Schizotrema Calman, 1911

Schizotrema Calman, 1911: 341, 360–361.— Watling, 1991b:

755.— Băcescu, 1992: 259.— Stoddart and Lowry, 2003: 418.

Type species. Schizotrema depressum Calman, 1911.

Remarks. In Schizotrema, the carapace is high as in Nannastacus, higher than in Cumella; the eyes are always as in Nannastacus, but the pseudorostral lobes are completely separated from base to top, not like in Nannastacus, Scherocumella or Cumella. The uropodal peduncle is as long as or shorter than pleonite 6, as in Nannastacus.

Key to species of Schizotrema from Australian waters

1. Exopod of uropod at least 0.3 times as long as endopod


— Exopod of uropod at least 0.25 times as long as endopod


2. Last pereonite and 1st pleonite with a pair of strong dorsal spines S. aculeatum Hale, 1936

— Last pereonite and 1st pleonite without spines

S. nudum Tafe and Greenwood, 1996

3. Carapace with dorsal and lateral spines

S. resimum Hale, 1949

— Carapace without spines S. leopardinum Hale, 1949