FOLDERS AND FILES ON THIS CD-ROM ******************************************************************************** VSPZO_REPORTS_2010-02-12/ Folder with main reports. PDF FORMAT: VSP_AND_VELOCITY_REPORT.PDF Main processing report. VSP_FIELD_ACQUISITION_REPORT.PDF Field report. VSPZO_RAW_2010-02-12/ Folder with raw VSP data. SEGY files. PDF/ASCII FORMAT: VSPZO_RAW_2010-02-12_INF.PDF/ASC SEGY-file listing with file description. SEGY FORMAT: VSPZO_RAW_#.SEGY, #=1,2,3... SEGY files (4 byte IBM floating point). VSPZO_COMPUTED_2010-02-12/ Folder w/ computed VSP data. SEGY files. PDF/ASCII FORMAT: VSPZO_COMPUTED_STKLIST_*.PDF/ASC Stack report. VSPZO_COMP.._2010-02-12_INF.PDF/ASC SEGY-file listing with file description. SEGY FORMAT: VSPZO_COMPUTED_#.SEGY, #=1,2,3... SEGY files (4 byte IBM floating point). LAS FORMAT: VSPZO_COMPUTED_VSPCS.LAS Corridor stacks from VSP. VSPZO_VELOCITY_LOGS_2010-02-12/ Folder with time-depth velocity data. PDF/ASCII FORMAT: TZV_DEPTH_CHECKSHOT.PDF/ASC Check shot report. TZV_DEPTH_GEOMETRY.PDF/ASC Geometry report. TZV_TIME_CHECKSHOT.ASC Vertical time-depth pairs from VSP. TZV_DEPTH_WELLDEV.PDF/ASC Wellpath deviation. Acrobat/ Folder with the Acrobat Reader software for both Windows and Unix platforms (see below). README.PDF/TXT Listing of files and folders on this CD-ROM. index/ Folder with indexing information for the Acrobat Reader. Makes it possible to use advanced search within the PDF documents included on this CD-ROM. index.pdx Files that belongs to the Acrobat Reader indexing. read.ico and autorun.inf READ icon for display on the Windows platform, and autoplay information file that automatically starts the Acrobat Reader software and loads the main report file (VSP_AND_VELOCITY_REPORT.PDF) when the CDROM is inserted on the Windows platform. This CD-ROM includes the Acrobat Reader software for the Windows platform. More details on how to install the Acrobat Reader software is found in the Acrobat folder. On the Windows platform the Acrobat Reader will start automatically and load the READ Well Services Processing Report.