

 fusobacterium nucleatum colorectal cancer study published in nature: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07182-w

 the ama is your powerful ally in patient care. join now: https://bit.ly/amajoinrenew

00:00 ama update for march 25, 2024
00:25 measles outbreak chicago
00:45 cdc health alert measles (cdc measles alert, cdc han)
01:17 measles vaccine age: when do kids get measles vaccine?
01:33 mmr vaccine schedule: cdc vaccine guidelines for international travel
01:51 mmr vaccine route for babies: what age is measles vaccine given?
02:10 measles vaccine route and dose (mmr vaccine dose for adults)
02:33 cdc measles outbreak: is there an outbreak of measles right now?
03:07 measles worldwide (measles outbreak uk, cdc measles numbers)
03:18 measles diagnosis: how to treat measles
03:27 how is measles transmitted: is measles contagious?
03:38 cdc measles recommendations: what are the cdc guidelines for measles? (suspected measles, measles exposure, measles isolation)
04:05 cdc reportable diseases: how to report measles
04:22 measles testing guidelines: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/hcp/index.html
04:36 measles treatment and exposure to measles (pep, post-exposure prophylaxis)
05:00 measles symptoms
05:32 measles rash: what do measles look like?
05:48 is measles deadly?
06:22 mmwr cdc chief medical officer dr. debra houry
06:36 new cdc mmwr newsletter (morbidity and mortality weekly report cdc monthly newsletter)
07:24 new study on causes of colon cancer (dental plaque, gum disease fusobacterium colon cancer)
08:49 new colon cancer treatments and colon cancer screening
09:48 life expectancy in us
10:42 fentanyl overdoes and covid deaths in us 
10:55 leading cause of death in us
11:10 drug overdose deaths 2023 (fentanyl deaths, fatal overdoses)


 subscribe to @americanmedicalassociation on youtube: https://bit.ly/ama_youtubechannel 

 watch #amaupdate for healthcare news for physicians, residents and medical students: https://bit.ly/ama_update 

 podcast episodes and youtube transcript available: https://bit.ly/ama_update_transcripts 

 sign up for ama #morningrounds daily newsletter: https://bit.ly/ama-morningrounds 

 listen to our latest medical podcasts: https://bit.ly/ama_podcasts 

 download #amaconnect for medical news today, the latest in physician education, healthcare podcasts and videos: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ama-connect/id1355068050 

 follow #ama on social media: https://bit.ly/ama_social_media 

 access the journal of the american medical association #jama login: https://bit.ly/ama_jama 

#fightingfordocs #medicine #futureofhealthcare #physicianadvocacy #healthcare #medical #science #publichealth #patientcare #measles #mumps #rubeola #mmrvaccine #measlesvaccine #vaccines #vaccination #immunization #morbidity #mortality #mmwr #cdc #worldhealthorganization #who #nyt #nbc #naturejournal #coloncancer #colorectalcancer #coloncancerstudy #cancerresearch #fusobacterium #fusobacteriumnucleatum #medicalresearch #lifeexpectancy #covid #covid19 #coronavirus #pandemic #fentanyl #overdoes #drugoverdose #amarecoveryplan #americanmedicalassociation",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f9frg65guM,measles exposure at cohen children's medical center on long island,"fox 5 ny's jodi goldberg takes a closer look at who is at risk and what parents need to know.

subscribe to fox 5 ny: https://www.youtube.com/fox5ny?sub_confirmation=1

watch fox 5 ny live: https://www.fox5ny.com/live

fox 5 ny delivers breaking news, live events, investigations, politics, entertainment, business news and local stories from new york city and across the nation.

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a.i. all in: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=plcuhpcv2mbfgcjsok-gl3gwy8ofzvkacp

finding faith: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=plcuhpcv2mbfg7_gyptojff9piwwo9sgmd

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follow fox 5 ny on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fox5ny/

subscribe to the good day ny morning brief newsletter: https://www.fox5ny.com/email",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMBu2F_9yXU,measles outbreak spreads to long island after cdc warning | nbc new york,doctors are working around the clock to contact patients and families who visited a children's hospital in nassau county. news 4's melissa colorado reports.,03/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArZw5AFztZg,measles case confirmed in will county as chicago's total rises to 26: health officials,"streaming now at https://abc7chicago.com/watch/live/11064984/.

a measles case has been reported in will county, with officials linking the case to the recent chicago measles outbreak. https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-measles-outbreak-symptoms-vaccine-will-county/14568431/",03/25/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm6VeX8NQR0,evidence based medicine presentation - measles,"presenter: dr. erik berg
march 19, 2024
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instagram: https://www.instagram.com/countyofsandiego/

to see more stories like these, visit, https://www.countynewscenter.com/",03/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLV4RaO-feg,suburban chicago counties point finger to city after measles cases are confirmed,"a total of 26 confirmed measles cases have been confirmed in the city of chicago so far – with four this week. the new suburban cases – which stem from the chicago outbreak – have been detected in will county and lake county. cbs 2's tara molina reports.
cbs 2 news chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the cbs 2 investigators. 
subscribe to cbs 2 news chicago on youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/cbschicago
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cbs 2 news on pluto tv: https://pluto.tv/en/live-tv/62cdc75b1a1cbd0007ed45dc?gclid=cjwkcajw0n6hbhaueiwaxab-tbssi4fh_ipmf_dwkgjjt7km9k2wzqpwtwk3nuippzjf5uemvbt1xhocfyiqavd_bwe
cbs 2 news website:  https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbschicago
x (twitter): https://twitter.com/cbschicago
get the cbs 2 news app: https://apps.cbslocal.com/chicago/",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naghdxIUXDU,patients potentially exposed to measles at cohen children's medical center,"a child was diagnosed with measles at cohen children's medical center, leading nassau county and state officials to issue a warning to potentially prevent the spread of the virus.",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGmeWXBzrUw,measles now reported in 17 states across the u.s.,measles now reported in 17 states across the u.s.,03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4ACrldws7k,"will county reports positive case of measles, connected to chicago outbreak","the ongoing measles outbreak in chicago has spread to another county.the will county health department announced in a news release on its website that it has confirmed a positive case of measles in the county, which is south/southwest of chicago. the will county health department says it's been in close contact with the illinois department of public health, and case investigation has determined the measles case there is related to the ongoing rash of cases in the city of chicago.
read more: https://wgntv.com/news/south-suburbs/will-county-reports-positive-case-of-measles-connected-to-chicago-outbreak/",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UAE3NCRGH0,london has a measles problem! | dope black dads podcast,"discover the pressing issue affecting 1 in 4 children in london: a lack of measles protection. dive into our discussion with experts shedding light on london's measles threat, especially within the black community. we ask the experts some vital questions to guide you in making informed choices for your family's health. join the conversation and empower yourself with knowledge to safeguard your loved ones. don't miss out on essential insights – like, subscribe, and stay tuned for more valuable content!

#vaccineawareness #protectyourfamily",03/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stwLWNiB88A,applying behavioural science to mmr vaccine uptake - birmingham case study,"organised by birmingham city council public health. presented by dr. shanara abdin (behavioural science service lead).

hear how birmingham's behavioural science team have applied behaviour change theories and model to increase the uptake of mmr vaccine through community engagement and delivering motivational interviewing training across the city.",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,disgust,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GU3HHjrL-Y,what is mumps & types of viruses cause it? | #mumps #shorts #trending,"also know:  what is mumps | mumps types |  mumps viruses cause | what type of virus causes mumps? | mumps cause and types 

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zAn76D6NNY,a viral comeback! the measles!,"as of march 21, 2024, the united states has reported a total of 64 measles cases across 17 jurisdictions. this marks a noticeable increase in measles cases, highlighting a concerning trend in the resurgence of the disease. 

cases on the rise: after achieving record lows, measles cases have surged by over 300% globally in the first few months of the year compared to last year. 

highly contagious: measles is one of the world's most contagious diseases, with a 90% infection rate among non-immunized individuals. 

vaccination matters: two doses of the measles vaccine are about 97% effective at preventing the disease. yet, vaccination rates have been dropping. 

global impact: regions with the highest increases include parts of africa, europe, and even the us. no community is immune to its spread without vaccination. 

children at risk: kids under 5 are most at risk of serious complications, including pneumonia and encephalitis. 

protect our little ones! let's spread the word, not the virus. vaccination is key to stopping the spread of measles and protecting our communities. 
stay informed, stay safe, and let's ensure our loved ones are vaccinated. together, we can make a difference! 
#measles #vaccination #vaccinations #beahealthhero #healthherotn",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTOAFF8UPgY,monthly clinical meeting january 2024,sri lanka medical association monthly clinical meeting in collaboration with the sri lanka college of pediatricians some intricacies of measles,03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Da9MVsolQes,"outbreak ng measles o tigdas, idineklara na sa lanao del sur, maguindanao del norte at sulu | saksi","outbreak ng measles o tigdas, idineklara na sa lanao del sur, maguindanao del norte at sulu!

saksi is gma network's late-night newscast hosted by arnold clavio and pia arcangel. it airs mondays to fridays at 10:50 pm (phl time) on gma-7. for more videos from saksi, visit http://www.gmanews.tv/saksi.

#gmaintegratednews #kapusostream

breaking news and stories from the philippines and abroad:
gma integrated news portal: http://www.gmanews.tv
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gma network kapuso programs on gma pinoy tv: https://gmapinoytv.com/subscribe",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kU9EEsyca9E,cbc's the national came to our toronto travel clinic to discuss the mmr vaccine,"with the rising cases of measles, the cbc's the national visited summit health's toronto travel clinic to learn more about how we are protecting travelers and some concerns around vaccine procurement for travel clinics.",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iTDcq8ONlY,shot in the arm robert kennedy jr. and samoa exclusive interview series: day 2,"""samoa, 2018, two babies were given the mmr. can you tell us your version of that story?""

ask robert kennedy jr. about samoa!

robert kennedy, jr. (no relation to myself), who is running for president as an independent, is going to announce his vp pick tomorrow.

i have come to know mr. kennedy through my experience interviewing him for shot in the arm (sita).  from what i have learned from first hand experience with rfk jr, i agree with most of his family members ( / cyl1fnbrbgc  ) who have publicly said that they ""denounce his candidacy and believe it to be perilous for our country. 

starting yesterday, and continuing the rest of the week we are sharing some rfk scenes from shot in the arm. the samoa sequence takes place between 2018 and 2019, where robert kennedy jr. plays a significant role in how this small island responded to a vaccine mistake and measles outbreak.  

please share far and wide and get more people asking rfk jr: what happened in samoa?",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsEDcRD4T4s,"baccho ki vaccine/ types of vaccine / baccho ki sab vaccine / birth vaccine / measles, vitamin, bcg","baccho ki vaccine/ types of vaccine / baccho ki sab vaccine / birth vaccine / measles, vitamin, bcg 

baccho ki vaccine
baccho ki vaccine for birth 
baccho ki vaccine in 9 months 
baccho ki vaccine types
baccho ki vaccine kab 
child vaccine for 9 months 
child vaccine
child vaccine for birth 
child vaccine for 6 week 
child vaccine for 10 week
child vaccine for 14 week
child vaccine for measles 
measles vaccine start 
child vaccine 
vaccine types 
lest for vaccine kids  
yellow fever 
rota virus 
vitamin a
hepatitis b
oral polio vaccine 
inactivated p
olio vaccine 
pentavalent vaccine 
pentavalent - dpt, hib, hepatitis b
10 year vaccine 
5 year vaccine

kids vaccine 
child for 9 months baby
birth vaccine 
vaccinescovid vaccinepfizer vaccine",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIFRKVI__u8,"measles on rise, including in arizona",,03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K4ACrldws7k&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Ffreedompress.com%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,"will county reports positive case of measles, connected to chicago outbreak","the ongoing measles outbreak in chicago has spread to another county.the will county health department announced in a news release on its website that it has confirmed a positive case of measles in the county, which is south/southwest of chicago. the will county health department says it's been in close contact with the illinois department of public health, and case investigation has determined the measles case there is related to the ongoing rash of cases in the city of chicago.
read more: https://wgntv.com/news/south-suburbs/will-county-reports-positive-case-of-measles-connected-to-chicago-outbreak/",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhW5crKFVYU,"newsdaytv, streaming now | 7 am | march 25, 2024","potential exposure to measles ... islip terrace house fire ... teen dead at bay shore house party shooting .... kosher foods

#newyork #measles #kosher 

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~ follow us on social media ~
@newsday on facebook, instagram and x.
@newsday.tv on tiktok",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@joy_learning/video/7350307135860804869,"my sister became blind from measles - madina mp, lawyer xavier francis sosu reveals #infocus #edunews360 #joylearning","my sister became blind from measles - madina mp, lawyer xavier francis sosu reveals #infocus #edunews360 #joylearning",03/25/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@drshermanjunil/video/7350229289146600712,demam campak makin naik? hmmm #drsherman #sabahancrew_fams #sabah #demamcampak #measles #tips #kesihatan,demam campak makin naik? hmmm #drsherman #sabahancrew_fams #sabah #demamcampak #measles #tips #kesihatan,03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/suburban-chicago-counties-point-finger-to-city-after-measles-cases-are-confirmed/,suburban chicago counties point finger to city after measles cases are confirmed,a total of 26 confirmed measles cases have been confirmed in the city of chicago so far – with four this week. the new suburban cases – which stem from the chicago outbreak – have been detected in will county and lake county. cbs 2's tara molina reports.,03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://globalnews.ca/video/10383428/alberta-pharmacists-ask-for-provincial-rule-changes-to-help-deliver-measles-vaccines,alberta pharmacists ask for provincial rule changes to help deliver measles vaccines,"the alberta pharmacists' association is asking the province for the measles vaccine to be added to the list of publicly funded immunizations they are allowed to offer. and, as carolyn kury de castillo reports, some pharmacists in calgary are out of stock.
read more:
 alberta pharmacists ask for provincial rule change to help deliver measles vaccines",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.ctvnews.ca/video/c2892037-third-case-of-measles-confirmed-in-toronto?playlistId=1.6787102,third case of measles confirmed in toronto,public health officials say they were able to notify all individuals with direct exposure to the third confirmed case of measles in toronto.,03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/video/c2892037-third-case-of-measles-confirmed-in-toronto,third case of measles confirmed in toronto,public health officials say they were able to notify all individuals with direct exposure to the third confirmed case of measles in toronto.,03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/DOHcentralluzon/videos/updated-pertussis-and-measles-data-additional-vaccine-doses-incoming/3556437387939003/,"updated pertussis and measles data, additional vaccine doses","measles cases increasing worldwide; get vaccinated: doh
as of february 24, 2024, the doh recorded a total of 569 measles and rubella cases. all regions, except for bicol and central visayas, reported to have increasing cases in the recent month. 163 new cases were reported between february 11 to 24, which is 3% higher compared to 2 weeks prior (159 cases). epidemiologic profile shows that those under five years of age and who are unvaccinated are the most affected.
measles (tigdas in filipino) is highly contagious. it spreads from infected individuals through the air, especially through coughing or sneezing. it affects all age groups, but is more common in children. symptoms include high fever, cough, runny nose, and a body rash. there is no specific treatment for the virus that causes measles; however, vaccination protects against it.",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/video/c2892048-measles--tb--whooping-cough-are-back--but-why-,"measles, tb, whooping cough are back, but why?","dr. donald vinh explains why we're hearing shout measles, tb and other diseases we'd thought were long gone.",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,surprise
https://pix11.com/video/patients-potentially-exposed-to-measles-at-cohen-childrens-medical-center/9545056/,patients potentially exposed to measles at cohen children's medical center,"a child was diagnosed with measles at cohen children's medical center, leading nassau county and state officials to issue a warning to potentially prevent the spread of the virus.",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.wlns.com/video/possible-measles-exposure-in-jackson-county/9547320/,possible measles exposure in jackson county,jackson county health officials warn those that were at the henry ford jackson emergency department from 9:30 am to 1 pm on march 10th that they may have been exposed to measles.,03/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/video/c2892037-third-case-of-measles-confirmed-in-toronto?binId=1.1147261,third case of measles confirmed in toronto,public health officials say they were able to notify all individuals with direct exposure to the third confirmed case of measles in toronto.,03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wlfi.com/video/health-news-18-measles-cases-on-the-rise/video_620d330a-d37c-5579-9898-59c23284e777.html,health news 18: measles cases on the rise,health news 18: measles cases on the rise,03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.kvoa.com/video/measles-on-rise-including-in-arizona/video_76a4b5d4-4dfc-551d-8985-0a6fe869eed4.html,"measles on rise, including in arizona","measles on rise, including in arizona",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.facebook.com/SaksiGMA/videos/outbreak-ng-measles-o-tigdas-idineklara-na-sa-lanao-del-sur-maguindanao-del-nort/344461304713477/,"outbreak ng measles o tigdas, idineklara na sa lanao del sur, maguindanao del norte at sulu!","outbreak ng measles o tigdas, idineklara na sa lanao del sur, maguindanao del norte at sulu!",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/schcontario/reel/C48raUaNoFv/,"curious about vaccines? toronto hospital hotlines are here to help! get answers on measles, hpv, shingles, and more. check out the full article now 


#vaccines #healthcare #torontohospitalhotlines""","curious about vaccines? toronto hospital hotlines are here to help! get answers on measles, hpv, shingles, and more. check out the full article now 


#vaccines #healthcare #torontohospitalhotlines""",03/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/qdnurses/reel/C49OLJQhk_c/,"to remember the symptoms of measles, remember the 3 cs: cough, conjunctivitis, and coryza!

learn more about this in this week's episode of nclex ready!

 link in bio

#nclex #nclextips #nclexstudy #mnemonics""","to remember the symptoms of measles, remember the 3 cs: cough, conjunctivitis, and coryza!

learn more about this in this week's episode of nclex ready!

 link in bio

#nclex #nclextips #nclexstudy #mnemonics""",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drhowardsmithreports/reel/C48nIkDr1dO/,"traveling babies need the measles shot

measles is on the rise around the world and here$ at home as well. a full 93% of cases popping up in the us are linked to international travel and most occurred in infants under 1 years who traveled unvaccinated.

the cdc now $ recommends that families planning to travel with infants 6 to 11 months have the baby receive an early dose of the mmr, the measles, mumps, rubella vaccine, at least 2 weeks before departure. they should then get their regular mmr at 12-15 months and the second shot at 4-6 years.

traveling children, never vaccinated, who are 1 year and older should receive 2 mmr shots 28 days apart at least 2 weeks before departure. the same is true for adults who have never been vaccinated or measles-infected.

plan ahead: if you're traveling with kids or not, consult your medical team 6 months before international trips and that's up from one month. you want to be fully vaccinated 2 weeks or more before leaving the us.

fyi: for non-traveling children, the mmr vax should be administered at 12-15 months with the second shot between 4 and 6 years.

measles is dangerous: in addition to the rash, fever, and sore throat, it can trigger pneumonia, encephalitis, bronchitis, croup, laryngitis, and gastrointestinal infections. it can trigger premature births.

what about adults going overseas. if you received the measles vaccine or experienced a natural measles infection years ago, the prevalent opinion is that you are probably protected. immunity does wane, so why chance it? get an mmr shot at least 2 weeks before your departure.


#measles #cdc #travel #international #mmr #infants #children""","traveling babies need the measles shot

measles is on the rise around the world and here$ at home as well. a full 93% of cases popping up in the us are linked to international travel and most occurred in infants under 1 years who traveled unvaccinated.

the cdc now $ recommends that families planning to travel with infants 6 to 11 months have the baby receive an early dose of the mmr, the measles, mumps, rubella vaccine, at least 2 weeks before departure. they should then get their regular mmr at 12-15 months and the second shot at 4-6 years.

traveling children, never vaccinated, who are 1 year and older should receive 2 mmr shots 28 days apart at least 2 weeks before departure. the same is true for adults who have never been vaccinated or measles-infected.

plan ahead: if you're traveling with kids or not, consult your medical team 6 months before international trips and that's up from one month. you want to be fully vaccinated 2 weeks or more before leaving the us.

fyi: for non-traveling children, the mmr vax should be administered at 12-15 months with the second shot between 4 and 6 years.

measles is dangerous: in addition to the rash, fever, and sore throat, it can trigger pneumonia, encephalitis, bronchitis, croup, laryngitis, and gastrointestinal infections. it can trigger premature births.

what about adults going overseas. if you received the measles vaccine or experienced a natural measles infection years ago, the prevalent opinion is that you are probably protected. immunity does wane, so why chance it? get an mmr shot at least 2 weeks before your departure.


#measles #cdc #travel #international #mmr #infants #children""",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/drbasakcelikkan/reel/C48lXoSNKsJ/,"kzamk as
#cdc #kzamk #measles #ocuk #doktor #reels #reelsinstagram #istanbul #alama""","kzamk as
#cdc #kzamk #measles #ocuk #doktor #reels #reelsinstagram #istanbul #alama""",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/MerseyCareNHSFoundationTrust/videos/there-are-rising-cases-of-measles-in-the-northwest-check-you-and-your-family-are/741836581422131/,"There are rising cases of measles in the #NorthWest 🤒 Check you and your family are protected from becoming unwell with #Measles, by","There are rising cases of measles in the #NorthWest 🤒 Check you and your family are protected from becoming unwell with #Measles, by making sure you’re up to date with your #MMRVaccinations. Check your child’s red book, or contact your GP or #Immunisation Team. #MMRCatchUpNW",03/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@microbe.tv/video/7350684908479647019,**this video clip is 5 minutes in length** in this week€™s clinical update with dr daniel griffin we dive into measles and mpox outbreaks.  in this clip the good doctor presents an almost overlooked clinical case of measles in a child.  #mmr #measles #clinicalupdate #twiv #microbetv #immuneresponse #virologymatters ,**this video clip is 5 minutes in length** in this week€™s clinical update with dr daniel griffin we dive into measles and mpox outbreaks.  in this clip the good doctor presents an almost overlooked clinical case of measles in a child.  #mmr #measles #clinicalupdate #twiv #microbetv #immuneresponse #virologymatters ,03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@akuoma_adadaddy/video/7350593991542312197,good morning loveliesbaby heat rashes and measles is too much this time how are you all cooping?##fyp##viral##baby##girlmom##explore##nigeriantiktok,good morning loveliesbaby heat rashes and measles is too much this time how are you all cooping?##fyp##viral##baby##girlmom##explore##nigeriantiktok,03/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@user5461218311592/video/7350692178353524011,anythingpox is spreading! #latestnews #alaskapox #measles #tiktokuin #fyp #foryou #pov ~,anythingpox is spreading! #latestnews #alaskapox #measles #tiktokuin #fyp #foryou #pov ~,03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkJIGid_UDU,"covid, flu & rsv; measles status update: new covid prevention / monoclonal (pemgarda)","00:56 - covid update
2:48 - rsv & flu update
5:29 - measles outbreak
18:42 - monoclonal update
29:40 - summary and tips

links referenced in the briefing
prior briefing on florida measles outbreak
cdc measles surveillance
pemgarda eua
fda eua fact sheet for patients

prior briefing long covid and monoclonal case studies @33:19
prior briefing and article on pan-sarbecovirus antibodies
wastewater resources
cdc list of conditions
cdc measles tracking

#rootsempowers #communityhealth #bayarea #publichealth #oakland #covid19 #cdc #maskup
#covidisnotover #covidisairborne #nomorecoviddeaths #vaccines #booster #pandemic #omicron
#xbb #keepmasksinhealthcare #longcovid #eg.5 #wastewater #ba.2.86 #monovalent
#monovalentbooster #novavax #pertussis #jn.1",03/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwT4MfruSUE,measles cases on the rise in the u.s.,"9news medical expert dr. payal kohli discusses an uptick in measles cases across the country. _x000d_
more local videos here: https://youtube.com/@9news _x000d_
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9news (kusa) is located in denver, colorado.",03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0zqe8Z09Os,measles outbreak prompts health warning,"measles outbreak prompts health warning

stay informed about columbus and central ohio news, weather and sports! follow nbc4 on our website and social media channels:

https://twitter.com/nbc4i",03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4cY9-xlK4o,cdc recommends people to get vaccinated amid rise in measles cases,there have been 64 cases of measles confirmed nationwide. the georgia public health department are asking people to get vaccines to slow down the spread.,03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yabndkJ08Tw,"expert says of measles that, 'the disease is quite contagious'","""the disease is quite contagious, said dr. lorry rubin, chief of pediatric infectious diseases at cohen children's medical center. ""that's one of the two biggest concerns — the severity of the disease and the potential complications, as well as how contagious it is.

#newyork #measles #disease 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-pXN4HPb-s,patients potentially exposed to measles at children's hospital,patients potentially exposed to measles at children's hospital,03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrGR6RHSm8o,measles and mumps | difference between measles and mumps? | #mumps #measles,"also know: measles and mumps tests | measles vs mumps | what is the difference between measles and mumps | difference between mumps and measles    

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

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#mumps #mumpsdisease #mumpsinfection #mumpsvirus #mumpscauses #mumpsreasons #mumpssymptoms #mumpscomplications #mumpsdiagnosis #mumpsexaminations #mumpstest #mumpstreatment #mumpsmanagement #mumpscure #mumpsvaccination #mumpsimmunization #mumpsprevention #viralinfection #pediatrichealth #pediatrichealthcare #pediatricianadvice #pediatriciantips #pediatrician #pediatricspecialist #pediatricscare #pediatrics #pacehospitals #hyderabad #india 

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps in vaccinated children, mumps in babies and children, do vaccinated children get mumps?, measles and mumps tests, measles vs mumps, what is the difference between measles and mumps ,pace hospitals",03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCrw-dFzXUk,measles outbreak in south sudan,"western equatoria state of south sudan is currently facing an outbreak of measles – a respiratory tract viral infection commonly found in children. 

nuru katiko – msf emergency project coordinator - speaks about the situation and msf's response.",03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Nm0uLm_dzo,measles cases climbing across the country,"as the number of measles cases continue to grow, local health officials share their concerns.",03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BfH4UyxM4Jw,"measles: quick facts you must know | kokilaben dhirubhai ambani hospital, mumbai","measles is more than just a rash. it's a highly contagious viral infection that can lead to serious complications, especially in young children and adults with weakened immune systems. don't wait until it's too late. speak to your doctor today and take proactive steps to prevent this potentially dangerous infection. #measlesimmunizationday #preventmeasles #shorts #youtubeshorts #shortvideo",03/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRQKSJ8schA,dr. kerry fierstein of allied physicians group talks to wnyw fox 5 regarding li measles outbreak,"dr. kerry fierstein, ceo of allied physicians group, recently talked to jodi goldberg of wnyw fox 5 regarding the recent measles outbreak on long island and in new york city. 

cohen children's medical center announced a potential measles outbreak in nassau county. dr. fierstein said that measles is more contagious than covid-19, flu and the common cold. fierstein urges parents to get their children vaccinated to protect them against measles and its many side effects including high fever, red and watery eyes and rashes. 

unvaccinated children, pregnant mothers and individuals who are immune compromised are the most at risk. for every thousand children with measles, at least one will die. 

for more information about dr. fierstein and allied physicians group, please visit, https://alliedphysiciansgroup.com/.",03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfH4UyxM4Jw,"measles: quick facts you must know | kokilaben dhirubhai ambani hospital, mumbai","measles is more than just a rash. it's a highly contagious viral infection that can lead to serious complications, especially in young children and adults with weakened immune systems. don't wait until it's too late. speak to your doctor today and take proactive steps to prevent this potentially dangerous infection. #measlesimmunizationday #preventmeasles #shorts #youtubeshorts #shortvideo",03/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpmiRH5d6DQ,the measles – kicks,"formed in 1964, manchester, england. disbanded 1968. featured here is the a-side of the single 'kicks / no baby at all' released on 'columbia' in 1966.

dave earl [dave barrow] (bass)
wyn davis [graham hopkins] (rhythm guitar)
jomo smith [dave smith] (lead guitar)
stan red hoffman [stan dulson] (vocals, harmonica, 1964-67)
ray mondell [ray ward] (drums, 1964-67)
drachen theaker (drums, 1967)
paul young (vocals, 1967-68)
leo laherty (drums, 1967-68)
barry reynolds (guitar, 1968)

other videos:
night people:  https://youtu.be/ejjyogjuz7o 
dog rough dan: https://youtu.be/av_7snotah8
casting my spell: https://youtu.be/rqmpqisxrfs

the wheels – kicks: https://youtu.be/chmlqb200pw",03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,anger,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6vS2efjavQ,chicago implements new vaccine policy among youth at pilsen migrant shelter,the chicago department of public health is taking new steps to contain a citywide outbreak of measles.,03/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOWL5bIVbYI, seminar peningkatan kapasitas sistem surveilans measles rubella menuju eliminasi campak tahun 2026,"seminar epidemiologi:
""peningkatan kapasitas sistem surveilans measles rubella menuju eliminasi campak tahun 2026""

 selasa, 26 maret 2024
 pukul: 08.00 s/d selesai

✅ free sertifikat 2 skp paei

 join zoom meeting
meeting id: 871 4643 6600
passcode: paei24

 keynote speaker:

dr. dr. hariadi wibisono, mph
(ketua umum perhimpunan ahli epidemiologi indonesia/paei)

dr. dr. hj. ati pramudji hastuti, mars
(kepala dinas kesehatan provinsi banten)


dr. joshua harmani, mscph
(who indonesia)

h. ahmad arif, skm, m.kes
(politeknik kesehatan kemenkes banten)

nenden hikmah laila, skm, m.epid
(dinas kesehatan provinsi banten)

suyanti, s.kep, m.epid
(paei banten)

☞ contact person:
eneng nurul aeni, skm, mkm (081382058117)
ade irwan afandi, skm, m.epid (082111793351)",03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/shorts/u7NutD3D9cw,simple home remedies for mumps#mumps#kids #trending #viral#ytshorts,mumps #measles #rubella #mmr #vaccine #covid #vaccines #polio #vaccineswork #health #vaccination #coronavirus #tetanus #medicine #science #diphtheria #influenza #chickenpox #fluvaccine #immunization #bhfyp #vaccinessavelives #pertussis #virus #measlesoutbreak #vaccineinjury #pharma #antivaccine #vaccinsanity #billgates#mumps #viral infection #kids#health #homemade #remidies #children #dream simple by ramani #trending #viral #subscriber #subscribetomychannel #telugushorts,03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzUd05QWzd8,"measles may be first of more diseases to make a comeback, says brock expert",,03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,joy,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Edh1r-W-4SY,measles exposure- fox 5 talks to dr. kerry fierstein,,03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PguHreunCYY,wakefield measles q&a with steve turnbull,partners and communities working together across wakefield district to navigate health messages,03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FzUd05QWzd8&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pelhamtoday.ca%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,"measles may be first of more diseases to make a comeback, says brock expert",,03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,joy,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FzUd05QWzd8&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.orilliamatters.com%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,"measles may be first of more diseases to make a comeback, says brock expert",,03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,joy,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Edh1r-W-4SY&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Falliedphysiciansgroup.com%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,measles exposure- fox 5 talks to dr. kerry fierstein,,03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEO7nDs8kMw,"after measles case confirmed in nassau, here are ways to protect your family. #measles #child","#measles #child #highlycontagious

a measles case in an unvaccinated child under 5 has been confirmed in nassau, marking the third case in new york in 2024.",03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMH--P5pF18,measles disease in hindi घरेलू इलाज,"खसरा क गंभीर वायरल बीमारी है, जो बचचों में सबसे जयादा देखने को मिलती है। खसरा होने पर मरीज बखार, सकिन रैशेज, गले में खराश और खांसी जैसी परेशानियों से जता होता है। खसरा होने पर मरीज के सांस नली और शवसन परणाली को गंभीर नकसान होता है। कोरोना वायरस, मंकीपॉकस संकरमण के बाद अब मंबई में खसरा का परकोप तेजी से बा है। खसरा संकरमण होने पर  संकरमित वयकति दूसरे वयकति को भी संकरमित कर सकता है। खसरा को रूबेला भी कहते हैं। इस बीमारी में सबसे पहले सिर और आसपास की सकिन पर लाल रंग के दानें और चकतते दिखाई देते हैं और धीरे-धीरे यह पूरे शरीर में फैल जाते हैं। चलि आपको बताते है इससे बचने के लि कया करें.

measles is a serious viral disease, which is most commonly seen in children. in case of measles, the patient deals with problems like fever, skin
rash, sore throat and cough. measles causes severe damage to the respiratory tract and respiratory system of the patient. after the corona virus, monkeypox infection, now the outbreak of measles in mumbai has increased rapidly. an infected person can also infect another person with measles infection. measles is also known as rubella. in this disease, first red rash and rashes appear on the head and surrounding skin and gradually it spreads all over the body. let us tell you what to do to avoid this.
dr education please subcribe like share..... 

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मीजलस संकरमण का निदान

खसरे के लकषणों को कैसे मैनेज करें

मीजलस का घरेलू उपचार 

मीजलस को कैसे रोकें

खसरे का ीका बचचों को कब लगवाना चाहि

बचचों को खसरे का ीका कब लगता है

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खसरा - लकषण, कारण और ीकाकरण

बचचों को खसरा का ीका कब लगता है


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thanks & regards 
dr. kosar ali",03/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TVnsOvbusc,treatment of mumps in hindi || गलसआ का इलाज || viral infection treatment #mumps #treatment #गलसआ,"treatment of mumps in hindi || गलसआ का इलाज || viral infection treatment #mumps #treatment #गलसआ 

mumps and treatment
mumps is a disease caused by a virus. it usually affects the glands on each side of the face. these glands called parotid glands, it make saliva. 
swollen glands may be tendor or painful. 

signs and symptoms
यह viral infection mainly बचचों में जयादा होता है लेकिन कभी कभी बड़ो में भी हो सकता है इसका incubation period 14 से 21 दिन तक रहता हैं।
इसमें fever आता है
शरीर में दरद होता है
mouth angle पर दरद होता है।
खाना चबाने में परेशानी होती हैं।
बखार आने के 24 घंों के अनदर parotid gland में सूजन आ जाती हैं।
बड़ो में orchitis ( वृषणशोध ) भी हो सकता है।

maintain oral hygiene ( मंह की साफ सफ़ाई का धयान रखे)
betadine mouth wash से gargle तथा कलला करें।
मरीज को bed rest देना चाहि।
यह क communicable disease हे अतः droplet infection से बचना चाहि।
soft and liquid diet ( तरल भोजन देना चाहि )

in children 
syrup augmentin ( amoxicillin and potassium clavunate) 1 चममच दिन में तीन बार देना चाहि
syrup aceclofenac and paracetamol ( aldigesic - p ) 1 चममच दिन में तीन बार देना चाहि।
syrup becosules ( multivitamin ) 1 चममच सबह शाम देना चाहि।

in adults
tablet moxikind - cv  1 गोली सबह शाम देना चाहि।
tablet zerodol - sp ( aceclofenac, paracetamol and serratiopeptidase) 1 गोली सबह शाम देना चाहि।
अगर orchitis भी हो तो
tablet dexamethasone 1गोली सबह शाम
tablet omnacortil 10 ( prednisolone) 1 गोली सबह शाम देना चाहि।

vaccine mmr
administer the primary dose of mmr vaccine at age 9 to 12 months, the second dose at age 15 से 18 months, and final 3rd dose at age 4 to 6 years of age.

disclaimer - 

video is for educational purpose only. copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.

 -:आवशयक सूचना:-

यूयूब चैनल ""all about medicine"" पर दवाईयों की
सामानय जानकारी के लि वीडियो अपलोड किये जाते हे | किसी भी वीडियो में खद से दवा लेने (self medication)के लि सलाह नहीं दी जाती हे
किसी भी परकार की दवा खाने से पहले डॉकर से सलाह अवशय ले
यदि कोई भी वयकति वीडियो देख कर खद से दवा लेता हे |
तो वह सवयं किसी भी परकार के नकसान के लि जिममेदार होगा | 

                धनयवाद |
dr. amarjeet jadoun

visit kare :- 

causes of mumps
mumps and measles
mumps causes
mumps complications
mumps diagnosis
mumps disease
mumps examinations
mumps measles rubella
mumps microbiology
mumps pathogenesis
mumps prevention
mumps problem
mumps signs and symptoms
mumps symptoms
mumps treatment
mumps treatment for child
mumps vaccine
mumps virus
mumps virus microbiology
symptoms of mumps
treatment of mumps
treatment of viral infections
what is mumps
what is mumps disease

#viralinfection",03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/brockuniversity/videos/measles-may-be-first-of-more-diseases-to-make-a-comeback-says-brock-expert/2538684969637642/,"measles may be first of more diseases to make a comeback, says brock...","with #measles cases on the rise across the country, a #brocku immunologist says the highly contagious virus may be just the start of other vaccine-preventable illnesses making a return.
read more in the brock news: https://loom.ly/iol1wzm",03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://m.facebook.com/rootsempowers/videos/covid-flu-rsv-measles-status-update-new-covid-prevention-monoclonal-pemgarda/953205742776564/,"covid, flu & rsv; measles status update: new covid prevention / monoclonal (pemgarda)","00:56 - covid update
2:48 - rsv & flu update
5:29 - measles outbreak
18:42 - monoclonal update
29:40 - summary and tips
links referenced in the briefing
prior briefing on florida measles outbreak
cdc measles surveillance
pemgarda eua
fda eua fact sheet for patients
prior briefing long covid and monoclonal case studies @33:19
prior briefing and article on pan-sarbecovirus antibodies
wastewater resources
cdc list of conditions
cdc measles tracking
#rootsempowers #communityhealth #bayarea #publichealth #oakland #covid19 #cdc #maskup
#covidisnotover #covidisairborne #nomorecoviddeaths #vaccines #booster #pandemic #omicron
#xbb #keepmasksinhealthcare #longcovid #eg.5 #wastewater #ba.2.86 #monovalent
#monovalentbooster #novavax #pertussis #jn.1",03/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/ptvnewsmindanao/videos/ptv-news-mindanao-march-26-2024-measles-outbreak-gideklara-na-sa-barmm-tungod-sa/790274456346465/,"ptv news mindanao, march 26, 2024 | measles outbreak, gideklara na","ptv news mindanao, march 26, 2024 | measles outbreak, gideklara na sa barmm tungod sa 3 ka death cases sa tigdas",03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/health/measles-outbreak-prompts-health-warning/vi-BB1kAdlH,measles outbreak prompts health warning,measles outbreak prompts health warning,03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.facebook.com/PHOagusandelsur/videos/daghan-na-ang-nagkasakit-ug-measles-o-tigdasdal-a-ang-inyong-mga-anak-sa-pinakad/790120202994556/,"daghan na ang nagkasakit ug measles o tigdas!
dal-a ang inyong mga anak sa pinakadool nga health center alang sa libreng imunisasyon o bakuna kontra tigdas.
protektahi ang inyong mga anak! magpabakuna na, kay ang agsurnon nga bakunado, protektado!!","daghan na ang nagkasakit ug measles o tigdas!
dal-a ang inyong mga anak sa pinakadool nga health center alang sa libreng imunisasyon o bakuna kontra tigdas.
protektahi ang inyong mga anak! magpabakuna na, kay ang agsurnon nga bakunado, protektado!!",03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4_YaLDLYxC/,"the measles virus is on the rise with several cases reported across the nation, including one in new jersey. declining vaccination rates and increasing travel seem to be contributing to the surge. click the link in our bio to learn how to protect yourself.","the measles virus is on the rise with several cases reported across the nation, including one in new jersey. declining vaccination rates and increasing travel seem to be contributing to the surge. click the link in our bio to learn how to protect yourself.",03/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/abcgma3/reel/C4_3CjgxBL1/,drjashton discusses how there are 64 cases in the united states and the longterm effects of measles.,drjashton discusses how there are 64 cases in the united states and the longterm effects of measles.,03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@abcgma3/video/7350836626916003115,@drjashton discusses how there are 64 cases in the united states and the longterm effects of measles.,@drjashton discusses how there are 64 cases in the united states and the longterm effects of measles.,03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@realkevinjjohnston/video/7350781381254941957,"canadian members of parliament are moving to costa rica to escape prison for treason     -   many members of canadian parliament are moving their wealth inter costa rica and buying houses. they know that there are major events that are coming soon and they're trying to stay ahead of the next pandemic that is going to be brought into canada and the western world. measles will be the next thing that they lay on us and they're going to get people wearing masks again. they're going to shut everything down like they did before only now you've got a few months of warning to deal with it. when canadian politicians are moving into a country with no extradition treaty with canada, you should really pay attention to the reasons why. www.freedomreport.ca","canadian members of parliament are moving to costa rica to escape prison for treason     -   many members of canadian parliament are moving their wealth inter costa rica and buying houses. they know that there are major events that are coming soon and they're trying to stay ahead of the next pandemic that is going to be brought into canada and the western world. measles will be the next thing that they lay on us and they're going to get people wearing masks again. they're going to shut everything down like they did before only now you've got a few months of warning to deal with it. when canadian politicians are moving into a country with no extradition treaty with canada, you should really pay attention to the reasons why. www.freedomreport.ca",03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@mywealth815/video/7350593991542312197,good morning loveliesbaby heat rashes and measles is too much this time how are you all cooping?##fyp##viral##baby##girlmom##explore##nigeriantiktok‡‡,good morning loveliesbaby heat rashes and measles is too much this time how are you all cooping?##fyp##viral##baby##girlmom##explore##nigeriantiktok‡‡,03/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@careersatsea/video/7350612047886896389,"the vaccine requirements for cruise ships can vary depending on the cruise line and the destination. here€™s a general overview: required vaccines: covid-19: most cruiselines require all crew to  be fully vaccinated against covid-19 and have a booster shot. routine vaccinations: these include measles (mmr), flu shots,tetanus chickenpox and polio and yellow fever cost unknown  #sama28 #crewforcrew #jobsearch #cruisejobs #shiplife #lifeatsea #cruiseshipjobs #careersatsea ","the vaccine requirements for cruise ships can vary depending on the cruise line and the destination. here€™s a general overview: required vaccines: covid-19: most cruiselines require all crew to  be fully vaccinated against covid-19 and have a booster shot. routine vaccinations: these include measles (mmr), flu shots,tetanus chickenpox and polio and yellow fever cost unknown  #sama28 #crewforcrew #jobsearch #cruisejobs #shiplife #lifeatsea #cruiseshipjobs #careersatsea ",03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@justsadeee/video/7350740545788038442,"replying to @miracle either you dont know how to read research or you dont care about your community and tbh i think both of those should disqualify you from being a doctor!! also i know a hospital that just had an airborne measles case and the drs freaked bc they werent masking when the clt came in, like€ hello???","replying to @miracle either you dont know how to read research or you dont care about your community and tbh i think both of those should disqualify you from being a doctor!! also i know a hospital that just had an airborne measles case and the drs freaked bc they werent masking when the clt came in, like€ hello???",03/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@centro.multicultural/video/7350768465004825899,"el sarampin es una enfermedad que puede afectar a personas de todas las edades. incluso si ya has tenido sarampin, puedes volver a contraerlo. la mejor manera de protegerte del sarampin es vacunndote. ven a nuestra feria de salud y vacnate contra el sarampin. '€•'‰ 'cundo es nuestra prxima feria de salud? —""jueves 28 de marzo 2024 •2:00pm a 5:00pm  ""91 n saginaw, pontiac, mi, 48342. 1er piso. para registrarte en la feria de salud y vacunarte, clickea el link de nuestro perfil.— comparte este mensaje con tus familiares y amigos.€ '‰este programa es pblico, ajeno a cualquier partido poltico. queda prohibido el uso para fines distintos al desarrollo social. english: did you know that there is a measles outbreak? get vaccinated at our upcoming health fair!'‰'€• 'when and where? —""thursday, march 28th 2024 •2:00pm - 5:00pm  ""91 n saginaw, pontiac, mi, 48342. 1st floor. visit our profile link to register in the health fair.'€• share this message with your friends and family€ #measles #measlesoutbreak #measles2024 #sarampion #brotedesarampion #sarampion2024 #jornadadevacunacion #vacunasampion #measlesvaccine #vacunassincosto #oaklandactivities #pontiacactivities #oaklandhealth vdeo cortesa de : @univision @ediciondigitalunivision","el sarampin es una enfermedad que puede afectar a personas de todas las edades. incluso si ya has tenido sarampin, puedes volver a contraerlo. la mejor manera de protegerte del sarampin es vacunndote. ven a nuestra feria de salud y vacnate contra el sarampin. '€•'‰ 'cundo es nuestra prxima feria de salud? —""jueves 28 de marzo 2024 •2:00pm a 5:00pm  ""91 n saginaw, pontiac, mi, 48342. 1er piso. para registrarte en la feria de salud y vacunarte, clickea el link de nuestro perfil.— comparte este mensaje con tus familiares y amigos.€ '‰este programa es pblico, ajeno a cualquier partido poltico. queda prohibido el uso para fines distintos al desarrollo social. english: did you know that there is a measles outbreak? get vaccinated at our upcoming health fair!'‰'€• 'when and where? —""thursday, march 28th 2024 •2:00pm - 5:00pm  ""91 n saginaw, pontiac, mi, 48342. 1st floor. visit our profile link to register in the health fair.'€• share this message with your friends and family€ #measles #measlesoutbreak #measles2024 #sarampion #brotedesarampion #sarampion2024 #jornadadevacunacion #vacunasampion #measlesvaccine #vacunassincosto #oaklandactivities #pontiacactivities #oaklandhealth vdeo cortesa de : @univision @ediciondigitalunivision",03/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@mediagiantmarketing/video/7350983134671883563,measles - the persistent public health challenge #ruraldocalan #doctor #physician #health #medcine #children #kids #childrenshealth #measles #infection #vaccine #shots #occurances,measles - the persistent public health challenge #ruraldocalan #doctor #physician #health #medcine #children #kids #childrenshealth #measles #infection #vaccine #shots #occurances,03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@brockuniversity/video/7351015994191645957,"measles may be first of more diseases to make a comeback, says #brocku expert #canada #research #science #covid19 #measles #vaccine #brockuniversity","measles may be first of more diseases to make a comeback, says #brocku expert #canada #research #science #covid19 #measles #vaccine #brockuniversity",03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,joy,joy
https://www.instagram.com/vaccine.choice.canada/reel/C5A3iX2OD8g/,"what it used to be like when someone caught measles.

watch the full video below!


scene from the donna reed show (1959) 
season 1 episode 28 - april fools

#vaccinechoicecanada #informedconsent #vaccinesafetyadvocate #vaccineingredients #vaccineschedule #measlesoutbreak #measles #thedonnareedshow #childhoodillness 

help support canada's longest serving organization committed to preserving the right to medical choice for you and your children. donate here:

become a vcc member and receive the choice insider, our bi-weekly newsletter, access to members-only meetings and exclusive content.
https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/become-a-vcc-member/""","what it used to be like when someone caught measles.

watch the full video below!


scene from the donna reed show (1959) 
season 1 episode 28 - april fools

#vaccinechoicecanada #informedconsent #vaccinesafetyadvocate #vaccineingredients #vaccineschedule #measlesoutbreak #measles #thedonnareedshow #childhoodillness 

help support canada's longest serving organization committed to preserving the right to medical choice for you and your children. donate here:

become a vcc member and receive the choice insider, our bi-weekly newsletter, access to members-only meetings and exclusive content.
https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/become-a-vcc-member/""",03/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,surprise,surprise
https://www.instagram.com/scotthamiltonkennedy/reel/C5CMPeuPJt-/,"dec 2019: ""in a significant change of heart, the prime minister tuilaepa sailele publicly receives the mmr vaccine

ask robert kennedy jr. about samoa.

robert kennedy, jr. (no relation to myself), who is running for president as an independent, announced his vp pick yesterday i have come to know mr. kennedy through my experience interviewing him for shot in the arm (sita). today is part four of a powerful sequence on samoa split into 6 parts, one a day. the samoa sequence takes place between 2018 and 2019, where robert kennedy jr. plays a significant role in how this small island responded to a vaccine mistake and measles outbreak. 

please share far and wide and get more people asking rfk jr: what happened in samoa?

follow to see the rest of this exclusive series

#rfkjr #rfkjr2024 #vaccine #ᴠaccinessavelives #vax #measles #mmr #samoa #samoas #science #sciencerules #sciencecommunication #sciencefun #scienceiscool #truth #truthseekers #documentary #documentaryfilm #films #scotthamiltonkennedy #sita #shotinthearm #neildegrassetyson","dec 2019: ""in a significant change of heart, the prime minister tuilaepa sailele publicly receives the mmr vaccine

ask robert kennedy jr. about samoa.

robert kennedy, jr. (no relation to myself), who is running for president as an independent, announced his vp pick yesterday i have come to know mr. kennedy through my experience interviewing him for shot in the arm (sita). today is part four of a powerful sequence on samoa split into 6 parts, one a day. the samoa sequence takes place between 2018 and 2019, where robert kennedy jr. plays a significant role in how this small island responded to a vaccine mistake and measles outbreak. 

please share far and wide and get more people asking rfk jr: what happened in samoa?

follow to see the rest of this exclusive series

#rfkjr #rfkjr2024 #vaccine #ᴠaccinessavelives #vax #measles #mmr #samoa #samoas #science #sciencerules #sciencecommunication #sciencefun #scienceiscool #truth #truthseekers #documentary #documentaryfilm #films #scotthamiltonkennedy #sita #shotinthearm #neildegrassetyson",03/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpnVNJC6O0M,"why measles is on the rise: matthew binnicker, ph.d.","the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) issued a recent health advisory in response to the increasing number of measles outbreaks in the united states.

in this episode of ""answers from the lab, host bobbi pritt, m.d., chair of the division of clinical microbiology at mayo clinic, is joined by matthew binnicker, ph.d., professor of laboratory medicine and pathology and clinical virologist at mayo clinic, to discuss why measles is in the news again and how we can prevent measles outbreaks.

specific topics of discussion include:
• the symptoms, characteristics, and complications of the measles virus.
• the recent rise in measles cases and outbreaks being reported across the united states.
• the importance of vaccination in preventing the spread of the highly contagious virus.
• why the measles laboratory test was eventually developed, and testing options available through mayo clinic laboratories.",03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxSfD6dJANU,what parents need to know about measles,"measles was declared eliminated in 2000, but declining vaccination rates is increasing the risk of outbreaks.",03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s12qjTRcv6A,"kshb | missouri department of health warns of rise in measles cases, importance of vaccination","kshb talked to dr. todd fristo about measles and the mmr vaccine.

learn more about saint luke's:

https://www.instagram.com/saintlukeskc/",03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp0JFdUGzgU,"majority of canadians view measles as dangerous, not everyone in favour of mandatory vaccine: poll","when you stack up how people feel about measles, covid-19, and influenza — measles is perceived as worst out of the three.

""that perceived severity is not necessarily translating into a consensus about vaccinations, says ipsos vice president sean simpson.

according to ipsos polling, 83 per cent of canadians view the measles vaccine as safe, 80 per cent say the same about the flu, but only 71 per cent say the same about the covid-19 vaccine.

katherine ward reports.

for more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/10384080/measles-dangerous-covid-flu-ipsos-poll/

subscribe to global news channel here: http://bit.ly/20fcxdc
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follow global news on twitter here: http://bit.ly/1toz8mt
follow global news on instagram here: https://bit.ly/2qzazib
#globalnews #measles #vaccines",03/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQg_gIT7o2s,the importance of wellness knowledge and visits with measles cases on the rise,tatiana cash talks with dr. carrie baker about the rise in measles cases and ways to stay safe and healthy.,03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXhyrMoFjAQ,"amid measles uptick, health department encourages vaccination","as travelers prepare to leave for spring break, health officials are reminding people about the importance of measles vaccinations after an uptick in cases across the country. (march 27, 2024)",03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FDvEX1JkeY,#southsudan urgent vaccination needed to stop deadly #measles outbreak #doctorswithoutborders #msf,"make sure you don't miss weekly video updates and ongoing series about our work in crisis zones across the world. subscribe to our channel here: https://goo.gl/btzdsr

doctors without borders/mdecins sans frontires helps people worldwide where the need is greatest, delivering emergency medical aid to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from health care. learn more at https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org

subscribe: https://goo.gl/btzdsr

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connect with us on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/m-decins-sans-fronti-res-msf-
sign up for our newsletter: https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/quick-signup-confirm",03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Positive,anger,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_UJ6JAnSHY,stairwell chronicles - 'is measles back?',"march 27, 2024 #measles #kids #vaccines #deaths #ninetyfive #95",03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55cuiMucopA,virology lectures 2024 #16: acute infections,"we recognize two general types of virus-host interactions: acute and persistent. acute infections are characterized by rapid onset of virus reproduction, a brief but potentially severe course of disease followed by resolution. in this lecture we define the properties of acute infections, and illustrate them with five examples: influenza virus, poliovirus, measles virus, norovirus, and west nile virus.

become a patron of virology lectures at https://microbe.tv/contribute

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– who am i? –

i'm vincent racaniello, earth's virology professor, and i believe that education should be free.

i'm also a professor of virology at columbia university in new york. i've been doing research on viruses since 1976, and teaching virology in classrooms and online since 1999. on this youtube channel i share videos of my lectures, podcasts, and more.

new videos are uploaded several times each week.

i do not run ads on our work as it is disruptive to learning. we depend on your support. 

if you would like to support our work, go over to https://www.microbe.tv/contribute/ 
#microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic
———————————————————————",03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,disgust,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPCnNQckOsE, childhood immunization schedule for ages 0-6 | lesson 1 | aap,"are you worried about your child's vaccination schedule? you're not alone. many parents have questions about the timing and importance of various vaccines. this guide will shed light on why these shots are crucial for safeguarding your child's health before they start kindergarten. 

00:00-00:28 – introduction
00:28-02:35 – measles, mumps & rubella (mmr)
02:35-03:35 – hepatitis b 
03:35-08:17 – dtap, hib, polio, pneumococcal disease & rotavirus 
08:19-08:43 – influenza 
08:44-09:40 – chicken pox, hepatitis a 
09:41-10:45 – key takeaways 

why are vaccines given at specific ages? it all boils down to two key reasons:

1⃣ optimal immune system response: vaccines work best when your child's immune system is ready to learn and fight effectively. giving them at the right age ensures maximum protection.

2⃣ timely disease prevention: some illnesses pose serious risks to young children. vaccinating them at the recommended times provides crucial shields before they encounter these dangers.

let's break down the key vaccines for children under 5:

◾ hepatitis b: protects against a liver infection, starting at birth for immediate defense.

◾ rsv: shields against a common respiratory virus, crucial for infants during rsv season.

◾ diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (dtap): combats multiple serious illnesses, with several doses throughout childhood for lasting immunity.

◾ hib: prevents potentially life-threatening infections like meningitis.

◾ polio: a once-dreaded disease, now preventable with four doses before school.

◾ pneumococcal: safeguards against pneumonia, sepsis, and meningitis.

◾rotavirus: stops severe diarrhea, offering two or three doses for optimal protection.

◾influenza: combats the ever-changing flu virus, recommended annually from age 6 months.

◾ chickenpox: minimizes discomfort and complications, given in two doses.

◾hepatitis a: protects against liver disease, with two doses for long-term defense.

✔ vaccines are safe and effective, backed by extensive research and real-world data.

 ✔they empower your child's immune system to fight off diseases.

✔vaccinating on schedule minimizes the risk of serious illnesses and invasive procedures.

 don't hesitate to get informed and make the best choice for your child's health. remember, pediatricians are on your team, ready to answer questions and keep your little ones safe and healthy.

give your child the gift of health and protection. follow the recommended vaccination schedule for a brighter, healthier future! 

visit healthychildren.org to learn more about childhood immunizations: 


 vaccines your child needs by age 6 

 all about the recommended immunization schedules https://www.healthychildren.org/english/safety-prevention/immunizations/pages/recommended-immunization-schedules.aspx

 recommended child and adolescent immunization schedule
for ages 18 years or younger 
https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/downloads/child/0-18yrs-child-combined-schedule.pdf",03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoKW2BRSZUM, introduction to protecting your child: the complete guide to childhood vaccinations | aap,"why do babies and children need vaccines to protect against illnesses like hepatitis b, measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr)? what exactly are vaccines and are they safe? by the end of this video course, parents will be able to understand the importance of childhood vaccinations, including the rationale behind the recommended vaccination schedule, the diseases they protect against, and the potential consequences of not following the schedule. 

lesson 1⃣: childhood immunization schedule for ages 0-6 
lesson 2⃣: myths vs. facts on childhood immunizations
lesson 3⃣: how do vaccines work?
lesson 4⃣: top questions parents ask about childhood vaccines
lesson 5⃣: tips for parents when getting vaccines 

 don't hesitate to talk to your child's pediatrician to help you make the best choice for your child's health. remember, pediatricians are on your team, ready to answer questions and keep your little ones safe and healthy.

give your child the gift of health and protection. follow the recommended vaccination schedule for a brighter, healthier future! 

visit healthychildren.org to learn more about childhood immunizations: 


 vaccines your child needs by age 6: 

 all about the recommended immunization schedules: https://www.healthychildren.org/english/safety-prevention/immunizations/pages/recommended-immunization-schedules.aspx

 recommended child and adolescent immunization schedule
for ages 18 years or younger 
https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/downloads/child/0-18yrs-child-combined-schedule.pdf",03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oo3n0iXqABw,the fake pastor;  fake pastor mproka was cought with ghadafi's wife and was beating measles,#alahatv #comedy please  like share and subscribe to my channel for more funny  videos @alahatv,03/27/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,anger,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHNhWlAc4_I,गलसवा का कारण और इलाज कया होता है (mumps -risk factors & treatment),"@medicoedu25 

#mumps #parotidgland #saliverygland #viralinfection #infections #pain #swelling #study #health #healthtips #medicaleducation #facts #hydration #medication #coldcompression #warmcompression #child #vaccination #mmr #measles #rubella #subscribe 

what are the risk factors of mumps ? 


mumps is more common in children between the ages of 5 and 15 who have not been vaccinated or have incomplete vaccination status. however, outbreaks can also occur in adolescents and adults, particularly in settings with close contact, such as colleges or military barracks.

close contact: 

being in close proximity to someone infected with the mumps virus increases the risk of transmission, especially in crowded environments like schools, daycares, and residential facilities.

vaccination status: 

individuals who have not received the mmr (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine or who have not completed the recommended vaccine series are at higher risk of contracting mumps.

travel to endemic areas:

 traveling to regions where mumps is more prevalent increases the risk of exposure to the virus. it's important for travelers to ensure they are up-to-date on their vaccinations before visiting these areas.

weakened immune system: 

people with weakened immune systems due to conditions such as hiv/aids, cancer, or immunosuppressive medications are at higher risk of contracting mumps and experiencing more severe complications.

poor hygiene practices:

 poor hygiene, such as not washing hands regularly or sharing utensils and drinks with infected individuals, can increase the risk of mumps transmission.

treatment of mumps :-------------------


getting plenty of rest can help the body fight off the virus and reduce fatigue associated with mumps.

pain relief: 

over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen (tylenol) or ibuprofen (advil, motrin) can help alleviate fever, headache, and muscle aches. aspirin should be avoided in children and teenagers due to the risk of reye's syndrome.


drinking plenty of fluids, such as water, clear soups, and electrolyte solutions, can help prevent dehydration, especially if fever is present.

soft diet:

 consuming soft foods that require minimal chewing can help reduce discomfort while eating, particularly if there is swelling of the salivary glands.

warm or cold compress: 

applying a warm or cold compress to the swollen glands can help alleviate pain and reduce swelling.


since mumps is highly contagious, individuals with mumps should be isolated from others, especially unvaccinated individuals, to prevent the spread of the virus. isolation typically lasts until at least five days after the onset of parotid gland swelling.


vaccination with the mmr (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine is the most effective way to prevent mumps. if you haven't been vaccinated or are unsure of your vaccination status, consult your healthcare provider for guidance.",03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/video/what-parents-need-to-know-about-measles/,what parents need to know about measles,"measles was declared eliminated in 2000, but declining vaccination rates is increasing the risk of outbreaks.",03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://globalnews.ca/video/10386000/majority-of-canadians-believe-measles-vaccine-should-be-required-for-children-poll,majority of canadians believe measles vaccine should be required for children: poll,"seventy-three per cent of canadians say the measles vaccine should be required for children unless prohibited for medical reasons, according to an ipsos polling done exclusively for global news.
read more:
 simcoe muskoka health unit says recent measles case a lab error",03/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://globalnews.ca/video/10387698/poll-on-how-canadians-feel-about-measles,poll on how canadians feel about measles vaccines,ipsos has conducted a new exclusive poll for global on how canadians feel about measles vaccines. ipsos' sean simpson says that most of us have strong feelings about mandatory vaccination,03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://barrie.ctvnews.ca/video/c2893207-false-alarm-for-measles-case-in-simcoe-muskoka,false alarm for measles case in simcoe muskoka,smdhu medical officer of health dr. charles gardner speaks about the laboratory error regarding the false positive measles diagnosis.,03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,neutral
https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/video/c2893443-doctor-sounding-alarm-on-measles-cases,doctor sounding alarm on measles cases,"canadas top doctor is sounding the alarm over a recent increase in measles cases leads medicalwatch for march 27, 2024.",03/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.msn.com/en-ca/video/news/majority-of-canadians-view-measles-as-dangerous-not-everyone-in-favour-of-mandatory-vaccine-poll/vi-BB1kEeml?ocid=MD12,"majority of canadians view measles as dangerous, not everyone in favour of mandatory vaccine: poll","canada is facing a rising number of measles cases and concerns of further outbreaks. the disease is largely preventable thanks to vaccines. but new polling shows not everyone is on board with rolling up their sleeves, even though a large majority view the disease as dangerous. health reporter katherine ward has the details.",03/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.facebook.com/CBSMornings/videos/measles-makes-a-comeback-in-us/865383805344090/,measles makes a comeback in u.s.,"the u.s. is experiencing a concerning resurgence of measles, with at least 36 reported cases across 16 states since january, including nine confirmed cases in florida. chief medical correspondent dr. jon lapook on why we are seeing an alarming rise of cases. https://cbsn.ws/3usuib2",03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.instagram.com/brockuniversity/reel/C5BiKd6LKiz/,"with #measles cases on the rise across the country, a #brocku immunologist says the highly contagious virus may be just the start of other #vaccine-preventable illnesses making a return.

read more in the brock news at the link in our bio.""","with #measles cases on the rise across the country, a #brocku immunologist says the highly contagious virus may be just the start of other #vaccine-preventable illnesses making a return.

read more in the brock news at the link in our bio.""",03/27/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/drjaynemorgan/reel/C5A7eYZrRuz/,"dr. jayne morgan⚕ on instagram: ""stairwell chronicles - 'is measles back?' (1 min video). #measles #reemergence #kids #vaccines #deaths #ninetyfive #95 #herdimmunity #wellnesswednesday #stairwellchronicles #drjaynemorgan","dr. jayne morgan⚕ on instagram: ""stairwell chronicles - 'is measles back?' (1 min video). #measles #reemergence #kids #vaccines #deaths #ninetyfive #95 #herdimmunity #wellnesswednesday #stairwellchronicles #drjaynemorgan",03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/doctorswithoutborders/reel/C5CEwW2uKDL/,"in the western equatoria state of south sudan, there's an urgent need to increase vaccination efforts to halt the #measles outbreak.

low vaccination coverage in #southsudan has had a significant impact on the population. children in particular are highly vulnerable to diseases like measles that can lead to more serious health complications or even death.

our teams are actively responding to this emergency by treating patients in nzara and yambio counties at gangura and sakure health centers, as well as at yambio state hospital. to meet the growing demands, our teams are aiming to increase the number of beds for measles patients in order to care for more patients at a time, while also seeking out children in the community with potential symptoms to refer them to health facilities for further care.

however, it's imperative that the ministry of health and other health organizations including @who intensify their efforts to expand vaccination coverage across the country. msf head of mission zakaria mwatia shared, ""south sudan's fragile health system cannot bear the burden of recurrent outbreaks.

link in bio to learn more. #health #healthcare #diseaseprevention","in the western equatoria state of south sudan, there's an urgent need to increase vaccination efforts to halt the #measles outbreak.

low vaccination coverage in #southsudan has had a significant impact on the population. children in particular are highly vulnerable to diseases like measles that can lead to more serious health complications or even death.

our teams are actively responding to this emergency by treating patients in nzara and yambio counties at gangura and sakure health centers, as well as at yambio state hospital. to meet the growing demands, our teams are aiming to increase the number of beds for measles patients in order to care for more patients at a time, while also seeking out children in the community with potential symptoms to refer them to health facilities for further care.

however, it's imperative that the ministry of health and other health organizations including @who intensify their efforts to expand vaccination coverage across the country. msf head of mission zakaria mwatia shared, ""south sudan's fragile health system cannot bear the burden of recurrent outbreaks.

link in bio to learn more. #health #healthcare #diseaseprevention",03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/sbmholisticfarmacy/reel/C5CETlNohOg/?locale=my,"ever seen a product with 50 amazing benefits for overall skin and health 

sea buckthorn oil 

1. prevents wrinkles:
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4. restores elasticity:
5. treats acute dryness:
6. treats skin burns:
7. treats skin wounds:
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9. reduces skin roughness:
10. effective on acne:
11. treats ulcers:
12. cleans the blemishes on face:
13. prevents dementia:
14. treats skin discolouration:
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17. prevents infections:
18. reduces inflammation and redness:
19. treats signs on measles:
20. improves high blood pressure:
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price : 12600  naira only""ပေါ်ရှိ herbal health store","ever seen a product with 50 amazing benefits for overall skin and health 

sea buckthorn oil 

1. prevents wrinkles:
2. cleanses the skin:
3. moisturising skin:
4. restores elasticity:
5. treats acute dryness:
6. treats skin burns:
7. treats skin wounds:
8. treats sun damage:
9. reduces skin roughness:
10. effective on acne:
11. treats ulcers:
12. cleans the blemishes on face:
13. prevents dementia:
14. treats skin discolouration:
15. prevents alzheimer's disease:
16. helps to treat dry eyes:
17. prevents infections:
18. reduces inflammation and redness:
19. treats signs on measles:
20. improves high blood pressure:
21. stabilises heart beat:
22. lowering cholesterol:
23. boosting immunity:
24. prevents blood vessel diseases:
25. treats arteries problems:
26. treating night blindness:
27. improves digestion:
28. treating asthma:
29. treats intestinal diseases:
30. treats chest pain:
31. liver damage prevention:
32. rosacea relief:
33. nourishes your scalp:
34. removes dandruff build ups:
35. induces blood circulation:
36. strengths hair roots:
37. combats hair thinning:
38. keeps scalp away from fungus:
39. treats dry scalp:
40. gives you shiny hair:
41. volumises hair:
42. maintains the natural oil on the scalp:
43. fights with the free radicals:
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45. stimulates health blood cells:
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48. treats fungus on nails:
49. making of medicines:
50. making of cosmetics:

price : 12600  naira only""ပေါ်ရှိ herbal health store",03/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.facebook.com/WiganCouncilOnline/videos/-did-you-know-measles-is-spread-when-an-infected-person-coughs-or-sneezes-its-on/1141145260372924/,❓ Did you know Measles is spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It’s one of the most contagious diseases in the world. All it tak,"❓ Did you know Measles is spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It’s one of the most contagious diseases in the world. All it takes is one person to have it for 90% of people close to them who are not immune to also become infected. Childhood infections can be serious, even life-changing. Is your child protected? Check their Red Book or contact your GP surgery if you’re unsure 👉 www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/mmr-vaccine/",03/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drkarl/video/7351300818923982082,measles is not a harmless childhood disease. #drkarl #drkarlkruszelnicki #science #sciencealert #stem #measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak,measles is not a harmless childhood disease. #drkarl #drkarlkruszelnicki #science #sciencealert #stem #measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak,03/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrdGzyA3Fzw,"measles, drug shortages, ai at fda, and new treatments - fda in your day full video is available now","check out my new video series…fda in your day! i'll regularly post videos with important updates from the agency. the first video covers measles vaccines, drug shortages, ai, and fda-approved products for two rare diseases.
the full video is available on our channel now.",03/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3v26pLlchE,"measles, drug shortages, ai at fda, and new rare disease treatments | fda in your day - ep. 1","check out my new video series…fda in your day! i'll regularly post videos with important updates from the agency. the first video covers measles vaccines, drug shortages, ai, and fda-approved products for two rare diseases.

0:00 intro
0:08 measles vaccines
0:35 drug shortages
1:01 ai at the fda
1:23 new treatments

here are four important updates from the fda. 
i'm dr. namandj bumpus, principal deputy commissioner, and this is fda in your day. 
we continue to see measles outbreaks in the united states. the measles virus is extremely contagious and can be life-threatening, but we can do something about this! the fda-approved measles vaccines are both safe and effective. and in fact, in most cases, people who get the measles vaccine will have lifelong protection and will never get sick, even after exposure to the virus. you can help by encouraging your loved ones to consider vaccination.  
from managing measles to a new proactive solution... the fda has made it easier for you and your healthcare provider to report potential drug shortages. our nextgen online system allows anyone experiencing a drug shortage to make this concern known.  early notification of drug shortages or potential supply challenges can help fda staff quickly resolve or reduce the duration of the shortage. 
let's talk about technology you may be more familiar with: ai or artificial intelligence. for years, the fda has been working to harness the potential of artificial intelligence, while also anticipating the challenges it brings. a new paper details our commitment to promoting the responsible and ethical development and use of ai across medical products. 
and lastly, something i'm happy to share - that two new products have been approved for people with certain rare diseases. the first treatment provides an option for children who have a rare genetic disease called metachromatic leukodystrophy, or mld. the second is the first nonsteroidal drug approved to treat patients with all genetic variants of duchenne muscular dystrophy. these treatments are the first of their kind.  
thank you for watching our first episode of fda in your day. every other week, we'll come to you with important and interesting things happening at the fda, to protect and promote public health. you can learn more about these stories at fda.gov. thanks.",03/28/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIWX1vXJshE,measles cases on the rise in the u.s.,the cdc issuing a caution alert on the disease that is back after going away 24 years ago.,03/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bov0bH0TWpQ,measles update: be on alert for travel-related measles,"as we enter the spring and summer travel season, clinicians should be alert for cases of #measles. rapid recognition of measles in health care is essential to prevent transmission. measles cases often originate from unvaccinated or undervaccinated u.s. residents who travel internationally and are exposed abroad and then transmit the disease to people who are not vaccinated against measles.  _x000d_
join cdc and ama as they discuss the current trends in measles epidemiology, recognition of measles, travel-associated risks, core health care infection prevention measures, and the importance of #vaccination. 

claim cme at https://edhub.ama-assn.org/cdc-project-firstline/video-player/18864290?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=video&utm_term=infectious-diseases&utm_content=cdc-pfl_x000d_
00:00 welcome to the ama's project firstline measles update
00:34 understanding the global and domestic measles situation
01:14 urging vaccination ahead of travel seasons
01:44 the role of healthcare professionals in measles prevention
05:42 expert insights: dr. dmitri daskalakis on measles trends and vaccination
11:19 measles disease overview and current u.s. case data
17:05 vaccination recommendations and international travel risks
22:08 clinical considerations and preventive measures in healthcare settings
29:00 q&a session: addressing common concerns and clarifications
55:33 closing remarks and the importance of vaccination

 the ama is your powerful ally in patient care. join now: https://bit.ly/amajoinrenew _x000d_
 follow the ama on youtube:  @americanmedicalassociation   _x000d_
 watch #amaupdate for the latest in health care news for physicians: https://bit.ly/ama_update _x000d_
 subscribe to ama morning rounds newsletter, with the news you need every morning delivered to your inbox: https://bit.ly/ama-morningrounds _x000d_
 listen to our latest podcast episodes now: https://bit.ly/ama_podcasts _x000d_
 download ama connect for news, podcasts, video updates and learning in one place: https://apple.co/3urznes",03/28/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXwlcN0iqkA,what should parents know about #measles?,"watch #cheo physician dr. stephanie davenport explain the top three things you need to know:
• measles can be safely taken care of at home.
• make sure your child is up to date on all vaccinations.
• our website is an excellent resource for everything else you need to know about measles.

for more, visit: https://www.cheo.on.ca/en/resources-and-support/measles.aspx
#expert #ottawa #pediatric #childrenshealth #measles #rashes",03/28/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr6i-Cb-MuE,measles cases up in u.s.,"dr. nadine haddad joined us on fox 5 to discuss the rise in measles cases in the u.s.

follow fox 5 san diego:
https://www.instagram.com/fox5sandiego",03/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-2i-ueXMqs,measles cases continue to rise in canada,"the number of measles cases detected in canada so far this year is three times higher than all of 2023. 

subscribe to cp24 to watch more videos: https://www.youtube.com/cp24torontobreakingnews

connect with cp24:
for the latest news: https://www.cp24.com/
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cp24 breakfast on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cp24breakfast
cp24 is toronto's #1 source for breaking news.",03/28/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-nzyLPaiKQ,texas doctor breaks down rise in measles cases and cdc alert,"as the spring and summer travel gets closer, dr. david winter, internal medicine physician at baylor scott & white, helped give us get a better picture of measles here in texas.",03/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbSzpzKlpL4,"ask dr. murphy: covid vax q & a, more measles, pepfar update, and more (03/28/2024)","""ask dr. murphy,"" featuring dr. robert murphy, is an ongoing video series from the robert j. havey, md, institute for global health. 

we welcome you to submit any questions by sending us a message on facebook at @nulnstituteforglobalhealth, or via email at:

https://www.facebook.com/nuinstituteforglobalhealth/",03/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5s2S3XWmIj0,possible measles exposure at east bay restaurant,"it is like a cloud of pathogens that can stay in the air for up to two hours afterward,"" said internist and sports medicine physician, dr. anuruddh misra. ""it's extremely dangerous, which is why it's a mandatory vaccination to go into day cares and schools, which is why we take it very seriously. it can be fatal.

visit https://www.akmisramd.com/ for more information.",03/28/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DRVLdOs9RX4,the highly contagious nature of measles #ruraldocalan #doctor #physician #health #medcine #children,"dr. alan lindemann is an obstetrician with 4 decades of medical practice primarily in north dakota. he has delivered around 6,000 babies and achieved a maternal mortality rate of zero! 

dr. lindemann has made it his mission to teach women and their families how to create the outcomes they want for their own health and pregnancy. dr. lindemann earned his medical degree from the university of north dakota in 1977, is boarded by the national board of physicians and surgeons and is a member of the american college of obstetricians and gynecologists and the american medical association. he is the co-author of modern medicine: what you're dying to know, a consumer action guide about how to navigate the united states healthcare system.

get alan's newest book, pregnancy your way: choose a safe and happy birth: 

follow rural doc alan podcast on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/03bia9x3guiii3eclo4qjg

follow doctales podcast on spotify:

find dr. lindemann across the web:
https://ruraldocalan.substack.com",03/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9eGHkaSyr8,virology lectures 2024 #17: persistent infections,"a persistent viral infection is one that lasts the lifetime of the host, and humans harbor multiple such infections. in this lecture we discuss the mechanisms and consequences of viral persistence, illustrated with examples of measles virus, polyomaviruses, hepatitis b and c viruses, and herpesviruses.

become a patron of virology lectures at https://microbe.tv/contribute

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– who am i? –

i'm vincent racaniello, earth's virology professor, and i believe that education should be free.

i'm also a professor of virology at columbia university in new york. i've been doing research on viruses since 1976, and teaching virology in classrooms and online since 1999. on this youtube channel i share videos of my lectures, podcasts, and more.

new videos are uploaded several times each week.

i do not run ads on our work as it is disruptive to learning. we depend on your support. 

if you would like to support our work, go over to https://www.microbe.tv/contribute/ 
#microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic
———————————————————————",03/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peMrNkqzKzw,"ctv national news | thursday, march 28, 2024: social media giants sued","four ont. school boards are suing some of the biggest social media companies; plus, trudeau unveils plans to expand $10-a-day child care.

0:00 social media giants sued 
5:31 expanding $10-a-day child care 
9:40 suspects killed in crash
13:24 flight attendants missing 
16:04 risks of measles outbreak over easter 
18:20 blue jays earn first win
21:06 n.b. man wins $64m jackpot

subscribe to ctv news to watch more videos: https://www.youtube.com/ctvnews

connect with ctv news:
for live updates and latest headlines visit: http://www.ctvnews.ca/ 
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ctv news is canada's most-watched news organization both locally and nationally, and has a network of national, international, and local news operations.",03/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,surprise,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3fBD-m7oc8,desi way of treating measles (khasra) great rituals great information,"according to hindu religion, there are seven sisters (devis) who have different names. people also called it matta. these sisters loved kids a lot due to that reason someone from sisters come in shape of such disease and stay with kid. many never name the disease just say matta is here. and they treat it with great respect until it moves out. these all acts are to make devi happy and giving her respect. mostly this sickness stays 7-10 days. red colors is most favorite of these davis that's why many used red dupata.",03/28/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-VUAb22A0c,( 12 month ) baby vaccination injection - crying baby injection fear crying daughter caring.,"( 12 month ) baby vaccination injection - crying baby injection fear crying daughter caring.

between six and nine shots are usually given at the 12-month-old wellness check, including thehaemophilus influenzae type b (hib), pneumococcal conjugate (pcv), hepatitis a (hav), influenza, mmr, and varicella vaccines. vaccination side effects are generally mild, and parents can usually treat them at home.

immunisations at one year of age. your child will need thecombined hib / menc vaccine, pcv , and the menb vaccineat one year of age to boost their protection against haemophilus influenzae type b, meningococcal b and pneumococcal infections. these vaccines will help to protect your child through early childhood.
ccines hib/menc vaccine (1st dose) mmr vaccine (1st dose) pneumococcal vaccine (2nd dose) menb vaccine (3rd dose)

@kids.799",03/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@nippononline/video/7351285293577686273,"#›™ #'"" #measles #3™—‰€‡ #™››™™""™ #dummiestvthailand #'•‡›€— #'tiktok #longervideos 28/03/24","#›™ #'"" #measles #3™—‰€‡ #™››™™""™ #dummiestvthailand #'•‡›€— #'tiktok #longervideos 28/03/24",03/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/video/migrants-in-chicago-park-shelters-to-be-displaced/,migrants in chicago park shelters to be displaced,"migrants sheltered in parks around chicago will be moved out so the outdoor spaces can open to the public. officials also say they are grappling with a measles outbreak at one of the city's shelters. monica eng, a chicago reporter with axios, joins cbs news with details.",03/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://m.facebook.com/sneeicb.nee/videos/measles-is-one-of-the-most-contagious-diseases-ever-known-having-the-mmr-vaccine/1856395704814416/,"measles is one of the most contagious diseases ever known.
having the mmr vaccine is the best way to prevent it.
read more - https://nhs.uk/conditions/measles/","measles is one of the most contagious diseases ever known.
having the mmr vaccine is the best way to prevent it.
read more - https://nhs.uk/conditions/measles/",03/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.ctvnews.ca/video/c2894188-ctv-national-news--new-measles-warnings?playlistId=1.6787102,ctv national news: new measles warnings,canada's chief public health officer issued an urgent warning to make sure school-aged kids are vaccinated against the measles.,03/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/video/c2894235-what-to-know-about-measles,what to know about measles,"dr. nicola mercer, medical officer of health for wellington-dufferin-guelph, joins ctvs leighanne evans.",03/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/video/c2894188-ctv-national-news--new-measles-warnings?playlistId=1.6787102,ctv national news: new measles warnings,canada's chief public health officer issued an urgent warning to make sure school-aged kids are vaccinated against the measles.,03/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://fox5sandiego.com/video/measles-cases-up-in-u-s/9556551/,measles cases up in u.s.,dr. nadine haddad joined us on fox 5 to discuss the rise in measles cases in the u.s.,03/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/100065260250227/videos/11-years-old-faisal-ahmad-is-suffering-from-measles-diseasesacount-no06290420000/1160032288490566/,11 years old faisal ahmad is suffering from measles diseases. acount no. 0629042000000118 faisal ahmad sayal ifsc code jakaoharrai,"11 years old faisal ahmad is suffering from measles diseases.
acount no.
0629042000000118",03/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/the-truth-about-measles-and-mmr-vaccine/,the truth about measles and mmr vaccine,"another measles outbreak has triggered covid-like fear reporting from legacy media. we take you far beyond the fear to discuss the truth about the measles and the mmr vaccine, to put things in a greater perspective.",03/28/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.instagram.com/fda/reel/C5EH10LqXK5/,"check out our newest video series…fda in your day!
today, principal deputy commissioner dr. namandj n. bumpus discusses measles vaccines, drug shortages, ai, and fda-approved products for two rare diseases.","check out our newest video series…fda in your day!
today, principal deputy commissioner dr. namandj n. bumpus discusses measles vaccines, drug shortages, ai, and fda-approved products for two rare diseases.",03/28/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/laughterinlight_phd/reel/C5FFJ6_xEFO/,#measles #mmr #getvaccinated #vaccinessavelives #maskup,#measles #mmr #getvaccinated #vaccinessavelives #maskup,03/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/thewellnessmamablog/reel/C5D00JtLF38/,"we don't live in fear and we definitely do not live in fear over a .0000003% chance of getting the measles. watch stories for more truth on this. 

#measles #healthy #healthylifestyle #healthylife #healthychoices #holisticwellness #holisticlifestyle #holistic #wellnessjourney","we don't live in fear and we definitely do not live in fear over a .0000003% chance of getting the measles. watch stories for more truth on this. 

#measles #healthy #healthylifestyle #healthylife #healthychoices #holisticwellness #holisticlifestyle #holistic #wellnessjourney",03/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
mendengar kata gondongan tentunya bukan hal baru bagi ayah bunda...
gondongan merupakan penyakit yang ditandai dengan membengkaknya pipi dan rahang. penyakit ini dapat menyerang siapa saja, meski lebih sering terjadi pada anak-anak.

pembengkakan terjadi karena adanya infeksi  virus paramyxovirus pada kelenjar parotis, yaitu kelenjar yang bertugas memproduksi air liur, yang terletak di bawah telinga

apa yang harus dilakukan saat ada  keluarga yang mengalami?
simak penjelasan lengkapnya dalam infografis ini.

ayah bunda bisa memberikan vaksin mmr (measles, mumps,rubella) pada anak-anak sebagai upaya pencegahan. vaksin mmr berfungsi untuk melindungi tubuh dari penyakitcampak, gondongan, dan rubella, diberikan saat usia 18 bulan dan dosis kedua usia 5 - 7 tahun.

informasi vaksin dan jadwal dokter dapat menghubungi layanan pelanggan kami di nomor
☞ (031) 8437200/8436200

mendengar kata gondongan tentunya bukan hal baru bagi ayah bunda...
gondongan merupakan penyakit yang ditandai dengan membengkaknya pipi dan rahang. penyakit ini dapat menyerang siapa saja, meski lebih sering terjadi pada anak-anak.

pembengkakan terjadi karena adanya infeksi  virus paramyxovirus pada kelenjar parotis, yaitu kelenjar yang bertugas memproduksi air liur, yang terletak di bawah telinga

apa yang harus dilakukan saat ada  keluarga yang mengalami?
simak penjelasan lengkapnya dalam infografis ini.

ayah bunda bisa memberikan vaksin mmr (measles, mumps,rubella) pada anak-anak sebagai upaya pencegahan. vaksin mmr berfungsi untuk melindungi tubuh dari penyakitcampak, gondongan, dan rubella, diberikan saat usia 18 bulan dan dosis kedua usia 5 - 7 tahun.

informasi vaksin dan jadwal dokter dapat menghubungi layanan pelanggan kami di nomor
☞ (031) 8437200/8436200

#mmr""",03/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5EH10LqXK5/,"check out our newest video seriesfda in your day!
today, principal deputy commissioner dr. namandj n. bumpus discusses measles vaccines, drug shortages, ai, and fda-approved products for two rare diseases.","check out our newest video seriesfda in your day!
today, principal deputy commissioner dr. namandj n. bumpus discusses measles vaccines, drug shortages, ai, and fda-approved products for two rare diseases.",03/28/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@scotthamiltonkennedy/video/7351188387438824750,"""i never told anyone not to vaccinate"" -rfk jr. ask robert kennedy jr. about samoa. robert kennedy, jr. (no relation to myself), who is running for president as an independent, announced his vp last tuesday. i have come to know mr. kennedy through my experience interviewing him for shot in the arm (sita). today is part five of a powerful sequence on samoa split into 6 parts, one a day. the samoa sequence takes place between 2018 and 2019, where robert kennedy jr. plays a significant role in how this small island responded to a vaccine mistake and measles outbreak.   please share far and wide and get more people asking rfk jr: what happened in samoa? follow to see the rest of this exclusive series #rfkjr #rfk #election2024 #vote2024 #covid #covid19 #voiceshavepower #voices #askontiktok #ask #questionsandanswers #questions #scientificstorytelling #storytelling #scienceiscool #neildegrassetyson #director #filmmaker #documentary #documentaries  #fyp' #fyp #fypage #to #capcutmotivacional€€''","""i never told anyone not to vaccinate"" -rfk jr. ask robert kennedy jr. about samoa. robert kennedy, jr. (no relation to myself), who is running for president as an independent, announced his vp last tuesday. i have come to know mr. kennedy through my experience interviewing him for shot in the arm (sita). today is part five of a powerful sequence on samoa split into 6 parts, one a day. the samoa sequence takes place between 2018 and 2019, where robert kennedy jr. plays a significant role in how this small island responded to a vaccine mistake and measles outbreak.   please share far and wide and get more people asking rfk jr: what happened in samoa? follow to see the rest of this exclusive series #rfkjr #rfk #election2024 #vote2024 #covid #covid19 #voiceshavepower #voices #askontiktok #ask #questionsandanswers #questions #scientificstorytelling #storytelling #scienceiscool #neildegrassetyson #director #filmmaker #documentary #documentaries  #fyp' #fyp #fypage #to #capcutmotivacional€€''",03/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@makhosikhumalo82/video/7351344502306524422,"5 plants for winter ""walking through the silence of stillness with my ancestors"" winter is almost upon us 1. iboza (incense bush /misty plume bush) 2. imbozisa (fennel plant) 3. ibheka (scabiosa colombaria) 4. isinqunga (lemongrass/fever grass) 5. amangwe (terminalia phanerophlebia) these plant has been used for generations to treat various ailments such as'colds, cough, fever, influenza, malaria, measles, rashes, stomach problems, and headaches.  method to use: take leaves of the plants chop them into pieces. boil them in the pot for about 1 hour to 1 hour and half. cool them down. once you have cool them down store them in a container. drink it a tea in the morning or as juice.  #listingandlearning","5 plants for winter ""walking through the silence of stillness with my ancestors"" winter is almost upon us 1. iboza (incense bush /misty plume bush) 2. imbozisa (fennel plant) 3. ibheka (scabiosa colombaria) 4. isinqunga (lemongrass/fever grass) 5. amangwe (terminalia phanerophlebia) these plant has been used for generations to treat various ailments such as'colds, cough, fever, influenza, malaria, measles, rashes, stomach problems, and headaches.  method to use: take leaves of the plants chop them into pieces. boil them in the pot for about 1 hour to 1 hour and half. cool them down. once you have cool them down store them in a container. drink it a tea in the morning or as juice.  #listingandlearning",03/28/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@the.family.doctor/video/7351924523073031457,volg voor meer tiktoks over mazelen! #mazelen #morbili #measles #bmr #mazelenuitbraak #infectieziekten #kopliksevlekjes #koplikse #vlekjes #mazelenvirus #huiduitslag #kinderziekte #huisarts #thefamilydoctor #hoetestjemazelen #urine #keelswab #mazelentesten #testenopmazelen #mazelentest #testmazelen @the family doctor | huisarts ,volg voor meer tiktoks over mazelen! #mazelen #morbili #measles #bmr #mazelenuitbraak #infectieziekten #kopliksevlekjes #koplikse #vlekjes #mazelenvirus #huiduitslag #kinderziekte #huisarts #thefamilydoctor #hoetestjemazelen #urine #keelswab #mazelentesten #testenopmazelen #mazelentest #testmazelen @the family doctor | huisarts ,03/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2QfPbLFnD4,the u.s. records first measles outbreak in 24 years,"kron4's dan kerman reports.
read more: https://www.kron4.com",03/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIflF9SlPks,bay area health officials warn about uptick in measles cases nationwide,"bay area health officials are urging residents to make sure that they're up-to-date on their measles vaccinations amid an uptick in the number of cases nationwide.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mK0sHqzLlUM,chicago faces measles surge: total cases surpass 50,"measles cases in chicago have spiked significantly, with 52 total cases being reported on friday.

subscribe to fox 32 chicago: https://www.youtube.com/fox32chicago?sub_confirmation=1

watch fox 32 chicago live: https://www.fox32chicago.com/live

fox 32 chicago delivers breaking news, live events, investigations, politics, entertainment, business news and local stories from chicago and across the nation.

watch more fox 32 chicago on youtube:

fox 32 headlines: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=pl2-nr6u1joot92lwd_qlyonijido9uyap
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follow fox 32 chicago on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fox32chicago/

subscribe to the fox 32 chicago newsletter: https://www.fox32chicago.com/newsletters",03/29/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FZJ1Zf88ZM,first confirmed measles case in cook county suburbs,"public health officials on friday announced the first confirmed case of measles in the cook county suburbs, linked to an outbreak at a chicago migrant shelter.
cbs 2 news chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the cbs 2 investigators. 
subscribe to cbs 2 news chicago on youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/cbschicago
cbs 2 news 24/7 livestream: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/live/
cbs 2 news on pluto tv: https://pluto.tv/en/live-tv/62cdc75b1a1cbd0007ed45dc?gclid=cjwkcajw0n6hbhaueiwaxab-tbssi4fh_ipmf_dwkgjjt7km9k2wzqpwtwk3nuippzjf5uemvbt1xhocfyiqavd_bwe
cbs 2 news website:  https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbschicago
x (twitter): https://twitter.com/cbschicago
get the cbs 2 news app: https://apps.cbslocal.com/chicago/",03/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ-eXxPZR44,measles outbreak: chicago case count surpasses 50,"the measles outbreak in chicago continued to grow as the city confirmed a total of 52 cases on friday. while most infections are in the city, the outbreak has spread to multiple surrounding counties.

nbc chicago's charlie wojciechowski reports.",03/29/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZbWLZ24yN8,doctors without borders reports alarming rates of measles,#yemen #news #today,03/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pozRBS5130,i got admitted to the  hospital due to measles virus.,"i got admitted to the  hospital due to measles virus.
#vlogger #measlesvirus #hospital #letstalk
#youtube #subscribetomychannel",03/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esuQzNRA3cE,tuberculosis cases on the rise for third straight year,"dr. michael daignault talks about the rise in tuberculosis cases as well as measles.

subscribe to fox 11 on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/uchff8wfnipmedpjf8ommxdg

watch more fox 11 on youtube:
police chases: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=plzqiutzrls1g-ozh3gr_vh_pcavzipyjb
brazen crime: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=plzqiutzrls1g5jxccxboln1tvllk2aysv
homeless crisis: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=plzqiutzrls1fxqzl9-ydlx3ujdjyp2s5f",03/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,surprise,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBGtbU7Q770,episode 95 - the self-controlled podcast,"matt, chris, and jess examine a study that looks at whether opioids increase the risk of fractures, they discuss what is likely to happen with measles when covid is over, and matt worries about lawsuits.

journal club article:
opioids and fractures study (https://academic.oup.com/aje/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/aje/kwab042/6144851)",03/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqnk55g399E,twiv 1100: clinical update with dr. daniel griffin,"in his weekly clinical update, dr. griffin reviews recent statistics on the circulation of measles influenza and sars-cov-2, before discussing the development of new monoclonal antibody therapy, if vaccines and antiviral drugs can used effectively together. revised guidelines for how to treat respiratory viral infection guidelines by the cdc, continues to dispel the myth of viral rebound including that after administration of the ""oral remdesivir, revised guidelines sars-cov-2 treatment and how to treat respiratory viral infections, when to use steroids and the benefits of convalescent plasma, what do when healthcare workers succumb to sars-cov-2 infection, if one can predict the loss infectivity of healthcare workers with mild covid-19 disease and the dynamics of household transmission of the virus in children.

show notes at https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-1100/

become a patron of twiv at https://microbe.tv/contribute

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– who am i? –

i'm vincent racaniello, earth's virology professor, and i believe that education should be free.

i'm also a professor of virology at columbia university in new york. i've been doing research on viruses since 1976, and teaching virology in classrooms and online since 1999. on this youtube channel i share videos of my lectures, podcasts, and more.

new videos are uploaded several times each week.

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if you would like to support our work, go over to https://www.microbe.tv/contribute/ 
#microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic
———————————————————————",03/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtKtkJy2vRs,shot in the arm robert kennedy jr. and samoa exclusive interview series: day 6,"*note: this video contains anti-vaccine beliefs, and medical misinformation, that are documented for documentary purposes, and are clips from the documentary shot in the arm. we recommend that anyone with covid or measles seek medical attention, and that they follow cdc and who guidelines in obtaining the recommended vaccinations.


please share so that we can get more people to ask robert kennedy jr. about samoa.

today is the final episode of a powerful sequence from shot in the arm, where i interviewed mr. kennedy on the measles outbreak in samoa. the samoa sequence takes place between 2018 and 2019, where robert kennedy jr. plays a significant role in how this small island responded to a vaccine mistake and measles outbreak.  

please share far and wide and get more people asking rfk jr: what happened in samoa?

follow to see the rest of this exclusive series",03/29/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.nbcchicago.com/top-videos-home/chicago-measles-outbreak-spreads-as-case-count-surpasses-50/3397072/,chicago measles outbreak spreads as case count surpasses 50,"the measles outbreak in chicago continued to grow as the city confirmed a total of 52 cases on friday. while most infections are in the city, the outbreak has spread to multiple surrounding counties. nbc chicago's charlie wojciechowski reports.",03/29/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5GZM57g5Om/,"what should parents know about #measles?

watch #cheo physician dr. stephanie davenport explain the top three things you need to know:

measles can be safely taken care of at home.

make sure your child is up to date on all vaccinations.

our website is an excellent resource for everything else you need to know about measles.

discover the full video on our youtube channel to find out more about symptoms and when to bring your child to the emergency department.

#expert #ottawa #pediatric #childrenshealth","what should parents know about #measles?

watch #cheo physician dr. stephanie davenport explain the top three things you need to know:

measles can be safely taken care of at home.

make sure your child is up to date on all vaccinations.

our website is an excellent resource for everything else you need to know about measles.

discover the full video on our youtube channel to find out more about symptoms and when to bring your child to the emergency department.

#expert #ottawa #pediatric #childrenshealth",03/29/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/punjabikidshealth/reel/C5HjsbWxqdR/,"5 quick facts about the measles outbreak! 
learn more about measles and how to protect your child. 
support our cause by donating to our kids' health network! the link to donate can be found in our bio.

: https://tinyurl.com/donate-okh

#fyp #parenting #momblogger #dadblogger #tiktokdoc #pediatrician #kids #health #canada #covidparenting #doctorsoftiktok #pandemic #moms #covidbaby #punjabikidshealth #ourkidshealth #measles #virus #contagious #mmr #measlesoutbreak #measlesmumpsrubella","5 quick facts about the measles outbreak! 
learn more about measles and how to protect your child. 
support our cause by donating to our kids' health network! the link to donate can be found in our bio.

: https://tinyurl.com/donate-okh

#fyp #parenting #momblogger #dadblogger #tiktokdoc #pediatrician #kids #health #canada #covidparenting #doctorsoftiktok #pandemic #moms #covidbaby #punjabikidshealth #ourkidshealth #measles #virus #contagious #mmr #measlesoutbreak #measlesmumpsrubella",03/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/thepedipals/reel/C5HCfOfPp12/,"we are seeing measles outbreaks across the country, leaving our newborns and partially vaccinated children at risk! 

drop us a comment below! ⤵
follow @thepedipals on all platforms & subscribe to our yt! 
disclaimer: the pedipals content is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice nor should it replace advice from your own doctor or pediatrician. 
#immunesystem #healthychildren #vaccinate #mmrvacciene #newborns #parenting #toddlers #pediatricians","we are seeing measles outbreaks across the country, leaving our newborns and partially vaccinated children at risk! 

drop us a comment below! ⤵
follow @thepedipals on all platforms & subscribe to our yt! 
disclaimer: the pedipals content is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice nor should it replace advice from your own doctor or pediatrician. 
#immunesystem #healthychildren #vaccinate #mmrvacciene #newborns #parenting #toddlers #pediatricians",03/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/kengandanation/reel/C5G1L5jLnKL/,"chicago's measles crisis emphasizes the importance of vaccination and healthcare equity. 

full video on youtube:

#kenganda #measlesoutbreak #chicagohealth #vaccinationadvocacy #healthcareequity #usa #chicago #foryou","chicago's measles crisis emphasizes the importance of vaccination and healthcare equity. 

full video on youtube:

#kenganda #measlesoutbreak #chicagohealth #vaccinationadvocacy #healthcareequity #usa #chicago #foryou",03/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/cheohospital/reel/C5GZM57g5Om/,"what should parents know about #measles?

watch #cheo physician dr. stephanie davenport explain the top three things you need to know:

measles can be safely taken care of at home.

make sure your child is up to date on all vaccinations.

our website is an excellent resource for everything else you need to know about measles.

discover the full video on our youtube channel to find out more about symptoms and when to bring your child to the emergency department.

#expert #ottawa #pediatric #childrenshealth","what should parents know about #measles?

watch #cheo physician dr. stephanie davenport explain the top three things you need to know:

measles can be safely taken care of at home.

make sure your child is up to date on all vaccinations.

our website is an excellent resource for everything else you need to know about measles.

discover the full video on our youtube channel to find out more about symptoms and when to bring your child to the emergency department.

#expert #ottawa #pediatric #childrenshealth",03/29/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@mommy.aiai08/video/7352109778073701638,nakakatuwa naman na nabalik na ang sigla mo sa pagkain bebe.. #fyp' #measles #rashes ,nakakatuwa naman na nabalik na ang sigla mo sa pagkain bebe.. #fyp' #measles #rashes ,03/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef2p2BrZ1O0,bay area health officials warn public as measles cases rise,"health officers from all nine bay area counties are urging the public to be up to date on measles vaccinations as cases are rising across the region. https://abc7ne.ws/4afygpz

#measles #health #bayarea #vaccine #abc7news",03/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC2owN4acx0,"bay area health officials warn of measles uptick, recommend vaccination",measles cases are on the rise nationwide and bay area health officials are urging people here to make sure they are vaccinated. max darrow reports.,03/30/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFpXRDn832Y,"wgn people to people health headlines - measles, colonoscopies, black maternal health and more","march 30, 2024- dr. ngozi ezike and dr. jeffrey sterling take on this week's health headlines.",03/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKcQfOE3NGI,"the minute: mission district house fire, oakland waterfront burglaries, bay area measles warning","website:  http://kpix.com/
youtube: http://www.youtube.com/cbssanfrancisco
facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/cbssanfrancisco
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kpixtv/
twitter:  https://twitter.com/kpixtv

#kpix #cbsnewsbayarea #sanfrancisco #bayarea #oakland #measles",03/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbqPDSYi40A,shot in the arm robert kennedy jr. and samoa exclusive interview series: day 7,"today, we share the entire powerful samoa sequence from shot in the arm. the samoa sequence takes place between 2018 and 2019, where robert kennedy jr. plays a significant role in how this small island responded to a vaccine mistake and a measles outbreak. please share far and wide and get more people asking rfk jr: what happened in samoa?

#samoa #measles #covid #mmr #documentary #interview #shotinthearm #sita #scotthamiltonkennedy #rfkjr",03/30/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXYiPbeDVog,పెదదవార తీసకోవలసిన వయాకసినల/ ీకాల మిి? ⚕what are the vaccines for adults?,"హలో ఫరెండస, నేన మీ ఫరెండలీ డాకర దరగాపరసాద ని. 
ఈ రోజ నేన పెదదవార తీసకోవలసిన వయాకసినల/ ీకాల  గరించి చెబతననాన.   
#fluvaccine #hepatitisbvaccine #vaccinessavelives      
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note: these advices should be followed along with treatment prescribed by your doctor.

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hello friends,
many people doesnt know about adult vaccination. there are some vaccinnes for adults also. today i am telling about adult vaccination.
first we have to know why adults should take vaccines and for whom adults vaccination is important.
the answer to this question is vaccines provide protection against communicable diseases by inducing artificial immunity in the persons. some persons are at risk for communicable diseases including influenza and pneumococcal disease. vaccination against these and other vaccine-preventable diseases can help people avoid illness and reduce their risk of complications, hospitalization, and mortality. this is also known as immune prophylaxis.

let us discuss about these vaccines.

elderly adults and people with chronic health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, and autoimmune disorders are more likely to have problems from vaccine-preventable diseases. vaccination against influenza, pneumococcal illness, shingles, and other infections is especially critical for this population to stay healthy and avoid consequences. similarly, people living in close quarters, college dormitories, military barracks, and long-term care institutions are more vulnerable to infectious illness outbreaks. vaccination helps to reduce the spread of diseases in these areas and protects vulnerable people.
the flu vaccine's effectiveness varies year to year, depending on how well it matches the circulating strains of influenza viruses. it lowers the risk of flu infection by 40-60% on average. the efficacy of the pneumococcal vaccine ranges from 50% to 85%. the shingles vaccine reduces the likelihood of acquiring shingles and shingles-related discomfort by around 50% to 90%.

healthcare professionals are also at a higher risk of contracting infectious diseases due to their occupation. vaccination against influenza, hepatitis b, measles, mumps, rubella, and other infections is critical for protecting healthcare personnel, as well as their patients and colleagues. the hepatitis a and b vaccinations are quite successful at avoiding infections. the majority of people who receive these immunizations develop long-lasting protection.

travelers may be exposed to infectious diseases that are not prevalent in their home country. vaccination against diseases like yellow fever, typhoid, hepatitis a, and meningococcal disease may be required or recommended, depending on the destination and itinerary. it is necessary to obtain a yellow fever vaccination certificate before visiting certain foreign nations. yellow fever vaccine is quite effective; a single dosage provides long-term immunity. there are two forms of typhoid vaccination. they minimize the risk of typhoid by 50–70%. mmr vaccine is a very effective vaccine that reduces disease risk by 90%. 

however, the level of protection given by vaccines varies depending on factors such as vaccine type, individual immune response, the prevalence of circulating strains of the infectious agent, and adherence to prescribed immunization schedules. 
overall, adult immunization is critical for protecting people from vaccine-preventable diseases, improving public health and well-being, and lowering healthcare costs. individuals should evaluate their immunization needs with their doctors to ensure they are up to date on recommended vaccinations based on their age, health status, work, travel plans, and other variables.
if you like this video, support us by subscribing our channel. thank you, namaste.",03/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JKcQfOE3NGI,"the minute: mission district house fire, oakland waterfront burglaries, bay area measles warning","website:  http://kpix.com/
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#kpix #cbsnewsbayarea #sanfrancisco #bayarea #oakland #measles",03/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://globalnews.ca/video/10393136/health-matters-measles-and-hand-foot-and-mouth-disease,"health matters: measles and hand, foot and mouth disease","both measles and hand, foot and mouth disease are going around right now, and there's a varying amount of risk depending on your age demographic. global bc medical contributor dr. birinder narang talks about the strength of vaccines for measles and why hand, foot and mouth may be unavoidable.",03/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://wgntv.com/video/wgn-people-to-people-health-headlines-measles-colonoscopies-black-maternal-health-and-more/9562962/,"wgn people to people health headlines - measles, colonoscopies, black maternal health and more","march 30, 2024- dr. ngozi ezike and dr. jeffrey sterling take on this week's health headlines.",03/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/health/bay-area-health-officials-warn-about-uptick-in-measles-cases-nationwide/vi-BB1kMq4g?ocid=hplocalnews,bay area health officials warn about uptick in measles cases nationwide,bay area health officials are urging residents to make sure that they're up-to-date on their measles vaccinations amid an uptick in the number of cases nationwide. ,03/30/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/kpixtv/reel/C5J4F7axOvr/,"the minute: nine people displaced after a #missiondistrict fire, water front burglary, and a #measles #outbreak in the bay area @max.darrow reports. 

for more head to kpix.com 

#kpix #cbsnewsbayarea #sanfrancisco #bayarea #oakland","the minute: nine people displaced after a #missiondistrict fire, water front burglary, and a #measles #outbreak in the bay area @max.darrow reports. 

for more head to kpix.com 

#kpix #cbsnewsbayarea #sanfrancisco #bayarea #oakland",03/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@josephnufutene/video/7352220414212345093,measles  remedy using  bitter leaf and honey#honey#bitterleaf#measles#fyp#foryourpage#nufuteneherbal,measles  remedy using  bitter leaf and honey#honey#bitterleaf#measles#fyp#foryourpage#nufuteneherbal,03/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,anger,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PhbNp6pRfY,san diego county confirms second case of measles so far in 2024,"san diego county health officials are reporting the second case of measles so far this year in a resident who traveled overseas, and are issuing a warning that exposure could have happened at several locations over the past few weeks.
story: https://fox5sandiego.com/news/local-news/san-diego-county-confirms-second-case-of-measles-so-far-in-2024/

follow fox 5 san diego:
https://www.instagram.com/fox5sandiego",03/31/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUe5olRgmLU,uganda steps up measles vaccination campaign,"the east african country is ramping up measles vaccination campaigns across the country after an outbreak was reported in eight districts. in the last three months, more than 700 cases have been reported and at least 3 deaths recorded. 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niPIIKDdZRQ,"outburst -march 31, 2024: government spending, measles, poverty among children & seniors, pharmacare","this week, we're asking canadians: 
- in what areas should the government reduce spending? 
- are you concerned about measles outbreaks in canada?  
- what could be done to help lift underprivileged children and seniors above the poverty line? 
- will a national pharmacare plan impact your life?

did you know you can watch this video in the language of your choice? check the video setting in the bottom right corner of the video player. select the settings (gear) icon, then select ""audio track from the list, then select ""french (canada) or ""english (canada)"".

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5QGRi8r52Y,measles warning in place for sydney,"health officials have issued a public warning for measles in sydney.

it follows a woman contracting the disease in western sydney.

it is believed she picked up the case from an infant who was diagnosed earlier this month.

multiple exposure sites have been flagged across sydney including westpoint blacktown.

authorities are advising people to be alert for signs and symptoms,  but say there is no ongoing risk to the public.",03/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_U69pf8nH4,"31 mac 2024 – diari rawat ; ""kenali demam campak (measles)","ikuti perkembangan semasa yang sahih di semua pautan media sosial rasmi berita rtm: 

portal rasmi berita rtm

twitter rasmi berita rtm

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instagram rasmi berita rtm

youtube rasmi berita rtm

terima kasih rakyat malaysia kerana sentiasa setia bersama kami.

""yang sahih di berita rtm""",03/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMM0n3eDVpY,the best characters trend for cats measles infected test private servers sorry,the remixed videos for messy room private test looks eyes on me here korean,03/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGKJ_A5A8WM,"costa rica weekly news update march 31, 2024: coffee, driving and vaccinations","starbucks costa rica embraces eco-friendly practices in four newly certified stores

starbucks has certified its first four greener stores in costa rica, aiming to reduce global carbon emissions, water usage, and waste sent to landfills by 50% by 2030. the stores meet standards across eight environmental impact areas, including water stewardship, energy efficiency, waste diversion, renewable energy, responsible materials, engagement with sites and communities, and health and well-being. one of the newly certified stores, located at hacienda alsacia, runs entirely on solar energy and features electric vehicle charging stations, a wearables program, and a commingled recycling plan. this initiative is part of starbucks' commitment to prioritize initiatives that help protect the planet.

costa rica eases driving license rules for tourists and expats

the legislative assembly of costa rica has passed a bill in its initial reading that aims to amend the transit law, allowing foreigners with tourist or transit visas to drive in the country using their foreign license for the duration of their visa. the bill also simplifies the process of homologating foreign licenses for those with approved or pending immigration status. the final vote is expected in early april, and once published in the official gazette, the law will become enforceable. this initiative promotes inclusion, mobility, and road safety for foreigners in costa rica.

costa rica launches nationwide measles vaccination campaign for children

costa rica is launching a vaccination campaign from april 1st to may 24th, 2023, targeting 563,000 children aged 15 months to 10 years to protect them against measles, rubella, and mumps. the campaign, led by the ministry of health, ccss, and paho, aims to achieve 95% coverage, as the country has seen a decline in vaccination rates in recent years. health officials will visit schools, shelters, homes, and set up vaccination stations to administer the free mmr vaccine. the initiative is in response to a paho epidemiological alert due to the global rise in measles cases and low coverage of mmr doses in latin america.",03/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_RJPn38SOw,the unnamed tavern; 2024-03-30,"let's take a look at what's happened, where we're at and what that means.

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#politics #science  #news 

world news; 
french lawmakers approved a bill that makes abortion a constitutional right

a hong kong court convicts 4 people of rioting over the storming of the legislature in 2019 protests

why is russia changing it's language about the war? https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/why-is-russia-changing-its-language-about-war-2024-03-22/

texas is one of the worst states for women, study finds https://www.dallasnews.com/business/health-care/2024/02/26/texas-is-one-of-the-worst-states-for-women-study-finds/

florida's response to measles outbreak troubles public health experts https://www.dallasnews.com/business/health-care/2024/02/26/texas-is-one-of-the-worst-states-for-women-study-finds/

leprosy is spreading in florida 

https://eso.org/public/images/eso2406a/",03/31/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,anger
https://www.tiktok.com/@_catz.meow_2/video/7352686745445567787,"woman who works with border patrol agent says illegal migrants are coming across with known contagious health issues & they're told to allow them entry. ""they're sick with contagious things, like measles. there's also typhus. there's men that came over here not that long ago that this agent i work with tried to detain and quarantine because they had measles. he was told to let them go. they got on a plane from houston and went, lord knows where."" ""he doesn't know.  this is not one off. there has been several just that he has encountered that have not been quarantined. so they're over all over our country"" ""they don't do this because you care about the health and prosperity of a country. this is the complete opposite."" ""even then, them being sick, there's been many cases of covid. many. there's so many. there's too many to even like, since the beginning of this. this is a problem clearly.""","woman who works with border patrol agent says illegal migrants are coming across with known contagious health issues & they're told to allow them entry. ""they're sick with contagious things, like measles. there's also typhus. there's men that came over here not that long ago that this agent i work with tried to detain and quarantine because they had measles. he was told to let them go. they got on a plane from houston and went, lord knows where."" ""he doesn't know.  this is not one off. there has been several just that he has encountered that have not been quarantined. so they're over all over our country"" ""they don't do this because you care about the health and prosperity of a country. this is the complete opposite."" ""even then, them being sick, there's been many cases of covid. many. there's so many. there's too many to even like, since the beginning of this. this is a problem clearly.""",03/31/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,surprise,surprise
https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/video/bay-area-health-officials-warn-of-measles-uptick-recommend-vaccination/,"bay area health officials warn of measles uptick, recommend vaccination",measles cases are on the rise nationwide and bay area health officials are urging people here to make sure they are vaccinated. max darrow reports. (3-30-24),03/31/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/SkyNewsAustralia/videos/measles-warning-in-place-for-sydney/368071536219476/,measles warning in place for sydney,"health officials have issued a public warning for measles in sydney.
watch the full episode at skynews.com.au/stream",03/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://fox5sandiego.com/video/san-diego-county-confirms-second-case-of-measles-so-far-in-2024/9564779/,san diego county confirms second case of measles so far in 2024,"san diego county health officials are reporting the second case of measles so far this year in a resident who traveled overseas, and are issuing a warning that exposure could have happened at several locations over the past few weeks. story: https://fox5sandiego.com/news/local-news/san-diego-county-confirms-second-case-of-measles-so-far-in-2024/",03/31/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.facebook.com/7NEWSsydney/videos/sydney-residents-on-high-alert-for-measles/290101057457245/,sydney residents on high alert for measles,"western sydney residents have been told to be on high alert for measles.
7news at 6pm.
#7news",03/31/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/UKHealthSecurityAgency/videos/measles-is-highly-infectious-1-person-can-infect-15-other-unvaccinated-people-on/1102425840846956/,"Measles is highly infectious. 1 person can infect 15 other unvaccinated people on average. Being vaccinated helps protect you, and others who","Measles is highly infectious. 1 person can infect 15 other unvaccinated people on average. Being vaccinated helps protect you, and others who can't be vaccinated such as young and unborn babies. 👶 Find out more about the #MMR vaccine: nhs.uk/MMR",03/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/publichealthagency/videos/measles-mmrmeasles-is-highly-infectious-and-can-be-passed-on-even-before-a-rash-/369023475705987/,#Measles #MMR 🔴Measles is highly infectious and can be passed on even before a rash appears. The MMR vaccination is the safest and mos,#Measles #MMR 🔴Measles is highly infectious and can be passed on even before a rash appears. The MMR vaccination is the safest and most effective way to protect against these diseases. You need two doses of MMR to be fully protected. http://nidirect.gov.uk/mmr,03/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2U-C6R2r9A,"with measles cases on the rise, what to know to protect yourself",dr. nidhi kumar is on call for cbs new york to explain more about the outbreak and how to stay healthy.,04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVfStZ6Lv5g,measles outbreak in 2024 surpasses number of cases in 2023: cdc,"the 2024 outbreak of measles has already surpassed all of the cases in 2023, according to data from the centers for disease control.

a case was recently reported on long island at cohen children's medical center. dr. dyan hes, the medical director at concorde pediatrics of northwell health, talks about the disease on pix11 morning news.",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,surprise,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MlvvMpd2aA,"as measles cases rise nationwide, pittsburgh health officials stress importance of vaccination","infectious disease experts are sounding the alarm that measles is on the rise nationwide, with several major cities reporting outbreaks. what is being seen here in western pennsylvania? kdka-tv's ross guidotti has more.",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj1jJwsjfP4,two measles cases confirmed in sd county,"jaime chambers reports.

follow fox 5 san diego:
https://www.instagram.com/fox5sandiego",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/OChat6AQEzc,immune amnesia and measles. #science #microbes #measles,"what happens when memory immune cells forget their memories?

without memory of past infections, our immune system is less able to fight off pathogens.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4GiymO-VTc,measles outbreak in the us despite disease being eradicated in 2000 | ewtn news nightly,"the centers for disease control says that as of late last month there were nearly 100 recorded cases of measles in the united states. that's compared to last year when there were 58 reported cases in all of 2023. symptoms of measles include fever, cough, small grayish-white spots in the mouth and loss of appetite. medical director for communicable disease and immunizations at the public health division of the oregon health authority, dr. paul cieslak, joins to share more about this recent measles outbreak. he tells us where we are seeing the most cases and how concerned we should be. measles were eradicated in the united states back in 2000. with that being the case, he discusses why we are seeing outbreaks now. dr. cieslak explains who is most at risk for the disease and what parents should know._x000d_
ewtn news nightly provides the latest news and analysis from a catholic perspective. join host tracy sabol, our capitol hill, white house and rome correspondents, as well as many other diverse guests daily, to get the latest from the u.s. and the vatican on topics regarding our catholic faith and interests. 
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https://bit.ly/3qdr1qf",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2zggFhyFX0,more than half of measles cases reported in us were in chicago,"chicago continues to see a surge in measles with 53 cases reported in the city this year. there have been at least 97 confirmed measles cases reported across the country since january.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g25orbTxPvY,health authorities in south sudan battle measles and yellow fever outbreaks,"health authorities in south sudan are battling both measles and yellow fever outbreaks. doctors without borders has raised the alarm over the situation, noting that 90% of children in the country are not vaccinated against the diseases. this year, over 12,000 cases of measles have been reported across the country. doctors without borders'  zakaria mwatia explains.

tune into newzroom afrika dstv channel 405 for more.",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OChat6AQEzc,immune amnesia and measles. #science #microbes #measles,"what happens when memory immune cells forget their memories?

without memory of past infections, our immune system is less able to fight off pathogens.

 subscribe to asm's youtube channel at https://goo.gl/movhlk

✅ become a member today at https://asm.org/membership

 learn more about the american society for microbiology at https://www.asm.org

 join us on social:

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instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asmicrobiology/",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3sVuPzC5g0,measles resurgence: sharp rise in u.s. cases sparks public health alarm,"measles was thought to be eradicated in the u.s. but now, public health officials are sounding the alarm on a sharp rise in cases driven by recent outbreaks in chicago, philadelphia, and southeast florida. doctors say the highly contagious disease can infect up to 90 percent of non-immune people who are exposed to the virus.

#measlesoutbreak #publichealthalert #vaccinatenow #protectourkids #measlesawareness #stayinformed #healthemergency #vaccinehesitancy #cdcalert #staysafe


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 want to share something with our team? email: news@starcitybroadcasting.com",04/01/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySqEo-Uy4tc,measles resurgence: sharp rise in u.s. cases sparks public health alarm,"measles was thought to be eradicated in the u.s. but now, public health officials are sounding the alarm on a sharp rise in cases driven by recent outbreaks in chicago, philadelphia, and southeast florida. doctors say the highly contagious disease can infect up to 90 percent of non-immune people who are exposed to the virus.

#measlesoutbreak #publichealthalert #vaccinatenow #protectourkids #measlesawareness #stayinformed #healthemergency #vaccinehesitancy #cdcalert #staysafe


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 want to share something with our team? email: news@youralaskalink.com",04/01/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7cKSEKScKc,hoc urgent question statement on the declaration of a national incident in measles cases 22/01/2024,"house of commons

urgent question: to ask the secretary of state for health and social care to make a statement on the declaration of a national incident in response to the recent surge in measles cases
maria caulfield mp, the parliamentary under-secretary for health and social care (lewes, conservative)
preet kaur gill mp (birmingham, edgbaston, labour (co-op))
maria caulfield mp, the parliamentary under-secretary for health and social care (lewes, conservative)
steve brine mp (winchester, conservative)
maria caulfield mp, the parliamentary under-secretary for health and social care (lewes, conservative)
debbie abrahams mp (oldham east and saddleworth, labour)
maria caulfield mp, the parliamentary under-secretary for health and social care (lewes, conservative)
rt hon sir desmond swayne mp (new forest west, conservative)
maria caulfield mp, the parliamentary under-secretary for health and social care (lewes, conservative)
daisy cooper mp (st albans, liberal democrat)
maria caulfield mp, the parliamentary under-secretary for health and social care (lewes, conservative)
maggie throup mp (erewash, conservative)
maria caulfield mp, the parliamentary under-secretary for health and social care (lewes, conservative)
clive efford mp (eltham, labour)
maria caulfield mp, the parliamentary under-secretary for health and social care (lewes, conservative)
florence eshalomi mp (vauxhall, labour (co-op))
maria caulfield mp, the parliamentary under-secretary for health and social care (lewes, conservative)
alex davies-jones mp (pontypridd, labour)
maria caulfield mp, the parliamentary under-secretary for health and social care (lewes, conservative)
jim shannon mp (strangford, democratic unionist party)
maria caulfield mp, the parliamentary under-secretary for health and social care (lewes, conservative)",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TleEfjShkE,"myeloma crowd radio/mcri: dr. frits van rhee, uams and dr. stephen russell, mayo","the measles virus used successfully for a patient with relapsed myeloma is now a well known and exciting story shared onmaintstream media. dr. frits van rheemdphdmrcp, frcpath and dr. stephen russell, md phd frcp, frcpath take the success one step further with a phase ii trial of the measles virus with further engineeringin patients with relapsed/refractory, high-risk multiple myeloma. their work will help determine which patients will respond to the treatment and which ones will not and will also determine how to make the therapy more effective.",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPO2TxcblVk,"measles disease: measles rash, symptoms, treatment, and vaccination","measles is a respiratory disease caused by a single-stranded rna virus. the measles disease virus has only one serotype, as it primarily infects humans and does not cause a disease in animals. in this video, you will learn about:
what is meant by measles?
how is measles transmitted?
how many stages of measles?
describe the causes of measles
what risk factors could lead to measles?
what are the symptoms of measles?
how is measles diagnosed?
describe the effective treatment of measles
which complications are associated with measles?
who are people at risk of getting measles complications?
could measles be prevented?
measles is a viral childhood infection, also known as rubeola, which refers to a contagious viral infection caused by the measles virus. in this infection, red rashes with white spots appear throughout the body, starting from the face and then spreading to the chest and other lower body parts, including the feet. early symptoms of measles include severe fever and dry cough. this disease is very contagious and can transfer from person to person by direct contact or infected air. this disease is even fatal, but death rates are going to reduce throughout the world because of the awareness about measles vaccination.

if you enjoyed this video, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more captivating content. and, as always, stay curious and keep exploring!

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#measles",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vj6khh6JfFg,neil degrasse tyson thinks all 8 billion people in the world should view this film! #covid,"so many people have been asking us where they can see shot in the arm! well, we are hosting an online screening window to celebrate world vaccine day! this will be a 7-day window with a q/a on 5/14 at 6 pm pt / 9 pm et with executive producer neil degrasse tyson and myself!! i hope to see you all virtually there! pre-sale ticket link: https://bit.ly/43jyizi please share!

#measles #covid #mmr #documentary #interview #shotinthearm #sita #scotthamiltonkennedy #neildegrassetyson #covid #shotinthearm #vaccine #sita #director #film",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyWxsIbChFs,measles comeback,,04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/video/as-measles-cases-rise-nationwide-pittsburgh-health-officials-stress-importance-of-vaccination/,"as measles cases rise nationwide, pittsburgh health officials stress importance of vaccination","infectious disease experts are sounding the alarm that measles is on the rise nationwide, with several major cities reporting outbreaks. what is being seen here in western pennsylvania? kdka-tv's ross guidotti has more.",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,fear
https://fox5sandiego.com/video/recognizing-the-signs-of-measles/9566833/,recognizing the signs of measles,san diego county health officials are reporting the second case of measles so far this year in a resident who traveled overseas.,04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://fox5sandiego.com/video/two-measles-cases-confirmed-in-sd-county/9568163/,two measles cases confirmed in sd county,jaime chambers reports.,04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
measles cases on the rise in the u.s., including georgia","
measles cases on the rise in the u.s., including georgia",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.facebook.com/unicefphilippines/videos/vaccineswork-measles-pertussis-and-other-life-threatening-diseases-can-be-preven/392421556889036/,"#vaccineswork. measles, pertussis and other life-threatening diseases can be prevented through vaccines. a
we must #buildbackimmunity to protect children, families and our communities. there is no time to wait. act now #foreverychild","#vaccineswork. measles, pertussis and other life-threatening diseases can be prevented through vaccines. a
we must #buildbackimmunity to protect children, families and our communities. there is no time to wait. act now #foreverychild",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/measles-warning-in-place-for-sydney/video/ddc21c9133875f501941bc60f7f1f8c8,measles warning in place for sydney,"health officials have issued a public warning for measles in sydney.

it follows a woman contracting the disease in western sydney.

it is believed she picked up the case from an infant who was diagnosed earlier this month.

multiple exposure sites have been flagged across sydney including westpoint blacktown.

authorities are advising people to be alert for signs and symptoms, but say there is no ongoing risk to the public.",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.wect.com/video/2024/04/01/measles-cases-rise-us-including-georgia/,"measles cases on the rise in the u.s., including georgia","measles cases on the rise in the u.s., including georgia",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/newzroom405/videos/health-authorities-in-south-sudan-are-battling-both-measles-and-yellow-fever-out/307511398791942/,"health authorities in south sudan are battling both measles and yellow fever outbreaks. doctors without borders has raised the alarm over the situation, noting that 90% of children in the country are not vaccinated against the diseases. this year, over 12,000 cases of measles have been reported across the country. doctors without borders' zakaria mwatia explains.
watch: tinyurl.com/3k483j96","health authorities in south sudan are battling both measles and yellow fever outbreaks. doctors without borders has raised the alarm over the situation, noting that 90% of children in the country are not vaccinated against the diseases. this year, over 12,000 cases of measles have been reported across the country. doctors without borders' zakaria mwatia explains.
watch: tinyurl.com/3k483j96",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/health/measles-outbreak-in-2024-surpasses-number-of-cases-in-2023-cdc/vi-BB1kT71T,measles outbreak in 2024 surpasses number of cases in 2023: cdc,"the 2024 outbreak of measles has already surpassed all of the cases in 2023, according to data from the centers for disease control. a case was recently reported on long island at cohen children's medical center. dr. dyan hes, the medical director at concorde pediatrics of northwell health, talks about the disease on pix11 morning news.",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,surprise,surprise
https://www.facebook.com/fnlghtcphu/videos/sama-sama-nating-alamin-kung-ano-nga-ba-ang-measles-o-tigdas-at-paano-ito-kumaka/1114177256298313/,sama-sama nating alamin kung ano nga ba ang measles o tigdas at paano ito kumakalat. #vaccineworks #measles #farnorthcares #cttoofvideo,sama-sama nating alamin kung ano nga ba ang measles o tigdas at paano ito kumakalat. #vaccineworks #measles #farnorthcares #cttoofvideo,04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/100057113633836/videos/kick-off-activity-for-measles-outbreak-response-immunizationtigdas-nakamamatay-a/793302792201394/,"kick off activity for measles outbreak response immunization
tigdas nakamamatay, ating labanan magpabakuna na!
walang gamot laban sa tigdas. kaya pabakunahan na ang inyong anak. pumunta sa pinakamalapit na health center o makipag-ugnayan sa ating doktor, nurse o midwife.
#strongeriphomaguindanao","kick off activity for measles outbreak response immunization
tigdas nakamamatay, ating labanan magpabakuna na!
walang gamot laban sa tigdas. kaya pabakunahan na ang inyong anak. pumunta sa pinakamalapit na health center o makipag-ugnayan sa ating doktor, nurse o midwife.
#strongeriphomaguindanao",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.msn.com/en-ae/video/health/san-diego-county-confirms-second-case-of-measles-so-far-in-2024/vi-BB1kRxKV,san diego county confirms second case of measles so far in 2024,"san diego county health officials are reporting the second case of measles so far this year in a resident who traveled overseas, and are issuing a warning that exposure could have happened at several locations over the past few weeks. story: <a href=""https://fox5sandiego.com/news/local-news/san-diego-county-confirms-second-case-of-measles-so-far-in-2024/"">https://fox5sandiego.com/news/local-news/san-diego-county-confirms-second-case-of-measles-so-far-in-2024/</a>",04/01/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5ObI-BLsXO/,there's been a lot of talk about measles recently — but do you know much about the virus? pediatrician dr. stephen lauer describes the risks of not being vaccinated against the illness.,there's been a lot of talk about measles recently — but do you know much about the virus? pediatrician dr. stephen lauer describes the risks of not being vaccinated against the illness.,04/01/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5N4SnRLxZ3/,"monday morning rounds: measles cases in the us have surpassed the total number of measles cases in the country during all of 2023, according to the cdc. it's important for all doctors to review the signs and symptoms of measles for swift diagnosis of this serious infection. finally, vaccinations remain important for all of our children. #measles #measlesoutbreak #vaccination #prevention","monday morning rounds: measles cases in the us have surpassed the total number of measles cases in the country during all of 2023, according to the cdc. it's important for all doctors to review the signs and symptoms of measles for swift diagnosis of this serious infection. finally, vaccinations remain important for all of our children. #measles #measlesoutbreak #vaccination #prevention",04/01/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/unicefphils/reel/C5NvleDN4t3/,"#vaccineswork. measles, pertussis and other life-threatening diseases can be prevented through vaccines.  

we must #buildbackimmunity to protect children, families and our communities. there is no time to wait. act now #foreverychild ","#vaccineswork. measles, pertussis and other life-threatening diseases can be prevented through vaccines.  

we must #buildbackimmunity to protect children, families and our communities. there is no time to wait. act now #foreverychild ",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/drkaydo/reel/C5PjLWEOqw9/,"ps- i'm in primary care seeing measles cases again so i deserve a raise 

i mean… if you think about it.. is your money yours? 

#studentdebt #finance #premed #doctor #physician #surgeon #firstgen","ps- i'm in primary care seeing measles cases again so i deserve a raise 

i mean… if you think about it.. is your money yours? 

#studentdebt #finance #premed #doctor #physician #surgeon #firstgen",04/01/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5NyEG2qLl2/,"the sheetla mata fair, held near the temple atop doongri hillock in seel-ki-doongri village, rajasthan, reveres the goddess of epidemics.

 located 5 km from chaksu and 35 km from jaipur, the annual springtime ritual draws pilgrims seeking protection from diseases like measles and chickenpox. it's a vibrant celebration of tradition and devotion, reminding us of the ancient belief in divine protection against dangerous epidemics.

still footage credits: @thar_desert_photography 

[sheetla mata mandir, basoda, festivals of rajasthan, villages of rajasthan, sheetla mata fair, lakkhi mela, rajasthan tourism, federation of hospitality and tourism rajasthan, india tourism]","the sheetla mata fair, held near the temple atop doongri hillock in seel-ki-doongri village, rajasthan, reveres the goddess of epidemics.

 located 5 km from chaksu and 35 km from jaipur, the annual springtime ritual draws pilgrims seeking protection from diseases like measles and chickenpox. it's a vibrant celebration of tradition and devotion, reminding us of the ancient belief in divine protection against dangerous epidemics.

still footage credits: @thar_desert_photography 

[sheetla mata mandir, basoda, festivals of rajasthan, villages of rajasthan, sheetla mata fair, lakkhi mela, rajasthan tourism, federation of hospitality and tourism rajasthan, india tourism]",04/01/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.instagram.com/epicpharmacy/reel/C5OTw-_RKty/?next=%2Fchaniahsunu%2Ftagged%2F&hl=da,"protect yourself against measles, mumps and rubella

protection against measles is important for everyone and especially important for those planning to travel. if you are unsure whether you are protected against measles, speak with your pharmacist.

we are here for you 7 days a week, from 10am to 6pm to support you in maintaining your best health!","protect yourself against measles, mumps and rubella

protection against measles is important for everyone and especially important for those planning to travel. if you are unsure whether you are protected against measles, speak with your pharmacist.

we are here for you 7 days a week, from 10am to 6pm to support you in maintaining your best health!",04/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drnadeemraja/video/7352856652392992033,"™™† ™…› › ™ › ™"" ›   ›' ™ ™†›™…  › #measlesinpakistan #foryou #foryourpage #fyp #measles ","™™† ™…› › ™ › ™"" ›   ›' ™ ™†›™…  › #measlesinpakistan #foryou #foryourpage #fyp #measles ",04/01/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@thismorning/video/7353286277019602209,"with the increase of measles cases, dr rosena explains all the signs and symptoms to look out for. #thismorning","with the increase of measles cases, dr rosena explains all the signs and symptoms to look out for. #thismorning",04/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhevOc4jhbc,"mmr vaccine. protect against measles, mumps and rubella (bsl)","what are measles, mumps and rubella?
measles, mumps and rubella are highly infectious diseases that spread easily through coughs and sneezes or close contact with someone who has the infection.
the mmr vaccine protects against these viruses.",04/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rUPQvo-5ks,"covid, flu, rsv, measles & norovirus updates avian (bird) flu in mammals","00:54 - public health
3:06 - respiratory virus updates
6:51 - measles outbreak
10:28 - norovirus
12:19 - avian (bird) flu
23:17 - summary and tips

  links referenced in the briefing
cdc list of conditions
cdc measles tracking https://www.cdc.gov/measles/cases-outbreaks.html

#rootsempowers #communityhealth #bayarea #publichealth #oakland #covid19 #cdc #maskup #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #nomorecoviddeaths #vaccines #booster #pandemic #omicron #xbb #keepmasksinhealthcare #longcovid #eg.5 #wastewater #ba.2.86 #monovalent #monovalentbooster #novavax #pertussis #jn.1",04/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzSQUgTqG84,are you concerned about measles outbreaks in canada? | outburst,"this week outburst is asking canadians: are you concerned about measles outbreaks in canada?
here's some of what we heard.

like this video? subscribe to cpac on youtube: youtube.com/@cpac                        
connect with us on… 
x (formerly twitter): https://twitter.com/cpac_tv 
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cpac_tv",04/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2ZRsgCoBzU,measles,"this webinar will provide information on measles, its symptoms, and how/when to get vaccinated.

by the end of the presentation, providers will be able to:
• be familiar with the symptoms of measles
• be familiar with how measles is trasmitted
• know when to get vaccinated for measles (mmr, mmrv)",04/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJa7TYMM2xE,rising number of measles cases raise concerns for utah,"the closest state that reported an outbreak was arizona.

subscribe to abc4 on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/abc4utah?sub_confirmation=1 

keep up with the latest utah news at https://abc4.com

also, follow us on social media:

subscribe to abc4's newsletters for morning news and the latest breaking alerts: https://nxslink.abc4.com/join/6p6/signup?website_signup=true",04/02/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3thtNnhEfoM,the forgotten hero: how maurice hilleman saved millions from deadly diseases,"in a world grappling with the devastating impact of covid-19, the story of maurice hilleman, the unsung hero of modern vaccines, has never been more relevant. this pioneering microbiologist developed over 40 life-saving vaccines, including those for measles, mumps, hepatitis a, hepatitis b, chickenpox, meningitis, pneumonia, and haemophilus influenzae type b (hib). his work has saved countless lives and prevented untold suffering.

but why haven't we heard more about this remarkable man? in an era of rampant misinformation and vaccine hesitancy, hilleman's legacy is a powerful reminder of the importance of science and public health. as the world races to develop and distribute vaccines for covid-19, the lessons of hilleman's work have never been more urgent. from the controversy over vaccine safety to the debate over equitable access, the challenges he faced mirror those we confront today. some even claim that if hilleman were still alive, he would have developed a covid-19 vaccine in record time. while we may never know the truth of that assertion, one thing is clear: maurice hilleman's legacy is a testament to the power of vaccines to save lives and change the course of history.

#mauricehilleman #vaccinessavelives #covidvaccine #antivaxxers",04/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXQfdAdMQcQ,imunisasi campak pada bayi usia 9 bulan - vaksin mr (measles-rubella),"imunisasi dasar adalah salah satu upaya untuk membentuk kekebalan tubuh anak, sehingga mencegah penularaan penyakit berbahaya, wabah, serta membantu anak tidak mudah sakit.

dimana imunisasi untuk usia 9 bulan berdasarkan jadwal imunisasi dari idai (ikatan dokter anak indonesia) tahun 2020 diberikan ialah imunisasi campak rubela atau measles dan rubela (mr) dimana imunsiasi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kekebalan terhadap penyakit campak dan rubela.

untuk itu simak video baby gama imunisasi campak diusia nya 9 bulan.
semoga bermanfaat,

share and...

#bayi #vaksin #imunisasianak #bayisehat #bayikuat #konsultasikesehatan #parents #parenting #parentingtips #familyvlog",04/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWbVHXTSpTk,जानि ममपस बीमारी के लकषण और उपाय मशहूर डॉ. सशांत जोशी की जबानी,"#mumps  #measles #rubella #mmr #vaccine #covid #vaccines #polio #vaccineswork #health #vaccination #coronavirus #tetanus #medicine #science #diphtheria #influenza #chickenpox #fluvaccine #immunization #bhfyp #vaccinessavelives #pertussis #virus #measlesoutbreak #vaccineinjury #pharma #antivaccine #vaccinsanity #billgates

उदयपर, राजसथान में विकासातमक, राजनैतिक और खोजी पतरकारिता करने वाले हम क लोकल मीडिया आरगेनाईजेशन हैं। हम मानते हैं कि कोई भी समसया, कोई भी मददा छोा नहीं है और निषपकष पतरकारिता की ज़िममेदारी जानते हैं। हम रोज़ाना कोशिश करते हैं कि आपकी आवाज़ सरकार तक पंहचा सके और भरोसा करते है कि आप इसी तरह हमारी मदद करेंगे। 5 वरष तक आप सभी ने खूब पयार दिया है जिसके लि हम आभारी हैं। हमारी ीम हमारे इस छठे साल में आपके लि क और माधयम लाने का परयास कर रही है। आपकी सहायता की हम अपेकषा करते हैं। 
अगर है कछ सा जो आप परे उदयपर तक पहचाना चाहते हो, शिकायत हो या अपनी बात , हम बनेंगे आपकी आवाज़। 

subscribe to udaipur news channel for the latest news of the udaipur area.

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udaipur news is a local media organization committed to practicing developmental, political, and investigative journalism in udaipur, rajasthan. we believe that no issue is a small issue and realize the responsibility of objective journalism. we strive daily to make your voice reach the government and rely on you for your cooperation. turning 6 soon, our team is now ready to introduce a new platform! for the love we have received, we are really grateful. we look forward to your support! stay tuned.",04/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qNXIjd2qa7Q,pabakunahan si baby upang outbreak ay maiwasan | #pertussis #measles #poliocampaign,,04/02/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IeZgLsIp7Y,unlocking understanding: autism awareness day 2024 | waad 2024|nila school of happiness',"""autism, or autism spectrum disorder (asd), encompasses a diverse range of developmental brain conditions affecting about 1 in 100 children worldwide. while characteristics may manifest early in childhood, diagnosis often occurs later. individuals with autism display varying abilities and needs, from independence to requiring lifelong care. evidence-based interventions enhance communication and social skills, positively impacting well-being. co-occurring conditions like epilepsy and depression are common among autistic individuals. the world health organization advocates for comprehensive care and collaboration across sectors to promote accessibility, inclusivity, and support. for more information, 
refer to:
who resolution on autism spectrum disorders : https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/autism-spectrum-disorders 
global prevalence of autism systematic review : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35238171/
wakefield's affair: no link between autism and mmr vaccine : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc3136032/
lancet retracts wakefield's mmr paper and wakefield is struck off for serious findings: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc3136032/",04/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.facebook.com/ThisMorning/videos/with-the-increase-of-measles-cases-dr-rosena-explains-all-the-signs-and-symptoms/332059189451370/,"with the increase of measles cases, dr rosena explains all the signs and symptoms to look out for.","with the increase of measles cases, dr rosena explains all the signs and symptoms to look out for.",04/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.facebook.com/ThisMorning/videos/with-the-increase-of-measles-cases-dr-rosena-explains-all-the-signs-and-symptoms/1591539041610525/,"with the increase of measles cases, dr rosena explains all the signs and symptoms to look out for.
#thismorning","with the increase of measles cases, dr rosena explains all the signs and symptoms to look out for.
#thismorning",04/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/NBCSanDiego/videos/second-measles-case-of-2024-confirmed-in-san-diego-county/399705666031632/,second measles case of 2024 confirmed in san diego county,a second case of measles has been reported in san diego and san diego county health officials are warning residents in encinitas and carlsbad that they may have been exposed to the potentially deadly virus that was once eradicated. http://on.nbc7.com/xx7zvqa,04/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.kktv.com/video/2024/04/02/its-definitely-something-thats-our-radar-colorado-doctors-warning-rise-measles-cases-nationwide-flu-season-ends/,"its definitely something thats on our radar: colorado doctors warning of rise in measles cases nationwide, as flu season ends","its definitely something thats on our radar: colorado doctors warning of rise in measles cases nationwide, as flu season ends",04/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.abc4.com/video/rising-number-of-measles-cases-raise-concerns-for-utah/9571073/,rising number of measles cases raise concerns for utah,the closest state that reported an outbreak was arizona.,04/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/asmfan/videos/fighting-measles-induced-immune-amnesia-microbial-minutes/788331742761411/,fighting measles-induced immune amnesia! - microbial minutes,"what happens when memory immune cells forget their memories? without memory of past infections, our immune system is less able to fight off pathogens.the problem is that sometimes pathogens themselves are responsible for this so-called immune amnesia. measles virusan incredibly contagious virus that is currently spreading in the u.s. and other world regionscan trigger immune amnesia.this makes people with measles vulnerable to secondary infections even after their measles infection has resolved. to that end, scientists are exploring treatment paradigms to prevent measles-induced immune suppression and mitigate severe infection outcomes.",04/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/acepnation/reel/C5RxdRNsAjB/,"measles cases have been on the rise recently!  this airborne disease, once eliminated, is now spreading rapidly. here are a few things to look for:
vaccination status
conjunctivitis in the eye
 koplik spots in the mouth

#acepnation are you seeing measles on shift?","measles cases have been on the rise recently!  this airborne disease, once eliminated, is now spreading rapidly. here are a few things to look for:
vaccination status
conjunctivitis in the eye
 koplik spots in the mouth

#acepnation are you seeing measles on shift?",04/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/mindfullydoc/reel/C5QqDAzM-Pp/?locale=kk-KZ,"it's #worldautismawarenessday!

what is autism?
 autism spectrum disorder constitues a diverse group of conditions related to development of the brain. 

they are characterized by some degree of difficulty with social interaction and communication.

they often have co-occurring conditions, including:
- epilepsy
- depression
- anxiety
- adhd
- difficulty sleeping 
- self-injury

- about 1 in 100 children has autism.

causes: many factors are involved, including environmental and genetic.

 measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) vaccine cause autism. 
✅ measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) vaccine doesn't cause autism. 

while some people with autism can live independently, others have severe disabilities.

ref: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/autism-spectrum-disorders

be mindful.

