Number : S109 Code : PARCEDC Short Name : List of 7074 potential endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) by PARC T4.2 Short Description : A comprehensive list of 7074 endocrine disruptors compiled by PARC T4.2., including assessments by EU and national regulators, NORMAN SusDat and more, complemented with VEGA and ToxCast models and data. List provided by Sandrine Andres and Valeria Dulio, INERIS. Description : A comprehensive list of 7074 endocrine disruptors compiled by PARC T4.2., integrating assessments by EU and national regulators, contributions from entities like the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)and complemented by other potential endocrine disruptors (hormones, bisphenols, etc.).The list also includes potentially active endocrine disruptors screened from all substances in the NORMAN SusDat database ( using VEGA (QSAR) EDC prediction models (, ToxCast database's in vitro assay data and ToxCast based machine learning predictions. List kindly provided by Sandrine Andres and Valeria Dulio, INERIS. S109 | PARCEDC | List of 7300 potential endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) by PARC T4.2