This dataset is related to the research article entitled "Assessment of dust deposition through image analysis in complex and remote exhibition sites – study in the cloister of the Santa María de El Paular Monastery in the Sierra de Guadarrama in Spain " These are photographs of slides located in 3 different points of the cloister, on which the dust was allowed to settle for 4 different periods of time. There are four types of files. They all begin with a form similar to: H1_y21_m09d15_m12d15_x10_*, where H1 refers to the fact that the information is related to position 1 within the cloister and y21_m09d15_m12d15 is the date range in which the dust was allowed to settle, from September 15 from 2021 until December 15, 2021, in this case. Regarding how the file ends: - *_x10_abcd_ef.tif, where ab are two decimal digits between 01 and 10, b and c can take the values "i", "e" or none. These files would be images taken under a microscope with x10 magnification. Around 40 were taken per slide, although sometimes they were less. The ABCD characters allow us to differentiate positions within the photographed slide. Each of these photographs covers an area of 0.869 x 0.652 mm. - *_x10_abcd_ef.tif, which are the result of dividing the previous images into nine equal parts, d and e being a code to mark the positions with respect to the original image, which can take values 0, 1 or 2 (e represents the column and f the row). Thus: H1_y21_m09d15_m10d21_x10_1d_00.tif and H1_y21_m09d15_m10d21_x10_1d_22.tif are respectively the upper left corner and the lower right corner of the image H1_y21_m09d15_m10d21_x10_1d.tif. Each of these photographs covers an area of 62837.5 microns^2. - *_x10_01_00_BN.tif, which is the result of inverting the color of the corresponding image, giving it a black and white format with 8 bits of color depth and applying an automatic threshold. - *_x10_01_00_DT.csv, which is the list of particles and their sizes automatically detected with the workflow described in the referred article. In addition, it is accompanied by two macros programmed to perform this automatic particle counting/detection: Process_BN_DT and Split_9_parts_Batch_Scale.