test-synth-case-0.wav,the power tool is operating in a rhythmic manner.
test-synth-case-1.wav,the machine is running and making a huge noise.
test-synth-case-2.wav,the engine of a machine is roaring and buzzing constantly.
test-synth-case-3.wav,there comes an explosion that the rock is smashed to shatters.
test-synth-case-4.wav,"the explosion is causing a boom, shattering nearby objects with a loud smash."
test-synth-case-5.wav,"the explosion causes a boom, shattering nearby objects with a loud smash."
test-synth-case-6.wav,"two people were having a conversation, and then someone started sawing wood."
test-synth-case-7.wav,"several men are talking with each other and walking around in the yard, and then someone is sawing the woods with tools."
test-synth-case-8.wav,"several men are communicating with one another, and then someone begins to saw something."
test-synth-case-9.wav,a train passes by with a loud noise.
test-synth-case-10.wav,a car is passing and a train is moving along its tracks with the raillway noise.
test-synth-case-11.wav,"a train is approaching with its wheels squealing on the track, and a car is passing by."
test-synth-case-12.wav,the water in the kettle is boiling and the alarm is sounding.
test-synth-case-13.wav,"a kettle of water is boiling, producing a screeching sound."
test-synth-case-14.wav,the kettle is squealing as the water boils.
test-synth-case-15.wav,"the tabla and other percussion instruments are strummed, creating a rhythmic musical piece."
test-synth-case-16.wav,musical instruments are producing rhythmic sounds that evoke a sense of excitement and passion.
test-synth-case-17.wav,"the tabla and other percussion instruments are strummed, creating a rhythmic musical piece."
test-synth-case-18.wav,the alarm is ringing off and on making people restless.
test-synth-case-19.wav,"an alarm or siren is emitting a loud, piercing sound, typically used as a signal or warning."
test-synth-case-20.wav,an alarm is producing a high and a low sound in a cycle.
test-synth-case-21.wav,the subway is running with its engine rumbling.
test-synth-case-22.wav,"the subway is rumbling down the track, contributing to the traffic noise."
test-synth-case-23.wav,a metro is running underground with a buzzing sound.
test-synth-case-24.wav,someone is playing a piece of lively music with the bowed string instrument.
test-synth-case-25.wav,a piece of music is being played by the bowed string instrument.
test-synth-case-26.wav,the string instruments are playing a piece of melody with a bit out of tune.
test-synth-case-27.wav,someone is employing scissors to prune something.
test-synth-case-28.wav,"someone is using scissors at an increasing speed, producing a clanging sound."
test-synth-case-29.wav,"the scissor is cutting through something, first slowly and then rapidly."
test-synth-case-30.wav,"an unknown bird is singing, somewhat like a crow."
test-synth-case-31.wav,"a bird is vocalizing, which produces a variety of calls that is characteristic of its species."
test-synth-case-32.wav,a bird is squeaking with variations of tones.
test-synth-case-33.wav,the door is creaking and buzzing as it slowly opens.
test-synth-case-34.wav,a wooden door is squeaking all the time under the influence of hinges inside a room.
test-synth-case-35.wav,a wooden door is squeaking all the time under the influence of hinges inside a room.
test-synth-case-36.wav,"it is drizzling in the sky, and distant rumbling thunder can be heard."
test-synth-case-37.wav,"the rain is splattering on the ground, and suddenly a thunder is rolling in the sky, showing a horrible thunderstorm."
test-synth-case-38.wav,"thunder rumbles in the distance as a thunderstorm unfolds, with rain steadily pouring down."
test-synth-case-39.wav,the audience are breaking into rapturous applause in the hall.
test-synth-case-40.wav,"the audience are clapping together inside a hall, showing their praise to the performer."
test-synth-case-41.wav,a group of people are making applause in a spacious room creating echoes.
test-synth-case-42.wav,the sound of chopping food is repeating.
test-synth-case-43.wav,"someone is chopping food in the kitchen, producing a crumpling sound."
test-synth-case-44.wav,"someone is chopping something, making crunchy sounds."
test-synth-case-45.wav,a person makes a creaking sound while eating.
test-synth-case-46.wav,"someone is chewing food, which produces the sound of mastication."
test-synth-case-47.wav,"someone is chewing, making crunchy sounds."
test-synth-case-48.wav,someone is pouring liquid into the container.
test-synth-case-49.wav,"someone is pouring the liquid into a bottle, making a dribbling sound indoor."
test-synth-case-50.wav,"someone is pouring the liquid into a bottle, producing a dribbling sound indoor."
test-synth-case-51.wav,"the great fire rages on, intermittently producing cracking sounds as the burning materials split apart."
test-synth-case-52.wav,the fire was burning wood and making a crackling sound.
test-synth-case-53.wav,the fire crackles as the wind whips through the flames.
test-synth-case-54.wav,the car is passing by as the birds chirp.
test-synth-case-55.wav,"as the car passes by, birds chirp amidst the background noise of roadway and traffic."
test-synth-case-56.wav,"cars are passing by, and the birds are chirping incessantly."
test-synth-case-57.wav,the whales are constantly vocalizing.
test-synth-case-58.wav,the whale is calling loudly.
test-synth-case-59.wav,the whale is making vocalization sounds.
test-synth-case-60.wav,"someone is sharpening a sword, which makes a crisp sound."
test-synth-case-61.wav,"someone is sharpening the sword, producing a clanging sound."
test-synth-case-62.wav,the metals are making a clanging sound as they grind each other.
test-synth-case-63.wav,there is a constant hum of siren.
test-synth-case-64.wav,there is a constant humming siren that fills the air.
test-synth-case-65.wav,the alarm is ringing with a buzzing sound.
test-synth-case-66.wav,"after a while, the engine of power tool is starting and idling."
test-synth-case-67.wav,"eventually, the engine of the power tool starts and idles."
test-synth-case-68.wav,"someone is drilling something with a power tool, producing a buzzing sound."
test-synth-case-69.wav,"a man is having an angry conversation, his voice raised in shouting as he expresses his displeasure."
test-synth-case-70.wav,a man is really angry and complaining to someone in a loud voice.
test-synth-case-71.wav,"a man is angrily making demands with a loud, masculine voice."
test-synth-case-72.wav,"the rain persists, showing no sign of abating."
test-synth-case-73.wav,the raindrops are dripping on the roof with a dribbling sound.
test-synth-case-74.wav,"the raindrops fall onto the ground, making thick dribbling sounds."
test-synth-case-75.wav,"the sound of knocking on the wooden board ebbs and flows, varying in volume from soft to loud."
test-synth-case-76.wav,"after a person knocks the wood, he pushes it to other places to continue knocking, and so on several times."
test-synth-case-77.wav,"a thud resonates as someone knocks on the wood, accompanied by a distant whir."
test-synth-case-78.wav,"as the train continues to move forward, there is a constant noise of friction between the equipment in the carriage."
test-synth-case-79.wav,"a train is running on the track, producing squealing and buzzing sounds."
test-synth-case-80.wav,"the train is running, producing clicking sounds from the track with the wind swooshing by."
test-synth-case-81.wav,gunshots and gunfire are heard in the distance.
test-synth-case-82.wav,"someone is mounting a bullet, so the gun is making a clicking sound."
test-synth-case-83.wav,there is a piece of the sound of gunshot.
test-synth-case-84.wav,"wind chimes sway in the breeze, continuously producing a clear and melodious sound."
test-synth-case-85.wav,"a gust of wind is blowing, and the wind chimes are making a crisp sound."
test-synth-case-86.wav,"a wind chime chimes as the breeze flows, each bell contributing to the harmonious melody."
test-synth-case-87.wav,this is a male voice synthesized by a voice synthesizer.
test-synth-case-88.wav,the male voice is currently generated by a speech synthesizer.
test-synth-case-89.wav,a person is speaking whose voice is altered by the synthesizer.
test-synth-case-90.wav,"a man is hitting the metal with a hammer, and the echo spreads far away, while the train is passing by."
test-synth-case-91.wav,"someone is using the hammer, producing a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-92.wav,"the hammer is banging something, emitting metallic sounds."
test-synth-case-93.wav,"someone's stomach is rumbling loudly, indicating a hunger pang as the digestive process continues."
test-synth-case-94.wav,the process of digesting food is taking place in the stomach and intestines.
test-synth-case-95.wav,"the stomach is making a sound, which indicates that someone is feeling hungry."
test-synth-case-96.wav,"someone is ringing the door bell, sounding like an urgent alarm."
test-synth-case-97.wav,"the doorbell is ringing urgently, sounding a bit harsh."
test-synth-case-98.wav,the alarm is producing rhythmic screeching sounds.
test-synth-case-99.wav,crickets and birds are chirping in a noisy environment.
test-synth-case-100.wav,crickets and birds are vocalizing and calling out with their songs amidst environmental noises and wind sounds.
test-synth-case-101.wav,the valley reverberated with the sounds of the birds.
test-synth-case-102.wav,a person is walking on the wooden floor.
test-synth-case-103.wav,a train is running on the track and producing a squealing sound.
test-synth-case-104.wav,"a train is running on the track, producing a squealing sound."
test-synth-case-105.wav,the sound of footsteps approaching the door is followed by the slamming of the metal door.
test-synth-case-106.wav,"a person is walking, accompanied by the sound of stepping on metal."
test-synth-case-107.wav,"someone is slamming the door, accompanied with the sound of footsteps."
test-synth-case-108.wav,a person is breathing heavily all the time.
test-synth-case-109.wav,a person's steady breathing accompanies his soft and oven voice.
test-synth-case-110.wav,"a person is breathing steadily, accompanied by his soft and oven voice."
test-synth-case-111.wav,"someone is walking, and there are also some people talking in the distance."
test-synth-case-112.wav,a person is walking on the road pace by pace.
test-synth-case-113.wav,"there is the sound of footsteps, accompanied the faint human voice."
test-synth-case-114.wav,"splashes of water leap around the faucet, producing a crisp and translucent sound."
test-synth-case-115.wav,"the splashes of water leap around the faucet, producing a crisp and translucent sound."
test-synth-case-116.wav,"water is trickling from the faucet, dribbling into the sink."
test-synth-case-117.wav,"the highway is bustling with non-stop traffic coming and going in both directions, which makes some roadway noise."
test-synth-case-118.wav,a car is running on the road with a vrooming sound.
test-synth-case-119.wav,"cars are passing by, contributing to the traffic noise on the busy roadway."
test-synth-case-120.wav,the door's hinges are making some upsetting noise when it opens or closes.
test-synth-case-121.wav,the door is squeaking under the action of the hinges.
test-synth-case-122.wav,"due to the lack of oil in the hinges, the door is grating."
test-synth-case-123.wav,this is a piece of music played on the piano and guitar.
test-synth-case-124.wav,the music with a strong sense of rhythm and a clear melody is constantly ringing.
test-synth-case-125.wav,the musical instrument is playing a piece of melody.
test-synth-case-126.wav,"someone is drilling into wood with power tools, creating a distinctive sound."
test-synth-case-127.wav,a person is drilling the woods with a power tool constantly.
test-synth-case-128.wav,someone is drilling the wooden material using a power tool.
test-synth-case-129.wav,"the rain is falling lightly, creating the soothing sound of raindrops."
test-synth-case-130.wav,it's raining and blowing with the sound of waterdrops.
test-synth-case-131.wav,raindrops are falling rhythmically against the windowpane.
test-synth-case-132.wav,a man is giving a passionate speech.
test-synth-case-133.wav,a person is talking loudly.
test-synth-case-134.wav,a man is using a microphone to give a speech vigorously and solemnly.
test-synth-case-135.wav,some animals and birds are making some weird noise.
test-synth-case-136.wav,the birds and animals are singing happily.
test-synth-case-137.wav,the bird is making screeching sounds.
test-synth-case-138.wav,water is flowing constantly in the stream.
test-synth-case-139.wav,the water is flowing in the stream and making a splashing sound.
test-synth-case-140.wav,the water is flowing and rustling in the stream.
test-synth-case-141.wav,the bell is ringing in the church.
test-synth-case-142.wav,the bell of the clock is ringing for one time.
test-synth-case-143.wav,the bell of the clock rings and makes a sound like chime.
test-synth-case-144.wav,"the train glides gently past, and its wheels rhythmitically clack to the beat of its slow, methodical movement."
test-synth-case-145.wav,"a train is running on the tracks, and its wheels are squealing in a regular pattern."
test-synth-case-146.wav,"a train is running on the tracks, and its wheels are squealing in a regular pattern."
test-synth-case-147.wav,"someone is playing percussion, drums and keyboards to make rhythmic and dynamic sounds."
test-synth-case-148.wav,"someone is playing the percussion, producing a piece of beautiful music."
test-synth-case-149.wav,someone is playing the percussive instrument.
test-synth-case-150.wav,"the rhythmic clatter of keyboards ebbs and flows, varying in volume from soft tap to loud clamor."
test-synth-case-151.wav,a man is constantly hitting the keyboard hard and quickly.
test-synth-case-152.wav,"someone is typing on the keyboard, making a tapping sound."
test-synth-case-153.wav,"accompanied by the rumbling of thunder, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, showing no sign of stopping."
test-synth-case-154.wav,"with the thunder rumbling, heavy rain is pouring down and rustling on the ground."
test-synth-case-155.wav,the sound of rain patters against surfaces while thunder rolls in the backdrop of a thunderstorm.
test-synth-case-156.wav,a man is making a strange sound.
test-synth-case-157.wav,"a man is producing a distinct, unidentifiable sound."
test-synth-case-158.wav,"a man's voice is speaking confidently, punctuating his speech with an emphatic 'oh-yeah'."
test-synth-case-159.wav,"cars are speeding by, continuously honking their horns, and creating a stir of wind and noise."
test-synth-case-160.wav,"the vehicle is speeding by, creating a noisy commotion as it stirs up a breeze."
test-synth-case-161.wav,"cars are passing by on the roadway, their movement punctuated by dings, knocks, and a symphony of traffic noise."
test-synth-case-162.wav,the mechanical fan makes a rumbling sound while it is working.
test-synth-case-163.wav,the mechanical fan is working with a buzzing sound.
test-synth-case-164.wav,the mechanical fan is buzzing while being turned off and on again.
test-synth-case-165.wav,the sound of knocking keeps going on and on.
test-synth-case-166.wav,someone is clicking things with the hands.
test-synth-case-167.wav,someone is clicking things with his hands.
test-synth-case-168.wav,a log fire crackles while it is raining outside.
test-synth-case-169.wav,"water droplets are falling on the surface of the rain shelter, making a crackling sound."
test-synth-case-170.wav,"raindrops are pattering on the floor, while the fire makes crackling sounds."
test-synth-case-171.wav,gurgling stream water is creating a natural melody.
test-synth-case-172.wav,"the sound of water flows continuously, producing a cheerful and pleasant melody."
test-synth-case-173.wav,"music is playing softly beside a stream, where water gurgles as it flows continuously."
test-synth-case-174.wav,"with the roar of the engine, the vehicle is speeding past and away."
test-synth-case-175.wav,"a car is pssing by on the road, producing a buzzing sound."
test-synth-case-176.wav,"the car is passing by, leaving a vrooming sound echoing."
test-synth-case-177.wav,"the chainsaw's engine is currently starting, preparing for sawing."
test-synth-case-178.wav,"the power tools are constantly operating, making a cacophony of noise."
test-synth-case-179.wav,"someone is using the power tool, with its engine roaring and buzzing."
test-synth-case-180.wav,"someone is surfing in the ocean, and the wind is causing microphone noise."
test-synth-case-181.wav,surfing in the ocean creates the sound of waves with wind-induced microphone noise.
test-synth-case-182.wav,"as the wind whistles, a man walks, his footsteps echoing in the stillness."
test-synth-case-183.wav,the sound of objects colliding is repeating.
test-synth-case-184.wav,"in the room, metal objects are clashing with each other making crisp sounds."
test-synth-case-185.wav,the metal objects are making clanging sounds as they drop on the floor.
test-synth-case-186.wav,"a man's voice is coming from the radio, accompanied by some murmur."
test-synth-case-187.wav,a man is saying something and then a speech synthesizer is repeating it in a lowering voice.
test-synth-case-188.wav,a man speaks a few words and the synthesizer repeats what he says in different sound effects.
test-synth-case-189.wav,the elevator arrived and emitted a crisp tone indicating its arrival.
test-synth-case-190.wav,the bell of an old-elevator is ringing with a sound of beep bleep.
test-synth-case-191.wav,the old elevator is beeping and bleeping as its sliding door opens with a bell.
test-synth-case-192.wav,the printer makes a noise while it is working.
test-synth-case-193.wav,a printer is working with the vrooming sounds.
test-synth-case-194.wav,the printer is swiftly assembling pages as its mechanisms whir in unison.
test-synth-case-195.wav,some kind of machinery is making a boom and buzz.
test-synth-case-196.wav,the machine is running and making a huge noise.
test-synth-case-197.wav,the engine becomes idle and makes weak vrooming sounds.
test-synth-case-198.wav,the water in the kettle is boiling and the kettle is whistling.
test-synth-case-199.wav,the water in the kettle is boiling and making an alarm sound.
test-synth-case-200.wav,the machine is running and making a huge noise.
test-synth-case-201.wav,"someone kept closing and opening the door repeatedly, making a very harsh sound."
test-synth-case-202.wav,the door is emitting a loud squeak and screech as it opens.
test-synth-case-203.wav,a door is moving and its rusty hinges are making screeching sounds.
test-synth-case-204.wav,the alarm is being played rhythmically.
test-synth-case-205.wav,the alarm clock is ringing regularly.
test-synth-case-206.wav,the sharp sound of an alarm or a siren makes an emergency or a need for attention.
test-synth-case-207.wav,a person is walking at a quick pace.
test-synth-case-208.wav,"someone is walking on the wooden floor, his footsteps are quick and loud."
test-synth-case-209.wav,"someone is walking on the wooden floor, producing the sounds of footsteps."
test-synth-case-210.wav,the cymbal is being struck with a continuous vibration.
test-synth-case-211.wav,"a cymbal is struck and it creates an echo due to the constant vibration, and the echo becomes weaker and weaker."
test-synth-case-212.wav,a cymbal vibrates continuously while the echo gradually descends in volume.
test-synth-case-213.wav,the electric fan is working and making a buzzing sound.
test-synth-case-214.wav,a mechanical fan is working with a buzzing sound.
test-synth-case-215.wav,"the mechanical fan is swirling, which makes a buzzing sound."
test-synth-case-216.wav,someone is playing a piece of music with the drum kit.
test-synth-case-217.wav,an elegant and pleasant melody through the musical instrument is refreshing and uplifting.
test-synth-case-218.wav,the musician is playing the drum kit to produce a piece of nice percussion music.
test-synth-case-219.wav,"motorcycle engine vrooms, revving and idling loudly."
test-synth-case-220.wav,"someone is starting the engine of motorcycle, making the sound of vroom. "
test-synth-case-221.wav,"someone is revving a motorcycle engine, producing a 'vroom' sound."
test-synth-case-222.wav,someone is braking with the tires squealing on the ground.
test-synth-case-223.wav,tires squeal on the ground as someone brakes forcefully.
test-synth-case-224.wav,a car is braking on the road with a revving sound.
test-synth-case-225.wav,"an explosion rocks the area, sending shockwaves through the air. microphone captures the deafening roar."
test-synth-case-226.wav,the rustling of the wind is followed by the distant thunder of an explosion.
test-synth-case-227.wav,the rustling of the wind is followed by the distant thunder of an explosion.
test-synth-case-228.wav,the water in the stream is gurgling and dripping.
test-synth-case-229.wav,"the water keeps flowing downwards, and there are splashes of water next to it."
test-synth-case-230.wav,"the water in the stream is splattering, producing the gurgling sounds."
test-synth-case-231.wav,"a man opened a bottle of drink, took a sip, and made a contented sound."
test-synth-case-232.wav,"a person is opening a can of soda, and the liquid fizzes as they prepare to drink."
test-synth-case-233.wav,"a person opens a can of soda with fizzes, and then he drinks it, leaving a satisfying sigh."
test-synth-case-234.wav,the wild animals are snoring loudly as they slumber.
test-synth-case-235.wav,an animal is sleeping with a snoring sound.
test-synth-case-236.wav,an animal is making a very low snoring sound.
test-synth-case-237.wav,"the bus, which had been traveling towards the observer, came to a smooth and measured halt, producing a subtle grating noise as its tires gripped the asphalt."
test-synth-case-238.wav,"the bus is braking, and the wheels rub against the asphalt road and make a shrill sound."
test-synth-case-239.wav,a bus is braking with a screech amid the traffic noise on the roadway.
test-synth-case-240.wav,the mechanical clock is ticking away.
test-synth-case-241.wav,the machine is making a constant rhythmic ticking sound.
test-synth-case-242.wav,the clock is ticking at a fast pace.
test-synth-case-243.wav,the melodious bell keeps ringing rhythmically.
test-synth-case-244.wav,the melodious bell rings rhythmically and continuously.
test-synth-case-245.wav,a bell is ringing in the church with a sound of dong.
test-synth-case-246.wav,"roadway noise and traffic blend as a can clangs, dropping with a coin."
test-synth-case-247.wav,"somone is knocking the metal things, making a clanging sound."
test-synth-case-248.wav,"someone is rhythmically tapping on a piece of metal, making it wobble."
test-synth-case-249.wav,a person is opening and closing the door constantly.
test-synth-case-250.wav,"someone is opening and closing the door, and the door lock clicks."
test-synth-case-251.wav,someone is opening and closing the door over and over again.
test-synth-case-252.wav,"the glass balls are colliding with each other, which makes a buzzing sound."
test-synth-case-253.wav,"someone is playing glass ball on the table, making a crisp sound."
test-synth-case-254.wav,"the glass balls are colliding against each other, making a clinking sound."
test-synth-case-255.wav,a group of birds are chirping fearfully in the thunderstorm.
test-synth-case-256.wav,"in the weather of heavy rain and thunder, the birds are chirping incessantly."
test-synth-case-257.wav,a bird is calling as thunder rumbles through the rain of the thunderstorm.
test-synth-case-258.wav,the alarm is getting louder and louder making an uncomfortable whirring noise.
test-synth-case-259.wav,a car alarm's brief tone is cutting through the noise with a persistent whir.
test-synth-case-260.wav,the sounds of a car's alarm are escalating and becoming unbearable.
test-synth-case-261.wav,squeezing a plastic bottle results in a series of crisp cracking sounds.
test-synth-case-262.wav,squeezing a plastic bottle results in a series of crisp cracking sounds.
test-synth-case-263.wav,"someone is squeezing a plastic bottle, which produces squeaking sounds."
test-synth-case-264.wav,"a helicopter approaches rapidly from a distance, its rotor blades creating a powerful and roaring noise as it speeds by."
test-synth-case-265.wav,"the helicopter flies by, with its rotor blades making a strong roaring noise as they move rapidly through the air."
test-synth-case-266.wav,"an aircraft is flying up to the sky, producing a vrooming sound."
test-synth-case-267.wav,someone is typing on the computer keyboard rhythmically.
test-synth-case-268.wav,someone is typing quickly on a computer keyboard.
test-synth-case-269.wav,someone is typing quickly on a computer keyboard with force.
test-synth-case-270.wav,someone is playing a piece of pure music that sounds peaceful.
test-synth-case-271.wav,"a musician is playing a musical instrument, creating captivating music."
test-synth-case-272.wav,someone is playing melancholic music with a sense of spaciousness.
test-synth-case-273.wav,someone is adding water to the bathtub.
test-synth-case-274.wav,someone is filling the bathtub with water and making a splashing sound.
test-synth-case-275.wav,"the water is pouring into the bathtub, making splashing noises."
test-synth-case-276.wav,"in a noisy environment, people are having a pleasant conversation."
test-synth-case-277.wav,a crowd of people are chattering inside a large room.
test-synth-case-278.wav,"a group of people are chattering in an echoing room, accompanied by occasional laughter."
test-synth-case-279.wav,"the pet cat is calmly breathing, and its chest is rising and falling in a rhythmic pattern."
test-synth-case-280.wav,a kitten is sleeping and purring regularly.
test-synth-case-281.wav,"a pet cat is sleeping in a room, making a sound of satisfied breathing."
test-synth-case-282.wav,the man said something while giving out horrible and harsh laughter.
test-synth-case-283.wav,a male is laughtering and then speaking in his creepy voice.
test-synth-case-284.wav,a male is laughing and talking hysterically in a cartoon voice.
test-synth-case-285.wav,"people are conversing and playing by the shore, where the sounds of waves, seagulls, and children playing create a lively atmosphere."
test-synth-case-286.wav,"in a noisy environment, men and kids are talking."
test-synth-case-287.wav,children and women are chattering amidst the background noise.
test-synth-case-288.wav,"amidst the roar of car engines, birds are chirping with their crisp and melodious tweets."
test-synth-case-289.wav,"in the forest, the birds are chirping incessantly. cars are passing by, making a lot of noise. "
test-synth-case-290.wav,there is the buzzing sound of engine mixed with the sound of birds.
test-synth-case-291.wav,"the lighter crackles as someone is striking the flint, igniting a flame."
test-synth-case-292.wav,"a lighter's flint is sparking, producing a crackling sound."
test-synth-case-293.wav,"someone is attempting to ignite the lighter, creating a crackling sound."
test-synth-case-294.wav,a man is stirring ice cubes and making some noise.
test-synth-case-295.wav,a man is saying something after shaking the ice cube.
test-synth-case-296.wav,"a man is shaking a can filled with food, and he is calling some domestic animals to have the food."
test-synth-case-297.wav,the car is passing by under the roadway noise.
test-synth-case-298.wav,"on a busy noisy road, several cars are passing by with their engine roaring."
test-synth-case-299.wav,"on a busy and noisy road, several cars are passing by with their engine roaring and vrooming."
test-synth-case-300.wav,"water, as a liquid, is gurgling and flowing smoothly."
test-synth-case-301.wav,water is continuously poured into a cup until it is filled to the brim.
test-synth-case-302.wav,water is gurgling as it trickles down a liquid pathway.
test-synth-case-303.wav,"in the forest, the birds are chirping incessantly, and someone is opening a door."
test-synth-case-304.wav,"as the train stops, someone opens the train door."
test-synth-case-305.wav,"an animal is running, a bird is singing, and footsteps are approaching as someone opens the door, while a train and a car are passing by."
test-synth-case-306.wav,"this piece of music is played by the keyboard, which buzzes and whirs as the mechanism produces a rich musical sound."
test-synth-case-307.wav,"accompanied by a great loud buzzing sound, a music is played with a musical keyboard."
test-synth-case-308.wav,"accompanied by a loud buzzing sound, a piece of music is being played with a musical keyboard."
test-synth-case-309.wav,"amidst the constant din of traffic, the birds are chirping cheerfully."
test-synth-case-310.wav,"in the forest, the birds are chirping incessantly. cars are passing by, making a lot of noise."
test-synth-case-311.wav,"cars are passing by on the road, mixing their hum with the occasional bird call amid the steady thrum of roadway noise."
test-synth-case-312.wav,a person is shaking the candies in the container.
test-synth-case-313.wav,"someone is crushing something, making some noise."
test-synth-case-314.wav,"something is being crushed by the tool, making crunchy sounds."
test-synth-case-315.wav,a car is passing on the road amid the background noise of traffic.
test-synth-case-316.wav,"amidst the roar of the engine, vehicles speed by, creating a commotion of swirling wind and noise."
test-synth-case-317.wav,"the roadway echoes with the roar of engines and the whoosh of cars passing by, a symphony of motor vehicle traffic noise."
test-synth-case-318.wav,"the keys are colliding with each other, which makes a jingling sound."
test-synth-case-319.wav,someone is looking for a key from a pile of keys that clash with a crisp sound.
test-synth-case-320.wav,"the keys collide with each other, making jangling sounds."
test-synth-case-321.wav,someone is typing proficiently on the computer keyboard.
test-synth-case-322.wav,a person is typing on the computer keyboard with proficiency.
test-synth-case-323.wav,"someone is typing on the keyboard, producing tapping sounds."
test-synth-case-324.wav,"the alarm clock is making a ticking sound, accompanied by the sound of water flowing."
test-synth-case-325.wav,the clock produced the sound of tick and then the water drips with the trickling sound.
test-synth-case-326.wav,someone is opening a metal container with a tick and then letting the water drip.
test-synth-case-327.wav,"water droplets are dripping into the river,  and the birds are chirping incessantly."
test-synth-case-328.wav,"a stream of water is flowing into a steady water, splashing, and a person is walking around, and then using a bailer to scoop up the water, and there are birds singing nearby."
test-synth-case-329.wav,"a bird sings while footsteps squish, filling the air with water's melody."
test-synth-case-330.wav,"a person is strutting confidently in high heels, clicking with each step."
test-synth-case-331.wav,footsteps are audible as someone is walking steadily.
test-synth-case-332.wav,"someone is walking on the wooden floor, making hard tapping sounds."
test-synth-case-333.wav,the music with a strong sense of rhythm and a clear melody is constantly ringing.
test-synth-case-334.wav,someone is playing musical instrument to make a beautiful sound.
test-synth-case-335.wav,"someone is playing the brass instrument, accompanied by a piece of beautiful music."
test-synth-case-336.wav,the man's voice is raised in excited speech.
test-synth-case-337.wav,a man is speaking something and yelling.
test-synth-case-338.wav,"a man is saying something and shouting, constantly repeating it."
test-synth-case-339.wav,the clock rang a few times and then stopped.
test-synth-case-340.wav,"a clock chimes and ticks, marking the steady tick-tock of time passing."
test-synth-case-341.wav,"a clock chimes, indicating a certain time has come."
test-synth-case-342.wav,the drum is being tapped by someone.
test-synth-case-343.wav,someone is tapping the drum.
test-synth-case-344.wav,"someone is tapping on a drum, creating a rhythmic beat."
test-synth-case-345.wav,a group of birds are chirping cheerfully in the tree.
test-synth-case-346.wav,"in the forest, the birds are chirping incessantly."
test-synth-case-347.wav,lots of birds are chirping outdoors.
test-synth-case-348.wav,a man is excitedly talking and screaming.
test-synth-case-349.wav,a man is shouting loudly and passionately.
test-synth-case-350.wav,a man is reading aloud from a manuscript with emotion.
test-synth-case-351.wav,"a printer is starting working, and the machine is emitting a screeching sound and a beeping tone."
test-synth-case-352.wav,the printer hums and whirs as it processes and outputs documents.
test-synth-case-353.wav,"the printer is working, creating a whirring sound as it produces the documents."
test-synth-case-354.wav,"someone is pouring water, filling the kettle with a steady stream."
test-synth-case-355.wav,someone opens the lid and pours some water inside.
test-synth-case-356.wav,"the kettle is whistling as water pours from the tap, adding to the domestic sounds at home."
test-synth-case-357.wav,the birds are singing with the noise around them.
test-synth-case-358.wav,"in the forest, the birds are chirping incessantly. "
test-synth-case-359.wav,lots of birds are chirping in the background noise.
test-synth-case-360.wav,a person is playing the music with a snare drum.
test-synth-case-361.wav,"a melody is ringing out, accompanied by the rhythm of the drumbeats, which is exciting and inspiring."
test-synth-case-362.wav,a drummer is playing the bass and snare drums while someone is jamming on a keyboard nearby.
test-synth-case-363.wav,a man is screaming in a hoarse voice.
test-synth-case-364.wav,a man is yelling loudly.
test-synth-case-365.wav,a man is making painful screaming noises.
test-synth-case-366.wav,the domestic dog barks continuously at passersby.
test-synth-case-367.wav,a group of dogs are barking and someone makes a sound.
test-synth-case-368.wav,a dog is barking while a person's soothing speech calms the household pets.
test-synth-case-369.wav,someone is playing percussion and drum to make rhythmic and dynamic sounds.
test-synth-case-370.wav,"someone is playing the drum, producing a sound of tick-tock."
test-synth-case-371.wav,"the drums are playing a rhythm, making a tapping sound."
test-synth-case-372.wav,the clock is running by the circle making some tick-tock sound.
test-synth-case-373.wav,the hands of the clock are ticking rhythmically.
test-synth-case-374.wav,the steady tick-tock of a clock punctuates the domestic sounds at home.
test-synth-case-375.wav,a person is walking with his keys jangling.
test-synth-case-376.wav,a man is fiddling with metal products to let them make a crisp noise.
test-synth-case-377.wav,"someone is trying to open the door with keys, creating a clanging sound, and then a sound of slamming the door is coming, accompanied by the background noise."
test-synth-case-378.wav,"on the broad street, there are only a few sounds of cars passing by."
test-synth-case-379.wav,there is a car passing by on the road at a constant speed.
test-synth-case-380.wav,a car is passing by with roaring engine on a noisy road.
test-synth-case-381.wav,the train wheels are squealing as they move forward.
test-synth-case-382.wav,"a train is running, accompanied by a squealing sound."
test-synth-case-383.wav,"the train's wheels are squealing and rattling as it moves along the rail transport track, occasionally squeaking."
test-synth-case-384.wav,water is dripping and splashing.
test-synth-case-385.wav,"water is rhythmically dripping, occasionally splattering and splashing, creating a soothing yet lively ambiance."
