Pyrgo oblonga (d’Orbigny, 1839b)

Figure 20.5-6

1839b Biloculina oblonga d’Orbigny, p. 163, pl. 8, figs. 21-23.

2012 Pyrgo oblonga (d’Orbigny); Debenay, p. 117. 2012 Pyrgo oblonga (d’Orbigny); Milker and Schmiedl, p. 66, fig. 17.13.

Description. Test elongate, outline pyriform, more tapering at the apertural end, wall porcelaneous, imperforate, surface smooth; chambers inflated, biloculine chamber arrangement, coiling involute, peripheral margin subacutely rounded; aperture terminal, ovate to subelliptical, bordered by a rim, with a broad, bifid tooth.