============================================================================================================ START versionhistory ============================================================================================================ This file is written and formatted in notepad++ in the normal text language and UTF-8 encoding on Windows. Please use this program to view this file. This document includes the history of version changes to the WUR DMP template and guidance. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7233369 Versioning within the filename of the WUR DMP template is done at the end of the filename with the indication v[major version]-[minor version] (e.g., v08-03). Edits to the WUR DMP template can be made by one or multiple people, but will always be checked / approved by at least 2 people from WUR Library RDM support. ============================================================================================================ ## General ============================================================================================================ + Authors: Danny de Koning - van Nieuwamerongen at danny.dekoning-vannieuwamerongen@wur.nl Irene Verhagen at irene1.verhagen@wur.nl + Project: WUR DMP template and guidance + University: Wageningen University and Research + Department: Library - RDM support + Contact: Email at data@wur.nl ============================================================================================================ ## Versions ============================================================================================================ # Version v07 # October 2022 First publication of the WUR DMP template + guidance in Zenodo. Requested by: Irene Verhagen, Danny de Koning - van Nieuwamerongen Editors: Irene Verhagen, Danny de Koning - van Nieuwamerongen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Version v08 # April 2023 Changed questions to multiple choice answers where possible to aid the user in choosing a suitable answer. Added proper formatting of headers and question numbers for proper navigation in the file. Separated some elements in the 'organisational context' table to separate questions (to question 1, 2, 3) in order to make it easier to eventually acquire appropriate statistics / insights from the DMPonline API queries (performed by the WUR DMPonline admins). + Changed question 10 - "Please describe the data you expect to generate and / or use in the table below". ++ Added 2 extra columns to aid in determining the size of storage required. + Changed question 16 - "Describe below what data documentation and metadata will accompany the data to help make the data findable, understandable, and reproducible". ++ Added references to the data documentation recommendations of WUR. + Added question 19 on the data classification. + Changed question 21 - "Please specify the (sensitive) data and privacy protection measures". ++ Added information on contacting the privacy officer or information security officer. Other minor changes made in question formulation and guidance throughout the document to provide better clarification of the intend of the questions. Requested by: Danny de Koning - van Nieuwamerongen, Irene Verhagen Editors: Danny de Koning - van Nieuwamerongen, Irene Verhagen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Version v08-01 # April 2023 + Changed question 12 - "Where will the data, code and accompanying documentation / metadata be stored and backed up during the research project". ++ Added the word 'code' in the question, and Git@WUR answer possibility. + Changed question 14 - "Describe the file naming conventions you intend to use". ++ Added 'Please give one or multiple examples' in the question so that file naming convention will be more clear form the answer given. Requested by: Irene Verhagen Editors: Irene Verhagen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Version v08-02 # May 2023 + Added question 7 - "I have requested a review of this data management plan from:". ++ Included several answer possibilities. This question will help determine which DMPs have been reviewed and which aren't (DMPonline does not keep track in the system itself whether a review was performed). ++ Included guidance section for this question. Requested by: Irene Verhagen Editors: Irene Verhagen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Version v08-03 # May 2023 + Changed question 3 - "What is the name of your chair group or business unit". ++ Added the correct link to find the name of the business unit group. Forgot to change the reference of question 10 throughout the document in previous version to question 11 as there was one question (question 7) added. Requested by: Danny de Koning - van Nieuwamerongen Editors: Danny de Koning - van Nieuwamerongen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Version v09 # April 2024 + Changed throughout template and guidance. ++ Any 'your data' is removed or changed into 'the research data' or 'research data'. ++ Ownership is replaced with rightsholder where appropriate. ++ Updated correct links and DOI's used. ++ Changed 'WUR Library' to WUR Library - RDM support' where appropriate. + Changed the introduction - "WUR data management plan template". ++ Added to first bullet that the template pertains to research data AND software level low. ++ Added a bullet that software of level medium and / or high should be described in a software management plan (SMP) + link to WUR SMP template (DOI). ++ Changed 'data management plan' into 'DMP' where appropriate. ++ Separated the 'questions' bullet-point into separate bullet-points for data@wur.nl, privacy officers, and information security officers. ++ Added bullet point that questions in the DMP can have multiple answers where appropriate. ++ Simplified bullet-point on funder requirements (fourth bullet-point) to indicate that no known funders exist that make their own DMP template mandatory and that the