test-synth-case-386.wav,"someone is throwing heavy objects into the water, and the water splashes. "
test-synth-case-387.wav,this is a piece of synthetic electronic music.
test-synth-case-388.wav,an electronic melody emanates from the speech synthesizer.
test-synth-case-389.wav,"someone is playing video games, producing a piece of buzzing electronic music."
test-synth-case-390.wav,vroom! the car's engine is starting and accelerating.
test-synth-case-391.wav,"the car's engine starts with a vroom, idles briefly, then accelerates with a revving siren."
test-synth-case-392.wav,"the engine of a car is starting, roaring intermittenly, while a beeping alarm is ringing."
test-synth-case-393.wav,"with the howling of the wind, the person's breathing becomes increasingly heavy."
test-synth-case-394.wav,"with the howling of the wind, a person's breathing became heavier and heavier."
test-synth-case-395.wav,"a man is taking a deep breath in the wind, and there are cars passing by with a roaring engine."
test-synth-case-396.wav,the noise of static electricity began to persistently ring out.
test-synth-case-397.wav,a noise is buzzing around loudly and constantly in the air.
test-synth-case-398.wav,a machine is creating a loud buzzing noise.
test-synth-case-399.wav,the wood is being sliced or someone is sliding the door.
test-synth-case-400.wav,"as the door slides open, it makes a noise reminiscent of wood being smoothly cut with a precise slice."
test-synth-case-401.wav,the wooden door is sliding smoothly and slowly.
test-synth-case-402.wav,the exciting rhythm is produced by beating the musical instrument constantly.
test-synth-case-403.wav,someone is beating the drum continuously in a regular pattern.
test-synth-case-404.wav,"the musical instrument is being played, producing some musical sounds."
test-synth-case-405.wav,someone is knocking on the door repeatedly.
test-synth-case-406.wav,"someone is trying to open the wooden door, producing a jingling sound."
test-synth-case-407.wav,"someone is shaking the door from its knob, making jingling sounds."
test-synth-case-408.wav,the clock is ticking rhythmically.
test-synth-case-409.wav,"the clock is moving constantly, making a rhythmic sound"
test-synth-case-410.wav,the clock is ringing with the sound of tick-tock.
test-synth-case-411.wav,footsteps and human voices are being heard as a group of people are conversing while walking along the roadway.
test-synth-case-412.wav,"in a crowded place, people are conversing casually, while the sounds of various items colliding intertwine with each other."
test-synth-case-413.wav,"in a noisy environment, men and women are talking and people are walking."
test-synth-case-414.wav,the microwave oven is working and making a lot of noise.
test-synth-case-415.wav,"the microwave oven is working in the kitchen, producing a buzzing sound."
test-synth-case-416.wav,the microwave is making vrooming sounds as it works.
test-synth-case-417.wav,someone is clicking and double clicking the mouse.
test-synth-case-418.wav,a person is clicking the mouse to open something on the computer.
test-synth-case-419.wav,the mouse is making continuous clicking noises.
test-synth-case-420.wav,the motorcycle is passing by on the roadway and making vrooming sounds.
test-synth-case-421.wav,"the motorcycle is passing by on the roadway, making vrooming sounds."
test-synth-case-422.wav,"the motorcycle is running on the roadway, producing vrooming sounds."
test-synth-case-423.wav,the train wheels are turning forward.
test-synth-case-424.wav,"the powerful chug of a train's engine resonates, accompanied by the rhythmic clacking of train wheels moving along the tracks."
test-synth-case-425.wav,the train wheel is making rhythmic clacking sounds mixed with the swooshing sounds of air.
test-synth-case-426.wav,the music is playing and echoing.
test-synth-case-427.wav,"a piece of music is being played on the musical instrument, emanating an eerie and frightening atmosphere."
test-synth-case-428.wav,a piece of music is echoing in the room.
test-synth-case-429.wav,the train is currently passing through a noisy environment with roadway and traffic noise.
test-synth-case-430.wav,"the train is running on the tracks, and its engine makes a huge roar."
test-synth-case-431.wav,"a train is running on the railroad, making some traffic noise."
test-synth-case-432.wav,a man is sighing and speaking in a low voice.
test-synth-case-433.wav,"a man is sighing and speaking in a low voice, expressing his thoughts in a conversation."
test-synth-case-434.wav,"a man is taking a deep breath, then he lets out a sigh and speaks something."
test-synth-case-435.wav,a man is beatboxing rhythmically.
test-synth-case-436.wav,a man is engaged in rhythmic beatboxing.
test-synth-case-437.wav,someone is playing the beatbox.
test-synth-case-438.wav,someone's heart is beating violently.
test-synth-case-439.wav,the heart of a person is beating with a thumping sound.
test-synth-case-440.wav,"the heart is beating quickly, making thumping sounds."
test-synth-case-441.wav,a man is speaking quickly and loudly.
test-synth-case-442.wav,a man is speaking something and then he shouts loudly.
test-synth-case-443.wav,a man is shouting and making demands angrily.
test-synth-case-444.wav,the man is repeating words with the bird call.
test-synth-case-445.wav,"the man is currently repeating words along with bird calls, creating a harmonious blend of human and avian voices."
test-synth-case-446.wav,a male voice is repeating the same word in different intonations.
test-synth-case-447.wav,"the camera is currently taking photos and printing them, accompanied by beeping, hissing, and other mechanical sounds."
test-synth-case-448.wav,there is a continuous humming operational sound within the camera.
test-synth-case-449.wav,someone is adjusting the focus of the camera.
test-synth-case-450.wav,the printer is working with beeping sound.
test-synth-case-451.wav,the printer beeps before its engine starts working.
test-synth-case-452.wav,the printer makes a beep and then starts working.
test-synth-case-453.wav,someone is playing a piece of lively music with the drum and guitar.
test-synth-case-454.wav,"someone is playing a vibrant musical piece with a drum kit and bass guitar, creating an energetic beat."
test-synth-case-455.wav,someone is playing a piece of thrilling electronic music with the musical instrument.
test-synth-case-456.wav,"the phone bell is ringing rapidly, constantly swapping."
test-synth-case-457.wav,"the ringtones of telepnone changed three times, producing four kinds of ringtones."
test-synth-case-458.wav,the ringtone of a telephone is changing while it rings incessantly.
test-synth-case-459.wav,"amidst the wilderness, the resonant chirping of cicadas reverberates through the valley, while the  train whistle echoes softly in the distance."
test-synth-case-460.wav,"the crickets are chirping constantly, and a train is approaching, honking suddenly."
test-synth-case-461.wav,"a train is honking its horn, reminiscent of a cricket's chirp among the bustling rail transport."
test-synth-case-462.wav,someone shuts down the doors and makes some noise.
test-synth-case-463.wav,metal is being slammed hard.
test-synth-case-464.wav,"an iron door is slamming heavily, creating a loud noise."
test-synth-case-465.wav,"a man is talking and closing the door, followed by a female speech synthesized by a speech synthesizer."
test-synth-case-466.wav,"a man speaks while closing the door, accompanied by a synthesized female speech."
test-synth-case-467.wav,"some people are speaking, accompanied by a squeaking sound of doors."
test-synth-case-468.wav,"a person is operating a drill, a machine tool, with precision and accuracy."
test-synth-case-469.wav,"the drill is drilling the wood constantly, creating a great loud noise."
test-synth-case-470.wav,"the drill works steadily into the wood, generating a loud noise as it goes."
test-synth-case-471.wav,"in a noisy environment, people are engaged in comfortable conversations."
test-synth-case-472.wav,"many people are chatting in a restaurant, and there are babies giggling in the background."
test-synth-case-473.wav,many people are chatting and eating in a restaurant with a piece of tender light music.
test-synth-case-474.wav,an animal is chewing hard things forcefully.
test-synth-case-475.wav,a bird is eating by squeezing and crushing the food.
test-synth-case-476.wav,a bird squeezes and crushes its food while eating.
test-synth-case-477.wav,the sheep persistently bleat across the expansive prairie.
test-synth-case-478.wav,"on a farm, a sheep is bleating contiuously, sounds really painful."
test-synth-case-479.wav,a goat is bleating raucously.
test-synth-case-480.wav,a dog is barking in the open.
test-synth-case-481.wav,the dog at home is constantly barking in the open space.
test-synth-case-482.wav,there are lots of noises mingling with indistinctive dog barking.
test-synth-case-483.wav,"a synthesized speech, including a woman's voice, is merging with an electronic music drum beat."
test-synth-case-484.wav,"someone is playing the drum, accompanied with a female's speech."
test-synth-case-485.wav,"a speech synthesizer harmonizes with electronic music, blending drum beats and female speech into a rhythmic symphony."
test-synth-case-486.wav,"a person is washing with the tap on, and the water splashes and flows."
test-synth-case-487.wav,"the water in the kitchen is boiling, producing a gurgling sound."
test-synth-case-488.wav,the water is boiling and gurgling.
test-synth-case-489.wav,"sonar emits a pulse, echo reveals hidden objects."
test-synth-case-490.wav,"a sonar is echoing from a deep and vast space, really frightening."
test-synth-case-491.wav,the sonar is emitting a ping that reverberates with a distinct echo.
test-synth-case-492.wav,a man is making a vomiting sound accompanied by the sound of water vomit to the ground.
test-synth-case-493.wav,a man is being choked and flushing with water in front of the faucet.
test-synth-case-494.wav,"a man makes vomiting sounds, accompanied by the sounds of running water afterward."
test-synth-case-495.wav,"a man's fingers are very nimble, and he is tapping on the keyboard."
test-synth-case-496.wav,someone is typing on a computer keyboard at fast speed.
test-synth-case-497.wav,someone is typing on a keyboard with haste.
test-synth-case-498.wav,a kind of power tool makes a buzzing sound while it is working.
test-synth-case-499.wav,"the engine of a power tool is roaring, creating a calnging noise."
test-synth-case-500.wav,"the engine of a power tool is working, producing a constant buzzing and roaring sound."
test-synth-case-501.wav,birds are singing by the road and cars are passing by.
test-synth-case-502.wav,"the birds are chirping, accompanied with a vrooming sound of a car."
test-synth-case-503.wav,birds are chirping and tweeting their songs amid the backdrop of traffic noise and cars passing by on a roadway.
test-synth-case-504.wav,the train is running with birds chirping beside it.
test-synth-case-505.wav,"the train pulls into the station, and the wheels make a regular sound as they come into contact with the tracks."
test-synth-case-506.wav,"a train is rushing by, its wheels squealing on the tracks, while birds sing and call over the sound of rail transport."
test-synth-case-507.wav,"a person maintains a steady jog, their feet padding against the ground with a rhythmic thud."
test-synth-case-508.wav,someone is running with the sounds of keys and footsteps.
test-synth-case-509.wav,"footsteps are audible with the jingle of keys, as a person might be walking or starting to run, accompanied by human voices in the vicinity."
test-synth-case-510.wav,"the alarm is blaring loudly, sounding its urgent siren."
test-synth-case-511.wav,"there is a piece of the sounds of siren, making some noise."
test-synth-case-512.wav,"the siren is making a low, vibrating noise."
test-synth-case-513.wav,"a person is creating melodies on the keyboard, guitar, brass instrument, and piano."
test-synth-case-514.wav,a melodious and upbeat tune is continuously echoing through the musical instrument.
test-synth-case-515.wav,a beautiful and ethereal music is being played by the music instrument.
test-synth-case-516.wav,"a man is pulling on a pile of wood, and then he chooses a piece of wood and chops it into pieces."
test-synth-case-517.wav,"the man pulls on a pile of wood, selects a piece, and begins to chop it into fragments."
test-synth-case-518.wav,"someone is chopping the wood with force, producing a crunching and crinkling sound."
test-synth-case-519.wav,someone is ringing a bell and making a jingling noise to attract the cows.
test-synth-case-520.wav,"the wind chimes are making a crisp and sweet sound, and cows are mooing."
test-synth-case-521.wav,the sheep are baaing with the bell attached to their neck ringing as they move around.
test-synth-case-522.wav,"children are playing alongside the birds, creating a lively atmosphere with bird calls and their laughter."
test-synth-case-523.wav,"the cuckoos are chirping, accompanied by other bird calls and the sound of children."
test-synth-case-524.wav,the cuckoo birds are singing amidst the sounds of children shouting and playing.
test-synth-case-525.wav,the glass is being smashed by someone.
test-synth-case-526.wav,a glass is being smashed heavily several times.
test-synth-case-527.wav,"a glass is smashed, scattering shards over the floor."
test-synth-case-528.wav,the ocean waves are currently surging and creating a rhythmic sound.
test-synth-case-529.wav,the waves are ceaselessly surging in the sea.
test-synth-case-530.wav,the waves are surfing over the sea with a splashing sound.
test-synth-case-531.wav,"a man is eating and tapping the dishes with silverware, accompanied by the sound of tv."
test-synth-case-532.wav,"along with the sound of the tv broadcast, a person is quickly pulling food in a bowl, making the sound of iron spoons and bowls."
test-synth-case-533.wav,"the clinking of cutlery and dishes mingles with the sound of a tap running water and human voices, a symphony of domestic life."
test-synth-case-534.wav,"with the roar of the engine, the car is getting ready to start."
test-synth-case-535.wav,"the vehicle is speeding by, creating a noisy commotion as it stirs up a breeze."
test-synth-case-536.wav,the engine of a car is idling with a vrooming sound.
test-synth-case-537.wav,"someone is stirring the ice cubes in the glass, causing them to collide with each other and make a noise."
test-synth-case-538.wav,"a person is shaking the glass, and the liquid and the ice cubes in the glass are colliding with each other."
test-synth-case-539.wav,"as a person is shaking the glass, the liquid and the ice cubes in the glass are colliding with each other, creating a clinking sound."
test-synth-case-540.wav,"a person is currently operating a sewing machine, with the mechanism idling."
test-synth-case-541.wav,"a man stepped on the iron plate and made the sewing machine run, making a rumbling sound."
test-synth-case-542.wav,"the sewing machine is working, with the pedal squeaking."
test-synth-case-543.wav,"amidst the roar of the engine, the airplane speeds by, creating a commotion of wind and noise."
test-synth-case-544.wav,"the plane flying from a distance is passing overhead, and its engine makes a loud roar."
test-synth-case-545.wav,"an airplane with fixed-wing aircraft is idling on the tarmac, its engine humming like a bird at rest."
test-synth-case-546.wav,someone is sawing wood with a hand saw.
test-synth-case-547.wav,someone is sawing the wood constantly.
test-synth-case-548.wav,someone is cutting wood by using the saw.
test-synth-case-549.wav,"a train is passing by, and wheels are squealing on the tracks."
test-synth-case-550.wav,"the train wagon is rumbling along the tracks, signaling its steady journey in rail transport."
test-synth-case-551.wav,"a train is running on the tracks with its squealing wheels, and it is passing by at a high speed."
test-synth-case-552.wav,"a human is shouting a few times accompanied by some people talking, and then the drill makes some noise."
test-synth-case-553.wav,"a man is shouting and a woman is whispering, and someone is taking pictures with camera in the background, then a drilling is heard."
test-synth-case-554.wav,"a man is yelling to make himself heard to another man, and then there is a drilling sound."
test-synth-case-555.wav,"a man's voice is heard, speaking calmly and confidently as he delivers a thought-provoking speech."
test-synth-case-556.wav,"a man is saying something slowly, and his tone does not change a lot."
test-synth-case-557.wav,"a man is saying something slowly, with his tone not changing a lot."
test-synth-case-558.wav,the sliding door is being moved smoothly while running footsteps and whirring wheels can be heard.
test-synth-case-559.wav,"after the door closed, a series of urgent running steps echoed continuously."
test-synth-case-560.wav,"a person is sliding the metal door with light footsteps, and there is another person running by."
test-synth-case-561.wav,the engine of the motorcycle is accelerating.
test-synth-case-562.wav,"a motorcycle is driving fast on the highway, and its engine makes a huge roar."
test-synth-case-563.wav,a motorcycle is accelerating with its engine vrooming.
test-synth-case-564.wav,the rain is hitting the ground while the train is passing by.
test-synth-case-565.wav,"as the raindrops strike, they are falling down on the rooftops, creating a pattering sound."
test-synth-case-566.wav,"as the raindrops strike, they are falling on the rooftops, creating a pattering sound."
test-synth-case-567.wav,the train wheels are turning and making a creaking sound.
test-synth-case-568.wav,"the wheels of the train, with the action of a mechanical engine, are constantly running on the tracks."
test-synth-case-569.wav,"a train is approaching, and its wheels are squealing and clattering."
test-synth-case-570.wav,someone is loading and firing a gun.
test-synth-case-571.wav,someone is loading a pistol with bullets and shooting.
test-synth-case-572.wav,someone is loading the gun and shooting something with a booming sound.
test-synth-case-573.wav,water is dripping on the machine.
test-synth-case-574.wav,the rhythmic patter of dripping water harmonizes with the persistent hum of machinery.
test-synth-case-575.wav,"water is dripping and gurgling, a mechanism releasing a steady dribble of liquid."
test-synth-case-576.wav,"farm animals are vigorously chewing and roaring while their stomachs growl, indicating active digestion."
test-synth-case-577.wav,the gastrointestinal tract murmurs with rhythmic gurgles as it processes.
test-synth-case-578.wav,"livestock are chewing vigorously, their stomachs growling audibly as they begin the digestive process on the farm."
test-synth-case-579.wav,"a man is shouting in the valley, and in an instant the echo comes from the hillside."
test-synth-case-580.wav,"a man is falling from a height and shouting, and the echo spreads far away."
test-synth-case-581.wav,"a male is shouting loudly, peoducing an echoing sound."
test-synth-case-582.wav,"wedding music is playing, featuring an organ as the main instrument."
test-synth-case-583.wav,"the wedding music is sounding, composed of string and wind instrument, forming this beautiful music, and the music is interrupted abruptly."
test-synth-case-584.wav,"the wedding music is being played by string and wind instrument, forming this beautiful music, and the music is interrupted abruptly."
test-synth-case-585.wav,it is raining heavily accompanied with thunder.
test-synth-case-586.wav,"in a thunderstorm, the rain is falling heavily, pattering and splashing, and there are thunders booming in the sky."
test-synth-case-587.wav,"the thunderstorm brews with force, as thunder booms and raindrops fall in a torrent, signaling the intensity of the tempest."
test-synth-case-588.wav,"a person is patting and tapping clothes, creating rhythmic thuds."
test-synth-case-589.wav,a person is slapping something fast and violently.
test-synth-case-590.wav,"someone is tapping his clothes, producing a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-591.wav,someone is chewing some food.
test-synth-case-592.wav,the animal is chewing and crushing the food in its mouth.
test-synth-case-593.wav,the animal is chewing and crushing the food in its jaws.
test-synth-case-594.wav,someone is stirring the coins with his hands.
test-synth-case-595.wav,"a man is playing with coins with his hands, and the coins collide and make a crisp sound."
test-synth-case-596.wav,"a person is rubbing the coins with hands gently, creating a crumpling sound, accompanied by the sound of coins dropping."
test-synth-case-597.wav,the car passes by with the engine starting and idling.
test-synth-case-598.wav,"a car is passing by, with its engine roaring."
test-synth-case-599.wav,the truck's engine is roaring as it passes by.
test-synth-case-600.wav,the insects are producing a repetitive chirping sound.
test-synth-case-601.wav,a cricket is singing with the buzzing sounds.
test-synth-case-602.wav,crickets buzz as their internal mechanisms work like gears in the quiet of the night.
test-synth-case-603.wav,someone is typing on the computer keyboard with deft fingers.
test-synth-case-604.wav,"someone is typing on a computer keyboard with force, producing a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-605.wav,someone is typing on a keyboard with great force.
test-synth-case-606.wav,the cacophony of cicadas is continuing.
test-synth-case-607.wav,"lots of crickets are chirping near the lake, accompanied by a faint buzzing sound."
test-synth-case-608.wav,there are many crickets chirping in the grass continuously.
test-synth-case-609.wav,a man is laughing incessantly.
test-synth-case-610.wav,a man is laughing disdainfully.
test-synth-case-611.wav,the man is laughing scornfully and sarcastically.
test-synth-case-612.wav,the crickets in the grass are chirping non-stop at night.
test-synth-case-613.wav,the crickets are chirping continuously in the peaceful night.
test-synth-case-614.wav,"admist an environmental noise, a cricket is chirping constantly."
test-synth-case-615.wav,the door hinges are squeaking loudly as someone's hands push or pull the door open.
test-synth-case-616.wav,"accompanied by the sound of a key turning, the sounds of opening and closing doors are intermittent."
test-synth-case-617.wav,"someone is trying to open the door with a key, and the door lock makes a sound."
test-synth-case-618.wav,"in a noisy environment, men and women are talking."
test-synth-case-619.wav,"amidst a loud whirring noise, there is the sound of playing the drum kit and the noise of talking."
test-synth-case-620.wav,the crowd is chattering while a tambourine-like instrument is making clinking sounds.
test-synth-case-621.wav,someone is turning the turntable and dialing with the landline.
test-synth-case-622.wav,a person is dialing with the old-fashioned rotary phone slowly.
test-synth-case-623.wav,a person is slowly dialing a number on an old-fashioned rotary phone.
test-synth-case-624.wav,the subway is arriving at the station.
test-synth-case-625.wav,the train is moving forward on the rail.
test-synth-case-626.wav,"with the whine of the wind, the subway raced through the tunnel."
test-synth-case-627.wav,this is an energetic composition of electronic dance music.
test-synth-case-628.wav,someone is playing electronic music and drum to make rhythmic and dynamic sounds.
test-synth-case-629.wav,the musical instrument is playing a melody with percussion.
test-synth-case-630.wav,the shrill music was emanating from the musical instrument.
test-synth-case-631.wav,someone is playing the musical instrument with a buzzing sound.
test-synth-case-632.wav,the musical instrument is producing digital sound effects with buzzing sounds.
test-synth-case-633.wav,"the clock is knocked once, and then the wind chimes are blown by the wind."
test-synth-case-634.wav,someone is ringing the bell and the echo is melodious. and wind chimes are making a crisp and sweet sound.
test-synth-case-635.wav,"the bell rings and echoes, accompanied by the sounds of scraping of its rim."
test-synth-case-636.wav,"a person is rummaging through the container with his hands, shaking it incessantly."
test-synth-case-637.wav,"someone is shaking things in the container with hands, producing a clanging sound."
test-synth-case-638.wav,"someone is searching through the wooden objects in the container, producing clanging sounds."
test-synth-case-639.wav,"the vehicle is speeding by, creating a noisy commotion as it stirs up a breeze."
test-synth-case-640.wav,"a car is passing by on the road, producing a vrooming sound."
test-synth-case-641.wav,a car is running admist the traffic noise and screeching sounds.
test-synth-case-642.wav,"the vehicle is speeding by, creating a noisy commotion as it stirs up a breeze."
test-synth-case-643.wav,a motorcycle is passing by with a buzzing sound.
test-synth-case-644.wav,a motorcycle is vrooming on the roadway.
test-synth-case-645.wav,"a man lets out a strange and loud laugh, and the laughter gradually fades away."
test-synth-case-646.wav,"a man's laughter resonates, as his deep voice fills the room with a warm, contagious chuckle."
test-synth-case-647.wav,"a man chuckles, which develops into long-lasting laughter."
test-synth-case-648.wav,"it's time, the bell on the clock is sounding, and the bird is coming out to tell the time."
test-synth-case-649.wav,"a church bell chimes in the distance while a bird's call echoes, signaling an animal's presence."
test-synth-case-650.wav,"a church bell is ringing, accompanied by a bird chirping from a distance."
test-synth-case-651.wav,gunfire erupts as someone continuously shoots.
test-synth-case-652.wav,"someone is shooting with a gun, and the sound of the gun echoes around the space."
test-synth-case-653.wav,"someone is shooting with a gun, and the sound of the gun echoes around the space."
test-synth-case-654.wav,"a woman is currently singing solo, without accompaniment."
test-synth-case-655.wav,a woman was singing loudly with a melodious voice.
test-synth-case-656.wav,a female voice is chanting in a holy way.
test-synth-case-657.wav,the ticking sound of the clock is rhythmically composing a melody of time.
test-synth-case-658.wav,"music plays rhythmically, keeping time with the persistent tick-tock of a clock."
test-synth-case-659.wav,a thudding sound is created rhythmically like the tick-tock of the clock.
test-synth-case-660.wav,fireworks are sizzling as the fairy wand is being lit.
test-synth-case-661.wav,"the fireworks are burning, making a slight popping sound."
test-synth-case-662.wav,"the light of the fireworks is strobing at night, making a sizzling sound."
test-synth-case-663.wav,"crickets and birds are currently chirping here, creating a harmonious blend of sounds."
test-synth-case-664.wav,the birds are chirping melodiously in the peaceful night.
test-synth-case-665.wav,lots of crickets are chirping with the sound of bird calls.
test-synth-case-666.wav,"in the forest, the birds are chirping incessantly."
test-synth-case-667.wav,the birds are chirping in variations of tones and melodies.
test-synth-case-668.wav,the birds are tweeting and singing amidst the wind noises.
test-synth-case-669.wav,"music is currently being played on the flute, accompanied by the sounds of breathing and the woodwind instrument."
test-synth-case-670.wav,a piece of beautiful music is being played by the flute.
test-synth-case-671.wav,the flute is playing a piece of beautiful melody.
test-synth-case-672.wav,a person is typing proficiently on the computer keyboard.
test-synth-case-673.wav,someone is typing quickly on a computer keyboard.
test-synth-case-674.wav,someone is typing quickly by hand on a computer keyboard.
test-synth-case-675.wav,a person keeps flipping the switch on the machine.
test-synth-case-676.wav,"someone is flicking a mechanism, pressing the button among familiar domestic sounds at home."
test-synth-case-677.wav,someone is making flicking and clapping sounds at home.
test-synth-case-678.wav,"the sounds of the wind and rain intertwine, creating a harsh weather scenario."
test-synth-case-679.wav,"it is raining heavily, and the raindrops are falling on the ground, making a loud pattering sound."
test-synth-case-680.wav,"it is raining heavily and the raindrops are falling on the ground, making a dribbling and splashing sound."
test-synth-case-681.wav,"in the forest, the birds are chirping incessantly, and cicadas are making harsh cries."
test-synth-case-682.wav,"in the forest, the birds are chirping incessantly."
test-synth-case-683.wav,the cuckoo is cuckooing amidst the chirping of other birds.
test-synth-case-684.wav,"someone slammed the door shut, making a loud, shrill noise."
test-synth-case-685.wav,someone is closing the door with the squeaking sound.
test-synth-case-686.wav,"someone is closing the door, producing a series of clangs."
test-synth-case-687.wav,there comes a constant buzz.
test-synth-case-688.wav,"a continuous white noise buzz hums softly in the background, creating a calm ambiance."
test-synth-case-689.wav,a great white noise goes off continuously with an annoying buzzing sound.
test-synth-case-690.wav,"the train is passing through the track, and the wheels make a lot of noise. on the train, the woman is talking."
test-synth-case-691.wav,there is a squealing sound of train mixed with the voices of a loudspeaker.
test-synth-case-692.wav,a woman's voice on the loudspeaker cuts through the noise as a subway train's wheels squeal on the tracks underground.
test-synth-case-693.wav,some swoosh sounds make six times.
test-synth-case-694.wav,"a sword or something is waving by a person, sounds whoosh."
test-synth-case-695.wav,"suddenly, several loud swooshes can be heard."
test-synth-case-696.wav,someone's stomach is digesting and rumbling.
test-synth-case-697.wav,the stomach is currently digesting and rumbling with hunger.
test-synth-case-698.wav,"the stomach is rumbling, making digestive sounds."
test-synth-case-699.wav,birds are chirping in a noisy environment.
test-synth-case-700.wav,birds are singing amidst environmental and microphone noise.
test-synth-case-701.wav,"the birds chirped continuously, with a clear and pleasant sound."
test-synth-case-702.wav,"a person is frying the food, which makes a sizzling sound."
test-synth-case-703.wav,"someone is stir-frying food in a pan, making a sizzling sound."
test-synth-case-704.wav,"someone is frying food in the oil, producing a sizzling sound."
test-synth-case-705.wav,"a person is loading bullets one by one into the chamber of a pistol, and the mechanism emits a rhythmic clicking sound."
test-synth-case-706.wav,there is a piece of squeaking sounds of gunshot.
test-synth-case-707.wav,"someone is reloading the gun, producing a mechanical sound."
test-synth-case-708.wav,there are cows and crows on the farm.
test-synth-case-709.wav,"a cattle is mooing and a  crow is calling continuously, and there are other birds singing in the background."
test-synth-case-710.wav,"birds are vocalizing melodiously, cows are mooing, and ducks are quacking amidst the hum of human voices."
test-synth-case-711.wav,"after a person starts his car, the car is traveling on the road and its engine is making noise."
test-synth-case-712.wav,"a driver is starting the engine of a motor vehicle, roaring and idling, and then is driving away on a noisy road."
test-synth-case-713.wav,"a driver is starting the engine of a motor vehicle on the road, producing a vrooming and idling sound."
test-synth-case-714.wav,"the birds keep singing, as if they are singing happy music."
test-synth-case-715.wav,"in the forest, the birds are chirping incessantly."
test-synth-case-716.wav,"a bird is singing in the background noise, producing a crunching sound."
test-synth-case-717.wav,a person is writing on paper with a pen with microphone noise.
test-synth-case-718.wav,"someone is writing something on paper with a pen, making a rustling sound."
test-synth-case-719.wav,"a person is writing with a pen on the paper quickly, and there is some microphone noise due to the motion."
test-synth-case-720.wav,"the wooden floor creaks as footsteps pace, accompanied by thumps and thuds that suggest tools or heavy items being moved."
test-synth-case-721.wav,someone is walking on the wooden floor with the sound of thump and thud.
test-synth-case-722.wav,a carpenter is walking across the wooden floor; each step thumps and the tools hit the ground with a thud.
test-synth-case-723.wav,"the metal chair is rubbing against the door, squeaking and scratching with a harsh sound."
test-synth-case-724.wav,"someone is moving a chair, producing a screeching sound."
test-synth-case-725.wav,the chair is making a screeching sound as it produces frictions against the ground.
test-synth-case-726.wav,"following a blast of train whistle, the continuous screech of wheels against the tracks ensues."
test-synth-case-727.wav,a train is running with a honking sound.
test-synth-case-728.wav,"a train whistles loudly while its wheels clack on the tracks, as cars honk and pass by."
test-synth-case-729.wav,"as the wind howls on the road, a car passes by amidst the background noise of traffic, insects, and crickets."
test-synth-case-730.wav,"the vehicle is speeding by, creating a noisy commotion as it stirs up a breeze."
test-synth-case-731.wav,crickets are chirping amidst the traffic noise from the roadway.
test-synth-case-732.wav,"eerie music is being synthesized, creating an unsettling atmosphere."
test-synth-case-733.wav,a siren is coming from the synthesizer.
test-synth-case-734.wav,"eerie music is being synthesized, creating an unsettling atmosphere."
test-synth-case-735.wav,a man is writing quickly on a piece of paper with a pencil.
test-synth-case-736.wav,"a person is writing with a pen on a piece of paper, making a rubbing sound."
test-synth-case-737.wav,someone is writing quickly with force in the background noise.
test-synth-case-738.wav,the microphone is currently producing unwanted noise.
test-synth-case-739.wav,"someone accidentally touched the microphone, causing it to produce some noise."
test-synth-case-740.wav,"a microphone is picking up noise, buzzing with static interference."
test-synth-case-741.wav,a group of people are applauding and cheering.
test-synth-case-742.wav,"after class, the hallway is filled with the laughter and playful noise of young people as they chat and roughhouse."
test-synth-case-743.wav,"the sound of footsteps blends with the laughter, clapping, and cheering of a crowd, likely teenagers, as they walk and engage in lively chatter."
test-synth-case-744.wav,the waves of the ocean beat against the coast.
test-synth-case-745.wav,"the waves are surfing over the sea, producing a splashing sound."
test-synth-case-746.wav,the waves are splashing on the surface of the ocean.
test-synth-case-747.wav,the printer makes a noise while it is working.
test-synth-case-748.wav,the printer emits a rhythmic vibrating sound.
test-synth-case-749.wav,"the printer is working in the office, creating a clanging sound."
test-synth-case-750.wav,someone is playing a piece of lively music with the guitar.
test-synth-case-751.wav,the melodious music is being rendered through the musical instrument.
test-synth-case-752.wav,the guitar is playing a piece of beautiful melody.
test-synth-case-753.wav,many people are playing in the water park.
test-synth-case-754.wav,the adults and children are playing water and speaking something.
test-synth-case-755.wav,the adults and children are playing water and speaking something else.
test-synth-case-756.wav,the car is making some noise while accelerating its engine. 
test-synth-case-757.wav,the engine is vrooming as it is accelerating.
test-synth-case-758.wav,"the car's engine revs up, accelerating with a loud vroom noise."
test-synth-case-759.wav,"seagulls are flying in a noisy environment with roadway noise, traffic noise, and the wind causing microphone noise."
test-synth-case-760.wav,"with the cry of seagulls, the waves are rolling in the sea."
