Published May 7, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D5.1 – Development of the ontology for demolition task planning


This report comprehensively outlines the efforts undertaken during Task 5.1, focusing on the development of a task planner for the automatic execution of demolition activities. At its core, it leverages a demolition ontology, an extension of ifcOWL, to establish a cognitive foundation. This ontology meticulously delineates the demolition environment, encompassing representations of walls, openings, and robots. Demolition task planning has a detailed focus on marking, drilling, and cutting operations. These tasks seamlessly unfold through the task planner, which meticulously assesses feasibility based on available resources.


D5.1 – Development of the ontology for demolition task planning.pdf

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HumanTech – Human Centered Technologies for a Safer and Greener European Construction Industry 101058236
European Commission