{ "year": 2023, "license": "CC BY 4.0", "survey": { "date": "24-26 Jul 2023", "location": "Belvedere Glacier - Macugnaga (VB)", "drone": { "name": "DJI Matrice 300 RTK", "producer": "DJI" }, "camera": { "name": "DJI Zenmuse P1", "sensor_type": "FullFrame CMOS", "sensor_size": "35,9x24", "Mp": 45, "pixel_size_micron": 4.4, "image_size_px": { "width": 8192, "heigth": 5460 }, "lens": "DJI DL 35mm F2.8 LS ASPH", "focal_length_mm": 35, "notes": "" }, "flight": { "average_height_m": 200, "average_GSD_m": 0.027, "image_scale": 6000 }, "photogrammetric_block": { "number_of_images": 1473, "number_of_control_points": 23, "number_checkpoints": 9, "on_ground_accuracy": { "rmse_m": { "x": 0.035, "y": 0.03, "z": 0.05, "global": 0.068 } } } }, "data": { "pcd": { "file_name": [ "belv_2023_uav_pcd-0.laz", "belv_2023_uav_pcd-1.las", "belv_2023_uav_pcd-2.las", "belv_2023_uav_pcd-3.las" ], "reference_system": "RDN2008 / UTM zone 32N", "epsg": "7791", "proj4": "+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs", "heigth_reference": "ellipsoidal", "vertical_datum": "", "file format": ".laz", "data type": "pointcloud", "points": 151748782, "average_point_density_pt/m2": 18.6, "average_point_spacing_m": 0.13, "bounding_box": { "min": [415097.97, 5088108.47, 1761.83], "max": [416933.12, 5091461.05, 2345.46] }, "RGB_colors": "yes", "scalar_fields": { "confidence": "Dense point cloud confidence level from Agisoft Metashape" } }, "orthophoto": { "file_name": "belv_2023_uav_orthopohoto_20cm.tif", "reference_system": "RDN2008 / UTM zone 32N", "epsg": "7791", "proj4": "+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs", "file format": ".tif", "data type": "raster", "dtype": "uint8", "compression": "LZW", "file_size__MB": 312.95, "resolution_m": 0.2, "width_px": 10669, "heigth_px": 17411, "extent": { "min": [414777.6, 5087919.8], "max": [416911.4, 5091402.0] }, "origin": [414777.6, 5091402.0], "bands": 4, "band_description": { "1": "Red", "2": "Green", "3": "Blue", "4": "Alpha" } }, "dsm": { "file_name": "belv_2023_uav_dsm_20cm_ortho.tif", "reference System": "RDN2008 / UTM zone 32N", "epsg": "7791", "proj4": "+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs", "heigth_reference": "orthometric", "vertical_datum": "ITALGEO05", "file format": ".tif", "data type": "raster", "dtype": "float32", "compression": "LZW", "file_size__MB": 292.39, "resolution_m": 0.2, "width_px": 10669, "heigth_px": 17411, "extent": { "min": [414777.6, 5087919.8], "max": [416911.4, 5091402.0] }, "origin": [414777.6, 5091402.0], "bands": 1, "band_description": { "1": "Elevation" } } }, "contributors": [ { "name": "Francesco Ioli", "affiliation": "Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)", "orcid": "0000-0001-7429-891X", "email": "francesco.ioli@polimi.it" }, { "name": "Carlo De Gaetani", "affiliation": "Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)", "orcid": "0000-0002-9214-2588" }, { "name": "Federico Barbieri", "affiliation": "Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)", "orcid": "" }, { "name": "Federica Gaspari", "affiliation": "Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)", "orcid": "0000-0001-8502-7381" }, { "name": "Livio Pinto", "affiliation": "Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)", "orcid": "0000-0002-9559-4387" }, { "name": "Lorenzo Rossi", "affiliation": "Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)", "orcid": "0000-0001-6050-1972" } ], "notes": "", "related_pubblications": [], "acknowledgments": "" }