test-synth-case-761.wav,"in a noisy environment, cars are passing by and the birds are chirping incessantly."
test-synth-case-762.wav,someone is boxing sandbags heavily.
test-synth-case-763.wav,boxers are exchanging rapid strikes in the heated match.
test-synth-case-764.wav,"the boxer is throwing quick punches to hit something, and touching some metals by accident."
test-synth-case-765.wav,"someone is playing an electric guitar, combined with drums, making a dynamic sound."
test-synth-case-766.wav,"a band is playing rock n'roll, some of them are playing the guitar, some are playing the drum kit, some are playing the bass, and they are working really well together."
test-synth-case-767.wav,"someone is playing the musical instrument, producing a piece of musical sound."
test-synth-case-768.wav,a train is passing by and its horn is whistling.
test-synth-case-769.wav,"as the train whistles, the sound is reverberating through each railroad car, marking its journey along the tracks."
test-synth-case-770.wav,"a train is approaching, its wheels squealing on the track and its whistle is ringing at the same time."
test-synth-case-771.wav,"the music swishes and swooshes, creating a buzzing whoosh with musical instruments."
test-synth-case-772.wav,"the musical instrument is playing funny music, whooshing and beeping."
test-synth-case-773.wav,"music is playing while a musical instrument buzzes and notes swish, swoosh, and whoosh rhythmically."
test-synth-case-774.wav,this is a piece of music composed of synthesized sounds.
test-synth-case-775.wav,a piece of electronic music is being played with a buzzing and beeping sound.
test-synth-case-776.wav,the video game is playing electronic music with buzzing and bleeping sounds.
test-synth-case-777.wav,"a person is walking, and his footsteps fall heavily on the ground."
test-synth-case-778.wav,"someone is walking, and his footsteps are loud. "
test-synth-case-779.wav,"a person is walking on the road, producing a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-780.wav,raindrops are steadily flowing into a serene stream.
test-synth-case-781.wav,"the rain in the sky doesn't stop, and the raindrops hit the ground, making a sound."
test-synth-case-782.wav,it's raining hard with the dripping and splashing sounds.
test-synth-case-783.wav,the water is flowing and splashing smoothly.
test-synth-case-784.wav,"the water is flowing past, and it sounds very soothing."
test-synth-case-785.wav,a stream of water is splashing gently over the rocks.
test-synth-case-786.wav,the fire is roaring and crackling vigorously.
test-synth-case-787.wav,"the small flame is burning, making a slight crackling sound."
test-synth-case-788.wav,"the fire is hissing and the firewood is crackling, something is heating above them."
test-synth-case-789.wav,"in the forest, the birds are chirping incessantly."
test-synth-case-790.wav,"with the sound of running water, the animals are shouting."
test-synth-case-791.wav,a domestic animal is making vocalizations in the open.
test-synth-case-792.wav,train wheels are squealing loudly as they roll on the tracks.
test-synth-case-793.wav,"a train is approaching at great speed, and the wheels are making a squealing sound on the tracks."
test-synth-case-794.wav,"a train is approaching at a great speed, and the wheels are making a squealing sound on the tracks."
test-synth-case-795.wav,the birds are calling and the dog is barking.
test-synth-case-796.wav,"birds are calling, and a dog is barking amidst the background noise of traffic and passing cars."
test-synth-case-797.wav,the dog's barking and the bird's chirping are mixed with the traffic noises in the background.
test-synth-case-798.wav,the stones make noise while they are rubbing against each other.
test-synth-case-799.wav,someone is constantly spinning the stone with force.
test-synth-case-800.wav,the stone is making scratching sounds against the floor.
test-synth-case-801.wav,a human is talking and making some speech with a fiery tone.
test-synth-case-802.wav,a man is giving a speech on stage.
test-synth-case-803.wav,"a man is giving a speech in the huge auditorium, accompanied by echoes."
test-synth-case-804.wav,the machine makes a loud noise while it is sawing the wood.
test-synth-case-805.wav,the machine is running and making a huge noise.
test-synth-case-806.wav,"the saw is cutting some materials, making sharp buzzing sounds."
test-synth-case-807.wav,"the door is being pushed, and the latch is making a creaking sound."
test-synth-case-808.wav,the door is open and creaking due to the influence of the hinges.
test-synth-case-809.wav,"the door is being pushed, and the latch is making a creaking sound."
test-synth-case-810.wav,"power tools are operational, producing loud and abrasive sounds as they perform their tasks."
test-synth-case-811.wav,"the power tool is running, making a lot of noise."
test-synth-case-812.wav,"a person is drilling things with his power tool, producing a roaring and whirring sound."
test-synth-case-813.wav,"soaring in the sky, the seagulls continuously emit their piercing cries."
test-synth-case-814.wav,"the cries of seagulls are coming from afar, accompanied by the sound of rolling waves."
test-synth-case-815.wav,seagulls are calling out as they circle above the beach.
test-synth-case-816.wav,someone is chewing something crunchy at home.
test-synth-case-817.wav,"a person is chewing the food at home, making a crunchy sound."
test-synth-case-818.wav,someone is chewing something crunchy.
test-synth-case-819.wav,"the sound of thunder rumbles as rain pours down, accompanied by strong winds and a thunderstorm."
test-synth-case-820.wav,"a thurnderstorm is happening with the rain and wind, and a thunder suddenly follows it."
test-synth-case-821.wav,"a thunderstorm is unfolding, with rain and wind, as a sudden clap of thunder resounds."
test-synth-case-822.wav,"waves are crashing and splashing, sending spray into the wind-swept air above the ocean."
test-synth-case-823.wav,"with the rustling sound of the wind, the waves continuously produce a crashing sound."
test-synth-case-824.wav,the heavy rain is pouring down and rustling on the ground and the waves are beating against the shore.
test-synth-case-825.wav,the alarm is ringing continously.
test-synth-case-826.wav,the rhythmic and continuous sound of the alarm generates a sense of urgency.
test-synth-case-827.wav,"an alarm is blaring, with the siren's sound effect piercing through the air."
test-synth-case-828.wav,"the train's powerful horn echoes through the air, accompanied by the characteristic squealing of its wheels."
test-synth-case-829.wav,"a train is running, accompanied by the horning and squealing sounds."
test-synth-case-830.wav,"a train is approaching, its wheels squealing and horn honking amid the din of rail transport."
test-synth-case-831.wav,"a person is hacking away at woods with a loud, labored grunt, punctuated by the sound of weary breathing."
test-synth-case-832.wav,"a person is chopping wood, emitting heavy panting sounds."
test-synth-case-833.wav,"someone is choppping the wood, mixed with human voices and breathing sounds."
test-synth-case-834.wav,these are rhythmic sounds of beatboxing created by a person.
test-synth-case-835.wav,"someone is playing the beatbox, producing some musical sounds."
test-synth-case-836.wav,someone is trying to use his mouth to make beatbox sounds.
test-synth-case-837.wav,birds are singing in the thunder.
test-synth-case-838.wav,"amidst the thunderstorm, birds harmonize with nature's symphony, their calls echoing through the roaring thunder."
test-synth-case-839.wav,"birds are calling out as a thunderstorm rolls in, with thunder rumbling overhead."
test-synth-case-840.wav,many people are dancing and chatting to the music.
test-synth-case-841.wav,"accompanied by lively music, people are shaking and talking on the dance floor."
test-synth-case-842.wav,"a woman and a man are speaking as a crowd chatters, human voices mingling with electronic dance music in the background."
test-synth-case-843.wav,a person is snapping his fingers vigorously and rhythmically.
test-synth-case-844.wav,a man is snapping his fingers to make a crisp sound.
test-synth-case-845.wav,"someone is doing the finger snaps constantly, producing a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-846.wav,"the car engine is speeding, and then past the bus under the roadway noise."
test-synth-case-847.wav,"a car's engine roars as it passes by, adding to the roadway and traffic noise alongside a bus."
test-synth-case-848.wav,"on a noisy road, a bus is passing by, followed by a motorcycle, which engine is roaring as it accelerates slowly."
test-synth-case-849.wav,the car makes a loud noise while it is accelerating.
test-synth-case-850.wav,"amidst the roar of speeding cars, the chirping of birds can be heard intermittently."
test-synth-case-851.wav,a train is passing by with its engine roaring.
test-synth-case-852.wav,the telephone is ringing with a beautiful bell.
test-synth-case-853.wav,the cheerful ringtone of the cell phone is ringing.
test-synth-case-854.wav,the phone is ringing like music.
test-synth-case-855.wav,someone is playing musical instrument to make whoosh sound.
test-synth-case-856.wav,a piece of music is being played with a swooshing and buzzing sound.
test-synth-case-857.wav,the musical instrument is producing digital sound effects with swooshing sounds.
test-synth-case-858.wav,"cars are speeding past and away, which are making the roadway noise."
test-synth-case-859.wav,"cars are passing by, making a commotion of swirling wind and noise."
test-synth-case-860.wav,"the car is running on the road with a buzzing sound, accompanied by a sound of wind."
test-synth-case-861.wav,"the dogs are barking and growling, exhibiting their natural instincts as domestic animals and communicating their presence with authority."
test-synth-case-862.wav,"a pet dog is barking anxiously somewhere, as it spots something unfamiliar, and its paws are making a rustling sound because of the friction against the ground."
test-synth-case-863.wav,"a small dog is barking in a high-pitched noise, and its claws are fumbling against the ground."
test-synth-case-864.wav,wooden wind chimes are tinkling in the breeze.
test-synth-case-865.wav,"the wind chime is being moved by the wind, making a pleasant sound."
test-synth-case-866.wav,the wind chimes are making musical sounds as the wind blows.
test-synth-case-867.wav,"the train approaches, continuously ringing an alerting bell."
test-synth-case-868.wav,"the train is approaching, and the alarm bell is ringing continuously."
test-synth-case-869.wav,"a train is chugging along the railway, its bell ringing steadily with the rhythm of rail transport."
test-synth-case-870.wav,the car is passing by and accelerating with vroom under the roadway noise.
test-synth-case-871.wav,"the car is passing by, accelerating with a vroom, amidst the roadway noise."
test-synth-case-872.wav,the cars are passing by with buzzing and swooshing sounds.
test-synth-case-873.wav,"the clock is beeping and ticking, indicating an ongoing countdown."
test-synth-case-874.wav,a series of beeps can be heard from the electrocardiogram machine.
test-synth-case-875.wav,"when someone presses the button on the machine, it produces a sound of beep bleep."
test-synth-case-876.wav,"the vehicle is speeding by, creating a noisy commotion as it stirs up a breeze."
test-synth-case-877.wav,"the cars are passing by one after another, producing a vrooming sound."
test-synth-case-878.wav,"cars are rushing on the roadway, creating traffic noises."
test-synth-case-879.wav,motor vehicles are being heard passing by with engine noises amidst traffic sounds and roadway noises.
test-synth-case-880.wav,"the motor vehicle is starting up, emitting a loud roar, and then speeds away."
test-synth-case-881.wav,a motor vehicle's engine is humming on the road amidst the traffic noise and human voices.
test-synth-case-882.wav,the gun is firing multiple shots.
test-synth-case-883.wav,the air is abruptly filled with the sharp cracks of gunfire and the thunderous booms of explosions.
test-synth-case-884.wav,"suddenly, there is a loud and sharp gunshot, and the sound of gunfire is echoing in the air."
test-synth-case-885.wav,people are talking by the roadside and a car is passing by.
test-synth-case-886.wav,people are talking and laughing by the roadside and a car is passing by.
test-synth-case-887.wav,"the train is running on the tracks, and men and women are talking."
test-synth-case-888.wav,"an animal seemed trapped, emitting a dull low roar."
test-synth-case-889.wav,"an animal is screaming, and it sounds strange and terrifying."
test-synth-case-890.wav,"an animal growls in the distance, while closer by, someone is sobbing and another is screaming."
test-synth-case-891.wav,"a bunch of keys is currently jangling, creating a clinking sound."
test-synth-case-892.wav,a man is taking out his keys while the keys are jangling all the time.
test-synth-case-893.wav,the keys are jangling as they collide against each other.
test-synth-case-894.wav,"waves are crashing in the ocean, accompanied by wind and surf sounds."
test-synth-case-895.wav,the waves are beating the beach continuously with microphone noise.
test-synth-case-896.wav,"the waves are surfing on the ocean, with the wind blowing."
test-synth-case-897.wav,"a person is pouring hot water into a glass bottle slowly, and there are birds chirping in the background."
test-synth-case-898.wav,the sound of water pouring into the glass filled the room as the liquid cascaded from the pitcher.
test-synth-case-899.wav,the sound of water pouring into the glass fills the room as the liquid cascades from the pitcher.
test-synth-case-900.wav,the musical instrument makes a swishing sound while someone is playing it.
test-synth-case-901.wav,"someone is playing the musical instrument, producing the buzzing and swooshing sounds."
test-synth-case-902.wav,the musical instrument is making electronic sound effects with buzzing and swooshing sounds.
test-synth-case-903.wav,someone is playing a wonderful piece of music on an instrument.
test-synth-case-904.wav,"someone is playing the musical instrument, producing a piece of beautiful music."
test-synth-case-905.wav,the musical instrument is playing an ethereal piece of music.
test-synth-case-906.wav,"with the sound of drums, the beautiful music is constantly playing through the instruments."
test-synth-case-907.wav,"someone is playing percussion, drums and keyboard to make a beautiful song."
test-synth-case-908.wav,"the musical instrument is being played, producing a piece of beautiful music."
test-synth-case-909.wav,the individual is sipping water and audibly swallowing.
test-synth-case-910.wav,a man is sucking tea. he takes a sip and then swallows it.
test-synth-case-911.wav,"a person is drinking the hot water from the glass, and then there is a swigging and gargling of mouthwash."
test-synth-case-912.wav,"a certain tool is currently crinkling, creating a screeching and squeaking sound."
test-synth-case-913.wav,someone is cleaning the window with force and making a screeching sound.
test-synth-case-914.wav,something is making screeching sounds with the rolling tools.
test-synth-case-915.wav,"someone is placing pots and pans, while cuckoos chirp outside, creating a harmony of domestic and bird sounds."
test-synth-case-916.wav,"someone is tidying up pots and pans at home, while the chirping of cuckoos comes from outside the window."
test-synth-case-917.wav,birds are singing outside as someone places dishes and stirs in pots and pans at home.
test-synth-case-918.wav,the hinges of the door are squeaking.
test-synth-case-919.wav,the door is squeaking under the influence of the hinges.
test-synth-case-920.wav,a wooden door is making a long squeaking sound under the pinching of the hinges.
test-synth-case-921.wav,someone is playing a piece of music with a kind of musical instrument.
test-synth-case-922.wav,the crisp melodious rhythm continues to ring through the musical instrument.
test-synth-case-923.wav,someone is playing percussion and keyboard to make a beautiful sound.
test-synth-case-924.wav,"the fixed-wing aircraft is in the process of taking off, soaring into the sky."
test-synth-case-925.wav,"with the roar of the engines, the plane was taking off from near to far."
test-synth-case-926.wav,the aircraft creates swooshing sounds and it descends as the aircraft flies away.
test-synth-case-927.wav,the sound of cars coming and going on the road is accompanied by the chirping of cicadas.
test-synth-case-928.wav,lots of crickets are chirping together in the roadway noise.
test-synth-case-929.wav,"the crickets are singing in the wild, accompanied by unclear traffic noises."
test-synth-case-930.wav,the dishes make a crisp sound while they are knocking against one another.
test-synth-case-931.wav,"someone is tidying the kitchenware, making crisp sounds."
test-synth-case-932.wav,"someone is placing the pots and pans in the kitchen, producing a clanging sound."
test-synth-case-933.wav,there is a lot of noise inside a small room.
test-synth-case-934.wav,"various sounds, including clinks, drips, and swooshes, are filling the small room."
test-synth-case-935.wav,"someone is submerged under water, making a breathing sound."
test-synth-case-936.wav,"as the train continues to move forward, there is a constant noise of friction between the equipment in the carriage."
test-synth-case-937.wav,"the train is running on the track, producing a squealing sound."
test-synth-case-938.wav,"someone is sorting the dishes and silverware in a marching train, creating a clanging sound."
test-synth-case-939.wav,"someone is eating on the train, while the person next to them is typing."
test-synth-case-940.wav,"within the continuously moving train, someone in the carriage is sniffling."
test-synth-case-941.wav,"with the continuously moving train, someone in the carriage is sniffling."
test-synth-case-942.wav,a person is pouring water into the glass bottle to fill it.
test-synth-case-943.wav,"someone is pouring water into the bottle, producing a dribbling sound."
test-synth-case-944.wav,"the water is filling up the bottle, emitting dribbling sounds."
test-synth-case-945.wav,"on the highway, cars continuously race by, leaving a wake of whistling wind in their stead."
test-synth-case-946.wav,"cars are passing by, making a lot of noise."
test-synth-case-947.wav,"cars are passing by, contributing to the steady hum of roadway and traffic noise."
test-synth-case-948.wav,"the electric drill is sawing something, but the sound is not very loud."
test-synth-case-949.wav,"a person is drilling the ground with an electri drill, and this tool is making a great roaring noise."
test-synth-case-950.wav,"a person is drilling something with an electric drill, making a great roaring noise."
test-synth-case-951.wav,"among the chriping of birds, a bird that is close to the microphone is calling happily with a loud voice, and a seagull is singing out of sudden."
test-synth-case-952.wav,"at dawn, a seagull's sharp call blends with the soft songs of other birds."
test-synth-case-953.wav,"at dawn, the loud call of a seagull is heard, and there are other birds singing in the background."
test-synth-case-954.wav,the stream is gurgling and splashing.
test-synth-case-955.wav,the water is flowing in the stream with a gurgling sound.
test-synth-case-956.wav,the water is flowing in the stream and gurgling.
test-synth-case-957.wav,the pots and pans are colliding with each other.
test-synth-case-958.wav,the pans are bumping into each other.
test-synth-case-959.wav,the pans are colliding with each other noisily.
test-synth-case-960.wav,a vague human voice is coming from the speech synthesizer.
test-synth-case-961.wav,a vague human voice emanates from the speech synthesizer.
test-synth-case-962.wav,a human voice is talking but his voice is covered by much noise.
test-synth-case-963.wav,a man is making breathless exhalations.
test-synth-case-964.wav,a man is gasping for breath.
test-synth-case-965.wav,someone is breathing loudly and then making a phew.
test-synth-case-966.wav,the exciting rhythm is produced by beating the drum constantly.
test-synth-case-967.wav,"someone is playing percussion, drums and keyboards to make rhythmic and dynamic sounds."
test-synth-case-968.wav,the musical instrument is playing a piece of rhythmic music with percussions and electronic sound effects.
test-synth-case-969.wav,"the water in the stream is gurgling and bubbling, creating a soothing sound that is both natural and calming."
test-synth-case-970.wav,"the water is running in a hurry, and the splash makes a loud sound."
test-synth-case-971.wav,the water is flowing with the splashing and dribbling sounds.
test-synth-case-972.wav,the telephone is ringing continously.
test-synth-case-973.wav,the telephone is ringing rhythmically right there.
test-synth-case-974.wav,the telephone is ringing with a piece of ringtones.
test-synth-case-975.wav,"against the wind noise, a woman's voice is floating amidst the hum of human chatter on the busy underground subway."
test-synth-case-976.wav,"on the constantly moving subway, people are talking casually."
test-synth-case-977.wav,"a metro is running, accompanied by human voices."
test-synth-case-978.wav,"a series of explosions have boomed in the distance, echoing through the air with deafening force."
test-synth-case-979.wav,"there was a loud explosion in the sky, followed by several echoes."
test-synth-case-980.wav,there is a huge explosion and the air is trembled by the vibration.
test-synth-case-981.wav,many people are chatting in public and making noisy noises.
test-synth-case-982.wav,there are a group of people chatting with each other inside a big room.
test-synth-case-983.wav,"a bunch of people are chatting casually in the background, whose sounds are distant and ambiguous."
test-synth-case-984.wav,the airplane is skipping the sky.
test-synth-case-985.wav,"an airplane, a fixed-wing aircraft, is soaring through the sky."
test-synth-case-986.wav,"a fixed-wing aircraft is flying through the sky with roaring engine, accompanied by a loud noise."
test-synth-case-987.wav,crickets are chirping by the campfire.
test-synth-case-988.wav,the crickets are calling as the fire crackles.
test-synth-case-989.wav,"the fire is being lighted with a crackling sound, mixed with a sound of crickets."
test-synth-case-990.wav,"a section of music features a buzzing sound, likely created by a musical instrument."
test-synth-case-991.wav,"a buzz hums through the air, blending with the strains of music from a musical instrument."
test-synth-case-992.wav,"a buzzing sound hums, mixed with the melody of a musical instrument resembling statics."
test-synth-case-993.wav,"someone is percussively knocking on a metal bucket, mimicking drum sounds within the music."
test-synth-case-994.wav,"someone is tapping on a metal bucket continuously, which sounds like a drum, and there is a crumpling sound of this person's clothes."
test-synth-case-995.wav,"someone is tapping on a metal bucket, creating a percussive sound."
test-synth-case-996.wav,"a percussion piece is being played, accompanied by cheerful orchestral instruments."
test-synth-case-997.wav,percussion rhythms resonate as a drum is played in a vibrant musical performance.
test-synth-case-998.wav,"a piece of rhythmic music is being played, accompanied by percussive sounds"
test-synth-case-999.wav,"amid the rhythmic medley of raindrops and a passing car, footsteps are creating a gentle harmony by the stream."
test-synth-case-1000.wav,a person is walking in the rain when a car is speeding by.
test-synth-case-1001.wav,"footsteps splash through a stream while a car passes by, and raindrops patter onto the water."
test-synth-case-1002.wav,a piercing melody of music continuously resonates in the ears.
test-synth-case-1003.wav,"the bomb is exploding, making a harsh noise."
test-synth-case-1004.wav,music is playing as thunder cracks and booms echo through the hissing thunderstorm.
test-synth-case-1005.wav,this is a piece of music that uses drums and woodwind instruments.
test-synth-case-1006.wav,someone is playing a piece of music with drum.
test-synth-case-1007.wav,various musical instruments are being combined to create passionate and heart-stirring works.
test-synth-case-1008.wav,"someone is shooting, several shots in a row."
test-synth-case-1009.wav,"someone is playing video games, producing a sound of gunshots and explosion."
test-synth-case-1010.wav,the video game is producing gunfire sounds and explosions.
test-synth-case-1011.wav,the engine makes a noise while it is starting.
test-synth-case-1012.wav,"the motorcycle is driving far away, and its engine make a huge noise at first."
test-synth-case-1013.wav,a motorcycle is passing by with a vrooming and roaring engine on a noisy road.
test-synth-case-1014.wav,trains are thundering in and out at a subway station.
test-synth-case-1015.wav,the train begins with a gradual acceleration and then races past at high speed.
test-synth-case-1016.wav,"a train is accelerating its speed underground, with its wheels squealing loudly."
test-synth-case-1017.wav,"someone is sharpening the knife, which makes a clinking sound."
test-synth-case-1018.wav,"someone is sharpening a knife in the kitchen, producing a clinking sound."
test-synth-case-1019.wav,someone is sharpening the knife against the grinder while creating a clinking sound.
test-synth-case-1020.wav,a person is flicking through the pages.
test-synth-case-1021.wav,"someone is flipping the pages of a book, producing a crinkling sound."
test-synth-case-1022.wav,"someone is turning the pages, creating crumpling sounds."
test-synth-case-1023.wav,a gust of wind is blowing and the birds are chirping and singing.
test-synth-case-1024.wav,"there are many birds calling happily in the early morning, accompanied by the environmental noise."
test-synth-case-1025.wav,"birds are chirping joyfully in the early morning, amidst ambient sounds."
test-synth-case-1026.wav,the sound of glass shattering can be heard as someone forcefully breaks the glass object.
test-synth-case-1027.wav,"the glass bottles shatter one after another, creating a sustained cracking noise."
test-synth-case-1028.wav,the glass is being shattered with the clinking sounds.
test-synth-case-1029.wav,someone is hearing several whooshing sounds.
test-synth-case-1030.wav,"someone is brushing things, producing a constant swooshing sound."
test-synth-case-1031.wav,someone is making a swooshing sound.
test-synth-case-1032.wav,"someone is flushing the toilet, creating a splashing and dribbling sound."
test-synth-case-1033.wav,"after the rush of a toilet flush, a dribble of water flows, trickling to a stop."
test-synth-case-1034.wav,"a person is flushing the toilet, and the water is gurgling until it ends."
test-synth-case-1035.wav,the glass bottle is rolling on the ground.
test-synth-case-1036.wav,"the glass bottle rolled continuously, producing a crisp ringing sound."
test-synth-case-1037.wav,"a glass bottle is rolling back and forth on a wooden surface, creating a clinking sound."
test-synth-case-1038.wav,the waves of the sea are surging.
test-synth-case-1039.wav,the huge waves are crashing together over the sea.
test-synth-case-1040.wav,"the huge waves are crashing together over the sea, producing a splashing sound."
test-synth-case-1041.wav,the radio is making static and tapping sounds amidst background noises.
test-synth-case-1042.wav,the radio kept emitting a harsh electric current sound after it was turned on.
test-synth-case-1043.wav,"static crackles as a tap comes through the background noise of a radio, indicative of electricity at play within the device."
test-synth-case-1044.wav,the cat is meowing while the dog is barking.
test-synth-case-1045.wav,the dog is barking at the meowing cat.
test-synth-case-1046.wav,a cat is purring and chewing food while a dog is barking in a small room.
test-synth-case-1047.wav,light footsteps can be heard as someone trudges through the snow.
test-synth-case-1048.wav,"a person is walking on the sand, his shoes rubbing against the sand and making a sound."
test-synth-case-1049.wav,"a person is walking on the snow slowly in a cold day, producing a scrunching sound of footsteps."
test-synth-case-1050.wav,the tool's mechanism is producing an audible electric current sound.
test-synth-case-1051.wav,the tool is making an electric current sound while it working.
test-synth-case-1052.wav,"the machine is running, and there is also a crackling sound of electricity current."
test-synth-case-1053.wav,"people are engaging in conversation, chatting with each other, including women, men, and children."
test-synth-case-1054.wav,"in a noisy environment, men and women are talking."
test-synth-case-1055.wav,a crowd of adults and children are chattering in the noisy street.
test-synth-case-1056.wav,a person is pouring the liquid into a container and it fizzs.
test-synth-case-1057.wav,"liquid is sparkling and fizzing as it pours, filling the glass with bubbles."
test-synth-case-1058.wav,the soda is fizzling and bubbling as it is poured into the glass.
test-synth-case-1059.wav,a person is knocking at the door.
test-synth-case-1060.wav,someone is knocking the wooden door rhythmically.
test-synth-case-1061.wav,someone is knocking the door with rhythm.
test-synth-case-1062.wav,this piece of music is composed of electronic sounds and buzzing instruments.
test-synth-case-1063.wav,"a beeping alarm is played with the musical instrument, accompanied by a constant loud buzzing noise."
test-synth-case-1064.wav,"a beeping alarm is being played by the musical instrument, accompanied by a constant loud buzzing noise."
test-synth-case-1065.wav,someone is playing a piece of percusion with a bass guitar and a drum.
test-synth-case-1066.wav,one person plays percussion with a musical instrument called bass guitar.
test-synth-case-1067.wav,the musical instrument is playing rhythmic electronic music.
test-synth-case-1068.wav,a fixed-wing aircraft is flying by with a deep noise from its engine.
test-synth-case-1069.wav,"a fixed-wing aircraft is flying through the sky with roaring engine, and there are crickets in the grass."
test-synth-case-1070.wav,"an airplane is flying across the sky, creating obscure noises mixed with the sounds of crickets on the ground."
test-synth-case-1071.wav,a lively crowd is enthusiastically clapping and cheering.
test-synth-case-1072.wav,"the crowd is applauding, cheering, and yelling to express their excitement."
test-synth-case-1073.wav,a crowd of people are cheering and clapping in the stadium.
test-synth-case-1074.wav,"with the sound of the car horn, a car is speeding past and gradually away."
test-synth-case-1075.wav,"a car is running with a buzzing sound, accompanied by a honking sound."
test-synth-case-1076.wav,a car is running on the roadway while suddenly making a honk.
test-synth-case-1077.wav,"someone is playing the piano, producing a tender and beautiful music."
test-synth-case-1078.wav,"a piano's keys dance to life, weaving intricate melodies into the surrounding music."
test-synth-case-1079.wav,someone is playing a beautiful and curing music with piano.
test-synth-case-1080.wav,a train is passing by at a constant speed on the tracks.
test-synth-case-1081.wav,"a train engine is rumbling down the tracks as the train whistle sounds, signaling a truck to halt."
test-synth-case-1082.wav,a train engine is rumbling down the tracks as the train whistles and emits smoke.
test-synth-case-1083.wav,the engine is revving up with a vrooming sound.
test-synth-case-1084.wav,the persistent rhythm of machine persists endlessly.
test-synth-case-1085.wav,the engine is idling and accelerating with a vrooming sound.
test-synth-case-1086.wav,"footsteps and crinkling sounds are heard as someone walks on crumpled, windblown ground."
test-synth-case-1087.wav,"with the roar of the wind, a person continues to walk through the snowdrifts."
test-synth-case-1088.wav,"someone is walking on a road covered with gravel and maple leaves, making a squeaking sound."
test-synth-case-1089.wav,the crisp rhythm is repeated by beating the drum.
test-synth-case-1090.wav,"someone is playing percussion, drums and keyboards to make rhythmic and dynamic sounds."
test-synth-case-1091.wav,"someone is playing the drum, producing a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-1092.wav,the train makes a squealing sound while it is moving on the track.
test-synth-case-1093.wav,"with the roar of the engine, there is a constant friction between the wheels."
test-synth-case-1094.wav,a train is running with its wheels squealing on the track.
test-synth-case-1095.wav,"the bomb, which is placed nearby, is starting to emit ominous hissing sounds."
test-synth-case-1096.wav,an explosion is happening with a booming sound.
test-synth-case-1097.wav,there is a huge explosion followed by echoes.
test-synth-case-1098.wav,crickets are calling continuously in the gentle breeze.
test-synth-case-1099.wav,"the crickets in the grass are making a constant buzzing sound, adding to the evening's natural harmony."
test-synth-case-1100.wav,the cricket is singing amidst a loud vrooming sound.
test-synth-case-1101.wav,a person is typing on the computer keyboard and it is raining heavily outside.
test-synth-case-1102.wav,"the water of waterfall is falling down, accompanied by a splashing and dribbling sound."
test-synth-case-1103.wav,"the waterfall is making loud splashing sounds, accompanied by occasional tapping sounds."
test-synth-case-1104.wav,the speech synthesizer is continuously emitting a vrooming sound.
test-synth-case-1105.wav,the voice synthesizer is making a whooshing sound.
test-synth-case-1106.wav,"someone is starting the engine, producing a sound effect of buzz."
test-synth-case-1107.wav,this is a piece of percussion music played by drums.
test-synth-case-1108.wav,the music with a strong sense of rhythm and a clear melody is constantly ringing.
test-synth-case-1109.wav,the drum set is playing a piece of rhythm.
test-synth-case-1110.wav,"a person is walking on a path, and there are birds chirping in the bakcground."
test-synth-case-1111.wav,"a person is walking on a path, creating a rustling sound, and there are birds chirping in the bakcground."
test-synth-case-1112.wav,"a person is walking on a path, creating a rustling sound with a chirping sound of birds."
test-synth-case-1113.wav,"someone is pouring water into the container, and the water splashes and makes a sound."
test-synth-case-1114.wav,"someone is pouring the water into the cup, which produces the fizzing sounds."
test-synth-case-1115.wav,liquid is fizzing and splashing as i pour and fill the glass.
test-synth-case-1116.wav,the extremely shrill cries are continuing.
test-synth-case-1117.wav,the extremely shrill screams continue unabated.
test-synth-case-1118.wav,someone is screaming hysterically.
test-synth-case-1119.wav,"a person is walking on the leaves, and the grass is being trampled."
test-synth-case-1120.wav,footsteps crunch along the gravel path as one walks.
test-synth-case-1121.wav,"a person is walking on the path, creating a scrunching sound, and accompanied by the chirping of crickets."
test-synth-case-1122.wav,a child is making some baby murmuring.
test-synth-case-1123.wav,a child's voice is filling the air as the kid talks animatedly.
test-synth-case-1124.wav,"a child is talking, repeating some of the same sounds."
test-synth-case-1125.wav,"a person walks slowly on the snow at first, and then starts to stomp the feet hastily."
test-synth-case-1126.wav,"someone is walking slowly on the snow, and then this person speeds up out of sudden, creating a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-1127.wav,"someone is walking slowly on the snow, and then this person is running suddenly, creating a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-1128.wav,a gunshot rings out as the trigger is pulled.
test-synth-case-1129.wav,a person is loading the gun swiftly with skillful technique.
test-synth-case-1130.wav,a person is loading the gun swiftly and then shooting something with a squeaking sound.
test-synth-case-1131.wav,the wild animals are roaring with the stream gurgling.