WUR DMP template is advised. + Changed question 2 - "What is the name of your department(s)?" ++ Removed 'Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation' as this group merged with "Wageningen Economic Research'. + Changed question 7 - "I have requested a review of this data management plan from:" ++ Added the coordinating data steward as possibility for review of DMP. + Changed question 9 - "Will you use existing data for this project?" ++ Replaced the word 'reuse' with 'use'. + Changed question 13 - "Where will the data, code and accompanying documentation / metadata be stored and backed up during the research project?". ++ Added the option 'M:drive - only when an up to date version of the research data is also safely stored on the W:drive or Yoda'. ++ Replaced Yoda with Yoda@WUR. + Changed question 16 - "How will you distinguish between versions of files (multiple answers possible)?" ++ Removed second answer possibility as it was redundant with the third answer specifying the same thing about updating the version number with each new version. + Changed question 19 - "Who is the (rights)holder of the data (commonly known as the owner of the data)?" ++ Added "Please specify below the other rightsholders." + Changed question 23 - "Are there other ethical issues that need to be taken into account which may include approval from ethical committees?" ++ Merged the answer possibilities stating possible negative impacts on humans, nature, or society into 1 answer possibility to reduce redundancy. + Changed question 24 - "Will there be any intellectual property (IP) rights or alternative applications or routes to impact (such as commercial interests) associated with the data?" ++ Changed text in question to include value creation. ++ Added answer possibility regarding disclosure and value creation form. + Changed topic and guidance F - "Working with sensitive data (personal data, ethics), data ownership, sharing and access". ++ Changed 'data ownership' into '(rights)holder(s)'. + Changed question 26 - "Describe what data from question 11 will be archived internally (e.g. WUR network drive / Yoda) and not published, for a minimum of 10 years?". ++ Removed the word 'internally' in both the question and one of the answers, as this was perceived as confusing and '(e.g. WUR network drive / Yoda) covers it. + Changed question 29 - "What data repository do you intend to use to make the data findable and accessible (see the WUR Repository Finder)?" ++ Added '(meta)' in front of '... data findable...' > '...(meta)data findable...' ++ Changed DANS EASY to DANS Data Stations. + Changed question 30 - "Which metadata standard will be used to describe the data during internal archiving and / or depositing in a data repository?" ++ Changed DANS EASY to DANS Data Stations. + Removed question 32 - "If software is generated in this project, describe your publishing strategy below." ++ Removed entire question as there is an SMP in place to cover this question. + Changed question 33 (now 32) - "What resources (in time and / or money) will be dedicated to data management, data archiving or publication, and ensuring that data is reusable? Indicate as well how these costs will be covered." ++ Simplified the answer possibilities. Mainly the costs covered relating to data storage, archiving, and publication were merged into 1 question to avoid redundancy. ++ Information on repository size limits moved to the guidance section. + Changed guidance question 8 - "Data management support staff" ++ Added links to local data steward and coordinating data stewards. + Changed guidance question 11 - "Description newly generated data". ++ Added example of file size impact on storage media depending on cluster size. ++ Added clarification to be as distinctive as possible when filling in the data table. + Changed guidance C - "Data storage during research". ++ Changed title into 'Data and documentation / metadata storage during research'. ++ Changed guidance to make it similar as the guidance C in the WUR software management plan template. + Changed guidance question 14 - "Folder structure". ++ Added how to create a folder tree file when using Git Bash on Windows and Linux. ++ Changed 'note: the following steps only work in Windows / does not work on zip files)' into (note: the following steps do not work with zip files)'. Changed guidance question 15 - "File naming conventions" ++ Added example of filenaming convention. + Changed guidance question 20 - "Data classification" ++ Clarified the data classification in line with the software management template. Moved information of personal data to guidance question 22. + Changed guidance question 21 - "Registration in SmartPIA" ++ Rephrased first sentence and added 'Note: PhD candidates, when applicable, do not have to register their projects themselves. Please, contact your supervisor and / or project leader.' + Changed guidance question 22 - "Data and privacy protection measures" ++ Moved information on personal data from question 20 to here. + Changed guidance question 24 - "IPR / value creation associated with the data". ++ Added the value creation forms. + Changed guidance question 29 - "Choosing a data repository" ++ Updated the data size limits to the current information for DANS and Zenodo (from 100GB to 50GB). + Changed guidance question 32 - "Required resources" ++ Added information on data size limits for DANS, 4TU, and Zenodo (was previously mentioned in the question answer possibilities). ++ Updated the data size limits to the current information for DANS and Zenodo (from 100GB to 50GB). Requested by: Irene Verhagen, Danny de Koning-van Nieuwamerongen Editors: Irene Verhagen, Danny de Koning-van Nieuwamerongen ============================================================================================================ END versionhistory ============================================================================================================