THE PUBLIC FILES THAT ARE SHARED HERE ARE: 1. DRACO_STARS: This file contains measured proper motions, uncertainties and respective instrumental magnitudes of stars with proper motion uncertainties smaller than Draco's intrinsic velocity dispersion. The detailed explanation of this dataset is given in Vitral et al. (2024, Section 2.3.5). 2. DRACO_BINS: This file corresponds to the data points in Figure 11 from Vitral et al. (2024), corresponding to 3D velocity dispersion profiles and respective line-of-sight rotation curve from Draco. 3. DRACO_LOS: This file contains the field "OBJ_ID" from the line-of-sight catalog from Walker et al. (2023) concerning the stars retained for internal mass-modeling in Vitral et al. (2024). Please read the "Notes" section of each file for further information. Please cite the following papers when using these catalogs: - Vitral et al. (2024), ApJ, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad571c - Walker et al. (2023), ApJS, 268, 19, DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/acdd79