test-synth-case-1132.wav,"the water in the stream is gurgling and bubbling, creating a soothing sound that is both natural and calming."
test-synth-case-1133.wav,the water is flowing and gurgling in the stream.
test-synth-case-1134.wav,someone is playing a piece of beautiful music with an instrument.
test-synth-case-1135.wav,"in the distance, there is a burst of music played by the brass instrument."
test-synth-case-1136.wav,some kind of musical instrument is playing spacious music that echoes in the room.
test-synth-case-1137.wav,"the clock's gears are turning, and the tick-tock sound is a constant reminder of passing time."
test-synth-case-1138.wav,"the gears of the machine were turning, slowly at first, then faster."
test-synth-case-1139.wav,someone is adjusting the tools making clicking sounds from the gear.
test-synth-case-1140.wav,"the train is passing by, and the wheels are squealing."
test-synth-case-1141.wav,"the train is running on the track, and the wheels are making sound."
test-synth-case-1142.wav,"the train is rumbling down the track, contributing to the traffic noise."
test-synth-case-1143.wav,a group of birds are chirping cheerfully.
test-synth-case-1144.wav,"in the woods, many birds are chirping and singing."
test-synth-case-1145.wav,the birds are chirping in variations of tones and melodies.
test-synth-case-1146.wav,"when an aircraft is starting, the engine is making the booming noise. "
test-synth-case-1147.wav,the aircraft engine is rumbling with a loud noise.
test-synth-case-1148.wav,"the aircraft is flying in the air, and its engine is making a great, loud noise."
test-synth-case-1149.wav,someone is working with an electric drill.
test-synth-case-1150.wav,someone is using the electric drill with a buzzing sound.
test-synth-case-1151.wav,"the electric tool is drilling something, making buzzing sounds."
test-synth-case-1152.wav,"with the engine roaring, the aircraft is preparing to take off."
test-synth-case-1153.wav,"the electric drill is suddenly turned on with increasingly louder buzzing noises, and then it subsides."
test-synth-case-1154.wav,someone is using the electric drill with its engine vrooming.
test-synth-case-1155.wav,an instrument is making a 'ding' sound.
test-synth-case-1156.wav,the bell is ringing with a sound of ding.
test-synth-case-1157.wav,"the bell rings, making a sound of ding."
test-synth-case-1158.wav,the fire is roaring and crackling vigorously.
test-synth-case-1159.wav,"the fire is burning, making a crackling sound."
test-synth-case-1160.wav,"the fire is lighted, producing the crackling sounds."
test-synth-case-1161.wav,"among the voices of the people's conversation, the sound of someone walking could be heard."
test-synth-case-1162.wav,there are sounds of crickets and footsteps along with human voices.
test-synth-case-1163.wav,"a crowd murmurs in conversation, footsteps and a train's rhythm blend as crickets chirp nearby."
test-synth-case-1164.wav,"a person is walking on the hard ground, accompanied by heavy footsteps."
test-synth-case-1165.wav,footsteps are echoing as someone walks down the hallway.
test-synth-case-1166.wav,"someone is walking, accompanied by the rustling of soft materials."
test-synth-case-1167.wav,the alarm clock is ringing.
test-synth-case-1168.wav,the gears of the clock are starting and the clock is ticking.
test-synth-case-1169.wav,"as the gear is working, the clock rings with the sound of tick."
test-synth-case-1170.wav,"a person walks slowly through the snow, gradually moving further away."
test-synth-case-1171.wav,"someone is walking along the path covered with gravel and maple leaves, and the footsteps make a crisp sound."
test-synth-case-1172.wav,"a person is walking on a path covered with leaves and branches, producing a scrunching sound."
test-synth-case-1173.wav,"ocean waves are rolling and crashing, creating a powerful surf."
test-synth-case-1174.wav,"in the endless sea, the waves are rolling back and forth constantly, creating a splashing sound."
test-synth-case-1175.wav,"waves are rolling endlessly in the sea, producing a constant splashing sound."
test-synth-case-1176.wav,"a person is chopping down wood, accompanied by a faint breath."
test-synth-case-1177.wav,a person is breathing heavily while chopping wood with a hammer and other tools.
test-synth-case-1178.wav,someone is chopping wooden objects and making distinct breathing sounds.
test-synth-case-1179.wav,a woman keeps speaking something.
test-synth-case-1180.wav,"a woman is talking with others, contributing to the symphony of human speech sounds."
test-synth-case-1181.wav,a woman is repeating her words with different mood and intonation.
test-synth-case-1182.wav,the printer mechanism is busily churning out documents.
test-synth-case-1183.wav,"a printer is working, scanning the documents slowly with the signal."
test-synth-case-1184.wav,"a printer is scanning documents slowly, accompanied by a beeping signal."
test-synth-case-1185.wav,dishes and silverware are clinking as someone plays.
test-synth-case-1186.wav,"the metal drops on the silverware, producing clinking sounds."
test-synth-case-1187.wav,"the metals are clanging together, accompanied by birds' noises in the background."
test-synth-case-1188.wav,the ambulance is passing by on the road with the alarm on.
test-synth-case-1189.wav,the ambulance is sounding a constant siren.
test-synth-case-1190.wav,the siren is ringing as the vehicle runs by.
test-synth-case-1191.wav,"in the forest, the birds are chirping incessantly.  and cicadas are making harsh cries."
test-synth-case-1192.wav,lots of crickets are chirping in the background noise.
test-synth-case-1193.wav,a cricket is singing amidst the background noise.
test-synth-case-1194.wav,the waves are surging and the human is speaking by the ocean.
test-synth-case-1195.wav,"water is flowing rapidly, producing a bubbling or gurgling noise as it moves."
test-synth-case-1196.wav,"in the forest, with the sound of the wind, the birds are chirping incessantly."
test-synth-case-1197.wav,a man finished a speech when there was a grating noise of friction.
test-synth-case-1198.wav,a man is speaking and then rubbing things.
test-synth-case-1199.wav,a man is speaking and then there is some rustling sounds.
test-synth-case-1200.wav,a man in the bathroom is brushing his teeth quickly and constantly.
test-synth-case-1201.wav,"someone is brushing their teeth, making a loud friction sound."
test-synth-case-1202.wav,someone is brushing the teeth in the bathroom.
test-synth-case-1203.wav,"a delightful piece of music is being played on the glockenspiel, which creates a magical buzz."
test-synth-case-1204.wav,"a piece of music resembling special effects is being played, with a very fast rhythm."
test-synth-case-1205.wav,a musical instrument is playing electronic music of buzzes that sounds bouncy.
test-synth-case-1206.wav,the race car is passing by and the engine is accelerating with vroom loudly.
test-synth-case-1207.wav,"the race car's engine revs, accelerating with a vroom as it drifts on the racetrack."
test-synth-case-1208.wav,"the engine of a race car is roaring on the road, and its wheels are screeching when it turns the direction or changes the speed."
test-synth-case-1209.wav,the voices of a man and a woman came from the room.
test-synth-case-1210.wav,"a man is saying things in the background, and a woman is saying things with clear voice."
test-synth-case-1211.wav,"a male and a female are speaking, their conversation contributing to the hum of human voices."
test-synth-case-1212.wav,"someone is beatboxing with skillfull technique, creating a rhythmic music."
test-synth-case-1213.wav,"a person skillfully layers beats with their voice, mimicking a full range of musical instruments through beatboxing."
test-synth-case-1214.wav,"someone is beatboxing with skillfull technique, creating a rhythmic music."
test-synth-case-1215.wav,"the vehicle is speeding by, creating a noisy commotion as it stirs up a breeze."
test-synth-case-1216.wav,"a motorcycle is accelerating on the road, producing a vrooming sound."
test-synth-case-1217.wav,the engines starts vrooming as the mortorcycle runs on the roadway.
test-synth-case-1218.wav,"the motorcycle zooms past on the road, creating roadway noise and traffic noise."
test-synth-case-1219.wav,"a motorcycle is running on the road, which produces vrooming sounds."
test-synth-case-1220.wav,the motorcycle's engine is vrooming.
test-synth-case-1221.wav,the power tool is buzzing during operation.
test-synth-case-1222.wav,the power tool is constantly buzzing during operation.
test-synth-case-1223.wav,"a power tool is working, accompanied by a buzzing sound."
test-synth-case-1224.wav,there are some motorcycles and race cars on the road starting their engines and speeding past.
test-synth-case-1225.wav,"a race car revs its engine, accelerates with a vroom, while a truck's air brake hisses nearby."
test-synth-case-1226.wav,"the engine of a race car is reviving, accelerating with a vrooming sound, and the air brake of a truck is hissing in the background."
test-synth-case-1227.wav,"the engine of the car parked in the distance is starting, making a noisy noise."
test-synth-case-1228.wav,the engine of a helicopter is buzzing overhead.
test-synth-case-1229.wav,"the engine is idling, creating a low whirring noise."
test-synth-case-1230.wav,"the train is currently passing through the tunnel, sounding its horn."
test-synth-case-1231.wav,"with the roar of the engine, there is a constant grinding sound between the instruments, and then the train whistle is sounding."
test-synth-case-1232.wav,"a train is running on the railroad, accompanied by buzzing and horning sounds."
test-synth-case-1233.wav,"someone is pouring water into the container, and the water splashes down and makes a sound."
test-synth-case-1234.wav,"the hot water is pouring into a bottle slowly, gurgling and dribbling."
test-synth-case-1235.wav,"the hot water is pouring into a bottle slowly, producing a gurgling and dribbling sound."
test-synth-case-1236.wav,"the phone is currently emitting a busy signal, indicating no available signal."
test-synth-case-1237.wav,the phone signal keeps ringing intermittently.
test-synth-case-1238.wav,the walkie-talkie is making noises and beeping sounds.
test-synth-case-1239.wav,the fire is burning with crackling sounds.
test-synth-case-1240.wav,"the fire crackles intensely, punctuating the silence."
test-synth-case-1241.wav,"the firewood is burning, making a hissing sound, with the occasional crackling sound of the wood."
test-synth-case-1242.wav,a man is moving a pencil rapidly back and forth across the paper.
test-synth-case-1243.wav,"someone is writing on a piece of paper with a pen, making a rubbing sound."
test-synth-case-1244.wav,"someone is writting quickly with pen, producing a scratching sound."
test-synth-case-1245.wav,this is a piece of music played on the piano.
test-synth-case-1246.wav,the music with a strong sense of rhythm and a clear melody is constantly ringing.
test-synth-case-1247.wav,"someone is playing the piano, accompanied by a piece of beautiful music."
test-synth-case-1248.wav,someone uses harmonica to play a beautiful melody.
test-synth-case-1249.wav,"the instrument is played with a bang, and there are some echoes behind the strong sound."
test-synth-case-1250.wav,"suddenly, the sound of playing the harmonica appears, and there is an echo slowly."
test-synth-case-1251.wav,"in the middle of roadway noise, footsteps are being heard while a motorcycle's reviving cuts through the chorus of bird songs."
test-synth-case-1252.wav,"the car is passing by and accelerating with vroom under the roadway noise, and also there are some birds singing and a person walking away."
test-synth-case-1253.wav,"a motorcycle is revving and accelerating, blending with the rhythmic footsteps and the intermittent bird song amidst the bustling traffic noise."
test-synth-case-1254.wav,fingers are flying as someone types rapidly on the computer keyboard.
test-synth-case-1255.wav,"fingers are tapping away, typing rapidly on the computer keyboard."
test-synth-case-1256.wav,"the fingers are recklessly typing on the keyboard, creating tapping sounds."
test-synth-case-1257.wav,it is raining heavily accompanied with thunder.
test-synth-case-1258.wav,"with the rumbling thunder, the rain continues to fall, and there is no intention of stopping."
test-synth-case-1259.wav,"thunder rumbles distantly as a thunderstorm brews, with rain steadily falling to the ground."
test-synth-case-1260.wav,"bird songs, including crows and cuckoos, are slowly softening against the backdrop of a human voice and the rustling wind."
test-synth-case-1261.wav,"lots of crows are singing, accompanied by human voices."
test-synth-case-1262.wav,a cuckoo's call interweaves with a crow's caw as the wind carries a melody of bird songs and human voices.
test-synth-case-1263.wav,a person is screaming and yelling loudly and sadly.
test-synth-case-1264.wav,"a person is screaming, crying out loudly in distress."
test-synth-case-1265.wav,a person is yelling desperately with a loud voice.
test-synth-case-1266.wav,someone is humming a song and whistling.
test-synth-case-1267.wav,"someone is whistling, producing a piece of music."
test-synth-case-1268.wav,someone is whistling and it echoes in the wild.
test-synth-case-1269.wav,someone is skillfully playing music on a guitar.
test-synth-case-1270.wav,"someone is playing the guitar, producing a piece of beautiful music."
test-synth-case-1271.wav,the guitar is playing a piece of slow music.
test-synth-case-1272.wav,the mechanics of the typewriter are clicking and clacking as someone types.
test-synth-case-1273.wav,"the shutter in the camera is making a crisp, rhythmic sound."
test-synth-case-1274.wav,the typewriter is working with squeaking sounds.
test-synth-case-1275.wav,someone is ringing the bell.
test-synth-case-1276.wav,someone is knocking the bell with a sound of dong.
test-synth-case-1277.wav,someone is ringing the bell with the sound of dong.
test-synth-case-1278.wav,a man is bouncing a ball and the ball bounces back and forth between his hand and the ground.
test-synth-case-1279.wav,"someone is playing the ball constantly, producing a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-1280.wav,someone is bouncing the ball and making a thumping noise.
test-synth-case-1281.wav,"in the kitchen, someone is crushing and chopping food in a pot, creating domestic sounds."
test-synth-case-1282.wav,a person is cutting something and then opens the lid of the pot.
test-synth-case-1283.wav,someone is chopping food with crushing sounds.
test-synth-case-1284.wav,the printer is running and making a continuous sound.
test-synth-case-1285.wav,there is a rat-a-tat on the machine suddenly when someone is knocking.
test-synth-case-1286.wav,there is a rat-a-tat on the machine.
test-synth-case-1287.wav,"the water is dribbling into the sink, while it is splashing everywhere."
test-synth-case-1288.wav,"when the water tap is turned on, water is streaming out of the faucet."
test-synth-case-1289.wav,"the water in the faucet is flowing into the sink in a small stream, making a splashing sound."
test-synth-case-1290.wav,"the train passes by, and the wheels make a sound on the tracks."
test-synth-case-1291.wav,a train is passing by with its squealing wheels on the tracks.
test-synth-case-1292.wav,a train is passing by with its wheels on the tracks squealing.
test-synth-case-1293.wav,"an intriguing melody emerges as the synthesizer blends with the plucked string instruments, creating a unique musical experience."
test-synth-case-1294.wav,"the music played by the musical instrument is processed by the synthesizer, sounds a little bit weird."
test-synth-case-1295.wav,the musical instrument is playing a synthesized sound which resembles a plucked string instrument.
test-synth-case-1296.wav,"in the distance, the booming sound of fireworks exploding fills the air, creating a festive atmosphere."
test-synth-case-1297.wav,fireworks bloom in mid-air and then emit bursts of sound.
test-synth-case-1298.wav,"the fireworks are exploding in the sky one by one, lighting up the night."
test-synth-case-1299.wav,the wind chimes are creating beautiful music.
test-synth-case-1300.wav,the wind chimes are making a crisp sound in the wind.
test-synth-case-1301.wav,the wind chime is making musical sounds as the wind blows.
test-synth-case-1302.wav,"someone is currently opening and closing the cupboard door, creating domestic sounds in the kitchen."
test-synth-case-1303.wav,someone opened the cabinet door with force and then put some plates inside.
test-synth-case-1304.wav,"someone is openning and then closing a cupboard, producing a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-1305.wav,the explosion of a bomb can be heard from not far away.
test-synth-case-1306.wav,the deafening explosion of a bomb can be heard from a distance.
test-synth-case-1307.wav,the deafening explosion echoes for a long while.
test-synth-case-1308.wav,"the alarm clock rang, making a buzzing sound."
test-synth-case-1309.wav,the mechanics is making a beeping noise constantly.
test-synth-case-1310.wav,the alarm is ringing constantly with a beeping sound.
test-synth-case-1311.wav,a man's voice is screaming in terror.
test-synth-case-1312.wav,"a person is screaming and yelling loudly, which sounds very creepy."
test-synth-case-1313.wav,a man is screaming and yelling loudly due to pain.
test-synth-case-1314.wav,someone is playing a piece of music.
test-synth-case-1315.wav,the instrument produces a rhythmic sound that evokes a sense of excitement and enthusiasm.
test-synth-case-1316.wav,"someone is playing the drum, which produces a piece of musical sounds."
test-synth-case-1317.wav,"someone is playing percussion, drums and keyboards to make rhythmic and dynamic sounds."
test-synth-case-1318.wav,"someone is playing a drum kit, creating a rhythmic percussion that is both melodic and entrancing."
test-synth-case-1319.wav,someone is playing a rhythmic beat with the drum.
test-synth-case-1320.wav,the cat purrs loudly while it sleeps.
test-synth-case-1321.wav,"the cat is sleeping, breathing heavily and snoring all the time."
test-synth-case-1322.wav,a cat is purring loudly inside a room.
test-synth-case-1323.wav,"in the distance, a sudden boom is followed by an explosion, sending a powerful shockwave through the air."
test-synth-case-1324.wav,"a thunderous explosion sounded from afar, reverberating through the sky."
test-synth-case-1325.wav,"an explosion booms, reverberating loudly."
test-synth-case-1326.wav,"someone is forcefully slamming the door, producing a sharp slam and a squeaking sound."
test-synth-case-1327.wav,the door emits a squeaking sound when it is slammed shut.
test-synth-case-1328.wav,"someone is openning the door and then closing it, producing a squeaking sound."
test-synth-case-1329.wav,someone is opening and closing the cupboard.
test-synth-case-1330.wav,someone is opeing and closing the cupboard with a thudding sound.
test-synth-case-1331.wav,the cupboard is opened and then comes a clanging and a thudding sound.
test-synth-case-1332.wav,the car is honking on the road and someone is closing the car door.
test-synth-case-1333.wav,"vehicle horns echo through the roadway, while a car door is being closed."
test-synth-case-1334.wav,car horns are echoing down the road as a door is closed.
test-synth-case-1335.wav,someone is opening the drawer to pick up the silverware and tool kits.
test-synth-case-1336.wav,the various silver utensils and tools in the container or picking tool are colliding with each other.
test-synth-case-1337.wav,"someone is rummaging in the drawer for a cutlery, which creates the clang sounds. after finding out the silverware and throwing it on the table, the person slams the drawer heavily."
test-synth-case-1338.wav,someone is typing with a computer keyboard.
test-synth-case-1339.wav,a person is typing with the computer keyboard.
test-synth-case-1340.wav,someone is typing on a computer keyboard.
test-synth-case-1341.wav,a person is methodically drawing on the paper with a pen in a coordinated rhythm.
test-synth-case-1342.wav,"amidst a great loud background noise, a person is writing with a pen on the paper rapidly."
test-synth-case-1343.wav,"amidst a loud background noise, a person is writing with a pen on the paper rapidly, producing a rustling sound."
test-synth-case-1344.wav,the liquid is fizzing and sparkling as it's poured into the container.
test-synth-case-1345.wav,"the sink is being filled with the water, producing sparkling sounds."
test-synth-case-1346.wav,"the water is being poured into another vessel, creating fizzling sounds."
test-synth-case-1347.wav,"the vehicle is speeding on the road, leaving a sound, and the chirping of birds can be heard."
test-synth-case-1348.wav,"a vehicle is running with vrooming sounds, which is mixed with a sound of cuckoo."
test-synth-case-1349.wav,a cuckoo calls out while bicycles and cars contribute to the bustling traffic noise on the roadway.
test-synth-case-1350.wav,someone is playing a piece of music on an electric guitar.
test-synth-case-1351.wav,"someone is playing the electric guitar, producing a piece of beautiful music."
test-synth-case-1352.wav,the musician is playing rock music with an electric guitar.
test-synth-case-1353.wav,"the zip-top can is being crushed, emitting a crackling and crushing sound as it deforms under pressure."
test-synth-case-1354.wav,"a person is squeezing and crashing a zip-top can, making a clanging sound."
test-synth-case-1355.wav,"a person is squeezing and crashing a zip-top can with force, making a clanging sound."
test-synth-case-1356.wav,"with the roar of the engine, the vehicle is speeding past and away."
test-synth-case-1357.wav,"the vehicle is speeding by, creating a noisy commotion as it stirs up a breeze."
test-synth-case-1358.wav,"a car is accelerating on the road, producing a vrooming sound."
test-synth-case-1359.wav,"someone is tapping the silverware such as pots, pans, dishes and cutlery."
test-synth-case-1360.wav,"someone is tapping a plate with silver cutlery, making a crisp sound."
test-synth-case-1361.wav,"the silverware collides against the pans and pots, creating clicking sounds in the room."
test-synth-case-1362.wav,"someone is playing percussion, xylophone and keyboard to make a beautiful sound."
test-synth-case-1363.wav,"someone is playing the marimba, producing a piece of beautiful music."
test-synth-case-1364.wav,"the piano is playing a piece of melody, accompanied by the sounds of marimba."
test-synth-case-1365.wav,"with the constant friction of the door shaft, the noise continues to reverberate."
test-synth-case-1366.wav,someone is pushing open the metal gate to make it squeak.
test-synth-case-1367.wav,the hinges are making prolonged squeaking sounds as the door opens.
test-synth-case-1368.wav,"with the roar of the engine, the cars on the highway are constantly speeding past."
test-synth-case-1369.wav,"amidst the roar of the engines, the cars on the highway are constantly speeding by."
test-synth-case-1370.wav,"the cars and motorcycles are running on the roadway, making vrooming sounds."
test-synth-case-1371.wav,"a car is passing by, and the children in the room are knocking on the metal and saying something."
test-synth-case-1372.wav,"a vehicle is running with its buzzing engine, accompanied by a clanging sound and human voices."
test-synth-case-1373.wav,"a vehicle is running, whose vrooming sounds are blending with banging sounds."
test-synth-case-1374.wav,"the toy airplane's engine roars to life, mimicking a real machine."
test-synth-case-1375.wav,"someone is starting a toy plane, and the engine of the plane is buzzing."
test-synth-case-1376.wav,"the toy airplane's engine is starting, whirring like a blender in motion."
test-synth-case-1377.wav,"hands are crumpling paper, producing a distinct crinkling sound as the camera captures the action."
test-synth-case-1378.wav,"a person is searching for something, and then something is messed up and wrinkled."
test-synth-case-1379.wav,someone is crumpling the paper with hands back and forth.
test-synth-case-1380.wav,"it's thundering and raining here, and birds are singing."
test-synth-case-1381.wav,"amidst the thunderstorm, the rain falls, and the persistent birds continue to tweet."
test-synth-case-1382.wav,"during the thunderstorm, a bird's tweet mingles with the sound of thunder as rain falls and animals seek shelter."
test-synth-case-1383.wav,someone is playing a piece of tender music with the guitar.
test-synth-case-1384.wav,"someone is playing percussion, guitar and keyboard to make a beautiful sound."
test-synth-case-1385.wav,someone is playing a piece of beautiful music with the piano.
test-synth-case-1386.wav,the fixed-wing aircraft is currently taking off.
test-synth-case-1387.wav,"with the roar of the engines, the plane is preparing to take off."
test-synth-case-1388.wav,the aircraft is making unclear vrooming sounds.
test-synth-case-1389.wav,a man is howling violently and clearing his throat.
test-synth-case-1390.wav,"a man is shouting loudly, accompanied by a breathing sound."
test-synth-case-1391.wav,a man is yelling while using all of his strength.
test-synth-case-1392.wav,"the ball is bouncing, making thuds and thumps as it hits the ground."
test-synth-case-1393.wav,"the liquid is dripping down to the ground slowly, making a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-1394.wav,"the liquid is dropping onto the ground, creating thudding sounds."
test-synth-case-1395.wav,"amidst a din of commotion, people are conversing in leisurely enjoyment."
test-synth-case-1396.wav,"the engine of a truck is idling, and there are several men chatting with each other near the truck."
test-synth-case-1397.wav,the engine of a truck is idling with a buzzing sound with human voices.
test-synth-case-1398.wav,"the water is gurgling in a steady rate, accompanied by the whirring sound of some engines inside the room."
test-synth-case-1399.wav,"water is gurgling and trickling as it is poured, creating a gentle whirring stream."
test-synth-case-1400.wav,"water is gurgling and trickling as it is poured, creating the sound of a gentle whirring stream."
test-synth-case-1401.wav,water drops are falling on the ground and splashing while it comes to a stream.
test-synth-case-1402.wav,"the water of waterfall is falling down, producing a splashing sound."
test-synth-case-1403.wav,the water is making rustling and gurgling sound as it falls.
test-synth-case-1404.wav,"a liquid is slowly falling, causing ripples on the water's surface."
test-synth-case-1405.wav,"water droplets are falling into the container full of water, making a ticking sound."
test-synth-case-1406.wav,water droplets are trickling down continuously.
test-synth-case-1407.wav,someone is drinking water in large gulps.
test-synth-case-1408.wav,a man is drinking water and his throat makes a grunting sound as he swallows.
test-synth-case-1409.wav,"someone is swallowing water down the throat, making gurgling sounds."
test-synth-case-1410.wav,"someone is currently crumpling paper by hand, creating crinkling sounds."
test-synth-case-1411.wav,"someone is crushing and crumpling the paper with his hands, producing a crinkling sound."
test-synth-case-1412.wav,"the paper is being crushed, making a crumpling and crinkling sound."
test-synth-case-1413.wav,someone is stretching the tape and making noises.
test-synth-case-1414.wav,"someone is packing a box with a tape, producing a crinkling sound."
test-synth-case-1415.wav,someone is stretching the tape and making a crumpling and crinkling sound.
test-synth-case-1416.wav,someone is walking on the wooden floor in heavy shoes.
test-synth-case-1417.wav,"someone is walking on a wooden floor with light footsteps, accompanied by the roadway noise and chirping birds."
test-synth-case-1418.wav,"light footsteps echo on wooden floorboards, mingling with distant road noise and birdsong."
test-synth-case-1419.wav,"liquid is splashing as it's being poured into the sink, splattering and filling it with a refreshing sound."
test-synth-case-1420.wav,someone is filling the sink with water and the water is splashing out.
test-synth-case-1421.wav,"the water is poured into the sink, producing splashing sounds."
test-synth-case-1422.wav,the car is acceleratedly passing and vrooming with roadway noise.
test-synth-case-1423.wav,the car is passing and vrooming with roadway noise.
test-synth-case-1424.wav,"there are several cars passing by on the road, and some of them are accelerating, and the engine is creating a vroom sound."
test-synth-case-1425.wav,a person is clicking the mouse continously.
test-synth-case-1426.wav,"a person is clicking the mouse button with fingers, and the clear sound of keys being pressed can be heard from time to time."
test-synth-case-1427.wav,"hands are busily clicking a mouse, navigating through tasks on a computer."
test-synth-case-1428.wav,the crickets are chirping loudly in the grassy field.
test-synth-case-1429.wav,the crickets are producing a piece of sounds.
test-synth-case-1430.wav,the cicada is making a buzzing sound.
test-synth-case-1431.wav,"a person is lifting and putting down the lid of a pot to look for something, creating a clanging sound when thes metals colliding together."
test-synth-case-1432.wav,"in the kitchen, the clanking of dishes and pots weaves a tapestry of familiar domestic sounds."
test-synth-case-1433.wav,"a person is opening the lid on a pan or a pot and putting the lid of it over and over again, creating a clanking sound when the metal colliding together."
test-synth-case-1434.wav,"the bell is being rung by someone using their hands, producing a musical sound."
test-synth-case-1435.wav,"the bell is ringing, rebounding, and echoing for a long time."
test-synth-case-1436.wav,a church bell is ringing and then echoing in the air.
test-synth-case-1437.wav,"someone is currently crushing cans, producing a screeching sound."
test-synth-case-1438.wav,"someone is crushing and squeezing a can with force, producing a screeching sound."
test-synth-case-1439.wav,"the can is being squeezed, with its metal shell crumpling and crinkling."
test-synth-case-1440.wav,the radio is buzzing with a busy signal.
test-synth-case-1441.wav,"when a person tunes the channel, the radio makes white noise."
test-synth-case-1442.wav,"someone is tuning the radio, but the radio is broken and is buzzing."
test-synth-case-1443.wav,someone is chewing and eating some food.
test-synth-case-1444.wav,someone is chewing and eating some food accompanied by the sound of mastication.
test-synth-case-1445.wav,"a person is chewing the food, making a crispy sound."
test-synth-case-1446.wav,the fire is burning with a sizzling sound.
test-synth-case-1447.wav,"during the process of stir-frying, the food is continuously stirred, causing the oil to sizzle and pop."
test-synth-case-1448.wav,the fire is being lighted with the crackling and sizzling sounds.
test-synth-case-1449.wav,the machine is working and then stops running.
test-synth-case-1450.wav,a working machine is slowly stopping working.
test-synth-case-1451.wav,"a mechanical fan is working with its engine whirring, and then it is turned off."
test-synth-case-1452.wav,someone is spraying the plants with insecticide.
test-synth-case-1453.wav,someone is spraying the gas with tools constantly.
test-synth-case-1454.wav,someone is using the tool to spray gas onto something.
test-synth-case-1455.wav,many people are walking and chatting on the street.
test-synth-case-1456.wav,"in the noisy environment, the sounds of people walking and talking are mixed together."
test-synth-case-1457.wav,"a crowd is walking and chatting, their footsteps mingling with snippets of conversation."
test-synth-case-1458.wav,many people are singing in chorus.
test-synth-case-1459.wav,a woman is singing and the echo spreads to the distance.
test-synth-case-1460.wav,"a woman is singing beautifully, and the echo spreads far into the distance. "
test-synth-case-1461.wav,brass instruments are currently playing music with occasional alarm-like beeps.
test-synth-case-1462.wav,beeping sounds emanate as the brass instrument remains in constant operation.
test-synth-case-1463.wav,the machine is making a prolonged beeping sound.
test-synth-case-1464.wav,quick footsteps suggest someone is running and playing basketball.
test-synth-case-1465.wav,a person is stepping on a wooden floor back and forth with really fast footsteps.
test-synth-case-1466.wav,a person is stepping on a wooden floor back and forth with really fast footsteps.
test-synth-case-1467.wav,the subway is passing by with roadway noise.
test-synth-case-1468.wav,a car is speeding by the road.
test-synth-case-1469.wav,a motor vehicle is approaching from a distance.
test-synth-case-1470.wav,someone is playing wind chimes as a musical instrument.
test-synth-case-1471.wav,the crisp rhythm of the musical instrument continues to sound.
test-synth-case-1472.wav,"someone is playing the musical instrument, producing a piece of beautiful music."
test-synth-case-1473.wav,the music with a strong sense of rhythm is constantly ringing.
test-synth-case-1474.wav,the synthesizer is ringing with a buzzing sound.
test-synth-case-1475.wav,the synthesizer is making digital sound effects.
test-synth-case-1476.wav,"in the forest, the birds are chirping incessantly."
test-synth-case-1477.wav,a lot of birds are chirping in the environmental noise.
test-synth-case-1478.wav,some birds are vocalizing in the wild.
test-synth-case-1479.wav,"with the whistling of the wind, the plane is rushing through the sky."
test-synth-case-1480.wav,"with the whistling of the wind, the plane is soaring through the sky at high speed."
test-synth-case-1481.wav,"the aircraft is flying through the sky, creating buzzing sounds."
test-synth-case-1482.wav,"the sound of crunching glass can be heard as someone walks on it, followed by a thud as they step on the ground."
test-synth-case-1483.wav,"first there is a step of footsteps, and then a man touches a jar with glass, and things are scattered all over the floor in the water."
test-synth-case-1484.wav,"wood is thumping against glass, causing a sharp clink that precedes a shattering crash."
test-synth-case-1485.wav,"an organ, keyboard, bell, and piano are all being played together, creating a beautiful piece of music."
test-synth-case-1486.wav,instruments are producing rhythmic sounds that create a sense of tranquility and relaxation.
test-synth-case-1487.wav,"someone is playing the piano, producing a piece of beautifui music."
test-synth-case-1488.wav,the sound of ice cubes being dropped into a liquid can be heard.
test-synth-case-1489.wav,"someone is stirring with a spoon in a glass, which is full of ice cubes and liquid."
test-synth-case-1490.wav,someone is stirring with a spoon in a glass which is full of ice cubes and liquid.
test-synth-case-1491.wav,a man is emotively pronouncing a word with varying intonations.
test-synth-case-1492.wav,a man is saying something repeatedly with different tones.
test-synth-case-1493.wav,a man is saying something repeatedly with different tones.
test-synth-case-1494.wav,someone is playing music with the piano.
test-synth-case-1495.wav,"someone is playing the piano, which sounds beautifully."
test-synth-case-1496.wav,a piano is playing music with melodic instrument harmonies.
test-synth-case-1497.wav,"this is a chaotic voice, with a woman talking."
test-synth-case-1498.wav,"amidst the roars of the animals, a girl is greeting them."
