Readme file to explain supplemental data ###Mitedata.xlsx####### Treatment explanation: Con= Control, no food added AlgDry= Dry Algae Powder of Chlorella sp. AlgWet= Fresh macro algae mix of unknown species; frozen (Both algae treatments have been excluded from the data analysis but are still in the raw data excel sheet) PV=Populus tremula spring leaves PZ=Populus tremula summer leaves PN=Populus tremula autumn leaves QV=Quercus robur spring leaves QZ=Quercus robur summer leaves QN= Quercus robur autrumn leaves ### First sheet: PlathynothrusPeltifer This sheet contains the count data of all experimental replicates over the course of 60 days of the experiment, including the 7 days after the experiments to allow eggs to hatch. Every row is one record of eggs and deaths on one day per experimental petri dish. ID: Experimental ID with the treatment type (e.g. Con)+ number of replicate (Con1, Con2, and so on) StartDate= Date when this experimental replicate has been started (Day/Month/Year) CheckDate= Date when this experimental replicate has been checked for eggs / dead mites (Day/Month/Year) Treatment = Experimental Treatment, see explanation above Days= Number of days since start of the experiments as numerical value (Day 0 = Start day) Season= Season of leaves for Analysis in R, Dry and Wet for Algae treatments, Spring, Summer and Autumn for different leaf treatments Tree= Tree species, Oak for Quercus robur, Aspen for Populus tremula, Alg for Algae treatments OnlyEggs= Number of collected eggs on this date Dead= Number of Dead mites recorded and removed on this date entry Cum_death= Cumulative dead mites per petri dish Mitedays=Calculated from OnlyEggs/(10-Cum_death)/(DayThisEntry-DayLastEntry) (See excel sheet for equation) Productivity= Calculated from OnlyEggs/(10-Cum_death)/Days ###Second sheet:SumEggsPPeltifer This sheet contains the sum of the egg data and death data from the sheet1 "PlathynothrusPeltifer" after the experiment is finished. All analysis done in R and the violin boxplot are based on this data. Treatment =ID of every experimental petri dish, same identifyer used as in the first excel sheet Eggs= Sum of eggs for the petri dish at the end of the experiment (summed up from sheet1) Deaths= Cumulative deaths per experimental petri dish at the end of the experiment Tre= Treatment, same identifyers used as in sheet1, see explanation above FinalLarvae=Number of counted larvae at the end of the experiment (60 Days + 7 Days to allow eggs collected on Day 60 to hatch). All eggs that have been recorded have been stored seperately from the experimental petridish in the "egg petri dish". FinalEggs=Counted Number of eggs in the "egg petri dish" (per experimental petri dish) at the end of the experiment (60 days + 7 days to allow all collected eggs to hatch) MitedaysSum=Summed up Mitedays from sheet 1 "PlathynothrusPeltifer" (see equation in sheet) over the whole period of the experiment ProuctivityWeighted= Eggs/MitedaysSum , unit used in the statistical models; equals the number of egg per mite per day of the experiment in total ###LmSummary Collection of Results from statistical analysis; this excel sheet has been included in the supplemental material since some of the content has not directly been generated by the R-script attached but rather been copy-and pasted per result. CorMatrix: Correlation matrix of the trace elements, values >+-0.5 have been coloured in red CorMatrix CNP: Correlation matrix of Carbon (C), nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and phenols LmRequirements: Levene test on Produvtivity ~ Treatment, shapiro wilk test of normality for productivity and shapiro wilk test on log transformed productivity CNPModels: Collection of linear model results as displayed in the appendix of the paper TraceElements: Linear model result for potassium and silicon as displayed in the appendix of the paper Deaths: linear model result for Deaths ~ Nitrogen, not disyplayed in the appendix ###Nutrients### Sheet1 Tre= Experimental food treatment PWater_mgL= measured water soluable phosphorus content, measured in Amsterdam together with Evy de Nijs, not used in the paper Phenols_mgL: Phenolic content measured following the Folin Ciocalteu phenol protocol_deNijs.pdf in the supplemental material, given in mg per Liter Tree= Tree species / algae for experimental treatments, see explanation above Season= Season of the experimental food treatment, see explanation above TOC_mgL=Water soluable carbon measured in amsterdam with Evy de Nijs, not used TdN_MgL= Water soluable nitrogen measured in Amsterdam, not used Ca3179 Fe2599 K_7664 Mg Mn2576 Na5889 S_1820 Si2516 Zn2138 P N C, elements measured for the food treatments, given in PPM CN= Calculated Carbon to nitrogen ratio N P % Sample = Food treatment name P PPM = Phosphorus content in PPM P un % = Phosphorus content transformed from PPM to % P in mg/g = Phosphorus content transformed in mg per g sample N%= nitrogen content in percentage N mg /g sample = nitrogen content transformed from percentage to mg per g sample N in PPM= nitrogen content trasnformed into PPM N/P ratio = Nitrogen to phosphorus ratio calculated from N and P in mg /g Calculation Note sheet to calculate the average phenolic content from double measurements (in the part Phenols in mg/L, mg/kg or PPM, all the same unit) other notes taken in the process of calculation; sample weight of food treatment samples from phosphorus measurements and nitrogen measurements; Explanation=Text box to explain shortly the different sheets Folin Ciocalteu phenol protocol_deNijs.pdf Experimantal methodology created by Evy de Nijs to measure phenolic contents RScript_miteanalysis.R Includes the complete R script that was used to execute statistical analysis, generate plots, generate test results including all the packages used; contains some personal comments and some plots not shown in the paper