Published April 5, 2024 | Version v1
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Discrimination accumulates over time




The left figure (bar graph) shows the career progression of a privileged person who is promoted on their potential ie. forgiven for their lack of experience, and has not had to deal with discrimination. This shows y-axis as career progression and x-axis as time. The bar graph starts at level 6 and continues to grow steadily til it gets to level 14 in career progression. 

The right figure (bar graph) shows the career progression of a marginalised person who has to prove their experience ie. punished for their lack of experience, and has had to leave roles due to discrimination. This shows y-axis as career progression and x-axis as time. The bar graph starts at level 6 but due to discrimination the person is forced to leave (signified by a snake) and then drops to level 5 on the next unit of time. In this unit of time the person is forced out due to discrimination (again signified by a snake) and has to find a sideways move. Their career then grows until it hits another “snake” that forces it back from level 7 to level 6. It then grows back to level 8.

This shows how experience can be slowed when you are faced with discrimination and that expereince can be highly correlated with opportunity or lack of discrmiination and not on ability.



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