	JavaScript examples
	Sparisoma Viridi | dudung@gmail.com
	Create some examples.
	Add an example
	Add some examples and doi:10.5281/zenodo.1156150 for all
	Add examples how to use vect3.js library.

// Execute a test function

// 20180129.0527 ok
function test_vector_unit() {
	// Define vector
	var r = new Vect3(3, 0, 4);
	// Get unit vector
	var l = r.len();
	var ur = r.unit();
		"\hat{r} = " +
		r.strval() + " / " +
		l + " = " + ur.strval()

// 20180129.0524 ok
function test_vector_length() {
	// Define vector
	var r = new Vect3(3, 0, 4);
	// Get vector length
	var l = r.len();
		"|" +	r.strval() + "| = " +

// 20180129.0520 ok
function test_vector_cross() {
	// Define vector and scalar
	var r1 = new Vect3(1, 2, 0);
	var r2 = new Vect3(-2, 1, 0);
	// Cross two vectors
	var rcross = Vect3.cross(r1, r2);
		r1.strval() + " . " +
		r2.strval() + " = " +

// 20180129.0518 ok
function test_vector_dot() {
	// Define vectors
	var r1 = new Vect3(1, 2, 0);
	var r2 = new Vect3(-2, 1, 0);
	// Dot two vectors
	var dot = Vect3.dot(r1, r2);
		r1.strval() + " . " +
		r2.strval() + " = " +

// 20180129.0512 ok
function test_vector_div() {
	// Define vector and scalar
	var r = new Vect3(10, 20, 30);
	var a = 5;
	// Divide vector with scalar
	var rdiv = Vect3.div(r, a);
		r.strval() + " / " +
		a + " = " +

// 20180129.0511 ok
function test_vector_mul() {
	// Define vector and scalar
	var r = new Vect3(1, 2, 3);
	var a = 2.5;
	// Multiply vector with scalar
	var rmul = Vect3.mul(r, a);
		r.strval() + " x " +
		a + " = " +

// 20180129.0507 ok
function test_vector_sub() {
	// Define some vectors
	var r1 = new Vect3(1, 2, 3);
	var r2 = new Vect3(-1, -2, 3);
	// Sub vectors and show result
	var rsub = Vect3.sub(r1, r2);
		r1.strval() + " - " +
		r2.strval() + " = " +

// 20180129.0506 ok
function test_vector_add() {
	// Define some vectors
	var r1 = new Vect3(1, 2, 3);
	var r2 = new Vect3(-1, -2, 3);
	var r3 = new Vect3(2, 2, -4);
	// Add vectors and show result
	var radd = Vect3.add(r1, r2, r3);
		r1.strval() + " + " +
		r2.strval() + " + " +
		r3.strval() + " = " +