#autismawareness #whofides #healthforall #mindfullydoc #⚕foracause","it's #worldautismawarenessday!

what is autism?
 autism spectrum disorder constitues a diverse group of conditions related to development of the brain. 

they are characterized by some degree of difficulty with social interaction and communication.

they often have co-occurring conditions, including:
- epilepsy
- depression
- anxiety
- adhd
- difficulty sleeping 
- self-injury

- about 1 in 100 children has autism.

causes: many factors are involved, including environmental and genetic.

 measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) vaccine cause autism. 
✅ measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) vaccine doesn't cause autism. 

while some people with autism can live independently, others have severe disabilities.

ref: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/autism-spectrum-disorders

be mindful.

#autismawareness #whofides #healthforall #mindfullydoc #⚕foracause",04/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/lab_lamb/reel/C5QA7CUsbel/?locale=zh-TW,"things that  u did not know about autism..

autistic people may
▪find it hard to communicate and interact with other people
▪find it hard to understand how other people think or feel
▪find things like bright lights or loud noises overwhelming, stressful or uncomfortable
get anxious or upset about unfamiliar situations and social events
▪take longer to understand information
▪do or think the same things over and over

autism is not an illness
▪being autistic does not mean you have an illness or disease. it means your brain works in a different way from other people.
▪it's something you're born with. signs of autism might be noticed when you're very young, or not until you're older.

if you're autistic, you're autistic your whole life.
▪autism is not a medical condition with treatments or a ""cure. but some people need support to help them with certain things.

autistic people can live a full life
▪being autistic does not have to stop you having a good life.
▪like everyone, autistic people have things they're good at as well as things they struggle with.
▪being autistic does not mean you can never make friends, have relationships or get a job. but you might need extra help with these things.

autism is different for everyone
▪autism is a spectrum. this means everybody with autism is different.
▪some autistic people need little or no support. others may need help from a parent or carer every day.

autism is:
▪not caused by bad parenting
▪not caused by vaccines, such as the mmr vaccine
▪not linked to diet
▪not an infection you can spread to other people

autistic people can have any level of intelligence
▪some autistic people have average or above average intelligence.
◾some autistic people have a learning disability. this means they may find it hard to look after themselves and need help with daily life
#worldautismawarenessday","things that  u did not know about autism..

autistic people may
▪find it hard to communicate and interact with other people
▪find it hard to understand how other people think or feel
▪find things like bright lights or loud noises overwhelming, stressful or uncomfortable
get anxious or upset about unfamiliar situations and social events
▪take longer to understand information
▪do or think the same things over and over

autism is not an illness
▪being autistic does not mean you have an illness or disease. it means your brain works in a different way from other people.
▪it's something you're born with. signs of autism might be noticed when you're very young, or not until you're older.

if you're autistic, you're autistic your whole life.
▪autism is not a medical condition with treatments or a ""cure. but some people need support to help them with certain things.

autistic people can live a full life
▪being autistic does not have to stop you having a good life.
▪like everyone, autistic people have things they're good at as well as things they struggle with.
▪being autistic does not mean you can never make friends, have relationships or get a job. but you might need extra help with these things.

autism is different for everyone
▪autism is a spectrum. this means everybody with autism is different.
▪some autistic people need little or no support. others may need help from a parent or carer every day.

autism is:
▪not caused by bad parenting
▪not caused by vaccines, such as the mmr vaccine
▪not linked to diet
▪not an infection you can spread to other people

autistic people can have any level of intelligence
▪some autistic people have average or above average intelligence.
◾some autistic people have a learning disability. this means they may find it hard to look after themselves and need help with daily life
#worldautismawarenessday",04/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,anger,anger
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5SUCqautS5/,more measles cases so far than in all of 2023. #health #measles #mmrvacccine #utah #utahnews #ksl #kslnews #newsreporter,more measles cases so far than in all of 2023. #health #measles #mmrvacccine #utah #utahnews #ksl #kslnews #newsreporter,04/03/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjVtFYIR3wE,"disease outbreaks measles, mpox, tuberculosis, meningococcal, and bird flu 2024","can avian flu spread to humans? is meningococcal disease deadly? are tb cases on the rise? who should get mpox vaccine? are measles still around?

our guest is ama vice president of science, medicine and public health, andrea garcia, jd, mph. american medical association cxo todd unger hosts.

 centers for disease control and prevention h5n1 bird flu current situation summary: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/avian-flu-summary.htm

 more information on avian flu reporting: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/index.htm

 what is the new cdc report on tb: https://www.cdc.gov/tb/statistics/default.htm

 facts about tuberculosis: https://www.cdc.gov/tb/topic/basics/default.htm

 cdc issues alert for meningococcal infections (increase in invasive serogroup y meningococcal disease in the united states): https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2024/han00505.asp

 latest cdc health alert 2024 via the health alert network (han cdc website): https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/

 googling ""mpox vaccine near me""? use the cdc mpox vaccine locator here: https://npin.cdc.gov/web-tools/mpox-vaccine-locator

 updated cdc mpox vaccine recommendations: https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/mpox/vaccines/vaccine-recommendations.html

 cdc measles cases and surveillance: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/cases-outbreaks.html

 cdc measles fact sheet pdf: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/downloads/measles-fact-sheet-508.pdf

 wondering ""how does measles spread"" or curious ""is measles deadly""? watch: https://youtu.be/haps_hnfob0?si=byg9vdqzf1ymjgsu

 measles outbreak 2024: where is measles most common? track measles cases worldwide: https://www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/measles/data/global-measles-outbreaks.html

 the ama is your powerful ally in patient care. join now: https://bit.ly/amajoinrenew 

00:00 ama update april 3, 2024
00:32 bird flu news: h5n1 virus in humans (bird flu texas cattle)
01:06 texas bird flu: symptoms of bird flu in humans (avian influenza symptoms)
01:50 cdc avian flu: is bird flu dangerous to humans?
02:50 avian flu in humans (avian flu mortality rate, bird flu death rate)
03:15 bird flu in cattle (avian flu in poultry)
04:06 h5n1 in cows (avian flu michigan, new mexico, idaho)
04:31 bird flu in milk (bird flu dairy cattle)
05:08 new cdc health alert network release for meningococcal disease (meningitis cdc han)
05:20 meningococcal infection: is meningitis fatal?
06:15 invasive meningococcal disease
06:33 meningococcal disease symptoms (meningitis symptoms, bacterial meningitis symptoms)
06:48 meningococcal vs meningitis
07:02 meningococcal disease treatment (meningococcal vaccine)
07:36 cdc tb report: facts about tuberculosis (tb cases in us)
07:54 is tuberculosis a virus or bacteria?
08:01 what is latent tuberculosis?
08:15 cdc tuberculosis data: tb cases 2023 (tuberculosis statistics worldwide)
09:23 mpox news: cdc mpox cases
09:39 mpox cases 2023 (mpox us cases)
10:10 mpox transmission
10:23 mpox symptoms (mpox rash)
10:41 mpox vaccine cdc recommendations: jynneos vaccine (mpox vaccine name)
10:58 mpox vaccine schedule (jynneos booster)
11:30 measles cases in us
11:44 measles outbreak 2024
11:55 measles chicago


 subscribe to @americanmedicalassociation on youtube: https://bit.ly/ama_youtubechannel 

 watch #amaupdate for healthcare news for physicians, residents and medical students: https://bit.ly/ama_update 

 podcast episodes and youtube transcript available: https://bit.ly/ama_update_transcripts 

 sign up for ama #morningrounds daily newsletter: https://bit.ly/ama-morningrounds 

 listen to our latest medical podcasts: https://bit.ly/ama_podcasts 

 download #amaconnect for medical news today, the latest in physician education, healthcare podcasts and videos: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ama-connect/id1355068050 

 follow #ama on social media: https://bit.ly/ama_social_media 

 access the journal of the american medical association #jama login: https://bit.ly/ama_jama 

#fightingfordocs #medicine #futureofhealthcare #physicianadvocacy #healthcare #medical #science #publichealth #patientcare #medicalresearch #h5n1 #avianinfluenza #avianflu #birdflu #virustransmission #meningitis #meningococcal #disease #neisseriameningitidis #tuberculosis #tb #tbcases #latenttuberculosis #latenttb #mpox #mpoxcases #monkeypox #mpoxvaccine #measles #mumps #rubeola #mmrvaccine #measlesvaccine #vaccines #vaccination #immunization #americanmedicalassociation",04/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFCWaREE7vo,what's going around: measles,"the missouri department of health and senior services is urging travelers to get their mmr vaccine after reported cases of the measles in missouri._x000d_
 for more local news from ky3:  https://www.ky3.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucnkybtzfcyzisd9aqczp0jq",04/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm-kzSR6waQ,measles: what you need to know,"presented by the marshall square resource network on march 20, 2024, this informative session was designed for staff of community-based organizations to provide resources to navigate chicago's measles outbreak. panelists included dr. laura casalegno of esperanza health centers and dr. tanya sorrell of rush university medical center.",04/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQJbbbStwFc,measles in chicago?,"suburban cook county confirmed its first measles case, bringing the total number of cases in the chicago area to 53. city officials have vaccinated over 5,000 migrants since the first cases were reported at a migrant shelter in pilsen. reset checks in with rush university medical center's dr. david nguyen on best practices to protect yourself against these viruses.
wbez's reset with sasha-ann simons is your forum for the chicago conversation.

we bring context to the latest local news with journalists, experts and newsmakers. and we cover a wide variety of beats from state and city politics to arts and culture to the environment. every tuesday, we talk health and wellness. every thursday, it's food and music. we're on the latest news stories throughout the week and on fridays in our weekly news recap.

 check out more reset interviews: wbez.org/reset
 sign up for our daily newsletter: wbez.org/resetnews
 listen to the reset podcast: https://bit.ly/3tog0n3
#chicago #health #news #vaccines #healthandwellness #vaccine #vaccination #measles #npr #wbez",04/03/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCf0AkSR6KI,have you received your measles vaccine?,"due to the recent measles outbreak in chicago, il northshore health centers wanted to share information regarding the importance of receiving your measles vaccine. dr. sankaran also shares what symptoms to watch for if you are unvaccinated. 

schedule an appointment to receive your measles vaccination today by visiting: https://northshorehealth.org/

or visit the indiana health department website to find a location near you to receive a publicly funded vaccine: https://www.in.gov/health/immunization/vaccines-for-children/vfc-provider-map/",04/03/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19Jfa4mvIuM,mmr and chickenpox vaccines: together or separate? – healthy at home with dr. handy | chop,"dr. lori handy talks about the differences between the mmr and mmrv vaccines, and the considerations for parents deciding between these two vaccines for their children. 

she explains that the mmrv vaccine combines measles, mumps, rubella and varicella (chickenpox) into one dose, describing the risk-benefit ratio that has led many providers to suggest getting the mmr and chickenpox vaccines separately at 1 year of age and using the combined mmrv at 4 years of age.   

00:00 introduction
00:25 differences between mmr and mmrv vaccines
00:58 risk of fever and febrile seizure in 1-year-olds
02:07 mmrv at 4-6 years of age

for more information about the ""healthy at home with dr. handy series or other parents pack programs, please visit our website, http://vaccine.chop.edu/parents. video created by and for the vaccine education center at children's hospital of philadelphia. 

the vaccine education center at children's hospital of philadelphia (vec at chop) is composed of scientists, physicians, mothers, and fathers devoted to the study and prevention of infectious diseases. the center was launched in october 2000 to provide accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date information about vaccines and the diseases they prevent.   

if you have any questions about your child's health, please contact your child's doctor. this video is intended only to provide general education and not intended to create a doctor-patient relationship between you and the children's hospital of philadelphia (chop). it is not medical advice or treatment, and chop is not responsible for any outcomes you or your child might experience from your use of this video. this video is provided ""as is with no warranties or representations. this video is copyright of chop. all rights reserved. 2024 the children's hospital of philadelphia.",04/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQclbnqJZc4,vaccinations can help protect people with long-term health conditions from becoming very poorly. bsl,"people with long-term health conditions such as diabetes, breathing difficulties or heart problems can become seriously unwell if they catch diseases like covid-19, flu or measles.
make sure you are up to date with your vaccinations and attend your regular check--up appointments to manage your condition.",04/03/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7oUfnlEbRQ,dis-chem lizeth kruger parent360 interview,"dis-chem urges the public to prioritise vaccination as measles cases
surge globally:

measles, a highly contagious airborne virus, is on the rise globally,
presenting a significant threat to public health in south africa.
according to research conducted by both the centers for disease control
and prevention (cdc) and the world health organization (who), it is
envisaged that by the end of 2024, over half of all countries - about
105 [1] will face a high or very high risk of measles outbreaks.

in response to this alarming resurgence, dis-chem urges both children
and adults to prioritise measles vaccinations. lizeth kruger, dis-chem
clinic executive, stressed the urgency needed to address the matter,
stating, ""as measles cases surge globally, it's important that we take
proactive steps to prevent a health crisis similar to the covid-19

in south africa, children receive measles immunisation twice: first at
six months and then again as a booster at 12 months. there's always an
opportunity to catch up on measles vaccination if a child missed a dose
at the recommended age. parents and caregivers are advised to review
their child's vaccination records and confirm they have received measles
vaccine. additionally, it is recommended that adults with weak immune
systems who are at higher risk of contracting measles or mumps, receive
two doses of the mmr vaccine. the second dose should be administered
four weeks after the first.

according to a recent report from the cdc, 61 million [2] doses of
measles-containing vaccine were missed or postponed around the world
from 2020 to 2022 due to disruptions in healthcare services caused by
covid-19. this significant shortfall in vaccination coverage has
increased the potential for larger outbreaks worldwide, including in
south africa, presenting a serious risk to public health.

kruger emphasises, ""prevention and control of measles outbreaks can only
be achieved through vaccination. each unvaccinated individual presents a
potential link in the transmission chain, endangering both themselves
and others. through widespread vaccination efforts, we can effectively
mitigate the impact of measles""... read more visit: www.onlinemags.co.za",04/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtMX5FQXUOk,lambton county council (open session) - 03 apr 2024,"agenda html: https://lambton.civicweb.net/filepro/documents/119801?handle=b8711e59de72467eb7f39deef86bd46f
agenda pdf: https://lambton.civicweb.net/filepro/documents/119800?handle=44b3a476a2074155b115edefceea1d63

 1.  roll call

 2.  land acknowledgement

 3.  disclosures of pecuniary of interest

 4.  in-camera session - 9:00 a.m.

    a)  to review the lambton county council (closed session) minutes dated march 6, 2024 pursuant to s. 239 (2)(d) of the municipal act, 2001.

      to receive a report and provide instructions related thereto, regarding negotiations between the county and a third party relating to a development project in the city of sarnia, pursuant to s. 239(2)...

 5.  open session

 6.  silent reflection

 7.  rise and report motions of the in-camera session

 8.  delegations

      mary martin, president, lambton wildlife inc., mirn ring, co-chair natural environment committee and karen cooke, member, natural environment committee would like to discuss the importance of woodla...

 9.  minutes of council (open session)

    a)  reading and adoption of the lambton county council (open session) budget minutes dated march 6, 2024.

 11.  board of health (lambton public health)

 a)  correspondence to receive and file

      boh 04-04-24 a letter from councillor joy lachica, chair, board of health, peterborough public health, dated january 31, 2024, advocating for legislated improvements to indoor air quality in indoor pu...

 2.  information reports

      information report dated april 3, 2024 regarding food insecurity in lambton county: the 2023 nutritious food basket.

      information report dated april 3, 2024 regarding measles preparedness.

 3.  reports requiring a motion

      report dated april 3, 2024 regarding public health ontario's laboratory modernization plan with recommendation to phase out private well water testing in ontario including correspondence boh 04-07-24 ...

 15.  items tabled from previous meetings

 16.  notice of motion

 17.  other business

 18.  notice of by-laws

      #9 of 2024 a by-law of the corporation of the county of lambton to confirm the resolutions and motions of lambton county council which were adopted up to and including april 3, 2024.

 19.  first and second reading of by-laws

      #9 of 2024.

 20.  third and final reading of by-laws

      #9 of 2024.

 21.  adjournment

 22.  o canada!

agenda html: https://lambton.civicweb.net/filepro/documents/119801?handle=b8711e59de72467eb7f39deef86bd46f
agenda pdf: https://lambton.civicweb.net/filepro/documents/119800?handle=44b3a476a2074155b115edefceea1d63",04/03/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxM_QVq9l00,15 scariest tribes you do not want to meet!,"there are still many tribes that exist in the world, today. believe it or not, some of them are h**dh**rs, but they are still an essential part of humankind's diversity. join us, as we look at 15 of the scariest tribes you do not want to meet. 

► subscribe for new videos! ►  https://goo.gl/upeqac 

watch our ""15 cruel hunting moments by merciless reptiles
video here:https://youtu.be/tmyi6p3hnwk 
watch our ""15 merciless bird hunting moments caught on camera
video here:https://youtu.be/olbp6gv6sjo 
watch our ""15 moments when predators hunt mercilessly
video here:https://youtu.be/alvlkwklbky

asmat tribe

the asmat tribe is an ethnic group in new guinea. for thousands of years, they have lived in the marshy mangrove woods along papua province's south coast, which occupy around 25,000 square kilometers. it is one of papua's largest tribes, with an estimated population of 70.000 individuals spread among a few hundred communities. their villages vary in size; some might host as few as 35 people, while others can house up to 2,000 people. the members of this tribe believe they emerged from wood; hence wood is sacred to them. they think that trees and humans share a tight bond. since ancient times, they have carved magnificent objects from wood in a variety of forms, including shields, canoes, ancestor poles, sculptured figurines, and drums, and they have contributed art to their admirably sophisticated society. 

the asmat were originally well-known as a cannibalistic tribe. they were formidable warriors who used to headhunt in accordance with their culture and beliefs. the asmat not only hunted for skulls but also revered them. the skulls would be modified and adorned before being displayed in their houses. they would also place human skulls underneath their heads instead of pillows. they were not only head-hunters but also name-hunters, believing if they murdered and ate a man, they would absorb his power and transform into him. sometimes a child was given a name only after ten years of birth if its village agreed to murder a man from an opposing village nearby. fortunately, the evil reputation of the asmat has become history, thanks to the work done by missionaries. 

batak tribe

the batak people are indigenous to the forests of northern palawan in the western philippines. they rely on a diverse mix of agriculture, hunting, gathering, and fishing. they are a 'negrito' people, not to be confused with the batek of peninsular malaysia, a hunter-gatherer people, or the populous and ethnically diverse indonesian batak of northern sumatra. they are thought to have descended from the first wave of human populations to cross the land bridges connecting the philippine islands to mainland asia, which occurred up to 50,000 years ago. conservation schemes such as a government ban on shifting cultivation and the designation of 'protected areas' within their ancestral lands pose a threat to the batak today. there are now fewer than 300 batak, compared to approximately 700 in 1900. land seizure, logging, and disease exposure are all serious threats. 

severe malnutrition has made them more susceptible to diseases like malaria, measles, and tuberculosis. they also have a high infant mortality rate and a low birth rate. because of the small batak population, young people are frequently forced to marry outside the tribe. when the local government outlawed the batak's farming methods in 1994, rice yields plummeted, and the tribe faced extinction. they had no choice but to collect and sell more forest products, which resulted in a general depletion of vital resources. the problems of batak are not new. huge numbers of settlers arrived in the region after the first road was built through batak land in 1956. they were forced to abandon their lowland settlements and relocate to less fertile hills. to protect their land and way of life, the philippine government passed the 'indigenous  peoples' rights act' in 1997. however, due to a lack of political will and the act's difficult requirements, very little of it is put into practice.",04/03/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiitmMBlR7s,merck to make mighty seasonal gains?,"merck & co., inc., commonly known as merck, is a multinational pharmaceutical company headquartered in kenilworth, new jersey, united states. founded in 1891, merck is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies globally, with operations in over 140 countries. merck is known for its focus on research and development (r&d) in various therapeutic areas, including oncology, vaccines, infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. the company has a strong portfolio of prescription medicines, vaccines, biological therapies, and animal health products.

some of merck's notable products include keytruda (pembrolizumab) for cancer immunotherapy, gardasil for human papillomavirus (hpv) vaccination, and januvia for type 2 diabetes treatment. merck has also been involved in the development of vaccines, including the mmr (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine. according to statista keytruda is not only merck & co.'s top product but also one of the best-selling drugs worldwide, generating some 25 billion u.s. dollars in revenue during 2023. apart from its pharmaceutical business, merck operates in animal health through its subsidiary, merck animal health (known as msd animal health outside the united states and canada), providing veterinary products and services.

merck has a very strong seasonal pattern coming up with an average return of nearly 5% and a winning trade percentage of 85% between april 01 and june 30th. the largest gain was nearly 15% in 2018 and the largest loss was 6.24% in 2012. will merck's mighty seasonals play out again this year?

the major trade risk here is that previous seasonal patterns do not play out again each and every year

remember, don't just trade it seasonax it!",04/03/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.tiktok.com/@cheggbiology/video/7353662547968396549,measles isn't minor ™…'‰ @morticia € #microbiology #biology #biotok #lessonplan #explainer,measles isn't minor ™…'‰ @morticia € #microbiology #biology #biotok #lessonplan #explainer,04/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.ky3.com/video/2024/04/03/whats-going-around-measles/,what's going around: measles,the missouri department of health and senior services is urging travelers to get their mmr vaccine after reported cases of the measles in missouri.,04/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/doc_iya_online/reel/C5S4scDrz9-/,"brave boy max, just got his boosters for
✅ diphtheria
✅ tetanus
✅ pertussis
✅ measles
✅ mumps
✅ rubella
good job! ""","brave boy max, just got his boosters for
✅ diphtheria
✅ tetanus
✅ pertussis
✅ measles
✅ mumps
✅ rubella
good job! """,04/03/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/fitdoctor.siddiqua/reel/C5Uip6DLiBE/,"me everytime a kid comes in with a fever and rash. it's a matter of time until we have a case in texas 
#measles #measlesoutbreak #parentsofinstagram #newmom #pediatrics #pediatrician #familydrama #reels #familymedicine #doctorsofinstagram #healthcare #childadvocate #parenting""","me everytime a kid comes in with a fever and rash. it's a matter of time until we have a case in texas 
#measles #measlesoutbreak #parentsofinstagram #newmom #pediatrics #pediatrician #familydrama #reels #familymedicine #doctorsofinstagram #healthcare #childadvocate #parenting""",04/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5S4scDrz9-/,"brave boy max, just got his boosters for
good job! ","brave boy max, just got his boosters for
good job! ",04/03/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@samiahurstmajno/video/7353659706965069088,replying to @sunshine285 a #respirator is an #ffp2 or #ffp3 #mask to protect you against #airbornedisease including #measles #tuberculosis and #covid19 and you get this advice for free here on #medtok,replying to @sunshine285 a #respirator is an #ffp2 or #ffp3 #mask to protect you against #airbornedisease including #measles #tuberculosis and #covid19 and you get this advice for free here on #medtok,04/03/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.siddiqua/video/7353815551522655531,"''""' me everytime a kid comes in with a fever and rash #measlesoutbreak #pediatrician #parentsoftiktok","''""' me everytime a kid comes in with a fever and rash #measlesoutbreak #pediatrician #parentsoftiktok",04/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@7newsadelaide/video/7353883758199639317,developing: health authorities have issued a second measles alert for locations across adelaide after a teenager tested positive to the disease. #adelaide #7news,developing: health authorities have issued a second measles alert for locations across adelaide after a teenager tested positive to the disease. #adelaide #7news,04/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV3QCXQn3NA,top tips for measles prevention,"with active global measles outbreaks and falling vaccination rates in the u.s., many are wondering how they can stay safe. dr. aarti raheja, a pediatrician with u-m health c.s. mott children's hospital, shares tips for immunization and prevention.

read more about the measles outbreak on michigan medicine health lab: https://michmed.org/xadda
additional information about measles is available from the centers for disease control and prevention
and the world health organization.
#vaccineswork",04/04/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQh6Hl-_2Mc,childhood immunisations - stephen,"dr stephen hughes, consultant immunologist at royal manchester children's hospital, talks about why being immunised from preventable illnesses, like measles, is so important. 

is your child up to date with their vaccinations? make sure you know by checking their red book or contacting your gp surgery to find out & book in any missed doses. 
more info: nhs.uk/childhoodvaccinations",04/04/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_yzFB19l70,stopping a measles outbreak in sierra leone,"disease outbreaks, when left undetected, can spread quickly. but when people and first responders are prepared, and have the skills to detect and report outbreaks, they can be even quicker—stopping epidemics in their tracks. 

for #worldhealthday discover how sierra leone red cross society teams rapidly detected a measles outbreak, saving lives and keeping neighbouring communities healthy and safe.

this work was made possible thanks to the community epidemic and pandemic preparedness programme with usaid. find out more: https://www.ifrc.org/our-work/health-and-care/emergency-health/epidemic-and-pandemic-preparedness

#healthforall #myhealthmyright",04/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYxoJhg3Wnw,"chicago migrant centers facing tuberculosis, measles cases","chicago alderman raymond lopez on how illegal immigration has also become a public health concern.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSqu0Rmbr1k," alert -tuberculosis outbreak in chicago migrant shelters, monkey pox and measles"," alert -tuberculosis outbreak in chicago migrant shelters, monkey pox and measles

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mary greeley news",04/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBNRQwYDCN8,paramyxoviridae family (measles & mumps & rsv & parainfluenza),,04/04/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.pbs.org/video/how-chicago-is-trying-to-curb-measles-outbreak-qbxuet/,how chicago is trying to curb measles outbreak,the chicago department of public health says its fighting the spread of measles through testing and vaccinations  particularly in the migrant shelter where the majority of cases are emerging.,04/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.facebook.com/7NEWSAdelaide/videos/adelaide-measles-case-exposure-sites/1477393442870749/,adelaide measles case exposure sites,"developing: health authorities have issued a second measles alert for locations across adelaide after a teenager tested positive to the disease.
7news adelaide at 6pm | www.7news.com.au
#7news",04/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.livetube.tv/news/video-chicago-migrant-centers-facing-tuberculosis-measles-cases,"video: chicago migrant centers facing tuberculosis, measles cases","video: chicago migrant centers facing tuberculosis, measles cases",04/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5XWZOpKzvm/,"the recent u.s. outbreak of measles might call for a refresher. do you know what to look for? these symptoms could be cause for concern:

 105 degree fever
 cough, conjunctivitis, and coryza
 maculopapular rash

#acepnation have you seen these symptoms in your eds recently?","the recent u.s. outbreak of measles might call for a refresher. do you know what to look for? these symptoms could be cause for concern:

 105 degree fever
 cough, conjunctivitis, and coryza
 maculopapular rash

#acepnation have you seen these symptoms in your eds recently?",04/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5V5YzAPWvH/,"for more than 20 years, measles has been eliminated in the united states. today, we risk losing that status. 

learn how plan sponsors can empower members and their families to get vaccinated at the link in our bio.","for more than 20 years, measles has been eliminated in the united states. today, we risk losing that status. 

learn how plan sponsors can empower members and their families to get vaccinated at the link in our bio.",04/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/parentlikeapediatrician/reel/C5Wl-rfOyB5/,"lots of questions about mmr vaccines in the wake of this preventable measles resurgence 

mmr vaccine is highly effective but some people can't get it (immunocompromised) or don't have a great long term response (like me!) so we rely on herd immunity.

i'm very frustrated not to have this for the community and it's very personal for me too.  i'm one of the very few people who doesn't make lasting immunity to measles, something i know from testing as a healthcare worker and in pregnancy.

my 3 month old can't get hers yet and it's back to work during a measles outbreak so my doctor and i made the choice to get another mmr.

it's my sixth (!!) lifetime mmr and i have zero safety concerns. i'm doing it less for me at this point and primarily for my daughter (my older one has had a 2 dose series and is protected). even if i don't make lasting immunity i should have protection from infection and severe disease temporarily. my breastmilk will have a type of antibody called iga that will line my daughter's respiratory tract and help keep her safe.

you never need to justify your desire to protect your kids. there isn't need to panic about the measles outbreaks and most people will remain protected. even if preventable disease infuriatingly affects you, you will do your best and keep your kids healthy with modern medical care. that doesn't mean that you're overreacting when you are angry (like i am!) that for profit antivaccine propagandists have created a public health problem that hurts children. 

questions about vaccines? want judgment free, scientific answers? stay here and ask me, and keep turning to experts who actually care about your kids and have the knowledge to help you make the best choices for them.

#mom #moms #mother #motherhood #momlife #parent #parents #parentlikeapediatrician #parenting #parentingtips #infant #newborn #baby #postpregnancy #postpartum #pregnancy #likeamother #mama #mmr #measles #vaccine #vaccines #ᴠaccinessavelives","lots of questions about mmr vaccines in the wake of this preventable measles resurgence 

mmr vaccine is highly effective but some people can't get it (immunocompromised) or don't have a great long term response (like me!) so we rely on herd immunity.

i'm very frustrated not to have this for the community and it's very personal for me too.  i'm one of the very few people who doesn't make lasting immunity to measles, something i know from testing as a healthcare worker and in pregnancy.

my 3 month old can't get hers yet and it's back to work during a measles outbreak so my doctor and i made the choice to get another mmr.

it's my sixth (!!) lifetime mmr and i have zero safety concerns. i'm doing it less for me at this point and primarily for my daughter (my older one has had a 2 dose series and is protected). even if i don't make lasting immunity i should have protection from infection and severe disease temporarily. my breastmilk will have a type of antibody called iga that will line my daughter's respiratory tract and help keep her safe.

you never need to justify your desire to protect your kids. there isn't need to panic about the measles outbreaks and most people will remain protected. even if preventable disease infuriatingly affects you, you will do your best and keep your kids healthy with modern medical care. that doesn't mean that you're overreacting when you are angry (like i am!) that for profit antivaccine propagandists have created a public health problem that hurts children. 

questions about vaccines? want judgment free, scientific answers? stay here and ask me, and keep turning to experts who actually care about your kids and have the knowledge to help you make the best choices for them.

#mom #moms #mother #motherhood #momlife #parent #parents #parentlikeapediatrician #parenting #parentingtips #infant #newborn #baby #postpregnancy #postpartum #pregnancy #likeamother #mama #mmr #measles #vaccine #vaccines #ᴠaccinessavelives",04/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/allegiancetoliberty/reel/C5W7kZKuqHh/,first it was the measles now it's tuberculosis…what's next the plague?  but hey let's just keep our border wide ass open and let any and everyone into our country without even testing them for diseases. genius level thinking!,first it was the measles now it's tuberculosis…what's next the plague?  but hey let's just keep our border wide ass open and let any and everyone into our country without even testing them for diseases. genius level thinking!,04/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/asktheeyedoctor/reel/C5VVSY3scNw/,"useni's story isn't just his own; it's the reality for many young kids in nigeria dreaming of a better tomorrow. he contracted measles as a child, but inadequate treatment left him blind. measles can cause blindness if not treated properly, and sadly, some traditional practices in africa contribute to this. let's raise awareness about the importance of proper medical care and preventableblindness .

 full video link in  bio.

#asktheeyedoctor #sightaidforafrica #eyeclinicinlekki #eyeclinic #eyehealth #eyetreatment #testimoni","useni's story isn't just his own; it's the reality for many young kids in nigeria dreaming of a better tomorrow. he contracted measles as a child, but inadequate treatment left him blind. measles can cause blindness if not treated properly, and sadly, some traditional practices in africa contribute to this. let's raise awareness about the importance of proper medical care and preventableblindness .

 full video link in  bio.

#asktheeyedoctor #sightaidforafrica #eyeclinicinlekki #eyeclinic #eyehealth #eyetreatment #testimoni",04/04/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.instagram.com/miakhadijah30/reel/C5Vkcndgn8x/,"march 19-29, 2024 to present 
on-going measles outbreak response immunization (mori) and routine immunization with bopv
 house to house approach and non-selective strategy to address the increasing cases of measles in lanao de sur.
 barangay gacap 
 barangay bubong ilian, piagapo, lds

#barmmhealthwarrior","march 19-29, 2024 to present 
on-going measles outbreak response immunization (mori) and routine immunization with bopv
 house to house approach and non-selective strategy to address the increasing cases of measles in lanao de sur.
 barangay gacap 
 barangay bubong ilian, piagapo, lds

#barmmhealthwarrior",04/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/acepnation/reel/C5XWZOpKzvm/,"the recent u.s. outbreak of measles might call for a refresher. do you know what to look for? these symptoms could be cause for concern:

 105 degree fever
 cough, conjunctivitis, and coryza
 maculopapular rash

#acepnation have you seen these symptoms in your eds recently?","the recent u.s. outbreak of measles might call for a refresher. do you know what to look for? these symptoms could be cause for concern:

 105 degree fever
 cough, conjunctivitis, and coryza
 maculopapular rash

#acepnation have you seen these symptoms in your eds recently?",04/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/lexitmovement/reel/C5WKCxdxphM/,tuberculosis breaks out at chicago migrant shelters following measles cases.,tuberculosis breaks out at chicago migrant shelters following measles cases.,04/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drankit.jivishaclinic/reel/C5WE6kWPI-s/,"is your child vaccinated with mmr vaccine?

#reels #mmr #vaccine #vaccination
#kids #kid #health #pediatrican","is your child vaccinated with mmr vaccine?

#reels #mmr #vaccine #vaccination
#kids #kid #health #pediatrican",04/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@constantine_2.0/video/7354131009694207275,"chicago migrant centers facing tuberculosis, measles cases #fyp #fyf #constantinesentshow #chicago #migrants #migrantcenters #facing #breakout #tuberculosis #measles #news #foxnews #newsheadlines","chicago migrant centers facing tuberculosis, measles cases #fyp #fyf #constantinesentshow #chicago #migrants #migrantcenters #facing #breakout #tuberculosis #measles #news #foxnews #newsheadlines",04/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@floridahillbilly1964/video/7354048170327919903,"chicago migrant centers facing tuberculosis, measles cases disease outbreak #chicago #migrant #center #disease #outbreak #tuberculosis #measles","chicago migrant centers facing tuberculosis, measles cases disease outbreak #chicago #migrant #center #disease #outbreak #tuberculosis #measles",04/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@_catz.meow_2/video/7354384132178201898,"tuberculosis breaks out at chicago migrant shelters following measles cases. the confirmed tuberculosis cases come as more than 55 measles cases have now been confirmed in chicago, with the majority of those cases being reported in the pilsen migrant shelter on halsted street. #chicago #news ","tuberculosis breaks out at chicago migrant shelters following measles cases. the confirmed tuberculosis cases come as more than 55 measles cases have now been confirmed in chicago, with the majority of those cases being reported in the pilsen migrant shelter on halsted street. #chicago #news ",04/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YT0wCkY8vH8,measles cases remain at 3 in wa amid rising nationwide cases: healthlink,"measles cases are popping up at an alarming rate in the u.s., just as spring break travel ramps up in early april.

so far this year, there are 97 confirmed measles cases nationwide, according to data from the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc). that's compared to a total of 58 confirmed cases in 2023, according to the cdc.

healthlink checked on the number of measles cases in washington state in 2024 so far. there are three confirmed measles cases as of early april, according to the washington department of health (doh). all three cases are confined to spokane county.
""it's concerning even if it's just one,"" said dr. jamilia sherls.

read more: https://www.king5.com/article/news/health/measles-cases-remain-wa-amid-rising-nationwide-cases-healthlink/281-5cff0db9-b444-4944-b46b-c2b3ad409702",04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuLYGQPG7Z0,measles cases on the rise in the u.s. | in the moment,"measles cases are on the rise in the nation. dr. ashley sands is a pediatric infectious disease physician at sanford health in sioux falls, south dakota. she speaks with in the moment about protecting your family from what she says is one of the most infectious viruses.

find more stories from in the moment at https://www.sdpb.org/inthemoment

#southdakota #measles #sdpb",04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPUZUMTLTcI,minnesota hospital officials concerned about possible measles outbreak,"minnesota hospitals officials are concerned over measles cases and vaccination rates in minnesota in relation to the disease. fox 9's mary mcguire has the latest.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mQHpXFUOS4,"second measles case confirmed in will county, possible exposure risk","a second measles case has been confirmed in will county and health officials are warning the public of possible exposure.

subscribe to fox 32 chicago: https://www.youtube.com/fox32chicago?sub_confirmation=1

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fox 32 chicago delivers breaking news, live events, investigations, politics, entertainment, business news and local stories from chicago and across the nation.

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subscribe to the fox 32 chicago newsletter: https://www.fox32chicago.com/newsletters",04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4nOkOUtv60,measles in chicago area update,measles in chicago area update,04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIwh4B7puVg,ask the expert: have you received your measles vaccine? - northshore health centers,"due to the recent measles outbreak in chicago, il northshore health centers wanted to share information regarding the importance of receiving your measles vaccine. dr. sankaran also shares what symptoms to watch for if you are unvaccinated.

schedule an appointment to receive your measles vaccination today by visiting: https://northshorehealth.org/ in need of a new provider?

visit https://northshorehealth.org/ to view a list of providers available at a convenient location near you – providing services to four counties in northwest indiana.

#asktheexpert #thetimesnwi #nwitimes #gethealthy #nwi #northwestindiana #localnews #healthcare #northshorehealthcenters #northshore",04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9J75PiILPEY,"health department warns of cta, suburban walmart measles exposure","chicago health officials are warning cta passengers about a potential measles exposure.

subscribe to fox 32 chicago: https://www.youtube.com/fox32chicago?sub_confirmation=1

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fox 32 chicago delivers breaking news, live events, investigations, politics, entertainment, business news and local stories from chicago and across the nation.

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subscribe to the fox 32 chicago newsletter: https://www.fox32chicago.com/newsletters",04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUyCAnasnNI,ask the expert: have you received your measles vaccine? - northshore health centers,"due to the recent measles outbreak in chicago, il northshore health centers wanted to share information regarding the importance of receiving your measles vaccine. dr. sankaran also shares what symptoms to watch for if you are unvaccinated. _x000d_
schedule an appointment to receive your measles vaccination today by visiting: https://northshorehealth.org/_x000d_
in need of a new provider? visit https://northshorehealth.org/ to view a list of providers available at a convenient location near you – providing services to four counties in northwest indiana.",04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo-AR0UJuNo,"iidr rounds (april 2024): measles, zika, and virus-associated neuropathology","this one-hour webinar, entitled ""measles resurgence and the potential for neurological sequelae: using a zika virus preclinical model to unpack virus-associated neuropathology,"" features talks from sarah khan (associate professor, pediatrics) and liz balint (phd candidate, ashkar lab).",04/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKx871ezYZM,talking skin care from moisturizer to measles with dr. sandy,time to switch from winter to spring/summer moisturizer.,04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOS0ZSD-mbc,"'immunization gap' seen behind rise in measles, pertussis cases","'immunization gap' seen behind rise in measles, pertussis cases

dr. saia ma'u piukala, world health organization (who) western pacific regional director, says there is a 'huge immunization gap' during the covid-19 pandemic that led to an increase in the incidence of diseases such as measles and pertussis in the region, especially in the philippines. with piukala at the press conference on friday, april 5, 2024 were olivia l. davies, who communications manager; dr. babatunde olowukure, regional emergencies director; dr. rui paulo de jesus, who philippines representative; and dr. rajendra yadav, integrated communicable diseases coordinator, who also shared their thoughts on the pandemic and its effects on children's immunization. 

video by red mendoza

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#pertussis",04/05/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC0k-ZcyTm0,st. louis news | april 5 | 6 a.m. update | what you need to know about measles,"get the latest st. louis news, weather and sports: https://www.ksdk.com_x000d_
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to watch 5 on your side broadcasts or reports 24/7, 5 on your side is always streaming on 5+. download for free on roku (http://bit.ly/3xxquez), amazon fire tv (https://bit.ly/3yzzsw7) or the apple tv app store.",04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVRgZQv4WVg,twiv 1102: clinical update with dr. daniel griffin,"in his weekly clinical update, dr. griffin reviews recent statistics on the circulation of measles and influenza before addressing vincent's comment on measles inclusion in the clinical respiratory pcr panel, the latest statistics on influenza and covid-19 circulation, if inflammatory cytokines and anti-viral antibody function synergistically, if administration of peptide agonists of the glucagon-like or sodium-glucose pump can reduce disease severity, restates the guidelines for spring administration of covid vaccines boosters, discusses the emergency use application of a pre-exposure prophylactic. revised guidelines for how to treat respiratory viral infection guidelines by the cdc, continues to dispel the myth of viral rebound, revised guidelines for sars-cov-2 treatment and how to treat respiratory viral infections, when to use steroids and the benefits of convalescent plasma, what do when healthcare workers succumb to sars-cov-2 infection, if remdesivir or paxlovid can reduce cardiovascular adverse events and the first finding of the two-year longitudinal study on long covid. for more information about this body of work, listen to twiv 1088.

show notes at https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-1102/

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– who am i? –

i'm vincent racaniello, earth's virology professor, and i believe that education should be free.

i'm also a professor of virology at columbia university in new york. i've been doing research on viruses since 1976, and teaching virology in classrooms and online since 1999. on this youtube channel i share videos of my lectures, podcasts, and more.

new videos are uploaded several times each week.

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if you would like to support our work, go over to https://www.microbe.tv/contribute/ 
#microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic
———————————————————————",04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyvkstIOK-c,measles cases in chicago increase to 57,"measles cases continue to increase in chicago, with more cases reported this week.

stay informed about rockford-area news, weather, sports and entertainment! follow wtvo eyewitness news on our website and social channels:

http://www.twitter.com/mystateline",04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYwVqIBj3jA,"chicago tonight: latino voices — april 4, 2024 full episode","what chicago is doing to combat a spike in measles cases. everything you need to know about the solar eclipse that's just days away. and a venezuelan artist captures his journey to america.

#latinovoiceswttw #wttwnews",04/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hM9c9fr6h5U,3+ shots to avoid while on prednisone,"#prednisone #prednisonesideeffects #avoid #shots #vaccine 

this content provides recommendations on which vaccines to avoid while taking prednisone, an immunosuppressant commonly prescribed for autoimmune conditions. debunked myths about prednisone and immunosuppression and also provides a list of things to avoid while taking prednisone, including foods, vaccines, over-the-counter medicines, and prescription medications.

(00:00-00:45) live vaccines & prednisone
(00:46-03:45) specific live vaccines to avoid
(3:46-7:45) immunosuppression & vaccines
(7:46-9:45) myths about prednisone and vaccines

key takeaways:
1. live vaccines should be avoided while taking prednisone, as they require a properly functioning immune system.
2. the nasal spray version of the flu vaccine should be avoided, and the flu shot is recommended instead for people on prednisone.
3. the mmr vaccine and chickenpox vaccine should be avoided, but the recombinant virus vaccine called shingrix is recommended for those at risk for shingles.
4. other live vaccines like rotavirus, yellow fever, and smallpox are generally not applicable to most people on prednisone.
5. most vaccines are safe to take while on prednisone, but the immune response may not be as robust due to immunosuppression. revaccination may be necessary after stopping prednisone.

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* dr. megan's website: https://prednisonepharmacist.com
 nutranize dietary supplement website: https://nutranize.com/

* join the ♥i heart/hate prednisone facebook group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/2367303590218855/
* prednisone warriors with dr. megan facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/prednisonepharmacist/
* nutranize facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/nutranize/


*  need personal help? schedule a 1:1 prednisone consultation with dr. megan: https://calendly.com/prednisone/prednisone-consultation

*the information contained herein is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. please consult your physician for any health problems and before making any medical or lifestyle changes.

* these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.",04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,fear
https://m.youtube.com/shorts/xjeNpPMQad8,भारत में तेजी से फेल रहा है मंपस वायरस / mumps virus / गलसआ,"भारत में तेजी से फेल रहा है मंपस वायरस, mumps virus, गलसआ

#mumpsvirus #virus #trendingshorts

mumps virus : ममपस क वायरल इनफेकशन है जो ममपस वायरस (mumps virus) के कारण होता है। यह क खतरनाक सवरूप की सामानय बीमारी है जो अकसर बचचों और यवाओं में पायी जाती है। ममपस वायरस का पराथमिक लकषण गले की सूजन, बखार और गालों के नीचे दरद होता है। यह संकरमण आमतड़र पर संकरमित वयकति के खासने या छींकने से हवा में उतपनन होता है। यह बूंदबूंदी यरोसोल के रूप में छोी डरॉपलेस के माधयम से फैलता है, जो अनय वयकति की सांस लेते वकत या संकरमित वसतओं के संपरक में आते हैं।

ममपस के लकषण सामानयतः सीमित समय के भीतर परक होते हैं, जो 14 से 18 दिन के बाद संकरमण के बाद आते हैं। इसके अधिकांश मामलों में, लकषण मामूली होते हैं और सवतः ही ठीक हो जाते हैं। लेकिन कछ मामलों में, ममपस गंभीर समसयाओं का कारण बन सकता है, जैसे कि मेनिनजाइिस (अंगरेज़ी में meningitis) और नसेफालाइिस (अंगरेज़ी में encephalitis)।

mumps virus के क और गंभीर परिणाम हो सकते हैं जिसे ऑरकाइिस (अंगरेज़ी में orchitis) कहा जाता है। यह क परषों में होने वाला लकषण है जिसमें क या दोनों वृषण (अंगरेज़ी में testicles) में सूजन और दरद होता है। यह लकषण बचचों के लि संकरमण गंभीर होने के बाद या 12 से 16 वरष की उमर में आमतड़र पर देखा जाता है। अगर ऑरकाइिस किसी के दोनों वृषणों को परभावित करता है, तो इससे परषों की परजनन कषमता पर असर पड़ सकता है।

बचचों को जनम के बाद 13 से 14 महीने की आय में विभिनन ीकाकरण दि जाते हैं, जिसमें ममपस का ीका (mmr vaccine) भी शामिल होता है। यह ीकाकरण ममपस संकरमण को रोकने में मदद करता है।
इस संकरमण को रोकने के लि हमें अपने आपको सवसथ और सरकषित रखने के लि कछ सावधानियां अपनानी चाहि। साफ-सफाई अपनाना, छींकने या खासतड़र पर संकरमित वयकति के संपरक में आने से बचना

गलसआ - गलगणड रोग (अंगरेज़ी: '', पैरोाइिस' ममपस ' के रूप में भी जाना जाता है) क विक विषाणजनित रोग है जो पैरोिड गरंथि को कषदायक रूप से बड़ा कर देती है। ये गरंथियां आगे तथा कान के नीचे सथित होती हैं तथा लार वं थूक का उतपादन करती हैं। गलगणड क संकरामक रोग है जो क वयकति से दूसरे वयकति को क विषाण के कारण होता है जो संकरमित लार से समपरक के दवारा फैलता है। 2 से 12 वरष के बीच के बचचों में संकरमण की सबसे अधिक समभावना होती है। अधिक उमर के लोगों में, पैरोिड गरंथि के अलावा, अनय गरंथियां जैसे अणडकोष, पैनकरियाज (अगनयाशय) वं सनाय परणाली भी शामिल हो सकती हैं। बीमारी के विकसित होने का काल, यानि शरआत से लकषण पूरण रूप से विकसित होने तक, 12 से 24 दिन होता है।

mumps virus in hindi
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mumps virus microbiology in tamil",04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGIMT3DmoDE,fcaap: stop the spread of measles!,,04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzzvrZtAqqM,chicago migrant tuberculosis cases | newsnation now,"a chicago alderman is sounding the alarm on tuberculosis cases in chicago migrant shelters that come after more than 50 cases of measles have been confirmed in the city. now, with another health crisis taking shape, ald. raymond lopez said he is concerned about migrants and local residents alike. newsnation's natasha zouves reports.

""newsnation now"" is a no fluff, no filler newscast hosted by nichole berlie and connell mcshane featuring up-to-the-minute news drawing from a network of journalists across the u.s. weekdays starting at 1p/12c.

newsnation is your source for fact-based, unbiased news for all america. 

more from newsnation: https://www.newsnationnow.com/
get our app: https://trib.al/tbxgypp
find us on cable: https://trib.al/ydopgyg
how to watch on tv or streaming: https://trib.al/vu0ikij",04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@jeanettelorenzo72/video/7354349059802418438,measles outbreak response immunization  (mori 2024) #during house to house #salamat sa nag bigay nang mangga,measles outbreak response immunization  (mori 2024) #during house to house #salamat sa nag bigay nang mangga,04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://wgntv.com/video/measles-in-chicago-area-update/9581438/,measles in chicago area update,measles in chicago area update,04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.mystateline.com/video/measles-cases-in-chicago-increase-to-57/9581371/,measles cases in chicago increase to 57,"measles cases continue to increase in chicago, with more cases reported this week.",04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5Y_8qOxdOi/,"before you go, shield them from measles! ensure your children are vaccinated before traveling. keep them safe, healthy, and ready for adventure. ✈ for more information on measles visit https://bit.ly/45toim0  #measles #healthmatters #hhd","before you go, shield them from measles! ensure your children are vaccinated before traveling. keep them safe, healthy, and ready for adventure. ✈ for more information on measles visit https://bit.ly/45toim0  #measles #healthmatters #hhd",04/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/cdcgov/reel/C5Ytu3Spr5S/,"the latest mmwr weekly briefing is live. topics include: a measles outbreak in illinois, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, and more. listen and subscribe at the link in our bio. #mmwrpodcast","the latest mmwr weekly briefing is live. topics include: a measles outbreak in illinois, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, and more. listen and subscribe at the link in our bio. #mmwrpodcast",04/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/michaelokun/reel/C5YSeb6t4eU/,"measles is making a comeback as less people are getting vaccinated. can you spot the neurological manifestations (sspe)? check out this great case by garg and colleagues in the mov disorders clinical practice journal where in addition to myoclonus and other features you will observe a sensory trick.

key points:
- a late complication of measles is called subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (sspe).
- sensory tricks are maneuvers that temporarily improve dystonic posture.
- another name is 'geste antagoniste' derived from the description of the 'phenomenon in cervical dystonia by henry meige and eugene feindel in 1902.'
- the movement of a trick, as dr. hallett points out, 'does not always need to be antagonistic or in the opposing direction of the dystonia and the term antagonistic might be better thought of in terms of a trick reversing the dystonia.'
- patel et al. recently introduced the alternative term, alleviating maneuver.
- in the current case, check out the video of a progressive cognitive decline, behavioral issues, myoclonus and abnormal posturing of the neck and upper limbs in a 15 year old.
- jerky movements of upper limbs are actually myoclonus.
- could touch chin on the right side with either hand, to reduce neck posturing and forward position of the head. - he could also occasionally insert a finger into the right side of the mouth for symptomatic relief. 
- this boy was not vaccinated.
my take: it will be important for clinicians around the world to be on the lookout for measles and the late sspe potential manifestations. the geste antagonist in this case was incredible, and i personally have never observed this dystonic manifestation in the setting of measles. finem respice – consider the outcome of not vaccinating. https://movementdisorders.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mdc3.14045
read about sensory tricks by @markhallett007 
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc4747630/#:~:text=we%20define%20%e2%80%9csensory%20trick%e2%80%9d%20as,not%20always%20necessary%20or%20sufficient #michaelokun #measles #sspe #neurologyresident #fixelinstitute #michaelokun","measles is making a comeback as less people are getting vaccinated. can you spot the neurological manifestations (sspe)? check out this great case by garg and colleagues in the mov disorders clinical practice journal where in addition to myoclonus and other features you will observe a sensory trick.

key points:
- a late complication of measles is called subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (sspe).
- sensory tricks are maneuvers that temporarily improve dystonic posture.
- another name is 'geste antagoniste' derived from the description of the 'phenomenon in cervical dystonia by henry meige and eugene feindel in 1902.'
- the movement of a trick, as dr. hallett points out, 'does not always need to be antagonistic or in the opposing direction of the dystonia and the term antagonistic might be better thought of in terms of a trick reversing the dystonia.'
- patel et al. recently introduced the alternative term, alleviating maneuver.
- in the current case, check out the video of a progressive cognitive decline, behavioral issues, myoclonus and abnormal posturing of the neck and upper limbs in a 15 year old.
- jerky movements of upper limbs are actually myoclonus.
- could touch chin on the right side with either hand, to reduce neck posturing and forward position of the head. - he could also occasionally insert a finger into the right side of the mouth for symptomatic relief. 
- this boy was not vaccinated.
my take: it will be important for clinicians around the world to be on the lookout for measles and the late sspe potential manifestations. the geste antagonist in this case was incredible, and i personally have never observed this dystonic manifestation in the setting of measles. finem respice – consider the outcome of not vaccinating. https://movementdisorders.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mdc3.14045
read about sensory tricks by @markhallett007 
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc4747630/#:~:text=we%20define%20%e2%80%9csensory%20trick%e2%80%9d%20as,not%20always%20necessary%20or%20sufficient #michaelokun #measles #sspe #neurologyresident #fixelinstitute #michaelokun",04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5YWNmePMBK/?ref=lbbpost&hl=am-et,"hindi kailangang magdeklara ng nationwide outbreak. kaya nating tukuyin kung nasaang lugar yung mga pasyente na may dalahit. yang measles o pati yang pertussis, magandang mabakunahan ka kasi mas mabigat ang magkasakit. #doh","hindi kailangang magdeklara ng nationwide outbreak. kaya nating tukuyin kung nasaang lugar yung mga pasyente na may dalahit. yang measles o pati yang pertussis, magandang mabakunahan ka kasi mas mabigat ang magkasakit. #doh",04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/cathy_kindacrunchy/reel/C5YbB-mgMTJ/,"if you don't see what's happening right now, then you are sadly blind. 

look around, the world is in chaos—people hating each other like never before:

 g0vernments that g@slight their own people, and citizens that h@te and fight amongst each other;

 p0rn0graphy in our children's schools and ped0s being normalized;

 confusion amongst our children and disfunction in the parents;

 a border crisis that is bringing tuberculosis and measles and whatever else back into our country while making our country extremely unstable and its citizens vulnerable;

 squatters taking over peoples' homes;

 wars, earthquakes, train derailments, planes falling apart in the sky, pestilence, never before seen inflation, water contamination, air contamination, weather control, tornados, and i could go on.

this is what happens when a world turns its back on god, and god lifts his hand. 

how many of you are praying that the world turns back to god?  

 comment ""amen if you agree and share this to keep this message going. 

and if this speaks to you and you're a woman who loves god, family & freedom, follow me @cathy_kindacrunchy 
#christianmom #christianwife #christianhomeschool #christianhomeschooling #unschoolers #unschoolersofinstagram #truthseekers #freedomkeeper #freedomkeepers #homesteadwannabe #jesussaves #savethechildren #protectourchildren","if you don't see what's happening right now, then you are sadly blind. 

look around, the world is in chaos—people hating each other like never before:

 g0vernments that g@slight their own people, and citizens that h@te and fight amongst each other;

 p0rn0graphy in our children's schools and ped0s being normalized;

 confusion amongst our children and disfunction in the parents;

 a border crisis that is bringing tuberculosis and measles and whatever else back into our country while making our country extremely unstable and its citizens vulnerable;

 squatters taking over peoples' homes;

 wars, earthquakes, train derailments, planes falling apart in the sky, pestilence, never before seen inflation, water contamination, air contamination, weather control, tornados, and i could go on.

this is what happens when a world turns its back on god, and god lifts his hand. 

how many of you are praying that the world turns back to god?  

 comment ""amen if you agree and share this to keep this message going. 

and if this speaks to you and you're a woman who loves god, family & freedom, follow me @cathy_kindacrunchy 
#christianmom #christianwife #christianhomeschool #christianhomeschooling #unschoolers #unschoolersofinstagram #truthseekers #freedomkeeper #freedomkeepers #homesteadwannabe #jesussaves #savethechildren #protectourchildren",04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,anger,anger
https://www.instagram.com/parentlikeapediatrician/reel/C5ZS1oMuTUe/,"q: ""how can you promote the mmr vaccine? it gave my child autism and i wish she never got it.
a: ""i feel so deeply for you and everything you must have gone through and continue to experience as a mom. i lay out on my ig, book, and website how robust the data is disproven the alleged link between mmr and autism. this doesn't take away from your experience, but it's crucial as a pediatrician and mom that i state here for all that there is no connection between mmr or any vaccine and developmental changes (something proven through high quality studies of millions of children.)

when i say millions of children, i mean millions. the claims that the mmr vaccine is linked to autism started with a fraudulent correlational study of 12 children, just as a comparison. no legitimate study has ever found this link— or any other connection between vaccines and neurological issues.

p.s. measles can cause neurological issues, including with a horrifying brain condition called sspe that comes without warning years later and is universally fatal. what a nightmare.

vaccines are given in early childhood, so it will always be easy to think that some cases of early childhood conditions are ""caused by them simply because of timing. but it's just not true.

blaming medical conditions, falsely, on vaccines keeps us from life saving immunizations and keeps us from finding the real causes. we've made huge advances in neurological research and have discovered so much. antivaccine propagandists don't care about the harm they're causing with these dangerous lies. they just want power and money (it's an industry worth billions.)

keep asking questions and keep seeking reputable resources. you can and will make the best choices for your kids.

#mmr #vaccine #vaccines #vaccinatedandhappy #ᴠaccinessavelives #ᴠaccineswork #parent #parents #parenting #autism #neurodiversity #parents #parenting #parent #parentlikeapediatrician #baby #infant #pediatrics #pediatrician #vaccinescauseadults #safe #safety #safetyfirst #postpregnancy #postpartum #mom #momlife #dad #dadlife","q: ""how can you promote the mmr vaccine? it gave my child autism and i wish she never got it.
a: ""i feel so deeply for you and everything you must have gone through and continue to experience as a mom. i lay out on my ig, book, and website how robust the data is disproven the alleged link between mmr and autism. this doesn't take away from your experience, but it's crucial as a pediatrician and mom that i state here for all that there is no connection between mmr or any vaccine and developmental changes (something proven through high quality studies of millions of children.)

when i say millions of children, i mean millions. the claims that the mmr vaccine is linked to autism started with a fraudulent correlational study of 12 children, just as a comparison. no legitimate study has ever found this link— or any other connection between vaccines and neurological issues.

p.s. measles can cause neurological issues, including with a horrifying brain condition called sspe that comes without warning years later and is universally fatal. what a nightmare.

vaccines are given in early childhood, so it will always be easy to think that some cases of early childhood conditions are ""caused by them simply because of timing. but it's just not true.

blaming medical conditions, falsely, on vaccines keeps us from life saving immunizations and keeps us from finding the real causes. we've made huge advances in neurological research and have discovered so much. antivaccine propagandists don't care about the harm they're causing with these dangerous lies. they just want power and money (it's an industry worth billions.)

keep asking questions and keep seeking reputable resources. you can and will make the best choices for your kids.

#mmr #vaccine #vaccines #vaccinatedandhappy #ᴠaccinessavelives #ᴠaccineswork #parent #parents #parenting #autism #neurodiversity #parents #parenting #parent #parentlikeapediatrician #baby #infant #pediatrics #pediatrician #vaccinescauseadults #safe #safety #safetyfirst #postpregnancy #postpartum #mom #momlife #dad #dadlife",04/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5YSeb6t4eU/,"measles is making a comeback as less people are getting vaccinated. can you spot the neurological manifestations (sspe)? check out this great case by garg and colleagues in the mov disorders clinical practice journal where in addition to myoclonus and other features you will observe a sensory trick.

key points:
- a late complication of measles is called subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (sspe).
- sensory tricks are maneuvers that temporarily improve dystonic posture.
- another name is 'geste antagoniste' derived from the description of the 'phenomenon in cervical dystonia by henry meige and eugene feindel in 1902.'
- the movement of a trick, as dr. hallett points out, 'does not always need to be antagonistic or in the opposing direction of the dystonia and the term antagonistic might be better thought of in terms of a trick reversing the dystonia.'
- patel et al. recently introduced the alternative term, alleviating maneuver.
- in the current case, check out the video of a progressive cognitive decline, behavioral issues, myoclonus and abnormal posturing of the neck and upper limbs in a 15 year old.
- jerky movements of upper limbs are actually myoclonus.
- could touch chin on the right side with either hand, to reduce neck posturing and forward position of the head. - he could also occasionally insert a finger into the right side of the mouth for symptomatic relief.
- this boy was not vaccinated.
my take: it will be important for clinicians around the world to be on the lookout for measles and the late sspe potential manifestations. the geste antagonist in this case was incredible, and i personally have never observed this dystonic manifestation in the setting of measles. finem respice  consider the outcome of not vaccinating. https://movementdisorders.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mdc3.14045
read about sensory tricks by @markhallett007
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc4747630/#:~:text=we%20define%20%e2%80%9csensory%20trick%e2%80%9d%20as,not%20always%20necessary%20or%20sufficient #michaelokun #measles #sspe #neurologyresident #fixelinstitute #michaelokun","measles is making a comeback as less people are getting vaccinated. can you spot the neurological manifestations (sspe)? check out this great case by garg and colleagues in the mov disorders clinical practice journal where in addition to myoclonus and other features you will observe a sensory trick.

key points:
- a late complication of measles is called subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (sspe).
- sensory tricks are maneuvers that temporarily improve dystonic posture.
- another name is 'geste antagoniste' derived from the description of the 'phenomenon in cervical dystonia by henry meige and eugene feindel in 1902.'
- the movement of a trick, as dr. hallett points out, 'does not always need to be antagonistic or in the opposing direction of the dystonia and the term antagonistic might be better thought of in terms of a trick reversing the dystonia.'
- patel et al. recently introduced the alternative term, alleviating maneuver.
- in the current case, check out the video of a progressive cognitive decline, behavioral issues, myoclonus and abnormal posturing of the neck and upper limbs in a 15 year old.
- jerky movements of upper limbs are actually myoclonus.
- could touch chin on the right side with either hand, to reduce neck posturing and forward position of the head. - he could also occasionally insert a finger into the right side of the mouth for symptomatic relief.
- this boy was not vaccinated.
my take: it will be important for clinicians around the world to be on the lookout for measles and the late sspe potential manifestations. the geste antagonist in this case was incredible, and i personally have never observed this dystonic manifestation in the setting of measles. finem respice  consider the outcome of not vaccinating. https://movementdisorders.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mdc3.14045
read about sensory tricks by @markhallett007
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc4747630/#:~:text=we%20define%20%e2%80%9csensory%20trick%e2%80%9d%20as,not%20always%20necessary%20or%20sufficient #michaelokun #measles #sspe #neurologyresident #fixelinstitute #michaelokun",04/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/houstonhealthdepartment/reel/C5Y_8qOxdOi/,"before you go, shield them from measles! ensure your children are vaccinated before traveling. keep them safe, healthy, and ready for adventure.  for more information on measles visit https://bit.ly/45toim0 #measles #healthmatters #hhd","before you go, shield them from measles! ensure your children are vaccinated before traveling. keep them safe, healthy, and ready for adventure.  for more information on measles visit https://bit.ly/45toim0 #measles #healthmatters #hhd",04/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@themanilatimes/video/7354390965840252165,"'immunization gap' seen behind rise in measles, pertussis cases dr. saia ma'u piukala, world health organization (who) western pacific regional director, says there is a 'huge immunization gap' during the covid-19 pandemic that led to an increase in the incidence of diseases such as measles and pertussis in the region, especially in the philippines. with piukala at the press conference on friday, april 5, 2024 were olivia l. davies, who communications manager; dr. babatunde olowukure, regional emergencies director; dr. rui paulo de jesus, who philippines representative; and dr. rajendra yadav, integrated communicable diseases coordinator, who also shared their thoughts on the pandemic and its effects on children's immunization.  video by red mendoza #themanilatimes #fyp' #worldhealthorganization #pertussisph ","'immunization gap' seen behind rise in measles, pertussis cases dr. saia ma'u piukala, world health organization (who) western pacific regional director, says there is a 'huge immunization gap' during the covid-19 pandemic that led to an increase in the incidence of diseases such as measles and pertussis in the region, especially in the philippines. with piukala at the press conference on friday, april 5, 2024 were olivia l. davies, who communications manager; dr. babatunde olowukure, regional emergencies director; dr. rui paulo de jesus, who philippines representative; and dr. rajendra yadav, integrated communicable diseases coordinator, who also shared their thoughts on the pandemic and its effects on children's immunization.  video by red mendoza #themanilatimes #fyp' #worldhealthorganization #pertussisph ",04/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@christopher_payne_1965/video/7354840878248185134,tb and measles in migrant shelters,tb and measles in migrant shelters,04/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@md.johnny86/video/7354783620277570862,illegal aliens spread measles in chicago: €more cases of measles than the last 14 years combined,illegal aliens spread measles in chicago: €more cases of measles than the last 14 years combined,04/06/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5aPfeOuSfn/,may halamang gamot o herbal medicine ba kontra tigdas (measles)?  panoorin at alamin! #doh,may halamang gamot o herbal medicine ba kontra tigdas (measles)?  panoorin at alamin! #doh,04/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k371_k_i1GU,health hour topic: it's measles season! stay one step ahead.,"topic: it's measles season! stay one step ahead. _x000d_
host: dr vanessa apea_x000d_
guest speaker: dr oge ilozue_x000d_
time: 11am – 12:15pm _x000d_
date: saturday 6th april 2024 _x000d_
visit our website: https://www.cahn.org.uk/ _x000d_
follow us on our socials _x000d_
twitter, instagram & tiktok: @cahn_uk  _x000d_
facebook: @cahnuk _x000d_
linkedin: @cahn.uk",04/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k1pdUsqLpQ,measles cases on the rise in the u.s. | in the moment,"measles cases are on the rise in the nation. dr. ashley sands is a pediatric infectious disease physician at sanford health in sioux falls, south dakota. she speaks with in the moment about the virus. 

#southdakota #measles #news #sdpb #shorts",04/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHNR6lCeCFM,why is measles making a comeback?,"measles is really contagious and can easily spread in pockets of unvaccinated people. in february 2024 a health advisory was issued by the florida department of health in broward county to warn the public about several confirmed cases of measles at a local elementary school. the florida surgeon general made the wrong call on recommendations to parents.

related hct episodes:
measles can wipe out immunity to other diseases: https://youtu.be/l_rkopdgzlc

be sure to check out our podcast! 

other healthcare triage links:
1. support the channel on patreon: http://vid.io/xqxr 
2. check out our facebook page: http://goo.gl/lnoq5z
3. we still have merchandise available at http://www.hctmerch.com
4. aaron's book ""the bad food bible: how and why to eat sinfully"" is available wherever books are sold, such as amazon: http://amzn.to/2hgvhkw
aaron carroll -- writer
tiffany doherty -- writer and script editor
john green -- executive producer
stan muller -- director, producer
mark olsen – art director, producer",04/06/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Dw6_BjuNz8,battling measles and mpox with vaccination | what you need to know,"health officials are urging you to get vaccinated amid a rise in measles and mpox, otherwise known as monkey pox cases.

according to the virginia department of health, there has been an increase in the diseases globally and in virginia.

as of march, there were five mpox cases and one case of measles in virginia.
full story | https://wset.com/news/local/vaccines-urged-amidst-rise-in-measles-and-mpox-cases-april-2024",04/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkFXHdoT9OI,measles & mpox cases surge in april 2024 | stay protected!,"health officials are urging you to get vaccinated amid a rise in measles and mpox, otherwise known as monkey pox cases.

according to the virginia department of health, there has been an increase in the diseases globally and in virginia. as of march, there were five mpox cases and one case of measles in virginia.

full story | https://wset.com/news/local/vaccines-urged-amidst-rise-in-measles-and-mpox-cases-april-2024
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wset is a va based station and an abc television affiliate owned and operated by sinclair broadcast group. sinclair, inc. is one of the largest and most diversified television broadcasting companies in the country today. sinclair owns and operates, programs or provides sales services to 163 television stations in 77 markets, after pending transactions. sinclair's television group reaches approximately 38.7% of us television households and includes fox, abc, mytv, cw, cbs, nbc, univision and azteca affiliates

#wset #wsettv #wsetabcnews13 #lynchburgnews #breakingnews #lynchburg",04/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.tommymartin.reacts/video/7354679134259268906, reacting to the measles outbreak in the usa | important health update! , reacting to the measles outbreak in the usa | important health update! ,04/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/zula.and.mac/reel/C5bFM7rLX_d/,"it's love not measles 

pretty new accessories for your wrist and your nightstand arrived this week @zula.and.mac 

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#zulaandmac #franklinboutique #shopfranklintn #downtownfranklintn #franklintn #brentwoodtn #shoplocal #historicfranklintn #morganandme #locallymade #handmadejewelry","it's love not measles 

pretty new accessories for your wrist and your nightstand arrived this week @zula.and.mac 

zula & mac
301 lewisburg ave.
franklin, tn 37064
open mon-sat. 10-5

#zulaandmac #franklinboutique #shopfranklintn #downtownfranklintn #franklintn #brentwoodtn #shoplocal #historicfranklintn #morganandme #locallymade #handmadejewelry",04/06/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/lexitmovement/reel/C5bx-vjyssH/,"biden's america: ""chicago now has more cases of measles than the last 14 years combined"" amid the flood of illegals to the democrat-run city","biden's america: ""chicago now has more cases of measles than the last 14 years combined"" amid the flood of illegals to the democrat-run city",04/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dongwtf1994/video/7355068680809499924,"#™' #'""™' ""'' measles damages the nervous system my name kaikaow ","#™' #'""™' ""'' measles damages the nervous system my name kaikaow ",04/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2ZUAqAjfJ4,chicago alderman accuses mayor of migrant health issue 'cover-up' | newsnation prime,"amid a measles outbreak, the chicago health department has acknowledged it's also dealing with a small number of tuberculosis cases in migrant shelters. but it's not saying how many people are actively infected. ald. raymond lopez joins ""newsnation prime"" for an interview, accusing the city of playing a ""smoke and mirrors game, saying the city ""slow rolls information to the public.

more: https://trib.al/e4lynak #prime

#chicago #migrants #health

""newsnation prime"" is america's source for unbiased news offering a full range of perspectives from across the u.s. weekends starting at 7p/6c. #prime

newsnation is your source for fact-based, unbiased news for all america. 

more from newsnation: https://www.newsnationnow.com/
get our app: https://trib.al/tbxgypp
find us on cable: https://trib.al/ydopgyg
how to watch on tv or streaming: https://trib.al/vu0ikij",04/07/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuoAbiFN-gY,chiraq illegal measles,,04/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/sschildcare_dsk/reel/C5eo0AlSlyK/," keeping up with vaccines for your baby is crucial for their health and safety! vaccines protect against serious illnesses like measles, whooping cough, and more. by following the recommended vaccination schedule, you provide your little one with immunity against harmful diseases, ensuring a happy and healthy start to life. don't delay—vaccinate today! 
#drdhanasekhar #pediatrician #sschildcare #dsk #babyhealth #babyhealth #vaccineswork #protectyourbaby
#babydevelopment"," keeping up with vaccines for your baby is crucial for their health and safety! vaccines protect against serious illnesses like measles, whooping cough, and more. by following the recommended vaccination schedule, you provide your little one with immunity against harmful diseases, ensuring a happy and healthy start to life. don't delay—vaccinate today! 
#drdhanasekhar #pediatrician #sschildcare #dsk #babyhealth #babyhealth #vaccineswork #protectyourbaby
#babydevelopment",04/07/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5evvWTr5ND/,"halo sobat onecare!

vaksin mmr adalah vaksin untuk melindungi tubuh dari tiga jenis penyakit, yaitu campak (measles), gondongan (mumps), dan rubella. pemberian vaksin mmr dianjurkan untuk semua golongan usia, terutama anak-anak dan orang dewasa yang belum mendapatkan vaksin ini.

bagi sobat onecare yang membutuhkan atau ingin vaksin mmr bisa datang langsung ke klinik onecare atau hubungi kami di : 081 231 505 505

#vaksin #mmr #vaksinmmr #vaccine #campak #gondongan #rubella #klinikonecare #mataram #lombok","halo sobat onecare!

vaksin mmr adalah vaksin untuk melindungi tubuh dari tiga jenis penyakit, yaitu campak (measles), gondongan (mumps), dan rubella. pemberian vaksin mmr dianjurkan untuk semua golongan usia, terutama anak-anak dan orang dewasa yang belum mendapatkan vaksin ini.

bagi sobat onecare yang membutuhkan atau ingin vaksin mmr bisa datang langsung ke klinik onecare atau hubungi kami di : 081 231 505 505

#vaksin #mmr #vaksinmmr #vaccine #campak #gondongan #rubella #klinikonecare #mataram #lombok",04/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5dPzttKTGv/,"التعريف: يُعد مرض الحصبة عدوى فيروسية تسببها فيروس الحصبة (Measles virus)، وهو من الأمراض الشائعة لدى الأطفال. يُعتبر الفيروس معديًا بشكل كبير ويُنتقل عن طريق الرذاذ المتناثر عندما يتحدث المصاب أو يعطس. الأعراض: تتضمن الأعراض الشائعة لمرض الحصبة: 1. حمى. 2. سيلان في الأنف. 3. سعال. 4. تهيج في العينين. 5. طفح جلدي أحمر يبدأ عادةً على الوجه وينتشر تدريجياً إلى الجسم. طرق الوقاية: 1. التطعيم: يعتبر التطعيم الوقائي ضد الحصبة هو الوسيلة الأكثر فعالية لمنع المرض وانتشاره. 2. النظافة الشخصية: غسل اليدين بانتظام بالماء والصابون يساعد في الوقاية من العدوى. 3. تجنب الاتصال مع المصابين: التجنب من التقارب مع الأشخاص المصابين بمرض الحصبة يقلل من انتقال العدوى. يجب استشارة الطبيب في حال ظهور أي من الأعراض المشتبه بها، وعدم التأخير في تلقي العناية الطبية المناسبة.","التعريف: يُعد مرض الحصبة عدوى فيروسية تسببها فيروس الحصبة (Measles virus)، وهو من الأمراض الشائعة لدى الأطفال. يُعتبر الفيروس معديًا بشكل كبير ويُنتقل عن طريق الرذاذ المتناثر عندما يتحدث المصاب أو يعطس. الأعراض: تتضمن الأعراض الشائعة لمرض الحصبة: 1. حمى. 2. سيلان في الأنف. 3. سعال. 4. تهيج في العينين. 5. طفح جلدي أحمر يبدأ عادةً على الوجه وينتشر تدريجياً إلى الجسم. طرق الوقاية: 1. التطعيم: يعتبر التطعيم الوقائي ضد الحصبة هو الوسيلة الأكثر فعالية لمنع المرض وانتشاره. 2. النظافة الشخصية: غسل اليدين بانتظام بالماء والصابون يساعد في الوقاية من العدوى. 3. تجنب الاتصال مع المصابين: التجنب من التقارب مع الأشخاص المصابين بمرض الحصبة يقلل من انتقال العدوى. يجب استشارة الطبيب في حال ظهور أي من الأعراض المشتبه بها، وعدم التأخير في تلقي العناية الطبية المناسبة.",04/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drmishmash/video/7355523005654535457,part 1/4 what do brixton people know about measles: nhs doctor finds out. #mmr #grabajab,part 1/4 what do brixton people know about measles: nhs doctor finds out. #mmr #grabajab,04/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@drmishmash/video/7355524676673703200,part 2/4 what do birmingham public know about measles and the mmr jab? nhs doctor finds out. #grabajab #mmr,part 2/4 what do birmingham public know about measles and the mmr jab? nhs doctor finds out. #grabajab #mmr,04/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDyhlX1tslo,wisconsin health experts urge vaccine in fight against measles,measles cases have risen across the country.,04/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/RYpvMTi_elg,is measles serious?,"full episode: https://youtu.be/vwjrw9bmer0

in this week's episode of the beehive doc talks, dr. blair rolnick highlights the recent upsurge in measles cases in the united states, notably in new jersey, and the primary reasons behind these outbreaks. dr. rolnick explains that measles, a virus causing respiratory infections, is most dangerous for young children, adults over 20, and immunocompromised individuals. 

this information is for educational purposes only. it is not medical advice. always seek medical advice from a qualified physician.

for dr. rolnick's practice and more content, visit:


you can also listen to the episode at the links below:




#shorts #pediatrics #pediatricians #pediatric #childrenshealth #parenting #health #healthtips #healthylifestyle #healthykid #doctor #medical #parenthood",04/08/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwjRW9BMER0,what parents should know about measles,"in this week's episode of the beehive doc talks, dr. blair rolnick highlights the recent upsurge in measles cases in the united states, notably in new jersey, and the primary reasons behind these outbreaks. dr. rolnick explains that measles, a virus causing respiratory infections, is most dangerous for young children, adults over 20, and immunocompromised individuals. she covers the symptoms of measles, including high fever, cough, watery eyes, and a characteristic rash. she emphasizes the seriousness of measles, pointing out hospitalization rates, potential complications like pneumonia, deafness, and encephalitis, and even the possibility of death in rare cases. she details how measles is highly contagious, spreading through airborne droplets, and informs listeners on the infectious period of the disease. 

00:00 introduction 
00:27 measles outbreak 
01:23 why is measles a big deal right now? 
02:05 symptoms of measles
03:29 is measles serious? 
04:48 how to prevent getting measles 
06:04 conclusion 

being a parent comes with a lot of questions. is this normal? am i doing a good job? (the answer is yes by the way). this podcast is here to provide support and guidance based on medical literature and best practice guidelines. as a mother herself, dr. blair rolnick knows how hard it is to find answers and advice based on research that you can trust. as a pediatrician with specialty training in pediatric emergency medicine and a certified lactation consultant, she brings specialist training to the table and seeks to use strong medical evidence to empower parents on their journey through parenthood.

this information is for educational purposes only. it is not medical advice. always seek medical advice from a qualified physician.

for dr. rolnick's practice and more content, visit:


you can also listen to the episode at the links below:




#pediatrics #pediatricians #pediatric #childrenshealth #parenting #health #healthtips #healthylifestyle #healthykid #doctor #medical #parenthood #childlunch #schoollunch #schoolfood #packedlunch",04/08/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNt1WN1mJfE,"labour party leader sir keir starmer says national health service is ""on its knees""","labour party leader sir keir starmer says nhs is ""on its knees"" during a visit to king's mill hospital in sutton-in-ashfield, in the east midlands, to unveil labour's plans to digitise the ""red book"" of children's health records.

labour will digitise the nhs red book parents use for their children's medical records as part of a series of reforms to the nhs app.

parents and the nhs would be able to see if children are behind on jabs or check-ups through a new digital record, with automatic notifications to prompt them to book appointments under the party's plans.

the red book has been handed out to new parents for the past 30 years.

previous health secretaries have hoped to digitise it during their tenure, including jeremy hunt and matt hancock, but so far the plans have not borne out.

labour hopes its plans will help to boost mmr vaccination rates, which have fallen in recent years.

measles outbreaks have at the same time become more common.

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#dailyrecord #nhs #health",04/08/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2JaPhV7ScY,হাম কি বং কেন হ হাম রোগের লকষণ ও চিকি৞সা  হাম হলে কি করবেন  measles explained,"#healthtips #measles #childhealth 
হাম কি বং কেন হ? হাম রোগের লকষণ ও চিকি৞সা | হাম হলে কি করবেন | measles symptoms, treatment and prevention.  measles explained in bengali by consultant paediatrician sumana kundagrami. 

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you can also call @ +91 9681578800 for further information",04/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiWCQxFGWQk,"measles,  chikenpox difference | anm , gnm 2nd year students | नरसिग क ईशवर सेवा मी आरोगयदूत","measles,  chiken pox difference | anm , gnm 2nd year students | नरसिग क ईशवर सेवा मी आरोगयदूत 
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वरील सरव माहिती पसतकातील अभयासकरमावर आधारित आहे",04/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlIV1dYC5_A,"joe digenova, dr. marc siegel, astronaut tom jones, solar eclipse | o'connor & company","in the 7 am hour: larry o'connor and julie gunlock discussed:

wmal guest: 7:05 am - interview - joe digenova - legal analyst and former u.s. attorney to the district of columbia 
hunter biden's legal team was at white house days before he ducked subpoena: visitor logs (https://nypost.com/2024/04/06/us-news/white-house-meets-with-hunter-bidens-legal-team-visitor-logs/) 

buttigieg (who has a constant security detail): ""i can safely walk my dog to the capitol today in a way that you couldn't do when we all got here!"" last year, d.c. had its deadliest year in 20+ years and saw the largest violent crime spike of any major u.s. city. (https://twitter.com/rncresearch/status/1777026614833946705) 

'the nuclear button': special counsel could seek removal of judge in trump classified docs case, attorneys warn (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/-nuclear-button-special-counsel-seek-removal-judge-trump-classified-do-rcna146507) 

wmal guest: 7:35 am - interview - dr. marc siegel - physician and faculty member nyu langone medical center; medical contributor fox news channel and author of ""bird flu: everything you need to know about the next pandemic (published in 2006) – discussed tuberculosis and measles breakouts at migrant shelters, solar eclipse and bird flu concerns. 

website: http://doctorsiegel.com (http://doctorsiegel.com) 

tuberculosis breaks out at chicago migrant shelters following measles cases (https://www.foxnews.com/health/tuberculosis-breaks-chicago-migrant-shelters-measles-cases.amp) 
clouds expected at these solar eclipse hot spots (https://nypost.com/2024/04/07/us-news/clouds-expected-at-these-solar-eclipse-hot-spots/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=nypost) 

where to find more about wmal's morning show: 

follow the show podcasts on apple podcasts (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/oconnor-company/id1061727141) , audible (https://amzn.to/3sbvpqe) and spotify (https://open.spotify.com/show/0gdk5lslf4wjcd4vqorfd0) . 
follow wmal's ""o'connor and company"" on x: @wmaldc (https://mcas-proxyweb.mcas.ms/certificate-checker?login=false&originalurl=https%3a%2f%2ftwitter.com.mcas.ms%2fwmaldc%3fmcastsid%3d15600&mcascsrf=da4ecc7da6938eb396dec9ab0d1bf63b9ca82e9c3a07c4fcd65e61c6ce68dc2d) , @larryoconnor, (https://mcas-proxyweb.mcas.ms/certificate-checker?login=false&originalurl=https%3a%2f%2ftwitter.com.mcas.ms%2flarryoconnor%3fmcastsid%3d15600&mcascsrf=da4ecc7da6938eb396dec9ab0d1bf63b9ca82e9c3a07c4fcd65e61c6ce68dc2d) @jgunlock, (https://mcas-proxyweb.mcas.ms/certificate-checker?login=false&originalurl=https%3a%2f%2ftwitter.com.mcas.ms%2fjgunlock%3fmcastsid%3d15600&mcascsrf=da4ecc7da6938eb396dec9ab0d1bf63b9ca82e9c3a07c4fcd65e61c6ce68dc2d) (https://mcas-proxyweb.mcas.ms/certificate-checker?login=false&originalurl=http%3a%2f%2ftwitter.com.mcas.ms%2famber_athey%3fmcastsid%3d15600&mcascsrf=da4ecc7da6938eb396dec9ab0d1bf63b9ca82e9c3a07c4fcd65e61c6ce68dc2d) @patricepinkfile (https://mcas-proxyweb.mcas.ms/certificate-checker?login=false&originalurl=https%3a%2f%2ftwitter.com.mcas.ms%2fpatricepinkfile%3fmcastsid%3d15600&mcascsrf=da4ecc7da6938eb396dec9ab0d1bf63b9ca82e9c3a07c4fcd65e61c6ce68dc2d) and @heatherhunterdc (https://mcas-proxyweb.mcas.ms/certificate-checker?login=false&originalurl=https%3a%2f%2ftwitter.com.mcas.ms%2fheatherhunterdc%3fmcastsid%3d15600&mcascsrf=da4ecc7da6938eb396dec9ab0d1bf63b9ca82e9c3a07c4fcd65e61c6ce68dc2d) . 
facebook: wmaldc (https://www.facebook.com/wmaldc/) and larry o'connor (https://www.facebook.com/thelarryoconnor/) 
instagram: wmaldc (https://www.instagram.com/wmaldc/) 
show website: https://www.wmal.com/oconnor-company/ (https://www.wmal.com/oconnor-company/) 
how to listen live weekdays from 5 to 9 am: https://www.wmal.com/listenlive/ (https://www.wmal.com/listenlive/) 

episode: monday, april 8, 2024 / 7 am hour 

o'connor and company is proudly presented by veritas academ (https://www.veritasacademydc.com/)y

see omnystudio.com/listener (https://omnystudio.com/listener) for privacy information.",04/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@drmishmash/video/7355533564982594849,part 4/4 measles interview (2 part) with nhs infection consultant: a comprehensive q and a about mmr jab. #grabajab #mmr,part 4/4 measles interview (2 part) with nhs infection consultant: a comprehensive q and a about mmr jab. #grabajab #mmr,04/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.facebook.com/WakefieldHCP/videos/measles-is-your-child-protected/974473084409488/,measles - is your child protected?,"measles can kill.
but 2 doses of the #mmr vaccine can offer protection for life. make sure you & your loved ones are up to date with their jabs, and if not, contact your gp practice for a catch up appointment.",04/08/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/aspirushealth/videos/measles-resurgence-aspirus-healths-guidance-for-families/906483427827604/,measles resurgence: aspirus health's guidance for families,"as of march 21, 2024, the cdc reports 64 #measles cases across 17 states in the u.s., including 28 in illinois, 3 in minnesota, and 1 in michigan.
aspirus pediatrician dr. jason chan emphasizes the importance of vaccination, protecting not just yourself but also vulnerable populations.",04/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5f-7GVtMMw/,"measles cases are on the rise in the nation. dr. ashley sands is a pediatric infectious disease physician at sanford health in sioux falls, south dakota. she speaks with in the moment about the virus. 

see her full interview when you click in the moment in our bio. 

#southdakota #measles #news #sdpb","measles cases are on the rise in the nation. dr. ashley sands is a pediatric infectious disease physician at sanford health in sioux falls, south dakota. she speaks with in the moment about the virus. 

see her full interview when you click in the moment in our bio. 

#southdakota #measles #news #sdpb",04/08/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@kimikkay/video/7355816676857826565,teamwork beats one heart  #measlesoutbreakresponseimmunization  #letsdohit ,teamwork beats one heart  #measlesoutbreakresponseimmunization  #letsdohit ,04/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWcXPCCEKVk,national measles cases on the rise,"measles cases have spiked in the last three months to where we are now at triple-digit case numbers in the united states._x000d_
 for more local news from wsaz:  https://www.wsaz.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucrcuu0jxxy8oibqeb13mrwa",04/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWfH7ZFqVuU,angang da yamna naganba lounaganba laina ama oiriba measles asi ukhrul district ta sandorakle,"angang shingda yamna naganba amasung lounaganba laina ama oiriba measles asi ukhrul district ta sandorakle haina confirmed toukhre; angang shing yum dagi mapan thok-handanaba amadi school da thadanaba khanghankhre.

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note: **this content is copyright to ""tomtv -youtube channel""
any unauthorized upload, reproduction, or redistribution of this material is not allowed.**",04/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=723YaQyAEl8,measles out-break at semkhor in dima hasao claim 4 lives,"measles out-break at semkhor in dima hasao claim 4 lives_x000d_
atleast 60-70 children in age group of 1- 8 years have been diagnosed with measles over the past few weeks at semkhor village in dima hasao.",04/09/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHULYqOrWb4,he's living alone in nyc after measles vaccine turns everyone to vampire,"in a desolate new york city, robert neville, the last survivor, battles against mutated monsters and races against time in a desperate quest for a cure, his every move watched by lurking shadows hungry for his blood.

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#movierecaps #movieexplained #movierecap",04/09/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHmbHf7xJac,"""let's move to england #maybenot","""let's move to england #maybenot. measles, scabies, rickets, and scurvy, once considered diseases of the past or largely controlled, are experiencing a resurgence in the uk, posing significant public health challenges. several factors contribute to the resurgence of these diseases: measles: despite the availability of a safe and effective vaccine, measles cases have been on the rise in the uk in recent years. vaccine hesitancy, fueled by misinformation and skepticism about vaccine safety, has led to suboptimal vaccination coverage rates, allowing measles to regain a foothold in communities. outbreaks of measles have occurred in various parts of the country, particularly among unvaccinated or under-vaccinated populations. scabies: scabies, a highly contagious skin infestation caused by the sarcoptes scabiei mite, is also making a comeback in the uk. factors contributing to the resurgence of scabies include overcrowded living conditions, poor hygiene practices, and limited access to healthcare services among vulnerable populations such as homeless individuals, refugees, and asylum seekers. outbreaks of scabies have been reported in residential care facilities, prisons, and other institutional settings. rickets: rickets, a skeletal disorder characterized by weakened and deformed bones, is re-emerging as a public health concern in the uk, particularly among children and adolescents. rickets is primarily caused by vitamin d deficiency, which can result from inadequate sunlight exposure, poor dietary intake of vitamin d-rich foods, and cultural practices such as wearing concealing clothing or avoiding sun exposure. inadequate vitamin d supplementation and awareness of the importance of vitamin d for bone health have contributed to the resurgence of rickets in the uk. #victorian #disease",04/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMssWwv3K_w,"stony brook provost's lecture series, sharon nachman, suny distinguished professor","""hiv, then and now""

the stony brook provost's lecture series features talks by the university's suny distinguished academy faculty, highlighting their areas of deep expertise. dr. sharon nachman delivered a talk, ""hiv, then and now"" on april 4, 2024. 

nachman is suny distinguished professor and the chief of the division of pediatrics infectious diseases at stony brook children's hospital. she is also the vice dean for research at the renaissance school of medicine at stony brook and directs the office of clinical trials at the institution. she received her bachelor's from sophie davis school of biomedical education and later her md from stony brook university. she is an international leader in the area of pediatric infectious disease and the treatment of children with aids, flu and measles. she has been the principal investigator of more
than 30 clinical trials of promising medicine for patients treated at stony brook university hospital and conducted international trials in the areas of new vaccines, lyme disease, and aids.",04/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGVCaDrV2Qs,જામનગર રપોર પર ઓરીની નરી,"જામનગર રપોર પર ઓરીની નરી
#jamnagar #jamnagarnews #measles #entry #airport #abtakmedia 

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#abtakmedia #rajkot #gujarat #saurashtranews #surat #ahemdabad #chaipecharcha #ayurvedapecharcha #viral #latestnews #breakingnews #technology #health #healthwealth #zalarnozankar #jhalarnojhankar #food #foodie #rajkotians #samisanj #vartarevarta #gunjavali #kalakumbh ,rajkot news ,viralvideo ,viralnews ,breakingnews ,gujarat ,samachar ,news ,surat video ,ahemdabad video ,amdavad ,festival , tahevar , status , politics #cm #bhupendrapatel #abtakspecial ,gujarati movie ,new movie
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https://www.tiktok.com/@drstevegoudy/video/7355440899687664942,#greenscreen measles is such a highly infectious. you really have to be careful. this is particularly true if your children are not fully vaccinated. look out for the signs of the rash as well as an upper respiratory tract infection. ##measles##virus##viral##rash##infection##momsoftiktok##parents##parentsoftiktok##fyp,#greenscreen measles is such a highly infectious. you really have to be careful. this is particularly true if your children are not fully vaccinated. look out for the signs of the rash as well as an upper respiratory tract infection. ##measles##virus##viral##rash##infection##momsoftiktok##parents##parentsoftiktok##fyp,04/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@life.care.medical/video/7353598339742485765,measules patient treatment #ramzan #scaling #dentist #peshawar #ramadankembalikuat #health #smile #medicina #medical #measles ,measules patient treatment #ramzan #scaling #dentist #peshawar #ramadankembalikuat #health #smile #medicina #medical #measles ,04/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.tiktok.com/@texaswithlove/video/7355810086595382561,"tuberculosis outbreak in chicago. thanks, joe #chicago #northwest #usborder #migrants #immigration #latinos #latinx #migrantcrisis  #biden #democrats #whitehouse #politics #republicans #conservatives #maga #immigrantstakeover #immigrats #chicagotiktok #homeless #usa #fyp #viral #health #healthyliving #healthcare #measles #vaccineswork #vaccine #infectiousdisease","tuberculosis outbreak in chicago. thanks, joe #chicago #northwest #usborder #migrants #immigration #latinos #latinx #migrantcrisis  #biden #democrats #whitehouse #politics #republicans #conservatives #maga #immigrantstakeover #immigrats #chicagotiktok #homeless #usa #fyp #viral #health #healthyliving #healthcare #measles #vaccineswork #vaccine #infectiousdisease",04/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.instagram.com/nychealthy/reel/C5joKsMPNOx/,the best way to protect our communities from measles is for everyone to be vaccinated. call 311 to find out where you or your child can get the measles vaccine.,the best way to protect our communities from measles is for everyone to be vaccinated. call 311 to find out where you or your child can get the measles vaccine.,04/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/midwifebellaa/reel/C5id6gJJugP/,measles outbreak response immunization (mori) - community,measles outbreak response immunization (mori) - community,04/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/brookerteejones/reel/C5jWGw6uI6d/,"measles and tuberculosis imagine that happening in a space holding 1000s of people with no windows, no air flowing! sounds like a safety situation to me! #measles #chicago","measles and tuberculosis imagine that happening in a space holding 1000s of people with no windows, no air flowing! sounds like a safety situation to me! #measles #chicago",04/09/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,surprise,surprise
https://www.tiktok.com/@drsermedmezher/video/7355959325447245088,"€let€™s move to england€ #maybenot. measles, scabies, rickets, and scurvy, once considered diseases of the past or largely controlled, are experiencing a resurgence in the uk, posing significant public health challenges. several factors contribute to the resurgence of these diseases: measles: despite the availability of a safe and effective vaccine, measles cases have been on the rise in the uk in recent years. vaccine hesitancy, fueled by misinformation and skepticism about vaccine safety, has led to suboptimal vaccination coverage rates, allowing measles to regain a foothold in communities. outbreaks of measles have occurred in various parts of the country, particularly among unvaccinated or under-vaccinated populations. scabies: scabies, a highly contagious skin infestation caused by the sarcoptes scabiei mite, is also making a comeback in the uk. factors contributing to the resurgence of scabies include overcrowded living conditions, poor hygiene practices, and limited access to healthcare services among vulnerable populations such as homeless individuals, refugees, and asylum seekers. outbreaks of scabies have been reported in residential care facilities, prisons, and other institutional settings. rickets: rickets, a skeletal disorder characterized by weakened and deformed bones, is re-emerging as a public health concern in the uk, particularly among children and adolescents. rickets is primarily caused by vitamin d deficiency, which can result from inadequate sunlight exposure, poor dietary intake of vitamin d-rich foods, and cultural practices such as wearing concealing clothing or avoiding sun exposure. inadequate vitamin d supplementation and awareness of the importance of vitamin d for bone health have contributed to the resurgence of rickets in the uk. #victorian #disease ","€let€™s move to england€ #maybenot. measles, scabies, rickets, and scurvy, once considered diseases of the past or largely controlled, are experiencing a resurgence in the uk, posing significant public health challenges. several factors contribute to the resurgence of these diseases: measles: despite the availability of a safe and effective vaccine, measles cases have been on the rise in the uk in recent years. vaccine hesitancy, fueled by misinformation and skepticism about vaccine safety, has led to suboptimal vaccination coverage rates, allowing measles to regain a foothold in communities. outbreaks of measles have occurred in various parts of the country, particularly among unvaccinated or under-vaccinated populations. scabies: scabies, a highly contagious skin infestation caused by the sarcoptes scabiei mite, is also making a comeback in the uk. factors contributing to the resurgence of scabies include overcrowded living conditions, poor hygiene practices, and limited access to healthcare services among vulnerable populations such as homeless individuals, refugees, and asylum seekers. outbreaks of scabies have been reported in residential care facilities, prisons, and other institutional settings. rickets: rickets, a skeletal disorder characterized by weakened and deformed bones, is re-emerging as a public health concern in the uk, particularly among children and adolescents. rickets is primarily caused by vitamin d deficiency, which can result from inadequate sunlight exposure, poor dietary intake of vitamin d-rich foods, and cultural practices such as wearing concealing clothing or avoiding sun exposure. inadequate vitamin d supplementation and awareness of the importance of vitamin d for bone health have contributed to the resurgence of rickets in the uk. #victorian #disease ",04/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@thegoodstuffctv/video/7356318198658059525,"with the rise in measles cases worldwide, dr. isaac bogoch shares how to identify the symptoms of the infection and how to seek medical care. 'ۥ #healthcareadvice #measles #healthinformation ","with the rise in measles cases worldwide, dr. isaac bogoch shares how to identify the symptoms of the infection and how to seek medical care. 'ۥ #healthcareadvice #measles #healthinformation ",04/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@sara.louise8/video/7356154291456986401,€that child has measles€ €arrw is she getting over the pox?€ €whats happened?!€ just a few little comments i€™ve had this past week.   if people educated themselves it would make life so much easier for tje pws world ™  #lasersurgery #laser #surgery #surgerytiktok #awareness #awarenessmatters #matters #raiseawareness #awarenessmonth #mygirl #fyp #fyp' #fyp''viral #unique #different #differences #portwinestain #portwinestainbirthmark #pws #pwsawareness #pwsbirthmark #podcast #talkaboutit #birthmark #birthmarkbaby #birthmarkawareness #foryourpage #foryourpages #viralvideo #viral #loveher #brave #princess #tiktokuk #tiktok #healing #healingjourney #journey #mybabyocha #bekind #alwaysbekind #trending #trends #nomatterwhat #cuteness #kidsoftiktok #daughter #myworld #mamagotyou #ihaveyou #yourback #mylife #mumlife #hospital #epilepsy #sturgewebersyndrome #sws,€that child has measles€ €arrw is she getting over the pox?€ €whats happened?!€ just a few little comments i€™ve had this past week.   if people educated themselves it would make life so much easier for tje pws world ™  #lasersurgery #laser #surgery #surgerytiktok #awareness #awarenessmatters #matters #raiseawareness #awarenessmonth #mygirl #fyp #fyp' #fyp''viral #unique #different #differences #portwinestain #portwinestainbirthmark #pws #pwsawareness #pwsbirthmark #podcast #talkaboutit #birthmark #birthmarkbaby #birthmarkawareness #foryourpage #foryourpages #viralvideo #viral #loveher #brave #princess #tiktokuk #tiktok #healing #healingjourney #journey #mybabyocha #bekind #alwaysbekind #trending #trends #nomatterwhat #cuteness #kidsoftiktok #daughter #myworld #mamagotyou #ihaveyou #yourback #mylife #mumlife #hospital #epilepsy #sturgewebersyndrome #sws,04/10/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XjYSsP6dRs,5th case of measles confirmed in detroit,a 4-year-old in detroit is now the state's fifth case of measles since the beginning of the year.,04/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yhZNFlRuHs,new case of measles confirmed in michigan,"a 4-year-old detroit child has been diagnosed with measles.  the detroit health department is working with the mdhhs to investigate the case and prevent the virus from spreading. the case was suspected on april 3 and confirmed on tuesday, april 9. the family of the child is isolated and no other cases of measles have been linked to this incident.",04/10/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhgcUh3aTxI,"get healthy: as measles spread, doctors offer advice on preventing infection","dr. daina roberson, pediatrician with franciscan physician network, discusses immunity to measles and how to determine whether you are protected.",04/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEEqkUJrsDE,"get healthy: as measles spread, doctors offer advice on preventing infection","demian christiansen of the cook county department of health, explains how a single case of measles can affect up to 100 contacts.",04/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilwY7wJg4gc,"get healthy: as measles spread, doctors offer advice on preventing infection","dr. sanjana soni,  of northwestern medicine palos hospital, explains how the highly contagious measles are spread and how the symptoms are treated.",04/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7mg8Atgz4s,"get healthy: as measles spread, doctors offer advice on preventing infection","dr. richard ceragioli of franciscan health in olympia fields, talks about his experience with measles -- as a patient and doctor treatine an outbreak.",04/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/b-tQAWwqcL4,how is measles spread and is it contagious?,"full episode: https://youtu.be/vwjrw9bmer0

in this week's episode of the beehive doc talks, dr. blair rolnick highlights the recent upsurge in measles cases in the united states, notably in new jersey, and the primary reasons behind these outbreaks. dr. rolnick explains that measles, a virus causing respiratory infections, is most dangerous for young children, adults over 20, and immunocompromised individuals. 

this information is for educational purposes only. it is not medical advice. always seek medical advice from a qualified physician.

for dr. rolnick's practice and more content, visit:


you can also listen to the episode at the links below:




#shorts #pediatrics #pediatricians #pediatric #childrenshealth #parenting #health #healthtips #healthylifestyle #healthykid #doctor #medical #parenthood",04/10/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GZfneEhboM,several states experience measles outbreaks,dr. eric feigl-ding discusses the reasons behind the potential resurgence of measles.,04/10/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXasSqWFOcc,grand rounds - measles matters: where we are in 2024,"originally presented on april 10, 2024
presented by: elizabeth tiller, pa-c, mph, cic-cdc - epidemic intelligence service fellowship, field officer, columbus public health, columbus, ohio


1. describe the epidemiology of measles worldwide, in the united sates and in ohio.
2. explain measles testing approaches and list the clinical signs and symptoms.
3. discuss the roles of healthcare providers during measles public health responses.

to receive cme credit for this video please visit https://www.childrensdayton.org/cme 

after submitting the online test/evaluation it will be submitted to dayton children's department of medical education. cme credit will be awarded upon successful completion of the post-test and evaluation. 

*participants should only claim the hours of participation",04/10/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdvZ2Tx0pcM,university of gloucestershire x nhs gloucestershire: measles awareness,"produced by @theuniofglos pr and communications students, this video aims to raise awareness of measles and mmr vaccines among the student population.

find out more about how to check your vaccination status here: https://www.nhsglos.nhs.uk/news/are-you-your-child-protected-from-measles-how-to-check-your-familys-vaccination-status/",04/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owKlzFq4LUs,"suspected measles outbreak at semkhor, four dead, medical team swung in action","suspected measles outbreak at semkhor, four dead, medical team swung in action_x000d_
a large number of children of semkhor region have been  detected with measles recently at semkhor area in dima hasao district of assam recently",04/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQbl9_du1is,"#156 measles, meningitis, tb, and avian flu - cdc updates","since mid-march, the cdc has issued several health alerts through its health alert network (han). the most recent concerns are the increased number of tuberculosis cases in the u.s., a virulent form of meningococcal disease, and avian flu' which are all infectious respiratory diseases.  learn what dental teams need to know and how to protect from these respiratory infections.


  •  sign up for han email updateshttps://emergency.cdc.gov/han/updates.asp
  •  cdc han - highly pathogenic avian influenza a(h5n1) https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2024/han00506.asp
  •  cdc increase in invasive serogroup y meningococcal disease in the u.s. https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2024/han00505.asp
  •  cdc increase in global and domestic measles cases and outbreaks https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2024/han00504.asp

 https://www.thecompliancedivas.com",04/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiOHdvlv3HY,measles webinar,"trphd, along with state epidemiologist  dr. matthew donahue and public health lawyer tana fye, talk about the recent measles outbreaks in the united states!",04/10/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAiKcWMlJ9w,university of gloucestershire x nhs gloucestershire: mmr awareness,"produced by @theuniofglos pr and communications students, this video aims to raise awareness of measles and mmr vaccines among the student population.",04/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_B76UTAUbg,"siyento por siyento | april 11, 2024","mga pangunahing balita ngayong araw ng huwebes, april 11, 2024

metro manila lgus, magpapatupad ng adjusted operating hours para maibsan ang trapiko

face to face classes, suspendido sa ilang lugar ngayong araw dahil sa matinding init ng panahon

doh hindi magdeklara ng nationwide outbreak ng measles

puv consolidation wala nang extension ayon kay pbbm

p15 minimum fare sa traditional jeepneys, isinusulong ng isang transport group

pbbm pinabibilis ang pagbabalik sa lumang school calendar


visit our website at net25.com
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https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ZD8hTSllTME,travelling soon? make sure your measles vaccines are up to date.,,04/10/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnWydtETC7k,"[a1] have ⋯ 앓고 있다, ⋯ 걸리다","#어공부 #learnkorean #have 

 [a1] have w1 s1 ⋯ 앓고 있다, ⋯ 걸리다

have something 부사[장솜|방법|시간]
언제/어디서/어떻겜  ⋯ 앓고 있다, ⋯ 걸리다

i had a cold yesterday and i couldn't come to work.
emily has a very nasty cough.
have you ever had the measles?
james had malaria while he was working in west africa.
my sister has diabetes and has to give herself insulin injections.

나뚔 어제 기 걸려서 장 올 수 없었어요.
밀리뚔 아주 지한 기침 앓고 있어요.
당신 지금깜지 역 걸린  있욵니깜?
제임욤뚔 신 서아프리카서 하고 있뚔 안 리아 걸렸욵니다.
내 여 당뇨병 앓고 있어서 욤욤로겜 린 주사들 놔야 해요.",04/10/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h59DJ07EKsg,"""small number"" of tuberculosis cases in chicago's migrant shelters spark concern","in a revealing report, health officials in chicago have confirmed a ""small number"" of tuberculosis (tb) cases among migrants in city shelters, raising eyebrows amid memories of pandemic-era measures and debates over public health policy. the disclosure comes with a hint of dj vu, as it recalls the stringent covid-19 vaccination mandates that were not applied to incoming migrants. critics argue this double standard highlights a broader inconsistency in public health policies, especially considering the recent measles outbreaks and the historical struggle against diseases like smallpox. the situation in chicago underscores ongoing concerns about infectious diseases in densely populated migrant shelters and the potential implications for community health. officials are ramping up contact tracing efforts, reminiscent of early pandemic responses, yet the exact number of tb cases and the affected shelters remain undisclosed, fueling skepticism and calls for transparency.

#tuberculosisoutbreak #migranthealthcrisis #publichealthdoublestandards


00:00 - tuberculosis in shelters  
02:06 - pandemic measures recalled  
04:07 - tuberculosis vaccination history  
06:00 - vaccination standards questioned  
08:03 - shelter transmission concerns  
10:06 - migrant health strategies  
12:01 - latent tb prevalence  
14:08 - pandemic responses critiqued  
16:10 - immunization standards proposed  
18:14 - tb transmission explained  
20:05 - toxic shelter site scandal  
22:07 - government negligence highlighted  
24:20 - disease spread risk

  - https://store.reasonabletv.com/

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 spotify - https://spoti.fi/2dh8eol",04/10/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,fear,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLldUTr-W3w,every deadliest disease explained in 14 minutes,"#deadliestdisease#disease#everyexplainedinminutes 

every deadliest disease explained in 14 minutes

discover the mysteries behind the world's deadliest diseases in just 14 minutes! from pandemics to rare illnesses, this concise and captivating journey delves into the science, history, and impact of each affliction. unlock insights, understand the threats, and empower yourself with knowledge. #everydeadliestdiseaseexplained #14minuteinsights""
0:00 hiv/aids
0:44 tuberculosis
1:18 malaria
2:03 ebola virus
2:49 smallpox
3:24 influenza (flu)
3:59 cholera
4:34 yellow fever
5:09 tetanus
5:45 measles
6:23 hepatitis b and c
7:12 meningitis
7:59 leishmaniasis
8:43 pneumonia
9:20 rabies
10:00 dengue fever
10:36 schistosomiasis
11:19 trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness)
12:24 leprosy
13:21 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd)",04/10/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyegFojsgoA,হামকে ভলে যা পাগলা || jagadish priyanka || new purulia sad song 2024 || feat - rs sailendra & nisha,"about this video 

song:- forget the measles, you're crazy.
singer:- jagadish priyanka .

lyrics:- bipadtaran mahato (7908859547)

music:- dj shaymal studio.

camera and edit:- rana da and malay da.

director:- bipadtaran mahato.

producer:- rajkishore mahato.

channel manager:- mrinmoy mahato.

special thanks:- akash, dilip, dj bijoy, kartik, prabir.

rs sailendra
jagdish new sad song
jhumur program
purulia sad song 2024
jagdish sad song 2024
rs sailendra new song
rs sailendra natun gaan
rs sailendra nisha new sad song
new rs sailendra song
jagdish priyanka sad song 2024
bangla purulia sad song 2024
rs sailendra nisha tui hamka vula ja
tui hamka vula ja
jagdish priyanka tui hamka vula ja
purulia bangla sad song 2024

#purulia_bangla_sad_song_2024",04/10/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr_mattbarrett/video/7356175089412443425," answer drops in stories/comments in 24 hours - look out for the !  get updated when the answer is released by commenting!  follow me dr matt barrett @dr_mattbarrett to study medicine smarter!   spoiler alert: parvovirus notice that this paediatric patient has bilateral red cheeks! this could be normal, but as its sudden in onset you should consider erythema infectiosum (fifths disease) a mild viral illness caused by parvovirus b19; its very common, with about half of adults affected as a child! symptoms include fever/cold/headache  with this cheek rash looking like a slapped cheek developing over the next few days.  it can however be dangerous in those with haemolytic anaemias, leukaemia and those otherwise immunocompromised - in severe cases it can cause aplastic anaemia.  other differentials to consider include roseola, measles, rubella and scarlett fever #doctor #nurse #mbbs #medico #osce #medicalquiz #medstudent "," answer drops in stories/comments in 24 hours - look out for the !  get updated when the answer is released by commenting!  follow me dr matt barrett @dr_mattbarrett to study medicine smarter!   spoiler alert: parvovirus notice that this paediatric patient has bilateral red cheeks! this could be normal, but as its sudden in onset you should consider erythema infectiosum (fifths disease) a mild viral illness caused by parvovirus b19; its very common, with about half of adults affected as a child! symptoms include fever/cold/headache  with this cheek rash looking like a slapped cheek developing over the next few days.  it can however be dangerous in those with haemolytic anaemias, leukaemia and those otherwise immunocompromised - in severe cases it can cause aplastic anaemia.  other differentials to consider include roseola, measles, rubella and scarlett fever #doctor #nurse #mbbs #medico #osce #medicalquiz #medstudent ",04/10/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.facebook.com/HSElive/videos/in-response-to-a-rise-in-measles-cases-in-the-uk-and-europe-were-providing-mmr-c/2197612670590813/,"in response to a rise in measles cases in the uk and europe, we're providing mmr catch up vaccines to protect people who may not have been vaccinated before. even if you're not sure if you've ever had the mmr vaccine, you can still get one to make sure youre protected.
find a walk-in clinic or book an appointment here:
#measles | #vaccineswork","in response to a rise in measles cases in the uk and europe, we're providing mmr catch up vaccines to protect people who may not have been vaccinated before. even if you're not sure if you've ever had the mmr vaccine, you can still get one to make sure youre protected.
find a walk-in clinic or book an appointment here:
#measles | #vaccineswork",04/10/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.nwitimes.com/lifestyles/get-healthy-as-measles-spread-doctors-offer-advice-on-preventing-infection/video_c970626a-9e7b-5a07-97a1-9e859a0525d2.html,"get healthy: as measles spread, doctors offer advice on preventing infection","demian christiansen of the cook county department of health, explains how a single case of measles can affect up to 100 contacts.",04/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.clickondetroit.com/video/news/2024/04/10/new-case-of-measles-confirmed-in-michigan/,new case of measles confirmed in michigan,"a 4-year-old detroit child has been diagnosed with measles. the detroit health department is working with the mdhhs to investigate the case and prevent the virus from spreading. the case was suspected on april 3 and confirmed on tuesday, april 9. the family of the child is isolated and no other cases of measles have been linked to this incident.",04/10/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.clickondetroit.com/video/news/2024/04/11/5th-case-of-measles-confirmed-in-detroit/,5th case of measles confirmed in detroit,a 4-year-old in detroit is now the states fifth case of measles since the beginning of the year.,04/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/thegoodstuffctv/reel/C5l5Struvoz/,"with the rise in measles cases worldwide, dr. isaac bogoch shares how to identify the symptoms of the infection and how to seek medical care. ⚕

#healthcareadvice #measles #healthinfo","with the rise in measles cases worldwide, dr. isaac bogoch shares how to identify the symptoms of the infection and how to seek medical care. ⚕

#healthcareadvice #measles #healthinfo",04/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5k5SOFBcgQ/,"answer drops in stories/comments in 24 hours - look out for the ⚠!

✅ get updated when the answer is released by commenting!

 follow me dr matt barrett @dr_mattbarrett to study medicine smarter!


⚠ spoiler alert: parvovirus

notice that this paediatric patient has bilateral red cheeks!

this could be normal, but as it's sudden in onset you should consider erythema infectiosum (fifths disease)

a mild viral illness caused by parvovirus b19; it's very common, with about half of adults affected as a child!

symptoms include fever/cold/headache  with this cheek rash looking like a ""slapped cheek developing over the next few days. 

it can however be dangerous in those with haemolytic anaemias, leukaemia and those otherwise immunocompromised - in severe cases it can cause aplastic anaemia. 

other differentials to consider include roseola, measles, rubella and scarlett fever

#doctor #nurse #nursesofinstagram #doctorsoftiktok  #mbbs #medico #ukmla #usmle #osce #medicalquiz #diagnosis #medstudent #medicalschool #physicianassociate #osce #paces","answer drops in stories/comments in 24 hours - look out for the ⚠!

✅ get updated when the answer is released by commenting!

 follow me dr matt barrett @dr_mattbarrett to study medicine smarter!


⚠ spoiler alert: parvovirus

notice that this paediatric patient has bilateral red cheeks!

this could be normal, but as it's sudden in onset you should consider erythema infectiosum (fifths disease)

a mild viral illness caused by parvovirus b19; it's very common, with about half of adults affected as a child!

symptoms include fever/cold/headache  with this cheek rash looking like a ""slapped cheek developing over the next few days. 

it can however be dangerous in those with haemolytic anaemias, leukaemia and those otherwise immunocompromised - in severe cases it can cause aplastic anaemia. 

other differentials to consider include roseola, measles, rubella and scarlett fever

#doctor #nurse #nursesofinstagram #doctorsoftiktok  #mbbs #medico #ukmla #usmle #osce #medicalquiz #diagnosis #medstudent #medicalschool #physicianassociate #osce #paces",04/10/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5mYFuHx2Ms/,the measles of mankind,the measles of mankind,04/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@cookcountyhealth/video/7356639896708173102,cases of measles have been reported in chicago. the vaccine is the safest and most effective way to prevent measles. get vaccinated! for appointments call 833-308-1988. #cookcountyhealth #measles,cases of measles have been reported in chicago. the vaccine is the safest and most effective way to prevent measles. get vaccinated! for appointments call 833-308-1988. #cookcountyhealth #measles,04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPIFFlNHJWQ,us measles cases are up in 2024. what's driving the increase?,"measles outbreaks in the u.s. and abroad are raising health experts' concern about the preventable, once-common childhood virus.",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srjdfZpQMho,health officials warn of rising measles cases,"seattle children's hospital is warning families that the number of measles cases is on the rise.

paula and oscar abalahin of port orchard lost their son jaxon to a progressive neurological disorder—called subacute sclerosing panencephalitis—stemming from measles when he was just 8 years old.

more than a decade later through their non-profit called jaxon's cure, they have raised awareness about the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine, called mmr. they say the virus spread to jaxon as a baby before he was even old enough to get the shot.

full story: https://komonews.com/news/local/measles-symptoms-cases-spike-decline-vaccinations-seattle-childrens-hospital-international-travel-pediatric-infectious-diseases-virus-us-washington

#komo #komo4 #komonews #komo4news #seattle #washington #virus #disease #vaccine #measles #mumps #rubella #portorchard #seattlechildrens #hospital #cdc #mmr #vaccination #children #kids",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bAq2d5p-Q8,health officials warn of rising measles cases,"seattle children's hospital is warning families that the number of measles cases is on the rise.

paula and oscar abalahin of port orchard lost their son jaxon to a progressive neurological disorder—called subacute sclerosing panencephalitis—stemming from measles when he was just 8 years old.

more than a decade later through their non-profit called jaxon's cure, they have raised awareness about the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine, called mmr. they say the virus spread to jaxon as a baby before he was even old enough to get the shot.
for more on the lead story: https://komonews.com/news/local/measles-symptoms-cases-spike-decline-vaccinations-seattle-childrens-hospital-international-travel-pediatric-infectious-diseases-virus-us-washington
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#komo #komonews #komo4 #komo4news #seattle #seattlenews #washingtonnews #komo #komo4 #komonews #komo4news #seattle #washington #virus #disease #vaccine #measles #mumps #rubella #portorchard #seattlechildrens #hospital #cdc #mmr #vaccination #children #kids

this video and all sinclair broadcast group content archives of local news and sports coverage are available for your use. for more information contact us at contentsales@sbgtv.com",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjSlSXfTygE,monitoring measles on spring break,"whether you're planning a trip out or returning home, you'll want to keep your family's health in mind during spring break.",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6ptPv4UGvA,third case of measles confirmed in georgia: dph,health officials are still working to identify anyone who may have been in contact with the infected individual.,04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3-9bTgIIIg,"measles confirmed in detroit child, unsafe levels of lead in lunchables and more top stories",michigan's fifth case of measles this year was confirmed in a 4-year-old detroit resident; two lansing officers and a gunman were injured in a shootout; consumer reports says high levels of lead and sodium were found in lunchables and more on the latest top stories.,04/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bn07WLRdOvA,measles outbreak in illinois,"nationally, more than 100 cases of measles have been reported, with more than half discovered in chicago. news watch's drew coffey reports on how the infection can be spread and precautions you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones.",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbsXK0CAa54,third case of measles in georgia: dph,the health agency says one person was infected while traveling outside the country.,04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oY_UAyPbY4,georgia sees 3rd measles case of 2024,"according to the georgia department of public health, the case involves an unvaccinated individual who does not live in the u.s. and is traveling with an international group of students.",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjS1nzjao2Y,halton public health investigating confirmed case of measles,halton's public health authority has confirmed that there has been a case of measles in the region. #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #shortsyoutube #shorts #shortsviral #shortsbeta #shorts_video #halton #milton #measles,04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bO-tB4yobyY,"ask dr. murphy: h5n1, long covid mechanism study, measles, congenital syphilis, and more(04/11/2024)","""ask dr. murphy,"" featuring dr. robert murphy, is an ongoing video series from the robert j. havey, md, institute for global health. 

we welcome you to submit any questions by sending us a message on facebook at @nulnstituteforglobalhealth, or via email at:

https://www.facebook.com/nuinstituteforglobalhealth/",04/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9JVkClyjLQ,measles outbreak reported in dima hasao's semkhor,"subscribe to hornbilltv to get latest local, regional, national and international news. 

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#measles #outbreak #dimahasao #semkhor #virus #disease",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZTBMNe3_Vg,"vaccines (dpt,hib,measles) | child health nursing | pediatric nursing","vaccines (dpt, measles ,hib)
child health nursing or paediatric nursing
online nursing lecture
lecture -8
#vaccinehib",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GaZj_EXXF8,mumps virus कया है ? |  ममपस से बचाव  | mumps ka ilaj | गलसआ का घरेलू उपचार  | ममपस causes,"#mumpsdisease  #mmrvaccine  #mumps #virus #mmrvaccine #health #india 

mumps virus कया है ? ,   ममपस से बचाव और उपचार,  mumps ka ilaj, गलसआ के लकषण और घरेलू उपचार,  mumps disease,  ममपस का causes,  mumps disease risk factors, mmr vaccine,  mmr वैकसीन, खांसने और छींकने से फैल रही ममपस बीमारी,  

100 रपये में मिलने वाला ये कारतूस ( .315 bore bullate) !! जाने कया है इसकी कषमता
hydrocele ! homeopathic medicine for hydrocele ? explain !

2.6 years ago behaviour for severe autism | rina atharba

परोसे की समसया को जड़ से खतम करने का आयरवेदिक उपचार || swami ramdev

mouth cancer | lymphoma | diagnosis & treatment | मह का कैंसर | rims raipur | in hindi

100 रपये में मिलने वाला ये कारतूस ( .315 bore bullate) !! जाने कया है इसकी कषमता

देश के कई परदेश में तेजी से ममपस यानी गलसआ तेजी से पैर पसार रहा है. ममपस बीमारी की चपे में बचचे, यवा और अनय आ रहे हैं. ये पैरामाइकसोवायरस (rna) के कारण होता है. कोलकाता, दिलली, आगरा, जयपर समेत अनय महानगर में ममपस के लगातार मामले सामने आ रहे हैं. उततर भारत में ममपस के खूब मरीज मिल रहे हैं. जिसको लेकर सवासथय मंतरालय ने अलर जारी किया है. जिस पर नेशनल सेंर फॉर डिजीज कंरोल ने गाइडलाइंस जारी की है. 
आज इस वीडियो में आप ममपस के बारे में जानेंगे. इस वीडियो में आगरा के सीनियर नवजात शिश रोग विशेषजञ डॉ. जेन ंडन ममपस बीमारी, लकषण, उपचार और सावधानी के बारे में बता रहे हैं. डॉ.  जेन ंडन बताते हैं कि, साल 2024 की शरआत से ही मंपस के मामले जोर पकड़ रहे हैं. जिसकी वजह छोी सी अनदेखी है. कयोंकि, अभी सरकारी ीकाकरण में mmr नाम की वैकसीन शामिल नहीं है. mmr यानी मीजलस, मंपस और रबेला की वैकसीन है. जो तीनों बीमारियों से शिश का बचाव करती है. 

डॉ. जेन ंडन ने बताया कि, ममपस के गाल गबबारे की तरह फूल जाते हैं. कछ भी खाने या निगलने में मशकिल होने लगती है. परषों के तो अंडकोष में भी सूजन आ सकती है. इसके चलते मेनिनजाइिस और नसेफिलाइिस की समसयां भी शरू हो सकती हैं. 

mumps is spreading rapidly in many states of the country. children, youth and others are falling prey to mumps disease. it is caused by paramyxovirus (rna). cases of mumps are continuously being reported in kolkata, delhi, agra, jaipur and other cities. many mumps patients are being found in north india. regarding which the health ministry has issued an alert. on which the national center for disease control has issued guidelines.
today in this video you will learn about mumps. in this video, dr. jn tandon, senior neonatologist of agra, is telling about mumps disease, symptoms, treatment and precautions. dr. jn tandon says that mumps cases are gaining momentum since the beginning of the year 2024. the reason for which is a little negligence. because, currently the vaccine named mmr is not included in the government vaccination. mmr means vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella. which protects the baby from all three diseases.

dr. jn tandon told that due to mumps, the cheeks swell like a balloon. it becomes difficult to eat or swallow anything. in men, the testicles may also swell. due to this, problems like meningitis and encephalitis can also start. 

disclaimer -   any information on diseases and treatments available at moby tv you tube channel is intended for general guidance only. always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional with questions you may have regarding your medical condition. shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of access to or use of any content available on this moby tv channel. wishing you good health, fitness and happiness.  

thanks & regards 
moby tv 
@mobytv3116",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szUrhaaKXLo,measles making a comeback #health,,04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igQzXaWeKlQ,"pagdedeklara ng measles o tigdas outbreak sa buong bansa, hindi na kailangan – doh",,04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPQzwOK_gro,concerns raised over shortage of vaccine in north west,"some communities in mahikeng in north west have expressed frustration about the shortage of some immunization vaccines at local clinics, especially for 6-year-old children. 

according to the world health organisation (who), immunization prevents over 3 million deaths yearly from diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, influenza and measles. 

mothers have criticised the provincial department of health, for failing to provide adequate immunization. 

for more news, visit sabcnews.com and #sabcnews on all social media platforms.",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SQJEtpFXAs,skin infections & skin allergies- podcast by dr kukreja a kalani,"skin infections and skin allergies-their causes, symptoms and treatment in homeopathy:

the main difference between skin infections and skin allergies lies in their causes and mechanisms.
skin infections are typically caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites invading the skin, leading to inflammation and other symptoms. common examples include bacterial infections like cellulitis or impetigo, viral infections like herpes simplex or chickenpox, fungal infections like athlete's foot or ringworm, and parasitic infections like scabies or lice.
the following are four different types of skin infections:
1. bacterial skin infections :
leprosy (hansen's disease)
staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (ssss)
cutaneous anthrax
cat scratch disease
pseudomonas infections

2. viral skin infections:
herpes simplex
herpes zoster (shingles)
molluscum contagiosum
warts (caused by human papillomavirus)
rubella (german measles)
hand, foot, and mouth disease
fifth disease (erythema infectiosum)
molloscum contagiosum

3. fungal skin infections :
athlete's foot (tinea pedis)
jock itch (tinea cruris)
ringworm (tinea corporis)
nail fungus (onychomycosis)
tinea versicolor
candidiasis (yeast infection)
pityriasis (tinea) versicolor
oral thrush
scalp ringworm (tinea capitis)

4. parasitic skin infection:
lice (pediculosis)
cutaneous larva migrans
mange (sarcoptic mange or scabies in animals)
chiggers (trombiculosis)
pubic lice (crabs)
bed bugs (cimicosis)
demodex infestation

there are several types of skin allergies, including:

1. allergic contact dermatitis: caused by direct contact with an allergen, leading to redness, itching, and rash.
2. irritant contact dermatitis: caused by exposure to irritating substances like detergents or chemicals, resulting in redness, burning, and inflammation.
3. atopic dermatitis (eczema): chronic inflammatory skin condition characterised by dry, itchy patches that can flare up due to various triggers, including allergens.
4. urticaria (hives): raised, itchy welts on the skin that develop in response to allergens, stress, or other triggers.
5. angioedema: swelling of deeper layers of skin, often around the eyes and lips, due to an allergic reaction.
6. photoallergic dermatitis: skin reaction triggered by exposure to sunlight combined with certain substances, such as medications or fragrances.
7. drug allergies: allergic reactions to medications that can cause various skin symptoms, including rashes and hives.
8. food allergies: some food allergies can manifest with skin symptoms, such as hives or eczema.

each type of skin allergy has its own specific triggers and symptoms, and proper diagnosis by a healthcare professional is essential for effective management.

how homeopathy helps in treatment of skin ailments:

constitutional prescription in homeopathy:

1. this refers to selection and administration of homeopathy medicine over a period of time for treatment related to inherent disorders, those caused by inherent predisposition to a disease.
2. the constitutional remedy covers the genetic makeup, physical and mind symptoms, their thermal state, desires and aversions of mind and body.

how does constitutional prescription help:

1.homeopathic treatment acts as an immunoregulator or immunomodulator, thus regulating or reviving the immune system.
2.reducing effects of genetic inheritance of disease.
3.covers predisposition towards the aliment and hence prevention of disease.
4.cements the weakness and defects of immune system.
5.promotes build-up of immune blocks to fight back the invasion by microbes.
6.helps in absorption of essential nutrients and facilitates expulsion of metabolic waste.
7.remedy acts as a antioxidative agent to neutralise the free radicals and stop the process of deterioration of tissues.

role of homeopathy for skin :

homoeopathy treatment have been very successful in treating skin problems. conventional treatments usually end up making the skin dry and irritable. homoeopathy has been proven to be safe and successful in treating a number of skin problems.
1.medicines improve immunity, thus rectifies the hypersensitive reaction.
2.intensity and severity of flare-ups is reduced.
3.childhood tendencies to skin issues are completely curable.
4.a lot of skin issues are caused by stress, hormonal and enzymatic imbalance, thus intermittent boost",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,disgust,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNYHckhbi-g,fsb awards 2024 -west midlands - community awards winner -  arrive alive,"congratulations to arrive alive, winner of the community award in the west midlands.

arrive alive is a community business funded by public donations. it is dedicated to funding vital lifesaving vehicles and equipment for community first responders who are regulated and dispatched to life threatening 999 calls by west midlands ambulance service. arrive alive registered charity was founded by a mother on a mission to save lives, debbie roscoe, following her youngest daughter's life threatening case of measles. an arrive alive vehicle can reach a 999 medical emergency in those vital seconds/minutes prior to a road or air ambulance due to being directly based within the heart of the community.

#fsbawards: https://get.fsb.org.uk/awards",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,surprise,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgChW7-9agY,fsb awards 2024 - west midlands - community award - arrive alive - stage interview,"congratulations to arrive alive, winner of the community award in the west midlands.

arrive alive is a community business funded by public donations. it is dedicated to funding vital lifesaving vehicles and equipment for community first responders who are regulated and dispatched to life threatening 999 calls by west midlands ambulance service. arrive alive registered charity was founded by a mother on a mission to save lives, debbie roscoe, following her youngest daughter's life threatening case of measles. an arrive alive vehicle can reach a 999 medical emergency in those vital seconds/minutes prior to a road or air ambulance due to being directly based within the heart of the community.

#fsbawards: https://get.fsb.org.uk/awards",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,surprise,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTyKQyU9suk,this disease can destroy black chicago but the mayor don't care!,"brandon johnson is back at it again causing destruction to the city of chicago. despite his terrible decision making, mayor brandon johnson has allowed measles and tuberculosis to run rampant in the city. instead of getting the migrants proper vaccination, the johnson administration has tried to hide these issues.

tuberculosis cases confirmed at chicago migrant shelters





tuberculosis cases confirmed at chicago migrant shelters
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,anger,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjhH-PNMcOQ,হামকে ভলে যা পাগলা || jagdish priyanka || new purulia sad song 2024 || feat - rs sailendra & nisha,"about this video

song:- forget the measles, you're crazy .

singer:- jagdish priyanka .

lyrics:- bipadtaran mahato (7908859547).

music:- dj shaymal studio.

camera and edit :- rana da and malay da.

producer:- rajkishore mahato.

director:- bipadtaran mahato.

channel manager:- mrinmoy mahato.

special thanks:- akash, dilip, dj bijoy, kartik, prabir.

rs sailendra
jhumur program
jagdish new sad song
purulia sad song 2024
jagdish sad song 2024
rs sailendra new song
rs sailendra nisha new sad song
rs sailendra natun gaan
new rs sailendra song
jagdish priyanka sad song 2024
rs sailendra nisha tui hamka vula ja
tui hamka vula ja
bangla purulia sad song 2024
jagdish priyanka tui hamka vula ja
purulia bangla sad song 2024

#purulia_bangla_sad_song_2024",04/11/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/video/measles-confirmed-in-detroit-child-unsafe-levels-of-lead-in-lunchables-and-more-top-stories/,"measles confirmed in detroit child, unsafe levels of lead in lunchables and more top stories",michigan's fifth case of measles this year was confirmed in a 4-year-old detroit resident; two lansing officers and a gunman were injured in a shootout; consumer reports says high levels of lead and sodium were found in lunchables and more on the latest top stories.,04/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/weiupbs/videos/nationally-more-than-100-cases-of-measles-have-been-reported-with-more-than-half/1143437810024964/,"nationally, more than 100 cases of measles have been reported, with more than half discovered in chicago. news watch's drew coffey reports on how the infection can be spread and precautions you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones.","nationally, more than 100 cases of measles have been reported, with more than half discovered in chicago. news watch's drew coffey reports on how the infection can be spread and precautions you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones.",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.wsav.com/video/georgia-sees-3rd-measles-case-of-2024/9598229/,georgia sees 3rd measles case of 2024,"according to the georgia department of public health, the case involves an unvaccinated individual who does not live in the u.s. and is traveling with an international group of students.",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/news/us-measles-cases-are-up-in-2024-what%E2%80%99s-driving-the-increase/vi-BB1ltzbY,us measles cases are up in 2024. whats driving the increase? ,"measles outbreaks in the u.s. and abroad are raising health experts concern about the preventable, once-common childhood virus.",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.instagram.com/umichmedicine/reel/C5okSYOq6d7/,"top tips for measles prevention
""measles is so contagious that if one person has it, 90% of the people close to that person without immunity will also become infected. 
with active measles outbreaks and falling vaccination rates, u-m health pediatrician dr. aarti raheja shares what you should know about the measles virus. #measles #mmr #vaccine #michigan #goblue","top tips for measles prevention
""measles is so contagious that if one person has it, 90% of the people close to that person without immunity will also become infected. 
with active measles outbreaks and falling vaccination rates, u-m health pediatrician dr. aarti raheja shares what you should know about the measles virus. #measles #mmr #vaccine #michigan #goblue",04/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/georgiadph/reel/C5oRSUmL9uE/,"dph confirms third measles case in 2024
read full release: https://dph.georgia.gov/press-releases","dph confirms third measles case in 2024
read full release: https://dph.georgia.gov/press-releases",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/hornbilltvofficial/reel/C5n1a-6R6gR/,"measles outbreak reported in dima hasao's semkhor

#measles #outbreak #dimahasao #semkhor #virus #disease","measles outbreak reported in dima hasao's semkhor

#measles #outbreak #dimahasao #semkhor #virus #disease",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5pGdagMdGc/,"immunisation is like a shield.  

it's important that we vaccinate our babies and children on time to help protect them against serious diseases like measles and whooping cough. 

it's normal to have questions. 

for more information, click  the link in our bio and select 'childhood immunisations'. 

it's just one way to help our littlies stay safe and healthy  

#childhoodimmunisation #vaccination #nationalimmunisationprogram #immunisation","immunisation is like a shield.  

it's important that we vaccinate our babies and children on time to help protect them against serious diseases like measles and whooping cough. 

it's normal to have questions. 

for more information, click  the link in our bio and select 'childhood immunisations'. 

it's just one way to help our littlies stay safe and healthy  

#childhoodimmunisation #vaccination #nationalimmunisationprogram #immunisation",04/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/houstonhealthdepartment/reel/C5oZSu2rx_O/,"before you go, shield them from measles! ensure your children are vaccinated before traveling. keep them safe, healthy, and ready for adventure.  for more information on measles visit https://bit.ly/45toim0 #measles #healthmatters #hhd","before you go, shield them from measles! ensure your children are vaccinated before traveling. keep them safe, healthy, and ready for adventure.  for more information on measles visit https://bit.ly/45toim0 #measles #healthmatters #hhd",04/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@findingdanie/video/7356702520275651882,"cleavers are edible, preferably cooked or steamed but can be eaten raw.   o   their seeds can be roasted as a coffee substitute.   o   they are a good green to juice and drink (awesome & tasty in smoothies).   o   it is an astringent, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, detoxifying, febrifuge, and promotes sweating.   o   rejuvenates the skin & slows signs of aging (cleaver tea is said to have a toning effect to tighten skin & smooth out wrinkles when applied externally: topical compress, salve, oil).   o   also great internally for skin disorders (acne, psoriasis, eczema, abscesses, boils. (used as a tea or tincture). they help detoxify the blood and lymph, it drains the lymphatic system & swollen glands and reduces inflammation associated with these conditions.   o   very effective in treating bladder infections, uti€™s and kidney stones. it helps dissolve stones, and clear obstructions, and flushes them out of the body and since they are antibacterial aspect helps with underlying infections.   o   helps with chickenpox, measles, & fevers. for chickenpox & measles use internally to treat the disease & externally on the skin to relive itching & general discomfort from the rash. it can help bring down any accompanying fevers.   o   cancer research has been done that supports the use of cleavers to treat tumors, especially those of breast, skin, head, neck, bladder, cervix, prostate, and lymphatic system. #garden #plants #plantsoftiktok #herbal #foryou #cleaver #michigan #viral #foryou #fyp #forage #nature #look #explore #botanical #herbs #rec #recipe #tiktok #viralvideo #capcut #duet #fyp' #foryoupage #iphone ","cleavers are edible, preferably cooked or steamed but can be eaten raw.   o   their seeds can be roasted as a coffee substitute.   o   they are a good green to juice and drink (awesome & tasty in smoothies).   o   it is an astringent, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, detoxifying, febrifuge, and promotes sweating.   o   rejuvenates the skin & slows signs of aging (cleaver tea is said to have a toning effect to tighten skin & smooth out wrinkles when applied externally: topical compress, salve, oil).   o   also great internally for skin disorders (acne, psoriasis, eczema, abscesses, boils. (used as a tea or tincture). they help detoxify the blood and lymph, it drains the lymphatic system & swollen glands and reduces inflammation associated with these conditions.   o   very effective in treating bladder infections, uti€™s and kidney stones. it helps dissolve stones, and clear obstructions, and flushes them out of the body and since they are antibacterial aspect helps with underlying infections.   o   helps with chickenpox, measles, & fevers. for chickenpox & measles use internally to treat the disease & externally on the skin to relive itching & general discomfort from the rash. it can help bring down any accompanying fevers.   o   cancer research has been done that supports the use of cleavers to treat tumors, especially those of breast, skin, head, neck, bladder, cervix, prostate, and lymphatic system. #garden #plants #plantsoftiktok #herbal #foryou #cleaver #michigan #viral #foryou #fyp #forage #nature #look #explore #botanical #herbs #rec #recipe #tiktok #viralvideo #capcut #duet #fyp' #foryoupage #iphone ",04/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@islam.com_1/video/7356645251135622405,#islam #' #measles,#islam #' #measles,04/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@misscherrymay/video/7356737465786354949,"wesday is bakuna day'‰''€'€ mga bakunanay at papavaccine! protektahan  ating mga anak laban sa mga vaccine preventable diseases tulad ng... € measles € rubella € polio € pertussis € dipterya € hepatitis b € tuberculosis € meningitis € tetanus € h influenza b  € pneumococcal diseases kumpletuhin ang bakuna ni baby bago siya mag-isang taong gulang, ayon sa immunization schedule. limang bisita lang sa health center bago mag-isang taon si baby, kumpleto na ang bakuna niya. siguraduhing walang batang magkakasakit  dahil sa sakit na kayang maiwasan sa tulong ng bakuna. pumunta sa pinakamalapit na health center sa inyong lugar. kapag bakuna ay kumpleto, lahat tayo ay protektado!  #chikitingligtas  #immunizationday   #healtheducation  #wednesdayisbakunaday #wesdayisbakunaday #pamilyangvalenzuelano @hepovalenzuela.official ","wesday is bakuna day'‰''€'€ mga bakunanay at papavaccine! protektahan  ating mga anak laban sa mga vaccine preventable diseases tulad ng... € measles € rubella € polio € pertussis € dipterya € hepatitis b € tuberculosis € meningitis € tetanus € h influenza b  € pneumococcal diseases kumpletuhin ang bakuna ni baby bago siya mag-isang taong gulang, ayon sa immunization schedule. limang bisita lang sa health center bago mag-isang taon si baby, kumpleto na ang bakuna niya. siguraduhing walang batang magkakasakit  dahil sa sakit na kayang maiwasan sa tulong ng bakuna. pumunta sa pinakamalapit na health center sa inyong lugar. kapag bakuna ay kumpleto, lahat tayo ay protektado!  #chikitingligtas  #immunizationday   #healtheducation  #wednesdayisbakunaday #wesdayisbakunaday #pamilyangvalenzuelano @hepovalenzuela.official ",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/EricaOnAir/videos/the-detroit-health-department-is-warning-residents-about-possible-exposure-to-me/419878560686852/,The Detroit Health Department is warning residents about possible exposure to measles after a 4-year-old was identified by officials this,"The Detroit Health Department is warning residents about possible exposure to measles after a 4-year-old was identified by officials this week. The case was confirmed on April 9 and the family is now isolating due to the incident, the health department said. Possible exposure sites include an urgent care on Springwells, a pharmacy on West Vernor, and an emergency room at Childrens' Hospital of Michigan on Beaubien.",04/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApvW4zmM3hQ,mass. doctor on new warning about measles,"dr. todd ellerin, chief of infectious diseases at south shore health, explains why there are new concerns about measles.

subscribe to wcvb on youtube now for more: http://bit.ly/1e8lamz

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like us:  https://www.facebook.com/wcvb5
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf1PfJJPoaY,measles could lose its elimination status. a doctor breaks down what that means.,"measles could lose its elimination status due to an increase in cases in the united states. so what does that mean? dr. michael tosi, chief of the division of pediatric infectious diseases at mount sinai children's hospital, joined cbs new york to break it down.",04/12/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWdMWLtp5m0,measles outbreak puts elimination status at risk: cdc,"streaming now at https://abc7chicago.com/watch/live/11064984/.

a new cdc report published thursday found that the u.s.'s measles elimination status is being threatened due to the most recent outbreak this year. full story: https://abc7chicago.com/can-you-get-measles-if-are-vaccinated-symptoms-outbreak-in-us/14647084/",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16lzWj5h9ZM,global surge in measles cases has health authorities on alert,"measles is one of the world's most contagious diseases - a highly infectious airborne disease that spreads when an infected person breathes, coughs or sneezes. 

around 50 countries are experiencing what the world health organisation describes as ""large and disruptive"" measles outbreaks, mainly due to a decline in vaccination coverage during the covid-19 pandemic when an estimated 60 million children missed their measles immunisations .

while it was technically eliminated in australia in 2014, thanks to vaccinations, experts are warning we're still at risk.

abbie o'brien explains.

for more on this story, visit: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/whats-driving-measles-cases-in-australia/06sp2iopg

subscribe to the sbs news youtube channel: www.youtube.com/@sbsnews
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network terms & conditions: sbs.com.au/terms
privacy policy: sbs.com.au/privacy
feedback or complaints: sbs.com.au/complaints",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-Y32P4T0rc,measles outbreak puts elimination status at risk: cdc,a new cdc report published thursday found that the u.s.'s measles elimination status is being threatened due to the most recent outbreak this year.,04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibIpARE6Nfc,measles cases on the rise across the u.s.,the cdc is warning that measles may be taken off the eliminated list of diseases.,04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dtp8QuOr-9c,us measles cases are up in 2024. what's driving the increase?,"measles outbreaks in the u.s. and abroad are raising health experts' concern about the preventable, once-common childhood virus.

stay in the know with wpri 12 news. local news, weather, sports, and award winning investigative journalism coverage you can count on on this youtube channel, tv, mobile app, our social channels and wpri.com.

https://www.instagram.com/wpri12",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gk60A4233VE,rise in us measles cases could prompt change in status,"if cases continue to rise, measles could lose its 'elimination' status.",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUNg6swXCdU,measles outbreak slowing in chicago,"streaming now at https://abc7chicago.com/watch/live/11064984/.

measles cases have popped up in illinois at the start of 2024, but, in chicago, the outbreak appears to be slowing. officials credit the vaccine. full story: https://abc7chicago.com/measles-chicago-vaccine-outbreak-illinois-2024/14651178/",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIqLO8fQ6bU,"measles outbreak: cdc warns of spread, urges vaccination for protection","""for every 1,000 children that get measles one will die and one will be brain damaged,"" said dr. kerry fierstein, ceo of allied physicians group.

the centers for disease control and prevention is raising red flags as cases of measles spread across the country. many of the new cases according to the cdc involved unvaccinated americans traveling overseas where they were infected with measles and brought it back to the u.s. plus the best way doctors say you can keep you and your loved ones safe. 

