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There is a newer version of the record available.

Published May 14, 2024 | Version v0
Software Open

aceacedey/Kolkata_Data_PMC_paper_TrafficCountEstimationUsingCrowdSourcedTrajectory: Kolkata (Webel More) car trajectory, traffic signal, and traffic count data

  • 1. Aalto University


This release contains the raw data that are used in the paper titled Traffic count estimation using crowd-sourced trajectory data in the absence of dedicated infrastructure.

The raw trajectory data interpreted camera data with signal timing information, traffic counts and queue lengths data were collected at a single-lane signalised road intersection at the Webel-More in Kolkata. Validation datasets are manually collected using a video camera installed at the observer's location. A ground-truth dataset of vehicle counts, departure headways, and signal timing is manually constructed using time-stamped video camera footage and visual inspection. A smartphone-equipped vehicle with the GPSlogger Android application is used to collect the set of vehicle trajectory data.



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