// 20180123.0943 ok
function test_uniform_circular_motion() {
	// Create a div container
	var d = document.createElement("div");
	d.style.width = "200px";
	d.style.height = "200px";
	d.style.border = "1px solid #ccc";
	d.style.float = "left";
	// Create text area
	var t = document.createElement("textarea");
	t.id = "writingboard";
	t.style.width = "194px";
	t.style.height = "170px";
	t.style.overflowY = "scroll";
	// Create buttons
	var b1 = document.createElement("button");
	b1.innerHTML = "Load";
	b1.style.width = "50px";
	b1.addEventListener("click", loadData);
	var b2 = document.createElement("button");
	b2.innerHTML = "Read";
	b2.style.width = "50px";
	b2.addEventListener("click", readData);
	var b3 = document.createElement("button");
	b3.innerHTML = "Start";
	b3.style.width = "50px";
	b3.addEventListener("click", toggle);
	var b4 = document.createElement("button");
	b4.innerHTML = "Clear";
	b4.style.width = "50px";
	b4.addEventListener("click", clearAll);
	// Define world coordinate
	var xmin = -1.0;
	var ymin = -1.0;
	var xmax = 1.0;
	var ymax = 1.0;
	// Define canvas size
	var canvasWidth = 200;
	var canvasHeight = 200;
	// Define canvas coordinate
	var XMIN = 0;
	var YMIN = canvasHeight;
	var XMAX = canvasWidth;
	var YMAX = 0;
	// Create a canvas
	var c = document.createElement("canvas");
	c.id = "drawingboard";
	c.width = canvasWidth;
	c.height = canvasHeight;
	c.style.border = "1px solid #ccc";
	// Load data
	function loadData() {
		t.value = "period\t1\n";
		t.value += "theta\t0\n"
		t.value += "radius\t0.8\n"
	// Define physical parameters
	var R = 0.8;
	var theta = 0;
	var dtheta = 0.1;
	var T = 1;
	// Start simulasion
	function readData() {
		theta = parseFloat(getValue("writingboard", "theta"));
		T = getValue("writingboard", "period");
		R = getValue("writingboard", "radius");
		clear("drawingboard", "#fff");
		var x = R * Math.cos(theta);
		var y = R * Math.sin(theta);
		var r = transform({x: x, y: y});
		drawCircle("drawingboard", r, "#f00");
	// Define variable for setInterval
	var cf;
	var SIMULATING = false;
	// Start and stop simulation
	function toggle() {
			b3.innerHTML = "Stop";
			cf = setInterval(simulate, 10 * T);
		} else {
			b3.innerHTML = "Start";
	// Perform simulation
	function simulate() {
		clear("drawingboard", "#fff");
		theta += parseFloat(dtheta);
		var x = R * Math.cos(theta);
		var y = R * Math.sin(theta);
		var r = transform({x: x, y: y});
		drawCircle("drawingboard", r, "#f00");
	// Draw a circle
	function drawCircle(id, r, color) {
		var cx = document.getElementById(id).getContext("2d");
		cx.strokeStyle = color;
		cx.arc(r.x, r.y, 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
	// Clear textarea and canvas
	function clearAll() {
		clear("drawingboard", "#fff");
	// Clear textarea or canvas with color
	function clear() {
		var id = arguments[0];
		var el = document.getElementById(id);
		if(arguments.length == 1) {
			el.value = "";
		} else if(arguments.length == 2) {
			var color = arguments[1];
			var cx = el.getContext("2d");
			cx.fillStyle = color;
			cx.fillRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
	// Get lines from textarea
	function getValue(id, name) {
		var ta = document.getElementById(id);
		var lines = ta.value.split("\n");
		var M = lines.length;
		var x = "";
		for(var i = 0; i < M; i++) {
			var columns = lines[i].split("\t");
			if(columns[0] == name) {
				x = columns[1];
		return x;
	// Transform (x, y) to (X, Y)
	function transform(r) {
		var X = (r.x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin) * (XMAX - XMIN);
		X += XMIN;
		var Y = (r.y - ymin) / (ymax - ymin) * (YMAX - YMIN);
		Y += YMIN;
		return {x: X, y: Y};

// 20180123.0551 ok 
function test_moving_button() {
	// Get window size
	var xmin = 0;
	var ymin = 0;
	var xmax = window.innerWidth;
	var ymax = window.innerHeight;
	// Define triangle character
	var au_0 = "&#x25b3;";
	var ar_0 = "&#x25b7;";
	var ad_0 = "&#x25bd;";
	var al_0 = "&#x25c1;";
	var au_1 = "&#x25b2;";
	var ar_1 = "&#x25b6;";
	var ad_1 = "&#x25bc;";
	var al_1 = "&#x25c0;";
	// Define button status and direction
	var MOVING = false;
	var DIR = {x: 1, y: 0};
	// Define variabel for setInterval and period
	var calledFunction;
	var period = 100;
	// Create a button
	var btn = document.createElement("button");
	btn.innerHTML = ar_0;
	btn.style.width = "30px";
	btn.style.height = "30px";
	btn.style.position = "relative";
	btn.style.left = "0px";
	btn.style.top = "0px";
	btn.addEventListener("click", buttonClick);
	// Move button
	function buttonClick() {
		// Change button state
		// Move or stop button
		if(MOVING) {
			calledFunction = setInterval(moveButton, period)
		} else {
		// Move button
		function moveButton() {
			// Change button position
			var bx = parseInt(btn.style.left);
			var by = parseInt(btn.style.top);
			bx += DIR.x * 10;
			by += DIR.y * 10;
			btn.style.left = bx + "px";
			btn.style.top = by + "px";
			// Change x direction
			if(bx > xmax - parseInt(btn.style.width) - 15) {
				bx = xmax - parseInt(btn.style.width) - 15;
				btn.style.left = bx + "px";
				DIR.x = 0;
				DIR.y = 1;
			if(bx < xmin) {
				bx = xmin;
				btn.style.left = bx + "px";
				DIR.x = 0;
				DIR.y = -1;
			// Change y direction
			if(by > ymax - parseInt(btn.style.height) - 15) {
				by = ymax - parseInt(btn.style.height) - 15;
				btn.style.top = by + "px";
				DIR.x = -1;
				DIR.y = 0;
			if(by < ymin) {
				by = ymin;
				btn.style.top = by + "px";
				DIR.x = 1;
				DIR.y = 0;
		// Change button icon
		function changeIcon() {
			// Change button icon
			if(DIR.x == 1 && DIR.y == 0 && !MOVING) {
				btn.innerHTML = ar_0;
			if(DIR.x == 1 && DIR.y == 0 && MOVING) {
				btn.innerHTML = ar_1;
			if(DIR.x == 0 && DIR.y == 1 && !MOVING) {
				btn.innerHTML = ad_0;
			if(DIR.x == 0 && DIR.y == 1 && MOVING) {
				btn.innerHTML = ad_1;
			if(DIR.x == -1 && DIR.y == 0 && !MOVING) {
				btn.innerHTML = al_0;
			if(DIR.x == -1 && DIR.y == 0 && MOVING) {
				btn.innerHTML = al_1;
			if(DIR.x == 0 && DIR.y == -1 && !MOVING) {
				btn.innerHTML = au_0;
			if(DIR.x == 0 && DIR.y == -1 && MOVING) {
				btn.innerHTML = au_1;

