Dorylaimus tritici Bastian.

Dorylaimus tritici Bastian, 1865, p. 107, pl. x, figs. 45-47.

Dorylaimus intermedius de Man, 1884, pp. 170-171, pl. xxvii, fig. 113.

Lips very weakly developed, lip-papillm well developed. Mouth -spear thin. I n the male were f o u n d nine t o twelve preanal papillee. The body o f the single y o u n g male from H1 is thicker (α =2 8) than in the specimens measured b y de Man (α=40); it agrees, however, in other respects with these (β=4.12, γ=6 7.5 0). The eleven papillae o f the male from H1 are evenly spaced, the papillm o f the male from B8 are a t unequal distances from each other.