#measlesoutbreak #cdcwarning #vaccinationmatters #publichealth #staysafe


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 want to share something with our team? email: news@starcitybroadcasting.com",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUkT7RKL3GE,drug shortage hitting across america; measles cases surging,"there are more active drug shortages in the united states than ever, according to data from the american society of health-system pharmacists and the university of utah drug information service.

the organizations first started tracking drug shortages in 2001. active shortages previously peaked in 2014, with 320 drugs in active shortage. shortage levels have fluctuated in the decade since, but have been steadily trending up since 2021 — now reaching a record-high of 323 drugs in the first three months of 2024.

full story: https://www.wral.com/story/drug-shortages-reach-record-high-in-us/21376784/

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about wral-tv:

wral is your raleigh, north carolina news source. check out our videos for the latest news in raleigh, local sports, raleigh weather, and more at https://wral.com
#localnews #northcarolina #pharmacy",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srfyA1lN-KE,"measles outbreak: cdc warns of spread, urges vaccination for protection","""for every 1,000 children that get measles one will die and one will be brain damaged,"" said dr. kerry fierstein, ceo of allied physicians group.

the centers for disease control and prevention is raising red flags as cases of measles spread across the country. many of the new cases according to the cdc involved unvaccinated americans traveling overseas where they were infected with measles and brought it back to the u.s. plus the best way doctors say you can keep you and your loved ones safe. 

#measlesoutbreak #cdcwarning #vaccinationmatters #publichealth #staysafe


⬇ ⬇ ⬇ connect with us ⬇ ⬇ ⬇

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 want to share something with our team? email: news@yourwyominglink.com",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CciA3akKPL4,"measles outbreak: cdc warns of spread, urges vaccination for protection","""for every 1,000 children that get measles one will die and one will be brain damaged,"" said dr. kerry fierstein, ceo of allied physicians group.

the centers for disease control and prevention is raising red flags as cases of measles spread across the country. many of the new cases according to the cdc involved unvaccinated americans traveling overseas where they were infected with measles and brought it back to the u.s. plus the best way doctors say you can keep you and your loved ones safe. 

#measlesoutbreak #cdcwarning #vaccinationmatters #publichealth #staysafe


⬇ ⬇ ⬇ connect with us ⬇ ⬇ ⬇
website: https://www.kjnbtv.com/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kjnbnews/
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instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kjnbnews/",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q17HNHak-7I,"oromia11: understanding measles: causes, symptoms, and effective treatments. dr. muna farah","oromia11: understanding measles: causes, symptoms, and effective treatments. dr. muna farah",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5s2hCh6bsI,twiv 1104: clinical update with dr. daniel griffin,"in his weekly clinical update, dr. griffin reviews recent statistics on the circulation of measles before addressing results of pfizer's phase 3 rsv vaccine clinical trial for adults under 60, rsv, influenza and sars-cov-2 circulation, differences between rural and urban communities dealing with sars-cov-2 infections, the latest statistics on influenza and covid-19 circulation, restates the guidelines for spring administration of covid vaccines boosters, discusses the emergency use application of a pre-exposure prophylactic. revised guidelines for how to treat respiratory viral infection guidelines by the cdc, continues to dispel the myth of viral rebound, revised guidelines sars-cov-2 treatment and how to treat respiratory viral infections, when to use steroids and the benefits of convalescent plasma, what do when healthcare workers succumb to sars-cov-2 infection, how long covid affects the brain and associates with an increase in allergic incidents as well as if post sars-cov-2 infected patients are unable to exercise or have functional limitations. for more information about this body of work, listen to twiv 1088.

show notes at https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-1104/

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– who am i? –

i'm vincent racaniello, earth's virology professor, and i believe that education should be free.

i'm also a professor of virology at columbia university in new york. i've been doing research on viruses since 1976, and teaching virology in classrooms and online since 1999. on this youtube channel i share videos of my lectures, podcasts, and more.

new videos are uploaded several times each week.

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if you would like to support our work, go over to https://www.microbe.tv/contribute/ 
#microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic
———————————————————————",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikQkDadcgnM,"informed sources april 12, 2024","april showers were overwhelmed by april's storms this week with tornadoes plowing destructive paths on the northshore. crime left its scars too with the murder of a security guard in a  peaceful neighborhood where bar activity has become worrisome. we will look at these stories as well as an upswing in measles cases plus one of the largest rocket engines ever built being readied for takeoff and the french quarter ready to rock to its own festival.

joining us are tonight's informed sources:

    errol laborde, producer, informed sources
    rob masson, reporter, wvue-tv fox 8
    dawn ostrom, ch. 12's future watch reporter
    gabriella killett, staff writer, the times-picayune/new orleans advocate",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHLzDB-taU8,"abc world news tonight with david muir full broadcast - april 12, 2024","marcus moore reports on the stolen tractor trailer that crashed into a texas public safety building, injuring more than a dozen people; with israel on high alert, britt clennett has the latest on the 100+ missiles u.s. officials say iran has ready for possible retaliatory strikes; rachel scott reports on former pres. trump's remarks that a federal abortion ban is no longer necessary; and more on tonight's broadcast of world news tonight with david muir.

00:00 intro 
02:37 officials: tractor trailer crash into texas public safety building was intentional
04:49 heavy rain and strong winds lash northeast
07:03 us: iran has 100+ missiles ready for possible retaliatory strikes
09:06 trump says there's no need for a national abortion ban in high-stakes mar-a-lago meeting
11:03 vp harris takes on trump after arizona's near-total abortion ban
13:05 urgent manhunt in florida for suspects connected to deadly carjacking
14:39 house votes to reauthorize surveillance bill in fight against terrorism
15:21 officer, teen killed in memphis police shootout
15:40 texas mother accused of abandoning young children at home to go on cruise
16:16 shohei ohtani's ex-interpreter released on bond
16:45 cdc releases new warning about measles outbreak across u.s.
17:10 fashion designer roberto cavalli has died at 83
17:34 legendary news anchor robert macneil dies at 93
18:01 emperor penguin chicks seen cliff diving on camera for first time

abc world news tonight with david muir delivers the news that matters most. watch to get the latest news stories and headlines from around the world. 
follow abc world news tonight on...  
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#worldnewstonight #davidmuir #news #abcnews
#texas #police #tractortrailer #israel #iran #us #hezbollah #lebanon #politics #trump #maralago #abortion",04/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jf5N9Nt3LGA,anf+ top stories & weather forecast: car crashes into 2 cobb county homes,"anf+ top stories & weather forecast: car crashes into 2 cobb county homes, four new marta stations coming to atlanta, third case of measles in ga, dogwood festival. #atlantanews #atlantanewsfirst #atlantaweather",04/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGtsq3ZIqxU,"newsdaytv, streaming now | 7 am | april 12, 2024","li storm flooding … seat belt bill … inwood rejects garbage truck lot … feedme: korean bbq

#newyork #flooding #measles 

subscribe to our youtube channel: https://bit.ly/3jlqjun

subscribe to newsday.com: newsday.com/socialoffer

~ follow us on social media ~
@newsday on facebook, instagram and x.
@newsday.tv on tiktok",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6KiyVF22Tg,nag ka tigdas si baby pero may bakuna na siya| bakit doc?|dr. pediamom,"nag ka tigdas si baby pero may bakuna na siya| bakit doc?|dr. pediamom

#pediamom #pediatips #measles #tigdas 

we will be talking about herd immunity in simplest explanation. at kung bakit pwede ka pa din mag kasakit kahit nabakunahan na.. 
ano ba ang mga kaylangan gawin kapag nag ka tigdas si baby? dapat ba siya madala sa ospital?
ano ang mga gamot sa tigdas
nakakahawa pa ba ito?

ano ang mga sintomas ng tigdas ---- https://youtu.be/pkqownefnuy?si=vumyty9kznf3qtzo

related topic: bakuna sa tigdas, outbreak measles, herd imminity, wall ng tigdas, rashes sa katawan, pedia mom, pedia mama , first time mom",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdkBdV8ePuE,"friday, 12 april 2024 – sacred heart major seminary introducing propaedeutic year","ave maria radio needs your support to continue to evangelize the message of jesus this easter season! will you become partners with us in our evangelization efforts? click here to donate online  (https://avemariaradio.net/online-digital-payments/) or call us at (877) 288-1077. thank you for your continued support of ave maria radio.

good morning, it is friday, april 12th, 2024. 
on the program:  
•  fifth case of measles reported in michigan
•  sacred heart major seminary will limit screen time for seminarians during propaedeutic year
•  gun stolen in 1969 found in middle of sparta street
•  local weather for detroit and saginaw

plus: learn how you can get a book by just by giving to ave maria radio!

advertisements heard on this platform are not sold by or affiliated with ave maria radio.",04/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGVTbW0xfag,maintaining health security: strengthening health workforce capacities for infodemic management,"as the threat of the covid-19 pandemic slowly fades from the public eye, a new threat emerges - the decrease of routine immunization coverage, leading to outbreaks of preventable infectious diseases like measles and whooping cough. unfortunately, the global community has not been able to maintain or increase confidence in health systems, and many people still lack high-quality health information to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.

in 2024, many countries are expected to hold elections while deadly conflicts persist worldwide, resulting in an even greater division within society. this polarization will inevitably affect health promotion activities, making infodemic management crucial to maintaining health security.

this online roundtable will bring together international speakers of different backgrounds and affiliations to discuss how we can use the existing health workforce capacities in infodemic management. what is higher education institutions' role in combating misinformation and disinformation in the health sector?",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Negative,joy,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-b8_nEuSYg,world immunization week 2024,"mga bakunanay at papavaccine! protektahan si baby laban sa mga vaccine preventable diseases tulad ng
• measles
• rubella
• polio
• pertussis
• dipterya
• hepatitis b
• tuberculosis
• meningitis
• tetanus
• h influenza b 
• pneumococcal diseases

kumpletuhin ang bakuna ni baby bago siya mag-isang taong gulang, ayon sa immunization schedule. limang bisita lang sa health center bago mag-isang taon si baby, kumpleto na ang bakuna niya.

siguraduhing walang batang mao-ospital o mamamatay dahil sa sakit na kayang maiwasan sa tulong ng bakuna. pumunta sa pinakamalapit na health center sa inyong lugar.

kapag bakuna ay kumpleto, lahat tayo ay protektado! 

#doh #departmentofhealth #health #onedoh #bawatbuhaymahalaga #bagongpilipinas #8pointactionagenda #wiw2024 #getvaccinated",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@jatindertathgir/video/7357092087642197254,"there are early signals that measles € one of the world's most contagious viruses € may be quietly spreading within parts of canada as health officials brace for more imported infections. take a look through this video. jatinder singh tathgir insurance advisor auto | home | life | commercial | investments call: 437-440-1122 #tathgir  #connexinsurance #brampton #mississauga  #torontolife #canadiantiktok #viral #measles #health #kids #bepositive #staysafe #fashion #mothers #indiansincanada #doctors #cov""d19 #vaccine  #breakingnews #trendingnews","there are early signals that measles € one of the world's most contagious viruses € may be quietly spreading within parts of canada as health officials brace for more imported infections. take a look through this video. jatinder singh tathgir insurance advisor auto | home | life | commercial | investments call: 437-440-1122 #tathgir  #connexinsurance #brampton #mississauga  #torontolife #canadiantiktok #viral #measles #health #kids #bepositive #staysafe #fashion #mothers #indiansincanada #doctors #cov""d19 #vaccine  #breakingnews #trendingnews",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/video/measles-cases-on-the-rise-across-the-u-s/,measles cases on the rise across the u.s.,the cdc is warning that measles may be taken off the eliminated list of diseases.,04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/video/measles-could-lose-its-elimination-status-a-doctor-breaks-down-what-that-means/,measles could lose its elimination status. a doctor breaks down what that means.,"measles could lose its elimination status due to an increase in cases in the united states. so what does that mean? dr. michael tosi, chief of the division of pediatric infectious diseases at mount sinai children's hospital, joined cbs new york to break it down.",04/12/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.facebook.com/CDDFT/videos/measles-cases-are-rising%EF%B8%8F/229574850216689/,measles cases are rising,"measles cases are rising
check you and your family are protected from becoming unwell with #measles, by making sure youre up to date with your #mmrvaccinations. 
check your childs red book, or contact your gp or #immunisation team.",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/HSEmychild.ie/videos/in-response-to-a-rise-in-measles-cases-in-the-uk-and-europe-were-providing-mmr-c/1395748787810456/,"in response to a rise in measles cases in the uk and europe, we're providing mmr catch up vaccines to protect people who may not have been vaccinated before. if you or your child missed the mmr vaccine, you can still get one to make sure youre protected.
parents should book an appointment for their child with their gp. adults can also get a vaccine at one of our walk-in clinics or by booking an appointment here: https://bit.ly/3vsgrmf
#measles | #vaccineswork","in response to a rise in measles cases in the uk and europe, we're providing mmr catch up vaccines to protect people who may not have been vaccinated before. if you or your child missed the mmr vaccine, you can still get one to make sure youre protected.
parents should book an appointment for their child with their gp. adults can also get a vaccine at one of our walk-in clinics or by booking an appointment here: https://bit.ly/3vsgrmf
#measles | #vaccineswork",04/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/SunderlandUKOfficial/videos/cases-of-childhood-infections-like-measles-and-whooping-cough-are-rising-across-/292569787224671/,"cases of childhood infections like measles and whooping cough are rising across the country  but they can be prevented. immunisation is the best defence for children against many common illnesses.
make sure your child is up to date and book any catch up appointments with your gp surgery.
if youre pregnant, make sure you get the whopping cough vaccine between 16-32 weeks to help protect your baby in the first few weeks of life  speak to your midwife to find out more.","cases of childhood infections like measles and whooping cough are rising across the country  but they can be prevented. immunisation is the best defence for children against many common illnesses.
make sure your child is up to date and book any catch up appointments with your gp surgery.
if youre pregnant, make sure you get the whopping cough vaccine between 16-32 weeks to help protect your baby in the first few weeks of life  speak to your midwife to find out more.",04/12/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wcvb.com/article/mass-doctor-on-new-warning-about-measles/60484237,mass. doctor on new warning about measles,"dr. todd ellerin, chief of infectious diseases at south shore health, explains why there are new concerns about measles.",04/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,fear
https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/measles-cases-continue-rise-109182610,measles cases continue to rise,"at least 113 measles cases have been reported in 17 states so far this year, the u.s. centers for disease control and prevention said.",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/Oromiall/videos/oromia11-understanding-measles-causes-symptoms-and-effective-treatments-dr-muna-/1903774673388301/,"oromia11: understanding measles: causes, symptoms, and effective treatments. dr. muna farah","oromia11: understanding measles: causes, symptoms, and effective treatments. dr. muna farah.",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://globalnews.ca/video/10419750/health-matters-measles-cases-spreading-in-parts-of-canada,health matters: measles cases spreading in parts of canada,"measles cases are spreading within parts of canada. the latest data shows 10 new cases were reported to the public health agency of canada in the last week of march, nine of whom contracted the infection in quebec. katherine ward has this story and more in health matters for april 12, 2024.",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/health/health-matters-measles-cases-spreading-in-parts-of-canada/vi-BB1lwVDL,health matters: measles cases spreading in parts of canada,"measles cases are spreading within parts of canada. the latest data shows 10 new cases were reported to the public health agency of canada in the last week of march, nine of whom contracted the infection in quebec. katherine ward has this story and more in health matters for april 12, 2024.",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.msn.com/en-ca/video/health/health-matters-measles-cases-spreading-in-parts-of-canada/vi-BB1lwVDL,health matters: measles cases spreading in parts of canada,"measles cases are spreading within parts of canada. the latest data shows 10 new cases were reported to the public health agency of canada in the last week of march, nine of whom contracted the infection in quebec. katherine ward has this story and more in health matters for april 12, 2024.",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.msn.com/en-ca/video/health/mass-doctor-on-new-warning-about-measles/vi-BB1lxdSf,mass. doctor on new warning about measles,"dr. todd ellerin, chief of infectious diseases at south shore health, explains why there are new concerns about measles.",04/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.facebook.com/pia1launion/videos/karruba-ating-alamin-ang-mga-paraan-kung-paano-malunasan-at-maiwasan-ang-measles/411737548232094/,"karruba, ating alamin ang mga paraan kung paano malunasan at maiwasan ang measles o tigdas kasamaang provincial health office sa ating programang tugstugan at balitaan.","karruba, ating alamin ang mga paraan kung paano malunasan at maiwasan ang measles o tigdas kasamaang provincial health office sa ating programang tugstugan at balitaan.",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/hse_mychild/reel/C5p7f19sHyi/,"in response to a rise in measles cases in the uk and europe, we're providing mmr catch up vaccines to protect people who may not have been vaccinated before. if you or your child missed the mmr vaccine, you can still get one to make sure you're protected.

parents should book an appointment for their child with their gp. adults can also get a vaccine at one of our walk-in clinics or by booking an appointment - click the link in our bio for more.

#measles | #vaccineswork | #mmr | #mmrvaccine","in response to a rise in measles cases in the uk and europe, we're providing mmr catch up vaccines to protect people who may not have been vaccinated before. if you or your child missed the mmr vaccine, you can still get one to make sure you're protected.

parents should book an appointment for their child with their gp. adults can also get a vaccine at one of our walk-in clinics or by booking an appointment - click the link in our bio for more.

#measles | #vaccineswork | #mmr | #mmrvaccine",04/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/aliciasummerstv/reel/C5qi2DuL5Wl/,"aside from the economic impact, how about the health impact? 

#tb #measles #tuberculosis #publichealth #security #nationalsecurity","aside from the economic impact, how about the health impact? 

#tb #measles #tuberculosis #publichealth #security #nationalsecurity",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5qZbR0qdDy/,"paediatric specialist dr. candice shah is back with an important video about measles. even though it is not as common today thanks to the effective vaccine, parents should still know the signs of this highly contagious viral infection.


#drcandiceshah #paediatrician #paediatrics #paediatriciancapetown #netcarepaediatrician","paediatric specialist dr. candice shah is back with an important video about measles. even though it is not as common today thanks to the effective vaccine, parents should still know the signs of this highly contagious viral infection.


#drcandiceshah #paediatrician #paediatrics #paediatriciancapetown #netcarepaediatrician",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
apparently and allegedly in #chicago there's an upcoming ""measles problem coming from the new migrants coming in and right now the gov. in #chicago are not checking for vaccines shot for the illegals.  
you think ""measles is something the country should worry about or just #chicago ?","damn, 
apparently and allegedly in #chicago there's an upcoming ""measles problem coming from the new migrants coming in and right now the gov. in #chicago are not checking for vaccines shot for the illegals.  
you think ""measles is something the country should worry about or just #chicago ?",04/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/mcmastervirus/reel/C5rNx6CpnmR/?locale=zh-TW&hl=am-et,"rubella virus is a positive-stranded rna virus classified as a rubiverius belonging to the matonaviridae family. this virus primarily transmits through contact with nasopharyngeal secretions belonging to an infected individual. an infection leads to rubella, commonly known as measles. a prominent symptom is a spotty rash originating on the face or behind the ears before making its way down the neck and body. the rash appears red or pink on white skin but may be difficult to see on brown or black skin. to protect yourself, consider getting vaccinated with the mmr vaccine.


#rubella #rubellavirus #immunology #virology #sciencememe #sciencememes #virus","rubella virus is a positive-stranded rna virus classified as a rubiverius belonging to the matonaviridae family. this virus primarily transmits through contact with nasopharyngeal secretions belonging to an infected individual. an infection leads to rubella, commonly known as measles. a prominent symptom is a spotty rash originating on the face or behind the ears before making its way down the neck and body. the rash appears red or pink on white skin but may be difficult to see on brown or black skin. to protect yourself, consider getting vaccinated with the mmr vaccine.


#rubella #rubellavirus #immunology #virology #sciencememe #sciencememes #virus",04/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@portperrymedical/video/7356936513126452485,"let€™s see if dr. gauster can guess this medical diagnosis correctly in 90 seconds! measles, most commonly recognized by a head-to-toe rash, spreads through the air and is one of the most contagious infectious diseases in the world. while rare, we are seeing cases rise in canada.  to confirm whether you are up to date on your measles vaccine, check your yellow vaccine card, or contact your physician or the public health department in the region in which you lived as a child. questions? contact your family doctor! learn more at www.publichealthontario.ca. #medicalstudent #medstudent #residency #r1 #r2 #ruraldoctor #ruralmedicine #fht #familymedicine #medstudents #medicalschool #futuredoctor #familydoctor #portperrymedicalassociates #mapp #northdurham #portperry #portperryproud #doctorsoftiktok #doctorlife #doctors #vaccines #measles ","let€™s see if dr. gauster can guess this medical diagnosis correctly in 90 seconds! measles, most commonly recognized by a head-to-toe rash, spreads through the air and is one of the most contagious infectious diseases in the world. while rare, we are seeing cases rise in canada.  to confirm whether you are up to date on your measles vaccine, check your yellow vaccine card, or contact your physician or the public health department in the region in which you lived as a child. questions? contact your family doctor! learn more at www.publichealthontario.ca. #medicalstudent #medstudent #residency #r1 #r2 #ruraldoctor #ruralmedicine #fht #familymedicine #medstudents #medicalschool #futuredoctor #familydoctor #portperrymedicalassociates #mapp #northdurham #portperry #portperryproud #doctorsoftiktok #doctorlife #doctors #vaccines #measles ",04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@kuhaku_21/video/7357128062347103530,#fyppppppppppppppppppppppp #covid #measles #mispronouncingwords #lmao #friend #illbedamned #funnyasf #undertheinfluence #talking #bubbles #yeahyeahyeah #ctfu,#fyppppppppppppppppppppppp #covid #measles #mispronouncingwords #lmao #friend #illbedamned #funnyasf #undertheinfluence #talking #bubbles #yeahyeahyeah #ctfu,04/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEbV9CNLhgk,"measles case confirmed in visitor who traveled through la county, health officials say","a case of measles has been confirmed in a non-los angeles county resident who traveled throughout the county two weekends ago, officials said. read more: https://abc7.com/measles-case-confirmed-in-visitor-who-traveled-through-los-angeles-county/14658250/",04/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWwl5x3nYzM,dchd: first measles case confirmed in dupage county,"the dupage county department of health (dchd) confirmed a dupage county resident has contracted measles saturday, the county's first measles case since 2009.",04/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_qmfeRKM6A,outbreak in the us | cdc warns of measles spreading,"outbreak in the us | cdc warns of measles spreading

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MntTd9Onv-w,measles | causes | sign & symptoms | complications | diagnosis | vaccination | treatment,"hello friends 
welcome to rajneet medical education
in this video
i explained about:-

route of spread of measles 
sign and symptoms of measles 
causes and risk factor of measles 
complication of measles 
diagnoses of measles 
vaccination of measles 
treatment of measles 

if you have any queries regarding this video,
please drop your comment in comment box,
i would love to answer
and if you understand the video,
please like, share and subscribe channel.
thank you.


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facebook- https://www.facebook.com/rajneet-medical-education-114537150290287/

2nd youtube channel- https://youtube.com/channel/ucpjij0x8ib33q7kb2mtstsw",04/13/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVD5uOlyMqc,measles & rubella champion award #upsccurrentaffairs #prelims #ias #viral,"measles & champion award #upsccurrentaffairs #prelims #ias #viral #shortsfeed #trending 

selection_ias is an initiative by selected officers & mains & interview qualified candidates based in delhi in association with hum honge kamyab ngo to contribute in nation-building. jai hind.
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call/whatsapp at 9625350287

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thank you for watching. keep supportinglection_ias is an initiative by selected officers & mains & interview qualified candidates based in delhi in association with hum honge kamyab ngo to contribute in nation-building. jai hind.
contact @ mail: info@selectionias.in or 
call/whatsapp at 9625350287",04/13/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1qa8_uSWik,#qizamiq #rek #live #tv #news #measles #kor #unicef #who #desease #education,"qizamiq kasalligi qanday kasallik?
kasallik nimasi bilan xavfli?
kasallik belgilari.
#live #rek #kor #measles #news #education #tv #unicef #who #medical #medicine #medicalstudent #india #uzbekistan #korea #kazakhstan #uzb #uzbek #qizamiq #toshkent #andijan #fergana  #namangan #sirdaryo #jizzakh #samarqand #samarkand #karshi  #qashqadaryo #surxondaryo #navoiy #navoi #buxara #buxoro #xorazm #xiva #karakalpakstan #karakalpak #nukus #youtube #youtuber #youtubeshorts #tiktok #tiktokvideo #tiktokvideos #youtubeshort #youtubevideos #youtubers #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo #trending #trendingshorts #trendingvideo #trend #treatment #chirurgie_rparation_hymen  #humanity #human #vaccine",04/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAaJpB0mA1Y,#qizamiq #desease #news #live #kor #education #rek #measles #unicef #who,"qizamiq kasalligi qanday kasallik?
kasallik nimasi bilan xavfli?
kasallik belgilari/
#live #rek #kor #measles #news #education #tv #unicef #who #medical #medicine #medicalstudent #india #uzbekistan #korea #kazakhstan #uzb #uzbek #qizamiq #toshkent #andijan #fergana  #namangan #sirdaryo #jizzakh #samarqand #samarkand #karshi  #qashqadaryo #surxondaryo #navoiy #navoi #buxara #buxoro #xorazm #xiva #karakalpakstan #karakalpak #nukus #youtube #youtuber #youtubeshorts #tiktok #tiktokvideo #tiktokvideos #youtubeshort #youtubevideos #youtubers #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo #trending #trendingshorts #trendingvideo #trend #treatment #chirurgie_rparation_hymen  #humanity #human #vaccine",04/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8Psj2XWf1E,"o.j. simpson dead at 76, charges filed against ohtani's former interpreter, az abortion ban...","today on america in the morning 

o.j. simpson passes away 
o.j. simpson, one of america's most infamous celebrities of all-time, has died. correspondent john stolnis takes a look at his life and legacy. 

charges filed against ohtani's former interpreter 
charges have been filed against the former interpreter for baseball star shohei ohtani. correspondent gethin coolbaugh reports. 

az abortion ban uproar continues 
shouts of ""shame! swept through the arizona house of representatives as the fight over the state's newly revived abortion ban continues. correspondent haya panjwani has details. 

national forecast 
another large storm system is moving through the eastern u.s. meteorologist brian thompson has more in your national forecast. 

trump tests gag order 
former president donald trump is testing the limits of a gag order put in place for his upcoming hush money trial. correspondent ed donahue has details. 

fisa reauthorization gets second chance 
the u.s. house is going to have another go at reauthorizing the fisa program after an earlier attempt failed. correspondent ben thomas reports. 

business news 
wall street opens this morning with the nasdaq at an all-time high. jessica ettinger has your friday business. 

china sanctions u.s. companies 
china has announced it is blacklisting two u.s. companies over arms sales to taiwan. correspondent charles de ledesma reports. 

measles cases on the rise 
there has been an increase in measles cases inside the u.s. this year. correspondent shelley adler reports. 

census bureau undercounted children in fl 
the u.s. census bureau says a new analysis of the 2020 census shows it under-counted children in florida by nearly 10%. correspondent norman hall has the story. 

md launches bridge collapse website 
there is a new website to help marylanders deal with the aftermath of the baltimore bridge collapse. correspondent norman hall has details. 

two gun manufacturers agree to halt sales in pa 
according to philadelphia city officials, two of america's leading gun parts manufacturers have agreed to temporarily halt sales of their products in pennsylvania. 

biden approves oil export terminal construction 
in a move that environmentalists called a betrayal, the biden administration has approved the construction of a deepwater oil export terminal off the texas coast. correspondent lisa dwyer explains. 

ppi comes in below expectations 
the latest producer price index found prices have risen by 2.1%, which was slightly less than forecasters expected. correspondent shelley adler reports. 

assange supporters hopeful 
supporters of wikileaks founder julian assange are feeling hopeful after some recent comments by president biden. correspondent charles de ledesma has the story. 

ukraine soon to be outgunned 
nato's top general is warning that ukraine is badly outgunned by russia. correspondent sagar meghani reports. 

tech giants improving ai 
two of the tech industry giants are releasing updates this month, and they claim you'll be able to have more ""human-like conversations"" with them. correspondent chuck palm has that story in today's tech news. 
learn more about your ad choices. visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices",04/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4f-faBaX7DM,angang da yamna naganba lounaganba laina ama oiriba measles asi ukhrul district ta sandorakle,,04/13/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4v-83FJ7Ld0,"wtvo eyewitness news for april 13th, 2024 (full broadcast)","israel and iran latest, expungement summit, hillsboro sinkhole, dupage measles, social worker bill, community family fun fair, city market puppy yoga, student debt relief update, tax day approaching, plus weather and sports.

stay informed about rockford-area news, weather, sports and entertainment! follow wtvo eyewitness news on our website and social channels:

http://www.twitter.com/mystateline",04/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REk_myrVuV8,iolani palace burial mound hawaii - royal burials,"kapu ""sacred hawaiian burials"" producer and director keoni kealoha alvarez.

contact information

please watch the full version kapu ""sacred hawaiian burials documentary on pbs hawaii for free click on link: https://www.pbs.org/video/kapu-sacred-hawaiian-burials-czlri2/

for more information:

phone: 1 (808) 209-2156

rr3 box 1043
pahoa, hi 96778

email: keonialvarez@gmail.com
website: www.keonialvarez.com and www.hawaiianburials.com

located in the southeast quadrant of the palace grounds, the sacred mound was once the site of the royal mausoleum. it is marked by a fenced-in mound to respect the hawaiian chiefs who may still be buried there. in 1825, a mausoleum of white-washed coral block was constructed to house the remains of kamehameha ii and his consort, queen kammalu, both of whom died of measles while on a journey to england.

for the next forty years, this royal tomb and the land immediately surrounding it became the final resting place for the kings of hawaii, their consorts, and important chiefs of the kingdom. in 1865, eighteen coffins were removed from this site and transferred to mauna ala, the royal mausoleum, in nuuanu valley.",04/13/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,disgust,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcEf15Vz4Oo,every virus disease explained in 8 minutes,"watch other videos:

--timeline --
0:00 virus disease zika
0:44 infectious disease rabies
1:52 mumps
2:21 measles
3:34 ebola 
4:29 hepatitis 

we cover interesting topics that you might not know about!",04/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIminKYMcyo,a song to make conservatives' heads explode,"marjorie traitor greene seems to believe she knows what god wants (while working to do what putin wants) and she believes god wants to punish americans into submission and repentence. being agnostic, i don't pretend to know any of this for certain, but if there is a god, i'm pretty sure god might be really mad about people trying to reelect a serial sexual assaulter or anyone who believes in jewish space lasers starting forest fires. again, if there is a god, and this god is backing trump and marjorie both, then god would have to be male to be so thick-headed, backward and clueless.  
anyway, mangy fetlocks figures since marjorie is wrong about pretty much everything, she's probably wrong about god and what she or he is thinking these days.  to try to think aloud on this topic, mangy wrote this song.  lyrics below:

god is sending earthquakes, eclipses and forest fires
and  covid, measles, whooping cough and flies
why is god so pissed off? i know (and i'm no liar)
she's doing it in hopes that marjorie dies. 

old marjorie traitor greene's spewing info from the kremlin
and likely god has had more than enough, so she's
pulling out her bag of tricks to smite the bleach-blonde gremlin,
and i, for one, am pleased she's getting tough.  

ironically poor marjorie thinks god is after you and me, 
the liberals, poets, thinkers and the like.
but since marge brought insanity to public view there in d.c.
the 'acts of god' appear to have really spiked. 

god allowed calamities, ted cruz, and trump inanities,  
to punish marge for being full of beans.  
i don't pretend to know god's will, but he'll keep on i'm sure until
she's left, 'cuz that's  politically, how god leans. 
                                           copyright 2024, bruce w nelson",04/13/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,anger
https://wgntv.com/video/dchd-first-measles-case-confirmed-in-dupage-county/9603990/,dchd: first measles case confirmed in dupage county,"the dupage county department of health (dchd) confirmed a dupage county resident has contracted measles saturday, the county's first measles case since 2009.",04/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
measles cases are on the rise. here's how you can protect your kids.","
measles cases are on the rise. here's how you can protect your kids.",04/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5tKTYVqisJ/,"cdc: health officials say the number of measles cases continues to increase in the u.s., and they remain concerned about unvaccinated children. link in bio for more information.
#news12 #news12ct #cdc #health #measles #vaccination","cdc: health officials say the number of measles cases continues to increase in the u.s., and they remain concerned about unvaccinated children. link in bio for more information.
#news12 #news12ct #cdc #health #measles #vaccination",04/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/illinoisdph/reel/C5s9sMksmRv/,"vaccination is still your best defense against measles. 

talk to your doctor to make sure you're up to date and protected against this serious illness as cases continue to rise in illinois. ","vaccination is still your best defense against measles. 

talk to your doctor to make sure you're up to date and protected against this serious illness as cases continue to rise in illinois. ",04/13/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/news12bk/reel/C5tKTYVqisJ/,"cdc: health officials say the number of measles cases continues to increase in the u.s., and they remain concerned about unvaccinated children. link in bio for more information.
#news12 #news12ct #cdc #health #measles #vaccination","cdc: health officials say the number of measles cases continues to increase in the u.s., and they remain concerned about unvaccinated children. link in bio for more information.
#news12 #news12ct #cdc #health #measles #vaccination",04/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5tLbTgCr-B/,"pipestone county medical center and family clinic avera on instagram: ""there has been a resurgence of measles in the area.  over the next few weeks, dr. jackie vroman will share why it is so important for children to be vaccinated against this potentially dangerous illness, misconceptions about the vaccine, and its potential risks.  #pcmcares""","pipestone county medical center and family clinic avera on instagram: ""there has been a resurgence of measles in the area.  over the next few weeks, dr. jackie vroman will share why it is so important for children to be vaccinated against this potentially dangerous illness, misconceptions about the vaccine, and its potential risks.  #pcmcares""",04/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5sUm1Qv_pl/?ref=lbbpost&hl=am-et,"mahigit 793,000 na bata sa bangsamoro, mas protektado na laban sa #tigdas o #measles. para po sa lahat ng bata na atrasado sa bakuna, pwedeng pwede na humabol o mag-catch up! magtanong sa malapit na government health center para sa libreng bakuna laban sa tigdas atbp. #doh","mahigit 793,000 na bata sa bangsamoro, mas protektado na laban sa #tigdas o #measles. para po sa lahat ng bata na atrasado sa bakuna, pwedeng pwede na humabol o mag-catch up! magtanong sa malapit na government health center para sa libreng bakuna laban sa tigdas atbp. #doh",04/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5tKRdssDWF/,"cdc: health officials say the number of measles cases continues to increase in the u.s., and they remain concerned about unvaccinated children. link in bio for more information.
#news12 #news12ct #cdc #health #measles #vaccination","cdc: health officials say the number of measles cases continues to increase in the u.s., and they remain concerned about unvaccinated children. link in bio for more information.
#news12 #news12ct #cdc #health #measles #vaccination",04/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/news12bx/reel/C5tKRdssDWF/,"cdc: health officials say the number of measles cases continues to increase in the u.s., and they remain concerned about unvaccinated children. link in bio for more information.
#news12 #news12ct #cdc #health #measles #vaccination","cdc: health officials say the number of measles cases continues to increase in the u.s., and they remain concerned about unvaccinated children. link in bio for more information.
#news12 #news12ct #cdc #health #measles #vaccination",04/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@musapatraditionalchemist/video/7357843094303411461,"#musapa traditional chemist #musapa traditional clinic  #bushbuckridgetiktoker  #giyanitiktoker''‡‡  #vendatiktokers  #southafricatiktok‡‡  #mpumalangatiktoker  #limpopotiktoker ... #medicinal uses. the leaves are traditionally made into infusions to'treat coughs, colds, fever, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, measles, rashes, malaria and headaches. stomach disorders, intestinal worms (tapeworms), back pain, eye ailments, nosebleeds, stuffy noses etc..","#musapa traditional chemist #musapa traditional clinic  #bushbuckridgetiktoker  #giyanitiktoker''‡‡  #vendatiktokers  #southafricatiktok‡‡  #mpumalangatiktoker  #limpopotiktoker ... #medicinal uses. the leaves are traditionally made into infusions to'treat coughs, colds, fever, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, measles, rashes, malaria and headaches. stomach disorders, intestinal worms (tapeworms), back pain, eye ailments, nosebleeds, stuffy noses etc..",04/14/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kuZTqoSixa0,know how to recognize the symptoms of measles,"full episode: https://youtu.be/vwjrw9bmer0

in this week's episode of the beehive doc talks, dr. blair rolnick highlights the recent upsurge in measles cases in the united states, notably in new jersey, and the primary reasons behind these outbreaks. dr. rolnick explains that measles, a virus causing respiratory infections, is most dangerous for young children, adults over 20, and immunocompromised individuals. 

this information is for educational purposes only. it is not medical advice. always seek medical advice from a qualified physician.

for dr. rolnick's practice and more content, visit:


you can also listen to the episode at the links below:




#shorts #pediatrics #pediatricians #pediatric #childrenshealth #parenting #health #healthtips #healthylifestyle #healthykid #doctor #medical #parenthood",04/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjfzOFq3Kmg,"confirmed measles case, budget impact of city pay raises, rent subsidy for hillside villa— the...","there is a confirmed case of measles in l.a. county, according to health officials. l.a. city workers are looking at a pay raise under a tentative agreement, but it's going to cost the city, according to a new fiscal report. some tenants at the hillside villa apartments could receive rent subsidies under a proposal from l.a. housing officials. 

support the l.a. report by donating at laist.com/join (https://laist.com/podcasts/laist.com/join) and by visiting https://laist.com (https://laist.com/). 

support the show: https://laist.com (https://laist.com)",04/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-isGgSsEMv0,সরবতর ছড়িে পড়ছে হামরোগ: চিকি৞সা ও কি ধরনের সতরকতা পরোজন? | measles disease | time television,"সরবতর ছড়িে পড়ছে হামরোগ: চিকি৞সা ও কি ধরনের সতরকতা পরোজন? | measles disease | time television

#timetvusa #timetelevision #newyork #timeexclusive #health #measles 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VmhSKbUs4Y,is measles on the rise globally?,"measles is a highly contagious viral disease that presents symptoms like fever, cough, and distinctive red rashes. it primarily affects children but can occur at any age. vaccination has significantly reduced its incidence, yet it remains a concern in some regions.",04/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,surprise,fear
https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/dupage-county-health-department-confirms-first-case-of-measles-since-2009/,dupage county health department confirms first case of measles since 2009,"health department officials said the case does not appear to be linked to new migrant arrival shelters in chicago, and the source of infection is unknown.",04/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5wHid7yuHP/,"golf, like measles, should be caught young.⛳

#dehradun #uttarakhand #pahadi #uttrakhand #india #uttarakhandheaven #rishikesh #pithoragarh #almora #delhi #garhwal #himalayas #haridwar #travel #nature #nainital #devbhoomi #himachal #uttarakhandtourism #pauri #photography","golf, like measles, should be caught young.⛳

#dehradun #uttarakhand #pahadi #uttrakhand #india #uttarakhandheaven #rishikesh #pithoragarh #almora #delhi #garhwal #himalayas #haridwar #travel #nature #nainital #devbhoomi #himachal #uttarakhandtourism #pauri #photography",04/14/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5xTMUzAiRt/,"mga bakunanay at papavaccine! protektahan si baby laban sa mga vaccine preventable diseases tulad ng •tb meningitis• dipterya• tetano• pertussis• hepatitis b• pulmonya• polio• measles• rubella• h influenza b • pneumococcal diseasessiguraduhing walang batang mao-ospital o mamatay dahil sa sakit na kayang maiwasan sa tulong ng bakuna. ligtas, libre at mabisa ang mga bakuna sa pinakamalapit na heallth center sa inyong lugar. kumpletuhin ang bakuna ni baby. alamin ang iba't ibang bakuna at schedule ng pagbibigay nito.  kapag bakuna ay kumpleto, lahat  protektado! #doh #departmentofhealth #health #onedoh #bawatbuhaymahalaga #bagongpilipinas #8pointactionagenda #worldimmunizationweek2024 #getvaccinated department of health (philippines)","mga bakunanay at papavaccine! protektahan si baby laban sa mga vaccine preventable diseases tulad ng •tb meningitis• dipterya• tetano• pertussis• hepatitis b• pulmonya• polio• measles• rubella• h influenza b • pneumococcal diseasessiguraduhing walang batang mao-ospital o mamatay dahil sa sakit na kayang maiwasan sa tulong ng bakuna. ligtas, libre at mabisa ang mga bakuna sa pinakamalapit na heallth center sa inyong lugar. kumpletuhin ang bakuna ni baby. alamin ang iba't ibang bakuna at schedule ng pagbibigay nito.  kapag bakuna ay kumpleto, lahat  protektado! #doh #departmentofhealth #health #onedoh #bawatbuhaymahalaga #bagongpilipinas #8pointactionagenda #worldimmunizationweek2024 #getvaccinated department of health (philippines)",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBhpwdYUvBM,colorado notifies families of 75k kids about mmr vaccine,"with a resurgence of measles cases happening across the country, colorado health officials sent emails and text messages to the families of 75,000 kids who may be overdue for the mmr vaccine. fox31's kim posey spoke to the state epidemiologist about the concern.

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#news #colorado #fox31",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o2OmlTo308,"measles cases are on the rise across the country, including missouri and illinois","health officials are encouraging everyone to make sure they have their measles vaccination. cases are on the rise in the country, including missouri and illinois.",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqjwSA0TG7c,some preparing for measles in nc,some preparing for measles in nc,04/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KikEOy8p4KI,health department says visitor to cincinnati tested positive for measles,"health department says visitor to cincinnati tested positive for measles

subscribe to wlwt on youtube now for more: http://bit.ly/1ipux3c

get more cincinnati news: http://www.wlwt.com
like us:  http://www.facebook.com/wlwt5
follow us: http://twitter.com/wlwt
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wlwt5/",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtQ3vbrc1BA,"visitor with confirmed measles virus visited las vegas airport, strip casino","southern nevada health district confirms measles case in clark county visitor beginning of april_x000d_
 for more local news from kvvu:  https://www.fox5vegas.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucpr_4ynljaphcr0vi5yr5sa",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8rsq6sF0bZM,cdc measles vaccination update for international travel,"full episode: https://youtu.be/6ktjy8mh4zm

dr. rolnick focuses on measles prevention and response to exposure. she highlights the importance of basic hygiene practices and details the critical role of the mmr vaccine, which offers high protection rates against measles and is recommended in a two-dose series for children. she outlines updated cdc recommendations for children traveling internationally to receive vaccinations at adjusted ages. for those potentially exposed to measles, immediate healthcare provider contact is advised, with specific treatment varying by age and immunization status, including the administration of immunoglobulins or the mmr vaccine. 

this information is for educational purposes only. it is not medical advice. always seek medical advice from a qualified physician.

for dr. rolnick's practice and more content, visit:


you can also listen to the episode at the links below:




#shorts #pediatrics #pediatricians #pediatric #childrenshealth #parenting #health #healthtips #healthylifestyle #healthykid #doctor #medical #parenthood",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zw0QxwzVG0o,@wsbtv measles cases are already double now what they were in all of 2023.,"april 12, 2024 #measles #cases #vaccines #travelers #cdc #atlanta #georgia #drjaynemorgan",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Jc9ywaw_Qk4,can mumps lead to meningitis? | #mumps #shorts #trending,"also know: mumps meningitis treatment | does mumps cause meningitis | mumps to meningitis 

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, mumps in vaccinated children, mumps in babies and children, do vaccinated children get mumps?, mumps meningitis treatment, does mumps cause meningitis ,pace hospitals",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KtjY8mh4ZM,measles prevention and exposure: protecting your family,"welcome back to the beehive doc talks with dr. blair rolnick! dr. rolnick focuses on measles prevention and response to exposure. she highlights the importance of basic hygiene practices and details the critical role of the mmr vaccine, which offers high protection rates against measles and is recommended in a two-dose series for children. she outlines updated cdc recommendations for children traveling internationally to receive vaccinations at adjusted ages. for those potentially exposed to measles, immediate healthcare provider contact is advised, with specific treatment varying by age and immunization status, including the administration of immunoglobulins or the mmr vaccine. 

watch last week's episode, what parents should know about measles: https://youtu.be/vwjrw9bmer0

00:00 introduction
0:57 preventing measles
01:26 mmr vaccine
03:20 evidence of immunity
03:47 exposure to measles
05:19 conclusion 

being a parent comes with a lot of questions. is this normal? am i doing a good job? (the answer is yes by the way). this podcast is here to provide support and guidance based on medical literature and best practice guidelines. as a mother herself, dr. blair rolnick knows how hard it is to find answers and advice based on research that you can trust. as a pediatrician with specialty training in pediatric emergency medicine and a certified lactation consultant, she brings specialist training to the table and seeks to use strong medical evidence to empower parents on their journey through parenthood.

this information is for educational purposes only. it is not medical advice. always seek medical advice from a qualified physician.

for dr. rolnick's practice and more content, visit:


you can also listen to the episode at the links below:




#pediatrics #pediatricians #pediatric #childrenshealth #parenting #health #healthtips #healthylifestyle #healthykid #doctor #medical #parenthood #childlunch #schoollunch #schoolfood #packedlunch",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/pf0jOG0UPcg," mmr vaccine and autism study findings  welcome to the aspie world channel! today, we're delvi"," mmr vaccine and autism study findings 

welcome to the aspie world channel! today, we're delving into a topic that has sparked much debate and discussion: the findings of studies investigating the potential link between the mmr vaccine and autism. 

the mmr (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine has long been a subject of controversy, with some suggesting a connection to the development of autism spectrum disorder (asd).  however, extensive research conducted over the years has consistently shown that there is no causal relationship between the mmr vaccine and autism. ⚕

numerous large-scale epidemiological studies, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses have provided robust evidence refuting any association between the mmr vaccine and autism.  these studies have involved millions of participants and have been conducted across various countries, reaffirming the safety and efficacy of the mmr vaccine. 

it's crucial to rely on scientific evidence and expert consensus when evaluating the safety of vaccines and making informed healthcare decisions.  by vaccinating ourselves and our children, we not only protect against vaccine-preventable diseases but also contribute to the well-being of the entire community. 

let's continue to advocate for evidence-based information, support vaccination efforts, and foster understanding within our community. together, we can promote autism awareness, acceptance, and support while prioritizing public health.  share your thoughts and questions in the comments below! let's keep the conversation going.  #autismawareness #autismacceptance #autismcommunity #autismlove #autismsupport #aspergerssyndrome #aspergersandproud #aspergerslife #aspergersworld #adhdlife #adhdawareness #adhdsupport #adhdcommunity #dyslexiaawareness #dyslexiasupport #dyslexiaissuperpower #understandingautism #vaccineswork #publichealth #sciencebaseddecisionmaking",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhXPDOzfoNw,"today in pa | a pennlive daily news briefing with claudia dimuro - april 15, 2024","measles cases are on the rise. the state has issued a quarantine on dairy cows from outside the state. major healthcare providers, including one based in pennsylvania, are now covering an over-the-counter birth control pill. and if you look up, you could spot ""one of the oldest known meteor showers. 
listen to the latest podcast episode: https://play.headliner.app/episode/20235609?utm_source=youtube",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UL9lkSJr-rw,วิเคราะห๜ รณี ปู่จ๋านลองไมค๜ rapper บื่อดัง ป่วยเป็นโรคหัด เข้า icu #measles,"1) สำหรับคนที่ไม่น่ใจว่าเคยฉีดวัคซีนป้องันโรคหัดมา่อน สามารถไปตรวจภูมิดูได้ ถ้ามีภูมิ็ไม่ต้องฉีดซ้ำครับ ต่ถ้าไม่มีภูมิ ็ควรฉีด 2 เข็ม ห่างันอย่างน้อย 28 วัน
2) ที่ไทยวัคซีนนี้ นะนำให้ฉีดตอนอายุ 9-12 เดือน ละระตุ้นที่ 4-6 ขวบ ต่็อาจจะฉีดนอเหนือเวลาดังล่าวได้เบ่นัน
3) คนที่เคยเป็นหัดละหายล้ว จะมีภูมิ ไม่ต้องฉีดวัคซีนซ้ำ

สามารถเข้าร่วม membership ได้ตามลิงค๜นี้ครับ https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucs1xvkyw134dujv9nssu0dw/join
ถ้าสมัครทางมือถือ ต้องทำผ่าน browser ครับ ทำทาง app มันจะไม่ได้ ถ้าทำในคอมทำได้ปติครับ",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0BC97lxu_0,scarlet fever#fever #sikar #hospital #measles #chickenpox #pcp#clc#pmo #cmo #bjp,,04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oEpKF_3mxk,    indication and contraindication for measles booster dose,,04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WPIuX0c1NY,"天下新】嚠州: 洛磯縣客麻疹 枥觸者或21天內發病 la county visitor confirms measles, exposure risk within 21 days","剛剛垻的週六<衛官員表示<兩週曾到洛磯縣旅的一外地居民確診麻疹<洛磯縣部分居民能臨的風險。



訂閱天下衛視youtube頻: https://goo.gl/tdvaqg
關注天下衛視官方網站: www.skylinktv.us",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7-NhcjpaSM,measles-rubella vaccination campaign- nepali sign language (nsl),"दादरा, रबेला अतिनै संकरामक र पराणघातक रोगहर हन । यसबा बालबालिकाको मृतय समेत हन सकछ ।  तयसैले आफना बालबालिकालाई दादरा रबेला खोप लगार यी रोगहर लागनबा बचाऔं ।
यस अभियानमा ५ वरष मनिका बालबालिकालाई छ नियमित खोप पनि दिईंदैछ । तयसैले नियमित खोप छेको भ खोप केनदरमा जादा नियमित खोप कारड पनि लिर जानहोला ।
आफनो गाउ-ोलमा सञचालन हने खोप केनदरको नाम र सञचालन हने मिति र उमेर समूहबारे थाहा पाउन महिला सामदायिक सवासथय सवयंसेविका वा नजिकैको सवासथय संसथा वा वडा कारयालयमा समपरक गरनहोस । 
खोप अभियान समबनधि थप जानकारीका लागि पैसा नलागने नं १११५ मा समपरक गरन होला ।
खोप निःशलक पाइनछ । खोप सरकषित छ । खोपले जीवन रकषा गरछ ।",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V7xgY-ZrTo,"las vegas news | 7@7 am for monday, april 15, 2024","a multi-day standoff between police and a barricaded individual has ended, o.j. simpson's lawyer wants the goldman's to receive 'nothing' from estate, a vegas visitor may have spread the measles, and more on 7@7 from the las vegas review journal",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMRMKkh0ciY,"天下新】嚠州: 洛磯縣客麻疹 枥觸者或21天內發病 la county visitor confirms measles, exposure risk within 21 days","剛剛垻的週六<衛官員表示<兩週曾到洛磯縣旅的一外地居民確診麻疹<洛磯縣部分居民能臨的風險。



訂閱天下衛視youtube頻: https://goo.gl/tdvaqg
關注天下衛視官方網站: www.skylinktv.us",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm9yGkmlwp8,joe biden didn't deter iran | 4/15/24,"iran launched hundreds of missiles into israel over the weekend. will israel respond? why is ""isreal"" trending misspelled? inside a pro-palestinian ""grassroots"" protest group. donald trump warned about iran under joe biden. trump's hush money trial begins today. spending continues to climb, as does warrantless spying on americans … so what's the difference between speaker mike johnson (r-la.) and democrats? why are democrats against voter id? remember when leading democrats didn't trust voting machines? arizona has dusted off a very pro-life law. now what? two legends at the masters tournament yesterday. how biased is the new head of npr? what's with the measles outbreak in america?

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vfl_v0oVjW8,measles - sofia daniela romero murcia,,04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R52-sH1jTeQ,vaccines invention timeline - in half a minute!,"full video:

free teaching resources for science and english:

do you know all of them?

smallpox, rabies, cholera, typhoid, plague, 
tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, 
pertussis, yellow fewer, influenza, polio, 
measles, mumps, rubella, adenovirus, pneumococcus, hepatitis, chickenpox, rotavirus, hpv, ..",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/health/health-officials-sound-the-alarm-as-measles-cases-spike-across-the-country/vi-BB1lGACP?ocid=weather-verthp-feeds,health officials sound the alarm as measles cases spike across the country,news 12 connecticuts justin devellis spoke with an infectious disease expert from yale on the measles outbreak.,04/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.msn.com/en-in/video/health/health-officials-sound-the-alarm-as-measles-cases-spike-across-the-country/vi-BB1lGACP?ocid=weather-verthp-feeds,health officials sound the alarm as measles cases spike across the country,"
news 12 connecticuts justin devellis spoke with an infectious disease expert from yale on the measles outbreak. ",04/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/health/health-department-says-visitor-to-cincinnati-tested-positive-for-measles/vi-BB1lGyec?ocid=weather-verthp-feeds,health department says visitor to cincinnati tested positive for measles,health department says visitor to cincinnati tested positive for measles,04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/health/health-department-says-visitor-to-cincinnati-tested-positive-for-measles/vi-BB1lGyec,health department says visitor to cincinnati tested positive for measles,health department says visitor to cincinnati tested positive for measles,04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/HywelDdaHealthBoard/videos/following-a-declared-measles-outbreak-in-gwent-were-advising-our-community-that-/772614398158301/,"following a declared measles outbreak in gwent, we're advising our community that measles is circulating and what people should do if they or their child have symptoms.
people showing symptoms of measles should not attend their gp or any other healthcare setting without phoning before arrival, or must immediately notify staff on arrival, to allow prompt isolation and avoid any further transmission.
measles is highly infectious and can very easily spread between people who are not vaccinated.
the first symptoms of measles are cold-like and can include a high temperature, sneezing, a cough and red, sore, watery eyes.
small white spots may appear inside the cheeks and on the back of the lips a few days later. these spots usually last a few days.
a rash usually appears a few days after the cold-like symptoms. the rash starts on the face and behind the ears before spreading to the rest of the body. the spots of the measles rash are sometimes raised and can join together to form blotchy patches. they are not usually itchy.
people can check their symptoms by visiting https://111.wales.nhs.uk/ and can contact nhs 111 wales on 111 for advice if they believe they may have measles.","following a declared measles outbreak in gwent, we're advising our community that measles is circulating and what people should do if they or their child have symptoms.
people showing symptoms of measles should not attend their gp or any other healthcare setting without phoning before arrival, or must immediately notify staff on arrival, to allow prompt isolation and avoid any further transmission.
measles is highly infectious and can very easily spread between people who are not vaccinated.
the first symptoms of measles are cold-like and can include a high temperature, sneezing, a cough and red, sore, watery eyes.
small white spots may appear inside the cheeks and on the back of the lips a few days later. these spots usually last a few days.
a rash usually appears a few days after the cold-like symptoms. the rash starts on the face and behind the ears before spreading to the rest of the body. the spots of the measles rash are sometimes raised and can join together to form blotchy patches. they are not usually itchy.
people can check their symptoms by visiting https://111.wales.nhs.uk/ and can contact nhs 111 wales on 111 for advice if they believe they may have measles.",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://m.facebook.com/lbharrow/videos/cases-of-childhood-infections-like-measles-are-rising-but-they-can-be-prevented-/959061075723359/,"cases of childhood infections like measles are rising  but they can be prevented. immunisation is the best defence for children against many common illnesses. 
make sure your child is up to date and book any catch up appointments with your gp surgery.
see less","cases of childhood infections like measles are rising  but they can be prevented. immunisation is the best defence for children against many common illnesses. 
make sure your child is up to date and book any catch up appointments with your gp surgery.
see less",04/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/dethealth/reel/C5y38TuOijb/,"measles can lead to serious complications, including hospitalization, long-term illness, and death. about one in five people who get measles will be hospitalized.

getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself. schedule your mmr vaccine today!","measles can lead to serious complications, including hospitalization, long-term illness, and death. about one in five people who get measles will be hospitalized.

getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself. schedule your mmr vaccine today!",04/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drjaynemorgan/reel/C5x6LksrNjx/,"measles cases are more than double now, than what they were in all of 2023. i spoke with @wsbtv @jesteveztv to discuss. #measles #contagious #travelers #protection #risk #transmission #cdc #atlanta #vaccines #georgia @piedmonthealth @medical_association_of_atlanta @mag1849_ @morehouseschoolofmedicine #medicalnews #sciencenews #drjaynemorgan #jaynemorgan #doctorsofig #doctorsofinstagram","measles cases are more than double now, than what they were in all of 2023. i spoke with @wsbtv @jesteveztv to discuss. #measles #contagious #travelers #protection #risk #transmission #cdc #atlanta #vaccines #georgia @piedmonthealth @medical_association_of_atlanta @mag1849_ @morehouseschoolofmedicine #medicalnews #sciencenews #drjaynemorgan #jaynemorgan #doctorsofig #doctorsofinstagram",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5ydMlZuKgx/,"measles is a preventable but serious infection  get informed and vaccinated! 

#measles #vaccine #vaccinatedandhappy #vaccinated #outbreak #stayinformed #stayhealthy #infection #protectyourchildren #evidencebased #pediatricianapproved #pediatric #pediatrician #health #healthexpert #expert #healthprofessional","measles is a preventable but serious infection  get informed and vaccinated! 

#measles #vaccine #vaccinatedandhappy #vaccinated #outbreak #stayinformed #stayhealthy #infection #protectyourchildren #evidencebased #pediatricianapproved #pediatric #pediatrician #health #healthexpert #expert #healthprofessional",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/unicefphils/reel/C5xyv2ZL0-4/,"vaccines protect children and their families from life-threatening diseases like measles, polio and even covid19. 

with support from usaid philippines and @ausambph, unicef and relief international held community learning sessions in cagayan de oro to guide parents on covid19 vaccine and routine immunization. #vaccineswork","vaccines protect children and their families from life-threatening diseases like measles, polio and even covid19. 

with support from usaid philippines and @ausambph, unicef and relief international held community learning sessions in cagayan de oro to guide parents on covid19 vaccine and routine immunization. #vaccineswork",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5yp0Any3-l/,"comment your answer...!!!

#homoeopathy #organon #materiamericapura #homeopathy #hahnemann #master #masterhahnemann #materiamedica #organonteacher #teacher #bhms #mcq #organonmcq #quiz #organonquiz #quizcompetition #bhmsquiz #leprosy #typhus #measles #pthisis #kideny #lycopodium #berberis #arnica #cantharis #motherofpsora #psora","comment your answer...!!!

#homoeopathy #organon #materiamericapura #homeopathy #hahnemann #master #masterhahnemann #materiamedica #organonteacher #teacher #bhms #mcq #organonmcq #quiz #organonquiz #quizcompetition #bhmsquiz #leprosy #typhus #measles #pthisis #kideny #lycopodium #berberis #arnica #cantharis #motherofpsora #psora",04/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@nurse.carly/video/7358522139760266542,"evidence-based info about the recent increase in measles in the us, and refusing the mmr '‰ for your kids @who fides #newparents #newmom #newmomsoftiktok #measles #measlesoutbreak #mmr #kidshealth #parentsoftiktok #autism #whofides","evidence-based info about the recent increase in measles in the us, and refusing the mmr '‰ for your kids @who fides #newparents #newmom #newmomsoftiktok #measles #measlesoutbreak #mmr #kidshealth #parentsoftiktok #autism #whofides",04/16/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWZjmKbgFDc,"another new, old airborne illness? measles is back!","you'd think we've been through enough with covid, rsv, and other respiratory illnesses, but an old disease is back. there's been a recent resurgence of measles. whether by personal choice or due to immunocompromised issues, some people have chosen not to get the mmr vaccine.

dental offices can become a source of inoculation because measles is highly contagious and spread through saliva. if any of your patients or team members have not been vaccinated against measles, it could present problems.

as travel becomes more common over the next few months, the risk of contracting measles will increase. in this episode of medical history mysteries, we'll discuss how to talk to your patients and team members about measles as well as precautions you can take to reduce the spread of illness in your practice.

dental economics: https://www.dentaleconomics.com/
rdh magazine: https://www.rdhmag.com/
dentistryiq: https://www.dentistryiq.com/
perio-implant advisory: https://www.perioimplantadvisory.com/

thumbnail background image credit: design cells / istock / getty images plus


about dr. pamela maragliano-muniz

pamela maragliano-muniz, dmd, is the chief editor of dental economics. based in salem, massachusetts, dr. maragliano-muniz began her clinical career as a dental hygienist. she went on to attend tufts university school of dental medicine, where she earned her doctorate in dental medicine. she then attended the university of california, los angeles, school of dental medicine, where she became board-certified in prosthodontics. dr. maragliano-muniz owns a private practice, salem dental arts, and lectures on a variety of clinical topics.

about tom viola, rph, ccp

with more than 30 years' experience as a board-certified pharmacist, clinical educator, professional speaker, and published author, tom viola, rph, ccp, has earned the reputation as the go-to specialist for making pharmacology practical and useful for dental teams. he is the founder of pharmacology declassified and is a member of the faculty of more than 10 dental professional degree programs. viola has contributed to several professional journals and pharmacology textbooks, and currently serves as a consultant to the american dental association's council on scientific affairs.


our videos are for informational purposes only and do not provide a comprehensive education on any topic, nor do they provide any medical advice for any patient or medical/dental professional that provides patient care. seek recommendations from your medical professional for any personal medical care.",04/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1NKelhKPGw,health: measles on the rise,"there's been a sharp rise in the number of measles cases: we've already reached the 2023 total, before the end of april 2024. dr. jeff pothof joins us with more on the alarming rise.",04/16/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUmFWM3gYqg,"measles cases decline in illinois, but surge seen across multiple states","while illinois is reporting measles cases are on the decline, it's not the same story across the country. more than a dozen other states are dealing with infections.

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subscribe to the fox 32 chicago newsletter: https://www.fox32chicago.com/newsletters",04/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPXfJcMM8uI,"covid, flu, h5n1, measles, mpox. co-host kenji taylor, md","after an overview on the status of covid, flu, h5n1, and measles, we are joined by dr. kenji taylor to review monkeypox (mpox)

00:00 - introduction
1:53 - respiratory virus updates
8:40 - h5n1/avian flu
11:12 - measles update
15:47 - mpox update
21:29 - mpox and hiv
29:06 - summary and tips

#rootsempowers #communityhealth #bayarea #publichealth #oakland #covid19 #cdc #maskup
#covidisnotover #covidisairborne #nomorecoviddeaths #vaccines #booster #pandemic #omicron
#xbb #keepmasksinhealthcare #longcovid #eg.5 #wastewater #ba.2.86 #monovalent
#monovalentbooster #novavax #pertussis #jn.1",04/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GP_nXJ2S9YI,"illinois, chicago health departments celebrate response to measles outbreak",the heads of the illinois and chicago health departments are taking a victory lap on their response to the ongoing measles outbreak.,04/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_jA98mJG0E,"illinois, chicago health departments celebrate response to measles outbreak",the heads of the illinois and chicago health departments are taking a victory lap on their response to the ongoing measles outbreak.,04/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgX8ociuLdQ,midwife's fake vaccinations deserve harsh punishment: ethicist,"art caplan discusses a midwife's fraudulent vaccination practices, resulting in measles outbreak fears, and the need for severe punishment.


hi. i'm art caplan, at the division of medical ethics at new york university's grossman school of medicine.

very recently, a homeopathic midwife in new york was fined $300,000 for giving out phony injections for kids who were looking to get immunized in order to go to school. she gave pellets, which are sometimes called nosodes, i believe, with homeopathic ingredients, meaning next to nothing in them, and then basically certified that these children — and there were over 1500 of them — were compliant with new york state requirements to be vaccinated to go to school.

however, homeopathy is straight-up bunk. we have seen it again and again discredited as just something that doesn't work. it has a tradition, but it's basically nonsense. it certainly doesn't work as a way to vaccinate anybody.

this midwife basically lied and gave phony certification to the parents of these kids. i'm not talking about the covid-19 vaccine. i'm talking measles, mumps, rubella, flu, and polio — the childhood immunization schedule. for whatever reason, they put their faith in her and she went along with this fraud.

i think the fine is appropriate, but i think she should be penalized further. why? when you send 1500 kids to school, mostly in long island, new york, but to schools all over the place, you are setting up conditions to bring back epidemic diseases like measles.

we're already seeing measles outbreaks. at least five states have them. there's a significant measles outbreak in philadelphia. although i can't say for sure, i believe those outbreaks are directly linked to parents, post–covid-19, becoming vaccine hesitant and either not vaccinating and lying or going to alternative practitioners like this midwife and claiming that they have been vaccinated.

you're doing harm not only to the children who you allow to go to school under phony pretenses, but also you're putting their classmates at risk. we all know that measles is very, very contagious. you're risking the return of a disease that leads to hospitalization and sometimes even death. that is basically unconscionable.

i think her license should be taken away and she should not be practicing anymore. i believe that anyone who is involved in this kind of phony, dangerous, fraudulent practice ought to be severely punished.

pre–covid-19, we had just about gotten rid of measles and mumps. we didn't see these diseases. sometimes parents got a bit lazy in childhood vaccination basically because we had used immunization to get rid of the diseases.

going to alternative healers and allowing people to get away with fraudulent nonsense risks bringing back disabling and deadly killers is not fair to you, me, and other people who are put at risk. it's not fair to the kids who go to school with other kids who they think are vaccinated but aren't.

i'm art caplan, at the division of medical ethics at the new york university grossman school of medicine. thanks for watching.

transcript in its entirety can be found by clicking here: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/1000138?src=soc_yt",04/16/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,anger,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCx2m67yYSE,"the vaccine race: science, politics, & the human costs of defeating disease","host: john russell, md 

  guest: meredith wadman, bm, bch, m.s. 

    until the late 1960s, tens of thousands of american children suffered crippling birth defects if their mothers had been exposed to rubella, popularly known as german measles, while pregnant; there was no vaccine and little understanding of how the disease devastated fetuses. in june 1962, a young biologist in philadelphia, using human tissue samples sent from sweden, produced a line of cells that allowed the creation of vaccines against rubella and other common childhood diseases. two years later, in the midst of a massive german measles epidemic, the vaccine that would one day wipe out homegrown rubella was introduced. this vaccine has since protected more than 150 million people in the united states, and its development method has also led to other vaccines that have protected billions of people around the world from polio, rabies, chicken pox, measles, hepatitis a, shingles, and adenovirus. host dr. john russell chats with meredith wadman, author of the vaccine race: science, politics, and the human costs of defeating disease, about the story of both the science of this urgent race and the political and ethical controversies that nearly ended it prematurely.",04/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaKGblw6Vlo,microbial myths iv,"from the commonly accepted to completely bizarre, microbial myths puts urban legends, superstitions and home remedies to the test—using science to determine fact or fiction!

0:00 intro
0:44 can you sweat out of fever? 
2:10 diet for fighting illness
2:55 can gargling with salt water, cure a sore throat?
4:12 can you get an infection from a toilet seat?
5:42 can you get an infection from gym equipment?
7:32 does wearing the shoes inside, spread illness?
8:25 can you keep salad dressing longer than the expired date?
9:40 is mushroom coffee healthier than regular coffee?
10:34 will cordyceps fungus cause the next apocalypse?
11:47 can garlic in your nose to clear your sinuses?
13:10 can turmeric treat a cold of flu?
13:32 can honey heal wounds faster?
14:26 should you cover a wound or let it dry out?
15:07 keep people with measles in a dark room
16:15 rubbing rum on your chest to ease congestion 
17:03 sleeping with onions in your socks to clear a cold
17:23 apply honey or vinegar to a bee/wasp sting
19:00 dandelion milk can cure warts?
19:50 will nail polish on ringworm suffocate the fungus?
20:58 instant coffee and water applied to a cold sore to kill a wart
22:02 cold weather makes you sick
23:01 urine is sterile and can you drink it?
23:55 hot water on a stingray sting or vinegar on jellyfish bite
24:50 an apple a day keeps the doctor away? 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enZ0qvwjtIg,cdc: no evidence that covid vaccines cause deadly heart problems | fox6 news milwaukee,"uw health's dr. jeff pothof discuses the cdc's finding that there is no evidence that covid-19 vaccines cause deadly heart problems, as well as measles outbreaks. #coronavirus #health #heart 

subscribe to fox6 news milwaukee: https://www.youtube.com/user/fox6now?sub_confirmation=1

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fox6 news milwaukee delivers breaking news, live events, investigations, politics, entertainment, business news and local stories from southeast wisconsin and across the nation.

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subscribe to the fox6 news milwaukee newsletter: https://www.fox6now.com/email",04/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoLI8BCKJMw,health officials prepare to welcome potentially 2k migrants per week this summer,"measles cases have been reported nationwide and beyond, but chicago brought some positive news after the initial outbreak less than a month ago.

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fox 32 chicago delivers breaking news, live events, investigations, politics, entertainment, business news and local stories from chicago and across the nation.

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subscribe to the fox 32 chicago newsletter: https://www.fox32chicago.com/newsletters",04/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GC8nwFUqA4,yuqumli kasalliklar zanjiri to'g'risida  #desease #news #live #tv #rek #kor #measles,"yuqumli kasalliklarni kelib chiqishi, tarqalish zanjiri
kasallik manbai
kasallikni yuqish yo'llari
kasallikka moyil organizmlar
#live #rek #kor #measles #news #education #tv #unicef #who #medical #medicine #medicalstudent #india #uzbekistan #korea #kazakhstan #uzb #uzbek #qizamiq #toshkent #andijan #fergana  #namangan #sirdaryo #jizzakh #samarqand #samarkand #karshi  #qashqadaryo #surxondaryo #navoiy #navoi #buxara #buxoro #xorazm #xiva #karakalpakstan #karakalpak #nukus #youtube #youtuber #youtubeshorts #tiktok #tiktokvideo #tiktokvideos #youtubeshort #youtubevideos #youtubers #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo #trending #trendingshorts #trendingvideo #trend #treatment #chirurgie_rparation_hymen  #humanity #human #vaccine",04/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZa5GlQC2J8,"chikiting ligtas 2021 house to house measles rubella,polio immunization #bakuna",talisay city cebu barangay linao barangay lawaan 1,04/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncHAn3TQNVQ,what is measles |   ,"the queries:-

what is measle
what is measles disease 
what is measles disease in urdu 
  ",04/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMl1Agl-9H8,new 'one-and-done' vaccine method could protect infants-from covid,"researchers are pitching a new vaccine method for infants that offers continued protection with just a single dose, even if the virus mutates, according to a new study that could set the stage for ""universal vaccines.""it is broadly applicable to any number of viruses, broadly effective against any variant of a virus and safe for a broad spectrum of people, rong hai, a study author and virologist at the university of california, riverside, said in a statement. ""this could be the universal vaccine that we have been looking for.though there are some approved vaccines for infants, vaccines for diseases like measles, covid-19 and the flu can only be administered to people over the age of six months. this is because of their immature immune systems that cause a diminished response to these vaccines, and a potential lack of effectiveness, according to a study published in vaccine. however, this group of people is one of the most susceptible to severe infection. infants younger than six months have the highest risk of being hospitalized due to flu infection, according to the centers for disease control and prevention. in order to protect this population from infection, it's recommended that all household members and people who come into close contact with them get vaccinated from these diseases. some research shows vaccinated mothers may pass antibodies to fetuses through the umbilical cord, and newborns via breast milk that can continue to protect the babies from infection. respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) vaccines given to pregnant mothers have proven to protect infants up to six months after birth, according to the cdc. though there aren't any approved sirna vaccines, researchers are working on ones that target covid-19 and the flu. it was previously debated whether humans and other mammals use interfering rna to kill viruses. however, the same team from the university of california, riverside also conducted research in 2013 that discovered this theory was true. the team later went on to prove flu infection causes the body to produce interfering rna, so they're in the process of developing a flu vaccine that uses this strategy. the researchers intend on creating this vaccine as a nasal spray rather than a shot. ""respiratory infections move through the nose, so a spray might be an easier delivery system, hai said. there's already an approved nasal spray flu vaccine that's shown to be as effective in children as flu shots, according to the cdc. several research teams are working on nasal covid-19 vaccines, and both china and india have approved the use of nasal sprays in the form of boosters.

all data is taken from the source: http://forbes.com
article link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2024/04/15/new-one-and-done-vaccine-method-could-protect-infants-with-just-a-single-shot-study-suggests/

#newsdonaldtrump #newstodaymsnbc #bbcworldnewstoday #kingworldnews #usanewstoday #newstodayfox #",04/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@noemilaboriqua/video/7358549805980716330,#stitch with @brooker tee jones #fyp #measles #question #natives #sus #migrantshelter,#stitch with @brooker tee jones #fyp #measles #question #natives #sus #migrantshelter,04/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.komu.com/news/video-dhss-requests-help-from-school-districts-parents-after-cdc-reports-measles-outbreak/video_0b7b2baa-610a-5aec-acab-9fd6d2cbe3f0.html,"video: dhss requests help from school districts, parents after cdc reports measles outbreak",the vaccination rate among missouri kindergarteners has dropped nearly 5% since the 2016-17 school year.,04/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,fear,neutral
https://wgntv.com/video/illinois-chicago-health-departments-celebrate-response-to-measles-outbreak/9612149/,"illinois, chicago health departments celebrate response to measles outbreak",the heads of the illinois and chicago health departments are taking a victory lap on their response to the ongoing measles outbreak.,04/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.channel3000.com/video/health-measles-on-the-rise/video_89020717-77a0-511d-a765-22658eca6dde.html,health: measles on the rise,"there's been a sharp rise in the number of measles cases: we've already reached the 2023 total, before the end of april 2024. dr. jeff pothof joins us with more on the alarming rise.

copyright 2024 by channel 3000. all rights reserved. this material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.",04/16/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://wgntv.com/video/illinois-chicago-health-departments-celebrate-response-to-measles-outbreak/9612500/,"illinois, chicago health departments celebrate response to measles outbreak",the heads of the illinois and chicago health departments are taking a victory lap on their response to the ongoing measles outbreak.,04/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.instagram.com/illinoisdph/reel/C51eQZhpF6K/,"illinois is still experiencing measles cases, and vaccination is your best form of protection. 

make sure your family is up to date on their mmr vaccine. 

 visit our website for more information.","illinois is still experiencing measles cases, and vaccination is your best form of protection. 

make sure your family is up to date on their mmr vaccine. 

 visit our website for more information.",04/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C51JUDvpUgl/,"measles is a preventable but serious infection that is very contagious. know more about measles from our paediatrician @jackiezjh !

#measles #vaccine #vaccination #measlesoutbreak #risk #facts #learnmore #healthinfo #health #protect #childhealth #kidshealth #kids #children #stayhealthy #ourkidshealth #mandarinkidshealth #quickfacts #immunity","measles is a preventable but serious infection that is very contagious. know more about measles from our paediatrician @jackiezjh !

#measles #vaccine #vaccination #measlesoutbreak #risk #facts #learnmore #healthinfo #health #protect #childhealth #kidshealth #kids #children #stayhealthy #ourkidshealth #mandarinkidshealth #quickfacts #immunity",04/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C51Je45uPtC/,"huge measles outbreak in migrant shelters in chicago . these migrant children are allowed to attend tax payer funded public schools without any sort of s. american children cannot attend public schools without at least 72 mandated .
americans are economic slaves to a corrupt system of government that uses tax payer funds to fund wars and enrich corrupt politicians 

 @brookerteejones","huge measles outbreak in migrant shelters in chicago . these migrant children are allowed to attend tax payer funded public schools without any sort of s. american children cannot attend public schools without at least 72 mandated .
americans are economic slaves to a corrupt system of government that uses tax payer funds to fund wars and enrich corrupt politicians 

 @brookerteejones",04/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,anger,anger
https://www.instagram.com/dr_shaps/reel/C503xxcLkqY/,"los ngeles! se ha confirmado un nuevo caso de sarampin en nuestra comunidad. es crucial estar informados. 

qu es el sarampin?
el sarampin es una enfermedad altamente contagiosa causada por un virus. es vital conocer sus sntomas y cmo prevenirlo.

sntomas del sarampin:
1. fiebre alta
2. tos
3. ojos rojos y llorosos
4. pequeas manchas blancas dentro de la boca
5. erupcin de color rojo que suele empezar en la cara y se extiende al resto del cuerpo.

estos sntomas pueden aparecer entre 10 y 14 das despus de la exposicin al virus.

consejo para prevenir el sarampin

vacunacin: la vacuna contra el sarampin es la mejor forma de prevenir la enfermedad. asegrate de que t y tus seres queridos estn al da con las vacunas. en muchos lugares, como las escuelas, se requiere que los nios estn vacunados.

✅eres adulto y no sabes si tuviste sarampin o si ests vacunado?
es importante hablar con tu mdico, ya que existen maneras de confirmar tu inmunidad. 

mantente seguro y ayuda a proteger a nuestra comunidad compartiendo esta informacin. 

#salud #losangeles #prevencin #sarampin #vacnate #dr_shaps #saludpublica #comunidadsaludable #measles","los ngeles! se ha confirmado un nuevo caso de sarampin en nuestra comunidad. es crucial estar informados. 

qu es el sarampin?
el sarampin es una enfermedad altamente contagiosa causada por un virus. es vital conocer sus sntomas y cmo prevenirlo.

sntomas del sarampin:
1. fiebre alta
2. tos
3. ojos rojos y llorosos
4. pequeas manchas blancas dentro de la boca
5. erupcin de color rojo que suele empezar en la cara y se extiende al resto del cuerpo.

estos sntomas pueden aparecer entre 10 y 14 das despus de la exposicin al virus.

consejo para prevenir el sarampin

vacunacin: la vacuna contra el sarampin es la mejor forma de prevenir la enfermedad. asegrate de que t y tus seres queridos estn al da con las vacunas. en muchos lugares, como las escuelas, se requiere que los nios estn vacunados.

✅eres adulto y no sabes si tuviste sarampin o si ests vacunado?
es importante hablar con tu mdico, ya que existen maneras de confirmar tu inmunidad. 

mantente seguro y ayuda a proteger a nuestra comunidad compartiendo esta informacin. 

#salud #losangeles #prevencin #sarampin #vacnate #dr_shaps #saludpublica #comunidadsaludable #measles",04/16/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral

#measles #vaccine #outbreak #stayinformed #stayhealthy #evidencebased #pediatric #health","麻疹是一種嚴但以防的疾病你的朋枥種了疫苗嗞

#measles #vaccine #outbreak #stayinformed #stayhealthy #evidencebased #pediatric #health",04/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/illinoisdph/reel/C51eQZhpF6K/?hl=en,"illinois is still experiencing measles cases, and vaccination is your best form of protection. 

make sure your family is up to date on their mmr vaccine. 

 visit our website for more information.
","illinois is still experiencing measles cases, and vaccination is your best form of protection. 

make sure your family is up to date on their mmr vaccine. 

 visit our website for more information.
",04/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/illinoisdph/reel/C51eQZhpF6K/?locale=zh_tw,"illinois is still experiencing measles cases, and vaccination is your best form of protection. 

make sure your family is up to date on their mmr vaccine. 

 visit our website for more information.","illinois is still experiencing measles cases, and vaccination is your best form of protection. 

make sure your family is up to date on their mmr vaccine. 

 visit our website for more information.",04/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/nurse.carly/reel/C51NcDsg8d6/,"i got an email yesterday for healthcare providers explaining that the us elimination status for measles is threatened due to under-vaccination. 

this is a little psa with evidence-based info about what exactly this means, and why its happening.

if you have heard something on the internet about reasons you should not vaccinate your child against a preventable disease, please bring this to your pediatrician and talk with them first.

#newmom #newmoms #kidshealth #babytips #babyeducation #measles #measlesoutbreak #mmr #autism #whofides","i got an email yesterday for healthcare providers explaining that the us elimination status for measles is threatened due to under-vaccination. 

this is a little psa with evidence-based info about what exactly this means, and why its happening.

if you have heard something on the internet about reasons you should not vaccinate your child against a preventable disease, please bring this to your pediatrician and talk with them first.

#newmom #newmoms #kidshealth #babytips #babyeducation #measles #measlesoutbreak #mmr #autism #whofides",04/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/illinoisdph/reel/C51eQZhpF6K/?locale=it,"illinois is still experiencing measles cases, and vaccination is your best form of protection. 

make sure your family is up to date on their mmr vaccine. 

 visit our website for more information.","illinois is still experiencing measles cases, and vaccination is your best form of protection. 

make sure your family is up to date on their mmr vaccine. 

 visit our website for more information.",04/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@straydogorangejeep/video/7358997656565304618,way to go biden #fyp #fjb #biden #illegals #illegalimmagration #measlesoutbreak  #chicago #measles #votered,way to go biden #fyp #fjb #biden #illegals #illegalimmagration #measlesoutbreak  #chicago #measles #votered,04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@mandarin.kidshealth/video/7358949475026504965,"–€""""‡–—…€""""€€'€–‡""†…–""""! #measles #vaccine #vaccination #measlesoutbreak #risk #facts #learnmore #healthinfo #health #protect #childhealth #kidshealth #kids #children #stayhealthy #ourkidshealth #mandarinkidshealth #quickfacts #immunity","–€""""‡–—…€""""€€'€–‡""†…–""""! #measles #vaccine #vaccination #measlesoutbreak #risk #facts #learnmore #healthinfo #health #protect #childhealth #kidshealth #kids #children #stayhealthy #ourkidshealth #mandarinkidshealth #quickfacts #immunity",04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@babyjirehhenrymomma/video/7358709466256198917,i love you my little brave man baby #immunization #measlesvaccine #1year&2months #februarybaby #fyp #bravebaby ™,i love you my little brave man baby #immunization #measlesvaccine #1year&2months #februarybaby #fyp #bravebaby ™,04/17/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSbsXFuMa7M,"what illnesses are going around? rsv, covid-19, influenza, measles outbreak, plus avian flu news","which states have found bird flu in dairy cows? why is measles coming back? what states are having a measles outbreak? when is respiratory virus season over?

our guest is ama's vice president of science, medicine and public health, andrea garcia, jd, mph. american medical association cxo todd unger hosts.

 cdc current avian flu map: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/data-map-commercial.html

 for cdc bird flu update visit centers for disease control and prevention h5n1 bird flu current situation summary: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/avian-flu-summary.htm

 vietnam reports first human infection with avian influenza h9n2 virus: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/spotlights/2023-2024/vietnam-human-infection.htm

 cdc issues alert for avian influenza virus and symptoms of bird flu in humans (highly pathogenic avian influenza a (h5n1) virus: identification of human infection and recommendations for investigations and response): https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2024/han00506.asp

 latest cdc health alert 2024 via the health alert network (han cdc website): https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/

 cdc covid tracker map, charts, and data: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#datatracker-home

 cdc flu tracker map and weekly fluview influenza summary update: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/usmap.htm

 covid wastewater data via cdc national wastewater surveillance system (nwss): https://www.cdc.gov/nwss/index.html

 check #fda covid test expiration date extensions here: https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/coronavirus-covid-19-and-medical-devices/home-otc-covid-19-diagnostic-tests#list

 the ama is your powerful ally in patient care. join now: https://bit.ly/amajoinrenew

00:00 ama update april 17, 2024
00:24 bird flu outbreak 2024: h9n2 human cases (bird flu vietnam)
01:18 avian flu 2024: can cows get bird flu?
01:29 usda avian influenza: which states have bird flu in dairy cattle?
01:42 avian flu in cattle: what happens if a farm has avian flu?
02:06 avian flu prevention: how is bird flu transmitted?
02:50 bird flu in cattle: how does bird flu spread to humans?
03:02 avian flu in milk: is unpasteurized milk safe?
03:28 measles outbreak 2024
03:52 california measles outbreak (measles in california)
03:39 las vegas measles outbreak (measles las vegas)
04:06 measles exposure: can you get measles if you are vaccinated?
04:43 recent measles outbreak history (measles cases in us by year)
05:17 measles cases in the us (chicago measles outbreak, us measles cases)
05:44 measles in children
05:56 measles outbreak vaccinated vs unvaccinated
06:15 2023 measles outbreak: are measles cases increasing?
06:45 us measles elimination status
06:55 mmr vaccines
07:05 cdc measles vaccines for international travel
07:43 where is measles most common? 
07:52 measles cases worldwide (measles in europe, measles in the uk, southeast asia)
08:17 mmr vaccine age: when do kids get measles vaccine? 
08:44 measles vaccine misinformation (vaccine exemption for school)
09:00 vaccines and autism: do vaccines cause autism?
09:34 symptoms of measles and measles deaths in us
10:16 virus season: covid flu rsv (respiratory syncytial virus)
10:33 respiratory infections: cdc respiratory virus season
11:10 when does flu season end?
11:20 covid hospitalizations: when is covid season?
11:33 is respiratory season over?


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#fightingfordocs #medicine #futureofhealthcare #physicianadvocacy #healthcare #medical #science #publichealth #patientcare #h5n1 #avianinfluenza #avianflu #birdflu #virustransmission #cdc #usda #worldhealthorganization #who #measles #mumps #rubeola #mmrvaccine #measlesvaccine #vaccines #vaccination #immunization #covid #covid19 #coronavirus #pandemic #respiratoryinfection #virusseason #rsv #rsvseason #respiratorysyncytialvirus #influenza #fightflu #flushot #fluvaccine #fluseason #americanmedicalassociation",04/17/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4HD9YxcwOI,push for vaccinations amid measles outbreak,push for vaccinations amid measles outbreak,04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWhgRMIgt_w,ask the doctor: dr. piely soong - measles outbreak,"ask the doctor: dr. piely soong - measles outbreak_x000d_
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read more stories here: https://www.wbrc.com/",04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmjZ5PUiYqA,what to know about measles - keeping london healthy with dr. mario s4e2 | rogers tv,"dr. zain chagla joins dr. mario to talk about measles and measles vaccines.
follow dr. mario:

follow rogers tv london:
youtube:https://www.youtube.com/rogerstvofficial",04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRbzbTDaUTQ,"doh says pertussis cases still going up, measles transmission slowing down","doh says pertussis cases still going up, measles transmission slowing down",04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eh-4J6dspeY,measles become epidemic in kandhkot - aaj news,"#aajnews #kandhkot #measles #breakingnews 

measles become epidemic in kandhkot - 17 april, 2024 - aaj news

the aaj news team brings you impartial and balanced coverage of pakistan's biggest stories. asma shirazi, munizae jahangir and shaukat piracha, our prime time current affairs analysts wrap up
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#aajnews #aajnewslive #aajtv",04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BiuLr1WZGo,"mumps: causes, symptoms and treatments | dr samar sen | arete hospitals #mumps","are you suffering from low-grade fever, body pain, headache, malaise, loss of appetite, and weakness with swelling in one or both of your salivary glands? you may have mumps. visit a doctor and get yourself tested

join dr. samar sen popuri, consultant, internal medicine, arete hospitals, gachibowli to know about mumps: causes, symptoms and treatments in this informative video under the following topics.

mumps, medically known as sialadenitis, is characterized by the painful swelling of the salivary glands. this condition is mostly seen in children but can also occur in adults. understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatments of mumps is crucial for effective management and prevention of complications.

types of salivary glands 
there are three main types of salivary glands in humans.
1. parotid glands
2. submandibular glands
3. sublingual glands
each gland is connected to the mouth by its duct or tube, enabling the secretion of saliva.

causes of sialadenitis or mumps
a common viral infection, mumps is one of the most common viral infections causing salivary gland swelling. it is caused by the mumps virus, a paramyxovirus belonging to the rubella virus family.
the inflammation of salivary glands, known as sialadenitis, can occur due to various reasons, including:
1. bacterial or viral infections
2. calcific obstructions
3. autoimmune conditions
4. cancer

transmission and incubation period
1. spreads through direct contact with infected saliva or respiratory droplets.
2. the incubation period is around two weeks.

symptoms of mumps 
mumps typically presents with the following symptoms:
1. the prodromal phase includes low-grade fever, body pain, headache, malaise, loss of appetite, and weakness (lasts for 3-4 days).
2. the swelling phase includes a painful swelling of one or both salivary glands, particularly affecting the parotid glands. peaks around 3 days and subsides over the next week.

common complications of mumps
untreated mumps can lead to several complications, including:
1. orchitis (swelling of testicles)
2. oophoritis (swelling of ovaries)
3. mastitis (swelling of mammary glands)
4. encephalitis (swelling of brain or spinal cord membranes)
5. pancreatitis (swelling of the pancreas)
6. hearing loss
7. miscarriage in pregnant women

diagnosis of mumps
mumps can be diagnosed through:
1. collection of saliva for viral rna testing via rt-pcr or viral cultures.
2. detection of igm antibodies in blood.

treatment of mumps
treatment is mainly symptomatic and includes the following,
1. pain relief with medications like paracetamol, ibuprofen, or aspirin.
2. hydration and rest.
3. hospitalization and iv treatment in severe cases.
4. antibiotics for secondary infections.

prevention of mumps.
preventive measures include:
1. limiting exposure to the virus.
2. vaccination with the mmr (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine.
3. first dose: 12-15 months
4. second dose: 4-6 years
5. additional booster doses for high-risk individuals.

vaccination and proper hygiene practices play key roles in preventing the spread of this contagious viral infection.

time codes
0:05 doctor introduction
0:17 sialadenitis or mumps
0:26 types of salivary glands
0:45 causes of mumps
1:32 symptoms of mumps
2:05 complications of mumps
2:46 diagnosis of mumps
3:03 treatment for mumps
3:28 vaccination for mumps

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#aretehospitals #mindfulbeyondthemedicine #healthcare #drsamarsen #mumps
#mumpsprevention #mumpsmeaslesrubella #mumpscomplications #mumpsvaccine #drsamarsen",04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mP7DmViUEvo,new virus outbreak in the us!! cdc warns of measles spreading - astro americans,"new virus outbreak in the us!! cdc warns of measles spreading - astro americans

stay informed about the latest measles outbreak in the us with astro americans! get updates on measles spreading, cases, vaccines, and more. keep yourself and your loved ones safe and healthy by staying up-to-date with the latest news on measles in the us.
stay informed about the latest measles outbreak in the us with astro americans. get updates on measles spreading, health tips, vaccines, and more. protect yourself and your loved ones by staying informed and taking necessary precautions.

covered topics in this video.

measles outbreak in usa,
measles transmission rates,
measles prevention strategies,
measles vaccination information,
measles symptoms in adults,
6. measles cases by state
7. measles treatment options
8. measles complications in children
9. measles vaccination coverage
10. measles quarantine procedures
11. measles epidemiology in the usa
12. measles immunity levels
13. measles herd immunity
14. measles outbreak investigations
15. measles vaccine side effects
16. measles virus transmission
17. measles statistics in the usa
measles public health response,
measles diagnosis and testing,
measles risk factors in the usa

we are a news outlet in which we probably present videos on all viral news, we have a team of different people, out of which someone does research, someone prepares a script, someone does voiceover and video editing, we have a team of 15 people who all together provide you videos on different topics,  voice actors are also different, so sometimes you will get news in a different narrator's voice and sometimes in someone else's voice. different presenters prepare videos for different categories, so you can also get different vibes from the voice of the videos to editing styles and scripts. our uploading timing also depends on videos and topics, sometimes you will see a video of any viral topic being uploaded at any time, sometimes up to 10 daily videos will be found, sometimes 3 to 4 videos will also be found. so if you like our videos, then please reach it further by sharing likes, your thoughts can tell us by writing through comments and also subscribe to our channel to watch such videos. thanks for watching.
astro americans",04/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bX1TYBI_cg,lymphocytes series | lymphoblast| prolymphocyte| lymphocytes`| in hindi,"lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell. they play an important role in yourimmune system, which helps your body fight disease and infection. your immune system is made up of an intricate web of immune cells, lymph nodes, lymph tissue and lymphatic organs. lymphocytes are a type of immune cell. there are two main types of lymphocytes:

t lymphocytes (t cells): t cells control your body's immune system response and directly attack and kill infected cells and tumor cells.

b lymphocytes (b cells): b cells make antibodies. antibodies are proteins that target viruses, bacteria and other foreign invaders.

what do lymphocytes do?

lymphocytes help your body's immune system fight cancer and foreign viruses and bacteria (antigens). lymphocytes help your immune system remember every antigen it comes in contact with. after an encounter, some lymphocytes turn into memory cells. when memory cells run into an antigen again, they recognize it and quickly respond. this is why you don't get infections likemeaslesorchickenpoxmore than once. it's also the reason getting vaccinated can prevent certain diseases.

how do t cells and b cells work?

your t cells and b cells work together. they each have different roles in your immune system.

your t cells help kill infected cells and control your body'simmune responseto foreign substances. most of your t cells need the help of another immune cell to become activated. after your t cells are activated, they multiply and specialize into different types of t cells. these types include:

cytotoxic (killer) t cells: cytotoxic t cells attach to antigens on infected or abnormal cells. then, they kill the infected cells by making holes in their cell membranes and inserting enzymes into the cells.

helper t cells: helper t cells help your other immune cells. some helper t cells help b cells make antibodies against foreign invaders. others help activate cytotoxic t cells.

regulatory (suppressor) t cells: regulatory t cells make substances that help end your immune system's response to an attack. sometimes, they prevent harmful responses from occurring.

b cells have receptors on their surfaces where antigens attach. b cells learn to recognize the different antigens and produce specific antibodies to attack each one. the b cells respond to antigens in two ways:

primary immune response: when an antigen attaches to a receptor, your b cells are stimulated. some b cells change into memory cells. other b cells change into plasma cells. plasma cells make an antibody specific to the particular antigen that stimulated it. production of enough of that specific antibody can take several days.

secondary immune response: if your b cells encounter that antigen again, the memory cells remember it and multiply. they change into plasma cells and quickly produce the correct antibody.

where are lymphocytes located?

lymphocytes develop in your bone marrow. then, they mature and exit into your bloodstream. mature lymphocytes are found in your blood and all parts of yourlymphatic system. some lymphocytes travel to your thymus gland. these lymphocytes become t cells. other lymphocytes travel to your lymph nodes and organs. these lymphocytes become b cells.

what do lymphocytes look like?

lymphocytes are bigger than red blood cells, but they're still microscopic. each tiny lymphocyte has a large nucleus at its center. the nucleus is dark purple. the surrounding jelly-like fluid (cytoplasm) is purplish.

conditions and disorders

what is the normal range of lymphocytes?

lymphocyte levels vary depending on your age, race, sex, altitude and lifestyle.

in adults, the normal range of lymphocytes is between 1,000 and 4,800 lymphocytes in every 1 microliter of blood. in children, the normal range of lymphocytes is between 3,000 and 9,500 lymphocytes in every 1 microliter of blood. about 20% to 40% of your white blood cells are lymphocytes.",04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHNUt02gfZw,"mumps: what you need to know । गलसआ, गलकंठ कयों होता हैं? कया है इसका इलाज़। mmr vaccine।","#mumps

about this video:- नमसकार दोसतों इस वीडियो में आप लोगों को क से वायरस के बारे में बताया जा रहा है जिसकी वजह से आजकल बचचे तथा बड़ों में इसका संकरमण देखा जा रहा है इसके संकरमण का नाम ममपस है मैं से क खतरनाक बीमारी है जिसकी वजह से दोनों तरफ के गाल या क तरफ के गालों में सूजन आ जाती है जिसे हम  पैरोाइिस कहते हैं यह सूजन आने के बाद किस परकार के लकषण दिखाई देते हैं कया-कया हमको सावधानियां बरतनी पड़ती है और किस परकार से डॉकर के दवारा इसका इलाज किया जाता है और कड़न-कड़न सी सी वैकसीन आती है जिसकी वजह से इस बीमारी से बचा जा सकता है तो इन सब के बारे में इस वीडियो में पूरा बताया गया है तो इस वीडियो को आप जरूर देखें

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#learnaboutmedicine",04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4NTsm6PDec,little baby crying injection  vaccination shot's,"little baby crying injection vaccination shot's
between six and nine shots are usually given at the 12-month-old wellness check, including thehaemophilus influenzae type b (hib), pneumococcal conjugate (pcv), hepatitis a (hav), influenza, mmr, and varicella vaccines. vaccination side effects are generally mild, and parents can usually treat them at home.
immunisations at one year of age. your child will need thecombined hib / menc vaccine, pcv , and the menb vaccineat one year of age to boost their protection against haemophilus influenzae type b, meningococcal b and pneumococcal infections. these vaccines will help to protect your child through early childhood.
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@kids.799",04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yvjy-suHN4,"lab week and noteworthy news: bill morice, m.d., ph.d.","in this episode of ""answers from the lab, host bobbi pritt, m.d., chair of the division of clinical microbiology at mayo clinic, is joined by william morice ii, m.d., ph.d., ceo and president of mayo clinic laboratories. they discuss current events including medical laboratory professionals week, recent healthcare conferences, advocacy efforts, measles, and bird flu.

their discussion includes:
• key takeaways from the becker's healthcare annual meeting and the college of american pathologists' (cap) pathologists leadership summit.
• the resurgence of measles cases and recent activity of bird flu (h5n1).
• tips for staying engaged and being the voice for patients.",04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,disgust,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5aqHXFH-8g,measles symptoms signs treatment vaccination       #childrens #childspecialist,try the free video editor capcut to create videos! https://www.capcut.com/t/zs8meyfs3/,04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnKasyHVbKA,measle symptoms   ,"the queries:-

what is symptoms of measles | measles symptoms | signs and symptoms of measles",04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xni2F1p7-eE,"wtvo eyewitness news for april 17th, 2024 (full broadcast)","beloit murder id, shooting investigation rockford police, bell weapons arrest, beloit storm damage, adl rise in hate messages, measles update, il woman sues target, rps diversity town hall, save perry petition, auburn high school career fair, mayorkas impeachment, campaign 2024, plus weather and sports.

stay informed about rockford-area news, weather, sports and entertainment! follow wtvo eyewitness news on our website and social channels:

http://www.twitter.com/mystateline",04/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_y81atKU4Lo,    |khasra ka ilaj|khasra ka desi ilaj |treatment of measles at home,"    |khasra ka ilaj
khasra ka desi ilaj 
treatment of measles at home 
@urdutotkayorwazife",04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.rumian/video/7357728160051399942,"both illnesses can lead to complications like pneumonia or encephalitis in some cases so it€™s important to vaccinate against these diseases. measles often starts with a high fever, cough, and red, sensitive eyes, followed by a red rash that begins on the face and spreads down the body. chickenpox usually presents with a mild to moderate fever, an itchy rash with red bumps that turn into blisters, along with tiredness and headache. if you notice white spots inside the mouth, it€™s more likely measles; otherwise, the rash location can be a key difference, as measles starts on the face and moves down while chickenpox can appear anywhere and spreads. #drrumianalam #measles #accinessavelives #foryoupage ","both illnesses can lead to complications like pneumonia or encephalitis in some cases so it€™s important to vaccinate against these diseases. measles often starts with a high fever, cough, and red, sensitive eyes, followed by a red rash that begins on the face and spreads down the body. chickenpox usually presents with a mild to moderate fever, an itchy rash with red bumps that turn into blisters, along with tiredness and headache. if you notice white spots inside the mouth, it€™s more likely measles; otherwise, the rash location can be a key difference, as measles starts on the face and moves down while chickenpox can appear anywhere and spreads. #drrumianalam #measles #accinessavelives #foryoupage ",04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,anger,anger
https://www.tiktok.com/@houseofshepherds/video/7358978569332165930,how does this make sense ??? im sooooo lost ! #chicagotiktok #vaccine #measlesoutbreak #measles #protectourchildren #protectallchildren #usa #notfair #americanhorrorstory,how does this make sense ??? im sooooo lost ! #chicagotiktok #vaccine #measlesoutbreak #measles #protectourchildren #protectallchildren #usa #notfair #americanhorrorstory,04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.msn.com/en-za/video/health/push-for-vaccinations-amid-measles-outbreak/vi-BB1lOonr,push for vaccinations amid measles outbreak,push for vaccinations amid measles outbreak,04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.msn.com/en-ae/video/health/%E2%80%98out-of-town-visitor%E2%80%99-tests-positive-for-measles-in-ohio/vi-BB1lKRAS?ocid=ob-fb-enae-21,out-of-town visitor tests positive for measles in ohio,an out-of-town visitor has tested positive for measles in cincinnati.,04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/aajtv0/videos/measles-outbreaks-in-kandhkot-aaj-news/800342465336465/,measles outbreaks in kandhkot - aaj news,"        
#aajnews #measles #kandhkot",04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/health/%E2%80%98out-of-town-visitor%E2%80%99-tests-positive-for-measles-in-ohio/vi-BB1lKRAS?ocid=weather-verthp-feeds,out-of-town visitor tests positive for measles in ohio,an out-of-town visitor has tested positive for measles in cincinnati.,04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.msn.com/en-xl/video/health/push-for-vaccinations-amid-measles-outbreak/vi-BB1lOonr,push for vaccinations amid measles outbreak,push for vaccinations amid measles outbreak,04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
push for vaccinations amid measles outbreak","
push for vaccinations amid measles outbreak",04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drmishmash/video/7358877922746207521,national measles campaign: mmr vaccines- why should i get it if others got measles and never had the vaccine? #mmr #grabajab #foryou #nhsdoctor,national measles campaign: mmr vaccines- why should i get it if others got measles and never had the vaccine? #mmr #grabajab #foryou #nhsdoctor,04/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@kaweahhealth_/video/7359252600845356330,"#measles outbreak? learn the signs and symptoms of this #virus with dr. ester flores, board certified pediatrician, at kaweah health. she explains how you can protect yourself and your loved ones.   #viral #kaweahhealth #fyp #trending #health #healthcare #measlesvirus #sarampion #visalia #tularecounty #559 #centralvalley #cdc #trend #doctor #medical #pediatrician #kids #children #wellness #doctorsoftiktok #pediatria #medicine #vaccine #measlesvaccine #foryou #california #usa #trendyyy #contagio #contagious ","#measles outbreak? learn the signs and symptoms of this #virus with dr. ester flores, board certified pediatrician, at kaweah health. she explains how you can protect yourself and your loved ones.   #viral #kaweahhealth #fyp #trending #health #healthcare #measlesvirus #sarampion #visalia #tularecounty #559 #centralvalley #cdc #trend #doctor #medical #pediatrician #kids #children #wellness #doctorsoftiktok #pediatria #medicine #vaccine #measlesvaccine #foryou #california #usa #trendyyy #contagio #contagious ",04/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@therealfoxyroxystl/video/7359098088646069547,#duet with @brooker tee jones #chicago #migrants #chicago #measles,#duet with @brooker tee jones #chicago #migrants #chicago #measles,04/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@ear2theground/video/7359083938310081834,measle outbreak at chicago shelters.... #migrants #chicago #measles #outbreaks #unvaccinated  #fyp,measle outbreak at chicago shelters.... #migrants #chicago #measles #outbreaks #unvaccinated  #fyp,04/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@missimpressed/video/7359300416569396523,#duet with @sonya #duet #measles #measlesoutbreak #thisisreal #immunedeficient #beware #newbornsoftiktok #besafeathome #fyp #fyp''viral,#duet with @sonya #duet #measles #measlesoutbreak #thisisreal #immunedeficient #beware #newbornsoftiktok #besafeathome #fyp #fyp''viral,04/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbxOEg71ejk,measles making comeback in louisiana,"once eradicated in the united states, measles is making a comeback. according to the cdc, cases have been reported in at least 17 states, including louisiana.",04/18/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgDwez9Jfx0,how quebec has been holding off a major measles outbreak,"the start of 2024 saw 45 confirmed cases of measles in quebec, a big wake-up call for public health officials. here's how they responded quickly — and thoroughly.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvzDEfUVaHI,"ask dr. murphy: new global pandemic treaty, measles update, dengue update, and more (04/18/2024)","""ask dr. murphy,"" featuring dr. robert murphy, is an ongoing video series from the robert j. havey, md, institute for global health. 

we welcome you to submit any questions by sending us a message on facebook at @nulnstituteforglobalhealth, or via email at:

https://www.facebook.com/nuinstituteforglobalhealth/",04/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gh6aljh-Ow,health tips - measles (part 1) (康報你 - 戒慞麻煩 [1]),"an acute infectious disease, measles was almost inevitable for children before vaccines were introduced…


tzu chi culture and communication foundation
english website→http://tzuchiculture.org

reddit→https://www.reddit.com/user/tzuchiculturemission/",04/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMwofBsuqXY,health tips - measles (part 4) (康報你 - 戒慞麻煩 [4]),"what are the best preventive measures to protect ourselves against measles?


tzu chi culture and communication foundation
english website→http://tzuchiculture.org

reddit→https://www.reddit.com/user/tzuchiculturemission/",04/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AORHVIbVlDI,measles epidemic in matiari went out of control | voice news,#voicenews #voicenewspk #voicenewsofficial #breakingnews #hyderabad,04/18/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka3OPMz_q_I,how to recommend vaccines to patients who are planning a pregnancy,"dr. anne pham-huy discusses how to recommend vaccines to patients who are planning a pregnancy.

pregnancy is associated with an altered immune state that can increase susceptibility to some infectious diseases. every medical encounter is a great opportunity to review immunizations, especially for a patient planning a pregnancy. any vaccines that your patient is missing or not up to date with should be recommended. however, there are two main vaccines, that, if missing, should be discussed – the mmr vaccine and the varicella (or chickenpox) vaccine. when discussing the mmr and varicella vaccines with your patient, ensure they are aware that these vaccines help protect against two diseases – rubella and varicella, respectively – that can cause serious birth complications if contracted during pregnancy.  

for instance, catching rubella while pregnant can lead to congenital rubella syndrome (crs). in this condition, their baby may be born with heart problems, eye problems, deafness, intellectual disabilities, or diabetes, among others. on the other hand, catching varicella while pregnant may lead to their baby being born with low birth weight, eye or limb abnormalities, skin scarring, or brain damage. it is important that these potential complications are discussed with your patient. getting vaccinated before pregnancy significantly reduces potential complications with rubella or varicella if the patient is infected during pregnancy. it is equally important to remind your patient that the mmr and varicella vaccines are safe and effective. 

if your patient is considering getting vaccinated against rubella and varicella, they must be given these vaccines before they become pregnant, as these are live vaccines and therefore cannot be given during pregnancy.

for more information, please visit immunize canada's website: https://immunize.ca/ 

#pregnancy #vaccines #immunization #health #healthcaretips #planning #chickenpox #varicella #mmr #rubella",04/18/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaWhVr2ouVs,  (++)   ,"  (++)        ․     :

can the mmr (measles+mumps+rubella) vaccine cause any chronic diseases? explains paediatrician lilit marutyan.",04/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvyCUORRBAs,     Ո՞վ պետք է պատվաստվի կարմրուկի դեմ,"Արդյո՞ք պետք է լրացնել կարմրուկի դեմ պատվաստանյութի դեղաչափերը, եթե նախորդ պատվաստումների վերաբերյալ տվյալները հասանելի չեն. պարզաբանում է մանկաբույժ-վարակաբան Թեհմինե Ղալեչյանը։ Do you need to complete measles vaccine doses if data on previous vaccinations is not available? Explains paediatrician-epidemiologist Tehmine Ghalechyan.",04/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rH43_QGkNE8,the importance of immunization explained,"zoomer radio's liz west sits down with pre-eminent canadian immunologist dr. dawn bowdish to discuss why vaccines are so important for older canadians, why covid-19 is an ongoing health concern and what the updates are for spring, and to ask about the new threat of measles, among other topics in this 45-minute program.",04/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jinc9FgTZOI,vaccines and viral swarms,"how the brain handles sensations from amputated body parts, evidence that government vaccination campaigns to target measles really work, the heel-prick blood test at birth that can detect prematurity, testing the reproducibility of science at the level of a whole nation, and the multipartite viruses the spread as an infectious swarm: scientists show that they replicate different parts of the virus in different cells... get the references and the transcripts for this programme  from the naked scientists website (https://www.thenakedscientists.com/elife)",04/18/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZlrSlQZ7yc,qizamiqqa xos belgilar -belskiy-filatov-koplik dog'lari #desease #rek #live #kor,"qizamiq kasalligi qanday kasallik?
kasallik nimasi bilan xavfli?
kasallik belgilari/
#live #rek #kor #measles #news #education #tv #unicef #who #medical #medicine #medicalstudent #india #uzbekistan #korea #kazakhstan #uzb #uzbek #qizamiq #toshkent #andijan #fergana  #namangan #sirdaryo #jizzakh #samarqand #samarkand #karshi  #qashqadaryo #surxondaryo #navoiy #navoi #buxara #buxoro #xorazm #xiva #karakalpakstan #karakalpak #nukus #youtube #youtuber #youtubeshorts #tiktok #tiktokvideo #tiktokvideos #youtubeshort #youtubevideos #youtubers #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo #trending #trendingshorts #trendingvideo #trend #treatment #chirurgie_rparation_hymen  #humanity #human #vaccine",04/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGyQct5xNAw,measles      ,"       

#vlogvideo #vlogvideo2024 #viralvideo #punjab #pakistan",04/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB2wyJmZ84Y,    (++)  ,"    (++)  ․   -  

how effective is vaccination against measles? explains epidemiologist anahit arakelyan.",04/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEmmLROaL_0,khasra ka elaj | treatment of measles | measles treatment,"the queries:-

khasra ka elaj | treatment of measles | measles treatment

#medicalstudent medica",04/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNZpleEO--Y,ድᚕᜈተ᚛ ᚥርᚓ ᚥᚓ  ተላላ በሽታዞች | dr. azmeraw,"ድᚕᜈተ᚛ ᚥርᚓ ᚥᚓ  የ ተላላ በሽታዞች | dr. azmeraw #ebs #ethiopia #health 

spontaneous pregnancies, or unplanned pregnancies, can sometimes lead to complications if the mother is exposed to dangerous infectious diseases during pregnancy. certain infections can pose risks to both the mother and the developing fetus, potentially leading to miscarriage, birth defects, or other health issues.

some infectious diseases that can be particularly dangerous during pregnancy include:

1. **rubella (german measles)**: rubella infection during early pregnancy can increase the risk of miscarriage or serious birth defects known as congenital rubella syndrome, which can affect the heart, eyes, ears, and brain of the developing fetus.

2. **cytomegalovirus (cmv)**: cmv infection during pregnancy can be passed from mother to fetus and may result in hearing loss, vision impairment, developmental disabilities, and other health problems in the newborn.

3. **toxoplasmosis**: toxoplasmosis is caused by a parasite found in undercooked meat, contaminated water, or soil contaminated with cat feces. infection during pregnancy can lead to severe health problems or even death in the fetus.

4. **zika virus**: zika virus infection during pregnancy has been linked to microcephaly and other serious brain defects in newborns.

5. **hepatitis b and c**: chronic hepatitis b or c infection in pregnant women can increase the risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, and transmission of the virus to the newborn.

6. **hiv/aids**: hiv infection can be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. with proper medical care and treatment, the risk of transmission can be significantly reduced, but it still poses a significant concern.

7. **influenza (flu)**: while the flu itself may not pose a direct risk to the fetus, pregnant women are at higher risk of severe illness from influenza. severe cases of flu during pregnancy can lead to complications such as pneumonia, which can affect both the mother and the fetus.

it's essential for pregnant women to take precautions to avoid exposure to infectious diseases, including practicing good hygiene, avoiding contact with individuals who are sick, getting vaccinated (where appropriate), and seeking prompt medical care if they suspect they have been exposed to an infectious disease. prenatal care, including regular check-ups and screenings, is also crucial for monitoring both the mother's and the fetus's health throughout pregnancy.",04/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tPwUqGIjDs,public health employees have an unhealthy disposition towards the public #firstamendmentaudits,"i stopped by the chicago public health department to see what they have to say about the measles situation at some of the migrant shelters, and what they are doing to protect the public.",04/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr_waqarpaeds/video/7359196504243883297,               measles and its management follow for more videos #foryou #foryoupage #grow #trending #fyp #awareness #parenting #pashto ,               measles and its management follow for more videos #foryou #foryoupage #grow #trending #fyp #awareness #parenting #pashto ,04/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.5newsonline.com/video/news/health/measles-cases-uptick-in-the-us/527-04f5bcac-b030-4cd5-a708-b5cc7804cfab,measles cases uptick in the u.s.,"as of april 18, 125 cases have been reported in the united states. almost all cases are children. watch the video for more details.",04/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/DPCS.CHD1/videos/ang-measles-o-tigdas-ay-malubhang-sakit-na-mabilis-kumalat-at-nakamamatay-kadala/745026771050885/,"ang measles o tigdas ay malubhang sakit na mabilis kumalat at nakamamatay.
kadalasan ang mga batang wala pang limang taong gulang ang tinatamaan nito.
walang gamot dito ngunit mayroong bakuna para mapigilan ang pagkakaroon nito. kumpletuhin ang 2 dose ng bakuna laban sa measles.
panoorin ang video para sa dagdag kaalaman tungkol sa tigdas at paano maiiwasan ito.
kapag bakuna ay kumpleto, lahat protektado!
#doh #departmentofhealth #health #onedoh #bawatbuhaymahalaga #bagongpilipinas #8pointactionagenda
#getvaccinated","ang measles o tigdas ay malubhang sakit na mabilis kumalat at nakamamatay.
kadalasan ang mga batang wala pang limang taong gulang ang tinatamaan nito.
walang gamot dito ngunit mayroong bakuna para mapigilan ang pagkakaroon nito. kumpletuhin ang 2 dose ng bakuna laban sa measles.
panoorin ang video para sa dagdag kaalaman tungkol sa tigdas at paano maiiwasan ito.
kapag bakuna ay kumpleto, lahat protektado!
#doh #departmentofhealth #health #onedoh #bawatbuhaymahalaga #bagongpilipinas #8pointactionagenda
#getvaccinated",04/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/mayocliniclabs/reel/C56DYyipmTT/,"in this episode of ""answers from the lab, host bobbi pritt, m.d., chair of the division of clinical #microbiology at mayo clinic, is joined by bill morice, m.d., ph.d., ceo and president of mayo clinic laboratories. they discuss current events including #ascplabweek24, recent #healthcare conferences, #advocacy efforts, #measles, and #birdflu.

listen to the full #podcast at the link in bio.","in this episode of ""answers from the lab, host bobbi pritt, m.d., chair of the division of clinical #microbiology at mayo clinic, is joined by bill morice, m.d., ph.d., ceo and president of mayo clinic laboratories. they discuss current events including #ascplabweek24, recent #healthcare conferences, #advocacy efforts, #measles, and #birdflu.

listen to the full #podcast at the link in bio.",04/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/dr_shaps/reel/C57PV1aL11e/,"contestando preguntas frecuentes del sarampin con el @dr.ricardo.morales.pediatra 

#sarampion #measles #socialpedia","contestando preguntas frecuentes del sarampin con el @dr.ricardo.morales.pediatra 

#sarampion #measles #socialpedia",04/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/ellakwebster/reel/C56ZRKgOUlw/?ref=c-422739&hl=af,"cat's got the measles and dog's got the whooping cough
/ doggone a man who lets a woman be his boss
-larry *doesn't let cheryl be his boss* webster 

catch us in the park if you're in town  #hillbillydays","cat's got the measles and dog's got the whooping cough
/ doggone a man who lets a woman be his boss
-larry *doesn't let cheryl be his boss* webster 

catch us in the park if you're in town  #hillbillydays",04/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,surprise
https://www.instagram.com/mayocliniclabs/reel/C56DYyipmTT/?locale=zh_CN,"in this episode of ""answers from the lab, host bobbi pritt, m.d., chair of the division of clinical #microbiology at mayo clinic, is joined by bill morice, m.d., ph.d., ceo and president of mayo clinic laboratories. they discuss current events including #ascplabweek24, recent #healthcare conferences, #advocacy efforts, #measles, and #birdflu.

listen to the full #podcast at the link in bio.""","in this episode of ""answers from the lab, host bobbi pritt, m.d., chair of the division of clinical #microbiology at mayo clinic, is joined by bill morice, m.d., ph.d., ceo and president of mayo clinic laboratories. they discuss current events including #ascplabweek24, recent #healthcare conferences, #advocacy efforts, #measles, and #birdflu.

listen to the full #podcast at the link in bio.""",04/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/dr.khalid.alhaleem/reel/C55l5g5ogUy/,"چەوا سوڕك بەلاڤ دبن
#measles","چەوا سوڕك بەلاڤ دبن
#measles",04/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@patbrittenden/video/7359403893341621525,"#bhn national wants kids with measles to go to school please, just to make sure their attendance numbers look good.","#bhn national wants kids with measles to go to school please, just to make sure their attendance numbers look good.",04/19/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/libertypedsandfam/reel/C58af3SPJXc/,measels cases are on the rise. make sure your child is ready to travel with the mmr vaccine!,measels cases are on the rise. make sure your child is ready to travel with the mmr vaccine!,04/19/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx4JEzxBa2U,how to protect against measles - asl,"measles is a highly contagious viral illness, but the good news is that it can be prevented with a safe and effective vaccine. talk to your doctor today and keep you and your kids protected from measles. learn more: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/vaccination_x000d_
non-asl version of this video is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhzziz6dbmi

this video can also be viewed at
https://www.cdc.gov/video/about/check-in/mc-check-in-measles-asl_lowres.mp4",04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3samUaJHRTM,possible measles exposure at eclipse event,we spoke with a physician about what you should know about exposure to measles.,04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yeBEzfc52Q,local doctor warns of measles outbreak across the us,the centers for disease control and prevention has reported a measles outbreak in several states. texas is not yet one of them.,04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efBOskZvihY,measles: what you need to know,"marianne rock, manager of communicable disease and prevention control, discusses concerns about the increase of measles cases in ontario.  she talks about how it spreads, symptoms and the role of public health.",04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01LoSDaN2ns,measles: protect your family and community,"measles can cause serious illness, especially in children. immunization is key. please learn more and if you have any questions call the health unit at 1-866-888-4577 x 1507.",04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7o0eQsRaZM,marion county health department warns of possible measles exposure at children's museum on eclipse d,marion county health department warns of possible measles exposure at children's museum on eclipse day,04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf-Uzh0xGNc,possible measles exposure at children's museum during april 8 solar eclipse event,"the health department says the person infected was not from indiana, but traveled here while infectious.",04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2Q6RsPkeok,possible measles exposure at indianapolis eclipse event,"the marion county public health department says some viewers of the total solar eclipse may have been exposed to measles at the children's museum of indianapolis. the department says an infectious person traveled to indiana from out of state and attended celebrations at the museum.
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have a news tip? email us at news@wishtv.com",04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMehwT5pMgQ,marion county health department warns of possible measles exposure at children's museum on eclipse d,marion county health department warns of possible measles exposure at children's museum on eclipse day,04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CqLSrzcc_Y,doh intensifies measles vaccination amid rising cases | anc,"here are the stories on anc's dateline philippines saturday.

join anc prestige to get access to perks:

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#datelinephilippines",04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/KGUa2bSFBnw,who is most susceptible to mumps? | #mumps #shorts #trending,"also know:  who is most at risk for mumps | who is at risk for mumps | what are the risk factors for mumps?  

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

best hospitals in hitech city, hyderabad, india: https://goo.gl/maps/entychpnfednh9u49

#mumps #mumpsdisease #mumpsinfection #mumpsvirus #mumpscauses #mumpsreasons #mumpssymptoms #mumpscomplications #mumpsdiagnosis #mumpsexaminations #mumpstest #mumpstreatment #mumpsmanagement #mumpscure #mumpsvaccination #mumpsimmunization #mumpsprevention #viralinfection #pediatrichealth #pediatrichealthcare #pediatricianadvice #pediatriciantips #pediatrician #pediatricspecialist #pediatricscare #pediatrics #pacehospitals #hyderabad #india 

pace hospitals
hitech city and madinaguda,
hyderabad, telangana, india
t: 04048486868

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facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pacehospitals 
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twitter - https://twitter.com/pacehospitals 
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quora - https://www.quora.com/profile/pace-hospitals-2

related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps,  which doctor to consult for mumps, which doctor will treat mumps, mumps doctor specialist,  who is most at risk for mumps, who is at risk for mumps, what are the risk factors for mumps?  
, pace hospitals",04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ji4YrSfHEcg,twiv 1106: clinical update with dr. daniel griffin,"in his weekly clinical update, dr. griffin reviews recent statistics on the circulation of measles, potential risk factors for severe disease following influenza infection before and sars-cov-2 circulation, before discussing if sars-cov-2 infection impacts sperm fertility, the guidelines for spring administration of covid vaccines boosters, discusses the emergency use application of a pre-exposure prophylactic. revised guidelines for how to treat respiratory viral infection guidelines by the cdc,continues to dispel the myth of viral rebound, revised guidelines sars-cov-2 treatment and how to treat respiratory viral infections, when to use steroids and the benefits of convalescent plasma, what do when healthcare workers succumb to sars-cov-2 infection, and long covid. for more information about this body of work, for more information about this body of work, listen to twiv 1088.

show notes at https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-1106/

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– who am i? –

i'm vincent racaniello, earth's virology professor, and i believe that education should be free.

i'm also a professor of virology at columbia university in new york. i've been doing research on viruses since 1976, and teaching virology in classrooms and online since 1999. on this youtube channel i share videos of my lectures, podcasts, and more.

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if you would like to support our work, go over to https://www.microbe.tv/contribute/ 
#microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic
———————————————————————",04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGUa2bSFBnw,who is most susceptible to mumps? | #mumps #shorts #trending,"also know:  who is most at risk for mumps | who is at risk for mumps | what are the risk factors for mumps?  

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

best hospitals in hitech city, hyderabad, india: https://goo.gl/maps/entychpnfednh9u49

#mumps #mumpsdisease #mumpsinfection #mumpsvirus #mumpscauses #mumpsreasons #mumpssymptoms #mumpscomplications #mumpsdiagnosis #mumpsexaminations #mumpstest #mumpstreatment #mumpsmanagement #mumpscure #mumpsvaccination #mumpsimmunization #mumpsprevention #viralinfection #pediatrichealth #pediatrichealthcare #pediatricianadvice #pediatriciantips #pediatrician #pediatricspecialist #pediatricscare #pediatrics #pacehospitals #hyderabad #india 

pace hospitals
hitech city and madinaguda,
hyderabad, telangana, india
t: 04048486868

follow us:

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps,  which doctor to consult for mumps, which doctor will treat mumps, mumps doctor specialist,  who is most at risk for mumps, who is at risk for mumps, what are the risk factors for mumps?  
, pace hospitals",04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztwA8EDUxdE,llr mmr vaccine clinic news report on itv central news (18.04.24),itv central news feature the llr mmr vaccine clinic at king richard iii school in leicester (18.04.24),04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL649X7BhuE,childhood immunization q&a,"0:00 why are vaccines for kids so important?
0:47 are vaccines effective?
1:17 what are common side effects?
2:28 how do vaccines work?
3:20 are multiple vaccines too much for my child's immune system?
3:48 is it ok to delay or space out vaccines?
4:22 why are there so many vaccines?
5:21 why do we need to vaccinate against diseases that aren't here?
6:01 what is community immunity?
6:34 is there a connection between the mmr vaccine and autism?
7:37 why is hep b recommended for every child?
8:43 why should my child get the hpv vaccine now?

childhood vaccines are one of the most important ways we can keep our children and our communities healthy and thriving!
the best time to vaccinate against 14 or more preventable diseases is early in a child's life. in fact, most routine vaccinations are given within the first two years of life.
watch centracare pediatricians, family medicine physicians and nurse practitioners from across minnesota answer frequently asked questions about childhood and adolescent vaccines.
for more parent resources, visit http://www.centracare.com/childhoodvaccines.",04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dvi1biY-5WI,immunization schedule for baby || 0 - 15 month,"vaccination schedule for new born baby || vaccination chart 

in this i am going to discuss the new baby vaacination schedule from at birth to 15 months. and i also discuss the name of vaccine with route and for disease. this video is very helpfull for nurse doctors students and for all peoples  because it is very important for parents to give vaccine at a time to our baby to got healthy life.

kindly watch this full video and dont forget to do like share and subscribe.

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#epi #immunization  #vaccinationscedule #viralvideo #vaccine",04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fo94T5COuCk,si | measles,,04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D118CiroOkA,".how to prevent measles,how to get tested for coronavirus in south africa,can i get measles?,how to",,04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ji4YrSfHEcg&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.microbe.tv%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,twiv 1106: clinical update with dr. daniel griffin,"in his weekly clinical update, dr. griffin reviews recent statistics on the circulation of measles, potential risk factors for severe disease following influenza infection before and sars-cov-2 circulation, before discussing if sars-cov-2 infection impacts sperm fertility, the guidelines for spring administration of covid vaccines boosters, discusses the emergency use application of a pre-exposure prophylactic. revised guidelines for how to treat respiratory viral infection guidelines by the cdc,continues to dispel the myth of viral rebound, revised guidelines sars-cov-2 treatment and how to treat respiratory viral infections, when to use steroids and the benefits of convalescent plasma, what do when healthcare workers succumb to sars-cov-2 infection, and long covid. for more information about this body of work, for more information about this body of work, listen to twiv 1088.

show notes at https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-1106/

become a patron of twiv at https://microbe.tv/contribute

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– who am i? –

i'm vincent racaniello, earth's virology professor, and i believe that education should be free.

i'm also a professor of virology at columbia university in new york. i've been doing research on viruses since 1976, and teaching virology in classrooms and online since 1999. on this youtube channel i share videos of my lectures, podcasts, and more.

new videos are uploaded several times each week.

i do not run ads on our work as it is disruptive to learning. we depend on your support. 

if you would like to support our work, go over to https://www.microbe.tv/contribute/ 
#microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic
———————————————————————",04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSAVcUQc6XE,khasra ki alamat aur ilaj | measles treatment in urdu hindi | खसरे का इलाज | dr sajid akhtar meo,"measles (khasra ) खसरा is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus. it spreads easily when an infected person breathes, coughs or sneezes. it can cause severe disease, complications, and even death.
खसरे का इलाज
what is measles? 
measles causes 
measles symptoms 
measles treatment in urdu 
khasra ka ilaj

measles /rubeola cause symptom treatment prevention hindi | 
measles cause symptoms diagnosis treatment prevention transmission in hindi,
rubeola cause symptoms diagnosis treatment prevention transmission in hindi,
measles cause symptoms treatment prevention transmission in hindi,
measles cause hindi,
measles symptoms hindi,
measles sign and symptoms hindi,
measles treatment hindi,
measles prevention hindi,
measles transmission hindi, urdu
measles diagnosis hindi,
#",04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,disgust,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk3bmBChbps,i investigated the chicago migrant crisis,"i investigated the chicago migrant crisis and it is not looking good for the city of chicago... millions of dollars are being spent and it is not looking good for the city of chicago.

if you enjoyed please like and subscribe to see future videos!

i will be responding to comments down below.

intro 00:00
chicago migrant crisis explained 00:19
what are chicagoans saying? 1:46
venezuelan migrants 3:28
migrants receive more benefits than homeless 4:52
the corrupt shelter system $ 6:28
migrants stranded on streets 9:27
are migrants scared of trump? 11:07
migrant worker threatens us… 11:42
migrants shelter vs homeless tent city 12:42
has crime increased? 13:20
home depot migrants vs us-mexicans 14:28
the measles shelter (shocking) 17:58
why did they kick us out? 23:48
migrants confess love for biden 25:30

got story ideas or tips? reach out to my at:
x: https://twitter.com/nickshirleyy
insta: https://www.instagram.com/nickshirley/",04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXdb9M4cnrk,prophylaxis meaning in english,"in a general sense, ""prophylaxis"" refers to the systematic application of preventive measures or interventions aimed at reducing the risk of disease, infection, or other adverse outcomes. this term encompasses a broad spectrum of strategies, including vaccination, medication, hygiene practices, lifestyle modifications, and public health initiatives designed to protect individuals and populations from health threats. prophylaxis may target specific diseases or conditions, such as administering vaccines to prevent infectious diseases like measles or implementing measures to reduce the risk of transmission of sexually transmitted infections. it can also involve broader efforts to promote overall health and well-being, such as encouraging regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and routine medical screenings. ultimately, prophylaxis plays a crucial role in maintaining public health and preventing the spread of infectious diseases, contributing to improved quality of life and longevity for individuals and communities alike.",04/19/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOX4mPMkjic,new born first vaccination | परथम  लसीकरण | baby vaccination |  immunization of the newborn baby,"नवजात बाळाची परतिकारशकती(immunity) वाढवणयासाठी आणि अनेक रोगांपासून संरकषण मिळणयासाठी लसीकरण(immunization) करणे आवशयक असते.लसीकरण महणजे  लसीमधये विशिष आजाराचे जिवाणू किंवा विषाणू असतात( मृतावसथेत किंवा जिवंत पण अरधमेले केलेले).अशी लस ोचलयावर तया आजारविरदध लढणयाची शरीरात परतिकारशकती(immunity)निरमाण होते.लहान मलांसाठी घातक असलेले सहा रोग घसरप, डांगया खोकला(whooping cough), धनरवात(sagittarius), कषयरोग(tuberculosis), गोवर आणि पोलिओ रोगपरतिबंधक(polio vaccine)लस दिलयाने ाळता येतात.नवजात बाळाचे लसीकरण तकता हा बालरोगतजजञ तया बाळाचया पालकांना देतातच.या लसींवरील माहिती आपण थोडकयात घेचया.

बाळ जनमलयावर लगेच पोलिओ(polio), बीसीजी(bcg) आणि हेपाििस-b (hepatitis- b) अशा तीन लसी दिलया जातात.

बाळाचया तोंडात दोन थेंब पोलिओचा डोस दिला जातो. बीसीजी लस(bcg vaccine) कषयरोगापासून(tuberculosis) रकषण करणारी ही लस डावया दंडावर देतात. हेपाििस बी ची पहिली लस बाळाचया डावया मांडीत बाहेरील बाजूस दिली जाते.

बाळाला दीड महिना किंवा सहा आठवडे पूरण ालयावर पोलिओचा पहिला डोस दिला जातो. यामधये बाळाचया तोंडात दोन थेंब पोलिओचा डोस दिला जातो. बाळाला सहा आठवडे पूरण ालयावर डी.पी.ी. चा पहिला डोस दिला जातो. यामधये बाळाचया उजवया मांडीचया बाहेरील बाजूस लस ोचली जाते.  हेपाििस बीची दसरी लस दिली जाते 

बाळाला अडीच महिना किंवा दहा आठवडे पूरण पोलिओ , डी.पी.ी(dpt). – बाळाला अडीच महिना पूरण ालयावर डी.पी.ी. चा दसरा डोस दिला जातो.  हेपाििस बी ची तिसरी लस बाळाचया डावया मांडीत बाहेरील बाजूस दिली जाते.

बाळाला साडेतीन महिने किंवा 14 आठवडे पूरण ालयावर  दोन लसी दिलया जातात.पोलिओ – बाळाला साडेतीन महिने पूरण ालयावर पोलिओचा तिसरा डोस दिला जातो. यामधये बाळाचया तोंडात दोन थेंब पोलिओचा डोस दिला जातो.  डी.पी.ी. चा तिसरा डोस दिला जातो. यामधये बाळाचया उजवया मांडीचया बाहेरील बाजूस लस ोचली जाते.

नच महिने पूरण ालयावर बाळाला दोन लसी दिलया जातात. गोवर(measles)– जनमलयानंतर नच महिने पूरण ालयावर ही लस बाळाचया उजवया दंडाचया वरचया बाजला ोचली जाते.नच महिने पूरण ालयावर वहिॅमिन a (vitamin-a) चा पहिला डोस बाळाला तोंडावाे दिला जातो.

काही कारणांमळे बाळाला तीन वरषांपरयंत कठलीच लस दिलेली नसेल तर परतयेक महिनयात क अशी दविगणि लशीची तीन इंजेकशन आणि पोलिओ डोस दयावे. क वरषाने दोनहीचे बूसर व पाचवया वरषी दसरा बूसर डोस घयावा.

लहान मले हेच आपले भविषय आणि संपतती असलया कारणाने तयांचया सदृढ आरोगयासाठी आणि परयायाने निरोगी समाजासाठी तयांचे वेळोवेळी लसीकरण करणे आपले करतवय आहे आणि ते आपण पूरण केले पाहिजे.नवजात बाळाचे लसीकरण करणयासाठी आजच भे दया अशोका मेडिकवहर हॉसपिल नाशिक 
#pediatrics  #newborncare  #vaccinationtips
#newbornvaccination #firstvaccinationdone✔
#pediatriccare  #vaccinateearly
#protectinglittleones #healthystart 
#childhoodimmunizations #preventivecare 
#vaccineswork  #parentingtips  #boy 
#girl  #nashikkar  #nashik  #maharashtra 
#india",04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,surprise,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/UKHealthSecurityAgency/videos/figures-we-released-yesterday-show-that-cases-of-measles-are-high-in-london-and-/1640731946699434/,"figures we released yesterday show that cases of #measles are high in london and the midlands. most cases were in children 10 years and younger  
make sure you & your loved ones are up to date with your #mmr jabs.","figures we released yesterday show that cases of #measles are high in london and the midlands. most cases were in children 10 years and younger  
make sure you & your loved ones are up to date with your #mmr jabs.",04/19/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://m.facebook.com/WakefieldHCP/videos/measles-is-your-child-protected/985310169669277/,measles - is your child protected?,"measles can kill.
but 2 doses of the #mmr vaccine can offer protection for life. make sure you & your loved ones are up to date with their jabs, and if not, contact your gp practice for a catch up appointment.",04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.ksat.com/video/news/2024/04/19/local-doctor-warns-of-measles-outbreak-across-the-us/,local doctor warns of measles outbreak across the us,the centers for disease control and prevention has reported a measles outbreak in several states. texas is not yet one of them.,04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://fox59.com/video/marion-county-health-department-warns-of-possible-measles-exposure-at-children%E2%80%99s-museum-on-eclipse-day/9623618/,marion county health department warns of possible measles exposure at childrens museum on eclipse day,marion county health department warns of possible measles exposure at childrens museum on eclipse day,04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.facebook.com/unicefphilippines/videos/measles-outbreak-response-in-lanao-del-sur/3437179143223729/,measles outbreak response in lanao del sur," measles outbreak response in lanao del sur
local health teams strive to deliver life-saving vaccines to every child in the province. they call for support from leaders, parents and communities to protect more children against #measles. #vaccinework
ministry of health - barmm doh-the philippines world health organization philippines",04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.instagram.com/unicefphils/reel/C59zvgCh3At/,"measles outbreak response in lanao del sur 

local health teams strive to deliver life-saving vaccines to every child in the province. they call for support from leaders, parents and communities to protect more children against #measles. #vaccinework 

@mohbarmm  @doh.philippines  @whophilippines","measles outbreak response in lanao del sur 

local health teams strive to deliver life-saving vaccines to every child in the province. they call for support from leaders, parents and communities to protect more children against #measles. #vaccinework 

@mohbarmm  @doh.philippines  @whophilippines",04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/kaweahhealth/reel/C59v7DOqPK-/,"#measles outbreak? learn the signs and symptoms of this #virus with dr. ester flores, board certified pediatrician, at kaweah health. dr. flores explains how you can protect yourself and your loved ones.

#kaweahhealth #cdc #virus #prevention #measlesoutbreak #health","#measles outbreak? learn the signs and symptoms of this #virus with dr. ester flores, board certified pediatrician, at kaweah health. dr. flores explains how you can protect yourself and your loved ones.

