Elachertus fenestratus Nees, 1834

MATERIAL EXAMINED. Amur Province: KhR, 3 km E Uril, r. Tarmanchukan, hill, 3–4.VIII.2022, 3 ♂, 2 ♀; 7 km SE Uril, river Dyrovatka, forest, 6–7.VIII.2022, 2 ♀; 24 km W Arkhara, сordon Kleshinskoe ozero, forest, 12–14.VIII.2022, 1 ♀ (OK).

DISTRIBUTION. Russia: Bryansk and Ulyanovsk Province, Krasnodar Territory, Amur Province, Khabarovsk, Primorskiy, Kamchatka Territories, Sakhalin and Kuril Islands. Europe, Turkey, Israel, Iran, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, China, Korean Peninsula, Japan, North and South America.

HOSTS. Primary ectoparasitoid of lepidopterans from the families Gelechiidae, Coleophoridae, Gracillariidae and Tortricidae.