// 20180123.0411 ok
function test_set_stop_interval() {
	// Define a counter
	var i = 0;
	// Set period
	var period = 100; // ms
	// Define variable for setInterval();
	var calledFunction;
	// Define start button
	var btnStart = document.createElement("button");
	btnStart.innerHTML = "Start";
	btnStart.addEventListener("click", startCounting)
	// Define stop button
	var btnStop = document.createElement("button");
	btnStop.innerHTML = "Stop";
	btnStop.addEventListener("click", stopCounting)
	// Start counting
	function startCounting() {
		calledFunction = setInterval(inc, period);
	// Stop counting
	function stopCounting() {
	// Increment j by 1
	function inc() {

// 20180123.0401 ok
function test_set_interval() {
	var i = 0;
	var period = 100; // ms
	var calledFunction = setInterval(inc, period);
	// Increment j by 1
	function inc() {

// 20180121.1936 ok
function test_get_parameters_from_textarea() {
	// Create object of type textarea
	var ta = document.createElement("textarea");
	ta.style.width = "100px";
	ta.style.height = "100px";
	ta.value = "Npoly\t6\nColor\t#000";
	// Define world coordinate
	var xmin = -1.0;
	var ymin = -1.0;
	var xmax = 1.0;
	var ymax = 1.0;
	// Define canvas size
	var canvasWidth = 100;
	var canvasHeight = 104;
	// Define canvas coordinate
	var XMIN = 0;
	var YMIN = canvasHeight;
	var XMAX = canvasWidth;
	var YMAX = 0;
	// Create canvas
	var c = document.createElement("canvas");
	c.width = canvasWidth;
	c.height = canvasHeight;
	c.id = "canvas1";
	c.style.background = "#eef";
	c.style.border = "1px solid #aaa";
	// Get context of canvas
	var cx = c.getContext("2d");
	// Create button
	var btn = document.createElement("button");
	btn.innerHTML = "Get lines";
	btn.addEventListener("click", buttonClick);
	function buttonClick() {
		var N = getValue("Npoly");
		var color = getValue("Color");
		cx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
		drawPoly(0, 0, 1, N, color);
	// Get lines from textarea
	function getValue(name) {
		var lines = ta.value.split("\n");
		var M = lines.length;
		var x = "";
		for(var i = 0; i < M; i++) {
			var columns = lines[i].split("\t");
			if(columns[0] == name) {
				x = columns[1];
		return x;
	// Draw a polygon
	function drawPoly(xc, yc, R, N, color) {
		// Set stroke style and begin path
		cx.strokeStyle = color;
		for(var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
			// Get (x, y) from parametric function
			var r = circularPath(i, 0, N, R, xc, yc);
			// Transform coordinates
			var RR = transform(r);
			// Draw a pixel
			if(i == 0) {
				cx.moveTo(RR.x, RR.y);
			} else {
				cx.lineTo(RR.x, RR.y);
		// Close the path