#kaweahhealth #cdc #virus #prevention #measlesoutbreak #health",04/19/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C59Q3pWthnn/,"before you go, shield them from measles! ensure your children are vaccinated before traveling. keep them safe, healthy, and ready for adventure.  for more information on measles visit https://bit.ly/45toim0 #measles #healthmatters #hhd","before you go, shield them from measles! ensure your children are vaccinated before traveling. keep them safe, healthy, and ready for adventure.  for more information on measles visit https://bit.ly/45toim0 #measles #healthmatters #hhd",04/19/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@tvpatrol/video/7359576189486304518,#measles #outbreak #doh #vaccination #update #tvp #tvpatrol #abscbn,#measles #outbreak #doh #vaccination #update #tvp #tvpatrol #abscbn,04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@tvpatrol/video/7359577720470113541,#measles #outbreak #doh #vaccination #update #tvp #tvpatrol #abscbn,#measles #outbreak #doh #vaccination #update #tvp #tvpatrol #abscbn,04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@kidcare_pedregal/video/7359791374398491909,"ante los recientes casos de sarampin detectados en mxico y la alerta epidemiolgica emitida por la secretara de salud, te damos ms informacin sobre esta enfermedad. '‰ #kidcarepedregal #agendakidcare #saludinfantil #pediatra #pediatra #sarampin #measles #vacunacin #prevencin #contagio #sntomas","ante los recientes casos de sarampin detectados en mxico y la alerta epidemiolgica emitida por la secretara de salud, te damos ms informacin sobre esta enfermedad. '‰ #kidcarepedregal #agendakidcare #saludinfantil #pediatra #pediatra #sarampin #measles #vacunacin #prevencin #contagio #sntomas",04/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AQmIqA2mDg,officials warn of measles at children's museum of indianapolis solar eclipse watch party,"if you took part in the eclipse watch party, you may have been exposed to the measles.",04/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcfijAx5tUk,a critical review of atypical measles syndrome,"a critical review of atypical measles syndrome

view book: https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/rudhr/v5/8143e
#measles #atypical_measles_syndrome #formalin_inactivated_measles_vaccine #live_attenuated_vaccine #immunity_waning",04/20/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U24yQ9l1fIw,goa ka sabse bada wine mall | #wine#shortvideo#short#music#song #chamkila#comadyvideo#emotional,"goa ka sabse bada wine mall | #wine#shortvideo#short#music#song #chamkila#comadyvideo#emotional                           wine,wine tasting,red wine,world of wine,white wine,red wine tasting,bon appetit world of wine,tasting wine,red wine taste test,expensive wine,ba world of wine,wine folly,cheap wine,bon appetit wine,wine making,red wines,wines,new wine,wine taste test,wine education,wine trip,how to taste wine,taste wine,grape wine,wine glass,tasting cheap wine,wine recipe,wine bottle,homemade wine,master of wine,ba wine,wine questions comedy.bitola ,  natia comedy , comedy movies ,  comedy movie , comedy club ,  comedy video , comedy show ,  comedy videos , comedy stand up ,  comedy shorts , comedy. holi ,  comedy quest , comedy questions in hindi , comedy quiz ,  comedy hd , comedy horror movies in hindi , comedy queen , comedy romance movies , comedy raja ,  comedy. rajpal yadav , comedy romantic movie , comedy. reels ,  comedy real , comedy qawwali song , comedy questions , comedy questions in kannada , comedy horror movies , comedy horror movie , comedy queen jyoti ,  comedy. hindi , comedy horror , comedy qawwali pakistani , comedy quotes , comedy. hindi movie , comedy reaction , comedy hollywood movies , comedy hindi movies ,  comedy roast , comedy romantic ,  comedy. ringtone , shots
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3P7OZv2jVc,meer hadi ko hovy measles  #trending #viral #trending #viral,muhammad meer hadi plzz subscribe my chanel  #trending #viral #cutebaby #baby #comedy,04/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TQ8MWODjP4,         Ինչպե՞ս ճանաչել կարմրուկը և ի՞նչ բարդություններ այն կարող է առաջացնել,"Ինչպե՞ս ճանաչել կարմրուկը և ի՞նչ բարդություններ այն կարող է առաջացնել. պատմում է բժիշկ-վարակաբան Անահիտ Առաքելյանը։ Recognizing Measles and Its Potential Complications, epidemiologist Anahit Arakelyan explains.",04/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GK9B3BX3ViU,           «Բոլորին խորհուրդ եմ տալիս պատվաստվել և պատվաստել իրենց երեխաներին՝ կարմրուկից խուսափելու համար»,"Վահանը և Մարիետան պատմում են կարմրուկով հիվանդանալու և այն հաղթահարելու իրենց ընտանիքի փորձառության մասին։ Հոգ տար սիրելիներիդ մասին, ՊԱՏՎԱՍՏՎԻՐ այսօր։ Vahan and Marietta Share Their Family's Experience with Measles and the Recovery path. Take care of your loved ones, get vaccinated today!",04/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHw48oCWetA,frequently asked questions about malta.,"the video basically touches on the major questions asked by my subscribers who are indicating interest in coming to malta. i took my time to gather the responses. i hope you enjoy it. 

to all students some useful links: - 

for applying your residency permit card apply here: - https://expatriates.identita.gov.mt/account/signin

for applying bus card:- 

for creating europass cv: - https://europa.eu/europass/en

this is the mqric link where you can have your academic certificate evaluated according to our mqric  system  

for receiving and sending money internationally 
1)revolut: -   https://revolut.com/referral/?referral-code=sujeet0s2c!feb2-24-ar

identit - customer care:-https://customercare.identita.gov.mt/support/home

jobsplus:- https://jobsplus.gov.mt/ 

insurance information:- 
marica newbould citadel insurance plc casa borgo, 26, market street, floriana frn 1082, malta

location of college:- for new students

for health screening being asked and required from identita' malta
da vinci health b'kara tel. 21491200 approx. €165 for chest x ray + polio & measles vaccines + filling of application. students can walk in without appointment from 8.40am till 6.40pm - application form needs to be provided by the student (always carry passport  & any history of previous vaccines and health conditions) if any. 



st.mary's clinic in mosta - tel. 21422888 approx. €165 with appointment from 8.00am till 1.00pm - from 2.00pm till 6.00pm. for x-ray + 2 vaccines polio & measles vaccines + filling of application - application form needs to be provided by the student (always carry your passport & any history of previous vaccines and health conditions)",04/20/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4ubLdjs6Gc,khusra prank with people | monster bhai,"khusra prank with people | monster bhai

this is my effort to entertain you in your spare time. so such videos are not made to show someone's heart, but such videos are made only to make you laugh and make you happy.

 in this video, you guys have been shown some crickets that are neither man nor woman, not even measles. they do strange things to get few likes and followers. so such people are discussed in this video.

i don't want to hurt anyone's heart in such a video, nor do i have enmity with anyone. rather, i only make such videos to make you guys laugh. so don't get angry at my words, so please keep ""smiling"" and don't ""mind"".

copyright disclaimer:-
 under section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

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#youtuber #prank #prankvideo #roastvideo",04/20/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://m.facebook.com/PTVNewsOfficial/videos/malnutrition-measles-and-more-in-children-a-detailed-discussion-on-pediatric-hea/1629562371180559/,"malnutrition, measles and more in children. a detailed discussion on pediatric health. dr tahira in conversation with pediatrician dr jai krishen","malnutrition, measles and more in children. a detailed discussion on pediatric health. dr tahira in conversation with pediatrician dr jai krishen",04/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.facebook.com/AveraPipestone/videos/there-has-been-a-resurgence-of-measles-in-the-area-over-the-next-few-weeks-dr-ja/326373577130059/,"there has been a resurgence of measles in the area. over the next few weeks, dr. jackie vroman will share why it is so important for children to be vaccinated against this potentially dangerous illness, misconceptions about the vaccine, and its potential risks. #pcmcares","there has been a resurgence of measles in the area. over the next few weeks, dr. jackie vroman will share why it is so important for children to be vaccinated against this potentially dangerous illness, misconceptions about the vaccine, and its potential risks. #pcmcares",04/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6AgjQaR1k-/,"**unlocking the power of vaccines: protecting our children's health!** 

**understanding vaccines:** 
vaccines are biological preparations that provide immunity to specific diseases by stimulating the body's immune system to recognize and fight off pathogens, such as bacteria or viruses. they typically contain weakened or inactive forms of the disease-causing agent, allowing the body to develop an immune response without causing illness.

**how vaccines work:** 
when a vaccine is administered, the immune system recognizes the antigens in the vaccine as foreign invaders and produces antibodies to target and destroy them. this process creates a memory within the immune system, allowing it to respond rapidly and effectively if the individual is exposed to the actual pathogen in the future, thereby preventing infection or reducing its severity.

**why vaccines are important:**
1.  **prevent against dreadful diseases:** vaccines offer protection against potentially life-threatening diseases such as polio, measles, tetanus, and influenza, reducing the risk of severe illness, complications, and death.
2.  **keep children healthy:** by preventing illness, vaccines help children stay healthy, allowing them to thrive, grow, and reach their full potential.
3.  **essential as diet and exercise:** vaccines are an essential component of preventive healthcare, complementing proper nutrition, exercise, and other health-promoting practices.
4.  **disease-specific protection:** each vaccine is designed to target a particular disease, providing targeted immunity and reducing the risk of transmission within communities.
5.  **prevent spread to others:** by building herd immunity within populations, vaccines help protect vulnerable individuals who cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons or age, preventing the spread of disease and safeguarding public health.

⚕ **expert care at kidgenix child clinic:** ⚕
for expert guidance on vaccination schedules, safety, and their importance in safeguarding your child's health, consult with our specialists at:
 kidgenix child clinic, a 31, sector 92, noida, up
 +91 93184 96507

let's prioritize vaccination to e","**unlocking the power of vaccines: protecting our children's health!** 

**understanding vaccines:** 
vaccines are biological preparations that provide immunity to specific diseases by stimulating the body's immune system to recognize and fight off pathogens, such as bacteria or viruses. they typically contain weakened or inactive forms of the disease-causing agent, allowing the body to develop an immune response without causing illness.

**how vaccines work:** 
when a vaccine is administered, the immune system recognizes the antigens in the vaccine as foreign invaders and produces antibodies to target and destroy them. this process creates a memory within the immune system, allowing it to respond rapidly and effectively if the individual is exposed to the actual pathogen in the future, thereby preventing infection or reducing its severity.

**why vaccines are important:**
1.  **prevent against dreadful diseases:** vaccines offer protection against potentially life-threatening diseases such as polio, measles, tetanus, and influenza, reducing the risk of severe illness, complications, and death.
2.  **keep children healthy:** by preventing illness, vaccines help children stay healthy, allowing them to thrive, grow, and reach their full potential.
3.  **essential as diet and exercise:** vaccines are an essential component of preventive healthcare, complementing proper nutrition, exercise, and other health-promoting practices.
4.  **disease-specific protection:** each vaccine is designed to target a particular disease, providing targeted immunity and reducing the risk of transmission within communities.
5.  **prevent spread to others:** by building herd immunity within populations, vaccines help protect vulnerable individuals who cannot be vaccinated due to medical reasons or age, preventing the spread of disease and safeguarding public health.

⚕ **expert care at kidgenix child clinic:** ⚕
for expert guidance on vaccination schedules, safety, and their importance in safeguarding your child's health, consult with our specialists at:
 kidgenix child clinic, a 31, sector 92, noida, up
 +91 93184 96507

let's prioritize vaccination to e",04/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/tigernutbyjc/reel/C5-WpXWsULh/?locale=no,"load up your wards/children with vitamins . boost their immune enough to fight chickenpox and measles classmates may resume with. keep their immunity strong to not contact cough and catarrh .

you pick your choices of fruits (ie the fruits and veggies they love) . we can also lace the ones they need but do not like, and you will see them drink it up and not know they had fruits they do not like .

to order :
send a dm/whatsapp (link in bio)

#tigernutbyjc #juicesinportharcourt #backtoschool #womeninportharcourt #mumsanddadsinportharcourt #healthykids""","load up your wards/children with vitamins . boost their immune enough to fight chickenpox and measles classmates may resume with. keep their immunity strong to not contact cough and catarrh .

you pick your choices of fruits (ie the fruits and veggies they love) . we can also lace the ones they need but do not like, and you will see them drink it up and not know they had fruits they do not like .

to order :
send a dm/whatsapp (link in bio)

#tigernutbyjc #juicesinportharcourt #backtoschool #womeninportharcourt #mumsanddadsinportharcourt #healthykids""",04/20/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral

#public_health_students #hawler #medical #university #hawlermedicaluniversty #public #health #publichealth","(measles) 

#public_health_students #hawler #medical #university #hawlermedicaluniversty #public #health #publichealth",04/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@obsidianqueen858/video/7360154210882850094,#tuberculosis #measles #migrantshelters #brandonjohnson #mayorofchicago #spotifypodcasts #spotifypodcast #chicago #chicagotiktok #tmwapodcast #podcast #podcasts #podcastclips #outbreak,#tuberculosis #measles #migrantshelters #brandonjohnson #mayorofchicago #spotifypodcasts #spotifypodcast #chicago #chicagotiktok #tmwapodcast #podcast #podcasts #podcastclips #outbreak,04/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@rubin_allergy/video/7360460369376070955,measles cases in the united states surpass the total cases reported in 2022. cases will continue to climb if we continue to have lower mmr vaccination coverage. this threatens the united states€™ measles elimination status. #viral #tiktokdoc #learnontiktok,measles cases in the united states surpass the total cases reported in 2022. cases will continue to climb if we continue to have lower mmr vaccination coverage. this threatens the united states€™ measles elimination status. #viral #tiktokdoc #learnontiktok,04/21/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@laughterinlight/video/7360511296833391914,#polio #measles #absurd #politicianfail,#polio #measles #absurd #politicianfail,04/21/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,anger,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN_tl8hO-hk,england facing measles emergency as cases surge,"england is facing a measles emergency with 86 confirmed cases in england over the past week, according to the uk health security agency. 

it brings the total number of recorded cases of measles to almost 900 since the start of this year, a sharp increase from 368 cases in all of 2023, as sky's shamaan freeman-powell reports.

#measles #uknews #nhs 

subscribe to our youtube channel for more videos: http://www.youtube.com/skynews 
follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/skynews 
like us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/skynews 
follow us on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/skynews 
follow us on tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@skynews 

for more content go to http://news.sky.com and download our apps: apple https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/sky-news/id316391924?mt=8 android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bskyb.skynews.android&hl=en_gb 

sky news daily podcast is available for free here: https://podfollow.com/skynewsdaily/ 

sky news videos are now available in spanish here/los video de sky news estn disponibles en espaol aqu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/uczg5bnqho8onlrpdw9cyjog 

to enquire about licensing sky news content, you can find more information here: https://news.sky.com/info/library-sales",04/21/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebvzrlyJJXg,marion county health department warning of measles exposure at children's museum of indianapolis,a person with the measles attended the museum's solar eclipse event. the health department says anyone who contracted the disease could start seeing symptoms as early as april 22.,04/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,sadness
https://m.youtube.com/shorts/bpyVKNbsBow,"'you' it's called, 'you'  #newsanchors #miscommunication #funny #netflix #you #measles #bloopers",'you' on netflix!,04/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baeLN4E5rXY,vaccine preventable diseases | measles | mmr vaccine,"vaccine preventable diseases | mmr
is measles vaccine available?
can i give bath to my baby in measles?
what are symptoms of measles?
can i send my child school if he has measles?
how measles spread?
#child #newborn #pediatrician #baby #measles #mmr 

you can watch other videos of same series 
https://youtu.be/rmh5so7l6wu?si=jtei6ty0xkvlekeq",04/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSqRKNmJNPE,the lingering chill: stories of sickness,"have you ever felt the weight of history in the air, whispering tales of resilience through the echoes of the past? our latest episode transports you to the late 19th century, where we unpack the emotional saga of zimri jackson blackburn from war eagle mills, whose battle with pleural pneumonia tells a story of communal strength and unwavering hope. with each shared memory and recounted act of kindness, we weave a rich tapestry of human connection that defies time, celebrating zimri's life and the spirit of a community that fought tooth and nail against the relentless assault of disease.

as we turn the pages of history to the meadows family of benton and their struggle with the cruel hand of measles, we bear witness to a grief that unites us all. we also honor the legacy of dr. j. w. clark, a physician whose untimely death left an absence felt by an entire town. this chapter is not just about mourning; it's an homage to the power of remembrance, as we underscore the importance of preserving the gravestones of our ancestors. through these stories, we keep the flame of our past alive, ensuring that the lessons learned and the bonds formed in the hardest of times will continue to guide us for generations to come.

support the show. (https://www.buzzsprout.com/2125852/support)",04/21/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ps7oMB7E3_U,measles | khasra #measles #khasra #beemari #disease #skindiseases #skininfection #shorts #viral,,04/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8xKl4ZxnCM,communicable disease#measles#aims #medicalstudents,,04/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CEPoR_e_0E,eglise st jean baptiste - fourth sunday of easter mass 04/21/24,"holy mass celebrated by father john kamas at st. jean baptiste roman catholic church in new york city for the fourth sunday  of easter 2024.

acts 4:8-12   |         1 john 3:1-2    |       john 10:11-18

pastor's reflection:

for three weeks the sunday gospels have been focusing on accounts of the resurrection. this week and next week they direct our thinking to the church's relationship with the risen lord. this week we're given the image of jesus as our shepherd. he tells us, ""i am the good shepherd. a good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. what's he telling us?

let's start with the first word of the title. jesus tells us that he's the good shepherd. he's presenting himself as a model for all shepherds. he then gives an example of a bad shepherd. ""a hired man, who is not a shepherd and whose sheep are not his own, sees a wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away. the shepherd must be bold and brave in the face of danger. as jesus goes on to explain; the good shepherd will lay down his life for the sheep.

jesus calls himself ""good. the greek word he uses for ""good carries with it the quality of humble nobility. here's an example of a ""good doctor who was more than proficient in his craft. i grew up in a small, railroad apartment where physical quarantine was almost impossible. when my sister came down with measles, our family doctor asked my parents if i could join him and his family at their home in the rockaways to keep me isolated until she was over her illness. he was a ""good doctor. he cared for my sister, me and my parents all at the same time. he gladly went the extra mile. jesus is saying he's the good shepherd – he's willing to go the extra mile for each and every one of his sheep.

we're unfamiliar with shepherds. so, we have to ask what shepherds do? the first thing shepherds do is to guide the sheep, day after day, to places where they can graze. they must also keep watch over them, being careful to never let a sheep go astray from the flock.

the flock was in most danger during the night. in jesus' day, scattered throughout the pastures, there were walled-in communal pens. at night, shepherds gathered their flocks in the safety of these pens. this also afforded an opportunity for the shepherds, whose lives were isolated and lonely, an opportunity to have some social contact with their fellow shepherds. but the interesting thing about these communal pens was that they didn't have doors. they just had an opening. the shepherd himself was the door. he would sleep in the open doorway. if a wolf or another wild animal tried to attack the sheep, it would have to walk over the shepherd. that's why jesus adds, ""i will lay down my life for the sheep.

jesus is holding himself up as the model for anyone in a leadership position. priests and ministers are called shepherds. do they go the extra mile? do they feed their sheep? are they willing to lay down their lives for the sheep? mothers and fathers are shepherds. teachers are shepherds. political leaders are shepherds. how do we fare when we compare ourselves to the good shepherd? to what extent do our lives give good example to young people in the process of becoming shepherds themselves?

every one of us has something deeply serious to think about today.

check out our website: http://www.sjbny.org​​​ and you'll find all the latest updates about the church, the theatre and much more about this month! 

as always, a huge and very grateful thanks also to our donors for your loyalty and generosity, in person and online! 

* click on subscribe button to get a notification once mass is online! *",04/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxCgtkTMz3Y,"empty out tha clip #136 sick or truant? the sogaimiti ta moko, pay for pod","the weswes networks leti, ave, and cam talk about the government releasing guidelines for parents to assess their children's health so they can attend school or stay home. then they discuss a maori ta moko being done in the style of a samoan pe'a. then the boys discuss paying to listen to a podcast.  all this and fia poko of the week, sick biarch of the week, what are we watching and last words.

follow the empty out tha clip podcast on spotify here: https://bit.ly/3vsrprn
for more weswes network content click here: https://linktr.ee/weswesnetwork
website: https://www.weswesnet.com

government issues guidelines for when sick children should be kept home from school, government issues guidelines for when sick children should be kept home from school, too sick for school? govt's new advice for assessing a sniffle, education leader responds to new government guidelines tackling truancy, measles risk, confusion highlighted over updated school sickness guidelines, truancy: david seymour says government to give public health advice around sending sick children to school, iconic duo 'grateful' to head into new media space as podcast is announced

00:00 shout outs
20:37 chanel-harris tavita back with nz warriors
23:57 guidelines for sick kids for parents
36:24 ta moko in the style of sogaimiti
49:50 paying for a podcast
58:50 fia poko of the week
1:11:00 sick biarch of the week
1:13:25 what have you been watching
1:22:13 last words",04/21/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HywE7uK32tw,"06.2. there are many diseases that do not infect a person more than once, such as chickenpox and me…","06.2. there are many diseases that do not infect a person more than once, such as chickenpox and measles. what is responsible for this lifetime immunity? the acquired immune response, because antibodies are developed from previous infections. the acquired immune response, because it responds rapidly to broad classes of pathogens. q6.3. a disease has been introduced to a population of 1,000 susceptible people. infected people are contagious for about 3 days, and the overall rate of transmission between susceptible and infected people is 0.0002 (per day). based on this information, is the disease likely to cause an epidemic? why or why not? the disease is unlikely to cause an epidemic because ro is less than 1.0.

watch the full video at:
https://www.numerade.com/ask/question/062-there-are-many-diseases-that-do-not-infect-a-person-more-than-once-such-as-chicken-pox-and-measles_-what-is-responsible-for-this-lifetime-immunity-the-innate-immune-response-because-barr-13714/?utm_medium=social   utm_source=youtube   utm_campaign=apr_may24

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#defendingagainstviruses:tipsandstrategies|yourultimateguide",04/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://cbs4indy.com/video/marion-county-health-department-warning-of-measles-exposure-at-childrens-museum-of-indianapolis/9625290/,marion county health department warning of measles exposure at children's museum of indianapolis,a person with the measles attended the museum's solar eclipse event. the health department says anyone who contracted the disease could start seeing symptoms as early as april 22.,04/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/rubin_allergy/reel/C6CpXtSPoDm/,measles cases in the united states surpass the total cases reported in 2022. cases will continue to climb if we continue to have lower mmr vaccination coverage. this threatens the united states' measles elimination status. #viral #measles #doctor,measles cases in the united states surpass the total cases reported in 2022. cases will continue to climb if we continue to have lower mmr vaccination coverage. this threatens the united states' measles elimination status. #viral #measles #doctor,04/21/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/hussain_kf/reel/C6ByzoNskI0/,"2022 حصلت 57 مليون حالة وفاة حول العالم بسبب الحصبة اغلبها بالاشخاص غير الملقحين . الحصبه واحد من اكثر الامراض عدوى في العالم، مجرد مشاركة الهواء مع شخص مصاب يخليك عرضة للاصابة . الحصبة ممكن تصيب كل الاعمار وتنتقل عن طريق النَفَس والعطاس والكحه. . تصيب اولاً الجهاز التنفسي ومن بعدها تنتشر لباقي الجسم، . اعراضها تكون على شكل 1-حمى مرتفعه توصل او تتجاوز الـ 40. 2-طفح جلدي على كل الجسم 3-رشح وعطاس . 4-حبوب داخل الفم نسميها koplic spots . شنو افضل طريقه حتى ميصير بينا حصبه ؟ . ببساطه انو انت تلقح MMR ( Measles, Mumps ,Rubella ) اللقاح الثلاثي للنكاف والحصبة والحصبة الالمانية ، الي ناخذة بالعراق على شكل جرعتين الجرعة الاولى شهر 9 والجرعة الثانية شهر 15. اضافة للجرعة التعزيزية الي ياخذوها الاطفال بعمر ٤-٦ سنوات يعني بعمر الروضة او الابتدائي( وهاي جداً مهمة ) اذا انت مملقح هاي الجرعات تكدر تلقح واذا ملقح ف متحتاج جرعات اضافية . الاعراض تبدأ بالظهور من عشر ايام الى اسبوعين بعد التعرض او التماس مع المصاب ، الطفح الجلدي يبدأ بالظهور خلال هاي الفتره بدأً من الوجه والرقبه ويبدأ بالنزول ياخذله ٣ ايام حتى يكتمل انتشاره بكل الجسم ويبقى حوالي اسبوع ويبدأ بالاختفاء، فايروس الحصبه يضعف المناعه لذلك نخاف من مضاعفاته مو من اعراضه تحديداً مضاعفاته نخاف منها عند الاعمار اقل من 5 سنه واكثر من 30 سنة وكذلك الحوامل لان ممكن يتسبب بولادة مبكرة . النقطه الاهم شنو العلاج والصدمه شنو ؟ . ماكو علاج محدد والعلاج يقتصر على : 🔴شرب كمية جيده من المياه. 🔴جرعتين من vitamin A بيومين متتاليين . Pt Less than 6 months : 50000 IU daily for 2 days 6- 12 months : 100000 IU daily for 2 days More than 1 year : 200000 IU daily for 2 days فيتامين A مهم جداً واثبت فاعليته بتقليل نسبة الوفيات ومنع حدوث عمى او تضرر العين لدى المصابين. 🔴اذا تطور عند المريض مضاعفات Such as -pneumonia (ذات الرئة) -otitis media (التهاب الاذن الوسطى) هنا المريض يحتاج مضادات حيويه راح يوصفها الطبيب المعالج . نتمنالكم تمام الصحة والسلامة . 🤍 د. حسين السبتي","2022 حصلت 57 مليون حالة وفاة حول العالم بسبب الحصبة اغلبها بالاشخاص غير الملقحين . الحصبه واحد من اكثر الامراض عدوى في العالم، مجرد مشاركة الهواء مع شخص مصاب يخليك عرضة للاصابة . الحصبة ممكن تصيب كل الاعمار وتنتقل عن طريق النَفَس والعطاس والكحه. . تصيب اولاً الجهاز التنفسي ومن بعدها تنتشر لباقي الجسم، . اعراضها تكون على شكل 1-حمى مرتفعه توصل او تتجاوز الـ 40. 2-طفح جلدي على كل الجسم 3-رشح وعطاس . 4-حبوب داخل الفم نسميها koplic spots . شنو افضل طريقه حتى ميصير بينا حصبه ؟ . ببساطه انو انت تلقح MMR ( Measles, Mumps ,Rubella ) اللقاح الثلاثي للنكاف والحصبة والحصبة الالمانية ، الي ناخذة بالعراق على شكل جرعتين الجرعة الاولى شهر 9 والجرعة الثانية شهر 15. اضافة للجرعة التعزيزية الي ياخذوها الاطفال بعمر ٤-٦ سنوات يعني بعمر الروضة او الابتدائي( وهاي جداً مهمة ) اذا انت مملقح هاي الجرعات تكدر تلقح واذا ملقح ف متحتاج جرعات اضافية . الاعراض تبدأ بالظهور من عشر ايام الى اسبوعين بعد التعرض او التماس مع المصاب ، الطفح الجلدي يبدأ بالظهور خلال هاي الفتره بدأً من الوجه والرقبه ويبدأ بالنزول ياخذله ٣ ايام حتى يكتمل انتشاره بكل الجسم ويبقى حوالي اسبوع ويبدأ بالاختفاء، فايروس الحصبه يضعف المناعه لذلك نخاف من مضاعفاته مو من اعراضه تحديداً مضاعفاته نخاف منها عند الاعمار اقل من 5 سنه واكثر من 30 سنة وكذلك الحوامل لان ممكن يتسبب بولادة مبكرة . النقطه الاهم شنو العلاج والصدمه شنو ؟ . ماكو علاج محدد والعلاج يقتصر على : 🔴شرب كمية جيده من المياه. 🔴جرعتين من vitamin A بيومين متتاليين . Pt Less than 6 months : 50000 IU daily for 2 days 6- 12 months : 100000 IU daily for 2 days More than 1 year : 200000 IU daily for 2 days فيتامين A مهم جداً واثبت فاعليته بتقليل نسبة الوفيات ومنع حدوث عمى او تضرر العين لدى المصابين. 🔴اذا تطور عند المريض مضاعفات Such as -pneumonia (ذات الرئة) -otitis media (التهاب الاذن الوسطى) هنا المريض يحتاج مضادات حيويه راح يوصفها الطبيب المعالج . نتمنالكم تمام الصحة والسلامة . 🤍 د. حسين السبتي",04/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@dailydot/video/7360350819016871210,"'you' it's called, 'you' ' € #newsanchors #funny #bloopers #miscommunication #you #netflix #measles","'you' it's called, 'you' ' € #newsanchors #funny #bloopers #miscommunication #you #netflix #measles",04/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee7irrt6v9c,beyond the noise #37: measles is back,"a measles outbreak in philadelphia in the early 1990s might be a window into the future.

show notes at https://www.microbe.tv/btn/btn-037/

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– who am i? –

i'm vincent racaniello, earth's virology professor, and i believe that education should be free.

i'm also a professor of virology at columbia university in new york. i've been doing research on viruses since 1976, and teaching virology in classrooms and online since 1999. on this youtube channel i share videos of my lectures, podcasts, and more.

new videos are uploaded several times each week.

i do not run ads on our work as it is disruptive to learning. we depend on your support. 

if you would like to support our work, go over to https://www.microbe.tv/contribute/ 
#microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic
———————————————————————",04/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQJBM2UXuDo,u.s. measles cases are up in 2024. what's driving the increase?,the cdc reports more than 100 cases have been recorded so far this year.,04/22/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cX5rKw9dEm0,measles case confirmed in monongalia county,it is the first confirmed case of measles in west virginia since 2009.,04/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXLEaP5AZLU,first measles case confirmed in west virginia since 2009...,"a patient of wvu medicine in monongalia county has tested positive for measles, marking the first case confirmed in west virginia since 2009. the patient, an adult, tested positive after visiting an outpatient clinic last week and is currently recove...

https://wvmetronews.com/2024/04/22/wvu-medicine-confirms-measles-patient-in-monongalia-county/",04/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGFUdCpWvEY,england facing a measles emergency as cases surge |mintoo news,"#worldnews #ukhealth #mintoonews 
video courtesy sky news",04/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wTTU5UeZrc,world immunization week l wockhardt hospital doctors discuss importance awareness about vaccination,"#world #immunization #vaccination 
wockhardt hospitals, mira road rolls out immunization program catering to people of all age groups_x000d_
a team of doctors have come together to bring awareness about vaccination catering to all age groups at wockhardt hospitals, mira road. millions of children are being deprived of essential routine vaccinations, putting their lives at risk. not only does vaccination safeguard individual health, but it also plays a significant role in enhancing immunity by preventing the spread of contagious illnesses. vaccinations offer long-term benefits by reducing the burden on healthcare systems and preventing unnecessary hospitalizations.  wockhardt hospitals, mira road conducts an immunization program catering to people of all age groups._x000d_
the covid-19 pandemic has led to a decline in routine childhood vaccines with nearly 67 million children missing out on one or more potentially life-saving vaccines, according to a unicef report titled ""the state of the world's children 2023. there is also an alarming surge in cases of measles in the country as a large number of children have fallen prey to this vaccine-preventable condition. in 2022, an estimated 11 lakh children missed their first dose of the measles vaccine in india, placing the country among the ten nations with the highest measles vaccination gap, even post-pandemic, a report from the world health organization and the us centres for disease control and prevention (cdc) reveals. _x000d_
doctors highlights on immunity is nothing but power to prevent infections, vaccines produce immune reactions from the body without producing disease. when someone receives the measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr vaccine), it triggers a similar immune response as if the body had encountered the pathogens naturally. in india, there are vaccines for 26 diseases but typically only 10-12 diseases are vaccinated against. vaccination is crucial for people of all ages, including adolescents, pregnant women, and the elderly over 40, and helps protect against various infections such as influenza, pneumonia, and hepatitis. the dtap vaccine is crucial for combating diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough (pertussis), while the mmr vaccine is effective against measles, mumps, and rubella. meningitis can be prevented with the meningococcal vaccine, chicken pox due to the varicella vaccine, polio with the ipv vaccine, and pneumonia through the pneumococcal vaccine. the government also provides hpv vaccines to raise awareness about cervical cancer prevention. _x000d_
dr ankit gupta, paediatric critical care specialist, wockhardt hospitals, mira road explained, ""vaccination rates are declining across the nation, affecting both children and adults due to a lack of awareness about immunization. those with mumps present with severe headaches, encephalitis, and symptoms such as headaches, fever, seizures, unconsciousness, altered sensorium, csf flow obstruction leading to long-lasting complications in the brain, orchitis an inflammation of one or both testicles causing infertility in men due to mumps and skipping mmr vaccine. the cases of empyema, a complication of pneumonia caused by not receiving the pneumonia vaccine, are on the rise. _x000d_
""despite the government offering free vaccines, many people are still not getting vaccinated, leading to complications. unvaccinated children born just before or during the covid-19 pandemic are now suffering from various vaccine-preventable disease.  boosting vaccination rates in children through targeted campaigns that educate parents will be beneficial. by highlighting the benefits of vaccinations in preventing serious diseases and debunking common myths, parents can make informed decisions for their children's health, concluded dr badshah khan, consultant paediatrics, wockhardt hospitals, mira road_x000d_
""optional vaccines such as pneumococcal vaccine, flu vaccine, varicella vaccine for chickenpox, hepatitis a vaccine should be given to adult. flu or influenza vaccine should be taken every year by people of all age groups especially diabetes, kidney, heart, and lung disease patients. every year based on the mutation of the virus, a new vaccine is administered to adults. even pneumococcal vaccine should be given to high-risk populations having kidney, and heart disease, taking chemotherapy, and those awaiting transplant. pneumonia can be fatal in those who are immunosuppressant. females are given gardasil vaccine for prevention of cervical cancer for hpv-associated cancers ideally till puberty age. the shingles vaccine is given to the geriatric population after 50 for the prevention of herpes zoster (hz). these vaccines are available for adults in the country. flu is like an epidemic, influenza should be included in the mass vaccination program for the benefit of everyone, concluded dr jinendra jain. consultant internal medicine, wockhardt hospital, mira road._x000d_
,",04/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ErdvpSmxew,world immunisation day,"please call tongan health on 0800 030 902 to book an appointment at any langimalie medical clinic – onehunga, otahuhu, or kelston to catch up on your child's mmr vaccination to protect against measles, mumps, and rubella.",04/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QPoSExyK3s,1 mile walk & talk: travel vaccines & my unexpected shingles shot reaction!,"join us, as we take a leisurely mile-long walk, discussing our latest travel vaccination experiences and sharing the unexpected side effects i encountered after receiving my second shingles vaccine shot. during our stroll, we talk about my nausea, dizziness, and pain at the injection site—none of which i anticipated.

as we walk, we also discuss the vaccines we've already received to stay protected while traveling, including hepatitis a and b, typhoid, mmr (measles, mumps, and rubella), and tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis). we even touch upon the shots we're considering for upcoming trips, like pre-exposure rabies, yellow fever, cholera, and possibly japanese encephalitis.

whether you're a frequent traveler seeking to update your vaccine knowledge or someone who needs guidance on travel health preparations, this video offers practical advice and personal stories to keep you informed. don't forget to like, subscribe, and comment with your own experiences or questions about travel vaccinations. let's stay healthy and travel safely, one step and one shot at a time!

#travelhealth #vaccines #shinglesshot #travelpreparation #travelvlog #vaccinereaction #walkingvlog #travelsafety #markandlindasadventures",04/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pT7jfqmpSY,ep 155 osterholm update: brighter days ahead,"in ""brighter days ahead,"" dr. osterholm and chris dall discuss the latest national and international covid trends, recent research on long covid, and measles cases in the u.s. dr. osterholm also shares the latest ""this week in public health history"" segment and interviews two members of the podcast team.

please fill out our listener feedback survey!: https://redcap.ahc.umn.edu/redcap/surveys/?s=dkaxdyktdxcn4hlt

three studies spotlight long-term burden of covid in us adults (van beusekom, cidrap news): https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/three-studies-spotlight-long-term-burden-covid-us-adults

lessons in persistence: new long covid trials aim to clear lingering virus—and help patients in dire need (couzin-frankel, science): https://www.science.org/content/article/long-covid-trials-aim-clear-lingering-virus-help-patients-need

the pandemic's true death toll (the economist): https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/coronavirus-excess-deaths-estimates

superbugs & you podcast: https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/antimicrobial-stewardship/superbugs-you

more episodes: https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/osterholm-update-covid-19 

support this podcast: https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/support-cidrap",04/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVpMC0Wpot0,# measles #,,04/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yp4Xxrql_X0,kehwa for every type of fever| measles | chicken pox | khasra  | danay wala bukhar  home remedies,,04/22/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQQr9GTjojA,meningococcal acwy vaccines - d'arcy mcgee grade 10-11,"upcoming vaccines

public heath and cissso will be offering vaccines (measles and meningitis) to students in may
please note that the dates/grades were recently changed by cissso – the dates below are correct
on may 2, grades 7, 8 & 9 will be offered these vaccines
on may 3, grades 10 & 11 will be offered these vaccines
parents with children under the age of 14 missing a vaccine have received a separate email with a consent form and instructions
i have attached an information booklet to this email
if you have questions about vaccines, please contact our school nurse directly at: tara.carriere@ssss.gouv.qc.ca",04/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0aZ8Cfrj7I,alliteration adventure 1504 - sick by shel silverstein - poem - alliteration,"have you ever tried to get out of going to school. shel silverstein has a great poem, about all the different ways that they are sick only to discover that it is saturday. say this one out loud and enjoy the alliteration.

by shel silverstein 1930-1999

""i cannot go to school today,""
said little peggy ann mckay.
""i have the measles and the mumps,
a gash, a rash and purple bumps.
my mouth is wet, my throat is dry,
i'm going blind in my right eye.
my tonsils are as big as rocks,
i've counted sixteen chicken pox
and there's one more—that's seventeen,
and don't you think my face looks green?
my leg is cut—my eyes are blue—
it might be instamatic flu.
i cough and sneeze and gasp and choke,
i'm sure that my left leg is broke—
my hip hurts when i move my chin,
my belly button's caving in,
my back is wrenched, my ankle's sprained,
my 'pendix pains each time it rains.
my nose is cold, my toes are numb.
i have a sliver in my thumb.
my neck is stiff, my voice is weak,
i hardly whisper when i speak.
my tongue is filling up my mouth,
i think my hair is falling out.
my elbow's bent, my spine ain't straight,
my temperature is one-o-eight.
my brain is shrunk, i cannot hear,
there is a hole inside my ear.
i have a hangnail, and my heart is—what?
what's that? what's that you say?
you say today is. . .saturday?
g'bye, i'm going out to play!""


#shelsilverstein #sick #alliteration #alliterationadventure #mylindabutterworth #totallystories #podcast #audiobookforkids #audiobook #articulation #enunciation #vocalwarmups #homeschool, #pronunciation #kidfriendly

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 if you have alliterations or tongue twisters you would like to do, be sure to share them in the comments, including the ones you write.

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if you liked these, then check out some of our other playlists on this channel: 
alliteration adventure
norse myths, legends, and folktales 
gods and heroes of ancient greece: 
shahnameh: the persian book of kings: 
a thousand nights and one night (arabian nights)  
story adventures 
stories of christmas
poetry – words in motion",04/22/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3foQfVm5Pw,sandu paripathadi kadha,"about paripathadi kadha – ayurvedic medicine for skin eruption
sandu paripathadi kadha is best for skin with skin eruptions. it is a trusted formula for burning sensations in many conditions. it reduces pitta and gives a cooling effect to the body.

relieves:  it reduces skin rashes and blisters associated with measles, chickenpox, herpes, etc. it is beneficial in prickly heat and dark circles under the eyes. 

directions: in children- 1 to 2 teaspoons (5 to 10 ml) 2 times a day, adults- 4 teaspoons (20 ml) 2 times a day with equal quantity of lukewarm water after a meal or as directed by physician.",04/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oU1SHwaP5E,ecdc press conference - 22 april - european immunization week,"the european centre for disease prevention and control (ecdc) will hold a press briefing marking european immunization week. on this occasion, ecdc will present the latest data on vaccine-preventable diseases in the eu/eea. the data come from the ecdc monthly measles report and four annual epidemiological reports with data from 2022, namely for mumps, invasive meningococcal disease, diphtheria and pertussis. 

the reports show an increase in cases of vaccine-preventable diseases since 2021.

date and time: monday, 22 april 2024, 11:00 to 12:00 cet. 

➡ andrea ammon - ecdc director
➡ sabrina bacci - head of vaccine-preventable diseases and immunisation, ecdc

➡ andrea nilsson - communication officer - ecdc",04/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwdosECi5Tc,az short english lesson 2⃣| தமிழில விளககஙகளன,"#azenglishshortenglishlesson2⃣
here are some more examples of nouns that are plural in form but singular in meaning.

""the news is broadcasted every evening.""

""measles is a contagious disease.""

""economics is the study of how societies allocate resources.""

""billiards is a popular game in many countries.""

""statistics provides valuable insights into data.""

""mathematics is a challenging subject.""

""physics deals with the study of matter and energy.""

""politics often involves complex negotiations.""

""gymnastics requires strength and flexibility.""

""linguistics is the scientific study of language.""

""ethics guides our moral decision-making.""

for more interesting english updates,
subscribe our az english youtube channel 

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#esl (english as a second language)
#hajrayasir",04/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://news.sky.com/video/england-facing-a-measles-emergency-as-cases-surge-13120624,england facing a measles emergency as cases surge,"it brings the total number of recorded cases of measles to almost 900 since the start of this year, a sharp increase from 368 cases in all of 2023.",04/22/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,surprise
https://www.facebook.com/HSElive/videos/complications-of-measles/1089200092135733/,complications of measles,"measles is a viral infection that spreads very easily.
it can last between 7 to 10 days and usually passes without causing any serious problems.
however, it can lead to serious problems if it spreads to other parts of the body and some people are more at risk of having problems.
find out more about symptoms, treatment, and the importance of early detection at hse.ie: https://bit.ly/3wgl74k",04/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://abcnews.go.com/US/video/measles-exposure-eclipse-event-indianapolis-109499210,possible measles exposure at eclipse event in indianapolis,the marion county public health department said people may have been exposed to measles at the childrens museum of indianapolis.,04/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/ABCNews/videos/possible-measles-exposure-at-eclipse-event-in-indianapolis/261012340423650/,possible measles exposure at eclipse event in indianapolis,"people who attended a total solar eclipse event at a children's museum in indiana may have been exposed to measles, according to museum and health officials.
read more: https://abcnews.visitlink.me/a1g7bj",04/22/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,joy
https://www.wboy.com/video/measles-case-confirmed-in-monongalia-county/9628432/,measles case confirmed in monongalia county,it is the first confirmed case of measles in west virginia since 2009.,04/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/irishhealthservice/reel/C6EI25tyV0c/,"measles is a viral infection that spreads very easily.

it can last between 7 to 10 days and usually passes without causing any serious problems. 

however, it can lead to serious problems if it spreads to other parts of the body and some people are more at risk of having problems.

find out more about symptoms, treatment and the importance of early detection at hse.ie. link in bio.","measles is a viral infection that spreads very easily.

it can last between 7 to 10 days and usually passes without causing any serious problems. 

however, it can lead to serious problems if it spreads to other parts of the body and some people are more at risk of having problems.

find out more about symptoms, treatment and the importance of early detection at hse.ie. link in bio.",04/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/shenaamara/reel/C6EXGakPxFb/,"i love this adventure...measles vaccination a journey in sga-barmm..
#bakunaserye","i love this adventure...measles vaccination a journey in sga-barmm..
#bakunaserye",04/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6E5MJtJaaH/,"durham wth ?   

report : another case of measles has been confirmed in ontario! 

the durham region health department just announced that an adult contracted the illness during recent travel abroad. ✈ according to reports, there's a potential exposure risk on royal jordanian airlines flight rj271, which departed from jordan on march 28, 2024.  if you were on that flight or at toronto pearson international airport between 5:24 and 8:45 p.m. on march 28, please take necessary precautions and monitor your health closely.  

the infected individual is currently in isolation at home, and health officials are diligently investigating possible exposures within durham region and beyond. stay informed, stay safe!  

source : globalnews.ca

#ajaxontario #pickering #whitby #durhamregion #oshawa #durhamcollege #ontariotechuniversity #measlesoutbreak #publichealthalert #staysafe #piratesofthecaribbean #johnnydepp #measlesoutbreak # brampton #toronto #ontario #health #courtice #bomanville #explore #fnd #friendlyneighbour","durham wth ?   

report : another case of measles has been confirmed in ontario! 

the durham region health department just announced that an adult contracted the illness during recent travel abroad. ✈ according to reports, there's a potential exposure risk on royal jordanian airlines flight rj271, which departed from jordan on march 28, 2024.  if you were on that flight or at toronto pearson international airport between 5:24 and 8:45 p.m. on march 28, please take necessary precautions and monitor your health closely.  

the infected individual is currently in isolation at home, and health officials are diligently investigating possible exposures within durham region and beyond. stay informed, stay safe!  

source : globalnews.ca

#ajaxontario #pickering #whitby #durhamregion #oshawa #durhamcollege #ontariotechuniversity #measlesoutbreak #publichealthalert #staysafe #piratesofthecaribbean #johnnydepp #measlesoutbreak # brampton #toronto #ontario #health #courtice #bomanville #explore #fnd #friendlyneighbour",04/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@doctarz/video/7361027470897745195,measles seems to be spreading. #measles #mmr #medicine #worldhealthorganization,measles seems to be spreading. #measles #mmr #medicine #worldhealthorganization,04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@doctorhumano/video/7361096758052523269,#measles #sarampin  #doctorhumano  #internista ,#measles #sarampin  #doctorhumano  #internista ,04/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/smilingsprouts.md/reel/C6F5bldLpbP/,"protecting our little ones from measles starts with knowing the signs. stay informed, stay safe. #measles #childhealth ","protecting our little ones from measles starts with knowing the signs. stay informed, stay safe. #measles #childhealth ",04/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejDBLqmpg00,number of u.s. measles cases continues to rise,"at least 125 measles cases have been reported across 17 states so far this year, according to the centers for disease control and prevention. that's more cases reported this year than in all of 2022, the most recent peak. cbs news' nicole sganga reports.

#health #usa #news 

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for video licensing inquiries, contact: licensing@veritone.com",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgLPmUXUcJY,measles in new york: nysdoh experts discuss the importance of immunization and the risks of vacci...,"new york's health commissioner dr. jim mcdonald and executive deputy commissioner johanne morne sit down with nysdoh's epidemiology experts dr. debora blog and travis o'donnell to discuss the risks of measles and the importance of immunization. learn about measles transmission, complications, historical and recent outbreaks in new york, and much more.

if you have an idea for topics we should discuss, please let us know: publichealthnowpodcast@health.ny.gov (mailto:publichealthnowpodcast@health.ny.gov)",04/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ne3aIUTF-ug,accelerating measles and rubella testing in 120 countries,"despite the availability of vaccines against measles and rubella, the diseases remain important concerns for both domestic and international public health. importations from countries with outbreaks threaten the elimination status of these viruses in the united states. a robust global laboratory network is critical in order for countries to promptly identify new cases of measles and rubella and rapidly respond to outbreaks. to increase global capacity to test for measles and rubella, cdc provides laboratory supplies to 120 countries and has trained laboratory workers from 60 countries on methods for laboratory detection of measles and rubella cases. to explore more of cdc's global efforts, visit www.cdc.gov/globalhealth._x000d_
photo credits for unicef images:_x000d_
unicef/u.s. cdc/un0671085/owoicho_x000d_
unicef/u.s. cdc/un0671070/owoicho_x000d_
unicef/u.s. cdc/uni416497/bashir_x000d_
unicef/u.s. cdc/un0684492/hayyan_x000d_
unicef/u.s. cdc/684518/hayyan_x000d_
video transcript: https://www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/video/transcripts/sfatw-global-expanding-measles-rubella-systems-v4-transcript.docx

this video can also be viewed at
https://www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/video/2024-04-24-sfatw-global-expanding-measles-rubella-systems-v4/sfatw-global-expanding-measles-rubella-systems-v4-hires.mp4",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jty225wYzjk,"after measles outbreak in pennsylvania, new jersey and delaware, health officials renew warnings","as of april 18th, 125 cases were reported in 17 states including pennsylvania, new jersey and delaware. stephanie stahl reports.",04/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1R4QPtlR5o,"measles case confirmed in colchester, vermont","measles case confirmed in colchester, vermont

subscribe to my nbc5 on youtube now for more: http://bit.ly/1e9vg0j

get more burlington/plattsburgh news: http://www.mynbc5.com
like us:  https://www.facebook.com/mynbc5/
follow us: https://twitter.com/mynbc5
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mynbc5",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP4khMYH-gI,"covid, flu, h5n1, measles, mpox & ""spillover events","after an overview on the status of covid, flu, h5n1, measles, mpox

0:08 - introduction
0:52 - respiratory virus updates
9:33 - h5n1/avian flu
13:37 - measles update
16:24 - mpox update
19:03 - ""spillover events""
21:27 - world immunization week
22:32 - summary and tips

#rootsempowers #communityhealth #bayarea #publichealth #oakland #covid19 #cdc #maskup
#covidisnotover #covidisairborne #nomorecoviddeaths #vaccines #booster #pandemic #omicron
#xbb #keepmasksinhealthcare #longcovid #eg.5 #wastewater #ba.2.86 #monovalent
#monovalentbooster #novavax #pertussis #jn.1

links referenced in the briefing
prior briefing mpox overview
cdc list of conditions
cdc measles tracking
https://www.cdc.gov/measles/cases-outbreaks.html",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrXTOeSDfJQ,"columbus, cdc team up for measles prevention","columbus, cdc team up for measles prevention

stay informed about columbus and central ohio news, weather and sports! follow nbc4 on our website and social media channels:

https://twitter.com/nbc4i",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/N4TRg7dGXSI,measles outbreak: symptoms explained #shorts #health,"measles, also known as rubeola, is an infection of the respiratory system that is caused by the measles virus. measles is highly contagious and spreads when an infected person coughs or sneezes. it is best prevented by vaccination.

measles is more common in developing countries as most people in industrialized nations are vaccinated. however, local outbreaks in communities with clusters of unvaccinated individuals still occur in the united states.

the symptoms of measles generally begin between 7 and 14 days after the person was infected and start with 3-5 days of high fevers, cough, runny nose, and red, watery eyes followed by a rash. the rash consists of small, red macules (flat, smooth areas of skin) and papules (small, solid bumps) that begin on the head and face near the hairline and move downward toward the feet to cover the body.

the person usually is well after 2 weeks of illness and then has lifelong immunity to becoming infected again. complications from measles more commonly occur in children aged younger than 5 years and adults older than 20 years. complications include ear infections and diarrhea. serious complications of measles include blindness, inflammation of the brain caused by infection (encephalitis), and pneumonia. about one in every 1000 children will die from complications of a measles infection.

more information about measles:

nhs (uk): https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/measles/
cdc (usa): https://www.cdc.gov/measles/symptoms/signs-symptoms.html

to contact dr o'donovan and read more about all disclaimers see: www.doctorodonovan.com
all information is educational and not intended as clinical advice.",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjazZqce2X8,west virginia reports the state's first case of measles since 2009,"follow us on facebook and twitter:_x000d_
https://twitter.com/woaynewswatch",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaAeqIsedHo,health officials confirm measles case in vermont,"health officials confirm measles case in vermont_x000d_
 for more local news from wcax:  https://www.wcax.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucn7285bo_vezij9brptkfma",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gATdg787neI,measles: understand to prevent,"thank you for coming to oxy tv, hope these videos will help you.
please like and subscribe to the channel to support oxy tv.
thanks for everythings!


00:00:00 understanding measles
00:00:18 the measles virus
00:00:33 symptoms and diagnosis
00:01:25 treatment and complications
00:01:52 prevention is key
00:02:15 conclusion

everyone can buy the book to support me, thank you everyone.
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#thehealth #skillerhome #doctoronline #enviroment #interestingknowledge #nooneisleftbehind",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPrwb7-UUAE,sjc health department warning of measles exposure after indy eclipse event,"if you visited the children's museum of indianapolis during the solar eclipse, you might have been exposed to measles. https://www.wndu.com/2024/04/22/sjc-health-department-warning-measles-exposure-after-indy-eclipse-event/

for more local news from wndu:  https://www.wndu.com/_x000d_
for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/uc7ao1ai9s3a7vrsc9wlva-q",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYp70n8B5MQ,"is buc-ees overrated? plus, new h-town scams and rising measles cases","today on the show, host raheel ramzanali is joined by hey houston newsletter editor brooke lewis to talk about the biggest stories impacting h-town to start the week. from a look at the latest information from hpd regarding the suspended cases to new scams impacting residents, raheel and brooke break it all down!

featured stories: 

  •  34 charges filed in review of suspended cases (https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/2024/04/19/484076/34-charges-filed-as-houston-pd-wraps-up-review-of-suspended-sex-assault-cases/?utm_source=sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2024422_newsletter_houston&utm_term=houston) 
  •  houston texans jersey leaked online (https://www.chron.com/sports/texans/article/texans-uniforms-2024-leak-19411936.php) 
  •  measles cases are on the rise (https://www.houstonpress.com/news/measles-outbreaks-across-the-country-cause-concern-in-houston-17936781) 
  •  houston concert goers get scammed (https://www.houstonchronicle.com/entertainment/music/article/laufey-houston-show-fake-tickets-713-music-hall-19414578.php) 
  •  early voting is underway for may 4th election (https://houstonlanding.org/early-voting-begins-for-may-4-elections-heres-what-houston-area-voters-need-to-know/) 
  •  fort bend sheriff's office warns residents of scams (https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/law-enforcement/2024/04/19/484131/fort-bend-sheriffs-office-warns-of-scammers-impersonating-deputies-asking-for-money/) 
  •  how to protect yourself from cyber and phone scams episode (https://houston.citycast.fm/podcasts/how-to-protect-yourself-from-cyber-and-phone-scams-in-houston) 

looking for more houston news? then sign up for our morning newsletter hey houston (https://houston.citycast.fm/newsletter/) 

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learn more about your ad choices. visit megaphone.fm/adchoices (https://megaphone.fm/adchoices)",04/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSVgdNrNgWw,how to pronounce measles  - pronunciation academy,"welcome to my pronunciation channel, your ultimate destination for mastering pronunciation and refining your language skills! whether you're looking to improve your english pronunciation, tackle challenging sounds in foreign languages, or enhance your speaking fluency, you've come to the right place. our channel offers a wide range of resources, from pronunciation tips and techniques to linguistic insights and articulation exercises. join our community of language enthusiasts as we embark on a journey to clear and confident speech. let's unlock the secrets of pronunciation together and unleash your linguistic potential. subscribe now for regular updates and start your journey towards pronunciation mastery!",04/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZX322KP31Q,vaccine preventable diseases | mumps| mmr vaccine,"in this video i will explain about mumps
vaccine preventable diseases | mumps| mmr vaccine 
how mumps spread?
what are the clinical features of mumps?
what precautions should i take if my child has mumps?
is tgere any prevention for mumps?
why there is swelling of cheeks?
what are the complications of mumps?
mmr vaccine doses? time to give mmr vaccine 
#child #newborn #pediatrician #baby #neonate # mumps #mmr vaccine 

similar videos of playlist 

https://youtu.be/baeln4e5rxy?si=_ntthlctwxksb28r",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZA7wcMorAs,vaxxed: from cover-up to catastrophe - documentary,"vaxxed: from cover-up to catastrophe is a 2016 american pseudoscience propaganda film alleging a cover-up by the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) of a purported link between the mmr vaccine and autism. according to variety, the film ""purports to investigate the claims of a senior scientist at the u.s. centers for disease control and prevention who revealed that the cdc had allegedly manipulated and destroyed data on an important study about autism and the mmr vaccine""; critics derided vaxxed as an anti-vaccine propaganda film.

the film received overwhelmingly negative reviews from academics and critics. the film was directed by discredited anti-vaccine activist andrew wakefield, who was struck off the medical register in the united kingdom in 2010 due to ethical violations related to his fraudulent research into the role of vaccines in autism. it was scheduled to premiere at the 2016 tribeca film festival but was withdrawn by the festival. in reviewing the film, indiewire said that ""wakefield doesn't just have a dog in this fight; he is the dog"". in november 2019, a sequel, vaxxed ii: the people's truth, was released.

further information: mmr vaccine and autism and lancet mmr autism fraud
in 1998 wakefield and 12 other authors published a study in the lancet suggesting that the mmr vaccine caused autism. in 2010 the study was retracted, and wakefield was struck off the medical register in the united kingdom due to ""ethical violations and a failure to disclose financial conflicts of interest"" and for his invention of evidence linking the mmr vaccine to autism. a substantial body of subsequent research has established that there is no link between the mmr vaccine and autism. wakefield went on to become a leader in the anti-vaccination movement that his discredited study helped create.

del bigtree, a producer of vaxxed, was formerly a producer of the doctors, an american medical advice talk show. the british medical journal conducted a study on the doctors and the dr. oz show and concluded with this warning about the shows: ""consumers should be skeptical about any recommendations provided ... as details are limited and only a third to one half of recommendations are based on believable or somewhat believable evidence"". as with all american medical programmes and medical teleshopping shows, the two programmes carry food and drug administration-required mandatory disclaimers at the end of each episode which state their advice is not a medical endorsement and viewers should consult with a physician based on the advice given.

the film was produced by autism media channel, of which wakefield is a director.


cdc info statement for mmr vaccine, 2012 - challenged in film.
according to variety, the film ""purports to investigate the claims of a senior scientist at the u.s. centers for disease control and prevention who revealed that the cdc had allegedly manipulated and destroyed data on an important study about autism and the mmr vaccine."" the film features the so-called ""cdc whistleblower"" narrative that is based on anti-vaccination activist and associate professor brian hooker's paper describing claims by senior cdc scientist william thompson that he and his co-authors had omitted mention of a correlation they found between vaccination and autism in african-american boys in a cdc study. however a 2011 iom report showed that evidence favors rejection of a relationship between the mmr vaccine and autism. the film contains edited excerpts of several phone calls between hooker and thompson recorded without thompson's knowledge. hooker's 2014 paper on the narrative was subsequently retracted due to ""serious concerns about the validity of its conclusions"" and in 2015 the cdc had confirmed that any such initial correlation had ceased to exist once they performed a more in-depth analysis of the children in the study.

these sometimes spliced-together unauthorized phone recordings of thompson, according to the houston press, form the ""crux of the entire movie ... and ... that's it"". on the ""cdc whistleblower"" narrative, philip larussa, a professor of paediatric medicine at columbia university medical center, said the film-makers ""were saying, there's this silver bullet here, and the cdc is hiding it, and no one else has looked at this issue, which is not the case"". thompson does not appear in the film and did not see it before it was released. thompson had released a statement on the controversy in 2014 which the new york times discussed in its coverage of vaxxed; the times described it as ""saying that while he questioned the 2004 study's presentation of some data, he would never advise people not to get vaccinated.""",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4-prFQl240,local public health unit update,"webinar recorded 23rd april 2024

bsw phu overview – prof eugene athan oam
syphilis update – dr sarah huffam, infectious diseases and sexual health physician
buruli ulcer update – a/prof daniel o'brien, deputy director bsw phu
measles update – dr naomi clarke, infectious diseases physician

discussion panel
dr saman farahangiz – director, grampians public health unit

'self-record this cpd activity - education activity (ea) 1 hour'",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-x9kpRXDlIg,#measles #worldhealthorganization #earthday #doctor,,04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKaEHReAO8o,teacher frustrations with required literacy training | wfyi news now,"hear the news you need to stay informed on your community with wfyi news now.

00:00 - intro
01:01 - reentry resource fair
02:20 - teacher frustrations with required literacy training
03:27 - possible measles exposure at children's museum
04:26 - carl erskine's legacy

an event this week will provide reentry resources for formerly incarcerated people in indianapolis. the science of reading is a body of scientific research about how children learn the building blocks of literacy, a law requires schools to begin using the method this year. eclipse gazers at the indianapolis children's museum may have been exposed to measles from an out-of-state visitor on april 8. indiana native, baseball legend and human rights advocate carl erskine passed away last week at the age of 97 - wfyi's jill sheridan sat down with ted green, a documentary filmmaker and friend of erskine's, to talk about his legacy.

want to go deeper on the stories you hear on wfyi news now? visit wfyi.org/news and follow us on social media to get comprehensive analysis and local news daily. subscribe to wfyi news now wherever you get your podcasts.

today's episode of wfyi news now was produced by abriana herron, drew daudelin and kendall antron with support from news director sarah neal-estes.

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#indianapolis #indiana #reentryresourcefair #literacytraining #measles #carlerskine",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykS5yEHsKIM,"imnci part-8(fever,malaria,measles)(urdu/hindi) #mbbsguide #mbbsguide #mbbsguideandmedics","follow this link to join my whatsapp community:

#measles",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiuGBPRzhYo,역 치룜방법(measles treatment),"#역
#measles",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,disgust,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lX2iVcyra1E,maintenance chemotherapy in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia part  2,"in this video, pediatric hematologist oncologist swati kanakia, md dch phd,  from mumbai will guide you through the care required during maintenance therapy in children with acute lymphocytic leukemia.

for children with a port, regular visits to the hospital for port flushing every 3-4 weeks are essential to maintain functionality. during these visits, a complete blood count (cbc) can be done to monitor blood counts, and liver function tests (lft) should be conducted every 3 months or as indicated to assess liver health.

general measures to follow during maintenance therapy include:

 live vaccines, like pulse polio, should not be administered to the child or close contacts.
if blood or platelets are needed, irradiated blood products are preferred.
general hygiene is crucial to prevent infections, including frequent and strict hand washing and avoiding crowded places.
school attendance is important for the child's overall progress.
regarding diet, there are no specific restrictions, but a full homemade diet is preferred, while street food should be avoided. it's essential to ensure water is boiled or filtered before consumption.

in addition to chemotherapy drugs, additional medications include:

syp/tab trimethoprim sulphamethoxazole, thrice a week for 6 months post-chemotherapy completion.
chlorhexidine mouthwash, adequately diluted.
local antifungal medication like clotrimazole lozenges.
sitz bath twice a day for perineum hygiene.
betadine application in armpits, groin, and skin folds to prevent infection.
immediate medical attention is necessary if there's a rash, such as chickenpox/measles, or contact with an infected child, as simple infectious diseases can pose significant risks to immunosuppressed children on maintenance chemotherapy. acyclovir will be given immediately if chickenpox is suspected.

lastly, monitor for concerning symptoms like fever, excessive appetite, redness and discharge from the eyes, and testicular enlargement, pain, or redness in boys.

this educational initiative aims to empower parents and patients with knowledge for better treatment and care, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes. please share this video, but remember, it cannot replace a consultation with your doctor. always consult and follow your doctor's advice. thanks for watching!",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/video/after-measles-outbreak-in-pennsylvania-new-jersey-and-delaware-health-officials-renew-warnings/,"after measles outbreak in pennsylvania, new jersey and delaware, health officials renew warnings","as of april 18th, 125 cases were reported in 17 states including pennsylvania, new jersey and delaware. stephanie stahl reports.",04/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/hpoolcouncil/videos/measles-know-the-symptoms/396525093266654/,measles - know the symptoms," -    
 #measles continues to spread around the country. it spreads easily and can be a serious infection that can lead to complications, especially in young children and those with weakened immune systems.
 make sure you know the symptoms.
 if you think you or your child has measles, call your gp surgery or nhs 111 first, before turning up at a healthcare setting - this will help to stop the virus spreading.",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/app/?ftag=CNM-16-10abd6g&url=https://www.cbsnews.com/video/number-of-u-s-measles-cases-continues-to-rise/,number of u.s. measles cases continues to rise,"at least 125 measles cases have been reported across 17 states so far this year, according to the centers for disease control and prevention. that's more cases reported this year than in all of 2022, the most recent peak. cbs news' nicole sganga reports.",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/sports/columbus-cdc-team-up-for-measles-prevention/vi-AA1nxj9K,"columbus, cdc team up for measles prevention","columbus, cdc team up for measles prevention",04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drzainhasan/reel/C6GlX9jLm3Z/,measles is becoming more and more prevalent. #measles #toddlers #doctor #medicine #nurse,measles is becoming more and more prevalent. #measles #toddlers #doctor #medicine #nurse,04/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6F5bldLpbP/,"protecting our little ones from measles starts with knowing the signs. stay informed, stay safe. #measles #childhealth ","protecting our little ones from measles starts with knowing the signs. stay informed, stay safe. #measles #childhealth ",04/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/houstonhealthdepartment/reel/C6HQEpELSUR/,"before you go, shield them from measles! ensure your children are vaccinated before traveling. keep them safe, healthy, and ready for adventure.  for more information on measles visit https://bit.ly/45toim0 #measles #healthmatters #hhd","before you go, shield them from measles! ensure your children are vaccinated before traveling. keep them safe, healthy, and ready for adventure.  for more information on measles visit https://bit.ly/45toim0 #measles #healthmatters #hhd",04/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/mama_is_awake/reel/C6HAjIiuYhF/,"measles and chicken pox dont seem so bad now, so they? manufactures even say no one under 2 should have one, and anyone with autoimmune disease, or is allergic to@any of the  ingredients shouldnt take one.. but guess who doesnt tell you that!?!? definitely not the doctors office, and definitely not cee dee cee, the ones who keep saying how safe these cocktail mixes are!","measles and chicken pox dont seem so bad now, so they? manufactures even say no one under 2 should have one, and anyone with autoimmune disease, or is allergic to@any of the  ingredients shouldnt take one.. but guess who doesnt tell you that!?!? definitely not the doctors office, and definitely not cee dee cee, the ones who keep saying how safe these cocktail mixes are!",04/23/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/tigernutbyjc/reel/C6GTczvsoUH/?locale=no,"load up your wards/children with vitamins . 
boost their brain for the books .
build their immune enough to fight chickenpox and measles classmates may resume with. 
keep their immunity strong enough not to contact cough and catarrh .

do you know you have leverage to pick their choice of fruits (ie the fruits and veggies they love) . we can also lace the fruits and vegetables their body needs but they do not like . we mix them well enough and you will see them drink it up and not know they had fruits they do not like .

to order :
send a dm/whatsapp (link in bio)
it's n7000 (12 bottles)
call 09129003911 today

#tigernutbyjc #juicesinportharcourt #backtoschool #womeninportharcourt #mumsanddadsinportharcourt","load up your wards/children with vitamins . 
boost their brain for the books .
build their immune enough to fight chickenpox and measles classmates may resume with. 
keep their immunity strong enough not to contact cough and catarrh .

do you know you have leverage to pick their choice of fruits (ie the fruits and veggies they love) . we can also lace the fruits and vegetables their body needs but they do not like . we mix them well enough and you will see them drink it up and not know they had fruits they do not like .

to order :
send a dm/whatsapp (link in bio)
it's n7000 (12 bottles)
call 09129003911 today

#tigernutbyjc #juicesinportharcourt #backtoschool #womeninportharcourt #mumsanddadsinportharcourt",04/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/cardiffandvaleuhb/videos/who-is-eligible-for-the-mmr-vaccine/1360872047917676/,Who is eligible for the MMR vaccine?,#Measles is highly infectious and the only way to prevent outbreaks is through vaccination. It is never too late to catch up on missed doses. More here ➡️ https://orlo.uk/UtOlB #WorldImmunisationWeek,04/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@pcckd_24h/video/7361343426081590544,demam campak#primercherangclinickotadamansara24h #measles,demam campak#primercherangclinickotadamansara24h #measles,04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@judgeyomamahoe/video/7361470939604716843,#greenscreen #nakednews #measles #becareful,#greenscreen #nakednews #measles #becareful,04/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@1999_mm8/video/7361565557642005765,"™"" ™‡™… ™†™™ ™™‡ ™™…™†™ ™™ ™‡™ ™…™""™' ™""™ ™"" ##™"" #™_™"" #__™"" #™""™' #™…™""™™…_™ #measles","™"" ™‡™… ™†™™ ™™‡ ™™…™†™ ™™ ™‡™ ™…™""™' ™""™ ™"" ##™"" #™_™"" #__™"" #™""™' #™…™""™™…_™ #measles",04/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/continental_hospitals/reel/C6IiiclRbhq/,"ever wondered about the power of vaccines?  dr. guru n reddy, chief of gastroenterology & liver diseases, takes us on a journey through the history and impact of immunization. from the eradication of smallpox to the prevention of measles, he highlights the crucial role vaccines play in our health. but it's not just about children. did you know adults need vaccines too? join us this world immunization week to explore the myths and facts about vaccines. stay tuned!

#powerofvaccines #immunizationjourney #vaccinesimpact #smallpoxeradication #measlesprevention #healthrole #vaccinesforall #adultvaccination #mythsandfacts #worldimmunizationweek #stayinformed #vaccinesmatter #protectyourself #healthyliving #communityhealth #publichealth #preventivedose #healthychoices #getvaccinated #wellnessadvocate #healthawareness #globalhealth #diseaseprevention #immunizationsaveslives #healthcampaign #vaccineeducation #immunizationefforts #continentalhospitals #hyderabad","ever wondered about the power of vaccines?  dr. guru n reddy, chief of gastroenterology & liver diseases, takes us on a journey through the history and impact of immunization. from the eradication of smallpox to the prevention of measles, he highlights the crucial role vaccines play in our health. but it's not just about children. did you know adults need vaccines too? join us this world immunization week to explore the myths and facts about vaccines. stay tuned!

#powerofvaccines #immunizationjourney #vaccinesimpact #smallpoxeradication #measlesprevention #healthrole #vaccinesforall #adultvaccination #mythsandfacts #worldimmunizationweek #stayinformed #vaccinesmatter #protectyourself #healthyliving #communityhealth #publichealth #preventivedose #healthychoices #getvaccinated #wellnessadvocate #healthawareness #globalhealth #diseaseprevention #immunizationsaveslives #healthcampaign #vaccineeducation #immunizationefforts #continentalhospitals #hyderabad",04/24/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,surprise,surprise
https://www.instagram.com/shenaamara/reel/C6Iezf5AgpV/,"init ra ka,,,nka spf 50 me...heheh..
measles vaccination augmentation team to bangsamoro autonomous region in muslim mindanao ...pikit, cotabato.
shams san juan 
#fypシ゚シ #highlights 
#highlightseveryone","init ra ka,,,nka spf 50 me...heheh..
measles vaccination augmentation team to bangsamoro autonomous region in muslim mindanao ...pikit, cotabato.
shams san juan 
#fypシ゚シ #highlights 
#highlightseveryone",04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,disgust,disgust
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCerexlXM_o,measles case in vermont prompts crucial reminder for families to vaccinate young children,"measles case in vermont prompts crucial reminder for families to vaccinate young children

subscribe to my nbc5 on youtube now for more: http://bit.ly/1e9vg0j

get more burlington/plattsburgh news: http://www.mynbc5.com
like us:  https://www.facebook.com/mynbc5/
follow us: https://twitter.com/mynbc5
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mynbc5",04/24/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oLidTh6m_4,ep. 8 live healthy wv - measles: making an unwelcome comeback,"called ""the most contagious virus known to man by some, measles was declared eliminated in the u.s. in 2000 but seems to be making an unwelcome comeback in 2024.  and now the first case of measles has been reported in west virginia in 15 years. we talk with wvu health system epidemiologist dr. michael stevens about how to protect yourself and your family from getting this serious disease.  
live healthy wv is brought to you by wvu medicine and is now streaming on the west virginia metro news podcast  platform and the new metro news tv app.",04/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPc7HBKExzk,local health leaders monitoring measles case in west virginia,"cabell county, w.va. (wchs) — local health leaders are paying close attention after west virginia confirmed its first known measles case in 15 years.

even though the morgantown area is several miles away, health officials in cabell county are keeping close tabs on the situation.

full story: https://wchstv.com/news/local/local-health-leaders-watching-measles-case-in-northern-wv-closely

for the latest local and national news, visit our website: https://wchstv.com/
sign up for our newsletter: https://wchstv.com/sign-up
follow wchs-tv on social media:
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eyewitnessnewscharleston/
twitter: https://twitter.com/wchs8fox11​
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wchs8fox11/",04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WL2Of4a_E1c,"preparing for the next pandemic, bird flu outbreak, measles cases and years of life lost statistics","is there a vaccine for bird flu? can pets get bird flu? is america prepared for another pandemic? what is an example of a daly? why is global health security important?

our guest is ama's vice president of science, medicine and public health, andrea garcia, jd, mph. american medical association cxo todd unger hosts.

 learn more about the us national strategy for countering biological threats, enhancing pandemic preparedness, and achieving global health security usaid: https://www.usaid.gov/global-health/health-areas/global-health-security

 wondering what are the objectives of the global health security agenda? visit united states agency for international development for details on the global health security agenda ghsa: https://www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/security/what-is-ghsa.htm

 for more information on the global pandemic accord: https://www.who.int/news/item/20-03-2024-call-for-urgent-agreement-on-international-deal-to-prepare-for-and-prevent-future-pandemics

the lancet infectious diseases journal for the global burden associated with 85 pathogens in 2019 a systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study 2019: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/piis1473-3099(24)00158-0/fulltext

 the ama is your powerful ally in patient care. join now: https://bit.ly/amajoinrenew 

00:00 ama update april 24, 2024
00:30 bird flu 2024: who avian flu news (current chief scientist of who dr. jeremy farrar)
00:47 bird flu virus: can humans get bird flu?
01:05 bird flu world health organization
01:52 avian flu outbreak: bird flu vaccine
02:17 h5n1 vaccine: avian flu pandemic (administration for strategic preparedness and response)
02:42 bird flu pandemic: avian influenza treatments
02:51 avian flu in humans: is bird flu deadly?
03:34 bird flu worldwide: avian influenza medications (avian flu worldwide)
04:03 h5n1 cdc avian influenza specialists
04:38 new york times bird flu: avian influenza in wild birds
04:59 avian flu 2022
05:16 avian flu virus: how does bird flu spread?
06:03 global health security program: future pandemic preparation and response
06:24 how many countries are involved with the global health security agenda?
06:36 future pandemic response: what is the the global health security agenda (ghsa cdc)
07:03 future pandemics after covid
07:37 future pandemic preparedness: who pandemic treaty (vaccine development, genetic data, vaccine access)
08:46 global pandemic agreement (next pandemic preparedness, lockdowns, mask mandates by country)
09:25 disability-adjusted life years: new study infectious disease mortality data
10:18 years of life lost due to disability: what is the formula for years of life lost?
11:21 measles outbreak 2024: measles statistics


 subscribe to @americanmedicalassociation on youtube: https://bit.ly/ama_youtubechannel 

 watch #amaupdate for healthcare news for physicians, residents and medical students: https://bit.ly/ama_update 

 podcast episodes and youtube transcript available: https://bit.ly/ama_update_transcripts 

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#fightingfordocs #medicine #futureofhealthcare #physicianadvocacy #healthcare #medical #science #publichealth #pandemic #pandemicresponse #covid #birdflu #avianflu #avianinfluenza #measles #who #worldhealthorganization #cdc #aspr #nyt #npr #wapo #ghsa #thelancet #infectiousdisease #tb #tuberculosis #malaria #hiv #aids #mortality #disability #dalys #americanmedicalassociation",04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R-F7MOUgxI,immunization week during a measles outbreak warning across the us,"brazos county health district hosts their infant immunization week as the cdc warns of a measles outbreak across 18 states._x000d_
read more: https://www.kcentv.com/article/news/health/immunization-week-during-a-measles-outbreak/499-4d6264fc-7148-4e56-b4c0-740dd1ce39f1_x000d_
subscribe | http://bit.ly/2z6mt7n_x000d_
follow 6 news:_x000d_
https://www.tiktok.com/@kcentv",04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zohqow_ck0g,immunization week during a measles outbreak warning across the us,"brazos county health district hosts their infant immunization week as the cdc warns of a measles outbreak across 18 states._x000d_
read more: https://www.kagstv.com/article/news/health/immunization-week-during-a-measles-outbreak/499-4d6264fc-7148-4e56-b4c0-740dd1ce39f1_x000d_
subscribe | http://bit.ly/2z6mt7n_x000d_
follow 6 news:_x000d_
https://www.tiktok.com/@kcentv",04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDkrehWnV4Q,ohio valley health officials respond to confirmed measles case in monongalia county,ohio valley health officials respond to confirmed measles case in monongalia county,04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMg__RAinQc,vermont health officials confirm first measles case since 2018,"for the first time since 2018, there's a confirmed case of measles in vermont but health officials say the risk to the public remains low.",04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnyAdFpGklg,report: 91% vaccinated for measles in nevada,"a 95% rate is recommended as healthy._x000d_
 for more local news from kvvu:  https://www.fox5vegas.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucpr_4ynljaphcr0vi5yr5sa",04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSgoUte-Vc0,measles case confirmed within the state of west virginia since 2009,measles case confirmed within the state of west virginia since 2009,04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kvh-odb3UaQ,community connections 4.24 - measles,"cdhd has received several questions about measles recently, particularly when it comes to vaccinations and travel. in this edition we discuss this disease. 

community connections takes place each week on 1430 krgi radio. the health department appreciates the collaboration.",04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErX4knMKZMo,vt. health officials monitoring measles case,"vt. health officials monitoring measles case_x000d_
 for more local news from wcax:  https://www.wcax.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucn7285bo_vezij9brptkfma",04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEA5NEjiKy4,"doh logs over 1,800 measles cases nationwide","subscribe to one news ph here:

#brunch | the department of health has logged more than 1,800 cases of measles this year, with 48 percent of the cases reported in the bangsamoro region.

find one news ph here: https://onenews.ph
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onenewsph/
twitter: https://twitter.com/onenewsph
viber: https://bit.ly/36uqlso
telegram: https://t.me/onenewsph",04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
#complications.",04/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBzSyHqMJDg,"emotional calmness/sleep disturbance sheng ma, yuan zhi, bai zi ren","neurocardiac sedatives
nourish the heart and calm the spirit with light remedies, remedies for the cardiovascular system

sheng ma, yuan zhi, bai zi ren

麻 cimicifuga sheng ma : rhizoma cimicifugae, rising hemp root 591.387 hz
neurocardiac sedative: hypnotic, analgesic: neurocardiac hyperfunctioning with anxiety, irritability; neurocardiac syndrome, stress, anxiety states, sleep disorder; headache, colic, myalgia, neuralgia, dysmenorrhea cardiac relaxant, hypotensive: palpitations, hypertension anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antibacterial, antiviral: laryngitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, tonsilitis, bronchitis, enteritis, erysipelas, typhoid, malaria, shingles (herpes zoster) diaphoretic, rash-promoting: measles, smallpox, scarlet fever astringent: chronic diarrhea, canker sores, mouth ulcers uterine decongestant: menorrhagia, congestive dysmenorrhea estrogenic antiprolapse: gastroptosis, uterine prolapse, rectal prolapse, rectocele antitumoral

远志 polygala yuan zhi : radix polygalae, thin-leaf milkwort root 427.122 hz
neurocardiac sedative: hypnotic: neurocardiac hyperfunctioning with anxiety, insomnia; neurocardiac syndrome, stress, anxiety states, sleep disorder, agitation, mental disorientation, nightmares, menopausal syndrome anticonvulsant: seizures (incl. in children) cardiac relaxant, hypotensive: hypertension nervous restorative: cerebral deficiency, memory loss, weakness, mental fatigue, stress; alzheimer's, concussion mucolytic/stimulant expectorant: chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis; cough with viscous sputum uterine stimulant: emmenagogue, oxytocicparturient: delayed, scanty or absent menses, prolonged pregnancy, stalled labor hepatic stimulant: jaundice, liver congestion, appetite loss resolvent detoxicant: boils, carbuncles, breast abscess, acute mastitis; toxicosis inteiferon inducent, antibacterial: miscellaneous infections

 biota bai zi ren : semen platycladi, oriental arborvitae berry 930.615 hz
neurocardiac sedative: hypnotic: neurocardiac hyperfunctioning with insomnia, anxiety; stress, neurocardiac syndrome, anxiety states, hysteria analgesic (mild): headache astringent, anhydrotic: furtive sweating, seminal incontinence demulcent laxative: constipation due to dryness, postpartumand senile constipation

0:00 cimicifuga sheng ma : rhizoma cimicifugae, rising hemp root
9:44 polygala yuan zhi : radix polygalae, thin-leaf milkwort root
19:26 biota bai zi ren : semen platycladi, oriental arborvitae berry",04/24/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeftUvjrIko,world immunisation week 2024 | chief medical officer,"on world immunisation week, as we reflect on the lifesaving impact of vaccines worldwide, the chief medical officer is asking you to check that you and your children are up to date with your vaccines. 
see https://www.immunisation.ie/
vaccines protect us all. #everydosecounts

this week is world immunisation week, an opportunity to reflect on the importance of our vaccination programmes which protects us against serious diseases. globally, in the past 50 years, vaccines have saved almost 154 million lives. that's six people every minute for five decades.  vaccinations have eradicated smallpox, reduced polio by 99% and reduced infant deaths by 40%. and they are evolving all the time. now, we have a new vaccine that can prevent cancers and we hope to eliminate cervical cancer by 2040.
in ireland, the childhood immunisation programme provides children with a range of vaccines, including the mmr vaccine. this is particularly important now, as measles cases have increased in ireland in recent months, so please get your vaccine if you are eligible.
we have also seen an increase in pertussis or whooping cough. so, i strongly recommend all pregnant women to get your free vaccine which offers vital protection for newborn babies in those first few months.
in the past few years, with the emergence of covid, we've seen how new vaccines are incredibly effective in reducing the risk of serious illness and death. this week, i want to remind all those aged 80 years or over and others who are eligible to top up your protection with the covid spring booster.
i'd also like to remind parents of first year children that some routine vaccines are being offered by school vaccination teams, so keep an eye out for the hse consent pack in your child's schoolbag. we get vaccinated not just for ourselves and for our children, but to protect those around us too. if you want to know more about vaccinations available for you and your family, go to immunisation.ie and remember, every dose counts. thank you.",04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjIdmy-Qxt8,childhood vaccinations - dr faye hinsley,"make sure your children are up-to-date with their vaccinations. 

if you're not sure whether your child has had all the right vaccines, including both doses of the measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) vaccine, then please check their red book health record or contact your gp practice. 

for more information, visit getvaccinatednow.co.uk",04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,joy,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wa9KTOzwSr0,childhood vaccinations - dr ash peshen,"make sure your children are up-to-date with their vaccinations. 

if you're not sure whether your child has had all the right vaccines, including both doses of the measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) vaccine, then please check their red book health record or contact your gp practice. 

for more information, visit getvaccinatednow.co.uk",04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXqiDMX3Mwc,"ମମପସ ରୋଗୀର ସଂଖା କାହିକି ବଢି ବଢି ଯାଉଛି / mumps virus symptoms, diagnosis and treatment","ମମପସ ରୋଗୀର ସଂଖା କାହିକି ବଢି ବଢି ଯାଉଛି / mumps virus symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

mumps virus

mumps is a contagious viral infection caused by the mumps virus. it primarily affects the salivary glands, resulting in swelling and pain. mumps is most commonly seen in children, but it can affect individuals of any age.


1. swollen and painful salivary glands: the most recognizable symptom of mumps is swelling and pain in one or both of the parotid glands, located below and in front of the ears.
2. fever: a mild to high fever often accompanies the swelling of the salivary glands.
3. headache: some people with mumps may experience headaches.
4. muscle aches: muscle aches and fatigue are common symptoms.
5. loss of appetite: many individuals with mumps may experience a loss of appetite.
6. pain while chewing or swallowing: the swollen salivary glands can make it painful to chew or swallow.


the diagnosis of mumps is typically based on clinical symptoms and physical examination. laboratory tests can also be conducted to confirm the diagnosis, which may include:

1. saliva or blood tests: these tests can detect the presence of the mumps virus or antibodies produced by the immune system in response to the virus.

2. polymerase chain reaction (pcr) test: this test can detect the genetic material of the mumps virus in a sample of saliva or blood.


there is no specific treatment for mumps, as it is a viral infection. however, supportive care can help alleviate symptoms and promote recovery:

1. rest: getting plenty of rest is important to help the body fight off the infection.
2. pain relievers: over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help reduce fever and relieve pain.
3. hydration: drinking plenty of fluids can help prevent dehydration, especially if there is difficulty swallowing due to swollen glands.
4. soft diet: eating soft foods can help ease the discomfort of swollen salivary glands.
5. warm or cold compress: applying a warm or cold compress to the swollen glands can help reduce pain and swelling.
6. isolation: individuals with mumps should be isolated from others, especially from unvaccinated individuals and those at high risk of complications, to prevent the spread of the virus.


the most effective way to prevent mumps is through vaccination. the mmr vaccine (measles, mumps, and rubella) is routinely given to children and provides protection against mumps. adults who have not been vaccinated or who are unsure of their vaccination status should consider getting vaccinated.

it's essential to consult a healthcare provider for diagnosis and treatment if mumps is suspected. while mumps is typically a mild and self-limiting illness, complications such as meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, and orchitis (inflammation of the testicles) can occur in some cases.",04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8Pi_wQ3Lkhc,measles rash - what it looks like on different skin types #shorts #health,,04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHuvbNt2Obw,scaling up impact | gumagana ang bakuna!,"""ako ay personal na naniniwala na ang bakuna ay importante at malaki ang matutulong para sa kalusugan ng aking anak.""

#vaccinesbringuscloser to a world free of diseases like tb, polio, pertussis, and measles. #vaccineswork, and they help eradicate diseases to save millions of children's lives each year.

watch aneliza highlight the importance of completing the routine immunization to keep her child and her whole family safe from diseases. 

save the children, with the support of australia in the philippines , is implementing the scaling up impact project to ensure a healthier world for filipino children through immunizations.

#forandwithchildren",04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_SHvDKul9g,check this out!! all lab test we offer from home,"all lab test available for you to order from home

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genesis medical diagnostics allows you to take your health into your own hands, order your own blood labs, receive your own results and track your health and your families health. you can do this in 3 easy steps: 1. order your blood labs from us
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order online at: www.genesismedicaldiagnostics.comy",04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wcax.com/video/2024/04/24/vt-health-officials-monitoring-measles-case/,vt. health officials monitoring measles case,health officials are monitoring vermonts one confirmed case of measles.,04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wbng.com/video/2024/04/24/broome-co-health-department-encourages-child-vaccinations-measles-cases-rise/,broome co. health department encourages child vaccinations as measles cases rise,broome co. health department encourages child vaccinations as measles cases rise,04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.msn.com/en-za/video/news/measles-case-in-vermont-prompts-crucial-reminder-for-families-to-vaccinate-young-children/vi-AA1nBsja,measles case in vermont prompts crucial reminder for families to vaccinate young children,measles case in vermont prompts crucial reminder for families to vaccinate young children,04/24/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/drshazmamithani/reel/C6KSgHhv4yH/,"please be diligent!

measles is extremely contagious and transmitted by airborne transmission. in people who are unvaccinated or under vaccinated (less than 2 mmr vaccine doses) the risk of transmission with exposure to measles or over 90%. 

if you take your child to the doctor's office or er, let them know right away if there's been an exposure to measles or you think your child may have measles. 

in those who have travelled outside of the country or have been exposed, and are also under or unvaccinated, the team will work to get your family isolated and away from the waiting room asap to reduce transmission.

measles remains in the air for hours after a person has been in the space, which is why it's so so important to be upfront with the triage staff if there's any chance you or your child could have measles. 

leave your questions in the comments below and please share with your friends and family. 
#measles #mmr #rash #sickkid #pediatrics #airborne #travel #er","please be diligent!

measles is extremely contagious and transmitted by airborne transmission. in people who are unvaccinated or under vaccinated (less than 2 mmr vaccine doses) the risk of transmission with exposure to measles or over 90%. 

if you take your child to the doctor's office or er, let them know right away if there's been an exposure to measles or you think your child may have measles. 

in those who have travelled outside of the country or have been exposed, and are also under or unvaccinated, the team will work to get your family isolated and away from the waiting room asap to reduce transmission.

measles remains in the air for hours after a person has been in the space, which is why it's so so important to be upfront with the triage staff if there's any chance you or your child could have measles. 

leave your questions in the comments below and please share with your friends and family. 
#measles #mmr #rash #sickkid #pediatrics #airborne #travel #er",04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/drdarrellwolfe/reel/C6KRzAuOr6r/,"make dod pain away your summer sidekick ☀
great for bug bites, sunburn, rashes and more now on sale at store.docofdetox.com

fulvic acid's nanosize allows for easy penetration of the skin to relieve pain and irritation. excellent for sunburns as fulvic accelerates healing of burns and any skin irritation and relieves pain. for poison ivy/oak spray directly on the affected area and follow up with fulvic acid concentrate taken internally. 

use on: eczema, diaper rash, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, hives, athletes foot, psoriasis, herpes zoster, measles, chicken pox, insect bites, and acne.

#eczema #eczemarelief #eczemahealing #acne #acneproblems #acneproneskin #bugbite #chickenpox #hives #humic #insectbites #psoriasiswarrior #psoriasistreatment","make dod pain away your summer sidekick ☀
great for bug bites, sunburn, rashes and more now on sale at store.docofdetox.com

fulvic acid's nanosize allows for easy penetration of the skin to relieve pain and irritation. excellent for sunburns as fulvic accelerates healing of burns and any skin irritation and relieves pain. for poison ivy/oak spray directly on the affected area and follow up with fulvic acid concentrate taken internally. 

use on: eczema, diaper rash, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, hives, athletes foot, psoriasis, herpes zoster, measles, chicken pox, insect bites, and acne.

#eczema #eczemarelief #eczemahealing #acne #acneproblems #acneproneskin #bugbite #chickenpox #hives #humic #insectbites #psoriasiswarrior #psoriasistreatment",04/24/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/sudippoudel11/reel/C6K0BOkoBIp/,"immunization currently prevents 3.5-5 million deaths every year from diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, influenza and measles.","immunization currently prevents 3.5-5 million deaths every year from diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, influenza and measles.",04/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@dr.baha2/video/7361457712804154630,just us as we create the awareness of these deadly but preventable childhood killer diseases. one word for @adjoa lil doc € @bb€™s clothing @lisa_brown16 @tv3 ghana #ghanatiktok‡‡ #childhoodkillerdiseases #killerdisease #diseases #measles #diphtheria #pertussis #poliomyelitis #tuberculosis #tetan,just us as we create the awareness of these deadly but preventable childhood killer diseases. one word for @adjoa lil doc € @bb€™s clothing @lisa_brown16 @tv3 ghana #ghanatiktok‡‡ #childhoodkillerdiseases #killerdisease #diseases #measles #diphtheria #pertussis #poliomyelitis #tuberculosis #tetan,04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@intlmedicalcorpsuk/video/7361390060240964897,""" did you know #vaccines have helped to drastically reduce the spread of diseases like polio, measles and covid-19? they're one of the most effective tools we have in public health. let's keep pushing forward, reaching for a world where preventable diseases are a thing of the past.
",""" did you know #vaccines have helped to drastically reduce the spread of diseases like polio, measles and covid-19? they're one of the most effective tools we have in public health. let's keep pushing forward, reaching for a world where preventable diseases are a thing of the past.
",04/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@khan81043/video/7361791580908440837,™››™† ›' ››' ›™… †™ ™™™†› ›™…›™ ›' † ›'››  ™†››'› #vaccine #medical #measles #publicawareness #health #khan81043 ,™››™† ›' ››' ›™… †™ ™™™†› ›™…›™ ›' † ›'››  ™†››'› #vaccine #medical #measles #publicawareness #health #khan81043 ,04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5hIjBazL-A,more children at risk for #measles,cdc's dr. demetre daskalakis outlines the consequences of decreased measles vaccination rates among american children.,04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfiYCY6eWmg,west virginia confirms first measles case since 2009,"a west virginia hospital has confirmed the first known case of measles in the state since 2009, health officials said.",04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnPKPq3c8aw,"vaccines- politicization, misinformation, and hesitancy- the reality of measles","dr. omer awan, physician, forbes contributor, and scripps news medical contributor provides an insightful explanation regarding vaccine hesitancy, why it occurs, and the reality of the rising measles cases.  #vaccine #vaccinehesitancy #misinformation_buster #measles #publichealth #media #news",04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fKQ2A_FZ9I,doctors urge parents to get vaccinated as cases of diseases like measles make a comeback,"according to the world health organization, cases of measles rose by 79% in 2023. medical experts say the best way of protecting your kids from these diseases is to get vaccinated.

details: https://www.wtkr.com/news/doctors-urge-parents-to-get-vaccinated-as-cases-of-diseases-like-measles-make-a-comeback",04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmMt8wlNJCc,ozempic patients sue!  disney on ice measles outbreak and first pig kidney human transplant!,"alright then, this represents my first attempt at making a funny/satyrical video.  i hope you enjoyed it, don't forget to like and subscribe and we'll see how many more i can come up with. 

don't forget to watch my other healthcare videos!",04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,anger,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Wo5aesbkpA,understanding rubella: the german measles,"thank you for coming to oxy tv, hope these videos will help you.
please like and subscribe to the channel to support oxy tv.
thanks for everythings!

in this informative video, we delve into the details of rubella, commonly known as german measles. from its causes and symptoms to diagnosis, treatment options, and effective prevention methods, we cover everything you need to know about this contagious viral infection. stay informed and empowered with valuable insights to protect yourself and your loved ones. don't forget to hit the like button and share this video to spread awareness!


00:00:00 introduction to rubella
00:00:36 causes and transmission of rubella
00:00:46 signs and symptoms of rubella
00:01:25 diagnosis and treatment of rubella
00:02:30 prevention of rubella
00:03:11 conclusion

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#thehealth #skillerhome #doctoronline #enviroment #interestingknowledge #nooneisleftbehind",04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7woEMufHVM,breaking news | measles spread rapidly in multan | 25 april 2024 | rohi,"breaking news | measles spread rapidly in multan | 25 april 2024 | rohi
#rohi #news #headlines #measles  #health 

rohi is a regional news channel for the people of south punjab and the saraiki belt. follow rohi to keep up to date with the latest news and breaking stories.

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#news #rohi #breakingnews #newsheadlines #headlines",04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xMEU0kOkVM,doh measles radio public service ad q2 2024 30s [st],"doh measles radio public service ad.

ang content na ito ay stereo kung ito ay available.

radio ads ba ang hanap mo? halika na sa drps two channel! mag-subscribe lamang sa opisyal na youtube channel natin. kami lang ang nagpo-post ng mga radio ads lamang!

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drps two 7148: doh measles radio public service ad q2 2024 30s [st]
radio ads? simple 'yan sa #drpstwo!
phca cid phca-2024h1-5755/april 12, 2024

this is an archived content from drps phca.
uploaded on drps two youtube channel.",04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlaAMPsMOA4,"khasra ka ilaj /    / measle sign, symptoms and treatment in urdu,hindi,","#measles #khasra #measles_treatment # 

measles causes, sign, symptoms and treatment in urdu,hindi 
measles treatment 
measles ka ilaj 
khasra ka ilaj
khasra ka fori ilaj 
khasra ka asan ilaj 
khasra ka gharelu ilaj 
for more informative video's follow me on 



facebook page

asadtiktok786",04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-pKOWXfmEg,know all about mmr & dpt vaccines | amrita hospital faridabad,"as we celebrate world immunization week, our expert dr veena raghunathan, senior consultant, paediatric icu explains the importance of mmr and dpt vaccines and their role in safeguarding our health. dr veena explains what complications measles, mums and rubella can bring in. delve into the importance of understanding the significance of vaccines in preventing diseases and the benefits of immunization. together, let's prioritize immunization and protect our loved ones.

to book an appointment call 0129-2851234 or 0129-3521234

#worldimmunizationweek #vaccineswork #immunizationforall #publichealth #apkasurakshakawach #vaccinessavelives #embracegoodhealth #amritahosptialfaridabad #amritahospital",04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/B5hIjBazL-A,more children at risk for #measles,cdc's dr. demetre daskalakis outlines the consequences of decreased measles vaccination rates among american children.,04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2C9AdueiMYg,measles ,,04/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEN-Vv4d0Cg,measles spread rapidly in south punjab,,04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na9jTJbDc3U,#measles- rubella vaccination schedule for children,,04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCvA3GIZnvg,unicef is working to update and enhance vaccine cold-chain infrastructure in ukraine.,"in 2023 and early 2024, at the request of the moh, unicef delivered nearly 3 million doses of vaccines (polio, diphtheria-tetanus, measles-mumps-rubella, haemophilus influenzae type b (hib), covid-19, hepatitis a) to ukraine, procured with support from the united states agency for international development (usaid), the governments of japan, the netherlands and france, and the international covax initiative. in addition, unicef has been working with the world bank, gavi and usaid to update and enhance vaccine cold-chain infrastructure in ukraine. nearly 6,600 vaccine refrigerators and freezers have been procured and delivered to support effective vaccine storage at about 80% of vaccination points. unicef and usaid funding has also procured 36 refrigerator vans for vaccine transportation from regional storage facilities to vaccination points.",04/25/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIZtPUy3lec,"medication for khasara ,measles",measles or khasara and its homoeopathic remedy,04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,disgust
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z0QUbjknak,the iberian conquest of the americas: unraveling the epic saga of colonization | history,"the iberian conquest of the americas is a  complex historical event that forever changed the course of world history. this monumental conquest, spearheaded by the spanish and portuguese explorers and conquistadors, marked a pivotal moment in the age of exploration and colonization. the exploration and subsequent colonization of the americas by these iberian powers had far-reaching consequences that shaped the modern world as we know it today. the iberian conquest of the americas began in the late 15th century with the voyages of christopher columbus, who, under the sponsorship of the spanish crown, set sail westward in search of a new trade route to asia. instead of reaching asia, columbus stumbled upon the caribbean islands and inadvertently kickstarted a wave of exploration and conquest that would eventually lead to the colonization of vast territories in the americas. the spanish conquistadors, such as hernan cortes and francisco pizarro, played a crucial role in the conquest of the aztec and inca empires, respectively, using superior military tactics, advanced weaponry, and alliances with local indigenous groups to topple these powerful civilizations. the portuguese, led by explorers like vasco da gama and pedro alvares cabral, also established a significant presence in the americas, particularly in brazil. the iberian conquest of the americas was characterized by a complex interplay of cultural exchange, conflict, exploitation, and colonization. the arrival of the europeans brought devastating diseases, such as smallpox and measles, which decimated the indigenous populations who had no immunity to these illnesses. the colonizers also imposed their religion, language, and social systems on the native peoples, forever altering their way of life. the legacy of the iberian conquest of the americas is still evident today in the languages, cultures, and societies of the americas. the spanish and portuguese influence can be seen in the architecture, food, music, and traditions of countries throughout north and south america. 

 voyages of discovery: trace the footsteps of intrepid explorers like christopher columbus, hernn corts, and francisco pizarro as they set sail from the shores of iberia in search of new lands and riches. explore the motivations behind their voyages and the technological advancements that enabled them to navigate uncharted waters and chart bold new courses across the atlantic.

 encounter and conquest: witness the fateful meetings between european explorers and indigenous peoples as the worlds of the old and new collide. follow the conquests of empires like the aztecs, the incas, and countless others as they succumb to the superior firepower, diseases, and strategies of the conquistadors, forever altering the political and cultural landscape of the americas.

 colonization and exploitation: explore the establishment of colonial outposts and the exploitation of natural resources that fueled the economic ambitions of european powers in the americas. learn about the encomienda system, the transatlantic slave trade, and the profound impact of european colonization on indigenous societies, ecosystems, and economies.

 global exchange: delve into the transformative effects of the columbian exchange, a vast network of biological, cultural, and technological exchanges that reshaped the contours of global history. explore the exchange of crops, animals, diseases, and ideas between the old world and the new, and the far-reaching consequences of this interconnectedness on human societies and ecosystems.

 legacy and reflection: reflect on the enduring legacy of the iberian conquest of the americas and its profound impact on the modern world. consider the complex legacies of colonization, imperialism, and cultural exchange that continue to shape the identities and inequalities of nations across the americas and beyond.

#iberian , 
#iberianconquest  ,#americashistory  ,#colonialism  ,#spanishempire  ,#exploration  ,#newworld  ,#conquistadors  ,#europeanexpansion  ,#colonialhistory  ,#discoveryofamerica ,#europeancolonization

#history, #historicalfacts, #worldhistory, #ancienthistory, #historicalevents, #historicalfigures, #historychannel, #historylessons, #historicalknowledge, #historicalmysteries, #historyenthusiast, #historicaltimeline, #historicalsites, #historicalresearch, #historydocumentary, #historicaleducation, #historicaltopics, #historybuff, #historicalperiods, #historytrivia",04/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxLsUx8YcOs,a child with white spots in the buccal cavity and high fever,"a child with white spots in the buccal cavity and high fever

read the clinical case:

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#fever #measles #clinicalcases #healthcare #casestudy",04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/video/west-virginia-confirms-first-measles-case-since-2009/,west virginia confirms first measles case since 2009,"a west virginia hospital has confirmed the first known case of measles in the state since 2009, health officials said.",04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://globalnews.ca/video/10451487/person-with-measles-visited-edmonton-airport-stollery-childrens-hospital-ahs,"person with measles visited edmonton airport, stollery childrens hospital: ahs","alberta health services is warning people that a person with measles attended a number of places in and around edmonton recently, including the airport and stollery. quinn ohler has more.
read more:
 person with measles visited edmonton airport, stollery children's hospital: ahs",04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/video/c2911154-officials-make-measles-vaccination-plea,officials make measles vaccination plea,health officials are asking people to keep their vaccinations up to date for measles after a case was confirmed in edmonton.,04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/preparepacific/videos/get-your-measles-shots-straight-away-/779298927244243/,get your measles shots straight away ,get your measles shots straight away ,04/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,surprise,surprise
https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/video/c2911154-officials-make-measles-vaccination-plea,officials make measles vaccination plea,health officials are asking people to keep their vaccinations up to date for measles after a case was confirmed in edmonton.,04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/AmerAcadPeds/videos/pediatrician-anita-chandra-answers-one-of-parents-top-questions-about-their-chil/840174327923362/,pediatrician anita chandra answers one of parents top questions about their childs vaccinations during#niiw: are diseases like measle,"pediatrician anita chandra answers one of parents top questions about their childs vaccinations during #niiw: are diseases like measles really that dangerous for infants? its important to remember that measles is very contagious and young kids are especially vulnerable, but the measles vaccine offers good protection. pediatricians recommend babies receive it between 12 to 15 months of age.",04/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.instagram.com/hrhealth_/reel/C6MCsZLLyz_/,"measles is a highly contagious respiratory virus, most common in children. symptoms of measles include fever, a red blotchy rash, red watery eyes and cough. it spreads easily when an infected person breathes, coughs or sneezes. it can cause severe disease, complications, and even death.

immunization is the best protection against measles. watch the video to learn more from dr. ian brasg, director of infection, prevention, and control. #immunizationawarenessweek

watch here: link in bio ","measles is a highly contagious respiratory virus, most common in children. symptoms of measles include fever, a red blotchy rash, red watery eyes and cough. it spreads easily when an infected person breathes, coughs or sneezes. it can cause severe disease, complications, and even death.

immunization is the best protection against measles. watch the video to learn more from dr. ian brasg, director of infection, prevention, and control. #immunizationawarenessweek

watch here: link in bio ",04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/scienceupfirst/reel/C6MWF4HPh_H/,"in case you wanted a little more information we decided to give you an extra bonus bundle of facts!

- the measles virus can survive in the environment for up to 2 hours after the infected person has left the room (3).

- measles is a notifiable disease in canada, meaning that all cases have to be declared to public health authorities (1,4). 

- measles activity is increasing in canada with 56 cases as of april 6, 2024 compared to 12 cases for the full year of 2023 (5,6). 

- measles can cause serious complications such as hospitalization, pneumonia, swelling of the brain, respiratory failure, permanent neurological damage, and death (1,2,3,10).

- measles vaccines are extremely efficient – 85-95% protection after one dose and 97-99% after two doses (11,12,13). 

- currently, only 79% of canadians are fully protected against measles, which is far below the 95% required to maintain herd immunity (15,16,17,18,19).

got questions for us about vaccination? dm us or add them to the comments.

sources: tinyurl.com/sufmeaslesfacts 

#scienceupfirst #niaw2024","in case you wanted a little more information we decided to give you an extra bonus bundle of facts!

- the measles virus can survive in the environment for up to 2 hours after the infected person has left the room (3).

- measles is a notifiable disease in canada, meaning that all cases have to be declared to public health authorities (1,4). 

- measles activity is increasing in canada with 56 cases as of april 6, 2024 compared to 12 cases for the full year of 2023 (5,6). 

- measles can cause serious complications such as hospitalization, pneumonia, swelling of the brain, respiratory failure, permanent neurological damage, and death (1,2,3,10).

- measles vaccines are extremely efficient – 85-95% protection after one dose and 97-99% after two doses (11,12,13). 

- currently, only 79% of canadians are fully protected against measles, which is far below the 95% required to maintain herd immunity (15,16,17,18,19).

got questions for us about vaccination? dm us or add them to the comments.

sources: tinyurl.com/sufmeaslesfacts 

#scienceupfirst #niaw2024",04/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6Mgw-Avo-Z/,"together, let's do life well!

dyk that without immunization, a person exposed to measles has a 90% chance of developing the disease? exposure can happen even after someone has left an area since the virus stays airborne for up to 2 hours after an infected person is in a space.

mmr vaccine is required for childcare and school in north dakota. mmr vaccine is available at city-county health district. call 845-8518 to schedule an appointment.","together, let's do life well!

dyk that without immunization, a person exposed to measles has a 90% chance of developing the disease? exposure can happen even after someone has left an area since the virus stays airborne for up to 2 hours after an infected person is in a space.

mmr vaccine is required for childcare and school in north dakota. mmr vaccine is available at city-county health district. call 845-8518 to schedule an appointment.",04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/safaripharmacy/reel/C6LolCbsghF/,"vaccines: the superheroes of our immune system. they protect us from dangerous diseases and keep us  healthy. 

it's important to know that extensive scientific research has repeatedly shown that vaccines are safe, effective, and crucial in preventing the spread of infectious diseases such as polio, measles, influenza saving countless lives  worldwide. 

by getting vaccinated we not only protect ourselves but also contribute to the overall health and wellbeing of our society. let's raise  awareness and spread accurate information. 

together we can build a healthier and safer world.

#safaripharmacy #safarivaccineclinic #pharmacyinwarri #immunizationweek #immunizationofficer 
#vaccineswork #world immunization week","vaccines: the superheroes of our immune system. they protect us from dangerous diseases and keep us  healthy. 

it's important to know that extensive scientific research has repeatedly shown that vaccines are safe, effective, and crucial in preventing the spread of infectious diseases such as polio, measles, influenza saving countless lives  worldwide. 

by getting vaccinated we not only protect ourselves but also contribute to the overall health and wellbeing of our society. let's raise  awareness and spread accurate information. 

together we can build a healthier and safer world.

#safaripharmacy #safarivaccineclinic #pharmacyinwarri #immunizationweek #immunizationofficer 
#vaccineswork #world immunization week",04/25/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6L5Xl9yQcb/?locale=ko-KR,"what causes recurrent warts in males? 

warts are caused by human papilloma virus ( hpv) and are cutaneous growths that can be brown / blackish in colour. 
they can be recurrent due to repeated trauma caused by shaving/trimming in males and often affects scalp, beard and ears. 
recurrence can be prevented by adding immunity boosting medications and mmr vaccine. 

#skinhealth #dermatologist #dermatology #ourvadodara #sanjivaniskinclinic #skincaretips #skincareroutine #drreemabaxi #vadodara #skinspecialist #warts #hpv #wartsremoval #vadodara_baroda #skincaretips #vadodarablogger #skintreatment #hpvvirus","what causes recurrent warts in males? 

warts are caused by human papilloma virus ( hpv) and are cutaneous growths that can be brown / blackish in colour. 
they can be recurrent due to repeated trauma caused by shaving/trimming in males and often affects scalp, beard and ears. 
recurrence can be prevented by adding immunity boosting medications and mmr vaccine. 

#skinhealth #dermatologist #dermatology #ourvadodara #sanjivaniskinclinic #skincaretips #skincareroutine #drreemabaxi #vadodara #skinspecialist #warts #hpv #wartsremoval #vadodara_baroda #skincaretips #vadodarablogger #skintreatment #hpvvirus",04/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@keithmuise/video/7362365941969128709,#covid #h5n1 #measles #safecar #longcovid,#covid #h5n1 #measles #safecar #longcovid,04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IvPHSfYGIA,rising measles cases threaten virus's elimination status in the u.s.,rising measles cases threaten the virus's elimination status in the united states; how buffalo bills safety damar hamlin is advocating for heart health and improved emergency response to cardiac events; drumming up support for new research to help ease symptoms of parkinson's disease. michael george has this week's eye on health.,04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkDoQeEspOc,measles case confirmed in dane county,"a dane county resident has been confirmed to have a case of measles, according to the wisconsin department of health services.",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUq8zrzDKQE,measles case confirmed in dane county,"health officials couldn't provide extensive details regarding the individual inffected by measles. however, they shared insights into the precautionary measures being taken to ensure public safety.
the infected individual, identified as an adult, is suspected to have contracted the virus while traveling within the united states. efforts are underway to notify individuals who may have had close contact with the infected person.",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ia89P1kpI6o,wisconsin dhs confirms case of measles in dane county,"wisconsin dhs confirms case of measles in dane county_x000d_
 for more local news from wbay:  https://www.wbay.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucgacdi8u6abtcfgl5jltguq",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy4Wck5OvQI,"measles case detected in in dane county, officials trace potential exposures","the wisconsin department of health services confirmed a case of measles in dane county and warned of possible exposures in rock county.

subscribe to wisn on youtube now for more: http://bit.ly/1eme5yx

get more milwaukee news: http://www.wisn.com
like us:  http://www.facebook.com/wisn12
follow us: http://twitter.com/wisn12news
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wisn12news/",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yA53Giflwhs,vaccine preventable encephalitis - measles - gemma's story,"trigger warning - bereavement of a child. 
gemma shares her son's experience of sspe which is caused by measles.",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbbHqawmg14,"dhs: confirmed case of measles in wisconsin, working to notify those who may have been exposed","dhs: confirmed case of measles in wisconsin, working to notify those who may have been exposed",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiPb3wszVm8,department of health: 128 west virginians exposed to measles following state's first case since 2009,"after a positive case was confirmed in monongalia county on monday, the west virginia department of health has learned that an additional 128 west virginians in 30 counties have been potentially exposed to measles.",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGqhnE5d7pg,wisconsin dhs confirms case of measles in dane county,"wisconsin dhs confirms case of measles in dane county_x000d_
 for more local news from wbay:  https://www.wbay.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucgacdi8u6abtcfgl5jltguq",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrE0sbKWTsk,dhs confirms case of measles in dane county,"dhs confirms case of measles in dane county_x000d_
 for more local news from weau:  https://www.weau.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucqkvaizkgmj2-weauju796g

click here to read more: https://www.weau.com/video/2024/04/26/dhs-confirms-case-measles-dane-county/
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7WOl2kwYVA,doh measles and pertussis tv public service ad q2 2024 30s with teodoro herbosa,"doh measles and pertussis tv public service ad q2 2024.

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drps one 14218: doh measles and pertussis tv public service ad q2 2024 30s with teodoro herbosa
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phca cid phca-2024h1-6356/april 25, 2024

this is an archived content from drps phca.
uploaded on drps one youtube channel.",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMagWdGGRWQ,measles | causes | symptoms | diagnosis | treatment|,"measles is a highly contagious viral infection that affects your respiratory system first and may lead to serious complications. symptoms include a widespread rash, fever, cough, and white spots inside the mouth.


what are the symptoms of measles?
what are the complications of measles?
how long does measles last?
can adults get measles?
can babies get measles?

subscribe our channel fm sehat zindagi for more videos.

#fmsehatzindagi #governmentofpunjab #primaryandsecondaryhealthpunjab #hisdu #radio #healthcare #healthyliving #measles #immunization #worldimmunizationweek #measlesprecaution #causesandremediesformajordiseases #healthpodcast  #bestpodcasts #precaution #vaccine #khasra",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_Fa1yIx4a0,twiv 1108: clinical update with dr. daniel griffin,"in his weekly clinical update, dr. griffin reviews recent statistics on the circulation of measles, and h51 influenza infection of birds, poultry and cows before and sars-cov-2 circulation, before discussing if the original monovalent sars-cov-2 vaccine was effective in children and adolescents, how to use words to properly describe respiratory pathogens the guidelines for spring administration of covid vaccines boosters, discusses the emergency use application of a pre-exposure prophylactic, revised guidelines for how to treat respiratory viral infection guidelines by the cdc, continues to dispel the myth of viral rebound, revised guidelines sars-cov-2 treatment and how to treat respiratory viral infections, when to use steroids and the benefits of convalescent plasma, what do when healthcare workers succumb to sars-cov-2 infection, if administration of remdesivir reduces mortality, long covid, persistence of virus infection during long covid and it prevalence. for more information about this body of work, listen to twiv 1088.

show notes at https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-1108/

become a patron of twiv at https://microbe.tv/contribute

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– who am i? –

i'm vincent racaniello, earth's virology professor, and i believe that education should be free.

i'm also a professor of virology at columbia university in new york. i've been doing research on viruses since 1976, and teaching virology in classrooms and online since 1999. on this youtube channel i share videos of my lectures, podcasts, and more.

new videos are uploaded several times each week.

i do not run ads on our work as it is disruptive to learning. we depend on your support. 

if you would like to support our work, go over to https://www.microbe.tv/contribute/ 
#microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic
———————————————————————",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zSE7C5Xh_Q,die masern-lge: warum die impfung lebensrettend ist,"eigentlich sollte niemand mehr an masern sterben oder berhaupt daran erkranken. seit der zulassung des ersten impfstoffs im jahr 1963 galt diese krankheit als praktisch besiegt. die who strebt die komplette ausrottung dieser furchtbaren krankheit an, was eine impfquote von 95% erfordern wrde. seit 1963 haben wir dieses ziel jedoch nie erreicht. wir kamen sehr nah heran, aber die zunehmende impfskepsis in der postpandemiezeit und das beharrliche wirken von impfgegnern haben zu einem deutlichen anstieg der neuerkrankungen gefhrt – nicht nur in europa, sondern auch in den usa. besonders bitter ist, dass die masern in den usa fast 20 jahre lang als ausgerottet galten. trotz impfpflicht ist die impfquote dort auf 93% gefallen. im netz kursieren videos, blogbeitrge, artikel und verffentlichungen von selbsternannten experten auf plattformen wie telegram, die vehement gegen die sehr wirksame und nebenwirkungsarme mmr-impfung kmpfen – und das ohne stichhaltige grnde. es werden nicht nur absurde und irrefhrende anekdoten ber angebliche impfschden verbreitet, sondern auch die wirksamkeit und der sinn der impfung angezweifelt. dabei wird die massive und eindeutige beweislage einfach ignoriert. man macht keinen unterschied zwischen einem neu zugelassenen impfstoff und einer impfung, die seit mehr als 60 jahren existiert. alles wird verteufelt, als ob man prinzipiell dagegen sein msste. das gefhrdet wirklich die kinder – und nicht das tragen einer maske. durch solche einstellungen werden andere aus unwissenheit und manchmal schlicht aus prinzip in gefahr gebracht. ich bitte euch, helft mit, gegen diese missstnde anzukmpfen!

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zum nachlesen:




https://www.rki.de/shareddocs/faq/impfen/mmr/faq_uebersicht_msg.html",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpDlMDMu0IQ,"paediatric class-23: measles & rubella |ok health psc| health loksewa, licence, @ha",,04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__71gnuiNxc,msu researchers on vaccine hesitancy and respectfully educating citizens,"it takes only one case of measles or other vaccine-preventable diseases for an outbreak to begin. but vaccines ( https://osteopathicmedicine.msu.edu/news_overview/news/2024/april/all-you-need-one-case-why-vaccines-are-best-way-prevent-negative-health-outcomes-measles-and-other-diseases ) can prevent or lessen the severity of conditions for everyone, according to peter gulick ( https://osteopathicmedicine.msu.edu/info/faculty-staff-directory/view-staff-member/477 ), professor of osteopathic medical specialties ( https://oms.msu.edu/ ) at the michigan state university college of osteopathic medicine ( https://osteopathicmedicine.msu.edu/current-students/student-life/student-engagement-and-leadership/clinical-outreach/spartan-street-medicine ) and sean valles ( https://bioethics.msu.edu/directory/386-valles ), professor and director of the msu college of human medicine's ( https://humanmedicine.msu.edu/ ) center for bioethics and social justice ( https://bioethics.msu.edu/ ). gulick and valles discuss the disinformation that leads to vaccine hesitancy ( https://humanmedicine.msu.edu/news/2024-measles-vaccine-hesitancy.html ) and share respectful ways to educate citizens on the health benefits of vaccines.  conversation highlights: (0:50) – gulick on his time at msu and research interests. (2:45) – valles on his time at msu, research interests and the center's mission. (5:13) – some history of vaccines and their acceptance. what about anti-biotics? how are vaccines like fighting computer viruses? (9:30) – to what do you attribute the rise in vaccine hesitancy? ""it's really more of a spectrum of hesitancy. (14:21) – how do we break through some of the misinformation and get more people to see the health benefits of vaccines? simple, direct and respectful education is key. (17:19) – what about herd immunity? ""it's not about what you have to do, but what is right to do. (21:01) – sean's takeaways. ""invest in prevention. (22:01) – ""respect each patient you deal with. listen to ""msu today with russ white on the radio ( http://go.msu.edu/listen ) and through spotify ( http://go.msu.edu/spotify ), apple podcasts ( http://go.msu.edu/applepodcasts ), and wherever ( http://go.msu.edu/podcasts ) you get your shows.

msu today with russ white
episode 163, season 3
april 26, 2024

★ episode details: https://share.transistor.fm/s/b820a2d9

★ additional episodes: https://go.msu.edu/qgc5",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOTyG_2BeVo,world immunization week wrapping up,"a new report recognizes the efforts to save and improve lives from vaccine preventable diseases, like measles. _x000d_
more news: https://www.wcnc.com/news",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyZCwV_Dg3E,"ctm newsbreak: april 26, 2024","in this episode of ctm newsbreak, officials say safety on massachusetts roadways is at a crisis level, on both the state and local level - colin spence, local doctors are urging families to get vaccinated against measles following a troubling rise in cases - darcy beall, and the gallery at the cca held a closing reception of the blue gnome brigade, with a chance  to meet the artist, christopher scott brumfield, and see the exhibit of his works.",04/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLvSrF32ah8,@mdsuneel dr reckeweg r62 measles drop uses in hindi | खसरा और शलेषमा िलली की सूजन का उपचार |,"@mdsuneel 
dr reckeweg r62 measles drop uses in hindi
reckeweg r62
reckeweg r62 measles drop
r62 measles drop uses 
measles ka ilaj
measles mumps ka ilaj
measles ka homeopathic ilaj
measles treatment
measles ka homeopathic treatment
measles ka gharelu ilaj
measles ka ayurvedic ilaj
measles ayurvedic treatment
mucous membraneinflammation
mucous membrane inflammation ka ilaj
treatment mucous membrane inflammation
homeopathic treatment of mucous membrane inflammation
mucous membrane ke sujan ka ilaj
skin ke chakte ka ilaj
khasare ka ilaj
khasare ka homeopathic ilaj
khasare ka gharelu ilaj
khasare ka gharelu ilaj

dr. reckeweg r62 measles drop helps to relieve the symptoms of measles and lowers mucous membrane inflammation. it relieves inflamed mucous membranes' burning and stitching pain, irritation, and skin rashes. it also helps reduce acute inflammation and improves dry mucus and other upper respiratory system difficulties.

key ingredients:
arum triphyllum
ferrum phosphoricum
mercurius solubilis hahnemanni

key benefits:
it helps in providing relief from measles and reduces the inflammation of mucous membranes
it soothes inflamed mucous membranes and lowers irritation and skin rashes
it also aids in reducing acute inflammation and provides relief from head congestion, dry mucous and issues related to the upper respiratory system

directions for use:
use as directed on the label or as advised by the physician

safety information:
read the label carefully before use
do not exceed the recommended dosage
store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight
keep out of reach of children",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pp9OSlVoJps,adventures of ociee nash | award winning movie,"the adventures of ociee nash  -the adventures of ociee nash tells the story of nine year old ociee nash in the year 1898 who is sent from her father and brothers in rural mississippi to live with her refined aunt in asheville, north carolina. 

the adventures of ociee nash (2003):
director: kristen mcgary
writers: amy mcgary (screenplay), kristen mcgary (screenplay)
stars: skyler day, woofer, anthony p. rodriguez 
genre: adventure, drama
country: usa
language: english
release date: 13 february 2004 (usa) 
also known as: le avventure della piccola ociee nash 
filming locations: agnes scott college - 141 e. college avenue, decatur, georgia, usa 

for the young, spirited nine-year-old ociee nash, nothing could be more exciting than romping through her beloved mississippi countryside with her brother, ben, and her faithful four-legged companion, ""woofer."" but ociee's idyllic life is thrown into a tailspin when her papa realizes that since the death of ociee's mother, and ociee's run-in with a mysterious gypsy, the rough and tumble world of their rural farm is not the place for ociee to be growing up. reluctantly, papa decides it is time to send ociee to asheville, n.c., where her aunt mamie can teach her to become ""a young lady."" with a heavy heart, ociee boards the train bound for her uncertain new life far from the home she's always known. once on her way, it's not long before ociee meets an array of interesting (and renowned) characters including the world's pioneering female investigative journalist nellie bly, orville and wilbur wright, and even the president of the united states, william mckinley, for whom ociee inspires a...

""my husband and i took my eight and ten year old daughters to see this film on a recommendation from our neighbors. we loved it! our girls continue to quote lines from the film especially ""hey mister, where's your sister?"" so many times we take our children to movies and struggle to answer question concerning the movies content. with ociee nash, we were able to get a bit of a history lesson with characters like president mckinley, the wright brothers, and nellie bly in the story line. the scenery was a delight: the trains, the countryside, the beautiful turn of the century homes. it's nice to find a movie that can be entertaining while at the same time reminding us that character and bravery are timeless qualities."" written by agf6404 via imdb.com

""the movie is set in 1898 and focuses on a young girl from a mississippi farm who is sent to asheville, nc to live with her aunt to learn how to be a proper young lady. the title character lost her mother to ""the measles."" interstate travel is by passenger train. local travel is by horseback or horse-drawn wagon or carriage. the opportunities for women in this era are severely limited. keith carradine's portrayal of ociee's father, a widowed farmer who wants the best for his beloved only daughter, resonates with all the appropriate love and simple dignity. skyler day is quite perfect as ociee. mare winningham, whose character, ""aunt mamie,"" would have been a lifeless cliche in the hands of a lesser actor, makes aunt mamie a living, breathing, complex and slightly mysterious southern lady. all the child actors are completely believable. the scenery in the movie is beautiful. there is no bad language in this film, no violence beyond the level of a typical sibling wrestling match. the film has a quirkiness reminiscent of ""oh brother, where art thou?"" and ""forrest gump,"" but it can stand alone on its own merits. it should be irresistible to anyone who has ever wrestled with a sibling, climbed a tree, or been criticized for not being a ""proper"" young lady or gentleman. see it with someone you love."" written by wild_river_rat via imdb.com

copyright: all of the films published by us are legally licensed. we have acquired the rights (at least for specific territories) from the rightholders by contract. if you have questions please send an email to: info[at]amogo.de, amogo networx - the avod channel network, www.amogo-networx.com.

#religion #faithmovies #faith",04/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,surprise,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qN06ekNCalk,canada 'ਚ electric cars ਦੀ ਮੰਗ ਘੀ ? brightways epi-222 | btv canada official,"canada 'ਚ electric cars ਦੀ ਮੰਗ ਘੀ?
brightways epi-222
btv canada official

 -bell: danielle smith makes her move, city political parties are a go.
- confirmed case of measles in edmonton, ahs warns of public exposure .
- monthly earnings rise, payroll employment falls: jobs report .
- honda to get up to $5b in govt help for ev battery, assembly plants.
- less than half of canadians say they will buy an electric vehicle as their next car: survey .
- bank of canada officials split on when to start cutting interest rates.

#canadian #life #people #canadawork #canadalife #brightways #discussion #morningshow  #btvcanada  #btv #btvcanadaofficial   #alberta #canada   #newupdate #calgary   #openletter #budget #politicalnews  #politics #schoolfood #justintrudeau #trudeau  #bell #edmonton #bank 
subscribe to btv canada to watch more videos:   @btvcanadaofficial 
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 / btvcanada0001  
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 / btvcanadaentertainment  
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 / btvcanadaofficial

btv canada on tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bbroadcasting",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@barkzinga/video/7362263688092355845, when a quick-talking parody of ben shapiro faces off against the dog government on vaccinations€ it€™s a tail-wagger!  do these pups have the right to choose? let's unleash the debate! #comedy #parody #doggovernment #benshapiro #barkzinga #vaccination #vaccinationdebate #dogsoftiktok #dogs #tennessee #florida #newyork #usa #trending #measles #flu #vaccinated #vaccinateyourkids #louisiana #puppies #puppiesoftiktok #rabies #debate #getvaccinated, when a quick-talking parody of ben shapiro faces off against the dog government on vaccinations€ it€™s a tail-wagger!  do these pups have the right to choose? let's unleash the debate! #comedy #parody #doggovernment #benshapiro #barkzinga #vaccination #vaccinationdebate #dogsoftiktok #dogs #tennessee #florida #newyork #usa #trending #measles #flu #vaccinated #vaccinateyourkids #louisiana #puppies #puppiesoftiktok #rabies #debate #getvaccinated,04/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/video/rising-measles-cases-threaten-viruss-elimination-status-in-the-u-s/,rising measles cases threaten virus's elimination status in the u.s.,rising measles cases threaten the virus's elimination status in the united states; how buffalo bills safety damar hamlin is advocating for heart health and improved emergency response to cardiac events; drumming up support for new research to help ease symptoms of parkinson's disease. michael george has this week's eye on health.,04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://m.facebook.com/whowpro/videos/five-decades-ago-millions-of-children-died-of-diseases-such-as-measles-polio-and/984741272550605/,"five decades ago, millions of children died of diseases such as measles, polio and diphtheria with few having access to life-saving vaccines.
then, the expanded programme on immunization or epi was born. over 5 decades, epi has saved 154 million lives and benefited people of all ages in every region.
join us in saving even more lives with vaccines. its #humanlypossible. #worldimmunizationweek","five decades ago, millions of children died of diseases such as measles, polio and diphtheria with few having access to life-saving vaccines.
then, the expanded programme on immunization or epi was born. over 5 decades, epi has saved 154 million lives and benefited people of all ages in every region.
join us in saving even more lives with vaccines. its #humanlypossible. #worldimmunizationweek",04/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.wbay.com/video/2024/04/26/wisconsin-dhs-confirms-case-measles-dane-county/,wisconsin dhs confirms case of measles in dane county,wisconsin dhs confirms case of measles in dane county,04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.wbay.com/video/2024/04/27/wisconsin-dhs-confirms-case-measles-dane-county/,wisconsin dhs confirms case of measles in dane county,a couple are desperately trying to get their son back to the united states after he was born three months prematurely during a trip to brazil.,04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,joy
https://www.wsaw.com/video/2024/04/26/dhs-confirms-case-measles-discovered-dane-county/,dhs confirms case of the measles discovered in dane county,dhs confirms case of the measles discovered in dane county,04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.wowktv.com/video/west-virginians-potentially-exposed-to-measles-in-30-counties/9643128/,west virginians potentially exposed to measles in 30 counties,"after a case of measles was confirmed in west virginia monday, the west virginia department of health (wvdoh) is reporting that more than a hundred people from 30 counties may have been exposed.",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wsaw.com/video/2024/04/26/dhs-reports-case-measles-dane-county/,dhs reports case of measles in dane county,dhs reports case of measles in dane county,04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/DOHgovPH/videos/ang-measles-o-tigdas-ay-malubhang-sakit-na-mabilis-kumalat-at-nakamamatay-kadala/1532329360660680/,"ang measles o tigdas ay malubhang sakit na mabilis kumalat at nakamamatay. kadalasan ang mga batang wala pang limang taong gulang ang tinatamaan nito.
walang gamot dito ngunit mayroong bakuna para mapigilan ang pagkakaroon nito. kumpletuhin ang 2 dose ng bakuna laban sa measles.
panoorin ang video para sa dagdag kaalaman tungkol sa tigdas at paano maiiwasan ito.
kapag bakuna ay kumpleto, lahat protektado!
#doh #departmentofhealth #health #onedoh #bawatbuhaymahalaga #bagongpilipinas #8pointactionagenda
#getvaccinated","ang measles o tigdas ay malubhang sakit na mabilis kumalat at nakamamatay. kadalasan ang mga batang wala pang limang taong gulang ang tinatamaan nito.
walang gamot dito ngunit mayroong bakuna para mapigilan ang pagkakaroon nito. kumpletuhin ang 2 dose ng bakuna laban sa measles.
panoorin ang video para sa dagdag kaalaman tungkol sa tigdas at paano maiiwasan ito.
kapag bakuna ay kumpleto, lahat protektado!
#doh #departmentofhealth #health #onedoh #bawatbuhaymahalaga #bagongpilipinas #8pointactionagenda
#getvaccinated",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/cdcgov/reel/C6O3e-XoCBJ/,"the latest mmwr weekly briefing is live. topics include: measles in the u.s., salmonella risk posed by backyard poultry, and more. listen and subscribe at the link in our bio. #mmwrpodcast","the latest mmwr weekly briefing is live. topics include: measles in the u.s., salmonella risk posed by backyard poultry, and more. listen and subscribe at the link in our bio. #mmwrpodcast",04/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/jenniferniven/reel/C6PwRnisTRZ/,"in my experience, people are much more understanding if they can see their illness, and for the millionth time in my life i wished i had measles or smallpox or some other easily verifiable thing just to make it easier for me and everyone else. - finch ⬛

i've been in the writing cave all day which is why this is so late, but today, april 26, is finch day. it's a day to raise awareness about mental health, to remember that just because we don't see someone hurting doesn't mean they aren't, that we need to listen and empathize and love. and we need to remember that we aren't alone. 

i've tagged some wonderful resources, organizations and individuals who are here to help. 

love, love, love to each and every one of you! 

#finchday #theodorefinch #allthebrightplaces #violetmarkey #mentalhealthawareness #fyp #iamhere #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthsupport #finchwasreal #youarenotalone 

","in my experience, people are much more understanding if they can see their illness, and for the millionth time in my life i wished i had measles or smallpox or some other easily verifiable thing just to make it easier for me and everyone else. - finch ⬛

i've been in the writing cave all day which is why this is so late, but today, april 26, is finch day. it's a day to raise awareness about mental health, to remember that just because we don't see someone hurting doesn't mean they aren't, that we need to listen and empathize and love. and we need to remember that we aren't alone. 

i've tagged some wonderful resources, organizations and individuals who are here to help. 

love, love, love to each and every one of you! 

#finchday #theodorefinch #allthebrightplaces #violetmarkey #mentalhealthawareness #fyp #iamhere #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthsupport #finchwasreal #youarenotalone 

",04/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6Oi6_fqAgy/,"it's world immunization week - vaccines save millions of lives every year. 

the global vaccine drives of the second half of the 20th century are one of humanity's greatest achievements. immunization campaigns have enabled us to eradicate smallpox, nearly defeat polio, and ensure more children survive and thrive than ever before. 

in the last few years and during the pandemic, progress on immunization slipped. 20 million children missed one or more of their vaccines in 2022. as a result the world is seeing sudden outbreaks of diphtheria and measles - diseases that until now, we'd had nearly in hand. 

let's make it possible for everyone to benefit from the life-saving power of vaccines.","it's world immunization week - vaccines save millions of lives every year. 

the global vaccine drives of the second half of the 20th century are one of humanity's greatest achievements. immunization campaigns have enabled us to eradicate smallpox, nearly defeat polio, and ensure more children survive and thrive than ever before. 

in the last few years and during the pandemic, progress on immunization slipped. 20 million children missed one or more of their vaccines in 2022. as a result the world is seeing sudden outbreaks of diphtheria and measles - diseases that until now, we'd had nearly in hand. 

let's make it possible for everyone to benefit from the life-saving power of vaccines.",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.instagram.com/irishhealthservice/reel/C6N5uZFq-wE/,"vaccination against measles is safe, effective, and vital for community immunity.

the hse is now offering a free vaccination catch-up programme for children and eligible adults.

protect yourself and others by booking a vaccine appointment today. find out how to get the vaccine on our website. link in bio.","vaccination against measles is safe, effective, and vital for community immunity.

the hse is now offering a free vaccination catch-up programme for children and eligible adults.

protect yourself and others by booking a vaccine appointment today. find out how to get the vaccine on our website. link in bio.",04/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/mysmfm/reel/C6OklahPO3q/?locale=hi_IN,"our latest smfm podcast episode, ""#measles and #pregnancy: what maternal-fetal medicine subspecialists need to know,"" 
drs. rachel harrison and neil silverman discuss the increasing number of measles cases in the united states and the importance of #vaccinations. the discussion focuses on the risks and complications for pregnant individuals and provides crucial insights into the transmission, diagnosis, and care strategies to help healthcare providers manage the outbreak effectively. tune into the full podcast using the link in our bio."" पर smfm","our latest smfm podcast episode, ""#measles and #pregnancy: what maternal-fetal medicine subspecialists need to know,"" 
drs. rachel harrison and neil silverman discuss the increasing number of measles cases in the united states and the importance of #vaccinations. the discussion focuses on the risks and complications for pregnant individuals and provides crucial insights into the transmission, diagnosis, and care strategies to help healthcare providers manage the outbreak effectively. tune into the full podcast using the link in our bio."" पर smfm",04/26/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/uniceflebanon/reel/C6O3gcTsXEZ/?locale=es_US,"don't miss out on the vaccines available at all primary health care centers and dispensaries (tap the link in bio ), protecting children against preventable diseases like measles, diarrhea, and pneumonia.

keep your child safe and healthy by getting all doses on time.

every shot counts! together, let's prioritize our children's health and protect their futures!


                (     )            .


  !         !


@euinlebanon @ministry_of_public_health @primaryhealthcarelebanon @gavialliance""""","don't miss out on the vaccines available at all primary health care centers and dispensaries (tap the link in bio ), protecting children against preventable diseases like measles, diarrhea, and pneumonia.

keep your child safe and healthy by getting all doses on time.

every shot counts! together, let's prioritize our children's health and protect their futures!


                (     )            .


  !         !


@euinlebanon @ministry_of_public_health @primaryhealthcarelebanon @gavialliance""""",04/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/barnardos/videos/your-childs-health-is-our-priority-thats-why-this-worldimmunisationweek-we-want-/733746551990557/,"Your child's health is our priority. That’s why, this #WorldImmunisationWeek we want to shed some light on the MMR","Your child's health is our priority. That’s why, this #WorldImmunisationWeek we want to shed some light on the MMR vaccine. It guards against measles, mumps, and rubella, offering the best defence against these highly infectious diseases. Schedule an appointment with your GP today and safeguard your child's health.",04/26/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drshazmamithani/video/7362588793435589893,"please be diligent! measles is extremely contagious and transmitted by airborne transmission. in people who are unvaccinated or under vaccinated (less than 2 mmr vaccine doses) the risk of transmission with exposure to measles or over 90%.  if you take your child to the doctor€™s office or er, let them know right away if there€™s been an exposure to measles or you think your child may have measles.  in those who have travelled outside of the country or have been exposed, and are also under or unvaccinated, the team will work to get your family isolated and away from the waiting room asap to reduce transmission. measles remains in the air for hours after a person has been in the space, which is why it€™s so so important to be upfront with the triage staff if there€™s any chance you or your child could have measles.  leave your questions in the comments below and please share with your friends and family.  . . . . . #measles #mmr #rash #sickkid #pediatrics #airborne #travel #er ","please be diligent! measles is extremely contagious and transmitted by airborne transmission. in people who are unvaccinated or under vaccinated (less than 2 mmr vaccine doses) the risk of transmission with exposure to measles or over 90%.  if you take your child to the doctor€™s office or er, let them know right away if there€™s been an exposure to measles or you think your child may have measles.  in those who have travelled outside of the country or have been exposed, and are also under or unvaccinated, the team will work to get your family isolated and away from the waiting room asap to reduce transmission. measles remains in the air for hours after a person has been in the space, which is why it€™s so so important to be upfront with the triage staff if there€™s any chance you or your child could have measles.  leave your questions in the comments below and please share with your friends and family.  . . . . . #measles #mmr #rash #sickkid #pediatrics #airborne #travel #er ",04/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@doctorhumano/video/7362411960782048517,"as es tener sarampi""n... #measles  #sarampin  #doctorhumano  #internista ","as es tener sarampi""n... #measles  #sarampin  #doctorhumano  #internista ",04/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6QJ2vKtEck/,"is a measles outbreak preventable? 

to end vaccine-preventable diseases, we must work together to provide vaccines to every child, especially in the most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities! 

by continuing to invest in vaccines, we can help build a world where fewer children than ever die of preventable illnesses. 

#humanlypossible #worldimmunizationweek","is a measles outbreak preventable? 

to end vaccine-preventable diseases, we must work together to provide vaccines to every child, especially in the most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities! 

by continuing to invest in vaccines, we can help build a world where fewer children than ever die of preventable illnesses. 

#humanlypossible #worldimmunizationweek",04/27/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6QSE02ilj4/,"with the recent cases of measles that have been reported in the united states, now is a good time to have your and your families vaccine records checked. talk to your provider today!","with the recent cases of measles that have been reported in the united states, now is a good time to have your and your families vaccine records checked. talk to your provider today!",04/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jpD9QVzkkg,twiv 1109: a protein flew out and a bat flu in,"twiv reviews avian h5n1 influenza virus in the us, measles at highest levels in england, positive selection underlies repeated knockout of orf8 in sars-cov-2 evolution, and cross-species spill-over potential of the h9n2 bat influenza a virus.

show notes at https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-1109/

become a patron of twiv at https://microbe.tv/contribute

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•my virology course https://virology.ws/course 
•virology blog: https://www.virology.ws 
•virus watch https://bit.ly/3ngvqim 
•principles of virology textbook https://amzn.to/34ondtg 

——————————— our science podcasts ———————————
•this week in virology  https://bit.ly/30uuhrx
this week in parasitism https://bit.ly/3ndunuz
•this week in microbiology https://bit.ly/33toueo
•urban agriculture http://microbe.tv/urbanag
•this week in evolution https://bit.ly/3ne1bf5
•immune https://bit.ly/2hoycvb
•this week in neuroscience https://bit.ly/2so12yd
•infectious disease puscast https://bit.ly/3k4ekf0 

– who am i? –

i'm vincent racaniello, earth's virology professor, and i believe that education should be free.

i'm also a professor of virology at columbia university in new york. i've been doing research on viruses since 1976, and teaching virology in classrooms and online since 1999. on this youtube channel i share videos of my lectures, podcasts, and more.

new videos are uploaded several times each week.

i do not run ads on our work as it is disruptive to learning. we depend on your support. 

if you would like to support our work, go over to https://www.microbe.tv/contribute/ 
#microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic
———————————————————————",04/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lvW23MesJI,mumps symptoms treatment i galsua ka ilaj l mumps,"mumps symptoms treatment i galsua ka ilaj l mumps

mumps, commonly referred to as ""galsua"" in some regions, is a viral infection primarily affecting the salivary glands, specifically the parotid glands located near the ears. this disease is most recognized for causing swelling of these glands, leading to the characteristic puffy cheeks and tender, swollen jaw. here's a detailed overview of the symptoms, treatment options, and important considerations:

### symptoms of mumps:
1. **swollen and painful salivary glands**: one of the most noticeable symptoms, particularly around the jaw and below the ears, which may occur on one or both sides of the face.
2. **fever**: mild to moderate fever often accompanies the swelling.
3. **headache, muscle aches, and fatigue**: general feelings of being unwell.
4. **loss of appetite**: due to discomfort and swelling near the throat area.
5. **pain while chewing or swallowing**: as the area around the jaw becomes tender.

### treatment and management:
- **rest**: adequate rest is crucial to help the body fight the virus.
- **hydration**: staying hydrated is important, especially if fever is present. avoid acidic beverages that may cause more pain to the swollen glands.
- **pain relievers**: over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help alleviate pain and reduce fever.
- **warm or cold compresses**: applying warm or cold compresses to the swollen glands can help relieve discomfort.
- **soft foods**: eating soft, bland foods can lessen the pain during chewing.

### preventive measures:
- **vaccination**: the mmr (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine is the best way to prevent mumps. two doses of this vaccine are typically recommended for children, but adults who have not been vaccinated should discuss their options with a healthcare provider.
- **isolation**: mumps is contagious; patients should limit interaction with others to prevent spreading the virus, especially during the first five days after symptoms appear.
- **hygiene practices**: regular hand washing and avoiding the sharing of utensils and cups can also help prevent the spread of the virus.

### when to see a doctor:
- **persistent symptoms**: if symptoms do not improve or worsen over a few days, consultation with a healthcare provider is necessary.
- **complications**: rarely, mumps can lead to complications such as orchitis (inflammation of the testicles in males), oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries in females), meningitis, and encephalitis. immediate medical attention is required if symptoms of these conditions appear.

while there's no specific cure for mumps, the above measures can help manage symptoms and reduce discomfort. vaccination remains the most effective way to prevent mumps and its spread. if you suspect you or a family member has mumps, it's advisable to seek medical advice to confirm the diagnosis and discuss the best course of action.

creating a youtube video about mumps, including symptoms and treatments, is a great way to educate viewers. here's a structured way to plan your video content along with potential hashtags that can help increase its visibility:

### video title:
""mumps explained: symptoms, treatment, and prevention | complete guide""

### video topics:
1. **introduction to mumps**
   - what is mumps? brief description of the virus and how it spreads.

2. **symptoms of mumps**
   - main symptoms like swollen salivary glands, fever, headache, muscle aches, tiredness, and loss of appetite.
   - show images or clips demonstrating areas affected by swelling.

3. **treatment for mumps**
   - explain that there's no specific treatment for mumps but focus on relief measures:
     - getting plenty of rest.
     - hydrating regularly.
     - using over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, to reduce fever and ease pain.
     - applying warm or cold compresses to the swollen glands to reduce discomfort.

4. **prevention of mumps**
   - importance of vaccination (mmr vaccine).
   - other preventive measures like washing hands frequently, avoiding sharing utensils and cups, and covering mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing.

5. **when to see a doctor**
   - advising on signs that require medical attention, such as difficulty swallowing, severe pain, or high fever.

6. **conclusion**
   - recap of the key points discussed.
   - encourage viewers to consult healthcare providers for vaccination and other queries.

7. **call to action**
   - invite viewers to like, subscribe, and comment with their thoughts or experiences.

### hashtags:
- #mumps
- #healthawareness
- #viralinfections
- #symptomsandtreatment
- #preventivehealth
- #mumpstreatment
- #mumpssymptoms
- #medicaladvice
- #publichealth
- #vaccinationawareness

these hashtags are tailored to reach an audience interested in health topics, particularly those seeking information on specific diseases like mumps. 

plz like subscribe or share 
",04/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tynzOooudFo,measles (khasra)ka ilaj #viral diet plane of measles children#viral healthy diet plane after,,04/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBBUtXQKlBo,trump's new lawyers are morons #1544," david does the news for april 24th, 2024

 show notes:
democratic congresswoman summer lee's landslide victory in pennsylvania's primary; former congressman george santos' campaign unravels; serves donald trump's legal woes; google workers and college student protest israel; andrew giuliani is as dumb as his dad; marjorie taylor greene spouts putin talking points; mitch mcconnell blames tucker carlson; section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act gets renewed so let the warrantless spying begin; comedian kicks a woman out of show for breastfeeding; florida governor ron desantis crackdown on undocumented migrants backfires; joe biden blames donald trump for florida's six week abortion ban; kari lake and robert f. kennedy can't get their stories straight.

