Nymphomyia orientalis Makarchenko et Semenchenko, sp. nov.

http://zoobank.org/NomenclaturalActs/ BE8D3565-9098-4603-8138-D58DE5F12668

(Figs. 3–14)

Nymphomyia rohdendorfi Makarchenko; Makarchenko & Gunderina, 2012: 20 (misidentification); Yavorskaya & Makarchenko 2015: 524 (misidentification).

Remarks. In earlier investigations (Yavorskaya & Makarchenko 2015) after comparing the adults of males and females of the N. rohdendorfi from the Kolyma River basin and Chukotka with those from the Amur River basin we noted differences in the structure of the females and assumed that an independent species lives in the Amur River basin, the identification of which we postponed until obtained DNA barcoding data. After getting such data, now we presenting a description of an independent new species N. orientalis sp. nov. from the Amur River basin. Moreover, a comparison of the results of DNA barcoding of N. orientalis sp. nov. from the Polovinka and Makcha rivers showed that specimens from the populations of these rivers differ at the species level. However, we did not find any morphological differences between males and females of these populations, but nevertheless decided to distinguish two subspecies— N. orientalis orientalis subsp. nov. for speciemens from the Polovinka River and N. orientalis makcha subsp. nov. for individuals from the Makcha River. Also, according to morphological data, males of N. orientalis sp. nov. and N. rohdendorfi are almost indistinguishable. See more detail below in “Results of DNA barcoding.”

Diagnosis. See identification key below.