Published March 28, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D 3.4 Report on the interface between electromagnetic and angiography systems

  • 1. Multi-Scale Robotics Lab Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems, ETH Zurich
  • 2. Magnebotix AG, Zurich, Switzerland
  • 3. EXPERIAN, Portugal


This deliverable describes the developed interface between electromagnetic and angiography systems, to
allow the use of a angiography system to track the position of the released capsules. Imaging modalities play
a crucial role in modern healthcare, allowing for visualization of biological tissue and tracking of objects
such as microrobots for drug delivery. Fluorescence imaging, using near-infrared light, has gained popularity
due to its non-harmful nature and potential for in vivo tracking of microrobots. Magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) offers high-resolution imaging without ionizing radiation, and can extract 3D position information.
Magnetic particle imaging (MPI), a newer modality, tracks superparamagnetic nanoparticles and has
potential for tracking microrobots, but human-scale scanners are not yet commercially available. Ultrasound
imaging is widely used in clinical settings for its real-time imaging capabilities, but localization can be
challenging in the presence of bone. Fluoroscopy, based on X-ray technology, provides real-time and
contrast-rich images, but lacks 3D information. Imaging systems for navigation in drug delivery systems
should meet requirements such as availability in hospitals, compatibility with an eMNS, contrast-rich
imaging, real-time feedback, 3D localization, and non-harmful imaging modalities.



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ANGIE – MAgnetically steerable wireless Nanodevices for the tarGeted delivery of therapeutIc agents in any vascular rEgion of the body 952152
European Commission