Ramassamy, BenjaminLambert, OlivierCollareta, AlbertoUrbina, MarioBianucci, Giovanni2018Figure 11 in Description of the skeleton of the fossil beaked whale Messapicetus gregarius: searching potential proxies for deep-diving abilities10.5281/zenodo.10965478Figure 11. Phylomorphospace of the principal components 1 and 2 for the hamular fossa of the pterygoid sinus (a) and its correlation circle (b). The dotted circle delimits the Ziphiidae family. The branches represent the phylogenetic relationships between the different species. Abbreviations: Ceco: Cephalorhynchus commersonii; Glme: Globicephala melas; Grgr: Grampus griseus; Hyam: Hyperoodon ampullatus; Laac: Lagenorhynchus acutus; Mebi: Mesoplodon bidens; Megr: Mesoplodon grayi; Megre: Messapicetus gregarius; Mepe: Mesoplodon peruvianus; Momo: Monodon monoceros; Orbr:Orcaella brevirostris; Phma: Physeter macrocephalus; Pobl: Pontoporia blainvillei; Plga: Platanista gangetica; Pscr: Pseudorca crassidens; Saob:Sagmatias obscurus; Sofl: Sotalia fluviatilis; Stat: Stenella attenuata; Stcl: Stenella clymene; Stfr: Stenella frontalis; Tutr: Tursiops truncatus; Zica: Ziphius cavirostris.)%14.22(2componentPrincipal(a10550)15PhmaDeepHyamNon-deepPresumablyZIPHIIDAEdiverZicadiverGlme10non-deepMebiMebodiverMegre5PrincipalMepeMegrPscrcomponent0Grgr1(MomoLaac74.54%5)TutrCecoStatOrbrStclSaob10StcoStloStfrSofl15PlgaPoblePWPAWPHPLP(b)