Published November 1, 2014 | Version 9999983
Journal article Open

Some Morphological Characteristics of Perennial Ryegrass Genotypes and Correlations among Their Characteristics


The present study involved analysis of certain
characteristics of the perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)
genotypes collected from the natural flora of Ankara, and explores a
correlation among them. In order to evaluate the plants for breeding
purpose as per Turkey's environmental conditions, the perennial
ryegrass plants were collected from natural pasture of Ankara in 2004
and were utilized for the study. Seeds of the collected plants were
sown in pots and seedlings were prepared in a greenhouse. In 2005,
the seedlings were transplanted at 50 × 50 cm2 intervals in
Randomized Complete Blocks Design in an experimental field. In
2007 and 2008, data were recorded from the observations and
measurements of 568 perennial ryegrasses. The plant characteristics,
which were investigated, included re-growth time in spring, color,
density, growth habit, tendency to form inflorescence, time of
inflorescence, plant height, length of upper internode, spike length,
leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, leaf shape, number of spikelets per
spike, seed yield per spike and 1000 grain weight and the correlation
analyses were made using this data. Correlation coefficients were
estimated between all paired combinations of the studied traits. The
yield components exhibited varying trends of association among
themselves. Seed yield per spike showed significant and positive
association with the number of spikelets per spike, 1000 grain weight,
plant height, length of upper internode, spike length, leaf length, leaf
width, leaf area and color, but significant and negative association
with the growth habit and re-growth time in spring.



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