Published December 31, 2017 | Version 0.8
Project deliverable Open

WhoLoDancE: Deliverable 3.5 - Report on data-driven and model-driven analysis methodologies

  • 1. Università degli Studi di Genova
  • 2. Politecnico di Milano


This deliverable summarizes the description of the development of techniques adopted for multimodal analysis of dance at both individual and group levels, data-driven, and model-driven analysis.
Section 1 introduces the report and lists its objectives whereas Section 2 refers to the methodology employed in the data-driven approach.
Section 3 provides an overview of developed model-driven approaches to extract movement dimensions related to the dance-learning scenario: from low-level model-based movement dimension to more complex intra- and inter- network related methodologies, including a technique to automatically segment dance sequences in meaningful chunks.


D3.5 Report on data-driven and model-driven analysis methodologies_final.pdf

Additional details


European Commission
WhoLoDancE – Whole-Body Interaction Learning for Dance Education 688865


  • Camurri, A. G. (2016). The dancer in the eye: towards a multi-layered computational framework of qualities in movement. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing. ACM.
  • Phillips-Silver, J. a. (2012). Searching for roots of entrainment and joint action in early musical interactions. Frontiers in human neuroscience.
  • Quiroga, R. Q. (2002). Event synchronization: a simple and fast method to measure synchronicity and time delay patterns. Physical review.