The files are named by the rule '#Device_#record starting wavelength _#record ending wavelength'. Microresonator raw data contains four varieties. Variety 'beat' is the recorded beat signal generated by the microresonator output light and the delay line. The data is used for phase measurement. Variety 'freq' is the calibrated laser frequency. Variety 'time' is the signal time. Variety 'trans' is the microresonator output signal. OFDR raw data contains three varieties. Variety 'freq' is the calibrated laser frequency. Variety 'time' is the signal time. Variety 'ofdr' is the reflection signal from the integrated waveguide. soliton raw data contains three varieties. Variety 'freq' is the calibrated laser frequency. Variety 'time' is the signal time. Variety 'soliton' is the beat signal from the chirping laser and soliton. soliton calib raw data contains three varieties. Variety 'freq' is the calibrated laser frequency. Variety 'time' is the signal time. Variety 'soliton' is the output signal from the chirping laser.