		// Stroke the polygon curve (circular path)
	// Transform (x, y) to (X, Y)
	function transform(r) {
		var X = (r.x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin) * (XMAX - XMIN);
		X += XMIN;
		var Y = (r.y - ymin) / (ymax - ymin) * (YMAX - YMIN);
		Y += YMIN;
		return {x: X, y: Y};
	// Create a parametric function for a circular path
	function circularPath(c, cmin, cmax, R, xc, yc) {
		var cc = (c - cmin) / (cmax - cmin) * 2 * Math.PI;
		var x = xc + R * Math.cos(cc);
		var y = yc + R * Math.sin(cc);
		var r = {x: x, y: y};
		return r;

// 20180121.1927 ok
function test_get_parameter_from_textarea() {
	// Create object of type textarea
	var ta = document.createElement("textarea");
	ta.style.width = "100px";
	ta.style.height = "100px";
	ta.value = "Npoly\t6";
	// Define world coordinate
	var xmin = -1.0;
	var ymin = -1.0;
	var xmax = 1.0;
	var ymax = 1.0;
	// Define canvas size
	var canvasWidth = 100;
	var canvasHeight = 104;
	// Define canvas coordinate
	var XMIN = 0;
	var YMIN = canvasHeight;
	var XMAX = canvasWidth;
	var YMAX = 0;
	// Create canvas
	var c = document.createElement("canvas");
	c.width = canvasWidth;
	c.height = canvasHeight;
	c.id = "canvas1";
	c.style.background = "#eef";
	c.style.border = "1px solid #aaa";
	// Get context of canvas
	var cx = c.getContext("2d");
	// Create button
	var btn = document.createElement("button");
	btn.innerHTML = "Get lines";
	btn.addEventListener("click", buttonClick);
	function buttonClick() {
		var N = getValue("Npoly");
		cx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
		drawPoly(0, 0, 1, N, "#00f");
	// Get lines from textarea
	function getValue(name) {
		var lines = ta.value.split("\n");
		var M = lines.length;
		var x = 0;
		for(var i = 0; i < M; i++) {
			var columns = lines[i].split("\t");
			if(columns[0] == name) {
				x = parseInt(columns[1]);
		return x;
	// Draw a polygon
	function drawPoly(xc, yc, R, N, color) {
		// Set stroke style and begin path
		cx.strokeStyle = color;
		for(var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
			// Get (x, y) from parametric function
			var r = circularPath(i, 0, N, R, xc, yc);
			// Transform coordinates
			var RR = transform(r);
			// Draw a pixel
			if(i == 0) {
				cx.moveTo(RR.x, RR.y);
			} else {
				cx.lineTo(RR.x, RR.y);
		// Close the path

		// Stroke the polygon curve (circular path)
	// Transform (x, y) to (X, Y)
	function transform(r) {
		var X = (r.x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin) * (XMAX - XMIN);
		X += XMIN;
		var Y = (r.y - ymin) / (ymax - ymin) * (YMAX - YMIN);
		Y += YMIN;
		return {x: X, y: Y};
	// Create a parametric function for a circular path
	function circularPath(c, cmin, cmax, R, xc, yc) {
		var cc = (c - cmin) / (cmax - cmin) * 2 * Math.PI;
		var x = xc + R * Math.cos(cc);
		var y = yc + R * Math.sin(cc);
		var r = {x: x, y: y};
		return r;

// 20180121.1909 ok
function test_get_textarea_lines_with_button() {
	// Create object of type textarea
	var ta = document.createElement("textarea");
	ta.style.width = "200px";
	ta.style.height = "100px";
	ta.value = "xmin\t0\nxmax\t100\nymin\t2\nymax\t10";
	// Create button
	var btn = document.createElement("button");
	btn.innerHTML = "Get lines";
	btn.addEventListener("click", getLinesFromTextarea);
	// Get lines from textarea
	function getLinesFromTextarea() {
		var lines = ta.value.split("\n");
		var N = lines.length;
		for(var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
			console.log(lines[i] + "\n");

// 20180121.1900 ok
function test_get_textarea_lines() {
	// Create object of type textarea
	var ta = document.createElement("textarea");
	ta.style.width = "200px";
	ta.style.height = "100px";
	ta.value = "xmin\t0\nxmax\t100\nymin\t2\nymax\t10";
	// Get lines from textarea
	var lines = ta.value.split("\n");
	var N = lines.length;
	for(var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
		console.log(lines[i] + "\n");