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 episode chapters
00:00 congresswoman summer lee wins pennsylvania primary by a landslide.
lee emerged victorious by a 21% margin. 
04:23 trump's manhattan criminal trial continues.
12:17 trump violates another gag order. 
judge became enraged by trump's attorneys and their incompetence.
16:19 trump says he's going to testify.
24:14 trump feels abandoned by supporters, humiliated by lack of protests.
28:44 trump ripped off his donors and rudy
36:46  trump's $175 million bond is settled 
40:35 ukraine and fbi's warrantless spying allowed by renewal of section 702 of fisa
48:50 trump pretends to be disappointed over lack of border security in ukraine supplemental.
52:53 the need for diverse progressive voices in washington
1:01:42 student protests against israel.
1:05:53 trump's position on tik tok shaped by donor.
1:14:57  desantis' treatment of migrants backfires
1:19:27 biden energizes democratic base in florida by blaming trump for six week abortion ban.
1:28:14 kari lake's inconsistent views on arizona's abortion law in arizona.
1:32:26 kari lake's other lies and legal troubles related to election fraud.
1:41:04 new hampshire republicans push through legislation allowing parents to refuse measles and polio vaccinations for their children.
- the legislation gives parents the right to refuse to get their children vaccinated for polio or measles if signed",04/27/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,anger,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@oxytvs/video/7362519907738635527,understanding rubella: the german measles #thehealth #skillerhome #doctoronline #enviroment #interestingknowledge #nooneisleftbehind,understanding rubella: the german measles #thehealth #skillerhome #doctoronline #enviroment #interestingknowledge #nooneisleftbehind,04/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/unicefeap/videos/is-a-measles-outbreak-preventable-yeshow-to-end-vaccine-preventable-diseases-we-/2462273873971097/,"is a measles outbreak preventable?
to end vaccine-preventable diseases, we must work together to provide vaccines to every child, especially in the most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities! 
by continuing to invest in vaccines, we can help build a world where fewer children than ever die of preventable illnesses. 
#humanlypossible #worldimmunizationweek
see less","is a measles outbreak preventable?
to end vaccine-preventable diseases, we must work together to provide vaccines to every child, especially in the most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities! 
by continuing to invest in vaccines, we can help build a world where fewer children than ever die of preventable illnesses. 
#humanlypossible #worldimmunizationweek
see less",04/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/viralfactsafro/reel/C6QbZ3kMmcd/,"measles cases are rising- and vaccine misinformation is one of the reasons why.

➡ #measles is a deadly viral disease that spreads through coughing and sneezing.

➡ although there is no specific antiviral treatment for the disease, the measles vaccine protects you.

➡get vaccinated! it is safe and effective.

#avw2024 #measlesprevention 
#viralfactsafrica""","measles cases are rising- and vaccine misinformation is one of the reasons why.

➡ #measles is a deadly viral disease that spreads through coughing and sneezing.

➡ although there is no specific antiviral treatment for the disease, the measles vaccine protects you.

➡get vaccinated! it is safe and effective.

#avw2024 #measlesprevention 
#viralfactsafrica""",04/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/fmsehatzindagi/reel/C6QpUzwIwg9/,"how dangerous is measles and what age group does it affect?
#allergy #fmsehatzindagi #healthcare #allergyseason #allergyrelief #allergyawareness #healthylife""","how dangerous is measles and what age group does it affect?
#allergy #fmsehatzindagi #healthcare #allergyseason #allergyrelief #allergyawareness #healthylife""",04/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/fmsehatzindagi/reel/C6RVejFKXAv/,"what is measles, what is its treatment and what causes it?
#allergy #fmsehatzindagi #healthcare #allergyseason #allergyrelief #allergyawareness #healthylife""""","what is measles, what is its treatment and what causes it?
#allergy #fmsehatzindagi #healthcare #allergyseason #allergyrelief #allergyawareness #healthylife""""",04/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,disgust,disgust
https://www.tiktok.com/@joepet.acanto.rn/video/7362556233695415558,#measlesoutbreak #rcm #hrh #cotabatocity #ilonggotiktokers #foryoupage #nursetraveler #barmm‡‡‡‡,#measlesoutbreak #rcm #hrh #cotabatocity #ilonggotiktokers #foryoupage #nursetraveler #barmm‡‡‡‡,04/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@g.gayle3/video/7362569345681132833,replying to @lou_mine_831_copy_that my nearly died story #measles,replying to @lou_mine_831_copy_that my nearly died story #measles,04/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@c5news/video/7362973960503364896,measles spread across all of england #health #vaccine #c5news #fyp,measles spread across all of england #health #vaccine #c5news #fyp,04/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@itvnews/video/7362974707525766432,the world health organisation is warning that countries that do not maintain high enough vaccination rates can lose their measles 'elimination' status #itvnews #who,the world health organisation is warning that countries that do not maintain high enough vaccination rates can lose their measles 'elimination' status #itvnews #who,04/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCMEI4IrocA,measles cases uptick in the u.s.,"as of april 18, 125 cases have been reported in the united states. almost all cases are children. watch the video for more details.",04/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHoWw-g0Khc,parents of baby who almost died after contracting measles warn others to get immunised | itv news,"the world health organisation (who) has warned that global measles cases have almost doubled in a year in some countries, including the uk.

in the uk there were 86 confirmed cases last week, according to the uk health security agency (ukhsa).

three-month-old ezra barratt contracted measles last christmas and spent the new year in hospital. his parents have issued a warning to others to get their children immunised.

• subscribe to itv news on youtube: http://bit.ly/2lohmnj _x000d_
• get breaking news and more stories at http://www.itv.com/news_x000d_
follow itv news on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/itvnews/ _x000d_
follow itv news on twitter: https://twitter.com/itvnews _x000d_
follow itv news on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itvnews/",04/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYkv6IrU95Q,rock county public health warns of possible measles exposure,rock county public health confirms a person living in dane county with a confirmed case of measles has spent time in rock county while infectious.,04/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktl0w7UeUZM,wisconsin dhs confirms measles case in dane county,"the wisconsin department of health services (dhs) confirmed friday that a case of measles has been found in a person living in dane county._x000d_
 for more local news from wmtv:  https://www.wmtv15news.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucz-rq17pvtvcxtobq0y_huw",04/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UY-GduYF7E,outbreak of measles started in tando allahyar - aaj news,"#aajnews #measles #tandoallahyar #breakingnews 

outbreak of measles started in tando allahyar - 28 april, 2024 - aaj news

the aaj news team brings you impartial and balanced coverage of pakistan's biggest stories. munizae jahangir and shaukat piracha, our prime time current affairs analysts wrap up
the day by holding power to account. and head over to aaj entertainment or our many other channels for dramas, recipes, financial advice and the morning show with sidra iqbal.

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all copyrights reserved by aaj tv network. 

#aajnews #aajnewslive #aajtv",04/28/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sx7IwT4c1C4,accelerating measles and rubella testing in 120 countries (cdc),"sources

(thumbnail) — source 1: https://youtu.be/ne3aiutf-ug?si=456511ufr0fal7qp
video title: accelerating measles and rubella testing in 120 countries; posted by the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc); youtube;
date posted: april 23, 2024; date of website access: april 28, 2024.

source 2: 
cepher abridged edition; published by cepher publishing llc; designed for ipad; third edition; version 1.0.1; new testament scriptures: chizayon/revelation 16:2 & 11; date of app creation: unknown; date of website reaccess: april 28, 2024.",04/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FEkJ6RaOMY4,can measles reappear after vaccination?,"subscribe our channel fm sehat zindagi for more videos.

#fmsehatzindagi #governmentofpunjab #primaryandsecondaryhealthpunjab #hisdu #radio #healthcare #healthyliving  #allergy #fmsehatzindagi #healthcare #allergyseason #allergyrelief #allergyawareness #healthylife",04/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTi7hkeZ6ck,more than 150 people in west virginia exposed to measles: health officials|shorts,"#shorts

about 152 people across 30 counties in west virginia have been exposed to measles, state health officials said friday.  earlier this week, the first confirmed case of measles in the state since 2009 was identified, according to the west virginia department of health (wvdh).  the patient was someone who was undervaccinated and had a history of recent international travel, the department said.

#shorts #short #shortsvideo #youtubeshorts #trending #trendingvideo #trendingshorts #viral",04/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cOkjz9eAYE,measles |cause |sign\symptom |diagnosis |prevention |treatment |hindi |urdu |medico learning,"hello friends
welcome to medico learning
in this video i will discus about that 
what is #measles 
if you have any type of question about this topic kindly
asked me in comment section
thank you
#medico_learning",04/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZCRuxQd_s0,"khasra ka ilaj | measles / robeola, causes, symptoms | herbal & homeopathic medicines","#measles #dralimaher  #khasra #roboela #homeopathicmedicine 
khasra  ka ilaj | measles / robeola i symptoms | best homeopathic medicines

hello friends
in this video i talked about measles, causes, symptoms and homoeopathic medicines:
symptoms of measles usually begin 6–8 days after exposure to the virus. a prominent rash is the most visible symptom.
measles symptoms, measles, measles treatment, measles vaccine, homeopathic medicine for measles. measles signs and symptoms, measles rash, measles homeopathic medicine
measles virus, measles in hindi, measles out break, khasra ki alamat, measles treatment for babies
homeopathic medicines for measles, khasra measles symptoms and treatment.

for personal consultations: dr. ali maher is a homoeopathic physician, registered at national council for homeopathy islamabad – pakistan. he is one of the leading practitioners in ali homeopathic clinic, karachi pakistan. 
for queries, you can contact me through cell phone no. +92 300 235 1876 (whatsapp only) 
social media platforms: 
i make these videos with the intention of educating others in a motivational/inspirational form. 
dr. ali maher 
consultant homeopath

how to treat measles",04/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfxGc7wCkGg,vaccination is the best way to prevent mumps,"below is a list of useful links:

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vaccination is indeed one of the most effective ways to prevent mumps. the mumps, measles, and rubella (mmr) vaccine is a widely used and highly successful vaccine that provides protection against these three diseases, including mumps. it is typically administered in two doses, the first at around 12-15 months of age and the second at 4-6 years of age, although it can be given to older individuals who have not been vaccinated.
here are a few key points to consider regarding mumps vaccination:
high efficacy: the mmr vaccine is highly effective in preventing mumps. in most cases, two doses of the vaccine provide long-lasting immunity.
herd immunity: widespread vaccination not only protects individuals but also contributes to herd immunity, which is essential for those who cannot receive the vaccine due to medical reasons.
mumps complications: mumps can lead to serious complications, including swelling of the salivary glands, fever, headache, and in some cases, more severe complications like deafness, encephalitis, and infertility in males.
vaccine safety: the mmr vaccine is generally safe, with the most common side effects being mild, such as a fever or rash. serious side effects are extremely rare.
vaccine recommendations: it's important to follow the vaccination schedule recommended by healthcare authorities in your region. these recommendations can vary by country and region.
outbreak prevention: widespread vaccination helps prevent mumps outbreaks, as the virus is highly contagious, spreading through respiratory droplets.
travel considerations: if you plan to travel internationally, it's advisable to ensure you and your family members are up to date on your mmr vaccinations, as mumps may still be more prevalent in some parts of the world.
in summary, vaccination is a highly effective and safe way to prevent mumps and its potential complications. it not only protects individuals but also contributes to public health by reducing the spread of the virus in communities. if you have questions or concerns about vaccination, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider or public health authority for guidance and information specific to your situation.

#alphafitness #alphafitness.health #health #alphafitness #fitness #diseases #immunity #mumps #vaccine

you can find more details in the original post here: https://www.alphafitness.health/2024/01/23/vaccination-is-the-best-way-to-prevent-mumps/. for more health and fitness tips, visit the site: https://alphafitness.health",04/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfMwGMQEHTs,mumps virus a puffy childhood foe| protect your children's,"mumps virus a puffy childhood foe| protect your children's

mumps, a disease characterized by puffy cheeks and fever, has been a childhood nuisance for centuries. while less common today due to widespread vaccination, understanding its history, causes, symptoms, and management remains important. this comprehensive dive into mumps will explore the disease from its historical roots to modern-day prevention and treatment.

mumps used to be a common childhood illness!   learn about the mumps virus, its symptoms (like those puffy cheeks!), complications, and how the mmr vaccine protects you.  

#stayhealthy  [0:00 intro]  
#mumpssymptoms [1:20]  #mumpscomplications [3:00]  
#mmrvaccine [4:00]  
#askyourdoctor [5:00]

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r62se00viN0,measles (tigdas) ang nauusong sakit ngayong summer,"panahon nanaman ng measles  (tigdas) ngayong taginit. alamin ang mga dapat bantayan dito. 

like, share at mag-subscribe sa aking youtube channel para sa karagdagang kaalaaman sa kalusugan! 


 / @payonidoktoramaya",04/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCcC4ImvYsI,immunization unveiled | vital insights from dr. runa majumdar | amri hospitals,"join dr. runa majumdar, consultant in pediatrics and neonatology, as she delves into the critical role of #immunization in safeguarding communities. 

discover the invaluable protection offered by #vaccinations against preventable diseases like #polio, #measles, and #smallpox. learn about the concept of #herdimmunity and why timely vaccinations are essential for #publichealthsafety. 

with expert insights, understand why #immunization is not just a medical necessity but also a #humanright. 

don't miss out on this enlightening discussion on how immunizations pave the way for a healthier society. 

book an appointment: https://bit.ly/4dkpofg


facebook amri hospital kolkata: https://bit.ly/3pfwv0l

facebook amri hospital bhubaneswar: https://bit.ly/3hcdu1y

linkedin: https://bit.ly/3vv0m2f

twitter: https://bit.ly/3bzgizk

instagram  amri hospital kolkata: https://bit.ly/3uptvlj

instagram  amri hospital bhubaneswar: https://bit.ly/3bzzt0f

website: https://bit.ly/2f3e3w0

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

#immunization #vaccination #healthcare #preventivemedicine #amrihospitals #healwithlove",04/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaFxZof657I,mmr vaccine hesitancy:,,04/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.2news.com/video/measles-cases-double-from-2022-to-2023/video_919c8d8c-fb09-5b87-a0a5-a19d551cfa46.html,measles cases double from 2022 to 2023,"the number of measles cases in 2022 was about 171,000, but in 2023, it rose to 320,000.",04/28/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.itv.com/watch/news/parents-of-baby-boy-who-almost-died-after-contracting-measles-warn-others-to-get-children-immunised/8sy79rb,parents of baby boy who almost died after contracting measles warn others to get children immunised,sun 28 apr 6.52pm  3-month-old ezra barratt contracted measles last christmas and spent the new year in hospital. there have been nearly 900 cases reported in the uk in 2024.,04/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.wrex.com/video/rock-county-public-health-warns-of-possible-measles-exposure/video_9db75b60-16ed-549f-8dbe-cb31363e47a0.html,rock county public health warns of possible measles exposure,rock county public health confirms a person living in dane county with a confirmed case of measles has spent time in rock county while infectious.,04/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/detroitfather/reel/C6TxAG_MFfp/,"as a parent, one of my top priorities is keeping my little ones safe and healthy. that's why i'm proud to share why i vaccinate during national infant immunization week! vaccines are a true superhero when it comes to protecting our babies from serious diseases. from whooping cough to measles, these little shots pack a powerful punch, shielding our little ones from illnesses that could be devastating. vaccines are safe, effective, and help protect your loved ones and your community.
in michigan, we have access to real science research and tools to support our decisions to best protect our child(ren). so let's celebrate national infant immunization week by getting caught up on vaccines and sharing @ivaccinatemi with other families in our community. learn more at ivaccinate.org! 

#niiw #detroitfather #detroitparentnetwork #ivaccinate","as a parent, one of my top priorities is keeping my little ones safe and healthy. that's why i'm proud to share why i vaccinate during national infant immunization week! vaccines are a true superhero when it comes to protecting our babies from serious diseases. from whooping cough to measles, these little shots pack a powerful punch, shielding our little ones from illnesses that could be devastating. vaccines are safe, effective, and help protect your loved ones and your community.
in michigan, we have access to real science research and tools to support our decisions to best protect our child(ren). so let's celebrate national infant immunization week by getting caught up on vaccines and sharing @ivaccinatemi with other families in our community. learn more at ivaccinate.org! 

#niiw #detroitfather #detroitparentnetwork #ivaccinate",04/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.instagram.com/chipublichealth/reel/C6Uj7jmN8N-/,"staying on schedule with immunizations helps protect your newborn kiddos! national infant immunization week is acknowledged yearly in april, highlighting the importance of protecting children two years and under from vaccine-preventable diseases. 
cdph immunization clinics provide vaccinations for infants, especially mmr, which protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. visit our page to find a clinic near you and register for a visit: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cdph/supp_info/clinical_health/immunization_clinics.html [link in bio]
#niiw #nationalinfantimmunizationweek #chicagoclinics #mmr #immunizations","staying on schedule with immunizations helps protect your newborn kiddos! national infant immunization week is acknowledged yearly in april, highlighting the importance of protecting children two years and under from vaccine-preventable diseases. 
cdph immunization clinics provide vaccinations for infants, especially mmr, which protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. visit our page to find a clinic near you and register for a visit: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cdph/supp_info/clinical_health/immunization_clinics.html [link in bio]
#niiw #nationalinfantimmunizationweek #chicagoclinics #mmr #immunizations",04/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NpOZ-V6Fbo,accelerating measles and rubella testing in 120 countries   (60 sec),"despite the availability of vaccines against measles and rubella, the diseases remain important concerns for both domestic and international public health, especially as importations from countries with outbreaks threaten the elimination status of these viruses in the united states. a robust global laboratory network is critical in order for countries to promptly identify new cases of measles and rubella and rapidly respond to outbreaks. to increase global capacity to test for measles and rubella, cdc provides laboratory supplies to 120 countries and has trained laboratory workers from 60 countries on methods for laboratory detection of measles and rubella cases. to explore more of cdc's global efforts, visit www.cdc.gov/globalhealth._x000d_
photo credits for unicef images:_x000d_
unicef/u.s. cdc/un0671085/owoicho_x000d_
unicef/u.s. cdc/un0671070/owoicho_x000d_
unicef/u.s. cdc/uni416497/bashir_x000d_
unicef/u.s. cdc/un0684492/hayyan_x000d_
unicef/u.s. cdc/684518/hayyan

this video can also be viewed at
https://www.cdc.gov/globalhealth/video/2024-04-24-sfatw-global-expanding-measles-rubella-systems-v4/sfatw-global-expanding-measles-rubella_xl60.mp4",04/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-JdXt6iE8Y,cdc says measles cases for 2024 already surpassing last year's numbers,"according to the cdc, the number of measles outbreaks in 2024 has already passed the amount reported last year.",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vla6z6kKVY4,world health organization reports global measles cases rising,"there were more than 171,000 cases in 2022, but that number surged past 320,000 cases last year.

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remember kvue+ is always streaming on roku, apple tv or fire tv!

you're joining us on the official youtube channel for kvue news in austin, texas. here you will find livestreams, full interviews, kvue defenders specials and news videos from our award-winning team of journalists working across our newscasts – daybreak, midday and kvue news at 5, 6 and 10.

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for news tips and contact info please visit: https://www.kvue.com/contact-us",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-awm_v--6Eo,"global measles cases have doubled, world health organization says",new numbers show cases doubled from 2022 to 2023.,04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgfhD5Tnw98,cases of measles in world has doubled since last year,"almost half the cases have been in europe and as of this friday, the u.s. has had 128 cases this year.",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AN1szX-57lk,global measles cases doubled from 2022 to 2023,"according to the who, there were more than 171,000 cases globally in 2022, but that number reportedly went up to 320,000 cases in 2023.",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTAyvssmB0Y,"global measles cases nearly doubled in one year, researchers say","the number of measles cases around the world nearly doubled from 2022 to 2023, researchers say, presenting a challenge to efforts to achieve and maintain elimination status in many countries.

there were 171,153 cases globally in 2022, according to dr. patrick o'connor of the world health organization, who presented the research saturday at the escmid global congress in barcelona. provisional data shows 321,582 cases for 2023 and more than 94,000 so far in 2024, although the number is probably much higher.

full story: https://www.wral.com/story/global-measles-cases-nearly-doubled-in-one-year-researchers-say/21403252/

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#localnews #northcarolina",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWfR9uyFwj4,at least 19 children die in suspected measles outbreak in northeastern nigeria,"over 200 children are suspected of having contracted the disease in the mubi north local government area.  official reports indicate that the deaths were caused by complications from the infection.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmiBeElDAPE,global measles cases are rising right now,"last year, cases of measles—a serious, vaccine-preventable disease that's highly contagious—jumped by 79% around the world. most of them were in children. that trend is continuing this year, threatening to reverse an impressive 73% drop in measles deaths worldwide from 2000 to 2018.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1Ra_nSgK_o,"residents of mercer, mcdowell counties may have been exposed to measles",measles exposure in west virginia,04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA3863W_x-4,"residents of mercer, mcdowell counties may have been exposed to measles","residents of mercer, mcdowell counties may have been exposed to measles",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQaIK0GLq1M,"dramatic rescue, measles epidemic and israel truce offer | focus morning bulletin april 30, 2024","skipper speaks out after manukau harbour rescue, health experts warn of a measles epidemic and hamas considers israel's latest cease-fire offer in the latest nz herald headlines.

full story: https://tinyurl.com/e6zr7k57

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ts6z6I2T6-I,measles cases started increasing in sindh - aaj news,"#aajnews #measles #sindh 

measles cases started increasing in sindh - 30 april, 2024 - aaj news

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#aajnews #aajnewslive #aajtv",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/dmLVxxFp6ao,mumps immunisation | #mumps #shorts #trending,"also know:  mumps vaccine | mumps vaccine for adults | mumps after immunisation | mumps immunization | mumps infection after vaccination   

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps,  which doctor to consult for mumps, which doctor will treat mumps, mumps vaccine, mumps vaccine for adults, mumps after immunisation, mumps immunization, mumps infection after vaccination , pace hospitals",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQkTQYwOyAA,"ph health chief: vaccination key to preventing contracting measles, pertussis amid resurgence | anc","headstart: karen davila talks to philippine health secretary ted herbosa for the latest updates and health advice as the country logs 34 heat-related illnesses, and sees a rise in pertussis and other diseases.

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#headstart",04/29/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,anger,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmLVxxFp6ao,mumps immunisation | #mumps #shorts #trending,"also know:  mumps vaccine | mumps vaccine for adults | mumps after immunisation | mumps immunization | mumps infection after vaccination   

 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

best hospitals in hitech city, hyderabad, india: https://goo.gl/maps/entychpnfednh9u49

#mumps #mumpsdisease #mumpsinfection #mumpsvirus #mumpscauses #mumpsreasons #mumpssymptoms #mumpscomplications #mumpsdiagnosis #mumpsexaminations #mumpstest #mumpstreatment #mumpsmanagement #mumpscure #mumpsvaccination #mumpsimmunization #mumpsprevention #viralinfection #pediatrichealth #pediatrichealthcare #pediatricianadvice #pediatriciantips #pediatrician #pediatricspecialist #pediatricscare #pediatrics #pacehospitals #hyderabad #india 

pace hospitals
hitech city and madinaguda,
hyderabad, telangana, india
t: 04048486868

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps,  which doctor to consult for mumps, which doctor will treat mumps, mumps vaccine, mumps vaccine for adults, mumps after immunisation, mumps immunization, mumps infection after vaccination , pace hospitals",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cBZ4Xin_tA,recent updates in the management of measles( world immunization week),,04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaM-EvQVJJ4,"the moh, the govt of australia, unicef and who, announce a nationwide measles and rubella",,04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcBwvN0rNdM,today's news 29/4/2024: us election 2024: trump continues to have advantage over president biden,"in the headlines of today's news - 29/4/2024 on ntv:
1./ us election 2024: trump continues to have advantage over president biden. 
2./ sharp increase in measles cases worldwide.
3./ risk of drought threatens 34,000 hectares of summer - autumn crops.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuBptO9iKfc,over 12 million children in afghanistan need humanitarian aid in 2024: unicef,"unicef in its latest report has stated that afghanistan's 23.7 million people, including 12.3 million children are in the need of humanitarian assistance in 2024. unicef stated that only 35% of the required $1.4 billion in aid for children in afghanistan has been secured. the report attributes the increase in poverty in afghanistan to long-standing conflicts, climate change, economic recession, and rising unemployment. according to the report, from the beginning of 2024 to date, 14,570 suspected cases and 71 deaths from measles have been recorded in afghanistan. unicef says that more than 11,000 of these patients are children under five years old, and over 6,000 measles patients are women. the organization urges its humanitarian partners to prioritize the safety of female staff in afghanistan.

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south asia newsline, india news, pakistan news, afghanistan news, bangladesh news, nepal news, sri lanka news, south asia weekday bulletin, english news bullletin",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wPl_fP1c-o,pushing back against vaccine hesitancy,"going door-to-door in targeted communities to raise awareness, dispel myths and encourage vaccine uptake.

learn more about how gavi and unicef supported the government of nepal during the nationwide measles-rubella vaccination campaign to ensure that no child is deprived of the life-saving benefits of immunization.

more: https://www.unicef.org/nepal/stories/pushback-against-vaccine-hesitancy

#vaccineswork #humanlypossible",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,anger,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSmamhEXYKY,"nursing home news this week (april 29, 2024)","are you ready to start your quality improvement journey? book a free consultation here:


cms finalizes controversial 80/20 rule

extra: cms publishes rule outlining final staffing requirements

providers: staffing rule a cms 'fairy tale' that will 'exacerbate' nursing home access issue

snf vbp program early look performance score reports are now available

measles posing intensified threat to nursing home residents and personnel


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analysis finds 4 in 5 nursing facilities don't meet staffing requirements

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final medicaid access rule released, white house says

report: changes to medicare, medicaid could block healthcare access, lead to more deaths

employer groups ask court to vacate independent contractor rule

cdc: less than half of nursing home residents have latest covid-19 booster shots

medicare audits 'ramping up' with isolation coding in the crosshairs 

nhs weigh pros, cons of new weight loss drugs as limited medicare coverage kicks in

study: high bp meds raise risks for falls, fractures — especially for people with dementia

hiv meds may offer alzheimer's shield for seniors

newer diabetes drugs considered low-value options, updated guideline finds

nursing home fights for right to end temporary bonuses, avoid $369k payout

back from the brink: inside the battle to save nation's second-largest nursing home

troubled nursing home in contempt over non-payment of $2.65 million for staff healthcare

ma, hcbs fraud among top spending oversight priorities, oig says in hearing

cms vows greater support for family caregivers on anniversary of key executive order

---",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7cGWgauLxU,",  measles",,04/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHFJfdL5Upc,"the tragic death of the son of king henry viii, king edward vi","the tragic death of the son of king henry viii, king edward vi

edward vi was born on october 12, 1537, and became the king of england and ireland on january 28, 1547. he was only nine years old when he became king, and he ruled until he died in 1553. edward was the only son of king henry viii and his third wife, jane seymour. he was the first king to be raised as a protestant.
because edward was so young, he didn't rule the country himself. instead, a group of advisors, called a regency council, made the decisions. his uncle, edward seymour, led the council first, followed by john dudley.
edward's time as king had a lot of problems. there was economic trouble and social unrest, which led to riots and rebellions in 1549. he also fought a costly war with scotland that didn't end well, resulting in england pulling back its troops in exchange for peace.

when edward was 15, he became very sick. knowing he was dying, he made a plan for who would follow him as ruler to make sure england stayed protestant. he chose his cousin, lady jane grey, to be the next ruler, skipping over his half-sisters mary and elizabeth. after edward died, there was a dispute over who should be queen. jane became queen but was removed by mary nine days later. mary was catholic and reversed many of edward's changes, but elizabeth later restored them when she became queen.

as edward vi's health worsened, it became well-known that he was dying. foreign diplomats noticed that plans were being made to prevent his half-sister mary from becoming queen. france, unhappy with the idea of the emperor's cousin (mary) taking the english throne, held secret talks with the duke of northumberland and showed their support for an alternative. although most english people supported mary, diplomats believed that lady jane grey could still be successfully installed as queen.
for a long time, many thought that the duke of northumberland alone had plotted to change the line of succession. however, since the 1970s, historians have increasingly seen king edward himself as initiating this change and strongly pushing for it. historians like diarmaid macculloch have highlighted edward's vision of creating a protestant kingdom, while david starkey has emphasized that edward, despite having some helpers, was the main force behind the move.

edward's health began to decline in january 1553 with a fever and a persistent cough. according to reports from jean scheyfve, the imperial ambassador, edward suffered greatly during fevers, especially from breathing difficulties caused by pressure on his organs.
in early april, edward felt well enough to go outside in the park at westminster and later moved to greenwich. his condition seemed to improve by may 7, with doctors optimistic about his recovery. he even enjoyed watching ships on the thames from his window. however, his health took a turn for the worse again, and by june 11, scheyfve reported that edward was coughing up greenish-yellow, black, and pink substances, indicating severe lung issues. doctors then diagnosed him with a life-threatening lung tumor. edward's condition deteriorated rapidly; his legs swelled, and he became too weak to fight the disease. in his final moments, he told his tutor, john cheke, ""i am glad to die.""

the procession included many children in choir robes and was witnessed by many londoners who were crying and mourning. edward's funeral chariot, covered in gold fabric, displayed an effigy of the young king complete with a crown, scepter, and the order of the garter. edward's grave remained unmarked until 1966 when christ's hospital school placed a stone in the chapel floor with an inscription to remember their founder.
the exact cause of edward vi's death remains uncertain.

although there were rumors of poisoning, there is no evidence to support this. some believed the duke of northumberland, who was very unpopular, might have orchestrated such a plot, while others thought catholics could have poisoned edward to bring mary to the throne. however, the surgeon who examined edward posthumously concluded that he died of lung disease. the venetian ambassador noted that edward had died of consumption, now known as tuberculosis, a diagnosis accepted by many historians. it's believed that edward's prior illnesses like measles and smallpox weakened his immunity, making him more susceptible to tuberculosis. another historian suggests his symptoms were more like those of severe pneumonia, which led to a fatal lung infection, blood poisoning, and kidney failure.",04/29/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmuVLPv8e8U,   propagation of garlic,"the fresh stem of valk with a little gum arabic is beneficial for strengthening the stomach and stomach bleeding, stopping diarrhea and treating hemorrhoids.
#car #car #electrical # # #free #lion #lion #magnetic # # # # # # #  # #
 valk flower also stops diarrhea and poultice of its leaves is useful on the button of bloody hemorrhoids.

 drinking a decoction of the root of valk crushes kidney and bladder stones.

 this plant has an effective effect on the nerves and is used to treat forgetfulness and strengthen the nerves.

 the plant can be brewed and used against worms either swallowed or enema.

 the juice of this plant helps to lose weight and can also be used externally for rheumatic joints, arthritis, sciatica and gout.

 it fights heart diseases such as angina and heart palpitations.

 it is useful for the treatment of urinary retention and makes the urine more and the color of the face good.

 it is used to remove acne on the
 valk is the cause of cleaning the bile from the intestine and the gallbladder.

 valk's syrup reel is very useful for treating sore throat and angina.                     .















 valak syrup is very useful for people suffering from fever, chicken pox and measles.

 garlic chives improve kidney function and are used to treat urinary incontinence, kidney and bladder weakness.

 it is used to treat nausea and vomiting.

 wild garlic can help people with migraines",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.facebook.com/thecableng/videos/breaking-news-last-week-measles-outbreak-in-adamawa-jail-break-in-niger-and-more/2334356846759365/,"breaking news last week: measles outbreak in adamawa, jail break in niger  and more stories","breaking news last week: measles outbreak in adamawa, jail break in niger  and more stories",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.kwtx.com/video/2024/04/29/daily-4-kwtx4-measles-cases-doubled-one-year-get-ready-national-bubble-tea-day-more-42924/,"the daily 4 on kwtx@4: measles cases doubled in one year, get ready for national bubble tea day, and more - 4.29.24","the daily 4 on kwtx@4: measles cases doubled in one year, get ready for national bubble tea day, and more - 4.29.24",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.facebook.com/100064917602655/videos/vo-the-moh-the-govt-of-australia-unicef-and-who-announce-a-nationwide-measles-an/841267244709383/,"the moh, the govt of australia, unicef and who, announce a nationwide measles and rubella vaccination campaign","vo: the moh, the govt of australia, unicef and who, announce a nationwide measles and rubella vaccination campaign
intro: the ministry of health, in cooperation with the government of australia, unicef and who, has announced a nationwide measles and rubella vaccination campaign in a major effort to protect childrens health.",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wkyt.com/video/2024/04/29/measles-cases-rising/,measles cases rising,the ohio department of health is urging people to get vaccinated as the number of measles cases is on the rise.,04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.wdtn.com/video/cdc-says-measles-cases-for-2024-already-surpassing-last-years-numbers/9649947/,cdc says measles cases for 2024 already surpassing last year's numbers,"according to the cdc, the number of measles outbreaks in 2024 has already passed the amount reported last year.",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wvnstv.com/video/residents-of-mercer-mcdowell-counties-may-have-been-exposed-to-measles/9649199/,"residents of mercer, mcdowell counties may have been exposed to measles",measles exposure in west virginia,04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/amrefhealthafrica/reel/C6VvAAfodBH/,"vaccination is crucial in safeguarding you against potentially life-threatening diseases such as measles, cervical cancer, polio, and covid-19. by getting vaccinated, you not only protect yourself but also prevent the spread of these illnesses to others. we encourage you to visit your nearest healthcare facility and receive the recommended vaccines.

watch the full clip via https://youtu.be/hru381txbpc

 #amrefhealthsecurity #worldimmunisationweek","vaccination is crucial in safeguarding you against potentially life-threatening diseases such as measles, cervical cancer, polio, and covid-19. by getting vaccinated, you not only protect yourself but also prevent the spread of these illnesses to others. we encourage you to visit your nearest healthcare facility and receive the recommended vaccines.

watch the full clip via https://youtu.be/hru381txbpc

 #amrefhealthsecurity #worldimmunisationweek",04/29/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/thehealthylung/reel/C6Xq1Piv1n2/,"world immunization week 

this week marks world immunization week, a global initiative to raise awareness about the importance of vaccines in preventing infectious diseases. every minute, every day over the last 50 years, immunization saved over 6 lives. it is one of humanity's greatest achievements. vaccination plays a critical role in protecting individuals and communities from illnesses like measles, polio, and covid-19. 

let's celebrate the incredible impact of vaccines in saving lives and keeping us healthy. together, we can ensure that everyone has access to life-saving vaccines.

yet there's more work to do. we've eradicated smallpox, it's time now to eliminate malaria, polio, cervical cancer and more.

nobody should suffer from a disease we know how to prevent.get vaccinated, stay protected!  #vaccineswork #who #thehealthylung #vaccines #ᴇᴛᴠᴀᴄᴄᴀᴛᴇᴅ #healthy #vaccinationdone✔ nated","world immunization week 

this week marks world immunization week, a global initiative to raise awareness about the importance of vaccines in preventing infectious diseases. every minute, every day over the last 50 years, immunization saved over 6 lives. it is one of humanity's greatest achievements. vaccination plays a critical role in protecting individuals and communities from illnesses like measles, polio, and covid-19. 

let's celebrate the incredible impact of vaccines in saving lives and keeping us healthy. together, we can ensure that everyone has access to life-saving vaccines.

yet there's more work to do. we've eradicated smallpox, it's time now to eliminate malaria, polio, cervical cancer and more.

nobody should suffer from a disease we know how to prevent.get vaccinated, stay protected!  #vaccineswork #who #thehealthylung #vaccines #ᴇᴛᴠᴀᴄᴄᴀᴛᴇᴅ #healthy #vaccinationdone✔ nated",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.tiktok.com/@the.realmoha/video/7363349963327163653," 24-30 april is world immunization week immunization prevents millions of deaths a year from diseases like: '‰ measles '‰ tetanus  '‰ influenza ' we can make it possible for everyone to benefit from the life-saving power of vaccines, learn more here '‰https://www.who.int/campaigns/world-immunization-week/2024 #immunization #malaria #day #world #somalitiktok #kmtc #tetanus #measles #vaccine #hygiene #health #foryou #university #medicalstudent "," 24-30 april is world immunization week immunization prevents millions of deaths a year from diseases like: '‰ measles '‰ tetanus  '‰ influenza ' we can make it possible for everyone to benefit from the life-saving power of vaccines, learn more here '‰https://www.who.int/campaigns/world-immunization-week/2024 #immunization #malaria #day #world #somalitiktok #kmtc #tetanus #measles #vaccine #hygiene #health #foryou #university #medicalstudent ",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@doctorhumano/video/7363343944429718800,#sarampin #measles #doctorhumano #internista ,#sarampin #measles #doctorhumano #internista ,04/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@_laduunii/video/7363206054395514120,"this is according to the national primary health care development agency (nphcda). know your vaccines ' at birth:  bcg opvg hep b six weeks: opv1 rotavirus vaccine 1 ipv 1 pnemoccal conjugate vaccine 1 pentavalent (dpt, hpv 1, hib) 1 ten weeks: opv 2 rotavirus vaccine 2 pnemoccal conjugate vaccine 2 pentavalent (dpt, hpv 1, hib) 2 fourteen weeks: opv 3 ipv 2 rotavirus vaccine 3 pnemoccal conjugate vaccine 3 pentavalent (dpt, hpv 1, hib) 3 six months: vitamin a (first vaccine) nine months: measles (first dose) yellow fever meningitis vaccine  twelve months:  vitamin a (second dose) fifteen months: measles (second dose) nine years: hpv @unicef nigeria @un volunteers @world health organization (who) ","this is according to the national primary health care development agency (nphcda). know your vaccines ' at birth:  bcg opvg hep b six weeks: opv1 rotavirus vaccine 1 ipv 1 pnemoccal conjugate vaccine 1 pentavalent (dpt, hpv 1, hib) 1 ten weeks: opv 2 rotavirus vaccine 2 pnemoccal conjugate vaccine 2 pentavalent (dpt, hpv 1, hib) 2 fourteen weeks: opv 3 ipv 2 rotavirus vaccine 3 pnemoccal conjugate vaccine 3 pentavalent (dpt, hpv 1, hib) 3 six months: vitamin a (first vaccine) nine months: measles (first dose) yellow fever meningitis vaccine  twelve months:  vitamin a (second dose) fifteen months: measles (second dose) nine years: hpv @unicef nigeria @un volunteers @world health organization (who) ",04/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub30oRfvghc,"covid, flu, h5n1, measles","after an overview on the status of covid, flu, measles, h5n1 in milk

00:08 - introduction
0:53 - respiratory virus updates
14:35 - h5n1/avian flu
20:09 - measles update
22:33 - workers' memorial day
27:12 - summary and tips

#rootsempowers #communityhealth #bayarea #publichealth #oakland #covid19 #cdc #maskup
#covidisnotover #covidisairborne #nomorecoviddeaths #vaccines #booster #pandemic #omicron
#xbb #keepmasksinhealthcare #longcovid #eg.5 #wastewater #ba.2.86 #monovalent
#monovalentbooster #novavax #pertussis #jn.1

links referenced in the briefing
worker memorial day
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/s1047279723001692",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGmEhGCiSeI,measles cases are increasing globally,"the parents of an english baby boy who almost died from measles are hoping to persuade other families around the world to ensure their children are vaccinated. experts report that global measles cases have almost doubled in one year. #measles _x000d_
subscribe: http://smarturl.it/associatedpress_x000d_
read more: https://apnews.com​_x000d_
this video may be available for archive licensing via https://newsroom.ap.org/home",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pc_Ex7b_2g,the importance of vaccination amid uptick in measles cases,uw health's dr. jeff pothof joins news 3 now live at four to discuss the importance of being vaccinated against measles.,04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy40rTs5vMk,wvu medicine health report - measles,"measles was declared eradicated in the u.s. in 2000. but cases and outbreaks are still being reported across the country just like the recent case in monongalia county. on this edition of the wvu medicine health report, we look at why this is happening and the easiest way to stop the virus.",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcwkkvz3VFQ,falling vaccination rates prompts warning new zealand is at risk of measles epidemic | newshub,"health experts are warning new zealand is at serious risk of a measles epidemic due to growing numbers of unimmunised children. alexa cook has the details.➡ subscribe: https://bit.ly/newshubyoutube

you're joining us on the official youtube channel for warner bros. discovery's newshub. here you will find livestreams and news videos from our award-winning team of journalists working across our bulletins and shows - am, paddy gower has issues, newshub nation, and the hui.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeDV4cx9Hz0,west virginia has a confirmed case of measles – here's what to do if you're exposed,west virginia has a confirmed case of measles – here's what to do if you're exposed,04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZbCVXSNdIw,health professionals remind public of need to vaccinate against measles,"measles is a contagious disease that causes common cold symptoms like fever, cough, and runny nose, but also causes a rash to appear.",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlYgv4FGEog,global immunization: emerging threats of diseases like measles and the need to reach every child,"in this webinar, dr. natasha crowcroft (senior technical adviser on measles and rubella, who) and dr. ephrem lemango (associate director and chief of immunization, unicef) discuss emerging infectious disease threats around the globe, and the state of efforts to protect the world's children through immunization.

this webinar was hosted on april 24 on zoom by the centre for vaccine preventable diseases (cvpd) and the centre for global health (cgh) at the university of toronto's dalla lana school of public health, and unicef canada.",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPHXAZCYEoo,'it was traumatic': uk parents urge others to vaccinate their children amid rising measles cases,"global measles cases could double in a year, according to the world health organization (who).

read more : https://www.euronews.com/2024/04/30/it-was-traumatic-uk-parents-urge-others-to-vaccinate-their-children-amid-rising-measles-ca

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#healthnews",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-zUDhAcGT8,60 year old man dies as result of  chemotherapy shortage; measles cases update,"the fda reports there is a nationwide shortage of at least 4 chemotherapy treatments.

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subscribe to the fox 26 houston newsletter: https://www.fox26houston.com/newsletters",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76odYTFYA2o,panel discussion on : is india on track to achieve the measles rubella elimination goal by 2026?,"observation of world immunization week 2024
by indian public health association hqs
panel discussion: is india on track to achieve the measles rubella elimination goal by 2026?
on 30th april 2024 at 7pm onwards through zoom platform",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1fGDNG3H6I,focus on measles vaccination;who highlights millions of children around the world at risk,"a report from unicef and the world health organization highlights that millions of children around the world are at risk for measles, one of the most contagious and severe childhood diseases that take the lives of hundreds of children globally each day, last year alone 21.9 million children missed the routine measles vaccination in their first year of life and 13.3 million did not receive their second dose, placing children in under-vaccinated communities at risk of outbreaks. there is a need to create more awareness of vaccination, even as the international vaccination week comes to a climax.",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmI6EakTvhM,you should never get measles!,"#short
#measles",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1qAQRSy_Hg,what's the difference between measles and roseola,"measles and roseola are both viral infections that primarily affect children, but they are caused by different viruses and have distinct symptoms and characteristics:

1. **measles**:
   - **cause**: measles is caused by the measles virus (mev), a highly contagious virus that spreads through respiratory droplets.
   - **symptoms**: common symptoms include high fever, cough, runny nose, red and watery eyes (conjunctivitis), and a characteristic rash that starts on the face and spreads to the rest of the body.
   - **complications**: measles can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia, encephalitis (brain inflammation), and in rare cases, death.
   - **vaccination**: measles can be prevented through vaccination with the measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) vaccine.

2. **roseola**:
   - **cause**: roseola is caused by the human herpesvirus 6 (hhv-6) or, less commonly, by human herpesvirus 7 (hhv-7). it is also known as sixth disease or exanthem subitum.
   - **symptoms**: roseola typically begins with a sudden high fever, which can last for several days and may be accompanied by irritability and mild respiratory symptoms. after the fever subsides, a rash appears, starting on the trunk and spreading to the limbs.
   - **complications**: roseola is usually a mild illness and complications are rare. most children recover fully without complications.
   - **vaccination**: there is no specific vaccine for roseola, but most cases resolve on their own without medical intervention.

in summary, measles is caused by the measles virus and is characterized by a high fever, cough, and a distinctive rash, while roseola is caused by herpesviruses and is marked by a sudden fever followed by a rash. measles can lead to severe complications, whereas roseola is typically a mild and self-limiting illness.

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what is the difference between rubella and roseola
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what's the difference between measles and roseola
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difference between roseola rubella and rubeola
difference between roseola and rubella
what does roseola measles look like
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is roseola similar to measles
the difference between measles and rubella",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LTg28VouOY,"wtvo eyewitness news for april 30th, 2024 (full broadcast)","price street murder investigation, rock county measles exposure, roscoe recognized as one of the safest in il, gas alarm bill, affordable housing, strolling thunder, prom mock crash, rmtd paratransit upgrades, veterans cafe, mayors tackle homelessness, plus weather and sports.

stay informed about rockford-area news, weather, sports and entertainment! follow wtvo eyewitness news on our website and social channels:

http://www.twitter.com/mystateline",04/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0W8iqm-FY8,measles,,04/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8K193OMthg,measles in wisconsin,,04/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xKY9zeB13w,aioc2024   free paper   cornea   ii  fp312  ocular manifestations of measles,,04/30/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTmzD1rcF2A,"measles, zebras, ice cream ban and more…",,04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3Q9RLAo2DA,measles-rubella / symptoms and treatment #aiims #mohfw #knowledge,,04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35rUCGUht3U,"as vaccination rates drop, experts discuss importance of immunizations | sanford health news","the conversation today is about childhood immunizations and vaccines. our host is dr. joseph segeleon, vice president medical officer, sanford children's hospital.

0:00 intro
01:33 brief history and success of vaccines
03:57 vaccine effectiveness
05:58 importance of pediatric immunizations
08:41 risks of not getting vaccinated
13:00 dangers of declining vaccination rates
16:41 sources for credible vaccine information
18:52 misinformation and measles outbreak
22:55 access to vaccines
25:37 vaccine for children program

read the full story: https://news.sanfordhealth.org/podcast/doctors-nurses-sound-the-alarm-as-vaccination-rates-drop/

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follow @sanfordhealth on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sanfordhealth/
connect with us on linkedin: linkedin.com/company/sanford-health/",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5cjIwXtogM,"new breast cancer screening guidance, doctor discusses | fox6 news milwaukee","dr. jeff pothof with uw health discusses new guidance for breast cancer screenings, measles cases in wisconsin and a rise in syphilis cases. #health #cancer #measles 

subscribe to fox6 news milwaukee: https://www.youtube.com/user/fox6now?sub_confirmation=1

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPOpl3TvSOY,"one child dies every 13 minutes in yemen due to lack of vaccination campaigns, unicef says","a new un report has revealed that one child dies every 13 minutes in yemen due to diseases that can be treated or prevented by vaccines.
unicef announced that 41,000 children died in yemen in 2022 due to diseases that could have been prevented.
as of previous year, the organization reported that there were over 62,000 cases of diseases such as whooping cough, diphtheria, measles, and polio, with hundreds of deaths. these diseases would not have spread if vaccination coverage had been stronger.
the significant decrease in vaccination rates is concerning, with vaccination rates against measles, polio, and the dtp vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) at only 41%, 46%, and 55% respectively, the report said, warning that these numbers are far from the required level to ensure herd immunity and protect children's health.
unicef stressed that the health situation of children in yemen requires intensified efforts to improve it, and to change the tragic story to ensure that every child in yemen receives vaccines wherever they are, requiring support for the healthcare system and providing necessary resources to reach remote areas.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P17s3wzWhYg,iceberg phenomenon | public health dentistry | animated explanation,"dive into the fascinating ""iceberg phenomenon"" with today's video, where we explore a crucial concept in healthcare. often, medical professionals only witness a fraction of diseases in the community, akin to seeing just the tip of an iceberg. this video breaks down the iceberg into three parts to enhance understanding: the visible tip, the submerged portion, and the waterline, each representing different aspects of disease visibility and diagnosis. discover which conditions exemplify this phenomenon, such as hypertension and diabetes, and which do not, like measles and rabies. for a deeper understanding of how this affects public health strategies, make sure to watch the full video!

00:00 - introduction to the iceberg phenomenon
00:07 - overview of visibility in healthcare
00:28 - breakdown of the iceberg into three parts
00:33 - discussion on the visible and hidden aspects of diseases
01:10 - examples of conditions related to the phenomenon
01:24 - conditions that do not show the iceberg phenomenon
01:35 - conclusion and thanks

other useful links:

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iceberg phenomenon, healthcare, diseases, public health, diagnostics, epidemiology, visible diseases, hidden diseases, health education",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KpGSSkkX5c,"red eyes,  causes, effects, diagnosis, signs, symptoms, management and prevention | conjunctivitis","conjunctivitis can have a variety of causes, including: viral infections, such as those due to adenoviruses, measles, or covid-19. bacterial infections that can be caused by species like staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pneumoniae, or haemophilus influenzae. allergies to things like pollen, molds, and pet dander.
blepharitis (which is eyelid inflammation)
chalazion or stye, which comes from inflammation in the glands of your eyelid.
allergies can affect the eyes, leading them to become red and swollen. other symptoms that you may experience include:

a burning sensation
increased tearing
eye allergy symptoms can also be accompanied by other allergy symptoms, such as sneezing and an itchy, running nose.

some common allergy triggers include:

dust mites
pet dander
irritants like cigarette smoke or air pollution
dry eyes
tears are made by small glands above the eyes. they work to help protect and lubricate the eyes. you have dry eyes when your eyes don't produce enough tears.

dry eyes are very common, with studies estimating a prevalence rate of between 5 to 50 percent. the condition is more likely to occur in women, people over the age of 50, and individuals who wear contact lenses.

if you have dry eyes, you may notice that your eyes appear red. other symptoms include:

a stinging, scratchy, or burning sensation
feeling like something is in your eye
sensitivity to light
blurred vision (that comes and goes, especially when reading)
conjunctivitis happens when the membrane covering the insides of your eyelids and the white part of your eye, called the conjunctiva, becomes inflamed. this condition is also called pink eye.

inflammation of the conjunctiva causes the whites of your eyes to appear pink or red in color. some other symptoms that may occur with conjunctivitis are:

a burning sensation
feeling like something is in your eye
increased tearing
discharge of mucus or pus, which can lead to crusting of the eyelids or eyelashes
conjunctivitis can have a variety of causes, including:

viral infections, such as those due to adenoviruses, measles, or covid-19
bacterial infections that can be caused by species like staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pneumoniae, or haemophilus influenzae
allergies to things like pollen, molds, and pet dander
environmental irritants like smoke or chemical fumes
conjunctivitis due to a viral or bacterial infection is very contagious. that means that it can easily be spread from one person to another.

blepharitis is when your eyelids become inflamed. it can cause your eyelids or eyes to appear red and swollen.

some additional symptoms of blepharitis are:

a burning or stinging sensation
feeling like something is in your eye
increased tearing
crusty eyelids in the morning
sensitivity to light
it's also possible for blepharitis to cause more serious symptoms, particularly if not managed. these can include things like loss of eyelashes, eyelashes that grow in the wrong location, or blurred vision.

blepharitis can happen if you have high amounts of bacteria on your eyelids. the condition may also develop if oil glands in your eyelids become clogged. a mite infestation can also cause blepharitis in rare cases.

uveitis is inflammation that happens in the middle part of your eye, called the uvea. the uvea is an area found between the white of your eye and your retina.

inflammation due to uveitis can lead to eye redness. additional symptoms to look out for are:

blurred vision
eye pain
eye floaters
sensitivity to light
there are a few known causes of uveitis, including:

autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and ulcerative colitis
certain types of infections, including syphilis, shingles, and toxoplasmosis
some types of cancers like lymphoma
the herpes simplex virus (hsv) type 1
getting timely treatment for uveitis is vital. this is because the condition can lead to vision loss if not managed.

scleritis is when inflammation affects the white of your eye, which is called the sclera. when this occurs, the white of your eye can become red and swollen. additional symptoms can be:

increased tearing
eye tenderness or pain
blurred vision
sensitivity to light
pain in the head, face, or jaw
decreased vision
the development of scleritis is often associated with an autoimmune disease. examples include:

rheumatoid arthritis
sjgren's syndrome
inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease
it's also possible for scleritis to happen due to an injury to the eye or an eye infection.

subconjunctival hemorrhage
sometimes, a blood vessel in an eye can break, leaking blood on the surface of your eye this is called a subconjunctival hemorrhage.",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdAHDwLmZ7k,"in 2024, 23.7 million, including 12.3 million children, need humanitarian aid in afghanistan.","23.7 million people including 12.3 million children in afghanistan require humanitarian assistance in 2024. according to unicef, only 35 percent of the required $ 1.4 billion in aid for children in afghanistan has been secured. the unicef released its latest report on the humanitarian situation in the country in march. the report has attributed the rise in poverty in afghanistan to long-standing conflicts, climate change, and economic recession. from the beginning of 2024 to date, 14,570 suspected cases and 71 deaths from measles have been recorded in afghanistan. the unicef urged its humanitarian partners to prioritize the safety of female staff in afghanistan.

#afghanistan #humanitarianaid #unicef #childreninneed #poverty #conflict #climatechange #economicrecession #healthcare #un 

for more updates from the region, subscribe to our channel ​@groundzeropakistan 
follow us on our socials:
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twitter/x: https://x.com/groundzeropak?s=21&t=he... 
visit our website: https://groundzero.pk",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHyoFdi9cHw,the signs & symptoms of vitamin a deficiency in children,"discover the crucial role of vitamin a in children's health and development in our informative video. learn about the signs and symptoms of vitamin a deficiency, including night blindness, dry eyes, susceptibility to infections, delayed growth, and more. understand why vitamin a is essential for proper growth, immune system function, and overall well-being in children. gain valuable insights on how to recognize and address potential deficiencies, ensuring your child's optimal health and vitality. watch now to empower yourself with essential knowledge for your child's well-being.

the signs and symptoms that may indicate a deficiency:

night blindness: one of the earliest signs of vitamin a deficiency is difficulty seeing in low light conditions. children may struggle to see clearly at dusk or night, which can hinder their ability to navigate and perform activities.

dry eyes: insufficient vitamin a can lead to dryness of the eyes, causing discomfort and irritation. children may complain of itching, burning, or a gritty sensation in their eyes.

increased susceptibility to infections: vitamin a plays a vital role in maintaining a strong immune system. deficiency can weaken the body's ability to fight off infections, making children more prone to illnesses such as respiratory infections, diarrhea, and measles.

delayed growth and development: adequate vitamin a is essential for proper growth and development in children. a deficiency can lead to stunted growth, delayed bone development, and poor weight gain.

skin problems: vitamin a deficiency may manifest in various skin issues such as dry, rough skin, or the development of small raised bumps (follicular hyperkeratosis). children may also experience increased susceptibility to skin infections.

poor appetite and weight loss: children deficient in vitamin a may exhibit a decreased appetite, leading to inadequate nutrient intake and subsequent weight loss or failure to thrive.

xerophthalmia: in severe cases of vitamin a deficiency, a condition called xerophthalmia may develop. this condition involves progressive damage to the cornea, leading to irreversible blindness if left untreated.",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.euronews.com/video/2024/04/30/it-was-traumatic-uk-parents-urge-others-to-vaccinate-their-children-amid-rising-measles-ca,video. parents urged to vaccinate children amid rise in measles cases,"global measles cases could double in a year, according to the world health organization (who).",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://apnews.com/video/measles-children-immunizations-world-health-organization-covid-19-pandemic-05751c6bb97c4755bdf560890ecc9719,measle cases increasing globally,the parents of an english baby boy who almost died from measles are hoping to persuade other families around the world to ensure their children are vaccinated. experts report that global measles cases have almost doubled in one year. (april 30),04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,joy
https://www.wvnstv.com/video/west-virginia-has-a-confirmed-case-of-measles-%E2%80%93-here%E2%80%99s-what-to-do-if-you%E2%80%99re-exposed/9652810/,west virginia has a confirmed case of measles  heres what to do if youre exposed,west virginia has a confirmed case of measles  heres what to do if youre exposed,04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wxow.com/video/health-professionals-remind-public-of-need-to-vaccinate-against-measles/video_aecf0501-95fe-5cab-8061-391d07b6ca6c.html,health professionals remind public of need to vaccinate against measles,"measles is a contagious disease that causes common cold symptoms like fever, cough, and runny nose, but also causes a rash to appear.",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.mississippivalleypublishing.com/measles-cases-are-increasing-globally/video_b0460ff5-f5bb-5b28-b212-7f2e4812df75.html,measles cases are increasing globally,"the parents of an english baby boy who almost died from measles are hoping to persuade other families around the world to ensure their children are vaccinated. experts report that global measles cases have almost doubled in one year. #measles

subscribe: http://smarturl.it/associatedpress

read more: https://apnews.com

this video may be available for archive licensing via https://newsroom.ap.org/home",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,joy
https://www.facebook.com/CDCMMWR/videos/mmwr-weekly-briefing-april-8-2024/1435707797064032/,"mmwr weekly briefing: april 8, 2024","the latest mmwr weekly briefing is live. topics include: measles in the u.s., salmonella risk posed by backyard poultry, and more. listen and subscribe: http://bit.ly/mmwrpodcast",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,fear
https://www.instagram.com/webmd/reel/C6ZD5lOtsTq/,"so far this year, measles cases have been confirmed in 17 states. dr. dan brennan shares what you can do to keep your family and community safe - learn more about measles by tapping the link in our bio.","so far this year, measles cases have been confirmed in 17 states. dr. dan brennan shares what you can do to keep your family and community safe - learn more about measles by tapping the link in our bio.",04/30/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/thetawithemily/reel/C6Y9PlVuxXA/,"soo... my daughter has measles... fun...

✨comment ""chakra"" to start this energy work with your kids✨

everyone around me is telling me to take her to the doctors, give her meds, and of course, make sure to vax her.

 but i know that it is possible for me to heal her without the need of anything external from her.

i know that physical manifestations of sickness and dis-ease are caused from a misalignment of energy.

that certain beliefs are what attracts certain diseases to the body.

and that suppressed, stuck, stagnant energy and emotions is what keeps it at that location in the body.

i've been doing this work on reprogramming beliefs and clearing energy in the body to create the reality that you want mentally physically and emotionally for adults for the past 6 years.

but i feel like sometimes we forget that children behave the exact same way.

that they too can instill beliefs hat are going to create dis-ease in the body.

that they too can hold onto suppressed, stagnant emotions and trauma due to certain experiences in their life.

and that they too might need some clearing and realigning and balancing in order to be an optimal health.✨

so i'm doing just that for my daughter today.

>> and i'm teaching you how to do this same thing through balancing babies chakras

comment ""chakra"" to learn more.","soo... my daughter has measles... fun...

✨comment ""chakra"" to start this energy work with your kids✨

everyone around me is telling me to take her to the doctors, give her meds, and of course, make sure to vax her.

 but i know that it is possible for me to heal her without the need of anything external from her.

i know that physical manifestations of sickness and dis-ease are caused from a misalignment of energy.

that certain beliefs are what attracts certain diseases to the body.

and that suppressed, stuck, stagnant energy and emotions is what keeps it at that location in the body.

i've been doing this work on reprogramming beliefs and clearing energy in the body to create the reality that you want mentally physically and emotionally for adults for the past 6 years.

but i feel like sometimes we forget that children behave the exact same way.

that they too can instill beliefs hat are going to create dis-ease in the body.

that they too can hold onto suppressed, stagnant emotions and trauma due to certain experiences in their life.

and that they too might need some clearing and realigning and balancing in order to be an optimal health.✨

so i'm doing just that for my daughter today.

>> and i'm teaching you how to do this same thing through balancing babies chakras

comment ""chakra"" to learn more.",04/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/vydehi_vims/reel/C6Yd2S9tVpT/,"yeah, yeah, we get it - adulting is a drag. but unlike cancelling your gym membership (again!), skipping vaccinations can have much worse consequences. ☠

don't believe everything your whatsapp uncle forwards. get your facts straight about vaccinations. we're looking at you, anti-vaxxers!

vaccinations aren't just about you (selfish!). they keep your loved ones safe and our communities healthy.

don't wait for a ""perfect"" time. because trust us, catching measles or any other disease is anything but perfect.

vydehi institute of medical sciences: we got your back (literally, with vaccinations).

schedule your appointment now!

: 080-49069000, 080 6111 1111
: +91-80-4125 9032,

#worldimmunizationweek #vaccineswork #immunization #vaccination #protectourfuture #healthforall #getvaccinated #publichealth #globalhealth #preventivehealth #vaccinessavelives #healthycommunities #stayprotected #communityimmunity #healthcareforall #vydehihospitalbanglore #vimsrc #vimshospital","yeah, yeah, we get it - adulting is a drag. but unlike cancelling your gym membership (again!), skipping vaccinations can have much worse consequences. ☠

don't believe everything your whatsapp uncle forwards. get your facts straight about vaccinations. we're looking at you, anti-vaxxers!

vaccinations aren't just about you (selfish!). they keep your loved ones safe and our communities healthy.

don't wait for a ""perfect"" time. because trust us, catching measles or any other disease is anything but perfect.

vydehi institute of medical sciences: we got your back (literally, with vaccinations).

schedule your appointment now!

: 080-49069000, 080 6111 1111
: +91-80-4125 9032,

#worldimmunizationweek #vaccineswork #immunization #vaccination #protectourfuture #healthforall #getvaccinated #publichealth #globalhealth #preventivehealth #vaccinessavelives #healthycommunities #stayprotected #communityimmunity #healthcareforall #vydehihospitalbanglore #vimsrc #vimshospital",04/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,anger,anger
https://www.instagram.com/citra_amelinda/reel/C6YoblGRK2U/,"the essential program on immunization or epi has increased infant survival by 30% in the last 50 years. these vaccines and global efforts to distribute them have helped eradicate dangerous diseases and saved so many lives, including possibly yours. 

during the covid-19 pandemic, 67 million children didn't get all the vaccines they needed, and this is the main reason we've seen measles and polio outbreaks again. this #worldimmunizationweek, we call on every nation and government to invest in immunization, and for health workers, communities and parents to support and continue to improve immunization coverage for every child. 

#humanlypossible #foreverychild #unicefindonesia #unicefeap #unicefindonesia #untuksetiapanak","the essential program on immunization or epi has increased infant survival by 30% in the last 50 years. these vaccines and global efforts to distribute them have helped eradicate dangerous diseases and saved so many lives, including possibly yours. 

during the covid-19 pandemic, 67 million children didn't get all the vaccines they needed, and this is the main reason we've seen measles and polio outbreaks again. this #worldimmunizationweek, we call on every nation and government to invest in immunization, and for health workers, communities and parents to support and continue to improve immunization coverage for every child. 

#humanlypossible #foreverychild #unicefindonesia #unicefeap #unicefindonesia #untuksetiapanak",04/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/thepsychobabblebcbas/reel/C6Y1kTRxCQG/,"after wakefield falsely linked the mmr vaccine and autism, a litany of ""miracle biomedical ""cures were ""prescribed by dan (defeat autism now) doctors. 

hyperbaric oxygen therapy 
bleach therapy 
stem cell therapy 
secretin injections 
though the dan approach was formally discontinued in 2011, their protocols live on in maps (medical academy of pediatric special needs). 

as behavioral health providers it's necessary that we are aware of these dangerous and harmful ""treatments and remember that autism is not a disease to be cured - it's a set of developmental differences that can impact individual needs.","after wakefield falsely linked the mmr vaccine and autism, a litany of ""miracle biomedical ""cures were ""prescribed by dan (defeat autism now) doctors. 

hyperbaric oxygen therapy 
bleach therapy 
stem cell therapy 
secretin injections 
though the dan approach was formally discontinued in 2011, their protocols live on in maps (medical academy of pediatric special needs). 

as behavioral health providers it's necessary that we are aware of these dangerous and harmful ""treatments and remember that autism is not a disease to be cured - it's a set of developmental differences that can impact individual needs.",04/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/irishhealthservice/reel/C6YM05TMY9n/,"measles spreads when an infected person coughs or sneezes. there are things you can do to reduce the risk of spreading it.

do not go to work, school or childcare until at least 4 days after you first got the measles rash.

avoid contact with young children, pregnant women and people who have a weak immune system.

find out more about measles prevention and treatment at hse.ie - link in bio.","measles spreads when an infected person coughs or sneezes. there are things you can do to reduce the risk of spreading it.

do not go to work, school or childcare until at least 4 days after you first got the measles rash.

avoid contact with young children, pregnant women and people who have a weak immune system.

find out more about measles prevention and treatment at hse.ie - link in bio.",04/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/houstonhealthdepartment/reel/C6ZzVl9NV3Q/,"before you go, shield them from measles! ensure your children are vaccinated before traveling. keep them safe, healthy, and ready for adventure.  for more information on measles visit https://bit.ly/45toim0 #measles #healthmatters #hhd","before you go, shield them from measles! ensure your children are vaccinated before traveling. keep them safe, healthy, and ready for adventure.  for more information on measles visit https://bit.ly/45toim0 #measles #healthmatters #hhd",04/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/webmd/reel/C6ZD5lOtsTq/?locale=zh_CN,"so far this year, measles cases have been confirmed in 17 states. dr. dan brennan shares what you can do to keep your family and community safe - learn more about measles by tapping the link in our bio.","so far this year, measles cases have been confirmed in 17 states. dr. dan brennan shares what you can do to keep your family and community safe - learn more about measles by tapping the link in our bio.",04/30/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNVzzXg1DiA,rock county warns residents of possible measles exposure at various locations,"the rock county health department is warning residents that they may have been exposed to measles last week.

stay informed about rockford-area news, weather, sports and entertainment! follow wtvo eyewitness news on our website and social channels:

http://www.twitter.com/mystateline",05/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmJ6D5rO3dQ,measles health advisory,chelmsford public health nurse darcy beall and other health officials are urging families to get vaccinated against measles following a troubling rise in cases.,05/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2rVKxD1kkg,anti-vaxxers and the whooping cough conspiracy #health #cough #whoopingcough #measles #antivaxxer,anti-vaxxers and the whooping cough conspiracy #health #cough #whoopingcough #measles #antivaxxer,05/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1tTrfqFVhU,measles disease || बचचों में खसरा का होना || treatment in hindi ||,"hello everyone welcome to our youtube channel.

perfection pharmacy....

today we have discussed about measles disease like.

what is the measles disease.

what is the inclubation period of measles disease.

what is the treatment of measles disease.

thank you for watching me 
#chickenpox #dpharmacy #treatment measles,measles disease,measles (disease or medical condition),measles outbreak,measles vaccine,disease,measles rash,measles symptoms,measles treatment,measles virus,measles explained,measles transmission,measles diagnosis,infectious diseases,disneyland measles,symptoms of measles,measles prevention,measles mumps rubella,contagious diseases,gcse measles,measles pathophysiology,diagnose measles,measles signs and symptoms,measles cause",05/01/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,disgust,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GY9aOXKlONM,"trump stokes election unrest, looks at weaponizing doj & using military for deportations  5/1/24","time magazine took a deep dive into trump's feelings on several issues. the former president discussed using the national guard to assist in mass deportations of undocumented immigrants should he be elected. he floated the possibility of pardoning january 6th participants as well as the possibility of weaponizing the department of justice. he once again brought up the potential of an unfair election should he lose and regarding the use of violence, time says trump ""did not dismiss the possibility outright and did not proactively say anything to deter supporters from again resorting to it._x000d_
thank goodness john rothmann, presidential historian, political analyst, and former kgo talk show host will be here to discuss it all. _x000d_
according to the fda, recent tests of milk show one in five samples containing bird flu virus fragments. it indicates infections in dairy cows are widespread. the fda insists the food supply is safe. ucsf infectious disease specialist. dr. peter chin-hong will join us to explain._x000d_
""it's the planet. stupid!continues. our amazing environmental reporter belinda waymouth is off appreciating the planet and so we turn to bob keefe. he is the author of """"clean economy now: stories from the front lines of an american business revolution. _x000d_
mark is traveling, kim and albert are joined by award-winning journalist phil shuman. _x000d_
the mark thompson show _x000d_
patreon subscribers are the backbone of the show! if you'd like to help, here's our patreon link:_x000d_
maybe you're more into paypal.  _x000d_
and you'll find everything on our website: https://www.themarkthompsonshow.com_x000d_
#trump #trumptrial #politics #political #deportations #election #abortion #johnrothman #birdflu #drpeterchinhong #infectousdisease #measles #environment bobkeefe",05/01/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,anger,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yZEx4KE4xQ,vaccines are helping mothers in ukraine to protect their children from infectious diseases,"ruslana, a mother of two from uzhhorod in ukraine, is determined to ensure that her little ones are protected from as many diseases as possible. today, she has brought her six-year-old son ivan to the local clinic for free vaccination against poliomyelitis, measles, rubella and mumps.

""we vaccinate constantly, it's not even up for discussion,"" says ruslana. ""we started vaccination at birth and will continue as planned.""

the united nations children's fund (unicef) makes vaccinations more accessible to every child by purchasing vaccines. in 2024, with the support of the government of japan and the united states agency for international development (usaid), unicef provided ukraine with 108,200 doses of combined measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) vaccine. also this year, thanks to usaid, unicef supplied 340,000 doses of oral polio vaccine (opv).",05/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4k8pfbIn3Y,"mumps outbreak in delhi, mumps viral infection #facts #dearearth","delhi is currently experiencing a rise in mumps cases, with a significant number of infections reported over the past few weeks. mumps is a contagious viral infection that typically affects children, but can also occur in young adults. the increase in cases has been noted not only in delhi but also in other states across india123.

preventive measures:

vaccination: the most effective way to prevent mumps is through vaccination. the measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) vaccine provides immunity against the virus and is routinely administered to children. adults who have not been vaccinated or have not had mumps should also consider getting vaccinated4.
hygiene practices: practicing good hygiene, such as washing hands frequently, avoiding close contact with infected individuals, and covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, can help prevent the spread of the virus5.
symptoms to watch for:

swelling and tenderness of the salivary glands, particularly the parotid glands located beneath the ears
muscle aches
loss of appetite
difficulty chewing or swallowing
if you or someone you know is exhibiting these symptoms, it's important to seek medical advice and take appropriate measures to prevent further transmission of the virus345.

for more detailed information and updates on the situation, you can refer to the latest reports and health advisories from local health authorities

mumps outbreak,mumps outbreak in kerala,mumps cases in delhi,mumps in children,mumps,mumps outbreak spreads,mumps virus,mumps symptoms,mumps outbreak spreads across indian states,measles outbreak in europe,measles outbreak,mumps treatment,mumps disease,mumps in adults,what is mumps,states with measles outbreaks,uk measles outbreak,measles outbreak michigan,symptoms of mumps,measles outbreak europe,where is the measles outbreak",05/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLI8m9xW-3Q,"protect your children, yourself, and your loved ones with vaccination","today is the last day of world immunization. to sum up, the heads of two agencies in ukraine - unicef and who - address you with this joint video.

vaccines have saved more lives than any other medical intervention in our history. fortunately, they are now a routine part of our lives.  
in the last five decades 154 million lives have been saved worldwide largely due to vaccines. fifty years ago, the program on immunization was launched to help everyone to be safe from many diseases, including measles, diphtheria, and polio. today this initiative has been evolved into a global effort led by the world health organization and unicef, saving millions of lives.

who and unicef, working together with public health specialists, authorities, and partners, have supported the vaccination program where 10 vaccines are part of primary health care.

despite the war, vaccinations never stopped in ukraine, not for a single day. unicef and who remain committed to universal immunization coverage.

protect your children, yourself, and your loved ones. with vaccination you can stand protected, health and more resilient in these challenging times.
vaccines save lives.

join the unicef ukraine community on social media:
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unicefukraine
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unicef_ukraine/
twitter: https://twitter.com/unicef_ua 
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@unicef_ukraine 
website: https://www.unicef.org/ukraine/ 
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@unicefukraine1997",05/01/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/K-KIIZh00nc,"ലോകതതാകമാനം അഞചാംപനി കേസകള കൂനന, ജാഗരത #measles #measles_symptoms #who #world_health_news","ആ​ഗോളതലതതിൽ അഞചാംപനി കേസകൾ കൂിവരനനതായി ലോകാരോ​ഗയസംഘന. ഞായറാഴച പറതതവി റിപപോർിലാണ 2022-2023 കാലഘതതിൽ 88 ശതമാനം വർദധനവണായതായി ലോകാരോ​ഗയസംഘന വയകതമാകകിയത. 2022-ൽ മീസിൽസ കേസകളെ നിരകക 1,71,153 ആയിരനനെങകിൽ 2023 ആയപപോഴേകകം അത 3,21,582 ആയി. ബാഴസലോണയിൽ വചചനനന escmid ​ഗലോബൽ കോൺ​ഗരസിലാണ ലോകാരോ​ഗയസംഘനയിൽ നിനനളള പാരിക ഒ കോണർ ഇകകാരയങങൾ അവതരിപപിചചത. ""കോവിഡ കാലതത മീസിൽസിനളള വാകസിനേഷൻ നിരകകകൾ കറഞഞതാണ ആ​ഗോളതലതതിലളള ഈ രോ​ഗവർധനവിന പിനനിലെനനം റിപപോർിൽ പറയനനണ. പരതിരോധസംവിധാനതതിനറെ താളം തെററിയാൽ അങങേയററം വയാപനശേഷിയളള മീസിൽസ വൈറസ വലിയ രീതിയിലളള രോ​ഗവയാപനതതിന കാരണമാകമെനനം തലയവം കീകൃതവമായ വാകസിനേഷൻ രീതി ഉറപപാകകേണതണെനനം പാരിക കൂിചചേർതത. അതേസമയം മീസിൽസ വാകസിനേഷനിലൂെ 2000 മതൽ 2022 വരെയളള കദേശം 57 ദശലകഷം മരണങങൾ ഒഴിവാകകിയെനനം റിപപോർിൽ പറയനനണ. 

disclaimer : none of the authors, contributors, administrators, doctors, or anyone else connected to doctor live, in any way whatsoever, will be responsible for the use of information regarding advice, medicines, and treatments without consulting your doctor. the content provided on doctor live is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

while we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, medical knowledge is constantly evolving, and the information provided on doctor live may not always reflect the most current research or medical guidelines. therefore, it is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions or taking any actions based on the information obtained from doctor live.

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#helathnewsupdates",05/01/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubkzjEM9hZo,귀뚜미 2024 05 02 목 (예욵  복욵용),"a study in the gambia has found that a stick-on vaccine patch could be an effective alternative to injections in the fight against measles in young children. the trial found the immune response to the patch was as strong as it was to an injection.

#어뉴욤 #비아 #백신",05/01/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHeQ_XgwkDY,어뉴욤 – 휨치형 백신 (2024. 5. 2),"토종 어로 국 진출, 국 거주 20년 차 현역 it 컨설턴횸가 운하뚔 어 뉴욤 채입니다. 문학 전공하고, 어 선님 고 했 학창 시절 꿈과 it 컨설휅과 통역/번역 함한 현지 경험 담아  채 꾸려갑니다. 매 어 뉴욤 반복 청취(듣기)와 뜀본리뷰(기)를 통해 어 2뜀 장벽 '발'과 '어순' 시 훈련해서 극복하세요. 어 학욵 '한번 맞'가 아니, '조금씩 주'하셔야 하고, 어뚔 '마욤터한 뒤 사용'하뚔 것 아니 '사용하면서 마욤터'하뚔 구임 명심하세요.

오뚘 뉴욤 출처: bbc

a study in the gambia has found / that a stick-on vaccine patch could be an effective alternative to injections / in the fight against measles / in young children. // the trial found / the immune response to the patch was as strong / as it was to an injection.

비아 한 연구 따르면, 어린 아들 역과 싸움서 부착형 백신 휨치가 주사를 뜀신할 효과 방법  수 있다고 합니다. 실험 통해  휨치 뜀한 면역 반 주사맜 강하다뚔 것  발견었욵니다.

00:00 시작
00:05 어제 뉴욤
00:27 청취력 템욤횸
00:53 오뚘 뉴욤
02:00 빈칸 채우기
02:29 내용 분
08:15 퀴즈 (정답: effective)
08:39 섀잉
10:10 마무리
10:40 청취력 템욤횸 (정답: c)

#어뉴욤 #비아 #백신

stick-on: with glue on one side so that it sticks to something (부착할 수 있뚔)  
stick-on labels

patch: a small area of something, especially one which is different from the area around it (주변과 다른 부분); a small piece of material that is used to cover a hole in something or to make a weak area stronger, or as decoration (뜀뚔 재룜); a piece of material that you sew onto clothes as part of a uniform (배지, 휨치)

alternative: a thing that you can choose to do or have out of two or more possibilities (뜀안)
this treatment is the only alternative for some patients.

injection: an act of injecting somebody with a drug or other substance (주입, 주사); a large sum of money that is spent to help improve a situation, business, etc. (현금 투입); an act of forcing a liquid or other substance into something (투입)
the theatre faces closure unless it gets an urgent cash injection.

measles [mizlz]: a disease, especially of children, that causes a high temperature and small red spots that cover the whole body (역)
all our children have had the measles.

trial: a formal examination of evidence in court by a judge (재); the process of testing the ability, quality or performance of somebody/something (시험, 실험); an experience or a person that causes difficulties for somebody (시련)
we had the machine on trial for a week.

immune: that cannot catch or be affected by a particular disease or illness (면역 있뚔); not affected by something, especially something that you might expect to be harmful (해로운 것 향 받지 앚뚔); protected from something and therefore able to avoid it (보호를 받뚔)
no one should be immune from prosecution.",05/01/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykC9Jx8PfYQ,medical quiz,"if you like this quiz please give us a thumbs up and we will make sure to keep them coming. 

if you like to play the interactive quiz go to: http://quiz-this.com/quizzes/43446-medical_quiz 

question 1: what is the name of the bone which protects the brain?
 answer a: patella
 answer b: skull
 answer c: clavicle
 answer d: sternum

question 2: dermatitis is an inflammation of what part of the body?
 answer a: skin
 answer b: legs
 answer c: liver
 answer d: eyes

question 3: what sense does an audiologist test?
 answer a: smell
 answer b: sight
 answer c: hearing
 answer d: taste

question 4: what is the part of the body where two bones meet called?
 answer a: artery
 answer b: joint
 answer c: ligament
 answer d: knee cap

question 5: which of these medicines in an antibiotic?
 answer a: carbamazepine
 answer b: phenobarbital
 answer c: amoxicillin
 answer d: prednisolone

question 6: what is the approximate size of a person's heart?
 answer a: the size of their big toe
 answer b: the size of their fist
 answer c: the size of their head
 answer d: the size of a peanut

question 7: another name for your voice box is the?
 answer a: marynx
 answer b: clarynx
 answer c: larynx
 answer d: pharynx

question 8: the medical term ""thrombosis"" is best defined as?
 answer a: given by mouth
 answer b: as needed
 answer c: blood clotting within blood vessels
 answer d: pertaining to the skin

question 9: the mmr injection protects against measles, mumps and which other disease?
 answer a: rubella
 answer b: rabies
 answer c: reynaud's
 answer d: retinopathy

question 10: what is the name for the two lower chambers of the heart?
 answer a: ventricle
 answer b: atrium
 answer c: aorta
 answer d: epidermis",05/01/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqnKE2KkRnM,"આજ મારા ાબરીયા ને રસી મકાવી dpt booster, measles rubella, opv booster rasi #radhe ahir","આપણી ચેનલમાં તમાર સવાગત છે
આ ચેનલ ઉપર દરોજ daliy vlog જોવા મળશે

uplod time:- સવારે  9 
#dpt bustar 
# measles rubella 
# opv booster rasi 
આપણે ગજરાતી તરીકે સપોર કરજો ...

આપણી ચેનલમાં પહેલીવાર આવયા હોય તો લાઈક શેર અને સબસકરાઇબ કરજો

અને હા ઘંી દબાવવાનં ભૂલતા નય...  હો 
રાઘે રાઘે  સહકાર બદલ આભાર",05/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/video-measles-cases-are-increasing-globally/,measles cases are increasing globally,the parents of an english baby boy who almost died from measles are hoping to persuade other families around the world to ensure their children are vaccinated. experts report that global measles cases have almost doubled in one year.,05/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,joy
https://m.facebook.com/epicellsindh/videos/measles-is-a-killer-disease-dont-wait-get-your-vaccibated-from-any-nearest-epi-c/1156882968820111/,"measles is a killer disease. don't wait, get your vaccinated from any nearest epi centre free of cost.
#wiw2024 #vaccinesaveslive #immunizationweek #humanlypossible #communityprotection #healthforall #publichealth #measlesprevention #measlesoutbreakresponseimmunization","measles is a killer disease. don't wait, get your vaccinated from any nearest epi centre free of cost.
#wiw2024 #vaccinesaveslive #immunizationweek #humanlypossible #communityprotection #healthforall #publichealth #measlesprevention #measlesoutbreakresponseimmunization",05/01/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.mystateline.com/video/rock-county-warns-residents-of-possible-measles-exposure-at-various-locations/9654685/,rock county warns residents of possible measles exposure at various locations,the rock county health department is warning residents that they may have been exposed to measles last week.,05/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,sadness
https://www.news.com.au/world/it-was-traumatic-uk-parents-urge-others-to-vaccinate-their-children-amid-rising-measles-cases/video/5405fb34308118dba05e861b30620d21,it was traumatic: uk parents urge others to vaccinate their children amid rising measles cases,oovvuu,05/01/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.thechronicle.com.au/news/world/it-was-traumatic-uk-parents-urge-others-to-vaccinate-their-children-amid-rising-measles-cases/video/5405fb34308118dba05e861b30620d21,it was traumatic: uk parents urge others to vaccinate their children amid rising measles cases,oovvuu,05/01/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.ntnews.com.au/news/world/it-was-traumatic-uk-parents-urge-others-to-vaccinate-their-children-amid-rising-measles-cases/video/5405fb34308118dba05e861b30620d21,it was traumatic: uk parents urge others to vaccinate their children amid rising measles cases,oovvuu,05/01/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/world/it-was-traumatic-uk-parents-urge-others-to-vaccinate-their-children-amid-rising-measles-cases/video/5405fb34308118dba05e861b30620d21,it was traumatic: uk parents urge others to vaccinate their children amid rising measles cases,oovvuu,05/01/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6b0ct7NEdI/,"#measlesoutbreakprevention: dr. dan brennan's advice is vital as measles cases spread across 17 states. stay vigilant and take action to protect your family and community:

#vaccinate: ensure everyone is up to date on measles vaccinations. vaccination is key to individual and community protection.
#educate: learn about measles symptoms and transmission to detect cases early and prevent further spread.
#hygienehabits: practice regular handwashing and good hygiene to reduce the risk of contracting and spreading measles.
#isolateifneeded: follow medical advice on isolation and quarantine for suspected or confirmed cases to prevent transmission.
#communityunity: work together with your community to report cases, follow health guidelines, and support vaccination efforts.
together, we can curb the spread of measles and safeguard our families and communities. stay informed, stay safe!  

#measlesawareness #publichealth #asar","#measlesoutbreakprevention: dr. dan brennan's advice is vital as measles cases spread across 17 states. stay vigilant and take action to protect your family and community:

#vaccinate: ensure everyone is up to date on measles vaccinations. vaccination is key to individual and community protection.
#educate: learn about measles symptoms and transmission to detect cases early and prevent further spread.
#hygienehabits: practice regular handwashing and good hygiene to reduce the risk of contracting and spreading measles.
#isolateifneeded: follow medical advice on isolation and quarantine for suspected or confirmed cases to prevent transmission.
#communityunity: work together with your community to report cases, follow health guidelines, and support vaccination efforts.
together, we can curb the spread of measles and safeguard our families and communities. stay informed, stay safe!  

#measlesawareness #publichealth #asar",05/01/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/_haeleriald_/reel/C6c-ueMo3J_/,"iec about 

 #communityengagement #preventablediseases #communicablediseases","iec about 

 #communityengagement #preventablediseases #communicablediseases",05/01/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@preetavyas/video/7363882754167082248,#foryou #newzealand #nz #nztiktok #news #breakingnews #newsupdate #hindinews #nzpunjabi #nzpunjabi‡‡ #gujrati #community #indian #newswithpreeta #indiansinnz #viral #trending #tiktok #tiktokindia #tiktokviral #tiktoknews #health #vaccination #measles #safety #outbreak #fy #fyp #fyp' #fypage,#foryou #newzealand #nz #nztiktok #news #breakingnews #newsupdate #hindinews #nzpunjabi #nzpunjabi‡‡ #gujrati #community #indian #newswithpreeta #indiansinnz #viral #trending #tiktok #tiktokindia #tiktokviral #tiktoknews #health #vaccination #measles #safety #outbreak #fy #fyp #fyp' #fypage,05/01/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@officialnursefavy2/video/7364408786112597256,measles infection #measlesvirus  #measlesoutbreak #measles  #measlesvaccine  #measlesawareness #measlessymptoms #measles2024  #measles2024 #measlesoutbreak #officialnursefavy2 ,measles infection #measlesvirus  #measlesoutbreak #measles  #measlesvaccine  #measlesawareness #measlessymptoms #measles2024  #measles2024 #measlesoutbreak #officialnursefavy2 ,05/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,disgust,disgust
https://www.instagram.com/tendnz/reel/C6ezs4aPMD4/,"the number of children becoming susceptible to measles is growing by about 1000 per month according to public health experts. measles is highly contagious and can be a very serious disease as explained here by dr eileen. new zealand is at a very high risk of a measles outbreak. 

the mmr vaccine is free for all children 18 and under plus all adults 18+ who are eligible for free nz healthcare. speak to your doctor about getting the vaccine, it can save lives. 

#measles #measlesoutbreak #mmr #measlesvaccine","the number of children becoming susceptible to measles is growing by about 1000 per month according to public health experts. measles is highly contagious and can be a very serious disease as explained here by dr eileen. new zealand is at a very high risk of a measles outbreak. 

the mmr vaccine is free for all children 18 and under plus all adults 18+ who are eligible for free nz healthcare. speak to your doctor about getting the vaccine, it can save lives. 

#measles #measlesoutbreak #mmr #measlesvaccine",05/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oVV24FvJXs,bbc incident room: measles outbreak - why now?,"this is a bbc report from the 'incident room' series. it considers measles along with symptoms, case studies, trust, and why vaccination is important. various experts are interviewed including dr ranj singh who is a well-known doctor and television presenter. also interviewed is salma aideed from caafi health. a film exploring measles vaccination, which was shot in bristol, is also featured.
this report was aired by the bbc on 15 february 2024.",05/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKBvRcim1PY,measles vaccine & apollo 13,"""working three lives for the fbi""???
a measels outbrake at apollo meant for a happy health board... stroke of luck? also why did the astronauts not get the juice... well now you know why!",05/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YA21_zbu64w,tnpsc i science i do you know i immunization schedule i tnpsc group4,"1the process of vaccination was introduced by edward jenner. according to the world health organization (who), jennerian vaccination has eliminated small pox totally from the human population.
louis pasteur is an 18th century french chemist and microbiologist. he coined the term vaccine. pasteur developed vaccine against chicken pox, 
cholera, anthrax, etc. 
 the world health organization in the year 1970 has given a schedule of immunization for children. 
 new born  bcg  1st dose
15 days  oral polio  1st dose
 6th week  dpt and polio  1st dose
10th week dpt and polio 1st dose
14th week  dpt and polio   1st dose
 9 – 12 months  measles  1st dose
18 – 24 months  dpt and polio 1st dose
15 months – 2  years mmr  1st dose
2 – 3 years  tab  2 doses at 1 month gap
 4 – 6 years  dt and polio 2nd booster
 10th year tt and tab  1st dose
16th year   tt and tab  2nd booster

#tnpsc #science #tnpscgroup4 #doyouknow #previousyearquestions #intamil #immunizationschedule",05/02/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YF6i0fIENDA,measles awareness - punjabi,,05/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77EMX4R54f0,measles awareness - urdu,,05/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7U2Y57CKUo,measles awareness - french,,05/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6uKHUN8VyA,sindh govt health department has initiated awareness campaign against measles and rubella.#sindhgovt,,05/02/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8WXQKMy9Ms,measles awareness - hindi,,05/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLQXFJnvHnY,sindh govt health department has initiated awareness campaign against measles and rubella.#sindhgovt,,05/02/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Wc1I_SjO34,mmr का फल फॉरम कया है | what is the full form of mmr,"welcome to my youtube channel 
jb gk study 
short video
gk question
daily gk
gk questions and answer
general knowledge
mmr का फल फॉरम कया है
what is the full form of mmr
full form of mmr
mmr ka full form kya hai 
mmr ka full form ka naam
mmr ka full form
mmr full form in english
mmr full form in hindi
mmr full form
measles mumps and rubella


thank you for watching
→subscribe",05/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/NewsCentralAfrica/videos/-zimbabwe-35-children-have-died-from-measles-and-mumps-over-disease-outbreak-nig/421115853984614/," zimbabwe: 35 children have died from measles and mumps over disease outbreak.
 nigeria: organised labour has demanded 615,000 minimum wage, sets may 31 deadline for government.
 kenya: president ruto has dismissed tax relief for struggling citizens.
 uganda: president museveni has mandated permanent job contracts for workers.
tune in for all the details:
on youtube: http://youtube.com/newscentraltvafrica
on tv: dstv ch 422, startimes ch 247, avo 23."," zimbabwe: 35 children have died from measles and mumps over disease outbreak.
 nigeria: organised labour has demanded 615,000 minimum wage, sets may 31 deadline for government.
 kenya: president ruto has dismissed tax relief for struggling citizens.
 uganda: president museveni has mandated permanent job contracts for workers.
tune in for all the details:
on youtube: http://youtube.com/newscentraltvafrica
on tv: dstv ch 422, startimes ch 247, avo 23.",05/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,anger,anger
https://www.instagram.com/ryanhealthnyc/reel/C6ec6L2Ix3S/?locale=en-us,"covid, measles, mpox, bird flu, a lot is out there that can be concerning. no matter what comes up, we are here for you! 

make sure you are ready for anything, stay in touch with your care team here at ryan health so we can keep ny healthy, together.","covid, measles, mpox, bird flu, a lot is out there that can be concerning. no matter what comes up, we are here for you! 

make sure you are ready for anything, stay in touch with your care team here at ryan health so we can keep ny healthy, together.",05/02/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/newscentraltv/reel/C6dajBvgXVm/,"zimbabwe: 35 children have died from measles and mumps over disease outbreak.
 nigeria: organised labour has demanded ₦615,000 minimum wage, sets may 31 deadline for government.
 kenya: president ruto has dismissed tax relief for struggling citizens.
 uganda: president museveni has mandated permanent job contracts for workers.
tune in for all the details:
on youtube: http://youtube.com/newscentraltvafrica 

on tv: dstv ch 422, startimes ch 247, avo 23. 

for the full stories, watch live on: youtube (@newscentraltv) and dstv ch 422, startimes ch 247, and avo 23.","zimbabwe: 35 children have died from measles and mumps over disease outbreak.
 nigeria: organised labour has demanded ₦615,000 minimum wage, sets may 31 deadline for government.
 kenya: president ruto has dismissed tax relief for struggling citizens.
 uganda: president museveni has mandated permanent job contracts for workers.
tune in for all the details:
on youtube: http://youtube.com/newscentraltvafrica 

on tv: dstv ch 422, startimes ch 247, avo 23. 

for the full stories, watch live on: youtube (@newscentraltv) and dstv ch 422, startimes ch 247, and avo 23.",05/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,anger,anger
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6eJ1O0NdiV/,"all thanks to the power of vaccination! 

1. disease-free future: vaccines have the remarkable ability to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, leading to a future where illnesses like polio, measles, and smallpox are eradicated or significantly reduced.
2. life-saving solutions: vaccines provide a crucial line of defense against deadly diseases, saving countless lives by preventing illness, complications, and fatalities associated with infections.
3. stronger immunity: by stimulating the body's immune system to produce antibodies against specific pathogens, vaccines bolster immunity and help individuals develop resistance to infections, ensuring they are better equipped to fight off diseases.
4. healthier communities: vaccination not only protects individuals but also contributes to the overall health and well-being of communities by reducing the spread of contagious diseases, minimizing outbreaks, and creating safer environments for everyone to thrive in.","all thanks to the power of vaccination! 

1. disease-free future: vaccines have the remarkable ability to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, leading to a future where illnesses like polio, measles, and smallpox are eradicated or significantly reduced.
2. life-saving solutions: vaccines provide a crucial line of defense against deadly diseases, saving countless lives by preventing illness, complications, and fatalities associated with infections.
3. stronger immunity: by stimulating the body's immune system to produce antibodies against specific pathogens, vaccines bolster immunity and help individuals develop resistance to infections, ensuring they are better equipped to fight off diseases.
4. healthier communities: vaccination not only protects individuals but also contributes to the overall health and well-being of communities by reducing the spread of contagious diseases, minimizing outbreaks, and creating safer environments for everyone to thrive in.",05/02/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6ezs4aPMD4/,"the number of children becoming susceptible to measles is growing by about 1000 per month according to public health experts. measles is highly contagious and can be a very serious disease as explained here by dr eileen. new zealand is at a very high risk of a measles outbreak.

the mmr vaccine is free for all children 18 and under plus all adults 18+ who are eligible for free nz healthcare. speak to your doctor about getting the vaccine, it can save lives.

#measles #measlesoutbreak #mmr #measlesvaccine","the number of children becoming susceptible to measles is growing by about 1000 per month according to public health experts. measles is highly contagious and can be a very serious disease as explained here by dr eileen. new zealand is at a very high risk of a measles outbreak.

the mmr vaccine is free for all children 18 and under plus all adults 18+ who are eligible for free nz healthcare. speak to your doctor about getting the vaccine, it can save lives.

#measles #measlesoutbreak #mmr #measlesvaccine",05/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/irishhealthservice/reel/C6dt3vMBLi6/,"protect yourself, your loved ones and your community by getting vaccinated against measles. 

together, we can stop the spread of this preventable disease.

find out more at hse.ie - link in bio.
","protect yourself, your loved ones and your community by getting vaccinated against measles. 

together, we can stop the spread of this preventable disease.

find out more at hse.ie - link in bio.
",05/02/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6dOmsSMO2r/,how can i prevent measles? - https://my.klarity.health/what-is-measles/ #klarityhealth #klarityexpert #health #healthcare #healthtips #healthtrivia #foryou #measles,how can i prevent measles? - https://my.klarity.health/what-is-measles/ #klarityhealth #klarityexpert #health #healthcare #healthtips #healthtrivia #foryou #measles,05/02/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@pediatricassociates/video/7364808153189322026,a measles update! of note; the cdc always had recommended the measles vaccine for international travel for babies 6+ plus but a reminder now that cases are rising internationally and nationally. have vaccine questions? ask them below! ,a measles update! of note; the cdc always had recommended the measles vaccine for international travel for babies 6+ plus but a reminder now that cases are rising internationally and nationally. have vaccine questions? ask them below! ,05/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@aneurinbevanuhb/video/7364774862696549665,"with a rise in measles cases across the uk, this is your reminder to make sure you or your child are up to date with their mmr vaccinations. #measles #mmr #mmrvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine #nhs #nurse","with a rise in measles cases across the uk, this is your reminder to make sure you or your child are up to date with their mmr vaccinations. #measles #mmr #mmrvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine #nhs #nurse",05/03/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9ObRRhANRU,philippines report 5x increase in measles in 2024,"in this news brief, i look at the measles outbreak in the philippines.

#philippines #measles #barmm #vaccines #asia #travel 

outbreak news today   https://outbreaknewstoday.substack.com/

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miiwUT5ieKQ,measles cases rise in the united states,"dr. taylor kapsch from creekside medical clinic discusses what measles is and its effects._x000d_
 for more local news from kevn:  https://www.blackhillsfox.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/uclkernblx5ms6iywy-ysmlq",05/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KARMThgCjnY,"dr. dan edney reflects on health department updates & ""measle mania""","dr. dan edney, the state health officer at msdh, provided an update from the health department, offering an overview of the issues as the 2024 session concluded. he discussed the health of community health centers post-session and addressed the concerning trend of ""measle mania"" emerging in schools in sanctuary cities. the conversation delved into the potential implications of this phenomenon and whether it could lead to a nationwide measles epidemic

website - http://www.supertalk.fm/
twitter - http://twitter.com/supertalk
facebook - http://www.facebook.com/supertalk
instagram - http://www.instagram.com/supertalk",05/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgd5F4mcDBk,"50% ng measles sa bansa mula enero, naitala sa barmm ayon sa doh | 24 oras","pinaigting pa ang bahay-bahay na pagbabakuna kontra tigdas. kalahati ng mga kaso niyan sa bansa, naitala sa iisang rehiyon kung saan nagdeklara na ng measles outbreak.

24 oras is gma network's flagship newscast, anchored by mel tiangco, vicky morales and emil sumangil. it airs on gma-7 mondays to fridays at 6:30 pm (phl time) and on weekends at 5:30 pm. for more videos from 24 oras, visit http://www.gmanews.tv/24oras.

#gmaintegratednews #kapusostream

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gma network kapuso programs on gma pinoy tv: https://gmapinoytv.com/subscribe",05/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZ4mg6RgoqY,"24 oras express: may 3, 2024 [hd]","narito ang mga maiinit na balita sa 24 oras express ngayong biyernes, may 3, 2024.

- nagmagandang loob na nurse, patay nang barilin ng sinaklolohan niyang rider; isa pang biktima, patay nang tamaan ng bala

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- phl navy: 'di maituturing na direktang pag-atake ang ginawa ng china; ibang usapan 'pag may pilipinong namatay

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- digital pinoys group: krisis na hacking kung apektado pati mga ahensya ng pamahalaan

- reigning miss u sheynnis palacios, enjoy sa pinas; gustong bumisita sa mga beach at historical sites

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- 50% ng measles sa bansa mula enero, naitala sa barmm ayon sa doh

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24 oras is gma network's flagship newscast, anchored by mel tiangco, vicky morales and emil sumangil. it airs on gma-7 mondays to fridays at 6:30 pm (phl time) and on weekends at 5:30 pm. for more videos from 24 oras, visit http://www.gmanews.tv/24oras.

#gmaintegratednews #24oras #breakingnews

breaking news and stories from the philippines and abroad:
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gma network kapuso programs on gma pinoy tv: https://gmapinoytv.com/subscribe",05/03/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seMsPAuV07k,semua pasangan yang akan menikah butuh vaksin ini (premarital vaccine),"premarital vaccine atau vaksin pranikah adalah vaksin-vaksin yang khusus diberikan bagi pasangan yang akan segera melangsungkan pernikahan. 

pendaftaran vaksin pranikah, hubungi : https://bit.ly/ihc_solution

atau hubungi juga hotline inharmony clinic : 021-4248790 (salemba) / 021-21475563 (cempaka putih)

vaksin pranikah ada dua jenis :

1. vaksin sebagai pasangan
vaksin - vaksin yang akan melindungi anda dari penyakit yang dapat ditularkan melalui hubungan seksual seperti misalnya vaksin kanker serviks dan vaksin hepatitis b

2. vaksin sebagai calon orang tua
vaksin-vaksin yang diberikan untuk melindungi kehamilan dan janin anda dari penyakit-penyakit yang dapat memengaruhi kesehatan janin dan mengganggu kehamilan anda.

dpt / tdap (difteri pertusis tetanus) (dapat diberikan saat kehamilan)
mmr (mumps measles varicella) (harus diberikan sebelum kehamilan)
varicella (harus diberikan sebelum kehamilan)

#vaksinpranikah #premaritalvaccine #pernikahan #vaksindpt #vaksinmmr
#vaksinhpv #vaksinhepatitisb #vaksinvaricella",05/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbKSXeo4v0A,khasra ki ilaj - measles (rubeola) symptoms and treatment - khasra ka alamat.   ,"khasra ki alamat - measles (rubeola) symptoms and treatment - khasra ka  measles is life-threatening viral disease. measles (khasra kya hota hai) starts as a fever, cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis .

there's no specific treatment for measles (khasra ka ilaj), but the condition usually improves within 7 to 10 days. paracetamol or ibuprofen can be used to reduce a high temperature (fever) and relieve any aches or pains if your child's uncomfortable.

this virus does not show symptoms in the start but it takes 10 to 14 days when this virus symptoms are shown. measles is more dangerous for children which are not healthy. and if it is present in a child which has a deficiency of vitamin a then it is more dangerous for those children. if your child has measles, consult with a verified doctor. for more information, watch the full video.

khasra ka ilaj, khasra ki alamat, khasra bacho mai khasra ki alamat aur ilaj, khasra ka ilaj, khasra ki alamat, measles, measles treatment for babies, measles symptoms, measles treatment, measles ka ilaj, khasra, khasra kya hota hai, khasra ka ilalj, khasra kyun hota hai, khasra se kaise, khasra ko kaise thik kare, khasra se kaise bachen, khasra ka ilaj urdu, khasra ki alamat aur ilaj, khasra ki alamat or ilaj, measles outbreak, rubeola, measles in urdu
measles is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by measles virus.[11][3][12] symptoms usually develop 10–12 days after exposure to an infected person and last 7–10 days.[7][8] initial symptoms typically include fever, often greater than 40 c (104 f), cough, runny nose, and inflamed eyes.
 small white spots known as koplik's spots may form inside the mouth two or three days after the start of symptoms.
a red, flat rash which usually starts on the face and then spreads to the rest of the body typically begins three to five days after the start of symptoms.
 common complications include diarrhea (in 8% of cases), middle ear infection (7%), and pneumonia (6%).these occur in part due to measles-induced immunosuppression.less commonly seizures, blindness, or inflammation of the brain may occur.
other names include morbilli, rubeola, red measles, and english measles.both rubella, also known as german measles, and roseola are different diseases caused by unrelated viruses.

measles is an airborne disease which spreads easily from one person to the next through the coughs and sneezes of infected people. it may also be spread through direct contact with mouth or nasal secretions.it is extremely contagious–nine out of ten people who are not immune and share living space with an infected person will be infected.
 furthermore, measles's reproductive number estimates vary beyond the frequently cited range of 12 to 18.the nih quote this 2017 paper saying: "" review in 2017 identified feasible measles r0 values of 3.7–203.3"".people are infectious to others from four days before to four days after the start of the rash. while often regarded as a childhood illness, it can affect people of any age.

once a person has become infected, no specific treatment is available,although supportive care may improve outcomes. such care may include oral rehydration solution (slightly sweet and salty fluids), healthy food, and medications to control the fever.
antibiotics should be prescribed if secondary bacterial infections such as ear infections or pneumonia occur.
 vitamin a supplementation is also recommended for children. among cases reported in usa between 1985 and 1992, death occurred in only 0.2% of cases,] but may be up to 10% in people with malnutrition.] most of those who die from the infection are less than five years old.
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measles /rubeola cause symptom treatment prevention hindi | 
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measles, measles symptoms, measles disease, measles vaccine, measles treatment, measles osmosis, measles outbreak, measles virus, measles explained, measles virus microbiology, measles rash, measles in hindi, measles nursing, measles mumps rubella",05/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AnuXl2vT0A,measles outbreak kills at least 42 people in northeast nigeria,,05/03/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSKoO3O6Zb8,andrew ddembe and dr. sania nishtar on vaccine access and vitality | global citizen now new york,"andrew ddembe, ceo of gavi, the vaccine alliance, and advocate, leads an enlightening conversation on the critical impact of child immunization with dr. sania nishtar. gavi is launching its largest-ever measles and rubella vaccination drive, aiming to reach at least 20 countries and 100 million children in 2024. moderated by dr mike varshavski at global citizen now new york on may 1, 2024. _____________________________________________________________________
global citizen is a social action platform for a global generation that aims to solve the world's biggest challenges. on our platform, you can learn about issues, take action on what matters most, and join a community committed to social change. we believe we can end extreme poverty because of the collective actions of global citizens across the world.

register to become a global citizen and start taking action today: https://www.globalcitizen.org/

you can also find us at: 
website: https://www.globalcitizen.org/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/glblctzn
twitter: https://twitter.com/glblctzn
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/glblctzn/",05/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-V3-XSipc4,plane carrying medicines lands #afghanistan,"a plane carrying 92 tonnes of vital medicines has landed in kabul, #afghanistan.

these medicines will treat about 675,000 people, including nearly 400,000 children with life-threatening but preventable illnesses after an increase in respiratory infections and measles this year.

nearly 18 million afghans have limited access to health care. 

we have programmes in nine provinces and work with partners in an additional seven provinces. 

since august 2021, we've been scaling up our response to support the increasing number of children in need. we deliver health, nutrition, education, child protection, shelter, water, sanitation and hygiene, and livelihood support. 

#savethechildren #kabul",05/03/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.facebook.com/WVUMedicine/videos/live-healthy-wv-what-to-do-if-you-think-you-have-measles/1164131714771807/,live healthy wv - what to do if you think you have measles?,"what should you do if you think you might have measles? on the latest episode of live healthy wv, wvu health system epidemiologist dr. michael stevens shares what you should and should not do.
you can stream the full episode today at https://wvmetronews.com/podcast/live-healthy-wv/.",05/03/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/V100fm/videos/called-the-most-contagious-virus-known-to-man-by-some-measles-was-declared-elimi/948779853385209/,"called the most contagious virus known to man by some, measles was declared eliminated in the u.s. in 2000 but seems to be making an unwelcome comeback. and now the first case of measles has been reported in west virginia in 15 years.
on the next live healthy west virginia, they talk with epidemiologist dr. michael stevens about how to protect your family from getting this serious disease.
live healthy west virginia is brought to you by wvu medicine and is now streaming on the west virginia metro news podcast platform and the metro news tv app.","called the most contagious virus known to man by some, measles was declared eliminated in the u.s. in 2000 but seems to be making an unwelcome comeback. and now the first case of measles has been reported in west virginia in 15 years.
on the next live healthy west virginia, they talk with epidemiologist dr. michael stevens about how to protect your family from getting this serious disease.
live healthy west virginia is brought to you by wvu medicine and is now streaming on the west virginia metro news podcast platform and the metro news tv app.",05/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.facebook.com/gmanews/videos/50-ng-measles-sa-bansa-mula-enero-naitala-sa-barmm-ayon-sa-doh-24-oras/3904942476459062/,"50% ng measles sa bansa mula enero, naitala sa barmm, ayon sa doh | 24","pinaigting pa ang bahay-bahay na pagbabakuna kontra-tigdas. kalahati ng mga kaso niyan sa bansa, naitala sa iisang rehiyon kung saan nagdeklara na ng measles outbreak.",05/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/video/24oras/663362/50-ng-measles-sa-bansa-mula-enero-naitala-sa-barmm-ayon-sa-doh/video/,"50% ng measles sa bansa mula enero, naitala sa barmm, ayon sa doh","pinaigting pa ang bahay-bahay na pagbabakuna kontra tigdas. kalahati ng mga kaso niyan sa bansa, naitala sa iisang rehiyon kung saan nagdeklara na ng measles outbreak.",05/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/pedassociates/reel/C6gzpT0rJdh/,"a measles update!

of note; the cdc always had recommended the measles vaccine for international travel for babies 6+ plus but a reminder now that cases are rising internationally and nationally.

have vaccine questions? ask them below!","a measles update!

of note; the cdc always had recommended the measles vaccine for international travel for babies 6+ plus but a reminder now that cases are rising internationally and nationally.

have vaccine questions? ask them below!",05/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/medscape/reel/C6hOLjmNueD/,"a medical victory over measles is really being threatened.

gain vital practice updates on the latest #measles surges covering present-day challenges and next-gen strategies to limit the spread of disease.

 in bio to watch the full event recording.","a medical victory over measles is really being threatened.

gain vital practice updates on the latest #measles surges covering present-day challenges and next-gen strategies to limit the spread of disease.

 in bio to watch the full event recording.",05/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/centro.multicultural/reel/C6hIwk_P01k/,"cmo puedes prevenirlo? ⬇

el sarampin es una enfermedad que puede afectar a personas de todas las edades. incluso si ya has tenido sarampin, puedes volver a contraerlo.

la mejor manera de protegerte del sarampin es vacunndote. te invitamos a nuestra feria de salud, all podrs vacnate contra el sarampin. ⚕

cundo es nuestra prxima feria de salud?
jueves 09 de mayo 2024
2:00pm a 5:00pm 
91 n saginaw, pontiac, mi, 48342. 1er piso.

➡lista completa de vacunas que ofreceremos:
hepatitis a 
hepatitis b
herpes zster 
ttanos, difteria y tos ferina
virus del papiloma humano 
sarampin, rubola y paperas 

sin seguro? ningn problema. te esperamos igual
asegurado? trae tu tarjeta por favor! 

cmo registrarte en nuestra jornada?
ve al link de la biografa o escrbenos un mensaje directo y te enviaremos el link para regstrate

si quieres conocer ms sobre nuestros eventos, sguenos en nuestras redes sociales @centro.multicultural 

-este programa es pblico, ajeno a cualquier partido poltico. queda prohibido el uso para fines distintos al desarrollo social.

did you know that there is a measles outbreak? get vaccinated at our upcoming health fair!⚕
when and where?
thursday, may 9 2024
2:00pm - 5:00pm 
91 n saginaw, pontiac, mi, 48342. 1st floor.

visit our profile link to register in the health fair.⚕

share this message with your friends and family‼
#measles #measlesoutbreak #measles2024 #sarampion #brotedesarampion #sarampion2024 #jornadadevacunacion #vacunasampion #measlesvaccine #vacunassincosto #oaklandactivities #pontiacactivities #oaklandhealth 
feria de salud, measles outbreak, brote sarampion , servicios de salud sin costo, latinos en michigan, mexicanos en michigan, venezolanos en michigan, comunidad hispana en michigan, comunidad hispana detroit, latinos en pontiac, clnica de salud gratuita, asistencia mdica para inmigrantes, salud para indocumentados, atencin mdica gratuita para personas sin seguro, vacunas gratis , vacuna covid , vacuna influenza, atencin de salud sin aseguranza, clnica de salud gratis en pontiac","cmo puedes prevenirlo? ⬇

el sarampin es una enfermedad que puede afectar a personas de todas las edades. incluso si ya has tenido sarampin, puedes volver a contraerlo.

la mejor manera de protegerte del sarampin es vacunndote. te invitamos a nuestra feria de salud, all podrs vacnate contra el sarampin. ⚕

cundo es nuestra prxima feria de salud?
jueves 09 de mayo 2024
2:00pm a 5:00pm 
91 n saginaw, pontiac, mi, 48342. 1er piso.

➡lista completa de vacunas que ofreceremos:
hepatitis a 
hepatitis b
herpes zster 
ttanos, difteria y tos ferina
virus del papiloma humano 
sarampin, rubola y paperas 

sin seguro? ningn problema. te esperamos igual
asegurado? trae tu tarjeta por favor! 

cmo registrarte en nuestra jornada?
ve al link de la biografa o escrbenos un mensaje directo y te enviaremos el link para regstrate

si quieres conocer ms sobre nuestros eventos, sguenos en nuestras redes sociales @centro.multicultural 

-este programa es pblico, ajeno a cualquier partido poltico. queda prohibido el uso para fines distintos al desarrollo social.

did you know that there is a measles outbreak? get vaccinated at our upcoming health fair!⚕
when and where?
thursday, may 9 2024
2:00pm - 5:00pm 
91 n saginaw, pontiac, mi, 48342. 1st floor.

visit our profile link to register in the health fair.⚕

share this message with your friends and family‼
#measles #measlesoutbreak #measles2024 #sarampion #brotedesarampion #sarampion2024 #jornadadevacunacion #vacunasampion #measlesvaccine #vacunassincosto #oaklandactivities #pontiacactivities #oaklandhealth 
feria de salud, measles outbreak, brote sarampion , servicios de salud sin costo, latinos en michigan, mexicanos en michigan, venezolanos en michigan, comunidad hispana en michigan, comunidad hispana detroit, latinos en pontiac, clnica de salud gratuita, asistencia mdica para inmigrantes, salud para indocumentados, atencin mdica gratuita para personas sin seguro, vacunas gratis , vacuna covid , vacuna influenza, atencin de salud sin aseguranza, clnica de salud gratis en pontiac",05/03/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/predictive_homeopathy/reel/C6gBJokrV3z/,"ayushmat speciality predictive homeopathic clinic 
dr.chetan gupta
address: 41 shahid bhagat singh colony behind sapna sangeeta indore (m.p) 
pin: 452001 
time - 10:00 am to 9:00 pm
#measles #measlesprevention #viralinfection #virusinfection #fever #childfever #childtreatment #skincare #skinallergy #redskin #measlestreatment #vaccination #homeopathy #homeopathytreatment #homeopathymedicine #homeopathydr #drchetangupta #viralreel","ayushmat speciality predictive homeopathic clinic 
dr.chetan gupta
address: 41 shahid bhagat singh colony behind sapna sangeeta indore (m.p) 
pin: 452001 
time - 10:00 am to 9:00 pm
#measles #measlesprevention #viralinfection #virusinfection #fever #childfever #childtreatment #skincare #skinallergy #redskin #measlestreatment #vaccination #homeopathy #homeopathytreatment #homeopathymedicine #homeopathydr #drchetangupta #viralreel",05/03/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6g8Yx6KVPB/,"what is my child exposed mumps??

the mmr vaccine is part of the routine
nhs childhood immunisation schedule.
your child should be given 1 dose when they're around 12 to 13 months and a second booster dose at 3 years and 4 months.

your baby is unlikely to catch mumps before their first birthday, because they'll already share your immunity which will have passed to them while they were in your womb.

mumps is contagious. it spreads in tiny drops of fluid when someone with the virus sneezes, coughs, talks, or laughs. contact with objects they use - like dirty tissues, straws, or drinking glasses - also can pass the virus. 
if they don't wash their hands, any surface they touch can spread mumps to others who touch it.

there is no specific treatment for mumps. most people recover within 3 to 10 days. steps you can take to aid recovery (ibuprofen)and lessen symptoms include

soothe swollen parotid glands with either warm or cool compresses (whichever feels better). help your child get plenty of rest. kids with mumps should stay home for 5 days from the start of parotid gland swelling.

(kids health parenting momblogger mumpsviral allahgivesabrtokids)","what is my child exposed mumps??

the mmr vaccine is part of the routine
nhs childhood immunisation schedule.
your child should be given 1 dose when they're around 12 to 13 months and a second booster dose at 3 years and 4 months.

your baby is unlikely to catch mumps before their first birthday, because they'll already share your immunity which will have passed to them while they were in your womb.

mumps is contagious. it spreads in tiny drops of fluid when someone with the virus sneezes, coughs, talks, or laughs. contact with objects they use - like dirty tissues, straws, or drinking glasses - also can pass the virus. 
if they don't wash their hands, any surface they touch can spread mumps to others who touch it.

there is no specific treatment for mumps. most people recover within 3 to 10 days. steps you can take to aid recovery (ibuprofen)and lessen symptoms include

soothe swollen parotid glands with either warm or cool compresses (whichever feels better). help your child get plenty of rest. kids with mumps should stay home for 5 days from the start of parotid gland swelling.

(kids health parenting momblogger mumpsviral allahgivesabrtokids)",05/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/pedassociates/reel/C6gzpT0rJdh/?locale=ne_NP&hl=ar,"a measles update!

of note; the cdc always had recommended the measles vaccine for international travel for babies 6+ plus but a reminder now that cases are rising internationally and nationally.

have vaccine questions? ask them below!","a measles update!

of note; the cdc always had recommended the measles vaccine for international travel for babies 6+ plus but a reminder now that cases are rising internationally and nationally.

have vaccine questions? ask them below!",05/03/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@its_teresa4/video/7365131922978262277,wilma & betty caught the measles..#foryou #''' #funny #retro #70s #tv #show #cartoon #animation #theflintstones #tiktok #fyp' #fyp,wilma & betty caught the measles..#foryou #''' #funny #retro #70s #tv #show #cartoon #animation #theflintstones #tiktok #fyp' #fyp,05/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,anger,anger
https://www.tiktok.com/@patbrittenden/video/7364917789418687764,#bhn nz mmga making measles great again...thanks antivaxxers,#bhn nz mmga making measles great again...thanks antivaxxers,05/04/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3pUo2F40vU,"measles outbreak in adamawa: 42 persons dead, one isolated over suspected polio case","#measles #measlesoutbreak #polio #breakingnews #tinubu #bolaahmedtinubu #kashimshettima #abuja #tvcnews #tvc #news #naijanews #naijagist #entertainment #newsupdate #breakingnews #newsinnigeria  #trendinggists  #latestnews #todaynews #breakingnews #trendingvideo #youtuberewind #trending #viral #music #entertainmentnews #climatechange #businessnews #sportsnews #africanews #nigerianyouth #nigeriansports #nigeriaeconomy #nigerianews

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMsjeQpVd0s,measles outbreak adamawa state government highlights measures to contain spread,"#wike #fubara #riversstate #breakingnews #tinubu #bolaahmedtinubu #kashimshettima #abuja #tvcnews #tvc #news #naijanews #naijagist #entertainment #newsupdate #breakingnews #newsinnigeria  #trendinggists  #latestnews #todaynews #breakingnews #trendingvideo #youtuberewind #trending #viral #music #entertainmentnews #climatechange #businessnews #sportsnews #africanews #nigerianyouth #nigeriansports #nigeriaeconomy #nigerianews

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jia85pWmLkY,"outbreaks in europe - measles, whooping cough, cchf and more","i this livestream, i look at some of the current outbreak news coming out of #europe 
#pertussis #dengue #whoopingcough #europe #measles #france #germany 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPG963XsgpE,adamawa measles outbreak: adamawa govt confirms forty two fatalities,"don't forget to subscribe:  https://bit.ly/2hb8hjx

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U04Srvypg68,"measles outbreak: adamawa state confirms 42 deaths, lgas on red alert","in a concerning turn of events, adamawa state grapples with a devastating measles outbreak, claiming the lives of 42 individuals, with mubi and gombi local government areas bearing the brunt. join us for a live discussion as we delve into the underlying causes behind this outbreak and the factors contributing to its alarming mortality rate. our guest, dr chukwuka paschal obodo, ceo and co-founder of mymedicare, provides expert insights into the effectiveness of the measures implemented by the ministry of health and human services and proposes strategies to prevent future outbreaks and bolster public health preparedness in adamawa state.

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#newscentral #nigeria #politics #africafirst #africa #news #westafrica #ecowas #government #governance",05/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rr43rRLRibw,measles symptoms & treatment - measles treatment for babies - khasra ki alamat aur ilaj.,"dr nabeel ahmad is pediatrics specialist, explains the cause of measles in babies along symptoms of measles and treatment of measles. measles also known as khasra is common babies. watch this video to know about khasra ki alamat, khasra ka ilaj and khasra kya hota hai.

guest: dr nabeel ahmad (pediatrics specialist)
appointment: 0322-4819660

host: dr zubair ghumman (physiotherapist)
appointment: 0312-4170902

#measlestreatment #measlessymptoms #khasratreatment",05/04/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsypwsBfMUY,health department warns of substantial increase in measles cases reported,"health department warns of substantial increase in measles cases reported

stay informed about the latest health alert as the health department reports a significant rise in measles (mpox) cases. delve into the implications of this increase for public health and vaccination efforts. learn about the symptoms, risks, and preventive measures to protect yourself and your community from measles outbreaks.

#healthalert  #measlesoutbreak #publichealth  #healthdepartment  #measlesprevention #vaccinationefforts  #womenhealth #cancerprevention #healthguidance",05/04/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvEn2RTakDg,twiv 1111: taming of the flu,"twiv reviews viruses in the news: chinese scientist who released the sars-cov-2 genome sequence sleeps in the street, a case of measles in haifa, spread of waterborne infectious diseases in gaza, interstate spread of avian influenza a(h5n1) in dairy cattle, and an orangutan heals himself with medicinal plants, followed by identification of a cell receptor for parechoviruses, and blockade of necroptosis prevents lung injury in severe influenza.

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– who am i? –

i'm vincent racaniello, earth's virology professor, and i believe that education should be free.

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#microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic
———————————————————————",05/04/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCZNY7kI1FU,"হ হ করে বাড়ছে শনাকত, সপতাহেই পরা অরধশত মৃ`তয | nigeria news | outbreak measles | desh tv","#deshtv #deshtelevision #deshtvnews

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https://www.tiktok.com/@signs.from.above/video/7365174292625100075,#unitedstates #birdflu #tb #longbeach #california #tuberculosis #mpox #congo #measles #nigeria #jesus #endtimes #news #bible #biblestudy #holyspirit #rapture #breakingnews #christiannews #fastnews #christianitytiktok #christianity #christiantiktok #christian #church #churchtiktok #faith #pray #prayer #rapturenews #signsfromabove #faithnews #verseoftheday #healthnews,#unitedstates #birdflu #tb #longbeach #california #tuberculosis #mpox #congo #measles #nigeria #jesus #endtimes #news #bible #biblestudy #holyspirit #rapture #breakingnews #christiannews #fastnews #christianitytiktok #christianity #christiantiktok #christian #church #churchtiktok #faith #pray #prayer #rapturenews #signsfromabove #faithnews #verseoftheday #healthnews,05/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/tvcnewsng/videos/at-least-42-people-have-died-following-a-measles-outbreak-in-mubi-north-and-sout/625417413132460/,at least 42 people have died following a measles outbreak in mubi north and south local government areas of adamawa state.,at least 42 people have died following a measles outbreak in mubi north and south local government areas of adamawa state.,05/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
       -        measles symptoms & treatment - measles treatment for babies - khasra ki alamat aur ilaj.
#measlestreatment #measlessymptoms #khasratreatment","
       -        measles symptoms & treatment - measles treatment for babies - khasra ki alamat aur ilaj.
#measlestreatment #measlessymptoms #khasratreatment",05/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/reasoningwithsuresh/reel/C6i1gNTvDIi/?locale=sl,#measles #biology #disease #virus #bavishyayoutubechannel #sureshbabubayyarapu #gk #gs #currentaffairs,#measles #biology #disease #virus #bavishyayoutubechannel #sureshbabubayyarapu #gk #gs #currentaffairs,05/04/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/dr.vasifaliyev/reel/C6iupD5oScR/?locale=my,"qzlca vakalarnda azalma olmasna baxmayaraq hl d yoluxanlar vardr.
#infeksion #infeksionist #infection #virus #qzlca #measles #kzamk #temperatur #qzdrma #spgi #uzmandoktor #uzman #bakumedicalplaza #vasifaliyev""ပေါ်ရှိ uzman dr. vasif aliyev","qzlca vakalarnda azalma olmasna baxmayaraq hl d yoluxanlar vardr.
#infeksion #infeksionist #infection #virus #qzlca #measles #kzamk #temperatur #qzdrma #spgi #uzmandoktor #uzman #bakumedicalplaza #vasifaliyev""ပေါ်ရှိ uzman dr. vasif aliyev",05/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,disgust,disgust
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6jDUERgPxq/,"at least 42 people have died following a measles outbreak in mubi north and south local government areas of adamawa state.

#adamawastate","at least 42 people have died following a measles outbreak in mubi north and south local government areas of adamawa state.

#adamawastate",05/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/signs_from_above_stories/reel/C6jbeI3LPvs/,"measles, mpox, tuberculosis, bird flu outbreaks

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#unitedstates #birdflu #tb #longbeach #california #tuberculosis #mpox #congo #measles #nigeria #jesus #endtimes #news #bible #biblestudy #holyspirit #rapture #breakingnews #christiannews #fastnews #christianity #christian #church #faith #rapturenews #signsfromabove #faithnews #verseoftheday #healthnews","measles, mpox, tuberculosis, bird flu outbreaks

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https://www.instagram.com/reasoningwithsuresh/reel/C6i1gNTvDIi/?ref=lbb&hl=bn,#measles #biology #disease #virus #bavishyayoutubechannel #sureshbabubayyarapu #gk #gs #currentaffairs,#measles #biology #disease #virus #bavishyayoutubechannel #sureshbabubayyarapu #gk #gs #currentaffairs,05/04/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/skintekaesthetics/reel/C6jFmRHovy5/,outbreak of measles these days ,outbreak of measles these days ,05/04/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/drfasilshealth/reel/C6kuTCPs-TX/,"ഇതതരം  അറിവകൾകക ഈ പേജ ഫോളോ ചെയയൂ..!!

 കലിനികകിലേകക നേരി വരാൻ പററാതതവർകക ഓൺലൈൻ കൺസഷൻ ലഭയമാണ . മരനനകൾ നിങങൾകക അരികിൽ ഞതതം 

ഡോകറെ ബകക ചെയയാനം കൺസൾേഷനം :  99613 73432

dr. hiba nazer
senior homeopathic consultant
olive homeopathy clinic
kizhisseri, malappuram
call / whatsapp : +91 99613 73432

#measles #symptoms #rashes #children #malayalam","ഇതതരം  അറിവകൾകക ഈ പേജ ഫോളോ ചെയയൂ..!!

 കലിനികകിലേകക നേരി വരാൻ പററാതതവർകക ഓൺലൈൻ കൺസഷൻ ലഭയമാണ . മരനനകൾ നിങങൾകക അരികിൽ ഞതതം 

ഡോകറെ ബകക ചെയയാനം കൺസൾേഷനം :  99613 73432

dr. hiba nazer
senior homeopathic consultant
olive homeopathy clinic
kizhisseri, malappuram
call / whatsapp : +91 99613 73432

#measles #symptoms #rashes #children #malayalam",05/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1PTY1vMVh0,measles outbreak kills over 40 in nigeria,"42 have died in nigeria in just over a week following a measles outbreak in the northeastern state of adamawa. about 200 cases of the disease have been recorded in two local government areas so far.

subscribe to us on youtube: http://ow.ly/zvqj30aisgy_x000d_
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQMapdbIy3M,"measles outbreak 2024: how roald dahl's daughter died of measles, and how you can prevent it","it boggles my mind that i even have to make this video in 2024, when the world already has the tools to eradicate measles from the face of the earth. but developed countries have gotten too complacent! 

▬ disclaimer ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 

the medical information presented here is for educational purposes only. it should not be used as a substitute for a health care professional in diagnosing and treating medical conditions. reliance on the information in this video for medical purposes is solely at your own risk. if you need medical care, please consult your family doctor. 

i have no conflicts of interest. i have no financial interests in any company making or developing treatments for measles, including vaccines or antivirals. i made this video on my own time and with my own money and equipment, with no incentives or sponsorship.

▬ references and links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬









q & a for alberta healthcare providers:

lab testing guidelines for measles in alberta, canada:

further measles and lab testing information:
https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/assets/wf/lab/if-lab-hp-bulletin-laboratory-testing-for-suspected-measles.pdf",05/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNuaBd-dzYo,news update: adamawa on red alert as measles claims 45 lives + more stories | 12pm 5/05/2024,"this is news update on trust tv.

subscribe to our channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/uctlqsta2wrt4fimd_vwkr8g?sub_confirmation=1

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#trusttvnews #nigerianews #todaynews #latestupdate #politics #tinubu #elections",05/05/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJXtbJb4sm8,measles emergency: our response in w.e.s south sudan,"western equatoria state (w.e.s) of south sudan is grappling with a measles outbreak—a viral respiratory tract infection predominantly affecting children. nuru katiko, emergency project coordinator at doctors without borders / mdecins sans frontires (msf), sheds light on the dire circumstances and doctors without borders' proactive response.

follow us:
facebook: https://facebook.com/doctorswithoutborders.apac
instagram: https://instagram.com/doctorswithoutborders.apac/
twitter: https://twitter.com/msf_seasia
website: https://doctorswithoutborders-apac.org/",05/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nN_2hvzN3Hs,"what is measles? symptoms, clinical features, complications and treatment of measles #measles","measles is a highly contagious viral infection caused by the measles virus

the measles virus belongs to the paramyxoviridae family.
the incubation period for measles, which is the time from exposure to the virus to the onset of symptoms, typically ranges from 7 to 14 days, with an average of around 10 to 12 days.
symptoms of measles typically include:

1. high fever
2. cough
3. runny nose
4. red, watery eyes (conjunctivitis)
5. koplik's spots (small white spots with bluish-white centers) inside the mouth
6. rash that usually begins as flat red spots on the face and spreads downward to the neck, trunk, arms, legs, and feet

other symptoms may include malaise, sore throat, and sensitivity to light.

complications of measles can be severe and include:

1. pneumonia: a common complication, particularly in young children and adults.
2. encephalitis: an inflammation of the brain that can lead to permanent brain damage or death.
3. ear infections: infections in the middle ear that can cause permanent hearing loss.
4. bronchitis, laryngitis, or croup: infections of the respiratory tract. 
5. severe diarrhea: especially in malnourished children or those with weakened immune systems.
6. subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (sspe): a rare but fatal progressive neurological disorder that can develop several years after measles infection.

these complications highlight the importance of vaccination to prevent measles and its potential consequences.@smartmedico117 @selflessmedicose @brainlessmedicos580 @teamzcare @surgeonjaved1 @drsaifiofficial @bionic @emergencyawesome #viral #doctor #share #usa #share #study #india #everyone #all #english #medicine #medicalstudent #surgerysuccess #foryou #measles #urdu #hindi #bangladesh #uae #ukraine #uk #turkey #philippines #saudiarabia #drmike #viral #energy #english",05/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCvQBUpiFQo,mumps vaccine (mmr) after recovery from mumps disease: the risks and benefits by dr anurag prasad,"@kidocare presents mmr vaccine.
protect your child from mumps and other dangerous illnesses with proper vaccination. don't let them fall victim to misinformation and dangerous alternatives

#mumpsvaccine #liveattenuatedvaccine #measlesvaccine #childhealth #cannabismisconceptions #vaccineswork #childhoodillnesses #doctoranuragprasad #kidocare 

mmr vaccine,
mmr injection,
mumps prevention,
mmr vaccine for mumps,
measles mumps rubella vaccine,
measles mumps rubella vaccine after recovey from disease,
mmr vaccine after recovery from disease,
can mmr vaccine be given after recovery from mumps,
what is mmr vaccine,
after how many days mmr vaccine can be given on recovery,
mmr vaccine schedule,

website:              https://kidocare.in
google listing:  https://g.co/kgs/k49jxv
email id:              kidocare.in@gmail.com
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anurag_kidocare/ 
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anuragprasad.kmc/
twitter: https://twitter.com/anurag_kidocare

disclaimer :-
video is for educational purpose only. copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for ""fair use"" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.",05/05/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bjIMERCb4Y,mumps outbreak in india,"india is seeing an increase in the cases of mumps across cities like kerala, maharashtra, telangana, andhra pradesh and now delhi ncr. 

here is all you need to know 

✅what is mumps?
mumps is an acute infection caused by the paramyxovirus virus, which affects the salivary glands. it primarily affects children and young adults (18-25 years)

✅how does it spread?
easily spread by air borne droplets from coughing and sneezing

✅what are its symptoms ?
symptoms typically appear 2 weeks after getting infected
- swelling near the jaw, neck, ears
- puffy, swollen cheeks
- fever & runny nose
- headache & muscle ache
- loss of appetite 
- fatigue & body ache

✅is mumps contagious?
yes, it is a communicable disease that spreads when someone with the virus sneezes or coughs. 

✅ how long is the recovery?
5-6 days or max 2 weeks

✅how to prevent catching mumps?
- child should be vaccinated with the 3 doses of the mmr vaccine (at 9m, 15m, 4 years)
- maintaining proper hand hygiene via washing
- covering mouth when coughing or sneezing or wearing masks
- avoid crowded areas
- social distancing 

✅ how to treat mumps?
there is no treatment for mumps per se. only the symptoms can be managed
- isolate the child and practice sanitation & hygiene 
- seek medical help
- give your child plenty of fluids and soft foods that are easy to chew like soups, khichdi and dalia. 
- don't give tart or acidic fruit juices (like orange juice, grapefruit juice, or lemonade) that can make parotid gland pain worse.
- give medicine to bring down the fever or ease the pain
- help your child get plenty of rest.

also note mumps is caused by a virus, so it can't be treated with antibiotics. antibiotics work only against bacteria.

share this ahead with every parent today!

#mumpsinindia #mmrvaccine

[vaccination, mmr, mumps in india, parent information, child care, sick child, cold cough, home remedies]",05/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWIYTq3IpoE,pediatric medicine #nmu #unicef #measles,,05/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZXFzk-jGNs,"ltfrb, tiniyak na walang napipintong taas-pasahe sa jeep | #tedfailonanddjchacha","narito ang iba pang mga balitang pambansa ngayong lunes, may 6:
 • ltfrb, tiniyak na walang napipintong taas-pasahe sa jeep
 • pbbm, idiniin ang kahalagahan ng papel ng mga mamamahayag
 • mga kaso ng measles at rubella, tumas ng 39% ayon sa doh

#tedfailonanddjchacha #ditotayosatotoo #satrue #truefm


follow news5 and stay updated with the latest stories!

 https://www.news5.com.ph",05/05/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzuuxnuaV4o,examples of diseases caused by microorganisms or microbes,"here are some examples of diseases caused by microorganisms :
- flu: caused by viruses
- measles: caused by viruses
- hiv: caused by viruses
- sars: caused by viruses
- influenza: caused by viruses
- tuberculosis: caused by bacteria
- cholera: caused by bacteria
- malaria: caused by protozoa
- ringworm: caused by fungi
- athlete's foot: caused by fungi

#microorganism",05/05/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,disgust
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NO_IDgERNs4,the deaths of king henry viii three sons!,"the deaths of king henry viii three sons!

prince henry
the young prince died in the royal nursery at richmond palace. the exact cause of his death is unknown, but it was common during the tudor period for children to die young, possibly from something like sudden infant death syndrome today.
queen catherine and king henry vii were devastated. a funeral was held for the prince at westminster abbey.

his small coffin was carried from richmond palace down the river thames on royal barges draped in black. the procession was a somber event with everyone wearing black. the coffin, carried by six knights, was escorted into the abbey by monks after a short ceremony, and prince henry was buried near the chapel of edward the confessor.
this tragedy deeply affected english history. catherine and henry tried to have more children, but catherine faced more tragedies with childbirth. this led henry to seek other relationships, such as with anne boleyn, who later gave birth to mary i, known as bloody mary. henry viii's complex personal life would lead england through a time of executions, religious turmoil, and brutality.

henry fitzroy
despite his upbringing and preparation for a potential future as king, fitzroy witnessed anne boleyn's execution and his life was cut short by illness. he died at the age of 17 in st james's palace, believed to have suffered from tuberculosis, a serious condition during the tudor period. there is speculation that his death might have been caused by a genetic condition affecting the tudor family, similar to what is believed to have killed henry viii's brother, arthur. some historians also think he might have caught the plague.

in england, henry fitzroy was buried quickly, which was common practice to prevent the spread of diseases and protect others. he died from lung problems at the age of 17. when king henry viii learned about his illegitimate son's death, he was devastated. he asked the duke of norfolk to organize the funeral. fitzroy was buried in an elaborate tomb in framlingham church, where he lies next to his wife, who was buried there after her own death years later.

edward vi
edward's health began to decline in january 1553 with a fever and a persistent cough. according to reports from jean scheyfve, the imperial ambassador, edward suffered greatly during fevers, especially from breathing difficulties caused by pressure on his organs.
in early april, edward felt well enough to go outside in the park at westminster and later moved to greenwich. his condition seemed to improve by may 7, with doctors optimistic about his recovery. he even enjoyed watching ships on the thames from his window. however, his health took a turn for the worse again, and by june 11, scheyfve reported that edward was coughing up greenish-yellow, black, and pink substances, indicating severe lung issues. doctors then diagnosed him with a life-threatening lung tumor. edward's condition deteriorated rapidly; his legs swelled, and he became too weak to fight the disease. in his final moments, he told his tutor, john cheke, ""i am glad to die.""

edward vi made his last public appearance on july 1, when he was seen at the window of greenwich palace. those who saw him were shocked by how thin and frail he looked. for the next two days, large crowds gathered hoping to see the king again, but on july 3, they were told it was too cold for him to appear. edward passed away at the age of 15 at greenwich palace at 8 pm on july 6, 1553. according to the story told by john foxe, edward's final words were: ""i am faint; lord have mercy upon me, and take my spirit.""
edward was buried in the henry vii lady chapel at westminster abbey on august 8, 1553. the funeral featured reformed religious practices led by thomas cranmer.

the procession included many children in choir robes and was witnessed by many londoners who were crying and mourning. edward's funeral chariot, covered in gold fabric, displayed an effigy of the young king complete with a crown, scepter, and the order of the garter. 

some believed the duke of northumberland, who was very unpopular, might have orchestrated such a plot, while others thought catholics could have poisoned edward to bring mary to the throne. however, the surgeon who examined edward posthumously concluded that he died of lung disease. the venetian ambassador noted that edward had died of consumption, now known as tuberculosis, a diagnosis accepted by many historians. it's believed that edward's prior illnesses like measles and smallpox weakened his immunity, making him more susceptible to tuberculosis. another historian suggests his symptoms were more like those of severe pneumonia, which led to a fatal lung infection, blood poisoning, and kidney failure.",05/05/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,anger
https://www.msn.com/en-my/video/health/experts-are-voicing-concern-over-the-increasing-frequency-and-scale-of-measles-outbreaks/vi-BB1lRcOi,experts are voicing concern over the increasing frequency and scale of measles outbreaks,experts are voicing concern over the increasing frequency and scale of measles outbreaks,05/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/health/experts-are-voicing-concern-over-the-increasing-frequency-and-scale-of-measles-outbreaks/vi-BB1lRcOi?ocid=ue12dhp,experts are voicing concern over the increasing frequency and scale of measles outbreaks,experts are voicing concern over the increasing frequency and scale of measles outbreaks,05/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.msn.com/en-ae/video/health/experts-are-voicing-concern-over-the-increasing-frequency-and-scale-of-measles-outbreaks/vi-BB1lRcOi,experts are voicing concern over the increasing frequency and scale of measles outbreaks,experts are voicing concern over the increasing frequency and scale of measles outbreaks,05/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/health/experts-are-voicing-concern-over-the-increasing-frequency-and-scale-of-measles-outbreaks/vi-BB1lRcOi?ocid=nl_esco_a1_20200708_1_1,experts are voicing concern over the increasing frequency and scale of measles outbreaks,experts are voicing concern over the increasing frequency and scale of measles outbreaks,05/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@bashtvhausa/video/7365650613616610561,cutar kyanda ta kashe mutane 42 a jihar adamawa. #labaranhausa #kyanda #measles #labaranhausa #nigerianews #brakingnews #latestnews #bashtvhausa ,cutar kyanda ta kashe mutane 42 a jihar adamawa. #labaranhausa #kyanda #measles #labaranhausa #nigerianews #brakingnews #latestnews #bashtvhausa ,05/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@thiiirdperson/video/7365580009496694062,"replying to @hezitouchdown after we vaccinated measles people stopped thinking anyone could die of measles. beef between big names in rap hasn't been ""real beef"" for decades but assuming it's gone forever is antivaxxer mindset","replying to @hezitouchdown after we vaccinated measles people stopped thinking anyone could die of measles. beef between big names in rap hasn't been ""real beef"" for decades but assuming it's gone forever is antivaxxer mindset",05/05/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@webmd/video/7364431170920189230,how to protect against measles #measlesoutbreak #measles #measlesvaccine #measlesvirus #webmd,how to protect against measles #measlesoutbreak #measles #measlesvaccine #measlesvirus #webmd,05/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m80eHPWBcwY,do people need a measles vaccine booster during an outbreak? – healthy at home with dr. handy | chop,"dr. lori handy talks about the effectiveness of the current measles vaccine and who needs a booster during a measles outbreak.

she reassures parents that the current measles vaccine works well. when children get one dose of measles-containing vaccine, 93 of 100 will be protected against measles. after two doses, 97 of 100 will be protected. 

those who may need a measles vaccine booster include people who are immune compromised, certain individuals who were vaccinated with a different (inactivated) version of measles vaccine between 1963 and 1967, and those at greater risk of coming in contact with measles, like healthcare providers. please talk with your healthcare provider if any of these scenarios apply to you.

