"authors": [
"name": "Maxime Gu\u00e9nette, Mathilde Verstraete, Alix Chagu\u00e9, Marcello Vitali-Rosati",
"affiliation": "Universit\u00e9 de Montr\u00e9al / Inria / \u00e9cole Pratique des Hautes \u00c9tudes"
"summary": "Transcription model for the Palatine Anthology, a Xth century Byzantine manuscript in Ancient Greek.",
"description": "Meleagre-NFD-finetuned is a Kraken HTR model trained from the Generic CREMMA Medieval model. The model is trained with NFD unicode normalization. The training data consists of 70 pages of the Codex Palatinus graecus 23, also know as the Palatine Anthology, a Xth century Byzantine manuscrit in Ancient Greek. The repository with XML files, images and more is available here: https://gitlab.huma-num.fr/ecrinum/anthologia/htr_cpgr23.",
"accuracy": 91.05263352394104,
"license": "CC-BY-4.0",
"script": [
"name": "meleagre-NFD-finetuned.mlmodel",
"graphemes": [
" ",