// 20180121.1852 ok
function test_textarea() {
	// Create object of type textarea and set it style
	var ta = document.createElement("textarea");
	ta.style.width = "380px";
	ta.style.height = "200px";
	ta.style.background = "#fdd";
	ta.style.fontcolor = "#f00";
	// Add some texts to the textarea
	ta.value = "Ini adalah baris pertama \n";
	ta.value += "Ini adalah baris kedua ";
	ta.value += "dan ini juga  baris kedua \n";
	ta.value += "Ini adalah baris ketiga";

// 20180121.1704 ok
function test_draw_polygon() {
	// Define world coordinate
	var xmin = -1.0;
	var ymin = -1.0;
	var xmax = 1.0;
	var ymax = 1.0;
	// Define canvas size
	var canvasWidth = 100;
	var canvasHeight = 100;
	// Define canvas coordinate
	var XMIN = 0;
	var YMIN = canvasHeight;
	var XMAX = canvasWidth;
	var YMAX = 0;
	// Create canvas
	var c = document.createElement("canvas");
	c.width = canvasWidth;
	c.height = canvasHeight;
	c.id = "canvas1";
	c.style.background = "#fee";
	c.style.border = "1px dashed #faa";
	// Get context of canvas
	var cx = c.getContext("2d");
	// Draw a polygon
	drawPoly(0, 0, 1, 5, "#f0f");
	// Draw a polygon
	function drawPoly(xc, yc, R, N, color) {
		// Set stroke style and begin path
		cx.strokeStyle = color;
		for(var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
			// Get (x, y) from parametric function
			var r = circularPath(i, 0, N, R, xc, yc);
			// Transform coordinates
			var RR = transform(r);
			// Draw a pixel
			if(i == 0) {
				cx.moveTo(RR.x, RR.y);
			} else {
				cx.lineTo(RR.x, RR.y);
		// Close the path

		// Stroke the polygon curve (circular path)
	// Transform (x, y) to (X, Y)
	function transform(r) {
		var X = (r.x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin) * (XMAX - XMIN);
		X += XMIN;
		var Y = (r.y - ymin) / (ymax - ymin) * (YMAX - YMIN);
		Y += YMIN;
		return {x: X, y: Y};
	// Create a parametric function for a circular path
	function circularPath(c, cmin, cmax, R, xc, yc) {
		var cc = (c - cmin) / (cmax - cmin) * 2 * Math.PI;
		var x = xc + R * Math.cos(cc);
		var y = yc + R * Math.sin(cc);
		var r = {x: x, y: y};
		return r;

// 20180121.1658 ok
function test_coordinate_transformation() {
	// Define world coordinate
	var xmin = -1.0;
	var ymin = -1.0;
	var xmax = 1.0;
	var ymax = 1.0;
	// Define canvas size
	var canvasWidth = 100;
	var canvasHeight = 100;
	// Define canvas coordinate
	var XMIN = 0;
	var YMIN = canvasHeight;
	var XMAX = canvasWidth;
	var YMAX = 0;
	// Create canvas
	var c = document.createElement("canvas");
	c.width = canvasWidth;
	c.height = canvasHeight;
	c.id = "canvas1";
	c.style.background = "#fee";
	c.style.border = "1px dashed #faa";
	// Get context of canvas
	var cx = c.getContext("2d");
	// Create data using parametric function
	var N = 100;
	// Set stroke style and begin path
	cx.strokeStyle = "#00f";
	for(var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
		// Get (x, y) from parametric function
		var r = circularPath(i, 0, N, 0.5, 0.5, 0.25);
		// Transform coordinates
		var RR = transform(r);
		// Draw a pixel
		if(i == 0) {
			cx.moveTo(RR.x, RR.y);
		} else {
			cx.lineTo(RR.x, RR.y);
	// Close the path

	// Stroke the polygon curve (circular path)
	// Transform (x, y) to (X, Y)
	function transform(r) {
		var X = (r.x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin) * (XMAX - XMIN);
		X += XMIN;
		var Y = (r.y - ymin) / (ymax - ymin) * (YMAX - YMIN);
		Y += YMIN;
		return {x: X, y: Y};
	// Create a parametric function for a circular path
	function circularPath(c, cmin, cmax, R, xc, yc) {
		var cc = (c - cmin) / (cmax - cmin) * 2 * Math.PI;
		var x = xc + R * Math.cos(cc);
		var y = yc + R * Math.sin(cc);
		var r = {x: x, y: y};
		return r;

