Published August 18, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Talking beyond presence: 04 Symposium: Advances in data accessibility and data management for marine species occurrence data: Discussion Panel 1

  • 1. COINAtlantic Secretariat, Halifax, Canada|COINAtlantic Secretariat, Halifax, Canada
  • 2. OBIS Canada, Dartmouth, Canada|OBIS Canada, Dartmouth, Canada


Talking beyond presence will be a panel discussion on vocabularies. Panelists will include the presenters in the fisrts session of the symposium and invited guest panelists (TBD)

Questions for discussion: What controlled vocabularies are required for data types related to species occurrence and associated measurements? Are there existing and / or developing vocabularies for these data types? Are there data types for which vocabularies need to be developed? If so, who are the best authorities to develop and/or manage these vocabularies?



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