test-synth-case-1499.wav,a train is running on the tracks with a screeching sound and then a woman is speaking.
test-synth-case-1500.wav,"the water is dripping down continuously and heavily, while the waves are beating the beach."
test-synth-case-1501.wav,"the water of the waterfall is falling down, producing a splashing sound."
test-synth-case-1502.wav,the water is splashing and flowing in the waterfall.
test-synth-case-1503.wav,"the alarm clock is ringing loudly, accompanied by a human voice."
test-synth-case-1504.wav,"after the telephone ringing, a woman says some words."
test-synth-case-1505.wav,"following the telephone's ring, a woman utters some words."
test-synth-case-1506.wav,"the individual is persistently eating, producing sounds of chewing and swallowing."
test-synth-case-1507.wav,someone is chewing and swallowing food with relish.
test-synth-case-1508.wav,someone is masticating their food.
test-synth-case-1509.wav,a group of people are chatting.
test-synth-case-1510.wav,"in the noisy environment, people are talking freely."
test-synth-case-1511.wav,a crowd is bustling with chatter and myriad group actions.
test-synth-case-1512.wav,someone is walking in the noisy street.
test-synth-case-1513.wav,a person is jogging breathlessly when a car is speeding past him.
test-synth-case-1514.wav,"as cars pass by on the road, the sound of footsteps and rhythmic breathing can be heard from someone running alongside the traffic."
test-synth-case-1515.wav,"someone is using a jackhammer to work, making a noisy sound."
test-synth-case-1516.wav,"someone is operating a jackhammer, creating a loud noise."
test-synth-case-1517.wav,"someone is using a jackhammer to drill through something, with its sounds getting louder."
test-synth-case-1518.wav,wild animals continuously emit fearsome growls.
test-synth-case-1519.wav,a wild animal is roaring in a great pain inside an empty room.
test-synth-case-1520.wav,a wild animal is roaring and the sound echoes.
test-synth-case-1521.wav,"the sound of human chatter echoes through the rain, a blend of laughter and conversation."
test-synth-case-1522.wav,"the rain is falling down to the ground heavily, and then there are some people chatting with each other."
test-synth-case-1523.wav,"rain is falling heavily, creating a loud pattering sound, with people chatting in the background."
test-synth-case-1524.wav,there is a piece of long and big machine sound.
test-synth-case-1525.wav,the machine makes a rattling sound while it is working.
test-synth-case-1526.wav,the machine is running and making a huge noise.
test-synth-case-1527.wav,the cicadas are constantly chirping.
test-synth-case-1528.wav,the cicadas' persistent chirping fills the summer air with their disturbing drone.
test-synth-case-1529.wav,"cicadas are buzzing rhythmically in the summer air, embodying the spirit of the season."
test-synth-case-1530.wav,the machine makes a loud noise while it is running.
test-synth-case-1531.wav,"along with the buzz, the sound of machine is constantly sounding."
test-synth-case-1532.wav,the power tool is making vrooming sounds as it works.
test-synth-case-1533.wav,the scissor is trimming something and then a man talks.
test-synth-case-1534.wav,"a person is using the scissors to cut things, and then a man is introducing something to others."
test-synth-case-1535.wav,"a person is using the scissors to cut things with a clacking sound, and then a man is introducing something to others."
test-synth-case-1536.wav,a person is walking and leaving heavy footsteps.
test-synth-case-1537.wav,"a person is walking, stomping heavily on the ground."
test-synth-case-1538.wav,"someone is walking on the road, leaving some footsteps."
test-synth-case-1539.wav,plastic bags are being thudding and crinkling several times.
test-synth-case-1540.wav,the plastic bag is crushed with the sound of thump and crack.
test-synth-case-1541.wav,a plastic bag is being crushed repeatedly with great force.
test-synth-case-1542.wav,this is a piece of percussion music played by the keyboard.
test-synth-case-1543.wav,someone is playing a piece of music that makes people feel happy.
test-synth-case-1544.wav,the musical instrument is playing a piece of rhythmic melody with percussion.
test-synth-case-1545.wav,"along the road, a steady stream of cars honk before racing off into the distance."
test-synth-case-1546.wav,there are buses and cars passing by with their engines roaring on a noisy road.
test-synth-case-1547.wav,there are buses and cars passing by with their engines roaring and buzzing on a noisy road.
test-synth-case-1548.wav,"with a crisp rustle, the paper feeder activates, and the shredder embarks on its task."
test-synth-case-1549.wav,"a shredder is shredding the paper, producing a crinkling sound."
test-synth-case-1550.wav,some paper is put into the shredder and then the machine starts working.
test-synth-case-1551.wav,the people are talking and then the bus stops with a brake.
test-synth-case-1552.wav,"people are talking, and then the bus comes to a stop with the sound of its brakes."
test-synth-case-1553.wav,"the subway is filled with roadway and train noise, including the starting engine."
test-synth-case-1554.wav,wild animals are snoring loudly while they are sleeping.
test-synth-case-1555.wav,"wild animal is sleeping, breathing heavily and snoring all the time."
test-synth-case-1556.wav,a wild animal is sleeping with a snoring sound.
test-synth-case-1557.wav,"the sound of footsteps approaches, followed by a thump as someone is knocking on the door."
test-synth-case-1558.wav,"someone is walking on a wooden floor with force, making a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-1559.wav,"someone is walking on a wooden floor with force, producing a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-1560.wav,water drops are falling on the glass surface and then splashing to the ground.
test-synth-case-1561.wav,"the liquid drips on the dishes, producing the trickling sound."
test-synth-case-1562.wav,"the liquid is dripping at a slow pace, making trickling sounds."
test-synth-case-1563.wav,a shrill and hurried alarm is sounding.
test-synth-case-1564.wav,the alarm is sounding regularly.
test-synth-case-1565.wav,the siren is making loud noises to attract attention.
test-synth-case-1566.wav,the train wheels are squealing and turning forward.
test-synth-case-1567.wav,"the train is travelling on the tracks, and the wheels make a piercing sound."
test-synth-case-1568.wav,"the train moves at high speed, making squealing sounds from the wheels along with the swooshing air."
test-synth-case-1569.wav,wood sawing sounds mingle with background noise as someone polishes a tool.
test-synth-case-1570.wav,"a person is chopping the food on a wooden board in the kitchen, accompanied by the background noise."
test-synth-case-1571.wav,someone is sawing the wood using a saw creating rustling sounds.
test-synth-case-1572.wav,the speech synthesizer is making swooshing sounds.
test-synth-case-1573.wav,the synthesizer creates swooshing sounds continuously.
test-synth-case-1574.wav,the synthesizer is emitting swooshing sounds continuously.
test-synth-case-1575.wav,a sharp and piercing bell is ringing.
test-synth-case-1576.wav,the bell is coming out with a sharp sound.
test-synth-case-1577.wav,the bell is ringing with a sound of ding.
test-synth-case-1578.wav,"accompanied by the crisp sound of birds, a man hunting in the forest is creating the sound of a gun."
test-synth-case-1579.wav,"there is a constant sound of gunshots, accompanied by a faint sound of birds."
test-synth-case-1580.wav,the crackling sounds are mixed with bird sounds.
test-synth-case-1581.wav,"the dog is chewing on the bone, making the sound of teeth colliding with the food."
test-synth-case-1582.wav,the dog is chewing and swallowing hard bone with relish.
test-synth-case-1583.wav,a dog is chewing something while making gobbling sounds.
test-synth-case-1584.wav,the pots and pans are making some clang sounds.
test-synth-case-1585.wav,the pots and pans are colliding with each other.
test-synth-case-1586.wav,"pots and pans keep banging into each other, creating a constant clatter."
test-synth-case-1587.wav,"a man is giving a speech in the empty auditorium, and the echo is loud."
test-synth-case-1588.wav,a man makes a speech and then a bell rings.
test-synth-case-1589.wav,"a man is speaking in brief tones, his speech punctuated by the intermittent ring of a bell."
test-synth-case-1590.wav,"the mobile phone is vibrating, which makes a buzzing sound."
test-synth-case-1591.wav,"a mobile phone is vibrating on the table, and someone is calling."
test-synth-case-1592.wav,"a mobile phone is vibrating on the table, producing a buzzing sound."
test-synth-case-1593.wav,people are talking on the train which is running on the tracks.
test-synth-case-1594.wav,people are talking and sliding the door on the train which is running on the tracks.
test-synth-case-1595.wav,"the train is running on the tracks, and its wheels make a huge roar."
test-synth-case-1596.wav,"the alarm keeps ringing, making a annoying sound."
test-synth-case-1597.wav,"the alarm's siren loops continuously, signaling an urgent warning."
test-synth-case-1598.wav,"the sound of the alarm is constantly looping, accompanied by a buzzing noise."
test-synth-case-1599.wav,"with the roar of the engine, the machine is constantly working."
test-synth-case-1600.wav,someone is trying to start the engine of a car over and over again.
test-synth-case-1601.wav,the machine is idling while the engine intermittently makes revving sounds.
test-synth-case-1602.wav,a person is typing on the keyboard and then praising it.
test-synth-case-1603.wav,the typewriter typed something and then spoke something.
test-synth-case-1604.wav,a male is using the typewriter and then he says something.
test-synth-case-1605.wav,there are lots of insects in the grass making the noise.
test-synth-case-1606.wav,"the cricket, an insect, is making its chirping sound."
test-synth-case-1607.wav,"the cricket, one kind of insects, is making a chirping sound in the forest."
test-synth-case-1608.wav,"the train is running on the tracks, and its wheels make a huge roar."
test-synth-case-1609.wav,a train is running on the railway with its wheels squealing.
test-synth-case-1610.wav,the wheels of the train are making unclear clanging sounds as the train moves.
test-synth-case-1611.wav,someone is chatting on the train.
test-synth-case-1612.wav,a train is running with a squeaking sound.
test-synth-case-1613.wav,"the train is currently running, emitting a persistent squeaking sound as it goes."
test-synth-case-1614.wav,"on rainy days, a stream of water is converging and flowing down."
test-synth-case-1615.wav,the water is gurgling and flowing downwards.
test-synth-case-1616.wav,"the water is flowing into a river, splashing and trickling."
test-synth-case-1617.wav,"the train, with its horn honking and bell ringing, is passing by on the railroad tracks."
test-synth-case-1618.wav,"following a sharp blast of a train horn, a series of clear and rhythmic bells ring out."
test-synth-case-1619.wav,"the train honked its horn and is running on the railway, and the wheels is making an electrochemical light sound."
test-synth-case-1620.wav,squeaking is made while taping something.
test-synth-case-1621.wav,the door is making a loud squeaking sound as it is pushed.
test-synth-case-1622.wav,"someone is putting the cork into a glass bottle and pulling it out again repeatedly, making a squeaking sound."
test-synth-case-1623.wav,the alarm is swooshing constantly.
test-synth-case-1624.wav,the alarm and siren are ringing regularly.
test-synth-case-1625.wav,"an alarm is ringing, creating a swooshing and urgent sound."
test-synth-case-1626.wav,"the plane is flying, getting closer and closer, and the wings are buzzing against the wind."
test-synth-case-1627.wav,the airplane is skipping the sky and the engine is vrooming as it is accelerating.
test-synth-case-1628.wav,a fixed-wing aircraft is flying through the sky with engine roaring.
test-synth-case-1629.wav,"a train is marching slowly on the tracks, and its wheels are squealing."
test-synth-case-1630.wav,the train's wheels are squealing loudly against the rails during transport.
test-synth-case-1631.wav,"a train is approaching with squealing wheels on the track, and then it slows down the speed when it is near the platform."
test-synth-case-1632.wav,a group of birds are chirping cheerfully in the tree.
test-synth-case-1633.wav,"in the forest, several birds are chirping incessantly."
test-synth-case-1634.wav,there are many birds singing in the early morning.
test-synth-case-1635.wav,domestic pets are chewing some food accompanied by sounds of mastication.
test-synth-case-1636.wav,a dog is chewing hard bones slowly.
test-synth-case-1637.wav,a pet dog is chewing food and making crunching sounds.
test-synth-case-1638.wav,birds and chickens are crowing in the farm.
test-synth-case-1639.wav,"birds call in the distance, and then the rooster crows on the farm."
test-synth-case-1640.wav,some birds are chirping and then the cuckoos are singing.
test-synth-case-1641.wav,"a wooden door is being slammed shut with force, creating a loud thudding sound."
test-synth-case-1642.wav,"a man is turning the key to unlock the door, and the door lock is clicking."
test-synth-case-1643.wav,someone is slamming the doors and locking them.
test-synth-case-1644.wav,"hands are clapping, producing a crushing thump and thud."
test-synth-case-1645.wav,"someone is clapping their hands and rubbing the palms, creating a crumpling sound."
test-synth-case-1646.wav,"someone is tapping, whose sound changes from clear to muffled."
test-synth-case-1647.wav,a man is loading a gun and pulling the trigger with background noise.
test-synth-case-1648.wav,someone is loading a pistol with bullets.
test-synth-case-1649.wav,someone is loading the gun.
test-synth-case-1650.wav,"someone is frying the food, which makes a sizzling sound."
test-synth-case-1651.wav,some food is being fried in the oil pan.
test-synth-case-1652.wav,"someone is frying the food with the oil, producing sizzling sounds."
test-synth-case-1653.wav,"the marbles are rolling around in the pans, making a clinking sound that is both soothing and domestic."
test-synth-case-1654.wav,"a plate fell to the ground, and after turning on the ground several times, it fell off."
test-synth-case-1655.wav,it sounds like someone is causing a racket by banging pots and pans together.
test-synth-case-1656.wav,"with the whistling of the wind, the plane is rushing through the sky."
test-synth-case-1657.wav,"with the whistling of the wind, the plane is soaring through the sky at high speed."
test-synth-case-1658.wav,the aircraft is making loud swooshing sounds as it takes off.
test-synth-case-1659.wav,the sea breeze is stirring up waves at sea level.
test-synth-case-1660.wav,"the sea breeze is blowing violently, and the waves are beating against the shore."
test-synth-case-1661.wav,waves are crashing against the ocean's coast.
test-synth-case-1662.wav,a mechanical fan is operating.
test-synth-case-1663.wav,the rhythmic whir of a mechanical fan creates a steady backdrop of white noise.
test-synth-case-1664.wav,"the mechanical fan is working, creating a rhythmic buzzing sound, accompanied by the white noise in the background."
test-synth-case-1665.wav,"someone is currently pouring water into pots and pans, creating background noise with occasional dripping and scraping sounds."
test-synth-case-1666.wav,"the water is dribbling on the surface of pots, accompanied by a scraping sound."
test-synth-case-1667.wav,"the water is dripping down, accompanied by lots of thumping noises."
test-synth-case-1668.wav,"a person is reading a newspaper, creating a crumpling sound when turning pages and unfolding the paper."
test-synth-case-1669.wav,a person is crinkling and crumpling to read the newspaper.
test-synth-case-1670.wav,"someone is crinkling the newspaper, making a crumpling sound while reading."
test-synth-case-1671.wav,it is raining heavily accompanied with thunder.
test-synth-case-1672.wav,"with the rumbling thunder, the rain continues to fall, and there is no intention of stopping"
test-synth-case-1673.wav,thunder rumbles as rain drips steadily during the thunderstorm.
test-synth-case-1674.wav,"a car passes by, its engine roaring amidst the background noise of traffic."
test-synth-case-1675.wav,"a car is passing by, from far to near, and then heading towards the distance."
test-synth-case-1676.wav,"cars are speeding by on the roadway, leaving wooshing sounds."
test-synth-case-1677.wav,"a person is walking alone, sometimes with strong steps and sometimes with light steps."
test-synth-case-1678.wav,"someone is jumping on the wooden floor, which produces the loud sound of footsteps."
test-synth-case-1679.wav,"someone is jumping, making loud noises."
test-synth-case-1680.wav,"someone is breaking the glass container, making a sharp noise all the time."
test-synth-case-1681.wav,"someone is shattering the glass into pieces on the ground, making a clinking sound."
test-synth-case-1682.wav,"someone is shattering the glass into pieces on the ground, producing a constant clinking sound."
test-synth-case-1683.wav,the sound of someone's hand thumping against something echoes in the room.
test-synth-case-1684.wav,"a person is clapping their hands, creating a slapping sound."
test-synth-case-1685.wav,"a person is clapping their hands, accompanied by a slapping sound."
test-synth-case-1686.wav,"the stream's water flows and trickles, making a soft dribbling sound."
test-synth-case-1687.wav,the clear and pleasant sound of flowing water continues unceasingly.
test-synth-case-1688.wav,"the water is trickling into the stream, producing a dribbling sound."
test-synth-case-1689.wav,someone is using a sewing machine.
test-synth-case-1690.wav,the money detector is in operation and brushing and counting the banknotes.
test-synth-case-1691.wav,a sewing machine is squeaking as it stitches fabric.
test-synth-case-1692.wav,"the clock ticks rhythmically, its constant ticking sounding throughout the room."
test-synth-case-1693.wav,the clock ticks continuously with a persistent 'tick-tock' sound.
test-synth-case-1694.wav,the clock marks the passage of time with the rhythmic ticking sound of its hands.
test-synth-case-1695.wav,"the rain persists, showing no sign of relenting."
test-synth-case-1696.wav,it's raining heavily with a splashing and dribbling sound.
test-synth-case-1697.wav,"the rain is dense and heaving, making loud splashing sounds."
test-synth-case-1698.wav,the alarm is playing in a loop.
test-synth-case-1699.wav,the siren is sounding an alarm.
test-synth-case-1700.wav,an alarm intermittently produces high and low buzzing sounds.
test-synth-case-1701.wav,"the train is slowly passing through the tunnel, creating a rustle of wind sound."
test-synth-case-1702.wav,the train is running with the vrooming sounds.
test-synth-case-1703.wav,a sonar system is currently training to identify underwater objects with precision.
test-synth-case-1704.wav,this is an electronic dance music composition with vibrant percussion.
test-synth-case-1705.wav,the melodic music was emanating from the musical instrument.
test-synth-case-1706.wav,the musical instrument is playing a piece of rhythmic electronic music.
test-synth-case-1707.wav,it is beeping after a heavy thump.
test-synth-case-1708.wav,"the home is very quiet, but there is a beep sound of an electrical appliance."
test-synth-case-1709.wav,"the home is really quiet, but there is a beep sound of an electrical appliance."
test-synth-case-1710.wav,light and bright music is blaring through the woodwind instrument.
test-synth-case-1711.wav,someone is playing saxophone to make a beautiful jazz sound.
test-synth-case-1712.wav,"someone is playing the saxophone, producing a piece of beautiful music."
test-synth-case-1713.wav,the train makes a noise while it is passing by.
test-synth-case-1714.wav,the car makes continuous clattering noises as it travels.
test-synth-case-1715.wav,"in the noisy environment, the train makes sound while it is passing by."
test-synth-case-1716.wav,birds chirp in the trees amidst the gentle rustling of the wind.
test-synth-case-1717.wav,"in the forest, the birds are chirping incessantly."
test-synth-case-1718.wav,the wind is blowing and the birds are vocalizing.
test-synth-case-1719.wav,a car is passing by with its horn ringing.
test-synth-case-1720.wav,"the wind is blowing, and the car is driving by."
test-synth-case-1721.wav,a car was speeding past with the sound of a horn.
test-synth-case-1722.wav,"water is flowing out of the faucet, filling the container."
test-synth-case-1723.wav,"the water from the faucet is flowing rapidly, and the sink is filled quickly."
test-synth-case-1724.wav,the faucet is gurgling and dripping as water pours and fills the sink.
test-synth-case-1725.wav,"the vehicle is speeding by, creating a noisy commotion as it stirs up a breeze."
test-synth-case-1726.wav,"a truck is passing by on the road, producing a buzzing sound."
test-synth-case-1727.wav,the engine is revving as the truck runs on the roadway.
test-synth-case-1728.wav,the people are talking with each other.
test-synth-case-1729.wav,the people are talking with each other when they are typing.
test-synth-case-1730.wav,"in a noisy environment, men and women are talking, and someone is tapping the computer keyboard."
test-synth-case-1731.wav,the water is splashing onto the surface of the ground.
test-synth-case-1732.wav,"someone is washing something with water from the faucet, and the water splashes into the sink with a rattling sound."
test-synth-case-1733.wav,someone is washing something with water splashing around.
test-synth-case-1734.wav,a person is typing mechanically with the keyboard.
test-synth-case-1735.wav,"someone is typing on a computer keyboard with force, producing a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-1736.wav,"someone is typing on the keyboard, producing tapping sounds."
test-synth-case-1737.wav,the plane is taking off with birds chirping.
test-synth-case-1738.wav,"the aircraft engine's roar grow louder as it careers overhead, sending a brief breeze swirling past."
test-synth-case-1739.wav,a crow is cawing loudly as an airplane soars through the sky above.
test-synth-case-1740.wav,someone is walking along in heavy leather shoes whose footsteps are heavy.
test-synth-case-1741.wav,"someone is walking on the road, producing the squeaking sound of footsteps."
test-synth-case-1742.wav,someone is walking on squishy or muddy ground.
test-synth-case-1743.wav,this is a piece of music played by plucked string instruments.
test-synth-case-1744.wav,melodious tunes are being played on musical instruments.
test-synth-case-1745.wav,the harp is playing a piece of music.
test-synth-case-1746.wav,the car is passing on the noisy road and something is beeping.
test-synth-case-1747.wav,"a car is running, accompanied by a sound of beep and electric sounds."
test-synth-case-1748.wav,"a car is passing by with a beep amid the blend of roadway noise, wind, and occasional electronic bleeps."
test-synth-case-1749.wav,the machine makes a rumbling sound while it is working.
test-synth-case-1750.wav,"the mechanical fan is operating, rubbing against the surrounding wind and making a whistling sound."
test-synth-case-1751.wav,"a mechanical fan is working, and the blades of the fan are making a clanging sound, bringing a light breeze."
test-synth-case-1752.wav,this is an effect sound from video game.
test-synth-case-1753.wav,"someone is playing an electronic shooting game, constantly making gunshots."
test-synth-case-1754.wav,the video game is making electronic sound effects.
test-synth-case-1755.wav,the clang of steel resonates as someone skillfully hammers with their tools.
test-synth-case-1756.wav,"a person is striking steel with a hammer, making a regular sound."
test-synth-case-1757.wav,the steel is clanging against another piece of metal rhythmically.
test-synth-case-1758.wav,a string of keys is currently colliding and jangling with clinking and crumpling sounds.
test-synth-case-1759.wav,"a jangling bunch of keys bump into each other, creating a clamor."
test-synth-case-1760.wav,someone is rummaging for keys with a jangling sound.
test-synth-case-1761.wav,"the faucet is releasing droplets of water, creating the sound of dripping."
test-synth-case-1762.wav,"drops of water are falling rhythmically onto the surface of the water, producing an pleasant melody.  "
test-synth-case-1763.wav,"the liquid is dripping in a bottle in a regular speed, producing a trickling sound."
test-synth-case-1764.wav,someone is walking past some growling animals.
test-synth-case-1765.wav,wild animals are growling and a man is walking by.
test-synth-case-1766.wav,a wild animal is growling with a sound of footsteps.
test-synth-case-1767.wav,"vehicles are driving on the road, and the chirping of insects can be heard in the distance."
test-synth-case-1768.wav,"there are cricktes chirping nearby, and the cars are moving on a noisy road in the background."
test-synth-case-1769.wav,crickets are chirping and buzzing amidst the hum of traffic noise as cars travel the roadway.
test-synth-case-1770.wav,"someone is currently frying food in a pan, creating the sizzling sound of home cooking."
test-synth-case-1771.wav,"in the process of stir-frying food, pots and pans keep clashing."
test-synth-case-1772.wav,"someone is cooking, and the hot oil in the pan is making a sizzling sound."
test-synth-case-1773.wav,the sound of metal clashing in an empty room is repeating.
test-synth-case-1774.wav,"in the room, metal objects are clashing with each other making crisp sounds."
test-synth-case-1775.wav,a piece of metal is being knocked with a clanging sound.
test-synth-case-1776.wav,the alarm is making a harsh sound.
test-synth-case-1777.wav,"an alarm is ringing, producing a whirring sound."
test-synth-case-1778.wav,"the alarm is set off, making continuous noises."
test-synth-case-1779.wav,water is continuously poured into a cup until it is filled to the brim.
test-synth-case-1780.wav,someone keeps pouring out the water.
test-synth-case-1781.wav,"water pours and trickles as a toilet is flushed, the bowl filling with liquid."
test-synth-case-1782.wav,the oil is sizzling in the process of stir-frying the food.
test-synth-case-1783.wav,"someone is stir-frying food in a pan, making a sizzling sound."
test-synth-case-1784.wav,"someone is frying food with oil, accompanied by a sizzling sound."
test-synth-case-1785.wav,"under a grand display of fireworks, the gentlemen and ladies are all laughing and chatting joyfully."
test-synth-case-1786.wav,"there are fireworks bursting into the sky, and the crowd is chattering happily and celebrating the joy."
test-synth-case-1787.wav,"the fireworks are bursting into the sky with a cracking sound, and the crowd is chattering happily and celebrating the joy."
test-synth-case-1788.wav,the sound of the water is getting faster and louder.
test-synth-case-1789.wav,"the water is running in a hurry, and the splash makes a loud sound."
test-synth-case-1790.wav,"the water in the stream is flowing, producing a gurgling sound."
test-synth-case-1791.wav,"the fireworks are crackling, which makes a loud noise."
test-synth-case-1792.wav,fireworks are flitting and flying high into the sky to bloom.
test-synth-case-1793.wav,"the fireworks are being set off, producing a sound of explosion and boom."
test-synth-case-1794.wav,"someone is walking on the fallen leaves, making a crackling sound."
test-synth-case-1795.wav,"someone is walking on the crispy leaves, and the sound of footsteps gradually fades away."
test-synth-case-1796.wav,"someone is walking on the land covered with thick maple leaves, making a crackle sound."
test-synth-case-1797.wav,the sound of hammering echoes as someone pounds on tools.
test-synth-case-1798.wav,someone is hammering with a loud thump.
test-synth-case-1799.wav,someone is using the hammer to knock something continuously.
test-synth-case-1800.wav,a group of people are making noise.
test-synth-case-1801.wav,"footsteps and children's playful voices blend into a lively crowd, underlined by microphone noise and a melody."
test-synth-case-1802.wav,"in a noisy environment, men and women are talking. and someone is walking."
test-synth-case-1803.wav,a little child is speaking.
test-synth-case-1804.wav,a child is speaking something though speech synthesizer.
test-synth-case-1805.wav,a kid is speaking in english fluently.
test-synth-case-1806.wav,"in a crowded place, the leisurely conversation of people can be heard intermittently."
test-synth-case-1807.wav,"there are different people chatting with each other in a happy voice on a moving bus, with its engine roaring."
test-synth-case-1808.wav,"there are different people chatting with each other in a happy voice on a moving bus, with its engine roaring and buzzing."
test-synth-case-1809.wav,"crickets keep chirping in the grass, making a lot of noise."
test-synth-case-1810.wav,"the crickets are chirping in the grass at night, and a thumping sound appears out of sudden."
test-synth-case-1811.wav,"the crickets are singing in the night, followed by a person's breathing sounds."
test-synth-case-1812.wav,someone is pouring water into the sink.
test-synth-case-1813.wav,the liquid is being poured onto the iron plate and being washed down.
test-synth-case-1814.wav,the water is being poured to fill the iron container.
test-synth-case-1815.wav,someone is hitting the nail with a hammer.
test-synth-case-1816.wav,a man is knocking with a hammer.
test-synth-case-1817.wav,someone is hitting something with a hammer.
test-synth-case-1818.wav,"the truck is running, producing a rattling sound."
test-synth-case-1819.wav,the truck is runing on the road with its engine roaring.
test-synth-case-1820.wav,the truck is idling while the engine still vrooms.
test-synth-case-1821.wav,"a child is yelling, and there is an echo coming."
test-synth-case-1822.wav,a child is shouting and the echo comes.
test-synth-case-1823.wav,a high-pitched voice is shouting with an echo.
test-synth-case-1824.wav,"the motorcycle's engine roars to life on the road, adding to the traffic noise."
test-synth-case-1825.wav,"on the road, the motorcycle is starting and making an undesired sound."
test-synth-case-1826.wav,"a motorcycle is starting, with the sound of its engine getting louder."
test-synth-case-1827.wav,a wild animal is roaring louder and louder.
test-synth-case-1828.wav,a wild animal is growling loudly.
test-synth-case-1829.wav,a wild animal is making a long and loud growling sound.
test-synth-case-1830.wav,someone is chatting amidst the bustling traffic and windy noise.
test-synth-case-1831.wav,"the wind is blowing, the car is driving by, and someone is whispering on the street."
test-synth-case-1832.wav,the sound of wind is mingled with the faint human voice.
test-synth-case-1833.wav,the sound of typing on a computer keyboard echoes in the room.
test-synth-case-1834.wav,"a man is typing intently, and his fingers are dancing swiftly on the keyboard with unwavering consistency."
test-synth-case-1835.wav,"someone is typing with a computer keyboard, accompanied by a beating sound."
test-synth-case-1836.wav,someone is taking photos with a film camera.
test-synth-case-1837.wav,a person is clicking the camera to take a film.
test-synth-case-1838.wav,someone is taking pictures with a film camera constantly.
test-synth-case-1839.wav,"as traffic hums, a passing car creates a symphony of roadway noise, accompanied by subtle microphone wind noise."
test-synth-case-1840.wav,"vehicles speed by, each one creating a brief burst of wind and noise as they race past."
test-synth-case-1841.wav,"cars are passing briskly, blending the incessant traffic noise with bursts of wind-caused microphone noise."
test-synth-case-1842.wav,"the fire crackles in the wind, creating a rhythmic and soothing sound."
test-synth-case-1843.wav,the fire was burning wood and making a crackling sound.
test-synth-case-1844.wav,the fire is burning in the night with a crackling sound of wood.
test-synth-case-1845.wav,the boat is surfing in the ocean with the waves.
test-synth-case-1846.wav,the waves are surging and swelling in the sea.
test-synth-case-1847.wav,the waves are surfing over the sea with a splashing sound.
test-synth-case-1848.wav,a man is pouring water containing ice cubes into a container.
test-synth-case-1849.wav,someone is pouring water into a glass half-filled with ice cubes.
test-synth-case-1850.wav,the liquid is being poured into the glass with a swirling ice cube.
test-synth-case-1851.wav,"a man is addressing through the airplane's loudspeaker, creating a clicking sound amidst the background noise of the aircraft."
test-synth-case-1852.wav,a man is delivering a speech passionately and loudly.
test-synth-case-1853.wav,the flight attendant is making announcements through the broadcast on the plane.
test-synth-case-1854.wav,a woman is speaking while someone is sneezing.
test-synth-case-1855.wav,a woman is speaking while someone sneezes.
test-synth-case-1856.wav,"in the echoed recording, a woman talks as a man's voice and a sneeze are heard."
test-synth-case-1857.wav,"the water is dribbling from the faucet into the sink, creating a splashing sound."
test-synth-case-1858.wav,"water pours, filling a wooden bucket with liquid, echoing in the stillness."
test-synth-case-1859.wav,"the water is coming out of the faucet, splashing the sink, and then someone turns the faucet off and turns it on again."
test-synth-case-1860.wav,"in the street, people are chatting, creating a lively atmosphere with diverse voices and background music."
test-synth-case-1861.wav,the hallway is filled with the sound of children's laughter and playful shouts as they roughhouse and play.
test-synth-case-1862.wav,"kids are chatting animatedly, their speech blending with the background music amidst the bustling crowd."
test-synth-case-1863.wav,the door hinges are squeaking loudly with every movement.
test-synth-case-1864.wav,the hinge of wood door is squeaking.
test-synth-case-1865.wav,the door produces a squeaking sound due to the lack of oiling of the hinges.
test-synth-case-1866.wav,"a man is singing without accompaniment, and there is an echo around him."
test-synth-case-1867.wav,a man is singing a beautiful song that echoed through the air.
test-synth-case-1868.wav,"a man is singing a song loudly, accompanied by an echo."
test-synth-case-1869.wav,"water droplets keep dripping in the water tank, making a trickling sound."
test-synth-case-1870.wav,"the water is flowing from the faucet down to the sink, creating a splashing sound, and then someone turns off the faucet suddenly."
test-synth-case-1871.wav,"the water is running from the faucet, making gurgling sounds before it stops."
test-synth-case-1872.wav,the chirping of birds fills the peaceful valley.
test-synth-case-1873.wav,the cuckoos are singing with a chirping sound of other birds.
test-synth-case-1874.wav,the cuckoo is singing along with other birds in the wild.
test-synth-case-1875.wav,the gear of the mechanism is idling with a big sound all the time.
test-synth-case-1876.wav,the gear makes a loud noise while it is idling.
test-synth-case-1877.wav,the machine is running and making a huge noise.
test-synth-case-1878.wav,a man is chewing something crunchy.
test-synth-case-1879.wav,"someone is biting the food, creating a loud crunchy sound, and then chewing the food slowly."
test-synth-case-1880.wav,someone is chewing something crunchy.
test-synth-case-1881.wav,"the mechanical fan, resembling a shredder in its whirring motion, is running and circulating air."