// 20180120.1919 ok
function test_temperature_conversion() {
	// Define some temperature references in oC and oF
	var THC = 100;
	var TCC = 0;
	var THF = 212;
	var TCF = 32;
	// Convert oC to oF and then back to oC
	var TC = 20;
	var TF = C2F(TC);
	console.log("T = " + TF + " oF");
	var TC2 = F2C(TF);
	console.log("T = " + TC2 + " oC");
	// Convert from oC to oF
	function C2F(TC) {
		var TF = (TC - TCC) / (THC - TCC) * (THF - TCF) + TCF;
		return TF;
	// Convert from oF to oC
	function F2C(TF) {
		var TC = (TF - TCF) / (THF - TCF) * (THC - TCC) + TCC;
		return TC;

// 20180116.0950 ok
function test_table() {
	var table = document.createElement("table");
	table.border = "1";
	var row1 = document.createElement("tr");
	var col11 = document.createElement("td");
	col11.innerHTML = "(1,1) A";

	var col12 = document.createElement("td");
	col12.innerHTML = "(1,2) B";
	var row2 = document.createElement("tr");
	var col21 = document.createElement("td");
	col21.innerHTML = "(2,1) C";

	var col22 = document.createElement("td");
	col22.innerHTML = "(2,2) D";

// 20180116.0941 ok
function test_canvas_circles() {
	var c = document.createElement("canvas");
	c.width = 300;
	c.height = 200;
	c.style.background = "#eee";
	var cx = c.getContext("2d");
	for(var x = 50; x < 300; x += 50) {
		for(var y = 50; y < 200; y += 50) {
			var R = parseInt(Math.random() * 256);
			var G = parseInt(Math.random() * 256);
			var B = parseInt(Math.random() * 256);
			var colorRGB = "rgb(" + R + "," + G + "," + B + ")";
			cx.strokeStyle = colorRGB;
			cx.arc(x, y, 20, 0, 2 * Math.PI);

// 20180116.0936 ok
function test_canvas() {
	var c = document.createElement("canvas");
	c.width = 300;
	c.height = 200;
	c.style.background = "#eee";
	var cx = c.getContext("2d");
	cx.strokeStyle = "#f00";
	cx.arc(150, 100, 50, 0, 2 * Math.PI);

// 20180116.0927 !ok
function test_bilangan_acak() {
	var N = 10;
	for(var i = 0; i < N; i++) {
		var x = Math.random();
		var y = parseInt(x * 10);
		console.log(i + "\t"  + x + "\t" + y);

// 20180116.0918
function test_create_button_from_parent() {
	// Define first id
	var id = "10";
	// Create first button
	var btn = document.createElement("button");
	btn.id = 10 + parseInt(Math.random() * 90);
	btn.innerHTML = btn.id;
	// Add event
	btn.addEventListener("click", createButton);
	// Create a button
	function createButton() {
		var btn = document.createElement("button");
		var id = 10 + parseInt(Math.random() * 90);
		var parentId = event.target.id;
		while(id == parentId) {
			id = 10 + parseInt(Math.random() * 90);
		btn.id = id;
		btn.innerHTML = btn.id + " [" + parentId + "]";
		btn.addEventListener("click", createButton);

// 20180116.0850 ok
function test_button_create_button() {
	// Define button number
	var buttonNumber = 1;
	// Create first visible button
	var btn = document.createElement("button");
	btn.innerHTML = "Create another";
	// Add an event only to to first button
	btn.addEventListener("click", createAnotherButton);
	// Create another button
	function createAnotherButton() {
		var btn = document.createElement("button");
		btn.innerHTML = "Another button " + buttonNumber;

// 20180116.0842 ok
function test_hello_button() {
	// Create element of type button, which is <button></button>
	// in a HTML page
	var b = document.createElement("button");
	b.innerHTML = "Hello, World!";

// 20180116.0840
function test_hello_paragraph() {
	// Create element of type paragraph, which is <p></p>
	// in a HTML page
	var p = document.createElement("p");
	p.innerHTML = "Hello, World!";

// 20180116.0824 ok
function test_hello_title() {
	// Tags <title></title> inside section <head></head> should
	// already be defined
	var title = document.getElementsByTagName("title");
	title[0].text = "Hello, Wordl!";

// 20180116.0818 ok
function test_hello_console() {
	// Open concole in internet browser
	// Google Chrome: Ctrl+Shift+I, Ctrl+Shift+J
	// Mozilla Firefox: Ctrl+Shift+I
	// Internet Explorer: F12 then Ctrl+2
	console.log("Hello, World!");