00:00 introduction
00:31 effectiveness of current measles vaccine
01:12 three groups of individuals who may need a measles vaccine booster

for more information about the ""healthy at home with dr. handy series or other parents pack programs, please visit our website, http://vaccine.chop.edu/parents.

video created by and for the vaccine education center at children's hospital of philadelphia.  

the vaccine education center at children's hospital of philadelphia (vec at chop) is composed of scientists, physicians, mothers, and fathers devoted to the study and prevention of infectious diseases. the center was launched in october 2000 to provide accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date information about vaccines and the diseases they prevent.   

if you have any questions about your child's health, please contact your child's doctor. this video is intended only to provide general education and not intended to create a doctor-patient relationship between you and the children's hospital of philadelphia (chop). it is not medical advice or treatment, and chop is not responsible for any outcomes you or your child might experience from your use of this video. this video is provided ""as is with no warranties or representations. this video is copyright of chop. all rights reserved. 2024 the children's hospital of philadelphia.",05/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auNSNZqgfZ8,news hour: adamawa measles outbreak; 45 d3ad as government puts state on red alert+ more |9pm 5/5/24,"this is news hour on trust tv

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#trusttvnews #nigerianews #todaynews #latestupdate #politics #tinubu #elections",05/06/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7DK80w7cHE,adamawa closes down schools over outbreak of measles,"the adamawa state government has closed down public and private schools following the outbreak of measles in the state.
the closure notice was contained in a statement signed by the permanent secretary in the ministry of education and human capital development, aisha umar, in yola on monday.
mrs. umar said the closure was to mitigate the spread of the disease and to enable the state primary health care development agency (phcda) to vaccinate the vulnerable age group.
the ministry, therefore, announced monday, may 13, 2024, as a new resumption date for the school.
""in view of the above, all public and private schools are hereby directed to close down schools accordingly, please,"" the statement said.",05/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Wx5tcnDH-OA,അഞചാം പനി ഒരാളിൽ നിനനം മററ൚രാളിലേകക ഞപപോൾ ഞങങനെ പകരം|measles#measles #viralfever#malayalam,"measles malayalam,
german measles malayalam,
measles in adults malayalam,
measles vaccine malayalam,
measles food not to eat malayalam,
measles in pregnancy malayalam,
measles rubella vaccine in malayalam,
measles mumps rubella vaccine malayalam,
symptoms of measles malayalam,
ancham pani symptoms malayalam,
pongan pani symptoms in malayalam,
fever malayalam meaning,
measles treatment in malayalam,
what is measles in malayalam,
anjam pani symptoms malayalam,
zoonotic diseases malayalam,
anjam pani treatment malayalam,
5 pani malayalam,
5 pani lakshanam,
5 ആം പനി",05/06/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSYftHiOoMo," emefiele isn't your scapegoat, group blasts akpabio + measles outbreak shuts down schools + more","stay informed with the latest headlines: nerc orders an 8.1% cut in electricity tariffs, adamawa closes schools due to measles outbreak, and cbn reveals currency circulation hits ₦3.87 trillion. plus, get updates on political clashes, prison escapes, and international events. join us for a comprehensive news hour covering the top stories shaping nigeria and beyond!

 #nerc #adamawa #cbn #breakingnews #nigeria

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7bwz7QCrdY,"measles/ : symptoms, treatment and prevention in urdu/hindi| measles ka ilaj at home |dr malkera","measles also known as kashra ( ) in urdu is a highly contagious diseases in children.
measles is a viral diseases and spreads via cough, sneezing, respiration , abd direct contact. unvaccinated children are more prone to get measles virus.
what happens in measles ?
1- high grade fever
2- flu
3- maculopapular rash
4- koplik's spot
5- eyes infection
6- irritability
treatment of measles/ ka ilaj
1- supportive treatment 
    i- paracetamol or brufen for fever/pain/body aches
  ii- antiallergic syrup for flu, sneezing, coughing
2- vitamin a supplementation
5000 iu to 200000 iu according to age
#measles #treatment #skininfection

medicines uses in measles.
syp. panadol
syp. xiben
syp. ergic
a max drops
vitamin a drops
khasra ka ghr per ilaj, home remedies for mealses,treat measles at home.",05/06/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb389P7gNwo,all about measles and measles virus,"@ medicine
#question",05/06/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/shorts/WFqlHbS-d-E,dr. dan brennan shares how to protect against measles,,05/06/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z-0cACrAyA,"gold, samklef clash over simi; as two 4x400 relay teams get olympic tickets","the adamawa state government has closed down public and private schools following the outbreak of measles in the state. the closure notice was contained in a statement signed by the permanent secretary in the ministry of education and human capital development, aisha umar, in yola on monday. mrs. umar said the closure was to mitigate the spread of the disease and to enable the state primary health care development agency (phcda) to vaccinate the vulnerable age group. the ministry, therefore, announced monday, may 13, 2024, as a new resumption date for the school.",05/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wt1gy5kPxPo,americans suffer while migrants prosper in lawlessness #shorts #bordersecurity,"the biden administration's america last border policy: americans suffer while migrants prosper in lawlessness...

#shorts #bordersecurity #securetheborder #immigration #americafirst 

okay, so listen to this. from 1892 to 1954, 12 million legal immigrants came to the united states under strict restrictions that they would be a benefit to america, from passing literacy tests to prioritizing family reunification and helping build the american dream. fast forward to today. in just over three years, 11.2 million illegal immigrants have flooded into our country under biden's watch and this time passing infections. tuberculosis among migrants newly arrived in this city, exposed to measles out of shelters and into unnamed hotels, destroying american families beaten so badly that she suffered a quote disfigured skull and stealing your american dreams. invade empty homes and live there. this is what an american last policy looks like: americans suffer while migrants prosper in lawlessness.",05/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQkD04teq1Y,அமமை நோய வநதால ஞனன செயய வேணம? | do's & don'ts during measles | ammai | anitha kuppusamy,"அமமை நோய வநதால ஞனன செயய வேணம?
அமமை நோய வநதால விளகக றறலாமா? 

அமமை நோய போககம அமமன பறறி தெரியமா ? | worship manasa devi | anitha kuppusamy spirituality


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#anithakuppusamy #pushpavanamkuppusamy #vihaonline",05/06/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osj_V7d_dUo,adamawa state government extends school resumption date.,"the adamawa state government has extended the schools' resumption date due to outbreak of measles across the state.
#measles #health",05/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/LeadershipNGA/videos/adamawa-closes-down-schools-over-outbreak-of-measles/465041342652675/,adamawa closes down schools over outbreak of measles,"the adamawa state government has closed down public and private schools following the outbreak of measles in the state.
the closure notice was contained in a statement signed by the permanent secretary in the ministry of education and human capital development, aisha umar, in yola on monday.
mrs. umar said the closure was to mitigate the spread of the disease and to enable the state primary health care development agency (phcda) to vaccinate the vulnerable age group.
the ministry, therefore, announced monday, may 13, 2024, as a new resumption date for the school.
""in view of the above, all public and private schools are hereby directed to close down schools accordingly, please,"" the statement said.",05/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,sadness
https://www.facebook.com/LeadershipNGA/videos/adamawa-shuts-schools-over-measles-outbreak/967573558095914/,adamawa shuts schools over measles outbreak,"the adamawa state government has closed down public and private schools following the outbreak of measles in the state.
the closure notice was contained in a statement signed by the permanent secretary in the ministry of education and human capital development, aisha umar, in yola on monday.
mrs. umar said the closure was to mitigate the spread of the disease and to enable the state primary health care development agency (phcda) to vaccinate the vulnerable age group.
the ministry, therefore, announced monday, may 13, 2024, as a new resumption date for the school.",05/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
http://www.naijafeed.com/2024/05/video-measles-outbreak-kills-over-40-in.html,video - measles outbreak kills over 40 in nigeria,"42 have died in nigeria in just over a week following a measles outbreak in the northeastern state of adamawa. about 200 cases of the disease have been recorded in two local government areas so far.


related story: video - at least 19 children die in suspected measles outbreak in northeastern nigeria",05/06/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/healthgennie/reel/C6oAYQ1KUAL/,"measles is on the rise among kids  and teens , but we can stop it together!  let's spread awareness and ensure all our loved ones are vaccinated to keep them safe from this preventable disease.  

#measles #preventmeasles #vaccinatenow #protectkids #vaccinessavelives #measlesprevention #protectourkids #healthgennie #dermatologist #bestskindoctornearme #dermatologistnearme #doctor #skincare #teens #children #kids @healthgennie","measles is on the rise among kids  and teens , but we can stop it together!  let's spread awareness and ensure all our loved ones are vaccinated to keep them safe from this preventable disease.  

#measles #preventmeasles #vaccinatenow #protectkids #vaccinessavelives #measlesprevention #protectourkids #healthgennie #dermatologist #bestskindoctornearme #dermatologistnearme #doctor #skincare #teens #children #kids @healthgennie",05/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/oweleketv/reel/C6pDxrEs-pT/,42 children confirmed dead in adamawa measles outbreak: schools shut down #shortsviral #naijanews,42 children confirmed dead in adamawa measles outbreak: schools shut down #shortsviral #naijanews,05/06/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/iamdejavoo_/reel/C6obUBNogyS/,"breaking: adamawa confirms 42 dead in measles outbreak, shuts all primary, secondary schools","breaking: adamawa confirms 42 dead in measles outbreak, shuts all primary, secondary schools",05/06/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/nhpubhealth/reel/C6pJvZxPJDc/,"protect yourself and your family. talk to your healthcare provider today about staying up to date on routine immunizations like the measles (mmr) vaccine.
#nhpubhealth","protect yourself and your family. talk to your healthcare provider today about staying up to date on routine immunizations like the measles (mmr) vaccine.
#nhpubhealth",05/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/curioustwinsparanormal/reel/C6oiqHTt_ek/?locale=us&hl=am-et,"you can explore the mansion at 802 kentucky @themansionat802kentucky) with us. it was formerly an orphanage. explore its haunts and history with a tour and investigation. we'll offer you the use of our paranormal research equipment for the night.
the buildings purpose was the ""caring for all orphans committed to its guardianship."" the organization who first occupied the hone was known as ""the san antonio home for destitute children""; it was organized june 3rd 1886 at the maverick hotel and reorganized with a new charter february 17th 1887, then the name of the association was changed to protestant home for destitute children, july 9th 1888."" prior to residing at 802 kentucky avenue, the organization resided at 217 sixth street, and then at 815 san pedro avenue, also in san antonio. 9 infants, and one older child died on location from illness.
measles was a major cause of death. almost every child, who came in the building had either scarlet fever, and or measles. the building, was designed by noted texas architect james riley gordon, it features an unusual mixer of style elements, and was intended to blend well with its residential surroundings.

cost: $59
friday, may 24, 2024
11pm-1am (includes the midnight witching hour for investigation)
(limited space is available 20 max)

the mansion at 802 kentucky. san antonio

tickets available at: curioustwins.com
click the book now button to see all our tours! 

for questions, call/text us at:
(210) 802-9187

#curioustwins #curioustwinsparanormal #hauntedhomes #hauntedlocations #hauntedhouse #hauntedmansion #haunted #visitsanantonio #sanantonio #visittexashomes
#capcut","you can explore the mansion at 802 kentucky @themansionat802kentucky) with us. it was formerly an orphanage. explore its haunts and history with a tour and investigation. we'll offer you the use of our paranormal research equipment for the night.
the buildings purpose was the ""caring for all orphans committed to its guardianship."" the organization who first occupied the hone was known as ""the san antonio home for destitute children""; it was organized june 3rd 1886 at the maverick hotel and reorganized with a new charter february 17th 1887, then the name of the association was changed to protestant home for destitute children, july 9th 1888."" prior to residing at 802 kentucky avenue, the organization resided at 217 sixth street, and then at 815 san pedro avenue, also in san antonio. 9 infants, and one older child died on location from illness.
measles was a major cause of death. almost every child, who came in the building had either scarlet fever, and or measles. the building, was designed by noted texas architect james riley gordon, it features an unusual mixer of style elements, and was intended to blend well with its residential surroundings.

cost: $59
friday, may 24, 2024
11pm-1am (includes the midnight witching hour for investigation)
(limited space is available 20 max)

the mansion at 802 kentucky. san antonio

tickets available at: curioustwins.com
click the book now button to see all our tours! 

for questions, call/text us at:
(210) 802-9187

#curioustwins #curioustwinsparanormal #hauntedhomes #hauntedlocations #hauntedhouse #hauntedmansion #haunted #visitsanantonio #sanantonio #visittexashomes
#capcut",05/06/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/oweleketv/reel/C6ouN1AMuQn/,"⚡ power bill relief: nerc slashes electricity tariff by 8.1%, measles outbreak in adamawa, + more! click bio for complete news","⚡ power bill relief: nerc slashes electricity tariff by 8.1%, measles outbreak in adamawa, + more! click bio for complete news",05/06/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/irishhealthservice/reel/C6n6uxPsA__/,"it's never too late to prioritise your health.

if you missed the mmr vaccine, the hse is now offering a free catch-up programme for children and eligible adults.

timely vaccination ensures a healthier future for everyone.

visit our website to find out how to get the vaccine. link in bio.","it's never too late to prioritise your health.

if you missed the mmr vaccine, the hse is now offering a free catch-up programme for children and eligible adults.

timely vaccination ensures a healthier future for everyone.

visit our website to find out how to get the vaccine. link in bio.",05/06/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6qsw4sh-JP/,"measles in a minute | community medicine | psm | spm 

which is the most common cause of death in measles?","measles in a minute | community medicine | psm | spm 

which is the most common cause of death in measles?",05/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/sehatmandlifestyle/reel/C6qAwaBOshG/,"measles symptoms & treatment - measles treatment for babies - khasra ki alamat aur ilaj.

dr nabeel ahmad is pediatrics specialist, explains the cause of measles in babies along symptoms of measles and treatment of measles. measles also known as khasra is common babies. watch this video to know about khasra ki alamat, khasra ka ilaj and khasra kya hota hai.

#measlestreatment #measlessymptoms #khasratreatment","measles symptoms & treatment - measles treatment for babies - khasra ki alamat aur ilaj.

dr nabeel ahmad is pediatrics specialist, explains the cause of measles in babies along symptoms of measles and treatment of measles. measles also known as khasra is common babies. watch this video to know about khasra ki alamat, khasra ka ilaj and khasra kya hota hai.

#measlestreatment #measlessymptoms #khasratreatment",05/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gI-PS7AKug,measles complications,"measles is a highly contagious disease that can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia and encephalitis.

this video can also be viewed at
https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/videos/low-res/measles/measles-complications-hospitalization-lowres.mp4",05/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHs25-jziQ8,measles is very contagious,"measles is so contagious that if one person has it, up to 9 out of 10 people around him or her will also become infected if they are not protected.

this video can also be viewed at
https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/videos/low-res/measles/measles-infection-lowres.mp4",05/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHa8npVGjXA,measles and international travel,"measles cases in the united states originate from unvaccinated international travelers, if you plan to travel internationally, make sure you and your loved ones are fully vaccinated at least 2 weeks before you depart.

this video can also be viewed at
https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/videos/low-res/measles/measles-international-travel-lowres.mp4",05/07/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxYxPaVqR7U,"covid, flu, h5n1, measles, asthma","after an update on covid, flu, h5n1 and measles, we will review asthma and covid.

00:00 - introduction
0:53 - respiratory virus updates
11:05 - h5n1/avian flu
14:05 - measles update
15:00 - mpox update
16:07 - asthma
21:10 - asthma & covid
28:49 - summary & tips

links referenced in the briefing

cdc list of conditions
cdc measles tracking

#rootsempowers #communityhealth #bayarea #publichealth #oakland #covid19 #cdc #maskup
#covidisnotover #covidisairborne #nomorecoviddeaths #vaccines #booster #pandemic #omicron
#xbb #keepmasksinhealthcare #longcovid #eg.5 #wastewater #ba.2.86 #monovalent
#monovalentbooster #novavax #pertussis #jn.1",05/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_7-K7qoAbU,local doctors concerned about nationwide uptick of measles,"measles has been posing threats to communities nationwide again after being pretty much eradicated in 2000. now a case has been confirmed in west virginia._x000d_
 for more local news from wsaz:  https://www.wsaz.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucrcuu0jxxy8oibqeb13mrwa",05/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlfrbsOANT0,pho rounds: measles outbreaks in canada: a brief modelling study,"canada is experiencing a surge in measles cases in 2024. mathematical models are a tool to support planning and response to infectious diseases. this pho rounds will describe the results of a brief modelling study that explores the impact of public health interventions such as vaccinations, case and contact management, and their potential impact on measles cases and outbreaks. this information can inform implementation efforts by local public health and policy decisions in response to potential outbreaks.

by the end of this session, participants will be able to:

• describe the components of a mathematical model for measles
• analyze the impacts of different public health interventions and their intensity on measles cases and outbreaks
• apply mathematical outputs of modelling to public health policy and practice in the management of measles

presenter(s): dr. caroline colijn

the presentation can be found here: https://www.publichealthontario.ca/en/education-and-events/presentations#q=1",05/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGyaX1W62BA,measles in the healthcare setting | an infection prevention and control refresher,"this is a recording of a live project firstline rhode island webinar. once considered to be eliminated in the united states, measles has been grabbing headlines again, with significant outbreaks around the world. measles isn't just a little rash. it is an acute viral respiratory illness that is highly contagious. learn how you can protect yourself and your patients if there a suspected or confirmed measles case. for more information, visit projectfirstlineri.com.",05/07/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDqqGNMiSbM,vaccines & the measles illness accessing our medicine chest | indigenous women's health talks,"this month's theme: vaccines & the measles illness ""accessing out medicine chest""

this event is part of a monthly series that aims to be interactive, welcoming and will always focus on indigenous women's health topics and concerns. we hope to see you there!",05/07/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lobSZ3Fyjo,measles crisis in adamawa: schools close as deaths rise,"in this episode, we cover the alarming measles outbreak in adamawa state, nigeria, which has caused the death of 42 children and led to the closure of educational institutions to control the spread of the disease. the government has initiated a vaccination drive to protect the vulnerable. we also tackle nigeria's economic troubles, with senate president godswill akpabio attributing the downturn to the former cbn governor and discussing president bola tinubu's strategies to improve the situation. join us as we provide insights from health commissioner felix tangwami and activist declan ihekaire on these pressing issues.

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for more content, go to: https://newscentral.africa

#newscentral #nigeria #politics #africafirst #africa #news #westafrica #ecowas #government #governance",05/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Agm3HRmKrow,measles outbreak: adamawa government shuts down schools statewide,"the adamawa state government has ordered the immediate closure of all public and private schools following the outbreak of measles in the region.
the decision, which was announced on monday, aims to mitigate the spread of the disease and enable the state primary health care development agency (phcda) to vaccinate the vulnerable age group.

in a statement signed by the permanent secretary of the ministry of education and human capital development, aisha umar, the ministry rescheduled the school resumption date to monday, may 13, 2024.

the statement further directed all public and private schools to comply with the directive.

since the outbreak has already claimed the lives of 42 children in the state, the government says it is taking the necessary measures to contain the disease and prevent further casualties. 

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#trusttvnews #nigerianews #todaynews #latestupdate #politics #tinubu #elections",05/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAbicK54uQ0,measles crisis in adamawa: state shuts schools to control spread,"in a significant response to a measles outbreak, adamawa state in northeast nigeria has taken the drastic measure of closing both public and private schools. this decision, detailed in a statement from aisha umar, the permanent secretary in the ministry of education and human capital development, aims to prevent further casualties after the disease claimed the lives of at least 42 children. the closure will also allow the state primary health care development agency to carry out vital vaccination efforts. the schools are set to reopen on may 13, 2024. in this video, we sit down with felix tangwami, commissioner for health in adamawa state, to discuss the reasons behind the outbreak, the ongoing efforts to prevent future incidents, and advice for residents on mitigating risks and handling suspicions of the disease.

subscribe to our youtube channel: http://youtube.com/newscentraltvafrica for more videos

follow news central on: 
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/newscentralafrica
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for more content, go to: https://newscentral.africa

#newscentral #nigeria #politics #africafirst #africa #news #westafrica #ecowas #government #governance",05/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1UyJQ5yq6g,bakit tumaas ang mga kaso ng measles sa barmm? | need to know,"sa unang tatlong buwan pa lang ng 2024, naitala sa bangsamoro autonomous region in muslim mindanao (barmm) ang kalahati ng mga kaso ng tigdas sa buong bansa dahilan para magdeklara ng measles outbreak dito.

bakit nga ba tumaas ang mga kaso ng tigdas o measles sa barmm, gayong madali sana itong maiwasan? here's what you need to know.

#gmaintegratednews  #gmanetwork #kapusostream

breaking news and stories from the philippines and abroad:
gma integrated news portal: http://www.gmanews.tv
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gma network kapuso programs on gma pinoy tv: https://gmapinoytv.com/subscribe",05/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5pibeLAlW4,"kaso ti pertussis ken measles-rubella iti cordillera, ngumatngato","#kangrunaanadamag | kaso ti pertussis ken measles-rubella iti cordillera, ngumatngato
• food and water-borne illnesses, naksayan
• dengue, endemic latta iti cordillera
• agarup 6-k kaso ti influenza-like illness ken severe acute respiratory illness, nailista
• panagbakuna, ikamkampanya ti doh
• publiko, nabalakadan nga aggannad iti epekto ti nabara a panawen",05/07/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO39d4sRd8g,mother apologizes for kidnapping hoax; chickenpox & measles cases reported in provo | may 7,"a magnetic media production.

connect with us:
website: https://magneticmediatv.com/   
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/magneticmediafanpage 
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/magneticmediacaribbean/ 

#magneticmedia  #turksandcaicosislands #thebahamas #thecaribbean #topstories",05/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54vVzLHR1dk,tigdas hangin vs tigdas (ordinary)|dr. pediamom,"tigdas hangin vs tigdas (ordinary)|dr. pediamom

german measles vs measles
sa iba ito ay ipe.. ano nga ba ang pagkakaiba nito. sino ang mas delikado?
ano ang sintomas ng measles at german measles.
bakit may pulmonya ang measles. discuss natin lahat yan sa video na to,

#pediamom #measles #pediatips #tigdas 

related topic: ipe hangin,rashes sa balat,",05/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHQSsUrNnAI,i still haven't found what i'm looking for (hour 1),"welcome to tuesday! vaccinations are a controversial topic, not just reserved for covid. it seems the anti-vax movement has made its way to viruses (https://captimes.com/opinion/dave-zweifel/opinion-wisconsin-measles-outbreak-is-avoidable/article_2c1c9c94-07d4-11ef-a8a7-cb4745993434.html)  we've long since forgotten about, but now they're back (https://www.jsonline.com/story/communities/north/2024/05/06/health-department-issues-alert-about-whooping-cough-in-whitefish-bay/73585863007/) . then we welcome todd allbaugh (https://twitter.com/toddallbaugh)  of the show with the same name (https://civicmedia.us/shows/todd-allbaugh-show) ! we're talking about the incredible disappearing impeachment inquiry (https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/republicans-biden-impeachment-fox-news-rcna149386) , as well as the race to unseat tammy baldwin (https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/03/28/u-s-senate-race-updates-tammy-baldwin-ad-highlights-pensions/73119539007/)  and why it's more about the money than the candidate (https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2023/09/billionaire-megadonor-couple-funding-election-denial-with-extensive-influence-machine-dark-money-network-uihlein/) .

as always, thank you for listening, texting and calling, we couldn't do this without you! don't forget to download the free civic media app and take us wherever you are in the world! matenaer on air is a part of the civic media radio network and airs monday through friday from 10 am - noon across the state. subscribe to the podcast to be sure not to miss out on a single episode! you can also rate us on your podcast distribution center of choice, they go a long way!

to learn more about the show and all of the programming across the civic media network, head over tohttps://civicmedia.us/showsto see the entire broadcast line up. follow the show onfacebook (https://www.facebook.com/matenaeronair/) ,x (https://twitter.com/matenaeronair) andyoutube (https://www.youtube.com/@civic-media-us) to keep up with jane and the show!
 guest: todd allbaugh (https://civicmedia.us/speaker/todd-allbaugh/)",05/07/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1s-hrOlb9Fs,tigdas hangin vs totoong tigdas #pediamom #measles #pediatips #mommydoc,,05/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FrdQFwv_L4,unicef measles tvc,this video talks about how measles affects children under 5 years of age.,05/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDPCJGZ0A9I,nigeria's vice president shettima cancels us trip due to aircraft fault,"vice president kashim shettima of nigeria had to abort his scheduled trip to the us-africa business summit in dallas due to a technical issue with the presidential jet. this detailed report covers the immediate steps taken following the aircraft malfunction, including the decision to have the minister of foreign affairs represent the president at the summit. additionally, the video discusses the reduction of electricity tariffs by ikeja electric for band a customers, a measles outbreak leading to school closures in adamawa, and the first presidential election in chad after three decades of military rule. plus, insights on nigeria's need for strong institutions for national development and various regional security concerns.

subscribe to our youtube channel: http://youtube.com/newscentraltvafrica for more videos

follow news central on: 
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for more content, go to: https://newscentral.africa

#newscentral #nigeria #politics #africafirst #africa #news #westafrica #ecowas #government #governance",05/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,sadness,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@pels_international/video/7366233083273694472,"mandi suhur indian native soap:functions: this herbal ancient mix comprises secret concoctions aimed at healing, treating, and repairing various skin infections. it effectively eradicates body rashes, pimples, scars from chickenpox and measles, as well as eczema, while eliminating any skin irregularities. suitable for all skin types and complexions, it promotes proper skin health.for consultation & purchase ‰ send a dm +234-806-003-0585""69b admiralty way, lekki phase 1, lagos ..#skinwellness #embraceyourglow' #skincare #beauty #skincareroutine #makeup #skin #skincareproducts #selfcare #antiaging #glowingskin #cosmetics #facial #healthyskin #acne #pelsinternational #serum #naturalskincare #organic #instagramreels","mandi suhur indian native soap:functions: this herbal ancient mix comprises secret concoctions aimed at healing, treating, and repairing various skin infections. it effectively eradicates body rashes, pimples, scars from chickenpox and measles, as well as eczema, while eliminating any skin irregularities. suitable for all skin types and complexions, it promotes proper skin health.for consultation & purchase ‰ send a dm +234-806-003-0585""69b admiralty way, lekki phase 1, lagos ..#skinwellness #embraceyourglow' #skincare #beauty #skincareroutine #makeup #skin #skincareproducts #selfcare #antiaging #glowingskin #cosmetics #facial #healthyskin #acne #pelsinternational #serum #naturalskincare #organic #instagramreels",05/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.news-journal.com/covid-19/measles-is-very-contagious/video_ac4daa7e-f9df-51f4-91f0-adb4146e9282.html,measles is very contagious,"measles is so contagious that if one person has it, up to 9 out of 10 people around him or her will also become infected if they are not protected.

this video can also be viewed at

https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/videos/low-res/measles/measles-infection-lowres.mp4",05/07/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.news-journal.com/covid-19/measles-and-international-travel/video_34777cda-c06a-52be-b22e-1c1f6381cefe.html,measles and international travel,"measles cases in the united states originate from unvaccinated international travelers, if you plan to travel internationally, make sure you and your loved ones are fully vaccinated at least 2 weeks before you depart.

this video can also be viewed at

https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/videos/low-res/measles/measles-international-travel-lowres.mp4",05/07/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wsaz.com/video/2024/05/07/local-doctors-concerned-about-nationwide-uptick-measles/,local doctors concerned about nationwide uptick of measles,measles has been posing threats to communities nationwide again after being pretty much eradicated in 2000. now a case has been confirmed in west virginia.,05/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.kjct8.com/video/2024/05/07/local-doctors-concerned-about-nationwide-uptick-measles/,local doctors concerned about nationwide uptick of measles,measles has been posing threats to communities nationwide again after being pretty much eradicated in 2000. now a case has been confirmed in west virginia.,05/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.facebook.com/gmanews/videos/bakit-tumaas-ang-mga-kaso-ng-measles-sa-barmm-need-to-know/808434294089444/,bakit tumaas ang mga kaso ng measles sa barmm? | need to know,"sa unang tatlong buwan pa lang ng 2024, naitala sa bangsamoro autonomous region in muslim mindanao (barmm) ang kalahati ng mga kaso ng tigdas sa buong bansa dahilan para magdeklara ng measles outbreak dito.
bakit nga ba tumaas ang mga kaso ng tigdas o measles sa barmm, gayong madali sana itong maiwasan? here's what you need to know.",05/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@earnbalancegrow/video/7366342754676247850,"looking back on julius's journey during months 12-18 is pretty amazing. he achieved all his developmental milestones for motor skills, thinking, language, and social stuff, just like the doctor and the american academy of pediatrics said he would. but then, after his mmr vaccine, autism became part of his story. we were surprised but didn't give up. we tried a different approach, with a focus on a #holistic and #functionaltreatment plan. we changed his diet, saw a different kind of doctor that looks at the whole body, and added in things like complementary therapies. we believe in julius and will always be here to support him on his journey. #autismawareness #autismacceptance #autismmom #autismfamily #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #asd #autistic #autismparents #autismspectrum #autismspectrumdisorder #specialneeds #specialneedsparenting #specialneedsmom #parenting #parents #parentsupport #momofboy #momsofinstagram #momlife #nonspeakingautism #nonspeaking #specialneedsfamily #autism #lovewhatmatters #motherhood #balance #vaccinedebate","looking back on julius's journey during months 12-18 is pretty amazing. he achieved all his developmental milestones for motor skills, thinking, language, and social stuff, just like the doctor and the american academy of pediatrics said he would. but then, after his mmr vaccine, autism became part of his story. we were surprised but didn't give up. we tried a different approach, with a focus on a #holistic and #functionaltreatment plan. we changed his diet, saw a different kind of doctor that looks at the whole body, and added in things like complementary therapies. we believe in julius and will always be here to support him on his journey. #autismawareness #autismacceptance #autismmom #autismfamily #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #asd #autistic #autismparents #autismspectrum #autismspectrumdisorder #specialneeds #specialneedsparenting #specialneedsmom #parenting #parents #parentsupport #momofboy #momsofinstagram #momlife #nonspeakingautism #nonspeaking #specialneedsfamily #autism #lovewhatmatters #motherhood #balance #vaccinedebate",05/07/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,surprise,surprise
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6sf1HgA654/,"measles & ipv2

#followers","measles & ipv2

#followers",05/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6sbNK_NEyQ/,"understanding the root causes of optic neuritis: from viral infections to autoimmune diseases  delve into the intricate web of factors like cytomegalovirus, hepatitis b, herpes, hiv, lyme disease, measles, and multiple sclerosis that can trigger this condition. stay informed for better management and treatment.
dr prince agrawal , dm neurophysician(gb pant hospital, new delhi)
for appointment
संपरक करें - 08630320857
ऑनलाइन बकिंग/परामरश के लि - https://hplix.in/hpe25649
#neurophysicianinmathura #neurophysicianinmathura #bestneurologist #bestmigrainetreatment #beststroke #bestepilepsydoctor #neurologist #neurologistinvrindavan #jaishreekrishna #paralysisdoctor #mathuravrindavan #headachedoctor #neckpaindoctor #backpaindoctor #migrain #apnaagra
#opticneuritis #eyehealth #neurologicaldisorders","understanding the root causes of optic neuritis: from viral infections to autoimmune diseases  delve into the intricate web of factors like cytomegalovirus, hepatitis b, herpes, hiv, lyme disease, measles, and multiple sclerosis that can trigger this condition. stay informed for better management and treatment.
dr prince agrawal , dm neurophysician(gb pant hospital, new delhi)
for appointment
संपरक करें - 08630320857
ऑनलाइन बकिंग/परामरश के लि - https://hplix.in/hpe25649
#neurophysicianinmathura #neurophysicianinmathura #bestneurologist #bestmigrainetreatment #beststroke #bestepilepsydoctor #neurologist #neurologistinvrindavan #jaishreekrishna #paralysisdoctor #mathuravrindavan #headachedoctor #neckpaindoctor #backpaindoctor #migrain #apnaagra
#opticneuritis #eyehealth #neurologicaldisorders",05/08/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6spK4oPx0o/,"mmr vaccine is available in most private hospitals 
price is around 650/- 
first dose : 9 months 
second dose :15 months 
third dose : 4-6 years .
#malayalamreels #instamalayalam #pedtalksdrrejitha #ᴋᴇᴀᴀᴀ #keralamoms","mmr vaccine is available in most private hospitals 
price is around 650/- 
first dose : 9 months 
second dose :15 months 
third dose : 4-6 years .
#malayalamreels #instamalayalam #pedtalksdrrejitha #ᴋᴇᴀᴀᴀ #keralamoms",05/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=finzJuvKyeQ,ep. 315: measles cases on the rise: when did you get the last shot? - ep. 315: aumentano i casi d...,"measles is one of the world's most contagious diseases and was technically eliminated in australia in 2014 thanks to vaccination. still, the world health organization warns that there is a risk of ""disruptive outbreaks if immunisation rates are not kept high. - il morbillo  una delle malattie pi contagiose al mondo ed  stato tecnicamente eliminato in australia nel 2014 grazie alle vaccinazioni, ma l'organizzazione mondiale della sanit avverte che c' il rischio di epidemie ""dirompenti se non si mantengono alti i tassi di immunizzazione.",05/08/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oFSy6z2uyw,german measles terror in nabarangpur's nandahandi | ନବରଙଗପରରେ କଳାହାଣଡିରେ ଜରମାନ ମିଳିମିଳା ଆତଙକ,"german measles terror in nabarangpur's nandahandi | ନବରଙଗପରରେ କଳାହାଣଡିରେ ଜରମାନ ମିଳିମିଳା ଆତଙକ #german_measles #nandahandi #kalahandi #nabarangpur #prameyanews7 
prameya news7, is a leading odia news channel of odisha, india. prameya news7 provides fair, unbiased news from odisha and beyond.

for latest news follow us on:
website: http://www.prameyanews7.com/
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#prameyanews7 #news7 #odishanews",05/08/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cf1vVEgCKmI,അഞചാം പനിയെ പരധാന ലകഷണങങൾ  |measles #measles #viraldisease #symptoms #malayalam #childhood,"measles malayalam,
german measles malayalam,
measles in adults malayalam,
measles vaccine malayalam,
measles food not to eat malayalam,
measles in pregnancy malayalam,
measles rubella vaccine in malayalam,
measles mumps rubella vaccine malayalam,
symptoms of measles malayalam,
ancham pani symptoms malayalam,
pongan pani symptoms in malayalam,
fever malayalam meaning,
measles treatment in malayalam,
what is measles in malayalam,
anjam pani symptoms malayalam,
zoonotic diseases malayalam,
anjam pani treatment malayalam,
5 pani malayalam,
5 pani lakshanam,
5 ആം പനി",05/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWOOHu5j_hc,mmr vaccine in short - acvip,#vaccines #mmr #pediatrics #neetpg #pediatrics #class #2024 #inicet #iap,05/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHyy6lL1xHM,2 rubella cases detected in odisha's nabarangpur,"two rubella and one measles cases have been detected in two blocks of odisha's nabarangpur district, confirmed health officials. the samples were taken from five affected persons on april 29, and the reports have tested positive for rubella.

kanak news is odisha's leading 24x7 news and current affairs tv channel from eastern media limited. odisha's largest media house that also publishes daily 'sambad'.  get latest updates on news, politics, sports, business, current affairs, entertainment, technology, health updates from kanak news.

join us on whatsapp to get latest updates : https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029va9qlidaylukjl5if90c

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#kanaknews #rubella #nabarangpur",05/08/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4PQfDvqP4A,measles |  / before and after,#measles,05/08/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/kizzyphd/reel/C6tWJ11Lq3I/,"the fact of the matter is the mmr vaccine is that girl 

today's ask @kizzyphd question from @paulab267 is about the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, often referred to as the mmr vaccine. 

did you know that if you got your vaccine as a child or otherwise qualify for perceived immunity, you are likely protected for life?

 check it out and share with friends and family to keep our communities healthy and safe! 

⬇ and if you have any other questions or curiosities about science, vaccines, getting started in a science career or anything else that you'd like me to answer, drop them in the comments. i aim to answer one question a week! 

source for mmr efficacy graph: di pietrantonj c, rivetti a, marchione p, debalini mg, demicheli v.
vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella in children. cochrane database of systematic reviews 2021, issue 11. art. no.: cd004407. 
doi: 10.1002/14651858.cd004407.pub5.","the fact of the matter is the mmr vaccine is that girl 

today's ask @kizzyphd question from @paulab267 is about the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, often referred to as the mmr vaccine. 

did you know that if you got your vaccine as a child or otherwise qualify for perceived immunity, you are likely protected for life?

 check it out and share with friends and family to keep our communities healthy and safe! 

⬇ and if you have any other questions or curiosities about science, vaccines, getting started in a science career or anything else that you'd like me to answer, drop them in the comments. i aim to answer one question a week! 

source for mmr efficacy graph: di pietrantonj c, rivetti a, marchione p, debalini mg, demicheli v.
vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella in children. cochrane database of systematic reviews 2021, issue 11. art. no.: cd004407. 
doi: 10.1002/14651858.cd004407.pub5.",05/08/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/prontolongisland/reel/C6trckCOC30/,"the suffolk county health department's immunization action program will offer free vaccines for kids at pronto on, may 8, and 15, 2024, from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm. 

protect your kids from contagious illnesses like covid-19, measles, and whooping cough, and safeguard them from diseases like chickenpox, mumps, diphtheria, polio, flu strains, pneumococcal disease, hepatitis a and b, rotavirus, rubella, and hib.

 #suffolkcounty #immunizationactionprogram #pronto #freevaccines #protectyourkids #stayhealthy. -. learn more how vaccines help visiting https://bit.ly/2dxx886 *** post by @cdc *** 


el programa de inmunizacin del departamento de salud del condado de suffolk ofrecer vacunas gratuitas para nios en pronto 8, y 15 de mayo, de 2024, de 10:30 a. m. a 3:30 p. m. 

proteja a sus hijos de enfermedades contagiosas como covid-19, sarampin y tos ferina, y protjalos de enfermedades como varicela, paperas, difteria, polio, cepas de gripe, enfermedad neumoccica, hepatitis a y b, rotavirus, rubola y hib. #condado de suffolk #programa de accin de inmunizacin #pronto #vacunasgratis. *** publicacin de @cdc ***","the suffolk county health department's immunization action program will offer free vaccines for kids at pronto on, may 8, and 15, 2024, from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm. 

protect your kids from contagious illnesses like covid-19, measles, and whooping cough, and safeguard them from diseases like chickenpox, mumps, diphtheria, polio, flu strains, pneumococcal disease, hepatitis a and b, rotavirus, rubella, and hib.

 #suffolkcounty #immunizationactionprogram #pronto #freevaccines #protectyourkids #stayhealthy. -. learn more how vaccines help visiting https://bit.ly/2dxx886 *** post by @cdc *** 


el programa de inmunizacin del departamento de salud del condado de suffolk ofrecer vacunas gratuitas para nios en pronto 8, y 15 de mayo, de 2024, de 10:30 a. m. a 3:30 p. m. 

proteja a sus hijos de enfermedades contagiosas como covid-19, sarampin y tos ferina, y protjalos de enfermedades como varicela, paperas, difteria, polio, cepas de gripe, enfermedad neumoccica, hepatitis a y b, rotavirus, rubola y hib. #condado de suffolk #programa de accin de inmunizacin #pronto #vacunasgratis. *** publicacin de @cdc ***",05/08/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6uPj56JKho/,"melanie penelope music  spread the word like the measles

#melaniepenelope #musician #singersongwriter #musiciansofinstagram #acousticmusic #alternativemusic #acousticalternative #singing #mesinging #originalsong #indiemusic #stagename","melanie penelope music  spread the word like the measles

#melaniepenelope #musician #singersongwriter #musiciansofinstagram #acousticmusic #alternativemusic #acousticalternative #singing #mesinging #originalsong #indiemusic #stagename",05/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6tQlnlPGmU/,"mmr vaccine
schedule (acvip)
1st dose : completion of 9 months
2nd dose : 15 - 18 months
3rd dose : 4- 5 yeas","mmr vaccine
schedule (acvip)
1st dose : completion of 9 months
2nd dose : 15 - 18 months
3rd dose : 4- 5 yeas",05/08/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/houstonhealthdepartment/reel/C6tz3c1iU_B/,"before you go, shield them from measles! ensure your children are vaccinated before traveling. keep them safe, healthy, and ready for adventure.  for more information on measles visit https://bit.ly/45toim0 #measles #healthmatters #hhd","before you go, shield them from measles! ensure your children are vaccinated before traveling. keep them safe, healthy, and ready for adventure.  for more information on measles visit https://bit.ly/45toim0 #measles #healthmatters #hhd",05/08/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/betterremedies/reel/C6vHeq2Sl5r/,"homemade neosporin 
by @x3eauty6 

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup dried lavender
1/2 cup dried calendula
2 tb beeswax pellets
20 drops tea tree essential oil
6 drops lavender essential oil
6 drops lemongrass essential oil
optional - oil of oregano (7 drops) 

in a double boiler, combine the coconut oil, olive oil. once melted, add in the dried lavender and calendula. keeping the heat on low, allow the herbs to infuse for 30 minutes. 

after 30 minutes, add your bees wax and let it melt. once melted, prepare a small bowl with a cheesecloth. 

pour the mixture through the filter, filtering out the herbs and any impurities left in the beeswax. add the essential oils (tea tree and lavender & lemongrass make sure you are using medicinal grade and not perfumes).

pour the mixture into one large jar or two small jars (2-4oz. jars). the mixture will begin to solidify. 

once set, it's ready to use and will last for up to 1 year at room temperature. 

ℹ  ℹ  ℹ  ℹ  

coconut oil & olive oil 
it's found that mixing both oils help sped up healing, improved antioxidant status and increased levels of collagen, an important protein that aids in wound healing.

has been used for centuries medicinally to treat skin irritation, infections, burns, and sunburn. calendula was also used in the back in the days in war for wounds, measles, smallpox, and jaundice.

enhances skin elasticity, helping reduce the signs of ageing. beeswax is anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and germicidal

herbalists treat skin ailments, such as fungal infections, wounds, eczema, and acne

tea tree & lemongrass oil  
is an effective antibacterial and antifungal agent that contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties

avoided on babies younger than 6 months old and carefully patch-tested on older infants and adults    

#foryourpage #viral #healing #healingherbs #skin #skincaretips #coldsores #cuts #antibacterial #antibiotic #homemade #homemadewithlove #losangeles #losangeles_city #downtownla #downtownlosangeles","homemade neosporin 
by @x3eauty6 

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup dried lavender
1/2 cup dried calendula
2 tb beeswax pellets
20 drops tea tree essential oil
6 drops lavender essential oil
6 drops lemongrass essential oil
optional - oil of oregano (7 drops) 

in a double boiler, combine the coconut oil, olive oil. once melted, add in the dried lavender and calendula. keeping the heat on low, allow the herbs to infuse for 30 minutes. 

after 30 minutes, add your bees wax and let it melt. once melted, prepare a small bowl with a cheesecloth. 

pour the mixture through the filter, filtering out the herbs and any impurities left in the beeswax. add the essential oils (tea tree and lavender & lemongrass make sure you are using medicinal grade and not perfumes).

pour the mixture into one large jar or two small jars (2-4oz. jars). the mixture will begin to solidify. 

once set, it's ready to use and will last for up to 1 year at room temperature. 

ℹ  ℹ  ℹ  ℹ  

coconut oil & olive oil 
it's found that mixing both oils help sped up healing, improved antioxidant status and increased levels of collagen, an important protein that aids in wound healing.

has been used for centuries medicinally to treat skin irritation, infections, burns, and sunburn. calendula was also used in the back in the days in war for wounds, measles, smallpox, and jaundice.

enhances skin elasticity, helping reduce the signs of ageing. beeswax is anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and germicidal

herbalists treat skin ailments, such as fungal infections, wounds, eczema, and acne

tea tree & lemongrass oil  
is an effective antibacterial and antifungal agent that contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties

avoided on babies younger than 6 months old and carefully patch-tested on older infants and adults    

#foryourpage #viral #healing #healingherbs #skin #skincaretips #coldsores #cuts #antibacterial #antibiotic #homemade #homemadewithlove #losangeles #losangeles_city #downtownla #downtownlosangeles",05/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvCecNz0JnI,measles and vaccine hesitancy,"the mvp team speaks with michigan state university's dr. kathy hoag, professor, biomedical laboratory diagnostics program, and dr. anjana susarla omura-saxena, professor, responsible ai, about recent outbreaks of measles and the effects of vaccine hesitancy. 

to learn more about the michigan vaccine project and vaccine information, including covid-19, visit extension.msu.edu/learnaboutvaccines.

support for the michigan vaccine project comes from the centers for disease control and prevention and the michigan department of health and human services.",05/09/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePJcXDDVmZk,good question: how worried should we be about measles outbreak?,"on your side tonight with jamie boll_x000d_
 for more local news from wbtv:  https://www.wbtv.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucxezd8l3_yfkiylh5jbxvja",05/09/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEQPSAQIdUs,measles outbreak in south punjab | breaking news | rohi,"measles outbreak in south punjab | breaking news | rohi 
#rohi #news #breakingnews #measles #outbreak #punjab #pakistan #virus 

rohi is a regional news channel for the people of south punjab and the saraiki belt. follow rohi to keep up to date with the latest news and breaking stories.

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#news #rohi #breakingnews #newsheadlines #headlines",05/09/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I32obxKb0RY,bmg mmr vaccine information film (2024),two of our practice nurses explain to you the importance of the mmr vaccine.,05/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,joy,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WwYxozNRUg,"doh reports five times more measles, rubella cases this year","doh reports five times more measles, rubella cases this year

for more news, visit: 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mai2FQ7MmWQ,baby vaccinations after care in tamil / baby thaduppu oosi veekam katti kuraya tips/ thaduppu oosi,"#babyvaccinationstipsintamil
# baby

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9th month vaccine for baby in tamil",05/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvumwXgEhqQ,khasra ka ilaj || khasra ki alamat aur ilaj ||      ||dr. kashif bilal,"khasra ka ilaj || khasra ki alamat aur ilaj ||      ||dr. kashif bilal


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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxT6PkQP11s,oet speaking role play sample - 04 may 2024 exam topic - roseola infantum | mihiraa,"04 may 2024 oet exam topic
oet speaking role play sample video for nurses demonstrates oet speaking role play in the scenario of roseola infantum. the setting of this oet-speaking role play is the clinic. the nurse has just finished examining a 10-month-old baby who's presented with chest rashes. the parents are concerned, fearing it might be measles, but upon assessment, the nurse has diagnosed it as roseola infantum. now, the nurse provides the difference between measles and roseola infantum and provides the necessary guidance for managing the baby's care. by watching this video the nurse will get a clear idea of the scenario of the mother's concern about the roseola infantum in the oet speaking role-play session for nurses.

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@mihiraa @listeningwithmihiraa @speakwithmihiraa @healthcareenglishbymihiraa @ieltswithmihiraa",05/09/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDrfhXoYhnc,when the boss is too spicy ,"subscribe for more spice and original vgm

if you're interested in commissioning me for custom music or hiring me for a game development project contact me through my website: https://www.jadeneubanks.com/

my itch.io: https://joe-e-measles.itch.io
all my links: https://linktr.ee/jaden_eubanks",05/09/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KEhBjxp_MA,tom and jerry | polka-dot puss (1949),"follow us for more tom and jerry cartoons and be update when cartoon upload on this channel.

tom pretends to have a cold in order to trick mammy into letting him stay inside for the night. jerry tricks tom by making him think he really is sick - with the measles.",05/09/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFOaYELB-fQ,'ice' director tom homan and thomas j douglas on the grassroots truthcast with gene valentino,"quotes from director tom homan, ""it's not about illegal immigration anymore…it's about public health, safety and security…'tb', chicken pox, measles are dominating our concerns at the border…this biden administration has created the most severe border crisis within weeks after they came into office…this administration cannot say that they have done anything to secure the border…if trump wants me back to handle this border mess, i'll be back in a heartbeat!…how do we remove 20-million people?…one at a time…if you're in this country illegally, you're going home!…we must secure the border first…stop the bleeding…then let's talk about those with no criminal history that could become good citizens…there needs to be a fix to making good folks becoming citizens…under president trump we had such a plan…congress ignored us…many on the 'left' now see the 2-million 'got-aways' are a serious crisis…disease is coming across the border every day!…this biden administration is treasonous!…10 times more likely to see terrorists crossing the northern border soon…there is a plan to destroy this nation if trump does not get back in…something is coming…with 2-million got-aways out there, something is coming !!!

'ice' director tom homan and thomas j douglas on the grassroots truthcast with gene valentino

original media source(s):
‣ originally recorded on may 6, 2024
‣ grassroots truthcast: season 2, episode 245
‣ image courtesy of: genevalentino.com (https://genevalentino.com/) 

➡ join the conversation: https://genevalentino.com
➡ wmxi facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/newsradio981
➡ more wmxi interviews: https://genevalentino.com/wmxi-interviews/
➡ more grassroots truthcast episodes: https://genevalentino.com/grassroots-truthcast-with-gene-valentino/
➡ more broadcasts with gene as the guest: https://genevalentino.com/america-beyond-the-noise/ 
➡ more about gene valentino: https://genevalentino.com/about-gene-valentino/",05/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.facebook.com/cdc/videos/parents-did-you-know-measles-virus-can-remain-infectious-in-the-air-for-up-to-tw/944773443862201/,"parents: did you know measles virus can remain infectious in the air for up to two hours? measles is one of the most contagious of all infectious diseases.
make sure your children are protected against measles with the mmr vaccine: https://bit.ly/43izdy1","parents: did you know measles virus can remain infectious in the air for up to two hours? measles is one of the most contagious of all infectious diseases.
make sure your children are protected against measles with the mmr vaccine: https://bit.ly/43izdy1",05/09/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.wowktv.com/video/wv-health-leaders-no-widespread-exposures-to-measles/9680962/,wv health leaders: no widespread exposures to measles,"after measles were reported in the mountain state last month, wowk 13 news followed up with health leaders who say no new cases are being reported as of now.",05/09/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.tiktok.com/@pharmy2012/video/7367255065607998766,"posting a little late to the game, but still information you should know about #measles #measlesoutbreak #cdc #poisoncontrol #florida","posting a little late to the game, but still information you should know about #measles #measlesoutbreak #cdc #poisoncontrol #florida",05/10/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drmishmash/video/7367493287722192160,"whooping cough aka pertussis: parent and pregnant alert! please share, you may know me as doctor from strepa infections and recent measles awareness campaigns. save a life and spread the message. #whoopingcough #100daycough #pertussis #fyp #nhsdoctor","whooping cough aka pertussis: parent and pregnant alert! please share, you may know me as doctor from strepa infections and recent measles awareness campaigns. save a life and spread the message. #whoopingcough #100daycough #pertussis #fyp #nhsdoctor",05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3mzv1DzFuU,public health officials confirm case of measles in sacramento county,"a case of measles was confirmed in a child who visited the uc davis davis medical center this week, according to sacramento county public health.

subscribe to kcra on youtube now for more: http://bit.ly/1kjraan

get more sacramento news: http://www.kcra.com
like us: http://facebook.com/kcra3
follow us: http://twitter.com/kcranews
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kcranews/",05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs17pYRGzVQ,child with measles possibly exposed others at uc davis medical center,"sacramento county health officials said a child visited the center twice in two days and may have exposed other visitors and workers. 
read the story: https://fox40.com/news/local-news/sacramento/possible-measles-exposure-at-uc-davis-medical-center-sacramento/",05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5So9iLBSh4,myth vs. fact- measles-rubella vaccinations,"#mythvsfact #bustingmyths

मीजलस रबेला वैकसीन के अहमियत को समें और सही जानकारी के साथ फैसला करें।",05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiEZHeqniy0,child with measles case at uc davis prompts contact tracing,a child with a case of measles who visited the uc davis medical center emergency room this week has health officials contacting people who were possibly exposed.,05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20-Mxos502E,how measles suppresses immunity for years,"measles was thought to have been eradicated from the uk in 2017, but following an outbreak the very next wear, we lost this elimination status. measles is a highly infectious disease that can quickly spread through the unvaccinated population with a high complication rate involving pneumonia, gastroenteritis and even encephalitis. and having recovered from that, there's a further sting in the tail: measles virus suppresses the immune system for years after the infection clears. amalia thomas hears why from velislava petrova, at the wellcome sanger institute in cambridge, who has discovered the... like this podcast? please help us by supporting the naked scientists (https://www.thenakedscientists.com/donate)",05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8SBw6dEDGk,the politics of measles: ethical considerations in the national vaccination debate,"host: brian p. mcdonough, md, faafp 

    the controversy over vaccinations and whether or not to regulate their administration has reached a boiling point in the united states with the recent measles outbreak originating in disneyland, and prominent politicians like senator rand paul and governor chris christie have weighed in to support the anti-vaccine community's appeal for individual choice. what are the ethical, sociological, and political ramifications of these developments in the national vaccination debate, and how should the medical community respond? joining dr. brian mcdonough to discuss the vaccination controversy is dr. arthur caplan, professor and founding director of the division of medical ethics in nyu langone medical center's department of population health.",05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDMJnXAavxo,measles outbreak kills 49 in adamawa,"subscribe to our channel for high profile interviews. follow us on twitter at https://twitter.com/arisetv | 
and instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arisenewsofficial | 
and facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arisetvnews |
 check out our website www.arise.tv",05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbY4y6WTGw8,measles outbreak kills 49 in adamawa,"subscribe to our channel for high profile interviews. follow us on twitter at https://twitter.com/arisetv | 
and instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arisenewsofficial | 
and facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arisetvnews |
 check out our website www.arise.tv",05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecaq2B73Mlk,news update: adamawa records 49 de*ths due to measles outbreak + more stories | 4pm 10/05/2024,"this is news update from trust tv.

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#trusttvnews #nigerianews #todaynews #latestupdate #politics #tinubu #elections",05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mKyWACOI8pQ,mumps incubation period | #mumps #shorts #trending,"also know:  how long does mumps last | mumps incubation period treatment | how long do mumps last in toddlers  
 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps,  which doctor to consult for mumps, which doctor will treat mumps,  how long does mumps last, mumps incubation period treatment, how long do mumps last in toddlers ,pace hospitals",05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uJiuHMnB7Y,viral exanthemas: measles,"dermatology rounds: dr hessami. dermatology
1. review of viral exanthemas: measles…
2. review of mortality/ morbidity of two recent cases",05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQx1gCB_e80,stay protected: the rise of mumps cases in delhi and how to prevent it,informative video delve recent surge mumps cases delhi kerala children being administered doses mmr vaccine dr. himanshu batra consultant-pediatrics manipal hospital explains importance mmr vaccine preventing mumps complications details dosages schedule administering mmr vaccine highlighting recent addition third dose years age dr. batra also clarifies individuals missed out vaccine early childhood still receive age join explore significance vaccination combating mumps necessity seeking medical advice personalized healthcare stay informed stay protected,05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEfyhwVYBdg,2324 pka4 qb7 sm025,"measles is a viral disease that causes fever and red rashes on the body. from medical studies, 95% of children who received 2 doses of the mmr vaccine received protection from the virus. 
(a)  if ten children are given the vaccine, find the probability that
(i)  exactly one child can become infected after vaccination. 
(ii)  at least four children can become infected after vaccination. 
(b)  a random sample of 40 students are chosen. find the expected number of student can become infected after vaccination in that sample.
(c)  smk baluran has 520 students and all students have been vaccinated. find the
(i) probability that more than 32 students can become infected after vaccination. 
(ii) smallest possible value n such that the probability that at least n student become infected after vaccination is 0.33.",05/10/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efYLBUlhC0w,mumps |മണിനീര മാതാപിതാകകൾ അറിഞഞിരികകേണത!!! |dr amalu m babu i kutti doc with kutti talks,"mumps |മണിനീര മാതാപിതാകകൾ അറിഞഞിരികകേണത!!! |dr amalu m babu i kutti doc with kutti talks

mumps, familiar disease with recent reported  cases. 
it is a viral infection, the illness starts with mild symptoms such as 
headache, fever and fatigue. but then it typically leads to severe swelling in certain salivary glands (parotitis) that causes puffy cheeks and a tender, swollen jaw.

yes, mumps is a very contagious viral infection. if your child has mumps, they're contagious from a few days before their glands swell to up to five days after the swelling began. therefore, your child should minimize contact with others. they shouldn't go to school or childcare. up to one-third of people with mumps don't have any symptoms, but they can still be contagious.

you can protect your child by having them get the measles-mumps-rubella (mmr) vaccine. although mumps is usually a mild disease, serious complications can occur.

mumps is a highly preventable disease because of the effectiveness of the mumps vaccine. healthcare providers usually give the vaccine for mumps as part of a combination vaccine that protects against measles, mumps and rubella.
#doctor #dramalu  #amalu #disease #viralinfections #mumps #kids  #parenting #tips #newbornbaby",05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iSW5fgAF0w,"mumps: আচমকা মামপস রোগীর সংখযা বাড়ছে শহর থেকে জেলা, সরকারি সতরে পরতিষেধক মিলবে কবে?ভূমিকা:","mumps: আচমকা মামপস রোগীর সংখযা বাড়ছে শহর থেকে জেলা, সরকারি সতরে পরতিষেধক মিলবে কবে?

সমপরতি, মামপস রোগীর সংখযা উললেখযোগয হারে বৃদধি পাচছে। শধমাতর শহর নয়, জেলায়ও ই রোগের দাপ বেড়েছে। ই পরিসথিতিতে, অনেকেই উদবিগন বং জানতে চাচছেন সরকার কবে থেকে মামপসের পরতিষেধক পরদান করবে।

মামপস রোগের উপসরগ:

জবর: মামপস রোগের পরধান উপসরগ হলো জবর।
গলার বযথা: রোগীদের গলায় বযথা বং কাশির সমসযা দেখা দিতে পারে।
সোজা গাল: মামপস রোগের সবচেয়ে চিহনিত উপসরগ হলো গালের দ'পাশে ফোলাভাব।
মাথাবযথা: মাথাবযথাও মামপস রোগের কি সাধারণ উপসরগ।
শরীরে বযথা: শরীরে বযথা, বিশেষ করে পেশীতে বযথা, মামপস রোগের আরেকি উপসরগ।
মামপস রোগের কারণ:

মামপস রোগ paramyxovirus নামক ভাইরাসের সংকরমণের ফলে হয়। ই ভাইরাসি শবাস-পরশবাসের মাধযমে, কাশি বা হাচির মাধযমে ছড়িয়ে পড়ে।

মামপস রোগের পরতিষেধ:

মামপস রোগের পরতিষেধক (mmr vaccine)  পরদান করা হয়। ই পরতিষেধক মামপস, খসা বং রবেলা রোগের বিরদধে পরতিরোধ গড়ে তোলে।

সরকারি সতরে পরতিষেধক পরদানের সময়সূচী:


শিশদের জনয: 12 মাস বয়সে পরথম ডোজ বং 15-18 মাস বয়সে দবিতীয় ডোজ mmr পরতিষেধক দেওয়া হয়।

18 মাসের বেশি বয়সীদের জনয:

যারা আগে কখনো mmr পরতিষেধক পাননি তাদের দই ডোজ mmr পরতিষেধক দেওয়া হয়।
যারা ক ডোজ mmr পরতিষেধক পেয়েছেন তাদের আরেক ডোজ mmr পরতিষেধক দেওয়া হয়।
নতন নিরদেশিকা অনসারে:

6 মাস বয়সে শিশদের পরথম ডোজ mmr পরতিষেধক দেওয়া হবে।
12 মাস বয়সে দবিতীয় ডোজ mmr পরতিষেধক দেওয়া হবে।
15-18 মাস বয়সে তৃতীয় ডোজ mmr পরতিষেধক দেওয়া হবে।
ই নতন নিরদেশিকা কবে থেকে কারযকর হবে তা খনো সরকার করতৃক ঘোষণা করা হয়নি।

মামপস রোগ থেকে সাবধানে থাকার উপায়:

mmr পরতিষেধক নিন: মামপস রোগ থেকে সাবধানে থাকার সবচেয়ে ভালো উপায় হলো mmr পরতিষেধক নেওয়া।
হাত ধোয়ার পরতি যতনবান থাকন: হাত ধোয়া জীবাণ বং ভাইরাস ছড়িয়ে পড়া রোধ করতে সাহাযয করে।",05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viI-DW8DWLw,vaccine hesitancy | lswi segments | 5/10/2024,"more parents are opting out of the vaccination process, slowly decreasing the threshold for herd immunity against dangerous, viral infections. measles is one such eradicated virus making a global comeback as a result of decreased vaccinations in children. though louisiana has only recorded two cases this year, health advocacy groups warn that more outbreaks are possible if the legislature greenlights a series of bills that loosen vaccine restrictions in schools. in this segment, lpb's kara st. cyr reports.",05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7nEpxf_Dp4,"vaccination hesitancy, insurance, river road museum, young heroes: tr  bishop | lswi | 05/10/2024","vaccination regulation & infection rates in children
more parents are opting out of the vaccination process, slowly decreasing the threshold for herd immunity against dangerous, viral infections. measles is one such eradicated virus making a global comeback as a result of decreased vaccinations in children. though louisiana has only recorded two cases this year, health advocacy groups warn that more outbreaks are possible if the legislature greenlights a series of bills that loosen vaccine restrictions in schools. in this segment, lpb's kara st. cyr reports. 

insurance reform bills
in this week's louisiana speaks, senate insurance chairman kirk talbot shares a progress report on insurance reform with less than one month left in the 2024 legislative session. senator talbot joined governor jeff landry recently as the governor signed into law four insurance reform bills aimed at stabilizing louisiana's property insurance market. in this segment, lpb's karen leblanc talks with talbot about the realities of providing relief to thousands of louisianians struggling with rising home and auto insurance rates.

great river road museum
the great river road museum in darrow, louisiana, aims to offer an honest retelling of turbulent times in the louisiana south. the federally funded museum traces the history of estates that populated the river road from new orleans to baton rouge. in this segment, lpb's karen leblanc takes us on a tour of its vast collection tied to the realities of a different time.

 louisiana young heroes: tr bishop
tr bishop's parents encouraged him to ""go out every day and change the world, when he was just a boy. since then, he's made it his mission to give back to the community through several initiatives aimed at helping the homeless and cleaning litter in his hometown of lafayette. tr does all of this despite dealing with adhd, dyslexia, and dysgraphia—an inability to turn thoughts into written words. in this segment, kara st. cyr. introduces tr bishop, as this concludes  lpb's 2024 louisiana young heroes series.",05/10/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,surprise,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4UOpBpNZKI,"how to prevent, treatment of measles? symptoms of measles?  হাম হলে কি খাবে ও কি করবে বাচচাদের সাথে",,05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8K_h6C0QQU,lady shaka @ dj mag hq,"pulotu underworld boss lady shaka plays a dj set from dj mag hq

pulotu underworld is a global collective founded by lady shaka that celebrates pacific island music, culture and artistry through events, projects and acts of alofa (love). pulotu underworld has produced community initiatives for the tonga tsunami relief and the samoa measles epidemic; working with national television and radio shows, advertising companies, fashion brands and top performers.

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https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/video/child-with-measles-case-at-uc-davis-prompts-contact-tracing/,child with measles case at uc davis prompts contact tracing,a child with a case of measles who visited the uc davis medical center emergency room this week has health officials contacting people who were possibly exposed.,05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/HSElive/videos/measles-isnt-just-a-rash/788364636573577/,measles isn't just a rash...,"measles isn't just a rash.
it can lead to serious complications like pneumonia, meningitis, and even brain infections.
protect yourself and your loved ones by making sure you are fully vaccinated.
book your vaccination appointment today. find out where you can get the vaccine on our website: https://bit.ly/4akaumb",05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.kcra.com/article/sacramento-county-measles-health-uc-davis-medical/60759103,public health officials confirm case of measles in sacramento county,public health officials confirm case of measles in sacramento county,05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/video/c2920122-measles-among-most-contagious-viruses,measles among most contagious viruses,jonathan jarry on the toll measles takes on children's bodies once they are infected.,05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://fox40.com/video/child-with-measles-possibly-exposed-others-at-uc-davis-medical-center/9685714/,child with measles possibly exposed others at uc davis medical center,sacramento county health officials said a child visited the center twice in two days and may have exposed other visitors and workers. read the story: https://fox40.com/news/local-news/sacramento/possible-measles-exposure-at-uc-davis-medical-center-sacramento/,05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/health/public-health-officials-confirm-case-of-measles-in-sacramento-county/vi-BB1mbyLj?ocid=hplocalnews,public health officials confirm case of measles in sacramento county,"a case of measles was confirmed in a child who visited the uc davis davis medical center this week, according to sacramento county public health.",05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.facebook.com/cdc/videos/measles-is-more-than-just-a-rash-did-you-know-measles-can-cause-severe-complicat/944304644140476/,"measles is more than just a rash. did you know measles can cause severe complications? complications include: hospitalization, pneumonia, or","measles is more than just a rash. did you know measles can cause severe complications? complications include: hospitalization, pneumonia, or encephalitis (swelling of the brain.) you have the power to protect your family against measles. prevent measles with the mmr vaccine: https://bit.ly/3wpzbkz",05/10/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6yrzintBRO/,"planning a trip outside of the u.s.? make sure you and everyone traveling are protected against #measles, no matter where you're going. tap the link in our bio to learn more. #cdc #publichealth","planning a trip outside of the u.s.? make sure you and everyone traveling are protected against #measles, no matter where you're going. tap the link in our bio to learn more. #cdc #publichealth",05/10/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/irishhealthservice/reel/C6x8xUxscmG/,"measles isn't just a rash.

it can lead to serious complications like pneumonia, meningitis, and even brain infections.

protect yourself and your loved ones by making sure you are fully vaccinated.

book your vaccination appointment today. find out where you can get the vaccine on our website - link in bio.","measles isn't just a rash.

it can lead to serious complications like pneumonia, meningitis, and even brain infections.

protect yourself and your loved ones by making sure you are fully vaccinated.

book your vaccination appointment today. find out where you can get the vaccine on our website - link in bio.",05/10/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/nursing_finest79/reel/C6zEnNxPi_R/,"measles disease
#measles disease
#hospitallife","measles disease
#measles disease
#hospitallife",05/10/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/themedschool_/reel/C60MfPVoVjW/,mnemonic for measles vaccine #communitymedicine #mbbs #fmge #neetpg #preparation #exams #study,mnemonic for measles vaccine #communitymedicine #mbbs #fmge #neetpg #preparation #exams #study,05/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvjfAIv-8cc,what to know about new covid variants and the spread of bird flu and measles,"hospitalizations for covid are at an all-time low four years after the start of the pandemic, but new variants are in circulation. meanwhile, bird flu has been found in 36 dairy herds across nine states, though there has been only one confirmed human case so far in 2024. to find out how concerned we should be about all of this, john yang speaks with epidemiologist katelyn jetelina.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krjISbWNWIw,measles case alert issued in melbourne | 9 news australia,"a measles alert has been issued in melbourne after an infected person visited several cafes, supermarkets and pharmacies. | subscribe and : http://9soci.al/km6e50gjsk9 | get more breaking news at 9news.com.au: http://9soci.al/iyco50gjsk6

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#9news #breakingnews #ninenewsaustralia #9newsaus",05/11/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gowKcWlba9Y,death toll from measles outbreak in adamawa rises to 49,"#wike #fubara #riversstate #breakingnews #tinubu #bolaahmedtinubu #kashimshettima #abuja #tvcnews #tvc #news #naijanews #naijagist #entertainment #newsupdate #breakingnews #newsinnigeria  #trendinggists  #latestnews #todaynews #breakingnews #trendingvideo #youtuberewind #trending #viral #music #entertainmentnews #climatechange #businessnews #sportsnews #africanews #nigerianyouth #nigeriansports #nigeriaeconomy #nigerianews

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKYPe6n8_oA,measles outbreak: governor fintiri asks officials to embark on awareness campaign,"#measles #outbreak #fintiri #breakingnews #tinubu #bolaahmedtinubu #kashimshettima #abuja #tvcnews #tvc #news #naijanews #naijagist #entertainment #newsupdate #breakingnews #newsinnigeria  #trendinggists  #latestnews #todaynews #breakingnews #trendingvideo #youtuberewind #trending #viral #music #entertainmentnews #climatechange #businessnews #sportsnews #africanews #nigerianyouth #nigeriansports #nigeriaeconomy #nigerianews

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfOChphqKZk,governor fintiri asks officials to embark on awareness campaign after measles outbreak in adamawa,"#wike #fubara #riversstate #breakingnews #tinubu #bolaahmedtinubu #kashimshettima #abuja #tvcnews #tvc #news #naijanews #naijagist #entertainment #newsupdate #breakingnews #newsinnigeria  #trendinggists  #latestnews #todaynews #breakingnews #trendingvideo #youtuberewind #trending #viral #music #entertainmentnews #climatechange #businessnews #sportsnews #africanews #nigerianyouth #nigeriansports #nigeriaeconomy #nigerianews

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psS3koMCpBQ,"pbs news weekend full episode, may 11, 2024","saturday on pbs news weekend, an epidemiologist shares the latest updates about new covid variants and a bird flu outbreak among cows. then, why being around younger people is helping some older americans stay healthier and happier. plus, the hidden history of a photographer who captured the daily lives, struggles and contributions of asian americans.

watch today's segments:
news wrap: israeli military expands rafah evacuation orders
what to know about new covid variants, bird flu and measles
how intergenerational connections help older americans
the historic legacy of asian american photographer corky lee

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00:00 - intro
01:48 - news wrap
05:25 - virus update
12:10 - rethinking aging
20:18 - hidden histories
24:43 - online + goodnight",05/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7H4NDdD7gxs,us embassy travel advisory: travel health notice for measles in the philippines for us citizens,"all travelers to the philippines, including infants and pre-school aged children, should be fully vaccinated against measles, according to cdc immunization schedules.
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 here's the process on how to become a permanent resident of the philippines
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about the eaton squad:
my name is ady. i am a dual citizen of the united states of america and the philippines. the eaton squad aims to provide comprehensive guidelines to travel protocols, immigration rules and updates and other travel related topics to and from the philippines.
the material and information contained on this channel are for general information purposes only. you should not rely upon the material or information on the channel as a basis for making decisions. whilst we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, the eaton squad makes no representation or warranties of any kind, express or implied about the completeness, accuracy, reliability suitability or availability with respect to the channel for any purpose. any reliance you place on such material is therefore strictly at your own risk.
#usembassytraveladvisory #healthadvisory #healthalert #travelupdate",05/11/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05UTjWO7OLI,"lymphatic/inflammation detox tu fu ling, bai xian pi, zi hua di ding, ban zhi lian","resolvent detoxicants: lymphatic decongestants, antitumorals, detumescents
remedies to reduce toxicosis and resolve eczema and tumors, remedies for infection, toxicosis and parasitosis

tu fu ling, bai xian pi, zi hua di ding, ban zhi lian

蜯苓 smilax tu fu ling : rhizoma smilacis glabrae, glabrous greenbrier root 373.641 hz
resolvent detoxicant, dermatropic: metabolic and heavy metal toxicosis with eczema, chronic suppurative dermatoses, psoriasis, syphilis; furunculosis, skin ulcers, boils, abscesses (incl. lymphatic); mercury/silver poisoning lymphatic decongestant, dissolvent, progesteronic: lymphadenitis, fibrocystic breasts; progesterone deficiency antitumoral- cancer (incl. skin, lymphatic) analgesic, anti-inflammatory: acute rheumatoid arthritis, lymph gland pain, gout diuretic, anti-inflammatory: dysuria, albuminuria, chyluria, nephritis, cystitis, jaundice, hepatitis a anastative digestive: dyspepsia, diarrhea, malabsorption, weight loss antileptospiral

白鲜皮 dictamnus bai xian pi : cortex dictamni, dittany root bark 383.658 hz
resolvent detoxicant, dermatropic, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, broad-spectrum antifungal, antibacterial, hepatic, cardiac stimulant, uterine stimulant, analgesic, antipyretic. toxicosis with chronic eczema, dermatitis (esp. with pruritus); impetigo, boils, scabies, german measles (rubella), all fungal skin conditions (tinea); jaundice, arthralgia

紫蚱地 viola zi hua di ding : herba violae, tokyo violet root 902.958 hz
resolvent detoxicant, anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, lymphatic decongestant, detumescent, vulnerary, interferon inducent, leukocytogenic, hepatic. toxicosis with acute local pyogenic infections with heat, redness and swelling; conjunctivitis, laryngitis, otitis media, lymphangitis; abscesses (esp. of head, back, breast, intestines); boils, furuncles, mumps, suppurative osteomyelitis, erysipelas; lymphadenitis; sores, wounds; lung tb, hiv infection; acute icteric hepatitis, jaundice; leukopema.

螲 scutellaria ban zhi lian : herba scutellariae barbatae, barbed skullcap root 888.120 hz
resolvent detoxicant, antitumoral, broad-spectrum anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, hepatobiliary decongestant, diuretic, antivenomous, detumescent, analgesic. toxicosis with tumors, incl. cancer (many types); boils, laryngitis, lung abscess; damp heat febrile infections, influenza, schistosomiasis; hepatitis, cirrhosis, edema with dysuria. topically for boils, pyodermas, snakebites and traumatic injury.

0:00 smilax tu fu ling : rhizoma smilacis glabrae, glabrous greenbrier root
9:44 dictamnus bai xian pi : cortex dictamni, dittany root bark
19:26 viola zi hua di ding : herba violae, tokyo violet root and herb
29:09 scutellaria ban zhi lian : herba scutellariae barbatae, barbed skullcap root",05/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY8x4hq3Yuw,वेठ फला दिया #shorts #short #youtuber #trending #explore #viral #viralshorts @_vector_,"वेठ फला दिया #shorts #short #youtuber #trending #explore #viral #viralshorts @_vector_ shots
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johnson",05/11/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FvjfAIv-8cc&ref=upstract.com,what to know about new covid variants and the spread of bird flu and measles,"hospitalizations for covid are at an all-time low four years after the start of the pandemic, but new variants are in circulation. meanwhile, bird flu has been found in 36 dairy herds across nine states, though there has been only one confirmed human case so far in 2024. to find out how concerned we should be about all of this, john yang speaks with epidemiologist katelyn jetelina.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ITxo2v2UwM,combatting vaccine hesitancy: the global challenge,"subscribe to https://www.youtube.com/@robloak
dive into the complexities of vaccine hesitancy with this thought-provoking video. from the resurgence of diseases to the spread of misinformation, discover the challenges facing global vaccination efforts. through real-life stories and expert insights, gain perspective on the personal and public health impacts of the anti-vax movement. join us in examining this critical issue and exploring potential solutions for a healthier world.
this episode has been filmed in 2019
#vaccine #documentary #health #who #vax #measles #pandemic #disease #covid19 #covid
**this documentary is for educational purposes only.**
all rights reserved  2023 alka link co., ltd.

get more robloak:
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@robloak
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instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robloakbykaruna
twitter: https://twitter.com/robloakbykaruna

contact us: online@alkalink.com",05/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nvV-Fp9Qag,nigeria is the country in the world with most unvaccinated children -celades,"almost 20,000 nigerian children got measles last year and there were over 180 outbreaks. this is why a vaccination campaign is important.
eduardo celades, chief of health, unicef

subscribe to our channel for high profile interviews. follow us on twitter at https://twitter.com/arisetv | 
and instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arisenewsofficial | 
and facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arisetvnews |
 check out our website www.arise.tv",05/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eabraOGCkN0,town chairman haji nawaz ali brohi easy appeal to avoid diseases like typhoid and measles ,"town chairman haji nawaz ali brohi easy appeal to avoid diseases like typhoid and measles 

#ppp #pakistannewslive #sindhi #youtubeshort #malakhra #breakingnews #malakhro #eid #imransheikh #ppp",05/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.facebook.com/9NewsMelbourne/videos/measles-alert-issued-for-melbourne/2632016103652626/,measles alert issued for melbourne,"#breaking: a measles alert has been issued after an infected person visited several cafes, supermarkets and pharmacies last week. #9news",05/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,surprise
https://www.9news.com.au/videos/national/new-measles-case-identified-in-melbourne/clw1ts9v4000a0ip4az9qerda,new measles case identified in melbourne,"a measles alert has been issued after an infected person visited several cafes, supermarkets and pharmacies in melbourne last week.",05/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/arisenewsofficial/reel/C60nfxqodUB/,"nigeria is the country in the world with most unvaccinated children -celades

almost 20,000 nigerian children got measles last year and there were over 180 outbreaks. this is why a vaccination campaign is important.
eduardo celades, chief of health, unicef","nigeria is the country in the world with most unvaccinated children -celades

almost 20,000 nigerian children got measles last year and there were over 180 outbreaks. this is why a vaccination campaign is important.
eduardo celades, chief of health, unicef",05/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C60zmieyjRS/,measles vaccine,measles vaccine,05/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C61AMHhSo5r/,"can a person who is fully vaccinated for mmr suffer from measles?

it's rare for a person who has been fully vaccinated for measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) to contract measles. the mmr vaccine is highly effective, with two doses providing about 97% protection against measles. however, like any vaccine, it's not 100% foolproof. in some cases, vaccinated individuals may still contract measles, but the illness is typically milder and less severe compared to those who are unvaccinated.

measles prevention/ mmr vaccine:

the mmr vaccine is a combined vaccine that protects against three viral infections: measles, mumps, and rubella (german measles). it's typically administered in two doses, with the first dose given around 12 to 15 months of age and the second dose between 4 to 6 years old, although the exact schedule may vary depending on the country's immunization guidelines.

#mmr #vaccine #measlesprevention #skinrash","can a person who is fully vaccinated for mmr suffer from measles?

it's rare for a person who has been fully vaccinated for measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) to contract measles. the mmr vaccine is highly effective, with two doses providing about 97% protection against measles. however, like any vaccine, it's not 100% foolproof. in some cases, vaccinated individuals may still contract measles, but the illness is typically milder and less severe compared to those who are unvaccinated.

measles prevention/ mmr vaccine:

the mmr vaccine is a combined vaccine that protects against three viral infections: measles, mumps, and rubella (german measles). it's typically administered in two doses, with the first dose given around 12 to 15 months of age and the second dose between 4 to 6 years old, although the exact schedule may vary depending on the country's immunization guidelines.

#mmr #vaccine #measlesprevention #skinrash",05/11/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/dr.sadaf.hospital/reel/C61A9GkCDR4/,"| خسرہ ہونے کی صورت میں کیا کرنا چاہیے؟ | Tips by Dr. Sadaf Haroon In this informative video, Dr. Sadaf Haroon provides essential tips on what to do if you or someone you know is dealing with measles (خسرہ). Measles, a highly contagious viral infection, can lead to serious complications if not managed properly. Dr. Sadaf shares practical advice on how to alleviate symptoms, prevent spreading the virus, and when to seek medical help. Whether you're a concerned individual or a caregiver, these insights can make a significant difference in handling measles effectively. Watch now and empower yourself with knowledge to combat this infectious disease. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more health-related content! Stay informed, stay healthy. Dr. Sadaf Haroon is a top pediatrician practicing in Dr. Sadaf's Specialized Hospital, Lehtrar Road, Islamabad. For more information call the number given below 👇 and get an appointment with the best doctor in Islamabad and Rawalpindi. 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐰! 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐔𝐬: 0512241777 / 0331 5583387 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐔𝐬: instagram.com/dr.sadaf.hospital","| خسرہ ہونے کی صورت میں کیا کرنا چاہیے؟ | Tips by Dr. Sadaf Haroon In this informative video, Dr. Sadaf Haroon provides essential tips on what to do if you or someone you know is dealing with measles (خسرہ). Measles, a highly contagious viral infection, can lead to serious complications if not managed properly. Dr. Sadaf shares practical advice on how to alleviate symptoms, prevent spreading the virus, and when to seek medical help. Whether you're a concerned individual or a caregiver, these insights can make a significant difference in handling measles effectively. Watch now and empower yourself with knowledge to combat this infectious disease. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more health-related content! Stay informed, stay healthy. Dr. Sadaf Haroon is a top pediatrician practicing in Dr. Sadaf's Specialized Hospital, Lehtrar Road, Islamabad. For more information call the number given below 👇 and get an appointment with the best doctor in Islamabad and Rawalpindi. 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐰! 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐔𝐬: 0512241777 / 0331 5583387 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐔𝐬: instagram.com/dr.sadaf.hospital",05/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@earnbalancegrow/video/7367752379267173674,"to clarify, when i say ""confirming our suspicions about his autism"" versus ""pre-diagnosis,"" i am referring to two distinct things. we confirmed our suspicions about julius' autism after i took it upon myself to learn about the condition and then reviewed his progress. at the age of 3, it became apparent that there had been no significant improvement from when he was 18 months old after receiving his mmr vaccine, which i firmly believe was the trigger. although a speech delay alone typically does not indicate #autism, when combined with other warning signs, it suggested that my toddler was at risk. therefore, i switched doctors and learned about the lengthy process of obtaining assistance through my insurance. despite this, i took proactive steps and began treating his autism on my own based on the vast information i discovered about this neurodevelopmental disorder through a #holistic and #functional approach. initially, i incorrectly believed he would grow out of it or catch up eventually, but it cost us dearly. nevertheless, i think that autism is not a dead-end diagnosis but rather the beginning of a journey into #faith, #hope, #love, and #recovery. #parentsupport #individualneeds #autismawareness #developmentalmilestones #autismmom #autismfamily #autismcontroversy #asd #autistic #autismparents #autismspectrumdisorder #specialneeds #specialneedsparenting #specialneedsmom #parenting #parentsupport #momsofinstagram #momlife #nonspeakingautism #nonspeaking #motherhood #balance #vaccinedebate","to clarify, when i say ""confirming our suspicions about his autism"" versus ""pre-diagnosis,"" i am referring to two distinct things. we confirmed our suspicions about julius' autism after i took it upon myself to learn about the condition and then reviewed his progress. at the age of 3, it became apparent that there had been no significant improvement from when he was 18 months old after receiving his mmr vaccine, which i firmly believe was the trigger. although a speech delay alone typically does not indicate #autism, when combined with other warning signs, it suggested that my toddler was at risk. therefore, i switched doctors and learned about the lengthy process of obtaining assistance through my insurance. despite this, i took proactive steps and began treating his autism on my own based on the vast information i discovered about this neurodevelopmental disorder through a #holistic and #functional approach. initially, i incorrectly believed he would grow out of it or catch up eventually, but it cost us dearly. nevertheless, i think that autism is not a dead-end diagnosis but rather the beginning of a journey into #faith, #hope, #love, and #recovery. #parentsupport #individualneeds #autismawareness #developmentalmilestones #autismmom #autismfamily #autismcontroversy #asd #autistic #autismparents #autismspectrumdisorder #specialneeds #specialneedsparenting #specialneedsmom #parenting #parentsupport #momsofinstagram #momlife #nonspeakingautism #nonspeaking #motherhood #balance #vaccinedebate",05/11/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@yendayres/video/7368027872319130897,"replying to @graxiosahh                                if you accidentally become pregnant one month after receiving the mmr vaccine, there is no need to panic.","replying to @graxiosahh                                if you accidentally become pregnant one month after receiving the mmr vaccine, there is no need to panic.",05/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qbXHXjrmRU,measles explained,"the ministry of health and human services wishes to advise the public to remain alert for the signs and symptoms of measles.
measles is a highly infectious disease and 90% of people who come into contact with a positive case will get measles if they are unvaccinated.  the signs and symptoms of measles are:
1. fever 
2. red rash (starts behind the ear and then spreads to the head and neck then body)
3. coryza (runny nose)
4. cough
5. conjunctivitis (red eyes)
6. body aches
7. small greyish white spots with a bluish-white center inside the mouth, cheek, and throat.",05/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQ6KZsTBHNw,mumps virus: from tiny droplet to swollen parotid glands (what you need to know) | virology 101,"#mumps #virology #paramyxoviruses
microbes lovers come here: https://www.youtube.com/@informationboxticketlifestyles?sub_confirmation=1

ever wondered why people get puffy cheeks with mumps? this video dives deep into the mumps virus, from its tiny droplet origins to the uncomfortable parotid gland swelling. we'll explore how it spreads, the potential complications, and most importantly, how to prevent it with the mmr vaccine!

here's what you'll learn:
- how the mumps virus works (it's more than just swollen cheeks!)
- symptoms and complications to watch out for
- the importance of getting vaccinated (mmr vaccine is your friend!)

mumps virus: from tiny droplet to swollen parotid glands (what you need to know) | virology 101

#animatedlecture #virology101 #microbiology101 #mumpsviru #virus #parainfluenzavirus #edushorts #mmrvaccine #childhooddiseases #health #vaccination #immunization 
don't forget to subscribe and follow my other social handles: 
instagram: doctor_dr2021 
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facebook: mahrukhsaeed1998
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substack: doctor_dr2021
microbiology,microbiology101,informationboxticket lifestyles,doctor_dr2021,microbiology usmle,virology,mumps virus,mumps symptoms,mumps treatment,mumps,mumps virus microbiology,mumps disease,mumps virus notes,mumps viral infection,what is mumps,mumps virus treatment,mumps causes,causes of mumps,mumps in children,mumps vaccine,mumps diagnosis,mumps prevention,mumps infection,mumps signs and symptoms,mumps complications,animated lectures,microtubes,virus",05/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92GVsYPdBe4,"""a new hero for health: arsam vaccination against measles and diphtheria""","in a nomadic area, vaccination of little ones against measles and diphtheria is important and vital.  this vaccination is very important because it prevents dangerous diseases transmitted through viral infections.  by receiving this vaccine, little arsam will reduce the risk of these diseases and achieve better health and growth.

 the local clinic, as the center responsible for vaccinating children and maintaining their health, provides the necessary training to the parents of little arsam.  these tutorials include an explanation of how to care for your child after vaccination, signs to watch for, and tips on your child's overall health.

 parents of little arsam, with the information obtained from the clinic, can provide the best care for their child and ensure his health and healthy development.  this action is important not only for arsam, but also for the nomadic community as a whole, because it has a direct impact on the healthy development of children as the future of the community.

#vaccinationsuccess #childhealth #communitycare #preventivemedicine #parentingtips #healthykids #ruralhealthcare #childhoodvaccines #empoweringparents #healtheducation #communitywellness #childdevelopment #vaccineawareness #pediatriccare #healthpromotion #diseaseprevention #parentalsupport #childsafety #communityengagement #vaccineimpact #ruralmedicine #healthliteracy #epidemicprevention #childhoodillnesses #vaccineefficacy #medicalguidance #parentaleducation #healthcareaccess #childwellbeing #healthempowerment",05/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArrKsCubGRo,what's driving the anti-vax movement? | the excerpt,"whether someone has or hasn't been vaccinated for covid-19, the measles, or even for polio, has become a controversial topic. that's not new. resistance to vaccines is well over a century old. what is new, and what's grabbing headlines right now, are the outbreaks of measles and other vaccine-preventable illnesses that are spreading globally. the cdc recently reported that nearly a third of all u.s. measles cases since 2020 happened in the past three months. hesitancy around vaccines has even spilled over to pet owners, with some not vaccinating their animals against rabies. both medical professionals and governments agree that vaccines are good for us, so why do some people remain unconvinced? ina pinkney, a passionate speaker who travels around the country advocating for vaccines, joins the excerpt to discuss the anti-vax movement.

correction: this episode has been updated to remove an incorrect reference to the hpv vaccine.

#podcast #vaccine #medicine",05/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,anger,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8zx9mR8CLc,omg - 42 d€ad from measles 0utbreakas ndc secretary and headmaster arrest€d f0r registering minors,,05/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEgdmXC86wU,"""a challenging work environment is great."" radiographer tom randell on ausmat deployment #asmirt2024","radiographer tom randell delivered an address, titled 'from typhoons to measles – an ausmat radiographer's experience', at #asmirt2024 in darwin on larrakia country. he talks to croakey about the challenges and rewards.",05/12/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPXRIll3gRE,በᚠሪᚫ ᚨᚠስሩ ᜈዳይ በሽታወች ᚥᚕዴት መᚨላᚨ ይቻላ/how to prevent from top 10 fatal diseases in africa,"according to the latest data (2019), the leading causes of death in the african region were neonatal conditions, _x000d_
followed by lower respiratory infections and diarrhoeal diseases (11.3%, 9.9% and 6.4% of all deaths, _x000d_
• hiv/aids moved from the leading cause of death in the african region in 2000 (with about 1.07 million deaths, _x000d_
12.4 % of all deaths) to the fourth leading cause in 2019 (with about 435 000 deaths, 5.6% of all deaths)._x000d_
• malaria was the fifth leading cause of death in the african region in 2000 (with about 666 000 deaths, 7.7 % of _x000d_
all deaths) and the 7th leading cause in 2019 (with about 388 000 deaths, 5.5% of all deaths)._x000d_
• measles dropped from the seventh leading cause of death in the african region in 2000 (with about 346 000 _x000d_
deaths, 4 % of all deaths) to the 18th leading cause in 2019 (with about 109 000 deaths, 1.4% of all deaths)._x000d_
• stroke kills more now than 20 years ago in the african region. it was responsible of 3.9% of deaths in 2000 and _x000d_
5.5% of deaths in 2019. it climbed from the eighth to sixth leading cause of death between 2000 and 2019._x000d_
• ischaemic heart disease was the ninth leading cause of death in the african region in 2000 (3.5% of all deaths) 

and the 5th leading cause in 2019 (5.5%  according to the latest data, more than 1.01 million newborns (0–28 days) died in the african region in 2019 _x000d_
(about 13% of all deaths)._x000d_
• birth asphyxia and birth trauma (about 29.5% of neonatal deaths) was the first cause of death among newborns, _x000d_
followed by preterm birth complications (about 29.5% of neonatal deaths) and neonatal sepsis and infections _x000d_
(around 16% deaths)._x000d_
• tetanus now kills fewer babies than it did 20 years ago. it moved from fifth to 10th leading cause of neonatal _x000d_
death between 2000 and 2019._x000d_
• on the other hand, neural tube defects moved from the seventh to the eighth most common cause of death _x000d_
between 2000 and 2009. it increased from 1.98% to 2.32% of neonatal deaths between 2000 and 2019.

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a yesetelen,ethio tena,ethio health,tena yesetelen,tina.tena,ᜤᚓ ይስᜥᚕ,tina yesetlgn,ᜤᚓ ይስᜥ,ethiopia remedy,ethio medicine,first aid,ethio family tube,tena ethio, ᜤᚓ ᚢትዬ,addis info,ᚠዲስ ᚢᚕ,ቡር, dr. tena,dr nathan,tenaseb,abel birhanu,ethio nurse,yene tena, ᜤᚓ ᚢትዬ, ᚢትዬ ᜤᚓ, ᚢዲስ ᚢᚕ official ,eyoha media,abugida media,abugida media- ᚠቡ᜚ዳ ሚዲያ, nuro bezede world, መላ, zagol family ዛ᜞ ቤተሰብ , ethiopian beauty,ermi the ethiopia,saba ethio tube, ebstv,tinadam,zengebel worldwide,cause, yegna tv የ᚛ ቲቪ, dr sofonias-sofi,ethio beauty tips,dr habesha info,side effects,hypertension, kidney stones,heart failure,liver,disease,treatment,tinawo bebitwo,how, disease prevention,what is, መᚨላᚨያ መᚕᜈዶች, ᚭᚕያት, መድሀᚒቱ , ስᚕተ ወሲብ, የባህ ህᚭᚓ, የመተᚕስ ችር, የᚩላሚት ችር መᚕስᚤ, የሳᚕባ ች, ᚪᚕታሮት, ች, የᚥብድ ሻ መድሃᚒት , የብ በሽታ, የሆድ ርᜠት ᚭᚕያቶች, የራስ ታት , የᜉᚕᚕ መዳᚒት, የስᚳር በሽታ, ደ ት , diabetes mellitus, stroke,hpv,liver failure,kidney failure, fungus, skin disease, የቆዳ በሽታ, የᚠባላዘር በሽታ, የᚠይᚕ ችር, የᜃርባ ህመ, የርብ ችር,nerve, ᜤᚓዳ, ᚕᜅብ, problem,solution,habesha ,hakim ,uᚪ",05/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0d-vvTBnD4,grab a blanket & coffee for some chaotic ffxiv!,"we're midway through fall and i'd like to slowly get some more equipment on my farm. we have 2 daughters, and the measles is hopefully leaving the village, but not being taking a ton of villagers with it._x000d_
- play nice or get the hammer._x000d_
- no slurs. no politics._x000d_
- lurking is 100% and encouraged._x000d_
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#vtuber #echoesoftheplumgrove #cozygaming _x000d_
echoes of the plum groves, cozy gaming, cozy games, comfy games, plum groves, stardew valley, harvest moon, story of season",05/12/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,anger,joy
https://www.instagram.com/cgpublichealth/reel/C64nZrdLVA_/,"with the recent cases of measles that have been reported in the united states, now is a good time to have your and your families vaccine records checked. talk to your provider today!","with the recent cases of measles that have been reported in the united states, now is a good time to have your and your families vaccine records checked. talk to your provider today!",05/12/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/rizwan_gauhar/reel/C64FUKXr9Tl/,treatment of measles #measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measlesrash #measlessymptoms #measlesvirus #measlestreatment #measlesdisease #measlesexplained #khasra,treatment of measles #measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measlesrash #measlessymptoms #measlesvirus #measlestreatment #measlesdisease #measlesexplained #khasra,05/12/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,disgust,disgust
https://www.tiktok.com/@ect4health/video/7368407209912372498,replying to @saddiq nawaz 1 n 5000 vaccinated but up to 1:600 unvaccinated children contracting measles.   deadly!!   get vaccinated . #fyp #nurseeducation #robtimmings #nursesoftiktok #ect4health #sspe #measles,replying to @saddiq nawaz 1 n 5000 vaccinated but up to 1:600 unvaccinated children contracting measles.   deadly!!   get vaccinated . #fyp #nurseeducation #robtimmings #nursesoftiktok #ect4health #sspe #measles,05/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezNyqZPRvMc,birth by c-section 'more than doubles odds of measles vaccine failure' ...tech & science daily,"find tech & science daily wherever you find your podcasts, or via this link:

professor henrik salje from the university of cambridge tells tech & science daily about his research which suggests babies born from c-section 'need two measles jabs for full protection'.
mr salje and the team at cambridge along with researchers from fudan university in china, found that a single dose of the measles jab is up to 2.6 times more likely to be completely ineffective in children born by c-section, compared to those born naturally.

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for latest breaking news from the uk, us and around the world, plus podcasts and features.

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and instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evening.standard",05/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvUUvpHTdHk,measles-rubella- myth vs. fact,"#measlesrubella #healthforall

debunking myths!  measles rubella (mr) vaccine does not impact children's immunity negatively. here are the facts you need to know!",05/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zQxZk4MBW4,measles vaccine more than twice as likely not to work in children born by c-section,"2.6 times more likely to be ""completely ineffective. that's what researchers found about a single dose of the measles vaccine given to children born by c-section.  veuer's elizabeth keatinge has more. 

subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/buzz60_x000d_
buzz60 is designed for the way we live now. short, quirky video snacks that are a little sassy, and always smart. buzz 60 -- and the buzz60 channel on youtube - produces all kinds of news video clips for web viewers who want more than just repurposed content. our team is a diverse group of video journalists with dozens of emmy awards, an authentic sense of humor, and a mandate to connect with viewers every day._x000d_
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBQkFDXgO64,"night of gunfire in five cays, 20-year-old in custody; measles containment efforts underway | may 13","join deandrea hamilton for the midday edition of the news. stay updated on the latest developments, including the arrest and arraignment of a suspect in the brazen robbery at chances bar. plus, learn why turks and caicos residents are expressing displeasure over carnival cruise negotiations.

a magnetic media production.

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#magneticmedia  #turksandcaicosislands #thebahamas #thecaribbean #topstories",05/13/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeAfhKhP4OE,health headlines: how academic performance is impacted by sleep,"in today's health headlines one diet and exercise combination can dramatically change your metabolism, how academic performance is impacted by sleep and how children born by c-section may need two doses of the measles vaccine.",05/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HksvG3JImrc,checking in with kern county public health,"key budge sits down with kern county public health's lead epidemiologist kim hernandez to learn more about recent health trends in the county and how they relate to tehachapi. from measles to street vendors, we touch on what you need to know to keep yourself protected and healthy. for more information, visit the website: www.kernpublichealth.com",05/13/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGaDBEMy3uk,birth trauma report: good pregnancy care 'exception not rule' ...tech & science daily podcast,"find tech & science daily wherever you find your podcasts, or via this link:
a report from the birth trauma inquiry is calling for an overhaul of the uk's maternity and postnatal care - as well as for the creation of a new 'maternity commissioner' who would report directly to the prime minister.
the inquiry heard ""harrowing"" evidence from more than 1,300 women - where some revealed they were left in blood-soaked sheets and others said their children had suffered life-changing injuries due to medical negligence.
nhs england chief executive amanda pritchard said the experiences outlined in the report ""are simply not good enough"".
it's estimated that 30,000 women a year in the uk have suffered negative experiences during the delivery of their babies - and one-in-20 develop post-traumatic stress disorder.
professor henrik salje from the university of cambridge tells tech & science daily about his research which suggests babies born from c-section 'need two measles jabs for full protection'.
mr salje and the team at cambridge along with researchers from fudan university in china, found that a single dose of the measles jab is up to 2.6 times more likely to be completely ineffective in children born by c-section, compared to those born naturally.
two professional skydivers successfully complete the world's first wingsuit flight through london's tower bridge. austrian red bull skydivers marco furst and marco waltenspiel jumped from a helicopter at 3,000 feet high on sunday morning, diving down to 35 metres above the river thames.
and the rest
study finds internet use linked to higher wellbeing, wales becomes first uk nation to join metaverse, and 'source of sugar, not just amount, could impact weight in children'.
plus, why classic british insults are dying out.
you can listen to the episode in the player above, find us on apple, spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

subscribe to the evening standard: https://bit.ly/subscribe-to-evening-standard
for latest breaking news from the uk, us and around the world, plus podcasts and features.

evening standard on socials:
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and instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evening.standard",05/13/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpXyntyDjSc,top stories: rpd released footage and additional details from the officer-involved shooting in april,"top stories | may 13: preston donion goes over some of today's top news and weather headlines, including:

1) redding police have released footage and additional details of the officer-involved shooting of cody bailey from april.
2) a fire almost burnt down a two-story structure near shasta college yesterday.
3) governor newsom has unveiled his plan to address the state's budget deficit.
4) a pilot survived an agricultural plane crash yesterday afternoon in glenn county.
5) humboldt county officials say two locations in eureka have possibly exposed people to measles.

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krcr is a redding-based station and a kcvu/kaef affiliate owned and operated by sinclair broadcast group. sinclair broadcast group is one of the largest and most diversified broadcasting companies in the country today. sinclair owns and operates, programs or provides sales services to 163 television stations in 77 markets, after pending transactions. sinclair's television group reaches approximately 38.7% of us television households and includes fox, abc, mytv, cw, cbs, nbc, univision, and azteca affiliates. 

#krcr #redding #chico #redbluff #anderson #weaverville #mtshasta #alturas #tehamacounty #shastacounty #buttecounty #glenncounty #modoccounty #siskiyoucounty #northerncalifornia #norcal #northstate",05/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4wSEoj8Rt4,dream and bass,"subscribe for more dreams and original vgm

if you're interested in commissioning me for custom music or hiring me for a game development project contact me through my website: https://www.jadeneubanks.com/

my itch.io: https://joe-e-measles.itch.io
all my links: https://linktr.ee/jaden_eubanks",05/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kqe7xyvJa-k,viral meningitis,"viral meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord, caused by a viral infection. it's typically less severe than bacterial meningitis but can still cause discomfort and illness.

symptoms of viral meningitis often resemble those of bacterial meningitis and may include:
- fever
- headache
- stiff neck
- sensitivity to light
- nausea and vomiting
- fatigue
- confusion

in most cases, viral meningitis resolves on its own within a couple of weeks with rest, fluids, and over-the-counter pain relievers to manage symptoms. however, in some instances, hospitalization and supportive care may be necessary, especially if symptoms are severe or if the patient has a weakened immune system.

viral meningitis is usually caused by enteroviruses, which are common viruses that are typically transmitted through respiratory secretions (such as saliva or nasal mucus) or fecal matter. other viruses, such as herpesviruses, arboviruses, and mumps virus, can also cause viral meningitis but are less common.

preventive measures include practicing good hygiene, such as washing hands frequently, avoiding close contact with sick individuals, and staying up to date with vaccinations where available (e.g., for measles, mumps, rubella).",05/13/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@shanncatipay/video/7368439604904496389,"for immunity ug protection sa inyo mga bata laban polio ug measles, handa mi mubakuna bahala€™g init kaayong panahon. heat index wala ra na sa amoa. ' niitom na jud tawon pamakuna. salamat sa mga niabri sa ilang pirtahan arun mabakunahan ilaa mga bata. with nurse @ybhang #nurse #learnitontiktok #nurselife #nurse #ndp #hrh #vaccine #nursesoftiktok","for immunity ug protection sa inyo mga bata laban polio ug measles, handa mi mubakuna bahala€™g init kaayong panahon. heat index wala ra na sa amoa. ' niitom na jud tawon pamakuna. salamat sa mga niabri sa ilang pirtahan arun mabakunahan ilaa mga bata. with nurse @ybhang #nurse #learnitontiktok #nurselife #nurse #ndp #hrh #vaccine #nursesoftiktok",05/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/mohfwindia/reel/C658V2bPaJQ/,"debunking myths!  measles rubella (mr) vaccine does not impact children's immunity negatively. here are the facts you need to know!

#measlesrubella #healthforall","debunking myths!  measles rubella (mr) vaccine does not impact children's immunity negatively. here are the facts you need to know!

#measlesrubella #healthforall",05/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/punjabikidshealth/reel/C67oApps8bm/,"what is measles?

learn more about measles and how to protect your child.

support our cause by donating to our kids' health network! the link to donate can be found in our bio.

: https://tinyurl.com/donate-okh

#fyp #parenting #momblogger #dadblogger #tiktokdoc #pediatrician #kids #health #canada #covidparenting #doctorsoftiktok #pandemic #moms #covidbaby #punjabikidshealth #ourkidshealth #measles #virus #contagious #mmr #measlesoutbreak #measlesmumpsrubella","what is measles?

learn more about measles and how to protect your child.

support our cause by donating to our kids' health network! the link to donate can be found in our bio.

: https://tinyurl.com/donate-okh

#fyp #parenting #momblogger #dadblogger #tiktokdoc #pediatrician #kids #health #canada #covidparenting #doctorsoftiktok #pandemic #moms #covidbaby #punjabikidshealth #ourkidshealth #measles #virus #contagious #mmr #measlesoutbreak #measlesmumpsrubella",05/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C65qa5bNOFj/,"dr. sadaf's hospital on instagram: ""measles alert | when hospital care is essential for kids? |tips by dr. sadaf haroon

dr. sadaf haroon is offering valuable tips regarding measles and when hospital care is essential for kids.

measles can be a serious illness, particularly for young children, so understanding when hospital care is necessary is crucial for parents and caregivers.

watch now and empower yourself with knowledge to combat this infectious disease. don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more health-related content! stay informed, stay healthy. 

dr. sadaf haroon is a top pediatrician practicing in dr. sadaf's specialized hospital, lehtrar road, islamabad.

for more information call the number given below  and get an appointment with the best doctor in islamabad and rawalpindi.
 : 0512241777 / 0331 5583387
 : instagram.com/dr.sadaf.hospital""","dr. sadaf's hospital on instagram: ""measles alert | when hospital care is essential for kids? |tips by dr. sadaf haroon

dr. sadaf haroon is offering valuable tips regarding measles and when hospital care is essential for kids.

measles can be a serious illness, particularly for young children, so understanding when hospital care is necessary is crucial for parents and caregivers.

watch now and empower yourself with knowledge to combat this infectious disease. don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more health-related content! stay informed, stay healthy. 

dr. sadaf haroon is a top pediatrician practicing in dr. sadaf's specialized hospital, lehtrar road, islamabad.

for more information call the number given below  and get an appointment with the best doctor in islamabad and rawalpindi.
 : 0512241777 / 0331 5583387
 : instagram.com/dr.sadaf.hospital""",05/13/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/unicefafrica/reel/C65rN6pvanU/,"in somalia, there are 1.3 million zero-dose children.

these children have zero protection against life-threatening diseases like pneumonia, measles, and polio.

@unicefsomalia and partners are doing what is #humanlypossible to reach every child with vaccines.","in somalia, there are 1.3 million zero-dose children.

these children have zero protection against life-threatening diseases like pneumonia, measles, and polio.

@unicefsomalia and partners are doing what is #humanlypossible to reach every child with vaccines.",05/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C66cnKJxLXt/,"make sure you know this about mumps‼

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it can cause painful swelling in your parotid salivary glands (parotitis). treatment for mumps focuses on alleviating symptoms. the disease has to run its course. most symptoms are mild, but serious complications can occur. the mmr vaccine offers protection from the virus that causes mumps.⚕

#mumps #mumpsawareness #mumproblems #mumpstreatment #dentalawareness #dentalcare","make sure you know this about mumps‼

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it can cause painful swelling in your parotid salivary glands (parotitis). treatment for mumps focuses on alleviating symptoms. the disease has to run its course. most symptoms are mild, but serious complications can occur. the mmr vaccine offers protection from the virus that causes mumps.⚕

#mumps #mumpsawareness #mumproblems #mumpstreatment #dentalawareness #dentalcare",05/13/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@nicolewasilishin726/video/7368574382505004330,"replying to @keithlee baby steven will die of the measles in 1963 in chicago illinois. this is due to police negligence in getting the child to the hospital in time because in the 60s there was no cure for the measles and it was considered a contagious disease because of that hesitation, my uncle lost his life, and my family will always and forever be distressful of the police. ##fyp##wasilishin##podcast##media##fyp''viral##sedona##stephaniewasilishin##truecrime##iamthedaughterofamurderedwomen##victim##domesticabuseawareness##mothersday","replying to @keithlee baby steven will die of the measles in 1963 in chicago illinois. this is due to police negligence in getting the child to the hospital in time because in the 60s there was no cure for the measles and it was considered a contagious disease because of that hesitation, my uncle lost his life, and my family will always and forever be distressful of the police. ##fyp##wasilishin##podcast##media##fyp''viral##sedona##stephaniewasilishin##truecrime##iamthedaughterofamurderedwomen##victim##domesticabuseawareness##mothersday",05/13/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@pbsnews/video/7368553987408186670,"what to know about new covid variants and the spread of bird flu and measles hospitalizations for covid are at an all-time low four years after the start of the pandemic, but new variants are in circulation. meanwhile, bird flu has been found in 36 dairy herds across nine states, though there has been only one confirmed human case so far in 2024. to find out how concerned we should be about all of this, john yang speaks with epidemiologist katelyn jetelina. #katelynjetelina #measles #covidvariants #covid19 #covid #birdflu #epidemiology #pandemic #johnyang #infectionprotection #pbsnews #newshour #pbsnewshour #pandemicsafety","what to know about new covid variants and the spread of bird flu and measles hospitalizations for covid are at an all-time low four years after the start of the pandemic, but new variants are in circulation. meanwhile, bird flu has been found in 36 dairy herds across nine states, though there has been only one confirmed human case so far in 2024. to find out how concerned we should be about all of this, john yang speaks with epidemiologist katelyn jetelina. #katelynjetelina #measles #covidvariants #covid19 #covid #birdflu #epidemiology #pandemic #johnyang #infectionprotection #pbsnews #newshour #pbsnewshour #pandemicsafety",05/13/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LM7ipM89_WM,mmr vaccine eng oc 1920x1080 web mix h264 15 hd,,05/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQAUi7f0snc,"covid, pertussis, h5n1, loneliness & the pandemic","after an update on covid, h5n1 and pertussis, shanice smith, lcsw, will review the
surgeon generals' report on loneliness.

00:00 - introduction
0:50 - respiratory virus updates
8:22 - pertussis update
10:49 - h5n1 update
12:10 - loneliness & social connection
34:27 - summary & tips

links referenced in the briefing
cdc launching wastewater dashboard to track bird flu virus spread https://www.statnews.com/2024/05/13/cdc-wastewater-surveillance-dashboard-bird-flu-outb reak-monitor/
our epidemic of loneliness and isolation the u.s. surgeon general's advisory on the healing effects of social connection and community https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/surgeon-general-social-connection-advisory.pdf
cdc list of conditions https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/people-with-medical-co nditions.html
wastewater resources
https://www.cdc.gov/nwss/rv/covid19-nationaltrend.html https://biobot.io/data/ https://soe-wbe-pilot.wl.r.appspot.com/charts https://publichealth.verily.com/?v=sc2_n&l=oakland%2c+ca https://data.wastewaterscan.org/
cdc list of conditions
cdc measles tracking https://www.cdc.gov/measles/cases-outbreaks.html

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#keepmasksinhealthcare #longcovid #wastewater #jn.1 #monovalent #booster #novavax #pertussis
#jn.1 #mentalhealth #loneliness",05/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiyEcj3rx74,mmr vaccine eng oc 1920x1080 web mix h264 30 hd,,05/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3WkmeSE6rg,"expert q&a on how we prepare for h5n1, measles and covid, may 9, 2024","at masktogetheramerica's expert q&a on may 9th, biomedical researcher and epidemiologist dr. angelique corthals shared her recommendations on how to prepare for h5n1, measles, and covid-19, hosted by masktogetheramerica coordinator sarah cahill and founder julie lam.",05/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qXKjHuP2E9I,transmission diseases in pregnancy | rubella virus | mmr vaccine | congenital rubella syndrome,"dr. neeraj pahlajani is a renowned specialist in the field of high-risk pregnancy and fertility, offering her patients a unique blend of expert clinical care and personal attention. with over 16 years of experience, she has established herself as one of the leading doctors in her field and has helped numerous patients from around the world to achieve their dream of starting a family.

as a dedicated professional, dr. pahlajani works tirelessly to ensure that her patients receive the highest quality of care possible. she is well known for her compassion and commitment to each and every one of her patients, and takes great pride in the results that she has achieved through her years of hard work and dedication.

at pahlajanis' women's hospital in raipur, india, dr. pahlajani leads a team of highly skilled and experienced medical professionals who are dedicated to helping people complete their families through fertility treatment. the hospital offers a wide range of services, including ivf treatment, iui treatment, icsi, pesa, and tesa, and is equipped with the latest technology and equipment to provide the best possible outcomes for each and every patient.

if you're looking for a doctor who can provide you with the highest quality care and support, look no further than dr. neeraj pahlajani. with her extensive experience and commitment to her patients, she is the ideal choice for anyone looking to start or expand their family. so why wait? book your appointment today and take the first step towards bringing the joy of parenthood into your home

for any women's health related queries, please call or email us.
email - mktgpwh@gmail.com
website - www.pahlajanis.com
contact no - 9109114641
address - pahlajanis' women's hospital, anupam nagar, near t.v. tower, raipur, chhattisgarh, india. 492007

#pregnancy #womenshealth #reproductivehealth

related search terms

thanks for watching, feel free to like, subscribe and comment the topic you want for the next video",05/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXKjHuP2E9I,transmission diseases in pregnancy | rubella virus | mmr vaccine | congenital rubella syndrome,"dr. neeraj pahlajani is a renowned specialist in the field of high-risk pregnancy and fertility, offering her patients a unique blend of expert clinical care and personal attention. with over 16 years of experience, she has established herself as one of the leading doctors in her field and has helped numerous patients from around the world to achieve their dream of starting a family.

as a dedicated professional, dr. pahlajani works tirelessly to ensure that her patients receive the highest quality of care possible. she is well known for her compassion and commitment to each and every one of her patients, and takes great pride in the results that she has achieved through her years of hard work and dedication.

at pahlajanis' women's hospital in raipur, india, dr. pahlajani leads a team of highly skilled and experienced medical professionals who are dedicated to helping people complete their families through fertility treatment. the hospital offers a wide range of services, including ivf treatment, iui treatment, icsi, pesa, and tesa, and is equipped with the latest technology and equipment to provide the best possible outcomes for each and every patient.

if you're looking for a doctor who can provide you with the highest quality care and support, look no further than dr. neeraj pahlajani. with her extensive experience and commitment to her patients, she is the ideal choice for anyone looking to start or expand their family. so why wait? book your appointment today and take the first step towards bringing the joy of parenthood into your home

for any women's health related queries, please call or email us.
email - mktgpwh@gmail.com
website - www.pahlajanis.com
contact no - 9109114641
address - pahlajanis' women's hospital, anupam nagar, near t.v. tower, raipur, chhattisgarh, india. 492007

#pregnancy #womenshealth #reproductivehealth

related search terms

thanks for watching, feel free to like, subscribe and comment the topic you want for the next video",05/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnhWb45a034,mmr vaccine video,"information about the mmr vaccine 
#mmr (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine #mmr #nhs #immunisation #brent #freuchen",05/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KC6zNCl75c,tci sports commission premieres short film; health ministry urges measles vigilance | may 14 2024 pm,"a magnetic media production.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkecG_8olrQ,"epi@50 - dr chaninan sonthichai, thailand","dr chaninan sonthichai from #thailand shares that the country's immunization enhancement plan prioritizes giving several key #vaccines including polio, measles and rubella.",05/14/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5n6VdipdxQ,"huge increase in cases of diarrhoea, measles and gastroenteritis in peshawar | breaking news","#breakingnews #newsheadlines #news #pakistan #livenewspakistan #pakistanlatestnews #latestupdate #newspakistan

huge increase in cases of diarrhoea, measles and gastroenteritis in peshawar

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your suggestions, queries are always welcomed.",05/14/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,surprise,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8E4qtc899MI,covid,"some of the questions that are answered in this episode:
how did we change from a world without covid to a world with covid?
what was that experience like from the perspective of an epidemiologist?
how well is our vaccine coverage (both in north america and worldwide)?
what is the future of covid in our world?
how do mrna vaccines work?
why are some covid variants more prevalent than others?
how did the covid pandemic interact with other epidemiological concerns? which other diseases became a bigger problem because of covid?
why don't we just hurry up and infect everyone with covid to get it over with as quickly as possible?
what is ""long covid""?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/measles",05/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIfG_552Cww,"what is paget's disease? symptoms, causes, treatment","what is paget's disease?

paget's disease of bone is a chronic disorder that typically results in enlarged and deformed bones. it causes bones to become fragile and prone to fractures.
what are the common symptoms of paget's disease?

common symptoms include bone pain, joint pain, bone deformities, and an increased risk of fractures. some individuals may experience warmth or tenderness over affected bones.
what causes paget's disease?

the exact cause is unknown, but it's believed to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors, possibly including viral infections.
how is paget's disease diagnosed?

diagnosis often involves a combination of clinical evaluation, imaging tests (such as x-rays, bone scans, or mri), and blood tests to measure markers of bone turnover.
can paget's disease affect any bone in the body?

yes, although it most commonly affects the pelvis, spine, skull, and long bones of the legs.
is paget's disease common?

paget's disease is relatively uncommon, affecting around 1-2% of people over the age of 55 in the united states.
can paget's disease lead to complications?

yes, if left untreated, paget's disease can lead to complications such as osteoarthritis, bone fractures, nerve compression syndromes, and hearing loss (if the skull is affected).
what are the treatment options for paget's disease?

treatment aims to relieve symptoms and prevent complications. options may include bisphosphonate medications to reduce bone turnover, pain relievers, physical therapy, and in some cases, surgery.
can paget's disease be cured?

while there is no cure for paget's disease, treatment can effectively manage symptoms and prevent complications in many cases.
is paget's disease associated with an increased risk of cancer?

in rare cases, paget's disease can lead to the development of osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer. however, the overall risk is very low, estimated at less than 1%. regular monitoring is recommended to detect any potential complications early.
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paget's disease of bone, also known as osteitis deformans, is a chronic bone disorder characterized by abnormal bone remodeling. here's some information about it:

overview: paget's disease primarily affects the way bones are broken down and rebuilt. it leads to bones becoming larger and weaker than normal. while it can affect any bone in the body, it commonly affects the spine, pelvis, skull, and long bones of the legs.

causes: the exact cause of paget's disease is still unclear, but it's thought to involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. certain viruses, particularly the measles virus, have been suggested as potential triggers, but this link is not fully understood.

symptoms: paget's disease is often asymptomatic and may be discovered incidentally on x-rays done for other reasons. when symptoms do occur, they may include bone pain, joint pain, deformities, fractures, hearing loss (if the skull is affected), and neurological symptoms (if the spine is involved).

diagnosis: diagnosis is usually made through a combination of medical history, physical examination, blood tests (to check for elevated levels of alkaline phosphatase, a marker of bone turnover), and imaging studies such as x-rays, ct scans, or bone scans.

treatment: treatment aims to relieve symptoms, prevent complications, and reduce the risk of further bone deformity or fracture. medications such as bisphosphonates (e.g., alendronate, risedronate) are commonly prescribed to slow down bone turnover and reduce bone pain. in some cases, surgery may be needed to correct bone deformities or repair fractures.

complications: if left untreated, paget's disease can lead to complications such as arthritis, bone deformities, fractures, nerve compression syndromes (due to enlarged bones pressing on nerves), and hearing loss (if the skull is involved). rarely, it can lead to bone cancer (osteosarcoma).

prognosis: with appropriate treatment, the prognosis for paget's disease is generally good. most people can manage their symptoms effectively and lead normal lives. however, regular monitoring is important to detect any complications early.",05/14/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aHy9BS7hjA,vaccine day+drawing day | typhoid vaccine in school#vaccination #drawing,"vaccine,school,vaccines,vaccines for school,hpv vaccine,covid-19 vaccines schools,schools,why are vaccines required for school,us ca schools vaccine mandate (cr),covid vaccines montreal schools,covid vaccines schools saskatchewan,meningococcal vaccine,childhood vaccines,vaccine rollout,teens vaccines,dpt vaccine,mmr vaccine,vaccine news,vaccine licensure,school children,hpv vaccines,covid 19 vaccine,evaluating vaccines",05/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@zealous_mom/video/7368740539379813638,"sa edad kong 'to di ko talaga inexpect na pwede pa rin pala akong tamaan ng measles?  before, hindi talaga ako nagte-take ng kahit anong vitamins and supplements. hindi naman kasi ako madalas magkasakit kaya feeling ko ang strong strong ng immunity ko. not until nakasunod sunod ang mga virus na tumama sakin ngayong summer, after ng mahabang cough and colds, measles naman! kaya ayon, as we aged mas kaylangan pala talaga natin ang vitamins and supplements to boost our immunity and maintain our health and beauty, inside and out  basta kami ni mister, we choose nekocee and nekothione   kayo mga mimaaa, anong supplements and vitamins kayo nahiyang? #nekothione #nekocee #nekocee15in1 #nekothione9in1 #nekothionebykatmelendez ","sa edad kong 'to di ko talaga inexpect na pwede pa rin pala akong tamaan ng measles?  before, hindi talaga ako nagte-take ng kahit anong vitamins and supplements. hindi naman kasi ako madalas magkasakit kaya feeling ko ang strong strong ng immunity ko. not until nakasunod sunod ang mga virus na tumama sakin ngayong summer, after ng mahabang cough and colds, measles naman! kaya ayon, as we aged mas kaylangan pala talaga natin ang vitamins and supplements to boost our immunity and maintain our health and beauty, inside and out  basta kami ni mister, we choose nekocee and nekothione   kayo mga mimaaa, anong supplements and vitamins kayo nahiyang? #nekothione #nekocee #nekocee15in1 #nekothione9in1 #nekothionebykatmelendez ",05/14/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.tiktok.com/@aminshifaclinic4/video/7368911536959524102,panicattack#measles#fyp'' #foryou #trending #viraltiktok #dubai #kabirafridiofficial #tahirkhan #soudiarabia #uae #peshawar #aminshifaclinic #karachi #islamabad,panicattack#measles#fyp'' #foryou #trending #viraltiktok #dubai #kabirafridiofficial #tahirkhan #soudiarabia #uae #peshawar #aminshifaclinic #karachi #islamabad,05/14/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgP-FZk3378,san diego county confirms third case of measles this year,13-month-old child is san diego county's third confirmed case of measles in 2024.,05/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ4wpB_YoxE,third measles case detected in san diego,"another case of measles has been confirmed in san diego county, according to health officials tuesday afternoon.

follow fox 5 san diego:
https://www.instagram.com/fox5sandiego",05/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,disgust,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMtrK3Y0ZYs,san diego county confirms third measles case of 2024,the unimmunized 13-month-old recently traveled overseas.,05/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8mpDTYhpGs,"""what is measles (rubeola)""",#measles rubeola #knowledge  #now,05/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT5VJREG6Kw,measles outbreak: who urge journalists to promote vital information,the world health organization (who) has urged journalists to use their reports to promote health information and increase awareness about public health issues.,05/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70o5AwliV8g,measles/gifira,,05/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ys9erRJwVfc,"medical notes: the foolproof way to remember names, increasing diversity in stem programs, and...","should you be worried about measles? if you're bad with names, we may have found the solution. how to increase diversity in stem programs.
learn more: https://radiohealthjournal.org/medical-notes-the-foolproof-way-to-remember-names-increasing-diversity-in-stem-programs-and-whats-causing-the-rise-of-measles
learn more about your ad choices. visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices",05/15/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K2tUAs0Fqc,"""what is rubella & congenital rubella syndrome (german measles)""",#rubella & congenital rubella syndrome german measles #knowledge #now,05/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m96WAqxMMZw,measles compaign ny poora lahore guma dala aj ||sania shan daily vilogs,"measles compaign ny poora lahore guma dala aj || sania shan daily vilogs  
#trending",05/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Jxxbrq_vjA,"guam news update: may 16, 2024","pdn top headlines brought to you by kfc. 

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0:00 introduction
0:06 $220m gwa, core tech land dispute to drag on
0:51 public health urges travelers to update measles, whooping cough vaccines
1:32 guam's voting precincts increase from 67 to 73
2:24 forecasters watching weather disturbance to the south
3:06 pdn social media platforms
3:14 kfc sponsor

log on to guampdn.com for all your news and information.",05/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3SK-Or76hg,"appointment done last tuesday 5/14/24, biometric and mmr vaccine - late upload.",#nocopyrightinfringementintended,05/15/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlAqb3FjdFc,injection for mmr vaccine done ✅ and photo shoot to the great image done ✅ also at the robinson ,"#nocopyrightmusic 
#nocopyrightinfringementintended",05/15/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,joy,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0R5hHNtMj3E,mmr vaccine done,,05/15/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@adsoomro786/video/7369285157976575237,measles and rubella obr 2024 training at (jim's) hospital jacobabad#fyp #foryoupageofficiall #unfrezzmyaccount ##ownvoice,measles and rubella obr 2024 training at (jim's) hospital jacobabad#fyp #foryoupageofficiall #unfrezzmyaccount ##ownvoice,05/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6_sFXihrcF/,"let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food, ~ hippocrates ~ an ancient greek physician.  ya i go the extra mile cos im extra this is the only way i know how to really do it aloe is so good to blend and freeze in ice trays, especially for the scorching summer heat. you know how my fair skin sisters be like , trying to squeeze in all the sun for your nice melanin to come in. try getting your aloe from whole foods, or buy the plant or even go to ethnic grocery stores. they carry them. aloe soothes sunburns, help with scalp and dandruff, also helps to grow hair nice and lush, tumeric is antiseptic ,antibacterial , antiviral, helps with chickenpox, mumps and measles, esp when taken with neem leaves . yes i don't talk about this enough , i should tell you i am an ayurvedic practioner. i was trained by my village , in blackburn kzn , aka pioneers of mount edgecombe . that and i also attended bhaktivedanta college of education  yes all my training was free , and came down in disciplic succession by all my teachers and mostly my mother  indrani  indrani govender #foodismedicine #aturvedicmedicine #healingplants #wholesomenature rising #mothernature #divinefeminine #ayurvedicpractitioner #balance #earth #tumericroot #aloe #skincareayurveda","let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food, ~ hippocrates ~ an ancient greek physician.  ya i go the extra mile cos im extra this is the only way i know how to really do it aloe is so good to blend and freeze in ice trays, especially for the scorching summer heat. you know how my fair skin sisters be like , trying to squeeze in all the sun for your nice melanin to come in. try getting your aloe from whole foods, or buy the plant or even go to ethnic grocery stores. they carry them. aloe soothes sunburns, help with scalp and dandruff, also helps to grow hair nice and lush, tumeric is antiseptic ,antibacterial , antiviral, helps with chickenpox, mumps and measles, esp when taken with neem leaves . yes i don't talk about this enough , i should tell you i am an ayurvedic practioner. i was trained by my village , in blackburn kzn , aka pioneers of mount edgecombe . that and i also attended bhaktivedanta college of education  yes all my training was free , and came down in disciplic succession by all my teachers and mostly my mother  indrani  indrani govender #foodismedicine #aturvedicmedicine #healingplants #wholesomenature rising #mothernature #divinefeminine #ayurvedicpractitioner #balance #earth #tumericroot #aloe #skincareayurveda",05/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/flashcard.meds/reel/C6_nNhGv3yK/,"question of the day

a 9-month-old infant, anika, is brought to the clinic by her parents. they report that anika has had a fever of 102f (38.9c) for the past 3 days. they also noticed a red, blotchy rash that started on her face and has spread down her body. anika has been coughing and has a runny nose, but is not experiencing any vomiting or diarrhea. anika's parents state they don't recall if she has received the mmr vaccine yet.

based on anika's symptoms, what is the most likely diagnosis?

a. roseola b. hand, foot, and mouth disease c. measles d. chickenpox


measles is the most likely diagnosis due to the combination of fever, cough, coryza (runny nose), and the characteristic red, blotchy rash that starts on the face and spreads down the body.

roseola typically presents with a high fever followed by a pink, maculopapular rash that appears after the fever subsides.

hand, foot, and mouth disease usually causes a fever with a vesicular rash (blisters) on the hands, feet, and mouth.expand_more

chickenpox presents with a very itchy, vesicular rash that appears in waves across the body.

#notebook #flashcards #ent #maxillofacial #neetpgnews #neetpgupdates #medtwitter #medicos #medicosocial #medstudent #neetpg #usmle #aiimsdelhi #inicet #aiims #hospital #studymedicine_ #doctors #doctordoctor #instadaily","question of the day

a 9-month-old infant, anika, is brought to the clinic by her parents. they report that anika has had a fever of 102f (38.9c) for the past 3 days. they also noticed a red, blotchy rash that started on her face and has spread down her body. anika has been coughing and has a runny nose, but is not experiencing any vomiting or diarrhea. anika's parents state they don't recall if she has received the mmr vaccine yet.

based on anika's symptoms, what is the most likely diagnosis?

a. roseola b. hand, foot, and mouth disease c. measles d. chickenpox


measles is the most likely diagnosis due to the combination of fever, cough, coryza (runny nose), and the characteristic red, blotchy rash that starts on the face and spreads down the body.

roseola typically presents with a high fever followed by a pink, maculopapular rash that appears after the fever subsides.

hand, foot, and mouth disease usually causes a fever with a vesicular rash (blisters) on the hands, feet, and mouth.expand_more

chickenpox presents with a very itchy, vesicular rash that appears in waves across the body.

#notebook #flashcards #ent #maxillofacial #neetpgnews #neetpgupdates #medtwitter #medicos #medicosocial #medstudent #neetpg #usmle #aiimsdelhi #inicet #aiims #hospital #studymedicine_ #doctors #doctordoctor #instadaily",05/15/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6_c1JGoKYN/,"a client bought 240pcs of our herbal soap
otherwise known as skin infection soap

just like the name, it is a medicinal soap

this herbal soap was formulated to relief the physical symptoms of skin infections.
skin infections like scabies, measles, chronic rashes, chronic eczema, diaper rash, ring worm, chicken pox, sores, lichen planus, tinea, impetigo.

✅ herbal soap is for all ages and all complexion
✅ does not alter your complexion in anyway
✅ head to toe soap

other ingredients not shown: tea tree, sulphur, oats, cocoa butter, palm kernel oil, aloe vera, pine tar.

disclaimer: kindly note that we do not claim that our herbal bundle will heal the skin infection. see a doctor for drugs for healing from inside

price: 4,000
wholesale: 3,000 (moq 24pcs)","a client bought 240pcs of our herbal soap
otherwise known as skin infection soap

just like the name, it is a medicinal soap

this herbal soap was formulated to relief the physical symptoms of skin infections.
skin infections like scabies, measles, chronic rashes, chronic eczema, diaper rash, ring worm, chicken pox, sores, lichen planus, tinea, impetigo.

✅ herbal soap is for all ages and all complexion
✅ does not alter your complexion in anyway
✅ head to toe soap

other ingredients not shown: tea tree, sulphur, oats, cocoa butter, palm kernel oil, aloe vera, pine tar.

disclaimer: kindly note that we do not claim that our herbal bundle will heal the skin infection. see a doctor for drugs for healing from inside

price: 4,000
wholesale: 3,000 (moq 24pcs)",05/15/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7AgkFYpER2/,"we parents know the anxiety children and health issues can bring! so when it comes to our kids, we're more careful than ever about wellness. after all, we want to give our children the best start to life possible, right?

children generally have more delicate ecosystems than adults. herbs are a particularly safe and effective way to offer medicine to your children. they are usually more gentle than pharmaceutical alternatives and offer healing qualities without upsetting the more precarious homeostasis of children.

you can use herbs to treat colds, flu, chickenpox, measles, and even soothe teething pains. they help kids with inflammation, digestion, and more!! 

herbalism is the simplest and most ancient form of medicine there is. herbs have innate medical value because of their nutrient density and each variety's particular mineral/nutrient components.

#walkingtheholisticway #dneherbalist #dne #herbalremedies #navajo #shiprock #whychildrenneedherbs","we parents know the anxiety children and health issues can bring! so when it comes to our kids, we're more careful than ever about wellness. after all, we want to give our children the best start to life possible, right?

children generally have more delicate ecosystems than adults. herbs are a particularly safe and effective way to offer medicine to your children. they are usually more gentle than pharmaceutical alternatives and offer healing qualities without upsetting the more precarious homeostasis of children.

you can use herbs to treat colds, flu, chickenpox, measles, and even soothe teething pains. they help kids with inflammation, digestion, and more!! 

herbalism is the simplest and most ancient form of medicine there is. herbs have innate medical value because of their nutrient density and each variety's particular mineral/nutrient components.

#walkingtheholisticway #dneherbalist #dne #herbalremedies #navajo #shiprock #whychildrenneedherbs",05/15/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@omarthevisionarymba/video/7369762994831494442,"a recent traveler at los angeles airport was confirmed sick with measles last week.  health officials are urgently warning that others may have been exposed.  if you were at terminal b between 2-4 p.m. on may 9, you could be at risk. please get vaccinated and monitor for symptoms if you were near the infected person. protect yourself and others by staying informed and proactive! '‰ #measlesalert #healthsafety #vaccination #stayinformed #lax #publichealth › 1. #viralcontent 2. #trendingnow 3. #watchthis 4. #goingviral 5. #mustwatch 6. #explorepage 7. #videomagic 8. #viraltrends 9. #shareworthy 10. #instafame 11. #tiktokhits 12. #viralsensation 13. #popularnow 14. #videogoals 15. #viralbuzz 16. #catchycontent 17. #viralfame 18. #viralchallenges 19. #tiktokfamous 20. #epicvideos 21. #viralvibes 22. #trendycontent 23. #viralwave 24. #toptrending 25. #viralpost","a recent traveler at los angeles airport was confirmed sick with measles last week.  health officials are urgently warning that others may have been exposed.  if you were at terminal b between 2-4 p.m. on may 9, you could be at risk. please get vaccinated and monitor for symptoms if you were near the infected person. protect yourself and others by staying informed and proactive! '‰ #measlesalert #healthsafety #vaccination #stayinformed #lax #publichealth › 1. #viralcontent 2. #trendingnow 3. #watchthis 4. #goingviral 5. #mustwatch 6. #explorepage 7. #videomagic 8. #viraltrends 9. #shareworthy 10. #instafame 11. #tiktokhits 12. #viralsensation 13. #popularnow 14. #videogoals 15. #viralbuzz 16. #catchycontent 17. #viralfame 18. #viralchallenges 19. #tiktokfamous 20. #epicvideos 21. #viralvibes 22. #trendycontent 23. #viralwave 24. #toptrending 25. #viralpost",05/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zf9Y6ivi-rk,focus at four: measles cases on the rise in the u.s.,"kbtx first news at four(recurring)_x000d_
 for more local news from kbtx:  https://www.kbtx.com/_x000d_
 for more youtube content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/ucmv86zsfrkvrc2pfi8xffbq",05/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4enTL26DHX0,measles: understanding symptoms and top treatments #measles #treatment #khasra,"learn all about measles, including common symptoms and top treatments, in this informative video. plus, discover important tips for preventing this highly contagious disease in children. don't miss out on this important information! #measles  #treatment #khasra #drrizwangohar #childspecialist #pediatrician #lahore #mmr #vaccine #vitaminameasles: 
understanding symptoms and top treatments #measles #treatment #khasra
online video appointments: oladoc application
instagram: rizwan_gauhar
 facebook: dr rizwan gohar child specialist 
email: rizwangohar@gmail.com 
tik tok: dr rizwan gohar
clinic : monday to friday, 462-463 g3, lifeline hospital, johar town, lahore appointments: 03004007688
clinic details: lifeline hospital, 462-463 g3, johar town, lahoredr rizwan gohar consultant child specialist 462-3, g3, lifeline hospital, johar town, lahore appointment no: 03004007688clinic days : monday to friday, 6pm to 8pmdisclaimer: this video is purely educational and cannot be considered as personal medical advice. the content is my personal opinion and not that of my employer(s). use this information at your own risk. i will not assume any liability for any direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.",05/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ase68hdeO1M,गलशआ का पकका ईलाज | mumps treatment in hindi गलशआ कयू होता है कारण .लकषण .और  ईलाज | medicine,"गलशआ का पकका ईलाज | mumps treatment in hindi गलशआ कयू होता है कारण .लकषण .और  ईलाज | medicine 

गलशआ का पकका ईलाज | mumps treatment in hindi गलशआ कयू होता है कारण .लकषण .और  ईलाज | medicine 

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disclaimer :- 

 dinesh medical lectures create videos only for educational purposes we are not allowed to take you any medicine without prescription. please take medicines in the supervision of a doctor or pharmacist, self medication is dangerous for your health & can be life threatening. 

thank you

 for watching ",05/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/vibelordmusic/reel/C7C5lt8y4gI/,measles mention: clue or coincidence? #songedits #mixingengineer #remixonreels #videoedits #mashupsong,measles mention: clue or coincidence? #songedits #mixingengineer #remixonreels #videoedits #mashupsong,05/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/flashcard.meds/reel/C7BeNalPGQl/,"flashcard of the day 


causative agent- paramyxoviridea ssrna virus 

incubation period- 8- 12 days 

transmission- droplet spread 

secondary attack rate- >90% 

infectivity period- 4 days before and 5 days after rash 

characteristic features 

day 1-3 - fever and prodormal features 

day 2-3 - koplik spots
white spots, rice grain appearance 
surrounded by redness erythema 
location- buccal mucosa- opp second lower molar 

day 4- maculopapular rash 
starts behind ear and spread to trunk and extremities 
stays for 4 days
leaves brownish hyperpigmentation 

m/c otitis media 
m/s broncho pneumonia 
giant cell pneumonia/ hecht's pneumonia 
pneumonia d/t secondary infections 

-subacute sclerosing pan encephalitis 
chronic 7-13 years 
decrese school performance 
behavioral problems 
myoclonic seizures 


csf- measels specific antibodies (ig-g)
eeg- rademecker complexes 

vitamin a 

mr vaccine 
mmr vaccine 

#notebook #flashcards #ent #maxillofacial #neetpgnews #neetpgupdates #medtwitter #medicos #medicosocial #medstudent #neetpg #usmle #aiimsdelhi #inicet #aiims #hospital #studymedicine_ #doctors #doctordoctor #instadaily","flashcard of the day 


causative agent- paramyxoviridea ssrna virus 

incubation period- 8- 12 days 

transmission- droplet spread 

secondary attack rate- >90% 

infectivity period- 4 days before and 5 days after rash 

characteristic features 

day 1-3 - fever and prodormal features 

day 2-3 - koplik spots
white spots, rice grain appearance 
surrounded by redness erythema 
location- buccal mucosa- opp second lower molar 

day 4- maculopapular rash 
starts behind ear and spread to trunk and extremities 
stays for 4 days
leaves brownish hyperpigmentation 

m/c otitis media 
m/s broncho pneumonia 
giant cell pneumonia/ hecht's pneumonia 
pneumonia d/t secondary infections 

-subacute sclerosing pan encephalitis 
chronic 7-13 years 
decrese school performance 
behavioral problems 
myoclonic seizures 


csf- measels specific antibodies (ig-g)
eeg- rademecker complexes 

vitamin a 

mr vaccine 
mmr vaccine 

#notebook #flashcards #ent #maxillofacial #neetpgnews #neetpgupdates #medtwitter #medicos #medicosocial #medstudent #neetpg #usmle #aiimsdelhi #inicet #aiims #hospital #studymedicine_ #doctors #doctordoctor #instadaily",05/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/afif.elkhuffash/reel/C7Cl6MGMmWO/,"another day another study sensationalised by media and others on this platform. in this reel i break down the study for you and explain why the reported results can't really be interpreted as such especially in the irish context. 

#measlesprevention #measlesawareness #measles #parentingtips #parentingtogether","another day another study sensationalised by media and others on this platform. in this reel i break down the study for you and explain why the reported results can't really be interpreted as such especially in the irish context. 

#measlesprevention #measlesawareness #measles #parentingtips #parentingtogether",05/16/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,surprise,surprise
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7BnTfFyuhe/,"a study found that a single jab of the measles vaccine could be more likely to be ineffective in children born by c-section, compared to those born naturally.

a single jab of the double-dose measles vaccine could be up to 2.6 times more likely to be completely ineffective in children born by c-section, compared to those born naturally, new research has found. researchers said that failure of the vaccine meant that the child's immune system does not produce antibodies to fight against a measles infection, and therefore, remains vulnerable to the disease.

source: https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/health/one-jab-of-measles-vaccine-more-likely-to-be-ineffective-in-children-born-by-c-section-study-finds-101715669186720.html

#kanhaiyalifecare #health #wellness #pharmaceuticals #onlinepharmacy #news #prevention #getwellsoon #india #community #wellbeing #savemoney","a study found that a single jab of the measles vaccine could be more likely to be ineffective in children born by c-section, compared to those born naturally.

a single jab of the double-dose measles vaccine could be up to 2.6 times more likely to be completely ineffective in children born by c-section, compared to those born naturally, new research has found. researchers said that failure of the vaccine meant that the child's immune system does not produce antibodies to fight against a measles infection, and therefore, remains vulnerable to the disease.

source: https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/health/one-jab-of-measles-vaccine-more-likely-to-be-ineffective-in-children-born-by-c-section-study-finds-101715669186720.html

#kanhaiyalifecare #health #wellness #pharmaceuticals #onlinepharmacy #news #prevention #getwellsoon #india #community #wellbeing #savemoney",05/16/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@beachgem10/video/7370088570071141674,"a young child in #ontario has passed away from #measles. complications and hospitalizations are common with measles, but can be reduced or avoided all together by vaccination #outbreak #travel #vaccine disclaimer: for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice or replace the advice of your physician ","a young child in #ontario has passed away from #measles. complications and hospitalizations are common with measles, but can be reduced or avoided all together by vaccination #outbreak #travel #vaccine disclaimer: for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice or replace the advice of your physician ",05/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@ctvnewstoronto/video/7369997114987826438,"young child dies from measles in ontario a young child has died of measles in ontario, marking the first death in the province from the highly contagious virus in more than 10 years, a public health ontario report confirms. the child, who was under the age of five, was not immunized against the virus, according to the surveillance report, which was published on thursday. the report also confirms this is the first measles death in the province in more than a decade.","young child dies from measles in ontario a young child has died of measles in ontario, marking the first death in the province from the highly contagious virus in more than 10 years, a public health ontario report confirms. the child, who was under the age of five, was not immunized against the virus, according to the surveillance report, which was published on thursday. the report also confirms this is the first measles death in the province in more than a decade.",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@cp24breakingnews/video/7369984257231506694,"young child dies from measles in ontario a young child has died of measles in ontario, marking the first death in the province from the highly contagious virus in more than 10 years, a public health ontario report confirms. the child, who was under the age of five, was not immunized against the virus, according to the surveillance report, which was published on thursday. the report also confirms this is the first measles death in the province in more than a decade. for more, click the link in bio.  #cp24 #measles #vaccines #ontario ","young child dies from measles in ontario a young child has died of measles in ontario, marking the first death in the province from the highly contagious virus in more than 10 years, a public health ontario report confirms. the child, who was under the age of five, was not immunized against the virus, according to the surveillance report, which was published on thursday. the report also confirms this is the first measles death in the province in more than a decade. for more, click the link in bio.  #cp24 #measles #vaccines #ontario ",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@medical_mnemonics/video/7369928487085395205,signs and symptoms of measles #measles #medical_mnemonics786 #m_m786 ,signs and symptoms of measles #measles #medical_mnemonics786 #m_m786 ,05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@prudenthospital/video/7369994136893607174,"early childhood vaccination is a cost-effective way to protect your child€™s health. while the cost of vaccines may seem expensive, it is much cheaper than the cost of treating a serious illness. for example, the cost of treating a child with measles can range from several hundred to several thousand dollars. in contrast, the cost of the measles vaccine is only a fraction of that cost. welcome to our immunization and vaccination clinic tomorrow  #entsugeries #maternitupackages #reelsvideo' #viralreelsfbpage #trendingpost2024 #viralreelsfacebook ","early childhood vaccination is a cost-effective way to protect your child€™s health. while the cost of vaccines may seem expensive, it is much cheaper than the cost of treating a serious illness. for example, the cost of treating a child with measles can range from several hundred to several thousand dollars. in contrast, the cost of the measles vaccine is only a fraction of that cost. welcome to our immunization and vaccination clinic tomorrow  #entsugeries #maternitupackages #reelsvideo' #viralreelsfbpage #trendingpost2024 #viralreelsfacebook ",05/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@frankdomenic/video/7370055838599220486,"replying to @jesscathleeen i understand that fear of what you don't understand and distrust of the government can lead some people to not get vaccinated, but public health is a team effort #measles #measlesvaccine #vaccine #vaccination #vaccines #frankdomenic","replying to @jesscathleeen i understand that fear of what you don't understand and distrust of the government can lead some people to not get vaccinated, but public health is a team effort #measles #measlesvaccine #vaccine #vaccination #vaccines #frankdomenic",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckmO_tdRtnA,infectious disease expert warns measles 'a very real threat',"ontario has recorded its first measles death in over a decade. dr. christopher labos says canada needs to improve vaccination levels.