test-synth-case-1882.wav,the mechanical fan is whirring while the shredder is processing paper.
test-synth-case-1883.wav,the shredder is operating while its mechanical fans are creating whirring sounds.
test-synth-case-1884.wav,the waves are billowing in the ocean.
test-synth-case-1885.wav,the waves are surging and beating against the rocks on the shore.
test-synth-case-1886.wav,"the waves are surfing over the sea, accompanied by a splashing sound."
test-synth-case-1887.wav,the sound of clock clashing keeps coming from the room.
test-synth-case-1888.wav,someone is playing percussion and drum to make rhythmic and dynamic sounds.
test-synth-case-1889.wav,"someone is playing the precussion, producing a sound of tick-tock."
test-synth-case-1890.wav,"the water in the kettle is boiling, and some of it condenses into tiny water droplets."
test-synth-case-1891.wav,"the liquid is boiling in a kettle, creating a gurgling sound."
test-synth-case-1892.wav,"the liquid is boiling in a kettle, accompanied by a gurgling sound."
test-synth-case-1893.wav,this is a piece of tender music played by the piano.
test-synth-case-1894.wav,someone is playing a beautiful melody on the piano.
test-synth-case-1895.wav,the piano is playing a piece of gentle and tender music.
test-synth-case-1896.wav,"someone is turning coins on the ground with his fingers, and coins are scattered on the ground and make a crisp sound."
test-synth-case-1897.wav,"the coins are dropping from someone's hands to the table one by one, creating a jingling sound."
test-synth-case-1898.wav,"the marbles are dropping onto the floor, making a jingling sound."
test-synth-case-1899.wav,a person is typing on the computer board.
test-synth-case-1900.wav,a person is typing with the computer keyboard hastily.
test-synth-case-1901.wav,someone is typing on a computer keyboard quickly.
test-synth-case-1902.wav,"someone is ringing the bell, which makes a crisp sound."
test-synth-case-1903.wav,someone is playing percussion to make a clang sound.
test-synth-case-1904.wav,a bell is ringing with a sound of ding.
test-synth-case-1905.wav,"someone is creating the microphone noise by blowing and breathing near it, and a cat is meowing nearby."
test-synth-case-1906.wav,"a cat is meowing softly and then it touchs a microphone, making some noise with the wind."
test-synth-case-1907.wav,a pet cat is meowing softly and making some microphone noise by accident as it touches the mircophone closly.
test-synth-case-1908.wav,"inside a yard, a dog is barking continuously while a person is whispering near the microphone, suddenly something is dropping to the ground with a thuding sound."
test-synth-case-1909.wav,"the family dog is barking loudly when it heards the sharp bang, startling both pets and humans alike."
test-synth-case-1910.wav,"the family dog is barking loudly when it hears the sharp bang, startling both pets and humans alike."
test-synth-case-1911.wav,"a continuous electric current sound is ringing, accompanied by subtle instrument sounds."
test-synth-case-1912.wav,a really harsh and annoying noise is coming and some music is being heard occasionally.
test-synth-case-1913.wav,"someone is playing the musical instrument, producing a buzzing sound."
test-synth-case-1914.wav,"metal and glass are chinking and clinking together, perhaps from a shaking bottle."
test-synth-case-1915.wav,"two pieces of metal rubbed against each other, producing a piercing sound."
test-synth-case-1916.wav,"a metal bottle is clinking against glass, producing a clear chink sound."
test-synth-case-1917.wav,the alarm clock is constantly making a buzzing sound.
test-synth-case-1918.wav,an alarm sounded like a crow crowing is breaking the silence.
test-synth-case-1919.wav,an alarm sounding like a crow's caw shatters the silence.
test-synth-case-1920.wav,someone is walking and other people are talking in the hall.
test-synth-case-1921.wav,"someone is walking, creating footsteps, while others engage in conversation in the hall."
test-synth-case-1922.wav,"someone is walking, whose footsteps are blending with the children's calling in the background."
test-synth-case-1923.wav,"the church bell resonates, filling the air with its melodic echoes."
test-synth-case-1924.wav,"the doorbell rings, its dinging tone echoing through the air."
test-synth-case-1925.wav,the bell is ringing with a sound of dong.
test-synth-case-1926.wav,"the marbles skip and dance across the ground, and the sound of their collision echoes softly. "
test-synth-case-1927.wav,"someone plays with marbles, and the marbles make a crisp sound when they land on the flat surface."
test-synth-case-1928.wav,"a mable is dropping on the wooden table, and then someone is playing the marble with his hands, creating a thumping and crinkling sound."
test-synth-case-1929.wav,"gunfire and explosions are booming, as people are shooting and being shot at in a chaotic scene."
test-synth-case-1930.wav,"a gun is constantly firing, accompanied by the chaotic chirping of birds."
test-synth-case-1931.wav,someone is playing the electronic toy gun with swooch sounds.
test-synth-case-1932.wav,"in the forest, a flock of birds are chirping and singing."
test-synth-case-1933.wav,"a lot of birds are chirping together, forming a nice and lovely melody."
test-synth-case-1934.wav,a bunch of birds are chirping at once.
test-synth-case-1935.wav,"hands are scratching pots and pans, creating a crinkling sound amidst white noise."
test-synth-case-1936.wav,"someone is wiping the dishes with a dry cloth, creating a crinkling sound in a kitchen, accompanied by the white noise."
test-synth-case-1937.wav,"someone is wiping the dishes with a dry cloth, creating a crinkling sound in a kitchen, accompanied by the white noise."
test-synth-case-1938.wav,"the fire is vigorously burning, emitting a distinct crackling sound as the flames dance and consume the fuel."
test-synth-case-1939.wav,"the food is heating above the hissing fire, and the firewoods are crackling from time to time."
test-synth-case-1940.wav,"the food is being heated above the hissing fire, and the firewoods are crackling from time to time."
test-synth-case-1941.wav,someone is playing a beautiful melody on an instrument
test-synth-case-1942.wav,"someone is playing the piano, producing a piece of musical sounds."
test-synth-case-1943.wav,someone is playing a beautiful melody on the instrument
test-synth-case-1944.wav,a guy takes off his pants and urinates on the toilet.
test-synth-case-1945.wav,"after a rumbling sound, someone is urinating in the toilet."
test-synth-case-1946.wav,"after a crumpling sounds, someone starts to urinate in the toilet."
test-synth-case-1947.wav,"a person is constantly blowing air into the microphone, which makes a whistling sound."
test-synth-case-1948.wav,"a person is blowing the wind to the mircrophone with force, creating a mircophone noise."
test-synth-case-1949.wav,someone is blowing wind into something with great effort.
test-synth-case-1950.wav,someone is beating the drum kit.
test-synth-case-1951.wav,"the drum kit is currently being played, with someone beating the cymbals."
test-synth-case-1952.wav,someone is playing the cymbal.
test-synth-case-1953.wav,"the helicopter flying from a distance is passing overhead, and its engine makes a loud roar."
test-synth-case-1954.wav,"the airplane is flying in the sky, producing a whirring sound."
test-synth-case-1955.wav,the wings of the helicopter are spinning and producing a whirring sound.
test-synth-case-1956.wav,"in the distance, the enchanting sounds of musical instruments echo, creating a captivating melody that floats on the breeze."
test-synth-case-1957.wav,"a person is playing the musical instrument to produce one note, and this note is echoing in a room, the sound is getting smaller and smaller."
test-synth-case-1958.wav,"a person is playing the musical instrument, producing an echoing sound."
test-synth-case-1959.wav,the synthesizer makes a swishing sound.
test-synth-case-1960.wav,a synthesizer is producing a swooshing sound.
test-synth-case-1961.wav,the synthesizer produces a clashing and swooshing sound.
test-synth-case-1962.wav,the water droplets are falling rapidly on the surface of the water.
test-synth-case-1963.wav,"the water is running in a hurry, and the splash makes a loud sound"
test-synth-case-1964.wav,"someone is pouring water into a cup, producing a dribbling sound."
test-synth-case-1965.wav,a person is breathing and coughing.
test-synth-case-1966.wav,a man is coughing loudly.
test-synth-case-1967.wav,a man is coughing in a painful way.
test-synth-case-1968.wav,"a microwave's door opens, then closes, finally it opens again."
test-synth-case-1969.wav,the doors of microwave ovens are being slammed.
test-synth-case-1970.wav,"a person is opening and slaming the door of the microwave oven, accompanied by the background noise."
test-synth-case-1971.wav,someone is assembling a mechanical gun.
test-synth-case-1972.wav,someone is loading a pistol with bullets.
test-synth-case-1973.wav,someone is reloading the gun.
test-synth-case-1974.wav,the engine of the car made a loud noise while starting.
test-synth-case-1975.wav,"the motorcycle is accelerating on the road, and its engine roars, accompanied by a loud noise."
test-synth-case-1976.wav,the motorcycle is vrooming and accelerating.
test-synth-case-1977.wav,the speech synthesizer is buzzing continuously.
test-synth-case-1978.wav,the synthesizer is speaking with buzzing sounds.
test-synth-case-1979.wav,the machine is making a loud annoying buzz.
test-synth-case-1980.wav,"plastic bottle caps keep falling to the ground, making a bumping sound."
test-synth-case-1981.wav,"someone dropped the plastic bottle cap on the ground, and the bottle cap was rolling on the ground."
test-synth-case-1982.wav,"the plastic bottle cap drops onto the floor, making tapping sounds."
test-synth-case-1983.wav,"the birds are softly chirping amidst the environmental noise, including the distant sounds of vehicles and occasional coughing."
test-synth-case-1984.wav,"a car is passing by, from far to near, and then heading towards the distance."
test-synth-case-1985.wav,there are some traffic noises in the background.
test-synth-case-1986.wav,a flock of birds are chirping by the noisy road.
test-synth-case-1987.wav,"with the sound of the birds singing, the cars are rushing by."
test-synth-case-1988.wav,"cars are passing by, making a commotion of swirling wind and noise. and the birds are chirping incessantly."
test-synth-case-1989.wav,a car is passing with roadway noise.
test-synth-case-1990.wav,a motor vehicle is passing with roadway noise.
test-synth-case-1991.wav,"a car is passing by, contributing to the traffic noise."
test-synth-case-1992.wav,the steel cutlery is screeching against each other.
test-synth-case-1993.wav,"someone is knocking and scraping the dishes with a knife, producing a screeching sound."
test-synth-case-1994.wav,someone is making clanging sounds with the metal utensils.
test-synth-case-1995.wav,there is a constant noise of traffic on the road.
test-synth-case-1996.wav,"the vehicle is speeding by, creating a noisy commotion as it stirs up a breeze."
test-synth-case-1997.wav,the cars are passing by with a buzzing sound.
test-synth-case-1998.wav,"someone is using a hammer, and the engine next to him is running."
test-synth-case-1999.wav,the machine is thumping as its mechanism runs and someone is hammering near the engine.
test-synth-case-2000.wav,"the engine is powering the mechanism, and the hammer is thumping rhythmically."
test-synth-case-2001.wav,"birds are chirping cheerfully by the stream, where farm animals, including sheep, create a harmonious background with their sounds."
test-synth-case-2002.wav,"the birds in the forest are making a constant buzzing sound, adding to the evening's natural harmony."
test-synth-case-2003.wav,the birds are singing while the sheep is baaing by the lake with the sounds of dripping water.
test-synth-case-2004.wav,there is sound of footsteps made by walking.
test-synth-case-2005.wav,footsteps are echoing softly as someone is walking along the path.
test-synth-case-2006.wav,footsteps are echoing softly as someone is walking faster and faster in an empty room.
test-synth-case-2007.wav,the electric drill is drilling wood.
test-synth-case-2008.wav,a drill is a power tool commonly used as a handy tool for various tasks.
test-synth-case-2009.wav,"a power tool is drilling something with engine roaring, and then it stops for a while"
test-synth-case-2010.wav,the magnificent and beautiful music keep playing through the musical instrument.
test-synth-case-2011.wav,someone is playing a piece of music with a drumbeat rhythm.
test-synth-case-2012.wav,"someone is playing the percussion, producing a piece of beautiful music."
test-synth-case-2013.wav,"many people are playing by the ocean, the waves are rolling and seagulls are flying."
test-synth-case-2014.wav,the waves are beating the beach with gull calling while some people are yelling.
test-synth-case-2015.wav,"the waves crash against the beach, accompanied by the cries of seagulls, as some people shout."
test-synth-case-2016.wav,the man is using a printer while speaking.
test-synth-case-2017.wav,"a man is talking peacefully, as if coming from a televison, and then a printer starts working, interrupting the speech."
test-synth-case-2018.wav,"a man is talking calmly, and then the printer begins to operate."
test-synth-case-2019.wav,"a man is stirring food in a frying pan, and the oil is sizzling."
test-synth-case-2020.wav,"someone is stir-frying food in a pan, making a sizzling sound."
test-synth-case-2021.wav,"someone is flying food with the oil, accompanied by a boiling sound of water and a sound of bang."
test-synth-case-2022.wav,the waves in the stream are currently surfing with the sound of wind.
test-synth-case-2023.wav,the waves are surfing over the sea in the wind.
test-synth-case-2024.wav,the waves are making splashing sounds amidst the blowing wind.
test-synth-case-2025.wav,"a person is skateboarding on the road, accompanied by the rolling sound of wheels and occasional flips."
test-synth-case-2026.wav,someone is skateboarding on the road and stops after a while.
test-synth-case-2027.wav,"the wheels of the skateboard are rolling on bumpy ground, making a few noises."
test-synth-case-2028.wav,pets are making some purring noise.
test-synth-case-2029.wav,a domestic cat purrs contentedly while nestled among its master.
test-synth-case-2030.wav,"a pet cat is purring without worry, really happy."
test-synth-case-2031.wav,rain is falling on the surface.
test-synth-case-2032.wav,the rain hits the ground and makes some noise
test-synth-case-2033.wav,"the rain is falling, and the raindrops are pattering on the roof"
test-synth-case-2034.wav,the water from the faucet is filling the glass.
test-synth-case-2035.wav,"the water tap gushes, filling the sink with a steady stream, as splatters and splashes echo against the metal basin."
test-synth-case-2036.wav,"a stream of water is flowing into a sink filled with water, making a gurgling sound."
test-synth-case-2037.wav,a car is currently passing by on the road with ambient roadway noise.
test-synth-case-2038.wav,"amidst the whistling of the wind, cars are speeding past on the highway."
test-synth-case-2039.wav,the vehicle is running with the traffic noise.
test-synth-case-2040.wav,the water is gurgling and flowing downwards.
test-synth-case-2041.wav,"someone opens the faucet and the water pours into the sink, creating splashing sounds."
test-synth-case-2042.wav,someone is walking towards the faucet and opening it with a splashing and dribbling sound.
test-synth-case-2043.wav,the fire makes a sizzling sound while it is burning.
test-synth-case-2044.wav,the fire is raging with the crackling sound of wood.
test-synth-case-2045.wav,the flames are roaring with the crackling of wood.  
test-synth-case-2046.wav,"three sound effects are present, including the ticking of gears."
test-synth-case-2047.wav,the sudden spring sound is followed by a cracking sound and a thud.
test-synth-case-2048.wav,"a bell is ringing, accompanied by a ticking sound of a gear."
test-synth-case-2049.wav,a man is speaking next to the idling machine and vehicle engine.
test-synth-case-2050.wav,"the engine is working with a vrooming sound, mixed with human voices."
test-synth-case-2051.wav,"a man is speaking over the hum of an idling vehicle engine, his voice blending with the surrounding machine noise."
test-synth-case-2052.wav,"rain falls with the accompaniment of thunder, creating a soothing symphony of natural sounds."
test-synth-case-2053.wav,the wind was blowing violently.
test-synth-case-2054.wav,the wind is roaring amidst the rain.
test-synth-case-2055.wav,the jackhammer is working and then stops.
test-synth-case-2056.wav,"someone is using the hammer, which produces buzzzing sounds."
test-synth-case-2057.wav,someone is using the jackhammer to drill something and then it stops.
test-synth-case-2058.wav,footsteps and voices echo as a crowd walks and chats in the corridor.
test-synth-case-2059.wav,"in the noisy environment, the sounds of people talking and walking around can be heard."
test-synth-case-2060.wav,"a crowd bustles with the sound of footsteps, while a female and children are speaking amid the collective hum of human voices."
test-synth-case-2061.wav,the sound of thumping and heavy breathing can be heard as two people engage in a physical altercation.
test-synth-case-2062.wav,"a man is pounding on a bag with great force, making a strong pounding sound at the same time."
test-synth-case-2063.wav,"someone is hitting one person with his hands, which produces the thumping sounds and human voices."
test-synth-case-2064.wav,the sound of percussive cymbals is echoing.
test-synth-case-2065.wav,the percussive sound of the cymbals reverberates through the air.
test-synth-case-2066.wav,someone is playing the cymbal with an echo of dong.
test-synth-case-2067.wav,someone is playing percussion to make rhythmic and dynamic sounds.
test-synth-case-2068.wav,"someone is playing the percussion, producing a piece of beautiful music."
test-synth-case-2069.wav,the musical instrument is playing a piece of melody with percussions.
test-synth-case-2070.wav,"someone is currently sharpening a knife, creating a clang sound."
test-synth-case-2071.wav,"a man is sharpening a razor-sharp knife, producing a shrill sound."
test-synth-case-2072.wav,someone is sharpening the knife with a clanging sound.
test-synth-case-2073.wav,"the man is sleeping, breathing heavily and snoring all the time."
test-synth-case-2074.wav,someone is sleeping with a snoring sound in a house.
test-synth-case-2075.wav,"someone is snoring, making respiratory sounds."
test-synth-case-2076.wav,a man is rubbing a plastic bag and making a noise.
test-synth-case-2077.wav,"someone is stepping on many plastic bottles, making them make a harsh noise."
test-synth-case-2078.wav,"someone is shaking a bottle of candies with hands, producing a crinkling sound."
test-synth-case-2079.wav,"a train is passing by with its wheels squealing, and the train is whistling along the way."
test-synth-case-2080.wav,"the train is passing by, and the wheels are squealing."
test-synth-case-2081.wav,"amidst the traffic noise, a train's wheels squeal against the rails, signaling its passage through the city."
test-synth-case-2082.wav,"the water from the faucet is dribbling slowly, and then the stream splashes suddenly."
test-synth-case-2083.wav,"water gurgles and splatters as the faucet fills the sink, with intermittent drips adding to the liquid chorus."
test-synth-case-2084.wav,"the water from the faucet is flowing to the sink, making a splattering sound, while someone suddenly turns off the faucet, and all the water is flowing from the sink to the pipe then."
test-synth-case-2085.wav,music is being played by keyboard and brass instruments.
test-synth-case-2086.wav,"someone is playing the brass instrument, producing some musical sounds."
test-synth-case-2087.wav,the keyboard is playing synthesized chords.
test-synth-case-2088.wav,someone is clicking the mouse and typing rapidly on the keyboard.
test-synth-case-2089.wav,someone is typing with computer keyboard and clicking the mouse.
test-synth-case-2090.wav,someone is typing on a computer keyboard and clicking a mouse rapidly.
test-synth-case-2091.wav,"a woman is speaking clearly on the radio, above the hum of background noise."
test-synth-case-2092.wav,a woman is talking about something.
test-synth-case-2093.wav,"a female is making a speech loudly, accompanied with the faint sound of hum."
test-synth-case-2094.wav,birds are chirping amidst background noise and wind.
test-synth-case-2095.wav,"there are many birds chirping together, accompanied by the background noise."
test-synth-case-2096.wav,"there are many birds chirping together in the wind, accompanied by the background noise."
test-synth-case-2097.wav,the sound of a lock being unlocked echoes as someone opens the door.
test-synth-case-2098.wav,a person is unlocking the door of a car and then slamming the door in an underground garage.
test-synth-case-2099.wav,"a person is unlocking the door of a car and then slamming the door in an underground garage, accompanied by a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-2100.wav,someone walked over the crumpling fallen leaves.
test-synth-case-2101.wav,footsteps crinkle and crumple leaves as someone walks through the forest.
test-synth-case-2102.wav,"someone is walking in a forest, creating a crinkling sound as this person steps on the fallen leaves."
test-synth-case-2103.wav,the liquid in the waterfall is flowing to the stream.
test-synth-case-2104.wav,"the water in the stream is flowing, producing a splashing sound."
test-synth-case-2105.wav,the water is splashing and flowing in the waterfall.
test-synth-case-2106.wav,the printer is mechanically processing and printing the files.
test-synth-case-2107.wav,a printer is printing papers constantly with white noise.
test-synth-case-2108.wav,a printer is printing paper constantly with a constant buzzing sound.
test-synth-case-2109.wav,someone is reading a book when the bell ring.
test-synth-case-2110.wav,"someone is reading a book when the bell rings, accompanied by the crumpling of pages and the sound of breathing."
test-synth-case-2111.wav,"someone is reading a book, the pages crinkling, as domestic sounds fill the home and a bell softly chimes."
test-synth-case-2112.wav,a person is currently hammering a nail with a hammer.
test-synth-case-2113.wav,someone is pinning the nails with a hammer quickly.
test-synth-case-2114.wav,a person is hitting the nail squarely on the head with the hammer.
test-synth-case-2115.wav,a person is scratching a paper and touching its surface.
test-synth-case-2116.wav,"a pen is scratching against the surface of the paper, producing a sharp, continuous sound."
test-synth-case-2117.wav,"someone is scribbling back and forth on the paper with a pen, making a rustling sound."
test-synth-case-2118.wav,"the cutting machine is cutting something, making a screeching sound."
test-synth-case-2119.wav,"the power tool is drilling something, accompanied by the continuous sound of pumping."
test-synth-case-2120.wav,the sawing machine is cutting through some kind of metal with its motor creating a buzzing noise.
test-synth-case-2121.wav,"it's raining heavily, and the raindrops are streaming down in a continuous flow of water."
test-synth-case-2122.wav,the rain is hitting the ground and the rainwater forms a downward flow.
test-synth-case-2123.wav,"the raindrops patter on the ground, creating a rustling sound."
test-synth-case-2124.wav,someone is dragging the sliding door and then walking away.
test-synth-case-2125.wav,the machine is running and making a huge noise and the birds are chirping incessantly.
test-synth-case-2126.wav,"someone is moving the chair in a room, producing a clanging sound."
test-synth-case-2127.wav,"someone is walking on the snow, and his keys are jangling."
test-synth-case-2128.wav,"someone is openning the door with a bunch of keys, which produces the jangling sounds."
test-synth-case-2129.wav,"the keys are colliding with each other, which makes a jingling sound."
test-synth-case-2130.wav,"a person is currently sawing with a hand saw, producing a screeching sound."
test-synth-case-2131.wav,"someone is sawing something with tools, producing a screeching sound."
test-synth-case-2132.wav,"the metals are grinding against each other, creating a screeching sound."
test-synth-case-2133.wav,several women are singing together.
test-synth-case-2134.wav,a group of women are singing together.
test-synth-case-2135.wav,some females are singing a song together.
test-synth-case-2136.wav,"a car is passing the bus, and then the engine accelerates."
test-synth-case-2137.wav,"a car and a truck pass by, merging into the bustling traffic noise on the roadway."
test-synth-case-2138.wav,"there are cars passing by on the wet road constantly, making a traffic noise."
test-synth-case-2139.wav,someone is chewing while putting the cap on.
test-synth-case-2140.wav,a person is biting while putting the cap on and then he eats again.
test-synth-case-2141.wav,someone ate a few bites of food and then put the lid on.
test-synth-case-2142.wav,birds are chirping merrily in the open.
test-synth-case-2143.wav,"in the forest, the birds are chirping incessantly."
test-synth-case-2144.wav,"in the wild, the birds are singing incessantly."
test-synth-case-2145.wav,"a man sneers at first, then takes a few steps and sneers again."
test-synth-case-2146.wav,a man sneered and then made a hoarse sound as if he had a sore throat.
test-synth-case-2147.wav,a man is sneering amidst the background noise.
test-synth-case-2148.wav,the ring of bells is creating a nice music in the distance.
test-synth-case-2149.wav,"the church bell is tolling solemnly, echoing through the quiet town."
test-synth-case-2150.wav,"the church bell is ringing with a beautiful melody, and the microphone is suddenly touched, making a small noise."
test-synth-case-2151.wav,"someone is walking on the ground, with a crumpling pace."
test-synth-case-2152.wav,"the footsteps are stepping on the ground, and there is some sound of stepping on it."
test-synth-case-2153.wav,"a person is walking on a gravel road slowly, making a scrunch sound."
test-synth-case-2154.wav,the car's intricate mechanism is humming as the engine runs smoothly.
test-synth-case-2155.wav,the engine of the machine starts and emits a piercing sound.
test-synth-case-2156.wav,"a car's engine is humming smoothly, showcasing the intricate mechanisms at work."
test-synth-case-2157.wav,"the church bells are ringing, and the echo is melodious."
test-synth-case-2158.wav,"a bell is ringing in the church, producing an echoing sound."
test-synth-case-2159.wav,"a church bell is ringing in a very low tone, echoing in the air."
test-synth-case-2160.wav,pots and pans are colliding with each other.
test-synth-case-2161.wav,"pots and pans are clanging and colliding with each other, creating a lively domestic symphony of home sounds."
test-synth-case-2162.wav,"a person is scraping the dish with a spatula, and then putting the lid of a pot on and down, creating a clanging sound in the kitchen."
test-synth-case-2163.wav,"someone is walking in the snow, leaving a trail of footprints and sounds."
test-synth-case-2164.wav,"a person is walking slowly on the ground, making a rustling sound."
test-synth-case-2165.wav,"someone is walking slowly, creating rustling sounds from shoes against the gravel."
test-synth-case-2166.wav,"on the farm, the rooster's crow echoes loudly, announcing the start of a new day among the other farm animals."
test-synth-case-2167.wav,"early in the morning, the roosters in the village began to crow successively."
test-synth-case-2168.wav,"the chickens are clucking and croaking in a farm one by one, which sounds energetic."
test-synth-case-2169.wav,a man's voice sounds anxious as he speaks urgently.
test-synth-case-2170.wav,"a man is talking, seeming to be defending something."
test-synth-case-2171.wav,a middle-aged man is stumbling over his words.
test-synth-case-2172.wav,"with the melodious sound of the bell, the water keeps flowing."
test-synth-case-2173.wav,the bell is ringing with a dribbling sound of water.
test-synth-case-2174.wav,the bell is ringing with the sound of water droplets.
test-synth-case-2175.wav,the popcorn makes a popping sound under the action of the microwave oven.
test-synth-case-2176.wav,the microwave oven is working with the sound of clang.
test-synth-case-2177.wav,"popcorn pops in the microwave oven, crinkling and crumpling amid the background noise of a liquid dripping and a distant clang."
test-synth-case-2178.wav,"a tap is dripping water, the sound is sometimes loud and sometimes soft."
test-synth-case-2179.wav,"someone is washing things with water from the faucet, but accompanied with microphone noise."
test-synth-case-2180.wav,"someone is washing things in the water, creating crushing sounds."
test-synth-case-2181.wav,someone is currently pouring beans into a glass with a screeching sound.
test-synth-case-2182.wav,a lot of glass beads are being poured into the jar.
test-synth-case-2183.wav,multiple glass beads are being poured into the jar.
test-synth-case-2184.wav,"in an empty field, a woman is singing at the top of her voice and the song is echoing through the air."
test-synth-case-2185.wav,a female is singing loudly with a sound of violin.
test-synth-case-2186.wav,the music instrument is creating a beautiful piece of melody.
test-synth-case-2187.wav,the person is knocking on the wooden door with a light tap.
test-synth-case-2188.wav,someone is knocking at the door heavily and urgently.
test-synth-case-2189.wav,someone is knocking on a wooden door with greater force in his last attempt.
test-synth-case-2190.wav,the sound of objects bumping into each other keeps coming.
test-synth-case-2191.wav,the incessant sound of objects colliding with one another persists.
test-synth-case-2192.wav,someone is smashing things with the cracking and crinkling sounds.
test-synth-case-2193.wav,a few cats are meowing.
test-synth-case-2194.wav,cats in the home are screaming all the time.
test-synth-case-2195.wav,several pet cats are yowling together inside a small room.
test-synth-case-2196.wav,someone is playing music on the piano.
test-synth-case-2197.wav,"someone is playing the piano, which produces a piece of musical sounds."
test-synth-case-2198.wav,"the piano is creating music, filling the room with melodious sounds."
test-synth-case-2199.wav,a man is closing the door and locking it with a click.
test-synth-case-2200.wav,"the door slams shut with a loud, resounding thud."
test-synth-case-2201.wav,"the door is slammed shut, creating a muffled thud."
test-synth-case-2202.wav,a vehicle is starting the engine and generating the vroom.
test-synth-case-2203.wav,the engine is vrooming as it is accelerating.
test-synth-case-2204.wav,"the engine is accelerating constantly, and the birds are tweeting in the background."
test-synth-case-2205.wav,a cacophony of disjointed noises continues unabated.
test-synth-case-2206.wav,"someone is squeezing something heavily, making a loud crumpling sound constantly."
test-synth-case-2207.wav,"someone is squeezing something heavily, making a crumpling and squeaking sound constantly."
test-synth-case-2208.wav,a woman is speaking through the speech synthesizer.
test-synth-case-2209.wav,"amidst a din, a woman's voice suddenly rang out, followed by the abrupt slam of a door."
test-synth-case-2210.wav,a woman is speaking through a speech synthesizer as a door creaks open.
test-synth-case-2211.wav,the car is passing by with its alarm honking.
test-synth-case-2212.wav,"a car is passing by, its alarm honking loudly."
test-synth-case-2213.wav,the alarm clock is constantly making a buzzing sound.
test-synth-case-2214.wav,a person's feet are lightly rubbing against the ground as he walks over.
test-synth-case-2215.wav,"someone is walking with heavy footsteps, creating a rhythmic thumping sound."
test-synth-case-2216.wav,someone is walking very slowly with the sounds of his footsteps thumping from time to time.
test-synth-case-2217.wav,the sound of a branch cracking and breaking can be heard as someone applies force to it.
test-synth-case-2218.wav,"a person is breaking the woods into pieces, creating a cracking sound inside a room."
test-synth-case-2219.wav,"a person is breaking the woods into pieces, producing a cracking sound inside a room."
test-synth-case-2220.wav,the motor vehicle is accelerating with vroom.
test-synth-case-2221.wav,a truck's engine rumbles as the heavy vehicle lumbers down the road.
test-synth-case-2222.wav,"a truck is passing by, with rumbling engine."
test-synth-case-2223.wav,"with the sound of crickets, someone is chopping woods."
test-synth-case-2224.wav,"someone is chopping woods, accompanied with a sound of crickets."
test-synth-case-2225.wav,"an axe is cutting wood, while crickets and other insects chirp amid the busy sounds of machines and animals in the background."
test-synth-case-2226.wav,a group of people are cheering and shouting slogans.
test-synth-case-2227.wav,many people are gathering to shout slogans.
test-synth-case-2228.wav,a crowd of people are shouting a slogan loudly.
test-synth-case-2229.wav,the door of the microwave's bell rings two times.
test-synth-case-2230.wav,"the thing is ripe, and the microwave's time bell is ringing."
test-synth-case-2231.wav,the microwave oven stopped working and is making a drip sound to tell people that the food was ready.
test-synth-case-2232.wav,it is thundering and raining here.
test-synth-case-2233.wav,"thunderstorms are roaring, accompanied by the soothing sound of raindrops and the rustle of the wind."
test-synth-case-2234.wav,"raindrops are falling, wind is howling, and thunder rumbles during the thunderstorm."
test-synth-case-2235.wav,"with the roar of the engine, a car is speeding past from far to near."
test-synth-case-2236.wav,"the vehicle is speeding by, creating a noisy commotion as it stirs up a breeze."
test-synth-case-2237.wav,the sounds of the vrooming engine of a vehicle is blending with the traffic noise.
test-synth-case-2238.wav,a person is tapping the wood with his hand quickly and rhythmically.
test-synth-case-2239.wav,someone is tapping the table quickly with his hands.
test-synth-case-2240.wav,"someone is tapping the table quickly, producing a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-2241.wav,"a car is passing by on the road, and there are people chatting on the roadside."
test-synth-case-2242.wav,"cars are passing by, making a lot of noise."
test-synth-case-2243.wav,"there are several cars passing by one after another in a normal speed, adding to the roadway noise."
test-synth-case-2244.wav,the woman's voice repeatedly echoes with intense screams.
test-synth-case-2245.wav,a female is screaming and a male is yelling.
test-synth-case-2246.wav,a female and a male are screaming and a bit overdramatically.
test-synth-case-2247.wav,"fireworks are blooming one after another in the sky, and people are screaming."
test-synth-case-2248.wav,"while the fireworks are being lighted with the sound of boom, people are yelling."
test-synth-case-2249.wav,a man is yelling and cheering with a crowd as fireworks boom and explode in the background.
test-synth-case-2250.wav,"someone is walking in the snow, leaving a trail of footprints."
test-synth-case-2251.wav,a person is walking on the snow with a crisp sound.
