Variable;Description;Class;Format IGSN;International Geological Sample Number (IGSN);char; Parent_IGSN;International Geological Sample Number of the parent material;char; Sample_name;Sample unique name;char; Waypoint;Unique sample numeric identifier ;num; Geoloc_name;Common names for sample repetitions at the same location;char; Material;Fingerprinting type: source or target or virtual mixture or laboratory mixture;char, factor; Nature;Material nature: soil, sediment, vegetation, rock, etc;char, factor; Class;General land use class: target, cropland, forest, subsoil or laboratory mixture;char, factor; Class_decontamination;Land use class specific to the progression of decontamination in Fukushima: target, undecontaminated cropland, remediated cropland, forest, subsoil or laboratory mixture;char, factor; Lithology;Lithology of the underlying bedrock;char, factor; Lithology_simp;Lithology simplified;char, factor; Pedology_SoilGroup;Pedology soil group code (NARO Comprehensive soil classification system, 2011);char, factor; Pedology_SG_CSCS_2011;Pedology soil group (NARO Comprehensive soil classification system, 2011);char, factor; Pedology_SG_WRB_2006;Pedology soil group FAO World Reference Base correspondence (NARO Comprehensive soil classification system, 2011);char, factor; X_WGS84;Longitude according to World Geographical System (WGS) 84;num; Y_WGS84;Latitude according to World Geographical System (WGS) 84;num; Z_Elevation_m;Elevation about the sea level (m);num; Country;Country of sampling location;char; Region;Region of sampling location;char; State.Province.Prefecture;Prefecture of sampling location (if relevant);char; City.Township;City, township, village of sampling location;char; Catchment;Name of the river catchment in the sample vicinity;char, factor; River;Name of the river in the sample vicinity;char, factor; Collection_method;The method of sample collection: grab, core collection, sediment trap…;char, factor; Collection_depth_cm;Sampling depth in cm;char, num;min-max Thickness_cm;Thickness of the sample in cm (e.g. thichness of the bulk sample within a sediment core);num; Depth_min_cm;Depth at which the bulk sample begins in cm (e.g. within a sediment core);num; Depth_max_cm;Depth at which the bulk sample ends in cm (e.g. within a sediment core);num; LM_Subsoil_PrC;Laboratory mixture composition/contribution of the Subsoil source expressed in percengate (%) from 0 to 100;num; LM_Cropland_PrC;Laboratory mixture composition/contribution of the Cropland source expressed in percengate (%) from 0 to 100;num; LM_Forest_PrC;Laboratory mixture composition/contribution of the Forest source expressed in percengate (%) from 0 to 100;num; Campaign;Field sampling campaign index;num; Field_program;Field campaign name, often corresponding to the project name;char; Sampling_date;Sampling date. Format has to be specified;char, Date;yyyy_mm_dd Collector;Name of the person who collected the sample;char; Collector_ORCID;ORCID identification number of the person who collected the sample;char; Collector_address;Address (e-mail) to contact the person who collected the sample;char; Current_archive;Location, building where the sample is stored;char;