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ctv news is canada's most-watched news organization both locally and nationally, and has a network of national, international, and local news operations.",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz0SupkYbvQ,measles in ontario: are more outbreaks possible?,"dr. isaac bogoch says canada needs to double down on vaccination efforts against measles – as it's highly effective and easily available. 

subscribe to ctv news to watch more videos: https://www.youtube.com/ctvnews

connect with ctv news:
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ctv news on linkedin: https://ca.linkedin.com/company/ctv-news

ctv news is canada's most-watched news organization both locally and nationally, and has a network of national, international, and local news operations.",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhwhqmKHc0A,cbc news: the national | unvaccinated child dies of measles,"may 17, 2024 | public health officials say an unvaccinated child in hamilton, ont., has died of measles as more cases of the highly contagious disease emerge. on the ground in haiti's capital, port-au-prince, where gangs are in control. plus, the world's top golfer, scottie scheffler, gets arrested before his pga championship round.

00:00 the national for may 17, 2024
00:52 child under 5 dies of measles in ontario
04:14 csis chief warns about risks of tiktok
07:12 world's top golfer scottie scheffler arrested
09:32 paul pelosi attacker sentenced to 30 years
10:07 video appears to show diddy assaulting singer cassie
12:29 ottawa rejects toronto decriminalization request
12:45 rcmp link 4 murders to american serial killer
15:09 port-au-prince gripped by gang violence
18:15 severe storm batters texas 
18:29 man attack by grizzle bear near elkford, b.c.
19:00 rain helps crew fight wildfire near fort mcmurray
21:59 paul mccartney the u.k.'s 1st billionaire musician
22:23 modi facing election challenge in india's south
25:42 why counting the dead in gaza is complicated 
31:40 palestinians jailed without charge by israel
36:14 paying for the trans mountain pipeline
43:22 the moment | snow leopard cubs

#news #latestnews #canada

subscribe to the national: 

more from cbc news | https://www.cbc.ca/news

the national is the flagship of cbc news, showcasing award-winning journalism from across canada and around the world. led by chief correspondent adrienne arsenault and ian hanomansing, our team of trusted reporters helps you make sense of the world, wherever you are.",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9XY1AWpGc,"global national: may 17, 2024 | scottie scheffler arrested en route to pga championship","the planet's best male golfer traded his clubs for a pair of handcuffs today. on what was supposed to be a routine drive to work, masters tournament champion scottie scheffler ended up under arrest — over what the golfer is calling a big misunderstanding. eric sorensen breaks down the incident, along with the tragic accident that led to an unprecedented day at one of ""the golf world's"" biggest events.

there's some troubling news out of ontario today. public health officials say a child under the age of five, who was unvaccinated against measles, has died after being hospitalized for the virus. it is the first death of its kind in the province in more than 10 years. as katherine ward explains, it's just the latest development in what's been an alarming resurgence of measles across the country.

in texas tonight, there's a massive cleanup effort underway after a series of deadly storms rolled through the houston area. the weather is being blamed for four deaths, including at least two people killed by falling trees. the hurricane-force winds that brought down those trees also knocked out power to nearly a million customers. as jackson proskow reports, the concern now is how long people may be left without power.
up north, canada's biggest grocery chain, loblaw, says it's ready to sign on to a grocery code of conduct. the agreement, years in the making, is aimed at levelling the playing field between larger grocers and smaller retailers in the food industry. it's involved extensive negotiations. but as david akin explains, there's no guarantee it'll lead to lower prices.

plus, israel fired back at the united nation's highest court today, over allegations of genocide and a push to halt its attack on the southern palestinian city of rafah. south africa had asked the international court of justice to urgently order israel to end its assault earlier this week, calling rafah israel's ""final stand. crystal goomansingh explains israel's defence, and the moment of protest that interrupted it.

for more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/10502856/scottie-scheffler-arrested-pga-championship/

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#globalnews #globalnational #scottiescheffler",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,anger,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTh6d10fuXw,"hamilton, ont. child who died from measles virus was unvaccinated: health officials say","an unvaccinated five-year-old hamilton child is ontario's first death by the measles virus in decades.

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ctv news is canada's most-watched news organization both locally and nationally, and has a network of national, international, and local news operations.",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_kqsP5J-pM,young child dies from measles in ontario,"a young child has died of measles in ontario, marking the first death in the province from the highly contagious virus in more than 10 years, a public health ontario report confirms.

the child, who was under the age of five, was not immunized against the virus, according to the surveillance report, which was published on thursday.

the report also confirms this is the first measles death in the province in more than a decade.

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cp24 is toronto's #1 source for breaking news.",05/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyhAy3hftBw,ontario records its first measles death in decades,a child from the hamilton area has died from measles as the infectious disease continues to spread across the country. shauna hunt with the concerns from health officials as case counts match a 10 year high.,05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,surprise,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xjvbg3afqBA,trudeau calls ontario child who died of measles a 'tragedy no one wants to see',"canadian prime minister justin trudeau said friday that it was a ""tragedy no one wants to see after an unvaccinated child under five years of age had passed away from measles. #measles  #ontario  #trudeau",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,anger,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN4K8uDIlU4,child under 5 who died of measles was from hamilton: public health officials,"a child under five years old who died after being hospitalized for measles was a hamilton resident, public health officials say.

a spokesperson for the city's public health agency says the child was not immunized against the virus.

""this is a profoundly tragic situation where a young child has left us too soon with their whole life ahead of them, says dr. brendan lew, hamilton's associate medical officer of health, in a statement friday.

""to respect and protect the privacy of the child and their loved ones, we will not be speaking to further details of this individual case.

hamilton public health did not confirm when the child died.",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08iCxNN0y7E,"child under 5 dies of measles, says public health ontario","a child under five years old has died of measles in ontario, according to the province's public health agency, the first such death in more than a decade.

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for more than 80 years, cbc news has been the source canadians turn to, to keep them informed about their communities, their country and their world. through regional and national programming on multiple platforms, including cbc television, cbc news network, cbc radio, cbcnews.ca, mobile and on-demand, cbc news and its internationally recognized team of award-winning journalists deliver the breaking stories, the issues, the analyses and the personalities that matter to canadians.",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Zov7AVKmXlY,child under 5 dies after being hospitalized for measles: public health ontario,public health ontario says a young child has died after being hospitalized for measles — the first such death in more than a decade. #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube #shortsbeta #shorts #ontario #ontariocanada #measles,05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J78pZXjeSWk,"ontario records first measles death in over 30 years | ctv news toronto at six for may 17, 2024","an unvaccinated five-year-old hamilton child is ontario's first death by the measles virus in decades; ottawa has refused toronto's request to decriminalize drug possession, prompting a call for support to ontario to deal with the crisis; and, the lawyer for some investors claiming to be left in the lurch by aiden pleterski says they are gratified that charges have been laid.

subscribe to cp24 to watch more videos: https://www.youtube.com/cp24torontobreakingnews

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cp24 breakfast on twitter: https://twitter.com/cp24breakfast
cp24 breakfast on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cp24breakfast
cp24 is toronto's #1 source for breaking news.",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,surprise,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SpHHVb2Wuw,measles positive passenger at lax,"a traveler who passed through lax a week ago was infected with measles at the time, county health officials said thursday, warning that the person may have exposed others.

subscribe to fox 11 on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/uchff8wfnipmedpjf8ommxdg

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police chases: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=plzqiutzrls1g-ozh3gr_vh_pcavzipyjb
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homeless crisis: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=plzqiutzrls1fxqzl9-ydlx3ujdjyp2s5f",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MgQPTJ6QvAs,ontario child under 5 dies after being hospitalized for measles,"public health ontario says a young child has died after being hospitalized for measles — the first such death in more than a decade.

a report published thursday says the child was under five years old and not immunized against the virus.

the report shows there were no other measles-related deaths recorded in the province between jan. 1, 2013 and this week.

the agency says there have been 22 confirmed cases of measles in ontario this year, 13 of them in children.

it says 12 of the children were not immunized against measles and the other had an unknown immunization status.

five of the children, including the one who died, required hospitalization.

a spokesperson for ontario health minister sylvia jones expressed condolences to the grieving family.

in an emailed statement, hannah jensen also urged residents to stay up to date with their vaccinations to ensure they and their loved ones are protected against infectious diseases.",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgQPTJ6QvAs,ontario child under 5 dies after being hospitalized for measles,"public health ontario says a young child has died after being hospitalized for measles — the first such death in more than a decade.

a report published thursday says the child was under five years old and not immunized against the virus.

the report shows there were no other measles-related deaths recorded in the province between jan. 1, 2013 and this week.

the agency says there have been 22 confirmed cases of measles in ontario this year, 13 of them in children.

it says 12 of the children were not immunized against measles and the other had an unknown immunization status.

five of the children, including the one who died, required hospitalization.

a spokesperson for ontario health minister sylvia jones expressed condolences to the grieving family.

in an emailed statement, hannah jensen also urged residents to stay up to date with their vaccinations to ensure they and their loved ones are protected against infectious diseases.",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fl1Z6SGsjAk,signs and symptoms of measles,"signs and symptoms of measles @m_m786 

#measles #medical_mnemonics786 #m_m786 #mbbsmnemonics",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHXecsJiVKg,tragic measles death in ontario #shorts #news,"heartbreaking news: a child under five has died of measles in ontario, the first such death in the province since 1989. public health ontario confirms the child was unvaccinated. this tragic event highlights the resurgence of measles in ontario and globally.

in this video, we discuss:
- details surrounding this tragic incident
- the rise in measles cases in ontario and worldwide
- the importance of vaccination to prevent further tragedies
- statements from prime minister trudeau and health experts urging immunization

stay informed and protect your loved ones. don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more health updates and news.

#measles #vaccination #ontario #healthnews #publichealth",05/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlzzzDu81_w,tragic measles death in ontario,"heartbreaking news: a child under five has died of measles in ontario, the first such death in the province since 1989. public health ontario confirms the child was unvaccinated. this tragic event highlights the resurgence of measles in ontario and globally.

in this video, we discuss:
- details surrounding this tragic incident
- the rise in measles cases in ontario and worldwide
- the importance of vaccination to prevent further tragedies
- statements from prime minister trudeau and health experts urging immunization

stay informed and protect your loved ones. don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more health updates and news.

#measles #vaccination #ontario #healthnews #publichealth",05/17/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYAlnsbjyBQ,"for the first time in over a decade, a child in ontario has died of the measles","for the first time in over a decade, a child in ontario has died of the measles. the rate of unvaccinated children is skyrocketing, which is endangering our herd immunity. #ontario #onpoli #measles #measlesvaccine #frankdomenic",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1c7OTCcTNw,measles tragedy in canada,#diddy #cassie #facts #hottopics #trending #healthcare #trendingnews,05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRu_NFNMRPc,"twitch stream archive - 16/05/2024 / resident evil 2 ""president measles""","broadcasted live on twitch -- watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/tomstoast1

find merch, sneak referrals and everything else toast related here https://linktr.ee/tomstoast",05/17/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,anger,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ab7pR_i5yZA,can robert f. kennedy jr. be a november spoiler? | on balance,"probably not, says david drucker, senior writer for the dispatch. he tells ""on balance there are two reasons: while president joe biden and former president donald trump are talking about the economy, inflation and other ""bread and butter issues, kennedy is discussing secret cabals and opposing the measles vaccine. but more important, says drucker, is kennedy's absence on many state ballots. you don't get to play spoiler if you're not on the ballot, he says. 

#robert f. kennedy jr. #presidential election #david drucker

""on balance with leland vittert"" takes a critical look at some of the day's hottest subjects. weekdays at 7p/6c. #onbalance

newsnation is your source for fact-based, unbiased news for all america. 

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get our app: https://trib.al/tbxgypp
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how to watch on tv or streaming: https://trib.al/vu0ikij",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlKpRXCP9Ak,measles important mcqs watch the full video#communicabledisease #keralpsc #healthservices #top,,05/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OTX9hO_8kk,അഞചാം പനി ഭീതിയിൽ കാനഡ | mcnews| mcradio |,"പരതിരോധ കതതിവയപ ഞകകാതതവരിലം മമപ അഞചാംപനി ബാധിചചിിലലാതതവരിലം അതിവേഗം അഞചാംപനി  വൈറസ പരമെനന മനനറിയിപപ

#canadanews #canada #malayalamnews #measles #mcnews #mcradio 

for detailed news visit https://www.mcnews.ca/
commenters are responsible for their words...",05/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBXnu0abnAw,variolinum  allen,"variolinum. presented by dr. deoshlok sharma director, jds homoeopathic hospital, jharsuguda

pus from smallpox pustule. -a nosode.-
only fragmentary provings. bears the same relation to smallpox that antitoxin does to diphtheria. an extended clinical record by competent and reliable observers attest its curative value in variola - simple, confluent and malignant - as well as in varioloid and varicella. it has done splendid work in all potencies, from the 6th cent. to the c. m. as a preventive of, or protection against, smallpox, it is far superior to crude vaccination and absolutely safe from the sequenae, especially septic and tubercular infection. the efficacy of the potency is the stumbling block to the materialist. but is it more difficult to comprehend than the infectious nature of variola, measles or pertusis? those who have not used, like those who have not experimentally tested the law of similars, are not competent witnesses. put it to the test and publish the failures to the world.
 #materiamedica #learnmateriamedica #homeopathy #homoeopathictherapeutics #homoeopathyforall #homeopathyworks #homeopathyheals #homeopathic #homeopathicmedicine #homeopathyforall #homeopathicremedie #homeopathyrocks #homeopathicremedy #homoeopath #homeopathicdoctor #homoeopathy #homeopathytreatment #homeopatia #materiamedica #bhms #homeopathyworksforme #ilovehomeopathy #homeopathyhealth #homeopathicmateriamedica #homeopathyresearch #homeopathichealing #homeopati #homeopathyheals #drdeoshloksharma #jdshospital #drjiteshsharma #keynotes by h.c. allen",05/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msWOkvBG1Nk,ਓਨਾਰੀਓ ਵਿੱਚ 5 ਸਾਲ ਤੋਂ ਘੱ ਉਮਰ ਦੇ ਬੱਚੇ ਦੀ ਖਸਰੇ ਨਾਲ ਮੜਤ | connect newsroom,"ਓਨਾਰੀਓ ਵਿੱਚ 5 ਸਾਲ ਤੋਂ ਘੱ ਉਮਰ ਦੇ ਬੱਚੇ ਦੀ ਖਸਰੇ ਨਾਲ ਮੜਤ ਹੋ ਗਈ

ontario child under 5 dies of measles

#measlesoutbreak #vaccinationmatters #protectourchildren #healthontario #publichealth #vaccinatenow #immunization #preventmeasles #childhealth #ontariohealth #stopmeasles #measlesawareness #canadanews #connectnewsroom
#trendingnews #indianews #latestupdates #newsroundup #breakingnews #currentaffairs #viralstories #techtrends #politicalupdates #canadanews #latestcanadanews #punjabnews #indianews #latestnews #newsanalysis #currentaffairs #topheadlines #politicalanalysis #globalnews #worldaffairs",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMYRuTiC3BI,17.05.2024 - compondo a tese - 10/05/24 a 17/05/24,"ateno (disclaimer): os dados aqui apresentados representam minha opinio pessoal.
no so de forma alguma indicaes de compra ou venda de ativos no mercado financeiro.

cpi: inflao nos eua recua para 0,3% em abril; taxa anual fica em 3,4%

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jhsf vende fatia em quatro shoppings e pe r$ 443 mi no caixa

auren (aure3) vai incorporar aes brasil (aesb3), criando 3 maior geradora do brasil; veja detalhes da operao

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what to know about new covid variants and the spread of bird flu and measles

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should this creepy search engine exist?
https://podcasts.apple.com/br/podcast/should-this-creepy-search-engine-exist/id1614253637?i=1000655151849",05/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@drrizwangohar/video/7368169481144732935,treatment of measles #measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measlesrash #measlessymptoms #measlesvirus #measlestreatment #measlesdisease #measlesexplained #khasra,treatment of measles #measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measlesrash #measlessymptoms #measlesvirus #measlestreatment #measlesdisease #measlesexplained #khasra,05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,disgust,disgust
https://www.tiktok.com/@drrizwangohar/video/7368169481144782087,treatment of measles #measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measlesrash #measlessymptoms #measlesvirus #measlestreatment #measlesdisease #measlesexplained #khasra,treatment of measles #measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measlesrash #measlessymptoms #measlesvirus #measlestreatment #measlesdisease #measlesexplained #khasra,05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,disgust,disgust
https://www.instagram.com/dr.beachgem10/reel/C7Fc77tRsw_/,"a young child in #ontario has passed away from #measles. complications and hospitalizations are common with measles, but can be reduced or avoided all together by vaccination #outbreak #travel #vaccine 

disclaimer: for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice or replace the advice of your physician","a young child in #ontario has passed away from #measles. complications and hospitalizations are common with measles, but can be reduced or avoided all together by vaccination #outbreak #travel #vaccine 

disclaimer: for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as medical advice or replace the advice of your physician",05/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7Etot8ukOy/,"first child dies from measles in over a decade. 

#canada #toronto #brampton #ottawa #ontario #montreal #britishcolumbia #mississauga #hamilton #vancouver #windsor #quebec #alberta #calgary #novascotia #halifax #saskatchewan #winnipeg #manitoba #edmonton #newbrunswick","first child dies from measles in over a decade. 

#canada #toronto #brampton #ottawa #ontario #montreal #britishcolumbia #mississauga #hamilton #vancouver #windsor #quebec #alberta #calgary #novascotia #halifax #saskatchewan #winnipeg #manitoba #edmonton #newbrunswick",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/bevmunar/reel/C7EmbouII6R/,"people only label
themselves blessed when
money is invloved. while i label us blessed despite of my baby's pneumonia, measles and primary complex condition he remains a happy baby who laugh and loves to play.
we are blessed that despite of our health issues we are gifted with strength to survive and happy enjoying each other's company and the people who shows love and support to us. 
#mompreneur #motherhood
#travelmom #serviceadvocatemom","people only label
themselves blessed when
money is invloved. while i label us blessed despite of my baby's pneumonia, measles and primary complex condition he remains a happy baby who laugh and loves to play.
we are blessed that despite of our health issues we are gifted with strength to survive and happy enjoying each other's company and the people who shows love and support to us. 
#mompreneur #motherhood
#travelmom #serviceadvocatemom",05/17/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7GB3c2IN-B/,measles infections,measles infections,05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,disgust,disgust
https://www.instagram.com/masktogetheramerica/reel/C7FiQz-v46H/,"associate professor @cunyedu dr. angelique corthals @drangeliquecorthals , biomedical researcher and epidemiologist, urges everyone to keep up with layered mitigation. ++++
 get boosted if you can
 test before gatherings
 stay home when you're ill
 wear fitting high filtration masks (especially in healthcare settings)
 avoid crowded indoor areas
#cleanair #test2treat #keepmasksinhealthcare #masktogetheramerica
watch expert q&a on how we prepare for h5n1, measles and covld, may 9, 2024
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3wkmese6rg","associate professor @cunyedu dr. angelique corthals @drangeliquecorthals , biomedical researcher and epidemiologist, urges everyone to keep up with layered mitigation. ++++
 get boosted if you can
 test before gatherings
 stay home when you're ill
 wear fitting high filtration masks (especially in healthcare settings)
 avoid crowded indoor areas
#cleanair #test2treat #keepmasksinhealthcare #masktogetheramerica
watch expert q&a on how we prepare for h5n1, measles and covld, may 9, 2024
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3wkmese6rg",05/17/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7FPPnLq48X/,"for the first time in over a decade, a child in ontario has died of the measles. the rate of unvaccinated children is skyrocketing, which is endangering our herd immunity. #ontario #onpoli #measles #measlesvaccine #frankdomenic","for the first time in over a decade, a child in ontario has died of the measles. the rate of unvaccinated children is skyrocketing, which is endangering our herd immunity. #ontario #onpoli #measles #measlesvaccine #frankdomenic",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,surprise,surprise
https://www.instagram.com/1minutemorningto/reel/C7EYRcvuDJ-/,#toronto #weather #ontario #localnews #gta #torontonews #businessnews #fyp #newtiktok #ttc #summer #measles #bikeshare #shoppers #shoppersdrugmartbeauty @john meloche @unlimited building solutions,#toronto #weather #ontario #localnews #gta #torontonews #businessnews #fyp #newtiktok #ttc #summer #measles #bikeshare #shoppers #shoppersdrugmartbeauty @john meloche @unlimited building solutions,05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7FPOajqhtw/,"i understand that fear of what you don't understand and distrust of the government can lead some people to not get vaccinated, but public health is a team effort #measles #measlesvaccine #vaccine #vaccination #vaccines #frankdomenic","i understand that fear of what you don't understand and distrust of the government can lead some people to not get vaccinated, but public health is a team effort #measles #measlesvaccine #vaccine #vaccination #vaccines #frankdomenic",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@drrizwangohar/video/7368169481144749319,treatment of measles #measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measlesrash #measlessymptoms #measlesvirus #measlestreatment #measlesdisease #measlesexplained #khasra,treatment of measles #measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measlesrash #measlessymptoms #measlesvirus #measlestreatment #measlesdisease #measlesexplained #khasra,05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,disgust,disgust
https://www.tiktok.com/@natalie.kalata/video/7370001224352976133,#news #headlines mat#y 17 2024 #measles #onpoli #breakingnews #tiktok #csis #canada #socialnews #icj #israel #southafrica #gaza ,#news #headlines mat#y 17 2024 #measles #onpoli #breakingnews #tiktok #csis #canada #socialnews #icj #israel #southafrica #gaza ,05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@barrie.360/video/7370022942375300358,"public health ontario says a young child has died after being hospitalized for measles € the first such death in more than a decade. a report published thursday says the child was under five years old and not immunized against the virus. the report shows there were no other measles-related deaths recorded in the province between jan. 1, 2013 and this week. the agency says there have been 22 confirmed cases of measles in ontario this year, 13 of them in children. it says 12 of the children were not immunized against measles and the other had an unknown immunization status. five of the children, including the one who died, required hospitalization. a spokesperson for ontario health minister sylvia jones expressed condolences to the grieving family. in an emailed statement, hannah jensen also urged residents to stay up to date with their vaccinations to ensure they and their loved ones are protected against infectious diseases. #news #nationalnews #health ","public health ontario says a young child has died after being hospitalized for measles € the first such death in more than a decade. a report published thursday says the child was under five years old and not immunized against the virus. the report shows there were no other measles-related deaths recorded in the province between jan. 1, 2013 and this week. the agency says there have been 22 confirmed cases of measles in ontario this year, 13 of them in children. it says 12 of the children were not immunized against measles and the other had an unknown immunization status. five of the children, including the one who died, required hospitalization. a spokesperson for ontario health minister sylvia jones expressed condolences to the grieving family. in an emailed statement, hannah jensen also urged residents to stay up to date with their vaccinations to ensure they and their loved ones are protected against infectious diseases. #news #nationalnews #health ",05/17/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@rubin_allergy/video/7370362595481570602,"a child under 5 years old passed away due to measles. they were not vaccinated. 2-3 cases of measles per 1,000 result in death in united states. cases continue to rise as mmr vaccination coverage is declining. please talk with your doctor if you have concerns about vaccination, but tragedies like this can be prevented. #viral #vaccine #tiktokdoc #learnontiktok","a child under 5 years old passed away due to measles. they were not vaccinated. 2-3 cases of measles per 1,000 result in death in united states. cases continue to rise as mmr vaccination coverage is declining. please talk with your doctor if you have concerns about vaccination, but tragedies like this can be prevented. #viral #vaccine #tiktokdoc #learnontiktok",05/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@danielshortall395/video/7370389951835360517,replying to @chelsey.hopkins you can hold your head high at the morning mall walk. #vaccineswork #vaccination #measles #vaccinateyourkids #bravegirls #karensgoingwild #karen,replying to @chelsey.hopkins you can hold your head high at the morning mall walk. #vaccineswork #vaccination #measles #vaccinateyourkids #bravegirls #karensgoingwild #karen,05/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@steve_boots/video/7370309173512359174,the measles outbreak continues to grow #greenscreen #greenscreen #fyp #steve_boots #canpoli #foryou #foryoupage #skpoli #mbpoli #ontario #manitoba #sask #alberta #ab #saskatchewan #ontpoli #canada #ont,the measles outbreak continues to grow #greenscreen #greenscreen #fyp #steve_boots #canpoli #foryou #foryoupage #skpoli #mbpoli #ontario #manitoba #sask #alberta #ab #saskatchewan #ontpoli #canada #ont,05/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V495zkyRFoo,doctor on prioritizing measles vaccination after death of ontario child,"infectious disease specialist dr. lisa barrett speaks about the need for adults around young children to be vaccinated.

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https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XceCEenJ9yY,"a child under 5 years old dies of measles in hamilton, ontario. #viral #doctor #vaccine",,05/18/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D75rht3DSJQ,rubella virus (german measles) and pregnancy | dr. manjushri kothekar - ivf specialist in mumbai,"in this informative video, dr. manjushree kothekar, a fertility and ivf specialist in mumbai, explores the critical importance of the rubella vaccine for adults, particularly for women planning pregnancies. rubella, often known as german measles, can lead to serious complications if contracted during pregnancy, such as congenital rubella syndrome, which can severely affect the developing baby. dr. kothekar discusses the symptoms of rubella, the lifelong immunity provided by the vaccine, and why it's essential for those who are not yet immune. the discussion also covers the potential risks of not getting vaccinated and addresses common misconceptions and questions about the rubella vaccine.

stay tuned to the end to understand more about the effectiveness of the vaccine and necessary precautions post-vaccination, including the recommended period to avoid pregnancy after vaccination to ensure safety. if you have any doubts regarding the rubella vaccine feel free to comment below or if you need a personal consultation visit our clinic in the kurla and chembur areas of mumbai.

remember to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated with our health and wellness content!

for more information consult
dr. manjushri kothekar - ivf specialist
  97693 87593
  first floor 104, shubham flora, basant park, chembur, mumbai - 400071

follow dr. manjushri on her social media platforms for more informative content!! 
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#rubella #rubellavirus #germanmeasles #drmanjushrikothekar #ivfspecialist",05/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XceCEenJ9yY,"a child under 5 years old dies of measles in hamilton, ontario. #viral #doctor #vaccine",,05/18/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dFLaN7U9n4,"henrico news minute – sept. 15, 2021","a recap of the henrico board of supervisors meeting; henrico schools officials honor county manager john vithoulkas; covid-19 cases rise again; the county reports its second rabies case of 2021; changes to some grtc routes in henrico; a measles outbreak potentially affecting this region; a rematch in the 73rd house of delegates district; details about our new ""faces of henrico business"" feature.

(today's henrico news minute is brought to you by henrico county csb prevention services (http://henricoprevention.org/) .)

support the show. (http://www.henricocitizen.com/contribute)",05/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crzTBu1FuKQ,high yield usmle step 2 images  (part1),"for the usmle step 2, high-yield images often come from various clinical disciplines, and they are crucial for visual diagnosis questions. here are some key areas and types of images that are often high yield for this exam:

chest x-rays: pneumonia, tuberculosis, pneumothorax, heart failure.
abdominal x-rays: bowel obstruction, perforation (free air under diaphragm).
ct scans: head trauma (subdural hematoma, epidural hematoma), abdominal ct for appendicitis.
mri: brain tumors, multiple sclerosis lesions.
rashes: measles, rubella, varicella, erythema infectiosum.
skin lesions: melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma.
dermatologic signs: erythema multiforme, stevens-johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis.
histology slides: various types of cancers (breast, prostate, colon), glomerulonephritis patterns.
blood smears: leukemia (blast cells), sickle cell anemia (sickle cells), malaria (parasite).
fundoscopic images: diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy, retinal detachment.
external eye images: conjunctivitis, herpes zoster ophthalmicus.
ekg strips: myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia.
echocardiograms: valvular heart diseases (mitral stenosis, aortic regurgitation).
infectious diseases
microscopic images: gram stain of bacterial infections, acid-fast stain for tuberculosis.
clinical photos: lyme disease (erythema migrans), syphilis (chancre).
neuroimaging: stroke (ct/mri), multiple sclerosis (mri lesions).
clinical signs: bell's palsy, horner's syndrome.
obstetrics and gynecology
ultrasounds: ectopic pregnancy, fetal biometry.
clinical images: placenta previa, abruptio placentae.
high-yield image resources
first aid for the usmle step 2 ck: this book often includes high-yield images and explanations.
usmle world (uworld): their question bank includes many clinical images that are representative of what you will see on the exam.
online image libraries: websites like medscape, radiopaedia, and webpath provide a wealth of medical images.
review books: books like ""clinical microbiology made ridiculously simple"" and ""rapid review pathology"" include many high-yield images with explanations.",05/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksAaqv84YAU,geneva / sudan violence | shb news,"#breakingnews #news #gaza #palestine #hamas #usa #israel #biden 
brutal violence, famine, disease and widespread displacement are haunting nine million sudanese people, including four million children, un humanitarians warned today (17 may).

""famine is closing in, diseases are closing in, the fighting is closing in on civilians, especially in darfur, jens laerke, a spokesperson for un humanitarian affairs coordination office ocha, told journalists in geneva.

half of sudan's population - some 25 million people - are estimated to be in desperate need of humanitarian aid, according to ocha's estimates.

the un's humanitarian response plan for sudan aims to support 15 million of the worst-affected people in 2024. but mr. laerke said the $2.7 billion appeal is ""catastrophically underfunded, at only 12 percent.

tensions between the country's military and paramilitary forces erupted into conflict in april 2023. the rapid support forces (rsf) control most of darfur and are besieging north darfur's capital el fasher.

almost 16,000 people have died over the course of the war and 33,000 have been injured, according to the un world health organization (who). ""but the toll of the war is probably much higher, said dr. shible sahbani, who representative in sudan. speaking from port sudan, he highlighted the fact that in 13 months of war in sudan, nine million people or some 17 per cent of the country's population have been displaced, which represents ""the largest internal displacement crisis in the world today.

famine is looming, with more than one third of the population facing acute hunger. a rise in attacks on health personnel and aid workers is further restricting access to life-saving care and medicines, resulting in outbreaks of cholera, measles and malaria that have been registered in two thirds of the 18 sudanese states.

earlier this week, un high commissioner for human rights, volker trk, held separate phone calls with lt-general abdel fattah al-burhan, commander of the sudanese armed forces, and general mohamed hamdan dagalo, who leads the rival rapid support forces.

last tuesday, mr. trk urged them both to act immediately and publicly to de-escalate the situation, said un human rights office (ohchr) spokesperson ravina shamdasani. the un rights chief had previously approached the rival generals in november 2022.

asked about the outcome of the calls, shamdasani said that ""each of them acknowledged the importance of respecting international humanitarian law and that general al-burhan also indicated that he would ""facilitate visas for ohchr staff.

she added that ohchr currently only has one international staff member in port sudan and is hoping to get visas for more staff to be able to go in, ""including the high commissioner's designated expert on sudan.

meanwhile, the un refugee agency (unhcr) sounded the alarm over increasing numbers of sudanese arrivals in uganda – over 33,000 people, 19,000 of whom have arrived in kampala since the start of 2024. matthew crentsil, the unhcr country representative in uganda, called the situation a ""silent emergency.

including the sudanese, on average 2,500 people arrive in uganda every week, mainly from the democratic republic of the congo and south sudan, fleeing ongoing conflicts and climate-change impacts. unhcr warned of the pressure that this influx, combined with funding shortfalls, puts on assistance to refugees and host communities.

the country is already host to almost 1.7 million refugees and asylum-seekers, while the 2024 uganda country refugee response plan is only 13 percent funded, unhcr said.
shb news channel (snc) is a comprehensive 24-hour news service that provides breaking news as well as political and business news. as the top cable network in both total viewers and adults 25-54, snc has been the most-watched news channel in the country for nearly two decades and according to public policy polling is the most trusted source of television news domestic. snc is in more than 89 million homes and dominates the cable news industry, regularly ranking in 12 of the top 15 programs in the genre.",05/18/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsAphUmCAws,learn about cleavers and mullein in the idaho mountains,"i love coming to the mountains to find these beautiful herbs. a little more about cleavers: galium aparine
cleavers is a good diuretic for edema, bladder and an excellent lymphatic tonic and drainer which is useful for swollen lymph nodes or tonsillitis. cleavers is also a liver restorative tonic and helps with inflammation generally.
cleavers is an astringent, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, detoxifying, febrifuge and promote sweating. effective both internally and externally. detoxify the body, drain the lymphatic system, and swollen glands. skin disorders, acne, psoriasis, eczema, abscesses and boils. kidney stones, bladder and urinary tract infections. cancers, research has been done to support the use of cleavers to treat tumors, especially those of breast, skin, head, neck, bladder, cervix, prostate, and lymphatic system. chickenpox, measles and fevers. tonsillitis, sore throat, glandular fever, and prostate problems. 
a little more about mullein: herbalists recommend mullein leaves as one of the safest and most useful herbal lung tonics. the plant's natural antiseptic and analgesic properties make this a highly effective yet gentle herbal remedy. the leaves have an expectorant and soothing action on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. take mullein for easing the symptoms of asthma, chronic bronchitis, dry coughs, and laryngitis. mullein is also a useful lymphatic cleanser, and you may find it effective for helping to relieve skin problems like psoriasis.

#respiratorycare",05/18/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0lk915m6eg,reality of transgenders|      |islamic story|uudu&hindi,"reality of transgenders|      |islamic story|uudu&hindi
about this video:
this is the story of that half incomplete human being, whom the society gives every meaningless name but does not understand as a human being, if it is not a human being, then what is it? it's measles, it's eunuch, it's transgender, it's eunuch or eunuch. despite having so many names, this person is considered to be blameworthy. although there is no fault in it. because eunuchs are born of their own will, nor do they choose this deficiency for themselves. yet our treatment of these harmless human beings is cruelly inhumane. on the contrary, this attitude proves us to be extremely disgusting and cruel in terms of morals. the tragedy is that this half-finished human being tramples on his honor and saves the honor of those who created him, but it is far from giving respect to the so-called contractors of our society, they are not ready to accept him as a human being. if it is incomplete, what is his own fault in it? when will his physical deficiency be considered as the will of allah? when will the society respect him? watch the full video to know about the amazing and incredible life situations of transgender women.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ",05/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,anger
https://www.instagram.com/rubin_allergy/reel/C7HW0V9g6lE/,"a child under 5 years old passed away due to measles. they were not vaccinated. 2-3 cases of measles per 1,000 result in death in united states. cases continue to rise as mmr vaccination coverage is declining. please talk with your doctor if you have concerns about vaccination, but tragedies like this can be prevented. #viral #vaccine #doctor","a child under 5 years old passed away due to measles. they were not vaccinated. 2-3 cases of measles per 1,000 result in death in united states. cases continue to rise as mmr vaccination coverage is declining. please talk with your doctor if you have concerns about vaccination, but tragedies like this can be prevented. #viral #vaccine #doctor",05/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/allergies_explained/reel/C7HAlferqll/,"was saddened and shocked to hear the news of the little one passing from measles yesterday. 

thanks to scientific advances, the horrors of vaccine preventable illnesses have become an abstract concept today. with declining rates of vaccination, unfortunately consequences of preventable illnesses are resurfacing. talk to your health care team and go over concerns. 

important to note that those who are pregnant or immunocompromised cannot get this vaccine, and really on community immunization (herd immunity) for protection.","was saddened and shocked to hear the news of the little one passing from measles yesterday. 

thanks to scientific advances, the horrors of vaccine preventable illnesses have become an abstract concept today. with declining rates of vaccination, unfortunately consequences of preventable illnesses are resurfacing. talk to your health care team and go over concerns. 

important to note that those who are pregnant or immunocompromised cannot get this vaccine, and really on community immunization (herd immunity) for protection.",05/18/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7GeSf6rGZS/,"measles koi bimari nhi
#instagram #insgramreelsindia #instadaily #matarani #measles #trandingreels♥","measles koi bimari nhi
#instagram #insgramreelsindia #instadaily #matarani #measles #trandingreels♥",05/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/mochilcikupa/reel/C7Gd2WEpO73/,"hallo bunda! 
campak atau measles rubella (mr) adalah penyakit infeksi menular melalui saluran napas yang disebabkan oleh virus. maka pentingnya dilakukan imunisasi mr sebagai bentuk pencegahan pada anak bunda

yuk disimak videonya  ✨

#mochilcikupa","hallo bunda! 
campak atau measles rubella (mr) adalah penyakit infeksi menular melalui saluran napas yang disebabkan oleh virus. maka pentingnya dilakukan imunisasi mr sebagai bentuk pencegahan pada anak bunda

yuk disimak videonya  ✨

#mochilcikupa",05/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/indiataina71/reel/C7HRsHjuojj/,"repost from wearebreitbart ~ a report from the centers for disease control has linked 84 percent of chicago's recent cases of measles back to the wave of illegal aliens from venezuela.

the report found that 84 percent of the identified cases were found in illegal aliens from venezuela who were unvaccinated and can be traced to a single migrant boy who arrived in chicago with the communicable disease, according to the daily mail.

fifty-seven cases were found in the same migrant shelter in chicago's pilsen neighborhood, the cdc added.

but venezuela was not the only traced source of cases. the organization also noted that sixteen percent of the cases in chicago could be traced back to people who contracted the disease in peru and chile.

after the migrant child was taken from the shelter to a hospital on february 27, chicago health authorities acted to contain the illness. by may 13, the city identified 57 cases of measles among migrants living in the shelter.

most of the migrants who came down with measles were from venezuela. but authorities also found four patients from peru, two from ecuador, and one from chile. a final case was found in a patient who would not reveal his place of origin. #0 of those sickened were women and 27 were men and patients ranged in age between six months to 49 years of age.

what are your thoughts? 

follow my twitter/truthsocial @indiataina71 review videos

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3 fast comments! 

disclaimer for instagram fact checkers: 

please be aware that the content of this post is presented solely as a viewpoint, opinion, theory, or satire and should not be interpreted as a statement of fact. furthermore, no advice or guidance is being provided.

copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act of 1976: this content is shared under the ""fair use provision for the purposes of criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research.

the pilsen shelter has been used to house about 2,100 people since february.","repost from wearebreitbart ~ a report from the centers for disease control has linked 84 percent of chicago's recent cases of measles back to the wave of illegal aliens from venezuela.

the report found that 84 percent of the identified cases were found in illegal aliens from venezuela who were unvaccinated and can be traced to a single migrant boy who arrived in chicago with the communicable disease, according to the daily mail.

fifty-seven cases were found in the same migrant shelter in chicago's pilsen neighborhood, the cdc added.

but venezuela was not the only traced source of cases. the organization also noted that sixteen percent of the cases in chicago could be traced back to people who contracted the disease in peru and chile.

after the migrant child was taken from the shelter to a hospital on february 27, chicago health authorities acted to contain the illness. by may 13, the city identified 57 cases of measles among migrants living in the shelter.

most of the migrants who came down with measles were from venezuela. but authorities also found four patients from peru, two from ecuador, and one from chile. a final case was found in a patient who would not reveal his place of origin. #0 of those sickened were women and 27 were men and patients ranged in age between six months to 49 years of age.

what are your thoughts? 

follow my twitter/truthsocial @indiataina71 review videos

don't let them censor us

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3 fast comments! 

disclaimer for instagram fact checkers: 

please be aware that the content of this post is presented solely as a viewpoint, opinion, theory, or satire and should not be interpreted as a statement of fact. furthermore, no advice or guidance is being provided.

copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act of 1976: this content is shared under the ""fair use provision for the purposes of criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research.

the pilsen shelter has been used to house about 2,100 people since february.",05/18/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.instagram.com/arshareef/reel/C7HWILiIbRh/,"traumatised girl reveals congo horror

#repost @african_stream 

it's difficult to watch this heartbreaking interview of a traumatised girl in a displacement camp in the democratic republic of congo. fighting back tears, she tells how even here isn't safe, with rebels frequently carrying out kidnappings. 

she bears what can best be described as the 'face' of the congo. an innocent child scarred by the daily horrors of the long-running conflict that's impacted millions of defenceless congolese. 

the country's east is one of the most dangerous places in the world for women and girls. there's the ever-present danger of rape, abduction or murder as they go in search of food and other essentials. as as this sister reveals, conditions in displacement camps are no better. they're often overcrowded and unhygienic, with inadequate facilities for the protection of vulnerable refugees. 

more than 25 million people – a quarter of dr congo's population – don't have enough to eat. cholera and measles are spreading, worsened by floods induced by an el nio weather pattern. over seven million have been displaced, and millions of children cannot go to school due to threats to their safety and forced recruitment by rebels.

a december 2023 un report found rwanda responsible for arming and funding the m23 militia, one of the groups fighting to control the mineral-rich eastern region of dr congo. western multi-nationals have also been accused of fuelling and profiting from the conflict, by purchasing illegally extracted minerals from the country.

#interview #trauma #drc #abuse #cholera #elnino #vulnerable #refugees #un #rwanda #m23 #conflict #extraction #minerals","traumatised girl reveals congo horror

#repost @african_stream 

it's difficult to watch this heartbreaking interview of a traumatised girl in a displacement camp in the democratic republic of congo. fighting back tears, she tells how even here isn't safe, with rebels frequently carrying out kidnappings. 

she bears what can best be described as the 'face' of the congo. an innocent child scarred by the daily horrors of the long-running conflict that's impacted millions of defenceless congolese. 

the country's east is one of the most dangerous places in the world for women and girls. there's the ever-present danger of rape, abduction or murder as they go in search of food and other essentials. as as this sister reveals, conditions in displacement camps are no better. they're often overcrowded and unhygienic, with inadequate facilities for the protection of vulnerable refugees. 

more than 25 million people – a quarter of dr congo's population – don't have enough to eat. cholera and measles are spreading, worsened by floods induced by an el nio weather pattern. over seven million have been displaced, and millions of children cannot go to school due to threats to their safety and forced recruitment by rebels.

a december 2023 un report found rwanda responsible for arming and funding the m23 militia, one of the groups fighting to control the mineral-rich eastern region of dr congo. western multi-nationals have also been accused of fuelling and profiting from the conflict, by purchasing illegally extracted minerals from the country.

#interview #trauma #drc #abuse #cholera #elnino #vulnerable #refugees #un #rwanda #m23 #conflict #extraction #minerals",05/18/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@paeds.patrol/video/7370812169178451205,measles death in canada. source: the hamilton spectator #medicine #doctor #parenting #baby #measles #viral #pediatrics #usa #canada #border #health #medtok #traveltips greenscreen #waronautism #autism #autismmom #autismresearch #autismoftiktok #autismmom #autismfamily #autismrecovery #autistic #greenscreen ,measles death in canada. source: the hamilton spectator #medicine #doctor #parenting #baby #measles #viral #pediatrics #usa #canada #border #health #medtok #traveltips greenscreen #waronautism #autism #autismmom #autismresearch #autismoftiktok #autismmom #autismfamily #autismrecovery #autistic #greenscreen ,05/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drsandeepkaur6/video/7370818847575756065,#newvirus #anyage #measles,#newvirus #anyage #measles,05/19/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@letmegooglethatpodcast/video/7370740062868278570,did anyone else love kate winslet in contagion lol #fyp #podcast #medicine #science #measles #movies,did anyone else love kate winslet in contagion lol #fyp #podcast #medicine #science #measles #movies,05/19/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKpr7wH3jC4,first measles death in ontario in 35 years,"dr. dale kalina, assistant clinical professor at mcmaster university says the lack of vaccinations could be linked to covid-19 pandemic.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b25XXb2QXBU,catch this episode 56 - let's talk about measles,in this video i explain why measles continuously re-emerges.,05/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FP4LiNLiLyg,possible measles exposure at lax,"officials say a traveler who recently passed through terminal b at the los angeles airport was infected with measles and may have exposed others.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZue11luiVw,"doh – kaso ng measles sa bansa, bumaba rin | unang balita","unang balita is the news segment of gma network's daily morning program, unang hirit. it's anchored by arnold clavio, susan enriquez, ivan mayrina, and mariz umali, and airs on gma-7 mondays to fridays at 5:30 am (phl time). for more videos from unang balita, visit http://www.gmanetwork.com/unangbalita.

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gma network kapuso programs on gma pinoy tv: https://gmapinoytv.com/subscribe",05/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZTwa2obZfw,"doh: kaso ng measles-rubella sa bansa, patuloy sa pagbaba","doh: kaso ng measles-rubella sa bansa, patuloy sa pagbaba",05/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSosTATUMDI,tragic update: measles fatality in ontario,get the latest update on a tragic measles fatality in ontario. stay informed on the latest news about the death after a decade.,05/19/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_F0zaeSO1vw,"brunch | measles, pertussis, dengue cases declining – doh","#brunch | the department of health has reported a decrease in cases of measles-rubella, pertussis, and dengue in the country.

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#news #balita #livenewstodayphilippinesoneph",05/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sm3SFQQAVqA,08 vzv- measles- rubella,,05/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLq6m6EuGUM,doctor kit || baby injection video #shorts #viral #viralvideo,"healthy shorts86

in this videos. 
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baby injection video but it's video provides baby your child right time vaccinated. because baby health is very important so right time all immunaization your child. 
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my social account
video is educational purpose only. copyright
disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act
1976, allowance is made for ""fair use' for purposes
such as critism, comment, news, reporting, teaching,
scholarship, and researching. fair use is a use
premitted by copyright statue that might otherwise be
infringing. non-profit, educational or personal use tips
the balance in favor of fair use.",05/19/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QoxLJ9eOrY,mga sakit o karamdaman na hindi iniinuman ng antibiotics | jamestology,"mahalaga na malaman ng lahat kung ano ang iinuming gamot at hindi kapag may sakit o karamdaman para maiwasan ang masamang epekto nito..

#healthtips #antibiotics #virus #gamot #sipon #measles",05/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.wboy.com/video/department-of-health-128-west-virginians-exposed-to-measles-following-state%E2%80%99s-first-case-since-2009/9643323/,department of health: 128 west virginians exposed to measles following states first case since 2009,"after a positive case was confirmed in monongalia county on monday, the west virginia department of health has learned that an additional 128 west virginians in 30 counties have been potentially exposed to measles.",05/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/spectrumawakening/reel/C7J-FGLx5sJ/,"abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and cns autoimmunity in children with autism.

check out dr. jared's podcast episode 141 ""autism regressions: how to fix it! today!

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#autism #spectrum #autismpodcast #autismeducation #autismawareness #autismo #autismfamily #autismawakening #vaccination #mmr #autoimmunity #measlesmumpsrubella","abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and cns autoimmunity in children with autism.

check out dr. jared's podcast episode 141 ""autism regressions: how to fix it! today!

""autism awakening podcast is available in spotify, apple and google podcast!

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#autism #spectrum #autismpodcast #autismeducation #autismawareness #autismo #autismfamily #autismawakening #vaccination #mmr #autoimmunity #measlesmumpsrubella",05/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/misanharriman/reel/C7KJ1SII_5n/,"#repost @african_stream
traumatised girl reveals congo horror

it's difficult to watch this heartbreaking interview of a traumatised girl in a displacement camp in the democratic republic of congo. fighting back tears, she tells how even here isn't safe, with rebels frequently carrying out kidnappings. 

she bears what can best be described as the 'face' of the congo. an innocent child scarred by the daily horrors of the long-running conflict that's impacted millions of defenceless congolese. 

the country's east is one of the most dangerous places in the world for women and girls. there's the ever-present danger of rape, abduction or murder as they go in search of food and other essentials. as as this sister reveals, conditions in displacement camps are no better. they're often overcrowded and unhygienic, with inadequate facilities for the protection of vulnerable refugees. 

more than 25 million people – a quarter of dr congo's population – don't have enough to eat. cholera and measles are spreading, worsened by floods induced by an el nio weather pattern. over seven million have been displaced, and millions of children cannot go to school due to threats to their safety and forced recruitment by rebels.

a december 2023 un report found rwanda responsible for arming and funding the m23 militia, one of the groups fighting to control the mineral-rich eastern region of dr congo. western multi-nationals have also been accused of fuelling and profiting from the conflict, by purchasing illegally extracted minerals from the country.

#interview #trauma #drc #abuse #cholera #elnino #vulnerable #refugees #un #rwanda #m23 #conflict #extraction #minerals","#repost @african_stream
traumatised girl reveals congo horror

it's difficult to watch this heartbreaking interview of a traumatised girl in a displacement camp in the democratic republic of congo. fighting back tears, she tells how even here isn't safe, with rebels frequently carrying out kidnappings. 

she bears what can best be described as the 'face' of the congo. an innocent child scarred by the daily horrors of the long-running conflict that's impacted millions of defenceless congolese. 

the country's east is one of the most dangerous places in the world for women and girls. there's the ever-present danger of rape, abduction or murder as they go in search of food and other essentials. as as this sister reveals, conditions in displacement camps are no better. they're often overcrowded and unhygienic, with inadequate facilities for the protection of vulnerable refugees. 

more than 25 million people – a quarter of dr congo's population – don't have enough to eat. cholera and measles are spreading, worsened by floods induced by an el nio weather pattern. over seven million have been displaced, and millions of children cannot go to school due to threats to their safety and forced recruitment by rebels.

a december 2023 un report found rwanda responsible for arming and funding the m23 militia, one of the groups fighting to control the mineral-rich eastern region of dr congo. western multi-nationals have also been accused of fuelling and profiting from the conflict, by purchasing illegally extracted minerals from the country.

#interview #trauma #drc #abuse #cholera #elnino #vulnerable #refugees #un #rwanda #m23 #conflict #extraction #minerals",05/19/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7JFc2zAVFT/,"chicago  measles 

  news@ www.breitbart.com 

 * full story in link below  https://www.breitbart.com/health/2024/05/17/report-84-of-chicagos-measles-cases-traced-venezuelan-migrants/

  #dc #dallas #southcarolina #montebello #boyleheights #inlandempire #philadelphia #podcasts #oakland #santamonica #downey #wisconsin #anaheim #malibu #massachusetts 
#minneapolis #news
#lifestyle #newyork #orlando #utah #oklahoma #denver #michigan #burbank #california #fresno #hesperia #family","chicago  measles 

  news@ www.breitbart.com 

 * full story in link below  https://www.breitbart.com/health/2024/05/17/report-84-of-chicagos-measles-cases-traced-venezuelan-migrants/

  #dc #dallas #southcarolina #montebello #boyleheights #inlandempire #philadelphia #podcasts #oakland #santamonica #downey #wisconsin #anaheim #malibu #massachusetts 
#minneapolis #news
#lifestyle #newyork #orlando #utah #oklahoma #denver #michigan #burbank #california #fresno #hesperia #family",05/19/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@6abcactionnews/video/7371204085917224234,residents warned of possible measles exposure in philadelphia and montgomery county,residents warned of possible measles exposure in philadelphia and montgomery county,05/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@galwaytravellermovement/video/7371005223214533921,"measles can be dangerous, especially for babies and young children, pregnant women and people with a weak immune system. the best protection against the measles infection is vaccination. this is why the hse is now offering a free mmr vaccine catch up programme, starting with children and adults aged 24 and under. why is it important your children's vaccines are up to date? are vaccines like the mmr vaccine safe? in this video, ann mcdonnell, traveller primary health care worker explains why it is important to keep your children's vaccines up to date. #fyp #traveller #irishtraveller #travellerlife #travellergirl #travellertok  #","measles can be dangerous, especially for babies and young children, pregnant women and people with a weak immune system. the best protection against the measles infection is vaccination. this is why the hse is now offering a free mmr vaccine catch up programme, starting with children and adults aged 24 and under. why is it important your children's vaccines are up to date? are vaccines like the mmr vaccine safe? in this video, ann mcdonnell, traveller primary health care worker explains why it is important to keep your children's vaccines up to date. #fyp #traveller #irishtraveller #travellerlife #travellergirl #travellertok  #",05/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL3-29jIeeE,residents warned of possible measles exposure in philadelphia and montgomery county,residents warned of possible measles exposure in philadelphia and montgomery county,05/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0hNHDj2gF0,mumps susceptible | who is most susceptible to mumps? | #mumps,"also know: most susceptible to mumps | is mumps a contagious disease  | who is most at risk for mumps | who is at risk for mumps | what are the risk factors for mumps? 
 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps, most susceptible to mumps, is mumps a contagious disease, who is most at risk for mumps, who is at risk for mumps, what are the risk factors for mumps ,pace hospitals",05/20/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtLFToXoonM,see how animals and birds spread measles,,05/20/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7Veyxsg8o8,dr. ghada / l1 / measles & rubella,,05/20/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54mTqlhmfL4,can you guess the sign & symptoms of measles? #foryou #ytshorts #doctorlife #trending #doctor #mbbs,,05/20/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwTE8sYV-yE,measles (rubeola)  causes&symptoms treatment for homeopathic medicines.dr ali.muhammad. ☺,,05/20/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tk9-4SjwPsk,"sudan: millions of civilians abandoned in spiral of horrific violence, humanitarian void","brutal violence, famine, disease and widespread displacement are haunting nine million sudanese people, including four million children, un humanitarians warn.

""famine is closing in, diseases are closing in, the fighting is closing in on civilians, especially in darfur, jens laerke, a spokesperson for un humanitarian affairs coordination office ocha, told journalists in geneva.

half of sudan's population - some 25 million people - are estimated to be in desperate need of humanitarian aid, according to ocha's estimates.

the un's humanitarian response plan for sudan aims to support 15 million of the worst-affected people in 2024. but mr. laerke said the $2.7 billion appeal is ""catastrophically underfunded, at only 12 per cent.

tensions between the country's military and paramilitary forces erupted into conflict in april 2023. the rapid support forces (rsf) control most of darfur and are besieging north darfur's capital el fasher. almost 16,000 people have died over the course of the war and 33,000 have been injured.

famine is looming, with more than one third of the population facing acute hunger. a rise in attacks on health personnel and aid workers is further restricting access to life-saving care and medicines, resulting in outbreaks of cholera, measles and malaria that have been registered in two thirds of the 18 sudanese states.",05/20/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShArEZL0toE,#hillview #park #f8 #dchowk #islamabad #palestine #palestinewillbefree #childhealth #measles #gaza,,05/20/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VLCh-2GPPk,staghorn sumac blessings,"hello and welcome to old ways gardening and prepping. would like to welcome you each out to my backyard on this beautiful day. this is going to be a very interesting growing season for me to say the least. 

noticed all the new little staghorn sumacs coming up while i am trying to catch up on all the overgrowth due to being in the hospital with jr. so very thankful for all these bonus plants. 

many native american tribes used staghorn sumac to treat colds, sore throats, fever, infections, diarrhea, dysentery and scurvy. they also mixed the berries with clay to make a wound salve as well. it also lowers blood sugar, as it has hypoglycemic properties and can aid in diabetes management. it is an excellent herb for the treatment of inflammatory conditions of the urinary tract, whether or not they are due to infection. it will reduce inflammation, promote tissue healing, and help reduce infection due to many kinds of bacteria as well as candida albicans. sumac helps to reduce prostate inflammation as well. 

sumac is useful for the treatment of fever and respiratory infections. it helps to dry out the sinuses in colds, sinus infections, and allergies. it is a very safe herb and can be used for the treatment of childhood fevers such as chicken pox and measles. have found it to be very effective for this application but it isn't clear whether it just lowers blood sugar levels or helps to restore pancreas function.more studies need to be done to know more about how wonderful staghorn sumac works for diabetes. these are just a few of many more healing benefits of staghorn sumac.

also want to remind everyone that if you are allergic to cashews, mangoes or pistachios please be careful using staghorn sumac.

hope this video encourages you to also grow staghorn sumac in your yard or gardens. if you have any questions please feel free to ask them in the comment section below i will answer them as soon as possible. everyone take care and have a blessed day. 


#staghornsumacblessings #staghornsumac #lovestaghornsumac #nativeplant #selfsufficiency #oldwaysgardeningandprepping 

you can check my merchandise out at the link below. all profit from sales goes back in to helping me buy cattle panels and praying to have a small greenhouse one day.


you can contact me through email at: 


old ways gardening and prepping
teresa horn
p.o. box 1587
millington, tn 38083

please donate if you can so i can build more raised beds for vegetables and medicinal herbs.


to send donations to paypal so that i will be able to buy alcohol to teach how to make tinctures. will keep the receipts to show exactly what donations are spent for.

my paypal id is: @cedar

my amazon wish list:


my mountain rose affiliate link is: 


yes i will make a small commission from your order but it will not cost you anything. 

my true leaf market ambassador link is:


yes i will make a small commission and receive gifts for you using my personal link for ordering but at no extra cost to you. 

i'm on instagram as @old_ways_gardeningandprepping. install the app to follow my photos and videos.

come join me on mewe! it's the only social network built on trust, control and love.: https://mewe.com/i/teresahorn

wanted to say thank you for making music for those who can't afford to pay for it:

celtic handmaiden 
music by @geoffharveymusic from pixabay

all videos are made and edited by me teresa horn.",05/20/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8x8XYj-pn54,a depth detailed video about routine vaccination,"routine vaccines protect you from infectious diseases as measles, rubella, influenza, polio, yellow fever, pneumococus, or hpv, that can spread rapidly in groups of unvaccinated people. it is important that you receive all doses of a vaccination series to be completely protected.",05/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dqYkJCqmrc,rude karens scared of camera denied a first amendment auditor service!,"brief summary: this first amendment auditor attempted to get answers from the health dept about the measles outbreak, but was met with many rude karens...

location: chicago, illinois

we the bosses official channel: https://www.youtube.com/@wethebossesyoutheservants

original video: https://youtu.be/2tpwuqgijds?si=nejs92myzd_ub4m6

chicago dept of public health: 2133 w lexington st, chicago, il 60612
phone: (312)-746-8030
website: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/cdph.html

chicago police 12th district: 1412 s blue island ave, chicago, il 60608
phone: (312)-746-8396

don't contact ;)

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music used:

venice by gyvus https://soundcloud.com/gyvus/venice

music info: groove day - soul-prod music.
music link: http://bit.ly/373yc76

this video may contain copyrighted materials; the use of which has not been specifically authorised by the copyright owner.we are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitute the 'fair use' of any such copyrighted materials as provided for in section 107 of the us copyright law and sections 29 and 30 of the uk copyright, design and patents acts 1988. the fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, comment, review and news reporting is not an infringement of copyright.

if you own any of the footage in this video please contact me via my about page in the first instance if you have any issues before submitting a take down request.

#firstamendmentaudit #recognizingourrights #karens",05/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-Jkij0ahAw,mmr vaccine short notes,,05/20/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOSu8SbMtYg,procedure of mmr vaccine by captain sp #medical #medicalstudent #injection #medecinestudent #reels,,05/20/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/video/possible-measles-exposures-reported-in-philadelphia-and-montgomery-county/,possible measles exposures reported in philadelphia and montgomery county,health officials in pennsylvania are warning about possible measles exposures in the philadelphia region.,05/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7Nd5EovIzd/,"cpl. shigeo iwamasa,  co. e, 442nd rct, a veteran of both wwii and the korean war, told about getting the measles and being sent to a convalescent home while in france. by the time he was well, his unit had been sent to germany.

 a major general was looking for a driver and iwamasa said that was his lucky day because he got to spend the rest of his time driving a mercedes on the autobahn! 

#wwii #worldwar2 #nisei #goforbroke #maui #archive #armyveteran #442ndregimentalcombatteam #armylife #armystrong""","cpl. shigeo iwamasa,  co. e, 442nd rct, a veteran of both wwii and the korean war, told about getting the measles and being sent to a convalescent home while in france. by the time he was well, his unit had been sent to germany.

 a major general was looking for a driver and iwamasa said that was his lucky day because he got to spend the rest of his time driving a mercedes on the autobahn! 

#wwii #worldwar2 #nisei #goforbroke #maui #archive #armyveteran #442ndregimentalcombatteam #armylife #armystrong""",05/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,surprise,surprise
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7No5xBttyY/,"at jupiter health we have you covered in all your health needs, including travel preparation. 

we offer common vaccinations for travel such as:
* hepatitis a and hepatitis b
* cholera
* chickenpox (varicella)
* covid-19
* typhoid
* tuberculosis (tb)
* japanese encephalitis
* meningococcal disease
* measles
* tetanus
* rabies

#jupiterhealth #travelmedicine #perthhealth #medicalservices #perthmedical","at jupiter health we have you covered in all your health needs, including travel preparation. 

we offer common vaccinations for travel such as:
* hepatitis a and hepatitis b
* cholera
* chickenpox (varicella)
* covid-19
* typhoid
* tuberculosis (tb)
* japanese encephalitis
* meningococcal disease
* measles
* tetanus
* rabies

#jupiterhealth #travelmedicine #perthhealth #medicalservices #perthmedical",05/20/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@thepedipals/video/7371114220793974062,"replying to @jenna amazing how many times the anti-vaccine crowd asks you to repeat yourself, moves the goal posts and bombards you with whataboutisms. it doesn't change the fact that vaccines work, are safe and are the best tool we have to raise healthy kids. did you see the 5 year just die from measles in canada? this isn't roblox, it's real life. get vaccinated.","replying to @jenna amazing how many times the anti-vaccine crowd asks you to repeat yourself, moves the goal posts and bombards you with whataboutisms. it doesn't change the fact that vaccines work, are safe and are the best tool we have to raise healthy kids. did you see the 5 year just die from measles in canada? this isn't roblox, it's real life. get vaccinated.",05/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@lifewiththekays/video/7371128675435171105,@public health wales #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine #measles #vaccinationsaveslives,@public health wales #measlesoutbreak #measlesvaccine #measles #vaccinationsaveslives,05/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@april_butnotthemonth/video/7371257632125930795,so many babies died too soon ' #1800s #early1900s #childloss #dieases #measles #scarletfever #influenza #whoopingcough #smallpox #diphtheria #vaccines #dontforget #vaccineswork #savethechilldren #marietta #mariettacitycemetery,so many babies died too soon ' #1800s #early1900s #childloss #dieases #measles #scarletfever #influenza #whoopingcough #smallpox #diphtheria #vaccines #dontforget #vaccineswork #savethechilldren #marietta #mariettacitycemetery,05/20/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@drmishmash/video/7371352027319897377,measles and vaccines: shocking truths. nhs doctor. #measles #fyp #shockingfacts #sickchild,measles and vaccines: shocking truths. nhs doctor. #measles #fyp #shockingfacts #sickchild,05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,surprise,surprise
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7N54EQSYF4/,mnemonic for measles vaccine#measles #measlesvaccine✔ #nursing #nursingofficer #aiims #aiimsnursingofficer #neet #neetaspirants #neetpg #viral #viralvideos #viralreels #trendingreels #trending #trensingsong #trendingvideo #studygram #motivation #studynotes #nursingnotes #viralpost #aiimsdelhi #aiimspreparation #aiimsnursing #pginursing #pgimer #pgimsrohtak,mnemonic for measles vaccine#measles #measlesvaccine✔ #nursing #nursingofficer #aiims #aiimsnursingofficer #neet #neetaspirants #neetpg #viral #viralvideos #viralreels #trendingreels #trending #trensingsong #trendingvideo #studygram #motivation #studynotes #nursingnotes #viralpost #aiimsdelhi #aiimspreparation #aiimsnursing #pginursing #pgimer #pgimsrohtak,05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fk1L0WJVl5Q,"measles warning in philly, montco: the lineup","a measles exposure warning from northeast philadelphia to montgomery county. get details on the places where exposures could have happened. plus, mayor cherelle parker has called on all city workers to return full-time to the office this summer. also, a bucks county father's video about an attack on his 5-year-old son at school has gone viral. also, all-you-can-eat shrimp may have killed red lobster. finally, aaron nola and his phillies teammates bowl for the troops. nbc10's keith jones and erin coleman deliver the lineup for tuesday, may 21, 2024.


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about nbc10 philadelphia
nbc10 is the philadelphia region's most trusted source for breaking news, exclusive local stories, in-depth investigations and most accurate weather.",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8lBmr5FWKE,the mirror crack'd from side to side - agatha christie | radio drama,"support the channel here: https://buymeacoffee.com/old.time.radio

the story kicks off with miss marple suffering a minor accident and being tended to by a local woman named heather badcock. heather shares a tale about meeting her idol, the american movie star marina gregg, years earlier. marina and her husband, film producer jason rudd, have recently moved into gossington hall, previously owned by miss marple's friend mrs. dolly bantry. during a fte at gossington hall, heather suddenly collapses and dies after consuming a poisoned daiquiri initially intended for marina gregg. the investigation begins under the eye of detective inspector frank cornish and is later handed over to chief inspector dermot craddock of scotland yard. suspicion swirls around various characters including marina's social secretary ella zielinsky, and several deaths follow heather's, complicating the investigation. miss marple ultimately discovers that the murder was deeply personal. heather badcock had unknowingly infected marina with german measles during their first meeting years before, leading to marina's child being born disabled and resulting in her nervous breakdown. overcome with rage upon realizing this connection, marina poisoned the cocktail and orchestrated events to make herself seem like the intended victim to cover up her crime. miss marple, with her sharp observations and understanding of human nature, calls out marina's actions. marina, facing exposure, succumbs to an overdose, which might have been facilitated by her husband jason to prevent further harm.",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR_t1n5a6Vw,"may 21, 2024 - measles exposure news conference",,05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uR_t1n5a6Vw&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.times-standard.com%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt,"may 21, 2024 - measles exposure news conference",,05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYiiv8pgjZc,"measles exposure in philadelphia, montgomery county","nbc10's katy zachry reports to exposures to measles reported at a northeast philadelphia cvs and holy redeemer hospital in montgomery county.


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about nbc10 philadelphia
nbc10 is the philadelphia region's most trusted source for breaking news, exclusive local stories, in-depth investigations and most accurate weather.",05/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTorgige87Q,'something to be aware of but not concerned about.' confirmed measles cases at cvs and hospital,"there is a measles exposure warning spanning from northeast philadelphia to montgomery county tuesday night. officials say residents may have been exposed after confirmed cases were reported at a cvs on bustleton ave. and at the holy redeemer hospital emergency department. nbc10's yukare nakayama has what people need to know.

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about nbc10 philadelphia
nbc10 is the philadelphia region's most trusted source for breaking news, exclusive local stories, in-depth investigations and most accurate weather.",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNiaeke4ns4,"gp funding cuts, problems at the primary care interface, measles concern","in this week's podcast the team discusses gp funding after analysis by the liberal democrats showed a real-terms fall in practice funding during the past four years. meanwhile, government figures have also shown that the share of nhs funding going to primary care has fallen to an eight-year low.

they also talk about problems at the primary care interface - the interface between practices and other parts of the nhs, including hospitals, community services and mental health services – and how it is wasting millions of gp appointments every year.

and they look at the latest on measles and mmr vaccine uptake after the uk health security agency last week declared a national incident because of rising cases of measles.

our good news story this week is about the friends and family test.

this episode was presented by gponline editor emma bower, deputy editor nick bostock and senior news reporter kimberley hackett. it was produced by czarina deen.",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lf2zRmQ8WwM,"transportation planning, measles, and a new way to remove school books","this week on the florida roundup, we spoke with the chair of the hillsborough county-city planning commission about transportation challenges and possible solutions (06:34). then, we turned to an infectious disease expert for guidance on florida's measles outbreak (21:57). plus, the latest in the effort to restrict books in florida's schools (33:12). and later, we bring you a few environmental stories from across the state (37:25).",05/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XozuhIwkTnU,urgent warning issued for potential measles exposure in philadelphia and montgomery county,"health officials have warned residents in philadelphia and montgomery county of potential measles exposure at specific locations and times. people vaccinated against measles are not at risk, but unvaccinated individuals developing symptoms by june 7 should contact a doctor. the early symptoms include fever, runny nose, cough, and red eyes, followed by a rash. there is no perceived threat to the general public.",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzzPMt3PFcU,measles - sign and symptoms #baby #babyhealth #childspecialist #measles,"information about measles spread, signs and symtoms.",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTYdIdK9E8I,immunisation in action: lesotho  #publichealth #shorts #globalhealth,"lesotho is known as the ""mountain kingdom. despite its small size, it's one of the most challenging places to deliver medical care in the world.
healthcare workers and mothers with children must make long, treacherous treks through the harsh mountainous terrain to reach remote mobile health centres. 
these centres often are at a village chieftain's house. they offer routine medical care and life-saving vaccines for children against diseases like measles and hpv.
every step they take is a risk, but it's a risk many choose to make to protect the next generation.  
#globalhealth #healthcareheroes #lesotho",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgO1wPb1fNM,"panayam kay doh spokesperson asec. albert domingo kaugnay sa pagbaba ng measles, percussis...","panayam kay doh spokesperson asec. albert domingo kaugnay sa pagbaba ng measles, percussis, at dengue sa bansa, pati na ang nakitang pagtaas ng kaso ng covid-19 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUyufnSsLr8,what are the required vaccines for green card? - countyoffice.org,"what are the required vaccines for green card? dive into the essential information about the required vaccines for your green card application in this enlightening video. discover the crucial vaccinations mandated by the u.s. government to safeguard public health. from measles, mumps, and rubella to polio, tetanus, diphtheria, and more, each vaccine plays a vital role in preventing infectious diseases and ensuring your well-being. learn about the significance of each vaccine and why they are indispensable for your green card journey.

don't miss out on this comprehensive guide to understanding the necessary vaccinations for your green card application. stay informed, protected, and contribute to maintaining public health with the required vaccines. subscribe to our channel for more insightful content on u.s. government services and regulations.

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#⃣#greencardvaccines #usgovernment #publichealth #vaccinationrequirements #greencardapplication #measlesmumpsrubella #poliovaccine #tetanusdiphtheria #varicellavaccine #hepatitisb #influenzavaccination #covid19vaccine #meningococcalvaccine #healthprotection #immigrationhealth #preventativehealthcare #vaccinemandates #healthregulations #usimmigration #healthsafety #vaccinationawareness #publichealthinitiatives #governmentservices #legalcompliance #healthandwellness #healthsecurity #greencardprocess #healthprecautions 

about us: countyoffice.org is an online directory that offers information on popular government services and local offices across the us. our directory includes contact information, directions, and access to public records including vital records such as birth, death, marriage, and divorce certificates; property records such as deeds, mortgages, and liens; court records such as criminal, civil, and bankruptcy cases; and business records such as licenses, permits, and registrations. popular office types on our site include county clerks, courts, schools, public libraries, and dmv offices, among others. by providing easy access to these resources, countyoffice.org aims to help individuals make informed decisions and exercise their rights as citizens.

disclaimer: county office does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any information in this video. information found on countyoffice.org youtube channel and videos is strictly for informational purposes and does not constitute legal, financial or medical advice. use at your own risk. for more information: https://www.countyoffice.org/terms-and-conditions/

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWuM8A0s_Gw,"local heat ordinances, the 2024 hurricane season, and fact-checking claims from session","this week on the florida roundup, we look at a bill moving through the legislature that would prohibit local governments from enacting heat ordinances with reporter valerie crowder (05:04). then meteorologist megan borowski gives us an early look at the 2024 hurricane season (22:54). plus, politifact's samantha putterman tests the truthfulness of some claims made this legislative session (27:41). and later, an update on the measles outbreak at a south florida school (37:20) and a push to ban children 16 and under from creating social media accounts moves ahead in the florida senate (40:00). finally, we look back at muhammad ali's big win in miami 60 years out (43:04).",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3gGzcg3RIw,"dire humanitarian situation in darfur, sudan"," we are extremely concerned about the humanitarian situation in darfur, sudan.

in south darfur, the war has caused the health system to completely collapse. the humanitarian response to this crisis has been extremely limited, leaving people vulnerable to disease outbreaks such as measles, cholera, and malaria.

nicolas teisser, project coordinator in south darfur, describes the desperate situation of the people living in this region.",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6anZphyyn4,"trudeau's us trip, covid surge, immigration changes, measles alert, and inflation drop | may 21 2024","join this channel to get access to perks:

what is happening in canada - may 21 2024 - expat canadian 

follow us on our socials and website: theexpatcanadian.com/register instagram: www.instagram.com/expat_canadian_official/ facebook: www.facebook.com/expatcanadian/ twitter: twitter.com/expatcan2023 tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@expat_canadian",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIEBIi66YqU,mmr vaccine in short,mmr vaccination is given to children to prevent measles mumps and rubella,05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suKxQKI293g,the eunuch who attacked rauf hasan was found?how did the measles attack? interview with the eunuch.l,"         

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usman choudhary
 khawaja sara
 rauf hassan
 imran khan
barrister gohar
rauf hassan hamla
siddique jan
siddique jaan",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,anger,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRF5TwiscK8,one man's opinion today s1 e14,"the bewildering opinions of two professionals discussing daily topics - today's topic include : inflation and credit rates, measles, pga championship, time zones",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ys3QprjaiLo,child appears to die suddenly next to canadian prime minister justin trudeau,"child appears to die suddenly next to canadian prime minister justin trudeau who went on to later say, it was a ""tragedy no one wants to see after an unvaccinated child under five years of age had passed away from measles.

https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/measles-death-child-ontario-1.7207293",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jePBRUw4kyQ,akira kamiya - best movies,"the filmography of akira kamiya

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1 fist of the north star
2 case closed: the last wizard of the century
3 city hunter
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7 case closed: the fourteenth target
8 fist of the north star
9 meitantei conan: shikkoku no chaser
10 detective conan: magician of the silver sky
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12 anime san jushi
13 fighting general daimos
14 tottori spider mansion demon part 2: the suspicion
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18 urusei yatsura: inaba the dreammaker
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20 magic lover's murder case: part 2 - the suspicion
21 the north star #3 express leaving ueno: part 1
22 tottori spider mansion demon part 1: the murder
23 the case of the flying locked room, shin'ichi kudou's first case
24 city hunter: the secret service
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30 the truth of the exploding car case: part 2
31 urusei yatsura: i howl at the moon
32 the truth of the exploding car case: part 1
33 the revival of the dying message: part 1
34 the legend of the mysterious 5-storied pagoda: part 1
35 the legend of the mysterious 5-storied pagoda: part 2
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41 urusei yatsura: terror of girly-eyes measles
42 a mysterious sniper murder case: part 1
43 a mysterious sniper murder case: part 2
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51 urusei yatsura: ryoko's september tea party
52 the indelible magic lipstick
53 ryo's an instructor at a women's school?: to protect a sweet young lady
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56 kaori in danger: love means saying goodbye: part 1
57 the celestial emperor is finally revealed
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61 an explosion of secret techniques! beyond hatred is the fate for the brothers of the north star
62 moving violation in love: ryo and the beautiful motorcycle cop.
63 a small client: part 1
64 only villains can smile! how i hate this age!
65 instead, i shall reject love! for i bear the cursed star of death!
66 ryo is an instructor: extreme mokkori tactics
67 hokuto no ken: punch mania
68 stubborn umibouzu: tale of the jealous kitten
69 farewell yuria! a strong man will not speak of love, even in death!
70 ryo is a gourmet: nice pr for the soba noodle beauty
71 they were eleven
72 all purpose cultural cat girl nuku nuku
73 sukeban deka: tanj-hen
74 kinnikuman
75 space pirate captain harlock: the mystery of the arcadia
76 two people who can't return yet: part 1
77 detective conan: strategy above the depths
78 the burning crimson brigade! shuren is drenched in tears of flame!
79 urusei yatsura 5: the final chapter
80 city hunter: .357 magnum
81 kinnikuman: kinniku-sei i sdatsu hen
82 the farewell wine murder case
83 i am souther, the holy emperor! i disallow love and compassion!
84 kinnikuman: seigi chjin vs kodai chjin
85 kinnikuman: shichinin no seigi chjin vs uchnobushi
86 tropical island assignment: the coconut girl's love paradise
87 isamu the wilderness boy
88 kinnikuman: gyakush! uch kakure chjin
89 tondemo senshi muteking
90 call of the star flute
91 kinnikuman: haresugata! seigi chjin
92 city hunter the movie: angel dust
93 kinnikuman: ny yku kiki ippatsu!
94 kinnikuman: ubawareta champion belt
95 a super car's trap: part 1
96 love of lawyer eri kisaki
97 danguard ace vs insect robot army
98 the amusement park bungee jumping case
99 fist of the north star
100 the eve of the showdown",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuDFy00GbB8,newborn baby first time bcg vaccination and injection vlog video #shorts #baby #ytshorts,"healthy shorts86

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video details
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infringing. non-profit, educational or personal use tips
the balance in favor of fair use.",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dhxj0z5CNUo,mmr vaccine vs mr vaccination champaign#mumps #vaccination #neonate #baby #cutebaby,,05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/video/health-officials-warn-about-measles-exposure-in-philly-region/,health officials warn about measles exposure in philly region,"measles is caused by a virus and is extremely contagious. the symptoms include a high fever, a dry cough, general aches and pains and a rash that starts on the arms and legs before spreading further.",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7PPkuFM1L2/,"planning summer vacations abroad? since measles is still common in many countries, unvaccinated travelers bring measles to the u.s. and it can spread. but you can protect yourself, your family, and your community with the measles-mumps-rubella (mmr) vaccine, especially before traveling internationally. ask your doctor if everyone in your family has received all recommended doses of mmr and other vaccines for best protection.","planning summer vacations abroad? since measles is still common in many countries, unvaccinated travelers bring measles to the u.s. and it can spread. but you can protect yourself, your family, and your community with the measles-mumps-rubella (mmr) vaccine, especially before traveling internationally. ask your doctor if everyone in your family has received all recommended doses of mmr and other vaccines for best protection.",05/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/michaelokun/reel/C7OyAKFOdqi/,"are chorea and other movement disorders associated with measles infection? subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (sspe) usually manifests ~4-10 years after an infection. garg, pal and colleagues review this timely resurgent topic in movement disorders clinical practice.

key points:
- subacute sclerosing panencephalitis has a 4–10 year latency to manifest following infection.
- think about 'progressive neuropsychiatric issues, myoclonus, seizures, movement disorders and visual impairment.'
- eeg may have classic periodic generalized discharges.
- look for anti-measles antibodies in the spinal fluid. 
- chorea, dystonia, tremor and tics may occur however also parkinsonism and ataxia may also manifest.
- myoclonus is the most common associated movement disorder.

my take: until recently, practitioners in the us rarely encountered measles related symptoms in the neurology clinics and on the hospital wards. now that the number of folks receiving vaccination for prevention of this disease has decreased, we are observing a resurgence of measles; and of course in some cases the delayed manifestations of sspe. we need to ad utrumque paratus – be prepared for either outcome; with or without the delayed manifestations of sspe.

https://movementdisorders.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mdc3.14062 #measles #mmr #vaccine #sspe #michaelokun #fixelinstitute","are chorea and other movement disorders associated with measles infection? subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (sspe) usually manifests ~4-10 years after an infection. garg, pal and colleagues review this timely resurgent topic in movement disorders clinical practice.

key points:
- subacute sclerosing panencephalitis has a 4–10 year latency to manifest following infection.
- think about 'progressive neuropsychiatric issues, myoclonus, seizures, movement disorders and visual impairment.'
- eeg may have classic periodic generalized discharges.
- look for anti-measles antibodies in the spinal fluid. 
- chorea, dystonia, tremor and tics may occur however also parkinsonism and ataxia may also manifest.
- myoclonus is the most common associated movement disorder.

my take: until recently, practitioners in the us rarely encountered measles related symptoms in the neurology clinics and on the hospital wards. now that the number of folks receiving vaccination for prevention of this disease has decreased, we are observing a resurgence of measles; and of course in some cases the delayed manifestations of sspe. we need to ad utrumque paratus – be prepared for either outcome; with or without the delayed manifestations of sspe.

https://movementdisorders.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mdc3.14062 #measles #mmr #vaccine #sspe #michaelokun #fixelinstitute",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/afif.elkhuffash/reel/C7PPg8QCT0-/,"s1e12: kuwtk - a look at a recent vaccine study facts and figures

episode out now! head on over to https://headstuffpodcasts.com/ to subscribe

in this episode, we tackle the nuanced topic of relative versus absolute risk in vaccination, offering clarity on how each is calculated and the implications for interpreting vaccine efficacy. the discussion spans from a study examining the measles vaccine response in babies born via different delivery methods to an exploration of the microbiome's influence on immunity. join us for this enlightening chapter as we sift through research findings and ponder the varying factors that contribute to a child's developing microbiome.

#vaccines #measlesprevention #measlesawareness #measles #parenting #parentingtips #parentingpodcast","s1e12: kuwtk - a look at a recent vaccine study facts and figures

episode out now! head on over to https://headstuffpodcasts.com/ to subscribe

in this episode, we tackle the nuanced topic of relative versus absolute risk in vaccination, offering clarity on how each is calculated and the implications for interpreting vaccine efficacy. the discussion spans from a study examining the measles vaccine response in babies born via different delivery methods to an exploration of the microbiome's influence on immunity. join us for this enlightening chapter as we sift through research findings and ponder the varying factors that contribute to a child's developing microbiome.

#vaccines #measlesprevention #measlesawareness #measles #parenting #parentingtips #parentingpodcast",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7QMWK6KFTk/,"clinical features of measles
follow for daily post related to medical knowledge⚕
#medical #medicine #doctor #health #healthcare #hospital #doctors #nurse  #medicalstudent #neet #surgery #medico #science #pharmacy #surgeon #anatomy  #nursing #biology  #education #love #medlife #nurses #aiims","clinical features of measles
follow for daily post related to medical knowledge⚕
#medical #medicine #doctor #health #healthcare #hospital #doctors #nurse  #medicalstudent #neet #surgery #medico #science #pharmacy #surgeon #anatomy  #nursing #biology  #education #love #medlife #nurses #aiims",05/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/criermedia/reel/C7P5XaMNtPn/,"#deanblundellpodcast last night dean ripped apart anti-vax, and discussed why we are experiencing a resurgence of measles with @lochlincross 
#antimaskers #antivaccers #measles #endemic #ᴠᴀᴄᴄᴇssᴀᴠᴇᴠᴇs #vaccinesafetyadvocate #vaccine #canadianmedia #canadanow #canadatoday #canadianpodcast #deanblundell #deanblundellshow #criermedia #antivax #ucp #canada #canadahealth #canadiannews #canadalife","#deanblundellpodcast last night dean ripped apart anti-vax, and discussed why we are experiencing a resurgence of measles with @lochlincross 
#antimaskers #antivaccers #measles #endemic #ᴠᴀᴄᴄᴇssᴀᴠᴇᴠᴇs #vaccinesafetyadvocate #vaccine #canadianmedia #canadanow #canadatoday #canadianpodcast #deanblundell #deanblundellshow #criermedia #antivax #ucp #canada #canadahealth #canadiannews #canadalife",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,anger,anger
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7O2uNsoIri/,"the adamawa state government has officially reported at least 838 cases of measles and tragically, 49 deaths from the disease. dr. james jacob, director of disease control and immunization, announced this information in yola.

there is positive news, however. dr. jacob reported that over 13,000 children have now been vaccinated, and the number of new cases has significantly decreased. he credits this success to the strong commitment of adamawa's government officials.

encouragingly, there haven't been any new cases reported in the past week. however, health officials are actively searching for and monitoring potential cases.

dr. jacob urged parents and community leaders to prioritize vaccinating all eligible children. this is not just to protect individual children from measles, but to achieve ""herd immunity.

herd immunity occurs when a large enough portion of a community is vaccinated, making it difficult for the disease to spread, even to those who are not vaccinated. vaccines work by stimulating the body's natural defenses to build protection against diseases. with proper vaccinations, we can significantly reduce the risk of serious illnesses.

the world health organization (who) emphasizes that immunization is a critical tool for protecting individuals and communities from diseases. vaccines stimulate the body's immune system to develop antibodies,  preventing future infections.


get informed about the importance of vaccination.
get your children vaccinated.
together, we can prevent the spread of diseases.

photo credit: unicef

#vaccinationdone✔""","the adamawa state government has officially reported at least 838 cases of measles and tragically, 49 deaths from the disease. dr. james jacob, director of disease control and immunization, announced this information in yola.

there is positive news, however. dr. jacob reported that over 13,000 children have now been vaccinated, and the number of new cases has significantly decreased. he credits this success to the strong commitment of adamawa's government officials.

encouragingly, there haven't been any new cases reported in the past week. however, health officials are actively searching for and monitoring potential cases.

dr. jacob urged parents and community leaders to prioritize vaccinating all eligible children. this is not just to protect individual children from measles, but to achieve ""herd immunity.

herd immunity occurs when a large enough portion of a community is vaccinated, making it difficult for the disease to spread, even to those who are not vaccinated. vaccines work by stimulating the body's natural defenses to build protection against diseases. with proper vaccinations, we can significantly reduce the risk of serious illnesses.

the world health organization (who) emphasizes that immunization is a critical tool for protecting individuals and communities from diseases. vaccines stimulate the body's immune system to develop antibodies,  preventing future infections.


get informed about the importance of vaccination.
get your children vaccinated.
together, we can prevent the spread of diseases.

photo credit: unicef

#vaccinationdone✔""",05/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@ewathomy_herbal_centre/video/7371407387783138566,#capcut #healthiswealth #awearness#measles,#capcut #healthiswealth #awearness#measles,05/21/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@gavialliance/video/7371412003526544673,"immunisation in action: lesotho ‡‡ lesotho is known as the €mountain kingdom.€ despite its small size, it€™s one of the most challenging places to deliver medical care in the world.   healthcare workers and mothers with children must make long, treacherous treks through the harsh mountainous terrain to reach remote mobile health centres.    these centres often are at a village chieftain's house. they offer routine medical care and life-saving immunisations for children against diseases like measles and hpv.   every step they take is a risk, but it€™s a risk many choose to make to protect the next generation.  '›   #globalhealth #healthcareheroes #lesotho","immunisation in action: lesotho ‡‡ lesotho is known as the €mountain kingdom.€ despite its small size, it€™s one of the most challenging places to deliver medical care in the world.   healthcare workers and mothers with children must make long, treacherous treks through the harsh mountainous terrain to reach remote mobile health centres.    these centres often are at a village chieftain's house. they offer routine medical care and life-saving immunisations for children against diseases like measles and hpv.   every step they take is a risk, but it€™s a risk many choose to make to protect the next generation.  '›   #globalhealth #healthcareheroes #lesotho",05/21/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,anger,anger
https://www.tiktok.com/@gigis_porceleindolls/video/7371476966312070432,"they lived in a huge mansion. the parents faces were blurred in my vision but i could see the little girls. joanne was in her mother's arms, dorothy was holding her dad's hand and lelia was the oldest, standing infront of them with a flowy dress with poofs sleeves and a pink ribbon for a belt. they were standing outside some gates outside a huge mansion x idk how they died of the measles in such a place like that but i'm assuming it's because of the servents they had maybe? #fyp #haunteddolls #myhaunteddolls #dolls #haunted #dollcore #lovethem #spirits #children #porceleindolls #porcelein","they lived in a huge mansion. the parents faces were blurred in my vision but i could see the little girls. joanne was in her mother's arms, dorothy was holding her dad's hand and lelia was the oldest, standing infront of them with a flowy dress with poofs sleeves and a pink ribbon for a belt. they were standing outside some gates outside a huge mansion x idk how they died of the measles in such a place like that but i'm assuming it's because of the servents they had maybe? #fyp #haunteddolls #myhaunteddolls #dolls #haunted #dollcore #lovethem #spirits #children #porceleindolls #porcelein",05/21/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,surprise,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfwdrCjBA-s,measles disease in hindi | measles homeopathic medicine,"measles disease in hindi | measles homeopathic medicine

namaskar dosto is video me  mai aapko measles kya hota hai measles ke causes symptoms and homeopathic ki jankari di hai.

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measles signs and symptoms 
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any information on disease and treatments available at
this channel is intended for general guidance only.
always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified
health care professional with questions you may have regarding
your medical condition. our channel shall not be liable for any
direct incident, consequential,indirect or punitive damages
arising out of access to or use of any content available on this
channel.wishing you good health, fitness and happiness.
thanks & regards
apex homeopathic channel",05/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSV3SvWet08,measles: a disease to be taken seriously!,"dr. stanley vollant explains the importance of getting vaccinated against measles, as well as its symptoms and consequences.",05/22/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OERkMidSRDE,mumps lead to meningitis | can mumps lead to meningitis? | #mumps,"also know: mumps to meningitis | mumps meningitis treatment | can you get meningitis from mumps?
 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

dr. navya sri gali | consultant pediatrician at pace hospitals, hyderabad: https://www.pacehospital.com/dr-navya-sri-gali

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBXJbQ2zLsA,hamilton schools to enforce vaccination starting this fall: hamilton public health,"hamilton public health tells chch news families should expect vaccination enforcement in schools starting this fall.

local health officials say parents can expect to receive some notices soon about updating their children's vaccination records, starting the next school year or suspensions could be issued once the fall semester is underway.

enforcement took a suspension itself back in the spring — when city hall encountered a cyberattack that brought down it operations and its databases.

public health says a reporting tool is available online and students are required to inform officials about their current immunizations for deadly diseases like measles.

this follows the death of a unvaccinated child under five after contracting a measles infection.

hamilton public health says the program is a priority and believes the pandemic played a role in expired records. they say students who continue to have out-of-date records, could see a suspension of up to 21 days.

""we will be working under the act on sort of a periodic basis and certainly that period of review or subsequent enforcement could happen in subsequent months or years when that process is undergone again, said dr. brendan lew with hamilton public health.

""but really, we do see a positive impact of this work in terms of getting these up-to-date records and a vast majority of students are able to provide the records that vaccinations have been received or in another manner that's with the accordance with the act.

the agency says that if a suspended student is able to provide updated records, then suspension can be rescinded.

no date has been set on when the next notice will be, but health officials say families can expect them in the coming weeks.",05/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=og2FtcrMJ_s,"today in pa | a pennlive daily news briefing with claudia dimuro - may 22, 2024","the epa is warning about an increase in cyberattacks on water systems. a cvs and a hospital are the potential sites of measles exposure. there's less than a year left for people to get their real ids. lastly, a flower moon will bloom in the sky this week. 
listen to the latest podcast episode: https://play.headliner.app/episode/20855824?utm_source=youtube",05/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZi1-A9Zvl0,     measles,,05/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYW629P6JL0,blindfolded measles catching game|#viral #funny #entertaiment #funnyvideos,,05/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsxK0UFus_c,fact check: measles vaccine not known to have killed '63 times more' than measles in us 2003-18,"fact check: measles vaccine is not known to have killed '63 times more people' than measles did in us 2003-18
#checktok #measlesvaccine #factcheck #vaccinesafety #publichealth
https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2024/05/fact-check-measles-vaccine-is-not-known-to-have-killed-63-times-more-people-than-measles-did.html",05/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuS9FJuW-1g,"खसरा - लकषण वं उपचार, रोकथाम","""खसरा से अंधापन, नसेफलाइिस, दसत, उली, कान में संकरमण और निमोनिया जैसे गंभीर रोग होते हैं। 

इसके लकषण हैं,  चेहरे और गरदन पर चकतते, बखार, नाक बहना, खांसी, लाल और पानी वाली आंखें, गालों के अंदर छोे सफेद धबबे आदि। 

इलाज के लि डॉकर की सलाह मानें और बताई गई दवां समय पर लें। इसके अलावा, अपने बचचे को भरपूर मातरा में तरल पदारथ, पड़षिक भोजन दें और समय पर उसका पूरण ीकाकरण करवां।""

measles- symptoms and treatment, prevention

measles causes complications such as blindness, encephalitis, diarrhoea, vomiting, ear infections and pneumonia.

symptoms include rashes on the face and neck, fever, runny nose, cough, red and watery eyes, small white spots inside the cheeks, etc. 

for treatment, follow the doctor's advice and take the prescribed medicines on time. in addition, give your child plenty of fluids, nutritious food, and get him/her fully vaccinated on time.

#measles #childhooddiseases #childhealth #childcare",05/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5aJvRHLOLw,"drhasibrabies,mumps,measles,influenza not develop proper innate immunity due to negative strand rna",,05/22/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tW98JxzKiKQ,"the beautiful woman has polio, the challenge of disability #polio_woman #polio","#polio #endpolionow #covid #endpolio #rotary #measles #vaccine #rotaryinternational #worldpolioday #vaccineswork #health #vaccines #pakistan #medicine #oficial #a #distrito #polioplus #rotaryfoundation #imagenpublica #hagamoshistoria #dosgotasparasalvarelmundo #vaccination #disability #dpt #tetanus #science #children #mumps #vaksinthe beautiful woman has polio, the challenge of disability 
la bella mujer tiene polio, el desafo de la discapacidad 
a bela mulher tem poliomielite, o desafio da deficincia 
die schne frau hat polio, die herausforderung einer behinderung 
羞女性リオを患障害朑戦 #amplife #disability #oneleg #adaptiveathlete #amputado #disabled #limbloss #ottobock #iamadaptive #prosthesis",05/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TUk-y_T3zA,how to use dropper for oral thrush?baby ki zuban per safaid dhabbe? |dr.riffat omer,"how to use nilstat drops in your baby?bachay ki zaban per safaed dhabbae,newborn baby ki zaban ka white hona?
 baby ki zaban ki fungus ka ilaj kaise karein

#oralthrush #riffatomer #childspecialist 

baby ki zaban per safaed dhabbae kia haen,
baby ki zaban ki fungus ka ilaj,
oral thrush in baby,
how to use nilstat drops in baby,
heat stroke,
bachay ki paet mein gas,
nilstat dropper kaise istemal karein,
bachay ka hath jal jaye tu kia karen,
baby ki zaban per white patches kaise hatayein,
kids health with dr.riffat omer

for other videos :
how to prevent flat head in babies:sar flat honayein sae bachayin.

colicky baby: how to do colic massage?baby ki paet ki gas aur dard

teething baby: tips & remedies:

top 10 summer care tips for babies:

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newborn jaundice : what to do if your baby gets yellow skin and eyes / pilia

 newborn care :how to wash your hands 

 newborn care : diaper rash,tips and remedies 

checklist for starting solids to baby:

i am dr.riffat omer,currently working as assistant professor in pediatrics.i have over 20 years experience in pediatrics.i am also author of book 'pediatric toacs for undergraduates'.
 i will be discussing common problems in children and will give parental guidance.

dr.riffat omer
assistant professor pediatrics/
consultant child specialist
mbbs,fcps( paeds)
pgpn( boston university,usa)
ippn( university of western australia)
certification in health professional education( chpe)
certification in child and adolescent mental health ( camh- c)",05/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7ON1p7ru4I,the daily not - episode #176,"the daily not - a show about what didn't happen today.  episode 176.  #thedailynot

today's topics:
 photos of sunflowers facing away from the sun do not prove the sun has been replaced.
 measles vaccine is not known to have killed '63 times more people' than measles did in us 2003-18.
 may 19, 2024, weather data is not missing for region where helicopter carrying iran's president ebrahim raisi crashed.
 taylor swift did not say she'll force travis kelce to quit chiefs next season if team doesn't fire harrison butker.
 video does not show boeing singapore airlines turbulence incident in may 2024.",05/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uthGZZRLBUg,what is the 3 in 1 injection for babies - which vaccine is painful for baby crying...,"what is the 3 in 1 injection for babies - which vaccine is painful for baby crying...

the vaccine is given in one injection to protect your child against three different diseases: measles. mumps. rubella

painful vaccine. note:dapt stands for diphtheria, acellular pertussis, tetanus vaccinewhile dpt stands for diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccine. the dapt vaccine is a newer version of the dpt vaccine that uses a different form of pertussis vaccine that is less likely to cause pain and other side effects.


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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l56cXVp6vno,swelling in parotid gland #shorts,"viral infection 
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#hospitallife",05/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/houstonhealthdepartment/reel/C7Rl6KZMh3D/,"before you go, shield them from measles! ensure your children are vaccinated before traveling. keep them safe, healthy, and ready for adventure. ✈ for more information on measles visit https://bit.ly/45toim0  #measles #healthmatters #hhd","before you go, shield them from measles! ensure your children are vaccinated before traveling. keep them safe, healthy, and ready for adventure. ✈ for more information on measles visit https://bit.ly/45toim0  #measles #healthmatters #hhd",05/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7RT2KHvbob/,"don't ignore the signs of #measles
measles rubella can be prevented through #mr vaccination✜
stay vigilant & stay safe !
@cmofficeup @upgovt chiefsecyup @dycmofficebp @mohfw_india @officeof_mm @mansukhmandviya @pmoindia @sen2partha","don't ignore the signs of #measles
measles rubella can be prevented through #mr vaccination✜
stay vigilant & stay safe !
@cmofficeup @upgovt chiefsecyup @dycmofficebp @mohfw_india @officeof_mm @mansukhmandviya @pmoindia @sen2partha",05/22/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/concord_seminars/reel/C7RfnMoKg5C/,"emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases with dr. john molinari starts thursday at 6 pm et. sign up today -->> https://tinyl.io/aonp

infectious diseases described over the past 5 decades include those caused by newly discovered microbial pathogens, re-emergent diseases, and infections which have become increasingly resistant to previously successful antimicrobials. an update on recent measles outbreaks will be discussed. current epidemiology and evidence addressing ongoing challenges and occupational guidelines for blood-borne pathogens (hepatitis b and c viruses, hiv), respiratory infections (influenza viruses, tuberculosis), and waterborne infections in healthcare facilities will comprise major portions of the live webinar.
#infectiousdiseases #emergingdiseases #respiratorydiseases #bloodbornepathogens #dentist #dentalhygienist #dentalce #dentaleducation #livewebinar","emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases with dr. john molinari starts thursday at 6 pm et. sign up today -->> https://tinyl.io/aonp

infectious diseases described over the past 5 decades include those caused by newly discovered microbial pathogens, re-emergent diseases, and infections which have become increasingly resistant to previously successful antimicrobials. an update on recent measles outbreaks will be discussed. current epidemiology and evidence addressing ongoing challenges and occupational guidelines for blood-borne pathogens (hepatitis b and c viruses, hiv), respiratory infections (influenza viruses, tuberculosis), and waterborne infections in healthcare facilities will comprise major portions of the live webinar.
#infectiousdiseases #emergingdiseases #respiratorydiseases #bloodbornepathogens #dentist #dentalhygienist #dentalce #dentaleducation #livewebinar",05/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@leadstories/video/7371767173196352800,fact check: measles vaccine is not known to have killed '63 times more people' than measles did in us 2003-18 #checktok #measlesvaccine #factcheck #vaccinesafety #publichealth https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2024/05/fact-check-measles-vaccine-is-not-known-to-have-killed-63-times-more-people-than-measles-did.html,fact check: measles vaccine is not known to have killed '63 times more people' than measles did in us 2003-18 #checktok #measlesvaccine #factcheck #vaccinesafety #publichealth https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2024/05/fact-check-measles-vaccine-is-not-known-to-have-killed-63-times-more-people-than-measles-did.html,05/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@leadstories/video/7371770478593101088,"the daily not - a show about what didn't happen today.  episode 176.  #thedailynot  today's topics:  photos of sunflowers facing away from the sun do not prove the sun has been replaced.  measles vaccine is not known to have killed '63 times more people' than measles did in us 2003-18.  may 19, 2024, weather data is not missing for region where helicopter carrying iran's president ebrahim raisi crashed.  taylor swift did not say she'll force travis kelce to quit chiefs next season if team doesn't fire harrison butker.  video does not show boeing singapore airlines turbulence incident in may 2024.","the daily not - a show about what didn't happen today.  episode 176.  #thedailynot  today's topics:  photos of sunflowers facing away from the sun do not prove the sun has been replaced.  measles vaccine is not known to have killed '63 times more people' than measles did in us 2003-18.  may 19, 2024, weather data is not missing for region where helicopter carrying iran's president ebrahim raisi crashed.  taylor swift did not say she'll force travis kelce to quit chiefs next season if team doesn't fire harrison butker.  video does not show boeing singapore airlines turbulence incident in may 2024.",05/22/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@londonnewsandtravel/video/7372255286427536672,"urgent measles warning. passengers and crew on board ryanair flight fr123 from london gatwick to dublin on thursday, 16 may at 8.10pm may have been exposed to measles, according to the health service executive (hse).  health officials are asking to be vigilant for symptoms of measles for 21 days from exposure €"" until 7 june. #ryanair #ryanaircrew #ryanairpassenger #measles #londongatwick #dublin #fr123 #fyp #oneadaytiktok2024 #londonnewsandtravel ","urgent measles warning. passengers and crew on board ryanair flight fr123 from london gatwick to dublin on thursday, 16 may at 8.10pm may have been exposed to measles, according to the health service executive (hse).  health officials are asking to be vigilant for symptoms of measles for 21 days from exposure €"" until 7 june. #ryanair #ryanaircrew #ryanairpassenger #measles #londongatwick #dublin #fr123 #fyp #oneadaytiktok2024 #londonnewsandtravel ",05/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.tiktok.com/@mandarin.kidshealth/video/7372294881294765318,"–€‡†""""–—…""‹‹†–‹——'‰ #measles #vaccine #vaccinatedandhappy #vaccinated #outbreak #stayinformed #stayhealthy #infection #protectyourchildren #evidencebased #pediatricianapproved #pediatric #pediatrician #health #healthexpert #expert #healthprofessional #mandarinkidshealth ","–€‡†""""–—…""‹‹†–‹——'‰ #measles #vaccine #vaccinatedandhappy #vaccinated #outbreak #stayinformed #stayhealthy #infection #protectyourchildren #evidencebased #pediatricianapproved #pediatric #pediatrician #health #healthexpert #expert #healthprofessional #mandarinkidshealth ",05/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/mmamv_australia/reel/C7TG8m7ttle/,live from samoa with @etamasese discussing his arrest and the measles lockdowns in 2019.,live from samoa with @etamasese discussing his arrest and the measles lockdowns in 2019.,05/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fvyFLcHECo,ontario child dies of measles | dr. dina on ctv news,"dr. dina discusses vaccines and the risks of measles in kids.

if you have any questions, please share them in the comments below.

dr. dina shares daily updates on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdinakulik/


i hope you find this video helpful. when in doubt, please consult your physician. 

do not use any information you find here or online for determining medical symptoms or treatment. always speak with your physician in person.

for up-to-date ""kids health"" info, check out my blog https://drdina.ca

for dr. dina's terms of use, go to http://drdina.ca/terms-of-use/

i read all your comments .. so if you found this video helpful, please click the thumbs up (just above) and leave a comment - it means a lot to me!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

no nonsense kids health for parents & kids too!

websites: https://drdina.ca and https://kidcrew.com
parenting community:  https://parentplaybook.co/join/
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dinakulikmd/
twitter: https://twitter.com/drdinakulik
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdinakulik/
pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/drdinakulik/

wish you happiness and great health!
_ _
_ _",05/23/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkOy87jxJZc,unicef - emergency measles vaccination campaign in central african republic,"emergency measles vaccination campaign to protect 125,000 children in central african republic.",05/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdrF0UlXVoA,"jason tetro long covid, h5n1, measles and more","jason tetro long covid, h5n1, measles and more",05/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDni0nk9p98,here's what makes measles so dangerous,"in this video, we discuss what makes measles such a dangerous and highly contagious infectious disease. from its symptoms to its potential complications, we break down the key aspects that make measles a serious health concern. stay informed and educated on the importance of vaccination and prevention. subscribe now for more informative content on health and science topics. #measles #vaccination #health #prevention #subscribe",05/23/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSdBZ3BXJco,"ndagtar a ciana gtetia waagi wa njanjo cia ciana makria bcg, polio na ya measles",,05/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9u-YDbewtY,ministry of health: there's less than 2 month of stock available for childhood vaccines,"the ministry of health now says there are stockouts of key vaccines, with less than two months of stock available nationally for traditional vaccines such as the bcg vaccine, oral polio vaccine, and measles-rubella vaccine.

#tv47dailyreport #theinsight


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__",05/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2Ii0HqllQM,"in a group of 2565 children who were vaccinated against measles prior to the age of two, 38 have be…","in a group of 2565 children who were vaccinated against measles prior to the age of two, 38 have been diagnosed with autism before the age of six. if the percentage of children diagnosed with autism in the general population of children under six is 1.5

watch the full video at:
https://www.numerade.com/ask/question/in-a-group-of-2565-children-who-were-vaccinated-against-measles-prior-to-the-age-of-two-38-have-been-diagnosed-with-autism-before-the-age-of-six-if-the-percentage-of-children-diagnosed-with-71719/?utm_medium=social   utm_source=youtube   utm_campaign=popular_24hrs

never get lost on homework again. numerade is a stem learning website and app with the world's largest stem video library.
join today and access millions of expert-created videos, each one skillfully crafted to teach you how to solve tough problems step-by-step.

join numerade today at:
https://www.numerade.com/signup/?utm_medium=social   utm_source=youtube   utm_campaign=popular_24hrs",05/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPPTTNkju2I,importance of doctor visit before trying to get pregnant-dr.soumya choudri valluri | doctors' circle,"https://www.cloudninecare.com/doctors/dr-soumya-choudri-valluri
 +91 99728 99728 (online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call)
cloudnine hospitals, banjara hills, hyderabad
are preconceptional doctor visits necessary? yes they are very necessary for planning a healthy and safe pregnancy. what exactly happens in preconceptional doctor visits? the doctor will take a brief history of you like if you have delivered previously. the children they will ask like what were the consequences or were there any complications in the pregnancy or if you have any medical issues like sugar, diabetes or thyroid or any other issues. they will take care and they will change the medications which are being prescribed now so that they are safe if you also continue in pregnancy. other than that they are even going to examine you as well. they will take care of of your weight. if you are actually underweight they are going to guide you how to put on weight so that it is safe for you in pregnancy so that many of the complications like abortions are being avoided which are most common in malnutrition as well if you overweight they will guide you how to lose the weight. if you have any other medical conditions like diabetes they're going to guide with a diet plan where the calorie intake and everything will be monitored. if you have hypertension they going to change the medications which are for pregnancy as when. they will even restrict few of your food items it's not only that they're going to prescribe you also. the few tests which include the diabetic screening as well. other tests like thyroid and the viral markers or if they are suspecting something particularly to you then they are going to take care of it and they also order a complete blood picture if you're anaemic. they're going to supplement again with the medicine. even thyroid they make sure that your thyroid levels are usually maintained under four. if you're planning for pregnancy and if you are diabetic. as i told you they going to change the medicine also. the doctor will even advise you like to start exercising. if you not at all have been exercising previously they will ask you to start with the moderate exercise . then slowly by the time you conceive they will make sure that your activity level is at a good range and they will even advise you about few vaccinations as well. so if you've been not vaccinated for either rubella measles chicken pox or mumps it is a very good period to take vaccines at this space of time. if you have already got a chicken pox then usually your immune system acts and there is no need for any vaccine to be taken. when to take these vaccines? atleast 1 month prior to plan pregnancy or getting pregnant. it is safe to take these vaccines. why to take at this point because these vaccines cannot be given in pregnancy. so this is a best time to take how much time would these vaccines take to exactly act. they would take at least 15 days to 1 month for activation of your immune system. so please consult your doctor see your doctor get your plan and plan for your pregnancy safety.

#fertilityawareness",05/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51D5SAgcrxk,"sspe, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, dowson disease .   | dr. bharadwaz | homeopathy, medicine","call : +91 7997101303 | whatsapp : https://wa.me/917997101505 | website : https://fidicus.com

subacute sclerosing panencephalitis and homeopathy   | dr. bharadwaz | homeopathy, medicine & surgery

about video :
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (sspe) is a rare, chronic, and progressive brain disorder caused by a persistent infection of the measles virus. homeopathy offers a safe and affordable treatment approach for sspe. while it cannot cure the condition, homeopathy aims to prevent the progression, relieve symptoms, and improve quality of life. homeopathic remedies, tailored to individual needs, can be effective in providing symptomatic relief and supporting overall well-being. always consult a qualified practitioner for personalized care.

questions addressed :
1. what is subacute sclerosing panencephalitis or sspe ?
2. what are the symptoms and signs of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis?
3. investigations and tests in subacute sclerosing panencephalitis?
4. normal structure and function of measles  virus ?
5. what are the causes of sspe, or subacute sclerosing panencephalitis?
6. changes in the body in sspe, or subacute sclerosing panencephalitis or pathology?
7. what is the conventional treatment or english treatment or western treatment or allopathy treatment for subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, or sspe?
8. how homeopathy can help in treating sspe, or subacute sclerosing panencephalitis?
9. what are the precautions to be taken for sspe, or subacute sclerosing panencephalitis?
10. what happens when sspe, or subacute sclerosing panencephalitis is not treated properly?

about fidicus homeopathy : 
fidicus homeopathy, established by dr. bharadwaz, is dedicated to providing best-in-class homeopathic treatments for various conditions, from simple ailments to complex diseases. these conditions encompass acute and chronic cases and common and rare diseases.

only mission is to prevent, cure, or relieve your disease with safe, effective, and affordable online and in-person homeopathy treatments, available to patients irrespective of age, gender, race, or nationality.

dr. bharadwaz | homeopathy doctor | health & fitness specialist | clinical research subject matter expert












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# subacutesclerosingpanencephalitis #sspe #dowsondisease

#fidicus #fidicushomeopathy #homeopathy #medicine #surgery #clingeniouspl #drbharadwaz #helseform #helseformhealthandfitness #health #fitness #clingenious #clingeniousresearch #clinicalresearch #clinicalinteractivesystem
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#alternativetreatment #alternativemedicine #complimenttreatment #complimentarymedicine #adjuvanttherapy #adjuvantmedicine #adjuvanttreatment",05/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bDqcAqiozU,"baby cry, going for vaccination #vaccine #vaccination #cry #baby #going #scary #measles #ytshort",,05/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdMg7k58Qqw,a family suffering from measles died at 6 o'clock.      6     ,"a family suffering from measles died at 6 o'clock.      6     

#khanewalcity",05/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTe1PkIm2io,whose fart is it anyway? (w/ paul flart),"[0 min.] - the guys discuss kurt's wild weekend which ended with a nice sunburn, randy's (near) measles scare, and the always fun carly rae jepsen.

[27 min.] - paul flart (aka the fart authority) joins us to make farts funny again.",05/23/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5JWiB3lDoA,benefits of vitamin a #healthy #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #vitamin #growth,"vitamin a is a fat-soluble vitamin and an essential nutrient. ""vitamin a"" encompasses a group of chemically related organic compounds that includes retinol, retinal, retinoic acid, and several provitamin carotenoids, most notably beta-carotene.

vitamin a is important for normal vision, the immune system, reproduction, and growth and development. vitamin a also helps your heart, lungs, and other organs work properly.

 defficiancy of vitamin a.
though vitamin a deficiency is rare in developed countries such as the united states, it's common in developing countries, where populations may have limited access to food sources of preformed vitamin a and provitamin a carotenoids.

vitamin a deficiency can lead to severe health complications.

according to the world health organization, vitamin a deficiency is the leading cause of preventable blindness in children worldwide.

vitamin a deficiency also increases the severity and risk of dying from infections like measles and diarrhea. 
#healthylifestyle  #healthyfood  #vitamins  #growth",05/23/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjRXLEZzZDk,"top  health news : may 23, 2024 [health in nutshell]","top  health news : may 23, 2024 [health in nutshell]

how dreams and nightmares change as you get older
what is dopamine? the science behind whether ""increasing dopamine works or not\, explained.
eric hovde tells of finding relief from ms by a parasite infection
fish oil supplements may cause harm to the heart\, study finds
nightmares may have an eerie link to autoimmune disease
5 unexpected signs of menopause that aren't hot flashes
new covid flirt variants spark concerns of a summer spike
amazing story of survival: sheriff vic regalado shares his cancer journey
bird flu update as cdc issues new recommendations
non-invasive zaps to the spinal cord can treat paralysis—but no one knows why
meditation practices linked to altered states of consciousness
metairie man accused of molesting 2 young girls\, exposing one to hiv
gut bacteria's link to alzheimer's explored
4 more cats die of h5n1 bird flu in the u.s.
'alarming': colorectal cancer cases up 500% in children\, study finds
scientists link high-fat diet to alzheimer's through changes in micrornas
study: climbing stairs linked to boost in longevity and heart health
study finds widespread 'cell cannibalism' and related phenomena across tree of life
stis\, including syphilis\, gonorrhea\, increasing globally: who
doctors are still figuring out adult adhd
rabid bats found in arapahoe\, el paso counties: how to stay safe
8 fermented foods to clean and detox your gut
what to know about the link between stomach paralysis and ozempic
wisconsin dhs announces new vaccine requirements for children
what happens when you stop taking weight-loss drugs?
in a 1st\, hiv vaccine triggers rare and elusive antibodies in human patients
superagers' brains show superior white matter health\, study finds
stress can be ""the triggering factor"" for skin problems. dermatologists share their advice.
three women — ages 41\, 55 and 64 — share their secrets to better health and longevity
4 ways vaccine skeptics mislead you on measles and more
vapes\, snus\, zyn: why 'smoke-free' nicotine products generate debate
sickle cell patients pressured to undergo unwanted sterilizations
h5n1 virus can be tracked in retail milk\, scientists say
here's yet another reason to stay on top of your covid vaccine boosters
'it just smelled like pure death': ionia county residents concerned about bird flu contamination
single brain implant restores bilingual communication to paralyzed man
study links women's trouble sleeping to blood pressure
cdc urges meningococcal disease vaccination ahead of hajj travel
wegovy patients maintained weight loss for 4 years\, analysis shows
canada legalizing cannabis linked to tripled er visits in seniors\, study says
does covid-19 persist?
3 more michigan dairy herds test positive for bird flu
9 tips to effectively cancel stress from life",05/23/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGqJcKK1OrA,vaccine origins: jenner's cowpox breakthrough,"step into the corridors of time and journey through the remarkable evolution of vaccines in our immersive video, ""vaccine origins: jenner's cowpox breakthrough."" from the ancient civilizations of china and india, where rudimentary inoculation practices first emerged, to the groundbreaking discoveries of pioneers like edward jenner and louis pasteur, this captivating exploration unveils the fascinating story behind one of medicine's greatest triumphs.

transport yourself back to the late 18th century, when edward jenner's pioneering smallpox vaccine forever changed the landscape of public health. witness the audacious experiments and remarkable insights that led to the development of this revolutionary immunization, as jenner's discovery paved the way for the eradication of one of humanity's most devastating diseases.

but our journey doesn't end there. follow the thread of innovation as we traverse the 20th century, where the advent of modern medicine ushered in an era of unprecedented progress in vaccine development. from the conquest of polio to the taming of measles, mumps, and rubella, witness the collective triumphs of science and humanity as vaccines became indispensable tools in the fight against infectious diseases.

yet, our story is not just one of historical achievements—it is a testament to the enduring spirit of discovery and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. explore the frontiers of modern vaccine research, from the revolutionary mrna technology to the quest for universal flu vaccines and personalized cancer immunotherapies. discover how today's scientists are pushing the boundaries of possibility, striving to create a world where every individual has access to life-saving vaccines.

through rich storytelling, captivating visuals, and expert commentary, ""the birth of vaccines"" offers a compelling glimpse into the transformative power of immunization. join us as we celebrate the triumphs of science, honor the heroes of the past, and envision a future where vaccines continue to protect and empower generations to come. don't miss this enlightening journey through the history of vaccines—watch now and embark on an odyssey of discovery and inspiration.
#vaccine #vaccination #vaccines #health #healthy #protection #legacy #discovery #explore #world #cow #story #jenner #virus #latin #public #immunesystem #immunity #youtubeshorts #shorts #shortsvideo",05/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.instagram.com/malotongaie/reel/C7UHSssRzgt/,"stay protected and stay healthy! ✨ keeping up with your measles vaccination is essential for you and your community. it's quick, easy, and available at most healthcare providers. let's spread awareness, not measles! please visit  https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/mmr/public/index.html for more information.  #vaccinatedandproud #healthfirst #measlesprevention #malotongaie #ontarioie #inlandempire","stay protected and stay healthy! ✨ keeping up with your measles vaccination is essential for you and your community. it's quick, easy, and available at most healthcare providers. let's spread awareness, not measles! please visit  https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/mmr/public/index.html for more information.  #vaccinatedandproud #healthfirst #measlesprevention #malotongaie #ontarioie #inlandempire",05/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@lisab0923/video/7372274763932224773,#greenscreen #daniellesmith #firetheucp #aninjectionoftruth #townhall #covidvaccine #mrna #children #quackdoctors #altwrong #dangerousrhetoric #measles #alberta #ontario #abpoli #albertandp #enoughisenoughucp #canada #canpoli #canpolitt,#greenscreen #daniellesmith #firetheucp #aninjectionoftruth #townhall #covidvaccine #mrna #children #quackdoctors #altwrong #dangerousrhetoric #measles #alberta #ontario #abpoli #albertandp #enoughisenoughucp #canada #canpoli #canpolitt,05/23/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@ruangvaksin/video/7372498075807468805,"—›—————— ——————€— ———— ———— ————  … cegah infeksi measles/campak, mumps/gondongan,rubella/campak jerman. dengan vaksin mmr dari sekarang, ini baru benar.    … imunisasi adalah hak nya anak-anak ya khan momdadd  —: ——————— ————' ————————— ——€—€ ———'— ———??   —: karena ada 7% populasi dunia yang tidak respon terhadap dosis pertama mmr. dosis kedua diberikan untuk mengembangkan imunitas tubuh terhadap mmr pada orang yang tidak respon terhadap dosis pertama mmr. … anaknya sehat, orangtua happy #mmr  #vaksinmmr #vaksinpranikah #vaksinstudy  #ruangvaksin #vaksinparung #healtyfamily #anakindonesia‡‡  #anaksekolah #vaksindewasa ","—›—————— ——————€— ———— ———— ————  … cegah infeksi measles/campak, mumps/gondongan,rubella/campak jerman. dengan vaksin mmr dari sekarang, ini baru benar.    … imunisasi adalah hak nya anak-anak ya khan momdadd  —: ——————— ————' ————————— ——€—€ ———'— ———??   —: karena ada 7% populasi dunia yang tidak respon terhadap dosis pertama mmr. dosis kedua diberikan untuk mengembangkan imunitas tubuh terhadap mmr pada orang yang tidak respon terhadap dosis pertama mmr. … anaknya sehat, orangtua happy #mmr  #vaksinmmr #vaksinpranikah #vaksinstudy  #ruangvaksin #vaksinparung #healtyfamily #anakindonesia‡‡  #anaksekolah #vaksindewasa ",05/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7Vm8fjCHD-/,#mmr vaccine,#mmr vaccine,05/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E68uwKlfx4M,microbiology | rubella - german measles | raaonline #microbiology #rubella #german #measles,"raaonline app

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about raaonline 

raaonline is an e-learning website on anesthesia providing critical and timely reinforcement to practicing professionals and student anesthetists who have a periodic need for additional support in academics and practical-experience-based guidance on critical cases.
the website carries several contents in user-friendly media forms, developed by some of the most established medicos and teachers from india and abroad, that provide a handy point of reference at all times. the website integrated textbooks, procedural videos, animations, reference guidelines, and relevant latest articles to be available to practicing medicos at the touch of a screen.
raaonline provides an integrated wealth of book knowledge, online videos, and live surgical experiences on a single efficient and easy smart platform never-before available in this domain. please visit the website for a truly enriching experience.


this website is the brainchild of professor ranjith karthekeyan.
professor ranjith karthekeyan is a dynamic and established cardiac anaesthesiologist and a valuable member of the indian association of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia (iacta). he is an excellent post-graduate teacher and examiner for md anesthesia, fellowship in cardiothoracic anesthesia, and doctorate in cardiothoracic anesthesia (d.m). he has various publications to his credit and is also a peer reviewer of various journals. his invited guest lecture on 'ministernotomy in congenital disease-current status' at the second international congress of cardiology in dec 2010 in shanghai won several accolades. this website is created from his vast experiences and teachings in the field of cardiac anesthesiology. he has put in extraordinary efforts to make this website simple, knowledgeable, and help the learner to learn from the contents at a brisk speed. his focused and phenomenally potent presentations will be resourceful to the learner and could make the anesthesia provider more confident, emboldened, and empowered to face the various clinical scenarios he/she might be in.
many areas in cardiac anesthesia that have thus far been either unlooked into or unheralded and where there are very few or no guidelines or data available to guide clinical management are some of the major areas dealt with on the site. these could be a boon to those who need quick guidance for even quickerlearning.",05/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e6M3y4PtiU,"measles, kinetic grand championship, lemonade, and the namesake of fort bragg - headline humboldt","county health officials hold a press conference to talk about the newly discovered presence of measles in humboldt, and how people can protect themselves and their families.

also, retired professor philip zwerling from change-our-name-fort-bragg speaks on the slave master general who is the namesake of one local coastal community, something zwerling and others would like to see changed.

headline humboldt: may 24th, 2024

#humboldtcounty #headlinehumboldt #kinetics #fortbragg #humboldt #measles",05/24/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58_wAMxLsFQ,microbiology | rubella | german measles - case study | raaonline #microbiology #rubella #german,"raaonline app

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website: https://raaonline.co.in/

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facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/raaonline-certify-444875052916225/
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contact:   9994994266

about raaonline 

raaonline is an e-learning website on anesthesia providing critical and timely reinforcement to practicing professionals and student anesthetists who have a periodic need for additional support in academics and practical-experience-based guidance on critical cases.
the website carries several contents in user-friendly media forms, developed by some of the most established medicos and teachers from india and abroad, that provide a handy point of reference at all times. the website integrated textbooks, procedural videos, animations, reference guidelines, and relevant latest articles to be available to practicing medicos at the touch of a screen.
raaonline provides an integrated wealth of book knowledge, online videos, and live surgical experiences on a single efficient and easy smart platform never-before available in this domain. please visit the website for a truly enriching experience.


this website is the brainchild of professor ranjith karthekeyan.
professor ranjith karthekeyan is a dynamic and established cardiac anaesthesiologist and a valuable member of the indian association of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia (iacta). he is an excellent post-graduate teacher and examiner for md anesthesia, fellowship in cardiothoracic anesthesia, and doctorate in cardiothoracic anesthesia (d.m). he has various publications to his credit and is also a peer reviewer of various journals. his invited guest lecture on 'ministernotomy in congenital disease-current status' at the second international congress of cardiology in dec 2010 in shanghai won several accolades. this website is created from his vast experiences and teachings in the field of cardiac anesthesiology. he has put in extraordinary efforts to make this website simple, knowledgeable, and help the learner to learn from the contents at a brisk speed. his focused and phenomenally potent presentations will be resourceful to the learner and could make the anesthesia provider more confident, emboldened, and empowered to face the various clinical scenarios he/she might be in.
many areas in cardiac anesthesia that have thus far been either unlooked into or unheralded and where there are very few or no guidelines or data available to guide clinical management are some of the major areas dealt with on the site. these could be a boon to those who need quick guidance for even quickerlearning.",05/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ednUiav2Wrc,mumps vaccine | mumps immunization | #mumps,"also know: mumps vaccine dose | mumps vaccine for adults | is there an immunization for mumps? 
 watch full video: mumps disease - reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & prevention | mumps viral infection : https://youtu.be/xsb97okpjh0

 what is mumps disease (mumps viral infection)?

mumps is a contagious disease caused by a virus. it typically causes fever, swollen salivary glands (especially the parotid glands in front of the ears, giving the characteristic ""chipmunk cheeks"" appearance), and tiredness. 

 what is the symptom of mumps?

symptoms of mump disease may include headache, muscle aches, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes

 what is the risk of mumps (complication of mumps)?

complications of mumps can include meningitis, encephalitis, deafness, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), and oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries). however, these are rare.

 what is the preventions of mumps (preventions of mumps)?

the best way to prevent mumps is to get the mmr vaccine. the mmr vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. two doses of the mmr vaccine are 88% effective at preventing mumps.

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related: mumps, mumps disease, what is mumps disease, mumps infections, mumps viral infection, mumps problem, mumps awareness video, mumps virus, mumps virus transmission, cause of mumps, mumps reason, reasons of mumps, mumps symptom, symptom of mumps, sign & symptom of mumps, warning symptom of mumps, early symptom of mumps, what is the symptom of mumps, complication of mumps, mumps complications, risk of mumps, mumps risks, what is the risk of mumps, mumps screenings, screenings of mumps, mumps diagnosis, diagnosis of mumps, mumps diagnostic test, mumps examinations, mumps treatments, treatment of mumps, mumps cure, cure of mumps, mumps management, management of mumps,  mumps vaccine dose, mumps vaccine for adults, is there an immunization for mumps? ,pace hospitals",05/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hprJyocPT2I,measles,awarness about measles effects on children.,05/24/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,disgust
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9mSZs-IUEc,fads and faith: belief vs. fact in the struggle for health,"in 2014 the united states had 650 reported cases of measles, a disease made preventable by a vaccine introduced 30 years ago. the majority of these measles victims were children whose parents chose not to vaccinate them. meanwhile at least 85,000 dietary supplements line the shelves of gnc and other ""big box chains, as well as smaller health food stores. even though the fda cannot assurethe safety or effectiveness of any of these products before they're sold, they enjoy widespread popularity in the united states. this episode of distillations explores what connects these two issues. 

our journey starts in shanghai, where reporter rebecca kanthor investigates a strange fashion trend among pregnant women—a special apron meant to protect its wearers from the harms of electromagnetic radiation.

then we talk with paul offit, an infectious disease pediatrician at children's hospital of philadelphia and author of bad faith: when religious belief undermines modern medicine, and catherine price, author of vitamania: our obsessive quest for nutritional perfection,about what drives these fads. our guests suggest that faith, a desire for easy answers, and a lack of trust in medical science all come into play.

show clock:

00:03 introduction

01:40 pregnancy aprons in shanghai

11:33 interviewwith catherine price and paul offit


hosts: michal meyer and bob kenworthy

guests: catherine price and paul offit

reporter: rebecca kanthor

producer & editor: mariel carr

music courtesy of the audio network.

check outdistillationsmagazine atdistillations.org, where you'll find articles, videos, and our podcast.",05/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m14NFqZ4jYg,prayers begin a weekend of george floyd remembrances,"community leaders started a weekend of memorials to the man whose death at the hands of minneapolis police sparked worldwide reaction and reckoning. george floyd was murdered four years ago saturday.  also, the minnesota department of health says there were three confirmed cases of measles among siblings discovered this week. this is the afternoon mpr news update hosted by jacob aloi with theme music by gary meister.",05/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiW-_huJkfc,how kamba children and adults were  traditionally treated for measles and other diseases.,"african culture and traditions ep 2 -  how kamba children and adults were traditionally treated for measles and other diseases.

#africanculture #african #culture #africa #kamba #youtube #youtubeshorts #how  #africanyoutubers #trending #viral #see #howtodraw #measles #kenya #kamba #trudykitui #wilberforcemusyoka    #kambamusic    #kambasongs    #kamba    #kasolo    #stephenkasolo      #nicholaskioko   #mungaieve    #trudykitui    #2mbilitv   #kambagospel   #citizentv  #see   #comment   #commentator254    #tomdaktari    #maima #biado #mutusetv #ndekeyamuthanga  #stellamengele #stephenkasolo #kasolo #masekete #kambafestival #rickbetv #statehousekenya #nicholaskioko #africancultureandtraditions",05/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GHJ2C2Sg3Y,confronting misinformation: censorship or public safety?,"misinformation in the form of fake news or disinformation is dangerous, but should the government resort to censorship to promote public safety? when is the freedom of speech posing a clear and present danger that requires limits on the first amendment?  how do you balance the important discussion of crucial topics protected by the first amendment with the harms associated with misinformation? especially when social media misinformation was associated with the much higher death rate from covid-19 in counties with large concentrations of trump voters in the 2020 presidential election.

in this video, we examine
what free speech is protected by the first amendment?

why is misinformation so dangerous?

how is misinformation challenged?

as we consider this week's ethical dilemma in science:

should the government confront misinformation: is this censorship or promoting public safety?

does the government have an obligation to protect public health?

should the government combat false or misleading information that threatens public health?

is it the responsibility of content providers such as social media platforms, and news agencies to provide context for false, misleading, or controversial information?

additional information for teachers or discussion leaders
references, additional questions, free lesson plan, assignment and rubric:

recommended readings:

elliott (2024) today's supreme court hearing addresses a far-right bogeyman. wired. https://www.wired.com/story/scotus-social-media-murthy-missouri-conspiracies/ 

u.s. surgeon general (2021) confronting health misinformation. https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/surgeon-general-misinformation-advisory.pdf 


0:00 introduction
0:57 what free speech is protected by the first amendment?
2:09 why is misinformation so dangerous?
6:31 how is misinformation challenged?
10:38 ethical dilemmas in science


=============================",05/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,anger,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vg4Sbh-Tv1g,difference between measles and chicken pox by dr muhammad waqas khan in hindi & urdu |which is which,"dr muhammad waqas khan
mbbs punjab
fcps paeds medicne 
child specialist 


here's note on the difference between chickenpox and measles rash, including other signs and symptoms:


- rash:
    - small, itchy, fluid-filled blisters that crust over
    - typically starts on the trunk, scalp, and face, then spreads to other parts of the body
    - blisters are usually 1-4 mm in diameter and have a distinctive ""dew drop"" appearance
- other signs and symptoms:
    - fever (usually mild)
    - headache
    - fatigue
    - loss of appetite
    - muscle aches
    - cough (in some cases)


- rash:
    - flat, red spots that merge to form a rash
    - typically starts on the face, hairline, and behind the ears, then spreads down the body
    - rash is usually 5-10 mm in diameter and has a reddish-brown color
- other signs and symptoms:
    - high fever (usually over 104f)
    - cough
    - runny nose
    - conjunctivitis (red, watery eyes)
    - small white spots inside the mouth (koplik spots)
    - feeling extremely ill and weak

remember, both chickenpox and measles are highly contagious and require medical attention. if you suspect you or your child has either condition, consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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#khasra",05/24/24,Highly Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DspQcDRXhpA,sikkim ferar por e meyer ham(measles)hoye gelo..,,05/24/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,joy,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt5c1iououI,canadian boy dies of measles,"un-jbbed boy dies of measles. please leave thoughts & comments below for people to understand our view. (please write in ways that yt won't delete them.) thanks everyone! help others to see & trust god alone. enjoy the weekend & summer!

video used today
-- --
cbc news - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k36ghnh33m&t=18s&ab_channel=cbcnews%3athenational 
brady bunch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5289k-dbomy&ab_channel=glintoflightonbrokenglass 
*what did i see? boy 5, 1st in ont. (51=15= square of saturn), picute on wall looks like 'as above, so below or the square & compass plus it has 3 shirts on top of 3 shirts = 6/33 (shirt=69 & 222), red & blue slide (they love opposites), bird/angel behind the lady (fallen angel or phoenix), lastly, if a child died from measles their had to be other complications. they are leaving something out or then this is all a lie. just my first thoughts, but please add your thoughts & findings. *
-- --
my channels are 7grainsofsalt3, 4 & 5 plus bitchute & patreon. 
-- -- 
7grainsofsalt4 - https://www.youtube.com/@7grainsofsalt4
7grainsofsalt5 - https://www.youtube.com/@7grainsofsalt5  
bitchute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/x92mhygicxi1/
patreon .- https://www.patreon.com/posts/dr-delisi-cbn-59005282 
-- -- 
-- -- 
god bless y'all
cindy @ 7grainsofsalt3",05/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvsG6f317Xs,dera murad jamali  measles and rubella vaccination campaign continues after inauguration .,video from js,05/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KB-DdEAghQ,"top health news : may 24, 2024 [health in nutshell]","top health news : may 24, 2024 [health in nutshell]

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTQ4rSw2CDE,jigari dost hamani ke yar || yt ravi tv || #funny#comedy  #trending #viral #youtubeshorts,"#jigari #dost hamani ke yar || yt ravi tv || #funny#comedy  #trending #viral #youtubeshorts

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https://www.tiktok.com/@april_butnotthemonth/video/7372588362189786410,don€™t wait vaccinate #vaccines #saveslives #vaccinate #vaccineawareness #babies #disease #polio #scarletfever #whoopingcough #diphtheria #tuberculosis #flu #measles #mumps #smallpox #diarrhea #sickness #poorhygiene #infantdeathawareness,don€™t wait vaccinate #vaccines #saveslives #vaccinate #vaccineawareness #babies #disease #polio #scarletfever #whoopingcough #diphtheria #tuberculosis #flu #measles #mumps #smallpox #diarrhea #sickness #poorhygiene #infantdeathawareness,05/24/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@living_and_thriving/video/7372723925706411307,"replying to @hollilamas @eat a hill of ducks †‰ @mt microbiologist @x'"""" m""""""""'"""" @allie that rn - #measles #immunocompromised #immunodeficiency #rubellababy #congenitalrubellasyndrome","replying to @hollilamas @eat a hill of ducks †‰ @mt microbiologist @x'"""" m""""""""'"""" @allie that rn - #measles #immunocompromised #immunodeficiency #rubellababy #congenitalrubellasyndrome",05/24/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@living_and_thriving/video/7373006759398477099,"replying to @hollilamas @eat a hill of ducks †‰ @mt microbiologist @x'"""" m""""""""'"""" @allie that rn @lind  #actuallyautistic #hardofhearing #measles #autismisnotworsethanmeasles","replying to @hollilamas @eat a hill of ducks †‰ @mt microbiologist @x'"""" m""""""""'"""" @allie that rn @lind  #actuallyautistic #hardofhearing #measles #autismisnotworsethanmeasles",05/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@living_and_thriving/video/7372998599795363114,"replying to @living and thriving #measles #immunocompromised #immunodeficiency #rubellababy @eat a hill of ducks †‰ @mt microbiologist @x'"""" m""""""""'"""" @allie that rn @lind  @hollilamas","replying to @living and thriving #measles #immunocompromised #immunodeficiency #rubellababy @eat a hill of ducks †‰ @mt microbiologist @x'"""" m""""""""'"""" @allie that rn @lind  @hollilamas",05/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZwen6giTiA,healthy gab ep2: measles,"measles data and graphs: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/data-research/index.html

chop overview of flaws from the wakefield studies:

00:00 - intro
00:30 - measles basics
02:27 - measles vaccine
05:14 - vaccine villain
08:50 - vaccine hero
09:40 - outro",05/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjg2seTQJ1I,measles,i never thought that this particular disease would make a comeback in the united states. but here we are. measles. as of may 2019 there have been cases reported in over 20 states. declining vaccine rates and international travel to areas with local measles epidemics have led to a sharp rise in the number of […],05/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiEp_ssVrUo,twiv 1117: pol dances with the rna that brought it,"twiv discusses presence of infectious avian h5n1 influenza virus in raw milk from infected dairy cows. dynamics of measles immunity from birth and following vaccination, and a mechanism for cis-preferential reverse transcription revealed by deep mutational scanning of hepatitis b virus.

show notes at https://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-1117/

become a patron of twiv at https://microbe.tv/contribute
donations are voluntary and non-refundable.

——————————— connect ———————————
 subscribe! https://bit.ly/2hoydnp 
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——————————— more virology ———————————
•my virology course https://virology.ws/course 
•virology blog: https://www.virology.ws 
•virus watch https://bit.ly/3ngvqim 
•principles of virology textbook https://amzn.to/34ondtg 

——————————— our science podcasts ———————————
•this week in virology  https://bit.ly/30uuhrx
this week in parasitism https://bit.ly/3ndunuz
•this week in microbiology https://bit.ly/33toueo
•urban agriculture http://microbe.tv/urbanag
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•infectious disease puscast https://bit.ly/3k4ekf0 

– who am i? –

i'm vincent racaniello, earth's virology professor, and i believe that education should be free.

i'm also a professor of virology at columbia university in new york. i've been doing research on viruses since 1976, and teaching virology in classrooms and online since 1999. on this youtube channel i share videos of my lectures, podcasts, and more.

new videos are uploaded several times each week.

i do not run ads on our work as it is disruptive to learning. we depend on your support. 

if you would like to support our work, go over to https://www.microbe.tv/contribute/ 

content in this video should not be construed as medical advice.
#microbe #viruses #coronavirus #pandemic
———————————————————————",05/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYBqZFW_zjA, integrated 19 subject revision (#inr-68): measles by  dr. devesh mishra.,"dr devesh mishra, m.b.b.s., m.d. pathology.
owner and founder of ""dpma"" (devesh premier medical academy), and devaansh publication.
a passionate national level faculty of pathology and biology.
authored best selling pathology book with title ""concepts in pathology under devaansh publications.
special interest in uplifting the positive mindset and lifestyle into everyone.

special connections to learn more :-
1) dpma pathology lecture app website: https://dpma.co.in/
2) devaansh publications website : https://devaanshpublications.com/
3) telegram group (pathology):https://t.me/drdeveshmishra55
4) telegram channel (pathology):https://t.me/drdeveshmishra555
5) facebook page (devaansh publications): https://www.facebook.com/devaansh-publications-1616260661839147/
6) telegram group  (biology) : https://t.me/drdeveshmishrabiology
7) telegram channel  (biology) :https://t.me/drdeveshbiology

best wishes to everyone.....",05/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SquD5JiNRY,roe v. wade v. rubella,"the story of how abortion became legal in the united states isn't as straightforward as many of us think. the common narrative is that feminist activism and the sexual liberation movement in the 1960s led to roe v. wade in 1973. but it turns out the path to roe led over some unexpected and unsettling terrain, and involves a complicated story involving culture, society, disease, and our prejudices and fears about disability.

in the 1960s a rubella epidemic swept the united states and panicked every pregnant woman in the country. rubella, also called german measles, is a disease we hardly remember anymore, but it's the ""r in the mmr vaccine. though the virus is relatively harmless for most people, when contracted during pregnancy, it can severely harm the developing fetus. during the epidemic many pregnant women who may have never identified as abortion-rights advocates suddenly found themselves seeking abortions and dismantling barriers to access.

though not everyone agreed with these women, people listened. and this historical moment, sparked by a virus, helped pave the way for the legalization of abortion.",05/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3ylN-1-IEU,"measles rubeola antibody intrathecal igg, csf &","measles virus is highly contagious particularly infecting children, pregnant women, immunocompromised and nutritionally deficient individuals. this is a specialized diagnostic test used to differentiate between intrathecal (within the central nervous system) and systemic (within the bloodstream) production of measles igg antibodies. this test is typically utilized when there is a suspicion of measles virus affecting the central nervous system.",05/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMGd8V9qrUc,measles awareness,,05/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
#gurukripa",05/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3dz2M56TLI,"my life as a physically challenged woman--dorcas oladoyinbo + how i fought stigma, got my daughter","life is full of challenges and for those who pressed through and had a stint with the vicissitudes of life, going through it day by day through the grace of god is the hallmark of living. 

the story of ibadan oyo state based dorcas olubukola oladoyinbo is not farfetched. she was born a normal child until a health challenge of measles hit her as a baby; a condition that later paralyzed her and made growing up a herculean challenge. 

she allegedly died for few days but her resilient mother took her to a gospel faith mission (gofamint) assembly and challenged god through faith to raise her child back to life. according to the book of hebrew 11:6, her faith in god manifested as the child rose back to life. 

she was reviled by family, friends and co-workers at the three stages of her life but her resilience to succeed in life and amount to something kept her going. 

after struggling hard to study in school (through abuses and scorning) she managed to get a job at a pos firm where she designed a self sustaining strategy to keep herself off public scrutiny until when issues of life affected her company and she was thrown back to square one. 

but before that, she got a girl child through a short romance with a man who later broke her heart by telling her he cannot marry her due to her physical disability. 

even though bukola has a beautiful heart and a zestful soul that craves for hard work and success, men she gave her heart to broke it and left her forlorn. 

but one with god is majority. she is still living with the hope that things will take a new shape soon. 

she told asabe afrika tv the story of her life recently when we ran into her at the ibadan school for the deaf, ijokodo area of ibadan. 

preacher-philanthropist, prophet reuben aikore of celestial church of christ, oke irapada (cele gospel) who was on the premises for a charity course took pity on her and blessed her with some funds. 

find out more in this clip. 


if you like this video, subscribe to our channel for more broadcast and kindly allow our adverts play on (don't skip) to enable us be in business. 

thank you!",05/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CstxP5G-ots,the talismen – casting my spell,"formed in 1963, cheltenham, united kingdom. disbanded 1966. featured here is the b-side of their single 'masters of war / casting my spell' released on 'stateside' in 1965.

trevor cook (drums)
clive devine (bass, vocals)
steve outhwaite (guitar, vocals, ?-1965)
george rainsford (guitar, harmonica, vocals)
alan ""digger"" dike (guitar, vocals, 1965-66)
laurie jeffs (guitar, vocals, 1966)

other videos:
masters of war: https://youtu.be/kf7rq04nx_y

the measles – casting my spell: https://youtu.be/rqmpqisxrfs",05/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xygbE5JLFwE,how potatoes and tomatoes changed history: the columbian exchange,"in this video, we dive into how potatoes and tomatoes changed history through the columbian exchange. ever wondered how the humble potato ended up in ireland or how tomatoes made their way to italy? the answer lies in a seismic event in global history, the columbian exchange. 

did you know this globe-spanning transfer of goods, ideas, and diseases sparked by christopher columbus's voyages transformed diets, cultures, and landscapes? from europe's first taste of maize and potatoes to the americas discovering horses and wheat, this exchange revolutionized agriculture and economies. however, it also brought a darker side, with devastating diseases like smallpox and measles impacting indigenous populations.

join us as we explore the fascinating facts about the columbian exchange and its profound impact on our world. the food we eat, the cultures we celebrate, and the technologies we use today are all shaped by this historic event. next time you enjoy a slice of pizza or a baked potato, remember, it's all thanks to the columbian exchange.

don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more fascinating facts! what's the most surprising fact you learned today? comment below!