test-synth-case-2252.wav,there is a sound of crunching footsteps when someone walks on the snow.
test-synth-case-2253.wav,thunder is crashing with the wind.
test-synth-case-2254.wav,thunder is crashing with the wind blowing by.
test-synth-case-2255.wav,the wind in the sky is mixing with thunder and rainstorm.
test-synth-case-2256.wav,this musical piece is performed using a scratching technique.
test-synth-case-2257.wav,"someone is playing the musical instrument, producing a piercing sound."
test-synth-case-2258.wav,a long ear-piercing music is coming from scracthing the musical instrument.
test-synth-case-2259.wav,"a pet cat, belonging to the domestic animals category, is purring contentedly in the room."
test-synth-case-2260.wav,"at home, there is a cat that keeps purring."
test-synth-case-2261.wav,a cat is producing the continuous sounds of purr.
test-synth-case-2262.wav,someone is using a power tool to cut something.
test-synth-case-2263.wav,"the power tool is constantly drilling things, and there is the sound of other machines working in the room."
test-synth-case-2264.wav,"the power tool is sawing through some metal, creating screeching sounds from time to time."
test-synth-case-2265.wav,the sound synthesizer is emitting terrifying sounds like robots.
test-synth-case-2266.wav,the voice synthesizer is coming out with a horrible robot-like voice.
test-synth-case-2267.wav,"a speech synthesizer can be programmed to produce a scary voice, adding a chilling effect to the robotic tone."
test-synth-case-2268.wav,"the music instruments are emitting an electronic music, like a ringtone."
test-synth-case-2269.wav,an electronic musical instrument is generating music with a series of synthetic beeps and bleeps.
test-synth-case-2270.wav,an electronic musical instrument generates music with a series of synthetic beeps and bleeps.
test-synth-case-2271.wav,someone is tapping the metal with a tool.
test-synth-case-2272.wav,"metal tools clink and chink as they knock together, echoing sharply."
test-synth-case-2273.wav,the tools are clanking as the metal colliding with each other.
test-synth-case-2274.wav,a woman is reading a manuscript with emotion.
test-synth-case-2275.wav,a lady is calmly reading something.
test-synth-case-2276.wav,a woman is speaking at a slow pace.
test-synth-case-2277.wav,"through the musical instrument, a haunting and melancholic tune resonates around the void."
test-synth-case-2278.wav,someone is playing a piece of music that sounds terrifying.
test-synth-case-2279.wav,"a wind musical instrument can produce haunting tones, perfect for creating scary music with a chilling atmosphere."
test-synth-case-2280.wav,a woman is telling something to the passangers on a broadcast.
test-synth-case-2281.wav,"a woman is telling something to the passangers on a broadcast, accompanied by the background noise, and then the door is open, creating a screeching sound."
test-synth-case-2282.wav,"a woman's voice is broadcasting through a loudspeaker, squeaking above the hum of vehicles."
test-synth-case-2283.wav,someone's hands is taping the instrument.
test-synth-case-2284.wav,a person is tapping his hands rhythmically.
test-synth-case-2285.wav,"a person is tapping against something rhythmically, and each palm is really heavy. there is a rustling noise in the background."
test-synth-case-2286.wav,a strange music is coming from one kind of musical instruments.
test-synth-case-2287.wav,"a musician is skillfully playing a melody on the instrument, filling the room with wired music."
test-synth-case-2288.wav,"the musician is scratching the strings with the bowed string instrument, making a buzzing noise with music."
test-synth-case-2289.wav,someone is playing music with buzz and rattle.
test-synth-case-2290.wav,"amidst the improvisation, a musical instrument buzzes and rattles with electroacoustic effects."
test-synth-case-2291.wav,the musical instrument is playing a buzzing and rattling sound with an electroacoustic effects.
test-synth-case-2292.wav,"the keys are jangling together, creating a distinctive sound."
test-synth-case-2293.wav,a man is taking out his key which sounds jangling.
test-synth-case-2294.wav,a brunch of keys are producing the jangling sounds.
test-synth-case-2295.wav,the car is passing by with the traffic noise while someone is walking away and lots of birds are singing.
test-synth-case-2296.wav,"cars are passing by, the birds are chirping incessantly and someone is walking away."
test-synth-case-2297.wav,"cars are passing on the roadway, and the vrooming sounds of the engine are blending with the wind's swooshing sounds."
test-synth-case-2298.wav,the engine makes a loud noise while it is working.
test-synth-case-2299.wav,a vehicle is running on the road with its engine buzzing.
test-synth-case-2300.wav,the car is running on the roadway as the engine vrooms.
test-synth-case-2301.wav,the printer makes a regular sound while it is working.
test-synth-case-2302.wav,"the printer is working, producing the sound of beep bleep."
test-synth-case-2303.wav,the printer starts working and producing bleeping sounds as it processes paper.
test-synth-case-2304.wav,a group of people are talking and laughing together.
test-synth-case-2305.wav,"in a noisy environment, men and women are talking."
test-synth-case-2306.wav,a crowd of people are chattering in the background noise.
test-synth-case-2307.wav,the revolver was being loaded and then tightened with a click.
test-synth-case-2308.wav,"a person is loading the gun repeatedly, which can produce gunshot."
test-synth-case-2309.wav,"someone is loading his firearm, creating clicking sounds."
test-synth-case-2310.wav,someone is currently using tools to saw and scrape.
test-synth-case-2311.wav,the constant sound of objects being sawn came from the room.
test-synth-case-2312.wav,there are scraping and sharp screeching sounds.
test-synth-case-2313.wav,the resonant and graceful melody through the musical instrument is sounding.
test-synth-case-2314.wav,someone played a piece of relaxing music.
test-synth-case-2315.wav,"fingers gracefully strum the strings of a musical instrument, coaxing out a melodious harmony that fills the air with music."
test-synth-case-2316.wav,"the rain is pouring down, and the rain drops fall on the ground and make a loud noise."
test-synth-case-2317.wav,"the rain is falling, and the raindrops are falling down on the surface of objects, making a pittering sound."
test-synth-case-2318.wav,"the raindrops are falling on the surface of objects, making a pittering sound."
test-synth-case-2319.wav,someone is shooting with a gun.
test-synth-case-2320.wav,gunshots are ringing out from time to time.
test-synth-case-2321.wav,gunshots can be heard every now and then.
test-synth-case-2322.wav,there is a loud knocking sound.
test-synth-case-2323.wav,"a man is thumping at the iron gate, making a 'bang'."
test-synth-case-2324.wav,"someone knocks on the door, making a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-2325.wav,a nice and dynamic electronic music is beating out of this drum.
test-synth-case-2326.wav,"the drummer struck the snare drum, sending a sharp crack through the rhythm of the percussion music."
test-synth-case-2327.wav,"the drummer is striking the snare drum, sending a sharp crack through the rhythm of the percussion music."
test-synth-case-2328.wav,hands is typing on the computer keyboard softly in a regular rate.
test-synth-case-2329.wav,a person is typing on a computer keyboard quickly and pressing a key heavily at the end.
test-synth-case-2330.wav,someone is typing on a keyboard with a heavy click at a key at every end.
test-synth-case-2331.wav,the waves are billowing in the ocean.
test-synth-case-2332.wav,the waves are surging and beating against the rocks on the shore.
test-synth-case-2333.wav,the waves are surfing over the sea with a splashing sound.
test-synth-case-2334.wav,"this is a synthesized beep sound, creating an artificial and electronic effect."
test-synth-case-2335.wav,someone is playing video games with a sound of beep bleep.
test-synth-case-2336.wav,the video game is producing digital sound effects.
test-synth-case-2337.wav,"a very close aircraft is flying over, producing noise by rubbing against the air."
test-synth-case-2338.wav,the aircraft is flying with the vrooming sounds.
test-synth-case-2339.wav,"an aircraft is approaching, bringing roaring sounds from the engine."
test-synth-case-2340.wav,"a person is flushing the toilet and having a fart, then zips his pants."
test-synth-case-2341.wav,"a man flushes the toilet, then farts, and finally zips up his pants."
test-synth-case-2342.wav,a toilet flushing and a zipper closing are mixing to create domestic sounds.
test-synth-case-2343.wav,a man is making a fire by rubbing matches against a box.
test-synth-case-2344.wav,someone is rubbing a match against a tinderbox in an attempt to get the fire to burn.
test-synth-case-2345.wav,"the fire is being ignited with a cracking sound, accompanied by a breathing sound."
test-synth-case-2346.wav,the motorcycle's engine is roaring to life as it comes to a start.
test-synth-case-2347.wav,"someone is starting the motorcycle, and its engine is running."
test-synth-case-2348.wav,"a person is starting the engine of a motorcycle, and its engine is idling slowly."
test-synth-case-2349.wav,"someone is sawing wood with a power tool, making disturbing noises."
test-synth-case-2350.wav,"the cutting machine is making a buzzing sound, making a very loud mechanical noise."
test-synth-case-2351.wav,the engine of a certain machine is getting more momentum and creating louder noises over time.
test-synth-case-2352.wav,the pots and pans are clanging loudly as they hit each other.
test-synth-case-2353.wav,there is the sound of thump and clang produced by the pots and pans.
test-synth-case-2354.wav,"the bowls and pans are colliding with each other, creating a clanging sound."
test-synth-case-2355.wav,a man is beating the drum forcefully and making rhythmic music.
test-synth-case-2356.wav,"a piece of hip-hop music is sounding, and this nice music is played with a drum kit, brass instrument and a metronome."
test-synth-case-2357.wav,a piece of hip-hop music is playing with percussive musical instruments.
test-synth-case-2358.wav,a wild animal is roaring with a distorted voice.
test-synth-case-2359.wav,a wild creature is roaring with a distorted and menacing voice.
test-synth-case-2360.wav,an animal is making an ambiguous moaning sound.
test-synth-case-2361.wav,"raindrops are pelting down, splashing on the surface amidst a thunderstorm."
test-synth-case-2362.wav,"the rain is falling sluggishly down, and everything is becoming cold."
test-synth-case-2363.wav,"the rain is falling sluggishly, accompanied by a dribbling and splashing sound."
test-synth-case-2364.wav,the train wheels are producing a high-pitched squealing sound as they roll along the railway track.
test-synth-case-2365.wav,"the train eases its way past, generating a rhythmic clatter as its wheels mesh with the tracks."
test-synth-case-2366.wav,"the train is passing through the track, and the wheels make a lot of noise."
test-synth-case-2367.wav,"the dog is actively engaged in mastication, chewing its food."
test-synth-case-2368.wav,the dog is chewing away at the bone in its mouth.
test-synth-case-2369.wav,"a pet is chewing the food, producing a sound of mastication."
test-synth-case-2370.wav,the crisp rhythm of the musical instrument continues to sound.
test-synth-case-2371.wav,"someone is playing percussion, drums and keyboard to make a beautiful sound."
test-synth-case-2372.wav,"someone is playing the percussion, producing some musical sounds."
test-synth-case-2373.wav,the dogs are barking and growling at each other.
test-synth-case-2374.wav,"a dog is barking and growling loudly, and its bark is echoing through the neighborhood."
test-synth-case-2375.wav,there are growling and barking sounds.
test-synth-case-2376.wav,"someone is walking, and the footsteps are crumpling the fallen leaves."
test-synth-case-2377.wav,"a person is walking while the wheels are rolling over the leaves, making a clicking sound."
test-synth-case-2378.wav,there are some continuous crumpling sounds probably made by someone's footsteps.
test-synth-case-2379.wav,a flurry of bird calls harmonizes with the occasional flapping wings amidst the drill's persistent buzz.
test-synth-case-2380.wav,"along with the constant singing of  the birds, the power tool is constantly buzzing during operation."
test-synth-case-2381.wav,"birds are singing and calling as they fly, their wings flapping, while a distant drill buzzes rhythmically."
test-synth-case-2382.wav,a person is continuously flipping through pages while reading a book.
test-synth-case-2383.wav,"someone is flipping the pages, producing the crinkling sound."
test-synth-case-2384.wav,"someone is turning the pages, crumpling the paper."
test-synth-case-2385.wav,"someone is walking, and his footsteps are loud."
test-synth-case-2386.wav,"a man is running fast, making the sound of footsteps."
test-synth-case-2387.wav,"someone is walking in a hurry, making clear thumping sounds."
test-synth-case-2388.wav,the water from the faucet is slowly falling and splashing into the pool.
test-synth-case-2389.wav,"the water is flowing through the water tap, which produces trickling sounds."
test-synth-case-2390.wav,"the water is leaking and dripping down, making splashing sounds."
test-synth-case-2391.wav,the door is squeaking as the wind blows it open.
test-synth-case-2392.wav,"the large iron gate creaks and groans under the sway of the wind, producing a crisp, creaking sound."
test-synth-case-2393.wav,"the iron gate kept shaking in the wind, making a harsh noise."
test-synth-case-2394.wav,a power tool is sawing wood hardly.
test-synth-case-2395.wav,an electric saw buzzes as it cuts through wood with its sharp blade.
test-synth-case-2396.wav,"an electric tool is sawing, creating a buzzing sound when it cuts the wood."
test-synth-case-2397.wav,"the wood is currently burning, producing crackling sounds as it is cut."
test-synth-case-2398.wav,the fire is raging with the crackling sound of wood.
test-synth-case-2399.wav,the fire rages with the crackling of wood.
test-synth-case-2400.wav,"at a nearby villa, the rooster started crowing loudly at the crack of dawn."
test-synth-case-2401.wav,you can hear the crowing of roosters and the sound of cars passing by.
test-synth-case-2402.wav,a wild animal is roaring in the forest with the sound of the flowing water.
test-synth-case-2403.wav,the engine of the motorcycle is starting and accelerating.
test-synth-case-2404.wav,the motorcycle is idling with its engine revving and making a vrooming sound as it accelerates.
test-synth-case-2405.wav,"a motorcycle is revving its engine, which makes a roaring sound."
test-synth-case-2406.wav,"in a crowded place, people are conversing casually."
test-synth-case-2407.wav,a crowd of people are chatting.
test-synth-case-2408.wav,"a crowd is chatting and walking, with the beep of a signal punctuating the hum of conversation and female voices."
test-synth-case-2409.wav,"the mechanical fan is currently running, creating a continuous humming sound."
test-synth-case-2410.wav,the mechanical fan is working with a buzzing sound.
test-synth-case-2411.wav,the machine is making buzzing noises as it works.
test-synth-case-2412.wav,"someone is working with a jackhammer, making a lot of noise."
test-synth-case-2413.wav,"a jackhammer, as a powerful machine and mechanism, is currently thudding away as a power tool at a construction site."
test-synth-case-2414.wav,a jackhammer is drilling something and creating noises.
test-synth-case-2415.wav,the machine makes a rumbling sound while it is working.
test-synth-case-2416.wav,the power tools are making the machine sound constantly.
test-synth-case-2417.wav,the machine is making a buzzing sound as it works.
test-synth-case-2418.wav,"a piece of music is being played on the musical instrument, emanating an eerie and frightening atmosphere."
test-synth-case-2419.wav,someone is playing percussion to make a beautiful sound.
test-synth-case-2420.wav,a piece of music is being played on the percussion and trumpet.
test-synth-case-2421.wav,"the sound of cans rolling across the floor can be heard, possibly towards or away from a door."
test-synth-case-2422.wav,"as the gate opened, the internal mechanisms groaned with sound."
test-synth-case-2423.wav,someone is openning the door with the squeaking sound of gears.
test-synth-case-2424.wav,"bullet is smoothly loaded into the chamber of the pistol, then the trigger is pulled, and the mechanism emits a sound."
test-synth-case-2425.wav,"a man is loading the gun with great force, making a clanging sound."
test-synth-case-2426.wav,"a man is loading the gun with great force and shooting something, making a clanging sound."
test-synth-case-2427.wav,someone is tapping a glass with cutlery.
test-synth-case-2428.wav,"cutlery is currently tapping against a glass, producing clinking sounds."
test-synth-case-2429.wav,the silverware is making a clear clinging sound.
test-synth-case-2430.wav,"the electric drill is in action, producing a distinctive swooshing sound."
test-synth-case-2431.wav,the machine is running and making a huge noise.
test-synth-case-2432.wav,"the electric drill is drilling through something, emitting buzzing sounds."
test-synth-case-2433.wav,this is a musical composition performed with bowed string instruments and mallet percussion.
test-synth-case-2434.wav,"someone is playing the bowed string instrument, producing a piece of music."
test-synth-case-2435.wav,the violins are playing a piece of music.
test-synth-case-2436.wav,"the train, with its engine and wagons, is smoothly passing on the railroad track."
test-synth-case-2437.wav,"the wheels of the train are rubbing against the tracks, making noise while driving."
test-synth-case-2438.wav,"a train is marching on the railway, its wheels are squealing on the track."
test-synth-case-2439.wav,this is a piece of music played by an acoustic guitar.
test-synth-case-2440.wav,someone is playing a piece of elegant music with the guitar.
test-synth-case-2441.wav,the guitar is playing a piece of beautiful melody.
test-synth-case-2442.wav,an emergency alarm is ringing in a fixed melody.
test-synth-case-2443.wav,the mechanics are alarming loudly.
test-synth-case-2444.wav,the siren is constantly changing with loud and harsh sound.
test-synth-case-2445.wav,someone is patting the clothes with his hands.
test-synth-case-2446.wav,someone is clapping with a thudding sound.
test-synth-case-2447.wav,someone is making a clapping sound.
test-synth-case-2448.wav,"the vehicle is speeding by, creating a noisy commotion as it stirs up a breeze."
test-synth-case-2449.wav,"on a road with noises, there are cars and trucks passing by in a normal speed with engine roaring, and some people are chatting near the road."
test-synth-case-2450.wav,"a crowd murmurs, human voices blend with the continuous hum of traffic noise on the busy roadway."
test-synth-case-2451.wav,a piece of music mixed with a trembling note continues through the instrument.
test-synth-case-2452.wav,"someone is playing percussion, drums and keyboards to make rhythmic and dynamic sounds."
test-synth-case-2453.wav,someone is playing a piece of melody using an electronic musical instrument.
test-synth-case-2454.wav,"the ocean is resonating with the sound of wind, accompanied by the starting engine and sonar signals."
test-synth-case-2455.wav,"with all the noise around, the wind is howling."
test-synth-case-2456.wav,there are sounds of the sonar in the ocean.
test-synth-case-2457.wav,"gunshots are ringing out as someone is firing a gun, and the explosive sound echoes through the air."
test-synth-case-2458.wav,"gunfire is erupting, punctuated by loud gunshots and a distant explosion."
test-synth-case-2459.wav,"gunshots are being fired, with echoes resonating in the air."
test-synth-case-2460.wav,many birds are chirping nearby.
test-synth-case-2461.wav,a group of birds are chirping cheerfully.
test-synth-case-2462.wav,"in the woods, many birds are chirping incessantly."
test-synth-case-2463.wav,someone is typing proficiently on a computer keyboard.
test-synth-case-2464.wav,someone is tapping the computer keyboard quickly with his fingers.
test-synth-case-2465.wav,someone is typing quickly on the computer keyboard.
test-synth-case-2466.wav,"the bell rings with a loud, clear sound, followed by a thump as it's struck."
test-synth-case-2467.wav,"a man is ringing the bell, which keeps ringing and echoing."
test-synth-case-2468.wav,"a bell is ringing and echoing in the air, producing a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-2469.wav,a wolf is growling and signaling.
test-synth-case-2470.wav,a fierce wolf is growling menacingly and signaling to its pack.
test-synth-case-2471.wav,a wild animal is howling and creating echoes.
test-synth-case-2472.wav,someone is shaking the contents of the container and scratching each other.
test-synth-case-2473.wav,"someone is brushing something, producing a crinkling sound."
test-synth-case-2474.wav,"someone is shaking something, making a crumpling and rustling sound."
test-synth-case-2475.wav,"it is raining heavily, and the raindrops are patting against the roof, creating a loud pattering sound."
test-synth-case-2476.wav,the relentless rainstorm is drumming a steady rhythm of raindrops on the saturated surfaces.
test-synth-case-2477.wav,the relentless rainstorm is drumming a steady rhythm on the surfaces.
test-synth-case-2478.wav,someone is burping incessantly.
test-synth-case-2479.wav,a person is currently burping repeatedly.
test-synth-case-2480.wav,"a person is hiccupping constantly, apparently having eaten too much."
test-synth-case-2481.wav,the water is flowing onto the ground with splashing sounds.
test-synth-case-2482.wav,"the water is running in a hurry, and the splash makes a loud sound in the bathroom."
test-synth-case-2483.wav,"someone is sipping water, whose dribbling sounds are accompanied by the splashing sounds in the bathroom."
test-synth-case-2484.wav,"someone is currently crushing and squeezing celery, creating crumpling and crinkling sounds."
test-synth-case-2485.wav,a man is squeezing a plastic bag and making a grinding sound.
test-synth-case-2486.wav,"something is being squeezed, emitting a crumpling and crunchy sound."
test-synth-case-2487.wav,someone is opening and closing the drawer and making a sound.
test-synth-case-2488.wav,"someone is opening a drawer and then closing it over and over again, producing a screeching sound."
test-synth-case-2489.wav,"someone is turning the lock, which produces a screeching sound."
test-synth-case-2490.wav,the bird keeps calling under the enviromental noise.
test-synth-case-2491.wav,"in the noisy environment of nature, the birds are constantly singing."
test-synth-case-2492.wav,"birds are chirping their vibrant songs, punctuating the environmental noise with their melodious calls."
test-synth-case-2493.wav,the alarm is making a harsh sound.
test-synth-case-2494.wav,the alarm is ringing constantly.
test-synth-case-2495.wav,"the alarm is set off, making noises to draw attention."
test-synth-case-2496.wav,the zipper is being closed several times.
test-synth-case-2497.wav,someone is zipping the shirt several times.
test-synth-case-2498.wav,the zipper is being opened and closed.
test-synth-case-2499.wav,"the clock is ticking away, with each tick-tock marking the passing of time."
test-synth-case-2500.wav,"the clock is ticking tocking in a regular pattern, creating a clanging sound inside a room."
test-synth-case-2501.wav,"the clock is ringing in a regular pattern, creating a clanging sound inside a room."
test-synth-case-2502.wav,the wind chimes sway in the breeze and emit a clear and pleasant melody.
test-synth-case-2503.wav,"the wind chimes swayed in the wind, making a crisp sound."
test-synth-case-2504.wav,wind chimes and bells are ringing musically as raindrops dance with the wind.
test-synth-case-2505.wav,"with the thunder rumbling, the heavy rain is pouring down and rustling on the ground."
test-synth-case-2506.wav,the thunderstorm is raging and the rain is pouring.
test-synth-case-2507.wav,the thunder is rumbling and the rain is pouring with a splashing sound.
test-synth-case-2508.wav,adults and children are speaking and playing with water.
test-synth-case-2509.wav,"amidst the sounds of flowing water and traffic, a man and a child engage in conversation, with the child occasionally shouting."
test-synth-case-2510.wav,"next to the flowing water, people are constantly having cozy conversations."
test-synth-case-2511.wav,"the electric drill is drilling things constantly with its engine roaring, and its speed is changing."
test-synth-case-2512.wav,the electric drill whirs steadily as it sinks into the wood.
test-synth-case-2513.wav,the electric drill is whirring steadily as it sinks into the wood.
test-synth-case-2514.wav,"someone is playing percussion, drums and keyboard to make a beautiful sound."
test-synth-case-2515.wav,"a harmonious and enchanting melody slowly began to play, which filled people with a sense of tranquility."
test-synth-case-2516.wav,somone is playing a piece of music with the piano and drum.
test-synth-case-2517.wav,"a person is walking, leaving footsteps."
test-synth-case-2518.wav,someone's footsteps are echoing softly as he walks down the deserted hallway.
test-synth-case-2519.wav,footsteps is echoing softly as someone walks down the empty corridor.
test-synth-case-2520.wav,"a man is snapping his fingers in a steady, unwavering rhythm."
test-synth-case-2521.wav,someone is snapping the hands constantly.
test-synth-case-2522.wav,someone is making finger snaps continuously.
test-synth-case-2523.wav,someone is playing a piece of music with the drum and bass guitar.
test-synth-case-2524.wav,"someone is playing a drum kit, creating a rhythmic percussion that is both melodic and entrancing."
test-synth-case-2525.wav,the band is playing a piece of beautiful melody with electric guitar and drums.
test-synth-case-2526.wav,"someone fired three shots with a gun, and the bullets fell off."
test-synth-case-2527.wav,"a bullet is coming from a gun, with a gunshot."
test-synth-case-2528.wav,gunshots are ringing out as bullets are fired rapidly.
test-synth-case-2529.wav,"the roar of wild animals echoes through the jungle, a powerful and primal sound that resonates with the very essence of their untamed nature."
test-synth-case-2530.wav,"in the wild, wild animals are roaring cruelly and strongly."
test-synth-case-2531.wav,an animal is growling and roaring in the wild.
test-synth-case-2532.wav,"the train, with its wheels rolling, is passing by on the rails."
test-synth-case-2533.wav,the train is passing along the track at a constant speed.
test-synth-case-2534.wav,the train is operating with the muffled sounds of clicks and clacks.
test-synth-case-2535.wav,someone is tearing and crumpling paper.
test-synth-case-2536.wav,the crackling sound of the paper is constantly being made.
test-synth-case-2537.wav,"someone is crumpling the paper, producing a crinkling sound."
test-synth-case-2538.wav,rain drops on the metal roof or other surfaces generating some pitter-patter sound. 
test-synth-case-2539.wav,"the rain is falling to the ground, producing a sound."
test-synth-case-2540.wav,"the rain is falling heavily on the rooftops, making a loud noise."
test-synth-case-2541.wav,"someone is currently knocking on a plastic basin, creating drum-like sounds."
test-synth-case-2542.wav,someone is playing the drum with a knocking sound.
test-synth-case-2543.wav,"someone is tapping on the drum, making clear clanging sounds."
test-synth-case-2544.wav,"accompanied by the whistling of the wind, a man is walking in the snow."
test-synth-case-2545.wav,"someone is walking on a road covered with gravel and maple leaves, making a squeaking sound."
test-synth-case-2546.wav,"someone is walking in the wind, producing a thudding sound of footsteps."
test-synth-case-2547.wav,a skilled musician is playing beautiful music on the guitar.
test-synth-case-2548.wav,"the musical instrument is being played, producing some musical sounds."
test-synth-case-2549.wav,the musical instrument is playing ethereal music.
test-synth-case-2550.wav,"birds are singing, and the wind is strong."
test-synth-case-2551.wav,"harmonious bird songs are permeating the air, tenderly swaying with the strong gusts of wind."
test-synth-case-2552.wav,"with the howling of the wind, the birds are singing."
test-synth-case-2553.wav,"the old door is being pushed, making a piercing creaking sound."
test-synth-case-2554.wav,a door likely needs oiling as it emits a squeaking sound when it's being opened or closed.
test-synth-case-2555.wav,a door creates squeaking sounds from its rusty hinges.
test-synth-case-2556.wav,the electric drill's engine is rotating and sawing something.
test-synth-case-2557.wav,"as the engine is roaring in the background, a siren is sounding suddenly and changing the tone after a while."
test-synth-case-2558.wav,"as the engine is buzzing in the background, a siren is sounding suddenly and changing the tone after a while."
test-synth-case-2559.wav,the drum kit is being played lively with hi-hat and crash cymbal.
test-synth-case-2560.wav,"someone is knocking on the drum kit, which just for once."
test-synth-case-2561.wav,"someone strikes the cymbal, making a percussive sound."
test-synth-case-2562.wav,"with the sound of the toilet pumping, the water is sucked away by a powerful suction."
test-synth-case-2563.wav,someone is flushing the toilet and there was a loud noise occurring from the water flow.
test-synth-case-2564.wav,someone is flushing the toilet with the splashing sound of the water and the echoes.
test-synth-case-2565.wav,"the alarm is blaring, accompanied by a persistent busy signal and a wailing siren."
test-synth-case-2566.wav,"the alarm sound is ringing rhythmically and continuously, creating a sense of urgency."
test-synth-case-2567.wav,"an alarm is blaring, a busy signal is beeping, and a siren is wailing in the distance."
test-synth-case-2568.wav,the water is flowing from the faucet.
test-synth-case-2569.wav,"the faucet is running, filling the sink with water, creating a gurgling sound at home."
test-synth-case-2570.wav,"the water is running from the faucet, creating a gurgling sound."
test-synth-case-2571.wav,"as the fire crackles and burns, the logs occasionally emit sharp and splitting sounds."
test-synth-case-2572.wav,the fire is setting with the sounds of rustle and crackle.
test-synth-case-2573.wav,flames are crackling and leaves are rustling in the gentle firelight.
test-synth-case-2574.wav,"the car's engine is currently starting and accelerating, emitting a vroom sound."
test-synth-case-2575.wav,the engine of car is accelerating and vrooming with roadway noise.
test-synth-case-2576.wav,the engine of the car is accelerating with roadway noise.
test-synth-case-2577.wav,a group of people are clapping hands to show their approval and praise inside a hall.
test-synth-case-2578.wav,"a crowd is erupting into applause, clapping enthusiastically in a collective expression of approval and celebration."
test-synth-case-2579.wav,"a crowd erupts into applause, enthusiastically in a collective expression of approval and celebration."
test-synth-case-2580.wav,the wind chimes are ringing in the rain.
test-synth-case-2581.wav,the wind chime is ringing with a trickling sound of rain.
test-synth-case-2582.wav,"the wind is swirling, chimes are ringing, water is flowing, rain is falling, and a musical instrument is playing softly."
test-synth-case-2583.wav,the sharp knife keeps rubbing against each other to make a sharp sound.
test-synth-case-2584.wav,someone is scratching the knife with a clanging sound.
test-synth-case-2585.wav,someone is scraping a metal object while creating clanging sounds.
test-synth-case-2586.wav,a group of people are making noise.
test-synth-case-2587.wav,"in a crowded place, people chat casually, and the sounds of various items colliding intertwine with each other."
test-synth-case-2588.wav,"a crowd is conversing and giggling, immersed in a lively group chatter."
test-synth-case-2589.wav,the rain is dripping to the ground with thunder ringing in the sky.
test-synth-case-2590.wav,rain is falling to the ground accompanied by thunderstorms.
test-synth-case-2591.wav,heavy rain is falling really densely on the ground accompanied by the roaring thunders during a thunderstorm.
test-synth-case-2592.wav,a man is coughing all the time.
test-synth-case-2593.wav,a man is beginning to cough intermittently.
test-synth-case-2594.wav,a man is coughing as if he is hurt.
test-synth-case-2595.wav,the sky is thundering loudly. 
test-synth-case-2596.wav,thunder rumbles ominously during the thunderstorm.
test-synth-case-2597.wav,"in a thunderstorm, the thunder is rumbling continuously with a great loud sound."
test-synth-case-2598.wav,"the door squeaks as someone closes it, making a high-pitched sound."
test-synth-case-2599.wav,"the door judders relentlessly in the gusts of wind, emitting an unsettling noise."
test-synth-case-2600.wav,"the door is pushed open vigorously, squeaking with a harsh voice."
test-synth-case-2601.wav,birds are making some vocalizations.
test-synth-case-2602.wav,birds communicate through simple and easy vocalizations.
test-synth-case-2603.wav,"birds are tweeting in the distance, amidst a windy environment."
test-synth-case-2604.wav,water is being poured into a receptacle.
test-synth-case-2605.wav,"a person is pouring water into a bathtub, making a splashing sound, accompanied by the roaring engine."
test-synth-case-2606.wav,"a person is pouring water into a bathtub, making a splashing sound, accompanied by a buzzing sound of the engine."
test-synth-case-2607.wav,someone is shooting with a gun and making three explosions.
test-synth-case-2608.wav,"a bomb is exploding, making a big bang."
test-synth-case-2609.wav,the sound of gunfire echoes as a sudden explosion booms in the distance.
test-synth-case-2610.wav,"birds and crickets call in the midst of background noise, with the distant hum of an aircraft and the intermittent sound of a helicopter."
test-synth-case-2611.wav,birds are chirping and frogs are croaking in the wild.
test-synth-case-2612.wav,birds are chirping and frogs are croaking in the environmental noise.
test-synth-case-2613.wav,"the sand is being poured into the bottle, producing a screeching grinding sound."
test-synth-case-2614.wav,"a person is rubbing against something metallic, making a screeching sound."
test-synth-case-2615.wav,"someone is scratching the metal, creating a screeching sound."
test-synth-case-2616.wav,"someone is manually turning pages, creating crumpling and crinkling sounds."
test-synth-case-2617.wav,a man is turning the pages of a book and making a grinding sound.
test-synth-case-2618.wav,"a person is flipping the pages of a book, producing a crinkling sound."
test-synth-case-2619.wav,"the glockenspiel is being struck, and it's a beautiful piece of music."
test-synth-case-2620.wav,"a musician is playing the glockenspiel, one kind of the mallet percussion, to create a sweet melody."
test-synth-case-2621.wav,"someone is playing a part of the melody from 'twinkle, twinkle litter star' using the glockenspiel."
test-synth-case-2622.wav,a person is walking at a quick pace.
