Dorylaimus conicaudatus n. sp.

Locality: Kapisigdlit. The Fjord of Godthaab. 9. 7. -- 24. 8. 1926. Reisinger and Steinböck.

Female: Length 2,0 mm. α =30; ß = 6,1; y = 30.

Vulva 41,7 %.

This very nice form is present in several specimens, some of which are fullgrown females, while the rest comprises young individuals. N 0 male was seen.

This species is beyond doubt nearly related to the subgenus Doryllium. It has a straight, rather long and relatively slender spear, and this is continued by a pseudo-spear much like that known in STEıNr-:ıüs D. macrodoraides, but it is easily distinguished from this form, by means of the relatively short oesophagus and the shape of the tail.

The front end narrows quickly, and in this respect it is very much like D. groenlandicus. The head is rounded and neither lips nor papillae are obvioufl (fig- 15) -

The foremost half of the oesophagus is thin, and at the end of this the nerve ring is found; it is hardly observable, and behind it the oesophagus increases towards its base. Immediately caudad to the nerve ring a pear-shaped, rather length- ened, body is observed (fig. 18). It is situated at the ventral side of the oesophagus and is much like the ven- tral gland, known in most of the ma- rine species of free- living Nematodes. It was ObSBPVGd in nearly al] the gpecjmens at hand, but unfortunately I was not able to observe where it opens; I am most inclined to mean that it must be into the oesophagus itself and not at the S!!!" face of the body. The sur- ante-rectum is rela- tively long and makes almost the half

of the length of the oesophagus.

As to the shape of the tail, I shall remark that in most of the spe- cimens it is conical with rounded tip as shows the fig. 16; but in some few 1t 1 s somewhat more acute as in fig. 17, only the tip is never pointed. The female pore is situated somewhat cephalad to the middle of the body. The ovaries are rather short and symmetrical. Though several full-grown females are present, not a single was seen with shell-eggs in the uterus.