The dataset contains an R script and data file used to produce figures and all of the piecewise structured equation models (SEM).
The R script file contains the code used to run the piecewise SEM analyses as well as to create related figures. The script contains additional information about analyses in comments throughout.
All of the data needed to conduct the analyses (predictor and response variables for piecewise SEMs) are compiled into the CSV file. Details about variable names are listed below. Within the dataset, each row represents a male or female annual cohort at ages 3, 4, or 5. Each cohort is represented by up to 6 rows in JAE_Almeida_et_al_compiled_data.csv - each sex (female and male) within the ages 3, 4, and 5.
Variables included in Almeida_et_al_compiled_data.csv
Cohort: The numeric year when the cohort within that row was born. Used as a random effect in component models.
Sex: A numeric indicator of the sex represented (1 = Female, 2 = Male). Used as a predictor variable for prop.mature (exogenous).
Age: The numeric age represented in years (ages 3 - 5 are included).
Residual.growth.lastyr: The residuals for the relationship between length and growth that also includes sex and age for the previous year. Used as a predictor variable in the analyses as well as a response variable in some component models (endogenous).
Year: The year that the cohort was sampled at that age. Used as a random effect in component models.
median.length: The median length of the cohort at that age for that sex (mm). Not directly used in analyses.
Residual.growth: The residuals for the relationship between length and growth that also includes sex and age. Only used as a response variable (endogenous).
CDD: The cumulative degree days over the past growing year (Oct-Sept). Used as a predictor variable (exogenous).
Adult.Abund: The estimated annual abundance of age 2 and older Walleye. Used to calculate Per.capta.prey and evaluated as a predictor variable (exogenous).
AvgPreyPerYear: Estimated annual prey fish density (catch-per-minute of trawling). Used to calculate Per.capta.prey and evaluated as a predictor variable (exogenous).
Per.capta.prey: Our index of prey incorporates prey densities across a range of Walleye prey fish types as well as an estimate of competition in the adult abundance. Used as a predictor variable (exogenous).
Age0.length: The median length (mm) of the cohort in August when they were Age-0. Used as a predictor variable (exogenous).
Age0.CPHA: Density (CPHA) of the cohort in August when they were Age-0. Used as a predictor variable (exogenous).
Percent.Ice: The percent of ice cover on Lake Erie during February and March of the year the cohort was born (i.e., before their hatching). Used as a predictor variable (exogenous).
prop.mature: The proportion of the cohort that was mature at that age for that sex. Used as a predictor variable in the analyses as well as a response variable in some component models (endogenous).
prop.mature.lastyr: The proportion of the cohort that was mature at that age for that sex in the previous year. Used as a predictor variable in the analyses (exogenous).
FMort: The estimated fishing mortality for that age in that year. Used as a predictor variable in the analyses (exogenous).
FMort.lastyr: The estimated fishing mortality for that age in the previous year. Used as a predictor variable in the analyses (exogenous). The proportion of mature adults during the year the cohort hatched that were smaller than the 1st quartile of lengths of mature fish of their respective sex for all years. Evaluated as a predictor variable (exogenous).
Prop.lg: The proportion of mature adults during the year the cohort hatched that were larger than the 3rd quartile of lengths of mature fish of their respective sex for all years. Evaluated as a predictor variable (exogenous). The proportion of mature females during the year the cohort hatched that were smaller than the 1st quartile of lengths of mature females for all years. Evaluated as a predictor variable (exogenous). The proportion of mature females during the year the cohort hatched that were larger than the 3rd quartile of lengths of mature females for all years. Used as a predictor variable (exogenous). The proportion of mature males during the year the cohort hatched that were smaller than the 1st quartile of lengths of mature males for all years. Used as a predictor variable (exogenous).
Prop.lg.m: The proportion of mature males during the year the cohort hatched that were larger than the 3rd quartile of lengths of mature males for all years. Evaluated as a predictor variable (exogenous).