test-synth-case-2623.wav,someone's footsteps are echoing softly as he walks down the deserted hallway.
test-synth-case-2624.wav,someone's footsteps is echoing softly as this person walks down the deserted hallway.
test-synth-case-2625.wav,"amidst the lively chatter, giggles, and clinking of dishes, a pleasant conversation is unfolding."
test-synth-case-2626.wav,"in a noisy environment, men and women are talking."
test-synth-case-2627.wav,the crowd is chattering with a distinct female voice and the clanging sound of pots and pans.
test-synth-case-2628.wav,the telephone is changing its ringtone.
test-synth-case-2629.wav,the telephone is currently changing its ringtone.
test-synth-case-2630.wav,"the telephone is ringing rapidly and shrilly, its urgent tone filling the air."
test-synth-case-2631.wav,"accompanied by the sound of the wind, the power tool is operating rhythmically."
test-synth-case-2633.wav,mechanics is using power tools to perform repairs and maintenance on machinery.
test-synth-case-2634.wav,the sound of cicadas is constantly ringing in the quiet night.
test-synth-case-2635.wav,"lots of insects are chirping together outdoors, producing a buzzing sound."
test-synth-case-2636.wav,"crickets are singing in the wild, accompanied by buzzing noises."
test-synth-case-2637.wav,someone is playing brass instrument to make a sound.
test-synth-case-2638.wav,"someone is playing the brass instrument, making some noise."
test-synth-case-2639.wav,a bass instrument is making a loud humming sound.
test-synth-case-2640.wav,the waves of the ocean hit the beach twice.
test-synth-case-2641.wav,"the sea is rippling, and waves as well as surfs are crashing against the ocean."
test-synth-case-2642.wav,the waves are constantly lapping against the shore and stones.
test-synth-case-2643.wav,the train is passing by on the railway.
test-synth-case-2644.wav,the train makes rumbling sound while it is running.
test-synth-case-2645.wav,a train is making whirring sounds as it runs on the track.
test-synth-case-2646.wav,the sea is turning upwards and beating on the rocks on the shore.
test-synth-case-2647.wav,"the water is crashing against the shore constantly, creating big and small waves."
test-synth-case-2648.wav,the waves are pattering and slashing on the shore.
test-synth-case-2649.wav,electronic instruments make some noise and sharpen noise.
test-synth-case-2650.wav,video games are producing some electronic sound effects.
test-synth-case-2651.wav,"the sound effects of the video game are repeating over and over again, accompanied by harsh and high-pitched noises."
test-synth-case-2652.wav,the telephone is ringing and a woman is speaking something.
test-synth-case-2653.wav,"when the phone rings, a man picks it up and hears a woman saying something."
test-synth-case-2654.wav,"a woman is speaking into the telephone, her voice interspersed with the busy tone."
test-synth-case-2655.wav,"someone is knocking on the bell, creating a resonant sound."
test-synth-case-2656.wav,"someone is knocking the bell, producing a clanging sound."
test-synth-case-2657.wav,"someone knocks on the cymbal, creating a continuous echo."
test-synth-case-2658.wav,"the train is running on the railway, and the wheels are clattering."
test-synth-case-2659.wav,a train is approaching with wheels squealing.
test-synth-case-2660.wav,the train is making clanging sounds as the wheels roll on the track.
test-synth-case-2661.wav,the music is being skillfully performed on a keyboard instrument.
test-synth-case-2662.wav,"the instrument plays a sustained, ethereal, and melodious tune."
test-synth-case-2663.wav,someone is playing an instrument to make it make ethereal and horrible music.
test-synth-case-2664.wav,"with the howling of the wind, the waves are constantly churning in the sea."
test-synth-case-2665.wav,"with the howling of the wind, the waves are constantly churning and foaming in the sea."
test-synth-case-2666.wav,the waves are splashing and the wind is blowing.
test-synth-case-2667.wav,"water droplets are dripping down, dripping into the water tank full of water."
test-synth-case-2668.wav,"water is dripping, creating a liquid sound."
test-synth-case-2669.wav,the water is dropping down from a certain height.
test-synth-case-2670.wav,the glass is being smashed and the shatters are dropping.
test-synth-case-2671.wav,"glass shatters with a smash, followed by the sound of shards dripping down to the ground."
test-synth-case-2672.wav,"the glass is shattered, and its shards are falling on the ground."
test-synth-case-2673.wav,"the raindrops are falling onto the ground, creating a splashing sound."
test-synth-case-2674.wav,the heavy rain is pouring down and rustling on the ground.
test-synth-case-2675.wav,"the rain is pouring down on the surface, the sound of the droplets hitting the ground in a continuous rhythm."
test-synth-case-2676.wav,"as the alarm rings, a group of people run and pick up the chain."
test-synth-case-2677.wav,"as the alarm is ringing, someone is running with his clanging keys."
test-synth-case-2678.wav,the sound of the alarm is blending with the running footsteps and the jangling keys.
test-synth-case-2679.wav,a bunch of keys are colliding with each other.
test-synth-case-2680.wav,"a bunch of keys is currently jangling, colliding with each other."
test-synth-case-2681.wav,"a person keeps fiddling with the keychain in their hand, making a crisp sound."
test-synth-case-2682.wav,the heavy rain is pouring down and rustling on the ground.
test-synth-case-2683.wav,the heavy rain is pouring down and rustling on the ground.
test-synth-case-2684.wav,thunder is rumbling in the midst of a raging thunderstorm.
test-synth-case-2685.wav,"a person is walking on the hard ground, accompanied by heavy footsteps."
test-synth-case-2686.wav,a man in heavy leather shoes is stepping on the wooden floor hard.
test-synth-case-2687.wav,someone is walking with steady footsteps on a wood surface.
test-synth-case-2688.wav,the emotional rhythm is produced by constantly playing the guitar.
test-synth-case-2689.wav,"someone is playing the guitar, producing a piece of beautiful music."
test-synth-case-2690.wav,the electric guitar is playing a piece of melody.
test-synth-case-2691.wav,"a person is blowing the wind instrument, creating a long resonant sound."
test-synth-case-2692.wav,"a musician is blowing into the woodwind instrument, producing a harmonious melody."
test-synth-case-2693.wav,"a musician is blowing the woodwind instrument, producing a harmonious melody."
test-synth-case-2694.wav,"the wild animals are growling low, like the creaking sound of a door."
test-synth-case-2695.wav,"a wild animal is roaring, like the squeak of a door."
test-synth-case-2696.wav,an animal is growling in a horrifying tone.
test-synth-case-2697.wav,the pots and pans are rubbing against one another.
test-synth-case-2698.wav,pots and pans constantly collide and rub together.
test-synth-case-2699.wav,someone is scratching the pot with a brushing tool.
test-synth-case-2700.wav,a man is introducing something while pushing wooden products.
test-synth-case-2701.wav,a man is patiently introducing the wooden products and regularly putting them on the table.
test-synth-case-2702.wav,"a man is picking up different kinds of wooden objects and dropping them one by one while choosing among them, creating thuds."
test-synth-case-2703.wav,"while it's raining here, there's also thunder."
test-synth-case-2704.wav,"with the big thunder, the heavy rain is pouring down and rustling on the ground."
test-synth-case-2705.wav,there is a thunderstorm with sounds of rain and thunder.
test-synth-case-2706.wav,a person is typing with the computer keyboard again and again.
test-synth-case-2707.wav,"someone's fingers are typing on a computer keyboard, and this person is slowing down gradually."
test-synth-case-2708.wav,"someone is typing on the keyboard, creating a crispy sound."
test-synth-case-2709.wav,a man is pouring coins into a wood box.
test-synth-case-2710.wav,a man is pouring a lot of coins into a wooden container.
test-synth-case-2711.wav,"someone is shaking the box with plastic materials inside, creating a clanging sound."
test-synth-case-2712.wav,"the water is running down, dripping and splashing on the wood."
test-synth-case-2713.wav,"a bottle of some water is shaked, making a splashing sound."
test-synth-case-2714.wav,the bottle is shaking and the water is wobbling inside.
test-synth-case-2715.wav,"the rain falls in a steady patter, creating a rhythmic tapping sound."
test-synth-case-2716.wav,"it is raining heavily, and drops of water make a sound on the ground."
test-synth-case-2717.wav,"rain is dribbling on the surface, creating a rhythmic sound."
test-synth-case-2718.wav,melodic music is emanating from the musical instruments.
test-synth-case-2719.wav,a piece of music is being played by the stringed instrument.
test-synth-case-2720.wav,the synthesizer is playing a piece of music with electronic sound effects.
test-synth-case-2721.wav,a person is methodically drawing horizontal lines on paper with a pen in a coordinated rhythm.
test-synth-case-2722.wav,someone is scratching sharp objects and making noises.
test-synth-case-2723.wav,"the scratching and slicing sounds permeate the room as careful surface contact guides the writing instrument, leaving a trail of deliberate scratches."
test-synth-case-2724.wav,"with the sound of water flowing, wild animals are roaring cruelly and strongly."
test-synth-case-2725.wav,"an animal is growling loudly, accompanied by a splashing sound of water."
test-synth-case-2726.wav,"an animal is growling, blending with the sound of dripping water."
test-synth-case-2727.wav,"the water is boiling, and the kettle is whistling."
test-synth-case-2728.wav,a kettle of water is boiling with a whistling sound.
test-synth-case-2729.wav,the kettle is making squealing sounds as the water boils.
test-synth-case-2730.wav,"the time has come, the bells of the clock are chiming and the hands are ticking away."
test-synth-case-2731.wav,"the bell of the clock is ringing on time, and then the hands of the clock is ticking tocking continuously, accomapnied by the microphone noise."
test-synth-case-2732.wav,"the bell of the clock is ringing on time, and then the hands of the clock are ticking continuously."
test-synth-case-2733.wav,"a person is running, and his shoes make a creaking sound."
test-synth-case-2734.wav,"someone is running on the snowfield, producing the squeaking sounds."
test-synth-case-2735.wav,"someone is running, whose shoes are making a squeaky sound."
test-synth-case-2736.wav,many people are beating drums and shouting slogans.
test-synth-case-2737.wav,people are banging the drums loudly and chanting slogans.
test-synth-case-2738.wav,"there is a rhythmic sound of crinkling, and then the drum blends into the sound."
test-synth-case-2739.wav,the printer is printing something.
test-synth-case-2740.wav,the printer is working hard.
test-synth-case-2741.wav,the machine is humming as the printer starts working.
test-synth-case-2742.wav,"the sound of an explosion echoes from afar, followed by the shatter of falling stones."
test-synth-case-2743.wav,"after an explosion is sounding, many things are falling down to the ground."
test-synth-case-2744.wav,"after an explosion is happening with the boom echoing, many things are falling down to the ground "
test-synth-case-2745.wav,"fireworks are exploding brilliantly in the air, lighting up the night sky."
test-synth-case-2746.wav,"fireworks are exploding in the night sky, casting a kaleidoscope of colors."
test-synth-case-2747.wav,fireworks are being fired intermittently at a distance.
test-synth-case-2748.wav,"water droplets are dropping on the pans and pots, making them shake and vibrate with sounds."
test-synth-case-2749.wav,"water droplets are rapidly falling on metal objects, making a clang sound."
test-synth-case-2750.wav,"the pots and pans are shaking and colliding against each other, making a clanging sound."
test-synth-case-2751.wav,someone is playing a piece of beautiful music with a melodious melody.
test-synth-case-2752.wav,"someone is playing the percussion, producing a piece of beautiful music."
test-synth-case-2753.wav,the musical instrument is playing electronic music with a rustling sound.
test-synth-case-2754.wav,the rhythmic beat is playing passionately.
test-synth-case-2755.wav,"some people are playing the drum kit and bass guitar to produce a percussion music, accompanied by a whirring noise."
test-synth-case-2756.wav,a drum kit and bass guitar infuse the electronic music with dynamic percussion.
test-synth-case-2757.wav,this is a noisy background noise.
test-synth-case-2758.wav,"with all the background noise around, objects are bumping into each other."
test-synth-case-2759.wav,the machine is making buzzing sounds.
test-synth-case-2760.wav,the keyboardist is playing beautiful music on the piano.
test-synth-case-2761.wav,"the music keyboard is playing music, beautiful but not clear enough."
test-synth-case-2762.wav,a person is playing music with the piano.
test-synth-case-2763.wav,"raindrops are pelting the surface, creating a steady patter."
test-synth-case-2764.wav,"in a rainy day, the rain is falling heavily into the river, creating a pattering sound."
test-synth-case-2765.wav,"on a rainy day, heavy rain patters as it hits the river's surface."
test-synth-case-2766.wav,cars are passing on noisy roads and people are chatting.
test-synth-case-2767.wav,"buses with their humming engines and occasional squeaks traverse a bustling roadway, while chatter and coughs punctuate the soundscape."
test-synth-case-2768.wav,"a bus is running on the road, accompanied with a vrooming and squeaking sound."
test-synth-case-2769.wav,"the wind is blowing over the ocean, spraying salt water and creating a surging surf."
test-synth-case-2770.wav,"the waves are beating against the shore, and the water is spraying all around."
test-synth-case-2771.wav,"the waves are beating against the shore, producing a splashing sound."
test-synth-case-2772.wav,a man is calling out in a low voice.
test-synth-case-2773.wav,"someone is yelling in a low voice, accompanied by a breathing sound."
test-synth-case-2774.wav,someone is making a husky yelling sound.
test-synth-case-2775.wav,the train is running on the tracks and its wheels are making a huge roar.
test-synth-case-2776.wav,"a car is passing by, from far to near, and then heading towards the distance."
test-synth-case-2777.wav,"the train is speeding by, leaving whooshing sounds."
test-synth-case-2778.wav,the sound of hammering echoes as someone knocks repeatedly.
test-synth-case-2779.wav,"a person is knocking a piece of metal using the hammer, making a clanging sound."
test-synth-case-2780.wav,someone is making clanging sounds using a metal material.
test-synth-case-2781.wav,it's raining heavily and raindrops are falling making a ticking sound.
test-synth-case-2782.wav,"raindrops signify the presence of rain, creating a rhythmic pattern as they fall."
test-synth-case-2783.wav,"it is raining, and the raindrops fall densely on the ground."
test-synth-case-2784.wav,voices are carrying a conversation amidst the traffic noise.
test-synth-case-2785.wav,"motorcycles have been driven on the road, while many people are talking."
test-synth-case-2786.wav,"a car is passing by in the traffic noise, accompanied by human voices."
test-synth-case-2787.wav,the rain is falling to the surface.
test-synth-case-2788.wav,the raindrops are falling onto the ground.
test-synth-case-2789.wav,"the rain becomes heavier and heavier, and the drops keep falling on the ground."
test-synth-case-2790.wav,the engine makes a sound while it is working.
test-synth-case-2791.wav,machines relentlessly produce rigid and clumsy noises.
test-synth-case-2792.wav,"the engine of the machine started, making a slow and heavy sound."
test-synth-case-2793.wav,the siren is being played regularly and annoying.
test-synth-case-2794.wav,"the alarm and siren are sounding loudly, alerting everyone in the area."
test-synth-case-2795.wav,"the siren sound is blaring in a loop loudly, beeping."
test-synth-case-2796.wav,a motor starts with the engine's sound loudly.
test-synth-case-2797.wav,"as the race car engine roars to life, it is revving and accelerating with a thunderous vroom on the track."
test-synth-case-2798.wav,"as the race car engine roars to life, it is revving with a thunderous vroom on the track."
test-synth-case-2799.wav,"birds are singing and calling amidst the sounds of ocean waves, surf, and the distant noises of roadway traffic, including passing cars."
test-synth-case-2800.wav,"on the rough sea, a flock of seagulls is circling and calling."
test-synth-case-2801.wav,"by the roadway, some crows are cawing."
test-synth-case-2802.wav,"someone accidentally pressed the alarm, resulting in a rapid and loud alarm sound."
test-synth-case-2803.wav,the air defense warning is ringing constantly.
test-synth-case-2804.wav,the siren goes off and echoes in the air.
test-synth-case-2805.wav,the sirens are making noises and the men are talking.
test-synth-case-2806.wav,"an alarm is sounding suddenly, and then a man is saying something, his voice is so deep."
test-synth-case-2807.wav,"an alarm is sounding suddenly, and then a man is saying something in a deep voice."
test-synth-case-2808.wav,a man is playing a drum set quickly and making a tune.
test-synth-case-2809.wav,"someone is playing percussion, drums and keyboards to make rhythmic and dynamic sounds."
test-synth-case-2810.wav,"someone is playing the musical instrument, producing a piece of beautiful music."
test-synth-case-2811.wav,someone is playing music with a musical instrument.
test-synth-case-2812.wav,"someone plays a musical instrument, creating music."
test-synth-case-2813.wav,"a musician is playing a musical instrument, creating music."
test-synth-case-2814.wav,the fire is flaming and crackling.
test-synth-case-2815.wav,the fire is flaming and crackling.
test-synth-case-2816.wav,"the firewood is burning, creating a crackle sound."
test-synth-case-2817.wav,the race car is passing by and some people are walking and talking on the road.
test-synth-case-2818.wav,"with the sound of one car after another passing by, people are conversing comfortably."
test-synth-case-2819.wav,"a crowd is chatting as cars pass by, filling the air with a blend of traffic noise and human voices."
test-synth-case-2820.wav,"someone is walking on the wood floor, and his footsteps are loud. "
test-synth-case-2821.wav,"someone is walking on the wooden floor, producing a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-2822.wav,"someone is walking on the wooden floor, making thumping footsteps."
test-synth-case-2823.wav,"hands are tapping, microphone noise is heard, with background crumpling and jumping sounds."
test-synth-case-2824.wav,"someone is touching and slapping the microphone with his hand, making a friction sound."
test-synth-case-2825.wav,"someone is tapping his clothes at home, producing the crinkling sounds."
test-synth-case-2826.wav,"a person is running on a path covered with leaves and branches, making a crackling and crunchy sound, and there are some glasses on the road."
test-synth-case-2827.wav,"someone is walking on a road covered with gravel and maple leaves, making a squeaking sound."
test-synth-case-2828.wav,"someone is running through the snow and breathing heavily, making crunchy sounds."
test-synth-case-2829.wav,"someone is playing percussion, guitar and keyboard to make rhythmic and dynamic sounds."
test-synth-case-2830.wav,"someone is playing the guitar, producing a piece of music."
test-synth-case-2831.wav,the musical instrument is playing a piece of melody with electronic sound effects.
test-synth-case-2832.wav,a slat is on the fire and making some crackle sound.
test-synth-case-2833.wav,a fire crackles intensely as it consumes.
test-synth-case-2834.wav,"a fire is burning, creating a strong crackling sound."
test-synth-case-2835.wav,this is the noise on the road.
test-synth-case-2836.wav,a car is running on the road with a buzzing sound.
test-synth-case-2837.wav,there are some traffic noises.
test-synth-case-2838.wav,"a man is walking on the uneven road, constantly making the sound of wood cracking."
test-synth-case-2839.wav,"someone is walking on a road covered with gravel and maple leaves, making a squeaking sound."
test-synth-case-2840.wav,someone is walking on the fallen leaves with a scrunching sound.
test-synth-case-2841.wav,the stream is gurgling and flowing downwards.
test-synth-case-2842.wav,"the stream's gurgling water is flowing in a steady trickle, dribbling liquid sounds."
test-synth-case-2843.wav,the water is gurgling merrily and steadily into streams.
test-synth-case-2844.wav,the machine is whirling the glass marbles.
test-synth-case-2845.wav,"a person is spinning a metal object on the table, creating a clanging sound."
test-synth-case-2846.wav,"a person is spinning a metal object on the table, producing a continuous clanging sound."
test-synth-case-2847.wav,"the aircraft, possibly a fixed-wing or helicopter, is roaring as it takes off."
test-synth-case-2848.wav,the helicopter is flying upwards and its propellers are making a loud noise.
test-synth-case-2849.wav,"the engine of aircraft is operating, producing the vrooming sound."
test-synth-case-2850.wav,"it's raining outside, and the raindrops are falling on the ground."
test-synth-case-2851.wav,it's raining with the sound of raindrops.
test-synth-case-2852.wav,"it's raining, and the sound of raindrops is audible as they tap against surfaces."
test-synth-case-2853.wav,a cat is snoring merrily with a soft sound.
test-synth-case-2854.wav,"a cat purrs contentedly while breathing softly on a cozy windowsill, embodying the serenity of domestic pets."
test-synth-case-2855.wav,"a cat is purring merrily and softly, like a small engine."
test-synth-case-2856.wav,someone is currently sharpening a knife using tools.
test-synth-case-2857.wav,the sharp knives are rubbing against each other to make a sharp sound.
test-synth-case-2858.wav,someone is sharpening the knife with a clanging sound.
test-synth-case-2859.wav,this is a synthetic female voice over the telephone.
test-synth-case-2860.wav,a woman is speaking through the telephone.
test-synth-case-2861.wav,a female voice is talking over the telephone.
test-synth-case-2862.wav,the car is passing by when someone is knocking the clock.
test-synth-case-2863.wav,"a car passes by while someone knocks on a clock, amidst the background noise of traffic and a bustling crowd."
test-synth-case-2864.wav,"the clock is ticking while cars are speeding past, leaving vrooming noises."
test-synth-case-2865.wav,the waves are gently beating against the beach
test-synth-case-2866.wav,"the ocean is crashing against the waves, creating waves and surfs."
test-synth-case-2867.wav,"the ocean is dashing against the shore, creating waves."
test-synth-case-2868.wav,someone is talking in the rain and thunder.
test-synth-case-2869.wav,human voices pierce through the thunderous symphony of a rainstorm.
test-synth-case-2870.wav,"a thunderstorm is rumbling with thunder as rain falls steadily, punctuated by distant human voices."
test-synth-case-2871.wav,the birds are chirping in the roadway noise.
test-synth-case-2872.wav,"birds are chirping amidst the roadway noise, blending their melodies with the sounds of traffic and wind."
test-synth-case-2873.wav,"in the forest, the birds are chirping incessantly."
test-synth-case-2874.wav,"it is rainning, and the rain is dripping to the ground."
test-synth-case-2875.wav,raindrops gently tap against the windowpane.
test-synth-case-2876.wav,raindrops are beating on the windowpanes gently.
test-synth-case-2877.wav,there are many crickets chirping in the wild.
test-synth-case-2878.wav,there are many crickets chirping beside the noisy road.
test-synth-case-2879.wav,the cricket is singing amidst the sounds of traffic noises and human conversations.
test-synth-case-2880.wav,the melodious bell keeps ringing.
test-synth-case-2881.wav,"a bell is ringing in the church, producing a clanging sound."
test-synth-case-2882.wav,the church bell is ringing and echoing.
test-synth-case-2883.wav,water is continuously poured into a cup until it is filled to the brim.
test-synth-case-2884.wav,"someone is turning on the tap to flush something, and the water splashes in the pool and makes a sound."
test-synth-case-2885.wav,"water from a faucet is filling the sink or being used for washing, creating the sound of water flowing."
test-synth-case-2886.wav,electronic sounds are buzzing and composing a unique music piece.
test-synth-case-2887.wav,the electronic sound is made by the musical instrument.
test-synth-case-2888.wav,"the electronic sounds are being made by the musical instrument, accompanied by the buzzing noise."
test-synth-case-2889.wav,"the train eases its way past, generating a rhythmic clatter as its wheels mesh with the tracks."
test-synth-case-2890.wav,the train is running with the squealing sounds.
test-synth-case-2891.wav,"the train is moving rapidly on the tracks, its wheels squealing with each turn."
test-synth-case-2892.wav,"amidst the roar of the engine, motor vehicles speed by, creating a commotion of swirling wind and noise."
test-synth-case-2893.wav,"vehicles are speeding by on the road, emitting a roar, accompanied by the chirping of distant birds."
test-synth-case-2894.wav,"cars and trucks are passing by on the road, mixing with the occasional sounds of birds and animals amidst the traffic noise."
test-synth-case-2895.wav,a man is speaking slowly and feebly.
test-synth-case-2896.wav,"a man is speaking, accompanied by a breathing sound."
test-synth-case-2897.wav,a man is making weird noises.
test-synth-case-2898.wav,thunder is rumbling in the distance as the thunderstorm approaches.
test-synth-case-2899.wav,"from a very distant place, a very faint sound of thunder is being heard."
test-synth-case-2900.wav,"the thunder is rolling constantly, foreshowing a great heavy rain."
test-synth-case-2901.wav,"someone is playing tambourine, which makes a jingling sound."
test-synth-case-2902.wav,"a person is striking the tambourine with one hand, causing its metal discs to produce a series of clear and melodious sounds."
test-synth-case-2903.wav,a tambourine rings out as a musical instrument in a percussion ensemble.
test-synth-case-2904.wav,someone is walking to the door and slaming it.
test-synth-case-2905.wav,"footsteps are heard walking to a door, which squeaks and then slams shut."
test-synth-case-2906.wav,a person is closing the door with a loud bang and steps on the wood.
test-synth-case-2907.wav,someone is knocking on the glass.
test-synth-case-2908.wav,"someone is currently knocking on the glass, creating a thudding sound."
test-synth-case-2909.wav,someone is tapping on the glassware.
test-synth-case-2910.wav,"the jackhammer is pounding, the chainsaw is sawing, and the drill is buzzing."
test-synth-case-2911.wav,"a person is using a jackhammer to drill the ground, creating a roaring and crackling sound continuously."
test-synth-case-2912.wav,"a person is using a jackhammer to drill the ground, creating a roaring and buzzing sound continuously."
test-synth-case-2913.wav,the water in the pots is boiling on the fire while some people are talking.
test-synth-case-2914.wav,the water in the kettle is boiling and producing a harsh noise.
test-synth-case-2915.wav,the kettle is emitting a high-pitched whistle while the water is boiling.
test-synth-case-2916.wav,"after class, the hallway is filled with the laughter and playful noise of children as they chat and roughhouse."
test-synth-case-2917.wav,a crowd of people are chattering and playing together.
test-synth-case-2918.wav,"children are playing and chatting, footsteps echo, and a crowd walks by as kids speak among the hum of human group actions."
test-synth-case-2919.wav,"the raindrop shows no signs of abating, remaining steady and persistent."
test-synth-case-2920.wav,the heavy rain is pouring down and rustling on the ground.
test-synth-case-2921.wav,rain is pattering on the surface as raindrops fall steadily.
test-synth-case-2922.wav,a doorbell was pulled by someone generating buzz.
test-synth-case-2923.wav,the doorbell is emitting a loud buzz.
test-synth-case-2924.wav,the doorbell is emitting a loud buzz out of sudden.
test-synth-case-2925.wav,the crackling sound of the paper is constantly being made.
test-synth-case-2926.wav,"someone is stepping on many plastic bottles, making them make a harsh noise. "
test-synth-case-2927.wav,"someone is squeezing things with force, producing a scrunching sound."
test-synth-case-2928.wav,the children are arguing fiercely with each other.
test-synth-case-2929.wav,"in a noisy environment, many children are talking."
test-synth-case-2930.wav,children are shouting and talking to each other.
test-synth-case-2931.wav,the helicopter is taking off with the noise.
test-synth-case-2932.wav,the helicopter is taking off with the noise.
test-synth-case-2933.wav,the aircraft is flying in the sky with a whirring engine.
test-synth-case-2934.wav,the fire is burning and crackling with the chirping of birds.
test-synth-case-2935.wav,"in the forest, the birds are chirping incessantly. someone is walking, and his footsteps are loud."
test-synth-case-2936.wav,the fire is burning and crackling with the chirping of birds.
test-synth-case-2937.wav,"the cheerful melody is echoing in the air, and the cheerful music is playing."
test-synth-case-2938.wav,someone is playing keyboard to make rhythmic and dynamic sounds.
test-synth-case-2939.wav,"someone is playing the musical instrument, producing a piece of electronic music."
test-synth-case-2940.wav,"someone is flushing the toilet, making a loud sound of water flow."
test-synth-case-2941.wav,"a person is flushing the toilet several times in a restroom, and the water is flowing."
test-synth-case-2942.wav,"a person is flushing the toilet several times in a restroom, and the water is flowing with a swooshing and splashing sound."
test-synth-case-2943.wav,the wheels are rolling on the track continuously.
test-synth-case-2944.wav,"someone is pulling a trolly, and the wheels are clanging and screeching on the ground like a noise."
test-synth-case-2945.wav,the wheels of a trolly are making clanging noise because of the uneven floor.
test-synth-case-2946.wav,the waves are rolling in the ocean with the wind.
test-synth-case-2947.wav,"the waves are rolling and crashing against the shore, driven by the strong wind blowing across the ocean surface."
test-synth-case-2948.wav,the waves are splashing and the wind is blowing.
test-synth-case-2949.wav,someone is playing percussion to make a beautiful sound.
test-synth-case-2950.wav,"someone is playing the piano, producing a piece of beautiful music."
test-synth-case-2951.wav,the musical instruments are playing a beautiful piece of melody accompanied by a ticking sound.
test-synth-case-2952.wav,"a car is driving on the road, and its engine is making a loud roar."
test-synth-case-2953.wav,"a car is running on the road, producing the sound of vroom."
test-synth-case-2954.wav,"the car races down the road, and its engine is roaring with a distinct vroom as it goes."
test-synth-case-2955.wav,the waves in the ocean are rolling.
test-synth-case-2956.wav,the waves are beating against the rocks on the shore.
test-synth-case-2957.wav,the waves gently patter on the shore.
test-synth-case-2958.wav,the police car is sounding the alarm and passing by.
test-synth-case-2959.wav,a police siren is ringing with a sound of beep while some people are talking.
test-synth-case-2960.wav,the police siren is ringing with people speaking to the walkie-talkie.
test-synth-case-2961.wav,"glass is screeching as it's being rubbed, making a high-pitched noise."
test-synth-case-2962.wav,the glass rubbing against each other produced a piercing noise.
test-synth-case-2963.wav,"a person is rubbing the glass with the glove, making a screeching sound."
test-synth-case-2964.wav,the raindrops are falling on the eaves.
test-synth-case-2965.wav,"it is raining, and the rain drops make a sound on the wood."
test-synth-case-2966.wav,"there is a fire burning inside the house, making a crackling sound."
test-synth-case-2967.wav,the electric drill is gradually shutting down.
test-synth-case-2968.wav,"the electric drill is piercing the silence with its persistent, noisy whirring."
test-synth-case-2969.wav,"the electric drill is whirring all the time, and then a door is squeaking."
test-synth-case-2970.wav,a person is opening and closing the drawer continously.
test-synth-case-2971.wav,"someone is opening the drawer and then closing it, producing a thumping sound."
test-synth-case-2972.wav,"the drawer is being repeatedly opened and closed, making thumping sounds."
test-synth-case-2973.wav,the sound of steady footsteps indicates that someone is walking firmly on the ground.
test-synth-case-2974.wav,a person is walking down the stairs with heavy footsteps on the wooden floor.
test-synth-case-2975.wav,"a person is walking down the stairs with heavy footsteps on the wooden floor, producing a thunding sound."
test-synth-case-2976.wav,"a jangle bell is being played, accompanied by cheerful drumbeats."
test-synth-case-2977.wav,"a person is ringing a bell, accompanied by rhythmic drumming."
test-synth-case-2978.wav,someone is playing the ringing musical instrument with the percussions from the drum kit.
test-synth-case-2979.wav,the church bell is making beautiful music.
test-synth-case-2980.wav,the church bell is ringing like a ringtone with the roadway noise.
test-synth-case-2981.wav,the church bell is ringing like a beautiful ringtone with the roadway noise.
test-synth-case-2982.wav,this is a piece of music played by drum kits.
test-synth-case-2983.wav,"someone is playing the musical instrument, producing a piece of beautiful music."
test-synth-case-2984.wav,the musical instrument is producing a piece of rhythmic electronic music with rustling sound effects.
test-synth-case-2985.wav,"with the roar of the engine, a motorcycle is speeding past from far to near."
test-synth-case-2986.wav,"a motorcycle is driving fast on the highway, and its engine makes a huge roar. "
test-synth-case-2987.wav,a motorcycle is running with its engine vrooming.
test-synth-case-2988.wav,the sound of hands thumping on glass produces a chinking and clinking noise.
test-synth-case-2989.wav,"a person is knocking the glass, making a chinking sound."
test-synth-case-2990.wav,"a person is knocking the glass, producing a chinking and thumping sound."
test-synth-case-2991.wav,a man is breathing heavily.
test-synth-case-2992.wav,a male is constantly inhaling and then exhaling deeply.
test-synth-case-2993.wav,a man is drawing in his breath sharply and then blowing.
test-synth-case-2994.wav,"with the roar of the engine, the plane is speeding past and away."
test-synth-case-2995.wav,"an airplane is flying in the sky, with its engine roaring and buzzing."
test-synth-case-2996.wav,"a fixed-wing aircraft is flying through the sky, and its engine is roaring loudly."
test-synth-case-2997.wav,the race car is passing by and accelerating with vroom.
test-synth-case-2998.wav,"on a racetrack, the race cars are starting their engines one after another and driving away at a high speed, and there is a sharp screeching sound when they step on the air brakes."
test-synth-case-2999.wav,"race cars are moving at high speed on the track, creating loud revving sounds."