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Published April 3, 2024 | Version v1
Dataset Open

GCEF 2014-2023 Ecosystem Multifunctionality Data

  • 1. ROR icon German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research
  • 2. ROR icon Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
  • 3. ROR icon National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences
  • 1. ROR icon Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
  • 2. ROR icon German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research
  • 3. ROR icon Leipzig University
  • 4. ROR icon Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
  • 5. ROR icon National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences


This dataset comprises data from the Global Change Experimental Facility (GCEF) (
The data was obtained between 2014 and 2023.
Martin Schädler ( is the scientific coordinator of the GCEF.
Martin Schädler and Harald Auge ( designed the GCEF.
Martin Schädler, Thomas Reitz, Rui Yin, Harald Auge, Ines Merbach, Christiane Roscher, Stan Harpole, Evgenia Blagodatskaya, Julia Siebert, Marcel Ciobanu, and Nico Eisenhauer collected the data.
Friedrich Scherzinger ( compiled the dataset.
Some columns in the dataset are empty as they are placeholders for numerical data that will be filled during the data analysis process. They are left empty in the initial dataset to accommodate the subsequent analysis and to maintain the structure of the dataset.
For more information on how the data was obtained and on the context of its collection, please refer to Scherzinger et al. (2023). Sustainable land management enhances ecological and economic multifunctionality under ambient and future climate (pre-print).
Abbreviations used in the dataset:
LUT - land use type
EM - extensive meadow
EP - extensive pasture
IM - intensive meadow
CF - conventional farming
OF - organic farming
Climate - climate treatment
amb - ambient
fut - future
Yield - yield (€ / ha / yr)
TOC - total organic soil carbon (%) - data owners: Thomas Reitz, Evgenia Blagodatskaya
Nmin_Surplus - nitrogen surplus (g / m²)
Mic_Bio - microbial biomass (mg / kg soil) - data owner: Thomas Reitz
CEL - cellulase activity (nmol / h / g soil) - data owner: Thomas Reitz
NAG - N-acetylglucosaminidase activity (nmol / h / g soil) - data owner: Thomas Reitz
PHO - acid phosphatase activity (nmol / h / g soil) - data owner: Thomas Reitz
Decomp_Below - belowground decomposition rate (bait lamina) - data owner: Julia Siebert
Decomp_Above_Fine - aboveground decomposition rate (microbes) (K value) - data owner: Rui Yin
Decomp_Above_Coarse - aboveground decomposition rate (microbes + fauna) (K value) - data owner: Rui Yin
Biodiv_Meso - soil mesofauna diversity (Shannon-Index) - data owner: Rui Yin
Biodiv_Macro - soil macrofauna diversity (Shannon-Index) - data owner: Rui Yin
Biodiv_Nematode - soil nematode diversity (Shannon-Index) - data owner: Julia Siebert
Percentage_FlowCov - flower cover (%) - data owner: Martin Schädler 
DM_grains_machine - machine harvest yield total dry mass grains OF & CF (dt / ha) - data owners: Martin Schädler, Ines Merbach
DM_straw_machine - machine harvest yield total dry mass grains OF & CF (dt / ha) - data owners: Martin Schädler, Ines Merbach
DM_total_machine - machine harvest yield EM, EP & IM (dt / ha) - data owners: Martin Schädler, Ines Merbach
DM_total_manual - manual harvest yield EM, EP & IM (dt / ha) - data owners: Martin Schädler, Ines Merbach, Harald Auge
Nmin_Fertiliser_g_p_m2 - amount of mineral nitrogen fertiliser applied (g / m²)
Nmin_Conc_mg_p_kg - soil mineral nitrogen content (mg Nmin / kg soil) - data owner: Thomas Reitz
Nmin_Conc_g_p_m2 - mineral nitrogen content (g Nmin / m²)
Nmin_Deprivation_Harvest_g_m2 - mineral nitrogen deprivation through harvest (g Nmin / m²) - data owners: Christiane Roscher, Stan Harpole



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