#oldworld #potatorevolution #animalexchange #foodhistory #globalhistory

#proscons #globalhistory #worldhistory #exchangeimpact #transmissiondiseases

0:00 - the columbian exchange
0:33 - what was exchanged
1:18 - pros and cons
2:30 - lasting impact",05/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCnHDe8T8bs,does amish vaccines violate 1st amendment rights: unraveling the case,"does amish vaccines violate 1st amendment rights: unraveling the case

    alabama attorney general steve marshall supports amish rights after new york vaccine requirements
alabama attorney general steve marshall has joined 19 states in supporting the religious freedoms of the amish community in rural new york.
    this comes after the state decided to no longer allow exemptions from vaccinations for religious beliefs in 2019 following a reported measles outbreak.

#amish #trending  #newyork",05/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFiXKQxzCJ0,"rana basharat urges swift global action on sudan crisis. collaboration, aid crucial for relief.","rana basharat urges swift global action on sudan crisis. collaboration, aid crucial for relief.

rana basharat calls on the international community to take immediate and decisive action to address the humanitarian crisis in sudan

**humanitarian crisis in sudan: health system on the brink of collapse**

**chairman of international human rights movement, rana basharat ali khan, urges immediate action**

khartoum, sudan — the humanitarian crisis in sudan continues to escalate, with the health system on the verge of collapse, particularly in el fasher. ongoing conflict between the sudanese army and the paramilitary rapid support forces (rsf) since april 2023 has led to thousands fleeing their homes and hundreds of civilian casualties. the situation is dire, and immediate international intervention is crucial.

el fasher south hospital, the only functioning hospital in the state, is facing a critical shortage of supplies, with only 10 days of essentials left. humanitarian aid efforts have been severely hindered, with over a dozen trucks carrying vital supplies for more than 121,000 people delayed for over a month due to security concerns.

despite these challenges, the un world food programme managed to deliver 1,200 metric tonnes of food and nutrition supplies to north darfur from chad. however, the need for safe passage for aid trucks to reach central and south darfur remains urgent.

the collapse of sudan's health system is particularly severe in hard-to-reach areas, where facilities have been destroyed or looted. currently, only around 30 percent of health facilities are operational, functioning at minimal levels. the shortage of medical supplies is critical, meeting only a quarter of the population's needs. this dire situation has left millions at risk, especially those with chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, cancer, or kidney failure, who may suffer severe complications or death due to lack of treatment.

disease outbreaks are on the rise, with over 1.3 million cases of malaria, 11,000 cases of cholera, 4,600 cases of measles, and 8,500 cases of dengue reported. despite efforts by the world health organization (who) and partners to provide direct support and emergency supplies, the health crisis is overwhelming. who has reached nearly 2.5 million people through direct services and the delivery of emergency supplies, yet the need far exceeds the available resources.

### about the international human rights movement

the international human rights movement is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people worldwide and promoting a culture of peace among nations. we stand with victims and activists to prevent discrimination, uphold political freedom, protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime, and bring offenders to justice. we challenge governments and those in power to end abusive practices and respect international human rights law. our efforts involve enlisting public and international support to achieve these goals and create like-minded partnerships with top global organizations.

### about rana basharat ali khan

rana basharat ali khan is a renowned british pakistani social humanitarian, motivational speaker, and peace activist. with over 30 years of dedication to human rights and well-being, he has been a prominent voice for the voiceless. as the founder and president of the international human rights movement, he has tirelessly advocated for human rights, social justice, and peace. his work involves investigating and exposing human rights violations, holding abusers accountable, and mobilizing international support to protect and uplift the most vulnerable populations.

urgent call to action

rana basharat ali khan, chairman of the international human rights movement, calls on the international community to take immediate and decisive action to address the humanitarian crisis in sudan. ""the situation in sudan is a humanitarian catastrophe that demands urgent global intervention. we must ensure safe and unhindered access for humanitarian aid to mitigate this growing disaster and save countless lives,"" he stated.",05/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JqnUT8mFws,         dv lottery.    .,"   '




under the immigration laws of the united states, a noncitizen who applies for an immigrant visa abroad, or who seeks to adjust status to that of a lawful permanent resident while in the united states, is required to receive vaccinations to prevent the following diseases:

tetanus and diphtheria toxoids;
haemophilus influenzae type b;
hepatitis b;
covid-19; and
any other vaccine-preventable diseases recommended by the advisory committee for immunization practices (acip).

     , ,                       , '      :

haemophilus influenzae  b;
covid 19; 
-  ,      ,       (acip).",05/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b6xvAGKzLw,encephalitis | understanding encephalitis | causes | symptoms | diagnosis | treatment | prevention,"encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain, often caused by viral infections. symptoms can vary widely but commonly include fever, headache, confusion, seizures, and, in severe cases, coma. the condition can be life-threatening and requires prompt medical treatment. causes of encephalitis include common viruses like herpes simplex, mosquito-borne viruses, and childhood infections such as measles and mumps. diagnosis typically involves imaging studies like mri, blood tests, and lumbar puncture. treatment depends on the underlying cause but may include antiviral medications, supportive care, and management of symptoms",05/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQCIibj4-_8,गलसआ का बेस ईलाज // mumps treatment // symptoms // best medicine // #mumps,"telegram- https://t.me/medicareyogesh

viral infections
salivary gland swelling
mumps treatment
mumps complications
mumps vaccination
managing mumps in children
adult mumps cases
preventing mumps outbreaks
medication for mumps
mumps isolation
mumps awareness
public health and mumps
mumps epidemiology
dealing with mumps discomfort
recovery from mumps

mumps is a contagious viral infection that primarily affects the salivary glands, particularly the parotid glands located near the jawline. it is caused by the mumps virus, which belongs to the paramyxoviridae family. while it most commonly affects children, adolescents, and young adults, it can occur at any age.

the hallmark symptom of mumps is swelling and tenderness of one or both parotid glands, which may cause noticeable swelling along the jawline or beneath the ears. this swelling gives the infected person a characteristic ""hamster-like"" appearance. other symptoms may include fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, loss of appetite, and pain while swallowing or talking. in some cases, especially in adults, complications such as orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), meningitis (inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord), encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), or deafness can occur.

mumps is highly contagious and spreads through respiratory droplets from coughing, sneezing, or close contact with an infected person. the virus can also survive on surfaces for a few hours, increasing the risk of transmission through contact with contaminated objects.

prevention of mumps primarily involves vaccination with the measles, mumps, and rubella (mmr) vaccine, which is typically administered in two doses during childhood. vaccination has significantly reduced the incidence of mumps, but outbreaks can still occur, especially in communities with lower vaccination rates.

treatment for mumps is mainly supportive and focuses on relieving symptoms. this includes getting plenty of rest, staying hydrated, using over-the-counter pain relievers, applying warm or cold packs to swollen glands, and consuming soft foods to alleviate discomfort while chewing.

because mumps is a viral infection, antibiotics are not effective against it. however, in severe cases or those with complications, medical care may be necessary to manage symptoms and prevent further complications. it's also crucial for infected individuals to isolate themselves to prevent spreading the virus to others, especially since mumps is contagious both before and after the onset of symptoms.",05/25/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVvbHqgQr9g,all about is mumps #mumps#shorts#viral#trending#drsadia1446,"all about is mumps 

my audience quarries 
all about is mumps communicable disease shorts 

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what is the cause of mumps
 causes of communicable diseases
communicable diseases mumps
what to do when you have mumps
symptoms of communicable diseases
what is a communicable disease,
 communicable diseases measles
 how do communicable diseases spread",05/25/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiRf2AcLpQo,"نوجوان کی کھسرے کے ساتھ محبت اور اسکا انجام ،","نوجوان کی کھسرے ساتھ محبت اور اسکا انجام، کیا کھسرے (ہیجڑے) سے محبت کی جاسکتی ہے، اپنے محبوب کی یاد میں کمال کی شاعری ، نوجوان پریشان اور اپنے محبوب کے لیے پیغام ، A young man's love affair with the measles and its end, Can a khasre (eunuch) be loved, Kamal's poetry in memory of his beloved, A message for the troubled youth and their loved ones, #love #instagood #instagram #like #photography #photooftheday #follow #fashion #beautiful #art #happy #picoftheday #bhfyp #life #cute #nature #style #instadaily #likeforlikes #beauty #music #smile #travel #followme #likes #photo #instalike #family #me #followforfollowback",05/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-AFqYRr68Q,mmr vaccine,"#mmrvaccine
#children",05/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ5MsxhNSd4,febrile seizures,"febrile seizures are among the most common neurological problema in young children, occurring in 1 out of 50 children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years of age. this episode of pem currents: the pediatric emergency medicine podcast is a question and answer style exploration of some of the most common learning points in this incredibly important topic.

pemblog (http://www.pwmblog.com) 

@pemtweets on… sigh ""x (twitter) (http://twitter.com/pemtweets) 

my instagram (https://www.instagram.com/bradsobolewski/) 

my mastodon account @bradsobo (https://med-mastodon.com/@bradsobo) 


xixis kl, samanta d, smith t, et al. febrile seizure. [updated 2024 jan 19]. in: statpearls [internet]. treasure island (fl): statpearls publishing; 2024 jan-.available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/nbk448123/

feenstra b, pasternak b, geller f, et al. common variants associated with general and mmr vaccine-related febrile seizures. nat genet 2014; 46:1274.

mullan pc, levasseur ka, bajaj l, nypaver m, chamberlain jm, thull-freedman j, ostrow o, jain s. recommendations for choosing wisely in pediatric emergency medicine: five opportunities to improve value. ann emerg med. 2024 feb 11:s0196-0644(24)00017-9. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2024.01.007. epub ahead of print. pmid: 38349290.

guedj r, chappuy h, titomanlio l, de pontual l, biscardi s, nissack-obiketeki g, pellegrino b, charara o, angoulvant f, denis j, levy c, cohen r, loschi s, leger pl, carbajal r. do all children who present with a complex febrile seizure need a lumbar puncture? ann emerg med. 2017 jul;70(1):52-62.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2016.11.024. epub 2017 mar 2. pmid: 28259480.

shinnar s, hesdorffer dc, nordli dr jr, pellock jm, o'dell c, lewis dv, frank lm, mosh sl, epstein lg, marmarou a, bagiella e; febstat study team. phenomenology of prolonged febrile seizures: results of the febstat study. neurology. 2008 jul 15;71(3):170-6. doi: 10.1212/01.wnl.0000310774.01185.97. epub 2008 jun 4. pmid: 18525033.

murata s, okasora k, tanabe t, ogino m, yamazaki s, oba c, syabana k, nomura s, shirasu a, inoue k, kashiwagi m, tamai h. acetaminophen and febrile seizure recurrences during the same fever episode. pediatrics. 2018 nov;142(5):e20181009. doi: 10.1542/peds.2018-1009. epub 2018 oct 8. pmid: 30297499.


note: this transcript was partially completed with the use of the descript ai

welcome to pemcurrents, the pediatric emergency medicine podcast. as always, i'm your host, brad sobolewski. this episode is all about febrile seizures, one of the most common neurological problems that you will see in the emergency department in children. and you know what? i'm going to structure this episode like a bit of a question and answer session.

i'll ask a question, and then i'll answer it. so the first and perhaps most important question is, what are febrile seizures and how common are they? well, they are the most common neurologic disorder of infants and young children, and they happen in about 2 to 4 percent of children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years of age.

i'll tell parents that they happen in about 1 out of 50 kids. it's associated with fever, but in a child without evidence of intracranial infection. they are not considered a form of epilepsy. they peak between 12 and 18 months of age, the male to female ratio is 1. 6 to 1, and there is a higher prevalence reported in certain regions like japan's mariana islands.

a febrile seizure, very simply, is a convulsion associated with a temperature greater than 38 degrees celsius. the child does not have any acute systemic metabolic problems like hypoglycemia or hyponatremia, and you don't have to test for those. we'll talk about that later. and they have no history of previous afebrile seizures.

so why do they happen? well, they're likely related to a vulnerability of the developing nervous system to the effects of fever. the neurons that generate these seizures aren't completely myelinated until age 6. and these neurons that are undermyelinated are more hyper excitable by cytokines during fever in these younger children who get sick more often.

and of course, underlying genetic susceptibility plays a role. and so other risk factors include a high fever, a viral infection, certainly particular viruses. a recent immunization. hmm. family history of febrile seizures. prenatal exposure to nicotine. atopic diseases. and maybe iron deficiency anemia. and so check this out.

febrile seizures are due to the degree of fever, not the rate of temperature rise, even though we see them as the temperature is increasing rapidly in the early parts of the illness. and this has been known since the 1950s. the majority of children have febrile seizures on the first day of illness. in some cases, it's actually their first manifestation of illness.

like, they're just a little bit congested...",05/25/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7YZPYuon9q/?hl=af,سرحکک و کلیہ شکامهه به آن سریکک 😷🤒🤕🤧 . #دكتر #دكتر_كودك #دكتر #ديكتر # ديكتر_متخصص #دكتر_اطفال #متكتر_كودكان # متكتر_كودكان_نوزادان #كودك # كودكان #دكتر_كودكان # بيماري # بيبي # سرخك #اكسبلور #doctor #measles #sick #sickbabies #sickbaby,سرحکک و کلیہ شکامهه به آن سریکک 😷🤒🤕🤧 . #دكتر #دكتر_كودك #دكتر #ديكتر # ديكتر_متخصص #دكتر_اطفال #متكتر_كودكان # متكتر_كودكان_نوزادان #كودك # كودكان #دكتر_كودكان # بيماري # بيبي # سرخك #اكسبلور #doctor #measles #sick #sickbabies #sickbaby,05/25/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@mursleenali6/video/7373184367033732358,#capcut #measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measlesrash #measlessymptoms #measlesvirus #measlestreatment #measlesdisease #measlesexplained #flu #flu2019 #birdflu #flushot #birdflu #fluvirus #influenza #fluseason ##fightflu #fluandrsv #fluorrsv? #fluremedy #flukilled #spanishflu #drmursleen ,#capcut #measles #measlesvaccine #measlesoutbreak #measlesrash #measlessymptoms #measlesvirus #measlestreatment #measlesdisease #measlesexplained #flu #flu2019 #birdflu #flushot #birdflu #fluvirus #influenza #fluseason ##fightflu #fluandrsv #fluorrsv? #fluremedy #flukilled #spanishflu #drmursleen ,05/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZZevTVXfZ8,measles case reported at lax,los angeles county public health officials say that the person arrived on a lufthansa flight on sunday and left a few hours later.,05/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpMHa_auNyk,middlemore measles ward!,,05/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIYXtAm4PGk,measles latest updates | 02 pm news headlines | gtv news,"#newsheadlines #gtvnews 

measles latest updates | 02 pm news headlines | gtv news",05/26/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUVmpNDGbE0,mgt315 video presentation: the measles virus,,05/26/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kixpw6IAr1A,rise in measles kills many pakistan children | daily veer times,"official facebook
official twitter

such express hd news youtube channel.
for more videos, subscribe to our channel and for suggestions please use the comment section.",05/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Neutral,anger,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o8jlDYCUNs,the unrest cure - saki - satire,"boost reading with read-along narrated audio-books.
text and audio version.

title: the unrest cure
author: saki
genre: satire
category: short stories
book description: 
clovis, traveling by train, noticed a fellow passenger named j. p. huddle, who seemed overly fond of his quiet and predictable life. intrigued, clovis decided to disrupt huddle's routine by pretending to be the bishop's secretary and bringing chaos to his home under the guise of a serious and urgent visit from the bishop. he started by sending a fake telegram about the bishop needing to stay at huddle's house due to measles at the rectory. when clovis arrived at huddle's home, he made up more stories, including a violent and alarming plan that he claimed the bishop had ordered... 

find more books on wholereader: https://wholereader.com/library/
link to book:  https://wholereader.com/unrest-cure_saki/
author's books: https://wholereader.com/author/amoc/

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#audiobook #audiobooks #books #book  #learnenglish  #satire",05/26/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,sadness,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36GErftMpIE,"essential vaccinations for safari travel to south africa, zambia, ethiopia, and kenya (2024 guide)","planning a safari adventure to south africa, zambia, ethiopia, or kenya? don't miss this comprehensive guide on the essential vaccinations you need for a safe and healthy journey! in this video, we cover the recommended vaccines, the number of doses required, and the optimal timeline for getting them. watch till the end for a summary of the vaccination timelines to ensure you're fully prepared for your safari adventure in 2024.

topics covered:

hepatitis a
hepatitis b
yellow fever
meningococcal meningitis
measles, mumps, rubella (mmr)
tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (tdap)
key points:

why each vaccine is important
when to start your vaccinations
how many doses you need
subscribe for more travel tips and guides to make your next safari unforgettable!",05/26/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WByvOh70M7w,"top health news : may 26, 2024  [ozempic drug semaglutide could protect kidneys]","bear meat kebabs at family reunion lead to outbreak of roundworm disease
drinking hot chocolate can help you lose weight\, health coach says — here's how
a devastating diagnosis followed months of malaise\, uncertainty
what mosquito repellents work best?
family advice: my sister is endangering her life to be supermom. her husband doesn't care.
ozempic drug semaglutide could protect kidneys\, study finds
raw milk safety and bird flu virus : shots
masturbation helps to alleviate psychological distress in women\, study suggests
scientists think this psychedelic drug could help treat anorexia
what's the highest place on earth that humans live?
arizona researcher publishes study on covid-19 vaccine and tinnitus
multistate salmonella outbreak linked to backyard poultry
multiple measles cases confirmed in anoka county children\, mdh says
scientist proposes a new universal law of biology that may explain aging
santa clara county officials to spray san jose neighborhood to eradicate invasive mosquitoes
new malaria vaccine delivered for the first time
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why younger adults are missing early signs of colon cancer
adhd affects 1 in 9 kids in us\, new report reveals: 'shame and stigma'
djibouti fights deadly malaria wave with gmo mosquitoes
possible association between tattoos and lymphoma revealed
who releases a strategic framework for enhancing prevention and control of mpox
us 'underprepared' for bird flu outbreak\, epidemiologists warn
5 drinks to avoid when you need to hydrate\, according to a dietitian
hpv vaccines prevent cancer in men and women\, new research suggests — but fewer boys get the shots
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aircraft turbulence is worsening with climate change. studying birds could help
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9 immunity-boosting foods & beverages to have over 40 for a lower risk of disease & longer life
gay and bisexual men can donate blood and organs but not tissue like corneas
guacamole vs. hummus: is one 'better' for you than the other?
5 myths about schizophrenia\, according to a mental health expert: 'huge stigma'
fish oil may increase risk of stroke\, heart conditions: study
what are those adorable pink chairs in prospect park?
dr. sanjay gupta is optimizing his brain health. here are his 5 tips for improving yours.
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most younger women who want kids after breast cancer are successful\, data shows
chemical toxin exposure in the womb linked to greater health risks for children ages 6 to 11
cdc says mpox vaccines can protect the u.s. from more dangerous virus: what to know
free covid-19 vaccine bridge access program expiring soon",05/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtXdoRVbGJ8,trivia quiz about diseases,"here are 5 interactive quizzes for you :

1. science & nature quiz:

2. world history quiz:

3. latin words quiz (hard):

4. a trivia game that tests your knowledge of historical events and figures while keeping it entertaining.:

5. bible trivia quiz:

if you like this quiz please give us a thumbs up and we will make sure to keep them coming.

for 60 interactive quizzes in your email once a day go to:

question 1 : which of these is primarily known as a carrier of disease?
correct : mosquito
wrong : bull
wrong : blue jay
wrong : aardvark

question 2 : what natural biological defense system protects the body from disease and fights off germs?
correct : immunity
wrong : animosity
wrong : pathology
wrong : impropriety

question 3 : what are doctors who specialize in children's diseases called?
correct : pediatricians
wrong : dermatologists
wrong : neurologists
wrong : cardiologists

question 4 : what blue fruit fights more disease than 40 other fruits and is often used in pies?
correct : blueberry
wrong : orange
wrong : grape
wrong : apple

question 5 : bela schick invented the test for which disease?
correct : diphtheria
wrong : dipstick
wrong : dipsy
wrong : dippers

question 6 : from what disease did the romantic poet john keats die?
correct : tuberculosis
wrong : cancer
wrong : vasculitis
wrong : lordosis

question 7 : what are people suffering from celiac disease allergic to?
correct : wheat
wrong : legumes
wrong : chocolate
wrong : pollen

question 8 : in 2007, gambia's president yahya jammeh claimed he could cure what disease with natural herbs?
correct : aids
wrong : malaria
wrong : measles
wrong : tuberculosis

question 9 : a vine disease caused by a fungus that attacks the green part of the vine is called?
correct : black rot
wrong : d'vine disease
wrong : fungus amoongus
wrong : whitefly fungus

question 10 : what disease is noted by charcot's triad of scanning speech, intention tremors and nystagmus?
correct : multiple sclerosis
wrong : progressive supranuclear palsy
wrong : shy-drager syndrome
wrong : parkinson's disease

#trivia #quiz #history #geography #science #popculture #movies #music #sports #literature #art #tech #triviaquiz #triviatime #quiztime #trivianight #quizshow #testyourknowledge #brainteasers #mindbenders #funfacts #quizyourfriends #quizzing #knowledgeispower #learnsomethingnew #historytrivia #sciencetrivia #popculturequiz #movietrivia #musictrivia #sportstrivia #geographytrivia #literaturequiz #arttrivia #techtrivia #commentyouranswers #challengeyourself #beatthequiz #canyouanswer #howmanycanyougetright #testyourself",05/26/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgBl5fMleCk,सी-सेकशन से जनम लेने वाले बचचों में अपरभावी हो सकता है खसरे का ीका | cesarean affect the baby,"सी-सेकशन से जनम लेने वाले बचचों में अपरभावी हो सकता है खसरे का ीका | cesarean affect the baby measles@lotusayurveda_india 

video url: https://youtu.be/bgbl5fmleck
copyright  2024 lotus ayurveda  india || utpal shyam chaudhary || all right reserved.
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for business proposal & products reviews feel free contact me. mail id: utpalschaudhary@gmail.com
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#cesareanchild #immunesystem #normaldeliveryinhindi 
#utpalchaudhary  #causes #treatment  #lotusayurvedaindia 
#healthtips #homeremedy #ayurveda #pregnancycare",05/26/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7ciI1joxnP/,herbal remedy for chicken pox and measles. #efunsewaherbslimited #herbsinarigbajo #measles #chickenpox #healthylifestyle,herbal remedy for chicken pox and measles. #efunsewaherbslimited #herbsinarigbajo #measles #chickenpox #healthylifestyle,05/26/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7b48cVSzav/?locale=zh-hans&hl=ar,"kingdom of needle and bone by mira grant 

insta finally let me post reels woohoo! and i am back with a novella recommendation - 128 pages of very plausible science horror that will keep you on your toes with the twists in the plotline. i've always said, no one does horror like mira grant. this is essentially a story about a pandemic. morris disease has symptoms like measles and a high fatality rate. you're probably thinking, uma, we've been through something similar and yes, you're right and that is why the what, how and what next if this story is a lot more chilling; because it's so very very plausible.

the novella is free with kindle unilimited and audible on amazon india so do check it out!

do you enjoy books that lean heavily on stem? 

#bookrecommendations#underratedbooks#umarecommendsbooks#novellarecommendations#novella#bookstagirlie#aesthetic#kingdomofneedleandbone#horror#scifi#readerlife#bookstagram#bookstagramcommunity#readerlife#booksofinstagram#backlistbooks#booksbooksbooks","kingdom of needle and bone by mira grant 

insta finally let me post reels woohoo! and i am back with a novella recommendation - 128 pages of very plausible science horror that will keep you on your toes with the twists in the plotline. i've always said, no one does horror like mira grant. this is essentially a story about a pandemic. morris disease has symptoms like measles and a high fatality rate. you're probably thinking, uma, we've been through something similar and yes, you're right and that is why the what, how and what next if this story is a lot more chilling; because it's so very very plausible.

the novella is free with kindle unilimited and audible on amazon india so do check it out!

do you enjoy books that lean heavily on stem? 

#bookrecommendations#underratedbooks#umarecommendsbooks#novellarecommendations#novella#bookstagirlie#aesthetic#kingdomofneedleandbone#horror#scifi#readerlife#bookstagram#bookstagramcommunity#readerlife#booksofinstagram#backlistbooks#booksbooksbooks",05/26/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOQDccnxkCQ,measles alert: infectious case reported at lax,"los angeles county public health officials have confirmed an infectious case of measles in an international traveler at lax on may 19. if you were at the airport on that date, be aware of the symptoms: high fever, cough, rash, runny nose, and red watery eyes. learn more about the situation and the importance of vaccination. stay safe and informed!",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE06mfF4qJ8,protecting yourself against measles,"your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tT4a3wBpMz8,traveler with measles traveled through los angeles international airport...,"the los angeles county department of public health says a non-los angeles county resident with a confirmed case of measles had a connecting flight at lax earlier this month. now, officials are warning anyone who may have been at the airport on may 19...

https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/measles-case-reported-in-traveler-heading-through-lax/",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHIAY3RoWOg,little house on the prairie  winoka warriors western family tv showfull episodes 2024,"trying to convince tom carlin, blinded by a childhood bout with the measles, that he can lead a productive life, adam kendall battles tom's bitter, skeptical father and is unexpectedly aided by the underdog winoka warriors, who have just lost their star player to a rival football team.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZtnpZkD15Y,measles cases in the caribbean,"on may 10, 2024, a case of measles was reported in the caribbean. this is the first measles case in the region since 2019. as the island prepares for the increased visitor arrivals for the men's t20 icc cricket world cup matches and the anticipated carnival celebrations, the ministry of health, wellness and elderly affairs remains vigilant of the outbreaks in many of the countries globally.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydXUleoZlj0,what is measles?,measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.,05/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8hTzNKV_cs,possible measles exposure at lax,public health officials announced sunday they have been notified of a case of measles in a non-county resident who traveled to los angeles international airport while infectious on may 19.,05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2g7fIFobLo,什麼是麻疹| what is measles?,"麻疹是一種病毒性病症<引發嚴疾病。了解症狀以麻疹徜應枡的枪施。 

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.",05/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnQPanLVKA0,measles case detected in the caribbean,health authorities in saint lucia are alert following the first measles case in the caribbean since 2019 and outbreaks of the disease in other countries.,05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_MnZYW6a_Q,qu es el sarampin? | what is measles?,"el sarampin es una infeccin viral que puede causar una enfermedad grave. ms informacin sobre los sntomas del sarampin y qu hacer si lo contrae. 

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDK2C7cIVD8, | what is measles?,"ウイルス性疾患 篤る能性゚。症皶場らよ学ょ。 

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.",05/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAKu0Dy9JJY,waa maxay jadeeco? | what is measles?,"jadeecadu waa cudur fayras oo keeni kara jirro halis ah. baro calaamadaha cudurka iyo waxa aad sameyn karto haddii ay kugu dhacdo jadeeco. 

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.",05/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjjSam3w68k,什么是麻疹? | what is measles?,"麻疹是一病毒性病症<引严疾病。了解症皶以麻疹应采的枪施。 

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.",05/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cYs1GVMhS0,protegendo-se contra o sarampo | protecting yourself against measles,"sua melhor proteo contra o sarampo  se vacinar. saiba mais sobre a vacina trplice viral, incluindo como, quando e onde se vacinar. 

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,anger,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCuQxtk0iGA,qu'est-ce que la rougeole ? | what is measles?,"la rougeole est une infection virale dont les complications peuvent tre graves. renseignez-vous sur les symptmes et sur la conduite  tenir si vous attrapez la rougeole. 

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DD6Ecn7hC38,what is measles? |  ,"            .               . 

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.",05/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cY5U_EHg78,apa itu campak? | what is measles?,"campak adalah penyakit virus yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit serius. pelajari tentang gejala dan apa yang harus dilakukan jika anda terkena campak. 

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7Fm7s6EOuc,o que  sarampo? | what is measles?,"o sarampo  uma doena viral e pode ser grave. saiba mais sobre os sintomas e o que fazer caso pegue sarampo. 

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.",05/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqGqMKVK26s,what is measles? |   ,"       .         .

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles",05/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbTD8Cy-Nx8,mpox outbreak hits the drc ,"since january 2023, nearly 20,000 suspected mpox cases and 975 deaths have been reported in the drc, with children most at risk.

experts warn this could become a global threat without urgent action. however the drc is also battling recurrent epidemics of measles and yellow fever, which makes containing this outbreak especially difficult.

in response to the current situation, the cdc is strengthening us preparedness and advising neighbouring countries to prepare as well.

#mpox #publichealth #globalhealth #drc",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,surprise,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAkhCur2hDw,what is measles? |   ,"                                  

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles",05/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIF0zL_N6Wc,st. lucia strengthens measures to prevent measles outbreak,"saint lucia is bolstering its defenses against measles as the caribbean grapples with its first case in five years. 
health officials are urging residents to get vaccinated and report any suspected cases, with free mmr vaccines available at all wellness centers.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nX9yClj2ckw,se protger contre la rougeole | protecting yourself against measles,"contre la rougeole, votre meilleure protection est le vaccin. trouvez des informations sur la vaccination ror, notamment comment, quand et o se faire vacciner. 

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbQccAboo1Y,possible measles exposure at lax,public health officials announced sunday they have been notified of a case of measles in a non-county resident who traveled to los angeles international airport while infectious on may 19.,05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRZNC_W0YxM,खसरा कया है? | what is measles?,"खसरा क वायरल रोग है जो गंभीर बीमारी का कारण बन सकता है। आपको खसरा हो जा तो इसके लकषणों और कया करना चाहि, इसके बारे में जानकारी लें। 

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.",05/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV1kTqEqsYc,역으로부터 신 보호하기 | protecting yourself against measles,"역 예방하뚔 최선 방법 예방접종입니다. 접종 방법, 시기, 장솜 등 mmr 백신 접종 뜀해 앜아보세요. 

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or2EKhCmPJs,暤自己麻疹的侵害 | protecting yourself against measles,"预防麻疹的最佳方法是枥疫苗。了解mmr疫苗枥<圅括如何何时以在哪釜枥疫苗。 

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky50IDugRxc,역란? | what is measles?,"역 심한 합병 유발할 수 있뚔 바욤성 질병입니다. 역 걸렸 땜 과 뜀처 방법 뜀해 앜아보세요. 

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.",05/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfkSeFL3faI,予防 | protecting yourself against measles,"最善予防策予防枥種をる。予防枥種方法時場所をむmmrワクン(風邪風疹三種類ウイルス症を予防る混ワクン)関る情報を得ょ。 

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElO_dg4lAzA,ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਨੂੰ ਖਸਰੇ ਤੋਂ ਬਚਾਉਣਾ | protecting yourself against measles,"ਖਸਰੇ ਦੇ ਵਿਰੱਧ ਤਹਾਡੀ ਸਭ ਤੋਂ ਵਧੀਆ ਸਰੱਖਿਆ ੀਕਾ ਲਗਵਾਉਣਾ ਹੈ। mmr ੀਕਾਕਰਨ ਬਾਰੇ ਪਤਾ ਲਗਾਓ, ਜਿਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਹ ਵੀ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਕਿਵੇਂ, ਕਦੋਂ ਅਤੇ ਕਿੱਥੇ ੀਕਾ ਲਗਵਾਇਆ ਜਾਵੇ। 

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILOWjkaqzyA,โรคหัดคืออะไร? | what is measles?,"โรคหัดเป็นโรคไวรัสที่อาจ่อให้เิดารเจ็บป่วยรุนรงได้ ศึษาเี่ยวับอาารละารปิบัติตัวเมื่อท่านเป็นโรคหัด 

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.",05/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX37_kirDkQ,ਖਸਰਾ ਕੀ ਹੈ? | what is measles?,"ਖਸਰਾ ਇੱਕ ਵਾਇਰਲ ਬਿਮਾਰੀ ਹੈ ਜੋ ਗੰਭੀਰ ਬਿਮਾਰੀ ਦਾ ਕਾਰਨ ਬਣ ਸਕਦੀ ਹੈ। ਲੱਛਣਾਂ ਬਾਰੇ ਜਾਣੋ ਅਤੇ ਜੇਕਰ ਤਹਾਨੂੰ ਖਸਰਾ ਹੋ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ ਤਾਂ ਕੀ ਕਰਨਾ ਹੈ। 

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.",05/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bunyuzyKGg,protecting yourself against measles |    ,"        .    mmr         .

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8CKwcXV2no,melindungi diri dari campak | protecting yourself against measles,"perlindungan terbaik anda terhadap campak adalah mendapatkan vaksinasi. cari tahu tentang vaksinasi mmr, termasuk bagaimana, kapan dan di mana mendapatkan imunisasi. 

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ez60aksm9YM,cmo protegerse contra el sarampin | protecting yourself against measles,"la mejor proteccin contra el sarampin es vacunarse. informacin sobre la vacuna triple vrica (mmr). sepa cmo, cundo y dnde vacunarse. 

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyAMgoseojw,தமமை ஞனறால ஞனன? | what is measles?,"தமமை ஞனபத தீவிரமான உலநலககறைவை றபததம ஒர வைரஸ நோயாகம. உஙகளகக தமமை நோய த௚றற மறறம அறிகறிகள  றபால ஞனன செயவத ஞனபத பறறி அறியவம. 

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.",05/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRDJRxj_1Yk,ើអវីជាជងឺកញជរឹល? | what is measles?,"កញជរឹលគឺជាជងឺបឞាលពីវីរុ រលអាចបឞាលឱយឈឺធងនធងរ  វងយលអពីរគញញា និងអវីរលអនករូវធវើ បរិនបើអនកកើកញជរឹល  

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.",05/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qscRFWbvED8,ano ang tigdas? | what is measles?,"ang tigdas ay sakit na sanhi ng virus na maaaring magdulot ng malubhang karamdaman. alamin ang tungkol sa mga sintomas at kung ano ang dapat gawin kung ikaw ay magkaka-tigdas. 

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.",05/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rxan6hDx_Ys,ઓરી લે શં? | what is measles?,"ઓરી  વાયરલ રોગ છે જે ગંભીર બીમારીનં કારણ બની શકે છે. લકષણો વિશે જાણો અને જો તમને ઓરી થાય તો શં કરવં. 

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.",05/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fJD4SIpaDI,ารป้องันตนเองจาโรคหัด | protecting yourself against measles,"ารป้องันโรคหัดที่ดีที่สุดของท่านคือารรับวัคซีน ศึษาข้อมูลเี่ยวับวัคซีน mmr รวมถึงบ่องทาง เวลา ละสถานที่ในารรับวัคซีน 

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRYmfUWzIGM,bệnh si l g? | what is measles?,"si l một loại bệnh do vi rt gy ra v c thể gy bệnh nghim trng. tm hiểu cc triệu chứng v phải lm g nếu bạn mắc bệnh si. 

measles is a viral disease that can cause serious illness. learn about the symptoms and what to do if you catch measles.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFjRsd9ylnI,protecting yourself against measles |      ,"         .    mmr        . 

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJgP3gtE3nI,ka ilaalinta naftaada cudurka jadeecada | protecting yourself against measles,"is-ilaalinta ugu fiican ee cudurka jadeecadu waa in la is tallaalo wax ka ogow tallaalka mmr, oo ay ka mid tahay qaabka, goorta iyo meesha aad isku tallaali karto. 

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcJ7mq9RfaY,pagprotekta ng iyong sarili laban sa tigdas | protecting yourself against measles,"ang iyong pinakamahusay na proteksyon laban sa tigdas ay ang magpabakuna. alamin ang tungkol sa bakunang mmr, maging kung paano, kailan at saan magpapabakuna. 

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gKaoZl8spQ,खसरे से अपना बचाव करना | protecting yourself against measles,"खसरे के खिलाफ आपकी सबसे अचछी सरकषा ीका लगवाना है। mmr (ममआर) ीकाकरण के बारे में पता करें, जिसमें यह भी शामिल है कि ीकाकरण कैसे, कब और कहा कराया जा। 

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRWuNZq-hQw,ઓરીથી તમારી જાતને બચાવવી | protecting yourself against measles,"ઓરી સામે તમારં શરેષઠ રકષણ, રસી લેવાનં છે. મમઆર રસીકરણ વિશે જાણો, જેમાં રસી કેવી રીતે, કયારે અને કયાં લેવી તે સહિતની બાબતોનો સમાવેશ થાય છે. 

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYtPxm_GkTw,防麻疹 | protecting yourself against measles,"防麻疹的最佳方法是枥種疫苗。了解mmr疫苗枥種<圅括如何何時以在哪裡枥種疫苗。 

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQY2jhSKxXs,ការការពារលួនអនកពីជងឺកញជរឹល | protecting yourself against measles,"ការការពាររលអបផុរបអនកបរឆាងនឹងជងឺកញជរឹល គឺការចាកនាបងការ  វងយលអពីការចាកនាបងការ mmr  រួមទាងរបបរបរ ពលឞា និងទីកនលងរលផលនាបងការជងឺន  

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfP0Iww9ri0,measles surge: what you need to know now,"learn about the recent surge in measles cases and what you need to know to protect yourself and your loved ones. stay informed and stay safe!

measles sounds like a disease from the past. something that has long abandoned modern societies and can be heard solely through stories from old folks. however, that's not exactly the case. measles cases are on the rise. and that should be a cause of concern for everyone.

measles is a viral infection caused by the measles virus (mev). it spreads via nasal or throat secretions.for example, if you'rein the vicinity ofan infected person andyouinhale their respiratory droplets after they sneeze or cough, chances are you'll get the virus.that is the primary reasonwhy measles cases have seen a surge as of late.people have become too lenient aboutit.

everyone must be mindful and transparent about their health. ideally, if you suspectyouhave measles symptoms, it's best to consult a physician and self-isolate. the former will ensure you get a properdiagnosis and treatment. the latter will make it a point that no measles case surge happens in your community because of your carelessness.

in thisvideo, we delveinto everything you need to know about the surge of measles cases.hopefully, the information here willconvince you to be more careful, notjust for your ownsake,but forthe sake ofeveryone around you.

keep in mind that measles is potentially fatal. it can also trigger encephalitis and pneumonia. those are serious medical problems that'll cause you financial and emotional strain. so, to be on the safe side, be wary of measles. as they say, prevention is always better than cure.
have you had measles before? 

please share your experience in the comments section to help other viewers understand the disease better.whether you answered yes or no to that question,watch this video foryouand your loved ones' protection.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-QzSbnmrv4,measles (rubeola) virus revision  #microbiology,"measles virus measles
rubeola virus
measles vaccine
koplik spot
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
rna virus 
warthin finkeldey giant cell 
#neetpg #usmle",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEjl79jeWI0,protecting yourself against measles |      ,"             mmr                       

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_D1cJJdA5s,health ministry clears air on child's death,"the ministry of health and wellness has responded to what it calls ""serious misleading allegations"" in the public domain, about the death of an 8-month-old child.

a voice note circulating on social media suggests the baby boy died after receiving a measles mumps and rubella or mmr vaccine in march this year.

in a statement, senior medical officer of health, dr. ingrid cumberbatch, has made it clear this is untrue.

she confirmed an eight-month-old child was referred to the accident and emergency department of the queen elizabeth hospital last thursday, may the 23rd.

according to dr. cumberbatch, the child was unconscious on arrival and died after failed resuscitation efforts.

dr. cumberbatch says in keeping with the laws of barbados in cases of sudden and unnatural deaths, an autopsy will be conducted to determine the cause of death.

she is urging parents to ensure children receive their scheduled vaccinations, despite warnings from the creator of the voice note not to do so.

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#cbctv8 #cbcnewsnight #thisiswhoweare",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDNnKww08gw,தமமை நோயிலிரநத உஙகளைப பாதகாததக க௚ளளதல | protecting yourself against measles,"தமமைகக ஞதிரான உஙகள சிறநத பாதகாபபானத தபபூசி பெறறகக௚ளவதேயாகம. mmr தபபூசி பறறி மறறம ஞபபி, ஞபபோத, ஞஙக நோயததபப பெறவத போனற தகவலகள உப பறறி அறியவம. 

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfQ3iiyb7uo,bảo vệ bản thn bạn khng bị bệnh si | protecting yourself against measles,"cch bảo vệ tốt nhất ể bạn khng bị bệnh si l tim vắc xin. tm hiểu v việc chch vắc xin mmr, bao gồm cch thức, thi gian v ịa iểm chch ngừa. 

your best protection against measles is to get vaccinated. find out about the mmr vaccination, including how, when and where to get immunised.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdDINW_K7GA,global health cast edition 68,"sixty-eighth edition of the global health cast presented by prof. schmitt and dr. sanicas.

00:00 introduction
01:15 singing rehabilitates speech production in post-stroke aphasia04
04:00 renewed hopes for an effective hiv vaccine
08:15 global measles situation
11:45 s. pyogenes (group a streptococcus; ""gas"") outbreaks
13:30 outbreaks and general recommendations 
16:30 summary
17:00 bonus

download the pdf here: https://id-ea.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/2024-05-27-ghc-68-1.pdf
visit us at https://id-ea.org/ for more information",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-15QoyHRztY,"episode 768: giuliani's birthday summons, alito's troublesome flags","https://creatoraccountabilitynetwork.org/

or call: (617-249-4255)

rudy giuliani is served indictment papers at his own birthday party after mocking arizona attorney general

trump appears to freeze for 30 seconds during nra speech | the independent 

trump opens door to birth control restrictions, then tries to close it - the new york times

schumer plans vote on contraception access, teeing up a campaign issue - the new york times

""out of control"": legal experts say justice alito's ""stop the steal"" symbol is a huge red flag

supreme court justice alito's beach house displayed 'appeal to heaven' flag - the new york times

hamilton child under 5 dies of measles: public health agency | cbc news",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nnV7PF--8g,"joshua anna siloam, testimony","joshua anna siloam, testimonyall praises and honor be to jesus alone, forevermore.

i am joshua and this is a summary of my life journey and testimony!

i was born and raised in a pentecostal family.
god's faithfulness is what my life is built on.
at the age of 6, my family and i, were moving from place to place for shelter and food as my mum was the lone earner in my family!
grade 2, i suffered from chicken pox,
grade 3, i suffered from mumps,
grade 4, i suffered from measles,
grade 5, i suffered from typhoid. i was also a victim of the 2005 mumbai floods,
grade 6, i suffered from scabies,
grade 7, i was sexually abused and raped in the boarding school for around 6 months by seniors in the boarding school!
grade 8 & grade 9, i didn't attend school due to financial crises.
i was directly admitted to grade 10 and two weeks before the final semester, my house caught fire, turning everything into ashes.
in grade 12, i received jesus as the lord and the saviour of my life.
a few months on, i suffered from jaundice. i was critically ill as i was dying. in that period, i had a personal encounter with jesus. the lord appeared & spoke to me saying - ""remain in me & i will heal you."" i was healed in that very week.
the following year, i was appointed as ground staff for emirates airlines at csia.
6 weeks later, while going to work, i met with a major train accident. the incident left me completely paralysed from the hip below as my spinal cord suffered traumatic injury (d12-l1 complete sci). i also lost three fingers off my left hand. then i had yet another personal encounter with jesus. the lord spoke to me saying, ""remain in me and everything will be possible for you.""

on 31st january 2024, i completed 10 years and as of 24th may 2024, i completed 538 weeks in this state of paraplegia!
the struggles didn't reduce but multiply to an unimaginable extent, but the miracles of the lord were never once outnumbered!
and so, i conclude my story & testimony with these verses – romans 8:38-39 & 1 peter 1:6-9
amazing youth testimony.",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diYhcwx1yVM,"top health news : may 28, 2024 [central american countries declare emergency as dengue cases soar]","hpv vaccine provides real benefits for men\, analysis shows
the connection cure: a new way of thinking about treating illness.
covid wave shapes up for summer but is unlikely to spark concern
weight loss tips: man who lost 40 pounds\, 10 inches with walking\, eating nutrients in a specific order
watermelon rind benefits: do not discard white layer of watermelon; it can offer these surprising benefits
crepey skin: the top dietary measures to stop skin sagging
website offers free\, practical advice for caregivers of dementia patients
four fruits that 'support efforts to reduce belly fat' as they have low glycemic index
scientists reveal the brain's surprising role in regulating the immune system
bird flu spreading to dairy farm workers but testing not reaching them
8 of the biggest health stories from this week in case you missed them
how does exercise help maintain brain health and boost longevity?
this protein could help us unravel the mystery of alzheimer's
maternal immune response affects fetal brain development
imagination reduces disgust more than placebo
upmc celebrates women's health month by encouraging women to get tested early
an omega-6 fatty acid known as arachidonic acid may reduce bipolar disorder risk
10 surprising things that are made from petroleum
tips to ensure you leave no animal behind when fleeing a wildfire
the 5 best pre-workout supplements for men\, according to registered dietitians
sydney to london: what cabin configuration will qantas use for its ultra-long-haul service?
siblings with measles may have exposed others at hennepin county medical center
a devastating diagnosis followed months of malaise\, uncertainty
how digital health companies are capitalizing on the glp-1 boom
the first pill for postpartum depression is finally getting to patients. doctors say it's working.
central american countries declare emergency as dengue cases soar :
what mosquito repellents work best?
family advice: my sister is endangering her life to be supermom. her husband doesn't care.
ozempic drug semaglutide could protect kidneys\, study finds
masturbation helps to alleviate psychological distress in women\, study suggests
no one wants hand\, foot\, and mouth disease. here's how long you're contagious if you get it.
scientists think this psychedelic drug could help treat anorexia
should you track steps or minutes? what about splurging on experiences or things? here's what this week's health headlines tell us.
what's the highest place on earth that humans live?
weightlifting and aerobic exercise are good for you. doing both is far better.
you just need a kettlebell and 3 mobility exercises to unlock tight hips and boost hamstring flexibility
arizona researcher publishes study on covid-19 vaccine and tinnitus
multistate salmonella outbreak linked to backyard poultry
researchers uncover mechanism of enzyme in blue-green algae that could revolutionize agriculture: 'what we found was completely unexpected'
scientist proposes a new universal law of biology that may explain aging
drinking coffee may help protect against parkinson's\, study says
these us cities are heaven for mosquitoes
serotonin affects behavior and motivation
study links genetic risk of autism to brain cell activity
adhd affects 1 in 9 kids in us\, new report reveals: 'shame and stigma'
the one key nutrient missing from your diet
shipment of newest malaria vaccine\, r21\, to central african republic marks latest milestone for child survival",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COYa9UCgo54,        2    5    |  ,#balochistan #pakistannewslive #weathernews #vshnews #report #currentaffairs #report #newsupdate #breakingnews #balochistanaffairs #hospital #measles #sindh #measlesoutbreak #deaths #patients #child,05/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ER6tc9B7gU,menjelajahi dunia mikro: petualangan di balik cacing parasit yang mengintai domba,"halo semuanya! 

di video kali ini, kita akan berpetualang ke dunia mikro yang sering kali terlewatkan, yaitu dunia cacing parasit yang memiliki peran besar dalam kesehatan domba. yuk, kita kenalan lebih dekat dengan tiga cacing utama: taenia ovis, paramphistomum, dan trichostrongylus colubriformis.

 taenia ovis - cacing pita raksasa yang bisa menyebabkan ""sheep measles"" pada domba. bagaimana cacing ini bisa menginfeksi domba dan manusia? cari tahu selengkapnya di sini!

 paramphistomum - cacing pipih kecil berwarna merah muda atau coklat yang hidup di dalam rumen domba. siklus hidupnya yang rumit dan dampaknya pada kesehatan domba dibahas tuntas dalam video ini.

 trichostrongylus colubriformis - cacing gelang parasit yang jago mimikri! bagaimana mereka bisa menyamar dan menginfeksi domba melalui rumput? simak perjalanan seru larva cacing ini hingga dewasa.

video ini penting bagi para peternak dan pecinta hewan untuk mengenali dan mengelola keberadaan cacing-cacing ini demi kesehatan ternak mereka. jangan lewatkan informasi menarik dan edukatif ini!

 jangan lupa untuk like, comment, dan subscribe agar tidak ketinggalan video seru dan informatif lainnya! sampai jumpa di edisi fun fact berikutnya!",05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/video/measles-case-reported-at-lax/,measles case reported at lax,los angeles county public health officials say that the person arrived on a lufthansa flight on sunday and left a few hours later.,05/27/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7fe2TBvlTw/,"health officials issued a warning after a confirmed case of measles was in fresno county. the los angeles county of public health is now confirming that an infected passenger flew to fresno aboard united airlines flight 5591.

watch my latest reporting for @abc30_actionnews","health officials issued a warning after a confirmed case of measles was in fresno county. the los angeles county of public health is now confirming that an infected passenger flew to fresno aboard united airlines flight 5591.

watch my latest reporting for @abc30_actionnews",05/27/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1ldBWtyGZE,ਕੈਨੇਡਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਕਿਉਂ ਖ਼ਸਰੇ ਦੀ ਬਿਮਾਰੀ ਨੇ ਮਚਾਈ ਹਲਚਲ? | why measles caused a stir in canada? | measles |,"ਕੈਨੇਡਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਕਿਉਂ ਖ਼ਸਰੇ ਦੀ ਬਿਮਾਰੀ ਨੇ ਮਚਾਈ ਹਲਚਲ?
why measles caused a stir in canada?
guest: dr. bhurji | pediatrician
host: harpreet singh 

#missile #childcare #vaccine #healthcare",05/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTIhAIEyvzE,health officials warn about measles after infected passenger on lax to fresno flight,health officials warn about measles after infected passenger on lax to fresno flight,05/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1nYQ3DF-0k,ministry of health on the alert for measles,"the ministry of health has activated preemptive systems following the discovery of a measles case in the region. with a number of mass crowd activities planned for the coming weeks the ministry says it is prepared to activate recently completed standard operating procedures for the ports of entry.
surveillance is also being heightened to contain this threat.",05/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WJng2TJ25Y,"passenger on united flight to fresno had measles, officials confirm","a passenger on a flight to fresno was confirmed to be traveling with measles, according to la county health officials. that flight from los angeles arrived in fresno on may 19.

follow abc30 action news on social media:

abc30 on facebook

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find this story and more at https://abc30.com",05/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elC_W-IGnBM,caribbean first measles case amid icc t20;ministry of health urges precautionary measures.(27/05/24),"with the first case of measles reported in the caribbean, concerns rise amidst the anticipation of the upcoming icc men's t20 cricket world cup and carnival season. despite saint lucia not having recorded a measles case in over two decades, the ministry maintains unwavering vigilance, actively informing the public about precautionary measures against measles.",05/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvZaDUoQZW8,rubella german measles || rubella sing and symptoms symptoms ||  rubella virus ,"rubella german measles 
rubella german measles sign and symptoms rubella treatment 
rubela sign and symptom
 how dangerous  a rubella in a pregnancy safety care fer rubella disease
 medication for rubella",05/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_kVAKP1b8c,天下新】嚠州: 洛磯至fresno發麻疹病例 california: measles cases found on l.a.-fresno flights,"洛磯縣公共衛部證實<洛磯與fresno之間5月19日的航空5591發一起麻疹病例。
該航由skywest airlines<於晚业8點12分於fresno國際場的11登門。根據flightaware的追蹤數據<飛當時的业座瞇約有70%。

訂閱天下衛視youtube頻: https://goo.gl/tdvaqg
關注天下衛視官方網站: www.skylinktv.us",05/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLIqGxm4HCU,kyiv: will get f-16s very soon | un: rafah attack not a mishap | wion headlines,"watch top headlines of the hour:

- spain, ireland, norway to rebuke israel
- kyiv: will get f-16s very soon
- un: rafah attack not a misha
- who: measles cases surging in europe

#russiaukrainewar #spain #kyiv 

about channel: 

wion the world is one news examines global issues with in-depth analysis. we provide much more than the news of the day. our aim is to empower people to explore their world. with our global headquarters in new delhi, we bring you news on the hour, by the hour. we deliver information that is not biased. we are journalists who are neutral to the core and non-partisan when it comes to world politics. people are tired of biased reportage and we stand for a globalized united world. so for us, the world is truly one.
please keep discussions on this channel clean and respectful and refrain from using racist or sexist slurs and personal insults.

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zee news apps: https://bit.ly/zeenewsapps",05/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,sadness,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeE7SDjO5zI,5/28/2024 shady biden-measles warning-water recall-cia  & covid-nk missel explodes- us explosives,"good morning everyone. in todays report you will learn about us explosives supplied to egypt making their way into hamas's hands, potential for a measels outbreak here in the us, north korea's rocket launch explodes over sea of japan, another article about the taking out of russian early warning radar systems and more. 

thank you all for watching and god bless all of you.

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report links:













https://x.com/lauraloomer/status/1795140818346422285",05/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asrBeOR77PQ,measles (खसरा)रोग के लकषण और इलाज,,05/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNt0BKNznQw,天下新】嚠州: 洛磯至fresno發麻疹病例 california: measles cases found on l.a.-fresno flights,"洛磯縣公共衛部證實<洛磯與fresno之間5月19日的航空5591發一起麻疹病例。
該航由skywest airlines<於晚业8點12分於fresno國際場的11登門。根據flightaware的追蹤數據<飛當時的业座瞇約有70%。

訂閱天下衛視youtube頻: https://goo.gl/tdvaqg
關注天下衛視官方網站: www.skylinktv.us",05/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dWgFKYO9ac,health inspector | measles rubeola | jhi | sahakari race plus,for more info contact: 080-69211777,05/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBN9Zc3XveU,rubella vaccine #shorts,"the mmr vaccine is a vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella (german measles), abbreviated as mmr.
 the first dose is generally given to children around 9 months to 15 months of age, with a second dose at 15 months to 6 years of age, with at least four weeks between the doses.",05/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFPeERqubi8,hen baby hen baby pictures and pictures  and black and white#img2024 0808,"baby,intelligent baby,baby pigeon,mor ka bachy kaise hoty hain,healthy baby,fast grow tips for chickens baby,baby with beauty,pune ka murga bajar,chicken pox ka ilaj in urdu,lakra kakra ka ilaj,chicken pops ka ilaj,baby sleep position,rescue cute baby chick,mor ka bacha nikl aya,qabz ka ilaj,sleep position for baby,pigeon baby hand feeding,chicks ka ilaj,sapne me murgi ka bacha dekhne ka matlab,sapno ka matlab,measles ka ilaj,punje banaey k2024",05/28/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX0cPJ9CL3E,breaking news. kyiv will get f-16 very soon. rafah attack not a mishap.,"watch top headlines of the hour:

- spain, ireland, norway to rebuke israel
- kyiv: will get f-16s very soon
- un: rafah attack not a misha
- who: measles cases surging in europe

#russiaukrainewar #spain #kyiv 

about channel: 

vertex odyssey news the world is one news examines global issues with in-depth analysis. we provide much more than the news of the day. our aim is to empower people to explore their world. with our global headquarters in new delhi, we bring you news on the hour, by the hour. we deliver information that is not biased. we are journalists who are neutral to the core and non-partisan when it comes to world politics. people are tired of biased reportage and we stand for a globalized united world. so for us, the world is truly one.
please keep discussions on this channel clean and respectful and refrain from using racist or sexist slurs and personal insults.

subscribe to our channel at 

donate to our channel: https://paypal.me/anwarshahzadabudhabi?country.x=ae&locale.x=en_us",05/28/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFm_Q1YgolU,every vaccines - uses and side effects explained in 7 minutes,"every vaccines are explained in 7 minutes,along with their side effects .i have tried to explain everything in a concise way!

0:00 side effects vs adverse effects
0:29 bcg vaccine
1:11 mmr vaccine
1:50 polio vaccine 
2:40 influenza vaccine
3:26 hpv vaccine
3:54 covid 19 
5:20 rotavirus vaccine
5:36 rsv vaccine
6:11 meningococcal vaccine
6:26 pneumococcal vaccine(pcv13)
6:40 hib vaccine
6:57 tdap vaccine
references: who,cdc,mayoclinic
everything explained
heart attack
mortality and hospitalization 
rsv vaccine
surprising effect
bbc news
the analyst
astrezenca withdrawn
the paint explainer 
the paint guy

this is a very surface level explanation, and some of the information could be wrong or  incomplete too
the goal of this video is to spark curiosity, do your own research.",05/28/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-foM3uiI28M,"गलसआ का इलाज | mumps treatment in hindi | mumps कया है, कारण, लकषण,  | @gyanear @medicinetak","गलसआ का इलाज | mumps treatment in hindi | mumps कया है, कारण, लकषण, इलाज | mumps - causes,symptom

mumps virus
mumps treatment in hindi
mumps treatment tamil
mumps treatment
mumps treatment in telugu
mumps virus in hindi
mumps symptoms
mumps virus news
mumps virus in india
mumps malayalam
गलसआ कैसे ठीक करें
गलसआ कैसे होता है
गलसआ का घरेलू उपचार
गलसआ का इलाज
गलसआ की दवा
गलसआ का घरेलू उपाय
गलसआ का आयरवेदिक इलाज
गलसआ कैसे ठीक होता है

treatment of viral infections | mumps treatment in hindi |
treatment of viral fever | गलसआ का इलाज
mumps & treatment
mumps is an illness caused by a virus. it usually affects the
glands on each side of the face.
these glands, called parotid glands, make saliva. swollen
glands may be tender or painful.
vaccine mmr
administer the primary dose of mmr vaccine at age 9 to 12
months, the second dose at age 15 through 18 months, and
final (the 3rd) dose at age 4 through 6 years.
signs & symptoms
यह viral infection mainly बचचों में जयादा होता है लेकिन कभी कभी बड़ों
में भी हो सकता है। इसका incubation period 14 से 21 दिन तक रहता है।
इसमें fever, शरीर में दरद होता है।
mouth angle पर दरद होता है।
खाना चबाने में दिककत होती है।
fever आने के 24 घनो के अनदर parotid gland में swealling आ जाती
बड़ों में orchitis (वृषणशोथ) भी हो जाता है।
maintain oral hygiene (मंह की साफ सफाई का सथान रखे)
betadin mouth wash से gargle तथा कलले करें।
bed rest देना चाहियें तथा यह infection communicable है। अतः

#hospitaltraining",05/28/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,anger
https://www.instagram.com/reberrabon_bon/reel/C7iE8wRPYKn/,"better than them having the measles. or, you know, dying.
#autism #autismawareness #autismawarenessandacceptance #autismacceptance #autismawarenessmonth #autismacceptancemonth #autismfamily #autismlove #autismlife #autismrocks #stopautismspeaks #autismparents #autismparentssupport #autistic #autisticlife #autisticmemes #autisticmemesforautisticteens #autismmeme #autisticpride #autisticandproud #imwhatautismlookslike","better than them having the measles. or, you know, dying.
#autism #autismawareness #autismawarenessandacceptance #autismacceptance #autismawarenessmonth #autismacceptancemonth #autismfamily #autismlove #autismlife #autismrocks #stopautismspeaks #autismparents #autismparentssupport #autistic #autisticlife #autisticmemes #autisticmemesforautisticteens #autismmeme #autisticpride #autisticandproud #imwhatautismlookslike",05/28/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@danniej_official/video/7374100748642241838,"forget your zodiac sign, what's your ideal chipotle order?  speaking of forgetting... has anyone ever gotten a gumball from a gumball machine at a bowling alley or in front of a walmart? who buys those!? for 25 cents, you can get a singular, filthy gumball slowly rolling down a spout that 4 year olds have shoved their measles-infested hands in, or you can go inside and buy multiple gumballs for 26 cents! #music #musica #musically #dj #djs #trend #trendingsong #trending #messi #remix #awesome #cool #quiz #exam #luck #lucky #throwback #throwbacksongs #maroon #maroon5 #adamlevine #future #cold #friends #friendship #friendshipgoals #annemarie #marshmallow #marshmello","forget your zodiac sign, what's your ideal chipotle order?  speaking of forgetting... has anyone ever gotten a gumball from a gumball machine at a bowling alley or in front of a walmart? who buys those!? for 25 cents, you can get a singular, filthy gumball slowly rolling down a spout that 4 year olds have shoved their measles-infested hands in, or you can go inside and buy multiple gumballs for 26 cents! #music #musica #musically #dj #djs #trend #trendingsong #trending #messi #remix #awesome #cool #quiz #exam #luck #lucky #throwback #throwbacksongs #maroon #maroon5 #adamlevine #future #cold #friends #friendship #friendshipgoals #annemarie #marshmallow #marshmello",05/28/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@uaeupdates_eng/video/7374290491988397329,"measles virus: free mmr vaccine for children in abu dhabi #uae news update #™™ #™ #™""™… #™""™ #pov #uaeupdates #uae #news #abudhabi #dubai #inabudhabi #mydubai #emirates #sharjah #ajman #rak #uaq #alain #fujairah #rain'' disclaimer: news and views all belong to media publishers around the country. not to uae updates english.","measles virus: free mmr vaccine for children in abu dhabi #uae news update #™™ #™ #™""™… #™""™ #pov #uaeupdates #uae #news #abudhabi #dubai #inabudhabi #mydubai #emirates #sharjah #ajman #rak #uaq #alain #fujairah #rain'' disclaimer: news and views all belong to media publishers around the country. not to uae updates english.",05/29/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@umiamihealth/video/7374510278228069678,"with #measles outbreaks on the rise, it is important to stay informed and keep your family protected!  learn more about the signs and symptoms, and how to prevent the infection from affecting your loved ones through the link in our bio!","with #measles outbreaks on the rise, it is important to stay informed and keep your family protected!  learn more about the signs and symptoms, and how to prevent the infection from affecting your loved ones through the link in our bio!",05/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7_7qNLHC8U,antivaxxer's children are getting measles,"stream clip of political commentator denims covering news about an antivaxer who's child passed from measles due to not being vaccinated. (streamed 05-17-2024)


outro music:
karl casey @ white bat audio
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzepa6zeq9y",05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpzcLIWzr1M,nurses notes 36 : measles,edit with inshot: https://inshotshare.app,05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCcMXwQbcUU,measles vaccination in school | get vaccinated stay healthy | new ideas #vaccine #measles  #viral,"your queries:-

measles vaccine
mmr vaccine
measles (disease or medical condition)
measles outbreak
vaccine (drug class)
mmr vaccine (vaccine)
measles vaccine history
disneyland measles
measles vaccine for adults
measles symptoms
measles news
measles virus
measles mumps rubella vaccine
measles 2024
measles outbreak news
oxford vaccine group
mumps vaccine
measles explained
measles disney
vaccine safety
vaccine autism
mar vaccine",05/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6u0R9gkB5M,"#trump verdict soon, #measles in la, #dnc to nominate biden virtually, n korea deploys poop balloons","• #trump verdict any minute
• #measles confirmed in los angeles
• #dnc will nominate biden/harris virtually
• north korea deploys #poop balloons

#news #newsupdate #newsupdates #dailynews #newstoday #nationalnews #latestnews #latestupdate #newsapp #media #fastnews #fastnewsupdates #dailynewsfeed #quicknewsupdate #dailyheadlines #newsflash #fastnewsalert #dailynewsupdate #shorts",05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOLgbLEBpNs,"death of 5 children due to measles in patuki, health minister took notice | breaking news","#breakingnews #newsheadlines #news #pakistan #livenewspakistan #pakistanlatestnews #latestupdate #newspakistan 

death of 5 children due to measles in patuki, health minister took notice

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your suggestions, queries are always welcomed.",05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QL4dmZPQEqo,"bcg vaccination in newborn babies| dr rushikesh kute pediatrician & neonatologist nashik,maharashtra",#pertussis #whoopingcough #tetanus #polio #measles #vaccines #diphtheria #vaccine #vaccination #health #vaccineswork #influenza #mumps #rubella #meningitis #hepatitisb #healthcare #immunization #dtap #cholera #likes #informedconsent #covid #tdap #science #rabies #pneumonia #immunesystem #medicine #publichealth,05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmvDYpqOSVM,"#trump verdict soon, #measles in la, #dnc to nominate biden virtually, n korea deploys poop balloons","• trump verdict any minute
• measles confirmed in los angeles
• dnc will nominate biden/harris virtually
• north korea deploys poop balloons

#news #newsupdate #newsupdates #dailynews #newstoday #nationalnews #latestnews #latestupdate #newsapp #media #fastnews #fastnewsupdates #dailynewsfeed #quicknewsupdate #dailyheadlines #newsflash #dailymedia  #fastnewsalert #dailynewsupdate #shorts",05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiqJgADKv6c,measles become epidemic in punjab - aaj news,"#aajnews #measles #punjab #breakingnews 

measles become epidemic in punjab - 29 may, 2024 - aaj news

the aaj news team brings you impartial and balanced coverage of pakistan's biggest stories. munizae jahangir and shaukat piracha, our prime time current affairs analysts wrap up
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#aajnews #aajnewslive #aajtv",05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CN9IuGEBxw0,punjab's measles outbreak continues to spiral | dunya news,"#dunyanews #breakingnews #highalert

punjab's measles outbreak continues to spiral | dunya news

welcome to the official channel of dunya news. pakistan's top news network delivering the latest from around the globe.

home to some of the most popular talk shows and journalists such as hasb e haal, mazaaq raat, dunya kamran khan kay sath, on the front with kamran shahid, think tank, ikhtalafi note and, more.

join our news alert group for the latest updates: whatsapp group link

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follow our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/dunyanews
follow our twitter page: https://twitter.com/dunyanews",05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vxz1L6dbRVU,punjab people in trouble | punjab's measles outbreak continues to spiral | dunya news,"#dunyanews #breakingnews #highalert

punjab people in trouble | punjab's measles outbreak continues to spiral | dunya news

welcome to the official channel of dunya news. pakistan's top news network delivering the latest from around the globe.

home to some of the most popular talk shows and journalists such as hasb e haal, mazaaq raat, dunya kamran khan kay sath, on the front with kamran shahid, think tank, ikhtalafi note and, more.

join our news alert group for the latest updates: whatsapp group link

dunya news live stream

follow our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/dunyanews
follow our twitter page: https://twitter.com/dunyanews",05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9FU1_41P-E,punjab child's deaths case | measles outbreak | geo news 8 am geo bulletin 30 may 2024,"#geonews#pakistannews
sc terms marriott's criticism transparency ""unjustified"".
says pakistan's judiciary acknowedged, addressed mistakes made in past.
marriott urged pakistan stakeholders to nurture ""vibrant democracy"". 
islamabad: the supreme court has severely criticised british high commissioner to pakistan jane marriot's recent speech targeting the south asian nation's general elections in 2024, calling on the uk to learn from past mistakes and move on.

in a speech during the asma jahangir conference last month, marriot while quoting british foreign secretary david cameron raised concerns about pakistan's february 8 elections.

""...not all parties were formally permitted to contest the elections and that legal processes were used to prevent some political leaders from participation, and to prevent the use of recognisable party symbols,"" britain's top diplomat had said.

she then noted that pakistan's government, civil society, and global players should work to nurture an ""open society"" and ""vibrant democracy"" as open societies are transparent.

the top court's registrar, in a letter to the envoy, said that her criticism of a certain political party being sidelined by stripping it of its symbol was unfounded as it did not follow the law.

family vows to fight legal battle in azad kashmir.
agp apprised ihc of ahmed farhad's whereabouts.
family complained of ajk police non-cooperation.

geo news is pakistan's number. 1 news channel, catering to a diverse audience with the latest updates on local and global political developments, sports, business, and entertainment. known for its dedicated news services and top-notch coverage of breaking events, geo news has established a markedly distinct position in the electronic media landscape. the ethos of transparency and accountability lies at the heart of geo's principles, solidifying its stature as one of the most trusted sources of information both within pakistan and beyond. 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_41btnvDfxc,mmr vaccine spn rev oc 1920x1080 web mix h264 30 hd,,05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FWCLSO5PFA,mmr vaccine spn rev oc 1920x1080 web mix h264 15 hd,,05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea7bkZqXHfE,apa itu measles?,"measles atau demam campak adalah jangkitan akut yang disebabkan oleh virus measles. pesakit demam campak biasanya mengalami gejala demam dan ruam pada kulit.

demam campak boleh menjangkiti semua lapisan masyarakat tetapi kanak-kanak berumur lima tahun ke bawah yang kerap dijangkiti. 

#anms #sihatmilikku",05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZOw1kORzk4,health dram ep 3: measles and auchentoshan three wood,"for the whiskey-free version, check out the healthy gab:

cdc information on measles:

chop website about wakefield studies:

00:00 - intro
02:00 - measles and mmr vaccine
04:34 - vaccine villain
07:45 - vaccine hero
08:48 - auchentoshan three wood
12:00 - tasting notes
13:40 - outro",05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3rwcjXIbUA,measles symptoms | #measles #symptoms #doctor #medical #study #mbbs #medicalstudent #shorts #viral,,05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmcHhfNwtak,"measles cases increasing in punjab, provincial health department mobilized | breaking news","#nawaiwaqt #measles #health #breakingnews #todaynews 
nawaiwaqt group is the oldest newspaper tradition in the country. hamid nizami founded nawaiwaqt in 1940, the day the pakistan resolution was passed thus building an intrinsic relationship with pakistan. the tradition is continued by his brother majid nizami.nawaiwaqt group has expanded the print portfolio by introducing english and urdu magazines. genres of these magazines range from politics and news to entertainment and lifestyle.nawaiwaqt group also entered electronic media with a 24 hour news and entertainment channel waqt news. this channel is not only available on television broadcast but also streamed live on the internet

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for more news and updates visit our website: https://www.nawaiwaqt.com.pk/",05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCqmKH52opY,measles - epidemiology and it's prevention | disha nirdesh,"hello intelligent people welcome to your channel here i upload the educational videos according to you,

**title: understanding measles: symptoms, prevention, and treatment**


welcome to our comprehensive guide on measles! in this video, we'll cover everything you need to know about this highly contagious viral infection. you'll learn about the causes, symptoms, and how measles spreads. we'll also discuss the importance of vaccination, ways to prevent measles, and the treatment options available for those who contract it.

**what you'll learn:**
1. **what is measles?**
   - an overview of the measles virus and its history.
2. **symptoms of measles**
   - early signs to watch out for, including the characteristic rash and high fever.
3. **how measles spreads**
   - understanding transmission and why it's so contagious.
4. **vaccination and prevention**
   - the critical role of the mmr vaccine and other preventive measures.
5. **treatment options**
   - what to do if you or a loved one gets measles.

**key takeaways:**
- recognize the symptoms of measles early.
- understand the importance of vaccination in preventing measles outbreaks.
- learn about the treatment and care for those affected by measles.

if you found this video helpful, please like, share, and subscribe for more informative content on health and wellness. don't forget to hit the notification bell so you never miss an update!

**resources and further reading:**
- [cdc - measles](https://www.cdc.gov/measles/index.html)
- [who - measles](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/measles)
- [mayo clinic - measles](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/measles/symptoms-causes/syc-20374857)

stay healthy and informed!

#measles #health #vaccination #mmr #publichealth #viralinfection #prevention #symptoms #treatment",05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uVV76kCTDM,how to reduce measles | treatment of measles #measles #disease #treatment #cure #shorts #viral,,05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b28j0-LaJZo,unbiased science podcast - s4 episode 35 - to immunity and beyond! don't toy around with vaccines,"(airdate 05/29/2024)  measles, once on the brink of eradication in the u.s., is making a dangerous comeback. serese marotta, director of advocacy and education at vaccinate your family, joined jess to share her personal journey, the loss of her son to a vaccine-preventable illness, which shaped her life's commitment to vaccine education. they discuss the challenges of vaccine hesitancy, the concept of herd immunity, and the work being done by community health workers to educate and engage communities. the conversation highlights the need for empathy, tailored approaches, and storytelling to address vaccine hesitancy and protect against vaccine-preventable diseases. the two explore the importance of effective science communication and the emotional and human elements involved in decision-making about vaccines. they both share personal stories and discuss the impact of misinformation and the need for accurate information. they also address common concerns about vaccine schedules and the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. the conversation concludes with a discussion on building trust in vaccines and the importance of thinking about vaccines as a way to stay healthy. you don't want to miss this!

and to see all of our other sources referenced during the episode, check out the bottom of our episode page on our website: https://www.unbiasedscipod.com/episodes/to-immunity-and-beyond-dont-toy-around-with-vaccines

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(00:00) theme song
(00:20) intros
(08:56) vaccine hesitancy and measles outbreaks
(11:22) vaccination as a team sport
(22:13) challenges and threats to vaccine preventable diseases
(24:37) empathy and storytelling in vaccine education
(26:39) the impact of misinformation on vaccine decision-making
(31:34) understanding vaccine schedules and safety
(35:44) thinking of vaccines as a way to stay healthy
(40:17) final thoughts: building trust in vaccines",05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,surprise,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2iOaDJ4NCg,cara penularan measles,"measles merebak melalui cecair pernafasan (batuk atau bersin) atau menyentuh permukaan yang dicemari cecair pernafasan, seperti alat permainan.

#anms #sihatmilikku",05/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkFpj5IZiqM,"the issue of death of six children due to measles, health minister t's conversation with the media","the issue of death of six children due to measles, health minister t's conversation with the media",05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdZbT99h7-s,      how to protect your children from measles (खसरा),"measles is very dangerous.
vitamin a deficiency in measles can be life threatening.
zinc deficiency in measles can be dangerous
how to prevent complications of measles",05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59nuaSmVToc,immunization schedule | vaccination | pregnant women | infants | childrens vaccination,"brief explanation on immunization shedule
in this video you will learn about four sections under immunisation.
1. vaccine preventable diseases.
2. national immunization schedule.
3. site and route of vaccination.
4. points to remember about vaccination.

brief explanation on immunization shedule
we are expert in creating education videos, you cant contact us for any type of videos for your personnel use or bussiness or education use. whatsapp: 8660380918.
#digitalcontent #immunizations  #immunizationschedule #vaccination #vaccinationinindia #vaccinations #vaccinationdrive  #immunization  | #pregnantwomen #pregnantwomencare #pregnantwomenlifecycle #digitaleducation #infants #childrenshealth #childrenshealthcare #babyinjection #indianvaccine #nursingmom #nursingmoms #mother #motherandchild #poliovaccin #poliovaccine #poliomielite #diptheria #dptvaccine #vitamina #ttvaccine #tetanusvaccine #tetanus #measles #pertussis #who #worldhealthorganization #nrhm #nrhm_staff_nurse_class #national_immunization_shedule #mmr_vaccine #polio_vaccine #vaccines #nursing #nursingstudent #nursingcollege #nursingofficer #nursingexam",05/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,sadness,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peYoiDLim3k,#어단어 measles : 뜻과 예문 통한 사용법,,05/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pR-Yr6Mg5A,#어단어 measles : 뜻과 예문 통한 사용법,,05/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LqYYpBvMJs,mumps explained: quick health tips#trending #health#mumps #viral,"mumps is a viral infection primarily affecting the parotid glands, which are one of the pairs of salivary glands located near the ears. treatment focuses on relieving symptoms since there is no specific antiviral therapy for mumps. here are the general guidelines for managing mumps:

rest: patients should rest and avoid strenuous activities to allow their body to recover.

hydration: drinking plenty of fluids is important to prevent dehydration, especially if the patient has a fever or is experiencing difficulty swallowing due to swollen glands.

pain relief: over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen (tylenol) or ibuprofen (advil, motrin) can help reduce fever and alleviate pain from swollen glands.

cold or warm compresses: applying cold or warm compresses to the swollen areas can help reduce discomfort.

soft foods: eating soft foods that are easy to swallow can help avoid irritation of the swollen salivary glands. avoid acidic foods and beverages, which can stimulate saliva production and increase discomfort.

isolation: since mumps is highly contagious, it's crucial to isolate the infected individual to prevent the spread of the virus. this typically involves staying home from work, school, or other public places for at least five days after the onset of symptoms.

prevention is primarily achieved through vaccination. the mmr (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine is highly effective in preventing mumps. two doses of the vaccine are recommended, with the first dose typically given at 12-15 months of age and the second dose at 4-6 years of age.

if complications arise, such as orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), meningitis, or encephalitis, more specialized medical care may be necessary. it's important to seek medical advice if the symptoms are severe or if there are concerns about complications.

#viral #health #trending #mumps",05/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5wJoivRcEk,is it really true???,"if children are not vaccinated, they may be at risk of contracting serious and sometimes deadly diseases, such as measles, polio, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis b, and meningococcal disease. these diseases can spread quickly and easily, especially in crowded environments like schools, playgrounds, and daycare centers. vaccines are an important tool in preventing outbreaks of these diseases and protecting individuals who cannot receive vaccines due to medical reasons.

aside from the direct health risks to the unvaccinated child, the decision not to vaccinate can also have broader implications for public health. when vaccination rates decline in a community, it can create a situation where herd immunity is compromised, meaning that a large group of people is susceptible to a disease outbreak. when this happens, even vaccinated individuals may be at risk, and outbreaks can be difficult and costly to contain. 

therefore, it is highly recommended to follow the vaccination schedule set out by healthcare providers and public health authorities to protect children against serious and avoidable illnesses.
#viralvideo #nursedebbieonline #vaccination #health",05/29/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPdPPDDIL0M,william shatner's space record broken | 5 good news stories : happiness and fun,"in this episode of '5 good news stories,' host johnny mac shares heartwarming and inspiring stories. david set a new guinness world record by catching and putting on five t-shirts in 46.09 seconds. a new vaccine patch shows promise in protecting kids from measles. a police dog, mercury, heroically finds a missing 85-year-old woman. sean cummings raises over $83,000 to eliminate school lunch debts in honor of his late wife. finally, ed dwight fulfills his dream of going to space at the age of 90, breaking the record for the oldest person in space. 

unlock an ad-free podcast experience with caloroga shark media! get all our shows on any player you love. for apple users, hit the banner on your app. for spotify or other players, visit caloroga.supportingcast.fm (http://caloroga.supportingcast.fm/) . subscribe now for exclusive shows like 'palace intrigue,' 'daily comedy news,' and '5 good news stories.' plans start at $4.99 per month, or save 20% with a yearly plan at $49.99. find the link in the show notes or go to caloroga.supportingcast.fm (http://caloroga.supportingcast.fm/) . join today and support the show! 
episode link: https://play.headliner.app/episode/20963507?utm_source=youtube",05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,joy,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvpfsNNzyTw,#vaccination #babyhealth,"vaccination is compulsory for every child. it prevents your baby to aquire the disease. common disease that are prevented by vaccination are.. tb, hepatitis b/a, polio, diphtheria, partusis(kukar khanshi), tetanus, pneumonia, diarrhoea, measles(khashra), mumps(galghotu), rubella, chicken pox, and typhoiod.",05/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDwx77lWxGc,dressed up to see the in laws? kanye west and pillow wielding bianca censori return to florence,"dressed up to see the in laws? kanye west and pillow wielding bianca censori return to florence

dressed up to see the in laws? kanye west and pillow wielding bianca censori return to florence after he upset wife's italian family by shunning them on first controversial visit

during their controversial italian jaunt last year kanye west and bianca censori came under fire for their wild outfits and public indecency. 

their lengthy tour of the likes florence, verona and milan came under such scrutiny that furious italians demanded they be banned from the country, while one water taxi company in venice was certainly pleased to see the back of them. 

so eyebrows were raised when the couple returned to italy on monday, touching down in florence in yet another eye-catching ensemble. 

with kanye, 46, predicted to be heading out on a world tour this summer, the couple have been making the most of their downtime. 

it could be that they chose to return to italy - despite backlash from residents - in order to visit bianca's family, after the 29-year-old architect's italian family revealed they were 'shunned' on their last trip to the country.  
in an exclusive chat with mailonline last year, bianca's cousin fabiola censori, who lives in giulianova, said the family felt ignored by her.

fabiola said: 'we haven't seen anything of bianca's family here for years.

'the eldest of my uncle's children used to visit for a while but they stopped coming back to italy years ago.

'i've never met bianca but i would love to - it was a shame she didn't come and visit us when she was here in italy on holiday.

'we could have shown her where her dad and his brothers and sisters and her grandparents grew up.

'her dad came here years ago and we had a beautiful evening together with all the family and it was wonderful to see him but as for bianca and kanye no comment. we feel a bit ignored.'

another relative, who asked to be named only as andrea, added: 'i've never met bianca but i'm hoping that next time she is in italy she will come and visit us.

'i've heard all about her from other relatives and she sounds good fun – i imagine an evening out with her and kanye would be very interesting.'

bianca's grandparents filippo and grazia censori emigrated from giulianova in 1960 with their five children.

shipping manifests show how filippo and grazia, then both aged 35, embarked on a ship at genoa with edmondo, eliseo, elia, elena and eris before reaching melbourne.

the family moved in search of a new life just a few years after they were hit by tragedy when bianca's then five-year-old great uncle gianfranco died from measles.

they set up home in the new arrivals' village of bonegilla, which was the setting of the bbc series ten pound poms earlier this year starring michelle keegan.
bianca hails from a notorious crime family in australia.

her uncle edmondo, 78, is a notorious gangster whose fearsome reputation earned him the nickname of the 'al capone of melbourne'.

bianca's father elia 'leo' censori, 69, did jail time for possessing a prohibited heroic import and a loaded firearm.
while youngest sibling eris, bianca's uncle is a convicted murderer who had been sent down for execution but was later given a life sentence.

edmondo has convictions for assaulting police, making threats and theft, and was also once implicated in a murder but never charged.

one relative in giulianova said: 'wow. i'm shocked. we didn't know anything about that.

'we knew edmondo was a businessman involved in slot machines but that's it. he was also a good boxer as well. he was short but he was powerful.'

it was during the 1980s that leo's brother eris, who was dubbed the al capone of melbourne, found himself facing the death sentence for the murder of a waiter in western australia.

with capital punishment later abolished, his sentence was commuted to life and he was transferred back to melbourne in 1987 so he could be closer to his family and eventually released on parole.

bianca's family will no doubt be aware they're in the country as it was impossible to miss them this week. 

the rapper and the australian beauty showed off their eye-popping styles, with bianca sporting a unique white pillow accessory over her chest.

the look was similar to the purple cushion she donned in florence last year — during their controversial european trip which sparked accusations of indecent exposure — in order to cover up her cleavage.

the architect showed off her incredible figure in a shiny white thong bodysuit that highlighted her pert derrire. 

she completed the outfit with thigh-high black leather boots with open toes. 

her raven tresses were slicked down in her signature chic bun. 
meanwhile, kim kardashian's ex-husband was covered up, wearing a white zip-up hoodie and a pair of matching sweatpants.

#kanyewest #biancacensori #florence",05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,anger
https://www.facebook.com/UMiamiHealth/videos/with-measles-outbreaks-on-the-rise-it-is-important-to-stay-informed-and-keep-you/381037494984103/,"with#measlesoutbreaks on the rise, it is important to stay informed and keep your family protected!  learn more about the signs and","with #measles outbreaks on the rise, it is important to stay informed and keep your family protected!  learn more about the signs and symptoms, and how to prevent the infection from affecting your loved ones: https://loom.ly/bz9_cro",05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.instagram.com/umiamihealth/reel/C7kIjmYO3E1/,"with #measles outbreaks on the rise, it is important to stay informed and keep your family protected!  learn more about the signs and symptoms, and how to prevent the infection from affecting your loved ones through the link in our bio!","with #measles outbreaks on the rise, it is important to stay informed and keep your family protected!  learn more about the signs and symptoms, and how to prevent the infection from affecting your loved ones through the link in our bio!",05/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/cdcgov/reel/C7jpT1svZO0/,"measles might sound cute, but it's actually a very contagious virus that can be serious for children. keeping your child up to date with vaccines helps keep them protected. 
#vaccineswork #measles","measles might sound cute, but it's actually a very contagious virus that can be serious for children. keeping your child up to date with vaccines helps keep them protected. 
#vaccineswork #measles",05/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7k_vt-Biuc/,"medical management of measles
follow for daily post related to medical knowledge⚕
#medical #medicine #doctor #health #healthcare #hospital #doctors #nurse  #medicalstudent #neet #surgery #medico #science #pharmacy #surgeon #anatomy  #nursing #biology  #education #love #medlife #nurses #aiims","medical management of measles
follow for daily post related to medical knowledge⚕
#medical #medicine #doctor #health #healthcare #hospital #doctors #nurse  #medicalstudent #neet #surgery #medico #science #pharmacy #surgeon #anatomy  #nursing #biology  #education #love #medlife #nurses #aiims",05/29/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@1phantramthui/video/7374473055512366343,"case 4: an 11-month-old girl is brought to the office due to a rash. the patient has had a low-grade fever for the past 3 days that has been controlled with acetaminophen. she developed a rash on her face 2 days ago that has since spread to her chest, abdomen, and extremities. the patient has had no cough, rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, vomiting, or diarrhea. she has otherwise been healthy. the patient has received all routine, age€appropriate vaccinations and takes no medications. temperature: 38'c (100.4'f) blood pressure: 100/50 mmhg  pulse: 88/min respirations: 18/min.  physical examination shows a playful infant with small, tender lymph nodes in the suboccipital, posterior auricular, and posterior cervical areas. there is patchy erythema on the soft palate. the rash is shown below. a similar-appearing rash is present on the face. the remainder of the examination is normal. the remainder of the examination is normal. which of the following is the most likely diagnosis in this patient? a. erythema infectiosum b. kawasaki disease c. measles d. rubella e. scarlet fever #uworld #tienganhykhoa #1percentbettereveryday #1percent_infectiousdiseases ","case 4: an 11-month-old girl is brought to the office due to a rash. the patient has had a low-grade fever for the past 3 days that has been controlled with acetaminophen. she developed a rash on her face 2 days ago that has since spread to her chest, abdomen, and extremities. the patient has had no cough, rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, vomiting, or diarrhea. she has otherwise been healthy. the patient has received all routine, age€appropriate vaccinations and takes no medications. temperature: 38'c (100.4'f) blood pressure: 100/50 mmhg  pulse: 88/min respirations: 18/min.  physical examination shows a playful infant with small, tender lymph nodes in the suboccipital, posterior auricular, and posterior cervical areas. there is patchy erythema on the soft palate. the rash is shown below. a similar-appearing rash is present on the face. the remainder of the examination is normal. the remainder of the examination is normal. which of the following is the most likely diagnosis in this patient? a. erythema infectiosum b. kawasaki disease c. measles d. rubella e. scarlet fever #uworld #tienganhykhoa #1percentbettereveryday #1percent_infectiousdiseases ",05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,sadness,sadness
https://www.tiktok.com/@promosikesihatanlimbang/video/7374354544639184146,"measles atau demam campak adalah jangkitan akut yang disebabkan oleh virus measles. pesakit demam campak biasanya mengalami gejala demam dan ruam pada kulit. demam campak boleh menjangkiti semua lapisan masyarakat tetapi kanak-kanak berumur lima tahun ke bawah yang kerap dijangkiti.  #anms #sihatmilikku sumber: bahagian pendidikan kesihatan, kkm t.me/sihatmilikbersama","measles atau demam campak adalah jangkitan akut yang disebabkan oleh virus measles. pesakit demam campak biasanya mengalami gejala demam dan ruam pada kulit. demam campak boleh menjangkiti semua lapisan masyarakat tetapi kanak-kanak berumur lima tahun ke bawah yang kerap dijangkiti.  #anms #sihatmilikku sumber: bahagian pendidikan kesihatan, kkm t.me/sihatmilikbersama",05/29/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@rohanielaj101/video/7374847011134262536,"›  ™™†› ™""| spiritual treatment of measles| #measlestreatment #measles #treatment #wazifa #elaj #foryou #viral #fyp #viraltiktok #viralvideo #karachi #pakistan #rohanielaaj101 ","›  ™™†› ™""| spiritual treatment of measles| #measlestreatment #measles #treatment #wazifa #elaj #foryou #viral #fyp #viraltiktok #viralvideo #karachi #pakistan #rohanielaaj101 ",05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq7B2anV1t0,deadly diseases in the democratic republic of the congo: catastrophic outbreaks,"discover the harrowing reality of deadly diseases in the democratic republic of the congo. measles, polio, malaria, ebola, and covid-19 have devastated this nation, with its healthcare system on the verge of collapse. explore the consequences of this medical crisis and the urgent need for action. #deadlydiseases #congooutbreaks #healthcarecrisis #measlesoutbreak #polioepidemic #malariaincongo #ebolainafrica #covid19congo #healthcaresystem #emergencyresponse",05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNNSRurIpLo,measles meaning in bengali || measles শবদির বাংলা অরথ কি ?,"ই ভিডিওতেmeasles শবদির বাংলা অরথ নিয়ে আলোচনা করা হয়েছে। আশা করছি ভিডিওি আপনাদের উপকারে আসবে।

 your queries:-
measles meaning in bengali
measles meaning in bangla
bengali meaning of measles 

#wordmeaning #englishtobengali",05/30/24,Highly Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCOAHUGQIM8,superheroes got measles: the red capes and runny noses adventure! #shorts #superheroes #marvel #dc,"superheroes got measles: the red capes and runny noses adventure!

hello, friends! today, i'll share an incredible story with you. marvel and dc superheroes have caught the measles! iron man's suit is covered in red spots, wonder woman's golden bracelet is itchy, and spider-man is sneezing out webs everywhere. don't miss this hilarious and adorable adventure! ♂♀

#aquaman",05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,surprise,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RqK6HwVQOQ,"measles outbreak threat, interest rate cuts, immigration plan, housing initiatives - 30 may 2024","join this channel to get access to perks:

what is happening in canada - 30 may 2024 - expat canadian 

follow us on our socials and website: theexpatcanadian.com/register instagram: www.instagram.com/expat_canadian_official/ facebook: www.facebook.com/expatcanadian/ twitter: twitter.com/expatcan2023 tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@expat_canadian",05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpFNaionnlM,ep 158 osterholm update: an unfolding saga,"in ""an unfolding saga,"" dr. osterholm and chris dall discuss the latest h5n1, covid-19, and measles news. dr. osterholm also answers an id query on influenza and shares the latest ""this week in public health history"" segment.

study confirms infection in mice fed h5n1-contaminated raw milk (cidrap news): https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/avian-influenza-bird-flu/study-confirms-infection-mice-fed-h5n1-contaminated-raw-milk

akiko iwasaki & eric topol interview: the immunology of covid and the future (ground truths): https://erictopol.substack.com/p/akiko-iwasaki-the-immunology-of-covid

sign up for cidrap's daily newsletter: https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/newsletter

more episodes: https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/osterholm-update-covid-19

support this podcast: https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/support-cidrap",05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKmO373citI,@oneseatupsc is a channel dedicated to upsc aspirants.#upscmains #upscmains,"@oneseatupsc is a channel dedicated to upsc aspirants catering to their prelims and mains needs in a holistic way.


thank you so subscribe..... best of luck ",05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWArW8jxr74,foreign person brought measles to tulare county: what route did they take?,foreign person brought measles to tulare county: what route did they take?,05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOF1F1g3MSQ,the measles epidemic increased as the heat increased - aaj news,"#aajnews #measles #heatwaves  

the measles epidemic increased as the heat increased - 31 may, 2024  - aaj news

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#aajnews #aajnewslive #aajtv",05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERbMMg_9N4I,an epidemic of measles broke out | breaking news,"#measles #hospitalnews #patoki 

geo news is pakistan's number. 1 news channel, catering to a diverse audience with the latest updates on local and global political developments, sports, business, and entertainment. known for its dedicated news services and top-notch coverage of breaking events, geo news has established a markedly distinct position in the electronic media landscape. the ethos of transparency and accountability lies at the heart of geo's principles, solidifying its stature as one of the most trusted sources of information both within pakistan and beyond. 

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNC2KPueyQA,"measles symptoms, complications & prevention| dr dhanya dharmapalan | apollo 24|7","curious about ""what are the symptoms of measles?"", ""how can i prevent measles?"", and ""what are the potential complications of measles?"" this video with dr. dhanya dharmapalan addresses these crucial questions, providing a thorough understanding of this highly contagious viral disease. whether you are a parent or a healthcare professional, gain valuable insights into the symptoms, complications, and prevention methods of measles.

with an experience of more than 16 years, dr. dhanya dharmapalan is a highly esteemed pediatrician specializing in infectious diseases in mumbai. you can consult him in-clinic atapollo hospitals cbd belapur, navi mumbai or online at the apollo 24|7 here: https://www.apollo247.com/doctors/drdhanyadharmapalan-c04fe24d-b9d2-42c2-8582-1d992b61b715?utm_source=yt_project_platinum&utm_medium=drdhanyadharmapalan&utm_campaign=c04fe24d-b9d2-42c2-8582-1d992b61b715 | discount code: ask150

the video discusses-

(00:05) introduction to dr. dhanya dharmapalan
meet dr. dharmapalan, a renowned expert in pediatric infectious diseases.
(00:13) what is measles?
an overview of measles and its transmission.
(00:39) symptoms of measles
learn about the early signs and symptoms of measles.
(01:31) complications of measles
understand the potential complications that can arise from a measles infection.
(02:14) prevention of measles | measles vaccine
discover how the measles vaccine can prevent this disease and protect communities.
(02:36) mmr vaccine schedule
information on the mmr vaccine schedule to ensure optimal protection.

have more questions about measles symptoms, complications, or prevention?  leave a comment below! 

skip the queues and manage your health from anywhere with apollo 24|7.  we offer doctor consultations, lab tests, medications, and even health insurance – all in one place. download your access to better health today https://apollo247.onelink.me/775g/youtube 

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disclaimer: this video is for informational purposes only and should not be substituted for medical advice. always consult with your doctor for personalized guidance on  measles and related health issues.

#mmrvaccine #measles #drdhanyadharmapalan  #apollo247",05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXdU2sXaFgM,"measles outbreak puts millions of children at risk across europe, heath agencies warn","measles cases in europe are continuing to rise, with this year's numbers set to surpass the total for 2023, according to a warning from who and unicef released on tuesday.
recent data shows 56,634 measles cases and four deaths reported in the first three months of 2024 across 45 out of 53 countries in the who european region. in comparison, 2023 saw 61,070 cases and 13 deaths reported by 41 countries.
measles severely impacts children's health, with young children being particularly susceptible to serious complications. the disease results in high hospitalization rates and long-term immune system damage, making children more prone to other infections.
over half of the measles cases in the who european region in 2023 required hospitalization, highlighting the significant strain on individuals, families, and healthcare systems.

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for inquiries and communication, reach out to us via email:
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dn6Y2oI-oRo,mmr vaccine q&a,,05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6BbxfePVbI,public health information about measles & the mmr vaccine for somali parents in london,,05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt3_dFE0UKQ,measles and chickenpox. call: +91 8882036990 #measles #chickenpox #diagnosis #shorts #hospital,"at numed hospital, we provide comprehensive care for patients with measles and chickenpox. our treatment approaches for these viral infections are designed to alleviate symptoms, prevent complications, and promote recovery.

our healthcare professionals at numed hospital are dedicated to providing the highest quality care for infectious diseases, ensuring patient safety and comfort throughout the treatment process.

book your appointment now,
call: +91 8882036990
visit: www.numedhospital.com

#numed #hospital #numedexperience #consultancy #healthystart #familywellness #patientsatisfaction #reelsviralfb #trendingreels #explorepage #measles #chickenpox #diagnosis #publichealthawareness #speedyrecovery",05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czi57XYHgXw,trend jangkitan measles 2015 - 2023,"peningkatan jangkitan measles secara global adalah paling tinggi pada tahun 2019.

semasa pandemik covid-19, jangkitan measles mula menurun kerana individu mengamalkan penjagaan kesihatan kendiri yang ketat seperti memakai pelitup muka. bermula 2021 kes measles kembali meningkat.

#anms #sihatmilikku",05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aLvPEZIwH4,"""civil war, day 1 of trump's ""hush money trial & measles in ca","icymi: hour one of 'later, with mo'kelly' presents – thoughts on writer/director alex garland's new dystopian war film ""civil war and day 1 of trumps hush money criminal trial…plus – a look at the confirmed socal locations where measles has been detected - on kfi am 640…live everywhere on the iheartradio app",05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSDkizbsCqs,measles breaking news,video from dr sikandar warraich,05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZkL8ISp4t0,nanay's duty| zachary's measles vaccine|nanay and jpablo,,05/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QJLyrvwRZw,measles follow for daily post related to medical knowledge#norcet #aiims #nursing#neet#mbbs,,05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7_w_M0gofw,"brussels viii conference side event | my health, my right: who is left behind in syria?","on the side of the brussels viii conference and amidst the backdrop of ongoing crises, this event addresses the pressing health needs in the syrian arab republic.

despite relentless efforts, syria's health system remains strained, grappling with the aftermath of prolonged conflict, compounded by outbreaks of measles, cholera, and the devastating impact of the february 2023 earthquake. with over 14.9 million people requiring urgent humanitarian health assistance in 2024, the situation demands immediate attention.

however, amidst these escalating needs, funding for humanitarian health services has seen a concerning decline. without continued support, essential services for emergency and trauma care, mental health, non-communicable diseases, and reproductive health for more than 6 million people, including 1.5 million in north-west syria, hang in jeopardy.

the event brings together esteemed panelists to delve into these complex health challenges plaguing syria amidst increasing hardships and deprivation. we'll identify the most vulnerable populations affected by this multitude of threats and outline the measures and support required to ensure they're not left behind. 

we'll shed light on the interlinked nature of health and the deepening socio-economic crisis, highlighting the urgent need for a 'whole-of-society' approach to address these pressing health challenges and increase resilience. by examining the evolving context of syria, identifying vulnerable groups, and advocating for increased awareness and action, we aim to pave the way for a brighter, healthier future for all syrians.

#whoemro",05/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,surprise,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzFqiqqtLlQ,what is the way to prevent diseases? health experts have given a simple solution |,"#preventivehealth #health 
health experts often emphasize that prevention is key when it comes to diseases. while there's no single ""simple"" solution, there are certainly fundamental principles that can significantly reduce the risk of various illnesses. here's a simplified approach:

healthy lifestyle choices: adopting a healthy lifestyle is perhaps the most effective way to prevent many diseases. this includes:

balanced diet: eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats while limiting processed foods, sugary beverages, and excessive salt intake.
regular exercise: engaging in regular physical activity, such as brisk walking, cycling, swimming, or strength training, for at least 150 minutes per week.
maintaining a healthy weight: striving for a body weight within a healthy range through a combination of diet and exercise.
avoiding harmful substances: limiting alcohol consumption and avoiding tobacco products and illicit drugs.
routine medical check-ups: regular health screenings and check-ups can help detect potential health issues early when they are easier to treat. this may include screenings for conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol levels, and certain cancers.

vaccinations: immunizations are essential for preventing various infectious diseases. following recommended vaccination schedules can protect against illnesses like influenza, measles, hepatitis, and human papillomavirus (hpv).

stress management: chronic stress can weaken the immune system and contribute to various health problems. adopting stress-reduction techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and hobbies can help promote overall well-being.

hygiene practices: practicing good hygiene, such as regular handwashing with soap and water, proper food handling, and maintaining a clean living environment, can prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

safe sex practices: practicing safe sex, including using condoms and being in mutually monogamous relationships, can help prevent sexually transmitted infections (stis) such as hiv/aids, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis.

environmental awareness: being aware of environmental factors that can impact health, such as air and water quality, exposure to toxins, and climate-related hazards, and taking appropriate precautions can help prevent certain diseases.

community engagement: participating in community health initiatives, supporting public health policies, and advocating for access to healthcare services can contribute to disease prevention on a broader scale.

while these principles form the foundation of disease prevention, individual circumstances and risk factors may vary. it's important to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice and recommendations based on specific health needs and considerations.",05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3pW0Xtw4UM,দবাইয়ে বিয়ে করার সময় যে মেডিকেল েস গলো বাধযতামূলক.,"according to the uae government website, the mandatory premarital screening includes tests for infectious diseases such as hiv and hepatitis b & c, syphilis; and genetic diseases such as beta-thalassemia and sickle cell anaemia. it also checks for german measles (rubella).    the genetic test is offered free of charge as part of this screening.                                    it is an optional blood test that is done in addition to the mandatory premarital screenings at the couple's request. genetic test detects more than 570 genetic mutations that can cause hereditary diseases such as cardiomyopathy, genetic epilepsy, spinal muscular atrophy, hearing loss, cystic fibrosis, and ""other severe and chronic diseases that are difficult to treat"" #foryou #পরবাসী #dubai #trendingvideo #ashik_dubai #viralvideo #marriage #happylife #dubailife",05/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/viralfactsafro/reel/C7lZgZXOXAW/,"measles is a highly contagious disease that can cause serious complications, especially in young children.

vaccination is the best way to protect your child from #measles

#viralfactsafrica","measles is a highly contagious disease that can cause serious complications, especially in young children.

vaccination is the best way to protect your child from #measles

#viralfactsafrica",05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7lZgZXOXAW/,"measles is a highly contagious disease that can cause serious complications, especially in young children.

vaccination is the best way to protect your child from #measles

#viralfactsafrica","measles is a highly contagious disease that can cause serious complications, especially in young children.

vaccination is the best way to protect your child from #measles

#viralfactsafrica",05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7nMAaFII54/,"measles atau demam campak adalah jangkitan akut yang disebabkan oleh virus measles. pesakit demam campak biasanya mengalami gejala demam dan ruam pada kulit.

demam campak boleh menjangkiti semua lapisan masyarakat tetapi kanak-kanak berumur lima tahun ke bawah yang kerap dijangkiti. 

#anms #sihatmilikku","measles atau demam campak adalah jangkitan akut yang disebabkan oleh virus measles. pesakit demam campak biasanya mengalami gejala demam dan ruam pada kulit.

demam campak boleh menjangkiti semua lapisan masyarakat tetapi kanak-kanak berumur lima tahun ke bawah yang kerap dijangkiti. 

#anms #sihatmilikku",05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/myhealthkkm/reel/C7nMAaFII54/,"measles atau demam campak adalah jangkitan akut yang disebabkan oleh virus measles. pesakit demam campak biasanya mengalami gejala demam dan ruam pada kulit.

demam campak boleh menjangkiti semua lapisan masyarakat tetapi kanak-kanak berumur lima tahun ke bawah yang kerap dijangkiti. 

#anms #sihatmilikku","measles atau demam campak adalah jangkitan akut yang disebabkan oleh virus measles. pesakit demam campak biasanya mengalami gejala demam dan ruam pada kulit.

demam campak boleh menjangkiti semua lapisan masyarakat tetapi kanak-kanak berumur lima tahun ke bawah yang kerap dijangkiti. 

#anms #sihatmilikku",05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7nQAxuIoMM/,"measles merebak melalui cecair pernafasan (batuk atau bersin) atau menyentuh permukaan yang dicemari cecair pernafasan, seperti alat permainan.

#anms #sihatmilikku","measles merebak melalui cecair pernafasan (batuk atau bersin) atau menyentuh permukaan yang dicemari cecair pernafasan, seperti alat permainan.

#anms #sihatmilikku",05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/myhealthkkm/reel/C7nQAxuIoMM/,"measles merebak melalui cecair pernafasan (batuk atau bersin) atau menyentuh permukaan yang dicemari cecair pernafasan, seperti alat permainan.

#anms #sihatmilikku","measles merebak melalui cecair pernafasan (batuk atau bersin) atau menyentuh permukaan yang dicemari cecair pernafasan, seperti alat permainan.

#anms #sihatmilikku",05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7maqE9Rzee/,"the war in sudan is devastating, unleashing one of the world's largest displacement crises. no one is spared from its brutality, as millions suffer amidst immense destruction. disease outbreaks like measles and cholera run rampant due to poor shelter conditions and collapsing healthcare systems. malnutrition plagues communities, while horrific injuries underscore the war's flagrant violations of international law. despite the overwhelming need, humanitarian aid remains scarce, leaving millions without vital assistance. we must act now to address this humanitarian crisis.
.follow @planetfairglobal and be part of the change 
.via @msfuae 
.#sudancrisis #talkaboutsudan #msf #doctorswithoutborders #humanrights #humanrightsforall #freecongo #freepalestine #humarights","the war in sudan is devastating, unleashing one of the world's largest displacement crises. no one is spared from its brutality, as millions suffer amidst immense destruction. disease outbreaks like measles and cholera run rampant due to poor shelter conditions and collapsing healthcare systems. malnutrition plagues communities, while horrific injuries underscore the war's flagrant violations of international law. despite the overwhelming need, humanitarian aid remains scarce, leaving millions without vital assistance. we must act now to address this humanitarian crisis.
.follow @planetfairglobal and be part of the change 
.via @msfuae 
.#sudancrisis #talkaboutsudan #msf #doctorswithoutborders #humanrights #humanrightsforall #freecongo #freepalestine #humarights",05/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/sbmholisticfarmacy/reel/C7lZL-8oiBl/,"seen pure quality sea buckthorn oil 
ever seen a product with 50 amazing benefits for overall skin and health 

sea buckthorn oil 

1. prevents wrinkles:
2. cleanses the skin:
3. moisturising skin:
4. restores elasticity:
5. treats acute dryness:
6. treats skin burns:
7. treats skin wounds:
8. treats sun damage:
9. reduces skin roughness:
10. effective on acne:
11. treats ulcers:
12. cleans the blemishes on face:
13. prevents dementia:
14. treats skin discolouration:
15. prevents alzheimer's disease:
16. helps to treat dry eyes:
17. prevents infections:
18. reduces inflammation and redness:
19. treats signs on measles:
20. improves high blood pressure:
21. stabilises heart beat:
22. lowering cholesterol:
23. boosting immunity:
24. prevents blood vessel diseases:
25. treats arteries problems:
26. treating night blindness:
27. improves digestion:
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30. treats chest pain:
31. liver damage prevention:
32. rosacea relief:
33. nourishes your scalp:
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39. treats dry scalp:
40. gives you shiny hair:
41. volumises hair:
42. maintains the natural oil on the scalp:
43. fights with the free radicals:
44. replenishing the hair strength:
45. stimulates health blood cells:
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49. making of medicines:
50. making of cosmetics:

price : 15,000  naira only","seen pure quality sea buckthorn oil 
ever seen a product with 50 amazing benefits for overall skin and health 

sea buckthorn oil 

1. prevents wrinkles:
2. cleanses the skin:
3. moisturising skin:
4. restores elasticity:
5. treats acute dryness:
6. treats skin burns:
7. treats skin wounds:
8. treats sun damage:
9. reduces skin roughness:
10. effective on acne:
11. treats ulcers:
12. cleans the blemishes on face:
13. prevents dementia:
14. treats skin discolouration:
15. prevents alzheimer's disease:
16. helps to treat dry eyes:
17. prevents infections:
18. reduces inflammation and redness:
19. treats signs on measles:
20. improves high blood pressure:
21. stabilises heart beat:
22. lowering cholesterol:
23. boosting immunity:
24. prevents blood vessel diseases:
25. treats arteries problems:
26. treating night blindness:
27. improves digestion:
28. treating asthma:
29. treats intestinal diseases:
30. treats chest pain:
31. liver damage prevention:
32. rosacea relief:
33. nourishes your scalp:
34. removes dandruff build ups:
35. induces blood circulation:
36. strengths hair roots:
37. combats hair thinning:
38. keeps scalp away from fungus:
39. treats dry scalp:
40. gives you shiny hair:
41. volumises hair:
42. maintains the natural oil on the scalp:
43. fights with the free radicals:
44. replenishing the hair strength:
45. stimulates health blood cells:
46. repairs sun damages hair:
47. stimulate nail growths:
48. treats fungus on nails:
49. making of medicines:
50. making of cosmetics:

price : 15,000  naira only",05/30/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,sadness,sadness
https://www.facebook.com/hpoolcouncil/videos/help-keep-measles-out-of-hartlepool-get-the-mmr-vaccination/1131204654779619/,Help keep measles out of Hartlepool - get the MMR vaccination,"𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙥 𝙠𝙚𝙚𝙥 𝙢𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙡𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙤𝙡 - 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙈𝙍 𝙫𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 ⚕️ With measles cases continuing to rise in other parts of the country, residents in Hartlepool are being urged to check that they and their children have had two doses of the free MMR vaccine. ⚕️ It's the best way to protect yourself - and the town. ⚕️ Dr Angie Reeve of Havelock Grange Practice in Hartlepool had her jabs - as did her five grandchildren. 📹 She's here to tell you more ...",05/30/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@theseeddealer/video/7375291536570928427,"mistletoe, a semi-parasitic plant that grows on trees around the world, has been used in traditional and folk medicine for centuries to treat a variety of conditions. mistletoe extracts have been studied for their potential to have many healing properties, including: cancer mistletoe extracts are one of the most studied complementary and alternative medicine therapies for cancer. european mistletoe contains chemicals that may stimulate the immune system and kill certain cancer cells, but there is no good scientific evidence to support its use for various types of cancer. diabetes alcohol extracts from mistletoe plants have been shown to stimulate insulin production and release in animal models of type 2 diabetes, which may reduce symptoms. antiviral and antibacterial mistletoe extracts have shown potential to fight viruses such as parainfluenza and measles, and as antifungal agents, especially against candida species. however, effectiveness can vary depending on the mistletoe species and the specific part of the plant used. #holistic #wellness #holistichealth #health #healing #healthylifestyle #holistichealing #selfcare #natural #yoga #meditation #organic #vegan #love #nutrition #healthy #plantbased #wellbeing #healthyliving #fitness #mentalhealth #nature #cbd #naturalmedicine #essentialoils #mindfulness #reiki #selflove #massage #naturalhealing ","mistletoe, a semi-parasitic plant that grows on trees around the world, has been used in traditional and folk medicine for centuries to treat a variety of conditions. mistletoe extracts have been studied for their potential to have many healing properties, including: cancer mistletoe extracts are one of the most studied complementary and alternative medicine therapies for cancer. european mistletoe contains chemicals that may stimulate the immune system and kill certain cancer cells, but there is no good scientific evidence to support its use for various types of cancer. diabetes alcohol extracts from mistletoe plants have been shown to stimulate insulin production and release in animal models of type 2 diabetes, which may reduce symptoms. antiviral and antibacterial mistletoe extracts have shown potential to fight viruses such as parainfluenza and measles, and as antifungal agents, especially against candida species. however, effectiveness can vary depending on the mistletoe species and the specific part of the plant used. #holistic #wellness #holistichealth #health #healing #healthylifestyle #holistichealing #selfcare #natural #yoga #meditation #organic #vegan #love #nutrition #healthy #plantbased #wellbeing #healthyliving #fitness #mentalhealth #nature #cbd #naturalmedicine #essentialoils #mindfulness #reiki #selflove #massage #naturalhealing ",05/31/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,joy,joy
https://www.tiktok.com/@nhikhoasunshine/video/7375151706658589953,cnh gic si #nhikhoasunshine #chamsocmebe #songkhoe247 #measles #vaccin ,cnh gic si #nhikhoasunshine #chamsocmebe #songkhoe247 #measles #vaccin ,05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.tiktok.com/@zeitimbild/video/7375165971201297697,mehr infektionen: masern breiten sich aus #zib #zeitimbild #masern #masernimpfung #measles #measlesvaccine #krankheit #virus #dangerousvirus #gefhrlich #infektion #infection #warnung #wanring #achtung #nachrichten #news #lernenmittiktok #fy,mehr infektionen: masern breiten sich aus #zib #zeitimbild #masern #masernimpfung #measles #measlesvaccine #krankheit #virus #dangerousvirus #gefhrlich #infektion #infection #warnung #wanring #achtung #nachrichten #news #lernenmittiktok #fy,05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/spogman/reel/C7nxQzYJqBE/,"bumil tanya nih katanya waktu kecil sudah pernah vaksin campak, apakah pas hamil perlu vaksin lagi? 

untuk diketahui vaksin campak adalah vaksin yang digunakan untuk cegah penyakit campak. biasanya dilakukan saat masa anak-anak.

vaksin ini masuk dalam imunisasi rutin lengkap dan diberikan secara kombinasi untuk melindungi tubuh dari campak, gondong dan rubella. nama vaksinnya mmr (mumps, measles, rubella).

#vaksinasi #imunisasi #campak #bumil #bumilsehat #vaksincampak #imunisasicampak #rubella #programhamil #cegahpenyakit #qna #tanyajawab #infokesehatan #edukasikesehatan #spesialiskandungan #dokterkandungan #spogman","bumil tanya nih katanya waktu kecil sudah pernah vaksin campak, apakah pas hamil perlu vaksin lagi? 

untuk diketahui vaksin campak adalah vaksin yang digunakan untuk cegah penyakit campak. biasanya dilakukan saat masa anak-anak.

vaksin ini masuk dalam imunisasi rutin lengkap dan diberikan secara kombinasi untuk melindungi tubuh dari campak, gondong dan rubella. nama vaksinnya mmr (mumps, measles, rubella).

#vaksinasi #imunisasi #campak #bumil #bumilsehat #vaksincampak #imunisasicampak #rubella #programhamil #cegahpenyakit #qna #tanyajawab #infokesehatan #edukasikesehatan #spesialiskandungan #dokterkandungan #spogman",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3U4LNbu70pc,big revelation of poor planning against measles in punjab | dawn news," watch dawn news live stream:

dawn news urdu | live stream 24/7 | breaking news | headlines | news bulletin | exclusive coverage | press conferences | live news | current affairs show

big revelation of poor planning against measles in punjab | dawn news

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dawn english website: https://www.dawn.com/pakistan

dawn urdu website: https://www.dawnnews.tv/",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,joy,joy
    ",05/31/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L__VAjWl9Po,cara mencegah penularan measles,"pengambilan vaksin mmr pada umur 9 dan 12 bulan boleh mencegah penularan measles.

#anms #sihatmilikku",05/31/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhuDHvXITt8,top 5 deadly diseases making a comeback #top5 #disease #deadly #deadlydesease,"explore the resurgence of the world's deadliest diseases in this youtube short. uncover key insights into the comeback of tuberculosis, measles, polio, whooping cough, and diphtheria. learn about the causes, global impact, and preventive measures for these re-emerging health threats. essential viewing for anyone interested in public health and disease prevention.",05/31/24,Neutral Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm7WpopsyVU,measles: understanding symptoms and top treatments,"your quries ..
measles symptoms
 measles vaccine
measles outbreak
measles rash
measles treatment
what is measles
measles disease
measles transmission
diagnose measles
 measles signs and symptoms
 measles outbreak news
measles news
measles diagnosis
measles mumps rubella
 measles prevention
 mmr vaccine
vitamin a

learn all about measles, including common symptoms and top treatments, in this informative video. plus, discover important tips for preventing this highly contagious disease in children. don't miss out on this important information! #measles  #treatment #khasra  #childspecialist #pediatrician #lahore #mmr #vaccine #vitaminameasles: 
understanding symptoms and top treatments #measles #treatment disclaimer: this video is purely educational and cannot be considered as personal medical advice. the content is my personal opinion and not that of my employer(s). use this information at your own risk. i will not assume any liability for any direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.",05/31/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Negative,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2_IubVm3dM,homeopathic remedies for measles,in this video we will discuss about homeopathic remedies for measles. iss video mn hm khasry k  homeopathic ilaj k bare mn baat kren ge,05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmIxcAwAAmE,measles | symptoms | timeline | treatment #measles,"measles is a contagious infection that affects the children below two years of age .it enters the respiratory tract and causes immune reaction that causes cough , coryza and conjuctivitis. mostly patients presents with rash on buccal mucosa caused koplik spots and rash spreads from head and neck to whole body .complications include diarrohea, pneumonia and encephalitis .
treat fever with antipyretics 
treat dehydration with iv fluids
maintain electrolytes 
treat superadded infections with antibiotics 
give vitamin a to treat low immunity and save from complications.

#diarrohea",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,sadness,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoJfHNfWtx4,the maine attraction of after the end (modded),"join us as the lobstermen of maine try to protect the world from the deep ones, earn money through raising, and avoid being wiped out by measles.

#ck3 #crusaderkingsiii #paradoxinteractive_x000d_
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHcpGJ1MZCs,new mexico reports first measles cases since 2021,see it here: https://www.krqe.com/health/new-mexico-reports-first-measles-cases-since-2021/,05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHH88trcgDI,new mexico reports first measles cases since 2021,"the new mexico department of health (doh) has confirmed the first incidence of measles since 2021. two children from taos county have confirmed cases, doh says.",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKou-PlUUS4,understanding measles - mayo clinic health system,"#measles #getvaccinated #mayoclinichealthsystem
measles, also known as rubeola, is a highly contagious viral infection that primarily affects the respiratory tract. in this mayo clinic health system video, we'll explain how measles spreads through the air when an infected person talks, coughs, or sneezes. symptoms can include a high fever, koplik's spots (tiny, white spots inside the mouth), tiredness, dry cough, headache, inflamed eyes, runny nose or sore throat. a few days later, a red, blotchy rash develops, starting on the face and spreading to the rest of the body. 

the best defense against measles is vaccination. get vaccinated to protect yourself and others. measles can have serious complications, including pneumonia and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). in rare cases, measles can be fatal.  vaccination remains the primary preventive measure; two doses of the measles-mumps-rubella (mmr) vaccine are up to 97% effective in preventing measles.  

if you'd like to schedule a vaccination or have questions about measles, contact the experts at mayo clinic health system. 

request an appointment: https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/request-appointment?utm_source=fkou-pluus4&utm_medium=sm&utm_campaign=mchs&utm_content=k9dlz-6vet0

from mayo clinic to your inbox, sign up for free: https://mayocl.in/3e71zfi 

like and subscribe 
follow mayo clinic health system on:
facebook: mayoclinichealthsystem
instagram: mayoclinichealthsystem
linkedin: mayo-clinic-health-system
and also on x (formerly twitter): @mayoclinichs",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,anger
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JB15grv3Hk,first measles cases confirmed in new mexico since 2021,"first measles cases confirmed in new mexico since 2021

subscribe to koat on youtube now for more: http://bit.ly/1jocb9r

get more albuquerque news: http://www.koat.com
like us: http://facebook.com/koat7
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2TpBLEAiJc,fears of measles outbreak in punjab | breaking news,"#healthnews #measles #punjab 

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for more videos, subscribe to our channel and for suggestions please use the comment section.",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZI4xNmI-mI,measles epidemic has become dangerous in punjab. - aaj news,"#aajnews #measles #punjab #dangerous #breakingnews 

measles epidemic has become dangerous in punjab. - 01 june, 2024 - aaj news 

the aaj news team brings you impartial and balanced coverage of pakistan's biggest stories. munizae jahangir and shaukat piracha, our prime time current affairs analysts wrap up
the day by holding power to account. and head over to aaj entertainment or our many other channels for dramas, recipes, financial advice and the morning show with sidra iqbal.

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#aajnews #aajnewslive #aajtv",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Negative,Negative,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atOBwWSvdCQ,12 measles patients have come forward in jahanian - aaj news,"#aajnews #measles #heatwaves  

12 measles patients have come forward in jahanian - aaj news

the aaj news team brings you impartial and balanced coverage of pakistan's biggest stories. munizae jahangir and shaukat piracha, our prime time current affairs analysts wrap up
the day by holding power to account. and head over to aaj entertainment or our many other channels for dramas, recipes, financial advice and the morning show with sidra iqbal.

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#aajnews #aajnewslive #aajtv",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zhCWDk44VI,ministry of health enlists public to fight measles outbreak,"measles defence [28th may 2024] - in response to a recent measles case reported within the caribbean region, st. lucia's health ministry is encouraging the public to take proactive steps to prevent a potential outbreak on the island. the ministry's initiative aims to safeguard public health, especially with several large social events on the horizon. health officials have swiftly implemented measures to control the spread of the virus, emphasizing the importance of vaccination, awareness, and vigilance among the population. we go to obi offor for more details.",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,neutral,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L74Z2PKbKs4,measles outbreak in punjab | health officials warn of rising measles cases breaking news,"measles outbreak in punjab | health officials warn of rising measles cases breaking news 

#measles #punjab #breakingnews #gtvnews 

punjab health department issues alert amid rising cases of measles

                ",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Negative,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtV89a0AqXg,measles outbreak spreads in burewala - aaj news,"#aajnews #burewala #hospital #breakingnews #measles 

measles outbreak spreads in burewala - 01 june, 2024 - aaj news 

the aaj news team brings you impartial and balanced coverage of pakistan's biggest stories. munizae jahangir and shaukat piracha, our prime time current affairs analysts wrap up
the day by holding power to account. and head over to aaj entertainment or our many other channels for dramas, recipes, financial advice and the morning show with sidra iqbal.

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#aajnews #aajnewslive #aajtv",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24e713-PcBU,house proceritas - crusader kings 3 - ep. 9: melancholy & measles,"this is the third playthrough at crusader kings 3 with house proceritas! 

house proceritas takes a trip down oregon trail fame. no, they don't die of snakebite or pooping myself, but close...    

#crusaderkings3 #paradoxinteractive #4xstrategy #rpg",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Negative,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osxGixH_Vgc,measles 2 (prevention),,05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxdsuE-zu2E,measles treatment                       ,a quick and rapid remedy of measles in children both sex.,05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,disgust,surprise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLEGamnPqps,"measles part 1 (signs, symptoms,treatment and complications)",,05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wtykm7IdK-c,chicago health officials say city's measles outbreak is over|shorts,"#shorts

the chicago department of public health (cdph) declared the city's recent outbreak of measles over on thursday.  cdph said 42 days have passed -- two full incubation periods for measles -- without any new cases confirmed.  on march 7, 2024, chicago health officials confirmed the city's first measles case in five years.

#shorts #short #shortsvideo #youtubeshorts #trending #trendingvideo #trendingshorts #viral",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iv0lofocnWU,measles #shortsviral #heartemergency #shortsvideos #trending,"khan medical center (registered) (group of projects)
act fast, call 067-3364220, 0310-6395220 immediately!
 #heartemergency #actfast #knowthesigns #savealife #healthawareness""
ceo: m khan rana
contact us: 067-3364220, 0310-6395220
location: multan road near comsats university peer murad, vehari",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFrTe800_zs,our free medical camp in islamabad delivers quality healthcare to the community,"transparent hands recently held a free medical camp on may 20th, 2024, at machar colony, f-12, islamabad. the main purpose is to make quality healthcare accessible to impoverished patients. the free medical camp provided medical services to those who did not have the financial means to access it. 

free consultations, medicines, and diagnostic tests
the camp provided a range of medical services to 370 deserving patients. the patients received free consultations with expert doctors. they also received free medicines, diabetes tests, uric acid tests, hepatitis b and c screenings, ultrasounds, cholesterol checks, and blood pressure checkups. additionally, 170 patients received free eye checkups, and 120 patients were provided with free glasses. eye drops were also given to 105 patients.

most common diseases
most of the patients who sought consultation were suffering from fever, cough, flu, chest congestion, weak eyesight, migraine, earache, toothache, abdominal pain, joint pain, uric acid, hepatitis, abdominal pain, stomach acidity, diarrhea, backache, anemia, liver infection, tuberculosis, seasonal allergies, asthma, acne, kidney stones, uti, high cholesterol, phenomena, measles, iron deficiency, and vitamin d deficiency. 

transparent hands' free medical camp in islamabad had a significant impact on the lives of 370 deserving patients and their families. the camp served as a vital lifeline for those who lacked access to healthcare services due to financial constraints. 

by offering free medical consultations, diagnostic tests, and essential medications, the camp effectively addressed the immediate healthcare needs of the underserved community. this transformative initiative brought quality healthcare to those in impoverished, remote, and rural areas, empowering individuals with knowledge and resources to lead healthier lives. the success of this camp was made possible through the unwavering support of numerous compassionate donors.

upcoming medical camps: https://www.transparenthands.org/upcoming-medical-camps/
donate zakat: https://www.transparenthands.org/pay-zakat-online/
donate sadaqah: https://www.transparenthands.org/sadaqah-donations/
deserving patients list: https://www.transparenthands.org/patients-list/
visit us: https://www.transparenthands.org/",05/31/24,Highly Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,sadness
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_o1lpOJwxc,the untold story of vaccine impact on overall health ft: dr christine stabell benn,"join professor christine stabell benn and jay bhattacharya as they delve into the non-specific effects of vaccines, exploring how vitamin a boosts measles immunity, the differences between live attenuated and inactivated vaccines, and the critical role of the innate immune system. 

in this episode, discover the broader impacts on health, the importance of context in vaccine effects, and the challenges scientists face in questioning dominant narratives. gain insights into optimizing vaccination programs, ethical considerations, and the need for transparency and trust in public health. 

don't miss this in-depth discussion on the untold story of vaccines

receive exclusive episodes & q&a content by joining our substack community: https://www.illusionconsensus.com/

- alcami elements :https://www.alcamielements.com/
receive 10% off first order or 30% off subscription order using code: illusion

-brownstone institute: https://brownstone.org/

00:00 introduction to dr christine stabell benn 
02:44 the non-specific effects of vaccines
07:18 live attenuated vs. inactivated vaccines
10:07 the role of the innate immune system
12:49 optimizing vaccination programs
41:21 specific and non-specific effects of vaccines
46:22 the role of vaccines in the covid-19 pandemic
52:23 challenges and controversies in vaccine research
01:06:34 ethics of vaccine mandates and trust in public health
01:13:02 pressure and challenges faced by scientists",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,joy
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-dZjLJjy8w,       خسرہ کیا ھے؟ اسکی علامات اور احتیاطی تدابیر,measles خسرہ کی علامات خسرہ کا علاج خسرہ سے بچاؤ کے طریقے,05/31/24,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8pFClkwtjQ,বিভিনন রোগের ভযাকসিন ও তার আবিষকরতা তালিকা/বিভিনন রোগের িকার নাম/disease and vaccines part-1,"বিভিনন রোগের ভযাকসিন ও তার আবিষকরতা তালিকা/বিভিনন রোগের িকার নাম/disease and vaccines part-1
বিভিনন রোগের িকা
কষরা রোগের ভযাকসিন
লারজির ভযাকসিন
বিভিনন িকা
ভযাকসিন রাাল
আবিষকার ও আবিষকারক
কষরা রোগের িকা
রোগের িকা
গরতর রোগের কারণ
শিশর িকার তালিকা
বাছরের কষরা রোগের পরতিকার
কষরা রোগের চিকি৞সা
রোগের চিকি৞সা
বাছরের কষরা রোগের কারন
হেপাাইিস বি রোগের চিকি৞সা
কষরা রোগের ঔষধ
কষরা রোগের লকষণ
বাছরের কষরা রোগের পরতিরোধ
হাপানি রোগের ঔষধ
লারজির সমসযা ও সমাধান | allergy causes,
সিজোফরেনিার লকষণ ও করণী
গরর রোগের নাম,বিভিনন রোগের ভযাকসিনের নাম,কষরা রোগের িকা,বিভিনন রোগের ভযাকসিন,বাদলা রোগের িকা,গলা ফোলা রোগের িকা,জলাতঙক রোগের িকা,তরকা রোগের িকা,গরর রোগের চিকি৞সা,গরর তড়কা রোগের িকা,গরর রোগের ওষধ,রানিকষেত রোগের িকা,জলাতঙক রোগের লকষণ,রানীকষেত রোগের িকা দেওয়ার নিয়ম,ইনফলেঞজা রোগের কারন,জলাতঙক রোগের কারণ,গামবোরা রোগের লকষণ,কষরা রোগের চিকি৞সা,রোগের চিকি৞সা,সরকার িকাকরণ ও বেসরকারি িকাকরণ,কষরা রোগের ভযাকসিন
vaccines,vaccine,disease,centers for disease control and prevention,vaccine disease,disease and their vaccine,vaccines don't cure a disease,janssen infectious disease & vaccine,vaccine side effects,vaccines and chronic diseases,vaccines and autoimmune diseases,vaccine efficacy,covid-19 vaccine,vaccine eradicated diseases,measles vaccine,gcse vaccines,vaccines used to prevent diseases,vaccines and ms,do vaccines cause chronic diseases?
#diseases",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjAaUUbjvgw,गैसरिक acidity pancreatitis के आयरवेदिक ईलाज100%✅ ।।natural personal care 7576853255,"गैसरिक acidity pancreatitis के आरयवेदिक ईलाज100%✅ ।।आयरवेद दवाई से ठीक होगा गारंी 7576853255

#youtube #ayurveda #gastric #pancreatitis #आयरवेदिक_औषधि #ayurvedictreatment
 गैसरिक का इलाज
the honest company, natural home, all natural
acidity symptoms, esophagus, measles rubella",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8Ozf7aWq3A,সারাদেশে চলছে ভিামিন  পলাস কযামপেইন | vitamin a capsule campaign | my vlogs.,"জাতী ভিামিন '' পলাস কযামপেইন অনষঠিত হবে আগামী শনিবার। ই কযামপেইনের আওতা ওইদিন সকাল ৮া থেকে বিকেল ৪া পরযনত সারাদেশে দই কোির বেশি শিশকে ভিামিন '' কযাপসল খাওানো হবে।

 গগল নিউজে ফলো করন আরিভি অনলাইন
বৃহসপতিবার (৩০ মে) দপরে রাজধানীর মহাখালীতে সবাসথয অধিদপতরে জাতীয় ভিামিন '' পলাস কযামপেইন জন-২০২৪ উপলকষে আোজিত সংবাদ সমমেলনে সবাসথয অধিদপতরের মহাপরিচালক অধযাপক ডা.  বি ম খরশিদ আলম  কথা জানান।

তিনি বলেন, সারাদেশে পরা ক লাখ ২০ হাজার কেনদরে ভিামিন '' কযাপসল খাওানোর কথা থাকলে বার ঘূরণিড় রিমালের কারণে কষতিগরসত হওা উপকূলী লাকার পরা ক হাজার ২২৪ কেনদরে নিরদিষ সমে ভিামিন '' কযাপসল খাওানো হবে না। তবে পনরবাসন সমসযা সমাধান হলে সেখানে পরবরতী খব দরত সমে খাওানো হবে ভিামিন '' কযাপসল।

বিম খরশিদ বলেন, সারাদেশে ৬ থেকে ১১ মাস বসী শিশর সংখযা পরা ২৭ লাখ। ১২ থেকে ৫৯ মাস বসী শিশর সংখযা পরা ১ কোি ৯৫ লাখ। সে হিসাবে বার ৬ থেকে ৫৯ মাস বসী পরা ২ কোি ২২ লাখ শিশকে ভিামিন '' পলাস দেওার পরিকলপনা রেছে। পরা ক লাখ ২০ হাজার কেনদরে সরবমো সবেচছাসেবী সংখযা রেছে পরা দই লাখ ৪০ হাজার।  ছাড়া সবাসথযকরমীর সংখযা পরা ৪০ হাজার।

আরও পড়ন

ডাাবেিস সমপূরণ নিরামের দাবি চীনা চিকি৞সকদের
সবাসথয অধিদপতরের মহাপরিচালক অধযাপক ডা.  বি ম খরশিদ আলম বলেন, জনের ১ তারিখ থেকে সারাদেশে ভিামিন '' কযাপসল খাওানো শর হবে। উপকূলের যেসব লাকা বনযা আকরানত হেছে সেখানে অবসথা ভালো হলে তাদের  কযাপসল দরতই খাওানো হবে।

ভিামিন '' কযাপসলের উপকারিতা পরসঙগে মহাপরিচালক বলেন, ভিামিন '' কযাপসল খেলে অনধতব পরতিরোধ হ, শরীরের সবাভাবিক বৃদধি নিশচিত করে, সব ধরনের মৃতযর হার ২৪ শতাংশ হরাস করে।  ছাড়া হাম, ডারিা ও নিউমোনিার কারণে মৃতয উললেখযোগয হারে কমা।

সংবাদ সমমেলনে বকতারা বলেন, মকতিযদধের মাধযমে দেশ সবাধীন হওার পরবরতী সমে অপষিজনিত কারণে শিশদের মধযে রাতকানা রোগের হার ৪ দশমিক ১০ শতাংশ ছিল। বঙগবনধ শেখ মজিবর রহমান ১৯৭৪ সালে রাতকানা রোগ পরতিরোধ কারযকরম গরহণ করে শিশদের ভিামিন '' কযাপসল খাওানো শর করেন। পরবরতীতে ভিামিন '' কযাপসল খাওানো অবযাহত রাখার ফলে বরতমানে ভিামিন '' র অভাবজনিত রাতকানা রোগে আকরানত শিশর সংখযা পরা নেই বললেই চলে।

ভিামিন '' কযাপসল খাওার কষেতরে যেসব নিম মানতে হবে

১. শিশদের ভরাপেে কেনদরে নিে আসতে হবে।
২. কাচি দিে ভিামিন '' কযাপসলের মখ কেে র ভেতরে থাকা সবক তরল ওষধ চিপে খাওানো হবে।
৩. জোর করে বা কাননারত অবসথা ভিামিন '' কযাপসল খাওানো যাবে না।2.2cr children to get vitamin a+ capsules from jun 1

star file photo
starting from june 1, the government will start a campaign across the country, with a target to provide vitamin a plus capsules to 2.2 crore children across 1.2 lakh health care centres.

abm khurshid alam, director general of the directorate general of health services, made the announcement at a press briefing at the dghs in mohakhali yesterday.

google news linkfor all latest news, follow the daily star's google news channel.
we are planning to provide vitamin a capsules to around 1,20,000 health care centres across the country. however, the campaign cannot take place across some centres in patuakhali, barishal, bhola and barguna districts – which have been affected by cyclone remal. a total of 1,224 health facilities in these districts remained closed due to the cyclone. so, we will provide them with the capsules once the situation is improved there, he added.

there is a plan to give vitamin a-plus to children aged between 6 and 59 months, said the dg.

around 2.4 lakh volunteers and 40,000health workers will be a part of this campaign, the dg added.

vitamin a capsules help prevent night blindness and ensures nutrition. additionally, vitamin a also significantly reduced deaths caused by measles, diarrhoea and pneumonia.",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Highly Opinionated,Positive,Positive,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/nmdoh/reel/C7pAD6nAKuq/,"two children from taos county are the first confirmed measles cases in the state since 2021. the children are under 10 years old, live in the same household, were not vaccinated, and developed fever and rash after returning from international travel. 

the only known exposure to the public occurred at the aspen medical center urgent care at 411 santa clara bridge rd in espaola, new mexico at the following dates and times: 
• sunday, may 26, from 11:45 a.m. to 3 p.m.
• tuesday, may 28, from 9:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

because of how easily measles can spread, people exposed have had their vaccine records checked to assure they were vaccinated. they have been advised that should they develop an illness to call their medical provider first to arrange being seen without exposing other patients to the virus in the waiting room. 

if you have other lab evidence of immunity, such as a positive antibody test for measles, or if you were born before 1957, you are also considered immune to measles. two doses of measles vaccines are 97% effective against disease. 

adults needing measles vaccine can contact their medical provider, local pharmacy or make an appointment at their local public health office. if you need help finding a provider for the vaccine, please call the nmhealth helpline at 1-833-swnurse (1-833-796-8773). 

vaccines are available without charge for any child in new mexico, regardless of insurance status, under the vaccines for children program. children who have no insurance coverage can get the vaccine from their health care provider or at their local public health office. public health office contact information can be found online at nmhealth.org.

medical providers are required by state statute to report suspected cases of measles to the department of health's epidemiology and response division. the nmhealth helpline, 1-833-swnurse can also be used to report cases. 

full news release at nmhealth.org","two children from taos county are the first confirmed measles cases in the state since 2021. the children are under 10 years old, live in the same household, were not vaccinated, and developed fever and rash after returning from international travel. 

the only known exposure to the public occurred at the aspen medical center urgent care at 411 santa clara bridge rd in espaola, new mexico at the following dates and times: 
• sunday, may 26, from 11:45 a.m. to 3 p.m.
• tuesday, may 28, from 9:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

because of how easily measles can spread, people exposed have had their vaccine records checked to assure they were vaccinated. they have been advised that should they develop an illness to call their medical provider first to arrange being seen without exposing other patients to the virus in the waiting room. 

if you have other lab evidence of immunity, such as a positive antibody test for measles, or if you were born before 1957, you are also considered immune to measles. two doses of measles vaccines are 97% effective against disease. 

adults needing measles vaccine can contact their medical provider, local pharmacy or make an appointment at their local public health office. if you need help finding a provider for the vaccine, please call the nmhealth helpline at 1-833-swnurse (1-833-796-8773). 

vaccines are available without charge for any child in new mexico, regardless of insurance status, under the vaccines for children program. children who have no insurance coverage can get the vaccine from their health care provider or at their local public health office. public health office contact information can be found online at nmhealth.org.

medical providers are required by state statute to report suspected cases of measles to the department of health's epidemiology and response division. the nmhealth helpline, 1-833-swnurse can also be used to report cases. 

full news release at nmhealth.org",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7p9FIuRsoa/,"cara mencegah penularan measles

pengambilan vaksin mmr pada umur 9 dan 12 bulan boleh mencegah penularan measles.

#anms #sihatmilikku","cara mencegah penularan measles

pengambilan vaksin mmr pada umur 9 dan 12 bulan boleh mencegah penularan measles.

#anms #sihatmilikku",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/myhealthkkm/reel/C7n-7sdIcd3/,"peningkatan jangkitan measles secara global adalah paling tinggi pada tahun 2019.

semasa pandemik covid-19, jangkitan measles mula menurun kerana individu mengamalkan penjagaan kesihatan kendiri yang ketat seperti memakai pelitup muka. bermula 2021 kes measles kembali meningkat.

#anms #sihatmilikku","peningkatan jangkitan measles secara global adalah paling tinggi pada tahun 2019.

semasa pandemik covid-19, jangkitan measles mula menurun kerana individu mengamalkan penjagaan kesihatan kendiri yang ketat seperti memakai pelitup muka. bermula 2021 kes measles kembali meningkat.

#anms #sihatmilikku",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/myhealthkkm/reel/C7p9FIuRsoa/,"cara mencegah penularan measles

pengambilan vaksin mmr pada umur 9 dan 12 bulan boleh mencegah penularan measles.

#anms #sihatmilikku","cara mencegah penularan measles

pengambilan vaksin mmr pada umur 9 dan 12 bulan boleh mencegah penularan measles.

#anms #sihatmilikku",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Neutral,Neutral,neutral,neutral
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7ogwqjMS7_/,"[28 may 2024] in this report, the national epidemiologist emphasizes the importance of vigilance in light of the reported case of measles in the region. she shares that public education, vaccination campaigns, and strengthened surveillance systems are essential to prevent further outbreaks. here's more in this report.","[28 may 2024] in this report, the national epidemiologist emphasizes the importance of vigilance in light of the reported case of measles in the region. she shares that public education, vaccination campaigns, and strengthened surveillance systems are essential to prevent further outbreaks. here's more in this report.",05/31/24,Least Opinionated,Least Opinionated,Positive,Positive,fear,fear