Published January 4, 2018 | Version 0.6
Project deliverable Open

WhoLoDancE: Deliverable 5.3 - Integration and interoperability with external services, systems and applications report


The WhoLoDancE Work Package 5 is responsible for the overall data management infrastructure with the objective to collect, store, pre-process and manage the multimodal data acquired and integrate the various tools and components developed within the project.

This deliverable documents the outcomes of the tasks T5.4 Integration and interoperability with external services, systems and applications, T5.5 Integration of EyesWeb platform and T5.6 Global integration within the WhoLoDancE data management platform, summarizing the process and approaches of integrating to the platform the various components, modules and applications as described in the corresponding tasks.

At the moment, the various tools produced during the first period of the project are in different stages of completion and are gradually being integrated according to the needs defined by the envisioned user scenarios.

In this report we present the various tools (Movement Library and Annotator, Blending Machine, Movement Sketching, Choreomorphy, Similarity Search, and Kinect-based tools) through a lens of an integrated perspective, describing in detail the technical characteristics and interdependencies and propose a scheme for facilitating a variety of (web-based, low-end and high-end technology) digital learning experiences.


D5.3 Integration and interoperability with external services systems and applications report_0.6.pdf

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European Commission
WhoLoDancE – Whole-Body Interaction Learning for Dance Education 688865